plate tectonics Crossword Puzzles


  1. When one plate is forced below another.
  2. The process of continents breaking up.
  3. A channel in the ocean floor formed when plates collide and the crust subducts (2 words).
  4. Type of boundary where tectonic plates are sliding past each other in opposite directions (2 words).
  5. A boundary where plates are moving apart is called a c----------- boundary.
  6. A layer of 'plastic' semi-solid rock in the mantle that the tectonic plates move on.
  7. A boundary where plates are moving apart is called a d-------- boundary.
  8. The place where an earthquake starts above ground.
  9. Molten rock that has erupted onto Earth's surface.
  10. The place where an earthquake starts, below ground.
  11. The theory that the Earth's crust is cracked into large pieces (2 words).
  12. The process of continents separating and drifting across the Earth (2 words)
  1. A chain of islands at the edge of colliding tectonic plates (2 words).
  2. A device that measures earthquakes.
  3. Patterns of magnetism trapped in rocks on each side of plate boundaries (2 words).
  4. The crust that forms the ocean floor (2 words).
  5. Molten rock below the Earth's surface.
  6. A boundary where plates are colliding is called a c--------- boundary.
  7. A boundary where plates are colliding is called a d---------- boundary.
  8. The crust that forms the continents (2 words).
  9. The process of new crust forming at ocean ridges and spreading outwards (3 words).

21 Clues: A device that measures earthquakes.The process of continents breaking up.Molten rock below the Earth's surface.When one plate is forced below another.The crust that forms the continents (2 words).The crust that forms the ocean floor (2 words).The place where an earthquake starts above ground.Molten rock that has erupted onto Earth's surface....


  1. zone region where an oceanic plate sinks down into the asthenosphere
  2. boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move towards each other.
  3. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move away from each other.
  4. a break in the Earth's crust along which two blocks of the crust slide relative to one another
  5. the type of stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object
  6. Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.
  7. vibration from underground movement along a fault plane
  8. the outermost, rigid layer of the Earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  1. two tectonic plates slowly crash into each other and form mountains
  2. drift hypothesis that the continents slowly move across Earth's surface
  3. scientist who studies earthquakes.
  4. credited with the theory of Continental Drift
  5. the name given to the super continent
  6. caused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking.
  7. soft layer of the mantle
  8. This is the layer we walk on.
  9. any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
  10. layer between the crust and the core
  11. the result of a force distributed over an area
  12. boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates slide past each other.

20 Clues: soft layer of the mantleThis is the layer we walk on.scientist who studies earthquakes.layer between the crust and the corethe name given to the super continentSlowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.credited with the theory of Continental Driftthe result of a force distributed over an areacaused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking....


  1. layer between the crust and the core
  2. the type of stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object
  3. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move away from each other.
  4. a break in the Earth's crust along which two blocks of the crust slide relative to one another
  5. Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.
  6. caused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking.
  7. credited with the theory of Continental Drift
  8. This is the layer we walk on.
  1. scientist who studies earthquakes.
  2. boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates slide past each other.
  3. hypothesis that the continents slowly move across Earth's surface
  4. boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move towards each other.
  5. zone region where an oceanic plate sinks down into the asthenosphere
  6. the outermost, rigid layer of the Earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  7. two tectonic plates slowly crash into each other and form mountains
  8. the result of a force distributed over an area
  9. soft layer of the mantle
  10. the name given to the super continent
  11. any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
  12. vibration from underground movement along a fault plane

20 Clues: soft layer of the mantleThis is the layer we walk on.scientist who studies earthquakes.layer between the crust and the corethe name given to the super continentSlowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.credited with the theory of Continental Driftthe result of a force distributed over an areacaused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking....

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2021-03-07

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The thick, dense layer of rock, approximately 1,429 mi. (2,300 km) thick, between Earth's crust and its core.
  2. A tectonic process that results when plates converge and one plate forces the other down into Earth's mantle
  3. one of the three ways that tectonic plates interact - occurs when two plates grind past each other with only limited convergent or divergent activity
  4. form of stress which tries to reduce the size of a material
  5. The upper layer of Earth's interior, including the crust and the brittle portion at the top of the mantle
  6. a depression in earth's crust
  7. A general statement derived from a hypothesis that has withstood sufficient testing
  8. one of the three ways that tectonic plates interact - areas where plates move toward each other and collide
  9. the hypothesis that the Earth's continents have moved over geologic time relative to each other - theory made by Alfred Wegener
  10. A term describing a phenomenon whereby certain materials are subject to a form of decay brought about by the emission of high-energy particles or radiation
  11. the thin outer shell of the earth
  1. An area of historical geology devoted to studying the direction and intensity of magnetic fields in the past, as discerned from the residual magnetization of rocks
  2. fracturing between rocks resulting from stress
  3. The theory that seafloors crack open along the crests of mid-ocean ridges and that new seafloor forms in those areas
  4. A split between two bodies (like two plates) that once were joined
  5. the hot and dense centre of the earth
  6. A branch of the earth sciences that combines aspects of geology and physics
  7. boundaries between plates
  8. A deep depression in the ocean floor caused by the convergence of plates and the resulting subduction of one plate
  9. one of the three ways that tectonic plates interact - areas where plates move away from each other, forming either mid-oceanic ridges or rift valleys

20 Clues: boundaries between platesa depression in earth's crustthe thin outer shell of the earththe hot and dense centre of the earthfracturing between rocks resulting from stressform of stress which tries to reduce the size of a materialA split between two bodies (like two plates) that once were joined...

Plate Tectonics 1 2013-08-20

Plate Tectonics 1 crossword puzzle
  1. mostly solid rock flowing under high temperature and pressure
  2. chain of volcanic landforms that result as magma formed through the melting of subducting plate rises and emerge as volcanoes
  3. movements of heat within the mantle
  4. formed when a plate converges with an oceanic plate
  5. earth's crusts broken into pieces moving relative to each other
  6. consist mainly of nickel and iron
  7. where plates move away from each other
  8. what happens to the denser plate at convergent plate boundaries
  9. brings rocks close to their melting point for them to be deformed and melted
  10. a linear depression that is formed when land in between two continental crusts sink
  11. lighter rock that has cooled down slowly
  12. heavy dense rock formed from magma which has cooled quickly
  1. consists mainly of basalt
  2. molten rock that reaches the earth's surface
  3. molten rock beneath the earth's crust
  4. where older crust is destroyed and recycled
  5. outermost layer of the earth
  6. formed when 2 oceanic plates move away from each other
  7. where new crust is formed
  8. consists mainly of granite
  9. where plates move towards each other
  10. consists of the crust and uppermost mantle
  11. where plates slide past each other
  12. when denser plate subducts under, dragging the rest of the plate into the mantle

24 Clues: consists mainly of basaltwhere new crust is formedconsists mainly of graniteoutermost layer of the earthconsist mainly of nickel and ironwhere plates slide past each othermovements of heat within the mantlewhere plates move towards each othermolten rock beneath the earth's crustwhere plates move away from each other...

plate tectonics project 2015-10-22

plate tectonics project crossword puzzle
  1. stress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an object
  2. the boundary between tectonic plates that are colliding.
  3. the bending of rock layers do to stress.
  4. the boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding past eachother horizontally.
  5. the movement of amtter due to diffrences in density that are caused by tempature by tempature varations; can result in the transfer of energy as heat.
  6. the process by which new ocean lithospere sea floor forms when magma rises to earth's surface at mid-ocean ridges and solidifies, as older, existing se floor moves away from the ridge.
  7. a block of lithospere that consists of the crust and the rigid, outermost part of the mantle.
  8. the location within earth along a fualt at which the first motion of an earthquake occurs.
  9. a break in a body of rock along which one block moves relitave to another.
  10. the theory that explains how large pieces of the lithospere, called plates, move and change shape.
  1. stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object.
  2. the bending, tilting, and breaking of earth's crust; the cange in the shape of rock in response to stress.
  3. a movement or tenbilingof the ground that is cuased by a sudden release of energy when rocks along a fualt move.
  4. the boundary between two tectonic plates that are movig away from eachother.
  5. the supercontinent that formed 300 millon years ago and that began to break up 200 million years ago.
  6. the edge between two or more plates classified as divergent, convergent, or transform by the movement talking place between place the plates.
  7. the sudden return of elastically deformed rock to its underformed shape.
  8. a break in a body of rock along when one block moves relatives to another.
  9. stress that occurs when forces act in parallel but opposite directions, pushing parts of a solid in opposite directions.
  10. the point on earth's surface directly abouve an earthquakes starting point, or focouse.
  11. the bending,tliting, and breaking of earth's crust; the change in the shape of rock in response to stress.

21 Clues: the bending of rock layers do to stress.stress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an objectstress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object.the boundary between tectonic plates that are colliding.the sudden return of elastically deformed rock to its underformed shape....

Plate tectonics Crossword 2016-02-13

Plate tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Tectonics, The theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle.
  2. Scale, A scale that rates an earthquake's magnitude based on the size of its seismic waves.
  3. fault, A type of fault in which rocks on either side move past each other sideways with little up or down motion.
  4. The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.
  5. Stress that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks.
  6. Waves, Vibrations that travel through Earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake.
  7. Wave, A type of seismic wave that compresses and expands the ground.
  8. The shaking that results from movement of rock beneath Earth's surface.
  9. Boundary, A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions.
  10. Fault, a type of fault where the hanging wall slides downward; caused by tension in the crust.
  11. A break in Earth's crust where masses of rock slip past each other.
  12. The point beneath Earth's surface where rock breaks under stress and causes an earthquake,
  13. Stress that stretches rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle
  1. Fault, A type of fault where the hanging wall slide upward; caused by compression in the crust.
  2. A device that records ground movements caused by seismic waves as they move through Earth.
  3. Wave, A type of seismic wave that forms when P waves and S waves reach Earth's surface.
  4. Boundary, A plate boundary where two plate boundaries move toward each other,
  5. The point on Earth's surface directly above the earthquakes focus.
  6. stress that pushes masses of rock in opposite directions, in a sideways movement.
  7. Boundary, A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  8. Valley, A deep valley that forms where two plates move apart.
  9. the block of rock that forms the lower half of a fault.
  10. Scale, A scale that rates earthquakes according to their intensity and how much damage they cause at a particular place.
  11. Wall, The block of rock that forms the upper half of a fault
  12. Wave, A type of seismic wave that moves the ground up and down or side to side.

25 Clues: Stress that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks.the block of rock that forms the lower half of a fault.Wall, The block of rock that forms the upper half of a faultValley, A deep valley that forms where two plates move apart.The point on Earth's surface directly above the earthquakes focus....

Earthquakes & Plate Tectonics 2017-04-22

Earthquakes & Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. measures earthquakes
  2. this is a type of wave that occurs on the surface
  3. a facture or break in the earths lithosphere
  4. a long high sea waves caused by an earthquake
  5. Scale measure energy released / rock strength / how much movement their was
  6. the time between where stations pick up the earthquake/ speed seismic waves travel
  7. a release in this in a fault or built rock causes earthquake
  8. a way to protect buildings in areas known for earthquakes and tsunamis
  9. fastest, solid, liquid, gas, known as the "p" wave
  10. when a Collison between an oceanic and continental plates and the continental plates go under.
  11. the point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake
  1. a deep depression of the sea floor caused by subduction of one plate under another
  2. the act or process of liquefying or making liquid
  3. this theory gave evidence to support the theory of the continental drift
  4. 2nd fastest, solid
  5. older scale to track speed of ground movement
  6. process using 3 stations to find the focal point
  7. it the measurement of the strength of the earthquake
  8. a small earthquake occurring after a larger earthquake, causes more damage sometimes
  9. a valley shaped area of the earth in which the plates of the crust are moving away from each other forming cracks and faults
  10. when an oceanic crust melts due to this formation.

21 Clues: 2nd fastest, solidmeasures earthquakesa facture or break in the earths lithosphereolder scale to track speed of ground movementa long high sea waves caused by an earthquakeprocess using 3 stations to find the focal pointthe act or process of liquefying or making liquidthis is a type of wave that occurs on the surface...

Plate tectonics Crossword 2017-10-18

Plate tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the ocean floor goes under a deep- ocean trench and then goes back into the mantle
  2. old bones of prehistoric animals
  3. the upper part of the crust and mantle
  4. Earth’s lithosphere or “the eggshell”
  5. German scientist who came up with the theory that all the contintents were joined together
  6. “seams” on the ocean floor
  7. geologist who drew details of the ocean floor based data from the ships
  8. two plates slide past each other
  9. two plates move in the same direction
  10. pieces of Earth’s crust moves apart on land, a deep valley
  11. breaks in earth’s crust
  1. continents moved very slow over Earth’s surface
  2. pulls the older, denser oceanic crust down beneath the trench and back into the mantle.
  3. When a washcloth is placed in water, the water soaks into it. So, the ______ of the washcloth incr
  4. adds more crust to the ocean floor
  5. earth’s plates are in a slow, constant motion by convection currents in the mantle
  6. two plates move in opposite directions
  7. device that uses soundwaves to measure the distance of an object
  8. oceanic crust bends downwards and the ocean floor sinks down into the mantle
  9. supercontinent from about 300 million years

20 Clues: breaks in earth’s crust“seams” on the ocean floorold bones of prehistoric animalstwo plates slide past each otheradds more crust to the ocean floorEarth’s lithosphere or “the eggshell”two plates move in the same directiontwo plates move in opposite directionsthe upper part of the crust and mantlesupercontinent from about 300 million years...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2018-12-12

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. waves / waves produced by earthquakes
  2. crust / the type of crust that makes up the seafloor
  3. / a sudden discharge of water from beneath the Earth's surface
  4. / a process in which a tectonic plate is pushed down into the mantle
  5. crust / the type of crust that makes up the continents
  6. / this is made up of the upper and middle mantle
  7. / molten rock in the Earth's crust
  8. plates / the large pieces of the crust that float atop the mantle
  9. / the element that makes up most of the core
  10. / the thickest layer of the Earth
  1. boundary / a location at which two tectonic plates separate
  2. boundary / a location at which two tectonic plates come together
  3. currents / a type of movement in the mantle that cause the tectonic plates to move
  4. / this is made up of the crust and upper mantle
  5. / the element that the mantle has, but the crust doesn't
  6. / the supercontinent on which the dinosaurs lived
  7. boundary / a location at which two tectonic plates slide against each other
  8. / a rupture in the crust that allows magma and gases to escape the upper mantle
  9. core / the layer of the Earth made up mostly of iron in liquid state
  10. core / the hottest layer of the Earth

20 Clues: / the thickest layer of the Earth/ molten rock in the Earth's crustwaves / waves produced by earthquakescore / the hottest layer of the Earth/ the element that makes up most of the core/ this is made up of the crust and upper mantle/ this is made up of the upper and middle mantle/ the supercontinent on which the dinosaurs lived...

T6 - Plate Tectonics 2022-03-22

T6 - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A mountain that forms in Earth's crust when molten material, or magma, reaches the surface.
  2. A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other.
  3. A fold in rock that bends downward to form a V shape.
  4. Measure of the energy released during an earthquake.
  5. A hypothesis that has been tested with a significant amount of data.
  6. A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
  7. A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions
  8. Stress that stretches rock so that it becomes thinner in the middle
  9. A large crater caused by the violent explosion of a volcano that collapses into a depression.
  10. An undersea valley that represents one of the deepest parts of the ocean.
  11. Shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault line.
  12. A crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other.
  13. A type of fault where the hanging wall slides upward; caused by compression in the crust.
  14. The first geologist to envision some of the continents as having once been joined together.
  15. A force that pushes on or squeezes a material.
  16. A steep, cone-shaped hill or small mountain made of volcanic ash, cinders, and bombs piled up around a volcano's opening.
  17. A bend in a rock; bending of rock layers due to stress.
  18. A major belt of volcanoes that rims the Pacific Ocean.
  19. A device that records ground movements caused by seismic waves as they move through Earth.
  20. A force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume.
  21. A low, flat, gently sloping volcano built from many slow flows of fluid, low-viscosity, basaltic lava.
  1. The type of fault where rocks on either side move past each other sideways with little up or down motion.
  2. An undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced; a divergent plate boundary.
  3. A volcano constructed of alternating layers of pyroclastics and rock solidified from lava flows.
  4. An invisible line that marks the extent of a territory.
  5. A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  6. A wide, flat landform that results from repeated nonexplosive eruptions of lava that spread over a large area.
  7. A hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations.
  8. A German scientist who proposed the theory of continental drift in 1912.
  9. The process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary.
  10. Arating system that estimates the total energy released by an earthquake.
  11. A type of fault where the hanging wall slides downward; caused by tension in the crust.
  12. The name of the single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago and created today's individual continents.
  13. Specify a percentage of original size to enlarge or reduce the size of an object.
  14. The movement of one part of Earth's crust under another.
  15. Stress that pushes masses of rock in opposite directions, in a sideways movement.
  16. The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor.
  17. Put together from many different parts.
  18. A fold in rock that bends upward into an arch.

39 Clues: Put together from many different parts.A force that pushes on or squeezes a material.A fold in rock that bends upward into an arch.Measure of the energy released during an earthquake.A fold in rock that bends downward to form a V shape.A major belt of volcanoes that rims the Pacific Ocean.An invisible line that marks the extent of a territory....

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2021-11-19

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a formed pre-existing rocK or pieces of once-living organisms.
  2. evolved toward those of the present.
  3. an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold.
  4. a major division of time that is a subdivision of an eon and is itself subdivided into periods.
  5. The approximate age determination of rocks, fossils or minerals made by comparing whether the material is younger or older than other surrounding material.
  6. a part or length of material formed by pushing a material through a die with a particular cross-section.
  7. form out of malleable material.
  8. the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
  9. when minerals replace the structure of an organism.
  10. the remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock.
  11. a fossil of a footprint, trail, burrow, or other trace of an animal rather than of the animal itself.
  1. an organism outline of a fossil.
  2. a surface of contact between two groups of unconformable strata.
  3. the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall to half its original value.
  4. a fossil that is useful for dating and correlating the strata in which it is found.
  5. a science dealing with the life of past geologic periods as known from fossil remains To many Americans
  6. (of a rock formation) be broken by a fault or faults.
  7. a volcano not having erupted in recorded history.
  8. the weather, especially strong winds, heavy rain, and other kinds of bad weather.
  9. a division of time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself subdivided into ages, corresponding to a series in chronostratigraphy.

20 Clues: form out of malleable organism outline of a fossil.evolved toward those of the present.a volcano not having erupted in recorded history.when minerals replace the structure of an organism.(of a rock formation) be broken by a fault or faults.a formed pre-existing rocK or pieces of once-living organisms....

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary 2022-01-24

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. divergent boundary in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
  2. Which scientist is credited for first proposing Plate Tectonics Theory?
  3. A __________ boundary occurs when two tectonic plates slide past each other.
  4. When plates collide the plate that is __________ will subduct (go beneath the other).
  5. convergence more dense oceanic plate dives under continental plate. forms a trench. causes volcanoes, and earthquakes (Andes Mountains)
  6. Theory that great slabs or plates of Earth's outer layer float on a hot, semi-molten mantle. All plates are moving slowly and have rafted continents to new positions over time
  7. Scientists believe that convection currents in the __________ is responsible for the movement of the plates that form the Earth's crust.
  8. Underwater mountain ranges where the crust is spreading apart creating new ocean floor.
  9. The ___ _______ Fault in California is a transform plate boundary.
  10. the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through geological time
  11. What do you call the process of hot rock rising, cooling, and then sinking?
  12. A deep depression of the sea floor caused by the subduction of one plate under another.
  13. A __________ boundary occurs when two tectonic plates collide into each other.
  1. Areas where plates move away from each other, forming either mid oceanic ridges or rift valleys.
  2. Areas where two plates grind past each other resulting in faults such as the San Andreas Fault. Earthquakes often occur at fault lines.
  3. Areas where plates move toward each other and collide, causing uplift or subduction.
  4. The MOST recently (newest) formed crust of the Earth would be found at a...
  5. happens where 2 continental plates collide and push up creating mountain ranges
  6. Tectonic Plates which are largely comprised of less dense granite
  7. When a collision between two plates pushes the denser plate into and under the other plate __________ takes place.
  8. When two continental plates collide large __________ will usually form.
  9. Movements within Earth's mantle that cause tectonic plates to collide, separate, or slide past each other are called __________ __________.
  10. proposed the theory of seafloor spreading
  11. At a __________ plate boundary new crust is created as two or more plates pull away from each other.
  12. single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago and gave rise to today's continents
  13. Divergent boundaries create new __________.
  14. tectonic plate that lies under an ocean comprised of denser basalt

27 Clues: proposed the theory of seafloor spreadingDivergent boundaries create new __________.divergent boundary in the middle of the Atlantic OceanTectonic Plates which are largely comprised of less dense graniteThe ___ _______ Fault in California is a transform plate boundary.tectonic plate that lies under an ocean comprised of denser basalt...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2023-11-14

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mountain chains on the ocean floor
  2. A boundary where plates move towards each other
  3. Long narrow, valley like depression on the ocean floor
  4. A form of stress where plates slip past each other
  5. A theory explaining the structure of the Earth
  6. A transfer of heat through waves
  7. The formation of new areas on the ocean floor
  8. A force acting on the plates
  9. A boundary where plates slip past each other
  10. Magma after it reaches the surface
  1. Slow movement of the continents
  2. The scientist who originated Pangea
  3. A transfer of heat through liquids
  4. A mountain where lava erupts from it
  5. Where the Earth's plates connect
  6. A fracture between rocks
  7. A transfer of heat through direct contact
  8. A boundary where plates move away from each other
  9. An ancient supercontinent for 200 million years ago
  10. A hot fluid within the earth

20 Clues: A fracture between rocksA force acting on the platesA hot fluid within the earthSlow movement of the continentsWhere the Earth's plates connectA transfer of heat through wavesMountain chains on the ocean floorA transfer of heat through liquidsMagma after it reaches the surfaceThe scientist who originated PangeaA mountain where lava erupts from it...

Plate Tectonics Project 2023-11-15

Plate Tectonics Project crossword puzzle
  1. A transfer of heat is occurring in Earth's mantle
  2. Earth’s magnetic field results from movement of the material in the
  3. The theory of seafloor spreading says that new ocean crust is formed at ocean ridges and destroyed at
  4. Which two land forms are caused by convergent plate boundaries?
  5. the name of an ancient fossil found on different continents
  6. How are scientists able to study Earth’s interior?
  7. Lavapillows and magnetic striping patterns provide evidence for
  8. The old oceanic crust is denser than new oceanic crust because it is
  9. A place where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions, is known as a
  10. On the ocean floor, rocks are the youngest near a
  1. Most geologists think that the movement of Earth’s plates is caused by
  2. Subduction zones are found at which of the plate boundaries
  3. The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle is known as
  4. Which type of evidence was NOT used by Alfred Wegener to support his continental drift hypothesis?
  5. The place where two tectonic plates move away from each other is called a
  6. the name of the German scientist that discovered the theory of continental drift
  7. Tectonic plate movements are generally measured in _?_ per year
  8. A place where two tectonic plates move toward each other is called a
  9. In sea-floor spreading, molten material rises from the mantle and erupts
  10. the name of the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago

20 Clues: A transfer of heat is occurring in Earth's mantleOn the ocean floor, rocks are the youngest near aHow are scientists able to study Earth’s interior?Subduction zones are found at which of the plate boundariesthe name of an ancient fossil found on different continentsTectonic plate movements are generally measured in _?_ per year...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2023-11-14

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the supercontinent that was discovered by Alfred Wegener
  2. a mountain where lava can erupt or explode out of
  3. heat transfers like this when there is direct contact of two objects
  4. a certain flow which transfers heat
  5. a measure of mass in a given volume of a substance
  6. a device powered by sound waves which measures the distance to an object
  7. an idea introduced by Alfred Wegener that suggests the continents slowly moved over Earths surface
  8. sections of Earths crust that are constantly in motion in motion
  9. a process where mid-ocean ridges continually add new material to the ocean floor
  10. a process where old ocean floor is sucked into the mantle
  1. long passageways to the inside of the Earth where old seafloor is sucked in and turned into new seafloor
  2. cracks in Earths crust where there has been moving plates
  3. heat transfers like this when in the form of a liquid
  4. a tectonic boundary where plates are moving into each other
  5. a deep valley of Earths crust that has diverged onto land
  6. a mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle that is underground
  7. a tectonic boundary where plates are moving away from each other
  8. heat transfers like this when there is energy coming directly from a source like the sun or fire
  9. a long underwater chain of mountains
  10. a piece of an ancient organism that was preserved in rock
  11. a tectonic boundary where plates are sliding past each other

21 Clues: a certain flow which transfers heata long underwater chain of mountainsa mountain where lava can erupt or explode out ofa measure of mass in a given volume of a substanceheat transfers like this when in the form of a liquidthe supercontinent that was discovered by Alfred Wegenercracks in Earths crust where there has been moving plates...

Science Plate Tectonics 2023-12-21

Science Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. where one edge of a plate is shoved below the edge of another
  2. processes affecting the structure of earth's crust
  3. rock slabs covering all of earth that divides earth's crust
  4. plates that slide past each other
  5. a small area with hotter temperature compared to the areas surrounding it
  6. contains the crust and upper-most solid mantle. the outer layer of the earth
  7. a type of igneous rock where magma from inside the earth flows out
  8. plates that come together
  9. caused by the earth's plates getting stuck at their edges
  10. the outermost layer of the earth. made of rock
  11. rock that is formed by molten rock cooling
  12. theory that plates drift across the earth
  1. the eruption of magma onto the earth's surface
  2. plates that move away from each other
  3. the layer below the lithosphere. denser and weaker than the lithosphere
  4. the solid area of earth's interior between the core and the crust
  5. a mountain with vents where lava, small rocks, and gas erupt through the earth's crust
  6. a type of igneous rock where magma goes through older rock and solidifies beneath the Earth's surface
  7. scientists who study the materials, processes, and history of earth
  8. caused by seafloor movement. made by landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc.

20 Clues: plates that come togetherplates that slide past each otherplates that move away from each othertheory that plates drift across the earthrock that is formed by molten rock coolingthe eruption of magma onto the earth's surfacethe outermost layer of the earth. made of rockprocesses affecting the structure of earth's crust...

MONKE13 | Plate Tectonics 2024-02-08

MONKE13 | Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. how plates move and interact with each other
  2. contains the crust and upper mantle
  3. 1 percent of the earth is covered by this; the thinnest layer of the earth
  4. liquid part of core
  5. discovered by alfred wegener
  6. pressing something into a smaller space
  7. largest layer; part of mantle
  8. what something is made up of
  9. when two plates come apart from each other
  10. when two plates come together
  11. a convergent boundary where one plate slides under the other or subducts
  1. theory that the plates are moving due to convection currents
  2. plates that move due to convection currents
  3. most of upper mantle
  4. solid part of core made of iron and nickel
  5. fracture of zone of fractures in the earths crust at a plate boundary
  6. ball shaped part at the center of the earth; split into two parts
  7. when two plates slide past each other; can cause fault lines or earthquakes
  8. discovered by harry hess
  9. thickest part of the earth

20 Clues: liquid part of coremost of upper mantlediscovered by harry hessthickest part of the earthdiscovered by alfred wegenerwhat something is made up oflargest layer; part of mantlewhen two plates come togethercontains the crust and upper mantlepressing something into a smaller spacesolid part of core made of iron and nickel...

Reliefs & Plate Tectonics 2024-04-29

Reliefs & Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a shelf that begins at the coast and descends to a depth of 200 m below the ocean.
  2. where the land meets the sea
  3. an area of land surrounded by water on all sides
  4. a part of the sea that extends into the land
  5. the tectonic plate between the Afrucan, Indo-Australian, and Eurasian plates
  6. the area of land between mountains
  7. classified into 3 categories: Continental, Coastal, and Oceanic landforms
  8. can be grouped into sierras or mountain ranges
  9. the tectonic plate between the Caribbean, Pacific, and Nazca plates
  10. TRENCHES long, deep cracks in the abyssal plain
  1. PLAINS where mid-ocean ridges are usually found
  2. a term referring to a group of islands close together
  3. the tectonic plate that hits north of Kyla’s country. (BONUS)
  4. flat areas of land at higher altitudes
  5. the tectonic plate where we can find the Atlas Mountains
  6. a strip of land that extends to the sea
  7. low flat areas of land
  8. connects a peninsula to the continent
  9. AMERICAN the tectonic plate north of the Caribbean
  10. the continental shelf descends at the continental ______.

20 Clues: low flat areas of landwhere the land meets the seathe area of land between mountainsconnects a peninsula to the continentflat areas of land at higher altitudesa strip of land that extends to the seaa part of the sea that extends into the landcan be grouped into sierras or mountain rangesPLAINS where mid-ocean ridges are usually found...


PLAT TECTONICS crossword puzzle
  1. a break in the Earth's crust
  2. plate piece of the lithosphere that moves on the asthenosphere
  3. boundary boundary between two plates moving away from each other
  4. core liquid layer of the Earth's core
  5. boundary boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other
  6. core solid, dense center of the Earth
  7. drift theory that continents drift apart
  8. outermost, rigid layer of the Earth
  9. layer between the crust and the core
  10. a squeezing force
  11. outermost layer of the Earth
  1. prevailing weather conditions of a region
  2. a pulling force
  3. boundary boundary between two colliding plates
  4. zone a region where a an oceanic plate sinks down into the athenosphere
  5. soft layer of the mantle
  6. the bending of rock layers
  7. The person whos class this is
  8. spreading new lithosphere is created here
  9. tectonics the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates

20 Clues: a pulling forcea squeezing forcesoft layer of the mantlethe bending of rock layersa break in the Earth's crustoutermost layer of the EarthThe person whos class this isoutermost, rigid layer of the Earthlayer between the crust and the corecore liquid layer of the Earth's corecore solid, dense center of the Earth...

Restless Earth Vocab 2024-04-12

Restless Earth Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. new oceanic crust is formed as tectonic plates pull apart and magma
  2. Sudden events that led to a mass extinction
  3. Located between the mantle and the outer core
  4. where tectonic plates SLIDE past each other. causes earthquakes
  5. Includes the crust and upper part of the mantle, and is decided into tectonics
  6. formed as a result of high temperature and pressure deep within Earth changing a rock that already existed
  7. An opening in the Earth's crust through which Multan rock is pushed out and creates new rock
  8. Extinction events that occur over a longer period of time
  9. Large, rigid pieces of Earth's lithosphere that move and interact with each other along plate boundries
  1. The semi-fluid layer of the mantle where convection currents happen
  2. tectonic plates move toward each other, usually forms mountains and volcanoes
  3. Forms after weathering and erosion when sediments compact and cement
  4. tectonic plates move toward each other, usually forms new crust and rift valleys
  5. Name of the ancient supercontinent when it was all one landmass
  6. Fractures or zones of weakness in Earth's crust
  7. Hot material rises,cooler material sink. It drives plate tectonics
  8. deep, elongated depressions in the ocean, often associated with abduction zones
  9. formed at plate boundaries usually when plates collide
  10. Instruments used to measure and record seismic waves
  11. A group of the same species living in the same area
  12. Rock formed when lava or magma cools and hardens

21 Clues: Sudden events that led to a mass extinctionLocated between the mantle and the outer coreFractures or zones of weakness in Earth's crustRock formed when lava or magma cools and hardensA group of the same species living in the same areaInstruments used to measure and record seismic wavesformed at plate boundaries usually when plates collide...

earth 3 2017-02-02

earth 3 crossword puzzle
  1. cone: volcano that bursts
  2. the hot liquid from magma that comes out of the volcano
  3. boundaries: when plates collide together
  4. tectonics: the puzzle pieces of land that move under the crust
  5. boundaries: when plates slide alongside each other
  6. slow lava flow volcano
  1. boundaries: When plates tectonics move apart
  2. strong eruption, lava and explodes
  3. when the volcano explodes
  4. The top part the the Earth
  5. The hot liquid under the Earth

11 Clues: slow lava flow volcanocone: volcano that burstswhen the volcano explodesThe top part the the EarthThe hot liquid under the Earthstrong eruption, lava and explodesboundaries: when plates collide togetherboundaries: When plates tectonics move apartboundaries: when plates slide alongside each other...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2017-10-17

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. layer of rock that forms Earth's outer surface
  2. the process of oceanic crust entering the mantle.
  3. Name of a single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago
  4. theory that the plates are in slow constant motion
  5. used to see the sea floor
  6. The process of the seafloor renewing because of convection currents
  7. causes rift valleys if on land
  8. something you eat off of
  9. boundary that produces mountains with 2 continental plates
  10. movement of a fluid, caused by differences in temperature
  11. layer of hot, solid material between the crust and core
  1. Undersea mountain chain where a new ocean floor is produced
  2. remains of organisms that lived in the past
  3. break in Earth’s crust
  4. point of subduction
  5. causes earthquakes
  6. theory that the continents are moving across the Earth
  7. scientist that came up with continental drift
  8. there is a popular blank in Iceland
  9. mountain with molten lava that can rise to the surface

20 Clues: causes earthquakespoint of subductionbreak in Earth’s crustsomething you eat off ofused to see the sea floorcauses rift valleys if on landthere is a popular blank in Icelandremains of organisms that lived in the pastscientist that came up with continental driftlayer of rock that forms Earth's outer surface...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2018-02-28

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a plate pulled under another plate at a convergent boundary
  2. feature that forms when sediment is carried from a river into another body of water
  3. slope of a river
  4. process where two plates collide, causing the plates to fold onto itself
  5. feature that forms when a river deposits sediment on land
  6. a tall landform formed by convergent boundaries or convection currents
  7. pressure causing rock layers to fold downward
  8. a process which breaks down landforms
  9. area around a river where sediment is deposited when it overflows
  10. a crack in the Earth's surface caused by pressure
  11. tiny pieces of natural material
  1. the outer layer of the Earth
  2. processes that help build up landforms
  3. natural process that not only alters the soil and rocks but also the plants and animals
  4. a destructive process where sediment is moved to another place
  5. the slow, broad upward movement of Earth’s surface
  6. circulating magma in the crust
  7. a valley formed by glaciers
  8. valley formed by rivers and erosion
  9. the boundary where two plates collide

20 Clues: slope of a rivera valley formed by glaciersthe outer layer of the Earthcirculating magma in the crusttiny pieces of natural materialvalley formed by rivers and erosionthe boundary where two plates collidea process which breaks down landformsprocesses that help build up landformspressure causing rock layers to fold downward...

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2013-11-21

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. an explanation that ties together many hypotheses and observations
  2. the part of the earth’s crust that underlies the oceans, made of basalt.
  3. consists of the crust and the upper part of the mantle.
  4. fracture in the earth's crust
  5. the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate being drawn down or overridden by another
  6. to become fractured along a plane.
  7. a boundary between plates that are moving toward each other
  8. the layer of Earth between the crust and the core.
  9. A long, narrow chain of hills or mountains.
  10. the idea that continents move around on Earth’s surface.
  11. – an opening in Earth’s crust from which lava, gas, and ash erupt.
  12. shaking and vibration of Earth’s surface.
  13. the movement of plates that make up the surface of Earth.
  14. a rigid section of Earth’s crust that moves very slowly.
  15. a convergent boundary where one plate is sliding beneath another.
  16. a summary of many experimental results and observations
  17. an ancient supercontinent.
  1. a curved chain of islands
  2. a process in which new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earth's mantle rises between plates or ridges and spreads out.
  3. a boundary between plates that are sliding past one another.
  4. the transfer of heat by the mass movement of heated particles into an area of cooler fluid or gas
  5. a boundary between plates that are moving away from each other.
  6. thick, less-dense lithospheric plates that are made of granite and form the continents
  7. a long narrow zone of faulting
  8. the top of an established mantle plume
  9. the part of the earth's crust that underlies the continents, made of granite, less dense
  10. , dense lithospheric plates that are made of basalt and form the ocean floor
  11. a long, steep-sided, narrow depression in the ocean floor.
  12. The border between two tectonic plates
  13. the rocky outer layer of Earth.

30 Clues: a curved chain of islandsan ancient supercontinent.fracture in the earth's crusta long narrow zone of faultingthe rocky outer layer of become fractured along a plane.the top of an established mantle plumeThe border between two tectonic platesshaking and vibration of Earth’s surface.A long, narrow chain of hills or mountains....

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2014-01-24

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the innermost layer of Earth
  2. energy transfer by the movement of a material
  3. a scientific hypothesis stating that the landmasses on earth were once a solid piece but drifted apart
  4. a measurement of how much material is in a volume
  5. the period in which all the continents were joined together to form a supercontinent
  6. plate boundary in which tectonic plates move toward each other
  7. the time period in between the Triassic and Cretatious period
  8. one of the two continents in the Triassic period; consists of today's North America and Asia
  9. plate boundary in which the plates are moving away from each other
  10. lower layer of the mantle; material bends and moves easily
  11. plate boundary in which plates slide past each other
  1. the supercontinent that consisted of all the continents put together like a jigsaw puzzle
  2. huge underwater mountains at the edges of tectonic plates
  3. one of the two continents in the Triassic period; consists of todays South America, Africa, India, Australia, and Antarctica
  4. a switch in Earth's magnetic north and south
  5. the top layer of the mantle and the crust
  6. layer of earth in between the innermost layer and the lower mantle
  7. molten rock that is below the Earth's surface
  8. substance that the innermost layer of Earth is mostly made of
  9. when one tectonic plate slides beneath another plate
  10. a place where heated rock rises in the middle of a tectonic plate
  11. the outermost layer of Earth

22 Clues: the innermost layer of Earththe outermost layer of Earththe top layer of the mantle and the crusta switch in Earth's magnetic north and southenergy transfer by the movement of a materialmolten rock that is below the Earth's surfacea measurement of how much material is in a volumewhen one tectonic plate slides beneath another plate...

Herch's Plate Tectonics 2021-12-16

Herch's Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Points north to magnetic south pole
  2. Hotspot on N. American plate
  3. Density of oceanic crust
  4. Continental Drift Dude
  5. Type of divergent boundary
  6. Circulation of heat in Asthenosphere
  7. Magnetic mineral in oceanic crust
  8. San Andreas Fault
  9. Hawaii, Iceland, or Easter Island
  10. Crashing into Eurasia forming Himalaya Mtns.
  11. Outer Core is
  12. Mountains near Peru-Chile Trench
  13. Large mass of flowing ice
  14. Created at subduction zones
  15. Deepest ocean trench
  16. Seafloor spreading guy
  17. sound waves used to measure depth
  18. Plate subducted under S. America
  19. Planet with no magnetic field
  20. Roth's other cat
  21. ESRT Earth's Interior Chart
  1. 3.5 million atmospheres
  2. Used to study Earth's composition
  3. ESRT Tectonic Plate Map
  4. Continental crust
  5. Boundary between crust & Rigid Mantle
  6. Plastic Mantle
  7. As distance from M.O.R. increases, crust gets
  8. When 1 plate is drawn under another
  9. Oceanic crust
  10. EQ waves change their speed & direction
  11. Crust & Rigid Mantle
  12. Island where magnetic lava is tested
  13. Supercontinent
  14. Ring of fire plate

35 Clues: Oceanic crustOuter Core isPlastic MantleSupercontinentRoth's other catContinental crustSan Andreas FaultRing of fire plateCrust & Rigid MantleDeepest ocean trenchContinental Drift DudeSeafloor spreading guy3.5 million atmospheresESRT Tectonic Plate MapDensity of oceanic crustLarge mass of flowing iceType of divergent boundary...

Plate Tectonics Vocaulary 2022-11-05

Plate Tectonics Vocaulary crossword puzzle
  1. the part of the earth's crust that makes up the seafloor
  2. the eruption of molten rock (magma) onto the surface of a planet
  3. the first waves to arrive at a seismograph
  4. places where plates slide sideways past each other
  5. a mixture of molten and semi-molten rock found beneath the surface of the earth
  6. a large plume of hot mantle material rising from deep within the earth
  7. anything thrown into the air during a volcanic eruption
  8. the mostly solid bulk of earth's interior
  9. two plates comes together
  10. a dip-slip fault in which the block above the fault has moved downward relative to the block below
  1. a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock
  2. built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent
  3. a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation meet after being refracted or refracted
  4. two tectonic plates move away from each other
  5. is slid and 90% iron
  6. comes out of a volcano
  7. sudden movement of the earth's lithosphere
  8. a large depression formed when a volcano erupts and collapses
  9. a seismic body wave that shakes the ground back and forth
  10. layer of the earth between the solid inner core and lower mantle

20 Clues: is slid and 90% ironcomes out of a volcanotwo plates comes togetherthe mostly solid bulk of earth's interiorthe first waves to arrive at a seismographsudden movement of the earth's lithospheretwo tectonic plates move away from each otherplaces where plates slide sideways past each otheranything thrown into the air during a volcanic eruption...

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2019-01-10

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the study of changes in Earth's magnetic field, as shown by patterns of magnetism in rocks that have formed over time
  2. the theory that proposes the Earth's outer shell consists of individual plates that interact in numerous ways. These plates can produce volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, and the crust
  3. the thin, rocky, outer layer of Earth
  4. a chain of volcanic islands generally located a few hundred kilometers from a trench where subduction of one oceanic slab beneath another is occurring
  5. a boundary by which two plates move together
  6. one of the numerous rigid sections of the lithosphere that moves as a unit over the asthenosphere
  7. a mechanism that contributes to plate motion in which cool, dense oceanic crust sinks into the mantle and pulls the lithosphere along
  8. the motion of matter from changes in temperature
  9. the solid innermost layer of Earth (1220 km in radius)
  10. a boundary where two plates slide past each other without creating nor destroying the lithosphere
  11. a proposed supercontinent that began to break about 200 million years ago and formed today's landmasses
  12. a layer beneath the mantle (2260 km thick) containing liquid iron and generating Earth's magnetic field
  13. a mechanism that may contribute to plate motion; it involves the oceanic lithosphere sliding down the oceanic ridge due to gravity
  14. The rigid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle
  1. the process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a trench back to the mantle al a colliding plate boundary
  2. mountains formed in part by volcanic activity caused by the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent
  3. The 2890 km thick layer of Earth below the crust
  4. a region where the rigid plates are moving apart, typified by the oceanic ridges
  5. a mass of hotter than normal mantle material that ascends toward the surface, where it can lead to igneous activity
  6. deep faulted structure found along the axes of divergent plate boundaries (can develop on seafloor or land)
  7. the process which plate tectonics produce new oceanic lithospheres at the ocean ridges
  8. Ocean Trench / topographic depression of the sea floor
  9. a hypothesis that states the continents were once a supercontinent but, are now moving
  10. A sound navigation and ranging tool that calculates ocean depth by recording the time of an energy pulse
  11. a weak plastic layer of the mantle below the lithosphere

25 Clues: the thin, rocky, outer layer of Eartha boundary by which two plates move togetherThe 2890 km thick layer of Earth below the crustthe motion of matter from changes in temperaturethe solid innermost layer of Earth (1220 km in radius)Ocean Trench / topographic depression of the sea floora weak plastic layer of the mantle below the lithosphere...

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2019-01-10

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a mechanism that contributes to plate motion in which cool, dense oceanic crust sinks into the mantle and pulls the lithosphere along
  2. mountains formed in part by volcanic activity caused by the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a continent
  3. the motion of matter from changes in temperature
  4. the study of changes in Earth's magnetic field, as shown by patterns of magnetism in rocks that have formed over time
  5. The rigid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle
  6. a region where the rigid plates are moving apart, typified by the oceanic ridges
  7. the thin, rocky, outer layer of Earth
  8. Floor Spreading the process which plate tectonics produce new oceanic lithospheres at the ocean ridges
  9. A sound navigation and ranging tool that calculates ocean depth by recording the time of an energy pulse
  10. a weak plastic layer of the mantle below the lithosphere
  11. a mechanism that may contribute to plate motion; it involves the oceanic lithosphere sliding down the oceanic ridge due to gravity
  1. a boundary by which two plates move together
  2. a chain of volcanic islands generally located a few hundred kilometers from a trench where subduction of one oceanic slab beneath another is occurring
  3. a hypothesis that states the continents were once a supercontinent but, are now moving
  4. the theory that proposes the Earth's outer shell consists of individual plates that interact in numerous ways. These plates can produce volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, and the crust
  5. topographic depression of the sea floor
  6. a boundary where two plates slide past each other without creating nor destroying the lithosphere
  7. A layer beneath the mantle (2260 km thick) containing liquid iron and generating Earth's magnetic field
  8. The 2890 km thick layer of Earth below the crust
  9. deep faulted structure found along the axes of divergent plate boundaries (can develop on seafloor or land)
  10. the solid innermost layer of Earth (1220 km in radius)
  11. one of the numerous rigid sections of the lithosphere that moves as a unit over the asthenosphere
  12. the process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a trench back to the mantle al a colliding plate boundary
  13. a mass of hotter than normal mantle material that ascends toward the surface, where it can lead to igneous activity
  14. a proposed supercontinent that began to break about 200 million years ago and formed today's landmasses

25 Clues: the thin, rocky, outer layer of Earthtopographic depression of the sea floora boundary by which two plates move togetherthe motion of matter from changes in temperatureThe 2890 km thick layer of Earth below the crustthe solid innermost layer of Earth (1220 km in radius)a weak plastic layer of the mantle below the lithosphere...

Plate Tectonics Terms 2019-01-04

Plate Tectonics Terms crossword puzzle
  1. / Amount of force pushing on a surface or area.
  2. Transfer / the movement of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object
  3. core / solid part of the core
  4. / the layer of hot, solid material between Earth's crust and core.
  5. Drift / hypothesis that the continents slowly move across Earth's surface
  6. / soft layer of the mantle which the lithosphere floats on.
  7. core / this part is the molten part of the Earth's core.
  8. Tectonics / the theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion driven by convection currents in the mantle
  9. / a plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  10. / the layer of rock that forms Earth's outer surface
  1. / a system that determines the distance of an object underwater by recording echoes of soundwaves
  2. / transfer of heat by movements of a fluid
  3. / direct transfer of energy through empty space through electromagnetic waves
  4. / the process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep ocean trench and back into mantle
  5. / a plate boundary where two plates move toward each other
  6. / a plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions
  7. / a rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust
  8. / name of the single landmass that broke apart 225 million years ago
  9. / a section of a lithosphere that slowly moves over the asthenosphere carrying pieces of continental and oceanic crust
  10. waves / A vibration that travels through Earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake.

20 Clues: core / solid part of the core/ transfer of heat by movements of a fluid/ Amount of force pushing on a surface or area./ the layer of rock that forms Earth's outer surface/ a plate boundary where two plates move toward each other/ soft layer of the mantle which the lithosphere floats on....

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2023-02-24

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. solid layer between earth's crust and core
  2. transfer of heat by movements of a heated fluid
  3. transfer of heat by direct contact of particles
  4. scientist that hypothesized pangea
  5. soft layer of mantle
  6. places where two or more plates meet
  7. a plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions
  8. transfer of energy through empty space
  9. rigid layer from uppermost part of crust
  1. crust found on earth's continents
  2. oceanic crust sinks beneath a trench and back into the mantle
  3. a break in earth's crust where slabs of rock slip past each other
  4. type of crust found under earth's oceans
  5. a device that determines object distance under water by sound waves
  6. a plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  7. hypothesis that continents slowly move across earth's surface
  8. layer of rock that forms earth's outer surface
  9. theory that pieces of earth's lithosphere are in motion
  10. section of lithosphere that slowly move over atmosphere
  11. geologist who discovered sea floor spreading by sonar

20 Clues: soft layer of mantlecrust found on earth's continentsscientist that hypothesized pangeaplaces where two or more plates meettransfer of energy through empty spacetype of crust found under earth's oceansrigid layer from uppermost part of crustsolid layer between earth's crust and corelayer of rock that forms earth's outer surface...

Geology - Plate Tectonics 2023-06-06

Geology - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Height above a given level, especially sea level.
  2. Layer of earth between the crust and the core.
  3. How deep or far down into the Earth an earthquake is occuring.
  4. Molten rock within Earth
  5. Plate boundary where plates crash together.
  6. The point on Earth's surface directly above where an earthquake occurred.
  7. Height above a given level, especially sea level.
  8. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction.
  9. Height above a given level, especially sea level.
  10. Two things or events happening together or at the same time, but not causing one another.
  11. A fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock.
  12. The process where earth materials are worn away & moved by forces such as wind or water.
  1. Plate boundary where plates rip apart.
  2. Plate boundary where one plate slides past another.
  3. The outermost layer of the earth
  4. These rocks started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form.
  5. These rocks form when hot, molten rock crystallizes and solidifies.
  6. The size of something.
  7. Innermost layer of the earth.
  8. A type of rock formed when layers of sediment are compressed by heavy layers of sediment above.
  9. The reason something has occurred or is occurring.
  10. Sections of bedrock in between the fault lines of cracks from earthquakes.

22 Clues: The size of something.Molten rock within EarthInnermost layer of the earth.The outermost layer of the earthPlate boundary where plates rip apart.Plate boundary where plates crash together.Layer of earth between the crust and the core.Height above a given level, especially sea level.Height above a given level, especially sea level....

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2023-11-30

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. molten rock in the Earth's crust
  2. regions of Earth where living organisms exist
  3. to use again after processing
  4. linear zone where the lithosphere is being pulled apart
  5. relating to ocean depths from 2000-5000 meters
  6. having undergone transformation by heat/pressure
  7. stack of originally linear surfaces that are bent or curved during permanent deformation
  8. oceanic lithosphere and continental recycle into Earth's mantle at convergent boundaries
  1. chemistry of Earth's crust
  2. solid outer part of Earth that includes crust and upper mantle
  3. slowly flowing layer of solid and melted rock formed by heat and pressure; lithosphere floats on this
  4. outermost solid shell of a planet
  5. bottom of sea or ocean
  6. of or relating to the earliest known rocks formed during the PreCambrian Eon
  7. geologist who uses physical principles to study properties of the Earth
  8. subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration
  9. innermost geological layer
  10. process of covering the earth with masses of ice
  11. branch of geology studying folding and faulting of Earth's crust
  12. part of a rock formation that appears above the surface

20 Clues: bottom of sea or oceanchemistry of Earth's crustinnermost geological layerto use again after processingmolten rock in the Earth's crustoutermost solid shell of a planetregions of Earth where living organisms existrelating to ocean depths from 2000-5000 metersprocess of covering the earth with masses of ice...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2023-11-09

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An opening in Earth's crust where lave escapes
  2. A string of volcanic mountains at a subduction zone
  3. The plastic-like layer of the mantle.
  4. Place under Earth's crust where the earthquake happens
  5. A boundary where plates move together
  6. Large vibrations moving through Earth's crust
  7. The lighter, older, and thicker crust.
  8. A boundary where plates move apart.
  9. Kind of volcano with alternating layers of lava
  10. Largest type of volcano with gently sloping sides
  11. German scientist who came up with Continental Drift
  1. A place where two tectonic plates meet.
  2. A deep canyon formed in a subduction zone.
  3. Place where most earthquakes happened
  4. Rock and solid lava falling from the sky
  5. When a denser plate slides under another plate.
  6. An area of volcanic activity in the middle of a plate
  7. The outermost layer of the Earth.
  8. A boundary where plates slide past one another
  9. The crust making up the ocean floor.
  10. __plates are able to move, bend, or break while floating
  11. The thickest layer of Earth just below the crust.
  12. The name of the ocean where you find the Ring of Fire
  13. A mid-ocean ___ is an underwater mountain range.
  14. The crust and rigid upper part of the mantle.
  15. Place on Earth's crust where earthquake is located

26 Clues: The outermost layer of the Earth.A boundary where plates move apart.The crust making up the ocean floor.Place where most earthquakes happenedThe plastic-like layer of the mantle.A boundary where plates move togetherThe lighter, older, and thicker crust.A place where two tectonic plates meet.Rock and solid lava falling from the sky...

Plate tectonics crossword 2023-11-14

Plate tectonics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. how much matter or mass is in something.
  2. the measure of matter.
  3. a theory that sea floor spreading is the cause of what we have today.
  4. canyons that are in the ocean and absorb land.
  5. a line or point where a region ends and a new one begins.
  6. when two plates shear against each other.
  7. ridges in the land that form big mountains.
  8. the amount of how much space is being taken up.
  9. alfred wegner called a supercontinent this.
  10. the outermost layer of the earth.
  1. an area where molten rock rises and forms magma.
  2. when mid-ocean ridges form new land.
  3. a big landmass
  4. when denser material goes below the less dense material.
  5. a mountain that forms when magma rises from the earth.
  6. a major belt of some volcanos.
  7. a mixture of molten rock.
  8. a flow of liquids that rise and fall.
  9. a long string of islands.
  10. forms when molten rock go to the surface.

20 Clues: a big landmassthe measure of matter.a mixture of molten rock.a long string of islands.a major belt of some volcanos.the outermost layer of the earth.when mid-ocean ridges form new land.a flow of liquids that rise and much matter or mass is in something.when two plates shear against each other.forms when molten rock go to the surface....

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2024-04-23

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The uppermost division of the solid earth
  2. The thick part of Earth's crust that forms continents. Older than oceanic crust
  3. Long, narrow depressions on the seafloor that forms at the boundary of tectonic plates
  4. The process in which new ocean crust is continually coming into being and spreading along the ocean floor
  5. Large landmass that is thought to have been made of all continents before drifting apart
  6. Tectonic plates compromised of oceanic crust
  7. When one lithosphere plate collides with another and is forced under another plate
  8. cracks in the Earth's crust along where there is movement
  9. The drifting of the continents
  10. Boundary made when two tectonic plates move towards each other
  11. The sudden shaking of Earth's crust caused by energy release along fault line or volcanic activity
  12. A large continuous mass of land
  1. the theory that the earth's lithosphere is divided into large, plate like sections
  2. Where the tectonic plates float
  3. Tectonic plates comprised of mainly continental crust
  4. The thick, dense layer of rock between Earth's crust and its core
  5. Boundary made when two tectonic plates move away from each other
  6. A large volcanic Crater formed by an eruption and collapse of a volcano
  7. A mountain or hill that has a crater or vent from where lava and gas have erupted from earth's crust
  8. Hot fluid below or within the earth's crust
  9. The upper layer of Earth's interior made up of the crust and upper mantle that is broken up into rocky plates
  10. The boundary between two tectonic plates
  11. Boundary made when two tectonic plates move in opposite directions against each other

23 Clues: The drifting of the continentsWhere the tectonic plates floatA large continuous mass of landThe boundary between two tectonic platesThe uppermost division of the solid earthHot fluid below or within the earth's crustTectonic plates compromised of oceanic crustTectonic plates comprised of mainly continental crust...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2024-04-23

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Melted rock inside the earth
  2. Area surrounding the pacific ocean where many volcanos form
  3. Layer of the Earth beneath the lithosphere containing slow flowing rock
  4. Melted rock outside the earth
  5. Two tectonic plates moving towards each other
  6. A massive amount of lava and ash leaving a volcano
  7. Magma building up under the earth's surface, often near a tectonic place boundary
  8. The earths crust on the land
  9. The Earths crust on the sea floor
  10. When one tectonic plates slides under another
  11. A layer of the earth containing the crust and part of the mantle
  1. Two tectonic plates moving past each other
  2. Two tectonic plates moving away from each other
  3. A shift of tectonic plates, often occurring at a transform plate boundary
  4. A massive, slowly moving piece of rock
  5. Large, heighten area of rock, typically caused by convergent plate boundaries
  6. Semi-solid layer of the earth
  7. Any form of volcanic activity
  8. The force from inside the earth that makes tectonic plates move
  9. The theory that the earth's crust is made of many, slowly moving plates
  10. A area underneath the crust of unusually high magma heat and pressure; causes volcanic island chains

21 Clues: Melted rock inside the earthThe earths crust on the landMelted rock outside the earthSemi-solid layer of the earthAny form of volcanic activityThe Earths crust on the sea floorA massive, slowly moving piece of rockTwo tectonic plates moving past each otherTwo tectonic plates moving towards each otherWhen one tectonic plates slides under another...

Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, and Pangea 2023-06-05

Continental Drift, Plate Tectonics, and Pangea crossword puzzle
  1. Creates after plate tectonics collide together and spews lava
  2. Big chunks of ice that can explain Pangea. 290 million year old glacial groves were found in India, Africa, Australia, and South America.
  3. A theory that The world was a super continent, and that the continents we know now once spread apart
  4. When Plate Tectonics slide past each other.
  5. A super continent in the southern hemisphere.
  6. A super continent in the northern hemisphere.
  7. A theory proven by scientists that implies there once was a super continent
  8. Captain who used an echo sounder to search the ocean floor
  1. Most obvious pieces of evidence for the theory Continental Drift.
  2. Cycle at which the crust moves and separates.
  3. The scientists who created the Pangea theory
  4. Under water ridge located in the mid Atlantic
  5. Pieces of the earth;'s crust that move slowly

13 Clues: When Plate Tectonics slide past each other.The scientists who created the Pangea theoryCycle at which the crust moves and separates.A super continent in the southern hemisphere.Under water ridge located in the mid AtlanticPieces of the earth;'s crust that move slowlyA super continent in the northern hemisphere....

Plate Tectonics 2018-10-10

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The only planet that we know of with plate tectonics.
  2. The crust and the top parts of the mantle form this part of the tectonics.
  3. Parts of New England and Canada used to be part of _____________.
  4. Earth's land and oceans are constantly ______________.
  5. This ocean is still opening.
  1. South America broke away from Africa when ___________ rock changed the direction of plate movement.
  2. The early Earth was much _______________ than it is today.
  3. The Earth is made up of many _______________.
  4. The scientist who determined that earth's landmasses fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.
  5. No ocean is more than two hundred ______________ years old.

10 Clues: This ocean is still opening.The Earth is made up of many _______________.The only planet that we know of with plate tectonics.Earth's land and oceans are constantly ______________.The early Earth was much _______________ than it is today.No ocean is more than two hundred ______________ years old....

evidence supporting the theory of continental drift 2023-10-09

evidence supporting the theory of continental drift crossword puzzle
  1. continental
  2. cross-continental
  3. drift
  4. plate-tectonics
  5. marks
  1. puzzle-like
  2. pangaea
  3. similarities

8 Clues: driftmarkspangaeapuzzle-likecontinentalsimilaritiesplate-tectonicscross-continental

Chapter 9 Earth Science 2022-12-02

Chapter 9 Earth Science crossword puzzle
  1. plate boundary type at the mid-ocean ridge
  2. the theory of plate _______ explains continental drift
  3. 21, ___ _____ ______ somethin for me
  4. strips of alternating __________ on the ocean floor are evidence of sea-floor spreading
  1. the depression in between two ridges at diverging plate boundaries is a rift _________
  2. ________ oceanic crust is at the ridge of diverging plates
  3. the zone where one plate slides under another
  4. these form when two continental plates converge
  5. magnetism in rocks that was induced by Earth's magnetic fields
  6. A fault where two plates slide past one another
  7. a response to "what's up"
  8. _____ oceanic crust as at continental margins

12 Clues: a response to "what's up"21, ___ _____ ______ somethin for meplate boundary type at the mid-ocean ridgethe zone where one plate slides under another_____ oceanic crust as at continental marginsthese form when two continental plates convergeA fault where two plates slide past one anotherthe theory of plate _______ explains continental drift...

Pangea 2014-09-19

Pangea crossword puzzle
  1. / Whole earth.
  2. Tectonics / A theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates.
  3. / Having property or capability.
  4. Plates / The plates that make up the surface of the earth.
  5. of Fire / The linear zone of seismic and volcanic activity.
  1. / The process of warm, less-dense water being drawn away from the shore.
  2. / Collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate being drawn down or overridden by another.
  3. / The thick portion of the earth between the crust and core.
  4. / A break in the continuity of a body of rock.
  5. / An act of transmitting.
  6. / The science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth.

11 Clues: / Whole earth./ An act of transmitting./ Having property or capability./ A break in the continuity of a body of rock.Plates / The plates that make up the surface of the earth.of Fire / The linear zone of seismic and volcanic activity./ The thick portion of the earth between the crust and core....

plate tectonics 2020-12-06

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. are pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle, together referred to as the lithosphere.
  2. is the solid, outer part of the Earth.
  3. the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean.
  4. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  5. This type of heat transfer is called.
  6. scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted.
  1. zones, places where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.
  2. an instrument used to detect and record earthquakes.
  3. made of rock or ices are generally the largest and most massive layer of the planetary body.
  4. where plates slide sideways past each other.
  5. two plates move toward each other.
  6. is an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics.

12 Clues: two plates move toward each other.This type of heat transfer is the solid, outer part of the Earth.a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.where plates slide sideways past each instrument used to detect and record earthquakes.the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean....

plate tectonics 2020-12-06

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. where plates slide sideways past each other.
  2. are pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle, together referred to as the lithosphere.
  3. is the solid, outer part of the Earth.
  4. zones, places where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.
  5. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  1. scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted.
  2. an instrument used to detect and record earthquakes.
  3. two plates move toward each other.
  4. This type of heat transfer is called.
  5. the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean.
  6. is an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics.
  7. made of rock or ices are generally the largest and most massive layer of the planetary body.

12 Clues: two plates move toward each other.This type of heat transfer is the solid, outer part of the Earth.a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.where plates slide sideways past each instrument used to detect and record earthquakes.the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean....

Plate tectonics 2020-10-15

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Formation of new oceanic crust
  2. When the plates are spreading away from eachother
  3. when the lava flow switches in polarity
  4. Deep valley created by divergent boundaires
  5. When tectonic plates slide past eachother
  6. when another plate goes beneath another
  1. The theory that the earth is made up of plates
  2. An underwater mountain range formed by plate tectonics
  3. The movement of continents over geological time
  4. When all the other coninents were once connected
  5. When magma rises up creating underwater islands and volcanos that rise to the surface over geological time
  6. deep underwater oceanic valley

12 Clues: Formation of new oceanic crustdeep underwater oceanic valleywhen the lava flow switches in polaritywhen another plate goes beneath anotherWhen tectonic plates slide past eachotherDeep valley created by divergent boundairesThe theory that the earth is made up of platesThe movement of continents over geological time...

Plate Tectonics 2018-03-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The mouth of the volcano
  2. Scale This measures the strength of the earthquake
  3. The thin layer of the earth's surface
  4. The point on the earth's surface directly above the epicentre
  5. Zone Where a plate sinks and slides under another plate
  6. The point within the earth's crust where the earthquake occurred
  7. Mountains Mountains formed by the earth's movements
  1. The molten rock that surrounds the earth's core
  2. A shaking of the earth's crust
  3. Plate A huge section of the earth's crust
  4. Volcano A gentle sided volcano with a wide base made up of basic lava
  5. The centre of the earth

12 Clues: The centre of the earthThe mouth of the volcanoA shaking of the earth's crustThe thin layer of the earth's surfacePlate A huge section of the earth's crustThe molten rock that surrounds the earth's coreScale This measures the strength of the earthquakeMountains Mountains formed by the earth's movements...

Plate Tectonics 2018-03-05

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Where the energy of an earthquake is first released.
  2. Occur where two plates slide towards each other commonly forming either a subduction zone
  3. It is right above the epicentre
  4. Current The specific pattern of the movement of a fluid due to differences in temperature and density in the fluid
  5. Hot fluid or semi-fluid material below or within the earth's crust
  6. The layer of the earth between the crust and the core
  1. A volcano with long, gentle slopes, built primarily by lava flows
  2. The outer layer of the Earth
  3. A scale used to measure the magnitude of the earthquake
  4. An opening in the earth's crust through which molten lava, ash, and gases are ejected.
  5. Powdery material split out by a volcano
  6. Rock that in its molten form

12 Clues: The outer layer of the EarthRock that in its molten formIt is right above the epicentrePowdery material split out by a volcanoWhere the energy of an earthquake is first released.The layer of the earth between the crust and the coreA scale used to measure the magnitude of the earthquake...

Plate Tectonics 2021-06-18

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. lava like
  2. measures magnitude
  3. the root or the strongest part of the earthquake.
  4. rocky outer part of the Earth
  5. a rock created by the accumulation of other rocks.
  6. rock created from the cooling and solidified lava.
  1. the layer of Earth between the crust and the outercore the liquid layer of the Earth's core that lies beneath the mantle and surrounds the inner core
  2. Big wave
  3. something that has changed of transformed.
  4. something that contains lava.
  5. Innermost geologic layer of the planet Earth
  6. sudden violent shaking of the ground

12 Clues: Big wavelava likemeasures magnitudesomething that contains lava.rocky outer part of the Earthsudden violent shaking of the groundsomething that has changed of transformed.Innermost geologic layer of the planet Earththe root or the strongest part of the earthquake.a rock created by the accumulation of other rocks....

Plate tectonics 2021-07-13

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. when the layers fold underneath eachother
  2. a mountain or hill that spits lava
  3. a flat dish
  4. the top layer
  5. A state of lava that erupts from the core
  6. a substance that erupts from a volcano
  7. when plates move into each other
  1. when plates move apart
  2. when plates move along each other
  3. relating to the ocean
  4. a semi-fluid below or within the earth's crust
  5. the shaking of the earth

12 Clues: a flat dishthe top layerrelating to the oceanwhen plates move apartthe shaking of the earthwhen plates move into each otherwhen plates move along each othera mountain or hill that spits lavaa substance that erupts from a volcanowhen the layers fold underneath eachotherA state of lava that erupts from the core...

Plate Tectonics 2021-10-25

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other.
  2. What is the name of the scientists that came up with the theory of the continental drift/pangaea?
  3. The name of the single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago and gave rise to today's continents.
  4. The process by which ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle.
  5. A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.
  1. The process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor.
  2. A deep valley along the ocean floor beneath which oceanic crust slowly sinks toward the mantle.
  3. tectonics The theory that pieces of Earth's lithosphere are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle.
  4. a break or crack in Earth's lithosphere along which the rocks move.
  5. A undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced.
  6. A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions.
  7. The hypothesis that the continents slowly move across Earth's surface.

12 Clues: A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other.A undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced.A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other.a break or crack in Earth's lithosphere along which the rocks move.The hypothesis that the continents slowly move across Earth's surface....

Plate Tectonics 2022-11-07

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. these were found in what is now African deserts to support the shifting of the plates
  2. layer of the earth that causes the plates to move slowly
  3. this boundary slides past each other at a fault to form earthquakes
  4. the theory that is based on the continents being connected and then splitting
  5. evidence of the plates being together based on their shape fitting together like this
  6. the landform in the ocean where new rock forms that lead to seafloor spreading
  7. the type of boundary that forms a trench & volcano by sinking below another plate after colliding
  1. the crust that is less dense & does not sink to be recycled at a convergent subduction boundary
  2. these were found of the same plants & animals on different continents showing the continents moved
  3. forms when two continental plates separate at a divergent boundary
  4. the type of boundary when two continental plates collide to form folded mountains
  5. the type of boundary responsible for seafloor spreading

12 Clues: the type of boundary responsible for seafloor spreadinglayer of the earth that causes the plates to move slowlyforms when two continental plates separate at a divergent boundarythis boundary slides past each other at a fault to form earthquakesthe theory that is based on the continents being connected and then splitting...

Plate Tectonics 2022-10-26

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. oceanic and continental plates collide
  2. violent shaking in the ground
  3. plates separate
  4. between the crust and the core
  5. Plates push together
  6. plates move past each other
  1. outermost layer of the earth
  2. contains iron and nickel below the mantle
  3. a mountain that spews lava
  4. soft layer of the mantle
  5. They are always moving in Earth's crust
  6. crust and uppermost of the mantle

12 Clues: plates separatePlates push togethersoft layer of the mantlea mountain that spews lavaplates move past each otheroutermost layer of the earthviolent shaking in the groundbetween the crust and the corecrust and uppermost of the mantleoceanic and continental plates collideThey are always moving in Earth's crustcontains iron and nickel below the mantle

plate tectonics 2022-10-31

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. shacking that occurs when rock in earths crust breaks
  2. a break or a crack in the earths surface
  3. a wave of energy that travels through the earth
  4. underwater mountain range
  5. a region where two plates slide against each other
  6. a region where two plates divide
  1. an area of volcanic activity
  2. a region where one plate slides under another
  3. continuous spreading of forming new igneous rock
  4. a region where two plates collide
  5. a crack that forms between two plates
  6. a string of volcanoes and sites of siesmec activity

12 Clues: underwater mountain rangean area of volcanic activitya region where two plates dividea region where two plates collidea crack that forms between two platesa break or a crack in the earths surfacea region where one plate slides under anothera wave of energy that travels through the earthcontinuous spreading of forming new igneous rock...

Plate Tectonics 2022-05-11

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the region of earths interior between the crust and core.
  2. A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and crust
  3. A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other
  4. The process that occurs when one tectonic plate moves under another
  5. A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  1. States that Earth's surface is made up of rigid slabs of rock that move with respect to one another
  2. How much energy is released by an earthquake
  3. When two plates slide past each other
  4. The partially melted portion of the mantle
  5. Circulation within fluids caused by differences in density and thermal energy
  6. a crack or a fracture in Earth's crust where movement can occur
  7. the outermost solid shell of earth

12 Clues: the outermost solid shell of earthWhen two plates slide past each otherThe partially melted portion of the mantleHow much energy is released by an earthquakeA plate boundary where two plates move toward each otherthe region of earths interior between the crust and core.A plate boundary where two plates move away from each other...

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-23

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. When one plate goes under another, it's called
  2. Molten rock that lies underground
  3. The crust and upper mantle
  4. The type of plate boundary where the plates are moving toward each other
  5. landform that spits lava and ash caused by convergent plates
  6. The type of plate boundary where the plates are moving farther apart
  7. The surname of the scientist who came up with "continental drift".
  1. The outermost layer of the earth
  2. The upper mantle
  3. The type of plate boundary where the plates are sliding past each other
  4. a split in the crust caused by divergent plates
  5. The landmass formed when all of the continents where together

12 Clues: The upper mantleThe crust and upper mantleThe outermost layer of the earthMolten rock that lies undergroundWhen one plate goes under another, it's calleda split in the crust caused by divergent plateslandform that spits lava and ash caused by convergent platesThe landmass formed when all of the continents where together...

Plate Tectonics 2023-03-29

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. THe formation of new oceanic crust by the movement of magma out of the mid-ocean ridge causing the sea floor to widen over time
  2. A landform formed when two tectonic plates slide
  3. What makes two tectonics plates move
  4. A location where two tectonic plates collide
  5. A location where two tectonic plates divide
  6. a supercontinent that incorporated almost all the landmasses on Earth.
  1. A landform formed when two plates collide
  2. The theory that large plates have been slowlymoving since about 3.4 billion years ago
  3. First started the theory of continental drift.
  4. A location where two tectonic plates slide
  5. Number of major plates
  6. A landform formed when two tectonic plates divide

12 Clues: Number of major platesWhat makes two tectonics plates moveA landform formed when two plates collideA location where two tectonic plates slideA location where two tectonic plates divideA location where two tectonic plates collideFirst started the theory of continental drift.A landform formed when two tectonic plates slide...

Plate tectonics 2023-11-15

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A theory that scientists made in the late 1960s. It states that Earths plates are always in a slow, constant mostion. They are driven by convection currents
  2. A theory that says the continents move across Earths surface at a very slow pace
  3. A once living organism that was preserved by a rock
  4. Where plates diverge or move apart from each other
  1. A deep valley along the ocean floor below where the oceanic crust slowly sinks toward the mantle
  2. Where plates converge or come together
  3. A section of the lithosphere that gradually moves over the asthenospher. Where it is carrying peices of the oceanic and continental crust
  4. The process in which mid ocean ridges add more material to the ocean floor
  5. The place where plates slip past each other
  6. a super-continent
  7. When the ocean floor sinks below a deep ocean trench. Then it moves back to the mantle
  8. The process in which seams are form mountain ranges that run across some ocean floors

12 Clues: a super-continentWhere plates converge or come togetherThe place where plates slip past each otherWhere plates diverge or move apart from each otherA once living organism that was preserved by a rockThe process in which mid ocean ridges add more material to the ocean floor...

chapter 7 2021-10-22

chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. all the continents were a part of one supper continent
  2. the denser plate sinks below the more buoyant plate
  3. tectonics earth surface is made of rigid rock or plates that move with respect to each other
  4. plate boundaries where two plates collide
  5. polarity magnetized objects will orient themselves to point south
  6. polarity magnetized objects such as compass needles will orient themselves to point north
  1. the cold rigid and outermost layer
  2. plate boundary forms when two plates separate
  3. drift continents are in constant motion
  4. spreading is the process by which new oceanic crusts form along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge
  5. the circulation of material caused by differences in temperature and density
  6. reversal the magnetic field reverses direction
  7. ridges mountain ranges in the middle of the ocean
  8. push moves lithosphere in opposite directions away from the mid-ocean ridge
  9. plate boundary forms where two plates pass each other
  10. pull as a slab sinks it pulls the rest of the plate down

16 Clues: the cold rigid and outermost layerdrift continents are in constant motionplate boundaries where two plates collideplate boundary forms when two plates separatereversal the magnetic field reverses directionridges mountain ranges in the middle of the oceanthe denser plate sinks below the more buoyant plate...

chapter 7 vocab 2021-11-01

chapter 7 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. plates moving away from the ridge
  2. the cold and rigid outermost rock layer is called
  3. drift continents are in constant motion on earth
  4. where 2 plates slide past eachother
  5. is the process by which new oceanic crust forms along a mid-ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge
  6. occurs and the magnetic field reverses direction
  7. is a state in which magnetized objects point north
  8. 2 plates collide
  1. denser plate sinks below the more buoyant plate
  2. earth surface is made of plates that move with respect to each other
  3. forms when 2 plates separate
  4. as a slab sinks it pulls on the rest of the plate with a force called
  5. the circulation of material caused by differences in tempatureand density
  6. ridges the mountain ranges in the middle of the ocean are called
  7. all the continents were once part of a supercontinent called
  8. is a state in which magnetized objects would reverse direction and point south

16 Clues: 2 plates collideforms when 2 plates separateplates moving away from the ridgewhere 2 plates slide past eachotherdenser plate sinks below the more buoyant platedrift continents are in constant motion on earthoccurs and the magnetic field reverses directionthe cold and rigid outermost rock layer is called...

Continental Drift 2023-12-19

Continental Drift crossword puzzle
  1. Drift
  2. trench
  3. spreading
  4. boundary
  1. ridge
  2. zone
  3. valley
  4. tectonics
  5. boundary
  6. boundary

10 Clues: zoneridgeDriftvalleytrenchboundaryboundaryboundarytectonicsspreading

ESCI 2021-03-04

ESCI crossword puzzle
  1. Where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally
  2. Mountain ridges along the ocean floor
  3. Process of magma rising to the surface to creat new ocean crust
  4. The centre of the ridge has a crack
  5. Deep valleys in the ocean floor
  6. The super continent
  1. Earth's deepest layer and is also the hottest.
  2. Only layer that is liquid
  3. This is a thin layer of solid rock surrounding the earth.
  4. this plate boundary is where two tectonic plates colide.
  5. this plate boundary is where two tectonic plates move apart.
  6. Below the crust
  7. As older rock gets pushed aside it accumulates this layer
  8. tectonics Explains how and why continents move
  9. Proposed the continental drift theory

15 Clues: Below the crustThe super continentOnly layer that is liquidDeep valleys in the ocean floorThe centre of the ridge has a crackMountain ridges along the ocean floorProposed the continental drift theoryEarth's deepest layer and is also the hottest.tectonics Explains how and why continents movethis plate boundary is where two tectonic plates colide....

Plate Tectonics 2017-10-20

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. crust sinks during subduction
  2. Wegener scientist who discovered the continents
  3. a supercontinent that was discovered by Alfred Wegener
  4. currents cause the plates to move
  5. plates produce great changes on Earth's surface
  1. tectonics explains the formation, movement, and subduction
  2. landforms that occurs from the plates
  3. plates come together
  4. landforms that occur from the plates
  5. plates slip past each other
  6. plates move apart/divide
  7. breaks in Earth’s crust

12 Clues: plates come togetherbreaks in Earth’s crustplates move apart/divideplates slip past each othercrust sinks during subductioncurrents cause the plates to movelandforms that occur from the plateslandforms that occurs from the platesWegener scientist who discovered the continentsplates produce great changes on Earth's surface...

Plate Tectonics 2021-12-13

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Layer of rock that forms Earth’s outer skin
  2. move apart
  3. Rigid layer formed by the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle
  4. The type of boundary where two
  5. in constant, slow motion
  1. Part of the mantle just beneath the lithosphere
  2. Kind of rock that makes up most of the continental crust
  3. Area where magma from deep within the mantle melts through the crust
  4. Trace of an organism that has been preserved in rock
  5. Force that adds potential energy to rock until the rock changes shape or breaks
  6. tectonics Geological theory that Earth’s plates
  7. core Layer of molten metal that surrounds Earth’s inner core

12 Clues: move apartin constant, slow motionThe type of boundary where twoLayer of rock that forms Earth’s outer skinPart of the mantle just beneath the lithospheretectonics Geological theory that Earth’s platesTrace of an organism that has been preserved in rockKind of rock that makes up most of the continental crust...

plate tectonics 2022-03-28

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. supercontinent
  2. plates that moved closer together
  3. magma outside the earth
  4. the topic of this crossword
  5. the plates under the ocean
  6. plates that move farther apart
  7. first layer of the earth
  1. plates moving past each other horizontally
  2. lava inside the earth
  3. the third layer of the earth
  4. the fourth layer of the earth
  5. the second layer of the earth

12 Clues: supercontinentlava inside the earthmagma outside the earthfirst layer of the earththe plates under the oceanthe topic of this crosswordthe third layer of the earththe fourth layer of the earththe second layer of the earthplates that move farther apartplates that moved closer togetherplates moving past each other horizontally

Plate Tectonics 2014-05-12

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the large land mass which consisted of all continents, which were connected.
  2. Outer shell of the earth.
  3. A sudden movement of the earth's crust caused by stress along a geologic fault.
  4. Theory that the earth's crust is made of large chunks of land which move over time.
  5. Remains of previous living organisms reserved in the rock.
  6. An area of stress in the earth where broken rocks slide past each other causing a crack in the earth's surface.
  1. Centre of the earth consisting of an inner and outer layer.
  2. Theory that all continents were once all together, but over time seperated by force of tectonic plates.
  3. Continental land masses that move relative to one another.
  4. The part of the earth that goes around the core and is solid.
  5. Vibrations carried through the earth released by the energy generated by earthquakes.
  6. Opening in the earth's crust formed by layers of lava and ash build up.

12 Clues: Outer shell of the earth.Continental land masses that move relative to one another.Remains of previous living organisms reserved in the rock.Centre of the earth consisting of an inner and outer layer.The part of the earth that goes around the core and is solid.Opening in the earth's crust formed by layers of lava and ash build up....

Plate Tectonics 2015-05-11

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. drift Movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other thus appearing to "drift" across the ocean bed
  2. Slide pass each other causing earthquake
  3. The outer layer of the earth
  4. Spot on the fault where the pressure first release
  5. Two parts forms new crust
  6. The action of congenial processes
  1. Cracks that are the most common near plate boundaries
  2. The outer layer of the core
  3. The centre part of earth's core
  4. A type of natural disease that destructs the earth
  5. unpredictable earthquake that occur shortly after big seismic events
  6. One goes underneath the other which is known as subduction

12 Clues: Two parts forms new crustThe outer layer of the coreThe outer layer of the earthThe centre part of earth's coreThe action of congenial processesSlide pass each other causing earthquakeA type of natural disease that destructs the earthSpot on the fault where the pressure first releaseCracks that are the most common near plate boundaries...

plate tectonics 2017-02-20

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A curved line of volcanoes that form a parallel to a plate boundary
  2. Mountain ranges in the middle of the oceans
  3. Parallel ridges that form where blocks of crust move up or down along faults
  4. When magnetized objects would reverse direction orient themselves to point geographically south
  5. Deep underwater troughs created by one plate subducting under another plate at a convergent plate boundary
  6. continents are in constant motion on the surface of the earth
  7. When large regions rise vertically with very little deformation
  1. hypothetical supercontinent that included all current land masses, believed to have been in existence before the continents broke apart during the Triassic and Jurassic Periods
  2. made up of layers of rocks that are folded
  3. Magnetic field reverses direction
  4. Process by which oceanic crust forms along a mid ocean ridge and older oceanic crust moves away from the ridge.
  5. A state in which magnetic objects will orient themselves to point geographically north

12 Clues: Magnetic field reverses directionmade up of layers of rocks that are foldedMountain ranges in the middle of the oceanscontinents are in constant motion on the surface of the earthWhen large regions rise vertically with very little deformationA curved line of volcanoes that form a parallel to a plate boundary...

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-15

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A fermented cucumber.
  2. The person who created the theory of continental drift.
  3. The sinking of continents under sea level.
  4. The theory was based on the theory by Alfred Wegner
  5. The flow of liquid heat that circulates.
  6. One plate boundary that creates crust.
  1. The theory proposed by Alfred Wegner
  2. A food with ingredients inside two pieces of bread
  3. The mass inside of an object.
  4. A large rodent that can swim.
  5. The plate boundary that destroys crust.
  6. Plate boundaries that neither destroys crust nor creates it.

12 Clues: A fermented cucumber.The mass inside of an object.A large rodent that can swim.The theory proposed by Alfred WegnerOne plate boundary that creates crust.The plate boundary that destroys crust.The flow of liquid heat that circulates.The sinking of continents under sea level.A food with ingredients inside two pieces of bread...

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-15

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. less dense matter rises up and pushes more dense matter down
  2. two pieces of bread with a filling in between them
  3. the continents move on magma
  4. the theory that the continents drift
  5. when magma pushes up through tectonic plates
  6. when one tectonic plate pushes under another one
  1. when something goes under something else
  2. the largest living rodent
  3. when two tectonic plates slide past eachother
  4. who came up with the theory of continental drift
  5. a fermented cucumber
  6. a measurement of weight vs. volume

12 Clues: a fermented cucumberthe largest living rodentthe continents move on magmaa measurement of weight vs. volumethe theory that the continents driftwhen something goes under something elsewhen magma pushes up through tectonic plateswhen two tectonic plates slide past eachotherwho came up with the theory of continental drift...

Plate Tectonics 2023-02-03

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Wegener, father of plate tectonic theory
  2. found at ocean-ocean/ocean-continent convergence
  3. plate boundary, plates move together
  4. surface features found at transform faults
  5. activity found at all except transform faults
  1. plate boundary, plates move apart
  2. mountains, caused by collistion of 2 continents
  3. arc, caused by subduction at ocean-ocean bounaries
  4. found at all plate boundaries
  5. ridge found at divergent boundaries
  6. fault boundary, plates slide past each other
  7. valley, found at divergent boundaries

12 Clues: found at all plate boundariesplate boundary, plates move apartridge found at divergent boundariesplate boundary, plates move togethervalley, found at divergent boundariesWegener, father of plate tectonic theorysurface features found at transform faultsfault boundary, plates slide past each otheractivity found at all except transform faults...

Plate Tectonics 2023-03-29

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. THe formation of new oceanic crust by the movement of magma out of the mid-ocean ridge causing the sea floor to widen over time
  2. A landform formed when two tectonic plates slide
  3. What makes two tectonics plates move
  4. A location where two tectonic plates collide
  5. A location where two tectonic plates divide
  6. a supercontinent that incorporated almost all the landmasses on Earth.
  1. A landform formed when two plates collide
  2. The theory that large plates have been slowlymoving since about 3.4 billion years ago
  3. First started the theory of continental drift.
  4. A location where two tectonic plates slide
  5. Number of major plates
  6. A landform formed when two tectonic plates divide

12 Clues: Number of major platesWhat makes two tectonics plates moveA landform formed when two plates collideA location where two tectonic plates slideA location where two tectonic plates divideA location where two tectonic plates collideFirst started the theory of continental drift.A landform formed when two tectonic plates slide...

plate tectonics 2020-12-06

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument used to detect and record earthquakes.
  2. two plates move toward each other.
  3. is the solid, outer part of the Earth.
  4. zones, places where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.
  5. is an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics.
  6. This type of heat transfer is called.
  1. scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted.
  2. made of rock or ices are generally the largest and most massive layer of the planetary body.
  3. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  4. where plates slide sideways past each other.
  5. are pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle, together referred to as the lithosphere.
  6. the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean.

12 Clues: two plates move toward each other.This type of heat transfer is the solid, outer part of the Earth.a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.where plates slide sideways past each instrument used to detect and record an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics....

plate tectonics 2020-12-06

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument used to detect and record earthquakes.
  2. two plates move toward each other.
  3. is the solid, outer part of the Earth.
  4. zones, places where the seafloor is forced under continental plates.
  5. is an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics.
  6. This type of heat transfer is called.
  1. scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted.
  2. made of rock or ices are generally the largest and most massive layer of the planetary body.
  3. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.
  4. where plates slide sideways past each other.
  5. are pieces of Earth's crust and uppermost mantle, together referred to as the lithosphere.
  6. the thin part of the earth's crust located under the ocean.

12 Clues: two plates move toward each other.This type of heat transfer is the solid, outer part of the Earth.a sudden and violent shaking of the ground.where plates slide sideways past each instrument used to detect and record an underwater mountain range, formed by plate tectonics....

Plate Tectonics 2022-04-29

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a zone that is dangerous
  2. the layer below the crust
  3. someone who study's rocks
  4. plates that cause all earthquakes
  5. The crust closest to the core
  6. The study of rocks
  1. change in the original shape of a material
  2. A zone of fractured plates
  3. Thinnest layer on Earth
  4. Plate tectonics causing something
  5. the circum pacific belt
  6. the center of the earth

12 Clues: The study of rocksThinnest layer on Earththe circum pacific beltthe center of the eartha zone that is dangerousthe layer below the crustsomeone who study's rocksA zone of fractured platesThe crust closest to the corePlate tectonics causing somethingplates that cause all earthquakeschange in the original shape of a material

Plate Tectonics 2017-12-06

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
  2. rift valleys where the crust has been stretched
  3. plates move together
  4. continents that move slowly on the Earth's surface
  5. plates move apart
  6. the last supercontinent on Earth about 300 million years ago
  1. plates slip past each other
  2. deep underwater canyons
  3. mid-ocean ridges continually add new material to the ocean floor
  4. from long chains of mountains that rise up from the ocean floor
  5. a large elongated depression with steep walls
  6. ocean floor sinks beneath and deep ocean trench and back into the mantle again

12 Clues: plates move apartplates move togetherdeep underwater canyonsplates slip past each othera large elongated depression with steep wallsrift valleys where the crust has been stretchedcontinents that move slowly on the Earth's surfacethe last supercontinent on Earth about 300 million years ago...

Plate Tectonics 2024-02-01

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Strong lower part of the mantle the under Asthenosphere
  2. Thickest layer of the Earth under the crust
  3. The outer post part of the Earth
  4. Theory of the continents moving
  5. Solid outer layer that contains the crust
  6. Outside part of the Core
  1. Proccess where new Lithospheric crust is created under the ocean
  2. Inside part of the Core
  3. Block of lithosphere that contains the crust
  4. Break in the body of rock along a transform boundary
  5. The center of the Earth and the hottest part
  6. Soft plastic-like layer of the mantle

12 Clues: Inside part of the CoreOutside part of the CoreTheory of the continents movingThe outer post part of the EarthSoft plastic-like layer of the mantleSolid outer layer that contains the crustThickest layer of the Earth under the crustBlock of lithosphere that contains the crustThe center of the Earth and the hottest part...

"Building" Features on Earth's Surface 2022-02-28

"Building" Features on Earth's Surface crossword puzzle
  1. This mountain range in South America is an example of a continental volcanic arc
  2. This type of spot is a volcanic region not associated with a plate boundary
  3. This island chain is an example of a volcanic hot spot
  4. This type of rock is formed by volcanic activity
  5. a long crack in the lithospheric plate formed by hot mantle pushing up from below
  6. comes from the Greek word tekton, which means "builder"
  7. An elevation of the seafloor
  8. This type of plate boundary is also referred as a collision boundary
  1. This plate is subducting under the South American Plate
  2. This type of plate boundary in which two plates slide parallel to each other
  3. what happens when one plate moves beneath another
  4. This type of plate boundary is also referred to as a spreading region
  5. The zone where two continents have met and become welded together
  6. The area that is formed above the subduction zone. These can be twice as deep as the average depth of the deep ocean

14 Clues: An elevation of the seafloorThis type of rock is formed by volcanic activitywhat happens when one plate moves beneath anotherThis island chain is an example of a volcanic hot spotThis plate is subducting under the South American Platecomes from the Greek word tekton, which means "builder"...


PLATE TECTONICS crossword puzzle
  1. __________ _____________ occurs at spreading ridges where magma cools and hardens, pushing the older rock farther away
  2. A divergent boundary found in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
  3. These form when two continental plates move together
  4. Plate boundary at which tectonic plates come together
  5. Plate boundary at which tectonic plates slide past each other
  6. When an oceanic plate subducts below a continental plate a deep underwater valley called a ___________ forms.
  7. A ____________ valley commonly occurs when two continental plates move away from each other (hint: there is a famous example in Africa!)
  1. Famous transform fault in California
  2. __________ _____________ happens subduction zones where one plate is pulled underneath another
  3. At the boundary between two oceanic plates a deep _________ ____________ forms
  4. Plate boundary at which tectonic plates move apart
  5. These currents occur in the mantle and help to drive plate movement

12 Clues: Famous transform fault in CaliforniaPlate boundary at which tectonic plates move apartThese form when two continental plates move togetherPlate boundary at which tectonic plates come togetherPlate boundary at which tectonic plates slide past each otherA divergent boundary found in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean...

Plate Tectonics 2017-12-10

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The Kobe earthquake measured 6.9 on this scale.
  2. What fault causes earthquakes in California? (3,7)
  3. Type of plate boundary where crust is neither created nor destroyed.
  4. Zone where oceanic crust is forced down and under continental crust.
  5. In December 2004 one of these hit Indonesia. It resulted in over 120,000 deaths.
  1. A sudden tremor or movement of the earth's crust, which originates naturally at or below the surface.
  2. As two continental plates move towards each other, they are forced upwards creating this feature. (4,9)
  3. The force which opposes the motion of one plate surface as it moves across another plate.
  4. A deep sea feature created by subduction.
  5. Type of plate margin characterised by subduction zones and long fold mountain chains.
  6. An instrument used to measures force and duration of an earthquake.
  7. There is one in the Mid-Atlantic, and Iceland sits on one.

12 Clues: A deep sea feature created by subduction.The Kobe earthquake measured 6.9 on this scale.What fault causes earthquakes in California? (3,7)There is one in the Mid-Atlantic, and Iceland sits on one.An instrument used to measures force and duration of an earthquake.Type of plate boundary where crust is neither created nor destroyed....

Plate Tectonics 2020-12-01

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the most outer solid portion of the planet earth
  2. the outer part of the Earth's crust
  3. the coast of South America seems to fit into the coast of this continent like jigsaw puzzle
  4. a theory that believed the hot earth cooled into cracked plates of land
  5. the scientist who first proposed the theory that the continents drifted
  6. a supercontinent where all current continents fit together
  1. one tectonic plate slides under another
  2. the theory of Continental _______
  3. the section of Earth below the crust
  4. deposits prove that continents have drifted because this mineral in only found where there used to be tropical vegetation
  5. paleontologists noticed these were the same on continents separated by oceans
  6. the sea floor pulls apart due to continental drift

12 Clues: the theory of Continental _______the outer part of the Earth's crustthe section of Earth below the crustone tectonic plate slides under anotherthe most outer solid portion of the planet earththe sea floor pulls apart due to continental drifta supercontinent where all current continents fit together...

Plate Tectonics 2021-04-13

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Boundary where 2 plates slide
  2. Boundary where 2 plates collide
  3. a mountain that erupts
  4. thin crust under the oceans
  5. a shaking of the ground
  6. a large chunk of crust
  1. When one plate slides under another
  2. the cycle of rising, falling & sinking
  3. Boundary where 2 plates divide
  4. the nickname for the Pacific plate
  5. the thick crust we live on
  6. The supercontinent

12 Clues: The supercontinenta mountain that eruptsa large chunk of crusta shaking of the groundthe thick crust we live onthin crust under the oceansBoundary where 2 plates slideBoundary where 2 plates divideBoundary where 2 plates collidethe nickname for the Pacific plateWhen one plate slides under anotherthe cycle of rising, falling & sinking

Plate Tectonics 2022-03-01

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Plates are part of Earth’s crust that are _________ shaped and moving
  2. These boundaries are called constructive boundaries.
  3. The super land mass. How the continents looked 200 million years ago
  4. What kind of stress occurs at transform boundaries?
  5. When plates come together (or converge) at the trenches, they form a _______ boundary
  6. The word that refers to the branch of geology that deals with the movements that shape Earth’s crust
  7. Plates fit together like a...
  8. No new plate material is made and no plate material is destroyed at these boundaries
  1. As the plates are sliding past each other at transform boundaries, what occurs?
  2. The topmost solid part of Earth. Made up of several different plates. Plates usually contain both oceanic and continental crust.
  3. What type of stress occurs at convergent boundaries?
  4. What type of stress occurs at divergent boundaries

12 Clues: Plates fit together like a...What type of stress occurs at divergent boundariesWhat kind of stress occurs at transform boundaries?These boundaries are called constructive boundaries.What type of stress occurs at convergent boundaries?The super land mass. How the continents looked 200 million years ago...

Plate tectonics 2021-12-20

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Core
  2. boundaries 1
  3. Layer
  4. Crust
  5. ranges boundaries
  6. Mantel
  7. Core
  8. ocean trenches
  9. valley
  1. boundaries 3
  2. When one plate goes under another
  3. boundaries 2
  4. The edges where two plates meet
  5. Layer
  6. Mantel

15 Clues: CoreCoreLayerLayerCrustMantelMantelvalleyboundaries 3boundaries 2boundaries 1ocean trenchesranges boundariesThe edges where two plates meetWhen one plate goes under another

plate tectonics 2023-05-03

plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. giant rodent.
  2. the mass in an object
  3. how earth plates move.
  4. one plate moves past another.
  5. when one plate goes over another plate.
  6. when two plates collide.
  7. bread meat cheese
  8. two boundary's move away from eachother.
  1. when warm air rises and cold air falls.
  2. moving land.
  3. person who created the theory of continental drift.
  4. vinegar cucumber.

12 Clues: moving land.giant rodent.vinegar cucumber.bread meat cheesethe mass in an objecthow earth plates move.when two plates plate moves past another.when warm air rises and cold air falls.when one plate goes over another plate.two boundary's move away from eachother.person who created the theory of continental drift.

Plate Tectonics 2022-09-30

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. boundary where two plates slide past one another horizontally
  2. the thin outer shell of Earth that is broken into several blocks, made of the Earth's crust and Mantle
  3. boundary that forms where two plates collide
  4. when one plate moves under another
  5. plate _________ is the theory that explains why and how continents move
  6. boundary at which two plates move away from each other
  7. study of the alignment of magnetic minerals in rock
  1. layer of plastic rock just below the lithosphere
  2. the name of the supercontinent that formed about 300 million years ago
  3. continental _________ is the theory that explains why and how continents move
  4. sea-floor ________ is the process by which new sea floor forms as magma rises through a rift
  5. the movement of heated material throughout the Earth's mantle due to differences in density and temperature

12 Clues: when one plate moves under anotherboundary that forms where two plates collidelayer of plastic rock just below the lithospherestudy of the alignment of magnetic minerals in rockboundary at which two plates move away from each otherboundary where two plates slide past one another horizontally...

Plate Tectonics 2022-11-21

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Two plates slide apart forming Rift Valleys or seafloor spreading
  2. Scientist who suggested the theory of continental drift
  3. Outer layer of the earth where we live
  4. Two plates collide forming mountains
  5. The layer of the earth that the tectonic plates float on
  6. The large landmass known as Pangaea
  7. Molten rock that pushes up from the mantle to become lava
  1. The place where two plates meet
  2. Crust layer that is denser and thinner than contintal crust
  3. Solid center of the earth made of nickel and iron
  4. The layer of the earth that is broken up into plates
  5. Two plates slide past each other causing earthquakes and volcanoes

12 Clues: The place where two plates meetThe large landmass known as PangaeaTwo plates collide forming mountainsOuter layer of the earth where we liveSolid center of the earth made of nickel and ironThe layer of the earth that is broken up into platesScientist who suggested the theory of continental drift...

Plate Tectonics 2022-10-26

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. oceanic and continental plates collide
  2. violent shaking in the ground
  3. plates separate
  4. between the crust and the core
  5. Plates push together
  6. plates move past each other
  1. outermost layer of the earth
  2. contains iron and nickel below the mantle
  3. a mountain that spews lava
  4. soft layer of the mantle
  5. They are always moving in Earth's crust
  6. crust and uppermost of the mantle

12 Clues: plates separatePlates push togethersoft layer of the mantlea mountain that spews lavaplates move past each otheroutermost layer of the earthviolent shaking in the groundbetween the crust and the corecrust and uppermost of the mantleoceanic and continental plates collideThey are always moving in Earth's crustcontains iron and nickel below the mantle


PLATE TECTONICS crossword puzzle


Plate Tectonics 2023-12-20

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Thicker but less denser crust
  2. Molten rock
  3. An effect of transform boundaries
  4. An effect of convergent boundaries
  5. 2 plates that move away from each other
  6. The type of rock that the Oceanic Crust has
  1. 2 plates that slide past each other
  2. 2 plates that go towards each other
  3. Pieces of the Earth and cause changes to the outside.
  4. Process where
  5. The thinner but more denser crust
  6. An effect of divergent boundaries

12 Clues: Molten rockProcess whereThicker but less denser crustAn effect of transform boundariesThe thinner but more denser crustAn effect of divergent boundariesAn effect of convergent boundaries2 plates that slide past each other2 plates that go towards each other2 plates that move away from each otherThe type of rock that the Oceanic Crust has...

plate tectonics crossword 2014-01-14

plate tectonics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. clue of continental drift
  2. a number of rigid, but moving, pieces of the earths surface
  3. plate _______
  4. theory of the formation and movement of the plates that cover the earths surface
  5. forms when two lithosphere plate come together
  6. section of earth below the crust
  7. alfred ______
  8. forms when two lithospheric plates slide past each other
  1. the outer shell of earth that extends to a depth of 100km
  2. the theory that all continents are fragments of pangaea now drifting apart
  3. seafloor
  4. the partially melted layer of the mantle that underlies the lithosphere
  5. where new seafloor is created
  6. outer most layer of earth
  7. ______ drift
  8. center of earth
  9. layer of earth after inner core
  10. forms when two lithospheric plates move apart
  11. states that youngest rocks of ocean floor are at diverging boundaries, moving outward

19 Clues: seafloor______ driftplate _______alfred ______center of earthclue of continental driftouter most layer of earthwhere new seafloor is createdlayer of earth after inner coresection of earth below the crustforms when two lithospheric plates move apartforms when two lithosphere plate come togetherforms when two lithospheric plates slide past each other...

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2020-03-24

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a place where extremely hot material from inside Earth erupts at the surface
  2. molten rock that has erupted onto Earth's surface
  3. older crust is pushed below new ocean crust and squeezes the plates sideways
  4. name for the crust and the upper mantle together; Earth's tectonic plates
  5. when one plate sinks below another plate during a collision
  6. a longitudinal seismic wave that travels fast through Earth
  7. a huge wave in the ocean caused by an earthquake occurring on the seafloor
  8. a layer of 'plastic' semi-solid rock in the lower mantle on which Earth's tectonic plates move
  9. the place below ground where an earthquake starts
  10. a depression in the ocean floor
  1. molten rock below Earth's surface
  2. the crust that forms the ocean floor
  3. plates are pulled apart at the mid-ocean ridges
  4. the point on Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
  5. layer beneath Earth's crust
  6. the process of continents breaking up, subsiding and allowing in water from the sea
  7. the rapid movement of the ground, usually back and forth and up and down in a wave motion, due to the movement of tectonic plates
  8. isolated place away from plate boundaries where a lot of hot magma is collected
  9. a chain of islands formed at the edges of colliding tectonic plates where one plate subducts

19 Clues: layer beneath Earth's crusta depression in the ocean floormolten rock below Earth's surfacethe crust that forms the ocean floorplates are pulled apart at the mid-ocean ridgesmolten rock that has erupted onto Earth's surfacethe place below ground where an earthquake startswhen one plate sinks below another plate during a collision...

Plate Boundaries 2020-11-30

Plate Boundaries crossword puzzle
  1. Famous transform boundary in California
  2. these geological features form when one tectonic plate subducts under another plate
  3. Divergent plates under the ocean cause this
  4. Tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  1. two converging continental plates form this geological feature
  2. This feature is found on continents at a divergent boundary
  3. 2 tectonics plates sliding by each other
  4. When one tectonic plate goes underneath another plate
  5. Process that causes tectonic plates to move
  6. Tectonic plates that move towards each other
  7. Currents in the ______ cause the tectonic plates to move

11 Clues: Famous transform boundary in California2 tectonics plates sliding by each otherProcess that causes tectonic plates to moveDivergent plates under the ocean cause thisTectonic plates that move towards each otherTectonic plates that are moving away from each otherWhen one tectonic plate goes underneath another plate...

Plate Tectonics Review (NMESA) 2018-05-02

Plate Tectonics Review (NMESA) crossword puzzle
  1. type of force acting at a conservative plate margin
  2. mountains formed by the collision of India and Eurasia
  3. type of fault associated with conservative and divergent plate margins
  4. submarine mountain chain
  5. discovered on the seafloor by Frederick Vine and Drummond Matthews
  6. type of force acting at a convergent plate margin
  7. deepest part of the oceans
  8. feature formed at a convergent oceanic-oceanic plate margin such as the Caribbean islands
  9. hot, weak, plastic layer of Earth indicated by a geotherm of 1300 degrees centigrade
  10. type of plate margin where two plates are moving away from each other
  11. German meteorologist whose original idea formed the basis for the theory of plate tectonics
  12. outer layer of the Earth made up of the crust and uppermost mantle, which is solid and rigid
  13. type of low-angle fault associated with convergent plate margins
  14. features formed at convergent continental-continental plate margins
  15. layer beneath the Earth's crust
  1. where oceanic lithosphere is pulled back down into the asthenosphere
  2. formed by submarine eruptions of basalt
  3. boundary between the North American and Pacific plates in California
  4. type of plate margin where two plates are moving towards each other
  5. theory first proposed by Alfred Wegener
  6. process by which oceans grow progressively larger
  7. name of the most recent supercontinent
  8. type of force acting at a divergent plate margin
  9. pre-historic land mass that included the current continents of the southern hemisphere
  10. pre-historic land mass that included the current continents of the northern hemisphere
  11. type of plate margin where two plates are sliding past each other
  12. feature found along the center of mid ocean ridges

27 Clues: submarine mountain chaindeepest part of the oceanslayer beneath the Earth's crustname of the most recent supercontinentformed by submarine eruptions of basalttheory first proposed by Alfred Wegenertype of force acting at a divergent plate marginprocess by which oceans grow progressively largertype of force acting at a convergent plate margin...

puzzleschapter 7 Joel lacrone 2021-10-13

puzzleschapter 7 Joel lacrone crossword puzzle
  1. continents are in motion
  2. slab sings it pulls on the rest of the plate with a force
  3. cold and rigid outermost rock layer
  4. circulation of materials caused by differense
  5. rising mantal materail at mid ocean ridges
  6. form where two plates slide past eacheother
  7. a state in which mangetized objects point north
  1. forms where two plates separate
  2. where to plates collide
  3. a theory that all the continents were together
  4. mountain ranges in the middle of the ocean
  5. magnetic field reverses polarity magnetized objects point south
  6. denser plates sinks below themore buoyant plate
  7. new crust forms along a midocean ridge
  8. tectonics earths surface is made up of rigid rocks

15 Clues: where to plates collidecontinents are in motionforms where two plates separatecold and rigid outermost rock layernew crust forms along a midocean ridgemountain ranges in the middle of the oceanrising mantal materail at mid ocean ridgesform where two plates slide past eacheothercirculation of materials caused by differense...

Plate tectonics crossword 2024-03-21

Plate tectonics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. - the lithosphere is divided into...
  2. - South America matches up with this continent.
  3. - result of plate tectonics
  4. - this piece of evidence explains why palm tree fossils have been found in very cold regions
  5. - the Earth is made up of these and they are constantly moving along above the mantle.
  6. - the Earth's crust is divided into plates that shift over time.
  7. - the layer of Earth which is believed to be responsible for plate movement
  8. - continents fit together like_______ pieces
  1. - when two plates move away from each other
  2. - the outer most layer of earth
  3. - the super continent was called
  4. - the scientist who is generally credited with the continental drift theory
  5. - an idea developed in the 20th century
  6. - what is the liquid layer of Earth's core.
  7. - what element makes up most of the Earth's core
  8. - evidence of dead plants and animals
  9. - type of boundary between two colliding plates
  10. - result of plate tectonics
  11. - scrapes across rocks where a glacier once was
  12. -currents are found in the mantle and cause the tectonic plates to move

20 Clues: - result of plate tectonics- result of plate tectonics- the outer most layer of earth- the super continent was called- the lithosphere is divided into...- evidence of dead plants and animals- an idea developed in the 20th century- when two plates move away from each other- what is the liquid layer of Earth's core....

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary 2022-05-04

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. usually formed when an oceanic plate slips underneath a continental plate
  2. The theory of plates forming the Earth's crust that form its various landmasses (2 word phrase)
  3. The molten layer of rock in Earth
  4. deep valley formed by tectonic plate movement
  5. ancient supercontinent
  6. The surface layer of rock in earth
  7. tectonic boundary that forms mountains
  8. Break or crack in the Earth's crust
  1. The theory in which continents move around on the Earth's surface (2 word phrase)
  2. tectonic boundary that makes earthquakes
  3. tectonic boundary that forms valleys

11 Clues: ancient supercontinentThe molten layer of rock in EarthThe surface layer of rock in earthBreak or crack in the Earth's crusttectonic boundary that forms valleystectonic boundary that forms mountainstectonic boundary that makes earthquakesdeep valley formed by tectonic plate movement...

Tectonic Plates 2021-12-20

Tectonic Plates crossword puzzle
  1. divergent oceanic plates
  2. also caused by convergent boundaries
  3. the separation of tectonic plates
  4. the movement of plates
  5. the process of a plate going beneath another plate
  6. the action of plates sliding past each other
  7. the collision of tectonic plates
  1. the aftermath of an earthquake
  2. volcanoes that form over the ocean
  3. caused by convergent boundaries
  4. caused by convergent boundaries

11 Clues: the movement of platesdivergent oceanic platesthe aftermath of an earthquakecaused by convergent boundariescaused by convergent boundariesthe collision of tectonic platesthe separation of tectonic platesvolcanoes that form over the oceanalso caused by convergent boundariesthe action of plates sliding past each other...

Earths Crust 2017-10-24

Earths Crust crossword puzzle
  1. semi-melted rock
  2. Ring of
  3. theory that earths crust is made up of plates
  4. a long period of time
  5. when plates move away from each other
  6. a devise that measures earthquakes
  7. crack in the earths crust
  8. someone who studies what makes up the Earth
  9. mountain made from lava
  10. vibrations in the earths crust
  1. point of surface where earthquake starts
  2. large hill made from convergent boundary
  3. where an earthquake starts
  4. when plates collide with each other
  5. shaking of the earths crust
  6. when plates slide past each other
  7. earths crust above the ocean
  8. when one plate moves under another plate
  9. earths crust under the ocean
  10. ripples that an earthquake sends out

20 Clues: Ring ofsemi-melted rocka long period of timemountain made from lavacrack in the earths crustwhere an earthquake startsshaking of the earths crustearths crust above the oceanearths crust under the oceanvibrations in the earths crustwhen plates slide past each othera devise that measures earthquakeswhen plates collide with each other...

Plate tectonics 2022-02-16

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a continuous series of undersea volcanic mountains
  2. A crack caused by plate tectonics
  3. a blast of heat from the core
  4. boundary A tectonic plate that separates
  5. boundary A tectonic plate that grates next to another one
  1. a process that causes plates to move
  2. series of volcanoes under the sea
  3. hot molten rock
  4. boundary A plate that combines with one another
  5. an oceanic trench that can be as big as a continent

10 Clues: hot molten rocka blast of heat from the coreseries of volcanoes under the seaA crack caused by plate tectonicsa process that causes plates to moveboundary A tectonic plate that separatesboundary A plate that combines with one anothera continuous series of undersea volcanic mountainsan oceanic trench that can be as big as a continent...