my librarian is a camel Crossword Puzzles
English M2 2018-06-12
- Must is an ............
- Everyone is an ........ pronoun
- My strange
- We use our ..... to kiss.
- A poet writes
- 31 October
- How do Scottish people call New Years eve?
- keep your ........ up, keep your heart strong.
- They give milk
- A flight....
- I don't live in the city but on the
- Een dierenarts.
- The most important festival are Christmas and ....
- Een rechtzaak
- Looks after books
- It's not a horse but a ...
- What do you find in a cracker?
17 Clues: My strange • 31 October • A flight.... • Een rechtzaak • A poet writes • They give milk • Een dierenarts. • Looks after books • Must is an ............ • We use our ..... to kiss. • It's not a horse but a ... • What do you find in a cracker? • Everyone is an ........ pronoun • I don't live in the city but on the • How do Scottish people call New Years eve? • ...
Spelling 2023-11-08
9 Clues: my friend • admire her • goes everywhere • my mom's friend • my grandma is Asian • she has a beautiful voice • the team attacks the other team • the group defends the other team • she knows the information about books
Ive been bullied into this 2020-10-17
- did yoga in the nude
- skeleton kink prt 2’s wife
- *pretends he isn’t traumatized*
- i fucked ur mom haha *cries*
- 3 dead father figures
- old redhead who deserves better than this
- you’re hair is on fire
- skeleton kink prt 2
- 3rd dead father figure
- my cats namesake
- librarian man who did shrooms
- why i have a skeleton kink
- my heart is also on fire
- doe eyes but will bite you
14 Clues: my cats namesake • skeleton kink prt 2 • did yoga in the nude • 3 dead father figures • 3rd dead father figure • you’re hair is on fire • my heart is also on fire • skeleton kink prt 2’s wife • why i have a skeleton kink • doe eyes but will bite you • i fucked ur mom haha *cries* • librarian man who did shrooms • *pretends he isn’t traumatized* • ...
English quiz 2020-04-19
- As red as .......
- A mat kept near the door is called as.....
- A,E,I,O,U are called as....
- Past tense of Swim.
- Plural of Star
- Opposite of Nothing.
- Butter + Milk = .....
- The one who serves food and drink at a restaurant.
- Opposite of weak.
- The words which describe a noun are called as .....
- My sister is a ...... looking girl.
- The ship of the desert is the......
- Give one word for - to take rest.
- First month of the year.
- ..... is my brother.
15 Clues: Plural of Star • Opposite of weak. • As red as ....... • Past tense of Swim. • Opposite of Nothing. • ..... is my brother. • Butter + Milk = ..... • First month of the year. • A,E,I,O,U are called as.... • Give one word for - to take rest. • My sister is a ...... looking girl. • The ship of the desert is the...... • A mat kept near the door is called as..... • ...
Room 12 Whanau 2024-07-21
- I'm a PNINS Librarian
- All Blacks debut in 2031
- I am from Taiwan
- Yr7 S.A Boy loves fortnite
- I'm pretty good at Maths
- I love Rust
- I like to draw cats
- I do Pasifika & Kapa Haka
- I got a new brother in Term 2
- Yr 8 Boy who can sing proudly
- I come from the Philipines
- Class Councillor
- I love to dance
- Mmmmmm Subway
- Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty
- My family is from Palestine
- I'm a Yr 7 Girl who loves to run!
- Y8 S.A Boy who loves Rugby
- Yr 8 Girl loves to surf
- Yr 7 S.A boy who likes to ride bikes
- I like to look after phones
- I live on my name's street
- Yr 7 Girl who love sushii
- My last name is really sweet
- I finish my mahi quickly (Yr8 Girl)
- I joined Room 12 in Term 2
- P.E Monitor
- My name is the māori version of John
- Yr 8 Boy knows lots about war
29 Clues: I love Rust • P.E Monitor • Mmmmmm Subway • I love to dance • I am from Taiwan • Class Councillor • I like to draw cats • I'm a PNINS Librarian • Yr 8 Girl loves to surf • All Blacks debut in 2031 • I'm pretty good at Maths • Yr 7 Girl who love sushii • I do Pasifika & Kapa Haka • Y8 S.A Boy who loves Rugby • Yr7 S.A Boy loves fortnite • I live on my name's street • I come from the Philipines • ...
1801253 2019-10-23
Word Study - Sort 38 Hard and soft c and g 2024-03-19
- The NEW Zoo got a new __________.
- A ________ is not a polygon because it is round.
- You need to sharpen your ______ before the test.
- Make sure you throw your trash in the _______.
- It is ______ for people to eat breakfast every morning.
- The builders poured the _________ basement.
- My mom sent my teacher a ______ on SeeSaw.
- Miss Mertzig went to St. Norbert _________.
- Dr. Lau and Mrs. Krahn have an _____ near the garden.
- Fruit Loops are my favorite kind of ______.
- Every Friday, we ______ money for Fun Friday.
- I had to _______ my clothes after falling in the mud.
- The _______ learned to do a flip on the bar.
- I had 12 problems _________ on my math test.
- The ______ had 2 humps on its back.
15 Clues: The NEW Zoo got a new __________. • The ______ had 2 humps on its back. • My mom sent my teacher a ______ on SeeSaw. • Fruit Loops are my favorite kind of ______. • The builders poured the _________ basement. • Miss Mertzig went to St. Norbert _________. • The _______ learned to do a flip on the bar. • I had 12 problems _________ on my math test. • ...
1801253 2019-10-23
10 Clues: Tool for _______. • The chief _______. • Assist an _______. • A general _______. • I am a video ______. • I am a school _______. • To an offense _______. • My job is in ________. • He is a world‐famous _______. • A boat sailed in by a _______.
Latihan soal UAS bahasa Inggris 2022-12-01
- we can hear many voices by using our
- I need some ... To buy something
- a ... Works in the library
- i use my ... On my head
- the capital city of west Java is
- our staple food is
- Anwar wants to play tennis. He needs a
- astronaut go to the
- i look the moon at
- before you go to bed, brush your
- the sun shines in the
- my mother cooks in the
- I eat cereal for ... Before I go to school
- I ... The floor every morning
- it's fruit. Monkey likes it
- the boys usually play kite in the
- I brush my teeth in the
- we eat lunch at school in the
- we can see a lot of plane in the
- they are ... Book in the library
- I Live at jl. Pahlawan 10
- there are ... Months in a year
- apple mango are
- the teacher writes on the whiteboard using a
- we can surfing in the
25 Clues: apple mango are • our staple food is • i look the moon at • astronaut go to the • the sun shines in the • we can surfing in the • my mother cooks in the • I brush my teeth in the • i use my ... On my head • I Live at jl. Pahlawan 10 • a ... Works in the library • it's fruit. Monkey likes it • I ... The floor every morning • we eat lunch at school in the • there are ... Months in a year • ...
animals 2024-11-19
10 Clues: has a trunk • I have a hump • I live in a shed • man's best friend • likes to chase mice • I am joey baby of... • grassland is my home • I breathe through my gills • I love to live in icy cold region • my baby is called duckling. Who am I?
ANimals 2021-12-22
- I live in the dark and have a light on my head.
- this habitat has a lot of water.
- this bird can turn its head in a circle.
- this habitat has many trees.
- these habitats are cold and windy.
- a big orange cat with black stripes.
- I am the unicorn of the sea!
- a cat that lives on the mountain, its hard to see!
- I have really big horns.
- this habitat is hot a dry.
- this habitat is wet and warm.
- small and fast with big ears.
- my fur is white, but my skin is black.
- this habitat is rocky and up high.
- I can have 1 or 2 humps.
- I am colorful and many fish live in me.
- I have no legs and venom.
- small and green, it lives on jungle trees.
- big and heavy, its nose is like an arm.
19 Clues: I have really big horns. • I can have 1 or 2 humps. • I have no legs and venom. • this habitat is hot a dry. • this habitat has many trees. • I am the unicorn of the sea! • this habitat is wet and warm. • small and fast with big ears. • this habitat has a lot of water. • this habitat is rocky and up high. • these habitats are cold and windy. • a big orange cat with black stripes. • ...
1801253 2019-10-23
Four Seasons 2020-11-08
- my hypebeast source country
- my mama's name from Washington DC
- make-up occasion
- punjabi birthday dinner
- horrible ex-rabbit
- diamond city / home #3
- kudi punjaban lagdi
- favourite camel
- break-up month
- vegan frozen pizza that tastes bad
- name of tv show I get wrong
- favourite llama
- long (ridges) hike
- morocco nickname
- couldn't find a wine bottle opener...
- your favourite type of pizza
- the celebrity sut(h)ar..
- brand of my most used car
- best god
- age I want to
- my new neighbourhood
- my diet buddy
- no neck guy
23 Clues: best god • no neck guy • age I want to • my diet buddy • break-up month • favourite camel • favourite llama • morocco nickname • make-up occasion • horrible ex-rabbit • long (ridges) hike • kudi punjaban lagdi • my new neighbourhood • diamond city / home #3 • punjabi birthday dinner • the celebrity sut(h)ar.. • brand of my most used car • my hypebeast source country • name of tv show I get wrong • ...
bye 2024-05-15
13 Clues: uh • bombo • my eye color • where i live • my dads name • my middle name • my favorite word • color of my dunks • walks on all fours • what i like to call people • tilbury my fav makeup brand • what do you call a two humped camel? • what do you call a fish with no eyes?
The Music Man 2024-06-06
- owner of many river city buildings
- but he doesn't know the territory
- Maddie
- goodnight my
- mayor's youngest daughter
- full of books
- pianola lady
- stereoptition slides
- wild kid
- enforcement of law
- what'll it be?
- the librarian
- salesman that falls for the local librarian
- Mayor's oldest daughter
- cornet player
- town chorister
- hix
- Harold's bff
- always interrupted
- where we live
- dunlop
- our awesome vocal director
- sweet old mother
- britt
- meeting place
- our awesome director
- diligent piano student
27 Clues: hix • britt • Maddie • dunlop • wild kid • Harold's bff • goodnight my • pianola lady • cornet player • full of books • where we live • meeting place • the librarian • town chorister • what'll it be? • sweet old mother • always interrupted • enforcement of law • stereoptition slides • our awesome director • diligent piano student • Mayor's oldest daughter • mayor's youngest daughter • our awesome vocal director • ...
2023June#monthly 2023-06-26
- Anne Frank was presented a ( )notebook.
- My parents told me to be careful not to ( ) myself.
- My sister and I love sleeping in a hammock ( ).
- you should arrive at the airport two hours ( ).
- The fishing boat is setting up a( )net.
- Have you ( ) been to see it?
- There are many ( ) in Venice.
- My cousins and I are ( ) camping all together this summer!
- I am going to fly ( ) Tokyo to Hokkaido.
- My family and I have ( )to travel domestically this year.
- They have set ( ) their tent under a beautiful tree.
- Anne Frank was born in ( )
- You can take a ( ) on a camel in Egypt.
- She has been to the Colosseum in ( )!
- He is sailing his dinghy ( ) the storm.
- We are so ( ) to see turtles!
- A gigantic whale is ( ) ing a tiny boat.
17 Clues: Anne Frank was born in ( ) • Have you ( ) been to see it? • We are so ( ) to see turtles! • There are many ( ) in Venice. • She has been to the Colosseum in ( )! • He is sailing his dinghy ( ) the storm. • You can take a ( ) on a camel in Egypt. • I am going to fly ( ) Tokyo to Hokkaido. • Anne Frank was presented a ( )notebook. • ...
B's Bday crossword 2024-04-03
- A feeling and song by Pharrellel Williams
- If I'm Bee then you are___?
- Charles Le clerc,Enzo, italian, Red
- Translate 'Ask for my heart someday instead of my beautyI, 'llmelt away in a moment'
- Your name on my phone is saved as Rahul Parkekh__ __
- My first insult to u when you were driving
- What you call ducky
- A country where we might go in the near future
- My new nickname for you
- Fav chocolate for my fav boy
- King of the jungle
- song by Bad Bunny
- Tu jiye hazaaron saal, yah meri hai aarazu. Happy____
- You're not a coffee person but you still like this place
- Verstappen, Perez, 6 championships
- Your zodiac sign
- A famous stuffed camel named after you
17 Clues: Your zodiac sign • song by Bad Bunny • King of the jungle • What you call ducky • My new nickname for you • If I'm Bee then you are___? • Fav chocolate for my fav boy • Verstappen, Perez, 6 championships • Charles Le clerc,Enzo, italian, Red • A famous stuffed camel named after you • A feeling and song by Pharrellel Williams • My first insult to u when you were driving • ...
Week 6 Spelling 2023-01-17
- My father said that if my grades don't _______, I can't go camping next month.
- The girl loved to sew but needed help threading the ______.
- The crocodile opened its ________ mouth.
- "Aren't you _______ about what's in the box?" I asked my friend.
- The _______ had to work for 7 years.
- He ___________ turned off all the lights.
- My ________ in the match was a strong athlete.
- The boy was _____ sorry for telling a lie.
- They threw out the __________ knifes and forks.
- They boy learned to ride the bike very ______.
- An hour is a __________ amount of time to spend on homework.
- I was _________ to talk because I didn't know anyone.
- My father is an _________ cook.
- The librarian likes the room to be ______ for reading.
- In the airport security line, all the passengers has to ______ their shoes.
- My grandparents' ________ has lasted more than 50 years.
16 Clues: My father is an _________ cook. • The _______ had to work for 7 years. • The crocodile opened its ________ mouth. • He ___________ turned off all the lights. • The boy was _____ sorry for telling a lie. • My ________ in the match was a strong athlete. • They boy learned to ride the bike very ______. • They threw out the __________ knifes and forks. • ...
- Someone who flies the plane is a ...
- My mother works at a Junior High School library as a ... She handle the books everyday.
- My aunty goes to hospital every day to help doctor. My aunty is...
- I like playing badminton. I play for Indonesia National Team. I am a...
- my brother works in TV station. He is a ...
- Someone who plants rice in the field is a ...
- he repairs cars. He is a ....
- Our ... gives a lot of English homework
- the ... catches fish in the sea
- A . . . delivers the package mail everyday
- I like singing so much. I want to be a ... someday.
- He is an ... He designs house and public buildings.
- We want to cut our hair, we go to a ....
- He sells many kinds of food in the market . he is a ...
14 Clues: he repairs cars. He is a .... • the ... catches fish in the sea • Someone who flies the plane is a ... • Our ... gives a lot of English homework • We want to cut our hair, we go to a .... • A . . . delivers the package mail everyday • my brother works in TV station. He is a ... • Someone who plants rice in the field is a ... • ...
Who is Mr. Williams 2017-11-05
- water rafting In 2012, I went __________________ for the first time.
- One of my favorite water activities is ________.
- While attending Missouri Baptist University, I mostly took classes’ ______.
- In the school band, I played alto and berry __________.
- and Hawaii _________________ are the only two states that I have not visited.
- teacher I was a __________________ before I received my first librarian position.
- band In high school, I participated in _____________ for four years.
- I have visited ___________ states.
- In 2007, I went back to college to take classes to earn my ________ certification.
- I worked a _________ job while going to college full time and part-time.
- My senior year of high school, I was on the ________ staff.
- of Arts I will be receiving my __________________________ in Teaching degree from Missouri Baptist University.
- One of my ___________ is to travel route sixty-six from one end to the other.
- Some of my _______ consist of camping, fishing, and traveling.
- Two years after I earned my bachelor’s degree, I bought my first brand new _______.
- I am the youngest of four ________.
- At Webster University, I study ___________.
- of Arts I earned my _________________ degree from Jefferson College.
- Louis County I attended and earned degrees from Jefferson College, Webster University, and Missouri Baptist University. All three colleges is located in ____________ and surrounding area.
- I am a good ________.
- and Canada As a kid, my family crossed the border to visit _________________.
- In my opinion, ______ is very important.
22 Clues: I am a good ________. • I have visited ___________ states. • I am the youngest of four ________. • In my opinion, ______ is very important. • At Webster University, I study ___________. • One of my favorite water activities is ________. • In the school band, I played alto and berry __________. • My senior year of high school, I was on the ________ staff. • ...
Jobs and Occupations 2022-10-12
- I work in a school. My job is to teach students.
- I work in a grocery store. My job is to help customers.
- I work in a hospital. My job is to treat patients.
- I work in a school. My job is to talk to people in their home languages.
- I work in a school. My job is to find books for students.
- I work in a school. My job is to help students plan schedules or talk about problems.
- I work in a hospital. My job is to help the doctor treat patients.
- I work in a school. My job is to clean the classrooms and halls.
- I work in a restaurant. My job is to bring food.
- I work in a fire station. My job is to put out fires.
- I work in a grocery store. My job is to make bread and cakes.
- I work in a restaurant. My job is to cook food.
12 Clues: I work in a restaurant. My job is to cook food. • I work in a school. My job is to teach students. • I work in a restaurant. My job is to bring food. • I work in a hospital. My job is to treat patients. • I work in a fire station. My job is to put out fires. • I work in a grocery store. My job is to help customers. • ...
Family Tree 2024-03-21
- What is Jennifer's job?
- Where do my cousins live?
- What job did my grandmother on my mom's side have?
- Which band was I named after the lead singer?
- Who shares a birthday with my mother?
- What day was my grandfather on my mom's side born?
- What high school did my father attend?
- What high school did my mother attend?
- Where do my aunt and uncle on my mom's side live?
- Who shares a birthday with my father?
10 Clues: What is Jennifer's job? • Where do my cousins live? • Who shares a birthday with my father? • Who shares a birthday with my mother? • What high school did my father attend? • What high school did my mother attend? • Which band was I named after the lead singer? • Where do my aunt and uncle on my mom's side live? • What job did my grandmother on my mom's side have? • ...
Novel Study Two 2021-01-05
- The annoying librarian looked at me with her _____ little eyes because I was being too loud.
- Absurd or ridiculous.
- I ____ did a backflip into the water but instead did a belly flop.
- Outstanding
- My sister ______ into my room without knocking.
- I find my science problems ___________.
- A hat worn in the American Revolution war.
- "You ____-bag," shouts every Biden-supporter to Donald Trump.
- In _______ Egypt, they built pyramids.
- "What does this word mean?" "God look it up in the __________."
- My sister was _______ because I came into her room while she was sleeping.
- Big macaroni noodles
- I feel the ________ of a ghost in the cemetery.
- A vine that climbs around trees.
- A math or science equation.
- "I am waiting in ____________ for my tripod to arrive in the mail."
- A Canadian penny is ________ because it has no value.
- A type of bomb or a type of energy.
- We are asked to make a __________ between science and math.
19 Clues: Outstanding • Big macaroni noodles • Absurd or ridiculous. • A math or science equation. • A vine that climbs around trees. • A type of bomb or a type of energy. • In _______ Egypt, they built pyramids. • I find my science problems ___________. • A hat worn in the American Revolution war. • I feel the ________ of a ghost in the cemetery. • ...
Library Crossword 2022-03-03
- Books that tell the true story of a real person’s life.
- After one week, I must _____ my books to the library.
- Books about imaginary stories and people (not real)
- Books that are based on facts and real events, including science, history, and animals
- The sticker on the spine of a book where the call number is written.
- A shorter book with many illustrations and drawings
- When you ask the librarian to save a book for you when it is returned to the library.
- A book that uses both words and pictures to tell a story; like a comic
- The person who manages the library, checks out books, and helps find books (like Ms. Kristen)
- Tells us the section of the library that a book belongs in and the author's last name. It helps us find books in the library.
- If you don’t know where your book goes, place it on the go back book _______.
- A tool used to mark where books belong so we can put them back in the right place
- A person who writes books.
- The librarian checks out books at the ______ desk
14 Clues: A person who writes books. • The librarian checks out books at the ______ desk • Books about imaginary stories and people (not real) • A shorter book with many illustrations and drawings • After one week, I must _____ my books to the library. • Books that tell the true story of a real person’s life. • ...
Our Langauge 2023-01-29
- The new meal we invented.
- It's Broken and in OK.
- A vocalist's locale.
- Let's drive west.
- That was some award.
- Measure time in blocks of four.
- Is it Candace?
- Home and cafe au lait.
- A librarian is not always needed.
- You are my Light.
- She added sprinkles on the cupcake.
- Tie a beau on it.
- First trip.
- A chocolate confection that made us melt.
- Our garments match.
- A meal fit for a queen.
16 Clues: First trip. • Is it Candace? • You are my Light. • Tie a beau on it. • Let's drive west. • Our garments match. • A vocalist's locale. • That was some award. • It's Broken and in OK. • Home and cafe au lait. • A meal fit for a queen. • The new meal we invented. • Measure time in blocks of four. • A librarian is not always needed. • She added sprinkles on the cupcake. • ...
1. My Happy Everyday Life 2024-03-08
- Dad always tells _____s.
- My sister takes a _____ after lunch.
- we had an apple pie and tea for ______.
- I can open email on my _________.
- I'm very interested in ________ music.
- I want to ride a camel in the ______.
- Most sausages are made from ______.
- We enjoyed a quiet and ________ time in nature.
- Jane ______s in the part every morinig.
- I will tell you the ______ about it.
- ________ is the only way of mastering a language.
- The ______ asked students about their sleeping habits.
- I should ______ ______ of the animals.
- The view of the ______ from there is amzaing.
- People are watching a bicycle ______.
- It is __________ cold this morning.
- Antonio Gaudi is one of the most famous ________s in the world.
- The ending of the ______ is happy.
- I hope you enjoyed your ______.
- My mom put pieces of ______s in the soup.
- I like reading ________ stories.
- The ______ show was very funny.
- I need to ______ my hair before I go outside.
- The ______ side of downtown is a shopping area.
24 Clues: Dad always tells _____s. • I hope you enjoyed your ______. • The ______ show was very funny. • I like reading ________ stories. • I can open email on my _________. • It is __________ cold this morning. • The ending of the ______ is happy. • Most sausages are made from ______. • My sister takes a _____ after lunch. • I will tell you the ______ about it. • ...
ADs wonderful WW #12 2016-02-26
- I ******* the Collegiate off the field
- My mom ************* to sleep rather than working
- they ********** the white & Gold when we practice are songs
- It can make people feel at ease
- I have to ************8 before I can dance again
- The music constructor ********** her hands
- I ******** my mom's hand on the roller coaster
- I have to look ********* when I dance
- I love on my dog before I go to the beach
- I **** when I see blue because blue is the color of sadness
- I ******* ice cream instead of cake
- If I was a librarian I would have to ******* the books that fell off
- The old man still had some*******
- I get ********* when my brother is being mean to me
- I ****** my dog to go outside when it is raining
15 Clues: It can make people feel at ease • The old man still had some******* • I ******* ice cream instead of cake • I have to look ********* when I dance • I ******* the Collegiate off the field • I love on my dog before I go to the beach • The music constructor ********** her hands • I ******** my mom's hand on the roller coaster • ...
ADs wonderful WW #12 2016-02-26
- I ****** my dog to go outside when it is raining
- I get ********* when my brother is being mean to me
- I ******** my mom's hand on the roller coaster
- It can make people feel at ease
- they ********** the white & Gold when we practice are songs
- The old man still had some*******
- My mom ************* to sleep rather than working
- I love on my dog before I go to the beach
- I have to ************8 before I can dance again
- I ******* ice cream instead of cake
- I have to look ********* when I dance
- The music constructor ********** her hands
- If I was a librarian I would have to ******* the books that fell off
- I **** when I see blue because blue is the color of sadness
- I ******* the Collegiate off the field
15 Clues: It can make people feel at ease • The old man still had some******* • I ******* ice cream instead of cake • I have to look ********* when I dance • I ******* the Collegiate off the field • I love on my dog before I go to the beach • The music constructor ********** her hands • I ******** my mom's hand on the roller coaster • ...
Happy Lohri ! Our FirstS :* :)<3 2014-01-12
- Your first crush
- First Kiss
- First Flavor
- First song I played for you
- First person you met from my family
- First song you song from this movie
- First ride on this animal
- First person I spoke to from your family
- Our first date
- Position of this letter in alphabet which is our first experience together and is common
- Your first gift to me on my birthday
- My RBI treat
- First time you spoke to another girl pyar se for me
- I call you this pyar se
- Our First movie together
- My first lunch treat at this place
- My first gifts to
- First Subject you taught me
- 3 letter word common to us, answer is related to the alphabet question
- First love bite
- Our first work experience when we got together for..
- My first gali
- first proper hug at this place
23 Clues: First Kiss • First Flavor • My RBI treat • My first gali • Our first date • First love bite • Your first crush • My first gifts to • I call you this pyar se • Our First movie together • First ride on this animal • First song I played for you • First Subject you taught me • first proper hug at this place • My first lunch treat at this place • First person you met from my family • ...
Zoology 2021-03-18
- A part of my body is used to name a position in the dart game. (4)
- Mr. Patel spend 227 days with me in a lifeboat (5)
- I cause many diseases (virus) (8)
- I am an insect and can camouflage (11)
- I am more intelligent than you (10)
- I am an amphibian (9)
- On a land animals group picture, my face will mostly be cut. (7)
- I can shed my tail easily (6)
- Beautiful fairy tale animal (7)
- You use my name to call your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse (8)
- A movie was based on me where I was trying to find my son (9)
- There is a beverage in my name (10)
- I appear in the national flag;Continent is Europe (6)
- They took my name to make a dairy product (9)
- I was named Jatayu in Ramayana (7)
- I represent Thanksgiving (6)
- I am a fruit too (4)
- I can carry you and your luggage (5)
- In a movie I can cook (3)
- A book was written on me, the name of the book contains a color name. (5)
- Kids refer to me as the oldest animal in their jokes (5)
- You go to Mundomar to see my show. (7)
22 Clues: I am a fruit too (4) • I am an amphibian (9) • In a movie I can cook (3) • I represent Thanksgiving (6) • I can shed my tail easily (6) • Beautiful fairy tale animal (7) • I cause many diseases (virus) (8) • I was named Jatayu in Ramayana (7) • There is a beverage in my name (10) • I am more intelligent than you (10) • I can carry you and your luggage (5) • ...
Lucaś Crossword 2019-10-03
10 Clues: Who teaches me Art? • Who teaches me Math? • Who is the principal? • Who is the librarian? • Who teaches me french? • Who teaches me English? • Who is my core teacher? • What is our school mascot? • What is my favourite sport? • What street is the school on?
Unit 36 Review Words - 6th Grade 2023-05-11
- You must have __ when playing with small children.
- This is a __ letter.
- My sister is an army __.
- His __ record has been perfect.
- The singer was pleased with his __.
- I need a __ to write this sentence on the board.
- Last week he won the school's good __ award.
- We learned to measure angles in __ class today.
- Please place this __ on the shelf.
- Everyone __ Bob came to the game.
- What is the temperature reading on your __?
- The __ may ask you to leave is you disturb others.
- Only one __ for the job will be chosen.
- We will study the __ of Texas.
- She exercises on a __ bicycle.
- How much __ will I need for this job?
- This plane will leave in about one __
- He game me a __ on my birthday.
- How does this __ work?
19 Clues: This is a __ letter. • How does this __ work? • My sister is an army __. • We will study the __ of Texas. • She exercises on a __ bicycle. • His __ record has been perfect. • He game me a __ on my birthday. • Everyone __ Bob came to the game. • Please place this __ on the shelf. • The singer was pleased with his __. • How much __ will I need for this job? • ...
ANIMALS 2021-05-02
- 5 ARMS
- 101
CAMEL 2023-12-02
- - Pace of a camel.
- - Fun camel action.
- - Type of a camel.
- - Another word for camel's foot.
- - Equipment used to ride camels.
- - Color of a camel.
- - Purpose of the camel.
- - Camel necessity to drink.
- - Camel action when they're thirsty.
- - Camel product to drink.
- - Camel distinct feature.
- - Camel's natural covering coat.
- - Surface camels walk in their habitat.
- - Camel's natural habitat.
- - Height of a camel.
15 Clues: - Pace of a camel. • - Type of a camel. • - Fun camel action. • - Color of a camel. • - Height of a camel. • - Purpose of the camel. • - Camel product to drink. • - Camel distinct feature. • - Camel's natural habitat. • - Camel necessity to drink. • - Another word for camel's foot. • - Camel's natural covering coat. • - Equipment used to ride camels. • ...
Identifying Animals 2022-05-21
- My baby eats leaves but I drink flowers
- I have pocket to keep my baby
- The tallest animal
- I grow down as I grow up
- The King of the jungle
- Having lumps on my back and live in desert
- The fastest animal unable to climb tree
- Having two eyes in front and many at back
- I carry my home with me
- I have four legs usually audible at night
- I have arms longer than my legs
- I have black circles round my eyes
- Running animal which is used in race
- A domestic grass eating animal
- I can mimic you very easily
15 Clues: The tallest animal • The King of the jungle • I carry my home with me • I grow down as I grow up • I can mimic you very easily • I have pocket to keep my baby • A domestic grass eating animal • I have arms longer than my legs • I have black circles round my eyes • Running animal which is used in race • My baby eats leaves but I drink flowers • ...
Connors Crossword 2020-10-20
- I ____________the pizza dough
- the lemonade is
- when my tummy rumbles it means I am
- The __________________ helped me find a book
- The __________ goes to work at the parliament
- I _____________________ the crooked table
- when you take all the money you are
- I do my exercises to __________my body
- The ________________ uses the sidewalk
- The goose laied a __________ egg
- I laugh at your jokes because they are
- I am finding it very hard its
- I am a
- they want to ________ the roads
- The ________ was part of the band
- it was a ________ day
- The chips were very _______
- the rope was to long so I cut it to ______it
- I ____________the lid
- I can run fast because I am
20 Clues: I am a • the lemonade is • it was a ________ day • I ____________the lid • The chips were very _______ • I can run fast because I am • I ____________the pizza dough • I am finding it very hard its • they want to ________ the roads • The goose laied a __________ egg • The ________ was part of the band • when my tummy rumbles it means I am • when you take all the money you are • ...
Get A Clue. 2022-02-10
11 Clues: my ex • samaj • a camel • snakehead • hat with a w • my boy friend • school subject • 16 my birthday • my birthday month • may but with an s • my favorite subject
STUDYING 2019-10-14
- A teacher in a college or university.
- My sister doesn't pay the full amount of the school fee because they gave her a ...
- Someone who works or is trained in science.
- The teachers evaluate us by looking at our exams and the work we do all year, which is called our ...
- Someone who controls or manages a company.
- If I don't study, I will ... my tests.
- Someone whose work is to check equipment or machines and make sure they are working properly.
- As I didn't pass the last test, I'll have to ... for it.
- 9 out of 10 is a really good ...
- A scientist who has special knowledge and training in physics.
- In my last history class, I wrote an ... about the Roman Empire.
- Exams are not the only form of ... at school
- Someone who takes photographs.
- Someone who is being trained for a job.
- We have to do a special ... about evolution in biology.
- Someone who writes news for newspapers, magazines, television, etc.
- What lesson do we have now? I didn't bring my ...
- Someone who works in a library.
- The school year is divided into three ...
- Someone is is paid to work for someone else.
20 Clues: Someone who takes photographs. • Someone who works in a library. • 9 out of 10 is a really good ... • A teacher in a college or university. • If I don't study, I will ... my tests. • Someone who is being trained for a job. • The school year is divided into three ... • Someone who controls or manages a company. • Someone who works or is trained in science. • ...
Year 2 - words ending with -el 2020-11-12
- I wrap myself up in a warm, fluffy ______ after my shower.
- The rabbits dug the _____ quickly.
- The grey ________ scampered up the tree.
- Holly is allergic to _____ nuts.
- The magpies stole the shiny ______.
- Is the letter ‘u’ a _____?
- You do this all the time. At home and at school.
- A _____ stores water in its humps.
- My auntie loves to ______.
- We decorate the tree with sparkling ______.
- My favourite _____ filling is cream cheese
11 Clues: Is the letter ‘u’ a _____? • My auntie loves to ______. • Holly is allergic to _____ nuts. • A _____ stores water in its humps. • The rabbits dug the _____ quickly. • The magpies stole the shiny ______. • The grey ________ scampered up the tree. • My favourite _____ filling is cream cheese • We decorate the tree with sparkling ______. • ...
- this transportation driven by machinist
- the taste of sugar
- This thing is used to protect the body from rain
- my father's brother is my
- thing to brush your teeth
- this thing that you wear to go to school
- this animal loves banana
- The color of earth and dirt
- an animal that has big ears
- some say this animal has nine lives
- a baby dog
- the color of the sun
- I should drink water because I am
- the opposite of short
- an animal that lives in desert
- the day after Monday is
- jewelry you usually wear on your finger
- the king of the jungle
- the antonym of old
- what is the taste of chili
20 Clues: a baby dog • the taste of sugar • the antonym of old • the color of the sun • the opposite of short • the king of the jungle • the day after Monday is • this animal loves banana • my father's brother is my • thing to brush your teeth • what is the taste of chili • The color of earth and dirt • an animal that has big ears • an animal that lives in desert • I should drink water because I am • ...
Homework 2023-01-20
- To lean against something
- My hair was ______ in the hairbrush
- What the windsor family are
- Free from disturbance
- _________ doesn't help with climate change
- The man behind us looked _____
- The camel is the ____ of the desert
- The _____ Defence keeps us safe
- My teacher showed me an good _______ for the english
- A place in the Airport
- The synonym of four
- A synonym is one
12 Clues: A synonym is one • The synonym of four • Free from disturbance • A place in the Airport • To lean against something • What the windsor family are • The man behind us looked _____ • The _____ Defence keeps us safe • My hair was ______ in the hairbrush • The camel is the ____ of the desert • _________ doesn't help with climate change • ...
Author Baldacci 2025-01-25
- What is Amos Decker seeking in his second novel?
- What is Will’s last name in The Innocent?
- What is the title of Atlee Pine’s final novel?
- What is Amos’s last name in Memory Man?
- Who is the author of The Camel Club?
- Who is the protagonist of The Innocent?
- Who is the FBI agent investigating her sister’s disappearance?
- What does The Camel Club deal with in many plots?
- Who is the protagonist of Memory Man?
- What is Michelle’s last name in her partnership with Sean?
- What is a recurring theme across Baldacci’s novels?
- What is Oliver’s last name in The Camel Club?
- What theme often drives the conflicts in Baldacci’s political thrillers?
- What condition gives Amos Decker his perfect memory?
- Who leads The Camel Club?
- What genre is Baldacci best known for?
- What is a key theme in the Will Robie series?
- What is Sean’s last name in the King & Maxwell series?
- Who is Sean King’s partner in the King & Maxwell series?
- What is Atlee’s last name?
20 Clues: Who leads The Camel Club? • What is Atlee’s last name? • Who is the author of The Camel Club? • Who is the protagonist of Memory Man? • What genre is Baldacci best known for? • What is Amos’s last name in Memory Man? • Who is the protagonist of The Innocent? • What is Will’s last name in The Innocent? • What is Oliver’s last name in The Camel Club? • ...
A2+ Vocab Unit 4 Transport 2025-01-28
- The ______ is used for travel in the desert.
- We fit all our friends in the _____ for the trip.
- The ______ launched into space with scientists on board.
- The _____ helps people get around the city easily.
- We rented a ___ to carry our luggage for vacation.
- We took a _____ to the island for a picnic.
- The _____ takes people across the river.
- They flew on a ______ to visit their family in another state.
- She rides her _______ in the park after school.
- The _____ arrives at the station every half hour.
- We called a _____ to take us to the airport.
- The _______ flew over the city during the parade.
- The _____ sailed away from the harbor at sunset.
- I ride my ______ to school every day.
- I like to ride my ________ on weekends.
- The __________ system is fast and convenient for commuters.
- My dad drives a ____ to work every morning.
- The ____ comes every 15 minutes near my house.
- The _____ delivered food to the store.
- We traveled by _____ to the football game.
20 Clues: I ride my ______ to school every day. • The _____ delivered food to the store. • I like to ride my ________ on weekends. • The _____ takes people across the river. • We traveled by _____ to the football game. • My dad drives a ____ to work every morning. • We took a _____ to the island for a picnic. • We called a _____ to take us to the airport. • ...
- She loves books
- He loves to bake cakes
- Albert Einstein was a:
- He fixes my shoes
- He helps you when you are sick
- He fixes the pipes
- they work with tractors, cows, chickens etc.
- he works in an office
- He works underground
- She works in the school
- you are a:
- He works out of space
- Is a famous person
- She is the master in the kitchen
- She helps to the doctor
15 Clues: you are a: • She loves books • He fixes my shoes • Is a famous person • He fixes the pipes • He works underground • he works in an office • He works out of space • He loves to bake cakes • Albert Einstein was a: • She works in the school • She helps to the doctor • He helps you when you are sick • She is the master in the kitchen • they work with tractors, cows, chickens etc.
Stuff About Camels 2013-03-26
- A place with no rain.
- True or false, camels can close their nostrils.
- The number of humps a camel has.
- A group of people who travel together.
- Most arabs cam be found here.
- A basic drink for somali people.
- Bred and.
- Between the Sahara and the Congo.
- The shape of camel blood cells.
- A common nickname for camels.
- Can camels run?
- How many directions can camels kick in?
- The number of days that camels can without water.
- People who move from place to place.
- The latin name for camel.
- Stores fat.
- Originated in the Middle East.
- Arabic for beauty.
- Is a primary defence.
19 Clues: Bred and. • Stores fat. • Can camels run? • Arabic for beauty. • A place with no rain. • Is a primary defence. • The latin name for camel. • Most arabs cam be found here. • A common nickname for camels. • Originated in the Middle East. • The shape of camel blood cells. • The number of humps a camel has. • A basic drink for somali people. • Between the Sahara and the Congo. • ...
Welcome Back Crossword Puzzle 2023-08-18
- fall sport played outside
- I can buy Riverside "drip" here
- you created a ___ with no combination
- where the best food is found
- My classmate and the other E10 teacher
- RUHS principal
- "stay in your ____"
- nickname for lower gym
- "you ____, you yo daddy's son!"
- a story someone writes about their life
- Mr. Crawford and Jimmy Butler went to this college
- your best work is found here
- RUHS mascot
- Mr. Cychowski's job
- who can guard Mr. Crawford on the basketball court?
- You can find missing____ on Google Classroom
- The street we're on
- gives class overview
- a narrative is a ____
- this college is 5 blocks away
20 Clues: RUHS mascot • RUHS principal • Mr. Cychowski's job • The street we're on • "stay in your ____" • gives class overview • a narrative is a ____ • nickname for lower gym • fall sport played outside • your best work is found here • where the best food is found • this college is 5 blocks away • I can buy Riverside "drip" here • "you ____, you yo daddy's son!" • ...
Unit 1 2024-11-04
- The school organized an ________ to celebrate Earth Day.
- I ________ reading adventure books.
- The ________ for our fundraiser is ‘Help Us Help Others.’
- She is an ________ who plays on the football team.
- She enjoys playing ________ after school.
- I decided to ________ the school drama club.
- He practiced the ________ ________ during P.E. class.
- Teacher The ________ showed us how to play basketball.
- The ________ spoke to us at the school assembly.
- My ________ ________ meets every weekend for practice.
- The ________ helps us find books to read.
- He has a ________ for singing and performs in school shows.
- We donated money to a ________ that helps children.
- We are excited to ________ new things in science class.
- My mom is a ________ at the animal shelter.
- My ________ has a lot of parks and playgrounds.
- There was an ________ to celebrate the school’s anniversary.
- We held a ________ to raise money for new books.
- I take ________ lessons on Wednesdays.
- The ________ keeps the school clean and fixes things.
- The school sent home a ________ about the sports day.
- We play ________ at the park every Saturday.
- My family gives me a lot of ________ in everything I do.
- Drawing is my favorite ________ to do after school.
- My brother practices ________ ________ and he’s learning self-defense.
- I learned how to go ________ at the beach last summer.
- Nurse I went to see the ________ when I felt unwell.
- Our ________ is organizing a clean-up event.
- I enjoy riding my bike around my ________.
- ________ is a great way to stay fit and healthy.
30 Clues: I ________ reading adventure books. • I take ________ lessons on Wednesdays. • She enjoys playing ________ after school. • The ________ helps us find books to read. • I enjoy riding my bike around my ________. • My mom is a ________ at the animal shelter. • We play ________ at the park every Saturday. • I decided to ________ the school drama club. • ...
Welcome to the Jungle 2023-10-16
- oh my dear, this animal is so cute
- living on the webs
- pink bird, with a spanish name
- longest poisonous reptile
- who stole my banana
- Runs very fast, you cannot catch
- Big animal with a long and flexible nose, National animal of thailand
- reptile looking to eat some fresh flesh, lives in rivers
- I carry my baby in the pouch in my stomach
- Black and White bird, cant fly, but swims very well
- Give me some honey
- Huge animal with a sharp nose found in Assam
- Black and White, dont be racist
- I am the tallest animal of savanna
- Largest mammal, but dont fool yourself
- King of the Jungle, Born to Rule
- cunning as a ___
- a bird's eye view so sharp, and a flight with ultrasonic speed
- Cute cuddly animal, lives on eucalyptus tree
- Jungle me kon nacha?
- I need a __ hug
- Chinese Black and White cute animal
- I walk in desert and store water in my humps
23 Clues: I need a __ hug • cunning as a ___ • Give me some honey • living on the webs • who stole my banana • Jungle me kon nacha? • longest poisonous reptile • pink bird, with a spanish name • Black and White, dont be racist • King of the Jungle, Born to Rule • Runs very fast, you cannot catch • oh my dear, this animal is so cute • I am the tallest animal of savanna • ...
Ayman's Crossword 2024-06-14
- How many children do you have?
- Where were you born?
- What month were you born?
- How many brothers and sisters do you have in total?
- What is the name of the company you work for (It’s not Fortra)?
- What is the pet that you bought us?
- What is your Duolingo streak (Hint it has more than two zeros)?
- What was the last country we visited as a family?
- What is my favorite food?
- What do you call a three humped camel?
- What is the game you installed on my computer (Hint, It's a shooter you played as a teenager I think)
- What is the weirdest pet that you have got as a child?
- What is mom's favorite food?
- What is the name of your brother?
- What restaurant did we go to for Mia’s birthday?
- What is the drink I make you?
- What is the anime I finished watching?
- Who is your favorite child?
- What is my favorite sport (Hint, I play this)?
- What sport does Alex play (Hint, Not badminton)?
20 Clues: Where were you born? • What is my favorite food? • What month were you born? • Who is your favorite child? • What is mom's favorite food? • What is the drink I make you? • How many children do you have? • What is the name of your brother? • What is the pet that you bought us? • What do you call a three humped camel? • What is the anime I finished watching? • ...
SCS Camel Crossword 2020-07-27
- The Camel's hump is used to store
- In Turkey, Camel ______ is a very popular traditional sport
- One hump camel is called a
- A group of camels is called a ______
- Camels are called _____ of the desert
- A two humped camel is called a ______ camel
- Camel milk does not ______
- According to Guinness World Records this country has the largest population of camels in the wild
- In Nevada it is illegal to ride a camel on the ________
- Another term that is used for a group of camels
- in Saudi Arabia on April 22, 1995 the first camel ______ contest was held
11 Clues: Camel milk does not ______ • One hump camel is called a • The Camel's hump is used to store • A group of camels is called a ______ • Camels are called _____ of the desert • A two humped camel is called a ______ camel • Another term that is used for a group of camels • In Nevada it is illegal to ride a camel on the ________ • ...
SCS Camel Crossword 2020-07-27
- The Camel's hump is used to store
- In Turkey, Camel ______ is a very popular traditional sport
- One hump camel is called a
- A group of camels is called a ______
- Camels are called _____ of the desert
- A two humped camel is called a ______ camel
- Camel milk does not ______
- According to Guinness World Records this country has the largest population of camels in the wild
- In Nevada it is illegal to ride a camel on the ________
- Another term that is used for a group of camels
- in Saudi Arabia on April 22, 1995 the first camel ______ contest was held
11 Clues: Camel milk does not ______ • One hump camel is called a • The Camel's hump is used to store • A group of camels is called a ______ • Camels are called _____ of the desert • A two humped camel is called a ______ camel • Another term that is used for a group of camels • In Nevada it is illegal to ride a camel on the ________ • ...
Spelling Challenge 2022-09-27
- the pencil case contains a __________ and an eraser.
- we've got a ___________ in the house.
- my father bought a new _________ for his office.
- he was rushed to the hospital by __________.
- a __________ has a hump on his back.
- she looked me in the _________.
- they walked down the ________ of the small town.
- the _________ was entirely occupied by two large cats.
- all reptiles have ________.
- please write in ink, not in__________.
- they climbed up the ________and reached the summit.
- he carried a box on his ___________.
- there is a bush near the school _________.
- a young __________ is called a chick.
- the __________ disappeared in the bushes.
- i bught a __________ in the market.
- the __________ was founded in 1985.
- chocolate__________ is my favorite dessert.
- the________ rang and interrupted the meeting
- ________ blasted from the little radio.
20 Clues: all reptiles have ________. • she looked me in the _________. • i bught a __________ in the market. • the __________ was founded in 1985. • he carried a box on his ___________. • a __________ has a hump on his back. • a young __________ is called a chick. • we've got a ___________ in the house. • please write in ink, not in__________. • ...
7th- U4 St. 2 Voc 2021-06-27
- Briefmarke
- The _______helped me in the shop (Verkäufer,in)
- ____is made of glass.
- It is a big animal which lives without water for a long time.
- ´Sonderangebot´ is special________
- Marmelade
- Another word for ´understand´.
- I have to ________this letter to my aunt.
- I am not writing a _________. (Brief)
- I need a ________to clean my table.
- Kunde, Kundin
11 Clues: Marmelade • Briefmarke • Kunde, Kundin • ____is made of glass. • Another word for ´understand´. • ´Sonderangebot´ is special________ • I need a ________to clean my table. • I am not writing a _________. (Brief) • I have to ________this letter to my aunt. • The _______helped me in the shop (Verkäufer,in) • It is a big animal which lives without water for a long time.
Librarian Training 2017-01-25
- Apologies from Nana?
- Purveyor of fruits I fear?
- Plant pro
- These overwhelmed us in August
- Recent avian arrivals
- Unpleasant expulsion
- On sale? Let's stock up.
- Turn that frown upside-down
- It's not about this
- Small uninvited guest
- Best band of 2016
- Real-life zootopia, perhaps
- A season of extravagance and tales from the farm?
- We were part of this team's DubNation, briefly
- Post-hike summer beer run
- Frequently puts up the periscope
- Unpleasant expulsion
- Night-time fave
- A rolling stone gathers none?
- Get out of the way of those birds!?
- Shhh!? Be ____?
- 5/9 or 6/9, I think
- Double X biologist?
- Magical helpers and Massachusetts' mayors?
- Florida family bonding activity
- Mid-atlantic vessel
- Who's that girl
- Needy nemesis
- Generative experience
- Pet name/otherworldly utterance
- Fount of new friends
- Ski spot
- Un'bear'ably sad tale?
- Neurotic neighbor
- Airplane inventor?
- Night-time fave
36 Clues: Ski spot • Plant pro • Needy nemesis • Shhh!? Be ____? • Who's that girl • Night-time fave • Night-time fave • Best band of 2016 • Neurotic neighbor • Airplane inventor? • 5/9 or 6/9, I think • Double X biologist? • Mid-atlantic vessel • It's not about this • Apologies from Nana? • Unpleasant expulsion • Fount of new friends • Unpleasant expulsion • Recent avian arrivals • Generative experience • ...
SCS Camel Crossword 2020-07-27
- Camel milk does not ______
- Another term that is used for a group of camels
- A two humped camel is called a ______ camel
- in Saudi Arabia on April 22, 1995 the first camel ______ contest was held
- According to Guinness World Records this country has the largest population of camels in the wild
- In Turkey, Camel ______ is a very popular traditional sport
- In Nevada it is illegal to ride a camel on the ________
- One hump camel is called a
- A group of camels is called a ______
- The Camel's hump is used to store
- Camels are called _____ of the desert
11 Clues: Camel milk does not ______ • One hump camel is called a • The Camel's hump is used to store • A group of camels is called a ______ • Camels are called _____ of the desert • A two humped camel is called a ______ camel • Another term that is used for a group of camels • In Nevada it is illegal to ride a camel on the ________ • ...
suffix ian 2022-01-20
- Borris Johnson is one of these.
- Please make sure you ... to school on time.
- The ... looked at the child's broken arm.
- Mr Beech is a great ...
- The ... fixed the lights in my house.
- The children in Dexter class are very ...
- ... Rhapsody is a song by Queen.
- The ... played his trumpet.
- The ... needs to tidy the book corner.
- I am ... years old.
- I went to see the ... to get my glasses.
11 Clues: I am ... years old. • Mr Beech is a great ... • The ... played his trumpet. • Borris Johnson is one of these. • ... Rhapsody is a song by Queen. • The ... fixed the lights in my house. • The ... needs to tidy the book corner. • I went to see the ... to get my glasses. • The children in Dexter class are very ... • The ... looked at the child's broken arm. • ...
Ayman's Crossword 2024-06-14
- What is the anime I finished watching?
- Who is your favorite child?
- What is your Duolingo streak (Hint it has more than two zeros)?
- Where were you born?
- What restaurant did we go to for Mia’s birthday?
- How many children do you have?
- What is the weirdest pet that you have got as a child?
- What is my favorite sport (Hint, I play this)?
- What is the drink I make you?
- What is the pet that you bought us?
- What do you call a three humped camel?
- What was the last country we visited as a family?
- What month were you born?
- What is the game you installed on my computer (Hint, It's a shooter you played as a teenager I think)
- What sport does Alex play (Hint, Not badminton)?
- What is mom's favorite food?
- What is the name of the company you work for (It’s not Fortra)?
- What is my favorite food?
- What is the name of your brother?
- How many brothers and sisters do you have in total?
20 Clues: Where were you born? • What month were you born? • What is my favorite food? • Who is your favorite child? • What is mom's favorite food? • What is the drink I make you? • How many children do you have? • What is the name of your brother? • What is the pet that you bought us? • What do you call a three humped camel? • What is the anime I finished watching? • ...
Wild animals 2016-09-10
13 Clues: im green • snip snip • big big ears • im on a tree • i love bamboo • i love bananas • im big and fat • really long neck • i have two humps • king of the jungle • my name is snapper • im black and white • im a very big monkey
ok but how much do you really know about lily??? 2021-09-17
- social sciences or geography
- my fav high school teacher
- part of the group
- number of grandparents with cancer lol
- nervous or excited to finish high school
- least fav chore (two words, no space)
- biggest insecurity
- first fav animal EVER
- activity i miss the most :(
- the only person reels are ok to watch for
- if someone asked me what my hobby is, i would say i'm a... (two words, no space)
- second fav colour
- fav supermodel
- the love of my life
- if i'm in english i am playing...
- what i've been craving all lockdown
- the only sport i'm confident at
17 Clues: fav supermodel • second fav colour • part of the group • biggest insecurity • the love of my life • first fav animal EVER • my fav high school teacher • activity i miss the most :( • social sciences or geography • the only sport i'm confident at • if i'm in english i am playing... • what i've been craving all lockdown • least fav chore (two words, no space) • ...
Happy Valentine's Day 2022 2022-02-14
- Favorite color
- Movie Title Love and ____
- Nickname for Timothy
- Always room for one ___
- First official date
- My profession
- And the greatest of these is ___
- Our wedding month
- First flight together to this state
- Your profession
- Baby girl #2
- City where we met
- Wood ewe
- Where we went for pie
- Our engagement month
- Baby girl #1
16 Clues: Wood ewe • Baby girl #2 • Baby girl #1 • My profession • Favorite color • Your profession • City where we met • Our wedding month • First official date • Our engagement month • Nickname for Timothy • Where we went for pie • Always room for one ___ • Movie Title Love and ____ • And the greatest of these is ___ • First flight together to this state
Oscars Vocab Crossword 2017-01-19
- I took in a _______ kitten.
- My brothers ________ me.
- The moody teenager was ______.
- Steve was ecstatic when he was at disney world.
- The kitten _______d me to feed it.
- My mom is very ________.
- I felt __________ after the bully teased me.
- I had ____ when my mom said we were going to disney world.
- The funeral was _________.
- The mean librarian liked ______ing the children.
10 Clues: My mom is very ________. • My brothers ________ me. • The funeral was _________. • I took in a _______ kitten. • The moody teenager was ______. • The kitten _______d me to feed it. • I felt __________ after the bully teased me. • Steve was ecstatic when he was at disney world. • The mean librarian liked ______ing the children. • ...
librarian Lil 2016-05-19
- Who was the leader of the motorcycle gang?
- Lil carried so many books she became super______
- Bill hates these, while Lil always loved them
- Bill became Lil's _________ in the library
- Where did Bill go to watch his favorite show
- What did Bill agree to do if Lil could move one of their bikes
- what age did Lil build a tree house
- It's said that librarian Lil had a book in her hand when she was
- What career did Lil choose to follow.
- Lil stacked all the ________ of the motorcycle gang
- She loved to read books and had a wild imagination
- Lil handed out books in a _________
- what age did Lil read every book in the children’s section of the library
- Everyone Chesterville were _________ potatoes
- What day did Bill's favorite TV show come
- Who told Bill that there were no more TVs
- Lils favorite pastime was
- Did people come to the library before the blackout
- She was so strong that she could lift up a
- People started reading books when there was a _______
20 Clues: Lils favorite pastime was • Lil handed out books in a _________ • what age did Lil build a tree house • What career did Lil choose to follow. • What day did Bill's favorite TV show come • Who told Bill that there were no more TVs • Who was the leader of the motorcycle gang? • Bill became Lil's _________ in the library • She was so strong that she could lift up a • ...
African animals 2020-09-23
- I am the tallest mammal on Earth.
- My nose is a trunk.
- I am the world’s largest bird.
- A group of us is called a ‘zeal’.
- My name literally means ‘nose horn’.
- I like to cackle.
- I live with my 20-50 closest relatives in underground tunnels.
- I am tan, white and black, and sometimes I have a pair of long horns.
- My name comes from Ancient Greek and means ‘river horse’.
- I have a back hump that stores fat.
- I am the fastest land animal in the world.
- I am a monkey with a distinctive bottom.
12 Clues: I like to cackle. • My nose is a trunk. • I am the world’s largest bird. • I am the tallest mammal on Earth. • A group of us is called a ‘zeal’. • I have a back hump that stores fat. • My name literally means ‘nose horn’. • I am a monkey with a distinctive bottom. • I am the fastest land animal in the world. • My name comes from Ancient Greek and means ‘river horse’. • ...
ok but how much do you really know about lily??? 2021-09-14
- social sciences or geography
- my fav high school teacher
- part of the group
- number of grandparents with cancer lol
- nervous or excited to finish high school
- least fav chore (two words, no space)
- biggest insecurity
- first fav animal EVER
- activity i miss the most :(
- the only person reels are ok to watch for
- if someone asked me what my hobby is, i would say i'm a... (two words, no space)
- second fav colour
- fav supermodel
- the love of my life
- if i'm in english i am playing...
- what i've been craving all lockdown
- the only sport i'm confident at
17 Clues: fav supermodel • second fav colour • part of the group • biggest insecurity • the love of my life • first fav animal EVER • my fav high school teacher • activity i miss the most :( • social sciences or geography • the only sport i'm confident at • if i'm in english i am playing... • what i've been craving all lockdown • least fav chore (two words, no space) • ...
Animals 2020-02-27
- My stripes help to camouflage me.
- I have tusks.
- I am an amphibian.
- I move very slowly.
- My fin sometimes sticks out of the water
- I like to eat carrots
- I have pink feathers.
- I have a horn in the middle of my face.
- I have eight legs.
- I slither.
- I swim with my friends.
- I make honey.
- I wag my tail when I am happy.
- I am an excellent climber.
- I am a fast runner.
- I store fat in my humps.
- I sting my prey.
- I have a pouch for my baby.
- I have a long neck
- I am a large cat.
- I am a king.
- I will let you ride me.
- I like to hunt mice.
- I live in a cave.
- I sing songs to my friends
- I live in rivers.
- I live in Antarctica.
- I have a house on my back
- I am extinct.
- I hunt at night.
30 Clues: I slither. • I am a king. • I have tusks. • I am extinct. • I make honey. • I sting my prey. • I hunt at night. • I am a large cat. • I live in a cave. • I live in rivers. • I am an amphibian. • I have a long neck • I have eight legs. • I am a fast runner. • I move very slowly. • I like to hunt mice. • I like to eat carrots • I have pink feathers. • I live in Antarctica. • I will let you ride me. • ...
Camel Facts 2022-04-06
- Thick callous on the sternum
- Location of callous pad on the front leg
- Animal that only eats plants
- Gait where legs move in lateral pairs
- True knee joint in back leg
- Native desert home to Bactrian camels
- Camels are known as "Ships of the ______"
- Number of stomachs found in a camel
- Star Wars character with camel voice
- Camel with one hump
- Position when a camel lays down, legs folded under
- Process that presses camel hair together for hats
- This is done in a figure 8 motion
- Camel with two humps
14 Clues: Camel with one hump • Camel with two humps • True knee joint in back leg • Thick callous on the sternum • Animal that only eats plants • This is done in a figure 8 motion • Number of stomachs found in a camel • Star Wars character with camel voice • Gait where legs move in lateral pairs • Native desert home to Bactrian camels • Location of callous pad on the front leg • ...
JOBS 2024-08-20
- I like singing so much. I want to be a ... someday
- A person who likes to make cakes or bread
- Who helps you to feel secure
- Someone who makes food in a restaurant
- People who help put out fires
- My brother should keep the border safe. He protects the country from threats. He wrok as
- He is an ... He designs houses and public buildings
- Someone who explores outer spaces is
- People who work in hospitals assisting doctors
- Someone who works in a library
- People in charge of fishing
- I like playing badminton. I play for Indonesia National Team
- Someone who flies an airplane
- someone who plays a musical instrument
- A person whose job is to teach in a school
- One who takes photos
- I have a toothache. I need to go to a
- My sister has to report and write news every day. She is a
- As a ..., Uncle Dirman delivers mail everyday
- Who work on ship
20 Clues: Who work on ship • One who takes photos • People in charge of fishing • Who helps you to feel secure • Someone who flies an airplane • People who help put out fires • Someone who works in a library • Someone who explores outer spaces is • I have a toothache. I need to go to a • someone who plays a musical instrument • Someone who makes food in a restaurant • ...
CSE screens 2014-11-07
- you will use this screen when provided a SSN
- this screen shows how much you are past due
- this plus 5 digit fips will help you locate me
- to view cases per SSN
- I am an order level with information on due date
- I hold the secrets to this case
- what is my function
- to see if more money received then posted
- this is how I receive my payments
- what actions might be available
- current support and arrearage amount due
- for more information on my secrets you would look here
- if I am medical only you will know by looking here
- to find out were I can be served check here
- to see if I have the means to pay you might look here
- if my friend no me as anyone else
- all members are found here
- I will show you your obligation type
- payments post here
19 Clues: payments post here • what is my function • to view cases per SSN • all members are found here • I hold the secrets to this case • what actions might be available • if my friend no me as anyone else • this is how I receive my payments • I will show you your obligation type • current support and arrearage amount due • to see if more money received then posted • ...
History of the Library of Congress 2012-10-21
- What online resource for public legislative information was launched in January 1995?
- Who gifted the Library of Congress $60 million in 2000 to establish a center for scholars and prize in the human sciences?
- What is the name of the Library of Congress developed international standard for machine-readable bibliographic information?
- Which Librarian of Congress developed Canons of Selection?
- Which Library of Congress buildings opened to the public in 1939?
- Which branch of government does the Library of Congress belong?
- Which famous Librarian of Congress who served from 1864-1897?
- In 2005 Librarian of Congress Billington proposed the creation of a WDL also known as this.
- Which institution’s entire library did the Library of Congress absorb in 1866?
- Who appoints the Librarian of Congress?
- Whose personal collection was purchased in 1815 for the Library of Congress?
- The Library of Congress developed and uses this technology to preserve early media such as phonograph records in digital format.
- In 1993 the Library of Congress secured a 100 acre storage site for its paper based collection in this state?
- What prize did the Library of Congress create in 2007 for popular song?
- Which Librarian of Congress was the first to expand its international collection?
- Where in Virginia did the Library of Congress open the Packard AV Conservation Center in 2007?
- Which city was the home of the first Library of Congress?
- Which of the 3 main Library of Congress buildings was completed in 1980 and is the largest?
- Which Librarian of Congress established the LC’s presence on the World Wide Web?
- Which particular Renaissance style was the Jefferson Building built?
20 Clues: Who appoints the Librarian of Congress? • Which city was the home of the first Library of Congress? • Which Librarian of Congress developed Canons of Selection? • Which famous Librarian of Congress who served from 1864-1897? • Which branch of government does the Library of Congress belong? • Which Library of Congress buildings opened to the public in 1939? • ...
GT1 English Monthly Test Comprehension 2023-07-13
- Kim's school is _____________.
- The boys pretend they are sledding on _______________.
- My grandma helps me make gimbap whenever I ____________ her.
- My _____________ shows me the best way to kick the ball.
- My teacher teaches me math, science, and many other ____________.
- A ______________ at the doctor can be scary but it is important to make sure we stay healthy.
- Ms.Knox brought _____________.
- Our neighbor burnt their baking! The smoke was so bad that the _______________ came.
- While my parents were visiting our grandmother, I stayed home with the _________.
- The people in my __________________ all meet at the community center to have a yard sale.
- My family ________________ does things together.
- The people in our family love and _______________ us.
- An ice day turned into an ice ___________.
- The power went out so the ____________ turned off.
- The raindrops _______________ to make ice.
- The _______________ helped me find a book about dinosaurs.
- Ty's mom tells the boys they need to drink ___________.
- I help my little sister ____________ the puzzle pieces.
- Kim's mom made a fire in the _____________.
- If my mom did not help me cook, then all of my food would taste ___________.
- The boys need to put on ________________ before they go in the pool.
- I had to go to the ______________ because my tooth hurt.
- Kim and her mom pretend that they are ___________.
- The boys wish to visit somewhere cold, like __________.
- The driveway was like an ice skating __________.
- At my checkup, the doctor said that I am very ____________.
- They are making a new supermarket in my neighborhood. The ____________ are working so hard in the heat.
- You can not do everything on your own, sometimes you need a _____________.
- Kim's mom is a _______________.
- What sound woke up Kim?
- A __________ branch knocked down the power lines.
31 Clues: What sound woke up Kim? • Kim's school is _____________. • Ms.Knox brought _____________. • Kim's mom is a _______________. • An ice day turned into an ice ___________. • The raindrops _______________ to make ice. • Kim's mom made a fire in the _____________. • The driveway was like an ice skating __________. • My family ________________ does things together. • ...
History of the Library of Congress 2012-10-21
- Who appoints the Librarian of Congress?
- In 2005 Librarian of Congress Billington proposed the creation of a WDL also known as this.
- Which particular Renaissance style was the Jefferson Building built?
- Which institution’s entire library did the Library of Congress absorb in 1866?
- Where in Virginia did the Library of Congress open the Packard AV Conservation Center in 2007?
- What online resource for public legislative information was launched in January 1995?
- In 1993 the Library of Congress secured a 100 acre storage site for its paper based collection in this state?
- What prize did the Library of Congress create in 2007 for popular song?
- Who gifted the Library of Congress $60 million in 2000 to establish a center for scholars and prize in the human sciences?
- Whose personal collection was purchased in 1815 for the Library of Congress?
- Which city was the home of the first Library of Congress?
- Which branch of government does the Library of Congress belong?
- Which Librarian of Congress established the LC’s presence on the World Wide Web?
- Which Library of Congress buildings opened to the public in 1939?
- Which Librarian of Congress developed Canons of Selection?
- Which of the 3 main Library of Congress buildings was completed in 1980 and is the largest?
- Which famous Librarian of Congress who served from 1864-1897?
- The Library of Congress developed and uses this technology to preserve early media such as phonograph records in digital format.
- What is the name of the Library of Congress developed international standard for machine-readable bibliographic information?
- Which Librarian of Congress was the first to expand its international collection?
20 Clues: Who appoints the Librarian of Congress? • Which city was the home of the first Library of Congress? • Which Librarian of Congress developed Canons of Selection? • Which famous Librarian of Congress who served from 1864-1897? • Which branch of government does the Library of Congress belong? • Which Library of Congress buildings opened to the public in 1939? • ...
History of the Library of Congress 2012-10-21
- Where in Virginia did the Library of Congress open the Packard AV Conservation Center in 2007?
- What prize did the Library of Congress create in 2007 for popular song?
- Which branch of government does the Library of Congress belong?
- Which famous Librarian of Congress who served from 1864-1897?
- Which institution’s entire library did the Library of Congress absorb in 1866?
- Which Librarian of Congress was the first to expand its international collection?
- Which Librarian of Congress established the LC’s presence on the World Wide Web?
- What is the name of the Library of Congress developed international standard for machine-readable bibliographic information?
- In 1993 the Library of Congress secured a 100 acre storage site for its paper based collection in this state?
- Which city was the home of the first Library of Congress?
- Which of the 3 main Library of Congress buildings was completed in 1980 and is the largest?
- Who gifted the Library of Congress $60 million in 2000 to establish a center for scholars and prize in the human sciences?
- Who appoints the Librarian of Congress?
- Which Library of Congress buildings opened to the public in 1939?
- The Library of Congress developed and uses this technology to preserve early media such as phonograph records in digital format.
- Whose personal collection was purchased in 1815 for the Library of Congress?
- In 2005 Librarian of Congress Billington proposed the creation of a WDL also known as this.
- What online resource for public legislative information was launched in January 1995?
- Which Librarian of Congress developed Canons of Selection?
- Which particular Renaissance style was the Jefferson Building built?
20 Clues: Who appoints the Librarian of Congress? • Which city was the home of the first Library of Congress? • Which Librarian of Congress developed Canons of Selection? • Which famous Librarian of Congress who served from 1864-1897? • Which branch of government does the Library of Congress belong? • Which Library of Congress buildings opened to the public in 1939? • ...
Welcome to 5B 2022-04-27
- They love to watch movies!
- My dad's father was a police officer but had to quit because my dad's mom forced him.
- She used to be a librarian
- They are both very helpful and I am thankful for them
- You love to make chocolate biscotti
- My Grandparents are more than a whole foot in height differential. My Grandpa was a first-generation college-goer.
- She rescues dogs.
- You have a Chocolate Lab named Ellie
- Loves Trivia!
- She likes to cook and garden.
- Schulte, He built his own house.
- She has 8 siblings and he was in charge of a store.
- He is a pilot
- Very generous and giving.
- You love to golf at the Tacoma Country Club and once made a hole in one
- She used to live on a lake and they used to be a library teacher.
- Both my Grandparents are very helpful!
- My grandparents are amazing and are very sweet, generous and very thoughtful.
- My Granddad use to own a Christmas factory that made Christmas decorations.
- He was in the US Army and she was a deaf and blind teacher.
- They are owners of a Funeral Home
- She plays the piano.
- He is very good at golf!
- Both my Nana and Nonna are funny and loving.
- My Grandpa was a Mailman
- She is virtuous. She is kind to everyone. He is faithful to his family. She is bright and joyful.
- He was in the marines. She used to live in Iowa. She owns a restaurant at the Puyallup fair.
- My Grandpa was the start of our generational barbershop "Mark's Barber Shop."
- My Papa was a chemist!
- They own the cafe Craft 19.
- They live in Colorado
31 Clues: Loves Trivia! • He is a pilot • She rescues dogs. • She plays the piano. • They live in Colorado • My Papa was a chemist! • He is very good at golf! • My Grandpa was a Mailman • Very generous and giving. • They love to watch movies! • She used to be a librarian • They own the cafe Craft 19. • She likes to cook and garden. • Schulte, He built his own house. • ...
Schwa Words 2023-01-11
- I was exhausted and ___________ on the bed.
- Blue jeans are made of this.
- I use this to put hang my clothes.
- No two words are _________.
- Floats in the air.
- I would like butter on my baked __________.
- I went to the _________ to shop.
- Books are divided into _______.
- My mom said I looked like this when I was asleep.
- You climb on this when you are not tall enough.
- Animal associated with Egypt.
- Not your mother but the male.
- Sticks to metal.
- Your mom is a __________.
- Ask for this if you are having trouble
- In tennis you need this to play.
- A place to sit in the living room.
- You get this type of exam from a dentist.
- I beg your _________.
19 Clues: Sticks to metal. • Floats in the air. • I beg your _________. • Your mom is a __________. • No two words are _________. • Blue jeans are made of this. • Animal associated with Egypt. • Not your mother but the male. • Books are divided into _______. • In tennis you need this to play. • I went to the _________ to shop. • I use this to put hang my clothes. • ...
Welcome to 5B 2022-04-27
- My dad's father was a police officer but had to quit because my dad's mom forced him.
- She used to live on a lake and she used to be a library teacher.
- They love to watch movies!
- My Grandparents are more than a whole foot in height differential. My Grandpa was a first-generation college-goer.
- He was in the US Army and she was a deaf and blind teacher.
- My Granddad use to own a Christmas factory that made Christmas decorations.
- He was in the marines. She used to live in Iowa. She owns a restaurant at the Puyallup fair.
- She likes to cook and garden.
- Both my Nana and Nonna are funny and loving.
- They live in Colorado
- Both my Grandparents are very helpful!
- She is virtuous. She is kind to everyone. He is faithful to his family. She is bright and joyful.
- My grandparents are amazing and are very sweet, generous and very thoughtful.
- You have a Chocolate Lab named Ellie
- she plays the piano.She used to be a librarian. He is very good at golf!
- My Grandpa was the start of our generational barbershop "Mark's Barber Shop."
- Loves Trivia!
- Very generous and giving.
- My Papa was a chemist!
- They own the cafe Craft 19.
- You love to make chocolate biscotti
- She rescues dogs.
- You love to golf at the Tacoma Country Club and once made a hole in one
- She has 8 siblings and he was in charge of a store.
- They are both very helpful and I am thankful for them
- He is a pilot
- My Grandpa was a Mailman
- They are owners of a Funeral Home
- Schulte, He built his own house.
29 Clues: He is a pilot • Loves Trivia! • She rescues dogs. • They live in Colorado • My Papa was a chemist! • My Grandpa was a Mailman • Very generous and giving. • They love to watch movies! • They own the cafe Craft 19. • She likes to cook and garden. • Schulte, He built his own house. • They are owners of a Funeral Home • You love to make chocolate biscotti • ...
Vowel Teams: oo 2024-04-10
- Samantha borrowed a ______ from the library.
- The librarian ______ at the checkout desk.
- I _____ also like to read it.
- Do you think I ______ borrow it next?
- I wear a shoe on my ______.
- Samantha said it was a _____ story.
- There is 5 minutes left of recess, I ____ go get water now.
- The Librarian will help us ______ for other books to read.
8 Clues: I wear a shoe on my ______. • I _____ also like to read it. • Samantha said it was a _____ story. • Do you think I ______ borrow it next? • The librarian ______ at the checkout desk. • Samantha borrowed a ______ from the library. • The Librarian will help us ______ for other books to read. • There is 5 minutes left of recess, I ____ go get water now.
Librarian 2021-06-29
- - People living in one area make up a
- – Biome we live in
- – County we live in
- – Something that can be told or read
- – A very strong positive feeling you can have for someone or something
- - Prickly plants found in the desert
- - Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.
- - Person who lives next to you
- – The experience has brought us ___________
- - To allow another to use something of yours
10 Clues: – Biome we live in • – County we live in • - Person who lives next to you • – Something that can be told or read • - Prickly plants found in the desert • - People living in one area make up a • – The experience has brought us ___________ • - To allow another to use something of yours • - Parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. • ...
Subject verb Agreement 2025-02-26
- Chocolate and vanilla (make/makes) a great ice cream combination.
- Either my cousins or my best friend (visit/visits) me every summer.
- Neither the teacher nor the students (was/were) ready for the test.
- Either my brother or my parents (drive/drives) me to school every morning.
- The horse and the cow (need/needs) to be fed.
- The dog and the cat (play/plays) in the backyard.
- Neither my sister nor my brothers (want/wants) to wash the dishes.
- Neither my friends nor my uncle (was/were) at the party.
- The principal and the teacher (was/were) discussing the new school rules.
- My mom and dad (love/loves) to cook dinner together.
- Spaghetti and garlic bread (is/are) my favorite meal.
- Macaroni and cheese (is/are) a delicious dish.
- My coach and my teammates (work/works) hard during practice.
- Both the librarian and the students (enjoy/enjoys) reading books.
- Either the twins or their older brother (do/does) the laundry.
15 Clues: The horse and the cow (need/needs) to be fed. • Macaroni and cheese (is/are) a delicious dish. • The dog and the cat (play/plays) in the backyard. • My mom and dad (love/loves) to cook dinner together. • Spaghetti and garlic bread (is/are) my favorite meal. • Neither my friends nor my uncle (was/were) at the party. • ...
Unit 7 Part 2 2022-04-21
- The Batman in the new movie was very ________
- Pigpen in Charlie Brown is very ________
- To ________ covid, I got my vaccine
- Fred always chooses to _______ instead of be brave
- The boy who hit his brother was ____________ of a time-out
- A Spanish-English dictionary is very _________
- The engine of the Mustang was very ___________
- My friend who left our group is now a __________
- Spirit Airlines is notoriously _________
- The librarian was really a ___________, I couldn't talk
10 Clues: To ________ covid, I got my vaccine • Spirit Airlines is notoriously _________ • Pigpen in Charlie Brown is very ________ • The Batman in the new movie was very ________ • The engine of the Mustang was very ___________ • A Spanish-English dictionary is very _________ • My friend who left our group is now a __________ • Fred always chooses to _______ instead of be brave • ...
ANIMALS 2017-11-21
k articulation 2023-08-13
- I ____ the ball when I play soccer.
- I ____ my ice cream cone instead of biting it.
- Bunnies like orange veggies called ____.
- The part of your body right under your head is your ____.
- In the car, I play _____ over the radio.
- A ____ is an animal that holds water in its humps.
- I am going on a _____ to Florida with my family.
- I am reading a _____ called Harry Potter.
- My mom makes dinner in the _____.
- Monday through Friday is the week but Saturday and Sunday are the ____.
- I don't like being ____ because I don't like coughing or throwing up.
- You can get an iced _____ at Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks.
- When it's raining, I have to wear my ______ so I don't get wet.
- A _____ lives in a coop and lays eggs.
- A Mexican food with a hard or soft shell is called a ____.
15 Clues: My mom makes dinner in the _____. • I ____ the ball when I play soccer. • A _____ lives in a coop and lays eggs. • Bunnies like orange veggies called ____. • In the car, I play _____ over the radio. • I am reading a _____ called Harry Potter. • I ____ my ice cream cone instead of biting it. • I am going on a _____ to Florida with my family. • ...
Animals 2020-01-23
- A big lake
- This animal lives in the ice and snow
- A place where it is very hot and dry
- My grandma is __________
- This animal lives in the desert
- A giraffe has __________ legs
- A scissors is __________
- A baby is ___________
- A place where bats live
- A very big fish
- Birds have ___________ that keep them warm
- A place where there are many trees and other plants
- A baby bird
- An elephant has _________ legs
14 Clues: A big lake • A baby bird • A very big fish • A baby is ___________ • A place where bats live • My grandma is __________ • A scissors is __________ • A giraffe has __________ legs • An elephant has _________ legs • This animal lives in the desert • A place where it is very hot and dry • This animal lives in the ice and snow • Birds have ___________ that keep them warm • ...
Animal's Actual Names 2015-03-04
- Tea please!
- My species name refers to my camel-like appearance
- I'm a large flightless bird
- Hot coffee
- One of the bachelor males on loan from the San Diego in 2009
- From the New York's Bronx Zoo as part of the SSP
- Also the name of a chocolate company
- I was pregnant during the flood
- My tongue is blue
- One of the Gabor sisters
- New 'hog' in town
- I have a forked tongue
- From Narnia
- The leader of our troop
- Uses communal dung piles called middens
- My dad is very protective
- Named after a character in Harry Potter
- He bit me
- My skin is gray
- I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records
- At 47 he was the oldest resident in 2012
- My artwork was sold at the gift shop
- He pulled the sword from the stone
- I have Happy Feet
- He was born on Halloween
- Also has a web
- 'Domesticated' program animal
- A 'spirit' animal
- Former 'spirit' animal
- I gave birth to a mob of five
- My brothers moved to the Assiniboine Zoo
- I just moved away
- Break dancer
- One of the two newest chicks
- Think The Jungle Book
- If you come into the Ecolab I might whistle at you
- My skin is also striped
- I walk faster than people think
- Give me the time of day
- Named after the People's Princess
40 Clues: He bit me • Hot coffee • Tea please! • From Narnia • Break dancer • Also has a web • My skin is gray • I have Happy Feet • A 'spirit' animal • I just moved away • My tongue is blue • New 'hog' in town • Think The Jungle Book • Former 'spirit' animal • I have a forked tongue • The leader of our troop • My skin is also striped • Give me the time of day • He was born on Halloween • One of the Gabor sisters • ...
Vocab#1 2022-08-31
- my student teacher
- the principal
- place where I play
- the assistant principal
- the librarian
- place where I write homework in
- the music teacher
- the academic dean
- my homeroom teacher
- step 2 in positive behavior
- teacher
- the art teacher
- the PE teacher
- step 1 in positive behavior
- the social worker
- step 3 in positive behavior
16 Clues: teacher • the principal • the librarian • the PE teacher • the art teacher • the social worker • the music teacher • the academic dean • my student teacher • place where I play • my homeroom teacher • the assistant principal • step 2 in positive behavior • step 1 in positive behavior • step 3 in positive behavior • place where I write homework in
Animals 2023-10-21
- I love to multitask
- men's bestfriend
- flexible
- common house animal that is cute and fluffy
- crossing lines
- small and cute furry friend
- has a trunk and big ears
- I like to copy what people say
- I jump a lot. Im green. what am i ?
- Im slow but I win the race
- I make good wagyu steaks
- I can see my prey from high in the sky. My wings are large
- all I see in the mirror is black and white.
- just keep swimming~
- beat their chest and roar
- I always keep myself hydrated in the desert
- meh eh eh eh eh eh
- Disneyland is where you'll find me
- tall and long
- Im sea-riously scary
- I like to jump with a pouch infront of my body
- I eat other animals. I have a big mouth. I am green. I live in the water.
- king of the jungle
- lives in antartica
- I can turn my neck 360° and stayed up late at night
- Fast and furious with spots on my body
- something that howls awooo
27 Clues: flexible • tall and long • crossing lines • men's bestfriend • meh eh eh eh eh eh • king of the jungle • lives in antartica • just keep swimming~ • I love to multitask • Im sea-riously scary • has a trunk and big ears • I make good wagyu steaks • beat their chest and roar • Im slow but I win the race • something that howls awooo • small and cute furry friend • I like to copy what people say • ...
ya bros crossword 2023-01-10
9 Clues: My religion is • Leonardo divinci • I am an old person • thank you for being ours. • I'm an Aussie because I'm • you are the last ........ • I'm a perfect cake ......... • I like my school because of the • come on I'm taking you to your ........ lessons
Boot Camp 2024-12-30
- "what time is it question mark" oh no who's here??
- Hebrew saying now that your ring is laying!
- oh the sign in sheet is up give one guess what its about?!?!
- chrach fin deh... (fave song:))
- check out my new chair I am fit for a king!
- Ralph spins me like a dreidel
- Have a ---Chanukah! (using frozen fruit)
- Faigy's most traumatic trip
- I know it all, ask me about the engagement!
- B-O-O-T-S
- Sara A. "when I were my glasses They call me a..."
- synonymous with purple, oh gosh my colorful cheerios are out of the menue
- Sara L. as she shakes will carry out the task after responding..
- Everyone Hates us here:0 no lets rephrase everyone--- us!
14 Clues: B-O-O-T-S • Faigy's most traumatic trip • Ralph spins me like a dreidel • chrach fin deh... (fave song:)) • Have a ---Chanukah! (using frozen fruit) • I know it all, ask me about the engagement! • Hebrew saying now that your ring is laying! • check out my new chair I am fit for a king! • "what time is it question mark" oh no who's here?? • ...
Camel Rider Crossword 2021-08-16
- One of Walid's owners when he was a camel rider
- The city the novel is based in
- Adam's sister
- The Centra tower was ___.
- Good in Arabic
- Adam's maid or housekeeper
- Walid's camel who died
- Adam's dog
- An Australian boy living in a compound in Abu Dai
- Walid's religion that he believes in
- A type of monarch in the Middles East
- Walid and Adam got lost in a ____.
- An animal found mainly in the desert
- Adam's family lived in a ___.
- A boy from bangladesh living as a camel rider
15 Clues: Adam's dog • Adam's sister • Good in Arabic • Walid's camel who died • The Centra tower was ___. • Adam's maid or housekeeper • Adam's family lived in a ___. • The city the novel is based in • Walid and Adam got lost in a ____. • Walid's religion that he believes in • An animal found mainly in the desert • A type of monarch in the Middles East • ...
- Goth Magical Girl
- Jellyfish and Leader of a band
- Responsible Cottage Dweller
- Ultimate Gamer
- Crazy Addams Twin
- Dino's Twin Sister
- Punk Magical Girl
- Dino-boy
- Cult Leader
- Adopted kid of Urchin
- Ultimate Adventurer
- Charlie's best friend
- Anxious Librarian
- Ryleighs favorite
- Main Character of my Book
- Pink Magical Girl
- Russian Boy
- Anxious Addams Twin
- Kennedy's twin
19 Clues: Dino-boy • Russian Boy • Cult Leader • Ultimate Gamer • Kennedy's twin • Goth Magical Girl • Anxious Librarian • Ryleighs favorite • Pink Magical Girl • Crazy Addams Twin • Punk Magical Girl • Dino's Twin Sister • Ultimate Adventurer • Anxious Addams Twin • Charlie's best friend • Adopted kid of Urchin • Main Character of my Book • Responsible Cottage Dweller • Jellyfish and Leader of a band
professions crossword 2022-04-06
- quick call the ... before the criminal run away
- i helping people find books and check them out im a ...
- i treat animals who are sick iam a...
- i bring food to costumers table who am i ?
- i cook or make food at restourant who am i ?
- my hair is verry long i want to cut it so i go to ...
- i works in a shop and i sell medicines
- i make people happy with my magic tricks i am a ...
- i make and cook a bread im a...
- look that house is on fire quick call ...
- i repair machines ,car or motorcycle.
- i cutting down trees who am i?
- i attend to a court and i defend my client.
- my tooth its hurt i have to go to the ...
- i teaching students at school who am i ?
- i sell flower and plants and i make a bouquet of flower who am i ?
- i catch fish every day i am a....
- i live in farm an i plant crops in the field who am i ?
- i I fly an airplane who am i ?
- i help doctors to take care or treat of patient.
20 Clues: i cutting down trees who am i? • i I fly an airplane who am i ? • i make and cook a bread im a... • i catch fish every day i am a.... • i repair machines ,car or motorcycle. • i treat animals who are sick iam a... • i works in a shop and i sell medicines • i teaching students at school who am i ? • look that house is on fire quick call ... • ...
The Camel 2025-03-02
- What does the camel's sand-coloured skin help it to do in the desert?
- How many minutes does it take a camel to drink one third of its body weight in water?
- A camel’s head has broad ridges of bone that stick out over its eyes on its forehead. What do these protect the camel’s eyes from?
- The camel has an extra _ _ _ _ _ _ that acts like a windshield and helps to keep sand out of the eyes. This moves from side to side and wipes the sand away.
- The camel has leathery patches on its knees that protect it from the hot sand when it _ _ _ _
- The camel’s hump and thick skin insulate it so that it does not sweat. This is important for the camel because sweating is the main way that _ _ _ _ _ is lost.
- Which drink do we get from the camel?
- Where does a camel store extra fat?
- What can be made from a camel's hide or skin?
- Camels' lips are thick so they can eat rough and spiky plants like a _ _ _ _ _ _
- What can the camel close to stop sand getting into their noses?
- A camel’s foot can be as big as a plate. This is so that they do not _ _ _ _ into the sand
- The camel is known as the 'Ship of the _ _ _ _ _ _'
- The camel’s ears are _ _ _ _ _, which makes it hard for sand to get into them
14 Clues: Where does a camel store extra fat? • Which drink do we get from the camel? • What can be made from a camel's hide or skin? • The camel is known as the 'Ship of the _ _ _ _ _ _' • What can the camel close to stop sand getting into their noses? • What does the camel's sand-coloured skin help it to do in the desert? • ...
animals 2021-11-26
- live in water, I have fins
- Hiss and poisonous
- can store fat in my hump and live in desert
- Black and white in color
- tiny and hardworking
- National animal of India
- lay eggs
- like bananas
- tallest animal
- like milk and I meow
- king of forest
- Flying mammal
- Green and my beak is red
- cold place and I have long hair
15 Clues: lay eggs • like bananas • Flying mammal • tallest animal • king of forest • Man's BEST FRIEND • Hiss and poisonous • like milk and I meow • tiny and hardworking • Black and white in color • National animal of India • Green and my beak is red • live in water, I have fins • cold place and I have long hair • can store fat in my hump and live in desert
professions crossword 2022-04-06
- quick call the ... before the criminal run away
- i helping people find books and check them out im a ...
- i treat animals who are sick iam a...
- i bring food to costumers table who am i ?
- i cook or make food at restourant who am i ?
- my hair is verry long i want to cut it so i go to ...
- i works in a shop and i sell medicines
- i make people happy with my magic tricks i am a ...
- i make and cook a bread im a...
- look that house is on fire quick call ...
- i repair machines ,car or motorcycle.
- i cutting down trees who am i?
- i attend to a court and i defend my client.
- my tooth its hurt i have to go to the ...
- i teaching students at school who am i ?
- i sell flower and plants and i make a bouquet of flower who am i ?
- i catch fish every day i am a....
- i live in farm an i plant crops in the field who am i ?
- i I fly an airplane who am i ?
- i help doctors to take care or treat of patient.
20 Clues: i cutting down trees who am i? • i I fly an airplane who am i ? • i make and cook a bread im a... • i catch fish every day i am a.... • i repair machines ,car or motorcycle. • i treat animals who are sick iam a... • i works in a shop and i sell medicines • i teaching students at school who am i ? • look that house is on fire quick call ... • ...
DHSS Library Crossword 2021-11-04
- Famous encyclopedia maker
- Number of books in Harry Potter series
- Holloway Campus location
- Most challenged book of 2020
- Great Library of Alexandria country
- ______ Decimal System
- The DHSS Library is the only library in the state to house a ____ ____ collection
- Governor
- Senior librarian
- Delaware capital
- Library mascot animal
- The Bard of Avon
- Senator Holloway's first name
- Delaware was the ____ state
- UD mascot animal
- Dictionary creator Noah ____
- Delaware's state tree, American ___
- Library director
- Inventor of movable type Johann ____
- Senior librarian
- Month for National Librarian Day
- Amazon eReader
- Bookstore chain that filed for bankruptcy in 2011
- Palahniuk novel set in Wilmington
- What a library has
- The worst way to mark your page (to a librarian)
- Number of counties in Delaware
- Secretary Magarik's first name
- Where UD is located
- Library building
30 Clues: Governor • Amazon eReader • UD mascot animal • Library director • Senior librarian • Senior librarian • Delaware capital • The Bard of Avon • Library building • What a library has • Where UD is located • ______ Decimal System • Library mascot animal • Holloway Campus location • Famous encyclopedia maker • Delaware was the ____ state • Dictionary creator Noah ____ • Most challenged book of 2020 • ...
animals 2021-11-26
- live in water, I have fins
- Hiss and poisonous
- can store fat in my hump and live in desert
- Black and white in color
- tiny and hardworking
- National animal of India
- lay eggs
- like bananas
- tallest animal
- like milk and I meow
- king of forest
- Flying mammal
- Green and my beak is red
- cold place and I have long hair
15 Clues: lay eggs • like bananas • Flying mammal • tallest animal • king of forest • Man's BEST FRIEND • Hiss and poisonous • like milk and I meow • tiny and hardworking • Black and white in color • National animal of India • Green and my beak is red • live in water, I have fins • cold place and I have long hair • can store fat in my hump and live in desert
UNITS 1 & 2 2023-11-21
- A crocodile is____________than a beetle.
- The _________ jumps better than the camel.
- The beetle is __________ than the deer.
- It has long horns
- The ___________ is slower than the cheetah.
- What time is it? Let me check in my__________
- My little sister is_________ than me.
- You listen to music with these.
- I __________ brush my teeth. That´s why they are very clean.
- I lost my dog! I´m going to___________
10 Clues: It has long horns • You listen to music with these. • My little sister is_________ than me. • I lost my dog! I´m going to___________ • The beetle is __________ than the deer. • A crocodile is____________than a beetle. • The _________ jumps better than the camel. • The ___________ is slower than the cheetah. • What time is it? Let me check in my__________ • ...
Librarian 2013-05-29
- /a written or printed work consisting of pages
- /a place where you find books and librarians
- /real fact or true story
- /the study of past events, particularly in human affairs
- /the faculty or activity of imagining things that are impossible
- /an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust
- /the impact of imagined innovations in science or technology
- /invention or fabrication as opposed to fact
- /an account of someone's life written by someone else
- /a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love
- /where do you attend your education at?
11 Clues: /real fact or true story • /where do you attend your education at? • /invention or fabrication as opposed to fact • /a place where you find books and librarians • /an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust • /a written or printed work consisting of pages • /an account of someone's life written by someone else • ...
Librarian crosswords 2020-07-07
- Bibliometric index used to measure the importance or rank of a journal by calculating the times it's articles are cited
- 150 hours students who work in the Unibo
- It can be borrowed in the library
- The search engine for academic articles with the double "o"
- Service that helps to have articles from others libraries
- Work/paper published in a journal
- AND, OR, NOT are...?
- The italian catalogue of journals
- Service that allows to browse on the web as you are in the Unibo net
- A word used to facilitate an online search for information
- Set of abilities requiring individuals to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information
- A reference manager software
- The Catalogue of books shared by the libraries of the Bolognese Pole
- The University of Bologna discovery tool
- One of the most important databases that is not Wos nor Proquest
- Acronym of the service that helps to have books from others libraries
- Fantastic place where you can find books, journals and librarians
- Acronym of the Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo
- Free service through which you can ask articles or a book chapter not owned by your library
19 Clues: AND, OR, NOT are...? • A reference manager software • It can be borrowed in the library • Work/paper published in a journal • The italian catalogue of journals • The University of Bologna discovery tool • 150 hours students who work in the Unibo • Acronym of the Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo • Service that helps to have articles from others libraries • ...
Animals 2022-01-26
- I Love to chase mice
- I have black and white stripes on my body
- I am the Ancestor of humans
- I am the king of the jungle
- My neck is so lang that I can touch the trees
- I love to eat rabbits
- I have a hump on my back
- I have a trunk as my nose
- I make the 'mooo' sound
- I am the most common house pet
- I love to play in mud
11 Clues: I Love to chase mice • I love to eat rabbits • I love to play in mud • I make the 'mooo' sound • I have a hump on my back • I have a trunk as my nose • I am the Ancestor of humans • I am the king of the jungle • I am the most common house pet • I have black and white stripes on my body • My neck is so lang that I can touch the trees
03A – LISElec01 – Week 14 Analysis, Application and Exploration 2020-07-28
- __________librarian, all members of the community
- __________provider, role of the librarian
- Core Values of Librarianship
- __________Bostwick, moral guide
- ______ librarian, activities of the university community
- _________freedom, central value of librarianship
- choosing quality library material
- _______Bill of Rights, a person’s right to use a library
- never impose any limitations to access to information based on ____________
- ___________ Library Association
- _________scheme, label and use information objects
- _________ librarian, activities of the corporation.
- Five Laws of Library Science
- even indexing and retrieval can ultimately be defined as
- librarians are obligated to restrain any personal tendencies
- common initiator of a challenge to materials
- _____ of librarian, to provide access to information
- as organized depositories of documents
- selector must put aside or “bracket”
- classifying materials shape routes of __________
20 Clues: Five Laws of Library Science • Core Values of Librarianship • ___________ Library Association • __________Bostwick, moral guide • choosing quality library material • selector must put aside or “bracket” • as organized depositories of documents • __________provider, role of the librarian • common initiator of a challenge to materials • ...