irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles
Subjuntivo 2016-01-27
- What verbs have the subjunctive endings e,es,e,emos,en?
- A Laura le duelen los _____(kidneys).
- What is the acronym for irregular verbs?
- IR and ____subjunctive verbs end with a,as,a,amos,an.
- A mí me _____(doler) los pies.
- What uses 'es mejor(que),es bueno(que),es raro(que)etc'?
- Es importante _____(to eat) los verduras. (Hint: use the infinitive!)
- Conjugate: Juan y Julia ____(bailar).
- What does the 'E' in WEIRDO stand for?
- What acronym helps remember how to express the subjunctive?
- What kind of verbs are DISHES?
- The second step to conjugate a verb into subjunctive is to ____the -o.
- Te ____(doler) el cuello.
- Conjugate: Ud. _____(pensar).
- What is the 'D' in WEIRDO?
- What means 'to give' in DISHES?
- Conjugate: Nosotros _____(recibir).
- What is injection or shot?
- To conjugate a verb, first you have to put it in ____form.
- What means 'I hope or want' in WIERDO?
20 Clues: Te ____(doler) el cuello. • What is the 'D' in WEIRDO? • What is injection or shot? • Conjugate: Ud. _____(pensar). • What kind of verbs are DISHES? • A mí me _____(doler) los pies. • What means 'to give' in DISHES? • Conjugate: Nosotros _____(recibir). • A Laura le duelen los _____(kidneys). • Conjugate: Juan y Julia ____(bailar). • What does the 'E' in WEIRDO stand for? • ...
V3 Crossword Filbert 2021-04-06
16 Clues: win • tear • wake • write • throw • blow tried try • drink wanted want • verbs : regular verbs : • get cooked cook • eat called call • leave caused cause • break enjoyed enjoy • fly accepted accept • do cancelled cancel • ...
Que es el Subjunctivo? 2024-03-13
- Nosotros form of Ir
- W in Weirdo
- El, Ella, Usted form of Ir
- I in Weirdo
- R in Weirdo
- What is the whole point of subjunctive tense
- O in Weirdo
- Yo Form of Ir
- Vosotros form of Ir
- Irregular Verb starting with S
- E in Weirdo
- Ellos, Ellas, Usted form of Ir
- Irregular Verb starting with D
- Way to remember 6 Irregular Verbs
- Irregular Verb starting with I
- D in Weirdo
- Irregular Verb starting with E
- How many subjects are in each sentence
- Irregular Verb starting with S
- Tu Form of Ir
20 Clues: W in Weirdo • E in Weirdo • D in Weirdo • I in Weirdo • R in Weirdo • O in Weirdo • Yo Form of Ir • Tu Form of Ir • Nosotros form of Ir • Vosotros form of Ir • El, Ella, Usted form of Ir • Irregular Verb starting with S • Ellos, Ellas, Usted form of Ir • Irregular Verb starting with D • Irregular Verb starting with I • Irregular Verb starting with E • Irregular Verb starting with S • ...
Preterite crossword Puzzle 2022-10-19
- what is the irregular preterite form of the verb haber?
- what is the irregular preterite form of the verb conducir?
- Conjugate buscar in the yo form
- Stem Changing verbs in the present tense are regular in the preterite tense True or False?
- -IR Stem changing verbs in the present tense do not stem change in the preterite tense True/False?
- conjugate sacar in the Tú form
- what yo form of the verb jugar?
- the irregular verb Ver conjugated in the Tú form is?
- The yo form of the verb almorzar?
- what is the irregular preterite stem for the verb decir
- the verb Dar conjugated in the Vosotros form is?
- The yo form of the verb practicar?
- what is the regular preterite stem for the verb estar?
- What is the irregular preterite stem for the verb andar?
- What stem-changing verb is this?
- The yo form for the verb leer is what?
16 Clues: conjugate sacar in the Tú form • Conjugate buscar in the yo form • what yo form of the verb jugar? • What stem-changing verb is this? • The yo form of the verb almorzar? • The yo form of the verb practicar? • The yo form for the verb leer is what? • the verb Dar conjugated in the Vosotros form is? • the irregular verb Ver conjugated in the Tú form is? • ...
Imperfecto y Futuro 2022-03-13
- number of irregular verbs in the future tense
- El nino se ___ (will swim) en la playa.
- future tense conjugation of poder in the Ud. form
- a word that means frequently used as a imperfect indicator
- Los estudiantes ___ (will write) notas en la clase.
- future tense conjugation of venir in the vosotros form
- future tense conjugation of salir in the nosotros form
- used to talk about what is to come (imperfecto/futuro)
- the word will by itself does exist in Spanish
- Yo ___ (used to call) a mis abuelos todos los dias.
- future tense conjugation of caber in the yo form
- Nosotros ___ (will sell) todos los juguetes.
- used to describe actions that used to happen or happened repeatedly in the past (imperfecto/futuro)
- number of verbs in the otros rule in the future tense
- Ella siempre ___ (used to read) cinco libros al mes.
- number of verbs in the DR rule in the future tense
- there are no shoe verbs in the imperfect tense (si/no)
- future tense conjugation of querer in the Uds. form
- future tense conjugation of decir in the tu form
- ___ (It used to be) las ocho y media de la mañana.
- ir, ser, and ver are the 3 irregular verbs in the imperfect tense (si/no)
- number of verbs in the BR rule in the future tense
22 Clues: El nino se ___ (will swim) en la playa. • Nosotros ___ (will sell) todos los juguetes. • number of irregular verbs in the future tense • the word will by itself does exist in Spanish • future tense conjugation of caber in the yo form • future tense conjugation of decir in the tu form • future tense conjugation of poder in the Ud. form • ...
Speech Family 2022-10-04
- Part of sentence without the Subject
- ______ verbs changes the spelling
- more action than talk
- pick out the nouns
- Helps with identity
- I like talking about verbs
- I show position of nouns to each other
- Nouns know I have their back
- Past Tense of lend.
- I watched 3 Tik Tok ______.
- It took five _____ to make the fries.
- Oh so dramatic
- Past Tense form of participle spent!
- I join thoughts or ideas.
- 10 hopping ________ from Austrailia
- nouns of more
- I like painting word pictures
- more person than 1
18 Clues: nouns of more • Oh so dramatic • pick out the nouns • more person than 1 • Helps with identity • Past Tense of lend. • more action than talk • I join thoughts or ideas. • I like talking about verbs • I watched 3 Tik Tok ______. • Nouns know I have their back • I like painting word pictures • ______ verbs changes the spelling • 10 hopping ________ from Austrailia • ...
Verb 2021-09-14
Semester's review 2021-11-15
- fruits, water, do exercises...
- past of "work"
- "deberías"
- "mucho" contable
- "despedida"
- "consejo"
- woman, girl, mom, sister, Maria...
- I can't count with numbers
- man, boy, father, Pedro...
- verbs that finish with "ed"
- "mucho" incontable
- past of "eat"
- I can count with numbers
- "un montón"
- "saludo"
- "alguno/a"
- past of "sing"
- past of "be"
- verbs that change the words of it form.
- past of "write"
- "profesora"
- past of "buy"
- a thing or an animal
23 Clues: "saludo" • "consejo" • "alguno/a" • "deberías" • "un montón" • "despedida" • "profesora" • past of "be" • past of "eat" • past of "buy" • past of "work" • past of "sing" • past of "write" • "mucho" contable • "mucho" incontable • a thing or an animal • I can count with numbers • I can't count with numbers • man, boy, father, Pedro... • verbs that finish with "ed" • fruits, water, do exercises... • ...
Module 5 2017-10-28
- patterns, based on first language
- Stage, the brain recognizes words
- verbs, verbs that are conjugated following the same pattern
- Alphabetical Phase, the brain makes connection between letters in the words and the phonemes to pronounce it
- meaning of word
- brain area for speaking
- Alphabetical Phase, reading becomes more fluent
- Stage, a brain representation of a word as a picture
- representation of a word with letters
- Prominent, languages that place the topic as the central part of a sentence
- Phase, the brain does not have any systemic letter-sound-connection
- verbs, verbs that are conjugated differently from other verbs
- sounds that form syllabi
- letters at the end of the word
- stage, the brain begins to decode letters into sounds
- Networks, clusters of words of the same type in the brain
- brain area for comprehension of hear and spoken words
- rhythm, cadence, pitch of spoken language
- letters before a word
- Alphabetical Phase, the brain recognizes high frequency words
20 Clues: meaning of word • letters before a word • brain area for speaking • sounds that form syllabi • letters at the end of the word • patterns, based on first language • Stage, the brain recognizes words • representation of a word with letters • rhythm, cadence, pitch of spoken language • Alphabetical Phase, reading becomes more fluent • ...
Verb Conjugations 2023-04-18
14 Clues: I am • I go • We go • He has • We eat • I like • You see • I prefer • You study • They drink • They Prefer • You all talk • An irregular verb example • When verbs are odd, they are called
Past Simple 2022-04-25
13 Clues: mean. • read. • seek. • fill. • ring. • clap. • raise. • shake. • happen. • confirm. • there's no formula for these verbs. • we add -ed, -d, or -ied to these verbs. • verbal tense used to talk about actions finished/happened in the past.
Verbs 2024-09-13
- two verbs that take their forms from different roots
- verbs that form it's simple past tense
- verbs which admit of the Continuous form
- verbs that don't imply any such limit
- verbs that don't require any object
- to this group belong the following part of speech
- verbs which don't admit of the Continuous form
- verbs that imply a limit beyond which the action cannot continue
- verbs that form their simple past
- this group differ from Notional words semantically
10 Clues: verbs that form their simple past • verbs that don't require any object • verbs that don't imply any such limit • verbs that form it's simple past tense • verbs which admit of the Continuous form • verbs which don't admit of the Continuous form • to this group belong the following part of speech • this group differ from Notional words semantically • ...
Ellie P.'s Stage 13 crossword 2017-10-16
- when Julius Caesar first brought his soldiers to Britian
- to be able (irregular verb)
- how long the British lived under the power of the Romans
- arouse, wake up
- how many times Julius Caesar visited Britatin
- the death of Trajan was ____
- the principal part that shows the conjugation
- in English, the difference in letters between perf. and imperf. verbs
- forth conjugation ending
- family of verbs
- arrive
- an irregular verb meaning "to be"
- barn
- rush
- all imperf. verb endings have this...
- drag
- himself, herself, themselves
- the people in charge of the Celtic religion
- third declension dative noun endings
- the amount of Roman names on wood strips
- to bring (irregular verb)
- family of nouns
- infinitive end in these letters
- the difference between the second and third conjugation endings
- building
- first conjugation ending
- first declension dative noun endings
- plot, conspiracy
- the Roman attitude to the Celtic gods
- Roman shield formation
- what were built in Vindolanda
31 Clues: barn • rush • drag • arrive • building • family of nouns • arouse, wake up • family of verbs • plot, conspiracy • Roman shield formation • first conjugation ending • forth conjugation ending • to bring (irregular verb) • to be able (irregular verb) • the death of Trajan was ____ • himself, herself, themselves • what were built in Vindolanda • infinitive end in these letters • ...
Verbs, Adjectives, & Adverbs Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-24
- A word that describes a verb.
- The name of your English teacher's assistant.
- The simple past of "swear."
- A word that describes a noun.
- The name of the math teacher at Highlands (hint: it's the opposite of sad).
- The simple past (NOT PAST PARTICIPLE) of "drive."
- The simple past of "shake."
- A verb that does not end in "ed."
- A verb tense that requires BOTH helping verbs "has" and "be."
- The past participle of "sing."
- The past participle of "write."
- The past participle of "wake" (hint: it's NOT "woke."
- The simple past of "become."
- The name of your English teacher.
- The past participle of "forgive" (hint: it's NOT "forgave").
- The past participle of "think."
- A verb tense that requires the helping verb "be."
- The simple past of "forgive."
- Conjugate "has" to _________ when your subject is plural, "I" or "you."
- The simple past of "drink."
- A word that describes an action.
- Approximately _______________ percent of verbs in English are irregular (spell out the number).
- The simple past of "take."
- The eight forms of the verb be are: be, is, am, was, were, are, been and ____________.
- The past participle of "drink."
- The best way to get to know irregular verbs (hint: it's something you do with a book).
- A verb tense that requires the helping verb "has."
- The past participle of "choose."
- The simple past of "teach.
- A verb tense that requires NO helping verb.
30 Clues: The simple past of "take." • The simple past of "teach. • The simple past of "drink." • The simple past of "swear." • The simple past of "shake." • The simple past of "become." • A word that describes a verb. • The simple past of "forgive." • A word that describes a noun. • The past participle of "sing." • The past participle of "think." • The past participle of "drink." • ...
regular and irregular verbs 2020-07-21
- (IN PAST SIMPLE) when a person gives you an object
- is the regular form of the verb watch
- is the irregular form of the verb write
- is the irregular form of the verb buy
- use the verb of put in irregular form
- simple past of have
- simple past of breAK
- is the irregular form of the verb pay
- you carry an object and you can't find it(in past simple)
- is the irregular form of the verb fly
- when you wound yourself with the knife
- Simple Past of BRING
- simple Past of GO
- use the verbs of play in regular form
- when you miss an object but then you see it
- use the irregular form of the verb sink
16 Clues: simple Past of GO • simple past of have • Simple Past of BRING • simple past of breAK • is the irregular form of the verb fly • is the regular form of the verb watch • is the irregular form of the verb buy • use the verb of put in irregular form • use the verbs of play in regular form • is the irregular form of the verb pay • when you wound yourself with the knife • ...
Verb 2023-09-09
- is the form of the verb which serves to express the manner in which the action is regarded.
- these verbs do not admit of the continuous dorm.
- these verbs require some other words to complete their meaning.
- these are verbs that imply a limit beyond which the action cannot continue.
- you can build up a new form of these verbs by adding suffix -ed.
- these verbs do not imply any such limit of the action.
- this form of the verb consists of two words - a structural and a notional word.
- verbs which admit of the continuous form.
- this is a grammatical category showing the relation of the action and its doer to the speaker.
- this is the form of the verb which indicates the time of the action.
- these are verbs that have their own independent syntactic function in the sentence.
- these verbs do not usually have their own meaning and they cannot have an independent syntactic function in the sentence.
- these verbs have 3 forms that you have to remember.
- it is the usual function of the verb in the sentence.
- a part of speech denoting actions.
15 Clues: a part of speech denoting actions. • verbs which admit of the continuous form. • these verbs do not admit of the continuous dorm. • these verbs have 3 forms that you have to remember. • it is the usual function of the verb in the sentence. • these verbs do not imply any such limit of the action. • these verbs require some other words to complete their meaning. • ...
The Irregular Preterite verbs 2013-02-02
- When you go somewhere but not to a specific place
- The yo form of Ir
- The él,ella,Ud. form of Estar
- The ellas,ellos,Uds. form of Decir
- The tú form of Tener
- Irregular Preterite verbs are verbs in the _____ tense
- This verb is used to go to a specific place
- The vosotros form of Andar
- The nosotros form of Ser
- Conjugated the same way as Ir
- Same stem change as Andar and Tener
- The prefix of Decir in a irregular preterite verb stem change
12 Clues: The yo form of Ir • The tú form of Tener • The nosotros form of Ser • The vosotros form of Andar • Conjugated the same way as Ir • The él,ella,Ud. form of Estar • The ellas,ellos,Uds. form of Decir • Same stem change as Andar and Tener • This verb is used to go to a specific place • When you go somewhere but not to a specific place • ...
The Irregular Preterite verbs 2013-02-03
- When you go somewhere but not to a specific place
- The prefix of Decir in a irregular preterite verb stem change
- The tú form of Tener
- The él,ella,Ud. form of Estar
- Conjugated the same way as Ir
- Irregular Preterite verbs are verbs in the _____ tense
- This verb is used to go to a specific place
- The vosotros form of Andar
- The ellas,ellos,Uds. form of Decir
- The nosotros form of Ser
- The yo form of Ir
- Same stem change as Andar and Tener
12 Clues: The yo form of Ir • The tú form of Tener • The nosotros form of Ser • The vosotros form of Andar • The él,ella,Ud. form of Estar • Conjugated the same way as Ir • The ellas,ellos,Uds. form of Decir • Same stem change as Andar and Tener • This verb is used to go to a specific place • When you go somewhere but not to a specific place • ...
irregular verbs 2023-01-06
- The infinitive of went and gone.
- Can you ... the beach?
- The infinitive of rung.
- Have you ... the news?
- Simple present: You ...
- Kyle ... the game last night.
- To lose in the simple past.
- The infinitive of to built.
- Many of the most frequent verbs are ...?
- The past participle of to be.
- Irregular ver with -ght endng.
- The pl. simple past of to be.
- Irregular verb with -en ending.
- A regular verb
- The simple past of to catch.
- I am going to ... the dishes later.
- Mum is ... lunch at the moment.
- They last night.
- The weather ... very hot in Spain.
- The past participle of to give.
- A modal verb.
21 Clues: A modal verb. • A regular verb • Can you ... the beach? • Have you ... the news? • They last night. • The infinitive of rung. • Simple present: You ... • To lose in the simple past. • The infinitive of to built. • The simple past of to catch. • The pl. simple past of to be. • Kyle ... the game last night. • The past participle of to be. • Irregular ver with -ght endng. • ...
Preterite Tense 2024-02-25
- Conjugate CERRAR for USTEDES
- Conjugate TOCAR for YO
- Conjugate CORTAR for TU
- In what form do -car, -gar, -zar verbs change?
- Conjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROS
- What are the TWO verbs that are irregular in the preterite and change to a J in the stem?
- AR and ER verbs do/don't stem change in the preterite?
- Conjugate PONER for ELLOS
- How do you say FINALLY in Spanish?
- The estar conjugation for el/ella
- Conjugate PRACTICAR for YO
- How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish?
- Define the infinitive verb: Caer
- What is yesterday in Spanish?
14 Clues: Conjugate TOCAR for YO • Conjugate CORTAR for TU • Conjugate PONER for ELLOS • Conjugate PRACTICAR for YO • Conjugate CERRAR for USTEDES • Conjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROS • What is yesterday in Spanish? • Define the infinitive verb: Caer • The estar conjugation for el/ella • How do you say FINALLY in Spanish? • How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish? • ...
- use a or an or the pierre is ____ honest persons
- which number is in the middle of ten and thirty?
- verbs to have in the futur
- who is the more intelligent teacher in the school?
- what is the meaning of "cela"?
- what is the past of do?
- how many girls in the class?
- how many boys in the class?
- is a regular or irregular verbs?
- choice do or make i____ a telephone call yesterday
- which color is on the class?
- how many student in the class?
- when yours absent what pierre alway's says?
- what "among" says in french?
- what is " il y aura" in english?
- use a or an or the i replaced your new ferrari with____ used honda
- i_____(to be) to rome(correct present perfect)
- used______ whit month, season, years and periods
- what between says?
- how many verb with simple past?
- verb to be in past,third persons plurials
21 Clues: what between says? • what is the past of do? • verbs to have in the futur • how many boys in the class? • which color is on the class? • what "among" says in french? • how many girls in the class? • how many student in the class? • what is the meaning of "cela"? • how many verb with simple past? • what is " il y aura" in english? • is a regular or irregular verbs? • ...
Past Tense Verbs 2015-01-26
- Personal pronoun used for woman
- Second personal pronoun
- Past tense of verb love
- Present tense of verb to be for the first personal pronoun
- Verbs that change when they are in past tense
- Past tense of verb to be
- Past tense of verb live
- Verbs that mantains the original word in past tense
- Third personal pronoun for a man
- Present tense of verb to be for several personal pronouns
- Present tense of verb to be for third person
- Past of the verb like
- Personal pronoun used for things and animals
- Ending of the regular verbs
14 Clues: Past of the verb like • Second personal pronoun • Past tense of verb love • Past tense of verb live • Past tense of verb to be • Ending of the regular verbs • Personal pronoun used for woman • Third personal pronoun for a man • Present tense of verb to be for third person • Personal pronoun used for things and animals • Verbs that change when they are in past tense • ...
Preterite Tense 2022-04-22
- Conjugate CERRAR for USTEDES
- Conjugate TOCAR for YO
- Conjugate CORTAR for TU
- In what form do -car, -gar, -zar verbs change?
- Conjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROS
- What are the TWO verbs that are irregular in the preterite and change to a J in the stem?
- AR and ER verbs do/don't stem change in the preterite?
- Conjugate PONER for ELLOS
- How do you say FINALLY in Spanish?
- The estar conjugation for el/ella
- Conjugate PRACTICAR for YO
- How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish?
- Define the infinitive verb: Caer
- What is yesterday in Spanish?
14 Clues: Conjugate TOCAR for YO • Conjugate CORTAR for TU • Conjugate PONER for ELLOS • Conjugate PRACTICAR for YO • Conjugate CERRAR for USTEDES • Conjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROS • What is yesterday in Spanish? • Define the infinitive verb: Caer • The estar conjugation for el/ella • How do you say FINALLY in Spanish? • How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish? • ...
English 2 2020-06-10
10 Clues: past tense of cry • past tense of talk • past tense of think • present tense of spoke • present tense of wrote • I _____ written a letter • she ___ spoken for 5 minutes • these verbs change in their past form • verbs that in the past end in -d or -ed • usually known as the third form of verbs in past
grammar 2014-11-13
- person in my class begins with I
- words to describe how you perform an action
- irregular comparative for good
- words for comparing 2 things
- comparative for difficult
- words for actions
- person in my class begins with V
- names of objects, people, animals
- words for describing 3 or more things
- words to tell us how something looks like
- person in my class begins with B.
- irregular comparative for bad
- irregular comparative for far
13 Clues: words for actions • comparative for difficult • words for comparing 2 things • irregular comparative for bad • irregular comparative for far • irregular comparative for good • person in my class begins with I • person in my class begins with V • names of objects, people, animals • person in my class begins with B. • words for describing 3 or more things • ...
IRELAND 2023-10-31
Forms of Verbs 2021-08-26
- 'Bought' is an ...... verb.
- When forming continuous tenses, ..... participle is added to the verbs.
- When forming Simple Present Tense, we only modify ..... verbs.
- Verb tenses are formed to reflect .....
- Verbs in ..... forms are also known as bare infinitives.
- Verbs that act as nouns are known as .....
- I am ..... (watch) the television.
- My mother ..... (prepare) the ingredients beforehand.
- Subject-verb Agreement (SVA) refers to the agreement between a verb and its ......
- Neither I nor my siblings ..... (enjoy) eating durian.
10 Clues: 'Bought' is an ...... verb. • I am ..... (watch) the television. • Verb tenses are formed to reflect ..... • Verbs that act as nouns are known as ..... • My mother ..... (prepare) the ingredients beforehand. • Neither I nor my siblings ..... (enjoy) eating durian. • Verbs in ..... forms are also known as bare infinitives. • ...
SPM Review: Simple Tense (Past, Present, Future) 2015-02-08
- refers to a time that action is happening now
- present tense, past tense, and future tense means _______
- tense that shows action for current events
- A _________ can be drawn to illustrate all three tenses.
- past tense verbs that do not end with -ed.
- past tense verbs that end with -ed
- tense that shows action for yesterday
- verbs that follow 'will' are in the ___________ tense
- will or _____ used with base verb to make it future tense
- tells when the action takes place
- refers to a time that action has already happened
- refers to a time that action will happen
- The bear will walks to the honey tree. (right or wrong)
- It rained for three days.(right or wrong)
- The present tense is the ________ form of the verb.
15 Clues: tells when the action takes place • past tense verbs that end with -ed • tense that shows action for yesterday • refers to a time that action will happen • It rained for three days.(right or wrong) • tense that shows action for current events • past tense verbs that do not end with -ed. • refers to a time that action is happening now • ...
ELA Terms! 2012-12-17
- Analyze these to help understand plot
- Separates two independent clauses
- shows relationship
- When you get a prompt, _______ it
- Generating ideas for writing
- Text in own words, shorter
- Conjunction: 'because'
- Error: Herman walks, does homework, and will eat dinner
- Subjects and their verbs must
- A car, when driven
- key to active reading
- All about timing
- Use commas to offset
- include appearance and behavior
- Text, in own words
- Conclusions from reasoning and evidence
- Pronouns that don't replace specific nouns
- Helps understand and remember text
- Everybody, everything
- _____ to find details
- verbs: freeze, fly, feel
- Main argument
- Using outlines or idea webs
- Clause that could stand alone
- Both adjectives and adverbs
- Clues to help with meaning
26 Clues: Main argument • All about timing • Text, in own words • shows relationship • A car, when driven • Use commas to offset • Everybody, everything • _____ to find details • key to active reading • Conjunction: 'because' • verbs: freeze, fly, feel • Text in own words, shorter • Clues to help with meaning • Using outlines or idea webs • Both adjectives and adverbs • Generating ideas for writing • ...
Unit 8: vocabulary 2014-10-01
- Synonym for a ghost.
- The end of life.
- To talk softly.
- Inhabited by ghosts.
- I studied very hard for this test, but I didn’t pass. So now I feel discouraged or …
- His house is never clean, it’s always a mess or…
- When a person buys a house, he becomes the … of the house.
- To be mad or …
- The police called me because they wanted me to tell me something about my sister. I was very … that I would get bad news. But it was just to tell us that she had a flat tyre.
- To kill = to …
- You have to study the list of irregular verbs …
- Not common.
- I don’t have a lot of money, actually I am …
- A person who does the work and planning necessary for a home, as cleaning or buying food.
- I have a test about the irregular verbs, I feel…
- I am very tired, all I need is a … and a good bed.
16 Clues: Not common. • To be mad or … • To kill = to … • To talk softly. • The end of life. • Synonym for a ghost. • Inhabited by ghosts. • I don’t have a lot of money, actually I am … • You have to study the list of irregular verbs … • I have a test about the irregular verbs, I feel… • His house is never clean, it’s always a mess or… • I am very tired, all I need is a … and a good bed. • ...
Les mots croisés (F3) 2024-05-31
- LAW - Acronym learned associated with l'imparfait
- Le contraire de l'imparfait; Dwight is the #1 hater
- International hub for diplomacy; Capital of la suisse
- T.M.N.T?
- Acronym learned associated with adjectives
- First part of le passé composé; Either avoir or être
- - Acronym learned associated with adjectives
- Second part of le passé composé; What your verb becomes
- Nickname for the four most important irregular verbs in French
- Palace near Paris; Site of historic treaty signings
- First French verb learned; Irregular
- Oh non, NOUS perdons la tête!!!!!!
- Capital is Paris; Known for fashion and cuisine
- Capital of la belgique; Headquarters of the European Union
- Oh non, je perds la tête!
- - Past tense associated with DATE LAW; Verbs are one word
- L'empereur du saint-Empire romain germanique (HRE)
- Il n'est pas petit?!?
- Person associated with le passé composé; Learned during French 2
- Known for Alps and banking; To the east of France
- French city in the Alps; Mr. DiLandro's favorite city
- Un pays francophone; Famous for chocolate and waffles
- Dictionary website
- City of lights; Eiffel Tower landmark
- - Acronym learned associated with le passé composé
- Used to happen after the warmup
- Le papa de Versailles
27 Clues: T.M.N.T? • Dictionary website • Il n'est pas petit?!? • Le papa de Versailles • Oh non, je perds la tête! • Used to happen after the warmup • Oh non, NOUS perdons la tête!!!!!! • First French verb learned; Irregular • City of lights; Eiffel Tower landmark • Acronym learned associated with adjectives • - Acronym learned associated with adjectives • ...
Spanish Key Terms (Year Long) Review 2023-08-22
- to change from one language to another in written form
- plural or singular
- a word that sounds or looks the same in one language as it does in another language
- to change from one language to another in spoken form
- verbs verbs following regular conjugation patterns
- tense past, present, future, conditional, imperative, progressive, perfect
- verbs veerbs NOT following regular conjugation patters
- apply tense and subject to a verb
- the, a/an, some
- a group of people classified together based on their common cultural traditions
- masculine or feminine
- a group of people classified together based on physical characteristics or nationality (your blood)
12 Clues: the, a/an, some • plural or singular • masculine or feminine • apply tense and subject to a verb • verbs verbs following regular conjugation patterns • to change from one language to another in spoken form • verbs veerbs NOT following regular conjugation patters • to change from one language to another in written form • ...
English language words 2022-10-09
12 Clues: and • often • by/to • the/a • brown/leather • sit/listen/have • I/She/He/They/It • go-went/take-took • information/advice • books/apples/chairs • work-works/live-lives • chairs/window/morning/music/food
Verb Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-01
- - refers to movement
- - a verb tense that pertains to actions which are already finished
- - verbs that do not require a direct object
- - verbs that either retain their form or changed entirely when turned to simple past or past participle.
- - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb
- - a special kind of auxiliary verb that express permission, possibility, necessity, etc.
- - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence
- - a verb tense that pertains to actions that have not yet occurred
- - a verb that connects the subject to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that describes it
- - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed
- - a verb tense that pertains to actions that are currently happening
11 Clues: - refers to movement • - verbs that do not require a direct object • - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence • - a verb tense that pertains to actions which are already finished • - a verb tense that pertains to actions that have not yet occurred • - a verb tense that pertains to actions that are currently happening • ...
Grammar Usage 2021-08-24
- showing ownership
- sentences combines two shorter sentences with and but, or or
- not regular
- names of specific places that are separated
- is a word like and, or or but that connects words or groups of words.
- show emphasis in printed text.
- verbs. tell what people or things do.
- tells what the people or things do
- connects one or more words, sentences
- sentence that gives a command
- group of words with first letter capitalized
- means the same things as a verb
- only one
- strong feelings
- more than one
- mark. an excitement sign in a sentence
- is a noun or pronouns that tells exactly whom or what the sentence is about
- takes the place of a noun
- describes a noun
- more than one
- a, an, the
- blank space before writing a paragraph
- words that describe verbs or other adverbs
23 Clues: only one • a, an, the • not regular • more than one • more than one • strong feelings • describes a noun • showing ownership • takes the place of a noun • sentence that gives a command • show emphasis in printed text. • means the same things as a verb • tells what the people or things do • verbs. tell what people or things do. • connects one or more words, sentences • ...
Recount 2021-03-03
- Words like 'because', 'so' and 'and' are ____
- 'a' and 'the' are examples of ________
- It is the retelling of what happened in the past.
- _____ verbs change in spelling when it is a past tense.
- She is (run)around the house.
- Past tense of bring.
- Ann was late ____________ the plane was delayed.
- The last part of recount.
- A recount story always has a _________
- I have (write)the letter.
- Present tense of wore.
- Past tense of know.
- I was going to ride my bike ______ the tyre was flat.
- It was raining ______ there was lightning.
- ______ verbs always add ed when it is a past tense.
15 Clues: Past tense of know. • Past tense of bring. • Present tense of wore. • The last part of recount. • I have (write)the letter. • She is (run)around the house. • A recount story always has a _________ • 'a' and 'the' are examples of ________ • It was raining ______ there was lightning. • Words like 'because', 'so' and 'and' are ____ • ...
El subjunctivo 2024-02-27
- to find the subjunctive ending for a verb, ______ the present tense endings
- to conjugate in the subjunctive you NEED to have what word
- acronym for subjunctive
- Spanish word for what E in JEDI stands for
- (nosotros) tener
- (tú) hablar
- car/gar/zar/ger/gir changes happen in ______ form
- Spanish word for what D in JEDI stands for
- Spanish word for what J in JEDI stands for
- Spanish word for what I in JEDI stands for
- (yo) preferir
- for subjunctive you need two...
- in ir boot verbs, o - u and e - i are changes that happen ______ the boot
- (nosotros) entender
- acronym for irregular verbs
15 Clues: (tú) hablar • (yo) preferir • (nosotros) tener • (nosotros) entender • acronym for subjunctive • acronym for irregular verbs • for subjunctive you need two... • Spanish word for what I in JEDI stands for • Spanish word for what E in JEDI stands for • Spanish word for what D in JEDI stands for • Spanish word for what J in JEDI stands for • ...
Grammatical Concepts 2022-11-16
- used for fact or unchanged situations
- first word of the condition
- used for cause and consequence
- part of a conditional with WILL or WOULD
- used for hypothetical situations
- verbs which do NOT contain -ED
- tense used in the first conditional
- essential word in the result of the second conditional
- part of a conditional with the word IF
- tense used in the second conditional
- essential word in the result of the first conditional
- verbs containing -ED inflection
12 Clues: first word of the condition • used for cause and consequence • verbs which do NOT contain -ED • verbs containing -ED inflection • used for hypothetical situations • tense used in the first conditional • tense used in the second conditional • used for fact or unchanged situations • part of a conditional with the word IF • part of a conditional with WILL or WOULD • ...
Verb tenses 2018-02-27
- we use this verb when we don´t mention the person to whom the info was given.
- we use the auxiliar "will" in this tense.
- we use this verb when we mention the person to whom the info was given.
- simple past form of the verb "go".
- these verbs change their form in past tense.
- past participle of the verb "have".
- ending for verbs in present and past continuous.
- participle we use this form of the verb in the present and past perfect.
- past form of the verb "tell".
- the most of these verbs en in -ed in past tense.
- this is the base form of the verb "ate".
- past form of the verb "say".
- past form of the verb "work".
- past participle of the verb "to be".
- it is the connector we use when we want to report questions with auxiliars.
15 Clues: past form of the verb "say". • past form of the verb "tell". • past form of the verb "work". • simple past form of the verb "go". • past participle of the verb "have". • past participle of the verb "to be". • this is the base form of the verb "ate". • we use the auxiliar "will" in this tense. • these verbs change their form in past tense. • ...
Grammar Chapters 1 - 12 2023-05-22
- (1st PP) always takes a complementary infinitive
- (one word) tells the declension of a noun
- (one word)"the nom and acc are always the same"
- (one word) only difference betw 3Cio & 4C
- nom. fem. demonstrative that can mean "that wretched"
- another name for "command"
- the five groups all nouns belong to
- you get the base from this form of the adjective
- (one word) most verbs have 4 of these
- 2nd principal part
- the tense BEFORE the completed past.
- nine 1/2D adjectives with "-ius,-i" pattern
- tense that always has "ba" in all conjugations
- an adjective that can stand in place of a noun
- the "direct object" case
- the four groups most verbs belong to
- nom. masc. demonstrative that also means "the famous"
- tells who is doing the action of the verb
- the infinitive of an irregular linking verb
- usually goes after the noun it modifies
20 Clues: 2nd principal part • the "direct object" case • another name for "command" • the five groups all nouns belong to • the tense BEFORE the completed past. • the four groups most verbs belong to • (one word) most verbs have 4 of these • usually goes after the noun it modifies • (one word) tells the declension of a noun • (one word) only difference betw 3Cio & 4C • ...
El Subjuntivo Parte 1 2024-05-10
- It is better that
- to advise that
- First person (I) of the verb hacer
- I have in the subjunctive (irregular)
- to think
- It is obvious that
- the first person conjugation of a verb
- I give (irregular)conozca he/she knows
- Espero que ellos _____________ (to live) en esa casa.
- to prefer
- Ellos esperan que _______________ (we)bailar.
- to go
- Insistimos en que ________ el dinero.
- It is not certain/true thatclausuladependiente independent clause in spanish
- to know
- he/she says
- to understand
- First person (I)of the verb ver
- to be
- It is important that
- Ella pide que ________ (to serve)el cafe.
- First person (I) of the verb conocer
- to hope that
- I know in the subjunctive (irregular)
- First person (I) of the verb tener
- to prefer that
- to say or to tell
- to have
- It is good that
- to recommend that
- Independent clause in spanish
- the endings for er/ir verbs in the subjunctive (minus vosotros)
- You are/be in the subjunctive (irregular)
- to insist that
- Mama quiere que Juan ________ (study).
- to put or to place
- El prefiere que yo_______.
- It is doubtful that
- to sleep
- First person (I) of the verb salir
- First person (I)of the verb querer
- I be (irregular)
- to give or to hand
- I go in the subjunctive(irregular)
- It is certain that
45 Clues: to go • to be • to have • to know • to think • to sleep • to prefer • he/she says • to hope that • to understand • to prefer that • to advise that • to insist that • It is good that • I be (irregular) • to say or to tell • It is better that • to recommend that • to put or to place • It is obvious that • to give or to hand • It is certain that • It is doubtful that • It is important that • El prefiere que yo_______. • ...
Capítulo 3A Crucigrama (Crossword) 2022-05-08
- Reflexive verb that means "to stay"
- Post office en español.
- Until en español.
- "soon" en español.
- "Almost" en español.
- Pharmacy en español.
- "Bank" en español.
- Simple past tense in Spanish.
- Supermarket en español.
- Gas en español.
- Dentist in Spanish.
- Card en español.
- The preterite has a lot of these type of verbs.
- Good gracious! en español.
- Stamp en español.
- "Downtown" en español.
16 Clues: Gas en español. • Card en español. • Until en español. • Stamp en español. • "soon" en español. • "Bank" en español. • Dentist in Spanish. • "Almost" en español. • Pharmacy en español. • "Downtown" en español. • Supermarket en español. • Post office en español. • Good gracious! en español. • Simple past tense in Spanish. • Reflexive verb that means "to stay" • ...
Rebus clasa a VII-a 2016-04-12
12 Clues: 2 weeks • A big town • Evening meal • Antonym of 'difficult' • To write, wrote, ...... • A synonym for 'of course' • Unhealthy food or .... food • Doctors and nurses work here • Person travelling on holiday • Football in American English • Regular and ............. verbs • To reserve or to .... a hotel room
word building 2016-04-03
- verbs die noun case?
- verbs exist noun case?
- verbs cheer adjective case?
- verbs annoy noun case?
- verbs enjoy adjective case?
- verbs celebrate adjective case?
- verbs disappear noun case?
- verb amaze noun case?
- verbs differ adjective case?
- verbs discover noun case?
- verbs care adjective case?
- verbs evolve adjective case?
- verbs depress noun case?
- verbs excite noun case?
- verbs create adjective case?
15 Clues: verbs die noun case? • verb amaze noun case? • verbs exist noun case? • verbs annoy noun case? • verbs excite noun case? • verbs depress noun case? • verbs discover noun case? • verbs care adjective case? • verbs disappear noun case? • verbs cheer adjective case? • verbs enjoy adjective case? • verbs differ adjective case? • verbs evolve adjective case? • verbs create adjective case? • ...
4th Form Latin - Lesson 26 2024-02-21
- Which conjugation does eo belong to?
- All of the verbs in this lesson are ____________ verbs which are forms of the irregular verb eo.
- to go away
- He has gone away, withdrawn, escaped, burst forth! -Cicero
- to begin, enter upon
- to go across, to cross
- to go (The answer will contain parenthesis.)
- to go out (w/ex or w/de - both abl.)
- to return
- to go to, visit
10 Clues: to return • to go away • to go to, visit • to begin, enter upon • to go across, to cross • to go out (w/ex or w/de - both abl.) • Which conjugation does eo belong to? • to go (The answer will contain parenthesis.) • He has gone away, withdrawn, escaped, burst forth! -Cicero • All of the verbs in this lesson are ____________ verbs which are forms of the irregular verb eo.
Verb Review 2020-05-12
- verb in this tense tells about an action happening now
- this tense is formed by adding "will" or "going to" w/verb
- verb that joins subject to a subject complement
- verbs that form the past by some other ending besides ed
- a group of words made up of helping verbs and main verbs
- shows when an action takes place
- verb that tells what someone or something does
- verb that always comes before another verb usually action
- verb that shows what someone or something is
9 Clues: shows when an action takes place • verb that shows what someone or something is • verb that tells what someone or something does • verb that joins subject to a subject complement • verb in this tense tells about an action happening now • a group of words made up of helping verbs and main verbs • verbs that form the past by some other ending besides ed • ...
Review Crosswords 2024-03-13
- Past of the verb do?
- Verbs that we add -ed at the end in the past
- Present tense where we add -ing.
- Big, Beautiful, Smart are?...
- When we refer to the future, we use?...
- Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It?
- What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was?
- I, He, She, You are?...
- smarter, larger, and bigger are?...
- smartest, largest, and biggest are?...
- Past of the verb to be You, We, and They?
11 Clues: Past of the verb do? • I, He, She, You are?... • Big, Beautiful, Smart are?... • Present tense where we add -ing. • smarter, larger, and bigger are?... • smartest, largest, and biggest are?... • When we refer to the future, we use?... • Past of the verb to be You, We, and They? • Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It? • What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was? • ...
Review Crosswords 2024-03-13
- Past of the verb do?
- Verbs that we add -ed at the end in the past
- Present tense where we add -ing.
- Big, Beautiful, Smart are?...
- When we refer to the future, we use?...
- Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It?
- What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was?
- I, He, She, You are?...
- smarter, larger, and bigger are?...
- smartest, largest, and biggest are?...
- Past of the verb to be You, We, and They?
11 Clues: Past of the verb do? • I, He, She, You are?... • Big, Beautiful, Smart are?... • Present tense where we add -ing. • smarter, larger, and bigger are?... • smartest, largest, and biggest are?... • When we refer to the future, we use?... • Past of the verb to be You, We, and They? • Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It? • What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was? • ...
Verb Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-01
- - a special kind of auxiliary verb that express permission, possibility, necessity, etc.
- - verbs that do not require a direct object
- - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed
- - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb
- - refers to movement
- - a verb that connects the subject to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that describes it
- - verbs that either retain their form or changed entirely when changed to simple past or past participle form
- - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence
8 Clues: - refers to movement • - verbs that do not require a direct object • - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence • - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed • - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb • ...
Preterite vs Imperfect 2022-03-29
- aba,abas,aba,ábamos,abais,aban
- There,are,no__,in,imperfect
- is used for actions in the past.Use of the imperfect tense implies that the past action did not have a definite beginning or a definite end.
- preterite,Qué,Gué,zé
- write on back imperfect expressions
- ser,ver,ir,on,back write,conjugations,of,these,three
- time imperfect Al wept
- Preterite
- write on back preterite expressions
- is used for actions in the past that are seen as completed. Use of the preterite tense implies that the past action had a definite beginning and definite end.
- ía,ías,ía,íamos,ían
11 Clues: Preterite • ía,ías,ía,íamos,ían • preterite,Qué,Gué,zé • time imperfect Al wept • There,are,no__,in,imperfect • aba,abas,aba,ábamos,abais,aban • write on back preterite expressions • write on back imperfect expressions • ser,ver,ir,on,back write,conjugations,of,these,three • ...
Verb Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-01
- - a special kind of auxiliary verb that express permission, possibility, necessity, etc.
- - verbs that do not require a direct object
- - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed
- - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb
- - refers to movement
- - a verb that connects the subject to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that describes it
- - verbs that either retain their form or changed entirely when changed to simple past or past participle form
- - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence
8 Clues: - refers to movement • - verbs that do not require a direct object • - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence • - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed • - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb • ...
Regular preterite crossword puzzle 2022-05-11
- the ellos/ellas/uds form for ER/IR verbs
- the el/ella/usted form for DAR
- the vosotros form for ER/IR verbs
- the tú form for AR verbs
- the nosotros form for SER/IR
- the yo form for SER/IR
- the vosotros form for AR verbs
- the tú form for ER/IR verbs
- the ellos/ellas/uds form for SER/IR
- the ellos form of HABLAR
- the tú form of COMER
- the ella form of VIVIR
- the vosotros form for DAR
- the nosotros form for ER/IR verbs
- the nosotros form for DAR
- the nosotros form for AR verbs
- the tú form for SER/IR
- the vosotros form for SER/IR
- the ellos/ellas/uds for AR verbs
- the el/ella/usted form for SER/IR
20 Clues: the tú form of COMER • the ella form of VIVIR • the tú form for SER/IR • the yo form for SER/IR • the ellos form of HABLAR • the tú form for AR verbs • the vosotros form for DAR • the nosotros form for DAR • the tú form for ER/IR verbs • the nosotros form for SER/IR • the vosotros form for SER/IR • the el/ella/usted form for DAR • the nosotros form for AR verbs • ...
Capitulo 4A 2023-04-19
9 Clues: doll • fish • blocks • tricycle • dinosaur • to bother • action figures • how many irregular imperfect tense verbs are there? • -ar ending imperfect words only have an accent mark in the _____ form
Simple Past Negative 2022-05-11
- Simple Past of the verb GO
- We use this tense on actions that HAPPENED before now
- Type of verbs that don't have the ED ending.
- Simple Past form that we are seeing as topic.
- What goes before the verb in the structure of negative simple past?
- Simple past of the verb WORK
- Trece in English
- Present Tense of the verb PLAYED
- Regular Verbs' ending
9 Clues: Trece in English • Regular Verbs' ending • Simple Past of the verb GO • Simple past of the verb WORK • Present Tense of the verb PLAYED • Type of verbs that don't have the ED ending. • Simple Past form that we are seeing as topic. • We use this tense on actions that HAPPENED before now • What goes before the verb in the structure of negative simple past?
Regular preterite crossword puzzle 2022-09-23
- the ellos/ellas/uds form for ER/IR verbs
- the el/ella/usted form for DAR
- the vosotros form for ER/IR verbs
- the tú form for AR verbs
- the nosotros form for SER/IR
- the yo form for SER/IR
- the vosotros form for AR verbs
- the tú form for ER/IR verbs
- the ellos/ellas/uds form for SER/IR
- the ellos form of HABLAR
- the tú form of COMER
- the ella form of VIVIR
- the vosotros form for DAR
- the nosotros form for ER/IR verbs
- the nosotros form for DAR
- the nosotros form for AR verbs
- the tú form for SER/IR
- the vosotros form for SER/IR
- the ellos/ellas/uds for AR verbs
- the el/ella/usted form for SER/IR
20 Clues: the tú form of COMER • the ella form of VIVIR • the tú form for SER/IR • the yo form for SER/IR • the ellos form of HABLAR • the tú form for AR verbs • the vosotros form for DAR • the nosotros form for DAR • the tú form for ER/IR verbs • the nosotros form for SER/IR • the vosotros form for SER/IR • the el/ella/usted form for DAR • the nosotros form for AR verbs • ...
Brace...for IMPACT 2020-10-01
8 Clues: our book publisher... • place on the cover... • page 148 has a list of...verbs • theme of our second unit...animals • what can we find from pages 153-175? • pages 149-152 has a list of ...verbs • our first grammar point in the next unit... • Jenny Daltry and Arseniy have this in common...they both <3...
TENSES GRADE 8 2023-02-14
8 Clues: Verbs have this • is a regular verb • Is an irregular verb • Lacia loves pie is an eg of • The past tense has regular and----verbs • This part of speech is linked to tenses • Is an eg of a verb that expresses action • The simple past tense relates to what---in the past
Irregular Verbs 2019-01-11
30 Clues: go • do • say • cut • hit • eat • run • win • give • meet • make • have • take • hurt • fall • ride • swim • throw • bring • write • spend • speak • sleep • catch • think • leave • choose • become • forget • understand
irregular verbs 2018-04-13
25 Clues: go • lie • win • fly • let • keep • take • hide • wake • hang • rise • sell • tell • grow • flee • chose • grind • drink • write • throw • think • creep • sweep • forget • understand
Irregular verbs 2018-05-22
31 Clues: do • go • see • say • can • put • run • win • make • come • have • know • swim • hear • wear • give • sing • sell • tell • take • smell • throw • stand • begin • sleep • forget • choose • be (Pl.) • up get up • up wake up • understand
irregular verbs 2018-03-22
Irregular verbs 2018-05-13
27 Clues: I put • I get • I say • I know • I hear • I give • I make • I begin • I bring • I leave • I return • she asks • you want • he hears • we begin • he plays • I suppose • they find • you sleep • we prefer • he closes • they think • she repeats • they follow • we remember\ • I am able to • I understand
Irregular Verbs 2017-10-10
35 Clues: go • be • do • buy • sit • cut • put • say • fly • get • run • eat • see • meet • take • tell • come • read • find • hear • know • fall • lose • have • send • make • feel • speak • bring • build • drink • begin • catch • break • forget
Irregular Verbs 2017-10-10
35 Clues: do • be • go • cut • see • put • fly • buy • get • say • sit • run • eat • know • lose • hear • come • meet • make • feel • find • read • send • tell • fall • take • have • speak • drink • catch • build • break • bring • begin • forget
- past simple of break
- past simple of wake up
- English word for "schreiben"
- past simple of think
- English word for "legen"
- past simple of forget
- past simple of hear
- past simple of dream
- past simple of draw
- English word for "graben"
- English word for "(aus-)wählen
- English word for "werden"
- past simple of buy
- English word for "wissen"
- past simple of teach
- past simple of bring
- English word for "fangen"
- past simple of hold
- English word for "verlassen"
- past simple of drink
- past simple of ride
21 Clues: past simple of buy • past simple of hold • past simple of hear • past simple of draw • past simple of ride • past simple of break • past simple of teach • past simple of bring • past simple of think • past simple of dream • past simple of drink • past simple of forget • past simple of wake up • English word for "legen" • English word for "werden" • English word for "wissen" • ...
Irregular Verbs 2021-12-15
- simple past (to) give
- simple past (to) sell
- simple past (to) drink
- simple past (to) sleep
- simple past (to) swim
- simple past (to) make
- simple past (to) find
- simple past (to) fight
- simple past (to) keep
- simple past (to ) tell
- simple past (to) have
- simple past (to) run
- simple past (to) grow
- simple past (to) do
- simple past (to) forget
- simple past (to) go
- simple past (to) meet
- simple past (to) drive
- simple past (to) become
- simple past (to) understand
- simple past (to) come
- simple past (to) see
- simple past (to) throw
- simple past (to) say
- simple past (to) eat
- simple past (to) catch
- simple past (to) leave
- simple past (to) buy
- simple past (to) wake
- simple past (to) hide
- simple past (to) sing
- simple past (to) know
- simple past (to) pay
- simple past (to) ride
- simple past (to) speak
- simple past (to) win
- simple past (to) ring
- simple past (to) wear
- simple past (to) take
39 Clues: simple past (to) do • simple past (to) go • simple past (to) see • simple past (to) say • simple past (to) eat • simple past (to) buy • simple past (to) pay • simple past (to) run • simple past (to) win • simple past (to) give • simple past (to) sell • simple past (to) come • simple past (to) swim • simple past (to) make • simple past (to) wake • simple past (to) find • simple past (to) hide • ...
Irregular verbs 2022-01-15
50 Clues: do • go • say • buy • fly • eat • pay • sit • let • get • run • see • put • wear • know • keep • wake • fall • feel • come • make • find • give • hurt • take • tell • cost • hear • sell • read • have • grow • swim • meet • begin • teach • bring • drink • sleep • speak • leave • think • build • write • forget • become • choose • understand • be (plural) • be (singular)
Irregular verbs 2021-12-08
- I ____ my heavy suitcase in my arms (to hold)
- I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)
- I ____ many books on the beach (to read)
- My mother ____ too many things on our trip (to bring)
- I ____ to go swimming while everyone was relaxing inside (to choose)
- I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)
- A woman ____ a bag (to steal)
- We ____ a lot of money on souvenirs (to spend)
- We ____ a cake to eat in front of the fireplace (to make)
- I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)
- The children ____ playing outside (to be)
- My brother almost ____ his suitcase ate home (to forget)
- We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)
- We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)
- The taxidriver ____ us to our destination (to drive)
- We ____ through the clouds (to fly)
- My sister almost ____ her finger when she tried to ski (to break)
- I ____ in the sea and as a lot of fishes(to swim)
- I ____ a letter to my grandmother (to send)
- My father ____ I was lost while I was walking behind him (to think)
20 Clues: A woman ____ a bag (to steal) • I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take) • We ____ through the clouds (to fly) • I ____ in my diary everyday (to write) • I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find) • I ____ many books on the beach (to read) • The children ____ playing outside (to be) • We ____ our plane just in time (to catch) • We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go) • ...
Irregular verbs 2021-12-08
- I ____ my heavy suitcase in my arms (to hold)
- I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)
- I ____ many books on the beach (to read)
- My mother ____ too many things on our trip (to bring)
- I ____ to go swimming while everyone was relaxing inside (to choose)
- I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)
- A woman ____ a bag (to steal)
- We ____ a lot of money on souvenirs (to spend)
- We ____ a cake to eat in front of the fireplace (to make)
- I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)
- The children ____ playing outside (to be)
- My brother almost ____ his suitcase ate home (to forget)
- We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)
- We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)
- The taxidriver ____ us to our destination (to drive)
- We ____ through the clouds (to fly)
- My sister almost ____ her finger when she tried to ski (to break)
- I ____ in the sea and as a lot of fishes(to swim)
- I ____ a letter to my grandmother (to send)
- My father ____ I was lost while I was walking behind him (to think)
20 Clues: A woman ____ a bag (to steal) • I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take) • We ____ through the clouds (to fly) • I ____ in my diary everyday (to write) • I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find) • I ____ many books on the beach (to read) • The children ____ playing outside (to be) • We ____ our plane just in time (to catch) • We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go) • ...
Irregular Verbs 2022-01-03
irregular verbs 2022-01-10
25 Clues: stonk • gelegd • blazen • belden • werden • zetten • geweten • gehuild • gelegen • plakken • spraken • wierpen • geschud • gekozen • kochten • gebogen • groeiden • verboden • gegraven • bederven • scheuren • kruipten • gezwommen • verborgen • doorbrengen
irregular verbs 2022-01-05
- spargere, simple past
- mostrare, past participle
- Italian for 'know'
- chiudere, base form
- splendere, simple past
- imparare, simple past
- insegnare, simple past
- Italian for 'bite'
- piangere, simple past
- scegliere, past participle
- vedere, simple past
- Italian for 'become'
- raccontare, simple past
- pungere, past participle
- sognare, past participle
- trascorrere, past participle
- Italian for 'smell'
- sedersi past participle
- colpite, all forms
- piegare, base form
20 Clues: Italian for 'know' • colpite, all forms • piegare, base form • Italian for 'bite' • vedere, simple past • chiudere, base form • Italian for 'smell' • Italian for 'become' • spargere, simple past • imparare, simple past • piangere, simple past • splendere, simple past • insegnare, simple past • raccontare, simple past • sedersi past participle • pungere, past participle • sognare, past participle • ...
Irregular verbs 2021-11-09
irregular verbs 2020-06-08
- swim .... swum
- drink...drunk
- speak...spoken
- know...known
- eat ..... eaten
- wear....worn
- ride...ridden
- speak...spoken
- go...gone
- sit...sat
- come...come
- have...had
- write...written
- do...done
- catch....caught
- leave...left
- find....found
- make....made
- spend...spent
- be....been
- hear.....heard
- see...seen
- tell...told
- give...given
- say...said
- think....thought
- buy....bought
- take...taken
- meet...met
31 Clues: go...gone • sit...sat • do...done • be....been • see...seen • say...said • have...had • • meet...met • tell...told • come...come • make....made • know...known • wear....worn • give...given • • take...taken • leave...left • find....found • spend...spent • drink...drunk • ride...ridden • buy....bought • swim .... swum • speak...spoken • hear.....heard • speak...spoken • eat ..... eaten • write...written • ...
Irregular verbs 2020-05-25
irregular verbs 2020-06-17
- третья форма глагола "пить"
- вторая форма глагола "летать"
- вторая форма глагола "падать"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "ломать"
- вторая форма глагола "рисовать"
- третья форма глагола "падать"
- третья форма глагола "водить"
- вторая форма глагола "пить"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "чувствовать"
- третья форма глагола "быть"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "бороться"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "покупать"
- вторая форма глагола "делать"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "резать"
- третья форма глагола "есть"
- третья форма глагола "делать"
- третья форма глагола "приходить"
- третья форма глагола "летать"
- вторая форма глагола "водить"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "кормить"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "находить"
- третья форма глагола "рисовать"
- третья форма глагола "ломать"
- вторая форма глагола "есть"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "приносить"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "ловить"
- вторая и третья форма глагола "строить"
- вторая форма глагола "приходить"
- вторая форма глагола "быть"
29 Clues: третья форма глагола "пить" • вторая форма глагола "пить" • вторая форма глагола "есть" • третья форма глагола "быть" • вторая форма глагола "быть" • третья форма глагола "есть" • третья форма глагола "делать" • вторая форма глагола "летать" • третья форма глагола "летать" • вторая форма глагола "водить" • вторая форма глагола "падать" • третья форма глагола "ломать" • ...
Irregular Verbs 2020-07-07
- shut shut
- swam swum
- beat beaten
- spoke spoken
- brought brought
- sat sat
- lost lost
- won won
- got gotten
- forgave forgiven
- forgot forgotten
- put put
- met met
- made made
- told told
- hung hung
- wore worn
- bet bet
- bent bent
- lay lain
- showed shown
- read read
- became become
- grew grown
- paid paid
- had had
- broke broken
- stood stood
- tore torn
- spent spent
- began begun
- bit bitten
- went gone
- sang sung
- woke woken
- became become
- froze frozen
- taught taught
- meant meant
- left left
- gave given
- lent lent
- built built
- took taken
- blew blown
- let let
- slept slept
- began begun
- wrote written
- heard heard
50 Clues: sat sat • won won • put put • met met • bet bet • let let • had had • lay lain • shut shut • tore torn • swam swum • went gone • lost lost • sang sung • made made • told told • left left • hung hung • lent lent • wore worn • bent bent • read read • paid paid • bit bitten • woke woken • got gotten • gave given • took taken • blew blown • grew grown • stood stood • spent spent • beat beaten • began begun • meant meant • built built • slept slept • began begun • ...
Irregular Verbs 2020-09-23
32 Clues: to sit • to buy • to run • to say • to eat • to fall • to fell • to grow • to lose • to tell • to meet • to give • to ride • to keep • to lead • to bite • to hide • to sing • to teach • to break • to begin • to drink • to leave • to sleep • to throw • to shake • to catch • to speak • to bring • to forget • to choose • to understant
Irregular verbs 2022-02-23
- Simple past of the verb to leave
- Past participle of the verb to begin
- Simple past of the verb to drive
- Simple past of the verb to drink
- Simple past of the verb to choose
- Simple past of the verb to build
- Simple past of the verb to catch
- Past participle of the verb to mean
- Simple past of the verb to eat
- Simple past of the verb to lose
- Simple past of the verb to draw
- Simple past of the verb to hide
- Simple past of the verb to go
- Simple past of the verb to hit
- Simple past of the verb to feed
- Simple past of the verb to cut
- Simple past of the verb to begin
- Simple past of the verb to break
- Past participle of the verb to fly
- Simple past of the verb to cut
- Simple past of the verb to hurt
- Simple past of the verb to put
- Past participle of the verb to choose
- Simple past of the verb to hear
- Simple past of the verb to pay
- Simple past of the verb to meet
- Simple past of the verb to blow
27 Clues: Simple past of the verb to go • Simple past of the verb to hit • Simple past of the verb to cut • Simple past of the verb to cut • Simple past of the verb to put • Simple past of the verb to pay • Simple past of the verb to eat • Simple past of the verb to feed • Simple past of the verb to hurt • Simple past of the verb to hear • Simple past of the verb to meet • ...
Irregular verbs 2022-02-01
Irregular Verbs 2021-11-09
26 Clues: go • run • get • buy • say • come • sell • know • tell • find • draw • make • meet • lose • take • hear • feel • cost • break • begin • drink • think • spend • sleep • forget • choose
Irregular Verbs 2021-11-07
- My books ___ down the stairs. (fall)
- She ___ all of the popcorn. (eat)
- My mom ___ me how to drive a car. (teach)
- You ___ those socks every day this week. (wear)
- John ___ his baseball collection. (sell)
- The grass ___ 3 inches. (grow)
- I ___ the bus to school today. (ride)
- Miss Hittle ___ her keys again. (lose)
- I ___ a mile yesterday. (run)
- My mom ___ I was lying. (know)
- I ___ dinner tonight. (make)
- You ___ me a donut! (bring)
- They ___ the car to the mall today. (drive)
- The baby bird ___ from the nest. (fly)
- My mom ___ me a ton of chores! (give)
- Dad ___ you many times to clean your room. (tell)
- I ___ my bike up the steep hill. (ride)
- The principal ___ to us about our behavior.(speak)
- I ___ my name on my paper. (write)
- Dad ___ all of the milk.(drink)
- The boat ___. (sink)
- He ___ up a huge balloon. (blow)
- He ___ the water to make ice cubes. (freeze)
23 Clues: The boat ___. (sink) • You ___ me a donut! (bring) • I ___ dinner tonight. (make) • I ___ a mile yesterday. (run) • The grass ___ 3 inches. (grow) • My mom ___ I was lying. (know) • Dad ___ all of the milk.(drink) • He ___ up a huge balloon. (blow) • She ___ all of the popcorn. (eat) • I ___ my name on my paper. (write) • My books ___ down the stairs. (fall) • ...
Irregular Verbs 2021-11-08
- he/she goes
- I watch
- he/she leaves/goes out
- he/she gives
- they watch
- you give
- we leave/go out
- they have
- I leave/go out
- he/she has
- I say/tell
- I am (characteristics)
- I do/make
- we have
- we say/tell
- I go
- you do/make
- we watch
- we do/make
- they go
- I am (location/emotion)
- I give
- I have
- he/she is (characteristics)
- we are (location/emotion)
- he says/tells
- you are (characteristics)
27 Clues: I go • I give • I have • I watch • they go • we have • we watch • you give • they have • I do/make • we do/make • they watch • he/she has • I say/tell • we say/tell • he/she goes • you do/make • he/she gives • he says/tells • I leave/go out • we leave/go out • he/she leaves/goes out • I am (characteristics) • I am (location/emotion) • we are (location/emotion) • you are (characteristics) • he/she is (characteristics)
Irregular Verbs 2021-11-18
- past of sit
- participle of 'stelen'
- past of teach
- past of fall
- past participle of 'verspillen'
- past participle of 'bloeden'
- past participle of to bind
- past of lose
- past of buy
- past of to strike
- participle of 'opstaan'
- past of sing
- participle of give
- participle of eat
- past of meet
- past of 'sturen'
- past of 'wedden'
- past participle of 'verkopen'
- past of to leap
- past of fly
- past of 'leggen'
- participle of to be
- past of bring
- past of to bear
- past of forget
- past of come
- past of give
27 Clues: past of sit • past of fly • past of buy • past of meet • past of fall • past of lose • past of come • past of give • past of sing • past of teach • past of bring • past of forget • past of to leap • past of to bear • past of 'sturen' • past of 'wedden' • past of 'leggen' • past of to strike • participle of eat • participle of give • participle of to be • participle of 'stelen' • participle of 'opstaan' • ...
irregular verbs 2021-11-19
33 Clues: go • is • do • eat • see • say • can • run • fly • get • pay • are • buy • feed • swim • come • meet • make • hide • sing • give • find • wear • ride • take • have • sleep • think • drink • catch • drive • spend • become
Irregular Verbs 2021-12-06
Irregular Verbs 2021-12-06
Irregular Verbs 2021-12-07
- I was able
- y'all are able
- you are
- I am able
- y'all were
- y'all were carrying
- we were going
- he is able
- you were able
- I am
- I was not wishing
- I do not wish
- they were wishing
- she does not wish
- we are
- he is
- they carry
- you carry
- I was wishing
- y'all go
- you were
- I was
- she was
- you wish
- y'all were not wishing
- I go
- y'all so not wish
- you are able
- I carry
- they are able
- he was carrying
- y'all are
- she was able
- we were
- they wish
- y'all were able
- they are
- I wish
- you were going
- we wish
- he wishes
- y'all wish
- we go
- you go
- y'all carry
- we carry
- they were
- it carries
- they go
- it goes
- we were able
- they were able
- we are able
53 Clues: I am • I go • we go • he is • I was • I wish • you go • we are • I carry • you are • we were • we wish • she was • they go • it goes • they are • we carry • y'all go • you were • you wish • I am able • y'all are • they wish • he wishes • they were • you carry • I was able • y'all were • he is able • y'all wish • they carry • it carries • y'all carry • we are able • you are able • she was able • we were able • they are able • we were going • you were able • ...
Irregular Verbs 2021-11-28
Irregular verbs 2022-03-23
- found/found/encontrar
- did/done/hacer
- held/held/sostener
- broke/broken/romper
- began/begun/empezar, comenzar
- grew/grown/crecer
- forgave/forgiven/perdonar
- drew/drawn/dibujar
- gave/given/dar
- drove/driven/conducir
- chose/chosen/elegir, escoger
- caught/ caught coger, atrapar, tomar
- was/were/been
- went/gone/ir
- forgot/forgotten/olvidarse
- flew/flown/volar
- cut/cut/cortar
- froze/frozen/congelar
- drank/drunk/beber
- hit/hit pegar, golpear
- got/got / gotten/recibir, conseguir
- fell/fallen/caer
- came/come/venir
- kept/kept/guardar, continuar
- hung/hung/colgar
- built/built/construir
- knew/known/conocer, saber
- brought/brought/llevar, traer
- hid/hidden/esconder
- had/had/tener
- became/become/convertirse en
- blew/blown/soplar
- bit/bitten/morder
- ate/eaten/comer
- cost/cost/costar
- hurt/hurt/hacer daño
- bought/bought/comprar
- fought/fought/pelear, luchar
- felt/felt/sentir
- could/been able/poder
40 Clues: went/gone/ir • had/had/tener • was/were/been • did/done/hacer • gave/given/dar • cut/cut/cortar • came/come/venir • ate/eaten/comer • fell/fallen/caer • hung/hung/colgar • cost/cost/costar • flew/flown/volar • felt/felt/sentir • grew/grown/crecer • blew/blown/soplar • bit/bitten/morder • drank/drunk/beber • held/held/sostener • drew/drawn/dibujar • broke/broken/romper • hid/hidden/esconder • ...
Irregular Verbs 2022-03-24
41 Clues: Så • Rev • Tog • Sige • slog • Talt • Skrev • Glemt • Redet • Taget • Viste • Sagde • Lærte • Spist • Søgte • Kendt • Købte • Slået • Fundet • Skjult • Fanget • Spiste • Rystet • Blæste • Brække • Valgte • Sloges • Tilgav • Ringet • Fortalt • Springe • Byggede • Tegnede • Drukket • Forladt • Frosset • Begyndt • Svømmede • Forstået • Svingede • Bragt(e)
Irregular verbs 2022-03-29
23 Clues: sööma I • tooma I • võtma I • hoidma I • tegema I • võtma II • minema I • hoidma I • sööma II • maksma I • tundma I • tulema I • tulema II • tegema II • minema II • tooma III • hoidma II • sööma III • tundma II • maksma III • hoidma III • tulema III • minema III
Irregular verbs 2022-04-11
23 Clues: sõi • sai • omas • tegi • läks • tuli • pani • nägi • andis • istus • luges • ostis • magas • kohtas • viskas • leidis • ehitas • püüdis • võttis • hoidis • jooksis • oli(ainsus) • olid(mitmus)
Irregular Verbs 2022-04-06
- Past simple of "become"
- Past simple of "see"
- Past simple of "make"
- Past simple of "forget"
- Past simple of "rise"
- Past simple of "think"
- Past simple of "leave"
- Past simple of "bite"
- Past simple of "drive"
- Past simple of "know"
- Past simple of "go"
- Past simple of "freeze"
- Past simple of "come"
- Past simple of "cost"
- Past simple of "sing"
- Past simple of "write"
- Past simple of "feel"
- Past simple of "sell"
- Past simple of "wear"
- Past simple of "throw"
- Past simple of "drink"
- Past simple of "win"
22 Clues: Past simple of "go" • Past simple of "see" • Past simple of "win" • Past simple of "come" • Past simple of "cost" • Past simple of "sing" • Past simple of "make" • Past simple of "feel" • Past simple of "rise" • Past simple of "sell" • Past simple of "wear" • Past simple of "bite" • Past simple of "know" • Past simple of "write" • Past simple of "think" • Past simple of "leave" • ...
Irregular Verbs 2013-10-13
20 Clues: lire • rêver • venir • couter • courir • penser • prêter • fermer • devenir • blesser • frapper • acheter • attraper • apporter • apprendre • enseigner • com)battre • mettre/poser • étendre/étaler • laisser/permettre
Irregular verbs 2014-06-10
Irregular verbs 2014-01-27
- spideja 2f
- lidot 2f
- nozimeja 2f
- darija, 2f
- nokrita 2f
- dzert
- griest
- staveja 2f
- zimet
- piedots 3f
- sedet
- redzeja 2f
- zinams 3f
- nemot 3f
- peldet
- bija 3f
- smarzoja 3f
- saprata 2f
- skriet 2f
- gulet
- sacies 3f
- zagt
- celt
- rakstisks 3f
- macit
- brauca, 2f
- nolikt 2f
- slegts 2f
- eda, 2f
- sadalit 2f
- meta 2f
- atrast 3f
- domat
- aizsutija 3f
- turet 3f
- pateikt
- pastastija, 3f
- sutit
- turet, 2f
- stavet
- pamest 2f
- pazaudet
- parnemts 3f
- satika, 3f
- aizmirsts 3f
- paradija 2f
- sniedza 2f
- peldejas 2f
- prom 3f
- guleja 2f
- trapit 2f
- gatavots 3f
- nodedzinatas 2f
- celta, 3f
- sapnoja 2f
- macijas 3f
- macities
- samaksats 3f
- rakstit
- macija 2f
- dzirdet 3f
- vadija, 2f
- pavadija 3f
- velkat 3f
- panemt 2f
- uzvaret
- turet
67 Clues: zagt • celt • sutit • dzert • zimet • sedet • gulet • macit • domat • turet • stavet • griest • peldet • prom 3f • bija 3f • rakstit • eda, 2f • meta 2f • uzvaret • pateikt • lidot 2f • pazaudet • nemot 3f • macities • turet 3f • turet, 2f • pamest 2f • zinams 3f • guleja 2f • trapit 2f • celta, 3f • skriet 2f • sacies 3f • macija 2f • nolikt 2f • slegts 2f • velkat 3f • panemt 2f • atrast 3f • spideja 2f • darija, 2f • nokrita 2f • staveja 2f • satika, 3f • piedots 3f • ...
irregular verbs 2014-01-27
- likt,3f
- atrast,3f
- peldēties,3f
- vilkt,3f
- redzēt,3f
- pirkt,2f
- būt,3f
- izvelēties,2f
- rakt,3f
- griezt,2f
- pamest,3f
- iet,2f
- smaržot,3f
- dabūt,2f
- saprast,3f
- noķert,3f
- lasīt,3f
- sist,3
- maksāt,3f
- slēpties,3f
- just,3f
- braukt,3f
- dziedāt,3f
- dedzināt
- paturēt,2f
- atnest
- zīmet,3f
- nosēsties,3f
- runāt,3f
- sedēt,3f
- darīt,3f
- samaksāt,3f
- sāpēt,3f
- lidot,3f
- pamosties,2f
- iepazīt,3f
- nākt,3f
- piedot,3f
- domāt,3f
- sapņot,3f
- smaržot,2f
- celt
- cīnities,3f
- vinēt,3f
- peldēt,2f
- kļūt,2f
- pateikt,3f
- macīt,3f
- zagt,3f
- turēt,3f
- skriet,2f
- lidot,2f
- mest,3f
- dzirdēt,2f
- dzert,3f
- saplēst
- plīst,2f
- paņemt,2f
- stāvēt,3f
- sūtit,3f
60 Clues: celt • būt,3f • iet,2f • sist,3 • atnest • likt,3f • nākt,3f • rakt,3f • kļūt,2f • zagt,3f • mest,3f • just,3f • saplēst • sāpēt,3f • lidot,3f • vilkt,3f • domāt,3f • pirkt,2f • vinēt,3f • macīt,3f • dabūt,2f • turēt,3f • lasīt,3f • lidot,2f • dzert,3f • dedzināt • plīst,2f • zīmet,3f • runāt,3f • sedēt,3f • sūtit,3f • darīt,3f • atrast,3f • piedot,3f • sapņot,3f • redzēt,3f • peldēt,2f • griezt,2f • pamest,3f • noķert,3f • skriet,2f • maksāt,3f • braukt,3f • paņemt,2f • ...
Irregular Verbs 2014-03-13
28 Clues: Go • Be • Fly • Try • Eat • See • Sell • Stop • Have • Play • Meet • Make • Turn • Tell • Look • Break • Order • Steal • Reply • Write • Start • Leave • Clean • Begin • Finish • Forget • Change • Arrange
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