the vampire diaries Crossword Puzzles

the Vampire Diaries 2020-06-28

the Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. how many books are there in the series? (3)
  2. the world's first immortal being? (5)
  3. surname of elena and jeremy's aunt? (7)
  4. what are Katherine and Elena? (12)
  5. group of vampire hunters? (3,4)
  6. vampire hunter? (5,4)
  7. who saves elena from the car crash? (6)
  8. who is anna's mum? (5)
  9. bonnies boyfriend in season 8? (4)
  10. what can damon turn into? (4)
  11. what season does elena turn into a vampire? (5)
  12. what is the name of the spin-off show? (3, 9)
  13. what season does caroline marry Stefan? (6)
  14. number of series of the vampire diaries? (5)
  15. uncontrolled rage and hunger? (6)
  1. surname of ian somerhalder character? (9)
  2. witch friend of elena? (6)
  3. who turns vicki? (5)
  4. how does a werewolf trigger his/her curse? (4)
  5. what is stefan's and damon's ex called? (9)
  6. who is the first original to star in the vampire diaries? (6)
  7. falls where the series is set? (6,5)
  8. who is caroline's mum? (6,5)
  9. how many of the originals appear in the vampire diaries? (4)
  10. what is elanas's surname? (7)
  11. what is tyler? (8)

26 Clues: what is tyler? (8)who turns vicki? (5)vampire hunter? (5,4)who is anna's mum? (5)witch friend of elena? (6)who is caroline's mum? (6,5)what can damon turn into? (4)what is elanas's surname? (7)group of vampire hunters? (3,4)uncontrolled rage and hunger? (6)what are Katherine and Elena? (12)bonnies boyfriend in season 8? (4)...

Vampire Diaries 2024-06-25

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. where elena and stefan met
  2. Damon's first love
  3. Has a trunk
  4. the greatest character of the originals
  5. where elena's parents died
  6. guy who dies at the end
  7. the way that elena turned into a vamprire
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. where elena met damon
  10. blonde bimbo
  11. Bonnie's mentor
  12. Man's best friend
  13. How did Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes die?
  14. Large marsupial
  1. Everyone's favorite bennet witch
  2. Where the show is set
  3. Who turned Damon and Stefan
  4. where the originals are
  5. mike
  6. blood of a _____ used to link supernatural beings
  7. Who does Elena end up with
  8. who used to be damon's best friend
  9. female original

23 Clues: mikeHas a trunkblonde bimboBonnie's mentorLarge marsupialfemale originalMan's best friendDamon's first loveLikes to chase miceWhere the show is setwhere elena met damonguy who dies at the endwhere the originals arewhere elena and stefan metwhere elena's parents diedWho does Elena end up withWho turned Damon and Stefan...

Vampire diaries 2022-05-01

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. original vampire Hunter
  2. Alarics last name
  3. who turned Katherine?
  4. devils name
  5. who put elena in a coma
  6. when did Damon and Stefan turn?
  7. jeremys ex
  8. who turned rose?
  9. who is elenas bio mum?
  1. how old was Katherine when she turned?
  2. youngest original
  3. what is the original families last name?
  4. what song did Stefan and elena dance to with her humanity off?
  5. Stefans nickname
  6. the sirens name
  7. who killed scary Mary?
  8. Who was stefans first kill?
  9. bonnies boyfriend
  10. who killed Jeremy the first time?
  11. what can Damon turn into?

20 Clues: jeremys exdevils namethe sirens nameStefans nicknamewho turned rose?youngest originalAlarics last namebonnies boyfriendwho turned Katherine?who killed scary Mary?who is elenas bio mum?original vampire Hunterwho put elena in a comawhat can Damon turn into?Who was stefans first kill?when did Damon and Stefan turn?who killed Jeremy the first time?...

Vampire Diaries 2012-11-22

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. fangs
  2. vampires food
  3. the rings
  4. can kill klaus
  5. special abilities
  6. hometown
  7. elenas double ganger
  8. another word for dead
  9. elenas boyfriend
  10. dog/person
  11. elenas guy friend
  12. trees
  13. witch
  1. evil beings
  2. name of the book
  3. made katherine
  4. the originals
  5. werewolf poison
  6. the brother in love with elena
  7. main character
  8. vampire poison

21 Clues: fangstreeswitchhometownthe ringsdog/personevil beingsvampires foodthe originalsmade katherinecan kill klausmain charactervampire poisonwerewolf poisonname of the bookelenas boyfriendspecial abilitieselenas guy friendelenas double gangeranother word for deadthe brother in love with elena

The Vampire Diaries 2021-07-15

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. evil falls in love and turns good
  2. original who wants to be human
  3. new Salvatore
  4. Elena's aunt
  5. first-person Damon turns that we see
  6. only vampire who procreate
  7. full moon and don't like wolvesbain
  8. college Selena and caroline, and bonnie went to
  9. ex hybrid liked caroline
  10. defeated hellfire
  1. stefans and elena's
  2. who turned Damon and Stefan in 1864
  3. towel girl
  4. bloodsucking allergic revain
  5. relax darling
  6. dated Stefan and Damon
  7. evil twin
  8. can't get married
  9. who is the rippahhh
  10. magic, spells, grams
  11. daylight...

21 Clues: evil twintowel girldaylight...Elena's auntrelax darlingnew Salvatorecan't get marrieddefeated hellfirestefans and elena'swho is the rippahhhmagic, spells, gramsdated Stefan and Damonex hybrid liked carolineonly vampire who procreatebloodsucking allergic revainoriginal who wants to be humanevil falls in love and turns good...

The Vampire Diaries 2023-12-13

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Ben Geurens
  2. Penelope Mitchell
  3. Kaylel Bryant
  4. Giorgia Whigham
  5. Matthew Davis
  6. Claire Holt
  7. Nina Dobrev
  8. Aria Shagamari
  9. Nathan Parsons
  10. Leo Howard
  11. Teressa Liane
  12. Zach Roerig
  13. Micheal Trevino
  14. Danielle Campbell
  15. Quincy Fouse
  16. Nathaniel Bulzac
  17. Olivia Liang
  18. Joseph Morgan
  19. Christina Moses
  20. Elizabeth Blackmore
  21. Bianca A. Santos
  22. Nina Dobrev
  23. Daniel Gillies
  24. Arirel Kebbel
  25. MIkeal Malarky
  26. Scarlett Bryne
  27. Kat Gram
  28. Lulu Antariksa
  29. Jenny Boyd
  1. Karen David
  2. Nina Dobrev
  3. Kayla Ewell
  4. Demetriusus Bridegs
  5. Ian Somerhalder
  6. Omono Okojie
  7. Malese Jow
  8. Riley Voelkel
  9. Rebecca Breeds
  10. Paul Wesley
  11. Pheobe Tonkin
  12. Nina Dobrev
  13. Peyton Alex Smith
  14. Sarah Canning
  15. Leah Pipes
  16. Nick Finck
  17. Candice King
  18. Thomas Doherty
  19. Chris Wood
  20. Sebation Roche
  21. Courtney Bandeko
  22. Chris Lee
  23. Ben Levin
  24. Jodi Lyn O'Keefe
  25. Danielle Rose Russel
  26. Steven R. McQueen

55 Clues: Kat GramChris LeeBen LevinMalese JowLeo HowardLeah PipesNick FinckChris WoodJenny BoydBen GeurensKaren DavidNina DobrevKayla EwellClaire HoltNina DobrevPaul WesleyNina DobrevZach RoerigNina DobrevOmono OkojieQuincy FouseCandice KingOlivia LiangKaylel BryantMatthew DavisRiley VoelkelPheobe TonkinTeressa LianeSarah CanningJoseph MorganArirel Kebbel...

The Vampire Diaries 2021-04-25

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Everybody's favorite Bennett witch
  2. Eternal stud
  3. poison to vampires
  4. Bonnie's true love
  5. Main female character of the show
  6. Shape of love rotation for Stefan, Damon, and Elena.
  7. poison to werewolves
  8. Stefan and Damon's sire
  9. one of season eight's main problem
  10. Elena's first vampire lover
  1. Necessity for the vamps
  2. Necessity for season two's ritual
  3. The Mikaelson's main residence
  4. creator of the werewolf curse
  5. Barbie vampire
  6. City where majority of the show takes place
  7. Everyone's least favorite character tbh
  8. Elena and Jeremy's Aunt
  9. Bridge where Elena's parents died
  10. Original author of the book series

20 Clues: Eternal studBarbie vampirepoison to vampiresBonnie's true lovepoison to werewolvesNecessity for the vampsElena and Jeremy's AuntStefan and Damon's sireElena's first vampire lovercreator of the werewolf curseThe Mikaelson's main residenceNecessity for season two's ritualMain female character of the showBridge where Elena's parents died...

The Vampire Diaries 2023-10-20

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. How many seasons were there of The Vampire Diaries?
  2. TVD came out in what month of 2009?
  3. What is the name of the poison toxic to vampires?
  4. Finish the line."I am Katherine Pierce. I'm a _____."
  5. What nickname did Klaus call Chicago when he took Stefan back in season 3? The _____ city.
  6. What was Stefan and Damon's nieces name?
  7. What character was rumored to be treated poorly on set?
  8. Where did Stefan take Elena when he explained his story in season 1? The old Salvatore _____.
  9. Who is Stefan's best friend?
  10. What song was playing when Stefan was with Klaus and he called birthday?
  11. How many brothers did Rebekah have?
  12. Where did Elena and Damon first kiss? On a _____.
  13. The actor that plays Matt Donovan tried out for another role. What role did he try out for?
  1. How old was Damon when he turned? Write it out in letters.
  2. What class did Dr. Maxwell teach at Whitmore?
  3. What is Stefan and Damon's last name?
  4. What was the last episode titled?
  5. Who did Elena meet first? Damon or Stefan?
  6. What was strapped in the tomb with Katherine when Elena was kidnapped by Rose?
  7. Who asks Damon why he doesn't sparkle?
  8. How old was Stefan when he turned? Write it out in letters.
  9. What was Stefan's jersey number?

22 Clues: Who is Stefan's best friend?What was Stefan's jersey number?What was the last episode titled?TVD came out in what month of 2009?How many brothers did Rebekah have?What is Stefan and Damon's last name?Who asks Damon why he doesn't sparkle?What was Stefan and Damon's nieces name?Who did Elena meet first? Damon or Stefan?...

The Vampire Diaries 2022-09-13

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Tyler's uncle
  2. the first original we meet
  3. First vampire seen to die of a werewolf bite
  4. the name of Elena's birth-mother
  5. Daylight ____
  6. Damon's nickname for Rebekah
  7. Name of Elena's birth father
  8. Damon and Elena ship name
  9. Stefan and Elena ship name
  10. Where Klaus has a painting hung
  11. Matt and Vicki's last name
  12. Katherine _____ herself to complete her transition
  1. The ________ brothers
  2. The last standing vampire
  3. Herb that burns vampires
  4. Herb that burns werwolves
  5. the color of elena's notebook
  6. ship between the original hybrid and vampire barbie
  7. Caroline died via
  8. Name of the stefan's mother
  9. the original hybrid
  10. Bonnie and Enzo ship name
  11. Element in freeing Klaus from his curse

23 Clues: Tyler's uncleDaylight ____Caroline died viathe original hybridThe ________ brothersHerb that burns vampiresThe last standing vampireHerb that burns werwolvesDamon and Elena ship nameBonnie and Enzo ship namethe first original we meetStefan and Elena ship nameMatt and Vicki's last nameName of the stefan's motherDamon's nickname for Rebekah...

The Vampire Diaries 2023-02-20

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Creature that is a werewolf, vampire, and witch.
  2. What kills an original?
  3. Fist male doppelgänger
  4. The ________ Family.
  5. First original female vampire.
  6. What kills the tribrid?
  7. I’m the hybrid, I can’t be ______.
  8. Toxic to werewolves.
  1. The originals last name.
  2. Daylight ____.
  3. Toxic to vampires.
  4. Creature that changes during the full moon.
  5. Who turned the Salvatore Brothers into vampires?
  6. Witch book.
  7. Creature that is a werewolf and a vampire.
  8. Youngest Mikaelson.
  9. First vampire of Hope’s sireline.
  10. Who turned Katherine?
  11. First female doppelgänger.
  12. Orginal Hybrid.

20 Clues: Witch book.Daylight ____.Orginal Hybrid.Toxic to vampires.Youngest Mikaelson.The ________ Family.Toxic to werewolves.Who turned Katherine?Fist male doppelgängerWhat kills an original?What kills the tribrid?The originals last name.First female doppelgänger.First original female vampire.First vampire of Hope’s sireline....

The Vampire Diaries 2022-05-20

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. poison to vampires
  2. vampires diet
  3. the place where TVD is set
  4. elenas disliked friend
  5. ship name for Damon and Elena
  6. katherine and Elena
  7. the original family
  8. elenas biological father
  9. the aunt of Elena and Jeremy
  10. last name of Elena and Jeremy
  11. last name of Stefan and Damon
  12. turned Stefan and Damon
  1. comes out at a full moon
  2. elenas birth mum
  3. mind control
  4. a Lockwood werewolf
  5. protects vampires from sun
  6. last name of Caroline
  7. liz Forbes job
  8. original hybrid
  9. can do magic/supernatural

21 Clues: mind controlvampires dietliz Forbes joboriginal hybridelenas birth mumpoison to vampiresa Lockwood werewolfkatherine and Elenathe original familylast name of Carolineelenas disliked friendturned Stefan and Damoncomes out at a full moonelenas biological fathercan do magic/supernaturalthe place where TVD is setprotects vampires from sun...

The vampire diaries 2023-08-07

The vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. What does someone have to do to trigger their wolf curse?
  2. The first brother to see Elena
  3. The second hybrid
  4. What species is Bonnie?
  5. What part of Elena helps Klaus make hybrids?
  6. What season does Elena turn?
  7. Who should have been Klaus’s endgame?
  8. The original hybrid
  9. What rock helps break klaus’s curse?
  10. The species of witch and vampire
  11. What does Stefan feed on?
  12. What is Jeremy?
  13. The herb that hurts vampires
  14. What bridge does Elena’s car go off of?
  15. What is Stefan when he feeds on human blood?
  16. Damon and Elena’s ship name
  1. Elena’s real mum
  2. Who has the first cure?
  3. How old was Stefan when he turned?
  4. Where is Katherine originally from?
  5. What piece of jewellery kept Alaric alive?
  6. The first immortal brother
  7. Elena and Jeremy’s aunt
  8. History teacher and vampire hunter
  9. Elena’s real dad
  10. Katherine’s real first name
  11. How old was Damon when he turned?

27 Clues: What is Jeremy?Elena’s real mumElena’s real dadThe second hybridThe original hybridWho has the first cure?What species is Bonnie?Elena and Jeremy’s auntWhat does Stefan feed on?The first immortal brotherKatherine’s real first nameDamon and Elena’s ship nameWhat season does Elena turn?The herb that hurts vampiresThe first brother to see Elena...

The Vampire Diaries 2023-11-27

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. the "I died to many times" Brother
  2. was born in 1473
  3. The original witch
  4. Became a better man for Elena
  5. Dies on his wedding night
  6. The Main orphan Brother
  7. He's the hybrid
  8. The noble brother
  9. Took care of Elena and Jeremy
  1. Never dies
  2. The Sarcastic Blonde
  3. The town witch
  4. The last living heritic
  5. Terrible Father
  6. The tribrid
  7. The baby of the Mikealson Family
  8. The extra brother
  9. The last living Gemmini
  10. Damons Lover

19 Clues: Never diesThe tribridDamons LoverThe town witchTerrible FatherHe's the hybridwas born in 1473The extra brotherThe noble brotherThe original witchThe Sarcastic BlondeThe last living heriticThe Main orphan BrotherThe last living GemminiDies on his wedding nightBecame a better man for ElenaTook care of Elena and JeremyThe baby of the Mikealson Family...

The Vampire Diaries 2015-04-20

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe werd Elena Vampier?
  2. Met wie zaten Damon en Bonnie vast in 'de gevangenis'?
  3. Hoe gaan originals dood?
  4. Wie redde Stefan vóór Elena toen ze de brug afreed?
  5. Waarvoor gebruikt Damon Caroline voordat ze vampier wordt?
  6. Wie kan zich het best beheersen tegen bloed?
  7. Welke familie heeft twee tweelingen?
  8. Wie heeft er ook een dubbelganger?
  9. Wie heeft de band met Klaus verbroken?
  10. Wie is de zus van Matt?
  1. Wie is de originele heks?
  2. Wat zie je in het gezicht van een vampier als het bloed ziet?
  3. Welke vampiers kunnen vampiers dwingen?
  4. Wie is de dubbelganger van Katherine?
  5. Wat is Klaus?
  6. Wat is een machtige heksen familie?
  7. wie is de dochter van Katherine?
  8. Wat wordt Jeremy?
  9. Welk dier kon je zien als Damon in de buurt was?

19 Clues: Wat is Klaus?Wat wordt Jeremy?Hoe werd Elena Vampier?Wie is de zus van Matt?Hoe gaan originals dood?Wie is de originele heks?wie is de dochter van Katherine?Wie heeft er ook een dubbelganger?Wat is een machtige heksen familie?Welke familie heeft twee tweelingen?Wie is de dubbelganger van Katherine?Wie heeft de band met Klaus verbroken?...

The vampire diaries 2023-08-30

The vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Stefan's doppelganger
  2. Dated jeremy
  3. Caroline loved him to
  4. what is elena's brother's name elena
  5. who is the one who fell in love with 2 hybrids
  6. Barbie "Niklaus"
  7. "I was a ripper elena don't you get it"
  8. "I love you bonnie bennett"
  1. "Hey mattie"
  2. "You're stuck with me forever." "Cause I am never leaving."
  3. who married jo
  4. "What happen where's vicki"
  5. Forbes Wrote caroline a letter after she died
  6. Pregnant with klaus baby
  7. "I'm a hybrid now i can kill you care"
  8. who is the girl that fell in love with both brothers in the 2009
  9. who is the one who dated a news reporter
  10. "You are by far the greatest thing that's happened to me in my 173 years on this earth.
  11. who married alaric

19 Clues: "Hey mattie"Dated jeremywho married joBarbie "Niklaus"who married alaricStefan's doppelgangerCaroline loved him toPregnant with klaus baby"What happen where's vicki""I love you bonnie bennett"what is elena's brother's name elena"I'm a hybrid now i can kill you care""I was a ripper elena don't you get it"who is the one who dated a news reporter...

The Vampire Diaries 2015-04-20

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Welke familie heeft twee tweelingen?
  2. Wie kan zich het best beheersen tegen bloed?
  3. Wat is een machtige heksen familie?
  4. Welke vampiers kunnen vampiers dwingen?
  5. Wie heeft de band met Klaus verbroken?
  6. Wat is Klaus?
  7. Wie is de dubbelganger van Katherine?
  8. Welk dier kon je zien als Damon in de buurt was?
  9. Wat zie je in het gezicht van een vampier als het bloed ziet?
  1. Wie is de originele heks?
  2. Met wie zaten Damon en Bonnie vast in 'de gevangenis'?
  3. Hoe werd Elena Vampier?
  4. Waarvoor gebruikt Damon Caroline voordat ze vampier wordt?
  5. wie is de dochter van Katherine?
  6. Hoe gaan originals dood?
  7. Wie heeft er ook een dubbelganger?
  8. Wie is de zus van Matt?
  9. Wat wordt Jeremy?
  10. Wie redde Stefan vóór Elena toen ze de brug afreed?

19 Clues: Wat is Klaus?Wat wordt Jeremy?Hoe werd Elena Vampier?Wie is de zus van Matt?Hoe gaan originals dood?Wie is de originele heks?wie is de dochter van Katherine?Wie heeft er ook een dubbelganger?Wat is een machtige heksen familie?Welke familie heeft twee tweelingen?Wie is de dubbelganger van Katherine?Wie heeft de band met Klaus verbroken?...

Vampire Diaries 2022-02-23

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. forcing someone to do something
  2. a vulcanized rubber disk 3 inches in diameter that is used instead of a ball in ice hockey
  3. a coniferous tree
  4. a creature that us part werewolf, part vampire
  5. feeling the need for food
  6. large crested fish-eating diving duck having a slender hooked bill with serrated edges
  7. box in which a corpse is buried or cremated
  8. the side that is seen or that goes first
  9. a person who looks just like someone else
  10. a book someone writes in to record events in their life
  1. right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European
  2. A tool that tears or breaks something.
  3. a traveler in some type of vehicle
  4. a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface
  5. large-headed swift-flying diving duck of Arctic regions
  6. a person or animal that hunts
  7. red liquid in the veins of animals that carry oxygen to parts of the body
  8. no longer alive. Complete or absolute

18 Clues: a coniferous treefeeling the need for fooda person or animal that huntsforcing someone to do somethinga traveler in some type of vehicleno longer alive. Complete or absoluteA tool that tears or breaks something.the side that is seen or that goes firsta person who looks just like someone elsebox in which a corpse is buried or cremated...

Vampire Diaries 2022-02-23

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. forcing someone to do something
  2. a vulcanized rubber disk 3 inches in diameter that is used instead of a ball in ice hockey
  3. a coniferous tree
  4. a creature that us part werewolf, part vampire
  5. feeling the need for food
  6. large crested fish-eating diving duck having a slender hooked bill with serrated edges
  7. box in which a corpse is buried or cremated
  8. the side that is seen or that goes first
  9. a person who looks just like someone else
  10. a book someone writes in to record events in their life
  1. right-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European
  2. A tool that tears or breaks something.
  3. a traveler in some type of vehicle
  4. a diagrammatic representation of the earth's surface
  5. large-headed swift-flying diving duck of Arctic regions
  6. a person or animal that hunts
  7. red liquid in the veins of animals that carry oxygen to parts of the body
  8. no longer alive. Complete or absolute

18 Clues: a coniferous treefeeling the need for fooda person or animal that huntsforcing someone to do somethinga traveler in some type of vehicleno longer alive. Complete or absoluteA tool that tears or breaks something.the side that is seen or that goes firsta person who looks just like someone elsebox in which a corpse is buried or cremated...

vampire diaries 2022-12-09

vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. devils name
  2. kidnapped elena in the earlier seasons/died from werewolf bite
  3. lonely and lost his sister now a police officer
  4. elena and katherine are..?
  5. witch,damons bsf, jeremy ex
  6. elenas bio mom
  7. werewolfs mom/ who is also dead
  8. she loved them both
  9. carolines dad who tried to kill her
  10. doppelganger of katherine
  1. elenas boyfriend/bad boy
  2. used to be a vamp hunter
  3. werewolf who broke up with caroline
  4. bonnies last boyfriend/ damons other bsf
  5. ripahhh
  6. like klaus but didnt wana admit it/ shes a blonde
  7. a man of his word/original vamp

17 Clues: ripahhhdevils nameelenas bio momshe loved them bothelenas boyfriend/bad boyused to be a vamp hunterdoppelganger of katherineelena and katherine are..?witch,damons bsf, jeremy exwerewolfs mom/ who is also deada man of his word/original vampwerewolf who broke up with carolinecarolines dad who tried to kill herbonnies last boyfriend/ damons other bsf...

the vampire diaries 2022-12-12

the vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. who is Elena's little sister
  2. who found mr tanners body during the haunted house fundraiser
  3. stefan wore a what on his necklace
  4. stefan's eyes are what color
  5. what was vickie's last name
  6. vampires drank what to make them powerful
  7. what is stefan in the book
  8. who is damon’s brother
  9. who is elena and bonnie's best friend
  1. caroline and elena both have a what
  2. how old is stefan in human years
  3. who is elena's older doppelganger
  4. who is the crow that watched elena in the beginning
  5. who tried to read elena's diary in front of everyone during the founders party
  6. what month did school start
  7. what color is elena's diary
  8. what is damon and stefan's last name
  9. what is bonnie

18 Clues: what is bonniewho is damon’s brotherwhat is stefan in the bookwhat month did school startwhat was vickie's last namewhat color is elena's diarywho is Elena's little sisterstefan's eyes are what colorhow old is stefan in human yearswho is elena's older doppelgangerstefan wore a what on his necklacecaroline and elena both have a what...

The Vampire Diaries 2022-10-13

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Blond Female twin
  2. The first vampires
  3. Sheriff ...
  4. Damon's friend from the 50's
  5. 1864 witch
  6. What did Silas have
  7. Which doppelgänger's blood was used to create the first vampire family
  8. Mr Handkerchief
  9. Where did Damon and Bonnie go
  1. "I am a ... a ... doesn't stop"
  2. Everyone's favourite history teacher
  3. Who is looking for their mother
  4. Elena's birth mother
  5. The name of the series finale
  6. Season 3 villain
  7. Stefan's bff
  8. Who did Klaus sleep with
  9. Tyler's last name

18 Clues: 1864 witchSheriff ...Stefan's bffMr HandkerchiefSeason 3 villainBlond Female twinTyler's last nameThe first vampiresWhat did Silas haveElena's birth motherWho did Klaus sleep withDamon's friend from the 50'sThe name of the series finaleWhere did Damon and Bonnie go"I am a ... a ... doesn't stop"Who is looking for their mother...

The Vampire Diaries 2023-07-06

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. og keeper of elenas necklace
  2. the vampire who hunts vampires
  3. turns off a vampires emotions
  4. won miss mystic falls
  5. myth created by klaus to get people looking for the moonstone
  6. turns into a vampire at the end of season 3
  7. who elena chooses in the end
  8. the first sired hybrid
  1. killed the original families youngest son and caused the birth of vampires
  2. stefan and damons mother
  3. the first hybrid
  4. its always going to be ____
  5. weapon used to kill an original
  6. the first immortal being
  7. friend of elenas in college who is killed by damon
  8. elenas birth mother
  9. their blood turned katherine
  10. protects vampires from the sun

18 Clues: the first hybridelenas birth motherwon miss mystic fallsthe first sired hybridstefan and damons motherthe first immortal beingits always going to be ____og keeper of elenas necklacetheir blood turned katherinewho elena chooses in the endturns off a vampires emotionsthe vampire who hunts vampiresprotects vampires from the sun...


THE VAMPIRE DIARIES crossword puzzle
  1. what season does Elena turn into a vampire?
  2. what year did Damon and Stefan become vampires
  3. how many seasons of vampire diaries are there?
  4. what is the name of Stefan and Damon’s mother
  1. which character was a member of the brotherhood of the five
  2. What was elenas real mother called
  3. what was the very first episode of vampire diaries called?
  4. who was the original petrova doppelgänger
  5. who turned Kathrine pierce into a vampire?
  6. who was the first we see in transition?
  7. Bonnies grams first name?
  8. who killed aunt Jenna

12 Clues: who killed aunt JennaBonnies grams first name?What was elenas real mother calledwho was the first we see in transition?who was the original petrova doppelgängerwho turned Kathrine pierce into a vampire?what season does Elena turn into a vampire?what is the name of Stefan and Damon’s motherwhat year did Damon and Stefan become vampires...

Vampire diaries 2022-10-15

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Siren
  2. elena’s aunt
  3. Kai’s last name
  4. End song
  5. Old witch
  6. can’t keep a gf/wife
  7. Crow
  8. first hybrid
  1. Amara’s love
  2. Bonnie’s ex
  3. Sociopath
  4. Alaric’s fiancée
  5. tribrid
  6. Ex vampire
  7. Quetsiyah’s ex best friend
  8. Devil
  9. Twin

17 Clues: CrowTwinSirenDeviltribridEnd songSociopathOld witchEx vampireBonnie’s exAmara’s loveelena’s auntfirst hybridKai’s last nameAlaric’s fiancéecan’t keep a gf/wifeQuetsiyah’s ex best friend

Vampire Diaries 2023-07-07

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. What is Katherines daughters name
  2. Who chopped off John Gilberts fingers
  3. What is Meredith Fells secret to cure her patients
  4. What is Stefan & Lexi's saying
  5. What did Klaus love to call Stefan
  6. Who was the first human to get turned into a vampire in season 1
  7. Who took over Alaric's body
  8. Who was Elena's Sirebond
  9. Whose blood was in Caroline's system when she died
  10. What was Bonnie when the dead had to pass through her
  1. What is the name of the very first female doppelganger
  2. Who turned Caroline over to get tortured by her father
  3. Who met elena first
  4. Who linked Bonnie & Elena
  5. How many supernatural beings were portrayed on the show
  6. Who started Elenas doppleganger line
  7. Who sealed the vampires in the tomb
  8. What was the name of the curse that made Klaus a hybrid

18 Clues: Who met elena firstWho was Elena's SirebondWho linked Bonnie & ElenaWho took over Alaric's bodyWhat is Stefan & Lexi's sayingWhat is Katherines daughters nameWhat did Klaus love to call StefanWho sealed the vampires in the tombWho started Elenas doppleganger lineWho chopped off John Gilberts fingersWhat is Meredith Fells secret to cure her patients...

The Vampire diaries 2022-06-21

The Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Gemini coven twins have to do the ___
  2. "He's your first love, I intend to be your last"
  3. Damon and Stefan's uncle
  4. Evil Doppelganger
  5. Sociopath
  6. Barbie klaus
  7. Created the petrova doppelgangers
  8. Gets stuck with bonnie in the prison world
  9. First hybrid klaus made
  1. Long lost sister
  2. Stefan
  3. Bonnies true love?
  4. Freya's wife
  5. First immortal being
  6. Miracle baby
  7. Main character?
  8. Papa original

17 Clues: StefanSociopathFreya's wifeMiracle babyBarbie klausPapa originalMain character?Long lost sisterEvil DoppelgangerBonnies true love?First immortal beingFirst hybrid klaus madeDamon and Stefan's uncleCreated the petrova doppelgangersGemini coven twins have to do the ___Gets stuck with bonnie in the prison world...

Vampire Diaries 2022-12-02

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. What herb harms vampires?
  2. Town where Vampire Diaries is based in
  3. Who is the vampire we meet after seeing a crow at the end of the first episode?
  4. What vampire did Jeremy ask to turn him
  5. Elena's little brother
  6. History Teacher/Vampire Killer/Vampire
  7. What herb harms werewolves?
  8. Last name of the vampire brother duo
  1. What is Katherine Pierce's real last name?
  2. What is Elena's real mothers name?
  3. Klaus needs elena's blood so he can turn werewolves into ____
  4. Who turns into a vampire in the Season 1 finale?
  5. Who was the vampire Klaus used in the hybrid ritual
  6. Tyler finds out about his werewolf gene from who
  7. AKA 'The Ripper'

15 Clues: AKA 'The Ripper'Elena's little brotherWhat herb harms vampires?What herb harms werewolves?What is Elena's real mothers name?Last name of the vampire brother duoTown where Vampire Diaries is based inHistory Teacher/Vampire Killer/VampireWhat vampire did Jeremy ask to turn himWhat is Katherine Pierce's real last name?...


THE VAMPIRE DIARIES!!! crossword puzzle
  1. "It's always gonna be Stefan Damon don't you get it"
  2. "Bonnie Bennett I love you" (hint: Damon's friend
  3. Preganant with Klaus baby
  4. Hybrid
  5. "Vicki were are you call me it your_______?"
  6. "Hey mattie"
  7. Calls Stefan a rippah
  8. "Why does Noone pick me it's always Elena."
  9. Stefan wanted the cure for him and Elena. what did he want to become?
  1. Towel girl
  2. Dated Anna,Vicki, and Bonnie
  3. "Basically grams says I'm a witch"
  4. where do Elena,Bonnie, and Caroline go to college ag?
  5. "I love you Elena."
  6. Barbie Klaus
  7. "You are by far the greatest thing that happen in my 173 years"
  8. what does elena want to be (hint: Not vampire)

17 Clues: HybridTowel girlBarbie Klaus"Hey mattie""I love you Elena."Calls Stefan a rippahPreganant with Klaus babyDated Anna,Vicki, and Bonnie"Basically grams says I'm a witch""Why does Noone pick me it's always Elena.""Vicki were are you call me it your_______?"what does elena want to be (hint: Not vampire)"Bonnie Bennett I love you" (hint: Damon's friend...

The vampire diaries 2016-03-10

The vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. profoundly immoral and wicked
  2. fearful; frightened
  3. to end someone or somethings life
  4. a monster in human form who survives off blood and has immortality
  5. a herb which repels werewolves
  6. someone who looks exactly like someone else, either in the same time or different
  7. the ability to do something or act in a particular way above someone else
  8. bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established
  9. the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, often used in mystical stories
  1. the substance which leaks from open wounds
  2. a blood bond that forms between two male siblings
  3. refers to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment
  4. a human or animals that pursues something to kill it for sport or food
  5. the final phase of the moon which is iconic for mystical presence
  6. a shapeshifter who has enhanced reflexes and animal senses
  7. a human who draws off natural sources like nature to do magic

16 Clues: fearful; frightenedprofoundly immoral and wickeda herb which repels werewolvesto end someone or somethings lifethe substance which leaks from open woundsa blood bond that forms between two male siblingsa shapeshifter who has enhanced reflexes and animal sensesa human who draws off natural sources like nature to do magic...


FAMOUS AUTHORS crossword puzzle
  1. The Last Song
  2. The Hunger Games
  3. My Sisters Keeper
  4. Hush Hush Saga
  5. Vampire Academy
  6. The Lord of the Rings
  7. Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices
  8. Tomorrow When the War Began
  9. Gallagher Girls Series
  10. Inkheart
  1. Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle
  2. The Inheritance Cycle
  3. To Kill A Mockingbird
  4. Fallen Series
  5. I Am Number 4
  6. The Host and Twilight Series
  7. Percy Jackson saga
  8. Harry Potter
  9. Romeo and Juliet
  10. Divergent
  11. The Chronicles of Narnia

21 Clues: InkheartDivergentHarry PotterThe Last SongFallen SeriesI Am Number 4Hush Hush SagaVampire AcademyThe Hunger GamesRomeo and JulietMy Sisters KeeperPercy Jackson sagaThe Inheritance CycleTo Kill A MockingbirdThe Lord of the RingsGallagher Girls SeriesThe Chronicles of NarniaTomorrow When the War BeganThe Host and Twilight Series...

The Vampire Diaries 2023-03-22

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. black crow
  2. alive but dead
  3. immortal ghost
  4. fatal to werewolfs
  5. little gilbert
  6. fatal to vampires
  7. red liqiud
  1. should have died.
  2. rippah
  3. ocd freak
  4. magical
  5. magical witch that dies every episode
  6. moon dog
  7. vampire x werewolf
  8. homie hopper
  9. fatal to originals

16 Clues: rippahmagicalmoon dogocd freakblack crowred liqiudhomie hopperalive but deadimmortal ghostlittle gilbertshould have died.fatal to vampiresfatal to werewolfsvampire x werewolffatal to originalsmagical witch that dies every episode

2nd Block 2025-01-10

2nd Block crossword puzzle
  1. I want to be a CNA. I work at Carters
  2. I want to be a lawyer
  3. I love my Ipad
  4. I want to travel the world
  5. I work at Dollar Tree
  6. I binge watch Vampire Diaries.
  7. I love Stanley's
  8. I like to swim
  1. I love Hello Kitty
  2. I like listening to different kinds of music.
  3. I like to do lashes
  4. I love Sonny Angels
  5. I want to be a forensic psychologist
  6. I like listening to K Pop
  7. I want to be a nurse
  8. I like Vampire Diaries. I want to study psychology

16 Clues: I love my IpadI like to swimI love Stanley'sI love Hello KittyI like to do lashesI love Sonny AngelsI want to be a nurseI want to be a lawyerI work at Dollar TreeI like listening to K PopI want to travel the worldI binge watch Vampire Diaries.I want to be a forensic psychologistI want to be a CNA. I work at Carters...

Vampire diaries 2013-08-23

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Big bad wolf
  2. Hometown of Elena?
  3. Who is pregnant
  4. Witch?
  5. Crush on Stefan
  6. Who is the ripper
  7. Who loses her humanity in s4
  8. The all time human
  9. Who is soon to be a father
  1. Elena's brother?
  2. crackhead?
  3. Carolines maker?
  4. Stefan's doppelganger?
  5. Katherines newest love
  6. Elenas maker

15 Clues: Witch?crackhead?Big bad wolfElenas makerWho is pregnantCrush on StefanElena's brother?Carolines maker?Who is the ripperHometown of Elena?The all time humanStefan's doppelganger?Katherines newest loveWho is soon to be a fatherWho loses her humanity in s4

Vampire diaries 2022-12-15

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. becomes a vampire in season 1 then dies
  2. is a werewolf
  3. siren
  4. vampire who turns Stefan and Damon
  5. Stefan brother
  6. married silas
  7. isobel ex-husband
  8. A witch
  1. become a police officer
  2. was gonna be qetsiyah husband
  3. is over 2000 year old
  4. jeremey sister
  5. main vampire boy
  6. elena birth mom
  7. turns in season 2

15 Clues: sirenA witchis a werewolfmarried silasjeremey sisterStefan brotherelena birth mommain vampire boyturns in season 2isobel ex-husbandis over 2000 year oldbecome a police officerwas gonna be qetsiyah husbandvampire who turns Stefan and Damonbecomes a vampire in season 1 then dies

Famous Authors 2012-10-30

Famous Authors crossword puzzle
  1. To Kill A Mockingbird
  2. The Last Song
  3. Mortal Instruments and the Infernal Devices
  4. My Sisters Keeper
  5. Hush Hush Saga
  6. Gallagher Girls Series
  7. Divergent
  8. Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle
  9. Vampire Academy
  10. Inkheart
  11. Percy Jackson saga
  12. The Lord of the Rings
  13. Romeo and Juliet
  1. The Chronicles of Narnia
  2. Tomorrow When the War Began
  3. The Inheritance Cycle
  4. The Host and Twilight Series
  5. Harry Potter
  6. I Am Number 4
  7. The Hunger Games
  8. Fallen Series

21 Clues: InkheartDivergentHarry PotterThe Last SongI Am Number 4Fallen SeriesHush Hush SagaVampire AcademyThe Hunger GamesRomeo and JulietMy Sisters KeeperPercy Jackson sagaTo Kill A MockingbirdThe Inheritance CycleThe Lord of the RingsGallagher Girls SeriesThe Chronicles of NarniaTomorrow When the War BeganThe Host and Twilight Series...

Famous Authors 2012-10-29

Famous Authors crossword puzzle
  1. I Am Number 4
  2. the Hunger Games
  3. Vampire Diaries and the Secret Circle
  4. Gallagher Girls Series
  5. The Last Song
  6. Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance
  7. Percy Jackson
  8. To Kill A Mockingbird
  9. Fallen series
  10. Inkheart
  11. Harry Potter
  1. Vampire Academy
  2. City Immortal Instruments
  3. The Host and Twilight Series
  4. Divergent
  5. The Lord of the Rings
  6. My sisters keeper
  7. the hush hush series
  8. Romeo and Juliet
  9. Tomorrow When the War Began
  10. The chronicles of Narnia

21 Clues: InkheartDivergentHarry PotterI Am Number 4The Last SongPercy JacksonFallen seriesVampire Academythe Hunger GamesRomeo and JulietMy sisters keeperthe hush hush seriesThe Lord of the RingsTo Kill A MockingbirdGallagher Girls SeriesThe chronicles of NarniaCity Immortal InstrumentsTomorrow When the War BeganThe Host and Twilight Series...

Vampire Diaries 2012-11-20

Vampire  Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. made katherine
  2. girl fox
  3. in love with elena
  4. elenas double ganger
  5. dogs/cats
  6. personal book
  7. bestfriend
  1. vampires drink it
  2. elenas home town
  3. elenas boyfriend
  4. guy fox
  5. fangs
  6. vampire hunter
  7. another word for dead
  8. main character

15 Clues: fangsguy foxgirl foxdogs/catsbestfriendpersonal bookmade katherinevampire huntermain characterelenas home townelenas boyfriendvampires drink itin love with elenaelenas double gangeranother word for dead

Vampire diaries 2023-04-11

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. What school do the characters attend?
  2. What do vampires crave?
  3. What is the name of the town's famous bridge?
  4. Who is one of Elena’s best friends?
  5. Damon and stefan__________.
  6. Where do people put dead people?
  7. Who is the most popular girl in school?
  8. What Genre is this book?
  9. What are Damon and stefan?
  1. Vampires have a constant feeling of __________ .
  2. who is Elena's psychic best friend?
  3. What category do vampires land in?
  4. Who is the oldest Salvatore brother?
  5. Who is the youngest Salvatore brother?
  6. Vampires have special _________ of speed and mind control.

15 Clues: What do vampires crave?What Genre is this book?What are Damon and stefan?Damon and stefan__________.Where do people put dead people?What category do vampires land in?who is Elena's psychic best friend?Who is the oldest Salvatore brother?Who is one of Elena’s best friends?What school do the characters attend?Who is the youngest Salvatore brother?...

Finish this TV Show title 2014-05-06

Finish this TV Show title crossword puzzle
  1. True ___
  2. How I met your ___
  3. 19 Kids and ___
  4. ___ Minds
  5. Pretty Little ___
  6. The ___ is Right
  7. Threes ___
  8. __ Television
  9. Person of ___
  10. American ___ Story
  11. Grey's ___
  1. Wheel of ___
  2. Kitchen ___
  3. Young and the ___
  4. The ___ Diaries
  5. Breaking ___
  6. Here comes ___ Boo Boo
  7. ___ Dead
  8. Game of ___
  9. Big ___ Theory

20 Clues: True ______ Dead___ MindsThrees ___Grey's ___Kitchen ___Game of ___Wheel of ___Breaking _____ TelevisionPerson of ___Big ___ Theory19 Kids and ___The ___ DiariesThe ___ is RightYoung and the ___Pretty Little ___How I met your ___American ___ StoryHere comes ___ Boo Boo

Διασημοι και τραγουδια 2018-03-05

Διασημοι και  τραγουδια crossword puzzle
  1. τραγουδαει το anacoda
  2. τραγουδαει το castle on the hill
  3. το τραγουδαει ο sin boy
  4. πρωταγωνιστης του the vampire diaries
  1. τραγουδιστρια που τραγουδαει το ισπανικο τραγουδι downtown
  2. το τραγουδανε οι imagine dragons
  3. η πρωταγωνιστρια του The vampire diaries
  4. ο νικητης του survivor 2017`
  5. ... one pilots τραγουδανε το heathens.
  6. τραγουδιστης που τραγουδαει treat you better

10 Clues: τραγουδαει το anacodaτο τραγουδαει ο sin boyο νικητης του survivor 2017`το τραγουδανε οι imagine dragonsτραγουδαει το castle on the hillπρωταγωνιστης του the vampire diaries... one pilots τραγουδανε το heathens.η πρωταγωνιστρια του The vampire diariesτραγουδιστης που τραγουδαει treat you better...

The vampire diaries 2020-10-03

The vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. The long lost witch
  2. Where did kai get stuck?
  3. The OG Hybrid
  4. The noble man
  5. THe twon where it all began
  6. the signuture drink
  1. Vampire barbie
  2. The eternal stud
  3. Always and forever
  4. Warrior Princess
  5. the Miracle baby
  6. The last name of two brothers in love with the same girl
  7. Rippah
  8. The sociopath
  9. The wicked witch of the west

15 Clues: RippahThe OG HybridThe noble manThe sociopathVampire barbieThe eternal studWarrior Princessthe Miracle babyAlways and foreverThe long lost witchthe signuture drinkWhere did kai get stuck?THe twon where it all beganThe wicked witch of the westThe last name of two brothers in love with the same girl

Vampire diarys 2022-01-24

Vampire diarys crossword puzzle
  1. does magic
  2. shapeshifter
  3. the vampire hunter
  4. the werewolf
  5. the younger brother
  1. the tital of the book
  2. blood sucking animals
  3. the creator of vampire diaries
  4. the doppelganger
  5. the older brother

10 Clues: does magicshapeshifterthe werewolfthe doppelgangerthe older brotherthe vampire hunterthe younger brotherthe tital of the bookblood sucking animalsthe creator of vampire diaries

Iconic Movie Titles 2024-12-15

Iconic Movie Titles crossword puzzle
  1. The ______
  2. ______ the 13th
  3. The ______ of Oz
  4. Shawshank __________
  5. ________ Park
  6. The Silence of the ____
  7. Pulp _______
  8. Lord of the _____
  1. Rose and Jack in _______
  2. _____ Runner
  3. Gone with the ____
  4. Fast and _______
  5. Alice in __________
  6. The _________
  7. The Empire Strikes ____
  8. _______ Diaries
  9. Back to the ______
  10. The ____ King
  11. The Good, the Bad, and the ____

19 Clues: The ___________ RunnerPulp _______The _________________ ParkThe ____ King______ the 13th_______ DiariesFast and _______The ______ of OzLord of the _____Gone with the ____Back to the ______Alice in __________Shawshank __________The Empire Strikes ____The Silence of the ____Rose and Jack in _______The Good, the Bad, and the ____

Vampire Diaries 2013-12-17

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Mat first love
  2. Elena last name
  3. That can kill a vampire
  4. City where live Elena
  5. Barbie girl
  6. Love Caroline
  7. Elena real father
  1. What kind of stake can kill a vampire
  2. Katherine last name
  3. Katherine's doppelganger
  4. Elena's doppelganger
  5. Silas doppelganger
  6. what is Stefan brother name?
  7. 4 and 5 season worst enemy

14 Clues: Barbie girlLove CarolineMat first loveElena last nameElena real fatherSilas doppelgangerKatherine last nameElena's doppelgangerCity where live ElenaThat can kill a vampireKatherine's doppelganger4 and 5 season worst enemywhat is Stefan brother name?What kind of stake can kill a vampire


THE VAMPIRE DIARIES crossword puzzle
  1. '' Hello gorgeous''
  2. '' I saw her , i saw Elena''
  3. '' Elizah''
  4. '' It's okay to love them both. I did''
  5. '' Rebekahhhh''
  6. '' I know you're obssesed with mee''
  1. '' I didnt't say goodbye to my mum''
  2. '' How could you....''
  3. '' The Salvatores may fight like dogs...''
  4. '' Relax darling''
  5. '' I let her in, i don't let people in''
  6. ''I'm a ripper a ripper doesn't stop''
  7. '' I was feeling epic''
  8. '' Yum cupcakes''

14 Clues: '' Elizah'''' Rebekahhhh'''' Yum cupcakes'''' Relax darling'''' Hello gorgeous'''' How could you....'''' I was feeling epic'''' I saw her , i saw Elena'''' I didnt't say goodbye to my mum'''' I know you're obssesed with mee''''I'm a ripper a ripper doesn't stop'''' It's okay to love them both. I did'''' I let her in, i don't let people in''...

Vampire Diaries 2017-04-14

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. History teacher
  2. Dated Stefan and Damon
  3. original hybrid
  4. Elena's brother
  5. Betrayed by Damon left in a fire
  6. Bennett witch
  7. Elena's ex
  1. Sheriff's daughter
  2. Stefan's brother
  3. Damon's brother
  4. Matt's best friend
  5. Alaric's wife
  6. Elena's aunt

13 Clues: Elena's exElena's auntAlaric's wifeBennett witchHistory teacheroriginal hybridDamon's brotherElena's brotherStefan's brotherSheriff's daughterMatt's best friendDated Stefan and DamonBetrayed by Damon left in a fire

The Vampire Diaries 2023-04-06

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. ripper
  2. Elena’s birth mother
  3. Tyler’s uncle
  4. bad brother
  5. history teacher
  6. Matt’s sister
  7. Stefan’s best friend
  8. Bennett witch
  1. sheriffs daughter
  2. burns vampires
  3. siren
  4. Jo’s twin
  5. turned Stefan and Damon
  6. original hybrid

14 Clues: sirenripperJo’s twinbad brotherTyler’s uncleMatt’s sisterBennett witchburns vampireshistory teacheroriginal hybridsheriffs daughterElena’s birth motherStefan’s best friendturned Stefan and Damon

KC and The Sunshine Band 2022-09-19

KC and The Sunshine Band crossword puzzle
  1. The X-Files
  2. chocolate
  3. starburst
  4. ice cream
  5. time with family
  6. Star Trek
  7. peanut butter M&M's
  8. Incense
  9. Vampire Diaries
  10. The Grand Tour
  11. Sweet Magnolias
  1. Schitt's Creek
  2. coca cola
  3. bacon
  4. Amazing Race
  5. vacation
  6. Dr. Pepper
  7. House Hunters International
  8. New Girl
  9. bbq
  10. Cheers
  11. CSI Vegas

22 Clues: bbqbaconCheersIncensevacationNew Girlcoca colachocolatestarburstice creamStar TrekCSI VegasDr. PepperThe X-FilesAmazing RaceSchitt's CreekThe Grand TourVampire DiariesSweet Magnoliastime with familypeanut butter M&M'sHouse Hunters International

Vampire diaries 2021-09-24

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. badboy
  2. hybrid
  3. crazyexgirlfriend
  4. hometownoforiginals
  5. pregnatwarewolf
  6. doppelganger
  7. babymichelson
  1. witchbestfriend
  2. educator
  3. selflessone
  4. longlostsister
  5. faithfullone
  6. babybrother

13 Clues: badboyhybrideducatorselflessonebabybrotherfaithfullonedoppelgangerbabymichelsonlonglostsisterwitchbestfriendpregnatwarewolfcrazyexgirlfriendhometownoforiginals

TV SHOWS - CSHS 2022-05-20

TV SHOWS - CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. How I Met Your _______
  2. Sons of __________
  3. Young _________
  4. _______Abbey
  5. _________ Family
  6. Grey's ________
  7. _____ is us
  8. The ___________ Dead
  9. A Million _______ Things
  10. Gilmore ______
  11. Chicago ______
  12. ________ Bloods
  13. Two and a _______ Men
  1. _________ Is the New Black
  2. Law & __________
  3. The Good ________
  4. American _________ Story
  5. __________ Bad
  6. _________ Minds
  7. The ________ Attendant
  8. Schitt's ___________
  9. Stranger __________
  10. The _________ Diaries
  11. The Big Bang __________
  12. __________ Guy
  13. Games of _________

26 Clues: _____ is us_______Abbey__________ BadGilmore ______Chicago ________________ GuyYoung __________________ MindsGrey's ________________ BloodsLaw & ___________________ FamilyThe Good ________Sons of __________Games of _________Stranger __________Schitt's ___________The ___________ DeadThe _________ DiariesTwo and a _______ MenHow I Met Your _______...

The Vampire Diaries Universe 2022-07-21

The Vampire Diaries Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Elena's Doppelganger
  2. who plays Elena, Katherine, Amara and Tatia (Same actress)
  3. Alaric's Daughter with brown hair
  4. The ripper heretic
  5. Barbie Klaus
  6. Alaric's deceased fiancé
  7. School Professor
  8. What does Bonnie call her Grandma?
  9. Tyler's Werewolf uncle
  10. Matt's sister
  11. Elena's Caregiver/Aunt
  12. Elena's Brother/Cousin
  13. Who was Caroline's date to the Mikaelson ball
  14. The first doppelganger from the petrova bloodline
  15. Klaus Mikaelson's fullname
  16. Who does Bonnie and Damon get stuck with in the prison world?
  17. Bonnie's Cousin they met at the masquerade ball
  18. Weakens Vampires
  19. Elena's Biological Mother
  20. What kind of vampire is Stefan?
  21. Weakens werewolves
  22. The college Elena, Caroline And bonnie went to
  23. The werewolf Klaus got pregnant
  24. Klaus's first successful hybrid
  25. How many seasons are there in the show
  26. Bonnie's Lover
  27. Main Character
  28. Finn's first lover
  29. The siren they found in the safe
  30. Elena's biological dad who poses as her uncle
  1. who is the vampire that is obsessed with damon in New Orleans?
  2. Elena's Biological mother
  3. Town Witch
  4. Who plays Damon salvatore?
  5. what Kills a vampire
  6. Vampire; Best at control
  7. The heretic that lost her unborn baby
  8. Left his bestfriend in a fire
  9. where does the show take place
  10. Stefan's evil doppelganger
  11. the noble one
  12. The ghost Jeremy Cheated on Bonnie with
  13. where is mystic falls located?
  14. Bonnie's Grandma
  15. Siren that poses as a nanny
  16. The witch who ceated immortality
  17. Bonnie's ancestor who haunts her in season 1
  18. Town sheriff that died due to cancer
  19. Saved Elena from drowning
  20. Alaric's Daughter with blonde hair
  21. Who plays Stefan/Silas (Same Actor)
  22. Tyler's mom/Mayor
  23. What do vampires need to feed on to survive
  24. The highschool they went to in mystic falls
  25. Stefan's best friend
  26. Papa original
  27. Damon and Stefan's Mother
  28. Elena's first boyfriend
  29. The first doctor Alaric fell in love with
  30. who traded elena for their freedom to elijah?
  31. Bonnie's Mom

61 Clues: Town WitchBarbie KlausBonnie's Momthe noble oneMatt's sisterPapa originalBonnie's LoverMain CharacterSchool ProfessorBonnie's GrandmaWeakens VampiresTyler's mom/MayorThe ripper hereticWeakens werewolvesFinn's first loverElena's Doppelgangerwhat Kills a vampireStefan's best friendTyler's Werewolf uncleElena's Caregiver/AuntElena's Brother/Cousin...

Bored 2017-11-15

Bored crossword puzzle
  1. damon
  2. lizakoshy
  3. keins
  4. hund
  5. ballerina
  6. schiessen
  7. panda
  8. rocky
  9. the vampire diaries
  10. pizza
  11. inder
  12. glatt
  13. manuel
  14. schwarz
  15. romantik
  16. lydia
  17. bugga
  18. handball
  1. bollywood
  2. ruhig
  3. bogenschiessen
  4. gruen
  5. offen
  6. crazy
  7. benjaminbluehmchen
  8. asiatisch
  9. skorpion
  10. schwester
  11. partyalarm
  12. nati
  13. spiegel
  14. shoppen

32 Clues: hundnatiruhigdamongruenoffenkeinscrazypandarockypizzainderglattlydiabuggamanuelschwarzspiegelshoppenskorpionromantikhandballbollywoodlizakoshyasiatischballerinaschiessenschwesterpartyalarmbogenschiessenbenjaminbluehmchenthe vampire diaries

Lexi - The Vampire Diaries 2016-03-01

Lexi - The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Joe's evil twin
  2. Elena's and Jeremy's Guardian
  3. Ghosts that Possess people
  4. Jeremy is a ________-______
  5. Elena's brother
  6. Stephans older brother
  7. The only Original Hybrid
  8. Stephan and Damons last name
  9. Vampires way to hypnotize humans
  10. Damon and Stephan's mother
  11. The noble Original
  1. Elena's Best Friend
  2. Elena's evil doppelganger
  3. Bonnie is a _____
  4. Elena's home town
  5. Mix between a werewolf and vampire
  6. Dated Stephan then Damon
  7. Human that Turns into a wolf every full moon
  8. The very first vampires
  9. Damon's New best friend

20 Clues: Joe's evil twinElena's brotherBonnie is a _____Elena's home townThe noble OriginalElena's Best FriendStephans older brotherThe very first vampiresDamon's New best friendDated Stephan then DamonThe only Original HybridElena's evil doppelgangerGhosts that Possess peopleDamon and Stephan's motherJeremy is a ________-______Stephan and Damons last name...

The vampire diaries 2022-03-23

The vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. who turns caroline into a vampire
  2. what season does elena become a vampire
  3. who kills lexi
  4. who's mom died of cancer
  5. who does damon end up with
  6. who are bonnie and damon stuck in the prison world with
  1. how many doppelgangers does elena have
  2. who did elena date before stefan
  3. what college do caroline bonnie and elena attend
  4. who is stefans witch doppelganger
  5. damon and elenas ship name
  6. what type of vampire is tyler
  7. who is the last person bonnie dates
  8. who does elena end up with

14 Clues: who kills lexiwho's mom died of cancerdamon and elenas ship namewho does elena end up withwho does damon end up withwhat type of vampire is tylerwho did elena date before stefanwho is stefans witch doppelgangerwho turns caroline into a vampirewho is the last person bonnie dateshow many doppelgangers does elena have...

The Vampire Diaries 2020-10-06

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. The baddest doppelganger
  2. Stefan's doppelganger
  3. Damon and Bonnie found him in the prisonworld
  4. Damon's brother
  5. puts everyone before herself
  6. Bonnie's best friend
  7. The sneakiest Mikaelson
  1. the original Mikaelson hybrid
  2. Always says "you have my word"
  3. The first elena doppelganger
  4. the love of damon's life
  5. Damon's best friend in the armoury
  6. ended up marrying Stefan Salvatore

13 Clues: Damon's brotherBonnie's best friendStefan's doppelgangerThe sneakiest MikaelsonThe baddest doppelgangerthe love of damon's lifeThe first elena doppelgangerputs everyone before herselfthe original Mikaelson hybridAlways says "you have my word"Damon's best friend in the armouryended up marrying Stefan Salvatore...

The vampire Diaries (good crossword) 2021-05-31

The vampire Diaries (good crossword) crossword puzzle
  1. Where did Klaus moved away to.
  2. what type of supernatural creature is bonnie.
  3. who saves everyone
  4. what creatures are Stefan and Demon.
  5. who is the father of the twins Caroline is carrying.
  6. Stefan and Damon's mothers name.
  7. who turned damon and stefan.
  8. its bite could kill a vampire.
  9. what season did Elena turned into a vampire.
  10. Katherine Pierce real surname
  11. the good Salvatore brother.
  12. Damon and Stefan's last name.
  13. who is the real mother of elena
  14. the mikaelson sister.
  1. who does Stefan end up with
  2. what type of supernatural creature is kalus mikaelson.
  3. who does Elena ends up with.
  4. stefans best friend.
  5. what did jeremy become.
  6. powerful vampire family.
  7. sheriff of the town.
  8. main villain in season two.
  9. where did Elena's parents die.
  10. which Mikaelson died in the vampire diaries.
  11. who is a werewolf.
  12. who is elenas little brother
  13. elenas anuty.

27 Clues: elenas anuty.who saves everyonewho is a werewolf.stefans best friend.sheriff of the town.the mikaelson sister.what did jeremy become.powerful vampire family.who does Stefan end up withmain villain in season two.the good Salvatore brother.who does Elena ends up with.who turned damon and stefan.who is elenas little brother...

TV SHOWS - CSHS 2022-05-20

TV SHOWS - CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. __________ 19
  2. The Big Bang __________
  3. __________ Bad
  4. _________ Is the New Black
  5. Chicago ______
  6. Young _________
  7. A Million _______ Things
  8. Sons of __________
  9. The _________ Diaries
  10. _________ Minds
  11. _________ Family
  12. _______Abbey
  13. _____ is us
  1. The Good ________
  2. How I Met Your _______
  3. Schitt's ___________
  4. Gilmore ______
  5. __________ Guy
  6. American _________ Story
  7. The ________ Attendant
  8. Law & __________
  9. ________ Bloods
  10. Games of _________
  11. The ___________ Dead
  12. Grey's ________
  13. Two and a _______ Men
  14. Stranger __________

27 Clues: _____ is us_______Abbey__________ 19__________ BadGilmore ________________ GuyChicago ______Young _________________ BloodsGrey's _________________ MindsLaw & ___________________ FamilyThe Good ________Games of _________Sons of __________Stranger __________Schitt's ___________The ___________ DeadTwo and a _______ MenThe _________ Diaries...

Vampire Diaries Characters 2022-05-07

Vampire Diaries Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Elena’s bestfriend the witch
  2. got pregnant at 15 and had a daughter with John
  3. was in love with Jonathan Gilbert
  4. mother of the Salvatore brothers
  5. Bonnie’s powerful ancestor & Katherine’s friend
  6. the mother of a wolf
  7. Jeremy’s first girlfriend
  8. the real father of Elena
  9. vampire that loved both brothers
  10. the bad brother
  11. Mystic Falls history teacher
  1. Married to Alaric but killed the same day
  2. tried to change his daughter from being a vampire
  3. The Barbie Vampire
  4. Bonnie’s ex boyfriend
  5. sheriff of mystic falls
  6. killed his family and twin siblings
  7. the brother that saves the day
  8. had custody of her sister’s kids
  9. always alone and his sister dies

20 Clues: the bad brotherThe Barbie Vampirethe mother of a wolfBonnie’s ex boyfriendsheriff of mystic fallsthe real father of ElenaJeremy’s first girlfriendElena’s bestfriend the witchMystic Falls history teacherthe brother that saves the daymother of the Salvatore brothershad custody of her sister’s kidsvampire that loved both brothers...

Vampire Diaries (TV) 2023-10-02

Vampire Diaries (TV) crossword puzzle
  1. The evil twin of Alaric's girlfriend that eventual kills her and tries to kill their daughters
  2. Vampire/Witch hybrids still capable of practicing magic
  3. Became sheriff after Caroline's mom died (full name)
  4. Katherine's real full name
  5. The pastor's daughter
  6. Katherine's best friend in 1864
  7. Jo's brother that merges with Kai
  8. Teenage son of Elijah's warlock
  9. Alaric's daughter named after Caroline's mom
  10. The heretic that attacks Kai in the prison world
  11. Caroline's mother and local sheriff (full name)
  12. Elena's adoptive father/uncle
  13. Full name of Alaric's doctor girlfriend
  14. Damon and Stefan's mother
  15. The member of The Five that Jeremy replaces to save Elena
  16. Heretic killed by Damon after surviving the phoenix stone
  17. The hybrid original
  18. Alaric's daughter named after her mother
  19. The heretic that saved Damon at Gettysburg
  20. The noble original
  21. Esther's youngest son that died
  22. Seductive creature that leads others to their death
  23. Type of witch that wanted to bring the doppelgangers together, ei Nadia and Markos
  24. Elena's biological mother/Alaric's wife
  25. The Devil
  26. Finn's lover
  27. The werewolves that Klaus turns after breaking his curse
  28. Stefan's first love
  29. The siren that tried to replace Elena in Damon's life
  30. Youngest Lockwood werewolf
  31. Local doctor that knows about vampires (full name)
  32. Lillian's vampire love
  33. The warlock helping Elijah to get his daughter back (full name)
  34. Elena's adoptive mother/aunt
  35. Ancient witch that created vampires
  36. The youngest and only female original
  37. Local news anchor turned vampire, used to date Jenna (full name)
  38. Vampire that has been running from Klaus for 500 years
  1. Damon and Stefan's half-brother
  2. One of the original members of The Five and Rebekah's former lover
  3. Damon and Stefan's father
  4. Heretic in love with Mary Louise
  5. First vampire hunter
  6. Elena's biological father/uncle
  7. Heretic in love with Nora
  8. Elena, Katherine, Tatia are ____
  9. Took over as Mayor and Bonnie's father
  10. The pastor that took over the council and tried to kill all the vampires in town
  11. What Esther turned her children into
  12. The youngest Salvatore who owned the boarding house in season 1
  13. The Augustine Vampire
  14. Full name of the mayor Klaus drowned
  15. Coven that banishes siphoners and merges twins to decide a leader
  16. Main characters hometown
  17. Sybil's sister and babysitter to Alaric's daughters
  18. Elena's vampire friend
  19. The college
  20. Klaus' witch that ran away from her family
  21. Eldest original
  22. Genetic trait activated by causing a death
  23. Elena's witchy friend
  24. The female twin that doesn't merge with Kai
  25. The first immortal
  26. The only type of wood that can kill an original
  27. Those who track and kill vampires, ei Jeremy and Connor
  28. Katherine's daughter
  29. Last name of the history teacher/football coach that Alaric replaced after Damon killed him
  30. Bonnie's family coven name
  31. Siphoner witches turned into vampires
  32. Older girl that Tyler and Jeremy were both seeing in season one
  33. Elena's younger brother/cousin
  34. Bonnie's mother
  35. Servant of nature that is supposed to keep the balance, ei Bonnie
  36. Bonnie's grams
  37. Caroline's father (full name)
  38. The stone in daylight rings
  39. History teacher/terrible vampire hunter (full name)
  40. Katherine's best friend's daughter that later dated Jeremy Gilbert
  41. Elena's aunt that dated Alaric (full name)
  42. What existed on the other side before it was ripped apart, ei Vicki when she tried to kill Elena
  43. The original against raising Silas
  44. Tyler's uncle that was dating Katherine

82 Clues: The DevilThe collegeFinn's loverBonnie's gramsEldest originalBonnie's motherThe first immortalThe noble originalThe hybrid originalStefan's first loveFirst vampire hunterKatherine's daughterThe pastor's daughterThe Augustine VampireElena's witchy friendElena's vampire friendLillian's vampire loveMain characters hometownDamon and Stefan's father...

Vampire diaries 2021-10-04

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. crazy-ex
  2. sacrifice for niece
  3. doppelganger
  4. Hybrid
  5. selfless brother
  6. best friend witch
  7. educator
  1. loyalest
  2. werewolf
  3. covinwitches
  4. badboy
  5. vampirehunter

12 Clues: badboyHybridcrazy-exloyalestwerewolfeducatorcovinwitchesdoppelgangervampirehunterselfless brotherbest friend witchsacrifice for niece

Vampire Diaries 2019-12-25

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. it links the world with the other side
  2. as a vampire you should have one if you don't want to get burnt during the day
  3. Stefan got this "cool property" from his mom and people remain without head..literally
  4. weapon against the werewolves
  5. the key to the prison worlds (object)
  6. first vampires
  1. you can find this problemsolver anytime at the Salvatore house
  2. it contains spells
  3. you as a werewolf die with Klus' blood in your system then you get some doppelganger blood and you become a...
  4. one of the "gifts" that comes with vampirism
  5. you should have this if you don't want to be compelled
  6. if you notice that sometimes you're not "you", you should get that magic knife and stab yourself because there is a... in you

12 Clues: first vampiresit contains spellsweapon against the werewolvesthe key to the prison worlds (object)it links the world with the other sideone of the "gifts" that comes with vampirismyou should have this if you don't want to be compelledyou can find this problemsolver anytime at the Salvatore house...

Vampire Diaries 2024-07-06

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. What is Tyler?
  2. Who never dies?
  3. What are Katherine and Elena?
  4. Vampire Hunter
  5. Everyone's favorite history teacher
  6. The OG blondie
  7. Who dies at the end
  1. Everyone's favorite Bennet witch
  2. Who Elena ends up with
  3. Who was Damon's first love?
  4. What was Mason Lockwood?
  5. Both her parents died in a car accident

12 Clues: What is Tyler?Vampire HunterThe OG blondieWho never dies?Who dies at the endWho Elena ends up withWhat was Mason Lockwood?Who was Damon's first love?What are Katherine and Elena?Everyone's favorite Bennet witchEveryone's favorite history teacherBoth her parents died in a car accident

Vampire Diaries 2012-08-14

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. BONUS QUESTION: Who turned Vicky into a Vampire?
  2. Who would Elena never let beat her?
  3. Who once gave Elena Vampire blood to try and save her?
  4. Who is Klaus and Elijah's sister?
  5. Who tried to stop Ethan turning a girl into a Vampire?
  6. Who kidnapped Elena and tried to drain her blood several times?
  1. Who is the first person to clearly dislike Stefan?
  2. Who dies at the same time as Elena?
  3. Who turned Caroline into a Vampire?
  4. BONUS QUESTION: Who sacrificed himself to Klaus to spare Elena and Jenna's life?
  5. BONUS QUESTION: Who stabbed herself to free Stefan from Klaus's evil curse?
  6. Who helps Elena in her hour of need when Klaus is trying to turn her into a Vampire because he has mixed her up with Katherine?

12 Clues: Who is Klaus and Elijah's sister?Who dies at the same time as Elena?Who turned Caroline into a Vampire?Who would Elena never let beat her?BONUS QUESTION: Who turned Vicky into a Vampire?Who is the first person to clearly dislike Stefan?Who once gave Elena Vampire blood to try and save her?Who tried to stop Ethan turning a girl into a Vampire?...

TV SHOWS - CSHS 2022-05-20

TV SHOWS - CSHS crossword puzzle
  1. Schitt's ___________
  2. _________ Family
  3. A Million _______ Things
  4. Two and a _______ Men
  5. _____ is us
  6. Gilmore ______
  7. How I Met Your _______
  8. The _________ Diaries
  9. The ___________ Dead
  10. Young _________
  11. The Big Bang __________
  12. _______Abbey
  13. Law & __________
  1. _________ Minds
  2. __________ Bad
  3. The Good ________
  4. Sons of __________
  5. The ________ Attendant
  6. __________ Guy
  7. Grey's ________
  8. Games of _________
  9. Stranger __________
  10. __________ 19
  11. ________ in the Middle
  12. Chicago ______
  13. ________ Bloods
  14. American _________ Story
  15. _________ Is the New Black

28 Clues: _____ is us_______Abbey__________ 19__________ Bad__________ GuyGilmore ______Chicago _______________ MindsGrey's ________________ BloodsYoung __________________ FamilyLaw & __________The Good ________Sons of __________Games of _________Stranger __________Schitt's ___________The ___________ DeadTwo and a _______ MenThe _________ Diaries...

vampire diaries 2021-03-19

vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. younger brother
  2. elena's father figure
  3. older brother
  4. psycopath twin
  5. older brother actor
  6. the one no one likes
  1. type of witch
  2. where it is set
  3. actor for girl who brothers fight over
  4. witch
  5. in love with klaus
  6. girl brothers fight over

12 Clues: witchtype of witcholder brotherpsycopath twinwhere it is setyounger brotherin love with klausolder brother actorthe one no one likeselena's father figuregirl brothers fight overactor for girl who brothers fight over

Films 2014-02-06

Films crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe noem je een half weerwolf half vampier in The Vampire Diaries?
  2. Hoe heet de nu dode beste vriendin van Stefan Salvatore uit The Vampire Diaries?
  3. Wat staat er op de speld van Katniss Everdeen?
  4. Wat is de poort naar Narnia?
  5. Vanuit welke stad verhuizen Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) en zijn moeder uit the Karate Kid naar China?
  6. Hoeveel delen zijn er van Diehard verschenen?
  7. Wat kan Alice Cullen uit twilight zien?
  8. Wat is het grootste probleem uit The Walking Dead?
  9. Wat is de achternaam van Jenni en Dan uit Gossip Girl?
  10. Op wat speelt de film Blue Lagoon zich het meest af?
  11. Waardoor is de hoofdrolspeler uit Fast & Furious overleden?
  12. Hoe heet de jongen waar Jenna Hamilton door wordt ontmaagd in Awkward?
  13. Waar lijdt het broertje van Serena Vanderwoodsen uit Gossip Girl aan?
  1. Wat is de voornaam van de hoofdrolspeler van Ghost Rider?
  2. In welk district woont Katniss Everdeen van The Hunger Games?
  3. Waar werkt Max uit Bro's before Ho's?
  4. In welk land woont de Volturi uit Twilight?
  5. Van welke god is Percy Jackson de zoon?
  6. Hoe oud is Edward Cullen uit Twilight als hij vampier wordt?
  7. Waarmee knoeit het zusje van Carrie uit The Carrie Diaries op de tas die Carrie geërfd heeft van haar moeder?
  8. Hoe heet het gekkenhuis in Pretty Little Liars waar zowel Mona als Spencer in heeft gezeten?
  9. Hoe heet het meisje uit Pretty Little Liars dat blind is geworden?

22 Clues: Wat is de poort naar Narnia?Waar werkt Max uit Bro's before Ho's?Van welke god is Percy Jackson de zoon?Wat kan Alice Cullen uit twilight zien?In welk land woont de Volturi uit Twilight?Hoeveel delen zijn er van Diehard verschenen?Wat staat er op de speld van Katniss Everdeen?Wat is het grootste probleem uit The Walking Dead?...

The Vampire Diaries 2021-04-21

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Elena’s first boyfriend, everybody dates him at least once , bffs with Jeremy
  2. Best friends with Stefan, honest, judgmental, we adore them they are the best, confident, savage
  3. Owns a red Porsche, gets heartbroken and kills, deserves better
  4. parents, girlfriends, everybody around him always ends up dead, always dies but never for long
  5. Appears in literally one episode but is mentioned like 25 times
  1. First Vampire enjoys unnecessarily snapping necks, falls in love easily, way too easily
  2. Disguises as a crow, likes sleeping on roads, everybody he loves dies
  3. Suffers too much, puts friends before family, boyfriends always die
  4. villain/hero, ARTISTE, lonely gets sad and murders, hated by their own family, people are always attempting their murder but they stay loyal to them
  5. Familyless, literally all his/her family has died(most murdered by the same person) very hatable just annoying
  6. Unlucky,Orphan, plays with people, everybody needs them for something, too important in peoples lives
  7. has a thing for hearts, suffers, loves his family, “ALWAYS AND FOREVER” NIKLAUSS

12 Clues: Owns a red Porsche, gets heartbroken and kills, deserves betterAppears in literally one episode but is mentioned like 25 timesSuffers too much, puts friends before family, boyfriends always dieDisguises as a crow, likes sleeping on roads, everybody he loves diesElena’s first boyfriend, everybody dates him at least once , bffs with Jeremy...

The Vampire Diaries 2021-04-21

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Elena’s first boyfriend, everybody dates him at least once , bffs with Jeremy
  2. Best friends with Stefan, honest, judgmental, we adore them they are the best, confident, savage
  3. Owns a red Porsche, gets heartbroken and kills, deserves better
  4. parents, girlfriends, everybody around him always ends up dead, always dies but never for long
  5. Appears in literally one episode but is mentioned like 25 times
  1. First Vampire enjoys unnecessarily snapping necks, falls in love easily, way too easily
  2. Disguises as a crow, likes sleeping on roads, everybody he loves dies
  3. Suffers too much, puts friends before family, boyfriends always die
  4. villain/hero, ARTISTE, lonely gets sad and murders, hated by their own family, people are always attempting their murder but they stay loyal to them
  5. Familyless, literally all his/her family has died(most murdered by the same person) very hatable just annoying
  6. Unlucky,Orphan, plays with people, everybody needs them for something, too important in peoples lives
  7. has a thing for hearts, suffers, loves his family, “ALWAYS AND FOREVER” NIKLAUSS

12 Clues: Owns a red Porsche, gets heartbroken and kills, deserves betterAppears in literally one episode but is mentioned like 25 timesSuffers too much, puts friends before family, boyfriends always dieDisguises as a crow, likes sleeping on roads, everybody he loves diesElena’s first boyfriend, everybody dates him at least once , bffs with Jeremy...





THE VAMPIRE DIARIES crossword puzzle
  1. The place where the serie took place
  2. The surname that the main characters have
  3. The person who is the older brother of the Salvatores
  4. The person who is the first hybrid
  5. The color of the dress that Elena wore when she danced with Damon
  6. The number of seasons that TVD has
  7. The person whose physical appearance is the same as Elena
  1. The thing which Damon and Stefan are
  2. The girl who in the end has a relathionship with Damon
  3. The person who is the replica of Stefan
  4. The thing which turn into human the vampires
  5. The place where the parents of Elena died

12 Clues: The person who is the first hybridThe number of seasons that TVD hasThe thing which Damon and Stefan areThe place where the serie took placeThe person who is the replica of StefanThe surname that the main characters haveThe place where the parents of Elena diedThe thing which turn into human the vampires...

the vampire diaries 2024-04-18

the vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Elena's aunt
  2. Katherine doppelganger
  3. Caroline soulmate
  4. what is Stefan and elena
  5. Elena's and Caroline best friend
  6. locked in a prison world
  1. Vicki feed on him to turn
  2. died from lifting the tomb spell
  3. anna epic love
  4. Stefan's brother
  5. original vampire
  6. Bonnie's true love
  7. original vampire

13 Clues: Elena's auntanna epic loveStefan's brotheroriginal vampireoriginal vampireCaroline soulmateBonnie's true loveKatherine doppelgangerwhat is Stefan and elenalocked in a prison worldVicki feed on him to turndied from lifting the tomb spellElena's and Caroline best friend

the vampire diaries 2024-04-18

the vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Elena's aunt
  2. Katherine doppelganger
  3. Caroline soulmate
  4. what is Stefan and elena
  5. Elena's and Caroline best friend
  6. locked in a prison world
  1. Vicki feed on him to turn
  2. died from lifting the tomb spell
  3. anna epic love
  4. Stefan's brother
  5. original vampire
  6. Bonnie's true love
  7. original vampire

13 Clues: Elena's auntanna epic loveStefan's brotheroriginal vampireoriginal vampireCaroline soulmateBonnie's true loveKatherine doppelgangerwhat is Stefan and elenalocked in a prison worldVicki feed on him to turndied from lifting the tomb spellElena's and Caroline best friend

the vampire diaries 2017-01-12

the vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. stefan and damon
  2. really good organizer, likes stefan in beginning
  3. gets turned into vampire, dies that same episode
  4. relationship that lasts less than 4 seasons
  5. only human left on the show
  6. town witch
  1. youngest salvatore brother
  2. oldest salvatore brother
  3. father of salvatores
  4. toxic substance to vampires
  5. oldest vampire that comes after elena in season 2
  6. most important character

12 Clues: town witchstefan and damonfather of salvatoresoldest salvatore brothermost important characteryoungest salvatore brothertoxic substance to vampiresonly human left on the showrelationship that lasts less than 4 seasonsreally good organizer, likes stefan in beginninggets turned into vampire, dies that same episode...

The Originals 2020-06-11

The Originals crossword puzzle
  1. former harvest witch
  2. first name of sophie's niece sacrificed in the harvest
  3. killed by Oliver
  4. klaus's former apprentice
  5. surname of actor who plays klaus
  6. a wolf clan
  7. an unblinking ____ is the nineteenth episode of the first season
  8. biological father of klaus
  9. the first original to appear in the vampire diaries
  1. surname of actress who plays hayley
  2. surname of klaus
  3. oganised crime family
  4. surname of francesca
  5. poison to a vampire
  6. the first of the mikaelson children to drink human blood after turning
  7. a pretrova doppelganger
  8. werewolf who was pregnant with klaus's child

17 Clues: a wolf clansurname of klauskilled by Oliverpoison to a vampireformer harvest witchsurname of francescaoganised crime familya pretrova doppelgangerklaus's former apprenticebiological father of klaussurname of actor who plays klaussurname of actress who plays hayleywerewolf who was pregnant with klaus's child...

The Vampire Diaries//The Originals 2016-04-19

The Vampire Diaries//The Originals crossword puzzle
  1. 1 van mijn favorieten // Döppelganger van Stefan
  2. Wie is de tante van Klaus, die alle eerstgeborene (is dat een woord?)Mikaelson "vervloekte"
  3. Wat drinken vampiers?
  4. Wie is de niet-biologische moeder van Elena
  5. Wie is de biologische vader van Elena
  6. (Jongste) Zus van Kai
  7. Wie is de allerjonste broer van Klaus, die nooit in de serie is geweest, omdat hij doodging?
  8. Lichaam waar Kol in zat (seizoen 2 the originals)
  9. Niet-Biologische Broer/Neef van Elena
  10. (jongste) Zus Klaus
  11. Hoe heet de brug waar de ouders van Elena doodgingen?
  12. Beste vriend van Davina
  13. De serie (Helemaal aan elkaar)
  14. Vampier+Heks=
  15. Met wie was Alaric verloofd // Tweelingzus Kai
  16. Welke kleur jurk had Caroline aan, bij de miss mystic falls verkiezing
  17. Café (waar Matt & Jeremy werkte)
  18. Naar welk "voorwerp" is iedereen op zoek in seizoen 4? The....
  19. Zus Klaus // witch
  20. Andere döppelganger van Stefan
  21. The Original Hybrid
  22. Hoe vaak is Jeremy dood gegaan?
  23. Niet Elena maar .... (Döppelganger) // Ex van Stefan en Damon
  24. Waardoor kunnen vampiers in de zon lopen
  25. In welke staat ligt Mystic Falls
  26. Hayley trouwde in 2x14 (the originals) met...
  27. Ik ship Klaus met....
  28. Matt is de enige
  29. Moeder van de dochter van Klaus // Ik ship Elijah met...
  30. Stefan + Caroline
  31. Wat geeft Stefan aan Elena (in seizoen 1) zodat ze tegen compulsion kan
  32. Ik ship Davina met // Jongste broer van Klaus
  33. Favorite bromance
  34. Vader Klaus
  35. Elena + Damon❤️
  36. Zus van Matt
  37. Vampiers kunnen niet tegen ....
  38. Wat is de originele naam (birthname)van Hayley
  39. Oude celgenoot/Voormalige beste vriend van Damon
  40. Hoe heet de vampier (vrouw), die in seizoen 2 doodging, door een weerwolfbeet // Vriendin van Damon
  1. Bonnie is een .... (Welk bovennatuurlijk wezen?)
  2. Biologische vader van Klaus
  3. Oom van Tyler
  4. Elena & Jeremy .... (Achternaam)
  5. Beste vriendin van Elena, Caroline (en later Damon)
  6. Welke kleur jurk had Elena aan, bij de miss mystic falls verkiezing
  7. Vampier+Werewolf=
  8. Leider van de travelers in seizoen 5
  9. Dochter Klaus
  10. Wie is de biologische moeder van Elena
  11. Tante van Elena
  12. Ex Caroline // Beste vriend Matt
  13. Achternaam van The Original Family
  14. Moeder van Stefan en Damon
  15. Hoe gingen de ouders van Elena dood?
  16. Villain seizoen 6
  17. Vampier+Werewolf+Heks=
  18. De stad
  19. Wat is een trucje van vampiers
  20. Naar welke school gaan Caroline en Elena in het begin van seizoen 5 (aan elkaar)
  21. De eerste vampiers // Spinoff (Helemaal aan elkaar)
  22. Wat werd Bonnie in seizoen 5? (Bovennatuurlijk)
  23. Stefan en Damon .... (Achternaam)
  24. Wat is de "heksentaal" voor vuur/brand (en ja ik noem het heksentaal, het is roemeens ofzow)
  25. Hoeveel dagen heb je om bloed te drinken (als je dood bent gegaan met vampierbloed in je systeem) voordat je doodgaat
  26. Hoofdpersoon eerste 6 seizoenen
  27. (1na oudste) Broer van Klaus
  28. Matt .... (Achternaam)
  29. Vader-figuur van Davina
  30. Boom waarmee een original kan worden gedood
  31. Bonnie + Damon
  32. Oudste broer van Klaus
  33. Vader-figuur voor Elena // Geschiedenisleraar // Voormalig vampierjager
  34. Ik ship Stefan met // Vampire Barbie
  35. Jongere broer van Kai
  36. Beste vriendin Stefan met mooi lang blond haar
  37. Andere döppelganger van Elena
  38. Moeder van Caroline
  39. Mijn favoriet
  40. Moeder Klaus
  41. Wie is de niet-biologische vader van Elena
  42. Jeremy is een .... (Welk bovennatuurlijk wezen?)

82 Clues: De stadVader KlausMoeder KlausZus van MattOom van TylerDochter KlausVampier+Heks=Mijn favorietBonnie + DamonTante van ElenaElena + Damon❤️Matt is de enigeVampier+Werewolf=Villain seizoen 6Stefan + CarolineFavorite bromanceZus Klaus // witch(jongste) Zus KlausThe Original HybridMoeder van CarolineWat drinken vampiers?(Jongste) Zus van Kai...

Vampire Diaries-people 2013-08-02

Vampire Diaries-people crossword puzzle
  1. a vampire who wants the tomb opened for her mom
  2. a long time vegetarian
  3. wife of Damon's friend and mother of Jeremy's sister
  4. sired to an old old guy
  5. younger brother's best friend who died at his brother's hand
  6. turned vampire who an original falls for
  7. a woman who took in her 'niece'
  8. can see dead people and had a drug problem
  9. a troublemaker and a friend to a teacher
  1. the first shared love of Damon and Dtefan
  2. accidentally got a werewolf pregnant
  3. Elena's brother's ex-girlfriend's brother
  4. a drug-addict and crazy vampire
  5. a teacher who dates Elena's aunt
  6. Matt's ex-girlfriend's brother's magical girlfriend
  7. Jeremy's uncle but Elena's dad??
  8. a look-alike to a dangerous girl

17 Clues: a long time vegetariansired to an old old guya drug-addict and crazy vampirea woman who took in her 'niece'a teacher who dates Elena's auntJeremy's uncle but Elena's dad??a look-alike to a dangerous girlaccidentally got a werewolf pregnantturned vampire who an original falls fora troublemaker and a friend to a teacher...

TV shows 2023-10-18

TV shows crossword puzzle
  1. gossip girl
  2. fleabag
  3. the vampire diaries
  4. Heartstopper
  5. riverdale
  6. girlmore girls
  7. death note
  8. game of thrones
  9. wednesday
  10. sherlock
  11. avatar the last airbender
  12. friends
  13. stranger things
  14. teen titans
  1. Seinfeld
  2. attack on titan
  3. adventure time
  4. arcane
  5. sabrina the teenage witch
  6. hunter x hunter
  7. one piece
  8. Gravity Falls
  9. adventure time
  10. Bridgerton
  11. euphoria
  12. The Simpsons
  13. neon genesis evangelion
  14. breaking bad
  15. the owl house
  16. the office

30 Clues: arcanefleabagfriendsSeinfeldeuphoriasherlockone pieceriverdalewednesdayBridgertondeath notethe officegossip girlteen titansHeartstopperThe Simpsonsbreaking badGravity Fallsthe owl houseadventure timeadventure timegirlmore girlsattack on titanhunter x huntergame of thronesstranger thingsthe vampire diariesneon genesis evangelion...

Vampire Diaries 2017-03-27

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Hybrid
  2. married to Stefan
  3. Damon's brother
  4. Stefan's brother
  1. Vicki's brother
  2. the teacher
  3. Elena's brother
  4. In love with Jeremy-Enzo
  5. Has a crush on Caroline
  6. Elena's aunt
  7. Damon's cellmate

11 Clues: Hybridthe teacherElena's auntVicki's brotherElena's brotherDamon's brotherDamon's cellmateStefan's brothermarried to StefanHas a crush on CarolineIn love with Jeremy-Enzo

For the love of Nate 2020-06-20

For the love of Nate crossword puzzle
  1. I’ll give you that
  2. Where it all goes down/&up
  3. First date‘s snack
  4. not so loud
  5. don’t ever break these
  6. licker of feet, scared of baths
  7. Vampire blank
  8. a necessity
  9. ice skating and basketball
  10. not
  1. no faults, only perfection
  2. us
  3. The boss
  4. puzzle
  5. buy your shirt (2words)
  6. Cheers to...
  7. Nate’s Pink/orange
  8. random
  9. Melanie
  10. Henry’s pastime
  11. What life is all about

21 Clues: usnotpuzzlerandomMelanieThe bossnot so louda necessityCheers to...Vampire blankHenry’s pastimeI’ll give you thatFirst date‘s snackNate’s Pink/orangedon’t ever break theseWhat life is all aboutbuy your shirt (2words)no faults, only perfectionWhere it all goes down/&upice skating and basketballlicker of feet, scared of baths

The Vampire Diaries 2021-04-21

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Unlucky,Orphan, plays with people, everybody needs them for something, too important in peoples lives
  2. Elena’s first boyfriend, everybody dates him at least once , bffs with Jeremy
  3. Owns a red Porsche, gets heartbroken and kills, deserves better
  4. Appears in literally one episode but is mentioned like 25 times
  5. parents, girlfriends, everybody around him always ends up dead, always dies but never for long
  6. First Vampire enjoys unnecessarily snapping necks, falls in love easily, way too easily
  1. Suffers too much, puts friends before family, boyfriends always die
  2. villain/hero, ARTISTE, lonely gets sad and murders, hated by their own family, people are always attempting their murder but they stay loyal to them
  3. Disguises as a crow, likes sleeping on roads, everybody he loves dies
  4. Familyless, literally all his/her family has died(most murdered by the same person) very hatable just annoying
  5. has a thing for hearts, suffers, loves his family, “ALWAYS AND FOREVER” NIKLAUSS

11 Clues: Owns a red Porsche, gets heartbroken and kills, deserves betterAppears in literally one episode but is mentioned like 25 timesSuffers too much, puts friends before family, boyfriends always dieDisguises as a crow, likes sleeping on roads, everybody he loves diesElena’s first boyfriend, everybody dates him at least once , bffs with Jeremy...

the vampire diaries 2022-11-15

the vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. hybrid
  2. Klaus brother
  3. what are Damon and Stefan
  4. Hayle and Klaus's kid
  5. what is Elena
  1. Elenas bio mum
  2. carolines mum's name
  3. Stefan's brother
  4. how many seasons of the originals
  5. what is Stefan's doppelganger
  6. girl original

11 Clues: hybridKlaus brothergirl originalwhat is ElenaElenas bio mumStefan's brothercarolines mum's nameHayle and Klaus's kidwhat are Damon and Stefanwhat is Stefan's doppelgangerhow many seasons of the originals

The Vampire Diaries 2022-05-13

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Bunny eater
  2. Original doppelganger
  3. Howls at the moon
  4. Killed Caroline
  5. Is a combination of two supernatural creatures
  1. Ends up with damon
  2. Drinks blood
  3. "Hello Brother"
  4. Original sacrifice for originals
  5. Elenas brother
  6. Gruesome parker

11 Clues: Bunny eaterDrinks bloodElenas brother"Hello Brother"Killed CarolineGruesome parkerHowls at the moonEnds up with damonOriginal doppelgangerOriginal sacrifice for originalsIs a combination of two supernatural creatures

the vampire diaries 2021-04-08

the vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. twins
  2. falls clock tower
  3. brother
  4. sun
  5. poison
  1. red
  2. dog
  3. supernatural
  4. natural
  5. animal attack
  6. main character

11 Clues: reddogsuntwinspoisonnaturalbrothersupernaturalanimal attackmain characterfalls clock tower

The Vampire Diaries 2025-02-20

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Madre di Bonnie
  2. Ha ucciso Enzo
  3. Fiore usato per respingere i vampiri
  4. Materia che insegna Alaric
  5. L’amore di Finn
  6. Stato dove si trova Mystic Falls
  7. Ha incontrato prima Elena
  1. Attrice che interpreta Caroline
  2. Ibrido originale
  3. Strega+Vampiro
  4. Primo doppelgänger

11 Clues: Ha ucciso EnzoStrega+VampiroMadre di BonnieL’amore di FinnIbrido originalePrimo doppelgängerHa incontrato prima ElenaMateria che insegna AlaricAttrice che interpreta CarolineStato dove si trova Mystic FallsFiore usato per respingere i vampiri

The vampire diaries 2014-10-07

The vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. A member of a pre-Christian religious order among the ancient Celts of Gaul, Britain, and Ireland.
  2. To move unsteadily; stumble.
  3. To breathe hard and quickly, as after exertion.
  4. To increase the apparent size of, as a lens does.
  5. A member of the second order of angels, often represented as a beautiful rosy-cheeked child with wings.
  6. To transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another.
  1. A sudden, strong blast of wind.
  2. To hang loosely, especially with a jerking or swaying motion
  3. To turn around, spin, or rotate rapidly.
  4. A statement or promise strengthened by such an appeal.
  5. A woman who officiates in sacred rites.

11 Clues: To move unsteadily; stumble.A sudden, strong blast of wind.A woman who officiates in sacred rites.To turn around, spin, or rotate rapidly.To breathe hard and quickly, as after exertion.To increase the apparent size of, as a lens does.A statement or promise strengthened by such an appeal.To hang loosely, especially with a jerking or swaying motion...

vampire diaries <3 2022-10-02

vampire diaries <3 crossword puzzle
  1. what original did we not see in vampire diaries ?
  2. who plays Caroline ?
  3. how many seasons were there ?
  4. what month were Damon and bonnie stuck in ?
  5. what state is mystic falls in ?
  6. what college do Elena Caroline and bonnie go to?
  7. who kills enzo ?
  8. how many founding families are there
  1. who is the five ?
  2. what is Klaus ?
  3. where was Nina Dobrev born ?
  4. who was the first person Damon turned?
  5. who got Hayley pregnant ?
  6. who is Elena sired to?
  7. how can a vampire walk in the sun ?

15 Clues: what is Klaus ?who kills enzo ?who is the five ?who plays Caroline ?who is Elena sired to?who got Hayley pregnant ?where was Nina Dobrev born ?how many seasons were there ?what state is mystic falls in ?how can a vampire walk in the sun ?how many founding families are therewho was the first person Damon turned?...

KATE'S 40TH BIRTHDAY 2021-05-17

KATE'S 40TH BIRTHDAY crossword puzzle
  3. run
  1. ZULU
  2. range
  3. BLINK


Happy Birthday Alisha 2023-09-30

Happy Birthday Alisha crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite animal
  2. Favorite season
  3. Favorite subject
  4. Favorite candy
  5. favorite chilhood cartoon
  6. favorite Hindi movie
  7. Favorite Drink
  8. age difference with Madiha
  9. shoe size
  10. Favorite Accessories
  11. Favorite fast food
  1. dream destination to travel
  2. favorite English movie
  3. day of week she was born
  4. Favorite day of the week
  5. Diaries favorite English tv show
  6. favorite color
  7. Favorite type of food
  8. Favorite time of the day
  9. Favorite perfume
  10. Favorite candle scent

21 Clues: shoe sizeFavorite candyfavorite colorFavorite DrinkFavorite animalFavorite seasonFavorite subjectFavorite perfumeFavorite fast foodfavorite Hindi movieFavorite AccessoriesFavorite type of foodFavorite candle scentfavorite English movieday of week she was bornFavorite day of the weekFavorite time of the dayfavorite chilhood cartoon...

the vampire dairies 2021-11-25

the vampire dairies crossword puzzle
  1. In what season does Elena become a vampire?
  2. what is the Staff of Arcadius?
  3. Who does Stefan marry right before he dies?
  4. What is Katherine's real name?
  5. Who saves Elena from the car accident that killed her parents?
  6. How many seasons was the show on TV?
  7. What does Bonnie call her grandmother?
  8. What is Klaus's daughter's name?
  9. Who is Stefan's evil doppelgänger?
  10. Jeremy is which of the following?
  1. Tyler is a hybrid — a vampire and what?
  2. What are the names of Alaric's twin daughters?
  3. which of the characters makes it to the end of the series alive?
  4. who falls in love with both bothers
  5. What is the last name of the original vampire family?
  6. How does Liz Forbes die?
  7. In what town does the show primarily take place?
  8. The Originals is the Vampire Diaries spinoff that focuses on the Mikaelson family. What is the spinoff that focuses on the next generation?
  9. What is the herb called that can protect you from being compelled by a vampire?
  10. What is the name of Stefan's best friend, who appears in season one and is promptly killed?
  11. damon and Bonnie are trapped in the prison world with Kai Parker, the same day keeps repeating over and over. What is the date?

21 Clues: How does Liz Forbes die?what is the Staff of Arcadius?What is Katherine's real name?What is Klaus's daughter's name?Jeremy is which of the following?Who is Stefan's evil doppelgänger?who falls in love with both bothersHow many seasons was the show on TV?What does Bonnie call her grandmother?Tyler is a hybrid — a vampire and what?...

vampire diaries 2024-06-14

vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. witch twins that are in a coven
  2. where show takes place
  3. Elena's Dopleganger
  1. An original brother
  2. what can kill an original
  3. how manyAlaric has alaric had
  4. caroline's husband
  5. when two people are in love with same person
  6. The _______ Diaries
  7. what is Tyler Lockwood

10 Clues: caroline's husbandAn original brotherThe _______ DiariesElena's Doplegangerwhere show takes placewhat is Tyler Lockwoodwhat can kill an originalhow manyAlaric has alaric hadwitch twins that are in a covenwhen two people are in love with same person

The Vampire Diaries Universe 2020-11-25

The Vampire Diaries Universe crossword puzzle
  1. Caçadora de vampiros
  2. Primeiro vampiro criado por um original
  3. Gêmeos da Gemini devem fazer aos 22 anos
  4. Pode matar um original
  5. Mestre dos mortos
  6. Herege
  1. Chave para quebrar a maldição do sol e da lua
  2. O mito, a lenda, a piot vadia de todas
  3. Vampiro melhorado
  4. Domínio do esquecimento
  5. Passagem para o Outro Lado
  6. Bruxa poderosa
  7. Ser sobrenatural de Legacies
  9. Primeiro ser imortal

15 Clues: HeregeTRI-HÍBRIDABruxa poderosaVampiro melhoradoMestre dos mortosCaçadora de vampirosPrimeiro ser imortalPode matar um originalDomínio do esquecimentoPassagem para o Outro LadoSer sobrenatural de LegaciesO mito, a lenda, a piot vadia de todasPrimeiro vampiro criado por um originalGêmeos da Gemini devem fazer aos 22 anos...

Vampire Diaries 2021-11-29

Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. oldest brother
  2. Evil Vampire
  3. Vampire Killer
  4. Youngest Gilbert
  5. Jeremys dead girlfriend
  6. Youngest Brother
  1. Killer-Fangs
  2. Elenas Blond friend
  3. Jeremys dead girlfriend
  4. Elenas brunette friend
  5. Oldest Gilbert

11 Clues: Killer-FangsEvil Vampireoldest brotherVampire KillerOldest GilbertYoungest GilbertYoungest BrotherElenas Blond friendElenas brunette friendJeremys dead girlfriendJeremys dead girlfriend

Vampire diaries 2020-10-14

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Whats the name of Elena's brother?
  2. How did Elena die?
  3. Who is considered "The Ripper" in the show?
  4. What is the name of Elena's doppelganger
  5. Whats the name of Klaus's dad
  1. Who is the main character in The Vampire diaries
  2. Who's Elena's best friend?
  3. Whos blood turned Elena into a vampire?
  4. Who was the first successful hybrid?
  5. Who Marries Stefan?

10 Clues: How did Elena die?Who Marries Stefan?Who's Elena's best friend?Whats the name of Klaus's dadWhats the name of Elena's brother?Who was the first successful hybrid?Whos blood turned Elena into a vampire?What is the name of Elena's doppelgangerWho is considered "The Ripper" in the show?Who is the main character in The Vampire diaries

vampire diaries 2021-02-10

vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. what is paul wesly's zodiac sign
  2. what is ian somerhalder
  3. did rebeka die
  4. when did alena and stefen 1 kiss
  5. how old was damon s when he became a vampire
  1. what is the show about
  2. what is nina dobrev zodiac sigh
  3. who is stefen's love
  4. what is paul's acutal nmae
  5. do elana cheat on stefen

10 Clues: did rebeka diewho is stefen's lovewhat is the show aboutwhat is ian somerhalderdo elana cheat on stefenwhat is paul's acutal nmaewhat is nina dobrev zodiac sighwhat is paul wesly's zodiac signwhen did alena and stefen 1 kisshow old was damon s when he became a vampire

vampire diaries 2021-02-10

vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. what is paul wesly's zodiac sign
  2. what is ian somerhalder
  3. did rebeka die
  4. when did alena and stefen 1 kiss
  5. how old was damon s when he became a vampire
  1. what is the show about
  2. what is nina dobrev zodiac sigh
  3. who is stefen's love
  4. what is paul's acutal nmae
  5. do elana cheat on stefen

10 Clues: did rebeka diewho is stefen's lovewhat is the show aboutwhat is ian somerhalderdo elana cheat on stefenwhat is paul's acutal nmaewhat is nina dobrev zodiac sighwhat is paul wesly's zodiac signwhen did alena and stefen 1 kisshow old was damon s when he became a vampire

Vampire diaries 2023-11-27

Vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. to give someone a lot of attention
  2. to say magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone
  3. fasten or close securely
  4. a mechanism that sets off a weapon
  5. a device for catching animals or humans and preventing their escape
  1. not guilty
  2. a stupid person
  3. to look with eyes wide open
  4. to pull apart
  5. to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way

10 Clues: not guiltyto pull aparta stupid personfasten or close securelyto look with eyes wide opento give someone a lot of attentiona mechanism that sets off a weaponto look at something or someone in a stupid or rude wayto say magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someonea device for catching animals or humans and preventing their escape

The Vampire Diaries 2022-01-20

The Vampire Diaries crossword puzzle
  1. Klaus Mikaelson is a...
  2. Name and surname of the main girl
  3. Vampires feed on...
  4. Elena ends up falling in love with...
  5. Weapon to kill vampires
  1. Main town of the series
  2. Elena's replica is called...
  3. One drink the Salvatore brothers like is...
  4. Last name of the protagonist brothers
  5. Stefan's first gift to Elena

10 Clues: Vampires feed on...Main town of the seriesKlaus Mikaelson is a...Weapon to kill vampiresElena's replica is called...Stefan's first gift to ElenaName and surname of the main girlLast name of the protagonist brothersElena ends up falling in love with...One drink the Salvatore brothers like is...

Movies and Series J+C english 2023-03-07

Movies and Series J+C english crossword puzzle
  1. = Shipped with klaus mikaelsen
  2. = MockingJay
  3. = TLOU father
  4. = The boy who lived
  5. = the scarlett witch
  6. = genius, billionair, playboy,
  7. = the original familly
  1. = Hope mikaelsens mom
  2. = The vampire diaries lead role
  3. = EmoTeacher at hogwarts
  4. = The true heir to the iron throne
  5. = A song of ice and fire
  6. = Pedofile in HOD

13 Clues: = MockingJay= TLOU father= Pedofile in HOD= The boy who lived= the scarlett witch= Hope mikaelsens mom= the original familly= EmoTeacher at hogwarts= A song of ice and fire= Shipped with klaus mikaelsen= genius, billionair, playboy,= The vampire diaries lead role= The true heir to the iron throne

Supernatural/The vampire diaries 2021-01-19

Supernatural/The vampire diaries crossword puzzle
  1. demonio lembra....
  2. nefilim lembra....
  3. palhaço lembra....
  4. escriba lembra...
  5. ruiva poderosa lembra....
  6. rei do inferno lembra....
  7. anjo do senhor lembra....
  8. pudim lembra...
  1. homens de letras lembra...
  2. dona de bar....
  3. olhos amarelos lembra...
  4. baby lembra...
  5. arma poderosa lembra...
  6. arcanjo lembra....
  7. pior da série....

15 Clues: baby lembra...dona de bar....pudim lembra...escriba lembra...pior da série....demonio lembra....nefilim lembra....palhaço lembra....arcanjo lembra....arma poderosa lembra...olhos amarelos lembra...ruiva poderosa lembra....rei do inferno lembra....anjo do senhor lembra....homens de letras lembra...

Popular TV shows & movies 2023-03-14

Popular TV shows & movies crossword puzzle
  1. 2
  2. Anatomy
  3. School Musical
  4. slayer
  1. Banks
  2. things
  3. & Georgia
  4. Diaries
  5. Have I ever

9 Clues: 2BanksthingsslayerDiariesAnatomy& GeorgiaHave I everSchool Musical