medical terminology Crossword Puzzles

Medical Terminology 2023-01-17

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  3. - O2
  7. - protective gloves


Medical Terminology 2023-05-30

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Fixed out of pocket amount the subscriber pays for medical services before the insurance will assume liability.
  2. A benefit designed to allow for a designated individual to visit the member if they are inpatient more than 7 days abroad.
  3. The identification of an illness or other problem
  4. Ensures the physician never receives more than 100% reimbursement owed
  5. A fixed amount the member pays for each diagnostic visit to the doctor or hospital.
  6. Percentage of covered expense which must be paid by the member
  7. Average charge for similar medical services in specific geographical locations
  1. Maximums for services which have a specific dollar amount or service limit.
  2. A length of time during which a benefit is paid
  3. A physician focused on a specific area of medicine
  4. An adjunct to basic medical services
  5. The amount agreed upon by the Plan and Providers as payment in full for services rendered
  6. An institution licensed to
  7. Contract between GeoBlue and the applicant/group. It describes the benefit plan for which an individual is enrolled
  8. Administrative Services Only
  9. The member’s country of domicile
  10. The difference between the charged amount on a claim and the allowed (UCR) on a claim. This is sometimes the patient’s responsibility.

17 Clues: An institution licensed toAdministrative Services OnlyThe member’s country of domicileAn adjunct to basic medical servicesA length of time during which a benefit is paidThe identification of an illness or other problemA physician focused on a specific area of medicinePercentage of covered expense which must be paid by the member...

Medical Terminology 2021-01-22

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  8. SELF
  9. LIFE
  10. WHITE
  2. SLOW


Medical Terminology 2017-11-13

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Somat-
  2. Necr-
  3. Carcin-
  4. Gluc-
  5. -Cide
  6. Chondr-
  7. Gravid-
  8. -Ologist
  1. Lip-
  2. Geri-
  3. Para-
  4. -itis
  5. Fuge-
  6. Somn-
  7. Aden-
  8. Crin-
  9. -Ectomy

17 Clues: Lip-Geri-Necr-Para--itisFuge-Gluc-Somn--CideAden-Crin-Somat-Carcin-Chondr-Gravid--Ectomy-Ologist

medical terminology 2024-09-13

medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. reflexes overactive and over responsive
  2. infarction death of heart-muscle cells due to occlusion of a vessel; commonly called a heart attack
  3. Heart Failure (CHF) inability of heart to pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body resulting in lung congestion and dyspnea
  4. Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgical creation of an alternate route for blood flow around an area of coronary arterial obstruction
  5. stiff or rigid muscles
  6. absence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions.
  7. blood pressure that is consistently higher than 140 systolic, 90 diastolic or both
  1. too much muscle tone
  2. shortness of breath
  3. neuropathy dysfunction of nerves that transmit information to and from the brain and spinal cord, characterized by pain, altered sensation, and muscle weakness
  4. absence of speech
  5. loose and floppy limbs
  6. stiff or inflexible muscle
  7. Accident (CVA) damage or death of brain tissue caused by interruption of blood supply due to clot or vessel rupture AKA stroke
  8. loss of muscle tone or weakness
  9. Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) group of diseases in which alveolar air sacs are destroyed and chronic severe SOB results
  10. Disease progressive degenerative disorder that results in tremors, gait changes, and occasionally dementia → parkinsonism is a condition that resembles parkinson's disease it has a different cause

17 Clues: absence of speechshortness of breathtoo much muscle toneloose and floppy limbsstiff or rigid musclesstiff or inflexible muscleloss of muscle tone or weaknessreflexes overactive and over responsiveabsence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions.blood pressure that is consistently higher than 140 systolic, 90 diastolic or both...

Informatics 2021-06-08

Informatics crossword puzzle
  1. record commonly used in primary care and ambulatory settings
  2. minimum number of essential nursing data elements
  3. professional reports,articles,information
  4. canadian privacy legislation
  5. use of tools and processes to solve human problems
  6. electronic charting system
  1. project in which some canadian nurses using standardized forms for data collection
  2. application of computer technology to nursing
  3. systematized nomenclature of medical and nursing terminology
  4. database of nursing and allied health literature
  5. use of information and communication technologies to deliver care by distance
  6. mobile health care
  7. the exchange and use of information between systems
  8. longitudinal record of a persons health status
  9. standardized terminology for nursing interventions,diagnoses,andoutcomes
  10. ability to access,use and act on information for health

16 Clues: mobile health careelectronic charting systemcanadian privacy legislationprofessional reports,articles,informationapplication of computer technology to nursinglongitudinal record of a persons health statusdatabase of nursing and allied health literatureminimum number of essential nursing data elements...

Informatics 2021-10-13

Informatics crossword puzzle
  1. application of computer technology to nursing
  2. the exchange and use of information between systems
  3. professional reports, articles, information
  4. standardized terminology for nursing interventions, diagnoses,and outcomes
  5. systematized nomenclature of medical and nursing terminology
  6. database of nursing and allied health literature
  7. use of information and communication technologies to deliver care by distance
  8. mobile health care
  9. ability to access, use and act on information for health
  10. canadian privacy legislation
  1. project in which some canadian nurses use standarized forms for data collection
  2. minimum number of essential nursing data elements
  3. longitudinal record of a person's health status
  4. electronic charting system used here in Cape Breton
  5. use of tools and processes to solve human problems
  6. record commonly used in primary care and ambulatory settings

16 Clues: mobile health carecanadian privacy legislationprofessional reports, articles, informationapplication of computer technology to nursinglongitudinal record of a person's health statusdatabase of nursing and allied health literatureminimum number of essential nursing data elementsuse of tools and processes to solve human problems...

Medical Terminology 2023-08-31

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The clinical specialty concerned with the kidneys
  2. Joint pain
  3. The opposite of posterior
  4. The British spelling of the surgical specialty concerned with bones
  5. Removal of the thyroid
  6. A directional term for limbs, meaning close to the body
  1. Difficulty breathing
  2. Inflammation of the bladder
  3. Disease of the retina
  4. An enlarged liver
  5. A directional term meaning away from the middle
  6. The clinical specialty concerned with the heart
  7. The creation of an opening into the colon
  8. The anatomical plane that divides the body into front and back sections
  9. Using an instrument to look at your insides
  10. The American spelling of the technical name for the food pipe

16 Clues: Joint painAn enlarged liverDifficulty breathingDisease of the retinaRemoval of the thyroidThe opposite of posteriorInflammation of the bladderThe creation of an opening into the colonUsing an instrument to look at your insidesA directional term meaning away from the middleThe clinical specialty concerned with the heart...

Medical Terminology 2024-09-03

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. adrenal and thyroid gland
  2. type of tissue that make up the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
  3. tissue that is held to connective tissue by the basement membrane
  4. study of the structure of the body
  5. type of muscular tissue that is voluntary
  6. tissue that produces motion by contraction
  7. horizontal body plane
  8. median body plane
  1. type of muscular tissue that's only found in the heart
  2. frontal body plane
  3. layer that lines the cavity wall
  4. type of muscular tissue that's found in the internal organs walls
  5. saltatory and sweat glands
  6. layer that contacts the organs
  7. tissue that binds structures together
  8. study of the functions of body parts

16 Clues: median body planefrontal body planehorizontal body planeadrenal and thyroid glandsaltatory and sweat glandslayer that contacts the organslayer that lines the cavity wallstudy of the structure of the bodystudy of the functions of body partstissue that binds structures togethertype of muscular tissue that is voluntary...

Medical Terminology 2024-09-05

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation, infection, suffix
  2. muscle, word root
  3. behind, prefix
  4. blood condition, suffix
  5. cell, suffix
  6. veins, word root
  7. disease, suffix
  8. within, inside, prefix
  1. around, prefix
  2. difficult, painful, prefix
  3. nerve, prefix
  4. hardening, suffix
  5. chest, word root
  6. liver, word root
  7. arteries, word root
  8. tumor, mass, suffix

16 Clues: cell, suffixnerve, prefixaround, prefixbehind, prefixdisease, suffixchest, word rootliver, word rootveins, word roothardening, suffixmuscle, word rootarteries, word roottumor, mass, suffixwithin, inside, prefixblood condition, suffixdifficult, painful, prefixinflammation, infection, suffix

Medical Terminology 2020-12-11

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. above
  2. enlargement of the extremities
  3. cartilage and ribs
  4. A fatty tumor
  5. life threatening tumor that spreads
  6. ruptured uterus
  7. forming of the stony material
  8. surgical repair using tissue from the persons body
  1. shaped like a tooth
  2. above the stomach
  3. pain in the muscles
  4. binding of the joints
  5. under the tongue
  6. any disease affecting the sweat glands
  7. disease producer
  8. behind the heart

16 Clues: aboveA fatty tumorruptured uterusunder the tonguedisease producerbehind the heartabove the stomachcartilage and ribsshaped like a toothpain in the musclesbinding of the jointsforming of the stony materialenlargement of the extremitieslife threatening tumor that spreadsany disease affecting the sweat glands...

Medical Terminology 2023-01-27

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The place where the optic nerve crosses the brain
  2. The bending of light rays by the cornea, lens, and fluids of the eye
  3. Hearing loss
  4. Auditory tube. Goes to the back of your throat.
  5. Hardening of the stapes in the inner ear.
  6. Nearsightedness
  7. Defective corneal or lens curvature
  8. When you can’t see as well because you’re old
  9. Farsightedness
  1. A feeling that the world is turning and/or churning. Or that you are.
  2. Ear inflammation. Can be acute or serous.
  3. Photoreceptor cell that lets you see in low light
  4. The eye adjusts to focus near and far
  5. Protruding part of the outer ear
  6. Shaped like a snail shell in the inner ear
  7. Colored part of the eye

16 Clues: Hearing lossFarsightednessNearsightednessColored part of the eyeProtruding part of the outer earDefective corneal or lens curvatureThe eye adjusts to focus near and farEar inflammation. Can be acute or serous.Hardening of the stapes in the inner ear.Shaped like a snail shell in the inner earWhen you can’t see as well because you’re old...

medical terminology 2023-04-24

medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. สารสีแดงในเม็ดเลือด
  2. หายใจเร็ว
  3. ปอดอักเสบจากการติเเชื้อ
  4. เซลล์เม็ดเลือดแดง
  5. หยุดหายใจ
  6. หัวใจ
  7. ความดันโลหิตสูง
  8. ผ่าตัดเปิดหลอดลม
  1. มีเลือดในช่องเยื่อหุ้มปอด
  2. เบาหวาน
  3. ภาวะน้ำตาลต่ำ
  4. ผิวหนังคล้ำ
  5. ริดสีดวงทวารหนัก
  6. โลหิตจาง
  7. อาการดีซ่าน
  8. ตับอักเสบ

16 Clues: หัวใจเบาหวานโลหิตจางหายใจเร็วหยุดหายใจตับอักเสบผิวหนังคล้ำอาการดีซ่านภาวะน้ำตาลต่ำความดันโลหิตสูงริดสีดวงทวารหนักผ่าตัดเปิดหลอดลมเซลล์เม็ดเลือดแดงสารสีแดงในเม็ดเลือดปอดอักเสบจากการติเเชื้อมีเลือดในช่องเยื่อหุ้มปอด

Medical Terminology 2013-11-24

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. myocardium
  2. inter
  3. osteo
  4. splenomegaly
  5. -oma
  6. arthritis
  7. gastro
  8. Tachy
  9. VS
  10. c/o
  1. dyspnea
  2. BP
  3. -pathy
  4. p.c.
  5. -itis
  6. Intra

16 Clues: BPVSc/o-omap.c.interosteo-itisIntraTachy-pathygastrodyspneaarthritismyocardiumsplenomegaly


MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. Jawbone
  2. Paleness
  3. "Humpback"
  4. A localized collection of pus
  5. The largest of inner ear "bone"
  6. Blood loss
  7. Shoulder blade
  8. Eyelashes
  1. Type of fracture (long bone)
  2. Condition of having the heart on the right side of body
  3. Fingers
  4. Distal portion of stomach
  5. Lateral curvature of the spine
  6. Partial or complete paralysis
  7. Pertaining to cell(phone?)
  8. Windpipe

16 Clues: JawboneFingersPalenessWindpipeEyelashes"Humpback"Blood lossShoulder bladeDistal portion of stomachPertaining to cell(phone?)Type of fracture (long bone)A localized collection of pusPartial or complete paralysisLateral curvature of the spineThe largest of inner ear "bone"Condition of having the heart on the right side of body

Medical Terminology 2022-02-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. infer/o
  2. neck,cervix
  3. epitheli/o
  4. brachi/o
  5. away from
  6. back of body
  1. crani/o
  2. muscul/o
  3. abdomen
  4. front
  5. glute/o
  6. tail
  7. cephal/o
  8. crur/o
  9. middle
  10. side

16 Clues: tailsidefrontcrur/omiddlecrani/oabdomeninfer/oglute/omuscul/ocephal/obrachi/oaway fromepitheli/oneck,cervixback of body

Medical Terminology 2022-02-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Arm
  2. cell
  3. tissue
  4. fungus
  5. wrist
  6. pus
  7. skin
  8. fat
  9. skull
  1. life
  2. Abdomen
  3. foot
  4. ankle
  5. water
  6. cold
  7. cancer

16 Clues: ArmpusfatlifecellfootcoldskinanklewaterwristskulltissuefunguscancerAbdomen

Medical Terminology 2023-09-05

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. System Body's defense against infections and diseases
  2. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases
  3. Doctor specializing in heart diseases
  4. High-energy radiation for imaging the body
  5. Medical field focused on skin disorders
  6. Microscopic infectious agent
  7. Pressure Force of blood against artery walls
  8. Abnormal cell growth and division
  9. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents
  1. Identifying a disease or condition
  2. Medical imaging and interpretation
  3. Loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery
  4. Medication to treat bacterial infections
  5. Medical procedure involving incision and repair
  6. Abnormal immune reaction to a substance
  7. Disease-causing microorganism

16 Clues: Microscopic infectious agentDisease-causing microorganismAbnormal cell growth and divisionIdentifying a disease or conditionMedical imaging and interpretationDoctor specializing in heart diseasesMedical field focused on skin disordersAbnormal immune reaction to a substanceMedication to treat bacterial infections...

Medical Terminology 2022-03-21

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. study of the cell
  2. to cut into the chest
  3. inflammation of the bladder
  4. not breathing
  5. disease of the brain
  6. towards the nose
  7. high blood pressure
  8. inflammation of the skin
  1. slow heart rate
  2. Study of the heart
  3. disease of the liver
  4. cut out the uterus
  5. towards the head
  6. study of tissues
  7. bloody stool
  8. inflammation of the stomach

16 Clues: bloody stoolnot breathingslow heart ratetowards the headstudy of tissuestowards the nosestudy of the cellStudy of the heartcut out the uterushigh blood pressuredisease of the liverdisease of the brainto cut into the chestinflammation of the skininflammation of the bladderinflammation of the stomach

Medical Terminology 2022-02-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. crur/o
  2. middle
  3. crani/o
  4. epitheli/o
  5. glute/o
  6. side
  7. cephal/o
  8. front
  9. back of body
  1. neck,cervix
  2. away from
  3. brachi/o
  4. muscul/o
  5. abdomen
  6. infer/o
  7. tail

16 Clues: tailsidefrontcrur/omiddlecrani/oabdomeninfer/oglute/obrachi/omuscul/ocephal/oaway fromepitheli/oneck,cervixback of body

Medical Terminology 2022-02-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. combining form for nerve
  2. combining form for cell
  3. combining form for abdomen
  4. combining form for skull
  5. combining form for leg
  6. combining form for below
  7. combining form for tissue
  8. combining form for spine
  1. combining form for above
  2. combining form for side
  3. combining form for neck
  4. combining form for chest
  5. combining form for muscle
  6. combining form for head
  7. combining form for arm
  8. combining form for middle

16 Clues: combining form for armcombining form for legcombining form for sidecombining form for cellcombining form for neckcombining form for headcombining form for abovecombining form for nervecombining form for chestcombining form for skullcombining form for belowcombining form for spinecombining form for musclecombining form for middle...

Medical Terminology 2023-09-05

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. System Body's defense against infections and diseases
  2. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases
  3. Doctor specializing in heart diseases
  4. High-energy radiation for imaging the body
  5. Medical field focused on skin disorders
  6. Microscopic infectious agent
  7. Pressure Force of blood against artery walls
  8. Abnormal cell growth and division
  9. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents
  1. Identifying a disease or condition
  2. Medical imaging and interpretation
  3. Loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery
  4. Medication to treat bacterial infections
  5. Medical procedure involving incision and repair
  6. Abnormal immune reaction to a substance
  7. Disease-causing microorganism

16 Clues: Microscopic infectious agentDisease-causing microorganismAbnormal cell growth and divisionIdentifying a disease or conditionMedical imaging and interpretationDoctor specializing in heart diseasesMedical field focused on skin disordersAbnormal immune reaction to a substanceMedication to treat bacterial infections...

Medical Terminology 2023-09-05

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. System Body's defense against infections and diseases
  2. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases
  3. Doctor specializing in heart diseases
  4. High-energy radiation for imaging the body
  5. Medical field focused on skin disorders
  6. Microscopic infectious agent
  7. Pressure Force of blood against artery walls
  8. Abnormal cell growth and division
  9. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents
  1. Identifying a disease or condition
  2. Medical imaging and interpretation
  3. Loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery
  4. Medication to treat bacterial infections
  5. Medical procedure involving incision and repair
  6. Abnormal immune reaction to a substance
  7. Disease-causing microorganism

16 Clues: Microscopic infectious agentDisease-causing microorganismAbnormal cell growth and divisionIdentifying a disease or conditionMedical imaging and interpretationDoctor specializing in heart diseasesMedical field focused on skin disordersAbnormal immune reaction to a substanceMedication to treat bacterial infections...

Medical Terminology 2023-09-05

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. System Body's defense against infections and diseases
  2. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases
  3. Doctor specializing in heart diseases
  4. High-energy radiation for imaging the body
  5. Medical field focused on skin disorders
  6. Microscopic infectious agent
  7. Pressure Force of blood against artery walls
  8. Abnormal cell growth and division
  9. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents
  1. Identifying a disease or condition
  2. Medical imaging and interpretation
  3. Loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery
  4. Medication to treat bacterial infections
  5. Medical procedure involving incision and repair
  6. Abnormal immune reaction to a substance
  7. Disease-causing microorganism

16 Clues: Microscopic infectious agentDisease-causing microorganismAbnormal cell growth and divisionIdentifying a disease or conditionMedical imaging and interpretationDoctor specializing in heart diseasesMedical field focused on skin disordersAbnormal immune reaction to a substanceMedication to treat bacterial infections...

Medical Terminology 2023-09-05

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. System Body's defense against infections and diseases
  2. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases
  3. Doctor specializing in heart diseases
  4. High-energy radiation for imaging the body
  5. Medical field focused on skin disorders
  6. Microscopic infectious agent
  7. Pressure Force of blood against artery walls
  8. Abnormal cell growth and division
  9. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents
  1. Identifying a disease or condition
  2. Medical imaging and interpretation
  3. Loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery
  4. Medication to treat bacterial infections
  5. Medical procedure involving incision and repair
  6. Abnormal immune reaction to a substance
  7. Disease-causing microorganism

16 Clues: Microscopic infectious agentDisease-causing microorganismAbnormal cell growth and divisionIdentifying a disease or conditionMedical imaging and interpretationDoctor specializing in heart diseasesMedical field focused on skin disordersAbnormal immune reaction to a substanceMedication to treat bacterial infections...

Medical Terminology 2023-05-23

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. White plaques
  2. Remove of wrinkle
  3. Under the skin
  4. Pertaining to scale like
  5. Condition of hard
  6. Pertaining to white
  1. Pertaining to fat
  2. Condition of perfuses sweating
  3. Fat tumor
  4. Scraping away from the skin
  5. Pus on the skin
  6. Condition near the nail
  7. Condition of dry skin
  8. Burning pain
  9. Condition of fungus
  10. Condition to no sweat

16 Clues: Fat tumorBurning painWhite plaquesUnder the skinPus on the skinPertaining to fatRemove of wrinkleCondition of hardCondition of fungusPertaining to whiteCondition of dry skinCondition to no sweatCondition near the nailPertaining to scale likeScraping away from the skinCondition of perfuses sweating


MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY crossword puzzle


Medical terminology 2021-11-19

Medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. vein
  2. liver
  3. crown
  4. to hold back
  5. potassium
  6. on top of
  1. measure
  2. clot
  3. plaque or fatty substance
  4. vessel
  5. tumor
  6. control
  7. similar
  8. deficieny
  9. calcium
  10. an abnormally slow resting heart rate

16 Clues: clotveintumorlivercrownvesselmeasurecontrolsimilarcalciumdeficienypotassiumon top ofto hold backplaque or fatty substancean abnormally slow resting heart rate

Medical terminology 2022-12-27

Medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Fast heart rate.
  2. Away from center.
  3. Below normal blood flow to vital organs.
  4. Closer to midline.
  5. Towards the center.
  6. Study of the heart.
  7. Study of the mind.
  8. Closer to the feet.
  1. Black tarry stools typically seen in GI bleeds.
  2. Occurring before birth.
  3. Blue discoloration of the skin.
  4. Bending of a joint.
  5. Front surface of the body.
  6. Straightening of a joint.
  7. Farthest from point of attachment.
  8. Red blood cells that contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

16 Clues: Fast heart rate.Away from center.Closer to midline.Study of the mind.Bending of a joint.Towards the center.Study of the heart.Closer to the feet.Occurring before birth.Straightening of a joint.Front surface of the body.Blue discoloration of the skin.Farthest from point of attachment.Below normal blood flow to vital organs....


MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. Which term is used to describe blood in the urine?
  2. If your prescribing doctor wishes you to take the medicine after a meal they will write what on your script?
  3. What is the medical terminology for vomiting?
  4. What term is used to describe a condition that sees enlargement of the thyroid gland?
  5. What is the term for the innermost part of the heart?
  6. Which of the following best describes syncope?
  7. What is the word for the membranes which cover both the brain and the spinal cord?
  8. _________ care is often called outpatient care as the patient can walk out of the hospital after a procedure.
  9. What is the name of a foundational principle of hospice care which focuses on treating pain without treating the underlying cause?
  1. What is varicella?
  2. Edema is used to describe what condition no matter where it may occur?
  3. What word is used to describe a redness of the skin?
  4. What term is used for the bluish discoloration of the skin?
  5. What is another word for contusion?
  6. What is the onset of menses referred to as?
  7. Integumentary refers to the ____.

16 Clues: What is varicella?Integumentary refers to the ____.What is another word for contusion?What is the onset of menses referred to as?What is the medical terminology for vomiting?Which of the following best describes syncope?Which term is used to describe blood in the urine?What word is used to describe a redness of the skin?...

Medical Terminology 2023-09-05

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. High-energy radiation for imaging the body
  2. System Body's defense against infections and diseases
  3. Disease-causing microorganism
  4. Medical care for infants, children, and adolescents
  5. Medical imaging and interpretation
  6. Administration of vaccines to prevent diseases
  7. Medical procedure involving incision and repair
  1. Doctor specializing in heart diseases
  2. Microscopic infectious agent
  3. Loss of sensation or consciousness during surgery
  4. Abnormal immune reaction to a substance
  5. Medical field focused on skin disorders
  6. Identifying a disease or condition
  7. Medication to treat bacterial infections
  8. Pressure Force of blood against artery walls
  9. Abnormal cell growth and division

16 Clues: Microscopic infectious agentDisease-causing microorganismAbnormal cell growth and divisionIdentifying a disease or conditionMedical imaging and interpretationDoctor specializing in heart diseasesAbnormal immune reaction to a substanceMedical field focused on skin disordersMedication to treat bacterial infections...

Medical terminology 2024-07-25

Medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. A patient is under investigation for an inflammation of their skin. This is called…
  2. Someone is visiting their relative who had a hip replacement. What ward should they go to?
  3. A patient has a chronic condition of pain in their muscles. This is called…
  4. Inflammation of the sac around the heart
  5. A patient is going to hospital for a camera investigation of their large intestine, this is called…
  6. A doctor explains that the scan shows the patient has an enlarged liver. This is called…
  7. A patient has severe diarrhoea and vomiting. This is called...
  8. A patient has pain in their uterus. This is called...
  9. A patient has an appointment with a haematologist that you are attending with them. This doctor specialises in…
  1. Doctor specialising in the heart
  2. A patient has an acute and painful inflammation of their pancreas. This is called...
  3. The doctor explains that the patient's heart rate is low. This is called...
  4. Patient has told you they have a history of high blood pressure, this is called…
  5. A nurse asks to take a electrical tracing of the patient’s heart. This is called…
  6. A patient has been diagnosed with a kidney stone. The medical term for this is...
  7. A patient is going into hospital to have a removal of left breast due to cancer. This is called…

16 Clues: Doctor specialising in the heartInflammation of the sac around the heartA patient has pain in their uterus. This is called...A patient has severe diarrhoea and vomiting. This is called...A patient has a chronic condition of pain in their muscles. This is called…The doctor explains that the patient's heart rate is low. This is called......

Medical Terminology 2013-02-06

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. latin root for beard
  2. means backward or back
  3. the plural form of vas
  4. father of medical terminology
  5. cerebr is the latin root for
  6. means little
  7. where you start when analyzing a word
  1. latin root for nostril
  2. Greek root for male
  3. Dissecting a word so you can understand the meaning
  4. vowel a vowel in the middle of the word
  5. modifies the root word usually quantifying or qualifying it
  6. end of the word
  7. Greek root for sugar
  8. sangui is the latin root for
  9. means surgical opening of

16 Clues: means littleend of the wordGreek root for malelatin root for beardGreek root for sugarlatin root for nostrilmeans backward or backthe plural form of vasmeans surgical opening ofcerebr is the latin root forsangui is the latin root forfather of medical terminologywhere you start when analyzing a wordvowel a vowel in the middle of the word...

Medical Terminology 2018-01-17

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. hidro-
  2. pulmono-
  3. laparo-
  4. chondro-
  5. ictero-
  6. arterio-
  7. dactyl-
  8. tricho-
  1. cerebro-
  2. gastro-
  3. adeno-
  4. carcino-
  5. arthro-
  6. phlebo-
  7. necro-
  8. oto-

16 Clues: oto-hidro-adeno-necro-gastro-laparo-ictero-arthro-phlebo-dactyl-tricho-cerebro-pulmono-chondro-carcino-arterio-

Medical Terminology 2022-02-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. cell
  2. neck
  3. joint
  4. death
  5. white
  6. abdomen
  7. bladder
  8. hair
  1. sac
  2. arm
  3. wrist
  4. skull
  5. blue
  6. bone
  7. fat
  8. tissue

16 Clues: sacarmfatcellblueneckbonehairwristskulljointdeathwhitetissueabdomenbladder

Medical Terminology 2023-10-24

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Element:gastr-,digests food
  2. Element:-rrhaphy,"stitching"up a wound
  3. Element:ophthalm-,sight
  4. Element:acro-,another term for limbs
  5. Element:mening-,muscus ______
  6. Element:thorac-,____ cavity
  7. Element:oophor-,female reproductive cell
  1. Element:malign-,think of the difference between a begnin and malignent tumor
  2. Element:-crine,what is a role of the Endocrine system
  3. Element:edema,growing larger
  4. Element:encephal,sends electrical impulses
  5. Element:-itis,test in flames
  6. Element:brady-,not very fast
  7. Element:spondyl-,rows and _______
  8. Elemnent:ren,filter blood
  9. Element:chole-,produced by the liver

16 Clues: Element:ophthalm-,sightElemnent:ren,filter bloodElement:gastr-,digests foodElement:thorac-,____ cavityElement:edema,growing largerElement:-itis,test in flamesElement:brady-,not very fastElement:mening-,muscus ______Element:spondyl-,rows and _______Element:acro-,another term for limbsElement:chole-,produced by the liver...

Medical Terminology 2024-03-21

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. farther from the surface of the body
  2. toward the feet end of the body
  3. symptoms that continue over an extended amount of time
  4. farther away from the center of the body
  5. symptoms or signs that begin and worsen quickly
  6. the front side of the body
  7. swelling caused by too much fluid trapped in the body's tissues
  8. closer to the surface of the body
  1. toward the head end of the body
  2. two lower chambers of the heart
  3. laying face down
  4. closer toward the center of the body
  5. the back side of the body
  6. laying face up
  7. tiny air sacks where O2 and CO2 are exchanged
  8. two upper chambers of the heart

16 Clues: laying face uplaying face downthe back side of the bodythe front side of the bodytoward the head end of the bodytwo lower chambers of the hearttoward the feet end of the bodytwo upper chambers of the heartcloser to the surface of the bodyfarther from the surface of the bodycloser toward the center of the bodyfarther away from the center of the body...

veterinarian medical terms & terminology 2021-11-02

veterinarian medical terms & terminology crossword puzzle
  1. means less than normal
  2. means above
  3. come before root words
  4. help connect parts of the word together
  5. means around
  6. may not be joined by a
  7. another word for under
  8. comes after root words
  1. is based on greek and latin origins
  2. is another word for excessive
  3. means before
  4. medical terminology origin
  5. a negative qualifier
  6. the foundation
  7. have two or more roots
  8. important for veterinarians

16 Clues: means abovemeans beforemeans aroundthe foundationa negative qualifiermeans less than normalcome before root wordshave two or more rootsmay not be joined by aanother word for undercomes after root wordsmedical terminology originimportant for veterinariansis another word for excessiveis based on greek and latin origins...

Raven's Crossword 2014-03-06

Raven's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. use precise descriptions and accepted medical terminology when describing a patient's condition
  2. filing system that uses the patient problem list as the source for filing within the patient medical record
  3. an audit that is done after billing is submitted
  4. an audit that is done before billing is submitted
  5. What does the A stand for in the abbreviation SOAP
  6. transforming spoken notes into accurate written form
  7. the process of recording information in a patient's medical record
  8. subjective or internal conditions felt by the patient
  9. contain important information about a patient's medical history and present condition
  10. files files that need periodic attention
  1. provide complete information that is readily understandable to others whenever you make any notation in the patient's chart
  2. what leading cause of death in the united states is from medical errors
  3. a record to examine and review a group of patient records for accuracy
  4. a patient who does not follow the medical advice given
  5. often abbreviated ROS and the results of a general physical examination
  6. patient information is arranged within the cart or medical record according to who supplied the data
  7. Objective or external factors
  8. medical records should be kept up to date and be readily available when a doctor needs to see them
  9. an electronic version of the comprehensive medical history and record of a patient's lifelong health
  10. which of the 6 Cs means getting to the point

20 Clues: Objective or external factorsfiles files that need periodic attentionwhich of the 6 Cs means getting to the pointan audit that is done after billing is submittedan audit that is done before billing is submittedWhat does the A stand for in the abbreviation SOAPtransforming spoken notes into accurate written form...

Medical Terminology 2017-05-02

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. administration of a discrete amount of medication, drug or other compound; or a material which has properties equivalent to tissue when irradiated
  2. in or relating to the head
  3. glomerular filtration rate
  4. neck of femur
  5. major visceral organs are reversed or mirrored from their normal positions
  6. an abnormal collection of blood outside of a blood vessel
  7. surgical removal of the gallbladder
  8. inflammation of the two thin layers of a sac-like tissue that surrounds the heart
  9. brain tumour that arises from the glial cells
  1. kidneys, ureter, bladder
  2. Partial or complete temporary loss of consciousness with spontaneous recovery
  3. pyrexia of unknown origin
  4. pertaining to a rib and a vertebra
  5. Latin prefix for across
  6. degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone

15 Clues: neck of femurLatin prefix for acrosskidneys, ureter, bladderpyrexia of unknown originin or relating to the headglomerular filtration ratepertaining to a rib and a vertebrasurgical removal of the gallbladderbrain tumour that arises from the glial cellsdegeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone...

Medical Terminology 2021-11-04

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation
  2. surgical opening
  3. hernia
  4. condition
  5. like;resembling
  6. produced by
  7. weakness
  8. death of tissue
  9. enlargement
  1. surgical incision
  2. pain
  3. surgical puncture
  4. softening
  5. image
  6. instrument to record

15 Clues: painimageherniaweaknessconditionsofteningproduced byenlargementinflammationlike;resemblingdeath of tissuesurgical openingsurgical incisionsurgical punctureinstrument to record

Medical Terminology 2022-08-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. stretching or tearing of muscular or tendinous tissue
  2. cut or scrape
  3. away from the center of the body
  4. towards the back of the body
  5. stretching or tearing of ligamentous tissue
  6. below
  7. close on an appendage
  1. a condition that is recurring or persistent
  2. away on an appendage
  3. towards the center of the body
  4. towards the front of the body
  5. broken bone or cartilage
  6. a bruise
  7. a condition that begins abruptly and can sometimes be serious, duration is short
  8. above

15 Clues: abovebelowa bruisecut or scrapeaway on an appendageclose on an appendagebroken bone or cartilagetowards the back of the bodytowards the front of the bodytowards the center of the bodyaway from the center of the bodya condition that is recurring or persistentstretching or tearing of ligamentous tissue...

Medical Terminology 2023-01-26

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Hospital accreditation
  2. Instrument to destroy tissue by burning
  3. Blood clot
  4. Check in and check out the same day
  5. Device delivers electric shocks to restart heart
  6. A tissue sample for testing purposes
  7. Sudden but usually short
  1. Administers anesthetics
  2. Mass or growth of thin tissue
  3. Drug not used with suspected MH
  4. Cancerous
  5. Without delay
  6. Stitches
  7. Affecting both sides
  8. Swelling

15 Clues: StitchesSwellingCancerousBlood clotWithout delayAffecting both sidesHospital accreditationAdministers anestheticsSudden but usually shortMass or growth of thin tissueDrug not used with suspected MHCheck in and check out the same dayA tissue sample for testing purposesInstrument to destroy tissue by burning...

Medical Terminology 2021-04-12

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The term means inflammation of the pancreas.
  2. Term that describes blood in the
  3. Which of these conditions is commonly known as a bruise.
  4. An abnormally slow heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute is known as.
  5. The presence of glucose in the urine is known as.
  6. The term , which is also known as wheezing is the sound heard during breathing out as air passes out through a partially obstructed airway.
  7. bacterial infection of the lining of her heart. This condition is known asbacterial.
  1. An abnormally rapid rate of respiration of more than 20 breaths per minute is known as.
  2. Term referring to a kidney.
  3. The term means toward or nearer the midline.
  4. A blood clot attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery is known as a/an.
  5. is the tissue death of an artery or
  6. a normal scar resulting from the healing of a wound.
  7. The acute respiratory syndrome known as__, is characterized in children and infants by obstruction of the larynx hoarseness and a barking cough.
  8. is an abnormal increase in the number of red cells in the blood due to excess production of these cells by the bone marrow.

15 Clues: Term referring to a kidney.Term that describes blood in theis the tissue death of an artery orThe term means inflammation of the pancreas.The term means toward or nearer the midline.The presence of glucose in the urine is known as.a normal scar resulting from the healing of a wound.Which of these conditions is commonly known as a bruise....

Medical Terminology 2022-10-31

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. when the joint angle increases
  2. patient is lying face up
  3. shortened forms of words or phrases
  4. divides the body into dorsal and ventral
  5. when the joint moves toward the body
  6. when the hand or foot rolls inward
  7. rotation so the hands or feet point toward midline
  8. patient is lying face down
  1. when the hand or foot rolls outward
  2. divides body into equal right&left halves
  3. when the joint moves away from the body
  4. rotation so the hands/feet pnt away from midline
  5. come after the root word
  6. when the joint angle decreases
  7. come before the root word

15 Clues: patient is lying face upcome after the root wordcome before the root wordpatient is lying face downwhen the joint angle increaseswhen the joint angle decreaseswhen the hand or foot rolls inwardwhen the hand or foot rolls outwardshortened forms of words or phraseswhen the joint moves toward the bodywhen the joint moves away from the body...

Medical Terminology 2023-06-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. A medical emergency caused by a disruption of blood flow to the brain, resulting in brain damage and potential loss of function.
  2. A chronic lung disease that damages and enlarges the air sacs and surrounding tissues, making breathing difficult.
  3. Yellowing of the skin and eyes due to a buildup of bilirubin in the blood, often indicative of liver disease.
  4. A structured and disciplined approach to diets, exercise and other daily activities that often involves following specific rules or routines.
  5. Surgical procedure used to remove tissue from the uterus, often used for miscarriage management.
  6. Medical specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat.
  7. A strong and unpleasant odor.
  1. A device used to stabilize and immobilize a fracture or injured body part to promote healing and prevent further damage.
  2. A painful ulcer on the inside of the mouth or lips, often caused by stress or injury.
  3. A medical professional who specializes in treating foot and ankle conditions.
  4. A small organ located under the liver, which stores and releases bile to help digest fats in the small intestine.
  5. A painful swelling at the base of the big toe caused by abnormal bone growth.
  6. A condition where the arteries become thicker and less flexible, leading to reduced blood flow and increased risk of heart disease.
  7. The presence of microorganisms or their toxins in the blood, causing
  8. diseased state.

15 Clues: diseased state.A strong and unpleasant odor.The presence of microorganisms or their toxins in the blood, causingA medical professional who specializes in treating foot and ankle conditions.A painful swelling at the base of the big toe caused by abnormal bone growth....

Medical Terminology 2023-11-09

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. relaxation of the heart
  2. processmicroscopiching
  3. moving away from the midline
  4. moving around a central axis; turning
  5. increasing the angle between two parts
  6. contraction of the heart
  7. the throat
  1. microspic air sacs in lungs
  2. voice box
  3. small branches of the bronchi
  4. moving toward the midline
  5. breathing in, taking air into the lungs
  6. windpipe from larynx to bronchi
  7. hairlike projection
  8. a serous membrane that covers lungs

15 Clues: voice boxthe throathairlike projectionprocessmicroscopichingrelaxation of the heartcontraction of the heartmoving toward the midlinemicrospic air sacs in lungsmoving away from the midlinesmall branches of the bronchiwindpipe from larynx to bronchia serous membrane that covers lungsmoving around a central axis; turning...

Medical terminology 2023-12-07

Medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. toward the back of the body
  2. away from the surface
  3. lying face down with palms facing down
  4. toward the side of the body
  5. closer to the head
  6. front of the body
  7. closer to the point of origin
  8. toward the midline of the body
  1. closer to the feet
  2. toward the tailbone
  3. laying on the back with palms facing up
  4. toward the head
  5. front of the body
  6. back of the body
  7. outer part of the body
  8. away from the point of origin

16 Clues: toward the headback of the bodyfront of the bodyfront of the bodycloser to the feetcloser to the headtoward the tailboneaway from the surfaceouter part of the bodytoward the back of the bodytoward the side of the bodyaway from the point of origincloser to the point of origintoward the midline of the bodylying face down with palms facing down...

Medical Terminology 2023-09-03

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The central organ of the nervous system responsible for thinking and sensation.
  2. A vital organ that performs various metabolic functions.
  3. The fibrous cords that transmit signals between the brain and body.
  4. Organs responsible for respiration and oxygen exchange.
  5. Hard, rigid organs that make up the skeleton and support the body.
  6. The outer covering of the body, protecting it from the environment.
  7. Hard structures in the mouth for chewing and breaking down food.
  8. Tissues responsible for movement and providing support to the body.
  1. An organ involved in regulating blood sugar levels and digestion.
  2. Organs that filter waste and excess fluid from the blood.
  3. A vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
  4. The red fluid circulating in the circulatory system.
  5. A muscular organ in the digestive system for food digestion.
  6. Organs responsible for hearing and maintaining balance.
  7. Organs of vision, allowing perception of the surrounding world.

15 Clues: A vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body.The red fluid circulating in the circulatory system.Organs responsible for respiration and oxygen exchange.Organs responsible for hearing and maintaining balance.A vital organ that performs various metabolic functions.Organs that filter waste and excess fluid from the blood....

Medical Terminology 2024-08-23

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. surgical removal, cutting out
  2. pain,suffering
  3. flow or discharge
  4. surgical repair
  5. rupture
  6. cutting, surgical repair
  7. bleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge
  8. inflammation
  1. abnormal condition, disease
  2. deficient, decreased
  3. the surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface
  4. excessive, increased
  5. bad, diffcult, or painful
  6. surgical suturing
  7. abnormal hardening

15 Clues: ruptureinflammationpain,sufferingsurgical repairflow or dischargesurgical suturingabnormal hardeningdeficient, decreasedexcessive, increasedcutting, surgical repairbad, diffcult, or painfulabnormal condition, diseasesurgical removal, cutting outbleeding, abnormal excessive fluid discharge...

Medical Terminology 2024-09-19

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation
  2. relating to blood vessels
  3. within
  4. higher than normal
  5. pain
  6. relating to kidneys
  7. behind
  1. half
  2. inside
  3. less than normal
  4. foot
  5. breathing
  6. relating to the heart
  7. relating to the stomach
  8. swelling or tumor

15 Clues: halffootpaininsidewithinbehindbreathinginflammationless than normalswelling or tumorhigher than normalrelating to kidneysrelating to the heartrelating to the stomachrelating to blood vessels

Medical Terminology 2022-09-02

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Creates a top and bottom half
  2. Lying on belly
  3. Creates a right and left side
  4. Lying on back
  5. Back side
  6. Front side
  7. Further from the midline of the body
  8. Further from the trunk of the body
  1. Closer toward the trunk of the body
  2. Position Reference used to describe body parts in relation to one another
  3. below or nearer to the feet
  4. Fixed lines of reference
  5. above or nearer to the head
  6. Creates a front and back side
  7. Closer to the midline of the body

15 Clues: Back sideFront sideLying on backLying on bellyFixed lines of referencebelow or nearer to the feetabove or nearer to the headCreates a top and bottom halfCreates a right and left sideCreates a front and back sideCloser to the midline of the bodyFurther from the trunk of the bodyCloser toward the trunk of the bodyFurther from the midline of the body...

Medical Terminology 2019-02-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Principles of right or good conduct
  2. A contract or agreement that creates obligations without verbally expressed terms
  3. All personal information giver to health personnel by a patient; must be kept confidential
  4. Law Laws that focus on the legal relationships between people and the protection on the person's rights
  5. Providing improper or unprofessional treatment or care that results in injury to another person
  6. Any care that results in physical harm or pain, mental anguish
  7. Revealing personal information about an individual without his or her consent
  8. False written statement that causes a person ridicule or contempt or causes damage to the person's reputation
  9. A wrongful or illegal act of civil law not involving a contract
  10. Spoken comment that causes a person ridicule or contempt or damages the person's reputation
  1. A list of rights that every patient can expect to receive while under the care of health care providers
  2. Permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind and aware of all factors involved
  3. Restraining an individual or restricting an individual's freedom
  4. Failure to give care that is normally expected, resulting in injury to another person
  5. Authorized or bases on law

15 Clues: Authorized or bases on lawPrinciples of right or good conductAny care that results in physical harm or pain, mental anguishA wrongful or illegal act of civil law not involving a contractRestraining an individual or restricting an individual's freedomRevealing personal information about an individual without his or her consent...

Medical Terminology 2021-10-20

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. the study of
  2. a filter that produces waste product/urine
  3. being inside,within, or an inner part
  4. an involuntary contraction
  5. the softening or soft condition of
  6. sits on the right side of the belly
  7. having to do with the gums
  8. the skull
  1. someone who specializes in the study of something
  2. having to do with the eyelid
  3. alike,resembling, having the form or shape of
  4. half or affecting one side
  5. having to do with the nose
  6. having to do with joint
  7. having to do with pain

15 Clues: the skullthe study ofhaving to do with painhaving to do with jointhalf or affecting one sidehaving to do with the nosean involuntary contractionhaving to do with the gumshaving to do with the eyelidthe softening or soft condition ofsits on the right side of the bellybeing inside,within, or an inner parta filter that produces waste product/urine...

Medical Terminology 2021-11-16

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. suffix for blood
  2. suffix for inflammation
  3. suffix for pain
  4. another word for skull
  5. suffix for disease
  6. suffix for decomposition of cell
  7. root word for eye
  8. prefix for many
  1. suffix for breath
  2. pertaining to children
  3. study of microorganisms
  4. prefix for slow
  5. root word for heart
  6. prefix for false
  7. pertaining to the lower back region

15 Clues: prefix for slowsuffix for painprefix for manysuffix for bloodprefix for falsesuffix for breathroot word for eyesuffix for diseaseroot word for heartpertaining to childrenanother word for skullstudy of microorganismssuffix for inflammationsuffix for decomposition of cellpertaining to the lower back region

Medical Terminology 2016-03-12

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. being attracted to, death
  2. cell, white
  3. surgical removal,wrinkle
  4. surgical repair,vessel
  5. skin condition, hard
  6. view of,life
  7. abnormal condition,without,sweat
  1. that which produces, disease
  2. pertaining to,nails
  3. study of, skin
  4. tumor, flesh
  5. pressure,excessive
  6. discharge, oil
  7. pertaining to,against,infection
  8. state of,white

15 Clues: cell, whitetumor, fleshview of,lifestudy of, skindischarge, oilstate of,whitepressure,excessivepertaining to,nailsskin condition, hardsurgical repair,vesselsurgical removal,wrinklebeing attracted to, deaththat which produces, diseasepertaining to,against,infectionabnormal condition,without,sweat

Medical Terminology 2017-08-08

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. part of the brain
  2. softening of the bones
  3. an examination of the throat or the voice-box
  4. breaking of the kidney stones using shock waves
  5. collar bone
  6. inflammation of the middle ear
  7. inflammation of the tongue
  8. backache
  1. knee cap
  2. severe nausea and vomiting
  3. less blood count
  4. Physician treating diseases of the skin
  5. cancer specialist
  6. pertaining to heart
  7. surgical removal of spleen

15 Clues: knee capbackachecollar boneless blood countpart of the braincancer specialistpertaining to heartsoftening of the bonessevere nausea and vomitingsurgical removal of spleeninflammation of the tongueinflammation of the middle earPhysician treating diseases of the skinan examination of the throat or the voice-box...

Medical Terminology 2022-03-25

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. event where poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death.
  2. disorder that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep
  3. A medical specialty dealing with the study of the digestive system and its disorders
  4. branch of medicine and surgery concerned with childbirth and care of women giving birth
  5. specialty of medicine that concerns itself with the study of normal kidney function
  6. sorting by urgency of symptoms to determine the treatment order patients are seen
  1. branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system
  2. a noticeable rapid, strong, or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion, or illness
  3. study of the human mind and its functions
  4. drug that in moderate doses dulls the senses, relives pain, and induces profound sleep
  5. branch of medicine dealing with children
  6. identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms
  7. study and treatment of tumors
  8. branch of medicine dealing with the correction of deformities of bones or muscles
  9. the branch of medicine and physiology concerned with the function and disorders of urinary system

15 Clues: study and treatment of tumorsbranch of medicine dealing with childrenstudy of the human mind and its functionsbranch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous systemevent where poor blood flow to the brain results in cell death.disorder that occurs when a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep...

Medical terminology 2023-03-15

Medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. difficulty breathing
  2. fast breathing
  3. Inflammation of joints
  4. inflammation surrounding the heart
  5. painful muscle condition
  6. low blood count
  7. inflammation of the stomach lining
  1. fast/rapid heart
  2. disease relating to a nerve
  3. head pain
  4. inflammation of the skin
  5. inflammation of the liver
  6. inflammation of the brain
  7. inflammation of the throat
  8. chronic muscle inflammation

15 Clues: head painfast breathinglow blood countfast/rapid heartdifficulty breathingInflammation of jointspainful muscle conditioninflammation of the skininflammation of the liverinflammation of the braininflammation of the throatdisease relating to a nervechronic muscle inflammationinflammation surrounding the heartinflammation of the stomach lining

medical terminology 2023-11-09

medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. microscopic air sacs in the lungs
  2. period of work or contraction of the heart
  3. movement towards the midline
  4. straightening a limb
  5. turning palm up
  6. bending a limb
  7. movement away from the midline
  1. liquid portion of the blood
  2. period of relaxation of the heart
  3. turning palm down
  4. movement around a central axis
  5. hair like projections
  6. bending backward or bending the foot towards the knee
  7. moving in a circle at a joint
  8. the iron-containing protein of the red blood cells

15 Clues: bending a limbturning palm upturning palm downstraightening a limbhair like projectionsliquid portion of the bloodmovement towards the midlinemoving in a circle at a jointmovement around a central axismovement away from the midlineperiod of relaxation of the heartmicroscopic air sacs in the lungsperiod of work or contraction of the heart...

Medical Terminology 2023-11-08

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. period of relaxation of the heart
  2. microscopic air sacs in the lung
  3. blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
  4. a constant state of natural balance within the body
  5. breathing in; taking air into the lungs
  6. hairlike projections
  7. the straightening of a joint
  1. turning the palms upward (toward the sky)
  2. decreasing the angle between two parts; bending a limb
  3. movement of a limb towards the midline
  4. rhythmic, wavelike motion of involuntary muscles
  5. liquid portion of the blood
  6. turning the palms downward (toward the ground)
  7. period of work, or contraction, of the heart
  8. blood vessel that carries blood toward the heart

15 Clues: hairlike projectionsliquid portion of the bloodthe straightening of a jointmicroscopic air sacs in the lungperiod of relaxation of the heartmovement of a limb towards the midlinebreathing in; taking air into the lungsturning the palms upward (toward the sky)period of work, or contraction, of the heartturning the palms downward (toward the ground)...

Medical Terminology 2024-03-19

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. slow breathing
  2. surgical repair of the bronchus
  3. lung specialist
  4. inflammation of the bronchus
  5. condition of no breathing
  6. blood in the chest
  7. insufficient oxygen in the blood
  8. surgical removal of the voice box
  1. surgical removal of a lobe
  2. surgical opening in the trachea
  3. runny nose(flow/discharge from the nose)
  4. inflammation of the voice box
  5. rapid breathing
  6. pus in the chest
  7. incision to the chest

15 Clues: slow breathinglung specialistrapid breathingpus in the chestblood in the chestincision to the chestcondition of no breathingsurgical removal of a lobeinflammation of the bronchusinflammation of the voice boxsurgical opening in the tracheasurgical repair of the bronchusinsufficient oxygen in the bloodsurgical removal of the voice box...

Medical Terminology 2024-08-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Divides the body into superior and inferior
  2. Divides the body into anterior and posterior parts
  3. Pertaining to the chest region
  4. Divides the body into left and right parts
  5. Pertaining to the buttocks
  6. Relating to the back or posterior of the body
  7. Relating to the front or anterior of the body
  8. Pertaining to the lower back or lumbar vertebrae
  1. Pertaining to the thigh
  2. Pertaining to the abdomen
  3. Pertaining to the arm
  4. Toward the tail or lower part of the body
  5. Pertaining to the neck or cervical vertebrae
  6. Pertaining to the skull or head
  7. Pertaining to the pelvis

15 Clues: Pertaining to the armPertaining to the thighPertaining to the pelvisPertaining to the abdomenPertaining to the buttocksPertaining to the chest regionPertaining to the skull or headToward the tail or lower part of the bodyDivides the body into left and right partsDivides the body into superior and inferiorPertaining to the neck or cervical vertebrae...

Medical Terminology 2024-08-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. New opening of the colon or large intestine
  2. Surgical repair of the nose
  3. Tumor of the bone
  4. softening
  5. Spin/o
  6. Ophthalm/o
  7. Cost/o
  8. Pain of the joint
  1. Arthr/o
  2. Pain in the head
  3. Orth/o
  4. Cyte/o
  5. My/o
  6. Inflammation of the liver
  7. Hemat/

15 Clues: My/oOrth/oCyte/oSpin/oCost/oHemat/Arthr/osofteningOphthalm/oPain in the headTumor of the bonePain of the jointInflammation of the liverSurgical repair of the noseNew opening of the colon or large intestine

Medical Terminology 2024-08-15

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. A surgical procedure to correct a deviated nasal septum - a displacement of the bone and cartilage that divides your two nostrils.
  2. a way of looking inside the body using a flexible tube that has a small camera on the end of it.
  3. Services that include rehabilitative services to help restore bodily functions such walking,speech,the use of limbs, etc.
  4. A non-invasive procedure that is used to provide detailed views of the bones, blood vessels, brain and dense tissues.
  5. Medical equipment used in the course of treatment or home care, including such items as crutches, knee braces, wheelchairs, etc.
  6. Care rendered either on an inpatient basis or in the home setting for a terminally ill patient.
  7. A doctor who does not serve as a primary care physician, but who provides secondary care, specializing in a specific medical field.
  1. When a member requires a great deal of medical care, the health insurance company may assign the member to this, to work with the patient's healthcare providers to assist in the management of the patient's long term needs.
  2. A term referring to a patient who receives care at a medical facility but who is not admitted to the facility overnight, or for 24 hours or less.
  3. health care professional focused on the diagnostic and treatment on neuromuscular disorders, with an emphasis on treatment through manual adjustment and/or manipulation of the spine.
  4. Uses sound waves to make a picture of the organs and structures in the body.
  5. A term used to describe a person admitted to a hospital for at least 24 hours.
  6. Uses radiation energy to create images of internal body structures with a quick, painless procedure.
  7. services performed by an acupuncturist
  8. an ultrasound of the heart to look at heart size and function, including the heart valves.

15 Clues: services performed by an acupuncturistUses sound waves to make a picture of the organs and structures in the body.A term used to describe a person admitted to a hospital for at least 24 ultrasound of the heart to look at heart size and function, including the heart valves....

Medical Terminology 2013-07-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the kidney
  2. difficult breathing
  3. branch of medicine involved in diagnoses and treatment of diseases and disorders of the digestive system
  4. difficult or painful urination
  5. inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
  6. female reproductive organs
  7. point at which axon of one neuron meets dendrite of next neuron
  1. nasal hairs that filter dust
  2. endocrine gland located behind the optic nerve in the brain
  3. pertaining to the lung
  4. function is to store bile made by the liver
  5. wave like muscular movements in the wall of the digestive system tube, moves food along the tube
  6. urinary tract infection
  7. hormone secereted by pancreas
  8. male reproductive organs

15 Clues: difficult breathingpertaining to the lungurinary tract infectionmale reproductive organsinflammation of the kidneyfemale reproductive organsnasal hairs that filter dusthormone secereted by pancreasdifficult or painful urinationfunction is to store bile made by the liverendocrine gland located behind the optic nerve in the brain...

Medical Terminology 2014-07-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. membrane that protects and holds organs in abdominal cavity
  2. the study of the functions of the structures of the body
  3. the study of ear, nose and throat
  4. the study of the structure, composition, and function of tissues
  5. the front or belly side of the body or organ
  6. viral infection of the gray matter of the spinal cord
  7. the process of upholding a continuous internal environment
  1. nerve repair by surgery
  2. layer of specialized cells put together to do specific jobs
  3. grouped together to form tissues and organs
  4. stitching together the ends of a severed nerve
  5. the study of the structures of the body
  6. an inflammation of the stomach and small intestine
  7. the study of all aspects of diseases
  8. an inflammation of the tonsils

15 Clues: nerve repair by surgeryan inflammation of the tonsilsthe study of ear, nose and throatthe study of all aspects of diseasesthe study of the structures of the bodygrouped together to form tissues and organsthe front or belly side of the body or organstitching together the ends of a severed nervean inflammation of the stomach and small intestine...

Medical Terminology 2017-08-08

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. knee cap
  2. pertaining to heart
  3. softening of the bones
  4. less blood count
  5. Physician treating diseases of the skin
  6. breaking of the kidney stones using shock waves
  7. severe nausea and vomiting
  8. inflammation of the tongue
  1. backache
  2. surgical removal of spleen
  3. cancer specialist
  4. an examination of the throat or the voice-box
  5. collar bone
  6. inflammation of the middle ear
  7. part of the brain

15 Clues: backacheknee capcollar boneless blood countcancer specialistpart of the brainpertaining to heartsoftening of the bonessurgical removal of spleensevere nausea and vomitinginflammation of the tongueinflammation of the middle earPhysician treating diseases of the skinan examination of the throat or the voice-box...

Medical Terminology 2019-05-31

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. a tumor in lymphocytes
  2. the study of the heart
  3. reduction of red blood cells
  4. hardening of an artery
  5. red blood cell
  6. inflammation of the tonsils
  7. cancer in blood with an abnormal increase of white blood cell
  1. the study of the blood
  2. slow heartbeat
  3. a cell that helps blood clot
  4. instrument used to measure blood
  5. removal of lymph glands
  6. a condition of small red blood cells
  7. rapid heartbeat
  8. specialist in the study of the immune system

15 Clues: slow heartbeatred blood cellrapid heartbeatthe study of the blooda tumor in lymphocytesthe study of the hearthardening of an arteryremoval of lymph glandsinflammation of the tonsilsa cell that helps blood clotreduction of red blood cellsinstrument used to measure blooda condition of small red blood cellsspecialist in the study of the immune system...

Medical Terminology 2021-04-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. voice box
  2. bronchus
  3. pleura
  4. chest
  5. lungs
  6. tonsil
  7. sternum
  1. throat
  2. lobe
  3. windpipe
  4. septum
  5. nose
  6. air
  7. rib
  8. diaphragm

15 Clues: airriblobenosechestlungsthroatseptumpleuratonsilsternumwindpipebronchusvoice boxdiaphragm

Medical Terminology 2021-06-09

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. plant where marijuana
  2. tough outer layer of the eyeball
  3. treatment using water
  4. thick-walled sac containing fluid
  5. colored layer of the eye
  6. sensitive reaction to a drug or protein
  7. transparent layer that extends over the eye
  1. hormone secreted that increased blood sugar
  2. agent given to counteract a drug
  3. drugs to deal with anxiety
  4. middle layer of the eye
  5. the lack of the ability to speak
  6. elevated mood, a high
  7. light sensitive layer of the eye
  8. inability to hear

15 Clues: inability to hearplant where marijuanaelevated mood, a hightreatment using watermiddle layer of the eyecolored layer of the eyedrugs to deal with anxietyagent given to counteract a drugtough outer layer of the eyeballthe lack of the ability to speaklight sensitive layer of the eyethick-walled sac containing fluid...

Medical Terminology 2021-09-27

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. bleeding
  2. jagged wound or cut
  3. subjective evidence of a disease
  4. cutting
  5. abnormal hardening
  6. bad, difficult
  1. New,usually of rapid onset and of concern, opposite of chronic
  2. inflammation of the stomach
  3. surgical repair
  4. tissue death
  5. deficient
  6. enlarged
  7. pain
  8. red
  9. under,less

15 Clues: redpaincuttingbleedingenlargeddeficientunder,lesstissue deathbad, difficultsurgical repairabnormal hardeningjagged wound or cutinflammation of the stomachsubjective evidence of a diseaseNew,usually of rapid onset and of concern, opposite of chronic

Medical Terminology 2021-09-17

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. , the surgical removal of a body part
  2. , A surgical repair
  3. , it's red and it's where you take the apical pulse
  4. , makes growling noise when your hungry
  5. , the brain
  6. , A tumor or swelling
  7. , cutting into
  1. , it absorbs nutrients and water
  2. , enlarge
  3. , Someones hits their head now they have a big lump what is it called?
  4. , A disease, feeling, or suffering
  5. , A vessel or any vessel
  6. , skin
  7. , A gland
  8. , a condition or disease

15 Clues: , skin, enlarge, A gland, the brain, cutting into, A surgical repair, A tumor or swelling, A vessel or any vessel, a condition or disease, it absorbs nutrients and water, A disease, feeling, or suffering, the surgical removal of a body part, makes growling noise when your hungry, it's red and it's where you take the apical pulse...

Medical Terminology 2023-04-30

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. rapid heart beat
  2. fear of leaving home or a safe place
  3. inflammation of the brain
  4. spread of a malignant tumor to a secondary sight or distant sight
  5. opposite of tachycardia; slow heart beat
  6. pertaining to a condition caused by treatment
  7. pertaining to the cheek
  8. disease of nerves
  1. instrument that is used to cut bone
  2. intense burning pain
  3. surgical repair of blood vessels
  4. removal of the uterus
  5. study of tumors
  6. obsessive preoccupation with fire
  7. study of cells

15 Clues: study of cellsstudy of tumorsrapid heart beatdisease of nervesintense burning painremoval of the uteruspertaining to the cheekinflammation of the brainsurgical repair of blood vesselsobsessive preoccupation with fireinstrument that is used to cut bonefear of leaving home or a safe placeopposite of tachycardia; slow heart beat...

Medical Terminology 2023-02-02

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. a faster than normal heartbeat
  2. pulse point on the wrist
  3. a lower than normal blood pressure
  4. a faster than normal amount of respiration
  5. the number of heart beats per minute
  6. the lower number on a blood pressure reading
  7. a higher than normal blood pressure
  1. a slower than normal heartbeat
  2. a slower than normal amount of respiration
  3. pulse point on the neck
  4. a normal body temperature
  5. the upper number on a blood pressure reading
  6. a warmer than normal body temperature
  7. a stage of slightly higher blood pressure
  8. pulse point on the head

15 Clues: pulse point on the neckpulse point on the headpulse point on the wrista normal body temperaturea slower than normal heartbeata faster than normal heartbeata lower than normal blood pressurea higher than normal blood pressurethe number of heart beats per minutea warmer than normal body temperaturea stage of slightly higher blood pressure...

medical terminology 2023-09-21

medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. gland
  2. heart
  3. vision
  4. pain
  5. nose
  6. large intestine
  7. specialize in
  1. study
  2. vessel
  3. skin
  4. brain
  5. bone
  6. reconstruction
  7. teeth
  8. fat

15 Clues: fatskinbonepainnoseglandstudyheartbrainteethvesselvisionspecialize inreconstructionlarge intestine

Medical Terminology 2023-12-14

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Operating Room
  2. Intensive Care Unit
  3. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  4. Swelling caused by fluid accumulation
  5. A device that uses electric shocks to restore a normal heart beat.
  6. A patient who is treated without hospital admittance.
  7. Not cancerous
  1. A cracked or broken bone
  2. High blood pressure
  3. Cancerous
  4. Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
  5. Emergency Room
  6. Sudden but usually short
  7. Persistent or reaccuring
  8. Tiny tissue sample

15 Clues: CancerousNot cancerousOperating RoomEmergency RoomTiny tissue sampleIntensive Care UnitHigh blood pressureA cracked or broken boneSudden but usually shortPersistent or reaccuringNeonatal Intensive Care UnitPediatric Intensive Care UnitSwelling caused by fluid accumulationA patient who is treated without hospital admittance....

Medical Terminology 2024-02-06

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. bottom surface of the foot
  2. below a body part, towards feet
  3. parts of body closer to midline
  4. closer to the trunk
  5. motion of limb away from midline
  6. above a body part, towards head
  7. further from the trunk
  8. body part or condition on both sides of midline
  1. anterior or front surface of the body
  2. forward facing part of hand in anatomical position
  3. parts of body further from midline
  4. lying face down
  5. posterior or back surface of the body
  6. lying face up
  7. motion of limb toward midline

15 Clues: lying face uplying face downcloser to the trunkfurther from the trunkbottom surface of the footmotion of limb toward midlinebelow a body part, towards feetparts of body closer to midlineabove a body part, towards headmotion of limb away from midlineparts of body further from midlineanterior or front surface of the body...

Medical Terminology 2024-01-16

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Excessive absorption of iron
  2. A condition you are born with
  3. Abnormal heart beat/cardiac arrest
  4. A repair of the artery
  5. X Ray of blood flow through the heart and arteries
  6. The middle muscular layer of the wall of the heart
  1. An ultrasound scan of the heart and blood vessels
  2. The removal of an artery
  3. A recording of the electrical signals in the heart
  4. A picture of the blood vessel
  5. Enlargement of the heart
  6. Inflammtion of the endocardium
  7. Blue tint to the skinm
  8. Removal of body tissue
  9. Abnormally high blood pressure

15 Clues: Blue tint to the skinmA repair of the arteryRemoval of body tissueThe removal of an arteryEnlargement of the heartExcessive absorption of ironA picture of the blood vesselA condition you are born withInflammtion of the endocardiumAbnormally high blood pressureAbnormal heart beat/cardiac arrestAn ultrasound scan of the heart and blood vessels...

Medical Terminology 2013-07-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. inflammation of the kidney
  2. male reproductive organs
  3. branch of medicine involved in diagnoses and treatment of diseases and disorders of the digestive system
  4. endocrine gland located behind the optic nerve in the brain
  5. hormone secreted by pancreas
  6. pertaining to the lung
  7. urinary tract infection
  8. pint at which an axon of one neuron meets the dendrite of the next neuron
  1. difficult or painful urination
  2. wave like muscular movements in the wall of the digestive system tube, moves food along the tube
  3. inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
  4. function is to store bile made by the liver
  5. female repoductive organs
  6. difficulty breathing
  7. nasal hairs that filter dust

15 Clues: difficulty breathingpertaining to the lungurinary tract infectionmale reproductive organsfemale repoductive organsinflammation of the kidneynasal hairs that filter dusthormone secreted by pancreasdifficult or painful urinationfunction is to store bile made by the liverendocrine gland located behind the optic nerve in the brain...

Medical Terminology 2021-09-24

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. sort of swelling or inflammation of something
  2. having to do with the thing inside our head that controls everything
  3. meaning tumor or swelling
  4. sounds like ¨Oh stop, Tommy¨
  5. is the enlargement of something
  6. meaning the intestines
  7. sounds like doormat
  8. any condition or disease of something
  1. having to do with the digestive system
  2. a removal of something
  3. meaning disease
  4. meaning a gland
  5. rhymes with fast
  6. having to do with the thing that helps to pump blood in your system
  7. a blood vessel

15 Clues: a blood vesselmeaning diseasemeaning a glandrhymes with fastsounds like doormata removal of somethingmeaning the intestinesmeaning tumor or swellingsounds like ¨Oh stop, Tommy¨is the enlargement of somethingany condition or disease of somethinghaving to do with the digestive systemsort of swelling or inflammation of something...

Medical Terminology! 2021-09-24

Medical Terminology! crossword puzzle
  1. disease of
  2. any condition or disease
  3. the surgical removal of
  4. the skin
  5. a vessel
  6. the intestines
  7. tumor/sweeling of some body part
  1. inflammation of
  2. plastic repair
  3. a surgical insision
  4. the brain
  5. a gland
  6. heart
  7. stomach
  8. enlargement

15 Clues: hearta glandstomachthe skina vesselthe braindisease ofenlargementplastic repairthe intestinesinflammation ofa surgical insisionthe surgical removal ofany condition or diseasetumor/sweeling of some body part

medical terminology 2022-01-05

medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. moving your leg away from your body
  2. your little fingers
  3. your nose
  4. moving a part of your body forward
  5. moving a body part backwards
  6. what being very sad is called
  7. your cheeks
  8. turning on a axis
  1. neck
  2. your arm
  3. the front of your hand
  4. when your palms down
  5. is what you hear out of
  6. when you raise your arm
  7. your stinky armpit

15 Clues: neckyour armyour noseyour cheeksturning on a axisyour stinky armpityour little fingerswhen your palms downthe front of your handis what you hear out ofwhen you raise your armmoving a body part backwardswhat being very sad is calledmoving a part of your body forwardmoving your leg away from your body

Medical Terminology 2022-08-31

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to the brain and spinal cord
  2. Relating to the stomach and the intestines
  3. Surgical repair/ plastic surgery of the nose
  4. Gland-like tumors
  5. Any disease or condition of the blood vessels
  6. Scraping of the skin to repair
  7. Any disease of the stomach
  8. Enlargement of the kidney
  1. Gland-like tumor in the kidney
  2. Inflammation of the eyelid
  3. Surgery to remove the adenoid glands
  4. Surgical incision into the gallbladder or bladder
  5. Enlargement of the heart
  6. Study of causes and effects of disease
  7. Relating to the intestines

15 Clues: Gland-like tumorsEnlargement of the heartEnlargement of the kidneyInflammation of the eyelidRelating to the intestinesAny disease of the stomachGland-like tumor in the kidneyScraping of the skin to repairSurgery to remove the adenoid glandsRelating to the brain and spinal cordStudy of causes and effects of disease...

Medical Terminology 2022-08-31

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Brain and spinal cord
  2. Stomach and the intestines
  3. Surgical repair of the nose
  4. Gland-like tumors
  5. Any disease or condition of the blood vessels
  6. Scraping of the skin to repair
  7. Any disease of the stomach
  8. Enlargement of the kidney
  1. Gland-like tumor in the kidney
  2. Inflammation of the eyelid
  3. Surgery to remove the adenoid glands
  4. Surgical incision into the gallbladder or bladder
  5. Enlargement of the heart
  6. Study of nature and cause of disease
  7. Relating to the intestines

15 Clues: Gland-like tumorsBrain and spinal cordEnlargement of the heartEnlargement of the kidneyInflammation of the eyelidStomach and the intestinesRelating to the intestinesAny disease of the stomachSurgical repair of the noseGland-like tumor in the kidneyScraping of the skin to repairSurgery to remove the adenoid glandsStudy of nature and cause of disease...

Medical Terminology 2022-11-10

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. a clump of cells or tissue that is caused by abnormal growth/divisions (may or may not be cancerous)
  2. side effects of diseases
  3. broken bone
  4. describes an illness that can be spread to other people or organisms
  5. not normal or regular
  6. to clean or disinfect
  7. long term illness
  8. your body's ability to resist or fight against disease
  1. authorization from a doctor or physician to take a certain medication
  2. one of the body systems, has to do with breathing
  3. a conclusion drawn by doctors based off symptoms
  4. cut or scrape
  5. describes something pertaining to the heart
  6. filled with too much blood
  7. illness short in duration

15 Clues: broken bonecut or scrapelong term illnessnot normal or regularto clean or disinfectside effects of diseasesillness short in durationfilled with too much blooddescribes something pertaining to the hearta conclusion drawn by doctors based off symptomsone of the body systems, has to do with breathing...

Medical Terminology 2021-04-12

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The term means inflammation of the pancreas.
  2. Term that describes blood in the
  3. Which of these conditions is commonly known as a bruise.
  4. An abnormally slow heart rate of less than 60 beats per minute is known as.
  5. The presence of glucose in the urine is known as.
  6. The term , which is also known as wheezing is the sound heard during breathing out as air passes out through a partially obstructed airway.
  7. bacterial infection of the lining of her heart. This condition is known asbacterial.
  1. An abnormally rapid rate of respiration of more than 20 breaths per minute is known as.
  2. Term referring to a kidney.
  3. The term means toward or nearer the midline.
  4. A blood clot attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery is known as a/an.
  5. is the tissue death of an artery or
  6. a normal scar resulting from the healing of a wound.
  7. The acute respiratory syndrome known as__, is characterized in children and infants by obstruction of the larynx hoarseness and a barking cough.
  8. is an abnormal increase in the number of red cells in the blood due to excess production of these cells by the bone marrow.

15 Clues: Term referring to a kidney.Term that describes blood in theis the tissue death of an artery orThe term means inflammation of the pancreas.The term means toward or nearer the midline.The presence of glucose in the urine is known as.a normal scar resulting from the healing of a wound.Which of these conditions is commonly known as a bruise....

Medical Terminology 2022-10-18

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. an oily secretion
  2. lacking skin pigmentation
  3. the tiny opening on the surface of the skin
  4. a crack like sore
  5. a protein found in the skin and connective tissue
  6. sweat glands most numerous in the hand
  1. a symptom associated with most forms of dermatitis
  2. hard protein
  3. the soft tissue surrounding the nail border
  4. a small abscess on the skin
  5. brown-black skin pigment
  6. can be caused by an allergic reaction to the skin
  7. an internal and external covering on surfaces of the body
  8. a fat cell
  9. a sac containing fluid or semi-solid material

15 Clues: a fat cellhard proteinan oily secretiona crack like sorebrown-black skin pigmentlacking skin pigmentationa small abscess on the skinsweat glands most numerous in the handthe soft tissue surrounding the nail borderthe tiny opening on the surface of the skina sac containing fluid or semi-solid materialcan be caused by an allergic reaction to the skin...

Medical Terminology 2023-04-11

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. destruction of red blood cells
  2. half of the thorax, or one-half of the chest
  3. condition where the body urinates more than usual
  4. rapid breathing
  5. difficult or labored breathing
  6. swelling of the arterioles
  7. painful condition of the skin
  8. Fast heart rate
  9. swelling of the epiglottis
  1. Inflammation of the brain
  2. swelling of eyelid
  3. Slow heart rate
  4. loss of tissue organization
  5. disease of the nerves
  6. pain of the liver

15 Clues: Slow heart raterapid breathingFast heart ratepain of the liverswelling of eyeliddisease of the nervesInflammation of the brainswelling of the arteriolesswelling of the epiglottisloss of tissue organizationpainful condition of the skindestruction of red blood cellsdifficult or labored breathinghalf of the thorax, or one-half of the chest...

Medical Terminology 2024-01-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. bending an arm or leg
  2. toward the middle
  3. the back side of things
  4. when you move a limb/body part towards the center of the body
  5. near the center
  6. relating to the bones of the head that cover the brain
  7. lower than another structure in the body
  1. is a movement that increases the angle between two body parts.
  2. to the side of
  3. higher than another structure in the body.
  4. Parts of the body close to the center
  5. towards the tail
  6. many common movements occurring in the athletic environment such as throwing, striking, swinging,
  7. in front of
  8. the motion of a limb or appendage away from the midline of the body.

15 Clues: in front ofto the side ofnear the centertowards the tailtoward the middlebending an arm or legthe back side of thingsParts of the body close to the centerlower than another structure in the bodyhigher than another structure in the body.relating to the bones of the head that cover the brain...

Medical Terminology 2024-01-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. bending an arm or leg
  2. toward the middle
  3. the back side of things
  4. when you move a limb/body part towards the center of the body
  5. near the center
  6. relating to the bones of the head that cover the brain
  7. lower than another structure in the body
  1. is a movement that increases the angle between two body parts.
  2. to the side of
  3. higher than another structure in the body.
  4. Parts of the body close to the center
  5. towards the tail
  6. many common movements occurring in the athletic environment such as throwing, striking, swinging,
  7. in front of
  8. the motion of a limb or appendage away from the midline of the body.

15 Clues: in front ofto the side ofnear the centertowards the tailtoward the middlebending an arm or legthe back side of thingsParts of the body close to the centerlower than another structure in the bodyhigher than another structure in the body.relating to the bones of the head that cover the brain...

Medical Terminology 2024-04-17

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. ringing in the ears
  2. a syst caused by blocked meibomian gland in the eyelid
  3. a device that discharges an electric current to the heart to correct cardiac arrhythmia
  4. removal of toxins from the body such as drugs or alcohol
  5. an imbalance in the body's responses to infection
  6. a skin rash presenting as an itchy red rash or lumps
  7. a blockage in an artery caused by blood clots
  1. a condition there is too little glucose in the blood
  2. an acute increase in the severeity of an illness or worsening in symptoms
  3. a crack or broken bones
  4. a condition there is too much glucose in the blood
  5. a device that records heartbeats
  6. a cut to a skin wound
  7. swelling as a result of fluid retnetion or build up
  8. fainted

15 Clues: faintedringing in the earsa cut to a skin wounda crack or broken bonesa device that records heartbeatsa blockage in an artery caused by blood clotsan imbalance in the body's responses to infectiona condition there is too much glucose in the bloodswelling as a result of fluid retnetion or build upa condition there is too little glucose in the blood...

Medical Terminology 2024-03-20

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. - Tissue sample examination.
  2. - Bone density loss.
  3. - Preventive treatment.
  4. - Loss of sensation.
  5. - Skin inflammation.
  6. - Instrument for internal examination.
  7. - Medication to treat infections.
  8. - Red blood cell.
  1. - Difficulty in breathing.
  2. - Identification of a disease.
  3. - High blood pressure.
  4. - Tube for fluid drainage.
  5. - Able to be touched or felt.
  6. - Irregular heartbeat sensation.
  7. - Study of blood.

15 Clues: - Red blood cell.- Study of blood.- Bone density loss.- Loss of sensation.- Skin inflammation.- High blood pressure.- Preventive treatment.- Difficulty in breathing.- Tube for fluid drainage.- Tissue sample examination.- Able to be touched or felt.- Identification of a disease.- Irregular heartbeat sensation.- Medication to treat infections....

Medical Terminology 2024-05-06

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. x ray of blood flow through the heart and arteries
  2. Inflammation of the endocardium
  3. excessive absorption of iron
  4. The removal of an artery
  5. abnormal heartbeat
  6. an ultrasound scan of the heart and blood vessels
  7. a repair of the artery
  8. A picture of the blood vessel
  1. A recording of the electrical signals in the heart
  2. Enlargement of the heart
  3. removal of body tissue
  4. the middle muscular layer of the wall of the heart
  5. A condition you are born with
  6. Blue tint of the skin
  7. abnormally high blood pressure

15 Clues: abnormal heartbeatBlue tint of the skinremoval of body tissuea repair of the arteryEnlargement of the heartThe removal of an arteryexcessive absorption of ironA condition you are born withA picture of the blood vesselabnormally high blood pressureInflammation of the endocardiuman ultrasound scan of the heart and blood vessels...

medical terminology 2023-04-22

medical terminology crossword puzzle
  1. plane dividing body into left and right sides
  2. lying on back
  3. below another structure
  4. pertaining to the middle
  5. plane running parallel to the ground
  6. back side of body
  7. near point of attachment/ beginning of structure
  8. far from point of attachment/ beginning of structure
  1. on body surface
  2. vertical plane separating body into anterior and posterior
  3. lying on belly
  4. away from surface
  5. front side of body
  6. above another structure
  7. pertaining to side

15 Clues: lying on backlying on bellyon body surfaceaway from surfaceback side of bodyfront side of bodypertaining to sidebelow another structureabove another structurepertaining to the middleplane running parallel to the groundplane dividing body into left and right sidesnear point of attachment/ beginning of structure...

Medical Terminology 2023-09-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. exam instrument
  2. electricity
  3. sx opening
  4. used to measure
  5. sx repair
  6. resulting record
  7. dx examination
  1. puncture
  2. ultrasound waves
  3. to view
  4. cutting into
  5. process measure
  6. process record
  7. sx removal of
  8. x-ray, radiation

15 Clues: to viewpuncturesx repairsx openingelectricitycutting intosx removal ofprocess recorddx examinationexam instrumentprocess measureused to measureultrasound wavesresulting recordx-ray, radiation

Medical Terminology 2024-02-06

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. bottom surface of the foot
  2. below a body part, towards feet
  3. parts of body closer to midline
  4. closer to the trunk
  5. motion of limb away from midline
  6. above a body part, towards head
  7. further from the trunk
  8. body part or condition on both sides of midline
  1. anterior or front surface of the body
  2. forward facing part of hand in anatomical position
  3. parts of body further from midline
  4. lying face down
  5. posterior or back surface of the body
  6. lying face up
  7. motion of limb toward midline

15 Clues: lying face uplying face downcloser to the trunkfurther from the trunkbottom surface of the footmotion of limb toward midlinebelow a body part, towards feetparts of body closer to midlineabove a body part, towards headmotion of limb away from midlineparts of body further from midlineanterior or front surface of the body...

Medical Terminology 2024-08-29

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. The outer layer of the heart
  2. Pertaining to the wall of a body cavity or structure
  3. Pertaining to the armpit
  4. Relating to or affecting both sides of the body
  5. Pertaining to the humerus (the bone of the upper arm)
  6. Pertaining to the sole of the foot
  7. Pertaining to the ilium (part of the pelvis)
  8. The inner lining of the heart chambers
  1. Pertaining to the palm of the hand
  2. Pertaining to a specific area of the body
  3. Located between the ribs
  4. Pertaining to the eye socket
  5. The muscular middle layer of the heart wall
  6. Pertaining to the internal organs
  7. Relating to or affecting only one side of the body

15 Clues: Located between the ribsPertaining to the armpitThe outer layer of the heartPertaining to the eye socketPertaining to the internal organsPertaining to the palm of the handPertaining to the sole of the footThe inner lining of the heart chambersPertaining to a specific area of the bodyThe muscular middle layer of the heart wall...

S. Eubanks 2014-03-06

S. Eubanks crossword puzzle
  1. Primary care Physician
  2. Writer flags Allergies.
  3. The term used to describe a patient who does not follow the medical advice given.
  4. altering something to meet individual specifications.
  5. H: History. E: Examination. D: Details of problem and complaints. D: Drugs and dosage. A: Assessment. R: Return visit information or referral, if applicable
  6. The recording of information in a patient's medical records.
  7. History of present illness.
  8. pertaining to data that are obtained from conversation with a person or patient.
  9. Use precise description and accepted medical terminology.
  10. To examine and review a group of patients records.
  11. of systems A process of gathering information about a patient's health.
  1. Problem Oriented Medical Record.
  2. Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.
  3. The transforming of spoken notes into accurate written form. (11)
  4. Computerized records that need periodic attention. Sends an alert for follow-up care.
  5. Fill out completely all the forms used in the patient record.
  6. Verification Checks insurance coverage.
  7. measurable, such as vital signs, test results, or physical examination findings.
  8. Not a legal record.
  9. electronic health record.

20 Clues: Not a legal record.Primary care PhysicianWriter flags Allergies.electronic health record.History of present illness.Problem Oriented Medical Record.Verification Checks insurance coverage.Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan.To examine and review a group of patients records.altering something to meet individual specifications....

CCMA Abbr. & Acronyms Pt 2 2022-01-14

CCMA Abbr. & Acronyms Pt 2 crossword puzzle
  1. clinical medical assistant
  2. beats per minute
  3. cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  4. transient ischemic attack
  5. body mass index
  6. diabetes mellitus
  7. white blood cell or count
  8. f/u
  9. ethyl alcohol (blood alcohol levels)
  10. complaint cc
  11. point of care testing
  12. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  13. acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  1. bowel movement
  2. cerebrovascular accident
  3. as soon as possible
  4. po
  5. urinary tract infection
  6. coronary artery disease
  7. blood pressure
  8. Current Procedural Terminology
  9. follicle-stimulating hormone
  10. electronic health record
  11. meals ac
  12. complete blood count
  13. point of service

26 Clues: pof/umeals accomplaint ccbowel movementblood pressurebody mass indexbeats per minutepoint of servicediabetes mellitusas soon as possiblecomplete blood countpoint of care testingurinary tract infectioncoronary artery diseasecerebrovascular accidentelectronic health recordtransient ischemic attackwhite blood cell or countclinical medical assistant...