criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

Disboeying 2012-09-22

Disboeying crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes, you might not agree with your parents or teachers but whining or ________________________ will not change their minds.
  2. Parents and teachers tell students what to do because they are _______________________ for them and have to take care of the damage they may cause.
  3. Your parents and ____________________ tell you what to do because they want you and your classmates to be safe and happy.
  4. Accept your consequence if you ______________ or break the rules and try not to disobey again.
  1. When you obey, your parents and teachers are _________________ and you are doing what is best for you.
  2. If you do not like a direction, you can try and discuss or ____________ to your parents or teachers. They may not change their minds though.
  3. When students disobey their teachers, there are ________________________.
  4. You are disobeying when you do ____________ no what you have been told to do.
  5. Parents and teachers tell students what to do because they usually know what is ______________.
  6. Consequences are supposed to teach students to ________________ their parents and teachers.

10 Clues: When students disobey their teachers, there are ________________________.You are disobeying when you do ____________ no what you have been told to do.Consequences are supposed to teach students to ________________ their parents and teachers.Accept your consequence if you ______________ or break the rules and try not to disobey again....

unit 10(2) 2019-01-21

unit 10(2) crossword puzzle
  1. близнец
  2. точный
  3. преступник
  4. доставлять удовольствие
  5. глупый
  1. действовать
  2. берег реки
  3. злобно
  4. компания
  5. воры
  6. верхушка
  7. кричать

12 Clues: ворызлобноточныйглупыйблизнецкричатькомпанияверхушкаберег рекипреступникдействоватьдоставлять удовольствие

Semester Exam Vocab Review - Some answers have more than one word, omit spaces when entering 2021-01-04

Semester Exam Vocab Review - Some answers have more than one word, omit spaces when entering crossword puzzle
  1. The belief that Jesus is fully God and Fully human
  2. Asking critical questions of the text
  3. The Sense of Scripture that seeks to understand the meaning of the text, the foundational sense
  4. The function of a myth that express the awe and connectedness to the sacred
  5. A 5 step prayer that helps up reflect back on our day
  6. St. Ignatius' method of discussion making
  7. _ of God. The rule of God over the hearts and minds of people; will bring forth a new social order rooted in justice and unconditional love.
  8. A feeling of disconnect from God
  9. an imaginative story that uses symbols to speak about reality, but a reality that is beyond a person’s comprehension
  10. The function of a myth that helps us wrap our minds around the universe
  11. Doing more for God, doing more for others
  12. Our call to be present and active in the world while also taking time for prayer and reflection
  13. The guidance of the Holy Spirit over the human writers of the scriptures
  14. The teaching that the bible is without errors in matters of faith and morals
  15. The work of salvation brought about through Jesus' Passion, death, and Resurrection
  16. The lifting our hearts and minds to God in praise, petition, thanksgiving, and intercession
  17. A gift from God, not opposed to science
  18. A collection of prayers and reflections written by St. Ignatius inspired by his time in Manresa
  1. The passage of Jesus from death to life on the third day after his Crucifixion
  2. Working towards long term solution of social injustices
  3. The defense of human dignity by ensuring that essential human needs are met and that essential human rights are protected for all people
  4. Holy Orders and Marriage are sacraments of _.
  5. The key takeaway St. Ignatius had during his mystical vision at Manresa
  6. Reconciliation & Penance and Anointing of the Sick are sacraments of _.
  7. Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist are sacraments of _.
  8. Pedro Arrupe's call to work for justice
  9. The function of a myth that teach us how to live a full, happy life
  10. A solemn agreement between human beings and God in which mutual commitments are recognized
  11. Acts of service that seek to address the immediate needs of people
  12. The function of a myth that support and validate a certain social order of a culture
  13. The Sense of Scripture that seek to understanding the deeper meaning on issues of faith
  14. The body of teaching by the Church on economic and social matters, abbreviated
  15. Often depicted as a dove; the third member of the Trinity
  16. For the Greater Glory of God
  17. A feeling of closeness and connectedness to God

35 Clues: For the Greater Glory of GodA feeling of disconnect from GodAsking critical questions of the textPedro Arrupe's call to work for justiceA gift from God, not opposed to scienceSt. Ignatius' method of discussion makingDoing more for God, doing more for othersHoly Orders and Marriage are sacraments of _.A feeling of closeness and connectedness to God...

CONTRACTS 2020-04-30

CONTRACTS crossword puzzle
  1. When the thing or service in the very nature of things cannot exist
  2. Does not have all elements of a contract to create legally enforceable obligations
  3. Contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy
  4. Does not signify fraud
  5. May be referred to as the consideration of the contract
  6. Different from the cause and will not support a contract
  7. The manner in which a contract is executed
  8. There can be no meeting of minds between the parties without this
  9. Determination of the meaning of the terms or words used by the parties in a written contract
  10. Example of a person who cannot give consent to a contract
  11. Drafted by one party to which the other has no ability to change or negotiate favorable terms in a contract
  12. A gratuitous act
  13. Proposal made by one party to another indicating willingness to enter into a contract
  14. Invitations to make an offer for bidders
  15. Is a threat and does not vitiate consent
  16. Meeting of minds between two contracting parties when an offer of one party is accepted by the other
  17. Contract is voidable if consent is given through this
  18. Lack of any valid consideration for the contract
  1. Use of incorrect persuasion to convince a person
  2. When the act cannot be done in any case
  3. Enforceable and binding even to parties who are not parties to the contract
  4. Contracts that has no name in law
  5. When its acceptance will not produce a meeting of minds due to death, civil interdiction, insanity, or insolvency of either parties
  6. Deliberately deceiving others the appearance of a contract which is non existent or concealed
  7. Serious error that goes into the essence of a contract
  8. Neglect or failure to communicate or disclose wherein a party to a contract knows that it must be communicated
  9. To fix improperly prepared written documents that evidences a contract
  10. Present in all contracts such as consent, object and cause
  11. Use of machinations and words to deceive
  12. Present in certain specified contracts
  13. Must be specific as to its kind in every contract
  14. Purpose is to reward the service that has been rendered by the party remunerated
  15. Shall not invalidate a contract unless there has been fraud, mistake or undue influence and in cases specified by law
  16. When the parties come to an agreement
  17. Prevails over any general law governing reformation of instruments
  18. Where parties are reciprocally obligated to one another
  19. Legal tie which exists after a contract has been made
  20. Conformity of wills

38 Clues: A gratuitous actConformity of willsDoes not signify fraudContracts that has no name in lawWhen the parties come to an agreementPresent in certain specified contractsWhen the act cannot be done in any caseUse of machinations and words to deceiveInvitations to make an offer for biddersIs a threat and does not vitiate consent...

Have Fun! 2020-07-16

Have Fun! crossword puzzle
  1. What is the short form for laugh out loud?
  2. Great______ think alike
  3. britain Who made the 13 colonies?
  4. _____ are worth a thousand words
  5. What is Superman (and Supergirl's) weakness?
  6. Fun to play
  1. Looks like a crocodile
  2. The Dobbs Take is a _____
  3. Come from libraries
  4. An instrument that you play with both hands and has keys
  5. love, happiness, and anger are all examples of it

11 Clues: Fun to playCome from librariesLooks like a crocodileGreat______ think alikeThe Dobbs Take is a __________ are worth a thousand wordsbritain Who made the 13 colonies?What is the short form for laugh out loud?What is Superman (and Supergirl's) weakness?love, happiness, and anger are all examples of it...

Mischief and curruption 2020-04-18

Mischief and curruption crossword puzzle
  1. act in one's favour by a gift of money
  2. or improper behavior
  3. deception to result in financial or personal gain
  4. someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.
  5. or prone to behave in an untrustworthy way
  6. and wicked
  7. offence and is punishable by law.
  1. of sins
  2. or fraudulent conduct by those in power
  3. or criminal.
  4. conforming to accepted standards of morality.
  5. acting in accordance with moral principles.
  6. event causing great and usually sudden damage
  7. is god of

14 Clues: of sinsis god ofand wickedor criminal.or improper behavioroffence and is punishable by law.act in one's favour by a gift of moneyor fraudulent conduct by those in poweror prone to behave in an untrustworthy wayacting in accordance with moral principles.conforming to accepted standards of morality.event causing great and usually sudden damage...

Legal Studies Crossword 2022-03-08

Legal Studies Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the group of people who make decisions
  2. the act of killing another person
  3. someone who did the crime
  4. where disputes are settled
  5. the court that deals with non criminal cases
  6. an individual accused in a court
  7. apply to a higher court to change a decision
  8. someone who did not do the crime
  1. the person who may have committed the crime
  2. someone who administers the law
  3. the court that deals with non civil cases
  4. the person paid to protect the defendant
  5. the person with the final say
  6. the person accusing/charging the defendant

14 Clues: someone who did the crimewhere disputes are settledthe person with the final saysomeone who administers the lawan individual accused in a courtsomeone who did not do the crimethe act of killing another personthe group of people who make decisionsthe person paid to protect the defendantthe court that deals with non civil cases...

english-dutch 143 2018-07-26

english-dutch 143 crossword puzzle
  1. complete, wrap up
  2. thought
  3. to preven
  4. control, dominance
  5. to follow
  6. requirements
  7. disappointments
  8. screens
  9. criminal record
  10. people
  11. participation
  1. on the contrary
  2. thereafter, subsequently
  3. extensive, extended
  4. advice
  5. selection
  6. somewhere
  7. mandatory
  8. further
  9. forty
  10. hence
  11. student
  12. attendees
  13. want
  14. focus, emphasis
  15. often

26 Clues: wantfortyhenceoftenadvicepeoplethoughtfurtherstudentscreensto prevenselectionsomewheremandatoryto followattendeesrequirementsparticipationon the contrarydisappointmentsfocus, emphasiscriminal recordcomplete, wrap upcontrol, dominanceextensive, extendedthereafter, subsequently

Dam fam 2022-05-17

Dam fam crossword puzzle
  1. death 5
  2. listen 6
  3. come 5
  4. listen 2
  5. listen 1
  6. listen 4
  7. death 7
  8. come 2
  9. death 1
  10. death 3
  1. listen 3
  2. death 4
  3. come 6
  4. listen 5
  5. come 4
  6. death 2
  7. come 1
  8. death 6
  9. come 7
  10. listen 7
  11. come 3

21 Clues: come 6come 5come 4come 1come 7come 3come 2death 4death 5death 2death 6death 7death 1death 3listen 3listen 6listen 5listen 2listen 1listen 4listen 7

County Clerk 2023 Christmas Crossword Puzzle 2023-12-19

County Clerk 2023 Christmas Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Red
  2. Recording
  3. Stuffers
  4. use enough stamps
  5. What fun it is to ride
  6. Soldier
  7. Whoville
  8. Will you marry me
  9. Satisfy a sweet tooth
  10. Santa
  11. Vitals
  1. Wet Bandits
  2. Under
  3. Records Management
  4. Smooth
  5. Ugly
  6. Sheep
  7. Probate
  8. Make sure there is no fire
  9. Naughty List

20 Clues: RedUglyUnderSheepSantaSmoothVitalsSoldierProbateStuffersWhovilleRecordingWet BanditsNaughty Listuse enough stampsWill you marry meRecords ManagementSatisfy a sweet toothWhat fun it is to rideMake sure there is no fire

Law 30 - Criminal Law of Canada Terminology 2016-04-18

Law 30 - Criminal Law of Canada Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. A term that depicts what the crown prosecutor must prove, that there is sufficient evidence to continue with trial.
  2. The encouragement of a crime.
  3. A legal document that is used to increase the authority of police.
  4. The process of: Reading of the charge, followed by the plea of the accused.
  5. Only for less serious offences, one will be issued a:
  6. the defending of ones self or property property.
  7. The agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act.
  1. Latin for "a guilty mind" - intent, knolwdge, or recklessness.
  2. The commiting of an action, or criminal act.
  3. One who helps an offender, after the crime has taken place could be charged of being:
  4. A document of which requires the accused to appear in court at a specified time and place.
  5. Police agencies can obtain a " ", which orders that the accused be arrested.
  6. Intent to commit a criminal action, yet with failure to complete action.
  7. Assisting the principle offender in a criminal act.
  8. When a police officer is legally permited to break certain laws, they have " "
  9. Proof that the accused could not have committed the crime.

16 Clues: The encouragement of a crime.The commiting of an action, or criminal act.the defending of ones self or property property.Assisting the principle offender in a criminal act.Only for less serious offences, one will be issued a:Proof that the accused could not have committed the crime.Latin for "a guilty mind" - intent, knolwdge, or recklessness....

Unit #5 Judicial Branch Vocabulary Crossword 2022-03-18

Unit #5 Judicial Branch Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. document giving police permission to search or arrest
  2. state's side of a criminal case
  3. required for an arrest in a criminal case
  4. power to hear cases first
  5. Issues warrents and set bail
  6. person accused of a crime
  1. case when a person is accused of a crime
  2. review lower court's decisions
  3. case that established Judicial Review
  4. case with a disagreement between two or more people seeking money
  5. money to release from jail while waiting for trial
  6. Guarantees fair treatment in trial process

12 Clues: power to hear cases firstperson accused of a crimeIssues warrents and set bailreview lower court's decisionsstate's side of a criminal casecase that established Judicial Reviewcase when a person is accused of a crimerequired for an arrest in a criminal caseGuarantees fair treatment in trial processmoney to release from jail while waiting for trial...

Careers in Criminal Justice 2022-04-20

Careers in Criminal Justice crossword puzzle
  1. takes pictures and writes about case
  2. order in the court
  3. family,business,estate,criminal,divorce
  4. clues
  5. conduct surveillance, gather and analyze data, monitor online activities, collect evidence, and carry out arrests
  1. develop a brief profile of criminals, based on common psychological traits
  2. helps youth that have criminal records
  3. neutral and impartial guide
  4. illegal drugs
  5. develop a psychological profile of a suspect based on the evidence available
  6. maintains order on the streets
  7. in charge of all courts

12 Clues: cluesillegal drugsorder in the courtin charge of all courtsneutral and impartial guidemaintains order on the streetstakes pictures and writes about casehelps youth that have criminal recordsfamily,business,estate,criminal,divorcedevelop a brief profile of criminals, based on common psychological traits...

Chapter 1: The Criminal Justice System 2024-09-12

Chapter 1: The Criminal Justice System crossword puzzle
  1. A court order authorizing police officers to take certain actions. For example, to arrest suspects or to search premises.
  2. is based on the concept of federalism, in which power is divided between a central (national) government and regional (state) governments.
  3. A screening operation; a process by which criminal justice officials screen out some cases while advancing others to the next level of decision making.
  4. A system of government in which power is divided between a central (national) government and regional (state) governments.
  5. A mutual transfer of resources; a balance of benefits and deficits that flow from behavior based on decisions about the values and costs of alternative courses of action.
  6. Actions that violate laws defining which socially harmful behaviors will be subject to the government’s power to impose punishments.
  7. A document charging an individual with a specific crime. It is prepared by a prosecuting attorney and presented to a court at a preliminary hearing.
  8. A model of the criminal justice system that assumes freedom for the public to live without fear is so important that every effort must be made to repress crime; it emphasizes efficiency, speed, finality, and the capacity to apprehend, try, convict, and dispose of a high proportion of people facing criminal charges.
  9. The authority to make decisions without reference to specific rules or facts, using instead one’s own judgment; allows for individualization and informality in the administration of justice.
  10. arresting, prosecuting, convicting, and punishing those who disobey the law. However, this goal must be balanced with adherence to law.
  11. A penitentiary system, developed in Auburn, New York, in which each inmate was held in isolation during the night but worked and ate with others during the day under a rule of silence.
  12. Offenses less serious than felonies and usually punishable by incarceration of no more than one year in jail, or by probation or intermediate sanctions.
  13. the deterrent effect of actions by police, courts, and corrections. These actions not only punish those who violate the law but also provide examples that may keep others from committing wrongful acts.
  14. A defendant’s plea of guilty to a criminal charge with the reasonable expectation of receiving some consideration from the state for doing so, usually a reduction of the charge. The defendant’s ultimate goal is a penalty lighter than the one formally warranted by the charged offense.
  1. A document returned by a grand jury as a “true bill” charging an individual with a specific crime on the basis of a determination of probable cause as presented by a prosecuting attorney.
  2. Offenses that are wrong by their very nature.
  3. focuses on the protection of the public both through the investigation and punishment of people who commit crimes and through efforts to prevent people from committing harmful.
  4. Differential treatment of individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or economic status, instead of on their behavior or qualifications.
  5. A model of the criminal justice system that assumes freedom for individuals who are wrongly accused and risk unjust punishment is so important that every effort must be made to ensure that criminal justice decisions are based on reliable information; it emphasizes the adversarial process, the rights of defendants, and formal decision-making procedures.
  6. A system consisting of a separate judicial system for each state in addition to a national system. Each case is tried in a court of the same jurisdiction as that of the law or laws broken.
  7. The physical taking of a person into custody on the grounds that there is reason to believe that he or she has committed a criminal offense. Police are limited to using only reasonable physical force in making an arrest. The purpose of the arrest is to hold the accused for a court proceeding.
  8. Unknowingly associating individuals with stereotyped characteristics of a demographic group and potentially using these stereotyped assumptions in reacting to these people
  9. A difference between groups that may be explained either by legitimate factors or by discrimination.
  10. The process of determining whether the defendant is guilty.
  11. Policies developed through guidance from research studies that demonstrate which approaches are most useful and cost-effective for advancing desired goals.
  12. concerns fairness and equity in the treatment of people who are drawn into the criminal justice system.
  13. Offenses prohibited by law but not necessarily wrong in themselves.

27 Clues: Offenses that are wrong by their very nature.The process of determining whether the defendant is guilty.Offenses prohibited by law but not necessarily wrong in themselves.A difference between groups that may be explained either by legitimate factors or by discrimination....

crossword 2020-11-19

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. ordentligt
  2. livädd
  3. bryta
  4. ursinnigt
  5. oberoende
  6. svimma
  7. underlig
  8. vara ledsen
  9. hålla med
  10. brottsling
  11. breda ut sig
  1. klaga
  2. avundsjuk
  3. röntgen
  4. mulet
  5. älskling
  6. umgås
  7. dimma
  8. skryta
  9. iskallt
  10. blåmärke
  11. regn
  12. influensa
  13. snöslask

24 Clues: regnklagamuletumgåsbrytadimmaliväddskrytasvimmaröntgeniskalltälsklingblåmärkeunderligsnöslaskavundsjukursinnigtoberoendehålla medinfluensaordentligtbrottslingvara ledsenbreda ut sig

Test 2023-04-18

Test crossword puzzle
  1. discriminate
  2. emit
  3. allergy
  4. criminal
  5. artifact
  6. own
  7. poisonous
  8. presentation
  9. health
  10. affect
  11. compile
  12. educate
  13. concentrate
  14. homeless
  15. literacy
  1. harmful
  2. belong
  3. vandal
  4. habitat
  5. destroy
  6. nutritious
  7. select
  8. flavour
  9. performer
  10. late
  11. capable
  12. desire
  13. responsible
  14. consciousness
  15. legal

30 Clues: ownemitlatelegalbelongvandalselecthealthaffectdesireharmfulhabitatdestroyallergyflavourcapablecompileeducatecriminalartifacthomelessliteracyperformerpoisonousnutritiousresponsibleconcentratediscriminatepresentationconsciousness

Crime 2022-10-17

Crime crossword puzzle
  1. убийство
  2. штраф
  3. закон
  4. арестовать
  5. кража
  6. неправильный
  7. виновный
  8. совершать
  9. присяжные
  10. мелкое правонарушение
  11. убежать
  12. невиновный
  13. тюрьма
  14. суд
  1. убийца
  2. стоящий
  3. крупное правонарушение
  4. ограбить
  5. красть
  6. кража со взломом
  7. вор
  8. напасть
  9. преступление
  10. преступник
  11. судья
  12. воровство
  13. разрешать
  14. наказание

28 Clues: ворсудштрафзаконкражасудьяубийцакрастьтюрьмастоящийнапастьубежатьубийствоограбитьвиновныйсовершатьприсяжныеворовстворазрешатьнаказаниеарестоватьпреступникневиновныйнеправильныйпреступлениекража со взломоммелкое правонарушениекрупное правонарушение

Yu-gi-ho 2023-10-30

Yu-gi-ho crossword puzzle
  1. card
  2. collectible card
  3. potential
  4. above
  5. time to come
  6. most dangerous card collection
  7. old artifact
  8. old
  9. play
  10. dark
  1. criminal
  2. old game
  3. be own
  4. high risks
  5. hard
  6. person changing the mc
  7. risks everything
  8. name
  9. mad
  10. title

20 Clues: madoldcardhardnameplaydarkabovetitlebe owncriminalold gamepotentialhigh riskstime to comeold artifactcollectible cardrisks everythingperson changing the mcmost dangerous card collection

Harrison o henry 2022-04-28

Harrison o henry crossword puzzle
  1. somewhat, reasonably, relatively
  2. Having or showing sharp powers of judgment astute
  3. o henry’s prisoner number
  4. where Abagnale grew up
  5. where o henry grew up
  1. when something happens unexpectedly
  2. occurs when the audience (of a movie play etc.) understands something about a character's actions or an event but the characters do not
  3. city that hearts and hands starts in
  4. cop following jimmy valentine
  5. where o henry fled to
  6. making fake money
  7. criminal name of jimmy’s criminal friend

12 Clues: making fake moneywhere o henry fled towhere o henry grew upwhere Abagnale grew upo henry’s prisoner numbercop following jimmy valentinesomewhat, reasonably, relativelywhen something happens unexpectedlycity that hearts and hands starts incriminal name of jimmy’s criminal friendHaving or showing sharp powers of judgment astute...

STEAM puzzle 2022-12-21

STEAM puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The S in STEAM
  2. The E in STEAM
  3. Sharing thoughts and ideas
  4. The station where we expand our minds
  5. The program we use to make a keychain
  6. The T in STEAM
  7. What we eat at the end
  8. The things we make in Art
  9. The M in STEAM
  1. Thinking about a problem in a new way
  2. Using new approaches to get things done
  3. The items we use to be creative in Engineering
  4. working together
  5. It seems real, but it is not
  6. The A in STEAM
  7. The best STEAM teacher ever!

16 Clues: The S in STEAMThe E in STEAMThe A in STEAMThe T in STEAMThe M in STEAMworking togetherWhat we eat at the endThe things we make in ArtSharing thoughts and ideasIt seems real, but it is notThe best STEAM teacher ever!Thinking about a problem in a new wayThe station where we expand our mindsThe program we use to make a keychain...

Detective Stories 2015-09-22

Detective Stories crossword puzzle
  1. une supposition
  2. déduire
  3. un cambriolage
  4. roman policier
  5. un alibi
  6. un témoin
  7. le criminel
  8. le mobile
  9. un roman
  10. un mystère
  11. une preuve
  1. un meurtre
  2. un indice
  3. un crime, un délit
  4. un complice
  5. le lieu du crime
  6. une enquête
  7. une nouvelle
  8. un voleur
  9. un vol

20 Clues: un voldéduireun alibiun romanun indiceun voleurun témoinle mobileun meurtreun mystèreune preuveun compliceune enquêtele criminelune nouvelleun cambriolageroman policierune suppositionle lieu du crimeun crime, un délit

Stop Bragging Cross 2020-11-19

Stop Bragging Cross crossword puzzle
  1. ursinnigt
  2. mamma
  3. skryta
  4. Prime minister in the UK
  5. stinkande fisk
  6. salt-bae
  7. Extra aktiviteter
  8. årstid
  9. the dark lord
  10. älskling
  11. din
  12. träsk
  1. celiaki
  2. kriminell
  3. åsna
  4. skorsten
  5. kalkon
  6. shrek
  7. gravgård
  8. stinka
  9. avundsjuk
  10. spell for unlocking doors

22 Clues: dinåsnamammashrekträskskrytakalkonstinkaårstidceliakiskorstensalt-baegravgårdälsklingkriminellursinnigtavundsjukthe dark lordstinkande fiskExtra aktiviteterPrime minister in the UKspell for unlocking doors

청당 빠바 구문독해 5-19 2023-01-18

청당 빠바 구문독해 5-19 crossword puzzle
  1. 정신적으로, 지적으로
  2. 안전한, 보안이 철저한
  3. 뗏목; 비닐 보트
  4. 재소자, 죄수
  5. 운영, 경영
  6. 통풍, 환기
  7. 설명; 지시; 가르침, 지도
  8. 지능의, 지적인
  9. 해결하다
  1. 의견차이
  2. 모조[위조]품; 가짜의
  3. 정교한
  4. 촉발하다; 유도하다
  5. 심리학자
  6. 범인, 범죄자
  7. 통풍구, 환기구
  8. 고안하다
  9. 투옥하다, 수감하다
  10. 구성 단위; 장치, 설비
  11. 감방; 세포

20 Clues: 정교한의견차이심리학자고안하다해결하다운영, 경영통풍, 환기감방; 세포재소자, 죄수범인, 범죄자통풍구, 환기구지능의, 지적인뗏목; 비닐 보트촉발하다; 유도하다투옥하다, 수감하다정신적으로, 지적으로모조[위조]품; 가짜의안전한, 보안이 철저한구성 단위; 장치, 설비설명; 지시; 가르침, 지도

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 De La Torre 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 De La Torre crossword puzzle
  1. An institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes
  2. To accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  3. A perspective of criminal justice that argues that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to ensure fairness under the law
  4. Behavioral expectations of a group
  5. A type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation
  6. A sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that they will appear at feature hearings
  1. The territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority
  2. A verdict of not guilty
  3. A person against whom a charge is brought in court
  4. An individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  5. An intentional act, neither justified nor accused, that is in violation of criminal law and punishable by the state
  6. An institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes

12 Clues: A verdict of not guiltyBehavioral expectations of a groupTo accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsA person against whom a charge is brought in courtAn individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutionThe territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority...

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Robles 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Robles crossword puzzle
  1. a sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings
  2. a perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function of the criminal justice system
  3. behavioral expectations of a group
  4. an institution to hold pre trail detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  5. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  1. an institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes
  2. a type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation
  3. the territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority
  4. an individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  5. a verdict of not guilty
  6. a person against whom a charge is brought in court
  7. an intentional act or omission to act neither justified nor excused that is In violation of criminal law

12 Clues: a verdict of not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupa person against whom a charge is brought in courtto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsan individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutionthe territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority...

ADJ 1 Chapter1 Barrera 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter1 Barrera crossword puzzle
  1. An institution to hold pertrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  2. The procedures that occur in the criminal justice system from a citizens intitial contact with police to his or her potential arrest
  3. behavioral expectations of a group
  4. An institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes
  5. A type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation
  6. A person against whom a charge is brought in court
  1. The territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority
  2. A verdict of not guilty
  3. An individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  4. A sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings
  5. A perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function of the criminal justice system
  6. To accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations

12 Clues: A verdict of not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupTo accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsA person against whom a charge is brought in courtAn individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutionThe territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority...

Law Enforcement's Role in Court 2023-12-08

Law Enforcement's Role in Court crossword puzzle
  1. stage in a legal proceeding in which the witness is questioned by the party who called on him or her
  2. statement provided as evidence by a witness under oath
  3. outcome of a criminal trial in which the defendant is found guilty
  4. communication without words or sounds; includes body language, facial expression and gestures
  5. legal promise to tell the truth
  6. communication through quality of spoken sound; includes tone, pitch, volume, pacing, inflection, etc.
  1. to provide evidence as a witness in a court of law
  2. informal group of professionals involved in a criminal trial who work together to process cases and administer justice in the most efficient way possible; core members are the judge, prosecutors and defense attorneys
  3. stage in a legal proceeding in which the witness is questioned by the opposing party
  4. attorney representing the government in criminal cases
  5. words and expressions used by a particular vocation or group
  6. decision or judgment in a court case

12 Clues: legal promise to tell the truthdecision or judgment in a court caseto provide evidence as a witness in a court of lawstatement provided as evidence by a witness under oathattorney representing the government in criminal caseswords and expressions used by a particular vocation or group...

Macbeth Quotes 2015-03-24

Macbeth Quotes crossword puzzle
  1. "Make ... my blood"
  2. "Are you a ...?"
  3. "The ... of the dark"
  4. "All the ... of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand"
  5. "The old man to have so much ... in him"
  6. "O, full of ... is my mind"
  7. "Secret black ..."
  8. "Sleep no more: ... does murder sleep"
  9. "... hide your fires"
  10. "There's not art to ... pathetic minds construction in the face"
  1. "She has ... .by her continually"
  2. "These ... ne'er be cleaned"
  3. "Never that sun shall ... see"
  4. "Why do you dress in ... robes"
  5. "Is this a ... I see before me?"
  6. "Almost at odds with ... which is which"
  7. "Will all great ... Ocean wash this blood"
  8. "... me here"
  9. "... and filthy air"

19 Clues: "... me here""Are you a ...?""Secret black ...""Make ... my blood""... and filthy air""The ... of the dark""... hide your fires""O, full of ... is my mind""These ... ne'er be cleaned""Never that sun shall ... see""Why do you dress in ... robes""Is this a ... I see before me?""She has ... .by her continually""Sleep no more: ... does murder sleep"...

ADVERTISING 2024-06-25

ADVERTISING crossword puzzle
  1. a large outdoor advertising board
  2. abbreviation for an advertisement
  3. advertise or publicize
  4. a paid advertisement on TV or radio
  5. deceive someone
  6. hidden or covert marketing
  7. free products given at no cost to generate consumer interest
  8. a discounted or promotional deal
  9. a company that creates marketing strategies
  1. high-end products, f.ex. Rolex, Porsche, etc.
  2. a person who purchases goods and services
  3. the perception of a brand in the minds of consumers
  4. a series of promotional activities
  5. a more formal word for "buy"
  6. introduce to the market
  7. to aim or address marketing efforts at someone
  8. a synonym of convince
  9. promotion by a famous person
  10. return of money for a product

19 Clues: deceive someonea synonym of convinceadvertise or publicizeintroduce to the markethidden or covert marketinga more formal word for "buy"promotion by a famous personreturn of money for a producta discounted or promotional deala large outdoor advertising boardabbreviation for an advertisementa series of promotional activities...

Teen Crime in America 1 2024-01-04

Teen Crime in America 1 crossword puzzle
  1. værger
  2. kørekort
  3. mindreårig
  4. statistisk set
  5. straffeattest
  1. mord
  2. udgangsforbud
  3. Ansvarlig
  4. lovbrydere
  5. voldelig
  6. røveri
  7. af spansk herkomst
  8. voldtægt

13 Clues: mordværgerrøverivoldeligkørekortvoldtægtAnsvarliglovbryderemindreårigudgangsforbudstraffeatteststatistisk setaf spansk herkomst

Movies: name the movie or the character, which ever fits. 2015-01-10

Movies: name the movie or the character, which ever fits. crossword puzzle
  1. when I was a young warthog
  2. where's my supper suit?
  3. I can't talk right now we got cows!
  4. he hates these cans!
  5. colder inside
  6. the Lone rangers nephews horse?
  7. he has gone turbo
  8. would the lady like a fish we catch them you buy them!
  1. you can read minds!
  2. don't want to wait electricity.
  3. The sh@&$ is full!
  4. I want a peanut butter jelly sandwich
  5. The sh@&$ is full!
  6. these blast points to big for sand people.

14 Clues: colder insidehe has gone turboThe sh@&$ is full!The sh@&$ is full!you can read minds!he hates these cans!where's my supper suit?when I was a young warthogdon't want to wait electricity.the Lone rangers nephews horse?I can't talk right now we got cows!I want a peanut butter jelly sandwichthese blast points to big for sand people....

Investigations Division 2013-02-07

Investigations Division crossword puzzle
  1. person with convictions
  2. spot
  3. financial difficulties
  4. delve
  5. safety of an organization against criminal activity such as terrorism, theft, or espionage
  6. This term describes a country joined with another country for a special purpose
  7. missing from formation
  8. forensic material
  9. Investigate thoroughly
  10. “top secret” designation
  1. one who knows all the secrets
  2. collared
  3. Type of war that does not involve military action
  4. Activities designed to prevent or thwart spying, intelligence gathering, and sabotage by an enemy or other foreign entity.
  5. Travel journey outside US
  6. you may be picked up if you’re under it
  7. Matter of Proof?
  8. Bond activity
  9. recommendations in a way
  10. Render ineffective or harmless by applying an opposite force or effect
  11. violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims
  12. The image of the bald eagle may be found on ___ agency seals.
  13. block

23 Clues: spotdelveblockcollaredBond activityMatter of Proof?forensic materialfinancial difficultiesmissing from formationInvestigate thoroughlyperson with convictionsrecommendations in a way“top secret” designationTravel journey outside USone who knows all the secretsyou may be picked up if you’re under itType of war that does not involve military action...

American Justice Crossword!! 2016-09-12

American Justice Crossword!! crossword puzzle
  1. Lying to steal.
  2. A banker taking money from the bank is...
  3. Intentionally destroying someone's property.
  4. Illegally getting into a building with the intent on committing a crime.
  5. Payments made from criminal to victim in compensation for crime.
  6. Human killing
  7. A crime against a person because of a biased against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity
  8. Punishment for justice.
  9. Imprisonment to keep criminal from breaking the law again.
  10. The school of thought that says fear of punishment will prevent crime.
  11. Crime of lying while under oath.
  1. Intentionally burning someone else's property
  2. Helping offenders to change so they can lead productive lives in society
  3. Blackmailing
  4. Taking someone's life with malice
  5. Crime Crimes involving technology and networks.
  6. Threat of attacking someone; goes with battery
  7. Synonym of theft.
  8. The action of assault.
  9. Forcible stealing someone's property.

20 Clues: BlackmailingHuman killingLying to steal.Synonym of theft.The action of assault.Punishment for justice.Crime of lying while under oath.Taking someone's life with maliceForcible stealing someone's property.A banker taking money from the bank is...Intentionally destroying someone's property.Intentionally burning someone else's property...

Social Science So Far 2016-09-13

Social Science So Far crossword puzzle
  1. There are 12 of them in an important criminal trial
  2. One of the most important trade routes in the medieval age
  3. Cause and effect relationships
  4. How sustainable something is
  5. One of the Roman Empire's capital cities
  6. The burden of proof in a criminal case
  7. Laws to prevent people from being harmed by others
  8. The system where 2 people present arguments against each other
  9. Where criminals go for a life sentence of prison
  10. Crazy Roman Emperor
  1. 200 year religious war
  2. The King who signed the Magna Carta
  3. Barbarians from Germany
  4. The person who is accusing another in a civil case
  5. One of Charlemagne's titles
  6. The parts of the Earth that are water
  7. Where the public go to see a court case
  8. A type of fuel that will run out
  9. Thought to be carried by rats
  10. The only thing outside of feudalism

20 Clues: Crazy Roman Emperor200 year religious warBarbarians from GermanyOne of Charlemagne's titlesHow sustainable something isThought to be carried by ratsCause and effect relationshipsA type of fuel that will run outThe King who signed the Magna CartaThe only thing outside of feudalismThe parts of the Earth that are water...

SUPREME COURT 2017-12-09

SUPREME COURT crossword puzzle
  1. Involves non-criminal matter
  2. Satisfaction of a claim, payment
  3. judicial decision that serves as a guide for similar cases
  4. federal and state courts share the power to hear these cases
  5. List of cases to be heard
  6. Accuse or bring charges against
  7. A judicial body, a court
  8. Transcript of proceedings made in the trial court
  9. Detailed written statements
  10. A violation
  11. To support or strengthen
  1. authority of a court to try and decide a case
  2. Another name for a case, action
  3. The lower federal courts
  4. An expert in the law especially a judge or legal scholar
  5. written to make a point not made or not emphasized in the majority opinion
  6. Involves criminal matter
  7. A party to a lawsuit
  8. Reason that forms basis of an argument or conclusion
  9. The person against who made the complaint

20 Clues: A violationA party to a lawsuitThe lower federal courtsInvolves criminal matterA judicial body, a courtTo support or strengthenList of cases to be heardDetailed written statementsInvolves non-criminal matterAnother name for a case, actionAccuse or bring charges againstSatisfaction of a claim, paymentThe person against who made the complaint...

SUPREME COURT 2017-12-09

SUPREME COURT crossword puzzle
  1. List of cases to be heard
  2. Involves criminal matter
  3. Detailed written statements
  4. The lower federal courts
  5. Reason that forms basis of an argument or conclusion
  6. judicial decision that serves as a guide for similar cases
  7. Another name for a case, action
  8. The person against who made the complaint
  9. A party to a lawsuit
  1. process used when lower court is unsure about the procedure that should apply in a case
  2. Involves non-criminal matter
  3. Satisfaction of a claim, payment
  4. A violation
  5. the party against whom the appeal is taken
  6. authority of a court to try and decide a case
  7. the party who takes the appeal to a higher court
  8. Accuse or bring charges against
  9. To support or strengthen
  10. Transcript of proceedings made in the trial court
  11. An expert in the law especially a judge or legal scholar
  12. A judicial body, a court

21 Clues: A violationA party to a lawsuitInvolves criminal matterTo support or strengthenThe lower federal courtsA judicial body, a courtList of cases to be heardDetailed written statementsInvolves non-criminal matterAccuse or bring charges againstAnother name for a case, actionSatisfaction of a claim, paymentThe person against who made the complaint...

Court Case Vocabulary 2023-02-07

Court Case Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Smaller, less serious offense
  2. Statement by accused of guilt or innocence
  3. Asking higher court to review a case decision
  4. Find the defendant guilty of the charges
  5. Attorneys trying to prove defendant guilty
  6. Person who testifies in court
  7. Amendment promising fair and speedy trial
  8. Court hearing for plea, probable cause
  9. Serious crime; sentence up to life in prison
  10. Case settling disagreement between 2 parties
  1. Money paid by liable person to compensate
  2. Valid reason to search/arrest a person
  3. Protection against unfair governmental actions
  4. Person filing a complaint in a civil case
  5. Decision in criminal case by judge or jury
  6. Find the defendant not guilty of the charges
  7. Amendment against self-incrimination
  8. Person who must be proven guilty or liable
  9. Case about whether someone has broken a law
  10. Amendment against cruel punishment
  11. Amendment against unreasonable searches

21 Clues: Smaller, less serious offensePerson who testifies in courtAmendment against cruel punishmentAmendment against self-incriminationValid reason to search/arrest a personCourt hearing for plea, probable causeAmendment against unreasonable searchesFind the defendant guilty of the chargesMoney paid by liable person to compensate...

Chapter 1-2 Review 2023-03-22

Chapter 1-2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Statutes that deal with both tort and contract law
  2. The newest type of tort
  3. Requirement contract must be in writing
  4. "Meeting of the minds"
  5. This law is the older of the two
  6. A tort is this kind of wrong
  7. Promise made in exchange for nothing
  1. To be a crime, an act requires this
  2. First branch of tort law
  3. To whom an offer is made
  4. First contract case
  5. Legally eligible to contract

12 Clues: First contract case"Meeting of the minds"The newest type of tortFirst branch of tort lawTo whom an offer is madeLegally eligible to contractA tort is this kind of wrongThis law is the older of the twoTo be a crime, an act requires thisPromise made in exchange for nothingRequirement contract must be in writing...

French theory 1 2024-01-16

French theory 1 crossword puzzle
  1. This method of philosophy aims to understand the world, its objects and meaning as subjectively lived experiences
  2. The content of our experience is not merely the product of our own minds but exists in and of itself. This is called________.
  3. the proposition « all ebony things are black » is a definitional or ______kind of truth.
  4. For Merleau-Ponty and de Beauvoir it is through this that we transcend the subject object dichotomy. The _____ ties us to the world.
  1. This school associated with Hume is skeptical about knowing truths through reason and grounds all knowledge in experience
  2. This school associated with Descartes stipulates that we can know fundamental truths thorough pure reason alone
  3. this kind of claim is not definitional and tells us something meaningful. Everything has a cause is a _______ claim.
  4. For Kant, but also for Merleau-Ponty and de Beauvoir, we, our minds or selves, structure the objects of our experience. This is called_______.
  5. when we know something before experience, then we know it_________
  6. The thinking subject or the “I am”
  7. For modern thinkers like Kant philosophy seeks to ground fundamental __________that physics presupposes

11 Clues: The thinking subject or the “I am”when we know something before experience, then we know it_________the proposition « all ebony things are black » is a definitional or ______kind of truth.For modern thinkers like Kant philosophy seeks to ground fundamental __________that physics presupposes...

Human Rights 2024-05-15

Human Rights crossword puzzle
  1. Equality - The state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender.
  2. - Criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the internet.
  3. - The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of their public or legal duties.
  4. Driving - Operating a vehicle in a manner that shows a willful disregard for the safety of persons or property.
  5. Curiae - Latin for "friend of the court," a person or organization that is not a party to a case but offers information or expertise to assist the court in making its decision.
  6. - The practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
  7. Delinquency - The habitual committing of criminal acts or offenses by a young person, typically under the age of 18.
  8. Evidence - Evidence that tends to establish the guilt of the defendant.
  9. Violence - Violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.
  10. Delicti - The concrete evidence of a crime, such as a dead body in a murder case.
  11. Rea - The mental state or intent to commit a crime.
  12. - The protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure.
  13. Investigation - An inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there is sufficient ground to hold a person for trial.
  14. - The act of taking someone else's property without permission with the intent to permanently deprive the owner of it.
  15. - The killing of one person by another, which can be criminal, excusable, or justifiable.
  16. - The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend.
  17. - A serious crime, often classified as grave felonies under Philippine law, such as murder or rape.
  18. Punishment - The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime.
  19. - The unlawful physical acting upon a threat, distinguished from assault which is the act of creating apprehension of such contact.
  20. Imprisonment - The unlawful restraint of a person against their will by someone without legal authority or justification.
  21. - The process of giving sworn evidence.
  22. - A judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which they have been charged.
  23. Reus - The physical act of committing a crime.
  24. Seizure - The process by which police or authorities inspect a person's property and confiscate any relevant evidence to a crime.
  25. - A court proceeding in which the accused is formally charged with a crime and asked to enter a plea.
  26. - A formal declaration by a judge or jury that someone is guilty of a criminal offense.
  27. of Arrest - A document issued by a judge or magistrate that authorizes the arrest of an individual.
  28. Penal Code (RPC) - The primary criminal law in the Philippines, initially enacted in 1930, detailing crimes, penalties, and general legal provisions.
  29. - An order to appear before a judge or magistrate, typically in a civil or criminal case.
  30. Rights - The rights of individuals to practice and maintain their cultural traditions.
  31. - Compensation or payment made by a criminal to the victim or their family for the harm or loss caused by the crime.
  32. - The temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition of a monetary guarantee.
  33. - The failure to act when there is a duty to act.
  34. of Court - Behavior that disrespects or disobeys the authority, justice, and dignity of the court.
  35. - The release of an offender under supervision, rather than imprisonment, on the condition of good behavior.
  36. - A formal accusation initiating a criminal case, presented by a grand jury or a prosecutor.
  37. of Witness - The process of challenging the credibility of a witness during cross-examination.
  38. - The taking of property from a person by force or threat of force.
  39. Cause - Reasonable grounds for making an arrest, conducting a search, or pressing a charge.
  40. of Limitations - The time period within which legal action must be taken, typically after the occurrence of an event.
  41. - The process of charging someone with a crime and conducting a trial against them in a court of law.
  42. - The killing of a close relative, such as a parent or spouse.
  43. Evidence - Evidence that tends to prove the innocence of the defendant or negate their guilt.
  44. - The legal representation and arguments made by or on behalf of the accused in a criminal case.
  45. Intent - The intent to commit a crime, which can be specific or general.
  46. - The unlawful sexual intercourse with an individual without their consent.
  47. Trafficking - The illegal trade of humans for the purposes of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation.
  48. - The conditional release of a prisoner before the end of their sentence on the promise of good behavior.
  49. Law - The body of law that relates to crime and the regulation of social conduct, proscribing what is forbidden and prescribing the punishment for offenders.
  50. Under the Influence) - The act of operating a vehicle after consuming alcohol or other drugs.
  51. - The unlawful abduction or detention of a person against their will.
  1. Process - Legal requirement that the state must respect all the legal rights owed to a person, ensuring fair treatment.
  2. of Illegal Drugs - The crime of having one or more illegal drugs in one's possession, either for personal use, distribution, sale or otherwise.
  3. of Evidence - The standard of proof in civil cases, requiring that the evidence presented by one party be more convincing than the evidence presented by the other party.
  4. - The theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer.
  5. of Court - Behavior that disrespects or disobeys the authority, justice, and dignity of the court.
  6. - The punishment assigned to a defendant who has been found guilty of a crime.
  7. - The act of lying or making verifiably false statements under oath in a court of law.
  8. - The improper performance of a lawful act.
  9. - Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state.
  10. - The act of detaining a person in legal custody, usually in response to a criminal charge.
  11. - The act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person.
  12. - The act of killing an infant.
  13. - The process of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness.
  14. - A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, used as evidence in court.
  15. - The action of forging a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
  16. Communication - Communication that is protected from disclosure in court, such as conversations between spouses, attorney-client communications, and doctor-patient communications.
  17. Impact Statement - A statement made by the victim or their family about the impact of the crime on their lives, which may be considered by the court during sentencing.
  18. of Justice - The crime of willfully interfering with the process of justice and law, especially by influencing or threatening witnesses or law enforcement officers.
  19. - The act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.
  20. - The practice of spying or using spies to obtain political or military information.
  21. - The standard of proof required to convict a person of a crime, meaning there is no logical reason to question guilt.
  22. Rights - The rights of indigenous peoples to maintain their distinct cultural identities and practices.
  23. of Custody - The chronological documentation or paper trail showing the seizure, custody, control, transfer, analysis, and disposition of physical or electronic evidence.
  24. - A less serious offense compared to a felony, often punishable by lighter penalties.
  25. Perpetua - A penalty under Philippine law which means imprisonment for at least 30 years and after which the convict becomes eligible for parole.
  26. - The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
  27. - The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
  28. - The action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel.
  29. - Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  30. Trafficking - The illegal production, distribution, and sale of drugs.
  31. - Minor violations of laws, usually punishable by fines or other minor penalties.
  32. - The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
  33. - A violent uprising against an authority or government.
  34. Reasonable Doubt - The standard of proof in criminal cases, requiring that the evidence be so convincing that no reasonable person would doubt the defendant's guilt.
  35. Rape - Sexual intercourse with a minor, regardless of whether it is consensual, because the minor is considered too young to legally consent.
  36. - The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
  37. Bargaining - An agreement between the prosecutor and defendant where the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge to avoid trial for a more severe charge.
  38. - The questioning of a witness by the opposing party during a trial.
  39. - A written defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression.
  40. - The performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law.
  41. Imprisonment - A sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the convicted person's life.
  42. - The act of attempting to overthrow a government or political system from within.
  43. Liability - The responsibility for a crime, implying that the individual has committed a criminal act with intent.
  44. Laundering - The process of concealing the origins of money obtained illegally by passing it through a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial activities.
  45. Until Proven Guilty - A fundamental principle of criminal law stating that a defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.
  46. - The unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
  47. Code - A legal code that lists crimes and the corresponding punishments.
  48. Protection - The principle that all individuals must be treated equally by the law.
  49. - The deliberate destruction or defacement of property.
  50. Examination - The initial questioning of a witness by the party that called the witness to testify.
  51. - Repeatedly following, harassing, or threatening an individual in a way that causes fear or concern.
  52. - A legal document ordering someone to attend a court proceeding as a witness.

103 Clues: - The act of killing an infant.- The process of giving sworn evidence.- The improper performance of a lawful act.Reus - The physical act of committing a crime.Rea - The mental state or intent to commit a crime.- The failure to act when there is a duty to act.- The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend....

Criminal Justice Process Vocabulary 2023-01-11

Criminal Justice Process Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a court order to appear in court or turn over documents on a specified date and time
  2. to question a witness or suspected criminal
  3. a group of 16-23 people who hear preliminary evidence to decide if there is sufficient reason to formally charge a person with a crime
  4. evidence that justifies an officer in stopping and questioning an individual believed to be involved in criminal activity; based on less evidence than probable cause but more than a mere hunch
  5. sworn statement of facts and circumstances
  6. release from prison before the full sentence has been served, granted at the discretion of a parole board
  7. a grand jury’s formal charge or accusation of criminal action
  1. a reasonable belief, known personally or through reliable sources, that a specific person has committed a crime
  2. in a criminal case, the negotiations between the prosecutor, defendant, and defendant’s attorney. in exchange for the defendant agreeing to plead guilty, the prosecutor agrees to charge the defendant with a less serious crime, which usually results in a lesser punishment
  3. to take a person suspected of a crime into custody
  4. money or property put up by the accused or his/her agent to allow release from jail before trial
  5. a court session at which a defendant is charged and enters a plea
  6. court-ordered document authorizing the police to arrest a person on a specific charge or search a specific area for specific evidence
  7. the formal process of making a police record of an arrest
  8. the formal accusation of a crime

15 Clues: the formal accusation of a crimesworn statement of facts and circumstancesto question a witness or suspected criminalto take a person suspected of a crime into custodythe formal process of making a police record of an arresta grand jury’s formal charge or accusation of criminal actiona court session at which a defendant is charged and enters a plea...

Chapter 4 Key Legal Terminology 2023-03-16

Chapter 4 Key Legal Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. an area of law that defines behaviours and conduct that are prohibited and outlines sanctions for people who commit them.
  2. a person who carried out the actus reas and has therefore directly committed the offence is the ____ offender.
  3. the right of a person accused of a crime to be presumed not guilty unless proven otherwise is the presumption of ______.
  4. a person charged with a criminal offence
  5. an serious offence generally heard in before a judge and jury in the County or Supreme Court.
  6. the lawyers who prepare a criminal case and take it to court on behalf of the state, the victim or society.
  7. a Latin term for 'a guilty act': the physical element of a crime.
  8. ______ of proof is the degree or extent to which a case must be proved in court.
  1. the release of an accused person from custody on condition that they will attend a court hearing to answer the charges.
  2. _____ of proof is the obligation of a party to prove a case and usually rests with the prosecution.
  3. beyond ____ doubt is the standard of proof in criminal cases and requires the prosecution to prove.
  4. a person who knowingly assists another person who has committed a serious indictable offences to avoid being apprehended, prosecuted etc
  5. a Latin term for 'a guilty mind': the mental element of a crime.
  6. an act or omission that is against an existing law, harmful to an individual or to society and punishable by law.
  7. a minor offence generally heard in the Magistrates' Court.

15 Clues: a person charged with a criminal offencea minor offence generally heard in the Magistrates' Court.a Latin term for 'a guilty mind': the mental element of a crime.a Latin term for 'a guilty act': the physical element of a crime.______ of proof is the degree or extent to which a case must be proved in court....

criminal 2021-01-25

criminal crossword puzzle
  1. a person who does illegal things
  2. Flying mammal
  1. Large marsupial
  2. Has a trunk
  3. Likes to chase mice

5 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialLikes to chase micea person who does illegal things

Criminal 2022-01-17

Criminal crossword puzzle
  1. made to look like the original of something, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes
  2. to steal something of little value
  1. a member of a group of people who try to prevent crime or punish criminals in their community
  2. someone who moves around quietly in a place, trying not to be seen, often before committing a crime
  3. to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work for

5 Clues: to steal something of little valuemade to look like the original of something, usually for dishonest or illegal purposesa member of a group of people who try to prevent crime or punish criminals in their communitysomeone who moves around quietly in a place, trying not to be seen, often before committing a crime...

criminal 2024-02-14

criminal crossword puzzle
  1. the lawyers for the police
  2. when one steals another persons belonging
  1. when one person is attacked by another
  2. the enforcers of criminal law
  3. where you go to find if your guilty or not guilty

5 Clues: the lawyers for the policethe enforcers of criminal lawwhen one person is attacked by anotherwhen one steals another persons belongingwhere you go to find if your guilty or not guilty

The Ghost 2023-10-22

The Ghost crossword puzzle
  1. - Fear is the g____________ haunting us.
  2. - Fear comes c_____________.
  3. - Are you afraid of the d___________?
  4. - Fear is in our m____________.
  1. - When the c____________ counts down, fear moves closer.
  2. - Are you s_____________?
  3. - F__________ watches from behind.
  4. - Fear is in each of u_________.

8 Clues: - Are you s_____________?- Fear comes c_____________.- Fear is in our m____________.- Fear is in each of u_________.- F__________ watches from behind.- Are you afraid of the d___________?- Fear is the g____________ haunting us.- When the c____________ counts down, fear moves closer.

vocabulary pg 72 2024-04-17

vocabulary pg 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - its something that is clean and maybe is a clue
  2. - in the act of killing something
  3. - a mark left by a foot, as in earth or sand:
  4. - look for
  5. - go after someone
  6. officers - is a person who arrest criminals
  7. - the police catch somebody
  8. - You see a lot of details of security
  9. - is an arm that police man use
  1. - is a desing that all people have in her hands
  2. - a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime
  3. - to seize or capture a criminal
  4. - the act of stealling
  5. - catch something that isn´t yours
  6. guard - a person who works in a place triying to prevent a crimen
  7. - find the solution
  8. - is a place where the criminals go
  9. - is a person who steal something

18 Clues: - look for- go after someone- find the solution- the act of stealling- the police catch somebody- is an arm that police man use- to seize or capture a criminal- in the act of killing something- is a person who steal something- catch something that isn´t yours- is a place where the criminals go- You see a lot of details of security...

Law Profession 1 2020-04-25

Law Profession 1 crossword puzzle
  1. закон
  2. представлять (в суде)
  3. гражданский
  4. суд присяжных
  5. криминальный
  6. общество
  1. судья
  2. государство
  3. защищать
  4. юрист
  5. регулировать
  6. суд

12 Clues: судсудьязаконюристзащищатьобществогосударствогражданскийрегулироватькриминальныйсуд присяжныхпредставлять (в суде)

Criminal Law Vocabulary 2022-03-28

Criminal Law Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. - the parties in criminal proceedings enjoy the right to remain
  2. the term used in connection with criminal act, meaning a crime
  3. what parties must furnish to the court to meet the burden of proof or defend their case
  4. when the court decides the defendant is it guilty
  5. decision of the court regarding the guilt
  1. decision of the court regarding the punishment
  2. the person charged with the criminal offence
  3. what the defendant enters when they say they are guilty or not
  4. if the court decides the defendant is guilty

9 Clues: decision of the court regarding the guiltthe person charged with the criminal offenceif the court decides the defendant is guiltydecision of the court regarding the punishmentwhen the court decides the defendant is it guiltywhat the defendant enters when they say they are guilty or notthe term used in connection with criminal act, meaning a crime...

Malae C Civics Unit 4 Choice Board 2022-03-15

Malae C Civics Unit 4 Choice Board crossword puzzle
  1. reduce the sentence of a convicted criminal
  2. Senator can hold the floor talking about anything, to kill a bill
  3. manipulates the boundaries of a voting district to favor one party
  4. serves as head of the senate
  5. government body of the legislative branch
  6. sets the legislative agenda for the Senate
  7. leading officer of the house or representatives
  1. government body of the executive branch
  2. elects the president
  3. powers of congress
  4. officially accusing the president of a crime
  5. government body of state executive branch
  6. forgive a convicted criminal of his/her crimes

13 Clues: powers of congresselects the presidentserves as head of the senategovernment body of the executive branchgovernment body of state executive branchgovernment body of the legislative branchsets the legislative agenda for the Senatereduce the sentence of a convicted criminalofficially accusing the president of a crime...

Judicial Branch Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-17

Judicial Branch Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A government lawyer that argues the defendant is guilty in a criminal case
  2. the right of a court to hear a case for the first time
  3. This Supreme Court case decided that the accused must be read their 5th & 6th amendment rights before police questioning; __ v. Arizona
  4. the Supreme Court case that ends allows student protest in schools
  5. the Supreme Court case that decided Virginia's marriage laws were unconstitutional
  6. A decision in a court case made by a judge or jury
  7. A serious crime, usually involving violence
  1. after the arrest, the accused will be able to answer guilty or not guilty
  2. A panel of people at the Supreme Court who hear and decide cases
  3. Power of the Supreme Court to check the actions of the legislative & executive branches to see if they are constitutional
  4. this type of case invloves the breaking of a law
  5. An accused person’s response to a criminal charge (guilty or not guilty)
  6. This federal court only has appellate jurisdiction

13 Clues: A serious crime, usually involving violencethis type of case invloves the breaking of a lawThis federal court only has appellate jurisdictionA decision in a court case made by a judge or jurythe right of a court to hear a case for the first timeA panel of people at the Supreme Court who hear and decide cases...

Criminal Justice Study Crossword 2024-02-12

Criminal Justice Study Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the overuse and abuse of criminal law to address every societal problem and punish every mistake
  2. the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court
  3. No warrants shall issue but upon probable cause
  4. schools may enforce drug test to deter drug use
  1. permits admission of evidence obtained through illegal means if it would have eventually been found
  2. the failure to have a proper warrant results in illegal search
  3. the intentional or unintentional act of providing information that will suggest your involvement in a crime, or expose you to criminal prosecution
  4. the one defending themselves to the court
  5. bans use of illegally obtained evidence by the police for use in a criminal trial
  6. a wire tap infringes on ones rights to privacy
  7. the one who brings the case to court
  8. The search of any place at any time
  9. suspicion, supported by facts,which leads police to believe someone committed a crime

13 Clues: The search of any place at any timethe one who brings the case to courtthe one defending themselves to the courta wire tap infringes on ones rights to privacyNo warrants shall issue but upon probable causeschools may enforce drug test to deter drug usethe failure to have a proper warrant results in illegal search...

Law Ed Definitions 2023-04-17

Law Ed Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. legal protection that exempts a person from liability, punishment, or legal action that would otherwise apply
  2. the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime
  3. involves the defendant's pleading guilty to a lesser charge
  4. first step in a criminal proceeding
  5. period of supervision over an offender
  1. A lack of physical or mental/cognitive ability that results in a person's inability to manage their own personal care, property, or finances
  2. information about a criminal suspect is entered into the system of a police station
  3. ordering someone to pay back the damage caused both to the state and to the victim
  4. criminal penalties do not just punish violators, but also discourage other people from committing similar offenses
  5. release of a prisoner temporarily (for a special purpose) or permanently before the completion of a sentence
  6. a writ ordering a person to attend a court
  7. prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime
  8. requires that sentences be based on the serious nature of the offense
  9. The purposeful telling of a lie while under oath to tell the truth
  10. a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
  11. group of citizens empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings
  12. the process used by the parties to select a fair and impartial jury
  13. release of a defendant with the promise to appear in court when required

18 Clues: first step in a criminal proceedingperiod of supervision over an offendera writ ordering a person to attend a courta formal charge or accusation of a serious crimeinvolves the defendant's pleading guilty to a lesser chargegroup of citizens empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings...

Law Ed Definitions 2023-04-17

Law Ed Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime
  2. A lack of physical or mental/cognitive ability that results in a person's inability to manage their own personal care, property, or finances
  3. group of citizens empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings
  4. the process used by the parties to select a fair and impartial jury
  5. first step in a criminal proceeding
  6. The purposeful telling of a lie while under oath to tell the truth
  7. requires that sentences be based on the serious nature of the offense
  8. legal protection that exempts a person from liability, punishment, or legal action that would otherwise apply
  9. information about a criminal suspect is entered into the system of a police station
  1. ordering someone to pay back the damage caused both to the state and to the victim
  2. the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime
  3. criminal penalties do not just punish violators, but also discourage other people from committing similar offenses
  4. release of a defendant with the promise to appear in court when required
  5. a writ ordering a person to attend a court
  6. release of a prisoner temporarily (for a special purpose) or permanently before the completion of a sentence
  7. involves the defendant's pleading guilty to a lesser charge
  8. a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
  9. period of supervision over an offender

18 Clues: first step in a criminal proceedingperiod of supervision over an offendera writ ordering a person to attend a courta formal charge or accusation of a serious crimeinvolves the defendant's pleading guilty to a lesser chargegroup of citizens empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings...

Judicial Branch Review 2021-05-04

Judicial Branch Review crossword puzzle
  1. The highest court in the federal govt.
  2. the group of people who decide a case in a criminal trial
  3. a trial where someone seeks to gain damages from another individual
  4. the power of the supreme court to review whether a law that is passed in the U.S. is constitutional
  5. This supreme court case outlawed segretation
  6. the person or entity bringing a case against the defendant
  7. a trial where the state accuses someone of committing a crime and tries to convict them
  1. Supreme Court Case that set the precedent for judicial review
  2. the judges who serve on the supreme court
  3. General trial courts that try civil and criminal cases
  4. this courts role is to determine if the previous court made the correct decision based on the law
  5. the person who a case is brought against in a civil or criminal trial

12 Clues: The highest court in the federal govt.the judges who serve on the supreme courtThis supreme court case outlawed segretationGeneral trial courts that try civil and criminal casesthe group of people who decide a case in a criminal trialthe person or entity bringing a case against the defendant...

unit 1.2 forensics 2023-01-18

unit 1.2 forensics crossword puzzle
  1. study of dust/particles in samples to show relationships amongst objects, people, places, etc
  2. law created by judges arising precedently from previous cases
  3. physical or verbal material found and presented in order to prove/disprove a crime
  4. study of projectiles and firearms used in law and civil cases
  5. more serious than a misdemeanor, typically violent and punishable by imprisonment
  1. fair reasoning to a search with the belief that there is evidence of a crime
  2. written law passed by a legislative body
  3. minor wrongdoing, punishable under criminal law
  4. study and application of insects and anthropods in criminal investigations
  5. measures and record several physiological indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, etc
  6. deals with of diseases and causes of death by examining body fluids, cells, and tissues in labs
  7. concerned with relations between the community as opposed to criminal, mulitary, or religious affairs

12 Clues: written law passed by a legislative bodyminor wrongdoing, punishable under criminal lawlaw created by judges arising precedently from previous casesstudy of projectiles and firearms used in law and civil casesstudy and application of insects and anthropods in criminal investigations...

What Is Law? Chapter 1 Crossword 2024-04-24

What Is Law? Chapter 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. basic privileges a person as a human being
  2. the process by which courts decide whether the laws passed by Congress or state legislatures are constitutional
  3. the branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishment
  4. the power of each of the three branches of government to limit the other branches power to prevent an abuse of power
  5. the division of power among branches of the government
  6. a serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence
  7. all law that does not involve criminal matters, such as tort and contract law.
  1. a criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year
  2. the person against whom a claim is made
  3. a basic principle of our constitutional system limits government to powers provided to it by the people
  4. a noncriminal lawsuit, brought to enforce a right or redress a wrong
  5. the division of powers between the states and the federal government

12 Clues: the person against whom a claim is madebasic privileges a person as a human beingthe division of power among branches of the governmentthe branch of law dealing with crimes and their punishmenta serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentencea noncriminal lawsuit, brought to enforce a right or redress a wrong...

One Of Us Is Lying Crossword 2023-06-07

One Of Us Is Lying Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The person who dies at the start of the book
  2. The most popular nut allergy
  3. The princess of the 4 main characters
  4. A room where punished students enter after school
  5. Someone who has committed a crime
  6. The school where the book is set
  1. The title of the book
  2. A title to describe someone who has killed another person
  3. The sister of the princess
  4. the jock of the 4 main characters
  5. The geek of the 4 main characters
  6. The ex-boyfriend of the princess
  7. The highest grade in the American school system
  8. The sister of the geek and has cancer
  9. The criminal of the 4 main characters

15 Clues: The title of the bookThe sister of the princessThe most popular nut allergyThe ex-boyfriend of the princessThe school where the book is setthe jock of the 4 main charactersThe geek of the 4 main charactersSomeone who has committed a crimeThe princess of the 4 main charactersThe sister of the geek and has cancerThe criminal of the 4 main characters...

CS 102 Lecture 5 Crossword Puzzle 2017-04-18

CS 102 Lecture 5 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The application of investigation and technical analysis to preserve digital evidence that can be used in a court of law.
  2. This internet attack disrupts computer access to an internet service by sending an influx of confusing data messages or useless traffic to a computer network.
  3. This cyber-criminal has the malicious intention of destroying data, stealing information or committing another type of crime.
  1. These attacks play on human error to bypass technical security controls.
  2. This cyber-criminal is an amateur that uses pre-written hacking and cracking programs to break into computers or networks.
  3. Programs that act without a user's knowledge and alter operations of computers and mobile devices.
  4. This cyber-criminal describes someone who enter a computer or network illegally.
  5. This cyber criminal uses the internet or network to destroy computers for political reasons.
  6. The ____ web is a portion of the internet that cannot be accessed through regular search engines.
  7. These controls help reduce the chances of theft and include surveillance cameras, the use of security guards, alarm systems and locking devices.

10 Clues: These attacks play on human error to bypass technical security controls.This cyber-criminal describes someone who enter a computer or network illegally.This cyber criminal uses the internet or network to destroy computers for political reasons.The ____ web is a portion of the internet that cannot be accessed through regular search engines....

A.I Crossword. 2023-05-22

A.I Crossword. crossword puzzle
  1. What is A.I.
  2. how many jobs were lost to robots this year
  3. Can an AI love?
  4. Can AI have feelings?
  5. Can AI do art
  6. Students use A.I. to get
  7. Can AI manipulate humans?
  1. Can AI read human minds?
  2. How does AI identify a person?
  3. images How does AI identify objects?
  4. What is a test to check if a robot is an AI?
  5. How many jobs will be lost by 2025
  6. Whats the biggest problem AI can solve
  7. Developer What job can AI replace
  8. Can an AI make a crossword puzzle

15 Clues: What is A.I.Can AI do artCan an AI love?Can AI have feelings?Can AI read human minds?Students use A.I. to getCan AI manipulate humans?How does AI identify a person?Developer What job can AI replaceCan an AI make a crossword puzzleHow many jobs will be lost by 2025images How does AI identify objects?Whats the biggest problem AI can solve...

Friday Night Funkin Mod Characters 2021-07-12

Friday Night Funkin Mod Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Bomb Head
  2. Whitty's lover
  3. Boyfriend's Sister
  4. Dancing Cat
  5. Scarecrow
  6. Alien Clown
  7. Demon Nun
  8. Scooby-Doo's buddy
  9. Sporty Bot
  1. Ex-Boyfriend
  2. SUS
  3. Spooky Kids' Mom
  4. Literature Club President
  5. Garcello's lover/creator
  6. Ex-Girlfriend
  7. Criminal
  8. Crazy Fangirl
  9. Smoke Guy

18 Clues: SUSCriminalBomb HeadScarecrowDemon NunSmoke GuySporty BotDancing CatAlien ClownEx-BoyfriendEx-GirlfriendCrazy FangirlWhitty's loverSpooky Kids' MomBoyfriend's SisterScooby-Doo's buddyGarcello's lover/creatorLiterature Club President

FWS Crossword 2023-03-15

FWS Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Unable to Obtain
  2. Civil Court
  3. Divorce
  4. Field Work System
  5. Reference
  6. Public Record
  7. Record Obtain
  8. Law Enforcement
  1. Report of Investigations
  2. Criminal
  3. Personnel Investigations Processing System
  4. No Record Exist
  5. Electronic Official Personnel Folder
  6. Education
  7. Employment
  8. General
  9. Bankruptcy
  10. Residences

18 Clues: DivorceGeneralCriminalReferenceEducationEmploymentBankruptcyResidencesCivil CourtPublic RecordRecord ObtainNo Record ExistLaw EnforcementUnable to ObtainField Work SystemReport of InvestigationsElectronic Official Personnel FolderPersonnel Investigations Processing System

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Robles 2016-02-11

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Robles crossword puzzle
  1. a type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation
  2. the territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority
  3. an intentional act or omission to act neither justified nor excused that is In violation of criminal law
  4. a person against whom a charge is brought in court
  5. an individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  6. a verdict of not guilty
  7. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  1. behavioral expectations of a group
  2. an institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes
  3. a perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function of the criminal justice system
  4. an institution to hold pre trail detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  5. a sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings

12 Clues: a verdict of not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupa person against whom a charge is brought in courtto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsan individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutionthe territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority...

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Robles 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Robles crossword puzzle
  1. behavioral expectations of a group
  2. an institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes
  3. the territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority
  4. an intentional act or omission to act neither justified nor excused that is In violation of criminal law
  5. a type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation
  6. a verdict of not guilty
  7. an institution to hold pre trail detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  1. a person against whom a charge is brought in court
  2. an individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  3. a perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function of the criminal justice system
  4. a sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings
  5. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations

12 Clues: a verdict of not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupa person against whom a charge is brought in courtto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsan individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutionthe territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority...

A Wrinkle in Time 2022-06-09

A Wrinkle in Time crossword puzzle
  1. Meg's brother
  2. A young boy who can read people's minds
  3. Friends with Charles Wallace
  1. Family pet
  2. Charles Wallace' brother
  3. The drink Mrs Whatsit had with the Murrys
  4. One of the main characters who is a girl
  5. Where Mrs Murry works

8 Clues: Family petMeg's brotherWhere Mrs Murry worksCharles Wallace' brotherFriends with Charles WallaceA young boy who can read people's mindsOne of the main characters who is a girlThe drink Mrs Whatsit had with the Murrys

Super Minds 2 Revision 2023-09-11

Super Minds 2 Revision crossword puzzle
  1. helicopter
  2. dressed
  3. beans
  4. lorry
  5. hockey
  6. cinema
  1. watermelon
  2. cheeks
  3. teeth
  4. playground
  5. angry

11 Clues: teethbeansangrylorrycheekshockeycinemadressedwatermelonhelicopterplayground

Quick minds nature 2023-08-06

Quick minds nature crossword puzzle
  1. a long, natural area of water that flows across the land and into a sea, lake, or another river
  2. an area of land that has water around it
  3. a large area of water that has land all around it
  4. a large area of trees growing closely together
  5. a long, narrow area of ground for people to walk along
  1. a place where people live in the countryside
  2. an area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals
  3. a very high hill

8 Clues: a very high hillan area of land that has water around ita place where people live in the countrysidea large area of trees growing closely togethera large area of water that has land all around ita long, narrow area of ground for people to walk alongan area of land used for growing crops or keeping animals...

Ian Pfirman’s Cross-Quiz 2024-02-12

Ian Pfirman’s Cross-Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. Fair judicial treatment and trial
  2. Illegal use of evidence that is permitted if it would’ve been found regardless
  3. Anyone that has information about a crime
  4. It prohibits unreasonable search and seizures
  5. Tried more than one time
  6. Suspicion supported by facts
  7. Bans the use of illegally obtained evidence
  8. law enforcement agent’s examination of a person’s belongings
  9. The rights of anyone who have been accused of committing a crime
  1. Harsh actions
  2. To hold someone accountable for violating one’s privacy
  3. Decides if the defendant is guilty or not.
  4. the overuse and abuse of criminal laws to address everyone problem
  5. Protects against imposing excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishments
  6. Being forced to testify against yourself
  7. Decides if a person should be accused or not
  8. Search of any building at any time
  9. limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures
  10. Cash paid to a count for the accused

19 Clues: Harsh actionsTried more than one timeSuspicion supported by factsFair judicial treatment and trialSearch of any building at any timeCash paid to a count for the accusedBeing forced to testify against yourselfAnyone that has information about a crimeDecides if the defendant is guilty or not.Bans the use of illegally obtained evidence...

Vocabulary 10 2020-03-24

Vocabulary 10 crossword puzzle
  1. abundance
  2. criminal
  3. not liking
  4. noisy fight
  5. steal goods
  6. annoy
  7. send off
  8. awaken
  1. bitterness
  2. existing only briefly
  3. bitterness or ill feeling
  4. unreal
  5. ask for
  6. unpleasant

14 Clues: annoyunrealawakenask forcriminalsend offabundancebitternessnot likingunpleasantnoisy fightsteal goodsexisting only brieflybitterness or ill feeling

#TRAILSSEL 2022-03-10

#TRAILSSEL crossword puzzle
  1. Students apply ___________ making skills to set and reach goals and solve day-to-day problems
  2. The words we say to ourselves in our minds. They can be positive, negative or neutral
  3. Doing the _______ of what your emotions tell you to do in order to not make a situation worse
  4. His hierarchy of needs provides a framework in the TRAILS SEL Curriculum for self-care, considering caring for our minds, bodies, and spirits
  5. Purposeful attention, without judgment
  6. The ability to understand and share the feelings of others
  7. This theory states that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interrelated.
  8. TRAILS encourages students to use ____________ -solving skills through integration of all core skills learned in the SEL curriculum.
  9. An intervention that provides information to instill hope, dispel myths, and provide the foundation for use of skills. An example of this in the TRAILS SEL Curriculum is normalizing conflict in relationships.
  1. The way in which a person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus
  2. Emotions come with action __________ (like avoiding when we’re feeling afraid). These can often be unhelpful, especially in the long-term
  3. These have an associated physical component. They are always valid and cannot be argued with.
  4. The act of not doing something thus fueling anxiety
  5. __________, breathe, think, choose is a guide to help students mindfully approach decision-making
  6. A skill to help interrupt at the feelings section of the CBT model
  7. Cognitive __________ is the ability to notice and challenge unhelpful thinking

16 Clues: Purposeful attention, without judgmentThe act of not doing something thus fueling anxietyThe ability to understand and share the feelings of othersA skill to help interrupt at the feelings section of the CBT modelCognitive __________ is the ability to notice and challenge unhelpful thinking...

Unit 5 Vocab 2019-10-30

Unit 5 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Law the body of laws of a state or nation regulating ordinary private matters, as distinct from laws regulating criminal, political, or military matters.
  2. a building for the confinement of persons held while awaiting trial, persons sentenced after conviction, etc.
  3. of Law he principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law.
  4. an offense, as murder or burglary, of graver character than those called misdemeanors, especially those commonly punished in the U.S. by imprisonment for more than a year.
  5. of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young persons
  6. a violation or breaking of a social or moral rule; transgression; sin.
  7. a law, rule, or other order prescribed by authority, especially to regulate conduct.
  1. a prison, especially one for the detention of persons awaiting trial or convicted of minor offenses.
  2. Law. a criminal offense defined as less serious than a felony.
  3. Law the laws of a state or country dealing with criminal offenses and their punishments.
  4. a judicial tribunal duly constituted for the hearing and determination of cases.
  5. Law. a legal decision or form of proceeding serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar or analogous cases.

12 Clues: Law. a criminal offense defined as less serious than a felony.a violation or breaking of a social or moral rule; transgression; sin.of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or suitable or intended for young personsa judicial tribunal duly constituted for the hearing and determination of cases....

Courts and Court Systems 2023-09-27

Courts and Court Systems crossword puzzle
  1. Statements by a witness who did not see or hear the incident in question but heard it from someone else. Hearsay is usually not admissible in court.
  2. The process by which judges and lawyers select a jury from among those eligible to serve, by questioning them to determine knowledge of the facts of the case and a willingness to decide the case only on the evidence presented in court. “Voir dire” is a phrase meaning “to speak the truth,”
  3. In a criminal case, the defendant’s statement pleading “guilty” or “not guilty” in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court.
  4. A hearing that takes when the defendant pleads “not guilty” and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.
  5. A body of citizens who listen to evidence of criminal allegations, which are presented by the government and determines whether there is probable cause to believe the offense was committed. As it is used in federal criminal cases, “the government” refers to the lawyers of the U.S. attorney’s office who are prosecuting the case.
  6. Usually a petty offense, a less serious crime than a felony, punishable by less than a year of confinement.
  7. A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.
  8. An oral statement made before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths. Such statements are often taken to examine potential witnesses, to obtain discovery, or to be used later in trial.
  1. The decision of a petit jury of a judge.
  2. A reason that an attorney interrupts a witness to talk to the judge.
  3. Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder to decide the case for one side or the other.
  4. A crime carrying a penalty of more than a year in prison.
  5. Questioning of a witness by the attorney for the other side.
  6. A judgment of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  7. A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly.
  8. Security given for the release of a criminal defendant or witness from legal custody (usually in the form of money) to secure his/her appearance on the day and time appointed.

16 Clues: The decision of a petit jury of a judge.A judgment of guilt against a criminal defendant.A crime carrying a penalty of more than a year in prison.Questioning of a witness by the attorney for the other side.A reason that an attorney interrupts a witness to talk to the judge....

violence 2020-12-17

violence crossword puzzle
  1. a group who often takes part in criminal activity
  2. often goes hand in hand with assault
  3. the physical, emotional, or mental mistreatment
  4. purposely scaring someone with threats
  5. usually illegal and can be sold on the streets
  6. a type of violence that occurs within a family
  7. a person who committed a crime
  8. a weapon used violently
  9. any person who suffers because of violence
  1. a mean person who picks on someone repeatedly
  2. ongoing conduct that offends another person
  3. a common place where bullying occurs
  4. failure to meet a person's basic needs
  5. the killing of one human being to another
  6. can have an influence on teen violence
  7. a threat or attempt to do bodily injury
  8. any behaviour that causes harm to a person

17 Clues: a weapon used violentlya person who committed a crimeoften goes hand in hand with assaulta common place where bullying occurspurposely scaring someone with threatsfailure to meet a person's basic needscan have an influence on teen violencea threat or attempt to do bodily injurythe killing of one human being to another...

CCC week 3 - 29/09/2022 2022-09-29

CCC week 3 - 29/09/2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Hugo and Clio both peeled fruit (4)
  2. Hate seeing criminal doesn't eat it (11)
  3. Bosom buddy nasty to Samuel (4,4)
  4. Revolting gherkin's true reason to refuse grub? (6,6)
  5. Protest by student is hard to crush (8)
  6. Eel slipping off line - this could be good for kippers (8,4)
  1. Recklessly I tap rifle - why take foolish risk? (4,4,4)
  2. Press one criminal for answer (8)
  3. Labyrinth is made from corn, I hear (4)
  4. Take bites noisily (6)
  5. adult wearing nothing (4)
  6. Relative turned up in Greece inexplicably (5)
  7. Deer is vocal about whipped dessert (6)
  8. I am upset about fashionable skirt (4)
  9. Took a picture capturing animal (5)
  10. Certain coastal area is on the radio (4)
  11. The Queen inhales the air (5)

17 Clues: Take bites noisily (6)adult wearing nothing (4)The Queen inhales the air (5)Press one criminal for answer (8)Bosom buddy nasty to Samuel (4,4)Hugo and Clio both peeled fruit (4)Took a picture capturing animal (5)I am upset about fashionable skirt (4)Labyrinth is made from corn, I hear (4)Deer is vocal about whipped dessert (6)...

5B mystery crossword 2023-03-23

5B mystery crossword crossword puzzle
  1. out of his mouth
  2. a criminals new 'home' after being caught
  3. this person may have seen something useful
  4. the most famous detective
  5. did this person do it?
  6. the street where a famous detective lives
  7. something that could be used to convict a criminal
  8. an assistant to a famous detective
  1. a piece of evidence that is often found and helps the detective
  2. the reason for carrying out a crime
  3. the act of stealing something
  4. a pause in the regular story timeline where the detective recalls something
  5. a crime...... is where the crime happened
  6. a puzzle or problem that requires careful thought
  7. without these, solving the case would be difficult
  8. a person who commits a crime
  9. a very strange blue item

17 Clues: out of his mouthdid this person do it?a very strange blue itemthe most famous detectivea person who commits a crimethe act of stealing somethingan assistant to a famous detectivethe reason for carrying out a crimea criminals new 'home' after being caughta crime...... is where the crime happenedthe street where a famous detective lives...

Reading changes our minds 2023-09-04

Reading changes our minds crossword puzzle
  1. communication of thoughts
  2. government affairs
  3. suffocate in water
  4. government by people
  5. vast dominion
  6. progress or improvements
  1. promotional handout
  2. not capable
  3. human community
  4. cut or sculpt
  5. to write or engrave
  6. religious ascetic

12 Clues: not capablecut or sculptvast dominionhuman communityreligious asceticgovernment affairssuffocate in waterpromotional handoutto write or engravegovernment by peopleprogress or improvementscommunication of thoughts

vocabulary pg 72 2024-04-17

vocabulary pg 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - its something that is clean and maybe is a clue
  2. - in the act of killing something
  3. - a mark left by a foot, as in earth or sand:
  4. - look for
  5. - go after someone
  6. officers - is a person who arrest criminals
  7. - the police catch somebody
  8. - You see a lot of details of security
  9. - is an arm that police man use
  1. - is a desing that all people have in her hands
  2. - a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime
  3. - to seize or capture a criminal
  4. - the act of stealling
  5. - catch something that isn´t yours
  6. guard - a person who works in a place triying to prevent a crimen
  7. - find the solution
  8. - is a place where the criminals go
  9. - is a person who steal something

18 Clues: - look for- go after someone- find the solution- the act of stealling- the police catch somebody- is an arm that police man use- to seize or capture a criminal- in the act of killing something- is a person who steal something- catch something that isn´t yours- is a place where the criminals go- You see a lot of details of security...

vocabulary pg 72 2024-04-17

vocabulary pg 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - its something that is clean and maybe is a clue
  2. - in the act of killing something
  3. - a mark left by a foot, as in earth or sand:
  4. - look for
  5. - go after someone
  6. officers - is a person who arrest criminals
  7. - the police catch somebody
  8. - You see a lot of details of security
  9. - is an arm that police man use
  1. - is a desing that all people have in her hands
  2. - a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime
  3. - to seize or capture a criminal
  4. - the act of stealling
  5. - catch something that isn´t yours
  6. guard - a person who works in a place triying to prevent a crimen
  7. - find the solution
  8. - is a place where the criminals go
  9. - is a person who steal something

18 Clues: - look for- go after someone- find the solution- the act of stealling- the police catch somebody- is an arm that police man use- to seize or capture a criminal- in the act of killing something- is a person who steal something- catch something that isn´t yours- is a place where the criminals go- You see a lot of details of security...

CIVICS 2020-12-09

CIVICS crossword puzzle
  1. a legislative body of government
  2. the wife of a king
  3. a person who has committed a crime
  4. group of people decides something by saying what they want
  5. senate is a group of people who are part of a legislature
  6. to make minor changes
  7. a place where legal matters are decide by a judge.
  8. being responsible for comitting an offense
  9. the group of people who govern a country
  1. a country in which the people have ultimate power
  2. the country we live in
  3. set of rules created by state
  4. not guilty of a criminal offense
  5. the rulebook for a country
  6. a state wide vote on a political question.
  7. system of choosing electives in the parliament.

16 Clues: the wife of a kingto make minor changesthe country we live inthe rulebook for a countryset of rules created by statea legislative body of governmentnot guilty of a criminal offensea person who has committed a crimethe group of people who govern a countrya state wide vote on a political question.being responsible for comitting an offense...

John Brady 2021-01-20

John Brady crossword puzzle
  1. The Measure of a Man
  2. The person whose court case decided that the scientific community gets to determine if evidence is gathered in an acceptable way
  3. People of this nationality wrote “The Washing Away of Wrongs”
  4. The type of court that deals with acts punishable by the criminal code
  5. This crime lab department determines if a suspect is mentally fit to stand trial
  6. The AAFS is an ___ of professional forensic scientists
  7. The impression of a writing instrument left on sheets of paper below the original page
  8. Herschel used fingerprints to sign these types of documents
  1. This type of witness is skilled in an area that the court is investigating
  2. The odontology department of a crime lab studies this type of mark
  3. Professor and author of Crime Investigation, which taught how to analyze physical evidence
  4. His character Sherlock Holmes influenced law enforcement to use science in crime investigation
  5. These types of databases can help DNA match police evidence to people
  6. Solved a crime using water displacement
  7. The principle that a criminal will bring something into, and leave something at, a crime scene
  8. A physician trained in pathology
  9. Forensic science is the science applied to solve this
  10. The body part Bertillion thought might be best for personal identification
  11. Orfila wrote about the detection and effects of this
  12. This type of evidence is due to a transfer of material between suspect and victim

20 Clues: The Measure of a ManA physician trained in pathologySolved a crime using water displacementOrfila wrote about the detection and effects of thisForensic science is the science applied to solve thisThe AAFS is an ___ of professional forensic scientistsHerschel used fingerprints to sign these types of documents...

Chapter 13 Review 2017-06-14

Chapter 13 Review crossword puzzle
  1. a formal writ used to bring a case before the Supreme Court
  2. a philosophy proposing that judges should freely strike down laws enacted by the democratically elected branches
  3. The authority of a court to hear a case "in the first instance"
  4. the authority of a court to review decisions made by the lower courts
  5. courts courts in which criminal and civil cases are originally tried in the federal judicial system
  6. v. Wade- right to abortion established
  7. in a criminal action, the person of party being accused of an offense
  8. decisis the rule of precedent
  9. government lawyer who tries criminal cases
  10. curiae brief A"friend of the court" brief
  1. a court order requiring explanation to a judge why a prisoner is being held in custody
  2. courts with appellate jurisdiction that hear appeals from the decisions of lower courts
  3. test- A decisively indicative test.
  4. restraint A philosophy proposing that judges should strike only acts that are unconstitutional
  5. The list of potential cases that reach the Supreme Court
  6. opinion an opinion agreeing with the majority in a Supreme Court ruling but differs on the reasoning
  7. The court of last resort in the US
  8. The power of a court to determine whether a law or government regulation is consistent with the US constitution
  9. an opinion disagreeing with the majority in a Supreme Court ruling
  10. A judicial system in which the court of law is a neutral arena where two parties argue their differences

20 Clues: decisis the rule of precedentThe court of last resort in the UStest- A decisively indicative test.v. Wade- right to abortion establishedcuriae brief A"friend of the court" briefgovernment lawyer who tries criminal casesThe list of potential cases that reach the Supreme Courta formal writ used to bring a case before the Supreme Court...

Legal Vocabulary for Monster by Myers 2021-03-25

Legal Vocabulary for Monster by Myers crossword puzzle
  1. witness testifying against the side of a case that has called them to testify
  2. member of the jury elected to be the leader during deliberation
  3. people present during the crime and observed what happened.
  4. written statement of facts voluntarily made under an oath administered by a person authorized to do so by law
  5. the case that attempts to prove the defendant not guilty
  6. a defendant’s answer to a legal charge in a criminal case
  7. evidence provided by a witness who has sworn to tell the truth
  8. an agreement made by the jury brought about by discussion
  9. citizens who are to decide the outcome of a criminal trial
  10. person who is on trial for a crime
  11. the case that attempts to prove the defendant guilty
  1. request that a judge make a legal ruling
  2. a type of witness who knows the defendant and can speak to the character of the defendant
  3. witness who is a specialist in a field who explain information to the jury and who give their professional opinions about evidence
  4. thorough discussion of the case to make the jury’s decision
  5. appointed by district attorney’s office to represent the state in criminal cases
  6. person who writes down what spoken in court
  7. information can be considered in making a legal decision.
  8. court comes back together after a break
  9. jury's findings or conclusions on the factual issues presented by a case

20 Clues: person who is on trial for a crimecourt comes back together after a breakrequest that a judge make a legal rulingperson who writes down what spoken in courtthe case that attempts to prove the defendant guiltythe case that attempts to prove the defendant not guiltya defendant’s answer to a legal charge in a criminal case...

Wordwall Words 2022-05-11

Wordwall Words crossword puzzle
  1. an assesment of the risk level probationers
  2. a sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court
  3. an alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the community
  4. levying a money payment
  5. sentencing is aimed at sparing non dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  6. a condition of probation in which the offender repays society
  7. the policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  8. an administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole
  9. the midevil practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished
  10. prison sentences from two or more criminal acts
  1. sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime
  2. the process in which probation officer settles cases
  3. prison sentences for two or more criminal acts served simultaneously and run together
  4. a state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more
  5. defendants may be asked to confront their behavior the damage they caused the victim and the shame they brought their family friends and community
  6. a prison term that is delayed
  7. the action or practice of rewarding each person his or her just due
  8. a correctional facility to hold detainees
  9. a correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the facility
  10. a state correctional facility

20 Clues: levying a money paymenta prison term that is delayeda state correctional facilitya correctional facility to hold detaineesan assesment of the risk level probationersprison sentences from two or more criminal actsthe process in which probation officer settles casesthe midevil practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished...

Exam 1 Review Serial Killers 2024-09-08

Exam 1 Review Serial Killers crossword puzzle
  1. persons that cannot always be linked to a killer or are unknown
  2. the general name for those murders with 4 or more victims at the same general point in time
  3. sometimes included in early definitions of serial murder to mean that the killing was thought about and planned
  4. those homicides committed to reach a secondary goal
  5. murder and manslaughter
  6. a type of manslaughter where someone is killed because of another individual's reckless behavior
  7. specific legal category of criminal homicide
  8. general term for killing of another individual
  9. a return to normalcy
  1. the relationship between offender and victim in early definitions of serial murder
  2. those homicides that imply the motive is autonomous from that of each other homicide
  3. murders involving multiple victims
  4. murder of multiple victims by same offender in separate events
  5. a type of perpetrator motivation that includes sexual fantasies is known as _____ sexual expression
  6. when killers take a memento from the victim
  7. homicide in defense of life or property
  8. criminal homicides with a lesser degree of responsibility
  9. defined as a short-lived killing over a shorter period of time than serial murder
  10. a type of manslaughter where someone is killed while overwhelmed by emotion or passion
  11. means the killing and consequences were considered and the act was committed anyways
  12. homicide that is accidental but not due to recklessness
  13. the minimum victim threshold in the FBI's 2005 definition of serial murder

22 Clues: a return to normalcymurder and manslaughtermurders involving multiple victimshomicide in defense of life or propertywhen killers take a memento from the victimspecific legal category of criminal homicidegeneral term for killing of another individualthose homicides committed to reach a secondary goal...

Review 4 2023-10-06

Review 4 crossword puzzle
  1. in time with each other
  2. ability of some chemicals to turn or change colour
  3. drawings in stone
  4. chemicals capable of turning the mind
  5. a message sent from far away
  6. the study of measurement
  7. the ability to read minds
  8. a sign that goes with an illness
  1. loves wisdom
  2. the measure of the outside of a shape
  3. one who loves the night or darkness
  4. the join between two nerve cells in the brain
  5. fear of animals
  6. fear of small spaces
  7. the written symbol of a sound
  8. to move from one place to another
  9. to feel what another is feeling

17 Clues: loves wisdomfear of animalsdrawings in stonefear of small spacesin time with each otherthe study of measurementthe ability to read mindsa message sent from far awaythe written symbol of a soundto feel what another is feelinga sign that goes with an illnessto move from one place to anotherone who loves the night or darkness...

Albert Fish “The Gray Man” 2020-12-15

Albert Fish “The Gray Man” crossword puzzle
  1. Early Indicator
  2. Signature
  3. Work History
  4. Mental Condition
  5. Social Life
  6. Social Life
  7. Children Killed
  8. MO
  1. Evidence
  2. Time Span
  3. Work History
  4. Most Victims
  5. Classification
  6. Death Penalty
  7. Most famous victim
  8. Criminal Behavior
  9. Motivation
  10. Classification

18 Clues: MOEvidenceTime SpanSignatureMotivationSocial LifeSocial LifeWork HistoryMost VictimsWork HistoryDeath PenaltyClassificationClassificationEarly IndicatorChildren KilledMental ConditionCriminal BehaviorMost famous victim

Wednesday Wars Sept.- Nov. 2022-09-15

Wednesday Wars Sept.- Nov. crossword puzzle
  1. with deep and solemn respect
  2. a small remaining quantity of something
  3. slowly decay or disintegrate
  4. not flattering of a person's appearance.
  5. at an advanced stage of social and cultural development.
  6. of or situated on the inside
  7. resembling, or characteristic of demons or evil spirits.
  8. obeying to the law or to the rules.
  9. a narrow valley between hills or mountains
  1. a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something
  2. conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.
  3. in a way that shows great happiness or joy at a victory or achievement.
  4. a person who helps another commit a crime.
  5. wicked or criminal.
  6. the action of driving or pushing forward.
  7. military observation of a region to locate an enemy
  8. extremely unpleasant.
  9. eager to know or learn something

18 Clues: wicked or criminal.extremely unpleasant.with deep and solemn respectslowly decay or disintegrateof or situated on the insideeager to know or learn somethingobeying to the law or to the rules.a small remaining quantity of somethingnot flattering of a person's appearance.the action of driving or pushing forward....

vocabulary pg 72 2024-04-17

vocabulary pg 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - its something that is clean and maybe is a clue
  2. - in the act of killing something
  3. - a mark left by a foot, as in earth or sand:
  4. - look for
  5. - go after someone
  6. officers - is a person who arrest criminals
  7. - the police catch somebody
  8. - You see a lot of details of security
  9. - is an arm that police man use
  1. - is a desing that all people have in her hands
  2. - a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime
  3. - to seize or capture a criminal
  4. - the act of stealling
  5. - catch something that isn´t yours
  6. guard - a person who works in a place triying to prevent a crimen
  7. - find the solution
  8. - is a place where the criminals go
  9. - is a person who steal something

18 Clues: - look for- go after someone- find the solution- the act of stealling- the police catch somebody- is an arm that police man use- to seize or capture a criminal- in the act of killing something- is a person who steal something- catch something that isn´t yours- is a place where the criminals go- You see a lot of details of security...

vocabulary pg 72 2024-04-17

vocabulary pg 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - its something that is clean and maybe is a clue
  2. - in the act of killing something
  3. - a mark left by a foot, as in earth or sand:
  4. - look for
  5. - go after someone
  6. officers - is a person who arrest criminals
  7. - the police catch somebody
  8. - You see a lot of details of security
  9. - is an arm that police man use
  1. - is a desing that all people have in her hands
  2. - a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime
  3. - to seize or capture a criminal
  4. - the act of stealling
  5. - catch something that isn´t yours
  6. guard - a person who works in a place triying to prevent a crimen
  7. - find the solution
  8. - is a place where the criminals go
  9. - is a person who steal something

18 Clues: - look for- go after someone- find the solution- the act of stealling- the police catch somebody- is an arm that police man use- to seize or capture a criminal- in the act of killing something- is a person who steal something- catch something that isn´t yours- is a place where the criminals go- You see a lot of details of security...

vocabulary pg 72 2024-04-17

vocabulary pg 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - its something that is clean and maybe is a clue
  2. - in the act of killing something
  3. - a mark left by a foot, as in earth or sand:
  4. - look for
  5. - go after someone
  6. officers - is a person who arrest criminals
  7. - the police catch somebody
  8. - You see a lot of details of security
  9. - is an arm that police man use
  1. - is a desing that all people have in her hands
  2. - a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime
  3. - to seize or capture a criminal
  4. - the act of stealling
  5. - catch something that isn´t yours
  6. guard - a person who works in a place triying to prevent a crimen
  7. - find the solution
  8. - is a place where the criminals go
  9. - is a person who steal something

18 Clues: - look for- go after someone- find the solution- the act of stealling- the police catch somebody- is an arm that police man use- to seize or capture a criminal- in the act of killing something- is a person who steal something- catch something that isn´t yours- is a place where the criminals go- You see a lot of details of security...

Judicial Branch and the Courts 2020-12-16

Judicial Branch and the Courts crossword puzzle
  1. the highest court in Florida
  2. the courts where most federal cases begin, these are courts of original jurisdiction and hear civil and criminal cases
  3. the jurisdiction to be the first to hear a case on a specific topic
  4. two sides of a criminal trial are prosecution and _________
  5. less serious offenses, including most traffic violations
  1. a court in Florida that hears both civil and criminal cases involving less serious crimes or minor issues for one specific county
  2. a more serious crime
  3. two court systems are state and ________
  4. a public official who decides questions brought before a court
  5. person arrested for a crime
  6. a jury's decision
  7. the right and power for courts to hear a case, interpret and apply the law
  8. any court that has the power to hear appeals from lower courts
  9. a court in Florida that hears cases involving more serious crimes and civil cases involving large amounts of money (more than $15,000)
  10. the national legislative body of the U.S., consisting of the Senate, or upper house, and the House of Representatives, or lower house
  11. a group of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to the evidence presented in a court of law
  12. a request, made after a trial, asking a higher court to decide whether that trial was conducted properly

17 Clues: a jury's decisiona more serious crimeperson arrested for a crimethe highest court in Floridatwo court systems are state and ________less serious offenses, including most traffic violationstwo sides of a criminal trial are prosecution and _________a public official who decides questions brought before a court...

criminal justice cs- 1 2023-05-03

criminal justice cs- 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a period of the time during which offenders are given a second chance
  2. an officer must witness a crime to arrest
  3. the defendant pleads guilty or not guilty
  4. an authorization by the court to make an arrest
  5. a person under the age of 18
  6. a person who commits a crime
  7. crimes a crime that doesn't violate another's rights
  1. less serious crimes
  2. serious crimes
  3. the defendant must plead guilty to lesser offense
  4. nonviolent crimes
  5. three-part system
  6. when they're found guilty of breaking the law
  7. the jury must find the defendant not guilty of the crime
  8. any act that breaks the law

15 Clues: serious crimesnonviolent crimesthree-part systemless serious crimesany act that breaks the lawa person under the age of 18a person who commits a crimean officer must witness a crime to arrestthe defendant pleads guilty or not guiltywhen they're found guilty of breaking the lawan authorization by the court to make an arrest...

1920s Criminal Activity 2022-03-08

1920s Criminal Activity crossword puzzle
  1. Baby Face's bestie - for whatever reason
  2. The city where the Tong war started
  3. Al Capone nickname
  4. Illeagal sale or distribution of goods
  5. The amount of times Edna Murray escaped prison
  6. Gang Gang that Edna conspired with
  1. Salaried fighters
  2. Known as "Baby Face" Nelson
  3. founder of hip sing tong
  4. Nickname for Edna Murray
  5. The term used to describe Chinese sworn brotherhoods and secret societies

11 Clues: Salaried fightersAl Capone nicknamefounder of hip sing tongNickname for Edna MurrayKnown as "Baby Face" NelsonThe city where the Tong war startedGang Gang that Edna conspired withIlleagal sale or distribution of goodsBaby Face's bestie - for whatever reasonThe amount of times Edna Murray escaped prison...


  2. represents the interest of the state
  4. court -the apex court of our country
  6. conducts the trial impartially
  5. he investigates about a crime

11 Clues: FIRST INFORMATION REPORTA PERSON TRIED FOR A CRIMEhe investigates about a crimeconducts the trial impartiallyEXAMINE QUESTIONING OF A WITNESSPERSON PROVIDES FIRST HAND ACCOUNTrepresents the interest of the statecourt -the apex court of our countryAN ACT THAT THE LAW DEFINES AS A CRIMETRIAL SHANTHI WAS FINALLY GIVEN JUSTICE...

a Wrinkle in time 2022-06-09

a Wrinkle in time crossword puzzle
  1. has 3 letters in her name
  2. who can read peoples minds
  3. the dogs name
  4. a person with a wort on her nose
  1. a witch
  2. a subject that takes experentment
  3. the person that is lost
  4. a witch that mrs watses friend

8 Clues: a witchthe dogs namethe person that is losthas 3 letters in her namewho can read peoples mindsa witch that mrs watses frienda person with a wort on her nosea subject that takes experentment

Albert Fish “The Gray Man” 2020-12-15

Albert Fish “The Gray Man” crossword puzzle
  1. Early Indicator
  2. Signature
  3. Work History
  4. Mental Condition
  5. Social Life
  6. Social Life
  7. Children Killed
  8. MO
  1. Evidence
  2. Time Span
  3. Work History
  4. Most Victims
  5. Classification
  6. Death Penalty
  7. Most famous victim
  8. Criminal Behavior
  9. Motivation
  10. Classification

18 Clues: MOEvidenceTime SpanSignatureMotivationSocial LifeSocial LifeWork HistoryMost VictimsWork HistoryDeath PenaltyClassificationClassificationEarly IndicatorChildren KilledMental ConditionCriminal BehaviorMost famous victim

Vocabulary Choice 2021-11-09

Vocabulary Choice crossword puzzle
  1. magic
  2. phantom, unusual
  3. unexplained things/not normal
  4. antonym- knowingly
  5. antonym- forgettable
  6. antonym- disagreement
  7. clubs especially in college
  1. someone unknown
  2. strange
  3. extraordinary
  4. antonym- understandable
  5. trustworthy
  6. disreputable
  7. Luxurious, rich
  8. criminal

15 Clues: magicstrangecriminaltrustworthydisreputableextraordinarysomeone unknownLuxurious, richphantom, unusualantonym- knowinglyantonym- forgettableantonym- disagreementantonym- understandableclubs especially in collegeunexplained things/not normal

Jordan Gall lesson 8 2020-12-07

Jordan Gall lesson 8 crossword puzzle
  1. not easily
  2. to honor
  3. stubbornly resistant
  4. corrupt or debase
  5. beyond doubt
  6. an analysis
  1. to make better
  2. duplicity
  3. rejection
  4. release an criminal
  5. roughness
  6. tp protest
  7. wasteful
  8. relieve
  9. go between

15 Clues: relieveto honorwastefulduplicityrejectionroughnessnot easilytp protestgo betweenan analysisbeyond doubtto make bettercorrupt or debaserelease an criminalstubbornly resistant

Criminology Final 2021-01-14

Criminology Final crossword puzzle
  1. What step in the criminal justice process involves capital punishment, probation and parole
  2. What type of police organization assigns officers to a particular role within a specialized unit
  3. A member of a fire department who tries to extinguish fires
  4. Deliberate and criminal starting of fires
  1. The legal process where a judge reviews evidence and legal reasoning from opposing parties to determine their rights and obligations
  2. A cyberattack that redirects a website's traffic to a different fake website
  3. Which level of law enforcement has statewide authority to conduct law enforcement and criminal investigations
  4. A criminal act that involves theft, destruction of information, computer networks and the Internet

8 Clues: Deliberate and criminal starting of firesA member of a fire department who tries to extinguish firesA cyberattack that redirects a website's traffic to a different fake websiteWhat step in the criminal justice process involves capital punishment, probation and parole...

vocabulary pg 72 2024-04-17

vocabulary pg 72 crossword puzzle
  1. - its something that is clean and maybe is a clue
  2. - in the act of killing something
  3. - a mark left by a foot, as in earth or sand:
  4. - look for
  5. - go after someone
  6. officers - is a person who arrest criminals
  7. - the police catch somebody
  8. - You see a lot of details of security
  9. - is an arm that police man use
  1. - is a desing that all people have in her hands
  2. - a police officer or a private investigator whose job is to get information and evidence about crime
  3. - to seize or capture a criminal
  4. - the act of stealling
  5. - catch something that isn´t yours
  6. guard - a person who works in a place triying to prevent a crimen
  7. - find the solution
  8. - is a place where the criminals go
  9. - is a person who steal something

18 Clues: - look for- go after someone- find the solution- the act of stealling- the police catch somebody- is an arm that police man use- to seize or capture a criminal- in the act of killing something- is a person who steal something- catch something that isn´t yours- is a place where the criminals go- You see a lot of details of security...