health Crossword Puzzles
Health 2020-04-27
20 Clues: grypa • kaszel • ukąsić • bolesny • zdrowie • zakazić • alergia • ból zęba • ból ucha • gorączka • infekcja • niewidomy • skaleczyć • ból głowy • ból pleców • stłuczenie • katar sienny • nie słyszący • niepełnosprawny • oparzenie słoneczne
Health 2020-04-27
20 Clues: katar • kaszel • leczyć • choroba • recepta • chirurg • bezsenny • ból zęba • ciśnienie • oparzenie • skaleczyć • stresujący • katar sienny • uzależnienie • up wymiotować • niepełnosprawny • up rzucać nałóg • ratownik medyczny • zostać ugryzionym • zakażenie, infekcja
Health 2020-04-27
20 Clues: katar • optyk • bandaże • chirurg • aspiryna • ból zęba • infekcja • ból głowy • stłuczenie • ból pleców • rana kontuzja • zostać ugryzionym • karetka pogotowia • pacjent pacjentka • sick mieć mdłości • odział w szpitalu • attack zawał serca • oparzenie słoneczne • środek przeciwbólowy • poisoning zatrucie pokarmowe
Health 2021-04-27
20 Clues: Zāles • Ārsts • Aknas • Vēzis • Apsējs • Plaušas • Vakcīna • Drudzis • Muskulis • Artērija • Alergija • Zobuārsts • Injekcija • Ambulance • Stāvoklis • Narkotikas • Ratiņkrēsls • Ievainojums • Antibiotikas • Liekais svars
Health 2021-04-14
- A problematic ingredient, that when overused can result In weight gain and heart diseases.
- A massive ball that provides ultraviolet radiation, of which can damage your eyes.
- A illegal substance that can hurt your brain and heart by overdosing on it.
- A place where you take shelter and stay warm and safe, to protect yourself.
- They are people who are there to help you when you're sick and need help in emergency times.
- An addictive drink, that can lead to many health problems, including: liver disease, breast cancer and even a stroke.
- Emocija, kas izsaka labdarību un iedvesmi cilvēkam, lai justos labāk.
- A thing we all do everyday, but overdoing it can have consequences, like a stomach ache and obesity.
- Cilvēkam vajadzība lai būtu aizsardzību no
- People who take care of you to evolve your brain with new knowledge and to give you a better future.
- un nedrošām situācijām.
- A problem that I`s common for people who don´t eat a lot.
- A important treatment given by doctors and nurses to cure diseases and heal health issues.
- The opposite of healthy
- A important hobby in most peoples lives to stay in form and keep fit.
- A bad habit that can hurt your lungs, and by doing It, you could have trouble breathing.
- A deadly and very active virus from china in 2020.
- They are people who take responsibility and care for you, and your health.
- A replicating and inficious cell that lives in living orgasms.
- Necessary in a human every day life, to stay awake and not hurt your eyes and brain.
20 Clues: The opposite of healthy • un nedrošām situācijām. • Cilvēkam vajadzība lai būtu aizsardzību no • A deadly and very active virus from china in 2020. • A problem that I`s common for people who don´t eat a lot. • A replicating and inficious cell that lives in living orgasms. • A important hobby in most peoples lives to stay in form and keep fit. • ...
Health 2020-11-11
- this person helps you when you are ill
- some people don't like them but we should eat more of them
- someone who doesn't do any sports and alsways sits infront of the TV
- tablets you get when you are in pain
- when you have too much weight you are ...
- you shouldn't eat too much of that
- red and swollen patches of skin, very itchy
- illness many people catch during autumn and winter
- healthy activities
- at the restaurant, all you can eat
- the doctor gives that to you so you can get specific medicine from the chemist
- they taste sweet and they are healthy
- unhealthy sugary snacks
- sugary drinks
- noun, another word for a warm snack
- this person gives you the medicine you need
- it is in our blood and important for an active body
- another word for a healthy meal
- someone who doesn't eat meat
- method to lose weight
- you should drink a lot of that
- some people have difficulties with specific kinds of food
- the first meal in the morning
- unhealthy meal that doesn't take long to get
- noun, when you fill ill
25 Clues: sugary drinks • healthy activities • method to lose weight • noun, when you fill ill • unhealthy sugary snacks • someone who doesn't eat meat • the first meal in the morning • you should drink a lot of that • another word for a healthy meal • you shouldn't eat too much of that • at the restaurant, all you can eat • noun, another word for a warm snack • ...
HEALTH 2021-10-29
23 Clues: Bad • sad • dead • Risk • panic • grass • swing • smoke • Smoke • Mental • Memory • system • Health • Damage • health • Health • Sativa • unknown • pressure • Unhealthy • industrial • Satisfaction • Psychological
Health 2021-10-18
- conditions or practices conducive to maintaining
- techniques that help you break the hold stress has on your life
- a form of bad stress
- this can be found throughout the body to measure heart rate
- this lifestyle includes little to no movement everyday
- a dimension of wellness that connects earth with our bodies
- the first step in the decision making process is to identify a _________
- a dimension of wellness that deals with engaging in new activity
- _____ ecological model
- amount of minutes each day adolescents should engage in exercise
- we set these to motivate us, achieve something, look forward to something, stay on track and/or be organized
- 3-5 servings of each is recommended each day
- influence from members of one's peer group
- a negative attitude or belief that can cause people to avoid or fear something
- the state of being injury or illness free
- there are 6 major ______
- to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of something or someone
- this type of exercise is also called aerobic
- a form of good stress
- the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind
20 Clues: a form of bad stress • a form of good stress • _____ ecological model • there are 6 major ______ • the state of being injury or illness free • influence from members of one's peer group • 3-5 servings of each is recommended each day • this type of exercise is also called aerobic • conditions or practices conducive to maintaining • ...
Health 2021-11-02
- a series of symptoms a person experiences when he or she stops using an addictive substance
- products that assist a person in breaking a tobacco habit
- a need for a larger and larger amounts of a drug to produce the same effect
- advertising campaigns in which a product is promoted at a stores checkout counter
- air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke
- a mental or physical need for a drug or another substance
- An addictive or habit forming drug
- an addiction in which the body devolopes a chemical need for a drug
- a paid arrangement a company has made to show its products in media such as television or film
- stopping all use of tobacco products immeadiatly
- a nonsmoker who breathes in secondhand smoke
- ground tobacco that is chewed places inside the mouth along the gum line or inhaled though the nose
- are passageways that branch from the trachea to each lung
- a group of people for which a product is intended
- a return to the use of a drug
- a colorless odorless poisonous gas that is created when tobacco burns
- a dark thick liquid that forms when tobacco burns
- finely ground tobacco that is inhaled or held in the mouth or cheeks Addictive capable of causing a user to develop intense cravings
- a disease that results in the destruction of the alveoli in the lungs
- tiny air sacs in the lungs
20 Clues: tiny air sacs in the lungs • a return to the use of a drug • An addictive or habit forming drug • a nonsmoker who breathes in secondhand smoke • air that has been contaminated by tobacco smoke • stopping all use of tobacco products immeadiatly • a group of people for which a product is intended • a dark thick liquid that forms when tobacco burns • ...
health 2022-01-28
- Activity — any movement that requires energy
- - substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind
- - stress that produces a positive result (helps us reach our
- Disease -diseases that spread from person to person
- - is released from the adrenal gland giving your body strength and energy to fight the stressor.
- - physiological and psychological dependence
- - macro nutrient consisting of sugars, starches, and fiber; your body’s best source of fuel
- - drugs that slow down the CNS and acts as a sedative
- - a microorganism that causes, or can cause disease
- Drug - drugs that are illegal to make, sell, or use
- - the reaction of the body and mind to the demands of everyday living
- - stress that produces a negative result (keeps us from doing what we need to
- Exercise — involves short bursts of energy lasting up to 3 minutes
- - a unit of heat used to measure the energy available in food
- - volatile solvents, aerosols, gases, and nitrates that when inhaled can cause permanent brain damage
- - extremely strong stimulant that is usually in the form of white powder
- - acts like a built-in alarm
- to initiate the “fight or flight” response.
- - substances found in food that give you energy and helps your body grow and function properly
- Disease - diseases caused by microscopic germs
- — performing an exercise through a full range of motion (start to finish
- - a preparation that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against diseases
- - when the body becomes used to a substance and therefore, needs more of it to get the desired effect
- - process by which your body takes in and uses food
- - contains MDMA and produces a stimulant and psychedelic type effect
- - synthetic version of marijuana with very unpredictable effects
- - everything that you eat and drink daily
- - the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why
- - hallucinogenic drug that is sometimes called "acid" -
- — performing a certain number of repetitions without stopping
30 Clues: - acts like a built-in alarm • - everything that you eat and drink daily • to initiate the “fight or flight” response. • Activity — any movement that requires energy • - physiological and psychological dependence • Disease - diseases caused by microscopic germs • Disease -diseases that spread from person to person • - process by which your body takes in and uses food • ...
Health 2022-01-18
25 Clues: kargud • medõde • süstal • palavik • luumurd • tilguti • patsient • tabletid • allergia • plaastrid • seljavalu • hambaarst • oksendama • haavaside • silmaarst • kõhulahtisus • tervisekeskus • ravimiretsept • ninaverejooks • valuvaigistid • külmetus, nohu • süst, süstimine • heinapalavik (allergia) • nikastama; välja väänama • arstikabinet / operatsioon
Health 2022-02-04
- working harder than normal
- stretching of muscles
- body tissue that grows the more you work it out
- 12 reps, regular basis, running
- swimming, cycling
- working hard in intervals then resting in intervals
- bench press, lifting weights
- staying active for a long period of time
- after a workout when the heart rate starts to slow
- portions of fat and no fat
- working out in stations
- how long you do the activity
- what kind of exercise
- how much your heart is beating when at rest
- how often you do something
- Frequency,Intensity,Time,and type
- stamina, how long you can do something
- high intensity then getting a break
- getting ready to workout, heart rate getting higher
- weight lifting, sprinting
20 Clues: swimming, cycling • what kind of exercise • stretching of muscles • working out in stations • weight lifting, sprinting • portions of fat and no fat • working harder than normal • how often you do something • how long you do the activity • bench press, lifting weights • 12 reps, regular basis, running • Frequency,Intensity,Time,and type • high intensity then getting a break • ...
health 2022-01-26
31 Clues: isu • ahi • lööve • fatal • jääma • ravima • surmav • a knee • riivima • langema • down on • määrima • farming • migreen • peckish • on valus • an ankle • praadima • iiveldus • töödeldud • down with • tervenema • into a coma • kriimustama • valuvaigisti • nälga tundma • välja väänama • a sore throat • /suure hooga arenema • poisoningtoidumürgitus • retsepti välja kirjutama
health 2022-01-26
- kanderaam
- vars
- luksumine
- tervenema
- jälg
- suur isu
- retsepti välja kirjutama
- vähendama
- välja väänama
- kaal
- vastupidavus
- ahi
- lööve
- vaktsiin
- külmetus
- valuvaigisti
- iiveldus
- krambid
- keetma
- kõdunema
- süst
- kasvaja
- õitsema/suure hooga arenema
- klopsima
- maitsestama
- kõhulahtisus
- jook
- mõra
- palavik
- migreen
- viilutama
- köha
- põletik
- tükeldama
- sõel/sõeluma
- unetus
- küpsetama
- mahepõllumajandus
- vill
- ühend
- mage
- gripp
- eelroog
- toiduretsept
- tursunud
- toidumürgitus
- riivima
- sinikas
- portsjon
- praadima
50 Clues: ahi • mõra • vars • köha • jälg • kaal • vill • mage • süst • jook • lööve • ühend • gripp • unetus • keetma • palavik • migreen • põletik • eelroog • krambid • riivima • kasvaja • sinikas • suur isu • vaktsiin • külmetus • iiveldus • tursunud • kõdunema • klopsima • portsjon • praadima • kanderaam • viilutama • luksumine • tervenema • tükeldama • vähendama • küpsetama • maitsestama • sõel/sõeluma • vastupidavus • valuvaigisti • toiduretsept • kõhulahtisus • välja väänama • ...
health 2022-01-26
- palavik
- vastupidavus
- luksumine
- kanderaam
- vars
- tursunud
- eelroog
- köha
- unetus
- sõel/sõeluma
- kasvaja
- retsepti välja kirjutama
- sinikas
- riivima
- kõhulahtisus
- viilutama
- tükeldama
- tervenema
- praadima
- suur isu
- jook
- kõdunema
- klopsima
- kaal
- mõra
- gripp
- süst
- lööve
- külmetus
- valuvaigisti
- krambid
- ahi
- vill
- iiveldus
- maitsestama
- põletik
- migreen
- keetma
- jälg
- portsjon
- toiduretsept
- õitsema/suure hooga arenema
- välja väänama
- mage
- küpsetama
45 Clues: ahi • kaal • mõra • süst • vill • vars • köha • jälg • mage • jook • gripp • lööve • unetus • keetma • palavik • krambid • eelroog • põletik • migreen • kasvaja • sinikas • riivima • külmetus • iiveldus • tursunud • portsjon • praadima • suur isu • kõdunema • klopsima • luksumine • kanderaam • viilutama • tükeldama • tervenema • küpsetama • maitsestama • vastupidavus • valuvaigisti • sõel/sõeluma • toiduretsept • kõhulahtisus • välja väänama • retsepti välja kirjutama • ...
health 2022-03-03
- the basic building block of all living things.
- the largest bone in the human body
- joint a freely moveable joint that allows moment
- a small bone located in the front of the knee joint
- joint a type of joint that functions much like the hinge on a door
- several short angular bones
- the bone located in the middle of your chest
- bone a basin shaped structure that supports the spinal column
- joints a type of joint between bones in which there is no joint cavity
- 33 individual, interlocking bones that form the spinal column
- a soft tissue with fibers
- and socket joint a type of synovial joint in which the ball shaped surface of one rounded bone.
- any of the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up the skeleton
- firm whitish flexible tissue
- a group of cells that have a similar structure and that function together as a unit
- a bone structure that forms the head
- a mineral most often associated with healthy bones and teeth
- fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones
- where 2 who or more bones meet
- protect the vital organs in the chest
20 Clues: a soft tissue with fibers • several short angular bones • firm whitish flexible tissue • where 2 who or more bones meet • the largest bone in the human body • a bone structure that forms the head • protect the vital organs in the chest • the bone located in the middle of your chest • the basic building block of all living things. • ...
Health 2022-04-08
- Walls of the arteries getting bigger and thicker
- Something that causes an allergic reaction
- Most common form of arthritis
- Return of symptoms or a-disease after a remission
- A surgery to open blocked arteries caused by artery disease
- A treatment using drugs with powerful chemicals to kill fast-growing cells in your body
- A group of diseases with abnormal cell growth and a chance to spread to the rest of your body
- A noncancerous tumor, condition, or growth
- When a part of the heart muscles does not receive enough blood
- The reduction or disappearance of symptoms of a disease
- A surgery to remove tissue or cells from the body
- is A condition in which your airways get smaller making it harder to breathe
- Disease where the affected tissue or organ gets worse over time
- Condition having an impact on the way the body processes blood sugar
- Determine the increased risk of a disease
- Illness for a long time or recurring
- an agent with the capacity to cause cancer in humans
- Can not be spread from person to person
- When the pancreas produces little to no insulin
- A chemical found in some of the body's cells
- A Term used to describe cancer
- A trait given biologically at birth by both parents
- A form of arthritis that causes stiffness, pain, swelling, and causes you to lose function
- A drug that has the physiological effects of histamine
- Disease that last 3 months or more and gets worse
- A device that widens the lungs and makes it easier to breathe
- Red itchy welts from a skin reaction
- A disease that affects the arteries leading to and inside the heart
- A response the body has to a specific substance
- A long-lasting disease that affects how your body turns food into energy
- High blood pressure
- A cancer treatment using high levels of radiation to kill off cells and tumors
- Swelling on a part of your body from the growth of tissue
- is A disease when your arteries have fatty material on the inner walls
- Swelling or tenderness of joints
- A Disorder given at birth
- Controls the amount of glucose in your bloodstream
37 Clues: High blood pressure • A Disorder given at birth • Most common form of arthritis • A Term used to describe cancer • Swelling or tenderness of joints • Red itchy welts from a skin reaction • Illness for a long time or recurring • Can not be spread from person to person • Determine the increased risk of a disease • Something that causes an allergic reaction • ...
Health 2017-01-11
- someone whose succes or behavior serves as an example for others
- the collective beliefs, costoms, and behaviors of a group
- a multistp strategy to identify and achieve your goals
- a nationwide health promation and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the u.s.
- steps that enable you to make a healthful decision
- the process of ending a conflict through cooperation solving
- an overall state of well-being or total health
- is something you aim for that takes planning and work
- risks that increase in the effect with each added risk
- ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress
- a physical reaction that results from stress rather that from an injury or illness
- a goal that you plan to reach over an extended period of time
- associated with long- term problems that are beyond a person's control
- action that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others
- the act of becoming aware through the senses
- is taking action to influence others to address a health-related concern or to support a health-related belief
- ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live
- communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful or the against your values
- the exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people
- specific tools and strategives that help you maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health
- the sum of your surrounding including your family, neighborhood,school,and life
- all the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents
- is the combiation of physical, mental/emotion, and the social well-being
- practing health and safely habits to remain free of disease and injury
- the reaction of the body and mined to everyday challenges and demands
- the various methods of communicating information, including radio, television,etc...
- people of the same age who share similar interests
- person's capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resoures to promote his and her health and wellness.
- a goal that you plan to reach in a short period of time
- those distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves
- is anything that causes stress
- avoiding harmful behaviors, like tabbacco, alcohol, and drugs
32 Clues: is anything that causes stress • the act of becoming aware through the senses • an overall state of well-being or total health • steps that enable you to make a healthful decision • people of the same age who share similar interests • is something you aim for that takes planning and work • risks that increase in the effect with each added risk • ...
Health 2017-03-29
21 Clues: akls • zāles • gripa • slims • sirds • vēzis • kauli • trieka • klepus • drudzis • traumas • vakcīna • slimība • plaušas • veselība • pacients • slimības • simptomi • mugurkauls • zobu sāpes • saaukstējies
HEALTH 2017-04-19
21 Clues: fat • scale • salad • crisco • oranges • overeat • brownies • face masks • slim quick • throwing up • serving size • pacific ocean • soy and meats • fat or skinny • standard amount • little to no food • simple and complex • as much as you want • made up of proteins. • concern of ones body weight • fast or slow depending on genes and body type
Health 2017-02-23
- setting the process of working towards something you want to accomplish
- who can diagnose a mental illness
- emotional sign of stress
- who is one person that influences your self-esteem
- faster what is a physical sign of stress
- messages taking responsibility of your feeling
- how you feel about yourself
- what is one body stress management
- attention what is one way of being an effective communicator
- what does S stand for in the smart goal model
- what is one roadblock to communication
- the exchange of thoughts feeling or beliefs between two or more people
- what is one mind stress management
- what is one of the roadblocks of communication
- what is one of the types of communication
- factors conditions that decrease the likelihood that people will deal with stress effectively
- decision harder, takes a long time, greater impact
- making process of making a choice
- what is one way of communication
- factors conditions that help people deal more effectively with stressful situation
- what is one of listening
- the body's response to physical mental of emotional tension
- the way you view yourself
- what does the M stand for in the smart goal model
- what is one teen stressor
- who is most likely to get a mental illness
- anything that causes stress
- decision easy, no major, impact, very little thought
- message when your words say one thing but your body or tone says another
29 Clues: emotional sign of stress • what is one of listening • the way you view yourself • what is one teen stressor • how you feel about yourself • anything that causes stress • what is one way of communication • who can diagnose a mental illness • making process of making a choice • what is one body stress management • what is one mind stress management • ...
Health 2017-11-11
- make somebody or something healthy again after an illness; make an illness go away
- a respiratory condition where spasms in the lungs cause difficult in breathing. An asthmatic uses an inhaler to calm the spasms
- medical description of an illness or condition
- pressure the rate at which blood flows through the body
- harm done to the body, for example in an accident
- an official piece of paper filled out by a doctor with which you can get medicine from a chemist’s shop
- a blue, brown or purple mark on the skin after somebody has fallen
- a photograph of a somebody’s bones and organs
- a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest. It is caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus
- the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
- too much or too little of specific hormones and salts in the blood
- a substance that you drink or swallow so as to cure an illness
- extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness
- a person who can't sleep has it
- an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin. It typically occurs in childhood
- an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering and a headache
- spots and red lump on the face and neck
- the act of expelling air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound
- discharge stomach contents through the mouth
- an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal
- when the skin becomes red with inflammation as a result of overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun
- a bloated, painful stomach is a symptom of ...
- an abnormal or physiologically unbalanced state of the body
- medicine that kills bacteria and cures infections
- someone who can't stop yawning and not getting enough sleep
- any deviation from a healthy or normal condition
- cutting open a part of somebody’s body in order to remove or cure a part
- a person staying in a hospital or medical facility
- a prolonged pain in the back
- the regular beat of blood as it is sent around the body
- a lot of small red spots on the skin that are usually itchy
- rub your skin with your nails, usually because it’s itching; a mark or a small cut or injury
- throat a condition of pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation of it
- a contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages that causes fever and sever aching
- an injury to part of the body, especially one in which a hole is made in the skin
35 Clues: a prolonged pain in the back • a person who can't sleep has it • spots and red lump on the face and neck • discharge stomach contents through the mouth • a photograph of a somebody’s bones and organs • medical description of an illness or condition • a bloated, painful stomach is a symptom of ... • any deviation from a healthy or normal condition • ...
HEALTH 2018-11-13
20 Clues: рак • укол • синяк • кашель • хирург • клетка • болезнь • питание • ожирение • лекарство • излечивать • несварение • осложнение • осматривать • страдать (от) • влиять, влияние • условие, состояние • ущерб, наносить ущерб • причина, быть причиной • назначение (на прием к врачу)
Health 2018-11-08
- pressure / the need to conform to the expectations of friends and classmates
- / the determination to develop a fulfilling relationship
- / the ability to exist in harmony with another person
- / communicating ones opinions and feeling in a way that may seem threatening or disrespectful to others
- / self assured able to stand up for ones self and express feelings in a nonthreatening way
- contact / direct visual contact with someones gaze
- language / a way of communicating information or feelings non verbally through body movements, posture, gestures, and facial expressions
- / an ability to understand how another person feels
- message / a statement of ones feelings and expectations that does not blame or judge the other person
- intimacy / the openness,sharing, affection, and trust that can develop in a close relationship
- listening / focusing your full attention on what the other person is saying and at the same time letting that person know you understand and care
- roles / the behaviors and attitudes that are socially accepted as either masculine or feminine
- / an agreement in which each part gives up something
- / the act of working together for a common goal or purpose
- / a give and take relationship based on mutual trust, acceptance and common interest or values
- / holding back your true feelings and going along with the other person
- / a feeling of intense attraction to another person
- / an exaggerated or overgeneralized belief about and entire group of people, such as an ethnic group, religious group, or gender
- / a negative feeling about a certain group of people, based on stereotypes
- roles / the responsibilities that each partner assumes in a marriage
20 Clues: / a feeling of intense attraction to another person • contact / direct visual contact with someones gaze • / an ability to understand how another person feels • / an agreement in which each part gives up something • / the ability to exist in harmony with another person • / the determination to develop a fulfilling relationship • ...
Health 2018-07-31
20 Clues: yeso • toser • venda • corte • fiebre • germen • pañuelo • moreton • remedios • rasguñon • botiquin • quemadura • resfriado • estornudad • dolor oido • termometro • dolor cabeza • dolor diente • parche curita • dolor estomago
Health 2012-01-26
- what type of stress is short term.
- An earthquake is an example of what kind of stress?
- number of breath you take in one minuet
- ________ is a type of stress which can cause health problems.
- implies that to a certain point, a specific amount of stress is healthy, useful, and beneficial.
- The autonomic nervous system is controlled by what?
- _____ is one of the key stress hormones released from a portion of the adrenal glands called the adrenal cortex.
- What is the first stage of the General Adaptation Syndrome?
- ______ are described as the irritating, frustrating, distressing incidents that occur daily.
- What is often thought of as an negative, and can be positive and helpful.
- What is the body’s natural state of balance or stability?
- What had major impact on stress due to phones, Facebook, email, etc. That got it's own name.
- people expiring ______ seem to always be in a rush, but usually are late
- a crazy life, life in turmoil, life disintegrating, life out of balance and a state of life that calls for another way of living is what______?
- based on genetics, coping style, thinking style, environment, social skills.
- Frequency, Intensity, and time or duration are part of the ______ formula.
- Another word for Carotid pulse______
- What is Epinephrine known as?
- In what area of the brain is the hypothalamus located?
- Dimensions of holistic health that has forgetfulness, and boredom is______?
- When you are placing one hand on the upper part of your chest and placing one hand over your navel, you are checking your _______.
- What encompasses physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and social demensions?
- What does the root stasis mean?
- What is a stimulus that initiates the stress response?
- The fight-or-flight response is the body’s way of helping us _____.
25 Clues: What is Epinephrine known as? • What does the root stasis mean? • what type of stress is short term. • Another word for Carotid pulse______ • number of breath you take in one minuet • An earthquake is an example of what kind of stress? • The autonomic nervous system is controlled by what? • In what area of the brain is the hypothalamus located? • ...
Health 2013-04-21
- You could eat bad or good of this
- whats the acronym for how mucch you heart beats a minute?
- The emotion that makes you frighten
- Whats the acronym for the national pa guildlines?
- The feelings dimension
- Your interacting dimension
- The oulse in your neck
- Where else can you feel your neck (below your ear)
- The name for your teenage years
- where can you feel you pulse?
- The oposite of unhealthy
- How many hours of PA should adolesent girls have?
- How many health domains are there?
- What you warm up before you do exercise
- The other word for your wrist pulse
- The doamin that includes your job
- What they call siting around playing electronic
- How many dimension of health are there?
- How much sleep do you need?
- How many hours should you be on electronics?
20 Clues: The feelings dimension • The oulse in your neck • The oposite of unhealthy • Your interacting dimension • How much sleep do you need? • where can you feel you pulse? • The name for your teenage years • You could eat bad or good of this • The doamin that includes your job • How many health domains are there? • The other word for your wrist pulse • ...
Health 2014-02-03
- To Sneeze
- To prescribe
- Health
- Antibiotics
- To have a runny nose
- Viral
- To open
- Eye
- To have an ear ache
- To have a scratchy throat
- To have a throat ache
- Tissue
- Bacterial
- Female Doctor
- To have a stomach ache
- Doctor
- To suffer
- Diagnostic
- To have a cold
- Throat
- Sick
- Aspirin
- Prescription
- Feel Bad
- Infection
- Nose
- The Sick Person
- Mouth
- Penicillin
- Soar Throat
- Shiver
- Handkerchief
- To have burning eyes
- To have a headache
- Tablet
- To Cough
- Pharmacy
- Stomach
- Allergy
- To breathe
- Allergic
- To Swallow
- Good Health
- Flu
- To have fever
- Medicine
- To examine
- Syrup
- Head
49 Clues: Eye • Flu • Sick • Head • Nose • Mouth • Viral • Syrup • Health • Shiver • Tablet • Tissue • Doctor • Throat • To open • Stomach • Allergy • Aspirin • To Cough • Pharmacy • Allergic • Medicine • Feel Bad • To Sneeze • Bacterial • To suffer • Infection • Penicillin • To breathe • To Swallow • Diagnostic • To examine • Soar Throat • Antibiotics • Good Health • To prescribe • Handkerchief • Prescription • Female Doctor • To have fever • To have a cold • The Sick Person • ...
Health 2015-01-13
- : urinary system
- interpreters : assist communication
- : subscribes medication
- care admin : plans , coordinates and supervise everything in the hospital
- trainer : works with athletes
- tech : works under dietician
- dental treatment of children
- disease of nerves and vessels of the teeth and root canal
- : children's doctor
- librarian : organize books and journals to provide information
- : specialize in sound
- director : provide purport during death for families
- tech : kidney
- : feet
- councilor: inform families about genetic diseases
- : answer phone and scheduling
- realignment of the teeth
- prevention of disease of the gum
- tech : assist with daily routines
- tech : works under the veterinarian
- worker: help people with various situations
- therapist : helps with breathing
- officers : assign hospital rooms
- nurse : works under physician and provide total care to patients
- prepares the body by washing it
- tech : passes instruments during surgery
26 Clues: : feet • tech : kidney • : urinary system • : children's doctor • : specialize in sound • : subscribes medication • realignment of the teeth • tech : works under dietician • dental treatment of children • : answer phone and scheduling • trainer : works with athletes • prepares the body by washing it • prevention of disease of the gum • therapist : helps with breathing • ...
Health 2014-05-13
- It’s something that is used for knowing your weight.
- It’s the place where doctors performs operations.
- It’s a symptom that can be caused by a disease (flu, chicken pox).
- It´s the state when you feel good physically and psychologically.
- It’s the date when you have to go to the doctor.
- It's the person who checks you up.
- It’s a disease that affects your throat.
- It’s a place where you go if you are ill.
- It’s a disease in which bacteria invade you.
- It’s a mark which is left after a cut.
- It´s the thing where they put a baby when he/she is very small and weak.
- It’s something that you take when you are ill.
- It’s someone who performs an operation (upon a person).
- It’s a type of liquid which the doctor puts you through a needle into a vein.
- It’s a period when your child develops inside you.
- It’s a place where you wait for your turn.
- It’s a document where the doctor writes the medicines that you need.
- It’s a poisoning that is produced for drinking too much alcohol.
- It’s the person who helps the doctor.
- It’s the name of a pain which affects your head.
20 Clues: It's the person who checks you up. • It’s the person who helps the doctor. • It’s a mark which is left after a cut. • It’s a disease that affects your throat. • It’s a place where you go if you are ill. • It’s a place where you wait for your turn. • It’s a disease in which bacteria invade you. • It’s something that you take when you are ill. • ...
Health 2016-02-03
- Painfully, sensitive, it can be _______throat
- A piece of material that you tie around a wound and injured part of your body
- To force air up through your throat with a sudden noise, especially when you have a cold
- A person whose job is to look after sick or injured people
- A shop where medicines are prepared and sold
- A room in a hospital where patients are look after
- A purple or brown mark on your skin after hitting
- It happens when someone puts a medicine into your body using a needle
- A person who prepares and sells medicines
- To be injured by fire or heat
- A fatty or oily substance applied to the skin to heal or protect
- A piece of paper that a doctor gives you that says what type of medicine you should have
- An injury to part of your body, especially a cut
- The kind of disease or illness spreads from one person to another through touch or through the air
- It can be an ____ policy protecting or safeguarding against risk or injury
- A system in the UK that provides free medical care and is paid for through taxes; National Health Service
- A drug used to make someone sleepy or calm
- A characteristic sign that someone has an illness
- A feeling of sickness in the stomach
- It often happens when you have a cold and blocked nose
- An illness of the body in humans, animals or plants, often caused by infection
- A pain in your head
- A condition of the body when it is too hot because of illness
- It is an injection to prevent a person or an animal from getting a disease
- Pills, liquids that you take in order to treat an illness; also the science of preventing and treating illness
- A break or crack in a bone
- Causing pain; hurting
- Similar to sleep when you do not see, feel, or think,, usually as a result of an accident or injury
- A very common infectious disease that lasts a short time and makes you feel hot or cold, weak, and tired
- To lose blood, especially because of an injury
30 Clues: A pain in your head • Causing pain; hurting • A break or crack in a bone • To be injured by fire or heat • A feeling of sickness in the stomach • A person who prepares and sells medicines • A drug used to make someone sleepy or calm • A shop where medicines are prepared and sold • Painfully, sensitive, it can be _______throat • To lose blood, especially because of an injury • ...
Health 2016-04-25
- acids: proteins are made from this
- an indigestible complex carbohydrate
- substances that the body cannot manufacture but need
- very large amount of dietary supplement
- a fatty substance that doesn't dissolve in
- substances in food that your body needs to grow
- units of heat that measures the energy
- disslove in water and pass easily into the blood during digestion
- important use of energy in cells and for resistance to infection
- process by which the body takes in and uses food
- are absorbed,stared, and transported in fat
- builds material of bones and teeth, regulate body functions
- nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and tissues
- disorder in which you self starve
- wax lipid like substance that circulates in blood
- desire, rather than need to eat
- person who only eats plant food
- the starches and sugars present in foods
- a natural physical drive that protects you from starvation
- a type of lipid
20 Clues: a type of lipid • desire, rather than need to eat • person who only eats plant food • disorder in which you self starve • acids: proteins are made from this • an indigestible complex carbohydrate • units of heat that measures the energy • very large amount of dietary supplement • the starches and sugars present in foods • a fatty substance that doesn't dissolve in • ...
health 2016-10-20
- useful thing
- Provide structure and organization
- Something triggers stress
- health health that has to be checked you the state
- nitrogenous nutrients
- passing on of genetic characteristics of one species through the generations
- Provide materials for somebody
- satisfy body with food
- Large organic food groups
- an inability to eat a food or take a drug without adverse effects.
- concept Idea of beliefs
- disease disease that last 3 months or more.
- Has to be checked more often to see if they're not sick
- image mental image of your own body
- Don't have enough water for stable walking
- skill a skill of saying no
- Recommended daily allowance
- severe feelings
- sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
- something you aim for to be successful
- Supports a public policy
- unwanted feeling
- Ready to attack
- Pressure putting pressure on the exact spot on where it hurts or where the cut is
- Substance that obtains growth
- fitness heart and lung endurance or cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition.
- disease diseases you can't control
- finishing something a course of something
- treat something more important than others
- Accepting of what others do
- over the average weight for your age or height
- pressure hear and see what other people are doing
- weakness because of lack of food
- Factor A increase of a disease if they get near it
- apnea pause breathing sometimes
- a sugar present in milk. It is a disaccharide containing glucose and galactose units.
- Excess flesh
- eating eating large quantities
- frequency, intensity, time, and type.
- Emotional strain
- skill skills you need to make most out of your life
- Resting heart rate
- confidence
- fat around the organs
- To check to see if you have cancer
- Food for growth
- doesn't eat meat
- The outcome of something
- Train to long
- overeating as a medical condition, in particular.
- Somebody who spends too much time seating
- plan Steps to make a goal achievable
- loss of appetite
- Being honest
- fitness Do task without running out of breath
- free with illness
- recover quickly from a misfortune
- allergies reaction to a type of food
- taking own life because of stress
- mood of something
- diet low carb diet
- Body Mass Index
- working to produce something
- mass of communication
- another word for adrenaline
- How many times you repeat the exercise
- understand
- To eat or drink something
- management long approach for healthy lifestyle
- steroidtestosterone
- Small quantities of food compounds
- being in good and physical care and health
- normal stress
- human nutrition
- extreme anxiety
- disorder mental health conditions
- pressure Friends pressuring you to do something wrong
- esteem Confidence in yourself
- heart rate zone upper and lower limits of training intensities.
79 Clues: confidence • understand • useful thing • Being honest • Excess flesh • Train to long • normal stress • Food for growth • severe feelings • Body Mass Index • Ready to attack • human nutrition • extreme anxiety • Emotional strain • doesn't eat meat • loss of appetite • unwanted feeling • free with illness • mood of something • Resting heart rate • diet low carb diet • steroidtestosterone • fat around the organs • ...
health 2016-10-20
- accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.
- a substance in food that provides energy or helps form body tissues and that is necessary for life and growth.
- the number of times and exercise is performed.
- is simply a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium.
- able to return to original form after being bent, compressed, or stretched out of shape.
- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
- a class of energy-giving nutrients that includes sugars, starches, and fiber.
- the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
- a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
- fitness the ability of the body to perform daily physical activities without getting out of breath, sore, or overly tired.
- a ceremony to view or watch over the deceased person before the funeral.
- the act of intentionally taking one's own life.
- a condition that occurs as s result of exceeding the recommendations of the FITT formula.
- extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. (negative stress)
- public service announcement.
- science or study of food and the ways in which the body uses food.
- having or showing a confident and forceful personality.
- a class of energy-giving nutrients; also the main form of energy storage in the body.
- the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.
- a class of nutrients that are chemical elements that are needed for certain body processes, such as enzyme activity and bone formation.
- Health the health of the population as a whole.
- to express deep sadness because of a loss.
- a class of energy-giving nutrients that are made up of amino acids, which are needed to build and repair body structures and to regulate processes in the body.
- feelings of severe despondency and dejection.
- ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
- moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being beneficial for the experiencer. (positive stress)
- designate or treat (something) as more important than other things.
- the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
- Disease a disease associated with the way a person or group of people lives.
- a state in which the body has lost more water than has been taken in.
- a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.
- Health a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being.
- steroid a synthetic version of the male hormone testosterone used for promoting muscle development.
- fitness qualities that are necessary to maintain and promote a healthy body.
- a formula made up of four important parts involved in fitness training: frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise.
- Literacy is the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand the basic health.
- service a ceremony to remember the deceased person.
- one of the hormones that are released by the body in times of stress
- a ceremony in which a deceased person is buried or cremated.
- a dietary pattern that includes few or no animal products.
- tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.
- heart rate zone a heart rate range within which the most gains in cardiorespiratory health will occur.
- Concept-an idea of the self constructed from the beliefs one holds about oneself and the responses of others.
- a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
- a class of nutrients that contain carbon and are needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow growth.
- disease a disease that develops gradually and continues over a long period of time.
- is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event that causes stress to an organism.
- a fixed number repetitions followed by a rest period.
- Factor any attribute, characteristic or exposure of an individual that increases the likelihood of developing a disease of injury.
- the number of times the heart beats per minute while at rest.
- Esteem-confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect.
51 Clues: public service announcement. • to express deep sadness because of a loss. • feelings of severe despondency and dejection. • the number of times and exercise is performed. • a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality. • the act of intentionally taking one's own life. • Health the health of the population as a whole. • ...
Health 2023-11-10
- Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder
- Any practice or activity that you do to keep things healthy and clean
- A purposeful life, transcendence and actualization of different dimensions and capacities of human beings
- The fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity
- The state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune
- Relating to the mind
- A state of confusion
- A state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation
- Good physical condition
- Relating to a person's emotions
- Keeping away from medical care that is thought to cause mental or physical harm
- Relating to the body as opposed to the mind
- Human beings in general or considered collectively
- The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment
- The state of something with regard to its appearance
- To prevent illness and injury from the physical and mental stress caused by environmental
- The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university
- A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant
- Relating to society or its organization
- That related to interfering with raw physical matter
20 Clues: Relating to the mind • A state of confusion • Good physical condition • Relating to a person's emotions • Relating to society or its organization • Relating to the body as opposed to the mind • Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder • Human beings in general or considered collectively • The state of something with regard to its appearance • ...
Health 2024-01-14
- The person who continually negatively affects individuals
- Spending an uncontrollable amount of time on screens
- Can occur if you eat alone and/or in front of a screen
- Can be caused by vaping and tobacco products
- Using these can cause heart failure, death, and risky behaviours
- Someone who stands by and does not act when they see bullying
- Someone who is the target of bullying
- The repeated use of dangerous materials that can cause negative effects to your body
- A busy ________ can lead to poor eating choices
- _______ eating habits can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems
- The type of bully people can see or hear happening
- One's beliefs/______ can restrict what foods people eat
- The amount a household can spend on food
- Taking care of the health in your mouth
- The improper use of alcohol and cannabis can cause you to _____ a car
- A resource needed to grow healthy food; not all areas have access to clean _____
- Spreads unrealistic relationship expectations and false sexual information
- A type of fat that can lead to cardiovascular disease
- The inappropriate sharing of explicit material through technology
- The type of bullying people cannot see or hear happening
- A type of meat that increases your risk of colorectal cancer
- The use of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs can cause you to be ______ from sports
22 Clues: Someone who is the target of bullying • Taking care of the health in your mouth • The amount a household can spend on food • Can be caused by vaping and tobacco products • A busy ________ can lead to poor eating choices • The type of bully people can see or hear happening • Spending an uncontrollable amount of time on screens • ...
health 2024-02-06
- Something that can cause an allergic reaction
- when your body doesnt make enough insulin
- A chronic condition is a health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting
- Tissue that forms when cells grow and divide more than they should
- something that is passed on from parent to child in DNA
- A structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life
- Something that causes cancer
- when blood dosent get to the heart
- The inflammation or swelling of one or more joints
- When your body doesnt make any or enough insulin
- when blood vessels in the arteries get thick and stiff
- the thickening or hardening of the arteries
- When the tissues in the joint break down over time
- A response by the body to a substance that is thought to be a threat when it isnt
- A disorder characterized by the progressive loss of function and/or structure of the affected tissues.
- a hormone that lowers the level of sugar in the blood.
- When your body makes too much sugar in your body.
- A disease or condition that usually lasts for 3 months or longer and may get worse over time.
- A condition when blood vessels have persistently raised pressure
- using a balloon to stretch open a narrowed or blocked artery.
- When blood can’t get to the brain
- medical conditions that cannot be spread among living things and objects, but develop under very specific conditions.
- A type of drug that stops the action of histamines
- A reaction that makes the skin itchy, sometimes caused by allergys
- a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus
25 Clues: Something that causes cancer • When blood can’t get to the brain • when blood dosent get to the heart • when your body doesnt make enough insulin • the thickening or hardening of the arteries • Something that can cause an allergic reaction • When your body doesnt make any or enough insulin • When your body makes too much sugar in your body. • ...
health 2024-02-15
- a hormone that lowers the level of sugar in the blood.
- A chronic condition is a health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting
- Something that can cause an allergic reaction
- using a balloon to stretch open a narrowed or blocked artery.
- when blood doesn't get to the heart
- medical conditions that cannot be spread among living things and objects, but develop under particular conditions.
- A structural or functional anomalies that occur during intrauterine life
- a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus
- A reaction that makes the skin itchy, sometimes caused by allergys
- When your body makes too much sugar in your body.
- When the tissues in the joint break down over time
- Something that causes cancer
- A disorder characterized by the progressive loss of function and/or structure of the affected tissues.
- something that is passed on from parent to child in DNA
- Tissue that forms when cells grow and divide more than they should
- When blood can’t get to the brain
- A type of drug that stops the action of histamines
- the thickening or hardening of the arteries
- are A disease that usually lasts for 3 months or longer and may get worse over time.
- A response by the body to a substance that is thought to be a threat when it isnt
- A condition when blood vessels have persistently raised pressure
- The inflammation or swelling of one or more joints
- when your body doesnt make enough insulin
- occurs when blood vessels in the arteries get thick and stiff
- When your body doesnt make any or enough insulin
25 Clues: Something that causes cancer • When blood can’t get to the brain • when blood doesn't get to the heart • when your body doesnt make enough insulin • the thickening or hardening of the arteries • Something that can cause an allergic reaction • When your body doesnt make any or enough insulin • When your body makes too much sugar in your body. • ...
health 2023-03-06
Health 2023-02-23
health 2023-02-21
- one celled organisms that are more complex than bacteria
- An organism, such as an infect, that transmits pathogens
- The body's response to injury or disease,resulting in a condition of swelling, pain, heat, and redness.
- specific prteins that attach to antigens, keeping, them from harming the body
- able to spread others by direct or indirect contact
- cleanliness
- system- A secondary circulatory system that helps the body fight pathogens and maintains its fluid balance
- The result of pathogens or germs invading the body, multiplying, and harming some of your body's cells.
- the ability to resist the pathogens that cause a particular disease.
- germs that cause disease
- special white blood cells in the blood and lymphatic system
- organisms that are so small they can only be seen through a microscope
- SImple one-celled organisms
- condition that interferes with the proper functioning of the body and mind
- organisms that are more complex than bacteria but cannot make their own food.
- disease- a disease that can be spread to a person from another person, an animal, or an object
- a preparation of dead or weekend pathogens that is introduced into the body to cause an immune response.
- system- a combination of body defenses made up of the cells, tissues, and organs that fight pathogens in the body.
- The smallest and simplest pathogens
- substances that send the immune system into action.
20 Clues: cleanliness • germs that cause disease • SImple one-celled organisms • The smallest and simplest pathogens • able to spread others by direct or indirect contact • substances that send the immune system into action. • one celled organisms that are more complex than bacteria • An organism, such as an infect, that transmits pathogens • ...
health 2023-04-04
- an abuser will do everything he
- she can to make you feel bad about
- fantasize about abusing you again.
- of abuse Despite what many people believe domestic
- on him or her, an abuser will try
- - of abuse A pattern of assaultive and coercive behavior
- their partners from leaving or to scare
- he can justify abusing you
- and abuse in not due to the abuser’s
- and planning the abuser begins
- abuser need to feel in charge of
- plan in motion creating a situation
- in order to increase your
- abusers commonly use threats to
- cut you off from the world
- relationships
- into dropping charges.
- your abuser sets you up and puts
- or defective in someway.
- of control over his or her behavior.
20 Clues: relationships • into dropping charges. • or defective in someway. • in order to increase your • cut you off from the world • he can justify abusing you • and planning the abuser begins • an abuser will do everything he • abusers commonly use threats to • abuser need to feel in charge of • your abuser sets you up and puts • on him or her, an abuser will try • ...
Health 2024-02-21
- Break in a bone
- out of normal position
- muscle
- bruise like injury to the head
- soft tissue, fills space inside bones
- , prolonged period of unconsciousness
- - losing ability to feel or move parts of the body.
- coordinates the body's movement
- swelling
- between cerebrum and spinal cord
- - condition/weakening shrinking
- - inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord
- to seizures
- muscle, activities with
- muscle, only in heart
- response
- steroids- increase muscle size/strength
- muscle to a bone.
- is replaced with a bone, process during infancy and childhood
- muscle, causes movement
- weak, easily breakable
- - abnormal curvature in spine\
- cord- column of nerve tissue
- fibrous band that holds bone together at a joint
- basic unit of the nervous system
- Newborn skeleton, tissue
- - makes up 85% of brains weight
- - overstretched/torn ligament
- - flood of brain activity
29 Clues: muscle • response • swelling • to seizures • Break in a bone • muscle to a bone. • muscle, only in heart • weak, easily breakable • out of normal position • muscle, activities with • muscle, causes movement • Newborn skeleton, tissue • - flood of brain activity • cord- column of nerve tissue • - overstretched/torn ligament • bruise like injury to the head • - abnormal curvature in spine\ • ...
Health 2024-04-10
- Fluid circulating in the body carrying nutrients and oxygen.
- Difficulty inhaling or exhaling air.
- Material used to cover and protect wounds.
- Sharp injury resulting in pain and swelling.
- Degree of hotness or coldness in the body.
- Illness characterized by congestion, coughing, and sneezing.
- Forceful expulsion of air from the lungs, often due to irritation or illness.
- Pain in the head or neck.
- Feeling unsteady or disoriented.
- Contagious viral infection causing fever and body aches.
- Grip or puncture with teeth.
- Physical discomfort or distress.
- Decline in health or condition.
- Experience nausea or vomiting.
- Improve in health or condition.
- Pain or irritation in the throat.
- Wound caused by a sharp object.
- Return to health after illness or injury.
- Discomfort or nausea in the abdomen.
- Lose blood from a wound or injury.
- Involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth.
- Small medicinal or dietary supplement.
22 Clues: Pain in the head or neck. • Grip or puncture with teeth. • Experience nausea or vomiting. • Decline in health or condition. • Improve in health or condition. • Wound caused by a sharp object. • Feeling unsteady or disoriented. • Physical discomfort or distress. • Pain or irritation in the throat. • Lose blood from a wound or injury. • Difficulty inhaling or exhaling air. • ...
Health 2024-04-12
- rape committed by someone with whom the victim has gone on a date.
- the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
- Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior in which the perpetrator insults, humiliates, and generally instills fear in an individual in order to control them
- domestic violence, social and legal concept that, in the broadest sense, refers to any abuse—including physical, emotional, sexual, or financial
- having or showing a confident and forceful personality
- Physical abuse is any intentional act causing injury or trauma to another person or animal by way of bodily contact.
- the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.
- the process of communicating nonverbally through conscious or unconscious gestures and movements.
- When a child or young person is sexually abused, they're forced, tricked or manipulated into sexual activities
- the action or fact of legally taking another's child and bringing it up as one's own, or the fact of being adopted.
- the perpetration or threat of an act of violence by at least one member of an unmarried couple on the other member in the context of dating or courtship.
- a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.
- I-message or I-statement is an assertion about the feelings,
- nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.
- influence from members of one's peer group.
- a family consisting of a couple and their children from this and all previous relationships.
- an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.
- the process of working together to the same end.
- accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance.
- ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
- Erin's Law requires public schools to teach child sexual abuse and exploitation prevention classes to students in kindergarten through eighth grade.
21 Clues: influence from members of one's peer group. • the process of working together to the same end. • having or showing a confident and forceful personality • I-message or I-statement is an assertion about the feelings, • rape committed by someone with whom the victim has gone on a date. • the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body. • ...
health 2024-03-13
39 Clues: rak • kac • maść • gips • udar • waga • igła • stawy • badać • wrzód • ważyć • grypa • grypa • siniak • plomba • leczyć • świnka • chirurg • bolesny • pęcherz • sraczka • wysypka • bólUcha • recepta • mierzyć • kichanie • zastrzyk • pryszcze • byćWciąży • spuchnięty • bezbolesny • nadgarstek • wymiotować • strzykawka • ospaWietrzna • niestrawność • zawrotyGłowy • zapaleniePłuc • ubezpieczenie
health 2024-04-06
- the short, thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four
- the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck
- a hand when it is tightly closed with the fingers bent into the palm
- the soft part in the mouth that moves around, used for tasting, swallowing, speaking, etc.
- one of the five small parts that stick out from the foot
- the back part of the foot below the ankle
- the top part of the front of the body, between the neck and the stomach
- the part of the human body that is on the opposite side to the chest, between the neck and the tops of the legs
- the thin hard layer covering the outer tip of the fingers or toes; women usually paint it
- enlarge imagethe part of the face below the mouth and above the neck
- the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc.
- two organs in the body that remove waste products from the blood
- the area around the middle of the body between the ribs and the hips, often narrower than the areas above and below
- two organs in the chest that you use for breathing
- the organ inside the body where food goes when you eat it
- a large organ in the body that cleans the blood
- the organ in the chest that sends blood around the body, usually on the left in humans
- the part of the body between the head and the shoulders
- the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory and feeling
- the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with
20 Clues: the back part of the foot below the ankle • a large organ in the body that cleans the blood • two organs in the chest that you use for breathing • the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with • the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc. • the part of the body between the head and the shoulders • ...
Health 2024-05-20
- - Hormone released during exercise, reduces pain and boosts pleasure (9)
- - Severe headache often accompanied by nausea (8)
- - Practice of focused thought for relaxation and stress relief (10)
- - Imaging test that allows doctors to view inside the body (5)
- - Substance in blood, high levels can lead to heart disease (11)
- - Treatment for mental or physical health issues (7)
- - Essential for maintaining body fluids (9)
- - Process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health (9)
- - Diet low in carbs and high in fats (4)
- - Act of getting a vaccine (11)
- - Condition of being significantly overweight (7)
- - Process of recovery from injury or illness (14)
- - Injection that provides immunity (7)
- - Where two bones meet in the body (6)
- - Isolation to prevent the spread of disease (10)
- - Medicine used to fight bacterial infections (10)
- - Abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink (7)
- - Mineral important for bone health (7)
- - State of being in good health (8)
- - Act of breathing (11)
- - Hormone that regulates blood sugar levels (7)
- - Inflammation of the stomach and intestines (15)
- - Imaging technique using sound waves (10)
- - Chemical messenger in the brain (15)
- - Heart specialist (12)
- - Restorative state essential for health (5)
- - Treatment to restore movement and function (12)
- - Children's doctor (11)
- - Mineral added to water to prevent tooth decay (8)
- - Immune system reaction to a usually harmless substance (7)
- - Exercise involving postures and breathing (4)
- - Study of the mind and behavior (10)
- - Mineral important for immune function (4)
- - Plant used for medicinal purposes (4)
- - Body's ability to resist infections (8)
- - Substance that prevents cell damage (11)
- - Related to bones and muscles (10)
- - Process of making something free from bacteria (13)
- - Lotion protecting skin from UV rays (9)
- - Common factor that can affect mental health (6)
- - Disease affecting blood sugar regulation (8)
- - Invasion of the body by harmful microorganisms (9)
- - Nutrient important for muscle repair (7)
- - Medical care provided remotely via technology (11)
- - Organ used for breathing (4)
- - Protein that speeds up chemical reactions in the body (6)
- - Body's process of converting food into energy (10)
- - Type of exercise that strengthens the heart (6)
- - Nutrient that aids digestion, found in plants (5)
- - Exercise involving rhythmic movement, often done in classes (8)
50 Clues: - Act of breathing (11) • - Heart specialist (12) • - Children's doctor (11) • - Organ used for breathing (4) • - Act of getting a vaccine (11) • - Related to bones and muscles (10) • - State of being in good health (8) • - Study of the mind and behavior (10) • - Injection that provides immunity (7) • - Where two bones meet in the body (6) • ...
Health 2024-06-02
- Treatment aimed at relieving or healing a disorder.
- A physical or mental feature indicating a condition of disease.
- A medicine that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms.
- A hypersensitive reaction of the immune system to a substance.
- A condition in which the force of the blood against artery walls is too high, also known as high blood pressure.
- Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels.
- The identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms.
- The process by which living organisms obtain and utilize food material.
- The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
- Intended to prevent disease.
- A chronic disease that affects how the body turns food into energy, leading to high blood sugar.
- A biological preparation that provides active acquired immunity to a particular infectious disease.
- The ability of an organism to resist infections or toxins through antibodies or white blood cells.
- A microorganism that can cause disease.
- A medication that relieves pain.
- The body's response to injury or infection, causing redness, heat, swelling, and pain.
- A small infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.
- The set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms to convert food into energy.
- A waxy substance found in your blood that's necessary for building cells but can be harmful in excess.
- A condition characterized by excessive body fat.
20 Clues: Intended to prevent disease. • A medication that relieves pain. • A microorganism that can cause disease. • Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels. • A condition characterized by excessive body fat. • Treatment aimed at relieving or healing a disorder. • A hypersensitive reaction of the immune system to a substance. • ...
Health 2024-06-25
- stones Hard deposits in the kidneys causing severe pain.
- Excessive body fat.
- Inflammation of the sinuses.
- Viral infection causing fever and body aches.
- Painful arthritis usually in the big toe.
- Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
- Respiratory condition causing difficulty in breathing.
- Parasitic disease transmitted by mosquitoes.
- Feeling of the urge to vomit.
- Lack of red blood cells.
- Infectious bacterial disease affecting the lungs.
- Inflammation of the tonsils.
- High blood pressure.
- Loss of skin color in patches.
- Chronic skin condition causing red, itchy patches.
- Frequent, loose, or watery bowel movements.
- Clouding of the eye's lens.
- Disruption of blood flow to the brain.
- disease Various conditions affecting the heart.
- Lung infection causing inflammation and fluid buildup.
20 Clues: Excessive body fat. • High blood pressure. • Lack of red blood cells. • Clouding of the eye's lens. • Inflammation of the tonsils. • Inflammation of the sinuses. • Feeling of the urge to vomit. • Loss of skin color in patches. • Inflammation of the bronchial tubes. • Disruption of blood flow to the brain. • Painful arthritis usually in the big toe. • ...
Health 2024-05-16
- Physical activity
- A wide range of health care services that can be given in your home for an illness or injury
- A vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from hospital
- A state of mental or emotional strain or tension
- Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury
- An act of surgery performed on a patient
- An act or the sound of sneezing
- A construction material that coats and protects the inside walls and ceilings
- A rise of body temperature above the normal
- Highly unpleasant physical sensation caused by illness or injury
- An injury to the body
- Associated with immunization
- The sum of food consumed by a person or other organism
- A kind of doctor who treats his patients by using his hands, often by performing surgery
- Skin discoloration from damaged
- A person who is qualified to treat people who are ill
- Be of the right shape and size for
- A vital bodily fluid pumped through the veins and arteries by the heart
- A common mental disorder
- The art, practice, or profession of preparing, preserving, compounding, and dispensing medical drugs
- The act of caring for someone, or the method of caring
- Having little physical strength or energy
- Sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behaviour
- A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
- The state of being free from illness or injury.
- An act or sound of coughing
- An operation in which an organ or tissue is transplanted
- The use of devices to move teeth
- A medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing
- A drug or other preparation for the treatmen
- A chronic condition involving an abnormal reaction
- Cover (the face) with a ____
- A knife with a small, sharp, sometimes detachable blade, as used by a surgeon
- A return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength
- Provide the structure for our bodies
- Relating to disorders of the mind
- Live microorganisms that are intended to have health benefits when consumed
- Help given
- Vital Information Resources under Siege
- A body's relative mass
- A group of substances that are needed for normal cell function, growth, and development
- Where a person goes to be healed when he or she is sick or injured
- A continuous pain in the head
- Tiny, single-celled living organisms
- The flow of fluid
- A person who cares for the sick or infirm
- A through examination
- Any practice or activity that you do to keep things healthy and clean
- An instance of injecting or being injected
- A healthcare facility
50 Clues: Help given • Physical activity • The flow of fluid • An injury to the body • A through examination • A healthcare facility • A body's relative mass • A common mental disorder • An act or sound of coughing • Cover (the face) with a ____ • Associated with immunization • A continuous pain in the head • An act or the sound of sneezing • Skin discoloration from damaged • ...
Health 2024-05-16
- a microbes such as COVID
- Ability to maintain stability and control.
- The kinds of food that a person habitually eats.
- nutrients in food
- A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses
- Related to the body.
- Practice of focusing the mind to achieve a state of calm and relaxation.
- Foods produced without synthetic chemicals.
- To drink water and maintain bodily fluids.
- The state of being free from tension and anxiety.
- Related to the min
- The science or practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease.
- type of diseases makes your body hot and dizzy
- an injection that makes your body have better antibody
- A sequence of actions regularly followed.
- measure for energy in foods
- A natural state of rest for the body and mind.
- body condition that big and fat
- Practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease.
- an supplement that doctor give you
- identifying a disease.
- The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
- The body's defense system against infections and diseases.
- sate being in good health
- a microbes such as Salmonella
- In good health
- Measures taken to avoid disease or injury.
- A sign of illness
- The organ that pumps blood through the body.
- a type physical activity that make your body healthy
- The quality or state of being strong.
- cause by germs
- A health facility where patients receive treatment.
- regulate sugar levels
- The ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
- The way in which a person lives.
- things that make you blood vessels clogged
- Essential nutrient required in small amounts for various bodily functions.
- fight harmful molecule
- An abnormal condition affecting the body.
- Foods that are not processed or preserved.
- body response
- healing after illness
- A thorough examination by a doctor.
- A practice involving physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation.
- Mental or emotional strain.
- Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.
- cleaning
- a condition that you cannot eat some types of food like nuts
- medicine that come from leaves or trees
50 Clues: cleaning • body response • cause by germs • In good health • A sign of illness • nutrients in food • Related to the min • Related to the body. • regulate sugar levels • healing after illness • fight harmful molecule • identifying a disease. • a microbes such as COVID • sate being in good health • measure for energy in foods • Mental or emotional strain. • a microbes such as Salmonella • ...
Health 2024-05-19
- Acid This is a type of building block of protein that helps build and repair your muscles and tissues.
- This refers to the biological characteristics that define males and females, such as chromosomes, hormones, and physical characteristics.
- This is a type of nutrient that helps build and repair your muscles and tissues.
- This is a type of tobacco product that people use by inhaling it through the nose or mouth.
- This is a condition where people have trouble remembering things and thinking clearly.
- This is a condition where people develop white patches on their tongue or inside their mouth due to poor oral hygiene or smoking.
- This is a type of nutrient that helps keep your body healthy and strong.
- This is how well people are able to take care of themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.
- This refers to the shared customs, traditions, and values of a particular group of people.
- This is a type of substance found in tobacco smoke that can cause serious health problems.
- This is something you want to achieve or accomplish in life.
- This is a type of substance that helps regulate the balance of fluids in your body.
- This refers to the various forms of communication, such as television, movies, music, and social media.
- of Life This is how well people are able to live their lives, considering their health, happiness, and overall well-being.
- These are sudden thoughts or feelings that can make you want to do something, but might not always be the best choice.
- This is a type of nutrient that helps keep your body healthy and strong.
- This refers to taking steps to prevent something from happening or reduce the risk of it happening.
- Fat This is a type of fat that can be bad for your heart and overall health if eaten too much.
- Expectancy This is the average number of years people can expect to live based on their age, lifestyle, and other factors.
- This is a type of nutrient that gives your body energy and helps keep your skin healthy.
- Fat This is a type of fat that is artificially created and can be bad for your heart and overall health.
- Monoxide This is a type of gas found in tobacco smoke and other pollutants that can be deadly if inhaled in high amounts.
- This is a special place where people who are very sick and dying can go to receive care and comfort.
- This is a type of food that gives your body energy.
- Maturity This means that you have developed good emotional skills, such as being able to control your emotions and make good decisions.
- Fat This is a type of fat that is good for your heart and overall health.
- These are substances that your body needs to stay healthy and strong.
- This is a type of substance that can make people feel more alert or awake.
- This is a condition where people have trouble breathing due to damage caused by smoking or pollution.
- Health This is how well people are able to connect with others and maintain relationships.
- This is the way your body uses food to give you energy.
- This is a type of fat that can be found in your blood and can affect your heart health.
- Factor This refers to something that increases the likelihood of developing a particular disease or condition.
- This is a type of nutrient that helps keep your digestive system healthy.
- Maturity This means that your body has finished growing and developing.
- This refers to something you do regularly without thinking about it too much.
- This refers to the traits or characteristics that are passed down from parents to children through genes.
- These are things that are important to you and guide your behavior.
- This is a unit of energy that your body uses to function.
39 Clues: This is a type of food that gives your body energy. • This is the way your body uses food to give you energy. • This is a unit of energy that your body uses to function. • This is something you want to achieve or accomplish in life. • These are things that are important to you and guide your behavior. • ...
health 2024-10-07
- a goal that you plan to reach over an extended period of time
- ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress
- all the traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents
- the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group
- anything that causes stress.
- the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands
- a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness.
- people of the same age who share similar interests
- the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being
- overall state of well-being, or total health
- the ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment, difficulty, or crisis.
- something you aim for that takes planning and work
- distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.
- a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness
- a goal that you plan to reach over an extended period of time
- steps that enable you to make a healthful decision.
- the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen.
- the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem-solving.
- skills that help an individual handle stress in a healthful, effective way.
- practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury.
- that shield individuals from the negative consequences of exposure to risk.
- The ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live.
- the sum of your surroundings
- communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful, or that go against your values
- stress associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control.
- education the providing of accurate health information to help people make healthy choices literacy a person’s capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resources to promote his or her health and wellness.
- taking action to influence others to address a health-related concern or to support a health-related belief
- specific tools and strategies that help you maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health.
- related risks that increase in effect with each added ri stinence avoiding harmful behaviors
- a goal that you can reach in a short period of time
- someone whose success or behavior serves as an example for others
- Behaviors actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others.
- the act of becoming aware through the senses
- a state of calm that can be reached if one or more relaxation techniques are practiced regularly.
- the various methods of communicating information
35 Clues: the sum of your surroundings • anything that causes stress. • overall state of well-being, or total health • the act of becoming aware through the senses • the various methods of communicating information • people of the same age who share similar interests • something you aim for that takes planning and work • a goal that you can reach in a short period of time • ...
Health 2023-06-18
- An “alcoholic” is a person who as a result of the abuse of alcohol is experiencing serious and recurring personal and social problems or health damage, and who, because of these problems, would benefit from treatment.
- Used to determine whether there is a little or a lot of a nutrient in the amount of food
- Substance used to send chemical messages to body parts.
- Reverses the effects of fatigue, elevates a person’s mood, and stimulates the central nervous system.
- The amount of alcohol in a person’s body is measured by the amount of the alcohol in the blood.
- Occur when two groups or teams find themselves in opposition to one another
- when we combine the shorthanded for “sexually transmitted infection” and the shorthand for “blood borne infection,” which refers to infections that can pass from one person to another though blood and other body fluids during sexual contact”
- Occur when members of a group or team disagree on some point or issue
- Are disputes you have with someone else
- Is what you want to avoid at all costs. At this point, there are only winners and losers (and perhaps neither)
- Causes the user to hallucinate; to see, hear,or feel things that aren't there, distorts or scrambles messages in the brain.
- Solving differences together is always preferred
- Depresses the central nervous system, these drugs can induce sleep, coma and even death.
- Straight posture and active listening
- Interrupt, subordinate and stereotype others
- Relied upon for the regulation of body functions
- Also known as Opiates, Depressive actions, after a person’s perception of pain (pain does not matter).
- Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for men and women.
- (Poisons) inhaled into one's airway, acts as both a depressant and a hallucinogen.
- It is a part of life, and it effects everyone
- Most conflicts can be sorted out by negotiation between the parties
21 Clues: Straight posture and active listening • Are disputes you have with someone else • Interrupt, subordinate and stereotype others • It is a part of life, and it effects everyone • Solving differences together is always preferred • Relied upon for the regulation of body functions • Substance used to send chemical messages to body parts. • ...
Health 2023-07-12
- A hard and white part in your mouth that helps you bite and chew food.
- The organ in your face that allows you to see.
- The physical part of a person or an animal that is made of different parts, such as the head, arms, legs, etc.
- The organ in your head that controls your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
- A person who is trained to examine, diagnose, and treat people who are sick or injured.
- A part of your body that can contract and relax to make you move.
- The food and drink that you consume regularly.
- The part of a person that thinks, feels, remembers, and imagines.
- The organ in your face that allows you to smell.
- The thin and flexible strands that grow on your head and other parts of your body.
- The organ in your face that allows you to hear.
- A hard and strong part of your body that forms your skeleton and supports your muscles.
- The organ in your abdomen that digests the food you eat.
- The organ in your chest that pumps blood around your body.
- One of the two organs in your chest that allow you to breathe air.
- A physical activity that you do to keep your body fit and strong.
- The red liquid that flows through your body and carries oxygen and nutrients to your cells.
- The opening in your face that allows you to eat, drink, speak, and breathe.
- A substance or a treatment that is used to cure or prevent a disease or a condition.
- The outer layer of your body that covers and protects your organs and senses touch.
20 Clues: The organ in your face that allows you to see. • The food and drink that you consume regularly. • The organ in your face that allows you to hear. • The organ in your face that allows you to smell. • The organ in your abdomen that digests the food you eat. • The organ in your chest that pumps blood around your body. • ...
Health 2022-11-13
- the ability to understand what other people are feeling because you have experienced it yourself or can put yourself in their shoes
- is the smoke that is exhaled from someone who is smoking.
- a familiar drug and is legal to consume if you are over the age of 21
- Your heart and/or breathing rates increase, but you can still talk normally describes what kind of intensity activity
- your perception of how you look on the outside
- the physical, mental, and emotional response to life’s changes and demands
- a person or thing that has the power to impact the actions, behavior, and opinions of others.
- the changes and demands that cause stress
- Say a direct “No.” Say the same phrase over and over again. Suggest another activity. Give a reason. Walk away. Are all examples of these
- Everyone needs to consume a certain level of these to breathe, grow, repair cells, and move.
- rules or standards of behavior shared by members of a social group.
- a situation that is likely to cause damage- injury- or have other negative consequences.
- the residual nicotine and other chemicals left by tobacco smoke on indoor surfaces, such as hair, skin, clothes, furniture, walls, bedding, and carpets, even after smoking has stopped.
- need to be protected emotionally
- This type of calorie will help us get the nutrients our bodies need, eat the recommended amount from each food group, and maintain a healthy weight.
- Nicotine and the other chemicals in _____________ can cause serious health problems.
- Health experts recommend that you limit your these type of activities, such as watching TV, using a computer, and playing video games to no more than two hours
- need to be protected from physical harm
- need to feel positive about self and to have others feel positive about you
- It helps you stay healthy, follow values, and respect people and rules. It is realistic. It is worth achieving. It is clearly defined. Are the four characteristics of a good what?
- help to determine how we act
- to groups, need to have groups to belong to, to feel appreciated, to give and receive love, and to have friends
- Teens should accumulate 60 minutes daily.
23 Clues: help to determine how we act • need to be protected emotionally • need to be protected from physical harm • the changes and demands that cause stress • Teens should accumulate 60 minutes daily. • your perception of how you look on the outside • is the smoke that is exhaled from someone who is smoking. • ...
Health 2022-09-23
20 Clues: brain • sydän • voide • pulssi • cancer • rokote • kirurgi • midwife • elvytys • potilas • hospital • masennus • ylipaino • stitches • heartburn • munuainen • reception • riippuvuus • selkäranka • hammaslääkäri
Health 2023-08-07
- Cleanliness and personal care
- Health Emotional and psychological well-being
- Overall health and well-being
- Mindful relaxation
- Food and nourishment
- Mind-body practice for flexibility and relaxation
- Regaining health or strength
- Maintaining proper water intake
- Mental or emotional strain
- Physical activity
- Rest and rejuvenation
- Taking measures to avoid illness or injury
- Body's resistance to disease
- Essential nutrients for health
- Equilibrium or stability
- Ability to recover from adversity or stress
- Treatment for illness or injury
- Physical well-being
- Treatment for mental or physical ailments
- The food one consumes regularly
20 Clues: Physical activity • Mindful relaxation • Physical well-being • Food and nourishment • Rest and rejuvenation • Equilibrium or stability • Mental or emotional strain • Body's resistance to disease • Regaining health or strength • Cleanliness and personal care • Overall health and well-being • Essential nutrients for health • Treatment for illness or injury • ...
Health 2022-05-12
- Able to be relied on as honest or truthfull
- ____ keeps you warm by preserving heat
- this muscle is only found in the heart
- disease causing organisms that carry pathogens from one host to another
- a network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals
- narrow passage forming on lower end
- When you need the drug to function
- builds framework of your body
- Total Health
- ________ system that delivers oxeygen, nutrients, and hormones throught the body
- a example of a long bone is a ___
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- painful stiffness in the joints
- 3-6 bottels of _____
- Brain and Nerves send messages to activate your _______ muscles
- a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
- what protects the heart and lungs
- microorganisms that invade tissues
- engery you need to live
- Toxic colorless liqud
- the pouch of skin holding the testicals
- most important mineral
- a organ in your lower body
- medical condition assoicated in fall of blood pressure
- disease that damages heart and surronding vessels
- one if the ways to avoid cancer
- regulates glucose
- respiratory condition marked by spasms making breathing difficult
- bodies chemical messangers which travel in your blood stream
- help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available
- controls the nervous system
- proteins that help speed up metabolism
- Speeds up the central nervous system
- A feeling of deep admirati'on for someone or something
- This gland gives you adrenaline
- an organ which produces sperm
- Displaying kindness to other
- Slows down the central nervous system
- the process by which the body breaks down and uses food is the ___ system
- cells that line that mouth and nose that trap germs
- the important type of bleeding
- disease causing agents (bad germs)
- _____ protects your finger tips and toes
- kills pathogens
- _______ system is when the network of organs and tissues that help you breath
- process by which the body takes in and uses food
- This system is responsible for reguating bodily functions through the release of hormones
- one important part of the respiratory system
- Specific, Measurable,Atainable,Realistic,Timely
- the inability to produce insulin properly
50 Clues: Total Health • kills pathogens • regulates glucose • 3-6 bottels of _____ • Toxic colorless liqud • most important mineral • engery you need to live • a organ in your lower body • controls the nervous system • Displaying kindness to other • Sexually Transmitted Disease • builds framework of your body • an organ which produces sperm • the important type of bleeding • ...
Health 2022-05-12
- Able to be relied on as honest or truthfull
- ____ keeps you warm by preserving heat
- this muscle is only found in the heart
- disease causing organisms that carry pathogens from one host to another
- a network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals
- narrow passage forming on lower end
- When you need the drug to function
- builds framework of your body
- Total Health
- ________ system that delivers oxeygen, nutrients, and hormones throught the body
- a example of a long bone is a ___
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- painful stiffness in the joints
- 3-6 bottels of _____
- Brain and Nerves send messages to activate your _______ muscles
- a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
- what protects the heart and lungs
- microorganisms that invade tissues
- engery you need to live
- Toxic colorless liqud
- the pouch of skin holding the testicals
- most important mineral
- a organ in your lower body
- medical condition assoicated in fall of blood pressure
- disease that damages heart and surronding vessels
- one if the ways to avoid cancer
- regulates glucose
- respiratory condition marked by spasms making breathing difficult
- bodies chemical messangers which travel in your blood stream
- help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available
- controls the nervous system
- proteins that help speed up metabolism
- Speeds up the central nervous system
- A feeling of deep admirati'on for someone or something
- This gland gives you adrenaline
- an organ which produces sperm
- Displaying kindness to other
- Slows down the central nervous system
- the process by which the body breaks down and uses food is the ___ system
- cells that line that mouth and nose that trap germs
- the important type of bleeding
- disease causing agents (bad germs)
- _____ protects your finger tips and toes
- kills pathogens
- _______ system is when the network of organs and tissues that help you breath
- process by which the body takes in and uses food
- This system is responsible for reguating bodily functions through the release of hormones
- one important part of the respiratory system
- Specific, Measurable,Atainable,Realistic,Timely
- the inability to produce insulin properly
50 Clues: Total Health • kills pathogens • regulates glucose • 3-6 bottels of _____ • Toxic colorless liqud • most important mineral • engery you need to live • a organ in your lower body • controls the nervous system • Displaying kindness to other • Sexually Transmitted Disease • builds framework of your body • an organ which produces sperm • the important type of bleeding • ...
Health 2022-05-12
- This system is responsible for reguating bodily functions through the release of hormones
- Specific, Measurable,Atainable,Realistic,Timely
- Displaying kindness to other
- kills pathogens
- ____ keeps you warm by preserving heat
- builds framework of your body
- Total Health
- the inability to produce insulin properly
- the pouch of skin holding the testicals
- a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
- When you need the drug to function
- Able to be relied on as honest or truthfull
- respiratory condition marked by spasms making breathing difficult
- disease that damages heart and surronding vessels
- Speeds up the central nervous system
- engery you need to live
- this muscle is only found in the heart
- help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available
- an organ which produces sperm
- regulates glucose
- most important mineral
- disease causing organisms that carry pathogens from one host to another
- narrow passage forming on lower end
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- medical condition assoicated in fall of blood pressure
- a organ in your lower body
- _______ system is when the network of organs and tissues that help you breath
- the process by which the body breaks down and uses food is the ___ system
- the important type of bleeding
- one if the ways to avoid cancer
- bodies chemical messangers which travel in your blood stream
- _____ protects your finger tips and toes
- painful stiffness in the joints
- 3-6 bottels of _____
- one important part of the respiratory system
- proteins that help speed up metabolism
- what protects the heart and lungs
- cells that line that mouth and nose that trap germs
- This gland gives you adrenaline
- controls the nervous system
- Brain and Nerves send messages to activate your _______ muscles
- microorganisms that invade tissues
- disease causing agents (bad germs)
- Slows down the central nervous system
- a network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals
- a example of a long bone is a ___
- Toxic colorless liqud
- ________ system that delivers oxeygen, nutrients, and hormones throught the body
- process by which the body takes in and uses food
- A feeling of deep admirati'on for someone or something
50 Clues: Total Health • kills pathogens • regulates glucose • 3-6 bottels of _____ • Toxic colorless liqud • most important mineral • engery you need to live • a organ in your lower body • controls the nervous system • Displaying kindness to other • Sexually Transmitted Disease • builds framework of your body • an organ which produces sperm • the important type of bleeding • ...
Health 2022-05-12
- This system is responsible for reguating bodily functions through the release of hormones
- Specific, Measurable,Atainable,Realistic,Timely
- Displaying kindness to other
- kills pathogens
- ____ keeps you warm by preserving heat
- builds framework of your body
- Total Health
- the inability to produce insulin properly
- the pouch of skin holding the testicals
- a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
- When you need the drug to function
- Able to be relied on as honest or truthfull
- respiratory condition marked by spasms making breathing difficult
- disease that damages heart and surronding vessels
- Speeds up the central nervous system
- engery you need to live
- this muscle is only found in the heart
- help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available
- an organ which produces sperm
- regulates glucose
- most important mineral
- disease causing organisms that carry pathogens from one host to another
- narrow passage forming on lower end
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- medical condition assoicated in fall of blood pressure
- a organ in your lower body
- _______ system is when the network of organs and tissues that help you breath
- the process by which the body breaks down and uses food is the ___ system
- the important type of bleeding
- one if the ways to avoid cancer
- bodies chemical messangers which travel in your blood stream
- _____ protects your finger tips and toes
- painful stiffness in the joints
- 3-6 bottels of _____
- one important part of the respiratory system
- proteins that help speed up metabolism
- what protects the heart and lungs
- cells that line that mouth and nose that trap germs
- This gland gives you adrenaline
- controls the nervous system
- Brain and Nerves send messages to activate your _______ muscles
- microorganisms that invade tissues
- disease causing agents (bad germs)
- Slows down the central nervous system
- a network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals
- a example of a long bone is a ___
- Toxic colorless liqud
- ________ system that delivers oxeygen, nutrients, and hormones throught the body
- process by which the body takes in and uses food
- A feeling of deep admirati'on for someone or something
50 Clues: Total Health • kills pathogens • regulates glucose • 3-6 bottels of _____ • Toxic colorless liqud • most important mineral • engery you need to live • a organ in your lower body • controls the nervous system • Displaying kindness to other • Sexually Transmitted Disease • builds framework of your body • an organ which produces sperm • the important type of bleeding • ...
Health 2022-05-26
- is the most common form of arthritis
- The thickening and hardening of the walls of the arteries
- when fluids stop running to the brain
- the swelling of joints
- disease: is a medical condition that is present or before birth
- disease: a type of a medical condition that causes a tissue or organ to deteriorate over time
- and an allergic reaction
- 1 diabetes is a chronic condition pancreas procedures little or no insulin
- The passing of physical or mental characteristics from one generation to another
- a substance that causes an allergy
- drugs to treat an allergic reaction
- persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
- a health condition that affects your blood
- 2 diabetes affects the way the body processes blood sugar
- disease: a disease or condition that usually lasts for three months or longer and may get worse over time
- chronic conditions that do not result from an infectious process and hence are not communicable
- blood material thickens inside the artery walls
- is a body's response to pollen
- your Airways narrowing down and swelling
- arthritis word condition of arthritis
- chemicals in the body
- attack: a lack of blood flow that damages the heart muscle hypertension is a cause of a heart disease
22 Clues: chemicals in the body • the swelling of joints • and an allergic reaction • is a body's response to pollen • a substance that causes an allergy • drugs to treat an allergic reaction • is the most common form of arthritis • when fluids stop running to the brain • arthritis word condition of arthritis • your Airways narrowing down and swelling • ...
Health 2023-09-27
- What does the S in S.M.A.R.T mean
- How do you solve a problem?
- will aggressive people take no for an answer.
- What does the A in S.M.A.R.T mean
- What skill do you use to find help
- What is the first step in Accessing Info?
- What skill do you use to help yourself?
- How many steps are there is decision-making
- While being assertive should you yell?
- What does the T in S.M.A.R.T mean
- Do be assertive you have to be...
- What skill should a boss have?
- What skill do you use to help you achieve something
- What does the R in S.M.A.R.T mean
- What skill do you demonstrate healthy habits?
- What type of talker do you want to be?
- should you listen while on a team?
- What types of influences are there?
- What is the best way to refuse something?
- When should you use Advocacy?
- What type of people get influenced the most.
- What type of people use others
- what is collaboration like?
- What is the seventh health skill?
- What does the M in S.M.A.R.T mean
25 Clues: How do you solve a problem? • what is collaboration like? • When should you use Advocacy? • What type of people use others • What skill should a boss have? • What does the R in S.M.A.R.T mean • What does the S in S.M.A.R.T mean • What does the A in S.M.A.R.T mean • What is the seventh health skill? • What does the M in S.M.A.R.T mean • What does the T in S.M.A.R.T mean • ...
Health 2023-10-11
- the state of being sober
- especially as smoked or consumed as a psychoactive (mind-altering) drug.
- the use of bacteria, yeast, or fungi to produce a specific active ingredient or intermediate, which is then extracted and purified to create the final pharmaceutical product.
- any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that promotes carcinogenesis.
- a person affected with alcoholism.
- the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.
- overindulgence in or dependence on an addictive substance, especially alcohol or drugs
- a solvent or other material producing vapor that is inhaled by drug abusers.
- the ability to determine your psychological wellbeing without being unduly influenced by those around you
- the state of being intoxicated, especially by alcohol.
- the act or crime of driving a vehicle while affected by alcohol or drugs.
- A serious medical condition which presents itself after a person drinks too much.
- a substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.
- an alcohol by chemical composition used to manage and treat methanol/ethylene glycol toxicity.
- a group of conditions that can occur in a person who was exposed to alcohol before birth.
- a poisonous gas tobacco smoke contains.
- substances that, when taken in or administered into one's system, affect mental processes
- biologically active organic compound with four fused rings arranged in a specific molecular configuration.
- an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.
- a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol use despite adverse social, occupational, or health consequences.
- percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream.
- a pattern of drinking alcohol that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to 0.08 percent - or 0.08 grams of alcohol per deciliter - or higher.
- means that the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for nonmedical purposes, especially one sold illegally.
- a drug that causes hallucinations, such as LSD
- the sticky brown substance that stains smokers' teeth and fingers yellow-brown.
- an excessive and dangerous dose of a drug.
- drugs that lower neurotransmission levels, or depress or reduce arousal or stimulation in various areas of the brain.
- a person's diminished response to a drug.
- a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences.
- Regular drug using every day or nearly every day for three months or more.
- controlled substance but does not include a controlled substance that is legally possessed or used under the supervision of a licensed health-care professional or that is legally possessed or used under any other authority under that Act.
32 Clues: the state of being sober • a person affected with alcoholism. • a poisonous gas tobacco smoke contains. • percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream. • a person's diminished response to a drug. • an excessive and dangerous dose of a drug. • a drug that causes hallucinations, such as LSD • the state of being intoxicated, especially by alcohol. • ...
Health 2024-11-29
31 Clues: ból • ulga • krem • talia • szyja • wirus • twarz • boleć • ramię • grypa • czoło • kichać • okazja • brzuch • łokieć • leczyć • kolano • trądzik • plaster • zemdleć • krzyczeć • tabletka • policzek • lekarstwo • cast gibs • ból głowy • nadgarstek • pielęgniarka • better zdrowieć • Aid kit apteczka • throat ból gardła
Health 2024-11-28
27 Clues: osa • ból • czoło • astma • płuca • twarz • grypa • broda • bandaż • siniak • kolano • łokieć • kaszel • kostka • zemdleć • plaster • trądzik • bolesny • choroba • alergia • pryszcze • tabletka • infekcja • policzek • pocić się • pielęgniarka • ćwiczenia fizyczne
HHD 2023-02-24
- The efficient functioning of the body and its systems.
- self care, mobility, and communication
- mental health characteristic
- peer group, family, employment, education, housing, income, access to health information
- combines mortality data with morbidity data so that condition that contribute to death and illness can be compared.
- emotional health characteristic
- The state of a persons physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health.
- deaths in a population
- The ability to express your emotions in a positive way
- an individual having difficulty with core activities
- an individuals or a populations overall health and wellbeing
- social health characteristic
- The ability to think and process information
- unpleasant feelings that affect an individuals level of functioning
- How to measure burden of disease
- The number of new cases of a condition during a period of time
- physical health characteristic
- spiritual health characteristic
- Being able to interact with other and participate in society
- An estimate of how long an individual can expect to live if death rates don't change.
- ill health to an individual or levels of ill health in a population
- life expectancy, mortality, morbidity, incidence, prevalence of health conditions, burden of disease, rates of hospitalisation, core activity limitations, psychological distress
- Number of cases of a condition at a given time
- the ideas, beliefs, ethnics
24 Clues: deaths in a population • the ideas, beliefs, ethnics • mental health characteristic • social health characteristic • physical health characteristic • spiritual health characteristic • emotional health characteristic • How to measure burden of disease • self care, mobility, and communication • The ability to think and process information • ...
HSC3032 | Module 09, Chapter 08 2024-11-05
- A UF Organization. Pre-health service organization focused on the elimination of health disparities in our community.
- They provide funding of programs and research on a variety of health issues. Examples include the Ford Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
- A UF Organization. Purpose is to prepare nursing students for the assumption of professional responsibilities (abbreviation).
- A UF Organization. Uniquely caters to students of all pre-professional tracks, including but not limited to (pre-) medicine, physician assistant, nursing, veterinary medicine, dentistry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, pharmacy, and more. (a hyphen is included in one of the boxes)
- A UF Organization. Organization that strives to provide underrepresented black women with the skill set, knowledge and experience to successfully emerge in health care fields. We strive to uplift the lives of women in the black community of the University of Florida who aspire to obtain an occupation in various medicinal fields
- These health agencies have four primary purposes: (1) fund research, (2) provide education, (3) provide service, and (4) advocate for beneficial policies, laws, and regulations. Examples of these agencies include the American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, Alzheimer’s Association, and American Lung Association.
- Their mission is to enhance the professional practice of Health Education by promoting and sustaining a credentialed body of Health Education Specialists.(abbreviation)
- A UF Organization. A Virtual Shadowing Program that intends to connect undergraduates, health professional students (medical, PA, nursing, dental, etc.), and healthcare professionals from similar backgrounds and with similar interests to support one another and to provide guidance, foster insight, encourage growth, and empower. (a hyphen is included in one of the boxes)
- Physical Therapy Association/ A UF Organization. Provide representation for the students in the doctorate of physical therapy program concerning interaction with faculty and the community, promote and increase awareness of the profession of physical therapy within the University and community and organize and promote activities for National Physical Therapy Week as set forth by the American Physical Therapy Association.
- A UF Organization. The primary purpose of this organization is to educate University students about surgical physician assistants, and provide both an academic and volunteer opportunity for members; accomplished through monthly journal club, monthly presentations on surgical and/ or medicine topics, preparation for clinical rotations, educational, suture and procedural workshops, academic speakers, and presentations.
- This mission of this association is to “serve as the principal leadership organization for advancing the health of college students and campus communities through advocacy, education, and research.” (abbreviation)
- This is the newest of the professional health organizations. Their mission is to “advance professional practice and promote research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance, and sport. (abbreviation)
- A UF Organization. Become part of a vital force of future physicians who believe that patients and health professionals are partners in the management of health care and that access to high-quality health care is a right and not a privilege (abbreviation).
- Its mission “is to provide global leadership to the profession of health education and health promotion and to promote the health of society.” (abbreviation)
- A UF Organization. Where to access a list of hundreds of available student organizations to join at UF
- Their mission is “to promote global health and to contribute to the achievement of equity in health between and within countries of the world.” (abbreviation)
- A UF Organization. Its purposes include orientation and mentoring of incoming students, fostering communication between students and faculty, membership on College committees, professional development and enhancement of student life through extra curricular social and service activities.
- Wellness Institute/ Its mission is “to serve the professionals and organizations that promote the optimal health and wellness in individuals and communities.”
- A UF Organization. The purpose of this organization is to stimulate an interest in the field of Occupational Therapy among University of Florida students by participation in health fairs, student group expositions and public visual displays (abbreviation).
- These health agencies obtain funding from a variety of sources, such as the American Red Cross, fees for services, donations, and governmental funding (hyphenated).
- These health agencies have authority for certain duties or tasks outlined by the governmental bodies that oversee them. These agencies are primarily funded by tax dollars and are managed by government employees.
- This is the national health education honorary. This organization is focused solely on its student members. Most individuals join the honorary when they are either undergraduate or graduate students. Membership is open to those who have a major or minor in health education and a grade point average equivalent to at least a B–.
- Founded in 1872 to combat yellow fever and other diseases, this association is the oldest, largest, and most diverse of the health education/ promotion professional organizations. It’s mission is to “improve the health of the public and achieve equity in health status.” (abbreviation)
- This association’s mission is “to transform all school into places where every student learns and thrives.” It is a multidisciplinary organization with nearly 650 members. Included in its membership are administrators, counselors, dieticians, nutritionists, health education specialists, physical educators, psychologists, school health coordinators, school nurses, school physicians, and social workers. (abbreviation)
- This is a society of researchers and scholars in the areas of health behavior, health education, and health promotion. It “was created to improve the stature of health educators by supporting and promoting quality health behavior, health education, and health promotion research conducted by health educators.” Its mission is “to serve as the ‘research home’ for health behavior scholars and researchers whose primary commitment is to excellence in research and the application of research to practice to improve the public’s health.” (abbreviation)
- These health agencies are categorized as voluntary, philanthropic, service, religious, and professional agencies. They operate free from governmental interference. Private donations or membership fees primarily fund these health agencies.
26 Clues: A UF Organization. Where to access a list of hundreds of available student organizations to join at UF • A UF Organization. Pre-health service organization focused on the elimination of health disparities in our community. • A UF Organization. Purpose is to prepare nursing students for the assumption of professional responsibilities (abbreviation). • ...
HIM Chapter 3 Crossword 2024-01-14
- A patient has more than one health record number at different locations within an enterprise or healthcare organization.
- Raw facts and figures.
- Clarification made to healthcare documentation after the original document has been signed; it should be dated, timed, and signed.
- Information, understanding, and experience that give individuals the power to make informed decisions.
- Permanent record of all patients treated at a healthcare organization.
- Data that have been extracted from individual health records and combined to form deidentified information about groups of patients that can be compared and analyzed.
- Record that contains information relating to the physical or mental health or condition of an individual, as made by or on behalf of a health professional in connection with the care ascribed that individual.
- Type of Users who depend on the health record to complete their jobs.
- Assigns the diagnosis and procedure codes.
- This health record is completely available in paper media.
- A patient is assigned another person's health record number.
- Extracting data from a health record and entering it into an information system is known as.
- Additional information provided in the health record.
- Uses EHR to assign codes.
- Records that the physician did not complete the health record in the time frame required by the medical staff rules and regulations.
- Basic information about the patient such as their name, address, date of birth, and insurance information.
- Type of Organization that need access to health records to accomplish their mission.
- Fixed rules that must be followed.
- Healthcare enterprise has more than one healthcare organization (such as hospital and ambulatory clinic) and the patient is seen at two or more places.
- This entire health record is accessible online.
20 Clues: Raw facts and figures. • Uses EHR to assign codes. • Fixed rules that must be followed. • Assigns the diagnosis and procedure codes. • This entire health record is accessible online. • Additional information provided in the health record. • This health record is completely available in paper media. • A patient is assigned another person's health record number. • ...
U.S. Health Care 2021-01-19
- disease that lasts more than 1 year
- digital health chart
- studies behavioral changes
- wellbeing of a community
- electronic storage of health info
- project to understand the genes of humans
- lifespan of something
- local health insurance companies
- business on an international scale
- a type of bacteria that is difficult to treat and is antibacterial resistant
- director of international health
- deadly infection that can occur after burned
- health insurance plan for low income individuals
- disease that happens fast , resolves quickly
- data on how long a a group lives
- the way you live
- advanced medical devices used to improve life saving procedures
- routine preventive screenings
- organisms that infect the body and cause mild or severe issues
- makes health insurance more affordable
- quick spread of a disease in a community
- less severe type of autism
- organization protects citizens from health crisis
- death of children under 1
- virus that causes hemorrhaging
- viruses hosted by birds
- council that aids in preventing health crisis
- affordable health insurance for families
28 Clues: the way you live • digital health chart • lifespan of something • viruses hosted by birds • wellbeing of a community • death of children under 1 • studies behavioral changes • less severe type of autism • routine preventive screenings • virus that causes hemorrhaging • local health insurance companies • director of international health • data on how long a a group lives • ...
Health 2016-08-23
- How you eat
- A sport that involves a football and starts with the letter R
- An item that is usually kicked
- How you stand socially, mainly with friends
- A sport that involves a flying disc
- something you have to have or else you will die within three days of not having this
- an athletic activity that is often competitive
- how you are physically
- A game where you hit a ball over a net to score points
- An activity which involves throwing an item of the same name
- A game where a ball is thrown over a net and when it lands the closest person gets out
- A form of health that takes a psychological form
- when someone is extremely sad
- the act of repeatedly harassing someone
- the condition of your body and mind
- A sport that involves a round ball that is kicked into a goal
- A game where you have to get a ball into a hoop
- Being pressured into doing something by your peers
- The act of constantly harassing online
- you have this to give you energy and keep you alive
20 Clues: How you eat • how you are physically • when someone is extremely sad • An item that is usually kicked • the condition of your body and mind • A sport that involves a flying disc • The act of constantly harassing online • the act of repeatedly harassing someone • How you stand socially, mainly with friends • an athletic activity that is often competitive • ...
Health 2015-12-07
26 Clues: gym • car • diet • meal • to go • fizzy • water • fatty • a lot • to do • drink • sweets • advice • to eat • sugary • to run • to swim • on foot • to play • to have • swimming • balanced • to sleep • vegetables • too (much) • enough/quite
Health 2017-02-23
- who can diagnose a mental illness
- faster, what is a physical sign of stress
- the body's response to physical mental of emotional tension
- decision, easy, no major, impact, very little thought
- who is one person that influences your self-esteem
- setting, the process of working towards something you want to accomplish
- what does the M stand for in the smart goal model
- what is one roadblock to communication
- making, process of making a choice
- verbal, what is one way of communication
- decision, harder, takes a long time, greater impact
- emotional sign of stress
- who is most likely to get a mental illness
- the exchange of thoughts feeling or beliefs between two or more people
- what is one of listening
- what is one mind stress management
- what is one of the types of communication
- anything that causes stress
- factors, conditions that decrease the likelihood that people will deal with stress effectively
- message, when your words say one thing but your body or tone says another
- what is one body stress management
- how you feel about yourself
- messages, taking responsibility of your feeling
- what is one teen stressor
- the way you view yourself
- what is one of the roadblocks of communication
- what does S stand for in the smart goal model
- factors, conditions that help people deal more effectively with stressful situation
- attention, what is one way of being an effective communicator
29 Clues: emotional sign of stress • what is one of listening • what is one teen stressor • the way you view yourself • anything that causes stress • how you feel about yourself • who can diagnose a mental illness • what is one body stress management • making, process of making a choice • what is one mind stress management • what is one roadblock to communication • ...
health 2017-06-21
- picking on someone
- constant bullying
- getting back up
- psychological and emotional wellbeing
- body active movement
- keep face, hair, skin clean
- body relaxed
- negative mood, behavior
- give assistance
- protected online
- shows how many calories there are
- a positive sense of wellbeing
- person's ambition
- feelingsof deep sadness
- How you think of yourself
- proper diet
- worry, nervous
- good health
- Nutrition guide
- connection with other people
- Disturbed eating habits
- being protected
22 Clues: proper diet • good health • body relaxed • worry, nervous • getting back up • Nutrition guide • give assistance • being protected • protected online • constant bullying • person's ambition • picking on someone • body active movement • feelingsof deep sadness • negative mood, behavior • Disturbed eating habits • How you think of yourself • keep face, hair, skin clean • connection with other people • ...
HEALTH 2018-02-24
- they are professionals who counsel people who have deep emotional problems
- physician who specializes in treating diseases of the female reproductive organs
- this is a field of science that studies how the environment influences human health and disease
- one of the career oppurtunities in public health
- recovery from childbirth, newborn care, nutrition, breastfeeding
- field of study that is concerned with the relationship between health and nutrition
- the person who whose wroks are related to environmental health
- they are professionals who works with teens and adults who have drug abuse problems
- they are medical practitioners who diagnose and treat patients who have mental illnesses
- this is concerned with health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period
- this is a type of health career that is responsible for keeping a clean and sanitary hospital or therapeutic environment
- this is the early detection of any potential complications of pregnancy
- a doctor who has had extra training to treat problems of the heart and blood vessels.
- this addresses health concerns of communities at risk for disease and injury
- a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and medical treatment of adults
- they are less involved with direct care but they try to understand the problem through studies and research so they can provide solutions for drug abuse related problems
- a physician who performs surgical operations
- administration of anesthesia like in surgery
- the field concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the health of the body or mind
- proffesionals who are concerned with the attainment, maintenance, and recovery of the optimal health and quality of life of patients and communities
20 Clues: a physician who performs surgical operations • administration of anesthesia like in surgery • one of the career oppurtunities in public health • the person who whose wroks are related to environmental health • recovery from childbirth, newborn care, nutrition, breastfeeding • this is the early detection of any potential complications of pregnancy • ...
Health 2018-05-15
- Pillen
- Verletzung
- Arzt
- Rückenschmerz
- Kopfschmerz
- Pflaster
- Arztpraxis
- Krankenwagen
- Husten
- geschwollen
- Apotheker
- Tropfen
- Operateur
- Krankenhaus
- Infektion
- Salbe
- Fieber
- jucken
- blauer Fleck
- bluten
- gebrochen
- Zahnarzt
- Verband
- Gips
- Apotheke
- Termin
- Rezept
- Zahnschmerz
- wehtun
- Wunde
- Krankenschwester
- Röntgen
- Erklätung
- krank
- Medizin
- Grippe
- Ausschlag
- Schnittwunde
38 Clues: Arzt • Gips • Wunde • krank • Salbe • bluten • Pillen • Termin • Rezept • wehtun • Husten • Fieber • Grippe • jucken • Verband • Röntgen • Tropfen • Medizin • Zahnarzt • Apotheke • Pflaster • gebrochen • Apotheker • Erklätung • Operateur • Infektion • Ausschlag • Verletzung • Arztpraxis • Kopfschmerz • Zahnschmerz • geschwollen • Krankenhaus • blauer Fleck • Krankenwagen • Schnittwunde • Rückenschmerz • Krankenschwester
Health 2018-05-15
- Grippe
- Fieber
- bluten
- Apotheke
- krank
- Pflaster
- Krankenhaus
- Tropfen
- Termin
- Kopfschmerz
- Arztpraxis
- Operateur
- Salbe
- Krankenschwester
- wehtun
- jucken
- Wunde
- Husten
- Verletzung
- Krankenwagen
- Rezept
- gebrochen
- Apotheker
- Zahnschmerz
- Rückenschmerz
- Röntgen
- Pillen
- Medizin
- Erklätung
- Infektion
- Arzt
- Verband
- geschwollen
- Schnittwunde
- blauer Fleck
- Zahnarzt
- Gips
- Ausschlag
38 Clues: Arzt • Gips • Wunde • krank • Salbe • Husten • Rezept • Grippe • Fieber • bluten • Pillen • Termin • wehtun • jucken • Röntgen • Medizin • Verband • Tropfen • Apotheke • Pflaster • Zahnarzt • gebrochen • Apotheker • Erklätung • Infektion • Operateur • Ausschlag • Verletzung • Arztpraxis • Zahnschmerz • Krankenhaus • geschwollen • Kopfschmerz • Krankenwagen • Schnittwunde • blauer Fleck • Rückenschmerz • Krankenschwester
Health 2013-05-01
- Who influences PA at home?
- What are the benefits of PA?
- How much exercise should adolescent girls get a day?
- What is the body doing when it is sedentary?
- There are four _______ of health.
- How many dimensions of health are there?
- What domain do you do at home?
- What domain do you do for fun?
- You get your _______ pulse from your wrist.
- What dimension of health includes friends and family?
- What dimension do we do as students?
- A domain that can get you from here to there.
- When a person eats only junk food and doesn't do exercise.
- How much screen time should adolescent girls get a day?
- What dimension of health includes feelings.
- What is bpm?
- The 13 to 19 age group.
- How much sleep should adolescent girls get a day?
- Where is the corotid pulse
- The dimension of health that includes sport.
20 Clues: What is bpm? • The 13 to 19 age group. • Who influences PA at home? • Where is the corotid pulse • What are the benefits of PA? • What domain do you do at home? • What domain do you do for fun? • There are four _______ of health. • What dimension do we do as students? • How many dimensions of health are there? • What dimension of health includes feelings. • ...
Health 2013-05-22
- our bones
- what we do to get our food to our stomach
- what you get if you press fruit
- not happy at all
- you do this to get muscles and be fit
- the last thing we eat in a meal
- person who does not eat well
- where the baby gets his food
- the second meal of the day
- everyboday should have them in the world
- we usually have three a day
- rice potatoes and bread
- very fat
- something they eat a lot in the USA
- where we sit at the doctors
- they are usually green and very good for your health
- in good health
- someone who drinks a lot of wine
- very bad substance people drink, smoke or inhale
- children's favourite food
20 Clues: very fat • our bones • in good health • not happy at all • rice potatoes and bread • children's favourite food • the second meal of the day • where we sit at the doctors • we usually have three a day • person who does not eat well • where the baby gets his food • what you get if you press fruit • the last thing we eat in a meal • someone who drinks a lot of wine • ...
health 2013-12-17
- in charge of the other person
- abuse/kicking or punching the other
- responsibility/agreeing on fair distribution of work
- abuse/using the others body inappropriately
- tones/using sounds to make the other feel uncomfortable
- about each others feelings
- -------- for what you did
- sure both agree
- abuse/using put downs to make the other person scared
- when someone it talking
- behavior/talking or acting to make the other feel safe
- the other person or saying it was them
- the other alone
- them or not letting the talk to anyone
- lying and telling the truth
- each other and helping each other out
- behavior the other person scared
- make a -------- to heart the other person
- privilege/not letting the other person do something because there a girl
- abuse/controlling all the money
20 Clues: the other alone • sure both agree • when someone it talking • -------- for what you did • about each others feelings • lying and telling the truth • in charge of the other person • abuse/controlling all the money • behavior the other person scared • abuse/kicking or punching the other • each other and helping each other out • them or not letting the talk to anyone • ...
Health 2013-12-03
- running after smoking increases your
- an AFL club that got caught taking steroids
- Someone who helps you
- got caught taking drugs in the AFL
- a stimulant also known as speed
- Beer wines and spirits
- Caffeine is a
- Also known as Marijuana
- Performance enhancing drug
- Cannabis is classified as a depressant
- made from hops
- Not good for your lungs
- Used in a cigarette
- your ride home
- Blood Alcohol Concentration
- a category of drugs
- Anti Obesity Drug
- Against the law
- A stimulant also known as a love drug
- way to smoke cannabis
20 Clues: Caffeine is a • made from hops • your ride home • Against the law • Anti Obesity Drug • Used in a cigarette • a category of drugs • Someone who helps you • way to smoke cannabis • Beer wines and spirits • Not good for your lungs • Also known as Marijuana • Performance enhancing drug • Blood Alcohol Concentration • a stimulant also known as speed • got caught taking drugs in the AFL • ...
Health 2014-02-03
- To Swallow
- Syrup
- Aspirin
- To examine
- The Sick Person
- To suffer
- Sick
- To have a stomach ache
- Throat
- To prescribe
- Antibiotics
- To Cough
- Diagnostic
- To have a cold
- Handkerchief
- Nose
- To have burning eyes
- Tablet
- Flu
- To breathe
- Good Health
- To have a throat ache
- Tissue
- Penicillin
- Medicine
- Allergic
- To have a runny nose
- Health
- Bacterial
- To have fever
- Mouth
- Prescription
- To open
- To have a headache
- Feel Bad
- To have an ear ache
- Stomach
- Head
- Pharmacy
- Infection
- To Sneeze
- To have a scratchy throat
- Soar Throat
- Doctor
- Eye
- Shiver
- Female Doctor
- Allergy
- Viral
49 Clues: Flu • Eye • Head • Sick • Nose • Mouth • Syrup • Viral • Health • Throat • Tablet • Doctor • Shiver • Tissue • To open • Aspirin • Stomach • Allergy • Feel Bad • Pharmacy • To Cough • Medicine • Allergic • Bacterial • To suffer • Infection • To Sneeze • To Swallow • To examine • Diagnostic • To breathe • Penicillin • Antibiotics • Soar Throat • Good Health • Prescription • To prescribe • Handkerchief • To have fever • Female Doctor • To have a cold • The Sick Person • ...
Health 2014-02-03
21 Clues: Flu • Shiver • Tissue • Health • Allergy • Feel Bad • To Cough • Infection • To Sneeze • Good Health • Soar Throat • Handkerchief • To have fever • To have a cold • To have a headache • To have an ear ache • To have burning eyes • To have a runny nose • To have a throat ache • To have a stomach ache • To have a scratchy throat
Health 2014-10-15
26 Clues: jam • tuna • soup • beer • rice • fish • peas • apple • snack • salad • bread • fruite • orange • yogurt • orange • butter • potato • biscuit • seafood • doughnut • chocolate • breakfast • hamburger • evening meal • green vegtables • basura jumk food
Health 2014-09-10
- A sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption of blood flow to the brain.
- Intensity/ Constantly out of breath.
- nutrient involved with all body processes.
- A nutrient that regulates many chemical reactions in the body.
- Having high blood pressure.
- Activity/Movement of the body that uses energy.
- Extremely overweight and unhealthy.
- Chemical substances that you get through the foods that you eat and carry out bodily functions.
- A nutrient that come from plant materials and are main sources of energy for your body.
- Acid/ Make up proteins.
- complex carbohydrate.
- Carbohydrates/ A starch.
- Units of heat energy.
- Disease/ Any condition of the heart that impairs its functions.
- A nutrient needed to grow,build,repair,and maintain body tissues and are made out of amino acids.
- A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells.
- Helps move your digestive system along but it itself cannot be digested.
- A disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid causes arthritis.
- Intensity/ You can talk but cannot sing a song.
- Fat/ It's a solid at room temperature.
- A nutrient that helps the body use carbohydrates,proteins and fats.
- A nutrient that provides energy and helps your body store and use vitamins.
- waxy fat substance that's produced by every cell but mostly by liver cells.
- Fat/ A liquid at room temperature.
- A supply of materials that all organisms need to stay alive and function.
- A life long disease that occurs when their are high levels of sugar in the blood.
- Carbohydrates/ Sugars that enter the bloodstream rapidly and provide energy quickly.
- Cholesterol/ Your body only needs a little of it because health problems occur when you have too much in your body.
- Inactivity/ No movement.
29 Clues: complex carbohydrate. • Units of heat energy. • Acid/ Make up proteins. • Carbohydrates/ A starch. • Inactivity/ No movement. • Having high blood pressure. • Fat/ A liquid at room temperature. • Extremely overweight and unhealthy. • Intensity/ Constantly out of breath. • Fat/ It's a solid at room temperature. • nutrient involved with all body processes. • ...
Health 2015-05-08
- A Pre-exercise to get you muscles prepared for work-out
- A food substance necessary for body maintenance and cell repair
- A group of repetitions for a exercise
- A injury to ligaments
- The act of being under the required weight
- The rate at which your heart beats per minute
- Reaction to demanding situations
- The amount of water vapor in the air
- The amount of energy a needed to heat one ounce of water one degree
- The ability to Keep a upright posture while standing still or moving
- Being over-fat
- Regular beating feeling in the arteries
- Food high in calories but low in nutritional value
- Nutrients that help growth and repair of cells
- A abbreviation to repetition
- A person who does no physical activity
- The place in the body where bones come together (ex: Knee)
- The way you feel towards something
- A nutrient that helps build and develop muscle
- The position to which your body needs to be during a specific exercise
20 Clues: Being over-fat • A injury to ligaments • A abbreviation to repetition • Reaction to demanding situations • The way you feel towards something • The amount of water vapor in the air • A group of repetitions for a exercise • A person who does no physical activity • Regular beating feeling in the arteries • The act of being under the required weight • ...
health 2021-10-01
- broken leg
- device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest
- place to go when you are sick
- A group of conditions associated with the elevation or lowering of a person's mood
- a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing, typically having a small disk-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest, and two tubes connected to earpieces.
- a disease characterized by inflammation of the liver
- not dead
- not healthy
- a virus
- broken hand
- longest disease name
- a qualified practitioner of medicine
- its bad for you
- a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint
- not vaping
- doctor for kids
- bahasa ingrisnya masuk angin
- a disease in which some of the body's cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body
- not sick
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
20 Clues: a virus • not dead • not sick • not vaping • broken leg • not healthy • broken hand • its bad for you • doctor for kids • longest disease name • bahasa ingrisnya masuk angin • place to go when you are sick • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome • a qualified practitioner of medicine • a disease characterized by inflammation of the liver • ...
health 2021-10-06
- a virus
- a photograph of a person's bones and organs
- unable to hear
- restoring a person's breath and circulation
- moving of an organ from one human to another
- amount of heat measured in a body; higher than normal temperature
- doctor
- the virus that infects the human T-cells and leads to AIDS
- in need of water
- the rate at which blood flows through the body
- expected to grow and get much worse (especially related to cancerous cells)
- the thin tubes that transport blood around the body and back to the heart
- a test that examines the body's internal organs and processes using sound waves (often used during pregnancies)
- strong discomfort in certain areas of the body
- type of treatment used on cancer patients
- a bone that is divided in two or more pieces as a result of an injury
- disease caused by the uncontrollable growth of cells
- a person staying in a hospital or medical facility
- pain or physical changes that occur because of an illness or disease
- a person who fills a doctor's prescription and gives people advice about medication
- sudden violent movements or unconsciousness caused by electrical signal malfunction in the brain
21 Clues: doctor • a virus • unable to hear • in need of water • type of treatment used on cancer patients • a photograph of a person's bones and organs • restoring a person's breath and circulation • moving of an organ from one human to another • strong discomfort in certain areas of the body • the rate at which blood flows through the body • ...
health 2021-10-06
- the thin tubes that transport blood around the body and back to the heart
- a test that examines the body's internal organs and processes using sound waves (often used during pregnancies)
- amount of heat measured in a body; higher than normal temperature
- a photograph of a person's bones and organs
- sudden violent movements or unconsciousness caused by electrical signal malfunction in the brain
- a person who fills a doctor's prescription and gives people advice about medication
- expected to grow and get much worse (especially related to cancerous cells)
- doctor
- a bone that is divided in two or more pieces as a result of an injury
- type of treatment used on cancer patients
- the rate at which blood flows through the body
- disease caused by the uncontrollable growth of cells
- moving of an organ from one human to another
- in need of water
- a virus
- strong discomfort in certain areas of the body
- a person staying in a hospital or medical facility
- restoring a person's breath and circulation
- pain or physical changes that occur because of an illness or disease
- the virus that infects the human T-cells and leads to AIDS
- unable to hear
21 Clues: doctor • a virus • unable to hear • in need of water • type of treatment used on cancer patients • a photograph of a person's bones and organs • restoring a person's breath and circulation • moving of an organ from one human to another • the rate at which blood flows through the body • strong discomfort in certain areas of the body • ...
Health 2021-01-22
- being physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without withdrawal symptoms.
- inhaling vapor with an electronic cigarette
- a narrow cylinder containing psychoactive material, typically tobacco, that is rolled into thin paper for smoking
- a disorder that negatively affects the body or mind
- emotional, psychological, and social well-being.
- a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant used primarily for medical or recreational purposes
- a substance that relieves pain and induces drowsiness, stupor, or insensibility
- a disease unable to be transmitted from one sufferer to another
- a feeling of nervousness, fear, or worry
- a substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body
- a habit-forming drug that, while not itself addictive, may lead to the use of other addictive drugs
- a substance that causes a change to the body or mind
- a substance that reduces functional or nervous activity
- putting yourself in someone else's shoes
- a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body
- study of materials and sources in order to establish facts
- a drink that is consumed to alter the mind and the way you feel
- a disease able to be transmitted from one sufferer to another; contagious or infectious
- drunk or under the influence of drugs
- a feeling of "emptiness", sadness, or apathy
20 Clues: drunk or under the influence of drugs • putting yourself in someone else's shoes • a feeling of nervousness, fear, or worry • inhaling vapor with an electronic cigarette • a feeling of "emptiness", sadness, or apathy • emotional, psychological, and social well-being. • a disorder that negatively affects the body or mind • ...
Health 2021-01-06
- number of years a person can expect to live
- is the big artery coming directly from the heart and delivers blood to brain and body.
- health refers how well your body functions with everyday tasks
- all traits that are passed biologically from parent to child.
- is the pacemaker for the heart
- _____ carry blood to the heart
- is the ability to gather, understand and use the health information to improve his or hers health.
- any action or condition that increases the likelihood of a negative outcome.
- steps you take to achieve a goal
- What does ECG / EKG stand for?
- how many chambers in a heart?
- Arteries carry blood ____ from the heart.
- well-being of your body, your mind and relationships with other people.
- health how well you get along with others
- health combines all aspects of health, purposeful life
- overall satisfaction that a person gets from life.
- Red blood cells carry _______.
- health mind is alert
- health how you react to event in your life(feelings)
- is a behavior that is repeated so often it becomes automatic.
- taking action to avoid disease and injury.
- beliefs and patterns of behavior that are shared by a group.
22 Clues: health mind is alert • how many chambers in a heart? • What does ECG / EKG stand for? • Red blood cells carry _______. • is the pacemaker for the heart • _____ carry blood to the heart • steps you take to achieve a goal • Arteries carry blood ____ from the heart. • health how well you get along with others • taking action to avoid disease and injury. • ...
Health 2021-03-15
20 Clues: Power • Notice • Belief • Social • Juvenile • Courteous • In a fair • Friendship • Characters • The process • A young person • Representations • Study institute • Mother and Father • Companion or Mate • People in your house • The function assumes • A person who is the same age • A polite expression of praise • The practice of training people
health 2021-03-26
- Taking a drug for intended use and getting high
- a symptom of polio is
- True or false, polio has a cure
- What main thing does smoking do?
- True or false, polio has a vaccine
- Drugs that relieve pain
- E cigarettes contain how many puffs?
- the full name for polio
- asking a drug for its intended use but incorrectly
- Effects that change your behavior
- Drugs that slow down the body
- a disease that is known for paralyzing people
- battery powered smoking devices
- Taking a drug as intended
- Drugs that speed up the body
- ______term effects happen directly after the use of a drug, and end after use
- the drug with the nicknamed battery acid and electric Kool aid
- ______term effects happen after the intake of the drug, and stay after use
- you can catch polio by
- Drugs that make you hallucinate
20 Clues: a symptom of polio is • you can catch polio by • Drugs that relieve pain • the full name for polio • Taking a drug as intended • Drugs that speed up the body • Drugs that slow down the body • battery powered smoking devices • True or false, polio has a cure • Drugs that make you hallucinate • What main thing does smoking do? • Effects that change your behavior • ...
Health 2021-11-03
- branch from the trachea to each lung.
- stopping all use of tobacco immediately.
- advertising campaigns at a store's check-out counter.
- nonsmoker who breathes in secondhand smoke.
- capable of making you addicted.
- smoke from burning the end of a cigar.
- tobacco that is used without smoking it.
- a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas.
- people for which a product is made for.
- paid to show a product in media.
- air sacs in the lungs.
- air dirtied by tobacco smoke.
- need for larger amounts of drugs.
- disease that destroys alveoli.
- tobacco that is inhaled.
- return to the use of a drug.
- need for a drug/other substance.
- effects that occur when a person stops using an addictive substance.
- an addictive/habit-forming drug.
- liquid that forms when tobacco burns.
20 Clues: air sacs in the lungs. • tobacco that is inhaled. • return to the use of a drug. • air dirtied by tobacco smoke. • disease that destroys alveoli. • capable of making you addicted. • paid to show a product in media. • need for a drug/other substance. • an addictive/habit-forming drug. • need for larger amounts of drugs. • a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. • ...
HEALTH 2021-12-16
27 Clues: age • way • full • iron • skip • take • yoga • flex • food • cough • pecho • syrup • fever • level • relax • avoid • energy • advise • strong • demand • advice • stretch • contain • breathe • alergia • strength • stressed out
health 2022-03-03
- joints a type of joint between bones in which there is no joint cavity
- several short angular bones
- joint a freely moveable joint that allows moment
- the largest bone in the human body
- a soft tissue with fibers
- any of the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up the skeleton
- firm whitish flexible tissue
- a bone structure that forms the head
- and socket joint a type of synovial joint in which the ball shaped surface of one rounded bone.
- joint a type of joint that functions much like the hinge on a door
- a group of cells that have a similar structure and that function together as a unit
- where 2 who or more bones meet
- a mineral most often associated with healthy bones and teeth
- fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones
- protect the vital organs in the chest
- bone a basin shaped structure that supports the spinal column
- the bone located in the middle of your chest
- the basic building block of all living things.
- 33 individual, interlocking bones that form the spinal column
- a small bone located in the front of the knee joint
20 Clues: a soft tissue with fibers • several short angular bones • firm whitish flexible tissue • where 2 who or more bones meet • the largest bone in the human body • a bone structure that forms the head • protect the vital organs in the chest • the bone located in the middle of your chest • the basic building block of all living things. • ...
health 2022-07-18
38 Clues: 刷 • 油 • 次 • 药 • 发烧 • 微笑 • 大笑 • 休息 • 小时 • 听到 • 甚至 • 糖果 • 检查 • 事情 • 手指 • 牙疼 • 感冒 • 秘密 • 头痛 • 节食 • 两次 • 病的 • 最后 • 断了的 • 简单的 • 肚子疼 • 疼,痛 • 较少的 • 最后地 • 健康的 • 最少/小 • 服药,吃 • 多油的,油腻的 • 给,give的过去式 • 吃,eat 的过去式 • 穿, wear的过去式 • 能够,can 的过去式 • 听到,hear的过去式
Health 2022-05-12
- This system is responsible for reguating bodily functions through the release of hormones
- Specific, Measurable,Atainable,Realistic,Timely
- Displaying kindness to other
- kills pathogens
- ____ keeps you warm by preserving heat
- builds framework of your body
- Total Health
- the inability to produce insulin properly
- the pouch of skin holding the testicals
- a fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
- When you need the drug to function
- Able to be relied on as honest or truthfull
- respiratory condition marked by spasms making breathing difficult
- disease that damages heart and surronding vessels
- Speeds up the central nervous system
- engery you need to live
- this muscle is only found in the heart
- help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available
- an organ which produces sperm
- regulates glucose
- most important mineral
- disease causing organisms that carry pathogens from one host to another
- narrow passage forming on lower end
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- medical condition assoicated in fall of blood pressure
- a organ in your lower body
- _______ system is when the network of organs and tissues that help you breath
- the process by which the body breaks down and uses food is the ___ system
- the important type of bleeding
- one if the ways to avoid cancer
- bodies chemical messangers which travel in your blood stream
- _____ protects your finger tips and toes
- painful stiffness in the joints
- 3-6 bottels of _____
- one important part of the respiratory system
- proteins that help speed up metabolism
- what protects the heart and lungs
- cells that line that mouth and nose that trap germs
- This gland gives you adrenaline
- controls the nervous system
- Brain and Nerves send messages to activate your _______ muscles
- microorganisms that invade tissues
- disease causing agents (bad germs)
- Slows down the central nervous system
- a network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals
- a example of a long bone is a ___
- Toxic colorless liqud
- ________ system that delivers oxeygen, nutrients, and hormones throught the body
- process by which the body takes in and uses food
- A feeling of deep admirati'on for someone or something
50 Clues: Total Health • kills pathogens • regulates glucose • 3-6 bottels of _____ • Toxic colorless liqud • most important mineral • engery you need to live • a organ in your lower body • controls the nervous system • Displaying kindness to other • Sexually Transmitted Disease • builds framework of your body • an organ which produces sperm • the important type of bleeding • ...