place value Crossword Puzzles

Place Value 2014-02-08

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. twenty
  2. ninety-six
  3. ninety thousand and forty-seven
  4. six hundred and fifty
  5. thirty thousand, four hundred and ten
  6. five hundred and sixty-four
  7. ninety thousand and seventy-three
  8. eight-three
  9. fourteen
  10. forty-eight
  11. six thousand and seventy-nine
  12. eighty six
  13. eight thousand and four
  14. seventy two
  15. five hundred and fifty-nine
  16. seventy-nine
  1. two thousand, three hundred and two
  2. two hundred and ninety
  3. ninety-seven
  4. sixteen thousand, five hundred and five
  5. four hundred and eighty thousand, five hundred
  6. four hundred and ninety
  7. three hundred and eight
  8. fifty-seven
  9. nine thousand three hundred
  10. thirty thousand seven hundred and eight-two
  11. three hundred and forty-six
  12. one thousand, six hundred and forty-five
  13. eight hundred and nine
  14. seven hundred and fifty-nine
  15. fifty-nine

31 Clues: twentyfourteenninety-sixeighty sixfifty-ninefifty-seveneight-threeforty-eightseventy twoninety-sevenseventy-ninesix hundred and fiftytwo hundred and ninetyeight hundred and ninefour hundred and ninetythree hundred and eighteight thousand and fourfive hundred and sixty-fournine thousand three hundredthree hundred and forty-six...

Place Value 2017-09-17

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. 8020
  2. 316
  3. 102
  4. 6014
  5. 342
  6. 980
  7. 760
  8. 1111
  9. 265
  10. 744
  11. 6158
  12. 2078
  13. 21012
  14. 2009
  15. 90000
  16. 204
  1. 795
  2. 3100
  3. 315
  4. 8756
  5. 715
  6. 10004
  7. 3005
  8. 6040
  9. 9005
  10. 6001
  11. 103
  12. 405

28 Clues: 795315316102342980760715265744103405204802031006014875611113005604090056158600120782009100042101290000

place value 2022-09-05

place value crossword puzzle
  1. 5
  2. 18
  3. 14
  4. 10
  5. 9
  6. 20
  7. 3
  8. 16
  9. 15
  10. 4
  1. 8
  2. 12
  3. 2
  4. 6
  5. 17
  6. 7
  7. 11
  8. 13
  9. 19
  10. 1

20 Clues: 8526793141218171410111319201615

Place Value 2017-09-17

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Three hundred and four
  2. Three hundred and six
  3. Twenty four
  4. Six thousand and eleve
  5. Nine thousand and twelve
  6. Eight hundred and fifteen
  7. Six thousand and fifty
  8. Three hundred and seven
  9. Two thousand and one
  10. Seven thousand and sixty
  11. Six hundred and one
  12. Nine hundred and eighty seven
  1. Three hundred and sixty six
  2. Four thousand, four hundred and four
  3. Five hundred and twenty
  4. Two hundred and one
  5. Six hundred and eighteen
  6. One thousand, three hundred and fifty six
  7. One thousand and eighty
  8. Two hundred and eighty
  9. Five thousand, six hundred and eight
  10. Three thousand, one hundred and twenty
  11. Two thousand and ninety eight
  12. Nine hundred and eight

24 Clues: Twenty fourTwo hundred and oneSix hundred and oneTwo thousand and oneThree hundred and sixThree hundred and fourSix thousand and eleveTwo hundred and eightySix thousand and fiftyNine hundred and eightFive hundred and twentyOne thousand and eightyThree hundred and sevenSix hundred and eighteenNine thousand and twelveSeven thousand and sixty...

Place Value 2023-09-20

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. How many litres are equal to 405,000 ml?
  2. The value of the digit 4 in 564,321
  3. One quarter of the way between 17,000 and 18,000
  4. Half of the way between 899,700 and 899,800
  5. Ten thousand and one
  6. 4,908,999 rounded to the nearest thousand
  7. Prime number
  8. Half way between 43,700 and 44,700
  9. One tenth of 850
  10. One million, six hundred and seventy-two thousand, three hundred and two
  11. 8,000 + 500 + 600,000 + 20,000 + 76 =
  12. Square root of 144
  13. 345,621 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand
  14. Six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-eight
  15. Two thousand three hundred and four rounded to the nearest hundred
  16. One fifth of the way between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000
  17. Three cubed
  18. Half way between 525,000 and 526,000
  1. Four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, nine hundred and thirteen
  2. Fifty-four thousand, five hundred and fifty-five rounded to the nearest thousand
  3. Ninety thousand, seven hundred and one
  4. 466,901 rounded to the nearest 1000
  5. Seven squared
  6. Three million, three thousand, five hundred and twelve
  7. 439,301 = 400,000 + 30,000 + ______ + 300 + 1
  8. 400,000 + 7,000 + 800 + 10 + 2
  9. One thousand hundredths
  10. The value of the digit 7 in 7,653,333
  11. Three thousand tenths
  12. Half way between 888,802 and 888,862
  13. In the morning the temperature is -14°C. At 1pm the temperature is 4°C. How many degrees has the temperature risen?
  14. Three quarters of the way between 0 and 10,000

32 Clues: Three cubedPrime numberSeven squaredOne tenth of 850Square root of 144Ten thousand and oneThree thousand tenthsOne thousand hundredths400,000 + 7,000 + 800 + 10 + 2Half way between 43,700 and 44,700The value of the digit 4 in 564,321466,901 rounded to the nearest 1000Half way between 888,802 and 888,862Half way between 525,000 and 526,000...

Place Value 2021-09-17

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. 6001
  2. 8020
  3. 715
  4. 316
  5. 103
  6. 315
  7. 9005
  8. 3005
  9. 6158
  10. 795
  11. 9000
  12. 1111
  13. 405
  14. 204
  15. 980
  16. 1004
  1. 2078
  2. 2009
  3. 3100
  4. 2112
  5. 744
  6. 265
  7. 6040
  8. 8765
  9. 760
  10. 614
  11. 342
  12. 102

28 Clues: 74426571531610376031561434279510240520498020782009600131008020211260408765900530056158900011111004

Place Value 2013-08-18

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. a number symbolizing the absence of value; used as a place holder (Example: 408)
  2. having the same amount or value
  3. the location of a digit within a number
  4. represents 100 units in the base 10 blocks
  5. what a number is worth (2,953; the 5 represents 50)
  6. represents 10 units in the base 10 blocks
  7. a number without fractional parts
  8. a number written as the sum of the value of its digits (Example: 2,000 + 900 + 50 + 3)
  9. looking at numbers to view how they are alike and different
  10. a symbol used to separate the values of the numbers (Example: 2,953)
  11. represents 1,000 units in the base 10 blocks
  12. a symbol that is used to identify a smaller number
  13. a number written in words (Example: two thousand nine hundred fifty-three)
  14. any number from 0 to 9
  1. the common way to write a number showing only its digits (Example: 2,953)
  2. a symbol that is used to identify a larger number
  3. represents 1 in the base 10 blocks
  4. the value of a digit depending on its place in a number
  5. a dot used to separate ones from tenths

19 Clues: any number from 0 to 9having the same amount or valuea number without fractional partsrepresents 1 in the base 10 blocksthe location of a digit within a numbera dot used to separate ones from tenthsrepresents 10 units in the base 10 blocksrepresents 100 units in the base 10 blocksrepresents 1,000 units in the base 10 blocks...

Place Value 2021-08-27

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. represents 1,000 units in the base 10 blocks
  2. the location of a digit within a number
  3. a dot used to separate ones from tenths
  4. a symbol that is used to identify a larger number
  5. the common way to write a number showing only its digits (Example: 2,953)
  6. what a number is worth (2,953; the 5 represents 50)
  7. represents 1 in the base 10 blocks
  8. a number symbolizing the absence of value; used as a place holder (Example: 408)
  9. having the same amount or value
  10. a number written in words (Example: two thousand nine hundred fifty-three)
  1. a symbol used to separate the values of the numbers (Example: 2,953)
  2. a number without fractional parts
  3. a symbol that is used to identify a smaller number
  4. the value of a digit depending on its place in a number
  5. a number written as the sum of the value of its digits (Example: 2,000 + 900 + 50 + 3)
  6. represents 10 units in the base 10 blocks
  7. looking at numbers to view how they are alike and different
  8. represents 100 units in the base 10 blocks
  9. any number from 0 to 9

19 Clues: any number from 0 to 9having the same amount or valuea number without fractional partsrepresents 1 in the base 10 blocksthe location of a digit within a numbera dot used to separate ones from tenthsrepresents 10 units in the base 10 blocksrepresents 100 units in the base 10 blocksrepresents 1,000 units in the base 10 blocks...

place value 2023-07-07

place value crossword puzzle
  1. 500,000 + 60,000 + 2,000 + 100 + 40 + 7
  2. Write in digits "eight hundred and ninety-six thousand, five hundred and forty-five".
  3. 10,000 + __ + 7 = 13,007
  4. Write in digits "one million and six-hundred".
  5. Write in digits "seventy-eight thousand, one hundred and twenty".
  6. What is 10,000 more than 4,000?
  7. 5,000 + 600 + 2
  8. 700 + __ + 5 = 745
  9. What is the place value of the 5 in the number 65,001?
  1. 300 + 20 + 1
  2. 8,000+7000+40+9
  3. What is the place value of the 4 in the number 174,500?
  4. 2000 + __ + 7 = 2507
  5. What is the place value of the 3 in the number 56,302?
  6. What is ten times bigger than 100?
  7. 9,000 + __ + 7 = 9607
  8. 7,000 + 800 + 90 + 6
  9. What is 100,000 more than 4,000?
  10. Write in digits "five thousand, two hundred and four".

19 Clues: 300 + 20 + 18,000+7000+40+95,000 + 600 + 2700 + __ + 5 = 7452000 + __ + 7 = 25077,000 + 800 + 90 + 69,000 + __ + 7 = 960710,000 + __ + 7 = 13,007What is 10,000 more than 4,000?What is 100,000 more than 4,000?What is ten times bigger than 100?500,000 + 60,000 + 2,000 + 100 + 40 + 7Write in digits "one million and six-hundred"....

Place Value 2023-05-15

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. one thousand eight hundred twenty three
  2. three and forty nine hundredth
  3. sixteen and one hundredth
  4. five and thirteen hundredths
  5. two and three hundred eighty seven thousandths
  6. four hundred seven
  7. seventy two thousand eight hundred twenty one
  8. forty one thousand three hundred eighty nine
  9. sixty one and five thousandths
  1. six thousand one hundred ninety
  2. twenty and ninety eight hundredths
  3. four and thirty one thousandths
  4. three hundred nineteen
  5. eleven and nine tenths
  6. two and eighty two thousandths
  7. seven and eight hundredths
  8. two thousand nine hundred forty five

17 Clues: four hundred seventhree hundred nineteeneleven and nine tenthssixteen and one hundredthseven and eight hundredthsfive and thirteen hundredthsthree and forty nine hundredthtwo and eighty two thousandthssixty one and five thousandthssix thousand one hundred ninetyfour and thirty one thousandthstwenty and ninety eight hundredths...

Place Value 2023-10-16

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. 60+7
  2. 100,000+10,000+300+60+5
  3. 500,000+40,000+7,000+200+90+8
  4. 30,000+8,000+700+10+9
  5. 100,000+9,000+200+40+7
  6. 800+90
  7. 30+9
  1. 7,000+600+2
  2. 1000+200+10+8
  3. 400+20+4
  4. 80,000+7000+100+90+4
  5. 600,000+20,000+8,000+400+20
  6. 300,000+90,000+8,000+100+50+5
  7. 7,000+400+80+1
  8. 10,000+9,000+900+3
  9. 70,000+8,000+600+50+1

16 Clues: 60+730+9800+90400+20+47,000+600+21000+200+10+87,000+400+80+110,000+9,000+900+380,000+7000+100+90+430,000+8,000+700+10+970,000+8,000+600+50+1100,000+9,000+200+40+7100,000+10,000+300+60+5600,000+20,000+8,000+400+20300,000+90,000+8,000+100+50+5500,000+40,000+7,000+200+90+8

Place Value 2023-08-09

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. One less than 20
  2. six hundreds, one ten, and zero ones
  3. Number after 174
  4. one hundred, four tens, and eight ones
  5. Largest three digit number
  6. 300 + 50 + 1
  7. Number before 314
  1. two hundreds and one one
  2. 100 + 80 + 5
  3. 60 + 4
  4. Largest number 547, 475 or 754
  5. 400 + 90 + 1
  6. nine tens, three hundreds, and three ones
  7. Smallest number 21, 12, 22
  8. 7 ones, 8 hundreds, and 3 tens

15 Clues: 60 + 4100 + 80 + 5400 + 90 + 1300 + 50 + 1One less than 20Number after 174Number before 314two hundreds and one oneSmallest number 21, 12, 22Largest three digit numberLargest number 547, 475 or 7547 ones, 8 hundreds, and 3 tenssix hundreds, one ten, and zero onesone hundred, four tens, and eight onesnine tens, three hundreds, and three ones

Place Value 2024-01-22

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. a table that represents place value
  2. take apart a group of 10s,100s, 1000s, etc.
  3. take one number or amount from another
  4. counting forward by any number that is not one
  5. the same as
  6. symbol used to compare numbers.
  7. a single unit
  1. symbol used to compare numbers.
  2. value of each digit in a number
  3. manipulative use to represent place value
  4. put values together
  5. a group of ten ones.
  6. diagram used to represent part-part whole relationships.
  7. to group together according to place value (10s, 100s, 1000s, etc)
  8. a group of ten ones

15 Clues: the same asa single unitput values togethera group of ten onesa group of ten ones.symbol used to compare numbers.value of each digit in a numbersymbol used to compare numbers.a table that represents place valuetake one number or amount from anothermanipulative use to represent place valuetake apart a group of 10s,100s, 1000s, etc....

Place Value 2017-11-02

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. / 1 Hundred + ____ Tens + 2 ones equal 142
  2. / 4 Thousands + 3 Hundreds + 2 Tens + ____ ones equal 4,329
  3. / 23, number 3 is part of the ____ place
  4. / There are _____ Thousands in the number 8,000
  5. / 5,324, number 5 is part of the ______ place
  6. Vale / Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, and ones are part of ______
  1. / How many zeros does hundreds place consist of?
  2. / How many zeros does ones place consist of?
  3. / 129, number 2 is part of the _____ place
  4. / There are _____ tens in 50
  5. / 352, number 3 is part of the _______ place
  6. / How many zeros does thousands place consist of?
  7. / There are ______ hundreds in 700
  8. / There are ___ ones in the number 6

14 Clues: / There are _____ tens in 50/ There are ______ hundreds in 700/ There are ___ ones in the number 6/ 23, number 3 is part of the ____ place/ 129, number 2 is part of the _____ place/ 1 Hundred + ____ Tens + 2 ones equal 142/ How many zeros does ones place consist of?/ 352, number 3 is part of the _______ place...

Place Value 2021-06-28

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. I can write a song or put digits together.
  2. I'm a form that is described using letters.
  3. I'm a family group of three numbers.
  4. I tell how much a digit is worth.
  5. I do this to see if two numbers are smaller or larger.
  6. a fancy word for breaking a number into smaller values.
  7. I'm any number from 0 to 9.
  1. I do this when put numbers from greatest to least.
  2. I can use a place value ____ as a tool.
  3. I'm a number form that pulls apart each place.
  4. I tell the location of a digit.
  5. I'm a form that tells you 10x more and 10x less.
  6. Something I say to remember my commas.
  7. Aa picture I use to remember my commas.

14 Clues: I'm any number from 0 to 9.I tell the location of a digit.I tell how much a digit is worth.I'm a family group of three numbers.Something I say to remember my commas.I can use a place value ____ as a tool.Aa picture I use to remember my commas.I can write a song or put digits together.I'm a form that is described using letters....

Place Value 2017-08-24

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Helps to organize the large numbers
  2. The first place on the right of the decimal
  3. The place before the thousandths
  4. The place the i is in: 1,b&e,2iq
  5. Also called units
  6. The place before the tenths
  1. The place the 7 is in: 7,111,111.11
  2. The place the 4 is in: 328+75-1
  3. The place before the hundredths
  4. The place you get when you add 10 hundreds
  5. Thousands The place the & is in: 1,b&e,2iq
  6. Point Spoken and written as "and"
  7. Thousands The place the h is in: f,hjs,

13 Clues: Also called unitsThe place before the tenthsThe place the 4 is in: 328+75-1The place before the hundredthsThe place before the thousandthsThe place the i is in: 1,b&e,2iqPoint Spoken and written as "and"Helps to organize the large numbersThe place the 7 is in: 7,111,111.11The place you get when you add 10 hundreds...

Place Value 2014-10-21

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. number of different digits in 2 222 222
  2. the place value of the 3 in 0.36
  3. the number of digits in 987
  4. also known in math as 'point'
  5. place value just to the right of tenths
  6. single numbers from 0 to 9
  1. made up of one or more digits
  2. four spaces to the left of decimal
  3. next biggest after 100 thousands
  4. digit in the hundredths place in 7654
  5. the place value of 5 in 78 562
  6. digit in the millions place in 18 293 476
  7. the place value two spaces to the left of decimal

13 Clues: single numbers from 0 to 9the number of digits in 987made up of one or more digitsalso known in math as 'point'the place value of 5 in 78 562the place value of the 3 in 0.36next biggest after 100 thousandsfour spaces to the left of decimaldigit in the hundredths place in 7654number of different digits in 2 222 222...

PLACE VALUE 2023-10-29

PLACE VALUE crossword puzzle
  1. 2hundreds 7tens 9ones
  2. 100 more than 7656
  3. place value of 5 in 5892
  4. 3000+400+5
  5. sum of smallest 1-digit number and largest 2-digit number
  6. Nine thousand fifty five
  7. the largest3-digit number
  1. 10 less than 4936
  2. 1000 more than 6451
  3. the smallest 4-digit number
  4. the smallest among 3509, 3905 and 3095
  5. 50 more than 140
  6. number of tens in 5689

13 Clues: 3000+400+550 more than 14010 less than 4936100 more than 76561000 more than 64512hundreds 7tens 9onesnumber of tens in 5689place value of 5 in 5892Nine thousand fifty fivethe largest3-digit numberthe smallest 4-digit numberthe smallest among 3509, 3905 and 3095sum of smallest 1-digit number and largest 2-digit number

Place Value Crossword 2023-01-17

Place Value Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. one hundred and sixty thousand, eight hundred and ninety-three
  2. nine million and seven,
  3. eight million, seven hundred and twenty thousand, nine hundred and ten
  4. one million, seventy-two thousand and sixteen
  5. one million, three hundred and forty-one thousand, one hundred, and twenty-three
  6. seventeen thousand, two hundred and sixteen
  7. eight million and seven hundred thousand
  8. eight million, seven hundred and twenty thousand and ninety-one
  9. one hundred and seventy-two thousand, one hundred and sixty
  10. one hundred and thirty-four thousand, one hundred and twenty-three
  11. nine thousand and seven
  12. eighty thousand and seven hundred
  13. eight million and seven thousand
  14. two million, one hundred thousand and seventy
  1. nine hundred and seven thousand
  2. eighty-seven thousand, two hundred and ninety-one
  3. two billion, one hundred million, and seventy
  4. eight hundred and seventy-two thousand and ninety-one
  5. sixteen million, eight hundred and ninety-three thousand
  6. sixteen thousand, eight hundred and ninety-three
  7. ninety thousand and seven hundred
  8. two hundred thousand, one hundred and seventy
  9. one million, three hundred and fourteen thousand, one hundred, and twenty-three.
  10. eight thousand and seven hundred

24 Clues: nine million and seven,nine thousand and sevennine hundred and seven thousandeight thousand and seven hundredeight million and seven thousandninety thousand and seven hundredeighty thousand and seven hundredeight million and seven hundred thousandseventeen thousand, two hundred and sixteentwo billion, one hundred million, and seventy...

Place Value 2017-08-24

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. The place before the tenths
  2. The place the & is in: 1,b&e,2iq
  3. Helps to organize the large numbers
  4. The place before the thousandths
  5. By adding 10 hundreds
  6. The place the i is in: 1,b&e,2iq
  7. The place the 4 is in: 328+75-1
  1. Also called units
  2. The place the h is in: f,hjs,
  3. Spoken and written as "and"
  4. The place the 7 is in: 7,111,111.11
  5. The place before the hundredths
  6. The first place before the decimal

13 Clues: Also called unitsBy adding 10 hundredsThe place before the tenthsSpoken and written as "and"The place before the hundredthsThe place the 4 is in: 328+75-1The place the & is in: 1,b&e,2iqThe place before the thousandthsThe place the i is in: 1,b&e,2iqThe first place before the decimalThe place the h is in: f,hjs,

Place Value Crossword 2023-03-20

Place Value Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 200 000 + 40 000 + 5000 + 800 + 30 + 3
  2. 300 000 + 40 000 + 2000 + 700 + 50 + 6
  3. 90 000 + 4000 + 500 + 80 + 2
  4. 4000 + 500 + 30 + 2
  5. 30 000 + 4000 + 200 + 50 + 9
  6. 40 000 + 5000 + 900 + 2
  7. 30 000 + 5000 + 500 + 20 + 1
  8. 1000 + 300 + 40 + 6
  9. 800 + 60 + 3
  10. 20 000 + 3000 + 500 + 90
  11. 80 000 + 8000 + 100 + 20 + 2
  1. 80 000 + 200 + 30 + 4
  2. 10 000 + 3000 + 900 + 60 + 3
  3. 80 000 + 7000 + 900 + 10 + 2
  4. 5000 + 100 + 80 + 4
  5. 2000 + 400 + 50 + 5
  6. 9000 + 400 + 50 + 6
  7. 30 000 + 9000 + 500 + 80 + 4
  8. 2000 + 300 + 30 + 9
  9. 400 000 + 60 000 + 700 + 80 + 2
  10. 3000 + 600 + 80 + 7

21 Clues: 800 + 60 + 35000 + 100 + 80 + 42000 + 400 + 50 + 54000 + 500 + 30 + 29000 + 400 + 50 + 62000 + 300 + 30 + 91000 + 300 + 40 + 63000 + 600 + 80 + 780 000 + 200 + 30 + 440 000 + 5000 + 900 + 220 000 + 3000 + 500 + 9010 000 + 3000 + 900 + 60 + 380 000 + 7000 + 900 + 10 + 290 000 + 4000 + 500 + 80 + 230 000 + 4000 + 200 + 50 + 9...

Place Value Numbers 2023-10-08

Place Value Numbers crossword puzzle
  1. thirty eight
  2. twelve thousand
  3. the number of this month
  4. ten less than one hundred
  5. ten more than one hundred
  6. thirty eight
  7. four thousand, eight hundred and nineteen
  8. fifty thousand
  9. sixty six thousand, one hundred and sixty six
  10. thirteen thousand and sixteen
  11. twenty seven
  12. ninety nine
  1. eighteen
  2. three thousand and eight
  3. seven thousand, eight hundred and forty
  4. one thousand, two hundred and forty one
  5. five thousand, one hundred and ninety one
  6. ninety four thousand, five hundred and sixty
  7. one hundred and seventy five
  8. eight hundred and forty
  9. two thousand and twenty three
  10. nine thousand, six hundred and twelve
  11. six hundred and forty nine

23 Clues: eighteenninety ninethirty eightthirty eighttwenty sevenfifty thousandtwelve thousandeight hundred and fortythree thousand and eightthe number of this monthten less than one hundredten more than one hundredsix hundred and forty nineone hundred and seventy fivetwo thousand and twenty threethirteen thousand and sixteen...

Place Value Crossword 2023-03-20

Place Value Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 700 + 40 + 2
  2. 1000 + 300 + 40 + 9
  3. 300 + 40 + 2
  4. 500 + 600 + 80 + 3
  5. 1000 + 200 + 30 + 4
  6. 500 + 60 + 5
  7. 300 + 40 + 5
  8. 400 + 60 + 1
  9. 200 + 30 + 5
  10. 700 + 80 + 6
  11. 20 + 7
  12. 9000 + 200 + 40 + 5
  1. 400 + 8
  2. 8000 + 300 + 40 + 5
  3. 1000 + 200 + 40 + 5
  4. 900 + 50 + 6
  5. 100 + 10
  6. 300 + 4
  7. 300 + 40 + 6
  8. 4000 + 500 + 60 + 7
  9. 1000 + 300 + 40 + 9
  10. 700 + 0 + 5
  11. 200 + 20 + 1

23 Clues: 20 + 7400 + 8300 + 4100 + 10700 + 0 + 5700 + 40 + 2900 + 50 + 6300 + 40 + 2500 + 60 + 5300 + 40 + 5300 + 40 + 6400 + 60 + 1200 + 30 + 5700 + 80 + 6200 + 20 + 1500 + 600 + 80 + 38000 + 300 + 40 + 51000 + 300 + 40 + 91000 + 200 + 40 + 51000 + 200 + 30 + 44000 + 500 + 60 + 71000 + 300 + 40 + 99000 + 200 + 40 + 5

Place Value 2012-09-10

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. how many zeros are in ten million?
  2. form a way to write numbers by showing the value of each digit
  3. in the number 367,671,690,492: what is the place for 367?
  4. in the number 367,671,690,492: what is the place for 690?
  5. how many zeros are in three hundred thousand?
  6. form a way to write numbers by writing out the word names
  1. the number 2 in 492 is in what place?
  2. how many zeros are in three billion?
  3. form a way to write numbers using the digits 0-9
  4. the number 4 in 492 is in what place?
  5. in the number 367,671,690,492: what is the place for 671?
  6. the number 9 in 492 is in what place?

12 Clues: how many zeros are in ten million?how many zeros are in three billion?the number 2 in 492 is in what place?the number 4 in 492 is in what place?the number 9 in 492 is in what place?how many zeros are in three hundred thousand?form a way to write numbers using the digits 0-9in the number 367,671,690,492: what is the place for 367?...

place value 2021-12-11

place value crossword puzzle
  1. 100+20
  2. 300+90+2
  3. 8000+900+5
  4. 900+10+5
  5. 80000+9000+5
  6. 10000+3
  7. 30000+9000+200+70+8
  1. 8000+200+70+3
  2. 200+80+5
  3. 1000+100+80+3
  4. 5000+2
  5. 10000+20+9

12 Clues: 100+205000+210000+3300+90+2200+80+5900+10+58000+900+510000+20+980000+9000+58000+200+70+31000+100+80+330000+9000+200+70+8

PLACE VALUE 2015-02-01

PLACE VALUE crossword puzzle
  3. NEXT NUMBER IN PATTERN 10,12,14,...
  6. PLACE VALUE OF 9 IN 3478912
  7. 1136 ROUNDS TO 1140 BY USING NEAREST...?


Place Value 2022-12-07

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. The number is 5678. The value of the digit 7 is _____.
  2. December is the ______ month of the year.
  3. The number is 1526. The number in the tens place is _____.
  4. The number is 1526. The number in the thousands place is _____.
  5. The number is 1526. The number in the hundreds place is _____.
  6. The number is 456832. This number has _____ digits.
  1. 15 - 8 equals 7. 7 is the _____.
  2. The number is 5678. The value of the digit 8 is _____.
  3. The number is 5678. The value of the digit 5 is five _____.
  4. The number is 5678. The value of the digit 6 is six _____.
  5. The number is 1526. The number in the ones place is _____.
  6. 5 + 5 equals 10. 10 is the _____.

12 Clues: 15 - 8 equals 7. 7 is the _____.5 + 5 equals 10. 10 is the _____.December is the ______ month of the year.The number is 456832. This number has _____ digits.The number is 5678. The value of the digit 7 is _____.The number is 5678. The value of the digit 8 is _____.The number is 5678. The value of the digit 6 is six _____....

Place Value 2014-05-25

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. The largest number out of 4, 6 and 9
  2. Ten groups of ten is one...
  3. Did the Ten's family move into the right, middle or left house
  4. In a three digit number there are Hundreds, ones and
  5. Is 589 bigger or smaller than 598
  6. How many ones are there in one group of ten
  1. Is 487 bigger or smaller than 478
  2. This number lets us know that there are no digits for a particular unit
  3. In the number 450, the 4 is in the .... place
  4. In the number 876, the 6 is in the... place
  5. How many ones are there in 2 groups of ten

11 Clues: Ten groups of ten is one...Is 487 bigger or smaller than 478Is 589 bigger or smaller than 598The largest number out of 4, 6 and 9How many ones are there in 2 groups of tenIn the number 876, the 6 is in the... placeHow many ones are there in one group of tenIn the number 450, the 4 is in the .... place...

Place Value 2022-09-27

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. to exchange amounts of equal value to rename a number
  2. the name given to each group of three digits in a place-value chart
  3. the answer to a subtraction problem
  4. a number that has a digit in the tenths place, hundreths place and beyond
  5. the usual way of writing a number that shows only its digits no words
  1. a way of writing numbers using words
  2. the answer to an addition problem
  3. a way of writing a number as the sum of the value of its digits
  4. the value of a digit in a number, based on the location of the digit
  5. a period separating the ones and the tenths in a decimal number
  6. to replace a number with another number that tells about how many or how much

11 Clues: the answer to an addition problemthe answer to a subtraction problema way of writing numbers using wordsto exchange amounts of equal value to rename a numbera way of writing a number as the sum of the value of its digitsa period separating the ones and the tenths in a decimal numberthe name given to each group of three digits in a place-value chart...

place value 2023-01-25

place value crossword puzzle
  1. thousandths the sixth column for decimal
  2. the seventh column
  3. first column for decimals
  4. thousandths the fifth column for decimal
  5. the second column of place value
  6. the third column for decimal
  7. the third column of place value
  1. the first column of place value
  2. second column for decimals
  3. for the sevenths column
  4. thousand the six column
  5. the forth column
  6. thousand the fifth column

13 Clues: the forth columnthe seventh columnfor the sevenths columnthousand the six columnfirst column for decimalsthousand the fifth columnsecond column for decimalsthe third column for decimalthe first column of place valuethe third column of place valuethe second column of place valuethousandths the sixth column for decimal...

place value 2023-01-25

place value crossword puzzle
  1. thousandths the sixth column for decimal
  2. the seventh column
  3. first column for decimals
  4. thousandths the fifth column for decimal
  5. the second column of place value
  6. the third column for decimal
  7. the third column of place value
  1. the first column of place value
  2. second column for decimals
  3. for the sevenths column
  4. thousand the six column
  5. the forth column
  6. thousand the fifth column

13 Clues: the forth columnthe seventh columnfor the sevenths columnthousand the six columnfirst column for decimalsthousand the fifth columnsecond column for decimalsthe third column for decimalthe first column of place valuethe third column of place valuethe second column of place valuethousandths the sixth column for decimal...

Place value 2016-08-23

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. in the middle
  2. in the one place
  3. in the hundred million place
  4. in the hundred place
  5. last number left
  6. only one with four digit
  1. in the hundred million
  2. in the ten thousand place
  3. side way
  4. in the ten place
  5. in the hundred thousand

11 Clues: side wayin the middlein the one placein the ten placelast number leftin the hundred placein the hundred millionin the hundred thousandonly one with four digitin the ten thousand placein the hundred million place

Place Value 2021-09-10

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Way of writing a number as the sum of the value of its digits.
  2. Point Used to separate the ones place from the tenths place.
  3. First place to the right of the decimal point.
  4. Third place to the right of the decimal point.
  1. Usual or common way to write a number using digits.
  2. Writing out a number by using words.
  3. Value Represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.
  4. Decimals Decimals that have the same value.
  5. Numbers that have digits in the tenths place, hundredths place, and beyond.
  6. Second place to the right of the decimal point.
  7. Each group of three digits separated by a comma.

11 Clues: Writing out a number by using words.Decimals Decimals that have the same value.First place to the right of the decimal point.Third place to the right of the decimal point.Second place to the right of the decimal point.Each group of three digits separated by a comma.Usual or common way to write a number using digits....

Place Value 2022-07-14

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Value of a digit as determined by its location in a number such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, etc.
  2. Any number from 0-9
  3. determine if numbers are greater or less than or if they are equal in value
  4. A quantity that may represent part of a whole and is recorded with a decimal point separating the whole from the part
  5. Set of positive numbers that begins at 1 and increases by 1 each time
  6. Representation of a number using written words
  7. Three digit grouping of whole numbers where each grouping is composed of a ones place, tens place, and hundreds place and each grouping is separated by a comma
  1. Set of counting numbers and zero
  2. Representation of a number using digits
  3. Representation of a number as a sum of place values
  4. To arrange a set of numbers based on their numerical value

11 Clues: Any number from 0-9Set of counting numbers and zeroRepresentation of a number using digitsRepresentation of a number using written wordsRepresentation of a number as a sum of place valuesTo arrange a set of numbers based on their numerical valueSet of positive numbers that begins at 1 and increases by 1 each time...

Place Value 2021-10-27

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. one hundred thirty-five thousand, two hundred sixty-three
  2. one hundred twenty thousand, eighty-six
  3. eighty-seven thousand, three hundred forty-five
  4. one hundred fifteen thousand, seventy-four
  5. three hundred sixty-two thousand, one hundred nine
  1. two hundred fifty-three thousand, one hundred four
  2. two hundred twenty-five thousand,three hundred one
  3. twenty thousand, two hundred eleven
  4. one hundred seventy-five thousand,nine
  5. fourteen thousand,six hundred five
  6. fifty-four thousand, thirty-three

11 Clues: fifty-four thousand, thirty-threefourteen thousand,six hundred fivetwenty thousand, two hundred elevenone hundred seventy-five thousand,nineone hundred twenty thousand, eighty-sixone hundred fifteen thousand, seventy-foureighty-seven thousand, three hundred forty-fivetwo hundred fifty-three thousand, one hundred four...

Place Value 2023-07-30

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. to replace a number with another number that tells about how much
  2. the value of a digit in a number based on its position (2 words)
  3. a way to write numbers using the digits 0-9 (2 words)
  4. each group of three digits in a multi-digit number
  5. a way to write a number using words (2 words)
  6. a value represented using the digits 0-9
  7. a way to write a number that shows the digit being multiplied by its place value (2 words)
  1. to describe whether numbers are equal to, less than, or greater than each other
  2. a way to write a number that shows the value fo each digit (2 words)
  3. one of the symbols used to write numbers
  4. a number that is close to the exact number

11 Clues: one of the symbols used to write numbersa value represented using the digits 0-9a number that is close to the exact numbera way to write a number using words (2 words)each group of three digits in a multi-digit numbera way to write numbers using the digits 0-9 (2 words)the value of a digit in a number based on its position (2 words)...

Place Value 2022-09-11

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. The first digit in place value
  2. than bigger in value than
  3. The second digit in place value
  4. The value of where a digit is in the number.
  5. Write numbers by showing the value of each digit in an addition sentence
  6. the fourth digit in place value; add a comma after it
  7. than smaller in value in
  1. Form writing numbers using words
  2. writing numbers using digits
  3. the third digit in place value
  4. to same value

11 Clues: to same valuethan smaller in value inthan bigger in value thanwriting numbers using digitsthe third digit in place valueThe first digit in place valueThe second digit in place valueForm writing numbers using wordsThe value of where a digit is in the number.the fourth digit in place value; add a comma after it...

Place Value 2021-11-29

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Rylie got $119 for her birthday, what number is in the ones place
  2. Jax has $63.42 to spend on the new toy, the 4 is in what place value?
  3. Lucy weighed a marble, it weighed 1.235 grams the 5 is in what place value?
  4. Boston has 12.234 pounds of meat the 3 is in what place value?
  1. Gabe has $831 in his bank account, what number is in the tens place?
  2. Steffanie bought groceries her total was $854, the 5 is in what place value?
  3. Ryker bought a toy for $835, what number is in the hundreds place?
  4. Kaylan has $1256 in her bank account the 6 is in what place value?
  5. Ryann wrote a check for $1234.157, what number is in the thousandths place.
  6. Allen sold his phone for $128 the one is in what place value?
  7. Aubrey sold some of her clothes and got $11.28, what number is in the tenths place?

11 Clues: Allen sold his phone for $128 the one is in what place value?Boston has 12.234 pounds of meat the 3 is in what place value?Rylie got $119 for her birthday, what number is in the ones placeRyker bought a toy for $835, what number is in the hundreds place?Kaylan has $1256 in her bank account the 6 is in what place value?...

Place Value Vocabulary 2023-09-06

Place Value Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. what a digit is worth
  2. one number
  3. the second number to the right of the decimal point
  4. a part of a number that has a value less than 1
  5. the first number to the right of a decimal point
  6. a symbol to show that a number has a decimal
  7. the third number to the right of a decimal point
  8. the sixth place to the left of the decimal point
  1. the seventh place to the left of the decimal point
  2. numbers made with digits
  3. the third place to the left of the decimal point
  4. the fifth place to the left of the decimal point
  5. when we write numbers to show the value of each digit
  6. the first place value to the left of the decimal point
  7. a symbol to show that a new group of values is starting
  8. the fourth place to the left of the decimal point
  9. the second place to the left of the decimal point

17 Clues: one numberwhat a digit is worthnumbers made with digitsa symbol to show that a number has a decimala part of a number that has a value less than 1the third place to the left of the decimal pointthe fifth place to the left of the decimal pointthe first number to the right of a decimal pointthe third number to the right of a decimal point...

PLACE VALUE 2015-01-30

PLACE VALUE crossword puzzle
  1. NUMBER OF 100S IN 5598 ROUNDED TO NEAREST 100...?


Place Value 2021-09-20

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. six thousand six hundred seventy seven
  2. twenty two thousand three hundred twenty five
  3. eight hundred two thousand fourteen
  4. nineteen thousand nine
  5. eight thousand three
  1. fourteen thousand one hundred ninety
  2. seventy four thousand five hundred eighty six
  3. twenty seven thousand three hundred ninety eight
  4. one million three hundred two
  5. one hundred eighty two
  6. three hundred ninety nine

11 Clues: eight thousand threenineteen thousand nineone hundred eighty twothree hundred ninety nineone million three hundred twoeight hundred two thousand fourteenfourteen thousand one hundred ninetysix thousand six hundred seventy sevenseventy four thousand five hundred eighty sixtwenty two thousand three hundred twenty five...

Place Value 2022-07-15

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Three digit grouping of whole numbers where each grouping is composed of a ones place, tens place, and hundreds place and each grouping is separated by a comma
  2. To arrange a set of numbers based on their numerical value
  3. Set of counting numbers and zero
  4. determine if numbers are greater or less than or if they are equal in value
  5. Representation of a number as a sum of place values
  1. Set of positive numbers that begins at 1 and increases by 1 each time
  2. Value of a digit as determined by its location in a number such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, etc.
  3. Representation of a number using written words
  4. Any number from 0-9
  5. Representation of a number using digits
  6. A quantity that may represent part of a whole and is recorded with a decimal point separating the whole from the part

11 Clues: Any number from 0-9Set of counting numbers and zeroRepresentation of a number using digitsRepresentation of a number using written wordsRepresentation of a number as a sum of place valuesTo arrange a set of numbers based on their numerical valueSet of positive numbers that begins at 1 and increases by 1 each time...

Place Value-Recombining 2021-08-30

Place Value-Recombining crossword puzzle
  1. 600,000+20,000+4,000+500+40+5
  2. 200,000+50,000+4
  3. 900,000+20,000+9,000+100+4
  4. 300,000+30,000+6,000+100+80
  5. 700,000+60,000+2,000+200+60+7
  6. 500,000+70,000+9,000+800+30+1
  7. 998,000+100+100+100+1
  8. 900,000+70,000+6,000+500+50+8
  1. 400,000+20,000+400+10
  2. 100,000+50,000+6,000+700+30+2
  3. 400,000+4,000
  4. 500,000+5,000+20+7
  5. 100,000+10,000+9,000+100+9
  6. 200,000+200,000+20,000+10,000+6,000+89
  7. 500,000+50,000+2,000+100+6
  8. 300,000+30,000+6,000+300+10+3
  9. 900,000+2700+65+2

17 Clues: 400,000+4,000200,000+50,000+4900,000+2700+65+2500,000+5,000+20+7400,000+20,000+400+10998,000+100+100+100+1900,000+20,000+9,000+100+4100,000+10,000+9,000+100+9500,000+50,000+2,000+100+6300,000+30,000+6,000+100+80100,000+50,000+6,000+700+30+2600,000+20,000+4,000+500+40+5300,000+30,000+6,000+300+10+3700,000+60,000+2,000+200+60+7...

Place Value 2023-03-12

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Third placment
  2. What do you call a number that has hundreds, tens, ones
  3. Smaller then
  4. Second Placement
  5. multiple numbers in a placement
  6. Spot in a number
  1. Bigger than
  2. First placment
  3. Same as
  4. what is a place value

10 Clues: Same asBigger thanSmaller thenFirst placmentThird placmentSecond PlacementSpot in a numberwhat is a place valuemultiple numbers in a placementWhat do you call a number that has hundreds, tens, ones

Place, Place Value and Face Value 2023-07-09

Place, Place Value and Face Value crossword puzzle
  1. place value of 2 in 27
  2. face value of 4 in 48
  3. face value of 5 in 58
  4. place value of 9 in 89
  5. place of 5 in 45
  6. place of 4 in 742
  7. place of 3 in 348
  1. place value of 1 in 51
  2. place value of 3 in 348
  3. place value of 5 in 58
  4. place value of 7 in 78
  5. face value of 1 in 51
  6. place value of 9 in 95
  7. face value of 7 in 27

14 Clues: place of 5 in 45place of 4 in 742place of 3 in 348face value of 4 in 48face value of 5 in 58face value of 1 in 51face value of 7 in 27place value of 1 in 51place value of 2 in 27place value of 5 in 58place value of 7 in 78place value of 9 in 89place value of 9 in 95place value of 3 in 348

PLACE VALUE 2015-01-27

PLACE VALUE crossword puzzle
  3. PLACE VALUE OF 6 IN 456987
  5. NUMBER OF DIGITS IN 8765674
  2. 5698 ROUNDED TO 5700 IS NEAREST TO ...?
  5. NEXT NUMBER IN THE PATTERN 4,6,8,10,...?


Place value 2021-09-12

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. end of WWI
  2. 1
  3. 7 million 1 hundred and 39 thousand 780
  4. eight million
  5. 1 miL three hundred and forty thousand 201
  1. 13 years after WWII
  2. two million 48 thousand nine hundred and thirty
  3. the start of WWI
  4. amount of British soldiers that served in WWII
  5. one hundred and two

10 Clues: 1end of WWIeight millionthe start of WWI13 years after WWIIone hundred and two7 million 1 hundred and 39 thousand 7801 miL three hundred and forty thousand 201amount of British soldiers that served in WWIItwo million 48 thousand nine hundred and thirty

Place Value 2021-09-14

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. To multiply a decimal by 10, 100, or 1,000 we move the decimal to the...
  2. To multiply by 100, move the decimal ____ times to the right
  3. To multiply by 10, move the decimal ____ time to the right
  4. Our number system is based on the number ____.
  5. When we see a decimal, we say the word _____
  6. The place value for two numbers after the decimal
  1. To help compare decimals with different number of digits, we can add a ____ at the end
  2. To multiply by 100, move the decimal ______ times to the right
  3. The place value for three numbers after a decimal
  4. The place value one number to the right of the decimal

10 Clues: When we see a decimal, we say the word _____Our number system is based on the number ____.The place value for three numbers after a decimalThe place value for two numbers after the decimalThe place value one number to the right of the decimalTo multiply by 10, move the decimal ____ time to the right...

Place Value 2021-08-26

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. how much each digit is worth
  2. a numeral such as 1,2,3,4,5
  3. how you say this symbol "="
  4. how you say this symbol "<"
  5. a way to write numbers by using words
  1. this place value comes after hundredths
  2. writing a number in words
  3. how you say this symbol ">"
  4. the location of a digit within a number
  5. a common way of writing a number using digits

10 Clues: writing a number in wordsa numeral such as 1,2,3,4,5how you say this symbol ">"how you say this symbol "="how you say this symbol "<"how much each digit is wortha way to write numbers by using wordsthis place value comes after hundredthsthe location of a digit within a numbera common way of writing a number using digits

Place Value 2023-01-22

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. What place value is the 6 in 2.615?
  2. What digit is in the hundred thousandths place in the number 2.4?
  3. What place value is the 4 in 4005216?
  4. What digit is in the hundredths place in the number 0.56789?
  5. What place value is the 3 in 235?
  6. What is between the digits 6 and 7 in the number 16.7?
  7. What place value is the 8 in 50803.2?
  1. What place value is the 3 in 23500?
  2. What place value is the 9 in 30.009?
  3. What digit is in the ones place in the number 14.26

10 Clues: What place value is the 3 in 235?What place value is the 6 in 2.615?What place value is the 3 in 23500?What place value is the 9 in 30.009?What place value is the 4 in 4005216?What place value is the 8 in 50803.2?What digit is in the ones place in the number 14.26What is between the digits 6 and 7 in the number 16.7?...

Place value 2023-05-02

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. 4,000 + 300 + 10 +3
  2. 9,000 + 600 + 70 + 8
  3. 8,000 + 600 + 70 + 7
  4. 9,000 + 100 + 30
  5. 6,000 + 700 + 90 + 6
  1. 2,000 + 200 + 3
  2. 8,000 + 40 + 1
  3. 1,000 + 700 + 90
  4. 9,000 + 800 + 60 + 2
  5. 3,000 + 800 + 60 + 5

10 Clues: 8,000 + 40 + 12,000 + 200 + 31,000 + 700 + 909,000 + 100 + 304,000 + 300 + 10 +39,000 + 800 + 60 + 23,000 + 800 + 60 + 59,000 + 600 + 70 + 88,000 + 600 + 70 + 76,000 + 700 + 90 + 6

Place Value 2023-09-26

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. two thousand three hundred and eighty-seven
  2. twelve thousand and eight hundred
  3. five thousand four hundred and seventy-three
  4. one thousand nine hundred and forty-three
  5. nine thousand eight hundred and two
  6. three hundred and forty-seven
  1. twenty three thousand five hundred and thirty two
  2. one hundred and twenty seven
  3. forty thousand four hundred and fifty
  4. two thousand three hundred and seventy-nine

10 Clues: one hundred and twenty seventhree hundred and forty-seventwelve thousand and eight hundrednine thousand eight hundred and twoforty thousand four hundred and fiftyone thousand nine hundred and forty-threetwo thousand three hundred and eighty-seventwo thousand three hundred and seventy-ninefive thousand four hundred and seventy-three...

Place Value 2024-03-02

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. What place consists of two numbers?
  2. What place consists of three numbers?
  3. What place consists of one number?
  4. 15 in written form
  5. What place value is the 8 in 824?
  1. What is 45 rounded to the nearest tens?
  2. What is 370 rounded to the nearest hundred?
  3. What is 62 in written form?
  4. What is the diget in the ones place value in the number 479?
  5. What number is in the place value tens in 415?

10 Clues: 15 in written formWhat is 62 in written form?What place value is the 8 in 824?What place consists of one number?What place consists of two numbers?What place consists of three numbers?What is 45 rounded to the nearest tens?What is 370 rounded to the nearest hundred?What number is in the place value tens in 415?...

Place Value 2022-10-28

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. The digit that's in the ones place in 153.
  2. The digit that's farthest right of the digits.
  3. Made up of ten units.
  4. The digit that's in the hundreds place in 536.
  5. The digit that's in the tens place in 279.
  6. The digits that's in the tens place in 324.
  1. The digit that's in between the 1s and 100s spot
  2. The digit that's the farthest left of the digits
  3. Made up of one hundred units.
  4. A single cube.

10 Clues: A single cube.Made up of ten units.Made up of one hundred units.The digit that's in the ones place in 153.The digit that's in the tens place in 279.The digits that's in the tens place in 324.The digit that's farthest right of the digits.The digit that's in the hundreds place in 536.The digit that's in between the 1s and 100s spot...

Place Value 2023-03-10

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. what number is in the ones place in 108?
  2. what number is in the tens place in 46?
  3. what number is in the ones place in 23?
  4. what number is in the ones place in 17?
  1. this word is used to describe numbers 0 through 9
  2. how many place values are in 34?
  3. what number is in the tens place in 57?
  4. how many place values are in 5?
  5. how many ones make a ten?
  6. what number is in the tens place in 62?

10 Clues: how many ones make a ten?how many place values are in 5?how many place values are in 34?what number is in the tens place in 46?what number is in the tens place in 57?what number is in the ones place in 23?what number is in the ones place in 17?what number is in the tens place in 62?what number is in the ones place in 108?...

Place value 2023-06-12

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. one thousand,three hundred, fifty seven
  2. eight thousand,five hundred seventy three
  3. five thousand five hundred sixty four
  4. four thousand,two hundred,fifty three
  1. five hundred eighty three
  2. five hundred, fifty seven
  3. five thousand seven hundred forty five
  4. three thousand nine hundred sixty four
  5. six thousand,nine hundred sixty nine
  6. one thousand,four hundred twenty

10 Clues: five hundred eighty threefive hundred, fifty sevenone thousand,four hundred twentysix thousand,nine hundred sixty ninefive thousand five hundred sixty fourfour thousand,two hundred,fifty threefive thousand seven hundred forty fivethree thousand nine hundred sixty fourone thousand,three hundred, fifty seveneight thousand,five hundred seventy three

Place Value 2016-08-23

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. There is a 1 in the 100thousand place
  2. There is a 0 in the ones place
  3. Every place value is 9
  4. It is less than 60 thousand and more than 55 thousand
  5. It is less than 1 million 500thousand and more than 1 million 400thousand.
  1. There is a 8 on the ten thousands place.
  2. It is less than 1million 200thousand and more than 1million
  3. It is less than 200 thousand, but more than 18 thousand
  4. There is a 3 on the hundreds place
  5. There is a 6 on the hundreds place

10 Clues: Every place value is 9There is a 0 in the ones placeThere is a 3 on the hundreds placeThere is a 6 on the hundreds placeThere is a 1 in the 100thousand placeThere is a 8 on the ten thousands place.It is less than 60 thousand and more than 55 thousandIt is less than 200 thousand, but more than 18 thousand...

Place Value 2016-08-23

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. There is a 1 in the 100thousand place
  2. There is a 0 in the ones place
  3. Every place value is 9
  4. It is less than 60 thousand and more than 55 thousand
  5. It is less than 1 million 500thousand and more than 1 million 400thousand.
  1. There is a 8 on the ten thousands place.
  2. It is less than 1million 200thousand and more than 1million
  3. It is less than 200 thousand, but more than 18 thousand
  4. There is a 3 on the hundreds place
  5. There is a 6 on the hundreds place

10 Clues: Every place value is 9There is a 0 in the ones placeThere is a 3 on the hundreds placeThere is a 6 on the hundreds placeThere is a 1 in the 100thousand placeThere is a 8 on the ten thousands place.It is less than 60 thousand and more than 55 thousandIt is less than 200 thousand, but more than 18 thousand...

Place Value! 2023-06-22

Place Value! crossword puzzle
  1. The "7" in 716 is in what place value?
  2. What animal did we use to represent the greater than and less than sign?
  3. What form is the number 600+70+4 written in?
  4. What form is five hundred, sixty-three written in?
  5. The "9" in 139 is in what place value?
  1. What form is the number 578 written in?
  2. what number is the largest number each place value can hold?
  3. 20 in word form
  4. how many groups of ten make 100?
  5. The "4" in 145 is in what place value?

10 Clues: 20 in word formhow many groups of ten make 100?The "7" in 716 is in what place value?The "4" in 145 is in what place value?The "9" in 139 is in what place value?What form is the number 578 written in?What form is the number 600+70+4 written in?What form is five hundred, sixty-three written in?...

place value 2023-09-06

place value crossword puzzle
  1. three thousand nine hundred ninety-two
  2. eight hundred ninety-one thousand two hundred eleven
  3. twenty-nine million six hundred fifty thousand
  4. fifty-six thousand three hundred forty
  5. fifty-four million two hundred eighty-five thousand nine hundred six
  1. seventy-five thousand thirty hundred thirty-nine
  2. nine hundred one million two hundred twelve thousand eight hundred eighty-eight
  3. fourteen thousand five hundred
  4. one thousand two hundred one
  5. three thousand four hundred fifty

10 Clues: one thousand two hundred onefourteen thousand five hundredthree thousand four hundred fiftythree thousand nine hundred ninety-twofifty-six thousand three hundred fortytwenty-nine million six hundred fifty thousandseventy-five thousand thirty hundred thirty-nineeight hundred ninety-one thousand two hundred eleven...

Place Value 2024-03-27

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. A ___________ has a value of one dime or 1 out of 10.
  2. A ___________ has a value of one penny or 1 out of 100.
  3. Writing a number in digits is ___________.
  1. Writing a number by multiplying the digit by its value is ___________.
  2. You are finding the _________ when you are putting parts together.
  3. A ___________ has a value of one dollar, 10 tenths, or 100 hundredths.
  4. A ___________ represents the value of digits less than a whole.
  5. Writing a number by expanding the value of each digit is ___________.
  6. You are finding the _________ when you are comparing two numbers.
  7. Writing a number in words is ___________.

10 Clues: Writing a number in words is ___________.Writing a number in digits is ___________.A ___________ has a value of one dime or 1 out of 10.A ___________ has a value of one penny or 1 out of 100.A ___________ represents the value of digits less than a whole.You are finding the _________ when you are comparing two numbers....

Place Value Pandemonium 2015-10-02

Place Value Pandemonium crossword puzzle
  1. I have 9 in the hundreds, 1 in the thousands,and 6 in the ones. What am I?
  2. 23,408 rounded to the nearest ten is?
  3. 30,000+200+40+7 in standard form is?
  4. What is 34,508,920 divided by 1000?
  5. What is the largest number that can be made with these digits 2,7,9,3?
  6. What is the number in the hundreds column of 14,236?
  7. What is the numeral for the following: Twenty-seven thousand, nine hundred and thirteen?
  1. How many times greater is the value of the digit 5 in 583,607, than the value of the digit 5 in 362,501?
  2. Which number is in the hundredths column of 235.768?
  3. What is 1000 more than 234?
  4. 23,769 plus 120,006 equals?
  5. What is the number that is 200 less than 237?
  6. Which number is bigger: 4.1234 OR 4.9?
  7. What is 9.45912 multiplied by 100,000?
  8. What is 100 less than 89,335?

15 Clues: What is 1000 more than 234?23,769 plus 120,006 equals?What is 100 less than 89,335?What is 34,508,920 divided by 1000?30,000+200+40+7 in standard form is?23,408 rounded to the nearest ten is?Which number is bigger: 4.1234 OR 4.9?What is 9.45912 multiplied by 100,000?What is the number that is 200 less than 237?...

Place Value - Red 2021-02-03

Place Value - Red crossword puzzle
  1. What is 6,532 rounded to the nearest 1000?
  2. What is 466 rounded to the nearest 10?
  3. What is 1000 more than 16932?
  4. What comes next 24,30,36...
  5. What is 1000 less than 6163?
  6. What is 1000 less that 1721?
  7. What is the missing number 91,__, 77, 70, 63
  1. What comes next 6017,5017,4017,3017...
  2. What number has seven thousands, five hundreds, two tens and six ones?
  3. What number has hour thousands, two hundreds, six tens and seven ones?
  4. What is the missing number 725,750,775,800,___, 850
  5. What is 1347 rounded to the nearest 100?
  6. What is Three thousand, six hundred and seventy-nine in numerals?
  7. What comes next 81, 90, 99...

14 Clues: What comes next 24,30,36...What is 1000 less than 6163?What is 1000 less that 1721?What is 1000 more than 16932?What comes next 81, 90, 99...What comes next 6017,5017,4017,3017...What is 466 rounded to the nearest 10?What is 1347 rounded to the nearest 100?What is 6,532 rounded to the nearest 1000?What is the missing number 91,__, 77, 70, 63...

Place Value 2021-08-17

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. a chart showing the value of each number in a multi-digit whole number
  2. the name given to each group of three digits in a place-value chart
  3. a period separating the ones and the tenths in a decimal number
  4. the value given to a digit by its place in a number
  5. the usual way of writing a number that shows only its digits no words
  6. decimals that have the same value
  1. a way of writing a number as the sum of the value of its digits
  2. the position of a digit in a number
  3. A number that has a digit in the tenths place, hundreths place, and/or beyond

9 Clues: decimals that have the same valuethe position of a digit in a numberthe value given to a digit by its place in a numbera way of writing a number as the sum of the value of its digitsa period separating the ones and the tenths in a decimal numberthe name given to each group of three digits in a place-value chart...

Place Value 2023-05-10

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. five times two
  2. 12 zeroes
  3. has nine zeroes
  4. 15 zeroes
  5. 10 to the power of 3
  1. ten times 1e+26
  2. 18 zeroes
  3. has six zeroes
  4. ten times ten

9 Clues: 18 zeroes12 zeroes15 zeroesten times tenfive times twohas six zeroesten times 1e+26has nine zeroes10 to the power of 3

Place Value 2024-01-21

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. a number with three digits should be place in the ____ column
  2. which place value heading starts with Th
  3. What class are you currently in?
  4. what determines the value of a number in the place value chart
  5. it states the worth of a number
  1. a 7 digit number should be placed in the ___ column
  2. whar are the two most basic headings on the place value chart
  3. in class, we used a to determine the system the numbers belong to
  4. what is today

9 Clues: what is todayit states the worth of a numberWhat class are you currently in?which place value heading starts with Tha 7 digit number should be placed in the ___ columnwhar are the two most basic headings on the place value charta number with three digits should be place in the ____ column...

Place value 2016-08-23

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. 5 in a ten thousand place
  2. 7 in hundred thousand place
  3. there is 8 in hundred thousand place
  4. there is 2 in hundred place
  1. 9 in hundred place
  2. 9 in thousand place
  3. bigger than 90000 and less than110000
  4. there is 4 in hundred place
  5. eight thousand

9 Clues: eight thousand9 in hundred place9 in thousand place5 in a ten thousand place7 in hundred thousand placethere is 4 in hundred placethere is 2 in hundred placethere is 8 in hundred thousand placebigger than 90000 and less than110000

Place Value 2023-11-03

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. in a large number, this represents a group of one million
  2. a way to express numbers as the sum of their place value
  3. the value of each digit
  4. the number farthest to the right
  5. the value that represents one hundred
  1. the number system we use place value for
  2. the number to the left of the ones
  3. the place value to the left of the thousands.
  4. the place value that is four numbers to the left of zero

9 Clues: the value of each digitthe number farthest to the rightthe number to the left of the onesthe value that represents one hundredthe number system we use place value forthe place value to the left of the thousands.a way to express numbers as the sum of their place valuethe place value that is four numbers to the left of zero...

Place Value 2022-04-25

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. 60,000+7,000+300+60+7
  2. Place value of 5 in 3,56,437
  3. Number after 4,79,533
  4. 6 digit largest number
  1. 5 digit smallest number
  2. Seven lakh eighty five thousand three hundred forty five
  3. Two lakh thirty four
  4. Fifty four thousand three hundred twenty five
  5. Predecessor of 1 lakh

9 Clues: Two lakh thirty four60,000+7,000+300+60+7Number after 4,79,533Predecessor of 1 lakh6 digit largest number5 digit smallest numberPlace value of 5 in 3,56,437Fifty four thousand three hundred twenty fiveSeven lakh eighty five thousand three hundred forty five

Place Value 2021-02-25

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Twenty-two thousand six hundred and sixty-one
  2. Eleven thousand seven and eighty-four
  3. Forty-four thousand nine hundred and eight
  4. Fourteen
  5. Six hundred and nine
  1. One hundred and twenty-three
  2. Sixty-five thousand three hundred and forty-two
  3. One hundred and eight-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three
  4. Nine thousand and eight hundred and sixty-seven

9 Clues: FourteenSix hundred and nineOne hundred and twenty-threeEleven thousand seven and eighty-fourForty-four thousand nine hundred and eightTwenty-two thousand six hundred and sixty-oneSixty-five thousand three hundred and forty-twoNine thousand and eight hundred and sixty-sevenOne hundred and eight-one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three

Place Value 2022-04-25

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. 60,000+7,000+300+60+7
  2. Place value of 5 in 3,56,437
  3. Number after 4,79,533
  4. 6 digit largest number
  1. 5 digit smallest number
  2. Two lakh thirty four
  3. Seven lakh eighty five thousand three hundred forty five
  4. Fifty four thousand three hundred twenty five
  5. Predecessor of 1 lakh

9 Clues: Two lakh thirty four60,000+7,000+300+60+7Number after 4,79,533Predecessor of 1 lakh6 digit largest number5 digit smallest numberPlace value of 5 in 3,56,437Fifty four thousand three hundred twenty fiveSeven lakh eighty five thousand three hundred forty five

Place Value 2023-10-02

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. a number 0-9
  2. more
  3. how much a number or digit is worth
  4. a number broken up into the value of each digit
  1. smaller
  2. a number written with words
  3. a nnumber written using numerals
  4. Where a digit is located in a number
  5. a chart used to show value of a number

9 Clues: moresmallera number 0-9a number written with wordsa nnumber written using numeralshow much a number or digit is worthWhere a digit is located in a numbera chart used to show value of a numbera number broken up into the value of each digit

Decimal Place Value Forms 2020-11-24

Decimal Place Value Forms crossword puzzle
  1. five and four hundred forty two thousandths
  2. expanded form of the 7 in 8.07
  3. 10+2+0.3+0.02
  4. eleven and nine hundred eighty two thousandths
  5. expanded form of the 4 in 642
  6. eight & three hundred eighty seven thousandths
  7. value of the 3 in 93.765
  8. 900+0+3+0+0.03
  9. (9x10)+(3x1)+(8/10)+(7/100)
  10. nineteen and forty three hundredths
  11. 1.42 expanded form (hint: values)
  12. 83.54 expanded form (hint: values)
  13. (8x10)+(3x1)+(5/10)+(7/100)+(5/1000)
  14. 700+60+3+0.3+0.03
  15. value of 2 in 894.928
  16. (8x1)+(3x 1/10)+ (7x 1/1000)
  1. expanded form for 45.105 (hint: values)
  2. 20+0.8+0.02+0.001
  3. 120.43 expanded form (hint: values)
  4. thirty six and seventy nine hundredths
  5. 900+10+0.5+0.04
  6. 10+1+0.8+0.03+0.001
  7. seven hundred twenty three and seven tenths
  8. (6x10)+(7x1)+(0.5x 1/10)+(9x 1/100)
  9. 5+0.02
  10. (1x10)+(4x1)+(8x 1/1000)
  11. zero and eighty three hundredths
  12. (4x100)+(2x10)+(3x1)+(8x 1/10)+(2x 1/100)
  13. (8x10)+(8x1)+(4x 1/100)
  14. fifty six and three hundredths

30 Clues: 5+0.0210+2+0.3+0.02900+0+3+0+0.03900+10+0.5+0.0420+0.8+0.02+0.001700+60+3+0.3+0.0310+1+0.8+0.03+0.001value of 2 in 894.928(8x10)+(8x1)+(4x 1/100)value of the 3 in 93.765(1x10)+(4x1)+(8x 1/1000)(9x10)+(3x1)+(8/10)+(7/100)(8x1)+(3x 1/10)+ (7x 1/1000)expanded form of the 4 in 642expanded form of the 7 in 8.07fifty six and three hundredths...

Place Value Vocab 2021-10-19

Place Value Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the result of subtraction
  2. a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem
  3. a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
  4. a plan of action
  5. a symbol used to write numbers (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,)
  6. A statement that compares two numbers using <, >,
  1. to use place value to exchange equal amounts when renaming a number
  2. A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign.
  3. form A way to write numbers by using words.
  4. what a digit is worth
  5. the trade of things of value
  6. The result of addition.
  7. A number that is not exact; a careful guess.

13 Clues: a plan of actionwhat a digit is worthThe result of addition.the result of subtractionthe trade of things of valueform A way to write numbers by using words.A number that is not exact; a careful guess.a step-by-step procedure for solving a problemA statement that compares two numbers using <, >,A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign....

Decimal Place Value 2021-10-20

Decimal Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. What is the place called three spaces to the left of the decimal?
  2. decimals What is it called to put decimals in oder?
  3. What place comes three spaces after the decimal?
  4. What is it called to replace a number with one that is simpler and is approximately the same size as the original number?
  5. value What is it called to find the place where the number is?
  6. What place comes one space after the decimal?
  1. What is the place called four spaces to the left of the decimal?
  2. What is it called to order numbers?
  3. What place comes two spaces after the decimal?
  4. What is used as a point of refrence?
  5. What is it called to put numbers in a sequence?
  6. What is the place two spaces to the left of the decimal?
  7. What is the place called to the left of the

13 Clues: What is it called to order numbers?What is used as a point of refrence?What is the place called to the left of theWhat place comes one space after the decimal?What place comes two spaces after the decimal?What is it called to put numbers in a sequence?What place comes three spaces after the decimal?...

Division Using Place Value 2023-11-02

Division Using Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. 204÷2
  2. 497÷7=
  3. 486÷6=
  4. 824÷4=
  5. 909÷3=
  6. 804÷4=
  7. 396÷3=
  8. 350÷5=
  9. 966÷3=
  10. 86÷2
  11. 906÷6=
  1. 854÷2=
  2. 954÷9=
  3. 612÷6=
  4. 396÷3=
  5. 46÷2=
  6. 654÷6=
  7. 515÷5=
  8. 96÷4=
  9. 93÷3=
  10. 648÷8=
  11. 255÷5=

22 Clues: 86÷2204÷246÷2=96÷4=93÷3=854÷2=954÷9=497÷7=612÷6=486÷6=396÷3=824÷4=909÷3=804÷4=654÷6=396÷3=515÷5=350÷5=966÷3=648÷8=906÷6=255÷5=

Place value 2023-04-13

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. 3000+400+50+2
  2. 900+80+7
  3. 2000+600+80+9
  4. 6000+500+90+5
  1. 10000+2000+300+40+5
  2. 300+90+8
  3. 700+80+9
  4. 2000+90+8

8 Clues: 300+90+8900+80+7700+80+92000+90+83000+400+50+22000+600+80+96000+500+90+510000+2000+300+40+5

PLACE VALUE terminology 2020-06-23

PLACE VALUE terminology crossword puzzle
  1. Number after
  2. 300 is the ______ of 3 in 45,328
  3. ______ value of the digit
  4. 1,2,3,4,5....are called_____numbers
  5. Number of places in thousands period
  6. 362 rounded to nearest____ is 370
  7. Number of places in ones period
  8. 84 rounded to nearest ____ is 80
  1. 89,723 87,239 82,739 ____order
  2. numbers are arranged in _____34,567 34,765 35,674
  3. numbers I, X, V, L, C, D,M are called
  4. Number before

12 Clues: Number afterNumber before______ value of the digit89,723 87,239 82,739 ____orderNumber of places in ones period300 is the ______ of 3 in 45,32884 rounded to nearest ____ is 80362 rounded to nearest____ is 3701,2,3,4,5....are called_____numbersNumber of places in thousands periodnumbers I, X, V, L, C, D,M are called...

Place value 2013-10-23

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. Five thousand four hundred twenty nine
  2. 8 thousands, 9 hundreds and 4 ones
  3. Smallest number using digits 9,4,3 and 1
  4. Number before 3457
  1. 1000+900+80+9
  2. place value of 7 in 7364
  3. The smallest number among 3045, 3945 and 3415
  4. 1000 more than 7639

8 Clues: 1000+900+80+9Number before 34571000 more than 7639place value of 7 in 73648 thousands, 9 hundreds and 4 onesFive thousand four hundred twenty nineSmallest number using digits 9,4,3 and 1The smallest number among 3045, 3945 and 3415

Place value 2016-08-23

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. it has a 7 in the thousand place .
  2. it is less then 8245727 but bigger than 390276.
  3. it is less than 90000 but bigger than 20000 .
  4. it has a 6 in the tents place .
  5. it is less than 10000 but bigger than 3195 .
  1. it has a 9 in the ten thousand place.
  2. it is les than 7000000 but bigger than 2700467.
  3. it has a 9 in the ten thousand place .

8 Clues: it has a 6 in the tents place .it has a 7 in the thousand place .it has a 9 in the ten thousand has a 9 in the ten thousand place .it is less than 10000 but bigger than 3195 .it is less than 90000 but bigger than 20000 .it is les than 7000000 but bigger than is less then 8245727 but bigger than 390276.

Place Value 2016-08-23

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. it has 4 ones in it
  2. it has a 4 in the 1 place
  3. it has 3 digits
  1. it is less then 124 thousand
  2. it has a 3 in the ones place
  3. It has a 2 in the 20 trillion place
  4. it is repeating nearly all its numbers
  5. it has a 9 in the 1 trillion place

8 Clues: it has 3 digitsit has 4 ones in itit has a 4 in the 1 placeit is less then 124 thousandit has a 3 in the ones placeit has a 9 in the 1 trillion placeIt has a 2 in the 20 trillion placeit is repeating nearly all its numbers

Place Value Crossword 2022-12-13

Place Value Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Form-An alternate for students to write a given number focusing on the value of each digit.
  2. Than- >
  3. A four-digit number that is less than 9,999 and greater than 99.
  4. Form- Expressing numbers using numbers
  5. A one-digit number that is worth less than 10.
  1. Value- the value of a digit in a number
  2. Numbers 0-9
  3. having the same value
  4. Form- Expressing numbers by spelling them out
  5. A three-digit number that is less than 1,000 and greater than 99.
  6. Than- <
  7. A two-digit number that is less than 100 and greater than 9.

12 Clues: Than- >Than- <Numbers 0-9having the same valueForm- Expressing numbers using numbersValue- the value of a digit in a numberForm- Expressing numbers by spelling them outA one-digit number that is worth less than 10.A two-digit number that is less than 100 and greater than 9.A four-digit number that is less than 9,999 and greater than 99....

Place Value - Purple 2021-02-03

Place Value - Purple crossword puzzle
  1. What is 43,789 rounded to the nearest 10,000?
  2. What is 853,782 rounded to the nearest 100,000?
  3. What comes next 81071,81081,81091...
  4. What is 2 minus 10?
  5. What is Twenty-three thousand, six hundred and seventy-nine in numerals?
  6. If it is 4 degrees and the temperature declines by 6 degrees. What temperature will it be?
  1. What is 6,532 rounded to the nearest 1000?
  2. What is 466 rounded to the nearest 10?
  3. What is Nine hundred and seventy-eight thousand, eight hundred and seventy-nine in numerals?
  4. What number has Twelve ten-thousands, 1 thousand, two hundreds, one ten and two ones?
  5. What is 1347 rounded to the nearest 100?
  6. Fill in the blank 71813, 71803, ____, 71783.

12 Clues: What is 2 minus 10?What comes next 81071,81081,81091...What is 466 rounded to the nearest 10?What is 1347 rounded to the nearest 100?What is 6,532 rounded to the nearest 1000?Fill in the blank 71813, 71803, ____, 71783.What is 43,789 rounded to the nearest 10,000?What is 853,782 rounded to the nearest 100,000?...

Place value 2014-02-13

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. Five times four
  2. what is the value of the 7 in 7564
  3. How many zeros do you need in 50000
  4. Which digit is in the tens column in 6754
  1. What's the difference between 35 and 46
  2. six times six
  3. how many zeros can you remove in 0007862
  4. Who makes the most money out of Russell Crowe 6200000 dollars or Nicole Kidman 18600000

8 Clues: six times sixFive times fourwhat is the value of the 7 in 7564How many zeros do you need in 50000What's the difference between 35 and 46how many zeros can you remove in 0007862Which digit is in the tens column in 6754Who makes the most money out of Russell Crowe 6200000 dollars or Nicole Kidman 18600000

Place Value 2017-06-24

Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. Twenty-five and twenty-three hundredths is written in ___ form
  2. > means is ___ than
  3. 25.23 is written in ___ form
  4. < means is ___ than
  1. to order numbers, write vertically and line up the ___
  2. 20 + 5 + 0.2 + 0.03 is written in ___ form
  3. = means is ___ to
  4. the word ___ represents the decimal point

8 Clues: = means is ___ to> means is ___ than< means is ___ than25.23 is written in ___ formthe word ___ represents the decimal point20 + 5 + 0.2 + 0.03 is written in ___ formto order numbers, write vertically and line up the ___Twenty-five and twenty-three hundredths is written in ___ form

Place value 2016-08-23

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. 999 This is lesser than 700 million
  2. 000 This is lesser than 500 million
  3. 665 There a 4 in million place
  1. 777 There a 7 in a million hundred place
  2. 845 there a 9 in the millions place
  3. 000 This is bigger than 400 million
  4. 678 this is bigger than 200 million
  5. 820 There is a 1 in the million place

8 Clues: 665 There a 4 in million place999 This is lesser than 700 million845 there a 9 in the millions place000 This is bigger than 400 million000 This is lesser than 500 million678 this is bigger than 200 million820 There is a 1 in the million place777 There a 7 in a million hundred place

Place value 2021-04-18

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. Largest 8 digit number
  2. predecessor of 4,67,900
  3. smallest 3 digit number
  4. Place value of 6 in 45,678
  1. Two crore two
  2. Successor of 89,887
  3. Seven crore eighty nine lakh nine thousand four hundred fifty six
  4. Place value of 5 in 5,89,123

8 Clues: Two crore twoSuccessor of 89,887Largest 8 digit numberpredecessor of 4,67,900smallest 3 digit numberPlace value of 6 in 45,678Place value of 5 in 5,89,123Seven crore eighty nine lakh nine thousand four hundred fifty six

Place Value- 4th grade 2021-10-06

Place Value- 4th grade crossword puzzle
  1. 9 hundred thousands, 5 ten thousands, four thousands, 8 hundreds, 8 tens, and 1 one
  2. seventeen thousand, two
  3. sixteen tens
  4. twenty five thousand, six hundred seventy five
  5. 10,000+7,000+200
  6. 8,000 + 60 + 2
  7. 2 hundred 65 thousand, 7 hundred 2
  8. nine hundred thousand, ninety-nine
  1. 3 thousand, 4 hundred 50
  2. thirteen thousand, seven hundred forty-two
  3. seven thousand two
  4. 200+50+6
  5. 30,000+700+20+4
  6. fifty three hundreds
  7. 700+2
  8. 200,000+5,000+600+5
  9. nine hundred ninety-nine

17 Clues: 700+2200+50+6sixteen tens8,000 + 60 + 230,000+700+20+410,000+7,000+200seven thousand two200,000+5,000+600+5fifty three hundredsseventeen thousand, two3 thousand, 4 hundred 50nine hundred ninety-nine2 hundred 65 thousand, 7 hundred 2nine hundred thousand, ninety-ninethirteen thousand, seven hundred forty-two...

Place Value Vocabulary 2021-08-05

Place Value Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The name given to each group of three digits in a place-value chart.
  2. An answer that is close to an exact answer.
  3. A line with numbers on it in order at regular intervals.
  4. A symbol used to write numbers.
  5. the smaller number in comparison.
  6. The usual way of writing a number that shows only its digits, no words.
  1. The value given to a digit by its place in a number.
  2. The representation of a number as a sum that shows the value of each digit.
  3. The form of a number that uses written words.
  4. the bigger number in comparison.
  5. numbers have the same value.

11 Clues: numbers have the same value.A symbol used to write numbers.the bigger number in comparison.the smaller number in comparison.An answer that is close to an exact answer.The form of a number that uses written words.The value given to a digit by its place in a number.A line with numbers on it in order at regular intervals....

Place Value - Green 2021-02-03

Place Value - Green crossword puzzle
  1. What comes next 97, 107, 117...
  2. What number has eight tens and nine ones
  3. What is ten more than 173?
  4. What is this number in numerals - Thirty-eight
  5. This number is larger than 90 but smaller than 100
  1. What is Sixty-two in numerals?
  2. What number has one ten and nine ones
  3. Fill in the blank 85,80,75,___, 65, 60
  4. Eight tens and three ones
  5. Fill in the blank 12,14,16___,20
  6. What comes next 24,27,30,33___

11 Clues: Eight tens and three onesWhat is ten more than 173?What is Sixty-two in numerals?What comes next 24,27,30,33___What comes next 97, 107, 117...Fill in the blank 12,14,16___,20What number has one ten and nine onesFill in the blank 85,80,75,___, 65, 60What number has eight tens and nine onesWhat is this number in numerals - Thirty-eight...

Place Value Vocabulary 2022-10-03

Place Value Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To see if a digit or number is
  2. the digit.
  3. Form/Numerical Form The typical way
  4. a digit in a number based on the location
  5. than, less than, or equal to another Expanded Form- Decomposing the number based on place value
  6. hundred seventy-one.
  1. Value- determines the value
  2. than, less than, or equal to another
  3. -To see if a digit or number is
  4. A single whole number (0 to 9)
  5. Form/Written Form Writing out a number.
  6. Five hundred twenty-nine thousand,
  7. view numbers.

13 Clues: the digit.view numbers.hundred seventy-one.Value- determines the valueTo see if a digit or number isA single whole number (0 to 9)-To see if a digit or number isFive hundred twenty-nine thousand,Form/Numerical Form The typical waythan, less than, or equal to anotherForm/Written Form Writing out a number.a digit in a number based on the location...

Place Value Vocabulary 2022-10-03

Place Value Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. To see if a digit or number is
  2. the digit.
  3. Form/Numerical Form The typical way
  4. a digit in a number based on the location
  5. than, less than, or equal to another Expanded Form- Decomposing the number based on place value
  6. hundred seventy-one.
  1. Value- determines the value
  2. than, less than, or equal to another
  3. -To see if a digit or number is
  4. A single whole number (0 to 9)
  5. Form/Written Form Writing out a number.
  6. Five hundred twenty-nine thousand,
  7. view numbers.

13 Clues: the digit.view numbers.hundred seventy-one.Value- determines the valueTo see if a digit or number isA single whole number (0 to 9)-To see if a digit or number isFive hundred twenty-nine thousand,Form/Numerical Form The typical waythan, less than, or equal to anotherForm/Written Form Writing out a number.a digit in a number based on the location...

Place Value Vocabulary 2023-09-12

Place Value Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a number between 0 and 9
  2. The amount each digit is worth
  3. Writing a number using each digit's value.
  4. Where the digit is located on a place value chart.
  5. Writing a number using words.
  6. Number represented by place value (4 thousands, 6 hundreds, 1 ten, 5 ones)
  1. A period of 3 places which are the ones, tens, and hundreds.
  2. The value of a digit based on its position in a number.
  3. A period of 3 places which are the thousands, ten-thousands, and hundred-thousands.
  4. Writing a number using digits.
  5. A symbol that separates the ones period from the thousands period.

11 Clues: a number between 0 and 9Writing a number using words.The amount each digit is worthWriting a number using digits.Writing a number using each digit's value.Where the digit is located on a place value chart.The value of a digit based on its position in a number.A period of 3 places which are the ones, tens, and hundreds....

Place Value - Silver 2021-02-03

Place Value - Silver crossword puzzle
  1. What is Three hundred and fifty-one in numerals?
  2. What number has two hundreds, four tens and nine ones?
  3. Fill in the blank 475, 425, 375, ____, 275
  4. What is Seven hundred and fourteen in numerals?
  5. What is 100 more than 616?
  1. What comes next 703,803,903...
  2. What is 1000 less than 4325?
  3. What number has nine hundreds, seven tens and three ones?
  4. Fill in the blanks 8,12,16,20,__,28,32
  5. This number is more than 400 but less than 430.
  6. What comes next 48,40,32,24...

11 Clues: What is 100 more than 616?What is 1000 less than 4325?What comes next 703,803,903...What comes next 48,40,32,24...Fill in the blanks 8,12,16,20,__,28,32Fill in the blank 475, 425, 375, ____, 275What is Seven hundred and fourteen in numerals?This number is more than 400 but less than 430.What is Three hundred and fifty-one in numerals?...

Tony place value 2016-08-23

Tony place value crossword puzzle
  1. biggest digit
  2. five in ones place
  3. seven in the tens
  4. seven zeroes
  5. eight in the hundred
  6. ones in the millions
  7. four zeroes
  1. ones in the hundred thousand
  2. fifteen the answer of this question 1x2x3x4x5x0x9x8
  3. two in thousand
  4. three in the tens

11 Clues: four zeroesseven zeroesbiggest digittwo in thousandseven in the tensthree in the tensfive in ones placeeight in the hundredones in the millionsones in the hundred thousandfifteen the answer of this question 1x2x3x4x5x0x9x8

Number & Place Value 2024-03-08

Number & Place Value crossword puzzle
  1. the value of each digit in a number (two words)
  2. how many tens are in 351
  3. how many ones make a ten (this is a written number)
  4. the second place value
  5. the first place value
  1. a visual representation of place values using blocks (two words)
  2. how many ones are in 127
  3. the third place value
  4. how many tens make 30 (this is a written number)
  5. how many hundreds are in 625 (this is a written number)
  6. how many ones are in 52 (this is a written number)

11 Clues: the third place valuethe first place valuethe second place valuehow many ones are in 127how many tens are in 351the value of each digit in a number (two words)how many tens make 30 (this is a written number)how many ones are in 52 (this is a written number)how many ones make a ten (this is a written number)...

PLACE VALUE 2015-01-25

PLACE VALUE crossword puzzle
  1. Smallest 4-digit number
  2. Greatest number made by digits 0, 9, 4
  3. 3702 is bigger or smaller than 3720?
  1. Largest 3-digit number
  2. Numbers small to big
  3. Numbers big to small
  4. Estimate to nearest ten or hundred

7 Clues: Numbers small to bigNumbers big to smallLargest 3-digit numberSmallest 4-digit numberEstimate to nearest ten or hundred3702 is bigger or smaller than 3720?Greatest number made by digits 0, 9, 4

Place value 2016-08-23

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. is the average
  2. less than 48000
  3. 5 digit number with a 6
  4. more than 34000
  1. in the end
  2. is the lowest
  3. 6 digit number more than 200000

7 Clues: in the endis the lowestis the averageless than 48000more than 340005 digit number with a 66 digit number more than 200000

Place value 2016-08-23

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. 5 digit number with a 6
  2. is the average
  3. 6 digit number more than 200000
  4. is the lowest
  1. in the end
  2. more than 34000
  3. less than 48000

7 Clues: in the endis the lowestis the averagemore than 34000less than 480005 digit number with a 66 digit number more than 200000

Place value 2023-06-12

Place value crossword puzzle
  1. one thousand thirty hundred and fifty seven
  2. twenty thousand and twenty three
  3. one thousand two hundred thirty six
  4. nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine
  1. nine thousand one hundred and sixty nine
  2. six hundred and seventy one
  3. three thousand nine hundred fifteen

7 Clues: six hundred and seventy onetwenty thousand and twenty threethree thousand nine hundred fifteenone thousand two hundred thirty sixnine thousand one hundred and sixty ninenine thousand nine hundred and ninety nineone thousand thirty hundred and fifty seven