health Crossword Puzzles

Health 2022-05-16

Health crossword puzzle
  1. the belief in your ability to do what you set out to do
  2. the ability to identify with and share another person's feelings
  3. the way you view yourself overall
  4. a state of uneasiness
  5. aware of how you may be feeling at a given moment
  6. a willingness to answer for your actions and decisions
  7. the body's response to real or imagined dangers or other life events
  8. The ability to accept other people as they are
  9. the ability to recover from problems or loss
  10. The way a person thinks, feels, and acts
  11. faithful
  12. invisible boundaries that protect you
  1. a combination of your feelings, likes, dislikes, attitude, abilities, and habits
  2. Negative and unjustly formed opinions
  3. messages in which you offer a suggestion from your own point of view
  4. how you feel about yourself
  5. groups of friends who hangout together and act in similar ways
  6. feeling such as love, joy, fear
  7. the conscious, active choice not to participate in high-risk behavior
  8. taking action in support of a cause
  9. Being true to your ethnic values

21 Clues: faithfula state of uneasinesshow you feel about yourselffeeling such as love, joy, fearBeing true to your ethnic valuesthe way you view yourself overalltaking action in support of a causeNegative and unjustly formed opinionsinvisible boundaries that protect youThe way a person thinks, feels, and actsthe ability to recover from problems or loss...

health 2022-02-04

health crossword puzzle
  1. how to get ready for a workout
  2. how to slowly stop your workout
  3. what kind of workout
  4. a type of workout to increase strength
  5. how often you are doing your workouts
  6. how long you are doing the workout
  7. a way to reach your feet better
  8. not water exercise
  9. a way to get your heart rate up
  10. how to know your flexibility
  1. water exercise
  2. how fast your heart rate will be
  3. a workout to add cardio vascular endurance
  4. how hard your intensity is
  5. after warmup before cooldown
  6. what your body is like
  7. how to increase lung strength
  8. a workout to get muscular strength
  9. how long the second part of workouts should be
  10. how long your time should be

20 Clues: water exercisenot water exercisewhat kind of workoutwhat your body is likehow hard your intensity isafter warmup before cooldownhow long your time should behow to know your flexibilityhow to increase lung strengthhow to get ready for a workouthow to slowly stop your workouta way to reach your feet bettera way to get your heart rate up...

health 2022-01-26

health crossword puzzle
  1. surmav
  2. vähendama
  3. ahi
  4. farming
  5. an ankle
  6. a sore throat
  7. töödeldud
  8. praadima
  9. välja väänama
  10. riivima
  11. retsepti välja kirjutama
  12. kriimustama
  13. langema
  14. gripp
  15. peckish
  16. suur isu
  17. tervenema
  1. nälga tundma
  2. poisoningtoidumürgitus
  3. kõhulahtisus
  4. down with
  5. palavik
  6. iiveldus
  7. /suure hooga arenema
  8. määrima
  9. lööve
  10. on valus
  11. a knee
  12. migreen
  13. jääma
  14. välja ravima
  15. valuvaigisti
  16. fatal
  17. into a coma

34 Clues: ahilöövejäämafatalgrippsurmava kneepalavikfarmingmäärimamigreenriivimalangemapeckishiiveldusan ankleon valuspraadimasuur isuvähendamadown withtöödeldudtervenemakriimustamainto a comanälga tundmakõhulahtisusvaluvaigistia sore throatvälja väänama/suure hooga arenemapoisoningtoidumürgitusvälja ravimaretsepti välja kirjutama

Health 2022-02-15

Health crossword puzzle
  2. an achievement that is long-term
  3. the ways people get out a message to large amounts of people
  4. advocates for others who purchase items
  5. the daily pressures put on the body
  6. comparing prices of products
  7. the skills used to decline others
  8. the plan of action
  9. publically favoring something
  10. skills used to carry out actions
  11. Term used to define the resolution of issues
  1. Skills used to reduce stress
  2. fraud you purposefully break your arm for health insurance, what is this called?
  3. an achievement that is short-term
  4. your own "moral code"
  5. Communication that is personal and INTEResting
  6. the written guarantee of something
  7. Skills needed for health
  8. the action of executing an action in a wrong way
  9. certain hurdles you set for yourself

20 Clues: the plan of actionyour own "moral code"THE CONSUMER OF HEALTHSkills needed for healthSkills used to reduce stresscomparing prices of productspublically favoring somethingan achievement that is long-termskills used to carry out actionsan achievement that is short-termthe skills used to decline othersthe written guarantee of something...

HEALTH 2022-02-16

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. ihottuma
  2. mustelma
  3. oire
  4. resepti
  5. hammaslääkäri
  6. särky
  7. veri
  8. yskä
  9. aivastaa
  10. nyrjäyttää
  11. ensihoitaja
  1. luu
  2. kirurgi
  3. sairaus
  4. oksentaa
  5. eläinlääkäri
  6. haava
  7. umpisuoli
  8. ripuli
  9. unettomuus
  10. jäykkä
  11. flunssa

22 Clues: luuoireveriyskähaavasärkyripulijäykkäkirurgisairausreseptiflunssaihottumamustelmaoksentaaaivastaaumpisuoliunettomuusnyrjäyttääensihoitajaeläinlääkärihammaslääkäri

Health 2021-04-06

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Macro nutrient that is the basic constituent of our cells.Repair broken tissues
  2. Unwanted intrusive thought that repeatedly enters the person's mind.
  3. Specialized agency of UN responsible for international public health
  4. It is an antioxidant and is also known as tocopherol.
  5. Another name of vitamin C.
  6. This micro nutrient helps to form red blood cells & maintain the central nervous system
  7. prevents dental caries.
  8. This is needed, because without it blood would not coagulate.
  9. helps the body cells change carbohydrates into energy and healthy heart.
  10. disorder due to deficiency of vitamin A
  11. It is required for insulin production
  12. this turns to amino acid in the digestive system
  13. helps to change fatty acids into energy.
  14. Aids in the building of genetic material, production of RBC and maintaing nervous system.
  15. Helpful in RBC,connective tissue and nerve fibre formation and functioning.
  1. It is essential for the metabolism of food and also plays role in production of hormones.
  2. Low levels of this are linked to birth defects such as spina bifida.
  3. Helps in formation of healthy teeth & bones and absorb calcium & phosphorus
  4. Macro nutrient that has high energy and calorie content. Helps in blood clotting, vitamin & mineral absorption
  5. Deficiency of this micro nutrient causes muscle weakness, soft and bend bones
  6. Another name of Vitamin B2
  7. Important to make the enamel of the teeth hard
  8. This vitamin can be obtained from green vegetables, sprouts, coconut oil, dry and fresh fruits.
  9. Disorder that develops in response to one or more traumatic events.
  10. Vitamin D helps in absorption of this mineral
  11. This micro nutrient is essential for proper thyroid function
  12. A water soluble vitamin helps form RBCs , prevent eye diseases.

27 Clues: prevents dental caries.Another name of Vitamin B2Another name of vitamin C.It is required for insulin productiondisorder due to deficiency of vitamin Ahelps to change fatty acids into energy.Vitamin D helps in absorption of this mineralImportant to make the enamel of the teeth hardthis turns to amino acid in the digestive system...

Health 2021-04-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. we use them on our hands so we don't transmit bacteria from objects
  2. you use it over your mouth and nose
  3. to relax
  4. it is 70% of our body
  5. this is how we accumulate energy for the next day
  6. with this activity we meditate and relax
  7. process in which we assimilate food
  8. Establishment intended to provide medical treatment bla bla bla
  9. They are necessary to grow and for our body to function well
  10. we move our body to the rhythm of the music
  11. we do it because of quarantine
  12. We do it since the pandemic to avoid getting infected
  13. red fruit
  14. green vegetable like cauliflower
  1. we must have it everyday
  2. in this way we move
  3. science that studies life, health and disease
  4. sweet juicy and healthy
  5. we do it to remove bacteria from our hands
  6. it is made with healthy food and we drink it
  7. place were the people workout
  8. to burn calories
  9. we sometimes use it to disinfect us after going to street
  10. person who does not consume animal products
  11. to remove viruses and bacteria
  12. fruits and...
  13. healthy life style

27 Clues: to relaxred fruitfruits burn calorieshealthy life stylein this way we moveit is 70% of our bodysweet juicy and healthywe must have it everydayplace were the people workoutto remove viruses and bacteriawe do it because of quarantinegreen vegetable like caulifloweryou use it over your mouth and noseprocess in which we assimilate food...

Health 2021-04-08

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth
  2. a simple sugar which is an important energy source in living organisms
  3. a unit of heredity transferred by a parent
  4. plant-based food that the body can't break down
  5. the surroundings or conditions in which an organism lives in
  6. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
  7. below a weight considered normal
  8. medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile
  9. a danger or risk.
  1. a protein produced by fat cells regulates appetite
  2. a bacteria, virus, or microorganism that can cause disease
  3. the customs, arts, traditions, etc.
  4. a hormone often called the hunger hormone which increases food intake
  5. an inorganic substance needed by the human body
  6. above a weight considered normal
  7. the condition of suffering from a disease or medical condition.
  8. a weight-to-height ratio
  9. large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues
  10. the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere
  11. the condition of being overweight.

20 Clues: a danger or risk.a weight-to-height ratioabove a weight considered normalbelow a weight considered normalthe condition of being overweight.the customs, arts, traditions, etc.a unit of heredity transferred by a parentan inorganic substance needed by the human bodyplant-based food that the body can't break down...

Health 2021-03-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A type of drug that is used to relieve pain and prescribed by doctors
  2. A ___ is something you can smoke, but it is more dangerous than a cigarette
  3. An _____ is when there is a small outbreak of something
  4. surroundings that may cause an injury to you or you can get harmed is called______
  5. Taking drugs just to get high is drug _____
  6. a disease that can’t spread from person to person is called____
  1. An effect that can happen after a long period of time of after taking a drug is called________
  2. ____ is a non-communicable disease
  3. an effect that can happen after you immediately take a drug is called ______
  4. A type of drug that speeds up the body’s functions is a ___
  5. Drugs that are traded on the street are___
  6. A ____ is when there is an outbreak in the whole world
  7. A disease that can’t spread from person to person is called______
  8. A type of drug that slows the body down is a_____
  9. Taking a drug that is prescribed for you is drug___
  10. ____ are substances other than being food that can affect the body or mind
  11. A type of drink that can make you drunk is___
  12. An action that can cause someone to get an injury or you can be injured is called____
  13. ____ is a communicable virus
  14. Taking a drug for its intended use but incorrectly is drug___

20 Clues: ____ is a communicable virus____ is a non-communicable diseaseDrugs that are traded on the street are___Taking drugs just to get high is drug _____A type of drink that can make you drunk is___A type of drug that slows the body down is a_____Taking a drug that is prescribed for you is drug___A ____ is when there is an outbreak in the whole world...

Health 2021-04-27

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Muskulis
  2. Zāles
  3. Antibiotikas
  4. Apsējs
  5. Ievainojums
  6. Artērija
  7. Stāvoklis
  8. Aknas
  9. Vakcīna
  10. Vēzis
  11. Drudzis
  12. Liekais svars
  1. Zobuārsts
  2. Ratiņkrēsls
  3. Injekcija
  4. Ambulance
  5. Ārsts
  6. Plaušas
  7. Alergija
  8. Narkotikas

20 Clues: ZālesĀrstsAknasVēzisApsējsPlaušasVakcīnaDrudzisMuskulisArtērijaAlergijaZobuārstsInjekcijaAmbulanceStāvoklisNarkotikasRatiņkrēslsIevainojumsAntibiotikasLiekais svars

health 2021-02-20

health crossword puzzle
  10. CANDY
  2. SHOCK
  10. DANGER


Health 2019-12-10

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Binge eating followed by a purge
  2. Anything that causes stress
  3. Taking steps to ensure something doesn't happen
  4. Actively making choices for good health
  5. Extreme tiredness
  6. The exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs amongst people
  7. Stress that holds you back
  8. The influence or pressure of people your age
  9. The health and care of your body
  10. Causing deliberate, intentional, repetitive harm to oneself
  11. Taking of ones own life
  1. When a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power.
  2. Extreme feeling of sadness, hopelessness and helplessness
  3. Refusing to participate in unsafe behaviors
  4. Hormone produced during times of stress that increases the sugar in the blood and gives the body more energy
  5. Feelings inside us like happiness and anger
  6. Disorder in which intense anxiety or fear keeps a person from functioning normally
  7. Combination of physical, mental/emotional and social well-being
  8. Self-starvation due to an intense fear of being fat
  9. Positive stress that can help you to accomplish goals

20 Clues: Extreme tirednessTaking of ones own lifeStress that holds you backAnything that causes stressBinge eating followed by a purgeThe health and care of your bodyActively making choices for good healthRefusing to participate in unsafe behaviorsFeelings inside us like happiness and angerThe influence or pressure of people your age...

Health 2020-10-16

Health crossword puzzle
  1. protection of the spinal cord; it also provides stiffening for the body
  2. a spongy substance found in the center of the bones
  3. the angle between bones on two sides of a joint,
  4. joint, a freely moveable joint
  5. and socket joint, provides swinging and rotating movements.
  6. bone, support the weight of the body and facilitate movement
  7. has a great tensile strength
  8. the main function is to produce a mucus that moisturizes the inside of the nose.
  9. acid, produced in muscle cells and red blood cells
  10. while the insertion is the attachment site that does move when the muscle contracts.
  11. a sudden and involuntary contraction of one or more of your muscles.
  12. when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place
  1. marrow, is involved in production of blood cells,,
  2. forms the head in the human skeleton
  3. it does not operate on the values of variables;
  4. formed by the tarsal and metatarsal bones, strengthened by ligaments and tendons
  5. girdle , responsible for providing structural support to your shoulder region on the left and right
  6. tone, the maintenance of partial contraction of a muscle,
  7. joint, a common type of synovial joint formed between bones that meet at flat or nearly flat articular surfaces.
  8. a flexible connective tissue that keeps joint motion fluid by coating the surfaces of the bones in our joints and by cushioning bones against impact
  9. bone, are arranged such that one side of the bone bears tension and the other withstands compression
  10. bone, forms the hard external layer of all bones,
  11. forms the pelvis by joining with the hip bones

23 Clues: has a great tensile strengthjoint, a freely moveable jointforms the head in the human skeletonforms the pelvis by joining with the hip bonesit does not operate on the values of variables;the angle between bones on two sides of a joint,bone, forms the hard external layer of all bones,marrow, is involved in production of blood cells,,...

Health 2020-03-26

Health crossword puzzle
  1. lūpas
  2. recepte
  3. tas asiņo
  4. celis
  5. pēdas
  6. pilieni
  7. plauksta
  8. ausis
  9. sūrstošs kakls
  10. tas ir salauzts
  11. nosārcis
  12. kāja
  13. galvassāpes
  14. plāksteris
  15. ieģipsējums
  1. apakšstilbs
  2. apsējs
  3. pirksti
  4. tas sāp
  5. temperatūra
  6. tas niez
  7. plecs
  8. deguns
  9. tabletes

24 Clues: kājalūpascelispēdasausisplecsapsējsdegunspirkstireceptetas sāppilienitas niezplaukstanosārcistabletestas asiņoplāksterisapakšstilbstemperatūragalvassāpesieģipsējumssūrstošs kaklstas ir salauzts

health 2020-04-02

health crossword puzzle
  1. the place where you can buy medicine
  2. a small bublle on the skin
  3. the place where the people are treament. There are doctors and nurses
  4. people who can't see
  5. when you feeling of sickness and need to vomit
  6. when you feel pain in back
  7. when you demaged skin for exaple by cutting
  8. When you have a cough and a runny nose. Usually you can catch it in the fall
  9. any of the tubes forming part od the blood circulation
  1. the place when you can work out
  2. the bone protect the brain
  3. when you have high temperature you have a …
  4. a lot of small red spots on the skin
  5. people who can't speak
  6. the most important organ of the body and the nervous system.
  7. this is a muscular organ the pumps the blood
  8. people who can't hear
  9. when you aren't healty. You are..
  10. when you don't want to eat. You lose one's…
  11. cure for pain

20 Clues: cure for painpeople who can't seepeople who can't hearpeople who can't speakthe bone protect the braina small bublle on the skinwhen you feel pain in backthe place when you can work outwhen you aren't healty. You are..the place where you can buy medicinea lot of small red spots on the skinwhen you have high temperature you have a …...

HEALTH 2020-04-27

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. wyzdrowieć
  2. katar
  3. egzema
  4. oparzenie
  5. leczyć
  6. kaszel
  7. ratownik medyczny
  8. układ odpornościowy
  1. być ugryzionym
  2. świszczący oddech
  3. kurz
  4. badać
  5. katar sienny
  6. pyłki
  7. lateks
  8. orzechy
  9. astma
  10. zostać alergikiem
  11. choroba
  12. swędzące guzki

20 Clues: kurzkatarbadaćpyłkiastmalateksegzemaleczyćkaszelorzechychorobaoparzeniewyzdrowiećkatar siennybyć ugryzionymswędzące guzkiświszczący oddechzostać alergikiemratownik medycznyukład odpornościowy

Health 2020-04-27

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A photograph with a stream of high-energy photons
  2. A dull persistent pain.
  3. Weighing too much
  4. A mark left by a healed wound, sore, or burn.
  5. cotton ball
  6. Examples of carbs are sugar, starch, pasta, rice…
  7. A medical specialist
  8. An acute febrile highly contagious viral disease.
  9. Unhealthy food
  10. acute infectious disease occurring mostly in children
  11. When one cannot perform due to physical or mental unfitness.
  1. medical document with a treatment written by a doctor.
  2. A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease.
  3. The return of an illness.
  4. A pestilence, an infestation.
  5. healthcare worker
  6. A gym session
  7. An injured joint.
  8. An instrument for injecting fluids
  9. A substance injected into someone to prevent a particular disease
  10. An injury
  11. A medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain.
  12. Convulsion
  13. Causing a sick feeling.

24 Clues: An injuryConvulsioncotton ballA gym sessionUnhealthy foodhealthcare workerWeighing too muchAn injured joint.A medical specialistA dull persistent pain.Causing a sick feeling.The return of an illness.A pestilence, an infestation.An instrument for injecting fluidsA mark left by a healed wound, sore, or burn....

Health 2023-01-09

Health crossword puzzle
  1. un point de suture
  2. un pansement
  3. the real word for 'flu'
  4. onomatopoeia of pain (starts with 'o')
  5. une salle d'hôpital
  6. un trouble
  7. un fauteuil roulant
  8. douloureux
  9. plein de vitalité
  10. aller mieux
  11. infirme
  12. mortel
  13. tousser
  1. contagieux
  2. un chirurgien
  3. une mère porteuse
  4. une ordonnance
  5. un arrêt cardiaque
  6. une safe-femme
  7. le taux de mortalité

20 Clues: mortelinfirmetoussercontagieuxun troubledouloureuxaller mieuxun pansementun chirurgienune ordonnanceune safe-femmeune mère porteuseplein de vitalitéun point de sutureun arrêt cardiaqueune salle d'hôpitalun fauteuil roulantle taux de mortalitéthe real word for 'flu'onomatopoeia of pain (starts with 'o')

health 2023-01-10

health crossword puzzle
  1. a powerful but short acting stimulant
  2. when a drug is intentionally used improperly or unsafely.
  3. drugs that are used at clubs and raves
  4. a chemical substance that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture, possess, buy or sell.
  5. a medicine that is sold legally in pharmacies and other stores without a doctors prescription.
  6. a mood altering drug that affects brain activity.
  7. is the leaves, stems and flowering tops of a hemp plant.
  8. a drug that speeds up activities of the central nervous system.
  9. a breathable chemical vapor that produces mind altering effects.
  10. a factor that reduces a persons potential for harmful behavior
  11. occurs when drugs interact to produce effects greater than those that each drug would produce alone.
  12. the improper use of medicines; either prescription or over the counter drugs.
  13. a drug that distorts perception,thought and mood.
  14. a prescription drug that are sometimes sold illegally.
  1. a stimulant that is related to amphetamines but is even more powerful.
  2. a drug that can be obtained only with a written order from a Doctor and can be purchased only at a pharmacy.
  3. a sedative that relaxes a person
  4. occurs when each drug effect is cancelled out or reduced by the other.
  5. any drug made from psychoactive compounds contained in the seed pods of poppy plants.
  6. are legal drugs that help the body fight injury,illness, or disease.
  7. an illegal opiate made from morphine in a lab.
  8. an unwanted physical or mental effect caused by a drug.
  9. a psychoactive drug that slows brain and body reactions

23 Clues: a sedative that relaxes a persona powerful but short acting stimulantdrugs that are used at clubs and ravesan illegal opiate made from morphine in a lab.a mood altering drug that affects brain activity.a drug that distorts perception,thought and mood.a prescription drug that are sometimes sold illegally....

health 2023-01-10

health crossword puzzle
  1. A drug that distors perception, thought and mood
  2. A breathable vapor that produces mind altering effects
  3. A stimulant that is related to amphetmines but is even more powerful
  4. A chemocal subsatance that people of any age may not lawfully manufacture
  5. An unwanted phisical or mental effect caused by a drug
  6. A drug that can be obtained only with a written order from a doctor
  7. The intentional improper or unsafe use of a drug
  8. A factor that reduses a persons potential for harmful behavior
  9. A class of depressent drugs also called sedative hypnotics
  10. A type of drug that increases the activity of the nervous system
  1. Drugs that first gain popularity at dance clubs
  2. A drug tht is powerful but short acting stimulant
  3. A drug that slows brain or body reaction
  4. The improper use use of medicines
  5. An illegal optiate made from morphine in a labratory
  6. A legal drug that helpsthe body fight illness
  7. A drug made from the leaves stems and flowering top of the hemp plant
  8. Prescription drug thatare sometimes sold illegally
  9. A condition that ocurres when grugsinteract to produce effects greater than those that each drug would produce alone
  10. A chemical that effects brain activity
  11. A contition that ocurres when one drug effect is cancled out or redused by another
  12. A medicine that is sold legally in pharmacies
  13. Any drug made from psychoactive compounds contained in the seed pods of poppy plants

23 Clues: The improper use use of medicinesA chemical that effects brain activityA drug that slows brain or body reactionA legal drug that helpsthe body fight illnessA medicine that is sold legally in pharmaciesDrugs that first gain popularity at dance clubsA drug that distors perception, thought and moodThe intentional improper or unsafe use of a drug...

Health 2023-04-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. When your head hurts.
  2. A place you go to play sports or lift weights.
  3. What we use to measure how hot and cold it gets.
  4. The act of moving around in the water.
  5. A store where you get medical supplies or medicine.
  6. The liquid inside your body.
  7. The organ you use to think about things.
  8. They often assist doctors in the hospital.
  9. Another word for a "slow run".
  10. This is often a symptom of being sick.
  11. Most people have five of these on each of their foot.
  1. Someone you go see if you have a teeth problem.
  2. The name for the hospital car.
  3. A piece of paper on which a doctor writes the medicine that someone needs.
  4. An arrangement to meet someone at a specific time and place.
  5. You get this when your body produce heat as a result of being sick.
  6. You have two of these; usually you hook your backpack onto it.
  7. The body part you use to hear things.
  8. The opposite of "safe".
  9. A strip of woven material used to bind up a wound.
  10. You use this body part to breathe air.

21 Clues: When your head hurts.The opposite of "safe".The liquid inside your body.The name for the hospital car.Another word for a "slow run".The body part you use to hear things.The act of moving around in the water.You use this body part to breathe air.This is often a symptom of being sick.The organ you use to think about things....

Health 2023-05-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. the spread of pathogens from one food to another
  2. a waxy, fatlike substance, in your blood
  3. a negative reaction to food that doesn't involve the immunes system
  4. elements found in food that are used by the body
  5. substances in food that your body needs to grow
  6. starch and sugars found in food
  7. an interactive guide to healthful eating and active living
  8. a tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest
  9. treating a substance with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens
  1. a condition in which the bones become fragile and break easily
  2. the process by which your body takes in and uses food
  3. nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues
  4. the psychological desire for food
  5. food poisoning
  6. substances added to produce a desired effect
  7. a condition in which the body's immune system reacts to substances in some foods
  8. the natural physical drive to eat
  9. a high ratio of nutrients to calories
  10. a unit of heat to reserve the energy your body uses
  11. a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity
  12. compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes

21 Clues: food poisoningstarch and sugars found in foodthe psychological desire for foodthe natural physical drive to eata high ratio of nutrients to caloriesa waxy, fatlike substance, in your bloodsubstances added to produce a desired effectsubstances in food that your body needs to growthe spread of pathogens from one food to another...

HEALTH 2023-02-22

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. Taking too much of an illegal or legal drug. ab_____
  2. When a doctor allows you to take a legal drug = pres____e
  3. Can not sleep = i_____
  4. A medicine that makes you go to the toilet
  5. The experience when people stop taking a drug w_____
  6. Nuclear material makes r_____.
  7. Another word for CHANCE of accident or death r_____
  8. Long term unconsciousness c_____
  9. The way you sit or stand pos_____
  10. When factories put chemicals into air and water p_____
  11. MRI and CT are types of S C _ _
  12. Takes blood from the heart. a_____
  13. Camera goes into the body. e_____
  14. The place where a judge works = c_____
  15. People who NEED a drug. a_____
  16. Any living thing. o_____
  17. WANT a drug or food so much! c_____
  18. Type of sugar. g_____
  19. Doing something again and again. rep_______
  20. Blood sugar problem. d_____
  21. Opposite of legal. i_____
  22. Not doing enough exercise. i_____
  1. Change your way of thinking. inf_____
  2. Amputees wear these to help them walk pr_____tic
  3. Breathing is called r_____.
  4. A medical p_____ is done during a quick visit to hospital
  5. Mixing drugs and al_____ can cause serious illness or death.
  6. Move an organ from one person to another. t_____
  7. Can help addicts stop drugs (quiet place/counsellors) = re_____
  8. Somebody who goes to jail = c_____
  9. Cut off a limb arm or leg. a_____
  10. Abnormal growth. t_____
  11. Measures temperature. t_____
  12. Another word for very fat. o_____
  13. Heart, Brain and Liver are a types of o_____.
  14. Radiation or chemotherapy can fight this. c_____
  15. Get very sick or die because of too many drugs. o_____
  16. When a husband hurts his wife = d_____ violence
  17. Pressure from friends to do something bad = p_____ pressure
  18. Injection to stop a virus in the future. vac_____
  19. An all_____ is when you can't eat or touch some things.
  20. Blow up a balloon. i_____
  21. Use a body part too much. st_____

43 Clues: Type of sugar. g_____Can not sleep = i_____Abnormal growth. t_____Any living thing. o_____Blow up a balloon. i_____Opposite of legal. i_____Breathing is called r_____.Blood sugar problem. d_____Measures temperature. t_____Nuclear material makes r_____.People who NEED a drug. a_____MRI and CT are types of S C _ _Long term unconsciousness c_____...

Health 2023-02-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The removal of cells or tissues for examination by a pathologist.
  2. Itchy, raised red areas on the skin.
  3. Any substance that causes cancer.
  4. A type of drug that blocks the action of histamines, which can cause fever, itching, sneezing, a runny nose, and watery eyes.
  5. conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both.
  6. A substance that has many effects in the body.
  7. An abnormal mass of tissue that forms when cells grow and divide more than they should or do not die when they should.
  8. Not cancer.
  9. Treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing.
  10. The passing of genetic information and traits from parents to offspring.
  11. A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher.
  12. A hormone made by the islet cells of the pancreas.
  13. A disease in which the body does not control the amount of glucose in the blood and the kidneys make a large amount of urine.
  1. the most common form of arthritis.
  2. A term used to describe cancer.
  3. occurs when a person reacts to substances in the environment that are harmless to most people.
  4. A common condition that develops when a sticky substance called plaque builds up inside your artery.
  5. A chronic disease in which the bronchial airways in the lungs become narrowed and swollen, making it difficult to breathe.
  6. A disease that causes inflammation and pain in the joints.
  7. occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body become thick and stiff
  8. A procedure to enlarge the opening in a blood vessel that has become narrowed or blocked by plaque
  9. A term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues.
  10. A substance that causes an allergic response.
  11. occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts.
  12. A decrease in or disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer.

25 Clues: Not cancer.A term used to describe cancer.Any substance that causes cancer.the most common form of arthritis.Itchy, raised red areas on the skin.A blood pressure of 140/90 or higher.A substance that causes an allergic response.A substance that has many effects in the body.A hormone made by the islet cells of the pancreas....

Health 2023-03-07

Health crossword puzzle
  1. /maʊθ/
  2. /ˈɪndʒə(r)/
  3. /ˈhedeɪk/
  4. /nek/
  5. /ˈæŋk(ə)l/
  6. /ˈɪəreɪk/
  7. /kɒf/
  8. /kəʊld/
  9. /hɪp/
  10. /nəʊz/
  11. /ɪə(r)/
  12. /ˈtuːθeɪk/
  13. rid of /ˌɡet ˈrɪd ɒv/
  14. /leg/
  15. /bliːd/
  16. /ɑː(r)m/
  17. /ˈfɒrɪd/, /ˈfɔː(r)ˌhed/
  18. /ˈvaɪrəs/
  19. /niː/
  20. /sɔː(r)/
  21. /blʌd/
  22. /rɪst/
  23. /θrəʊt/
  24. /ˈhelθi/
  25. /feɪs/
  26. /briːð/
  1. /ˈæmbjʊləns/
  2. /ˈstʌmək ˌeɪk/
  3. /ˈbrəʊkən/
  4. /ɡraʊnd/
  5. /ˈtemprɪtʃə(r)/
  6. /tʃiːk/
  7. /bæk/
  8. /hænd/
  9. /tʃɪn/
  10. /tʃest/
  11. /hɜː(r)t/
  12. /hiːl/
  13. /ˈbændɪdʒ/
  14. /təʊ/
  15. /peɪn/
  16. /fluː/
  17. /ˈfɪŋgə(r)/
  18. /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/
  19. /ˈelbəʊ/
  20. /ˈstʌmək/
  21. /hed/
  22. /θʌm/
  23. /θaɪ/
  24. /fʊt/

50 Clues: /bæk//nek//kɒf//hɪp//təʊ//leg//niː//hed//θʌm//θaɪ//fʊt//maʊθ//hænd//tʃɪn//hiːl//nəʊz//peɪn//fluː//blʌd//rɪst//feɪs//tʃiːk//tʃest//kəʊld//ɪə(r)//bliːd//θrəʊt//briːð//ɡraʊnd//ɑː(r)m//ˈelbəʊ//sɔː(r)//ˈhelθi//ˈhedeɪk//ˈɪəreɪk//hɜː(r)t//ˈvaɪrəs//ˈstʌmək//ˈbrəʊkən//ˈæŋk(ə)l//ˈbændɪdʒ//ˈtuːθeɪk//ˈɪndʒə(r)//ˈfɪŋgə(r)//ˈæmbjʊləns//ˈʃəʊldə(r)//ˈstʌmək ˌeɪk/...

Health 2023-01-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. oksentaa
  2. throat kurkkukipu
  3. riippuvuus
  4. kasvain
  5. voide
  6. särkylääke
  7. palovamma
  8. masennus
  9. mustelma
  10. inhalaattori
  11. särky
  1. vamma
  2. närästys
  3. auringonpistos
  4. yliannostus
  5. murtuma
  6. lämpöhalvaus
  7. syöpä
  8. ylipaino
  9. diabetes
  10. sairaus
  11. ihottuma

22 Clues: vammasyöpävoidesärkymurtumakasvainsairausoksentaanärästysylipainodiabetesmasennusihottumamustelmapalovammariippuvuussärkylääkeyliannostuslämpöhalvausinhalaattoriauringonpistosthroat kurkkukipu

Health 2023-04-16

Health crossword puzzle
  1. policzek
  2. czesać
  3. udo
  4. oparzyć
  5. skręcić
  6. zwichnąć
  7. skaleczenie
  8. złamanie
  9. kręgosłup
  10. mieć zawroty głowy
  1. mieć stłuczenie
  2. czoło
  3. talia
  4. żebro
  5. klatka piersiowa
  6. broda
  7. łokieć
  8. szyja
  9. nadgarstek
  10. usta

20 Clues: udoustaczołotaliażebrobrodaszyjaczesaćłokiećoparzyćskręcićpoliczekzwichnąćzłamaniekręgosłupnadgarstekskaleczeniemieć stłuczenieklatka piersiowamieć zawroty głowy

Health 2023-03-13

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The building blocks of protein
  2. Body Mass Index chart, which shows obesity levels
  3. The three sides of the triangle that make up your total health
  4. When the blood flow is cut off to the heart
  5. The top number in a blood pressure reading, also when the heart contracts
  6. Fat-soluble Vitamins
  7. Associated with a higher increase of CVD
  8. When the blood flow is cut off from the brain
  9. This is another term for high blood pressure
  10. The controllable risk factor
  11. When cancer breaks off and moves to another area or organ in the body
  12. The combination of your physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being
  13. The most common type of arthritis
  14. A disease that affects the liver after many years of abusing alcohol
  1. A disease that causes the loss of the ability of lungs to fully expand and contract due to smoking
  2. Eight different types of diseases that affect the heart and circulatory system
  3. The most dangerous type of cancer
  4. The most common form of skin cancer
  5. Habits that can help you lead a healthy life
  6. A diet that consists of no animals, but can include animal products
  7. This nutrient makes up 65%-70% of your body weight
  8. A procedure used to find out if a tumor is cancerous
  9. A cancerous type of tumor
  10. The uncontrollable risk factor

24 Clues: Fat-soluble VitaminsA cancerous type of tumorThe controllable risk factorThe building blocks of proteinThe uncontrollable risk factorThe most dangerous type of cancerThe most common type of arthritisThe most common form of skin cancerAssociated with a higher increase of CVDWhen the blood flow is cut off to the heart...

Health 2023-03-27

Health crossword puzzle
  1. An immune system response to a substance that is usually harmless.
  2. A sudden involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth.
  3. An injury to a joint caused by a sudden twisting motion.
  4. Illness caused by eating contaminated food.
  5. in a state of temporary or permanent loss of consciousness.
  6. Physical or emotional changes that indicate a disease or condition.
  7. A shot of medication or vaccine given through a needle.
  8. To recommend or give medication or treatment to someone.
  9. An injury to a ligament caused by a sudden twisting or stretching motion.
  10. To suddenly lose consciousness (phrasal verb).
  11. A mark on the skin after a wound or injury has healed.
  12. To recover from an illness or injury (phrasal verb).
  13. A painful condition caused by overexposure to the sun's rays.
  14. The loss of blood from the body due to injury or illness.
  15. A viral infection that causes fever, body aches, and other symptoms.
  1. Medications used to relieve pain.
  2. The invasion of the body by harmful bacteria or viruses.
  3. A feeling of lightheadedness or unsteadiness.
  4. To have difficulty breathing due to an obstruction in the airway.
  5. A surgical procedure performed to treat an injury or illness.
  6. An area that is larger than usual due to inflammation.
  7. Damage to the body, typically caused by an accident or physical activity.
  8. throat: A painful condition of the throat, typically caused by inflammation or infection.
  9. A physical sensation that is unpleasant or uncomfortable.
  10. Medications used to treat bacterial infections.
  11. A pain in the lower or upper back.
  12. To regain consciousness after being unconscious (phrasal verb).
  13. A measure of the warmth or coldness of the body.
  14. A microscopic organism that can cause disease.
  15. An unpleasant sensation on the skin that causes a desire to scratch.
  16. A strip of adhesive material used to cover a wound.
  17. A particular abnormal condition that affects the body or mind.
  18. A continuous, dull pain in a part of the body.
  19. An injury to the body's tissues, typically involving a cut or break in the skin.

34 Clues: Medications used to relieve pain.A pain in the lower or upper back.Illness caused by eating contaminated food.A feeling of lightheadedness or unsteadiness.A microscopic organism that can cause disease.To suddenly lose consciousness (phrasal verb).A continuous, dull pain in a part of the body.Medications used to treat bacterial infections....

Health 2023-05-02

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Bonds is a famous baseball player that used steroids and got all his achievement taken away
  2. monoxide is something that people use as an inhalant
  3. killers pain killers are thing that people use to not feel bad like after a surgery, but they have to be per scripted to them or if you abuse them, they are really bad for you
  4. is almost the same thing as a cigarettes' but more expensive and you don't inhale it
  5. something that all people have, and it makes you happy and think you are a good person because you need to compliment yourself
  6. is a drug that people use and it is really bad and could kill you
  7. something that people do to themselves when they are depressed and it is very bad
  8. is something that is in cigarettes and is bad for you and can give you lung cancer
  9. something that women have a lot of, and it makes them a woman and men have little of it
  10. is almost the same thing as a vape but less harm but it is still really bad for you
  11. alarm is something in houses that all people have and it helps them for a fire
  12. is a drug that people grow and it is built in a lab and it is insanely bad for you
  13. something that makes you look bigger and stronger, and it does it in less time then actually working out
  14. something in vapes that can cause lung cancer
  15. something that is really bad, and it is usually household items
  1. King he is a tiktoker/YouTuber that people followed and believed that he didn't use steroids and then he was using steroids and then got sued
  2. doping something that gives you more oxygen/blood before a big contest it is cheating
  3. is something that people get when they use drugs or ciggaret
  4. something that you can use to smoke
  5. something that makes you high and could kill you if you abuse it
  6. alarm is something that most people have but not all an it helps prevent carbon coming in your house and killing you because if you are in the house for too long you will die
  7. is a thing that is worse than a ciggaret and cigar and is 20 times worse than a ciggaret
  8. people do it to lose weight but it is bad for you
  9. is something people get and its like breathing through a straw for 5 years and each year it gets harder to breath then you die
  10. something that people drink like beer or wine and could get you drunk
  11. driving is something that is illegal and if you get caught you go to jail until someone gets you out
  12. Jones is a famous UFC fighter who took steroids to build his muscle and got his achievements taken away form him
  13. are people that think the need alcohol and love it to the point where they need it every single night
  14. is something that people get when they become really sad and they could kill themselves
  15. something that men have a lot of and it makes them do stuff they would usually do
  16. is something that just became legal in united states and now people can sell it and it is used for medical things and it is also really bad if you abuse it

31 Clues: something that you can use to smokesomething in vapes that can cause lung cancerpeople do it to lose weight but it is bad for youmonoxide is something that people use as an inhalantis something that people get when they use drugs or ciggaretsomething that is really bad, and it is usually household items...

HEALTH 2023-12-13

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. a treatment that helps someone feel better, grow stronger, etc., especially after an illness (noun)
  2. the process by which the body takes in and uses food, esp. food that it needs to stay healthy, or the scientific study of this process (noun)
  3. the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health (noun)
  4. the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time (noun)
  5. weak and in bad health because of having too little food or too little of the types of food necessary for good health (adj)
  6. the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult (noun)
  7. the feeling that you want to eat food (noun)
  8. to become completely well again after an illness or injury (verb)
  9. cultivated naturally without using any chemical fertilisers or pesticides (adj)
  10. the time when someone is a baby or a very young child (noun)
  11. a fatty substance found in fats and oils, also produced by the liver and forming an essential part of all cells (noun)
  12. a pain that is always there (collocation: two words)
  13. sickness caused by bacteria or chemicals in food (2 words)
  14. able to pass a disease from one person, animal, or plant to another (adj)
  15. a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk (noun)
  16. an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about something that is happening or might happen in the future (noun)
  17. a young person who is developing into an adult (noun)
  18. a cough that lasts longer than normal (collocation: two words)
  1. pain that you suffer for long periods of time (collocation: two words)
  2. food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat (2 words)
  3. medical treatments that are used instead of traditional (mainstream) therapies(2 words)
  4. not behaving in a way that is as calm and wise as people expect from someone of your age (adj)
  5. any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits (2 words)
  6. the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the future (noun)
  7. (especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time (adj)
  8. unwanted secondary effects of a drug (collocation: two words)
  9. a drug that is used to kill harmful bacteria and to cure infections (noun)
  10. an eating plan in which someone eats less food, or only particular types of food, because they want to become thinner or for medical reasons (noun)
  11. food that has been altered from its natural state in some way, either for safety reasons or convenience (2 words)
  12. an illness that seldom occurs (2 words)
  13. a short but severe pain (collocation: two words)
  14. one of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body (noun)

32 Clues: an illness that seldom occurs (2 words)the feeling that you want to eat food (noun)a short but severe pain (collocation: two words)a pain that is always there (collocation: two words)a young person who is developing into an adult (noun)sickness caused by bacteria or chemicals in food (2 words)...

Health 2024-01-20

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Maintaining proper water levels in the body
  2. Plant-based foods rich in nutrients
  3. Essential macronutrient for muscle repair and growth
  4. Endurance and resistance to fatigue
  5. The science of food and its impact on health
  6. A practice to promote relaxation and mindfulness
  7. Substances essential for growth, maintenance, and repair of the body
  8. Physical activity for health and fitness
  1. Essential micronutrients for various bodily functions
  2. Maintaining equilibrium in various aspects of life
  3. Overall health and the ability to perform daily activities
  4. A practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation
  5. Range of motion in joints and muscles
  6. The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort
  7. Food produced without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers
  8. Physical power and muscle capability
  9. Aerobic exercises for cardiovascular health
  10. Nimbleness and quick movement
  11. A state of overall health and well-being
  12. Overall well-being of the body and mind

20 Clues: Nimbleness and quick movementPlant-based foods rich in nutrientsEndurance and resistance to fatiguePhysical power and muscle capabilityRange of motion in joints and musclesOverall well-being of the body and mindA state of overall health and well-beingPhysical activity for health and fitnessMaintaining proper water levels in the body...

Health 2023-11-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Alimentos saludables y verdes.
  2. Alimentos dulces que comes en Halloween
  3. Ejercicio de carrera en el que te mueves rápido.
  4. clase donde haces ejercicio.
  5. Órgano que te hace respirar.
  6. carne tiene mucho de esto.
  7. Líquido que es rojo y necesitas vivir.
  8. controla tu pensamiento
  9. Digiere los alimentos usando ácido.
  10. El nombre de esta clase.
  11. Tienes 2 de estos órganos, pero puedes vivir con 1
  1. Lugar donde levantas pesas.
  2. Un tipo específico de objetivo.
  3. Alimentos dulces pero saludables.
  4. Usted respira este gas.
  5. Estos huesos protegen los pulmones y el corazón.
  6. El bíceps es un ejemplo de esto.
  7. Salud de tu
  8. bombea sangre a tu cuerpo
  9. El órgano más grande que recubre tu cuerpo.

20 Clues: Salud de tuUsted respira este gas.controla tu pensamientoEl nombre de esta clase.bombea sangre a tu cuerpocarne tiene mucho de esto.Lugar donde levantas pesas.clase donde haces ejercicio.Órgano que te hace respirar.Alimentos saludables y verdes.Un tipo específico de objetivo.Alimentos dulces pero saludables.El bíceps es un ejemplo de esto....

Health 2023-10-12

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a solvent or other material producing vapor that is inhaled by drug abusers.
  2. an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.
  3. a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too often
  4. class of psychoactive drugs that can produce altered states of consciousness characterized by major alterations in thought, mood, and perception as well as other changes.
  5. synthetically produced variants of the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone
  6. a substance, organism or agent capable of causing cancer
  7. is a dark brown or black viscous liquid of hydrocarbons and free carbon, obtained from a wide variety of organic materials through destructive distillation.
  8. is the act or crime of driving a vehicle while affected by alcohol or drugs.
  9. a group of conditions that can occur in a person who was exposed to alcohol before birth.
  10. the condition of having physical or mental control markedly diminished by the effects of alcohol or drugs
  11. opioid pain relievers
  12. substances reduce arousal and stimulation.
  13. the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs.
  14. has many functions such as adding new flavors and textures to food, extending the shelf life of foods, making some nutrients more easily absorbed by the body
  1. can also be called cannabis, weed, pot, or dope, refers to the dried flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant.
  2. is generally meant to refer to behavioral processes that relate to the emotions or the mind.
  3. drug not allowed
  4. occurs when someone abuses a substance over a long period
  5. when you take a toxic (poisonous) amount of a drug or medicine.
  6. substances that, when taken in or administered into one's system, affect mental processes, e.g. perception, consciousness, cognition or mood and emotions.
  7. is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences
  8. a class of drugs that speed up messages travelling between the brain and body
  9. The intoxicating portion in many alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine, and distilled spirits, is...
  10. the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.
  11. a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent - or 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter - or higher.
  12. driving while intoxicated.
  13. is gas that has no odor, taste or color.
  14. Prescription psychotherapeutics include pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedative
  15. word that alcoholic people use when they don't have alcohol in their system
  16. the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream

30 Clues: drug not allowedopioid pain relieversdriving while gas that has no odor, taste or color.substances reduce arousal and stimulation.the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstreama pattern of drinking too much alcohol too oftena substance, organism or agent capable of causing canceroccurs when someone abuses a substance over a long period...

health 2024-02-20

health crossword puzzle
  1. uncontrolled nerve impulses
  2. strong fibrous band that holds bones together at the joint
  3. large Tough supportive tissue that is softer and more flexible than bones
  4. type of cell
  5. prone to seizures
  6. thick column of nerve tissue that links with brain to most nerves in the peripheral nervous system
  7. involuntary muscle that causes movement within the body
  8. Tissue that fills the space between bones
  9. The place where two or more bones come together
  10. involuntary muscle is found only in the heart
  1. functions as movement, speech, and abstract thought
  2. loss of mobility
  3. what happens to unused muscles that cannot contract
  4. causes inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord
  5. severe bump to the head
  6. type of automatic response to your environment
  7. curvature of the spine
  8. that you control to do activities like walking
  9. what happens when muscles are overworked or stretched too much
  10. severe brain injury from trauma

20 Clues: type of cellloss of mobilityprone to seizurescurvature of the spinesevere bump to the headuncontrolled nerve impulsessevere brain injury from traumaTissue that fills the space between bonesinvoluntary muscle is found only in the hearttype of automatic response to your environmentthat you control to do activities like walking...

Health 2024-05-20

Health crossword puzzle
  1. the normal functioning of the body.
  2. patient should take their ___ daily
  3. a place to buy medicines
  4. the action of making a person or animal resistant to a particular infectious disease
  5. a doctor job is to see ___
  6. we get ___ to kill the viruses
  7. the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.
  8. we go to the ___ when we're sick
  9. "I wish you a fast ___ "
  10. we can get a ___ to cure some illnesses
  11. a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness.
  12. relating to the science or practice of medicine.
  13. we get many kinds of ___ when we go to the clinic/hospital
  1. a ___ helps the doctor
  2. the action of stopping something from happening or arising.
  3. a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease
  4. what we feel when we're hurt
  5. the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.
  6. improvement of health via the physical and mental impairments in people.
  7. a negative reaction that our body get
  8. we go to the ___ if we have serious illness
  9. an ilness
  10. when we're sick , we go see a ___
  11. pressure or tension exerted on a material object.
  12. a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.

25 Clues: an ilnessa ___ helps the doctora place to buy medicines"I wish you a fast ___ "a doctor job is to see ___what we feel when we're hurtwe get ___ to kill the viruseswe go to the ___ when we're sickwhen we're sick , we go see a ___the normal functioning of the body.patient should take their ___ dailya negative reaction that our body get...

health 2024-04-30

health crossword puzzle
  1. has thorns to stab you
  2. has a big seed in the middle
  3. a fruit you peel
  4. has a seed in the middle
  5. an orange vegetable that is long
  6. a spiky fruit
  7. yellow fruit you peel
  8. a fruit that has a rind you have to cut
  9. sweet, starchy vegetable
  10. sour yellow fruit
  1. family as cabbage, kale, and cauliflower
  2. leafy green vegetable
  3. has little seeds you eat
  4. vegetable with layers
  5. with a hairy outside you peel off
  6. This leafy green is nutritious
  7. a brown vegetable you peel
  8. red circle vegetable
  9. technically a fungus but can eat
  10. in a shell you crack

20 Clues: a spiky fruita fruit you peelsour yellow fruitred circle vegetablein a shell you crackleafy green vegetablevegetable with layersyellow fruit you peelhas thorns to stab youhas little seeds you eathas a seed in the middlesweet, starchy vegetablea brown vegetable you peelhas a big seed in the middleThis leafy green is nutritious...

health 2024-05-13

health crossword puzzle
  1. a state of confusion
  2. the posterior portion of the lower leg
  3. the large muscle at the front of the thigh, which is divided into four distinct portions and acts to extend the leg.
  4. the organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this.
  5. a large muscle in the upper arm which turns the hand to face palm uppermost and flexes the arm and forearm
  6. the part of a person's arm extending from the elbow to the wrist or the fingertips
  7. a session of vigorous physical exercise or training
  8. the part of a person's or animal's body connecting the head to the rest of the body
  9. is the act of cleaning one's hands with soap or handwash and water to remove viruses/bacteria/microorganisms
  10. the joint between the forearm and the upper arm.
  11. each of a set of hard, bony enamel-coated structures in the jaws of most vertebrates, used for biting and chewing.
  12. the process of causing something to absorb water.
  13. the fleshy muscular organ in the mouth of a mammal, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and (in humans) articulating speech.
  14. the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
  15. the bone of the thigh or upper hindlimb, articulating at the hip and the knee
  16. either side of the face below the eye
  17. cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength.
  18. large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries
  19. the part projecting above the mouth on the face of a person or animal, containing the nostrils and used for breathing and smelling.
  20. a form of competitive weightlifting in which contestants attempt three types of lift in a set sequence.
  21. in a good physical or mental condition; in good health
  22. a tube-shaped sac attached to and opening into the lower end of the large intestine in humans and some other mammals. In humans the appendix is small and has no known function, but in rabbits, hares, and some other herbivores it is involved in the digestion of cellulose.
  23. the part of the body of a vertebrate containing the digestive and reproductive organs; the belly.
  24. a thick fleshy muscle with a quadrangular shape, sloping across the buttock at approximately 45 degrees to its distal insertion
  25. fat-like substance made in the liver, and found in the blood and in all cells of the body.
  26. the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.
  27. The area of the body between the neck and the abdomen
  1. relating to the science or practice of medicine.
  2. gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily fitness and grace of movement
  3. occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts
  4. a person who does not eat any food derived from animals and who typically does not use other animal products.
  5. each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is included).
  6. the quality of being fertile; productiveness
  7. the part of the human leg between the hip and the knee
  8. the sport or activity of lifting barbells or other heavy weights.
  9. mind related
  10. a muscle whose contraction moves a limb or other part of the body towards the midline of the body or towards another part.
  11. a band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the
  12. a muscle found on the lateral side of the abdomen
  13. any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood towards the heart
  14. the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease (in technical use often taken to exclude surgery).
  15. the condition of being physically fit and healthy.
  16. the motion of a limb or appendage away from the midline of the body
  17. the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, which is typically microscopic and consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane.
  18. the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person stands or walks
  19. the upper joint of each of a person's arms and the part of the body between this and the neck.
  20. each of a pair of globular organs of sight in the head of humans and vertebrate animals.
  21. The hand is composed of many different bones, muscles, and ligaments that allow for a large amount of movement and dexterity
  22. the red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.
  23. an organ of soft nervous tissue contained in the skull of vertebrates, functioning as the coordinating centre of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.
  24. each of the two upper limbs of the human body from the shoulder to the hand.
  25. a disease or period of sickness affecting the body or mind
  26. each of the upper and lower bony structures in vertebrates forming the framework of the mouth and containing the teeth.
  27. any one of the three posterior thigh muscles between the hip and the knee
  28. the large muscle at the back of the upper arm.

55 Clues: mind relateda state of confusioneither side of the face below the eyethe posterior portion of the lower legthe quality of being fertile; productivenessthe large muscle at the back of the upper arm.relating to the science or practice of medicine.the joint between the forearm and the upper arm.a muscle found on the lateral side of the abdomen...

health 2024-09-08

health crossword puzzle
  1. purpose, and caveat of the information
  2. fraudulent medical claims or products without scientific basis.
  3. Right to basic needs, safety, choice, redress, representation, consumer education, and a healthy environment.
  4. use of magnetic fields.
  5. Needs Access essentials like food, water, and healthcare.Right to Safety-Protection from hazardous products.
  6. is a form of alternative medicine that emphasizes natural remedies and the body's inherent ability to heal itself.
  7. Specialized services for specific health needs.
  8. services are covered by insurance.
  9. Ability to express consumer interests in policy-making.
  10. Examples include hospitals, walk-in surgery centers, health centers, and extended healthcare facilities.
  1. Practitioners working under health professionals (e.g., nurses, therapists)
  2. The ability to evaluate and utilize healthinformation products, and services effectively
  3. Bodyfocused therapy.
  4. taking herbal medicines and availing of special diets and vitamins
  5. Connection between mind and health.
  6. Licensed practitioners (e.g., physicians)
  7. Providers focusing on specific body areas.
  8. a herbal medicine that relieves the body from body pain and aches
  9. Offer inpatient and outpatient care.
  10. Healthcare Facilities-Long-term care (e.g., elderly care).

20 Clues: Bodyfocused therapy.use of magnetic are covered by insurance.Connection between mind and health.Offer inpatient and outpatient care.purpose, and caveat of the informationLicensed practitioners (e.g., physicians)Providers focusing on specific body areas.Specialized services for specific health needs....

health 2024-04-26

health crossword puzzle
  1. the removal and examination of body cells, liquid, or tissue to diagnose a condition.
  2. a professional who gives medications; ensures proper usage and dosage.
  3. an abnormally high body temperature; often a sign of infection.
  4. a healthcare provider; trained to assist doctors and care for patients.
  5. therapy: a cancer treatment; uses high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells.
  6. a diagnostic tool; uses sound waves to view internal organs.
  7. administration of a vaccine; helps the body develop immunity to a disease.
  8. a respiratory condition that causes difficulty in breathing.
  9. a response from the immune system (red eyes, runny nose, skin irritation etc.), usually to a certain food, medicine, material, or smell.
  10. invasion and multiplication of microorganisms; such as bacteria, viruses, etc.
  11. a medical procedure used to repair or remove parts of the body.
  12. treatment to relieve or heal a disorder.
  1. a type of imaging test; uses radiation to view inside the body.
  2. a substance used to treat an illness or condition; often prescribed by a doctor.
  3. a cancer treatment; uses drugs to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells.
  4. a doctor specialized in performing surgeries; operates on patients.
  5. a professional who provides therapy.
  6. test: laboratory analysis of a blood sample; used to check various health conditions.
  7. a sudden expulsion of air from the lungs; usually caused by illness.
  8. a medical professional; qualified to diagnose and treat illnesses.
  9. a treatment for kidney failure; removes waste products from the blood.
  10. a doctor specialized in imaging; interprets X-rays, MRIs, etc.
  11. a chronic condition that affects the body's ability to use sugar.
  12. scan: an imaging test; uses magnetic fields to create detailed images of the body.
  13. a general examination by a doctor; often for routine health assessment.

25 Clues: a professional who provides therapy.treatment to relieve or heal a disorder.a diagnostic tool; uses sound waves to view internal organs.a respiratory condition that causes difficulty in breathing.a doctor specialized in imaging; interprets X-rays, MRIs, etc.a type of imaging test; uses radiation to view inside the body....

Health 2024-04-03

Health crossword puzzle
  1. feeling as if everything is turning around you and that you are not able to balance
  2. to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth
  3. the back part of the leg between the ankle and the knee
  4. to become worse
  5. able to use your senses and mental powers to understand what is happening
  6. a smooth substance that you rub on your skin
  7. either of the two openings at the end of the nose that you breathe through
  8. a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled
  9. an instrument used for making an injection
  10. a synonym for to cause
  11. the fact of becoming ill again after making an improvement
  12. a synonym for to ease, relieve
  13. the part of the body under the arm where it joins the shoulder
  14. an instrument that a doctor uses to listen to somebody’s heart and breathing
  15. any of the joints in the fingers, especially those connecting the fingers to the rest of the hand
  16. a part of the body)larger than normal,especially as a result of a disease or an injury
  17. the small round black area at the centre of the eye
  18. the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and the fingers
  19. the joint connecting the foot to the leg
  20. a person who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment
  21. the feeling that you have when you want to vomit
  22. a thing used for carrying somebody who is sick or injured and who cannot walk
  23. a medical condition in which a person has a temperature that is higher than normal
  1. a thing responsible for causing a problem
  2. a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise
  3. an official document on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have
  4. painful, and often red, especially because of infection
  5. a drug used to reduce anxiety
  6. the joint between the hand and the arm
  7. the part of the body below the chest that contains the stomach, bowels, etc.
  8. the top part of the leg between the knee and the hip (= where the leg joins the body)
  9. the condition of being unable to get rid of waste material from the bowels easily
  10. to spend time getting your health and strength back after an illness
  11. to become unconscious
  12. to injure part of your body, especially your ankle, wrist or knee, bending it in an uncomfortable way
  13. a person who worries so much that they may be or become ill
  14. a separate room or area in a hospital for people with the same type of medical condition
  15. the condition of being unable to sleep
  16. a person who has suffered in the accident
  17. a swelling on the surface of the skin that is filled with liquid
  18. very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by something
  19. a lack of feeling in a part of your body
  20. an area of red spots on a person’s skin, caused by an illness or a reaction to something
  21. the act of sending somebody who needs professional help to a person that can provide it
  22. the small round part in the middle of the stomach, on the front of somebody's body

45 Clues: to become worseto become unconsciousa synonym for to causea drug used to reduce anxietya synonym for to ease, relievethe joint between the hand and the armthe condition of being unable to sleepa lack of feeling in a part of your bodythe joint connecting the foot to the lega thing responsible for causing a problem...

Health 2024-04-12

Health crossword puzzle
  1. rape committed by someone with whom the victim has gone on a date.
  2. the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
  3. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior in which the perpetrator insults, humiliates, and generally instills fear in an individual in order to control them
  4. domestic violence, social and legal concept that, in the broadest sense, refers to any abuse—including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial
  5. having or showing a confident and forceful personality
  6. Physical abuse is any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person or animal by way of bodily contact.
  7. the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
  8. the process of communicating nonverbally through conscious or unconscious gestures and movements.
  9. When a child or young person is sexually abused, they're forced, tricked or manipulated into sexual activities
  10. the action or fact of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the fact of being adopted.
  11. the perpetration or threat of an act of violence by at least one member of an unmarried couple on the other member in the context of dating or courtship.
  12. a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.
  1. I-message or I-statement is an assertion about the feelings,
  2. nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.
  3. influence from members of one's peer group.
  4. a family consisting of a couple and their children from this and all previous relationships.
  5. an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
  6. the process of working together to the same end.
  7. accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.
  8. ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
  9. Erin's Law requires public schools to teach child sexual abuse and exploitation prevention classes to students in kindergarten through eighth grade.

21 Clues: influence from members of one's peer group.the process of working together to the same end.having or showing a confident and forceful personalityI-message or I-statement is an assertion about the feelings,rape committed by someone with whom the victim has gone on a date.the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body....

Health 2024-06-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The invasion and multiplication of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites that are not normally present within the body.
  2. A physical or mental feature that indicates a condition or disease.
  3. A doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer.
  4. A damaging immune response by the body to a substance, especially pollen, fur, a particular food, or dust, to which it has become hypersensitive.
  5. A doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating heart diseases.
  6. Maintaining adequate fluid balance in the body.
  7. A doctor who specializes in treating skin disorders.
  8. The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.
  9. The science dealing with X-rays and other high-energy radiation, especially for the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
  10. A doctor's written order for the administration of a drug or device.
  11. A patient who receives medical treatment without being admitted to a hospital.
  1. The administration of a vaccine to help the immune system develop protection from a disease.
  2. The treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, especially with instruments.
  3. Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.
  4. A condition with a rapid onset and a short, severe course.
  5. Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring, especially of a disease.
  6. A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection.
  7. Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
  8. The action of stopping something from happening or arising.
  9. A thorough examination, especially a medical or dental one, to detect any problems.
  10. Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.

21 Clues: Maintaining adequate fluid balance in the body.Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.A doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer.A doctor who specializes in treating skin disorders.Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.A condition with a rapid onset and a short, severe course....

HEALTH 2024-10-04

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. třást se, mít zimnici
  2. mrtvice
  3. znovu získat zrak (bez mezer)
  4. zvětšené/oteklé mandle (bez mezery)
  5. nedoslýchavost (bez mezer)
  6. pociťovat závrať (bez mezery)
  7. cítit se slabý (bez mezery)
  8. žloutenka
  9. strašlivý
  10. němý
  11. vada, nemoc
  1. dusit se
  2. nemoci krevního oběhu (bez mezery)
  3. otrava z jídla (bez mezery)
  4. krátkozraký
  5. postižený
  6. předávkovat se (bez mezer)
  7. zápal plic
  8. kašel
  9. omdlít
  10. chřipka
  11. horečka
  12. nespavost
  13. vyrážka
  14. téct z nosu, rýma (bez mezery)

25 Clues: němýkašelomdlítmrtvicechřipkahorečkavyrážkadusit sepostiženýžloutenkanespavoststrašlivýzápal plickrátkozrakývada, nemoctřást se, mít zimnicipředávkovat se (bez mezer)nedoslýchavost (bez mezer)otrava z jídla (bez mezery)cítit se slabý (bez mezery)znovu získat zrak (bez mezer)pociťovat závrať (bez mezery)téct z nosu, rýma (bez mezery)...

Health 2024-11-08

Health crossword puzzle
  1. central muscles of the core
  2. largest bone in the body
  3. framework of the body
  4. muscle at the back of your upper arm
  5. muscle that attaches to your skeletal system
  6. muscle that is active in your organs like your intestines
  7. smaller bone in the calf
  8. muscles are the front of your thigh
  9. provides flexibility and help the skeleton move
  10. otherwise known as the calf, muscle that resides at the back of your lower leg
  11. connects bones to other bones
  1. flexible tissue that allows joints to move
  2. collection of bones that protect the organs in our chest
  3. bones that protect our brain
  4. muscles in the back of your thigh
  5. group of muscles and tissue that allows the body to move and function
  6. larger bone in the calf
  7. kind of muscle active in your heart
  8. muscle in the front/inside of your upper arm
  9. connected tissues that connects bones and muscles

20 Clues: framework of the bodylarger bone in the calflargest bone in the bodysmaller bone in the calfcentral muscles of the corebones that protect our brainconnects bones to other bonesmuscles in the back of your thighmuscles are the front of your thighkind of muscle active in your heartmuscle at the back of your upper arm...

Health 2024-11-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. osa
  2. pielęgniarka
  3. termometr
  4. twarz
  5. tabletka
  6. grypa
  7. nadgarstek
  8. boleć
  9. kostka
  10. brzuch
  11. lekarstwo
  12. płuca
  1. ramie
  2. siniak
  3. łokiec
  4. leczyc
  5. kolano
  6. tabletka
  7. czoło
  8. talia
  9. pocicsię
  10. broda
  11. policzek

23 Clues: osaramietwarzgrypaczołotaliabolećbrodapłucasiniakłokiecleczyckolanokostkabrzuchtabletkatabletkapocicsiępoliczektermometrlekarstwonadgarstekpielęgniarka

health 2024-11-29

health crossword puzzle
  1. osa
  2. kaszel
  3. pocić się
  4. ulga
  5. grypa
  6. talia
  7. ramię
  8. oddychac
  9. trądzik
  10. brzuch
  11. ból
  12. choroba
  13. krem
  14. wirus
  15. płuca
  1. astma
  2. chory
  3. siniak
  4. zemdleć
  5. pryszcze
  6. leczyć
  7. szyja
  8. kichać
  9. tabletkw
  10. policzki
  11. lekarstwo
  12. użądlenie

27 Clues: osabólulgakremastmachorygrypataliaramięszyjawiruspłucakaszelsiniakleczyćbrzuchkichaćzemdlećtrądzikchorobapryszczeoddychactabletkwpoliczkipocić sięlekarstwoużądlenie

HHD U2 O2 ch.10 2024-10-22

HHD U2 O2 ch.10 crossword puzzle
  1. In medicine this means that all information relating to a patient must not be shared
  2. Private health ______ is a policy that helps pay for health services not covered by Medicare
  3. The medicare levy ____ is applied to individuals who earn over 90K per year
  4. The Medicare ______ Net ensures that people who require frequent cover receive additional financial support
  5. Out of pocket _______ are costs that the patient must pay themselves
  6. The Medicare ____ is a 2% tax for all Australian tax payers to fund Medicare
  7. physical health characteristic
  8. Australia's universal health insurance scheme
  9. spiritual health characteristic
  10. Government introduced a 30% _____ incentive for those who take out private health
  11. payment from consumer for health services in addition to the amount paid by the government is known as the ______ co-payment
  1. An advantage PH insurance is having your own choice of _____ in hospital
  2. The amount paid for insurance
  3. mental health characteristic
  4. emotional health characteristic
  5. a disadvantage of PH insurance is _____ premiums.
  6. Medicare's contribution towards certain consultations and treatments is known as the ______ fee
  7. social health characteristic
  8. Something that motivates or encourages someone to do something
  9. The PBS safety ___ ensures that people who spend large amounts of money on PBS medications receive additional financial support
  10. This is used to fund medicare

21 Clues: mental health characteristicsocial health characteristicThe amount paid for insuranceThis is used to fund medicarephysical health characteristicemotional health characteristicspiritual health characteristicAustralia's universal health insurance schemea disadvantage of PH insurance is _____ premiums....

U.S. Health Care 2021-11-18

U.S. Health Care crossword puzzle
  1. proposed and Environment of Health model
  2. one of the four social determinants of health
  3. severe, episodic and often treatable condition
  4. method to interpret physical health
  5. refers to consumption of health care services
  6. the WHO recommends this health model
  7. second leading cause of death in U.S.
  8. the U.S. model of healthcare delivery emphasis
  9. refers to death rates
  1. major factors that affect health
  2. less severe phase of an acute illness
  3. condition that persists over time
  4. beliefs that positively impact health
  5. diseases responsible for quarter of deaths
  6. model that defines health as absence of illness
  7. expand capacity to safely treat influx of patients
  8. developed by the National Health Security Strategy

17 Clues: refers to death ratesmajor factors that affect healthcondition that persists over timemethod to interpret physical healththe WHO recommends this health modelless severe phase of an acute illnessbeliefs that positively impact healthsecond leading cause of death in U.S.proposed and Environment of Health modeldiseases responsible for quarter of deaths...

South Carolina Case Study Cross Puzzle 2024-10-25

South Carolina Case Study Cross Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. – Need for school districts to meet MCO standards for service delivery.
  2. Pooling – Sharing resources between districts and providers for service delivery.
  3. Billing Model – System where school districts billed Medicaid directly for services.
  4. Meetings – Coordinated sessions involving all stakeholders to discuss challenges.
  5. Burden – Added workload for school districts to meet new requirements.
  6. Relationships – Long-term partnerships between stakeholders for service quality.
  7. – Payment made to providers for services covered under Medicaid.
  8. Reimbursed Behavioral Health Services – Mental and behavioral health services covered by Medicaid.
  9. Health Services – Services addressing mental health and behavioral needs.
  1. Forms – Forms developed to streamline contracting, billing, and documentation.
  2. Care Organizations – Health plans that provide Medicaid services through a network.
  3. – Verifying provider qualifications to deliver care within MCO’s network.
  4. Model – System where services are integrated within managed care contracts.
  5. Providers – External health providers that partner with school districts.
  6. Carolina Department of Health and Human Services – State agency managing Medicaid and health programs.
  7. Authorization – Approval from MCO required before delivering certain services.
  8. Education Agencies – School districts providing educational and related services to students.
  9. Integration in Schools – Embedding health services within educational settings for student well-being.
  10. – Groups involved in the transition, including MCOs, school districts, and agencies.
  11. Terms and Clues
  12. Systems – Processes by which services are invoiced and paid.

21 Clues: Terms and CluesSystems – Processes by which services are invoiced and paid.– Payment made to providers for services covered under Medicaid.Burden – Added workload for school districts to meet new requirements.– Need for school districts to meet MCO standards for service delivery....

Health Foundations 2023-01-17

Health Foundations crossword puzzle
  1. / State of complete physical, mental, emotional and social well-being
  2. / One of the six components of health, express thoughts and feelings.
  3. / One of the six components of health, your surroundings.
  4. of identifying ones' state of health and taking steps to improve it. This is always on a continuum
  5. / One of the six components of health, interactions with others and how you get along with others.
  6. / ____________ of life is the extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
  7. / ____________health is the state of excellent health and wellness of all six components of health
  8. / Length of time a person is expected to live
  9. / One of the six components of health, refers to how the body functions
  10. / Poor overall health
  11. / Disorders that develop due to a person's genes/genetics passed on
  1. / Things that increase the chances of developing a disease or disorder or injury or decline in health
  2. / Many lifestyle factors or _____________ factors are modifiable or controllable factors
  3. / Actual number of years a person lives
  4. / Things you cannot change also known as uncontrollable life factors.
  5. / One of the six components of health, how you observe and interpret information to make decisions, solve problems and examine situations. Ability to cope with daily life activities in a healthy way and positive feeling of self.
  6. / Things that reduce the chances of negative overall health
  7. / One of the six components of health, means different things to different people. Some examples may be religious, spiritual or finding purpose in life.
  8. / Person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life is good

19 Clues: / Poor overall health/ Actual number of years a person lives/ Length of time a person is expected to live/ One of the six components of health, your surroundings./ Things that reduce the chances of negative overall health/ Disorders that develop due to a person's genes/genetics passed on...

Chapter 1 Vocab Making Healthy Decisions 2023-09-01

Chapter 1 Vocab Making Healthy Decisions crossword puzzle
  1. – An illegal act that involves telling lies to obtain money or property.
  2. HEALTH – The aspect of health that refers to how well you get along with others.
  3. LITERACY– The ability to gather, understand, and use health information to improve one’s health.
  4. The overall well-being of your body, mind, and your relationships with other people
  5. Someone who buys products or services for personal use.
  6. OF LIFE – The degree of total satisfaction that a person gets from life.
  7. Taking action to avoid disease, injury, and other negative health outcomes
  8. – The selling of useless medical treatments or products
  9. HEALTH – The aspect of health that refers to how you react to events in your life. You are emotionally healthy when the feelings you experience are appropriate responses to events.
  10. A behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes almost automatic.
  11. A term that refers to whether you are male or female. Gender is part of heredity
  1. The use of communication to influence and support other in making positive health decision.
  2. The standards and beliefs that are most important to you.
  3. A state of high-level health
  4. A result that a person aims for and works hard to reach.
  5. All the traits that are passed from parent to child; the biological process of passing on, or transmitting, those traits.
  6. FACTOR– Any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other negative outcome.
  7. Forms of communication that provide news and entertainment
  8. EXPECTANCY – The number of years a person can expect to live.
  9. HEALTH – The aspect of health that refers to how well your body functions. When you are physically healthy, you have enough energy to carry out everyday tasks.
  10. HEALTH – The state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings.
  11. A gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another.
  12. All of the physical and social conditions that surround a person and can influence that person’s health
  13. Beliefs and patterns of behavior that are shared by a group of people and passed from generation to generation.

24 Clues: A state of high-level healthSomeone who buys products or services for personal use.– The selling of useless medical treatments or productsA result that a person aims for and works hard to reach.The standards and beliefs that are most important to you.Forms of communication that provide news and entertainment...

Chapter 1 and 3 2022-01-04

Chapter 1 and 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Both of Latoya’s parents have?
  2. Which one of the health triangle categories involves speaking to other people?
  3. Persons capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services, and to use these resources to promote one’s health and wellness
  4. What part of the health triangle is about how well your body functions?
  5. Related Risks that can increase in effect with each added risk
  6. What does your personal identity describe
  7. Can influence your identity
  8. Providing accurate health information and teaching health skills to help people make health decisions
  9. People of the same age who share similar interests?
  10. Traits that you were biologically passed on to your parents?
  11. The control over your environment, and high-risk mentality?
  12. Being close to others that provide you support
  13. Deliberate decision to avoid high risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
  14. Your health at any moment can be seen as a point along what?
  15. How a person thinks, feels and behaves
  16. Run by the health on the Net Foundation which is dedicated to improving the quality of online health information?
  17. Having the skills to do something
  18. The ability to adapt effectively
  19. The ability to accept yourself and others
  20. The sum of your surroundings?
  21. Recognizing you have a value and importance
  22. Taking steps to keep something from happening
  23. Sense of yourself as an individual
  24. How you value yourself
  25. The public health agency of the United States
  26. The more risk behaviors you participate in, the more likely you are to experience what
  27. Tendency, or practice that’s hard to give up
  28. A person who is able to express health knowledge in a variety of ways
  29. having the confidence to make responsible decisions
  1. In what year did the cost of US health care reach 2.8 trillion
  2. Differences in health outcomes among groups
  3. To strive to be the best you can
  4. A nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States
  5. You demonstrate what by taking responsibility for your health and playing an active role in maintaining your wellness
  6. The personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives
  7. helps you accept and recover from difficulties and failures
  8. The way you view situations that have a big effect on your health?
  9. Set of characteristics that makes you unique
  10. What is the combination of physical,emotional, and social well being?
  11. Chronic disorders fall in what category on the health continuum chart?
  12. What involves having a feeling of purpose and sense of values?
  13. A way to develop self-esteem
  14. Element that contributes to a particular result?
  15. The collective beliefs,costumes, and behaviors of a group?
  16. Actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others
  17. Refers to the collective beliefs,customs, and behaviors of a group?
  18. Experts believe that poor health literacy influences persons what more than age, income, and education
  19. Someone who serves as an example to you
  20. Seeing the bright side of life

49 Clues: How you value yourselfCan influence your identityA way to develop self-esteemThe sum of your surroundings?Both of Latoya’s parents have?Seeing the bright side of lifeTo strive to be the best you canThe ability to adapt effectivelyHaving the skills to do somethingSense of yourself as an individualHow a person thinks, feels and behaves...

definitions 2013-09-09

definitions crossword puzzle
  1. beliefs an patterns of behavior
  2. literacy to gather an understand health
  3. using communication to make positive health
  4. factor anything with negative outcome
  5. health how you react to events in your life
  6. public promotion
  7. health being comfortable with yourself
  8. male or female
  9. gradual progression through many stages
  10. taking action to avoid disease
  11. of life degree of overall satisfaction of life
  12. all traits that you inherit
  13. result that a person aims for an works to reach
  1. health how well you get along with others
  2. your standard and beliefs
  3. time to take items back if broken
  4. health how well your body functions
  5. forms of communication
  6. is behavior repeated
  7. buys product
  8. expectancy number of years you can expect to live
  9. all of the physical an social conditions
  10. lying about who you are
  11. salling useless items to people
  12. high level health
  13. plan steps to achieve a goal

26 Clues: buys productmale or femalepublic promotionhigh level healthis behavior repeatedforms of communicationlying about who you areyour standard and beliefsall traits that you inheritplan steps to achieve a goaltaking action to avoid diseasebeliefs an patterns of behaviorsalling useless items to peopletime to take items back if broken...

U.S. Healthcare 2021-01-27

U.S. Healthcare crossword puzzle
  1. 1 in 68 children in the U.S. diagnosed with this.
  2. Children's Health Insurance Program.
  3. Children dying under the age of 1.
  4. Health problems influenced by local and international travel environment.
  5. Marketplace to weight out health insurance options.
  6. Electronic Health Records.
  7. World Health Organization.
  8. Comparisons with other states anf countries.
  9. Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.
  10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  11. processing, exchanging and storage of health information.
  12. 1853 and 1858.
  13. Health coverage for low income americans.
  14. Routine Screening and sheduled immunization.
  1. Bird Flu.
  2. Pneumonia, Tuberculosis and Diarrhea.
  3. A law pass by Prsident Barack Obama on March 23, 2010.
  4. Scientific approach to understanding behavior.
  5. Technology developed to solve health problems and improve quality of life.
  6. Gene Mutations.
  7. Foodborne Illness.
  8. Physical activity and Eating habits.
  9. How long you are expected to live.
  10. Heart Disease and Cancer.
  11. Long Life.
  12. Cholera and Yellow Fever.
  13. When the infection-fighting processes turn on the body.
  14. National Prevention Council.

28 Clues: Bird Flu.Long Life.1853 and 1858.Gene Mutations.Foodborne Illness.Heart Disease and Cancer.Cholera and Yellow Fever.Electronic Health Records.World Health Organization.National Prevention Council.Children dying under the age of 1.How long you are expected to live.Children's Health Insurance Program.Physical activity and Eating habits....

Health Systems 2018-10-14

Health Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Expectations of health services expressed by individuals or communities
  2. Activities aimed at modifying a process in order to change one or more of their characteristics
  3. Good governance
  4. A measure of the difference between current health and ideal health
  5. The inputs required to make health systems work
  6. A primary level health care worker who coordinates specialised care
  7. The ability to produce the maximum output for a given input
  8. Strategies are aligned with programmes and planning
  9. Paying proportionate attention to competing priorities
  10. Health services targeted at the population as a whole
  11. Comprehensive access to health services alongside social health protection
  12. Identification, balancing, and ranking of priorities by stakeholders
  13. An intermediate result towards an objective that a programme seeks to achieve
  1. A geographically defined unit of population
  2. A measure of the fairness of health services in distributing well-being
  3. The extent to which a national plan is feasible
  4. Estimations of financial requirements of different scenarios
  5. Objectively determined deficiencies in health that require health care
  6. Payments for goods or services that include direct payments, cost sharing, and informal payments
  7. Coordination of functions across different phases of the service production process
  8. The extent to which an intervention does what it's intended
  9. An individual, group, or organisation that has an interest in the system/delivery of care
  10. Activities with the primary purpose of promoting, restoring, and/or maintaining health
  11. Political, economic and administrative authority in managing a country
  12. A comparison of inputs and outcomes
  13. Extent of interaction between the service and its target population

26 Clues: Good governanceA comparison of inputs and outcomesA geographically defined unit of populationThe extent to which a national plan is feasibleThe inputs required to make health systems workStrategies are aligned with programmes and planningHealth services targeted at the population as a wholePaying proportionate attention to competing priorities...

Health Systems 2018-10-14

Health Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Geographically defined, unit of population
  2. The extent to which a national plan is feasible
  3. Paying proportionate attention to different priorities
  4. Political, economic and administrative authority in managing a country
  5. A measure of the fairness of health services in distributing well-being
  6. Universal access to health services with social health protection
  7. Identification, balancing, and ranking of priorities by stakeholders
  8. A measure of the difference between current health and ideal health
  9. Health services targeted at the population as a whole
  10. Activities aimed at modifying a process in order to change 1+ of their characteristics
  11. A comparison of costs and achieved results
  12. Good governance
  13. Activities whose primary purpose is to promtoe, restore, and/or maintain health
  14. The inputs required to make health systems work
  15. An intermediate result towards an objective that a programme seeks to achieve
  1. Estimations of costs of different scenarios
  2. Strategies are aligned with programmes and planning
  3. Health care expectations expressed by individuals or communities
  4. An individual, group, or organisation that has an interest in the system/delivery of care
  5. The capacity to produce the maximum output for a given input
  6. Coordination of functions across different phases of the service production process
  7. Objectively determined deficiencies in health that require health care
  8. Payments for goods or services that include direct payments, cost sharing, and informal payments
  9. Extent of interaction between the service and its target population
  10. The extent to which an intervention does what it's intended
  11. A primary level health care worker who coordinates specialised care

26 Clues: Good governanceGeographically defined, unit of populationA comparison of costs and achieved resultsEstimations of costs of different scenariosThe extent to which a national plan is feasibleThe inputs required to make health systems workStrategies are aligned with programmes and planningHealth services targeted at the population as a whole...

Health and Wellness Skills 2022-09-13

Health and Wellness Skills crossword puzzle
  1. a science-based approach to protecting and improving the health of populations as a whole
  2. regulates and ensures the safety of food, health products, and medications
  3. health of human populations around the world
  4. endpoint that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely
  5. process of advocating for the health of families and communities by sharing health information
  6. process of working with others to make a decision
  7. support
  8. medical care that treats life-threatening health conditions
  9. body of knowledge based on observation and experimentation; answers questions about the natural world
  10. is illegal activity related to health products and services
  11. medical care that seeks to prevent health conditions from developing; includes annual physical or wellness exams, checkups, vaccinations, and screenings
  12. process steps for making a healthy decision
  13. healthcare professionals who have additional training in treating certain types of diseases and disorder
  14. people under the age of 18
  1. the act of indicating you allow your organs to be donated and transplanted into another person
  2. a specific endpoint that signifies a condition you hope to reach
  3. healthcare facilities that patients visit for treatment and then leave
  4. aspect of community and world health concerned with populations exposed to harmful environmental and societal factors through no fault of their own
  5. refers to theories and health claims that are described as science-based when they are not
  6. the overall health of a community, which is a group of people who live in the same area and interact with one another
  7. doctor, provides primary care, including routine checkups, screenings, treatments, prescriptions, and preventive health services.
  8. someone who purchases goods and services
  9. an area without nearby full-service grocery stores, organizations and programs that help the environment and people within a community
  10. qualities or priorities one considers important
  11. courses of action that are different from the actions you are taking now
  12. the ability to locate, evaluate, apply, and communicate information pertaining to your health—is an important skill for promoting health and wellness
  13. organizations and programs that help the environment and people within a community
  14. actions that promote the environment and health of a community
  15. patients reside in the facility while they receive comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, surgery, therapy, and rehabilitation
  16. medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions

30 Clues: supportpeople under the age of 18someone who purchases goods and servicesprocess steps for making a healthy decisionhealth of human populations around the worldqualities or priorities one considers importantprocess of working with others to make a decisionmedical care that treats life-threatening health conditions...

Health IT Crossword 2018-11-19

Health IT Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Created primarily to modernize the flow of healthcare information, stipulate how Personally Identifiable Information should be protected from fraud and theft, and address limitations on healthcare insurance coverage.
  2. Requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement, and it encourages rapid and flexible response to change.
  3. Delivery of health-related services and information via telecommunications technologies.
  4. The use of computing devices to enter, modify, review, and output or communicate drug prescriptions.
  5. Established by MACRA with the goal of improving Medicare by helping eligible clinicians focus on care quality and making patients healthier.
  6. Knowingly and unreasonably interfering with the exchange and use of electronic health information.
  7. Guidelines about securing PHI on the administrative, physical and technological levels.
  8. Ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data, and use the information that has been exchanged.
  9. Gave HHS the authority to establish programs to improve health care quality, safety, and efficiency through the promotion of health IT.
  1. Established an individual's right to access their health information for as long as it is maintained, with limited situations where access may be denied.
  2. New specification standard describing data formats and elements and an application programming interface for exchanging electronic health records.
  3. Process of electronic entry of medical practitioner instructions for the treatment of patients under his or her care.
  4. Allow patients to view, but not modify, data from the provider's electronic health record.
  5. A not-for-profit organization focused on better health through information and technology.
  6. Provides clinicians, or other individuals with knowledge and person-specific information, intelligently filtered or presented at appropriate times, to enhance health and health care.
  7. Collection of patient and population electronically-stored health information in a digital format.
  8. Ended the Sustainable Growth Rate formula and established the Quality Payment Program.
  9. Organization that invests in research and evidence to make health care safer and improve quality.
  10. Organization's primary goal is to provide the knowledge, resources and tools to advance health information professional practice and standards for the delivery of quality healthcare.
  11. Clinical messaging syntax used to exchange medical images between medical equipment and information systems.
  12. Allows health care professionals and patients to appropriately access and securely share a patient’s medical information electronically.
  13. Using certified electronic health record (EHR) technology to: Improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities.
  14. A not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization dedicated to providing a comprehensive framework and related standards for the exchange, integration, sharing and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services.
  15. A breach is an impermissible use or disclosure of PHI under the Privacy Rule that compromises the security or privacy of PHI.
  16. Leads national health IT efforts, charged as the principal federal entity to coordinate nationwide efforts to implement and use the most advanced health information technology and the electronic exchange of health information.

25 Clues: Ended the Sustainable Growth Rate formula and established the Quality Payment Program.Guidelines about securing PHI on the administrative, physical and technological levels.Delivery of health-related services and information via telecommunications technologies....

Intro to Health 2024-02-02

Intro to Health crossword puzzle
  1. A health ______ is a person who influences the health behavior and decisions of others
  2. Side of the health triangle which is the condition of a persons body
  3. An influence on health which includes various forms of mass communication
  4. Health _____ is the sum of positive and negative influences on a persons health and well-being
  5. A health ______ is work provided by a health-care provider
  6. Life ______ is the average number of years a person is expected to live
  7. passing of characteristics or traits from biological parents to children
  1. Health ________ is the information and understanding a person has about health
  2. Enforce laws governing the safety of food, drugs, medical devices, and cosmetics
  3. incident in which a person has little or no control
  4. chance that has an unknown outcome
  5. A health ______ is healthful behavior a person works to achieve and maintain
  6. Collective quality of life that include physical, mental-emotional, and family-social
  7. Making up for any loss, harm, or damage you may have caused
  8. number of questions in used in step 4 of the decision making model
  9. A serious situation and occurs without warning and calls for quick action
  10. A health _______ is something that is made to specifically restore or maintain health

17 Clues: chance that has an unknown outcomeincident in which a person has little or no controlA health ______ is work provided by a health-care providerMaking up for any loss, harm, or damage you may have causednumber of questions in used in step 4 of the decision making modelSide of the health triangle which is the condition of a persons body...

6 suggestions for setting goals. 2022-08-19

6 suggestions for setting goals. crossword puzzle
  1. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements.
  2. overall pattern of weather conditions.
  3. How your body functions.
  4. The relationships all around you
  5. cannot be changed
  6. How you express yourself and your thoughts and feelings. Emotions, mood, feelings about one's self, and the view of the world are all important to your emotional health.
  7. Poor overall state of health a person cannot function normally
  8. The actual number of years a person lives
  9. The state of excellent physical, mental and emotional, and social health.
  10. land features and any bodies of water present in an area.
  1. can be changed
  2. The extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and unfulfilling life
  3. Wellbeing of one's inner thoughts, and how you observe and interpret information.
  4. How one interacts with others
  5. Presence of waste in the environment.
  6. The blueprint for the structure and function of your cells.
  7. the process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it.
  8. How long people are expected to live
  9. a person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  10. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being.
  11. Aspects of a person's life that increases the chance of a disease, injury, disorder or a decline in health
  12. Chemical that carries genetic information

22 Clues: can be changedcannot be changedHow your body functions.How one interacts with othersThe relationships all around youHow long people are expected to livePresence of waste in the environment.overall pattern of weather conditions.The actual number of years a person livesChemical that carries genetic information...

6 suggestions for setting goals. 2022-08-19

6 suggestions for setting goals. crossword puzzle
  1. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements.
  2. overall pattern of weather conditions.
  3. How your body functions.
  4. The relationships all around you
  5. cannot be changed
  6. How you express yourself and your thoughts and feelings. Emotions, mood, feelings about one's self, and the view of the world are all important to your emotional health.
  7. Poor overall state of health a person cannot function normally
  8. The actual number of years a person lives
  9. The state of excellent physical, mental and emotional, and social health.
  10. land features and any bodies of water present in an area.
  1. can be changed
  2. The extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and unfulfilling life
  3. Wellbeing of one's inner thoughts, and how you observe and interpret information.
  4. How one interacts with others
  5. Presence of waste in the environment.
  6. The blueprint for the structure and function of your cells.
  7. the process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it.
  8. How long people are expected to live
  9. a person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  10. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being.
  11. Aspects of a person's life that increases the chance of a disease, injury, disorder or a decline in health
  12. Chemical that carries genetic information

22 Clues: can be changedcannot be changedHow your body functions.How one interacts with othersThe relationships all around youHow long people are expected to livePresence of waste in the environment.overall pattern of weather conditions.The actual number of years a person livesChemical that carries genetic information...

Practices Protecting Personal Health Information Crossword 2013-03-29

Practices Protecting Personal Health Information Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / professional fails to fulfill their duty
  2. / right or wrong in human behavior
  3. / something that you're expected to do
  4. / when giving a suggestion or also know as
  5. health act / legislation passed in 1984 delivery of prepaid, medically necessary health care to Canadians
  6. actions / what you can do to stop something from happening is also known as
  7. consent / given all relevant information about a treatment
  8. record / can contain medication records or personal health information in it
  9. / a person coming to get health care is also known as a
  10. consent / can be given over the phone, 2 people should be listening
  1. / a division of main office
  2. / freedom to make your own choices
  3. health record / EHR
  4. / something that is safe ad not in harm is also known to be
  5. consent / assumed by the patients actions
  6. health information / PHI
  7. / keep patients health information private
  8. act / enacted in July 1983
  9. / person under the age of 18 in Ontario is a __
  10. / a civil wrong

20 Clues: / a civil wronghealth record / EHRhealth information / PHIact / enacted in July 1983/ a division of main office/ freedom to make your own choices/ right or wrong in human behavior/ something that you're expected to doconsent / assumed by the patients actions/ professional fails to fulfill their duty/ keep patients health information private...

Practices Protecting Personal Health Information Crossword 2013-03-29

Practices Protecting Personal Health Information Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / something that is safe ad not in harm is also known to be
  2. consent / assumed by the patients actions
  3. health act / legislation passed in 1984 delivery of prepaid, medically necessary health care to Canadians
  4. / something that you're expected to do
  5. / when giving a suggestion or also know as
  6. / a division of main office
  7. health information / PHI
  8. health record / EHR
  9. / professional fails to fulfill their duty
  10. / a civil wrong
  1. actions / what you can do to stop something from happening is also known as
  2. / right or wrong in human behavior
  3. / freedom to make your own choices
  4. / keep patients health information private
  5. record / can contain medication records or personal health information in it
  6. / person under the age of 18 in Ontario is a __
  7. / a person coming to get health care is also known as a
  8. consent / can be given over the phone, 2 people should be listening
  9. act / enacted in July 1983
  10. consent / given all relevant information about a treatment

20 Clues: / a civil wronghealth record / EHRhealth information / PHIact / enacted in July 1983/ a division of main office/ right or wrong in human behavior/ freedom to make your own choices/ something that you're expected to doconsent / assumed by the patients actions/ keep patients health information private/ when giving a suggestion or also know as...

definitions 2013-09-09

definitions crossword puzzle
  1. beliefs an patterns of behavior
  2. literacy to gather an understand health
  3. using communication to make positive health
  4. factor anything with negative outcome
  5. health how you react to events in your life
  6. public promotion
  7. health being comfortable with yourself
  8. male or female
  9. gradual progression through many stages
  10. taking action to avoid disease
  11. of life degree of overall satisfaction of life
  12. all traits that you inherit
  13. result that a person aims for an works to reach
  1. health how well you get along with others
  2. your standard and beliefs
  3. time to take items back if broken
  4. health how well your body functions
  5. forms of communication
  6. is behavior repeated
  7. buys product
  8. expectancy number of years you can expect to live
  9. all of the physical an social conditions
  10. lying about who you are
  11. salling useless items to people
  12. high level health
  13. plan steps to achieve a goal

26 Clues: buys productmale or femalepublic promotionhigh level healthis behavior repeatedforms of communicationlying about who you areyour standard and beliefsall traits that you inheritplan steps to achieve a goaltaking action to avoid diseasebeliefs an patterns of behaviorsalling useless items to peopletime to take items back if broken...

Health Chapter 1 Key Terms 2022-08-24

Health Chapter 1 Key Terms crossword puzzle
  1. risk are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk.
  2. taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse.
  3. all the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents.
  4. radio, television, and the Internet, and through print media.
  5. people of the same age who share similar interests, also including your friends.
  6. is the sum of your surroundings.
  7. the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
  8. the personal habits of behaviors related to the way a person lives.
  9. an overall state of wellbeing or total health.
  10. differences in health outcomes among groups.
  11. the collective beliefs,, customs, and behaviors of a group.
  12. a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.
  1. actions that can potentially threaten your health of the health of others.
  2. various methods for communicating information.
  3. a nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States.
  4. providing accurate health information and teaching health skills to help people make healthy decisions.
  5. a person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services, and to use these resources to promote one's health and wellness.
  6. health a deep-seated sense of meaning and purpose in life.
  7. disease an ongoing condition or illness such as heart disease, obesity, and cancer.

19 Clues: is the sum of your surroundings.differences in health outcomes among groups.various methods for communicating overall state of wellbeing or total a deep-seated sense of meaning and purpose in life.the collective beliefs,, customs, and behaviors of a, television, and the Internet, and through print media....

EHR Chapter 2 2022-02-09

EHR Chapter 2 crossword puzzle
  1. ___________Use or MU-the use of certified electronic health record technology with the purpose of improving quality.
  2. This type of data fit into a particular model or format.
  3. American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (abr) included provisions for HITECH
  4. A _________analysis review to ensure the quality of the clinical information.
  5. This analysis is a review of the health record to ensure that all required documentation is present.
  6. Health Information Technology for economic and clinical health, and act that is meant to increase the use of an electronic health record. (abr)
  7. Merit based incentive payment system (abr)
  8. personal health record, kept by the patient (abr)
  9. Single facts that come together to form information.
  10. This type of data is in the form of words or audio files that cannot be tracked.
  11. Protected Health Information (abr)
  12. Nationwide Health Information Network (abr)A set of standards that enable the secure exchange of information over the internet.
  13. Regional Health Information Organization a group that exchanges health information with the intent of improving care and reducing costs. (abr)
  14. Institute of Medicine, an organization that works to provide unbiased and authoritative advice to decision makers and the public. Replaced by the National Academies in 2016. (abr)
  1. Information ________ is the framework for managing information throughout it's lifecycle.
  2. The Health care _______administrator may also be know as chief information officer.
  3. Health Insurance Portability and accountability Act of 1996 (abr)
  4. The Healthcare _______may also be referred to as healthcare manager or health systems manager.
  5. Raw facts that when viewed as a whole have meaning.
  6. EHR, or Electronic Health ________, are supported by the Advancing Care Information Standards.
  7. Certification Commission for Health information Technology (abr) A non-profit, non-government agency whose purpose it was to certify EHR.
  8. Health Information Exchange (abr)
  9. A computerized system for enhancing and viewing images such as Xrays, scans, and ultrasounds. (abr)
  10. office of the national coordinator for health information technology (abr)The principal federal financial entity for EHR coordination
  11. regional extension center (abr)An organization that assists providers in the selection of EHR systems.
  12. Clinical decision support; a software that assists the physician in decision making and medication interaction. (abr)
  13. ____________Interoperability Programs were formerly known as Meaningful Use.
  14. A unique 10 digit identifier issued by CMS used on insurance claims to identify the person or entity that provided the services rendered. (abr)

28 Clues: Health Information Exchange (abr)Protected Health Information (abr)Merit based incentive payment system (abr)personal health record, kept by the patient (abr)Raw facts that when viewed as a whole have meaning.Single facts that come together to form information.This type of data fit into a particular model or format....

Medical records 2013-10-02

Medical records crossword puzzle
  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  2. protected health information
  3. EMRs take less of this type of space
  4. advancing at a rapid pace
  5. partly remove or correct
  6. capability of a system to work with or use the parts of another system
  7. personal digital assistant
  8. electronic medical record
  9. Electronic health record
  10. which president issued the executive order designed to promote the interoperability of health records
  1. primary care provider
  2. nationwide health information network
  3. National Alliance for Health Information Technology
  4. generally or widely accepted
  5. helps patients access their information from an outside computer
  6. Type of back up for an EMR system
  7. type of training for EMR systems
  8. type of communicating with a pt. w/o saying anything
  9. type of medical record
  10. good things that come along with EMRs
  11. Personal health record

21 Clues: primary care providertype of medical recordPersonal health recordpartly remove or correctElectronic health recordadvancing at a rapid paceelectronic medical recordpersonal digital assistantgenerally or widely acceptedprotected health informationtype of training for EMR systemsType of back up for an EMR systemEMRs take less of this type of space...

Escape the Room Privacy Edition 2020-08-31

Escape the Room Privacy Edition crossword puzzle
  1. The _____ Rule of 2000, set national standards for the protection of individually identifiable health information by three types of covered entities: health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers who conduct the standard health care transactions electronically.
  2. Individuals, organizations, and agencies that meet the definition of a covered _____ under HIPAA must comply with the Privacy Rules' requirements to protect the privacy and security of health information and must provide individuals with certain rights with respect to their health information.
  3. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (_____) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.
  4. ______ _____is one place where you can report a suspected breach.
  5. Personally identifiable information, or ______, is any data that could potentially be used to identify a particular person.
  6. A Health Care _____ is an entity that process nonstandard health information they receive from another entity into a standard (i.e., standard electronic format or data content), or vice versa.
  7. _____ stands for Office for Civil Rights.
  8. Privacy is a basic human _____.
  9. A person or entity, other than a member of the workforce of a covered entity, who performs functions or activities on behalf of, or provides certain services to, a covered entity that involve access to protected health information is ______ Associate.
  10. The Security _____of 2003 set national standards for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information.
  1. Transformation of plaintext data into a cyphertext.
  2. Employees, volunteers, students, or observers who represent the organization are members of the____.
  3. It is every workforce member’s responsibility to __________ information.
  4. Protected Health Information, or _____ is any information in a medical record that can be used to identify an individual, and that was created, used, or disclosed in the course of providing a health care service, such as a diagnosis or treatment.
  5. _____data is also known as plaintext.
  6. You should never share your _____ with another individual that is used to access systems.
  7. A ____ occurs when there is a failure to comply with one or more of the privacy principles set out in the Information Privacy Act of 2009.
  8. The release, transfer, access to or divulging of patient information.
  9. _____ stands for the Health & Human Services.
  10. The ______ Necessary amount of information needed to accomplish a task is required when sharing PHI.

20 Clues: Privacy is a basic human _____._____data is also known as plaintext._____ stands for Office for Civil Rights._____ stands for the Health & Human Services.Transformation of plaintext data into a cyphertext.______ _____is one place where you can report a suspected breach.The release, transfer, access to or divulging of patient information....

Health 2015-02-21

Health crossword puzzle
  1. malaria
  2. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  3. infekcja
  4. ospa prawdziwa
  5. gruźlica
  6. wścieklizna
  7. antybiotyk
  8. świnka
  9. ospa wietrzna
  10. kichanie
  11. paraliż dziecięcy
  1. odra
  2. zmęczenie
  3. środek przeciwbólowy
  4. krztusiec
  5. plaga
  6. szczepienie
  7. kaszel
  8. cholera

19 Clues: odraplagakaszelświnkamalariacholerainfekcjagruźlicakichaniezmęczeniekrztusiecantybiotykszczepieniewściekliznaospa wietrznaospa prawdziwaparaliż dziecięcyśrodek przeciwbólowyAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Health 2014-12-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. морковь
  2. бегать
  3. кататься на лыжах
  4. плавать
  5. сыр
  6. здоровый
  7. гулять
  8. играть
  1. яблоки
  2. каша
  3. капуста
  4. прыгать
  5. сок
  6. мыть
  7. кататься на коньках
  8. чистить
  9. скакать
  10. счастливый
  11. молоко

19 Clues: соксыркашамытьяблокибегатьмолокогулятьигратьморковькапустапрыгатьплаватьчиститьскакатьздоровыйсчастливыйкататься на лыжахкататься на коньках

health 2021-02-04

health crossword puzzle
  1. lack of blood
  2. labels: has all the information we need to look up all the stuff that is in the food
  3. a unit of energy
  4. foods: foods that are brown rice, oatmeal, crackers
  5. eating: frequent binging, unable to stop, emotional eaters
  6. vitamins: dissolve into water, pass easily into blood digestion, the body doesn't store these vitamins
  7. builds body cells/tissues
  8. proteins: lack 9 amino acids and found in beans, nuts, whole grains, rice
  9. vegetables, fruits, whole grains have them, it cannot be digested
  1. vitamins: absorbed, stored, transported in fat, body stores these vitamins
  2. the main source of energy in your body
  3. proteins: all 9 amino acids, animal products(fish, meat, eggs, milk)
  4. eating disorder where you have taken some type of medication to throw up/binge, and purge disorders
  5. carbs: has glucose, they give you immediate energy because the body doesn't break them down
  6. carbs: they give you long-term energy, and calories not burned are stored as fat
  7. image: how you feel about your body
  8. the excess amount of fat
  9. it's an eating disorder self-starvation, over-exercising
  10. substances that the body cannot manufacture but that are needed for forming healthy bones and teeth for regulating many vital body processes

19 Clues: lack of blooda unit of energythe excess amount of fatbuilds body cells/tissuesimage: how you feel about your bodythe main source of energy in your bodyfoods: foods that are brown rice, oatmeal, crackersit's an eating disorder self-starvation, over-exercisingeating: frequent binging, unable to stop, emotional eaters...

Health 2020-11-03

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a workout that takes you through dynamic stretching exercises
  2. your body's ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass
  3. accounts for roughly 630,000 deaths in the United States
  4. uses the contraction of the opposing muscle to relax the muscle being stretched
  5. if your focus is on ______, you know you should be strong enough to lift a heavy box
  6. there are ____ ways to increase flexibility
  7. where you hold a stretch for 10 to 30 seconds at a time
  8. amount of vigorous exercise recommended by the ACSM
  9. One of five components of fitness
  10. refers to the range of motion you have around a given joint
  1. one of two factors that contribute to overall muscular health
  2. a type of static stretching
  3. flexibility is important at ___ age
  4. also called relaxed stretching
  5. Is it possible to improve muscular strength and endurance at the same time
  6. As you get older, the importance of flexibility more important
  7. also known as cardiorespiratory endurance or aerobic fitness
  8. is currently the gold-standard of measuring body composition
  9. enhanced muscular strength may be a _________ of a workout routine focused more on developing muscular endurance
  10. scans, typically used for measuring bone mineral density and assessing for osteoporosis

20 Clues: a type of static stretchingalso called relaxed stretchingOne of five components of fitnessflexibility is important at ___ agethere are ____ ways to increase flexibilityyour body's ratio of fat mass to fat-free massamount of vigorous exercise recommended by the ACSMwhere you hold a stretch for 10 to 30 seconds at a time...

Health 2021-04-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The main control center of the whole body
  2. Unpleasant feeling
  3. Pain in the head
  4. Ants don't have them
  5. Act that clears the throat and breathing passage
  6. Unhealthy state where something bad happens to the body or mind
  7. Dental pain
  8. A condition of body and mind in which they rest
  9. A hot drink
  1. An injury caused by exposure to heat or flame
  2. Medicine for relieving pain
  3. Injury that leaves visible marks on the body
  4. A person who is qualified to treat people who are ill
  5. An injury caused by something sharp
  6. A person who is qualified to treat other person's teeth
  7. Food that has a lot of vitamines
  8. Organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system
  9. Physical activity that improves health and fitness
  10. Red liquid that circulates in our body

19 Clues: Dental painA hot drinkPain in the headUnpleasant feelingAnts don't have themMedicine for relieving painFood that has a lot of vitaminesAn injury caused by something sharpRed liquid that circulates in our bodyThe main control center of the whole bodyInjury that leaves visible marks on the bodyAn injury caused by exposure to heat or flame...

Health 2024-02-20

Health crossword puzzle
  1. cause inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord
  2. muscles that cannot contact due to injury, or are not used often, will weaken and shrink, a condition
  3. by young adulthood, most of the cartilage is replacedby bone in a process called
  4. cord that is a think column of nerve tissue that links the brain to the most of the nerves in the peripheral nervous system
  5. a severe bump to the head could cause brain tissue to hit the skull
  6. spinal cord injuries, or the loss of the ability to move and feel some part of the body
  7. makes up about 85 percent of the brain's weight
  8. one common injury of the skeletal system
  1. a severe brain injury from trauma, diease, or drugs could possinly result to this
  2. a think strand of tissue attached to a muscle to a bone
  3. a pulled muscle, is a painful injury that may happen when muscles are overworked or strenched too much or too quickly
  4. a condition in which the bones become weak and break easily
  5. stem lies between the cerebrum and the spinal cord
  6. these functions are accomplished with the help of the basic unit of the nervous system-a type of call
  7. involuntary muscle that is found only in the heart
  8. another type of tissue called_____ fills the space in bones
  9. under certain conditions, a person's brain may experience sudden, uncontrolled nerve impulses, this flood of brain activity can lead to a
  10. bones are held together at joints by strong, fibrous bands
  11. makes up about 85 percent of the brain's weight
  12. involuntary muscle that causes movements within your body

20 Clues: one common injury of the skeletal systemmakes up about 85 percent of the brain's weightmakes up about 85 percent of the brain's weightstem lies between the cerebrum and the spinal cordinvoluntary muscle that is found only in the hearta think strand of tissue attached to a muscle to a boneinvoluntary muscle that causes movements within your body...

Health and wellness - Ayden 2022-09-06

Health and wellness - Ayden crossword puzzle
  1. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.
  2. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cells.
  3. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements.
  4. length of time a person is expected to live.
  5. state of being without regular consistent housing.
  6. belief, values, customs, and arts.
  7. actual number of years a person lives
  8. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes.
  9. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes.
  10. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease.
  11. land features and any bodies of water present in an area.
  1. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health.
  2. dimension of health that describes how a person observers and interprets information.
  3. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings.
  4. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally.
  5. person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  6. presence of waste in the environment.
  7. process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it.
  8. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions.
  9. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others.
  10. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being.
  11. aspects of people's lives that increase the chance they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health.
  12. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical mental emotional, and social health.
  13. circumstances, objects or conditions that surround a person in everyday life.

24 Clues: belief, values, customs, and arts.presence of waste in the environment.actual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to live.state of being without regular consistent conditions that develop due to a person's features and any bodies of water present in an area....

Time for a Crossword Puzzle 2013-10-02

Time for a Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the electronic record that pertains to a single healthcare organizations.
  2. specialty specific
  3. two or more systems working together.
  4. medication automatically submitted.
  5. backs up the EMR system.
  6. The Nationwide Health Information Network.
  7. primary care provider.
  8. electronic medical record.
  9. widely accepted.
  10. Partly remove or correct.
  1. any set of physical properties.
  2. connects to the main computer
  3. protected health information
  4. the electronic record that pertains to multiple healthcare organizations.
  5. System that manage the practice billing and account system.
  6. stores list of billing codes.
  7. allows patient access to their medical records.
  8. individual electronic health related information.
  9. National Alliance for Health Information Technology.
  10. electronic health record.

20 Clues: widely accepted.specialty specificprimary care provider.backs up the EMR system.Partly remove or correct.electronic health record.electronic medical record.protected health informationconnects to the main computerstores list of billing codes.any set of physical properties.medication automatically submitted.two or more systems working together....

CICT Terms and Shorthand 2021-02-11

CICT Terms and Shorthand crossword puzzle
  1. Washington administrative codes
  2. frequently asked questions
  3. personal protective equipment
  4. quality assurance
  5. vaccine
  6. ma
  7. state
  8. national institutes of health
  9. qa
  10. developmental disabilities administration
  11. Case Investigation Contact Tracing
  12. troubleshooting
  13. Phone Number Lookup
  14. public health
  15. Department of Health
  16. master assigner
  17. personal health information
  18. ph
  19. ts
  20. skilled nursing facility
  21. polymerase chain reaction
  22. long-term care facility
  1. lhj
  2. Washington disease reporting system
  3. faq
  4. doh
  5. vx
  6. snf
  7. technical support
  8. quality control
  9. st
  10. center of disease control and prevention
  11. qc
  12. Local Health Jurisdiction
  13. world health organization
  14. assisted living facility
  15. adult family home

37 Clues: vxmaqastqcphtslhjfaqdohsnfstatevaccinepublic healthquality controltroubleshootingmaster assignerquality assurancetechnical supportadult family homePhone Number LookupDepartment of Healthlong-term care facilityassisted living facilityskilled nursing facilityLocal Health Jurisdictionworld health organizationpolymerase chain reaction...

HEALTH 2018-02-24

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. services / this is a type of health career that is responsible for keeping a clean and sanitary hospital or therapeutic environment
  2. / a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and medical treatment of adults
  3. health / this is concerned with health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
  4. education / one of the career oppurtunities in public health
  5. / field of study that is concerned with the relationship between health and nutrition
  6. / administration of anesthesia like in surgery
  7. / a doctor who has had extra training to treat problems of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. care / recovery from childbirth, newborn care, nutrition, breastfeeding
  1. care / this is the early detection of any potential complications of pregnancy
  2. health / this addresses health concerns of communities at risk for disease and injury
  3. / they are professionals who works with teens and adults who have drug abuse problems
  4. / physician who specializes in treating diseases of the female reproductive organs
  5. health / this is a field of science that studies how the environment influences human health and disease
  6. / they are medical practitioners who diagnose and treat patients who have mental illnesses
  7. / they are professionals who counsel people who have deep emotional problems
  8. / the field concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the health of the body or mind
  9. / they are less involved with direct care but they try to understand the problem through studies and research so they can provide solutions for drug abuse related problems
  10. / proffesionals who are concerned with the attainment, maintenance, and recovery of the optimal health and quality of life of patients and communities
  11. services / this is a type of health career that involves the use of technology in the diagnosis of patients

19 Clues: / administration of anesthesia like in surgeryeducation / one of the career oppurtunities in public healthcare / recovery from childbirth, newborn care, nutrition, breastfeeding/ they are professionals who counsel people who have deep emotional problems/ a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and medical treatment of adults...

Module 1 Homework 11/06/2022 2022-11-07

Module 1 Homework 11/06/2022 crossword puzzle
  1. / A health related disease/event in excess of normal. They usually span a larger region geographically.
  2. / the conditions in the environment where people are born, where they live, where they learn, where they work, where they age etc. that affect a large range of health, functioning and quality-of-life, outcomes and risks. (blank blank of blank)
  3. / The result of a medical condition that affects the length/quality of life. (2 words)
  4. / A public health approach that focuses on what the problem is?
  5. / Factor contributing to making a trait
  6. / A global spread of a health related disease or even in excess of normal.
  7. / Stakeholder in public health that works to train and educate
  8. / having the resources required to have a healthy life. (2 words)
  9. Evaluation / A public health approach that focuses on learning what works to address the problem.
  1. / A public health approach that focuses on how to fix the problem.
  2. Indirection protection when a large enough amount of the population becomes immune to an infection. (2 words)
  3. / Intervening before health effects occur, through measures such as banning and imposing laws about substances known to be associated with a disease or health condition, promotion of healthy habits and through awareness. (3 words)
  4. / A public health approach that focuses on figuring out what the cause of the problem is. (3 words)
  5. / Stakeholder in public health that works to promote health in its policies.
  6. / Promotes scientific knowledge base in policy & decision making. (2 words)
  7. / Are characteristics associated with a lower likelihood of negative outcomes or that reduce a risk factor’s impact.(2 words)
  8. / Worldwide Permanent elimination to 0 incidences of infection caused by a specific through deliberate efforts.
  9. / Stakeholder in public health that provide wellness initiatives and benefits. (blank AND blank)
  10. / Ensures provision of services to the needy.
  11. / The prevention/treatment of and management of an illness preserving someone’s well being. (2 words)
  12. / Stakeholder in public health that works as a way to promote discourse.
  13. / Systematically collect, analyze and make available information on health communities.
  14. / Method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states and events in specified populations.
  15. / The reduction of disease incidence, prevalence, morbidity or mortality to an acceptable level through deliberate efforts; continued intervention measures are required to maintain the reduction.

24 Clues: / Factor contributing to making a trait/ Ensures provision of services to the needy./ Stakeholder in public health that works to train and educate/ A public health approach that focuses on what the problem is?/ having the resources required to have a healthy life. (2 words)/ A public health approach that focuses on how to fix the problem....

Health 2019-02-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. unpleasant smell from the mouth
  2. blocked or restricted
  3. to scatter
  4. the body's defence against illness
  5. feeling ill as a result of travelling
  6. stomach ache causing you to feel unwell
  7. to cause an illness to end
  8. to make sth less acid
  9. difficulty sleeping
  1. ease pain or discomfort
  2. substance used to prevent sweating
  3. sth from nature that can cure an illness
  4. tubes that carry blood around the body
  5. pain caused by a difficulty in digesting
  6. having no smell
  7. a substance in the body that breaks down food
  8. to press your fingers against sth and move them
  9. natural plant chemical found in tea
  10. to make sth go from your mouth to your

19 Clues: to scatterhaving no smelldifficulty sleepingblocked or restrictedto make sth less acidease pain or discomfortto cause an illness to endunpleasant smell from the mouthsubstance used to prevent sweatingthe body's defence against illnessnatural plant chemical found in teafeeling ill as a result of travellingtubes that carry blood around the body...

Health 2021-11-19

Health crossword puzzle
  1. hold in contempt
  2. teamwork
  3. Envying someone or something
  4. looking out for how each other feels
  5. atmosphere of harmony
  6. not holding up something or someone
  7. being reliable
  8. Requires great amounts of mental effort to endure
  9. lying, cheating or stealing
  10. The opposite of being hostile
  1. Providing assistance
  2. demanding attitude
  3. A certificate of debt
  4. poor health
  5. contacting with someone
  6. Can depend on each other
  7. a attached relation
  8. Having or showing distrust
  9. Gaining of earning without lying

19 Clues: teamworkpoor healthbeing reliablehold in contemptdemanding attitudea attached relationProviding assistanceA certificate of debtatmosphere of harmonycontacting with someoneCan depend on each otherHaving or showing distrustlying, cheating or stealingEnvying someone or somethingThe opposite of being hostileGaining of earning without lying...

Health 2021-11-30

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A bacteria
  2. Bacteria you can get from eggs
  3. food produced without chemicals
  4. When food becomes contaminated
  5. Organic compounds essential for body growth
  6. When you don' have enough water
  7. Treatment that destroys pathogenic microorganisms
  8. The energy you get from food
  9. food that is good for you
  10. What is used to make food
  11. salt
  12. food such as bread
  1. An illness found in food
  2. food such as chickens and turkey
  3. When food becomes contaminated
  4. Caused by an allergy
  5. substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance taste
  6. When food is no longer good
  7. When you're intolerant to a food
  8. cells that defend the body

20 Clues: saltA bacteriafood such as breadCaused by an allergyAn illness found in foodfood that is good for youWhat is used to make foodcells that defend the bodyWhen food is no longer goodThe energy you get from foodWhen food becomes contaminatedBacteria you can get from eggsWhen food becomes contaminatedfood produced without chemicals...

Health 2022-03-16

Health crossword puzzle
  1. (verb) консультироваться с врачом
  2. здоровье
  3. что нужно есть раз в день, чтобы не бывать у врачей
  4. кто нас лечит
  5. когда болит спина
  6. лекарство
  7. если ты поранился, наклей на порез ...
  8. утренняя спортивная активность (зарядка, упражнения)
  9. два раза в год нужно проходить a medical ...
  10. где работают доктора
  1. когда чувствуешь себя хорошо
  2. когда болит живот
  3. когда ты болеешь, она высокая
  4. когда тебе плохо, ты чувствуешь себя...
  5. грипп
  6. головная боль
  7. когда болит зуб
  8. болезнь
  9. простуда

19 Clues: гриппболезньздоровьепростудалекарствоголовная болькто нас лечиткогда болит зубкогда болит животкогда болит спинагде работают докторакогда чувствуешь себя хорошокогда ты болеешь, она высокая(verb) консультироваться с врачомесли ты поранился, наклей на порез ...когда тебе плохо, ты чувствуешь себя...два раза в год нужно проходить a medical ......

Health 2022-04-12

Health crossword puzzle
  1. when you eat and exercise you are...
  2. to gain weight
  3. to not eat on purpose; to
  4. eating all the foods you want but healthily
  5. to eat less
  6. to feed yourself
  1. when you want to supplement your food you take...
  2. you do this to get strong triceps and chest
  3. to eat mcdonalds and kfc
  4. stretching in a relaxed way
  5. you do this to get strong abdominals
  6. to lay down after doing something
  7. food that has no pestecidse
  8. you do this to get big and strong
  9. to lose weight
  10. when you step on the scale
  11. when you purposely stay up late
  12. ciggarettes produce:
  13. when you want to lose weight you..

19 Clues: to eat lessto gain weightto lose weightto feed yourselfciggarettes produce:to eat mcdonalds and kfcto not eat on purpose; towhen you step on the scalestretching in a relaxed wayfood that has no pestecidsewhen you purposely stay up lateto lay down after doing somethingyou do this to get big and strongwhen you want to lose weight you.....

Health 2015-02-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. level of health experienced by an individual.
  2. One year of healthy life lost due to premature death.
  3. Self concept
  4. measure of burden of disease
  5. being able to interact with others.
  6. Aim to protect an individual health.
  7. body mass.
  1. Rate of death in a population.
  2. Factors that are detrimental to health.
  3. Movements that involve large muscle groups.
  4. how long someone can live from birth.
  5. body mass.
  6. Changes that occur to the body and its systems.
  7. depression.
  8. e.g knowledge/language
  9. Movements that involve small muscle groups.
  10. Premature death.
  11. Total number of deaths in a year among infants.
  12. Number or rate of new cases of an illness during a period usually 1 year
  13. YLL (years of life lost) + YLD

20 Clues: body mass.body mass.depression.Self conceptPremature death.e.g knowledge/languagemeasure of burden of diseaseRate of death in a population.YLL (years of life lost) + YLDbeing able to interact with others.Aim to protect an individual long someone can live from birth.Factors that are detrimental to health....

Health 2021-01-25

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for medicine
  2. A very common substance in coffee and energy drinks that stimulates the body
  3. A strong stimulant drug that is commonly snorted
  4. In beer and wine
  5. A narcotic commonly taken with alcohol and can very much kill you if misused.
  6. A drug that speeds up your body
  7. A disease that is not alive
  8. a disease that can't be spread from person to person
  9. An opioid made from morphine and it is a very commonly injected drug.
  10. A common narcotic only available by prescriptions
  11. A very common hallucinogen and psychedelic drug
  12. A type of drug to relieve pain and is prescribed by doctors
  1. A worldwide spreading of a disease or problem
  2. A living disease
  3. A type of drug that slows down the body, such as alcohol
  4. A disease that can be spread
  5. A drug that causes hallucinations
  6. A type of drug that kills 10 million+ people in the USA of misuse
  7. When your body does not make enough insulin

19 Clues: A living diseaseIn beer and wineAnother word for medicineA disease that is not aliveA disease that can be spreadA drug that speeds up your bodyA drug that causes hallucinationsWhen your body does not make enough insulinA worldwide spreading of a disease or problemA very common hallucinogen and psychedelic drug...

health 2021-02-04

health crossword puzzle
  1. substances that the body cannot manufacture but that are needed for forming healthy bones and teeth for regulating many vital body processes
  2. lack of blood
  3. carbs: they give you long-term energy, and calories not burned are stored as fat
  4. proteins: all 9 amino acids, animal products(fish, meat, eggs, milk)
  5. image: how you feel about your body
  6. vitamins: dissolve into water, pass easily into blood digestion, the body doesn't store these vitamins
  7. eating: frequent binging, unable to stop, emotional eaters
  8. the main source of energy in your body
  9. labels: has all the information we need to look up all the stuff that is in the food
  10. eating disorder where you have taken some type of medication to throw up/binge, and purge disorders
  11. vegetables, fruits, whole grains have them, it cannot be digested
  1. it's an eating disorder self-starvation, over-exercising
  2. proteins: lack 9 amino acids and found in beans, nuts, whole grains, rice
  3. carbs: has glucose, they give you immediate energy because the body doesn't break them down
  4. foods: foods that are brown rice, oatmeal, crackers
  5. the excess amount of fat
  6. builds body cells/tissues
  7. vitamins: absorbed, stored, transported in fat, body stores these vitamins
  8. a unit of energy

19 Clues: lack of blooda unit of energythe excess amount of fatbuilds body cells/tissuesimage: how you feel about your bodythe main source of energy in your bodyfoods: foods that are brown rice, oatmeal, crackersit's an eating disorder self-starvation, over-exercisingeating: frequent binging, unable to stop, emotional eaters...

health 2020-10-26

health crossword puzzle
  1. used for smoking
  2. Alcohol effects the your W_______
  3. Comes from the opium poppy plant
  4. treats hyperactive children and narcolepsy
  5. Abused or traded on the streets
  6. affects areas of brain that control vision and balance
  7. speeds up body function
  8. Drugs that are obtainable only by prescription and relieve pain
  9. Alcohol effects the your M_____
  10. inhalant
  1. Distort moods, thoughts, and senses
  2. Reduces memory, reaction time, and coordination
  3. substances whose fumes are sniffed and inhaled to give a hallucinogenic
  4. slows down body functions and reactions
  6. Alcohol effects the your S_______
  7. street drug
  8. substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind.
  9. It is a drug that slows down the working of the brain and other parts of the nervous system.
  10. treats nervousness

20 Clues: inhalantstreet drugused for smokingtreats nervousnessspeeds up body functionAbused or traded on the streetsAlcohol effects the your M_____Comes from the opium poppy plantAlcohol effects the your W_______Alcohol effects the your S_______Distort moods, thoughts, and sensesslows down body functions and reactions...

Health 2020-12-07

Health crossword puzzle
  1. synonym of liquids
  2. another word for to throw up
  3. an eating disorder where people make themselves vomit after eating
  4. if we work out regularly, our ... may grow
  5. when you get well after an illness, you ...
  6. a course of ... is the medical or surgical care given to a patient
  7. a piece of paper on which your doctor writes an order for medicine and which you give to a chemist to get the medicine
  8. the food that you regulary eat is your...
  9. a is a varied diet
  10. a list of ingredients and directions for making a particular dish
  1. the process of absorbing food
  2. a false/mistaken view or idea
  3. medicine that alleviates, e.g. your headache
  4. the unhealthy type of fat
  5. substances that we need in our diets, e.g. fat
  6. excessive consumption of sugar and fat leads to ...
  7. an eating disorder which is self-starvation
  8. being very hungry and not having anything to eat
  9. a substance that is found in bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice

19 Clues: synonym of liquidsthe unhealthy type of fata is a varied dietanother word for to throw upthe process of absorbing fooda false/mistaken view or ideathe food that you regulary eat is your...if we work out regularly, our ... may growan eating disorder which is self-starvationwhen you get well after an illness, you ......

Health 2022-09-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. The study of how you can become smarter with your body.
  2. Broken bone.
  3. The way to tell how big you are.
  4. Another word for exercise.
  5. From your wounds.
  6. A bad thing that will hurt you, but can be treated.
  7. A bad thing that gives you aching pain.
  8. A way to keep your body healthy and active.
  9. A great way to heal.
  10. A way to identify that your sick.
  1. A bad thing that indicates that there is a lot going on with you.
  2. The way to get smart.
  3. A healthy consumable to help you stay alive.
  4. A thing in your body that helps you get stronger.
  5. For your own good.
  6. The way to keep your body clean.
  7. A friend that will help you stay healthy.
  8. A way to keep your body in shape.
  9. Your state of mind.
  10. A way to keep your body in shape.

20 Clues: Broken bone.From your wounds.For your own good.Your state of mind.A great way to heal.The way to get smart.Another word for exercise.The way to tell how big you are.The way to keep your body clean.A way to keep your body in shape.A way to keep your body in shape.A way to identify that your sick.A bad thing that gives you aching pain....

Intro To Health 2024-09-06

Intro To Health crossword puzzle
  1. The main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet). (Hint: External influence on health)
  2. Taking steps to avoid something.
  3. One of the four dimensions of health: relating to your mind
  4. The collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group. (Hint: External influence on health)
  5. The food necessary for health and growth.
  6. A group of people of approximately the same age, status, and interests. (Hint: External influence on health)
  7. Intentional movement of your body.
  8. One of the four dimensions of health: relating to your feelings or state of mind
  9. A state of good health
  10. The condition of your body, mind, and social well-being
  11. A group of people living together as a unit. (Hint: External influence on health)
  1. The exchanging of information between two or more people.
  2. One of the four dimensions of health: relating to your peers, family, and community
  3. The conscious choice NOT to participate in high-risk behaviors.
  4. The surroundings or conditions in which you live. (Hint: External influence on health)
  5. One of the four dimensions of health: relating to your body
  6. The wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services. (Hint: External influence on health)

17 Clues: A state of good healthTaking steps to avoid something.Intentional movement of your body.The food necessary for health and growth.The condition of your body, mind, and social well-beingThe exchanging of information between two or more people.One of the four dimensions of health: relating to your mind...

Public Health Quiz 2022-09-11

Public Health Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The distribution of unmarried childbearing has shifted with more births to __ unmarried women
  2. A distinction given to newborns weighing less than 2500 grams or 5.5 lbs at birth
  3. Health agency that is usually the responsibility of city or county governments
  4. One of the most widely recognized quasi-governmental health agencies
  5. These pregnancies are more likely to result in serious health consequences for women and their babies compared to those who delay childbearing
  6. Medical care provided to a pregnant woman from the time of conception until the birth process occurs
  7. The most widely recognized international governmental health organization
  8. Much of the physical threat to older adolescents and young adults ages 15 to 24 stems from their __ and environment rather than disease
  9. This program is designed to provide a variety of nutritional and health-related goods and services to pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children
  1. This is an important measure of a nation's health because it is associated with a variety of factors (e.g., socioeconomics, quality and access to care, etc.)
  2. The Shriner's and Lion's Club are examples of this type of health organization
  3. Preferred feeding method for babies because of its significant health benefits
  4. __ and young adult males have higher mortality rates than their female counterparts
  5. Determining the preferred number and spacing of children and choosing the appropriate means to accomplish it
  6. The promulgation of health policies and regulations is associated with this core public health function
  7. Perhaps the most important population characteristic to consider when describing the occurrence of disease, injury, and/or death in a population
  8. The primary national health agency in the United States
  9. In 1990, the CDC initiated this program to better track selected health behaviors among young people
  10. Licensing responsibilities fall under this core public health function
  11. Childhood __ includes unintentional injuries, child maltreatment, and infectious diseases

20 Clues: The primary national health agency in the United StatesOne of the most widely recognized quasi-governmental health agenciesLicensing responsibilities fall under this core public health functionThe most widely recognized international governmental health organizationThe Shriner's and Lion's Club are examples of this type of health organization...

Health Chapter 1 2024-08-19

Health Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. process of identifying one’s state of health and taking steps to improve it
  2. presence of waste in the environment
  3. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  4. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  5. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  6. person’s ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life’s present conditions are good
  7. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others
  8. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions
  9. actual number of years a person lives
  10. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  1. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  2. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social
  3. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements
  4. aspects of people’s lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  5. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  6. choices and behaviors that affect a person’s chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  7. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions, moods, feelings about one’s self, and views about the world
  8. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  9. length of time a person is expected to live
  10. aspects of people’s lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  11. state of being without regular, consistent housing

21 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular, consistent housingland features and any bodies of water present in an areastate of complete physical, mental and emotional, and socialdimension of health that refers to how well the body functions...

The Importance of Personal Health 2024-02-07

The Importance of Personal Health crossword puzzle
  1. chronic disease other that obesity, heart disease, and diabetes
  2. what activity that can cause chronic disease? drinking
  3. which county that place around 38% death with heart diseases
  4. check up what will you do if your personal health affects your quality of life
  5. act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute
  6. a serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high
  7. activity that you have to do regularly so it can maintain your health
  8. a situation that make people difficult to complete their daily task
  9. neglecting your health can lead to a decreased in
  10. who will check your health when you need it
  11. a lifestyle to produce more energy in the morning
  12. besides physical it can also affect your
  1. food that can threaten your health
  2. when you should go to primary care doctor
  3. what will you get if you maintain your personal health
  4. who’s the victim of chronic disease in US
  5. ignoring your health can increase the risk of developing
  6. people just realize the importance of personal health after suffering from
  7. type of chronic disease that cause 38% death in U.S
  8. what will cause your health if your body fat is increase

20 Clues: food that can threaten your healthbesides physical it can also affect yourwhen you should go to primary care doctorwho’s the victim of chronic disease in USwho will check your health when you need itneglecting your health can lead to a decreased ina lifestyle to produce more energy in the morningtype of chronic disease that cause 38% death in U.S...

D Fest- Crossword Preparation 2015-01-13

D Fest- Crossword Preparation crossword puzzle
  1. Policy Administration System of Vitality Health.
  2. National reinsurer of India
  3. Rebranded name of PruProtect.
  4. The amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses.
  5. A covered person who relies on another person for support or obtains health coverage through a spouse or parent who is the covered person under a health plan
  6. Cause of loss
  7. Any person (doctor or nurse) or institution (hospital, clinic, or laboratory) that provides medical care
  8. Chance of loss
  9. Chief Executive Officer of Vitality Health.
  1. Holding company of Vitality Health and Vitality Life
  2. The insurance agreement or contract
  3. Other name of adverse selection.
  4. -----------(11 Char) is insurance that is purchased by an insurance company
  5. Rebranded name of Pru Health.
  6. Form submitted to a payer (by a health care provider or patient) to request payment for items or services
  7. The amount you or your employer pays in exchange for health insurance coverage
  8. This will allow the previously terminated policy to resume.
  9. Brand Ambassodor of Vitality Health.
  10. Termination of insurance for non-payment of premium

19 Clues: Cause of lossChance of lossNational reinsurer of IndiaRebranded name of PruProtect.Rebranded name of Pru Health.Other name of adverse selection.The insurance agreement or contractBrand Ambassodor of Vitality Health.Chief Executive Officer of Vitality Health.Policy Administration System of Vitality Health....

Healthy Habits 2024-08-25

Healthy Habits crossword puzzle
  1. You should do this to avoid germs.
  2. You should do this for 8 hours daily.
  3. This is important for eye health.
  4. This is a good habit for heart health.
  5. You should eat this for vitamins.
  6. This is a good habit for dental health.
  7. This is important for strong bones.
  8. You should do this to avoid dehydration.
  9. You should do this to avoid fatigue.
  1. This is important for mental health.
  2. You should do this before every meal.
  3. This is important for muscle health.
  4. You should do this to relax.
  5. This is a good habit for clean teeth.
  6. This is a good habit for overall health.
  7. You should do this to avoid stress.
  8. This is essential for hydration.
  9. You should do this to stay fit.
  10. This is a good habit for skin health.
  11. You should do this to avoid illness.

20 Clues: You should do this to relax.You should do this to stay fit.This is essential for hydration.This is important for eye health.You should eat this for vitamins.You should do this to avoid germs.You should do this to avoid stress.This is important for strong bones.This is important for mental health.This is important for muscle health....

Medical Terminology - Roots 2024-10-09

Medical Terminology - Roots crossword puzzle
  1. eye (biotech research and development)
  2. skin (therapeutic)
  3. head (biotech research and development)
  4. kidney (health informatic and support)
  5. fat (heath informatic and support)
  6. rib (diagnostic)
  7. vein (diagnostic)
  8. bone (therapeutic)
  9. cerebrum (biotech research and development)
  10. larynx (diagnostic)
  11. heart (diagnostic)
  12. liver (health informatic and support)
  13. electrical activity (biotech research and development)
  14. blood (diagnostic)
  15. stone (health informatic and support)
  16. vessel or duct (therapeutic)
  17. disease (biotech research and development)
  18. straight (therapeutic)
  19. cold (therapeutic)
  20. muscle (therapeutic)
  1. child (health informatic and support)
  2. white (diagnostic)
  3. gland (therapeutic)
  4. bronchial tubes (diagnostic)
  5. bladder or fluid filled sack (health informatic and support)
  6. red (diagnostic)
  7. mouth (diagnostic)
  8. mind (health informatic and support)
  9. intestines (health informatic and support)
  10. chest (diagnostic)
  11. arm (diagnostic)
  12. nerve (biotech research and development)
  13. water (therapeutic)
  14. joint (therapeutic)
  15. esophagus (health informatic and support)
  16. nose (therapeutic)
  17. glucose or sugar (health informatic and support)
  18. tongue (diagnostic)
  19. lung or air (diagnostic)

39 Clues: red (diagnostic)rib (diagnostic)arm (diagnostic)vein (diagnostic)white (diagnostic)skin (therapeutic)mouth (diagnostic)chest (diagnostic)bone (therapeutic)heart (diagnostic)nose (therapeutic)blood (diagnostic)cold (therapeutic)gland (therapeutic)larynx (diagnostic)water (therapeutic)joint (therapeutic)tongue (diagnostic)muscle (therapeutic)...

Chapter 1 Health Vocabulary 2013-11-05

Chapter 1 Health Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. radio, television, and the internet
  2. the various methods for communicating info
  3. a person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health info and services, and to use these resources to promote ones health and wellness
  4. collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
  5. taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse
  6. differences in health outcomes among groups
  7. related risks that increase in effect with each added risk
  8. all the traits that were biologically passed on to you by your parents
  9. a nationwide healthy promotion and disease prevention plan design to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the US
  10. deep seated sense of meaning and purpose in life
  11. getting along with others
  1. an ongoing condition or illness such as heart disease, obesity, and cancer
  2. a deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
  3. includes providing accurate health information and teaching health skills to help people make healthy decisions
  4. an overall state of well-being, or total health
  5. the personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives
  6. actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others
  7. sum of your surroundings
  8. combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being
  9. people of the same age who share similar interests

20 Clues: sum of your surroundingsgetting along with othersradio, television, and the internetthe various methods for communicating infodifferences in health outcomes among groupsan overall state of well-being, or total healthdeep seated sense of meaning and purpose in lifepeople of the same age who share similar interests...

Health Ch 2 2024-09-05

Health Ch 2 crossword puzzle
  1. medical care that treats life-threatening health conditions
  2. healthcare facilities that patients visit for treatment and then leave
  3. theories and health claims that are described as science-based when they are not
  4. healthcare professional who provides routine checkups, screenings, treatments, prescriptions, and preventive services
  5. courses of action one can take
  6. overall health of a group of people who live in the same area and interact with one another
  7. aspect of community and world health concerned with populations exposed to harmful environmental and societal factors through no fault of their own
  8. people under the age of 18
  9. area without nearby full-service grocery stores
  10. endpoint that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely
  11. body of knowledge based on observation and experimentation; answers questions about the natural world
  1. process of advocating for the health of families and communities by sharing health information
  2. healthcare professionals who have additional training in treating certain types of diseases and disorders
  3. healthcare facilities in which patients reside for the duration of treatment
  4. federal organization that regulates and ensures the safety of food, health products, and medications
  5. medical care that seeks to prevent health conditions from developing; includes annual physical or wellness exams, checkups, vaccinations, and screenings
  6. ability to locate, evaluate, apply, and communicate information pertaining to health
  7. qualities or priorities one considers important
  8. to take actions that show support
  9. process of working with others to make a decision
  10. anyone who purchases goods and services
  11. specific endpoint that signifies a condition one hopes to reach
  12. medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions
  13. health of human populations around the world
  14. illegal activity related to health products and services; for example, deceptive labeling or advertising

25 Clues: people under the age of 18courses of action one can taketo take actions that show supportanyone who purchases goods and serviceshealth of human populations around the worldqualities or priorities one considers importantarea without nearby full-service grocery storesprocess of working with others to make a decision...