irregular verbs Crossword Puzzles

Subjuntivo 2016-01-27

Subjuntivo crossword puzzle
  1. What verbs have the subjunctive endings e,es,e,emos,en?
  2. A Laura le duelen los _____(kidneys).
  3. What is the acronym for irregular verbs?
  4. IR and ____subjunctive verbs end with a,as,a,amos,an.
  5. A mí me _____(doler) los pies.
  6. What uses 'es mejor(que),es bueno(que),es raro(que)etc'?
  7. Es importante _____(to eat) los verduras. (Hint: use the infinitive!)
  8. Conjugate: Juan y Julia ____(bailar).
  9. What does the 'E' in WEIRDO stand for?
  1. What acronym helps remember how to express the subjunctive?
  2. What kind of verbs are DISHES?
  3. The second step to conjugate a verb into subjunctive is to ____the -o.
  4. Te ____(doler) el cuello.
  5. Conjugate: Ud. _____(pensar).
  6. What is the 'D' in WEIRDO?
  7. What means 'to give' in DISHES?
  8. Conjugate: Nosotros _____(recibir).
  9. What is injection or shot?
  10. To conjugate a verb, first you have to put it in ____form.
  11. What means 'I hope or want' in WIERDO?

20 Clues: Te ____(doler) el cuello.What is the 'D' in WEIRDO?What is injection or shot?Conjugate: Ud. _____(pensar).What kind of verbs are DISHES?A mí me _____(doler) los pies.What means 'to give' in DISHES?Conjugate: Nosotros _____(recibir).A Laura le duelen los _____(kidneys).Conjugate: Juan y Julia ____(bailar).What does the 'E' in WEIRDO stand for?...

V3 Crossword Filbert 2021-04-06

V3 Crossword Filbert crossword puzzle
  1. verbs : regular verbs :
  2. win
  3. fly accepted accept
  4. leave caused cause
  5. get cooked cook
  6. do cancelled cancel
  7. throw
  8. eat called call
  9. break enjoyed enjoy
  1. tear
  2. drink wanted want
  3. blow tried try
  4. write
  5. forget continued continue
  6. wake
  7. sell created create

16 Clues: wintearwakewritethrowblow tried trydrink wanted wantverbs : regular verbs :get cooked cookeat called callleave caused causebreak enjoyed enjoyfly accepted acceptdo cancelled cancel...

Que es el Subjunctivo? 2024-03-13

Que es el Subjunctivo? crossword puzzle
  1. Nosotros form of Ir
  2. W in Weirdo
  3. El, Ella, Usted form of Ir
  4. I in Weirdo
  5. R in Weirdo
  6. What is the whole point of subjunctive tense
  7. O in Weirdo
  1. Yo Form of Ir
  2. Vosotros form of Ir
  3. Irregular Verb starting with S
  4. E in Weirdo
  5. Ellos, Ellas, Usted form of Ir
  6. Irregular Verb starting with D
  7. Way to remember 6 Irregular Verbs
  8. Irregular Verb starting with I
  9. D in Weirdo
  10. Irregular Verb starting with E
  11. How many subjects are in each sentence
  12. Irregular Verb starting with S
  13. Tu Form of Ir

20 Clues: W in WeirdoE in WeirdoD in WeirdoI in WeirdoR in WeirdoO in WeirdoYo Form of IrTu Form of IrNosotros form of IrVosotros form of IrEl, Ella, Usted form of IrIrregular Verb starting with SEllos, Ellas, Usted form of IrIrregular Verb starting with DIrregular Verb starting with IIrregular Verb starting with EIrregular Verb starting with S...

Preterite crossword Puzzle 2022-10-19

Preterite crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. what is the irregular preterite form of the verb haber?
  2. what is the irregular preterite form of the verb conducir?
  3. Conjugate buscar in the yo form
  4. Stem Changing verbs in the present tense are regular in the preterite tense True or False?
  5. -IR Stem changing verbs in the present tense do not stem change in the preterite tense True/False?
  6. conjugate sacar in the Tú form
  7. what yo form of the verb jugar?
  8. the irregular verb Ver conjugated in the Tú form is?
  1. The yo form of the verb almorzar?
  2. what is the irregular preterite stem for the verb decir
  3. the verb Dar conjugated in the Vosotros form is?
  4. The yo form of the verb practicar?
  5. what is the regular preterite stem for the verb estar?
  6. What is the irregular preterite stem for the verb andar?
  7. What stem-changing verb is this?
  8. The yo form for the verb leer is what?

16 Clues: conjugate sacar in the Tú formConjugate buscar in the yo formwhat yo form of the verb jugar?What stem-changing verb is this?The yo form of the verb almorzar?The yo form of the verb practicar?The yo form for the verb leer is what?the verb Dar conjugated in the Vosotros form is?the irregular verb Ver conjugated in the Tú form is?...

Imperfecto y Futuro 2022-03-13

Imperfecto y Futuro crossword puzzle
  1. number of irregular verbs in the future tense
  2. El nino se ___ (will swim) en la playa.
  3. future tense conjugation of poder in the Ud. form
  4. a word that means frequently used as a imperfect indicator
  5. Los estudiantes ___ (will write) notas en la clase.
  6. future tense conjugation of venir in the vosotros form
  7. future tense conjugation of salir in the nosotros form
  8. used to talk about what is to come (imperfecto/futuro)
  9. the word will by itself does exist in Spanish
  10. Yo ___ (used to call) a mis abuelos todos los dias.
  1. future tense conjugation of caber in the yo form
  2. Nosotros ___ (will sell) todos los juguetes.
  3. used to describe actions that used to happen or happened repeatedly in the past (imperfecto/futuro)
  4. number of verbs in the otros rule in the future tense
  5. Ella siempre ___ (used to read) cinco libros al mes.
  6. number of verbs in the DR rule in the future tense
  7. there are no shoe verbs in the imperfect tense (si/no)
  8. future tense conjugation of querer in the Uds. form
  9. future tense conjugation of decir in the tu form
  10. ___ (It used to be) las ocho y media de la mañana.
  11. ir, ser, and ver are the 3 irregular verbs in the imperfect tense (si/no)
  12. number of verbs in the BR rule in the future tense

22 Clues: El nino se ___ (will swim) en la playa.Nosotros ___ (will sell) todos los juguetes.number of irregular verbs in the future tensethe word will by itself does exist in Spanishfuture tense conjugation of caber in the yo formfuture tense conjugation of decir in the tu formfuture tense conjugation of poder in the Ud. form...

Speech Family 2022-10-04

Speech Family crossword puzzle
  1. Part of sentence without the Subject
  2. ______ verbs changes the spelling
  3. more action than talk
  4. pick out the nouns
  5. Helps with identity
  6. I like talking about verbs
  7. I show position of nouns to each other
  8. Nouns know I have their back
  9. Past Tense of lend.
  1. I watched 3 Tik Tok ______.
  2. It took five _____ to make the fries.
  3. Oh so dramatic
  4. Past Tense form of participle spent!
  5. I join thoughts or ideas.
  6. 10 hopping ________ from Austrailia
  7. nouns of more
  8. I like painting word pictures
  9. more person than 1

18 Clues: nouns of moreOh so dramaticpick out the nounsmore person than 1Helps with identityPast Tense of lend.more action than talkI join thoughts or ideas.I like talking about verbsI watched 3 Tik Tok ______.Nouns know I have their backI like painting word pictures______ verbs changes the spelling10 hopping ________ from Austrailia...

Verb 2021-09-14

Verb crossword puzzle
  1. 1
  2. 10
  3. 15
  4. 8
  5. 11
  6. 13
  7. 2
  1. 4
  2. 14
  3. 5
  4. 12
  5. 6
  6. 7
  7. 3
  8. 9

15 Clues: 415687392141015121113

Semester's review 2021-11-15

Semester's review crossword puzzle
  1. fruits, water, do exercises...
  2. past of "work"
  3. "deberías"
  4. "mucho" contable
  5. "despedida"
  6. "consejo"
  7. woman, girl, mom, sister, Maria...
  8. I can't count with numbers
  9. man, boy, father, Pedro...
  10. verbs that finish with "ed"
  1. "mucho" incontable
  2. past of "eat"
  3. I can count with numbers
  4. "un montón"
  5. "saludo"
  6. "alguno/a"
  7. past of "sing"
  8. past of "be"
  9. verbs that change the words of it form.
  10. past of "write"
  11. "profesora"
  12. past of "buy"
  13. a thing or an animal

23 Clues: "saludo""consejo""alguno/a""deberías""un montón""despedida""profesora"past of "be"past of "eat"past of "buy"past of "work"past of "sing"past of "write""mucho" contable"mucho" incontablea thing or an animalI can count with numbersI can't count with numbersman, boy, father, Pedro...verbs that finish with "ed"fruits, water, do exercises......

Module 5 2017-10-28

Module 5 crossword puzzle
  1. patterns, based on first language
  2. Stage, the brain recognizes words
  3. verbs, verbs that are conjugated following the same pattern
  4. Alphabetical Phase, the brain makes connection between letters in the words and the phonemes to pronounce it
  5. meaning of word
  6. brain area for speaking
  7. Alphabetical Phase, reading becomes more fluent
  8. Stage, a brain representation of a word as a picture
  9. representation of a word with letters
  10. Prominent, languages that place the topic as the central part of a sentence
  1. Phase, the brain does not have any systemic letter-sound-connection
  2. verbs, verbs that are conjugated differently from other verbs
  3. sounds that form syllabi
  4. letters at the end of the word
  5. stage, the brain begins to decode letters into sounds
  6. Networks, clusters of words of the same type in the brain
  7. brain area for comprehension of hear and spoken words
  8. rhythm, cadence, pitch of spoken language
  9. letters before a word
  10. Alphabetical Phase, the brain recognizes high frequency words

20 Clues: meaning of wordletters before a wordbrain area for speakingsounds that form syllabiletters at the end of the wordpatterns, based on first languageStage, the brain recognizes wordsrepresentation of a word with lettersrhythm, cadence, pitch of spoken languageAlphabetical Phase, reading becomes more fluent...

Verb Conjugations 2023-04-18

Verb Conjugations crossword puzzle
  1. They Prefer
  2. An irregular verb example
  3. We eat
  4. When verbs are odd, they are called
  5. I like
  6. We go
  1. They drink
  2. He has
  3. I prefer
  4. You study
  5. I am
  6. You see
  7. You all talk
  8. I go

14 Clues: I amI goWe goHe hasWe eatI likeYou seeI preferYou studyThey drinkThey PreferYou all talkAn irregular verb exampleWhen verbs are odd, they are called

Past Simple 2022-04-25

Past Simple crossword puzzle
  1. read.
  2. seek.
  3. fill.
  4. there's no formula for these verbs.
  5. ring.
  6. happen.
  7. clap.
  1. mean.
  2. verbal tense used to talk about actions finished/happened in the past.
  3. we add -ed, -d, or -ied to these verbs.
  4. confirm.
  5. raise.
  6. shake.

13 Clues:'s no formula for these verbs.we add -ed, -d, or -ied to these verbs.verbal tense used to talk about actions finished/happened in the past.

Verbs 2024-09-13

Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. two verbs that take their forms from different roots
  2. verbs that form it's simple past tense
  3. verbs which admit of the Continuous form
  4. verbs that don't imply any such limit
  5. verbs that don't require any object
  1. to this group belong the following part of speech
  2. verbs which don't admit of the Continuous form
  3. verbs that imply a limit beyond which the action cannot continue
  4. verbs that form their simple past
  5. this group differ from Notional words semantically

10 Clues: verbs that form their simple pastverbs that don't require any objectverbs that don't imply any such limitverbs that form it's simple past tenseverbs which admit of the Continuous formverbs which don't admit of the Continuous formto this group belong the following part of speechthis group differ from Notional words semantically...

Ellie P.'s Stage 13 crossword 2017-10-16

Ellie P.'s Stage 13 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. when Julius Caesar first brought his soldiers to Britian
  2. to be able (irregular verb)
  3. how long the British lived under the power of the Romans
  4. arouse, wake up
  5. how many times Julius Caesar visited Britatin
  6. the death of Trajan was ____
  7. the principal part that shows the conjugation
  8. in English, the difference in letters between perf. and imperf. verbs
  9. forth conjugation ending
  10. family of verbs
  11. arrive
  12. an irregular verb meaning "to be"
  13. barn
  14. rush
  15. all imperf. verb endings have this...
  16. drag
  17. himself, herself, themselves
  18. the people in charge of the Celtic religion
  1. third declension dative noun endings
  2. the amount of Roman names on wood strips
  3. to bring (irregular verb)
  4. family of nouns
  5. infinitive end in these letters
  6. the difference between the second and third conjugation endings
  7. building
  8. first conjugation ending
  9. first declension dative noun endings
  10. plot, conspiracy
  11. the Roman attitude to the Celtic gods
  12. Roman shield formation
  13. what were built in Vindolanda

31 Clues: barnrushdragarrivebuildingfamily of nounsarouse, wake upfamily of verbsplot, conspiracyRoman shield formationfirst conjugation endingforth conjugation endingto bring (irregular verb)to be able (irregular verb)the death of Trajan was ____himself, herself, themselveswhat were built in Vindolandainfinitive end in these letters...

Verbs, Adjectives, & Adverbs Crossword Puzzle 2022-01-24

Verbs, Adjectives, & Adverbs Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A word that describes a verb.
  2. The name of your English teacher's assistant.
  3. The simple past of "swear."
  4. A word that describes a noun.
  5. The name of the math teacher at Highlands (hint: it's the opposite of sad).
  6. The simple past (NOT PAST PARTICIPLE) of "drive."
  7. The simple past of "shake."
  8. A verb that does not end in "ed."
  9. A verb tense that requires BOTH helping verbs "has" and "be."
  10. The past participle of "sing."
  11. The past participle of "write."
  12. The past participle of "wake" (hint: it's NOT "woke."
  13. The simple past of "become."
  1. The name of your English teacher.
  2. The past participle of "forgive" (hint: it's NOT "forgave").
  3. The past participle of "think."
  4. A verb tense that requires the helping verb "be."
  5. The simple past of "forgive."
  6. Conjugate "has" to _________ when your subject is plural, "I" or "you."
  7. The simple past of "drink."
  8. A word that describes an action.
  9. Approximately _______________ percent of verbs in English are irregular (spell out the number).
  10. The simple past of "take."
  11. The eight forms of the verb be are: be, is, am, was, were, are, been and ____________.
  12. The past participle of "drink."
  13. The best way to get to know irregular verbs (hint: it's something you do with a book).
  14. A verb tense that requires the helping verb "has."
  15. The past participle of "choose."
  16. The simple past of "teach.
  17. A verb tense that requires NO helping verb.

30 Clues: The simple past of "take."The simple past of "teach.The simple past of "drink."The simple past of "swear."The simple past of "shake."The simple past of "become."A word that describes a verb.The simple past of "forgive."A word that describes a noun.The past participle of "sing."The past participle of "think."The past participle of "drink."...

regular and irregular verbs 2020-07-21

regular and irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. (IN PAST SIMPLE) when a person gives you an object
  2. is the regular form of the verb watch
  3. is the irregular form of the verb write
  4. is the irregular form of the verb buy
  5. use the verb of put in irregular form
  6. simple past of have
  7. simple past of breAK
  8. is the irregular form of the verb pay
  1. you carry an object and you can't find it(in past simple)
  2. is the irregular form of the verb fly
  3. when you wound yourself with the knife
  4. Simple Past of BRING
  5. simple Past of GO
  6. use the verbs of play in regular form
  7. when you miss an object but then you see it
  8. use the irregular form of the verb sink

16 Clues: simple Past of GOsimple past of haveSimple Past of BRINGsimple past of breAKis the irregular form of the verb flyis the regular form of the verb watchis the irregular form of the verb buyuse the verb of put in irregular formuse the verbs of play in regular formis the irregular form of the verb paywhen you wound yourself with the knife...

Verb 2023-09-09

Verb crossword puzzle
  1. is the form of the verb which serves to express the manner in which the action is regarded.
  2. these verbs do not admit of the continuous dorm.
  3. these verbs require some other words to complete their meaning.
  4. these are verbs that imply a limit beyond which the action cannot continue.
  5. you can build up a new form of these verbs by adding suffix -ed.
  6. these verbs do not imply any such limit of the action.
  1. this form of the verb consists of two words - a structural and a notional word.
  2. verbs which admit of the continuous form.
  3. this is a grammatical category showing the relation of the action and its doer to the speaker.
  4. this is the form of the verb which indicates the time of the action.
  5. these are verbs that have their own independent syntactic function in the sentence.
  6. these verbs do not usually have their own meaning and they cannot have an independent syntactic function in the sentence.
  7. these verbs have 3 forms that you have to remember.
  8. it is the usual function of the verb in the sentence.
  9. a part of speech denoting actions.

15 Clues: a part of speech denoting actions.verbs which admit of the continuous form.these verbs do not admit of the continuous dorm.these verbs have 3 forms that you have to is the usual function of the verb in the sentence.these verbs do not imply any such limit of the action.these verbs require some other words to complete their meaning....

The Irregular Preterite verbs 2013-02-02

The Irregular Preterite verbs crossword puzzle
  1. When you go somewhere but not to a specific place
  2. The yo form of Ir
  3. The él,ella,Ud. form of Estar
  4. The ellas,ellos,Uds. form of Decir
  5. The tú form of Tener
  6. Irregular Preterite verbs are verbs in the _____ tense
  1. This verb is used to go to a specific place
  2. The vosotros form of Andar
  3. The nosotros form of Ser
  4. Conjugated the same way as Ir
  5. Same stem change as Andar and Tener
  6. The prefix of Decir in a irregular preterite verb stem change

12 Clues: The yo form of IrThe tú form of TenerThe nosotros form of SerThe vosotros form of AndarConjugated the same way as IrThe él,ella,Ud. form of EstarThe ellas,ellos,Uds. form of DecirSame stem change as Andar and TenerThis verb is used to go to a specific placeWhen you go somewhere but not to a specific place...

The Irregular Preterite verbs 2013-02-03

The Irregular Preterite verbs crossword puzzle
  1. When you go somewhere but not to a specific place
  2. The prefix of Decir in a irregular preterite verb stem change
  3. The tú form of Tener
  4. The él,ella,Ud. form of Estar
  5. Conjugated the same way as Ir
  1. Irregular Preterite verbs are verbs in the _____ tense
  2. This verb is used to go to a specific place
  3. The vosotros form of Andar
  4. The ellas,ellos,Uds. form of Decir
  5. The nosotros form of Ser
  6. The yo form of Ir
  7. Same stem change as Andar and Tener

12 Clues: The yo form of IrThe tú form of TenerThe nosotros form of SerThe vosotros form of AndarThe él,ella,Ud. form of EstarConjugated the same way as IrThe ellas,ellos,Uds. form of DecirSame stem change as Andar and TenerThis verb is used to go to a specific placeWhen you go somewhere but not to a specific place...

irregular verbs 2023-01-06

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. The infinitive of went and gone.
  2. Can you ... the beach?
  3. The infinitive of rung.
  4. Have you ... the news?
  5. Simple present: You ...
  6. Kyle ... the game last night.
  7. To lose in the simple past.
  8. The infinitive of to built.
  9. Many of the most frequent verbs are ...?
  10. The past participle of to be.
  1. Irregular ver with -ght endng.
  2. The pl. simple past of to be.
  3. Irregular verb with -en ending.
  4. A regular verb
  5. The simple past of to catch.
  6. I am going to ... the dishes later.
  7. Mum is ... lunch at the moment.
  8. They last night.
  9. The weather ... very hot in Spain.
  10. The past participle of to give.
  11. A modal verb.

21 Clues: A modal verb.A regular verbCan you ... the beach?Have you ... the news?They last night.The infinitive of rung.Simple present: You ...To lose in the simple past.The infinitive of to built.The simple past of to catch.The pl. simple past of to be.Kyle ... the game last night.The past participle of to be.Irregular ver with -ght endng....

Preterite Tense 2024-02-25

Preterite Tense crossword puzzle
  1. Conjugate CERRAR for USTEDES
  2. Conjugate TOCAR for YO
  3. Conjugate CORTAR for TU
  4. In what form do -car, -gar, -zar verbs change?
  5. Conjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROS
  6. What are the TWO verbs that are irregular in the preterite and change to a J in the stem?
  1. AR and ER verbs do/don't stem change in the preterite?
  2. Conjugate PONER for ELLOS
  3. How do you say FINALLY in Spanish?
  4. The estar conjugation for el/ella
  5. Conjugate PRACTICAR for YO
  6. How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish?
  7. Define the infinitive verb: Caer
  8. What is yesterday in Spanish?

14 Clues: Conjugate TOCAR for YOConjugate CORTAR for TUConjugate PONER for ELLOSConjugate PRACTICAR for YOConjugate CERRAR for USTEDESConjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROSWhat is yesterday in Spanish?Define the infinitive verb: CaerThe estar conjugation for el/ellaHow do you say FINALLY in Spanish?How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish?...


  1. use a or an or the pierre is ____ honest persons
  2. which number is in the middle of ten and thirty?
  3. verbs to have in the futur
  4. who is the more intelligent teacher in the school?
  5. what is the meaning of "cela"?
  6. what is the past of do?
  7. how many girls in the class?
  8. how many boys in the class?
  9. is a regular or irregular verbs?
  1. choice do or make i____ a telephone call yesterday
  2. which color is on the class?
  3. how many student in the class?
  4. when yours absent what pierre alway's says?
  5. what "among" says in french?
  6. what is " il y aura" in english?
  7. use a or an or the i replaced your new ferrari with____ used honda
  8. i_____(to be) to rome(correct present perfect)
  9. used______ whit month, season, years and periods
  10. what between says?
  11. how many verb with simple past?
  12. verb to be in past,third persons plurials

21 Clues: what between says?what is the past of do?verbs to have in the futurhow many boys in the class?which color is on the class?what "among" says in french?how many girls in the class?how many student in the class?what is the meaning of "cela"?how many verb with simple past?what is " il y aura" in english?is a regular or irregular verbs?...

Past Tense Verbs 2015-01-26

Past Tense Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Personal pronoun used for woman
  2. Second personal pronoun
  3. Past tense of verb love
  4. Present tense of verb to be for the first personal pronoun
  5. Verbs that change when they are in past tense
  6. Past tense of verb to be
  7. Past tense of verb live
  1. Verbs that mantains the original word in past tense
  2. Third personal pronoun for a man
  3. Present tense of verb to be for several personal pronouns
  4. Present tense of verb to be for third person
  5. Past of the verb like
  6. Personal pronoun used for things and animals
  7. Ending of the regular verbs

14 Clues: Past of the verb likeSecond personal pronounPast tense of verb lovePast tense of verb livePast tense of verb to beEnding of the regular verbsPersonal pronoun used for womanThird personal pronoun for a manPresent tense of verb to be for third personPersonal pronoun used for things and animalsVerbs that change when they are in past tense...

Preterite Tense 2022-04-22

Preterite Tense crossword puzzle
  1. Conjugate CERRAR for USTEDES
  2. Conjugate TOCAR for YO
  3. Conjugate CORTAR for TU
  4. In what form do -car, -gar, -zar verbs change?
  5. Conjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROS
  6. What are the TWO verbs that are irregular in the preterite and change to a J in the stem?
  1. AR and ER verbs do/don't stem change in the preterite?
  2. Conjugate PONER for ELLOS
  3. How do you say FINALLY in Spanish?
  4. The estar conjugation for el/ella
  5. Conjugate PRACTICAR for YO
  6. How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish?
  7. Define the infinitive verb: Caer
  8. What is yesterday in Spanish?

14 Clues: Conjugate TOCAR for YOConjugate CORTAR for TUConjugate PONER for ELLOSConjugate PRACTICAR for YOConjugate CERRAR for USTEDESConjugate LAVAR for NOSOTROSWhat is yesterday in Spanish?Define the infinitive verb: CaerThe estar conjugation for el/ellaHow do you say FINALLY in Spanish?How do you say LAST NIGHT in Spanish?...

English 2 2020-06-10

English 2 crossword puzzle
  1. she ___ spoken for 5 minutes
  2. these verbs change in their past form
  3. I _____ written a letter
  4. verbs that in the past end in -d or -ed
  5. past tense of talk
  1. past tense of think
  2. usually known as the third form of verbs in past
  3. present tense of spoke
  4. past tense of cry
  5. present tense of wrote

10 Clues: past tense of crypast tense of talkpast tense of thinkpresent tense of spokepresent tense of wroteI _____ written a lettershe ___ spoken for 5 minutesthese verbs change in their past formverbs that in the past end in -d or -edusually known as the third form of verbs in past

grammar 2014-11-13

grammar crossword puzzle
  1. person in my class begins with I
  2. words to describe how you perform an action
  3. irregular comparative for good
  4. words for comparing 2 things
  5. comparative for difficult
  6. words for actions
  7. person in my class begins with V
  1. names of objects, people, animals
  2. words for describing 3 or more things
  3. words to tell us how something looks like
  4. person in my class begins with B.
  5. irregular comparative for bad
  6. irregular comparative for far

13 Clues: words for actionscomparative for difficultwords for comparing 2 thingsirregular comparative for badirregular comparative for farirregular comparative for goodperson in my class begins with Iperson in my class begins with Vnames of objects, people, animalsperson in my class begins with B.words for describing 3 or more things...

IRELAND 2023-10-31

IRELAND crossword puzzle


Forms of Verbs 2021-08-26

Forms of Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. 'Bought' is an ...... verb.
  2. When forming continuous tenses, ..... participle is added to the verbs.
  3. When forming Simple Present Tense, we only modify ..... verbs.
  4. Verb tenses are formed to reflect .....
  5. Verbs in ..... forms are also known as bare infinitives.
  1. Verbs that act as nouns are known as .....
  2. I am ..... (watch) the television.
  3. My mother ..... (prepare) the ingredients beforehand.
  4. Subject-verb Agreement (SVA) refers to the agreement between a verb and its ......
  5. Neither I nor my siblings ..... (enjoy) eating durian.

10 Clues: 'Bought' is an ...... verb.I am ..... (watch) the television.Verb tenses are formed to reflect .....Verbs that act as nouns are known as .....My mother ..... (prepare) the ingredients beforehand.Neither I nor my siblings ..... (enjoy) eating durian.Verbs in ..... forms are also known as bare infinitives....

SPM Review: Simple Tense (Past, Present, Future) 2015-02-08

SPM Review: Simple Tense (Past, Present, Future) crossword puzzle
  1. refers to a time that action is happening now
  2. present tense, past tense, and future tense means _______
  3. tense that shows action for current events
  4. A _________ can be drawn to illustrate all three tenses.
  5. past tense verbs that do not end with -ed.
  6. past tense verbs that end with -ed
  7. tense that shows action for yesterday
  1. verbs that follow 'will' are in the ___________ tense
  2. will or _____ used with base verb to make it future tense
  3. tells when the action takes place
  4. refers to a time that action has already happened
  5. refers to a time that action will happen
  6. The bear will walks to the honey tree. (right or wrong)
  7. It rained for three days.(right or wrong)
  8. The present tense is the ________ form of the verb.

15 Clues: tells when the action takes placepast tense verbs that end with -edtense that shows action for yesterdayrefers to a time that action will happenIt rained for three days.(right or wrong)tense that shows action for current eventspast tense verbs that do not end with -ed.refers to a time that action is happening now...

ELA Terms! 2012-12-17

ELA Terms! crossword puzzle
  1. Analyze these to help understand plot
  2. Separates two independent clauses
  3. shows relationship
  4. When you get a prompt, _______ it
  5. Generating ideas for writing
  6. Text in own words, shorter
  7. Conjunction: 'because'
  8. Error: Herman walks, does homework, and will eat dinner
  9. Subjects and their verbs must
  10. A car, when driven
  11. key to active reading
  12. All about timing
  1. Use commas to offset
  2. include appearance and behavior
  3. Text, in own words
  4. Conclusions from reasoning and evidence
  5. Pronouns that don't replace specific nouns
  6. Helps understand and remember text
  7. Everybody, everything
  8. _____ to find details
  9. verbs: freeze, fly, feel
  10. Main argument
  11. Using outlines or idea webs
  12. Clause that could stand alone
  13. Both adjectives and adverbs
  14. Clues to help with meaning

26 Clues: Main argumentAll about timingText, in own wordsshows relationshipA car, when drivenUse commas to offsetEverybody, everything_____ to find detailskey to active readingConjunction: 'because'verbs: freeze, fly, feelText in own words, shorterClues to help with meaningUsing outlines or idea websBoth adjectives and adverbsGenerating ideas for writing...

Unit 8: vocabulary 2014-10-01

Unit 8: vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Synonym for a ghost.
  2. The end of life.
  3. To talk softly.
  4. Inhabited by ghosts.
  5. I studied very hard for this test, but I didn’t pass. So now I feel discouraged or …
  6. His house is never clean, it’s always a mess or…
  7. When a person buys a house, he becomes the … of the house.
  1. To be mad or …
  2. The police called me because they wanted me to tell me something about my sister. I was very … that I would get bad news. But it was just to tell us that she had a flat tyre.
  3. To kill = to …
  4. You have to study the list of irregular verbs …
  5. Not common.
  6. I don’t have a lot of money, actually I am …
  7. A person who does the work and planning necessary for a home, as cleaning or buying food.
  8. I have a test about the irregular verbs, I feel…
  9. I am very tired, all I need is a … and a good bed.

16 Clues: Not common.To be mad or …To kill = to …To talk softly.The end of life.Synonym for a ghost.Inhabited by ghosts.I don’t have a lot of money, actually I am …You have to study the list of irregular verbs …I have a test about the irregular verbs, I feel…His house is never clean, it’s always a mess or…I am very tired, all I need is a … and a good bed....

Les mots croisés (F3) 2024-05-31

Les mots croisés (F3) crossword puzzle
  1. LAW - Acronym learned associated with l'imparfait
  2. Le contraire de l'imparfait; Dwight is the #1 hater
  3. International hub for diplomacy; Capital of la suisse
  4. T.M.N.T?
  5. Acronym learned associated with adjectives
  6. First part of le passé composé; Either avoir or être
  7. - Acronym learned associated with adjectives
  8. Second part of le passé composé; What your verb becomes
  9. Nickname for the four most important irregular verbs in French
  10. Palace near Paris; Site of historic treaty signings
  11. First French verb learned; Irregular
  12. Oh non, NOUS perdons la tête!!!!!!
  13. Capital is Paris; Known for fashion and cuisine
  14. Capital of la belgique; Headquarters of the European Union
  15. Oh non, je perds la tête!
  16. - Past tense associated with DATE LAW; Verbs are one word
  1. L'empereur du saint-Empire romain germanique (HRE)
  2. Il n'est pas petit?!?
  3. Person associated with le passé composé; Learned during French 2
  4. Known for Alps and banking; To the east of France
  5. French city in the Alps; Mr. DiLandro's favorite city
  6. Un pays francophone; Famous for chocolate and waffles
  7. Dictionary website
  8. City of lights; Eiffel Tower landmark
  9. - Acronym learned associated with le passé composé
  10. Used to happen after the warmup
  11. Le papa de Versailles

27 Clues: T.M.N.T?Dictionary websiteIl n'est pas petit?!?Le papa de VersaillesOh non, je perds la tête!Used to happen after the warmupOh non, NOUS perdons la tête!!!!!!First French verb learned; IrregularCity of lights; Eiffel Tower landmarkAcronym learned associated with adjectives- Acronym learned associated with adjectives...

Spanish Key Terms (Year Long) Review 2023-08-22

Spanish Key Terms (Year Long) Review crossword puzzle
  1. to change from one language to another in written form
  2. plural or singular
  3. a word that sounds or looks the same in one language as it does in another language
  4. to change from one language to another in spoken form
  5. verbs verbs following regular conjugation patterns
  6. tense past, present, future, conditional, imperative, progressive, perfect
  1. verbs veerbs NOT following regular conjugation patters
  2. apply tense and subject to a verb
  3. the, a/an, some
  4. a group of people classified together based on their common cultural traditions
  5. masculine or feminine
  6. a group of people classified together based on physical characteristics or nationality (your blood)

12 Clues: the, a/an, someplural or singularmasculine or feminineapply tense and subject to a verbverbs verbs following regular conjugation patternsto change from one language to another in spoken formverbs veerbs NOT following regular conjugation pattersto change from one language to another in written form...

English language words 2022-10-09

English language words crossword puzzle
  1. often
  2. work-works/live-lives
  3. chairs/window/morning/music/food
  4. information/advice
  5. I/She/He/They/It
  6. brown/leather
  7. the/a
  1. sit/listen/have
  2. by/to
  3. books/apples/chairs
  4. go-went/take-took
  5. and

12 Clues: andoftenby/tothe/abrown/leathersit/listen/haveI/She/He/They/Itgo-went/take-tookinformation/advicebooks/apples/chairswork-works/live-liveschairs/window/morning/music/food

Verb Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-01

Verb Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - refers to movement
  2. - a verb tense that pertains to actions which are already finished
  3. - verbs that do not require a direct object
  4. - verbs that either retain their form or changed entirely when turned to simple past or past participle.
  5. - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb
  1. - a special kind of auxiliary verb that express permission, possibility, necessity, etc.
  2. - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence
  3. - a verb tense that pertains to actions that have not yet occurred
  4. - a verb that connects the subject to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that describes it
  5. - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed
  6. - a verb tense that pertains to actions that are currently happening

11 Clues: - refers to movement- verbs that do not require a direct object- verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence- a verb tense that pertains to actions which are already finished- a verb tense that pertains to actions that have not yet occurred- a verb tense that pertains to actions that are currently happening...

Grammar Usage 2021-08-24

Grammar Usage crossword puzzle
  1. showing ownership
  2. sentences combines two shorter sentences with and but, or or
  3. not regular
  4. names of specific places that are separated
  5. is a word like and, or or but that connects words or groups of words.
  6. show emphasis in printed text.
  7. verbs. tell what people or things do.
  8. tells what the people or things do
  9. connects one or more words, sentences
  10. sentence that gives a command
  11. group of words with first letter capitalized
  1. means the same things as a verb
  2. only one
  3. strong feelings
  4. more than one
  5. mark. an excitement sign in a sentence
  6. is a noun or pronouns that tells exactly whom or what the sentence is about
  7. takes the place of a noun
  8. describes a noun
  9. more than one
  10. a, an, the
  11. blank space before writing a paragraph
  12. words that describe verbs or other adverbs

23 Clues: only onea, an, thenot regularmore than onemore than onestrong feelingsdescribes a nounshowing ownershiptakes the place of a nounsentence that gives a commandshow emphasis in printed text.means the same things as a verbtells what the people or things doverbs. tell what people or things do.connects one or more words, sentences...

Recount 2021-03-03

Recount crossword puzzle
  1. Words like 'because', 'so' and 'and' are ____
  2. 'a' and 'the' are examples of ________
  3. It is the retelling of what happened in the past.
  4. _____ verbs change in spelling when it is a past tense.
  5. She is (run)around the house.
  6. Past tense of bring.
  7. Ann was late ____________ the plane was delayed.
  1. The last part of recount.
  2. A recount story always has a _________
  3. I have (write)the letter.
  4. Present tense of wore.
  5. Past tense of know.
  6. I was going to ride my bike ______ the tyre was flat.
  7. It was raining ______ there was lightning.
  8. ______ verbs always add ed when it is a past tense.

15 Clues: Past tense of know.Past tense of bring.Present tense of wore.The last part of recount.I have (write)the letter.She is (run)around the house.A recount story always has a _________'a' and 'the' are examples of ________It was raining ______ there was lightning.Words like 'because', 'so' and 'and' are ____...

El subjunctivo 2024-02-27

El subjunctivo crossword puzzle
  1. to find the subjunctive ending for a verb, ______ the present tense endings
  2. to conjugate in the subjunctive you NEED to have what word
  3. acronym for subjunctive
  4. Spanish word for what E in JEDI stands for
  5. (nosotros) tener
  6. (tú) hablar
  7. car/gar/zar/ger/gir changes happen in ______ form
  8. Spanish word for what D in JEDI stands for
  9. Spanish word for what J in JEDI stands for
  1. Spanish word for what I in JEDI stands for
  2. (yo) preferir
  3. for subjunctive you need two...
  4. in ir boot verbs, o - u and e - i are changes that happen ______ the boot
  5. (nosotros) entender
  6. acronym for irregular verbs

15 Clues: (tú) hablar(yo) preferir(nosotros) tener(nosotros) entenderacronym for subjunctiveacronym for irregular verbsfor subjunctive you need two...Spanish word for what I in JEDI stands forSpanish word for what E in JEDI stands forSpanish word for what D in JEDI stands forSpanish word for what J in JEDI stands for...

Grammatical Concepts 2022-11-16

Grammatical Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. used for fact or unchanged situations
  2. first word of the condition
  3. used for cause and consequence
  4. part of a conditional with WILL or WOULD
  5. used for hypothetical situations
  6. verbs which do NOT contain -ED
  1. tense used in the first conditional
  2. essential word in the result of the second conditional
  3. part of a conditional with the word IF
  4. tense used in the second conditional
  5. essential word in the result of the first conditional
  6. verbs containing -ED inflection

12 Clues: first word of the conditionused for cause and consequenceverbs which do NOT contain -EDverbs containing -ED inflectionused for hypothetical situationstense used in the first conditionaltense used in the second conditionalused for fact or unchanged situationspart of a conditional with the word IFpart of a conditional with WILL or WOULD...

Verb tenses 2018-02-27

Verb tenses crossword puzzle
  1. we use this verb when we don´t mention the person to whom the info was given.
  2. we use the auxiliar "will" in this tense.
  3. we use this verb when we mention the person to whom the info was given.
  4. simple past form of the verb "go".
  5. these verbs change their form in past tense.
  6. past participle of the verb "have".
  7. ending for verbs in present and past continuous.
  1. participle we use this form of the verb in the present and past perfect.
  2. past form of the verb "tell".
  3. the most of these verbs en in -ed in past tense.
  4. this is the base form of the verb "ate".
  5. past form of the verb "say".
  6. past form of the verb "work".
  7. past participle of the verb "to be".
  8. it is the connector we use when we want to report questions with auxiliars.

15 Clues: past form of the verb "say".past form of the verb "tell".past form of the verb "work".simple past form of the verb "go".past participle of the verb "have".past participle of the verb "to be".this is the base form of the verb "ate".we use the auxiliar "will" in this tense.these verbs change their form in past tense....


PRESENT PERFECT crossword puzzle


Grammar Chapters 1 - 12 2023-05-22

Grammar Chapters 1 - 12 crossword puzzle
  1. (1st PP) always takes a complementary infinitive
  2. (one word) tells the declension of a noun
  3. (one word)"the nom and acc are always the same"
  4. (one word) only difference betw 3Cio & 4C
  5. nom. fem. demonstrative that can mean "that wretched"
  6. another name for "command"
  7. the five groups all nouns belong to
  8. you get the base from this form of the adjective
  1. (one word) most verbs have 4 of these
  2. 2nd principal part
  3. the tense BEFORE the completed past.
  4. nine 1/2D adjectives with "-ius,-i" pattern
  5. tense that always has "ba" in all conjugations
  6. an adjective that can stand in place of a noun
  7. the "direct object" case
  8. the four groups most verbs belong to
  9. nom. masc. demonstrative that also means "the famous"
  10. tells who is doing the action of the verb
  11. the infinitive of an irregular linking verb
  12. usually goes after the noun it modifies

20 Clues: 2nd principal partthe "direct object" caseanother name for "command"the five groups all nouns belong tothe tense BEFORE the completed past.the four groups most verbs belong to(one word) most verbs have 4 of theseusually goes after the noun it modifies(one word) tells the declension of a noun(one word) only difference betw 3Cio & 4C...

El Subjuntivo Parte 1 2024-05-10

El Subjuntivo Parte 1 crossword puzzle
  1. It is better that
  2. to advise that
  3. First person (I) of the verb hacer
  4. I have in the subjunctive (irregular)
  5. to think
  6. It is obvious that
  7. the first person conjugation of a verb
  8. I give (irregular)conozca he/she knows
  9. Espero que ellos _____________ (to live) en esa casa.
  10. to prefer
  11. Ellos esperan que _______________ (we)bailar.
  12. to go
  13. Insistimos en que ________ el dinero.
  14. It is not certain/true thatclausuladependiente independent clause in spanish
  15. to know
  16. he/she says
  17. to understand
  18. First person (I)of the verb ver
  19. to be
  20. It is important that
  21. Ella pide que ________ (to serve)el cafe.
  22. First person (I) of the verb conocer
  23. to hope that
  1. I know in the subjunctive (irregular)
  2. First person (I) of the verb tener
  3. to prefer that
  4. to say or to tell
  5. to have
  6. It is good that
  7. to recommend that
  8. Independent clause in spanish
  9. the endings for er/ir verbs in the subjunctive (minus vosotros)
  10. You are/be in the subjunctive (irregular)
  11. to insist that
  12. Mama quiere que Juan ________ (study).
  13. to put or to place
  14. El prefiere que yo_______.
  15. It is doubtful that
  16. to sleep
  17. First person (I) of the verb salir
  18. First person (I)of the verb querer
  19. I be (irregular)
  20. to give or to hand
  21. I go in the subjunctive(irregular)
  22. It is certain that

45 Clues: to goto beto haveto knowto thinkto sleepto preferhe/she saysto hope thatto understandto prefer thatto advise thatto insist thatIt is good thatI be (irregular)to say or to tellIt is better thatto recommend thatto put or to placeIt is obvious thatto give or to handIt is certain thatIt is doubtful thatIt is important thatEl prefiere que yo_______....

Capítulo 3A Crucigrama (Crossword) 2022-05-08

Capítulo 3A Crucigrama (Crossword) crossword puzzle
  1. Reflexive verb that means "to stay"
  2. Post office en español.
  3. Until en español.
  4. "soon" en español.
  5. "Almost" en español.
  6. Pharmacy en español.
  7. "Bank" en español.
  1. Simple past tense in Spanish.
  2. Supermarket en español.
  3. Gas en español.
  4. Dentist in Spanish.
  5. Card en español.
  6. The preterite has a lot of these type of verbs.
  7. Good gracious! en español.
  8. Stamp en español.
  9. "Downtown" en español.

16 Clues: Gas en español.Card en español.Until en español.Stamp en español."soon" en español."Bank" en español.Dentist in Spanish."Almost" en español.Pharmacy en español."Downtown" en español.Supermarket en español.Post office en español.Good gracious! en español.Simple past tense in Spanish.Reflexive verb that means "to stay"...

Rebus clasa a VII-a 2016-04-12

Rebus clasa a VII-a crossword puzzle
  1. Unhealthy food or .... food
  2. Person travelling on holiday
  3. Antonym of 'difficult'
  4. A synonym for 'of course'
  5. To write, wrote, ......
  6. Regular and ............. verbs
  1. Evening meal
  2. Doctors and nurses work here
  3. To reserve or to .... a hotel room
  4. Football in American English
  5. 2 weeks
  6. A big town

12 Clues: 2 weeksA big townEvening mealAntonym of 'difficult'To write, wrote, ......A synonym for 'of course'Unhealthy food or .... foodDoctors and nurses work herePerson travelling on holidayFootball in American EnglishRegular and ............. verbsTo reserve or to .... a hotel room

word building 2016-04-03

word building crossword puzzle
  1. verbs die noun case?
  2. verbs exist noun case?
  3. verbs cheer adjective case?
  4. verbs annoy noun case?
  5. verbs enjoy adjective case?
  6. verbs celebrate adjective case?
  7. verbs disappear noun case?
  8. verb amaze noun case?
  1. verbs differ adjective case?
  2. verbs discover noun case?
  3. verbs care adjective case?
  4. verbs evolve adjective case?
  5. verbs depress noun case?
  6. verbs excite noun case?
  7. verbs create adjective case?

15 Clues: verbs die noun case?verb amaze noun case?verbs exist noun case?verbs annoy noun case?verbs excite noun case?verbs depress noun case?verbs discover noun case?verbs care adjective case?verbs disappear noun case?verbs cheer adjective case?verbs enjoy adjective case?verbs differ adjective case?verbs evolve adjective case?verbs create adjective case?...

4th Form Latin - Lesson 26 2024-02-21

4th Form Latin - Lesson 26 crossword puzzle
  1. Which conjugation does eo belong to?
  2. All of the verbs in this lesson are ____________ verbs which are forms of the irregular verb eo.
  3. to go away
  4. He has gone away, withdrawn, escaped, burst forth! -Cicero
  5. to begin, enter upon
  1. to go across, to cross
  2. to go (The answer will contain parenthesis.)
  3. to go out (w/ex or w/de - both abl.)
  4. to return
  5. to go to, visit

10 Clues: to returnto go awayto go to, visitto begin, enter uponto go across, to crossto go out (w/ex or w/de - both abl.)Which conjugation does eo belong to?to go (The answer will contain parenthesis.)He has gone away, withdrawn, escaped, burst forth! -CiceroAll of the verbs in this lesson are ____________ verbs which are forms of the irregular verb eo.

Verb Review 2020-05-12

Verb Review crossword puzzle
  1. verb in this tense tells about an action happening now
  2. this tense is formed by adding "will" or "going to" w/verb
  3. verb that joins subject to a subject complement
  4. verbs that form the past by some other ending besides ed
  1. a group of words made up of helping verbs and main verbs
  2. shows when an action takes place
  3. verb that tells what someone or something does
  4. verb that always comes before another verb usually action
  5. verb that shows what someone or something is

9 Clues: shows when an action takes placeverb that shows what someone or something isverb that tells what someone or something doesverb that joins subject to a subject complementverb in this tense tells about an action happening nowa group of words made up of helping verbs and main verbsverbs that form the past by some other ending besides ed...

Review Crosswords 2024-03-13

Review Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Past of the verb do?
  2. Verbs that we add -ed at the end in the past
  3. Present tense where we add -ing.
  4. Big, Beautiful, Smart are?...
  5. When we refer to the future, we use?...
  6. Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It?
  1. What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was?
  2. I, He, She, You are?...
  3. smarter, larger, and bigger are?...
  4. smartest, largest, and biggest are?...
  5. Past of the verb to be You, We, and They?

11 Clues: Past of the verb do?I, He, She, You are?...Big, Beautiful, Smart are?...Present tense where we add -ing.smarter, larger, and bigger are?...smartest, largest, and biggest are?...When we refer to the future, we use?...Past of the verb to be You, We, and They?Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It?What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was?...

Review Crosswords 2024-03-13

Review Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. Past of the verb do?
  2. Verbs that we add -ed at the end in the past
  3. Present tense where we add -ing.
  4. Big, Beautiful, Smart are?...
  5. When we refer to the future, we use?...
  6. Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It?
  1. What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was?
  2. I, He, She, You are?...
  3. smarter, larger, and bigger are?...
  4. smartest, largest, and biggest are?...
  5. Past of the verb to be You, We, and They?

11 Clues: Past of the verb do?I, He, She, You are?...Big, Beautiful, Smart are?...Present tense where we add -ing.smarter, larger, and bigger are?...smartest, largest, and biggest are?...When we refer to the future, we use?...Past of the verb to be You, We, and They?Past of the verb to be I, He, She, and It?What type of verbs are Bought, Ran, and Was?...

Verb Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-01

Verb Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - a special kind of auxiliary verb that express permission, possibility, necessity, etc.
  2. - verbs that do not require a direct object
  3. - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed
  4. - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb
  1. - refers to movement
  2. - a verb that connects the subject to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that describes it
  3. - verbs that either retain their form or changed entirely when changed to simple past or past participle form
  4. - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence

8 Clues: - refers to movement- verbs that do not require a direct object- verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence- verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed- verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb...

Preterite vs Imperfect 2022-03-29

Preterite vs Imperfect crossword puzzle
  1. aba,abas,aba,ábamos,abais,aban
  2. There,are,no__,in,imperfect
  3. is used for actions in the past.Use of the imperfect tense implies that the past action did not have a definite beginning or a definite end.
  4. preterite,Qué,Gué,zé
  5. write on back imperfect expressions
  6. ser,ver,ir,on,back write,conjugations,of,these,three
  1. time imperfect Al wept
  2. Preterite
  3. write on back preterite expressions
  4. is used for actions in the past that are seen as completed. Use of the preterite tense implies that the past action had a definite beginning and definite end.
  5. ía,ías,ía,íamos,ían

11 Clues: Preteriteía,ías,ía,íamos,íanpreterite,Qué,Gué,zétime imperfect Al weptThere,are,no__,in,imperfectaba,abas,aba,ábamos,abais,abanwrite on back preterite expressionswrite on back imperfect expressionsser,ver,ir,on,back write,conjugations,of,these,three...

Verb Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-01

Verb Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - a special kind of auxiliary verb that express permission, possibility, necessity, etc.
  2. - verbs that do not require a direct object
  3. - verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed
  4. - verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb
  1. - refers to movement
  2. - a verb that connects the subject to a noun, pronoun, or adjective that describes it
  3. - verbs that either retain their form or changed entirely when changed to simple past or past participle form
  4. - verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence

8 Clues: - refers to movement- verbs that do not require a direct object- verbs whose actions are directed to the object in the sentence- verbs whose simple past or past particle forms may be added with -d or -ed- verbs that is added with the main verb to create a "verb phrase"; auxiliary verb...

Regular preterite crossword puzzle 2022-05-11

Regular preterite crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the ellos/ellas/uds form for ER/IR verbs
  2. the el/ella/usted form for DAR
  3. the vosotros form for ER/IR verbs
  4. the tú form for AR verbs
  5. the nosotros form for SER/IR
  6. the yo form for SER/IR
  7. the vosotros form for AR verbs
  8. the tú form for ER/IR verbs
  9. the ellos/ellas/uds form for SER/IR
  1. the ellos form of HABLAR
  2. the tú form of COMER
  3. the ella form of VIVIR
  4. the vosotros form for DAR
  5. the nosotros form for ER/IR verbs
  6. the nosotros form for DAR
  7. the nosotros form for AR verbs
  8. the tú form for SER/IR
  9. the vosotros form for SER/IR
  10. the ellos/ellas/uds for AR verbs
  11. the el/ella/usted form for SER/IR

20 Clues: the tú form of COMERthe ella form of VIVIRthe tú form for SER/IRthe yo form for SER/IRthe ellos form of HABLARthe tú form for AR verbsthe vosotros form for DARthe nosotros form for DARthe tú form for ER/IR verbsthe nosotros form for SER/IRthe vosotros form for SER/IRthe el/ella/usted form for DARthe nosotros form for AR verbs...

Capitulo 4A 2023-04-19

Capitulo 4A crossword puzzle
  1. doll
  2. how many irregular imperfect tense verbs are there?
  3. to bother
  4. dinosaur
  1. blocks
  2. action figures
  3. -ar ending imperfect words only have an accent mark in the _____ form
  4. tricycle
  5. fish

9 Clues: dollfishblockstricycledinosaurto botheraction figureshow many irregular imperfect tense verbs are there?-ar ending imperfect words only have an accent mark in the _____ form

Simple Past Negative 2022-05-11

Simple Past Negative crossword puzzle
  1. Simple Past of the verb GO
  2. We use this tense on actions that HAPPENED before now
  3. Type of verbs that don't have the ED ending.
  4. Simple Past form that we are seeing as topic.
  5. What goes before the verb in the structure of negative simple past?
  1. Simple past of the verb WORK
  2. Trece in English
  3. Present Tense of the verb PLAYED
  4. Regular Verbs' ending

9 Clues: Trece in EnglishRegular Verbs' endingSimple Past of the verb GOSimple past of the verb WORKPresent Tense of the verb PLAYEDType of verbs that don't have the ED ending.Simple Past form that we are seeing as topic.We use this tense on actions that HAPPENED before nowWhat goes before the verb in the structure of negative simple past?

Regular preterite crossword puzzle 2022-09-23

Regular preterite crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the ellos/ellas/uds form for ER/IR verbs
  2. the el/ella/usted form for DAR
  3. the vosotros form for ER/IR verbs
  4. the tú form for AR verbs
  5. the nosotros form for SER/IR
  6. the yo form for SER/IR
  7. the vosotros form for AR verbs
  8. the tú form for ER/IR verbs
  9. the ellos/ellas/uds form for SER/IR
  1. the ellos form of HABLAR
  2. the tú form of COMER
  3. the ella form of VIVIR
  4. the vosotros form for DAR
  5. the nosotros form for ER/IR verbs
  6. the nosotros form for DAR
  7. the nosotros form for AR verbs
  8. the tú form for SER/IR
  9. the vosotros form for SER/IR
  10. the ellos/ellas/uds for AR verbs
  11. the el/ella/usted form for SER/IR

20 Clues: the tú form of COMERthe ella form of VIVIRthe tú form for SER/IRthe yo form for SER/IRthe ellos form of HABLARthe tú form for AR verbsthe vosotros form for DARthe nosotros form for DARthe tú form for ER/IR verbsthe nosotros form for SER/IRthe vosotros form for SER/IRthe el/ella/usted form for DARthe nosotros form for AR verbs...

Brace...for IMPACT 2020-10-01

Brace...for IMPACT crossword puzzle
  1. theme of our second unit...animals
  2. place on the cover...
  3. Jenny Daltry and Arseniy have this in common...they both <3...
  4. page 148 has a list of...verbs
  5. pages 149-152 has a list of ...verbs
  6. our first grammar point in the next unit...
  1. our book publisher...
  2. what can we find from pages 153-175?

8 Clues: our book on the 148 has a list of...verbstheme of our second unit...animalswhat can we find from pages 153-175?pages 149-152 has a list of ...verbsour first grammar point in the next unit...Jenny Daltry and Arseniy have this in common...they both <3...

TENSES GRADE 8 2023-02-14

TENSES GRADE 8 crossword puzzle
  1. The past tense has regular and----verbs
  2. Is an irregular verb
  3. Lacia loves pie is an eg of
  1. is a regular verb
  2. The simple past tense relates to what---in the past
  3. Is an eg of a verb that expresses action
  4. This part of speech is linked to tenses
  5. Verbs have this

8 Clues: Verbs have thisis a regular verbIs an irregular verbLacia loves pie is an eg ofThe past tense has regular and----verbsThis part of speech is linked to tensesIs an eg of a verb that expresses actionThe simple past tense relates to what---in the past

Irregular Verbs 2019-01-11

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. make
  2. go
  3. become
  4. say
  5. understand
  6. speak
  7. hit
  8. eat
  9. take
  10. think
  11. forget
  12. ride
  13. win
  14. leave
  1. give
  2. meet
  3. throw
  4. choose
  5. bring
  6. write
  7. spend
  8. do
  9. cut
  10. sleep
  11. have
  12. catch
  13. hurt
  14. fall
  15. run
  16. swim

30 Clues: godosaycuthiteatrunwingivemeetmakehavetakehurtfallrideswimthrowbringwritespendspeaksleepcatchthinkleavechoosebecomeforgetunderstand

irregular verbs 2018-04-13

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. grind
  2. keep
  3. hide
  4. throw
  5. forget
  6. wake
  7. hang
  8. creep
  9. sell
  10. grow
  11. flee
  12. sweep
  1. chose
  2. understand
  3. take
  4. lie
  5. drink
  6. write
  7. think
  8. win
  9. rise
  10. tell
  11. go
  12. fly
  13. let

25 Clues: goliewinflyletkeeptakehidewakehangriseselltellgrowfleechosegrinddrinkwritethrowthinkcreepsweepforgetunderstand

Irregular verbs 2018-05-22

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. throw
  2. do
  3. say
  4. up wake up
  5. go
  6. wear
  7. choose
  8. be (Pl.)
  9. put
  10. run
  11. understand
  12. give
  13. sing
  14. tell
  15. take
  1. smell
  2. make
  3. come
  4. have
  5. see
  6. stand
  7. know
  8. swim
  9. forget
  10. hear
  11. can
  12. begin
  13. sleep
  14. sell
  15. up get up
  16. win

31 Clues: dogoseesaycanputrunwinmakecomehaveknowswimhearweargivesingselltelltakesmellthrowstandbeginsleepforgetchoosebe (Pl.)up get upup wake upunderstand

irregular verbs 2018-03-22

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. forget
  2. meet
  3. give
  4. speak
  5. tell
  6. stand
  7. send
  8. go
  9. say
  10. get
  11. wake
  1. write
  2. buy
  3. come
  4. put
  5. sell
  6. loose
  7. steal
  8. read
  9. take
  10. see
  11. eat

22 Clues: gobuyputseesayeatgetcomemeetsellgivetellreadsendtakewakewriteloosespeakstealstandforget

Irregular verbs 2018-05-13

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I am able to
  2. I understand
  3. they think
  4. you want
  5. I hear
  6. she repeats
  7. I get
  8. he hears
  9. we begin
  10. I say
  11. they follow
  12. he plays
  13. I leave
  1. I return
  2. she asks
  3. I suppose
  4. we remember\
  5. they find
  6. I begin
  7. you sleep
  8. I know
  9. we prefer
  10. I put
  11. I bring
  12. he closes
  13. I give
  14. I make

27 Clues: I putI getI sayI knowI hearI giveI makeI beginI bringI leaveI returnshe asksyou wanthe hearswe beginhe playsI supposethey findyou sleepwe preferhe closesthey thinkshe repeatsthey followwe remember\I am able toI understand

Irregular Verbs 2017-10-10

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. forget
  2. sit
  3. put
  4. read
  5. find
  6. go
  7. hear
  8. know
  9. fall
  10. get
  11. catch
  12. do
  13. run
  14. break
  15. make
  16. feel
  1. buy
  2. speak
  3. meet
  4. bring
  5. take
  6. tell
  7. build
  8. cut
  9. come
  10. drink
  11. begin
  12. say
  13. fly
  14. lose
  15. have
  16. be
  17. send
  18. eat
  19. see

35 Clues: gobedobuysitcutputsayflygetruneatseemeettaketellcomereadfindhearknowfalllosehavesendmakefeelspeakbringbuilddrinkbegincatchbreakforget

Irregular Verbs 2017-10-10

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. drink
  2. put
  3. fly
  4. hear
  5. be
  6. get
  7. build
  8. say
  9. bring
  10. sit
  11. find
  12. send
  13. fall
  14. eat
  15. take
  16. have
  1. speak
  2. do
  3. know
  4. cut
  5. see
  6. lose
  7. forget
  8. buy
  9. catch
  10. go
  11. come
  12. meet
  13. break
  14. begin
  15. make
  16. feel
  17. read
  18. tell
  19. run

35 Clues: dobegocutseeputflybuygetsaysitruneatknowlosehearcomemeetmakefeelfindreadsendtellfalltakehavespeakdrinkcatchbuildbreakbringbeginforget


IRREGULAR VERBS crossword puzzle
  1. past simple of break
  2. past simple of wake up
  3. English word for "schreiben"
  4. past simple of think
  5. English word for "legen"
  6. past simple of forget
  7. past simple of hear
  8. past simple of dream
  9. past simple of draw
  10. English word for "graben"
  1. English word for "(aus-)wählen
  2. English word for "werden"
  3. past simple of buy
  4. English word for "wissen"
  5. past simple of teach
  6. past simple of bring
  7. English word for "fangen"
  8. past simple of hold
  9. English word for "verlassen"
  10. past simple of drink
  11. past simple of ride

21 Clues: past simple of buypast simple of holdpast simple of hearpast simple of drawpast simple of ridepast simple of breakpast simple of teachpast simple of bringpast simple of thinkpast simple of dreampast simple of drinkpast simple of forgetpast simple of wake upEnglish word for "legen"English word for "werden"English word for "wissen"...

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-15

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. simple past (to) give
  2. simple past (to) sell
  3. simple past (to) drink
  4. simple past (to) sleep
  5. simple past (to) swim
  6. simple past (to) make
  7. simple past (to) find
  8. simple past (to) fight
  9. simple past (to) keep
  10. simple past (to ) tell
  11. simple past (to) have
  12. simple past (to) run
  13. simple past (to) grow
  14. simple past (to) do
  15. simple past (to) forget
  16. simple past (to) go
  17. simple past (to) meet
  18. simple past (to) drive
  1. simple past (to) become
  2. simple past (to) understand
  3. simple past (to) come
  4. simple past (to) see
  5. simple past (to) throw
  6. simple past (to) say
  7. simple past (to) eat
  8. simple past (to) catch
  9. simple past (to) leave
  10. simple past (to) buy
  11. simple past (to) wake
  12. simple past (to) hide
  13. simple past (to) sing
  14. simple past (to) know
  15. simple past (to) pay
  16. simple past (to) ride
  17. simple past (to) speak
  18. simple past (to) win
  19. simple past (to) ring
  20. simple past (to) wear
  21. simple past (to) take

39 Clues: simple past (to) dosimple past (to) gosimple past (to) seesimple past (to) saysimple past (to) eatsimple past (to) buysimple past (to) paysimple past (to) runsimple past (to) winsimple past (to) givesimple past (to) sellsimple past (to) comesimple past (to) swimsimple past (to) makesimple past (to) wakesimple past (to) findsimple past (to) hide...

Irregular verbs 2022-01-15

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. begin
  2. know
  3. do
  4. fly
  5. eat
  6. pay
  7. sit
  8. forget
  9. fall
  10. make
  11. get
  12. speak
  13. run
  14. leave
  15. become
  16. hurt
  17. be (singular)
  18. tell
  19. cost
  20. see
  21. read
  22. build
  23. have
  24. put
  25. swim
  26. write
  1. wear
  2. say
  3. be (plural)
  4. buy
  5. teach
  6. keep
  7. wake
  8. bring
  9. drink
  10. sleep
  11. feel
  12. come
  13. let
  14. understand
  15. find
  16. give
  17. go
  18. take
  19. think
  20. hear
  21. sell
  22. choose
  23. grow
  24. meet

50 Clues: dogosaybuyflyeatpaysitletgetrunseeputwearknowkeepwakefallfeelcomemakefindgivehurttaketellcosthearsellreadhavegrowswimmeetbeginteachbringdrinksleepspeakleavethinkbuildwriteforgetbecomechooseunderstandbe (plural)be (singular)

Irregular verbs 2021-12-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I ____ my heavy suitcase in my arms (to hold)
  2. I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)
  3. I ____ many books on the beach (to read)
  4. My mother ____ too many things on our trip (to bring)
  5. I ____ to go swimming while everyone was relaxing inside (to choose)
  6. I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)
  7. A woman ____ a bag (to steal)
  8. We ____ a lot of money on souvenirs (to spend)
  9. We ____ a cake to eat in front of the fireplace (to make)
  1. I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)
  2. The children ____ playing outside (to be)
  3. My brother almost ____ his suitcase ate home (to forget)
  4. We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)
  5. We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)
  6. The taxidriver ____ us to our destination (to drive)
  7. We ____ through the clouds (to fly)
  8. My sister almost ____ her finger when she tried to ski (to break)
  9. I ____ in the sea and as a lot of fishes(to swim)
  10. I ____ a letter to my grandmother (to send)
  11. My father ____ I was lost while I was walking behind him (to think)

20 Clues: A woman ____ a bag (to steal)I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)We ____ through the clouds (to fly)I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)I ____ many books on the beach (to read)The children ____ playing outside (to be)We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)...

Irregular verbs 2021-12-08

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I ____ my heavy suitcase in my arms (to hold)
  2. I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)
  3. I ____ many books on the beach (to read)
  4. My mother ____ too many things on our trip (to bring)
  5. I ____ to go swimming while everyone was relaxing inside (to choose)
  6. I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)
  7. A woman ____ a bag (to steal)
  8. We ____ a lot of money on souvenirs (to spend)
  9. We ____ a cake to eat in front of the fireplace (to make)
  1. I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)
  2. The children ____ playing outside (to be)
  3. My brother almost ____ his suitcase ate home (to forget)
  4. We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)
  5. We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)
  6. The taxidriver ____ us to our destination (to drive)
  7. We ____ through the clouds (to fly)
  8. My sister almost ____ her finger when she tried to ski (to break)
  9. I ____ in the sea and as a lot of fishes(to swim)
  10. I ____ a letter to my grandmother (to send)
  11. My father ____ I was lost while I was walking behind him (to think)

20 Clues: A woman ____ a bag (to steal)I ____ a. lot of pictures (to take)We ____ through the clouds (to fly)I ____ in my diary everyday (to write)I ____ a gold ring in the sand (to find)I ____ many books on the beach (to read)The children ____ playing outside (to be)We ____ our plane just in time (to catch)We ____ to see a lot of monuments (to go)...

Irregular Verbs 2022-01-03

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. BID
  2. SHAKE
  3. SINK
  4. FALL
  5. FLY
  6. KNEEL
  7. SLAY
  8. SPEAK
  9. WEEP
  10. BITE
  11. BRING
  1. STINK
  3. WAKE
  5. WAVE
  6. SWEAR
  9. THINK


irregular verbs 2022-01-10

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. geweten
  2. verboden
  3. gelegd
  4. blazen
  5. plakken
  6. bederven
  7. scheuren
  8. doorbrengen
  9. gekozen
  10. werden
  11. zetten
  12. kochten
  1. stonk
  2. groeiden
  3. gehuild
  4. gegraven
  5. gelegen
  6. spraken
  7. wierpen
  8. geschud
  9. kruipten
  10. gezwommen
  11. belden
  12. gebogen
  13. verborgen

25 Clues: stonkgelegdblazenbeldenwerdenzettengewetengehuildgelegenplakkensprakenwierpengeschudgekozenkochtengebogengroeidenverbodengegravenbedervenscheurenkruiptengezwommenverborgendoorbrengen

irregular verbs 2022-01-05

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spargere, simple past
  2. mostrare, past participle
  3. Italian for 'know'
  4. chiudere, base form
  5. splendere, simple past
  6. imparare, simple past
  7. insegnare, simple past
  8. Italian for 'bite'
  9. piangere, simple past
  1. scegliere, past participle
  2. vedere, simple past
  3. Italian for 'become'
  4. raccontare, simple past
  5. pungere, past participle
  6. sognare, past participle
  7. trascorrere, past participle
  8. Italian for 'smell'
  9. sedersi past participle
  10. colpite, all forms
  11. piegare, base form

20 Clues: Italian for 'know'colpite, all formspiegare, base formItalian for 'bite'vedere, simple pastchiudere, base formItalian for 'smell'Italian for 'become'spargere, simple pastimparare, simple pastpiangere, simple pastsplendere, simple pastinsegnare, simple pastraccontare, simple pastsedersi past participlepungere, past participlesognare, past participle...

Irregular verbs 2021-11-09

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim
  2. make
  3. tell
  4. show
  5. do
  6. win
  7. bite
  8. see
  9. fly
  10. draw
  11. take
  12. get
  13. be
  1. speak
  2. say
  3. find
  4. throw
  5. write
  6. know
  7. learn
  8. break
  9. catch
  10. give
  11. leave

24 Clues: dobesaywinseeflygetswimmakefindtellshowknowbitedrawtakegivespeakthrowwritelearnbreakcatchleave

irregular verbs 2020-06-08

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. swim .... swum
  2. drink...drunk
  3. speak...spoken
  4. know...known
  5. eat ..... eaten
  6. wear....worn
  7. ride...ridden
  8. speak...spoken
  9. go...gone
  10. sit...sat
  11. come...come
  12. have...had
  13. write...written
  14. do...done
  16. catch....caught
  17. leave...left
  1. find....found
  2. make....made
  3. spend...spent
  4. be....been
  5. hear.....heard
  6. see...seen
  7. tell...told
  8. give...given
  10. say...said
  11. think....thought
  12. buy....bought
  13. take...taken
  14. meet...met

31 Clues: go...gonesit...satdo...donebe....beensee...seensay...saidhave...hadget....gotmeet...mettell...toldcome...comemake....madeknow...knownwear....worngive...givenread....readtake...takenleave...leftfind....foundspend...spentdrink...drunkride...riddenbuy....boughtswim .... swumspeak...spokenhear.....heardspeak...spokeneat ..... eatenwrite...written...

Irregular verbs 2020-05-25

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. write
  2. take
  3. leave
  4. drink
  5. win
  6. sing
  7. sit
  8. spend
  9. bleed
  10. have
  11. catch
  12. cut
  13. become
  1. think
  2. read
  3. break
  4. run
  5. lose
  6. go
  7. eat
  8. pay
  9. teach
  10. cost
  11. give
  12. see

25 Clues: gorunwinsiteatpayseecuttakereadlosesinghavecostgivewritethinkbreakleavedrinkspendteachbleedcatchbecome

irregular verbs 2020-06-17

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. третья форма глагола "пить"
  2. вторая форма глагола "летать"
  3. вторая форма глагола "падать"
  4. вторая и третья форма глагола "ломать"
  5. вторая форма глагола "рисовать"
  6. третья форма глагола "падать"
  7. третья форма глагола "водить"
  8. вторая форма глагола "пить"
  9. вторая и третья форма глагола "чувствовать"
  10. третья форма глагола "быть"
  11. вторая и третья форма глагола "бороться"
  12. вторая и третья форма глагола "покупать"
  13. вторая форма глагола "делать"
  14. вторая и третья форма глагола "резать"
  15. третья форма глагола "есть"
  1. третья форма глагола "делать"
  2. третья форма глагола "приходить"
  3. третья форма глагола "летать"
  4. вторая форма глагола "водить"
  5. вторая и третья форма глагола "кормить"
  6. вторая и третья форма глагола "находить"
  7. третья форма глагола "рисовать"
  8. третья форма глагола "ломать"
  9. вторая форма глагола "есть"
  10. вторая и третья форма глагола "приносить"
  11. вторая и третья форма глагола "ловить"
  12. вторая и третья форма глагола "строить"
  13. вторая форма глагола "приходить"
  14. вторая форма глагола "быть"

29 Clues: третья форма глагола "пить"вторая форма глагола "пить"вторая форма глагола "есть"третья форма глагола "быть"вторая форма глагола "быть"третья форма глагола "есть"третья форма глагола "делать"вторая форма глагола "летать"третья форма глагола "летать"вторая форма глагола "водить"вторая форма глагола "падать"третья форма глагола "ломать"...

Irregular Verbs 2020-07-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. shut shut
  2. swam swum
  3. beat beaten
  4. spoke spoken
  5. brought brought
  6. sat sat
  7. lost lost
  8. won won
  9. got gotten
  10. forgave forgiven
  11. forgot forgotten
  12. put put
  13. met met
  14. made made
  15. told told
  16. hung hung
  17. wore worn
  18. bet bet
  19. bent bent
  20. lay lain
  21. showed shown
  22. read read
  23. became become
  24. grew grown
  25. paid paid
  26. had had
  1. broke broken
  2. stood stood
  3. tore torn
  4. spent spent
  5. began begun
  6. bit bitten
  7. went gone
  8. sang sung
  9. woke woken
  10. became become
  11. froze frozen
  12. taught taught
  13. meant meant
  14. left left
  15. gave given
  16. lent lent
  17. built built
  18. took taken
  19. blew blown
  20. let let
  21. slept slept
  22. began begun
  23. wrote written
  24. heard heard

50 Clues: sat satwon wonput putmet metbet betlet lethad hadlay lainshut shuttore tornswam swumwent gonelost lostsang sungmade madetold toldleft lefthung hunglent lentwore wornbent bentread readpaid paidbit bittenwoke wokengot gottengave giventook takenblew blowngrew grownstood stoodspent spentbeat beatenbegan begunmeant meantbuilt builtslept sleptbegan begun...

Irregular Verbs 2020-09-23

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. to fall
  2. to teach
  3. to lose
  4. to break
  5. to give
  6. to drink
  7. to leave
  8. to lead
  9. to catch
  10. to speak
  11. to bring
  12. to eat
  13. to understant
  1. to fell
  2. to sit
  3. to buy
  4. to forget
  5. to grow
  6. to tell
  7. to meet
  8. to run
  9. to begin
  10. to ride
  11. to keep
  12. to sleep
  13. to throw
  14. to shake
  15. to say
  16. to bite
  17. to hide
  18. to choose
  19. to sing

32 Clues: to sitto buyto runto sayto eatto fallto fellto growto loseto tellto meetto giveto rideto keepto leadto biteto hideto singto teachto breakto beginto drinkto leaveto sleepto throwto shaketo catchto speakto bringto forgetto chooseto understant

Irregular verbs 2022-02-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Simple past of the verb to leave
  2. Past participle of the verb to begin
  3. Simple past of the verb to drive
  4. Simple past of the verb to drink
  5. Simple past of the verb to choose
  6. Simple past of the verb to build
  7. Simple past of the verb to catch
  8. Past participle of the verb to mean
  9. Simple past of the verb to eat
  10. Simple past of the verb to lose
  11. Simple past of the verb to draw
  12. Simple past of the verb to hide
  13. Simple past of the verb to go
  1. Simple past of the verb to hit
  2. Simple past of the verb to feed
  3. Simple past of the verb to cut
  4. Simple past of the verb to begin
  5. Simple past of the verb to break
  6. Past participle of the verb to fly
  7. Simple past of the verb to cut
  8. Simple past of the verb to hurt
  9. Simple past of the verb to put
  10. Past participle of the verb to choose
  11. Simple past of the verb to hear
  12. Simple past of the verb to pay
  13. Simple past of the verb to meet
  14. Simple past of the verb to blow

27 Clues: Simple past of the verb to goSimple past of the verb to hitSimple past of the verb to cutSimple past of the verb to cutSimple past of the verb to putSimple past of the verb to paySimple past of the verb to eatSimple past of the verb to feedSimple past of the verb to hurtSimple past of the verb to hearSimple past of the verb to meet...

Irregular verbs 2022-02-01

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. bit
  2. make
  3. leave
  4. break
  5. drive
  6. speak
  7. see
  8. eat
  9. go
  1. buy
  2. come
  3. steal
  4. had
  5. do
  6. write
  7. get
  8. find
  9. forgot
  10. was
  11. swim
  12. sit

21 Clues: dogobitbuyhadgetwasseesiteatcomemakefindswimstealwriteleavebreakdrivespeakforgot

Irregular Verbs 2021-11-09

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. run
  2. break
  3. choose
  4. drink
  5. think
  6. find
  7. make
  8. go
  9. feel
  10. spend
  11. cost
  12. say
  1. come
  2. sell
  3. forget
  4. begin
  5. get
  6. buy
  7. know
  8. tell
  9. draw
  10. meet
  11. lose
  12. take
  13. hear
  14. sleep

26 Clues: gorungetbuysaycomesellknowtellfinddrawmakemeetlosetakehearfeelcostbreakbegindrinkthinkspendsleepforgetchoose

Irregular Verbs 2021-11-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. My books ___ down the stairs. (fall)
  2. She ___ all of the popcorn. (eat)
  3. My mom ___ me how to drive a car. (teach)
  4. You ___ those socks every day this week. (wear)
  5. John ___ his baseball collection. (sell)
  6. The grass ___ 3 inches. (grow)
  7. I ___ the bus to school today. (ride)
  8. Miss Hittle ___ her keys again. (lose)
  9. I ___ a mile yesterday. (run)
  10. My mom ___ I was lying. (know)
  11. I ___ dinner tonight. (make)
  1. You ___ me a donut! (bring)
  2. They ___ the car to the mall today. (drive)
  3. The baby bird ___ from the nest. (fly)
  4. My mom ___ me a ton of chores! (give)
  5. Dad ___ you many times to clean your room. (tell)
  6. I ___ my bike up the steep hill. (ride)
  7. The principal ___ to us about our behavior.(speak)
  8. I ___ my name on my paper. (write)
  9. Dad ___ all of the milk.(drink)
  10. The boat ___. (sink)
  11. He ___ up a huge balloon. (blow)
  12. He ___ the water to make ice cubes. (freeze)

23 Clues: The boat ___. (sink)You ___ me a donut! (bring)I ___ dinner tonight. (make)I ___ a mile yesterday. (run)The grass ___ 3 inches. (grow)My mom ___ I was lying. (know)Dad ___ all of the milk.(drink)He ___ up a huge balloon. (blow)She ___ all of the popcorn. (eat)I ___ my name on my paper. (write)My books ___ down the stairs. (fall)...

Irregular Verbs 2021-11-08

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. he/she goes
  2. I watch
  3. he/she leaves/goes out
  4. he/she gives
  5. they watch
  6. you give
  7. we leave/go out
  8. they have
  9. I leave/go out
  10. he/she has
  11. I say/tell
  12. I am (characteristics)
  13. I do/make
  14. we have
  1. we say/tell
  2. I go
  3. you do/make
  4. we watch
  5. we do/make
  6. they go
  7. I am (location/emotion)
  8. I give
  9. I have
  10. he/she is (characteristics)
  11. we are (location/emotion)
  12. he says/tells
  13. you are (characteristics)

27 Clues: I goI giveI haveI watchthey gowe havewe watchyou givethey haveI do/makewe do/makethey watchhe/she hasI say/tellwe say/tellhe/she goesyou do/makehe/she giveshe says/tellsI leave/go outwe leave/go outhe/she leaves/goes outI am (characteristics)I am (location/emotion)we are (location/emotion)you are (characteristics)he/she is (characteristics)

Irregular Verbs 2021-11-18

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. past of sit
  2. participle of 'stelen'
  3. past of teach
  4. past of fall
  5. past participle of 'verspillen'
  6. past participle of 'bloeden'
  7. past participle of to bind
  8. past of lose
  9. past of buy
  10. past of to strike
  11. participle of 'opstaan'
  12. past of sing
  13. participle of give
  14. participle of eat
  1. past of meet
  2. past of 'sturen'
  3. past of 'wedden'
  4. past participle of 'verkopen'
  5. past of to leap
  6. past of fly
  7. past of 'leggen'
  8. participle of to be
  9. past of bring
  10. past of to bear
  11. past of forget
  12. past of come
  13. past of give

27 Clues: past of sitpast of flypast of buypast of meetpast of fallpast of losepast of comepast of givepast of singpast of teachpast of bringpast of forgetpast of to leappast of to bearpast of 'sturen'past of 'wedden'past of 'leggen'past of to strikeparticiple of eatparticiple of giveparticiple of to beparticiple of 'stelen'participle of 'opstaan'...

irregular verbs 2021-11-19

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. sleep
  2. see
  3. meet
  4. make
  5. hide
  6. can
  7. run
  8. find
  9. get
  10. become
  11. go
  12. is
  13. pay
  14. are
  15. ride
  16. buy
  17. do
  1. feed
  2. eat
  3. swim
  4. say
  5. come
  6. think
  7. drink
  8. catch
  9. drive
  10. sing
  11. give
  12. fly
  13. wear
  14. spend
  15. take
  16. have

33 Clues: goisdoeatseesaycanrunflygetpayarebuyfeedswimcomemeetmakehidesinggivefindwearridetakehavesleepthinkdrinkcatchdrivespendbecome

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. do
  2. get
  3. grow
  4. make
  5. go
  6. bring
  7. begin
  8. see
  9. eat
  10. say
  1. buy
  2. draw
  3. know
  4. catch
  5. come
  6. drink
  7. hear
  8. blow
  9. give
  10. run

20 Clues: dogobuygetseeruneatsaydrawknowgrowmakecomehearblowgivecatchdrinkbringbegin

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. draw
  2. say
  3. hear
  4. run
  5. catch
  6. buy
  7. sleep
  8. make
  9. know
  10. see
  11. go
  12. get
  1. begin
  2. do
  3. give
  4. drink
  5. bring
  6. throw
  7. eat
  8. take
  9. blow
  10. grow
  11. come
  12. sing
  13. sit

25 Clues: dogosayruneatbuyseesitgetdrawgiveheartakeblowgrowcomesingmakeknowbegindrinkbringthrowcatchsleep

Irregular Verbs 2021-12-07

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. I was able
  2. y'all are able
  3. you are
  4. I am able
  5. y'all were
  6. y'all were carrying
  7. we were going
  8. he is able
  9. you were able
  10. I am
  11. I was not wishing
  12. I do not wish
  13. they were wishing
  14. she does not wish
  15. we are
  16. he is
  17. they carry
  18. you carry
  19. I was wishing
  20. y'all go
  21. you were
  22. I was
  23. she was
  24. you wish
  25. y'all were not wishing
  26. I go
  27. y'all so not wish
  1. you are able
  2. I carry
  3. they are able
  4. he was carrying
  5. y'all are
  6. she was able
  7. we were
  8. they wish
  9. y'all were able
  10. they are
  11. I wish
  12. you were going
  13. we wish
  14. he wishes
  15. y'all wish
  16. we go
  17. you go
  18. y'all carry
  19. we carry
  20. they were
  21. it carries
  22. they go
  23. it goes
  24. we were able
  25. they were able
  26. we are able

53 Clues: I amI gowe gohe isI wasI wishyou gowe areI carryyou arewe werewe wishshe wasthey goit goesthey arewe carryy'all goyou wereyou wishI am abley'all arethey wishhe wishesthey wereyou carryI was abley'all werehe is abley'all wishthey carryit carriesy'all carrywe are ableyou are ableshe was ablewe were ablethey are ablewe were goingyou were able...

Irregular Verbs 2021-11-28

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. know
  2. feel
  3. fly
  4. put
  5. sell
  6. eat
  7. find
  8. think
  9. begin
  10. drink
  1. make
  2. write
  3. read
  4. build
  5. pay
  6. fall
  7. sing
  8. leave
  9. choose
  10. break
  11. wear

21 Clues: payflyputeatmakeknowreadfeelfallsellsingfindwearwritebuildleavethinkbeginbreakdrinkchoose

Irregular verbs 2022-03-23

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. found/found/encontrar
  2. did/done/hacer
  3. held/held/sostener
  4. broke/broken/romper
  5. began/begun/empezar, comenzar
  6. grew/grown/crecer
  7. forgave/forgiven/perdonar
  8. drew/drawn/dibujar
  9. gave/given/dar
  10. drove/driven/conducir
  11. chose/chosen/elegir, escoger
  12. caught/ caught coger, atrapar, tomar
  13. was/were/been
  14. went/gone/ir
  15. forgot/forgotten/olvidarse
  16. flew/flown/volar
  17. cut/cut/cortar
  18. froze/frozen/congelar
  19. drank/drunk/beber
  20. hit/hit pegar, golpear
  21. got/got / gotten/recibir, conseguir
  1. fell/fallen/caer
  2. came/come/venir
  3. kept/kept/guardar, continuar
  4. hung/hung/colgar
  5. built/built/construir
  6. knew/known/conocer, saber
  7. brought/brought/llevar, traer
  8. hid/hidden/esconder
  9. had/had/tener
  10. became/become/convertirse en
  11. blew/blown/soplar
  12. bit/bitten/morder
  13. ate/eaten/comer
  14. cost/cost/costar
  15. hurt/hurt/hacer daño
  16. bought/bought/comprar
  17. fought/fought/pelear, luchar
  18. felt/felt/sentir
  19. could/been able/poder

40 Clues: went/gone/irhad/had/tenerwas/were/beendid/done/hacergave/given/darcut/cut/cortarcame/come/venirate/eaten/comerfell/fallen/caerhung/hung/colgarcost/cost/costarflew/flown/volarfelt/felt/sentirgrew/grown/crecerblew/blown/soplarbit/bitten/morderdrank/drunk/beberheld/held/sostenerdrew/drawn/dibujarbroke/broken/romperhid/hidden/esconder...

Irregular Verbs 2022-03-24

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Rev
  2. Fundet
  3. Taget
  4. Viste
  5. Spiste
  6. Rystet
  7. Springe
  8. Byggede
  9. Svømmede
  10. Spist
  11. Brække
  12. Forstået
  13. Kendt
  14. Tog
  15. Sloges
  16. Bragt(e)
  17. Købte
  18. Slået
  19. Tilgav
  20. Ringet
  1. Skrev
  2. Glemt
  3. Redet
  4. Skjult
  5. Fanget
  6. Sagde
  7. Fortalt
  8. Sige
  9. slog
  10. Blæste
  11. Lærte
  12. Talt
  13. Tegnede
  14. Drukket
  15. Forladt
  16. Søgte
  17. Svingede
  18. Valgte
  19. Frosset
  20. Begyndt

41 Clues: RevTogSigeslogTaltSkrevGlemtRedetTagetVisteSagdeLærteSpistSøgteKendtKøbteSlåetFundetSkjultFangetSpisteRystetBlæsteBrækkeValgteSlogesTilgavRingetFortaltSpringeByggedeTegnedeDrukketForladtFrossetBegyndtSvømmedeForståetSvingedeBragt(e)

Irregular verbs 2022-03-29

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. tulema II
  2. hoidma I
  3. sööma I
  4. tegema II
  5. tooma III
  6. hoidma I
  7. sööma II
  8. maksma I
  9. sööma III
  10. tundma II
  11. tulema I
  1. maksma III
  2. hoidma III
  3. tulema III
  4. tegema I
  5. võtma II
  6. minema III
  7. minema II
  8. tooma I
  9. minema I
  10. võtma I
  11. hoidma II
  12. tundma I

23 Clues: sööma Itooma Ivõtma Ihoidma Itegema Ivõtma IIminema Ihoidma Isööma IImaksma Itundma Itulema Itulema IItegema IIminema IItooma IIIhoidma IIsööma IIItundma IImaksma IIIhoidma IIItulema IIIminema III

Irregular verbs 2022-04-11

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. omas
  2. kohtas
  3. jooksis
  4. olid(mitmus)
  5. oli(ainsus)
  6. sõi
  7. ostis
  8. pani
  9. magas
  10. sai
  11. hoidis
  1. andis
  2. tegi
  3. viskas
  4. läks
  5. leidis
  6. istus
  7. luges
  8. tuli
  9. ehitas
  10. püüdis
  11. nägi
  12. võttis

23 Clues: sõisaiomastegiläkstulipaninägiandisistuslugesostismagaskohtasviskasleidisehitaspüüdisvõttishoidisjooksisoli(ainsus)olid(mitmus)

Irregular Verbs 2022-04-06

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Past simple of "become"
  2. Past simple of "see"
  3. Past simple of "make"
  4. Past simple of "forget"
  5. Past simple of "rise"
  6. Past simple of "think"
  7. Past simple of "leave"
  8. Past simple of "bite"
  9. Past simple of "drive"
  10. Past simple of "know"
  11. Past simple of "go"
  1. Past simple of "freeze"
  2. Past simple of "come"
  3. Past simple of "cost"
  4. Past simple of "sing"
  5. Past simple of "write"
  6. Past simple of "feel"
  7. Past simple of "sell"
  8. Past simple of "wear"
  9. Past simple of "throw"
  10. Past simple of "drink"
  11. Past simple of "win"

22 Clues: Past simple of "go"Past simple of "see"Past simple of "win"Past simple of "come"Past simple of "cost"Past simple of "sing"Past simple of "make"Past simple of "feel"Past simple of "rise"Past simple of "sell"Past simple of "wear"Past simple of "bite"Past simple of "know"Past simple of "write"Past simple of "think"Past simple of "leave"...

Irregular Verbs 2013-10-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. mettre/poser
  2. attraper
  3. courir
  4. devenir
  5. apprendre
  6. rêver
  7. penser
  8. venir
  9. blesser
  10. frapper
  11. laisser/permettre
  12. acheter
  1. étendre/étaler
  2. couter
  3. lire
  4. apporter
  5. com)battre
  6. enseigner
  7. prêter
  8. fermer

20 Clues: lirerêvervenircoutercourirpenserprêterfermerdevenirblesserfrapperacheterattraperapporterapprendreenseignercom)battremettre/poserétendre/étalerlaisser/permettre

Irregular verbs 2014-06-10

Irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. go
  2. leave
  3. bring
  4. make
  5. show
  6. begin
  7. get
  8. come
  9. say
  10. take
  11. hold
  1. keep
  2. feel
  3. put
  4. write
  5. find
  6. give
  7. become
  8. think
  9. stand
  10. see
  11. tell
  12. know

23 Clues: goputgetseesaykeepfeelfindgivemakeshowcometelltakeknowholdwriteleavebringthinkstandbeginbecome

Irregular verbs 2014-01-27

Irregular  verbs crossword puzzle
  1. spideja 2f
  2. lidot 2f
  3. nozimeja 2f
  4. darija, 2f
  5. nokrita 2f
  6. dzert
  7. griest
  8. staveja 2f
  9. zimet
  10. piedots 3f
  11. sedet
  12. redzeja 2f
  13. zinams 3f
  14. nemot 3f
  15. peldet
  16. bija 3f
  17. smarzoja 3f
  18. saprata 2f
  19. skriet 2f
  20. gulet
  21. sacies 3f
  22. zagt
  23. celt
  24. rakstisks 3f
  25. macit
  26. brauca, 2f
  27. nolikt 2f
  28. slegts 2f
  29. eda, 2f
  30. sadalit 2f
  31. meta 2f
  32. atrast 3f
  33. domat
  34. aizsutija 3f
  35. turet 3f
  36. pateikt
  1. pastastija, 3f
  2. sutit
  3. turet, 2f
  4. stavet
  5. pamest 2f
  6. pazaudet
  7. parnemts 3f
  8. satika, 3f
  9. aizmirsts 3f
  10. paradija 2f
  11. sniedza 2f
  12. peldejas 2f
  13. prom 3f
  14. guleja 2f
  15. trapit 2f
  16. gatavots 3f
  17. nodedzinatas 2f
  18. celta, 3f
  19. sapnoja 2f
  20. macijas 3f
  21. macities
  22. samaksats 3f
  23. rakstit
  24. macija 2f
  25. dzirdet 3f
  26. vadija, 2f
  27. pavadija 3f
  28. velkat 3f
  29. panemt 2f
  30. uzvaret
  31. turet

67 Clues: zagtceltsutitdzertzimetsedetguletmacitdomatturetstavetgriestpeldetprom 3fbija 3frakstiteda, 2fmeta 2fuzvaretpateiktlidot 2fpazaudetnemot 3fmacitiesturet 3fturet, 2fpamest 2fzinams 3fguleja 2ftrapit 2fcelta, 3fskriet 2fsacies 3fmacija 2fnolikt 2fslegts 2fvelkat 3fpanemt 2fatrast 3fspideja 2fdarija, 2fnokrita 2fstaveja 2fsatika, 3fpiedots 3f...

irregular verbs 2014-01-27

irregular verbs crossword puzzle
  1. likt,3f
  2. atrast,3f
  3. peldēties,3f
  4. vilkt,3f
  5. redzēt,3f
  6. pirkt,2f
  7. būt,3f
  8. izvelēties,2f
  9. rakt,3f
  10. griezt,2f
  11. pamest,3f
  12. iet,2f
  13. smaržot,3f
  14. dabūt,2f
  15. saprast,3f
  16. noķert,3f
  17. lasīt,3f
  18. sist,3
  19. maksāt,3f
  20. slēpties,3f
  21. just,3f
  22. braukt,3f
  23. dziedāt,3f
  24. dedzināt
  25. paturēt,2f
  26. atnest
  27. zīmet,3f
  28. nosēsties,3f
  29. runāt,3f
  30. sedēt,3f
  31. darīt,3f
  1. samaksāt,3f
  2. sāpēt,3f
  3. lidot,3f
  4. pamosties,2f
  5. iepazīt,3f
  6. nākt,3f
  7. piedot,3f
  8. domāt,3f
  9. sapņot,3f
  10. smaržot,2f
  11. celt
  12. cīnities,3f
  13. vinēt,3f
  14. peldēt,2f
  15. kļūt,2f
  16. pateikt,3f
  17. macīt,3f
  18. zagt,3f
  19. turēt,3f
  20. skriet,2f
  21. lidot,2f
  22. mest,3f
  23. dzirdēt,2f
  24. dzert,3f
  25. saplēst
  26. plīst,2f
  27. paņemt,2f
  28. stāvēt,3f
  29. sūtit,3f

60 Clues: celtbūt,3fiet,2fsist,3atnestlikt,3fnākt,3frakt,3fkļūt,2fzagt,3fmest,3fjust,3fsaplēstsāpēt,3flidot,3fvilkt,3fdomāt,3fpirkt,2fvinēt,3fmacīt,3fdabūt,2fturēt,3flasīt,3flidot,2fdzert,3fdedzinātplīst,2fzīmet,3frunāt,3fsedēt,3fsūtit,3fdarīt,3fatrast,3fpiedot,3fsapņot,3fredzēt,3fpeldēt,2fgriezt,2fpamest,3fnoķert,3fskriet,2fmaksāt,3fbraukt,3fpaņemt,2f...

Irregular Verbs 2014-03-13

Irregular Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. Be
  2. Fly
  3. Reply
  4. Start
  5. Forget
  6. Play
  7. Meet
  8. Change
  9. Try
  10. Tell
  11. Clean
  12. Look
  13. Begin
  1. Go
  2. Break
  3. Order
  4. Steal
  5. Sell
  6. Finish
  7. Write
  8. Stop
  9. Arrange
  10. Have
  11. Leave
  12. Make
  13. Turn
  14. Eat
  15. See

28 Clues: GoBeFlyTryEatSeeSellStopHavePlayMeetMakeTurnTellLookBreakOrderStealReplyWriteStartLeaveCleanBeginFinishForgetChangeArrange