health Crossword Puzzles

Health 2021-11-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. siniak
  2. rana, kontuzja
  3. rak
  4. wypadek
  5. zemdleć
  6. gorączka
  7. chory
  8. alergia
  1. choroba
  2. oparzenie
  3. skręcić
  4. kichać
  5. boleć
  6. złamać
  7. skaleczenie
  8. kaszel
  9. przeziębienie
  10. grypa
  11. ból

19 Clues: rakbólbolećgrypachorysiniakkichaćzłamaćkaszelchorobaskręcićwypadekzemdlećalergiagorączkaoparzenieskaleczenieprzeziębienierana, kontuzja

Health 2024-08-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. way of expressing our thoughts and emotions about a specific experience
  2. ready or likely to attack or confront
  3. an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions
  4. the process of working together to the same end
  5. a family that includes two married parents and their children
  6. when two people come together and bring a child or children from previous relationships
  7. listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding
  8. a direct or indirect influence on peers
  9. the imparting or exchanging of information or news
  10. having or showing a confident and forceful personality
  1. the activity of mixing socially with others
  2. a family that extends beyond the nuclear family of parents and their children to include aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins or other relatives
  3. a range of nonverbal signals that you can use to communicate your feelings and intentions
  4. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
  5. a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people or more
  6. a set of socially accepted behaviors and attitudes deemed appropriate or desirable for individuals
  7. abusive behavior toward an intimate partner in a dating or family relationship
  8. fail to care for properly
  9. accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance

19 Clues: fail to care for properlyready or likely to attack or confronta direct or indirect influence on peersthe activity of mixing socially with othersthe process of working together to the same endthe imparting or exchanging of information or newshaving or showing a confident and forceful personality...

Health Ch 2 2024-09-05

Health Ch 2 crossword puzzle
  1. medical care that treats life-threatening health conditions
  2. healthcare facilities that patients visit for treatment and then leave
  3. theories and health claims that are described as science-based when they are not
  4. healthcare professional who provides routine checkups, screenings, treatments, prescriptions, and preventive services
  5. courses of action one can take
  6. overall health of a group of people who live in the same area and interact with one another
  7. aspect of community and world health concerned with populations exposed to harmful environmental and societal factors through no fault of their own
  8. people under the age of 18
  9. area without nearby full-service grocery stores
  10. endpoint that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely
  11. body of knowledge based on observation and experimentation; answers questions about the natural world
  1. process of advocating for the health of families and communities by sharing health information
  2. healthcare professionals who have additional training in treating certain types of diseases and disorders
  3. healthcare facilities in which patients reside for the duration of treatment
  4. federal organization that regulates and ensures the safety of food, health products, and medications
  5. medical care that seeks to prevent health conditions from developing; includes annual physical or wellness exams, checkups, vaccinations, and screenings
  6. ability to locate, evaluate, apply, and communicate information pertaining to health
  7. qualities or priorities one considers important
  8. to take actions that show support
  9. process of working with others to make a decision
  10. anyone who purchases goods and services
  11. specific endpoint that signifies a condition one hopes to reach
  12. medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions
  13. health of human populations around the world
  14. illegal activity related to health products and services; for example, deceptive labeling or advertising

25 Clues: people under the age of 18courses of action one can taketo take actions that show supportanyone who purchases goods and serviceshealth of human populations around the worldqualities or priorities one considers importantarea without nearby full-service grocery storesprocess of working with others to make a decision...

2023 HIP Week Crossword 2023-04-11

2023 HIP Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Manages Inpatient Coding
  2. Acronymn for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  3. Manages Physician Support
  4. U of U Health emr system
  5. Written notations in a patient's medical record
  6. Helps us keep on 'rollin
  7. Acronym for Registered Health Information Administrator certificatation
  8. __Directives are how patients note their healthcare wishes before a medical crisis
  9. Document Imaging to allow for digital storage
  10. Manages Release of Information
  1. Manages HMHI HIM
  2. __ terminology refers to words and languages used specifically in the medical and health fields
  3. Manages Outpatient Coding
  4. Captain of the Ship
  5. Manages Document Capture
  6. Transforming descriptions of medical diagnoses and procedures into universal medical code numbers
  7. Health __ Management
  8. HIM Professionals help healthcare professionals provide better ___.
  9. Acronym for Protected Health Information
  10. An unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI
  11. 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems

21 Clues: Manages HMHI HIMCaptain of the ShipHealth __ ManagementManages Inpatient CodingManages Document CaptureU of U Health emr systemHelps us keep on 'rollinManages Outpatient CodingManages Physician SupportManages Release of InformationAcronym for Protected Health InformationDocument Imaging to allow for digital storage...

9th Grade FLE 2024-02-07

9th Grade FLE crossword puzzle
  1. communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urgent to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful.
  2. related risks that increase in effect with each added risk.
  3. the providing of accurate health information to help people make healthy choices
  4. overall state of well-being, or total health.
  5. specific tools and strategies that help you maintain.Interpersonal Communication-exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people.
  6. avoiding harmful behaviors.
  7. - a process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem-solving.
  8. various methods of communicating information.
  9. ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress.
  10. a nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States.
  11. - collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group.
  1. refers to a person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resources to promote his or her health wellness.
  2. reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands.
  3. people of the same age who share similar interests
  4. - a sum of your surroundings
  5. anything that causes stress.
  6. a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
  7. a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness.
  8. taking actions to influence others to address a health-related concern or to support a health-related belief.
  9. practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury.
  10. actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others.
  11. an act of becoming aware through the senses.
  12. all traits that were biologically passedon to you from parents.

23 Clues: avoiding harmful behaviors.- a sum of your surroundingsanything that causes act of becoming aware through the senses.overall state of well-being, or total health.various methods of communicating information.people of the same age who share similar interests- collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group....

Year 11 revision 2013-10-14

Year 11 revision crossword puzzle
  1. Government responsibilities of the________•Public hospitals •Mental health services •Dental health services •Infant health centres •Health promotion and prevention activities •Community health centres •Ambulance services •Provision and early detection programs
  2. be innovative and respond to changing needs - cater for needs now and also have resources, technology and personnel to cater for needs in the future
  3. Ensures that the care provided is culturally relevant and tailored to the individual's needs and wants.
  4. Every person who is eligible to use the health care system should have the same access despite barriers such as distance, discrimination and affordability.
  5. An efficient health care system is one that can achieve desired outcomes with cost-effective use of resources.
  6. The health care system should be centred on the user's needs -reactive to needs fairly quickly, respect dignity and confidentiality .
  7. health Insurance Private health insurance is insurance that individuals can chose to take additional to Medicare
  8. Australia's universal health insurance scheme.
  9. Government responsibilities of the _________,•Medicare,•Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme,•Management of national health programs - NHPAs•Health policy and legislation•Regulation of private health insurance •Australian Quarantine Inspection Service•FSANZ
  10. health Relates to the efficient functioning of the body and its systems, and includes the physical capacity to perform tasks and physical fitness ie. having reliable body function, healthy blood pressure level, healthy weight for height, being physically fit, being free from disease or illness
  1. health Being able to interact with others and participate in the community in both an independant and cooperative way ie, maintaining a network of friends, communicating effectively with others, obeying the laws and rules of society, accepting responsibility for actions
  2. health state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is bale to make a contribution to his or her community ie. recognising and expressing feelings, being resilient and able to cope with a range of situations, supporting and helping family, feeling good about oneself, having coping mechanisms for stress
  3. aid aid provided by the governments of a group of countries which is distributed through international institutions such as United nations, World Health Organisation and World Bank
  4. lateral aid aid given by the government of one country to the government of another country- often n the form of money, services, building of infrastructure
  5. The ability to provide uninterrupted, coordinated care/intervention/action across programs, practitioners, organisations and levels over time.
  6. subsidises the cost of a wide range of prescription medications, providing Australians with vital medications at affordable prices.
  7. Relates to achieving desired outcomes in an appropriate timeframe.
  8. aid short-term aid given in response to a conflict or disaster, examples food, water, shelter, essential medical supplies, trained personnel
  9. Health professionals should be well educated in their chosen area; they should have appropriate training and qualifications, and should update their knowledge regularly.
  10. Australias Agency for International Development
  11. Development Index A way of measuring development, providing a statistical assessment and ranking of a countries achievements based on the three basic aspects of human development health, knowledge and standard of living.

21 Clues: Australia's universal health insurance scheme.Australias Agency for International DevelopmentRelates to achieving desired outcomes in an appropriate timeframe.Ensures that the care provided is culturally relevant and tailored to the individual's needs and wants....

Health Care Systems 2023-01-11

Health Care Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Health care facilities found in many types of health care
  2. an international agency compiling statistics and information on disease, publishes health information, and investigates and addresses serious health problems throughout the world
  3. provide special care for victims of accidents or sudden illness
  4. privately owned offices providing dental services
  5. provide health services as directed by the U.S.Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)
  6. agencies that provide care for people who are terminally ill and who usually have life expectancies of 6 months or less
  7. an office that provides services such as diagnosis, treatment, examination, basic laboratory testing, minor surgery, and other similar care
  8. a facility that treats patients who have mental disorders and diseases
  9. a national agency that deals with the health problems in the United States
  10. establishes and enforces standards that protect workers from job-related injuries and illnesses
  11. a federal agency responsible for regulating food and drug products sold to the public
  12. a federal agency established to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care for Americans
  13. a division of USDHHS concerned with the causes, spread, and control of diseases in populations
  14. one of the major types of health care facilities
  15. a type of managed care health insurance plan usually provided by large industries or companies to their employees
  16. preparation and dispensing of medications and providing expertise on drug therapy
  1. an approach that was developed in response to rising health care costs to insure that all health care provided to a patient has a purpose
  2. supported by donations, fundraiser, or grants, they provide health services at the national, state, and local levels
  3. is both a health care delivery system and a type of insurance
  4. agencies designed to provide care in a patient's home
  5. provide care to help patients who have physical or mental disabilities obtain maximum self-care and function
  6. a health insurance plan providing treatment for workers injured on the job
  7. is a medical assistance program that is jointly funded by the federal government and state governments but operated by individual states
  8. what most people rely on to pay for the cost of health care
  9. allows individuals who can care for themselves to rent or purchase an apartment in the facility and provides services such as basic medical care
  10. a nonprofit U.S.-based organization created to ensure that patients receive the safest, highest quality care in any health care setting
  11. found in schools and colleges and provide emergency care for victims of accidents and sudden illness
  12. a federal program that provides health care for almost all individuals over the age of 65
  13. a patient privacy law

29 Clues: a patient privacy lawone of the major types of health care facilitiesprivately owned offices providing dental servicesagencies designed to provide care in a patient's homeHealth care facilities found in many types of health carewhat most people rely on to pay for the cost of health careis both a health care delivery system and a type of insurance...

Mental health 2024-11-12

Mental health crossword puzzle
  1. Negative beliefs about mental health issues
  2. Embracing mental health challenges without judgment
  3. Offering understanding and encouragement
  4. A feeling often associated with mental health stigma
  5. Embracing mental health issues without prejudice
  6. How some mental health issues might seem
  7. Criticizing someone because of their mental health
  1. Forming opinions without understanding mental health
  2. Understanding another person's feelings
  3. Knowing about mental health and its impact
  4. Someone who supports mental health awareness
  5. Feeling of being separated due to mental health
  6. The process of improving mental health
  7. Learning about mental health to reduce stigma
  8. Professional help for mental health concerns

15 Clues: The process of improving mental healthUnderstanding another person's feelingsOffering understanding and encouragementHow some mental health issues might seemKnowing about mental health and its impactNegative beliefs about mental health issuesSomeone who supports mental health awarenessProfessional help for mental health concerns...

Health Ch.1 2022-08-17

Health Ch.1 crossword puzzle
  1. process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it
  2. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cells; affect development, personality, and health
  3. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  4. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  5. length of time a person is expected to live
  6. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others
  7. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  8. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  9. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  10. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  11. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements
  12. aspects of people's lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  13. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  1. state of being without regular, consistent housing
  2. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  3. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  4. person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good
  5. presence of waste in the environment
  6. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and views about the world
  7. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being
  8. actual number of years a person lives
  9. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  10. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  11. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions

24 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular, consistent housingland features and any bodies of water present in an areadimension of health that refers to how well the body functionschemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

heath and wellness savannah 2022-09-07

heath and wellness savannah crossword puzzle
  1. persons ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that lifes present conditions are good
  2. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions, moods, feelings about ones self, and views about the world
  3. presence of waste in the environment
  4. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  5. state of being without reguler, consistent housing
  6. health conditions that develop due to a persons genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors aspects of peoples lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or diorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  7. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  8. belifs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  9. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  10. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a persons cells; affect development, personality, and health
  11. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  12. choices and behaviors that affect a person´s chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  1. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being
  2. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions
  3. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements
  4. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  5. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  6. aspects of peoples lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  7. actual number of years a person lives
  8. length of time a person is expected to live
  9. process of identifying ones state of health and taking steps to improve it
  10. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others

22 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without reguler, consistent housingland features and any bodies of water present in an areadimension of health that refers to how well the body functionschemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

DAILY REVIEW: Community Health 2024-03-13

DAILY REVIEW: Community Health crossword puzzle
  1. Any building or infrastructure designed to deliver healthcare services. [6/10]
  2. Determinants of health that are impacted by how much money we have and where we are in the world. [8]
  3. To be eligible for Medicare patients need to hold an Aus or NZ citizenship or have a permanent _____ issued. [4]
  4. ___________ & ___________ social determinant of health that includes exclusion from friends, family & society. [8/8]
  5. Features of the environment that include organisms, elements and landscapes. [7]
  6. Any factor that can increase the chances of ill or good health in the population or an individual. [11]
  7. Determinants of health that involve elements of the landscape and cityscape. [13]
  8. Long periods of this mean that our immune system is compromised and might lead to us getting physically ill.
  9. Patients who want shorter wait times and the freedom to select their surgeons for treatment might be better suited to the _________ health care system [7]
  1. People have longer life expectancies and less chronic health conditions if they have higher levels of __________ [9]
  2. Too much of this means you can buy things like illicit substances and fast food. Not having enough of this might lead to not being able to afford medical care or food. [6]
  3. ________ health can positively or negatively impact the health of an adult. [6]
  4. The treatment patients receive while at a health centre e.g.: surgery, check up or blood donation. [6/8]
  5. These determinants of health are the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes. They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age. [6]
  6. Whether it's paid or voluntary _______ is good for your health. [4]
  7. One of many health services not covered under Medicare. [13]
  8. Economic determinant that centres around neighbourhoods and accommodation. [7]
  9. The name given to the government funded public health care system in Australia. [8]
  10. Features of the environment that are not naturally occurring and are made by people such as buildings, schools and roads. [5]
  11. Having Access to Services means that people can get treatment for illness and disease in a __________ manner. [6]

20 Clues: One of many health services not covered under Medicare. [13]Whether it's paid or voluntary _______ is good for your health. [4]Any building or infrastructure designed to deliver healthcare services. [6/10]Economic determinant that centres around neighbourhoods and accommodation. [7]...

health 2021-10-05

health crossword puzzle
  1. 20 minutes on 40 minutes off
  2. standing with palms forward
  3. overuse or stretching too much causes
  4. light weight/ a lot of reps
  5. front upper arm
  6. inside upper leg
  7. center stomach
  8. heavy weight/low reps
  9. is how strong the muscles are
  10. a slight
  1. lactic acid causes
  2. straighten
  3. back of body
  4. static
  5. biceps contracted triceps
  6. outside upper leg
  7. means to bend
  8. voluntary muscle only found in the heart
  9. top of shoulders
  10. front of body

20 Clues: statica slightstraightenback of bodymeans to bendfront of bodycenter stomachfront upper arminside upper legtop of shouldersoutside upper leglactic acid causesheavy weight/low repsbiceps contracted tricepsstanding with palms forwardlight weight/ a lot of reps20 minutes on 40 minutes offis how strong the muscles are...

Health 2021-11-29

Health crossword puzzle
  1. pathogens
  2. salmonella
  3. organic
  4. crosscontamination
  5. vitamins
  6. dehydration
  7. pasteurization
  8. calories
  9. healthy
  10. ingredients
  11. sodium
  12. carbohydrate
  1. foodborneillness
  2. poultry
  3. crosscontamination
  4. anaphylaxis
  5. foodadditive
  6. expiration
  7. foodintollerance
  8. immunesystem

20 Clues: sodiumpoultryorganichealthyvitaminscaloriespathogenssalmonellaexpirationanaphylaxisdehydrationingredientsfoodadditiveimmunesystemcarbohydratepasteurizationfoodborneillnessfoodintollerancecrosscontaminationcrosscontamination

Health 2021-11-19

Health crossword puzzle
  1. hold in contempt
  2. teamwork
  3. Envying someone or something
  4. looking out for how each other feels
  5. atmosphere of harmony
  6. not holding up something or someone
  7. being reliable
  8. Requires great amounts of mental effort to endure
  9. lying, cheating or stealing
  10. The opposite of being hostile
  1. Providing assistance
  2. demanding attitude
  3. A certificate of debt
  4. poor health
  5. contacting with someone
  6. Can depend on each other
  7. a attached relation
  8. Having or showing distrust
  9. Gaining of earning without lying

19 Clues: teamworkpoor healthbeing reliablehold in contemptdemanding attitudea attached relationProviding assistanceA certificate of debtatmosphere of harmonycontacting with someoneCan depend on each otherHaving or showing distrustlying, cheating or stealingEnvying someone or somethingThe opposite of being hostileGaining of earning without lying...

Health 2022-01-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. chicken ... ospa wietrzna
  2. zmęczony
  3. feel ... mieć zawroty głowy
  4. zapalenie oskrzeli
  5. wrzód
  6. zgaga
  7. trądzik
  8. świnka
  9. skręcenie
  10. travel ... - choroba lokomocyjna
  1. zapalenie wyrostka robaczkowego
  2. biegunka
  3. złamanie, pęknięcie
  4. cukrzyca
  5. leczenie
  6. feel .... mieć mdłości
  7. zapalenie opon mózgowych
  8. użądlenie
  9. wysypka

19 Clues: wrzódzgagaświnkatrądzikwysypkazmęczonybiegunkacukrzycaleczenieskręcenieużądleniezapalenie oskrzelizłamanie, pęknięciefeel .... mieć mdłościzapalenie opon mózgowychchicken ... ospa wietrznafeel ... mieć zawroty głowyzapalenie wyrostka robaczkowegotravel ... - choroba lokomocyjna

Health 2022-04-12

Health crossword puzzle
  1. when you eat and exercise you are...
  2. to gain weight
  3. to not eat on purpose; to
  4. eating all the foods you want but healthily
  5. to eat less
  6. to feed yourself
  1. when you want to supplement your food you take...
  2. you do this to get strong triceps and chest
  3. to eat mcdonalds and kfc
  4. stretching in a relaxed way
  5. you do this to get strong abdominals
  6. to lay down after doing something
  7. food that has no pestecidse
  8. you do this to get big and strong
  9. to lose weight
  10. when you step on the scale
  11. when you purposely stay up late
  12. ciggarettes produce:
  13. when you want to lose weight you..

19 Clues: to eat lessto gain weightto lose weightto feed yourselfciggarettes produce:to eat mcdonalds and kfcto not eat on purpose; towhen you step on the scalestretching in a relaxed wayfood that has no pestecidsewhen you purposely stay up lateto lay down after doing somethingyou do this to get big and strongwhen you want to lose weight you.....

Health 2021-10-01

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic.
  2. a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood
  3. A nose that has liquid coming out of it.
  4. physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy
  5. A physical or mental state that is not normal or healthy.
  6. A treatment (usually in the form of pill, syrup)
  7. A mark left by a healed wound, sore, or burn.
  8. a common infectious illness that causes fever and headache
  9. to force air out of your lungs through your throat with a short, loud sound
  10. an extremely small piece of organic material that causes disease in humans, animals, and plants
  11. A photograph with a stream of high-energy photons.
  1. an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in colour, often as a result of being hit by something
  2. Cut, scrape on skin.
  3. a combination of medical problems that shows the existence of a particular disease or mental condition
  4. the measured amount of heat in a place or in the body
  5. A particular form or instance of harm.
  6. An injure joint
  7. a small solid piece of medicine that a person swallows without chewing (= crushing with the teeth)
  8. the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part

19 Clues: An injure jointCut, scrape on skin.A particular form or instance of harm.A nose that has liquid coming out of it.A mark left by a healed wound, sore, or burn.A treatment (usually in the form of pill, syrup)A photograph with a stream of high-energy photons.A substance that is used as a medicine or narcotic....

Health 2018-11-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. 6
  2. 16
  3. 13
  4. 19
  5. 12
  6. 14
  7. 1
  8. 4
  1. 5
  2. 2
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 15
  6. 3
  7. 11
  8. 17
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 18

19 Clues: 52867391416151113171912101418

Health 2018-10-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. high temperature
  2. a part of a hospital
  3. synonym for meeting and visiting your GP, formal English
  4. treatment if you have sore eyes
  5. if you do it, others tell you: Bless you!
  6. a special vehicle that is used to take people who are ill or injured to hospital
  7. a doctor who carries out operations
  8. red spots on your skin
  9. it means to throw up in spoken English
  1. you need it if a doctor needs to check your bone injury to see if it is broken or not
  2. a common illness that makes you feel very tired and weak, gives you a sore throat, and makes you cough and have to clear your nose a lot
  3. synonym for injection
  4. people need it if they are disabled or handicapped
  5. first help for cuts or also for broken bones, it has 2 different meanings
  6. troubles when you can't sleep
  7. if you feel very cold your body might do it
  8. someone who can't speak
  9. two organs in your body that you breathe with
  10. if someone has it, an artery (=tube carrying blood) in their brain suddenly bursts or becomes blocked, so that they may die

19 Clues: high temperaturea part of a hospitalsynonym for injectionred spots on your skinsomeone who can't speaktroubles when you can't sleeptreatment if you have sore eyesa doctor who carries out operationsit means to throw up in spoken Englishif you do it, others tell you: Bless you!if you feel very cold your body might do it...

Health 2012-12-10

Health crossword puzzle
  1. also called close wound
  2. continuous bleeding
  3. losing blood from the body
  4. caused by tearing of muscles
  5. it is done when a victims breathing is very hard
  6. a sudden or fatal injury which results in heart failure
  7. an injury
  8. a type of open wound that has a incision
  9. one of the first things that is to be checked before giving first aid
  10. common symptom where the head feels pain
  1. an abnormal enlargement of a part of the body
  2. caused by ligament being streched
  3. type of poisoning in where chemicals are bieng taken up by the body
  4. type of poisoning in food
  5. when a bone breaks
  6. when a bone fracure doesnt emerge from the skin
  7. when a bone is partially moved away from its original position
  8. when a bone fracure emerges from the skin
  9. one of the first things that is to be checked before giving first aid
  10. giving the initial care before seeking more medical attention

20 Clues: an injurywhen a bone breakscontinuous bleedingalso called close woundtype of poisoning in foodlosing blood from the bodycaused by tearing of musclescaused by ligament being strecheda type of open wound that has a incisioncommon symptom where the head feels painwhen a bone fracure emerges from the skinan abnormal enlargement of a part of the body...

Health 2012-12-10

Health crossword puzzle
  1. also called close wound
  2. caused by tearing of muscles
  3. caused by ligament being streched
  4. it is done when a victims breathing is very hard
  5. an injury
  6. continuous bleeding
  7. a type of open wound that has a incision
  8. a sudden or fatal injury which results in heart failure
  9. giving the initial care before seeking more medical attention
  10. losing blood from the body
  1. type of poisoning in where chemicals are bieng taken up by the body
  2. when a bone fracure doesnt emerge from the skin
  3. an abnormal enlargement of a part of the body
  4. type of poisoning in food
  5. one of the first things that is to be checked before giving first aid
  6. when a bone breaks
  7. when a bone is partially moved away from its original position
  8. when a bone fracure emerges from the skin
  9. common symptom where the head feels pain
  10. one of the first things that is to be checked before giving first aid

20 Clues: an injurywhen a bone breakscontinuous bleedingalso called close woundtype of poisoning in foodlosing blood from the bodycaused by tearing of musclescaused by ligament being strecheda type of open wound that has a incisioncommon symptom where the head feels painwhen a bone fracure emerges from the skinan abnormal enlargement of a part of the body...

Health 2012-04-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body
  2. eating disorder
  3. overweight
  4. the condition of being physically fit and healthy
  5. instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be provided a medicine or treatment
  6. lack of proper nutrition
  7. the way in which a person or group lives
  8. combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being
  9. a decayed part of a tooth
  10. the scientific study of the human mind and its functions
  1. units of heat that measure the energy available in foods
  2. the fact or condition of being addicted
  3. nutrients used to repair body cells & tissues
  4. a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue
  5. substances help regulate the body's function
  6. starches and sugars that provides the body with most of its energy
  7. the process of infecting or the state of being infected
  8. activity requiring physical effort
  9. cleanliness

19 Clues: overweightcleanlinesseating disorderlack of proper nutritiona decayed part of a toothactivity requiring physical effortthe fact or condition of being addictedthe way in which a person or group livessubstances help regulate the body's functionnutrients used to repair body cells & tissuesthe condition of being physically fit and healthy...

Health 2024-01-19

Health crossword puzzle
  1. You take them if you do not have enough essential nutrients in your body
  2. Something that the human body needs to function normally
  3. The most popular sport in America
  4. Something you take when feeling sick
  5. Something that should not be eaten too much but children love them
  6. They advise people on matters of food
  7. Someone you visit when you are sick
  8. They can be eaten instead of sweets
  9. It occurs when more calories are consumed than expended
  1. You do that to stay in shape
  2. They are an important part of our diet
  3. A form of diet that does not contain animal products
  4. A nutrient that helps build and repair body tissues
  5. You monitor them if you want to change your weight
  6. A condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal
  7. A place where you go when you have an injury
  8. They boost our immune system
  9. A type of exercise that increases heart rate and strengthens muscles
  10. A person who helps you through the workout

19 Clues: You do that to stay in shapeThey boost our immune systemThe most popular sport in AmericaSomeone you visit when you are sickThey can be eaten instead of sweetsSomething you take when feeling sickThey advise people on matters of foodThey are an important part of our dietA person who helps you through the workout...

health 2023-04-25

health crossword puzzle
  1. Practices that promote self-compassion and well-being
  2. Practice of focused attention for relaxation and stress reduction
  3. Returning to a healthy state after illness or injury
  4. Beneficial to health, promoting well-being
  5. Rehabilitation through exercises and movements
  6. Taking steps to avoid or reduce the risk of illness or injury
  7. Ability to cope with and bounce back from challenges
  8. Overall state of physical, mental, and emotional well-being
  9. health Emotional and psychological well-being
  10. Physical well-being and ability to perform physical activities
  11. The types of food and drink consumed regularly
  12. Administration of vaccines to prevent infectious diseases
  1. Process of recovering from illness or injury and restoring health
  2. Practices that promote cleanliness and prevent illness
  3. Essential rest for the body and mind to function properly
  4. diet Eating a variety of foods in appropriate proportions for optimal health
  5. A physiological and psychological response to challenging situations
  6. Physical activity to improve strength, endurance, and flexibility
  7. The science of how the body uses food for energy and growth
  8. Overall state of being in good health and well-being

20 Clues: Beneficial to health, promoting well-beingRehabilitation through exercises and movementshealth Emotional and psychological well-beingThe types of food and drink consumed regularlyReturning to a healthy state after illness or injuryAbility to cope with and bounce back from challengesOverall state of being in good health and well-being...

Medical vocabulary 2020-10-29

Medical vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Care for an illness, injury or condition serious enough that a reasonable person would seek care right away, but not so severe as to require emergency room care.
  2. Health care services or supplies needed to prevent, diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine.
  3. A physician specialist focuses on a specific area of medicine or a group of patients to diagnose, manage, prevent or treat certain types of symptoms and conditions.
  4. When a provider bills you for the difference between the provider's charge and the allowed amount.
  5. Emergency services you get in an emergency room.
  6. your share of the costs of a covered health care service, calculated as a percentage of the allowed amount for the service.
  7. The most you pay during a policy period before your healthy insurance or plan begins to pay 100% of the allowed amount.
  8. Health care services that help a person keep, get back or improve skills and functioning for daily living that have been lost or impaired because of person was sick, hurt or disabled.
  9. Care in a hospital that requires admission as an impatient and usually requires an overnight stay.
  10. The amount paid for a medical service in a geographic area based on what providers in the area usually charge for the same or similar medical service.
  1. Health care services that your health insurance or plan doesn't pay for or cover.
  2. A request for your health insurer or plan to review a decision or a grievance again.
  3. A decision by your health insurer or plan that a health care service, treatment plan, prescription drug or durable medical equipment is medically necessary.
  4. The facilities, providers and suppliers your health insurer or plan has contracted with to provide health care services.
  5. A fixed amount you pay for a covered health care service, usually when you receive the service.
  6. The amount you owe for health care services your health insurance or plan covers before your health insurance or plan begins to pay.
  7. A complaint that you communicate to your health insurer or plan.
  8. Services to provide comfort and support for persons in the last stages of a terminal illness and their families.
  9. A contract that requires your health insurer to pay some or all of your health care costs in exchange for a premium.

19 Clues: Emergency services you get in an emergency room.A complaint that you communicate to your health insurer or plan.Health care services that your health insurance or plan doesn't pay for or cover.A request for your health insurer or plan to review a decision or a grievance again....


HEALTH PROMOTION crossword puzzle
  1. Health promotion efforts can extend the average ___________ by preventing chronic diseases and promoting healthy behaviours.
  2. Health promotion recognizes that health is influenced by a range of factors, including social, economic, and ___________ determinants.
  3. When individuals learn healthy behaviors through health promotion, they often pass these habits on to their families and communities, creating a ___________ effect of positive health outcomes.
  4. Limited health ___________ can make it challenging for individuals to understand and act upon health information.
  5. Promoting campaigns and initiatives that reduce stigma, increase mental health awareness, and foster ___________ communities can help overcome this barrier.
  6. One common misconception is that health is solely an individual's responsibility, ignoring the influence of ___________ determinants of health.
  7. Promoting regular check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations to detect and prevent health issues early is a fundamental aspect of ___________ care in health promotion.
  8. Building partnerships among various stakeholders, including healthcare providers, government agencies, and ___________ organizations is important for effective health promotion.
  9. Lower health insurance claims due to health promotion efforts can lead to reduced ___________ for both individuals and employers.
  1. Community ___________ is crucial for tailoring health promotion efforts to specific needs and cultures.
  2. Health promotion focuses on ___________ well-being and health through preventive measures and positive health choices.
  3. To reduce resistance to change, health promotion programs can employ ___________ change theories and motivational techniques.
  4. A healthier population tends to be more ___________ at work, resulting in improved productivity.
  5. Improved quality of life is one of the long-term benefits of health promotion, including better ___________ and mental well-being.
  6. Some people believe that health promotion programs are too expensive, overlooking the ___________ associated with preventive measures.

15 Clues: A healthier population tends to be more ___________ at work, resulting in improved productivity.Community ___________ is crucial for tailoring health promotion efforts to specific needs and cultures.Limited health ___________ can make it challenging for individuals to understand and act upon health information....

D Fest- Crossword Preparation 2015-01-13

D Fest- Crossword Preparation crossword puzzle
  1. Rebranded name of PruProtect.
  2. Chance of loss
  3. Termination of insurance for non-payment of premium
  4. Other name of adverse selection.
  5. The amount you or your employer pays in exchange for health insurance coverage
  6. Chief Executive Officer of Vitality Health.
  7. Holding company of Vitality Health and Vitality Life
  8. Brand Ambassodor of Vitality Health.
  1. Form submitted to a payer (by a health care provider or patient) to request payment for items or services
  2. Rebranded name of Pru Health.
  3. Any person (doctor or nurse) or institution (hospital, clinic, or laboratory) that provides medical care
  4. A covered person who relies on another person for support or obtains health coverage through a spouse or parent who is the covered person under a health plan
  5. Policy Administration System of Vitality Health.
  6. The amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses.
  7. National reinsurer of India
  8. This will allow the previously terminated policy to resume.
  9. The insurance agreement or contract
  10. Cause of loss
  11. -----------(11 Char) is insurance that is purchased by an insurance company

19 Clues: Cause of lossChance of lossNational reinsurer of IndiaRebranded name of PruProtect.Rebranded name of Pru Health.Other name of adverse selection.The insurance agreement or contractBrand Ambassodor of Vitality Health.Chief Executive Officer of Vitality Health.Policy Administration System of Vitality Health....

Deshavon's Crossword Puzzle 2020-09-03

Deshavon's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A gradual progression through many stages
  2. An offer to repair or replace a product if there is a problem with the product.
  3. one extreme and another.
  4. expectancy The number of years a person can expect to
  5. The standards and beliefs that are most important to you
  6. when the feelings you experience are
  7. along with others.
  8. reach.
  9. to improve one’s health.
  10. others, and with your surroundings.
  11. health The state of being comfortable with yourself,
  12. The use of communication to influence and support others in making positive health decisions.
  13. literacy The ability to gather, understand, and use health
  14. responses to events.
  15. functions. When you are physically healthy
  16. of life The degree of total satisfaction that a person
  1. Someone who buys products or services.
  2. A state of high-level health.
  3. An illegal act that involves telling lies to obtain money or property.
  4. The selling of useless medical treatments or products
  5. health The aspect of health that refers to how you react
  6. health The aspect of health that refers to how well your
  7. from life.
  8. Taking action to avoid disease,injury, and other negative outcomes
  9. The overall well-being of your body, mind, and your relationships with other people.
  10. health The aspect of health that refers to how well you
  11. The public promotion of a product or service.
  12. plan A series of specific steps you can take to reach a goal
  13. events in your life. You are emotionally
  14. A result that a person aims for and works hard
  15. have enough energy to carry out everyday

31 Clues: reach.from life.along with others.responses to extreme and improve one’s health.A state of high-level health.others, and with your surroundings.when the feelings you experience areSomeone who buys products or in your life. You are emotionallyhave enough energy to carry out everyday...

HIPAA SAYS WHAT? 2020-11-18

HIPAA SAYS WHAT? crossword puzzle
  1. Protected Health Information abbr.
  2. An agreement with a vendor or third party holds them dually liable in the event of a data _____
  3. Employees who improperly use Protected Health Information may be subject to this type of penalty for violating confidentiality
  4. The Privacy Rule applies to _____ entities
  5. Email is a form of this medium for information transmission
  6. HIPAA is enforced by the Office for _____ Rights
  7. The number of times to check an email address before sending Protected Health Information
  8. Protected Health Information covers Individually _____ Health Information
  9. HIPAA requires that Protected Health Information remain secure both at _____ and in transit.
  10. An example of Protected Health Information between health care professionals
  11. Employees who violate HIPAA can face imprisonment of up to _____ years.
  12. Business _____ are any type of vendor or third party that may have access to Protected Health Information
  13. The type of consent that patients must give to allow staff to email Protected Health Information
  1. Information that specifically identifies a person
  2. Policies and procedures are this type of required safeguard
  3. An activity directly related to the treatment and payment of an individual
  4. A type of protocol designed to provide privacy and data integrity between two or more communicating computer applications.
  5. Just because an email platform is HIPAA capable does not mean it is HIPAA _____.
  6. An example of a Biometric identifier
  7. Information about an individual that can be match with other available information to identify the individual
  8. A permitted use for Protected Health Information
  9. The _____ amount of information needed to perform the task

22 Clues: Protected Health Information abbr.An example of a Biometric identifierThe Privacy Rule applies to _____ entitiesHIPAA is enforced by the Office for _____ RightsA permitted use for Protected Health InformationInformation that specifically identifies a personThe _____ amount of information needed to perform the task...

Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2021-05-27

Chapter 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Radio, television, and the Internet
  2. The sum of your surroundings
  3. The personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives
  4. All the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents
  5. Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk
  6. A nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan
  7. Providing accurate health information and teaching health sills to help people make healthy decisions
  8. An ongoing condition or illness
  9. An overall state of well-being or total health
  1. Person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services
  2. Differences in health outcomes among among groups
  3. A deep seated sense of meaning and purpose of life
  4. Actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others
  5. Various methods for communicating information
  6. The collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
  7. Taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse
  8. The combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well being
  9. People of the same age who share similar interests
  10. Deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors

19 Clues: The sum of your surroundingsAn ongoing condition or illnessRadio, television, and the InternetVarious methods for communicating informationAn overall state of well-being or total healthDeliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviorsDifferences in health outcomes among among groupsA deep seated sense of meaning and purpose of life...


  1. Department of Occupational Safety and Health.
  2. of a safety and health committee / officer:________ the effectiveness of safety and health programs
  3. Removal of Member of Committee (SHE):He becomes a ________
  4. Occupational Safety and Health Act
  5. OSHA NOT applicable to __________ forces
  6. Concept of OSHA:Top _________ must take the lead
  7. CIMAH 1996 does not apply to ___________installations
  8. Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1996
  9. The Need of CIMAH 1996: Obey ______(International Labour Organisation) convention
  10. Major hazard installation :Petrochemical works and _________
  1. Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals Regulations 2013
  2. Objectives of OSHA: To secure the ________, health and welfare of persons at work against risks
  3. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
  4. Objectives of OSHA:To promote an ____________ environment for persons at work which is adapted to their physiological and psychological needs.
  5. Removal of Member of Committee (SHE) :He fails to attend _____ consecutive meetings of the committee without leave of the chairman
  6. Safety & Health Committee Regulations 1996
  7. Application of OSHA
  8. Application of OSHA :_____________, Forestry and Fishing
  9. Concept of OSHA:Accident p______________ is an essential part of good management and workmanship
  10. Major hazard installation :_________ Plants
  11. Safety and Health Officer Regulations 1997
  12. Functions of a safety and health committee / officer:________ in the development of safety and health rules and safe systems of work
  13. The Need of CIMAH 1996:Protect _______ and people from major accident from industries

23 Clues: Application of OSHAOccupational Safety and Health ActOSHA NOT applicable to __________ forcesSafety & Health Committee Regulations 1996Safety and Health Officer Regulations 1997Major hazard installation :_________ PlantsDepartment of Occupational Safety and Health.Concept of OSHA:Top _________ must take the lead...




2023 HIP Week Crossword 2023-05-13

2023 HIP Week Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Manages Inpatient Coding
  2. Acronymn for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  3. Manages Physician Support
  4. U of U Health emr system
  5. Written notations in a patient's medical record
  6. Helps us keep on 'rollin
  7. Acronym for Registered Health Information Administrator certificatation
  8. __Directives are how patients note their healthcare wishes before a medical crisis
  9. Document Imaging to allow for digital storage
  10. Manages Release of Information
  1. Manages HMHI HIM
  2. __ terminology refers to words and languages used specifically in the medical and health fields
  3. Manages Outpatient Coding
  4. Captain of the Ship
  5. Manages Document Capture
  6. Transforming descriptions of medical diagnoses and procedures into universal medical code numbers
  7. Health __ Management
  8. HIM Professionals help healthcare professionals provide better ___.
  9. Acronym for Protected Health Information
  10. An unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI
  11. 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems

21 Clues: Manages HMHI HIMCaptain of the ShipHealth __ ManagementManages Inpatient CodingManages Document CaptureU of U Health emr systemHelps us keep on 'rollinManages Outpatient CodingManages Physician SupportManages Release of InformationAcronym for Protected Health InformationDocument Imaging to allow for digital storage...

Health Information Professionals 2017-03-10

Health Information Professionals crossword puzzle
  1. International Classification of Diseases
  2. The Joint Commission
  3. Health Information Portability and Accontability Act
  4. National Provider Identifier
  5. American Health Information Management Association
  6. using certified electronic health record technology to improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities.
  7. Health Information Exchange
  8. Master Patient Index
  1. Information
  2. Current Procedural Terminology
  3. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  4. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
  5. Health Information and Management Systems Society
  6. Health Information Technology
  7. Electronic Medical Record

15 Clues: InformationThe Joint CommissionMaster Patient IndexElectronic Medical RecordHealth Information ExchangeNational Provider IdentifierHealth Information TechnologyCurrent Procedural TerminologyInternational Classification of DiseasesCenters for Medicare and Medicaid ServicesHealth Information and Management Systems Society...

PUBH 100 Chapter 1 2018-03-10

PUBH 100 Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. This type of distribution reflects the presence of disparities in a condition
  2. Public health requires a lot of “out of the box” thinking, making it both ____ and science
  3. What we know, what others know, and how we share it
  4. Leadership
  5. This characteristic of public health makes it stronger by bringing diverse specialties to the table
  6. This foundational belief of public health argues that everyone should have access to the resources to have good health
  7. These interventions include traditional public health and healthcare approaches
  8. San Diego public health practitioners engaged in this to ensure the transient population received services
  9. Includes control of infectious diseases, healthy workplaces, and a safe water/food supply
  10. These interventions have non-healthcare goals and are often societal
  11. How much a public health or healthcare system is prepared to handle
  1. The focus of public health
  2. Primary science of public health
  3. Includes encouraging healthier food choices and increased physical activity
  4. Approach that focuses on those with greatest risk of the outcome
  5. Principle that says you can have what you can afford or earn
  6. Because the federal constitution does not explicitly mention healthcare or public health, it is a __________ constitution
  7. Approach that targets an entire population with the goal of improving the _____
  8. This framework recognizes that individuals are surrounded by layers of influence like family, community, and society
  9. Includes screening, vaccination, and safety seat checks

20 Clues: LeadershipThe focus of public healthPrimary science of public healthWhat we know, what others know, and how we share itIncludes screening, vaccination, and safety seat checksPrinciple that says you can have what you can afford or earnApproach that focuses on those with greatest risk of the outcome...

The importance of Personal health 2024-02-06

The importance of Personal health crossword puzzle
  1. /A health-conscious society is more likely to see a...... in chronic diseases
  2. /A health-focused.....can lead to fewer chronic issues
  3. /Healthy Individuals contribute more effectively to their....
  4. /Maintaining personal health is essential not only for..... well-being
  5. /Focusing on individual health can lead to better...
  6. /Personal health one's overall quality of life
  7. /A person responsible for or involved in formulating policies, especially in politics.
  8. /The mental, physical and social well-being of an individual
  9. /Paving the way for a more equitable and thriving...
  10. /Physical, mental, or emotional condition, including alcohol or substance use disorder and use of prescription medications that could adversely affect an individual's ability to practice safely and competently.
  11. /The importance of personal health transcends individual .....
  12. /Personal health has significant...... on broader societal
  1. /It has significant implications on broader societal and economic ....
  2. /Prioritizing personal health can reduce..
  3. /Synonym of way of life
  4. /A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
  5. /Synonym of occupation
  6. /The fourth benefits of maintaining personal health is...
  7. /The effect of an individual's actions on other people (or other people on them), in an organisation, or in society.
  8. /One of the economic benefits of maintaining personal health is reducing healthcare...
  9. /The organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community

21 Clues: /Synonym of occupation/Synonym of way of life/Prioritizing personal health can reduce../Focusing on individual health can lead to better.../Paving the way for a more equitable and thriving.../A health-focused.....can lead to fewer chronic issues/Personal health one's overall quality of life...

Health 2016-11-09

Health crossword puzzle
  1. accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.
  2. the way that someone or something looks.
  3. intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  4. the action of leading a group of people or an the process of working together to the same end. organization.
  5. engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
  6. in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.
  7. (Latin: adaptō "fit to, adjust") is a feature of a system or of a process.
  8. the imparting or exchanging of information or news.
  9. is defined as the quality of being able to be counted on or relied upon.
  1. having or showing a confident and forceful personality.
  2. Control the ability to control oneself, in particular one's emotions and desires or the expression of them in one's behaviour, especially in difficult situations.
  3. a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.
  4. ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
  5. the process of working together to the same end.
  6. mind A mind receptive to different opinions and ideas, as in Her open mind could see merit in the new method.
  7. a vigorous or determined attempt.
  8. characterized by or giving attention.
  9. the action of working with someone to produce or create something.
  10. the quality of bending easily without breaking.

19 Clues: a vigorous or determined attempt.characterized by or giving attention.the way that someone or something looks.the quality of bending easily without breaking.the process of working together to the same end.intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.the imparting or exchanging of information or news....

Health 2015-02-21

Health crossword puzzle
  1. malaria
  2. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  3. infekcja
  4. ospa prawdziwa
  5. gruźlica
  6. wścieklizna
  7. antybiotyk
  8. świnka
  9. ospa wietrzna
  10. kichanie
  11. paraliż dziecięcy
  1. odra
  2. zmęczenie
  3. środek przeciwbólowy
  4. krztusiec
  5. plaga
  6. szczepienie
  7. kaszel
  8. cholera

19 Clues: odraplagakaszelświnkamalariacholerainfekcjagruźlicakichaniezmęczeniekrztusiecantybiotykszczepieniewściekliznaospa wietrznaospa prawdziwaparaliż dziecięcyśrodek przeciwbólowyAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Health 2021-04-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A problem that I`s common for people who don´t eat a lot.
  2. A massive ball that provides ultraviolet radiation, of which can damage your eyes.
  3. A important treatment given by doctors and nurses to cure diseases and heal health issues.
  4. A illegal substance that can hurt your brain and heart by overdosing on it.
  5. The opposite of healthy
  6. A important hobby in most peoples lives to stay in form and keep fit.
  7. An addictive drink, that can lead to many health problems, including: liver disease, breast cancer and even a stroke.
  8. A bad habit that can hurt your lungs, and by doing It, you could have trouble breathing.
  9. They are people who are there to help you when you're sick and need help in emergency times.
  1. They are people who take responsibility and care for you, and your health.
  2. An emotion, that makes you feel good and well.
  3. A human need to feel protected.
  4. A replicating and inficious cell that lives in living orgasms.
  5. People who take care of you to evolve your brain with new knowledge and to give you a better future.
  6. A thing we all do everyday, but overdoing it can have consequences, like a stomach ache and obesity.
  7. Necessary in a human every day life, to stay awake and not hurt your eyes and brain.
  8. A deadly and very active virus from china in 2020.
  9. A place where you take shelter and stay warm and safe, to protect yourself.
  10. A problematic ingredient, that when overused can result In weight gain and heart diseases.

19 Clues: The opposite of healthyA human need to feel protected.An emotion, that makes you feel good and well.A deadly and very active virus from china in 2020.A problem that I`s common for people who don´t eat a lot.A replicating and inficious cell that lives in living orgasms.A important hobby in most peoples lives to stay in form and keep fit....

Vitality Health/Life Crossword- D-Fest 2015-01-08

Vitality Health/Life Crossword- D-Fest crossword puzzle
  1. Rebranded name of Pru Health.
  2. This will allow the previously terminated policy to resume.
  3. Termination of insurance for non-payment of premium
  4. The insurance agreement or contract
  5. Other name of adverse selection.
  6. Holding company of Vitality Health and Vitality Life
  7. National reinsurer of India.
  8. Brand Ambassodor of Vitality Health.
  9. Chance of loss
  1. Policy Administration System of Vitality Health.
  2. Chief Executive Officer of Vitality Health.
  3. The amount you or your employer pays in exchange for health insurance coverage
  4. The amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses.
  5. A covered person who relies on another person for support or obtains health coverage through a spouse or parent who is the covered person under a health plan
  6. Rebranded name of PruProtect.
  7. Any person (doctor or nurse) or institution (hospital, clinic, or laboratory) that provides medical care
  8. Form submitted to a payer (by a health care provider or patient) to request payment for items or services
  9. Cause of loss

18 Clues: Cause of lossChance of lossNational reinsurer of India.Rebranded name of Pru Health.Rebranded name of PruProtect.Other name of adverse selection.The insurance agreement or contractBrand Ambassodor of Vitality Health.Chief Executive Officer of Vitality Health.Policy Administration System of Vitality Health....

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2022-08-29

Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Healthcare professionals who have additional training in treating certain types of diseases and disorders.
  2. Anyone who purchases goods and services.
  3. Federal organization that regulates and ensures the safety of food, health products, and medications.
  4. Endpoint that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.
  5. Medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions.
  6. Process of advocating for the health of families and communities by sharing health information.
  7. Act of allowing your organs to be donated and transplanted into another person, typically upon your death.
  8. Body of knowledge based on observation and experimentation; answers questions about the natural world.
  1. To take actions that show support.
  2. Health of human populations around the world.
  3. Overall health of a group of people who live in the same area and interact with one another.
  4. Area without nearby full-service grocery stores.
  5. Theories and health claims that are described as science-based when they are not.
  6. Ability to locate, evaluate, apply, and communicate information pertaining to health.
  7. Illegal activity related to health products and services; for example, deceptive labeling or advertising.
  8. Qualities or priorities one considers important.
  9. Science-based approach to protecting and improving the health of populations as a whole.
  10. Specific endpoint that signifies a condition one hopes to reach.
  11. People under the age of 18.

19 Clues: People under the age of 18.To take actions that show support.Anyone who purchases goods and services.Health of human populations around the world.Area without nearby full-service grocery stores.Qualities or priorities one considers important.Medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions....

Jared's HPA Crossword 2016-11-15

Jared's HPA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Services provided to individuals who need assistance with activities of daily living is ______ living
  2. An insurer can also be called this
  3. Slang name for the ACA
  4. ______ _____ physicians directly provide or coordinate a range of health care services for a patient
  5. _______ populations are more likely to struggle with care
  6. A type of savings account that allows you to set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses if you have a “high deductible” health insurance plan; abbreviated HSA
  7. A joint federal-state program of health care coverage for low income individuals
  8. Distributes financial benefits to retired or disabled people, their spouses, and their dependent children based on their reported earnings
  9. Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with ESRD
  10. As we watched for our modules, Bernie _________ is an avid advocate for free healthcare
  11. The ________ part is against the ACA
  12. Conditions that insurance providers could previously use to deny care
  13. In many European countries, the health care system is supported by paying _____
  14. The government should act as a ______ ____ for the disabled, poor and elderly
  15. The amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance provider will pay for certain claims
  16. The management and operation of public hospitals is the responsibility of the _____ government
  17. An amount that someone with insurance must pay for a service
  18. A version of a drug that isn't namebrand is considered this
  19. Care that requires immediate attention, but not so serious it requires the ER
  20. Any service that is included and covered by your health insurance policy
  1. The country that the World Health Organization ranks as best in the world in health systems
  2. The affordable care act was passed ___ years ago
  3. Some may argue we have the opposite of a health care system, a...
  4. The ________ party is in support of the ACA
  5. Health care services received at home
  6. Full name of the ACA
  7. A ______ _______ system is one in which a single public agency organizes health care finance
  8. Medicine that is not considered traditional is referred to as...
  9. A contract that requires your health insurer to pay some or all of your health care costs in exchange for a premium
  10. An organization that provides health coverage with providers under contract
  11. The Michael Moore documentary discussing issues in our health care system
  12. The future of health care records are looking to be...
  13. A count of unnecessary deaths are called ________ mortality
  14. Ranked 37th in the world in health care systems by the World Health Organization
  15. Full acronym of the ACA
  16. The amount you pay for your health insurance every month
  17. Americans typically get their insurance through their...
  18. Type of care that aims to stop problems before they start
  19. If your plan covers your child, they are considered a ________
  20. Legal entitlement to payment or reimbursement for your health care costs

40 Clues: Full name of the ACASlang name for the ACAFull acronym of the ACAAn insurer can also be called thisThe ________ part is against the ACAHealth care services received at homeThe ________ party is in support of the ACAThe affordable care act was passed ___ years agoThe future of health care records are looking to be......

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2022-08-29

Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Healthcare professionals who have additional training in treating certain types of diseases and disorders.
  2. Anyone who purchases goods and services.
  3. Federal organization that regulates and ensures the safety of food, health products, and medications.
  4. Endpoint that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.
  5. Medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions.
  6. Process of advocating for the health of families and communities by sharing health information.
  7. Act of allowing your organs to be donated and transplanted into another person, typically upon your death.
  8. Body of knowledge based on observation and experimentation; answers questions about the natural world.
  1. To take actions that show support.
  2. Health of human populations around the world.
  3. Overall health of a group of people who live in the same area and interact with one another.
  4. Area without nearby full-service grocery stores.
  5. Theories and health claims that are described as science-based when they are not.
  6. Ability to locate, evaluate, apply, and communicate information pertaining to health.
  7. Illegal activity related to health products and services; for example, deceptive labeling or advertising.
  8. Qualities or priorities one considers important.
  9. Science-based approach to protecting and improving the health of populations as a whole.
  10. Specific endpoint that signifies a condition one hopes to reach.
  11. People under the age of 18.

19 Clues: People under the age of 18.To take actions that show support.Anyone who purchases goods and services.Health of human populations around the world.Area without nearby full-service grocery stores.Qualities or priorities one considers important.Medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions....

Chapter 2 Vocabulary 2022-08-29

Chapter 2 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Area without nearby full-service grocery stores.
  2. Qualities or priorities one considers important.
  3. Endpoint that is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely.
  4. Specific endpoint that signifies a condition one hopes to reach.
  5. Process of advocating for the health of families and communities by sharing health information.
  6. People under the age of 18.
  7. Federal organization that regulates and ensures the safety of food, health products, and medications.
  8. Health of human populations around the world.
  9. Medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions.
  10. Body of knowledge based on observation and experimentation; answers questions about the natural world.
  11. Overall health of a group of people who live in the same area and interact with one another.
  1. Theories and health claims that are described as science-based when they are not.
  2. Act of allowing your organs to be donated and transplanted into another person, typically upon your death.
  3. Science-based approach to protecting and improving the health of populations as a whole.
  4. Healthcare professionals who have additional training in treating certain types of diseases and disorders.
  5. Anyone who purchases goods and services.
  6. To take actions that show support.
  7. Ability to locate, evaluate, apply, and communicate information pertaining to health.
  8. Illegal activity related to health products and services; for example, deceptive labeling or advertising.

19 Clues: People under the age of 18.To take actions that show support.Anyone who purchases goods and services.Health of human populations around the world.Area without nearby full-service grocery stores.Qualities or priorities one considers important.Medical care that seeks to prevent and treat health conditions....

Year 11 revision 2013-10-14

Year 11 revision crossword puzzle
  1. Government responsibilities of the________•Public hospitals •Mental health services •Dental health services •Infant health centres •Health promotion and prevention activities •Community health centres •Ambulance services •Provision and early detection programs
  2. be innovative and respond to changing needs - cater for needs now and also have resources, technology and personnel to cater for needs in the future
  3. Ensures that the care provided is culturally relevant and tailored to the individual's needs and wants.
  4. Every person who is eligible to use the health care system should have the same access despite barriers such as distance, discrimination and affordability.
  5. An efficient health care system is one that can achieve desired outcomes with cost-effective use of resources.
  6. The health care system should be centred on the user's needs -reactive to needs fairly quickly, respect dignity and confidentiality .
  7. health Insurance Private health insurance is insurance that individuals can chose to take additional to Medicare
  8. Australia's universal health insurance scheme.
  9. Government responsibilities of the _________,•Medicare,•Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme,•Management of national health programs - NHPAs•Health policy and legislation•Regulation of private health insurance •Australian Quarantine Inspection Service•FSANZ
  10. health Relates to the efficient functioning of the body and its systems, and includes the physical capacity to perform tasks and physical fitness ie. having reliable body function, healthy blood pressure level, healthy weight for height, being physically fit, being free from disease or illness
  1. health Being able to interact with others and participate in the community in both an independant and cooperative way ie, maintaining a network of friends, communicating effectively with others, obeying the laws and rules of society, accepting responsibility for actions
  2. health state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is bale to make a contribution to his or her community ie. recognising and expressing feelings, being resilient and able to cope with a range of situations, supporting and helping family, feeling good about oneself, having coping mechanisms for stress
  3. aid aid provided by the governments of a group of countries which is distributed through international institutions such as United nations, World Health Organisation and World Bank
  4. lateral aid aid given by the government of one country to the government of another country- often n the form of money, services, building of infrastructure
  5. The ability to provide uninterrupted, coordinated care/intervention/action across programs, practitioners, organisations and levels over time.
  6. subsidises the cost of a wide range of prescription medications, providing Australians with vital medications at affordable prices.
  7. Relates to achieving desired outcomes in an appropriate timeframe.
  8. aid short-term aid given in response to a conflict or disaster, examples food, water, shelter, essential medical supplies, trained personnel
  9. Health professionals should be well educated in their chosen area; they should have appropriate training and qualifications, and should update their knowledge regularly.
  10. Australias Agency for International Development
  11. Development Index A way of measuring development, providing a statistical assessment and ranking of a countries achievements based on the three basic aspects of human development health, knowledge and standard of living.

21 Clues: Australia's universal health insurance scheme.Australias Agency for International DevelopmentRelates to achieving desired outcomes in an appropriate timeframe.Ensures that the care provided is culturally relevant and tailored to the individual's needs and wants....

Insurance 101 2015-07-21

Insurance 101 crossword puzzle
  1. and Customary (CO/ PR 45) : The charge for health care that is consistent with the average rate or charge for identical or similar services in a certain geographical area
  2. Amount: Maximum amount on which payment is based for covered health care services This may be called “eligible expense,” “payment allowance" or "negotiated rate"
  3. Federally administered health insurance program for adults over 65, patients with disabilities and / or End Stage Renal Disease
  4. Software as a Service (QSI Dental Web/ QDW)
  5. / Replacement Claim: A bill frequency type alerting the insurance company that the claim submission is an amendment to a previous submission, with altered / additional / corrected information
  6. A child or other individual for whom a parent, relative, or other person may claim a personal exemption tax deduction and is eligible for health benefits under the subscribers health insurance policy
  7. : Electronic Data Interchange
  8. Explanation of Benefits
  9. Claim Adjustment Reason Codes
  10. : Park Dental's Clearinghouse
  11. The policy owner The person who pays health insurance premiums and / or is eligible for group health insurance benefits
  12. Prepaid Medical Assistance Programs
  13. The health care items or services covered under a health insurance plan Covered benefits and excluded services are defined in the health insurance plan's coverage documents
  14. State administered health insurance program for low income or disabled patients
  15. The patients share of the costs of a covered health care service, calculated as a percentage
  16. Network: Providers or health care facilities that are part of a health plan's network of providers with which it has negotiated a discount
  17. Fixed amount due from the patient at point of service, as supplemental to the insurer's payment for outpatient health care benefits
  18. Coordination of Benefits
  19. Remittance Advice Remark Code; Supplemental to a CARC
  1. of Network: a patient seeking care outside the network of doctors, hospitals or other health care providers that the insurance company has contracted with to provide care
  2. A request for payment that you or your health care provider submits to your health insurer after services are rendered
  3. Electronic Funds Transfer
  4. The amount the patient has to pay out-of-pocket for expenses before the insurance company will cover the remaining costs Deductible obligations exclude copayments
  5. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act; A Federal law that may allow you to temporarily keep health coverage after your employment ends, you lose coverage as a dependent of the covered employee, or another qualifying event
  6. / DHMO: A dental health maintenance organization (DHMO) is a structured type of dental plan In this type of plan, a set group of dentists provides dental care and the patient must select a primary provider
  7. The process of paying claims submitted or denying them after comparing claims to the benefit or coverage requirements
  8. A type of health insurance arrangement that allows plan participants relative freedom to choose the doctors and hospitals they want to visit
  9. Electronic Claim Submission
  10. Bill: When a provider bills you for the difference between the provider’s charge and the allowed amount
  11. Third Party Liability (ex: workers compensation)
  12. Electronic Remittance Advice
  13. Claim: Formerly called Claim Reversal; A provider initiated electronic void is the cancelation of an entire claim
  14. A request for your health insurer or plan to review a decision or a grievance again
  15. Advantage, Replacement Policy or Medicare Part C: A type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide you with all your Part A and Part B benefits, in addition to RX and dental benefits
  16. Accounts Receivable

35 Clues: Accounts ReceivableExplanation of BenefitsCoordination of BenefitsElectronic Funds TransferElectronic Claim SubmissionElectronic Remittance Advice: Electronic Data InterchangeClaim Adjustment Reason Codes: Park Dental's ClearinghousePrepaid Medical Assistance ProgramsSoftware as a Service (QSI Dental Web/ QDW)...

Health Ch.1 2022-08-17

Health Ch.1 crossword puzzle
  1. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others
  2. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements
  3. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being
  4. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  5. length of time a person is expected to live
  6. actual number of years a person lives
  7. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  8. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  9. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  10. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  11. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions
  12. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  13. process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it
  14. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  1. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  2. person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good
  3. state of being without regular, consistent housing
  4. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and views about the world
  5. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  6. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  7. aspects of people's lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  8. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  9. presence of waste in the environment
  10. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cells; affect development, personality, and health

24 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular, consistent housingland features and any bodies of water present in an areadimension of health that refers to how well the body functionschemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

Health and Wellness Asher 2022-09-14

Health and Wellness Asher crossword puzzle
  1. presence of waste in the environment
  2. dimention of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and veiws about the world
  3. actual number of years a person lives
  4. length of time a person is expected to live
  5. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  6. state of being without regular, consistant housing
  7. aspects of people's lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  8. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  9. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being
  10. process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it
  11. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements
  12. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  13. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  1. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  2. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  3. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  4. dimention of health that refers to how well the body functions
  5. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others
  6. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  7. land features and any bodies of water present in area
  8. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cells; affect development, personality, and health
  9. poor overall state of health in wich a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  10. person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good

23 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular, consistant housingland features and any bodies of water present in areadimention of health that refers to how well the body functionschemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

Health and Wellness Chase 2022-09-14

Health and Wellness Chase crossword puzzle
  1. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  2. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  3. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  4. process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it
  5. dimention of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and veiws about the world
  6. presence of waste in the environment
  7. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cells; affect development, personality, and health
  8. poor overall state of health in wich a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  9. actual number of years a person lives
  10. person's ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good
  11. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  12. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  1. aspects of people's lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  2. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being
  3. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  4. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements
  5. dimention of health that refers to how well the body functions
  6. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  7. state of being without regular, consistant housing
  8. land features and any bodies of water present in area
  9. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  10. length of time a person is expected to live
  11. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others

23 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular, consistant housingland features and any bodies of water present in areadimention of health that refers to how well the body functionschemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

Components of Health 2024-01-01

Components of Health crossword puzzle
  1. The first possible definition of health is the absence of any what?
  2. Most important goal of the health triangle.
  3. A scale from illness (1) to wellness (10)
  4. The combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.
  5. Number of components of the health triangle.
  6. Deals with your mind and ability to express emotions.
  1. Condition of a person's relationship with family, friends, and others.
  2. Maintaining health.
  3. Each day, this will affect the each component of the health triangle.
  4. A factor that can affect your health.
  5. Spiritual health is a heightened sense of what?
  6. Also affects your physical health.
  7. Total health.
  8. Affects your physical health.
  9. Another factor that can affect your health.

15 Clues: Total health.Maintaining health.Affects your physical health.Also affects your physical health.A factor that can affect your health.A scale from illness (1) to wellness (10)Most important goal of the health triangle.Another factor that can affect your health.Number of components of the health triangle.Spiritual health is a heightened sense of what?...

Health and Wellness: Ivy Mies 2022-09-07

Health and Wellness: Ivy Mies crossword puzzle
  1. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make desitions, solve problems, and examine situations
  2. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media, and advertisements
  3. persons ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present condition are good
  4. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being
  5. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others
  6. aspects or people's lives that increase chances they will develop a disease or disorder or expirence an injury or decline in health
  7. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  8. presence of waste in the environment
  9. length of time a person is expected to live
  10. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  11. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions
  1. aspects of peoples lives reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  2. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  3. state of being without regular, constant housing
  4. process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it
  5. chemical that carries genetic infomation; found in chromosomes
  6. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  7. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cells;affect development,personality, and health
  8. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions,moods, feelings about ones self,and views about the world
  9. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  10. choices and behaviors that affect a persons chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  11. actual number of years a person lives
  12. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  13. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of ther risk factors

24 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular, constant housingland features and any bodies of water present in an areachemical that carries genetic infomation; found in chromosomesdimension of health that refers to how well the body functions...

Health - Chapter 1 Vocabulary 2023-10-17

Health - Chapter 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the overall well-being of your body, mind, soul, and relationships with other people
  2. any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other negative outcome
  3. forms of communication that provide news and entertainment
  4. a series of specific steps you can take to achieve a goal
  5. all of the physical and social conditions that surround a person and can influence a person's health
  6. the aspect of health that refers to how well you get along with others
  7. the number of years a person can expect to live
  8. taking action to avoid disease, injury, and other negative health outcomes
  9. a behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes almost automatic
  10. the aspect of health that refers to how well your body functions
  11. the ability to gather, understand, and use health information to improve one's health
  1. the degree of total satisfaction that a person gets from life
  2. a gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another
  3. a state of high-level health
  4. the standards and beliefs that are most important to you
  5. the aspect of health that refers to how you react to events in your life
  6. the state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings
  7. beliefs and patterns of behavior that are shared by a group of people and passed from generation to generation
  8. the aspect of health that refers to one's life being oriented towards eternal flourishing and fulfilling your purpose within the body of Christ
  9. the use of communication to influence and support others in making positive health

20 Clues: a state of high-level healththe number of years a person can expect to livethe standards and beliefs that are most important to youa series of specific steps you can take to achieve a goalforms of communication that provide news and entertainmentthe degree of total satisfaction that a person gets from life...

Health Triangle Crossword 2023-01-24

Health Triangle Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. _______ is the foundation of relationships
  2. For total wellness all sides of the health triangle need to be ________
  3. 65+ retirement and family time
  4. Emotional health helps us express our ________
  5. Side of the health triangle about the body
  6. A connection you have with another person or group
  7. 0-18 months
  8. Beliefs you feel strongly about that help guide the way you live
  9. Improves the health of your body
  1. Type of relationship
  2. Physical part of the health triangle, what you eat
  3. Your current stage of life
  4. Side of the health triangle about the mind
  5. You need 9-10 hours of this per night
  6. A measure of how much you like and respect yourself
  7. Side of the health triangle about relationships
  8. Exercise gives you more ______
  9. A health diet should be _________

18 Clues: 0-18 monthsType of relationshipYour current stage of life65+ retirement and family timeExercise gives you more ______Improves the health of your bodyA health diet should be _________You need 9-10 hours of this per night_______ is the foundation of relationshipsSide of the health triangle about the mindSide of the health triangle about the body...

World Mental Health Day (Oct 10th) 2024-05-10

World Mental Health Day (Oct 10th) crossword puzzle
  1. Negative attitudes and beliefs that create prejudice against individuals with mental health conditions.
  2. Someone who speaks up and promotes awareness of mental health issues.
  3. The state of overall mental and emotional health and well-being.
  4. A gathering of individuals with shared experiences who provide mutual assistance and understanding.
  5. Confidence and belief in one's own worth and abilities.
  6. The process of regaining one's mental health and well-being.
  7. The ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity.
  8. Strategies and skills used to manage stress and difficult emotions.
  9. A treatment for mental health issues that may involve counseling or medication.
  1. Assistance and encouragement provided to those facing mental health challenges.
  2. A mindfulness practice that can promote mental clarity and reduce stress.
  3. Actions and practices individuals can take to promote their mental and emotional well-being.
  4. A common mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest.
  5. Knowledge and understanding of mental health and its importance.
  6. Embracing oneself, including imperfections, as an essential part of mental well-being.
  7. To openly discuss mental health issues to reduce stigma.
  8. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which promotes mental health awareness.
  9. A professional who provides guidance and support for mental health challenges.

18 Clues: Confidence and belief in one's own worth and abilities.To openly discuss mental health issues to reduce stigma.The process of regaining one's mental health and well-being.The ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity.The state of overall mental and emotional health and well-being....

World Mental Health Day (Oct 10th) 2023-09-29

World Mental Health Day (Oct 10th) crossword puzzle
  1. Negative attitudes and beliefs that create prejudice against individuals with mental health conditions.
  2. Someone who speaks up and promotes awareness of mental health issues.
  3. The state of overall mental and emotional health and well-being.
  4. A gathering of individuals with shared experiences who provide mutual assistance and understanding.
  5. Confidence and belief in one's own worth and abilities.
  6. The process of regaining one's mental health and well-being.
  7. The ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity.
  8. Strategies and skills used to manage stress and difficult emotions.
  9. A treatment for mental health issues that may involve counseling or medication.
  1. Assistance and encouragement provided to those facing mental health challenges.
  2. A mindfulness practice that can promote mental clarity and reduce stress.
  3. Actions and practices individuals can take to promote their mental and emotional well-being.
  4. A common mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness and loss of interest.
  5. Knowledge and understanding of mental health and its importance.
  6. Embracing oneself, including imperfections, as an essential part of mental well-being.
  7. To openly discuss mental health issues to reduce stigma.
  8. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which promotes mental health awareness.
  9. A professional who provides guidance and support for mental health challenges.

18 Clues: Confidence and belief in one's own worth and abilities.To openly discuss mental health issues to reduce stigma.The process of regaining one's mental health and well-being.The ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of adversity.The state of overall mental and emotional health and well-being....

Global Health 2017-08-24

Global Health crossword puzzle
  1. Years lived with disability
  2. Sickness or any departure, subjective or objective, from a psychological or physiological state of well-being
  3. Global Burden Disease
  4. Disability-adjusted life year
  5. Health-Adjusted life expectancy
  6. The circumstances or the conditions conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age
  7. The state of complete physical, mental and social well-being
  8. Result of population migration from rural areas in addition to natural urban demographic growth.
  9. Sustainable Develop Goals
  1. The shift in the pattern of disease from communicable diseases to noncommunicable diseases
  2. The shift from a pattern of high fertility and high mortality to low fertility and low mortality, with population growth occurring between.
  3. Millennium Development Goals
  4. The science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health.
  5. An aspect or personal behavior or life-style, an environmental exposure, or a inborn or inherited characteristic, that, on the basis of the epidemiologic evidence, is known to be associated with health related conditions considered important to prevent.
  6. Consistent set of indicators to measure health status (i.e Infant mortality rate)
  7. Years lost to premature death
  8. Refers to death
  9. The application of the principles of public health to health problems and challenges that transcend national boundaries

18 Clues: Refers to deathGlobal Burden DiseaseSustainable Develop GoalsYears lived with disabilityMillennium Development GoalsDisability-adjusted life yearYears lost to premature deathHealth-Adjusted life expectancyThe state of complete physical, mental and social well-beingThe science of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health....

Medicaid Federal and State Acronyms 2015-08-08

Medicaid Federal and State Acronyms crossword puzzle
  1. Coordination of Benefits
  2. Department of Health and Human Service
  3. Fee for Service
  4. International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition Clinical Modification
  5. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
  6. long term care
  7. Fiscal Intermediary
  8. health maintenance organization
  9. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
  10. Management Administration Reporting Subsystem
  11. Health Care Financing Administration (renamed CMS effective July 1, 2001)
  12. Indian Health Service
  13. Managed Care Organization
  14. Concept of Operations
  15. Explanation of Medical Benefits
  16. Puerto Rico's Medicaid managed care program
  17. national framework initiative
  18. Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
  19. Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
  20. Michigan Department of Community Health
  21. Administrative Simplification Compliance Act
  22. Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment
  23. Joint Applications Design
  24. Health Resources and Services Administration
  25. General Accounting Office
  1. Critical Success Factor
  2. Federal Medical Assistance Percentage
  3. National Institute of Standards & Technology
  4. National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association
  5. National Institutes of Health
  6. Freedom of Information Act
  7. Tennessee Medicaid Program
  8. Outcome & Assessment Information Set
  9. diagnostic related group
  10. Medicaid Statistical Information System
  11. level of effort
  12. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (of 1985)
  13. Date of Birth
  14. Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
  15. Fiscal Year End
  16. Arizona Medicaid Program
  17. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996
  18. Benefits, Improvements & Protection Act of 2000
  19. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  20. End Stage Renal Disease
  21. Advanced Planning Documents
  22. ambulatory payment group

47 Clues: Date of Birthlong term careFee for Servicelevel of effortFiscal Year EndFiscal IntermediaryIndian Health ServiceConcept of OperationsCritical Success FactorEnd Stage Renal DiseaseCoordination of Benefitsdiagnostic related groupArizona Medicaid ProgramIowa Medicaid Enterpriseambulatory payment groupManaged Care OrganizationJoint Applications Design...

Health and Wellbeing 2024-01-24

Health and Wellbeing crossword puzzle
  1. An example of good social health is productive ________________________ with others
  2. This type of health refers to the current state of well-being relating to the mind or brain
  3. This type of health relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others including the ability to adapt appropriately to different social situations.
  4. This type of health relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that arise in the minds and conscience of human beings.
  5. The 1986 definition of health and wellbeing is referred to as 'the state of a person's physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual existence and is characterised by an ________________________ in which the person feels happy, healthy, capable and engaged'.
  6. This type of health relates to the functioning of the body and its systems including the physical capacity to perform daily activities or tasks.
  7. Health and wellbeing is dynamic, complex and ________________________
  8. An example of spiritual health is a sense of __________________________
  1. systems An example of physical health is well-functioning ______________ _______________
  2. An equilibrium in which individuals feel happy, healthy, capable and engaged
  3. The acronym for the five dimensions of health
  4. Emotional health includes our ability to recognise, understand and ______________ a range of emotions
  5. An example of good mental health is high levels of _________________
  6. This type of health relates to the ability to express feelings in a positive way.
  7. To achieve overall health and wellbeing individuals need a _____________________ of all dimensions of health.
  8. An example of emotional health is high levels of ______________________

16 Clues: The acronym for the five dimensions of healthAn example of good mental health is high levels of _________________Health and wellbeing is dynamic, complex and ________________________An example of emotional health is high levels of ______________________An example of spiritual health is a sense of __________________________...

u 2024-05-30

u crossword puzzle
  1. Altered from natural state.
  2. Main documentary focus.
  3. Overall way of living.
  4. Surroundings' impact.
  5. Main dietary focus.
  6. Food preparation.
  7. Emphasizing plant foods.
  8. Health conditions.
  9. Essential nutrient.
  10. Study of food nutrients.
  1. Proper nutrient proportions.
  2. Sweet plant parts.
  3. Long-lasting health issues.
  4. No animal products.
  5. Food-related.
  6. Minimally processed items.
  7. Animal-product abstainer.
  8. Savory plant parts.
  9. Overall health.
  10. Avoiding issues.

20 Clues: Food-related.Overall health.Avoiding issues.Food preparation.Sweet plant parts.Health conditions.No animal products.Savory plant parts.Main dietary focus.Essential nutrient.Surroundings' impact.Overall way of living.Main documentary focus.Emphasizing plant foods.Study of food nutrients.Animal-product abstainer.Minimally processed items....

South Carolina Case Study Cross Word Puzzle 2024-10-25

South Carolina Case Study Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. – Need for school districts to meet MCO standards for service delivery.
  2. _______Pooling – Sharing resources between districts and providers for service delivery.
  3. _______Billing Model – System where school districts billed Medicaid directly for services.
  4. _______Meetings – Coordinated sessions involving all stakeholders to discuss challenges.
  5. _______Burden – Added workload for school districts to meet new requirements.
  6. _______Relationships – Long-term partnerships between stakeholders for service quality.
  7. _______Payment made to providers for services covered under Medicaid.
  8. Reimbursed Behavioral Health Services – Mental and behavioral health services covered by Medicaid.
  9. _______Health Services – Services addressing mental health and behavioral needs.
  1. _______Forms – Forms developed to streamline contracting, billing, and documentation.
  2. _______Care Organizations – Health plans that provide Medicaid services through a network.
  3. _______-Verifying provider qualifications to deliver care within MCO’s network.
  4. _______Model – System where services are integrated within managed care contracts.
  5. _______Providers – External health providers that partner with school districts.
  6. _______Carolina Department of Health and Human Services – State agency managing Medicaid and health programs.
  7. _______Authorization – Approval from MCO required before delivering certain services.
  8. _______Education Agencies – School districts providing educational and related services to students.
  9. _______Integration in Schools – Embedding health services within educational settings for student well-being.
  10. – Groups involved in the transition, including MCOs, school districts, and agencies.
  11. Terms and Clues
  12. _______Systems – Processes by which services are invoiced and paid.

21 Clues: Terms and Clues_______Systems – Processes by which services are invoiced and paid._______Payment made to providers for services covered under Medicaid.– Need for school districts to meet MCO standards for service delivery._______Burden – Added workload for school districts to meet new requirements....

11 PDHPE - Core 1 2021-03-09

11 PDHPE - Core 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Protective behaviour
  2. Refers to the number of disease / sickness in a given population
  3. Social justice principles include equity, _______ and supportive environments
  4. An individuals ability to make decisions about, or take control over, their own health
  5. Refers to the number of deaths in a given population
  6. The number of action areas of the Ottawa Charter
  7. Responsible for health promotion
  8. Building healthy public policy focuses on laws and
  1. The public health approach to health promotion revolves around health promoting schools and health promoting ____________
  2. To stop something from developing
  3. A group that experience health inequities
  4. Determinants that can be changed
  5. Fairness
  6. There are _________ levels of government
  7. An international organisation
  8. Changing nature of health
  9. You need to provide specific ________ when answering questions

17 Clues: FairnessProtective behaviourChanging nature of healthAn international organisationDeterminants that can be changedResponsible for health promotionTo stop something from developingThere are _________ levels of governmentA group that experience health inequitiesThe number of action areas of the Ottawa Charter...

your moms health and wellness 2022-09-08

your moms health and wellness crossword puzzle
  1. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  2. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  3. dimesion of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings,including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and views about the world
  4. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  5. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors,hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  6. state of being without regular consistent housing
  7. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  8. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  9. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease,unhealthy condition,or injury
  10. length of time a person is expected to live
  11. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  1. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  2. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  3. of health that refers to how well the body functions
  4. actal number of years a person lives
  5. in-person and online communication channels, such as books TV shows, movies social media, and advertisements
  6. presence of waste in the enviroment
  7. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  8. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cell; affect development personality, and health
  9. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, mental and emotional, and social well-being

20 Clues: presence of waste in the enviromentactal number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular consistent housingof health that refers to how well the body functionsland features and any bodies of water present in an areachemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

HIP WEEK 2023 2023-04-11

HIP WEEK 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. What is the main professional association for health information professionals?
  2. Who typically sponsors Health Information Professionals Week?
  3. What is the primary goal of HIPAA?
  4. What is the purpose of Health Information Professionals Week?
  5. What is the acronym for the federal agency that enforces HIPAA regulations?
  6. What is the term used to describe the process of converting paper records into electronic format?
  7. What is the theme of Health Information Professionals Week 2021?
  8. What are one of the challenges facing health information professionals today
  9. What is the abbreviation for Health Information Professionals Week?
  1. What is the goal of medical coding?
  2. What is the name of the national certification exam for health information professionals?
  3. What is the goal of Health Information Professionals Week
  4. what are one of the key responsibilities of health information professionals
  5. What is the name of the national certification exam for medical coders?
  6. hat is the name of the AHIMA conference for health information professionals?
  7. What is the role of a health information administrator
  8. What is the role of a health information technician?

17 Clues: What is the primary goal of HIPAA?What is the goal of medical coding?What is the role of a health information technician?What is the role of a health information administratorWhat is the goal of Health Information Professionals WeekWho typically sponsors Health Information Professionals Week?...

HPM 350 Exam 1 2022-09-25

HPM 350 Exam 1 crossword puzzle
  1. The purpose of this is to protect us from unexpected loss by sharing the costs and risk over a large group of people.
  2. In 2020, total health expenditures were about ___________dollars.
  3. This phenomenon focuses on how people with (good) insurance are more likely to take risk/ greater risks because the insurance company will bear the costs
  4. People that have health insurance but are still unable to bear the large costs of healthcare are called___________.
  5. Anesthesiologist involement with colonoscopies is an effect of the ______ ______ of providers. This leads to increased costs.
  6. All organizations, people, and actions whose primary intent is to promote, restore, or maintain health
  7. A problem that persists since the ACA only required employers to offer afforable health insurance for their individual workers.
  8. This aspect of a health system is assesed with the dimensions of access, cost, quality, healthy lives, and equity
  9. Holds the idea that there are inherent trade-offs in health policy and we cannot have quality, affordable, and accessible healthcare at once.
  10. The health insurance plan that will not cover any out of network healthcare costs outside of emergencies and requires you to designate a Primary Care Provider.
  11. A specialized health plan that features a very high deductible and low premiums. If a person has not met their deductible, this health plan will not cover any healthcare costs from anything other than preventative services.
  1. An example of how the change in mix of services had led to a cost increase
  2. A provision of the ACA that required people to have health insurance of pay a tax penalty.
  3. Total health expenditures are projected to reach nearly $__________ by 2027.
  4. In 2020, per capita (per person) health spending was about $_______.
  5. This phenomenon focuses on the idea that the decision to obtain high quality insurance is typically made by people who expect to need/use that insurance.
  6. a phenomenon on how society tends to define health problems because of failures of biology, hygiene, and behavior instead of looking at deficiencies is basic necessities
  7. Refers to a succession of medical services that are often fueled by the desire to avoid even the smallest risk of a serious condition.
  8. People that aren't eligible for Medicaid and too poor to be eligible for subsidies to get health insurance fall under the ___________.
  9. The health insurance plan that will still pay for a portion out of network costs, but the out of pocket cost will be higher than if they had gone to an in network provider.
  10. A ______ share of the population incurs most of the health spending. This holds true for self-reported health and older adults.
  11. The current performance of the US healthcare system on a global scale
  12. Health spending accounted for nearly ____ of the US economy in 2020.

23 Clues: In 2020, total health expenditures were about ___________dollars.In 2020, per capita (per person) health spending was about $_______.Health spending accounted for nearly ____ of the US economy in 2020.The current performance of the US healthcare system on a global scaleAn example of how the change in mix of services had led to a cost increase...

Health 2016-03-17

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Your skull
  2. The inner bone on your lower leg
  3. Makes you stronger
  4. part of your digestive system
  5. the bones in your fingers and toes
  6. A type of muscle starting with C
  7. keeps you healthy
  8. connects muscles to the bone
  9. Has probiotics
  10. The outer bone on your lower leg
  1. connects bones to bones
  2. Helps you process food
  3. The bones in the hand connected to the fingers and wrist
  4. Your funny bone
  5. How you eat food
  6. A balanced diet
  7. Your wrist
  8. you have the strength to move

18 Clues: Your skullYour wristHas probioticsYour funny boneA balanced dietHow you eat foodkeeps you healthyMakes you strongerHelps you process foodconnects bones to bonesconnects muscles to the bonepart of your digestive systemyou have the strength to moveThe inner bone on your lower legA type of muscle starting with CThe outer bone on your lower leg...

Health 2019-01-28

Health crossword puzzle
  1. an infectious disease like a very bad cold, that causes fever, pains and weakness
  2. a blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after somebody has fallen, been hit, etc.
  3. the condition of a person’s body or mind
  4. a sport in which two people fight by holding each other and trying to throw or force the other one to the ground
  5. to bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth
  6. a spoken or written statement that informs people about something
  7. a small flat round piece of medicine that you swallow without chewing it
  8. harm done to a person’s or an animal’s body, for example in an accident
  9. the sport or activity of travelling in a boat using oars
  1. when your body temperature is higher due to some illness
  2. to force out air suddenly and noisily through your throat, for example when you have a cold
  3. the sport or activity of lifting heavy weights
  4. the act of being present at a place, for example at school
  5. the condition of being unable to sleep
  6. if a part of your body is sore, it is painful, and often red, especially because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much
  7. an infectious disease, especially of children, that causes fever and small red spots that cover the whole body
  8. chickens, ducks and geese, kept for their meat or eggs
  9. a chemical element. Iron is a hard strong metal that is used to make steel and is also found in small quantities in blood and food.

18 Clues: the condition of being unable to sleepthe condition of a person’s body or mindthe sport or activity of lifting heavy weightschickens, ducks and geese, kept for their meat or eggswhen your body temperature is higher due to some illnessthe sport or activity of travelling in a boat using oarsto bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth...

HEALTH 2022-02-19

HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. A person who is receiving medical treatment
  2. A substance that is injected to protect the body from a disease
  3. A serious disease caused by the bite of some types of mosquito
  4. A medicine made from dried plants (2 words)
  5. Units for measuring how much energy food will produce
  6. Nutrients that provide the body with energy and heat
  7. A traditional treatment for a cut and a disinfectant
  1. Being very fat, in a way that is not healthy
  2. To place food over boiling water; one of the healthiest types of cooking
  3. A medicine that reduces pain
  4. Nutrients that help us to grow strong muscles and stay healthy
  5. I am a bit under the ... (slightly ill).
  6. A change in your body that shows that you are not healthy
  7. A bad body reaction when you eat or touch something particular
  8. An uncomfortable foot virus
  9. A Chinese method of treating pain and illness using special thin needles
  10. A skin condition in which areas of skin become red, rough and itchy
  11. The condition of being unable to sleep

18 Clues: An uncomfortable foot virusA medicine that reduces painThe condition of being unable to sleepI am a bit under the ... (slightly ill).A person who is receiving medical treatmentA medicine made from dried plants (2 words)Being very fat, in a way that is not healthyNutrients that provide the body with energy and heat...

Health 2023-03-09

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Method of communication
  2. Active phyiscally
  3. transcendence
  4. Something your body gets eating good food
  5. Phyiscal drive to eat
  6. what it is called when you are hungery
  7. Refusing Using skills
  8. to much time sitting down
  9. End of conlfict
  10. ideas of way to live
  1. are direct, concise, and short
  2. Moving activity
  3. Something you gain eating food
  4. Passing of mental/phyiscal characteristics
  5. In shape
  6. Something that makes you sad/mad mentally
  7. What your body likes eating
  8. influence others

18 Clues: In shapetranscendenceMoving activityEnd of conlfictinfluence othersActive phyiscallyideas of way to livePhyiscal drive to eatRefusing Using skillsMethod of communicationto much time sitting downWhat your body likes eatingare direct, concise, and shortSomething you gain eating foodwhat it is called when you are hungery...

Health 2023-09-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. guide for making healthful daily food choices
  2. substances that the body cannot manufacture but that are needed for forming healthy bones and teeth and for regulating many vital body processes
  3. a natural physical drive that protects you from starvation
  4. a desire, rather than a need, to eat
  5. a set of recommendations for healthful eating and active living
  6. units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body
  7. nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and tissues
  8. the starches and sugars present in foods
  1. proteins that the body responds to as if they were pathogens, or foreign invaders
  2. an indigestible complex carbohydrate
  3. a condition in which the body's immune system reacts to substances in some foods
  4. substances intentionally added to food to produce a desired effect
  5. food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy
  6. a fatty substance that does not dissolve in water
  7. food poisoning
  8. compounds that help regulate many vital body processes, including the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of other nutrients
  9. the process by which the body takes in and uses food
  10. a negative reaction to a food or part of food caused by a metabolic problem, such as the inability to digest parts of certain foods or food components

18 Clues: food poisoningan indigestible complex carbohydratea desire, rather than a need, to eatthe starches and sugars present in foodsguide for making healthful daily food choicesa fatty substance that does not dissolve in waterthe process by which the body takes in and uses fooda natural physical drive that protects you from starvation...

Health 2023-09-12

Health crossword puzzle
  1. chemical substance from plants that may be sold as a dietary supplement
  2. having an excess amount of body fat
  3. a disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming obese results in severe weight loss from self-imposed starvation
  4. a disorder characterized by compulsive overeating
  5. a condition in which a person is less than the standard weight range for his or her height
  6. a person who eats mostly or only plant foods
  7. ratio of body fat to lean body tissue
  8. a vegetarian who eats only plant foods
  9. non-food form of one or more nutrients
  1. a disorder in which some form of purging or clearing of the digestive tract follows cycles of overeating
  2. minerals that help maintain the body's fluid balance
  3. the way you see your body
  4. the repeated pattern of loss and regain of body weight
  5. weight-loss plans that are popular for only a short time
  6. a condition in which a person is heavier than the standard weight range for his or her height
  7. an extreme, harmful eating behavior that can cause serious illness or even death
  8. restoring lost body fluids
  9. a very large amount of a dietary supplement

18 Clues: the way you see your bodyrestoring lost body fluidshaving an excess amount of body fatratio of body fat to lean body tissuea vegetarian who eats only plant foodsnon-food form of one or more nutrientsa very large amount of a dietary supplementa person who eats mostly or only plant foodsa disorder characterized by compulsive overeating...

LCDHD Public Health Week Trivia Crossword 2022-03-31

LCDHD Public Health Week Trivia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. We want to do this to the health of our communities
  2. Contains answers to many of your questions as an Employee
  3. Environmental Services has Safety tips for this summer activity
  4. Board of Directors Chairperson
  5. A system of personnel administration
  6. The CDC have identified _____________ Battles in public health.
  7. Part of our services include these type of programs
  8. 2022 National Public Health Week theme is “Public Health is _______ You Are.”
  9. LCDHD Public Health Director IV
  10. Popular web browser for Employee Resources Apps & Tools
  11. Report all incidents immediately to this department (2 words)
  12. A Healthy Today for a Brighter ____________.
  13. Instead of a brief voice message, you might want to send one of these.
  14. LCDHD Medical Director
  1. LCDHD HR Manager
  2. March 2022 District Voice recipe ingredient
  3. The HIPAA __________ Rule
  4. Week 13 of 52 Weeks to Health, National __________ Month
  5. Public Health _______________ Board (PHAB)
  6. Our vision is to achieve _______ health status for our communities.
  7. Part of our mission is to prevent this
  8. On June 18, 1971 this number of counties created a District Health Department
  9. You’ll need this to login to the CDP Portal
  10. Your ____________ is our mission!
  11. The LCDHD is governed by a 30-member _______ of Directors
  12. The “F” in FMLA
  13. LCDHD was the _______ District Health Department in the State of KY
  14. Jump on this to take courses for work
  15. We serve this number of counties

29 Clues: The “F” in FMLALCDHD HR ManagerLCDHD Medical DirectorThe HIPAA __________ RuleBoard of Directors ChairpersonLCDHD Public Health Director IVWe serve this number of countiesYour ____________ is our mission!A system of personnel administrationJump on this to take courses for workPart of our mission is to prevent this...

Yr 12 HHD - Key Knowledge 1&2 2015-11-30

Yr 12 HHD - Key Knowledge 1&2 crossword puzzle
  1. Refers to the level of health experienced by an individual, group or population
  2. A measure of the impact of diseases and injuries, specifically of measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability
  3. In order to have positive mental health you should be able to make a contribution to your _______
  4. The number of years of life a person can expect to live from birth if present mortality patters don't change
  5. The rate of deaths occurring in children under five years of age per 1000 live births
  6. Adequate energy levels is an example relating to which dimension of health
  7. The physical dimension of health relates to the efficient _______ of the body and its systems
  8. HALE
  9. Refers to ill-health in an individual and the levels of ill-health in a population or group
  1. The number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time
  2. DALYs
  3. The number of new cases of a condition during a given period of time
  4. A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or ______
  5. The best level of health an individual can realistically attain
  6. The three dimensions of health all work together. This means that they are _____
  7. Refers to deaths in a population
  8. A measure of how many healthy years of life are lost due to illness, injury or disability
  9. Positive self esteem is an example relating to which dimension of health
  10. Having a supportive and well functioning family is an example relating to which dimension of health
  11. The social dimension of health involves being able to interact with others in both an ______ and cooperative way
  12. A measure of how many years of expected life are lost due to premature death

21 Clues: HALEDALYsRefers to deaths in a populationThe best level of health an individual can realistically attainThe number of new cases of a condition during a given period of timePositive self esteem is an example relating to which dimension of healthAdequate energy levels is an example relating to which dimension of health...

Insurance 101 2021-05-18

Insurance 101 crossword puzzle
  1. The patients share of the costs of a covered health care service, calculated as a percentage
  2. The amount the patient has to pay out-of-pocket for expenses before the insurance company will cover the remaining costs Deductible obligations exclude copayments
  3. Advantage, Replacement Policy or Medicare Part C: A type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide you with all your Part A and Part B benefits, in addition to RX and dental benefits
  4. Accounts Receivable
  5. Third Party Liability (ex: workers compensation)
  6. Remittance Advice Remark Code; Supplemental to a CARC
  7. Software as a Service (QSI Dental Web/ QDW)
  8. State administered health insurance program for low income or disabled patients
  9. A child or other individual for whom a parent, relative, or other person may claim a personal exemption tax deduction and is eligible for health benefits under the subscribers health insurance policy
  10. Explanation of Benefits
  1. Marian Smith is the
  2. A type of health insurance arrangement that allows plan participants relative freedom to choose the doctors and hospitals they want to visit
  3. : Park Dental's Clearinghouse
  4. The process of paying claims submitted or denying them after comparing claims to the benefit or coverage requirements
  5. Electronic Funds Transfer
  6. Federally administered health insurance program for adults over 65, patients with disabilities and / or End Stage Renal Disease
  7. Electronic Remittance Advice
  8. Coordination of Benefits
  9. Claim: Formerly called Claim Reversal; A provider initiated electronic void is the cancelation of an entire claim
  10. The policy owner The person who pays health insurance premiums and / or is eligible for group health insurance benefits
  11. A request for your health insurer or plan to review a decision or a grievance again
  12. A request for payment that you or your health care provider submits to your health insurer after services are rendered
  13. Prepaid Medical Assistance Programs
  14. Electronic Claim Submission
  15. : Electronic Data Interchange

25 Clues: Marian Smith is theAccounts ReceivableExplanation of BenefitsCoordination of BenefitsElectronic Funds TransferElectronic Claim SubmissionElectronic Remittance Advice: Park Dental's Clearinghouse: Electronic Data InterchangePrepaid Medical Assistance ProgramsSoftware as a Service (QSI Dental Web/ QDW)Third Party Liability (ex: workers compensation)...

Chapter 1 Unit Vocab 2023-09-12

Chapter 1 Unit Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a state of excellent health
  2. a dimension of health that involves your emotions, mood, outlook on life, and beliefs about yourself
  3. theories and health claims that are described as being based in science when they are not
  4. a collection of and the pursuit of knowledge about the natural world drawn from observation and experimentation
  5. a short-term or long-term plan of action that will guide you to the state of wellness you hope to reach
  6. a continuing pursuit of learning and studying that carries through your entire life; a key component of your ability to take charge of your own health
  7. a dimension of health that involves your communication skills, relationships, and ability to interact with others
  8. a process in which you take charge of your own health and wellness by making responsible and well-informed decisions
  9. a state of excellent health and wellness in all areas of your life
  10. your ability to stand up to pressures and influences that hinder your progress toward wellness
  11. diseases that occur for many years, even for a lifetime
  12. conclusions about the natural world that have been obtained through peer-reviewed, repeatable observation and experimentation
  1. a state of health and wellness in which one feels safe, fulfilled, and productive, and looks forward to enjoying a long life
  2. a dimension of health that involves your ability to think clearly and critically, learn, and solve problems
  3. your ability to make choices about your health and wellness
  4. an abnormal physical or mental condition with no single, identifiable cause
  5. a poor state of health and wellness in various areas of your life
  6. the ability to locate, interpret, and apply information pertaining to your health
  7. your ability to interact positively with those around you
  8. diseases that occur and resolve quickly

20 Clues: a state of excellent healthdiseases that occur and resolve quicklydiseases that occur for many years, even for a lifetimeyour ability to interact positively with those around youyour ability to make choices about your health and wellnessa poor state of health and wellness in various areas of your life...

Chapter 1 Vocab Crossword Puzzle 2022-08-26

Chapter 1 Vocab Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. events in your life
  2. beliefs and patterns of behavior
  3. number of years a person can expect to live
  4. comfortable with yourself
  5. forms of communication that provide news and entertainment
  6. get along with others
  7. any action or condition that increases injury
  8. standards and beliefs important to you
  9. taking action to avoid negative health outcomes
  10. gradual progression through many progressions
  11. all the traits that are passed biologically
  12. buys product
  13. specific steps to achieve a goal
  1. use health information to improve his or her health
  2. body functions
  3. Degree of overall satisfaction
  4. aims for and works hard to reach
  5. public promotion
  6. lies
  7. whether your are male or female
  8. a behavior that is repeated
  9. communication to influence others in making positive health decisions
  10. repair or replace the product
  11. useless medical treatments or products
  12. well-being of your body, mind, and relationship with other people
  13. high level health
  14. physical and social conditions influence a persons health

27 Clues: liesbuys productbody functionspublic promotionhigh level healthevents in your lifeget along with otherscomfortable with yourselfa behavior that is repeatedrepair or replace the productDegree of overall satisfactionwhether your are male or femalebeliefs and patterns of behavioraims for and works hard to reachspecific steps to achieve a goal...

Maori Health Models 2024-10-09

Maori Health Models crossword puzzle
  1. the two blank stars represent community leadership and autonomy
  2. two words meaning the iwi leadership
  3. extended family
  4. open and healthy expression of emotions
  5. two words taking care of this health means uplifting your spirit
  6. when one of the walls of the house become damaged, health and wellbeing become blank
  7. these represent different dimensions of health and are quite fishy
  8. all about a healthy mind
  9. two words meaning mauri in people and objects
  10. two words meaning the identifier of yourself or your family unit
  11. healthy lifestyles
  1. cultural identity
  2. a nature reserve but also participating in society
  3. the southern cross constellation
  4. there are four of these that represent the different dimensions of health
  5. where maori converge
  6. full name of the person who developed te whare tapa wha
  7. where you walk, run, play
  8. the dimensions of health in maori models of health are blank because everything is interconnected
  9. what the maori model of health encompasses
  10. our forebearers; we are connected to our past

21 Clues: extended familycultural identityhealthy lifestyleswhere maori convergeall about a healthy mindwhere you walk, run, playthe southern cross constellationtwo words meaning the iwi leadershipopen and healthy expression of emotionswhat the maori model of health encompassesour forebearers; we are connected to our past...

Maori Health Models 2024-10-09

Maori Health Models crossword puzzle
  1. these represent different dimensions of health and are quite fishy
  2. healthy lifestyles
  3. two words taking care of this health means uplifting your spirit
  4. where you walk, run, play
  5. what the maori model of health encompasses
  6. two words meaning the identifier of yourself or your family unit
  7. when one of the walls of the house become damaged, health and wellbeing become blank
  8. full name of the person who developed te whare tapa wha
  9. there are four of these that represent the different dimensions of health
  1. our forebearers; we are connected to our past
  2. cultural identity
  3. all about a healthy mind
  4. two words meaning mauri in people and objects
  5. the southern cross constellation
  6. open and healthy expression of emotions
  7. two words meaning the iwi leadership
  8. extended family
  9. the dimensions of health in maori models of health are blank because everything is interconnected
  10. where maori converge
  11. the two blank stars represent community leadership and autonomy
  12. a nature reserve but also participating in society

21 Clues: extended familycultural identityhealthy lifestyleswhere maori convergeall about a healthy mindwhere you walk, run, playthe southern cross constellationtwo words meaning the iwi leadershipopen and healthy expression of emotionswhat the maori model of health encompassesour forebearers; we are connected to our past...

Health Insurance CrossWord Puzzle 2022-01-14

Health Insurance CrossWord Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A written order from your primary care doctor for you to see a specialist or get certain medical services.
  2. The maximum dollar amount that a health insurance company will pay for a particular benefit over the course of a plan year.
  3. A dollar amount that a patient must pay for healthcare services each plan year before the insurance company will begin paying claims.
  4. Insurance coverage for family members of the policyholder, such as spouses, children, or partners.
  5. The total dollar amount of cost-sharing that a patient is responsible for paying under a health insurance plan.
  6. To ask that a health plan reconsider its decision to deny payment for a treatment or service.
  7. The portion of charges for a healthcare service that a patient is responsible to pay. Common forms of cost-sharing include deductibles, co-insurance and co-payments.
  8. The list of prescription drugs covered in full or in part by a health plan.
  9. A recurring fee a health insurance company charges for your health insurance coverage, typically charged on a monthly basis.
  10. A plan’s decision to deny a claim, in whole or in part, based on medical judgment or recession.
  1. A requirement that health insurance companies sell a health insurance plan to any person who requests coverage.
  2. The market for health insurance coverage offered to individuals not in a group health plan.
  3. A prescription drug that has the same active-ingredient formula as a brand-name drug.
  4. A request for payment that you or your health care provider submits to your health insurer when you get items or services you think are covered.
  5. The ability to switch coverage
  6. Under the individual mandate, most people who do not have health insurance have to pay a penalty each year.
  7. The maximum dollar amount that your health insurance company will pay a health care provider for a benefit healthcare service covered by your health insurance plan.
  8. The flat-dollar amount a patient must pay when visiting a doctor or other healthcare provider.

18 Clues: The ability to switch coverageThe list of prescription drugs covered in full or in part by a health plan.A prescription drug that has the same active-ingredient formula as a brand-name drug.The market for health insurance coverage offered to individuals not in a group health plan....

PAS Week 2024 2024-03-26

PAS Week 2024 crossword puzzle
  1. Coordination of Benefits
  2. A patient could authorize specific individuals to receive medical information on their behalf on this registration document
  3. Director's name
  4. The amount you pay for covered health services before your insurance plan starts to pay
  5. Federal health insurance plan that patients 65 or older will typically have
  6. ABN (Advance __ Notice)
  7. HIM (__ Information Management)
  8. Face covering
  9. Patient Access Services
  10. Power of Attorney
  1. LVN (Licensed __ Nurse)
  2. Manager's name (not supervisor lol)
  3. Explanation of Benefits
  4. Medical Doctor
  5. When a child is covered by two parents' health insurance policies, this rule decides which insurance will pay first
  6. EHR system used
  7. Provider who helps manage all aspects of your health
  8. A portal that gives patients easy access to their medical records
  9. Health Maintenance Organization
  10. Nurse Practitioner

20 Clues: Face coveringMedical DoctorDirector's nameEHR system usedPower of AttorneyNurse PractitionerLVN (Licensed __ Nurse)Explanation of BenefitsABN (Advance __ Notice)Patient Access ServicesCoordination of BenefitsHIM (__ Information Management)Health Maintenance OrganizationManager's name (not supervisor lol)...

Chapter one 2013-11-21

Chapter one crossword puzzle
  1. insurance by gov. for poor
  2. Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act
  3. insurance by gov. for elderly
  4. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  5. 1974 to protect the rights of patients
  6. focus of preventing disease prolonging life and promoting physical health
  7. payments covered by patient
  8. paid by employer
  9. national prevention strategy 3 goals increase life expectancy, reduce health disparities and increase access
  10. actual activities to help with public education
  11. coverage for eveyone
  12. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
  13. American Recovery and Reinvestment
  14. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  15. Newborn and Mothers’ Health Protection Act
  16. evaluating the process of to facilitate programs
  17. Triangle focuses on the balance of three factors, quality, cost, and accessibility
  18. Mental Health Parity Act
  19. Gross Domestic Product
  20. Certificate of Need
  21. continuous collection of data
  1. groups share risk and costs of covered losses
  2. standards to increase patient awareness by education
  3. Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act
  4. facilities set up to serve the poor
  5. providers that focuses specifically on the care when hospitalized
  6. Voluntary insurance from employer
  7. Center for Mental Health Services
  8. Family Medical Leave Act
  9. National Mental Health Act
  10. Poison Prevention Packaging Act
  11. Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
  12. poorhouses
  13. developed to provide protection in the event of health problems
  14. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  15. Social Security Act considered old age insurance
  16. avoids development of disease
  17. evaluation that forced medical schools to have standardization
  18. activities for early detection, prevents progression of disease
  19. state of well being
  20. reduces impact of existing disease by reducing disease related complictions
  21. American Medical Association
  22. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
  23. large patterns of disease

44 Clues: poorhousespaid by employerstate of well beingCertificate of Needcoverage for eveyoneGross Domestic ProductFamily Medical Leave ActMental Health Parity Actlarge patterns of diseaseinsurance by gov. for poorNational Mental Health Actpayments covered by patientAmerican Medical Associationinsurance by gov. for elderlyavoids development of disease...

Health 2022-01-25

Health crossword puzzle
  1. вкачування
  2. втирати, притискати
  3. природній засіб
  4. кров'яні судини
  5. танін
  6. лікувати
  7. антиперспірант
  8. імунна система
  9. без запаху
  10. розлад шлунку
  1. розлад травлення
  2. звужений
  3. неприємний запах з рота
  4. безсоння
  5. кислотність шлунку
  6. заспокоїти
  7. посипати
  8. нейтралізувати

18 Clues: танінзвуженийбезсоннялікуватипосипативкачуваннязаспокоїтибез запахурозлад шлункуантиперспірантімунна системанейтралізуватиприродній засібкров'яні судинирозлад травленнякислотність шлункувтирати, притискатинеприємний запах з рота

Health 2014-12-14

Health crossword puzzle
  1. skrandžio skausmas
  2. gydyti nuo (ko nors)
  3. klausyti gydytojo nurodymų
  4. čiaudėti
  5. ištinęs
  6. miręs
  1. būti operuojamam
  2. pasitempti/išsinarinti
  3. susirgti
  4. išgydyti
  5. būti geros sveikatos
  6. užkrečiama/infekcinė liga
  7. nepagydoma liga
  8. jaustis
  9. apžiūrėti pacientą
  10. liga/susirgimas
  11. skųstis
  12. palata

18 Clues: miręspalatajaustisskųstisištinęssusirgtiišgydytičiaudėtinepagydoma ligaliga/susirgimasbūti operuojamamskrandžio skausmasapžiūrėti pacientąbūti geros sveikatosgydyti nuo (ko nors)pasitempti/išsinarintiužkrečiama/infekcinė ligaklausyti gydytojo nurodymų

Health 2020-10-12

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A recent study conducted by Harvard University in 2019 found that intermittent fasting rejuvenated internal body parts through a biological process. What is this process known as?
  2. Shot that helps to protect against a virus
  3. Licypriya Kangujam recently protested at the Parliament to pass a law for which environmental issue?
  4. The founder of the AVP Research Foundation recently passed away due to COVID 19. Name him.
  5. A drug called fadraciclib was discovered by The Institute of Cancer Research, London in 2020. For which disease was this drug discovered?
  6. Trump suggested hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID-19. For what disease is it actually prescribed for?
  7. Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice were jointly honored for their decisive contribution to the discovery of ______________ virus
  8. 2020 (Till August) was reported to have the most number of patients in this particular line of health ailments, due to a toxic substance. What is this toxic substance?
  9. Name the country which formally withdrew from the World Health Organisation in 2020 (Abbr.)
  1. WHO headquarters is situated in ___________________
  2. What was the theme of 2019 mental health day?
  3. Name the pandemic caused by H1N1 virus in 1918 (two words)
  4. What is the name of the Health Minister of Tamil Nadu?
  5. Which Indian pharmaceutical company claims to have COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by 2022?
  6. Name the coronavirus vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech
  7. Mission launched by the government of India for providing affordable health care (Abbr.)
  8. Who heads the Ministry of Health of India?
  9. World’s most polluted country in the world as of 2019

18 Clues: Shot that helps to protect against a virusWho heads the Ministry of Health of India?What was the theme of 2019 mental health day?WHO headquarters is situated in ___________________World’s most polluted country in the world as of 2019What is the name of the Health Minister of Tamil Nadu?Name the coronavirus vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech...

Health 2021-02-09

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Boğaz Ağrısı
  2. Üşütmek
  3. Ağır Şeyler
  4. Kırık kol
  5. Kulak Ağrısı
  6. Hapşurmak
  7. İlaç
  8. Battaniye
  1. Karın Ağrısı
  2. Baş Ağrısı
  3. Diş Ağrısı
  4. Hap
  5. Öksürük
  6. Bel Ağrısı
  7. Nose Burun Akıntısı
  8. Şiddetli Ağrı
  9. Yorgun
  10. Mendil

18 Clues: HapİlaçYorgunMendilÖksürükÜşütmekKırık kolHapşurmakBattaniyeBaş AğrısıDiş AğrısıBel AğrısıAğır ŞeylerKarın AğrısıBoğaz AğrısıKulak AğrısıŞiddetli AğrıNose Burun Akıntısı

Health 2021-03-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. What is a type of depressant?
  2. A drug that is used to relieve pain and is prescribed by doctors.
  3. What is an example of a stimulant drug?
  4. What is it called when a disease occurs in large numbers in a particular area?
  5. Strept throat is an example of a disease that is a living microscopic organism?
  6. What is a drug that slows down the body?
  7. What are e-cigarettes powered by?
  1. What is it called when a disease occurs in large numbers but in different areas?
  2. An example of a hallucinogen affects areas of the brain that control vision and balance is called
  3. What is a disease called when it can be spread from person to person?
  4. What is it called when a drug speeds up the body’s function?
  5. drugs What are drugs called that are traded on the street?
  6. What is the disease of when your blood sugar goes up and down?
  7. What is the drug that comes from the poppy plant and is a type of narcotics?
  8. _____ are substances other than food that can change the structure or function of the body or mind.
  9. What body part does alcohol affect overtime?
  10. What type of substance enters the body when vaping?
  11. abuse Taking a drug for the purpose of getting high is called
  12. use Taking a drug as it is prescribed is called

19 Clues: What is a type of depressant?What are e-cigarettes powered by?What is an example of a stimulant drug?What is a drug that slows down the body?What body part does alcohol affect overtime?What type of substance enters the body when vaping?use Taking a drug as it is prescribed is calleddrugs What are drugs called that are traded on the street?...

Health 2021-09-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. lifting weights is a form of ___ exercise
  2. your favorite teacher
  3. made by rocks and soils
  4. naturally made by living things
  5. physical ____is the ability to perform daily task
  6. 0 to 20 of your total calories
  7. 65 percent of your body weight
  8. a condition characterized by decrease in bone density
  1. walking, running, biking is a form of ___ exercise
  2. when your body breaks down food
  3. yoga will improve your ____
  4. physical ___form of movement that causes your body to us energy
  5. protect nerves and tissues
  6. main source of energy
  7. spending too much time on electronics
  8. physical activity will improve reaction time ____system
  9. an activity to activate your muscles before exercise
  10. your ___ heart rate should be anywhere from 60-72BPM

18 Clues: your favorite teachermain source of energymade by rocks and soilsprotect nerves and tissuesyoga will improve your ____0 to 20 of your total calories65 percent of your body weightwhen your body breaks down foodnaturally made by living thingsspending too much time on electronicslifting weights is a form of ___ exercise...

Health 2021-10-18

Health crossword puzzle
  1. form of oxygen that is formed naturally in the upper atmosphere
  2. Take ______ care of the items that you have already purchased
  3. everyone lives within the
  4. Avoid ______ shopping without a list or when you are hungry
  5. use your ______ wisely
  6. Avoid _______ when you are in a hurry; don't make rash decisions
  7. ______ peer pressure or the pressure to conform when spending money
  8. do your _______
  9. to rob or to spoil
  10. Pray for ________when spending your money
  1. Be a good ________ on your family and peers by helping them make wise decisions
  2. ________ for wisdom when spending money
  3. rain that contains pollutes
  4. contamination
  5. If you have a ________ with goods or services that you purchased, don't ignore, get help
  6. warming of the earth's temperature
  7. someone who is concerned about the quality of the human environment
  8. a manager, supervisor, superintendent

18 Clues: contaminationdo your _______to rob or to spoiluse your ______ wiselyeveryone lives within therain that contains polluteswarming of the earth's temperaturea manager, supervisor, superintendent________ for wisdom when spending moneyPray for ________when spending your moneyAvoid ______ shopping without a list or when you are hungry...

Health 2022-11-02

Health crossword puzzle
  1. to cause something to be hurt by heat
  2. to rub your skin with your nails
  3. to experience something physical or emotional
  4. to swallow or use a medicine or drug
  5. to cut a body open for medical reasons
  6. to feel pain in a part of your body
  7. to have or cause an uncomfortable feeling on the skin
  8. to damage a muscle or similar soft part of the body caused by using that part too much
  1. to take care of someone or something (2 words)
  2. to make air come out of your throat with a short sound
  3. to hurt or cause physical harm to a person
  4. (an illness) to become more serious
  5. to lose blood
  6. to get an illness, especially one caused by bacteria or a virus
  7. to produce liquid through your skin because you are hot or nervous
  8. to suddenly become unconscious for a short time, usually falling down
  9. to fall down because of illness or weakness
  10. to use drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of a disease or heal an injury

18 Clues: to lose bloodto rub your skin with your nails(an illness) to become more seriousto feel pain in a part of your bodyto swallow or use a medicine or drugto cause something to be hurt by heatto cut a body open for medical reasonsto hurt or cause physical harm to a personto fall down because of illness or weakness...

Health 2023-05-15

Health crossword puzzle
  1. means that although you will be learning from a distance, you will virtually attend a class session each week.
  2. ability to produce a desired effect.
  3. time spent using a device.
  4. a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention.
  5. a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education.
  6. a condition that puts one in a superior position.
  7. the force that drives you to do things.
  8. is when a child is offered the opportunity to choose their own learning activity.
  9. is where the students are encouraged to take more control of their learning process.
  1. the quality of being easy to obtain or use.
  2. allows you to learn on your own schedule, within a certain timeframe.
  3. knowledge that is delivered to an end-user.
  4. instruction that is delivered electronically through various multimedia and Internet platforms and applications.
  5. is one in which participants, instructors, and facilitators meet together in the same place and at the same time.
  6. is the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has attained their short or long-term educational goals.
  7. the state of being in a place that is separate from others.
  8. condition that reduces the chances of success.
  9. the cost or price of something.

18 Clues: time spent using a device.the cost or price of something.ability to produce a desired effect.the force that drives you to do things.the quality of being easy to obtain or use.knowledge that is delivered to an end-user.condition that reduces the chances of success.a condition that puts one in a superior position....

Health 2023-08-18

Health crossword puzzle
  1. ảnh hưởng
  2. measure a long distance from the bottom to the top; cao
  3. different and unwanted or harmful change; bất thường
  4. cause pain; đau đớn
  5. dành (thời gian/tiền bạc)
  6. tắm nắng
  7. sổ mũi
  8. (of a person's body)heavy or overweight; béo
  9. ho hắng
  10. sờ, chạm
  1. relate to the treatment of injuries and illness; y tế
  2. sick; not feeling well; ốm
  3. too heavy in an unhealthy way; thừa cân
  4. ... - position: the 2nd "." is in the middle; ở giữa
  5. gây ra
  6. ngửi
  7. ngứa ngáy
  8. often happen, sth most people know; phổ biến

18 Clues: ngửigây rasổ mũiho hắngtắm nắngsờ, chạmảnh hưởngngứa ngáycause pain; đau đớndành (thời gian/tiền bạc)sick; not feeling well; ốmtoo heavy in an unhealthy way; thừa cân(of a person's body)heavy or overweight; béooften happen, sth most people know; phổ biếndifferent and unwanted or harmful change; bất thường...

Health 2024-11-13

Health crossword puzzle
  1. arm Fracture of the arm bone.
  2. Red, irritated skin, often itchy.
  3. Mark left after a wound heals.
  4. Overstretching or tearing ligaments.
  5. sore Painful blister on the lips, caused by a virus
  6. Sudden turn causing pain.
  7. Harm or damage to the body due to an accident.
  1. Rough skin growth caused by a virus.
  2. Fluid-filled bubble on the skin.
  3. Injury from contact with something hot.
  4. Swelling or bump under the skin.
  5. Painful puncture wound from an insect sting.
  6. Scrape the skin on your skin , often from a fall.
  7. Burn caused by hot liquid or steam.
  8. Injury from an animal’s teeth breaking the skin.
  9. Small red blemish, often from acne.
  10. Discolored skin from broken blood vessels.
  11. Open wound on the finger, usually from a sharp object.

18 Clues: Sudden turn causing pain.Mark left after a wound heals.Fluid-filled bubble on the skin.Swelling or bump under the skin.Red, irritated skin, often itchy.Burn caused by hot liquid or steam.Small red blemish, often from acne.Rough skin growth caused by a virus.Overstretching or tearing ligaments.arm Fracture of the arm bone....

kaden prindels health crossword 2022-09-08

kaden prindels health crossword crossword puzzle
  1. state of excellent healt and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  2. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions,solve problems, and examine situation
  3. aspect of peoples lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health
  4. presence of waste in the environment
  5. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  6. actual number of years a person lives
  7. persons ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good
  8. dimension of health that refers to how well a person gets along with others
  9. aspects of peoples lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  10. length of time a person is expected to live
  11. process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to improve it
  12. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  13. in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies, social media,and advertisements
  14. choices and behaviors that affect a persons chance of developing a disease, unhealthy condition, or injury
  1. extent to which a person experiences a healthy,happy,and fulfilling life
  2. dimension of health that refers to the expression of thought and feelings, including emotions,moods, feeling about one's self, and views about the world
  3. chemical that carries genetic information found in chromosomes
  4. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  5. health conditions that develop due to a persons gene;do not require the presence of other risk factors
  6. dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions
  7. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, and social well-being
  8. state of being without regular consistent housing
  9. beliefs, values, customs, and art of a particular group or society
  10. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for structure and function ofa persons cell;affect development, personality, and health

24 Clues: presence of waste in the environmentactual number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular consistent housingland features and any bodies of water present in an areachemical that carries genetic information found in chromosomesdimension of health that refers to how well the body functions...

your moms health and wellness 2022-09-08

your moms health and wellness crossword puzzle
  1. land features and any bodies of water present in an area
  2. beliefs, values, customs, and arts of a particular group or society
  3. dimesion of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings,including emotions, moods, feelings about one's self, and views about the world
  4. health conditions that develop due to a person's genes; do not require the presence of other risk factors
  5. poor overall state of health in which a person cannot function normally; caused by factors such as disease, risky behaviors,hazardous substances, and concerns with mental or emotional health
  6. state of being without regular consistent housing
  7. circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround a person in everyday life
  8. state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and emotional, and social health
  9. choices and behaviors that affect a person's chance of developing a disease,unhealthy condition,or injury
  10. length of time a person is expected to live
  11. extent to which a person experiences a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life
  1. aspects of people's lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health
  2. chemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes
  3. of health that refers to how well the body functions
  4. actal number of years a person lives
  5. in-person and online communication channels, such as books TV shows, movies social media, and advertisements
  6. presence of waste in the enviroment
  7. dimension of health that describes how a person observes and interprets information to make decisions, solve problems, and examine situations
  8. DNA segments that contain the blueprint for the structure and function of a person's cell; affect development personality, and health
  9. state of complete physical, mental and emotional, mental and emotional, and social well-being

20 Clues: presence of waste in the enviromentactal number of years a person liveslength of time a person is expected to livestate of being without regular consistent housingof health that refers to how well the body functionsland features and any bodies of water present in an areachemical that carries genetic information; found in chromosomes...

Health 2017-02-27

Health crossword puzzle
  1. A medical condition that makes you unable to remember things
  2. Treatment for illness or injury, or the study of this
  3. The body temperature is higher than usual
  4. A pain in the stomach
  5. A period of mental illness that results in anxiety, difficult in sleeping and think clearly, a loss of confidence and hope, and a feeling of great sadness
  6. A wound caused by something sharp
  7. A pain in the inside part of your ear
  8. A common infectious illness that causes fever and headache (influenza)
  9. A lower temperature
  10. Diseased
  1. A formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place
  2. A pain in the back
  3. A pain in the head
  4. Pain caused by something being wrong with one of your teeth
  5. Not well or healthy
  6. A condition in which your throat is red and feels painful
  7. Operations to take out the tonsils
  8. Feeling as if everything is turning around

18 Clues: DiseasedA pain in the backA pain in the headNot well or healthyA lower temperatureA pain in the stomachA wound caused by something sharpOperations to take out the tonsilsA pain in the inside part of your earThe body temperature is higher than usualFeeling as if everything is turning aroundTreatment for illness or injury, or the study of this...

Health 2023-11-20

Health crossword puzzle
  1. synonym for injection
  2. appear very sickly
  3. you sit here till the doctor can see you
  4. an antonym for looking well
  5. you use this if you cut yourself
  6. to die soon
  7. to continue to be well
  8. a needle
  9. this person helps the doctor
  10. a woman who looks after pregnant ladies
  1. an antonym for looking great
  2. you see this person if you have a toothache
  3. a doctor who looks after eyes
  4. this is where surgeries take place
  5. to be in good health
  6. the doctor prescibes these
  7. a synonym for tired
  8. a synonym for sick

18 Clues: a needleto die soonappear very sicklya synonym for sicka synonym for tiredto be in good healthsynonym for injectionto continue to be wellthe doctor prescibes thesean antonym for looking wellan antonym for looking greatthis person helps the doctora doctor who looks after eyesyou use this if you cut yourselfthis is where surgeries take place...

Health 2023-12-11

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a risk factor that you can’t control. Increases risk of CVD every year
  2. is a disease that is not transmitted by another person, a vector, or the environment
  3. a controllable risk factor treated with eating fewer high fat/cholesterol foods and to exercise
  4. or CVD, a disease that affects the heart or blood vessels
  5. a controllable risk factor treated with maintaining a healthy weight
  6. a non controllable risk factor of family genetics
  7. a controllable risk factor treated by doing stress management techniques
  8. hardened arteries with reduced elasticity
  9. a controllable risk factor due to smoking or second hand smoke
  10. irregular heartbeats
  11. a controllable risk factor treated by getting at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise
  1. a controllable risk factor treated with checking blood pressure and being healthy
  2. chest pain that results when the heart does not get enough oxygen
  3. a non controllable risk factor men have a higher risk of getting CVD
  4. use a controllable risk factor treated with not using drugs
  5. high blood pressure, often has no symptoms in its early stages, it is sometimes called a “silent killer”
  6. a disease characterized by the accumulation of plaque on artery walls
  7. an acute injury in which blood flow to the brain is interrupted

18 Clues: irregular heartbeatshardened arteries with reduced elasticitya non controllable risk factor of family geneticsor CVD, a disease that affects the heart or blood vesselsuse a controllable risk factor treated with not using drugsa controllable risk factor due to smoking or second hand smoke...

chapter 1-11 2021-12-14

chapter 1-11 crossword puzzle
  1. is taking action to influence others to address a health related concern or to support a health-related belief
  2. behaviors are actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others.
  3. refers to the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
  4. is something you aim for that takes planning and work.
  5. skills- The first step is to develop health skills. , or life skills,
  6. specific tools and strategies that help you maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health
  7. a goal that you can reach in a short period of time
  8. those distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves
  9. an overall state of well-being, or total health.
  10. communication- is the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people.
  11. is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being
  12. is a nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States.
  13. the providing of accurate health information to help people make healthy choices
  14. are communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful, or that go against your values.
  15. a goal that you plan to reach over an extended period of the time
  16. practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury.
  17. are related risks that increase in effect with each added risk.
  1. multistep strategy to identify and achieve your goals
  2. is the sum of your surroundings
  3. ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress
  4. is the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem-solving.
  5. are steps that enable you to make a healthful decision.
  6. is avoiding harmful behaviors, including the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs and sexual activity before marriage
  7. all the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents.
  8. or the various methods of communicating information
  9. a person’s capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resources to promote his or her health and wellness.
  10. someone whose success or behavior serves as an example for others.
  11. are people of the same age who share similar interests

28 Clues: is the sum of your surroundingsan overall state of well-being, or total health.a goal that you can reach in a short period of timeor the various methods of communicating informationmultistep strategy to identify and achieve your goalsis something you aim for that takes planning and work.are people of the same age who share similar interests...

Hazel Acronyms 2022-07-13

Hazel Acronyms crossword puzzle
  1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
  2. Mental Health
  3. Physical Health
  4. end of day
  5. Physician Assistant
  6. Family Education Rights and Protection Act
  7. Chief Technology Officer
  8. implementation manager
  9. customer success manager
  10. Clinical Support Team
  1. Protected Health Information
  2. Primary Care Physician
  3. Account Manager
  4. Hazel's Early Assessment Response and Treatment
  5. Medical Doctor
  6. Nurse Practitioner
  7. family resource manager
  8. Chief Medical Officer
  9. Over the Counter Medication
  10. Customer Support Team

20 Clues: end of dayMental HealthMedical DoctorAccount ManagerPhysical HealthNurse PractitionerPhysician AssistantChief Medical OfficerCustomer Support TeamClinical Support TeamPrimary Care Physicianimplementation managerfamily resource managerChief Technology Officercustomer success managerOver the Counter MedicationProtected Health Information...

insurance vocab 2021-02-15

insurance vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Fixed amount you pay for a specific health care service or prescription.
  2. How much you need to pay for health services out of pocket.
  3. Federal health insurance program for Americans over 65.
  4. Rule, Used to determine when a plan is primary or secondary for a dependent child when covered by both parents' benefit plan.
  5. Government funded health care for army officials and their family.
  6. compensation, If you get hurt while working the company you work for will pay for medical bills if reported in a certain amount of time.
  7. of Benefits, Statement sent by health insurance company explaining what services were paid for.
  1. Money per patient per unit of time in advance to physician for health care services.
  2. Government funded health care for widow/er and children of veterans.
  3. of Benefits, Agreement that transfers insurance claims rights or benefits of policy to a 3rd party.
  4. Children's health insurance program, government funded for kids under the age of 18.
  5. Required prior to performance of a health-care service.
  6. Percentage of the cost that you pay for covered services.
  7. condition, Medical condition started before person's health insurance went in effect.
  8. Monthly payment for health insurance.
  9. Maintenance Organization, Health Insurance plan that usually has their own network of providers/hospitals who have agreed to accept payment at a certain level for any services provided.
  10. Provider Organization, health insurance plan that provides maximum benefits if you visit an in-network physician or provider, but still provides some coverage for out-of-network providers.

17 Clues: Monthly payment for health insurance.Required prior to performance of a health-care service.Federal health insurance program for Americans over 65.Percentage of the cost that you pay for covered services.How much you need to pay for health services out of pocket.Government funded health care for army officials and their family....

Latino Health Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices 2021-12-09

Latino Health Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices crossword puzzle
  1. are given priority by the government to ensure availability
  2. Some illnesses are found outside the body
  3. Latinos gradually take on the lifestyles of the mainstream culture
  4. Also known as the Hot and Cold Theory
  5. message therapists
  6. Result from the person having experienced strong emotional states
  7. Health services are run by the government
  8. practice espiritismo to heal patients and act as spiritualist mediums to help patients get rid of the spirits
  9. relying on friends and family, self treatment with home remedies is this health practice
  10. Exposure to mainstream culture at school contributed to their becoming bilingual and bicultural.
  11. This group of Latinos came to the US in search of better living conditions, many already in the US
  1. Are more attached to their home countries of origin, including the model of health care.
  2. According to the Hot and Cold Theory, if all 4 _____ are balance, a person is unhealthy.
  3. Express their pride in their heritage and to retain cultural values that do not conflict with the mainstream culture such as food and music
  4. in this system of healing, the patients health problems as well as his or her cultural and religious beliefs are considered.
  5. African, Native American, and European cultures ______ Latinos' views on health.
  6. The believed ____ of illness often determines which type of help someone will seek
  7. came to the US in search for a better life - more readily accepted into mainstream society
  8. A religious health practice in which one negotiates with God, asking for improved health in exchange for giving up something the person enjoys or values
  9. Health in Spanish
  10. World Health Organization
  11. Pan American Health Organization
  12. Resources are limited in Latinamerca, therefore the emphasis of health programs is on ____
  13. More educated Latinos are more willing to accept the _____ of health instead of the religiously influenced one.

24 Clues: Health in Spanishmessage therapistsWorld Health OrganizationPan American Health OrganizationAlso known as the Hot and Cold TheorySome illnesses are found outside the bodyHealth services are run by the governmentare given priority by the government to ensure availabilityResult from the person having experienced strong emotional states...