letters Crossword Puzzles

Gothic Vocabulary 2024-05-14

Gothic Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Captivating or engrossing, holding the audience's attention (7 letters)
  2. A suspenseful story or work of fiction that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats (8 letters)
  3. Something that is unknown or unexplained, often causing fear or intrigue (7 letters)
  4. Elements or themes commonly found in gothic literature or art (10 letters)
  5. Full of pain, sorrow, or distress (9 letters)
  6. Beyond what is natural or explainable by science, often involving spirits or ghosts (12 letters)
  7. Belief in supernatural forces or events beyond scientific understanding (13 letters)
  8. Despicable or morally repulsive (4 letters)
  9. Tormented or deeply troubled by inner struggles or external forces (9 letters)
  1. used for emphasis or to create a sense of irony (7 letters)
  2. Distorted, exaggerated, or unnatural in a way that is disturbing or unsettling (8 letters)
  3. Causing a feeling of unease or fear (8 letters)
  4. Relating to “goth” and dark genres
  5. The main character or leading figure in a story or narrative (11 letters)
  6. A female character who is brave, strong, and often the central focus of the story (7 letters)
  7. An overwhelming sense of awe or fear invoked by something grand or powerful (7 letters)
  8. Suggesting evil or harm, having a menacing or threatening quality (8 letters)
  9. A figure of speech in which one word is substituted for another closely related word (8 letters)

18 Clues: Relating to “goth” and dark genresDespicable or morally repulsive (4 letters)Full of pain, sorrow, or distress (9 letters)Causing a feeling of unease or fear (8 letters)used for emphasis or to create a sense of irony (7 letters)Captivating or engrossing, holding the audience's attention (7 letters)...

hghghghg 2023-06-01

hghghghg crossword puzzle
  1. Snake-like creature (7 letters)
  2. Frightening creature (7 letters)
  3. Legendary or imaginary (8 letters)
  4. Turn into stone (7 letters)
  5. Famous in folklore (6 letters)
  6. Traditional story (6 letters)
  7. Fixed look (4 letters)
  8. Living being (8 letters)
  1. Imaginary or unreal (7 letters)
  2. Lethal (6 letters)
  3. Poisonous (8 letters)
  4. Mythological creature with snakes for hair (6 letters)
  5. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  6. Scaly reptile (6 letters)
  7. Cold-blooded creature (7 letters)

15 Clues: Lethal (6 letters)Poisonous (8 letters)Fixed look (4 letters)Living being (8 letters)Scaly reptile (6 letters)Turn into stone (7 letters)Traditional story (6 letters)Famous in folklore (6 letters)Imaginary or unreal (7 letters)Snake-like creature (7 letters)Frightening creature (7 letters)Cold-blooded creature (7 letters)...

Famous Events of the 90s 2023-11-09

Famous Events of the 90s crossword puzzle
  1. Balkan conflict, six letters
  2. Iconic peace agreement, six letters
  3. Technological revolution, eight letters
  4. Peaceful protests, three letters
  5. The end of an era, four letters
  6. Global communication breakthrough, three letters.
  7. Olympic bombing city, seven letters
  8. Global financial crisis, four letters
  9. Space shuttle tragedy, seven letters
  1. Cultural phenomenon, seven letters
  2. Political scandal, nine letters
  3. Environmental treaty, three letters
  4. Anti-apartheid leader, five letters
  5. Nuclear disarmament, six letters
  6. South African freedom symbol, five letters

15 Clues: Balkan conflict, six lettersPolitical scandal, nine lettersThe end of an era, four lettersPeaceful protests, three lettersNuclear disarmament, six lettersCultural phenomenon, seven lettersEnvironmental treaty, three lettersIconic peace agreement, six lettersAnti-apartheid leader, five lettersOlympic bombing city, seven letters...

m.7 w.3 2024-04-01

m.7 w.3 crossword puzzle
  1. Part of a jacket that covers your head (4 letters)
  2. Part of your body that helps you walk (4 letters)
  3. Hard material for building
  4. A thief (5 letters)
  5. A crunchy snack(7 letters)
  6. Things you read that have pages (5 letters)
  7. Past tense of "take" (4 letters)
  8. Someone who makes food (4 letters)
  1. Past tense of "shake" (5 letters)
  2. The hard part of a horse's foot (4 letters)
  3. Someone who is very skilled at something (6 letters)
  4. A small corner in a room (4 letters)
  5. When someone gives something to you (5 letters)
  6. What you drink to stay hydrated (5 letters)
  7. A book with recipes for cooking (8 letters)
  8. Past tense of "stand" (5 letters)

16 Clues: A thief (5 letters)Hard material for buildingA crunchy snack(7 letters)Past tense of "take" (4 letters)Past tense of "shake" (5 letters)Past tense of "stand" (5 letters)Someone who makes food (4 letters)A small corner in a room (4 letters)The hard part of a horse's foot (4 letters)What you drink to stay hydrated (5 letters)...

La Ville 2023-09-11

La Ville crossword puzzle
  1. Where you buy pork meat and pork products
  2. A place to see and learn about art and history. (7 letters)
  3. Where you can buy fresh bread. (14 letters)
  4. A place to buy medicine and health products. (10 letters)
  5. A place to send and receive letters and packages. (7 letters)
  6. A place to worship and pray. (7 letters) -
  7. A place to meet friends and have a cup of coffee
  8. A place to buy cheese
  9. A place where you can see different fish and seafood. (11 letters) -
  1. place to buy delicious pastries and cakes. (13 letters)
  2. A place to swim and have fun in the water. (9 letters) -
  3. A place to borrow and read books. (13 letters) -
  4. A place to do your banking and manage your money. (7 letters)
  5. A place to buy books and enjoy reading. (11 letters) -
  6. A place to see a doctor and get medicine. (8 letters) -
  7. A place to watch sports or play them. (7 letters)
  8. A place to buy fresh meat. (12 letters) -

17 Clues: A place to buy cheeseWhere you buy pork meat and pork productsA place to buy fresh meat. (12 letters) -A place to worship and pray. (7 letters) -Where you can buy fresh bread. (14 letters)A place to borrow and read books. (13 letters) -A place to meet friends and have a cup of coffeeA place to watch sports or play them. (7 letters)...

OCAT 2 Lessons 1-3 (Mostly Histamine, NTs) 2023-11-17

OCAT 2 Lessons 1-3 (Mostly Histamine, NTs) crossword puzzle
  1. The common abbreviation for the team that drafted Tom Brady, or what a person in Texas may call noradrenaline (2 letters, abbv.)
  2. Lacking acceptance of different perspectives, or getting sick from red wine (11 letters)
  3. Bed, sleep, tired - I probably just made you yawn :) watch out for that condition also happening if Gi is the next step past the receptor (10 Letters)
  4. Loosen the sails and watch out for the swinging mast during this PRIME stage of histamine release (7 Letters)
  5. casual conversation, or useful when synthesizing the product of pyruvate oxidation with choline (4 Letters)
  6. Epinephrine in the pre-natal form, even before conception (13 Letters)
  7. Kazakhstan's number 1 export according to Sacha Baron Cohen, otherwise known as the thing that leaks out of the neuron first during an AP (9 Letters)
  8. Penultimate stop along the catecholamine pathway; according someone like King Charles, at least (13 Letters)
  9. 5 down gave it the love it deserved, would make a strong binary acid (8 Letters)
  10. You knew it would be here, let's see how you'd do in a spelling bee (DONT CHEAT) (32 Letters)
  1. Pack an Zyn in your upper lip to stimulate these receptors that come in 2 types; both of which deal with ion channels as their secondary messengers (9 letters)
  2. The neuronal Flex Seal; impulse go ZOOM (6 Letters)
  3. PSYCH 1X03 students might be familiar with COO(H)ing, but it is this abbreviated enzyme that can remove it from the im(mature/idazole)structure (3 Letters)
  4. Like a worm covering news in the bird world - alternatively when a one lane road hits a fork that leads to many pathways (6 Letters)
  5. Toxic king H1 to H4; although we're not talking chess, so this symptomatic clue might be a head scratcher (7 Letters)
  6. Add a 1 to the A in AΦA (common frat), this enzyme is commonly linked to that adrenoreceptor (13 Letters)
  7. Big permeability guy, also shows love to sodiums counterpart in table salt (7 Letters)
  8. used in aversion therapy or to terminate the receptors of a toxic imidazole... whichever works (15 Letters)
  9. I got chased by a coyote once (true fact!), this bodily system took charge (11 letters)
  10. drum type preceded by a v or a t (5 letters)

20 Clues: drum type preceded by a v or a t (5 letters)The neuronal Flex Seal; impulse go ZOOM (6 Letters)Epinephrine in the pre-natal form, even before conception (13 Letters)5 down gave it the love it deserved, would make a strong binary acid (8 Letters)Big permeability guy, also shows love to sodiums counterpart in table salt (7 Letters)...

Alterations in Blood Flow & Pressure (Chapters 15 & 16) 2020-05-06

Alterations in Blood Flow & Pressure (Chapters 15 & 16) crossword puzzle
  1. Maximum pressure in the aorta and major arteries during ventricular ejection of blood. (Two words, 16 letters.)
  2. Extreme vasoconstriction of the hands and fingers. Affects more women than men; evoked by stress or cold temperatures. (Two words, 15 letters)
  3. In this type of aneurysm, the muscle tissue and fascia often confine the leaking blood. (Two words 13 letters)
  4. A tear in the arterial wall creates a channel for blood flow, which separates layers and weakens the vessel. (Two words, 18 letters)
  5. Stationary blood clot formed within a vessel or a chamber of the heart. (8 letters)
  6. There is no identified cause in 90% of patients with this condition. Risk factors suspected are age, ethnicity, and family history, obesity, and high sodium intake. (Two words, 19 letters)
  7. Can be auscultated as a bruit. (10 letters)
  8. Primarily affects the greater saphenous vein; impaired venous return; patients complain of aching discomfort and unsightliness. (Two words, 13 letters)
  9. Abnormal communications between arteries and veins. (Three parts, 9 letters)
  10. Leads to varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. (Two words, 20 letters)
  11. Sudden involuntary constriction of arterial smooth muscle that results in an obstruction to flow. (9 letters)
  12. Propelled by blood flow to a distant point where it lodges and produces a site of obstruction. (7 letters)
  13. Hypertension caused by a variety of health problems in adults and children, i.e., renal, endocrine, vascular, neurologic, and exogenous. (Two words, 21 letters)
  1. Name given to sounds auscultated during the measurement of blood pressure when blood flow moves through a partially occluded artery. (Two words, 15 letters)
  2. Cause of secondary hypertension due to development of a tumor of the adrenal medulla, which secretes catecholamines leading to vasoconstriction, increased heart rate, and increased CO. (16 letters)
  3. Phenomenon that occurs when the person measuring the blood pressure in a healthy young adult and a higher blood pressure in an obese person. Called observer bias. (Two words, 19 letters)
  4. The net filtration is equal to the combined forces fostering filtration minus the combined forces opposing filtration. (Two words, 19 letters)
  5. Due to congenital absence or decreased numbers of lymphatic, or obstruction where upper and lower body drainage occurs. (Two words 17 letters)
  6. All three layers of the arterial wall are involved in this type of aneurysm. (Two words, 12 letters)
  7. Due to the reduction in cardio output when the upright position is assumed. (Two words, 22 letters)
  8. Results from alteration in pressure gradient that allows excessive amount of fluid to escape into the interstitial space. (5 letters)

21 Clues: Can be auscultated as a bruit. (10 letters)Abnormal communications between arteries and veins. (Three parts, 9 letters)Leads to varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. (Two words, 20 letters)Stationary blood clot formed within a vessel or a chamber of the heart. (8 letters)...

bbb 2023-06-01

bbb crossword puzzle
  1. From the land down under (9 letters)
  2. Puzzling and intriguing (10 letters)
  3. Essential for life (5 letters)
  4. Traditional beliefs and stories (8 letters)
  5. Observations or encounters (8 letters)
  6. Traditional story (6 letters)
  1. Mysterious creature (7 letters)
  2. Indigenous people of Australia (10 letters)
  3. Difficult to catch or find (7 letters)
  4. Something mysterious or puzzling (6 letters)
  5. Native to a particular region (10 letters)
  6. Legendary or imaginary (8 letters)
  7. Wetland area (5 letters)
  8. Living being (8 letters)
  9. Frightening creature (7 letters)

15 Clues: Wetland area (5 letters)Living being (8 letters)Traditional story (6 letters)Essential for life (5 letters)Mysterious creature (7 letters)Frightening creature (7 letters)Legendary or imaginary (8 letters)From the land down under (9 letters)Puzzling and intriguing (10 letters)Difficult to catch or find (7 letters)...

Prophet Muhammad Family 2023-11-11

Prophet Muhammad Family crossword puzzle
  1. How many son's did Prophet Muhammad have. (5 letters)
  2. What is the 1st pillar if Islam. (7 Letters)
  3. What was the name of Muhammad's father who passed away before he was born? (8 letters)
  4. This pillar is performed once in a lifetime at the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) (4 letters)
  5. City where Prophet Muhammad was born? (4 letters)
  6. What is the holy book of Islam that contains the messages received by Muhammad? (5 letters)
  7. How many daughter's did Prophet Muhammad have. (4 letters)
  8. Which month of the Islamic Calendar was Prophet Muhammad born. (12 letters)
  9. What was the name of Muhammad's mother, who died when he was six years old. (5 letters)
  10. One of the Five Pillars of Islam that involves giving to those in need. (4 letters)
  1. What was the name of Muhammad's grandfather who took care of him after his parents passed away? (13 letters)
  2. This month we abstain from food & drink (8 letters)
  3. Which Angel brought the revelations from God to Muhammad? (6 letters)
  4. Name the uncle who cared for Muhammad after his grandfather passed away. (12 letters)
  5. This pillar is performed 5 times a day. (6 letters)
  6. Who is the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful (5 Letter)
  7. Prophet Muhammad is the...... Messenger (5 letters)
  8. What was Muhammad known for that also refers to a key trait in Islam? It's the quality of always telling the truth. (7 letters)

18 Clues: What is the 1st pillar if Islam. (7 Letters)City where Prophet Muhammad was born? (4 letters)This month we abstain from food & drink (8 letters)This pillar is performed 5 times a day. (6 letters)Prophet Muhammad is the...... Messenger (5 letters)How many son's did Prophet Muhammad have. (5 letters)...

silent letters 2013-01-14

silent letters crossword puzzle
  1. To go or travel on foot
  2. A rounded handle, as on a drawer or door
  3. During the time that
  4. An explosive weapon
  5. A pillar
  6. Spirit
  7. A drawing or sketch
  8. To fight
  9. To form letters, words, or symbols on paper
  10. The inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers
  1. People in general, especially those living in a rural environment
  2. Complete, entire
  3. To move upward, especially by using your hands and feet
  4. To hit or strike
  5. Incorrect
  6. Someone who installs and repairs pipes
  7. A usually poor section of a city inhabited by people of the same race, religion, or social background
  8. To speak softly
  9. To fold paper or cloth around a person or thing

19 Clues: SpiritA pillarTo fightIncorrectTo speak softlyComplete, entireTo hit or strikeAn explosive weaponA drawing or sketchDuring the time thatTo go or travel on footSomeone who installs and repairs pipesA rounded handle, as on a drawer or doorTo form letters, words, or symbols on paperTo fold paper or cloth around a person or thing...

silent letters 2019-04-08

silent letters crossword puzzle
  1. vertical part of a table
  2. between the hand and arm
  3. ___in shining armor
  4. one who fixes pipes
  5. season when leaves turn brown
  6. Ada was ___ gifts for Christmas
  7. like a brush
  8. like an elf
  9. bothersome insect
  10. Stephen found a photo in the ___
  11. _____ socks on the floor
  1. He will ___ them to prison
  2. the mood usually found at a funeral
  3. branch of a tree, possibly
  4. ___ is power
  5. ___are 25 students in room 13
  6. unable to feel
  7. part of a finger
  8. holiday decor, usually on a door

19 Clues: like an elf___ is powerlike a brushunable to feelpart of a fingerbothersome insect___in shining armorone who fixes pipesvertical part of a tablebetween the hand and arm_____ socks on the floorHe will ___ them to prisonbranch of a tree, possiblyseason when leaves turn brown___are 25 students in room 13Ada was ___ gifts for Christmas...

Electrifying Letters 2012-11-25

Electrifying Letters crossword puzzle
  1. A circuit that is made up of a group of separate circuits is a _________ circuit.
  2. A method of charging where the materials can all be the same or all be different.
  3. In a circuit, items connected in a row are connected in ________.
  4. A detection machine in a circuit which is connected to a load in parallel.
  5. To charge an object permanently, you must charge it by _____________.
  6. When two objects are rubbed together, you can tell from the _____________ Series which will be positively charged and which will be negatively charged.
  7. A material that easily allows electrons to flow through it.
  8. A machine used to measure current.
  9. The component of a circuit that uses up the voltage supplied by the power source.
  1. A method of charging where two objects are rubbed together.
  2. Protons have this charge
  3. A machine that detects electric charge.
  4. A material that does not allow electrons to flow freely.
  5. An unbroken path for electrons to flow.
  6. Opposite charges do this
  7. Electrons have this charge
  8. You do this to an object when you ground it.
  9. The flow of electrons.
  10. Like charges _________.

19 Clues: The flow of electrons.Like charges _________.Protons have this chargeOpposite charges do thisElectrons have this chargeA machine used to measure current.A machine that detects electric charge.An unbroken path for electrons to flow.You do this to an object when you ground it.A material that does not allow electrons to flow freely....

Pauline letters 2016-05-16

Pauline letters crossword puzzle
  1. which letter of John was not written in the form of a letter
  2. We believe in one holy _____ and apostolic church
  3. A group of _____ were the first people to whom Paul preached at Philippi.
  4. Paul tried to unite the _______.
  5. Paul sent Timothy to the churches in Macedonia,____ Philippi Corinth to remind people of Paul's teachings
  6. with obedience to ____,they were to extend love and support to each other
  7. a different diversity of economic,______and religious backgrounds existed there.
  8. how many letters did Paul send to Timothy
  9. the church is ______ because she is built on the foundation of the apostles
  10. Paul traced God's gift of salvation from Adam to ________.
  11. the first letter of Peter emphasizes ________
  1. how many Pauline letter are written
  2. this word is in the world and reflects the values of the world especially displaying hatred for those who follow Christ
  3. the stations of the cross have traditionally been made out of wood, stone or ______.
  4. one of the last books of the New Testament to be written
  5. Colossae was in ______
  6. he warned his audience not to do the things that seperate people,but to adopt the attitudes of Jesus: humility, meekness, and _______.
  7. Paul emphasized the importance of _______ ________ rooted in ones faith in God.
  8. the person who wrote the second letter of Peter probably used the letter of ____

19 Clues: Colossae was in ______Paul tried to unite the _______.how many Pauline letter are writtenhow many letters did Paul send to Timothythe first letter of Peter emphasizes ________We believe in one holy _____ and apostolic churchone of the last books of the New Testament to be writtenPaul traced God's gift of salvation from Adam to ________....

Annuity Letters 2016-07-22

Annuity Letters crossword puzzle
  1. 127
  2. 059
  3. 220
  4. 114
  5. 186
  6. 341
  7. 187
  8. 058
  9. 214
  10. 120
  1. 207
  2. 148
  3. 474
  4. 181
  5. 125
  6. 174
  7. 032
  8. 359
  9. 156

19 Clues: 207127148059474181125220174114186032341187058359156214120

silent letters 2023-01-23

silent letters crossword puzzle
  1. to mix water and flower into dough
  2. not right but .....
  3. a song or poem to praise someone
  4. something that can explode
  5. to tidy your hair with
  6. the part between your hand and your arm
  7. when you sit down on one knee
  8. what is your ...... to the question?
  9. a big mammal in the sea
  10. ..... up if you agree!
  1. he is going to safe the princes!
  2. after you eat a cookie these are on the table
  3. when you go up a mountain
  4. the joint that connect your fingers to your hand
  5. the lines in your face when you get older
  6. you use this to cut something
  7. when you friendly fight with someone
  8. when you use a pen to put words on paper
  9. one of the four seasons

19 Clues: not right but .....to tidy your hair with..... up if you agree!a big mammal in the seaone of the four seasonswhen you go up a mountainsomething that can explodewhen you sit down on one kneeyou use this to cut somethinghe is going to safe the princes!a song or poem to praise someoneto mix water and flower into dough...

CROSSWORD - HPCL 49th Foundation Day 2023-07-11

CROSSWORD - HPCL 49th Foundation Day crossword puzzle
  1. HPCL's Digital Experience Centre is at(5 letters)
  2. CDU-4 capacity of HPCL VR in MMTPA(4 letters)
  3. HPCL's one-stop convenience shopping(9 letters)
  4. App for locating and paying at HP outlets(5 letters)
  5. HPCL-Rajasthan joint venture(4 letters)
  6. City of HPGRDC(9 letters)
  7. Fuel quality standard by HP(2 letters, 1 digit)
  8. HPCL Polymer Brand(9 letters)
  9. HP Appu's capacity in kg(4 letters)
  1. Premium Diesel Engine Oil by HPCL for heavy vehicles(12 letters)
  2. HPCL's Volunteering initiative(9 letters)
  3. City of mega lubes warehouse recently operationalized by HPCL(9 letters)
  4. HPCL-Mittal joint venture(4 letters)
  5. HPCL's loyalty program(8 letters)
  6. Power Utility company partnered with HPCL to set up EV charging stations at its Petrol Pumps across the country(9 letters)
  7. HPCL's diesel for peak performance(10 letters)

16 Clues: City of HPGRDC(9 letters)HPCL Polymer Brand(9 letters)HPCL's loyalty program(8 letters)HP Appu's capacity in kg(4 letters)HPCL-Mittal joint venture(4 letters)HPCL-Rajasthan joint venture(4 letters)HPCL's Volunteering initiative(9 letters)CDU-4 capacity of HPCL VR in MMTPA(4 letters)HPCL's diesel for peak performance(10 letters)...

A to Z of Books 2024-01-05

A to Z of Books crossword puzzle
  1. Extra information placed at the end of a book (8 letters)
  2. Page First page of a book with essential information (4 letters)
  3. List of other recommended books (12 letters)
  4. Alphabetical list of definitions in a book (8 letters)
  5. Introduction to a literary work (7 letters)
  6. Section in a book thanking contributors (14 letters)
  7. Company responsible for printing the book (9 letters)
  8. A brief description of characters' fates (8 letters)
  9. Person who writes the book (6 letters)
  1. Page Contains publication details (8 letters)
  2. Jacket Removable cover protecting a bound book (4 letters)
  3. Person responsible for drawing pictures in a book (11 letters)
  4. Sections dividing a book (8 letters)
  5. Alphabetical list of topics and page numbers (5 letters)
  6. Main part of a book written by the author (4 letters)
  7. Promotional description found on book jackets (5 letters)

16 Clues: Sections dividing a book (8 letters)Person who writes the book (6 letters)Introduction to a literary work (7 letters)List of other recommended books (12 letters)Page Contains publication details (8 letters)Section in a book thanking contributors (14 letters)A brief description of characters' fates (8 letters)...

Attendance Matters 2019-03-22

Attendance Matters crossword puzzle
  1. A number of learners working together (5 letters)
  2. One of the reasons when absences can be authorised (7 letters)
  3. The College will be asked to write this report about you when you apply for a job (9 letters)
  4. Formal recognition of the course you've done; you'll get a certificate (13 letters)
  5. You'll get to live away from home when you study here (10 letters)
  6. The person who delivers your class (7 letters)
  7. The collective name for the sessions you attend (7 letters)
  8. If you're stuck and don't understand the subject you must ask for this (4 letters)
  9. Hope you'll get fixed up with this, you'll get paid! (10 letters)
  1. The overall name for the establishment you're studying in (7 letters)
  2. You'll learn new ones whilst at College (6 letters)
  3. Not a good stage to be...when you're in trouble for low attendance (12 letters)
  4. Think long-term after you've finished studying (6 letters)
  5. Definitely not a reason for authorised absence! (8 letters)
  6. Another word for being on time (8 letters)
  7. Assignments you do at home related to your subject (10 letters)
  8. The person you see regularly for pastoral and other types of support (abbreviation - 3 letters))

17 Clues: Another word for being on time (8 letters)The person who delivers your class (7 letters)A number of learners working together (5 letters)You'll learn new ones whilst at College (6 letters)Think long-term after you've finished studying (6 letters)Definitely not a reason for authorised absence! (8 letters)...

Baseball Teams 2024-01-26

Baseball Teams crossword puzzle
  1. The team known as the "Boys in Blue." (6 letters)
  2. The Windy City's North Side team. (4 letters)
  3. Florida team with sea life in its name. (7 letters)
  4. A Texas team with a star in their logo. (7 letters)
  5. Tampa Bay's American League team. (4 letters)
  6. The team with a celestial name in California. (6 letters)
  7. Mile High team with purple and black colors. (7 letters)
  8. Motor City team with a tiger mascot. (6 letters)
  9. Houston's American League team. (6 letters)
  1. The team known as the "Tribe" from Cleveland,Ohio. (9 letters)
  2. Canada's only MLB team. (8 letters)
  3. The team with the Green Monster. (8 letters)
  4. Atlanta's National League team. (6 letters)
  5. AL team known for the "Bronx Bombers." (7 letters)
  6. Ohio team with a red-legged mascot. (4 letters)
  7. Birds of the National League. (7 letters)

16 Clues: Canada's only MLB team. (8 letters)Birds of the National League. (7 letters)Atlanta's National League team. (6 letters)Houston's American League team. (6 letters)The team with the Green Monster. (8 letters)The Windy City's North Side team. (4 letters)Tampa Bay's American League team. (4 letters)Ohio team with a red-legged mascot. (4 letters)...

Bookshark Level H missed words wks 10-15 2024-01-08

Bookshark Level H missed words wks 10-15 crossword puzzle
  1. In a comprehensive and exhaustive manner (9 letters)
  2. Aware of and able to think about one's own thoughts and existence (9 letters)
  3. Without delay or hesitation (11 letters)
  4. Not connected or applicable to the matter at hand (10 letters)
  5. The ordinal number corresponding to 12 (7 letters)
  6. Coming after or following in order (10 letters)
  7. The quality of being arrogantly superior or disdainful (10 letters)
  1. In a relaxed or unhurried manner (9 letters)
  2. An expert judge in matters of taste or fine arts (11 letters)
  3. The ability to assess and initiate things independently (9 letters)
  4. Presenting something as more extreme or dramatic than it really is (12 letters)
  5. The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions (8 letters)
  6. Extremely interesting or captivating (11 letters)
  7. Deserving of regret or lamentation (11 letters)
  8. The ordinal number corresponding to 20 (8 letters)
  9. Professional driver, especially of a private car (8 letters)

16 Clues: Without delay or hesitation (11 letters)In a relaxed or unhurried manner (9 letters)Deserving of regret or lamentation (11 letters)Coming after or following in order (10 letters)Extremely interesting or captivating (11 letters)The ordinal number corresponding to 12 (7 letters)The ordinal number corresponding to 20 (8 letters)...

Respond Effectively to beaviours of concern 2024-05-07

Respond Effectively to beaviours of concern crossword puzzle
  1. The state of being isolated or shut off from others (8 letters).
  2. out: Gradually removed or eliminated (9 letters).
  3. Engaging in actions that harm oneself physically or emotionally (14 letters).
  4. Not allowed or forbidden (10 letters).
  5. Imposing limits or restrictions (9 letters).
  6. more than is necessary, normal, or desirable (9 letters).
  1. Things that cause a reaction or response (8 letters).
  2. The state of being intoxicated or drunk (12 letters).
  3. Skilfully influencing or controlling others in a dishonest way (11 letters).
  4. Clearly expressed or easily understood (11 letters).
  5. resort: A final course of action taken when all else has failed (9 letters).
  6. Intense sorrow or sadness (5 letters).
  7. out of steam: To lose energy or enthusiasm to continue (11 letters).
  8. confined space (7 letters).
  9. To provide information or feedback after an event or situation (7 letters).
  10. To reduce the intensity of a situation or conflict (10 letters).

16 Clues: confined space (7 letters).Intense sorrow or sadness (5 letters).Not allowed or forbidden (10 letters).Imposing limits or restrictions (9 letters).out: Gradually removed or eliminated (9 letters).Clearly expressed or easily understood (11 letters).Things that cause a reaction or response (8 letters)....

har 2023-06-01

har crossword puzzle
  1. High-pitched, piercing sound (7 letters)
  2. Relating to birds (5 letters)
  3. Soft and lightweight structures (8 letters)
  4. Feathered creature (4 letters)
  5. Frightening creature (7 letters)
  6. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  7. Culture associated with ancient Greece (5 letters)
  8. Having wings for flight (6 letters)
  9. Sharp, curved nails (5 letters)
  1. Animal that hunts and feeds on others (8 letters)
  2. Gender associated with women (6 letters)
  3. Partly human, partly something else (9 letters)
  4. Sharp claws on a bird (6 letters)
  5. Intense and aggressive (6 letters)
  6. Legendary creature (8 letters)

15 Clues: Relating to birds (5 letters)Feathered creature (4 letters)Legendary creature (8 letters)Sharp, curved nails (5 letters)Frightening creature (7 letters)Sharp claws on a bird (6 letters)Intense and aggressive (6 letters)Having wings for flight (6 letters)High-pitched, piercing sound (7 letters)Gender associated with women (6 letters)...

Y8 Retreival Crossword 2023-06-22

Y8 Retreival Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A company that operate sin more than one country.
  2. The process of adjusting or changing to suit new conditions or environments. (10 letters)
  3. The interconnected network of food chains and feeding relationships within an ecosystem. (8 letters)
  4. The fifth and the newest recognized ocean that surrounds Antarctica. (14 letters)
  5. The long-term alteration of weather patterns and average temperatures on Earth, largely attributed to human activities. (14 letters)
  6. A region characterized by extremely low temperatures and minimal vegetation, often found in polar areas. (10 letters)
  7. The southernmost continent, known for its extreme cold and as a site of scientific research. (10 letters)
  8. To reduce the impacts of something.
  9. The act of bringing in goods or services from another country for use or sale. (6 letters)
  10. Describes an area or place that is not inhabited or populated by humans. (10 letters)
  11. A landform that is almost completely surrounded by water, except for a narrow strip connecting it to the mainland. (10 letters)
  1. The long-term weather patterns and conditions prevalent in a particular region. (7 letters)
  2. Relating to or caused by human activity. (12 letters)
  3. A country that is more than one continent.
  4. The industry or practice of traveling for pleasure and visiting places of interest. (7 letters)
  5. The variety and variability of living organisms present in a particular ecosystem or on Earth as a whole. (12 letters)
  6. The start of a food chain. They generate their energy via photosynthesis.
  7. The act of sending goods or services to another country for use or sale. (6 letters)
  8. Hazards related to the earth e.g. a earthquake.
  9. A country known for its vast size, spanning across both Europe and Asia. (6 letters)
  10. A keystone species in Antarctica.

21 Clues: A keystone species in Antarctica.To reduce the impacts of something.A country that is more than one continent.Hazards related to the earth e.g. a earthquake.A company that operate sin more than one country.Relating to or caused by human activity. (12 letters)The start of a food chain. They generate their energy via photosynthesis....

Fun 1 2021-04-13

Fun 1 crossword puzzle
  1. What you do at night
  2. Fabulous __________ (seven letters)
  3. _________ Girls - TV Show (6 letters)
  4. Cree word for where the Peace joins the Smokey River
  5. 6 Km south of Fairview (early site)
  6. Sunrise County
  7. Swinging __________ (eight letters)
  8. Where the Cartwrights lived
  1. The Sixties top band
  2. To the Moon ___________ (5 letters)
  3. Second Season
  4. Used in the harvest
  5. __________ Lisa - Famous Painting (4 letters)
  6. Morning Meal
  7. Every prairie town used to have one
  8. Frank ____________ (seven letters)
  9. Town north of Peace River
  10. Once a Year Personal Event
  11. Stove before electric or gas
  12. _______ Suit - Rhymes (4 letters)
  13. Striped animal

21 Clues: Morning MealSecond SeasonSunrise CountyStriped animalUsed in the harvestThe Sixties top bandWhat you do at nightTown north of Peace RiverOnce a Year Personal EventWhere the Cartwrights livedStove before electric or gas_______ Suit - Rhymes (4 letters)Frank ____________ (seven letters)To the Moon ___________ (5 letters)...

woord uitleg 2022-02-04

woord uitleg crossword puzzle
  1. konings dag is een 7 letters
  2. het gaat onder de grond door 11 letters
  3. je gaat er niet graag naar toe 8 letters
  4. je kunt er zwemmen 12 letters
  5. het is een hoog gebouw 10 letters
  6. het is lekker om te eten
  7. je krijgt het als je jarig bent 7 letters
  8. je kan er mee mee gaan naar de overkant varen 5 letters
  1. je steekt het af bij oud en nieuw 9 letters
  2. vliegt in de lucht 5 letters
  3. cry als je pijn hebt 5 letters
  4. je kunt er naar een film kijken 6 letters
  5. een voetganger loopt er op 8 letters
  6. je woont er in 5 letters
  7. je kunt er naar oude dingen kijken 6 letters
  8. je kan er mee rijden 3 letters

16 Clues: je woont er in 5 lettershet is lekker om te etenkonings dag is een 7 lettersvliegt in de lucht 5 lettersje kunt er zwemmen 12 letterscry als je pijn hebt 5 lettersje kan er mee rijden 3 lettershet is een hoog gebouw 10 letterseen voetganger loopt er op 8 lettershet gaat onder de grond door 11 lettersje gaat er niet graag naar toe 8 letters...

English Crossword 2023-06-16

English Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Strike or strike against (3 letters)
  2. Distribute or disperse widely (6 letters)
  3. Arrange or place (3 letters)
  4. Create fabric with needles (4 letters)
  5. Disturb or unsettle (5 letters)
  6. Expel saliva forcefully (4 letters)
  7. Cease or stop (4 letters)
  1. Transmit or air on TV or radio (9 letters)
  2. Have a price (4 letters)
  3. Be suitable or appropriate (3 letters)
  4. Allow or permit (3 letters)
  5. Cause pain or injury to (4 letters)
  6. Place or position (3 letters)
  7. Close forcefully (4 letters)
  8. Make an incision or divide (3 letters)

15 Clues: Have a price (4 letters)Cease or stop (4 letters)Allow or permit (3 letters)Arrange or place (3 letters)Close forcefully (4 letters)Place or position (3 letters)Disturb or unsettle (5 letters)Cause pain or injury to (4 letters)Expel saliva forcefully (4 letters)Strike or strike against (3 letters)Be suitable or appropriate (3 letters)...

Witchy Wonderings 2024-01-27

Witchy Wonderings crossword puzzle
  1. Traditionally, a female warlock (5 letters)
  2. Moon phase associated with magic (4 letters)
  3. A group of witches (6 letters)
  4. Magical protection charm (8 letters)
  5. Book of magical recipes and spells (9 letters)
  6. Magical brew (7 letters)
  7. Earthly element used in magical rituals (5 letters)
  1. Traditional Witch familiar (4 letters)
  2. Angie's familiars (6 letters)
  3. Spellcaster's tool (6 letters)
  4. Witch's skill of seeing the future (8 letters)
  5. Magical energy force (5 letters)
  6. The love Interest (7 letters
  7. Magical incantation or inscription (5 letters)
  8. Witch's flying transport (5 letters)

15 Clues: Magical brew (7 letters)The love Interest (7 lettersAngie's familiars (6 letters)Spellcaster's tool (6 letters)A group of witches (6 letters)Magical energy force (5 letters)Magical protection charm (8 letters)Witch's flying transport (5 letters)Traditional Witch familiar (4 letters)Traditionally, a female warlock (5 letters)...

Unit 1+3 VOC Review 2024-03-22

Unit 1+3 VOC Review crossword puzzle
  1. Total sum or amount (8 letters)
  2. Acts to save or redeem (9 letters)
  3. A smaller segment of the whole (8 letters)
  4. Process of becoming a citizen (13 letters)
  5. Ancestors' offspring (10 letters)
  6. Sacred or revered (8 letters)
  7. Creates chaos in a smooth process (9 letters)
  8. Crucial for fitting in (13 letters)
  9. Political splinter groups (7 letters)
  1. Held in high regard (7 letters)
  2. Systematic discrimination (10 letters)
  3. Challenges and hardships (11 letters)
  4. A written IOU (9 letters)
  5. Blending into a new culture (12 letters)
  6. Financial well-being (10 letters)
  7. Throws off balance (9 letters)
  8. Engage in diplomatic talks (9 letters)

17 Clues: A written IOU (9 letters)Sacred or revered (8 letters)Throws off balance (9 letters)Held in high regard (7 letters)Total sum or amount (8 letters)Financial well-being (10 letters)Ancestors' offspring (10 letters)Acts to save or redeem (9 letters)Crucial for fitting in (13 letters)Challenges and hardships (11 letters)...

4h 2024-04-30

4h crossword puzzle
  1. - Policy of extending a country's power (11 letters, eleven)
  2. - Relating to the arts and intellectual achievements (8 letters, eight)
  3. - Formal agreement between nations (6 letters, six)
  4. - Object made by humans, usually of historical or cultural significance (8 letters, eight)
  5. - Process of interaction and integration (13 letters, thirteen)
  6. - Love and devotion for one's country (10 letters, ten)
  7. - Traveling to discover new lands (11 letters, eleven)
  8. - Armed conflict between nations or groups (8 letters, eight)
  1. - Medieval system of land ownership (9 letters, nine)
  2. - Period before written records (11 letters, eleven)
  3. - Intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries (12 letters, twelve)
  4. - System of organizing people into ranks (9 letters, nine)
  5. - Member of a community considered uncivilized (9 letters, nine)
  6. - Act of rebellion against authority (6 letters, six)
  7. - Government by the people (9 letters, nine)
  8. - Vast domain ruled by an emperor (6 letters, six)

16 Clues: - Government by the people (9 letters, nine)- Vast domain ruled by an emperor (6 letters, six)- Formal agreement between nations (6 letters, six)- Period before written records (11 letters, eleven)- Medieval system of land ownership (9 letters, nine)- Act of rebellion against authority (6 letters, six)...

Intellectual Property 2023-05-29

Intellectual Property crossword puzzle
  1. (Q2)Symbol representing open licensing allowing distribution and modification (one word, 12 letters).
  2. (Q6)Violation of intellectual property rights (one word, 12 letters).
  3. (Q1)Recognizable symbol indicating trademark registration (two words, 15 letters total).
  4. (Q3)Legal doctrine permitting limited use of copyrighted material (two words, 7 letters total).
  5. (Q3)Accessible knowledge or data open to the public (three words, 23 letters total).
  6. (Q5)Safeguarding of rights or property against infringement or harm (one word, 9 letters).
  7. (Q3)Status of creative work without copyright protection (two words, 12 letters total).
  8. (Q6)Using someone else's work without proper attribution (one word, 10 letters).
  9. (Q6)Unauthorized copying or distribution of copyrighted material (one word, 6 letters).
  10. (Q4)Giving credit to the original creator of a work (two words, 16 letters total).
  1. (Q5)Quality of being unique or innovative (one word, 11 letters).
  2. (Q1)It signifies the official TRADEMARK REGISTRATION of a word, phrase, logo, or design with the relevant IP office.
  3. (Q4)Official authorizations for use of intellectual property (one word, 10 letters).
  4. (Q6)Legislation protecting digital copyright and addressing online infringement (four letters).
  5. Legal term for intangible creations of the mind, such as inventions and artistic works (two words, 20 letters total), abbreviated "IP".
  6. (Q4)Agreements granting permission to use intellectual property (one word, 7 letters).
  7. (Q1)Distinctive symbol denoting copyright protection (two words, 15 letters total).
  8. (Q6)Exclusive right granted for an invention or innovative process (one word, 6 letters).

18 Clues: (Q5)Quality of being unique or innovative (one word, 11 letters).(Q6)Violation of intellectual property rights (one word, 12 letters).(Q6)Using someone else's work without proper attribution (one word, 10 letters).(Q4)Giving credit to the original creator of a work (two words, 16 letters total)....

gor 2023-06-01

gor crossword puzzle
  1. Frightening creature (7 letters)
  2. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  3. Solid mineral material (5 letters)
  4. Culture associated with ancient Greece (5 letters)
  5. One of the Gorgon sisters (6 letters)
  6. Protective device (6 letters)
  7. Look fixedly (5 letters)
  8. Gender associated with women (6 letters)
  9. Three-dimensional artwork (9 letters)
  10. Legendary creature (8 letters)
  1. Hero who defeated Medusa (7 letters)
  2. Turn into stone (8 letters)
  3. Having hair made of serpents (11 letters)
  4. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  5. Long, slithering reptile (7 letters)

15 Clues: Look fixedly (5 letters)Turn into stone (8 letters)Protective device (6 letters)Legendary creature (8 letters)Frightening creature (7 letters)Solid mineral material (5 letters)Hero who defeated Medusa (7 letters)Long, slithering reptile (7 letters)Traditional story or myth (6 letters)One of the Gorgon sisters (6 letters)...

gri 2023-06-01

gri crossword puzzle
  1. Strong and influential (8 letters)
  2. Representation or sign (6 letters)
  3. Mythical creature with mixed features (7 letters)
  4. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  5. Bird's mouth (4 letters)
  6. Impressive and regal (8 letters)
  7. Feathered appendages for flight (5 letters)
  8. Imaginary or unreal elements (7 letters)
  1. Majestic big cat (4 letters)
  2. Legendary creature (8 letters)
  3. Well-known and famous (9 letters)
  4. Bird of prey with keen eyesight (5 letters)
  5. Combination of different species (6 letters)
  6. Animal's feet (4 letters)
  7. Protector or defender (7 letters)

15 Clues: Bird's mouth (4 letters)Animal's feet (4 letters)Majestic big cat (4 letters)Legendary creature (8 letters)Impressive and regal (8 letters)Well-known and famous (9 letters)Protector or defender (7 letters)Strong and influential (8 letters)Representation or sign (6 letters)Imaginary or unreal elements (7 letters)...

Unit 4 Global Issues 2023-10-04

Unit 4  Global Issues crossword puzzle
  1. - Across: Lack of abundance; a shortage (9 letters)
  2. - Across: Excessive number of inhabitants in an area (13 letters)
  3. - Down: Having special advantages or opportunities (10 letters)
  4. - Down: Pollutants released into the atmosphere (9 letters)
  5. - Across: Able to be maintained without depleting resources (11 letters)
  6. - Across: Express strong disapproval; censure (7 letters)
  7. - Across: Action taken to lessen or prevent harm (8 letters)
  8. - Across: Interconnected community of organisms and their environment (9 letters)
  1. - Across: Without precedent; never seen before (13 letters)
  2. - Down: To give priority or preference to something (10 letters)
  3. up (Raise) - Down: To raise or nurture someone or something (8 letters)
  4. - Down: Illegal hunting, especially of endangered species (7 letters)
  5. - Down: Taxes on imported or exported goods (7 letters)
  6. - Down: Protection and preservation of natural resources (12 letters)
  7. - Across: Energy source that can be naturally replenished (9 letters)
  8. - Across: Financial support from the government to encourage a particular activity (9 letters)

16 Clues: - Across: Lack of abundance; a shortage (9 letters)- Down: Taxes on imported or exported goods (7 letters)- Across: Express strong disapproval; censure (7 letters)- Across: Without precedent; never seen before (13 letters)- Down: Pollutants released into the atmosphere (9 letters)- Across: Action taken to lessen or prevent harm (8 letters)...

Behviours of Concern revision 2024-05-07

Behviours of Concern revision crossword puzzle
  1. Imposing limits or restrictions (9 letters).
  2. Things that cause a reaction or response (8 letters).
  3. Engaging in actions that harm oneself physically or emotionally (14 letters).
  4. Intense sorrow or sadness (5 letters).
  5. Not allowed or forbidden (10 letters).
  6. To reduce the intensity of a situation or conflict (10 letters).
  7. Clearly expressed or easily understood (11 letters).
  1. More than is necessary, normal, or desirable (9 letters).
  2. Skilfully influencing or controlling others in a dishonest way (11 letters).
  3. Something out of steam (to lose energy or enthusiasm to continue) (3 letters).
  4. The state of being intoxicated or drunk (12 letters).
  5. The state of being isolated or shut off from others (8 letters).
  6. out Gradually removed or eliminated (9 letters).
  7. To provide information or feedback after an event or situation (7 letters).
  8. Confined space (7 letters).
  9. Something resort (a final course of action taken when all else has failed) (4 letters).

16 Clues: Confined space (7 letters).Intense sorrow or sadness (5 letters).Not allowed or forbidden (10 letters).Imposing limits or restrictions (9 letters).out Gradually removed or eliminated (9 letters).Clearly expressed or easily understood (11 letters).Things that cause a reaction or response (8 letters)....

HD 2013-09-04

HD crossword puzzle
  1. Button to push to complete transfer. _____ conference. 5 letters
  2. After hours enquiries can be _________ to DOHA. 9 letters
  3. A reason to transfer callers to resident liaison. ___ changes. 3 letters
  4. Telephone system we use. _____ 5 letters
  5. Resident Liaison also do __ ___ reviews. 2 wds 2 ltrs 3 ltrs
  6. We need to __________ the call before transferring. 10 letters
  7. What process must be used for Resident Liaison. ____ transfer. 4 letters
  8. This calculation is annoying. ___ 3 letters
  9. In Support Point there is a warm transfer ______. 6 letters
  10. Nominees can check income/assets and other ___________ held by DOHA. 11 letters
  1. What is the acronym for the department the RLS is part of. ____ 4 letters
  2. We must give Resident Liaison the customer's ____ ____ when transferring. 2 wrds 4 ltrs
  3. Important to give Resident Liaison the Departmental _________ number. 9 letters
  4. DOHA will be notified by the service provider in the case of a ________ resident. 8 letter
  5. Required information when transferring to Resident Liaison ____ __ _____. 3wds 4/2/5 ltrs
  6. Department for checking fees etc. Resident _______. 7 letters
  7. Callers can check their hardship application ______ at RLS. 6 letters
  8. A _______ form is sent to Resident Liaison. 7 letters

18 Clues: Telephone system we use. _____ 5 lettersThis calculation is annoying. ___ 3 lettersA _______ form is sent to Resident Liaison. 7 lettersAfter hours enquiries can be _________ to DOHA. 9 lettersIn Support Point there is a warm transfer ______. 6 lettersResident Liaison also do __ ___ reviews. 2 wds 2 ltrs 3 ltrs...

halloween hcpa 2023-10-26

halloween hcpa crossword puzzle
  1. Full of enigmatic and unexplained elements (10 letters)
  2. A place where the deceased are buried (8 letters)
  3. A large pot used for brewing magical potions (8 letters)
  4. A carved vegetable with a candle inside, often used as a decoration (10 letters)
  5. A nocturnal creature often associated with vampires (3 letters
  6. Strange and unsettling in a supernatural way (6 letters)
  7. A deck of cards used to tell the future (5 letters)
  8. A famous fictional scientist who created a monster (12 letters)
  9. A mischievous spirit known for causing disturbances (11 letters)
  1. A mythical monster that transforms from human to wolf (8 letters)
  2. A house with unexplained, supernatural occurrences (7 letters)
  3. A reanimated corpse often seen in horror movies (6 letters)
  4. The spirit of a deceased person (5 letters)
  5. The harvest season (6 letters)
  6. A spooky holiday celebrated today! (8 letters)
  7. A witch's preferred ride(9 letters)

16 Clues: The harvest season (6 letters)A witch's preferred ride(9 letters)The spirit of a deceased person (5 letters)A spooky holiday celebrated today! (8 letters)A place where the deceased are buried (8 letters)A deck of cards used to tell the future (5 letters)Full of enigmatic and unexplained elements (10 letters)...

Kapitel 2 Dritte Stufe Vokab "Spiel und Spaß" 2022-11-16

Kapitel 2 Dritte Stufe Vokab "Spiel und Spaß" crossword puzzle
  1. true
  2. in the fall
  3. when
  4. in the summer
  5. in the evening
  6. I don't
  7. great (6 letters)
  8. dumb
  9. in the winter
  10. super (5 letters)
  11. on the weekend
  12. great (4 letters)
  1. in the spring
  2. not true
  3. homework
  4. interesting
  5. great (5 letters)
  6. me too
  7. in the afternoon
  8. after school
  9. boring
  10. super(6 letters)

22 Clues: truewhendumbme tooboringI don'tnot truehomeworkin the fallinterestingafter schoolin the springin the summerin the winterin the eveningon the weekendin the afternoonsuper(6 letters)great (5 letters)great (6 letters)super (5 letters)great (4 letters)

crossword 2016-11-24

crossword crossword puzzle
  1. once in a while {12 letters}
  2. the area surrounding a place {8 letters}
  3. not clear {10 letters}
  4. having the skill of doing something successfully {7 letters}
  5. hidden {9 letters}
  6. making somebody who feels bad feel good {9 letters}
  7. it is between 9:00am to 10:00am {10 letters}
  8. sneaky {7 letters}
  9. a kind of teleprinter {8 letters}
  1. rather fat or heavy built {5 letters}
  2. what your heart feels {10 letters}
  3. someone's honesty {9 letters}
  4. a small wooden boat {4 letters}
  5. slightly strange {9 letters}
  6. cheated, American slang {6 letters}

15 Clues: hidden {9 letters}sneaky {7 letters}not clear {10 letters}once in a while {12 letters}slightly strange {9 letters}someone's honesty {9 letters}a small wooden boat {4 letters}a kind of teleprinter {8 letters}what your heart feels {10 letters}cheated, American slang {6 letters}rather fat or heavy built {5 letters}...

Kaci :Of mice an men vocab crossword 2020-03-25

Kaci :Of mice an men vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. To cringe in fear (5 letters)
  2. To remain in an uncertain state;waver (5 letters)
  3. Unexpectedly sudden (6 letters)
  4. To copy or imitate closely (5 letters)
  5. Evil,immoral,malicious (7 letters)
  6. To become less agitated or active (7 letters)
  7. Morose or sulky (6 letters)
  8. Contempt or distain felt towards a person or object(5 letters)
  1. To twist,as in pain,struggle (6 letters)
  2. Always moving (10 letters)
  3. To leave out (4 letters)
  4. To stir up;excite (6 letters)
  5. Menacing,threatening (7 letters)
  6. To handle or use roughly (4 letters)
  7. A card game (6 letters)

15 Clues: A card game (6 letters)To leave out (4 letters)Always moving (10 letters)Morose or sulky (6 letters)To cringe in fear (5 letters)To stir up;excite (6 letters)Unexpectedly sudden (6 letters)Menacing,threatening (7 letters)Evil,immoral,malicious (7 letters)To handle or use roughly (4 letters)To copy or imitate closely (5 letters)...

cccccccc 2023-06-01

cccccccc crossword puzzle
  1. Culture associated with ancient Greece (5 letters)
  2. Winged horse in Greek mythology (7 letters)
  3. Pertaining to the sky or heavens (9 letters)
  4. Princess in Greek mythology (9 letters)
  5. Relating to water (7 letters)
  6. Large marine mammal (5 letters)
  7. A group of stars forming a pattern (13 letters)
  8. Monster Mythical creature of the deep (9 letters)
  1. Long, slithering reptile (7 letters)
  2. Greek god of the sea (7 letters)
  3. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  4. Belt of constellations (7 letters)
  5. Collection of ancient stories (9 letters)
  6. Exciting and daring experience (9 letters)
  7. Hero who defeated Medusa (7 letters)

15 Clues: Relating to water (7 letters)Large marine mammal (5 letters)Greek god of the sea (7 letters)Belt of constellations (7 letters)Long, slithering reptile (7 letters)Hero who defeated Medusa (7 letters)Traditional story or myth (6 letters)Princess in Greek mythology (9 letters)Collection of ancient stories (9 letters)...

marwan n jawad n saifs puzzle 2023-11-24

marwan n jawad n saifs puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Mr. Utterson's First Name: (5 letters) -
  2. Dr. Jekyll's Residence: (5 letters)
  3. Dr. Lanyon's Profession: (7 letters) -
  4. The Location of Mr. Hyde's End: (5 letters) -
  5. Dr. Jekyll's Final Letter: (5 letters)
  6. The Item Found in Mr. Hyde's Room: (4 letters)
  7. Mr.Utterson's Law Office: (6 letters)
  1. Dr.Jekyll's Alter Ego: (8 letters)
  2. The Object Used for Mr. Hyde's Transformation: (4 letters)
  3. Mr. Utterson's Profession: (9 letters) -
  4. Dr.Jekyll's Confession: (7 letters)
  5. Jekyll Dr.Jekyll's Full Name: (10 letters) -
  6. The Theme of the Chapter: (9 letters)
  7. Enfield's Friend: (6 letters)
  8. Mr. Utterson's Address: (6 letters)

15 Clues: Enfield's Friend: (6 letters)Dr.Jekyll's Alter Ego: (8 letters)Dr.Jekyll's Confession: (7 letters)Dr. Jekyll's Residence: (5 letters)Mr. Utterson's Address: (6 letters)The Theme of the Chapter: (9 letters)Mr.Utterson's Law Office: (6 letters)Dr. Lanyon's Profession: (7 letters) -Dr. Jekyll's Final Letter: (5 letters)...

Labour legislation 2022-11-04

Labour legislation crossword puzzle
  1. Inorder to get bonus, the employee must have worked ----- no. of days in the establishment. ( 6 letters)
  2. No. of members required to start a trade union ( 5 letters ).
  3. The PoSH Act, as mandatary compliance, requires every company having more than ten employees to constitute an ------------ committee. (18 letters)
  4. Amount contributed by employee to Labour welfare fund in Tamilnadu ( 5 letters)
  5. Directive principles of state policy are ------------ in nature (14 letters).
  6. Fundamental rights are --------- in nature. (11 letters).
  7. Labour codes have replaced -------- no. of labour acts. (10 letters)
  8. Directive principles of state policy are enshrined in ------ part of the constitution (2 letters)
  9. An employee have to work ----- no. of years to get gratuity (4 letters)
  10. --------means the failure, refusal or inability of an employer on account of shortage of coal, power or raw materials or the accumulation of stocks or the breakdown of machinery [or natural calamity or for any other connected reason] to give employment to a workman whose name is borne on the muster rolls of his industrial establishment and who has not been retrenched. ( 6 letters ).
  11. -------------means a cessation of work by a body of persons employed in any industry acting in combination or a concerted refusal, or a refusal under a common understanding, of any number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work or to accept employment. (6 letters).
  1. -------------act is formed based on the article 42 which seeks to ensure humane conditions and provide for maternity relief. (16 letters).
  2. means any premises in which the business of providing dwelling accommodation and supply of meals to any member of the public or a class of the public is carried on. (16 letters)
  3. -----------An Act to provide for the welfare of labour, and to regulate the conditions of work, in plantations. (19 letters).
  4. Maximum rate of bonus given to employee. (6 letters)
  5. ---------means the temporary closing of a place of employment or the suspension of work, or the refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him. (7 letters).
  6. means work in connection with a transport vehicle, its passengers or its load which is done outside the running time of the transport vehicle. (14 letters)
  7. Bonus should given to the employee within ------ months from the end of the accounting year. ( 5 letters)
  8. Amount contribute by employer to Labour welfare fund in Tamilnadu. ( 7 letters)
  9. Amount given to apprentices as renumeration is called as---------- ( 7 letters )

20 Clues: Maximum rate of bonus given to employee. (6 letters)Fundamental rights are --------- in nature. (11 letters).No. of members required to start a trade union ( 5 letters ).Labour codes have replaced -------- no. of labour acts. (10 letters)An employee have to work ----- no. of years to get gratuity (4 letters)...

Future Trading Project Crossword 2012-12-11

Future Trading Project Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The testing phase that is completed in advance of System Testing, with suitable high priority test cases to ensure the acceptability/stability of the solution (5 letters).
  2. The testing phase to confirm that each individual item within the development/configuration inventory list of a solution/system and to ensure that the functionality operates as it should (4 letters).
  3. The acronym of the testing phase that allows the business to assess its readiness, people – documents and key transactions in order to carry out normal operations following the Go Live of systems being delivered by the Future Trading Project (3 letters).
  4. The run through of the cutover / go-live plan prior to the actual go-live to ensure the plan captures all activities, duration, sequencing and owners correctly (14 letters).
  5. The acronym for Global Back Office (3 letters).
  6. The acronym for the Market Analytics Tool (3 letters).
  7. The acronym for the Finance Reporting Tool (9 letters).
  8. The testing phase that confirms appropriate security access settings have been set up for each type of business user, ensuring they have access to the functionality required to support their role (8 letters).
  9. The acronym for End User Training (3 letters).
  1. All-Ireland Single Wholesale Electricity Market (3 letters).
  2. The testing phase that determines if any defects have been introduced to the system as a result of a new code, a defect fix or a Change Request (10 letters).
  3. The Energy Trading and Risk Management System (5 letters).
  4. The acronym of the testing phase that assesses the functionality within each of the FTP systems and of each of the interfaces, to prove that functionality has been implemented correctly as per requirements and functional specifications (3 letters).
  5. The testing phase to verify that the production system can support post go-live user numbers and transaction volumes (11 letters).
  6. The acronym for the key personnel in the Business Readiness process (4 letters).
  7. The Marketmap Energy System (4 letters).
  8. The acronym for the Fuel Analytics Tool (3 letters).
  9. The acronym of the testing phase that confirms business processes work as designed across FTP ETRM and Business Solutions Systems, in an end-to-end manner (3 letters).
  10. The acronym of the testing phase performed by the end users of the system (ESB Trading and Electric Ireland), where the business validate FTP systems that meets their agreed requirements (3 letters).
  11. The acronym for the Wholesale Market Modelling capability that delivers integrated All Island modelling of SEM, GB and interconnection (3 letters).

20 Clues: The Marketmap Energy System (4 letters).The acronym for End User Training (3 letters).The acronym for Global Back Office (3 letters).The acronym for the Fuel Analytics Tool (3 letters).The acronym for the Market Analytics Tool (3 letters).The acronym for the Finance Reporting Tool (9 letters)....

Intellectual Property 2023-05-29

Intellectual Property crossword puzzle
  1. (Q2)Symbol representing open licensing allowing distribution and modification (one word, 12 letters), the OPPOSITE of "copyRIGHT".
  2. (Q6)Violation of intellectual property rights (one word, 12 letters).
  3. (Q1)Recognizable symbol indicating TRADEMARK registration (two words, 15 letters total).
  4. (Q3)Legal doctrine permitting limited use of copyrighted material (two words, 7 letters total).
  5. (Q3)Accessible knowledge or data open to the public (three words, 23 letters total), abbreviated PAI.
  6. (Q5)Safeguarding of rights or property against infringement or harm (one word, 9 letters).
  7. (Q3)Status of creative work without copyright protection (two words, 12 letters total).
  8. (Q6)Using someone else's work without proper attribution (one word, 10 letters).
  9. (Q6)Unauthorized copying or distribution of copyrighted material (one word, 6 letters).
  10. (Q4)Giving credit to the original creator of a work (two words, 16 letters total), abbreviated "PA".
  1. (Q5)Quality of being unique or innovative (one word, 11 letters), starts with the letter "O".
  2. (Q1)It signifies the official TRADEMARK REGISTRATION of a word, phrase, logo, or design with the relevant IP office.
  3. (Q4)Official authorizations for use of the intellectual property (one word, 10 letters).
  4. (Q6)Legislation protecting digital copyright and addressing online infringement (four letters).
  5. Legal term for intangible creations of the mind, such as inventions and artistic works (two words, 20 letters total), abbreviated "IP".
  6. (Q4)Agreements granting permission to use intellectual property (one word, 7 letters), start with the letter "L".
  7. (Q1)Distinctive symbol denoting COPYRIGHT protection (two words, 15 letters total).
  8. (Q6)Exclusive right granted for an invention or innovative process (one word, 6 letters).

18 Clues: (Q6)Violation of intellectual property rights (one word, 12 letters).(Q6)Using someone else's work without proper attribution (one word, 10 letters).(Q1)Distinctive symbol denoting COPYRIGHT protection (two words, 15 letters total).(Q3)Status of creative work without copyright protection (two words, 12 letters total)....

OCAT 2 Daddy Dejo 2023-11-26

OCAT 2 Daddy Dejo crossword puzzle
  1. "Nucleotide conductor, a molecular symphony director in cyclic signaling" (9 letters)
  2. "Membrane gatekeeper, his equation delves into the secrets of selective permeability" (7 letters)
  3. "Artery's calming breeze, a molecular zephyr promoting vascular serenity" (12 letters)
  4. "Molecular architects, crafting the cellular saga with a 20-carbon backbone tale" (7 letters)
  5. Vascular composer, orchestrating nitric oxide melodies for endothelial harmony" (4 letters)
  6. "Balance point, a dance between forces" (11 letters)
  7. "Nuclear choreography, the energetic dance of atoms melding in a celestial embrace" (6 letters)
  1. "Endocrine alliance, the strategic trio coordinating stress responses" (3 letters)
  2. "Endogenous thrill-seeker, a hormone that turns the body into an action-packed adventure" (12 letters)
  3. "Invisible messenger, a gaseous minstrel playing notes of signaling magic" (13 letters)
  4. "NOS roadblock, hindering the nitric oxide highway" (5 letters)
  5. "Molecular spice, turning up the heat in the endocannabinoid sensory experience" (8 letters)
  6. "Catecholamine artisan, crafting the chemical overture to the brain's symphony - an enzyme" (4 letters)
  7. "Inflammation's silent troubleshooter, a drug disrupting the ache symphony" (4 letters)
  8. "Vascular maestro, releasing the endothelial notes for a relaxed flow response" (4 Letters)
  9. "Connection point for nerve and muscle, a junction of strength and coordination" (13 letters)
  10. "Meeting point for nerve and muscle, where signals shake hands" (3 letters)

17 Clues: "Balance point, a dance between forces" (11 letters)"NOS roadblock, hindering the nitric oxide highway" (5 letters)"Meeting point for nerve and muscle, where signals shake hands" (3 letters)"Endocrine alliance, the strategic trio coordinating stress responses" (3 letters)...

orcestal instroments ollie fleet 2023-05-19

orcestal instroments ollie fleet crossword puzzle
  1. Orchestral dessert? with 12 letters
  2. Orchestral specialist with 8 letters
  3. Orchestral components with 6 letters
  4. Horsy orchestral work? with 14 letters
  5. Orchestral wind section with 7 letters
  6. Orchestral work with a solo instrument with 8 letters
  7. Orchestral conductor with 7 letters
  8. Orchestral instruments with 5 letters
  1. What an orchestral trapper can do with 10 letters
  2. Mideast orchestral group? with 12 letters
  3. Orchestral manoeuvre? with 6 letters
  4. Orchestral instrument. with 4 letters
  5. Wind instrument - instrument for transferring sound to tape with 8 letters
  6. Blown orchestral instrument with 4 letters
  7. Orchestral heavyweight with 4 letters

15 Clues: Orchestral dessert? with 12 lettersOrchestral conductor with 7 lettersOrchestral specialist with 8 lettersOrchestral components with 6 lettersOrchestral manoeuvre? with 6 lettersOrchestral instrument. with 4 lettersOrchestral heavyweight with 4 lettersOrchestral instruments with 5 lettersHorsy orchestral work? with 14 letters...

hip 2023-06-01

hip crossword puzzle
  1. Enchanting or possessing supernatural powers (7 letters)
  2. Imaginary or unreal elements (11 letters)
  3. Soft and lightweight structures (8 letters)
  4. Bird of prey with keen eyesight (5 letters)
  5. Living being (8 letters)
  6. Combination of different species (6 letters)
  7. Moving through the air (6 letters)
  1. Creature with the body of a lion and wings of an eagle (7 letters)
  2. Bird's mouth (4 letters)
  3. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  4. Having features of a bird (8 letters)
  5. Domesticated animal (5 letters)
  6. Legendary creature (8 letters)
  7. Feathered appendages for flight (5 letters)
  8. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)

15 Clues: Bird's mouth (4 letters)Living being (8 letters)Legendary creature (8 letters)Domesticated animal (5 letters)Moving through the air (6 letters)Having features of a bird (8 letters)Traditional story or myth (6 letters)Imaginary or unreal elements (11 letters)Feathered appendages for flight (5 letters)Soft and lightweight structures (8 letters)...

dragons 2023-05-31

dragons crossword puzzle
  1. Brave warriors who fought dragons (7 letters)
  2. Valuable items hidden by dragons (8 letters)
  3. Dragon's secret resting place (4 letters)
  4. Long, snake-like creature (7 letters)
  5. Dragon's protective outer covering (6 letters)
  6. Collection of ancient legends (9 letters)
  7. Having feathers or membranes for flight (6 letters)
  8. Ferocious and aggressive (6 letters)
  1. Long, trailing appendages (5 letters)
  2. Legendary creature (7 letters)
  3. Pointed projections on a dragon's head (5 letters)
  4. Imaginary world of dragons and magic (7 letters)
  5. Mighty sound from a dragon (4 letters)
  6. Story passed down through generations (6 letters)
  7. Dragon's deadly breath (4 letters)

15 Clues: Legendary creature (7 letters)Dragon's deadly breath (4 letters)Ferocious and aggressive (6 letters)Long, trailing appendages (5 letters)Long, snake-like creature (7 letters)Mighty sound from a dragon (4 letters)Dragon's secret resting place (4 letters)Collection of ancient legends (9 letters)Valuable items hidden by dragons (8 letters)...

cccccccccc 2023-06-01

cccccccccc crossword puzzle
  1. Creature with a human upper body and horse lower body (10 letters)
  2. Zodiac sign represented by a centaur (11 letters)
  3. Skill of shooting with a bow and arrow (7 letters)
  4. Offspring of two different species (6 letters)
  5. Female centaurs (11 letters)
  6. Traditional stories or myths (7 letters)
  7. Legendary creature (8 letters)
  1. Imagination or unreal elements (7 letters)
  2. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  3. Knowledge and experience (6 letters)
  4. Wise centaur in Greek mythology (6 letters)
  5. Equine animal (5 letters)
  6. Culture associated with ancient Greece (5 letters)
  7. Pertaining to horses (6 letters)
  8. Rapid horse movement (6 letters)

15 Clues: Equine animal (5 letters)Female centaurs (11 letters)Legendary creature (8 letters)Pertaining to horses (6 letters)Rapid horse movement (6 letters)Knowledge and experience (6 letters)Traditional stories or myths (7 letters)Imagination or unreal elements (7 letters)Wise centaur in Greek mythology (6 letters)...

Vocabulary Lesson: Exploring Roots Auto, Graph, Morph, Tele, Terr 2023-09-18

Vocabulary Lesson: Exploring Roots Auto, Graph, Morph, Tele, Terr crossword puzzle
  1. Moving from one place to another instantaneously (9 letters)
  2. Land under a nation's rule (9 letters)
  3. Mind reading, in a way (9 letters)
  4. Visual representation of data (7 letters)
  5. Self-driving vehicle (10 letters)
  6. Study of word structure (10 letters)
  7. Life story written by oneself (13 letters)
  1. Modify an environment to suit one's needs (9 letters)
  2. Long-distance communication device (10 letters)
  3. Study of handwriting (10 letters)
  4. Writing instrument material (8 letters)
  5. Transformation process in insects (14 letters)
  6. Self-writing pen signature (8 letters)
  7. Earthly or worldly (11 letters)
  8. Shape-shifting ability (9 letters)

15 Clues: Earthly or worldly (11 letters)Study of handwriting (10 letters)Self-driving vehicle (10 letters)Mind reading, in a way (9 letters)Shape-shifting ability (9 letters)Study of word structure (10 letters)Land under a nation's rule (9 letters)Self-writing pen signature (8 letters)Writing instrument material (8 letters)...

30H 2024-04-30

30H crossword puzzle
  1. - Ancient Indian dynasty (5 letters, five)
  2. - Inventor of the printing press (9 letters, nine)
  3. - Warriors of ancient Greece (8 letters, eight)
  4. - Russian emperor (4 letters, four)
  5. - Egyptian tombs (8 letters, eight)
  6. - Roman amphitheater (9 letters, nine)
  7. - Medieval European social system (9 letters, nine)
  8. - Religious military campaign (7 letters, seven)
  9. - Carthaginian general (8 letters, eight)
  1. - Norse explorer (6 letters, six)
  2. - Mesoamerican culture (6 letters, six)
  3. - French prison and revolution symbol (8 letters, eight)
  4. - Period of cultural rebirth (11 letters, eleven)
  5. - Japanese warrior class (7 letters, seven)
  6. - Chinese dynasty (4 letters, four)

15 Clues: - Norse explorer (6 letters, six)- Russian emperor (4 letters, four)- Egyptian tombs (8 letters, eight)- Chinese dynasty (4 letters, four)- Roman amphitheater (9 letters, nine)- Mesoamerican culture (6 letters, six)- Carthaginian general (8 letters, eight)- Ancient Indian dynasty (5 letters, five)- Japanese warrior class (7 letters, seven)...

Vocab 10 WW Isa brow Caley 2024-05-08

Vocab 10 WW Isa brow Caley crossword puzzle
  1. Traveling from place to place (11 letters)
  2. Regular patron or frequenter (7 letters)
  3. Boundary or separation (10 letters)
  4. Flatterer or brown-noser (9 letters)
  5. Former or past (8 letters)
  6. State of confusion or puzzlement (7 letters)
  1. To discipline or reprimand (7 letters)
  2. Authoritative statement or saying (6 letters)
  3. Lacking intelligence or substance (7 letters)
  4. Highest point; pinnacle (9 letters)
  5. Ghostly apparition or specter (6 letters)
  6. Strong suit or talent (5 letters)
  7. Skill or expertise (6 letters)
  8. Recklessly extravagant or wasteful (8 letters)
  9. Not in line or out of alignment (5 letters)

15 Clues: Former or past (8 letters)Skill or expertise (6 letters)Strong suit or talent (5 letters)Highest point; pinnacle (9 letters)Boundary or separation (10 letters)Flatterer or brown-noser (9 letters)To discipline or reprimand (7 letters)Regular patron or frequenter (7 letters)Ghostly apparition or specter (6 letters)...

Neurodegenerative Disease 2024-03-08

Neurodegenerative Disease crossword puzzle
  1. A service to gain relief, and improve the quality of life.(7 letters)
  2. These structures transmit electrical impulses away from the cell body of neurons. (5 letters)
  3. Mental processes such as thinking, reasoning, and remembering. (9 letters)
  4. Therapy to improve patient's immune system.(13 letters)
  5. Neurodegenerative disease characterized by memory loss and cognitive decline. (9 letters)
  6. Cognitive damage to cells and the nervous system.(17 letters)
  7. A medical problem the parents carry down to their offspring.(7 letters)
  8. act or practice of taking steps to avoid or stop something from happening, regarding disease. (12 letters)
  1. Commonly provided to reduce the symptoms in a neurological disease, assist the immune system.(8 letters)
  2. Therapy to improve the mindset of the patient.(13 letters)
  3. A health condition that lasts for an extended period without significant improvement. (7 letters)
  4. assist the patient in regaining their ability for physical and mental awareness. (14 letters)
  5. Losing their ability to control all their muscles.(9 letters)
  6. Molecule containing genetic information passed from parents to offspring. (3 letters)
  7. Unit of the nervous system responsible for transmitting information. (7 letters)
  8. A decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. (8 letters)
  9. Cell: Cell in the nervous system provide protection and support to neurons. (9 letters)

17 Clues: Therapy to improve patient's immune system.(13 letters)Therapy to improve the mindset of the patient.(13 letters)Losing their ability to control all their muscles.(9 letters)Cognitive damage to cells and the nervous system.(17 letters)A service to gain relief, and improve the quality of life.(7 letters)...

Middle Ages 2024-02-23

Middle Ages crossword puzzle
  1. - Simple medieval garment (5 letters)
  2. -Medieval messenger or announcer (6 letters)
  3. -Commoner in medieval society (7 letters)
  4. - Medieval peasant bound to the land (4 letters)
  5. -Medieval ranged combatant (6 letters)
  6. -Assistant to a knight (6 letters)
  7. - Medieval peasant bound to the land (4 letters)
  1. - Noble warrior of medieval times (6 letters)
  2. - Medieval tournament event (5 letters)
  3. - Medieval stronghold (6 letters)
  4. -Medieval system of symbols and emblems used in coats of arms (9 letters)
  5. - Medieval estate or residence (5 letters)
  6. - Medieval system of land ownership and obligations (7 letters)
  7. -Medieval peasant bound to the land (4 letters)
  8. -Military blockade of a fortress (5 letters)

15 Clues: -Assistant to a knight (6 letters)- Medieval stronghold (6 letters)- Simple medieval garment (5 letters)-Medieval ranged combatant (6 letters)-Commoner in medieval society (7 letters)- Medieval tournament event (5 letters)-Medieval messenger or announcer (6 letters)-Military blockade of a fortress (5 letters)...

21s 2024-04-30

21s crossword puzzle
  1. - Ship of the Pilgrims (9 letters, nine)
  2. - Ancient Egyptian tomb shape (7 letters, seven)
  3. - Japanese warrior class (7 letters, seven)
  4. - French prison that became known internationally as a symbol of the abuses of the monarchy (8 letters, eight)
  5. - Mongolian conqueror (6 letters, six)
  6. - Ancient Egyptian monarch (7 letters, seven)
  1. - Ancient Roman amphitheater (9 letters, nine)
  2. - Medieval military expedition (7 letters, seven)
  3. - Combatant in ancient Rome (9 letters, nine)
  4. - French prison stormed in 1789 (8 letters, eight)
  5. - Series of rulers from the same family (7 letters, seven)
  6. - Warriors of ancient Greece (8 letters, eight)
  7. - French military leader (8 letters, eight)
  8. - Norse explorer (6 letters, six)
  9. - Roman ruler assassinated in 44 B.C. (6 letters, six)
  10. - Mesoamerican culture in Mexico (6 letters, six)

16 Clues: - Norse explorer (6 letters, six)- Mongolian conqueror (6 letters, six)- Ship of the Pilgrims (9 letters, nine)- French military leader (8 letters, eight)- Japanese warrior class (7 letters, seven)- Combatant in ancient Rome (9 letters, nine)- Ancient Egyptian monarch (7 letters, seven)- Ancient Roman amphitheater (9 letters, nine)...

HR Live - Crossword 2021-02-15

HR Live - Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Channel for anonymous complaints (12 letters)
  2. New award category introduced in 2020 to celebrate individual excellence at FMRI (14 letters)
  3. Pride (LGBTQA) is celebrated in this month (4 letters)
  4. Award for innovation (6 letters)
  5. Where can you find the monthly learning calendar for training’s scheduled in Fidelity India? (15 letters)
  6. Monthly payroll deduction (3 letters)
  7. One stop shop tool for candidate & associates lifecycle (7 letters)
  8. Forum to chat with HR team members. Primarily driven by HR Business Partners (2 words, 8 letters)
  9. Name the medical insurance Third Party Administrator (10 letters)
  1. Team managing temporary global mobility (3 letters)
  2. Conflict resolution contact at FMRI (2 words, 16 letters)
  3. Minimum no. of months required in current role for an associate to be IJP eligible (6 letters)
  4. Name of ERG for persons with disabilities & its allies (6 letters)
  5. What is the name of Fidelity’s Corporate Social Responsibility program? (13 letters)
  6. Domain Certifications (7 letters)
  7. New way to reach out to HR Operations team with queries (4 letters)

16 Clues: Award for innovation (6 letters)Domain Certifications (7 letters)Monthly payroll deduction (3 letters)Channel for anonymous complaints (12 letters)Team managing temporary global mobility (3 letters)Pride (LGBTQA) is celebrated in this month (4 letters)Conflict resolution contact at FMRI (2 words, 16 letters)...

Labour legislation 2022-11-04

Labour legislation crossword puzzle
  1. Inorder to get bonus, the employee must have worked ----- no. of days in the establishment. ( 6 letters)
  2. No. of members required to start a trade union ( 5 letters ).
  3. The PoSH Act, as mandatary compliance, requires every company having more than ten employees to constitute an ------------ committee. (18 letters)
  4. Amount contributed by employee to Labour welfare fund in Tamilnadu ( 5 letters)
  5. Directive principles of state policy are ------------ in nature (14 letters).
  6. Fundamental rights are --------- in nature. (11 letters).
  7. Labour codes have replaced -------- no. of labour acts. (10 letters)
  8. Directive principles of state policy are enshrined in ------ part of the constitution (2 letters)
  9. An employee have to work ----- no. of years to get gratuity (4 letters)
  10. means the failure, refusal or inability of an employer on account of shortage of coal, power or raw materials or the accumulation of stocks or the breakdown of machinery [or natural calamity or for any other connected reason] to give employment to a workman whose name is borne on the muster rolls of his industrial establishment and who has not been retrenched. ( 6 letters ).
  11. means a cessation of work by a body of persons employed in any industry acting in combination or a concerted refusal, or a refusal under a common understanding, of any number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work or to accept employment. (6 letters).
  1. act is formed based on the article 42 which seeks to ensure humane conditions and provide for maternity relief. (16 letters).
  2. means any premises in which the business of providing dwelling accommodation and supply of meals to any member of the public or a class of the public is carried on. (16 letters)
  3. An Act to provide for the welfare of labour, and to regulate the conditions of work, in plantations. (19 letters).
  4. Maximum rate of bonus given to employee. (6 letters)
  5. means the temporary closing of a place of employment or the suspension of work, or the refusal by an employer to continue to employ any number of persons employed by him. (7 letters).
  6. means work in connection with a transport vehicle, its passengers or its load which is done outside the running time of the transport vehicle. (14 letters)
  7. Bonus should given to the employee within ------ months from the end of the accounting year. ( 5 letters)
  8. Amount contribute by employer to Labour welfare fund in Tamilnadu. ( 7 letters)
  9. Amount given to apprentices as renumeration is called as---------- ( 7 letters )

20 Clues: Maximum rate of bonus given to employee. (6 letters)Fundamental rights are --------- in nature. (11 letters).No. of members required to start a trade union ( 5 letters ).Labour codes have replaced -------- no. of labour acts. (10 letters)An employee have to work ----- no. of years to get gratuity (4 letters)...

Jan.-March 2016 2016-03-22

Jan.-March 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. The Great One (7 letters)
  2. New Deal American President (9 letters)
  3. Unions bargained two days a week, the ________ (7 letters)
  4. _________ Health & Safety Act (12 letters)
  5. 30 and out (7 letters)
  6. Blue Jay Hall of Famer (6 letters)
  7. International Day of Labour ___ 1st (3 letters)
  1. Canadian Star Trek Captain (7 letters)
  2. Film "Who ya gonna call?" (12 letters)
  3. First President of the CAW (5 letters)
  4. Ziggy Stardust (5 letters)
  5. Current UAW President, Dennis _______ (8 letters)
  6. Eagles song that mentions "flat bed Ford" (10 letters)
  7. Canadian theme park (10 letters)
  8. Steve Jobs (5 words)

15 Clues: Steve Jobs (5 words)30 and out (7 letters)The Great One (7 letters)Ziggy Stardust (5 letters)Canadian theme park (10 letters)Blue Jay Hall of Famer (6 letters)Canadian Star Trek Captain (7 letters)Film "Who ya gonna call?" (12 letters)First President of the CAW (5 letters)New Deal American President (9 letters)...

Jan.-March 2016 2016-03-22

Jan.-March 2016 crossword puzzle
  1. Ziggy Stardust (5 letters)
  2. Current UAW President, Dennis _______ (8 letters)
  3. Unions bargained two days a week, the ________ (7 letters)
  4. Blue Jay Hall of Famer (6 letters)
  5. _________ Health & Safety Act (12 letters)
  6. Eagles song that mentions "flat bed Ford" (10 letters)
  7. First President of the CAW (5 letters)
  1. 30 and out (7 letters)
  2. Canadian theme park (10 letters)
  3. Film "Who ya gonna call?" (12 letters)
  4. International Day of Labour ___ 1st (3 letters)
  5. The Great One (7 letters)
  6. Steve Jobs (5 words)
  7. New Deal American President (9 letters)
  8. Canadian Star Trek Captain (7 letters)

15 Clues: Steve Jobs (5 words)30 and out (7 letters)The Great One (7 letters)Ziggy Stardust (5 letters)Canadian theme park (10 letters)Blue Jay Hall of Famer (6 letters)Film "Who ya gonna call?" (12 letters)Canadian Star Trek Captain (7 letters)First President of the CAW (5 letters)New Deal American President (9 letters)...

Fall Crossword 2023-11-02

Fall Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Common ingredient found in candy (5 letters)
  2. A small plot of land that is used to plant pumpkins (5 letters)
  3. Another word for Fall (6 letters)
  4. You might put this on when it's cold outside (7 letters)
  5. A large outdoor fire / burning wood pile (7 letters)
  6. Thanksgiving grub; large country bird (6 letters)
  7. Favorite sport to watch or play during Thanksgiving (8 letters)
  1. Popular fall beverage made from fermented juice of apples (5 letters, second word)
  2. How many like their popcorn (5 letters)
  3. The process or period of gathering crops (7 letters)
  4. Seasonal beverage served during the fall. Hint: Pumpkin _________ Latte (5 letters)
  5. Fall activity; outing on a wagon, usually on a farm or field (7 letters)
  6. Appreciative, feeling gratitude (8 letters)
  7. Snug and warm (4 letters)
  8. People you choose to spend time with; related group (6 letters)
  9. Golden-ray plant with seeds that can be eaten or used to make cooking oil (9 letters)

16 Clues: Snug and warm (4 letters)Another word for Fall (6 letters)How many like their popcorn (5 letters)Appreciative, feeling gratitude (8 letters)Common ingredient found in candy (5 letters)Thanksgiving grub; large country bird (6 letters)The process or period of gathering crops (7 letters)A large outdoor fire / burning wood pile (7 letters)...

L19: Norepinephrine & Epinephrine 2016-04-06

L19: Norepinephrine & Epinephrine crossword puzzle
  1. a selective agonist of beta receptors; found in long acting inhalers
  2. a non-selective agonist for alpha-1 receptors (8 letters)
  3. a selective agonist of beta receptors; found in short acting inhalers
  4. a reuptake inhibitor that specifically blocks NE reuptake (10 letters)
  5. a reuptake inhibitor that specifically blocks NE reuptake (13 letters)
  6. dopamine-beta-hydroxylase converts dopamine to ___
  7. a “release blocker” that blocks VNET activity (9 letters)
  8. (abbreviation) this transporter is responsible for pumping NE into vesicles
  9. a selective agonist for alpha-1A receptors
  10. a “release blocker” that blocks VNET activity (12 letters)
  11. a reuptake inhibitor that specifically blocks NE reuptake (11 letters)
  12. is a partial agonist for alpha-2A
  1. a reuptake inhibitor that specifically blocks NE reuptake (10 letters)
  2. PNMT converts norepinephrine to ___
  3. a selective antagonist of beta-1 receptors
  4. a non-selective agonist of beta receptors (9 letters)
  5. a non-selective antagonist of alpha-2 receptors (9 letters)
  6. a non-selective antagonist of beta receptors
  7. a non-selective agonist of beta receptors (11 letters)
  8. a non-selective agonist of beta receptors (13 letters)
  9. a suicide antagonist of alpha-1 receptors
  10. norepinephrine, epinephrine and ___ are non-selective agonists for alpha-2 receptors
  11. a non-selective agonist for alpha-1 receptors (12 letters)
  12. a “release blocker” that blocks VNET activity (9 letters)
  13. a partial agonist of alpha-2 receptors; a psychedelic

25 Clues: is a partial agonist for alpha-2APNMT converts norepinephrine to ___a suicide antagonist of alpha-1 receptorsa selective antagonist of beta-1 receptorsa selective agonist for alpha-1A receptorsa non-selective antagonist of beta receptorsdopamine-beta-hydroxylase converts dopamine to ___a non-selective agonist of beta receptors (9 letters)...

Spelling Week 2 2024-01-15

Spelling Week 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A pledge or assurance (8 letters)
  2. Required or needed (9 letters)
  3. Where laws are made (11 letters)
  4. An executive official (8 letters)
  5. The system that governs a country (10 letters)
  6. A fundamental or underlying system (6 letters)
  7. Thorough and complete (8 letters)
  8. To communicate in writing (10 letters)
  9. A strong belief or opinion formed before encountering the facts (9 letters)
  1. The surroundings in which we live (10 letters)
  2. Honestly and genuinely (9 letters)
  3. A person's chosen occupation (9 letters)
  4. To propose or recommend (7 letters)
  5. A strong disagreement or argument (11 letters)
  6. To convince someone to do something (8 letters)

15 Clues: Required or needed (9 letters)Where laws are made (11 letters)A pledge or assurance (8 letters)An executive official (8 letters)Thorough and complete (8 letters)Honestly and genuinely (9 letters)To propose or recommend (7 letters)To communicate in writing (10 letters)A person's chosen occupation (9 letters)...

Sarah-Kate-Of Mice and Men 2020-03-25

Sarah-Kate-Of Mice and Men crossword puzzle
  1. to handle or use roughly (4 letters)
  2. to become less agitated or active (7 letters)
  3. distant physically or emotionally (5 letters)
  4. to stir up (6 letters)
  5. contempt or distain felt towards a person or object (5 letters)
  6. forcefulness of expression which gives importance to something (8 letters)
  7. bewildered (6 letters)
  8. a strong abrupt gush of wind (4 letters)
  1. anxious or fearful of the future (12 letters)
  2. evil, immoral(7 letters)
  3. suggestive of an animal's claw (5 letters)
  4. to cringe in fear (5 letters)
  5. menacing (7 letters)
  6. abrupt in manner of speech (7 letters)
  7. unexpectedly sudden (6 letters)

15 Clues: menacing (7 letters)to stir up (6 letters)bewildered (6 letters)evil, immoral(7 letters)to cringe in fear (5 letters)unexpectedly sudden (6 letters)to handle or use roughly (4 letters)abrupt in manner of speech (7 letters)a strong abrupt gush of wind (4 letters)suggestive of an animal's claw (5 letters)anxious or fearful of the future (12 letters)...

Spelling 2024-01-14

Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. To propose an idea for consideration (7 letters)
  2. A strong belief or opinion formed before encountering the facts (9 letters)
  3. An executive official (8 letters)
  4. A person's chosen occupation (9 letters)
  5. A pledge or assurance (8 letters)
  6. Where laws are made (11 letters)
  7. A fundamental or underlying system (6 letters)
  1. To communicate in writing (10 letters)
  2. Thorough and complete (8 letters)
  3. The surroundings in which we live (10 letters)
  4. To convince someone to do something (8 letters)
  5. Required or needed (9 letters)
  6. To propose or recommend (7 letters)
  7. A strong disagreement or argument (11 letters)
  8. Being honest and genuine (8 letters)

15 Clues: Required or needed (9 letters)Where laws are made (11 letters)Thorough and complete (8 letters)An executive official (8 letters)A pledge or assurance (8 letters)To propose or recommend (7 letters)Being honest and genuine (8 letters)To communicate in writing (10 letters)A person's chosen occupation (9 letters)...

Learning to love all of me ❤️ 2024-05-22

Learning to love all of me ❤️ crossword puzzle
  1. Providing care and encouragement (9 letters)
  2. Being present in the moment (11 letters)
  3. Process of Recovery (7 letters)
  4. Gaining strength and confidence in oneself (11 letters)
  5. Willingness to embrace oneself fully (10 letters)
  6. Taking time for one's own well-being (8 letters)
  1. Deep awareness of others' suffering and wanting to help (10 letters)
  2. Ability to face fears (7 letters)
  3. Belief in one's own abilities (10 letters)
  4. Having an optimistic attitude (10 letters)
  5. Being considerate and generous (8 letters)
  6. Feeling thankful (9 letters)
  7. Letting go of resentment (11 letters)
  8. Process of developing (6 letters)
  9. State of good health (7 letters)

15 Clues: Feeling thankful (9 letters)Process of Recovery (7 letters)State of good health (7 letters)Ability to face fears (7 letters)Process of developing (6 letters)Letting go of resentment (11 letters)Being present in the moment (11 letters)Belief in one's own abilities (10 letters)Having an optimistic attitude (10 letters)...

My First Puzzle 2023-10-20

My First Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A furry creature that says "Meow" (3 letters)
  2. Riddle: What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? (4 letters)
  3. A type of food that is made from dough and topped with various ingredients (5 letters)
  4. A planet that orbits the sun (4 letters)
  5. A game played with a ball and a net (5 letters)
  6. A place where students learn (6 letters)
  7. A celestial body that orbits the Earth (4 letters)
  8. Large, strong animals that live in the wild (6 letters)
  9. People you enjoy spending time with (7 letters)
  1. A occupation or trade that someone does for a living (11 letters)
  2. A sweet treat often enjoyed on birthdays (4 letters)
  3. People who are close to you and you care about (6 letters)
  4. Animated characters often seen on TV (8 letters)
  5. Riddle: What has keys but can't open locks? (6 letters)
  6. A popular sport played with a round ball (5 letters)
  7. A place where students go to learn (7 letters)
  8. A group of people who are related to each other (6 letters)

17 Clues: A planet that orbits the sun (4 letters)A place where students learn (6 letters)A furry creature that says "Meow" (3 letters)A place where students go to learn (7 letters)A game played with a ball and a net (5 letters)People you enjoy spending time with (7 letters)Animated characters often seen on TV (8 letters)...

Geography Revision Quiz 2014-12-03

Geography Revision Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. all good maps should have _____ (5 LETTERS)
  2. is what you get (7 LETTERS)
  3. a unit to measure distance (10 LETTERS)
  4. is what you expect (7 LETTERS)
  5. top of a mountain that usually has snow on it (4 LETTERS)
  6. a point on a compass (5 LETTERS)
  1. a form of a round map (5 LETTERS)
  2. separating states (6 LETTERS)
  3. there are 7 in the world (9 LETTERS)
  4. hot invisible line along the centre of the earth(7 LETTERS)
  5. used to measure how old ice is (2 words and 8 LETTERS)
  6. big hill of rock (8 LETTERS)
  7. urban area of a country (4 LETTERS)
  8. land surrounded by water (6 LETTERS)
  9. dirt/planet (5 LETTERS)

15 Clues: dirt/planet (5 LETTERS)is what you get (7 LETTERS)big hill of rock (8 LETTERS)separating states (6 LETTERS)is what you expect (7 LETTERS)a point on a compass (5 LETTERS)a form of a round map (5 LETTERS)urban area of a country (4 LETTERS)there are 7 in the world (9 LETTERS)land surrounded by water (6 LETTERS)a unit to measure distance (10 LETTERS)...

2C Friends 2022-02-11

2C Friends crossword puzzle
  1. 3 Syllables, starts/ends vowel, 4 letters
  2. 2 syllables starts consonant ends vowel
  3. 1 syllable starts/ends consonant, has 2 names
  4. 3 syllables,starts vowel ends consonant 7letter
  5. 3 syllables starts/ends consonant 8 letters
  6. 2 syllables, starts consonant ends consonant
  7. 3 syllables,starts consonant,ends vowel 6letters
  8. 2 Syllables, starts vowel ends consonant
  9. 2 syllables, starts consonant,ends vowel 4 letters
  1. 3 syllables, Starts vowel/consonant ends vowel
  2. 2 syllables, starts/ends consonant 4 letters girl
  3. 3 syllables,starts consonant ends consonant
  4. 4 syllables, starts/ends vowel 7 letters
  5. 1 syllable starts/ends consonant 4 letters boy
  6. 3 syllables, starts consonant ends vowel
  7. 3 syllables starts/ends vowel 2 names girl
  8. 3 syllables, starts consonant ends vowel
  9. 4 syllables starts/ends consonant 8 letters
  10. 2 syllables, starts/ends consonant 6 letters boy
  11. 1 syllable starts/ends consonant 4 letters girl

20 Clues: 2 syllables starts consonant ends vowel4 syllables, starts/ends vowel 7 letters3 syllables, starts consonant ends vowel3 syllables, starts consonant ends vowel2 Syllables, starts vowel ends consonant3 Syllables, starts/ends vowel, 4 letters3 syllables starts/ends vowel 2 names girl3 syllables,starts consonant ends consonant...

B3 Practice Crossword 2023-11-18

B3 Practice Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The organ where a fertilised egg implants - provides nutrients and oxygen (6 letters - Begins with "U")
  2. The removal of the uterus lining and blood during the menstrual cycle (6 letters - Begins with "P")
  3. CNS - The part of the nervous system that is made up of your spinal cord and brain (3 words - Begins with "Central")
  4. A nervous response that does not use the brain (6 letters - Begins with "R")
  5. A chemical messenger like FSH or oestrogen (7 letters - Begins with "H")
  6. The name of the cycle that controls the maturation and release of egg cells, as well as changes in the uterus lining (9 letters - Begins with "M")
  7. A cell that transmits electrical impulses (7 letters)
  8. A specialised cell that is fertilised to produce an embryo (3 letters - Begins with "E")
  9. A group of tissues that releases hormones, like the ovary (5 letters - Begins with "G")
  1. A hormone that maintains the lining of the uterus (12 letters - Begins with "P")
  2. A collection of cells that responds to a stimulus (8 letters - Begins with "R")
  3. A neurone that sends electrical impulses to your brain or spinal cord (7 letters - Begins with "S")
  4. A gland that releases oestrogen and mature eggs (5 letters - Begins with "O")
  5. A neurone that sends electrical impulses to muscles or glands (5 letters - Begins with "M")
  6. A hormone that builds up the lining of the uterus (9 letters - Begins with "O")
  7. A hormone that stimulates follicles in the ovary to mature an egg cell (3 letters - Begins with "F")
  8. The part of a neurone that sends signals away from the cell body (4 letters - Begins with "A")
  9. A hormone that triggers the release of an egg from the follicle (2 letters - Begins with "L")

18 Clues: A cell that transmits electrical impulses (7 letters)A chemical messenger like FSH or oestrogen (7 letters - Begins with "H")A nervous response that does not use the brain (6 letters - Begins with "R")A gland that releases oestrogen and mature eggs (5 letters - Begins with "O")...

Alcohol 2023-05-21

Alcohol crossword puzzle
  1. Pleasant drink scent (5 letters, 1 word)
  2. Green alcoholic spirit (8 letters, 1 word)
  3. Celebration with drinks (5 letters, 1 word)
  4. Art of cocktail creation (8 letters, 1 word)
  5. Clear alcohol (6 letters, 1 word)
  6. Spirits production facility (9 letters, 1 word)
  7. Distilled grain spirit (7 letters, 1 word)
  1. Sugar-to-alcohol conversion process (12 letters, 1 word)
  2. Spirit made from distilled wine (6 letters, 1 word)
  3. Aftereffects of excessive drinking (8 letters, 1 word)
  4. Wine expert (9 letters, 1 word)
  5. Colorless spirit (5 letters, 1 word)
  6. Mixed alcoholic drink (8 letters, 1 word)
  7. Juniper-flavored spirit (3 letters, 1 word)
  8. Light beer (5 letters, 1 word)

15 Clues: Light beer (5 letters, 1 word)Wine expert (9 letters, 1 word)Clear alcohol (6 letters, 1 word)Colorless spirit (5 letters, 1 word)Pleasant drink scent (5 letters, 1 word)Mixed alcoholic drink (8 letters, 1 word)Green alcoholic spirit (8 letters, 1 word)Distilled grain spirit (7 letters, 1 word)Celebration with drinks (5 letters, 1 word)...

Famous movies 2024-02-13

Famous movies crossword puzzle
  1. Toy adventures (4 letters)
  2. Ring quest (5 letters)
  3. Dreamy labyrinth (7 letters)
  4. Jungle king (6 letters)
  5. Vampire love (7 letters)
  6. Ghost hunters (8 letters)
  7. Royal Simba (4 letters)
  8. Boxing underdog (6 letters)
  1. Dinosaur park (9 letters)
  2. Wizardry and a school (8 letters)
  3. Oceanic heist (11 letters)
  4. Mind games (7 letters)
  5. Silent hotel (7 letters)
  6. Space saga (4 letters)
  7. Shipwreck romance (7 letters)

15 Clues: Mind games (7 letters)Ring quest (5 letters)Space saga (4 letters)Jungle king (6 letters)Royal Simba (4 letters)Silent hotel (7 letters)Vampire love (7 letters)Dinosaur park (9 letters)Ghost hunters (8 letters)Oceanic heist (11 letters)Toy adventures (4 letters)Boxing underdog (6 letters)Dreamy labyrinth (7 letters)Shipwreck romance (7 letters)...

Maccio Physical Therapy McKenzie Method Crossword 2024-02-08

Maccio Physical Therapy McKenzie Method Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Acronym for the treatment approach in physical therapy that focuses on assessment, classification, and treatment of spinal conditions, popularly known as the McKenzie Method (3 letters)
  2. Therapeutic technique used in the McKenzie Method to decompress spinal structures and alleviate pressure on nerves (7 letters)
  3. Initial step in the McKenzie Method, involving the evaluation of spinal conditions to tailor treatment plans (9 letters)
  4. Technique in physical therapy involving a small support placed in the lower back to promote proper spinal alignment and relieve pressure, commonly used in the McKenzie Method (11 letters)
  5. Central structure of the musculoskeletal system addressed in physical therapy, often targeted in the McKenzie Method for alignment and mobility (5 letters)
  6. Sequential alignment approach in the McKenzie Method, where exercises are performed in __________ to address spinal issues (6 letters)
  7. Therapeutic technique in the McKenzie Method involving gentle pulling forces applied to the spine to alleviate pressure and improve mobility (7 letters)
  8. The name of the only certified McKenzie Clinic in the capital region with 3 diplomats. Established in 1986, prioritizes quality care and easy access for patients. They offer same-day referrals and specialize in treating musculoskeletal cases efficiently. The clinic focuses on evidence-based practice, with specialized spinal care and independence since inception.
  9. Movement of symptoms away from the spine, opposite of centralization, often monitored in the McKenzie Method (17 letters)
  10. Group of muscles and tendons targeted in physical therapy for shoulder rehabilitation within the McKenzie Method (11 letters)
  11. Movement encouraged in the McKenzie Method to arch the spine backward, aiming to alleviate pain and improve spinal function (9 letters)
  12. Region of the spine addressed in physical therapy, focusing on exercises and treatments to alleviate neck pain and improve mobility (8 letters)
  13. Move with purpose during a physical therapy session, as encouraged in the McKenzie Method (8 letters)
  14. Condition characterized by radiating pain down the leg, often addressed in physical therapy using exercises and techniques from the McKenzie Method (8 letters)
  15. Common foot condition treated in physical therapy with the McKenzie Method, often characterized by heel pain due to inflammation of tissue along the arch (15 letters)
  16. Position often used in McKenzie Method exercises, where the patient lies face down (5 letters)
  17. Degree of movement achievable by a joint, crucial for assessing and improving spinal flexibility in McKenzie Method therapy (12 letters)
  1. Number of times a specific exercise is performed consecutively during a therapy session in the McKenzie Method (12 letters)
  2. Pioneer physical therapist whose method focuses on assessing and treating spinal conditions through exercises and patient education (7 letters)
  3. Movement encouraged in McKenzie Method exercises for the spine, involving lateral bending toward the body's midline (9 letters)
  4. Term in physical therapy referring to the nature of spinal pain that changes with movements or positions, often addressed through exercises and assessments in the McKenzie Method (10 letters)
  5. Movement away from the body's midline, often used in McKenzie Method exercises to address spinal issues (9 letters)
  6. Technique in physical therapy, sometimes utilized alongside the McKenzie Method, involving electrical stimulation to promote muscle contraction and pain relief (18 letters)
  7. Abnormal sensation like tingling or numbness, often addressed in physical therapy sessions using McKenzie Method techniques (11 letters)
  8. Exercise position often used in McKenzie Method therapy, where a patient supports their body on hands and knees, resembling certain animals (8 letters)
  9. Direction of bending away from the midline in physical therapy, often addressed to improve spinal flexibility and alleviate discomfort (7 letters)
  10. Movement in McKenzie Method exercises where the spine gently moves backward to alleviate symptoms (9 letters)
  11. Dizziness symptom often addressed in physical therapy, with treatments in the McKenzie Method focusing on repositioning maneuvers to alleviate it (7 letters)
  12. Balance assessment tool often used in physical therapy sessions, including those employing the McKenzie Method (4 letters)
  13. Middle segment of the spine addressed in physical therapy sessions, often associated with upper and mid-back pain (8 letters)
  14. Movement of symptoms toward the spine, indicating a positive response to treatment in the McKenzie Method (15 letters)
  15. Region of the body commonly addressed in physical therapy, particularly focusing on spinal health and function through exercises and treatments like those in the McKenzie Method (4 letters)
  16. Lower region of the spine addressed in physical therapy, often focusing on exercises and treatments to alleviate low back pain and improve mobility (6 letters)
  17. Forward bending movement of the spine often employed in McKenzie Method exercises to alleviate certain types of back pain (7 letters)
  18. Goal of physical therapy within the McKenzie Method, aiming to give patients control over their own pain management and rehabilitation (11 letters)

35 Clues: Position often used in McKenzie Method exercises, where the patient lies face down (5 letters)Move with purpose during a physical therapy session, as encouraged in the McKenzie Method (8 letters)Movement in McKenzie Method exercises where the spine gently moves backward to alleviate symptoms (9 letters)...

Crucigrama: Los cuartos de la casa 2020-11-09

Crucigrama: Los cuartos de la casa crossword puzzle
  1. dining room
  2. basement
  3. porch
  4. balcony
  5. office
  6. kitchen
  7. guest room
  8. attic (6 letters)
  9. closet
  10. sun room
  1. attic (5 letters)
  2. pantry
  3. hallway (8 letters)
  4. bathroom
  5. bedroom
  6. garage
  7. room
  8. hallway (7 letters)
  9. stairs
  10. laundry room
  11. patio
  12. living room

22 Clues: roomporchpatiopantrygarageofficestairsclosetbalconybedroomkitchenbasementbathroomsun roomguest roomdining roomliving roomlaundry roomattic (5 letters)attic (6 letters)hallway (8 letters)hallway (7 letters)

HR Live - Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-15

HR Live - Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Everybody hates it but this team juggling with it for streamline compliance (3 letters)
  2. Name the medical insurance Third Party Administrator (10 letters)
  3. New award category introduced in 2020 to celebrate individual excellence at FMRI (14 letters)
  4. Conflict resolution contact at FMRI
  5. Pride (LGBTQA) is celebrated in this month? (4 letters)
  6. How many months in current role for IJP eligibility?(6 letters)
  7. Channel for anonymous complaints (12 letters)
  8. Award for innovation (6 letters)
  1. Forum to chat with HR team (8 letters)
  2. What is the name of Fidelity’s Corporate Social Responsibility program? (13 letters)
  3. One stop shop tool for candidate & associates lifecycle (7 letters)
  4. New way to reach out to HR Operations team with queries (4 letters)
  5. Temporary global mobility (3 letters)
  6. Where can you find the monthly learning calendar for training’s scheduled in Fidelity India? (15 letters)
  7. Name of ERG for persons with disabilities & its allies? (6 letters)
  8. Domain Certification (7 letters)

16 Clues: Domain Certification (7 letters)Award for innovation (6 letters)Conflict resolution contact at FMRITemporary global mobility (3 letters)Forum to chat with HR team (8 letters)Channel for anonymous complaints (12 letters)Pride (LGBTQA) is celebrated in this month? (4 letters)How many months in current role for IJP eligibility?(6 letters)...

Revision Crossword 2023-02-27

Revision Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The organ where a fertilised egg implants - provides nutrients and oxygen (6 letters - Begins with "U")
  2. The removal of the uterus lining and blood during the menstrual cycle (6 letters - Begins with "P")
  3. CNS - The part of the nervous system that is made up of your spinal cord and brain (3 words - Begins with "Central")
  4. A nervous response that does not use the brain (6 letters - Begins with "R")
  5. A chemical messenger like FSH or oestrogen (7 letters - Begins with "H")
  6. The name of the cycle that controls the maturation and release of egg cells, as well as changes in the uterus lining (9 letters - Begins with "M")
  7. A cell that transmits electrical impulses (7 letters)
  8. A specialised cell that is fertilised to produce an embryo (3 letters - Begins with "E")
  9. A group of tissues that releases hormones, like the ovary (5 letters - Begins with "G")
  1. A hormone that maintains the lining of the uterus (12 letters - Begins with "P")
  2. A collection of cells that responds to a stimulus (8 letters - Begins with "R")
  3. A neurone that sends electrical impulses to your brain or spinal cord (7 letters - Begins with "S")
  4. A gland that releases oestrogen and mature eggs (5 letters - Begins with "O")
  5. A neurone that sends electrical impulses to muscles or glands (5 letters - Begins with "M")
  6. A hormone that builds up the lining of the uterus (9 letters - Begins with "O")
  7. A hormone that stimulates follicles in the ovary to mature an egg cell (3 letters - Begins with "F")
  8. The part of a neurone that sends signals away from the cell body (4 letters - Begins with "A")
  9. A hormone that triggers the release of an egg from the follicle (2 letters - Begins with "L")

18 Clues: A cell that transmits electrical impulses (7 letters)A chemical messenger like FSH or oestrogen (7 letters - Begins with "H")A nervous response that does not use the brain (6 letters - Begins with "R")A gland that releases oestrogen and mature eggs (5 letters - Begins with "O")...

Birthday Crossword 2024-02-22

Birthday Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - Present, appearing, or found everywhere (10 letters)
  2. - Waterfall or a popular programming pattern (7 letters)
  3. fit for a King or Queen (5 letters)
  4. healing technique (5 letters)
  5. - Fortunate accident or discovery (11 letters)
  6. Venue for ceremonies and events (4 letters)
  7. country in the Middle East (6 letters)
  8. - Highest point or peak (6 letters)
  9. - Delicately light or airy; otherworldly (9 letters)
  1. - The purest essence or embodiment of something (12 letters)
  2. - Coordinate in time; make simultaneous (12 letters)
  3. - Front of a building; often used metaphorically (6 letters)
  4. - Vast system of stars, gas, and dust (6 letters)
  5. - Sudden realization or understanding (8 letters)
  6. Nobel Prize-winning physicist known for his theory of relativity (6 letters)

15 Clues: healing technique (5 letters)fit for a King or Queen (5 letters)- Highest point or peak (6 letters)country in the Middle East (6 letters)Venue for ceremonies and events (4 letters)- Fortunate accident or discovery (11 letters)- Vast system of stars, gas, and dust (6 letters)- Sudden realization or understanding (8 letters)...

The Great Gilly Hopkins Vocab 2023-11-21

The Great Gilly Hopkins Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. (Verb): To support or strengthen (7 letters)
  2. (Verb): To move unsteadily or suddenly (5 letters)
  3. (Verb): To persuade through flattery (6 letters)
  4. (Verb): Persuade gently (4 letters)
  5. (Adverb): Boldly resistant (9 letters)
  6. (Adjective): Pointless or without effect (6 letters)
  7. (Noun): Harmony or agreement (6 letters)
  8. (Adverb): In an uncertain or hesitant manner (11 letters)
  1. (Adjective): Huge or gigantic (7 letters)
  2. (Adverb): In a way that requires much effort (12 letters)
  3. (Verb): To make something known or disclose (6 letters)
  4. (Verb): To recover or save from loss (7 letters)
  5. (Adjective): Showy and tastelessly flashy (5 letters)
  6. (Noun): Lack of interest or concern (11 letters)
  7. (Adjective): Serious and grave (6 letters)

15 Clues: (Verb): Persuade gently (4 letters)(Adverb): Boldly resistant (9 letters)(Noun): Harmony or agreement (6 letters)(Adjective): Huge or gigantic (7 letters)(Adjective): Serious and grave (6 letters)(Verb): To support or strengthen (7 letters)(Verb): To recover or save from loss (7 letters)(Verb): To persuade through flattery (6 letters)...

Bookshark Level H Wk 17 2024-01-08

Bookshark Level H Wk 17 crossword puzzle
  1. Replace or take the place of (8 letters)
  2. A unit of pronunciation with one vowel sound (8 letters)
  3. Physical activity to maintain health and fitness (8 letters)
  4. Distrustful or wary of someone or something (10 letters)
  5. Place where meals are prepared and served to customers (10 letters)
  1. Loyalty and steadfastness (12 letters)
  2. Magnificent and impressive quality (8 letters)
  3. Protective eyewear (7 letters)
  4. Experienced and skilled person, especially in a particular field (7 letters)
  5. Findings or revelations (11 letters)
  6. Well-known or easily recognized (8 letters)
  7. Groups of related individuals (8 letters)
  8. To allow air to circulate and freshen (9 letters)
  9. Cheerful and lively atmosphere (6 letters)
  10. Measure or estimate (5 letters)

15 Clues: Protective eyewear (7 letters)Measure or estimate (5 letters)Findings or revelations (11 letters)Loyalty and steadfastness (12 letters)Replace or take the place of (8 letters)Groups of related individuals (8 letters)Cheerful and lively atmosphere (6 letters)Well-known or easily recognized (8 letters)Magnificent and impressive quality (8 letters)...

22s 2024-04-30

22s crossword puzzle
  1. - Spanish fleet defeated in 1588 (6 letters, six)
  2. - Last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom (9 letters, nine)
  3. - Warship of the Civil War era (8 letters, eight)
  4. - Queen during England's Golden Age (9 letters, nine)
  5. - Eastern Roman Empire (9 letters, nine)
  6. - Ancient inhabitants of France (5 letters, five)
  1. - Trade route connecting East and West (8 letters, eight)
  2. - Infamous sunken ship of 1912 (7 letters, seven)
  3. - Medieval European social system (9 letters, nine)
  4. - Location of a famous treaty (10 letters, ten)
  5. - Mesopotamian temple tower (8 letters, eight)
  6. - Napoleon's final battle (8 letters, eight)
  7. - Carthaginian general (8 letters, eight)
  8. - American Founding Father (9 letters, nine)
  9. - Allied invasion of Normandy (4 letters, four)

15 Clues: - Eastern Roman Empire (9 letters, nine)- Carthaginian general (8 letters, eight)- Napoleon's final battle (8 letters, eight)- American Founding Father (9 letters, nine)- Mesopotamian temple tower (8 letters, eight)- Location of a famous treaty (10 letters, ten)- Allied invasion of Normandy (4 letters, four)...

silent letters 2014-09-10

silent letters crossword puzzle
  1. You should _______ on the door before you enter
  2. the past tense of know
  3. to go up
  4. a tradesman who fixes pipes and leaking taps
  5. He doesn't ______ the answer.
  6. money owed to other people
  7. What is the ________ to the question?
  8. the past tense of write
  1. to use your feet to move
  2. in the middle of your leg
  3. a baby sheep
  4. to cover
  5. arms and legs, or branches of a tree
  6. suspicion
  7. the part of the body which joins the arm to the hand
  8. use this to brush your hair
  9. a cutting tool
  10. the opposite of right

18 Clues: to coverto go upsuspiciona baby sheepa cutting toolthe opposite of rightthe past tense of knowthe past tense of writeto use your feet to movein the middle of your legmoney owed to other peopleuse this to brush your hairHe doesn't ______ the answer.arms and legs, or branches of a treeWhat is the ________ to the question?...

silent letters 2014-09-10

silent letters crossword puzzle
  1. a baby sheep
  2. the past tense of know
  3. a tradesman who fixes pipes and leaking taps
  4. You should ________ knock on the door before you enter the room.
  5. arms and legs, or branches of a tree
  6. Does anyone know the ________ to this question?
  7. the past tense of write
  8. in the middle of your leg
  1. use this to make your hair neat
  2. move with your feet
  3. to cover
  4. suspicion
  5. money owed to other people
  6. join you arms to your hands
  7. a cutting tool
  8. to go up
  9. the opposite of right
  10. what you do with a pen or a pencil

18 Clues: to coverto go upsuspiciona baby sheepa cutting toolmove with your feetthe opposite of rightthe past tense of knowthe past tense of writein the middle of your legmoney owed to other peoplejoin you arms to your handsuse this to make your hair neatwhat you do with a pen or a pencilarms and legs, or branches of a tree...

Silent letters 2013-08-01

Silent letters crossword puzzle
  1. If you are not sure of something you feel.....
  2. You might need one if you sneeze
  3. In charge of our country
  4. If you are scared of something you might find it very........
  5. If you are sure you are going to come to the party then you might say you are ..............coming. dictionary/ A book to help you find the meaning of words
  6. If you practise a lot you can do something ..........
  7. I watch my favourite programme on the ........
  8. A piece of furniture to store things in
  9. The opposite of same
  10. A sweet berry
  1. Woman carry these around with them
  2. We recycle to look after the........
  3. The third day in a week
  4. The second month in a year
  5. By the side of the road to give you directions
  6. The first month of the year
  7. Where you might go to find a book
  8. The home of kings and queens

18 Clues: A sweet berryThe opposite of sameThe third day in a weekIn charge of our countryThe second month in a yearThe first month of the yearThe home of kings and queensYou might need one if you sneezeWhere you might go to find a bookWoman carry these around with themWe recycle to look after the........A piece of furniture to store things in...

Crossword-Smoking 2013-09-13

Crossword-Smoking crossword puzzle
  1. another type of smoking other than cigarettes(4 letters)
  2. something that tends to cause an addiction eg. an addictive drug (9 letters)
  3. an item used to collect cigarette ash and stubs (7 letters)
  4. a state of complete physical, mental and social well being (6 letters)
  5. The system by which oxygen is taken into the body and an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place (17 letters)
  6. Any disease characterized by such growths (6 letters)
  7. bad health issues caused by smoking (8 letters)
  8. What is the addictive chemical in a cigarette (8 letters)
  1. a group who makes individuals change their beliefs or attitudes to fit in with the groups (12 letters)
  2. the prepared leaves, as used in a cigarette, cigars, and pipes (7 letters)
  3. indirect smoking(14 letters)
  4. a sticky black substance in a cigarette(3 letters)
  5. Two sac-like respiratory organs (5 letters)
  6. A cylindrical roll of finely cut tobacco cured for smoking (9 letters)
  7. A condition in which air is abnormally present within the body tissue (9 letters)
  8. when smoking while your pregnent your_____could be born addictded to nicotine (5 letters)

16 Clues: indirect smoking(14 letters)Two sac-like respiratory organs (5 letters)bad health issues caused by smoking (8 letters)a sticky black substance in a cigarette(3 letters)Any disease characterized by such growths (6 letters)another type of smoking other than cigarettes(4 letters)What is the addictive chemical in a cigarette (8 letters)...

Crossword-Smoking 2013-09-13

Crossword-Smoking crossword puzzle
  1. bad health issues caused by smoking (8 letters)
  2. the prepared leaves, as used in a cigarette, cigars, and pipes (7 letters)
  3. a sticky black substance in a cigarette(3 letters)
  4. a group who makes individuals change their beliefs or attitudes to fit in with the groups (12 letters)
  5. something that tends to cause an addiction eg. an addictive drug (9 letters)
  6. The system by which oxygen is taken into the body and an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place (17 letters)
  7. Any disease characterized by such growths (6 letters)
  8. when smoking while your pregnent your_____could be born addictded to nicotine (5 letters)
  9. an item used to collect cigarette ash and stubs (7 letters)
  10. another type of smoking other than cigarettes(4 letters)
  11. Two sac-like respiratory organs (5 letters)
  1. What is the addictive chemical in a cigarette (8 letters)
  2. a state of complete physical, mental and social well being (6 letters)
  3. indirect smoking(14 letters)
  4. A cylindrical roll of finely cut tobacco cured for smoking (9 letters)
  5. A condition in which air is abnormally present within the body tissue (9 letters)

16 Clues: indirect smoking(14 letters)Two sac-like respiratory organs (5 letters)bad health issues caused by smoking (8 letters)a sticky black substance in a cigarette(3 letters)Any disease characterized by such growths (6 letters)another type of smoking other than cigarettes(4 letters)What is the addictive chemical in a cigarette (8 letters)...

Our Names 2023-09-22

Our Names crossword puzzle
  1. A girl name starting with A that has 6 letters
  2. A girl name with 5 letters
  3. A boy name that has 7 letters
  4. A boy name starting with M with 6 letters
  5. A girl name starting with T that has 5 letters
  6. A girl name starting with A that has 8 letters
  7. A boy name starting with T that has 6 letters
  1. A boy name starting with C that has 9 letters
  2. A boy name with 5 letters
  3. A girl name starting with B
  4. A girl name with 6 letters
  5. A boy name starting with A with 7 letters
  6. A girl name starting and ending with the letter A
  7. A girl name starting with J that has 7 letters
  8. A boy name starting with A with 9 letters
  9. A boy name starting with M with 5 letters

16 Clues: A boy name with 5 lettersA girl name with 6 lettersA girl name with 5 lettersA girl name starting with BA boy name that has 7 lettersA boy name starting with A with 7 lettersA boy name starting with M with 6 lettersA boy name starting with A with 9 lettersA boy name starting with M with 5 lettersA boy name starting with C that has 9 letters...

Heroes and Villains 2013-03-04

Heroes and Villains crossword puzzle
  1. Lasso of Truth was held by _____ Woman (6 letters)
  2. Comic book superhero, created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger (1 word, 6 letters)
  3. God from Norse mythology and appears in comics and movies (1 word, 4 letters)
  4. Sea witch who is part octopus and part human (1 word, 6 letters)
  5. Greek hero, son of Zeus (1 word, 8 letters)
  6. Ant who brings warrior bugs to fight off the grass hoppers (1 word, 4 letters)
  7. The character who says this, “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” (2 words)
  8. Musafa’s brother and Simba’s uncle (1 word, 4 letters)
  9. Name of a film hero _______ _____ and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2 words)
  10. Main character in the novel and movie, Psycho; Norman ____ (1 word, 4 letters)
  11. Wears powered armour suits ( 2 words)
  12. Stole from the rich to give to the poor ____ Hood (1 word, 5 letters)
  1. Villainous witch who lives in a candy house from Hansel and ______ (6 letters)
  2. Group of four who acquire powers ______ Four (1 word)
  3. The master criminal with the appearance of a clown (2 words)
  4. Originally a comic book hero with the ability to cling to surfaces and use web shooters (1 word, 10 letters)
  5. Character from Aladdin, The royal vizer who wants to overthrow the Sultan (1 word, 5 letters)
  6. Iconic superhero with a blue, red, and yellow costume with a certain letter logo (1 word, 7 letters)
  7. The villainous animal that appeared in many fables and fairy tales (3 words)
  8. The villain with an iron hook as a hand (2 words)
  9. Harry Potter’s nemesis (1 word, 9 letters)
  10. Most feared figure through the galaxy and holds a red-bladed light saber (2 words)
  11. Batman’s alter-ego, Bruce _____ (1 word, 5 letters)

23 Clues: Wears powered armour suits ( 2 words)Harry Potter’s nemesis (1 word, 9 letters)Greek hero, son of Zeus (1 word, 8 letters)The villain with an iron hook as a hand (2 words)Lasso of Truth was held by _____ Woman (6 letters)Batman’s alter-ego, Bruce _____ (1 word, 5 letters)Group of four who acquire powers ______ Four (1 word)...

Soft letters 2022-10-20

Soft letters crossword puzzle
  1. something you put on your mouth
  2. sound waves through your ears
  3. something shiny
  4. do it most of the time
  5. a noise you can make out of your mouth
  6. something you can use to cover something
  7. a fight
  8. eggs
  9. they come to people’s houses and you call them a…
  1. licking your lips or putting something on your skin
  2. someone or a question
  3. a prediction
  4. not too loud
  5. a feeling
  6. something incorrect
  7. a bush
  8. cut into 2 pieces
  9. lumpy and sometimes on the skin

18 Clues: eggsa busha fighta feelinga predictionnot too loudsomething shinycut into 2 piecessomething incorrectsomeone or a questiondo it most of the timesound waves through your earssomething you put on your mouthlumpy and sometimes on the skina noise you can make out of your mouthsomething you can use to cover something...

Globalisation Crossword 2012-09-17

Globalisation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The limit/potential of a country’s economy to produce goods/services (2 words, 19 letters)
  2. A tax on imported goods (1 word, 6 letters)
  3. This rise in prices of good/services in an economy over an amount of time, this usually decreases because of Globalisation (1 word, 9 letters)
  4. Sending out of Goods or Services to overseas countries for sale (1 word, 6 letters)
  5. When the total amount of a nation’s debits outweigh the nation’s credits (3 words, 21 letters)
  6. Increase in amount of goods and services produced by a nation over an amount of time (2 words, 15 letters)
  7. When cultures expand beyond their borders and locate in new parts of the globe, this increases awareness of other nations/groups (2 words, 21 letters)
  8. Using energies on specialised tasks, rather than performing all required tasks (1 word, 14 letters)
  9. Basic structures (physical and organisational) needed for the operation of a society/economy (eg. Roads)
  10. The rate that a nation's currency is exchanged/swapped for another nation's currency (1 word, 12 letters)
  1. The bringing in of Goods or Services from overseas for sale (1 word, 6 letters)
  2. The ability of a group/individual/nation to carry out a specific activity more efficiently than another activity (2 words, 20 letters)
  3. A …………. Corporation, is a corporation that deals beyond its nation’s borders (1 word, 13 letters)
  4. Economic benefit/financial aid paid to a business/economic sector provided by a government to support an activity (exports) (1 word, 7 letters)
  5. When nations trade Goods, Services, Investments, Finances and Productive Resources more. This reduces barriers between nations, like Tariffs and Import Quotas (2 words, 21 letters)
  6. A policy in which a government doesn’t discriminate against imports or interfere with exports by not applying tariffs/subsidies/ quotas (2 words, 18 letters)
  7. The average exchange rate of a nation's currecncy for another nation's currency, each country's currency is given an importance (using the amount of trade done by the nation) (3 words, 16 letters)
  8. The ability of a group/individual/nation to carry out a specific activity more efficiently than another group/individual/nation (2 words, 16 letters)
  9. The lowest wage permitted to be paid to employees, by the law (In Australia’s case, Australian Fair Pay Commission) (2 words, 11 letters)
  10. Economic aid/assistance offered by a nation to another (2 words, 10 letters)

20 Clues: A tax on imported goods (1 word, 6 letters)Economic aid/assistance offered by a nation to another (2 words, 10 letters)The bringing in of Goods or Services from overseas for sale (1 word, 6 letters)Sending out of Goods or Services to overseas countries for sale (1 word, 6 letters)...

Life Letters 2016-07-21

Life Letters crossword puzzle
  1. reinstatement form
  2. cancellation request form
  3. reinstatement app
  4. maturity letter
  5. UL insufficient letter
  6. annuity surrender form
  7. bank draft authorization form
  8. policy change form
  1. collateral assignment request
  2. partial life surrender request
  3. dividend withdrawal form
  4. loan request form
  5. ownership change
  6. change of beneficiary
  7. past due amount
  8. name change
  9. dividend options
  10. policy status/values

18 Clues: name changematurity letterpast due amountownership changedividend optionsreinstatement apploan request formreinstatement formpolicy change formpolicy status/valueschange of beneficiaryUL insufficient letterannuity surrender formdividend withdrawal formcancellation request formcollateral assignment requestbank draft authorization form...

Silent Letters 2013-02-04

Silent Letters crossword puzzle
  1. this means to have power over a land, like a king or queen.
  2. Not part, but the ______ thing.
  3. Decide to leave your job.
  4. This is what your teeth do on a bone.
  5. A sport where men fight each other in a ring, but without punching.
  6. The opposite of right.
  7. I want to know _____ coat this is.
  8. A circle of greenery hung on the door at Christmas.
  1. A funny little statue of a man in a red hat found in people's gardens.
  2. Ideas about how things should look, or inventions should work.
  3. Question word meaning which person.
  4. A line on your face - the older you are, the more you have.
  5. A placard that shows you information, or maybe which way to go.
  6. If you _____ your teeth, you grind them together as if you are biting something.
  7. The bit where your hand meets your arm.
  8. Something or someone who does not come from your country, but a different one.
  9. What you do with a pen on paper.
  10. What you do to presents (using paper and sticky tape).

18 Clues: The opposite of right.Decide to leave your job.Not part, but the ______ thing.What you do with a pen on paper.I want to know _____ coat this is.Question word meaning which person.This is what your teeth do on a bone.The bit where your hand meets your arm.A circle of greenery hung on the door at Christmas....

B3 Practice Crossword 2023-11-18

B3 Practice Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The part of a neurone that sends signals away from the cell body (4 letters - Begins with "A")
  2. A cell that transmits electrical impulses (7 letters)
  3. The organ where a fertilised egg implants - provides nutrients and oxygen (6 letters - Begins with "U")
  4. A nervous response that does not use the brain (6 letters - Begins with "R")
  5. A specialised cell that is fertilised to produce an embryo (3 letters - Begins with "E")
  6. A gland that releases oestrogen and mature eggs (5 letters - Begins with "O")
  7. A hormone that triggers the release of an egg from the follicle (2 letters - Begins with "L")
  8. The removal of the uterus lining and blood during the menstrual cycle (6 letters - Begins with "P")
  9. The name of the cycle that controls the maturation and release of egg cells, as well as changes in the uterus lining (9 letters - Begins with "M")
  1. A neurone that sends electrical impulses to muscles or glands (5 letters - Begins with "M")
  2. A hormone that maintains the lining of the uterus (12 letters - Begins with "P")
  3. CNS - The part of the nervous system that is made up of your spinal cord and brain (3 words - Begins with "Central")
  4. A neurone that sends electrical impulses to your brain or spinal cord (7 letters - Begins with "S")
  5. A hormone that builds up the lining of the uterus (9 letters - Begins with "O")
  6. A hormone that stimulates follicles in the ovary to mature an egg cell (3 letters - Begins with "F")
  7. A group of tissues that releases hormones, like the ovary (5 letters - Begins with "G")
  8. A collection of cells that responds to a stimulus (8 letters - Begins with "R")
  9. A chemical messenger like FSH or oestrogen (7 letters - Begins with "H")

18 Clues: A cell that transmits electrical impulses (7 letters)A chemical messenger like FSH or oestrogen (7 letters - Begins with "H")A nervous response that does not use the brain (6 letters - Begins with "R")A gland that releases oestrogen and mature eggs (5 letters - Begins with "O")...

Silent Letters 2020-07-07

Silent Letters crossword puzzle
  1. Incorrect
  2. When you tie string or rope together
  3. Lines on your face from ageing
  4. Between your arm and your hand
  5. The season after summer
  6. A day of the week
  7. A baby cow
  8. Something you can use to light a candle
  9. A young sheep
  1. 60 minutes
  2. When we write our name at the bottom of a form
  3. When you tell the truth
  4. The opposite of innocent
  5. The past tense of 'write'
  6. Land with sea all around it
  7. Something you can wear on your wrist
  8. A very old building where knights lived
  9. The opposite of wild and stormy weather

18 Clues: Incorrect60 minutesA baby cowA young sheepA day of the weekWhen you tell the truthThe season after summerThe opposite of innocentThe past tense of 'write'Land with sea all around itLines on your face from ageingBetween your arm and your handWhen you tie string or rope togetherSomething you can wear on your wrist...

Double Letters 2021-11-26

Double Letters crossword puzzle
  1. to be the same; be equal
  2. to present as larger, more important, or more valuable
  3. to present as something that one can have confidence in; present as something good
  4. a particular area where a group of people live
  5. to reach a certain place or goa
  6. to provide with what is needed to complete a task
  7. mean and unfriendly in one's actions; ready to argue or start fights
  8. to trouble or bother again and again
  9. the act or condition of having or owning something
  1. the act of interrupting or the state of being interrupted
  2. to make known
  3. feeling strong affection for and not wanting to part with
  4. a group of persons chosen to give attention to a particular matter
  5. to assume to be true in order to make clear or to explain
  6. easily seen or plain
  7. the place where one lives or a business is located
  8. to make uncomfortable or ill at ease
  9. to make a computer program for

18 Clues: to make knowneasily seen or plainto be the same; be equalto make a computer program forto reach a certain place or goato make uncomfortable or ill at easeto trouble or bother again and againa particular area where a group of people liveto provide with what is needed to complete a taskthe place where one lives or a business is located...

Correct Letters 2021-02-24

Correct Letters crossword puzzle
  1. Positive of something
  2. Remember the persons face
  3. Always needed
  4. You want to do it
  5. Give a thought
  6. If you do it you become a better team
  7. Group of people
  8. Very sure of
  1. Having enough
  2. Wants so badly
  3. Helps your creativity
  4. Causing great damage
  5. A group of important people
  6. Helps with knowing the meaning of things
  7. Helps you move your body
  8. Stated by someone
  9. Lining up
  10. Type of boat

18 Clues: Lining upType of boatVery sure ofHaving enoughAlways neededWants so badlyGive a thoughtGroup of peopleYou want to do itStated by someoneCausing great damageHelps your creativityPositive of somethingHelps you move your bodyRemember the persons faceA group of important peopleIf you do it you become a better team...

Silent Letters 2021-02-08

Silent Letters crossword puzzle
  1. something you can use to write on a blackboard
  2. this is when you tell the truth
  3. a very large creature in the sea
  4. you can use this in your hair
  5. you use this to cut things up
  6. I have this fruit in a crumble
  7. a fish you eat
  8. a hobby like sewing but with two needles
  9. baby sheep
  1. you get this when you tie something
  2. you have one of these on your hand
  3. you would do this to a door to let someone know you are there
  4. a type of fighter
  5. left on your plate after eating a cake or biscuit
  6. the opposite to right
  7. a weapon you fight with
  8. these were used in WW2
  9. two quarters would make this in Maths

18 Clues: baby sheepa fish you eata type of fighterthe opposite to rightthese were used in WW2a weapon you fight withyou can use this in your hairyou use this to cut things upI have this fruit in a crumblethis is when you tell the trutha very large creature in the seayou have one of these on your handyou get this when you tie something...

HR Live - Crossword Puzzle 2021-02-17

HR Live - Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Pride (LGBTQA) is celebrated in this month (4 letters)
  2. Browse info, make a request, contact HR or raise a concern using this new platform (4 letters)
  3. Team managing temporary work assignments to various parts of the globe (3 letters)
  4. Minimum no. of months required in current role for an associate to be IJP eligible (6 letters)
  5. Channel for anonymous complaints (12 letters)
  6. Award for innovation (6 letters)
  7. New award category introduced in 2020 to celebrate individual excellence at FMRI (14 letters)
  8. The enterprise cloud application used across the candidate & associates lifecycle (7 letters)
  9. Where can you find the monthly learning calendar for training’s scheduled in Fidelity India? (15 letters)
  1. Forum to chat with HR team members. Primarily driven by HRBusiness Partners (2 words, 8 letters)
  2. Conflict resolution contact at FMRI (2 words, 16 letters)
  3. What is the name of Fidelity’s Corporate Social Responsibility program? (13 letters)
  4. Name the medical insurance Third Party Administrator (10 letters)
  5. Flagship program for Domain Certification (7 letters)
  6. Monthly payroll deduction line item (3 letters)
  7. ERG for persons with disabilities & their allies (6 letters)

16 Clues: Award for innovation (6 letters)Channel for anonymous complaints (12 letters)Monthly payroll deduction line item (3 letters)Flagship program for Domain Certification (7 letters)Pride (LGBTQA) is celebrated in this month (4 letters)Conflict resolution contact at FMRI (2 words, 16 letters)ERG for persons with disabilities & their allies (6 letters)...

hi 2017-12-01

hi crossword puzzle
  1. Paciotti hint:2 letters and one .
  2. morning
  3. hint:Has a trunk
  4. second level of organisation hint: 10 letters
  5. hint:Flying mammal
  6. lantro hint:ask ms. paciotti
  7. the first level of organisation
  8. hint:Likes to chase mice
  9. system
  10. teaches hint:7 letters
  1. school hint:6 letters
  2. Large marsupial 8 letters
  3. by volumefor density hint:11 letters
  4. hint:Man's best friend
  5. living hint:6 letters
  6. non-living hint: 7 letters

16 Clues: systemmorninghint:Has a trunkhint:Flying mammalschool hint:6 lettersliving hint:6 lettershint:Man's best friendteaches hint:7 lettershint:Likes to chase miceLarge marsupial 8 lettersnon-living hint: 7 letterslantro hint:ask ms. paciottithe first level of organisationPaciotti hint:2 letters and one .by volumefor density hint:11 letters...

2s 2024-04-29

2s crossword puzzle
  1. - When one celestial body obscures another, seven letters
  2. - A highly magnetized rotating neutron star, six letters
  3. - A natural light display, six letters
  4. - The ringed planet, six letters
  5. - The universe seen as a well-ordered whole, six letters
  6. - The force that attracts a body towards the center of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass, seven letters
  7. - A particle of light, six letters
  8. - A cloud in outer space, six letters
  1. - A distant celestial object, six letters
  2. - The smallest planet, seven letters
  3. - A system of two stars, six letters
  4. - A system of millions or billions of stars, six letters
  5. - A spacecraft, six letters
  6. - A celestial coordinate system, six letters
  7. - A moon mission, six letters

15 Clues: - A spacecraft, six letters- A moon mission, six letters- The ringed planet, six letters- A particle of light, six letters- The smallest planet, seven letters- A system of two stars, six letters- A cloud in outer space, six letters- A natural light display, six letters- A distant celestial object, six letters...

The Executive Branch 2023-11-29

The Executive Branch crossword puzzle
  1. Maximum number of years a President can serve in office. (5 letters)
  2. Official residence and workplace of the President. (10 letters)
  3. Department focused on economic growth, trade, and job creation. (8 letters)
  4. Department managing the nation's finances. (8 letters)
  5. Focuses on the protection of the nation's safety and defense. (15 letters)
  6. Second in command, presides over the Senate. (13 letters)
  7. The highest office in the U.S. executive branch. (8 letters)
  8. The number of executive departments in the President's Cabinet.
  1. Department responsible for the nation's military. (7 letters)
  2. Department responsible for policies on protecting natural resources. (13 letters)
  3. Department overseeing federal law enforcement and legal matters. (7 letters)
  4. Number of years in a single term for a U.S. President. (4 letters)
  5. Department handling foreign affairs and diplomacy. (5 letters)
  6. Department concerned with public health and services. (6 letters)
  7. Advisory body composed of federal department heads. (6 letters)
  8. Title given to the presiding officer of the House of Representatives. (7 letters)

16 Clues: Department managing the nation's finances. (8 letters)Second in command, presides over the Senate. (13 letters)The highest office in the U.S. executive branch. (8 letters)Department responsible for the nation's military. (7 letters)Department handling foreign affairs and diplomacy. (5 letters)...

Protect for Points: Hybrid Work Crossword 2023-04-26

Protect for Points: Hybrid Work Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A security incident in which sensitive information is exposed or stolen (10 letters).
  2. An attempt to gain unauthorized access for malicious purposes (11 letters).
  3. A set of guidelines for information security (20 letters).
  4. A security measure requiring two forms of identification (21 letters).
  5. A secure connection to a remote network (3 letters).
  6. Sending fraudulent emails or messages to trick people (8 letters).
  1. A security measure requiring multiple forms of identification (23 letters).
  2. The practice of maintaining good online habits (11 letters).
  3. A security vulnerability unknown to the software vendor (15 letters).
  4. Any software that harms or exploits a computer system (7 letters).
  5. The process of converting data into a coded language (10 letters).
  6. A device connected to a network (8 letters).
  7. A security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic (8 letters).
  8. A software update that fixes security vulnerabilities (5 letters).
  9. A targeted form of phishing that is personalized (13 letters).
  10. The type of engineering used for psychological manipulation to trick people into divulging confidential information (5 letters).

16 Clues: A device connected to a network (8 letters).A secure connection to a remote network (3 letters).A set of guidelines for information security (20 letters).The practice of maintaining good online habits (11 letters).A targeted form of phishing that is personalized (13 letters).Any software that harms or exploits a computer system (7 letters)....