criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

I Peter 13-25 2016-03-25

I Peter 13-25 crossword puzzle
  1. Before the creation of what was Christ chosen?
  2. In I Peter 1:21 what did God do for Christ (not raised)
  3. What does the grass do?
  4. What was Christ, before the creation of the world?
  5. What should you prepare your minds for?
  6. Not of perishable _____ but of imperishable
  7. What kind of things are silver and gold?
  8. What was Christ in these last times for your sake?
  9. What does your Father do to each man's work?
  10. Who do you believe in?
  11. What are in God?
  12. What of man is like the flowers of the field?
  13. Since you _____ on a Father who judges...
  14. What kind of children are you?
  15. Of what are the flowers?
  16. What is the lamb without?
  17. How does your father judge each man's work?
  18. What fall?
  19. In I Peter 1:13 what should you be (2 words no dash)
  20. What does the word of the Lord do forever?
  21. What is the lamb without?
  22. For how long does the word of the Lord stand?
  23. What is without blemish or defect?
  24. What are all men like?
  1. What had you done to yourselves by obeying the truth?
  2. What is a perishable thing?
  3. As what should you live your lives here?
  4. What were you, from the empty way of life handed down to you?
  5. Therefore _______ your minds for action
  6. Who has precious blood?
  7. Who have you purified?
  8. What did you live in when you had evil desires?
  9. Who are like grass?
  10. What should you prepare for action?
  11. Where do you live your lives?
  12. What kind of seed have you been born again of?
  13. What kind of life was handed down to you
  14. What is the word of God?
  15. How should you love one another?
  16. What kind of love do you have for your brothers?
  17. From what should you love one another?
  18. Who handed down an empty way of life to you?
  19. In I Peter 1:23 what have you been? 2 words
  20. What did God raise Christ from?
  21. For whom do you have sincere love?
  22. What should you set fully on the grace given you when Jesus Christ is revealed?
  23. In what kind of fear should you live your lives here?
  24. What is a perishable thing?
  25. What is to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed?
  26. What should you be in all you do?
  27. What should you not do to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance?
  28. What is the word of God?
  29. What are you obeying?

53 Clues: What fall?What are in God?Who are like grass?What are you obeying?Who have you purified?Who do you believe in?What are all men like?Who has precious blood?What does the grass do?What is the word of God?Of what are the flowers?What is the word of God?What is the lamb without?What is the lamb without?What is a perishable thing?...

CONTRACTS 2020-04-30

CONTRACTS crossword puzzle
  1. The manner in which a contract is executed
  2. Drafted by one party to which the other has no ability to change or negotiate favorable terms in a contract
  3. Lack of any valid consideration for the contract
  4. Serious error that goes into the essence of a contract
  5. Purpose is to reward the service that has been rendered by the party remunerated
  6. Is a threat and does not vitiate consent
  7. Conformity of wills
  8. Prevails over any general law governing reformation of instruments
  9. May be referred to as the consideration of the contract
  10. Invitations to make an offer for bidders
  11. Use of machinations and words to deceive
  12. When the parties come to an agreement
  13. Legal tie which exists after a contract has been made
  14. Use of incorrect persuasion to convince a person
  15. Does not signify fraud
  16. Contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy
  17. Different from the cause and will not support a contract
  18. Proposal made by one party to another indicating willingness to enter into a contract
  19. Contract is voidable if consent is given through this
  20. A gratuitous act
  21. Meeting of minds between two contracting parties when an offer of one party is accepted by the other
  1. Where parties are reciprocally obligated to one another
  2. Contracts that has no name in law
  3. Present in certain specified contracts
  4. Determination of the meaning of the terms or words used by the parties in a written contract
  5. There can be no meeting of minds between the parties without this
  6. Enforceable and binding even to parties who are not parties to the contract
  7. Deliberately deceiving others the appearance of a contract which is non existent or concealed
  8. When its acceptance will not produce a meeting of minds due to death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either parties
  9. To fix improperly prepared written documents that evidences a contract
  10. When the thing or service in the very nature of things cannot exist
  11. Example of a person who cannot give consent to a contract
  12. Does not have all elements of a contract to create legally enforceable obligations
  13. Neglect or failure to communicate or disclose wherein a party to a contract knows that it must be communicated
  14. When the act cannot be done in any case
  15. Shall not invalidate a contract unless there has been fraud, mistake or undue influence and in cases specified by law
  16. Must be specific as to its kind in every contract
  17. Present in all contracts such as consent, object and cause

38 Clues: A gratuitous actConformity of willsDoes not signify fraudContracts that has no name in lawWhen the parties come to an agreementPresent in certain specified contractsWhen the act cannot be done in any caseIs a threat and does not vitiate consentInvitations to make an offer for biddersUse of machinations and words to deceive...

David Walliams Book Characters 2016-05-17

David Walliams Book Characters crossword puzzle
  1. ratty
  2. plumber
  3. heroic
  4. criminal
  5. stinky
  6. rich
  1. ghostly
  2. dog-like
  3. girly
  4. awful
  5. old
  6. friendly

12 Clues: oldrichrattygirlyawfulheroicstinkyghostlyplumberdog-likefriendlycriminal

Prefix puzzle 2024-05-07

Prefix puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument to sing into
  2. a machine for making instant copies
  3. to sale over the telephone
  1. communication between minds
  2. to go around or bypass; avoid
  3. to go around (the earth for example)
  4. fear of light
  5. very small; tiny

8 Clues: fear of lightvery small; tinyan instrument to sing intoto sale over the telephonecommunication between mindsto go around or bypass; avoida machine for making instant copiesto go around (the earth for example)

Charlie and the Big Foot Crossword Puzzle 2020-05-21

Charlie and the Big Foot Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A game with bats and bases
  2. Lets be friends and agree to a
  3. Our main Character
  4. The academy
  5. the wrong perosn to upset
  1. A popular type of cookie
  2. A game with kicks and bases
  3. Vist them and you'll feel better
  4. You only wore it if you had to
  5. They say these minds think alike

10 Clues: The academyOur main CharacterA popular type of cookiethe wrong perosn to upsetA game with bats and basesA game with kicks and basesYou only wore it if you had toLets be friends and agree to aVist them and you'll feel betterThey say these minds think alike

Language development 2019-01-28

Language development crossword puzzle
  1. for appear something out of the ideas
  2. but the new ideas on our minds
  3. change something to slightly to cause
  4. take many ideas from different people
  5. to do benign to do something
  1. remove something
  2. show the people about something news
  3. to make the quality beater
  4. the something that is grown through farming
  5. show something or collection

10 Clues: remove somethingto make the quality beaterto do benign to do somethingshow something or collectionbut the new ideas on our mindsshow the people about something newsfor appear something out of the ideaschange something to slightly to causetake many ideas from different peoplethe something that is grown through farming

Crossword Vocabulary Unit 2 2021-10-27

Crossword Vocabulary Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Unable to control your feelings
  2. Be very angry
  3. Be irritated about a situation that you can’t do nothing about
  4. Envidioso
  5. Be pleased about something
  6. Show anger, hurt or resentment to other people
  1. Be unhappy because someone wasn’t as good as expected
  2. Be in a state of shock
  3. Be in two minds about something
  4. Humillado

10 Clues: EnvidiosoHumilladoBe very angryBe in a state of shockBe pleased about somethingUnable to control your feelingsBe in two minds about somethingShow anger, hurt or resentment to other peopleBe unhappy because someone wasn’t as good as expectedBe irritated about a situation that you can’t do nothing about

Everyday 2021-04-30

Everyday crossword puzzle
  1. - is a girl falling in love with someone everyday
  2. - the guy who remembers what happened.
  3. - the same age all the time
  4. - changes
  1. - every thing gets different every day
  2. people - someone changes to a body every day
  3. day every day - a person changes every day
  4. - dated rhiannan
  5. - looks into peoples minds.
  6. love - changes everyday and it stays hard

10 Clues: - changes- dated rhiannan- the same age all the time- looks into peoples minds.- every thing gets different every day- the guy who remembers what - changes everyday and it stays hardday every day - a person changes every daypeople - someone changes to a body every day- is a girl falling in love with someone everyday

Brooklyn&Zaks Positive Traits Crossword 2018-03-27

Brooklyn&Zaks Positive Traits Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. who makes everyone laugh
  2. who always say please or thank you to others
  3. getting used to new thing
  4. excited about something very greatly
  1. has lots of energy
  2. with friends almost everyone
  3. very wise
  4. who helps people with their work
  5. you except people for their differences
  6. not to cause drama and minds their own business

10 Clues: very wisehas lots of energywho makes everyone laughgetting used to new thingwith friends almost everyonewho helps people with their workexcited about something very greatlyyou except people for their differenceswho always say please or thank you to othersnot to cause drama and minds their own business

Crime Terms 2023-11-30

Crime Terms crossword puzzle
  1. it is a criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property
  2. the mental state of a defendant who is accused of committing a crime
  3. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  4. an unlawful application of force directly or indirectly upon another person or their personal belongings
  5. Someone entering a building illegally with the intent to steal something
  6. The criminal act of stealing goods from a store while pretending to be a customer
  7. the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought
  1. type of sexual assault involving sexual intercourse without consent
  2. The action or crime of stealing
  3. a person or group who sells or supplies drugs of any size
  4. an intentional act in which gives a person reasonable fear that they will be harmed
  5. Taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force
  6. The physical acts that make up elements of the crime
  7. Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property
  8. It is an act of attacking and robbing someone in a public place

15 Clues: The action or crime of stealingThe physical acts that make up elements of the crimea person or group who sells or supplies drugs of any sizeit is a criminal act of deliberately setting fire to propertythe crime of killing a human being without malice aforethoughtIt is an act of attacking and robbing someone in a public place...

Class XI 2023-10-24

Class XI crossword puzzle
  1. person who files the civil case against another
  2. the first Chief Justice of India
  3. other party against whom appeal has been filed
  4. A district court for civil cases
  5. reply to the plaint, filed by the defendant
  6. person against whom the case has been filed
  1. in between the proceedings
  2. one who files the appeal
  3. An apex court before independence of India
  4. (criminal)victim’s side. They file the case
  5. document filed by the plaintiff containing his version of the case
  6. A district court for criminal cases
  7. from the side of accused

13 Clues: one who files the appealfrom the side of accusedin between the proceedingsthe first Chief Justice of IndiaA district court for civil casesA district court for criminal casesAn apex court before independence of India(criminal)victim’s side. They file the casereply to the plaint, filed by the defendantperson against whom the case has been filed...

A wrinkle in time 2022-06-09

A wrinkle in time crossword puzzle
  1. A younuge boy that can read peoples minds
  2. her name is at the chapter 10
  3. she is firends with charles
  4. her name is a name of a chapter
  5. he is in the lab with mrs witch
  6. She is the aunt beast
  7. hes frienzy and cluched
  1. the family pet
  2. shes in a lab with the pet
  3. she a witch
  4. shes a sicnetest
  5. he has red eyes

12 Clues: she a witchthe family pethe has red eyesshes a sicnetestShe is the aunt beasthes frienzy and cluchedshes in a lab with the petshe is firends with charlesher name is at the chapter 10her name is a name of a chapterhe is in the lab with mrs witchA younuge boy that can read peoples minds

court procedure basics crossword 2022-11-08

court procedure basics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a court used for trials and give the first judgment
  2. is an action used to take a second look at whether or not the trial court applied the law correctly
  3. a lesser crime punishable by a fine or a year in jail
  4. a court for cases of criminal acts
  1. the highest court in the country
  2. a more serious crime punishable by time in prison
  3. objection for a fact not connected to or essential to the case
  4. a court used for non-criminal cases cases
  5. an objection for an out-of-court statement
  6. an objection used for questions that force a witness to a specific answer

10 Clues: the highest court in the countrya court for cases of criminal actsa court used for non-criminal cases casesan objection for an out-of-court statementa more serious crime punishable by time in prisona court used for trials and give the first judgmenta lesser crime punishable by a fine or a year in jail...

CHAPTER #10 2014-12-24

CHAPTER #10 crossword puzzle
  1. DISCRIMINATION Differential treatment of individuals based on irrelevant criteria, such as race, gender, or social class.
  2. Apply when a person has been convicted twice for various crimes.
  3. Punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.
  4. Imprisonment with no definite period of time set during sentencing.
  5. The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.
  6. Written or oral information from crime victims, in their own words, about how a crime has affected them.
  7. A sentence to confinement for a fixed or minimum period that is specified by statute.
  8. The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.
  9. A sentence reduction given to prisoners who maintain good behavior while imprisoned.
  1. Establishes the minimum length of prison time for specified crimes and thus limits the amount of discretion a judge has when sentencing a defendant.
  2. Standards for determining the punishment that a person convicted of a crime should receive, based on the nature of the crime and the offender's criminal history.
  3. A circumstance that does not exonerate a person but which reduces the penalty associated with the offense.
  4. A difference in treatment or outcome that does not necessarily result from intentional bias or prejudice.
  5. Factors that increases the severity or culpability of a criminal act.
  6. A system of criminal justice that focuses on the rehabilitation of offenders through reconciliation with victims and the community at large.
  7. Physically removing an individual from the society against which they are deemed to have offended.
  8. Intended to dissuade an adversary from taking an action not yet started.
  9. To restore to good health or useful life, as through therapy and education.
  10. To be punished or rewarded in a manner appropriate to one's actions or behavior.
  11. Referring to the investigation into the history of person convicted of a crime before sentencing to determine if there are extenuating circumstances which should increase or decrease the sentence.

20 Clues: Apply when a person has been convicted twice for various crimes.The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.Imprisonment with no definite period of time set during sentencing.The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.Factors that increases the severity or culpability of a criminal act....

Law, Society and Political Involvement 2023-03-07

Law, Society and Political Involvement crossword puzzle
  1. a proposed new law
  2. this type of law is based on the previous decisions of judges
  3. a vote where the entire electorate is invited to vote on a particular proposal
  4. to bring a civil action against another person for causing damage or injury
  5. this level of government is responsible for education, health and public transport
  6. where a person interferes with another person, or that person’s property rights
  7. the lower house of Federal Parliament
  8. the branch of law that creates and protects our individual rights
  9. a process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another person
  10. the location of the High Court of Australia
  11. a form of government in which a non-elected monarch acts as the head of state
  12. where a person injures another person’s reputation
  13. the process which resulted in the colonies joining together to become one nation
  1. a system in which two opposing parties present their arguments to a magistrate or judge
  2. the person who hears cases in the Local Court
  3. a serious criminal offence
  4. a previous legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases
  5. a court official who has the power to make decisions on matters brought before a court of law
  6. where a person fails to take reasonable care and, as a result, injures another person
  7. the highest court in NSW
  8. law made by parliaments
  9. where a person causes unreasonable interference with another person’s right to quiet enjoyment of their property
  10. a document that outlines the powers of the parliament
  11. LGA is an abbreviation for this
  12. the party bringing a criminal action against the accused
  13. the branch of law that protects individuals from others doing the wrong thing and makes the community feel safe from harm
  14. the party in a criminal or civil trial against whom an action has been brought
  15. the party that commences a civil action
  16. a person who is on a jury

29 Clues: a proposed new lawlaw made by parliamentsthe highest court in NSWa person who is on a jurya serious criminal offenceLGA is an abbreviation for thisthe lower house of Federal Parliamentthe party that commences a civil actionthe location of the High Court of Australiathe person who hears cases in the Local Court...

CONTRACTS 2020-04-30

CONTRACTS crossword puzzle
  1. Present in certain specified contracts
  2. Contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy
  3. Present in all contracts such as consent, object and cause
  4. Lack of any valid consideration for the contract
  5. Prevails over any general law governing reformation of instruments
  6. Purpose is to reward the service that has been rendered by the party remunerated
  7. Different from the cause and will not support a contract
  8. Does not signify fraud
  9. When the act cannot be done in any case
  10. Enforceable and binding even to parties who are not parties to the contract
  11. There can be no meeting of minds between the parties without this
  12. May be referred to as the consideration of the contract
  13. A gratuitous act
  14. The manner in which a contract is executed
  15. Contracts that has no name in law
  16. Example of a person who cannot give consent to a contract
  17. Deliberately deceiving others the appearance of a contract which is non existent or concealed
  18. Use of incorrect persuasion to convince a person
  1. Contract is voidable if consent is given through this
  2. Meeting of minds between two contracting parties when an offer of one party is accepted by the other
  3. Legal tie which exists after a contract has been made
  4. Use of machinations and words to deceive
  5. Is a threat and does not vitiate consent
  6. Neglect or failure to communicate or disclose wherein a party to a contract knows that it must be communicated
  7. Does not have all elements of a contract to create legally enforceable obligations
  8. Where parties are reciprocally obligated to one another
  9. Proposal made by one party to another indicating willingness to enter into a contract
  10. To fix improperly prepared written documents that evidences a contract
  11. Determination of the meaning of the terms or words used by the parties in a written contract
  12. Drafted by one party to which the other has no ability to change or negotiate favorable terms in a contract
  13. Serious error that goes into the essence of a contract
  14. When the parties come to an agreement
  15. Shall not invalidate a contract unless there has been fraud, mistake or undue influence and in cases specified by law
  16. Must be specific as to its kind in every contract
  17. Invitations to make an offer for bidders
  18. Conformity of wills
  19. When its acceptance will not produce a meeting of minds due to death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either parties
  20. When the thing or service in the very nature of things cannot exist

38 Clues: A gratuitous actConformity of willsDoes not signify fraudContracts that has no name in lawWhen the parties come to an agreementPresent in certain specified contractsWhen the act cannot be done in any caseUse of machinations and words to deceiveIs a threat and does not vitiate consentInvitations to make an offer for bidders...

CONTRACTS 2020-04-30

CONTRACTS crossword puzzle
  1. To fix improperly prepared written documents that evidences a contract
  2. Use of incorrect persuasion to convince a person
  3. Contracts that has no name in law
  4. The manner in which a contract is executed
  5. Determination of the meaning of the terms or words used by the parties in a written contract
  6. Invitations to make an offer for bidders
  7. Drafted by one party to which the other has no ability to change or negotiate favorable terms in a contract
  8. Conformity of wills
  9. Present in certain specified contracts
  10. When the act cannot be done in any case
  11. When its acceptance will not produce a meeting of minds due to death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either parties
  12. Contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy
  13. When the thing or service in the very nature of things cannot exist
  14. Contract is voidable if consent is given through this
  15. Present in all contracts such as consent, object and cause
  16. A gratuitous act
  17. Deliberately deceiving others the appearance of a contract which is non existent or concealed
  18. Does not have all elements of a contract to create legally enforceable obligations
  1. Purpose is to reward the service that has been rendered by the party remunerated
  2. Neglect or failure to communicate or disclose wherein a party to a contract knows that it must be communicated
  3. There can be no meeting of minds between the parties without this
  4. Example of a person who cannot give consent to a contract
  5. Different from the cause and will not support a contract
  6. Does not signify fraud
  7. Shall not invalidate a contract unless there has been fraud, mistake or undue influence and in cases specified by law
  8. Use of machinations and words to deceive
  9. Where parties are reciprocally obligated to one another
  10. Must be specific as to its kind in every contract
  11. May be referred to as the consideration of the contract
  12. Legal tie which exists after a contract has been made
  13. Lack of any valid consideration for the contract
  14. Serious error that goes into the essence of a contract
  15. Enforceable and binding even to parties who are not parties to the contract
  16. Is a threat and does not vitiate consent
  17. When the parties come to an agreement
  18. Prevails over any general law governing reformation of instruments
  19. Proposal made by one party to another indicating willingness to enter into a contract
  20. Meeting of minds between two contracting parties when an offer of one party is accepted by the other

38 Clues: A gratuitous actConformity of willsDoes not signify fraudContracts that has no name in lawWhen the parties come to an agreementPresent in certain specified contractsWhen the act cannot be done in any caseUse of machinations and words to deceiveInvitations to make an offer for biddersIs a threat and does not vitiate consent...

vocabulary November 2017-11-17

vocabulary November crossword puzzle
  1. a minor crime
  2. a plan
  3. fair
  4. very sensible
  5. criminal
  6. shop keeper
  7. first
  8. important
  9. change
  1. worthy
  2. those accusing
  3. to do
  4. very important
  5. being neutral
  6. penalty for a crime
  7. youth under 18
  8. true

17 Clues: fairtrueto dofirstworthya planchangecriminalimportantshop keeperbeing neutrala minor crimevery sensiblethose accusingvery importantyouth under 18penalty for a crime

Year 9 Law and Justice Revision 2021-09-21

Year 9 Law and Justice Revision crossword puzzle
  1. court level that see low-level crime and civil disputes
  2. type of legal dispute that can result in jail
  3. court level that is the highest in the nation
  4. civil law dispute which people seek 'damages' for having their reputation damaged in the public eye due to misinformation
  5. the ability to have your case heard in another court if you feel injustice has occurred
  6. essentially Lindy C was put on trial by _____
  7. our judiciary must be _____ from other branches of government to ensure a fair trial takes place
  8. court level that is the highest in WA
  9. serious criminal offences
  1. type of legal dispute which results in 'damages' being awarded
  2. To be found guilty of a crime, the evidence presented must be beyond a ____ doubt
  3. Principle that everyone must obey the law and no one is above it
  4. no matter how rich, powerful, poor, religion you believe, race, age or gender you are, we are all _____ before the law, even the Queen and the Prime minister!
  5. those with a learning ____ are vulnerable in our justice system
  6. types of laws created through parliament
  7. civil law matter that sees people or a business being sued for their irresponsibility
  8. types of laws created via judge decision
  9. the influence of the media can place _____ of guilt in our heads before a trial even begins!
  10. the presumption of ______
  11. court level that sees mid-level crimes in WA
  12. minor criminal offences

21 Clues: minor criminal offencesthe presumption of ______serious criminal offencescourt level that is the highest in WAtypes of laws created through parliamenttypes of laws created via judge decisioncourt level that sees mid-level crimes in WAtype of legal dispute that can result in jailcourt level that is the highest in the nation...

Sociology 7 2021-10-16

Sociology 7 crossword puzzle
  1. deviance becomes a lifestyle and part of an individual's identity
  2. deviance only occasional breaking of norms
  3. the quote as an authoritative source
  4. a repetition of or return to criminal behavior
  5. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  6. crime job-related crimes committed by higher status people.
  7. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  8. the act of breaking or discarding
  9. punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts
  10. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  11. control ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  12. an idea
  1. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  2. theory deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  3. defiance behavior that overconforms to societal expectations
  4. theory the theory that compliance with societal norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  5. deviance behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  6. refers to behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  7. discounting the process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  8. a social condition in which norms are weak or conflicting or absent
  9. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  10. association theory, society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  11. a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  12. reliability or resistance to sudden change

24 Clues: an ideathe act of breaking or discardingthe quote as an authoritative sourcedeviance only occasional breaking of normsreliability or resistance to sudden changea repetition of or return to criminal behaviordiscouraging criminal acts by threatening punishmentdeviance behavior that underconforms to accepted norms...

law terms vocab packet 2023-01-30

law terms vocab packet crossword puzzle
  1. damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  2. written authority allowing one person to act for another
  3. written court order issued to serve administration of justice usually stipulating that something be done or not done
  4. “i do not wish to contest”
  5. of limitations legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  6. annual or rescind a document decision or offer
  7. legal case contested in court
  8. transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  9. isolate jury
  10. holding of prisoner without bail
  11. intentional abandonment of right
  12. “have the body”; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  1. written questions answered under oath
  2. offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  3. recognizance condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  4. oral evidence given by witness
  5. “after the fact”; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by the U.S. constitution
  6. defendant's answer to plaintiff's declaration; accuser’s answer to criminal charge
  7. court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search and seizure
  8. consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  9. official inquiry or examination before jury; coroner’s investigation of cause of death
  10. criminal charges made by grand jury
  11. legally authorized period of delay

23 Clues: isolate jury“i do not wish to contest”legal case contested in courtoral evidence given by witnessholding of prisoner without bailintentional abandonment of rightlegally authorized period of delaycriminal charges made by grand jurywritten questions answered under oathannual or rescind a document decision or offer...

Law and Society: Glossary of Terms 2017-12-28

Law and Society: Glossary of Terms crossword puzzle
  1. to release an accused person who is awaiting trial
  2. an application for a legal decision to be reviewed in a higher court
  3. to treat somebody differently or less favourably because of his or her personal characteristics
  4. a place where people can resolve disputes relating to law
  5. the party in a criminal or civil trial against who an action has been brought
  6. the party bringing a criminal action against the accused
  7. a process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another person a loss
  8. a civil wrong
  1. the party that commences a civil action
  2. traditional indigenous rules that outline the correct way of living
  3. a court offical who hears cases in the lowest court of law
  4. disorder or confusion due to the absence of government or laws
  5. system of law based on the previous decisions of judges, also known as common kaw
  6. a court official who has the power to make decision on matters brought to the court of law
  7. a document which sets out how an organisation or a country will be governed
  8. a group of people (either 12 or 6) selected to hear the evidence in a court case
  9. to bring a civil action against another person for causing damage or injury
  10. a grading system based on order of importance
  11. equal opportunity for all people to make use of the legal system
  12. a set of legal rules

20 Clues: a civil wronga set of legal rulesthe party that commences a civil actiona grading system based on order of importanceto release an accused person who is awaiting trialthe party bringing a criminal action against the accuseda place where people can resolve disputes relating to lawa court offical who hears cases in the lowest court of law...

Judicial Branch 2024-03-18

Judicial Branch crossword puzzle
  1. Power to interpret laws and punish lawbreakers (2 words)
  2. The party that is against who filed for an appeal
  3. A court case that involves two parties and is about money or property (2 words)
  4. An authorization by a court for a police to arrest someone (2 words)
  5. The bases that a police has to have before making an arrest, performing a search, or obtaining a warrant (2 words)
  6. The first court to hear a case(the trial court) (2 words)
  7. The decision that the judge or jury makes
  8. Being brought before a court to answer questions
  1. Determines which type of court you go to and where it is located
  2. The side of the government in a criminal case
  3. The person or company filing the complaint in the lawsuit
  4. The branch of government that has the power to interpret laws and punish lawbreakers (2 words)
  5. Equal protection under the law (2 words)
  6. A serious or major crime
  7. The right that a convicted person has to ask a higher court to review the case
  8. Reminds people that they have the right to remain silent and that they have the right to an attorney (2 words)
  9. The part of the Constitution that creates the judicial branch (2 words)
  10. A less serious or minor crime
  11. The person accused of a crime in a criminal court case
  12. A court case where someone is accused of breaking a criminal law (2 words)

20 Clues: A serious or major crimeA less serious or minor crimeEqual protection under the law (2 words)The decision that the judge or jury makesThe side of the government in a criminal caseBeing brought before a court to answer questionsThe party that is against who filed for an appealThe person accused of a crime in a criminal court case...

Courtroom Vocabulary 2024-04-30

Courtroom Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. An objection based on rumor, gossip
  2. pure, harmless, not guilty
  3. (law) when a lawyer says part of a question or a piece of evidence is wrong and should not be used.
  4. An objection raised when a lawyer asks multiple questions in a single sentence
  5. an individual being sued or charged with a crime
  6. The court process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act
  7. objection based on a personal view that is not fact
  8. An objection based on an attorney annoying a witness
  9. A hearing/meeting to determine consequences for a crime
  10. A person who watches over a trial
  11. An officer in a courtroom
  12. not real; pretend
  1. an objectionable question worded to lead a respondent to give a desired answer
  2. person who breaks the law
  3. a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
  4. the decision a jury makes in a trial; the decision said by the jury
  5. objection based on evidence not being related to the case
  6. a body of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to the evidence presented in a court of law
  7. to charge someone with a crime; to say they acted wrongly
  8. objection based on a personal view that is not fact
  9. An unsuccessful trial, for example, because the jury can't reach a decision.
  10. a government official who leads criminal prosecutions against the defendant
  11. responsible for doing something bad
  12. the lawyer representing the defendant
  13. a room in which trials or other legal cases are held

25 Clues: not real; pretendperson who breaks the lawAn officer in a courtroompure, harmless, not guiltyA person who watches over a trialAn objection based on rumor, gossipresponsible for doing something badthe lawyer representing the defendanta formal charge or accusation of a serious crimean individual being sued or charged with a crime...

Terms Used in the Community Sector 2013-04-18

Terms Used in the Community Sector crossword puzzle
  1. a plan to help families and individuals
  2. About well being
  3. Works with the elderly
  4. Works with children and teenagers
  1. Works with children
  2. Works with people with special needs
  3. Works with all ages and minds
  4. what can protect you

8 Clues: About well beingWorks with childrenwhat can protect youWorks with the elderlyWorks with all ages and mindsWorks with children and teenagersWorks with people with special needsa plan to help families and individuals


SPELLING WORDS crossword puzzle
  1. shiny reflection
  2. food chef
  3. falling rock
  4. soothing salve
  5. left alone
  1. dissolvable
  2. precious souvenir
  3. unseen
  4. knock into
  5. wet smelly
  6. country policy
  7. disappear
  8. illegal act
  9. humongous
  10. downward pathway

15 Clues: unseenfood chefdisappearhumongousknock intowet smellyleft alonedissolvableillegal actfalling rockcountry policysoothing salveshiny reflectiondownward pathwayprecious souvenir

LA riots 2024-01-22

LA riots crossword puzzle
  1. a formal examination of evidence by a judge, typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.
  2. harmed, damaged, or impaired.
  3. pursue in order to catch or catch up with.
  4. an act of resistance or rebellion; a revolt
  5. the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job
  6. steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.
  1. something that interrupts someone or makes someone feel worried
  2. free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.
  3. the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
  4. make a physical attack on.

10 Clues: make a physical attack on.harmed, damaged, or impaired.pursue in order to catch or catch up act of resistance or rebellion; a revoltthe criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job...

ACOSF 2022-06-20

ACOSF crossword puzzle
  1. - controls minds
  2. - Capable of opening portals to different locations and realities
  3. - main male
  1. - the shop girl nesta met
  2. - nesta's work bestie
  3. - main female
  4. - nesta found in the middle

7 Clues: - main male- main female- controls minds- nesta's work bestie- the shop girl nesta met- nesta found in the middle- Capable of opening portals to different locations and realities

Criminal Law Intro Vocab 2017-02-06

Criminal Law Intro Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. The decision at the end of a case
  2. A case involving someone who is accused of committing a crime
  3. Courts above the trial court
  4. When an appellate court sends a case back to the trial court for a new trial
  5. Objects or information used in court to prove what really happened
  6. Courts that hear cases dealing with laws that apply to the entire United States
  7. Court that hears a case for the first time
  8. When an appellate court overturns the trial court verdict
  1. A trial where only the judge hears the evidence and decides the case
  2. The trial courts in the Federal Court System
  3. A trial where a group of people listen to the evidence and decide the case
  4. The power of the Supreme Court to decide what the constitution really says
  5. Highest court in the land that only reviews some cases, usually about the constitution
  6. Asking a higher court to review a case
  7. Courts that hear disputes about the laws of one state
  8. When an appellate court decides no mistake was made
  9. A case involving a disagreement where one side believes the other side violated their rights

17 Clues: Courts above the trial courtThe decision at the end of a caseAsking a higher court to review a caseCourt that hears a case for the first timeThe trial courts in the Federal Court SystemWhen an appellate court decides no mistake was madeCourts that hear disputes about the laws of one stateWhen an appellate court overturns the trial court verdict...

Freak the Mighty 2021-01-27

Freak the Mighty crossword puzzle
  1. who is the grandpa of max
  2. a mechanical bird
  3. Freaks real name
  4. Max full name
  1. Freak cold max this when they first met
  2. Freak says it’s a word used by people with small minds
  3. name of bully
  4. another name for alcohol
  5. who is the grandma of max

9 Clues: name of bullyMax full nameFreaks real namea mechanical birdanother name for alcoholwho is the grandpa of maxwho is the grandma of maxFreak cold max this when they first metFreak says it’s a word used by people with small minds

The Mistake 2014-02-19

The Mistake crossword puzzle
  1. English teacher
  2. What Shakespeares plays got a lot of
  3. The english teacher _______ Shakespeare
  4. ___________ to Shakespeare, the name of a course
  5. A famous scientist
  1. Why Shakespeare got sent back to his own time
  2. William Shakespeares haircut
  3. One of the most famous play writers in history
  4. Something that Galileo, Newton, and Archimedes minds are not
  5. Name of the story

10 Clues: English teacherName of the storyA famous scientistWilliam Shakespeares haircutWhat Shakespeares plays got a lot ofThe english teacher _______ ShakespeareWhy Shakespeare got sent back to his own timeOne of the most famous play writers in history___________ to Shakespeare, the name of a course...

Mars Patel 2024-02-13

Mars Patel crossword puzzle
  1. Science, technology, and education genius
  2. Lost In London's real name
  3. Real name is Manu
  4. Goes missing while searching for Pruitt Prep
  5. Can read minds
  1. JP's real name
  2. Toothpick's girlfriend
  3. The second person to go missing
  4. The teacher that always seems so save Mars and his friends from trouble
  5. The first person to go missing

10 Clues: JP's real nameCan read mindsReal name is ManuToothpick's girlfriendLost In London's real nameThe first person to go missingThe second person to go missingScience, technology, and education geniusGoes missing while searching for Pruitt PrepThe teacher that always seems so save Mars and his friends from trouble

Mars Patel Character Crossword 2024-04-03

Mars Patel Character Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The first kid to go missing
  2. The second kid to go missing
  3. Hates being wet
  4. Calls Toothpick his real name(Randal)
  5. Often referred to as 'The Boof'
  1. The principal
  2. The smart one of the group
  3. Can read minds
  4. Described as one of the most powerful people in the world
  5. The leader of the group

10 Clues: The principalCan read mindsHates being wetThe leader of the groupThe smart one of the groupThe first kid to go missingThe second kid to go missingOften referred to as 'The Boof'Calls Toothpick his real name(Randal)Described as one of the most powerful people in the world

Forensics 2022-02-03

Forensics crossword puzzle
  1. a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior.
  2. a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case.
  3. of, for, or relating to young people.
  4. a machine designed to detect and record changes in physiological characteristics.
  5. the study of human societies and cultures and their development.
  6. the action of deceiving someone.
  7. a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense.
  8. the action of interrogating or the process of being interrogated.
  9. formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal.
  10. the scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth.
  11. a forged or copied document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
  1. the process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. a disorder that affects a person's ability to think, feel, and behave clearly.
  3. breach of a law or rule.
  4. the process or action of proving or showing something to be true, genuine, or valid.
  5. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  6. the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.
  7. the study of the effects of being fired on a bullet, cartridge, or gun.
  8. the process of classifying and annotating texts, photographs, etc
  9. the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another.
  10. the branch of science concerned with the nature, effects, and detection of poisons.

21 Clues: breach of a law or rule.the action of deceiving someone.of, for, or relating to young people.a person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense.formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal.a decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case.the scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth....

Chapter 11: Canada's Legal System 2023-02-15

Chapter 11: Canada's Legal System crossword puzzle
  1. our correction system is based on this principle
  2. In Quebec, civil law is based on this French document
  3. deals with the relationship between individuals or groups
  4. highest court for all legal issues in Canada
  5. lawyers representing the crown
  6. in civil law, the person that claims to have been harmed
  7. describes the rights privilege, and powers we enjoy as citizens
  8. where an individual is convicted to a crime and a judge may sentence the offender
  9. in criminal cases, it states that there is not enough evidence for the detention of an individual
  10. tries to repair the damage that has been done
  1. part of the Constitution that describes everyone's rights and freedoms
  2. deals with matters that affect the society as the whole
  3. most criminal laws are contained in it; it was passed by the Parliament in 1982
  4. the right to early release from jail due to good behavior
  5. was based on the decisions of judges in the British Royal Courts; is based on precedent
  6. we are governed by a fixed set of laws that apply to all people equally
  7. civil servants who have limited power to handle matters regarding traffic and municipal by-laws
  8. in 2023, the criminal cases are named R. v. Last name. The R. stands for
  9. is set out in acts of Parliament
  10. a set period of time in which the offender must follow conditions determined by the court

20 Clues: lawyers representing the crownis set out in acts of Parliamenthighest court for all legal issues in Canadatries to repair the damage that has been doneour correction system is based on this principleIn Quebec, civil law is based on this French documentdeals with matters that affect the society as the whole...

Dealing with NZ police 2024-08-29

Dealing with NZ police crossword puzzle
  1. Process to handle minor offences without going to court
  2. Minor offence, usually punished with a fine
  3. Person who represents you in court
  4. Process of proving someone committed a crime
  5. Age group dealt with by the Youth Court
  6. GROUP Type of conference used in the youth justice system
  7. RECORD Official record of someone's criminal history
  8. What police might issue for excessive noise
  9. Place where prisoners are held
  10. Authority that handles complaints about police conduct (initials)
  11. Document needed to search someone's property
  12. COURT Court specifically for young people aged 14-17
  13. Person who sees a crime happen
  14. Crime of damaging public property
  15. Type of justice that focuses on repairing harm
  16. Who patrol to keep communities safe
  1. Restriction on being in certain places at certain times
  2. Type of work that might be part of a sentence
  3. COURT Court that deals with most criminal and civil cases
  4. The focus of the youth justice system
  5. Action of taking someone into police custody
  6. Period of supervision after release from prison
  7. COURT Highest court in New Zealand
  8. AID Financial help for those who can't afford a lawyer
  9. What you get on your record if found guilty
  10. Process of challenging a court decision
  11. Type of assistance available for crime victims
  12. Person who decides the outcome of a court case
  13. SUPPORT Organisation that provides support for crime victims
  14. SILENT Your right when being questioned by police and don't want to answer.

30 Clues: Place where prisoners are heldPerson who sees a crime happenCrime of damaging public propertyPerson who represents you in courtCOURT Highest court in New ZealandWho patrol to keep communities safeThe focus of the youth justice systemAge group dealt with by the Youth CourtProcess of challenging a court decision...

court procedure basics crossword 2022-11-08

court procedure basics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an objection for an out-of-court statement
  2. an objection used for questions that force a witness to a specific answer
  3. a lesser crime punishable by a fine or a year in jail
  4. objection for a fact not connected to or essential to the case
  1. appeal is an action used to take a second look at whether or not the trial court applied the law correctly
  2. the highest court in the country
  3. a court for cases of criminal acts
  4. a more serious crime punishable by time in prison
  5. a court used for trials and give the first judgment
  6. a court used for non-criminal cases cases

10 Clues: the highest court in the countrya court for cases of criminal actsa court used for non-criminal cases casesan objection for an out-of-court statementa more serious crime punishable by time in prisona court used for trials and give the first judgmenta lesser crime punishable by a fine or a year in jail...

Criminal Justice Unit 1 Review 2024-09-16

Criminal Justice Unit 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Criminal Justice model like an obstacle course
  2. Amendment that affords suspects the right to an attorney
  3. Criminal justice model like an assembly line
  4. Amendment that protects a convict from being punished in a cruel and/or unusual way
  1. Amendment that protects suspects from illegal searches
  2. Umbrella of criminological theories that explains power dynamics of genders and how it might cause crime and/or create victims
  3. Criminological theory that states that a person becomes what they are repeatedly called
  4. Amendment that grants several due process rights like the right to remain silent
  5. Abbreviation for the FBI's crime statistics database
  6. One of three components of the American criminal justice system

10 Clues: Criminal justice model like an assembly lineCriminal Justice model like an obstacle courseAbbreviation for the FBI's crime statistics databaseAmendment that protects suspects from illegal searchesAmendment that affords suspects the right to an attorneyOne of three components of the American criminal justice system...

The Game of Life 2023-02-20

The Game of Life crossword puzzle
  1. a noun for the word succeed
  2. "All things ye ask in ______, believing, ye shall receive"
  3. You are _______ protected
  4. the one who knows the _______ ___ is undisturbed by appearance
  1. "Fail to ______, ______ to fail"
  2. Man must have _______ in God's spoken word
  3. Remove doubt and fear from your ______ minds
  4. "Before ye call, I shall ______"
  5. God is our infinite______
  6. The father, son, and holy _____
  7. through God, all things are _______

11 Clues: God is our infinite______You are _______ protecteda noun for the word succeedThe father, son, and holy _____"Fail to ______, ______ to fail""Before ye call, I shall ______"through God, all things are _______Man must have _______ in God's spoken wordRemove doubt and fear from your ______ minds...

Ephesians 4:20-24 2023-11-03

Ephesians 4:20-24 crossword puzzle
  1. as the truth is in ____,
  2. (24) and to put on the ____ self,
  3. (21) assuming that you have ____ about him
  4. created after the ____ of God
  5. (20) But that is not the way your learned ____!–
  6. in true ____ and holiness.
  7. ____ desires,
  1. (23) and to be ____ in the spirit of your minds,
  2. (22) to put off your old ____,
  3. which belongs to your former ____ of life
  4. and were ____ in him,
  5. and is ____ through

12 Clues: ____ desires,and is ____ throughand were ____ in him,as the truth is in ____,in true ____ and holiness.created after the ____ of God(22) to put off your old ____,(24) and to put on the ____ self,which belongs to your former ____ of life(21) assuming that you have ____ about him(23) and to be ____ in the spirit of your minds,...

black history 2024-03-26

black history crossword puzzle
  1. enslave spoke out against injustice
  2. to give up her seat
  3. black female in congress
  4. ‘good trouble’ to fight for civil rights
  5. wiz started high school when she was 10 years old
  6. american pilot that helped the united states to victory
  7. Rights leader
  1. 1863 enslaved people.
  2. that nurtured land and minds
  3. woman self-made millionaire
  4. for the Underground Railroad. She was also a spy.
  5. Jackson, King of
  6. the first black Supreme Court justice changed children’s lives

13 Clues: Rights leaderJackson, King ofto give up her seat1863 enslaved female in congresswoman self-made millionairethat nurtured land and mindsenslave spoke out against injustice‘good trouble’ to fight for civil rightsfor the Underground Railroad. She was also a spy.wiz started high school when she was 10 years old...

CONTRACTS 2020-04-30

CONTRACTS crossword puzzle
  1. When the thing or service in the very nature of things cannot exist
  2. Does not have all elements of a contract to create legally enforceable obligations
  3. Contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy
  4. Does not signify fraud
  5. May be referred to as the consideration of the contract
  6. Different from the cause and will not support a contract
  7. The manner in which a contract is executed
  8. There can be no meeting of minds between the parties without this
  9. Determination of the meaning of the terms or words used by the parties in a written contract
  10. Example of a person who cannot give consent to a contract
  11. Drafted by one party to which the other has no ability to change or negotiate favorable terms in a contract
  12. A gratuitous act
  13. Proposal made by one party to another indicating willingness to enter into a contract
  14. Invitations to make an offer for bidders
  15. Is a threat and does not vitiate consent
  16. Meeting of minds between two contracting parties when an offer of one party is accepted by the other
  17. Contract is voidable if consent is given through this
  18. Lack of any valid consideration for the contract
  1. Use of incorrect persuasion to convince a person
  2. When the act cannot be done in any case
  3. Enforceable and binding even to parties who are not parties to the contract
  4. Contracts that has no name in law
  5. When its acceptance will not produce a meeting of minds due to death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either parties
  6. Deliberately deceiving others the appearance of a contract which is non existent or concealed
  7. Serious error that goes into the essence of a contract
  8. Neglect or failure to communicate or disclose wherein a party to a contract knows that it must be communicated
  9. To fix improperly prepared written documents that evidences a contract
  10. Present in all contracts such as consent, object and cause
  11. Use of machinations and words to deceive
  12. Present in certain specified contracts
  13. Must be specific as to its kind in every contract
  14. Purpose is to reward the service that has been rendered by the party remunerated
  15. Shall not invalidate a contract unless there has been fraud, mistake or undue influence and in cases specified by law
  16. When the parties come to an agreement
  17. Prevails over any general law governing reformation of instruments
  18. Where parties are reciprocally obligated to one another
  19. Legal tie which exists after a contract has been made
  20. Conformity of wills

38 Clues: A gratuitous actConformity of willsDoes not signify fraudContracts that has no name in lawWhen the parties come to an agreementPresent in certain specified contractsWhen the act cannot be done in any caseUse of machinations and words to deceiveInvitations to make an offer for biddersIs a threat and does not vitiate consent...

Crime and Punishment - AGB 2021-05-30

Crime and Punishment - AGB crossword puzzle
  1. a rule made by the government
  2. things that prove somebody committed a crime
  3. a person who destroys public property
  4. a person who catches criminals (6,7)
  5. interview a suspect
  6. the crime of stealing
  7. the crime of attacking someone
  8. theft, robbery, or murder
  9. a person who has committed a crime
  10. people who decide whether a person is guilty or innocent
  11. evidence taken from blood or saliva
  12. a story that proves your innocence
  13. a high-ranking police officer who solves serious crimes
  14. another word for criminal
  15. a place where trials are held
  16. a mark you leave when you touch something
  17. a person who has seen a crime
  1. the crime of lighting a building on fire
  2. a person who sells drugs
  3. a serious crime
  4. the punishment a judge hands down
  5. say somebody committed a crime
  6. captured by the police
  7. the process of determining if a person is innocent or guilty
  8. 'get ____ with a crime': not get punished for committing a crime
  9. a criminal who breaks into a building to steal
  10. a spot of blood
  11. a person who the police think may have done a crime
  12. money paid as punishment for breaking the law
  13. a person who has suffered from a crime
  14. a person who presided over a court
  15. "_____ the law": commit a crime
  16. a place where criminals are kept

33 Clues: a serious crimea spot of bloodinterview a suspectthe crime of stealingcaptured by the policea person who sells drugstheft, robbery, or murderanother word for criminala rule made by the governmenta place where trials are helda person who has seen a crimesay somebody committed a crimethe crime of attacking someone"_____ the law": commit a crime...

Legal Vocabulary for Monster by Myers 2021-03-25

Legal Vocabulary for Monster by Myers crossword puzzle
  1. written statement of facts voluntarily made under an oath administered by a person authorized to do so by law
  2. request that a judge make a legal ruling
  3. member of the jury elected to be the leader during deliberation
  4. a defendant’s answer to a legal charge in a criminal case
  5. the case that attempts to prove the defendant not guilty
  6. a type of witness who knows the defendant and can speak to the character of the defendant
  7. thorough discussion of the case to make the jury’s decision
  8. the court comes back together after a break
  9. jury's findings or conclusions on the factual issues presented by a case
  10. an agreement made by the jury brought about by discussion
  1. person who writes down what spoken in court
  2. the case that attempts to prove the defendant guilty
  3. person who is on trial for a crime
  4. appointed by district attorney’s office to represent the state in criminal cases
  5. people present during the crime and observed what happened.
  6. citizens who are to decide the outcome of a criminal trial
  7. evidence provided by a witness who has sworn to tell the truth
  8. witness who is a specialist in a field who explain information to the jury and who give their professional opinions about evidence
  9. witness testifying against the side of a case that has called them to testify
  10. information can be considered in making a legal decision.

20 Clues: person who is on trial for a crimerequest that a judge make a legal rulingperson who writes down what spoken in courtthe court comes back together after a breakthe case that attempts to prove the defendant guiltythe case that attempts to prove the defendant not guiltya defendant’s answer to a legal charge in a criminal case...

Criminal Justice System - Flow Chart 2020-03-29

Criminal Justice System - Flow Chart crossword puzzle
  1. after a person serves their sentence
  2. guilty of a crime
  3. bank robbery, kidnapping and or stealing
  4. When the accused accepts the penalty
  5. the highest age of delinquency
  6. when someone is sentenced to incarceration add usually serves time in this place
  7. ensures the appearance of a trial unless deemed dangerous
  8. compensation for a victim required to be paid for
  9. a sentence is put forward and a judge must decide if it is an offense
  10. a juvenile may be trialed as an adult if they commit serious crimes such as
  11. when someone relapses in criminal behavior
  12. a person who hears the evidence and decides whether the accused should be brought to trial;
  13. punishment if one has committed a capital heavy crime
  1. determine when or if someone should receive parole
  2. gives out punishments and or privileges to criminals
  3. set bail and rules for a following release
  4. enforce and investigate under laws to catch and or prevent crimes
  5. when information about a case is presented and decided if charges will be filed with the court
  6. define criminal behavior from various amounts of groups
  7. admits guilt to avoid heavy charges
  8. jurisdiction over crimes dealing with children
  9. under parole supervision
  10. a form of confinement for a criminal
  11. penalties for minor crimes
  12. the choice to disclose information

25 Clues: guilty of a crimeunder parole supervisionpenalties for minor crimesthe highest age of delinquencythe choice to disclose informationadmits guilt to avoid heavy chargesafter a person serves their sentenceWhen the accused accepts the penaltya form of confinement for a criminalbank robbery, kidnapping and or stealing...

vocab 2023-01-23

vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  2. "After the fact"; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by U.S. Constitution.
  3. Oral evidence given by witness
  4. Transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  5. "Have the body", court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  6. Damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  7. Holding of prisoner without bail
  8. Written authority allowing one person to act for another
  9. Legally authorized period of delay
  10. Legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  11. Consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  12. Official Inquiry or examination before jury; coroner's investigation of cause of death
  1. "I do not wish to contest"
  2. Command to appear in court and testify
  3. Defendant's answer to plaintiff's declaration; accused's answer to criminal charge
  4. Written court order issued to serve administration of justice; usually stipulating that something be done or not be done.
  5. Written questions answered under oath
  6. Legal case contested in court
  7. Isolate jury
  8. Criminal charges made by grand jury
  9. Annul or rescind a document decision or offer
  10. Intentional abandonment of right
  11. Offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  12. Action to recover actual item of personal property rather than its value

24 Clues: Isolate jury"I do not wish to contest"Legal case contested in courtOral evidence given by witnessHolding of prisoner without bailIntentional abandonment of rightLegally authorized period of delayCriminal charges made by grand juryWritten questions answered under oathCommand to appear in court and testifyAnnul or rescind a document decision or offer...

law terms vocab packet 2023-01-30

law terms vocab packet crossword puzzle
  1. annual or rescind a document decision or offer
  2. court order authorizing action by public officer, usually arrest or search and seizure
  3. transfer of accused fugitive from state where arrested to state where charged
  4. criminal charges made by grand jury
  5. intentional abandonment of right
  6. trial consideration of case by jury, as opposed to by judge or arbitrator
  7. of limitations legislative act limiting time in which plaintiff may bring civil suit or state may bring criminal action
  8. recognizance condition of release of accused person without payment of bail
  9. contendere “i do not wish to contest”
  10. official inquiry or examination before jury; coroner’s investigation of cause of death
  11. legally authorized period of delay
  12. post facto “after the fact”; fixing or changing punishment for an act after it was committed, now forbidden by the U.S. constitution
  1. written questions answered under oath
  2. defendant's answer to plaintiff's declaration; accuser’s answer to criminal charge
  3. oral evidence given by witness
  4. written authority allowing one person to act for another
  5. damages damages in excess of actual loss awarded to wronged plaintiff to punish defendant
  6. legal case contested in court
  7. corpus “have the body”; court order requiring that detained prisoner be produced in court to inquire into legality of detention
  8. detention holding of prisoner without bail
  9. offer money or property to fulfill an obligation
  10. isolate jury
  11. written court order issued to serve administration of justice usually stipulating that something be done or not done

23 Clues: isolate jurylegal case contested in courtoral evidence given by witnessintentional abandonment of rightlegally authorized period of delaycriminal charges made by grand jurywritten questions answered under oathcontendere “i do not wish to contest”detention holding of prisoner without bailannual or rescind a document decision or offer...

History of Forensics 2024-07-29

History of Forensics crossword puzzle
  1. weapons expert, refined techniques of firearms examination
  2. this ID system was replaced by finger-printing in early 1900’s
  3. used series of body measurements to distinguish one person from another
  4. animal involved in Yi Yu Ji
  5. forensics can help establish the body of the crime, known as the “__”
  6. 3rd century Chinese manuscript, start of forensics
  7. body measurement shown in #3 in the figure
  8. forensics can ___ a suspect and victim to a crime scene and each other
  9. body measurement shown in #5 in the figure: ___ of head
  10. worked on the Shroud of Turin and the Vinland map in the 1970s
  11. aside from his famous principle, Locard was the first to set up a __ (2 words)
  12. application of science to the criminal and civil laws that are enforced by police agencies in a criminal justice system (2 words)
  1. grouped blood into categories
  2. cross transfer occurs when two materials come into contact with each other
  3. developed a method of classifying fingerprints for filing
  4. forensics can’t determine ___ or innocence
  5. book published by Galton
  6. forensics can identify or ___ a suspect
  7. forensics can provide investigative ___
  8. Father of Forensic Toxicology
  9. body measurement shown in #2 in the figure
  10. 1839: microscopic detection of ___ by Bayard
  11. 1863: ___ test for blood developed
  12. 1853: microcrystalline test for ___ in blood
  13. 1828: Nichol invents ___ microscope
  14. handwriting instructor responsible for acceptance of documents as scientific evidence in courts
  15. wrote the book Criminal Investigation

27 Clues: book published by Galtonanimal involved in Yi Yu Jigrouped blood into categoriesFather of Forensic Toxicology1863: ___ test for blood developed1828: Nichol invents ___ microscopewrote the book Criminal Investigationforensics can identify or ___ a suspectforensics can provide investigative ___forensics can’t determine ___ or innocence...


VOCABULARY REVIEW crossword puzzle
  2. XANPU


Vocab 6-B 2013-02-19

Vocab 6-B crossword puzzle
  1. to recommend
  2. to rent
  3. to steal
  4. to be successful
  5. criminal
  6. failure
  7. male thief
  8. to arrest
  1. to fascinate
  2. male critic
  3. alien
  4. star
  5. capture
  6. to kill
  7. victim

15 Clues: staralienvictimcaptureto killto rentfailureto stealcriminalto arrestmale thiefmale criticto fascinateto recommendto be successful

Court Room Vocabulary 2023-01-10

Court Room Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. information presented to a jury
  2. an individual against whom a lawsuit is filed
  3. appointed official that makes decisions
  4. not accepted as valid
  5. tries a criminal case on behalf of the government
  6. defendants statement of guilty or not guilty
  7. allows judges to admit evidence
  8. to make a judgment of guilt
  1. discussion between jurors
  2. the intentional or premeditated death of a person
  3. number of jurors in a trial
  4. evidence is insufficient to support a conviction
  5. allows judges to admit expert witnesses
  6. Article of Bill of Rights that provides the right to a fair trial
  7. the beginnings of a criminal trial
  8. First 10 amendments to the US Constitution

16 Clues: not accepted as validdiscussion between jurorsnumber of jurors in a trialto make a judgment of guiltinformation presented to a juryallows judges to admit evidencethe beginnings of a criminal trialappointed official that makes decisionsallows judges to admit expert witnessesFirst 10 amendments to the US Constitution...

Theories of crime 2023-05-08

Theories of crime crossword puzzle
  1. Social _________ - When the law is not aligned with the feelings and values of the majority, we must think about changing it.
  2. Social _________ - When horrific crimes have been committed the whole community joins together.
  3. What is seen as criminal behaviour varies from society to society and over time.
  4. One of the four social bonds - Someone who is intensively occupied by conventional activities has less time and opportunity to engage in deviant behaviour.
  5. Crime will always exist, it can be reduced, but not eliminated.
  6. Boundary ________ - When a crime occurs and individuals are punished it becomes clear to the rest of society that the particular action concerned is unacceptable.
  1. Sociologist that believed that status frustration led to crime and deviance.
  2. One of the four social bonds - The level of dedication invested in social standards and goals.'
  3. Deviant, but not criminal response to the American dream. It includes giving up on trying to achieve the American dream.
  4. One of the four social bonds - Describes the strength of the bonds and relationships that exist with an individual’s social environment.
  5. Crimes that do provide a benefit to the criminal e.g. money.
  6. Criminal response to strain, trying to replace the American dream with another set of values. They have rejected both the goals and means.
  7. Sociologist that believed that your social bonds stopped you from committing crime.

13 Clues: Crimes that do provide a benefit to the criminal e.g. money.Crime will always exist, it can be reduced, but not eliminated.Sociologist that believed that status frustration led to crime and deviance.What is seen as criminal behaviour varies from society to society and over time....

Crime (Unit 9) 2023-03-26

Crime (Unit 9) crossword puzzle
  1. (n.) Writing or drawing on public walls, doors
  2. (n.) Killing a person
  3. (n.) a building where people are kept as a punishment for a crime
  4. (v.) to take someone somewhere illegally by force, often in order to get money for returning them
  5. (n.) A person who makes decisions in court
  6. service (n.phr) Doing unpaid work to help your city or town
  7. sentencing (n. phr) a form of criminal punishment that differs from a traditional sentence. Instead of being sent to prison or given probation, a convicted criminal will often be assigned community service, along with rehabilitation or therapy, as a punishment.
  1. (n.) the crime of stealing things from shops, for example by hiding them in a bag or under your clothes
  2. (n.) A person who steals things from a shop
  3. (n.) someone who goes into houses, shops etc to steal things
  4. (n.) an attack on someone in which they are robbed in a public place
  5. sentence (n. phr) Time that is spent in prison
  6. (n.) Penalty for doing something wrong
  7. (n) An amount of money that you have to pay
  8. (n.) Taking away a person
  9. (n.) the crime of getting into a building to steal things
  10. (n.) criminal activity that involves the use of computers or the Internet
  11. (n.) someone who steals things from another person or place

18 Clues: (n.) Taking away a person(n.) Killing a person(n.) Penalty for doing something wrong(n.) A person who steals things from a shop(n.) A person who makes decisions in court(n) An amount of money that you have to pay(n.) Writing or drawing on public walls, doorssentence (n. phr) Time that is spent in prison...

Studies 2021-04-26

Studies crossword puzzle
  1. A term used by Hobb and Dunningham to describe how globalisation has changed the nature of gangs which now have international links but crime is still rooted in a local context.
  2. A cause of crime identified by left realists.
  3. A type of subculture that arises in areas with high population turnover which prevents a stable criminal network developing.
  4. Examined how the Chechen mafia "franchised" its operations other groups and the Chechen mafia became a brand.
  5. A subculture identified by Cloward and Ohlin. This type of subculture allows an apprenticeship onto the criminal career ladder.
  6. Argued criminals make a calculation based on costs and benefits.
  7. Left realist thinker who worked with Jock Young. Argued relative deprivation leads to crime.
  8. A left realist cause of crime. Suggests those who do not have a voice commit more crimes.
  9. A criticism of environmental and situational crime prevention- crime moves to other areas.
  1. Worked with Wilson on the "Broken Windows" study which was influential in environmental crime prevention.
  2. Researched the impact of situational crime prevention in a New York bus terminal.
  3. Subcultural theorist who argued the lower class have a different set of values from the mainstream which leads to deviant subculture.
  4. A right realist thinker who argued crime is increasing due to a growing underclass.
  5. The type of subculture people join if they are not successful in joining a gang or becoming a gang leader. According to Cloward and Ohlin these are "double failures."
  6. A sociologist who found that the global criminal economy is worth £1 trillion per annum.
  7. A right realist explanation of crime put forward by Wilson et al that suggests personality traits lead to crime e.g. risk-taking.
  8. Argued boys suffer status frustration in school and they resolve this by joining delinquent subcultures.
  9. A neo-marxist who argued globalisation has created crime at both ends of the spectrum (rich and poor).
  10. Criticised subcultural theories for ignoring drift.
  11. A project in a pre-school that examined the impact of social and community crime prevention.

20 Clues: A cause of crime identified by left realists.Criticised subcultural theories for ignoring drift.Argued criminals make a calculation based on costs and benefits.Researched the impact of situational crime prevention in a New York bus terminal.A right realist thinker who argued crime is increasing due to a growing underclass....

Law and society 2012-01-31

Law and society crossword puzzle
  1. A set of legal studies
  2. A previous legal decision that serves as a rule or pattern in future cases
  3. The party that commences a civil action
  4. The standard of proof in civil trails
  5. offence A serious criminal offence
  6. Equal opportunity for all people makes to use of the legal system
  7. To bring a civil action against another person for causing damage
  8. A civil wrong
  9. A decision made by the head of the state to dissolve both houses of parliament
  10. A hearing in local court to decide whether there is enough evidence to put a person on trail for an indictable (serious) offence
  11. council In Australia, a group that comprises the head of the state and selected government minister
  12. Deals with disputes between private citizens
  13. A court official who hears cases in the lowest court of law
  14. System System in which two opposing parties present their arguments to magistrate or judge
  15. To treat somebody differently or less favourably because of her or his personal characteristics such as gender, ethnicity or religion
  16. a place where people can resolve disputes relating to law
  17. a document which sets out how an organisation or a country will be governed
  1. An application for a legal decision to be reviewed in higher court
  2. Laws made by parliaments
  3. Deals with disputes that affect the community
  4. Any system if things in a graded order
  5. A court official who has the power to make decision on matters brought before a court of law
  6. Traditional indigenous rules that outline the correct way of living
  7. The standard of proof required in a criminal trail
  8. To release an accused person who waiting trail
  9. Rules applicable to people in the armed forces
  10. The party in a criminal or civil trial against whom an action has been bought
  11. A process to determine whether someone committed a criminal act or caused another person a loss
  12. law System of law based on the previous decision of judges, or precedents
  13. Disorder to confusion due to the absence of government or laws

30 Clues: A civil wrongA set of legal studiesLaws made by parliamentsoffence A serious criminal offenceThe standard of proof in civil trailsAny system if things in a graded orderThe party that commences a civil actionDeals with disputes between private citizensDeals with disputes that affect the communityTo release an accused person who waiting trail...

Federal and State Court System 2024-03-19

Federal and State Court System crossword puzzle
  1. The authority to interpret and administer the law, jurisdiction determines which type of court you need to attend and where it is located
  2. A court case in which a person is accused of breaking a criminal law
  3. A less serious crime, In Virginia the most severe class of misdemeanor can result in 1 year in jail and a $2,500 fine
  4. A serious crime, such as kidnapping or murder. In Virginia the most severe class of felony can result in life in prison or a death sentence
  5. The authorization by a court for arraignment make an arrest
  6. A court case involving disputes between two parties related to money or property
  7. The government side in a criminal case
  8. The person or company filing the complaint in a civil case
  9. The authority of some courts to review decisions made by lower courts
  10. The Branch of government that reviews or interprets the laws They also punish lawbreakers
  1. The power of the Supreme Court to determine if a law or presidential action is constitutional or not
  2. No one is above the law
  3. The constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws
  4. A group that hears the evidence in a criminal case and decides in there is enough evidence to bring the accused person to trial. If so, they issue an indictment
  5. The authority of a court to be the first coare also known case, Courts with original jurisdiction are also know as trial courts
  6. A formal charging of someone with a crime, or being brought before the court to answer questions about a crime
  7. A person accused of a crime in a criminal court case or the person served in a civil suit
  8. The decision of a judge or jury
  9. The right of a convicted person to ask a higher court to review his/her case
  10. The basis that police must have in order to make an arrest, perform a search of a person or property, or obtain a warrant

20 Clues: No one is above the lawThe decision of a judge or juryThe government side in a criminal caseThe person or company filing the complaint in a civil caseThe authorization by a court for arraignment make an arrestA court case in which a person is accused of breaking a criminal lawThe authority of some courts to review decisions made by lower courts...

Legal Terms/Courtroom Vocabulary - Pt. 3 2024-04-29

Legal Terms/Courtroom Vocabulary - Pt. 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A person called upon by either side in a lawsuit to give testimony before the court or jury.
  2. Evidence presented orally by witnesses during trials or before grand juries.
  3. Court authorization, most often for law enforcement officers, to conduct a search or make an arrest.
  4. Parties to a lawsuit resolve their dispute without having a trial.
  5. A set of rules and principles established by the United States Sentencing Commission that trial judges use to determine the sentence for a convicted defendant.
  6. A written account of the proceedings in a case, including all pleadings, evidence, and exhibits submitted in the course of the case.
  7. A judge's written explanation of the decision of the court.
  8. The time within which a lawsuit must be filed or a criminal prosecution begun.
  1. An invalid trial, caused by fundamental error
  2. In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges.
  3. The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime.
  4. A court decision in an earlier case with facts and legal issues similar to a dispute currently before a court
  5. A command, issued under a court's authority, to a witness to appear and give testimony.
  6. The decision of a trial jury or a judge that determines the guilt or innocence of a criminal defendant, or that determines the final outcome of a civil case.
  7. A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial, or during some other formal conversation, such as a hearing or oral deposition
  8. A request by a litigant to a judge for a decision on an issue relating to the case.
  9. An offense punishable by one year of imprisonment or less
  10. A person or business that files a formal complaint with the court.
  11. To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government
  12. Written statements filed with the court that describe a party's legal or factual assertions about the case.

20 Clues: An invalid trial, caused by fundamental errorAn offense punishable by one year of imprisonment or lessA judge's written explanation of the decision of the court.Parties to a lawsuit resolve their dispute without having a trial.A person or business that files a formal complaint with the court....

Civil and Criminal Law Quiz 2024-02-07

Civil and Criminal Law Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. The kind of Civil Case where a harm or loss occurred
  2. The felony of attempting to hit someone else, whether or not you are successful
  3. The person who is suing the defendant
  4. The person who is accused and has to defend themselves in a Civil or Criminal case
  5. The kind of case where no crime is committed
  6. The word meaning responsible in a civil case
  7. The kind of tort that is a careless mistake
  8. a court order to appear in the court and testify about a specific case
  1. The kind of tort that is on purpose with full knowledge
  2. formal accusation of a crime
  3. money to make up for your behavior in a civil case
  4. Reasonable grounds for making a charge or conducting a search in a criminal case
  5. The lawyer for the government that issues charges and tries the case
  6. The kind of plea when someone did the crime, but is sent to a psychiatric facility instead of prison because they are mentally unstable
  7. a smaller crime with a smaller punishment
  8. the misdemeanor of hanging around in a public place where one has no legal purpose
  9. The kind of case where a crime is committed
  10. the amount of money defendants must post to be released from custody until their trial
  11. A serious crime that results in imprisonment for over a year

19 Clues: formal accusation of a crimeThe person who is suing the defendanta smaller crime with a smaller punishmentThe kind of case where a crime is committedThe kind of tort that is a careless mistakeThe kind of case where no crime is committedThe word meaning responsible in a civil casemoney to make up for your behavior in a civil case...

dogs best friend 2022-02-08

dogs best friend crossword puzzle
  1. to fall
  2. he was the only one to ____
  3. his actions led into a ______
  4. im a expert at math
  5. he was a hard and strong ______
  1. by his actions you could tell he was a criminal
  2. the meal started off with appetizers
  3. the fat of sea mammals
  4. by the amount of money he seemed really cheap
  5. swollen and soft
  6. I haven't mentioned it to William yet

11 Clues: to fallswollen and softim a expert at maththe fat of sea mammalshe was the only one to ____his actions led into a ______he was a hard and strong ______the meal started off with appetizersI haven't mentioned it to William yetby the amount of money he seemed really cheapby his actions you could tell he was a criminal

Tessa's crossword 2018-08-06

Tessa's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a person who is like superman and a leader
  2. is a type of disease
  3. is a gun
  4. we all need ...... to survive
  5. we live in the southern ----------
  1. a person committed an .....
  2. a ....... reads minds and can tell the future
  3. the smallest interval used in classical Western music
  4. you use a ........

9 Clues: is a gunyou use a a type of diseasea person committed an .....we all need ...... to survivewe live in the southern ----------a person who is like superman and a leadera ....... reads minds and can tell the futurethe smallest interval used in classical Western music

Laws 2016-11-08

Laws crossword puzzle
  1. defendants are determined by a _____ or ____
  2. there are differences between ________ & _________
  3. have disputed between one neighbour another
  4. have examples like Murder, Assault & Theft
  5. Defamation is also known as a _____ _____
  6. is a serious crime & is considered a criminal offense
  7. are the three types of civil laws
  1. are actions of the main types
  2. Criminal Laws protects ________, ______, _______ & the ______
  3. are the ones who are prosecuting you
  4. have the main types of actions covered by the law of tort
  5. Is one of three examples of crimes

12 Clues: are actions of the main typesare the three types of civil lawsIs one of three examples of crimesare the ones who are prosecuting youDefamation is also known as a _____ _____have examples like Murder, Assault & Thefthave disputed between one neighbour anotherdefendants are determined by a _____ or ____...

Evil 2013-09-04

Evil crossword puzzle
  1. when you want what others have
  2. act of unspeakable eves seem to require
  3. it can lead to evil to have abuse and
  4. the huge multiplier
  5. the abnormalities may be
  6. when something isnt straight
  1. evil can lead to
  2. we must instead seek explanations in the
  3. evil people lack the sense of
  4. when someone has thoughts of you beforehand
  5. when someone is evil "ondskabsfuld"
  6. ... violence and ideology exert powerful effects on weak minds.

12 Clues: evil can lead tothe huge multiplierthe abnormalities may bewhen something isnt straightevil people lack the sense ofwhen you want what others havewhen someone is evil "ondskabsfuld"it can lead to evil to have abuse andact of unspeakable eves seem to requirewe must instead seek explanations in thewhen someone has thoughts of you beforehand...

Ch.1-3 Six of Crows 2023-11-03

Ch.1-3 Six of Crows crossword puzzle
  1. Sharpshooter
  2. people who are sold into being servants
  3. people who have special/magical powers
  4. Leader of the Black tips gang
  5. a drug that enhances Grisha powers
  6. Island country where the story takes place
  7. Has the ability to control minds
  1. city where story takes place
  2. Rich merchant who offers Kaz money to do a job
  3. a poor neighbourhood with thieves and criminals
  4. Kaz's number one spy
  5. The leader of the Dregs gang

12 Clues: SharpshooterKaz's number one spycity where story takes placeThe leader of the Dregs gangLeader of the Black tips gangHas the ability to control mindsa drug that enhances Grisha powerspeople who have special/magical powerspeople who are sold into being servantsIsland country where the story takes placeRich merchant who offers Kaz money to do a job...

Trial Terms 2012-02-16

Trial Terms crossword puzzle
  1. The person trying to prove that the defendant is guilty.
  2. can’t let whats happening about the case can’t leave the court room
  3. formally certifies the accused is free from the charge of an offense, as far as the criminal law is concerned.
  4. is a warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody (or in a custodial interrogation) before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings.
  5. of the jury
  6. is a solemn attestation as to the truth of a matter. All testimonies should be well thought out and truthful.
  7. is a procedural defence that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same (or similar) charges following a legitimate acquittal or conviction.
  8. orders a person to testify before the ordering authority or face punishment.
  9. in the common-law, is a formal accusation that a person has committed a crime.
  10. letter telling you to come to court
  11. is the obligation to shift the accepted conclusion away from an oppositional opinion to one's own position.
  12. also known as forswearing, is the willful act of swearing a false oath or affirmation to tell the truth, whether spoken or in writing, concerning matters material to a judicial proceeding
  13. person doesn’t have to answnser questions against him that could hurt him
  14. The prosecutor will prosecute the defences witness
  1. the person being accused of the crime
  2. is the standard by which an officer or agent of the law has the grounds to make an arrest, to conduct a personal or property search, or to obtain a warrant for arrest, etc. when criminal charges are being considered.
  3. in some jurisdictions, a stronger form of assault, usually using a deadly weapon
  4. is a serious crime in the common law countries.
  5. everyone on the jury agrees
  6. homicide- Thinking about killing someone and planing the killing
  7. can’t decide weather the person is guilty or not
  8. what the outcome of the trial is

22 Clues: of the juryeveryone on the jury agreeswhat the outcome of the trial isletter telling you to come to courtthe person being accused of the crimeis a serious crime in the common law countries.can’t decide weather the person is guilty or notThe prosecutor will prosecute the defences witnessThe person trying to prove that the defendant is guilty....

Laws and Humans Rights 2023-01-02

Laws and Humans Rights crossword puzzle
  1. highest court for all legal issues and acts as the final court of appeal for some criminal
  2. clause which allows government to pass law even if that law violates a specific freedom or right guaranteed in the charter
  3. the superior trial court for the province and the accused is tried by judge or jury
  4. everybody being treaty fairly no matter what their background, gender and religion is
  5. seeks to repair the harm or damaged caused by crime or violence by addressing victim's need
  6. protect society by controlling dangerous individuals and helping offenders to become lawabiding obedient to the laws of society
  7. prisoner to be release earlier before their period in prison is finished for their good behavior
  8. release of an offender who have convicted of or pleaded guilty from detention, subjected to a period of good behavior under supervision
  9. governed by by fixed sets of laws that apply to all people equally regardless of their position in society
  1. based on the decision of judges in the British royal courts and this system of rules is based on the past decision
  2. the bill that is strategically hidden amongst other bills to guarantee being passed
  3. law consists of written law passed by federal province and territorial legislatures
  4. the quality or state of being free
  5. also referred to as" charter of the French language" which made passed by Parti Quebecois. this law made French the only official language of the province
  6. resort to a higher court to review the decision of a lower court or to a court to review the order of an administrative agency
  7. basic principles of law of a nation or state that determines the power and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to people
  8. deals with disputes over contracts, property or personal relationshionships
  9. describes the powers and procedures to be followed for investigation and prosecution of an offence. also known as criminal law.
  10. court hear and deal with family issue, criminal youth, child protection, small claims and traffic cases.
  11. target or deliberate mass killing of a nation, ethnic or religious group

20 Clues: the quality or state of being freetarget or deliberate mass killing of a nation, ethnic or religious groupdeals with disputes over contracts, property or personal relationshionshipsthe bill that is strategically hidden amongst other bills to guarantee being passedlaw consists of written law passed by federal province and territorial legislatures...

highcourt system 2024-05-12

highcourt system crossword puzzle
  1. of the Court.
  2. The Local Court deals with minor civil disputes. In this court, people can
  3. same status as the Supreme Court of New South Wales. There are 6 permanent Judges in
  4. The District Court is known to be the "middle" court in the state legal
  5. located in canberra and is the highest court in the Australian Judical system.
  6. The Family Court of Australia is led by Chief Justice
  7. This is the highest court in the NSW state court hierarchy and hears
  8. Bryant, who oversees the judicial and administrative
  9. development, building and planning disputes. The Court is highly specialised, with
  10. more than $ ¾ million. The Supreme Court also reviews (or hears the appeals from)
  11. 47 judges.
  1. The Land and Environment Court vests the power to determine
  2. investigates deaths by unusual means.
  3. The Federal Court of Australia is a national court which sits in all capital cities
  4. other people for damage to property or for injury claims up to $40 000. The local court also
  5. deals with the protection of children
  6. It also appeals (gets an application for a legal decision to be reviewed by higher court)
  7. court approximately hears 80% of both civil and criminal cases.
  8. the courts which are lower in the court hierarchy such as the District Court. The court
  9. sentences and supervises the treatment of serious offenders with drug or alcohol dependencies.
  10. like armed robbery, manslaughter and homicide to decide if there is enough evidence
  11. Land and Environment Court.
  12. elsewhere in Australia when necessary.
  13. and kidnapping. The Supreme Court hears the serious civil cases such as court cases
  14. the case to go on for a higher court trial. The magistrate hears bail applications as well. The
  15. most difficult cases. It hears the serious criminal cases such as murder, serious sexual
  16. minor criminal matters for example; stealing, drink driving, indecent language and assault
  17. the local court. There are 19 district courts in NSW and 68 judges.
  18. There is a magistrate to manage committal hearings dealing with major criminal
  19. criminal matters such as armed robbery, rape, and assault (but not murder, treason &
  20. The District Court manages the more serious civil cases for claims up to $750 000 &

31 Clues: 47 judges.of the Court.Land and Environment Court.investigates deaths by unusual with the protection of childrenelsewhere in Australia when necessary.Bryant, who oversees the judicial and administrativeThe Family Court of Australia is led by Chief JusticeThe Land and Environment Court vests the power to determine...

Law Studies Exam Terms 2024-05-16

Law Studies Exam Terms crossword puzzle
  1. unlawful taking of another's property with the intent to steal it.
  2. rights that a person must be told of when arrested or taken into custody by police or other officials
  3. breach of some obligation, causing harm or injury to someone
  4. unlawful pressure on a person to do something that he or she would not otherwise do.
  5. a reasonable belief, known personally or through reliable sources, that a specific person has committed a crime
  6. amount an insured person agrees to pay toward repairs before the insurance company pays anything
  7. system of supervised freedom
  8. taking of money or property by a person to whom it has been entrusted
  9. court order to appear in court or turn over documents on a specified date and time
  10. unlawful taking of property from a person's immediate possession by force or intimidation
  11. written statement of facts sworn to or made under oath before someone authorized to administer an oath
  12. seal or destroy a criminal record
  13. a minor who has committed an act that, if committed by an adult, would be a crime under federal, state, or local law.
  1. any act to embarrass, hinder, or obstruct the court in the administration of justice
  2. evidence that justifies an officer in stopping and questioning an individual believed to be involved in criminal activity
  3. give up something
  4. grand jury's formal charge or accusation of criminal action
  5. an illegal act that can only be committed by a juvenile
  6. giving evidence and answering questions that would tend to subject one to criminal prosecution
  7. failure to exercise a reasonable amount of care in either doing or not doing something, resulting in harm or injury to another person
  8. a defendant cannot be prosecuted a second time for the same crime.
  9. release from prison before the full sentence has been served, granted at the discretion of a parole board
  10. a legal rule that generally prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence against the defendant at trial
  11. Latin word meaning elsewhere
  12. legal defense of a person considered not yet legally responsible for his or her actions

25 Clues: give up somethingsystem of supervised freedomLatin word meaning elsewhereseal or destroy a criminal recordan illegal act that can only be committed by a juvenilegrand jury's formal charge or accusation of criminal actionbreach of some obligation, causing harm or injury to someoneunlawful taking of another's property with the intent to steal it....


LC S-13 PART III CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. henkilökunta
  2. vangita, eristää
  3. seurakunta
  4. estää
  5. vanhanaikainen
  6. keskiaikainen
  7. tarvike (ei ikinä monikon –s!)
  8. edullinen; johdos verbistä afford (olla varaa johonkin)
  9. kolo tiessä
  10. vanki
  11. keskustella (ei ikinä prepositiota about!)
  12. vankila
  1. varat
  2. paikallinen
  3. rikollinen
  4. kilpailla
  5. jääkaappi
  6. perustaa
  7. ostaa; ostos
  8. kilpailija
  9. prosentti
  10. korjata

22 Clues: varatestäävankikorjatavankilaperustaakilpaillajääkaappiprosenttirikollinenseurakuntakilpailijapaikallinenkolo tiessähenkilökuntaostaa; ostoskeskiaikainenvanhanaikainenvangita, eristäätarvike (ei ikinä monikon –s!)keskustella (ei ikinä prepositiota about!)edullinen; johdos verbistä afford (olla varaa johonkin)

Vokabeln UNIT 4 2020-03-26

Vokabeln UNIT 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Stufen
  2. schaden
  3. Schulter
  4. befestigen
  5. ernst
  6. Trommel
  7. Umwelt
  8. verwöhnen
  9. Siedlung
  10. blond
  11. grau
  12. erwähnen
  13. Kletterer
  14. Humor
  15. Brille
  16. Seil
  1. Reste
  2. Vergleich
  3. groß
  4. werfen
  5. klein
  6. Känguru
  7. Urkunde
  8. besonders
  9. Heimatstadt
  10. Strafe
  11. Land
  12. Stock
  13. wohlhabend
  14. Verbrecher
  15. Zeremonie

31 Clues: großLandgrauSeilRestekleinernstStockblondHumorwerfenStufenStrafeUmweltBrilleschadenKänguruUrkundeTrommelSchulterSiedlungerwähnenVergleichbesondersverwöhnenKlettererZeremoniebefestigenwohlhabendVerbrecherHeimatstadt

difficult words 4 2022-06-02

difficult words 4 crossword puzzle
  1. wanting to know
  2. russia is..
  3. being loud and proud
  4. disease
  5. Xbox
  6. chrome book
  7. cannot
  8. persuade
  1. someone consuming
  2. San andreas
  3. last thing you do on a science project
  4. thief or criminal
  5. finish
  6. Ethnicity
  7. coordination
  8. into consideration
  9. keep going
  10. focused
  11. to make
  12. worried

20 Clues: Xboxfinishcannotdiseasefocusedto makeworriedpersuadeEthnicitykeep goingSan andreasrussia bookcoordinationwanting to knowsomeone consumingthief or criminalinto considerationbeing loud and proudlast thing you do on a science project

HW 2022-10-17

HW crossword puzzle
  1. присяжные
  2. преступник
  3. наказание
  4. совершать
  5. кража
  6. закон
  7. крупное правонарушение
  8. убежать
  9. разрешать
  10. невиновный
  11. суд
  12. преступление
  13. воровство
  1. под арестом
  2. мелкое правонарушение
  3. тюрьма
  4. штраф
  5. неправильный
  6. судья
  7. кража со взломом
  8. ограбить
  9. убийца
  10. красть
  11. виновный
  12. вор
  13. стоящий
  14. убийство
  15. напасть
  16. арестовать

29 Clues: ворсудштрафкражасудьязаконтюрьмаубийцакрастьубежатьстоящийнапастьограбитьвиновныйубийствоприсяжныенаказаниесовершатьразрешатьворовствопреступникневиновныйарестоватьпод арестомнеправильныйпреступлениекража со взломоммелкое правонарушениекрупное правонарушение

22-23 2023-10-27

22-23 crossword puzzle
  1. 자백하다 고백하다
  2. 용의자 의심하다
  3. 배심원단
  4. 인정하다
  5. 막다
  6. 조사하다
  7. 제한하다
  8. 범인
  9. 분명한
  10. 신원을 확인하다 감정하다
  11. 체포하다
  12. 덫 덫으로 잡다
  13. 속이다 기만하다
  1. 모욕 모욕하다
  2. 고소하다 소송을 제기하다
  3. 범하다 저지르다
  4. 의도적인 계획된
  5. 강도
  6. 금하다
  7. 위반하다
  8. 기분을 상하게하다
  9. 조사하다 묻다
  10. 규제하다
  11. 선고하다 판결하다

24 Clues: 강도막다범인금하다분명한배심원단인정하다위반하다조사하다제한하다체포하다규제하다모욕 모욕하다조사하다 묻다용의자 의심하다범하다 저지르다의도적인 계획된덫 덫으로 잡다속이다 기만하다자백하다 고백하다기분을 상하게하다선고하다 판결하다고소하다 소송을 제기하다신원을 확인하다 감정하다

Crime and Punishment 2015-06-24

Crime and Punishment crossword puzzle
  1. Money offered for find or capturing a criminal
  2. The punishment given by a court of law
  3. A person who commits a crime
  4. An illegal copy of a document
  5. Being put in prison until death
  6. Place where people are kept as punishment for a crime
  7. The act of punishing
  8. Person who is thought to have committed a crime
  9. Destruction of public or private property
  10. Someone who steals things
  1. to give freedom to someone
  2. A knife, a gun or another object used to hurt or kill
  3. Stealing from a shop
  4. Person who captures someone and demands money
  5. The legal punishment of being executed for a crime
  6. Not guilty of a specific crime
  7. Someone who is killed or harmed by another one
  8. A person who sees a crime

18 Clues: Stealing from a shopThe act of punishingA person who sees a crimeSomeone who steals thingsto give freedom to someoneA person who commits a crimeAn illegal copy of a documentNot guilty of a specific crimeBeing put in prison until deathThe punishment given by a court of lawDestruction of public or private property...

stages of criminal trial 2022-01-23

stages of criminal trial crossword puzzle
  1. the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money is lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.
  2. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.
  3. a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
  4. legal concept describing a requirement that a party be aware of the legal process affecting their rights, obligations or duties.
  5. the case presented by or on behalf of the party accused of a crime or being sued in a civil lawsuit.
  6. based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.
  7. culpable of or responsible for specified wrongdoing.
  8. an act of violent robbery committed by an armed gang.
  9. a person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime.
  1. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
  2. a document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police or another body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice.
  3. a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.
  4. a committal to custody.
  5. seize (someone) by legal authority and take them into custody.
  6. taking the form of an announcement or indication that a contract will not be honoured.
  7. a judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
  8. a body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases.

17 Clues: a committal to custody.culpable of or responsible for specified act of violent robbery committed by an armed gang.a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.seize (someone) by legal authority and take them into custody.a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place....

stages of criminal trial 2022-01-23

stages of criminal trial crossword puzzle
  1. a judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
  2. a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.
  3. a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place.
  4. culpable of or responsible for specified wrongdoing.
  5. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
  6. an act of violent robbery committed by an armed gang.
  7. based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.
  8. a body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases.
  9. the case presented by or on behalf of the party accused of a crime or being sued in a civil lawsuit.
  1. seize (someone) by legal authority and take them into custody.
  2. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.
  3. the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money is lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.
  4. taking the form of an announcement or indication that a contract will not be honoured.
  5. a committal to custody.
  6. a person or group of people who are charged with or on trial for a crime.
  7. legal concept describing a requirement that a party be aware of the legal process affecting their rights, obligations or duties.
  8. a document issued by a legal or government official authorizing the police or another body to make an arrest, search premises, or carry out some other action relating to the administration of justice.

17 Clues: a committal to custody.culpable of or responsible for specified act of violent robbery committed by an armed gang.a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.seize (someone) by legal authority and take them into custody.a person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place....

Preliminary Criminal case terminology 2024-08-12

Preliminary Criminal case terminology crossword puzzle
  1. A formal statement in response to a charge. (Guilty or not guilty)
  2. If police believe they have sufficient evidence to successfully find a person guilty they formally require a person to attend court to defend themselves.
  3. The prosecution within a criminal case representing society.
  4. A person kills another person due to recklessness or negligence or due to circumstances which reduce level of intent.
  5. Deliberately intending on committing the action of the crime. This must be proven for a person to be found guilty.
  6. The legal team who is attempting to prove a person/s are guilty of committing a crime
  7. When a person is detained by police to assist with investigations.
  1. A claim or belief a person has done something wrong.
  2. Verdict that all agree to. (jury or appeal judges)
  3. Deliberately killing another person with the intent to kill or to inflict serious bodily harm
  4. The prosecution has the ‘burden’ to prove to the magistrate or jury that a person has committed a crime.
  5. When a guilty outcome is formally found to be incorrect and removed from the record.
  6. To be found not guilty.
  7. The person who is charged and must face court to defend themselves
  8. Unlawful killing of a human being.
  9. Conditional release from prison until the trial is heard.
  10. A challenge to a decision made in court

17 Clues: To be found not guilty.Unlawful killing of a human being.A challenge to a decision made in courtVerdict that all agree to. (jury or appeal judges)A claim or belief a person has done something wrong.Conditional release from prison until the trial is heard.The prosecution within a criminal case representing society....

Chapter 5 Vocabulary 2017-11-09

Chapter 5 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. crime punishable by more than one year in jail, a fine of more than $1,000, or both
  2. agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime
  3. improperly obtaining money or other things value by use of force, fear, or the power of office
  4. agreement with prosecutor allowing defendant to plead guilty to a lesser crime than the more serious one he or she would likely be charged with
  5. offense against society
  6. defense based on problems with the way evidence is obtained or the way the accused person is arrested, questioned, tried, or punished
  7. crime punishable by up to one year in jail, a fine of less than $1,000 or both
  8. willful or illegal burning of a building
  9. minor misdemeanor
  10. laws that prohibit competing companies from price fixing or diving up sales regions
  11. of court, action that hinders the administration of justice in court
  12. defenses that disprove, justify, or otherwise excuse the alleged crime
  13. penalty provided by law and imposed by a court
  1. wrongful taking of another’s property from their person or presence by threat of force or violence
  2. entering a building without permission when intending to break a crime
  3. defense based on the accused’s inability to know right from wrong
  4. obtaining property by lying about a past or existing fact
  5. substituted criminal liability
  6. crime typically committed in the workplace that does not involve violence or force nor does it cause injury to people or physical damage to property
  7. use of force that appears reasonably necessary for self-protection of an intended victim
  8. crime of lying under oath
  9. taking of another’s property or money by a person to whom it has been entrusted
  10. specific conduct that violates a criminal statute
  11. at criminal law, a legal position that allows the defendant to escape criminal liability
  12. offering or giving something of value to improperly effect performance of another party
  13. falsely making or materially altering a writing to defraud another
  14. freedom from prosecution for a crime

27 Clues: minor misdemeanoroffense against societycrime of lying under oathsubstituted criminal liabilityfreedom from prosecution for a crimewillful or illegal burning of a buildingpenalty provided by law and imposed by a courtspecific conduct that violates a criminal statuteagreement between two or more persons to commit a crime...

Akim Deng 2017-05-22

Akim Deng crossword puzzle
  1. the main political party in the lower house of parliament not in power
  2. laws, considered collectively
  3. the accidental or unintentional killing of one person by another person
  4. a situation where a person breaches a duty to exercise reasonable care to avoid a foreseeable risk, resulting in another person being injured or suffering a risk of injury
  5. interference with someone’s enjoyment of public or private property
  6. a law passed by Parliament
  7. a situation where a legally binding agreement is not honoured by one or more of the parties to the contract
  8. a proposed law that has not yet been agreed to by parliament or received royal assent
  9. a tort (civil wrong) involving direct and intentional interference with a person, or a person’s land or goods
  10. to take legal action against another person for a criminal offence
  11. a legal principle developed by a court in the process of resolving a dispute
  12. a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court
  1. the killing of one person by another person
  2. law developed by judges through the decisions of court
  3. the Queen’s authority in the Australian parliament, represented by the Governor-General at the federal level and a Governor at the state level
  4. the level of proof required to establish a case. In criminal law, the prosecution must prove that the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt
  5. the legal principle describing who has to prove a case in court. In a criminal trial, this burden is on the prosecution
  6. unlawful damage to a person’s good reputation through written or verbal statements
  7. a court official who hears cases in the lowest court in the legal system
  8. the party in a civil or criminal trial against whom an action has been brought
  9. legally responsible for a civil wrong
  10. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives
  11. most common or well known express right
  12. laws laws made by parliament

24 Clues: a law passed by Parliamentlaws laws made by parliamentlaws, considered collectivelylegally responsible for a civil wrongmost common or well known express rightthe killing of one person by another personlaw developed by judges through the decisions of courtto take legal action against another person for a criminal offence...

KYUS HEIT 2017-05-23

KYUS HEIT crossword puzzle
  1. law developed by judges through the decisions of court
  2. to take legal action against another person for a criminal offence
  3. a situation where a person breaches a duty to exercise reasonable care to avoid a foreseeable risk, resulting in another person being injured or suffering a risk of injury
  4. a legal principle developed by a court in the process of resolving a dispute
  5. unlawful damage to a person’s good reputation through written or verbal statements
  6. interference with someone’s enjoyment of public or private property
  7. the accidental or unintentional killing of one person by another person
  8. the party in a civil or criminal trial against whom an action has been brought
  9. the most common or well known express right
  10. the level of proof required to establish a case. In criminal law, the prosecution must prove that the accused is guilty beyond reasonable doubt
  11. the Queen’s authority in the Australian parliament, represented by the Governor-General at the federal level and a Governor at the state level
  12. the killing of one person by another person
  13. a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court
  1. a proposed law that has not yet been agreed to by parliament or received royal assent
  2. a law passed by Parliament
  3. a court official who hears cases in the lowest court in the legal system
  4. laws laws made by parliament
  5. the main political party in the lower house of parliament not in power
  6. the legal principle describing who has to prove a case in court. In a criminal trial, this burden is on the prosecution
  7. a tort (civil wrong) involving direct and intentional interference with a person, or a person’s land or goods
  8. laws, considered collectively
  9. a situation where a legally binding agreement is not honoured by one or more of the parties to the contract
  10. legally responsible for a civil wrong
  11. a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives

24 Clues: a law passed by Parliamentlaws laws made by parliamentlaws, considered collectivelylegally responsible for a civil wrongthe most common or well known express rightthe killing of one person by another personlaw developed by judges through the decisions of courtto take legal action against another person for a criminal offence...

Chapter 1 Vocab CTE Law 2024-01-08

Chapter 1 Vocab CTE Law crossword puzzle
  1. A model by packer that advocates defendants presumption of innocence (protection of suspects rights and limitations placed on police powers to avoid convicting innocent people)
  2. the bringing of charges against an individual based on probable cause so as to bring the matter before court
  3. A model of the criminal justice process whereby a four-tiered hierarchy exists (at the top is serious cases and lower gets less serious
  4. a court or jury's judgement or verdict of not guilty of the offences charged
  5. the legal finding, by a jury/ judge, or through a guilty plea, that a criminal defendant is guilty
  6. Early release from prison with conditions attached ( under supervision of a parole agency)
  7. explains how powerful groups of people create laws to protect their values and interests
  8. the taking in of custody or detaining of one who is suspected of committing a crime
  9. A scheme whereby one is sentenced for a flexible time period (5-10 years, can be released when rehabilitated or when available)
  10. The movement of defenders and cases through the criminal justice process
  11. explains how a society creates laws as a result of common interests and values
  1. Authority to make decisions in enforcing the law based on ones observations and judgement (spirit of the law) rather than the letters of the law
  2. A model by packer that emphasises law and order and argues that every effort must be made to suppress crime, and try to, convict, and incarcerate offenders
  3. law A crime control strategy whereby an offender who commits three or more violent offences will be sentenced to a lengthy term (25-life)
  4. elements of a crime that enhance its seriousness ( infliction of torture, killing a officer etc.)
  5. A penalty or punishment
  6. the legal resolution of a dispute (when on is declared guilty or not by a judge/jury)
  7. Circumstances that would tend to lessen the severity of the sentence (such as ones youthfulness, mental stability, not having a prior criminal record, etc)
  8. a specific, fixed-period sentence ordered by a court
  9. A set of rules or values that spell out appropriate human conduct

20 Clues: A penalty or punishmenta specific, fixed-period sentence ordered by a courtA set of rules or values that spell out appropriate human conductThe movement of defenders and cases through the criminal justice processa court or jury's judgement or verdict of not guilty of the offences charged...

Criss Crossing Bogs and Dangerous Forests 2021-11-04

Criss Crossing Bogs and Dangerous Forests crossword puzzle
  1. should never be used to influence the will of another
  2. (3) ruling body of the Protectorate
  3. ignites the resurgence
  4. is the food that sustains Glerk
  5. feelings in the heart are ____________
  6. not to be trifled with
  7. an antidote to sorrow
  1. hard to make but necessary for a fresh start
  2. a ring of ancient trees
  3. numbs senses and dampens minds
  4. “and to grain of sand, do all things ______________________”
  5. liked being special
  6. (2) feeds on the Sorrows of others

13 Clues: liked being specialan antidote to sorrowignites the resurgencenot to be trifled witha ring of ancient treesnumbs senses and dampens mindsis the food that sustains Glerk(2) feeds on the Sorrows of others(3) ruling body of the Protectoratefeelings in the heart are ____________hard to make but necessary for a fresh start...

Кроссворд 2023-08-14

Кроссворд crossword puzzle
  1. полиция
  2. космическ корабль
  3. клавиатура
  4. конструировать
  1. лаборатория
  2. преступник
  3. каждый день
  4. иногда
  5. шэф
  6. экран
  7. использовать
  8. работа

12 Clues: шэфэкраниногдаработаполицияпреступникклавиатуралабораториякаждый деньиспользоватьконструироватькосмическ корабль

Duel of Minds 2022-10-06

Duel of Minds crossword puzzle
  1. An Alumni who is now a part of Pakistan’s First XI
  2. Heritage Building was a __________ before it was a school?
  3. Phrase spoken at assembly “ BayViewHigh at ease, ___! ”
  4. Sir Shams dressed up as ________ at the latest bonfire?
  1. Which house won the last Sports Day?
  2. BVHS Motto “We _______ in you”
  3. The activity which earns the most money for charity at BVHS bake sale
  4. The most in demand food item at the Canteen

8 Clues: BVHS Motto “We _______ in you”Which house won the last Sports Day?The most in demand food item at the CanteenAn Alumni who is now a part of Pakistan’s First XISir Shams dressed up as ________ at the latest bonfire?Phrase spoken at assembly “ BayViewHigh at ease, ___! ”Heritage Building was a __________ before it was a school?...

The young minds 2016-07-08

The young minds crossword puzzle
  1. / A specialist in the theory and practice of education.
  2. / refusal to give something requested or desired
  3. / sound practical judgement.
  4. / to endow with ability; enable.
  1. / free from legal or specific wrong; guiltless.
  2. / A state or situation of great distress or unrest felt to resemble a boiling kettle
  3. /run-down places inhabited by the poor
  4. / an excess of something

8 Clues: / an excess of something/ sound practical judgement./ to endow with ability; enable./run-down places inhabited by the poor/ free from legal or specific wrong; guiltless./ refusal to give something requested or desired/ A specialist in the theory and practice of education....

unit 8 2020-04-24

unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Diagramm
  2. ertrinken
  3. kämpfen
  4. kriminell
  5. Händler
  1. Einbrecher
  2. Beginn
  3. ausrauben
  4. Unterschlag
  5. Treibstoff
  6. rutschen
  7. Leiter

12 Clues: BeginnLeiterkämpfenHändlerDiagrammrutschenausraubenertrinkenkriminellEinbrecherTreibstoffUnterschlag

What is Law and Lawmaking Vocabulary Activity 2021-09-28

What is Law and Lawmaking Vocabulary Activity crossword puzzle
  1. The branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishment
  2. A criminal offense, less serious than a felony, punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less
  3. A basic principle of our constitutional system. It limits government to powers provided to it by the people.
  4. the state or federal government's attorney in a criminal case
  5. A legal way of making a provision less enforceable than it might be otherwise
  6. The process by which courts decide whether the laws passed by Congress or state legislatures are constitutional
  7. A serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year
  8. Conflicting with some provision of the Constitution
  9. A noncriminal lawsuit, brought to enforce a right or redress a wrong
  10. A court in which appeals from trial court decisions are heard
  11. Written laws enacted by legislatures
  12. The legal process in which one country or state asks another to surrender a suspected or convicted criminal
  13. Proceedings that are open to the public. During these proceedings, evidence is considered and then a decision is reached based on this evidence.
  14. In a civil case, the injured party who brings the legal action against the alleged wrongdoer
  15. All law that does not involve criminal matters, such as tort and contract law. Civil law usually deals with private rights of individuals, groups, or businesses.
  16. The level of proof required to convict a person of a crime. It does not mean "convinced 100 percent," but does mean there are no reasonable doubts as to guilt.
  17. Usually the standard of proof used in a civil suit; the burden of proof that a party must meet in order to win the lawsuit. To win, a party must provide evidence that is more convincing than the other side's evidence.
  18. The provision in Article VI of the Constitution stating that U.S. laws and treaties must be followed even if state and local laws disagree with the Constitution and these treaties.
  1. Prohibit; in government, the power of the chief executive to prevent the enactment of a bill
  2. The division of powers between the states and the federal government.
  3. A proposed law being considered by a legislature
  4. The person against whom a claim is made. In a civil suit, the defendant is the person being sued; in a criminal case, the defendant is the person charged with committing a crime.
  5. The power of each of the three branches of government (legislative, judicial, executive) to limit the other branches' power, so as to prevent an abuse.
  6. Court decision on a legal question that guides decisions in future cases presenting similar questions
  7. A county or city law
  8. The division among the branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial). statutes Written laws enacted by legislatures
  9. A pact between nations; if entered into by the United States through its executive branch, the pact must be approved by "two-thirds of the senators present," under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, to become effective
  10. What the lawmakers who passed a law wanted the law to mean. If the language of a statute is unclear, judges will often look at the legislative intent to help them interpret the law.
  11. A court proceeding
  12. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, which guarantees basic individual rights to all persons in the United States
  13. Basic privileges a person as a human being

31 Clues: A court proceedingA county or city lawWritten laws enacted by legislaturesBasic privileges a person as a human beingA proposed law being considered by a legislatureConflicting with some provision of the ConstitutionThe branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishmentthe state or federal government's attorney in a criminal case...


CHAPTER 10 DEFINITIONS crossword puzzle
  1. The responsibility to prove one's case.
  2. Closed off to ensure that unauthorized people cannot enter a crime scene and that evidence inside the scene is not tampered with.
  3. A formal court document authorizing a person to enter a building or place to search for and seize evidence.
  4. A judicial release procedure allowing an accused to sign a document guaranteeing he or she will show up in court.
  5. (I) The judicial release of an accused pending
  6. Discusses and weighs the evidence in order to determine a verdict
  7. Requests to carry over the trial to another time or date.
  8. The person who rules on how the law is applied to the facts; in an adversarial system, the judge.
  9. In criminal law a formal charge laid against an individual for making a false statement under oath.
  10. Negotiation between the Crown and the defence whereby the Crown agrees to a lesser charge or to recommend a lighter penalty in exchange for a guilty plea by the accused.
  11. Unbiased or unprejudiced.
  1. Violations for which the prosecution has a choice to proceed by way of indictment or summary conviction offence; also called a "dual procedure offence".
  2. In criminal law, a group of 12 ordinary reasonable people who decide on the guilt or innocence of the accused based on the evidence presented.
  3. A court document, called a "writ," used to determine whether an accused can be legally detained; a Charter right that protects against unlawful arrest and detention.
  4. Criminal violations that are minor in nature (e.g., causing a disturbance), are tried by justices or provincial court judges, and have consequences much less severe than indictable offences.
  5. The level of uncertainty beyond which proof must be established in a criminal trial.
  6. More serious criminal violations (e.g.,murder, arson, aggravated assault) as distinguished from summary conviction offences
  7. The negotiation between the Crown and the defence whereby the Crown agrees to a lesser charge or to recommend a lighter penalty in return for a guilty plea by the accused.
  8. A judicial remedy used by the courts to stop the action against an accused if the continuance of the action would be considered or prejudicial to the accused.
  9. A judicial release procedure allowing an accused to make a written promise to appear in court or pay a sum of money for failing to do so.
  10. A shift of responsibility in a criminal case such that the defence must prove aspects of the case rather than the Crown.
  11. Released after being declared not guilty.
  12. An individual who takes the responsibility for ensuring that an accused appears in court and who agrees to pay a sum of money should the accused fail to do so.
  13. (2) The sum of money deposited with the courts to ensure that an accused will appear for trial.
  14. A requirement that all relevant information be made available (e.g., the Crown must provide the defence with all case-related information)
  15. A judicial release procedure allowing an accused to be released from custody as long as he or she agrees to abide by specified conditions (e.g..not contacting certain people).

26 Clues: Unbiased or unprejudiced.The responsibility to prove one's case.Released after being declared not guilty.(I) The judicial release of an accused pendingRequests to carry over the trial to another time or date.Discusses and weighs the evidence in order to determine a verdict...

Cross Your Minds 2022-01-18

Cross Your Minds crossword puzzle
  1. A large island in the Mediterranean sea.
  2. Famous US landmark starting with “Mount”.
  3. Animal native to Australia:marsupial,nocturnal and herbivorous.
  4. A group of binary digits or bits.
  5. A type of monkey! Surely you know this one.
  1. The 7th Hokage
  2. American actor, last name “Phoenix”.
  3. A type of lizard.

8 Clues: The 7th HokageA type of lizard.A group of binary digits or bits.American actor, last name “Phoenix”.A large island in the Mediterranean sea.Famous US landmark starting with “Mount”.A type of monkey! Surely you know this one.Animal native to Australia:marsupial,nocturnal and herbivorous.

The Outsiders crossword puzzle 2021-10-06

The Outsiders crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. killed Bob
  2. fight
  3. understands
  4. alcohol
  5. cool, sharp
  6. punched
  7. attacked by Socs
  1. advantage over another
  2. cautious
  3. gun
  4. criminal
  5. punched
  6. main Socs
  7. cigarette
  8. the police

15 Clues: gunfightpunchedalcoholpunchedcautiouscriminalmain Socscigarettekilled Bobthe policeunderstandscool, sharpattacked by Socsadvantage over another

Divergent 2016-01-26

Divergent crossword puzzle
  1. Tris' and Peter _______ in the first part of initiation, Peter wins.
  2. Tris' friend came from _________.
  3. Tris came from _______.
  4. Tris hates this faction.
  5. Four went to _______ because of his father.
  1. Everyone is in one.
  2. Tris is scared of being trapped in a tank with_______.
  3. Four has a ______ on his back.
  4. Tris is this.
  5. What did Marcus do to Four?
  6. What color does Abnegation wear.
  7. Erudite wheres this colour to "calm their minds".

12 Clues: Tris is this.Everyone is in one.Tris came from _______.Tris hates this faction.What did Marcus do to Four?Four has a ______ on his back.What color does Abnegation wear.Tris' friend came from _________.Four went to _______ because of his father.Erudite wheres this colour to "calm their minds".Tris is scared of being trapped in a tank with_______....

Dorina új 2019-03-16

Dorina új crossword puzzle
  1. előnyben részesít
  2. bolt
  3. bűnöző
  4. baleset
  5. férj
  6. rendőr
  7. panaszkodik
  1. divat
  2. megjelenik
  3. meghív
  4. hirdetés
  5. változás, változtatni

12 Clues: boltférjdivatbűnözőmeghívrendőrbalesethirdetésmegjelenikpanaszkodikelőnyben részesítváltozás, változtatni

Supreme Court 2024-03-19

Supreme Court crossword puzzle
  1. The decision of a petit jury or a judge.
  2. Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  3. Judges in the U.S. court system.
  4. jury A body of citizens who listen to evidence of criminal allegations, which are presented by the government, and determines whether there is probable cause to believe the offense was committed. As it is used in federal criminal cases, "the government" refers to the lawyers of the U.S. attorney's office who are prosecuting the case.
  5. relating to crime or to the prosecution of suspects in a crime
  6. Court head of the judicial branch
  7. Judges in Massachusetts are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, also known as the Governor’s Council.
  8. a court official whose main job is court security, usually a peace officer or deputy sheriff, who keeps order in the courtroom and acts as an intermediary between the judge and attorneys.
  9. Statements by a witness who did not see or hear the incident in question but heard about it from someone else. Hearsay is usually not admissible as evidence in court.
  10. To charge someone with a crime. A prosecutor tries a criminal case on behalf of the government.
  11. Answer questions in court.
  12. evidence All evidence except eyewitness testimony.
  1. person charged with a crime or wrongdoing;in a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
  2. Persons selected according to law and sworn to inquire into and declare a verdict on matters of fact.
  3. The punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime.
  4. Written statements of the parties in a civil case of their positions. In the federal courts, the principal pleadings are the complaint and the answer.
  5. Government entity authorized to resolve legal disputes. Judges sometimes use "court" to refer to themselves in the third person, as in "the court has read the briefs."
  6. Someone who saw the event take place. A person called upon by either side in a lawsuit to give testimony before the court or jury
  7. a lawsuit based on a private wrong, as distinguished from a crime, or to enforce rights through remedies of a private or non-penal nature. All legal proceedings which are not criminal actions are civil actions.
  8. to the jury The judge's instructions to the jury concerning the law that applies to the facts of the case on trial.
  9. a case before a court
  10. the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States; the basic principles and laws of a nation that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it.
  11. Branch of or relating to a judgment, the function of judging, the administration of justice; belonging to the branch of government that is charged with trying all cases and with the administration of justice within its jurisdiction
  12. Government official with authority to decide lawsuits brought before courts.
  13. of court An officer appointed by the court to work with the chief judge in overseeing the court's administration, especially to assist in managing the flow of cases through the court and to maintain court records.

25 Clues: a case before a courtAnswer questions in court.Judges in the U.S. court system.Court head of the judicial branchThe decision of a petit jury or a judge.evidence All evidence except eyewitness testimony.relating to crime or to the prosecution of suspects in a crimeThe punishment ordered by a court for a defendant convicted of a crime....

crossword English 2020-04-28

crossword English crossword puzzle
  1. someone who commits a crime
  2. someone that has seen a crime
  3. a person that has stolen your wallet on the street
  4. something to shoot with
  5. a person who damages things
  1. someone who robs
  2. a person that takes something without paying
  3. someone who looks for clues
  4. someone to arrest a criminal
  5. someone who breaks into a house

10 Clues: someone who robssomething to shoot withsomeone who commits a crimesomeone who looks for cluesa person who damages thingssomeone to arrest a criminalsomeone that has seen a crimesomeone who breaks into a housea person that takes something without payinga person that has stolen your wallet on the street

MURDER 2024-02-23

MURDER crossword puzzle


Capitulo 10 2024-04-01

Capitulo 10 crossword puzzle
  1. mal gracias a dios
  2. un chiste/algo comico
  3. un sueno muy, muy malo, de terror
  4. ser deshonesto con alguien
  5. lleva el criminal a otro lugar
  1. los "brazaletes" que la policia le pone al criminal
  2. una persona extrana y mala que tiene malas intenciones
  3. quita o elimina algo
  4. alguien que roba
  5. hacerle dano a alguien con la mano

10 Clues: alguien que robamal gracias a diosquita o elimina algoun chiste/algo comicoser deshonesto con alguienlleva el criminal a otro lugarun sueno muy, muy malo, de terrorhacerle dano a alguien con la manolos "brazaletes" que la policia le pone al criminaluna persona extrana y mala que tiene malas intenciones

Hippie Movement 2013-05-16

Hippie Movement crossword puzzle
  1. Slang for something unique
  2. Opposite of war
  3. A drug commonly used by hippies to spread love
  4. A drug commonly used by hippies to "expand their minds"
  1. Hippies used this to spread their message
  2. Opposite of slavery
  3. Opposite of dull
  4. Hippie's wanted to spread this
  5. Slang for something interesting
  6. War being fought during the hippie era

10 Clues: Opposite of warOpposite of dullOpposite of slaverySlang for something uniqueHippie's wanted to spread thisSlang for something interestingWar being fought during the hippie eraHippies used this to spread their messageA drug commonly used by hippies to spread loveA drug commonly used by hippies to "expand their minds"

Ancient Rome 2021-10-14

Ancient Rome crossword puzzle
  1. man who caused a huge fire in Rome
  2. new capital city
  3. name of preachers
  4. the religion that weakened Rome
  5. procurator that ordered jesus’ death
  1. poisoned the minds of romans
  2. forced workers to keep their vocations
  3. big factor in the fall of Rome-hint is an issue today
  4. first Roman emperor
  5. name of church members

10 Clues: new capital cityname of preachersfirst Roman emperorname of church memberspoisoned the minds of romansthe religion that weakened Romeman who caused a huge fire in Romeprocurator that ordered jesus’ deathforced workers to keep their vocationsbig factor in the fall of Rome-hint is an issue today

occupations 2022-08-24

occupations crossword puzzle


Laguage Deveploment 2019-01-28

Laguage Deveploment crossword puzzle
  1. the something that is grown through farming
  2. show something or collection
  3. show the people about something news
  4. to make the quality beater
  5. for appear something out of the ideas
  1. but the new ideas on our minds
  2. to do benign to do something
  3. take many ideas from different people
  4. change something to slightly to cause
  5. remove something

10 Clues: remove somethingto make the quality beaterto do benign to do somethingshow something or collectionbut the new ideas on our mindsshow the people about something newstake many ideas from different peoplechange something to slightly to causefor appear something out of the ideasthe something that is grown through farming

law enforcement 2021-11-05

law enforcement crossword puzzle
  1. lessen the seriousness of the crime
  2. evidence the actions caused a harmful result
  3. make the crime worse
  4. least serious type of crime
  5. more serious than infractions but less serious than felonies
  6. most serious type of crimes
  7. crime that involves another persons property
  1. protects the private rights of citizens
  2. also known as mens rea
  3. criminal act must occur at the same time as criminal intent
  4. also known as actus reus
  5. illegal activity punishable by law

12 Clues: make the crime worsealso known as mens reaalso known as actus reusleast serious type of crimemost serious type of crimesillegal activity punishable by lawlessen the seriousness of the crimeprotects the private rights of citizensevidence the actions caused a harmful resultcrime that involves another persons property...