natural disasters Crossword Puzzles

Vocabulary Review 2021-12-13

Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. I ____ a conversation in the hallway today
  2. ______ helps rescue victims of a disaster.
  3. CPR is an example of _______.
  4. Koreans and Thais have a ______for spicy food.
  5. you need to get _______ for field trips
  6. having a room of your own gives you _______
  7. are you _______for a scholarship?
  1. a ______should be very safe during disasters
  2. the relationship between a landlord and _____ is important.
  3. I'd like to repay your ______with a small gift
  4. don't believe that ______that's been spreading around school. It's not true!
  5. people _______on the streets in Colombia last year to protest against the government.

12 Clues: CPR is an example of _______.are you _______for a scholarship?you need to get _______ for field tripsI ____ a conversation in the hallway today______ helps rescue victims of a disaster.having a room of your own gives you _______a ______should be very safe during disastersI'd like to repay your ______with a small gift...

Communist in China 2021-04-21

Communist in China crossword puzzle
  1. Who were the one that would produce a sufficient amount not just for urban factory workers.
  2. leap what cause the economic and humanitarian disasters.
  3. what cause Korean to divide.
  4. Korean Which part of Korean did Mao support during the Korean war.
  5. what did Mao use to encourage Chinese people.
  6. who rebel against Mao government.
  1. market what would ultimately strengthen China economy.
  2. what
  3. 50 million people die in China during that time due to.
  4. Which country supported Mao over communism.
  5. Who was inspired by competing against the USSR goal.
  6. shortage For two year China surfer from.

12 Clues: whatwhat cause Korean to divide.who rebel against Mao government.shortage For two year China surfer from.Which country supported Mao over communism.what did Mao use to encourage Chinese people.Who was inspired by competing against the USSR goal.50 million people die in China during that time due to....

Floods 2012-03-20

Floods crossword puzzle
  1. how many causes of flooding are there?
  2. How much money did the biggest flood ever cost?
  3. can other other disasters cause floods?
  4. how many centermetres of rapidly moving water does it take to move a bus?
  5. Are we in flood zone A, B, C
  6. In the last 100 years how many people in america have died?
  1. Where was the biggest flood ever?
  2. What causes floods?
  3. What are the most common natrual disaster?
  4. how many ameracans loose there house a year?
  5. Most people in floods die from what?

11 Clues: What causes floods?Are we in flood zone A, B, CWhere was the biggest flood ever?Most people in floods die from what?how many causes of flooding are there?can other other disasters cause floods?What are the most common natrual disaster?how many ameracans loose there house a year?How much money did the biggest flood ever cost?...

What will the Weather be like? 2015-04-16

What will the Weather be like? crossword puzzle
  1. A damaging type of weather
  2. Weather changes through these four stages in the year
  3. A word which describes the type of weather in the rainforest
  4. The name of the month, when it snow in the Alps
  5. The name of our new topic
  6. What might you suffer from in the Alps even though it is cold?
  1. A country mentioned that is always hot and sunny
  2. A type of wet weather
  3. Some weather can produce these
  4. What world's the weather will do in the future.
  5. The rainforest is near this invisible line

11 Clues: A type of wet weatherThe name of our new topicA damaging type of weatherSome weather can produce theseThe rainforest is near this invisible lineThe name of the month, when it snow in the AlpsWhat world's the weather will do in the future.A country mentioned that is always hot and sunnyWeather changes through these four stages in the year...

Evolution 2013-11-18

Evolution crossword puzzle
  1. New layers of sediment that cover older ones, and compresses them into superimposed layers of rock.
  2. The idea that parts that of the body that are used extensively, become larger and stronger, while those who are not used, tend to deteriorate.
  3. The transfer of alleles from one population to another, resulting from the movement of fertile individuals, or their gametes.
  4. Organisms, who are a potent force.
  5. It’s not the individual, but rather the ________ that evolves.
  6. A process in which events, cause unpredictable fluctuations in allele frequencies, from one generation to the next.
  7. An evolutionary process in which one species splits into two or more species.
  8. Condition describing a nonevolving population, one that is in genetic equilibrium.
  9. A type of natural selection that occurs when a phenotype is favored between the individuals, and is going to give an advantage to the individual.
  10. The study of fossils.
  11. An English biologist, who argued that there is unity in life because all organisms descent from an ancestor that lived in the remote past.
  12. Selection Natural Selection, in which the majority or intermediate phenotypes, survive, or reproduce more successfully, than the extreme phenotypes.
  13. Underlying or basic skeletal structure, in different species, that represent variations from a common structural heme, that was present in their common ancestor.
  14. selection Selection favors the formation of two distinct genes or alleles, causing a shift towards the extremes or the minority.
  15. Mechanics of change are constant over time, meaning that the same geologic process of the past is operating now.
  16. that share similar characteristics, as the result of convergent evolution, not homology.
  17. A process by which humans have modified species over many generations by selecting and breeding individuals that possess desired traits.
  1. Mechanisms that produce the observed pattern of change, or the natural causes of the natural phenomena observable.
  2. Facts and observations about the natural world.
  3. A Swedish physician and botanist who developed the binomial system of naming species, which is still used by scientists.
  4. Characteristics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments.
  5. Speciation, where there is no physical barriers to
  6. A change in a population over time, which occurs by a modification in a descendant, which in other words, suggests the idea that living species are descendants of ancestral species that were different from the actual ones.
  7. The independent evolution of similar features in different lineages.
  8. A diagram, which resulted from a resemblance between certain species, showing the evolutionary interrelations of a group of organisms derived from a common ancestral form, which shows the pattern of evolution.
  9. The principle that events in the past occurred suddenly and were caused by mechanisms different from those operating in the present.
  10. Evolution Species that originate from a common ancestor, but due to cataclysmic disasters, one allele is favored, causing a different development in the characteristics of these populations.
  11. French biologist, who argued that evolution happens due to the innate drive, organisms have to become more complex.
  12. Speciation that occurs when a population becomes divided into two entirely different isolated populations.
  13. of acquired characteristics: The idea that an organism could pass on, to their offspring, these modifications.
  14. A leading geologist of Darwin´s time, who incorporated Hutton´s idea into his principle, which later influenced Darwin´s ideas.
  15. Selection A process in which individuals that have certain heritable characteristics survive and
  16. Genetic drift that occurs when a few individuals become isolated from a larger population and form a new population, whose gene pool composition is not as reflective of that of the original population.
  17. Remains or traces of past organisms, which are found in sedimentary rocks, formed by layers of sediment that settle into the bottom of seas, lakes, and swamps.
  18. Cuvier Scientist who developed Paleontology, and stated that every boundary represented a new catastrophe.

35 Clues: The study of fossils.Organisms, who are a potent force.Facts and observations about the natural world.Speciation, where there is no physical barriers toIt’s not the individual, but rather the ________ that evolves.The independent evolution of similar features in different lineages....

Challenges Related to Community Safety in the Philippines 2024-02-29

Challenges Related to Community Safety in the Philippines crossword puzzle
  1. Safety, The Philippines has one of the highest rates of road accidents and fatalities in Southeast Asia. This due to factors such as poor road infrastructure, reckless driving, and inadequate enforcement of traffic laws.
  2. Disasters, The Philippines is prone to __________ such as typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions and it can result to significant loss of life, property damage, and also hinder economic development.
  3. and Violence, This is a major challenge in the Philippines includes robbery, as well as more serious crimes such as drug trafficking, terrorism, and political violence.
  4. is responsible for fire prevention, suppression, and investigation.
  5. is the primary law enforcement agency in the country.
  6. Awareness, This includes educating the public on disaster preparedness, crime prevention, road safety and cybersecurity as well as encouraging community participation in maintaining peace and order.
  1. the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss. e or
  2. is responsible for disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
  3. With the increasing use of digital technologies in the Philippines has experienced a rise in cybercrime, including online scams, identity theft, and hacking.
  4. implements crime prevention programs and campaigns, such as the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT).

10 Clues: is the primary law enforcement agency in the responsible for disaster preparedness, response, and responsible for fire prevention, suppression, and investigation.the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of injury, danger, or loss. e or...

Sustaining Biodiversity 2024-02-08

Sustaining Biodiversity crossword puzzle
  1. Area of ocean needed to sustain the consumption of an average person, a nation, or the world, based on the weight of fish he, she, or they consume annually.
  2. Species Act (ESA) U.S. law that identifies and protects endangered and threatened species and calls for recovery programs to help species recover to levels where legal protection is no longer needed.
  3. on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) International treaty that bans hunting, capturing, and selling of threatened or endangered species.
  4. Unfenced grassland in temperate and tropical climates that supplies vegetation for grazing (grass-eating) and browsing (shrub-eating) animals.
  5. area Area that has not been disturbed by humans and that is protected by law from all harmful human activities.
  6. Temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest for agriculture, settlements, or other uses.
  7. Too many animals grazing an area for too long, leading to reduced grass cover, which in turn leads to erosion that compacts soil and reduces its capacity to hold water.
  8. plantation Managed forest containing only one or two species of trees that are all the same age.
  9. zone Outer zone surrounding a strictly protected inner core of a reserve where local people can extract resources sustainably.
  10. swap Arrangement in which participating countries act as custodians of protected forest reserves in return for foreign aid or debt relief.
  1. concession Strategy in which governments or private conservation organizations pay governments or landowners in other nations to preserve their land’s natural resources for a set amount of time.
  2. breeding Process by which wild individuals of a critically endangered species are collected for breeding in captivity, with the aim of reintroducing the offspring into the wild.
  3. burn Carefully planned and controlled fire that removes flammable small trees and underbrush in the highest-risk forest areas.
  4. restoration Deliberate alteration of a damaged habitat or ecosystem to a state close to its original one.
  5. Managed grassland or enclosed meadow often planted with domesticated grasses or other vegetation to be grazed by livestock.
  6. forest Uncut or regenerated forest that has not been seriously disturbed by human activities or natural disasters for 200 years or more.
  7. ecology Method of protecting terrestrial biodiversity by finding ways for humans to share with other species some of the spaces they dominate.
  8. on Biological Diversity (CBD) International treaty that commits participating governments to reduce the global rate of biodiversity loss and to share the benefits from use of the world’s genetic resources.
  9. hotspot Area rich in highly endangered endemic species
  10. reserve Area that contains a strictly protected core ecosystem surrounded by a buffer zone where local people can extract resources sustainably.
  11. Concentration of an aquatic species suitable for commercial harvesting in an ocean area or inland body of water.
  12. forest Stand of trees resulting from secondary ecological succession. These forests develop after the trees in an area have been removed by human activities, such as clear-cutting for timber or cropland, or by natural forces such as wildfires and hurricanes.

22 Clues: hotspot Area rich in highly endangered endemic speciesplantation Managed forest containing only one or two species of trees that are all the same age.Temporary or permanent removal of large expanses of forest for agriculture, settlements, or other uses....

The History of the Colosseum 2023-09-11

The History of the Colosseum crossword puzzle
  1. people who watch an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part
  2. very old
  3. very rich
  4. great harms, damage, or death, or serious difficulty
  1. a building for Christian religious activities
  2. the work of building or making something, especially buildings, bridges, etc.
  3. large houses that are the official home of a king and queen
  4. to harm or spoil something

8 Clues: very oldvery richto harm or spoil somethinga building for Christian religious activitiesgreat harms, damage, or death, or serious difficultylarge houses that are the official home of a king and queenpeople who watch an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part...

dragon boat festival 2022-05-27

dragon boat festival crossword puzzle
  1. away all the things it move across the
  2. a way counts days of the month based on the
  3. After a bad weather and all the rain washes
  4. a kind of weather that will cause all the
  5. a type of weather which will cause all the
  1. with mud form the mountain that make the
  2. boat a kind of boat with a symbol on it.
  3. to the environment.
  4. a kind of strong dangerous wind which will
  5. to the environment.
  6. a water pool

11 Clues: a water poolto the the environment.away all the things it move across thewith mud form the mountain that make theboat a kind of boat with a symbol on it.a kind of weather that will cause all thea kind of strong dangerous wind which willa type of weather which will cause all thea way counts days of the month based on the...

Natural Science HW 2020-09-24

Natural Science HW crossword puzzle
  1. gaseous area surrounding earth
  2. group of parts that make a whole
  3. part of ocean near land
  4. long underwater mountain ranges
  5. gently sloping platform
  6. evolution of universe theory
  7. high altitude division of earth
  8. a proven hypothesis
  9. an untested theory
  10. flat areas composed of igneous rocks
  11. the study of the universe
  12. the watery division of earth
  13. Sciences related to the ocean
  14. the crust and upper mantle
  15. hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere
  1. submerged volcanoes
  2. interior of the continents
  3. slowly flowing part of earth
  4. The study of the weather
  5. large groups of mountains
  6. largest of the “spheres”
  7. deep drop off
  8. the time since earth formed
  9. are between margins and ridge
  10. deep drops on ocean floor
  11. all life on earth
  12. moderately dense portion of earth
  13. Science study of earths systems
  14. slope into gradual incline
  15. system with subsystems
  16. flat areas in ocean
  17. the study of earth
  18. place where the water cycle occurs
  19. cratons with sediment on top
  20. the path to becoming a law
  21. dense inner portion of earth
  22. thin outer skin of earth

37 Clues: deep drop offall life on earththe study of earthan untested theorysubmerged volcanoesflat areas in oceana proven hypothesissystem with subsystemspart of ocean near landgently sloping platformThe study of the weatherlargest of the “spheres”thin outer skin of earthlarge groups of mountainsdeep drops on ocean floorthe study of the universe...

Bio-Natural resources 2021-11-30

Bio-Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. spoiling natural resources
  2. 03
  3. breeze Winds created by change in pressure
  4. essential materials for a living
  5. the weather over a larger scale
  6. the breath of life
  7. product of wearing down of rocks
  8. suspended carbon particles
  9. an element released in photosynthesis
  1. gases that prevent the heat to leave from earth
  2. harmful substances in spoiling resources
  3. process where water turns into vapour
  4. running out of
  5. a blanket covering the earth
  6. smoke and fog combined
  7. a greenhouse gas starting with M
  8. a zone where the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere interact
  9. a gas released in respiration
  10. the liquid essential for life
  11. nitrogen fixing bacteria

20 Clues: 03running out ofthe breath of lifesmoke and fog combinednitrogen fixing bacteriaspoiling natural resourcessuspended carbon particlesa blanket covering the eartha gas released in respirationthe liquid essential for lifethe weather over a larger scalea greenhouse gas starting with Messential materials for a livingproduct of wearing down of rocks...

Natural Hazard: Bushfire 2013-06-09

Natural Hazard: Bushfire crossword puzzle
  1. A hot glowing body of ignited gas that is generated by something on fire.
  2. A fire that occurs in the bush
  3. The action of setting something on fire or starting to burn.
  4. The action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired.
  5. A small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire
  6. Begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy
  7. The plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
  8. A large fire that is dangerously out of control.
  9. A danger or risk.
  10. burn Controlled or prescribed burning, also known as hazard reduction burning or Swailing is a technique sometimes used in forest management
  1. A combustible black or dark brown rock consisting mainly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground deposits
  2. Rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, producing heat and light.
  3. The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property
  4. A sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life.
  5. An injury caused by exposure to heat or flame.
  6. Cause a fire or light to cease to burn or shine.
  7. Combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.
  8. Leave or cause the occupants to leave a place of danger.
  9. Suffer complete ruin or destruction
  10. The animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.

20 Clues: A danger or risk.A fire that occurs in the bushSuffer complete ruin or destructionAn injury caused by exposure to heat or flame.Cause a fire or light to cease to burn or shine.A large fire that is dangerously out of control.Leave or cause the occupants to leave a place of danger.The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property...

Alberta's Natural Resources 2013-03-18

Alberta's Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. the natural resource that produces oxygen
  2. water supply for cultivated lands
  3. industry that involves the cutting down of trees and converting them into useful materials
  4. adjective to describe a resource that cannot be replaced
  5. scientists who study fossils to learn about very old life forms
  6. the return of an area to its original state after it was mined
  7. a long layer beneath the Earth's surface
  8. a fossil fuel found in Alberta that are the largest oil reserve in the world
  9. a very useful energy source
  10. weather of an area that is recorded over a long period of time
  11. thick, sticky tar made of oil
  12. an important cereal crop grown in Alberta
  13. the type of farming that raises livestock
  14. natural gas that is mainly use for heating homes in Alberta
  1. adjective to describe a useful resource that is replaceable, so it last for the future
  2. the type of fuel that come from the remains of ancient plans and animals
  3. the careful use of natural resources in order that they do not run out
  4. the growing of crops and raising of animals
  5. fossil fuel that is primarily used for energy generation in Alberta
  6. the different features of the land
  7. very thick sheets of ice and snow that move slowly across the land
  8. food product obtained from bee-keeping
  9. the ability to do work
  10. type of renewable alternate energy source that uses sunlight
  11. plants that grow in an area

25 Clues: the ability to do workplants that grow in an areaa very useful energy sourcethick, sticky tar made of oilwater supply for cultivated landsthe different features of the landfood product obtained from bee-keepinga long layer beneath the Earth's surfacethe natural resource that produces oxygenthe type of farming that raises livestock...

Natural Resources Review 2016-01-14

Natural Resources Review crossword puzzle
  1. Of the most developed economies, this country produces the most CO2/capita
  2. Rich fishing grounds off the coast of NFLD
  3. Most of Canada’s most valued commercial forests are in which province?
  4. Arguably the most environmentally friendly method of harvesting trees
  5. This country emits the most total CO2/year
  6. Water use can be defined in two ways: Instream use and?
  7. 200 miles or 370 km
  8. Fish that feed near the water surface
  9. We live in this drainage basin
  10. Most of the world’s water is located in?
  11. The impact of these tropical storms are often worsened when wetlands are drained such as in Florida
  12. Fish farming
  13. For most Canadians, this “type” of footprint tends to be the largest contributor to their overall footprint.
  14. Arguably this was the most difficult thing to give up for the family in NO IMPACT MAN
  1. Of the most developed countries of the world (G20) this country has the 2nd largest ecological footprint
  2. Example of biological contamination of groundwater in Ontario...happened in 2000
  3. Use of renewable resource at a rate that allows the resource to renew itself.
  4. This area of industry involves the extraction or harvesting of natural resources
  5. the most dangerous form of water pollution hence the ban on pesticide use
  6. Traditionally, this was the most valuable fish in the East Coast fishery
  7. How did the family in NO IMPACT MAN recycle their organic waste?
  8. This type of industry deals with research and development etc.
  9. the most destructive method of harvesting trees
  10. Notorious example of chemicals seeping into groundwater...happened near Buffalo NY

24 Clues: Fish farming200 miles or 370 kmWe live in this drainage basinFish that feed near the water surfaceMost of the world’s water is located in?Rich fishing grounds off the coast of NFLDThis country emits the most total CO2/yearthe most destructive method of harvesting treesWater use can be defined in two ways: Instream use and?...

Natural Selection/Evolution 2016-04-13

Natural Selection/Evolution crossword puzzle
  1. genetic drift that results from an event that drastically reduced the size of a population
  2. isolation due to physical barriers
  3. pathway of natural selection in which intermediate phenotypes are selected over phenotypes at both extremes
  4. process in which 2 or more species evolves in response to changes in each other
  5. physical region of alleles from one population to another
  6. the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form
  7. isolation between populations due to difference in mating behavior
  8. pathway of natural selection in which 2 opposite, but equally uncommon, phenotypes are selected over the most common phenotype
  9. final stage in speciation, in which members of isolation population are either no longer able to mate
  10. theory that states that speciation occurs suddenly and rapidly followed by long periods of little evolution change
  11. observable change in the allele freqencies of a population over a few generations
  12. evolution of 2 or more species from 1 ancestral species
  13. elimination of a species from Earth
  14. collection of alleles found in all of the individuals of a population
  15. evolution of one or more closely related species
  16. isolation between populations due to barriers related to time, such as difference in mating periods or difference in the time of day that individuals are most active
  1. distribution in population in which allele frequency is highest near mean range value and decrease progressively toward each extreme end
  2. genetic drift that occurs after a small number of individuals colonize a new area
  3. process by which one species evolves and gives rise to many descendant species that occupies different ecological niches
  4. change in allele frequencies due to chance alone, occuring most commonly in small populations
  5. pathway of natural selection in which one uncommon phenotype is selected over a more common phenotype
  6. condition in which a population's allele frequencies for a given trait don't change from generation to generation
  7. proportion of one allele compared with all the alleles for that trait
  8. selection in which certain traits enhance mating success
  9. evolution toward similar characteristics in unrelated species, resulting from adaptions to similar environmental conditions

25 Clues: isolation due to physical barrierselimination of a species from Earthevolution of one or more closely related speciesevolution of 2 or more species from 1 ancestral speciesselection in which certain traits enhance mating successphysical region of alleles from one population to another...

Natural selection crossword 2023-03-31

Natural selection crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Structures that have lost their original function over time
  2. Natural selection that favors individuals at both extremes of a phenotypic range
  3. The ability of an individual to survive and reproduce in its environment
  4. The scientific explanation for how species change over time
  5. The process by which one species splits into two or more species
  6. Speciation that occurs when populations share the same geographical area but become reproductively isolated
  7. Selection that occurs due to differences in traits related to mating success
  8. The deliberate breeding of plants or animals to produce desirable traits:
  9. The production of more offspring than can be supported by the environment
  10. The creation of a new species through human intervention
  11. The process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time
  1. A process in which organisms with certain traits survive and reproduce at a higher rate than others
  2. Speciation that occurs when a small group of individuals colonizes a new area and forms a new population
  3. Natural selection that favors individuals at one end of a phenotypic range
  4. Natural selection that favors intermediate phenotypes
  5. Structures that are similar in different species because of common ancestry
  6. Speciation that occurs when a physical barrier separates a population into two or more groups
  7. The study of the development of embryos
  8. The idea that all living species are descended from a common ancesto
  9. A heritable trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment
  10. Speciation that occurs when populations are adjacent to each other but do not interbreed
  11. Differences in physical, physiological, and behavioral traits among individuals:
  12. The struggle among individuals for resources

23 Clues: The study of the development of embryosThe struggle among individuals for resourcesNatural selection that favors intermediate phenotypesThe creation of a new species through human interventionStructures that have lost their original function over timeThe scientific explanation for how species change over time...

Evolution & Natural Selection 2017-05-17

Evolution & Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the number of times an allele occurs in a gene pool compared to the total number of alleles in that pool for that same gene
  2. many traits are controlled by two or more genes
  3. structure inherited from ancestors lost much/all of original function due to different selection pressures acting on the descendant
  4. the study of where organisms live now and where they and their ancestors lived in the past
  5. the preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms
  6. individuals at one end of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle/other end of the curve
  7. a term used to refer to a species that has died out and has no living members
  8. structures body parts that share common function, but not structure
  9. the difference in rates of survival and reproduction
  10. change in frequency following a dramatic reduction in the size of a population
  11. describes how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment
  12. situation in which allele frequencies change as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population
  13. a kind of random change in allele frequency
  14. two of more species reproduces at different times
  15. two populations differences in courtship rituals or other behaviors that prevent them from breeding
  16. a trait controlled by only one gene
  17. process by which organisms with variations most suited to their local environment survive and leave more offspring
  1. they compare stretches of DNA to mark the passage of evolutionary time
  2. when a population not evolving, allele frequencies in its gene pool does not change, population is in __________
  3. a practice in which individuals select mates based on heritable traits, such as size, strength, or coloration
  4. structures that are shared by related species and that have been inherited from a common ancestor
  5. individuals near the center of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals at wither end of the curve
  6. individuals at the upper and lower ends of the curve have higher fitness than individuals near the middle of the curve
  7. selective breeding of plants and animals to promote the occurrence of desirable traits in an offspring
  8. two populations separated by geographic barriers (rivers/mountains/water) leading to the formation of two separate subspecies
  9. all the genes, including all the different alleles for each gene, that are present in a population at any one time
  10. the process of change over time
  11. the formation of new species
  12. any heritable characteristics that increases an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its environment
  13. a population or group of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring

30 Clues: the formation of new speciesthe process of change over timea trait controlled by only one genethe difference in rates of survival and reproductionmany traits are controlled by two or more genestwo of more species reproduces at different times...

Natural Resources Unit 2021-02-24

Natural Resources Unit crossword puzzle
  1. another word for synthetic
  2. one type of natural resource.
  3. the name of the movie we watched
  4. things that are made from NRs.
  5. main thing we see from nature.
  6. the sun
  7. energy resource comes from plant material and/or animals material
  8. water power
  9. an example of something synthetic but is from NR.
  10. release heat to make energy
  11. liquid, underground
  1. earth heat
  2. things you find in nature.
  3. something that is in our everyday life but is synthetic.
  4. a use of NR that's lets you move
  5. gas used for cars sometimes
  6. something that is in nature but is nonrenewable.
  7. One use of NR.
  8. a fossil fuel that is mined
  9. fossil fuels.

20 Clues: the sunearth heatwater powerfossil fuels.One use of NR.liquid, undergroundthings you find in nature.another word for syntheticgas used for cars sometimesa fossil fuel that is minedrelease heat to make energyone type of natural resource.things that are made from NRs.main thing we see from nature.a use of NR that's lets you move...

Horizon Natural Selection 2021-03-31

Horizon Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. The name of Darwin's ship.
  2. Any difference between individuals of the same species.
  3. A relationship between two species in which one species benefits and the other species is harmed.
  4. The type of tree that is the Queen of the Trees.
  5. When a species produces far more offspring than can possibly survive.
  6. A relationship between two different species in which one species benefits and the other species doesn't care.
  7. The process where individuals that are better adapted are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  1. A relationship between two different species in which both species benefit.
  2. A biologist who came up with the theory of natural selection after visiting the Galapagos islands.
  3. A trait that increases and organism's ability to survive.
  4. The insect that bits people, sucks their blood and leaves and itchy bump.
  5. The preserved remains of an organism that lived in the past, usually found in rock.
  6. The birds who beaks are different from one Galapagos island to the next depending on what food they eat.
  7. Two different species that have a close, long term relationship that benefits at least one of the species.
  8. The type of bird that lived in the trunk of the Queen of the trees.
  9. When members of the same species must compete with each other for resources.
  10. The bird that eats bugs off of the backs of grazing animals in Africa.
  11. The fish that swim along side sharks to collect bits of food that fall out of the sharks mouth.
  12. The black lizards that swim in the ocean in search of algae.
  13. A group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring.

20 Clues: The name of Darwin's ship.The type of tree that is the Queen of the Trees.Any difference between individuals of the same species.A trait that increases and organism's ability to survive.The black lizards that swim in the ocean in search of algae.The type of bird that lived in the trunk of the Queen of the trees....

Arizona Natural Resources 2018-11-05

Arizona Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Used to build roads
  2. It is more energy-packed than any other popular vegetable. We use them for French fries
  3. One of two most important crops in Arizona
  4. A grass for large grazing animals raised as livestock, such as cattle, horses, goats, and sheep
  5. A grass widely cultivated for its seed and used in cereal and for making bread
  6. Pumped out of the ground and used to make gasoline
  7. A rock that can float
  8. A fruit green on the outside and pink on the inside
  9. We've used the juice from this fruit in an experiment
  10. A blueish looking rock used to make jewelry
  1. A rock used to heat homes
  2. An orange-colored citrus fruit that starts with a "t"
  3. Not fools gold or iron pyrite
  4. Used as a major cereal grain and key ingredient in beer and whisky production
  5. One of two most important crops in Arizona
  6. The most important product mined in Arizona
  7. A by-product of copper mining
  8. The fruit that come from palm trees
  9. Used to make nuclear weapons
  10. The leading source of farm income - walks on four legs
  11. A by-product of copper mining

21 Clues: Used to build roadsA rock that can floatA rock used to heat homesUsed to make nuclear weaponsNot fools gold or iron pyriteA by-product of copper miningA by-product of copper miningThe fruit that come from palm treesOne of two most important crops in ArizonaThe most important product mined in ArizonaOne of two most important crops in Arizona...

Natural Hazards Terms 2019-08-09

Natural Hazards Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Used to describe thick and sticky substance. Lava from composite volcanoes.
  2. This force causes winds to bend and storms to spin due to the curvature of the Earth.
  3. A shallow-sided volcano. A piece of protective armour often used by knights.
  4. Name for tropical storms in North America and the Caribbean.
  5. Relating to the atmosphere.
  6. Finely pulverised lava emitted in a volcanic eruption.
  7. A basin/depression that results from the collapse of a centre of a volcano.
  8. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  9. An extremely large wave that produced by an underwater earthquake.
  10. One of the Three Ps. The act of foretelling the future.
  11. One of two earthquake scales, this one measuring the size.
  12. The part of the Earth that sits below the crust.
  13. The circular centre of a tropical storm.
  1. A large astronomical body that provides energy into the atmosphere.
  2. An effect/response that happens over a period of time. Next after the first in order.
  3. When lava erupts from the ground instead of a volcano. A narrow opening.
  4. A plate margin where two plates rub past each other. A UK political party.
  5. Alternate name for lava before it reaches the surface.
  6. Type of current previously though to move the plates. Transfer of heat by circulation.
  7. A period of strong, sustained surface wind.
  8. A type of tectonic plate that is thin and dense. Related to the ocean.
  9. The point on the surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
  10. Used to describe the size of an event.
  11. An effect or response that happens immediately after an event. Describes red, blue and yellow.

24 Clues: Relating to the atmosphere.Used to describe the size of an event.The circular centre of a tropical storm.A period of strong, sustained surface wind.The part of the Earth that sits below the crust.Alternate name for lava before it reaches the surface.Finely pulverised lava emitted in a volcanic eruption....

Shaely Natural Environment 2023-10-10

Shaely Natural Environment crossword puzzle
  1. disappearance of species
  2. area of tall grasses
  3. formed from plant, animal
  4. clearing of trees
  5. wind blows same direction
  6. frozen layers soil
  7. planting trees
  8. material people use
  9. surroundings
  10. seasonal dry or moist air
  11. cannot be replaced
  12. plant, animal living together
  1. replaces naturally
  2. a plant or animal lives
  3. large streams surface water
  4. a region's average weather
  5. decayed plant or animal
  6. spread desertlike conditions
  7. the short-term changes in air
  8. place two air masses meet

20 Clues: surroundingsplanting treesclearing of treesreplaces naturallyfrozen layers soilcannot be replacedmaterial people usearea of tall grassesa plant or animal livesdecayed plant or animaldisappearance of speciesformed from plant, animalwind blows same directionplace two air masses meetseasonal dry or moist aira region's average weather...

Shaely Natural Environment 2023-10-10

Shaely Natural Environment crossword puzzle
  1. disappearance of species
  2. area of tall grasses
  3. formed from plant, animal
  4. clearing of trees
  5. wind blows same direction
  6. frozen layers soil
  7. planting trees
  8. material people use
  9. surroundings
  10. seasonal dry or moist air
  11. cannot be replaced
  12. plant, animal living together
  1. replaces naturally
  2. a plant or animal lives
  3. large streams surface water
  4. a region's average weather
  5. decayed plant or animal
  6. spread desertlike conditions
  7. the short-term changes in air
  8. place two air masses meet

20 Clues: surroundingsplanting treesclearing of treesreplaces naturallyfrozen layers soilcannot be replacedmaterial people usearea of tall grassesa plant or animal livesdecayed plant or animaldisappearance of speciesformed from plant, animalwind blows same directionplace two air masses meetseasonal dry or moist aira region's average weather...

Natural Texas Vocabulary 2023-09-11

Natural Texas Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit
  2. reasons why people make decisions to increase wealth or cut spending
  3. reasons why people move to a certain location due to environment or surroundings
  4. a large open area of grassland
  5. an area or division, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries
  6. tangible and intangible assets of a group or society that are inherited from past
  7. the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings
  8. changing what you do in your environment to suit your needs
  9. reasons why people make decisions to make new laws
  10. a long, steep slope, especially one at the edge of a plateau or separating areas of land at different heights
  11. a wall or embankment built to prevent the sea from encroaching on or eroding an area of land
  1. clean out the bed of a harbor, river, or other area of water by scooping out mud, weeds, and rubbish
  2. changing the environment to suit your needs
  3. all the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively
  4. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period
  5. an area of relatively level high ground
  6. the capacity to affect the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself
  7. a body of permeable rock which can contain or transmit groundwater
  8. reasons why things happen because of religion, race/ethnicity, and/or family
  9. unexpected, unusual, severe, or unseasonal weather
  10. a natural feature of the earth's surface

21 Clues: a large open area of grasslandan area of relatively level high grounda natural feature of the earth's surfacechanging the environment to suit your needsunexpected, unusual, severe, or unseasonal weatherreasons why people make decisions to make new lawsthe art or practice of designing and constructing buildings...

Natural Selection Vocabulary 2024-01-09

Natural Selection Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  2. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  3. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  4. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  5. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  6. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  7. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  8. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  9. trait a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  10. a type of large molecule that performs important functions inside organisms
  11. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  12. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  13. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  14. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  15. to receive genes from a parent
  16. a related organism from a previous generation
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  3. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  4. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  5. to stay alive
  6. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  7. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring
  8. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  9. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  10. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  11. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  12. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  13. something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving
  14. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  15. a young insect that looks somewhat different from the adult
  16. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of

32 Clues: to stay aliveto receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona characteristic that all members of a species havea specific characteristic of an individual organism...

Emily Natural World 2023-10-10

Emily Natural World crossword puzzle
  1. a climate type which is very dry
  2. seasonal wind that bring either dry or moist air
  3. spread of desert like conditions
  4. influences climate, is a really hot ball of fire
  5. tall; made of rock
  6. permanent frozen layers of earth
  7. planting trees to replace lost ones
  8. materials in nature that people use
  9. coldest climate zone
  1. plants and animals that depend on each other
  2. mountain regions
  3. water that warms Europe
  4. air masses with different temperatures meet
  5. place where a plant or animal lives
  6. nonrenewable; formed from remains of plants and animals
  7. dinosaurs are
  8. resource that Earth replaces naturally
  9. one side is green and lush the other is desert
  10. short term changes in the air for a given place and time
  11. decayed plant or animal matter

20 Clues: dinosaurs aremountain regionstall; made of rockcoldest climate zonewater that warms Europedecayed plant or animal mattera climate type which is very dryspread of desert like conditionspermanent frozen layers of earthplace where a plant or animal livesplanting trees to replace lost onesmaterials in nature that people use...

Lily's Natural Resource 2023-10-10

Lily's Natural Resource crossword puzzle
  1. to the north or south pole
  2. stream-strong ocean current that brings warm water
  3. types tropical,temperate,polar,dry,highland
  4. elevation of an object above the surface
  5. plant or animal matter
  6. - height above a given level
  7. - group of plants or animals that depend on each other.
  8. angular distance of a place north or south of the equater
  1. a region or climate by mild temperatures
  2. fuel- natural fuel from the remains of organisms
  3. of desert like conditions
  4. wind that brings dry or moist air
  5. or belonging to a continent
  6. were plant or animal live
  7. frozen layers of soil
  8. east or west of the prime meridian
  9. that died out
  10. front-boundary between two air masses
  11. Resource - any material in nature that people use.
  12. resources-earth replaces naturally

20 Clues: that died outfrozen layers of soilplant or animal matterof desert like conditionswere plant or animal liveto the north or south poleor belonging to a continent- height above a given levelwind that brings dry or moist aireast or west of the prime meridianresources-earth replaces naturallyfront-boundary between two air masses...

Natural Wonders Quest 2023-10-10

Natural Wonders Quest crossword puzzle
  1. - Africa's highest free-standing mountain
  2. - Longest river in Europe
  3. - North America's highest peak
  4. - Tallest mountain in the world
  5. - European river known for its castles
  6. - African mountain range in Morocco
  7. - Iconic European river
  8. - Eastern North American mountain range
  9. - Longest river in Africa
  1. - Canadian river known for gold rush history
  2. - Asia's youngest and tallest mountain range
  3. - Asia's longest river
  4. - Mountain range in North America
  5. - Sacred river in India
  6. - River carving the Grand Canyon
  7. - Major river in North America
  8. - Mountain range separating Europe and Asia
  9. - Longest mountain range in the world
  10. - South America's largest river
  11. - Famous European mountain range

20 Clues: - Asia's longest river- Sacred river in India- Iconic European river- Longest river in Europe- Longest river in Africa- Major river in North America- North America's highest peak- Tallest mountain in the world- South America's largest river- River carving the Grand Canyon- Famous European mountain range- Mountain range in North America...


  1. region with similar plants, animals, terrain, and climate
  2. of all the earth's water
  3. natural feature of the earth's surface.
  4. part of Earth where life exists
  5. weather patterns for a given region
  6. mass,A huge body of air that has similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure at any given height
  7. process of removing salt from ocean water
  8. breaking down of rocks and other materials on the Earth's surface.
  9. protection of nature and its resources
  10. and use (land) for crops or gardening.
  11. sunlight,Sunlight that has low concentration or is spread across a large area; causes winter
  12. where water is collected and stored for use
  13. currents,Global patterns created from the movement of the oceans; such as the Gulf Stream
  14. thin layer of gases surrounding Earth
  1. solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle
  2. horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of lower pressure
  3. where an organism lives
  4. useful material that can be drawn from when needed (water, timber)
  5. science of cultivating land for growing food or raising animals
  6. power needed to do work, such as staying alive
  7. action of moving water from one place to another
  8. sunlight,Sunlight that is highly concentrated or focused; causes summer
  9. by which rock, sand, and soil are broken down and carried away (i.e. weathering, glaciation)
  10. stream,bands of high-speed winds about 10 kilometers above Earth's surface
  11. cycle,The continuous process by which water moves from Earth's surface to the atmosphere and back

25 Clues: where an organism livesof all the earth's waterpart of Earth where life existsweather patterns for a given regionthin layer of gases surrounding Earthprotection of nature and its resourcesand use (land) for crops or gardening.natural feature of the earth's surface.process of removing salt from ocean waterwhere water is collected and stored for use...

the natural world 2024-04-19

the natural world crossword puzzle
  1. haaskaeläin
  2. oja
  3. (tree) lehti(puu)
  4. nisäkäs
  5. pussieläin
  6. käpy
  7. elinympäristö
  8. lihansyöjä
  9. eläimet
  10. matelija
  11. erämaa
  12. kasvillisuus
  13. selkärankainen
  14. sukupuuttoon kuoleminen
  15. (animal) yö(eläin)
  1. viidakko
  2. sammakkoeläin
  3. virta
  4. autiomaa
  5. hedelmällinen
  6. jäätikö
  7. jäkälä
  8. laji
  9. viljelyyn sopimaton
  10. sammal
  11. saaristo
  12. kasvit
  13. riista
  14. kotoperäinen
  15. kasvinsyöjä

30 Clues: ojalajikäpyvirtajäkäläsammalkasviterämaariistajäätikönisäkäseläimetviidakkoautiomaasaaristomatelijapussieläinlihansyöjähaaskaeläinkasvinsyöjäkasvillisuuskotoperäinensammakkoeläinhedelmällinenelinympäristöselkärankainen(tree) lehti(puu)(animal) yö(eläin)viljelyyn sopimatonsukupuuttoon kuoleminen

7th Natural selection 2024-05-06

7th Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. the major changes in body form and structure that takes many thousands of years
  2. ____ structures are similar structures found in 2 or more different species, it suggests a common ancestor and is evidence of evolution
  3. is the idea that organisms better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than other members of the same species that don’t have those traits
  4. this can influence natural selection it is when resources are limited and a species must compete to survive
  5. a new species can form if one part of a population gets ___ from another
  6. when organisms die and leave behind preserved remains they are called this
  7. Darwin felt that Helpful variations would increase in a population while unfavorable ones would ____
  8. these are small changes that add up to big changes over a long period
  9. a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
  10. the small gradual changes within a population like size and color
  11. organisms no longer exists and never will again
  12. when one organism takes in another and they co-exist
  13. some species show homologous structure early in ___ development, it suggests a common ancestor and is evidence of evolution
  14. when saying “survival of the fittest” we really mean the organism is able to live to ___ and pass the favorable traits to offspring
  15. natural selection is sometimes called “___ of the ____”
  16. this is when new species evolve during short periods of rapid change
  17. one of Darwin’s 3 important observations was that Fossils resembled many of the organisms alive _____
  18. Darwin Found fossils of _____ animals that resembled ____ ones of the day
  19. one of Darwin’s 3 important observations was that The world has tremendous ______
  20. when only those organisms with desired traits are selected to reproduce it is called ___ ___
  21. LUCA stands for this
  1. Lamarck’s __ __ ____ believed that organisms could change during their lifetime by selectively using or not using parts of their body (not true)
  2. these look similar to a family tree, it is constructed to show relationships with organisms that are closely related on closer branches
  3. one of Darwin’s 3 important observations was that Animal species are ____ but have different characteristics to occupy
  4. when 2 or more species that interact closely can affect each other’s evolution
  5. this is the random process of a gene (trait) being lost due to something unexpected
  6. a book Darwin wrote to explain Natural Selection, 5 words
  7. this early scientist did have some Good ideas: evolution takes place by small gradual steps and that simple organisms could develop over many generations into more complex ones
  8. ____ structures are structures that have similar function due to organisms living in the same type of environment, it does NOT suggest a common ancestor it is simply a product of adapting to the environment
  9. “it is not the strongest or most intelligent species that survive, but the one most adaptable to ____” Charles Darwin
  10. similarities in ___ or the code of life shows evidence for evolution
  11. this is introducing new genes to a population from new comers coming in
  12. he developed the first Classification system
  13. this can influence natural selection; it is the differences between individuals
  14. this can influence natural selection- when a species produces more offspring than can survive
  15. she Collected fossils and Realized some animals from the past are not alive anymore
  16. they think the first ___ cell came into being through endosymbiosis between 2 prokaryotic cells
  17. _____ in genes cause changes and variations
  18. His discoveries studying rocks had him estimating Earth was over 300 million years old
  19. for a mutation to get passed to offspring, the mutation MUST occur in the fertilized ___ ___ of the parent
  20. ____ ____ are changes in gene “expression” not in the DNA sequences
  21. organisms sometimes practice ___ ___ in choosing a mate. Maybe they are more brightly colored or make a better nest than another trying to find a mate
  22. he set out on 5year trip aboard the HMS Beagle as a naturalist

43 Clues: LUCA stands for this_____ in genes cause changes and variationshe developed the first Classification systemorganisms no longer exists and never will againa trait that helps an organism survive and reproducewhen one organism takes in another and they co-existnatural selection is sometimes called “___ of the ____”...

Natural History Crossword 2024-06-21

Natural History Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Man's best friend's ancestor (4)
  2. Largest animal to ever live (4,5)
  3. Fifth planet from the sun (7)
  4. Hairy elephant (7)
  5. Bottom of the food chain, SpongeBob antagonist (8)
  6. They can be golden,white-tailed, and bald (6)
  7. Fertile spot in desert, Britpop band (5)
  8. A young frog or toad (7)
  9. Not moss, but can be likened to it (6)
  10. Hose hypnotists (anagram)- plant's nutrient mechanism (14)
  11. They can be tawny, snowy, and little (4)
  1. Screeching bird of Summer, fast (5)
  2. Wet wood (10)
  3. Itchy jumper (4)
  4. Fawkes' primate namesake (3,3,7)
  5. Acorn producer (3,4)
  6. The powerhouse of the cell (12)
  7. Insect with antlers (4,6)
  8. Continent with more penguins than people (10)
  9. Girl's best friend's base element (6)
  10. Slow-moving branch hugger with long nails (5)

21 Clues: Wet wood (10)Itchy jumper (4)Hairy elephant (7)Acorn producer (3,4)A young frog or toad (7)Insect with antlers (4,6)Fifth planet from the sun (7)The powerhouse of the cell (12)Man's best friend's ancestor (4)Fawkes' primate namesake (3,3,7)Largest animal to ever live (4,5)Screeching bird of Summer, fast (5)Girl's best friend's base element (6)...

Natural Hazard Project 2013-07-14

Natural Hazard Project crossword puzzle
  1. widespread,long lived,straight lined wind storm.
  2. when up drafts are balanced by down drafts.
  3. result of localized convection in an unstable air mass.
  4. occur along the boundaries of weather fronts (e.g coldfront).
  5. thunderstorm which produces hail that reaches the ground.
  6. visible mass of condensed water vapour floating in the atmosphere,typically high above ground.
  7. prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which maybe accompanied by high humidity.
  8. occurance of a natural electrical discharge of very shortduration and high voltage.
  1. rapidly rotating storm system characterised by a low pressure system,strong winds and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorm that produce heavy rain.
  2. action of warm air rising and cold air sinking.
  3. area of closed, circular fluid motion rotating in the same direction as earth.
  4. condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visiblyin seperate drops.
  5. disturbed state of an astronomical body's atmosphere especially affecting it's surfcace.
  6. caused by air that is forced up by a mountain or hillside.
  7. violentily rotating column of air.
  8. intense column or vortex that occurs over a body of water.
  9. collection of liquid water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the air or near the earths surface.
  10. of frozen rain.
  11. line of thunderstorms that can form along or ahead of a cold front.
  12. very localised column of sinking air.

20 Clues: of frozen rain.violentily rotating column of air.very localised column of sinking air.when up drafts are balanced by down drafts.action of warm air rising and cold air sinking.widespread,long lived,straight lined wind storm.result of localized convection in an unstable air mass.thunderstorm which produces hail that reaches the ground....

Natural Resources Crossword 2016-10-11

Natural Resources Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Contains liquid inside which is the produced to make drugs
  2. Normally a silvery metal, used to make coins
  3. Biggest aquatic mammal
  4. Jewel that woman like which is expensive
  5. What we breath
  6. Jumpy little animal
  7. fish which you can its bones
  8. Long haired type of cow, normally found in Central Asia
  9. Small type of wild dog found in forests, normally red
  10. Shiny stone sometimes used to build kitchens
  11. What we take iron from
  12. Rock made of skeletal parts of fish, corals etc...
  13. Emblem of the U.S - bird
  14. Big black bird, normally found in deserts eating dead animals
  1. Rock which is normally colorless or pale, very common
  2. Hard, black rock - sometimes used to cook in BBQ
  3. Type of sea hedgehog but doesn't move on its own
  4. Jumpy animal found in Australia
  5. Pokemon game which mascot is Giratina
  6. Normally put it on food
  7. Black and white animal
  8. Small type of wild dog found in dry areas of North America
  9. Energy produced using water, can also be man-made
  10. leader of bees in a hive
  11. Turns Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen, sometimes very tall or small
  12. .... medal won if 1st place in the Olympics

26 Clues: What we breathJumpy little animalBlack and white animalBiggest aquatic mammalWhat we take iron fromNormally put it on foodleader of bees in a hiveEmblem of the U.S - birdfish which you can its bonesJumpy animal found in AustraliaPokemon game which mascot is GiratinaJewel that woman like which is expensive.... medal won if 1st place in the Olympics...

Natural Resources 2.5 2016-10-20

Natural Resources 2.5 crossword puzzle
  1. It germinates when add water
  2. A layer of earth were plants grow
  3. Use as fuel
  4. nuclear fuel
  5. Another name for H20
  6. Oil
  7. We slather billions of them every year for meat coat bags, and etc.
  8. Its used to catch fish
  9. A fuel found in the earth
  10. A star that will blow up in 4 billion years later that will aslo eat up the earth.
  11. We sitting or standing on it right now
  12. A black, carbon fossil fuel used for energy
  13. A material that can mine diamond in mine-craft
  1. A animal that has no limbs in the sea
  2. The hardest material to find in mine craft
  3. Use to make silverware
  4. Its green
  5. It clovers 71% of the earth
  6. The chemical element of atomic number 29
  7. A animal that give birth not by egg
  8. It can grow up to 400 feet
  9. Five cents
  10. an air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available
  11. A chemical element with the symbol Au
  12. A clean energy that comes from the air
  13. Another name for Oxygen

26 Clues: OilIts greenFive centsUse as fuelnuclear fuelAnother name for H20Use to make silverwareIts used to catch fishAnother name for OxygenA fuel found in the earthIt can grow up to 400 feetIt clovers 71% of the earthIt germinates when add waterA layer of earth were plants growA animal that give birth not by eggA animal that has no limbs in the sea...

Natural Resources 2.5 2016-10-19

Natural Resources 2.5 crossword puzzle
  1. A chemical element with the symbol Au
  2. A clean energy that comes from the air
  3. The chemical element of atomic number 29
  4. Another name for Oxygen
  5. Use as fuel
  6. It clovers 71% of the earth
  7. A star that will blow up in 4 billion years later that will aslo eat up the earth.
  8. The hardest material to find in mine craft
  9. Use to make silverware
  10. A black, carbon fossil fuel used for energy
  11. A animal that give birth not by egg
  12. It can grow up to 400 feet
  13. A animal that has no limbs in the sea
  1. We sitting or standing on it right now
  2. Another name for H20
  3. Oil
  4. Its green
  5. A material that can mine diamond in mine-craft
  6. It germinates when add water
  7. nuclear fuel
  8. Its used to catch fish
  9. an air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available
  10. We slather billions of them every year for meat coat bags, and etc.
  11. A fuel found in the earth
  12. Five cents
  13. A layer of earth were plants grow

26 Clues: OilIts greenFive centsUse as fuelnuclear fuelAnother name for H20Its used to catch fishUse to make silverwareAnother name for OxygenA fuel found in the earthIt can grow up to 400 feetIt clovers 71% of the earthIt germinates when add waterA layer of earth were plants growA animal that give birth not by eggA chemical element with the symbol Au...

Earth's Natural Resources 2018-01-30

Earth's Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. precipitation carrying dangerous chemicals that kills living things
  2. re-use old materials to make new products
  3. materials that cycle through natural processes to be used again
  4. cutting all the trees in a forest
  5. large farms that depend on modern technology to produce crops in large amounts
  6. areas of Asia that are rapidly disappearing because of deforestation
  7. a place where living elements depend on other living and nonliving elements for their survival
  8. products are distributed to peole who need them
  9. materials that cannot be replaced when they are used up
  10. chemical that kill insects
  11. countries with few industries
  12. a slow increase in the Earth's temperature (now called "climate change")
  13. rocks, soil, air, water
  1. coal, oil, and natural gas
  2. any useful material found in the environment
  3. dangerous chemicals destroying the ozone layer
  4. farms that raise a single crop for export using many workers
  5. a device used to reduce dangerous chemicals released into the air
  6. raising only enough food to feed your family
  7. using resources directly to make products
  8. changing raw materials into finished products
  9. gifts or loans from one country to another
  10. countries with many industries
  11. resources that must be changed before they can be used
  12. turning raw materials into things people use
  13. resources that can be replaced
  14. the blanket of gas in the upper part of our atmosphere
  15. top petroleum producer and consumer
  16. the place where organisms live

29 Clues: rocks, soil, air, watercoal, oil, and natural gaschemical that kill insectscountries with few industriescountries with many industriesresources that can be replacedthe place where organisms livecutting all the trees in a foresttop petroleum producer and consumerre-use old materials to make new productsusing resources directly to make products...

A Natural Balance 2017-05-25

A Natural Balance crossword puzzle
  1. to stay alive or continue to live
  2. place into a group
  3. to hurt
  4. the total number in a group
  5. to make sure that a rule is obeyed
  6. against the law
  7. to become larger or more
  8. the natural home of an animal, plant, or other organism.
  9. everything that surrounds you
  10. when you lose something or someone (perdida)
  11. to produce an effect or change
  1. to take care of a person or animal - from baby to adult
  2. to become smaller or less
  3. watching and researching
  4. to produce more animals or plants
  5. responsible for
  6. at serious risk of disappearing
  7. to help to cause something to happen
  8. the contamination of land, water, air, etc.
  9. no longer existing
  10. to get stronger and return to normal
  11. a group of animals or plants that are similar
  12. at risk / to say that you will hurt someone
  13. the number or quantity of something
  14. garbage / to use something inappropriately OR to not use it appropriately

25 Clues: to hurtresponsible foragainst the lawplace into a groupno longer existingwatching and researchingto become larger or moreto become smaller or lessthe total number in a groupeverything that surrounds youto produce an effect or changeat serious risk of disappearingto stay alive or continue to liveto produce more animals or plants...

Natural Systems Review 2016-10-25

Natural Systems Review crossword puzzle
  1. The "supercontinent" which broke-up 300 million years ago.
  2. Common sedimentary rock...made of grains of sand
  3. Ideal soil with a balance of silt, clay, sand and humus.
  4. Oldest landform region in Canada
  5. A mixed forest region is an example of what?
  6. Main reason why Tundra is the predominant vegetation type Canada's north.
  7. Layer between the crust and outer core.
  8. Highest - lowest temperature
  9. Opposite to the windward side of a mountain in an Orographic precipitation pattern
  10. This sedimentary rock is largely made up of the skeletal remains of shelled organisms etc.
  11. "Nearness" to water has what effect on climate?
  12. The six factors which affect climate
  13. Oil-rich landform region.
  14. Process by which sediment becomes cemented into sedimentary rock
  1. Most common igneous intrusive rock.
  2. Orographic/Relief precipitation is affected by this single factor.
  3. High-temp range, low total precip. and summer max precipitation maximum....
  4. Of all the factors which affect climate, which appears to have the single greatest impact?
  5. In the summer this is the most common precipitation pattern in Burlington.
  6. The upward movement of water in a calcified soil profile.
  7. Most of Canada's population lives in this soil region.
  8. These "currents" explain why plates move.
  9. Came up with the theory of Continental Drift
  10. The prairies are largely composed of this type of soil profile.
  11. Geologist who came up with the theory of Plate Tectonics
  12. A typical consequence of a very wet soil profile

26 Clues: Oil-rich landform region.Highest - lowest temperatureOldest landform region in CanadaMost common igneous intrusive rock.The six factors which affect climateLayer between the crust and outer core.These "currents" explain why plates move.A mixed forest region is an example of what?Came up with the theory of Continental Drift...

Natural Resources Crossword 2019-03-07

Natural Resources Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The water & human wastes that are washed down sinks, toilets, and showers
  2. A form of oxygen that has three oxygen atoms in each molecule instead of the usual two
  3. A type of pollution caused by factories & power plants releasing superheated water into natural bodies of water
  4. A rate of change that increases more and more rapidly over time
  5. A resource that is either always available, or is naturally replaced in a relatively short time
  6. A widely-spread source of pollution that is difficult to link to a specific point of origin
  7. The practice of allowing renewable resources time to recover and replenish
  8. Pollutants that are released into the air
  9. The process by which water, ice, wind, or gravity moves weathered particles of rock or soil
  10. The practice of using less of a resource so that it can last longer
  11. The advance of desert-like conditions into areas that were previously fertile
  12. The number of people born per 1,000 individuals over a certain period of time
  13. Energy-rich substances formed from the remains of organisms
  1. The number of deaths per 1,000 individuals over a certain period of time
  2. Contamination of Earth's land, water, or air through the release of harmful substances into the environment
  3. Abnormal rain that is caused by the release of sulfur dioxide & nitrogen oxide into the air
  4. Small, solid pieces of material that come from rocks or the remains of organisms
  5. A natural resource that is not replaced in a useful time frame
  6. Anything naturally occurring in the environment that humans use
  7. A process that removes salt from sea water to make fresh water
  8. The splitting of an atom's nucleus into two nuclei, which releases a great deal of energy
  9. To form a crystal structure
  10. A condition in which the number of humans grows beyond what the available resources can support
  11. A mineral deposit large enough and valuable enough to be extracted from the ground
  12. Using a resource in ways that maintain it at a certain quality for a certain period of time
  13. A specific source of pollution that can be easily identified

26 Clues: To form a crystal structurePollutants that are released into the airEnergy-rich substances formed from the remains of organismsA specific source of pollution that can be easily identifiedA natural resource that is not replaced in a useful time frameA process that removes salt from sea water to make fresh water...

Natural Hazards Crossword 2019-08-09

Natural Hazards Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A segment of the Earth that sits below the crust.
  2. A type of natural hazard caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  3. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall causing a shortage of water.
  4. The name for tropical storms in North American and the Caribbean.
  5. A type of plate boundary where the plates move apart.
  6. A cloud of this is emitted during a volcanic eruption.
  7. One of the Three Ps: P..., Protection and Planning.
  8. A extremely large wave from the ocean that floods coastal areas.
  9. The name for lava before it reaches the surface.
  10. The circular center of a tropical storm.
  1. The dense oceanic plate that subducts beneath the South American plate creating the Andes Mountains.
  2. An area of volcanic activity far from plate margins. Hawaii is an example of this. (Two words)
  3. A type of natural hazard caused by the occurrence and distribution of water.
  4. The likelihood of a natural hazard occurring. (Two words)
  5. A type of plate boundary where the two plate rub past each other. An example is the San Andreas Fault.
  6. A period of strong, sustained surface wind.
  7. The point on the surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
  8. The name of the force that causes the winds to bend and storms to spin. It is caused by the curvature of the Earth.
  9. A type of effect or response that happens immediately affect an event.
  10. A type of volcano that occurs at constructive plate margins. These volcanoes have non-viscous lava, so their sides are very shallow.

20 Clues: The circular center of a tropical storm.A period of strong, sustained surface wind.The name for lava before it reaches the surface.A segment of the Earth that sits below the crust.One of the Three Ps: P..., Protection and Planning.A type of plate boundary where the plates move apart.A cloud of this is emitted during a volcanic eruption....

The Natural World 2021-02-07

The Natural World crossword puzzle
  1. Cinders, or a type of tree.
  2. plant grown for human use or consumption.
  3. 0.405 of a hectare.
  4. Very dry, like a desert.
  5. Large animal, not too different a reindeer.
  6. Animal or insect that causes damage.
  7. Whirlwinds, twisters.
  8. Rough paths, routes followed by animals.
  9. Band of sand beside the sea.
  10. Night birds, with large eyes.
  11. Scottish equivalent of a lake.
  12. Area around the North Pole.
  13. There are four of these each year.
  14. A root vegetable, usually white inside.
  1. Short period of rain.
  2. Large animal associated with Father christmas.
  3. large European hardwood tree.
  4. Direction from which the sun rises.
  5. A type of fruit; its tree has pink blossom.
  6. It is disappearing from the upper atmosphere.
  7. It sometimes falls as flakes in winter.
  8. Rapidly rotating atmospheric systems.
  9. Large expanses of fresh water.
  10. Freshwater fish that is often eaten.

24 Clues: 0.405 of a hectare.Short period of rain.Whirlwinds, twisters.Very dry, like a desert.Cinders, or a type of tree.Area around the North Pole.Band of sand beside the sea.Night birds, with large eyes.Large expanses of fresh water.Scottish equivalent of a lake.large European hardwood tree.There are four of these each year....

Natural Hair Conditioning 2020-06-09

Natural Hair Conditioning crossword puzzle
  1. natural certification
  2. hair center
  3. likes all
  4. type of grooming
  5. cabbage family
  6. balanced charges
  7. moniker
  8. hair top layer
  9. feeling good
  10. Feline Charge
  11. granted
  12. fat combo
  13. sheets
  14. not fourth order
  1. Sticks to it
  2. thick or thin
  3. not forever
  4. C18 hydroxy
  5. pulling force
  6. building block
  7. Novel All Natural Conditioner
  8. innovative technology excellence
  9. Cheek to cheek
  10. for long haul
  11. amino acid
  12. oil in water

26 Clues: sheetsmonikergrantedlikes allfat comboamino acidnot foreverC18 hydroxyhair centerSticks to itfeeling goodoil in waterthick or thinpulling forcefor long haulFeline Chargebuilding blockcabbage familyhair top layerCheek to cheektype of groomingbalanced chargesnot fourth ordernatural certificationNovel All Natural Conditioner...

Sustainability & Natural Resources 2021-10-06

Sustainability & Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Its sugars are used to make ethanol
  2. Energy created by burning the remains of dead animals
  3. Natural gas is a collection of odorless gasses that is mainly composed of ________
  4. Energy that comes from the heat in the Earth
  5. Can not be replaced as soon as it is used; Will eventually run out
  6. Human _____ are the things that we need in order to survive
  7. The three pillars of sustainability are social, ________, and environmental
  8. Energy created when water flows through a dam to power a turbine
  9. Fossil _______ are formed from millions of years of heat and pressure
  1. Remains of living things buried deep underground
  2. Energy that comes from the sun
  3. Fuel that is made by separating water with electricity
  4. Made by refining soybean oil
  5. The ability to continue without interruption
  6. Also known as crude oil, it is a liquid formed from the remains of ancient marine life
  7. Where we store our groundwater
  8. Solid sedimentary rock that was formed from ancient plants
  9. Can be replaced as soon as it is used; Almost never runs out
  10. Sustainability is focused on how we use our _________ resources
  11. We as a society would need 1.5 _______ to match the rate we consume natural resources

20 Clues: Made by refining soybean oilEnergy that comes from the sunWhere we store our groundwaterIts sugars are used to make ethanolThe ability to continue without interruptionEnergy that comes from the heat in the EarthRemains of living things buried deep undergroundEnergy created by burning the remains of dead animals...

Natural Landscapes 2 2022-03-08

Natural Landscapes 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A type of weathering that allows the breakdown of rock through the action of chemicals
  2. A flow of ash and mud down the side of a volcano
  3. This agent of erosion removes smaller dry particles of soil creating dunes and deflation hollows
  4. A disaster on Dec 24, 1953, caused by a lahar from the collapse of the Ruapehu crater lake
  5. The leeward side of a mountain barrier which is much drier
  6. A drainage pattern frequently found on the cone shapes volcanos.
  7. Denudation processes are most active on these slopes
  8. The desert that lies on the eastern side of Ruapehu
  9. Rock created when the materials erupted from a volcano are welded together ny heat
  10. This water feature is created when a river flows on resistant rock and then encounters softer rock
  11. An agent of erosion created by moving ice
  12. These processes operate below the surface of the crust
  13. A type of rainfall created by a mountain barrier
  14. Rock that easily Erodes such as sedimentary
  1. An agent of erosion created by moving water
  2. The breaking down of rock by physical chemical or biological means
  3. A type of weathering where the rock is broken down by physical actions such as freezing.
  4. Any processes that result in the wearing down of landforms altering the landform
  5. The Te Reo name for White Island
  6. A type of forest that extend up to 1000 meters ASL and contains trees such as Rimu and Miro.
  7. A type of weathering that involves the actions of plants and animals
  8. A glaciated valley below Mt Ngaruhoe
  9. The direction slopes face

23 Clues: The direction slopes faceThe Te Reo name for White IslandA glaciated valley below Mt NgaruhoeAn agent of erosion created by moving iceAn agent of erosion created by moving waterRock that easily Erodes such as sedimentaryA flow of ash and mud down the side of a volcanoA type of rainfall created by a mountain barrier...

Natural Selection & Evolution 2022-02-25

Natural Selection & Evolution crossword puzzle
  1. A group of individuals of the same species that live in the same area.
  2. A change in an organism's environment that affects its ability to survive and reproduce.
  3. A segment of DNA that codes for a trait.
  4. Traits gained through experiences, learning, or environmental factors; will not be passed on to offspring.
  5. The English naturalist who came up with the theory of evolution by natural selection.
  6. A characteristic
  7. The surroundings or conditions in which an organism lives and operates.Evolution Change over time
  8. A feature of the physical body.
  9. A period of inactivity that is a behavioral adaptation to winter cold and food scarcity.
  10. The process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive, reproduce, and pass on their traits more successfully than less well adapted individuals.
  1. A process where individuals that are more "fit" for their environment survive, reproduce, and pass on their traits. (natural selection)
  2. The wide range of living things on Earth.
  3. A behavioral adaptation in which a species moves from one place or region to another to find food or a warmer place.
  4. A change in the genetic code; responsible for a lot of variation in populations of organisms.
  5. The dying out of a species of organism.
  6. Differences in traits in populations of organisms.
  7. Traits passed from parents to offspring.
  8. The child (or children) from a parent.
  9. An inherited trait that improves an organism's chance of survival in its environment.
  10. A behavior that has been learned from experience or observation is a __________ behavior.

20 Clues: A characteristicA feature of the physical body.The child (or children) from a parent.The dying out of a species of organism.A segment of DNA that codes for a trait.Traits passed from parents to offspring.The wide range of living things on Earth.Differences in traits in populations of organisms....

La riqueza natural 2022-03-01

La riqueza natural crossword puzzle
  1. to develop
  2. to educate
  3. to pick up or gather
  4. plastic
  5. population
  6. should
  7. It's our turn
  8. Ant. es inútil
  9. to respect
  10. jungle
  1. to recycle
  2. trash
  3. Sin. echar
  4. humans
  5. environment
  6. Ej. Saturno,Venus
  7. cuando no llueve
  8. It's dangerous
  9. tropical forest
  10. diverse, different

20 Clues: trashhumansshouldjungleplasticto recycleto developto educatepopulationto respectSin. echarenvironmentIt's our turnIt's dangerousAnt. es inútiltropical forestcuando no llueveEj. Saturno,Venusdiverse, differentto pick up or gather

Natural selection vocabulary 2022-04-12

Natural selection vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a group of living things that can mate with one another but not with those of other groups
  2. the degree to which something varies; amount of change or difference
  3. a sudden, apparently abnormal change or alteration in a genetically determined structure, as opposed to gradual evolutionary change
  4. An animal that hunts other animals for food
  5. in biology, the evolutionary principle that only the forms of plants or animals best suited to or most easily able to adapt to existing conditions will survive, while other less suited forms will become extinct
  6. in biology, a change in an organism, over time, that better enables it to survive and multiply
  7. the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal conditions for evolution
  8. money or things that are available for a particular use
  9. is a natural process of evolution in which the organisms that are best adapted to their environment survive and are able to reproduce, while those that are weak leaves fewer or no offspring
  10. a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surrounding
  11. in biology, similar in form or function, but of different evolutionary origin
  1. a variety
  2. corresponding structurally, often because of a common evolutionary origin
  3. of, pertaining to, or being a vestige, esp. an anatomical one
  4. is something that pollutes, esp. a waste substance that makes air, water, or land impure or unhealthy; contaminant.
  5. a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant; illness; sickness
  6. the process or act of trying to win
  7. the child or young of a particular human, animal, or plant
  8. to have young or offspring
  9. an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal
  10. the theory that describes how all life forms developed from simpler life forms by changes that took millions of years
  11. fills with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain
  12. everything that surrounds a particular type of living thing and affects its growth and health
  13. the branch of science that concerns the formation and development of embryos

24 Clues: a varietyto have young or offspringthe process or act of trying to winAn animal that hunts other animals for foodmoney or things that are available for a particular usethe child or young of a particular human, animal, or plantan animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animalof, pertaining to, or being a vestige, esp. an anatomical one...

Protecting Natural Resources 2023-02-07

Protecting Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. the practice of harvesting only the part of the plant needed for food and leaving the rest in the soil
  2. the process of cleaning infection from a material
  3. materials that occur in nature that can be used by people
  4. a relationship in a system through which factors affect each other
  5. describing material that decays through the action of bacteria or other living organisms
  6. methods to measure the types and amounts of chemicals in water
  7. all the living and nonliving things that interact in a given area
  8. an artificial or natural substance that contaminates air, water, or soil
  9. a set of steps needed to complete a successful project
  10. water that has been used by people
  1. the practice of changing the type of crop grown in a field each season
  2. the practice of taking care of land, water, air, and living things
  3. a place where waste is buried underground
  4. any type of substance that is in air and make it unsafe to breath
  5. to save or protect
  6. an energy resource that does not release pollutants when it is used
  7. the variety of species on Earth or in any one environment
  8. a facility that cleans wastewater before it is discharged into the environment
  9. land that contains chemicals that are harmful to the environment
  10. land that is set aside and left without buildings
  11. a type of air pollution that results from a mixture of gases from burning fuels, air, and sunlight that makes air look hazy
  12. a measure of how clean the air is

22 Clues: to save or protecta measure of how clean the air iswater that has been used by peoplea place where waste is buried undergroundthe process of cleaning infection from a materialland that is set aside and left without buildingsa set of steps needed to complete a successful projectthe variety of species on Earth or in any one environment...

Natural World-4 2022-06-06

Natural World-4 crossword puzzle
  1. n. a fine powder produced by flowers
  2. n. 糖水 a sweet liquid made from sugar and water, often used in cans of fruit
  3. n. A number of different kinds; diversity
  4. n. scientist who studies plants
  5. n. a person or animal that lives in or occupies a place
  6. n. 溶液A mixture that forms when one substance dissolves another.
  7. n. the tough material that covers the outside of a tree
  8. n. a chemical substance that kills harmful bacteria or viruses
  9. n. a sweet liquid produced by flowers
  10. n. scientist who studies animals
  11. n. 病菌 a very small organism that causes disease
  12. adj. native
  13. n. 木炭
  14. v. 分泌 Produce and release a substance from a cell or gland of the body for a functional purpose
  15. n. A long period of dry weather
  16. n. the existence of a wide variety of plant and animal species living in their natural environment
  1. n. The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas
  2. v. stand up against; resist
  3. adj. absolutely necessary; extremely important; vital; significant; crucial
  4. adj. easily broken or damaged; vulnerable
  5. v. 获得,可接近,可利用
  6. adj. 可持续的
  7. n. act of reviving a person and returning them to consciousness
  8. v. to reproduce, increase, or spread rapidly
  9. v. to thrive, to grow well
  10. v. 抵制, 抵消 to act in opposition to
  11. adj. worrying or disturbing; shocking, upsetting
  12. n. A living thing

28 Clues: n. 木炭adj. 可持续的adj. nativev. 获得,可接近,可利用n. A living thingv. to thrive, to grow wellv. stand up against; resistn. scientist who studies plantsn. A long period of dry weathern. scientist who studies animalsv. 抵制, 抵消 to act in opposition ton. a fine powder produced by flowersn. a sweet liquid produced by flowersn. A number of different kinds; diversity...

Natural born angel 2022-05-23

Natural born angel crossword puzzle
  1. Darcy's assistant
  2. Billionaire thta was skeptic about Maddy
  3. Location where Sylvester searched for answers about bomb making
  4. Maddy's friend in college
  5. food that Tom brought to maddy
  6. what were the demons feeding on
  7. other name for dark angel
  8. how many demon attacks have happened over the globe
  9. angel with robotic battle armor
  10. color of tom's eyes
  11. drink sylvester poured himself
  12. Angel that set up the bombings
  13. black and smoking whirlpool
  14. Angel with gold robes
  15. Pilot that helped maddy
  16. the name of the ring that all guardians get
  17. Red head angel that makes fun of Maddy
  18. Location of Angel City
  1. program that linden thought was corrupt
  2. What is HDF
  3. what is NAS
  4. name of the ACPD police captain
  5. what did Tom give to maddy
  6. person who leaked demon attack info to sylvester
  7. Jack's first ex
  8. name of the ocean where the portal opens
  9. book that described the end of days revelations
  10. Jack's best friend
  11. what candy did Sylevester go to the store for
  12. Jack's little sister
  13. law that prohibits angel activity
  14. Angel that gave maddy her father's sash
  15. Sylvester's unsanctioned save
  16. homeless guy that gave sylvester a clue about the demons
  17. color of maddy's wings
  18. thing that killed penelope
  19. jack's stepdad
  20. ceremony of becoming a guardian
  21. Maddy's unsanctioned save
  22. the new waiter at kevin's
  23. Name of jack's and maddy's assistant
  24. Name of Sylvester's Ex

42 Clues: What is HDFwhat is NASjack's stepdadJack's first exDarcy's assistantJack's best friendcolor of tom's eyesJack's little sisterAngel with gold robescolor of maddy's wingsName of Sylvester's ExLocation of Angel CityPilot that helped maddyMaddy's friend in collegeother name for dark angelMaddy's unsanctioned savethe new waiter at kevin's...

Lily Natural World 2023-10-10

Lily Natural World crossword puzzle
  1. stream a strong ocean current that brings warm water
  2. organic component of soil formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plants
  3. resources a resource that earth replaces naturally
  4. group of plants and animals that depend on another for survival and the environment in which they live in.
  5. the spread of the desert like conditions.
  6. high latitude region that receives little precipitation
  7. forming or belonging of a continent
  8. fuel nonrenewable resource that formed from the remains of ancient plant and animals
  9. the place where a plant of animal lives
  10. the distance north or south earths equator
  11. currents large streams of surface seawater that move heat around earth
  12. a species that died out
  1. types a long term pattern of weather
  2. a seasonal wind that brings either dry or moist air
  3. front a transition zone between two different air masses at earths service
  4. water that falls to earths surface as rain snow sleet or hail
  5. permanently frozen layers of soil
  6. resource any material in nature that people use and value
  7. what the climate feels like around you
  8. the height of an object or point in the relation to see level

20 Clues: a species that died outpermanently frozen layers of soilforming or belonging of a continenttypes a long term pattern of weatherwhat the climate feels like around youthe place where a plant of animal livesthe spread of the desert like conditions.the distance north or south earths equatorresources a resource that earth replaces naturally...

Shaely Natural Environment 2023-10-10

Shaely Natural Environment crossword puzzle
  1. disappearance of species
  2. area of tall grasses
  3. formed from plant, animal
  4. clearing of trees
  5. wind blows same direction
  6. frozen layers soil
  7. planting trees
  8. material people use
  9. surroundings
  10. seasonal dry or moist air
  11. cannot be replaced
  12. plant, animal living together
  1. replaces naturally
  2. a plant or animal lives
  3. large streams surface water
  4. a region's average weather
  5. decayed plant or animal
  6. spread desertlike conditions
  7. the short-term changes in air
  8. place two air masses meet

20 Clues: surroundingsplanting treesclearing of treesreplaces naturallyfrozen layers soilcannot be replacedmaterial people usearea of tall grassesa plant or animal livesdecayed plant or animaldisappearance of speciesformed from plant, animalwind blows same directionplace two air masses meetseasonal dry or moist aira region's average weather...

Natural Selection Vocabulary 2023-02-21

Natural Selection Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to stay alive
  2. a related organism from a previous generation
  3. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  4. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  5. larger cells with a nucleus
  6. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  7. to receive genes from a parent
  8. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  9. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  10. something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving
  11. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  12. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  13. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  14. trait a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  1. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  2. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  3. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring
  4. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  5. to put in groups based on shared characteristics
  6. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  7. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  8. trait a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  9. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  10. a group of tiny organisms that are made of a single cell with important molecular differences from the cells of bacteria
  11. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  12. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  13. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  14. evidence of life from the past, such as fossilized bones, footprints, or leaf prints
  15. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  16. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group

30 Clues: to stay alivelarger cells with a nucleusto receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationto put in groups based on shared characteristicsan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organism...

Natural Selection Vocabulary 2024-01-30

Natural Selection Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive
  2. to receive genetic information from a parent.
  3. a change in a species over a long period due to natural selection.
  4. Everything that surrounds an organism
  5. a characteristic of an individual organism
  6. a random change to a gene that sometimes causes a new trait.
  7. An adaptation that is an action that benefits survival
  8. a trait that makes it less likely for an organism to survive and reproduce.
  9. A piece of DNA that codes for many genes
  10. a group of organism of the same kind
  11. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria.
  12. an organism that is produced by reproduction
  1. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  2. the number of individuals with a specific trait in a population
  3. an instruction for making a protein molecule, leading to a physical trait.
  4. a group of the same type of organism living in an area
  5. A related organism from a previous generation
  6. something in the environment that affects an individuals chances of surviving.
  7. a molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  8. the process by which traits change in a population over many generations.
  9. a group of individuals born at the same time
  10. A way of hiding by blending into the background
  11. any differences between organisms.
  12. an adaptation that is a physical trait on an organism that helps them survive

24 Clues: any differences between organisms.a group of organism of the same kindEverything that surrounds an organismA piece of DNA that codes for many genesa characteristic of an individual organisma group of individuals born at the same timean organism that is produced by reproductionto receive genetic information from a parent....

Natural Science Vocabulary 2023-11-23

Natural Science Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. mensaje
  2. receptores del gusto
  3. mezcla
  4. función de relacion
  5. respuestas glandular
  6. receptores del olfato
  7. sudar
  8. pupila
  9. nervios
  10. piel
  11. cerebro
  12. tener hambre
  13. órganos de los sentidos
  14. papilas gustativas
  15. Retina
  16. órganos efectores
  17. canal auditivo
  18. moverse
  1. receptores del tacto
  2. tímpano
  3. estímulo interno
  4. sentidos
  5. estímulo
  6. receptores
  7. respuesta motora
  8. ambiente
  9. llorar
  10. Estímulo externo
  11. cuerpo
  12. oído externo
  13. glándula pituitaria
  14. caracol(oido)
  15. huesecillos

33 Clues: pielsudarmezclapupilallorarcuerpoRetinatímpanomensajenervioscerebromoversesentidosestímuloambientereceptoreshuesecillostener hambreoído externocaracol(oido)canal auditivoestímulo internorespuesta motoraEstímulo externoórganos efectorespapilas gustativasfunción de relacionglándula pituitariareceptores del tactoreceptores del gusto...

Natural Selection- Amplify 2024-02-19

Natural Selection- Amplify crossword puzzle
  1. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  2. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  3. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  4. a type of large molecule that performs important functions inside organisms
  5. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  6. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  7. something in the environment that affects an individual's chances of surviving
  8. a young insect that looks somewhat different from the adult
  9. a related organism from a previous generation
  10. to receive genes from a parent
  11. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  12. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  13. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  14. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations)that do not reproduce
  15. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  16. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  17. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  18. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  19. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  20. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  1. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  2. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  3. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  4. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  5. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  6. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  7. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  8. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  9. the dying out of a species
  10. the process in which two parents pass on thier genes to create offspring
  11. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  12. to stay alive
  13. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time

33 Clues: to stay alivethe dying out of a speciesto receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organism...

A Natural Balance 2024-04-23

A Natural Balance crossword puzzle
  1. Biologists study plants at ______________ gardens.
  2. My towel is very _____________.
  3. Wildlife _____________ efforts protect plants and animals.
  4. The government put out a ___________ for that criminal.
  5. My little cousin is very ______________. She's always causing problems.
  6. The U.S. Army is a government ____________.
  7. I need to buy _____________ at the store for my treehouse.
  8. The farmer _____________ the corn from his farm.
  9. This bowl is too small to __________ my ice cream sundae.
  10. In the 1800's, American ___________ moved west.
  1. I like to look for seashells in the __________ water at the beach.
  2. Gasoline for cars is made using _________.
  3. Birds, bees, and flowers are examples of ______________.
  4. Oil travels across the ocean in large ___________.
  5. I _____________ candy and drinks into the movie theater.
  6. This statue ______________ our president.
  7. The oxen pull the __________ in the field.
  8. This flower is ___________. Don't touch it!
  9. Humans should reduce their plastic _____________.
  10. Put your _____________ in the trashcan when you are done.

20 Clues: My towel is very _____________.This statue ______________ our president.Gasoline for cars is made using _________.The oxen pull the __________ in the field.The U.S. Army is a government ____________.This flower is ___________. Don't touch it!In the 1800's, American ___________ moved west.The farmer _____________ the corn from his farm....

Evolution/Natural Selection 2024-05-07

Evolution/Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. islands Darwin observed natural selection on
  2. Darwin waited so long to post his ideas because they were ____
  3. short term scales
  4. forelimbs of bats and whales
  5. who said we need our death rate to increase?
  6. what are the Galapagos islands west of?
  7. other name for natural selection
  8. how long did the Beagle Voyage take?
  9. legs on a skink
  10. Organisms with low fitness produce few offspring and __
  1. whale bones are an example of this
  2. who's essay convinced Darwin to publish his book?
  3. common ancestors, different functions
  4. change over time can result in
  5. evolution occurs through the process of this
  6. long time scale
  7. where was Wallace and Darwin's papers published?
  8. what group of people had been observing and using variations in organisms?
  9. DNA/supports evolution
  10. naturalist who established evolution
  11. the bird Darwin based his findings off of

21 Clues: long time scalelegs on a skinkshort term scalesDNA/supports evolutionforelimbs of bats and whaleschange over time can result inother name for natural selectionwhale bones are an example of thisnaturalist who established evolutionhow long did the Beagle Voyage take?common ancestors, different functionswhat are the Galapagos islands west of?...

fashion 2022-02-07

fashion crossword puzzle
  1. wool that has been reused
  2. small balls on fabric due to wear
  3. yarm from wool combed with silver
  4. fibers from plants
  5. short strands of fiber
  6. wool that has had nothing done to it
  7. cloth made from celloulosic fiber
  8. natural fiber from a cotton plant
  1. discolertion from fungus
  2. rough coarse natural fiber
  3. natural fiber made from fleece
  4. continuous strand of fiber
  5. small nozzle with many holes
  6. a continuous strand of fiber
  7. wool yarns made from short fibers
  8. protien fiber from silk worms
  9. twisting and crimping fibers
  10. textile froducts
  11. natural fibers from animails
  12. natural fiber from a plant

20 Clues: textile froductsfibers from plantsshort strands of fiberdiscolertion from funguswool that has been reusedrough coarse natural fibercontinuous strand of fibernatural fiber from a plantsmall nozzle with many holesa continuous strand of fibertwisting and crimping fibersnatural fibers from animailsprotien fiber from silk worms...

fashion 2022-02-07

fashion crossword puzzle
  1. wool that has been reused
  2. small balls on fabric due to wear
  3. yarm from wool combed with silver
  4. fibers from plants
  5. short strands of fiber
  6. wool that has had nothing done to it
  7. cloth made from celloulosic fiber
  8. natural fiber from a cotton plant
  1. discolertion from fungus
  2. rough coarse natural fiber
  3. natural fiber made from fleece
  4. continuous strand of fiber
  5. small nozzle with many holes
  6. a continuous strand of fiber
  7. wool yarns made from short fibers
  8. protien fiber from silk worms
  9. twisting and crimping fibers
  10. textile froducts
  11. natural fibers from animails
  12. natural fiber from a plant

20 Clues: textile froductsfibers from plantsshort strands of fiberdiscolertion from funguswool that has been reusedrough coarse natural fibercontinuous strand of fibernatural fiber from a plantsmall nozzle with many holesa continuous strand of fibertwisting and crimping fibersnatural fibers from animailsprotien fiber from silk worms...

EBS history review chapters 5-9 2014-10-08

EBS history review chapters 5-9 crossword puzzle
  1. two word ceremony in december (no space b/w words)
  2. the name of the "new" school house today
  3. the old name of taylor house
  4. enemies of the pocumtucks
  5. what dr jonas salk created to combat polio
  1. one of the disasters that struck eaglebrook
  2. the sport roger langely started at eaglebrook
  3. medical advance that helped shrink the size of the infirmary
  4. first word of the school motto
  5. age of MR Stuart chase when he became headmaster (two words together)

10 Clues: enemies of the pocumtucksthe old name of taylor housefirst word of the school mottothe name of the "new" school house todaywhat dr jonas salk created to combat polioone of the disasters that struck eaglebrookthe sport roger langely started at eaglebrooktwo word ceremony in december (no space b/w words)...

water by jack white 2019-05-29

water by jack white crossword puzzle
  1. 2.3 billion people in the world do not have basic sanitation...
  2. this used 70% of the worlds clean water
  3. This is the leading cause of child death in the world
  4. 90% of what is water-related
  5. we want to make water ...
  6. what is necessary for all life on earth
  1. Waste water flows into the...
  2. what is a major reason for unclean water
  3. is affecting the amount of available clean water
  4. 340,000 die from this each year because of unclean water

10 Clues: we want to make water ...90% of what is water-relatedWaste water flows into the...this used 70% of the worlds clean waterwhat is necessary for all life on earthwhat is a major reason for unclean wateris affecting the amount of available clean waterThis is the leading cause of child death in the world...

Natraul disasters 2021-05-18

Natraul disasters crossword puzzle
  1. A whirling storm caused by the wind
  2. A huge wave caused by an ocean-floor earthquake
  3. When there has not been any rain for a long time
  4. When there is heavy rainfall and it gets out of control
  1. A fire that gets out of control and hurts anything it touches
  2. When snow falls of a cliff in multiple turns
  3. A cold storm in the coldest parts in the world.
  4. A storm similar to a blizzard but more snow is involved

8 Clues: A whirling storm caused by the windWhen snow falls of a cliff in multiple turnsA cold storm in the coldest parts in the world.A huge wave caused by an ocean-floor earthquakeWhen there has not been any rain for a long timeA storm similar to a blizzard but more snow is involvedWhen there is heavy rainfall and it gets out of control...

Narural disasters 2024-05-14

Narural disasters crossword puzzle
  1. An extreme wind originates over ocean water
  2. A long period of dry weather when there isn't enough water for plants and animals to live
  3. When a large mass of snow, ice and rocks fall down the slide of a mountain.
  1. An extremely violent storm consisting of air that spins very quickly
  2. A sudden shaking of earth's surface.
  3. It happens when a volcano erupts and gets lava out
  4. When water spreads over the land
  5. An unusual large destructive sea wave

8 Clues: When water spreads over the landA sudden shaking of earth's surface.An unusual large destructive sea waveAn extreme wind originates over ocean waterIt happens when a volcano erupts and gets lava outAn extremely violent storm consisting of air that spins very quicklyWhen a large mass of snow, ice and rocks fall down the slide of a mountain....


  1. harm
  2. moves along smoothly
  3. a quantity or number of something
  1. events that cause great damage loss or suffering
  2. destroy or harm something

5 Clues: harmmoves along smoothlydestroy or harm somethinga quantity or number of somethingevents that cause great damage loss or suffering

Media Words, Jasmin 2017-07-16

Media Words, Jasmin crossword puzzle
  1. Media can be used to ....... people.
  2. 7 News is on ...... 6.
  3. You can view news online.
  4. This is usually one of the end segments of the news.
  5. You can ..... news articles.
  6. A blog is a type of what?
  7. Man Injured in Wild Southbank Brawl is an example of a ......
  8. what is one of the top searches on Bing?
  9. A lot of articles/segments cover ........
  10. What is it called when an article is one sided?
  1. News is avalible to what?
  2. How do people try to sell stuff in the media?
  3. Someone the checks over all the articles fro errors.
  4. a type of news that consists of deliberate misinfomation.
  5. The news paper usually covers ...... news
  6. What type of media is Instagram?

16 Clues: 7 News is on ...... 6.News is avalible to what?You can view news online.A blog is a type of what?You can ..... news articles.What type of media is Instagram?Media can be used to ....... people.what is one of the top searches on Bing?The news paper usually covers ...... newsA lot of articles/segments cover ...........

Vocabulary 2014-03-03

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. full of danger
  2. changed or arranged to fit a need or demand
  3. a confusing series of paths or passageways through which people may have a hard time finding their way
  4. the air, water, and soil, and all the other things that surround a person, animal, or plant
  5. events that cause much suffering, distress, or loss
  6. very col
  7. hard work
  8. to leave and not return
  1. to be successful or win
  2. not lived in
  3. a region or area that has a special quality
  4. to work or act
  5. took something apart piece by piece
  6. a special job or task
  7. a journey with a specific purpose
  8. the force that pulls things towards the center of the Earth

16 Clues: very colhard worknot lived infull of dangerto work or acta special job or taskto be successful or winto leave and not returna journey with a specific purposetook something apart piece by piecea region or area that has a special qualitychanged or arranged to fit a need or demandevents that cause much suffering, distress, or loss...

fashion 2022-02-07

fashion crossword puzzle
  1. wool that has been reused
  2. small balls on fabric due to wear
  3. yarm from wool combed with silver
  4. fibers from plants
  5. short strands of fiber
  6. wool that has had nothing done to it
  7. cloth made from celloulosic fiber
  8. natural fiber from a cotton plant
  1. discolertion from fungus
  2. rough coarse natural fiber
  3. natural fiber made from fleece
  4. continuous strand of fiber
  5. small nozzle with many holes
  6. a continuous strand of fiber
  7. wool yarns made from short fibers
  8. protien fiber from silk worms
  9. twisting and crimping fibers
  10. textile froducts
  11. natural fibers from animails
  12. natural fiber from a plant

20 Clues: textile froductsfibers from plantsshort strands of fiberdiscolertion from funguswool that has been reusedrough coarse natural fibercontinuous strand of fibernatural fiber from a plantsmall nozzle with many holesa continuous strand of fibertwisting and crimping fibersnatural fibers from animailsprotien fiber from silk worms...

fashion 2022-02-07

fashion crossword puzzle
  1. wool that has been reused
  2. small balls on fabric due to wear
  3. yarm from wool combed with silver
  4. fibers from plants
  5. short strands of fiber
  6. wool that has had nothing done to it
  7. cloth made from celloulosic fiber
  8. natural fiber from a cotton plant
  1. discolertion from fungus
  2. rough coarse natural fiber
  3. natural fiber made from fleece
  4. continuous strand of fiber
  5. small nozzle with many holes
  6. a continuous strand of fiber
  7. wool yarns made from short fibers
  8. protien fiber from silk worms
  9. twisting and crimping fibers
  10. textile froducts
  11. natural fibers from animails
  12. natural fiber from a plant

20 Clues: textile froductsfibers from plantsshort strands of fiberdiscolertion from funguswool that has been reusedrough coarse natural fibercontinuous strand of fibernatural fiber from a plantsmall nozzle with many holesa continuous strand of fibertwisting and crimping fibersnatural fibers from animailsprotien fiber from silk worms...

fashion 2022-02-07

fashion crossword puzzle
  1. wool that has been reused
  2. small balls on fabric due to wear
  3. yarm from wool combed with silver
  4. fibers from plants
  5. short strands of fiber
  6. wool that has had nothing done to it
  7. cloth made from celloulosic fiber
  8. natural fiber from a cotton plant
  1. discolertion from fungus
  2. rough coarse natural fiber
  3. natural fiber made from fleece
  4. continuous strand of fiber
  5. small nozzle with many holes
  6. a continuous strand of fiber
  7. wool yarns made from short fibers
  8. protien fiber from silk worms
  9. twisting and crimping fibers
  10. textile froducts
  11. natural fibers from animails
  12. natural fiber from a plant

20 Clues: textile froductsfibers from plantsshort strands of fiberdiscolertion from funguswool that has been reusedrough coarse natural fibercontinuous strand of fibernatural fiber from a plantsmall nozzle with many holesa continuous strand of fibertwisting and crimping fibersnatural fibers from animailsprotien fiber from silk worms...

Types of Fibers 2024-02-22

Types of Fibers crossword puzzle
  1. This type of fabric is made from animals,vegetables,or inorganic material
  2. Manufactured inorganic fiber, found in some swimming pools
  3. Provides warmth from a lightweight
  4. Synthetic fiber derived from petroleum and found in fishing nets, carpets, and ropes
  5. Fabrics are composed of individual threads or ________
  6. Natural fibers are classified by this
  7. Natural fiber made by silk worm making cocoon
  8. Natural fiber that comes from the flax plant and conducts heat well
  9. Most fibers are woven or __________
  10. Most synthetic fibers are derivatives of petroleum, _____, and natural gas
  11. The most frequently used synthetic fiber, most durable of man made fibers
  1. Natural mineral fiber that is used in fire resistant substances
  2. Chemically altered cellulose that is soft and versatile
  3. Manufactured mineral fiber
  4. Vegetable fiber that is strong, flexible, and absorbs moisture
  5. Fibers synthesized from altered natural sources
  6. Natural fiber that comes from sheep and alpacas
  7. Synthetic fiber known for its exceptional ability to be stretched, athletes wear this when competing
  8. Chemically-altered fiber that is not found in nature

19 Clues: Manufactured mineral fiberProvides warmth from a lightweightMost fibers are woven or __________Natural fibers are classified by thisNatural fiber made by silk worm making cocoonFibers synthesized from altered natural sourcesNatural fiber that comes from sheep and alpacasChemically-altered fiber that is not found in nature...

Two Degrees 2023-12-05

Two Degrees crossword puzzle
  1. the cause of all of the problems in the book
  2. distressing
  3. all of the things that happened to the characters
  4. the arrival of a lot of people
  5. has the last name of a type of cheese
  6. the disaster that Natalie survived
  7. best friend/ pet of Akira
  8. warm place near the coast
  9. the name of a great tree located in Sierra Nevada, California
  10. a place of refuge and safety
  11. the thing that happens to ice that created George and Owen's disaster
  1. Natalie's fantasy land
  2. the amount of degrees the earth has risen
  3. the character trait all of the characters show
  4. Tia Beatriz'z dog
  5. a very cold place/ home of polar bears
  6. has the name of a value
  7. the disaster that Akira survived
  8. the name of a polar bear
  9. a very hot place/ home of giant sequoia trees

20 Clues: distressingTia Beatriz'z dogNatalie's fantasy landhas the name of a valuethe name of a polar bearbest friend/ pet of Akirawarm place near the coasta place of refuge and safetythe arrival of a lot of peoplethe disaster that Akira survivedthe disaster that Natalie survivedhas the last name of a type of cheesea very cold place/ home of polar bears...

microscopic life 2024-05-08

microscopic life crossword puzzle
  1. a type of virus that causes skin irritation
  2. makes own energy
  3. mix of fungi and bacteria
  4. eeeee
  5. has nucleus
  6. both living and nonliving
  7. no nucleus
  8. circle shaped
  9. single celled protist
  10. one celled
  11. spiral shaped
  12. eats other creatures
  13. decompose things
  14. live in water
  15. ways to destroy a bad bacteria
  1. harmfuly lives off of other creature
  2. plant like protists
  3. type of fungi used in medicine
  4. 1st creatures to show up after disasters
  5. anything that causes disease
  6. protist fungi
  7. how fungi reproduce
  8. a way to keep youreself from being sick by a virus
  9. the carrier of the virus
  10. a massive spread of a disease
  11. multi celled
  12. a vast connection of fungi
  13. a type of fungi that is unicellular
  14. decomposes nonliving material
  15. process of a cell splitting in two
  16. rod shaped

31 Clues: eeeeeno nucleusone celledrod shapedhas nucleusmulti celledprotist fungicircle shapedspiral shapedlive in watermakes own energydecompose thingsplant like protistshow fungi reproduceeats other creaturessingle celled protistthe carrier of the virusmix of fungi and bacteriaboth living and nonlivinga vast connection of fungianything that causes disease...

Natural resources- ecology 2022-11-10

Natural resources- ecology crossword puzzle
  1. the entire planet
  2. both organisms benefit
  3. all of the living communities
  4. converts energy from the sun into food energy
  5. relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations
  6. pollution sources that are diffused without a single point of origin
  7. the organisms in the community that are the same species
  8. made up of different layers and protects the earth
  9. any signle identifiable source of pollution from which polluants are discharged
  1. a number of interconnecting food chains
  2. all the biotic factors in a given area
  3. certain traits that give an adaptive advantage to organisms and they can pass it down to their offspring
  4. the study of the relationship of living things to each other and their environment
  5. one organism(the parasite) benefits while the host does not
  6. the evolution of a biological community's ecological structure
  7. physical rather than biological; not derived from living organisms
  8. animals that depend on plants and other animals for food
  9. when one or more species over populate and affect the environment in a negative way
  10. a climax community or intermediate community is impacted by a disturbance
  11. one organism benefits, one unharmed

20 Clues: the entire planetboth organisms benefitall of the living communitiesone organism benefits, one unharmedall the biotic factors in a given areaa number of interconnecting food chainsconverts energy from the sun into food energymade up of different layers and protects the earthanimals that depend on plants and other animals for food...

Natural resources- ecology 2022-11-10

Natural resources- ecology crossword puzzle
  1. the entire planet
  2. both organisms benefit
  3. all of the living communities
  4. converts energy from the sun into food energy
  5. relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations
  6. pollution sources that are diffused without a single point of origin
  7. the organisms in the community that are the same species
  8. made up of different layers and protects the earth
  9. any signle identifiable source of pollution from which polluants are discharged
  1. a number of interconnecting food chains
  2. all the biotic factors in a given area
  3. certain traits that give an adaptive advantage to organisms and they can pass it down to their offspring
  4. the study of the relationship of living things to each other and their environment
  5. one organism(the parasite) benefits while the host does not
  6. the evolution of a biological community's ecological structure
  7. physical rather than biological; not derived from living organisms
  8. animals that depend on plants and other animals for food
  9. when one or more species over populate and affect the environment in a negative way
  10. a climax community or intermediate community is impacted by a disturbance
  11. one organism benefits, one unharmed

20 Clues: the entire planetboth organisms benefitall of the living communitiesone organism benefits, one unharmedall the biotic factors in a given areaa number of interconnecting food chainsconverts energy from the sun into food energymade up of different layers and protects the earthanimals that depend on plants and other animals for food...

Natural Science revision 2022-05-31

Natural Science revision crossword puzzle
  1. The area on earth consisting of rocks.
  2. The part of a cell that controls all activities.
  3. Spiders belong to this class of animals.
  4. Hutchinson-Gilford is what type of genetic disorder?
  5. The number floral parts of a dicotyledon.
  6. What is another name for Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome.
  7. Give the acronym for the abnormality on the 22 chromosome.
  8. The body part where a snails organs are found.
  9. In which climate do animals have a rounded body shape.
  10. Which disease is inherited and causes brain cells to deteriorate?
  11. The root system of a dicotyledon.
  12. This holds the eggs/ovules for the purpose of pollination.
  13. All areas on earth where life exists.
  14. What shape eyes do people with Down Syndrome have?
  15. When a seed begins to grow it is called this.
  16. The second most specific category of classification.
  17. Animals have large thin ears in which climate.
  18. Who developed the classification system we use today?
  19. The base that pairs with guanine.
  20. This is how many legs a crab has.
  21. The top part of the crab.
  22. Cones that produce seeds on their scales.
  23. The acronym for deoxyribonucleic acid.
  24. What are the respiratory organs of the crab?
  25. What is the breathing opening of diplopods called?
  26. This is what the difference in our characteristics are called.
  27. The veins of a monocotyledon leaf look like this.
  28. This is how many legs a crab uses to walk.
  29. The base that pairs with thymine.
  30. What syndrome occurs when there is a XYY chromosome present.
  31. The male part of the flower.
  32. Found under the crab.
  33. Spiders have these types of eyes.
  34. Attracts insects for the purpose of pollinating flowers.
  35. The body covering of a spider.
  1. Which nomenclature system is used for classification.
  2. The area on earth consisting of water.
  3. The area on earth consisting of gases.
  4. The characteristics that are determined by the choices we make.
  5. Having or containing a single cell.
  6. This is how the vascular bundles in the stem of a monocotyledon are arranged.
  7. Plants that have net-veined leaves are called this.
  8. The term for living things.
  9. If snails were to stop producing slime, this would be a consequence.
  10. The term for non-living things.
  11. This is how the vascular bundles in the stem of a dicotyledon are arranged.
  12. A non-flowering plant that has an adventitious root system.
  13. Which syndrome is characterized by low birth weight and abnormally shaped face.
  14. The root system of a monocotyledon.
  15. The broadest category of classification.
  16. An example of a protist.
  17. The characteristics that are passed down to us from our parents.
  18. Protects plants during their budding stage.
  19. Fruit carries these inside of them.
  20. Which body part of the diplopod has the largest segment?
  21. Spiders have this type of lung.
  22. Another name for bacteria.
  23. The sticky part of the flower that catches pollen.
  24. Mammals are mentioned in this category of classification.
  25. The female part of the flower.
  26. This is a sensory organ of a fish that detects movement.
  27. The most specific category of classification.
  28. Animals in cold climates have this under their skin.
  29. Monocotyledon's have flowers in multiples of?
  30. Which cones are small and clustered on high branches.
  31. This holds pollen for the purpose of pollination.
  32. A spider uses this to spin its web.
  33. What type of eyes do crabs have?
  34. Ferns reproduce using these.
  35. The scientific term for having a copy of a chromosome.

70 Clues: Found under the crab.An example of a protist.The top part of the crab.Another name for bacteria.The term for living things.The male part of the flower.Ferns reproduce using these.The female part of the flower.The body covering of a spider.The term for non-living things.Spiders have this type of lung.What type of eyes do crabs have?...

Natural Selection Crossword 2019-04-12

Natural Selection Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. corresponding structurally, often because of a common evolutionary origin
  2. a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant; illness; sickness
  3. a natural process of evolution in which the organisms that are best adapted to their environment survive and are able to reproduce, while those that are weak leave fewer or no offspring.
  4. of, pertaining to, or being a vestige, esp. an anatomical one
  5. in biology, a change in an organism, over time, that better enables it to survive and multiply
  6. the theory that describes how all life forms developed from simpler life forms by changes that took millions of years
  7. everything that surrounds a particular type of living thing and affects its growth and health
  8. an animal that hunts other animals for food
  9. to fill with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain
  10. the branch of science that concerns the formation and development of embryos
  11. a variety
  1. the degree to which something varies; amount of change or difference
  2. a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its surrounding
  3. the child or young of a particular human, animal, or plant
  4. in biology, the evolutionary principle that only the forms of plants or animals best suited to or most easily able to adapt to existing conditions will survive, while other less suited forms will become extinct
  5. a group of living things that can mate with one another but not with those of other groups
  6. a sudden, apparently abnormal change or alteration in a genetically determined structure, as opposed to gradual evolutionary change
  7. an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal
  8. the process or act of trying to win
  9. in biology, similar in form or function, but of different evolutionary origin
  10. to have young or offspring
  11. the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal conditions for evolution
  12. money or things that are available for a particular use
  13. something that pollutes, esp. a waste substance that makes air, water, or land impure or unhealthy; contaminant.

24 Clues: a varietyto have young or offspringthe process or act of trying to winan animal that hunts other animals for foodmoney or things that are available for a particular usethe child or young of a particular human, animal, or plantan animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animalof, pertaining to, or being a vestige, esp. an anatomical one...

Natural Grocers Wellness 2021-09-18

Natural Grocers Wellness crossword puzzle
  1. The four areas of balance are: Physical, _____, Spiritual, Mental.
  2. _____ and trans fats are considered unhealthy fats.
  3. On a hot day, it's important to keep hydrated with this.
  4. The meal you should start with every day.
  5. Putting your needs first and caring for yourself.
  6. A place people go to get fit.
  7. waxy chemical our bodies produce and need in small amounts
  8. A unit of heat that measures the energy available in foods.
  9. You should see this person each year for a physical.
  10. You should eat at least _____ servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
  11. A mineral that helps control the amount of fluid in your body.
  1. _____ is needed to build muscles and help you digest your food. It also serves as a chemical messenger.
  2. You should _____ for 30 minutes 3x a week.
  3. An exercise focused on breathing and a series of poses to increase strength and flexibility.
  4. White potatoes are high in this vitamin.
  5. An _____ a day keeps the doctor away.
  6. The body’s reaction to any change that requires a response.
  7. A great source of calcium.
  8. Start off as oils and are made solid through processing.
  9. Fruits and vegetables contain _____, which helps keep your digestive system healthy.
  10. Citrus fruits contain citric acid, also known as _____
  11. Natural Grocers' EAP Provider, a free service to all Crew.
  12. The ability of the joints to move through their full range of motion.
  13. A type of holistic treatment.
  14. This fruit is dried in the sun to make raisins, grows on a vine, and is a healthy snack.
  15. Carbohydrates supply this to your body.
  16. Getting 8 hours of this a day is important to overall health.
  17. Vitamin C helps your body fight disease by maintaining a strong _____ system.

28 Clues: A great source of calcium.A type of holistic treatment.A place people go to get fit.An _____ a day keeps the doctor away.Carbohydrates supply this to your body.White potatoes are high in this vitamin.The meal you should start with every day.You should _____ for 30 minutes 3x a week.Putting your needs first and caring for yourself....

Evolution/Natural selection 2021-04-22

Evolution/Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. scarce resources in the environment causes
  2. Traits aren't beneficial to an organism
  3. The Father of evolution
  4. ability for a organism to survive/reproduce
  5. Your body produces its own antibodies
  6. Everything is related to one another
  7. These target viruses
  8. Unable to reproduce due to enviro
  9. Can change, mutate, and evolve
  10. Traits benefit the organism in a habitat
  1. Most powerful type of evidence of evolution
  2. Immunity you get through infancy/breastfeed
  3. takes decades to make heritable change
  4. Survival of the fittest
  5. formation of a new species due to evolution
  6. The first cells on planet Earth
  7. Reproductive isolation basedon specie
  8. A specific role in an environment
  9. First atmosphere of Earth
  10. Cross between two species

20 Clues: These target virusesThe Father of evolutionSurvival of the fittestFirst atmosphere of EarthCross between two speciesCan change, mutate, and evolveThe first cells on planet EarthA specific role in an environmentUnable to reproduce due to enviroEverything is related to one anotherYour body produces its own antibodies...

Natural Selection Crossword 2023-03-24

Natural Selection Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. imitating other organisms
  2. Things found in nature used for survival
  3. of animals
  4. process that living organisms go through in order to change and adapt.
  5. adapting to blend into their environment.
  6. actions that are not taught
  7. change in the D.N.A. sequence of an organism.
  8. change in cells between individual or groups of species.
  1. behaviors
  2. that hunt other organisms
  3. an organisms acts
  4. discoveries on Natural selection
  5. of genotypes
  6. traits
  7. change in genetic material
  8. way organisms conserve energy.
  9. feature that helps organisms survive in their environment.
  10. movement in the genetic material in an individual
  11. population or organisms' ability to survive and reproduce.
  12. characteristic in an individual.

20 Clues: traitsbehaviorsof animalsof genotypesan organisms actsimitating other organismsthat hunt other organismschange in genetic materialactions that are not taughtway organisms conserve energy.discoveries on Natural selectioncharacteristic in an individual.Things found in nature used for survivaladapting to blend into their environment....

Natural Selection Crossword 2014-10-28

Natural Selection Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. more individuals are born than survive to reproduce
  2. individuals of a species vary within a generation
  3. individuals with characteristics that are best suited to the environment is also known as 'survival of the .......'
  4. the first name of the man who contributed to the theory of evolution
  5. refers to the formation of new species
  6. who individuals pass their variations to
  7. whereby an organism has characteristics enabling it to survive under current environmental conditions. It will then pass these characteristics to its offspring
  8. something that carries the information that determines your traits that are passed on to you from your parents
  9. refers to the variety of living things
  10. the gradual change of organisms into new species over a long period of time due to the process of natural selection from a common ancestor
  1. required for new species to form
  2. when the environment may be changed greatly through the activits of organisms, resulting in long term changes in the ecosystem
  3. a group of the same species living in an area together
  4. if an environmental change occurs those organisms with these variations will survive
  5. the surname of the man who contributed to the theory of evolution
  6. how individuals pass on their characteristics
  7. a variation that an organism has that helps it to survive in a particular environment
  8. when an organism no longer exists
  9. a type of variation that occurs in a species
  10. when changed populations may not be able to interbreed with other populations so species ......

20 Clues: required for new species to formwhen an organism no longer existsrefers to the formation of new speciesrefers to the variety of living thingswho individuals pass their variations toa type of variation that occurs in a specieshow individuals pass on their characteristicsindividuals of a species vary within a generation...

Alberta's Natural Resources 2015-02-05

Alberta's Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. the type of farming that raises livestock
  2. wood sawed into beams and boards of convenient sizes
  3. a very useful energy source
  4. a long layer beneath the Earth's surface
  5. fossil fuel that is primarily used for energy generation in Alberta
  6. the natural resource that produces oxygen
  7. adjective to describe a resource that cannot be replaced
  8. thick, sticky tar made of oil
  9. industry that involves the cutting down of trees and converting them into useful materials
  1. food product obtained from bee-keeping
  2. the careful use of natural resources in order that they do not run out
  3. the growing of crops and raising of animals
  4. type of renewable alternate energy source that uses sunlight
  5. the return of an area to its original state after it was mined
  6. an important cereal crop grown in Alberta
  7. natural gas that is mainly use for heating homes in Alberta and is a biofuel from animal wastes
  8. adjective to describe a useful resource that is replaceable, so it last for the future
  9. the type of fuel that come from the remains of ancient plants and animals
  10. fossil fuel found in Alberta that is the largest oil reserve in the world
  11. water supply for cultivated lands
  12. the ability to do work

21 Clues: the ability to do worka very useful energy sourcethick, sticky tar made of oilwater supply for cultivated landsfood product obtained from bee-keepinga long layer beneath the Earth's surfacethe type of farming that raises livestockan important cereal crop grown in Albertathe natural resource that produces oxygen...

Natural Resources Review 2016-01-14

Natural Resources Review crossword puzzle
  1. Traditionally, this was the most valuable fish in the East Coast fishery
  2. The impact of these tropical storms are often worsened when wetlands are drained such as in Florida
  3. We live in this drainage basin
  4. the most destructive method of harvesting trees
  5. Arguably this was the most difficult thing to give up for the family in NO IMPACT MAN
  6. Notorious example of chemicals seeping into groundwater...happened near Buffalo NY
  7. How did the family in NO IMPACT MAN recycle their organic waste?
  8. 200 miles or 370 km
  9. Use of renewable resource at a rate that allows the resource to renew itself.
  10. This type of industry deals with research and development etc.
  11. This country emits the most total CO2/year
  12. Fish that feed near the water surface
  13. Most of the world’s water is located in?
  1. Of the most developed countries of the world (G20) this country has the 2nd largest ecological footprint
  2. the most dangerous form of water pollution hence the ban on pesticide use
  3. For most Canadians, this “type” of footprint tends to be the largest contributor to their overall footprint.
  4. Arguably the most environmentally friendly method of harvesting trees
  5. Most of Canada’s most valued commercial forests are in which province?
  6. Example of biological contamination of groundwater in Ontario...happened in 2000
  7. Water use can be defined in two ways: Instream use and?
  8. Of the most developed economies, this country produces the most CO2/capita
  9. Fish farming
  10. Rich fishing grounds off the coast of NFLD
  11. This area of industry involves the extraction or harvesting of natural resources

24 Clues: Fish farming200 miles or 370 kmWe live in this drainage basinFish that feed near the water surfaceMost of the world’s water is located in?Rich fishing grounds off the coast of NFLDThis country emits the most total CO2/yearthe most destructive method of harvesting treesWater use can be defined in two ways: Instream use and?...

Earths Natural Resources 2016-11-02

Earths Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Where the ocean meets the land
  2. A really hot dry place
  3. Found at the beach under your feet
  4. A very high piece of land
  5. Can burn down things
  6. Ice that falls from the sky
  7. Fluffy white objects in the sky
  8. Frozen rain
  9. Land we grow animals and crops
  10. These are cut down for their wood
  11. A body of water surrounded by land
  12. Another word for stone
  1. Water that flows over a cliff
  2. Plants and _________
  3. The loud noise during a storm
  4. Gives light to the Earth
  5. Water that falls from clouds
  6. A very large area of trees
  7. We breathe this to stay alive
  8. What plants grow in
  9. We drink this

21 Clues: Frozen rainWe drink thisWhat plants grow inPlants and _________Can burn down thingsA really hot dry placeAnother word for stoneGives light to the EarthA very high piece of landA very large area of treesIce that falls from the skyWater that falls from cloudsWater that flows over a cliffThe loud noise during a stormWe breathe this to stay alive...

Natural Selection Vocab 2022-04-11

Natural Selection Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a group of islands in the Pacific off South America
  2. the people who inhabit a territory or state
  3. an outward semblance misrepresenting the nature of something
  4. group of genetically related organisms in a line of descent
  5. a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
  6. make a copy or equivalent of
  7. a change or alteration in form or qualities
  8. taxonomic group containing one or more families
  9. the totality of surrounding conditions
  10. a process in which organisms evolve to adapt to environment
  1. the major taxonomic group of animals and plants; contains classes
  2. the process of adjusting or conforming to new conditions
  3. taxonomic group containing one or more species
  4. gotten through environmental forces
  5. continue existence
  6. the second highest taxonomic group
  7. the process of being or becoming different
  8. the taxonomic category above the kingdom
  9. undergo development
  10. group whose members can interbreed

20 Clues: continue existenceundergo developmentmake a copy or equivalent ofthe second highest taxonomic groupgroup whose members can interbreedgotten through environmental forcesthe totality of surrounding conditionsthe taxonomic category above the kingdomthe process of being or becoming differentthe people who inhabit a territory or state...

Landons Natural Resources 2021-12-08

Landons Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Deep mineral deposits and is very dangerous with machines and man power with transportation
  2. Goverment stopped fishing this fish in 1992 but what fish
  3. toxic and dangerous to do.
  4. what can cause water pollution and acid rain.
  5. How much of the worlds fresh water is available for direct human use
  6. Humas is decaying organic material and is an important factor for a ... fertility
  7. Large hale that is dug for getting ore near the earths surface and leaving scars.
  8. 20 percent of worlds fresh water
  9. Large areas of land and little work
  10. Water Water includes lakes rivers above the earth
  11. Small areas of land and lots of work
  12. Not all plastics are recycable
  13. Water below the earths surface
  14. How many classes are there for minerals
  15. Can kill or harm fish in oceans.
  1. neither of the 2 and is used for construction
  2. How much fresh water is locked up in ice.
  3. Minerals burned to make energy, dead plants/animals
  4. Burning coal, oil or natural gas, its not renewable, harmfull and its cheap easy setup
  5. Solar,Geothermal,Biomass,Hydro,Waves,Tides,Wind,Nuclear,Fossil Fuels
  6. Something that can replenish or replace its self.
  7. Sources, Transmission, Distribution
  8. Island of garbage that goes into ocean.
  9. Something that can only be used once and take years to replace.
  10. Shallow seas allow light to warm the waters MettalicMinerals Made for strength, rarity and known as metals
  11. near the earths surface to recover mineral deposits
  12. Flat and well drained land best for farming
  13. Soil,Climate,Biology,Topography

28 Clues: toxic and dangerous to do.Not all plastics are recycableWater below the earths surfaceSoil,Climate,Biology,Topography20 percent of worlds fresh waterCan kill or harm fish in oceans.Sources, Transmission, DistributionLarge areas of land and little workSmall areas of land and lots of workIsland of garbage that goes into ocean....

Biology Natural Resources 2021-12-05

Biology Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Land For Plants
  2. Atomic Number 6
  3. Fast Moving Air
  4. Where Plants Can Grow
  5. Blanket Of Air
  6. 78% Of Air
  7. Heating Water
  8. Hello, I Am Under The _____
  9. Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria
  1. NH³
  2. Strongest Substance
  3. NO²
  4. Respiration
  5. Littering
  6. Water Dropping On Earth
  7. Something Useful
  8. Fuel For Cars
  9. NO³
  10. Atmosphere
  11. 3 Oxygen Atoms

20 Clues: NH³NO²NO³Littering78% Of AirAtmosphereRespirationFuel For CarsHeating WaterBlanket Of Air3 Oxygen AtomsLand For PlantsAtomic Number 6Fast Moving AirSomething UsefulStrongest SubstanceWhere Plants Can GrowWater Dropping On EarthNitrogen Fixation BacteriaHello, I Am Under The _____

Natural Resources !!CROSSWORD!! 2021-12-05

Natural Resources !!CROSSWORD!! crossword puzzle
  1. plants converting raw materials into obtainable food for plants.
  2. greenhouse gas-CH₄
  3. Dead organisms combining with soil.
  4. Depletion of soil
  5. Losing of water in plants.
  6. O₃
  7. they are talking about sequences of events that repeat themselves in a scientific way.
  8. This is the process of warming of the earths surface due to to greenhouse gases.
  9. Turning of gas into liquid form.
  10. A process by which O2 is released and CO2 is released.
  1. the scientific process of rain
  2. living organisms
  3. Symbiotic bacteria present in plants.
  4. N
  5. Process by which O2 is burned and CO2 is burned.
  6. Greenhouse gas-CFC
  7. A cycle in which gaseous cycle and sedimentary cycle are its types.
  8. O2
  9. The heating of the earths surface due to the greenhouse effect.
  10. Liquid turning into gaseous form.

20 Clues: NO₃O2living organismsDepletion of soilgreenhouse gas-CH₄Greenhouse gas-CFCLosing of water in plants.the scientific process of rainTurning of gas into liquid form.Liquid turning into gaseous form.Dead organisms combining with soil.Symbiotic bacteria present in plants.Process by which O2 is burned and CO2 is burned....

Natural Hazard Disaster 2021-12-02

Natural Hazard Disaster crossword puzzle
  1. heavy fall of snow, especially with a high wind
  2. make a quick movement to avoid a thrust
  3. a severe snowstorm with high winds
  4. drought shortage of rainfall
  5. a large frozen mass floating at sea
  6. winds rotating inwards to an area of low barometric pressure
  7. a storm with rain
  8. a mass of snow, ice and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
  9. shaking of the surface
  1. flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric
  2. a mountain head where there is lava and fire
  3. a strong current of air
  4. dying from natural disaster
  5. hot molten or semi-fluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure
  6. an uncontrolled fire in a bush area
  7. the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto land
  8. A tornado is "a violently rotating column of air, in contact with the ground
  9. a period of excessively hot weather
  10. a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean
  11. the earth's crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed on cooling

20 Clues: a storm with rainshaking of the surfacea strong current of airdying from natural disasterdrought shortage of rainfalla severe snowstorm with high windsan uncontrolled fire in a bush areaa large frozen mass floating at seaa period of excessively hot weathermake a quick movement to avoid a thrusta mountain head where there is lava and fire...

Natural Selection Vocabulary 2022-01-25

Natural Selection Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. to receive genes from a parent
  2. trait a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  3. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  4. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  5. to stay alive
  6. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  7. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  8. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  9. selection the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  10. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  11. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  12. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  3. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  4. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. a related organism from a previous generation
  6. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  7. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  8. trait a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  9. any difference in traits between individual organisms

21 Clues: to stay aliveto receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organismliving things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria...

Lauren Natural World 2023-10-10

Lauren Natural World crossword puzzle
  1. coal is one of them
  2. long-term weather pattern in a region
  3. four different seasons
  4. soil that has frozen
  5. desert like area
  6. dry or rainy season
  7. warm summer cool winter
  8. resources that cannot be replaced
  9. cold areas
  10. the planting of trees
  11. dry areas
  12. front transition zone between two air masses
  1. resources that are replaced naturally
  2. the clearing of trees
  3. place where animals and plants live
  4. soil when plant or animal decay
  5. to die out
  6. interacting organisms
  7. anything that humans use
  8. rainy and wet

20 Clues: dry areasto die outcold areasrainy and wetdesert like areacoal is one of themdry or rainy seasonsoil that has frozenthe clearing of treesinteracting organismsthe planting of treesfour different seasonswarm summer cool winteranything that humans usesoil when plant or animal decayresources that cannot be replacedplace where animals and plants live...

Reuben's natural world 2023-10-09

Reuben's natural world crossword puzzle
  1. a seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain or from the northeast between October and April
  2. a strong ocean current that brings warm water from the Gulf of Mexico into the Atlantic Ocean.
  3. clearing of trees
  4. materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature
  5. the production of making electricity from water
  6. a transition zone between two different air masses
  7. Earths prevaling winds
  8. There are 5 MAJOR thing of these
  1. group of animals and plants the need each other
  2. resources that can be renewed
  3. resources that can not be renewed
  4. gas,coal,oil,and petroleum
  5. the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material
  6. the natural home or environment of an organism.
  7. large streams of surface seawater, they move heat around the earth.
  8. surroundings
  9. to die out
  10. a thick subsurface layer of soil that remains frozen throughout the year (occurring chiefly in polar regions)
  11. the process of turning into a desert
  12. usual weather around a certain area

20 Clues: to die outsurroundingsclearing of treesEarths prevaling windsgas,coal,oil,and petroleumresources that can be renewedThere are 5 MAJOR thing of theseresources that can not be renewedusual weather around a certain areathe process of turning into a desertgroup of animals and plants the need each otherthe natural home or environment of an organism....

Natural Resources Management 2024-05-02

Natural Resources Management crossword puzzle
  1. A resource that cannot be recycled or reclaimed
  2. The kind of power generated by dams/water
  3. Fossil fuel composed mostly of dead plant matter
  4. Mining the earth for resources is ____ harmful to the environment.
  5. A resource that can be regrown, reused, or recycled
  6. The state of matter you most often find oxygen or CO2 in on earth
  7. type of mining done beneath the earth's surface
  8. returning land to its pre-mined, original state
  9. Extracting metal from ore by heating and melting it
  10. another name for oil resources: p______
  1. Raw materials from the earth that are useful to humans: natural ___
  2. The tendency for shared resources to be depleted because of a few selfish entities: ___ of the commons
  3. A way to extract gold and other precious metals from crushed rock in water
  4. Resource gathering done by sprinkling a solution on a pile of ore: heap ___
  5. type of mining done above ground
  6. Rock containing metal or minerals that can be profitably extracted
  7. caused by the uneven heating of the earth
  8. an aggressive and polluting form of mining: mountaintop ___
  9. A section of ore that is profitable to mine: ore ___
  10. A fossil fuel often used for heating: __ gas

20 Clues: type of mining done above groundanother name for oil resources: p______The kind of power generated by dams/watercaused by the uneven heating of the earthA fossil fuel often used for heating: __ gasA resource that cannot be recycled or reclaimedtype of mining done beneath the earth's surfacereturning land to its pre-mined, original state...

STAGE 2: Natural & Processed Materials 2021-12-02

STAGE 2: Natural & Processed Materials crossword puzzle
  1. an adjective that means long lasting
  2. able to take in and hold water
  3. these sort of cars don't use petrol
  4. to make a guess
  5. energy produced by the sun
  6. able to be seen through
  7. safe from water
  8. stretchiness of a material
  1. this product comes from sheep
  2. provides good grip on a skateboard
  3. one of the properties of cotton
  4. materials found naturally in the world
  5. a natural product found in some rocks
  6. a most important natural product
  7. tyres are made from this natural product
  8. measurement of how tall something is
  9. materials manufacture in a factory
  10. this metal enabled early man to make spears
  11. a natural product used to make glass and cement
  12. this material takes a long time to decompose
  13. this natural product is used to make electricity

21 Clues: to make a guesssafe from waterable to be seen throughenergy produced by the sunstretchiness of a materialthis product comes from sheepable to take in and hold waterone of the properties of cottona most important natural productprovides good grip on a skateboardmaterials manufacture in a factorythese sort of cars don't use petrol...

Who Studies Natural Disasters? 2023-10-09

Who Studies Natural Disasters? crossword puzzle
  1. that happens naturally and is not planned
  2. small earthquake or uncontrolled shaking
  1. something worth noticing
  2. danger

4 Clues: dangersomething worth noticingsmall earthquake or uncontrolled shakingthat happens naturally and is not planned

National Preparedness Month 2023-08-22

National Preparedness Month crossword puzzle
  1. Learn first aid and ___.
  2. One gallon a day per person for 3 days.
  3. Plan for your ________ if you need help evacuating.
  4. Know what kind of _____ and emergencies are most common in your area.
  5. Make a ____ for what you will do during an emergency.
  1. A good _____ plan includes writing down and storing phone numbers other than your cellphone.
  2. Include copies of your important _________ in your emergency supply kits.
  3. Keep a _____ radio tuned to your local emergency station.
  4. Discuss your emergency plans with your _____.
  5. Make a ___ of Emergency Supplies.
  6. Sign up for warning and _____.
  7. Have a plan for yourself and your ____.

12 Clues: Learn first aid and ___.Sign up for warning and _____.Make a ___ of Emergency Supplies.One gallon a day per person for 3 days.Have a plan for yourself and your ____.Discuss your emergency plans with your _____.Plan for your ________ if you need help evacuating.Make a ____ for what you will do during an emergency....

Plate Tectonics 2021-02-25

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. record of an earthquake’s seismic waves
  2. shaking floors making disasters
  3. two plates move towards each other
  4. molten rocks under the earths surface
  5. plates slide past each other
  6. Greta mass of falling snow and ice
  7. magma that reaches earths surface
  8. point where earthquake begins
  9. measure of the energy released during an earthquake
  1. 2en wave, S shape, only travel through solids
  2. seismic wave that travel ground surface
  3. waves cause by an earthquake
  4. 1st wave push pull motion, move through solids, liquids, and gases
  5. two plates move away from each other
  6. earths surface directly above the focus
  7. a type of fault where the hanging wall slides upwards
  8. something bad happening to earth
  9. destructive mudflow on the slopes of a volcano
  10. rocks and soil down a slope
  11. crack in Earths crust

20 Clues: crack in Earths crustrocks and soil down a slopewaves cause by an earthquakeplates slide past each otherpoint where earthquake beginsshaking floors making disasterssomething bad happening to earthmagma that reaches earths surfacetwo plates move towards each otherGreta mass of falling snow and icetwo plates move away from each other...


  1. David _____, CEO
  2. roblox ____, program used to build games
  3. Violet, Emerald, Original
  4. twisted murderer creator
  5. perfectly legitimate business ___
  6. __________123
  7. ___ servers, costs robux
  8. survive the _____
  9. old currency, discontinued
  10. classic drink gear
  11. __5000
  12. Outrageous, Turbo, Classic
  13. ______ ____! (read desc)
  14. John James __ The 3rd
  15. March 18th hacker
  16. ___'s epic admin house
  17. game with 100 doors
  18. Empyreus, Rex, Infernus
  19. mad murderer creator
  20. Powering ____
  21. __99
  22. most visited game
  1. NDS creator
  2. Tommy ___, owner of the "oof" noise
  3. old coffee shop game
  4. Homestead ____ Making Contest
  5. murder mystery creator
  6. _______863
  7. limit of 200
  8. defunct scoring system
  9. ____ ____ in robloxia
  10. roblox's new anticheat
  11. most popular script executor
  12. work at a _____ place
  13. own a base, use droppers to get money
  14. popular free exploit
  15. marketplace, old name
  16. obstacle course games, shortened
  17. yearly event

39 Clues: __99__5000_______863NDS creatorlimit of 200yearly event__________123Powering ____David _____, CEOsurvive the _____March 18th hackermost visited gameclassic drink geargame with 100 doorsold coffee shop gamepopular free exploitmad murderer creator____ ____ in robloxiawork at a _____ placeJohn James __ The 3rdmarketplace, old name...

uncompleteble 2013-04-25

uncompleteble crossword puzzle
  1. structure of the earth's crust
  2. The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities
  3. a large water full
  4. people of mixed Semitic and Asian descent who invaded Egypt and settled in the Nile delta
  5. a fourth letter of the greek alphabet
  1. Winds rotating inward to an area
  2. for measuring the water level of the Nile river during the annual flood season..
  3. fertile spot in the desert where water is found
  4. some thing that happens and is devastating
  5. chemical element of atomic number 6
  6. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground

11 Clues: a large water fullstructure of the earth's crustWinds rotating inward to an areachemical element of atomic number 6a fourth letter of the greek alphabetsome thing that happens and is devastatinga sudden and violent shaking of the groundfertile spot in the desert where water is foundThe basic physical and organizational structures and facilities...