work Crossword Puzzles

Work and Energy 2023-11-11

Work and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Work is negative when the applied force on an object is in the _______direction of the motion
  2. When a force is perpendicular to the movement of the object, ________ work is done
  3. Force times distance
  4. 0.7376 ft lb /s
  5. MJ
  6. This type of potential energy is energy stored in fuels
  7. Energy that moves in waves
  8. work done per time
  9. Work done divided by the input work (energy used)
  10. Energy stored because of its position
  11. Energy stored in charged particles
  1. Work is ________ when the applied force on an object is in the same direction as the motion of the object
  2. 746 Joules
  3. A falling object ______ gravitation potential energy.
  4. Energy due to an object's motion
  5. Energy stored in the nucleus of an atom
  6. Twice as much work means ________ as much kinetic energy
  7. An accelerating object _______ kinetic energy as it moves
  8. Maximum work is done when an applied force is _________ to the distance the object moves
  9. If the velocity of an object doubles, the kinetic energy ________
  10. Energy is converted to this due to friction
  11. An object will have _____ gravitational 1 meter above the surface of the moon compared to its energy 1 meter above the surface of the earth
  12. Ramps decrease the amount of _________ needed to push an object
  13. Newton-Meter
  14. Ability to do work

25 Clues: MJ746 JoulesNewton-Meter0.7376 ft lb /swork done per timeAbility to do workForce times distanceEnergy that moves in wavesEnergy due to an object's motionEnergy stored in charged particlesEnergy stored because of its positionEnergy stored in the nucleus of an atomEnergy is converted to this due to friction...

work and profession 2024-04-30

work and profession crossword puzzle
  1. someone who creates two-dimensional works of art in the form of paintings
  2. people participating in the speed race
  3. the person who writes and tests code to create software program
  4. head of state
  5. someone who applies knowledge to the real world, to solve problems.
  6. driving a vehicle
  7. a profession that is usually synonymous with the preparation of financial statements
  8. someone who masters the field of technology
  9. the person responsible for running the train
  10. accompanying travelers
  11. professional cook in a hotel or restaurant
  12. a person who pilots or manages an airplane
  13. someone who operates a movie or video camera
  14. someone who is creative, innovative, and proficient in the field of art
  15. working to catch fish
  16. someone who imparts knowledge to students
  17. someone who performs a song
  18. conduct a thorough medical examination of the patient
  1. putting out the fire
  2. The person responsible for receiving guests who come to the hotel.
  3. someone who has knowledge or expertise in any field of science, such as biology or chemistry
  4. shaving hair
  5. someone who does journalistic work
  6. selling goods or food
  7. selling meatballs
  8. a person trained to pilot a spacecraft
  9. planting various crops
  10. one who studies and writes about the past
  11. serving shoppers at the store
  12. a building designer
  13. raising livestock

31 Clues: shaving hairhead of stateselling meatballsdriving a vehicleraising livestocka building designerputting out the fireselling goods or foodworking to catch fishplanting various cropsaccompanying travelerssomeone who performs a songserving shoppers at the storesomeone who does journalistic workpeople participating in the speed race...

WORLD OF WORK 2024-02-20

WORLD OF WORK crossword puzzle
  1. A business partner
  2. Without a job
  3. an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills
  4. Someone who is trained in the law and can represent people in court
  5. A job
  6. A meeting between a employer and a candidate
  7. Staff member
  9. Recruter
  10. a formal arrangement to meet or visit someone at a particular time and place
  11. To bring a new employee into a business
  1. A person who formally requests a job, or to study at a college or university
  2. Chief Executive Officer
  3. Stressed
  4. An ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it
  5. Human Resources
  6. They can represent people in court
  7. Determined
  8. Boss
  9. Someone looking for a job
  10. Acompany offering a professional service, for example a company of lawyers
  11. Curriculum Vitae

22 Clues: BossA jobStressedRecruterDeterminedStaff memberWithout a jobHuman ResourcesCurriculum VitaeA business partnerSOMEONE WITH A DIPLOMAChief Executive OfficerSomeone looking for a jobThey can represent people in courtTo bring a new employee into a businessA meeting between a employer and a candidate...

TKAM work crossword 2024-02-09

TKAM work crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A cheap vehicle
  2. intimidate someone with abusive words
  3. calm/peaceful
  4. conductive to success
  5. lack of respect
  6. Being/acting quiet
  7. To find something out
  8. showing little to no emotion
  9. A sudden attack
  10. Not able to understand
  1. A preference
  2. A list of skills
  3. accused of a serious crime
  4. Unusual/Not normal
  5. Doing something until it becomes boring
  6. Not caring for consequences
  7. critical examination
  8. doing the opposite of what you say
  9. Cute/old fashioned
  10. being motivated by self interest
  11. an extremely small amount
  12. lack of courage/confidence
  13. Make something less intense
  14. Not friendly
  15. An interest in disturbing subjects

25 Clues: A preferenceNot friendlycalm/peacefulA cheap vehiclelack of respectA sudden attackA list of skillsUnusual/Not normalCute/old fashionedBeing/acting quietcritical examinationconductive to successTo find something outNot able to understandan extremely small amountaccused of a serious crimelack of courage/confidenceNot caring for consequences...

Work Keys Vocab 2024-02-16

Work Keys Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. A department that deals with the people working for a business or organization
  2. To Make or produce by hand or machinery, especially on a large scale
  3. Someone who formally asks or applies for something such as a job
  4. To think about carefully
  5. To give attention to something or to deal with (matter,issue,problem)
  6. The Act of ending the employment of a worker or group of workers
  7. A statement that you are unhappy or not satisfied with something
  8. Involving risk or danger
  9. To seek facts, information, or knowledge
  10. A short period of time when someone stops an activity
  11. The way a business communicates and interacts with the public to gain and retain customers
  1. A Period of time when someone has special permission to be away from a job
  2. A form of communication, usually in writing (letter,memo,email)
  3. To give money, time, knowledge, assistance to something
  4. A person who works for another person or for a company for pay
  5. Agreeing to a set of rules, standards, or requirements
  6. To give permission or approval
  7. A short message or report from one person or department in a company or organization to another
  8. To go down or lessen
  9. To give a job;delegating a responsibility
  10. Raising or providing money for something

21 Clues: To go down or lessenTo think about carefullyInvolving risk or dangerTo give permission or approvalRaising or providing money for somethingTo seek facts, information, or knowledgeTo give a job;delegating a responsibilityA short period of time when someone stops an activityAgreeing to a set of rules, standards, or requirements...

Communication at Work 2024-08-29

Communication at Work crossword puzzle
  1. an active hearing process that requires concetraation and effort
  2. self-actualization is the need to be creative, to grow, and to reach your __
  3. when employees are motivated, they are more __
  4. get your audience to enjoy themselves
  5. the most common form of communication in business
  6. critical listening is the ability to tell facts from __
  7. an employee's __ affects moral, output, and public relations.
  8. work __ are the do's and don'ts of fitting in successfully at work.
  9. __ communication occurs between co-workers of equal rank
  10. requires little effort and is the process of receiving sound
  1. the record and pattern of employees missing work
  2. __ communication flows from higher to lower levels of an organization
  3. __ communication flows from lower to higher levels within a company
  4. being nervous about speaking in front of others (2 words)
  5. self-respect is also known as self-__
  6. __ factors are job elements that dissatisy when absent, but do not add satisfaction when they are present
  7. too much email causes information __
  8. job elements that increase satisfaction
  9. basic needs are required in level __ of Mazlow's hierarchy
  10. created a hierarchy of needs to show how people are motivated
  11. the art of getting along with other is __ relations
  12. convince your audience to believe something or to take a certain action
  13. convey information in an understandable manner
  14. the ability to perceive another person's point of view is __ listening

24 Clues: too much email causes information __self-respect is also known as self-__get your audience to enjoy themselvesjob elements that increase satisfactionwhen employees are motivated, they are more __convey information in an understandable mannerthe record and pattern of employees missing workthe most common form of communication in business...

Work and money 2024-04-06

Work and money crossword puzzle
  1. ընտրություն
  2. հավակնություններ
  3. միջնորդավճար
  4. համալսարան
  5. վարձատրություն,վճարել
  6. փորձ
  7. աշխատատեղ
  8. հղումներ
  9. լուծումներ
  1. հարցազրույց
  2. որակավորումներ
  3. լրացնել
  4. պատասխանատվություն
  5. դիմում
  6. գործազրկություն
  7. կարճ ցուցակ
  8. վճարներ
  9. դիմել
  10. կանխիկ
  11. սպառված

20 Clues: փորձդիմելդիմումկանխիկլրացնելվճարներսպառվածհղումներաշխատատեղհամալսարանլուծումներհարցազրույցընտրությունկարճ ցուցակմիջնորդավճարորակավորումներգործազրկությունհավակնություններպատասխանատվությունվարձատրություն,վճարել

Ecology Vocabulary Work 2024-03-18

Ecology Vocabulary Work crossword puzzle
  1. a natural resource that can be replenished.
  2. species that are the first to colonize newly created environments.
  3. the living together of two different organisms of different species in a close and long-term association.
  4. estimates the biologically productive land and sea area.
  5. factors resulting from activities of a living thing.
  6. variety of life on Earth.
  7. an organism that cannot make its own food by carbon fixation.
  8. the movement of animals away from a specific area.
  9. the impact of humanity's actions on the quality of aquatic and terrestrial environment.
  10. the process by which the concentration of a substance, such as pesticide, increases in the tissues of organisms at successively higher levels in a food chain.
  11. place where an organism makes its home.
  12. conserved matter moves through the biotic and abiotic parts of an ecosystem.
  13. describes a single environment and every living organism and non-living factor that is contained within it or characterizes it.
  14. branch of biology that studies how organisms interact with the environment and other organisms.
  15. an autotrophic organism that can produce complex organic compounds from simple inorganic molecules.
  16. a natural resource that cannot be easily replaced by natural means at a pace quick enough to keep up with consumption.
  17. species that have an extremely high impact on a particular ecosystem relative to its population.
  18. an environmental factor that restricts growth, abundance, or distribution of a population in an ecosystem.
  19. interactions between organisms of two different species.
  1. plants and animals first colonize a barren, lifeless habitat.
  2. a graphical representation, showing the flow of energy at each trophic level in an ecosystem.
  3. food chains in a single ecosystem.
  4. prevailing weather conditions.
  5. graphic representation of the number of individuals in a population that can be expected to survive to any specific age.
  6. an animal establishing a home in a habitat because it has resources it can utilize or because the habitat is ideal for them.
  7. a community of organisms adapted to a particular climatic or environmental condition on a large geographic area in which they occur.
  8. an interacting group of various species in a common location.
  9. a number of organisms that an ecosystem can sustainably support.
  10. a level or a position in a food chain, food web, or an ecological pyramid.
  11. the weight of living organisms of a species.
  12. interrelationship of a species with all the biotic and abiotic factors affecting it.
  13. non-living thing or condition that influences or affects an ecosystem and the organisms in it.
  14. an organism that breaks down organic material such as the remains of dead organisms.
  15. number of individuals per unit area.
  16. a relationship between two species of organisms in which one species benefits while the other is unaffected.
  17. a category that belongs within the food chain of an ecosystem.
  18. in which plants and animals recolonize a habitat after a major ecological disturbance significantly alters an area but has not rendered it completely lifeless.
  19. an organism that makes its own food from inorganic materials without needing other organisms.
  20. a type of symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of another organism usually of different species.

39 Clues: variety of life on Earth.prevailing weather chains in a single ecosystem.number of individuals per unit where an organism makes its home.a natural resource that can be replenished.the weight of living organisms of a species.the movement of animals away from a specific area....

Work and Power 2024-03-25

Work and Power crossword puzzle
  1. Power = __________ x velocity
  2. the force that is applied to the machine
  3. Newton's _______ law of Motion states every motion or action has an equal and opposite reaction
  4. the ability to cause change
  5. the Law of ___________ of Energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed
  6. a trampoline stores this type of potential energy
  7. the energy of a moving object
  8. _________energy, or the total amount of potential and kinetic energy in a system
  9. stored energy due to an object's position is called __________ energy
  10. SI units to measure work
  11. work = applied force x _____________
  1. the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move
  2. the ratio of the output force to the input force is known as ___________ advantage
  3. a type of machine in which input work equals output work
  4. a device that makes doing work easier
  5. food is an example of this type of potential energy
  6. SI units to measure power
  7. the amount of work done in one second
  8. a measure of how much work put into a machine is changed into useful output work by the machine
  9. power = work/_________
  10. the force applied by the machine

21 Clues: power = work/_________SI units to measure workSI units to measure powerthe ability to cause changePower = __________ x velocitythe energy of a moving objectthe force applied by the machinework = applied force x _____________a device that makes doing work easierthe amount of work done in one secondthe force that is applied to the machine...


WORK AND EARNINGS crossword puzzle
  1. the creative industry, theatre, litrrature
  2. what you do to earn money
  3. a doctor who is specially trained to perform medical operations
  4. sb who writes for newspapers or magazines
  5. a formal word for "job"
  6. the industry of buying and selling things; trade
  7. sb who presents the news on television
  8. someone who earns money for the job that they do
  9. money paid to others for their services
  10. to move from one place to another
  11. the cost required for something; the money spent on something.
  12. an important topic or problem for debate or discussion
  13. the entertainment and information industry
  14. extra money that you are paid on top of your salary
  15. to receive money for the work that you do
  16. the legal industry, lawyers, judges
  17. the official in control of a court who decides how criminals should be punished
  18. someone who spends money
  19. unfilled position; unoccupied apartment or room
  20. money received
  21. sb who designs pictures and texts for magazines, advertisements etc
  22. sb who teaches at university
  1. sb with an important position in a bank
  2. money that the government gives to people who don't have a job and are looking for a job
  3. the money that you receive for the work that you do
  4. sb who teaches privately or at a college
  5. to stop working because one has reached a certain age
  6. sb who is trained to give medical help, but not a doctor or a nurse
  7. an elected law officer in a county (= an area of local government)
  8. something you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job
  9. the organisation of the money sb earns and the money sb spends
  10. sb who is in charge of an office
  11. the science used in making things and industry connected to it
  12. your regular work that you do for a living
  13. the money that you are paid every day or week for the work that you do
  14. the industry of providing medical care
  15. -learning and the industry connected with it
  16. the money which you are paid every month for the work that you do

38 Clues: money receiveda formal word for "job"someone who spends moneywhat you do to earn moneysb who teaches at universitysb who is in charge of an officeto move from one place to anotherthe legal industry, lawyers, judgessb who presents the news on televisionthe industry of providing medical caresb with an important position in a bank...

How Markets Work 2021-06-30

How Markets Work crossword puzzle
  1. a time period in which all factors of production can be varied
  2. a method of economic analysis that applies psychological insights into human behaviour to explain economic decision-making
  3. implies that the quantity supplied is greater than the quantity demanded at the existing price
  4. refers to how much is supplied at each price over a certain period of time
  5. the difference between how much consumers are willing to pay and what they actually pay for a product
  6. a percentage of the price of the product
  7. refers to the level of satisfaction a consumer receives from the consumption of a product or service
  8. the sensitivity of demand for one product to a change in the price of another product
  9. relates to how the burden of a tax is distributed between different groups
  10. the value of goods sold by a firm and is calculated by multiplying price times quantity sold
  11. how much is demanded at each price over a certain period of time
  1. the amount of satisfaction a person derives from the total amount of a product consumed
  2. implies that the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied at the existing price
  3. a grant from the government which has the effect of reducing costs of production
  4. a set amount per unit of the product
  5. the difference between the cost of supply and the price received by the producer for the product
  6. the sensitivity of supply of a product to a change in its price
  7. a time period in which there is at least one fixed factor of production
  8. taxes on expenditure
  9. measures the sensitivity of the quantity demanded of a product to a change in its own price
  10. determined by the interaction of the supply and demand curves
  11. the sensitivity of demand for a product for a product to a change in real income

22 Clues: taxes on expenditurea set amount per unit of the producta percentage of the price of the productdetermined by the interaction of the supply and demand curvesa time period in which all factors of production can be variedthe sensitivity of supply of a product to a change in its pricehow much is demanded at each price over a certain period of time...

Work and study 2021-06-30

Work and study crossword puzzle
  1. When you don't attend work for any reason, you are ...
  2. The type of experience, training, education, etc. that a person has.
  3. To officially ask to be considered for a job position.
  4. Responsible for something (three words).
  5. A period of time when someone works for a company in order to get experience in that field, sometimes without being paid.
  6. To leave your job voluntarily.
  7. A written description of your education, qualifications and previous jobs that you send to prospective employers.
  8. To give someone a higher position in a company.
  9. Official permission from your employer to not work for a period of time.
  10. A course of study at university, or the qualification given to the student when they have completed the course.
  11. An area in which you don't perform very well.
  1. An official record showing that you have finished a course of training or study.
  2. Something that you have to do because it's part of your job.
  3. A job that your are trained for and in which you can advance during your working life.
  4. To leave your job because of old age.
  5. A good characteristic a person has.
  6. The state of not having a job.
  7. To employ someone or pay someone to do a particular job.
  8. An area of knowledge that is studied.
  9. A salary increase.

20 Clues: A salary increase.To leave your job voluntarily.The state of not having a job.A good characteristic a person has.To leave your job because of old age.An area of knowledge that is studied.Responsible for something (three words).An area in which you don't perform very well.To give someone a higher position in a company....

How Nutrients Work 2022-09-13

How Nutrients Work crossword puzzle
  1. proteins are made up of
  2. vitamins can mix only with water found in diet
  3. are also know as starches
  4. is essential for life.
  5. usually solid at room temperature
  6. nutrients work as
  7. substances the body uses to build new cells
  8. lack one or more essential amino acids
  9. works with protein to make sure your blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body.
  10. vitamins can mix only with fats in the diet
  11. along with sodium are needed for keeping the water balance in your body.
  1. are known as sugars
  2. fats supply chemicals called
  3. usually liquid at room temperature
  4. fat-like substance
  5. contain some of the essential amino acids
  6. chemicals mixtures found in many types of food
  7. works with phosphorus along with vitamin D & A
  8. are starches and sugars
  9. is a mixture of plant materials that do not break down completely during digestion.

20 Clues: nutrients work asfat-like substanceare known as sugarsis essential for life.proteins are made up ofare starches and sugarsare also know as starchesfats supply chemicals calledusually solid at room temperatureusually liquid at room temperaturelack one or more essential amino acidscontain some of the essential amino acids...

Vocab work 4 2022-11-03

Vocab work 4 crossword puzzle
  1. of little importance
  2. lying face down
  3. a person or thing turned to for help
  4. serious and dignified
  5. to read thoroughly and carefully
  6. to remove
  7. showing concern or care
  8. a high point of land extending into water
  9. to reduce to nothing
  10. a remainder
  11. indifferent
  1. to feel or express regret or disapproval
  2. elaborately decorated
  3. to support, give a boost to
  4. a person or thing of no importance
  5. a pang of conscience
  6. to support, nourish
  7. full of tiny holes
  8. to bring together for service or battle
  9. to trouble

20 Clues: to removeto troublea remainderindifferentlying face downfull of tiny holesto support, nourishof little importancea pang of conscienceto reduce to nothingelaborately decoratedserious and dignifiedshowing concern or careto support, give a boost toto read thoroughly and carefullya person or thing of no importancea person or thing turned to for help...

Bell Work Vocabulary 2022-05-20

Bell Work Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text
  2. doing the opposite of what makes sense
  3. being everywhere, constantly encountered
  4. a person who writes plays
  5. movement from one thing to another; transition
  6. the act of going backwards or withdrawing
  7. not having to do with religion
  8. the act of taking away or making less
  9. bono offering to do a job or service for free
  10. a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose.
  11. to not allow someone to be a part of something
  12. a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish
  13. very small change, not obvious
  14. an actor or actress
  15. spending time doing nothing
  16. degree of excellence or importance
  17. the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do
  18. full of danger or risk
  19. took out; removed
  20. to do something unwillingly (something you don't want to do, but are doing anyway)
  1. not very important, not very serious
  2. the state of being extremely poor
  3. a refusal to buy or use goods and services
  4. a story of a personal experience
  5. a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
  6. to deliberately destroy or damage
  7. a ceremonial act or action
  8. separation from others; being alone
  9. the act of leaving
  10. horrible act committed against innocent people
  11. a group of people selected to discuss or take action on something
  12. deserving of attention; outstanding
  13. marking the beginning of something
  14. to tell apart; to cause to stand out
  15. prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
  16. money, land, or possessions received from someone after the person has died
  17. a situation in which people shout and make a lot of noise because they are angry or upset about something
  18. stop oneself from doing something
  19. something that doesn't go out of fashion
  20. to erase or eliminate
  21. a person who argues for, recommends, or supports a cause or policy
  22. to mix or combine
  23. to be greatest in number or importance
  24. to grow as a person; to do well
  25. a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group

45 Clues: to mix or combinetook out; removedthe act of leavingan actor or actressto erase or eliminatefull of danger or riska person who writes playsa ceremonial act or actionspending time doing nothingnot having to do with religionvery small change, not obviousto grow as a person; to do wella story of a personal experiencethe state of being extremely poor...

Work unit 6 2022-11-23

Work unit 6 crossword puzzle
  1. hump
  2. wordplay
  3. be-between-jobs
  4. saddle
  5. receive
  6. thorn
  7. part-time-job
  8. idle
  9. chin
  10. presently
  11. put off
  12. unless
  13. literature
  1. novelist
  2. camel
  3. full-time-work
  4. old-fasioned
  5. howl
  6. self-employed
  7. award
  8. gain
  9. poet
  10. humph
  11. shortstory
  12. idleness
  13. bubble

26 Clues: humphowlgainpoetidlechincamelthornawardhumphsaddlebubbleunlessreceiveput offnovelistwordplayidlenesspresentlyshortstoryliteratureold-fasionedself-employedpart-time-jobfull-time-workbe-between-jobs

Word Work Jamison23 2022-12-20

Word Work Jamison23 crossword puzzle
  1. gen___
  2. gar___
  3. gath__
  4. cir___
  5. coll___
  6. gol___
  7. gen___
  8. cycl___
  9. cent___
  10. gut___
  11. cus___
  1. ginger_____
  2. ci___
  3. cent___
  4. gira___
  5. goss__
  6. cer___
  7. com___
  8. cont___
  9. gene___
  10. gymn___
  11. corr___
  12. coll___
  13. cem___

24 Clues: ci___gen___gar___goss__gath__cir___cer___com___gol___gen___cem___gut___cus___cent___gira___coll___cont___gene___gymn___cycl___corr___coll___cent___ginger_____

Wrok work wokr 2022-11-28

Wrok work wokr crossword puzzle
  1. deep insight
  2. an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).
  3. any person or people
  4. agree
  5. rejected as untrue or unjust
  6. warn
  7. incapable of being corrected
  8. human beings in general or considered collectively.
  9. people who provoke or annoy other people
  1. Large marsupial
  2. seemingly absurd or contradictory
  3. Man's best friend
  4. Has a trunk
  5. loud and clear
  6. a suspension of activity
  7. having narrow or limited concerns or interests
  8. self satisfied
  9. the act of defining,
  10. a direct opposite of someone or something else
  11. unrestrained
  12. making a show f being morally superior to other people

21 Clues: warnagreeHas a trunkdeep insightunrestrainedloud and clearself satisfiedLarge marsupialMan's best friendany person or peoplethe act of defining,a suspension of activityrejected as untrue or unjustincapable of being correctedseemingly absurd or contradictorypeople who provoke or annoy other peoplehaving narrow or limited concerns or interests...

Wrok work wokr 2022-11-28

Wrok work wokr crossword puzzle
  1. deep insight
  2. an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ).
  3. any person or people
  4. agree
  5. rejected as untrue or unjust
  6. warn
  7. incapable of being corrected
  8. human beings in general or considered collectively.
  9. people who provoke or annoy other people
  1. Large marsupial
  2. seemingly absurd or contradictory
  3. Man's best friend
  4. Has a trunk
  5. loud and clear
  6. a suspension of activity
  7. having narrow or limited concerns or interests
  8. self satisfied
  9. the act of defining,
  10. a direct opposite of someone or something else
  11. unrestrained
  12. making a show f being morally superior to other people

21 Clues: warnagreeHas a trunkdeep insightunrestrainedloud and clearself satisfiedLarge marsupialMan's best friendany person or peoplethe act of defining,a suspension of activityrejected as untrue or unjustincapable of being correctedseemingly absurd or contradictorypeople who provoke or annoy other peoplehaving narrow or limited concerns or interests...

Spanish class work 2022-12-01

Spanish class work crossword puzzle
  1. - meat
  2. - onion
  3. - grapes
  4. - ice cream
  5. - carrots
  6. - fats
  7. verdes - green beans
  8. - pastries
  9. - rice
  10. - tomatoes
  11. - grains
  1. - butter
  2. - beefsteak
  3. - fish
  4. - dinner
  5. - spaghetti
  6. - beverages
  7. - potatoes
  8. - peas
  9. - lettuce
  10. - chicken

21 Clues: - meat- fish- peas- fats- rice- onion- butter- dinner- grapes- grains- lettuce- carrots- chicken- potatoes- pastries- tomatoes- beefsteak- spaghetti- beverages- ice creamverdes - green beans

social work/english 2019-02-07

social work/english crossword puzzle
  1. Native customs, traditions etc are related to people who lived in a particular country before European people arrived there
  2. Great sadness because someone has died
  3. The act of killing yourself
  4. Involving problems and difficult to deal with
  5. The way that someone or something acts in different situations
  6. Failure to take enough care over something that you are responsible for
  7. A serious mental illness in which someone’s thoughts and feelings are not based on what is really happening around them
  8. A place where children are taught
  9. The feeling of being very worried about something
  10. The physical power and energy that makes someone strong
  11. When the behavior coming a problem
  12. Belonging or relating to a particular society and its way of life
  13. Someone who buys goods or services from a shop, company etc
  14. Part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing
  15. The activity of writing about news events for a newspaper or telling people about them on television or on the radio
  16. The need to take a harmful drug regularly, without being able to stop
  17. An illegal substance such as marijuana or cocaine, which some people take in order to feel happy, relaxed, or excited
  1. A building containing law courts and government offices
  2. Someone who supports the idea that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men
  3. A judgment about how good, useful, or successful something is
  4. A method of doing something or dealing with a problem
  5. Someone who is guilty of a crime
  6. Someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered
  7. Someone who enters another country to live there permanently
  8. Someone who is between 13 and 19 years old
  9. Grand-mother is a …
  10. The people who live in the same area, town etc
  11. Violence between a couple in their home
  12. Someone’s character, especially the way they behave towards other people
  13. An emotion that you feel
  14. A doctor trained in the treatment of mental illness
  15. A large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment
  16. The state of being private and away from other people
  17. An adult female person
  18. When you speak with someone and you listen. Your are a...
  19. A kind of health about the brain
  20. The belief that human problems can be solved through science rather than religion
  21. A place where criminals are kept as part of their punishment
  22. A medical condition that makes you very unhappy and anxious and often prevents you from living a normal life
  23. right One of the basic rights that many societies think every person should have to be treated in a fair equal way without cruelty, for example by their government, or the right to vote
  24. Technical manic depression

41 Clues: Grand-mother is a …An adult female personAn emotion that you feelTechnical manic depressionThe act of killing yourselfSomeone who is guilty of a crimeA kind of health about the brainA place where children are taughtWhen the behavior coming a problemGreat sadness because someone has diedViolence between a couple in their home...

PLACES OF WORK 2020-04-21

PLACES OF WORK crossword puzzle
  1. The place where a miner works.
  2. STATION The place where a police officer works.
  3. The place where a teacher works.
  4. The place where a secretary works.
  5. The place where a shop assistant works.
  6. The place where a lorry driver works.
  7. The place where a baker works.
  8. The place where a cashier works.
  9. The place where a bus driver works.
  10. The place where a doctor works.
  11. OFFICE The place where a postman works.
  1. The place where an actor works.
  2. STATION The place where a firefighter works.
  3. The place where a pilot works.
  4. The place where a hairdresser works.
  5. The place where a clown works.
  6. The place where a judge works.
  7. The place where a scientist works.
  8. The place where a farmer works.
  9. The place where a chef works.
  10. The place where a mechanic works.
  11. The place where a housewife works.
  12. The place where a librarian works.
  13. The place where a taxi driver works.
  14. The place where a sailor works.

25 Clues: The place where a chef works.The place where a miner works.The place where a pilot works.The place where a clown works.The place where a judge works.The place where a baker works.The place where an actor works.The place where a farmer works.The place where a doctor works.The place where a sailor works.The place where a teacher works....

Joinery work 1 2020-11-26

Joinery work 1 crossword puzzle
  1. besoin
  2. utiliser
  3. équerre
  4. gauge trusquin
  5. compas
  6. compétences
  7. installer menuisier installateur
  8. tape réglet métallique
  9. outils
  10. agréable
  1. menuisier
  2. gratifiant
  3. force
  4. chalk craie grasse
  5. rule pied à coulisse
  6. measure mètre à ruban
  7. tracer
  8. pencil crayon de charpentier
  9. fausse équerre
  10. rule mètre à branches

20 Clues: forcebesointracercompasoutilséquerreutiliseragréablemenuisiergratifiantcompétencesgauge trusquinfausse équerrechalk craie grasserule pied à coulissemeasure mètre à rubanrule mètre à branchestape réglet métalliquepencil crayon de charpentierinstaller menuisier installateur

Jobs and work 2021-09-22

Jobs and work crossword puzzle
  1. makes sure you don't park your car for too long in the wrong place
  2. recommends you to read something
  3. comes when a house is on fire
  4. makes things out of wood
  5. helps you, e.g. when you've lost your job
  6. treats sick or injured animals
  7. cuts or makes your hair
  8. looks after bookkeeping in the company
  9. plays various instruments
  10. writes articles for a newspaper
  11. repairs cars, vans, buses
  12. welcomes you to a hotel, hospital etc.
  13. designs new buildings
  14. comes when your power is off
  1. makes pies, bread, cakes
  2. represents you in court
  3. fights for his/ her country
  4. you see this person when your tooth aches
  5. comes when your water pipe has broken
  6. does research and makes discoveries
  7. is in charge of a republic
  8. serves you in a restaurant
  9. runs a meeting or an organisation
  10. operates people when there is something wrong
  11. swims underwater to help find something/ somebody
  12. works on a film or a theatre play
  13. checks that articles are correct

27 Clues: designs new buildingsrepresents you in courtcuts or makes your hairmakes pies, bread, cakesmakes things out of woodplays various instrumentsrepairs cars, vans, busesis in charge of a republicserves you in a restaurantfights for his/ her countrycomes when your power is offcomes when a house is on firetreats sick or injured animals...

Spelling work Crossword 2021-09-16

Spelling work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.
  2. able to be easily carried or moved, especially because being of a lighter and smaller version than usual.
  3. a group of people of one nationality or race living in a foreign place.
  4. giving off light; bright or shining.
  5. open resistance; bold disobedience.
  6. bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale.
  7. an act or incident involving excitement, daring, or adventure.
  8. (especially in science fiction) transport or be transported across space and distance instantly.
  9. a person's or a people's native land.
  10. the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
  11. a particular attitude towards or way of regarding something; a point of view.
  12. a person doing unskilled manual work for wages.
  13. an amount of money or property left to someone in a will.
  14. filled with or characterized by intense but unexpressed anger.
  15. having great influence on someone or something a thing that is unspecified or unknown.
  16. expel (a foreigner) from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime.
  17. declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offence by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law
  1. a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.
  2. a cry of joy or satisfaction when one finds or discovers something.
  3. a person who works in a mine.
  4. follow or chase (someone or something).
  5. seasonal movement of animals from one region to another
  6. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  7. a yellow precious metal, the chemical element of atomic number 79, used especially in jewellery
  8. move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side.
  9. sullen and ill-tempered.
  10. a barrier formed from upright wooden posts or stakes, especially as a defence against attack or as a means of confining animals.
  11. a system or means of conveying people or goods from place to place.
  12. a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
  13. of or concerning history or past events.
  14. just behaviour or treatment.

31 Clues: sullen and ill-tempered.just behaviour or treatment.a person who works in a resistance; bold off light; bright or shining.a person's or a people's native land.follow or chase (someone or something).of or concerning history or past events.a person doing unskilled manual work for wages....

Year 3 work 2021-09-02

Year 3 work crossword puzzle
  1. People that work for you
  2. A region or part of the world (there are seven of these)
  3. A seller that usually sells products they bought themselves.
  4. happening quite often
  5. Gone on a school day
  6. Something that you can do great at
  7. Brave that the person can do it
  8. Far away
  9. Something aestetically pleasing
  10. Done lately
  11. available
  12. Part of a show
  1. By themselves
  2. A gift
  3. An adult that has a child
  4. Another word for a younger stage of a kid
  5. A person that does schooling and work
  6. Something or someone significant
  7. An animal with a trunk
  8. Quiet

20 Clues: QuietA giftFar awayavailableDone latelyBy themselvesPart of a showGone on a school dayhappening quite oftenAn animal with a trunkPeople that work for youAn adult that has a childBrave that the person can do itSomething aestetically pleasingSomething or someone significantSomething that you can do great atA person that does schooling and work...

Work related vocabulary 2021-02-28

Work related vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. dokumentų tvarkymas
  2. gerai apmokamas
  3. keliantis iššūkius
  4. uždirbti
  5. pamaina
  6. išeiti į pensiją
  7. darbuotojas
  8. nuobodus, monotoniškas, varginantis
  9. bendradarbis
  1. atlyginimas
  2. pilnas etatas
  3. pajamos
  4. nekvalifikuotas
  5. prižiūrėti, vadovauti
  6. kreiptis (dėl darbo)
  7. karjera
  8. nepilnas etatas (tik dalį darbo dienos)
  9. kandidatas
  10. darbdavys
  11. paprastas (darbas)

20 Clues: pajamoskarjerapamainauždirbtidarbdavyskandidatasatlyginimasdarbuotojasbendradarbispilnas etatasnekvalifikuotasgerai apmokamasišeiti į pensijąkeliantis iššūkiuspaprastas (darbas)dokumentų tvarkymaskreiptis (dėl darbo)prižiūrėti, vadovautinuobodus, monotoniškas, varginantisnepilnas etatas (tik dalį darbo dienos)

Cell At Work 2021-04-09

Cell At Work crossword puzzle
  1. it act as the boundary between the internal and outside environment of the cell.
  2. Cell theory proposed by early scientists that was disproven.
  3. functions include synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids and steroid hormones.
  4. a pigment that captures the energy of sunlight for photosynthesis.
  5. means little organ.
  6. used by bacteria to attach to a host cell.
  7. an extra layer of protection of most bacteria.
  8. garbage collector of the cell.
  9. is a cell division for growth, repair, and maintenance.
  10. structure of the cell that synthesizes ribosomes.
  11. they appear to have role in in separating two chromosomes in cell division.
  12. structural components of flagella and cilia.
  1. structures used for locomotion.
  2. Responsible for processing, and transport of proteins and lipids
  3. compound found in nails and hair.
  4. responsible for protein synthesis.
  5. responsible for sorting, tagging, packaging, and distribution of lipids and proteins.
  6. a structure that helps cells maintain their shape.
  7. energy molecule.
  8. structures within cell responsible for muscle contraction.
  9. Semifluid matrix that fills the interior of the cell.
  10. the central part of prokaryotic cell where DNA resides.
  11. component of cell wall that is usually made up of amino acids, sugars and polysaccharides.
  12. refers to the process through which bacteria exchange genetic material.
  13. Structure found most in prokaryotes that enables the cell to attach to surfaces in its environment.
  14. Said "All cells came from pre-existing cell".
  15. it is the outermost portion of the nucleus.
  16. the inner folds found in mitochondria.
  17. he observe cells using a cork.
  18. stores the hereditary material of the cell.

30 Clues: energy molecule.means little organ.garbage collector of the cell.he observe cells using a cork.structures used for locomotion.compound found in nails and hair.responsible for protein synthesis.the inner folds found in mitochondria.used by bacteria to attach to a host is the outermost portion of the nucleus....

Adecco at Work 2023-01-24

Adecco at Work crossword puzzle
  1. give assistance to
  2. participate or become involved in
  3. achieving a significant amount or result
  4. the action or process of accomplishing a task
  5. work jointly on an activity
  6. a person working for wages or salary
  7. kind and pleasant
  8. a task or piece of work assigned to someone
  9. devote to a particular task or purpose
  1. a good quality or attribute
  2. a piece of work to be done or undertaken
  3. have difficulty handling or coping with
  4. a vigorous or determined attempt
  5. a paid position of regular employment
  6. prove testing to
  7. a person with whom one works
  8. providing satisfaction
  9. a person who is in charge or a worker
  10. devoted to a task or purpose
  11. give work to someone and pay them for it

20 Clues: prove testing tokind and pleasantgive assistance toproviding satisfactiona good quality or attributework jointly on an activitya person with whom one worksdevoted to a task or purposea vigorous or determined attemptparticipate or become involved ina person working for wages or salarya paid position of regular employment...

World of Work 2023-01-25

World of Work crossword puzzle
  1. / has importance or worth in your life
  2. Flying mammal
  3. / good qualities of a person
  4. / a paid position
  5. / bad qualities of a person
  6. / an errand
  7. / to stop working
  8. Likes to chase mice
  9. / something you’re working towards
  10. Man's best friend
  1. Has a trunk
  2. / things that you do well
  3. / the way a person lives
  4. / curiosities
  5. / a profession or occupation
  6. / what you enjoy doing
  7. Conditions / the environment of a job
  8. Large marsupial
  9. / a person’s respect for someone based on their achievements
  10. / characteristics and qualities that make up a person

20 Clues: Has a trunk/ an errand/ curiositiesFlying mammalLarge marsupial/ a paid position/ to stop workingMan's best friendLikes to chase mice/ what you enjoy doing/ the way a person lives/ things that you do well/ bad qualities of a person/ a profession or occupation/ good qualities of a person/ something you’re working towards...

Tech and Work 2023-03-14

Tech and Work crossword puzzle
  1. permettre
  2. une exigence
  3. endommager
  4. pénurie
  5. exosquelette
  6. éviter
  7. défectueux
  8. améliorer
  9. sans contact
  10. rentable
  11. un appareil
  1. logiciel
  2. assurer
  3. réseau
  4. durabilité
  5. une fuite
  6. à distance
  7. reconnaissance
  8. outil
  9. nécessiter
  10. caractéristiques

21 Clues: outilréseauéviterassurerpénurielogicielrentablepermettreune fuiteaméliorerdurabilitéà distanceendommagerdéfectueuxnécessiterun appareilune exigenceexosquelettesans contactreconnaissancecaractéristiques

AP WORK History 2023-04-25

AP WORK History crossword puzzle
  1. a significant factor in the movement of people during the period of 1750-1900
  2. period of significant development in agriculture that took place in the mid-20th century
  3. recent period in Earth's history when human activity started to have a significant impact on the planet's climate and ecosystems.
  4. the name given to the last 11,700 years* of the Earth's history
  5. Asian Tigers are Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan.
  6. An extraordinarily rapid growth in human population during the twentieth century
  7. Muslims who practice an extreame and volient version of Islam
  8. virus that compromises the ability of the infected person's immune system to ward off disease
  9. areas found in many regions of the developing world. They provide incentives for foreign companies to conduct their business in developing regions.
  10. global growth in the way people use technological ways of communicating
  11. long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities
  12. People moving for work oppertunities
  13. a period of feminist activity that began in the early 1960s and lasted roughly two decades.
  1. also known as the tertiary sector, is the third tier in the three-sector economy.
  2. Women's right movement
  3. an ideology or movement seeking to establish Hinduism and Hindu culture as dominant in India.
  4. Increasing use of fossil fuels for energy needs
  5. economic activities that are not regulated or recognized by the government.
  6. a city with a population of 10 million or more.
  7. is an international organization that promotes and facilitates international trade between nations.
  8. the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
  9. A company that conducts research, operates factories, and sells products in many countries, not just where its headquarters or shareholders are located.
  10. the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.
  11. the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin.
  12. Named for a conference held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in 1944, this system provided the foundation for postwar economic globalization,

25 Clues: Women's right movementPeople moving for work oppertunitiesIncreasing use of fossil fuels for energy needsa city with a population of 10 million or more.the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.Muslims who practice an extreame and volient version of Islamthe name given to the last 11,700 years* of the Earth's history...

team work tuesday 2023-05-09

team work tuesday crossword puzzle
  1. HR Dept
  2. season we are in
  3. fattiest organ of your body
  4. NSO
  5. trusted guide
  6. patch kids
  7. good for production
  8. pleasant
  9. cookie monster
  10. what keeps us coming in
  1. good for our souls
  2. what we do to get paid
  3. second day of the week
  4. showers bring flowers
  5. when someone tells a joke
  6. baron
  7. deep in thought
  8. partner in crime
  9. loco
  10. glass half full

20 Clues: NSOlocobaronHR Deptpleasantpatch kidstrusted guidecookie monsterdeep in thoughtglass half fullseason we are inpartner in crimegood for our soulsgood for productionshowers bring flowerswhat we do to get paidsecond day of the weekwhat keeps us coming inwhen someone tells a jokefattiest organ of your body

Protection at Work 2012-06-25

Protection at Work crossword puzzle
  1. keeps you warm in winter
  2. used to protect your hands
  3. used by a cleaner on the floor
  4. used to dig holes
  5. they work ouside with flowers
  6. works with bricks and cement
  7. yellow and protects your head
  8. used to cut things
  9. used to keep ears safe from loud noises
  10. another name for bacteria
  11. used to cover you in the kitchen
  12. animal skin used to makes coats
  13. this person joins metal together
  1. like a coat but smaller
  2. worn on the head
  3. protects your feet
  4. protects your eyes
  5. to keep your face protected
  6. for making holes
  7. a hairdresser uses one
  8. used to tighten nuts
  9. a painter uses these
  10. this person uses a vacuum and duster
  11. a metal
  12. health and
  13. what you can hurt if you drop something on your foot

26 Clues: a metalhealth andworn on the headfor making holesused to dig holesprotects your feetprotects your eyesused to cut thingsused to tighten nutsa painter uses thesea hairdresser uses onelike a coat but smallerkeeps you warm in winteranother name for bacteriaused to protect your handsto keep your face protectedworks with bricks and cement...

Too Much Work 2013-11-13

Too Much Work crossword puzzle
  1. creator of heaven and earth Gen 1:1
  2. son of Abraham and Sara Gen 21:3
  3. first woman on earth Genesis 2:25
  4. father in Law of Moses Ex 18:1
  5. wife of Isaac Gen 24:15
  6. makes a covenant with God Genesis 12:4
  7. wife of Moses Ex 18:2
  8. first man on earth Genesis 2:15
  9. Abraham and Sarai Genesis 16:11
  10. child of aaron Num 3:2
  11. saved two kinds of each animal in the world Genesis 7:5-22
  1. ten commandments Ex 33:1
  2. one of sons of Moses Ex 18:4
  3. second son of Jacob Gen 25:26
  4. child of aaron Num 3:2
  5. one of the sons of Moses Ex 18:3
  6. son of Adam and Eve Genesis 4:25
  7. child of aaron Num 3:2
  8. king of the philistines Gen 26:1
  9. son Adam and Eve Genesis 4:1
  10. father of Rebekah Gen 25:20
  11. father of Esau Gen 25:26
  12. father of 4 children Num 3:2
  13. child of aaron Num 3:2

24 Clues: wife of Moses Ex 18:2child of aaron Num 3:2child of aaron Num 3:2child of aaron Num 3:2child of aaron Num 3:2wife of Isaac Gen 24:15ten commandments Ex 33:1father of Esau Gen 25:26father of Rebekah Gen 25:20one of sons of Moses Ex 18:4son Adam and Eve Genesis 4:1father of 4 children Num 3:2second son of Jacob Gen 25:26father in Law of Moses Ex 18:1...

Employment = Jobs = Work 2014-05-20

Employment = Jobs = Work crossword puzzle
  1. I can paint.
  2. I can ski.
  3. I can fix electricity.
  4. I can lend books.
  5. worker: I can type, use a computer, and answer the phone.
  6. He can sell shoes.
  7. He can clean houses and hotel rooms.
  8. I can sing.
  9. I can count money.
  1. I sell medicine and fill prescriptions.
  2. I can type, use a computer, and answer the phone. I say hello to customers.
  3. stylist: He can do hair.
  4. driver: I can drive a truck.
  5. I can take care of sick people.
  6. I can cook.
  7. She can serve food.
  8. He can teach.
  9. She can clean, take care of children, and do yard work.
  10. man: I can do the laundry.
  11. I can clean buildings and fix things.
  12. I can fix cars.

21 Clues: I can ski.I can cook.I can sing.I can paint.He can teach.I can fix cars.I can lend books.He can sell shoes.I can count money.She can serve food.I can fix electricity.stylist: He can do I can do the laundry.driver: I can drive a truck.I can take care of sick people.He can clean houses and hotel rooms.I can clean buildings and fix things....

Force, Work & Energy 2014-03-14

Force, Work & Energy crossword puzzle
  1. force equal mass times this
  2. the energy found at the bottom of a pendulum swing
  3. the potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
  4. the unit of measure of work
  5. this law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed
  6. energy stored millions of years ago and released when fossil fuels are burned
  7. most forms of energy can be converted into other
  8. the unit of measure of force; named after the scientist who formulated the theory of gravity
  9. scientist who included a small change to the law of conservation of energy by explaining that energy can sometimes be created by destroying matter
  10. energy traveling in waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties.
  11. energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom
  12. fossil fuels contain energy that originally came from the
  13. the transfer of energy
  14. energy that is stored and held in readiness
  1. the energy carried from moving electric charges
  2. the total energy of the particles in a substance or material
  3. the energy found at the highest point in a pendulum’s swing
  4. the ability to do work or cause change
  5. fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago by geological processes
  6. potential energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
  7. a change from one form of energy to another
  8. gravitational potential energy is weight times this
  9. the energy associated with the motion or position of an object

23 Clues: the transfer of energyforce equal mass times thisthe unit of measure of workthe ability to do work or cause changea change from one form of energy to anotherenergy that is stored and held in readinessthe energy carried from moving electric chargesenergy that is stored in the nucleus of an atommost forms of energy can be converted into other...

Force, Work & Energy 2014-03-14

Force, Work & Energy crossword puzzle
  1. the ability to do work or cause change
  2. the total energy of the particles in a substance or material
  3. the potential energy associated with objects that can be stretched or compressed
  4. potential energy stored in chemical bonds that hold chemical compounds together
  5. energy that is stored in the nucleus of an atom
  6. fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas that were formed hundreds of millions of years ago by geological processes
  7. the energy found at the highest point in a pendulum’s swing
  8. energy that is stored and held in readiness
  9. the energy carried from moving electric charges
  10. scientist who included a small change to the law of conservation of energy by explaining that energy can sometimes be created
  11. gravitational potential energy is weight times this
  12. the unit of measure of force; named after the scientist who formulated the theory of gravity
  1. the energy associated with the motion or position of an object
  2. the energy found at the bottom of a pendulum swing
  3. energy stored millions of years ago and released when fossil fuels are burned
  4. the transfer of energy
  5. a change from one form of energy to another
  6. fossil fuels contain energy that originally came from the
  7. this law states that matter cannot be created or destroyed
  8. most forms of energy can be converted into other
  9. energy traveling in waves that have some electrical properties and some magnetic properties.
  10. force equal mass times this
  11. the unit of measure of work

23 Clues: the transfer of energyforce equal mass times thisthe unit of measure of workthe ability to do work or cause changea change from one form of energy to anotherenergy that is stored and held in readinessenergy that is stored in the nucleus of an atomthe energy carried from moving electric chargesmost forms of energy can be converted into other...

word work breadcrumbs 2015-04-14

word work breadcrumbs crossword puzzle
  1. not harmful or injurious; harmless.not likely to irritate
  2. or broken off from the main body.
  3. the act of tempting; enticement or allurement.
  4. to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain;
  5. or unmeasurable in extent of space, duration of
  6. female given name: from a Germanic word meaning “nobility.
  7. a city in SE Minnesota, on the Mississippi
  8. principles. of or relating to an elementary school. of the
  9. of an ultimate constituent; simple or uncompounded.
  10. complicated; hard to understand, work, or make.
  11. been cast off.
  12. having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or
  13. small, thin, sharp piece of wood, bone, or the like,
  14. to strike or beat vigorously with something flat; a sharp
  1. a city in and the capital of South Australia, in Australia
  2. active; robust.
  3. ugly, shocking or revolting; outrageous.
  4. or hideous, especially in appearance;
  5. offend; inoffensive; an innocuous remark.
  6. with something flat.
  7. a risky or dangerous one Obsolete. hazard or risk.
  8. full of or characterized by vigor.strong; active;
  9. relating to the earliest period or state; primitive.
  10. offs- thrown away; rejected; discarded. a person or thing that
  11. having its original purity; uncorrupted or unsullied.of
  12. pertaining to or dealing with elements, rudiments, or
  13. immeasurably great.indefinitely or exceedingly
  14. an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome,

28 Clues: been cast; robust.with something flat.or broken off from the main body.or hideous, especially in appearance;ugly, shocking or revolting; outrageous.offend; inoffensive; an innocuous remark.a city in SE Minnesota, on the Mississippito be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain;the act of tempting; enticement or allurement....

Dogs at Work 2016-08-02

Dogs at Work crossword puzzle
  1. a group of animals that are together
  2. help
  3. the ability to make a good decision about what to do
  4. to smell by putting your nose close to what you are smelling
  5. not able to hear
  6. the payment
  7. to stop something from happening
  8. ignore
  9. smell, odor
  10. blind
  11. types of dogs
  12. to teach how to do something
  13. a job for someone to do
  1. a part or piece of something
  2. dog
  3. you can count on it to do a good job
  4. to learn completely
  5. a big group of people who are together in one place
  6. in a place where it can’t be seen
  7. something that really makes you want to have it or do it
  8. broken pieces of stone, concrete, etc., from a building that falls
  9. is the same for both or everyone
  10. very difficult
  11. an order to do or stop doing something
  12. causing a feeling that something is wrong or illegal
  13. a person who works for another person or company
  14. to need someone or something for help
  15. the ability to do something
  16. to look for and find people who are missing
  17. to go in front while others follow

30 Clues: doghelpblindignorethe paymentsmell, odortypes of dogsvery difficultnot able to hearto learn completelya job for someone to dothe ability to do somethinga part or piece of somethingto teach how to do somethingis the same for both or everyoneto stop something from happeningin a place where it can’t be seento go in front while others follow...

Work and leisure 2017-04-05

Work and leisure crossword puzzle
  1. travel … business (üzleti útra megy)
  2. … facilities (sportolási lehetőségek)
  3. what I need … (amire a legnagyobb szükségem van)
  4. … boss (barátságos főnök)
  5. I work in … service. (Az ügyfélszolgálaton dolgozom.)
  6. travel … (utazási lehetőségek)
  7. business … (ügyvezető )
  8. … colleague (segítőkész munkatárs)
  9. have an … account (van költség számlája, reprezentációs alapja)
  10. I only have two of … (ezekből csak kettő van meg nekem)
  11. edzőterem
  12. üzletkötő, ügynök, eladó
  13. … is important for me is (ami nekem fontos, az)
  1. long … (hosszú szabadság, nyaralás)
  2. … hours (rugalmas munkaórák)
  3. I don’t want to be … of work. (Nem akarok munka nélkül maradni.)
  4. I’m really …. (Igazán örülök.)
  5. … manager (termékmenedzser)
  6. job … (az állás/munkahely biztonsága)
  7. sales … (üzletkötő)
  8. fast … (gyors előléptetés)
  9. work and … (munka és pihenés)
  10. parking … (parkolási lehetőségek)
  11. I … to work. (Autóval járok munkába.)
  12. in my … job (a jelenlegi munkámban)
  13. … car (céges autó)
  14. … month (minden hónapban)
  15. high … (magas fizetés)

28 Clues: edzőterem… car (céges autó)sales … (üzletkötő)high … (magas fizetés)business … (ügyvezető )üzletkötő, ügynök, eladó… boss (barátságos főnök)… month (minden hónapban)fast … (gyors előléptetés)… manager (termékmenedzser)… hours (rugalmas munkaórák)work and … (munka és pihenés)I’m really …. (Igazán örülök.)travel … (utazási lehetőségek)...

home work 4 2017-02-08

home work 4 crossword puzzle
  1. tries to work out solutions
  2. plans activities of different members
  3. summarizes what has been said
  4. asks for facts and opinions
  5. goes along with the group passively
  6. stimulates group to greater activity
  7. offers compromises to resolve issues
  1. expresses negative evaluation of group actions
  2. presents new ideas
  3. writes down group discussion and decisions
  4. provides group with feedback
  5. mediates differences among members
  6. keeps channels of communication open
  7. presents the groups values
  8. proposes standards for the functioning of the group
  9. tries to discover groups values
  10. keeps record of of group proceedings
  11. supplies members with positive reinforcement
  12. provides negative feedback
  13. tries to run the group

20 Clues: presents new ideastries to run the grouppresents the groups valuesprovides negative feedbacktries to work out solutionsasks for facts and opinionsprovides group with feedbacksummarizes what has been saidtries to discover groups valuesmediates differences among membersgoes along with the group passivelykeeps channels of communication open...

Work Wall 13 2017-06-01

Work Wall 13 crossword puzzle
  1. overcome
  2. strong or healthy
  3. swing wildly
  4. having strength and health
  5. a homeless child
  6. devoutly
  7. deserted
  8. practical
  9. deep, long lasting sadness
  10. characterized by strong visual and tactile delights
  11. successful, rich
  12. unwilling
  1. abnormal
  2. plant leaves
  3. to supply dry land
  4. skill in performing tasks
  5. showing an unworthy of attention
  6. hostile and aggressive
  7. large and clumsy
  8. too much drugs that is consumed

20 Clues: abnormalovercomedevoutlydesertedpracticalunwillingswing wildlyplant leavesa homeless childlarge and clumsysuccessful, richstrong or healthyto supply dry landhostile and aggressiveskill in performing taskshaving strength and healthdeep, long lasting sadnesstoo much drugs that is consumedshowing an unworthy of attention...

Get Work Ready 2017-06-21

Get Work Ready crossword puzzle
  1. The qualifications taken by most people aged 14-16 in years 10 and 11 at the end of Key Stage 4 whilst still at school
  2. You learn a new skill either on-the-job or through a college course by undertaking ......
  3. When you have a high-pressure job you might be described as being under ......
  4. A pat on the back; congratulations for a job well done
  5. Trade ...... are organisations that you can join as an employee to protect your rights
  6. You set these as smaller steps to take in order to achieve a larger vision of success
  7. When something is equal to something else or can take its place e.g. a BTEC National Diploma is ...... to two A Levels
  8. The skill of someone in charge; ability to lead others
  9. Outgoing and self-assured
  10. From your monthly salary the first thing you have to pay out is your ..... and National Insurance
  11. The things you have done in your life are called ..... It is through these that you gain and can demonstrate new skills
  12. When you undertake training you usually do this in order to ...... to your skills
  13. When you speak out for something you feel strongly about, even if your view is not popular you are making a ..... for what you believe in
  14. When you gain the upper hand or give yourself a head start you gain an ......
  15. The shortened title for a Higher National Certificate
  16. An alternative form of (public) transport that usually costs less than having a car
  17. When you have made up your mind about something you reach a ...... decision
  18. Even employers who do not expect you to have specific qualifications usually expect you to be well ...... as a result of your schooling
  19. The person you work for; the person who pays your wages is your ......
  20. If you want to set up your own business you may need to persuade a bank to ..... you the money to get started
  21. Not sad; how you should aim to feel in the future
  22. A beginner; someone who is not a professional; when you have just started doing something you are a ......
  23. The money you earn through working is your ......
  24. A natural flair for something
  25. A qualification gained after A levels through studying for at least 3 years at university
  26. When you work in a shop selling things you are there to ...... the customer
  27. You plan for success by setting goals for yourself, which you aim to achieve one ..... at a time
  1. If something is important to you it .....
  2. If you arrive in a job without the required training you may be ...... on a course
  3. A monthly expense; the money you pay to a landlord to live in their property
  4. A business start-up or the quality of an entrepreneur - Entrepreneurs are considered to have ..... capability
  5. Learning a new ...... will increase your prospects of promotion
  6. A shortened term of working with computers
  7. When you pass exams you gain ......
  8. The things people have to earn money
  9. When you have something extra; when you gain another qualification or skill you have ...... to the range of things potential employers are seeking
  10. Getting good ...... at school, college or university will improve your chances of employment
  11. A test of your skills or knowledge that stretches your ability will help you to learn. This is often known as a new ......
  12. When you plan for your working life and the series of jobs you might do in the future you plan your ......
  13. When you tell someone that something is good you ...... it
  14. When you convince someone to buy a product you are ..... that product to them
  15. You set goals in life in order to achieve your own vision of .....
  16. bill A monthly expense that you have to budget for - this one helps you to communicate with others
  17. Get ...... Ready
  18. Recognised academic qualifications include the A ...... (or S ...... in Scotland)
  19. Qualifications help you to gain ..... to a further course or level of training
  20. You should always try to be the ..... you can at whatever you decide to do in life

47 Clues: Get ...... ReadyOutgoing and self-assuredA natural flair for somethingWhen you pass exams you gain ......The things people have to earn moneyIf something is important to you it .....A shortened term of working with computersNot sad; how you should aim to feel in the futureThe money you earn through working is your .........

Simple Machines & Work 2017-12-08

Simple Machines & Work crossword puzzle
  1. A nail or rod shaped piece with a spiral groove and slotted head designed to to be inserted in an object by rotating.
  2. The force you put on the machine.
  3. Represents the force that a specific object has as a result of the input force.
  4. The rate which work is done or energy is being converted.
  5. A flat supporting surface tilted at an angle, with one end higher than the other, used to raise or lower a load.
  6. Using a force to move an object over a distance.
  7. A machine that consists of more than one simple machine.
  8. The force which an effort force has to overcome in order to do work on an object.
  9. A lever in which the fulcrum or pivot point is located between the effort force and resistance.
  10. The ratio of the force produced by a machine to the force applied to it, assessing the performance of a machine.
  11. A wheel with a rim of that a cord or rope fits around.
  1. The fixed point that a lever moves on.
  2. Mechanisms that use mechanical advantage to multiply force; it makes work easier.
  3. A bar that pivots on a a fixed point or fulcrum.
  4. The force applied at one point on the lever in order to move an object.
  5. A lever in which the load is between the effort and the fulcrum.
  6. The pivot point around which a lever is supported and turns.
  7. A lever in which the force is between the load and the fulcrum.
  8. The SI unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by a force of one newton acting through one meter.
  9. A simple lifting machine that consist of a rope that unwinds from a wheel onto a shaft joined to the wheel.
  10. The SI unit of power, equal to 1 joule per second.
  11. The ratio of the energy delivered by a machine to the energy needed in operating the machine.
  12. A piece of material that has a thick end and tapering to a thin end, that is used to drive between two objects or parts of a object to separate them.

23 Clues: The force you put on the machine.The fixed point that a lever moves on.A bar that pivots on a a fixed point or fulcrum.Using a force to move an object over a distance.The SI unit of power, equal to 1 joule per second.A wheel with a rim of that a cord or rope fits around.A machine that consists of more than one simple machine....

youth work words 2017-01-30

youth work words crossword puzzle
  1. info
  2. tukipalvelut
  3. harjoittelukurssi
  4. Nuorten tukijärjestöt
  5. neuvontatyö
  6. urheiluun liittyvä
  7. etsivä
  8. henkilökohtainen
  9. retki
  1. järjestetyt tapaamiset
  2. anonyyminettipalvelu
  3. nuorisotyö
  4. nuorisotyö netissä
  5. työpaja
  6. Ohjaamo neuvonta
  7. monikultuurinen
  8. kansainvälinen
  9. leiritoiminta
  10. kulttuurinen
  11. tapahtuma

20 Clues: inforetkietsivätyöpajatapahtumanuorisotyöneuvontatyötukipalvelutkulttuurinenleiritoimintakansainvälinenmonikultuurinenOhjaamo neuvontahenkilökohtainenharjoittelukurssinuorisotyö netissäurheiluun liittyväanonyyminettipalveluNuorten tukijärjestötjärjestetyt tapaamiset

Electronic Work Shop 2018-10-16

Electronic Work Shop crossword puzzle
  1. Color code for Neutral Supply
  2. Transformer with 3 output leads
  3. Variable Capacitor
  4. Circuits may be tested without soldering using ______ Board
  5. ________ is used to view electrical waveforms
  6. 7812 is Voltage regulator for + _________ volts
  7. Precise variable resistor mounted on PCB
  8. Silver ring side of PN Diode
  9. Color code for Earth
  10. Switches are connected in _________ with Phase
  1. ___________ rectifier uses 4 Diodes
  2. Soldering wire has Tin and __________
  3. Printed _________ Board
  4. Voltmeter is connected in __________ with circuit element
  5. __________ ring on resistor denotes 5% tolerance
  6. Multimeter give ________ value of voltage
  7. FeCl3 is used for __________ of PCB
  8. PCB has a layer of _______ on Bakelite sheet
  9. Frequency of DC
  10. Color code for Phase supply

20 Clues: Frequency of DCVariable CapacitorColor code for EarthPrinted _________ BoardColor code for Phase supplySilver ring side of PN DiodeColor code for Neutral SupplyTransformer with 3 output leads___________ rectifier uses 4 DiodesFeCl3 is used for __________ of PCBSoldering wire has Tin and __________Precise variable resistor mounted on PCB...

People at work 2021-11-30

People at work crossword puzzle
  1. keeruline
  2. töö
  3. seevastu
  4. muusik
  5. lennuliin
  6. huvitav
  7. piloot
  8. edukas
  9. vanemad
  10. siis
  1. lennuk
  2. näitleja
  3. sportlased
  4. kirjanik
  5. tavaliselt
  6. kuni
  7. kunstnik
  8. kas
  9. vedama
  10. mõned
  11. enamus
  12. teenima

22 Clues: töökaskunisiismõnedlennukmuusikpilootvedamaedukasenamushuvitavvanemadteenimanäitlejaseevastukirjanikkunstnikkeerulinelennuliinsportlasedtavaliselt

Word Work 5.7 2022-02-25

Word Work 5.7 crossword puzzle
  1. unfasten the latch of (a door or gate)
  2. old/timeless
  3. a quantity of precious metals, gems, or other valuable objects
  4. (of a bird) make a loud, harsh noise
  5. move about or travel aimlessly
  6. rule follower
  7. complete disorder and confusion.
  8. sufficient for the time being
  9. a sealed transparent in which plants are grown
  10. an animal
  11. determine; decide on
  1. jump or spring a long way
  2. to make a choice
  3. no organization, unorganized
  4. forecasting the first three finishers in a race in the correct order
  5. done consciously and intentionally
  6. an item of cultural or historical interest
  7. an apparition
  8. break free from confinement or control
  9. a tool used for cutting objects

20 Clues: an animalold/timelessan apparitionrule followerto make a choicedetermine; decide onjump or spring a long wayno organization, unorganizedsufficient for the time beingmove about or travel aimlesslya tool used for cutting objectscomplete disorder and confusion.done consciously and intentionally(of a bird) make a loud, harsh noise...

Word Work Crossword 2022-01-09

Word Work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to break
  2. to cut
  3. before
  4. not, apart
  5. equal
  6. time
  7. an act or process
  8. related to stars
  9. life
  10. to write
  11. year, yearly
  12. much, many
  13. against
  14. to see
  15. to measure
  1. to pull or drag
  2. earth
  3. again, back, or back again
  4. distant, faraway
  5. to write
  6. holy, related to religion
  7. sound
  8. carry
  9. people
  10. the study of
  11. build
  12. good, well
  13. under or below
  14. between
  15. a distinct belief or theory
  16. self, same

31 Clues: timelifeearthsoundcarryequalbuildto cutbeforepeopleto seebetweenagainstto breakto writeto writenot, apartgood, wellmuch, manyself, sameto measurethe study ofyear, yearlyunder or belowto pull or dragdistant, farawayrelated to starsan act or processholy, related to religionagain, back, or back againa distinct belief or theory

Latin home work 2022-05-02

Latin home work crossword puzzle
  1. water
  2. around
  3. bright
  4. out
  5. look
  6. go
  7. all
  8. write
  9. half
  10. wave
  11. together
  12. hang
  13. war
  14. cut
  15. before
  16. two
  1. common
  2. hear
  3. cross
  4. over
  5. kill
  6. between
  7. again
  8. away
  9. under
  10. believe
  11. send
  12. not
  13. before
  14. bad
  15. paleness
  16. say
  17. down
  18. equal
  19. after

35 Clues: gooutallnotbadsaywarcuttwohearoverkillawaylookhalfsendwavehangdownwatercrossagainunderwriteequalaftercommonaroundbrightbeforebeforebetweenbelievetogetherpaleness

Word Work-4 2022-02-08

Word Work-4 crossword puzzle
  1. visual
  2. invisible
  3. dictate
  4. visitor
  5. edict
  6. audio
  7. audiotape
  8. revisit
  9. prediction
  10. laudable
  11. contradict
  1. auditorium
  2. unpredictable
  3. audible
  4. dictator
  5. vista
  6. dictator
  7. supervisor
  8. vision
  9. audience
  10. dictionary
  11. audition
  12. visible
  13. audiovisual

24 Clues: vistaedictaudiovisualvisionaudibledictatevisitorvisiblerevisitdictatordictatoraudienceauditionlaudableinvisibleaudiotapeauditoriumsupervisordictionarypredictioncontradictaudiovisualunpredictable

Work Based Materials 2022-04-28

Work Based Materials crossword puzzle
  1. used on steel to protect it from rusting
  2. is used to explain multiple sizes of nails whilst nail sizes go up
  3. to look along a board to check if it is straight or has any clear flaws
  4. the grain shown on the thinner section of the board
  5. used to protect steel from rust when it is disclosed to humidity
  6. the thinner section of a board
  7. a set of three letters that are used for a panel.
  8. this specific pattern will determine the strength of wood
  9. something that is used over fasteners to cause improvements
  10. the wider section of a board
  11. a fissure that goes through the whole board
  1. a grading system based that is similar to elementary students grading just with wood instead
  2. a driver type shaped like something you see in the sky at night
  3. the grain which can be seen from the side of the lumber
  4. the wider part of something that is associated with screwdrivers and hammers
  5. this is pattern seen on the wider section of the board
  6. a known accurate dimension of lumber that is usually is slightly bigger than the exact dimensions
  7. a fissure that does not go through the whole board
  8. a screwdriver that can screw nails that are shaped like Xs
  9. can be used as a term for something that happens in hair as well in wood
  10. a line that is not even actually there

21 Clues: the wider section of a boardthe thinner section of a boarda line that is not even actually thereused on steel to protect it from rustinga fissure that goes through the whole boarda set of three letters that are used for a panel.a fissure that does not go through the whole boardthe grain shown on the thinner section of the board...

Morning Work Words 2022-03-30

Morning Work Words crossword puzzle
  1. departing from the direct way
  2. not certain or fixed
  3. make impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance
  4. extremely tiny
  5. feel intense dislike or disgust for
  6. showing defiance
  7. extremely unpleasant
  8. following the order in which they occurred
  9. follow or chase
  1. return like for like
  2. quick and light in movement
  3. give all or most of one's time or resources
  4. irritate or frustrate
  5. make extremely angry or impatient
  6. make someone troubled or nervous
  7. feeling, showing or expressing sympathy
  8. efficient and capable
  9. requiring considerable time and effort
  10. copying what is natural
  11. not liable to sin

20 Clues: extremely tinyfollow or chaseshowing defiancenot liable to sinreturn like for likenot certain or fixedextremely unpleasantirritate or frustrateefficient and capablecopying what is naturalquick and light in movementdeparting from the direct waymake someone troubled or nervousmake extremely angry or impatientfeel intense dislike or disgust for...

Evans vocab work 2022-05-11

Evans vocab work crossword puzzle
  1. almost or completely surrounded by land
  2. to break ties with a group; to end a friendship; to sever a relationship
  3. the study of the earth, specifically rocks and the planet's crust
  4. a person who studies the regions of the earth, including the climates and natural resources
  5. a group of people who have gathered based on similar goals or beliefs
  6. a fellow worker or friend (usually related to an office or job)
  7. the study of how people get along
  8. an area, region, or piece of land
  9. not social; having or showing a dislike for others in a group
  10. baked earth; hard, brownish-red pottery
  1. the science of the earth that deals with the regions or places on the planet's surface
  2. against the basic rules of a group, harmful to the people in a group
  3. friendly; a person who enjoys companions
  4. out of this world; above and beyond what is found on planet Earth
  5. a person who suffers from an antisocial mental disorder
  6. a hollow stone found on the earth that is lined on the inside with crystals
  7. a diagram that represents each person's friends in a classroom
  8. under the surface of the earth; underground
  9. a raised, flat mound of earth (dirt) that looks like a platform with sloping sides
  10. a person who is important or of high rank within a specific group- usually fashionable or popular

20 Clues: the study of how people get alongan area, region, or piece of landalmost or completely surrounded by landbaked earth; hard, brownish-red potteryfriendly; a person who enjoys companionsunder the surface of the earth; undergrounda person who suffers from an antisocial mental disordernot social; having or showing a dislike for others in a group...

Work Related Skills 2023-08-08

Work Related Skills crossword puzzle
  1. Service Leave (Long Service is given to employees after they have been working in the same job for a long period of time. It is a paid leave entitlement. The employee can go back to the same job once their long service leave ends)
  2. Collaboration is the process of two or more people, entities or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. Collaboration is similar to cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group.
  3. Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more parties to resolve points of difference, gain an advantage for an individual or collective, or craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. The parties aspire to agree on matters of mutual interest. The agreement can be beneficial for all or some of the parties involved.
  4. of Entry (Is the access to restricted areas within the workplace)
  5. Contract (Is an agreement between an employer and employee. That sets out terms and conditions of employment. It includes the rights of the employee.)
  6. Dismissal
  7. Empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position.
  8. Is when you move up in a position. Normally this carries more responsibility. Getting promoted normally means that the employee gets a higher salary.)
  9. Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans, animals, and some machines; there is also evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants.
  10. Communication is usually defined as the transmission of information. The term can also refer to the message itself, or the field of inquiry studying these transmissions, also known as communication studies. The precise definition of communication is disputed.
  1. Flexibility is the anatomical range of movement in a joint or series of joints, and length in muscles that cross the joints to induce a bending movement or motion. Flexibility varies between individuals, particularly in terms of differences in muscle length of multi-joint muscles.
  2. Creativity is a characteristic of someone or some process that forms something new and valuable. The created item may be intangible or a physical object. Scholarly interest in creativity is found in a number of disciplines, primarily psychology, business studies, and cognitive science.
  3. Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill, encompasses the ability of an individual, group or organization to "lead", influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. The word "leadership" often gets viewed as a contested term.
  4. An organization or organisation, is an entity—such as a company, an institution, or an association—comprising one or more people and having a particular purpose. The word is derived from the Greek word organon, which means tool or instrument, musical instrument, and organ.
  5. leave (Can be paid or Unpaid)
  6. Working outside the normal 9am-5pm time zone)
  7. Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. This concept is seen within the greater framework of a team, which is a group of interdependent individuals who work together towards a common goal.
  8. Management is the administration of organizations, whether they are a business, a nonprofit organization, or a government body through business administration, nonprofit management, or the political science sub-field of public administration respectively.
  9. (A fixed regular payment typically fortnightly that equates to a fixed annual salary)
  10. A pay rate defined in each award, used to calculate some entitlements like overtime.)
  11. Keeping (Recording and maintaining mandatory employment information)
  12. Rate (The amount of money paid, charged or earnt every hour)

22 Clues: Dismissalleave (Can be paid or Unpaid)Working outside the normal 9am-5pm time zone)Rate (The amount of money paid, charged or earnt every hour)of Entry (Is the access to restricted areas within the workplace)Keeping (Recording and maintaining mandatory employment information)...

work in America 2023-09-05

work in America crossword puzzle
  1. хөдөө аж ахуй
  2. багтаах, агуулах
  3. Үйлдвэрлэлийн
  4. даатгал
  5. хуучинсаг үзэлтэй
  6. Аргадах, тайтгарал
  7. Гомдлох
  8. ажилгүйдэл
  9. гаднаас эх суралжаа авах
  10. ажил, хөдөлмөр
  11. Боломжтой
  12. үйлдвэр
  13. оронд
  14. ашиг, давуу тал, тусламж тэтгэмж
  15. өөдрөг үзэл
  16. хувь хүний шинж чанар,ялгарах шинж байдал
  17. зохицуулга, зохицуулалт
  18. хөтлөх, хүргэх
  19. Туйлшрал
  1. уриа, моод үг
  2. Хүлээх, найдах, тооцоолох
  3. нэгдэл холбоо
  4. тогтсон, зогсоо, зогсонги
  5. Хатуу
  6. хянуур, болгоомжтой
  7. юмийг хэт төсөөллөөр харах, мөрөөдөмтгий
  8. Холбогдох
  9. нөхцөл, нөхцөлүүд
  10. хөлс, цалин
  11. Амьд үлдэх, тэсэх, давж гарах
  12. Ядуурал
  13. ажилтай
  14. Ер бусын, сонин
  15. нөлөө
  16. Огцом
  17. хамрагдсан, холбогдсон, оролцсон
  18. тэтгэвэр
  19. бүтээмж
  20. Харьцуулах
  21. үл оролцуулах (-аас бусад)
  22. дутуу, байхгүй, -гүй, ховор жимэр байдал

41 Clues: ХатуунөлөөОгцоморонддаатгалГомдлохЯдууралажилтайүйлдвэрбүтээмжтэтгэвэрТуйлшралХолбогдохБоломжтойажилгүйдэлХарьцуулаххөлс, цалинөөдрөг үзэлуриа, моод үгхөдөө аж ахуйнэгдэл холбооҮйлдвэрлэлийнажил, хөдөлмөрхөтлөх, хүргэхЕр бусын, сонинбагтаах, агуулаххуучинсаг үзэлтэйнөхцөл, нөхцөлүүдАргадах, тайтгаралхянуур, болгоомжтойзохицуулга, зохицуулалт...

Vocbulary SS work 2023-11-28

Vocbulary SS work crossword puzzle
  1. Government where people vote forrepresentativestitives
  2. To change constitutional change or revision.
  3. The first American constitution passed in 1777
  4. The bragovernmentvermant that INTERPRETS the law.
  5. A goverment government where people rule themselves
  6. The branch of government that writes the laws.
  7. A document that sets out laws and principles.
  8. Anopponentt of a strong federal government.
  9. A type of government where one person rules
  10. The branch of government that enforces the laws.
  1. An Agreement at the constitutional convention that 3/5 of the enslaved population. 3/5 what?
  2. An agreement worked out at the constitutional convention.
  3. A supporter of a strong federal (NAtziONAL) government.
  4. The gathering of representatives on May 25, 1787.
  5. A system established by the Constitution that prevents any branch of government.
  6. is he first law-making body in the Legislative Branch.
  7. A 1786 Revolt in Masshacuttes by farmers.
  8. To approve
  9. First ten amendments Constitutiontion ratified in 1791
  10. When two sides come to an agreement. not 3/5
  11. The second law-making body of the legislative branch where each state representatives.

21 Clues: To approveA 1786 Revolt in Masshacuttes by farmers.Anopponentt of a strong federal government.A type of government where one person rulesTo change constitutional change or revision.When two sides come to an agreement. not 3/5A document that sets out laws and principles.The first American constitution passed in 1777...

Y7 U6 "Work" 2024-01-15

Y7 U6 "Work" crossword puzzle
  1. peagi/midagi/edasi/lükkama
  2. FIE
  3. ajutiselt/mitte/töötama
  4. töökas/inimene
  5. vahetustega töötama
  6. täiskohaga/töö
  7. osalise/tööajaga/töötama
  8. okkad/ja/ogad
  9. päeva/ära/laisklema
  10. kirjandus
  1. tüdinenud/kirjanikud
  2. härg/traavis
  3. luuletaja/ja/romaanikirjanik
  4. öövahetus
  5. täiskohaga/töö
  6. õpetajana/töötama
  7. põldu/kündma
  8. natuke/tööd
  9. vaheaasta
  10. klassika
  11. seitse/halli/härga

21 Clues: FIEklassikaöövahetusvaheaastakirjandusnatuke/töödhärg/traavispõldu/kündmaokkad/ja/ogadtäiskohaga/töötöökas/inimenetäiskohaga/tööõpetajana/töötamaseitse/halli/härgavahetustega töötamapäeva/ära/laisklematüdinenud/kirjanikudajutiselt/mitte/töötamaosalise/tööajaga/töötamapeagi/midagi/edasi/lükkamaluuletaja/ja/romaanikirjanik

Work Life Crossword 2023-12-11

Work Life Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Worked in Canadian cases for a while
  2. Mom used to maker her clothes
  3. always gets complimented on their hair
  4. Favorite food is pasta of any kind
  5. writing a book
  6. has dual citizenship
  7. Favorite tradition is watching it’s a wonderful life on Christmas Eve
  8. Loves Halloween
  9. Recently moved from Dallas to Chicago
  10. Has a hobby of woodworking
  11. Went to Loyola for Masters degree
  12. wants to be a film maker
  1. used to live in San Diego
  2. went to Saudi Arabia this year
  3. does a Christmas drive every year
  4. Loves going on tropical vacations
  5. moved to Texas from Alaska
  6. used to be a long term care social worker
  7. Was busy planning a wedding last year
  8. Their Hallmark like town has a light up night
  9. had a baby boy this year
  10. loves doing LGBT+ cases
  11. Went to the university of IL, BS human development

23 Clues: writing a bookLoves Halloweenhas dual citizenshiploves doing LGBT+ caseshad a baby boy this yearwants to be a film makerused to live in San Diegomoved to Texas from AlaskaHas a hobby of woodworkingMom used to maker her clotheswent to Saudi Arabia this yeardoes a Christmas drive every yearLoves going on tropical vacations...

Work and Energy 2023-12-08

Work and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. type of energy that combines PE and KE
  2. the unit for energy and work
  3. energy can't be created or destroyed (3)
  4. the unit for power
  5. type of energy from shape or position
  6. the two things you need to calculate ME (2)
  7. the unit for force
  8. work = the change in energy (3)
  9. the two things you need to calculate power (2)
  10. the ability to do work
  1. the three things you need to calculate PE (3)
  2. the two things you need to calculate KE (2)
  3. the unit for mass
  4. the two things you need to calculate work (2)
  5. this increases when you go faster (2)
  6. this is increases when you move higher (2)
  7. the value of "g" that we always use
  8. type of energy from motion
  9. force x distance
  10. the unit for time
  11. the rate that work is done

21 Clues: force x distancethe unit for massthe unit for timethe unit for powerthe unit for forcethe ability to do worktype of energy from motionthe rate that work is donethe unit for energy and workwork = the change in energy (3)the value of "g" that we always usethis increases when you go faster (2)type of energy from shape or position...

Work life team 2023-12-12

Work life team crossword puzzle
  1. has a hobby of woodworking
  2. moved to Texas from Alaska
  3. their hallmark like town holds a lighting ceremony every year
  4. loves to travel, most recently to South Africa
  5. always gets complimented on their hair
  6. has dual citizenship
  7. occasionally helps us with cases when busy
  8. favorite tradition is to watch it’s a wonderful life on Christmas Eve
  9. moved from Dallas to Chicago
  10. Likes the band the Cure
  11. loves Halloween
  12. had a baby this year
  13. graduated with 27 kids in high school
  1. hold a toy drive with her family every year
  2. went to Loyola for Masters Degree
  3. went to Saudi Arabia this year
  4. loves pasta of any kind
  5. Likes to crochet
  6. used to live in San Diego
  7. used to be a LTC social worker
  8. their mom made their clothes as a child
  9. worked on Canadian cases for a while
  10. writing a book
  11. wants to be a film maker
  12. likes to do LGBT+ cases
  13. went to University of IL for human development

26 Clues: writing a bookloves HalloweenLikes to crochethas dual citizenshiphad a baby this yearloves pasta of any kindLikes the band the Curelikes to do LGBT+ caseswants to be a film makerused to live in San Diegohas a hobby of woodworkingmoved to Texas from Alaskamoved from Dallas to Chicagowent to Saudi Arabia this yearused to be a LTC social worker...

WORK EF IB 2023-09-17

WORK EF IB crossword puzzle
  1. RUN
  6. SET UP
  10. SHIFTS
  8. APPLY


Road Work Ahead 2024-03-29

Road Work Ahead crossword puzzle
  2. 3.1415
  6. 3000 PSI CONCRETE


Energy and work 2024-03-18

Energy and work crossword puzzle
  1. The power taken from water
  2. The percentage of the useful work of input energy of devices
  3. The problems of thermal power plants
  4. The steam from the boiler rotates ______ to generate electricity
  5. Which fuel is used mostly in thermal power plants
  6. What renewable energy source is from the Earth's interior heat?
  7. The cause of sulfur dioxide emited by coal-burning power plants
  8. Energy is transformed to useful and _____ work
  9. Coal, gas and oil are ______ fuels.
  10. The part of thermal power plant where the steam is produced
  1. Efficiency cannot be ______ percent.
  2. What is the chemical element commonly used in nuclear power plants for generating electricity?
  3. Electricy is made by _________
  4. ________ is released to the air and causes air pollution by thermal power plants
  5. The collection of aerogenerators
  6. What is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom called?
  7. Tidal, wind and solar energies are ______ energies
  8. What is the process of splitting atoms to release energy called?
  9. The fuel made by plants or animal matters
  10. What is the energy associated with the motion of atoms and molecules in a substance called?
  11. Energy that is not wasted

21 Clues: Energy that is not wastedThe power taken from waterElectricy is made by _________The collection of aerogeneratorsCoal, gas and oil are ______ fuels.Efficiency cannot be ______ percent.The problems of thermal power plantsThe fuel made by plants or animal mattersEnergy is transformed to useful and _____ work...

Word Work Crossword 2023-10-31

Word Work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The fans are very ______________.
  2. Amy is a very _____________ athlete.
  3. I need a _____ to solve the problem.
  4. Do you like to eat ____________?
  5. Is there a ________ of rain today?
  6. An ___________ can help with homework.
  7. The phones rang ________________.
  1. The lines on the road are ________.
  2. She bought ____________ cakes.
  3. Sam's cat has a lot of __________.
  4. A _____________ spider is ver hairy.
  5. Why are you so __________ today?
  6. She is ____________ for the news paper.
  7. Her dress is quite _________.
  8. I am ___________ that our team will win.
  9. That is a ________ story!
  10. Dad bought __________ flowers.
  11. I had a ______________ grade on the test.
  12. The __________ is my mom's favorite flower.
  13. Lisa is a leader of our ________________.

20 Clues: That is a ________ story!Her dress is quite _________.She bought ____________ cakes.Dad bought __________ flowers.Why are you so __________ today?Do you like to eat ____________?The fans are very ______________.The phones rang ________________.Sam's cat has a lot of __________.Is there a ________ of rain today?The lines on the road are ________....

Time and work 2023-11-01

Time and work crossword puzzle
  1. continuing for ever or for a very long time.
  2. to try to persuade someone to leave their job and go and work for another company.
  3. ______ a moment to think about it.
  4. on the ______ of the moment.
  5. a period of time spent doing something.
  6. a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
  7. a period of time, usually a short one.
  8. the possibility that something will happen, especially something good.
  1. I haven't seen them in/for ______ years; an extremely long time.
  2. a period of ten years.
  3. never in a million ______.
  4. if someone has been made _____, they have been told they must leave their job because they are no longer needed.
  5. for the ______ being; for now.
  6. a ______ in time(saves nine).
  7. the amount of time that something lasts; to last for a particular period of time, especially a long period.
  8. at the ______ of a hat.
  9. in the long/short ______
  10. someone who pays for or uses the services of a professional person such as a doctor or lawyer.
  11. immediate or quick, happening or arriving at exactly a particular time.
  12. a particular period of time during the development of something.

20 Clues: a period of ten the ______ of a the long/short ______never in a million ______.on the ______ of the moment.a ______ in time(saves nine).for the ______ being; for now.______ a moment to think about it.a period of time, usually a short one.a period of time spent doing something.continuing for ever or for a very long time....

Work and Energy 2024-04-09

Work and Energy crossword puzzle
  1. has an x axis (with units), y axis (with units), title
  2. distance traveled divided by the time it takes to travel that distance
  3. energy due to an object's motion
  4. displacement / change in time
  5. part of determining potential energy
  6. total energy in a system
  7. equals GPE / acceleration times height
  8. units for power
  9. the ability to produce a change in itself or its surroundings
  10. produces a change in the system's total energy
  11. units for work
  12. rate at which velocity changes
  1. a= 10m/s^2 on earth
  2. units for energy
  3. energy stored due to an object's position or state
  4. used to quantify the duration of events
  5. straight line change in location from starting and ending points regardless of route taken
  6. to change a curve into a line
  7. something that returns to its original shape after force has acted on it
  8. the rate at which work is done
  9. equals mass times acceleration

21 Clues: units for workunits for powerunits for energya= 10m/s^2 on earthtotal energy in a systemdisplacement / change in timeto change a curve into a linethe rate at which work is doneequals mass times accelerationrate at which velocity changesenergy due to an object's motionpart of determining potential energyequals GPE / acceleration times height...

Thursday Morning Work 2024-06-04

Thursday Morning Work crossword puzzle
  1. Maya's and Eli's sport, involving a panda-bear colored ball
  2. the top number in a fraction
  3. a rectangular prism Josh made out of wood
  4. in a division problem, this is the answer
  5. a type of pet that is really a plant that grows on a statue
  6. Daniel's wet sport
  7. in a division problem, this is the number you are dividing by
  8. a brown-pants-wearing woman whose charts explain all you need to know
  9. jill's fertilizer-measuring pal
  10. Haeri's cold sport
  11. a type of precipitation that consists of water droplets; rhymes with pain
  12. a magical, pants-less frog whose decision-making options help us resolve conflicts
  13. a wire-measuring enthusiast whose boyfriend's name is Robert
  14. in a division problem, this is the amount that's left over after you've found the quotient
  15. a type of sasquatch that is stretchy and gooey on the inside
  16. a type of voice your instructor sometimes has to use because of stinkers and scofflaws
  1. self-__ : a painting of yourself by you
  2. strictly forbidden at Sunny Hills! Don't even THINK about bringing any
  3. the bottom number in a fraction
  4. Wesley, Enji & Ravi enjoy this sport with an orange ball
  5. sheldon's honey-measuring buddy
  6. so-called math games that are not __ and don't involve much math
  7. this is a boredom barn, not a __ or a chuckle hut
  8. a color made popular by Eli when he wears a matching sweatshirt and pants
  9. vaughn's name in class, rhymes with bug
  10. you recently received a gigantic packet with ideas for how to manage __ (rhymes with dress)
  11. in a division problem, this is the number you're dividing up into groups
  12. a magic __ ball is one way to make excellent decisions
  13. a wire-measuring enthusiast whose girlfriend, Maria, also enjoys wire measurement

29 Clues: Daniel's wet sportHaeri's cold sportthe top number in a fractionthe bottom number in a fractionsheldon's honey-measuring buddyjill's fertilizer-measuring palvaughn's name in class, rhymes with bugself-__ : a painting of yourself by youa rectangular prism Josh made out of woodin a division problem, this is the answer...

Work Studies crossword 2024-06-02

Work Studies crossword crossword puzzle
  1. work performed by an employee outside the ordinary hours
  2. receive a fixed annual amount (the base salary) regardless of the number of hours worked.
  3. a person or business that employs one or more people, especially for wages or salary
  4. Someone who creates, or owns and manages, a business
  5. a document that's given to an employee each payday.
  6. a person who is hired to work for payment
  7. spending time with an employer in a real workplace.
  8. a career that requires a specific amount of advanced training and education.
  9. a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a post of employment
  10. the time that employees take off work during otherwise normal working hours which they are entitled to, by law, or by contract.
  11. any work schedule that falls outside the hours of 7 am and 6 pm
  12. work that you have to do for your job.
  13. a person's regular work or profession
  1. the compensation paid to an employee after completing a task
  2. a kind of job training that involves following and studying a master of the trade on the job instead of in school.
  3. an academic award conferred by a university or college on successful completion of a course
  4. a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs.
  5. money put aside by your employer over your working life for you to live on when you retire from work
  6. an individual who applies for a job position at a company by going through the hiring process
  7. individuals are hired by organizations for a specified duration
  8. an activity that people perform in order to earn money for a living
  9. an organization that provides goods and services to the community in exchange for money
  10. any occupation typically requiring specialized skills learned through advanced training

23 Clues: a person's regular work or professionwork that you have to do for your job.a person who is hired to work for paymenta document that's given to an employee each payday.spending time with an employer in a real workplace.Someone who creates, or owns and manages, a businesswork performed by an employee outside the ordinary hours...

Work and Jobs 2024-07-10

Work and Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. fotógrafo
  2. ator
  3. artista
  4. médico
  5. enfermeira
  6. policial feminina
  7. policial masculino
  8. fazendeiro
  9. gerente
  10. cantor
  11. trabalho
  1. fábrica
  2. trabalhador
  3. secretária
  4. homem de negócio
  5. trabalhar
  6. guia
  7. escritório
  8. empresa
  9. piloto

20 Clues: atorguiamédicopilotocantorfábricaartistaempresagerentetrabalhofotógrafotrabalharsecretáriaenfermeiraescritóriofazendeirotrabalhadorhomem de negóciopolicial femininapolicial masculino

Places to work 2024-09-02

Places to work crossword puzzle
  1. A professional cook who prepares and creates meals, often in a restaurant.
  2. A skilled worker who repairs and maintains machinery, especially vehicles.
  3. A female professional involved in commercial or business activities.
  4. Officer A member of the naval forces responsible for leading and managing military operations at sea.
  5. A person skilled in playing musical instruments or composing music.
  6. A healthcare worker who provides care and support to patients.
  7. Player An athlete who plays football, either professionally or recreationally.
  8. Male professionals who perform various repair, maintenance, or odd jobs.
  9. Officer A law enforcement official responsible for maintaining public order and safety.
  10. A male professional involved in commercial or business activities.
  11. Female professionals who perform various repair, maintenance, or odd jobs.
  12. An educator who instructs students in various subjects.
  13. A female who performs various repair, maintenance, or odd jobs.
  1. A male who performs various repair, maintenance, or odd jobs.
  2. Female professionals involved in commercial or business activities.
  3. A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses.
  4. Male professionals involved in commercial or business activities.
  5. A person who performs songs using their voice.
  6. A professional who designs, builds, or maintains systems, structures, or machinery.
  7. A creative individual who produces art, such as paintings, sculptures, or performances.

20 Clues: A person who performs songs using their voice.An educator who instructs students in various subjects.A medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses.A male who performs various repair, maintenance, or odd jobs.A healthcare worker who provides care and support to patients.A female who performs various repair, maintenance, or odd jobs....

The Outsiders work 2024-08-30

The Outsiders work crossword puzzle
  1. jail or prison
  2. making a lot of quick and witty remarks
  3. annoyed, upset, angry
  4. a fight between two rival groups
  5. instead of saying shut your mouth
  6. disgusting
  7. likes, or is interested in
  8. doing something alone
  9. juvinile delinquent
  1. drunk
  2. knifes
  3. gang related attack
  4. cigarette
  5. disorganised, lacking concentration
  6. to leave quickly
  7. girls girls who are greasers
  8. The police
  9. to annoy and hover
  10. criminal
  11. cool

20 Clues: cooldrunkknifescriminalcigaretteThe policedisgustingjail or prisonto leave quicklyto annoy and hovergang related attackjuvinile delinquentannoyed, upset, angrydoing something alonelikes, or is interested ingirls girls who are greasersa fight between two rival groupsinstead of saying shut your mouthdisorganised, lacking concentration...

Work and Work Ethics 2022-11-14

Work and Work Ethics crossword puzzle
  1. learned beliefs about what we consider to be important, worthwhile and desirable
  2. a person who is hired to work for another or for a business, firm, etc, in return for payment
  3. the attitude of a group or a society towards work
  4. targets that we set out to achieve
  1. an occupation undertaken for a long period of a person’s life
  2. gainful and productive employment which provides valuable and enjoyable experiences thereby enriching our lives
  3. an occupation that requires specialized education, knowledge, training and ethics
  4. the study of human actions in respect to their being right or wrong
  5. a summary of your qualifications and achievements
  6. a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity

10 Clues: targets that we set out to achievethe attitude of a group or a society towards worka summary of your qualifications and achievementsan occupation undertaken for a long period of a person’s lifethe study of human actions in respect to their being right or wronglearned beliefs about what we consider to be important, worthwhile and desirable...

work and work ethics 2022-01-17

work and work ethics crossword puzzle
  1. a person employed for wages or salary
  2. the state of being free from illness or injury
  3. a period of occupation
  4. one's judgment on what is important in life
  5. an activity involving mental or physical
  1. the principle that hard work is worthy of reward
  2. a set of moral principle
  3. a period of time spent in ajob or profession
  4. the object of a person's ambition or effert
  5. a formal document that job applicants create to show their qualifications.

10 Clues: a period of occupationa set of moral principlea person employed for wages or salaryone's judgment on what is important in lifean activity involving mental or physicalthe object of a person's ambition or effertthe principle that hard work is worthy of rewarda period of time spent in ajob or profession...

Werk 2016-04-30

Werk crossword puzzle
  1. MIND - DELUSIONS - unfit - work; for
  2. MIND - FEAR - mental exertion - of mental exertion - literary work
  3. MIND - DELUSIONS - work - hindered at work; is
  4. MIND - DELUSIONS - time - working against
  5. MIND - CONFUSION of mind - working, while
  6. MIND - DELUSIONS - sick - being - work; and for this reason will not
  7. MIND - SOMNAMBULISM - work; to make daily
  8. MIND - WORK - impossible
  9. MIND - RESTLESSNESS - sitting, while - work, while at
  10. MIND - FASTIDIOUS - work; in his
  11. MIND - ABSENTMINDED - work; when at
  1. MIND - ANXIETY - work - inclination to work; anxiety with
  2. MIND - DELUSIONS - work - accomplish her work; she cannot
  3. MIND - ANGER - work - about
  4. MIND - MANUAL WORK, fine work; mental symptoms from
  5. MIND - DELUSIONS - work - hard; is working
  6. MIND - DELUSIONS - ideas - rush of ideas prevented him from completing work
  7. MIND - AWKWARD - working, while
  8. MIND - DELUSIONS - work - harm; work will do him
  9. MIND - LOATHING - work

20 Clues: MIND - LOATHING - workMIND - WORK - impossibleMIND - ANGER - work - aboutMIND - AWKWARD - working, whileMIND - FASTIDIOUS - work; in hisMIND - ABSENTMINDED - work; when atMIND - DELUSIONS - unfit - work; forMIND - DELUSIONS - time - working againstMIND - CONFUSION of mind - working, whileMIND - SOMNAMBULISM - work; to make daily...

Families work 2016-08-01

Families work crossword puzzle
  1. someone who fights fire
  2. clothes you need to wash
  3. mother, father, children
  4. how much money
  5. people who buy things
  6. to select one thing instead of another
  7. what you work at
  1. doctors for kids
  2. little jobs you must do
  3. to use money to get things
  4. Mom will _________ to make sure Tina's helmet fits
  5. hammer, screwdriver, spanner

12 Clues: how much moneydoctors for kidswhat you work atpeople who buy thingssomeone who fights firelittle jobs you must doclothes you need to washmother, father, childrento use money to get thingshammer, screwdriver, spannerto select one thing instead of anotherMom will _________ to make sure Tina's helmet fits

Work Portfolio 2016-01-11

Work Portfolio crossword puzzle
  1. a degree that is equivalent to four years of college
  2. work you do to earn money
  3. a position to receive training by working with people in the field
  4. a degree that is equivalent to five years of college
  5. the natural abilities people possess
  1. a commitment to work in a field that you find interesting and fulfilling
  2. to make and use contacts to get information and advice
  3. a retirement plan that is funded partly by an employer
  4. a summary of your education, training, experience and qualifications
  5. a degree that is equivalent to two years of college
  6. general equivalency degree
  7. an experienced employee who serves a less experienced person

12 Clues: work you do to earn moneygeneral equivalency degreethe natural abilities people possessa degree that is equivalent to two years of collegea degree that is equivalent to four years of collegea degree that is equivalent to five years of collegeto make and use contacts to get information and advicea retirement plan that is funded partly by an employer...

Salim's work 2018-10-22

Salim's work crossword puzzle
  1. basketball
  2. saying the right thing
  3. fantastic
  4. must
  5. married
  6. forest
  1. head recover
  2. couple of things
  3. doing something
  4. water
  5. body up
  6. well done

12 Clues: mustwaterforestbody upmarriedfantasticwell donebasketballhead recoverdoing somethingcouple of thingssaying the right thing

Social Work 2013-03-04

Social Work crossword puzzle
  1. The verbal and non-verbal exchange of information, including all the ways in which knowledge is transmitted and received.
  2. The process of determining the nature, cause,progression and progbnosis of a problem and thepersonalities and situations involved therin; the social work function of acquiring an understanding of aproblem, what causes it, and what can be changed to minimize or resolve it.
  3. Refers to the protection of clients' private information unless the client has given valid, informed consent for disclosure of said information.
  4. A written statement of a person's wishes regarding medical treatment, often including a living will, made to ensure those wishes are carried out should the person be unable to communicate them to a physician.
  5. An explicit statement of the values, principles, and rules of a profession, regulating the conduct of its members.
  1. A process by which resources and services are assessed and coordinated at both the client and systems levels, involving assessment for health and social services, coordination and planning, monitoring of service delivery, and advocacy for client rights and entitlements. bestpractice A technique or method that has been shown through experience and research to reliably lead to a desirable result. The term implies that this technique or method is more efficient and/or effective at delivering a desired outcome than any other technique or method.
  2. In the social work interview, the social worker's revelation of personal information values, and behaviors to the client.
  3. One of social work's core ethical responsibilities toclients. It refers to a social worker's responsibilities in understanding the relationship between culture and personal identity, recognizing the uniqueness and strengths within varying cultures, and experiencing and studying cultural and ethnic diversity.
  4. The ability to acqire and process the verbal and other cues of another and generally comprehend the meaning of the communication.
  5. The act of intervening on behalf of an individual, group, or community to represent, defend, and supportaccess to resources and/or services, and to address structural obstacles or barriers that restrict civil rights and principles of social justice.
  6. The ability to identify with or vicariously experience the feelings, thoughts, situation, or attitude of another individual.
  7. The professional activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal.

12 Clues: An explicit statement of the values, principles, and rules of a profession, regulating the conduct of its members.The verbal and non-verbal exchange of information, including all the ways in which knowledge is transmitted and received....

WORK ETHICS 2021-01-21

WORK ETHICS crossword puzzle
  1. Immersion- It is one of the course requirements for graduation.
  2. It helps to motivate the workplace culture and boost moral, producing an even better company environment
  3. Ethics- A standard of conduct values for a job performance.
  4. The action of treating people with appreciation and dignity.
  5. This strand is designed for students who would desire to engage in a more general areas of study as compared to more specific fields of study
  6. It is an ethic where typically shows through acting with respect, integrity, and ethical behavior.
  7. It is the exchange of information between a variety of stakeholder that is truthful and accurate. Telling a lie or omitting facts are examples of unethical communication
  8. A work ethic that includes sticking to work schedules, being ready to start work on time, remaining on the job during the workday to complete duties and limited use of leave.
  1. An ethic which is allows participants to exchange valuable information that helps both sides improve their knowledge bases and work in a time- and resource-efficient manner.
  2. It shows the formality and professionalism of an employee.
  3. It is an ethic within a workplace will help boost employee morale and productivity
  4. skills- These are the abilities that let you stay focused on different tasks, and use your time, energy, strength, mental capacity, physical space, etc. effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the desired outcome.
  5. Involves a group of individuals working together to complete a task or a large goal.

13 Clues: It shows the formality and professionalism of an employee.Ethics- A standard of conduct values for a job performance.The action of treating people with appreciation and dignity.Immersion- It is one of the course requirements for graduation.It is an ethic within a workplace will help boost employee morale and productivity...

Word Work 2021-09-07

Word Work crossword puzzle
  1. highest stage of government
  2. voting for someone
  3. beliving that something will happen
  4. the prosses of doing something
  5. someone electing
  6. to watch over someone/something
  1. a group of people that control a country
  2. to be intrestedc in someone/something
  3. the desire to do something unwise or wrong
  4. a system of government
  5. lowest stage of government
  6. a type of a text

12 Clues: someone electinga type of a textvoting for someonea system of governmentlowest stage of governmenthighest stage of governmentthe prosses of doing somethingto watch over someone/somethingbeliving that something will happento be intrestedc in someone/somethinga group of people that control a countrythe desire to do something unwise or wrong

Lab Work 2021-12-05

Lab Work crossword puzzle
  1. SSA stands for sulfo___ acid
  2. GTTs have this additive: ___ heparin
  3. The T in AST
  4. BTTs have this additive: sodium ___
  5. Cardiac snap test
  6. Used to measure specific gravity of fecal solution
  1. PTT stands for ___ thromboplastin time
  2. Fasting helps prevent this in the sample
  3. Spiral-shaped bacteria
  4. Microscopic finding in patients with anaplasma
  5. PDW stands for Platelet ___ Width
  6. ESA stands for ___ sporulation agar

12 Clues: The T in ASTCardiac snap testSpiral-shaped bacteriaSSA stands for sulfo___ acidPDW stands for Platelet ___ WidthESA stands for ___ sporulation agarBTTs have this additive: sodium ___GTTs have this additive: ___ heparinPTT stands for ___ thromboplastin timeFasting helps prevent this in the sampleMicroscopic finding in patients with anaplasma...

Word work 2022-03-11

Word work crossword puzzle
  1. great of intensity
  2. the civilization erected upon Islamic faith
  3. of relating to or involving a tutor
  4. relating to or involving the entire world
  5. of or relating to industry
  1. of or relating to an editor or editing
  2. of or relating to comedy
  3. near a coast
  4. of or relating to angels
  5. skilled in logic
  6. of or relating to a magnet
  7. the act or process of burying

12 Clues: near a coastskilled in logicgreat of intensityof or relating to comedyof or relating to angelsof or relating to a magnetof or relating to industrythe act or process of buryingof relating to or involving a tutorof or relating to an editor or editingrelating to or involving the entire worldthe civilization erected upon Islamic faith

school work 2022-01-31

school work crossword puzzle
  1. you get it from santa clause
  2. a person who drives a plane
  3. an extension
  4. a thing you ride in
  5. when you enter your classroom
  1. lafter
  2. 60 seconds
  3. you go to your friends
  4. a fruit
  5. you dont get first
  6. like ice
  7. you done

12 Clues: laftera fruitlike iceyou done60 secondsan extensionyou dont get firsta thing you ride inyou go to your friendsa person who drives a planeyou get it from santa clausewhen you enter your classroom

Home work 2021-12-23

Home work crossword puzzle
  1. notes about company
  2. first public release
  3. place or area, where makes products
  4. people, who with you
  5. document with product requirements
  6. someone, who co-ordinates project
  1. person, who can help with a computer
  2. notes with topics from the meeting
  3. meeting plan
  4. communicate
  5. companies which make and sell a products or parts of the products
  6. secret phrase

12 Clues: communicatemeeting plansecret phrasenotes about companyfirst public releasepeople, who with yousomeone, who co-ordinates projectnotes with topics from the meetingdocument with product requirementsplace or area, where makes productsperson, who can help with a computercompanies which make and sell a products or parts of the products

indonesian work 2022-11-08

indonesian work crossword puzzle
  1. strong
  2. fried
  3. ant
  4. salty
  5. sweet
  6. spicy
  1. hungry
  2. satisfied
  3. afterwards
  4. sour
  5. cake
  6. still

12 Clues: antsourcakefriedsaltysweetstillspicyhungrystrongsatisfiedafterwards

Work Styles 2020-10-26

Work Styles crossword puzzle
  1. Full time or part time work that has a clear end date.
  2. The type of position made available by the company where two people complete the job of one person.
  3. Work that is over 40 hours per week with the same company.
  4. If a self-employed person finds that they need to hire more workers to complete their work they are considered an ____.
  5. A worker that is hired to complete a specific task and may work for more than one company at a time.
  6. If a person works their full 40 hours but over less than five days, they are said to work a _____ work week.
  7. A situation a worker is in when they work for more than one company.
  1. Work that is offered that is less than 30 hours per week with the same company.
  2. If a worker is responsible for all aspects of their work they are said to be ___.
  3. Type of work that a person is hired for to complete specific tasks for one company.
  4. A type of work arrangement where a company allows a worker to change the start and end times of their work day.
  5. Workers accept shifts on an "as-needed" basis.

12 Clues: Workers accept shifts on an "as-needed" basis.Full time or part time work that has a clear end date.Work that is over 40 hours per week with the same company.A situation a worker is in when they work for more than one company.Work that is offered that is less than 30 hours per week with the same company....

Work Vocabulary 2020-08-21

Work Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. person you who is your superior
  2. seasonal work position
  3. stop working usually because of age
  4. have your own company, work for yourself
  5. what you do for work
  6. start a new business
  7. position at job that is not temporary
  1. a work period, night or day or afternoon
  2. synonym for being fired
  3. be given a higher position at work
  4. leave a job
  5. about 40 hours a week of work

12 Clues: leave a jobwhat you do for workstart a new businessseasonal work positionsynonym for being firedabout 40 hours a week of workperson you who is your superiorbe given a higher position at workstop working usually because of ageposition at job that is not temporarya work period, night or day or afternoonhave your own company, work for yourself

Science Work 2020-04-07

Science Work crossword puzzle
  1. an organism that can make its own food
  2. a linear seqence of organisms through which nutrients is passed
  3. 3% of the Earth's water is
  4. any factor that limits the number of organisms
  5. all the water on, above and under the Earth
  6. water that circulates between the Earth's oceans,atmoshere and land
  1. any non-living part of the enviroment
  2. all the communities of organisms in an area interacting together
  3. water found below the Earth's surface
  4. the place where an organism lives
  5. water found at Earth's surface
  6. an organism that gets its energy from eating other organisms

12 Clues: 3% of the Earth's water iswater found at Earth's surfacethe place where an organism livesany non-living part of the enviromentwater found below the Earth's surfacean organism that can make its own foodall the water on, above and under the Earthany factor that limits the number of organismsan organism that gets its energy from eating other organisms...

Morning Work 2023-01-12

Morning Work crossword puzzle
  1. The 4th step in problem solving it to _____ a _____.
  2. What teacher makes it okay to act differently if Ms. Amanda isn't here?
  3. When does Ms. Amanda know about what we do?
  4. The 5th step in problem solving is to tell a __________.
  5. Choice time is a __________.
  1. The 2nd step in problem solving is to _____ _____.
  2. We should always be treating others with __________.
  3. The 1st step in problem solving is to _____ _____ to stop.
  4. When is it okay to break the rules?
  5. What type of feet do we have in the front room and upstairs?
  6. Teachers and adults here are responsible for our _______.
  7. The 3rd step in problem solving it to _____ them.

12 Clues: Choice time is a __________.When is it okay to break the rules?When does Ms. Amanda know about what we do?The 3rd step in problem solving it to _____ them.The 2nd step in problem solving is to _____ _____.We should always be treating others with __________.The 4th step in problem solving it to _____ a _____....

french work 2023-11-09

french work crossword puzzle
  1. what is hot in french
  2. what is rain in french
  3. mountain
  4. the sea
  5. town
  6. a body of water
  7. winter
  1. fall
  2. spring
  3. the word for snow
  4. it's foggy
  5. summer

12 Clues: falltownspringwintersummerthe seamountainit's foggya body of waterthe word for snowwhat is hot in frenchwhat is rain in french

School Work 2023-09-12

School Work crossword puzzle
  1. field a field where children play sports.
  2. truant to stay away from school without permission.
  3. a room in a school where teachers can go when they are not teaching.
  4. a) detention the punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home.
  5. teacher the teacher in charge of a school.
  6. laboratory a place where students or scientists do experiments.
  1. to force somebody to leave a country, school, club, etc.
  2. a board on a wall for putting written information where everyone can read it.
  3. to damage somebody else’s property on purpose and for no reason.
  4. canteen a place where children eat lunch at school.
  5. to send somebody away from the school, job, position, etc. for a period of time, usually as their punishment.
  6. a list that shows the times at which something happens.

12 Clues: field a field where children play sports.teacher the teacher in charge of a school.truant to stay away from school without permission.canteen a place where children eat lunch at school.a list that shows the times at which something force somebody to leave a country, school, club, etc....

National Safe Work Month Work Cover WA 2023-07-24

National Safe Work Month Work Cover WA crossword puzzle
  1. If an accident happens but there is no injury, this is a ‘near ’ ____ and needs to be reported to your supervisor (4)
  2. Something that has the potential to cause harm (6)
  3. Repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or a group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety (7)
  4. Safety clothing and equipment (abbrev) (3)
  5. These are a type of protective footwear (6,5)
  6. You should use a professional arborist when felling these near powerlines, roads or buildings (5)
  7. All workplaces must have an emergency ________ procedures that informs workers what to do in an emergency (8)
  8. ____________ hazards are anything in the design or management of work that increases the risk of psychological or physical harm (12)
  9. Before conducting excavation work, Dial Before You ___ (3)
  10. People can often fall from one of these (6)
  11. An exclusion ____ is used to keep people out of an area (4)
  12. National focus on WHS held each October (4,4,5)
  13. Use at least one of these to manage risks (8)
  1. This happens if you stay out in the sun too long (7)
  2. A person elected by a workgroup to represent workers’ interests relating to health and safety (abbrev) (3)
  3. Work Health and Safety(acronym) (3)
  4. A PCBU has the primary ____ __ ____ to ensure the health and safety of workers and others at the workplace (4,2,4)
  5. You should set the top of your computer monitor to be level with your ____ (4)
  6. All workplaces must have a first aid ___ as well as people trained to administer first aid (3)
  7. You should never be this when working with potentially aggressive people (5)
  8. _____, trips and falls (5)
  9. This is related to the probability or extent of exposure to a hazard (4)
  10. An unplanned event resulting in personal injury or person in need of first aid, damage to equipment and property, death or a combination of death, damage to equipment (8)
  11. Wearing ear protection can reduce exposure to _____ induced hearing loss (5)
  12. You must drink this liquid to stay hydrated particularly when working in the heat (5)
  13. Another name for an employee (6)
  14. All workplaces should have a ____ and alcohol policy. (4)
  15. Good hand hygiene includes using ____ and water (4)
  16. Vulnerable workers are most often a _____ worker (5)

29 Clues: _____, trips and falls (5)Another name for an employee (6)Work Health and Safety(acronym) (3)Safety clothing and equipment (abbrev) (3)People can often fall from one of these (6)These are a type of protective footwear (6,5)Use at least one of these to manage risks (8)National focus on WHS held each October (4,4,5)...

Unit 5 - Work 2018-01-23

Unit 5 - Work crossword puzzle
  1. It is a person whose job is to connect and repair things such as water and drainage pipes, baths, and toilets.
  2. It means something or someone cannot be seen or found.
  3. It is a person who helps people in their work.
  4. It means profession or the part of your life that you spend working.
  5. It refers to things which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purpose.
  6. It is an official piece of paper with writing on it.
  7. It means you choose what should be done or which is the best of varies alternatives.
  8. It means you join something or fasten something to the object.
  9. It is document or a piece of paper that shows prove someone has the right to do something.
  1. It means you are sorry that you have hurt someone or caused trouble for them.
  2. It is a person who plays a musical instrument as their job or hobby.
  3. It is a person who is receiving treatment from a doctor.
  4. It is a person whose job is working in a government organisation.
  5. It means he or she is very skilled at doing something or knows a lot about a particular subject.
  6. It is someone whose job is to study the nature and behaviour of natural things.
  7. It means a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.
  8. It is a piece of equipment which uses electricity or an engine in order to so a particular kind of work.
  9. It is a person whose job is to install and repair electrical equipment.
  10. It is a person whose job involves planning the form of aa new objects.

19 Clues: It is a person who helps people in their work.It is an official piece of paper with writing on it.It means something or someone cannot be seen or found.It is a person who is receiving treatment from a doctor.It means a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.It means you join something or fasten something to the object....

Unit 5 - Work 2018-01-23

Unit 5 - Work crossword puzzle
  1. It means profession or the part of your life that you spend working.
  2. It is an official piece of paper with writing on it.
  3. It is a person whose job is to connect and repair things such as pipes, baths, and toilets.
  4. It is a piece of equipment which uses electricity or an engine to do the work.
  5. It means a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.
  6. It is a person who helps people in their work.
  7. It is someone whose job is to study the nature and behaviour of natural things.
  8. It is a person whose job is working in a government organisation.
  9. It is document that shows someone has the right to do something.
  10. It means you are sorry that you have hurt someone or caused trouble for them.
  11. It is a person whose job involves planning the form of aa new objects.
  12. It means you choose what should be done or which is the best of varies alternatives.
  1. It means he or she is very skilled at doing something or knows a lot about a particular subject.
  2. It is a person who plays a musical instrument as their job or hobby.
  3. It is a person whose job is to install and repair electrical equipment.
  4. It refers to things which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purpose.
  5. It is a person who is receiving treatment from a doctor.
  6. It means something or someone cannot be seen or found.
  7. It means you join something or fasten something to the object.

19 Clues: It is a person who helps people in their work.It is an official piece of paper with writing on it.It means something or someone cannot be seen or found.It is a person who is receiving treatment from a doctor.It means a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.It means you join something or fasten something to the object....

Unit 5 - Work 2018-01-23

Unit 5 - Work crossword puzzle
  1. It means profession or the part of your life that you spend working.
  2. It is an official piece of paper with writing on it.
  3. It means he or she is very skilled at doing something or knows a lot about a particular subject.
  4. It means you are sorry that you have hurt someone or caused trouble for them.
  5. It is document that shows someone has the right to do something.
  6. It means a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.
  7. It is someone whose job is to study the nature and behaviour of natural things.
  8. It is a person whose job is working in a government organisation.
  9. It means you join something or fasten something to the object.
  10. It is a person whose job is to connect and repair things such as pipes, baths, and toilets.
  1. It is a person whose job involves planning the form of aa new objects.
  2. It is a person who plays a musical instrument as their job or hobby.
  3. It is a person who helps people in their work.
  4. It refers to things which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purpose.
  5. It is a piece of equipment which uses electricity or an engine to do the work.
  6. It means you choose what should be done or which is the best of varies alternatives.
  7. It is a person whose job is to install and repair electrical equipment.
  8. It is a person who is receiving treatment from a doctor.
  9. It means something or someone cannot be seen or found.

19 Clues: It is a person who helps people in their work.It is an official piece of paper with writing on it.It means something or someone cannot be seen or found.It is a person who is receiving treatment from a doctor.It means a person whose job is to keep financial accounts.It means you join something or fasten something to the object....

Paid & Unpaid Work 2014-03-21

Paid & Unpaid Work crossword puzzle
  1. This describes people who are helpful and useful__________________(10)
  2. Money that the government collects to run the country______(3)
  3. The term used to measure economic activity______(3)
  4. Employment_____________ can be improved through volunteering (13)
  5. Work is one of the ways we________________ to society (10)
  6. Voluntary activity can provide useful and _______________ work experience (10)
  7. Social ________means everyone belongs and feels part of society (9)
  8. ______________ development includes confidence building and self awareness(8)
  1. Another word that also means work_____________(6)
  2. Work that happens in the home is described as ____________work(8)
  3. Another word that means promote or grow_____________(9)
  4. Paid work helps build economic wealth and _________________(10)
  5. Work that is non remunerative ______________(6)
  6. A word that mean training or guiding another______________(8)
  7. Money that is earned is called________________(6)
  8. A word that describes how we live, habits and choices (9)
  9. Increasing workforce________________ is what the government must aim for (13)
  10. A word that refers to concern for the welfare and happiness of another (9)
  11. Domestic work is described as the ____________ infrastructure (9)

19 Clues: Work that is non remunerative ______________(6)Another word that also means work_____________(6)Money that is earned is called________________(6)The term used to measure economic activity______(3)Another word that means promote or grow_____________(9)A word that describes how we live, habits and choices (9)...

work (LINC 3) 2014-04-10

work (LINC 3) crossword puzzle
  1. a little too small to fit properly
  2. stands for
  3. a record of medical information about the patient
  4. to be the same color, shape or pattern
  5. items for sale
  6. to be the same size
  7. the total amount of money you receive in a year
  8. a group of related products
  9. an amount of something
  10. to slide a card through an electronic device
  11. a period of work
  1. everyday household items
  2. having a good taste, delicious
  3. a separate room or division in a health care facility
  4. something that is added to the mail thing
  5. strands of hair that have lighter color than the rest of the hair
  6. look good
  7. a large room in a hotel or airport for sitting, waiting
  8. autumn

19 Clues: autumnlook goodstands foritems for salea period of workto be the same sizean amount of somethingeveryday household itemsa group of related productshaving a good taste, deliciousa little too small to fit properlyto be the same color, shape or patternsomething that is added to the mail thingto slide a card through an electronic device...

Work Sheet 4 2022-03-30

Work Sheet 4 crossword puzzle
  1. visual representations of age structure within a country for males and females.
  2. is statistical measure of the average time an organism is expected to live.
  3. the total fertility rate required to offset the average number of deaths in a population and for the current population size to remain stable.
  4. countries with relatively high levels of industrialization and income.
  5. the movement of people into a country.
  6. the regulation of the number or spacing of offspring using birth control.
  7. indicates the number of live births per 1,000 midyear population.
  8. the number of deaths of children under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births.
  9. predict that this trend will continue, and that worldwide population growth will be slower this century than the last century.
  1. is an acronym for the equation of model that links sustainability outputs to three causal factors.
  2. is the total fertility rate the average number of children born per woman at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next, without migration.
  3. countries with relatively low levels of industrialization and income of less than $3 per person per day.
  4. having a lot of wealth such as money, goods, or property.
  5. is the total number of deaths to residents in a specified geographic area.
  6. the average number of years that an infant born in a particular year in a particular country can be expected to live, given the current average life span and death rate of that country.
  7. is the region surrounding a city.
  8. the movement of people out of a country.
  9. the value of all products and services produced in a year in that country.
  10. tan estimate of the average number of children that each woman in a population will bear.
  11. visual representations of age structure within a country for males and females.
  12. is the statistical study of human populations.

21 Clues: is the region surrounding a city.the movement of people into a country.the movement of people out of a the statistical study of human populations.having a lot of wealth such as money, goods, or property.indicates the number of live births per 1,000 midyear population.countries with relatively high levels of industrialization and income....