states and capitals Crossword Puzzles

GOV'T CROSSWORD 2 2021-11-11

GOV'T CROSSWORD 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a provision of the U.S constitution that states that the constitution, federal law, and treaties of the United States are the "supreme Law of Land"
  2. group of people chosen in each state and district of Columbia every four years who make a formal selection of the president and vice president
  3. congressional act admitting a new state to the Union
  4. those powers, expressed, implied,or inherent granted to the national government by the constitution
  5. those powers that the Constitution does not grant to the National Government and does not deny to the States
  6. those delegated powers of the national government that are spelled out, expressly, in the constitution
  7. a change in or addition to the constitution or law
  8. those delegated powers of the national government that are suggested by the expressed powers set out in the constitution; those "necessary and proper" to carry out the expressed powers
  9. formal agreement entered into with the consent of congress, between or among states, or between a state and a foreign state
  10. the legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one state is returned to that state
  1. a pact made by the president directly with the head of a foreign state;a binding international agreement with the force of law but which does not require senate consent
  2. first 10 amendments to the constitution
  3. those powers that both the national government and the states possess and exercise
  4. those powers which can be exercised by the National Government alone
  5. a formal agreement between two or more sovereign states
  6. powers the constitution is presumed to have delegated to the National Government because it is the government of a sovereign state within the world community
  7. a congressional act directing the people of a United States territory to frame a proposed State constitution as a step toward admission to the Union
  8. formal approval or final consent to the effectiveness of a constitution, constitutional amendment, or treaty

18 Clues: first 10 amendments to the constitutiona change in or addition to the constitution or lawcongressional act admitting a new state to the Uniona formal agreement between two or more sovereign statesthose powers which can be exercised by the National Government alonethose powers that both the national government and the states possess and exercise...

The US Enters WWII 2015-03-18

The US Enters WWII crossword puzzle
  1. what happened on December 7, 1941
  2. what peninsula did many New Mexicans fight to defend
  3. President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill secretly sign the
  4. what was the largest American air base
  5. France and Germany give Germany Czechoslovakia with the
  6. the month Germany signs a non-aggression pact with Soviet Union
  7. what month did The United States declare war on Germany, Italy, and Japan
  8. totalitarian leader of the soviet union
  9. what did President Roosevelt ask Congress to declare on Japan
  10. President Roosevelt asks for funds to build up the
  11. the month Germany invades Poland
  1. the month when Britain and France declare war on Germany
  2. totalitarian leader of Italy
  3. who came to the United States to talk about peace
  4. The United States broke the ____ and knew an attack was coming
  5. this allows President Roosevelt to lend or lease arms and other supplies to “any country whose defense was vital to the United States”
  6. totalitarian leader of Germany
  7. Japan joins the
  8. In 1935 the US begins passing the
  9. the month Germany takes over Austria unopposed

20 Clues: Japan joins thetotalitarian leader of Italytotalitarian leader of Germanythe month Germany invades Polandwhat happened on December 7, 1941In 1935 the US begins passing thewhat was the largest American air basetotalitarian leader of the soviet unionthe month Germany takes over Austria unopposedwho came to the United States to talk about peace...

Promoting and Enforcing Human Rights 2021-07-26

Promoting and Enforcing Human Rights crossword puzzle
  1. rights that are included (written) in a document
  2. a people that share a common heritage, language or culture and sometimes a common race
  3. a government and the people it governs; a country
  4. the primary judicial organ of the UN; has jurisdiction to hear disputes submitted by member states and issue advisory opinions
  5. a legal system that deems treaties enforceable in domestic law as soon as they have been signed
  6. rights that can be implied through the text, structure or purpose of a document
  7. the UN administrative body headed by the UN Secretary- General; contains the departments and offices of the UN
  8. the UN organ that acts as a forum for international economic and social cooperation and development
  9. how powers are divided between the federal and state governments
  1. the UN forum of member states responsible for overseeing and making recommendations on human rights in all member states
  2. preventing one person or group from gaining total power by dividing power between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary
  3. a body of international law developed from the Geneva and Hague conventions that deals with the conduct of states and individuals during armed conflict; also known as the law of armed conflict
  4. inactive since 1994 but originally responsible for overseeing the transition of UN trust territories to self-government after decolonisation
  5. the process of a state formally approving a treaty, making it legally binding
  6. a decision passed by the UN General Assembly or UN Security Council; when passed by the UN Security Council, it can be legally binding on all member states
  7. powers listed in sections 51 and 52 of the Australian Constitution: the areas that the Commonwealth can legislate on
  8. a legal system that does not deem treaties enforceable domestically until and unless they are incorporated into domestic law, usually by passing similar legislation
  9. the UN organ representing all UN member states; acts as a forum for global discussion and runs numerous committees and programs
  10. the UN organ responsible for the preservation of international peace and security; it has the power to authorise military action and other measures
  11. laws made by people or bodies to whom parliament has delegated law-making authority
  12. the UN human rights office responsible for monitoring and reporting on human rights worldwide
  13. the process by which a country incorporates a treaty into domestic law
  14. a government power that is not listed in section 51 of the Australian Constitution as a legislative power of the Commonwealth Parliament, and thus belongs to the states

23 Clues: rights that are included (written) in a documenta government and the people it governs; a countryhow powers are divided between the federal and state governmentsthe process by which a country incorporates a treaty into domestic lawthe process of a state formally approving a treaty, making it legally binding...

Madison Goshey- Chapter 4 2020-12-03

Madison Goshey- Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. a system of spending, taxing,and providing aid in the federal system
  2. federal aid is distributed to the states (specific purpose)
  3. the idea that southern states could nullify national laws that they believed clashed with state interests
  4. include money and other resources that the national government provides to pay for state and local activities
  5. powers that are not specifically listed in the Constitution
  6. a power held by the national government and the state government at the same time
  7. a series of initiatives aimed at eliminating poverty and social inequality
  8. federalism under the New Deal
  9. ensures that extradition can take place
  10. demands on states to carry out certain policies as a condition of receiving grant money
  1. state and national governments were equal authorities operating within their own spheres of influence
  2. federal grants that are given for more general purposes or for broad policy areas
  3. powers that historically have been recognized as naturally belonging to all governments that conduct the business of a sovereign nation
  4. political leaders worked to reverse the trend of the national government expanding
  5. powers granted to the national government by the Constitution
  6. powers that the Constitution neither mention nor prohibit
  7. the idea that states had the right to separate themselves from the Union
  8. the idea of returning power to states

18 Clues: federalism under the New Dealthe idea of returning power to statesensures that extradition can take placepowers that the Constitution neither mention nor prohibitfederal aid is distributed to the states (specific purpose)powers that are not specifically listed in the Constitutionpowers granted to the national government by the Constitution...

POLS 1101 Chapters 2 & 3 2019-08-29

POLS 1101 Chapters 2 & 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Gives congress the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, with Indian tribes, and among various states.
  2. Authority of the president to block legislation passed by Congress.
  3. Compromise on legislative representation whereby the lower chamber is based on population, and the upper chamber provides equal representation to the states.
  4. Process for selecting state judges whereby the original nomination is by appointment, and subsequent retention is by a retention election.
  5. System of government in which ultimate authority rests with the regional governments.
  6. Powers held by both the national and state governments in a federal system.
  7. Meeting in 1787 at which twelve states intended to revise the Articles of Confederation but ended up proposing an entirely new constitution.
  8. Gives Congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper to the powers enumerated in Article 1, Section 8.
  9. System of government in which sovereignty is constitutionally divided between national and state governments.
  10. Initial governing authority of the United States
  11. Formal process of changing the Constitution.
  12. First ten amendments to the Constitution.
  13. Makes federal law supreme over state laws.
  14. Imposed taxes on almost all paper productions; boycotts and riots followed.
  15. Required colonists to export certain items only to Britain.
  1. Five colonists killed by British soldiers; led Parliament to repeal all Townshend Act taxes except for tea tax.
  2. Powers retained by the states under the Constitution.
  3. The 1776 document declaring American independence from Great Britain.
  4. Powers not expressly granted to Congress but added through the necessary and proper clause.
  5. The presidential electors, selected to represent the votes of their respective states, who meet every four years to cast the electoral votes for president and vice president.
  6. Right of states to invalidate acts of Congress they believe to be illegal.
  7. Rule by the people.
  8. Colonists dump taxed tea into Boston Harbor.
  9. System of government in which ultimate authority rests with the national government.
  10. Form of government in which power derives from citizens, but public officials make policy and govern according to existing law.
  11. To formally withdraw from a nation-state.
  12. Powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution.
  13. Document that establishes the basic rules and procedures for how a society shall be governed.
  14. Form of democracy in which political power is exercised directly by the citizens.

29 Clues: Rule by the people.To formally withdraw from a nation-state.First ten amendments to the Constitution.Makes federal law supreme over state laws.Colonists dump taxed tea into Boston Harbor.Formal process of changing the Constitution.Initial governing authority of the United StatesPowers retained by the states under the Constitution....

Juhi Shah Section. #3&4 XW 2024-03-22

Juhi Shah Section. #3&4 XW crossword puzzle
  1. ____ Clay spoke for the West and was the leader of the War Hawks; he favored a more active role for the central government in establishing the country's growth.
  2. ___ Webster was the most skilled public speaker of his time and thought slavery was not fair and cruel.
  3. The _____ Doctrine was the policy that President James Monroe declared in 1823 that showed that the United States was determined to keep European power out of the West.
  4. ____ is loyalty to one's state or section rather than to the nation all together: Northern, Southern, and Western.
  5. ____twenty-one was when the treaty was secured and we gained Florida.
  6. A settlement on the Apalachicola River known as the ___ Fort which contained about 1,000 African Americans.
  7. Gibbons vs. ____ was another Supreme Court case that upheld the power of the federal government to regulate trade.
  8. The ____-Onis Treaty secured trade between the US and Spain for the land of Florida.
  9. The United States successfully challenged European ______, which is direct involvement, in Latin America.
  1. We paid ___ million dollars to gain Florida from Spain.
  2. The policy also warned European nations not to attempt to regain control of the newly independent nations of ____ America.
  3. Spain did not retaliate when Andrew Jackson destroyed the fort because they were too busy fighting ____ in Latin America and could not risk war with the United States.
  4. ___ C. Calhoun spoke for the South,was a firm defender of slavery, and opposed policies that would strengthen the power of the federal government.
  5. ____ vs. Maryland was a Supreme Court case in which the court ruled that states have no right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders.
  6. The American ____ was Henry Clay's plan, which was aimed at promoting economic growth and called for high tariffs on imports, which would immensely benefit northern factories.
  7. Americans ___ as Latin American nations won independence.Yay!
  8. Tariffs remained high, and Congress spent a little on ____ improvements, which were for roads, bridges, and canals.
  9. The policy called for the United States to not ____ in the affairs of European nations or existing colonies of European nations.
  10. Only the federal government had the power to regulate ____ commerce, or trade between diverse states.
  11. Despite some tensions between different states, the nation enjoyed an "___ of good feelings" after the war.

20 Clues: We paid ___ million dollars to gain Florida from Spain.Americans ___ as Latin American nations won independence.Yay!____twenty-one was when the treaty was secured and we gained Florida.The ____-Onis Treaty secured trade between the US and Spain for the land of Florida....

AP QUIZ 2022-02-14

AP QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. Bank, This is also known as International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
  2. Silk Road, This is the trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E.
  3. This is one of the aspects of globalization which Information technology has paved the way to cultural globalization.
  4. Multinational corporation bring to our country not only material goods as well as their?
  5. culture, Another aspect that influenced the activities and beliefs of people in other countries.
  6. What did the Filipinos harvested during the colonization of the Spaniards?
  7. how many benefits of economic integration can be categorized?
  8. the great, He is the reasons behind hastening of globalization. In 334 B.C.
  9. This includes call center.
  10. Wiseman, Who wrote the book entitled “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  11. trade, What trade was expanded in the 21th century which ushered the Information Age?
  12. Nation, this started on October 24, 1945. Before they only have 51 members but now it has 193 member.
  13. When did the catholic missionaries spread Catholicism in the Philippines?
  14. Revolution, This refers to extensive mechanization in the production system
  15. This refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers
  16. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread of what religion?
  17. A mentality deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of country’s colonization
  18. an organization working to faster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability
  19. to travel, What kind of Freedom that gives problem to the world like spreading of diseases?
  20. network, What is CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera?
  21. How many members does WTO has?
  22. America, Where did the catholic missionaries from Europe spread Catholicism in 1492?
  23. trade, Creates employment and job opportunities.
  1. Another aspect of globalization that focuses to the improvements of transportation.
  2. Cooperation, Two countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a political nature.
  3. This is referred to as exchange of goods, services and capitals.
  4. This aspect focuses on transnational Corporations or Multinational companies lead globalization.
  5. investors , Investors who lose a lot because they need to pay higher tax to the government.
  6. This is the result of all the activities of peoples and government around the world.
  7. country, They have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only limited market for the large amount of product.
  8. trade organization, Formerly known as GATT
  9. Who colonized the Philippines?
  10. Hellenistic culture, What culture is the combination of the western and eastern culture?
  11. How much is the minimum wage in Metro Manila?
  12. Air transportation, This kind of transportation was flourished including the use of telephone and postal mail.
  13. War, World bank loans helped rebuild countries devastated by what war?
  14. Trade, What happened during Spaniards colonization year 1565-1815?
  15. What is the main source of fuel?
  16. One country that dominated WTO.
  17. benefits, Caused by the capital being brought to the country by the large foreign investors, a number of Filipinos became employed, being employed.
  18. Where did the Filipinos sent their harvested Tobacco?

41 Clues: This includes call center.Who colonized the Philippines?How many members does WTO has?One country that dominated WTO.What is the main source of fuel?trade organization, Formerly known as GATTnetwork, What is CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera?How much is the minimum wage in Metro Manila?trade, Creates employment and job opportunities....

Creating the Constitution 2022-02-14

Creating the Constitution crossword puzzle
  1. the number of branches created under the Constitution
  2. the second government of the United States
  3. one of the two houses created out of the great compromise
  4. trade between states
  5. two house; two body
  6. approve
  7. the types of goods the southern states were producing
  8. Federalists wanted a strong one of these
  9. last name of one of the anti-federalists
  10. the title given to the "executive" under the Articles of Confederation
  11. the name of the compromise that covers that issue between foreign and interstate trade
  12. means to change
  13. the plan that says states wanted representation based on population
  14. the plan that says states wanted equal representation
  15. the types of goods the northern states were producing
  16. one house; one body
  17. one of its leaders were Hamilton
  18. opposed ratification
  1. the compromise over representation in the House of Representatives
  2. the number of states needs to amend the Articles of Confederation
  3. the name of the compromise surrounding the issue of representation in congress
  4. also known as the Connecticut compromise
  5. the system of government the US was under when the states had more power
  6. what the Anti-federalists wanted added to the Constitution
  7. Anti-federalists wanted a strong one of these
  8. finish the quote "all ______ _______ should be counted as well as three-fifths of all other persons"

26 Clues: approvemeans to changetwo house; two bodyone house; one bodytrade between statesopposed ratificationone of its leaders were Hamiltonalso known as the Connecticut compromiseFederalists wanted a strong one of theselast name of one of the anti-federaliststhe second government of the United StatesAnti-federalists wanted a strong one of these...

Chapter 4 2022-11-18

Chapter 4 crossword puzzle
  1. levied on individual earnings has become the major source of money for the national government
  2. hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed.
  3. Those powers that the national government may exercise simply because it is a government are its
  4. the basis for the implied powers is the necessary and proper clause (Article I, Section 8).
  5. one of the earliest federalists
  6. when signed by the president, enables the people of the territory interested in becoming a state to prepare a constitution
  7. Those powers that the national government requires to carry out the powers that are expressly defined in the Constitution are called
  8. One view the favors state and local action in dealing with problems.
  9. landmark case of 1819
  10. Since the mid 1960s, Congress has used ______, or the power to assume responsibility for a state government function, in order to gain authority over a state.
  11. another early federalist
  1. those powers granted to the national government under the United States Constitution
  2. Article VI, Section 2, of the Constitution makes the acts and treaties of the United States supreme.
  3. The Constitution states that full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts,records,and judicial proceedings of every other state
  4. The courts have never given a complete listing of
  5. forbidding racial discrimination in public accommodations such as hotels and restaurants
  6. government and the states have.
  7. are those powers directly expressed or stated in the Constitution by the Founders.
  8. The Constitution also reserves certain powers strictly to the states.
  9. A nationalist Chief Justice; presided during McCulloch
  10. The principal way in which states may do this is to negotiate
  11. Expressed powers are also called
  12. are those powers that both the
  13. A second view the favors national action in dealing with these matters.
  14. - This clause applies only to civil law, or laws relating to disputes between individuals, groups, or with the state
  15. The main way the national government provides money to the states is through

26 Clues: landmark case of 1819another early federalistare those powers that both thegovernment and the states of the earliest federalistsExpressed powers are also calledThe courts have never given a complete listing ofA nationalist Chief Justice; presided during McCullochThe principal way in which states may do this is to negotiate...

Civil War 2023-05-12

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. Referred to as the Confederacy . Name of the unrecognized ¨country¨ temporarily created by the southern states which seceded from the union.
  2. Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery.
  3. Act Law allowed those territories to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery by utilizing popular voting.
  4. Slave states that stayed with the United States during the civil war.
  5. 16th president, he was president during the Civil War
  6. The action of formally withdrawing from a federation
  7. A war between citizens of the same country. The American civil war was a war between Americans over states rights. It was a 4 year war and over 600,000 Americans died.
  8. An enslaved African American man, he unsuccessfully sued for his freedom, and the case went to the supreme court.
  1. The 13th amendment abolished slavery, and the 14th granted all citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. . 15th prohibited the denial of the vote because of race, color, or previous servitude.
  2. Required all escaped slaves to be returned to their masters and that citizens of free states must cooperate.
  3. of 1850 California wanted to join the union as a free state which caused conflict between the North and the South
  4. To be set free. Lincoln's emancipation proclamation set free all slaves in the confederacy only.
  5. Numerous laws enacted in the former Confederate states after the civil war limited the rights and liberties of African Americans.
  6. A place where weapons and other military supplies are stored.
  7. Abolitionist, Led attacks in Kansas during ¨bleeding Kansas¨, planned to arm slaves in a revolt.
  8. The largest organizational group of soldiers, made up of one or more corps.
  9. The period of U.S. history immediately following the Civil War in which the conditions that would allow the rebellious Southern states back into the Union.
  10. To lie in wait for an unexpected attack.
  11. An anti-slavery novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It helped spread the abolitionist movement throughout the north.
  12. marked the official beginning of the American Civil Wa

20 Clues: To lie in wait for an unexpected attack.Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery.The action of formally withdrawing from a federation16th president, he was president during the Civil Warmarked the official beginning of the American Civil WaA place where weapons and other military supplies are stored....

civil war crossword puzzle 2023-02-24

civil war crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. before the war
  2. highest in rank or authority
  3. how the south got there goods
  4. people should decide for themselves whether their territories would enter the Union as free or slave states
  5. to pick one side EX:free states and slave states
  6. people that were freed from slavery
  7. the president in the civil war
  8. disrespectful or rude to one color of skin
  9. slave states were considered what?
  10. a slave that left a slave state is consider property what act is this
  1. the largest battle in the civil war
  2. things that are illegal in ones country
  3. how the north produced there goods
  4. congress wanted to keep a balance of power
  5. african americans that have been slaved by the south
  6. the free states were considered what?
  7. first battle of the civil war
  8. to leave one organization
  9. information facts to convince a public oppinion
  10. Souths main agricultural goods

20 Clues: before the warto leave one organizationhighest in rank or authorityfirst battle of the civil warhow the south got there goodsthe president in the civil warSouths main agricultural goodshow the north produced there goodsslave states were considered what?the largest battle in the civil warpeople that were freed from slavery...

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 2022-11-08

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 crossword puzzle
  1. The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85
  2. Most people in the South were farmers who grew rice, tobacco, _________, and cotton. P. 85-86
  3. Tad and Willie often burst into cabinet meetings to tell their Dad “___________” things. P. 83 (Cabinet meetings are private, closed-door sessions with the president, vice president and every other executive officer in the line of presidential succession are found in the same room).
  4. Along the railroad tracks, people lined the tracks to wave and _______ the new president well. P. 80
  5. A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86
  6. Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87
  7. Southern states began to vote to ________ from, or leave, the United States and become a separate nation. P. 87
  8. The Southerners felt that the government was too powerful and taxed them _________. P. 87
  9. Tad and Willie kept the White House in an _________, racing through the halls and up and down the stairs. P. 83
  1. These seven southern states named their new nation the Confederate States of America and named ________ Davis as their president. P. 87
  2. The halls of the White House were filled with people there to ask the president for ________ jobs. P. 80-81
  3. Northern states were called the __________. P. 87
  4. The Washington ____________ was only half finished when President Lincoln lived in the White House. Built to honor George Washington, the United States' first president, the 555-foot marble obelisk towers over Washington, D.C. P. 82
  5. This river of the eastern U.S. rises in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia and flows about 285 miles through Washington, D.C. into Chesapeake Bay. P. 82
  6. This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80
  7. Lincoln’s oldest son, __________, was with him, as he headed to Washington, D.C. P. 79
  8. After South Carolina seceded, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, ____________ and Texas seceded as well. P. 87
  9. This word means “ill-feelings, or friction; a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who do not trust each other.” P. 85

18 Clues: Northern states were called the __________. P. 87Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86...

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 2022-11-08

Fact Tracker Abe Lincoln Ch 6 Pages 79-87 crossword puzzle
  1. Southern states began to vote to ________ from, or leave, the United States and become a separate nation. P. 87
  2. Tad and Willie often burst into cabinet meetings to tell their Dad “___________” things. P. 83 (Cabinet meetings are private, closed-door sessions with the president, vice president and every other executive officer in the line of presidential succession are found in the same room).
  3. Northern states were called the __________. P. 87
  4. This word means “ill-feelings, or friction; a feeling of fear or anger between two groups of people who do not trust each other.” P. 85
  5. The Washington ____________ was only half finished when President Lincoln lived in the White House. Built to honor George Washington, the United States' first president, the 555-foot marble obelisk towers over Washington, D.C. P. 82
  6. This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80
  7. Tad and Willie kept the White House in an _________, racing through the halls and up and down the stairs. P. 83
  8. A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86
  9. These seven southern states named their new nation the Confederate States of America and named ________ Davis as their president. P. 87
  1. The halls of the White House were filled with people there to ask the president for ________ jobs. P. 80-81
  2. The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85
  3. After South Carolina seceded, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, ____________ and Texas seceded as well. P. 87
  4. Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87
  5. This river of the eastern U.S. rises in the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia and flows about 285 miles through Washington, D.C. into Chesapeake Bay. P. 82
  6. The Southerners felt that the government was too powerful and taxed them _________. P. 87
  7. Most people in the South were farmers who grew rice, tobacco, _________, and cotton. P. 85-86
  8. President Lincoln’s oldest son, __________, was with him, as he headed to Washington, D.C. P. 79
  9. Along the railroad tracks, people lined the tracks to wave and _______ the new president well. P. 80

18 Clues: Northern states were called the __________. P. 87Southern states were called the ____________. P. 87The North had more cities and _________ than the South. P. 85This word means “full of constant or frantic activity.” P. 80A ________ is a huge farm whose owners depended on slave labor. P. 86...

Westward Expansion Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-14

Westward Expansion Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The United States acquired the Louisiana Territory from this European nation.
  2. John _____ was an abolitionist that led anti-slavery fighters in Kansas before his famed raid on Harper's Ferry.
  3. The ____ Trail was a western transportation route in the mid-1800s.
  4. Who won the Battle of the Alamo?
  5. He was the President of the United States during the Mexican-American War.
  6. The War of 1812 was fought primarily between the United States and ____.
  7. The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo ended this war (2 words).
  8. The _____ Removal Act gave the Federal government the power to relocate Native Americans to western areas.
  9. She helped Lewis and Clark on their famous expedition.
  10. This railroad was built by the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific and helped link the west with the east.
  1. He was the President of the United States during the Louisiana Purchase.
  2. The _____ Act was a US law passed in 1862 that enabled Americans to acquire land in the United States at a minimal cost.
  3. Davy ____ was a 19th century folk hero, frontiersman, soldier, and politician. He famously died at the Battle of the Alamo.
  4. Daniel _____ was a frontiersman who is often credited with exploring modern-day Kentucky.
  5. This 'doctrine' was based on American fears of the revival of European monarchs and their control in the New World.
  6. The Lewis and Clark expedition was called the "Corps of ____."
  7. This gold rush occurred from 1896 to 1899.
  8. There was a gold rush in this state in 1848 and 1849.
  9. Lewis and Clark were tasked with exploring the territory that was acquired after the _______ Purchase.
  10. The United States annexation of this territory was a cause of the Mexican-American War.
  11. John O'Sullivan coined this term in relation to the American belief in its right to Westward Expansion.
  12. The Pony Express was concerned with ______ delivery.

22 Clues: Who won the Battle of the Alamo?This gold rush occurred from 1896 to 1899.The Pony Express was concerned with ______ delivery.There was a gold rush in this state in 1848 and 1849.She helped Lewis and Clark on their famous expedition.The Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo ended this war (2 words)....

What is SkillsUSA 2019-06-02

What is SkillsUSA crossword puzzle
  1. The pledge states SkillsUSA members believe in the ___ of work.
  2. Another benefit of membership is to engage in community service - to be ___ engaged.
  3. The pledge states that SkillsUSA members believe in ___.
  4. VICA members met many US presidents including President Ronald ___.
  5. Jack Frederick manages a large ___ equipment company.
  6. The color ___ stands for the individual. the most important element of the organization.
  7. Another benefit of membership is to participate in ___ and leadership training.
  8. One benefit of SkillsUSA membership is nationwide ___ - meeting new people from all over the country.
  9. In two ___ and two, the name SkillsUSA-VICA was shortened to SkillsUSA.
  10. In the success story section, Ahmad Shawwal shared that he was first introduced to SkillsUSA in his ___ class.
  11. According to the pledge a person who demonstrates ardent practice is a person of ___ who makes every effort despite setbacks and personal losses.
  1. The torch represents ___.
  2. Chauncy Walker is a very successful ___ arts student.
  3. In 1974, the US Skills Olympics was given a new name - SkillsUSA ___.
  4. One quarter of the ___ in the United States are covered by SkillsUSA.
  5. SkillsUSA was first called VICA which stood for ___ Industrial Clubs of America.
  6. Angibel Tome-Martinez is a student of ___ justice and hopes to help immigrants navigate the legal immigration process.
  7. The motto states that members are preparing for ___ in the world of work.
  8. There are 53 states and ___ with SkillsUSA chapters.
  9. One of the many speakers at the National Leadership and Skills Conference was TV star from the show "Dirty Jobs," Mike ___.
  10. The orbital circles represent ___.
  11. In the pledge, it refers to diligent work. Diligence means ___, concentration, and not always taking the easy route.
  12. The ___ represents the individual.
  13. The SkillsUSA emblem has many parts. The shield represents ___.
  14. The gear represents our ___ society.
  15. VICA was founded in ___ sixty-five.
  16. The SkillsUSA colors are red, white,and blue. Red stands for the individual states and ___.

27 Clues: The torch represents ___.The orbital circles represent ___.The ___ represents the individual.VICA was founded in ___ sixty-five.The gear represents our ___ society.There are 53 states and ___ with SkillsUSA chapters.Chauncy Walker is a very successful ___ arts student.Jack Frederick manages a large ___ equipment company....

What is SkillsUSA 2024-09-18

What is SkillsUSA crossword puzzle
  1. The pledge states SkillsUSA members believe in the ___ of work.
  2. Another benefit of membership is to engage in community service - to be ___ engaged.
  3. The pledge states that SkillsUSA members believe in ___.
  4. VICA members met many US presidents including President Ronald ___.
  5. Jack Frederick manages a large ___ equipment company.
  6. The color ___ stands for the individual. the most important element of the organization.
  7. Another benefit of membership is to participate in ___ and leadership training.
  8. One benefit of SkillsUSA membership is nationwide ___ - meeting new people from all over the country.
  9. In two ___ and two, the name SkillsUSA-VICA was shortened to SkillsUSA.
  10. In the success story section, Ahmad Shawwal shared that he was first introduced to SkillsUSA in his ___ class.
  11. According to the pledge a person who demonstrates ardent practice is a person of ___ who makes every effort despite setbacks and personal losses.
  1. The torch represents ___.
  2. Chauncy Walker is a very successful ___ arts student.
  3. In 1974, the US Skills Olympics was given a new name - SkillsUSA ___.
  4. One quarter of the ___ in the United States are covered by SkillsUSA.
  5. SkillsUSA was first called VICA which stood for ___ Industrial Clubs of America.
  6. Angibel Tome-Martinez is a student of ___ justice and hopes to help immigrants navigate the legal immigration process.
  7. The motto states that members are preparing for ___ in the world of work.
  8. There are 53 states and ___ with SkillsUSA chapters.
  9. One of the many speakers at the National Leadership and Skills Conference was TV star from the show "Dirty Jobs," Mike ___.
  10. The orbital circles represent ___.
  11. In the pledge, it refers to diligent work. Diligence means ___, concentration, and not always taking the easy route.
  12. The ___ represents the individual.
  13. The SkillsUSA emblem has many parts. The shield represents ___.
  14. The gear represents our ___ society.
  15. VICA was founded in ___ sixty-five.
  16. The SkillsUSA colors are red, white,and blue. Red stands for the individual states and ___.

27 Clues: The torch represents ___.The orbital circles represent ___.The ___ represents the individual.VICA was founded in ___ sixty-five.The gear represents our ___ society.There are 53 states and ___ with SkillsUSA chapters.Chauncy Walker is a very successful ___ arts student.Jack Frederick manages a large ___ equipment company....

HUM 210 Creative Project 2023-04-17

HUM 210 Creative Project crossword puzzle
  1. Monophonic type of chant found in the Middle Ages
  2. The change in psyche and changes in outlook of the Greek's moving from order (arete) to doubt (chaos)
  3. Where the source of Jazz gets it's vocal and rhythmic style
  4. The course theme that states, "The impact of ____ and technology"
  5. The animal that is involved in the parable that teaches which teaches the lesson of greed and the dangers of covetousness
  6. The Sedes ______ or "Seat of Wisdom," Virgin Mary as the patron saint of liberal arts
  7. Artists in the United States have used this to stir our imaginations and spirits
  8. The course theme that states, "The ____ dimension of the arts"
  9. The unpredictable movement of ideas across history or the unexpected movement of atoms
  10. The course theme that states, "The interaction of change and tradition within ____"
  11. The fight for equality of women within the Renaissance
  12. Knowing _____ or the search for meaning through Culture, Religion, etc.
  13. The course theme that states, "The development of ______ within an ethical context"
  14. The sense of devotion to religion and duty to the gods, ancestors and family
  15. Who wrote about practicing mindfulness and reducing stress and anxiety
  16. Who said, "The mind of man exists in a logical universe, but it is not itself logical."
  17. Women who were often portrayed as beautiful and soulful in art and literature, known for taking action
  18. One of the Nine Noble Virtues that emphasizes finishing tasks
  19. The course theme that states, "An exploration of the enduring ______ of humanity"
  20. "I feel, therefore I am."
  1. The author of the 95 theses and the leader of the Reformation
  2. The Roman value of self-control and seriousness
  3. Modesty which refers to fidelity and decorum in regard to behavior
  4. The Parable of the _____ is a philosophical allegory created by Plato, which illustrates the importance of gaining knowledge and insight to attain true wisdom and understanding
  5. Military valor and the root value of the Romans in the middle of the Republic
  6. What Dame of Julian of Norwich is considered due to her revelation of divine love
  7. The course theme that states, "The creative process and the development of _______"
  8. The characteristic often associated with Baroque Music
  9. Phrase continuously repeated by the Raven in Edgar Allen Poe's poem
  10. The predominate style of art of any given period gives us vital clues to what is ________ in their lived experience
  11. The Greek god who is associated with thought and logic
  12. The Greek god who is associated with action and emotion
  13. The course theme that states, "An exploration of culture as a journey through the ____, spiritual, and social worlds"
  14. The Day of ____ or Dies irae
  15. Paradigm ____ or a profound change in society
  16. The author of the classical Beauty & Beast
  17. The course theme that states, "The formation of the mythic hero as a reflection of the ____ of the society"
  18. A rhythm associated with the baroque period
  19. "I think, therefore I am."
  20. Who said “I am persuaded that the future belongs to us”
  21. What St. Theresa of Avila is considered by many
  22. The author of the Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon

42 Clues: "I feel, therefore I am.""I think, therefore I am."The Day of ____ or Dies iraeThe author of the classical Beauty & BeastA rhythm associated with the baroque periodParadigm ____ or a profound change in societyThe Roman value of self-control and seriousnessWhat St. Theresa of Avila is considered by many...

Westward Expansion 2016-10-28

Westward Expansion crossword puzzle
  1. The United States 11th President.
  2. Man Slogan that represents the Manifest Destiny
  3. 1836 battle between Mexico and Texas. With a real catchy slogan
  4. A war from 1835-1846 fought by Texas and Mexico for Texas's independence.
  5. Agreement between the United States and France for the west lands. This occurred in 1803, and the United States got 800,000 square miles of land for $15 million.
  6. A term often used to describe the spread of the United States going from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean.
  1. Peace treaty that ended the Mexican War. Which in turn gave the United States the Southwestern states.
  2. Events or conditions that lead people to move else where.
  3. When Mexico gave up what is now the southwestern states to avoid possible annexation of the country.
  4. Was a movement that brought settlers West to California in search for gold.
  5. Commonly known as the Mexican-American War.
  6. Purchase between the United States and Mexico back in 1853 for Southern Arizona and New Mexico for $10 million.

12 Clues: The United States 11th President.Commonly known as the Mexican-American War.Man Slogan that represents the Manifest DestinyEvents or conditions that lead people to move else where.1836 battle between Mexico and Texas. With a real catchy sloganA war from 1835-1846 fought by Texas and Mexico for Texas's independence....

Westward Expansion 2016-10-28

Westward Expansion crossword puzzle
  1. Commonly known as the Mexican-American War.
  2. When Mexico gave up what is now the southwestern states to avoid possible annexation of the country.
  3. Was a movement that brought settlers West to California in search for gold.
  4. A war from 1835-1846 fought by Texas and Mexico for Texas's independence.
  5. Purchase between the United States and Mexico back in 1853 for Southern Arizona and New Mexico for $10 million.
  1. Man Slogan that represents the Manifest Destiny
  2. The United States 11th President.
  3. Peace treaty that ended the Mexican War. Which in turn gave the United States the Southwestern states.
  4. A term often used to describe the spread of the United States going from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean.
  5. Events or conditions that lead people to move else where.
  6. Agreement between the United States and France for the west lands. This occurred in 1803, and the United States got 800,000 square miles of land for $15 million.
  7. 1836 battle between Mexico and Texas. With a real catchy slogan

12 Clues: The United States 11th President.Commonly known as the Mexican-American War.Man Slogan that represents the Manifest DestinyEvents or conditions that lead people to move else where.1836 battle between Mexico and Texas. With a real catchy sloganA war from 1835-1846 fought by Texas and Mexico for Texas's independence....

Civil War Crossword 2023-04-12

Civil War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the power to reduce a fine or the length of a sentence imposed by a court
  2. someone who wanted to end slavery in the US
  3. a knife that can be fixed to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon
  4. a loose union of independent states; name of government used by the southern states that seceded during the Civil War
  5. warship covered with protective iron plates
  6. cannons and large guns
  7. when the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the countrybrogan an ankle-high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War
  8. a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy
  9. putting the local interests and customs ahead of the entire country
  10. soldiers that travel by foot
  11. a term used to describe people who supported the Union
  1. a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies
  2. a soldier who is killed, wounded, captured, or missing in battle
  3. a muzzle-loading shoulder gun with a long barrel
  4. a nickname for United States paper money that was first used in 1862. It got its name from the green ink used in printing
  5. murder of a public figure, usually for political reasons
  6. belongs to a period before the American Civil War
  7. a northerner who opposed using force to keep the southern states in the Union
  8. a Northerner who moved to the South after the Civil War

19 Clues: cannons and large gunssoldiers that travel by footsomeone who wanted to end slavery in the USwarship covered with protective iron platesa muzzle-loading shoulder gun with a long barrelbelongs to a period before the American Civil Wara group of civilians trained to fight in emergenciesa term used to describe people who supported the Union...

The Civil War 2022-10-07

The Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. the north that was led by Abraham Lincoln
  2. freed over 70 slaves through the underground railroad
  3. first major clash of the confederate and union armies.
  4. the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861
  5. 1863, Union gains control of Mississippi
  6. wrote the book Uncle Toms Cabin
  7. 18th president
  8. confederate general
  9. presdient of the confederate states of america
  10. the ammendment that was passed after the War
  11. Fort attacked by South Carolina starting the Civil War
  1. the act that set Kansas and Nebraska as states
  2. assinated Abraham Lincoln
  3. law that provided for harsh treatment for escaped slaves and those who helped
  4. President during the War
  5. june 25-july 1, 1862
  6. battle that made it clear that the North would win

17 Clues: 18th presidentconfederate generaljune 25-july 1, 1862President during the Warassinated Abraham Lincolnwrote the book Uncle Toms Cabin1863, Union gains control of Mississippithe north that was led by Abraham Lincolnthe ammendment that was passed after the Warthe act that set Kansas and Nebraska as statespresdient of the confederate states of america...

Chapter 6 Crossword Puzzle 2021-10-11

Chapter 6 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What was the codename for the atomic bomb?/
  2. Who was the person that directed Project Y?/
  3. What is Sputnik?/
  4. When the United States started to join in WW1 congress put out an act that asked for men that were from the ages of 21 to 30 to join the military. What was the name of this act?/
  5. The United States and the Soviet Union didn’t fight, but instead they fought by which other method?/
  6. What is another word for diversity?
  7. What was the location where the military and scientists decided to develop atomic bombs in New Mexico?/
  8. An organization of workers who join together to achieve common goals is called what?/
  9. At the end of the Cold War which country became known as the biggest superpower?/
  10. What is the legal separation of race called?/
  11. The United States didn’t trust the Soviet Union because they were what?/
  1. In September 1939, the president of the United States received a letter from someone, and the letter was a warning about Germany making an atomic bomb. Who Was the person who sent the president the letter?/
  2. What made many Mexican migrants come to the United States for work?/
  3. The first major victory for a civil rights movement happened because of a ____ decision?/
  4. What was the name of the missile range in New Mexico?/
  5. On which side did the United States join in WW1?/
  6. What was the name of the telegram that Germany sent to Mexico?/
  7. Who was the president of the United States during the attack of Pancho Villa?/
  8. Who was the president of the US who decided to bomb Japan to end the war?/
  9. The economic depression is also known as what?/

20 Clues: What is Sputnik?/What is another word for diversity?What was the codename for the atomic bomb?/Who was the person that directed Project Y?/What is the legal separation of race called?/The economic depression is also known as what?/On which side did the United States join in WW1?/What was the name of the missile range in New Mexico?/...

Sean Harris's Articles X-Word 2024-02-09

Sean Harris's Articles X-Word crossword puzzle
  1. The Articles of Confederation could not _____ the states, the states disregarded.
  2. In Alexander Hamilton's eyes, the U.S. had advantages such as natural resources and a big __________.
  3. The presence of _________ military on American lands convinced the states to consider changing the first constitution.
  4. Noah _______ wrote the American Spelling Book.
  5. Shay's Rebellion was imposed in __________.
  6. Because the federal government had no money, wealthy _________ helped raise militias.
  7. The states regulated ______ with eachother.
  8. After Revolutionary War, the American states were deeply in ________, so they raised taxes, angering colonists which led to Shay's Rebellion.
  9. In 1783, the Revolutionary War _______.
  10. The Articles of Confederation was the First U.S. ________, passed during the Rev. War.
  1. _________ Hamilton saw power in the U.S. but hated the congress.
  2. After the war, loyalists felt like ________ and didn't fit in.
  3. The U.S. not having an _________ government is a important underlying crisis.
  4. Shay's Rebllion highlighted the Article of Confederation's ___________.
  5. Decreasing the value of ________ convinced the states to consider changing the first constitution.
  6. After __________ Rebellion, it convinced people that they needed to have a strong federal government. They needed a new constitution.
  7. In 1775, the Revolutionary War _________.
  8. In 1781, the Articles of Confederation was _________. (taken, gotten)
  9. Over _______ thousand miltias was formed to fight Shay's men.
  10. The Articles of Confederation had _____ house.

20 Clues: In 1783, the Revolutionary War _______.In 1775, the Revolutionary War _________.Shay's Rebellion was imposed in __________.The states regulated ______ with eachother.Noah _______ wrote the American Spelling Book.The Articles of Confederation had _____ house.Over _______ thousand miltias was formed to fight Shay's men....

Unit 3 Government Review, 5th Grade 2023-12-04

Unit 3 Government Review, 5th Grade crossword puzzle
  1. the branch that interprets the laws
  2. the person who works in the Executive branch for 4 years (limited to 2 elections)
  3. the first 10 amendments to the constitution that protect individual rights
  4. the person who works in the Legislative branch for 2 years (unlimited elections)
  5. the level of government that deals with problems inside the state, run by the governor
  6. the first group of laws made to run the United States that were too weak and needed to be changed
  7. these states are represented fairly by the Senate
  8. the branch that makes the laws
  9. the amendment that states people have the right to own a gun
  10. the level of government that deals with problems for the whole country, run by the president
  11. a document that lays out the laws on how to run a country
  1. the person who works in the Judicial branch (picked by the president, for life)
  2. the person who works in the Legislative branch for 6 years (unlimited elections)
  3. the name of the compromise that split the Legislative branch into two parts to give equal representation to big and small states
  4. these states are represented fairly by the House of Representatives
  5. the branch that enforces the laws
  6. the amendment that states people have freedom of speech, press, petition, assembly, and religion
  7. another name for the Legislative branch, made up of the Senate and House of Representatives
  8. the name of the compromise that made enslaved people less than white people
  9. the level of government that deals with problems in cities, run by the mayor

20 Clues: the branch that makes the lawsthe branch that enforces the lawsthe branch that interprets the lawsthese states are represented fairly by the Senatea document that lays out the laws on how to run a countrythe amendment that states people have the right to own a gunthese states are represented fairly by the House of Representatives...

Unit 7 Crossword 2022-01-22

Unit 7 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. was put in place to end The Black Codes enacted by southern states after the Civil War.
  2. Political system where both the national and state governments share power.
  3. What did Texas do in 1861?
  4. was one long-term consequence of the sharecropping system?
  5. Laws that were imposed on freedmen that limited the effects of the Reconstruction Amendments didn't allow them to vote, have weapons or testify against white men.
  6. allows governments to Grant pardons, override vetoes and declare laws as unconstitutional.
  7. The day the end of slavery was officially announced in Texas.
  8. Southern states were mainly _____, this was an economic influence on the causes of the Civil War.
  9. government in which representatives are chosen.
  10. African-Americans were viewed as ____ in the confederate states' Constitution.
  11. protected the voting rights of African American men.
  12. this led to shortages of food, medicine, weapons and ammunition.
  1. German immigrants’ supported freeing slaves.
  2. ended the institution of slavery.
  3. Northern states were mainly _____, this was an economic influence on the causes of the Civil War.
  4. At the beginning of ____ southern states currency had little to no value, homes and land were destroyed, and food prices were high.
  5. This freedom allows people to publish their opinions and information without the government stopping them. This may be through any type of media including the newspaper, radio, and TV.
  6. One reason Texas joined the Confederacy was
  7. A Major Source of Revenue for state and Local Governments along with Sales tax, bonds and fees.
  8. The level of government that collect taxes oversee and administer law enforcement, oversee elections and provide services to rural populations.
  9. the Battle of Galveston led to the loss of a key ____ for supplies to come in and out.

21 Clues: What did Texas do in 1861?ended the institution of slavery.One reason Texas joined the Confederacy wasGerman immigrants’ supported freeing slaves.government in which representatives are chosen.protected the voting rights of African American men.was one long-term consequence of the sharecropping system?...

civil war 2023-03-16

civil war crossword puzzle
  1. 13,200 soliders
  2. freed
  3. the belief that race determines human traits and capacties
  4. robert e lee surrender
  5. people who go to union ships and move trade in and out of harbors
  6. united states
  7. protecting homeland and their way of life
  8. to do away with
  9. had a larger population
  1. kentucky, delaware, missouri,mississippi allowed slavery but didn't left the union
  2. all slaves in confederate states would be _____
  3. General Winfield Scott developed a plan
  4. most soldiers considered a _____ rank
  5. first battle of the american civil war
  6. rank lowered
  7. won the election of 1860
  8. an act of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving
  9. union gained support of ____ states
  10. leaving
  11. people who opposed slavery

20 Clues: freedleavingrank loweredunited states13,200 solidersto do away withrobert e lee surrenderhad a larger populationwon the election of 1860people who opposed slaveryunion gained support of ____ statesmost soldiers considered a _____ rankfirst battle of the american civil warGeneral Winfield Scott developed a plan...

4th Grade things we should know 2024-01-31

4th Grade things we should know crossword puzzle
  1. sources such as a textbook
  2. 18th president of the United States
  3. sources such as a letter or photograph
  4. the mascot of Lake Forest Hills
  5. the answer to an addition problem
  6. only president of the Confederate states
  7. the war between the Northern and Southern states
  8. objects that you can partially see through
  9. the answer to a division problem
  1. led the Underground Railroad
  2. First battle of the Civil War
  3. the amount of space on the inside of a rectangle
  4. 16th president of the United States
  5. objects that you can see through
  6. the answer to a multiplication problem
  7. the distance around the outside of a shape
  8. objects that can not be seen through
  9. the capital of the United States
  10. taker IB word- being brave enough to try new things
  11. the answer to a subtraction problem

20 Clues: sources such as a textbookled the Underground RailroadFirst battle of the Civil Warthe mascot of Lake Forest Hillsobjects that you can see throughthe capital of the United Statesthe answer to a division problemthe answer to an addition problem18th president of the United States16th president of the United Statesthe answer to a subtraction problem...

Citizenship Exam 3 2024-01-10

Citizenship Exam 3 crossword puzzle
  1. One of the two political parties of the United States.
  2. The current president of the United States.
  3. This sets up the government for the United States.
  4. The name of the national anthem.
  5. The number of years that a senator serves.
  6. This is the capital of the United States.
  7. One of the two senators for Texas.
  8. He was president during the Great Depression.
  9. He was the first president of the United States and is known as the Father of the Country.
  10. The main concern of the United States during the Cold War.
  11. The group of people who lived in America before the Europeans arrived.
  1. The name of the man who fought for civil rights.
  2. He was president during the Civil War.
  3. One of the reasons that the colonists rebelled against Great Britain.
  4. The number of senators each state has.
  5. One of the state that borders Mexico.
  6. One of the enemies of the United States during World War II.
  7. The number of amendments of the Constitution.
  8. The name of the ocean that is on the west coast.
  9. The number of stripes on the American flag.
  10. He is the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
  11. The name of the woman who fought for women's rights.
  12. The name of the territory that the United States bought from France in 1803.

23 Clues: The name of the national anthem.One of the two senators for Texas.One of the state that borders Mexico.He was president during the Civil War.The number of senators each state has.This is the capital of the United States.The number of years that a senator serves.The current president of the United States.The number of stripes on the American flag....

Reconstruction Era 2023-04-03

Reconstruction Era crossword puzzle
  1. strong sense of loyalty to a state/region rather than a whole country
  2. laws enacted by southern states to restrict social and economic freedoms of formerly enslaved people
  3. states that remained loyal to the U.S.
  4. a war between people of the same country
  5. withdrawl from a union
  6. a disease producing diarrhea with blood and mucus
  7. period of time before a war
  8. reorganization/rebuilding of the former confederate states after the Civil War
  1. a runaway from justice, an escaped enslaved person
  2. laws enacted by southern states to manipulate/control the African American population, legalized segregation
  3. allowing each territory/state to decide to allow slavery
  4. slave-holding states that did not secede from the Union
  5. states that seceded from the union, formed a loose alliance
  6. agency that helped formerly enslaved people adjust to freedom
  7. to free, to liberate

15 Clues: to free, to liberatewithdrawl from a unionperiod of time before a warstates that remained loyal to the U.S.a war between people of the same countrya disease producing diarrhea with blood and mucusa runaway from justice, an escaped enslaved personslave-holding states that did not secede from the Union...

Federalism 2024-04-08

Federalism crossword puzzle
  1. Powers shared by both the Federal Government and the State Governments.
  2. System of government in which significant power is retained by local or regional governments and not given to the central authority or government.
  3. Chief Executive of State Government.
  4. Nation with a federal system.
  5. Clause in the US Constitution that provides that any conflict between a legitimate action of the national government and a state will be resolved in favor of the national government.
  6. Powers that both the national and state governments are not allowed to exercise.
  7. Amendment to the US Constitution that reserves powers to the states.
  8. Chief executive of city or town government.
  9. Type of Federalism in which the federal government and state governments each have clearly defined spheres of power.
  10. Highest Court in the State of Georgia.
  11. Powers of the national government recognized by all sovereign nations.
  12. Type of Federalism in which federal and state governments share power and collaborate on certain issues
  13. Synonym for "federal" government or "national" government.
  1. State version of the United States Congress.
  2. System in which power is centralized in one central government.
  3. System that divides power between the national and lower level governments such as state and local governments.
  4. Powers specifically granted to the national government by the Constitution (aka "Express Powers").
  5. Powers belong to the states under the Constitution's 10th Amendment.
  6. Clause in the Constitution that grants Congress the power to pass all laws “necessary and proper” to carry out any of the specific “enumerated powers".
  7. Powers of the states to regulate behavior and enforce order within the state for the betterment of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare.
  8. Chief Executive of National Government.
  9. Powers granted to the United States government that aren't explicitly stated in the Constitution.

22 Clues: Nation with a federal system.Chief Executive of State Government.Highest Court in the State of Georgia.Chief Executive of National Government.Chief executive of city or town government.State version of the United States Congress.Synonym for "federal" government or "national" government.System in which power is centralized in one central government....

learning contract #2 2021-10-18

learning contract #2 crossword puzzle
  1. - The act of making unjustified distinctions between people.
  2. - An effort to reunify the divided nation.
  3. - Prohibited the federal government and each state from denying or abridging a citizen's right to vote.
  4. - An American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman.
  5. - 23rd quadrennial presidential election.
  6. - Northerners who came to the Southern states after the American Civil War.
  7. - An American sociologist, socialist, historian, civil rights activist, Pan-Africanist, author, writer and editor.
  1. - State and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.
  2. - Amendment that abolished slavery and involuntary servitude.
  3. - An American educator, author, orator, and adviser to several presidents of the United States.
  4. - Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States.
  5. - First United States federal law to define citizenship and affirm that all citizens are equally protected by the law.
  6. - Setting someone or something apart from other people or things.
  7. - An unwritten agreement after the American Civil War.

14 Clues: - 23rd quadrennial presidential election.- An effort to reunify the divided nation.- An unwritten agreement after the American Civil War.- The act of making unjustified distinctions between people.- Amendment that abolished slavery and involuntary servitude.- Setting someone or something apart from other people or things....

Learning Contract #3 2021-11-14

Learning Contract #3 crossword puzzle
  1. In, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.
  2. It is an area of land tenure governed by a federally recognized Native American tribal nation under the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, rather than by the government of the state in which it is located.
  3. The action or process of adapting or being adapted.
  4. He was a prominent leader and medicine man from the Bedonkohe band of the Apache people.
  5. It authorized the President of the United States to subdivide Native American tribal communal landholdings into allotments for Native American heads of families and individuals.
  6. It was, known to the Lakota and other Plains Indians as the Battle of the Greasy Grass and also commonly referred to as Custer's Last Stand, was an armed engagement between combined forces of the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army.
  7. It was a 2,170-mile east-west, large-wheeled wagon route and emigrant trail in the United States that connected the Missouri River to valleys in Oregon.
  8. The news of gold brought approximately 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad.
  9. It was a massacre of nearly three hundred Lakota people by soldiers of the United States Army.
  10. They were several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain, typically called a homestead.
  1. It is a contiguous railroad trackage, that crosses a continental land mass and has terminals at different oceans or continental borders.
  2. In, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town.
  3. The action of inventing something, typically a process or device.
  4. He was a Hunkpapa Lakota leader who led his people during years of resistance against United States government policies.
  5. The surface of the ground, with the grass growing on it.
  6. The process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas.
  7. He was a leader of the Wal-lam-wat-kain band of Nez Perce, a Native American tribe of the interior Pacific Northwest region of the United States, in the latter half of the 19th century.

17 Clues: The action or process of adapting or being adapted.In, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city.The surface of the ground, with the grass growing on it.The action of inventing something, typically a process or device.The process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas....

How our government - The US Constitution - was born 2021-11-22

How our government - The US Constitution - was born crossword puzzle
  1. Another question for revising the government was: Should the government's power to rule come from the states or the ___?(6).
  2. The delegates believed the basic ___ of government was to protect the rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”(3).
  3. The first government called the Articles of Confederation could establish a post office, raise an army, declare war, and print money, but it could not levy ___(2).
  4. ___ system- a strong national government that shared power with the states(8).
  5. These were created when ratifying the Constitution was in question and a divide among Americans began.
  6. States had to make several agreements or ___ when creating the United State's Constitution(1).
  7. Some leaders from the American Revolution did not attend the convention because they feared that a ___ national government would hurt states’ rights(3).
  8. The U.S. Constitution is the ___ used written charter in the entire world(1).
  9. A written plan that provides the basic framework of a government - each state has their own of these(4).
  1. state leaders present at the Constitutional Convention(2).
  2. A country governed by elected representatives(3).
  3. When revising the government, the hardest question was how ___ the government should be. Many wanted to preserve the rights of the states and feared too strong of a national government(5).
  4. A formal alliance, in this case among states(2).
  5. The Three-Fifths Compromise counted each slave as only ⅗ a person for representation in the government(7).
  6. after declaring independence, Congress tried to unite the states under one ___(1)
  7. This government, the Articles of Confederation was not what the country ___ because it could not raise funds to do anything effective(3).
  8. Representatives in government help gain a ___ on decision making for laws, taxes, and policies(7).
  9. If the central government is too ___, it could not protect liberty and property(5).
  10. to formally approve a plan or an agreement(8).
  11. An agreement was reached in which ___ the population and size of state applied to the amount of representation in government(6).

20 Clues: to formally approve a plan or an agreement(8).A formal alliance, in this case among states(2).A country governed by elected representatives(3).state leaders present at the Constitutional Convention(2).The U.S. Constitution is the ___ used written charter in the entire world(1)....

Civil War: Significant People 2022-11-28

Civil War: Significant People crossword puzzle
  1. served as a Superintendent of Army Nurses; created the first generation of American mental asylums
  2. U.S. commanding officer of the Confederate Army of Tennessee at the Battle of Chickamauga and Chattanooga
  3. 18th U.S. President; lead the Union Army during the American Civil War
  4. Stage actor; assassinator of Abraham Lincoln
  5. U.S. Army officer; helped lead during Mexican-American War and Civil War
  6. Union army officer who was in command of a regiment of African American troops
  7. Nurse who becomes one of the most honored women in American History
  8. started a rebellion known as the Southampton Insurrection
  9. General of the Confederate States
  10. former U.S. Secretary of State during John Quincy Adam's Presidency
  11. slave who sued over being denied freedom
  12. President of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865
  13. american journalist who helped organize both the New England and American Anti-Slavery Society
  14. U.S. Army officer who became a major general for the Confederate States Army
  15. American commander of the U.S. Army garrison of Fort Sumter
  16. 16th president of the United States
  17. 6th President of the United States
  1. An architect of the American abolitionist movement; lectured for the American Anti-Slavery Society
  2. American abolitionist; rose to fame after publishing The Narrative of the Life of (himself)
  3. Served as an engineer during Mexican-American War and was transferred east by President Lincoln as a Union general
  4. strong hate for slavery; started
  5. helped many slaves escape to the North via the Underground Railroad
  6. an American abolisionist of New York Dutch heritage and a women's rights activist
  7. former U.S. Senator for the Democratic party; one who promoted the Kansas-Nebraska Act
  8. former U.S. Secretary of State during Millard Fillmore's Presidency
  9. was formerly enslaved and a Carpenter; accused of planning a major slave revolt in 1822
  10. author of the book Uncle Tom's Cabin
  11. Wife of Abraham Lincoln
  12. Famous military leader and Union general who played a crucial role in the victory over the Confederate States
  13. One of the best-known commanders of the Confederate States Army after Robert E. Lee

30 Clues: Wife of Abraham Lincolnstrong hate for slavery; startedGeneral of the Confederate States6th President of the United States16th president of the United Statesauthor of the book Uncle Tom's Cabinslave who sued over being denied freedomStage actor; assassinator of Abraham LincolnPresident of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865...

Becoming a Citizen 2023-01-10

Becoming a Citizen crossword puzzle
  1. what territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?
  2. Who elects U.S. senators?
  3. What is the highest court in the United States?
  4. How many seats are on the Supreme Court?
  5. How many senators does each state have?
  6. What is the economic system of the United States?
  7. hundred How many U.S. senators are there?
  8. What U.S. war ended slavery?14thAmendment What amendment gives citizenship to all persons born in the United States?
  9. The words “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” are in what founding document?
  10. If the president can no longer serve, who becomes president?
  11. What is the form of government of the United States?
  12. what is the best way to participate in the United States government
  13. What is the supreme law of the land?
  1. Who does a U.S. senator represent?
  2. Who signs bills to become laws?
  3. How many Supreme Court justices are usually needed to decide a case?
  4. How many amendments does the U.S. Constitution have?
  5. What does the Bill of Rights protect?
  6. How can people become United States citizens?
  7. What is the capital of the United States?
  8. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
  9. How long is a term for a U.S. senator?
  10. How are changes made to the U.S. Constitution?
  11. Who is Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?
  12. what founding document was written in 1787?
  13. how long do Supreme Court justices serve?

26 Clues: Who elects U.S. senators?Who signs bills to become laws?Who does a U.S. senator represent?What is the supreme law of the land?What does the Bill of Rights protect?How long is a term for a U.S. senator?How many senators does each state have?How many seats are on the Supreme Court?What is the capital of the United States?...

Chapter 20 and 21 2021-12-06

Chapter 20 and 21 crossword puzzle
  1. Person who assassinated lincoln
  2. First major battle of the civil war
  3. a major defeat for the union army
  4. amendment to abolish slavery
  5. creates a national currency backed by governmental securities
  6. where the first shots of the civil war were taken.
  7. first woman inducted into the army
  8. 6th chief justice of the u.s
  9. president of the confederate states from 1861 to 1865
  10. first woman to receive a medical degree
  11. Two warships that were designed to help the Confederate ports.
  12. Son of pres John Quincy Adams
  13. import tariff in the united states during the administration of pres James Buchanan
  14. speech Abraham Lincoln gave at the national cemetery in Gettysburg
  15. created to handle issues surrounding the civil war.
  1. diplomatic incident in 1861 during the civil war that threatened a war between the united states and the United kingdom.
  2. Nurse who founded the american red cross
  3. order by u.s pres abe lincoln to free slaves in 10 states
  4. commander of the confederate states army
  5. got defeated at the second battle of bull run
  6. peace democrats
  7. relief agency to support sick and wounded soldiers
  8. military campaign by a general of the union army
  9. gave people public land if they cared for it and paid a small registration fee
  10. emergency paper currency
  11. gave the union the control of the Mississippi
  12. killed any chance of Europe intervening
  13. Riots because of the anger of a federal draft law during the civil war.
  14. 18th pres of the united states
  15. Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia

30 Clues: peace democratsemergency paper currencyamendment to abolish slavery6th chief justice of the u.sSon of pres John Quincy Adams18th pres of the united statesPerson who assassinated lincolna major defeat for the union armyfirst woman inducted into the armyFirst major battle of the civil warkilled any chance of Europe intervening...

US History 30 terms 2020-10-26

US History 30 terms crossword puzzle
  1. Responsible for the Missouri Compromise
  2. Helped protect Tariff and developed a federal government
  3. Mostly served to raise income for the national government
  4. Emerged in 1830 in opposition to President Andrew Jackson
  5. Eight President of the United States
  6. Served as the ninth president of the United States
  7. Warn European nations that the U.S. will not tolerate colonization or monarchy
  8. Elected seventh President
  9. Machin that separates cotton fiber from seed
  10. Political party gives government civil service jobs to its supporters
  11. Financial crises in the United States that created a major depression
  12. Establish in 1791 to serve as a repository for federal funds
  13. Political party's
  14. U.S. into war with Great Britain and established second bank of the U.S.
  15. Allowed Missouria to become a slave state and Maine to become a free state in 1854
  1. Substitutes one for another
  2. Gave Congress power to establish a national bank
  3. Known for his inventing the cotton gin
  4. Sixth president of the United States
  5. Made to protect industry in northern U.S.
  6. Treaty Between the United States and Spain in 1819
  7. Longest artificial waterway
  8. Large making of products
  9. Granted unsettled land west of Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands
  10. Indian nation forced to give up lands
  11. transition to new manufacturing processes in U.S.
  12. Helped define the constitutional power of the federal government
  13. Road made by Federal government
  14. Was the tenth president of the United States in 1841
  15. Idea that promotes the interest of a national group

30 Clues: Political party'sLarge making of productsElected seventh PresidentSubstitutes one for anotherLongest artificial waterwayRoad made by Federal governmentEight President of the United StatesSixth president of the United StatesIndian nation forced to give up landsKnown for his inventing the cotton ginResponsible for the Missouri Compromise...

Civil War 2022-09-16

Civil War crossword puzzle
  1. union general who was fired after he wouldn't attack
  2. compromise in 1820 that added two new states
  3. president during civil war
  4. reason California was added to the union so quickly
  5. last name of the writer of Uncle Tom's cabin
  6. Union general who led the army at the end of the war
  7. state which contained the capital of the Confederacy
  8. the union's first ironclad ship
  9. slave who sued for his freedom
  10. time after the Civil war in which southern states were brought back into the union
  11. Major battle in SE Pennsylvania
  1. president of the confederate states of america
  2. Battle site meaning "place of peace"
  3. major crop of the southern states
  4. man responsible for raiding the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, VA
  5. first major battle of the war just outside Washington DC
  6. confederate who led an ill-fated charge at Gettysburg
  7. name for the southern states who seceded
  8. _ kansas; period of violence between pro and anti slavery factions
  9. head of Confederate army
  10. last name of the man who shot and killed the president

21 Clues: head of Confederate armypresident during civil warslave who sued for his freedomthe union's first ironclad shipMajor battle in SE Pennsylvaniamajor crop of the southern statesBattle site meaning "place of peace"name for the southern states who secededcompromise in 1820 that added two new stateslast name of the writer of Uncle Tom's cabin...

Kaja - Our Puzzling Government #2 2022-11-18

Kaja - Our Puzzling Government #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Basic principle of federalism; the constitutional provisions by which governmental powers are divided on a geographic basis (in the United States, between the National Government and the States).
  2. powers that congress has that are specifically listed in the constitution spelled out expressly.
  3. Constitution's requirement that each state accept the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state
  4. Powers that are shared by both the Nationaly and state governments
  5. An act creating a new state
  6. Constitutional agreement by which the national government is created by and relies on subnational governments for its authority
  7. Mandates that impose costs on state and local governments without reimbursement from the federal government
  8. Grants made to States, private agencies for projects
  9. powers saved for the states
  10. An agreement among two or more states. Congress must approve most such agreements.
  11. One type of federal grants-in-aid for some particular but broadly defined area of public policy
  12. No State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who happen to live in other States
  13. Thought that Government should be free of parties
  1. Powers specifically given to the federal government by the US Constitution, for example, the authority to print money.
  2. Powers that can be exercised by the National Government alone
  3. Powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution reasonably suggested.
  4. Network of political, financial, and administrative relationships between units of the federal government and those of state and local governments.
  5. Passing down of responsibilities from the national government to the states.
  6. Grants of federal money or other resources to the states or their cities, counties, and other local units.
  7. A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments
  8. The first step in the state admission procedure which enables the people of a territory to prepare a constitution
  9. The powers of the national government in foreign affairs that the Supreme Court has declared do not depend on constitutional grants but rather grow out of the very existence of the national government. (Power that belongs to the National Government because it is the government of the sovereign state within the world community)
  10. The surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a statute or treaty)
  11. Grant for which Congress appropriates funds for a specific purpose
  12. Direct federal orders to state and local governments requiring them to perform a service or to obey federal laws in the performance of their functions.
  13. Giving money back to the state and local government with no strings attached

26 Clues: An act creating a new statepowers saved for the statesThought that Government should be free of partiesGrants made to States, private agencies for projectsPowers that can be exercised by the National Government alonePowers that are shared by both the Nationaly and state governmentsGrant for which Congress appropriates funds for a specific purpose...

Civil War Word Puzzle 2021-02-09

Civil War Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Confederacy's first general officer
  2. First battle of the Civil War
  3. The Northern States during the Civil War
  4. General of the Union
  5. Took over men's work, disguised as men in order to fight, etc.
  6. A war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy
  7. President of the Confederate States of America
  8. Former slave, traveled the country speaking out against slavery, newspaper called North Star
  9. Confederate submarine
  10. President of the United States during the Civil War
  1. Capital of the Confederacy
  2. The Southern states during the Civil War
  3. Union naval ships and soldiers captured Port Royal
  4. General of the Confederate
  5. A war between citizens of the same country
  6. Freed slaves
  7. Capital of the Union
  8. Former slave, freed himself and others during blockade
  9. The Union Navy cut off South's major port from trade
  10. African American unit in the Union ArmyU

20 Clues: Freed slavesGeneral of the UnionCapital of the UnionConfederate submarineCapital of the ConfederacyGeneral of the ConfederateFirst battle of the Civil WarConfederacy's first general officerThe Southern states during the Civil WarThe Northern States during the Civil WarAfrican American unit in the Union ArmyU...

Toward Civil War (use pages 448, 452, 456, 462) 2013-05-10

Toward Civil War (use pages 448, 452, 456, 462) crossword puzzle
  1. a person who dies for a great cause
  2. Illinois senator
  3. brief
  4. runaway enslaved people
  5. allowing the people to decide
  6. challended the pro-slavery Whigs and Democrats
  7. unavoidable
  8. leaving
  9. the southern states
  10. storage site for weapons
  1. control
  2. tried to sue for his freedom but the Supreme Court ruled him as "property"
  3. this preserved the balance between slave states and free states
  4. withdrawal from the Union
  5. greates cologne probably ever
  6. an exaggerated loyalty to a particular region of the country
  7. people that crossed borders to vote in elections that were not their own
  8. a fervent abolitionist who believed God chose him to end slavery. Famous painting of him kissing a baby before being hung.
  9. Republican presidential candidate who was greatly against slavery
  10. to not vote
  11. a conflict between citizens of the same country
  12. the northern states

22 Clues: briefcontrolleavingto not voteunavoidableIllinois senatorthe northern statesthe southern statesrunaway enslaved peoplestorage site for weaponswithdrawal from the Uniongreates cologne probably everallowing the people to decidea person who dies for a great causechallended the pro-slavery Whigs and Democrats...

U.S History Crossword Ethan Braden 2015-10-22

U.S History Crossword Ethan Braden crossword puzzle
  1. our government splits __ so no one is in complete control
  2. we were in __ after the revolutionary war
  3. Document that ended the revolutionary war giving us freedom
  4. 2 types of states in conflict
  5. people who supported the colonies
  6. colonies became __
  7. Helped our army and our first president
  8. A document saying 2 war is over and there is now peace
  1. War that gave us freedom
  2. British government
  3. instead of states we used to have __
  4. final unalienable right that is in the declaration
  5. document people wanted after taxes were raise by our government
  6. our government wanted to give right to the __
  7. our government refuses to have a __
  8. name of our country after the war
  9. first 2 unalienable rights
  10. people who lived in the last question were called
  11. direction the new land for the states was
  12. people demanded a bill of __

20 Clues: British governmentcolonies became __War that gave us freedomfirst 2 unalienable rightspeople demanded a bill of __2 types of states in conflictname of our country after the warpeople who supported the coloniesour government refuses to have a __instead of states we used to have __Helped our army and our first president...

Module 3 - Logic and Proof 2024-09-12

Module 3 - Logic and Proof crossword puzzle
  1. compound statement with or
  2. a line that intersects two or more lines at different points
  3. any sentence that is either true or false
  4. statement with hypothesis and conclusion
  5. compound statement with and
  6. used to disprove a conjecture
  7. law that states if a implies b and b implies c, then a implies c
  8. the opposite meaning of a statement
  9. the truth or falsity of a statement
  10. formed by exchanging the hypothesis and conclusion
  11. formed by exchanging and negating the hypothesis and conclusion
  12. law that says is the hypothesis is true then the conclusion must be true
  1. in a conditional it follows if
  2. if and only if statement
  3. property that states if A = B and B = C, then A = C
  4. property that states that A = A
  5. when you replace a statement with something it is equal to
  6. in a conditional it follows then
  7. educated guess
  8. reasoning based on rules or definitions
  9. reasoning based on observed pattern
  10. two or more statements joined by "and" or "or"
  11. property that states if A = B, the B = A
  12. formed by negating hypothesis and conclusion
  13. a logical argument in which each statement is supported by a true statement

25 Clues: educated guessif and only if statementcompound statement with orcompound statement with andused to disprove a conjecturein a conditional it follows ifproperty that states that A = Ain a conditional it follows thenreasoning based on observed patternthe opposite meaning of a statementthe truth or falsity of a statement...

USA Geography 2023-02-14

USA Geography crossword puzzle
  1. region of the United States that includes the great plains
  2. largest wetland area in the United States
  3. capital of the United States
  4. state with largest amount of mammoth remains
  5. where gold was discovered in 1848 sparking the gold rush
  6. gateway to the west
  7. longest river in the country
  8. state that has the Grand Canyon
  1. the United States' belief that they were destined by God to expand westward
  2. the granite state
  3. type of climate in midwest
  4. the lowest point in the United States
  5. the great lake touching Chicago
  6. a barrier constructed to hold back water and form a resevoir to use for electricity or as a water supply
  7. america's highest mountain
  8. state that discovered oil first
  9. area near San Francisco where many technology companies are located
  10. largest lobster producer in the country
  11. america's dairyland
  12. major mountain range in the Eastern USA

20 Clues: the granite stategateway to the westamerica's dairylandtype of climate in midwestamerica's highest mountaincapital of the United Stateslongest river in the countrythe great lake touching Chicagostate that discovered oil firststate that has the Grand Canyonthe lowest point in the United Stateslargest lobster producer in the country...

civl puzzl 2024-04-12

civl puzzl crossword puzzle
  1. Period before the Civil War
  2. Warships protected by iron or steel armor plates
  3. Preventing goods or people from entering or leaving
  4. Withdrawal of states from the Union
  5. Decree by Lincoln to free slaves in Confederate states
  6. A northerner who moved to the South during the reconstruction in order to become rich.
  7. Group of artillery pieces
  8. Southern states that seceded from the Union
  9. Sea fort in South Caralina
  10. Supreme Court ruling denying citizenship to African Americans
  11. When a human is owned by another human
  1. Bloodiest single-day battle in U.S. history
  2. 16th U.S. President during the Civil War
  3. Legislation admitting Missouri as a slave state
  4. Large-caliber weapons used in warfare
  5. States between Union and Confederacy
  6. Advocate for the abolition of slavery
  7. Person killed, wounded, or missing in action
  8. Northern states during the Civil War
  9. The side of an army or military unit.

20 Clues: Group of artillery piecesSea fort in South CaralinaPeriod before the Civil WarWithdrawal of states from the UnionStates between Union and ConfederacyNorthern states during the Civil WarLarge-caliber weapons used in warfareAdvocate for the abolition of slaveryThe side of an army or military unit.When a human is owned by another human...

Civil War Crossword 2023-02-22

Civil War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The idea that the South had the authority to nullify tariffs placed on goods.
  2. The south had to fight a _________ war to win.
  3. Who won the election of 1860?
  4. Mainly the northern states, fighting to keep the Union together and to make slavery illegal.
  5. Strategy used by the Union to try and take over the South; take control of mississippi river and split the South in two.
  6. Abraham Lincoln said that he would stop the ______ of slavery.
  7. The speach preformed by Abraham Lincoln stating that in order to end the war, slavery must be abolished.
  8. Used to blockade and stop union ships from entering or leaving.
  9. A person who flees or tries to escape.
  10. The __________ __________ states that all slaves would be free as of January 1, 1863.
  11. The man who created a march that burned and demolished many southern towns and cities.
  1. The compromise that banned slavery north of the 36° 30' line.
  2. When starting the war the Union already had an ____ and a ____.
  3. The act that allowed Kansas and Nebraska to choose if they wanted to be a free or slave state.
  4. The decision to consider slaves as "property" and they would not be free, even in states that didn't allow slavery.
  5. Most people died because of ________ during the Civil War.
  6. The bloodiest battle in American history.
  7. To formally break away in a political state.
  8. Mainly the southern states, fighting for the right to keep slavery legal.
  9. The states that allowed slavery but refused to leave the Union.

20 Clues: Who won the election of 1860?A person who flees or tries to escape.The bloodiest battle in American history.To formally break away in a political state.The south had to fight a _________ war to win.Most people died because of ________ during the Civil War.The compromise that banned slavery north of the 36° 30' line....

Civil War Crossword 2023-02-22

Civil War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The idea that the South had the authority to nullify tariffs placed on goods.
  2. The south had to fight a _________ war to win.
  3. Who won the election of 1860?
  4. Mainly the northern states, fighting to keep the Union together and to make slavery illegal.
  5. Strategy used by the Union to try and take over the South; take control of mississippi river and split the South in two.
  6. Abraham Lincoln said that he would stop the ______ of slavery.
  7. The speach preformed by Abraham Lincoln stating that in order to end the war, slavery must be abolished.
  8. Used to blockade and stop union ships from entering or leaving.
  9. A person who flees or tries to escape.
  10. The __________ __________ states that all slaves would be free as of January 1, 1863.
  11. The man who created a march that burned and demolished many southern towns and cities.
  1. The compromise that banned slavery north of the 36° 30' line.
  2. When starting the war the Union already had an ____ and a ____.
  3. The act that allowed Kansas and Nebraska to choose if they wanted to be a free or slave state.
  4. The decision to consider slaves as "property" and they would not be free, even in states that didn't allow slavery.
  5. Most people died because of ________ during the Civil War.
  6. The bloodiest battle in American history.
  7. To formally break away in a political state.
  8. Mainly the southern states, fighting for the right to keep slavery legal.
  9. The states that allowed slavery but refused to leave the Union.

20 Clues: Who won the election of 1860?A person who flees or tries to escape.The bloodiest battle in American history.To formally break away in a political state.The south had to fight a _________ war to win.Most people died because of ________ during the Civil War.The compromise that banned slavery north of the 36° 30' line....

Federalism 2014-09-24

Federalism crossword puzzle
  1. 1819 Supreme Court case that established supremacy of national government over state government
  2. powers of federal government addressed specifically in constitution, for congress powers in article 1 section 8
  3. A clause in Article IV, section 2 states citizens of each state most of the privileges of citizens of other states
  4. powers of federal government that go beyond enumerated in constitution
  5. System of government where powers and policy assignments are shared between states and national government
  6. federal grants that can be used only for specific purposes or categories of state and local spending
  7. federal grant given more or less automatically to states or communities to support broad programs I areas like community development or social service
  8. Pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in federal system
  9. organizes nation so two or more levels of government have more authority over same land and people
  10. entire set of interactions among national, state, and local governments
  11. final paragraph in Article I, Section 8 which authorizes Congress to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution
  12. federal categorical grant distributed according to a formula specified in legislation or administrative regulations
  1. system of government where both The state & national government remain supreme within own spheres, each responsible for some policies
  2. Clause in Article IV , section. 8 of constitution requires each state to recognize official documents and civil judgements rendered by the courts of other states
  3. way of organizing nation so all powers resides in central government
  4. Article VI Of Constitution makes Constitution national law, and treaties supreme over state laws when the national government is acting within constitutional limits
  5. the powers not delegated to the U.S. By the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states reserved to states or people
  6. Case in 1824, Supreme Court interpreted Broadly the clause in Article I Section 8; giving Comgress power to regulate interstate com ever, encompassing virtually every form of commercial activity
  7. legal process whereby an alleged criminal offender is surrenders by officials instate in which crime is alleged to have been committed

19 Clues: Pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in federal systemway of organizing nation so all powers resides in central governmentpowers of federal government that go beyond enumerated in constitutionentire set of interactions among national, state, and local governments...

Social Studies Vocabulary 2016-10-13

Social Studies Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an imaginary line of latitde that circles the globe halfway between the North and South poles
  2. imaginary lines running East to West around the globe
  3. has arrowa that point to all of the principal directions
  4. imaginary line of longitude on the Earth's surface located about 180 degrees east of Greenwich Meridian
  5. a general description of where a place is located
  6. a large landmass that is part of Earth's crust
  7. a book of maps
  8. someone who makes maps
  1. a ball-shaped model of the entire planet
  2. a half of the Earth, there are 4 of them
  3. this kind of map shows country borders, capitals, and cities
  4. exactly where a place is located
  5. represent distances between points on a map
  6. a territory of a nation
  7. shows what the subject of the map is
  8. this kind of map shows elevations
  9. imaginary lines running North to South around the globe
  10. an imaginary line of longitude that runs through Greenwich, England
  11. another name for lines of longitude
  12. this kind of map focuses on one special topic
  13. explains what the symbols on the map represent
  14. provides location, time information, and all the weather conditions

22 Clues: a book of mapssomeone who makes mapsa territory of a nationexactly where a place is locatedthis kind of map shows elevationsanother name for lines of longitudeshows what the subject of the map isa ball-shaped model of the entire planeta half of the Earth, there are 4 of themrepresent distances between points on a map...

1TI1's crossword 2024-04-15

1TI1's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
  2. South... Three capitals
  3. Plan for a building
  4. Electric car
  5. Someone who fights for the environment
  6. New... North of Australia
  7. Lead actress in Don't Look Up
  8. Transport by air
  9. President Joe
  10. The threat in Don't Look Up
  11. The state of Los Angeles
  12. Australian animal
  13. The UN's Sustainable ... Goals
  14. In real life
  15. Barack's wife
  16. North, west, south...
  17. A theme in Get Out
  1. Your book
  2. Transport by sea
  3. Street artist from New York
  4. Italian car
  5. Former president Donald
  6. The state of Las Vegas
  7. The pinkest movie ever
  8. A state in the south of the US
  9. Popular Canadian sport
  10. X-Box and...
  11. Number of paragraphs in your essays
  12. A cold American country
  13. Capital of England
  14. Largest country in the world
  15. The band that sings Fix You
  16. South of the US
  17. Lead actor in Don't Look Up
  18. Most populated country in the world
  19. 1TI1's favorite movie
  20. Former president Barack
  21. Tagging
  22. The American flag is white, blue and...
  23. Self-driving cars
  24. Ford vs.

41 Clues: TaggingFord vs.Your bookItalian carX-Box and...Electric carIn real lifePresident JoeBarack's wifeSouth of the USTransport by seaTransport by airAustralian animalSelf-driving carsCapital of EnglandA theme in Get OutPlan for a building1TI1's favorite movieNorth, west, south...The state of Las VegasThe pinkest movie everPopular Canadian sport...

America Moves West 2023-04-03

America Moves West crossword puzzle
  1. large area of grassy, flat land in North America
  2. the line separating two states or countries
  3. Native American guide and translator for Lewis and Clark
  4. land that is covered with many trees
  5. women's rights leader in the east
  6. an agreement in 1820 to balance the number of slave and free states
  7. one of the first people to settle in an undeveloped area
  8. large farm that raises animals
  9. right to vote
  10. the process of becoming greater in size
  1. States that wanted slavery
  2. territory bought by Jefferson for $15 million in 1803
  3. Staters that did not want slavery
  4. another women's rights leader in the east
  5. The forced movement of Native Americans from their land
  6. longest river in the United States
  7. undeveloped area beyond settled land

17 Clues: right to voteStates that wanted slaverylarge farm that raises animalsStaters that did not want slaverywomen's rights leader in the eastlongest river in the United Statesland that is covered with many treesundeveloped area beyond settled landthe process of becoming greater in sizeanother women's rights leader in the east...

The Cold War 2023-05-03

The Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. a system of government that is centralized or has total power and is led by a ruler that requires its members to serve the state
  2. a civil conflict that became a proxy war between superpowers clashing over communism and democracy
  3. a political system in which all property is owned by the state and each citizen works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  4. a competition between nations for power through the creation and buildup of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  5. was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
  6. group of socialist states under the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics including Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
  7. to keep so-called Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state
  1. Divided communist North Korea and Democratic South Korea.
  2. based on the assumption that both sides were equally interested in preventing nuclear war and any other use of nuclear weapons.
  3. an imaginary barrier separating the Soviet Union and its communist satellite states from Western Europe during the Cold War.
  4. the open yet limited competition that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies.
  5. force levels, control of the weapons, technology for delivering them, and the plans for targeting them.
  6. a Soviet and Russian politician who served as the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country's dissolution in 1991.
  7. the United States of America.
  8. a destructive bomb that rapidly releases nuclear energy, causing damage through heat, blast, and radioactivity.
  9. the United States maintained a “triad” of ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers in a strategic nuclear arsenal of more than 10,000 warheads
  10. an economic system in which prices are determined by open competition between privately owned businesses.
  11. a system to organize society with the goal of spreading wealth more evenly and treating all people fairly. The government owns and regulates the means of trade and production rather than private ownership in a free market.

18 Clues: the United States of America.Divided communist North Korea and Democratic South Korea.a civil conflict that became a proxy war between superpowers clashing over communism and democracyto keep so-called Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state...

social studies 20 terms/questions 2022-01-05

social studies 20 terms/questions crossword puzzle
  1. document asserting the independence of the colonies from Great Britain
  2. political powers granted to the united states government that are not explicitly stated in the constitution
  3. strip of land connecting alaska to russia
  4. exporting more goods then importing
  5. created so not one branch had too much power
  6. branch that consists of the supreme court
  7. authority of the people
  8. the action of signing consent to a treaty
  9. branch headed by president
  1. opposed the ratification of the constitution
  2. he wrote the declaration of indpendence
  3. branch that makes laws
  4. second president of the united states
  5. french soldier who joined washingtons staff and became a general in the continental army
  6. first president of the united states
  7. agreement signed by british and American leaders stating america's independence
  8. when states banded together under constitution
  9. the first ten amendments to the constitution
  10. tax on imported goods
  11. pamphlet written by thomas paine

20 Clues: tax on imported goodsbranch that makes lawsauthority of the peoplebranch headed by presidentpamphlet written by thomas paineexporting more goods then importingfirst president of the united statessecond president of the united stateshe wrote the declaration of indpendencestrip of land connecting alaska to russia...

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour crossword puzzle
  1. a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
  2. a person who was killed for their beliefs.
  3. to be free
  4. splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
  5. cancel, over turning something.
  6. resiton to a higher source of power.
  7. a person trying to end slavery.
  1. person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
  2. going against your country's constitution.
  3. a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
  4. capture a town
  5. first territorial governor
  6. attempting to overthrow the government.
  7. a criminal
  8. a person who wants to expand.
  9. a crop that is grown for profit
  10. to seal off something
  11. a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
  12. bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
  13. allowing people to vote

20 Clues: a criminalto be freecapture a townto seal off somethingallowing people to votefirst territorial governora person who wants to expand.a crop that is grown for profitcancel, over turning something.a person trying to end slavery.resiton to a higher source of power.attempting to overthrow the government.going against your country's constitution....

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour crossword puzzle
  1. a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
  2. a person who was killed for their beliefs.
  3. to be free
  4. splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
  5. cancel, over turning something.
  6. resiton to a higher source of power.
  7. a person trying to end slavery.
  1. person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
  2. going against your country's constitution.
  3. a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
  4. capture a town
  5. first territorial governor
  6. attempting to overthrow the government.
  7. a criminal
  8. a person who wants to expand.
  9. a crop that is grown for profit
  10. to seal off something
  11. a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
  12. bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
  13. allowing people to vote

20 Clues: a criminalto be freecapture a townto seal off somethingallowing people to votefirst territorial governora person who wants to expand.a crop that is grown for profitcancel, over turning something.a person trying to end slavery.resiton to a higher source of power.attempting to overthrow the government.going against your country's constitution....

Cold War 2024-04-22

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. The communist-led country that fought against the United States and its allies in the Korean War
  2. The ideological and geopolitical struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the late 1940s to the early 1990s
  3. The communist-led country that the Soviet Union was allied with
  4. The 1947 policy that provided economic and military aid to countries threatened by communism
  5. The 1948-1949 operation where the United States and its allies airlifted supplies to West Berlin after the Soviet Union blockaded the city
  6. The international organization founded in 1945 to promote peace and security
  7. The 1947 plan that provided economic aid to help rebuild Europe after World War II
  8. The belief that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would also fall
  1. The policy of preventing the spread of communism to other countries
  2. The political and economic system where the government owns the means of production and distribution of goods
  3. The policy of expanding communist influence around the world
  4. The 1946 telegram written by George Kennan that outlined the policy of containment
  5. The communist-led country that fought against the United States and its allies in the Vietnam War
  6. The 1962 confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union over the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba
  7. The physical and ideological division between communist and democratic countries during the Cold War
  8. The communist-led country that the United States attempted to overthrow in the Bay of Pigs invasion

16 Clues: The policy of expanding communist influence around the worldThe communist-led country that the Soviet Union was allied withThe policy of preventing the spread of communism to other countriesThe international organization founded in 1945 to promote peace and securityThe 1946 telegram written by George Kennan that outlined the policy of containment...

American Revolution 2014-10-09

American Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. A man who was born in 1742 at Anson County, North Carolina, was an officer of the Georgia Militia and hero in the American Revolutionary War. He fought in the southern theater and in the Battle of Kettle Creek.
  2. arrived in America as an indentured servant and rose to become a wealthy merchant and landowner. He was a leader in Georgia of the American Revolution (1775-83) and helped write Georgia's first constitution. In 1777 he became Georgia's first elected governor. Treutlen County, in central Georgia, is named in his honor.
  3. Battle on February 14, 1779 during the Revolutionary War. A patriot militia defeated a loyalist militia fought in Wilkes County.
  4. was a British-born American political leader who, as a representative of Georgia to the Continental Congress, was the second of the signatories on the United States Declaration of Independence.
  5. A law that taxed every piece of paper the colonists used, and required them to get a stamp on it.
  6. a document signed amongst the 13 original colonies that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution.
  7. Lived 1735 – 1830 and was a heroine of the American Revolutionary War noted for her whose exploits against Loyalists in the Georgia backcountry.
  8. Another Name for The French and Indian War
  9. was a slave who fought against the British in the American Revolutionary War. He was born a mulatto slave in Wake County, North Carolina, sometime in the 1760s.
  10. Those who were loyal to the Americans
  1. An agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the United States Constitution.
  2. Those who were loyal England
  3. Lived June 8, 1748 – July 16, 1828 was an American politician and a farmer, and a businessman and a Founding Fatherof the United States. He represented the U.S. state of Georgia at the Constitutional Convention.
  4. The Document that was signed in 1776 to made the British Colonies into a separate country.
  5. A series of acts passed by British Parliament to punish the Massachusetts colony for the Boston Tea Party.
  6. He was a physician, clergyman, and statesman, and a signer of the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Georgia. Hall County is named after him.
  7. Born in Virginia and lived 1749 – February 2, 1804 signed the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Georgia and also served as the second Chief Executive of Georgia.
  8. Taking place on October 19, 1781 was a decisive victory by a combined force of American Continental Army troops led by General George Washington and French Army troops led by the Comte de Rochambeau over a British Army commanded by British lord and Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis.
  9. Lived November 22, 1754 – March 4, 1807 was an American politician, Patriot, and Founding Father from the U.S. state of Georgia. was a Georgia representative in the Continental Congress and served in the United States House of Representatives and Senate after the adoption of the Constitution.
  10. A encounter of the Revolutionary war, in which the Americans and French allies tried to take back this coastal city in Georgia from the British.

20 Clues: Those who were loyal EnglandThose who were loyal to the AmericansAnother Name for The French and Indian WarThe Document that was signed in 1776 to made the British Colonies into a separate country.A law that taxed every piece of paper the colonists used, and required them to get a stamp on it....

Civil War Crossword 2022-03-06

Civil War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The first official battle of the Civil War.
  2. Event (Book about horrors of slavery) that caused/led to the Civil War.
  3. General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.
  4. The economy in the ________ states grew quickly after the Civil War.
  5. William Sherman’s goal to take over the city of Atlanta.
  6. President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
  7. Commander of the Union Army during the Civil War.
  8. President of the United States during the Civil War.
  9. The battle that ended the Civil War: Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.
  10. A battle during the Civil War known as the turning point and the deadliest battle.
  1. Cause of the Civil War: Northern and Southern states disagreed about.
  2. William Sherman and his troops marched from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in their path.
  3. General in the Confederate Army: Known for standing his ground in the First Battle of Bull Run.
  4. Event (An attempt to take over a federal armory and arm slaves) that caused/led to the Civil War.
  5. General in the Union Army: Known for the Atlanta Campaign & March to the Sea.
  6. Cause of the Civil War: Southern States were worried about the government becoming too powerful.
  7. The ________ states had to rebuild after the Civil War because of destruction.

17 Clues: The first official battle of the Civil War.Commander of the Union Army during the Civil War.President of the United States during the Civil War.General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.William Sherman’s goal to take over the city of Atlanta.The economy in the ________ states grew quickly after the Civil War....

The Cold War 2023-05-03

The Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. a system of government that is centralized or has total power and is led by a ruler that requires its members to serve the state
  2. a civil conflict that became a proxy war between superpowers clashing over communism and democracy
  3. a political system in which all property is owned by the state and each citizen works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
  4. a competition between nations for power through the creation and buildup of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  5. was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
  6. group of socialist states under the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics including Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
  7. to keep so-called Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state
  1. Divided communist North Korea and Democratic South Korea.
  2. based on the assumption that both sides were equally interested in preventing nuclear war and any other use of nuclear weapons.
  3. an imaginary barrier separating the Soviet Union and its communist satellite states from Western Europe during the Cold War.
  4. the open yet limited competition that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies.
  5. force levels, control of the weapons, technology for delivering them, and the plans for targeting them.
  6. a Soviet and Russian politician who served as the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country's dissolution in 1991.
  7. the United States of America.
  8. a destructive bomb that rapidly releases nuclear energy, causing damage through heat, blast, and radioactivity.
  9. the United States maintained a “triad” of ICBMs, SLBMs, and heavy bombers in a strategic nuclear arsenal of more than 10,000 warheads
  10. an economic system in which prices are determined by open competition between privately owned businesses.
  11. a system to organize society with the goal of spreading wealth more evenly and treating all people fairly. The government owns and regulates the means of trade and production rather than private ownership in a free market.

18 Clues: the United States of America.Divided communist North Korea and Democratic South Korea.a civil conflict that became a proxy war between superpowers clashing over communism and democracyto keep so-called Western “fascists” from entering East Germany and undermining the socialist state...

Spanish Speaking Countries, Capitals, and Locations 2014-08-10

Spanish Speaking Countries, Capitals, and Locations crossword puzzle
  1. The capital is Caracas and it is located north of Brazil.
  2. The capital is Asuncion and it is southwest of Brazil.
  3. The capital is Montevideo and it is located east of Argentina.
  4. The capital is Washington, D.C. and it is located north of Mexico.
  5. The capital is Andorra la Vella and it is located in Europe between Spain and France.
  6. The capital is Madrid and it is located in Europe east of Portugal.
  7. The capital is Malabo and it is located along the west coast of Africa.
  8. The capital is Managua and it is located north of Costa Rica.
  9. The capital is Santiago and it is located west of Argentina.
  10. The capital is Sucre and it is located north of Argentina.
  11. The capital is Bogota and it is located northwest of Brazil.
  12. The capital is San Jose and it is located south of Nicaragua.
  1. The capital is Tegucigalpa and it is located north of Nicaragua.
  2. The capital is Santo Domingo and it is located East of Haiti.
  3. The capital is Ciudad de Panama and it connects Costa Rica to Colombia.
  4. The capital is Lima and it is located west of Brazil.
  5. The capital is Buenos Aires and it is located east of Chile.
  6. The capital is San Juan and it is an island east of Republica Domincana.
  7. The capital is Ciudad de Mexico and it is located south of the US.
  8. The capital is Ciudad de Guatemala and it is located west of Honduras.
  9. The capital is San Salvador and it is located south of Honduras.
  10. The capital is Quito and it is located north of Peru.
  11. The capital is Belmopan and it is located east of Guatemala.
  12. The capital is La Habana and it is an island south of Florida.

24 Clues: The capital is Lima and it is located west of Brazil.The capital is Quito and it is located north of Peru.The capital is Asuncion and it is southwest of Brazil.The capital is Caracas and it is located north of Brazil.The capital is Sucre and it is located north of Argentina.The capital is Buenos Aires and it is located east of Chile....

Capitals of Australia and the Oceania 2019-10-14

Capitals of Australia and the Oceania crossword puzzle
  1. Cuba
  2. Nicaragua
  3. Trinidad and Tobago
  4. Dominican Republic
  5. Honduras
  6. Guatemala
  7. Antigua and Barbuda
  8. Barbados
  9. Saint Lucia
  10. George Grenada
  11. Dominica
  1. Canada
  2. Belize
  3. Jamaica
  4. Panama
  5. Bahamas
  6. Costa Rica
  7. El Salvador
  8. Mexico
  9. Haiti
  10. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  11. United States of America
  12. Saint Kitts and Nevis

23 Clues: CubaHaitiCanadaBelizePanamaMexicoJamaicaBahamasHondurasBarbadosDominicaNicaraguaGuatemalaCosta RicaEl SalvadorSaint LuciaGeorge GrenadaDominican RepublicTrinidad and TobagoAntigua and BarbudaSaint Kitts and NevisUnited States of AmericaSaint Vincent and the Grenadines

Countries and Capitals of the Americas 2021-11-03

Countries and Capitals of the Americas crossword puzzle
  1. Brasilia
  2. Belmopan
  3. Panama City
  4. Paramaribo
  5. San Salvador
  6. Mexico City
  7. Montevideo
  8. Ottawa
  9. Asuncion
  10. Guatemala City
  11. San Jose
  1. Santiago
  2. Sucre
  3. Bogota
  4. Caracas
  5. Quito
  6. Lima
  7. Buenos Ares
  8. Tegucigalpa
  9. Georgetown
  10. Managua

21 Clues: LimaSucreQuitoBogotaOttawaCaracasManaguaSantiagoBrasiliaBelmopanAsuncionSan JoseParamariboMontevideoGeorgetownPanama CityBuenos AresTegucigalpaMexico CitySan SalvadorGuatemala City


  1. Manama
  2. Sana’a
  3. Doha
  4. Muscat
  5. Algiers
  6. Rabat
  7. Tunis
  8. Tripoli
  9. Khartoum
  10. Abu Dhabi
  1. Ramallah/ Jerusalem
  2. Damascus
  3. Djibouti
  4. Beirut
  5. Baghdad
  6. Cairo
  7. Nouakchott
  8. Mogadishu
  9. Amman
  10. Kuwait City

20 Clues: DohaCairoAmmanRabatTunisManamaBeirutSana’aMuscatBaghdadAlgiersTripoliDamascusDjiboutiKhartoumMogadishuAbu DhabiNouakchottKuwait CityRamallah/ Jerusalem

Reconstruction (Selene & Addy) 2023-05-30

Reconstruction (Selene & Addy) crossword puzzle
  1. Gave African Americans the right to vote
  2. People that wanted southern states to change even more before returning to the Union
  3. Defined people born or naturalized within the United States except American Indians, as U.S citizens
  4. Admitting Southerners back into the Union to form a new government by doing pledges
  5. Born free slave that served as a Chaplain for the Union and became the first African American in the U.S. Senate
  6. Democrats that became control again of the states governments
  7. Person that shot and killed Abraham Lincoln
  8. Grew up in slavery in Virginia
  9. Act that allowed African Americans the same legal rights as everyone else
  10. An official pardon
  11. Black americans with ancestry from Africa
  12. Allowed former Confederates, except those who had held high ranks, to hold public office
  13. One leader of the Radical Republicans from Pennsylvania
  1. Created by a group of white southerners in Tennessee
  2. Made slavery illegal in the United States
  3. Northern-born Republicans that moved to the south after the war
  4. Laws that limited freedom rights for African Americans
  5. Process of reuniting the nation and adding back the southern states without having slavery
  6. Gave the poor people (Black or White) of the south food and assistance
  7. Economic downturn that made 2 million people lose their jobs
  8. The bill that the people of the congress that wanted the access to allowing states back into the union
  9. Acts that divided the South in 5 districts until they rejoined the Union
  10. Southern Democrats that cared even less for white southern Republicans
  11. Vice President of president Lincoln

24 Clues: An official pardonGrew up in slavery in VirginiaVice President of president LincolnGave African Americans the right to voteMade slavery illegal in the United StatesBlack americans with ancestry from AfricaPerson that shot and killed Abraham LincolnCreated by a group of white southerners in Tennessee...

Countries and capitals or the UE 2014-12-17

Countries and capitals or the UE crossword puzzle
  1. czech republic
  2. united kingdom
  3. austria
  4. ireland
  5. finland
  6. france
  7. croatia
  8. lithuania
  9. netherlands
  10. portugal
  11. romania
  12. denmark
  13. galicia
  14. greece
  15. spain
  1. germany
  2. estonia
  3. cyprus
  4. hungary
  5. poland
  6. slovenia
  7. malta
  8. sweden
  9. belgium
  10. bulgaria
  11. luxembourg
  12. slovakia
  13. italy
  14. latvia

29 Clues: maltaitalyspaincypruspolandfranceswedengreecelatviagermanyestoniaaustriahungaryirelandfinlandcroatiabelgiumromaniadenmarkgaliciasloveniabulgariaportugalslovakialithuanialuxembourgnetherlandsczech republicunited kingdom

Countries and capitals of the UE 2014-12-17

Countries and capitals of the UE crossword puzzle
  1. croatia
  2. romania
  3. slovenia
  4. spain
  5. cyprus
  6. united kingdom
  7. greece
  8. belgium
  9. denmark
  10. ireland
  11. poland
  12. finland
  13. luxembourg
  14. bulgaria
  1. hungary
  2. estonia
  3. latvia
  4. malta
  5. france
  6. slovakia
  7. portugal
  8. lithuania
  9. netherlands
  10. galicia
  11. sweden
  12. austria
  13. italy
  14. czech republic
  15. germany

29 Clues: maltaspainitalylatviafrancecyprusgreeceswedenpolandhungarycroatiaestoniaromaniabelgiumgaliciadenmarkaustriairelandfinlandgermanyslovakiasloveniaportugalbulgarialithuanialuxembourgnetherlandsunited kingdomczech republic

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour crossword puzzle
  1. a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
  2. a person who was killed for their beliefs.
  3. to be free
  4. splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
  5. cancel, over turning something.
  6. resiton to a higher source of power.
  7. a person trying to end slavery.
  1. person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
  2. going against your country's constitution.
  3. a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
  4. capture a town
  5. first territorial governor
  6. attempting to overthrow the government.
  7. a criminal
  8. a person who wants to expand.
  9. a crop that is grown for profit
  10. to seal off something
  11. a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
  12. bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
  13. allowing people to vote

20 Clues: a criminalto be freecapture a townto seal off somethingallowing people to votefirst territorial governora person who wants to expand.a crop that is grown for profitcancel, over turning something.a person trying to end slavery.resiton to a higher source of power.attempting to overthrow the government.going against your country's constitution....

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour 2023-03-06

Samantha Skulskie 6th hour crossword puzzle
  1. a settler in kansas that wants kansas to be free.
  2. a person who was killed for their beliefs.
  3. to be free
  4. splitting the us in 2 haves free states and slave states.
  5. cancel, over turning something.
  6. resiton to a higher source of power.
  7. a person trying to end slavery.
  1. person who invests in something hoping they can sell it for a greater price.
  2. going against your country's constitution.
  3. a principle consuming what is right or wrong.
  4. capture a town
  5. first territorial governor
  6. attempting to overthrow the government.
  7. a criminal
  8. a person who wants to expand.
  9. a crop that is grown for profit
  10. to seal off something
  11. a religious man who thought that he was chosen from god to end slavery no matter what.
  12. bloodshed in kansas from slave states and free states.
  13. allowing people to vote

20 Clues: a criminalto be freecapture a townto seal off somethingallowing people to votefirst territorial governora person who wants to expand.a crop that is grown for profitcancel, over turning something.a person trying to end slavery.resiton to a higher source of power.attempting to overthrow the government.going against your country's constitution....

Antebellum South 2023-01-12

Antebellum South crossword puzzle
  1. people for slavery
  2. banned the further importation of slaves beginning in 1808.
  3. known for use of slavery.
  4. formally put an end to a system practice or institution.
  5. had 9 new slave states enter between 1789 and 1860
  6. planters projected the maount of cotton based on salve amount
  7. Turner led the second rebellion.
  8. a person who is owned and has no rights
  9. an owner of slaves.
  10. free blacks were lighter skinned women.
  11. people against slavery
  12. a boat powered by steam
  1. wrote Uncle Toms Cabin
  2. the state of being a slave
  3. known as Petit gulf cotton a mix of mexican georgia strains
  4. what most slaves were used for.
  5. exstention of states territory by encroaching on that of other nations
  6. any Southern states in US which slavery was legal before the civil war.
  7. a person killed for religious beleifs
  8. what slave states were known as

20 Clues: people for slaveryan owner of slaves.wrote Uncle Toms Cabinpeople against slaverya boat powered by steamknown for use of slavery.the state of being a slavewhat most slaves were used for.what slave states were known asTurner led the second rebellion.a person killed for religious beleifsa person who is owned and has no rights...

Legends and Legacy 2024-06-11

Legends and Legacy crossword puzzle
  1. Italian explorer who discovered the Americas
  2. Last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
  3. 16th President of the United States
  4. French military leader and saint
  5. Physicist known for the theory of relativity
  6. British Prime Minister during World War II
  7. African-American civil rights leader and activist
  8. Leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule
  9. Last pharaoh of ancient Egypt
  10. Pioneer in the field of radioactivity
  11. Prophet and founder of Islam
  1. Roman general and statesman
  2. French military leader and emperor
  3. Queen of England during the Renaissance
  4. First President of the United States
  5. Ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty
  6. French heroine and military leader during the Hundred Years' War
  7. German monk and key figure in the Protestant Reformation
  8. Ancient Macedonian ruler known as "the Great"
  9. 35th President of the United States

20 Clues: Roman general and statesmanProphet and founder of IslamLast pharaoh of ancient EgyptFrench military leader and saintFrench military leader and emperor16th President of the United States35th President of the United StatesFirst President of the United StatesPioneer in the field of radioactivityQueen of England during the Renaissance...

Unit 5- Triple Box Vocabulary 2018-01-10

Unit 5- Triple Box Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Hawks-The Twelfth Congress that met from 1811 to 1813 included a number of young and outspoken members who were foes of Great Britain and supporters of expansion by the United States.
  2. pride in one nation.
  3. and Sedition Acts-The Alien and Sedition Acts were four bills passed by the Federalist-dominated 5th United States Congress and signed into law by President John Adams in 1798.
  4. Proclamation-The Proclamation of Neutrality was a formal announcement issued by U.S. President George Washington on April 22, 1793 that declared the nation neutral in the conflict between France and Great Britain.
  5. vs Madison-An 1803 court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that it had the power to decide whether law passed the Congress.
  6. review-Power of the Supreme Court to decide if laws are carried out fairly.
  7. and Clark-The Lewis and Clark Expedition from May 1804 to September 1806, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, was the first American expedition.
  8. for others to follow.
  9. Treaty -The Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation , between his britannic majesty and the United States Of America Neutrality Proclamation
  1. Treaty-The Adams–Onís Treaty of 1819, also known as the Transcontinental Treaty, the Florida Purchase Treaty, or the Florida Treaty, was a treaty between the United States and Spain in 1819.
  2. Act of 1789 -A 1789 law created the structure of the Supreme Court and set up a system of district.
  3. by forcing people into military service
  4. Doctrine-President Monroe foreign policy statement warning European nation not to interfere in Latin American.
  5. to a state or section rather than to the whole country sedition stirring up rebellion against a government.
  6. Rebellion -The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791.
  7. rights-The rights and powers held by individual US states rather than by the federal government.
  8. and Virginia resolutions-The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (or Resolves) were political statements drafted in 1798 and 1800.state’s rights
  9. of New Orleans-The Battle of New Orleans was a series of engagements fought between December 14, 1814 and January 18, 1815, constituting the last major battle of the War of 1812.
  10. Affair-The XYZ Affair was a political and diplomatic episode in 1797 and 1798, early in the administration of John Adams, involving a confrontation between the United States and Republican France.
  11. Purchase-Vast territory between the Mississippi River and Rocky Mountain purchased from France in 1803.
  12. Act-Ban on trade.
  13. policy-Actions that a nation takes in relation to other nations.
  14. of Greenville-The Treaty of Greenville was signed on August 3, 1795, at Fort Greenville, now Greenville, Ohio; it followed negotiations after the Native American loss at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
  15. Marshall-John Marshall was an American politician. He was the fourth Chief Justice of the United States.

24 Clues: Act-Ban on trade.pride in one nation.for others to forcing people into military servicepolicy-Actions that a nation takes in relation to other of the Supreme Court to decide if laws are carried out fairly.Rebellion -The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791....

5 Capitals of GA 2021-10-13

5 Capitals of GA crossword puzzle
  1. the acronynm of all the 5 capitals
  2. Lasted for 7 years
  3. 4th Capital of GA
  1. Biggest City in GA
  2. Caused many to die from diseases
  3. Had a past Capital named after them
  4. Now a major city that runs through the fall line

7 Clues: 4th Capital of GABiggest City in GALasted for 7 yearsCaused many to die from diseasesthe acronynm of all the 5 capitalsHad a past Capital named after themNow a major city that runs through the fall line

Welcome ! 2023-09-24

Welcome ! crossword puzzle
  1. The capital of the United Kingdom is ...
  2. Twenty + ten = ...
  3. It is the capital of New-Zealand
  4. One of the three capitals of South Africa is P...
  1. It is the language spoken in: the UK, the USA, Ireland, India, South Africa, Australia...
  2. The capital of ... is Dublin
  3. The capital of ... is Edinburgh
  4. One hundred - ninety = ...
  5. One hundred fifty-three - one hundred fifty = ...
  6. The capital of ... is New Delhi

10 Clues: Twenty + ten = ...One hundred - ninety = ...The capital of ... is DublinThe capital of ... is EdinburghThe capital of ... is New DelhiIt is the capital of New-ZealandThe capital of the United Kingdom is ...One hundred fifty-three - one hundred fifty = ...One of the three capitals of South Africa is P......

Nations, States & Nation States 2022-10-25

Nations, States & Nation States crossword puzzle
  1. Japan is an example of this.
  2. Identity with a group of people who share citizenship and personal allegiance to a particular country.
  3. An area of land that is part of a country but is not officially a province or state of that country.
  4. Example of ethnic cleansing
  5. the USA is an example of this.
  6. Elimination or forced removal of a specific ethnic group of people.
  7. Independent, defined borders, internationally recognized, full sovereignty (control over land and people), includes different nations (groups).
  8. A practice by which a country increases its power by gaining control over other areas of the world.
  9. Ability of a state (country) to govern its territory free from control of other countries.
  1. The group of people who control and make decisions for a country, state, etc.
  2. The capital of the USA.
  3. A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to an aspect of a person's identity (country, language, religion, ethnic group).
  4. A group of people who have a common language, culture, and set of values.
  5. Common group of people who may share a common ancestry, religion, language, behavior, and history.
  6. A state in which a nation's (group of similar people) homeland corresponds exactly to a state's territory.
  7. Puerto Rico is an example of this.

16 Clues: The capital of the USA.Example of ethnic cleansingJapan is an example of this.the USA is an example of this.Puerto Rico is an example of this.Elimination or forced removal of a specific ethnic group of people.A group of people who have a common language, culture, and set of values....

Wrigley 1st Hour 2023-03-06

Wrigley 1st Hour crossword puzzle
  1. person killed because of their beliefs
  2. Person who wants to stop slavery
  3. 1st State Governor of Kansas
  4. crop produced for commercial value
  5. made missouri a slave state
  6. first skirmish between slave and free states
  7. states with slavery
  8. repealed missouri compromise
  9. sixteenth president
  1. going against the laws of your country
  2. Hung for treason
  3. Gave the name Bleeding Kansas
  4. war between the north and the south
  5. territorial and economic expansion
  6. First territorial governor
  7. remove a congregational act or law
  8. Taking towns or buildings from your enemy
  9. to commit a crime against your country
  10. person who has escaped or is hiding
  11. name gave to all of the wars happening in kansas
  12. states without slavery

21 Clues: Hung for treasonstates with slaverysixteenth presidentstates without slaveryFirst territorial governormade missouri a slave state1st State Governor of Kansasrepealed missouri compromiseGave the name Bleeding KansasPerson who wants to stop slaveryterritorial and economic expansioncrop produced for commercial valueremove a congregational act or law...

Review Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-28

Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. voting to agree
  2. first constitution
  3. Cadastral Survey and a plan to add states to the union
  4. declared war against great britain over impressment
  5. Battle of january 8, 1815
  6. violent uprising in Massachusetts
  7. right to job but the job was void.
  8. Bicameral, Upper house, lower house
  9. How to decide if it was constitutional
  10. disagreed with the constitution
  11. national anthem of the United States
  12. meeting about the articles of confederation
  1. Land deal with United states and France
  2. Napoleon is trying to conquer everything
  3. an action to begin a riot
  4. to urge new yorks to approve the us constitution
  5. failed bombardment
  6. force american sailors to fight
  7. helped lewis and clark
  8. 1st 10 amendments

20 Clues: voting to agree1st 10 amendmentsfirst constitutionfailed bombardmenthelped lewis and clarkan action to begin a riotBattle of january 8, 1815force american sailors to fightdisagreed with the constitutionviolent uprising in Massachusettsright to job but the job was void.Bicameral, Upper house, lower housenational anthem of the United States...

Crossword Review 2023-11-30

Crossword Review crossword puzzle
  1. to urge new yorks to approve the us constitution
  2. Napoleon is trying to conquer everything
  3. Battle of january 8, 1815
  4. Bicameral, Upper house, lower house
  5. How to decide if it was constitutional
  6. voting to agree
  7. disagreed with the constitution
  8. Cadastral Survey and a plan to add states to the union
  9. violent uprising in massachusetts
  10. about the articles of confederation
  1. an action to begin a riot
  2. first constitution
  3. helped lewis and clark
  4. national anthem of the United States
  5. failed bombardment
  6. 1st 10 amendments
  7. force american sailors to fight
  8. Land deal with United states and France
  9. right to job but the job was void.
  10. declared war against great britain over impressment

20 Clues: voting to agree1st 10 amendmentsfirst constitutionfailed bombardmenthelped lewis and clarkan action to begin a riotBattle of january 8, 1815disagreed with the constitutionforce american sailors to fightviolent uprising in massachusettsright to job but the job was void.Bicameral, Upper house, lower houseabout the articles of confederation...

Jacksonian Democracy 2018-01-31

Jacksonian Democracy crossword puzzle
  1. senator from South Carolina jackson chose to be his vice presidential running mate
  2. a protective tariff passed by the Congress of the United States on May 19, 1828, designed to protect industry in the northern United States.
  3. He vowed "liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable"
  4. Public meetings to select the party's presidential and vice presidential candidates
  5. was secretary of state and one of Jacksons strongest allies in his official cabinet
  6. practice of a successful political party giving public office to its supporters.
  7. Financial crisis that Jacksons plan had made but Van Burren got the blame for
  1. Cashier of the bank's branch in Maryland that was against the second bank of the united states.
  2. Jackson's informal group of trusted advisers that would meet up in the white house kitchen.
  3. dispute between the state and federal government
  4. the rights and powers held by individual US states rather than by the federal government.
  5. American military officer, a principal contributor in the War of 1812, and the ninth President of the United States.
  6. Group that gathered together to make sure Andrew jackson would win the presidential election
  7. Group formed by Jackson's opponents
  8. an American soldier and statesman who served as the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837

15 Clues: Group formed by Jackson's opponentsdispute between the state and federal governmentHe vowed "liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable"Financial crisis that Jacksons plan had made but Van Burren got the blame forpractice of a successful political party giving public office to its supporters....

Federalism 2015-09-29

Federalism crossword puzzle
  1. what ensures that a political power is not in control over all governments?
  2. what is the basic principles stated in the constitution called?
  3. father of the constitution?
  4. this states the constitution is the supreme law of the land?
  5. who creates the laws?
  6. this power grants both implied and enumerated powers in the constitution?
  7. what is the division of power between a central and local governments?
  1. this plan was known for favoring lager states?
  2. the branch that clarifies the laws?
  3. powers that belong to the states?
  4. which group supported the ratification of the constitution?
  5. was the compromise between the federalist and anti-Federalist?
  6. what is authority of the government that was created and sustained by the consent of its people?
  7. which group did not support the constitution till after the bill of rights was added?
  8. powers not expressed in the constitution?
  9. which article states the ratification process?
  10. which branch enforces the laws?
  11. what was the major issue of the constitutional convection?
  12. when national and state governments share the same power, what is this called?
  13. what kind of power prohibits state and nation governments?

20 Clues: who creates the laws?father of the constitution?which branch enforces the laws?powers that belong to the states?the branch that clarifies the laws?powers not expressed in the constitution?this plan was known for favoring lager states?which article states the ratification process?what was the major issue of the constitutional convection?...

Leading up to the Civil War Crossword 2024-04-02

Leading up to the Civil War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Insisted African Americans receive not just freedom but full equality with whites.
  2. President who made Texas a state.
  3. A series of violent civil confrontations in Kansas Territory over voting for slavery laws.
  4. Wrote the liberator.
  5. A person who wants to end slavery
  6. Compromise of 1850 banned the slave trade in this city.
  7. A slave who sued for his freedom
  8. An act that became stronger in the Compromise of 1850
  9. An act where California became a free state, and the Utah and New Mexico territories became open to slavery.
  10. Prominent leader in the American Abolitionist movement who fought in Bleeding Kansas
  11. Got their inheritance early and used it to free their family's slaves.
  12. All states above a certain line are free states and below are free states
  13. Texas became a slave state
  14. Proposed the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.
  1. Act where Missouri Compromise Line was repealed
  2. Published her life story of the hardships of an escaped slave
  3. Written by Henry David Theroeau, urges citizens to break unjust laws.
  4. Senator who proposed that states should decide if they allow slaves or not.
  5. House burned down and killed
  6. Originally went by the name of Isabella Baumfree

20 Clues: Wrote the liberator.Texas became a slave stateHouse burned down and killedA slave who sued for his freedomPresident who made Texas a state.A person who wants to end slaveryAct where Missouri Compromise Line was repealedOriginally went by the name of Isabella BaumfreeAn act that became stronger in the Compromise of 1850...

Education B1 2021-07-02

Education B1 crossword puzzle
  1. You learn about capitals in this subject
  2. Your last year of high school
  3. You learn about atoms in this subject
  4. You use a lot of numbers here
  5. A person who attends a primary school
  6. You have to pay to attend this school
  7. You attend this school for free
  1. He or she runs the school
  2. A school where you stay after classes
  3. A person who attends university
  4. Kids go here before elementary school
  5. A group of pupils
  6. The school year in the UK has three of these
  7. A person who has a degree
  8. You learn about past in this subject

15 Clues: A group of pupilsHe or she runs the schoolA person who has a degreeYour last year of high schoolYou use a lot of numbers hereA person who attends universityYou attend this school for freeYou learn about past in this subjectA school where you stay after classesKids go here before elementary schoolYou learn about atoms in this subject...

Chapter 4 | Our Puzzling Government 2022-11-18

Chapter 4 | Our Puzzling Government crossword puzzle
  1. The principal way in which states may do this is to negotiate
  2. course of action a government takes in response to some issue or problem
  3. reserved powers strictly to the states
  4. laws relating to disputes between individuals, groups, or with the state
  5. every portion of every meeting of an agency shall be open to public observation
  6. powers directly expressed or stated in the Constitution by the Founders
  7. A government tax on peoples incomes
  8. return to a state
  9. the Constitution makes the acts and treaties of the United States supreme
  10. periodic checks of government agencies to see if they are still needed
  1. organization of government administrators
  2. a requirement set by Congress that prohibits a local or state government from exercising a certain power
  3. the power to assume responsibility for a state government function, in order to gain authority over a state
  4. powers the Constitution grants or delegates to the national government
  5. mandates that take away the ability of state and local governments to make their own policies
  6. powers that the national government may exercise simply because it is a government
  7. favors state and local action in dealing with problems
  8. powers that both the national government and the states have
  9. favors national action
  10. forbidding racial discrimination in public accommodations such as hotels and restaurants
  11. a federal order requiring states to provide a service
  12. powers that are expressly defined in the Constitution
  13. sums of money given to state or local governments to be spent for a variety of specific purposes
  14. enables the people of the territory interested in becoming a state to prepare a constitution
  15. allows the powers of Congress to stretch

25 Clues: return to a statefavors national actionA government tax on peoples incomesreserved powers strictly to the statesallows the powers of Congress to stretchorganization of government administratorsa federal order requiring states to provide a servicepowers that are expressly defined in the Constitution...

Unit IV Vocabulary Leandro Montarroyos 2020-11-29

Unit IV Vocabulary Leandro Montarroyos crossword puzzle
  1. Black American slave who led the only effective, sustained slave rebellion
  2. 7th U.S. President
  3. landmark case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional
  4. series of forced relocations of approximately 60,000 Native Americans
  5. Transcontinental Treaty
  6. the 11th president of the United States
  7. from 1846 to 1848.
  8. also known as the Dallas Tariff
  9. Americans went to the polls in the fall of 1824.
  1. region of present-day southern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico that the United States acquired from Mexico by the Treaty of Mesilla, which took effect on June 8, 1854
  2. used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid 1800s to emigrate west.
  3. American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist who served as the sixth president of the United States
  4. "Father of Texas"
  5. Peace treaty Between USA and Mexico
  6. federal legislation that admitted Maine to the United States as a free state
  7. admitted to the Union as the 28th state on December 29, 1845
  8. machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds, enabling much greater productivity than manual cotton separation
  9. known for inventing the cotton gin
  10. the 15th presidential election
  11. unsuccessful 1846 proposal in the United States Congress to ban slavery in territory acquired from Mexico in the Mexican–American War

20 Clues: "Father of Texas"7th U.S. Presidentfrom 1846 to 1848.Transcontinental Treatythe 15th presidential electionalso known as the Dallas Tariffknown for inventing the cotton ginPeace treaty Between USA and Mexicothe 11th president of the United StatesAmericans went to the polls in the fall of 1824....

American Government Crossword. Ian Johnson 2019-08-30

American Government Crossword. Ian Johnson crossword puzzle
  1. ruled by the people
  2. An article added to the US Constitution
  3. to formally withdraw from a nation-state
  4. System of government where power is divided between national and state government
  5. a system of government in which sovereign states delegate power to a central government for specific purposes.
  6. a system in which power is divided between the federal and state governments in clearly defined terms, with state governments exercising those powers accorded to them without interference from the federal government
  7. this clause required states to return runaway slaves
  8. Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act.
  9. authority of the president to block legislation
  10. broad coalitions of interests organized to win elections
  11. this clause gives congress the power to pass all laws necessary and proper
  12. a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  13. these are specific rights reserved to the states
  14. a power that may be exercised by the head of state without the approval of another branch of the government.
  15. structure of government where each branch of govt. share power and holds some power over the other
  16. A document that establishes the rules of governing a society
  17. the process of invalidating something
  18. powers expressly granted to congress by the constitution
  19. compromise over slavery that said the slaves were worth the vote 3/5 of a Caucasian man
  20. a method for the selection of judges created in Missouri, 1940
  1. this clause states that the constitution trumps all state laws
  2. The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes."
  3. powers not expressly granted by Congress but understood
  4. a compromise providing the states with proportional representation in the House of Representatives.
  5. government structure where power is dived among 3 branches
  6. gives congress the power to tax to provide for the general welfare
  7. meeting in 1787 where an entirely new constitution was proposed
  8. 1819 Supreme Court decision upholding the right of congress to create a bank. (hint: use "vs" for versus)
  9. is a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly.
  10. a system where a sovereign state is governed as a single entity.

30 Clues: ruled by the peoplethe process of invalidating somethingAn article added to the US Constitutionto formally withdraw from a nation-stateauthority of the president to block legislationthese are specific rights reserved to the statesthis clause required states to return runaway slavespowers not expressly granted by Congress but understood...

Vietnam - Chapter 29 2014-05-07

Vietnam - Chapter 29 crossword puzzle
  1. practical
  2. Coordinated assault on 36 provincial capitals and 5 major cities during the lunar new year
  3. Those who opposed LBJ's war policy
  4. Those who supported LBJ's war policy
  5. teachings
  6. College where the Ohio National Guard opened fire on student protesters in 1970
  7. postponement
  8. American public's growing distrust of statements made by the government
  9. approval and support
  10. Jellied gasoline which was dropped in large canisters that exploded on impact
  11. young men brought into the military
  1. Act that restricted the President's ability to declare war without Congress
  2. William ____________, American commander of forces in South Vietnam
  3. NLF guerrilla fighters
  4. to state positively; declare
  5. to guarantee; secure
  6. The most important voice demanding independence for Vietnam
  7. The idea if Vietnam fell to communism, its closest neighbors would follow
  8. Defined by concrete national interests instead of abstract ideologies
  9. certain to happen
  10. Resolution that authorized the President "to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the U.S. and to prevent further aggression"
  11. A classified government history of America's involvement in Vietnam
  12. Acronym for Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
  13. City where massacre took place on March 16, 1968
  14. to bring about; cause

25 Clues: practicalteachingspostponementcertain to happento guarantee; secureapproval and supportto bring about; causeNLF guerrilla fightersto state positively; declareThose who opposed LBJ's war policyyoung men brought into the militaryThose who supported LBJ's war policyAcronym for Southeast Asia Treaty Organization...

Punctuation and Part of Speech 2021-10-15

Punctuation and Part of Speech crossword puzzle
  1. Used to define nouns
  2. Use this at the end of a statement
  3. End in -self or -selves
  4. Connects words or phrases; joins parts of a sentence
  5. Uses reflexive pronouns to emphasize the subject of the sentence
  6. Use this before a list of words following an independent clause; to signal important ideas; to write salutations in a business letter; in numerals giving time
  7. Use this to make letters appear bigger
  8. Used to connect parts of a sentence in pairs
  9. Shows ownership; replaces a letter in contractions
  10. Used to connect parts of a sentence with one word
  1. Join independent clauses that don’t use a conjunction; used to avoid confusion when items in a series already have commas
  2. Use this to show emotion and the end of a sentence
  3. Used in dialogue or direct speech in a narrative
  4. A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb
  5. Used to show the object
  6. Indicates the location of things
  7. Use this at the end of a question
  8. Modifies or gives information about nouns and pronouns
  9. A person, place, or thing
  10. Use in numbers, compound words, and fractions as adjectives

20 Clues: Used to define nounsEnd in -self or -selvesUsed to show the objectA person, place, or thingIndicates the location of thingsUse this at the end of a questionUse this at the end of a statementUse this to make letters appear biggerUsed to connect parts of a sentence in pairsUsed in dialogue or direct speech in a narrative...

4th of July 2024-07-02

4th of July crossword puzzle
  1. Public procession that might occur on the July Fourth.
  2. Month in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
  3. National Bird of the United States
  4. City in which the Declaration of Independence was signed.
  5. Cooking outdoors on a grill
  6. American President who was born July 4th, Calvin____
  7. Nickname for the American flag, stars and ____
  8. Fight for American independence : The ____ War.
  9. Famous signer of the Declaration of Independence: John _____.
  10. Symbol of Freedom located in the New York Harbor: Statue of ____.
  11. Commonly consumed food on July 4th
  12. Founding document of the United States: The Declaration of ____.
  1. Red, White and ____.
  2. Light show often seen on the 4th of July
  3. Patriotic song: Yankee ___.
  4. Founding father and third President of the United States.
  5. The day of the Month on which American declared its independence
  6. Open air meal popular on July Fourth
  7. First President of the United States.
  8. Number of original colonies that declared independence
  9. National Anthem: The Star-Spangled ____.

21 Clues: Red, White and ____.Patriotic song: Yankee ___.Cooking outdoors on a grillNational Bird of the United StatesCommonly consumed food on July 4thOpen air meal popular on July FourthFirst President of the United States.Light show often seen on the 4th of JulyNational Anthem: The Star-Spangled ____.Nickname for the American flag, stars and ____...

4th of July 2024-07-02

4th of July crossword puzzle
  1. Public procession that might occur on the July Fourth.
  2. Month in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
  3. National Bird of the United States
  4. City in which the Declaration of Independence was signed.
  5. Cooking outdoors on a grill
  6. American President who was born July 4th, Calvin____
  7. Nickname for the American flag, stars and ____
  8. Fight for American independence : The ____ War.
  9. Famous signer of the Declaration of Independence: John _____.
  10. Symbol of Freedom located in the New York Harbor: Statue of ____.
  11. Commonly consumed food on July 4th
  12. Founding document of the United States: The Declaration of ____.
  1. Red, White and ____.
  2. Light show often seen on the 4th of July
  3. Patriotic song: Yankee ___.
  4. Founding father and third President of the United States.
  5. The day of the Month on which American declared its independence
  6. Open air meal popular on July Fourth
  7. First President of the United States.
  8. Number of original colonies that declared independence
  9. National Anthem: The Star-Spangled ____.

21 Clues: Red, White and ____.Patriotic song: Yankee ___.Cooking outdoors on a grillNational Bird of the United StatesCommonly consumed food on July 4thOpen air meal popular on July FourthFirst President of the United States.Light show often seen on the 4th of JulyNational Anthem: The Star-Spangled ____.Nickname for the American flag, stars and ____...

Unit 5 new nations 2023-12-04

Unit 5 new nations crossword puzzle
  1. to loose friendships of states
  2. large states wanted votes to be proportional to how many people you had in each state
  3. equal representation where state gets 1 vote
  4. voting for people who represent us in government
  5. 5/3 counted towards the population
  6. enforces laws
  7. where states with large populations have more votes
  8. together both groups pass laws
  9. the branches make sure that they’re not too strong
  10. the first constitution signed by the u.s.
  1. they wanted a weak central government
  2. representatives from each state call delegates met together in Philadelphia to come up with a new constitution
  3. a ruler with total control
  4. a rule book for what the government can and can’t do
  5. power to govern yourself
  6. small states wanted to be equal and to only get 1 vote when passing laws
  7. judges the laws to make sure they’re fair
  8. they wanted a very strong central government
  9. signed and agreed on
  10. changes

20 Clues: changesenforces lawssigned and agreed onpower to govern yourselfa ruler with total controlto loose friendships of statestogether both groups pass laws5/3 counted towards the populationthey wanted a weak central governmentjudges the laws to make sure they’re fairthe first constitution signed by the u.s.equal representation where state gets 1 vote...

How Amurica became Amurica 2020-09-29

How Amurica became Amurica crossword puzzle
  1. Americans to natives to assigned reserves
  2. connects pacific to east
  3. rebel states are free states
  4. abolishment of slavery
  5. a colony
  6. hessian army lost in raid of Americans
  7. plan to give power to smaller states
  8. share both republican and democracy
  9. plan of power to give larger states
  10. americans were destined to expand west
  11. trade creates money which makes profit
  12. enslaved black man fights for freedom
  13. enforced racial segregation in south
  14. Rebels dumped tea off a British boat
  1. ends war of americans and mexico
  2. tax put on sugar, molasses, coffee, and indigo
  3. U.S clears tribe for land
  4. tax on all paper goods
  5. withdrawing from a political federation
  6. a group is absorbed in a dominant group
  7. black men have rights to vote
  8. Lee surrenders army to union
  9. black men have rights as people
  10. british put restrictions on trade
  11. U.S. bought louisiana from France
  12. group to help freed slaves as people
  13. custer dies in native american battle
  14. british america and france + natives
  15. actor and killer of abraham lincoln
  16. route between missouri river and oregon

30 Clues: a colonytax on all paper goodsabolishment of slaveryconnects pacific to eastU.S clears tribe for landrebel states are free statesLee surrenders army to unionblack men have rights to voteblack men have rights as peopleends war of americans and mexicobritish put restrictions on tradeU.S. bought louisiana from Franceshare both republican and democracy...

Review Crossword Puzzle 2020-09-30

Review Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. : A battle between the Germans and the americans in 1781 and was a decisive victory.
  2. Provided shelter for Newly freed African Americans.
  3. states.
  4. : A slave who sued for his freedom claiming that his four year stay in the northern portion of the louisiana Territory had made him a free man.
  5. : He was an author of the declaration of independence and was the third president of the united states.
  6. : Guaranteeing suh tights as the freedom of speech, assembly, and worship.
  7. : a Battle between the united states and Mexico from 1846 to 1848.
  8. : was a American social reformed, Abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman.
  9. : facilitated the creation of the first transcontinental railroad, a huge railway line connected the east of the USA to the west.
  10. : was a railroad line constructed between 1863 and 1869 that connected the east to the council Buffs.
  11. : was a ruling that banned off land but the colonists rebelled and won.
  12. : Native Americans that were forced of their lands by the Americans.
  13. : declared the slaves in the rebellious confederate states would be free but not all slaves.
  14. : Gave voting right to every man citizen including African Americans.
  1. : was abolishing slavery and if you had slaves it was a crime.
  2. the belief that American settlers were destined to expand across North America.
  3. : equal protection under law and African Americans became citizens.
  4. : the king of great britain
  5. : a American actor who assassinated president Abraham Lincoln.
  6. : he was a military general and the first president of the united states.
  7. : became a founding father and the impassioned champion of a strong federal government and played a defending role in the US constitution.
  8. : A withdrawal from the eleven
  9. : was a long and serious english law that developed, Promoted and regulated English ships, shipping ,Trade,commerce between countries.
  10. : a battle between the united states and Great Britain over britain violations.
  11. : a form of democracy in which people decide on policy initiatives directly.
  12. : This act was a law that was passed by the british to import sugar to the colonies.
  13. : a proposal for the structure if the united states Government
  14. : people who are in the anti-Slavery movement.
  15. : large-estate meant for farming that specializes in cotton, coffee, tea, cocoa, and sugarcane.
  16. : was a small battle in the American revolutionary war that had heavy loss and continental army.

30 Clues: states.: the king of great britain: A withdrawal from the eleven: people who are in the anti-Slavery movement.Provided shelter for Newly freed African Americans.: was abolishing slavery and if you had slaves it was a crime.: a American actor who assassinated president Abraham Lincoln.: a proposal for the structure if the united states Government...

Federalism 2014-09-24

Federalism crossword puzzle
  1. 1819 Supreme Court case that established supremacy of national government over state government
  2. powers of federal government addressed specifically in constitution, for congress powers in article 1 section 8
  3. A clause in Article IV, section 2 states citizens of each state most of the privileges of citizens of other states
  4. powers of federal government that go beyond enumerated in constitution
  5. System of government where powers and policy assignments are shared between states and national government
  6. federal grants that can be used only for specific purposes or categories of state and local spending
  7. federal grant given more or less automatically to states or communities to support broad programs I areas like community development or social service
  8. Pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in federal system
  9. organizes nation so two or more levels of government have more authority over same land and people
  10. entire set of interactions among national, state, and local governments
  11. final paragraph in Article I, Section 8 which authorizes Congress to pass all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution
  12. federal categorical grant distributed according to a formula specified in legislation or administrative regulations
  1. system of government where both The state & national government remain supreme within own spheres, each responsible for some policies
  2. Clause in Article IV , section. 8 of constitution requires each state to recognize official documents and civil judgements rendered by the courts of other states
  3. way of organizing nation so all powers resides in central government
  4. Article VI Of Constitution makes Constitution national law, and treaties supreme over state laws when the national government is acting within constitutional limits
  5. the powers not delegated to the U.S. By the constitution nor prohibited by it to the states reserved to states or people
  6. Case in 1824, Supreme Court interpreted Broadly the clause in Article I Section 8; giving Comgress power to regulate interstate com ever, encompassing virtually every form of commercial activity
  7. legal process whereby an alleged criminal offender is surrenders by officials instate in which crime is alleged to have been committed

19 Clues: Pattern of spending, taxing, and providing grants in federal systemway of organizing nation so all powers resides in central governmentpowers of federal government that go beyond enumerated in constitutionentire set of interactions among national, state, and local governments...

States Vocabulary 2014-03-18

States Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. something valuable or useful to a place or a person
  2. digging up minerals that are underground
  3. the height above sea level
  4. the city in a country or state where the government is based
  5. the falling of water from the sky in the form of rain, sleet, hail, or snow
  6. adding a group of figures together and then dividing by the sum of the numbers
  7. an area or district
  8. the way a country runs its industry, trade, and finance
  1. a piece of land that sticks out from a larger land mass and is almost completely surrounded by water
  2. the amount of surface within a given boundary, measured in square units
  3. to make something, often with machines
  4. farming
  5. the usual weather in a place
  6. the total number of people who live in a place
  7. manufacturing companies and other businesses, taken together
  8. the dividing line between one country or region and another

16 Clues: farmingan area or districtthe height above sea levelthe usual weather in a placeto make something, often with machinesdigging up minerals that are undergroundthe total number of people who live in a placesomething valuable or useful to a place or a personthe way a country runs its industry, trade, and finance...

Southern States 2017-08-16

Southern States crossword puzzle
  1. Maryland
  2. Kentucky
  3. Louisiana
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Georgia
  6. West Virginia
  7. Alabama
  8. North Carolina
  1. Mississippi
  2. South Carolina
  3. Arkansas
  4. Florida
  5. Virginia
  6. Delaware
  7. Tennessee
  8. Texas

16 Clues: TexasFloridaGeorgiaAlabamaMarylandArkansasKentuckyVirginiaDelawareOklahomaLouisianaTennesseeMississippiWest VirginiaSouth CarolinaNorth Carolina

Midwest States 2018-02-01

Midwest States crossword puzzle
  1. The longest river in the U.S.
  2. This state is directly west of Ohio.
  3. This state is directly north of Iowa.
  4. This city is located along the Mississippi River. One of its main attractions is its Arch.
  5. What state is directly south of Nebraska?
  6. The Great Lakes connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the St. ____Seaway.
  7. Farmers in the Midwest grow so much corn, its nicknamed the corn___.
  1. Most eastern, Midwest state on your map.
  2. This state is north of Illinois.
  3. Prairie____ live on the Great Plains in underground burrows.
  4. The center of the auto industry is located in Detroit, ___.
  5. The Western Meadowlark is the official state bird of _____.
  6. Mount ____ is located in South Dakota.
  7. How many states are on your Midwest map?
  8. The wide open land of the Great ____ is perfect for farming.
  9. How many Great Lakes are there?

16 Clues: The longest river in the U.S.How many Great Lakes are there?This state is north of Illinois.This state is directly west of Ohio.This state is directly north of Iowa.Mount ____ is located in South Dakota.Most eastern, Midwest state on your map.How many states are on your Midwest map?What state is directly south of Nebraska?...

states review 2023-12-06

states review crossword puzzle
  1. is the capital of Minnesota
  2. is the capital of Flordia
  3. is the capital of Kentucky
  4. is the capital of Idaho
  5. is the capital of California
  6. is the capital of Michigan
  7. is the capital of Hawaii
  8. is the capital of Massachusetts
  1. is the capital of Maryland
  2. is the capital of Connecticut
  3. Rock is the capital of Arkansas
  4. city is the capital of Missouri
  5. is the capital of Alaska
  6. is the capital of Illinois
  7. is the capital of Georgia
  8. is the capital of Alabama

16 Clues: is the capital of Idahois the capital of Alaskais the capital of Hawaiiis the capital of Marylandis the capital of Flordiais the capital of Kentuckyis the capital of Illinoisis the capital of Georgiais the capital of Michiganis the capital of Alabamais the capital of Minnesotais the capital of Californiais the capital of Connecticut...

US States 2024-06-05

US States crossword puzzle
  1. Southern Beach Tourist Attraction
  2. Everything is bigger in ___
  3. Most Populated State
  4. Really Hot
  5. Great Lakes
  6. The Arch
  7. Island
  8. Eastern Most State
  9. The First
  10. Biggest State
  1. Peaches
  2. North and South ___
  3. Potatoes
  4. Casinos
  5. Mardi Gras
  6. Crabs

16 Clues: CrabsIslandPeachesCasinosPotatoesThe ArchThe FirstReally HotMardi GrasGreat LakesBiggest StateEastern Most StateNorth and South ___Most Populated StateEverything is bigger in ___Southern Beach Tourist Attraction

Jeremy Sheppard Chapter 3 Crossword 2017-09-24

Jeremy Sheppard Chapter 3 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. of rights / the name of the first ten amendments
  2. amendment / amendment that states you have the right to a speedy trial
  3. sovereignty / the people are the only source for any and all governmental power
  4. / division of power among a central government and several regional governments
  5. amendment / amendment that sates the bail, fines, and jail time has to be fair
  6. / government must be conducted according to constitutional principles
  7. amendment / amendment that says yu have the right to remain silent
  8. amendment / amendment that states you have the right to bear arms
  9. / the president can react a law
  10. and balances / each branch is subject to a number of constitutional checks from the other branches
  1. of law / government and its officers, in all they do, are always subject to - never above- the law.
  2. amendment / amendment that says that the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
  3. amendment / amendment that says you have freedom of speech
  4. of powers / when the power of the government is operated with three branches
  5. review / power of a court to determine the constitutionality of governmental action
  6. amendment / amendment that states that a trial has to be over twenty dollars
  7. government / no government is all powerful
  8. amendment / amendment that says you don't have to let a solider stay in your house
  9. amendment / amendment that says that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
  10. amendment / amendment that says a police officer needs a warrant to search you or your house

20 Clues: / the president can react a lawgovernment / no government is all powerfulof rights / the name of the first ten amendmentsamendment / amendment that says you have freedom of speechamendment / amendment that states you have the right to bear armsamendment / amendment that says yu have the right to remain silent...

13th, 14th, 15th Amendment Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-06

13th, 14th, 15th Amendment Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. / The man who was elected vice president and succeeded Lincoln as President after he got assassinated.
  2. / An organization set up by republicans to protect African Americans.
  3. / A clan that had goals of achieving racial segregation and white supremacy.
  4. / A war fought over Slavery between the North and the South.
  5. / The process by which the supreme court applied the bill of rights to the states, through the 14th amendment.
  6. / The first United States federal law to define equal U.S. citizenship
  7. / The enacting of laws.
  8. / To get rid of Slavery.
  9. / Northern people who traveled to the South during Reconstruction to make money
  10. / The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution.
  1. / The person who introduced a bill that supported the abolishment of slavery.
  2. / A law issued by Abraham Lincoln that guaranteed the freedom of enslaved people from all States.
  3. / Programs that offer job training to those who've dealt with discrimination in the past.
  4. / Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that prohibits all states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  5. / An act that allowed anyone willing to commit to a full-time job, to get employed.
  6. / Laws that kept African Americans from going about their daily lives in a normal manner.
  7. / A phrase that meant people of all races could vote.
  8. / The first ten amendments made to the constitution until it was ratified for others to be added.
  9. / A legislation that ended racial discrimination in voting.
  10. / A test of reading comprehension and writing skills that people were required to take to vote in southern states.

20 Clues: / The enacting of laws./ To get rid of Slavery./ A phrase that meant people of all races could vote./ A legislation that ended racial discrimination in voting./ A war fought over Slavery between the North and the South./ An organization set up by republicans to protect African Americans....

AP QUIZ 2022-02-14

AP QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. Bank, This is also known as International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD).
  2. Silk Road, This is the trade route between China and other countries during the 207 - 220 B.C.E.
  3. This is one of the aspects of globalization which Information technology has paved the way to cultural globalization.
  4. Multinational corporation bring to our country not only material goods as well as their?
  5. culture, Another aspect that influenced the activities and beliefs of people in other countries.
  6. What did the Filipinos harvested during the colonization of the Spaniards?
  7. how many benefits of economic integration can be categorized?
  8. the great, He is the reasons behind hastening of globalization. In 334 B.C.
  9. This includes call center.
  10. Wiseman, Who wrote the book entitled “ Australia and the Politics of Globalization.”
  11. trade, What trade was expanded in the 21th century which ushered the Information Age?
  12. Nation, this started on October 24, 1945. Before they only have 51 members but now it has 193 member.
  13. When did the catholic missionaries spread Catholicism in the Philippines?
  14. Revolution, This refers to extensive mechanization in the production system
  15. This refers to the advocacy system or theory of protecting domestic producers
  16. One of the goals of of European was to bring and spread of what religion?
  17. A mentality deeply engraved in every Filipino as a result of country’s colonization
  18. an organization working to faster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability
  19. to travel, What kind of Freedom that gives problem to the world like spreading of diseases?
  20. network, What is CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera?
  21. How many members does WTO has?
  22. America, Where did the catholic missionaries from Europe spread Catholicism in 1492?
  23. trade, Creates employment and job opportunities.
  1. Another aspect of globalization that focuses to the improvements of transportation.
  2. Cooperation, Two countries trading products, services and capitals between them eventually form cooperation of a political nature.
  3. This is referred to as exchange of goods, services and capitals.
  4. This aspect focuses on transnational Corporations or Multinational companies lead globalization.
  5. investors , Investors who lose a lot because they need to pay higher tax to the government.
  6. This is the result of all the activities of peoples and government around the world.
  7. country, They have a lay of capital and have many corporations but only limited market for the large amount of product.
  8. trade organization, Formerly known as GATT
  9. Who colonized the Philippines?
  10. Hellenistic culture, What culture is the combination of the western and eastern culture?
  11. How much is the minimum wage in Metro Manila?
  12. Air transportation, This kind of transportation was flourished including the use of telephone and postal mail.
  13. War, World bank loans helped rebuild countries devastated by what war?
  14. Trade, What happened during Spaniards colonization year 1565-1815?
  15. What is the main source of fuel?
  16. One country that dominated WTO.
  17. benefits, Caused by the capital being brought to the country by the large foreign investors, a number of Filipinos became employed, being employed.
  18. Where did the Filipinos sent their harvested Tobacco?

41 Clues: This includes call center.Who colonized the Philippines?How many members does WTO has?One country that dominated WTO.What is the main source of fuel?trade organization, Formerly known as GATTnetwork, What is CNN, BBC and Al Jazeera?How much is the minimum wage in Metro Manila?trade, Creates employment and job opportunities....