natural disasters Crossword Puzzles

natural phenomena 2021-04-29

natural phenomena crossword puzzle
  1. I am a celestial body that does not emit heat
  2. a celestial body that enters the earth's atmosphere and appears to be lit
  3. a celestial body that rotates following the earth's rotation
  4. I am powerful and am a ball of gas that gives off heat and light as the center of the solar system
  5. I am a celestial body that reflects the sunlight that appears at night
  6. what the sun emits
  7. I shine like a star and have a long tail and reach into the fog
  8. aliens whose existence is still questionable
  9. water that comes from clouds and forms a crystal ball
  1. natural events in the form of vibrations in the earth's crust
  2. A large wind that is in the form of a vortex and can cause damage
  3. a condition in which an area is inundated by large amounts of water
  4. what appears after the rain that looks beautiful
  5. the process of condensing water vapor in the atmosphere into water droplets heavy enough to fall and usually arrive on land.
  6. erupting is an event that occurs as a result of magma deposition in the bowels of the earth which is pushed out by high pressure gas
  7. violent ocean waves due to an earthquake or volcanic eruption at the bottom of the sea

16 Clues: what the sun emitsaliens whose existence is still questionableI am a celestial body that does not emit heatwhat appears after the rain that looks beautifulwater that comes from clouds and forms a crystal balla celestial body that rotates following the earth's rotationnatural events in the form of vibrations in the earth's crust...

Natural Features 2021-05-12

Natural Features crossword puzzle
  1. sziklafal
  2. ...volcano(alvó)
  3. távoli
  4. evező
  5. mentőmellény
  6. hullám
  7. sivatag
  8. lelkesít
  9. vízesés
  10. ejtőernyő
  1. sziget
  2. póráz
  3. völgy
  4. dűne
  5. barlang
  6. látványos

16 Clues: dűnepórázvölgyevezőszigettávolihullámbarlangsivatagvízeséslelkesítsziklafallátványosejtőernyőmentőmellény...volcano(alvó)

Natural antibiotics 2021-08-24

Natural antibiotics crossword puzzle
  1. to wait or move in a secret way so that you cannot be seen, especially because you are about to attack someone or do something wrong.
  2. causing or likely to cause harm.
  3. existing or happening in many places and/or among many people.
  4. to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something more likely to happen.
  5. full of people.
  6. to secure firmly / Device usually of metal attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast overboard to hold it in a particular place by means of a fluke that digs into the bottom
  7. into or inside a building.
  8. a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another.
  9. a place, especially including buildings, where a particular activity happens.
  10. a delicate, soft type of cloth made from a thread produced by silkworms, or the thread itself
  1. a person qualified to practice medicine.
  2. not good for you, and likely to have a bad effect on your life either physically, morally, or emotionally.
  3. a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
  4. to give someone something that they need
  5. to control something, usually in order to use its power.
  6. extremely unpleasant.

16 Clues: full of people.extremely unpleasant.into or inside a building.causing or likely to cause harm.a person qualified to practice give someone something that they needto control something, usually in order to use its power.existing or happening in many places and/or among many people....

Natural selection 2021-12-07

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. is a change to a different location
  2. a disappearance of species from the earth
  3. is different effects on some of the population
  4. selection are processes of traits that help a population survive
  5. is the maximum success a population can have in a enviorment
  6. a selection cunducted by humens
  7. change over time
  8. how reprouductively succeful an organism is
  9. a sequence of dna codes
  1. a heritable trait
  2. as a change in a population gene pool
  3. includes all genes present in a population
  4. a number of ways a species can be entirly deffrent
  5. change in dna
  6. a species thats not supposed to be in a certain location
  7. a evolution occurred by chance

16 Clues: change in dnachange over timea heritable traita sequence of dna codesa evolution occurred by chancea selection cunducted by humensis a change to a different locationas a change in a population gene poola disappearance of species from the earthincludes all genes present in a populationhow reprouductively succeful an organism is...

Natural features 2021-11-28

Natural features crossword puzzle
  1. klif
  2. morze
  3. wulkan
  4. rzeka
  5. pustynia
  6. wydma
  7. wodospad
  8. góra
  1. dolina
  2. jaskinia
  3. jezioro
  4. kontynent
  5. ocean
  6. wyspa
  7. dźungla
  8. las

16 Clues: lasklifgóramorzeoceanrzekawyspawydmadolinawulkanjeziorodźunglajaskiniapustyniawodospadkontynent

Natural features 2021-11-28

Natural features crossword puzzle
  1. dolina
  2. las
  3. klif
  4. wyspa
  5. ocean
  6. pustynia
  7. jezioro
  8. morze
  1. jaskinia
  2. wodospad
  3. góra
  4. wulkan
  5. kontynent
  6. dźungla
  7. rzeka
  8. wydma

16 Clues: lasgóraklifwysparzekaoceanwydmamorzedolinawulkandźunglajeziorojaskiniawodospadpustyniakontynent

Natural Law 2022-03-09

Natural Law crossword puzzle
  1. There are five of these precepts.
  2. The virtue which means self control.
  3. The number of tiers of law.
  4. Aquinas said this is the overriding rule of moral behaviour.
  5. There are three of these virtues.
  6. Laws in the mind of God.
  7. Moral rules can never be broken.
  8. This person said that 'true law is right reason in agreement with nature'.
  9. The doctrine where an unintended immoral side effect occurs as a result of a moral act.
  1. Aquinas said that this kind of 'good' does not help to achieve fellowship with God.
  2. There are four of these virtues.
  3. Aquinas was inspired by this person's four causes.
  4. Right reason.
  5. These precepts are derived from the first five.
  6. These goods lead to fellowship with God.
  7. Aquinas believed the aim of life is to be what God meant us to be.

16 Clues: Right reason.Laws in the mind of God.The number of tiers of law.There are four of these virtues.Moral rules can never be broken.There are five of these precepts.There are three of these virtues.The virtue which means self control.These goods lead to fellowship with God.These precepts are derived from the first five....

Natural environments 2023-06-14

Natural environments crossword puzzle
  1. Opening in the Earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases are expelled
  2. Large mass of ice that moves slowly down a slope or valley, shaping the surrounding landscape
  3. Large expanse of flat or rolling grassland, typically found in temperate regions
  4. Ring-shaped coral reef or series of islets surrounding a central lagoon
  5. Vast, treeless Arctic or Alpine region characterized by low temperatures and a short growing season
  6. Arid region with minimal vegetation, characterized by sand dunes, rocky landscapes, or vast expanses of barren land
  7. Underwater ecosystem formed by colonies of coral polyps, supporting a diverse array of marine life
  8. Grassy plain characterized by scattered trees and supporting a range of wildlife
  1. A cascade of water that flows from a height, often creating a picturesque scene
  2. Natural flowing watercourse, often originating from a source and emptying into a larger body of water
  3. Sandy or pebbly shore by the ocean or a lake, with waves and coastal features
  4. Dense area of trees, plants, and wildlife, often with a variety of ecosystems
  5. Large landform that rises steeply above its surroundings, often with rocky terrain and snow-capped peaks
  6. Deep and narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by erosion from a river or other natural forces
  7. Natural underground hollow or passage, often with unique geological formations
  8. Area where water covers the soil, such as marshes, swamps, or bogs, supporting diverse plant and animal life

16 Clues: Ring-shaped coral reef or series of islets surrounding a central lagoonSandy or pebbly shore by the ocean or a lake, with waves and coastal featuresDense area of trees, plants, and wildlife, often with a variety of ecosystemsNatural underground hollow or passage, often with unique geological formations...

Natural disaster's 2023-02-06

Natural disaster's crossword puzzle
  1. the breaking of rock into sediments
  2. A liquid fossil fuel formed from marine organisms that is burned to obtain energy and used in the manufacture of plastics.
  3. A representation of an object or event
  4. process in which the minerals found in the earth work to glue sediments into layered rock
  5. pressure caused by the weight of many layers
  6. Rock rock that is formed from layers of sediment
  7. evidence of life from a past time, such as the impressions and remains of organisms
  8. A scientist who studies fossils
  1. the state or process of rotting; decay
  2. dropping of sediments
  3. small pieces of broken rock and soil
  4. Gas This is a gas found in the absence of oxygen when petroleum is formed. There is pockets of Natural gas found under ground. Takes millions of years to form. Often used in propane tanks, gas stoves, water heaters, and much more.
  5. a mark or depression made by pressure
  6. The moving of sediments
  7. Rotting away
  8. fuels Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals.
  9. A fossil fuel that forms underground from partially decomposed plant material

17 Clues: Rotting awaydropping of sedimentsThe moving of sedimentsA scientist who studies fossilsthe breaking of rock into sedimentssmall pieces of broken rock and soila mark or depression made by pressurethe state or process of rotting; decayA representation of an object or eventpressure caused by the weight of many layers...

Natural Selection 2024-02-27

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. Organs Differing structures with similar functions and do NOT come from a common ancestor
  2. Organ the organs with no current function and are considered to be the extra parts from past ancestors.
  3. Drift mechanism of evolution that causes a change in the gene pool of a population randomly
  4. Evidence The DNA of different species shows that they developed from common ancestors
  5. Evolution occurs when two separate species evolve differently from a common ancestor
  6. Genetics genetic differences within and among populations
  7. Darwin an English scientist who studied nature, he is known for his theory of evolution by natural selection
  8. Flow the movement of genes from one population to another population
  1. Anatomy the study of species’ structures is similar and different
  2. Organs Similar structures with differing functions that come from a common ancestor
  3. the study of how species are distributed
  4. The process of genetic change over time
  5. The study of the embryo's formation and development
  6. Evolution occurs when organisms that are not closely related evolve similar features or behaviors, often as solutions to the same problems
  7. Selection The process that lets some members of a population survive and reproduce more than others
  8. Record a collection of fossils that document the history of life on Earth

16 Clues: The process of genetic change over timethe study of how species are distributedThe study of the embryo's formation and developmentGenetics genetic differences within and among populationsAnatomy the study of species’ structures is similar and differentFlow the movement of genes from one population to another population...

Natural Resources 2024-05-13

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. the human ___ has gone from 1 billion to 8 billion in 20 years
  2. valuing resources for their cash value
  3. the ___ of resouces around the world is uneven
  4. human populations have risen mostly due to much better ____ in recent years
  5. a thing we use
  6. a resource nature will regrow if treated properly
  7. moving to find resources
  8. valuing resources for their benefit for enjoyment
  9. coal, oil, or natural gas, used for energy
  10. not made by people
  1. the amount of land it takes to create all the resources you use
  2. a resource that never runs out
  3. a resource that nature will not regrow
  4. giving one resource for another
  5. valuing resources for their benefit to nature
  6. fighting for a resource

16 Clues: a thing we usenot made by peoplefighting for a resourcemoving to find resourcesa resource that never runs outgiving one resource for anothera resource that nature will not regrowvaluing resources for their cash valuecoal, oil, or natural gas, used for energyvaluing resources for their benefit to naturethe ___ of resouces around the world is uneven...

Sociological Disasters 2014-04-28

Sociological Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. преступление
  2. наказание
  3. оружие
  4. насилие
  5. эпидемия
  1. лихорадка
  2. болезнь
  3. кибервойна
  4. заражать
  5. поджог

10 Clues: поджогоружиеболезньнасилиезаражатьэпидемиялихорадканаказаниекибервойнапреступление

surviving disasters 2021-05-11

surviving disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Dry weather.
  2. People that live through a catastrophe.
  3. Big wave caused by earthquake.
  4. People who flee their country.
  5. The powdery residue of matter that remains after burning.
  6. Overflow of water.
  1. Big rotating storm.
  2. Two blocks of earth collide.
  3. Harm or damage done to a person.
  4. ... rain.

10 Clues: ... rain.Dry weather.Overflow of water.Big rotating storm.Two blocks of earth collide.Big wave caused by earthquake.People who flee their country.Harm or damage done to a person.People that live through a catastrophe.The powdery residue of matter that remains after burning.

NZ Disasters 2023-06-11

NZ Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. One Of the Main Characters In No Safe Harbour
  2. The Cyclone That Sunk The Wahine
  3. A Ship That Sunk In 1968
  4. The Harbour The Wahine Sunk In
  5. The Reef That Wahine Hit
  6. The Angle Of The Wahine It Capsized On
  7. The Author That Wrote NO SAFE HARBOUR
  1. The Book That Was About The Wahine
  2. Where Cyclone Giselle Formed
  3. The Date The Wahine Sunk
  4. One Of The Main Characters In No Safe Harbour

11 Clues: A Ship That Sunk In 1968The Reef That Wahine HitThe Date The Wahine SunkWhere Cyclone Giselle FormedThe Harbour The Wahine Sunk InThe Cyclone That Sunk The WahineThe Book That Was About The WahineThe Author That Wrote NO SAFE HARBOURThe Angle Of The Wahine It Capsized OnOne Of the Main Characters In No Safe Harbour...

Chinese Immigration 2021-10-11

Chinese Immigration crossword puzzle
  1. What is the word used to describe discrimination against the Chinese?
  2. In 1923 the Chinese Exclusion act prevented all Chinese from entering Canada. What day was this known as to the Chinese people?
  3. Why were Chinese laborers desired again in 1881?
  4. What act prevented Chinese Immigrants from entering Canada from 1923-1947?
  5. Which famous Chinese Canadian was the governor general of Canada from 1999-2005?
  6. What was the first Chinese Community established in Canada?
  7. What happened in 1885 intended to discourage Chinese Immigration? It was a Chinese ___________ tax.
  8. What other war from 1842 to 1860 in China encouraged more Chinese to come to Canada?
  9. What happened if people came from China and did not have enough money for the head tax?
  1. Why did this captain bring these Chinese to Canada? What did they build?
  2. What was the name of the rebellion in China that was caused by natural disasters and famine that killed 20 million people?
  3. Why did Chinese people from San Francisco come in 1858?
  4. What island did the Chinese people first come to in Canada?
  5. On what river was gold discovered in 1858, that encouraged the Chinese to come to British Columbia, Canada?
  6. In 1788, what captain brought the first 50 Chinese people ever to set foot on Canadian soil?
  7. Who was voted MP for Vancouver Center in 1957?
  8. In 2006 the government issued an _____________ for how the Chinese were treated.
  9. Where did the Chinese get segregated to in Victoria, Nanaimo and Kamloops?

18 Clues: Who was voted MP for Vancouver Center in 1957?Why were Chinese laborers desired again in 1881?Why did Chinese people from San Francisco come in 1858?What island did the Chinese people first come to in Canada?What was the first Chinese Community established in Canada?What is the word used to describe discrimination against the Chinese?...

Jorge P. Vega alejandragay Zhao Yi 2014-05-28

Jorge P. Vega alejandragay Zhao Yi crossword puzzle
  1. when you dont have money
  2. when a number of countryes have problem
  3. when the persons are not equal
  4. When a country are destroyed
  5. when a country dont have problem
  6. disasters Is a problems for the nature
  1. Are objects for the destruction
  2. when the politicians are corrupt
  3. Is when a personhave problems and a person solves
  4. when you dont have food

10 Clues: when you dont have foodwhen you dont have moneyWhen a country are destroyedwhen the persons are not equalAre objects for the destructionwhen the politicians are corruptwhen a country dont have problemdisasters Is a problems for the naturewhen a number of countryes have problemIs when a personhave problems and a person solves

Geography 2020-10-22

Geography crossword puzzle
  1. Risk of disasters
  2. Somewhere you're connected too
  3. Lack of water and effect of affordability
  4. Wet or dry areas with different weather
  1. Still have if you're a developed country or not
  2. Attractions and landscape influence
  3. Peoples perception of a place they prefer
  4. The way a person lives
  5. Cities, houses, and workplaces in one area
  6. Takes time with your travel

10 Clues: Risk of disastersThe way a person livesTakes time with your travelSomewhere you're connected tooAttractions and landscape influenceWet or dry areas with different weatherPeoples perception of a place they preferLack of water and effect of affordabilityCities, houses, and workplaces in one areaStill have if you're a developed country or not

My Crossword?! 2019-07-03

My Crossword?! crossword puzzle
  1. The day of the earthquake
  2. A rough estimate of citizens who had died
  3. What was the magnitude of the disaster?
  4. The name for disasters that affect the cultural environment
  5. Something that is of great size
  6. A large amount of numbers
  1. People who were affected bad were _ _ _
  2. Where the disaster had occurred
  3. The date of the incident
  4. The location of the disaster

10 Clues: The date of the incidentThe day of the earthquakeA large amount of numbersThe location of the disasterWhere the disaster had occurredSomething that is of great sizePeople who were affected bad were _ _ _What was the magnitude of the disaster?A rough estimate of citizens who had diedThe name for disasters that affect the cultural environment

My Crossword?! 2019-07-03

My Crossword?! crossword puzzle
  1. The day of the earthquake
  2. A rough estimate of citizens who had died
  3. What was the magnitude of the disaster?
  4. The name for disasters that affect the cultural environment
  5. Something that is of great size
  6. A large amount of numbers
  1. People who were affected bad were _ _ _
  2. Where the disaster had occurred
  3. The date of the incident
  4. The location of the disaster

10 Clues: The date of the incidentThe day of the earthquakeA large amount of numbersThe location of the disasterWhere the disaster had occurredSomething that is of great sizePeople who were affected bad were _ _ _What was the magnitude of the disaster?A rough estimate of citizens who had diedThe name for disasters that affect the cultural environment

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2021-06-18

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a Japanese word meaning harbour wave
  2. sudden violent shaking in the ground
  3. earth's outer layer made of minerals
  4. path in the pacific with frequent disasters
  5. the cycle that rocks go through
  6. tend to meet at a point
  7. breaking down or dissolving of rocks
  1. rupture in the earth where lave escapes
  2. layer of earth made of metal
  3. molten rock
  4. layer of the earth made of liquid iron
  5. a system of ideas to explain something
  6. going in different directions; separating
  7. facts to support a theory
  8. a series of mountains close together
  9. steep depressions in the ocean
  10. layer of the earth made of silicates

17 Clues: molten rocktend to meet at a pointfacts to support a theorylayer of earth made of metalsteep depressions in the oceanthe cycle that rocks go througha Japanese word meaning harbour wavesudden violent shaking in the groundearth's outer layer made of mineralsa series of mountains close togetherlayer of the earth made of silicates...

Unit 11 Populations Crossword 2014-03-03

Unit 11 Populations Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The movement of an individual or group into an area.
  2. The _____ _____ is the average length of time that an individual is expected to live.
  3. Graph referred to as the "J curve".
  4. When individuals are separated by a fairly consistent distance, this is a _____ dispersion.
  5. The change from a hunting and gathering society to an agricultural society that began about 10,000 years ago.
  6. Mark and recapture and random sampling are two methods of recording the _____ of a population.
  7. Someone who measures the population growth (of an animal, plant, or human).
  8. In an increasing population, the _____ _____ will be higher than the death rate.
  9. Movement out of the population.
  1. The classification of members of a population into groups by age.
  2. A group of organisms of the same species that live in a specific geographical area and interbreed.
  3. Random, uniform, clumped are all forms of ______ .
  4. A graph of the mortality data of a population.
  5. The number of individuals an environment can support at any one given time or a long period of time.
  6. A viceroy butterfly's adaptation to look like the monarch butterfly without the monarch's toxicity is a form of _____ mimicry.
  7. The population _____ will be higher when the area of a population is smaller.
  8. A survivorship curve with a constant death rate is type _____.
  9. The method of recording population used for plants, insects, and species of the more sedentary type.
  10. Graph referred to as the "S curve".
  11. Weather, natural disasters, and fires are density-_____ limiting factors.
  12. The _____ _____ will be higher than the birth rate in a decreasing population.

21 Clues: Movement out of the population.Graph referred to as the "J curve".Graph referred to as the "S curve".A graph of the mortality data of a population.Random, uniform, clumped are all forms of ______ .The movement of an individual or group into an area.A survivorship curve with a constant death rate is type _____....

Evolution 2014-02-18

Evolution crossword puzzle
  1. collection of alleles found in all of the individuals of a population
  2. study of fossils or extinct organisms
  3. proportion of one allele, compared with all the alleles for that trait, in the gene pool
  4. principle that states that the changes in the landforms result from slow changes over time
  5. theory that states that the geological processes that shape earth are uniform through time
  6. body part that has the same function but has a different structure
  7. process by which humans modify a species by breeding it for certain traits
  8. remnants of an organ or structure that functioned in an earlier ancestor
  9. measure of an organism's ability to survive and produce offspring relative to other members of a population
  10. a change in species over time
  1. all the individuals of a species that live in the same area
  2. study of the distribution of organisms around the world
  3. body part that is similar in structure but has different structures
  4. ability o0f a trait to be passed from one generation to the next
  5. differences in physical traits of an individual from the group to which it belongs
  6. trace of an organism from the past
  7. mechanism by which individuals that inherited beneficial adaptions produce more offspring on average than do other individuals
  8. inherited traits that is selected for over time because it allows the organisms to better survive in the environment
  9. theory that states that natural disasters shaped earth's landform and caused extinction of some species
  10. group of organisms so similar to one another that they can breed and produce fertile off spring

20 Clues: a change in species over timetrace of an organism from the paststudy of fossils or extinct organismsstudy of the distribution of organisms around the worldall the individuals of a species that live in the same areaability o0f a trait to be passed from one generation to the nextbody part that has the same function but has a different structure...

Cool Earth Crossword 2022-11-30

Cool Earth Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The United States constitutes 5% of the world population and contributes to 22% of the world’s _____ emission.
  2. Snow cover is _____.
  3. The global _____ on an average has increased by 0.6 to 1 degree Celsius till the 20th century.
  4. _____ fuels account for over 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions.
  5. The ocean is getting _____.
  6. Sea level is _____.
  7. Land use change and deforestation contribute to 15% of carbon emission every _____.
  8. NASA also found that 2010-2019 was the hottest _____ ever recorded.
  9. Arctic sea ice is _____.
  10. Global temperature is _____.
  11. What two things are fossil fuels burned for the most? Electricity and _____
  1. The number of climate change-related _____ has increased fourfold between 1980 and 2010.
  2. The _____ of more intense hurricanes ranked as categories 4 and 5 has increased over the last 30 years.
  3. The _____ years have been experienced from 1990 till 1997. The warmest years have been since 2005.
  4. _____ like cars and trucks contribute to 20% of carbon emissions in the United States.
  5. Climate change enhances the spread of pests that causes life-threatening _____ like dengue, malaria, Lyme disease etc.
  6. Around 15% of the carbon released in the environment is due to _____ and change in the use of land.
  7. _____, droughts and coral deaths are a few of the natural disasters caused due to climate change.
  8. The ice sheets are _____.
  9. Extreme events are _____ in frequency.
  10. The _____ Toad is the first species to go extinct due to climate change.
  11. _____ today to save your child tomorrow.

22 Clues: Sea level is _____.Snow cover is _____.Arctic sea ice is _____.The ice sheets are _____.The ocean is getting _____.Global temperature is _____.Extreme events are _____ in frequency._____ today to save your child tomorrow.NASA also found that 2010-2019 was the hottest _____ ever recorded....

Government Department Abbreviations 2022-10-31

Government Department Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. the Pentagon is the headquarters of...
  2. alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe
  3. protects the U.S. from terrorist attacks
  4. provides assistance after natural disasters
  5. developed resources around the Tennessee River
  6. oversees bank activity
  7. ensures financial security dealers sell stocks honestly
  8. makes certain Federal Offices are complying with the law
  9. provides grants for artistic endeavors and scientific research
  10. establishes and enforces rules for air traffic
  11. works with other countries' mail services to deliver mail globally
  12. charges fees to investors who buy the loans
  13. enforces provisions of the National Labor Relations Act
  14. enforces tax laws
  15. coordinates the network of systems that provide loans to farmers
  16. protects animals in Alaska
  17. gives money to the families of retired defenders of America
  1. loans money on the basis of buying a home
  2. oversees farming
  3. includes the Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, and Medicare/Medicaid
  4. prosecutes cases in Federal Court
  5. oversees roads, bridges, train tracks, and airports, to name a few
  6. oversees military actions in six areas of the world
  7. organizes space exploration
  8. includes all high-ranking military officials (ex. Chief of Naval Operations)
  9. grants licences for radio stations and sets decency standards for broadcast
  10. chases criminals who misdeed across borders
  11. charges fees to investors who buy the loans
  12. provides affordable living space and safety therin
  13. sells mortgage loans to investors
  14. investigates violations of Federal law
  15. issues forecasts of weather conditions
  16. provides assistance to tiny corporations
  17. gathers knowledge for government security

34 Clues: oversees farmingenforces tax lawsoversees bank activityprotects animals in Alaskaorganizes space explorationprosecutes cases in Federal Courtsells mortgage loans to investorsthe Pentagon is the headquarters of...investigates violations of Federal lawissues forecasts of weather conditionsprotects the U.S. from terrorist attacks...

biology 2016-10-21

biology crossword puzzle
  1. people coming into a country
  2. individuals compete or fight over the same resourses
  3. plant eater
  4. eats dead things
  5. first organisms to come into an area after a disaster
  6. predator eats prey
  7. transfer of energy from one level to the next
  8. non living factor that affects population growth
  9. water released by plants
  10. convert nitrogen gas into ammonia(NH3)
  11. people coming into a country
  12. purpose/job in an ecosystem
  13. number of individuals per unit of area
  14. natural disasters: fire, flood, earthquake.tsunami, hurricane
  15. relationships with organisms
  16. symbiotic relationship when both organisms benefit
  17. living factor that can affect population
  18. benefits one species while the other is harmed
  19. gets energy directly form the sun (lowest producer)
  20. the study of the ecosystem;organism and the environment
  1. eats/hunts
  2. different feed;do not get energy directly from the sun
  3. only 10% of energy at any given level is transferred to the next
  4. the number of individuals an enviroment can support
  5. the rate or numbers that animals go through season to season
  6. photosynthesis-sun-chemosynthesis-chemical energy
  7. comes after succession; land that made a comeback
  8. benefits one species while the other is harmed
  9. benefits one organism and does not harm or benefit the other organism
  10. self feeding
  11. slower process than secondary succession due to no soil to start process
  12. nitrogen fixing
  13. how humans release water
  14. eats both plant/ meat
  15. cones that open and spread seeds in a fire
  16. only eats meat
  17. each step in the food chain
  18. gets eaten/hunted

38 Clues: eats/huntsplant eaterself feedingonly eats meatnitrogen fixingeats dead thingsgets eaten/huntedpredator eats preyeats both plant/ meatwater released by plantshow humans release waterpurpose/job in an ecosystemeach step in the food chainpeople coming into a countrypeople coming into a countryrelationships with organisms...

Dafna Plate Tectonics Crossword 2024-01-12

Dafna Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When the Earth cracks far down and hits the asthenosphere creating a volcano inside a fissure in the Earth’s crust.
  2. When Oceanic crust goes under continental crust and creates trenches in the sea floor.
  3. Heat transferred through the movement of fluids or gasses, based on density.
  4. Solid uppermost part of the mantle.
  5. Solid outermost layer of the earth subdivided continental crust and oceanic crust, broken into tectonic plates.
  6. A place where two plates meet or collide.
  7. Solid inner most layer of earth, it is also made up of nickel and iron.
  8. solid top most layer of the earth, includes crust and solid part of the mantle.
  9. Natural disasters caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  1. When two plates collide with each other.
  2. When one plate goes under another because there is a difference in density.
  3. When continental plates collide the crust gets folded and mountains form.
  4. Really hot liquid metal and rock primary, metals are iron and nickel, It is also under the asthenosphere.
  5. When Oceanic plates collide if there is a difference in density there is subduction which often creates trenches in the ocean floor.
  6. When plates move away from each other
  7. A break in the Earth’s crust.
  8. Gooey melted rock that is located directly under the lithosphere.
  9. depression in the ocean floor usually by a subduction zone or fault line
  10. When Plates collide and doing so shakes or reshapes the Earth.
  11. A mountain spewing molten rock or lava from the Asthenosphere.

20 Clues: A break in the Earth’s crust.Solid uppermost part of the mantle.When plates move away from each otherWhen two plates collide with each other.A place where two plates meet or collide.Natural disasters caused by the movement of tectonic plates.When Plates collide and doing so shakes or reshapes the Earth....

Latin America Geography 2024-01-28

Latin America Geography crossword puzzle
  1. Name the country: US is a major export partner, cities are built inland to avoid hurricanes and other natural disasters, petroleum is a major export.
  2. Mexico City's geography is an issue because it sits in a ____________ shaped valley.
  3. The industry that is the biggest reason for deforestation in Brazil.
  4. _____________ and Portuguese and the languages spoken in Latin America
  5. Mexico's top trade partner and northern neighbor
  6. Ocean off the east coast of South America and east of the Caribbean.
  7. The ______________ river is the second longest in the world.
  8. Ocean one might see to the west if standing on the Andes Mountains
  9. Man made canal that connects the Pacific and Atlantic oceans
  10. Name the country: most people live on the coast, South America’s largest country, major export is coffee
  11. Name the country: An island, hurricanes, old cars, communist
  12. ______________ America is home to features such as the Amazon rainforest, Andes Mountains, and the Atacama desert.
  1. The Amazon ______________ is home to millions of species of animals
  2. ____________ tests are one way the Mexican government has tried to solve it's air pollution isses.
  3. _____________ from cars, trucks, and factories is the biggest cause of air pollution in Mexico City.
  4. ___________ America is a region made up of Mexico, Central America, and Latin America.
  5. Cuba's biggest threat annually from it's environment.
  6. Cuba is the largest island in the ____________________ sea.
  7. Type of pollution that is Mexico City's environmental issue.
  8. driest desert in the world
  9. Longest Mountain chain in the world
  10. Nickname of the Amazon rainforest, "____________ of the world".

22 Clues: driest desert in the worldLongest Mountain chain in the worldMexico's top trade partner and northern neighborCuba's biggest threat annually from it's environment.Cuba is the largest island in the ____________________ sea.Type of pollution that is Mexico City's environmental issue.Man made canal that connects the Pacific and Atlantic oceans...

Immigration and the Cities 2024-03-11

Immigration and the Cities crossword puzzle
  1. Built the first subway system in America.
  2. Immigrant communities in major cities in America.
  3. Major processing center for immigrants on the West Coast.
  4. This is the idea that immigrants will blend into the mainstream culture of America.
  5. Is a major distrust and dislike of Immigrants.
  6. This is view is that immigrants retain their culture instead of blending into the mainstream culture.
  7. Major processing center for immigrants on the East Coast.
  8. This is an acronym for anti-immigrant attitudes in America.
  9. Photo essayists who exposed the conditions of the inner-city slums and tenement houses in NYC.
  10. This city was devastated by an earthquake in 1906.
  11. The idea that Americans born in the U.S. are preferred over Immigrants.
  1. Laws aimed to limit the number of immigrants coming to America at the turn of the Century.
  2. Gift from France in the late 1880s.
  3. Largest Ethnic neighborhood in America.
  4. This city in Texas was devastated by a Hurricane in 1900.
  5. Natural Disasters and sanitation issues led to the creation of these in America.
  6. This city was devastated by fire in the late 1870s.
  7. Movement in the late 19th Century aimed to teach immigrants about American History and culture.
  8. Wrote a poem about the Statue of Liberty.
  9. These were community centers that came out of the Social Gospel Movement.
  10. Helped establish the Hull House in Chicago.
  11. Quickly built apartments in cities like New York to deal with the massive numbers of arriving immigrants.
  12. These were third-class passengers emigrating to America.

23 Clues: Gift from France in the late 1880s.Largest Ethnic neighborhood in America.Built the first subway system in America.Wrote a poem about the Statue of Liberty.Helped establish the Hull House in Chicago.Is a major distrust and dislike of Immigrants.Immigrant communities in major cities in America.This city was devastated by an earthquake in 1906....

44.4 Regulation of Population Size 2024-04-22

44.4 Regulation of Population Size crossword puzzle
  1. (Density-_____) Population density does not influence the intensity of the factor’s effect (ex: Natural disasters)
  2. (FILL)Ecologists recognize that both ____ and ____ conditions play a key role in regulating population size in natural environments.
  1. (Density-_____) Percentage of the population affected increases as the population density increases - Competition, Predation, Disease, etc.

3 Clues: (Density-_____) Population density does not influence the intensity of the factor’s effect (ex: Natural disasters)(FILL)Ecologists recognize that both ____ and ____ conditions play a key role in regulating population size in natural environments....

Natural Disasters and Weather Crossword Puzzle 2024-06-10

Natural Disasters and Weather Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An overflow of water onto normally dry land
  2. A sudden shaking or trembling of the ground [2]
  3. A powerful tropical cyclone with strong winds and heavy rainfall
  4. prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall [2]
  1. The long-term average of weather conditions in a particular area [2]
  2. Hazard A natural event that poses a threat to human life, property, or the environment [2]
  3. The state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time
  4. A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds, rain, thunder, and lightning [2]

8 Clues: An overflow of water onto normally dry landA sudden shaking or trembling of the ground [2]prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall [2]The state of the atmosphere at a particular place and timeA powerful tropical cyclone with strong winds and heavy rainfallThe long-term average of weather conditions in a particular area [2]...

word to know 2021-04-27

word to know crossword puzzle
  1. something that happens by accident
  2. things we need to do a task
  3. types of dogs
  4. a type of disaster which causes the ground to move
  5. working as a part of a team
  6. people or animals who help others
  7. the reason we have or use something
  1. can be dangerous to you
  2. not being careful
  3. helping to stop something from happening
  4. examples include tornados and earthquakes
  5. reacting quickly to a problem

12 Clues: types of dogsnot being carefulcan be dangerous to youthings we need to do a taskworking as a part of a teamreacting quickly to a problempeople or animals who help otherssomething that happens by accidentthe reason we have or use somethinghelping to stop something from happeningexamples include tornados and earthquakes...

Natural disaster 2021-06-21

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. storm Tormenta de nieve
  2. Supervivencia
  3. Meteorito
  4. Avalancha
  5. eruption Erupción volcánica
  6. Tormenta
  1. Derrumbe/Deslizamiento de tierra
  2. Terremoto/temblor
  3. Rayo
  4. Incendio
  5. Huracán
  6. Tsunami
  7. Inundación
  8. Daño
  9. wave Ola de calor
  10. Sequía

16 Clues: RayoDañoSequíaHuracánTsunamiIncendioTormentaMeteoritoAvalanchaInundaciónSupervivenciaTerremoto/temblorwave Ola de calorstorm Tormenta de nieveeruption Erupción volcánicaDerrumbe/Deslizamiento de tierra

Natural Resources 2022-12-08

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. carbon dioxide
  2. crust
  3. oxygen
  4. rocks
  5. minerals
  6. animals
  7. water
  8. natural resources
  1. underground
  2. natural gas
  3. protect
  4. fossil fuels
  5. soil
  6. plant
  7. air
  8. sunlight

16 Clues: airsoilcrustrocksplantwateroxygenprotectanimalsmineralssunlightundergroundnatural gasfossil fuelscarbon dioxidenatural resources

Natural Selection 2023-01-09

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. an adaptation that can be instinctive or learned and deals with the way an organism acts in order to survive
  2. a behavioral pattern that occurs when an animal reduces their activity during the winter
  3. an adaptation that makes up the physical features of an organism that helps it survive
  4. the total disappearance of all members of a particular species
  5. a___________ behavior that is taught after birth
  6. a long distance journey of individuals on a seasonal basis
  7. the naturalist known for his contributions to the theory of evolution by natural selection
  1. - the surroundings and conditions in which an organism lives
  2. a characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment.
  3. an adaptation that allows an organism to perform special functions within its body
  4. an organism that is hunted and killed by another organism for food
  5. _______ Selection -the theory that states organisms that are better suited for their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
  6. an organism that naturally hunts another organism for food
  7. one organism trying to look like or resemble another organism
  8. an organism blending into its environment
  9. a behavioral pattern that an animal is born with

16 Clues: an organism blending into its environmenta___________ behavior that is taught after birtha behavioral pattern that an animal is born withan organism that naturally hunts another organism for fooda long distance journey of individuals on a seasonal basis- the surroundings and conditions in which an organism lives...

Natural Disaster 2020-02-03

Natural Disaster crossword puzzle
  1. is a column of air moving rapidly around and around in a cylindrical or funnel shape
  2. is along period without rain
  3. is a large amount of water that covers an area that usually dry
  4. is a large amount of snow and ice that falls down on a mountain
  5. is a fire that start in country side or forest and spread very quickly
  6. is a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail
  7. to protect or shield from something harmful especially bad weather
  8. is a mass of mud and other earthy material that is falling or has fallen down a hillside or other slope
  1. is a s strong wind that goes round in a cirle over land
  2. is a violent storm with strong wind and heavy rain that starts over the sea
  3. is a fluid or hardened stream or avalanche of mud.
  4. is a large wave (the word comes from Japanese)
  5. is when a volcano sends hot gas, ash and melted rock(or lava) into the air
  6. to save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation
  7. is a heavy fall of earth, rocks or mud down a hill
  8. is a shaking movement of Earth

16 Clues: is along period without rainis a shaking movement of Earthis a large wave (the word comes from Japanese)is a fluid or hardened stream or avalanche of a heavy fall of earth, rocks or mud down a hillis a s strong wind that goes round in a cirle over landto save (someone) from a dangerous or distressing situation...

Natural Gas 2020-04-19

Natural Gas crossword puzzle
  1. How most natural gas is moved.
  2. Number one Natural gas producing state.
  3. Natural gas associates with this solid fuel.
  4. Company that sells natural gas to consumers.
  5. Strong smelling addative to natural gas.
  6. Cannot be replenished quickly.
  7. Producer of renewable methane;(organic decay).
  1. Many _____________ use natural gas for heat.
  2. A major user of natural gas.
  3. Most natural gas is used to____homes and buildings.
  4. Two words;fuel made from ancient plants and animals.
  5. Form in which energy is stored in natural gas.
  6. Where natural gas is usually found.
  7. Main ingredient in natural gas.
  8. Device to measure natural gas usage.
  9. Energy from natural gas originated here.

16 Clues: A major user of natural gas.How most natural gas is moved.Cannot be replenished quickly.Main ingredient in natural gas.Where natural gas is usually found.Device to measure natural gas usage.Number one Natural gas producing state.Strong smelling addative to natural gas.Energy from natural gas originated here....

Natural Resources 2021-02-24

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. energy that made by organic matter
  2. it comes from the ground
  3. pump heat and coolness in buildings
  4. a renewable resource
  5. ______ makes coal in million years or more
  6. a gas that can appear anywhere
  7. ______ fuels
  8. windmills that's your hint
  9. NOT Dwayne Johnson
  1. can be on fire easily
  2. Nonrenewable resource
  3. Dwayne Johnson
  4. water makes energy
  5. it comes from the sun
  6. we need this to survive
  7. we are _______

16 Clues: ______ fuelsDwayne Johnsonwe are _______water makes energyNOT Dwayne Johnsona renewable resourcecan be on fire easilyNonrenewable resourceit comes from the sunwe need this to surviveit comes from the groundwindmills that's your hinta gas that can appear anywhereenergy that made by organic matterpump heat and coolness in buildings...

natural vegetation 2017-03-13

natural vegetation crossword puzzle
  1. A biosphere provides protection of wild flora and fauna and traditional life of ........
  2. Tree after which mangrove forests are named
  3. One of the animals that a project was started in order to protect it
  4. A ______ of closely spaced trees do not allow sunlight to penetrate through in th daytime in an evergreen forest
  5. Softwood evergreen trees are typical of ______ forests
  6. _____ grasslands are home to elephants, zebras giraffes and leopards
  7. Only ______ trees can penetrate through the different layers of a rainforest
  8. A national park in the state where you study
  9. The most widespread forests of india
  1. Plant in a thorny vegetation
  2. ______ grasslands found in the mid-latitudinal zones and interioir part of north america
  3. A vegetation which experiences mild rainy winters and hot dry summers is found mainly near the __________ sea.
  4. Rare red panda is found in ______ forests
  5. India has varied vegetation due to _______ conditions.
  6. Polar regions are home to the ______ biome
  7. ________ margins of continents in the tropics are where deserts can be found

16 Clues: Plant in a thorny vegetationThe most widespread forests of indiaRare red panda is found in ______ forestsPolar regions are home to the ______ biomeTree after which mangrove forests are namedA national park in the state where you studyIndia has varied vegetation due to _______ conditions.Softwood evergreen trees are typical of ______ forests...

Natural resources 2021-12-06

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. Living organisms That help in breaking down of rocks into soil.
  2. precious stone consisting of a clear and colourless crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance
  3. the chemical element of atomic number 6
  4. natural movement of air
  5. the act of breathing
  6. the process of turning from liquid into vapour
  7. water which collects as droplets on a cold surface when humid air is in contact with it
  8. About 71 percentage Off Earth surface.
  9. a grey crystalline allotropic form of carbon which occurs as a mineral in some rocks and can be made from coke. It is used as a solid lubricant, in pencils
  1. processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
  2. Black or brown rock that is used as fuel.
  3. after millions of years body of organism decay to form fossil fuels open burnig of fossil fuels release carbon dioxide.
  4. the process in which atmospheric carbon dioxide is incorporated into plants.
  5. the chemical element of atomic number 7
  6. the natural process that warms the earth
  7. the exhalation of water vapour through the stomata

16 Clues: the act of breathingnatural movement of airAbout 71 percentage Off Earth surface.the chemical element of atomic number 7the chemical element of atomic number 6the natural process that warms the earthBlack or brown rock that is used as fuel.the process of turning from liquid into vapourthe exhalation of water vapour through the stomata...

Natural selection 2021-12-07

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. - in biology, a change in an organism, over time, that better enables it to survive and multiply
  2. - a sudden, apparently abnormal change or alteration in a genetically determined structure, as opposed to gradual evolutionary change
  3. a variety
  4. - the child or young of a particular human, animal, or plant
  5. - everything that surrounds a particular type of living thing and affects its growth and health
  6. - the degree to which something varies; amount of change or difference
  7. - money or things that are available for a particular use
  8. - a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant; illness; sickness
  1. - something that pollutes, esp. a waste substance that makes air, water, or land impure or unhealthy; contaminant.
  2. organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  3. - an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal
  4. - a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surrounding
  5. of the Fittest - in biology, the evolutionary principle that only the forms of plants or animals best suited to or most easily able to adapt to existing conditions will survive, while other less suited forms will become extinct
  6. to have young or offspring
  7. - to fill with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain
  8. animal that hunts other animals for food

16 Clues: a varietyto have young or offspringanimal that hunts other animals for food- money or things that are available for a particular use- the child or young of a particular human, animal, or plant- an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal- to fill with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain...

Natural Resources 2023-11-08

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. media for growing and development of plant roots and water storage.
  2. natural resource found in rivers, oceans and sea.
  3. last and farthest layer of subsoil.
  4. name of layer "C" of soil.
  5. coarse or medium-grained intrusive igneous rock that is rich in quartz and feldspar.
  6. used to create fuels for vehicles of all sizes, as well as for generators, heaters, and other equipment. .
  7. energy that comes from the sun.
  8. depth of soil "B".
  1. formed naturally in the Earth's crust from the remains of dead plants and animals that is extracted and burned as a fuel.
  2. the generic name for distilled oil from the leaf of Eucalyptus.
  3. used to collect energy from wind and convert into electricity.
  4. All aspects related to quality both physical and non physical.
  5. All the earth, water and all natural wealth and what they contain.
  6. category which consist of gold, silver, platinum.
  7. category which consist of tin, nickel and tin.
  8. Metallic Mineral that is usually used as jewelery.

16 Clues: depth of soil "B".name of layer "C" of that comes from the sun.last and farthest layer of subsoil.category which consist of tin, nickel and tin.category which consist of gold, silver, platinum.natural resource found in rivers, oceans and sea.Metallic Mineral that is usually used as jewelery....

Natural Phenomena 2023-12-11

Natural Phenomena crossword puzzle
  1. A huge wave
  2. A fire in a forest
  3. It blows in a storm
  4. moisture in the sky
  5. It happens when the earth shakes
  6. A flash of electricity in a storm
  7. A storm of snow
  1. It happens when it doesn't rain for a long time
  2. Rain that is frozen
  3. A noise that happens when it storms
  4. It floats in the North Pole
  5. It happens when there is too much water
  6. Frozen water
  7. Wet dirt
  8. A big storm that starts in the ocean
  9. Colors in the sky after it rains

16 Clues: Wet dirtA huge waveFrozen waterA storm of snowA fire in a forestRain that is frozenIt blows in a stormmoisture in the skyIt floats in the North PoleIt happens when the earth shakesColors in the sky after it rainsA flash of electricity in a stormA noise that happens when it stormsA big storm that starts in the ocean...

Organizing Homeland Security 2017-04-26

Organizing Homeland Security crossword puzzle
  1. A federal law designed to prevent political interference with the decisions and actions of governmental organizations.
  2. Information law enforcement agencies, military units, or other security forces can use to prevent an attack or operation.
  3. favoring the process over accomplishments
  4. A multiagency operation in West Virginia that evaluates information gathered from a variety of governmental sources
  5. The criminal and social actions of individuals and groups before a terrorist attack
  6. Any outcome or output of analyzed information that can be used by law enforcement agencies, military units, or security forces to take an immediate action
  1. A federal law designed to prevent political interference in the management of federal governmental organizations and to increase the efficiency of management
  2. Preparations from any agency to deal with natural, accidental, or man-made disasters
  3. The process of examining a community to determine the areas that might be subject to attack
  4. As used in this text, the ability to stay focused on the primary mission of an organization
  5. adding too many secondary tasks to a unit. Too many jobs divert a unit from its primary mission

11 Clues: favoring the process over accomplishmentsThe criminal and social actions of individuals and groups before a terrorist attackPreparations from any agency to deal with natural, accidental, or man-made disastersThe process of examining a community to determine the areas that might be subject to attack...

Populations in Transition & Global Climate 2021-04-23

Populations in Transition & Global Climate crossword puzzle
  1. Number of people living in a given area, expressed as people per square kilometre (10,7)
  2. Population policy that encourages families to have fewer children (12,5)
  3. A city with more than 10 million people living in it
  4. The ratio of males to females in a population (3,5)
  5. A situation where the birth rate decreases and the number of elderly people increases (6,10)
  6. The benefits that come from a very large population of the population being in the adult age range, and a reduced proportion of young and /or elderly (11,8)
  7. aka natural greenhouse effect, this is where certain gases allow short-wave radiation from the sun to pass through the atmosphere but trap some. This allows warming of the atmosphere (10,6)
  8. A measure of non-workers divided by the workers. It compares the number of dependents and economically active members of society (10,5)
  9. The average number of children born to a woman if she lives to the end of her child-bearing years (10,4)
  10. The average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year in the same country (9,4)
  11. The balance between incoming short-wave radiation and outgoing short-wave and long-wave radiation (6,7)
  12. Population policy that encourages families to have more children (11,5)
  1. Migration that occurs due to war, persecution, famine, slavery, politics or natural disasters creating refugees and internally displaced people (6,9)
  2. The movement of a population away from one part of a country to another. It occurs when people choose to move (9,8,9)
  3. The growth in a population as a result of birth rates exceeding death rates (7,8)
  4. The increase in temperatures around the world that has been noticed since the 1960s (6,7)
  5. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, as a result of human activities and their impact on atmospheric systems (8,10,6)
  6. Changes in a system that occur and lead to other changes, but eventually the whole system stabilises (8,8)
  7. The location of people within an area (10,12)
  8. Changes in a system that lead to greater deviation from the original condition (8,8)

20 Clues: The location of people within an area (10,12)The ratio of males to females in a population (3,5)A city with more than 10 million people living in itPopulation policy that encourages families to have more children (11,5)Population policy that encourages families to have fewer children (12,5)...

Listening: VOA 2014-04-08

Listening: VOA crossword puzzle
  1. Both students and teachers put a lot of effort into __________ the English Festival, and it turned out perfectly.
  2. Too much soil __________ in forests can remove important nutrients and make it difficult for plants to grow.
  3. Because of the vast cultural differences, the marriage situation in China is not __________ to that in the US.
  4. The __________ of water and air is an expensive process, but as China's air becomes worse it may be necessary.
  5. The professor claimed that __________ caused global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere.
  6. Governments must have __________ for their people in case of natural disasters.
  7. Few visitors are allowed to set foot in the conservation area for endangered __________.
  8. Not even the protests __________ the government to make any changes in policy.
  9. To break the world record they had to __________ the width and length of the pizza.
  10. He promised me that the price to fix my phone will not __________ $700.
  11. If the natural __________ channel is badly damaged there will be many floods
  12. I felt very __________, standing there without any clothes on.
  13. There is a __________ difference between the Chaozhou language and the Shantou language.
  14. No one __________ the financial crisis in 2008, so we were all unprepared.
  1. There are many __________ to overcome to gain a college degree, like Level 4 English.
  2. If he knew the __________ of his actions he would never have asked her on a date.
  3. The school __________ that the holiday will start early this year because everyone did well on their exams.
  4. Before we buy new furniture we need to get the __________ of the sofa and the room.
  5. Many rural villages uses pumps or wells to extract __________ for agricultural use.
  6. Even small changes in ocean temperature can completely destroy delicate reef __________.
  7. We can't see the stars at night when the __________ pollution is bad.
  8. With the introduction of new farming methods, agricultural production __________ last year.
  9. She __________ to remember all the vocabulary, but failed.
  10. Scientists believe that global warming will disrupt weather __________ around the world.

24 Clues: She __________ to remember all the vocabulary, but failed.I felt very __________, standing there without any clothes on.We can't see the stars at night when the __________ pollution is bad.He promised me that the price to fix my phone will not __________ $700.No one __________ the financial crisis in 2008, so we were all unprepared....

Listening: VOA 2014-04-08

Listening: VOA crossword puzzle
  1. He promised me that the price to fix my phone will not __________ $700.
  2. Because of the vast cultural differences, the marriage situation in China is not __________ to that in the US.
  3. I felt very __________, standing there without any clothes on.
  4. We can't see the stars at night when the __________ pollution is bad.
  5. There is a __________ difference between the Chaozhou language and the Shantou language.
  6. The professor claimed that __________ caused global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere.
  7. If the natural __________ channel is badly damaged there will be many floods
  8. Too much soil __________ in forests can remove important nutrients and make it difficult for plants to grow.
  9. Not even the protests __________ the government to make any changes in policy.
  10. She __________ to remember all the vocabulary, but failed.
  11. The school __________ that the holiday will start early this year because everyone did well on their exams.
  12. There are many __________ to overcome to gain a college degree, like Level 4 English.
  13. To break the world record they had to __________ the width and length of the pizza.
  1. Governments must have __________ for their people in case of natural disasters.
  2. Few visitors are allowed to set foot in the conservation area for endangered __________.
  3. Both students and teachers put a lot of effort into __________ the English Festival, and it turned out perfectly.
  4. If he knew the __________ of his actions he would never have asked her on a date.
  5. Before we buy new furniture we need to get the __________ of the sofa and the room.
  6. The __________ of water and air is an expensive process, but as China's air becomes worse it may be necessary.
  7. Scientists believe that global warming will disrupt weather __________ around the world.
  8. No one __________ the financial crisis in 2008, so we were all unprepared.
  9. Even small changes in ocean temperature can completely destroy delicate reef __________.
  10. Many rural villages uses pumps or wells to extract __________ for agricultural use.
  11. With the introduction of new farming methods, agricultural production __________ last year.

24 Clues: She __________ to remember all the vocabulary, but failed.I felt very __________, standing there without any clothes on.We can't see the stars at night when the __________ pollution is bad.He promised me that the price to fix my phone will not __________ $700.No one __________ the financial crisis in 2008, so we were all unprepared....

Population 2016-11-07

Population crossword puzzle
  1. it is the opposition to overpopulation and refers to a sharp drop or decrease in a region’s population
  2. the average number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime
  3. People removed from their countries and forced to live in other countries because of war, natural disaster, and government
  4. areal unit that best approximates a neighborhood in size through small county subdivisions
  5. movement that involves temporary, recurrent relocation (e.g., military service, migrant workers, college attendance,
  6. is the percentage of members of a group that are likely to survive to any given age
  7. is a model that describe how economics and social changes affect population growth rates
  8. the average number of years members of a population are likely to live
  9. the movement of people from rural areas to the cites
  10. is the study of populations
  1. The proportion of earth’s surface occupied by permanent human settlement
  2. relationship between the number of people on Earth, and the availability of resources
  3. is land that can be used to grow crops
  4. countries that have been identified by the United Nations as showing the fewest signs of development in terms of income, human resources, and economic diversification
  5. the movement of individuals from one area to another
  6. There are two useful ways to measure mortality; infant mortality rate and life expectancy The IMR reflect a country’s health care system and life expectancy measures the average number of years a baby can expect to live
  7. This is the population level that can be supported, given the quantity of food, habitat, water and other life infrastructure present. This is important because it tells how many people an area will be able to support
  8. migration back to an original area in which people had left (e.g., migration increases after natural disasters, yet many eventually return after a time)
  9. is the basic facilities and services that support a community, such as public water supplies, sewer lines, power plants, roads, schools, and hospitals
  10. the distribution of ages in a specific population at a certain time

20 Clues: is the study of populationsis land that can be used to grow cropsthe movement of individuals from one area to anotherthe movement of people from rural areas to the citesthe distribution of ages in a specific population at a certain timethe average number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime...

U5W3 Vocab 2024-03-22

U5W3 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The act of keeping something from happening
  2. Events that cause much harm or suffering
  3. Said something in reply
  4. Causing injury or hurt
  1. Supplies provided for a particular use
  2. Not paying close attention
  3. Not expected or planned
  4. A reason for which something is done

8 Clues: Causing injury or hurtNot expected or plannedSaid something in replyNot paying close attentionA reason for which something is doneSupplies provided for a particular useEvents that cause much harm or sufferingThe act of keeping something from happening

Evolution 2022-01-31

Evolution crossword puzzle
  1. Differences in physical traits of an individual from the group to which it belongs
  2. Group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring
  3. Ability of a trait to be passed from one generation to the next
  4. Process of becoming adapted to an environment, change that improves a population's ability to survive
  5. Body part that are similar in structure on different organisms but performs different functions
  6. Measure of an organism's ability to survive and produce offspring relative to other members of a population
  7. Group of organisms of the same species that live in a specific geographical area
  8. Body part that is similar in function as a body part of another organism but is structurally different
  9. Trace or remains of an organism that lived long ago
  1. Model of evolution in which gradual change over a long period of time leads to biological diversity
  2. Study of the geographical distribution of living organisms and fossils on Earth
  3. Remnants of an organ or structure that functioned in an earlier ancestor
  4. Process of change by which new species develop from preexisting species over time
  5. Theory that state that natural disasters shaped Earth's landforms and caused extinction of some species
  6. theory that states that the geological processes that shape Earth are uniform through time
  7. Study of fossils or extinct organisms

16 Clues: Study of fossils or extinct organismsTrace or remains of an organism that lived long agoAbility of a trait to be passed from one generation to the nextRemnants of an organ or structure that functioned in an earlier ancestorStudy of the geographical distribution of living organisms and fossils on Earth...

Natural Resources 2016-01-25

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Energy from the Sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy is known as:
  2. Plant matter grown to generate electricity, heat or use as fuel is referred to as:
  3. Energy and materials found in the nature that are used by the human society are termed as:
  4. Electricity produced by harnessing the energy of flowing water known as:
  5. Natural resources such as rivers, lakes, glaciers and groundwater are termed as:
  6. What resources can’t be replaced, or nature will take a long time (millions of years) to replace?
  7. Fossil fuels in form of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons found in underground reservoirs:
  1. Natural resources from which various metals and chemicals are extracted are termed as:
  2. Power generated by utilizing the heat stored beneath the Earth’s surface is referred to as:
  3. What type of resources are constantly replaced by nature, and can be harvested indefinitely?
  4. Energy resources formed in the Earth’s crust from plant and animal matter over millions of years:
  5. Natural resources that are converted by humans into various forms of usable energy are classified as:
  6. Electricity produced from energy released by controlled atomic fission is known as:
  7. Power generated by harnessing wind energy using wind mills and turbines known as:
  8. Natural resources from the biosphere, such as forests, crops and wildlife, are termed as:
  9. Name the solid fossil fuel formed by decomposed plant material buried over millions of years.

16 Clues: Electricity produced by harnessing the energy of flowing water known as:Natural resources such as rivers, lakes, glaciers and groundwater are termed as:Power generated by harnessing wind energy using wind mills and turbines known as:Plant matter grown to generate electricity, heat or use as fuel is referred to as:...

Natural Selection 2020-04-16

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  2. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  3. group of the same type of organism living in same area
  4. young insect that looks somewhat different from the adult
  5. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  6. animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  7. to receive genes from a parent
  8. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  9. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  1. trait that makes it less likely individual will survive
  2. animal that is killed by another animal for food
  3. a random change to a gene that results in a new trait
  4. traits in population changes over many generations
  5. group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  6. specific characteristic of an individual organism
  7. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes

16 Clues: to receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesanimal that is killed by another animal for foodspecific characteristic of an individual organismtraits in population changes over many generationsanimal that hunts and kills other animals for food...

Natural resources 2021-02-24

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. any material by plants and animals that we can convert into energy.
  2. why non renewable resources are bad
  3. release heat,formed million years ago
  4. energy in the form of heat and light considered unlimited
  5. can be replaced or never run out
  6. one type of fossil fuel
  7. can renewable resources become non renewable?
  8. made from natural resources not naturally found in the environment.
  9. what syn means
  10. captured and turned into electricity.
  11. earth warmed up by its core heat
  1. cannot be replaced at the same rate it is being used
  2. moving air created as the sun heats the earth surface infinite.
  3. can be living or non living,found in the nature.
  4. one thing we use natural resource for.
  5. are fossil fuels renewable or non renewable

16 Clues: what syn meansone type of fossil fuelcan be replaced or never run outearth warmed up by its core heatwhy non renewable resources are badrelease heat,formed million years agocaptured and turned into thing we use natural resource for.are fossil fuels renewable or non renewablecan renewable resources become non renewable?...

natural vegetation 2017-03-13

natural vegetation crossword puzzle
  1. one of the animals that a project was started in order to protect it
  2. a ______ of closely spaced trees do not allow sunlight to penetrate through in th daytime in an evergreen forest
  3. only ______ trees can penetrate through the different layers of a rainforest
  4. plant in a thorny vegetation
  5. india has varied vegetation due to _______ conditions.
  6. ______ grasslands found in the mid-latitudinal zones and interioir part of north america
  7. tree after which mangrove forests are named
  8. a national park in the state where you study
  9. softwood evergreen trees are typical of ______ forests
  10. rare red panda is found in ______ forests
  1. polar regions are home to the ______ biome
  2. a vegetation which experiences mild rainy winters and hot dry summers is found mainly near the __________ sea.
  3. _____ grasslands are home to elephants, zebras giraffes and leopards
  4. a biosphere provides protection of wild flora and fauna and traditional life of ........
  5. ________ margins of continents in the tropics are where deserts can be found
  6. the most widespread forests of india

16 Clues: plant in a thorny vegetationthe most widespread forests of indiarare red panda is found in ______ forestspolar regions are home to the ______ biometree after which mangrove forests are nameda national park in the state where you studyindia has varied vegetation due to _______ conditions.softwood evergreen trees are typical of ______ forests...

Natural Hazards 2016-11-13

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. First category 5 hurricane since 2007
  2. Which parishes in Jamaica receive the most rain?
  3. Category 4 hurricane in 2004
  4. Effect of a flood
  5. Focus point of an earthquake
  6. Effect of an earthquake
  7. Flood/ Type of flood
  8. One of Jamaica's driest months
  1. Used to measure an earthquake
  2. When there is a drought we have to _________ water
  3. Devastating earthquake of 2010 that left over 250,000 dead
  4. Andreas/ Found in California, _______ fault
  5. Natural Hazard
  6. How many months does the Atlantic hurricane season last for?
  7. ________ can cause a famine
  8. Royal/ The location of the first major earthquake in Jamaica

16 Clues: Natural HazardEffect of a floodFlood/ Type of floodEffect of an earthquake________ can cause a famineCategory 4 hurricane in 2004Focus point of an earthquakeUsed to measure an earthquakeOne of Jamaica's driest monthsFirst category 5 hurricane since 2007Andreas/ Found in California, _______ faultWhich parishes in Jamaica receive the most rain?...

Natural Hazards 2016-11-13

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. One of Jamaica's driest months
  2. Used to measure an earthquake
  3. Category 4 hurricane in 2004
  4. Effect of a flood
  5. Largest plate in the world
  6. Focus point of an earthquake
  7. Devastating earthquake of 2010 that left over 250,000 dead
  8. Which parishes in Jamaica receive the most rain?
  1. Effect of an earthquake
  2. Natural Hazard
  3. The location of the first major earthquake in Jamaica
  4. Found in California, _______ fault
  5. ________ can cause a famine
  6. First category 5 hurricane since 2007
  7. Flood Type of flood
  8. How many months does the Atlantic hurricane season last for?

16 Clues: Natural HazardEffect of a floodFlood Type of floodEffect of an earthquakeLargest plate in the world________ can cause a famineCategory 4 hurricane in 2004Focus point of an earthquakeUsed to measure an earthquakeOne of Jamaica's driest monthsFound in California, _______ faultFirst category 5 hurricane since 2007...

Natural Resources 2021-05-04

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. urban pollution
  2. Land is considered a _____ resource since it is something from Earth that living things use to meet needs
  3. ______ energy can use the difference between high and low tides to help turn turbines to create electricity
  4. Sun, wind, water, and geothermal energy are considered _____ energy resources since these resources can never run out
  5. Using less water is one way to practice water conservation_______
  6. A fuel is a substance that provides ____ as a result of a chemical change
  7. The splitting of an atom's nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called ________
  8. The energy generated by moving water in rivers is called _____ energy
  1. Wood, leaves, and manure belong to a group of renewable energy sources called ____
  2. Land that is set aside to protect if from environmental problems
  3. Specific sources of pollution that can be identified are called ______
  4. The three major fossil fuels are coal, oil, and ________
  5. Fossil fuels are energy-rich because they contain _____
  6. area where garbage is deposited and covered with soil
  7. Wind energy is actually an indirect form of ____
  8. Largest source of water pollution

16 Clues: urban pollutionLargest source of water pollutionWind energy is actually an indirect form of ____area where garbage is deposited and covered with soilFossil fuels are energy-rich because they contain _____The three major fossil fuels are coal, oil, and ________Land that is set aside to protect if from environmental problems...

Natural Disasterssss 2022-10-19

Natural Disasterssss crossword puzzle
  1. Deforestation can lead to...
  2. In stormy weather the sky makes a grumbling sound, what is it?
  3. When the ground shakes it is called an...
  4. A flash of light that shows in stormy weather.
  5. The indent from a asteroid
  6. One of the things that was thought to kill dinosaurs.
  7. Leaving because it's not safe.
  8. Not having a place to stay.
  9. In America they call it a wild fire, what do they call it in Australia?
  1. What comes before Catastrophic (used to be Code Red)
  2. Lack of water can lead to...
  3. A giant wave.
  4. When these haven't been active for thousands of years, they are called mountains.
  5. When temperatures are humid for a long period of time it is called a...
  6. What floats up off a fire in tiny little flakes.
  7. Water that circles in the ocean.

16 Clues: A giant wave.The indent from a asteroidNot having a place to stay.Deforestation can lead to...Lack of water can lead to...Leaving because it's not safe.Water that circles in the ocean.When the ground shakes it is called an...A flash of light that shows in stormy weather.What floats up off a fire in tiny little flakes....

natural world 2021-10-26

natural world crossword puzzle
  1. living in the water
  2. food
  3. to keep from changing,maintain
  4. to catch
  5. the natural area where a plant or animal live
  6. to cut down
  7. damage to air, water
  8. many.numerous
  9. to diappear
  1. tne natural world
  2. the removal of all trees from a large area
  3. plants
  4. to reach past,get bigger
  5. living on the land
  6. the cutting down of trees for commercial purposes
  7. a strong effect

16 Clues: foodplantsto catchto cut downto diappearmany.numerousa strong effecttne natural worldliving on the landliving in the waterdamage to air, waterto reach past,get biggerto keep from changing,maintainthe removal of all trees from a large areathe natural area where a plant or animal livethe cutting down of trees for commercial purposes

Natural Resources 2023-05-04

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. A renewable resource that will not run out ever
  2. Radiant light that can be used for energy
  3. (Second Word of Down 12) Something living things use to survive
  4. These can be wild, domestic, or raised for food
  5. Liquid product made from oil, used in cars.
  6. Replaceable in our lifetime
  7. Using a resource so it is never used up
  1. Cannot be replaced in our lifetime
  2. Coal and gas are examples of this type of fuel formed from dinosaur skeletons
  3. Natural ____, mostly methane, made the same way as oil
  4. Swamp plants under pressure for millions of years
  5. A renewable resource that could run out
  6. Liquid Fuel made of fossils of marine animals
  7. (First Word of Across 6) Something living things use to survive
  8. A renewable resource that is grown
  9. The circulation of air that can be harnessed for energy

16 Clues: Replaceable in our lifetimeCannot be replaced in our lifetimeA renewable resource that is grownA renewable resource that could run outUsing a resource so it is never used upRadiant light that can be used for energyLiquid product made from oil, used in cars.Liquid Fuel made of fossils of marine animalsA renewable resource that will not run out ever...

natural selection 2023-05-30

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. a strand of DNA that carries genes
  2. selection, animals who adapt to the environment there in survive more
  3. engineering, changing a organism by changing its DNA,
  4. the change after the cause
  5. marker, A gene that produces a known trait
  6. a place where a organism lives which plays a part in their survival
  7. the way organisms get traits from their parents
  8. the gene changing slightly which can affect 3. a trait that hinders the survival of the organisms survival or helps the organism survive
  1. the creator of the theory of natural selection
  2. a organism getting used to the environment
  3. the differences of organisms in a population
  4. something that carries traits from a parent to a child
  5. a trait that hurts their chance of survivaladaptive trait, a trait that helps their chance of survival
  6. the genetic info of the organism
  7. the growth of a species from generation to generation
  8. evolutionary development of species
  9. the reason of the effect

17 Clues: the reason of the effectthe change after the causethe genetic info of the organisma strand of DNA that carries genesevolutionary development of speciesa organism getting used to the environmentmarker, A gene that produces a known traitthe differences of organisms in a populationthe creator of the theory of natural selection...


NATURAL DISASTER crossword puzzle
  1. Selalu
  2. Bencana
  3. Sungai
  4. Banjir
  5. Tanah Runtuh
  6. Rosak
  7. Kerajaan
  8. Mangsa
  1. Meninggalkan
  2. Bantuan
  3. Membantu
  4. Pakaian
  5. Melimpah
  6. Menyelamatkan
  7. Perubatan
  8. Kecemasan

16 Clues: RosakSelaluSungaiBanjirMangsaBantuanBencanaPakaianMembantuMelimpahKerajaanPerubatanKecemasanMeninggalkanTanah RuntuhMenyelamatkan

Natural Sciences 2023-11-06

Natural Sciences crossword puzzle
  1. Thin layer of air surrounding the Earth
  2. Earth is also known as ________
  3. The Earth takes a __________ to orbit around the Sun
  4. Imaginary line going from the top and bottom of the Earth
  5. The Sun is a __________
  6. Large Objects that orbit the Sun
  7. Large area of land surrounded by water
  8. The shape of the Earth
  9. This type of telescope measures frequencies
  1. This type of telescope measures the Suns frequencies
  2. The Sun gives us __________ energy
  3. Outer most layer of the atmosphere
  4. Earth is the _________ planet from the Sun
  5. A __________ happens when one hemisphere faces the sun most directly
  6. A feature of Earth
  7. This type of telescope is used to look through

16 Clues: A feature of EarthThe shape of the EarthThe Sun is a __________Earth is also known as ________Large Objects that orbit the SunThe Sun gives us __________ energyOuter most layer of the atmosphereLarge area of land surrounded by waterThin layer of air surrounding the EarthEarth is the _________ planet from the Sun...

Selección Natural 2023-10-10

Selección Natural crossword puzzle
  1. una de las variantes posibles de un gen que se encuentra en un locus específico o en un lugar específico en un cromosoma que codifica por una versión de un rasgo.
  2. Cambios en las características de un organismo que le permiten sobrevivir y reproducirse en su entorno.
  3. El proceso en el que ciertas características de los organismos se transmiten a la siguiente generación porque aumentan las posibilidades de supervivencia y reproducción en un entorno específico.
  4. El alelo que se expresa en el organismo con una sola copia de este alelo. Letra mayúscula
  5. Un grupo de organismos de la misma especie que viven en una ubicación geográfica específica.
  6. El concepto de que los individuos con características mejor adaptadas a su entorno tienen una mayor probabilidad de sobrevivir y reproducirse.
  7. Las diferencias en los genes que existen dentro de una población de organismos.
  1. una gráfica de barras utilizado en estadísticas para representar la distribución de frecuencias de un conjunto de datos.
  2. La lucha por recursos como alimento, agua y espacio entre organismos de la misma o diferentes especies.
  3. La transmisión de características genéticas de una generación a la siguiente.
  4. Una estrategia en la que un organismo se asemeja a otro, ya sea en apariencia o comportamiento, para obtener ventajas de supervivencia.
  5. Una instrucción hereditaria en el ADN que codifica para una característica o rasgo específico.
  6. Una adaptación que permite a un organismo ocultarse en su entorno para evitar la detección por depredadores o presas.
  7. Una característica o atributo particular y observable de un organismo. Pueden incluir características físicas, como el color de los ojos, la altura, la forma del cuerpo, el tipo de cabello, la forma de la nariz, etc.
  8. la manera en que los datos se encuentran dispersos o agrupados en diferentes intervalos o categorías.
  9. El alelo que se expresa en el organismo solo cuando hay dos copias de este alelo. Letra minúscula

16 Clues: La transmisión de características genéticas de una generación a la siguiente.Las diferencias en los genes que existen dentro de una población de organismos.El alelo que se expresa en el organismo con una sola copia de este alelo. Letra mayúsculaUn grupo de organismos de la misma especie que viven en una ubicación geográfica específica....


NATURAL RESOURCES crossword puzzle
  1. an effect on someone or something not involved in an activity
  2. to remove natural resources
  3. balanced pattern or resource use that meets human need and preserves the environment
  4. waste that makes the air, soil or water less clean
  5. saving
  6. materials that cycle naturally through the environment
  7. living materials
  8. non-living materials
  9. materials that are replaceable
  10. materials that CANNOT be replaced in a short period of time
  11. a group of countries that decides how much oil to produce and what price to sell it at
  1. the variety of living things in a region or ecosystem
  2. non renewable resources formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals
  3. the loss of forest cover in a region
  4. a useful material found in the environment
  5. over use

16 Clues: savingover useliving materialsnon-living materialsto remove natural resourcesmaterials that are replaceablethe loss of forest cover in a regiona useful material found in the environmentwaste that makes the air, soil or water less cleanthe variety of living things in a region or ecosystemmaterials that cycle naturally through the environment...

Natural Resource 2021-02-24

Natural Resource crossword puzzle
  1. flowing water energy that can be captured
  2. A part from fossil fuel
  3. any materials by plants and animals that is
  4. Found from millions years ago
  5. heat from the earth
  6. A major part of the Natural Resource that
  7. replaced
  8. Man-Made
  1. to energy
  2. corn and sugar converted into bio fuel
  3. be replaced
  4. A part from fossil fuel
  5. the things we use for materials
  6. A part from fossil fuel
  7. Solar energy
  8. A major part of the Natural Resource that can
  9. turning electricity
  10. moving air created as the sun heats

18 Clues: replacedMan-Madeto energybe replacedSolar energyheat from the earthturning electricityA part from fossil fuelA part from fossil fuelA part from fossil fuelFound from millions years agothe things we use for materialsmoving air created as the sun heatscorn and sugar converted into bio fuelflowing water energy that can be captured...

Natural Features 2021-05-12

Natural Features crossword puzzle
  1. sziklacavefal
  2. ...volcano(alvó)
  3. távoli
  4. evező
  5. mentőmellény
  6. hullám
  7. sivatag
  8. lelkesít
  9. vízesés
  10. ejtőernyő
  1. sziget
  2. póráz
  3. völgy
  4. dűne
  5. barlang
  6. látványos

16 Clues: dűnepórázvölgyevezőszigettávolihullámbarlangsivatagvízeséslelkesítlátványosejtőernyőmentőmellénysziklacavefal...volcano(alvó)

Natural disaster 2023-04-17

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. an extremely large wave in the sea caused, for example, by an earthquake
  2. to damage something so badly that it no longer exists, works, etc.
  3. a long period of time when there is little or no rain
  4. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surface
  5. a mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain
  6. a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry
  7. a violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle
  1. an illness affecting humans, animals or plants, often caused by infection
  2. to suffer or die because you do not have enough food to eat
  3. to place a dead body in the ground
  4. to continue to live or exist
  5. when a volcano throws burning rocks, smoke, etc.
  6. to affect or make something affect, be known by, or be used by more and more people
  7. a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava
  8. a lack of food during a long period of time in a region
  9. to die because you have been underwater too long

16 Clues: to continue to live or existto place a dead body in the groundwhen a volcano throws burning rocks, smoke, etc.a sudden, violent shaking of the earth’s surfaceto die because you have been underwater too longa long period of time when there is little or no raina lack of food during a long period of time in a region...

Natural disaster 2024-01-09

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. toča
  2. suša
  3. vulkan
  4. strela
  5. grom
  6. cunami
  7. potres
  8. zdrs blata
  9. zemeljski plaz
  1. poplava
  2. orkan
  3. potres
  4. lakota
  5. gozdni požar
  6. sodra
  7. val
  8. nevihta

17 Clues: valtočasušagromorkansodrapotreslakotavulkanstrelacunamipotrespoplavanevihtazdrs blatagozdni požarzemeljski plaz

Civil War 2019-04-26

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. A very bloody battle in the civil war.
  2. Nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross.
  3. An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters.
  4. A group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War.
  5. A person who worked to end slavery.
  6. The treatment of people as property. People who are denied freedom in this way are said to be enslaved.
  7. Act passed in 1854 that created Kansas and Nebraska territories and abolished the Missouri Compromise by allowing states to determine whether slavery would be allowed in new territories.
  8. The defeat of Robert E. Lee's invading Confederate Army was a major victory for the Union.
  9. She led over 300 slaves to freedom, because of her bravery she is the symbol of the Underground Railroad.
  10. A political party dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery.
  11. A former slave who sued for his freedom in the Supreme Court.
  1. South Carolina, April 12-14, 1861. This was the start of the Civil War.
  2. Virginia, July 1st, 1861. This was the first major land battle of Civil War.
  3. President of the Confederacy.
  4. States between the north and the south: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri.
  5. A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones.
  6. General for the Union, later became 18th President.
  7. General of the Confederacy.
  8. The location of a brutal massacre in which confederate troops shot more than 200 black prisoners and some whites.
  9. To separate from the Union.

20 Clues: General of the Confederacy.To separate from the Union.President of the Confederacy.A person who worked to end slavery.A very bloody battle in the civil war.General for the Union, later became 18th President.A former slave who sued for his freedom in the Supreme Court.Nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross....

Civil War 2019-04-26

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones.
  2. The defeat of Robert E. Lee's invading Confederate Army was a major victory for the Union.
  3. A group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War.
  4. She led over 300 slaves to freedom, because of her bravery she is the symbol of the Underground Railroad.
  5. A person who worked to end slavery.
  6. Act passed in 1854 that created Kansas and Nebraska territories and abolished the Missouri Compromise by allowing states to determine whether slavery would be allowed in new territories.
  7. Nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross.
  8. An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters.
  1. The location of a brutal massacre in which confederate troops shot more than 200 black prisoners and some whites.
  2. States between the north and the south: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri.
  3. South Carolina, April 12-14, 1861. This was the start of the Civil War.
  4. The treatment of people as property. People who are denied freedom in this way are said to be enslaved.
  5. A very bloody battle in the civil war.
  6. President of the Confederacy.
  7. A former slave who sued for his freedom in the Supreme Court.
  8. General for the Union, later became 18th President.
  9. A political party dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery.
  10. General of the Confederacy.
  11. To separate from the Union.
  12. Virginia, July 1st, 1861. This was the first major land battle of Civil War.

20 Clues: General of the Confederacy.To separate from the Union.President of the Confederacy.A person who worked to end slavery.A very bloody battle in the civil war.General for the Union, later became 18th President.A former slave who sued for his freedom in the Supreme Court.Nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross....

Government Department Abbreviations 2022-10-31

Government Department Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. establishes and enforces rules for air traffic
  2. the Pentagon is the headquarters of...
  3. issues forecasts of weather conditions
  4. oversees military actions in six areas of the world
  5. includes all high-ranking military officials (ex. Chief of Naval Operations)
  6. protects the U.S. from terrorist attacks
  7. sells mortgage loans to investors
  8. coordinates the network of systems that provide loans to farmers
  9. charges fees to investors who buy the loans
  10. oversees bank activity
  11. provides assistance to tiny corporations
  12. gathers knowledge for government security
  13. investigates violations of Federal law
  14. provides grants for artistic endeavors and scientific research
  15. includes the Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, and Medicare/Medicaid
  16. ensures financial security dealers sell stocks honestly
  17. developed resources around the Tennessee River
  18. protects animals in Alaska
  19. oversees roads, bridges, train tracks, and airports, to name a few
  1. charges fees to investors who buy the loans
  2. oversees farming
  3. prosecutes cases in Federal Court
  4. works with other countries' mail services to deliver mail globally
  5. provides affordable living space and safety therin
  6. organizes space exploration
  7. gives money to the families of retired defenders of America
  8. enforces provisions of the National Labor Relations Act
  9. grants licences for radio stations and sets decency standards for broadcast
  10. makes certain Federal Offices are complying with the law
  11. enforces tax laws
  12. chases criminals who misdeed across borders
  13. alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe
  14. loans money on the basis of buying a home
  15. provides assistance after natural disasters

34 Clues: oversees farmingenforces tax lawsoversees bank activityprotects animals in Alaskaorganizes space explorationprosecutes cases in Federal Courtsells mortgage loans to investorsthe Pentagon is the headquarters of...issues forecasts of weather conditionsinvestigates violations of Federal lawprotects the U.S. from terrorist attacks...

Government Department Abbreviations 2022-10-31

Government Department Abbreviations crossword puzzle
  1. the Pentagon is the headquarters of...
  2. alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe
  3. protects the U.S. from terrorist attacks
  4. provides assistance after natural disasters
  5. developed resources around the Tennessee River
  6. oversees bank activity
  7. ensures financial security dealers sell stocks honestly
  8. makes certain Federal Offices are complying with the law
  9. provides grants for artistic endeavors and scientific research
  10. establishes and enforces rules for air traffic
  11. works with other countries' mail services to deliver mail globally
  12. charges fees to investors who buy the loans
  13. enforces provisions of the National Labor Relations Act
  14. enforces tax laws
  15. coordinates the network of systems that provide loans to farmers
  16. protects animals in Alaska
  17. gives money to the families of retired defenders of America
  1. loans money on the basis of buying a home
  2. oversees farming
  3. includes the Food and Drug Administration, National Institutes of Health, and Medicare/Medicaid
  4. prosecutes cases in Federal Court
  5. oversees roads, bridges, train tracks, and airports, to name a few
  6. oversees military actions in six areas of the world
  7. organizes space exploration
  8. includes all high-ranking military officials (ex. Chief of Naval Operations)
  9. grants licences for radio stations and sets decency standards for broadcast
  10. chases criminals who misdeed across borders
  11. charges fees to investors who buy the loans
  12. provides affordable living space and safety therin
  13. sells mortgage loans to investors
  14. investigates violations of Federal law
  15. issues forecasts of weather conditions
  16. provides assistance to tiny corporations
  17. gathers knowledge for government security

34 Clues: oversees farmingenforces tax lawsoversees bank activityprotects animals in Alaskaorganizes space explorationprosecutes cases in Federal Courtsells mortgage loans to investorsthe Pentagon is the headquarters of...investigates violations of Federal lawissues forecasts of weather conditionsprotects the U.S. from terrorist attacks...

AF INGLÊS 2022-10-27

AF INGLÊS crossword puzzle
  1. A very large expanse of sea (p. 95, line 2)
  2. A change in the way a country is governed to a different political system (p. 87, line 11)
  3. A glass building in which plants are grown (p. 87, line 9)
  4. Using something carelessly (p. 91, line 2)
  5. A person who owns or manages a farm (p. 102, line 33)
  6. The layers of gases surrounding a planet (p. 87, line 10)
  7. Where solid waste is buried between layers of dirt and other materials (p. 91, line 2)
  8. A wind blowing across one's direction of travel (p. 102, line 36)
  9. A period of 100 years (p. 87, line 6)
  1. Any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained (p. 91, line 4)
  2. The quality of being hot (p. 95, line 16)
  3. Sudden events that causes great damage or loss of life (p. 102, line 6)
  4. The long-term pattern of weather in a particular area (p. 95, line 9)
  5. Material that is burned to produce heat or power (p. 91, line 11)
  6. The action of becoming larger or more extensive (p. 95, line 2)
  7. The state of the atmosphere at a place and time (p. 95, line 21)
  8. The vapor into which water is converted when heated (p. 102, line 17)
  9. An explanation for observations of the natural world (p. 87, line 18)
  10. An overflow of water onto normally dry land (p. 102, line 2)
  11. Power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources (p. 91, line 4)

20 Clues: A period of 100 years (p. 87, line 6)The quality of being hot (p. 95, line 16)Using something carelessly (p. 91, line 2)A very large expanse of sea (p. 95, line 2)A person who owns or manages a farm (p. 102, line 33)The layers of gases surrounding a planet (p. 87, line 10)A glass building in which plants are grown (p. 87, line 9)...


  1. Abraham Lincoln's political party
  2. A reference to a source of information, providing details to identify and locate the original work.
  3. President who wrote the Gettysburg Speech
  4. A firsthand or original record of events, documents, or artifacts created at the time being studied, such as letters, diaries, or photographs
  5. The movement of people from one place to another, often for the purpose of settling in a new location.
  6. The unlawful seizure of a vehicle, typically an aircraft, by individuals using force or threats.
  7. Using someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property without giving proper credit.
  8. expulsion of a person/group from a place
  9. Anonymous source that reported Watergate
  1. Information or interpretation derived from primary sources, often written by scholars or historians analyzing and interpreting historical events.
  2. A person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area.
  3. A person who advocated for the complete elimination of slavery in the United States
  4. The use of violence and intimidation to achieve political or ideological goals.
  5. The process of individuals moving into a foreign country with the intention of establishing permanent residence.
  6. The withdrawal of Southern states from the Union
  7. The process by which charges against a high official, in this case, the President, to determine whether he should be removed from office
  8. A person forced to leave their home country due to war, persecution, or natural disasters, seeking safety and asylum in another country.
  9. First and only President to resign

18 Clues: Abraham Lincoln's political partyFirst and only President to resignexpulsion of a person/group from a placeAnonymous source that reported WatergatePresident who wrote the Gettysburg SpeechThe withdrawal of Southern states from the UnionA person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area....

History 2013-05-29

History crossword puzzle
  1. study of genes and heredity
  2. the use of tariffs and other restrictions that protect a country's home industries against competition
  3. fail to make payments
  4. a form of pollution in which toxic chemicals in the air fall back to earth as rain, snow, or hail
  5. expanded over the years to add the nations of Eastern Europe
  6. World Wide Web
  7. man-made object that orbits a larger body
  8. the application of biological research to industry
  9. currency for most of Western Europe
  10. the (die)rise of Earth's surface temperature over time
  11. elected president in Russia's second free election
  12. rapidly spread
  13. the use of violence, especially against civilians, by extremists to achieve political prisoners
  14. people who are forced to move because of poverty, war, natural disasters, or persecution
  15. groups
  16. a massive tidal wave
  17. when a disease spreads rapidly
  18. an Islamic fundamentalist group in Afghanistan
  1. the manipulation of genetic material to produce specific results
  2. the ability to meet the needs of the present without harming future generations
  3. a large number of people in a region or country face death by starvation
  4. the cutting of trees without replacing them
  5. vast region of nations that border the Pacific Ocean
  6. PCs
  7. the dependence of countries on each other for goods, resources, knowledge, and labor from other parts of the world
  8. country in the middle east
  9. the practice of sending work to the developing world in order to save money or increase efficiency
  10. one powerful Islamic fundamentalist group

28 Clues: PCsgroupsWorld Wide Webrapidly spreada massive tidal wavefail to make paymentscountry in the middle eaststudy of genes and hereditywhen a disease spreads rapidlycurrency for most of Western Europeman-made object that orbits a larger bodyone powerful Islamic fundamentalist groupthe cutting of trees without replacing them...

Chapter 1 - What is economics 2013-04-12

Chapter 1 - What is economics crossword puzzle
  1. Because of scarcity, ____________ have to be made
  2. manufactured materials used to create other goods or services
  3. the study of choices that people make to satisfy their needs and wants
  4. exists because there are limited resources and unlimited wants
  5. For something to have __________, it must be scarce and have utility.
  6. This is when developments in one area influence other areas
  7. This can increase when there is specialization and a division of labor.
  8. items provided by nature that can be used to produce goods & services
  9. land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship
  10. physical or mental effort used to produce goods & services
  1. when one good is sacrificed for another
  2. Interdependence occurs because it is hard for people and societies to be ____________.
  3. A leftward shift in the PPC means that there was a _________ in resources.
  4. study of choices made by economics sectors such as households & companies
  5. examines the behavior of entire economies
  6. Improvements in technology cause a ___________ shift in the PPC.
  7. organizational skills and risk taking involved in starting a new business or product
  8. the value of the next best alternative that is given up to obtain the preferred item
  9. Anything that people use to make or obtain what they need or want
  10. stands for “There is no such thing as a free lunch”
  11. Specialization & division of labor allows workers to become more ____________.
  12. Credit cards, barter, and money are forms of ___________.
  13. War, disease, and natural disasters cause a ___________ shift in the PPC.
  14. Economic ____________ usually increases with specialization & a division of labor
  15. the capacity to be useful and provide satisfaction

25 Clues: land, labor, capital, entrepreneurshipwhen one good is sacrificed for anotherexamines the behavior of entire economiesBecause of scarcity, ____________ have to be madethe capacity to be useful and provide satisfactionstands for “There is no such thing as a free lunch”Credit cards, barter, and money are forms of ___________....

Civil War 2019-04-26

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. The treatment of people as property. People who are denied freedom in this way are said to be enslaved.
  2. To separate from the Union.
  3. Act passed in 1854 that created Kansas and Nebraska territories and abolished the Missouri Compromise by allowing states to determine whether slavery would be allowed in new territories.
  4. The location of a brutal massacre in which confederate troops shot more than 200 black prisoners and some whites.
  5. She led over 300 slaves to freedom, because of her bravery she is the symbol of the Underground Railroad.
  6. The defeat of Robert E. Lee's invading Confederate Army was a major victory for the Union.
  7. General of the Confederacy.
  8. A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones.
  1. A group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War.
  2. South Carolina, April 12-14, 1861. This was the start of the Civil War.
  3. A person who worked to end slavery.
  4. States between the north and the south: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri.
  5. Nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross.
  6. President of the Confederacy.
  7. General for the Union, later became 18th President.
  8. A political party dedicated to stopping the expansion of slavery.
  9. A former slave who sued for his freedom in the Supreme Court.
  10. A very bloody battle in the civil war.
  11. Virginia, July 1st, 1861. This was the first major land battle of Civil War.
  12. An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters.

20 Clues: To separate from the Union.General of the Confederacy.President of the Confederacy.A person who worked to end slavery.A very bloody battle in the civil war.General for the Union, later became 18th President.A former slave who sued for his freedom in the Supreme Court.Nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross....

- S P E L L I N G C R O S S W O R D - 2021-06-09

- S P E L L I N G  C R O S S W O R D - crossword puzzle
  1. -refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally.
  2. - conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
  3. or causing despair.
  4. of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.
  5. - weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard, used for thrusting or striking
  6. or additional amount
  7. in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke; combustion or burning.
  8. causing or suffering physical pain.
  9. organized group of singers, especially one that performs in public.
  10. that naturally preys on others.
  11. different; be altered or modified.
  12. continuous or prolonged dull pain in a part of one's body.
  13. accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.
  14. of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  1. that is hunted and killed by another for food.
  2. compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially prepared or purified
  3. company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale.
  4. weary and impatient because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity.
  5. by or showing a lack of shame; barefaced or brazen.
  6. thing that eats or uses something.
  7. institution for educating children.
  8. or influence.
  9. application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes especially in industry.
  10. no knowledge, understanding, or ability.

24 Clues: or influence.or causing despair.or additional amountthat naturally preys on others.thing that eats or uses something.different; be altered or modified.causing or suffering physical pain.institution for educating knowledge, understanding, or ability.that is hunted and killed by another for food....

Government Programs 2021-09-30

Government Programs crossword puzzle
  1. Nicknamed Ginnie Mae
  2. Established in 1953 to replace the Federal Security Agency, it was reorganized in 1979
  3. Aviation
  4. National health research
  5. Enforces the National Labor Relations Act of 1935
  6. Tracks down world-wide criminals
  7. America's tax collector
  8. Regulates communication by radio, television, phone, telegraph, cable, and Internet
  9. The mail
  10. Nine military groups overseeing work around the world and specific task commands
  11. Studies diseases and issues public health warnings
  12. A private mail company
  13. Begun during the New Deal, insures private mortgages
  14. The all-encompassing military department
  15. Safe, affordable urban housing
  16. Provides grants and endowments for artistic research
  17. Spies and intelligence-gathering
  18. The highest ranking officers in the U.S. military
  19. Develops resources in Tennessee
  20. Nicknamed Fannie Mae
  1. A watchdog agency to ensure federal officers stay within the law
  2. A controversial wildlife refuge in Alaska
  3. A health department accounting for one-fourth of government spending
  4. High-level investigations
  5. Nicknamed Freddie Mac
  6. Leads the governments response to natural disasters
  7. Space travel
  8. First oversaw railroad practices across states, then trucking and air transport as well
  9. Attempts to prevent stock market crashes
  10. provides assistance to small businesses
  11. Oversees our country's first industry, agriculture
  12. Government's coordinated effort to keep America safe from attack
  13. Certifies quality of foods and cosmetics
  14. Established in 1870 with the attorney general at its head
  15. Transportation
  16. Provides credit loans to farmers
  17. National weather
  18. Programs for veterans
  19. Insures deposits made in banks

39 Clues: AviationThe mailSpace travelTransportationNational weatherNicknamed Ginnie MaeNicknamed Fannie MaeNicknamed Freddie MacPrograms for veteransA private mail companyAmerica's tax collectorNational health researchHigh-level investigationsSafe, affordable urban housingInsures deposits made in banksDevelops resources in Tennessee...

Ancient Israel & Judaism 2023-01-11

Ancient Israel & Judaism crossword puzzle
  1. son of Israel's greatest king who built the First Temple
  2. considered the greatest Jewish King who defeated Goliath
  3. a messenger sent by God to share God's word with the people
  4. a social group made up of families or clans
  5. a weekly day of worship and rest where work is forbidden
  6. founder and father of Judaism
  7. a wise saying
  8. a rule that God wanted the Israelites to follow
  9. an agreement with God
  10. leader of the Israelites during the conquering of Canaan
  11. a grasshopper that often migrates in large numbers
  12. Jewish leader who built the second temple
  13. a set of letters or other characters used to write a language
  14. a sacred song or poem used in worship
  15. founded by the ten tribes who rebelled against rule in Jerusalem
  16. a Jewish house for worship or Church
  1. prepared according to Jewish dietary law
  2. the departure of the Israelites out of slavery
  3. one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world that was famous for its walls
  4. contained the Ten Commandments
  5. the groups of Jews living outside the Jewish homeland
  6. a forced absence from one's home or country
  7. founded by two tribes in the southern part of Canaan
  8. teachings that Moses received from God and later became the first part of the Hebrew Bible
  9. the promised homeland of the Jewish people
  10. the belief in one God
  11. a long document made from pieces of parchment sewn together
  12. the first five books of the Hebrew bible
  13. events and natural disasters seen as punishments from God
  14. the official leader of a Jewish congregation

30 Clues: a wise sayingthe belief in one Godan agreement with Godfounder and father of Judaismcontained the Ten Commandmentsa Jewish house for worship or Churcha sacred song or poem used in worshipprepared according to Jewish dietary lawthe first five books of the Hebrew bibleJewish leader who built the second templethe promised homeland of the Jewish people...

natural disasters David have created this 2021-06-10

natural disasters   David have created this crossword puzzle
  1. hot air plus cold air
  2. something that comes out from the volcano.
  3. in the very hot and dry climate
  1. something that starts to fall from space
  2. something when the ground starts to shake
  3. something the water starts to spin
  4. something underwater earthquakes
  5. something that rains for 40 days

8 Clues: hot air plus cold airin the very hot and dry climatesomething that rains for 40 dayssomething underwater earthquakessomething the water starts to spinsomething that starts to fall from spacesomething when the ground starts to shakesomething that comes out from the volcano.

Crossword 2022-12-18

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. rest
  2. The one in Tangshan and Wenchuan are the major disasters in history
  3. Sniffer dogs are ( )ing for drugs.
  4. it used to describe sth loud and this feeling makes people annoyed(烦躁的)
  5. it’s the adverb form of strange
  6. It’s a feeling of vibration(颤/振动)
  1. 篱笆/栅栏
  2. It’s the opposite of city,a compound word(复合词)
  3. garden
  4. missing
  5. ( )into pieces

11 Clues: rest篱笆/栅栏gardenmissing( )into piecesit’s the adverb form of strangeIt’s a feeling of vibration(颤/振动)Sniffer dogs are ( )ing for drugs.It’s the opposite of city,a compound word(复合词)The one in Tangshan and Wenchuan are the major disasters in historyit used to describe sth loud and this feeling makes people annoyed(烦躁的)

My Crossword?! 2019-07-03

My Crossword?! crossword puzzle
  1. The day of the earthquake
  2. A rough estimate of citizens who had died
  3. What was the magnitude of the disaster?
  4. The name for disasters that affect the cultural environment
  5. Something that is of great size
  6. A large amount of numbers
  1. People who were affected bad were _ _ _
  2. Where the disaster had occurred
  3. The date of the incident
  4. The location of the disaster

10 Clues: The date of the incidentThe day of the earthquakeA large amount of numbersThe location of the disasterWhere the disaster had occurredSomething that is of great sizePeople who were affected bad were _ _ _What was the magnitude of the disaster?A rough estimate of citizens who had diedThe name for disasters that affect the cultural environment

Sociological Disasters 2014-04-28

Sociological Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. лихорадка
  2. заражать
  3. оружие
  4. болезнь
  5. преступление
  1. наказание
  2. кибервойна
  3. насилие
  4. эпидемия
  5. поджог

10 Clues: оружиеподжогнасилиеболезньзаражатьэпидемиянаказаниелихорадкакибервойнапреступление

Hydological disasters 2021-04-16

Hydological disasters crossword puzzle
  1. one of the main reasons for farmers to commit suicide in india is
  2. volcanic erupted material when inside the hill/earth/mountain is called
  3. floods can be prevented by
  4. bhopal gas disaster is a kind of
  5. the richter scale expresses an earthquake on
  1. vulnerability analysis comes in which part of the disaster management cycle
  2. the shortage of water for an excessive period of time
  3. in india tsunami warning centre is located in
  4. a disease that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is called
  5. in india cyclone is tracked through which satellite

10 Clues: floods can be prevented bybhopal gas disaster is a kind ofthe richter scale expresses an earthquake onin india tsunami warning centre is located inin india cyclone is tracked through which satellitethe shortage of water for an excessive period of timeone of the main reasons for farmers to commit suicide in india is...

Venugopal - Disasters 2021-10-01

Venugopal - Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Recent Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal
  2. Little Boy - A type of Bomb
  3. Heavy Rain and Wind
  4. reason for Kedarnath floods
  5. Fat Man in Japan
  6. Diesel Vehicles cause this to the Air
  1. Corona Virus disease
  2. type of attack on twin towers
  3. man made disaster that affected this City in India
  4. Indian Ocean Earthquake in 2004

10 Clues: Fat Man in JapanHeavy Rain and WindCorona Virus diseaseLittle Boy - A type of Bombreason for Kedarnath floodstype of attack on twin towersIndian Ocean Earthquake in 2004Recent Cyclone in the Bay of BengalDiesel Vehicles cause this to the Airman made disaster that affected this City in India

Weather & Disasters 2023-04-12

Weather & Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. an extremely large wave caused by a violent movement of the earth under the sea
  2. drops of water from clouds
  3. a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface
  4. a day having little or no sunshine
  5. a dangerous storm which is a spinning cone of wind
  1. a heavy fall of rain
  2. a lot of wind
  3. with wind that is quite strong but pleasant
  4. a great overflowing of water in an area that is usually dry
  5. bright because of light from the sun

10 Clues: a lot of winda heavy fall of raindrops of water from cloudsa day having little or no sunshinebright because of light from the sunwith wind that is quite strong but pleasanta sudden violent movement of the earth's surfacea dangerous storm which is a spinning cone of winda great overflowing of water in an area that is usually dry...

Push & Pull Factors 2020-10-22

Push & Pull Factors crossword puzzle
  1. The history of a place
  2. The connection to a place
  3. The weather conditions in a place
  4. The amount of traffic in a place
  5. Disasters such as earthquakes and floods
  1. The range of sporting & leisure activities
  2. The way people would prefer to live
  3. The rubbish in the ocean, land and air
  4. The limit of water in a place
  5. The looks of something

10 Clues: The history of a placeThe looks of somethingThe connection to a placeThe limit of water in a placeThe amount of traffic in a placeThe weather conditions in a placeThe way people would prefer to liveThe rubbish in the ocean, land and airDisasters such as earthquakes and floodsThe range of sporting & leisure activities

Hydological disasters 2021-04-16

Hydological disasters crossword puzzle
  1. one of the main reasons for farmers to commit suicide in india is
  2. volcanic erupted material when inside the hill/earth/mountain is called
  3. floods can be prevented by
  4. bhopal gas disaster is a kind of
  5. the richter scale expresses an earthquake on
  1. vulnerability analysis comes in which part of the disaster management cycle
  2. the shortage of water for an excessive period of time
  3. in india tsunami warning centre is located in
  4. a disease that becomes unusually widespread and even global in its reach is called
  5. in india cyclone is tracked through which satellite

10 Clues: floods can be prevented bybhopal gas disaster is a kind ofthe richter scale expresses an earthquake onin india tsunami warning centre is located inin india cyclone is tracked through which satellitethe shortage of water for an excessive period of timeone of the main reasons for farmers to commit suicide in india is...

NZ Disasters 2023-06-12

NZ Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. A female character in NO SAFE HARBOUR
  2. A ship that sank in 1968
  3. A cyclone that struck in 1988
  4. A city that was struck by an earthquake in 2011
  5. A cyclone that struck in 2023
  6. A male character in NO SAFE HARBOUR
  1. A bay struck by an earthquake in 1931
  2. The amount of people that died during the Wahine disaster
  3. A cyclone that caused the Wahine disaster
  4. The reef that made the Wahine sink

10 Clues: A ship that sank in 1968A cyclone that struck in 1988A cyclone that struck in 2023The reef that made the Wahine sinkA male character in NO SAFE HARBOURA bay struck by an earthquake in 1931A female character in NO SAFE HARBOURA cyclone that caused the Wahine disasterA city that was struck by an earthquake in 2011...

The Power of Nature: Natural Disasters 2021-05-17

The Power of Nature: Natural Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. Eruption The sudden explosion of ash and lava.
  2. A big fire that burns big areas
  3. A violent wind that leaves serious damage
  4. A mass of snow that falls from a mountain
  1. a mass of rock moving quickly in a mountain.
  2. Violent storm with a column of air that rotates.
  3. a severe snow storm
  4. A sudden violent shaking of the earth

8 Clues: a severe snow stormA big fire that burns big areasA sudden violent shaking of the earthA mass of snow that falls from a mountainA violent wind that leaves serious damagea mass of rock moving quickly in a mountain.Eruption The sudden explosion of ash and lava.Violent storm with a column of air that rotates.

Lists 1 and 2 - UOI 4 2022-08-24

Lists 1 and 2 - UOI 4 crossword puzzle
  1. to be without
  2. replies or reactions to something
  3. events that cause destruction or suffering
  4. difficult situations
  5. to tug or drag
  6. a person's native country
  7. to scout or investigate in order to discover
  8. one who moves to a different country
  9. to become or make better or enhance in value
  10. a trip or voyage from one place to another
  11. move something forward from behind
  1. potential hazards connected to something
  2. entrance
  3. preventing movement or progress
  4. went out or away from
  5. people born during the same time period
  6. a change that occurs to fit certain conditions
  7. to go away or depart
  8. the movement from one place to another
  9. chances or advantageous conditions

20 Clues: entranceto be withoutto tug or dragdifficult situationsto go away or departwent out or away froma person's native countrypreventing movement or progressreplies or reactions to somethingchances or advantageous conditionsmove something forward from behindone who moves to a different countrythe movement from one place to another...

Catastrophic events 2022-03-24

Catastrophic events crossword puzzle
  1. occurs by plate tectonic movement
  2. a high see wave caused by an earthquake
  3. funnel-shaped, destructive whirling winds
  4. massive flooding
  1. and mass of snow falling rapidly down a
  2. cause damage to the ecosystem
  3. eruption

7 Clues: eruptionmassive floodingcause damage to the ecosystemoccurs by plate tectonic movementand mass of snow falling rapidly down aa high see wave caused by an earthquakefunnel-shaped, destructive whirling winds

Unit 5 Week 3 Vocab 2024-05-21

Unit 5 Week 3 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The reason something is done.
  2. The tools needed for a job.
  3. Stopping something from happening.
  4. When someone is is not paying attention.
  1. To react.
  2. Something that happens for no apparent reason and is unexpected.
  3. Sudden misfortunes
  4. Causing harm or hurt.

8 Clues: To react.Sudden misfortunesCausing harm or hurt.The tools needed for a job.The reason something is done.Stopping something from happening.When someone is is not paying attention.Something that happens for no apparent reason and is unexpected.

sample 2024-04-02

sample crossword puzzle
  1. group of islands
  2. materials
  3. disasters
  1. remove
  2. disposable

5 Clues: removematerialsdisastersdisposablegroup of islands

Healthy School and Community Environment 2019-10-02

Healthy School and Community Environment crossword puzzle
  1. Ensure the attainment of planned action
  2. Persons and equipment
  3. Gives the information to the school community about the things achieved
  4. Improving everybody's health and learning
  5. To watch or to check
  1. Focuses of priority issues based on the resources available
  2. Skilled personnel
  3. Based on the input of those person involved in the school community
  4. Complete facilities
  5. Behavioural offenses, violence, diseases, and disasters
  6. Consists of support from its members
  7. Followed by students and school staffs

12 Clues: Skilled personnelComplete facilitiesTo watch or to checkPersons and equipmentConsists of support from its membersFollowed by students and school staffsEnsure the attainment of planned actionImproving everybody's health and learningBehavioural offenses, violence, diseases, and disastersFocuses of priority issues based on the resources available...

Alexander the Great Crossword 2022-09-08

Alexander the Great Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Location of 9 month seige 333-332 BC
  2. Who dies in 336BC
  3. Battle where Darius left his family
  4. Who abuses his power and flees to Athens.
  5. First Battle against Persians
  6. Northern Tribes rebellion Location
  7. Alexander's strategy for keeping the Greeks for revolting in 324BC
  8. Battle that took place in 338
  9. Second Greek Rebellion Location
  1. Primary source author who says Darius' life was "Series of Disasters"
  2. Location of Gordian Knot
  3. Gave Thebes gold to rebel.
  4. Son Of Parmenio
  5. Alexanders inspiration, reason he visits Troy
  6. Battle with Elephants and Schythe Chariots
  7. Where doesn't he drink the water
  8. First Greek Rebellion Location

17 Clues: Son Of ParmenioWho dies in 336BCLocation of Gordian KnotGave Thebes gold to rebel.First Battle against PersiansBattle that took place in 338First Greek Rebellion LocationSecond Greek Rebellion LocationWhere doesn't he drink the waterNorthern Tribes rebellion LocationBattle where Darius left his familyLocation of 9 month seige 333-332 BC...

Populations in Transition 2021-04-23

Populations in Transition crossword puzzle
  1. The balance between incoming short-wave radiation and outgoing short-wave and long-wave radiation (6,7)
  2. Population policy that encourages families to have more children (11,5)
  3. Changes in a system that occur and lead to other changes, but eventually the whole system stabilises (8,8)
  4. The movement of a population away from one part of a country to another. It occurs when people choose to move (9,8,9)
  5. The average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year in the same country (9,4)
  6. A measure of non-workers divided by the workers. It compares the number of dependents and economically active members of society (10,5)
  7. The location of people within an area (10,12)
  8. Population policy that encourages families to have fewer children (12,5)
  1. The benefits that come from a very large population of the population being in the adult age range, and a reduced proportion of young and /or elderly (11,8)
  2. Number of people living in a given area, expressed as people per square kilometre (10,7)
  3. The increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, as a result of human activities and their impact on atmospheric systems (8,10,6)
  4. The ratio of males to females in a population (3,5)
  5. The growth in a population as a result of birth rates exceeding death rates (7,8)
  6. aka natural greenhouse effect, this is where certain gases allow short-wave radiation from the sun to pass through the atmosphere but trap some. This allows warming of the atmosphere (10,6)
  7. A situation where the birth rate decreases and the number of elderly people increases (6,10)
  8. Changes in a system that lead to greater deviation from the original condition (8,8)
  9. The increase in temperatures around the world that has been noticed since the 1960s (6,7)
  10. A city with more than 10 million people living in it
  11. Migration that occurs due to war, persecution, famine, slavery, politics or natural disasters creating refugees and internally displaced people (6,9)

19 Clues: The location of people within an area (10,12)The ratio of males to females in a population (3,5)A city with more than 10 million people living in itPopulation policy that encourages families to have more children (11,5)Population policy that encourages families to have fewer children (12,5)...

Unit 5 Week 3 2020-02-15

Unit 5 Week 3 crossword puzzle
  1. it causes harm
  2. is not paying attention
  3. is a stopping of something before it happens
  4. are sudden misfortunes that cause damage or destruction
  1. is done intentionally
  2. happens without being planned
  3. they react to it
  4. includes the tools needed to do a job

8 Clues: it causes harmthey react to itis done intentionallyis not paying attentionhappens without being plannedincludes the tools needed to do a jobis a stopping of something before it happensare sudden misfortunes that cause damage or destruction

Resources 2023-10-10

Resources crossword puzzle
  1. _____ natural resources will not run out.
  2. Resources are things that people use to make a ______.
  3. ______ is made from rock, stone, clay, sand, and water.
  4. Natural resources are materials that occur naturally in our ______.
  5. A lake which is used as a source of water supply.
  6. ______ materials which create our buildings are natural resources.
  7. Knowledge and ______ are important.
  8. Human resources are _____’s power and effort.
  1. Non-renewable natural resources cannot be ______.
  2. The most valuable resources we have is ______ resource.
  3. Clean ______ is used for drinking, washing and cleaning.
  4. Extreme scarcity of food.
  5. Natural ______ is an example of non-renewable natural resources
  6. Natural resources are used to produce ______ for electricity.
  7. We could make new items from ______ materials and reuse them for other purposes.
  8. Natural resources are provided by _____.
  9. Natural resources can be divided into ______ general types.
  10. A natural resource which enables us to grow crops.
  11. The ______ provides us with seafood.
  12. Coal, ______, and natural gas cannot be replaced easily as they take millions of years to form.

20 Clues: Extreme scarcity of food.Knowledge and ______ are important.The ______ provides us with seafood.Natural resources are provided by _____._____ natural resources will not run out.Human resources are _____’s power and effort.Non-renewable natural resources cannot be ______.A lake which is used as a source of water supply....