diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Health 2021-08-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a biochemical reaction which progress in body
  2. a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
  3. high blood pressure
  4. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature due to undersecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  5. excess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma
  6. a genetic abnormality resulting in high stature due to oversecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  7. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
  8. high blood sugar level
  1. fear of height
  2. metabolic equilibrium actively or balancing of internal environment in body
  3. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impaired muscular coordination
  4. an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluid in body due to undersecretion of anti-diuretic hormone(ADH)
  5. sclerosis of the arterial wall
  6. respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung
  7. depending on free oxygen or air

15 Clues: fear of heighthigh blood pressurehigh blood sugar levelsclerosis of the arterial walldepending on free oxygen or aira biochemical reaction which progress in bodyliving or active in the absence of free oxygena sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functionexcess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma...

Health 2021-08-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a biochemical reaction which progress in body
  2. excess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma
  3. a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
  4. depending on free oxygen or air
  5. fear of height
  6. an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluid in body due to undersecretion of anti-diuretic hormone(ADH)
  7. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impaired muscular coordination
  8. high blood pressure
  9. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature due to undersecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  1. respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung
  2. sclerosis of the arterial wall
  3. metabolic equilibrium actively or balancing of internal environment in body
  4. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
  5. high blood sugar level
  6. a genetic abnormality resulting in high stature due to oversecretion of growth hormone(GH)

15 Clues: fear of heighthigh blood pressurehigh blood sugar levelsclerosis of the arterial walldepending on free oxygen or aira biochemical reaction which progress in bodyliving or active in the absence of free oxygena sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functionexcess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma...

Pre-anaesthetic Exam 2015-04-27

Pre-anaesthetic Exam crossword puzzle
  1. What do you listen to lungs with?
  2. What might pale/ white mucous membranes mean?
  3. This is a renal parameter on a blood test.
  4. What is the test called to measure urine concentration? (5,8,7)
  5. What would you check with a stethoscope? (5,4)
  6. Which area is good to check pulse rates?
  7. How long should a dog be starved for before an anaesthetic?
  8. What should be pink in a healthy animal? (6,8)
  1. This needs signing before an animal is admitted to surgery. (7,4)
  2. What should be taken before an anaesthetic?
  3. This checks for diabetes (5,7)
  4. ......... and wheezes are abnormal lung sounds
  5. How can you assess a patient's perfusion? (9,6,4)
  6. This is how urine is tested.
  7. What type of short snout dogs are at increased risk during anaesthetics ?
  8. What would an abnormal heart beat be called?
  9. What would you use to check a temperature?
  10. What procedure should all geriatric patients have done? (5,4)
  11. What type of anaesthetic uses several different drugs to achieve results?

19 Clues: This is how urine is tested.This checks for diabetes (5,7)What do you listen to lungs with?Which area is good to check pulse rates?This is a renal parameter on a blood test.What would you use to check a temperature?What should be taken before an anaesthetic?What would an abnormal heart beat be called?What might pale/ white mucous membranes mean?...

Urinary & Endocrine Systems 2015-03-01

Urinary & Endocrine Systems crossword puzzle
  1. in order to make urine, kidneys are filtering the ____
  2. goal of every system
  3. bring urine from kidneys to bladder
  4. the rare feedback loop that increases (ie hormone causes contraction during labor, and contractions cause more hormone to be produced = get that baby out!)
  5. the master gland that controls the others
  6. many ____ ____ drugs are made from hormones
  7. organs of endocrine system
  8. make urine
  9. a disorder of endocrine system that effects our blood sugar and insulin levels
  1. works with nervous system to control body
  2. urinary system balances concentrations of ____
  3. chemical messengers that tell cells to start or stop
  4. muscular ring that keeps us from constantly leaking urine (good thing we have that!)
  5. the only thing a particular hormone can communicate with
  6. the feedback loop that keeps us hovering at a set point
  7. urinary system controls our ____ volume
  8. stores urine until we are ready to release it
  9. along with water, kidneys separate out and get rid of ____
  10. voids bladder

19 Clues: make urinevoids bladdergoal of every systemorgans of endocrine systembring urine from kidneys to bladderurinary system controls our ____ volumeworks with nervous system to control bodythe master gland that controls the othersmany ____ ____ drugs are made from hormonesstores urine until we are ready to release it...

Health Midterm Review 2017-07-09

Health Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. / the longest bone in the body; it is in the leg
  2. / the organ system that helps your body move
  3. / the organ system responsible for removing waste from the body
  4. / the finger and toe bones
  5. / the muscle in the front of your leg
  6. / the chest bone
  7. / a disease that people can get from having a diet that is high in sugar
  8. / has your heart and blood, it transports oxygen to the body
  9. / a disease from an iron deficiency
  10. / also known as your skin, it protects your body from infections
  11. / the organ system that protects your organs
  12. / a disease from a vitamin D deficiency
  1. / important for your body to build bones
  2. / a disease from a vitamin C deficiency
  3. / the organ system that has your lungs; you inhale oxygen that is put in the blood
  4. / the muscle in the back of your leg
  5. / secretes oil to keep the skin and hair moist
  6. / the top layer of skin
  7. / the back bone

19 Clues: / the back bone/ the chest bone/ the top layer of skin/ the finger and toe bones/ a disease from an iron deficiency/ the muscle in the back of your leg/ the muscle in the front of your leg/ a disease from a vitamin C deficiency/ a disease from a vitamin D deficiency/ important for your body to build bones...

Health Midterm Review 2017-07-09

Health Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. / a disease from a vitamin C deficiency
  2. / the muscle in the front of your leg
  3. / important for your body to build bones
  4. / the back bone
  5. / secretes oil to keep the skin and hair moist
  6. / the muscle in the back of your leg
  7. / the top layer of skin
  8. / the organ system that protects your organs
  9. / the organ system that has your lungs; you inhale oxygen that is put in the blood
  10. / the organ system that helps your body move
  1. / the longest bone in the body; it is in the leg
  2. / a disease from a vitamin D deficiency
  3. / a disease from an iron deficiency
  4. / has your heart and blood, it transports oxygen to the body
  5. / the organ system responsible for removing waste from the body
  6. / also known as your skin, it protects your body from infections
  7. / the finger and toe bones
  8. / a disease that people can get from having a diet that is high in sugar
  9. / the chest bone

19 Clues: / the back bone/ the chest bone/ the top layer of skin/ the finger and toe bones/ a disease from an iron deficiency/ the muscle in the back of your leg/ the muscle in the front of your leg/ a disease from a vitamin D deficiency/ a disease from a vitamin C deficiency/ important for your body to build bones...

nutrition crossword 2021-10-21

nutrition crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a simple sugar which is an important energy
  2. a mineral that is necessary for life.
  3. the action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level.
  4. nutrients any substance that gives you energy contains
  5. a substance added to something in small quantities to improve or preserve it.
  6. chronic (long-lasting) health condition
  7. a large group of organic compounds
  8. a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.
  9. nourishment; sustenance.
  10. a bitter substance
  11. a waxy substance found in your blood.
  1. an insoluble substance which is the main constituent of plant cell walls and of vegetable fibers such as cotton.
  2. a type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest
  3. a list of dishes available in a restaurant.
  4. the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
  5. food or provisions.
  6. food and drink regarded as a source of strength
  7. the branch of knowledge concerned with the diet and its effects on health,
  8. a unit of energy

19 Clues: a unit of energya bitter substancefood or provisions.nourishment; sustenance.a large group of organic compoundsa mineral that is necessary for life.a waxy substance found in your blood.chronic (long-lasting) health conditiona simple sugar which is an important energya list of dishes available in a restaurant....


  1. Contoh lain dari karbohidrat kompleks adalah?
  2. Ventrikel berfungsi untuk memompa darah keluar dari?
  3. lemak yang terdapat pada makanan seperti daging-dagingan,santan,dan olahan susu disebut?
  4. keadaan mana tubuh kekurangan cairan?
  5. Air dan sisa-sisa makanan tersebut dibawa ke usus?
  6. Aterosklerosis dapat juga terjadi di?
  7. bunyi jantung kita adalah?
  8. ketika kalian makan,maka katup yang disebut?
  9. percernaan dibagi dua yaitu kimiawi dan?
  10. seldarah apakah yang berfungsi untuk melawan kuman-kuman penyebab penyakit, diproduksi di sumsum tulang?
  1. arteri koroner yang merupakan pembuluh darah pengantar darah ke otot jantung, kondisi ini menyebabkan?
  2. sebutkan lemak yang bersumber dari makanan di goreng?
  3. pencernaan secara kimiawi,adalah pengolahan makanan di bantu oleh suatu zat kimia yang disebut?
  4. fungsi kolesterol adalah untuk membentuk bagian?
  5. kandunga gula di dalamnya bisa menyebabkan kita terkena?
  6. pankreas dipicu untuk menghasilkan sekresi makanan didalam?
  7. Trombosit mengeluarkan cairan kimia yang berproduksi protein dan disebut?
  8. Akhir dari usus besar adalah?
  9. Nutrisi yang tidak di buat oleh makhluk hidup disebut?
  10. peristalsis, makanan akan di dorong masuk ke dalam?

20 Clues: bunyi jantung kita adalah?Akhir dari usus besar adalah?keadaan mana tubuh kekurangan cairan?Aterosklerosis dapat juga terjadi di?percernaan dibagi dua yaitu kimiawi dan?ketika kalian makan,maka katup yang disebut?Contoh lain dari karbohidrat kompleks adalah?fungsi kolesterol adalah untuk membentuk bagian?...

Homeostase: de regeling van de glucoseconcentratie. 2020-05-28

Homeostase: de regeling van de glucoseconcentratie. crossword puzzle
  1. het instand houden van de verschillende lichaamstoestanden
  2. is een tussenstap bij de vorming van angiotensine I
  3. hormoon dat gemaakt wordt in de bijnierschors(stress-response)
  4. getal wat aangeeft hoe veel er van een stof er in je bloed zit
  5. orgaan met het grooste volume en is belangrijk voor homeostase
  6. een opslag-polysaccharide, gemaakt van de overmaat glucose
  7. ziekte die ontstaan doordat het controlesysteem van glucose kapot is
  8. zijn in de meerheid en scheiden insuline af
  1. deze klier produceert 2 hormonen: insuline en glucagon
  2. een middel waarmee men snel testen kan of in urine glucose is
  3. Je lichaam verbreed de haarvaatjes zodat je lichaam afkoelt.
  4. een zoutoplossing die verdampt wordt op de huid voor afkoeling
  5. verlaagt de concentratie van glucose(doorlaatbaarheid membranen)
  6. druivensuiker, een belangrijke energie-bron van je lichaam
  7. de vloeistofdruk in het slagadersysteem (tensie)

15 Clues: zijn in de meerheid en scheiden insuline afde vloeistofdruk in het slagadersysteem (tensie)is een tussenstap bij de vorming van angiotensine Ideze klier produceert 2 hormonen: insuline en glucagonhet instand houden van de verschillende lichaamstoestandendruivensuiker, een belangrijke energie-bron van je lichaam...

Theme : Health 2022-03-25

Theme : Health crossword puzzle
  1. disease that occurs when blood sugar level is too high
  2. the identification of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms
  3. a person who specializes in treating heart
  4. Food or drink regularly consumed by a person
  5. place people go to do workouts
  6. state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities
  7. an activity carried out to improve health and fitness
  8. an organ that pumps blood
  1. a practice to keep yourself clean
  2. helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability
  3. substances needed by living things for healthy growth
  4. a specialist who treats skin disorders
  5. abnormal immune response by body towards some substances
  6. another name for “illness”
  7. capacity for doing work

15 Clues: capacity for doing workan organ that pumps bloodanother name for “illness”place people go to do workoutsa practice to keep yourself cleana specialist who treats skin disordersa person who specializes in treating heartFood or drink regularly consumed by a personsubstances needed by living things for healthy growth...

Dafi_Crosswords 2022-03-25

Dafi_Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. the "tail" part of phospolipid
  2. located on the undersurface of the brain. It lies just below the thalamus and above the pituitary gland
  3. TSH, LH, and GH are produced here
  4. make milk during pregnancy and after birth
  5. macrophage that secretes signals for itself to induce a cascade of reactions inside it
  6. brain produces this in response to darkness
  7. hypoadrenalism
  8. a hormone that prompts the release of another hormone
  9. lacrimal glands, salivary glands, mammary glands, and pancreas are example from ____ gland
  1. T3 and T4 are produced here
  2. your body doesn't use this properly, resulting in unusual blood sugar levels
  3. the "head" part of phospolipid
  4. the signaling molecules released by a cell only affect target cells in close proximity to it
  5. glands that secrete their products directly into the bloodstream
  6. lack of this can cause diabetes insipidus

15 Clues: hypoadrenalismT3 and T4 are produced herethe "tail" part of phospolipidthe "head" part of phospolipidTSH, LH, and GH are produced herelack of this can cause diabetes insipidusmake milk during pregnancy and after birthbrain produces this in response to darknessa hormone that prompts the release of another hormone...

dion's crossword 2014-05-14

dion's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. they can be caused by picking your nose
  2. its an allergie that is becoming more common
  3. caused by destress or fright
  4. for a recovery position what age do you lay them face down on an adult's forearm
  5. what does c stand for in DRSABCD
  6. one of the most venomus spider to humans
  7. it is 2 metres long
  8. it holds our body together
  1. you use it oftenly when you have asthma
  2. it is toxic enough to kill a grown man
  3. over 2 million aussies suffer from it
  4. it can happen at any time and you will become unconscious
  5. over 3.5 million australions are estimated to have this type of emergency
  6. playing high impact sport, working a physically dementing job or evenfallen the wrang way can cause a pain in the anckle
  7. caused by touching a hot surface

15 Clues: it is 2 metres longit holds our body togethercaused by destress or frightwhat does c stand for in DRSABCDcaused by touching a hot surfaceover 2 million aussies suffer from itit is toxic enough to kill a grown manyou use it oftenly when you have asthmathey can be caused by picking your noseone of the most venomus spider to humans...

First Aid by: Barbara Arsola 2014-05-08

First Aid by: Barbara Arsola crossword puzzle
  1. What does a person carries who has anaphylaxis?
  2. A vital first aid tool.
  3. When force is exerted against the bone.
  4. One of the most venomous spiders to humans.
  5. Most serve allergicv reaction.
  6. Caused by an excessive blowing, nose picking, high bloodpreassure or changers of attitudes.
  7. Grows to about 2 metres and has a rectangular-shaped head.
  1. Grows up to 35mm and are often confused with funnel-webs.
  2. What does a person carries with them who has asthma?
  3. What does A stands for DRSABCD?
  4. What does R stands for in RICE.
  5. Substances that if inhaled or injected that harms the structures of the body.
  6. A condition in which insulin is either lacking or ineffective.
  7. When you do not have enough blood circulating around your body.
  8. A joint injury that typically involves tearing of the ligaments.

15 Clues: A vital first aid tool.Most serve allergicv reaction.What does A stands for DRSABCD?What does R stands for in RICE.When force is exerted against the bone.One of the most venomous spiders to humans.What does a person carries who has anaphylaxis?What does a person carries with them who has asthma?...

Heredity Crossword 2016-04-25

Heredity Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type 1 Diabetes runs in this category of gene interactions
  2. Square Used to determine the dominant and recessive genes an offspring will get
  3. The female gene
  4. The male gene
  5. Has an effect on a child’s development
  6. The milestone that affects your actions and how you move
  7. What affects our heredity
  8. Something you inherit is called a
  9. Something that you may inherit or carry is stored in your
  1. The milestone that affects the child's speaking skills
  2. The traits that are passed from parent to offspring is called
  3. The milestone that affects the way a child feels or expresses itself
  4. Milestones Affects a child's appearance or actions in the future
  5. The milestone that affects the way a child thinks or learns
  6. The milestone that affects how a child interacts with others

15 Clues: The male geneThe female geneWhat affects our hereditySomething you inherit is called aHas an effect on a child’s developmentThe milestone that affects the child's speaking skillsThe milestone that affects your actions and how you moveSomething that you may inherit or carry is stored in yourType 1 Diabetes runs in this category of gene interactions...

Communicable Diseases 2021-07-15

Communicable Diseases crossword puzzle
  1. A mass of rapidly and uncontrollably mutated cells.
  2. A type of Disease that is to do with cardio (heart) health.
  3. A word used to describe a lack of fitness.
  4. A type of disease that is often associated with sugar.
  5. A tumour that can spread throughout the body.
  1. An organ used to pump blood around the body.
  2. The addictive chemical found in cigarettes.
  3. A free British health care organisation.
  4. A liquid which carries oxygen around the body.
  5. A type of condition to do with the brain that often occurs with age.
  6. A liquid that can cause many issues to do with liver and kidney health.
  7. A tumour that can't spread throughout the body.
  8. A type of condition that is to do with difficulty breathing.
  9. A black sticky substance inside of cigarettes
  10. An organ used to breathe.

15 Clues: An organ used to breathe.A free British health care organisation.A word used to describe a lack of fitness.The addictive chemical found in cigarettes.An organ used to pump blood around the body.A black sticky substance inside of cigarettesA tumour that can spread throughout the body.A liquid which carries oxygen around the body....

Health 2021-08-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
  2. sclerosis of the arterial wall
  3. respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung
  4. high blood sugar level
  5. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
  6. high blood pressure
  7. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature due to undersecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  8. a genetic abnormality resulting in high stature due to oversecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  1. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impaired muscular coordination
  2. an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluid in body due to undersecretion of anti-diuretic hormone(ADH)
  3. a biochemical reaction which progress in body
  4. depending on free oxygen or air
  5. metabolic equilibrium actively or balancing of internal environment in body
  6. fear of height
  7. excess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma

15 Clues: fear of heighthigh blood pressurehigh blood sugar levelsclerosis of the arterial walldepending on free oxygen or aira biochemical reaction which progress in bodyliving or active in the absence of free oxygena sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functionexcess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma...

Puzzling Terms 2017-02-02

Puzzling Terms crossword puzzle
  1. returns leaked fluid back to the blood
  2. it supports and protects important organs and it also make blood cells
  3. gets rid of the body's wastes
  4. moves blood through the body
  5. makes chemical messages
  6. is the maintenance of a constant internal environment when outside conditions change
  7. one of the two ways cells communicate
  8. breaks down food and uses it for nutrients of the body
  1. allows movement of the body parts
  2. is the protective covering of the body. it acts as a barrier that protects the body from infection
  3. is a lung disease caused by bacteria
  4. gathers oxygen from the environment and gets rid of carbon dioxide from the body
  5. collects information and responds to it by sending electrical messages
  6. another way cells communicate
  7. is a disease that affects cell function

15 Clues: makes chemical messagesmoves blood through the bodygets rid of the body's wastesanother way cells communicateallows movement of the body partsis a lung disease caused by bacteriaone of the two ways cells communicatereturns leaked fluid back to the bloodis a disease that affects cell functionbreaks down food and uses it for nutrients of the body...

Puzzling Terms 2017-02-02

Puzzling Terms crossword puzzle
  1. another way cells communicate
  2. allows movement of the body parts
  3. is the maintenance of a constant internal environment when outside conditions change
  4. is the protective covering of the body. it acts as a barrier that protects the body from infection
  5. makes chemical messages
  6. returns leaked fluid back to the blood
  7. is a disease that affects cell function
  8. collects information and responds to it by sending electrical messages
  1. it supports and protects important organs and it also make blood cells
  2. moves blood through the body
  3. breaks down food and uses it for nutrients of the body
  4. gathers oxygen from the environment and gets rid of carbon dioxide from the body
  5. one of the two ways cells communicate
  6. is a lung disease caused by bacteria
  7. gets rid of the body's wastes

15 Clues: makes chemical messagesmoves blood through the bodyanother way cells communicategets rid of the body's wastesallows movement of the body partsis a lung disease caused by bacteriaone of the two ways cells communicatereturns leaked fluid back to the bloodis a disease that affects cell functionbreaks down food and uses it for nutrients of the body...


  1. Suitable or safe for eating
  2. Number of the cerebral lobes in each hemisphere
  3. Automated machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages
  4. Disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood
  5. Lazy and inactive person
  6. It integrates the activities of the mind with the biology of the body
  7. Medical condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high
  8. The fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health
  1. It controls the basic emotions and drives
  2. Food that is high in calories but low in nutritional content
  3. The external layer of the cerebrum
  4. A day during which you eat nothing
  5. Large, elaborately prepared meal, usually for many persons
  6. neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers
  7. The way you feel at a particular time

15 Clues: Lazy and inactive personSuitable or safe for eatingA day during which you eat nothingThe external layer of the cerebrumThe way you feel at a particular timeIt controls the basic emotions and drivesNumber of the cerebral lobes in each hemisphereLarge, elaborately prepared meal, usually for many persons...

Cell Biology Crossword 2019-05-19

Cell Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which DNA is copied within each cell
  2. can slow down or stop enzyme
  3. cell divides and makes two identical daughter cells
  4. proteins that control progress of cells through the cell cycle
  5. a disease that results when cells lose normal control
  6. a protein that catalyzes a certain chemical reaction
  7. the complete sequence of phases in which a cell prepares for
  8. a non infectious disease that disrupts the body's ability to process sugars
  1. a structure composed of DNA wrapped with protein
  2. any cell produced by a cell
  3. a group of organic compounds in cells that do not dissolve in water
  4. biological molecule that an enzyme works on
  5. a measurement of the acidity of a solution
  6. a microbe that must invade another cell
  7. substance that speeds up a chemical reaction

15 Clues: any cell produced by a cellcan slow down or stop enzymea microbe that must invade another cella measurement of the acidity of a solutionbiological molecule that an enzyme works onsubstance that speeds up a chemical reactiona structure composed of DNA wrapped with proteinthe process by which DNA is copied within each cell...

Non-communicable Diseases Crossword 2024-02-21

Non-communicable Diseases Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of Americans that have some form of cardiovascular disease
  2. The uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells
  3. A period of time when symptoms disappear
  4. Non cancerous
  5. Cancers of the connective tissue, including bones, ligaments, and muscles
  6. Cancer of blood-forming organs
  7. Blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked
  8. A blood vessel feeding the brain gets clogged or bursts
  1. Cancerous
  2. Cancer of the glands and body linings in the digestive tract and lungs
  3. Chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces
  4. A disease that affects the heart or blood vessels
  5. A disease that is not contagious
  6. Cancer of the immune system
  7. The removal of a small piece of tissue to exam

15 Clues: CancerousNon cancerousCancer of the immune systemCancer of blood-forming organsA disease that is not contagiousA period of time when symptoms disappearThe uncontrollable growth of abnormal cellsBlood flow to a part of the heart is blockedThe removal of a small piece of tissue to examA disease that affects the heart or blood vessels...

Biology MA Activity 2020-09-02

Biology MA Activity crossword puzzle
  1. ____ is the disease that results in hyperthyroidism/enlargement of thyroid gland
  2. stimulates the secretion of growth hormones from the pitutary glands when its levels are low
  3. Hormone secreting system that releases hormones directly into the blood stream
  4. a ____ has deficiency in the secretion of growth hormones
  5. condition induced by a shortage of insulin
  6. alpha cells secrete this to increase glucose levels in the body
  7. endocrine parts of the pancreas are called the Islets of _____
  8. the part of the adrenal gland located at its periphery
  9. change in physical characteristics of children once they reach adulthood
  10. regulates carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism
  1. estrogen stimulates the development of ___ glands in females
  2. the master gland
  3. when adrenaline is secreted ___ begin to dilate
  4. synonym for epinephrin. fight or flight
  5. interstitial cells of the testes
  6. steroid hormones produced in the testes
  7. a ____ mechanism regulates the timing and secretion of hormones to produce optimal performance.
  8. maintain salt and water balance in the human body
  9. hormone secreted by ovary that supports pregnancy

19 Clues: the master glandinterstitial cells of the testessynonym for epinephrin. fight or flightsteroid hormones produced in the testescondition induced by a shortage of insulinwhen adrenaline is secreted ___ begin to dilatemaintain salt and water balance in the human bodyhormone secreted by ovary that supports pregnancy...

Biologie Kreuzworträtsel von Gabriel 2020-03-24

Biologie Kreuzworträtsel von Gabriel crossword puzzle
  1. Wo liegt das Herz beim Menschen? Hinter dem ...
  2. Die Produktion der ... ist eine wichtige Aufgabe der Leber.
  3. Es gibt die äußere Atmung und die ...
  4. Das ... trat am 1.1.1995 in Österreich in Kraft.
  5. Alle Wirbeltiere haben einen ... Kreislauf.
  6. Aus was bestehen die kleinen Lungen der Vögel?
  7. Wie kann man Stoffabbau noch nennen?
  8. Bakterien und Pilze sind die wichtigsten ... für das biotechnologische Verfahren.
  9. Wie kann man das Trocknen von Nahrungsmitteln noch nennen?
  1. Wie kann man das Einatmen noch nennen?
  2. Rote Blutkörperchen, weiße Blutkörperchen und ... sind die festen Bestandteile unseres Blutes.
  3. Aus was setzen sich die Wirkstoffe zusammen? Aus Mineralstoffe und ...?
  4. Enzyme haben ein ... Zentrum
  5. Danach fließt das sauerstoffreiche Blut durch die ... zurück zum Herzen.
  6. Um fettlösliche Vitamine aufnehmen zu können, sind Fette ...
  7. Wer übernimmt den Sauerstofftransport beim offenen Blutkreislauf?
  8. Wenn man Diabetes Typ 2 hat, reagiert man immer weniger auf Insulin, heißt man wird ...
  9. Was transportiert Blut beim Stofftransport?
  10. Durch Atemlöcher(...) strömt Luft bei der Tracheenatmung von der Körperoberfläche durch Röhren weiter ins Körperinnere.

19 Clues: Enzyme haben ein ... ZentrumWie kann man Stoffabbau noch nennen?Wie kann man das Einatmen noch nennen?Es gibt die äußere Atmung und die ...Alle Wirbeltiere haben einen ... Kreislauf.Was transportiert Blut beim Stofftransport?Aus was bestehen die kleinen Lungen der Vögel?Wo liegt das Herz beim Menschen? Hinter dem ......

Health 2021-01-25

Health crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for medicine
  2. A very common substance in coffee and energy drinks that stimulates the body
  3. A strong stimulant drug that is commonly snorted
  4. In beer and wine
  5. A narcotic commonly taken with alcohol and can very much kill you if misused.
  6. A drug that speeds up your body
  7. A disease that is not alive
  8. a disease that can't be spread from person to person
  9. An opioid made from morphine and it is a very commonly injected drug.
  10. A common narcotic only available by prescriptions
  11. A very common hallucinogen and psychedelic drug
  12. A type of drug to relieve pain and is prescribed by doctors
  1. A worldwide spreading of a disease or problem
  2. A living disease
  3. A type of drug that slows down the body, such as alcohol
  4. A disease that can be spread
  5. A drug that causes hallucinations
  6. A type of drug that kills 10 million+ people in the USA of misuse
  7. When your body does not make enough insulin

19 Clues: A living diseaseIn beer and wineAnother word for medicineA disease that is not aliveA disease that can be spreadA drug that speeds up your bodyA drug that causes hallucinationsWhen your body does not make enough insulinA worldwide spreading of a disease or problemA very common hallucinogen and psychedelic drug...

biotechnology timeline 2019-09-11

biotechnology timeline crossword puzzle
  1. In 4,000 B.C.E they were the master the art of wine making.
  2. Who discovered and describe the double helix structure of the DNA?
  3. Drug process by genetically engineered bacteria for diabetes.
  4. The first mammal cloned.
  5. What is mass produced microbes for the first time in 1942?
  6. Who discovered the bacteria origin of permintation?
  7. What is the first word that the Hungarian agricultural engineer used?
  8. What does Robert Brown discovered in 1773-1858.
  9. in 1802 the first word ______ appears.
  10. What are linked with hereditary disorders?
  11. Who is the Irish scientist that was successful in cloning an adult animal.
  1. Who is the first to use yeast?
  2. In 1995 what vaccine was developed?
  3. what was commercialized in 1933?
  4. Who discovers protozoa and bacteria?
  5. In 1888 a german scientist coined the term _________
  6. Who perform the the first successful recombinant DNA experiment
  7. Who discovered the first cancer-causing virus
  8. what is the first genetically modified pet?

19 Clues: The first mammal cloned.Who is the first to use yeast?what was commercialized in 1933?In 1995 what vaccine was developed?Who discovers protozoa and bacteria?in 1802 the first word ______ appears.What are linked with hereditary disorders?what is the first genetically modified pet?Who discovered the first cancer-causing virus...

Nutrition 2023-09-18

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. are sugars and should be carefully restricted by diabetes
  2. sugar and starches in foods
  3. vitamins that are fat soluble
  4. A substance that your body needs to grow
  5. should be carefully restricted by people with hypertension
  6. your bodies way of telling you, you need nutrients
  7. nutrient needed to build cells and tissue
  8. a form of complex carbohydrates
  9. provide the most calories of all the nutrients
  10. helps make red blood cells and carries oxygen in the blood
  11. vitamins that prevent birth defects
  1. proteins containing all the essential amino acids
  2. compounds that help regulate many vital body processes
  3. the process of taking down food and using it for energy and growth
  4. are needed for healthy bones and teeth
  5. something that is made when hydrogen is added to vegetables
  6. a learned desire for food that is based on emotional and other factors rather than nutritional need
  7. proteins that are missing one or more of the amino acids
  8. take longer for the body to break down

19 Clues: sugar and starches in foodsvitamins that are fat solublea form of complex carbohydratesvitamins that prevent birth defectsare needed for healthy bones and teethtake longer for the body to break downA substance that your body needs to grownutrient needed to build cells and tissueprovide the most calories of all the nutrients...

Late Adulthood & Death/Dying 2023-05-30

Late Adulthood & Death/Dying crossword puzzle
  1. a DNR order allows for this in a passive way, but not active
  2. the rate of this is higher in late adulthood than any other group
  3. study of the aged
  4. extreme memory loss
  5. state of feeling deprived of another human life due to their death
  6. this theory suggests that a person withdraws from society as they age
  7. prejudice against the elderly
  8. arthritis and hypertension are examples of what kind of diseases?
  1. syndrome which is caused by alcoholism
  2. permanent, irreversible death
  3. personal reactions to bereavement, influenced by one's culture
  4. the study of death
  5. disease with accelerated aging and patients dying young
  6. another name for short-term memory
  7. a diagnosis of this increases the risk of developing macular degeneration
  8. The gradual deterioration of the immune system, brought on by natural age advancement
  9. this type of care refers to hospice care focused on symptom management, not prolonging life
  10. A genetic disease that shows signs of aging
  11. the number or limit put on cell multiplication
  12. stage of grief where one refuses to accept death

20 Clues: study of the agedthe study of deathextreme memory losspermanent, irreversible deathprejudice against the elderlyanother name for short-term memorysyndrome which is caused by alcoholismA genetic disease that shows signs of agingthe number or limit put on cell multiplicationstage of grief where one refuses to accept death...

Type 2 Diabetes Therapies 2020-11-28

Type 2 Diabetes Therapies crossword puzzle
  1. The suffix of drugs within the SGLT-2 inhibitor drug family. These drugs work by increasing glucose excretion via the urine. Side effects of this drug family include glucosuria, UTIs, weight loss and rarely, diabetic ketoacidiosis.
  2. A type of DPP-4 inhibitor. This drug works by inhibiting incretins, released by the GI tract.
  3. A drug which is injected, and usually given as third line therapy in managing type 2 diabetes.
  4. A biguanide which is considered “weight neutral”. It does not typically cause hypoglycaemia. It’s main side effects are GI tract upset and lactic acidosis.
  1. The most common sulfonylurea. These increase insulin production from the pancreas. This drug can cause weight gain and hypoglycaemia.
  2. GLP-1 analogues mimic the action of this naturally occurring hormone. Examples of GLP-1 analogues are “exenatide” and “liraglutide”. Drugs which mimic this hormone are given as subcutaneous injections. Side effects of this family of drugs include weight loss, dizziness and rarely hypoglycaemia.
  3. A type of thiazolidinedione. Its main side effects are weight gain, fluid retention and heart failure. This drug works by increasing sensitivity to insulin and decrease liver production of glucose. It does not cause hypoglycaemia.

7 Clues: A type of DPP-4 inhibitor. This drug works by inhibiting incretins, released by the GI tract.A drug which is injected, and usually given as third line therapy in managing type 2 diabetes.The most common sulfonylurea. These increase insulin production from the pancreas. This drug can cause weight gain and hypoglycaemia....

Team F15-19 Kara Saba, Tawnya Vida 2015-10-02

Team F15-19 Kara Saba, Tawnya Vida crossword puzzle
  1. cause of increased risk of DVT
  2. Luteum Site of hormone production before 12 weeks
  3. Findings mucosa and cervix violet blue in color due to increased vascularity
  4. Numbness in the hands. Can be caused by stooped shoulder posture.
  1. hyperpigmentation on abdomen found from pubis symphysis to fundus in pregnant women
  2. hypertrophy of sebaceous glands on the areola
  3. Cause of back pain and posture changes in pregnant women
  4. found in 20% of women normal unless found with S/S of diabetes
  5. Cause of yeast infections in pregnant women
  6. supports luteal production of estrogen and progesterone before 12 weeks

10 Clues: cause of increased risk of DVTCause of yeast infections in pregnant womenhypertrophy of sebaceous glands on the areolaLuteum Site of hormone production before 12 weeksCause of back pain and posture changes in pregnant womenfound in 20% of women normal unless found with S/S of diabetesNumbness in the hands. Can be caused by stooped shoulder posture....

Causes of Unconsciousness 2012-06-01

Causes of Unconsciousness crossword puzzle
  1. A brief loss of consciousness
  2. Issue with body's abilty to cope with hot or cold
  3. This occurs ifv we lose a lot of fluid internally or externally
  4. The body fails to produce sufficient amounts of insulin
  5. This type of injury may cause unconsciousness and needs to be monitored
  1. A blood clot in a coronary artery causes this heart problem (5,6)
  2. This may cause temporary or permanent damage to the body
  3. The blood supply to part of the brain is suddenly and seriously impaired
  4. Oxygen deprivation e.g. suffication or choking
  5. Recurrent major electrical disturbance of brain activity

10 Clues: A brief loss of consciousnessOxygen deprivation e.g. suffication or chokingIssue with body's abilty to cope with hot or coldThe body fails to produce sufficient amounts of insulinThis may cause temporary or permanent damage to the bodyRecurrent major electrical disturbance of brain activity...

Diseases and Disorders 2014-04-23

Diseases and Disorders crossword puzzle
  1. Affects more females than males / eating disorder / sometimes has anorexia nervosa
  2. Obsession / affects the brain / anxiety disorder
  3. Type of cancer / affects the bone marrow / acute and chronic
  1. Affects more males than females / development disability / life expectancy not affected
  2. Rapid aging / genetic disorder / average life expectancy is 13 years old
  3. 2 types / high blood sugar / body doesn't create insulin
  4. Reading and writing disorder / born with it / not contagious
  5. Type of Autism / no known cause / children tend to function better than children with Autism
  6. Born with this / extra chromosome / genetic syndrome
  7. Mood swings / psychological problems / Manic Depression

10 Clues: Obsession / affects the brain / anxiety disorderBorn with this / extra chromosome / genetic syndromeMood swings / psychological problems / Manic Depression2 types / high blood sugar / body doesn't create insulinReading and writing disorder / born with it / not contagiousType of cancer / affects the bone marrow / acute and chronic...

Suikerziekte 2014-03-29

Suikerziekte crossword puzzle
  1. Een droge mond, slaperigheid, veel plassen en grote dorst wijst op?
  2. Veelvuldig urineren is een symptoom van suikerziekte.
  3. Gevaar bij patiënten met suikerziekte omdat er minder gevoel is en de wondjes slecht genezen.
  4. Gevolg van suikerziekte doordat er te veel suiker in de haarvaten zit.
  1. hoeveelheid glucose die op een bepaald moment in je bloed aanwezig is.
  2. De adem van een zorgvrager heeft een typische geur.
  3. Ander woord voor alvleesklier.
  4. Ander woord voor suikerziekte.
  5. Hoofdpijn, duizeligheid, bleekheid, zweten, beven hongerig zijn en een plotse stemmingswisseling wijst op?
  6. hormoon dat ervoor zorgt dat glucose wordt opgenomen in de cellen.

10 Clues: Ander woord voor alvleesklier.Ander woord voor suikerziekte.De adem van een zorgvrager heeft een typische geur.Veelvuldig urineren is een symptoom van suikerziekte.hormoon dat ervoor zorgt dat glucose wordt opgenomen in de cellen.Een droge mond, slaperigheid, veel plassen en grote dorst wijst op?...

carbohydrate puzzle 2021-03-23

carbohydrate puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. is a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion or a need to rest because of lack of energy or strength.
  2. Loading is done the week before a high-endurance activity.
  3. when your body needs a quick boost of energy
  4. to is s healthy snack for your body
  1. increases the weight and size of your stool
  2. you should eat a lot of this
  3. foods are an important source of energy.
  4. It's a type of sugar you get from foods you eat
  5. is associated with various benefits, including a lower risk of diabetes
  6. what carbohydrate are turned into

10 Clues: you should eat a lot of thiswhat carbohydrate are turned intoto is s healthy snack for your bodyfoods are an important source of energy.increases the weight and size of your stoolwhen your body needs a quick boost of energyIt's a type of sugar you get from foods you eatLoading is done the week before a high-endurance activity....


  1. Contoh variasi selanjar ialah ___________ dan jisim badan.
  2. DNA _________ ialah teknologi yang menggabungkan dua spesies yang berbeza untuk menghasilkan satu ciri genetik baharu.
  3. Teknologi ini menggabungkan gen daripada _________ spesies yang berbeza.
  4. __________ ialah perbezaan ciri antara individu daripada spesies yang sama.
  1. _________ dihasilkan melalui bakteria untuk membantu orang yang menghidap diabetes melitus.
  2. Kejuruteraan ______ ialah istilah yang digunakan kepada pengubahsuaian genetik sesuatu organisma.
  3. Organisma _________ Genetik (GMO) ialah organisma yang diubahsuai genetik untuk tujuan tertentu.
  4. Kebaikan Teknologi Kejuruteraan Genetik adalah dapat menghasilkan tanaman dan ternakan yang _________.
  5. Variasi tak selanjar tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor ___________.
  6. Keburukan Teknologi Kejuruteraan Genetik adalah boleh menyebabkan kesan sampingan seperti _________ pada pengguna.

10 Clues: Contoh variasi selanjar ialah ___________ dan jisim badan.Variasi tak selanjar tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor ___________.Teknologi ini menggabungkan gen daripada _________ spesies yang berbeza.__________ ialah perbezaan ciri antara individu daripada spesies yang sama....

Silang Kata Kesihatan 2022-09-15

Silang Kata Kesihatan crossword puzzle
  1. Fungsi balutan luka adalah untuk menghindarkan jangkitan ___.
  2. Johor merupakan negeri ke___ tertinggi kes kumulatif kes penyakit tangan, kaki dan mulut (HFMD) sejak Januari hingga Julai 2022.
  3. Tugas juru bantu mula adalah untuk menyelamatkan ___.
  4. Antara penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian tertinggi di Malaysia ialah sakit jantung, ___ dan hipertensi.
  5. Antiseptik berfungsi untuk membantu mencegah ___.
  1. Bantuan ___ diberi kepada ahli yang pengsan.
  2. Bantuan anduh merangkumi anduh lengan, anduh kepala, anduh lutut atau siku dan anduh tapak ___.
  3. Penjagaan awal untuk mereka yang cedera sebelum tibanya ___.
  4. Jenis anduh termasuklah anduh besar, anduh ___, anduh pergelangan tangan dan anduh menaik.
  5. Kesemua balutan hendaklah menggunakan ___ buku sila.

10 Clues: Bantuan ___ diberi kepada ahli yang pengsan.Antiseptik berfungsi untuk membantu mencegah ___.Kesemua balutan hendaklah menggunakan ___ buku sila.Tugas juru bantu mula adalah untuk menyelamatkan ___.Penjagaan awal untuk mereka yang cedera sebelum tibanya ___.Fungsi balutan luka adalah untuk menghindarkan jangkitan ___....

Endocrine System 2022-01-19

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired
  2. the surgical removal of some or all of a body part
  3. usually appears during childhood or adolescence
  4. The glands secrete chemicals called hormones
  5. pain that feels like it's coming from a body part that's no longer there.
  1. you lose consciousness due to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
  2. the chemical signals that coordinate a range of bodily functions
  3. more common in adults
  4. when your pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin to control the amount of glucose, or sugar, in your blood
  5. term for having very low blood sugar.

10 Clues: more common in adultsterm for having very low blood sugar.The glands secrete chemicals called hormonesusually appears during childhood or adolescencethe surgical removal of some or all of a body partyou lose consciousness due to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.the chemical signals that coordinate a range of bodily functions...

Jasmin Sosa Food Vocab 2022-02-02

Jasmin Sosa Food Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. constantly recurring
  2. ed long
  3. health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy
  4. A serious eating disorder marked by binging, followed by methods to avoid weight gain.
  5. Frequently consuming unusually large amounts of food in one sitting and feeling that eating behavior is out of control.
  1. Digestive problems that occur after a certain food is eaten.
  2. immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food.
  3. HIV causes AIDS and interferes with the body's ability to fight infections.
  4. there is good and bad______.
  5. An eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat.

10 Clues: ed longconstantly recurringthere is good and bad______.Digestive problems that occur after a certain food is eaten.health condition that affects how your body turns food into energyimmune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food.HIV causes AIDS and interferes with the body's ability to fight infections....

Teens & Nutrition 2022-11-28

Teens & Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. condition of being grossly fat or overweight
  2. What is the main reason for obesity? (no spaces)
  3. other than learning and mental health, what else can a healthy diet improve?
  4. How many of the ten healthiest states in America are from the East Coast?
  5. America are number _____ in obesity rate.
  1. What percent of Americans are healthy?
  2. About 50% of deaths from heart disease, _______, and strokes are due to a bad diet.
  3. Over ____ of all Americans are predicted to be obese in 2029.
  4. At least a BMI of ___ would mean that the person is overweight.
  5. About _ in 5 American children are obese.

10 Clues: What percent of Americans are healthy?About _ in 5 American children are obese.America are number _____ in obesity rate.condition of being grossly fat or overweightWhat is the main reason for obesity? (no spaces)Over ____ of all Americans are predicted to be obese in 2029.At least a BMI of ___ would mean that the person is overweight....

November Humdinger 2022-10-14

November Humdinger crossword puzzle
  1. Attached by turkey (external cause code)
  2. Headache associated with an “afternoon delight”
  3. Sick feeling after too much Halloween candy eaten
  4. Cousin Ernie got carried away with the gas on the firepit resulting in burns (external cause code)
  5. Mike Tyson ear bite incident (external cause code)
  1. Tic reaction from too many Epic charts
  2. Rotten kid hit you with his wiffle bat (external cause code)
  3. Oops, poisoning due to too much Moonshine (aka Grain alcohol for the non-rednecks)
  4. Potential onset of diabetes diagnosis after too much Halloween candy eaten
  5. Found at the end of a witch’s chin

10 Clues: Found at the end of a witch’s chinTic reaction from too many Epic chartsAttached by turkey (external cause code)Headache associated with an “afternoon delight”Sick feeling after too much Halloween candy eatenMike Tyson ear bite incident (external cause code)Rotten kid hit you with his wiffle bat (external cause code)...

Hyperkalemia 2022-10-16

Hyperkalemia crossword puzzle
  1. Fluid retention presents as what physical manifestation
  2. Lasix is an example of a potassium _______ diuretic
  3. Cr and BUN are assessed to evaluate function of the
  4. Hyperkalemia is defined as an elevation of this electrolyte
  1. Hyperkalemia is noted as a serum potassium above
  2. Asses patients for the use of these OTC pain medications
  3. During assessment the nurse should ask the patient if they have history of what comorbidity
  4. It is important to assess this electrolyte value since in may exacerbate the cardiac compilations of hyperkalemia
  5. Monitor ECG for peaked
  6. In order to prevent hypoglycemia D5W is administered with

10 Clues: Monitor ECG for peakedHyperkalemia is noted as a serum potassium aboveLasix is an example of a potassium _______ diureticCr and BUN are assessed to evaluate function of theFluid retention presents as what physical manifestationAsses patients for the use of these OTC pain medicationsIn order to prevent hypoglycemia D5W is administered with...

Cruzadinha - Revisão 2020-07-23

Cruzadinha - Revisão crossword puzzle
  1. doença autoimune caracterizada por deixar manchas escuras na pele.
  2. também chamado de tufão ou ciclone tropical.
  3. fenômeno climático que, diferentemente de furacões, tem origem em terra, gerando um funil de ventos à grandes velocidades.
  4. doença resultante do excesso de açúcar no sangue.
  5. aparelho que mede a pressão atmosférica através de uma coluna de mercúrio graduada.
  1. construiu o primeiro barômetro.
  2. nome que se dá à região central do furacão.
  3. primeira doença a ser prevenida com vacina.
  4. nome que se dá à qualquer doença que produza anticorpos contra o próprio organismo.
  5. sistema responsável pela defesa do nosso organismo.

10 Clues: construiu o primeiro barômetro.nome que se dá à região central do furacão.primeira doença a ser prevenida com vacina.também chamado de tufão ou ciclone tropical.doença resultante do excesso de açúcar no sangue.sistema responsável pela defesa do nosso organismo.doença autoimune caracterizada por deixar manchas escuras na pele....

Ilnesses 2020-03-25

Ilnesses crossword puzzle
  1. A state of unconsciousness where a person is unresponsive and cannot be woken.
  2. Inflammation of the tonsils.
  3. A mental health problem that causes people to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them.
  4. A lifelong condition that causes a person's blood glucose level to become too high.
  5. A condition that affects the brain and causes repeated seizures.
  1. A feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe.
  2. A common skin condition. It causes spots, oily skin.
  3. Usually a moderate or severe headache.
  4. A common infectious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes.
  5. An eating disorder.

10 Clues: An eating disorder.Inflammation of the tonsils.Usually a moderate or severe headache.A common skin condition. It causes spots, oily skin.A common infectious viral illness spread by coughs and sneezes.A condition that affects the brain and causes repeated seizures.A feeling of unease, such as worry or fear, that can be mild or severe....

The Nutrition Crossword 2020-04-01

The Nutrition Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Foods rich in ______ helps in muscle building
  2. Walnuts are very good for health of _____
  3. Rice is a major source of ______
  4. ______ is a condition in which a person needs to control intake of carbohydrates in the diet
  5. Foods provide you _____ for daily activities
  1. ______ is an excellent source of good bacteria and aids in digestion
  2. A glass of unstrained vegetable juice in the morning adds _____ to your diet
  3. You must include a bowl of ______ for adequate intake of vitamins and minerals
  4. A fruit which is rich in Vitamin C
  5. this is a great alternate for sugar

10 Clues: Rice is a major source of ______A fruit which is rich in Vitamin Cthis is a great alternate for sugarWalnuts are very good for health of _____Foods provide you _____ for daily activitiesFoods rich in ______ helps in muscle building______ is an excellent source of good bacteria and aids in digestion...

health crossword 2023-04-13

health crossword crossword puzzle
  1. mainly found in meats and chicken
  2. main macro of bread
  3. what we get from food
  4. the part of the health triangle that deals with your fitness and health
  1. the part of the health triangle that deals with interactions between people
  2. being extremely overweight to the point that it causes health problems
  3. condition you can develop from an unhealthy lifestyle or genetics that causes problems with insulin
  4. main unit of energy that we get from food
  5. the part of the health triangle that deals with how you process things
  6. diet in which a person does not eat for a period of time

10 Clues: main macro of breadwhat we get from foodmainly found in meats and chickenmain unit of energy that we get from fooddiet in which a person does not eat for a period of timebeing extremely overweight to the point that it causes health problemsthe part of the health triangle that deals with how you process things...


TUGAS AKHIR BIOMEDIK 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Pada perkembangan embrio, lapisan yang membentuk bagian lensa mata?
  2. Hormon pada pria yang mengakibatkan munculnya bulu kemaluan dan suara me berat?
  3. Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?
  4. Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?
  5. Lapisan malpighi pada epidermis terdiri atas lapisan spinosum dan lapisan?
  1. Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?
  2. Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?
  3. Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?
  4. Nama Nervus yang berkaitan dengan gangguan fungsi pendengaran di getaran telinga media?
  5. Selain hormon insulin dan gonadotropin hormon apa yang menurun saat kondisi stress?

10 Clues: Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?...

Tugas Akhir Biomedik 4 2023-07-07

Tugas Akhir Biomedik 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Pada perkembangan embrio, lapisan yang membentuk bagian lensa mata?
  2. Hormon pada pria yang mengakibatkan munculnya bulu kemaluan dan suara me berat?
  3. Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?
  4. Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?
  5. Lapisan malpighi pada epidermis terdiri atas lapisan spinosum dan lapisan?
  1. Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?
  2. Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?
  3. Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?
  4. Nama Nervus yang berkaitan dengan gangguan fungsi pendengaran di getaran telinga media?
  5. Selain hormon insulin dan gonadotropin hormon apa yang menurun saat kondisi stress?

10 Clues: Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?...

Answer key 2023-06-22

Answer key crossword puzzle
  1. - to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults at high risk for progression to severe COVID 19
  2. - to treat ALS in adults who have a SOD1 gene mutation
  3. - to treat seizures in cyclin dependent kinase like 5 deficiency disorder
  4. - to treat unresectable or metastatic melanoma
  5. - to decrease the need for red blood cell transfusion due to hemolysis in cold agglutinin disease
  1. - to treat confirmed Fabry's disease
  2. - to treat Friedrich's ataxia
  3. - to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunct to diet and exercise
  4. - to treat insomnia
  5. - to treat thyroid eye disease

10 Clues: - to treat insomnia- to treat Friedrich's ataxia- to treat thyroid eye disease- to treat confirmed Fabry's disease- to treat unresectable or metastatic melanoma- to treat ALS in adults who have a SOD1 gene mutation- to treat seizures in cyclin dependent kinase like 5 deficiency disorder...


EPIGENÉTICA E DCNT crossword puzzle
  1. Origem de grupos metil para serem adicionados na metilação.
  2. Estudo das alterações na expressão gênica sem alterar a sequência do DNA, contribuindo para DCNT.
  3. Enzima responsável pela remoção de grupos metil.
  4. Ocorre durante o desenvolvimento embrionário e molda o destino das células.
  5. Nome da estrutura formada pela interação do DNA com as histonas.
  1. Distúrbio associado a resistência à insulina e níveis elevados de glicose.
  2. Mecanismo associado ao silenciamento gênico.
  3. Mecanismo epigenético associado à ativação gênica, envolvendo a adição de grupos específicos.
  4. Fator de risco comportamental para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis.
  5. Enzima responsável por marcar epigeneticamente o DNA.

10 Clues: Mecanismo associado ao silenciamento gênico.Enzima responsável pela remoção de grupos metil.Enzima responsável por marcar epigeneticamente o DNA.Origem de grupos metil para serem adicionados na metilação.Nome da estrutura formada pela interação do DNA com as histonas.Fator de risco comportamental para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis....

Teka Teki Silang Pengantar Biosignaling 2023-09-12

Teka Teki Silang Pengantar Biosignaling crossword puzzle
  1. Hormon yang berperan memberi umpan balik negatif pada insulin signaling
  2. Reseptor yang terletak di dalam sel dan berikatan dengan molekul pemberi sinyal yang dapat melewati membran sel
  3. Salah satu jenis molekul signaling yang berperan sebagai first messenger
  4. Proses dimana sel berkomunikasi satu sama lain untuk mengoordinasikan aktivitasnya
  1. Hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar pankreas
  2. Molekul yang digunakan dalam komunikasi antarseluler dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh
  3. Penyakit metabolik yang terjadi karena disregulasi biosignaling dalam tubuh
  4. Tipe molekul sinyal yang sering digunakan dalam sistem saraf
  5. Penyakit autoimun yang terkait dengan kelainan biosinyal
  6. Proses dimana sinyal diteruskan dari satu sel ke sel lain

10 Clues: Hormon yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjar pankreasPenyakit autoimun yang terkait dengan kelainan biosinyalProses dimana sinyal diteruskan dari satu sel ke sel lainTipe molekul sinyal yang sering digunakan dalam sistem sarafHormon yang berperan memberi umpan balik negatif pada insulin signaling...

Glucoregulation Crossword 2023-09-21

Glucoregulation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Large flat gland that is behind the stomach
  2. What is the smallest unit with life
  3. Chronic condition that has a high level of sugar in the blood stream
  4. A stored form of glucose which is made by lots of connected glucose molecules
  5. The amount of glucose in the blood
  1. What causes the ability in the body to maintain a stable internal environmentReflex-arc What is the pathway that controls your reflex
  2. Largest solid organ in your body
  3. A living things
  4. What hormone lowers the level of glucose
  5. Main type of sugar in blood

10 Clues: A living thingsMain type of sugar in bloodLargest solid organ in your bodyThe amount of glucose in the bloodWhat is the smallest unit with lifeWhat hormone lowers the level of glucoseLarge flat gland that is behind the stomachChronic condition that has a high level of sugar in the blood stream...

Oreo Crossword 2023-10-23

Oreo Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. organic compound made from guaiacol, wood, or other biomasses.
  2. waxy substance found in blood that is needed to build cells but too much can increase risk of heart disease.
  3. can raise plasma lipid levels resulting in clogged/inflamed arteries.
  1. a disease where the pancreas cannot make enough or makes too much insulin.
  2. made of wheat endosperm and added nutrients
  3. causes large blood sugar spikes.
  4. a complex disease which heightens the risk of developing other diseases.
  5. breaks down oil through emulsification making it easier to digest
  6. an evil cookie.
  7. umbrella term for several conditions affecting the heart.

10 Clues: an evil cookie.causes large blood sugar spikes.made of wheat endosperm and added nutrientsumbrella term for several conditions affecting the heart.organic compound made from guaiacol, wood, or other biomasses.breaks down oil through emulsification making it easier to digestcan raise plasma lipid levels resulting in clogged/inflamed arteries....

Editorial 2024-09-08

Editorial crossword puzzle
  1. yang menjadi solusi efektif selain dengan edukasi dan pelabelan gula pada makanan dan minuman manis adalah.
  2. pernyataan sudut pandang atau argumen suatu penulis disebut.
  3. fakta berfungsi sebagai ... suatu pendapat.
  4. fakta teks editorial biasanya didapatkan dari data penelitian, sumber terpercaya atau pendapat dari?
  5. yang menjadidasar suatu pendapat adalah.
  1. fakta berfungsi untuk memperjelas.
  2. minuman teh, kopi, jus dan minuman ringan mengandung.
  3. proses medis yang dilakukan oleh puluhan anak di rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo akibat gangguan ginjal. adalah?
  4. anak-anak dan remaja menjadi sasaran produk manis dalam.
  5. penyakit yang dapat dipicu oleh konsumsi gula yang berlebihan disebut.

10 Clues: fakta berfungsi untuk memperjelas.yang menjadidasar suatu pendapat adalah.fakta berfungsi sebagai ... suatu pendapat.minuman teh, kopi, jus dan minuman ringan mengandung.anak-anak dan remaja menjadi sasaran produk manis dalam.pernyataan sudut pandang atau argumen suatu penulis disebut....

CHAPTER 1 LESSON 4 CONT. 2015-01-22

CHAPTER 1 LESSON 4 CONT. crossword puzzle


Stress is a MESS! 2014-09-04

Stress is a MESS! crossword puzzle
  1. If you don't stay healthy then you can have a heart ______.
  2. People with heart burn experience _____ pain.
  3. Fat-like substance in all body cells; needed for essential body processes.
  4. This is known as "Bad Cholesterol".
  5. You can have a good _____ through exercise.
  1. You need to ________ and have a balanced diet to be healthy.
  2. What is a condition in which the body can't control its blood sugar?
  3. Stress can make you eat chocolate and ice cream which is high in ___.
  4. This is known as "Good Cholesterol".
  5. You need to maintain a _______ weight if you want to live longer.

10 Clues: This is known as "Bad Cholesterol".This is known as "Good Cholesterol".You can have a good _____ through exercise.People with heart burn experience _____ pain.If you don't stay healthy then you can have a heart ______.You need to ________ and have a balanced diet to be healthy.You need to maintain a _______ weight if you want to live longer....

Disablities 2014-08-26

Disablities crossword puzzle
  1. A hereditary disease caused when the body's blood sugar levels are unstable
  2. Blood disease, blood does not clot normally
  3. "cancer of the blood"
  4. Hereditary disease, causes persistent lung infections and failure to gain weight
  5. A chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways
  1. Results from damage to the brain, causes lack of fine motor skills
  2. caused by brain damage, disturbs electrical rhythms of the Central Nervous System
  3. Severed Limb resulting from an accident or disease
  4. a damaging immune response by the body to a substance, such as pollen
  5. Bones of spine don't grow together, nerves left exposed, paralysis

10 Clues: "cancer of the blood"Blood disease, blood does not clot normallyA chronic inflammatory disorder of the airwaysSevered Limb resulting from an accident or diseaseResults from damage to the brain, causes lack of fine motor skillsBones of spine don't grow together, nerves left exposed, paralysis...

Suikerziekte 2014-03-29

Suikerziekte crossword puzzle
  1. Gevolg van suikerziekte doordat er te veel suiker in de haarvaten zit.
  2. hormoon dat ervoor zorgt dat glucose wordt opgenomen in de cellen.
  3. Een droge mond, slaperigheid, veel plassen en grote dorst wijst op?
  4. Ander woord voor alvleesklier.
  5. Gevaar bij patiënten met suikerziekte omdat er minder gevoel is en de wondjes slecht genezen.
  6. Veelvuldig urineren is een symptoom van suikerziekte.
  7. De adem van een zorgvrager heeft een typische geur.
  1. hoeveelheid glucose die op een bepaald moment in je bloed aanwezig is.
  2. Ander woord voor suikerziekte.
  3. Hoofdpijn, duizeligheid, bleekheid, zweten, beven hongerig zijn en een plotse stemmingswisseling wijst op?

10 Clues: Ander woord voor alvleesklier.Ander woord voor suikerziekte.De adem van een zorgvrager heeft een typische geur.Veelvuldig urineren is een symptoom van suikerziekte.hormoon dat ervoor zorgt dat glucose wordt opgenomen in de cellen.Een droge mond, slaperigheid, veel plassen en grote dorst wijst op?...

Health goal#35 2014-05-13

Health goal#35 crossword puzzle
  1. Protein Found in wheat, rye, and barley.
  2. Intolerance/An abnormal response to food not caused by immune system.
  3. Deficency/ condition which lactase, an enzyme that breaks down the milk and sugar present in the cells of the small intestine is missing.
  4. Decreased bone density.
  5. Substances that protect and repair cells damages as result of normal metabolism.
  1. Severe reaction to an allergen that results in serious symptoms.
  2. Condition in which the pancreas produces.
  3. Disease/Intolerance to gluten due to unknown genetic defects.
  4. disease in which the body produces little or no insulin.
  5. Part of grains and plant foods that cannot be digested.

10 Clues: Decreased bone density.Protein Found in wheat, rye, and barley.Condition in which the pancreas produces.Part of grains and plant foods that cannot be digested.disease in which the body produces little or no insulin.Disease/Intolerance to gluten due to unknown genetic defects.Severe reaction to an allergen that results in serious symptoms....

Pre-test Crossword 2021-11-08

Pre-test Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A condition caused by too much salt in the body
  2. Bananas, apples, and mangoes fall into this food group
  3. You must drink eight glasses of this a day
  4. Fish, chicken, and beef are classified into this food group
  5. A condition where there is excess weight in the body
  1. Bread, pasta, and phuthu are classified into this food group
  2. Brocolli, spinach, and cauliflower are what type of food
  3. An activity that requires physical effort usually to maintain health and fitness
  4. A condition caused by too much sugar in the body
  5. Yoghurt, milk, and maas are considered to be ______ products

10 Clues: You must drink eight glasses of this a dayA condition caused by too much salt in the bodyA condition caused by too much sugar in the bodyA condition where there is excess weight in the bodyBananas, apples, and mangoes fall into this food groupBrocolli, spinach, and cauliflower are what type of food...

Pre-test Crossword 2021-11-08

Pre-test Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Yoghurt, milk and maas are considered to be ______ products
  2. Brocolli, spinach, and cauliflower are what type of food
  3. You must drink eight glasses of this a day
  4. A condition where there is excess weight in the body
  5. An activity that requires physical effort usually to maintain health and fitness
  6. Bread, pasta, and phuthu are classified into this food group
  1. A condition caused by too much salt in the body
  2. A condition caused by too much sugar in the body
  3. You should drink 8 glasses of this per day
  4. Bananas, apples, and mangoes fall into this food group
  5. Fish, chicken, and beef are classified into this food group

11 Clues: You should drink 8 glasses of this per dayYou must drink eight glasses of this a dayA condition caused by too much salt in the bodyA condition caused by too much sugar in the bodyA condition where there is excess weight in the bodyBananas, apples, and mangoes fall into this food groupBrocolli, spinach, and cauliflower are what type of food...

Childhood Obesity 2022-12-12

Childhood Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. without oxygen
  2. substances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism
  3. Involving or improving oxygen consumption by the body
  4. rapid spread or increase in the occurrence of something
  5. characterized by inadequate production or utilization of insulin and resulting in excessive amounts of glucose in the blood and urine
  6. A unit of energy-producing potential
  1. formed by the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oil
  2. very fat or overweight
  3. elevation of the blood pressure
  4. inorganic elements, as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, or sodium, that are essential to the functioning of the human body and are obtained from foods

10 Clues: without oxygenvery fat or overweightelevation of the blood pressureA unit of energy-producing potentialformed by the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oilInvolving or improving oxygen consumption by the bodyrapid spread or increase in the occurrence of somethingsubstances essential in small quantities to normal metabolism...


  1. Organisma Termodifikasi Genetik (GMO) ialah organisma yang _______ genetik untuk tujuan tertentu.
  2. Kebaikan Teknologi Kejuruteraan Genetik adalah dapat menghasilkan tanaman dan ternakan yang _________.
  3. _________ dihasilkan melalui bakteria untuk membantu orang yang menghidap diabetes melitus.
  4. Variasi tak selanjar tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor ___________.
  5. DNA _________ ialah teknologi yang menggabungkan dua spesies yang berbeza untuk menghasilkan satu ciri genetik baharu.
  1. __________ ialah perbezaan ciri antara individu daripada spesies yang sama.
  2. Teknologi ini menggabungkan gen daripada _________ spesies yang berbeza.
  3. Keburukan Teknologi Kejuruteraan Genetik adalah boleh menyebabkan kesan sampingan seperti _________ pada pengguna.
  4. Contoh variasi selanjar ialah ___________ dan jisim badan.
  5. Kejuruteraan ______ ialah istilah yang digunakan kepada pengubahsuaian genetik sesuatu organisma.

10 Clues: Contoh variasi selanjar ialah ___________ dan jisim badan.Variasi tak selanjar tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor ___________.Teknologi ini menggabungkan gen daripada _________ spesies yang berbeza.__________ ialah perbezaan ciri antara individu daripada spesies yang sama....

Prison Break 2023-10-26

Prison Break crossword puzzle
  1. - What's the name of the organization that framed Lincoln?
  2. - What's the first name of the guy who deliberately put themselves in prison?
  3. - In season 4,who does Michael find out is still alive?
  4. - Which lifelong friend helped ward off Lincoln's execution?
  1. - What was the prison name that Michael ended up in, in season 3?
  2. - What condition does Michael pretend to have to get into the infirmary?
  3. - Which network originally premiered Prison Break?
  4. - Which country did Lincoln live in, in season 3?
  5. - How many seasons are there currently?
  6. - How many prisoners escaped at the end of season 1?

10 Clues: - How many seasons are there currently?- Which country did Lincoln live in, in season 3?- Which network originally premiered Prison Break?- How many prisoners escaped at the end of season 1?- In season 4,who does Michael find out is still alive?- What's the name of the organization that framed Lincoln?...

Aktivitas Fisik 2023-11-16

Aktivitas Fisik crossword puzzle
  1. Aktivitas fisik adalah gerakan tubuh yang menyebabkan pengeluaran tenaga yang sangat penting bagi pemeliharaan fisik, ......, dan kualitas hidup yang sehat.
  2. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh adanya kelainan zat insulin yang diproduksi oleh tubuh...
  3. obesitas dapat dihindari dengan ... teratur
  4. Dampak tidak melakukan aktivitas fisik membuat tubuh menjadi kurang...
  1. Aktivitas fisik yang membutuhkan kekuatan dan energi yang banyak...
  2. Penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kondisi darah tidak mengalir dengan lancar...
  3. Aktivitas fisik yang membutuhkan tenaga intens atau terus-menerus...
  4. Saat melakukan aktivitas fisik harus diawali dengan...
  5. kelebihan berat badan disebut juga dengan...
  6. Aktivitas fisik yang membutuhkan sedikit tenaga atau energi...

10 Clues: obesitas dapat dihindari dengan ... teraturkelebihan berat badan disebut juga dengan...Saat melakukan aktivitas fisik harus diawali dengan...Aktivitas fisik yang membutuhkan sedikit tenaga atau energi...Aktivitas fisik yang membutuhkan kekuatan dan energi yang banyak...Aktivitas fisik yang membutuhkan tenaga intens atau terus-menerus......

First Aid in Law Enforcement 2024-02-05

First Aid in Law Enforcement crossword puzzle
  1. when the body doesn't get enough blood or oxygen to the brain
  2. the student ate a peanut butter sandwich & suddenly his face swelled up, what happened?
  3. when your blood sugar gets too low
  4. consuming too much of a dangerous drug can lead to this
  5. attack when blood is blocked from going to the heart
  1. this happens to a person when their bone gets out of place
  2. electric problem in the brain
  3. uncontrolled sugar levels in the body
  4. a sharp object goes through the skin
  5. stroke can happen to a person out in the sun for too long without drinking water

10 Clues: electric problem in the brainwhen your blood sugar gets too lowa sharp object goes through the skinuncontrolled sugar levels in the bodyattack when blood is blocked from going to the heartconsuming too much of a dangerous drug can lead to thisthis happens to a person when their bone gets out of place...

The Endocrine System 2024-07-02

The Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. Sometimes called the "master gland"
  2. Hormone produced by the pituitary gland that causes the uterus to contract during childbirth
  3. Produced by the alpha islet cells of the pancreas
  4. Hormone secreted by the testes that is responsible for male sexual development
  5. This hormone produced by the pituitary gland helps to retain water in the kidneys
  1. Type ______ diabetes results when the body is unable to respond normally to insulin
  2. The "fight-or-flight" hormone
  3. Many women with ______ ovary syndrome have high levels of a variant of testosterone called free testosterone
  4. Female gonads
  5. Parathyroid hormone regulates ______ and phosphate is the blood

10 Clues: Female gonadsThe "fight-or-flight" hormoneSometimes called the "master gland"Produced by the alpha islet cells of the pancreasParathyroid hormone regulates ______ and phosphate is the bloodHormone secreted by the testes that is responsible for male sexual developmentThis hormone produced by the pituitary gland helps to retain water in the kidneys...

August 9-12 2024-08-07

August 9-12 crossword puzzle
  1. Night Blindness is caused due to the lack of this vitamin
  2. This is the lightest element in the periodic table
  3. This non-metal remains liquid at room temperature
  4. Plants which grow in dry conditions are known as
  5. Non-stick cooking utensils are coated with this element
  1. Diabetes happens because of problems in this organ of the body
  2. This is the gas filled in electric bulbs
  3. This phenomenon causes the Earth's magnetic poles to reverse, causing compass needles to point south instead of north
  4. This pigment is responsible for the green colour of plants
  5. He discovered the nucleus of a cell

10 Clues: He discovered the nucleus of a cellThis is the gas filled in electric bulbsPlants which grow in dry conditions are known asThis non-metal remains liquid at room temperatureThis is the lightest element in the periodic tableNon-stick cooking utensils are coated with this elementNight Blindness is caused due to the lack of this vitamin...

Pediatric Concepts 2014-04-03

Pediatric Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. children walk up their own bodies using their hands
  2. cardiac anomaly that has 4 defects
  3. opening from pulmonary artery to aorta during fetal life to shunt blood away from the lungs
  4. abnormal and imparied social interaction and communication
  5. medication given to children who suffer from hypopituitarism
  1. renal illness that is often caused by escherichia coli
  2. what disorder should be suspected when crying children make no tears
  3. autosomal recessive disorder of exocrine glands marked by increased mucous production
  4. respiratory illness that affects infants delivered prior to 30 weeks
  5. diabetes that is caused by absence of insulin secretion

10 Clues: cardiac anomaly that has 4 defectschildren walk up their own bodies using their handsrenal illness that is often caused by escherichia colidiabetes that is caused by absence of insulin secretionabnormal and imparied social interaction and communicationmedication given to children who suffer from hypopituitarism...

Team F15-19 Kara Saba, Tawnya Vida 2015-10-02

Team F15-19 Kara Saba, Tawnya Vida crossword puzzle
  1. Cause of yeast infections in pregnant women
  2. hypertrophy of sebaceous glands on the areola
  3. supports luteal production of estrogen and progesterone before 12 weeks
  4. hyperpigmentation on abdomen found from pubis symphysis to fundus in pregnant women
  5. Numbness in the hands. Can be caused by stooped shoulder posture.
  6. Luteum Site of hormone production before 12 weeks
  1. Findings mucosa and cervix violet blue in color due to increased vascularity
  2. found in 20% of women normal unless found with S/S of diabetes
  3. cause of increased risk of DVT
  4. Cause of back pain and posture changes in pregnant women

10 Clues: cause of increased risk of DVTCause of yeast infections in pregnant womenhypertrophy of sebaceous glands on the areolaLuteum Site of hormone production before 12 weeksCause of back pain and posture changes in pregnant womenfound in 20% of women normal unless found with S/S of diabetesNumbness in the hands. Can be caused by stooped shoulder posture....

Pallative care in CF patients 2015-09-03

Pallative care in CF patients crossword puzzle
  1. The type of physio that we encourage CF patients to do.
  2. Medication that is given daily to CF patients to stop constipation.
  3. Specific medication Cystic Fibrosis patients take before each meal.
  4. A organ that is also affected by Cystic Fibrosis.
  5. What is the abbreviation used when referring to Cystic Fibrosis.
  6. A secondary disease the Cystic Fibrosis patients over time also get.
  1. A common symptom that Cystic Fibrosis patient present with.
  2. A type of infection control principle that we all must do.
  3. What type of disease is Cystic Fibrosis.
  4. What electrolyte gate is broken in Cystic Fibrosis.

10 Clues: What type of disease is Cystic Fibrosis.A organ that is also affected by Cystic Fibrosis.What electrolyte gate is broken in Cystic Fibrosis.The type of physio that we encourage CF patients to do.A type of infection control principle that we all must do.A common symptom that Cystic Fibrosis patient present with....

Deficiency diseases 2016-04-07

Deficiency diseases crossword puzzle
  1. means to lack something, in our case nutrients.
  2. occurs when your blood moves through your arteries at a higher pressure than normal.
  3. a condition when your body lacks healthy red blood cells.
  4. indication or sign of a disease.
  5. another name for sugar
  6. having too much body fat.
  1. is a type of fat in your blood.
  2. another name for high blood pressure
  3. a disorder or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms
  4. a disorder that affects the body's ability to process and use sugar for energy.

10 Clues: another name for sugarhaving too much body fat.is a type of fat in your blood.indication or sign of a disease.another name for high blood pressuremeans to lack something, in our case nutrients.a condition when your body lacks healthy red blood cells.a disorder that affects the body's ability to process and use sugar for energy....

apex 2022-09-14

apex crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu penerapan pola hidup sehat yang dilakukan minimal 7-9 jam dalam sehari
  2. gerakan untuk meregangkan otot yang dapat kita lakukan saat bekerja
  3. dapat timbul pada tubuh kita apabila kita tidak menjaga kesehatan diri
  4. harus dikonsumsi secara seimbang setiap harinya
  5. aktivitas fisik yang lebih cepat membakar kalori daripada berlari/jogging
  6. aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan untuk menjaga kesehatan dan meningkatkan kekuatan tubuh
  1. dapat timbul akibat konsumsi gula yang terlalu banyak
  2. salah satu yang berperan dalam pembentukan sel darah merah
  3. diminum minimal 300ml per berat badan dalam sehari
  4. asupan yang diperlukan oleh tubuh yang diperoleh dari konsumsi sayuran

10 Clues: harus dikonsumsi secara seimbang setiap harinyadiminum minimal 300ml per berat badan dalam seharidapat timbul akibat konsumsi gula yang terlalu banyaksalah satu yang berperan dalam pembentukan sel darah merahgerakan untuk meregangkan otot yang dapat kita lakukan saat bekerjadapat timbul pada tubuh kita apabila kita tidak menjaga kesehatan diri...

Treating Cardiovascular Disease 2017-04-02

Treating Cardiovascular Disease crossword puzzle
  1. Antiplatelets reduce risk of _______ attack by making platelets less sticky.
  2. If heart muscles do not ________ properly, blood can flow backwards.
  3. This hormone related condition greatly increases the risk of CVD.
  4. This form of treatment requires a new heart from a donor.
  5. Exercising regularly can strengthen heart _________.
  1. Nitrates widen _______ vessels by relaxing _______ vessel walls.
  2. These devices sense irregular heartbeats and provide electrical impulses to the heart.
  3. A ________ is a wire mesh tube used to widen partially blocked arteries.
  4. Stopping smoking reduces the risk of a heart _______.
  5. Statins cause the _________ to remove more cholesterol from the blood.

10 Clues: Exercising regularly can strengthen heart _________.Stopping smoking reduces the risk of a heart _______.This form of treatment requires a new heart from a donor.Nitrates widen _______ vessels by relaxing _______ vessel walls.This hormone related condition greatly increases the risk of CVD....

consecuencias de la obesidad infantil 2021-03-23

consecuencias de la obesidad infantil crossword puzzle
  1. lo hace debil por el peso
  2. lo que se acumula en el hígado y lo daña
  3. chatarra la comida que injiere el infante que causa su sobrepeso.
  4. lo afecta por tener el colesterol alto
  5. lo afecta para respirar
  1. causado por los niveles de la glucosa en la sangre son altos
  2. crea en el cicatrices y daños
  3. este no es el tipo de daño que tiene el hígado en los infantes con sobre peso.
  4. lo causa el problema en los pulmones
  5. se puede desarrollar en los infantes que dejan de respirar y comenzar Durante su sueño.

10 Clues: lo afecta para respirarlo hace debil por el pesocrea en el cicatrices y dañoslo causa el problema en los pulmoneslo afecta por tener el colesterol altolo que se acumula en el hígado y lo dañacausado por los niveles de la glucosa en la sangre son altoschatarra la comida que injiere el infante que causa su sobrepeso....

Enfermedad Renal 2021-07-23

Enfermedad Renal crossword puzzle
  1. Producto de deshecho que sirve para evaluar la función renal (TFG)
  2. Segunda causa mas común de ERC
  3. Signo de enfermedad renal; significa que tiene demasiada albúmina en la orina
  4. Filtros diminutos que tienen nuestros riñones que nos ayudan a eliminar desechos
  1. Disminución progresiva de la función renal que se desarrolla durante muchos años
  2. Disminución rápida de la función renal
  3. Análisis de sangre que verifica qué tan bien están funcionando sus riñones
  4. Afección en la que los riñones dejan de funcionar de manera adecuada
  5. Causa principal de enfermedad renal
  6. Estadios en los que comienzan los síntomas de la ERC

10 Clues: Segunda causa mas común de ERCCausa principal de enfermedad renalDisminución rápida de la función renalEstadios en los que comienzan los síntomas de la ERCProducto de deshecho que sirve para evaluar la función renal (TFG)Afección en la que los riñones dejan de funcionar de manera adecuada...

15 Ann 2022-11-21

15 Ann crossword puzzle
  1. a stupid girl who ate a poison apple
  2. a long, loose piece of clothing which is worn especially on very formal occasions
  3. a machine which we can surf the internet
  4. the natural world in which living things exist
  5. a person who works for the government
  1. a teacher who is afraid of Mickey mouse
  2. a person who is traveling to or visiting a place for fun or to learn about it
  3. a disease that keeps people’s blood sugar higher than normal
  4. some tasks or work that you do everyday
  5. to guess that something will happen at a future time

10 Clues: a stupid girl who ate a poison applea person who works for the governmenta teacher who is afraid of Mickey mousesome tasks or work that you do everydaya machine which we can surf the internetthe natural world in which living things existto guess that something will happen at a future timea disease that keeps people’s blood sugar higher than normal...

Infection of the bone 2017-02-02

Infection of the bone crossword puzzle
  1. A common sub-type of sub acute osteomyelitis
  2. This type of osteomyelitis accounts for 47% of cases
  3. haematogenous __________ is a cause of osteomyelitis accounting for 19% of cases
  4. The most common bacteria causing bone infection
  1. Although cellulitis can be diagnosed by a physical exam, it can be confirmed by __________
  2. The term for osteomyelitis caused by the blood stream
  3. Causes of cellulitis include grazes, cuts & ____________
  4. The term for osteomyelitis following an injury or after surgery
  5. Patients at risk of developing osteomyelitis have arthritis, sickle cell anaemia & ___________
  6. These can form if the infection is not treated properly

10 Clues: A common sub-type of sub acute osteomyelitisThe most common bacteria causing bone infectionThis type of osteomyelitis accounts for 47% of casesThe term for osteomyelitis caused by the blood streamThese can form if the infection is not treated properlyCauses of cellulitis include grazes, cuts & ____________...

Conquest 2023-06-22

Conquest crossword puzzle
  1. - to treat unresectable or metastatic melanoma
  2. - to treat confirmed Fabry's disease
  3. - to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 in adults at high risk for progression to severe COVID 19
  1. - to treat seizures in cyclin dependent kinase like 5 deficiency disorder
  2. - to decrease the need for red blood cell transfusion due to hemolysis in cold agglutinin disease
  3. - to treat insomnia
  4. - to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunct to diet and exercise
  5. - to treat ALS in adults who have a SOD1 gene mutation
  6. - to treat Friedrich's ataxia
  7. - to treat thyroid eye disease

10 Clues: - to treat insomnia- to treat Friedrich's ataxia- to treat thyroid eye disease- to treat confirmed Fabry's disease- to treat unresectable or metastatic melanoma- to treat ALS in adults who have a SOD1 gene mutation- to treat seizures in cyclin dependent kinase like 5 deficiency disorder...


TUGAS AKHIR BIOMEDIK 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Pada perkembangan embrio, lapisan yang membentuk bagian lensa mata?
  2. Hormon pada pria yang mengakibatkan munculnya bulu kemaluan dan suara me berat?
  3. Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?
  4. Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?
  5. Lapisan malpighi pada epidermis terdiri atas lapisan spinosum dan lapisan?
  1. Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?
  2. Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?
  3. Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?
  4. Nama Nervus yang berkaitan dengan gangguan fungsi pendengaran di getaran telinga media?
  5. Selain hormon insulin dan gonadotropin hormon apa yang menurun saat kondisi stress?

10 Clues: Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?...

Tugas Akhir Biomedik 4 2023-07-07

Tugas Akhir Biomedik 4 crossword puzzle
  1. Pada perkembangan embrio, lapisan yang membentuk bagian lensa mata?
  2. Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?
  3. Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?
  4. Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?
  5. Nama Nervus yang berkaitan dengan gangguan fungsi pendengaran di getaran telinga media?
  1. Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?
  2. Lapisan malpighi pada epidermis terdiri atas lapisan spinosum dan lapisan?
  3. Hormon pada pria yang mengakibatkan munculnya bulu kemaluan dan suara me berat?
  4. Selain hormon insulin dan gonadotropin hormon apa yang menurun saat kondisi stress?
  5. Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?

10 Clues: Depolarisasi sel rambut dirangsang oleh ion?Hormon yang menyebabkan implikasi medis diabetes melitus?Sel dimata yang memiliki ciri untuk penglihatan hitam putih?Nama Sinus yang hasil muara dari v. Fascialis dan V. Oftalmika?Lapisan tersusun dari sel-sel selindris, bentuknya seperti ovoid?...

Glucoregulation Crossword 2023-09-21

Glucoregulation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Large flat gland that is behind the stomach
  2. What is the smallest unit with life
  3. Chronic condition that has a high level of sugar in the blood stream
  4. A stored form of glucose which is made by lots of connected glucose molecules
  5. The amount of glucose in the blood
  1. What causes the ability in the body to maintain a stable internal environmentReflex-arc  What is the pathway that controls your reflex
  2. Largest solid organ in your body
  3. A living things
  4. What hormone lowers the level of glucose
  5. Main type of sugar in blood

10 Clues: A living thingsMain type of sugar in bloodLargest solid organ in your bodyThe amount of glucose in the bloodWhat is the smallest unit with lifeWhat hormone lowers the level of glucoseLarge flat gland that is behind the stomachChronic condition that has a high level of sugar in the blood stream...


  1. These have antioxidant effects.
  2. It is the main part of the grain.
  3. Comes from the seeds of grasses, usually eaten for breakfast.
  4. Is an odorless, tasteless, white substance occuring widely in plant tissues that obtained from cereals.
  5. This includes wheat, barley, oat, rye, corn, millet, and triticale.
  1. These are compounds found naturally in plants that are structurally similar to cholesterol.
  2. It is the smallest part of the grain.
  3. These can lower the risk of coronary heart disease.
  4. It reduces the glycemic index of food which helps people with diabetes.
  5. It is the outer layer of the grain.

10 Clues: These have antioxidant effects.It is the main part of the grain.It is the outer layer of the grain.It is the smallest part of the grain.These can lower the risk of coronary heart disease.Comes from the seeds of grasses, usually eaten for breakfast.This includes wheat, barley, oat, rye, corn, millet, and triticale....

smoking 2015-08-28

smoking crossword puzzle
  1. where do you put the cigarette after you smoke it.
  2. the quickest side effect from smoking is.
  3. what colour is the holder or mouth piece of a cigarette.
  4. how many death have happend in a year(Australia).
  5. how many chemicals are there in a cigarette.
  6. what is the best way to fight smoking is to use.
  7. what is the least common side effect from a cigarette.
  1. one of the things left after a cigarette is smoked.
  2. one of the chemicals found in a cigarette.
  3. how many of these chemicals cause cancer.
  4. what is the most used chemical in tobacco smoke.
  5. most common side effect from smoking.
  6. what makes the cigarette light for a long period of time
  7. what is the inside of a cigarette.
  8. the first name for a smoke is.

15 Clues: the first name for a smoke is.what is the inside of a cigarette.most common side effect from smoking.how many of these chemicals cause cancer.the quickest side effect from smoking is.one of the chemicals found in a cigarette.how many chemicals are there in a cigarette.what is the most used chemical in tobacco smoke....

TLM QUIZ 2020-06-09

TLM QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. /Radang hati
  2. /Tato alami
  3. /Tes diagnostik covid-19 dengan sampel atau swab yang kemudian dianalisa di lab menggunakan...
  4. /Penyebaran penyakit secara global
  5. /Penyakit yang menjangkit orang dalam jumlah besar yang terjadi di suatu wilayah atau populasi tertentu...
  6. /Gejala yg ditimbulkan oleh penyakit rindu..
  7. /Saat perang dunia kedua tepatnya di tahun 1926, Indonesia pernah terserang wabah penyakit.....
  1. /Salah satu cara untuk mencegah penularan Covid -19
  2. /Proses pembekuan darah disebut
  3. /Salah satu tenaga medis yang berprofesi di laboratorium medik yg melakukan pengujian terhadap bahan pemeriksaan yang berasal dari manusia atau pun bukan dari manusia sehingga bisa menentukan jenis penyakit, penyebab penyakit, membantu memantau proses penyembuhan penyakit seseorang....
  4. /Kadar glukosa darah di atas normal disebut...
  5. /Manisnya kelewatan itu..
  6. /Cairan putih kekuning yang merupakan bentuk perlawanan tubuh terhadap infeksi..
  7. /Terkena bibit penyakit
  8. /Badan pbb yg mengurus tentang kesehatan...

15 Clues: /Tato alami/Radang hati/Terkena bibit penyakit/Manisnya kelewatan itu../Proses pembekuan darah disebut/Penyebaran penyakit secara global/Badan pbb yg mengurus tentang kesehatan.../Gejala yg ditimbulkan oleh penyakit rindu../Kadar glukosa darah di atas normal disebut.../Salah satu cara untuk mencegah penularan Covid -19...

Seatwork Endocrine System 2017-12-04

Seatwork Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. Produces the hormones thyroxine
  2. Too much thyroid hormone
  3. The body regulates blood sugar levels by releasing this hormone
  4. Caused by issues with insulin and the pancreas
  5. Men produce this hormone in their testes
  6. Hormones travel in this to reach tissues and organs
  1. To prepare us for the “flight” and “fight” response
  2. Constant adjustment of hormone levels so that the body can function normally
  3. Endocrine system works very closely with this
  4. A gland produces too much or too little of a hormone
  5. These are natural chemicals and are your body's chemical messengers
  6. This gland secretes several important hormones which stimulate other endocrine glands
  7. Master switchboard because it’s the part of the brain that controls the endocrine system
  8. Women produce this hormone in their ovaries
  9. Responsible for regulating blood sugar levels

15 Clues: Too much thyroid hormoneProduces the hormones thyroxineMen produce this hormone in their testesWomen produce this hormone in their ovariesEndocrine system works very closely with thisResponsible for regulating blood sugar levelsCaused by issues with insulin and the pancreasTo prepare us for the “flight” and “fight” response...

Health 2021-08-05

Health crossword puzzle
  1. excess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma
  2. high blood pressure
  3. a genetic abnormality resulting in high stature due to oversecretion of growth hormone(GH)
  4. living or active in the absence of free oxygen
  5. fear of height
  6. respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung
  7. a biochemical reaction which progress in body
  8. sclerosis of the arterial wall
  1. an uncommon disorder that causes an imbalance of fluid in body due to undersecretion of anti-diuretic hormone(ADH)
  2. metabolic equilibrium actively or balancing of internal environment in body
  3. depending on free oxygen or air
  4. high blood sugar level
  5. a sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function
  6. a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by impaired muscular coordination
  7. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature due to undersecretion of growth hormone(GH)

15 Clues: fear of heighthigh blood pressurehigh blood sugar levelsclerosis of the arterial walldepending on free oxygen or aira biochemical reaction which progress in bodyliving or active in the absence of free oxygena sudden severe instance of abnormal heart functionexcess of leucocytes or white blood cell in blood plasma...

1-1800-Day5-1 2023-01-13

1-1800-Day5-1 crossword puzzle
  1. an ear _____(귀 감염증)
  2. You should take enough water to keep yourself from getting.(열사병에 걸리지 않으려면 물을 충분히 마셔야 한다)
  3. a stomach/lung/heart/liver _____(위/폐/심장/간 장애)
  4. Common symptoms of _____ are weight loss and fatigue.(당뇨병의 흔한 증상은 체중 감소와 피로다)
  5. Treat minor _____s yourself.(작은 병은 스스로 치료해라)
  6. ______to infection(감염에 대한 면역)
  7. Down's/sick building ______(다운/빌딩 질환 증후군)
  8. I have a touch of _______ in the knee.(난 무릎에 관절염 기미가 있다)
  9. Drugs can cause _____.(약물은 기형의 원인이 될 수 있다)
  1. physical/mental _____ies(신체적/정신적 장애)
  2. a flu _____(독감 유행)
  3. the ______ of AIDS(에이즈 전염병)
  4. Her flu developed into ______.(그녀의 독감이 폐렴으로 발전했다.)
  5. Many of the _____s pass from our hands into our mouths.(많은 병균이 손에서 입으로 옮겨간다)
  6. ______ is a common disease in children.(홍역은 아이들에게 흔한 병이다)

15 Clues: a flu _____(독감 유행)an ear _____(귀 감염증)the ______ of AIDS(에이즈 전염병)______to infection(감염에 대한 면역)physical/mental _____ies(신체적/정신적 장애)Down's/sick building ______(다운/빌딩 질환 증후군)Drugs can cause _____.(약물은 기형의 원인이 될 수 있다)Treat minor _____s yourself.(작은 병은 스스로 치료해라)a stomach/lung/heart/liver _____(위/폐/심장/간 장애)...

bioteknologi 2024-06-23

bioteknologi crossword puzzle
  1. Teknologi pengeditan gen yang memungkinkan perubahan DNA dengan presisi tinggi.
  2. Proses penguraian bahan organik oleh mikroorganisme seperti ragi dan bakteri.
  3. Total massa organisme hidup dalam suatu area atau volume tertentu.
  4. Molekul yang menyimpan informasi genetik organisme.
  5. Protein yang diproduksi oleh sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan antigen.
  6. Proses membuat salinan identik dari organisme atau sel.
  7. Protein yang mempercepat reaksi kimia dalam organisme hidup.
  8. Unit dasar pewarisan yang menentukan sifat-sifat makhluk hidup.
  1. Wadah yang digunakan untuk mengkultur mikroorganisme atau sel dalam jumlah besar.
  2. Agen infeksi mikroskopis yang hanya dapat berkembang biak dalam sel inang hidup.
  3. Mikroorganisme yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan usus manusia.
  4. Hormon yang diproduksi untuk pengobatan diabetes.
  5. Molekul DNA kecil yang terpisah dari kromosom utama dalam bakteri.
  6. Produk yang merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan penyakit.
  7. Mikroorganisme bersel satu yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit atau memberikan manfaat.

15 Clues: Hormon yang diproduksi untuk pengobatan diabetes.Molekul yang menyimpan informasi genetik organisme.Proses membuat salinan identik dari organisme atau sel.Mikroorganisme yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan usus manusia.Protein yang mempercepat reaksi kimia dalam organisme hidup.Unit dasar pewarisan yang menentukan sifat-sifat makhluk hidup....

Health Crossword 2014-01-03

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A blank a day keeps the doctor away.
  2. D Can be received from the sun.
  3. The most efficient way to loose weight.
  4. A good exercise for those who are pregnant.
  5. Mass Index a measure of a humans body shape based on an individuals mass and highet
  6. The fruit with a high level of potassium.
  7. Can be found in tea and coffee.
  8. A legume filled with iron.
  9. This disease can be the result of a dog bite.
  10. Natures Candy
  1. A test done on women of 35 years of age.
  2. All food has a specific number of calories
  3. Syndrome A disease formally known as Mongel.
  4. An abnormal accumulation of body fat.
  5. This disease is a result of a bite from an infected mosquito.
  6. A disease that is a result of obesity.
  7. The customary amount of food and drink consumed by a person daily.
  8. A legume that improves your eye sight.
  9. This substance is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid.

19 Clues: Natures CandyA legume filled with iron.D Can be received from the sun.Can be found in tea and coffee.A blank a day keeps the doctor away.An abnormal accumulation of body fat.A disease that is a result of obesity.A legume that improves your eye sight.The most efficient way to loose weight.A test done on women of 35 years of age....

Health Crossword 2014-01-14

Health Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is a disease is a result of a bite from an infected mosquito
  2. A blank a day keeps the doctor away
  3. The customary amount of food and drink consumed by a person daily
  4. A measure of a humans body shape based on an individuals mass and height
  5. Natures candy
  6. Can be found in tea and coffee
  7. An abnormal accumulation of fat
  8. All food has a number of this word
  9. A disease that is a result of obesity
  1. A fruit with a high level of potassium
  2. A disease can be the result of a dog bite
  3. Can be received from the sun
  4. A substance that is a clear, colorless, and odorless liquid
  5. A test done on a women of 35 years of age
  6. The most efficient way to lose weight
  7. A disease formally known as Mongel
  8. A good exercise for those who are pregnant
  9. A legume filled with iron.
  10. A legume that improves your eyesight

19 Clues: Natures candyA legume filled with iron.Can be received from the sunCan be found in tea and coffeeAn abnormal accumulation of fatA disease formally known as MongelAll food has a number of this wordA blank a day keeps the doctor awayA legume that improves your eyesightThe most efficient way to lose weightA disease that is a result of obesity...

Unit 3 Review 2021-09-01

Unit 3 Review crossword puzzle
  1. _______ diseases were the leading cause of death in the 1900's
  2. A disability is an example of a ______ stressor.
  3. Smoking would be an example of a _________ factor.
  4. How you deal with stress is?
  5. A disease caused by uncontrolled cell growth.
  6. Teens need 9-10 hours of this a night.
  7. Type I and Type II....
  8. Positive stress is known as:
  9. The hormone released during "fight or "flight."
  10. _______ diseases are the leading cause of death today
  11. The first line of defense against pathogens.
  1. When blood and oxygen are cut off to the brain you are having a ________?
  2. Heredity would be an example of an _______ factor.
  3. Homework is an example of a _______ stressor.
  4. Moving or a divorce would be an example of a _______ stressor.
  5. Negative stress is known as:
  6. When blood and oxygen are cut off to the heart you are having a ________?
  7. The ability to overcome things is known as:
  8. _______ can be killed by antibiotics.

19 Clues: Type I and Type II....How you deal with stress is?Negative stress is known as:Positive stress is known as:_______ can be killed by antibiotics.Teens need 9-10 hours of this a night.The ability to overcome things is known as:The first line of defense against pathogens.Homework is an example of a _______ stressor....

metabolisme 2023-01-27

metabolisme crossword puzzle
  1. Glukosa yang disimpan dijaringan lemak
  2. Pencegahan pada penyakit MSU dapat dilakukan dengan cara pemberian diet
  3. penyakitKadar asam urat diatas batas normal
  4. Makan makanan tinggi lemak jenuh dan trans dapat meningkatkan kadar kolestrol
  5. Sebelum menjadi asam urat purin diubah menjadi
  6. putih Phenylketonuria sering terjadi pada orng? (Kulit putih)
  7. Maple Syrup Urine (MSU) Disease dapat menyebab kangangguan
  8. Pengendapan kristal urat terjadi diberbagai organ salah satunya sendi dan
  9. Bagian penting dalam nukleat
  10. Melitus kegagalan dalam pengaturan gula darah
  1. glomerulus Asam urat langsung diekresikan melalui
  2. Enzim yg tidak dimiliki oleh manusia
  3. Phenylketonuria dapat diketahui dari kadar fenilalanin
  4. oksidase Purin berasal dari metabolisme makanan dan asam nuklet endogen dan didegradasi menjadi asam urat dengan enzim
  5. suatu kelainan yang terjadi pada metabolisme lipoproten
  6. Fungsi serat yg mengatur peristaltik usus asam asam urat Metabolisme jalur umum yg menggunakan oksidasi sontin
  7. protein Secara normal Phenylketonuria digunakan untuk
  8. suatu kondisi pada seseorang yang disebabkan oleh kelainan genetik dan ditandai retardasi mental
  9. hormon yang mengatur glukosa darah

19 Clues: Bagian penting dalam nukleathormon yang mengatur glukosa darahEnzim yg tidak dimiliki oleh manusiaGlukosa yang disimpan dijaringan lemakpenyakitKadar asam urat diatas batas normalSebelum menjadi asam urat purin diubah menjadiMelitus kegagalan dalam pengaturan gula darahglomerulus Asam urat langsung diekresikan melalui...

A Pulli Friendsgiving (year in review) 2023-11-22

A Pulli Friendsgiving (year in review) crossword puzzle
  1. this group dog was the most drugged up (rip<3)
  2. gwen's new hairdo
  3. name of the borderline creepy trivia host at the PVP
  4. "aren't we all _____ survivors?" - sammi
  5. sophie and her friends have a monthly party for this occasion
  6. mockanalysis________ (finish the line)
  7. anna's animal has this chronic disease
  8. sophie's uncle's childhood friend
  1. fruit with the most protein
  2. insta handle of margo's silly blonde roommate
  3. Northwestern theater kid who is the subject of both anna and margo's affection
  4. izzy is apparently NOT sexually attracted to this gender
  5. gwen's most iconic abroad roomie
  6. nickname for one of Sammi's friends that is a synonym for second base
  7. mitch klein hung out with this LM trekkie on a business trip in Alabama (name + first initial of last name)
  8. pittsburgh's sickest dj who originated in penn wynne
  9. location of barry and eileen's most recent trip
  10. izzy's diabetic pet
  11. sammy's gf lives with this pinemere legend

19 Clues: gwen's new hairdoizzy's diabetic petfruit with the most proteingwen's most iconic abroad roomiesophie's uncle's childhood friendmockanalysis________ (finish the line)anna's animal has this chronic disease"aren't we all _____ survivors?" - sammisammy's gf lives with this pinemere legendinsta handle of margo's silly blonde roommate...

Teks Persuasi 2024-05-07

Teks Persuasi crossword puzzle
  1. kata ajakan
  2. Teks persuasi mengandung data dan...
  3. Kalimat untuk menegaskan kembali pernyataan-pernyataan sebelumnya
  4. Penegasan ulang berada di bagian
  5. Bagian yang berisi gambaran awal tentang isu ataumenerima penawaran tersebutpermasalahan yang akan diperbincangkan
  6. Salah satu dari kalimat perintah
  7. Kata yang berhubungan dengan bidang tertentu (misalnya teks persuasi yang membahas kesehatan, contoh kata teknisnya diabetes, kanker, dan sebagainya)
  8. Nama lain dari kata kerja imperatif
  9. kata penghubung argumentasi
  1. Salah satu contoh sebab-akibat
  2. Contoh kata kerja mental
  3. berdasarkan data, merupakan salah satu contoh kata dari kaidah kebahasaan teks persuasi yaitu?
  4. Teks yang berisi ajakan terhadap seseorang untuksaran yang disampaikan penulis kepada pembacamelakukan sesuatu dengan alasan yangmeyakinkan
  5. merupakan kata dari salah satu ciri penegasan ulang
  6. Berisikan dorongan kepada pembaca agar mau melakukan apa yang diinginkan penulis merupakan pernyataan
  7. Sebelum menulis teks persuasi sebaiknya kitamenentukan ... terlebih dahulu
  8. Bagian yang berisi pendapat-pendapat penulisyang dirangkai sedemikian rupa agar bisa diterimaoleh pembaca
  9. Kata ajakan teks persuasi tersirat dan
  10. Berisikan data dan fakta untuk meyakinkan pembaca
  11. Nama lain dari kata teknis

20 Clues: kata ajakanContoh kata kerja mentalNama lain dari kata tekniskata penghubung argumentasiSalah satu contoh sebab-akibatPenegasan ulang berada di bagianSalah satu dari kalimat perintahNama lain dari kata kerja imperatifTeks persuasi mengandung data dan...Kata ajakan teks persuasi tersirat danBerisikan data dan fakta untuk meyakinkan pembaca...

TLM QUIZ 2020-06-09

TLM QUIZ crossword puzzle
  1. / Radang hati
  2. / Tato alami
  3. / Tes diagnostik covid-19 dengan sampel atau swab yang kemudian dianalisa di lab menggunakan...
  4. / enyebaran penyakit secara global
  5. / Penyakit yang menjangkit orang dalam jumlah besar yang terjadi di suatu wilayah atau populasi tertentu...
  6. / Gejala yg ditimbulkan oleh penyakit rindu..
  7. / Saat perang dunia kedua tepatnya di tahun 1926, Indonesia pernah terserang wabah penyakit.....
  1. / Salah satu cara untuk mencegah penularan Covid -19
  2. / Proses pembekuan darah disebut
  3. / Salah satu tenaga medis yang berprofesi di laboratorium medik yg melakukan pengujian terhadap bahan pemeriksaan yang berasal dari manusia atau pun bukan dari manusia sehingga bisa menentukan jenis penyakit, penyebab penyakit, membantu memantau proses penyembuhan penyakit seseorang....
  4. / Kadar glukosa darah di atas normal disebut...
  5. / Manisnya kelewatan itu..
  6. / Cairan putih kekuning yang merupakan bentuk perlawanan tubuh terhadap infeksi..
  7. / Terkena bibit penyakit
  8. / Badan pbb yg mengurus tentang kesehatan...

15 Clues: / Tato alami/ Radang hati/ Terkena bibit penyakit/ Manisnya kelewatan itu../ Proses pembekuan darah disebut/ enyebaran penyakit secara global/ Badan pbb yg mengurus tentang kesehatan.../ Gejala yg ditimbulkan oleh penyakit rindu../ Kadar glukosa darah di atas normal disebut.../ Salah satu cara untuk mencegah penularan Covid -19...

New vocab crossword 2019-01-08

New vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. use for chemicals that have high temperatures along with high pressure
  2. help them breathe again
  3. to have a seizure
  4. it smells really bad, and there a lot of trash
  5. rain comes from cloud and it would burn if it touches you
  6. they help people they know how to help for medical reasons
  7. they treat children and adults with disorders
  8. effect would cause gobal warming
  9. thrust to get rid of the obstruction that blocks the airway for you to
  1. when your body is not able to turn food into energy
  2. layer block the Sun’s rays
  3. resuscitation (CPR) doing this will most likey help the person
  4. farmers use it because of pest
  5. only(CPR) where you press on the person chest and give them mouth-to-mouth
  6. if they have something stuck in their lungs

15 Clues: to have a seizurehelp them breathe againlayer block the Sun’s raysfarmers use it because of pesteffect would cause gobal warmingif they have something stuck in their lungsthey treat children and adults with disordersit smells really bad, and there a lot of trashwhen your body is not able to turn food into energy...

Control of blood glucose 2023-02-09

Control of blood glucose crossword puzzle
  1. What ATP is converted into in the second messenger model
  2. What do the hormones involved in controlling blood glucose bind to
  3. As well as amino acids can be used to form glucose
  4. The second enzyme that is activated in the second messenger model
  5. This hormone also acts using the second messenger model
  6. The breakdown of glycogen
  7. Adrenaline allows for an increased rate of
  1. Formation of glucose from amino acids
  2. What does insulin cause an increased number of
  3. The hormone responsible for increasing blood glucose concentration
  4. Formation of glycogen from glucose
  5. The first enzyme that is activated in the second messenger model
  6. An increase in this is often a symptom of diabetes
  7. The hormone responsible for lowering blood glucose concentration
  8. What the hormones involved in controlling blood glucose are made of

15 Clues: The breakdown of glycogenFormation of glycogen from glucoseFormation of glucose from amino acidsAdrenaline allows for an increased rate ofWhat does insulin cause an increased number ofAs well as amino acids can be used to form glucoseAn increase in this is often a symptom of diabetesThis hormone also acts using the second messenger model...

Doll House 2023-02-21

Doll House crossword puzzle
  1. lack of opinions, general helplessness expected of women
  2. symbolized sexuality for women, especially if it was thick
  3. used to treat nausea
  4. what the play shows, as opposed to that of a male dominated society
  5. realizing the difference of right and wrong, being close to God
  6. represents family, unity, and happiness
  1. made all homosexual acts of "gross indecency" illegal
  2. used to treat chicken pox, and believed to purge the body of disease
  3. used to treat asthma
  4. the time when the Doll House takes place
  5. used to treat anemia, causes cancer, diabetes, and cognitive impairment
  6. used to treat hiccups, causes damage to the nervous system, liver, and lungs
  7. given severe punishment under the Labouchere amendment
  8. Woman were expected to fill a role of childbearing and serving their husbands
  9. Something women were expected to know as a housewife

15 Clues: used to treat asthmaused to treat nausearepresents family, unity, and happinessthe time when the Doll House takes placeSomething women were expected to know as a housewifemade all homosexual acts of "gross indecency" illegalgiven severe punishment under the Labouchere amendmentlack of opinions, general helplessness expected of women...

Obesity 2013-05-19

Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. Health / the science and art of preventing a disease.
  2. / The condition in which the pancreas does not secret insulin
  3. / Being underfed; without nutrients.
  4. / The process of maintaining healthy body weight and food intake.
  5. Disorder / an eating problem that in unhealthy.
  6. / To take an approximate count of a population.
  7. Health / A persons wellness mentally.
  1. Health / How a person takes care of them self including hi gene, and physical attributes.
  2. / The bodies transformation of food we eat to sugars.
  3. / The surrounding factors in which one lives.
  4. / Body mass index
  5. / The bodies natural balance of calorie intake.
  6. / a medical condition that in which the body has an excess of body fat.
  7. / A persons wellness or social being.
  8. Food / Any food that is fast, easy; and more then likely sugary and or greasy

15 Clues: / Body mass index/ Being underfed; without nutrients./ A persons wellness or social being.Health / A persons wellness mentally./ The surrounding factors in which one lives./ The bodies natural balance of calorie intake.Disorder / an eating problem that in unhealthy./ To take an approximate count of a population....

Vocabulario de la salud 2013-12-09

Vocabulario de la salud crossword puzzle
  1. si tienes mucho de esto, estás enfermo/a
  2. la sensación de sufrimiento o angustia
  3. cuando te mareas y te caes
  4. cuando algo es cómico, hay mucho de esto
  5. la condición cuando tu cuerpo pesa más que lo normal
  6. cuando tienes la enfermedad del corazón, es probable que esto te pase
  7. una enfermedad grave que puede incluir fiebre alta, vómitos, dolor de garganta, y escalofríos
  1. un sinónimo de sufrir
  2. haces esto con la boca si tenes un resfriado
  3. el opuesto de vomitar
  4. la condición cuando tu cuerpo no puede producir insulina
  5. cuando tu cabeza te duele mucho y tienes que evitar la luz
  6. un líquido que es embriagante; puede ser vino, cerveza, licores y otras bebidas
  7. la acción de eliminar el dolor o sufrimiento
  8. el órgano en donde tú piensas

15 Clues: un sinónimo de sufrirel opuesto de vomitarcuando te mareas y te caesel órgano en donde tú piensasla sensación de sufrimiento o angustiasi tienes mucho de esto, estás enfermo/acuando algo es cómico, hay mucho de estohaces esto con la boca si tenes un resfriadola acción de eliminar el dolor o sufrimiento...

Nutrition and obesity 2013-10-10

Nutrition and obesity crossword puzzle
  1. bodymassindex
  2. obesity among young children has become
  3. busy life styles lead to this unhealthy eating
  4. give you child this to keep them active and felt needed in the household
  5. obese
  6. insulin is needed for this (type) of obese disease
  7. 30 states are at or above this percent of obesity
  8. study found children that get less than this amount of sleep a night, they are more likely to become over weight by 6th grade
  1. name of little girl from the scenario
  2. fruits,vegetables,grains,dairy
  3. contact this person if there are any concerns in your children's health or development
  4. replace this with a glass of water or milk
  5. number of identified genes leading to obesity
  6. a social (blank) is given to people who are considered obese
  7. amount of months mothers were encouraged to breast feed their infants

15 Clues: obesebodymassindexfruits,vegetables,grains,dairyname of little girl from the scenarioobesity among young children has becomereplace this with a glass of water or milknumber of identified genes leading to obesitybusy life styles lead to this unhealthy eating30 states are at or above this percent of obesity...