All Crossword Puzzles

parameters 2024-09-19

parameters crossword puzzle
  1. 1h handshape 5 thumb tapping on forehead
  2. 1h handshape 5 tapping thumb on chin
  3. 2h left hand palm facing down and right hand on tap of left hand and moving it towards you
  4. 1h handshape 3 then close
  5. 1h handshape y and shake hand
  6. 1h handshape a palm down wrists moving up and down
  7. 2h left palm up ward and right hand all fingers together moving in and upward position toward your head
  1. 2h bent 5 on chest move in and out
  2. 2h handshape palms down tap dominate hand on top of the other
  3. 1h handshape l thumb on chin move index finger up and down
  4. 2h pointer finger and second finger together right hand on top hitting left hand.
  5. 1h handshape k with palm facing up rub middle finger in thumb
  6. 1h handshape thumb and middle finger together kinda making and o down
  7. 1h handshape 5 start at forehead and move hand

14 Clues: 1h handshape 3 then close1h handshape y and shake hand2h bent 5 on chest move in and out1h handshape 5 tapping thumb on chin1h handshape 5 thumb tapping on forehead1h handshape 5 start at forehead and move hand1h handshape a palm down wrists moving up and down1h handshape l thumb on chin move index finger up and down...

Jacob Conrad Renaissance 2024-09-19

Jacob Conrad Renaissance crossword puzzle
  1. made the Mona Lisa
  2. to declare invalid
  3. drawing a third object on a second surface
  4. Made the school of Athens
  5. the church's way of getting people to join
  6. made the printing press
  7. second wife of king Henry the 8th
  8. split the catholic church
  9. made the bronze statue of David
  10. The king of England
  11. human emotion
  12. the language you speak
  13. not believing in religion
  1. the churches counter punch
  2. made the Sistine chapels ceiling
  3. a new non-catholic church
  4. separate from the catholic church
  5. wealthy people
  6. pays money to absolve you of your sins
  7. a religious resolution's
  8. rebirth
  9. the queen of England that brings prosperity
  10. defines the doctorate of the catholic church
  11. made books more accessible
  12. the church of England

25 Clues: rebirthhuman emotionwealthy peoplemade the Mona Lisato declare invalidThe king of Englandthe church of Englandthe language you speakmade the printing pressa religious resolution'sa new non-catholic churchMade the school of Athenssplit the catholic churchnot believing in religionthe churches counter punchmade books more accessible...

Ekonomi 2024-09-19

Ekonomi crossword puzzle
  1. yang digunakan untuk melakukan Pembayaran Membeli Makanan, Belanja, hingga pembayaran tagihan Yaitu Jenis Fintech (Payment gateway)
  2. Salah Satu faktor dari teori klasik dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi yaitu (David Ricardo)
  3. perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)
  4. satu Faktor pendorong pertumbuhan e-Commerce diindonesia adalah (Peningkatan akses Internet).
  5. Masyarakat, nilai budaya, keyakınan agama dan tingkat pendidikan Contoh dari (Sosial Budayal)
  6. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yg menjelaskan peran Penting Pengusaha dalam Pertumbuhan ekonomi Yaitu teori (Schumpeter).
  7. Yg Menyatakan bahwa Pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak hanya tentang peningkatan angka statistik, Superti produk domestik bruto (pdb). Menurutnya Perubahan ekonommi Mencerminkan pembahan struktur dan Cara berpikir Masyarakat Merupakan teori Menurut (Walt Whitman Rostow).
  8. yg menyediakan transportasi pengairan, Orainast, bangunan gedung dan fasilitas publik Lalah (Infrastruktur).
  9. kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)
  10. dapat Memberikan Manfaat ekonomi Bagi hapapun termasuk pelajar, salah satu Manfaatnya Yaitu pelajar dapat menjadi (Reseller).
  11. proses produksi yang efisien menghubungkan bisnis dengan pelanggan secara global dan Menciptakan inovasi untuk Mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi addah salah satu ciri dari (ekonomi Digital).
  12. dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).
  13. Untuk Kebutuhan Sendiri atau kelompokinya Sendiri lalah (Rumah tangan tertutup).
  14. satu bentuk Perdanaan yang modalnya Berasal dari pemilik modal atau disebut Pengalang dana oleh(crowfanding)
  15. Pada Industri Jasa Keuangan yang memanfaatkan Kemajuan teknologi Merupakan Pengertian dari(Fintech)
  16. akses Keuangan Bagi UMKM ini Merupakan salah satu Manfaat Bagi (Konsumen).
  1. Keungan bagi masyarakat untuk membantu Kehidupan dan keuangan sehari-hari lalah(microFinancin)
  2. pendapatan Yg dihasilkan Masyarakat ialah pengertian dari (Ketimpangan pendapatan).
  3. Yo Mencakup Indikator susenas Inti dan Indeks pembangunan ialah (Indikator Campuran)
  4. bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).
  5. ya tidak bekerja sama sekali, atau sedang mencari Pekerjaan, disebut dengan (Pengangguran).
  6. tinggi teknologi ya diterapkan, kuantitas clan kualitas produksi barang dan tasa suatu negara Maka akan (Meningkat).
  7. Merupakan perusahaan ys Menyediakan platform Jual beli secara (Online).
  8. Kondisi dimana Masyarakat Suatu negara atau Wilayah Mengalami Peningkatan Pendapatan yg disebabkan oleh Kenaikan produksi barang dan Jasa adalah ( Pertumbuhan ekonomi).
  9. Jual beli berbasis daring MenggunaKan Media elektronik Digital linternet Pengertian dari (e-Commerce).
  10. financing Bantuan modal / menghubungkan Pengusaha mikro dan pemilik matal secara (digital).
  11. ekonomi Yang dilaksanakan suatu negara dipengaruhi oleh (faktor ekonomi)
  12. utama dinegara berkembang Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun Inlah (Kemiskinan).
  13. satu Komponen yang diperlukan di dalam e-Commerce adalah (lokapasar).
  14. teori pertumbuhan ekonomi historis lalah ( Karl Bucher).

30 Clues: perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)teori pertumbuhan ekonomi historis lalah ( Karl Bucher).dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)...

A Hard Day for Omissale 2024-09-19

A Hard Day for Omissale crossword puzzle
  1. The community where Omissale resides.
  2. The place Omissale walks to every day.
  3. The person who instructs Omissale at school.
  4. The main character of the video.
  5. The country where Omissale lives.
  1. The hardships Omissale faces daily.
  2. A long walk that Omissale takes to reach school.
  3. The central theme and goal of Omissale’s daily efforts.
  4. What Omissale hopes to improve through education.
  5. The people Omissale interacts with at school.

10 Clues: The main character of the video.The country where Omissale lives.The hardships Omissale faces daily.The community where Omissale resides.The place Omissale walks to every day.The person who instructs Omissale at school.The people Omissale interacts with at school.A long walk that Omissale takes to reach school....

A Hard Day for Omissale 2024-09-19

A Hard Day for Omissale crossword puzzle
  1. The community where Omissale resides.
  2. The place Omissale walks to every day.
  3. The person who instructs Omissale at school.
  4. The main character of the video.
  5. The country where Omissale lives.
  1. The hardships Omissale faces daily.
  2. A long walk that Omissale takes to reach school.
  3. The central theme and goal of Omissale’s daily efforts.
  4. What Omissale hopes to improve through education.
  5. The people Omissale interacts with at school.

10 Clues: The main character of the video.The country where Omissale lives.The hardships Omissale faces daily.The community where Omissale resides.The place Omissale walks to every day.The person who instructs Omissale at school.The people Omissale interacts with at school.A long walk that Omissale takes to reach school....

spanish 2024-09-19

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. la pelicula romantica
  2. to interest
  3. to love/to enchant
  4. la actriz
  5. to finish
  6. to hurt/ache
  7. to last
  8. canal
  1. about
  2. la telenovela
  3. la peliculadehorror
  4. El actor
  5. el drama
  6. comedia
  7. more or less
  8. antes de
  9. to bore
  10. almost
  11. el programa educativo
  12. comico
  13. medio

21 Clues: aboutmediocanalalmostcomicocomediato boreto lastEl actorel dramaantes dela actrizto finishto interestmore or lessto hurt/achela telenovelato love/to enchantla peliculadehorrorla pelicula romanticael programa educativo

Maggie Springer - Renaissance and reformation 2024-09-19

Maggie Springer - Renaissance and reformation crossword puzzle
  1. settled reformation wars
  2. settled religous turm oil
  3. non catholic christans
  4. funded the arts
  5. origanal language
  6. rebirth
  7. catholic missionaries
  8. painted sistine chapel
  9. protestant leader
  10. human emotion
  11. invented printing press
  12. mass production of books
  13. make invalid
  1. split in church
  2. painted school of athens
  3. meeting of clergy
  4. painted Mona Lisa
  5. catholic counter punch
  6. church of england
  7. 3d view in paintings
  8. bronze david
  9. henerys second wife/beheaded
  10. nonreligous
  11. religous followers of martin luther
  12. paying for salvation
  13. 6 wives

26 Clues: rebirth6 wivesnonreligousbronze davidmake invalidhuman emotionsplit in churchfunded the artsmeeting of clergypainted Mona Lisachurch of englandoriganal languageprotestant leader3d view in paintingspaying for salvationcatholic missionariescatholic counter punchnon catholic christanspainted sistine chapelinvented printing press...

AP Lang Crossword 2024-09-19

AP Lang Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. teenage boys
  2. "teenage __" -Taylor Swift
  3. another way to say "you're the literal definition of..."
  4. trail on
  5. coaches after player makes a horrible play
  6. side eye
  7. refer to something with hostility
  8. veterans, healthcare workers, public service
  9. "If she's got blue eyes, I will ___ that you'll probably date her" -Taylor Swift
  1. perhaps your mother or grandmother
  2. something you'd use to describe a military leader
  3. ventress (star wars)
  4. when I come home from school
  5. very common to see this in songs
  6. beyond the level of human understanding
  7. to break law, ect.
  8. improve something bad
  9. pause or gap between series, sentence, ect.
  10. certain filters on apps
  11. your ideal subordinate

20 Clues: trail onside eyeteenage boysto break law, ect.ventress (star wars)improve something badyour ideal subordinatecertain filters on apps"teenage __" -Taylor Swiftwhen I come home from schoolvery common to see this in songsrefer to something with hostilityperhaps your mother or grandmotherbeyond the level of human understanding...

Our Creed 2024-09-19

Our Creed crossword puzzle
  1. lab
  1. engagement

2 Clues: labengagement

Keskiaika 2024-09-19

Keskiaika crossword puzzle
  1. Talonpojat eli tavallinen
  2. Eurooppa muodostui keskiajalla
  3. esti perinnöllisen papiston muodostumisen
  1. uusi yhteiskunnallinen sääty
  2. omistiko hän viljelemänsä maan vai oliko hän

5 Clues: Talonpojat eli tavallinenuusi yhteiskunnallinen säätyEurooppa muodostui keskiajallaesti perinnöllisen papiston muodostumisenomistiko hän viljelemänsä maan vai oliko hän

biology 2024-09-19

biology crossword puzzle
  1. membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions
  2. The clear, yellowish, fluid part of the blood that carries the blood cells
  3. organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other organelles.
  4. organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.
  5. separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment.
  6. the structure in a cell that contains the chromosomes
  1. a membrane-bound cell organelle.
  2. a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
  3. a sub-cellular structure that has one or more specific jobs to perform in the cell
  4. a mass of cytoplasm that is bound externally by a cell membrane.

10 Clues: a membrane-bound cell organelle.the structure in a cell that contains the chromosomesorganisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other organelles.a membrane-bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes.separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment.a mass of cytoplasm that is bound externally by a cell membrane....

Kitchen Safety/Sanitation 2024-09-19

Kitchen Safety/Sanitation crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of the company that makes sure foods are safe to eat and drugs and make-up are safe to use
  2. What is the safe temperature for ground beef?
  3. The safe temperature for poultry
  4. A type of meat group that is typically a bird, like chicken or duck.
  5. The temperature that your freezer should be at
  6. Don't ___ over hot pans or pots
  7. Use a proper ____ when lifting heavy objects
  8. This company makes sure working conditions are sanitary and the environmental hazards are safe.
  9. How long should you wash your hands for?
  10. What should not be left unattended AND shouldn't be left on the stove
  11. Keep a ___ surface when cutting with a knife
  12. What company investigates food born illnesses?
  1. Where should you leave frozen foods to thaw?
  2. The minimum temperature in the temperature danger zone
  3. What meat is cooked at 140 degrees F (Hint: Veal and beef)
  4. The maximum temperature in the temperature danger zone
  5. A item used to grab pans out of the oven
  6. Never assume an appliance is ___.
  7. Don't touch ___ equipment with wet hands
  8. Falls, slips, bruises and cuts are all?

20 Clues: Don't ___ over hot pans or potsThe safe temperature for poultryNever assume an appliance is ___.Falls, slips, bruises and cuts are all?A item used to grab pans out of the ovenDon't touch ___ equipment with wet handsHow long should you wash your hands for?Where should you leave frozen foods to thaw?Use a proper ____ when lifting heavy objects...

crossword puzzle 2024-09-19

crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location

    1 Clue: a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location

    Earth Science Vocabulary 2024-09-19

    Earth Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
    1. The entrance of harmful substances into the environment.
    2. Meeting the needs of the present while still leaving enough resources for the future.
    3. The study of Earth's solid parts, such as rocks and minerals.
    4. The study of Earth's oceans.
    5. Taking responsibility for the management of resources in a sustainable way.
    1. Large-scale tree and forest removal.
    2. The process of repeating experiments/adjusting hypotheses based on the results of a past experiment.
    3. A testable prediction of the outcome of an experiment.
    4. All life on Earth.
    5. All of the Earth's frozen water.

    10 Clues: All life on Earth.The study of Earth's oceans.All of the Earth's frozen water.Large-scale tree and forest removal.A testable prediction of the outcome of an experiment.The entrance of harmful substances into the environment.The study of Earth's solid parts, such as rocks and minerals....

    Body Parts 2024-09-19

    Body Parts crossword puzzle
    1. This is on your head and can be long or short. (4 letters) Это на твоей голове и может быть длинным или коротким.
    2. This is part of your arm that bends, but it’s not your hand. (6 letters) Это на твоей голове и может быть длинным или коротким.
    3. These are on the sides of your head and help you hear. (4 letters) Эти части находятся по бокам головы и помогают тебе слышать.
    4. This is on your face and helps you breathe and smell. (4 letters) Это на твоем лице и помогает дышать и чувствовать запахи.
    1. You use these to pick things up, and they are at the ends of your arms. (5 letters) Ты используешь их, чтобы поднимать вещи, и они находятся на концах твоих рук.
    2. This body part is inside your head and helps you think. (5 letters) Эта часть тела находится в голове и помогает думать.
    3. You use these to walk, and they are at the bottom of your body. (4 letters) Ты используешь их, чтобы ходить, и они находятся внизу твоего тела.
    4. This part of your body helps you see. Эта часть тела помогает тебе видеть.

    8 Clues: This part of your body helps you see. Эта часть тела помогает тебе видеть.This is on your head and can be long or short. (4 letters) Это на твоей голове и может быть длинным или коротким.This body part is inside your head and helps you think. (5 letters) Эта часть тела находится в голове и помогает думать....

    AMISH 2024-09-19

    AMISH crossword puzzle
    1. Many members of the community are known to be very religious. They are ___________ .
    2. Their ___________ promotes hard work and close family ties as important aspects of life.
    3. Amish people have their own __________ .
    4. Their ______________________ beliefs guide how they live and interact with others.
    5. _____________________ towards community leaders is rarely tolerated.
    6. His ________________ nature led him to explore ideas that clashed with the conservative beliefs held by those in his community.
    7. Amish live a really _______________ life, they don't need a lot to live.
    8. This family lives in a big __________ which is used for work and to live.
    1. Some Amish teenagers show ________________ by wanting to think differently than their parents.
    2. Their ________________ to staying true to their principles is what sustains their unique identity in a rapidly changing world.
    3. Living without electricity : live off the __________ .
    4. All the things which have to be done at home.
    5. A synonym of OUTCAST
    6. Many families choose to ___________ down in small towns in Pennsylvania.
    7. This community really ____________ to traditions.
    8. Traditionally worn by the women, the __________ serves a practical purpose.
    9. Many young people face a ______________ when choosing between tradition and modern life.
    10. A strong ______________ in simple living helps the Amish community maintain its unique identity.
    11. Most of the Amish choose to _____________ new technologies.
    12. A synonym of PROSPEROUS.

    20 Clues: A synonym of OUTCASTA synonym of PROSPEROUS.Amish people have their own __________ .All the things which have to be done at home.This community really ____________ to traditions.Living without electricity : live off the __________ .Most of the Amish choose to _____________ new technologies....

    science vocab 2024-09-19

    science vocab crossword puzzle
    1. the introduction of harmful materials into the environment
    2. the process by which a liquid turns into a gas
    3. a person who consumes a product or service
    4. energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy
    5. a simple tool used to identify a specific object
    6. a resource of which there is a seemingly endless supply because it can be replenished
    7. ability to maintain or support a process over time
    1. the growing independence of the worlds economies, cultures, and populations brought by trade
    2. a vertical section of the soil that depicts all of its horizons
    3. a process in which deep, cold water rises toward the surface
    4. the study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them
    5. any liquid or frozen water that form sin the atmosphere and falls to earth
    6. a maker or manufacturer of something
    7. a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society
    8. the ability to do work

    15 Clues: the ability to do worka maker or manufacturer of somethinga person who consumes a product or servicethe process by which a liquid turns into a gasa simple tool used to identify a specific objectability to maintain or support a process over timethe introduction of harmful materials into the environment...

    Kitchen safety/sanitation 2024-09-19

    Kitchen safety/sanitation crossword puzzle
    1. cooking
    2. bruises
    3. Cleanliness
    4. cook
    5. cuts
    6. Wash hands
    7. falls
    8. Hygiene
    9. Poisoning
    10. inspections
    1. maintenance
    2. burns
    3. raw meats
    4. zone
    5. preparation
    6. agencies
    7. shock
    8. Chill
    9. extinguishers
    10. safety inspections

    20 Clues: zonecookcutsburnsshockChillfallscookingbruisesHygieneagenciesraw meatsPoisoningWash handsmaintenanceCleanlinesspreparationinspectionsextinguisherssafety inspections

    Marigolds Vocab 2024-09-19

    Marigolds Vocab crossword puzzle
    1. the quality of being full of energy and joy
    2. a bittersweet longing for things from the past
    1. something that is pointless
    2. condition of being brought to a lower level or humiliated
    3. a filthy, shabby, and wretched condition, as from poverty

    5 Clues: something that is pointlessthe quality of being full of energy and joya bittersweet longing for things from the pastcondition of being brought to a lower level or humiliateda filthy, shabby, and wretched condition, as from poverty

    Thinking like an Engineer 2024-09-19

    Thinking like an Engineer crossword puzzle
    1. comparing what you already know with the information you are given in order to decide whether you agree with it
    2. full-scale working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and necessary adjustments.
    3. looking up ideas and examples online to help with your own design
    4. A pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object, system, or concept
    1. the combined action of a group of people, especially when effective and efficient.
    2. goes along with you as you fall and slows you down
    3. A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works
    4. writers write about several ideas/topics before they write about it
    5. To make corrections to; edit or redo

    9 Clues: To make corrections to; edit or redogoes along with you as you fall and slows you downlooking up ideas and examples online to help with your own designwriters write about several ideas/topics before they write about itA person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works...

    Haileys life 2024-09-19

    Haileys life crossword puzzle
    1. my favorite cup brand
    2. singing in school
    1. mans best friend
    2. sport with running
    3. Our father
    4. a language they speak in french

    6 Clues: Our fathermans best friendsinging in schoolsport with runningmy favorite cup branda language they speak in french

    List 7 2024-09-19

    List 7 crossword puzzle
    1. feelings of indignation or resentment for having been wronged
    2. a familiar saying that states a general truth or rule of life
    3. exceptionally pleasing to the taste
    4. extremely invigorating and refreshing
    5. an area of influence, knowledge, or activity
    1. agreement reached by a group
    2. possible to be done
    3. neglecting to do something required by law or duty
    4. short story about an interesting or humorous incident
    5. tombstone inscription

    10 Clues: possible to be donetombstone inscriptionagreement reached by a groupexceptionally pleasing to the tasteextremely invigorating and refreshingan area of influence, knowledge, or activityneglecting to do something required by law or dutyshort story about an interesting or humorous incidentfeelings of indignation or resentment for having been wronged...

    WiffleBall Fun Puzzle 2024-09-19

    WiffleBall Fun Puzzle crossword puzzle
    1. our wiffleball league
    2. sneaky good 2024 team
    3. 2024 ALWB 2nd place
    4. The 2023 2024 ALWB Undefeated Champions
    5. home _________
    6. the most famous ALWB Bat
    7. sneaky good player, Mastodons
    8. Bombers manager
    1. what you play on
    2. what you run to
    3. Major sport that is a baseball knockoff
    4. 2024 best HR hitter
    5. what you play with
    6. 2024 new team
    7. what you hit with

    15 Clues: 2024 new teamhome _________what you run toBombers managerwhat you play onwhat you hit withwhat you play with2024 best HR hitter2024 ALWB 2nd placeour wiffleball leaguesneaky good 2024 teamthe most famous ALWB Batsneaky good player, MastodonsMajor sport that is a baseball knockoffThe 2023 2024 ALWB Undefeated Champions

    Gods Great Universe Crossword 2024-09-19

    Gods Great Universe Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. the north star
    2. Chained to a rock to be devoured by a whale
    3. One of the closest galaxies to ours is ____ Dwarf galaxy
    4. brightness of a star
    5. a star system containing millions to billions of stars
    6. believed in sun-centered universe
    7. created Law of universal gravitation
    8. ____ Way
    9. the lion
    10. hottest region of the sun's atmosphere
    11. _____ star system that circle around each other
    1. created three laws of planetary motion
    2. darker spots or blotches on the sun
    3. suns visible surface
    4. the dragon
    5. explosion of a star
    6. the force that resists
    7. ____ Major = the great bear
    8. an area containing no air or other matter
    9. the study of the stars & heavenly bodies
    10. The stars outlining an imaginary picture
    11. believed in earth-centered universe
    12. large clouds of gas and dust floating in space

    23 Clues: ____ Waythe lionthe dragonthe north starexplosion of a starsuns visible surfacebrightness of a starthe force that resists____ Major = the great bearbelieved in sun-centered universedarker spots or blotches on the sunbelieved in earth-centered universecreated Law of universal gravitationcreated three laws of planetary motion...

    A very amazing and entertaining crossword 2024-09-19

    A very amazing and entertaining crossword crossword puzzle
    1. debuted from a 2015 survival show
    2. "any one of these hopefuls could be the next big thing in kpop"
    3. The name of Hyunjin's skzoo character
    4. who says "i like girls... yeah, girls generation"
    5. virtual girl group
    6. Aespa's debut song
    7. name of a Blackpink song and also another group's fandom name
    8. "I bring, I bring all the ___"
    9. who says "we go outside and we see snaur" (snow but in an australian accent)
    10. Girl group that debut with a song about macaroni cheese
    11. kpop equivalent of getting rick rolled, 'getting ____"
    12. only joined the company because the lady scouting her looked cute
    13. all the girls are girling
    14. Red Velvet fandom name
    15. Leader of Ateez
    16. Debuted from R U Next
    17. Now soloist who used to be a member of IOI
    18. The kpop '___ year curse'
    1. The group that sings "goodbye avoir adios"
    2. The youngest member in a kpop group
    3. I cook cream soup, taste is coco loco
    4. the name of the group which was then transformed into Dreamcatcher
    5. senior group performing on kingdom
    6. "welcome to the Stray Kids hot ___"
    7. went live for 25 seconds just to yodel (and ate)
    8. Finish the lyric: "They keep talking, I keep ___!"
    9. 3rd gen co-ed group
    10. song named after a gen z slang term
    11. BTS V's saying "I ___ you"
    12. New Jeans' lightstick name
    13. she somehow managed to break her trophy during her oncore stage :(
    14. A group named after a 2D shape
    15. some call her the 4th gen IT girl
    16. also known as Girls' Generation
    17. Member of 3 racha
    18. Idol who was rumored to be North Korean because of her lack of baby photos
    19. song title "super ___"
    20. absolutely stole the spotlight in the JYP "you in my blurred memories" performance

    38 Clues: Leader of AteezMember of 3 rachavirtual girl groupAespa's debut song3rd gen co-ed groupDebuted from R U Nextsong title "super ___"Red Velvet fandom nameall the girls are girlingThe kpop '___ year curse'BTS V's saying "I ___ you"New Jeans' lightstick name"I bring, I bring all the ___"A group named after a 2D shapealso known as Girls' Generation...

    Macronutrientes 2024-09-19

    Macronutrientes crossword puzzle
    1. Sustancia que el cuerpo utiliza para almacenar energía
    2. Proceso metabólico en el que el cuerpo utiliza grasa como energía.
    3. Es el principal nutriente energético que se encuentra en alimentos como el pan y la pasta.
    4. Tipo de carbohidrato que no puede ser digerido por el ser humano, pero es beneficioso para la digestión.
    1. Hormona que ayuda a regular el nivel de glucosa en la sangre
    2. Nutriente esencial que ayuda a construir y reparar tejidos

    6 Clues: Sustancia que el cuerpo utiliza para almacenar energíaNutriente esencial que ayuda a construir y reparar tejidosHormona que ayuda a regular el nivel de glucosa en la sangreProceso metabólico en el que el cuerpo utiliza grasa como energía.Es el principal nutriente energético que se encuentra en alimentos como el pan y la pasta....

    Atmosphere 2024-09-19

    Atmosphere crossword puzzle
    1. source of heat for most of our atmosphere
    2. Instrument used to measure wind speed
    3. The 2nd most abundant gas (we breathe it)
    4. _____ Science is the study of living organisms and how they interact with our surroundings.
    5. How reflective of solar radiation a surface is.
    6. Amount of water vapor in the air
    7. ___ Masses are large body of air with uniform characteristics horizontally
    8. Most of Earth’s weather occurs in this layer of the atmosphere.
    9. "Incoming solar radiation"
    10. There was once a large hole above Antarctica in this UV reflective layer
    11. This instrument measures atmospheric pressure
    12. A region near the equator with little to no wind
    13. The force exerted by the weight of the atmosphere on Earth
    14. ___ Point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor
    15. The layer of gasses surrounding Earth, held in place by gravity.
    16. livestock and landfills are infamous for producing this gas(hint: CH4)
    17. Amount of water vapor in the air
    1. The _____ Effect is when heat is trapped and deflected back towards Earth by atmospheric gasses.
    2. The outermost layer of the atmosphere, where Earth's atmosphere transitions into space.
    3. Prevailing weather conditions over decade-long time spans in an area.
    4. is the study of the atmosphere, focusing on weather and climate prediction based on atmospheric data.
    5. Any form of water, liquid or solid, that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth
    6. Air moving towards low-pressure areas from high-pressure areas.
    7. Tornado ____ is a region in the central U.S. known for frequent Tornadoes.
    8. the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc
    9. A natural light display in the polar regions, caused by solar particles interacting with the atmosphere
    10. The fourth layer of the atmosphere, characterized by high temperatures.
    11. a visible mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere, typically high above the ground
    12. The most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere.
    13. The second layer of the atmosphere, containing the ozone layer.
    14. ___ FRONT - Boundary where a cold air mass replaces a warm air mass
    15. This Effect deflects wind and water’s path due to the Earth’s rotation
    16. The layer above the stratosphere, where temperatures decrease with altitude.
    17. Country that experiences the most tornadoes
    18. ___ FRONT - Boundary where a warm air mass replaces a cold air mass
    19. Atmospheric electrical discharge
    20. Vehicle emissions create this type of air pollution

    37 Clues: "Incoming solar radiation"Amount of water vapor in the airAtmospheric electrical dischargeAmount of water vapor in the airInstrument used to measure wind speedsource of heat for most of our atmosphereThe 2nd most abundant gas (we breathe it)Country that experiences the most tornadoesThe most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere....

    Environmental Science Crossword 2024-09-19

    Environmental Science Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. Gases and microplastics that contaminate the Earth
    2. What our ecological footprints demand on
    3. The Earth's solid part
    4. Loss of biodiversity
    5. National parks
    1. Mix of gases that surround the Earth
    2. All living things on Earth
    3. An educated guess
    4. Harmful plastics that break down in water
    5. The first step in the scientific method

    10 Clues: National parksAn educated guessLoss of biodiversityThe Earth's solid partAll living things on EarthMix of gases that surround the EarthThe first step in the scientific methodWhat our ecological footprints demand onHarmful plastics that break down in waterGases and microplastics that contaminate the Earth

    Anthony Lopez 2024-09-19

    Anthony Lopez crossword puzzle
    1. mom is my favorite parent
    2. my favorite food
    3. is my favorite best friend
    4. are my favorite animal
    5. is my favorite drink
    6. my favorite color
    1. is my favorite class
    2. my favorite device
    3. my favorite game
    4. is my favorite hobby

    10 Clues: my favorite foodmy favorite gamemy favorite colormy favorite deviceis my favorite classis my favorite hobbyis my favorite drinkare my favorite animalmom is my favorite parentis my favorite best friend

    Kitchen Safety and Sanitation Puzzle 2024-09-19

    Kitchen Safety and Sanitation Puzzle crossword puzzle
    1. Use when you have long nails
    2. Cook to proper temperatures
    3. Bacterial food poisoning
    4. 145 degrees
    5. hands and surfaces often
    6. foods are pure/safe to eat, drugs are safe and effective and cosmetics are safe
    7. storage 0 degrees
    8. storage Less than 40 degrees
    9. 145 degrees
    10. employee hygiene, facility, cleanliness, equipment
    1. Refrigerate promptly
    2. Avoid cross contamination
    3. 165 degrees
    4. and Drug Administration
    5. 160 degrees
    6. Do not run in the kitchen
    7. danger zone for food 40-140 degrees
    8. Disease Control CDC
    9. occupation safety and Health Administration

    19 Clues: 165 degrees145 degrees160 degrees145 degreesstorage 0 degreesDisease Control CDCRefrigerate promptlyand Drug AdministrationBacterial food poisoninghands and surfaces oftenAvoid cross contaminationDo not run in the kitchenCook to proper temperaturesUse when you have long nailsstorage Less than 40 degreesdanger zone for food 40-140 degrees...

    Graphing Vocabulary Review 2024-09-19

    Graphing Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
    1. Line goes from negative slope to positive slope
    2. All possible x values
    3. The Y value is always zero here
    4. Line is going towards the top-right
    5. Line switches from increasing to decreasing
    6. Negative Slope
    7. Where the line is above the x-axis
    1. Where the y values are negative
    2. Also called output or y
    3. Unconnected points
    4. Unbroken line
    5. Where the line hits the y-axis
    6. Also called Rate of Change
    7. Straight line

    14 Clues: Unbroken lineStraight lineNegative SlopeUnconnected pointsAll possible x valuesAlso called output or yAlso called Rate of ChangeWhere the line hits the y-axisWhere the y values are negativeThe Y value is always zero hereWhere the line is above the x-axisLine is going towards the top-rightLine switches from increasing to decreasing...

    Environmental Science Crossword 2024-09-19

    Environmental Science Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. The first step in the scientific method
    2. An educated guess
    3. Mix of gases that surround the Earth
    4. Loss of biodiversity
    5. National parks
    6. What our ecological footprints demand on
    1. All living things on Earth
    2. Harmful plastics that break down in water
    3. Gases and microplastics that contaminate the Earth
    4. The Earth's solid part

    10 Clues: National parksAn educated guessLoss of biodiversityThe Earth's solid partAll living things on EarthMix of gases that surround the EarthThe first step in the scientific methodWhat our ecological footprints demand onHarmful plastics that break down in waterGases and microplastics that contaminate the Earth

    School Vocabulary 2024-09-19

    School Vocabulary crossword puzzle
    1. The person who wrote the book
    2. A fake text
    3. The areas of the library where materials are located on floor-to-ceiling shelves.
    4. A source of guidelines for writing research papers, including how to arrange the paper and cite sources.
    5. The place where you check out, renew, and return library materials.
    6. To check a book out from the library
    7. A citation of a text
    8. A reference to a source that includes all the information needed to identify and locate it.
    9. A story of a person's life
    10. To check a book into the library
    1. A text that is not fake
    2. The person in charge of all the books
    3. An information source published in multiple parts at regular intervals, such as a journal, magazine, or newspaper.
    4. Where a story takes place
    5. A series of letters and numbers that identifies a book's location on the shelf.
    6. The person who printed the book
    7. The person who draws the pictures in the book
    8. An employee who performs various library functions, such as greeting users and helping them use electronic databases.
    9. The different types of texts
    10. A story of a person's life written by the person
    11. A library's search engine that lists information about all of its books, including the title, author, and call number.
    12. A collection of information stored electronically that can be searched by a computer.
    13. A person/animate object in a story

    23 Clues: A fake textA citation of a textA text that is not fakeWhere a story takes placeA story of a person's lifeThe different types of textsThe person who wrote the bookThe person who printed the bookTo check a book into the libraryA person/animate object in a storyTo check a book out from the libraryThe person in charge of all the books...

    Nucleic acids 2024-09-19

    Nucleic acids crossword puzzle
    1. building block of organisms
    2. made of amino acids
    1. store the neccessary information
    2. messenger

    4 Clues: messengermade of amino acidsbuilding block of organismsstore the neccessary information

    ?? 2024-09-19

    ?? crossword puzzle
    1. unusual event falling out of the world order
    2. is a large area encompassing a group of countries or territories of a single state
    3. repetitive behavior
    4. is a person who may have knowledge of any circumstances
    1. to revert back to the way it was before.
    2. A gusty, circular wind movement occurring most often near the surface of the earth

    6 Clues: repetitive behaviorto revert back to the way it was before.unusual event falling out of the world orderis a person who may have knowledge of any circumstancesA gusty, circular wind movement occurring most often near the surface of the earthis a large area encompassing a group of countries or territories of a single state

    BIOGEOCHEMICAL 2024-09-19

    BIOGEOCHEMICAL crossword puzzle
    1. a mineral that makes up 1% of a persons total body weight
    2. any body of water found on Earth's surface
    3. conversion of a substance from the solid to the gaseous state without its becoming liquid
    4. a colourless,odourless,tasteless gas
    5. a biogeochemical process through which nitrogen is converted into many forms, consecutively passing from the atmosphere to the soil to organism and back into the atmosphere.
    6. water that exists underground in saturated zones beneath the land surface.
    7. chemical element with symbol C and atomic number
    8. happens when a liquid turns into a gas
    9. the process where water vapor becomes liquid
    1. a natural gas
    2. rain, snow, sleet, or hail — any kind of weather condition where something's falling from the sky.
    3. the loss or removal of nitrogen or nitrogen compounds
    4. the process of combining, mixing, or filling with nitrogen or one of its compounds.
    5. the process by which plants give off water vapor through the stomata in their leaves
    6. the loss or removal of nitrogen or nitrogen compounds
    7. chemical element
    8. the continuous movement of water within the earth and its atmosphere

    17 Clues: a natural gaschemical elementa colourless,odourless,tasteless gashappens when a liquid turns into a gasany body of water found on Earth's surfacethe process where water vapor becomes liquidchemical element with symbol C and atomic numberthe loss or removal of nitrogen or nitrogen compoundsthe loss or removal of nitrogen or nitrogen compounds...

    Daniel's Crossword 2024-09-19

    Daniel's Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. Sport
    2. favorite soccer player
    3. Favorite soda
    4. How many brothers
    5. hobby
    1. favorite period
    2. Soccer position
    3. Favorite food
    4. Least favorite period
    5. First dog

    10 Clues: SporthobbyFirst dogFavorite foodFavorite sodafavorite periodSoccer positionHow many brothersLeast favorite periodfavorite soccer player

    Daniel's Crossword 2024-09-19

    Daniel's Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. Sport
    2. favorite soccer player
    3. Favorite soda
    4. How many brothers
    5. hobby
    1. favorite period
    2. Soccer position
    3. Favorite food
    4. Least favorite period
    5. First dog

    10 Clues: SporthobbyFirst dogFavorite foodFavorite sodafavorite periodSoccer positionHow many brothersLeast favorite periodfavorite soccer player


    TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
    1. - The classic trade-off is between “guns and ...”
    2. an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy
    3. whatever must be given up to obtain some item(2)
    4. the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources
    5. - “one who manages a household.”
    6. - the limited nature of society’s resources
    7. the property of distributing economic prosperity uniformly among the members of society
    1. the impact of one person’s actions on the wellbeing of a bystander
    2. something that induces a person to act
    3. small incremental adjustments to a plan of action(2)
    4. the quantity of goods and services produced from each unit of labor input
    5. the study of how society manages its scarce resources

    12 Clues: - “one who manages a household.”something that induces a person to act- the limited nature of society’s resourceswhatever must be given up to obtain some item(2)- The classic trade-off is between “guns and ...”small incremental adjustments to a plan of action(2)the study of how society manages its scarce resources...

    Science Crossword Puzzle 2024-09-19

    Science Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
    1. What are the 3 properties of matter
    2. What is everything made out of _______
    3. Volume is the amount of _______ that matter takes up
    4. Water is a example of ________
    1. Liquids takes the shape of the _______
    2. What is a form of solid when you freeze it.
    3. All matter is made up of tiny particles called _______
    4. Air is an example of ______
    5. Rock is an example of a ________

    9 Clues: Air is an example of ______Water is a example of ________Rock is an example of a ________What are the 3 properties of matterLiquids takes the shape of the _______What is everything made out of _______What is a form of solid when you freeze it.Volume is the amount of _______ that matter takes upAll matter is made up of tiny particles called _______

    2024-2025 Play Reveal 2024-09-19

    2024-2025 Play Reveal crossword puzzle
    1. an object that counts but never stops
    2. a period marked by progress and fragility
    3. an unexpected, irreversible event involving water
    4. creature that flies but often stays caged, symbolic of freedom and limitation
    5. path unseen, but always guiding
    1. a force that binds people, despite its eventual end
    2. the windy city
    3. Something that always moves forward, never looking back
    4. a flowing presence, sometimes gentle, sometimes deadly
    5. the inevitable end, always looming

    10 Clues: the windy citypath unseen, but always guidingthe inevitable end, always loomingan object that counts but never stopsa period marked by progress and fragilityan unexpected, irreversible event involving watera force that binds people, despite its eventual enda flowing presence, sometimes gentle, sometimes deadly...

    Sasha 2024-09-19

    Sasha crossword puzzle
    1. in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city
    2. (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered
    3. knowledge or perception of a situation or fact
    4. a narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface
    5. emit a long, deep audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or similar
    6. a building material made from a mixture of broken stone or gravel, sand, cement, and water
    7. in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town
    8. a sum of money exacted as a penalty by a court of law or other authority
    1. a sensation of whirling and loss of balance, associated particularly with looking down from a great height
    2. a familiar or humorous name given to a person or thing instead of or as well as the real name
    3. a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things
    4. come together; assemble or accumulate
    5. be unable to move further
    6. (of a surface or object) difficult to hold firmly or stand on because it is smooth, wet, or slimy
    7. the outside part or uppermost layer of something

    15 Clues: be unable to move furthercome together; assemble or accumulateknowledge or perception of a situation or factthe outside part or uppermost layer of somethinga reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous thingsin, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city(of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered...

    Units 1-4 2024-09-19

    Units 1-4 crossword puzzle
    1. where did homeless people sleep on park benches?
    2. who was the 29th president
    3. who was the 26th president?
    4. Who is the owner of the American Tobacco Company?
    5. Who is the creator of the American Federation of Labor?
    6. what act gave workers the right to join labor unions
    7. who became the president after harding
    8. what was the bloodiest 3 day battle?
    1. who was the manufacturer of automobiles
    2. who is the person who invests their own money into a business and receives all of the risks and rewards
    3. who was the head of the knights of labor
    4. the 16 white battleships?
    5. Who was a railroad owner?
    6. what is called when an individual or business has complete control of a product in a certain area?
    7. what was the act that was created to insure bank savings up to $250,000?

    15 Clues: the 16 white battleships?Who was a railroad owner?who was the 29th presidentwho was the 26th president?what was the bloodiest 3 day battle?who became the president after hardingwho was the manufacturer of automobileswho was the head of the knights of laborwhere did homeless people sleep on park benches?...

    Il primo Ottocento 2024-09-19

    Il primo Ottocento crossword puzzle
    1. Dove apre nel 1803 la scuola di disegno riservata alle ragazze?
    2. L'arte ... mette al centro l'individuo
    1. L'età del Romanticismo
    2. Come si chiamano le manifestazioni periodiche in Francia?
    3. Dove si diffonde il movimento "Macchiaioli"?

    5 Clues: L'età del RomanticismoL'arte ... mette al centro l'individuoDove si diffonde il movimento "Macchiaioli"?Come si chiamano le manifestazioni periodiche in Francia?Dove apre nel 1803 la scuola di disegno riservata alle ragazze?

    Membranes: Epithelial 2024-09-19

    Membranes: Epithelial crossword puzzle
    1. to side
    2. not true epithelial, synovial fluid, gap between bones
    3. lines body activities and passageways
    4. if touching organ
    5. body cavities, no contact with exterior, thin membrane
    1. largest membrane and thick
    2. function is to decrease friction in joints
    3. around heart
    4. abdominal body cavity
    5. thoracique body cavity

    10 Clues: to sidearound heartif touching organabdominal body cavitythoracique body cavitylargest membrane and thicklines body activities and passagewaysfunction is to decrease friction in jointsnot true epithelial, synovial fluid, gap between bonesbody cavities, no contact with exterior, thin membrane

    Before the Flood 2024-09-19

    Before the Flood crossword puzzle
    1. Før
    2. Oversvømmelse
    3. Brændstof
    4. Mennesker
    5. Stigende
    6. Klima
    7. Hav
    8. Varme
    1. Problem
    2. Fremtid
    3. Forandring
    4. Jorden
    5. Is

    13 Clues: IsFørHavKlimaVarmeJordenProblemFremtidStigendeBrændstofMenneskerForandringOversvømmelse

    Week 1 Spec. Collection Vocab 2024-09-19

    Week 1 Spec. Collection Vocab crossword puzzle
    1. Determining the accuracy of an instrument by comparing its output with that of a known standard or another instrument known to be accurate.
    2. A solid, liquid, or semisolid medium designed to support the growth of microorganisms, especially bacteria and fungus.
    3. The study and science that deal with the effects, antidotes, and detection of poisons or drugs.
    4. A process to ensure the reliability of test results, often using manufactured samples with known values.
    5. Fluids with high concentrations of protein and cellular debris that have escaped from the blood vessels and have been deposited in tissues or on tissue surfaces.
    6. Any substance that can be breathed into the lungs.
    7. Free from all living organisms
    8. The study of tissues.
    1. To withdraw fluid using suction.
    2. The substance or chemical being analyzed or detected in a specimen.
    3. A physician specially trained in the nature and cause of disease.
    4. Category of medication or a chemical that prevents clotting of blood.
    5. A blood sample in which the red blood cells have ruptured.
    6. Causing or tending to cause the gradual destruction of a substance by chemical action.
    7. The study of cells using microscopic methods.
    8. Capable of burning, corroding, or damaging tissue by chemical action.
    9. Scientific tests or techniques used regarding the detection of crime.
    10. The growth of only one microorganism in a culture or on a nutrient surface.
    11. A substance for use in a chemical reaction.

    19 Clues: The study of tissues.Free from all living organismsTo withdraw fluid using suction.A substance for use in a chemical reaction.The study of cells using microscopic methods.Any substance that can be breathed into the lungs.A blood sample in which the red blood cells have ruptured.A physician specially trained in the nature and cause of disease....

    Accounting 2024-09-19

    Accounting crossword puzzle
    1. The process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions.
    2. A company's debts or obligations.
    3. A record that summarizes all transactions related to a particular item.
    4. Anything of value owned by a business.
    5. A business owned by one person.
    6. Equation: Formula that shows the relationship between assets, liabilities, and owner's equity.
    7. Funds taken out of a business by the owner for personal use.
    8. Income generated from business activities.
    1. An event that affects the financial position of a company.
    2. A financial statement showing a company's assets, liabilities, and owner's equity at a specific point in time.
    3. Money a business owes to suppliers or creditors.
    4. To make smaller in amount or value.
    5. To make larger in amount or value.
    6. Money owed to a business by its customers.
    7. Wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a business.
    8. The owner's financial interest in the company.
    9. Costs incurred in the process of earning revenue.

    17 Clues: A business owned by one person.A company's debts or obligations.To make larger in amount or value.To make smaller in amount or value.Anything of value owned by a business.Money owed to a business by its customers.Income generated from business activities.The owner's financial interest in the company.Money a business owes to suppliers or creditors....

    List 8 2024-09-19

    List 8 crossword puzzle
    1. honorable behavior, especially from men toward women
    2. state of being confident or sure of something
    3. lower in rank or authority
    4. on, toward, or approaching from the side
    5. a short windstorm beginning and ending suddenly
    1. to clean by scrubbing
    2. given to permissiveness or leniency
    3. think layer over a less valuable material
    4. absolutely necessary
    5. easily molded or bent

    10 Clues: absolutely necessaryto clean by scrubbingeasily molded or bentlower in rank or authoritygiven to permissiveness or leniencyon, toward, or approaching from the sidethink layer over a less valuable materialstate of being confident or sure of somethinga short windstorm beginning and ending suddenlyhonorable behavior, especially from men toward women

    Anemija 2024-09-19

    Anemija crossword puzzle
    1. prerano uništavanje crvenih krvnih stanica
    2. Fe
    1. B12
    2. simptomi
    3. bolest eritrocita
    4. crvene krvne stanice

    6 Clues: FeB12simptomibolest eritrocitacrvene krvne staniceprerano uništavanje crvenih krvnih stanica

    Kleider und Accessoires 2024-09-19

    Kleider und Accessoires crossword puzzle
    1. téli kabát
    2. túracipő
    3. csizma
    4. bőrkabát
    5. öv
    6. esküvői ruha
    7. nyakkendő
    8. pénztárca
    9. mellény
    10. garbó
    1. vízálló cipő
    2. szakadt farmer
    3. hátizsák
    4. hálóing
    5. nyaklánc
    6. fürdőruha
    7. ing
    8. szoknya
    9. póló
    10. öltöny

    20 Clues: övingpólógarbócsizmaöltönyhálóingszoknyamellényhátizsáktúracipőbőrkabátnyakláncfürdőruhanyakkendőpénztárcatéli kabátvízálló cipőesküvői ruhaszakadt farmer

    October-November 2024-09-19

    October-November crossword puzzle
    1. Maze plant
    2. Morning ice
    3. Spiders weave this
    4. Da 30 pointer
    5. Haunting spirit
    6. In the night sky
    7. Corn grows on
    8. Bow and _________
    9. Oak tree fruit
    10. Trick or treat item
    11. Cushion for certain seasonal rides
    12. O'lantern's first name
    13. Falls from trees
    14. Sauce for apples
    15. Hard water
    16. To take in the crops
    17. Ghost talk
    18. Another word for autumn
    19. October holiday
    20. Female deer
    21. Pumpkins, squash, etc.
    22. Night light
    23. Women's pastime
    1. Goes POW!
    2. Apple-related game
    3. Falling frozen water drops
    4. Has 8 legs
    5. All American game
    6. November holiday
    7. Gobble Gobble
    8. ______________ weather
    9. Don't cross its path (2 words)
    10. Grandma's old-fashioned pie
    11. Much used fall garden tool
    12. Flies in the night
    13. Type of drink
    14. Witch's pot
    15. Men's pastime
    16. Witch's vehicle
    17. Animal with antlers
    18. Smokey the ________
    19. Baby deer
    20. Famous deer

    43 Clues: Goes POW!Baby deerMaze plantHas 8 legsHard waterGhost talkMorning iceWitch's potFamous deerFemale deerNight lightDa 30 pointerGobble GobbleCorn grows onType of drinkMen's pastimeOak tree fruitHaunting spiritWitch's vehicleOctober holidayWomen's pastimeNovember holidayIn the night skyFalls from treesSauce for applesAll American gameBow and _________...

    DA3 K4 Kreuzworträtsel 2024-09-19

    DA3 K4 Kreuzworträtsel crossword puzzle
    1. Ein König oder ein Kaiser trägt sie auf dem Kopf.
    2. Wenn in einer Prüfung nicht alles richtig ist, dann hat man sie.
    3. Es gab viele im Mittelalter. Sie saßen oft auf Pferden und kämpften.
    4. Dort lernt man Auto fahren.
    5. Darauf drückt man, um schneller zu fahren.
    6. Darauf sieht man, wie schnell man fährt.
    7. Der zeigt, ob man nach rechts oder nach links abbiegen will.
    8. Ein Ritter benutzte das.
    1. Darauf sieht man wie weit man fahren kann und ob man an der nächsten Tankstelle anhalten muss.
    2. Wenn jemand mit einer anderen Person mitfahren will, dann ist er das.
    3. Wenn jemand viel Geld hat,dann ist er ___.
    4. Wenn jemand vor Ihrem Auto lange steht und weiterfahren kann und Sie nicht fahren können, dann benutzen Sie sie vielleicht.
    5. Ein anderes Wort für „Ferien“.
    6. Es ist unter der Windschutzscheibe im Auto.
    7. Die Augen, die Nase und das Ohr gehören dazu.

    15 Clues: Ein Ritter benutzte das.Dort lernt man Auto fahren.Ein anderes Wort für „Ferien“.Darauf sieht man, wie schnell man fährt.Wenn jemand viel Geld hat,dann ist er ___.Darauf drückt man, um schneller zu fahren.Es ist unter der Windschutzscheibe im Auto.Die Augen, die Nase und das Ohr gehören dazu.Ein König oder ein Kaiser trägt sie auf dem Kopf....

    FEAR 2024-09-19

    FEAR crossword puzzle
    1. (Fear of failure)
    2. (Fear of flying)
    3. (Fear of time)
    4. (Fear of strangers/foreigners)
    5. (Fear of germs)
    6. (Fear of crowds)
    7. (Fear of enclosed spaces)
    8. (Fear of water)
    9. (Fear of heights)
    1. (Fear of public speaking)
    2. (Fear of death)
    3. (Fear of spiders)
    4. (Fear of animals)
    5. (Fear of blood)
    6. (Fear of fire)

    15 Clues: (Fear of time)(Fear of fire)(Fear of death)(Fear of germs)(Fear of blood)(Fear of water)(Fear of flying)(Fear of crowds)(Fear of failure)(Fear of spiders)(Fear of animals)(Fear of heights)(Fear of public speaking)(Fear of enclosed spaces)(Fear of strangers/foreigners)

    Les parties du corps 2024-09-19

    Les parties du corps crossword puzzle
    1. La langue est dans cette partie du corps
    2. Le______________est une combination des parties physiques de la personne.
    3. Une partie du corps qui est dans (in) ta bouche
    4. Une partie du corps avec (with) les doigts
    5. Les doigts sur les pieds
    6. Les__________de cette fille sont verts.
    1. Les parties qui attachent les bras à ton corps.
    2. Cette partie a le nez, les yeux, la bouche et les cheveux.
    3. Une partie du corps qui est sur (on) les mains
    4. La personne entend avec (with) les_________.
    5. C'est au dessous de (below) ta bouche.
    6. Les parties du corps entre (between) les hanches et les pieds
    7. Les parties des (of) jambes entre (between) les hanches et les pieds.
    8. C'est entre (between) les yeux et la bouche.

    14 Clues: Les doigts sur les piedsC'est au dessous de (below) ta bouche.Les__________de cette fille sont verts.La langue est dans cette partie du corpsUne partie du corps avec (with) les doigtsLa personne entend avec (with) les_________.C'est entre (between) les yeux et la bouche.Une partie du corps qui est sur (on) les mains...

    Atomo sandara 2024-09-19

    Atomo sandara crossword puzzle
    1. mažiausia medžiagos dalelė
    2. maziausia cheminio elemento dalis
    3. kokio cheminio elemento atomas turi 2 elektronu, 2 protonus ir 2 neutronus?
    4. mažausia neigiama atomą sudaranti dalelė
    5. mažiausia teigiama elementarioji dalelė
    6. procesas, kurio metu atomas arba molekulė paverčiama jonu, keičiant santykį tarp protonų ir elektronų skaičių
    1. jonizaciją galima veikiant šviesa ir ...
    2. atomas praradęs arba prisijungęs elektroną
    3. neutrali atomo branduolį sudaranti dalelė
    4. atomas turintis didesnę/mažesnę atominę masę

    10 Clues: mažiausia medžiagos dalelėmaziausia cheminio elemento dalismažiausia teigiama elementarioji dalelėjonizaciją galima veikiant šviesa ir ...mažausia neigiama atomą sudaranti dalelėneutrali atomo branduolį sudaranti dalelėatomas praradęs arba prisijungęs elektronąatomas turintis didesnę/mažesnę atominę masę...

    Bert's Crossword Challenge 2024-09-19

    Bert's Crossword Challenge crossword puzzle
    1. Number 13 on the Wizards
    2. Worst Current NBA Team
    3. 1994 NBA Champions
    4. 2015 NBA MVP
    5. 2021 NBA Champions
    6. Scored 100 Points
    1. Seattle NBA Team
    2. NBA Logo
    3. Best Current Point Guard
    4. 2016 NBA FMVP
    5. 2024 NBA MVP
    6. Lakers GOAT
    7. 2024 NBA Champions

    13 Clues: NBA LogoLakers GOAT2024 NBA MVP2015 NBA MVP2016 NBA FMVPSeattle NBA TeamScored 100 Points1994 NBA Champions2021 NBA Champions2024 NBA ChampionsWorst Current NBA TeamNumber 13 on the WizardsBest Current Point Guard

    Hinduism and Buddhism Key Terms Crossword 2024-09-19

    Hinduism and Buddhism Key Terms Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. The central problem that Buddhism seeks to address and overcome.
    2. The Hindu creator god, he has 4 heads.
    3. The law of cause and effect, where actions determine future outcomes.
    4. Ancient Hindu sacred texts.
    5. The state of perfect peace and liberation from suffering in Buddhism.
    6. The foundation of Buddha's teachings, explaining the nature of suffering.
    7. The enlightened one who founded Buddhism, originally known as Siddhartha Gautama.
    1. The Buddhist practice to overcome desire and reach enlightenment.
    2. Liberation from the cycle of rebirth in Hinduism.
    3. The belief in rebirth after death.

    10 Clues: Ancient Hindu sacred texts.The belief in rebirth after death.The Hindu creator god, he has 4 heads.Liberation from the cycle of rebirth in Hinduism.The central problem that Buddhism seeks to address and overcome.The Buddhist practice to overcome desire and reach enlightenment.The law of cause and effect, where actions determine future outcomes....

    parameter puzzle 2024-09-19

    parameter puzzle crossword puzzle
    1. 1h handshape 5 thumb tapping on forehead
    2. 1h handshape 5 tapping thumb on chin
    3. 2h left hand palm facing down and right hand on tap of left hand and moving it towards you
    4. 1h handshape 3 then close
    5. 1h handshape y and shake hand
    6. 1h handshape a palm down wrists moving up and down
    7. 2h left palm up ward and right hand all fingers together moving in and upward position toward your head
    1. 2h bent 5 on chest move in and out
    2. 2h handshape palms down tap dominate hand on top of the other
    3. 1h handshape l thumb on chin move index finger up and down
    4. 2h pointer finger and second finger together right hand on top hitting left hand.
    5. 1h handshape k with palm facing up rub middle finger in thumb
    6. 1h handshape thumb and middle finger together kinda making and o down
    7. 1h handshape 5 start at forehead and move hand

    14 Clues: 1h handshape 3 then close1h handshape y and shake hand2h bent 5 on chest move in and out1h handshape 5 tapping thumb on chin1h handshape 5 thumb tapping on forehead1h handshape 5 start at forehead and move hand1h handshape a palm down wrists moving up and down1h handshape l thumb on chin move index finger up and down...

    cambio de estado 2024-09-19

    cambio de estado crossword puzzle
    1. ¿que tipo de cambio de estado es la condensacion?
    2. ¿Como se llama el proceso cuando un liquido pasa a solido?
    3. ¿que cambio de estado va del gas a liquido?
    1. ¿Cual es el nombre del proceso en el que un solido se convierte en liquido
    2. ¿Que cambio de estado ocurreun liquido se convierte en gas?
    3. ¿Que cambio de estado ocurre cuando un solido pasa a gas?

    6 Clues: ¿que cambio de estado va del gas a liquido?¿que tipo de cambio de estado es la condensacion?¿Que cambio de estado ocurre cuando un solido pasa a gas?¿Como se llama el proceso cuando un liquido pasa a solido?¿Que cambio de estado ocurreun liquido se convierte en gas?¿Cual es el nombre del proceso en el que un solido se convierte en liquido

    I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter - Ch. 1-13 2024-09-19

    I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter - Ch. 1-13 crossword puzzle
    1. Meets Julia at Juanga's masquerade party
    2. Color of Julia's quinceañera dress
    3. She feels responsible for Olga's death
    4. When Julia is alone in the apartment, she looks for this
    5. She tells Julia at her quinceañera that she's responsible for Olga's death
    6. Julia's dream job
    1. Made at the factory where Apa works
    2. Gets in a fight with Julia on the field trip
    3. Event Lorena's father left the country to attend
    4. Julia's first kiss

    10 Clues: Julia's dream jobJulia's first kissColor of Julia's quinceañera dressMade at the factory where Apa worksShe feels responsible for Olga's deathMeets Julia at Juanga's masquerade partyGets in a fight with Julia on the field tripEvent Lorena's father left the country to attendWhen Julia is alone in the apartment, she looks for this...

    Global Warming 2024-09-19

    Global Warming crossword puzzle
    1. Scientists recommend restoring this to help correct global warming.
    2. when CO2 levels were 280 ppm
    3. The level of this might decrease in plants as the climate warms.
    4. As carbon builds up in the atmosphere, there are ______ molecules to reflect heat back to Earth.
    5. Organic rich soil will store this.
    6. Scientists are concerned that increase plant productivity takes more of this from the soil.
    7. What type of EMR waves do greenhouse gases emit?
    8. CO2 in the air boosts this rate in plants
    9. Higher temperature and increased moisture interfere with crops due to the growth of ......
    10. A powerful greenhouse gas that stores 25 times the energy as CO2.
    11. Many crops experience this as temperature increase.
    12. Environmental storage reservoirs for carbon.
    1. CO2 levels of 421 ppm
    2. Scientists are concerned that when this happens to our permafrost, greenhouse gases will be released.
    3. A measurement of the average weather for an area over thirty years
    4. Burning this is a large source of global warming.
    5. The level of this will decrease in the soil as the climate warms.
    6. How many years CO2 stays in the atmosphere.
    7. Even if we stopped emitting carbon into our atmosphere today, CO2 levels in which natural reservoir would continue to increase?
    8. The environmental conditions of an area at a moment in time.
    9. Warmer winters and longer growing seasons bring more of these to new territories.
    10. The top 30 cm of this contain twice as much CO2 as the entire atmosphere.

    22 Clues: CO2 levels of 421 ppmwhen CO2 levels were 280 ppmOrganic rich soil will store this.CO2 in the air boosts this rate in plantsHow many years CO2 stays in the atmosphere.Environmental storage reservoirs for carbon.What type of EMR waves do greenhouse gases emit?Burning this is a large source of global warming....

    Medical terminology Practice 2024-09-19

    Medical terminology Practice crossword puzzle
    1. A flow of blood inside the nose.
    2. Internal organ rupture.
    3. Surgical removal of half a lung.
    4. Pertaining to the cells and tissues.
    5. Formation of fat around the ear.
    1. Death of tissue in the muscles.
    2. A small surgical incision on the skin.
    3. Abnormal hardening of the nerves.
    4. Enlargement of kidneys and liver.
    5. Blood between the lungs.

    10 Clues: Internal organ rupture.Blood between the lungs.Death of tissue in the muscles.A flow of blood inside the nose.Surgical removal of half a lung.Formation of fat around the ear.Abnormal hardening of the nerves.Enlargement of kidneys and liver.Pertaining to the cells and tissues.A small surgical incision on the skin.

    Synonyma a antonyma 2024-09-19

    Synonyma a antonyma crossword puzzle
    1. plakat (S)
    2. narodit se (A)
    3. ocas (S)
    4. jih (A)
    5. peřina (S)
    6. krmivo (S)
    7. mokrý (A)
    8. lucerna (S)
    9. holínky (S)
    10. měkký (A)
    1. vrata (S)
    2. smutný (A)
    3. chladno (S)
    4. hlučný (A)
    5. zlobivý (S)
    6. malý (A)
    7. lehký (A)

    17 Clues: jih (A)ocas (S)malý (A)vrata (S)mokrý (A)měkký (A)lehký (A)smutný (A)plakat (S)hlučný (A)peřina (S)krmivo (S)chladno (S)zlobivý (S)lucerna (S)holínky (S)narodit se (A)

    Ekonomi 2024-09-19

    Ekonomi crossword puzzle
    1. yang digunakan untuk melakukan Pembayaran Membeli Makanan, Belanja, hingga pembayaran tagihan Yaitu Jenis Fintech (Payment gateway)
    2. Salah Satu faktor dari teori klasik dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi yaitu (David Ricardo)
    3. perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)
    4. satu Faktor pendorong pertumbuhan e-Commerce diindonesia adalah (Peningkatan akses Internet).
    5. Masyarakat, nilai budaya, keyakınan agama dan tingkat pendidikan Contoh dari (Sosial Budayal)
    6. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yg menjelaskan peran Penting Pengusaha dalam Pertumbuhan ekonomi Yaitu teori (Schumpeter).
    7. Yg Menyatakan bahwa Pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak hanya tentang peningkatan angka statistik, Superti produk domestik bruto (pdb). Menurutnya Perubahan ekonommi Mencerminkan pembahan struktur dan Cara berpikir Masyarakat Merupakan teori Menurut (Walt Whitman Rostow).
    8. yg menyediakan transportasi pengairan, Orainast, bangunan gedung dan fasilitas publik Lalah (Infrastruktur).
    9. kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)
    10. dapat Memberikan Manfaat ekonomi Bagi hapapun termasuk pelajar, salah satu Manfaatnya Yaitu pelajar dapat menjadi (Reseller).
    11. proses produksi yang efisien menghubungkan bisnis dengan pelanggan secara global dan Menciptakan inovasi untuk Mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi addah salah satu ciri dari (ekonomi Digital).
    12. dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).
    13. Untuk Kebutuhan Sendiri atau kelompokinya Sendiri lalah (Rumah tangan tertutup).
    14. satu bentuk Perdanaan yang modalnya Berasal dari pemilik modal atau disebut Pengalang dana oleh(crowfanding)
    15. Pada Industri Jasa Keuangan yang memanfaatkan Kemajuan teknologi Merupakan Pengertian dari(Fintech)
    16. akses Keuangan Bagi UMKM ini Merupakan salah satu Manfaat Bagi (Konsumen).
    1. Keungan bagi masyarakat untuk membantu Kehidupan dan keuangan sehari-hari lalah(microFinancin)
    2. pendapatan Yg dihasilkan Masyarakat ialah pengertian dari (Ketimpangan pendapatan).
    3. Yo Mencakup Indikator susenas Inti dan Indeks pembangunan ialah (Indikator Campuran)
    4. bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).
    5. ya tidak bekerja sama sekali, atau sedang mencari Pekerjaan, disebut dengan (Pengangguran).
    6. tinggi teknologi ya diterapkan, kuantitas clan kualitas produksi barang dan tasa suatu negara Maka akan (Meningkat).
    7. Merupakan perusahaan ys Menyediakan platform Jual beli secara (Online).
    8. Kondisi dimana Masyarakat Suatu negara atau Wilayah Mengalami Peningkatan Pendapatan yg disebabkan oleh Kenaikan produksi barang dan Jasa adalah ( Pertumbuhan ekonomi).
    9. Jual beli berbasis daring MenggunaKan Media elektronik Digital linternet Pengertian dari (e-Commerce).
    10. financing Bantuan modal / menghubungkan Pengusaha mikro dan pemilik matal secara (digital).
    11. ekonomi Yang dilaksanakan suatu negara dipengaruhi oleh (faktor ekonomi)
    12. utama dinegara berkembang Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun Inlah (Kemiskinan).
    13. satu Komponen yang diperlukan di dalam e-Commerce adalah (lokapasar).
    14. teori pertumbuhan ekonomi historis lalah ( Karl Bucher).

    30 Clues: perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)teori pertumbuhan ekonomi historis lalah ( Karl Bucher).dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)...

    Solids or gas or liquid 2024-09-19

    Solids or gas or liquid crossword puzzle
    1. chair
    1. helium
    2. ocean

    3 Clues: chairoceanhelium

    lovas felszerelések 2024-09-19

    lovas felszerelések crossword puzzle
    1. leygnek
    2. őleme
    3. rotso
    4. kéfőtök
    5. gereyn
    6. nácipak
    7. űytzsek
    1. erdeveh
    2. tétálá
    3. rázs
    4. rátnak
    5. kabok

    12 Clues: rázsőlemerotsokaboktétálárátnakgereynerdevehleygnekkéfőtöknácipakűytzsek

    Bridge 2024-09-19

    Bridge crossword puzzle
    1. The colorful event where second-year students welcomed you by throwing eggs and paint for fun!
    2. The hardworking machine that does all the behind-the-scenes magic—your silent hero.
    3. The association of engineering students, always ready to represent and defend.
    4. OF ADEI The yearly celebration of the student association’s existence, full of fun and surprises.
    5. The building where the library is hidden—a quiet place for loud thinking.
    6. EATER An impressive and fiery act performed during the ADEI anniversary—don’t try this at home!
    7. That friendly event where first-year students meet their new family, sometimes in crazy ways.
    8. When alumni share their ENSIAS adventures with first-year students, like passing down a secret code.
    9. That one unforgettable event that welcomed you in, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
    10. The sneaky little problem in your code that makes everything go wrong—find it if you can!
    11. GAROU The group game that turns friends into suspects—who’s the werewolf?
    12. BAND The musical treat that rocked the stage at the ADEI anniversary.
    13. The cool prize that a lucky first-year student won at the Grand Amphi (GA).
    1. Where students escape the books to dive into passions like art, music, or sports.
    2. A gathering of minds, often in a lecture hall, where big ideas and alumni reunite with students.
    3. Red triangle with the answer below—yes, it's on the logo!
    4. (GRAND AMPHI) The biggest lecture hall where the entire school gathers—be prepared for important announcements.
    5. A reusable piece of code, like a handy tool in your programming toolbox.
    6. The coolest club, connecting students to alumni like a social networking app in real life.
    7. A step-by-step recipe for solving problems, but with no cookies at the end.
    8. The endless cycle in your code that keeps repeating until you tell it to stop… or it never does.
    9. The evening where ENSIAS students dance away the stress, until they remember there’s an exam.
    10. The exact number of clubs that make ENSIAS life more chaotic and fun.
    11. The art of finding and squashing bugs, like being a digital detective.
    12. The spot where your ENSIAS journey began, and where friendships were forged.
    13. The number of years ADEI has been around, celebrating its legacy with pride.
    14. SHOW The energetic drum show that got everyone moving at the ADEI celebration.
    15. The language of computers, where everything is reduced to 1s and 0s—simple but powerful.
    16. The treasure trove of knowledge where students go to study, or just daydream.

    29 Clues: Red triangle with the answer below—yes, it's on the logo!The exact number of clubs that make ENSIAS life more chaotic and fun.BAND The musical treat that rocked the stage at the ADEI anniversary.The art of finding and squashing bugs, like being a digital detective.A reusable piece of code, like a handy tool in your programming toolbox....

    Kitchen Safety/Sanitaion 2024-09-19

    Kitchen Safety/Sanitaion crossword puzzle
    1. Responsibility to provide a safe environment to employees
    2. Maintaining a safe working environment preventing accidents
    3. Food and Drug Administration
    4. National Institute of Standards and Technology
    5. Required nationally by the FDA
    6. Keep floor clean and dry
    7. Food Safety and Inspection Service
    8. "It's better to be safe than ___"
    9. The temperature a freezer should be
    1. Process of handling food in ways that are clean and healthy
    2. A legal requirement for food producers
    3. The amount of time you should wash your hands
    4. Center for Disease Control and Prevention
    5. Safety tool with a class A,B,C,D,and K
    6. "Cut ___ from the body"
    7. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    8. "Avoid over-reaching and climbing too ___"
    9. safety training and certificate program for restaurant and foodservice
    10. Using precautionary methods in the kitchen to prevent an accident
    11. Is a sharp or dull nice safer?

    20 Clues: "Cut ___ from the body"Keep floor clean and dryFood and Drug AdministrationRequired nationally by the FDAIs a sharp or dull nice safer?"It's better to be safe than ___"Food Safety and Inspection ServiceThe temperature a freezer should beA legal requirement for food producersSafety tool with a class A,B,C,D,and K...

    wordly wise lesson 2 2024-09-19

    wordly wise lesson 2 crossword puzzle
    1. clothed
    2. cause wear by rubbing
    3. provide evidence
    4. remove water from
    1. done poorly and done in a hurry

    5 Clues: clothedprovide evidenceremove water fromcause wear by rubbingdone poorly and done in a hurry

    List 9 2024-09-19

    List 9 crossword puzzle
    1. disturbed state of confusion and disorder
    2. to help develop or grow
    3. impossible to damage or defeat
    4. surviving by killing and eating other animals
    5. to urge or force someone to do something
    1. unable to read or write
    2. widely extended area
    3. to bring together
    4. quality of being complex or detailed
    5. difficult to use or operate because of size, weight, or design

    10 Clues: to bring togetherwidely extended areaunable to read or writeto help develop or growimpossible to damage or defeatquality of being complex or detailedto urge or force someone to do somethingdisturbed state of confusion and disordersurviving by killing and eating other animalsdifficult to use or operate because of size, weight, or design

    Genre Crossword 2024-09-19

    Genre Crossword crossword puzzle
    1. something that is invented or untrue
    2. a genre of folklore
    3. An event in history involving a person or place
    4. short story usually including animals as characters
    5. genre started from, myths, fables legends and folk rhythm
    6. a biography narrated by that person
    7. An event that has happened in real life
    1. A children's story about magical and imaginary begins
    2. A story that is hard to believe
    3. A genre involving exotic things
    4. Providing information
    5. artistic writing
    6. very well known
    7. something usually written by someone else about someone life
    8. the body of expressive culture shared by a certain group of people
    9. based off a true story

    16 Clues: very well knownartistic writinga genre of folkloreProviding informationbased off a true storyA story that is hard to believeA genre involving exotic thingsa biography narrated by that personsomething that is invented or untrueAn event that has happened in real lifeAn event in history involving a person or place...

    GFI 6: 3 kappalesanasto 2024-09-19

    GFI 6: 3 kappalesanasto crossword puzzle
    1. pentu
    2. pala
    3. tuntikausia
    4. herätä
    5. lumikenkä
    1. jäälautta
    2. jääkarhu
    3. painaa
    4. tassu
    5. murtua
    6. hylje

    11 Clues: palapentutassuhyljepainaaherätämurtuajääkarhujäälauttalumikenkätuntikausia

    Magyarország térkép 2024-09-19

    Magyarország térkép crossword puzzle
    1. Milyen marha található Hortobágyon?
    2. Hol készült eredetileg az Őrség zöld aranya?
    3. Milyen város Oroszlány?
    4. Mi magyarország legnagyobb hegye?
    5. Melyik magyarország legnagyobb vízhozamú folyama?
    6. Mi táplálja a balatont?
    7. Hol található labdarugó akadémia?
    8. Budapesten hol ülnek össze a miniszterek?
    9. hegy Budapesten hol található a szabadságszobor?
    10. híd Mi volt a Rákóczi híd régi neve?
    11. Mi magyarország legnagyobb tava?
    1. Melyik középhegységünk legnagyobb csúcsa kékes (1014m)?
    2. Hol alapították a világhírű videoton gyárat?
    3. Hol található a kilenclyukú híd?
    4. Mi magyarország fővárosa?
    5. Melyik folyónk folyik bele a fekete tengerbe?
    6. Milyen sírkamrák találhatóak pécsen?
    7. Mi zsámbék szakképző iskola neve?
    8. Mi magyarország koronázási városának megyeszékhelye?
    9. Hol készült a hires Pick kolbász?

    20 Clues: Milyen város Oroszlány?Mi táplálja a balatont?Mi magyarország fővárosa?Hol található a kilenclyukú híd?Mi magyarország legnagyobb tava?Mi magyarország legnagyobb hegye?Mi zsámbék szakképző iskola neve?Hol található labdarugó akadémia?Hol készült a hires Pick kolbász?Milyen marha található Hortobágyon?Milyen sírkamrák találhatóak pécsen?...

    Remedial ekonomi 2024-09-19

    Remedial ekonomi crossword puzzle
    1. yang digunakan untuk melakukan Pembayaran Membeli Makanan, Belanja, hingga pembayaran tagihan Yaitu Jenis Fintech (Payment gateway)
    2. Salah Satu faktor dari teori klasik dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi yaitu (David Ricardo)
    3. perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)
    4. satu Faktor pendorong pertumbuhan e-Commerce diindonesia adalah (Peningkatan akses Internet).
    5. Masyarakat, nilai budaya, keyakınan agama dan tingkat pendidikan Contoh dari (Sosial Budayal)
    6. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yg menjelaskan peran Penting Pengusaha dalam Pertumbuhan ekonomi Yaitu teori (Schumpeter).
    7. Yg Menyatakan bahwa Pertumbuhan ekonomi tidak hanya tentang peningkatan angka statistik, Superti produk domestik bruto (pdb). Menurutnya Perubahan ekonommi Mencerminkan pembahan struktur dan Cara berpikir Masyarakat Merupakan teori Menurut (Walt Whitman Rostow).
    8. yg menyediakan transportasi pengairan, Orainast, bangunan gedung dan fasilitas publik Lalah (Infrastruktur).
    9. kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)
    10. dapat Memberikan Manfaat ekonomi Bagi hapapun termasuk pelajar, salah satu Manfaatnya Yaitu pelajar dapat menjadi (Reseller).
    11. proses produksi yang efisien menghubungkan bisnis dengan pelanggan secara global dan Menciptakan inovasi untuk Mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi addah salah satu ciri dari (ekonomi Digital).
    12. dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).
    13. Untuk Kebutuhan Sendiri atau kelompokinya Sendiri lalah (Rumah tangan tertutup).
    14. satu bentuk Perdanaan yang modalnya Berasal dari pemilik modal atau disebut Pengalang dana oleh(crowfanding)
    15. Pada Industri Jasa Keuangan yang memanfaatkan Kemajuan teknologi Merupakan Pengertian dari(Fintech)
    16. akses Keuangan Bagi UMKM ini Merupakan salah satu Manfaat Bagi (Konsumen).
    1. Keungan bagi masyarakat untuk membantu Kehidupan dan keuangan sehari-hari lalah(microFinancin)
    2. pendapatan Yg dihasilkan Masyarakat ialah pengertian dari (Ketimpangan pendapatan).
    3. Yo Mencakup Indikator susenas Inti dan Indeks pembangunan ialah (Indikator Campuran)
    4. bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).
    5. ya tidak bekerja sama sekali, atau sedang mencari Pekerjaan, disebut dengan (Pengangguran).
    6. tinggi teknologi ya diterapkan, kuantitas clan kualitas produksi barang dan tasa suatu negara Maka akan (Meningkat).
    7. Merupakan perusahaan ys Menyediakan platform Jual beli secara (Online).
    8. Kondisi dimana Masyarakat Suatu negara atau Wilayah Mengalami Peningkatan Pendapatan yg disebabkan oleh Kenaikan produksi barang dan Jasa adalah ( Pertumbuhan ekonomi).
    9. Jual beli berbasis daring MenggunaKan Media elektronik Digital linternet Pengertian dari (e-Commerce).
    10. financing Bantuan modal / menghubungkan Pengusaha mikro dan pemilik matal secara (digital).
    11. ekonomi Yang dilaksanakan suatu negara dipengaruhi oleh (faktor ekonomi)
    12. utama dinegara berkembang Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun Inlah (Kemiskinan).
    13. satu Komponen yang diperlukan di dalam e-Commerce adalah (lokapasar).
    14. teori pertumbuhan ekonomi historis lalah ( Karl Bucher).

    30 Clues: perusahaan Fintech lindonesia adalah (Gopay)teori pertumbuhan ekonomi historis lalah ( Karl Bucher).dan Investasi penting untuk mengem bangkan (Perekonomian).bisnis e-Commerce yang beroperasi di Indonesia adalah (tokopedia).kegiatan ekonomi Yo Menyebabkan Jumlah barang dan Tasa serta (Output)...

    Medical Terminology 2024-09-19

    Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
    1. inflammation
    2. relating to blood vessels
    3. within
    4. higher than normal
    5. pain
    6. relating to kidneys
    7. behind
    1. half
    2. inside
    3. less than normal
    4. foot
    5. breathing
    6. relating to the heart
    7. relating to the stomach
    8. swelling or tumor

    15 Clues: halffootpaininsidewithinbehindbreathinginflammationless than normalswelling or tumorhigher than normalrelating to kidneysrelating to the heartrelating to the stomachrelating to blood vessels

    chem vocab 2024-09-19

    chem vocab crossword puzzle
    1. bonds hold the atoms together in discrete molecules
    2. the ability of an atom to attract electrons toward itself in a chemical bond
    3. neutral group of atoms held together by one or more covalent bonds
    4. orderly, repeating three dimensional pattern of many ions, ions or molecules
    1. an electrostatic attraction that holds oppositely charged ions together
    2. bond in which electrons are shared but not equally between the atoms
    3. states that atoms tend to form bonds so that each atom has 8 electrons in their valence shell
    4. a bond in which electrons are shared equally
    5. bonding pairs of electrons and lone pairs of valence electrons repel each other and push each other as far away as possible to minimize the electrostatic repulsions between them
    6. electrostatic attraction between the free moving valence electrons and the positively charged metal cations

    10 Clues: a bond in which electrons are shared equallybonds hold the atoms together in discrete moleculesneutral group of atoms held together by one or more covalent bondsbond in which electrons are shared but not equally between the atomsan electrostatic attraction that holds oppositely charged ions together...

    AOTL 2024-09-19

    AOTL crossword puzzle
    1. Nitrogen, Phosphorus.

      1 Clue: Nitrogen, Phosphorus.

      WW Les 2: Josh Grzeczka 2024-09-19

      WW Les 2: Josh Grzeczka crossword puzzle
      1. To remove water from something
      2. An angry or painful expression
      3. Done with very little effort and hastily
      4. To give up and or pass away
      5. To make a whole hearted attempt
      6. To receive from a outlet
      1. A list of on hand items
      2. To receive power from wires
      3. To show evidence or proof to confirm a theory
      4. Very disgusting and or causing utter horror
      5. To fake and or try to
      6. worn away via rubbing and or friction
      7. Done with great care and caution
      8. To make an educated guess
      9. covered in cloth or clothing

      15 Clues: To fake and or try toA list of on hand itemsTo receive from a outletTo make an educated guessTo receive power from wiresTo give up and or pass awaycovered in cloth or clothingTo remove water from somethingAn angry or painful expressionTo make a whole hearted attemptDone with great care and cautionworn away via rubbing and or friction...

      Les Chiffres en Francais 2024-09-19

      Les Chiffres en Francais crossword puzzle
      1. 25
      2. 29
      3. 24
      4. 6
      5. 23
      6. 11
      7. 12
      8. 10
      9. 19
      10. 3
      11. 8
      12. 4
      13. 5
      14. 26
      15. 7
      1. 16
      2. 21
      3. 15
      4. 27
      5. 2
      6. 20
      7. 1
      8. 22
      9. 30
      10. 28
      11. 17
      12. 13
      13. 18
      14. 9
      15. 14

      30 Clues: 261938457162125152927242022233028111217101319181426

      Bridge 2024-09-19

      Bridge crossword puzzle
      1. The spot where your ENSIAS journey began, and where friendships were forged.
      2. That friendly event where first-year students meet their new family, sometimes in crazy ways.
      3. That one unforgettable event that welcomed you in, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
      4. The evening where ENSIAS students dance away the stress, until they remember there’s an exam.
      5. A gathering of minds, often in a lecture hall, where big ideas and alumni reunite with students.
      6. SHOW The energetic drum show that got everyone moving at the ADEI celebration.
      7. GAROU The group game that turns friends into suspects—who’s the werewolf?
      8. The coolest club, connecting students to alumni like a social networking app in real life.
      9. (GRAND AMPHI) The biggest lecture hall where the entire school gathers—be prepared for important announcements.
      10. The association of engineering students, always ready to represent and defend.
      1. The colorful event where second-year students welcomed you by throwing eggs and paint for fun!
      2. When alumni share their ENSIAS adventures with first-year students, like passing down a secret code.
      3. OF ADEI The yearly celebration of the student association’s existence, full of fun and surprises.
      4. EATER An impressive and fiery act performed during the ADEI anniversary—don’t try this at home!
      5. The number of years ADEI has been around, celebrating its legacy with pride.
      6. The building where the library is hidden—a quiet place for loud thinking.
      7. The exact number of clubs that make ENSIAS life more chaotic and fun.
      8. Red triangle with the answer below—yes, it's on the logo!
      9. Where students escape the books to dive into passions like art, music, or sports.
      10. BAND The musical treat that rocked the stage at the ADEI anniversary.
      11. The treasure trove of knowledge where students go to study, or just daydream.
      12. The cool prize that a lucky first-year student won at the Grand Amphi (GA).

      22 Clues: Red triangle with the answer below—yes, it's on the logo!The exact number of clubs that make ENSIAS life more chaotic and fun.BAND The musical treat that rocked the stage at the ADEI anniversary.The building where the library is hidden—a quiet place for loud thinking.GAROU The group game that turns friends into suspects—who’s the werewolf?...

      Spanish Directions 2024-09-19

      Spanish Directions crossword puzzle
      1. continue/follow
      2. far from
      3. cross
      4. west
      5. in front of
      6. right
      7. cross
      8. north
      9. stop
      10. enjoy
      1. pass through/by
      2. near
      3. south
      4. east
      5. take/eat/drink
      6. pass/walk
      7. straight
      8. left
      9. until
      10. behind
      11. beside

      21 Clues: neareastwestleftstopsouthcrossuntilrightcrossnorthenjoybehindbesidefar fromstraightpass/walkin front oftake/eat/drinkpass through/bycontinue/follow

      Blended Learning 2024-09-19

      Blended Learning crossword puzzle
      1. The connection between in-person and online work should be ___.
      2. The first of the 4 C's students should master before graduation
      3. The most important of the three M's in education.
      1. The tools used in teaching; one of the small m's.
      2. A ___ classroom repurposes class time to make give students more time to learn and home and provide more enriching experiences in the class.
      3. Teachers need to have positive ___ towards blended learning to be effective.
      4. Teachers should focus on student ___ instead of time spent learning.
      5. Student ___ makes blended learning more impactful for students and teaches them skills to be successful later in life.
      6. The location of the learning, whether in-person, online, or blended; one of the small m's
      7. Blended learning usually incorporates an online classroom presence like a(n) __).

      10 Clues: The tools used in teaching; one of the small m's.The most important of the three M's in education.The connection between in-person and online work should be ___.The first of the 4 C's students should master before graduationTeachers should focus on student ___ instead of time spent learning....

      ww 2 2024-09-19

      ww 2 crossword puzzle
      1. done in a hurry
      2. to make a face expressing pain or disgust
      3. to take on the qualities of another
      4. A list of possesions or goods
      5. Wearing away or rubbing by friction
      6. To take or recieve from a source
      1. To wire or equip with electric power
      2. causing shock or horror
      3. to give up or give in to
      4. To cause to lose bodily fluids
      5. to attempt earnestly
      6. to suppose something without evidence
      7. clothed or covered
      8. to provide evidence to make more certain
      9. cautious very varful

      15 Clues: done in a hurryclothed or coveredto attempt earnestlycautious very varfulcausing shock or horrorto give up or give in toA list of possesions or goodsTo cause to lose bodily fluidsTo take or recieve from a sourceto take on the qualities of anotherWearing away or rubbing by frictionTo wire or equip with electric power...

      GFI5 ch. 3 Scotland rocks! (+ chs. 1 & 2) 2024-09-19

      GFI5 ch. 3 Scotland rocks! (+ chs. 1 & 2) crossword puzzle
      1. nauttia
      2. tänään
      3. laulaa
      4. mikrofoni
      5. esine, asia
      6. yllätys
      7. myydä
      8. kosketinsoitin
      9. matkustaa
      10. nokkahuilu
      11. aloittaa
      12. viesti
      13. löytää
      14. yhtye
      15. viesti
      1. suunnitelma
      2. kuoro
      3. huilu
      4. mihinkään
      5. päivällinen
      6. punta
      7. rummut
      8. kitara
      9. valmistaa
      10. viulu
      11. lippu
      12. outo
      13. laulu
      14. harjoitella
      15. matka
      16. laulaja
      17. pysäyttää

      32 Clues: outokuorohuilupuntaviululippumyydälaulumatkayhtyetänäänrummutlaulaakitaraviestilöytääviestinauttiayllätyslaulajaaloittaamihinkäänmikrofonivalmistaamatkustaapysäyttäänokkahuilusuunnitelmapäivällinenesine, asiaharjoitellakosketinsoitin

      List 10 2024-09-19

      List 10 crossword puzzle
      1. splendor and magnificence
      2. producing no results
      3. to confuse
      4. to damage the appearance of something
      5. done with great effort
      6. open porch
      1. loose, sleeveless outer coat or cloak
      2. light or grayish purple
      3. to provide shelter or protection
      4. a ridge designed to prevent flooding

      10 Clues: to confuseopen porchproducing no resultsdone with great effortlight or grayish purplesplendor and magnificenceto provide shelter or protectiona ridge designed to prevent floodingloose, sleeveless outer coat or cloakto damage the appearance of something

      Atomic structure vocabulary 2024-09-19

      Atomic structure vocabulary crossword puzzle
      1. different numbers of neutrons create these different versions
      1. electrons are lost, a ______ charge is obtained
      2. mass An average of masses of different isopotes
      3. an atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge

      4 Clues: electrons are lost, a ______ charge is obtainedmass An average of masses of different isopotesan atom or group of atoms with a positive or negative chargedifferent numbers of neutrons create these different versions

      Types of Forces + Magnets Review 2024-09-19

      Types of Forces + Magnets Review crossword puzzle
      1. An object that produces magnetic force
      2. force of air moving on an object
      3. Pushing force of magnets
      4. Pulling force of magnets
      5. The area of magnetic force around a magnet
      6. Opposite ends of magnets
      7. A device that uses motion to create electricity
      8. Force between any two objects with mass
      1. Force exerted by electrically charged particles
      2. Push or pull with magnetized object
      3. A temporary magnet produced by an electric current
      4. force exerted when one object moves against another
      5. A device that uses electricity to make motion
      6. elastic force exerted when bending or stretching an object
      7. when objects directly push or pull on one another

      15 Clues: Pushing force of magnetsPulling force of magnetsOpposite ends of magnetsforce of air moving on an objectPush or pull with magnetized objectAn object that produces magnetic forceForce between any two objects with massThe area of magnetic force around a magnetA device that uses electricity to make motionForce exerted by electrically charged particles...

      ITALIA 1 2024-09-19

      ITALIA 1 crossword puzzle
      5. Terra circondata da acqua e collegata alla terraferma solo da un lato.
      3. MARE A SUD EST


      FarmView Release September 2024 2024-09-19

      FarmView Release September 2024 crossword puzzle
      1. What accrual cycle tab item was added to Loan Inquiry?
      2. Funds received greater than $100 that will hit suspense are caused by what?
      3. Restriction removed from CMPAPI for what type of loan?
      4. System with updates impacting check styles
      5. Where was customer status added in the enhancement?
      1. What is the threshold limit for funds triggering prepayment penalty?
      2. What process in Loan Ops is improved by the enhancement to Lockbox?
      3. What Loan Inquiry data was rearranged?
      4. Application developed to improve efficiencies in posting payments.

      9 Clues: What Loan Inquiry data was rearranged?System with updates impacting check stylesWhere was customer status added in the enhancement?What accrual cycle tab item was added to Loan Inquiry?Restriction removed from CMPAPI for what type of loan?Application developed to improve efficiencies in posting payments....

      What's the Statistical Term? 2024-09-19

      What's the Statistical Term? crossword puzzle
      1. All American
      1. 400 American surveyed

      2 Clues: All American400 American surveyed

      Gravity and Weight 2024-09-19

      Gravity and Weight crossword puzzle
      1. the type of energy when you are still
      2. planet with least gravity
      3. the type of force when you move
      1. planet with most gravity
      2. never changes
      3. how much you are on earth
      4. planet with gravity

      7 Clues: never changesplanet with gravityplanet with most gravityhow much you are on earthplanet with least gravitythe type of force when you movethe type of energy when you are still

      Wordly Wise Lesson 2 2024-09-19

      Wordly Wise Lesson 2 crossword puzzle
      1. to remove the water from
      2. face expressing pain
      3. done in a hurry
      4. to die
      5. to attempt earnestly
      6. to obtain through reasoning
      1. the stock of goods on hand
      2. to thrill
      3. to confirm
      4. causing horror
      5. to pretend
      6. rough in manner
      7. very careful
      8. a guess
      9. covered

      15 Clues: to diea guesscoveredto thrillto confirmto pretendvery carefulcausing horrordone in a hurryrough in mannerface expressing painto attempt earnestlyto remove the water fromthe stock of goods on handto obtain through reasoning

      phase of matter 2024-09-19

      phase of matter crossword puzzle
      1. Liquid to a gas

        1 Clue: Liquid to a gas

        Animal Farm 2024-09-19

        Animal Farm crossword puzzle
        1. Needing a lot of time and effort.
        2. Tending not t speak much.
        3. A friend, especially one who you have been involved in difficult or dangerous, usually military, activities with.
        4. A small kitchen or room for washing dishes and other dirty work.
        5. Walking with short, dainty steps.
        1. Having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold.
        2. A sudden movement or change that is not smooth or normal.
        3. An amount that is more than enough.
        4. Almost never.
        5. A situation in which someone or something controls how you are able to live, in an unfair way.

        10 Clues: Almost never.Tending not t speak much.Needing a lot of time and effort.Walking with short, dainty steps.An amount that is more than enough.A sudden movement or change that is not smooth or normal.Having a rough voice, often because of a sore throat or a cold.A small kitchen or room for washing dishes and other dirty work....

        GST CROSSWORD PUZZLE 2024-09-19

        GST CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
        1. CGST and __ are payable on intra-state supply of goods in Ladakh.
        2. Actionable claims other than __, betting and gambling is neither supply of goods or supply of services.
        3. Place of supply determines the jurisdiction where the tax revenue should be __.
        4. Tax on services provided by business __ to a banking company is payable under reverse charge.
        5. Services means anything other than goods, and __.
        6. Principal-agent relationship falls within the ambit of the Para 3 of Schedule I of the CGST Act, 2017 if invoice is issued in the name of __.
        1. Any __ that is held for its numismatic value is not money.
        2. Time of supply of vouchers exchangeable for pizza in a pizza outlet is date of __ of voucher.
        3. Persons shall be deemed to be __ if they are legally recognized partners.
        4. __ of immovable property is supply of service.

        10 Clues: __ of immovable property is supply of service.Services means anything other than goods, and __.Any __ that is held for its numismatic value is not money.CGST and __ are payable on intra-state supply of goods in Ladakh.Persons shall be deemed to be __ if they are legally recognized partners....

        Noms col·lectius 2024-09-19

        Noms col·lectius crossword puzzle
        1. Conjunt d’abelles o altres insectes.
        2. Conjunt de professores i professors d’un institut o una universitat.
        3. Conjunt d’alumnes d’una escola o institut.
        4. Conjunt d'animals de la mateixa espècie que es crien i pasturen junts.
        1. Conjunt de persones que fan un mateix treball.
        2. Conjunt de plats, gots, tasses o altres recipients per al servici de taula.
        3. Conjunt dels vaixells de guerra, pesquers o mercants d'un mateix estat d'un mateix armador
        4. Conjunt de persones, especialment les que es reuneixen per a un fi comú.
        5. Conjunt de jugadors que, en forma organitzada, competeixen en defensa d'un mateix club o una mateixa entitat.
        6. Conjunt o manoll de flors o d'herbes.

        10 Clues: Conjunt d’abelles o altres insectes.Conjunt o manoll de flors o d'herbes.Conjunt d’alumnes d’una escola o institut.Conjunt de persones que fan un mateix treball.Conjunt de professores i professors d’un institut o una universitat.Conjunt d'animals de la mateixa espècie que es crien i pasturen junts....

        Kitchen Safety and Sanitation 2024-09-19

        Kitchen Safety and Sanitation crossword puzzle
        1. What should you do to frozen foods before preparing them?
        2. Eggs should be cooked until?
        3. Where should you go if the building is in danger?
        4. Makes sure working conditions are safe
        5. The transfer of harmful bacteria
        6. One of the 6 safety hazards
        7. What you should wear to prevent burns
        8. Assures food is safe to eat
        9. What you should have on deck in case of a fire
        10. What should you fill out when an incident occurs?
        1. What should you use to ensure your food is at the right temperature?
        2. One of the 6 safety hazards
        3. 40 degrees to 140 degrees
        4. How long should you wash your hands?
        5. The type of shoe you should wear in the kitchen
        6. One of the 6 safety hazards
        7. What you should do when finished with an electrical appliance
        8. Works to prevent foodborne illnesses
        9. What should you look for on menus for certain ingredients?
        10. One of the 6 safety hazards
        11. What you should do to prevent cuts

        21 Clues: 40 degrees to 140 degreesOne of the 6 safety hazardsOne of the 6 safety hazardsOne of the 6 safety hazardsOne of the 6 safety hazardsAssures food is safe to eatEggs should be cooked until?The transfer of harmful bacteriaWhat you should do to prevent cutsHow long should you wash your hands?Works to prevent foodborne illnesses...

        Jayden Ritchey Reformation and Renaissance 2024-09-19

        Jayden Ritchey Reformation and Renaissance crossword puzzle
        1. settle reformation wars
        2. most famous queen of England
        3. non catholic christian
        4. rich people
        5. original language
        6. Rebirth
        7. catholic missionaries
        8. Sistine chapel orange bandanna
        9. protestant leader
        10. individuality
        11. created the printing press
        12. used to mass produce books
        13. to get rid of
        1. split the two churches
        2. school of Athens red bandanna
        3. settled reformation wars
        4. the renaissance man
        5. Catholic counter punch
        6. church of England
        7. to make something look 3 dimensional
        8. bronze David purple bandanna
        9. one of Henry's wives gave birth to Elizabeth
        10. non religious
        11. broke off from the church
        12. to pay for salvation
        13. had six wives

        26 Clues: Rebirthrich peoplenon religiousindividualityhad six wivesto get rid ofchurch of Englandoriginal languageprotestant leaderthe renaissance manto pay for salvationcatholic missionariessplit the two churchesCatholic counter punchnon catholic christiansettle reformation warssettled reformation warsbroke off from the churchcreated the printing press...

        Friday Sept 20 2024-09-19

        Friday Sept 20 crossword puzzle
        1. 1/8 of a cup, or how many chia seeds are in each batch of Biscotti
        2. toothless Fort Barry Loiterer
        3. New Motto of Picnic's Place
        4. jerk plant
        5. New way to donate to Headlands for coffee well served
        6. why people come to Picnic's Place
        7. '______fish' hero of Tesar's slippers
        8. '_____So Leave me alone!'
        9. 'claire hates _______'
        1. Tesar's favorite job during Karaoke
        2. Infamous Fort Barry Loiterer
        3. Why people stay at Picnic's Place
        4. Picnic'splace regular advertiser
        5. small word that is rubbing off on Lauren
        6. Mammals that picnic doesn't care for
        7. Lovely native spring plant
        8. what you should 'pencil me in for' at Picnic's Place
        9. Birds that Picnic doesn't care for

        18 Clues: jerk plant'claire hates _______''_____So Leave me alone!'Lovely native spring plantNew Motto of Picnic's PlaceInfamous Fort Barry Loiterertoothless Fort Barry LoitererPicnic'splace regular advertiserWhy people stay at Picnic's Placewhy people come to Picnic's PlaceBirds that Picnic doesn't care forTesar's favorite job during Karaoke...