radiation biology Crossword Puzzles

biology 2022-01-14

biology crossword puzzle
  1. a compound which is one of the four constituent bases of nucleic acids
  2. basic building block of nucleic acids
  3. the basic physical unit of inheritance
  4. of the structure of a DNA molecule
  5. bond-an intermolecular force
  6. a substance that is insoluble in water and soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform
  7. organism that lacks a distinct nucleus and other organelles due to the absence of internal membranes
  8. up of chemical 'building blocks' called amino acids
  9. compound that occurs in guano and fish scales
  10. the interatomic linkage that results from the sharing of an electron pair between two atoms
  11. a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code
  1. a single set of unpaired chromosomes
  2. A form of phosphoric acid
  3. to the body
  4. mature haploid male or female germ cell
  5. containing two complete sets of chromosomes-a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus
  6. acid- molecules that combine to form proteins
  7. sugar derived from ribose
  8. whose cells have a nucleus enclosed within a nuclear envelope
  9. one of four chemical bases in DNA
  10. a biological catalyst
  11. simple sugar and carbohydrate
  12. helix-description of the structure of a DNA molecule
  13. is a nucleotide
  14. minute particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins

25 Clues: to the bodyis a nucleotidea biological catalystA form of phosphoric acidsugar derived from ribosebond-an intermolecular forcesimple sugar and carbohydrateone of four chemical bases in DNAof the structure of a DNA moleculea single set of unpaired chromosomesbasic building block of nucleic acidsthe basic physical unit of inheritance...

Biology 2022-01-31

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. an organism causing disease to its host
  2. an infectious agent that can only replicate within a host organism
  3. microscopic organisms
  4. close ecological relationship between the individuals of two different species
  5. organism that breaks down dead organic material
  6. a substance that causes your immune system to fight against it
  7. a classification system
  8. most widely used method of generating phylogenetic trees
  9. having a high degree of resistance to an illness or disease
  10. chemical substance produced by a living organism,
  11. origin of the chroloplast and mitochondria
  1. proteins produced by the body's immune system
  2. asexual reproduction by a separation of the body into two new bodies
  3. part of the body's immune system
  4. any member of a group of diverse eukaryotic any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
  5. small single-celled organisms.
  6. the science of naming, describing and classifying organisms
  7. any organism that lacks a distinct nucleus and other organelles due to the absence of internal membranes
  8. containing multiple cells
  9. medicine that trains the body's immune system so that it can fight a disease it has not come into contact with before.
  10. occurs when a large portion of a community (the herd) becomes immune to a disease, making the spread of disease from person to person unlikely

21 Clues: microscopic organismsa classification systemcontaining multiple cellssmall single-celled organisms.part of the body's immune systeman organism causing disease to its hostorigin of the chroloplast and mitochondriaproteins produced by the body's immune systemorganism that breaks down dead organic material...

Biology 2023-08-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Organic compounds providing energy through sugar, starch, and fiber consumption.
  2. Reaction releases heat, often feeling warm or hot.
  3. energy required to initiate a chemical reaction.
  4. Double sugar molecule formed by two monosaccharides through bonding.
  5. Organic compounds, the building blocks of proteins, essential for diverse biological functions.
  6. Single sugar molecule, fundamental unit for carbohydrates, energy source in cells.
  7. Essential biomolecule, diverse functions, composed of amino acids, crucial for life's processes.
  8. Building block of lipids, vital for energy storage and cellular structure.
  1. Fats with double bonds, healthier than saturated fats, found in plant oils.
  2. Study of living organisms and processes.
  3. Complex carbohydrate formed from linked sugar molecules.
  4. Catalyst speeding up biochemical reactions.
  5. Acid Genetic information storage and transmission molecules.
  6. sweet, soluble carbohydrate, energy source, building block for complex molecules in organisms.
  7. serve as energy sources, insulation, and components of cell membranes.
  8. Endothermic reactions absorb heat, becoming cooler, often feeling cold to touch.
  9. Reactant acted upon by enzyme in biochemical reactions.
  10. Molecular unit comprising a base, sugar, and phosphate in nucleic acids.
  11. Three-carbon molecule in lipid structures.
  12. refer to saturated fats, meaning they have no double bonds between carbon atoms in their fatty acid chains.

20 Clues: Study of living organisms and processes.Three-carbon molecule in lipid structures.Catalyst speeding up biochemical reactions.energy required to initiate a chemical reaction.Reaction releases heat, often feeling warm or hot.Reactant acted upon by enzyme in biochemical reactions.Complex carbohydrate formed from linked sugar molecules....

biology 2023-09-26

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Respiration: The process by which cells break down glucose and other organic molecules to produce energy in the form of ATP.
  2. The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment.
  3. The process of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, leading to the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells).
  4. Chemical messengers produced by glands that regulate various physiological processes in the body.
  5. The variety of life forms and species in a particular habitat, ecosystem, or the entire planet.
  6. A group of individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature, sharing common characteristics.
  7. The process of cell division that results in the production of two identical daughter cells, used for growth and repair.
  8. The science of classifying and naming living organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.
  9. A trait or characteristic that enhances an organism's survival and reproduction in a specific environment.
  10. The process by which species change over time through the accumulation of genetic variations and adaptations.
  11. A permanent change in the DNA sequence of an organism, which can lead to genetic diversity.
  1. The process of creating genetically identical organisms or cells through asexual reproduction.
  2. The complete set of an organism's genetic material, including all of its genes.
  3. Variation: Differences in the genetic makeup of individuals within a population, which is crucial for evolution and adaptation.
  4. A community of living organisms (biotic) interacting with their physical (abiotic) environment.
  5. The process by which green plants and some other organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy in the form of glucose, releasing oxygen as a byproduct.
  6. The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
  7. The ability of an organism to resist or defend against infections and diseases.
  8. A molecule that carries genetic information and is responsible for the inheritance of traits in living organisms.
  9. A biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms.

20 Clues: The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment.A biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms.The complete set of an organism's genetic material, including all of its genes....

biology 2023-09-26

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Respiration: The process by which cells break down glucose and other organic molecules to produce energy in the form of ATP.
  2. The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment.
  3. The process of cell division that reduces the chromosome number by half, leading to the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells).
  4. Chemical messengers produced by glands that regulate various physiological processes in the body.
  5. The variety of life forms and species in a particular habitat, ecosystem, or the entire planet.
  6. A group of individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring in nature, sharing common characteristics.
  7. The process of cell division that results in the production of two identical daughter cells, used for growth and repair.
  8. The science of classifying and naming living organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.
  9. A trait or characteristic that enhances an organism's survival and reproduction in a specific environment.
  10. The process by which species change over time through the accumulation of genetic variations and adaptations.
  11. A permanent change in the DNA sequence of an organism, which can lead to genetic diversity.
  1. The process of creating genetically identical organisms or cells through asexual reproduction.
  2. The complete set of an organism's genetic material, including all of its genes.
  3. Variation: Differences in the genetic makeup of individuals within a population, which is crucial for evolution and adaptation.
  4. A community of living organisms (biotic) interacting with their physical (abiotic) environment.
  5. The process by which green plants and some other organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy in the form of glucose, releasing oxygen as a byproduct.
  6. The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.
  7. The ability of an organism to resist or defend against infections and diseases.
  8. A molecule that carries genetic information and is responsible for the inheritance of traits in living organisms.
  9. A biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms.

20 Clues: The basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms.The study of the interactions between organisms and their environment.A biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms.The complete set of an organism's genetic material, including all of its genes....

Biology 2023-09-14

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. No nucleus
  2. er No ribosomes
  3. Fluid outside of the nucleus
  4. Acts as the cells skeleton
  5. membrane Semipermeable
  6. Diffusion of water
  7. Stores material needed by the cell
  8. Make protein
  9. transport Energy required
  1. Has nucleus
  2. er Has ribosomes
  3. Site of photosynthesis
  4. Organ system for locomotion
  5. Makes ATP
  6. Full of enzymes
  7. Control center
  8. Movement of solutes from high-low concentration
  9. body Packages proteins into vesicles
  10. Organ system for obtaining nutrients
  11. transport No energy required

20 Clues: Makes ATPNo nucleusHas nucleusMake proteinControl centerer No ribosomesFull of enzymeser Has ribosomesDiffusion of waterSite of photosynthesismembrane Semipermeabletransport Energy requiredActs as the cells skeletonOrgan system for locomotionFluid outside of the nucleustransport No energy requiredStores material needed by the cell...

BIOLOGY 2023-09-13

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. life on other planets
  2. blood
  3. lizards, reptiles, snakes
  4. the study of plants
  5. in this field scientists would study Covid
  6. biology evolution
  7. how the body responds to injury
  8. mushroom and fungi
  9. microorganisms
  10. the classification of living things
  11. how a body responds to disease
  12. functions in organisms
  1. the study of body structures
  2. the study of cells
  3. the study of insects
  4. hawks, eagles, chickens, cranes
  5. fishes
  6. the brain and the nervous system
  7. ancient life
  8. how organisms interact with the environment
  9. trees and shrubs
  10. genes and heredity
  11. chemical reactions in organisms
  12. a study of the animal kingdom

24 Clues: bloodfishesancient lifemicroorganismstrees and shrubsbiology evolutionthe study of cellsgenes and hereditymushroom and fungithe study of plantsthe study of insectslife on other planetsfunctions in organismslizards, reptiles, snakesthe study of body structuresa study of the animal kingdomhow a body responds to diseasehawks, eagles, chickens, cranes...

Biology 2023-10-24

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Pengeluaran zat zat sisa pencernaan makanan.
  2. Enzim pankreas yang menghidrolisis lemak menjadi asam lemak dan gliserol.
  3. Senyawa yang terkandung dalam serat makanan.
  4. Kelenjar yang terletak di rahang bawah.
  5. Zat gizi untuk pertumbuhan dan pengganti sel sel rusak.
  6. Gigi Yang digunakan untuk merobek makanan.
  7. Jenis zat yang mampu memproduksi energi dalam satuan berat setara.
  8. Jenis zat makanan yang diuraikan enzim amilase.
  9. Organ penghasil empedu.
  10. Kelainan pencernaan, dimana feses terlalu keras.
  1. Bagian usus besar yang arahnya naik.
  2. Lapisan luar akar gigi yang berbatasan dengan tulang rahang.
  3. Kelenjar terkecil dari kelenjar ludah.
  4. Organ pencernaan yang terletak di atas sisi perut bagian kiri dan terhubung dengan usus halus.
  5. Bagian usus yang menghubungkan ileum.
  6. Bagian usus halus yang pertama.
  7. Kelenjar ludah disebut.
  8. Gerakan yang dilakukan usus saat mendorong makanan.
  9. Zat yang membantu pencernaan secara kimiawi.
  10. Mineral untuk pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi.

20 Clues: Kelenjar ludah disebut.Organ penghasil empedu.Bagian usus halus yang pertama.Bagian usus besar yang arahnya naik.Bagian usus yang menghubungkan ileum.Kelenjar terkecil dari kelenjar ludah.Kelenjar yang terletak di rahang bawah.Gigi Yang digunakan untuk merobek makanan.Mineral untuk pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi....

biology 2023-11-21

biology crossword puzzle
  1. second biggest classification of life
  2. the thing all life strives for
  3. organized DNA
  4. the place where proteins are built
  5. fills the empty space inside cells
  6. Taxis
  7. a segment of DNA
  8. holds all code for an organism
  9. one of the oldest forms of life
  10. basic cells
  11. made up of amino acids
  12. complex cells
  13. the basic unit of life
  14. the standard of which an organism burns calories
  15. apple-tree car-garage
  16. sun into energy.
  1. a scientific idea
  2. h2o
  3. delivers protein instructions
  4. the building blocks of protein
  5. the organ that is the control station
  6. holds dna
  7. the recyclers of the planet
  8. testing an idea
  9. the study of life.
  10. Ms.tanner's favorite form of life
  11. cellular energy

27 Clues: h2oTaxisholds dnabasic cellsorganized DNAcomplex cellstesting an ideacellular energya segment of DNAsun into energy.a scientific ideathe study of life.apple-tree car-garagemade up of amino acidsthe basic unit of lifethe recyclers of the planetdelivers protein instructionsthe thing all life strives forthe building blocks of protein...

Biology 2023-11-29

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. mouth directed downward
  2. are lemurs, tarsiers, and lorises
  3. Clams, oysters, scallops, and mussels
  4. Dorsal supporting rod
  5. Octopuses, squids, and nautiluses
  6. out of water using pores and collar cell microvilli
  7. are barnacles, shrimp, lobsters, crabs, crayfish, and pill bugs
  8. internal organs
  9. Oral sucker and at least one other sucker for attachment
  10. brain, eyespots, and chemosensitive organs on the auricles
  11. well-developed senses enable sharks and rays to detect prey
  12. enable female to feed young without leaving them to find food
  13. few setae per segment
  14. repeating body units Well-developed nervous system
  15. collects waste and excretes it through an opening in the body wall
  16. various modifications
  17. is free-swimming filter feeder with bilateral symmetry
  18. To be a hominin, must have anatomy suitable for standing erect and walking on two feet
  19. body cavity
  20. are invertebrate chordates and found in shallow water and partially buried in sand
  21. one pair of appendages per segment
  22. no body cavity
  23. fins supported by bony spikes
  24. radial versus bilateral
  25. Nudibranchs, conchs, and snails, and are Herbivores or carnivores
  26. have many setae per segment
  1. jointed vertebrate limbs
  2. are spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and harvestmen
  3. envelopes but does not enclose visceral mass
  4. generate internal heat
  5. body cavity incompletely lined with mesoderm
  6. leads to specialization
  7. animal is organized circularly.
  8. tonguelike with many teeth
  9. provides insulation against heat loss
  10. are monkeys, apes, and humans
  11. spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and harvestmen
  12. multicellularity
  13. not all body parts change at the same rate.
  14. body temperature matches the outside environment
  15. body cavity completely lined with mesoderm
  16. mouth directed upward from substrate
  17. how many chambered heart (amphibians)
  18. has brain and ventral nerve cord
  19. study of insects adapted to active life on land
  20. can be seen externally in rings encircling body of earthworm
  21. two pairs of appendages per segment
  22. animal has right and left halves.
  23. Annelids concluded what
  24. made of chitin, must be molted

50 Clues: body cavityno body cavityinternal organsmulticellularityDorsal supporting rodfew setae per segmentvarious modificationsgenerate internal heatmouth directed downwardleads to specializationAnnelids concluded whatradial versus bilateraljointed vertebrate limbstonguelike with many teethhave many setae per segmentare monkeys, apes, and humans...

BIOLOGY 2023-11-13

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. An organic compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
  2. Fatty compounds that perform a variety of functions in your body.
  3. Needed for the diet/Not made in the body.
  4. A type of carbohydrate with a simple sugar structure.
  5. A simple sugar that serves as a building block for carbohydrates.
  6. A carbohydrate made up of multiple simple sugar units.
  7. A carbohydrate that consists of two simple sugar molecules.
  8. Proteins that act as biological catalysts, speeding up chemical reactions.
  9. Proteins that protect you when an unwanted substance enters your body.
  10. The primary energy storage molecule in animals.
  1. Is a three-carbon alcohol with three hydroxyl groups attached to each carbon.
  2. Serves as chemical messengers.
  3. Protein that transports substances to cells.
  4. The primary storage form of carbohydrates in animals.
  5. A type of lipid that is a major component of cell membranes.
  6. Not needed for diet/can be made in the body.
  7. structure The specific sequence of amino acids in a protein.
  8. acids The building blocks of proteins.
  9. Protein that helps form cell parts.
  10. Large molecules composed of amino acids, often with structural and enzymatic roles.

20 Clues: Serves as chemical messengers.Protein that helps form cell parts.acids The building blocks of proteins.Needed for the diet/Not made in the body.Protein that transports substances to cells.Not needed for diet/can be made in the body.The primary energy storage molecule in animals.The primary storage form of carbohydrates in animals....

Biology 2024-02-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. studies fossils
  2. multicellular embryo
  3. Related Genes
  4. Outer layer
  5. Diagram
  6. Adapting
  7. Eliminated
  8. Fertilized egg
  9. study of formation
  1. Mutation Rate
  2. Early Embryo
  3. Affects evolution
  4. Middle layer
  5. Mouth Develops First
  6. Reproductive Success
  7. Innermost layer
  8. Populations evolve
  9. Fossil Ages
  10. educated guess
  11. Second mouth

20 Clues: DiagramAdaptingEliminatedOuter layerFossil AgesEarly EmbryoMiddle layerSecond mouthMutation RateRelated Geneseducated guessFertilized eggstudies fossilsInnermost layerAffects evolutionPopulations evolvestudy of formationmulticellular embryoMouth Develops FirstReproductive Success

Biology 2024-02-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. studies fossils
  2. multicellular embryo
  3. Related Genes
  4. Outer layer
  5. Diagram
  6. Adapting
  7. Eliminated
  8. Fertilized egg
  9. study of formation
  1. Mutation Rate
  2. Early Embryo
  3. Affects evolution
  4. Middle layer
  5. Mouth Develops First
  6. Reproductive Success
  7. Innermost layer
  8. Populations evolve
  9. Fossil Ages
  10. educated guess
  11. Second mouth

20 Clues: DiagramAdaptingEliminatedOuter layerFossil AgesEarly EmbryoMiddle layerSecond mouthMutation RateRelated Geneseducated guessFertilized eggstudies fossilsInnermost layerAffects evolutionPopulations evolvestudy of formationmulticellular embryoMouth Develops FirstReproductive Success

Biology 2024-02-02

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. reproductive success and reflects how well an organism is adapted to its environment.
  2. something in the environment that is needed by other orgainsms
  3. a reproductive barrier that prevents interbreeding
  4. sharp reduction in the size of a population due to environmental events
  5. the physical separation due to geographic barriers
  6. he process by which humans choose individual organisms with certain phenotypic trait values for breeding
  7. the transfer of genetic material from one population to another
  8. phenotype is favored over other phenotypes
  9. the set of all genes
  1. the loss of genetic variation in a population
  2. an organism that looks like another object
  3. how common an allele is in a population
  4. the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change
  5. the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant in a population due to random chance
  6. extreme values for a trait are favored
  7. when species are reproductively isolated from others due to differences in behavior
  8. the evolutionary process whereby an organism becomes better able to live in its habitat or habitats
  9. when you come to
  10. when you leave
  11. a group of organisms

20 Clues: when you leavewhen you come toa group of organismsthe set of all genesextreme values for a trait are favoredhow common an allele is in a populationan organism that looks like another objectphenotype is favored over other phenotypesthe loss of genetic variation in a populationa reproductive barrier that prevents interbreeding...

Biology 2024-01-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. these are not alive and depend on a host cell
  2. site of protein synthesis
  3. the power house of the cell
  4. more solute outside the cell
  5. two copies of the same allele
  6. internal balance
  7. two copies of different alleles
  8. the part of a water molecule that is negative
  9. a section of a chromosome that codes for protein
  10. came up with evolution due to natural selection
  11. changing the shape of proteins
  12. space in an enzyme where the substrate fits
  13. act as channels and pumps for cell transport
  14. enzymes lower this to catalyze reactions
  15. monomer of proteins
  1. monomer of nucleic acids
  2. the process of creating mRNA
  3. shape of DNA
  4. not present in prokaryotic cells, protects DNA
  5. the process of dividing cells for growth and repair
  6. the percent of energy that is transferred from each trophic level
  7. type of consumer that eats producers
  8. organelle responsible for photosynthesis
  9. the type of bonds that exist between water molecules
  10. reactants in an enzyme reaction
  11. the physical characteristics caused by genes
  12. type of succession that occurs after a natural disaster
  13. water sticking to other surfaces
  14. stores chemical energy, created by plants
  15. the process of dividing cells to create gametes
  16. the sum of all chemical reactions in the body

31 Clues: shape of DNAinternal balancemonomer of proteinsmonomer of nucleic acidssite of protein synthesisthe power house of the cellthe process of creating mRNAmore solute outside the celltwo copies of the same allelechanging the shape of proteinsreactants in an enzyme reactiontwo copies of different alleleswater sticking to other surfaces...

biology 2023-08-29

biology crossword puzzle
  1. mengatur keluar masuknya makro molekul dalam nukleus
  2. perpindahan zat dari larutan konsentrasi tinggi ke konsentrasi zat yang rendah disebut
  3. pembentukan disebut
  4. jika berada pada larutan hipertonik air di dalam sel keluar sehingga sel mengerut disebut
  5. organel yang untuk menyusun materi genetik berupa benang benang disebut
  6. retikulum endoplasma kasar ditempeli oleh
  7. yang memiliki larutan seimbang disebut
  8. sel yang tidak memiliki inti sel disebut
  9. siapakah yang mengamati sel gabus pada tahun 1665
  10. sel yang memiliki inti sel yaitu
  1. proses bergeraknya molekul pelarut yang rendah ke larutan tinggi yaitu
  2. sebagai tempat sekresi senyawa
  3. tempat tumbuhnya mikrotubula yang terletak di dekat nukleus disebut
  4. larutan yang pekat disebut dengan cairan
  5. organel sel yang berperan dalam penghancuran senyawa (fagositosis)
  6. transpor apa yang perpindahan materi atau zat yang keluar tanpa energi
  7. siapa ilmuwan yang menyatakan bahwa setiap sel berasal dari sel sebelumnya
  8. sebagai tempat untuk menghasilkan energi (ATP)
  9. ruang ruang kecil pada sel gabus disebut
  10. jika sel hewan berada pada pada larutan hipotonik, air dari luar sel akan masuk ke sel yang mengakibatkam sel membengkak disebut

20 Clues: pembentukan disebutsebagai tempat sekresi senyawasel yang memiliki inti sel yaituyang memiliki larutan seimbang disebutlarutan yang pekat disebut dengan cairansel yang tidak memiliki inti sel disebutruang ruang kecil pada sel gabus disebutretikulum endoplasma kasar ditempeli olehsebagai tempat untuk menghasilkan energi (ATP)...

Biology 2024-03-24

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. This is the branch of science that names and groups organism
  2. This is the highest and most comprehensive level of classification
  3. Are layers of calcium carbonate that form in warm, shallow seas
  4. The process of the evolution of anew species
  5. The genetic makeup of an individual
  6. Is a group of related orders
  7. Changes in the gene pool of a population that result in changes in allele frequencies
  8. Horses and elephants
  9. Bones and other hard parts are replaced by minerals
  10. The traits of an individual
  11. Process whereby plants use light energy to cause carbon dioxide to react with water
  12. The generation of major change in the assemblage of organism
  13. He grouped everything into simple groups such as animals or plants
  14. Evidence for evolution
  15. It is a person who study biology
  16. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of ___
  17. Is a group of related species
  18. It stands for deoxyribonucleic acid
  1. Is a group of families
  2. The age of dinosaurs
  3. When the evolution of one species affects the evolution of another species
  4. the ''Golden age'' of cephalopods
  5. The idea that species originate through a gradual change of adaptions
  6. Change in population over time
  7. Mammals successfully colonized all environments
  8. Is a group of related classes
  9. As development continuoes form embryo to a more mature organism
  10. This is a natural and important part of evolution
  11. the ''Golden age'' of fishes
  12. Gathered into larger clusters to make plants

30 Clues: The age of dinosaursHorses and elephantsIs a group of familiesEvidence for evolutionThe traits of an individualIs a group of related ordersthe ''Golden age'' of fishesIs a group of related classesIs a group of related speciesChange in population over timeIt is a person who study biologythe ''Golden age'' of cephalopods...

Biology 2024-04-05

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. pairs with A
  2. double helix
  3. two
  4. mRNA to amino acid
  5. new nuclei
  6. atgc
  7. sweet part of a nucleotide
  8. pairs with C
  9. g1,s,g2
  10. has more power
  11. chromosomes become visable
  1. single unites that make up DNA
  2. line up
  3. random change in the sequence of a gene
  4. mRNA polymerase
  5. enhance qualities
  6. cross
  7. pairs with G
  8. division of the cytoplasm
  9. group in nucleotide
  10. less power
  11. nucleur cell division
  12. pairs with T
  13. two identical versions of the same gene
  14. growth
  15. pull apart
  16. balance loss of cellular proteins
  17. different versions of the sanem gene

28 Clues: twoatgccrossgrowthline upg1,s,g2less powernew nucleipull apartpairs with Adouble helixpairs with Gpairs with Tpairs with Chas more powermRNA polymeraseenhance qualitiesmRNA to amino acidgroup in nucleotidenucleur cell divisiondivision of the cytoplasmsweet part of a nucleotidechromosomes become visablesingle unites that make up DNA...

biology 2024-04-05

biology crossword puzzle
  1. part of a nucleotide in the middle of the "DNA ladder"
  2. nitrogenous gas G
  3. genetic information not in a double helix
  4. chromosomes align in the middle of the cell
  5. heterozygous to specific gene
  6. errors in genetic code
  7. phase in the cell cycle where the cell is growing (1)
  8. a strand of RNA is converted into a series of amino acids
  9. nitrogenous gas A
  10. component of a nucleotide that goes with the sugar
  11. the cell divides into two at the end of mitosis
  12. nitrogenous gas T
  13. allele that does not have power over another and will not show if heterozygous
  14. chromosomes are pulled apart and new nuclei form
  15. a strand of RNA that matches up with a strand of DNA
  16. phase in the cell cycle where the cell is growing (2)
  1. Rr
  2. nitrogenous gas C
  3. spindle fibers extend to grab onto the chromosomes
  4. proteins are formed out of polypeptide chains
  5. heterozygous for alleles of two different genes
  6. component of nucleotide that goes with the phosphate
  7. allele that has power over another and will be present if heterozygous
  8. genetic information in a double helix
  9. made of sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous base
  10. a complementary strand of RNA is made
  11. nuclear membrane dissolves and DNA unwinds and condenses to chromosones
  12. RR

28 Clues: RrRRnitrogenous gas Cnitrogenous gas Gnitrogenous gas Anitrogenous gas Terrors in genetic codeheterozygous to specific genegenetic information in a double helixa complementary strand of RNA is madegenetic information not in a double helixchromosomes align in the middle of the cellproteins are formed out of polypeptide chains...

Biology 2024-03-21

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. First winged reptiles
  2. the ''Golden age'' of cephalopods
  3. The idea that species originate through a gradual change of adaptions
  4. The generation of major change in the assemblage of organism
  5. This is the highest and most comprehensive level of classification
  6. The age of dinosaurs
  7. Is a group of related classes
  8. When the evolution of one species affects the evolution of another species
  9. The traits of an individual
  10. Mammals successfully colonized all environments
  11. Process whereby plants use light energy to cause carbon dioxide to react with water
  12. Are layers of calcium carbonate that form in warm, shallow seas
  13. Gathered into larger clusters to make plants
  14. This is a natural and important part of evolution
  15. the ''Golden age'' of fishes
  16. Evidence for evolution
  1. As development continuoes form embryo to a more mature organism
  2. It stands for deoxyribonucleic acid
  3. He grouped everything into simple groups such as animals or plants
  4. Carolus linnaeus came from _____
  5. Is a group of related orders
  6. Bones and other hard parts are replaced by minerals
  7. Is a group of families
  8. Is a group of related species
  9. This is the branch of science that names and groups organism
  10. Changes in the gene pool of a population that result in changes in allele frequencies
  11. Amino acids are the basic building blocks of ___
  12. The genetic makeup of an individual
  13. Change in population over time
  14. It is a person who study biology
  15. The process of the evolution of anew species

31 Clues: The age of dinosaursFirst winged reptilesIs a group of familiesEvidence for evolutionThe traits of an individualIs a group of related ordersthe ''Golden age'' of fishesIs a group of related speciesIs a group of related classesChange in population over timeCarolus linnaeus came from _____It is a person who study biology...

Biology 2024-03-08

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. pārtikas sadalīšanas process mazākās molekulās
  2. organisko vielu veidošanās process no neorganiskām vielām.
  3. pārraida signālus visā ķermenī.
  4. var būt gan veselīga, gan kaitīga.
  5. ir mikroorganisms, kas izraisa slimības.
  6. dzīvo organismu kopiena un to dzīvotne.
  7. ir dzīves pamatvienība.
  8. elpošanas orgāni.
  9. pārvadā barības vielas un skābekli.
  10. ir gremošanas orgāns.
  11. ir augu fotosintēzes orgāns.
  1. ir vienšūnu organisms.
  2. nes iedzimtu informāciju.
  3. ir augu reproduktīvais orgāns.
  4. enerģijas iegūšanas process no barības vielām.
  5. sūknē asinis caur traukiem.
  6. spēj sarauties un atslābināties.
  7. pārvalda ķermeņa darbību.
  8. ir sugu maiņas process.
  9. ir skeleta atbalsta elements.

20 Clues: elpošanas orgāni.ir gremošanas orgāns.ir vienšūnu organisms.ir sugu maiņas process.ir dzīves pamatvienība.nes iedzimtu informāciju.pārvalda ķermeņa darbību.sūknē asinis caur traukiem.ir augu fotosintēzes orgāns.ir skeleta atbalsta elements.ir augu reproduktīvais orgāns.pārraida signālus visā ķermenī.spēj sarauties un atslābināties....

Biology 2024-01-31

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. structure of glucose
  2. when no spots are empty (lipids)
  3. polymer of carbs
  4. element of carbs and lipids
  5. monomer of carbs
  6. stores hereditory information
  7. second monomer of lipids
  8. double helix
  9. polymer of proteins
  10. single helix
  11. monomer of nucleic acids
  12. all living things are based off of this
  1. monomer of proteins
  2. polymer of lipids
  3. ratio of carbs
  4. property of lipids
  5. there are this many amino acids
  6. monomer of lipids
  7. produces insulin
  8. what 3 letters do carbs end in
  9. when spots are empty (lipids)
  10. element of protein
  11. 1st source of energy
  12. long term energy source
  13. element of nucleic acids

25 Clues: double helixsingle helixratio of carbspolymer of carbsproduces insulinmonomer of carbspolymer of lipidsmonomer of lipidsproperty of lipidselement of proteinmonomer of proteinspolymer of proteinsstructure of glucose1st source of energylong term energy sourcesecond monomer of lipidsmonomer of nucleic acidselement of nucleic acids...

biology 2024-04-12

biology crossword puzzle


Biology 2024-05-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. is the highest rank in biological classification
  2. are small infectious agents that replicate only
  3. are the eukaryotes that form the kingdom
  4. below order above genus
  5. ranks below kingdom and above class
  6. Multiple cells in an organism
  7. are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms
  8. a protein coating on a virus
  9. Exact age of fossils by using carbon isotopes
  10. is often called the Father of Taxonomy
  11. involves studying living organisms
  12. A group of similar species forms a genus
  13. Rough guess at the age of fossils
  14. constitute the domain of Eukarya or Eukaryota
  1. Scientific name of an organism
  2. remains of a prehistoric organism
  3. Currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases
  4. is a domain of single-celled organisms
  5. is the most fundamental unit in taxonomy
  6. ranks below phylum
  7. consisting of one biological cell
  8. is any member of the group of eukaryotic
  9. kingdom is paraphyletic - it contains the common ancestor but not all its descendants
  10. highest level of classification
  11. what the virus or bacteria injects its DNA/RNA
  12. self-replicating material that is present in organisms
  13. ranks above family
  14. One cell organisms
  15. Half of a DNA stranded

29 Clues: ranks below phylumranks above familyOne cell organismsHalf of a DNA strandedbelow order above genusa protein coating on a virusMultiple cells in an organismScientific name of an organismhighest level of classificationremains of a prehistoric organismconsisting of one biological cellRough guess at the age of fossilsinvolves studying living organisms...

Biology 2024-04-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Terdiri atas 2 bagian utama yakni stator dan rotor.
  2. Toilet kering yang menggunakan proses secara aerob untuk menghancurkan/mengdekomposisi feses yang di hasilkan manusia.
  3. Salah satu jenis Biofuel.
  4. Benang-benang putih pada tempe
  5. Toilet pengompos ini biasanya ditambah dengan campuran apa untuk membantu proses aerob,menyerap air, dan mengurangi bau.
  6. Nama depan bakteri roti
  7. Jenis bahan bakar alternatif yang berasal dari bahan-bahan organik
  8. Wind power merupakan salah satu teknologi ramah lingkungan yang memanfaatkan energi?
  9. Energi yang merupakan panas yang tersimpan dalam tanah,lapisan dasar bumi,dan cairan dalam kerak bumi.
  10. Yang di lakukan kilang minyak.
  11. Benda yang tidak menghasilkan emisi gas rumah kaca, mampu mengasilkan energi yang cukup besar, dan mudah dipindahkan ataupun dipasang.
  12. Mobil yang energi utamanya berasal dari sinar matahari.
  13. Nama latin jarak pagar.
  14. Sumber energi yang berasal dari sisa-sisa makhluk hidup yang ada dalam bumi dan tidak dapat diperbaharui disebut??
  1. Pembangkit listrik yang memanfaatkan pasang surut air laut dan ombak adalah?
  2. Istilah teknologi lubang resapan (TLR).
  3. Jenis bahan bakar alternatif yang diperoleh dari proses bahan-bahan organik oleh bakteri anaerob.
  4. Biodiesel yang sudah di kembangkan dan diproduksi sebagai bahan bakar kendaraan yang disebut dengan.?
  5. Bahan bakar paling kotor diantara bahan bakar yang lain adalah
  6. Tenaga yang di gunakan oleh kendaraan listrik.
  7. salah satu jenis alkohol yang dapat di buat dengan fermentasi karbohidrat/reaksi kimia gas alam.
  8. Pembangkit listrik yang menggunakan batu bara sebagai sumber energi menghasilkan zat?
  9. Contoh tumbuhan yang dapat digunakan dalam fitoremediasi.
  10. Minyak bumi diolah untuk digunakan sebagai?
  11. Sumber energi terbarukan pertama yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan Listrik.
  12. Teknologi ramah lingkungan yang terinspirasi dari proses pelapukan kayu dan sampah tanaman oleh mikroorganisme disebut?
  13. Teknologi permunian air yang menggunakan prinsip kebalikan dengan prinsip osmosis.
  14. Limbah padar baru cara juga harus disimpan dalam tempat yang aman karena bersifat?
  15. Yang dihasilkan oleh gabungan gas hidrogen dan gas oksigen.
  16. Alat yang digunakan untuk mengubah energi matahari menjadi energi listrik di sebut?

30 Clues: Nama depan bakteri rotiNama latin jarak pagar.Salah satu jenis Biofuel.Benang-benang putih pada tempeYang di lakukan kilang minyak.Istilah teknologi lubang resapan (TLR).Minyak bumi diolah untuk digunakan sebagai?Tenaga yang di gunakan oleh kendaraan listrik.Terdiri atas 2 bagian utama yakni stator dan rotor....

Biology 2024-05-06

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The part of the cell membrane that is hydrophilic
  2. The polarity of water allows for this
  3. Cor (Root)
  4. Movement of water across a membrane from an area with less solute to more solute
  5. The attraction of two molecules of the same substance
  6. Hyper (Root)
  7. The area with more solute
  8. Hepat (Root)
  9. The blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body
  10. The circulation that brings deoxygenated blood back to the heart
  11. The transport that does require energy
  12. Pulmo (Root)
  13. The substance in which molecules dissolve in
  14. The substance that dissolves in 27 across
  15. Sub (Root)
  16. The transport that does not require energy
  17. Intra (Root)
  18. Carries water, salt, and enzymes.
  19. Bronch(Root)
  20. The area with less solute
  21. Inter (Root)
  22. Water is lighter as a solid because the solid is less
  23. Uses adhesion and cohesion to bring water up a plant
  24. A (Root)
  1. Supra (Root)
  2. Movement of molecules across a membrane from an area of more solute to less solute
  3. The circulation that brings functional blood supply to the bodies tissues
  4. Gastr (Root)
  5. Ren (Root)
  6. Separates chambers in the heart
  7. The reason water can support objects heavier than itself
  8. The blood cells that help protect from diseases
  9. Hemo (Root)
  10. Controlled by the spleen, helps form clots
  11. The process where water leaves the plant through the stomata
  12. The largest artery in the body that oxygen and nutrients travel to the heart and other organs with
  13. Water loving
  14. Outer cells that transport sugar and sap through the plant
  15. Bring oxygen rich blood from heart to the bodies cells
  16. Infra (Root)
  17. The attraction of two molecules of different substances
  18. The circulation that connects arteries to veins
  19. Dead cells that transport water through the plant
  20. The universal solvent
  21. Water hating
  22. Hypo (Root)
  23. The part of the cell membrane that is hydrophobic

47 Clues: A (Root)Cor (Root)Ren (Root)Sub (Root)Hemo (Root)Hypo (Root)Supra (Root)Gastr (Root)Hyper (Root)Hepat (Root)Water lovingPulmo (Root)Infra (Root)Intra (Root)Bronch(Root)Water hatingInter (Root)The universal solventThe area with more soluteThe area with less soluteSeparates chambers in the heartCarries water, salt, and enzymes....

Biology 2024-05-16

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host
  2. medicines used to prevent and treat infections in humans, animals and plants
  3. technology that utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop or create different products.
  4. rganisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other organelles
  5. substances that may increase your risk of developing cancer.
  6. the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.
  7. ne that carries : bearer, messenger
  8. organisms whose cells contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.
  9. like an epidemic but even more widespread over several countries or continents.
  10. a series of chemical reactions that break down glucose to produce ATP
  1. microscopic living organisms that have only one cell.
  2. a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
  3. Nipah virus inspired the film "Contagion."
  4. Anything that causes a mutation
  5. a quantity or phenomenon that has two independent properties: magnitude and direction.
  6. a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.
  7. A treatment for bacteria
  8. fundamental scientific theory of biology according to which cells are held to be the basic units of all living tissues
  9. substance used to stimulate immunity to a particular infectious disease or pathogen, typically prepared from an inactivated or weakened
  10. n infectious microbe consisting of a segment of nucleic acid
  11. building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

21 Clues: A treatment for bacteriaAnything that causes a mutationne that carries : bearer, messengerNipah virus inspired the film "Contagion."microscopic living organisms that have only one cell.rganisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other organellessubstances that may increase your risk of developing cancer....

Biology 2024-05-23

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. It suspends the organelles and provides an environment for chemical reactions within the cell
  2. Organisms who's cells lack a nucleus and other organelles
  3. Provides shape, structure, and protection for the cell
  4. Any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
  5. The small rings of DNA
  6. Stores genetic information
  7. Where the DNA is prokaryotic cells
  8. Creates special structures called spindle fibers that are used on cell division
  9. Modifies, sorts, and ships proteins
  10. Projections that aid in locations and feeding
  11. Flattened stack of tubular membranes that modifies proteins and packages them for distribution outside the cell
  12. A structure that has one or more specific jobs to preform in a cell
  13. Makes lipids and membranes (detoxifies the liver, stores calcium in the muscle
  1. Uses enzymes to digest bacteria, viruses, and old organelles
  2. Stores water in order to maintain plant shapes
  3. Hair-like structures that helps with movement and attachment
  4. The site of photosynthesis
  5. Crates energy or ATP from food
  6. Any number of organized structures with a living cell
  7. Provides structure for cells and movement for organelles
  8. Makes proteins
  9. Maintains homeostasis by controlling what enters and leaves the cell
  10. Makes and transports proteins
  11. Stores food, water, or wastes within the cells

24 Clues: Makes proteinsThe small rings of DNAThe site of photosynthesisStores genetic informationMakes and transports proteinsCrates energy or ATP from foodWhere the DNA is prokaryotic cellsModifies, sorts, and ships proteinsProjections that aid in locations and feedingStores water in order to maintain plant shapes...

biology 2024-07-03

biology crossword puzzle
  1. hormone that is produced in dangerous situations
  2. Secretes antibodies to protect the body from viruses
  3. enzyme produced in the mouth to catalyse starch
  4. iodine solution is used to test for this substance
  5. where the pollen grain lands on
  6. the green pigment in a plant that traps light
  7. tiny hair-like projections in the small intestine
  8. engulfs pathogens in the body (type of white blood cell)
  9. used to build complex structures and helps growth in body
  10. diffusion in water
  1. blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart (two words, use - in between)
  2. the loss of water vapour from a plant
  3. a stem in the plant that carries water
  4. carries oxygen in a red blood cell
  5. Where photosynthesis occurs
  6. a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction such as enzymes
  7. a chemical reaction used to make energy (uses glucose and oxygen hint hint)
  8. fertilised egg (starts with z)
  9. cell division from a parent cell to two daughter cells
  10. a muscle that contracts and relaxes, increasing and decreasing the volume of the lungs

20 Clues: diffusion in waterWhere photosynthesis occursfertilised egg (starts with z)where the pollen grain lands oncarries oxygen in a red blood cellthe loss of water vapour from a planta stem in the plant that carries waterthe green pigment in a plant that traps lightenzyme produced in the mouth to catalyse starch...

Biology 2024-09-11

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The study of living things.
  2. Basic unit of structure and function in living things.
  3. Site of cellular respiration and creates ATP.
  4. The process of building monomers into polymers.
  5. The passing transport process.
  6. Site of photosynthesis and creates glucose.
  7. Full of enzymes to break down substances.
  1. Cellular transport that does require energy.
  2. Small subunit used to build polymers.
  3. Makes proteins and is created in the nucleus.
  4. Source of energy for living things.
  5. Used for structure and support in some cells, plants, and fungi.
  6. Protein that speeds up biological reactions by lowering the activation energy.
  7. Used for energy storage and membranes.
  8. Place on an enzyme that binds to a substrate.
  9. Cellular transport that doesn't require energy.
  10. Stores genetic information.
  11. Used to store substances, animals have one large and plants have many small.
  12. Used for enzymes, transportation, and cell structure.
  13. Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins into vesicles.

20 Clues: The study of living things.Stores genetic information.The passing transport process.Source of energy for living things.Small subunit used to build polymers.Used for energy storage and membranes.Full of enzymes to break down substances.Site of photosynthesis and creates glucose.Cellular transport that does require energy....

BIOLOGY 2024-08-29

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. cells that regulate the opening and closing of stomata
  2. prevents water-loss and reflects excess light
  3. Plant tissue that are composed of nondividing cells
  4. flexible support in plants
  5. Basic unit of life
  6. prevents water-loss and invasion of disease-causing microorganism
  7. responsible for storage and photosynthesis
  8. cells that transform into phagocytic macrophages
  9. cells found in cartilages
  10. cells that replaces the epidermis of mature plants
  11. Type of meristem responsible for the primary growth of plants
  12. basic unit of the nervous system
  1. flexible matrix
  2. Plant tissues that are found on the growing areas of the plant
  3. growth in plants characterized by increase in the plant's height
  4. two kinds of this cell are sclereids and fibers
  5. hard matrix with calcium salts and collagen fibers
  6. refers to a group of individuals of the same species that live in a specific area
  7. cells that surround all nerve fibers and produce myelin sheaths
  8. Responsible for the transport of substances in the human body
  9. This cambium give rise to secondary xylem and phloem

21 Clues: flexible matrixBasic unit of lifecells found in cartilagesflexible support in plantsbasic unit of the nervous systemresponsible for storage and photosynthesisprevents water-loss and reflects excess lighttwo kinds of this cell are sclereids and fiberscells that transform into phagocytic macrophageshard matrix with calcium salts and collagen fibers...

Biology 2024-09-05

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. capacity number of people, other living organisms, or crops that a region can support without environmental degradation
  2. the preying of one animal on others.
  3. a trendline that shows an initial loss immediately followed by a dramatic gain
  4. consists of all the food chains in a single ecosystem.
  5. an event or contest in which people compete.
  6. an organism that can produce its own food using light, water , carbon dioxide, or other chemicals
  7. the position of an organism in the food chain
  8. organism that breaks down dead organic material
  9. a type of probability distribution in which all outcomes are equally likely
  10. describes how energy and nutrients move through an ecosystem.
  11. not influenced by population density change.
  12. all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country.
  1. when a new area of land is populated by a group of species for the first time
  2. a close, prolonged association between two or more different biological species.
  3. an organism that eats other plants or animals for energy and nutrients
  4. an animal that feeds on plants.
  5. the relationship between different species in which one organism lives on or in the other organism and benefits from it by causing some harm
  6. happens when a climax community or intermediate community is impacted by a disturbance.
  7. association between organisms of two different species in which each benefits
  8. a maker or manufacturer of something
  9. a person or thing that eats or uses something.
  10. the capacity of an ecosystem to absorb shocks and disturbances while retaining its structure, function, and adaptability
  11. growth. the unrestricted growth of a population of organisms, occurring when resources in its habitat are unlimited.
  12. a graphical representation commonly used in project management to track cumulative costs or progress over time
  13. the study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them
  14. an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm.

26 Clues: an animal that feeds on plants.the preying of one animal on others.a maker or manufacturer of somethingan event or contest in which people compete.not influenced by population density change.the position of an organism in the food chaina person or thing that eats or uses something.organism that breaks down dead organic material...

Biologists Crossword 2022-12-06

Biologists Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. investigated the effect of the location of genes
  2. scientist who studies microbes
  3. scientist who studies plants and/or animals
  4. branch of biology that deals with the study of heredity
  5. tiny organisms visible only under a microscope
  6. disease-causing microbes
  1. introduced the word biology
  2. proposed the theory of natural selection
  3. scientists who study things to deal with heredity
  4. discovered a cure for diseases called microbes
  5. the study of organisms
  6. scientists who specialize in biology

12 Clues: the study of organismsdisease-causing microbesintroduced the word biologyscientist who studies microbesscientists who specialize in biologyproposed the theory of natural selectionscientist who studies plants and/or animalsdiscovered a cure for diseases called microbestiny organisms visible only under a microscope...

chemistry final 2021-12-13

chemistry final crossword puzzle
  1. beta particle
  2. gamma ray
  3. mass number
  4. ion
  5. alpha particle
  6. cation
  7. beta radiation
  8. anion
  9. isotope
  10. hydrate
  1. percent by mass
  2. anhydrate
  3. atomic mass unit
  4. nuclear equation
  5. neutron
  6. percent compisition
  7. alpha radiation
  8. nucleus
  9. proton
  10. molar mass

20 Clues: ionanioncationprotonneutronnucleusisotopehydrategamma rayanhydratemolar massmass numberbeta particlealpha particlebeta radiationpercent by massalpha radiationatomic mass unitnuclear equationpercent compisition

WORDS TO TEST 2020-03-02

WORDS TO TEST crossword puzzle
  1. CUP
  2. MALL
  3. DAD
  4. SPELL
  5. HENRY
  7. ROOM
  8. WATER
  9. FIRST
  11. EDGAR
  12. OPEN
  13. CHANGE
  15. LEVEL
  16. BULL
  17. SAUCE
  18. FIN
  19. NUT
  20. THICK
  1. ROSA
  2. CLAP
  4. RUSH
  5. JULIO
  6. FATE
  7. METER
  10. KARLEY
  11. MUSIC
  12. MILENA
  13. YELLOW
  14. FOOL
  15. FEEL
  16. FALL
  17. CAN
  18. THINK
  19. FIT
  20. THIN
  21. TOON


Beyond Light 2013-05-07

Beyond Light crossword puzzle
  1. Has a wavelength of 580nm.
  2. Of all radio waves, these have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.
  3. This absorbs UV rays.
  4. This is a type of radiation that your skin is able to sense.
  5. This ray has the shortest wavelength.
  6. This type of radiation is just beyond the visible spectrum.
  7. This animal can see UV radiation.
  8. Compared to yellow, blue has a ______________ wavelength.
  9. A microwave works by causing these to vibrate and become hot.
  10. Has a wavelength of 600nm.
  11. This chemical was commonly used in fridges and is now banned due to its destruction of ozone.
  12. These are very penetrating and energetic rays.
  1. These types of lights are used to keep baby chicks warm.
  2. This part of the eye is damaged by UV rays and becomes foggy.
  3. This depicts the different wavelengths of visible and invisible radiation.
  4. This is when gamma rays are used to treat cancer.
  5. As you go from red to violet, the frequency ___________.
  6. LANDSAT relies on this law to produce images.
  7. Has a wavelength of 400nm.
  8. This is the common unit used to express wavelengths.

20 Clues: This absorbs UV rays.Has a wavelength of 580nm.Has a wavelength of 400nm.Has a wavelength of 600nm.This animal can see UV radiation.This ray has the shortest wavelength.LANDSAT relies on this law to produce images.These are very penetrating and energetic rays.This is when gamma rays are used to treat cancer....

Biology 2012-08-26

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. / what a person believes
  2. /facts that man has gathered by observing the physical universe
  3. reasoning /usually classified as inductive or deductive
  4. group /the group exposed to the independent variable
  5. by definition / that which is true because man has defined it as in mathematics, grammar, spelling, and the meanings of words
  6. /to pour
  7. /something that is true
  8. an eduacated guess that attempts to answer the problem
  9. /small
  10. truth /those truths god has recorded in scripture
  11. experiment /A scientific investigation in which both the control group and experimental group(s) are kept under similar variables
  12. group /the roup not exposed to the independent variable
  1. truth /those truths, the natural laws, that god established but did not reveal in scripture
  2. /any statement not a part of revealed or unrevealed truth
  3. /a greek physician who lived about 350 BC
  4. method /a logical procedure for choosing an answer to a question
  5. variable /one thing that is changed
  6. reasoning /begins with a number of observed facts and uses them to derive a general conclusion
  7. reasoning / begins with general principles assumed to be true and draws conclusions about particulars
  8. / that which is thought to be true, is not revealed truth but may be part of unrevealed truth
  9. of science /mans observations of the physical world
  10. /the sudy of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields
  11. /testimony of the power of god
  12. of signatures /prescribes remedies for various ailments

24 Clues: /small/to pour/something that is true/ what a person believes/testimony of the power of godvariable /one thing that is changed/a greek physician who lived about 350 BCtruth /those truths god has recorded in scriptureof science /mans observations of the physical worldgroup /the group exposed to the independent variable...

Biology 2013-09-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A polymer is a large molecule composed of smaller molecules
  2. an infection that only lives inside of living cells
  3. a molecule containing a very large number of atoms
  4. any of a large group of organic compounds
  5. plant viruses
  6. large biological molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids
  7. a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria
  8. viral DNA bceomes part of a host cell's DNA
  9. a protein shell of a virus
  10. a complex organic substance present in living cells, esp. DNA or RNA,
  11. compounds made from amine and carboxylic acid
  1. form the basic structural unit of nucleic acids
  2. a virus harmfull when triggered
  3. naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes
  4. improves immunity to particular diseases
  5. anything that can produce disease
  6. a virus that replicates itself in a reverse process
  7. when viral DNA bceomes part of a host cell's DNA
  8. an infection made of protein
  9. a widespread infection

20 Clues: plant virusesa widespread infectiona protein shell of a virusan infection made of proteina virus harmfull when triggeredanything that can produce diseaseimproves immunity to particular diseasesany of a large group of organic compoundsviral DNA bceomes part of a host cell's DNAcompounds made from amine and carboxylic acid...

biology 2013-09-26

biology crossword puzzle
  1. ertee"
  2. err"
  3. 33"
  4. wetrr"
  5. ded"
  6. poly"
  7. ww"
  8. trztr"
  9. ooxy"
  1. ee"
  2. ddwhc"
  3. erwarf"
  4. eefee"
  5. rrs"
  6. wteswtg"
  7. er"
  8. w2eww"
  9. wrvw"
  10. ewe"
  11. dd"

20 Clues: ee"33"er"ww"dd"err"rrs"ded"ewe"poly"wrvw"ooxy"ertee"ddwhc"eefee"wetrr"w2eww"trztr"erwarf"wteswtg"

biology 2015-03-23

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Site of Photolysis.
  2. The movement of water from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration down a concentration gradient.
  3. This is where tRNA is found.
  4. The loss of hydrogen.
  5. A change in the structure or amount of an organisms genetic material.
  6. Site of the Calvin Cycle.
  7. This happens in a Hypertonic solution in a plant cell.
  8. The formation of a new species.
  9. Site of protein synthesis.
  10. Controls RNA synthesis
  11. A group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
  1. A lateral meristem located between the outer ring and the phloem.
  2. The enzyme that converts starch to maltose.
  3. Absorbs light in the blue and red regions.
  4. This allows the transport of water up the stem through the cohesion and adhesion of water molecules.
  5. This organism has 66 chromosomes.
  6. This is the loss of water from a plant due to evaporation.
  7. The element responsible for the production of chlorophyll only.
  8. 20p short of a pound.
  9. Transports substances to cell membrane for secretion.
  10. Contains digestive enzymes which breaks down parts or all of the cell.
  11. Low salt high water concentration.
  12. The gain of hydrogen.
  13. The basic unit of the genetic code.

24 Clues: Site of Photolysis.The loss of hydrogen.20p short of a pound.The gain of hydrogen.Controls RNA synthesisSite of the Calvin Cycle.Site of protein synthesis.This is where tRNA is found.The formation of a new species.This organism has 66 chromosomes.Low salt high water concentration.The basic unit of the genetic code....

Biology 2015-09-25

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. protein/ (of a reaction or process) accompanied by the release of heat.
  2. any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water
  3. protein/ protein that accelerates the speed of chemical reactions such as digestive enzymes which break down food in the digestive tract
  4. a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to speed up a specific biochemical reaction.
  5. a molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer.
  6. a figure expressing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a logarithmic scale on which 7 is neutral, lower values are more acid, and higher values more alkaline
  7. form the basic structural unit of a nucleic acid
  8. energy/ the minimum quantity of energy that the reacting species must possess in order to undergo a specified reaction.
  9. reaction/ transformation of one molecule to a different molecule inside a cell and mediated by enzymes
  10. protein/ move many substances throughout the body. An example is hemoglobin that transports oxygen from the lungs to the other parts of the body to be used by cells in cellular respiration
  11. bonding/ an attraction between atoms that allows the formation of chemical substances that contain two or more atoms
  12. the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life.
  1. a molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer.
  2. (of a reaction or process) accompanied by or requiring the absorption of heat.
  3. the process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action into substances that can be used by the body.
  4. protein/ used for support such as connective tissue and keratin that forms hair and finger nails.
  5. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose
  6. (of a reaction or process) accompanied by the release of heat.
  7. any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, collagen, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies
  8. a molecule that binds to an enzyme and decreases its activity
  9. stance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together
  10. Acid/ a complex organic substance present in living cells, especially DNA or RNA, whose molecules consist of many nucleotides linked in a long chain.
  11. protein/ help control movement such as proteins in the muscles which help control contraction.
  12. acids/ a simple organic compound containing both a carboxyl (—COOH) and an amino (—NH2) group.

24 Clues: form the basic structural unit of a nucleic acida molecule that binds to an enzyme and decreases its activity(of a reaction or process) accompanied by the release of heat.protein/ (of a reaction or process) accompanied by the release of heat.a molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer....

Biology 2015-11-17

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. amino acid
  2. contains chlorophyll
  3. HIV
  4. chromosomes become attached to spindle fibers
  5. powerhouse of the cell
  6. nucleic acid biomolecule
  7. part of the cell cycle
  8. fatty acids
  9. final phase of cell division
  1. disease in which cells divide uncontrollably
  2. cytoplasmic division
  3. plant process that creates glucose and oxygen
  4. female reproductive cell
  5. move away from one another to opposite poles
  6. smallest functional unit of an organism
  7. contains hydrogen, oxygen and carbon
  8. genetic information
  9. the first stage of cell division
  10. results in four daughter cells
  11. study of living organism
  12. male reproductive cell

21 Clues: HIVamino acidfatty acidsgenetic informationcytoplasmic divisioncontains chlorophyllpowerhouse of the cellpart of the cell cyclemale reproductive cellfemale reproductive cellnucleic acid biomoleculestudy of living organismfinal phase of cell divisionresults in four daughter cellsthe first stage of cell divisioncontains hydrogen, oxygen and carbon...

Biology 2015-11-29

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. ไซยาโนแบคทีเรียสามรุตรึงไนโตรเจนเป็นไนเตรตได้
  2. เป็นเห็ดโคนที่มีผิวหมวกเห็ดเป็นรูพรุนเหมือนฟองน้ำ มีสีน้ำตาลอ่อนไปถึงน้ำตาลเข้ม
  3. แบคทีเรียแกรมบวกผลิคกรดแลคติกได้ ทำโยเกิร์ตได้
  4. เป็นเห็ดชนิดหนึ่งในกลุ่มเห็ดรา (Mycorrhizal Fungi) มีรสจัด และมีกลิ่นเฉพาะตัว ซึ่งในเมนูอาหารตะวันตก
  5. ยูแบคทีเรียที่สามารถสังเคราะห์ด้วยแสงได้
  6. ยูแบคทีเรียแกรมลบที่มีรูปทรงเกลียว
  7. กลุ่ม protist เป็น Eukaryotic cell มีแต่ nucleus กับ ribosome
  8. ยูแบคทีเรียแกรมลบที่เป็นปรสิต
  1. สาหร่ายสีเขียวโปรตีนสูงนิยมทำเป็นอาหารเสริม
  2. สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์
  3. protist ที่ใช้ซีเลียในการเคลื่อนที่
  4. protist เซลล์เดียว มีคลอโรฟิลด์ เคลื่อนที่โดยแฟลกเจลลัม
  5. protist เดียว เคลื่อนที่โดยใช้แฟลกเจลลา2เส้นแนวดิ่ง
  6. แบคทีเรียแกรมบวกใช้ทำยาปฏิชีวนะ
  7. สิ่งมีชีวิตกลุ่มหนึ่ง เดิมเคยจัดอยู่อาณาจักรเดียวกับพืช
  8. protist ขนาดเล็ก เป็นปรสิตเช่น plasmadium sp. โรคมาลาเรีย
  9. protist ที่เคลื่อนที่โดยใช้เท้าเทียม
  10. protist เซลลเดียวมีช่องว่างเล็กๆใต้เยื่หุ้มเซลล์ alvedi
  11. สิ่งมีชีวิตหลายชนิดในอาณาจักรโครมาลวีโอลาตา เอกซ์คาวาตา ไรซาเรีย มีลักษณะคล้ายพืช แต่ไม่มีส่วนที่เป็นราก ลำต้น และใบที่แท้จริง
  12. เซลล์สืบพันธ์ของพืช

20 Clues: เซลล์สืบพันธ์ของพืชสิ่งมีชีวิตหลายเซลล์ยูแบคทีเรียแกรมลบที่เป็นปรสิตแบคทีเรียแกรมบวกใช้ทำยาปฏิชีวนะยูแบคทีเรียแกรมลบที่มีรูปทรงเกลียวprotist ที่ใช้ซีเลียในการเคลื่อนที่protist ที่เคลื่อนที่โดยใช้เท้าเทียมยูแบคทีเรียที่สามารถสังเคราะห์ด้วยแสงได้สาหร่ายสีเขียวโปรตีนสูงนิยมทำเป็นอาหารเสริมไซยาโนแบคทีเรียสามรุตรึงไนโตรเจนเป็นไนเตรตได้...

Biology 2015-01-29

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Protein catalyst that speeds up the rate of specific biological reactions
  2. Large muscular sac that continues the mechanical and chemical digestion of food
  3. first step in digestion
  4. Type of nutrient that is major source of energy for the body
  5. response that blocks further actions of a stimulus
  6. It connects the mouth to the stomach
  7. It provides support for the body and connects its parts
  8. Process by which enzymes break down food into small molecules that the body can use
  9. movements of the body are possible because o it
  10. Contractions of smooth muscles that provide the force that moves food through the esophagus toward the stomach
  11. Bile is stored in it
  12. Constant internalphysical and chemical conditions that organisms maintain
  13. Type of tissue that lines the interior and exterior body surfces
  14. Chemical substance that an organism needs to sustain life
  15. Fingerlike projection in the small intestine
  16. Basic unit of all forms of life
  1. step in which the body eliminates what it does not need
  2. fluis loaded with lipids and salts
  3. nutrients are absorbed throughout its walls
  4. Found in saliva, it breaks the chemical bonds in starches
  5. Measure of heat energy in food
  6. Enzyme that breaks down proteins into smaller polypeptide fragments
  7. Physical breakdown of large pieces of food
  8. organic molecules that the body needs in very small amounts
  9. Group of similar cells that perform a particular function
  10. group of organs that perform closely related functions
  11. Type of tissue that transmit nerve impulses throughout the body
  12. Made up of fatty acids and glycerol
  13. converts food into small molecules
  14. Group of tissues that work together to perform closely related functions
  15. Inorganic nutrient the body needs
  16. acids Compound with an amino group on one end and a carboxyl group on the other end

32 Clues: Bile is stored in itfirst step in digestionMeasure of heat energy in foodBasic unit of all forms of lifeInorganic nutrient the body needsfluis loaded with lipids and saltsconverts food into small moleculesMade up of fatty acids and glycerolIt connects the mouth to the stomachPhysical breakdown of large pieces of food...

BIOLOGY 2014-09-30

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. a pyrimidine in RNA that replaces Thymine
  2. macromolecules composed of amino acids
  3. when two amino acids combine
  4. an organic catalyst that accelerates a specific chemical reaction by lowering the energy required
  5. consists of four carbon rings
  6. a sugar that cant be broken down by hydrolysis to a simple sugar
  7. a three carbon alcohol with hydroxyl group on each carbon
  8. a longer chain of amino acids which may contain up to hundreds
  9. any of a group of organic compounds that are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar solvents
  10. not readily reacting with water
  11. to alter physical properties
  12. two isomeric chemical compounds that are mirror images
  1. substance that increase speed that a reaction occurs
  2. animal starch
  3. typical form of a carbohydrate used for energy storage in plants
  4. monomer of nucleic acid
  5. main component of cell walls of fungi and exoskeletons of insects and fish
  6. a molecule of RNA that has catalytic properties
  7. compound containing carbon hydrogen and oxygen
  8. 5 carbon sugar in ribonucleic acid

20 Clues: animal starchmonomer of nucleic acidwhen two amino acids combineto alter physical propertiesconsists of four carbon ringsnot readily reacting with water5 carbon sugar in ribonucleic acidmacromolecules composed of amino acidsa pyrimidine in RNA that replaces Thyminecompound containing carbon hydrogen and oxygen...

Biology 2014-09-11

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The study of of ife
  2. Movement of materials into, out of or throughout an organism
  3. Regions of Earth occupied by living organisms
  4. Produce more of a species
  5. A thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction
  6. Convert food energy to cellular energy
  7. Increase cell size or cell number
  8. A constant enternal environment
  9. Process Actvities that are performed by all living things
  1. Organisms make or build compounds
  2. Removal of wastes made by cells metabolisms
  3. Reproduction Reproduction that requires both parents
  4. The sum of all chemical activites
  5. The process of fertilizing an egg
  6. Carrier of genetic information
  7. Consume materials from the environment and convert them to a usable form
  8. Control and coordination of lifes activities
  9. Reproduction Reproduction with only one parent needed
  10. Branch of biology which deals with organisms relations to each other
  11. The process in which one thing absoprbs another

20 Clues: The study of of ifeProduce more of a speciesCarrier of genetic informationA constant enternal environmentOrganisms make or build compoundsThe sum of all chemical activitesThe process of fertilizing an eggIncrease cell size or cell numberConvert food energy to cellular energyRemoval of wastes made by cells metabolisms...

Biology 2017-04-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. "water loving"
  2. to exit or move out
  3. single celled
  4. gets energy from the sun
  5. to move in
  6. makes up the cell membrane
  7. binds with Guanine
  8. 23rd pair of chromosomes and determines gender
  9. a species in an area
  10. multi celled
  11. a measurement
  12. an organism's ability to survive and reproduce
  13. needs to eat to get energy
  14. "water fearing"
  15. a description
  16. written by Charles Darwin
  17. what is made from the enzyme and substrate binding together
  18. binds with Thymine in DNA and Uracil in RNA
  1. binds with Adenine
  2. both traits are either dominant or recessive
  3. where the substrate binds with the enzyme
  4. half
  5. one trait is dominant and one is recessive
  6. egg and sperm
  7. a trait that improves an organism's ability to survive and reproduce
  8. double
  9. came up with the theory that species change over time
  10. making identical copies
  11. the membrane allows only certain things to go into and out of the cell
  12. maintaining stable internal conditions
  13. binds with Adenine in RNA
  14. binds with Cytosine
  15. Helix is formed by DNA
  16. when the enzyme becomes deformed
  17. instructions for making proteins

35 Clues: halfdoubleto move inmulti celledegg and spermsingle celleda measurementa description"water loving""water fearing"binds with Adeninebinds with Guanineto exit or move outbinds with Cytosinea species in an areaHelix is formed by DNAmaking identical copiesgets energy from the sunbinds with Adenine in RNAwritten by Charles Darwin...

Biology 2017-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. All the organisms DNA
  2. Image of all chromosomes in the nucleus
  3. The building blocks of life
  4. Programmed cell death
  5. The division of the nucleus which creates two identical cells
  6. Forms a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
  7. A cell containing 46 chromosomes
  8. A cell containing 23 chromosomes
  9. Any cell of a living organism that is not a reproductive cell
  10. Long section of DNA
  11. Any organism with cells with membrane-bound organelles
  12. The second stage of cell division
  13. The final phase of cell division
  14. A unicellular organism that does not have membrane bound organelles
  15. The phase of a cell's cycle in which a typical cell spends most of its life
  16. A specialised structure within a living cell
  17. The control centre of the cell
  18. It gives the cell its shape, structure and protection
  1. An organism's reproductive cells
  2. The sequence of cells that develop into eggs and sperm
  3. The carrier of genetic information
  4. A molecule made up of polymers of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
  5. Synthesises proteins and have a flat round structure
  6. A parent cell making four non identical haploid cells
  7. The part of a chromosome that links sister chromatids
  8. The first phase of mitosis
  9. Cyclinder shaped organelle, involved in cell division
  10. A segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein
  11. Different versions of a cells gene

29 Clues: Long section of DNAAll the organisms DNAProgrammed cell deathThe first phase of mitosisThe building blocks of lifeThe control centre of the cellAn organism's reproductive cellsA cell containing 46 chromosomesA cell containing 23 chromosomesThe final phase of cell divisionThe second stage of cell divisionThe carrier of genetic information...

Biology 2017-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A cell containing 23 chromosomes
  2. Cyclinder shaped organelle, involved in cell division
  3. A unicellular organism that does not have membrane bound organelles
  4. Image of all chromosomes in the nucleus
  5. A molecule made up of polymers of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
  6. The part of a chromosome that links sister chromatids
  7. Synthesises proteins and have a flat round structure
  8. The carrier of genetic information
  9. Different versions of a cells gene
  10. The building blocks of life
  11. A cell containing 46 chromosomes
  12. The second stage of cell division
  13. The control centre of the cell
  14. A specialised structure within a living cell
  15. A parent cell making four non identical haploid cells
  1. The first phase of mitosis
  2. Long section of DNA
  3. Any organism with cells with membrane-bound organelles
  4. Any cell of a living organism that is not a reproductive cell
  5. The phase of a cell's cycle in which a typical cell spends most of its life
  6. Forms a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
  7. Programmed cell death
  8. An organism's reproductive cells
  9. The sequence of cells that develop into eggs and sperm
  10. The final phase of cell division
  11. The division of the nucleus which creates two identical cells
  12. It gives the cell its shape, structure and protection
  13. A segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein
  14. All the organisms DNA

29 Clues: Long section of DNAProgrammed cell deathAll the organisms DNAThe first phase of mitosisThe building blocks of lifeThe control centre of the cellA cell containing 23 chromosomesAn organism's reproductive cellsThe final phase of cell divisionA cell containing 46 chromosomesThe second stage of cell divisionThe carrier of genetic information...

Biology 2017-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A unicelluar organism with no membrane-bound organelles
  2. A molecule consisting of polymers of amino acid joined together by peptide bonds
  3. A specialised structure within a living cell
  4. Long section of DNA
  5. control centre of the cell
  6. Forms a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
  7. All the Organisms DNA
  8. The carrier of genetic information
  9. A parent cell making four non-identical haploid cells
  10. Any cell of a living organism that isn't a reproductive cell
  11. building blocks of life
  12. An organisms reproductive cell
  13. The final phase of cell division
  14. It gives a cell shape, sturcture and protection
  15. Image of all chromosones in the nucleus
  1. Any organism with membrane-bound organelles
  2. Cylinder shaped organelle, involved in cell division
  3. The part of a chromosome that links sister chromatid
  4. The phase of a cell's cycle in which a typical cell spends the majority of its life
  5. controlled cell death
  6. synthesises proteins and have a flat round structure
  7. A cell that contains 46 chromosones
  8. Are instructions of how to build a protein
  9. The first phase of mitosis
  10. A cell that contains 23 chromosones
  11. The sequence of cells that develop into eggs and sperm
  12. division of the nucleus, which creates two identical cells
  13. Different versions of the cells gene
  14. The second stage of cell division

29 Clues: Long section of DNAcontrolled cell deathAll the Organisms DNAbuilding blocks of lifeThe first phase of mitosiscontrol centre of the cellAn organisms reproductive cellThe final phase of cell divisionThe second stage of cell divisionThe carrier of genetic informationA cell that contains 46 chromosonesA cell that contains 23 chromosones...

Biology 2017-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. It gives a cell shape, sturcture and protection
  2. Image of all chromosones in the nucleus
  3. A unicelluar organism with no membrane-bound organelles
  4. The carrier of genetic information
  5. The part of a chromosome that links sister chromatid
  6. A molecule consisting of polymers of amino acid joined together by peptide bonds
  7. Any cell of a living organism that isn't a reproductive cell
  8. The second stage of cell division
  9. A cell that contains 23 chromosones
  10. The first phase of mitosis
  11. All the Organisms DNA
  12. Cylinder shaped organelle, involved in cell division
  13. Any organism with membrane-bound organelles
  14. control centre of the cell
  15. Different versions of the cells gene
  1. The final phase of cell division
  2. Forms a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
  3. An organisms reproductive cell
  4. controlled cell death
  5. The sequence of cells that develop into eggs and sperm
  6. The phase of a cell's cycle in which a typical cell spends the majority of its life
  7. Long section of DNA
  8. A specialised structure within a living cell
  9. A cell that contains 46 chromosones
  10. A parent cell making four non-identical haploid cells
  11. division of the nucleus, which creates two identical cells
  12. building blocks of life
  13. Are instructions of how to build a protein
  14. synthesises proteins and have a flat round structure

29 Clues: Long section of DNAcontrolled cell deathAll the Organisms DNAbuilding blocks of lifeThe first phase of mitosiscontrol centre of the cellAn organisms reproductive cellThe final phase of cell divisionThe second stage of cell divisionThe carrier of genetic informationA cell that contains 46 chromosonesA cell that contains 23 chromosones...

Biology 2017-12-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Forms a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
  2. All the organisms DNA
  3. The part of a chromosome that links sister chromatids
  4. A cell containing 46 chromosomes
  5. Programmed cell death
  6. A unicellular organism that does not have membrane bound organelles
  7. Any organism with cells with membrane-bound organelles
  8. Image of all chromosomes in the nucleus
  9. The final phase of cell division
  10. The control centre of the cell
  11. A parent cell making four non identical haploid cells
  12. The sequence of cells that develop into eggs and sperm
  13. It gives the cell its shape, structure and protection
  14. Long section of DNA
  15. Cyclinder shaped organelle, involved in cell division
  16. The building blocks of life
  17. A segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein
  1. The division of the nucleus which creates two identical cells
  2. The phase of a cell's cycle in which a typical cell spends most of its life
  3. A cell containing 23 chromosomes
  4. An organism's reproductive cells
  5. The carrier of genetic information
  6. A specialised structure within a living cell
  7. The second stage of cell division
  8. Any cell of a living organism that is not a reproductive cell
  9. Synthesises proteins and have a flat round structure
  10. The first phase of mitosis
  11. A molecule made up of polymers of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
  12. Different versions of a cells gene

29 Clues: Long section of DNAAll the organisms DNAProgrammed cell deathThe first phase of mitosisThe building blocks of lifeThe control centre of the cellA cell containing 23 chromosomesAn organism's reproductive cellsA cell containing 46 chromosomesThe final phase of cell divisionThe second stage of cell divisionThe carrier of genetic information...

biology 2018-03-10

biology crossword puzzle
  1. ___ initiates the DNA replication
  2. a virus infection which the host cell is not killed immediately
  3. an enzyme that converts RNA to DNA
  4. a protein shell for a virus
  5. a virus infection which the host cell is killed
  6. a virus that infects only bacteria
  7. a nonliving, infectious particle
  8. an outbreak of a disease that affects many people
  9. cuts DNA into fragments by recognizing specific nucleotide sequence
  10. a virus that contains single-stranded RNA and produces reverse transcriptase
  11. ___is the study and comparison of all the proteins
  12. an infectious agent
  1. an organism that can live with or without oxygen
  2. bacteria produce clone through ___
  3. when the bacteriophage's DNA enters the bacteria cell and attach the bacterial chromosome
  4. organism that genome has been altered and has one or more genes from other organisms
  5. an electrical current used to separate a mixture of DNA fragments from each other
  6. a genetic structure in a cell that can replicate independently, typically a small circular DNA strand
  7. an end of a DNA double helix with unpaired nucleotides at one end
  8. method of increasing the quantity of DNA by adding primers and enzymes
  9. an infectious protein
  10. a technique that places a gene into a cell to correct a genetic disorder
  11. an infectious agent that can cause disease in plants
  12. use computer to organize and analyze biological data especially genetics
  13. a specialized cell with a thick, protective wall

25 Clues: an infectious agentan infectious proteina protein shell for a virusa nonliving, infectious particle___ initiates the DNA replicationbacteria produce clone through ___an enzyme that converts RNA to DNAa virus that infects only bacteriaa virus infection which the host cell is killedan organism that can live with or without oxygen...

Biology 2018-02-24

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. which organelle contains the cell's DNA?
  2. Non membrane bounded organelles responsible for protein synthesis
  3. Which cellular process results in the formation of sugar from Carbon Dioxide?
  4. Traits that will be expressed
  5. Both alleles are the same
  6. Term used to refer to a cell that contains only a single set of chromosomes, and genes
  7. What is DNA organized as?
  8. Cellular energy is required to move substances from low to high concentration
  9. Every…………..has a characteristic number of chromosomes.
  10. organelles that capture the energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis.
  11. Organism or cell having 2 sets of chromosomes or twice the haploid number
  12. What do chromosomes contain?
  13. alleles are different
  14. a rigid layer of nonliving material that surrounds the cell of plants and some organisms.
  15. Movement of particles through a membrane from high to low concentration.
  16. The combination of alleles
  17. Filled with enzymes used to break down food into particle that can be used
  1. RNA
  2. saclike structure that store materials, water salts proteins and carbs in the cytoplasm.
  3. Heat The amount of head necessary to raise the temp of 1 g of that molecule by 1* C.
  4. Power plant of the cell that uses energy released the breakdown food molecules to produce ATP
  5. Does not require energy to move substances from high to low concentration
  6. Has a membrane, a nucleus, and mitochondria.
  7. thin flexible barrier around a cell regulates what enter and leaves the cell
  8. Series of reactions that occur in the mitochondria during cellular respiration.
  9. Funtion of ribosomes?
  10. The plasma membranes of cells are composed of?
  11. DNA
  12. Function of ribosomes?
  13. The traits which an organism show (as opposed to what its genes code for)?
  14. Has no defined nucleus and a series of organelles that carry out functions of the cell
  15. A substance made of sugar that is common in the cell wall of many organisms.
  16. apparatus What is referred to as the packing, processing and shipping organelle?
  17. Which of the following proteins catalyze different reactions or processes?
  18. Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane.

35 Clues: RNADNAFuntion of ribosomes?alleles are differentFunction of ribosomes?Both alleles are the sameWhat is DNA organized as?The combination of allelesWhat do chromosomes contain?Traits that will be expressedwhich organelle contains the cell's DNA?Has a membrane, a nucleus, and mitochondria.The plasma membranes of cells are composed of?...

Biology 2018-01-28

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, consists of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane
  2. the region of a chromosome to which the microtubules attach
  3. any organism whose cells have a cell nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes
  4. made of proteins and RNA, helps in protein synthesis
  5. the first phase of mitosis
  6. a sequence of DNA and RNA which codes for a molecule that has a function
  7. a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus
  8. the final phase of cell division
  9. a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus
  10. multicellular organism that are differentiated or segregated that tin the usual processes of reproduction
  11. a thread-like structure of a nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of most living cells carrying genetic information in the form of genes
  12. having a single set of unpaired chromosomes
  13. any cell of a living organism other than the reproductive cells
  14. having two sets of chromosomes or double the haploid number of chromosomes in the germ cell
  15. a mature haploid male or female germ cell
  1. organelle found in eukaryotic cells
  2. the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development
  3. thread-like chain of nucleotides carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, function and reproduction of all known living organisms
  4. one of the several structures with specialized functions, suspended in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell
  5. a test to identify and evaluate the size, shape and number of chromosomes in a sample of body cells
  6. the phase of the cell cycle in which a typical cell spends most of its life
  7. they form a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
  8. a molecule composed of polymers of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds
  9. the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism
  10. the third phase of mitosis
  11. each pair of minute cylindrical organelles near the nucleus in animal cells, involved in the development of spindle fibres in cell division
  12. a type of cell division that results in four cells each with half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell
  13. wall outside the membrane, has to protect and support the cell
  14. variant form of a gene

29 Clues: variant form of a genethe first phase of mitosisthe third phase of mitosisthe final phase of cell divisionorganelle found in eukaryotic cellsa mature haploid male or female germ cellhaving a single set of unpaired chromosomesmade of proteins and RNA, helps in protein synthesisa unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus...

Biology 2018-01-26

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. one set of chromosomes
  2. the phase of the cell cycle in which a typical cell spends most of its life
  3. DNA
  4. any cell or organism that possesses a clearly defined nucleus
  5. humans have 23 pairs of these
  6. is a multicellular organism is the population of its bodily cells
  7. the third phase of mitosis
  8. any cell that makes up an organism, except for reproductive cell
  9. a small set of microtubles arranged in a specific way
  10. genetic material of an organism
  11. several structures with specialized functions
  12. a test to identify and evaluate the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a sample of body cells
  13. has 2 rounds of division
  14. has 1 round of division
  15. 2 sets of chromosomes
  1. the first phase of of mitosis
  2. made up of hundreds or thousands of smaller units called amino acids
  3. form a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell
  4. the point of attachment of the Kinetochore
  5. cell type is bacteria
  6. the cells used during sexual reproduction to produce a new individual organism or zygote
  7. the cell that contains DNA
  8. the final phase of cell division
  9. variant form of a gene
  10. surrounds the cell membrane
  11. the death of cells
  12. Provide structure for the body
  13. sequence of DNA
  14. a small round organelle involved in protein synthesis

29 Clues: DNAsequence of DNAthe death of cellscell type is bacteria2 sets of chromosomesone set of chromosomesvariant form of a genehas 1 round of divisionhas 2 rounds of divisionthe cell that contains DNAthe third phase of mitosissurrounds the cell membranethe first phase of of mitosishumans have 23 pairs of theseProvide structure for the body...

Biology 2017-11-30

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. 10 Bio
  2. 18
  3. 16
  4. 13
  5. 3
  6. 20
  7. 12 bio
  8. 23
  9. 25
  10. 7 Bio
  11. 14
  12. 27
  13. 9 Bio
  14. 15
  15. 11 Bio
  1. 8 Bio
  2. 24
  3. one
  4. 22
  5. 28
  6. 26
  7. 5
  8. 19
  9. two
  10. 4
  11. 6 Bio
  12. 17
  13. 21

28 Clues: 53424182228261613201917232125142715onetwo12 bio11 Bio10 Bio9 Bio8 Bio7 Bio6 Bio

Biology 2016-11-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Study of relationship amongst organisms and the enviroment.
  2. Bodies consist of repeated segments.
  3. Population growth that stabilize indefinitely at the habitat' carrying capacity.
  4. The three groups of primates are prosimians, monkeys, and ___.
  5. Segmented animals with jointed appendages and a chitin-rich exoskeleton.
  6. Improves flexibility and increases the potential for specialized body parts.
  7. Unique stage in embryonic development of animals.
  8. Sessile form of cnidarin.
  9. Factors that limit population regardless of size.
  10. Unsegmented worms that molt periodically.
  11. Population growth that is proportional to the size of the population.
  12. Aquatic, sessile animals that are either asymmetrical or radially symmetrical.
  1. Immediate ancestor of animals.
  2. Most diverse arthropods
  3. Factors that limit large population.
  4. density Measure of the number of individuals per unit area of habitat.
  5. Unsegmented animals that lack a coelom.
  6. Spiny-skinned marine animals.
  7. Free swimming form of cnidarin.
  8. vascular system Enables echinoderms to move, sense their environment, acquire food, exchange gases, and get rid of metabolic wastes.
  9. Helps determine the population size.
  10. Gastrula's first indentation form in the mouth.

22 Clues: Most diverse arthropodsSessile form of cnidarin.Spiny-skinned marine animals.Immediate ancestor of animals.Free swimming form of cnidarin.Factors that limit large population.Bodies consist of repeated segments.Helps determine the population size.Unsegmented animals that lack a coelom.Unsegmented worms that molt periodically....

BIOLOGY 2019-02-28

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. joint
  2. shape
  3. flat
  4. the single set of chromosomes found in gametes
  5. hair-like appendages on the cell membrane
  6. cartilage
  7. movement of particles or fluids out of the cell
  8. cells that receive and transmit signals (2 words)
  9. worms
  10. cells with ability to contract (2 words)
  11. the scientific study of living organisms
  12. a method of classifying organisms based on their evolutionary relationships
  13. "cell drinking" of liquids and dissolved substances
  14. life
  15. the central points where two chromatids are joined
  16. rabbit
  17. animal
  18. the site of protein synthesis
  19. passive movement of a substance down a concentration gradient and across a cell membrane that requires a carrier protein
  20. algae, protazoans
  21. passive movement of a substance from an area of high concentration
  22. plant
  23. uneven
  24. fish
  25. membrane bound sacs that contain hydrolytic enzymes
  26. passive movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane from the dilute solution to the more concentrated solution
  27. yeast, molds, mushrooms
  28. the concentration of particles in a fluid compared to the concentration of particlesin the cytosol of a cel
  1. the clear, viscous fluid of the cell
  2. to eat
  3. flesh
  4. even
  5. bacteria
  6. "cell eating" of large particles
  7. bone
  8. stage of cell division when the cytoplasm pinches and divides
  9. process in which the chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange strands of DNA (2 words)
  10. sheets of cell that cover or line other tissues ( 2 words)
  11. cells that surround themselves with a nonliving extracellular matrix (2 words)
  12. joining of an ovum and a spermatozoon
  13. the double set of chromosomes found in cells of the body
  14. membrane bound sacs formed from other membranes
  15. whip-like appendage on the cell membrane
  16. foot
  17. double
  18. movement of substance across a cell membrane that requires a carrier protein and ATP (2 words)
  19. DNA in long loose fiber
  20. digits
  21. figure-like projections formed from the cell membrane itself
  22. process by which the body produces new cell for growth and to replace worn out and damaged cells; results in two daughter cells that are identical to the parent cells
  23. process by which the body produces new cells for reproduction; results in four cells that have half as many chromosomes as the parent cell

51 Clues: evenflatbonefootlifefishfleshjointshapewormsplantto eatdoubledigitsrabbitanimalunevenbacteriacartilagealgae, protazoansDNA in long loose fiberyeast, molds, mushroomsthe site of protein synthesis"cell eating" of large particlesthe clear, viscous fluid of the celljoining of an ovum and a spermatozoonwhip-like appendage on the cell membrane...

biology 2019-01-01

biology crossword puzzle
  1. The evolutionary history of a species
  2. the substances changed during a chemical reaction. On left side of equation
  3. compounds that remove H+ ions from a solution
  4. division of the cytoplasm
  5. organelle that contains enzymes
  6. release of substances out of cell by the fusion of vesicle with the membrane
  7. multi-phase division of the nucleus
  8. tool that provides an enlarged image of an object
  9. the substance that is present in the greater amount of a solution and dissolves into another substance
  10. a segment of DNA that stores genetic information
  11. fungus that grows symbiotically with algae, resulting in a composite organs that grows on rocks or tree trunks
  1. Outer protein coat of a virus
  2. fusion of an egg and sperm cell
  3. cell that has only one copy of each chromosome
  4. Process that requires oxygen to occur
  5. an underground network of hyphae.
  6. Process that does not require oxygen
  7. small organelle that contains and transports materials within the cytoplasm
  8. a polymer made of monomers called amino acids
  9. an organized group of related parts that interact to form a whole

20 Clues: division of the cytoplasmOuter protein coat of a virusfusion of an egg and sperm cellorganelle that contains enzymesan underground network of hyphae.multi-phase division of the nucleusProcess that does not require oxygenThe evolutionary history of a speciesProcess that requires oxygen to occurcompounds that remove H+ ions from a solution...

biology 2019-01-01

biology crossword puzzle
  1. The evolutionary history of a species
  2. the substances changed during a chemical reaction. On left side of equation
  3. compounds that remove H+ ions from a solution
  4. division of the cytoplasm
  5. organelle that contains enzymes
  6. release of substances out of cell by the fusion of vesicle with the membrane
  7. multi-phase division of the nucleus
  8. tool that provides an enlarged image of an object
  9. the substance that is present in the greater amount of a solution and dissolves into another substance
  10. a segment of DNA that stores genetic information
  11. fungus that grows symbiotically with algae, resulting in a composite organs that grows on rocks or tree trunks
  1. Outer protein coat of a virus
  2. fusion of an egg and sperm cell
  3. cell that has only one copy of each chromosome
  4. Process that requires oxygen to occur
  5. an underground network of hyphae.
  6. Process that does not require oxygen
  7. small organelle that contains and transports materials within the cytoplasm
  8. a polymer made of monomers called amino acids
  9. an organized group of related parts that interact to form a whole

20 Clues: division of the cytoplasmOuter protein coat of a virusfusion of an egg and sperm cellorganelle that contains enzymesan underground network of hyphae.multi-phase division of the nucleusProcess that does not require oxygenThe evolutionary history of a speciesProcess that requires oxygen to occurcompounds that remove H+ ions from a solution...

Biology 2019-09-12

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. two identical alleles
  2. reproductive
  3. governed by multiple variations for a single locus
  4. evaporation of water from plant leaves
  5. learning to change
  6. determine the identity of items in the natural world
  7. hair color, eye color
  8. classification of something
  9. carries messages to and from the brain and spinal cord
  10. bones and joints
  11. two copies one from each parent
  12. babies
  13. blood and blood vessels
  14. natural selection
  15. the orientation of a plant in response to light
  16. the vascular tissues in plants that conducts sugars downward for the leaves
  17. formal naming system for living things
  18. GI tract,gallbladder
  19. leaves, stems, flowers, grows above ground
  20. bee carrying pollen
  21. pollen producing reproductive organ of a flower
  1. gene can be more popular or disappear
  2. circulates blood through the body
  3. a tiny opening or pore that is used for gas exchange
  4. taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide
  5. different species have the same function but evolved differently
  6. some giraffes have long necks others are short
  7. the turning of an organism in a particular direction in response to an external stimulus
  8. behavior, biochemical properties
  9. Heart
  10. bodys defense system
  11. organ system consisting of skin, hair, nails
  12. sweat glands, liver
  13. different animals have structures that appear similar but not in function
  14. two different alleles
  15. the vascular tissues in plants that conducts water upward from the root
  16. the thyroid gland
  17. one copy from the parent
  18. grows underground like a carrot
  19. development
  20. muscular, nervous

41 Clues: Heartbabiesdevelopmentreproductivebones and jointsnatural selectionthe thyroid glandmuscular, nervouslearning to changesweat glands, liverbee carrying pollenbodys defense systemGI tract,gallbladdertwo identical alleleshair color, eye colortwo different allelesblood and blood vesselsone copy from the parentclassification of something...

Biology 2019-05-06

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. another term for pseudopodium
  2. a space or vesicle within the cytoplasm of a cell
  3. Lets things in and out of the cell
  4. moves about by extending finger like projections of protoplasm
  5. makes and disposes urine
  6. a green single-celled freshwater organism with a flagellum
  7. delivers blood to the body
  8. a dense organelle present in most eukaryotic cells
  9. one cellular organism
  10. a cell with a flagella
  11. a cell in a plant
  1. this makes organs
  2. a cell with multiple cellular organisms
  3. using the sun to get food
  4. breaks down food
  5. any of a number of organized or specialized structures
  6. a single-celled freshwater animal that has a characteristic slipper-like shape
  7. brings in and delivers air to cells
  8. a circular cell with Daughter cells attached to it
  9. protects the cell
  10. this makes an organ system
  11. an organelle found in large numbers in most cells
  12. in a cell to see (hint: eye)
  13. Another word for organs
  14. a cell in a animal
  15. cilium

26 Clues: ciliumbreaks down foodthis makes organsprotects the cella cell in a planta cell in a animalone cellular organisma cell with a flagellaAnother word for organsmakes and disposes urineusing the sun to get foodthis makes an organ systemdelivers blood to the bodyin a cell to see (hint: eye)another term for pseudopodiumLets things in and out of the cell...

Biology 2019-05-07

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. pulls cell through water
  2. made of multiple cells
  3. cells that make up a plant
  4. hair like structure used to move
  5. produces energy, a powerhouse of the cell
  6. false foot
  7. control system of the cell, stores DNA
  8. System that helps flow and pump blood for organism
  9. used to find a light on the surface
  10. lives in a colony in freshwater, uses photosynthesis
  11. surrounds the cell, controls entrance and exit
  12. made up of multiple organs
  13. method used to make food for plants
  14. sacs for storage, digestion, and waste control
  15. where something has one cell
  1. lives in fresh water, uses photosynthesis and eats own food
  2. protects the cell and provides strength
  3. more than one cell to make something up
  4. System that helps you breathe
  5. System that digests nutrients to feed the organism
  6. made up of multiple tissues
  7. System that helps get rid of waste
  8. something that is alive and made up of cells
  9. specialized structures within a living cell
  10. cells that make up an animal
  11. lives in freshwater and eats bacteria, cilia hair like to move
  12. live in either water or soil, feed on bacteria or small protists

27 Clues: false footmade of multiple cellspulls cell through watercells that make up a plantmade up of multiple organsmade up of multiple tissuescells that make up an animalwhere something has one cellSystem that helps you breathehair like structure used to moveSystem that helps get rid of wasteused to find a light on the surface...

Biology 2019-05-08

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. organized structures within a cell
  2. Stores waste in the cell
  3. A plants way of making food
  4. The control center of the cell
  5. Cells found in organisms like mammals
  6. More than 1 cell
  7. Many organs with the same job
  8. produces energy for the cell
  9. Removes waste from the body
  10. Works to remove cell waste
  11. Works to break down food and remove waste
  12. Protects cell and provides strength
  13. Movement method for paramecium
  14. Unicellular organisms with pseudopods
  1. Fake foot
  2. One cell
  3. These use cilia to move and feed on bacteria
  4. Many organ systems working together
  5. A hairlike structure used for a volvox’s movement
  6. Many cells with the same job
  7. Works to transfer oxygen and nutrients through the body
  8. A unicellular organism that lives in a colony
  9. Many tissues with the same job
  10. Controls enter and exit
  11. A unicellular organism that has a flagellum and an eyespot
  12. Cells found in plants
  13. A light-sensitive spot on some organisms

27 Clues: One cellFake footMore than 1 cellCells found in plantsControls enter and exitStores waste in the cellWorks to remove cell wasteA plants way of making foodRemoves waste from the bodyMany cells with the same jobproduces energy for the cellMany organs with the same jobThe control center of the cellMany tissues with the same job...

Biology 2019-05-08

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Hint: Has a wall
  2. single celled aquatic organism
  3. single cell
  4. structures in cells
  5. expose of waste
  6. organs put together with a specific function
  7. pumps blood through the body
  8. surrounds the cytoplasm
  9. produces food
  10. helps a cell moe around
  11. single celled animal that catches food
  1. A part of a person with a function
  2. Organisms cell
  3. feeds the cell
  4. covers plant cell
  5. a small space inside cytoplasm
  6. includes lungs
  7. breaks down food
  8. creates oxygen from carbon dioxide
  9. Multiple cells
  10. Single celled Freshwater animal
  11. controls the cell
  12. Single celled freshwater organism
  13. Light sensitive spot
  14. material animals and plants are made of
  15. like a hair
  16. (Hint) Person

27 Clues: single celllike a hairproduces food(Hint) PersonOrganisms cellfeeds the cellincludes lungsMultiple cellsexpose of wasteHint: Has a wallbreaks down foodcovers plant cellcontrols the cellstructures in cellsLight sensitive spotsurrounds the cytoplasmhelps a cell moe aroundpumps blood through the bodysingle celled aquatic organism...

Biology 2021-03-02

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. an organism that cannot produce its own food, instead taking nutrition from other sources of organic carbon, mainly plant or animal matter
  2. species' average population size in a particular habitat
  3. an organism that can produce its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals
  4. all food chains in a ecosystem
  5. are adapted and often highly specialized for hunting, with acute senses such as vision, hearing, or smell
  6. the animals predators eat
  7. linear sequence of organisms through which nutrients and energy pass as one organism eats another
  8. the way in which an organism fits into an ecological community
  9. a relationship between individuals of two species in which one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the latter
  10. the ecological interaction between two or more species where each species has a net benefit
  1. the process in which light energy is converted to chemical energy in the form of sugars
  2. living organism that shapes its environment
  3. are vulnerable to endangerment in the near future
  4. animals that may go extinct soon
  5. place were organism makes its home
  6. the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth occupied by living organisms
  7. basic membrane-bound unit that contains the fundamental molecules of life and of which all living things are composed
  8. factors non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that affect living organisms and the functioning of ecosystems
  9. the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings
  10. the relationship between different species in which one organism lives on or in the other organism and benefits from it by causing some harm

20 Clues: the animals predators eatall food chains in a ecosystemanimals that may go extinct soonplace were organism makes its homeliving organism that shapes its environmentare vulnerable to endangerment in the near futurespecies' average population size in a particular habitatthe way in which an organism fits into an ecological community...

Biology 2021-03-05

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. becoming better suited to your environment
  2. burning
  3. remaining waste after food
  4. a chemical element with the atomic number of six
  5. to be able to be maintained at a certain level
  6. populations of different species
  7. a plant that grows on another plant - especially one that it not parasitic
  8. physical rather than biological
  9. Predator, highest in the food chain
  10. without organized physical structure
  11. the condition that separates plants and animals from inorganic matter
  12. respiration without oxygen
  13. the process of intake and release of air to produce energy
  1. the process of felling trees on a large scale
  2. a single species
  3. the process of decay
  4. the process in which organisms use sunlight to produce nutrients
  5. a repeating and often entrapping process.
  6. an even distribution
  7. a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst
  8. decayed material which stores carbon
  9. Level, each of the several hierarchical levels in an ecosystem
  10. the dependence of two or more things on each other
  11. the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth
  12. single organisms

25 Clues: burninga single speciessingle organismsthe process of decayan even distributionremaining waste after foodrespiration without oxygenphysical rather than biologicalpopulations of different speciesPredator, highest in the food chaindecayed material which stores carbonwithout organized physical structurea repeating and often entrapping process....

Biology 2021-03-19

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. enlarged segment of cartilage that supports epiogottis
  2. exchange of air between our lungs and the environment
  3. this and alveoli are where oxygen in the lungs is exchanged with carbon dioxide in the blood
  4. location where gas exchange occurs between outer environment and blood
  5. makes up 21% of air
  6. organs that contain air passage to alveoli
  7. adheres lungs to chest wall
  8. connects pharynx to lungs, lined with mucus
  9. movement of particles from high concentration to low concentration
  10. provides increased SA in the nasal passages for warming of air
  11. tiny, hair-like structures that catch and get rid of foreign debris
  12. gases move between blood and cells
  13. large flat muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity
  1. contains ciliated and mucus-producing cells but arent supported by rings of cartilage
  2. flap of cartilage that lies behind the tongue
  3. makes up 2% of air
  4. volume of air that is inhaled and exhaled when breathing (at rest)
  5. volume of air that remains in the lungs after full exhalation
  6. gases move between lungs and blood
  7. muscular tube connecting to nose and mouth through larynx and esophagus
  8. carry air into the lungs and branch into branchioles
  9. makes up 78% of the air
  10. an enzyme found in red blood cells that speeds up carbon dioxide reaction

23 Clues: makes up 2% of airmakes up 21% of airmakes up 78% of the airadheres lungs to chest wallgases move between lungs and bloodgases move between blood and cellsorgans that contain air passage to alveoliconnects pharynx to lungs, lined with mucusflap of cartilage that lies behind the tonguecarry air into the lungs and branch into branchioles...

Biology 2020-12-18

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. type of reproduction that does not involve the fusion of gametes or change in the number of chromosomes
  2. microbe that can cause damage in a host
  3. specific characteristic of an organism
  4. adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T), and cytosine (C).
  5. any individual entity that embodies the properties of life
  6. Some cells in multicellular organisms are modified to carry out a particular function
  7. detectable change in the physical or chemical structure of an organism's internal or external environment.
  8. specific characteristic of an organism
  9. simple cells that do not have a true nucleus or other cell organelles.
  10. proteins that act as biological catalysts
  11. self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival.
  12. an organic compound made up of small molecules called amino acids
  13. carrier of genetic information.
  1. Cell division gives rise to genetically identical cells in which the total number of chromosomes is maintained.
  2. response within a system
  3. the process of creating proteins from an mRNA template.
  4. type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells
  5. infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.
  6. designed to target bacterial infections within the body
  7. ribonucleic acid
  8. The presence of two identical alleles at a particular gene locus
  9. refers to the observable physical properties of an organism
  10. induce cell growth, division and death; control membrane channels or regulate cell binding
  11. the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA)
  12. smallest unit of life
  13. microscopic, single-celled organisms that thrive in diverse environments
  14. biological agents that elicit an immune response to a specific antigen derived from an infectious disease-causing pathogen
  15. having or consisting of many cells.
  16. regulate physiology and behavior
  17. consist of strands of DNA wrapped in a double helix around a core of proteins

30 Clues: ribonucleic acidsmallest unit of liferesponse within a systemcarrier of genetic information.regulate physiology and behaviorhaving or consisting of many cells.specific characteristic of an organismspecific characteristic of an organismmicrobe that can cause damage in a hostproteins that act as biological catalysts...

Biology 2021-01-08

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. synthesizes primers for rna.
  2. pairs with cytosine.
  3. replicated dna that goes in the 3’ to 5’ direction.
  4. combine to form proteins.
  5. pairs with guanine.
  6. the building block of DNA and RNA.
  7. protein is synthesized from the mRNA.
  8. Synthesizes dna from nucleotides.
  9. Converts the information from dna into proteins.
  10. helps decode mRNA.
  1. keeps dna strands unraveled during replication.
  2. synthesizes rna.
  3. pairs with thymine.
  4. Replicated dna that goes in the 5’ to 3’ direction.
  5. Holds together amino acids.
  6. Breaks the hydrogen bonds between the dna bases.
  7. forms peptide bonds.
  8. three dna nucleotides.
  9. joins together Okazaki fragments.
  10. winds and unwinds coiled up dna.
  11. DNA’s I formation is copied into mRNA.
  12. also pairs with adenine.
  13. Pairs with adenine.
  14. carries the messages from the decoded dna.
  15. Stores information for cells to follow.

25 Clues: synthesizes rna.helps decode mRNA.pairs with thymine.pairs with guanine.Pairs with adenine.pairs with cytosine.forms peptide bonds.three dna nucleotides.also pairs with adenine.combine to form proteins.Holds together amino acids.synthesizes primers for rna.winds and unwinds coiled up dna.joins together Okazaki fragments....

Biology 2020-10-29

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Compound that contains carbon
  2. All have the same chemical formula( C H O)
  3. Substances enzyme can work with
  4. Organic substance. fats, oils, waxes. BBB= 3 fatty acids and glycerol
  5. To split using water
  6. Type of bond that hooks Amino acides toghether to form protiens
  7. A mixture of water and nondissolved particles
  8. acids Organic substance. BBB= nucleotide, ex. DNA and RNA
  9. Sugar+phophate+base, BBB for nucleic acids, in DNA
  10. Double stranded and double helix, A-T;C-G
  11. Compound that has no carbon, expception=CO2
  12. Mixture where particles are uniformly spread out
  13. Protein that speeds up reactions, recyclable
  14. Organic substance. many functions, BBB= amino acids
  1. One sugar, C6,H12,O6
  2. 2 monosachrides combined, aka 2 sugars
  3. Large compounds, polymers, are constructed from smaller compounds
  4. Many monossacharides combined, whole string of sugar
  5. Single stranded, NO thymine, A-U;C-G
  6. Organic substance. simple sugar, BBB= monosachride
  7. Two or more elements combined but not chemically

21 Clues: One sugar, C6,H12,O6To split using waterCompound that contains carbonSubstances enzyme can work withSingle stranded, NO thymine, A-U;C-G2 monosachrides combined, aka 2 sugarsDouble stranded and double helix, A-T;C-GAll have the same chemical formula( C H O)Compound that has no carbon, expception=CO2Protein that speeds up reactions, recyclable...

BIOLOGY 2020-02-12

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. the chemical breakdown of sugar
  2. transformation, A change from one form of energy to another
  3. Light-absorbing molecule
  4. macromolecule containing hydrogen and nitrogen
  5. A molecule containing carbon that is a part of or produced by living systems.
  6. the ability to do work
  7. control center of the cell
  8. compound used by cells to store and release energy
  9. requires oxygen
  10. unable to go through
  11. the study of how energy flows through living organisms
  12. the cell's metabolic process
  13. cycle citric acid cycle
  14. power house of the cell
  15. The changing of organic matter into other chemical forms such as fuels.
  16. the temperature at which a substance freezes
  17. An organelle found in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs
  18. a very large organic molecule composed of many small molecules
  19. nucleic acid that is capable of replication and determining the structure of a cell
  20. a class of nutrients that builds body tissues and supplies energy and is made of amino acids
  21. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
  22. saclike photosynthetic membranes found in chloroplasts
  1. A long molecule consisting of many similar or identical monomers linked together.
  2. A green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants
  3. a catalyst produced by a living organism that brings on a specific biochemical reaction
  4. the measurement of the amount of solute within a volume of a solvent
  5. A simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers
  6. A group of membrane‐bound organelles commonly found in photosynthetic organisms and mainly responsible for the synthesis and storage of food.
  7. stack of thylakoids
  8. A difference in the concentration of a substance across a distance.
  9. the diffusion of water
  10. the measurement of how hot or cold something is
  11. a biochemical pathway of photosynthesis in which carbon dioxide is converted into glucose using ATP
  12. process doesn't require oxygen.
  13. a group of atoms bonded together
  14. fluid portion of the chloroplast outside of the thylakoids
  15. made of carbon hydrogen and and oxygen atoms and is a major source of energy for the human body lipids, energy rich organic compounds such as fats oils and waxes
  16. the process plants use to create energy in the form of sugar
  17. a metabolic process that makes alcohol
  18. process that requires oxygen
  19. the heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of a given substance by a given amount (usually one degree).
  20. the study of energy transformations
  21. hydrogen ion concentration

43 Clues: requires oxygenstack of thylakoidsunable to go throughthe ability to do workthe diffusion of waterpower house of the cellLight-absorbing moleculecontrol center of the cellhydrogen ion concentrationthe cell's metabolic processcycle citric acid cycleprocess that requires oxygenthe chemical breakdown of sugara group of atoms bonded together...

Biology 2021-04-14

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Organic molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and fats.
  2. A specialized protein that catalyzes (speeds up) the chemical reactions of a cell.
  3. Polysaccharide made up of a chain of glucose (monosaccharide) molecules
  4. The reactant , molecule upon which an enzyme acts
  5. lipid that is a solid at room temperature
  6. A carbon based molecule made by living things.
  7. process of adding a water molecule in the protein molecule to break it apart into amino acids. Now the body can use the amino acids to make its own proteins.
  8. modify (enzymes) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished.(doesn't match the active site any longer)
  9. are macromolecules that always contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
  10. molecule consisting of CH and a little O includes: fats, oils and waxes. monomer is a glycerol and three fatty acids.
  1. enzyme that speeds up chemical reaction by lowering the activation energy
  2. a word used to describe a molecule that contains the element
  3. the strength of a solution.
  4. A polymer of 3 or more monosaccharides, formed by dehydration reactions.
  5. A lipid made of a phosphate group and two fatty acids; Consists of a hydrophilic polar head and two hydrophobic non-polar tails; forms cell membranes.
  6. A carbohydrate (C₆H₁₂O₆) produced by photosynthesis. It is the form of sugar that is used by the body for energy.
  7. a chemical substance formed as a result of a chemical reaction
  8. When something ends in -ose it is said to be a?
  9. a chemical substance that is present at the start of a chemical reaction (will be broken down)
  10. The building block of carbohydrate; a single sugar.
  11. Primary source of energy
  12. A smaller unit that is the BUILDING BLOCK of a polymer.

22 Clues: Primary source of energythe strength of a solution.lipid that is a solid at room temperatureA carbon based molecule made by living things.When something ends in -ose it is said to be a?The reactant , molecule upon which an enzyme actsThe building block of carbohydrate; a single sugar.A smaller unit that is the BUILDING BLOCK of a polymer....

Biology 2021-05-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. tube reinforced by rings of cartilage which connects the throat to the lungs.
  2. an action that is performed without conscious thought as a response to a stimulus.
  3. tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange.
  4. the fundamental units of the brain and nervous system, the cells responsible for receiving sensory input, sending motor commands to our muscles, and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between.
  5. small gland that makes steroid hormones and adrenaline.
  6. also called neuronal junction, the site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between two nerve cells or between a neuron and a muscle/gland.
  7. a part of the cell responsible for growth and reproduction
  8. organ part of the lymphatic system that makes white blood cells which are part of the immune system and help fight infection.
  9. part of a neuron that carries a nerve impulse away from the cell body.
  10. complex of nerve tissues that controls the activities of the body.
  11. a hormone produced in the pancreas which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.
  12. coordinates both the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary, controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and other homeostatic systems, and involved in sleep and emotional activity.
  13. chemical substances that act like messenger molecules in the body.
  1. a large gland behind the stomach which secretes the hormones called insulin and glucagon into the blood.
  2. a tubular structure carrying blood through the tissue and organs; vein, artery and capillary.
  3. the condition in which all acting influences are balanced or cancelled by equal opposing forces, resulting in a stable system.
  4. primary endocrine organ that secretes hormones, such as melatonin.
  5. the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord.
  6. occurs to maintain homeostasis – change in the rate of hormone production to oppose the effects of the hormone.
  7. a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in poor control of glucose levels in the blood.
  8. the organs and tissues involved in circulation blood through the body
  9. membrane a thin membrane enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell
  10. metabolic equilibrium maintained by biological mechanisms
  11. the organs involved in respiration; transporting oxygen and removing carbon dioxide; nose, trachea, bronchi, lungs, etc.
  12. small pea-sized gland that plays a major role in regulating vital body functions and general wellbeing.

25 Clues: the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord.small gland that makes steroid hormones and adrenaline.metabolic equilibrium maintained by biological mechanismsmembrane a thin membrane enclosing the cytoplasm of a cella part of the cell responsible for growth and reproductionprimary endocrine organ that secretes hormones, such as melatonin....

BIOLOGY 2021-10-30

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. sinonimi i sheqernave
  2. qelizat e trurit
  3. obezitet
  4. lejon hyrjen e ajrit ne qelizat e gjethes
  5. njesia me e vogel qe nderton proteinen
  6. hapesira ne pjesen e bremdshme te qelizes bimore
  7. organela te vogla ne gjethe
  8. karbohidrat lipid celuloze
  1. procesi i formimit te ushqimit tek bimet
  2. jane lipide
  3. nje organizem brenda gjethes
  4. qeliza mesazhere
  5. perdoren per riparuar vetveten
  6. sinonimi i yndyrnave
  7. qelizor- mur i jashtem i qelizes
  8. depozitimi i yndyrnave ne gjak shkakton..
  9. semundja e shkaktuar nga mungesa e proteinave
  10. depozitimi i yndynave ne gjak
  11. nje pjese e jashtme qe mbulon si citoplazme qelizat e gjethes
  12. lende kimike qe nevojiten ne sasi te vogla

20 Clues: obezitetjane lipideqeliza mesazhereqelizat e truritsinonimi i yndyrnavesinonimi i sheqernavekarbohidrat lipid celulozeorganela te vogla ne gjethenje organizem brenda gjethesdepozitimi i yndynave ne gjakperdoren per riparuar vetvetenqelizor- mur i jashtem i qelizesnjesia me e vogel qe nderton proteinenprocesi i formimit te ushqimit tek bimet...

BIOLOGY 2021-10-30

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. sinonimi i sheqernave
  2. qelizat e trurit
  3. obezitet
  4. lejon hyrjen e ajrit ne qelizat e gjethes
  5. njesia me e vogel qe nderton proteinen
  6. hapesira ne pjesen e bremdshme te qelizes bimore
  7. organela te vogla ne gjethe
  8. karbohidrat lipid celuloze
  1. procesi i formimit te ushqimit tek bimet
  2. jane lipide
  3. nje organizem brenda gjethes
  4. qeliza mesazhere
  5. perdoren per riparuar vetveten
  6. sinonimi i yndyrnave
  7. qelizor- mur i jashtem i qelizes
  8. depozitimi i yndyrnave ne gjak shkakton..
  9. semundja e shkaktuar nga mungesa e proteinave
  10. depozitimi i yndynave ne gjak
  11. nje pjese e jashtme qe mbulon si citoplazme qelizat e gjethes
  12. lende kimike qe nevojiten ne sasi te vogla

20 Clues: obezitetjane lipideqeliza mesazhereqelizat e truritsinonimi i yndyrnavesinonimi i sheqernavekarbohidrat lipid celulozeorganela te vogla ne gjethenje organizem brenda gjethesdepozitimi i yndynave ne gjakperdoren per riparuar vetvetenqelizor- mur i jashtem i qelizesnjesia me e vogel qe nderton proteinenprocesi i formimit te ushqimit tek bimet...

Biology 2021-05-17

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. complex series of chemical reactions
  2. use light energy to make molecules for the next stage of photosynthesis
  3. convert light energy into chemical energy
  4. flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast
  5. organelles that conduct photosynthesis
  6. does not require oxygen
  7. second of two major stages in photosynthesis
  8. breaks down organic compounds
  1. where pyruvic acid goes when there's no oxygen
  2. pigment located in membranes within the chloroplasts of plants and algae
  3. where the reactions of glycolysis take place
  4. does not occur during the calvin cycle
  5. colorless fluid surrounding the grana
  6. a pair of curved cells that surround a stoma
  7. two hydrogens and oxygen
  8. occurs naturally in Earth's atmosphere as a trace gas
  9. organisms undergo cellular respiration
  10. organism that cannot produce its own food
  11. product of cellular respiration (1)
  12. essential electron donor in all organisms

20 Clues: does not require oxygentwo hydrogens and oxygenbreaks down organic compoundsproduct of cellular respiration (1)complex series of chemical reactionscolorless fluid surrounding the granadoes not occur during the calvin cycleorganelles that conduct photosynthesisorganisms undergo cellular respirationconvert light energy into chemical energy...

Biology 2021-09-13

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. VARIABLE, The variable manipulated by the experimenter
  2. VARIABLE, The variable responding to the manipulated variable
  3. THEORY, an explanation of some part of the natural world that has been thoroughly tested and is supported by a significant amount of evidence from observations and experiments
  4. Organisms that eat only organisms other than plants.
  5. GROUP, the group in an experiment that experiences no manipulation (does not contain the independent variable)
  6. The maintenance of stable internal conditions.
  7. LAW, a description of a natural relationship or principle, often expressed in mathematical terms, and supported by a significant amount of evidence
  8. REPRODUCTION, Process by which a single organism produces genetically identical offspring
  9. The sum total of all processes in an organism that convert energy and matter from outside sources and use that energy and matter to sustain the organism's life functions
  10. OBSERVATIONS, Observations involving numbers, such as counting or measuring.
  11. The study of life. the Greek word bios means "life", and -logy means "study of".
  12. OBSERVATIONS, Observations that are not easily counted or measured, such as color or texture
  13. Organisms that only eat plants.
  14. REPRODUCTION, Process by which two parents produce genetically different offspring.
  15. organisms that are able to make their own food
  16. living creatures that are too small to see with the naked eye
  17. Organisms that eat both plants and other organisms.
  18. The smallest units of an organism considered alive
  19. organism that lacks an internal mechanism for regulating body heat
  20. an abrupt and marked change in the DNA of an organism compared to that of its parents
  1. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE, a microscope that transmits a beam of electrons through a thinly sliced specimen
  2. Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge, experience, or evidence
  3. The process by which physical and biological characteristics are transmitted from the parent (parents) to the offspring.
  4. SYSTEM OF UNITS, the metric system (SI), which is the most widely used system of measurement in science
  5. The idea that long ago, very simple life forms spontaneously appeared through chemical reactions
  6. the sum total of all processes in an organism that break down chemicals to produce energy and simple chemical building blocks
  7. The process by which green plants and some other organisms use the energy of sunlight and simple chemicals to produce their own food.
  8. The sum total of all processes in an organism that use energy and simple chemical building blocks to produce large chemicals and structures necessary for life.
  9. GROUP, The group in an experiment that is manipulated
  10. a suggested, testable answer to a well-defined scientific question or a possible, testable explanation for observations
  11. The Latin prefix uni means "one", so unicellular means "single-celled"
  12. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE, a microscope that passes a beam of electrons over the surface of a specimen
  13. Organisms that is internally warmed by heat-generating metabolic process.
  14. organisms that depend on other organisms for their food
  15. The collected body of data from experiments and observations.
  16. LIGHT MICROSCOPE, a microscope that shines light through a specimen using two lenses to magnify an image
  17. A factor that changes in an experiment
  18. Special structures that allow living organisms to sense the conditions of their internal or external environment.

38 Clues: Organisms that only eat plants.A factor that changes in an experimentThe maintenance of stable internal conditions.organisms that are able to make their own foodThe smallest units of an organism considered aliveOrganisms that eat both plants and other organisms.Organisms that eat only organisms other than plants....

Biology 2021-09-15

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. process by which plants and some other organisms use light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and high-energy carbohydrates such as sugars and starches
  2. organelle that is the site of ATP (energy) production
  3. An organelle found only in plant and algae cell, site of photosynthesis occurs
  4. The fluid of the chloroplast surrounding the thylakoid membrane; involved in the synthesis of organic molecules from carbon dioxide and water
  5. second stage of cellular respiration, in which pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide, takes place in the mitochondria, produces ATP and NADH
  6. stacks of thylakoids
  7. Respiration that does not require oxygen
  8. A flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast, used to convert light energy into chemical energy, site of the light reactions
  9. main energy source that cells use for most of their work, made up of adenosine, ribose and 3 phosphates
  10. Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen, takes place in plants and animals, happens in 3 processes
  1. uses the high-energy electrons from the Krebs cycle to convert ADP into ATP, takes place in the mitochondria, produces the most ATP of any of the processes (34 ATP)
  2. a lower-energy molecule that can be converted into ATP by the addition of a phosphate group, made up of adenosine, ribose and 2 phosphates
  3. one of the carrier molecules that transfers high-energy electrons from chlorophyll to other molecules
  4. reactions of photosynthesis in which energy from ATP and NADPH is used to build high-energy compounds such as sugars, also called dark reaction, no light needed, creates NADP+ and ADP, takes place in the stroma
  5. Green pigment in plants that absorbs light energy used to carry out photosynthesis
  6. Process by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygen
  7. the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvate, 1st step in cellular respiration, takes place in the cytoplasm
  8. electron carrier that provides high-energy electrons for photosynthesis
  9. Respiration that requires oxygen
  10. reactions reactions of photosynthesis that use energy from light to produce ATP and NADPH, also produces O2

20 Clues: stacks of thylakoidsRespiration that requires oxygenRespiration that does not require oxygenorganelle that is the site of ATP (energy) productionProcess by which cells release energy in the absence of oxygenelectron carrier that provides high-energy electrons for photosynthesis...

Biology 2021-11-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Proses pembentukan atau penyusunan molekul sederhana menjadi molekul yang lebih kompleks
  2. Bagian tumbuhan di atas tanah atau perkecambahan yang di tandai dengan bagian hipokotil terangkat ke permukaan tanah
  3. pembuangan hasil sisa metabolisme yang tidak dibutuhkan oleh tubuh
  4. Tempat berlangsungnya proses fotosintesis
  5. Suatu keadaan bertambah panjangnya suatu tanaman karena kekurangan cahaya dalam pertumbuhannya
  6. Pucuk lembaga/calon batang
  7. Daun biji/daun lembaga
  8. enzim amilase yang terdapat di dalam ludah
  9. Senyawa berenergi tinggi yang diperoleh melalu proses respirasi seluler
  10. salah satu enzim yang terdapat dalam ragi
  11. Memecah Zat pati (karbohidrat) menjadi gula (glukosa) dan bekerja di luar sel
  12. Tempat berlangsungnya proses glikolisis
  13. Dalam glikolisis dihasilkan 4 molekul ATP untuk setiap satu molekul glukosa. Dua molekul ATP diantarnya digunakan dalam reaksi
  14. Media tanam bagi tanaman dan menyediakan makanan, unsur hara dan garam mineral
  1. Keseluruhan proses kimiawi suatu organisme atau makhluk hidup
  2. Bahan dasar respirasi
  3. Orang tubuh yang menghasilkan enzim pencernaan
  4. Senyawa kimia hasil dari metabolisme glukosa yang disebut glikosisis
  5. bagian tubuh yang berfungsi memisahkan produk bagian metabolisme dalam darah
  6. Senyawa organik yang mempercepat suatu reaksi kimia
  7. Contoh dari penguraiaan molekul kompleks menjadi molekul sederhana
  8. Proses penyerapan air oleh biji sehingga beratnya bertambah
  9. Zat yang kaya akan energi dan berfungsi sebagai energi utama untuk proses metabolisme tubuh
  10. Proses perombakan atau penguraiaan senyawa atau molekul yang kompleks menjadi senyawa atau molekul sederhana
  11. Salah satu faktor reaksi fotosintesis
  12. Bahasa Yunani “metabole”
  13. Enzim pencernaan yang bertugas untuk memecah protein dalam makanan menjadi asam amino
  14. Enzim dalam darah yang berfungsi membekukan darah
  15. tumbuhan
  16. Apa itu H2O

30 Clues: tumbuhanApa itu H2OBahan dasar respirasiDaun biji/daun lembagaBahasa Yunani “metabole”Pucuk lembaga/calon batangSalah satu faktor reaksi fotosintesisTempat berlangsungnya proses glikolisisTempat berlangsungnya proses fotosintesissalah satu enzim yang terdapat dalam ragienzim amilase yang terdapat di dalam ludah...

Biology 2021-11-22

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Pada kecambah yang batang dan akarnya tumbuh tinggi, dan terletak di sebelah bawah kotiledon
  2. tumbuhan dapat tumbuh sangat cepat ditempat gelap
  3. auksin berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu
  4. Peluruhan daun pada musim kering disebabkan oleh hormon
  5. Hormon yang berfungsi untuk memperbesar ukuran buah
  6. Hasil individu baru dari pembuahan gamet betina oleh gamet jantan dan mengalami pertumbuhan pada reproduksi seksual
  7. Tidak berkecambah atau gagal berkecambah. Biji tersebut sebenarnya hidup walaupun diletakan di tempat yang dianggap telah memenuhi persyaratan bagi suatu perkecambahan
  8. Hormon yang berfungsi untuk menunda pengguguran daun, bunga dan buah
  9. Pelarut dan media untuk terjadianya reaksi metabolisme tubuh
  10. Organel tempat berlangsungnya reaksi respirasi aerob di dalam sel makhluk hidup adalah
  11. Akar tanaman dapat terus tumbuh ke bawah tanah karena adanya pengaruh hormon
  12. Hormon yang berfungsi untuk meransang pembentukan bunga dan buah
  13. Unsur yang dibutuhkan oleh tumbuhan untuk bahan fotosintesis dan didapat dari tanah yaitu
  14. Pada proses perkecambahan, embrio memanfaatkan cadangan makanan yang ada dalam biji. Cadangan makanan di simpan pada bagian
  15. Makakan/mineral yang sangat diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan
  16. Kultur tanaman yang dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan larutan nutrisi yang disemprotkan pada akar tanaman yaitu
  1. pada biji monokotil terdapat suatu struktur yang berfungsi untuk melindungi plumula yaitu
  2. Proses meresapnya air ke dalam biji yang dapat memicu perkecambahan disebut dengan
  3. salah satu faktor eksternal pertumbuhan tanaman
  4. Pertumbuhan tanaman yang menuju arah datangnya cahaya
  5. Tunas tumbuhan dapat bengkok keatas karena pengaruh hormon
  6. Hormon yang berfungsi untuk memperlambat gugurnya daun
  7. Terbentuknya buah sebelum penyerbukan dan buah tanpa biji dapat diusahakan dengan penambahan
  8. Faktor dalam atau internal yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada tumbuhan
  9. Penebalan dinding rahim dipengaruhi oleh hormon
  10. Salah satu contoh reaksi anabolisme adalah
  11. Calon akar
  12. alat untuk mengukur kecepatan pertumbuhan tanaman
  13. Contoh hormon sitokinin yaitu
  14. Unsur yang didapat dari udara untuk pertumbuhan serta perkembangan tumbuhan hijau yaitu

30 Clues: Calon akarContoh hormon sitokinin yaituauksin berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaituSalah satu contoh reaksi anabolisme adalahsalah satu faktor eksternal pertumbuhan tanamanPenebalan dinding rahim dipengaruhi oleh hormontumbuhan dapat tumbuh sangat cepat ditempat gelapalat untuk mengukur kecepatan pertumbuhan tanaman...

Biology 2021-12-06

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Process of breaking down nitrogen containing chemicals from dead organic matter
  2. way water moves between being water vapour to liquid water then back to water vapour
  3. Natural or industrial process that causes free nitrogen
  4. action of clearing a wide area of trees
  5. way oxygen moves in arious forms through nature
  6. process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat
  7. gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants
  8. second layer of the atmosphere as you go upward
  9. the series of processes by which nitrogen and its compounds are interconverted in the environment and in living organisms, including nitrogen fixation and decomposition
  10. envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet
  11. Process of breathing
  12. process of burning something
  1. Another word for rain
  2. layer in the earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 10 km (6.2 miles) containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun
  3. state or process of rotting
  4. gradual process that occurs when the impact of water or wind detaches and removes soil particles, causing the soil to deteriorate
  5. oxidation of ammonium salts to nitrites
  6. type of biogeochemical cycle in which the reservoir is the air or the oceans (via evaporation)
  7. biogeochemical cycle where various carbon compounds are interchanged among the various layers of the earth, namely, the biosphere, geosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere
  8. Process used by plants to make energy in form of sugar
  9. Exhalation of water vapour through stomata
  10. loss of nitrogen from soil
  11. process of Formation of water vapours by heating
  12. A cycle which comprises the weathering of an existing rock, followed by the erosion of minerals, their transport and deposition, then burial
  13. Conversion of vapour or gas to liquid

25 Clues: Process of breathingAnother word for rainloss of nitrogen from soilstate or process of rottingprocess of burning somethingConversion of vapour or gas to liquidoxidation of ammonium salts to nitritesaction of clearing a wide area of treesExhalation of water vapour through stomataway oxygen moves in arious forms through nature...

Biology 2021-12-03

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. The animal that is attacked.
  2. A non living thing
  3. One type of living thing
  4. Various species that interact
  5. To attack another species for food.
  6. A living thing
  7. First organisms that appear in an area
  8. The replacement of one community by another in one location.
  9. Greatest factor in keeping the size of population.
  10. The concentration of a species in one area.
  11. Entering a new area after leaving an old one.
  1. A group of organisms that are one species
  2. An interaction that is beneficial to both species.
  3. An interaction where one organism gets a benefit and hurts the other.
  4. Leaving your own area to go to another one.
  5. An interaction when one species gains a benefit and doesn't hurt the other.
  6. A branch of biology that deals with the relationships of organisms.
  7. An interaction between two species
  8. A community of species that interact with their environment
  9. Fighting over resources.
  10. An organism that eats another animal

21 Clues: A living thingA non living thingOne type of living thingFighting over resources.The animal that is attacked.Various species that interactAn interaction between two speciesTo attack another species for food.An organism that eats another animalFirst organisms that appear in an areaA group of organisms that are one species...

Biology 2021-12-01

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. a glass shelter for plants that absorbs sunlight
  2. humus is present in ___
  3. many or alot
  4. exhalation of water vapour through stomata
  5. a layer in the stratopshere
  6. what plants do at night
  7. variety of plants and animal life in the world or a particular area
  8. a must
  9. _______ and component
  10. a substance that pollutes something
  1. animals living on the ground are known as _____ animals
  2. explosion
  3. a component
  4. the biosphere is made of lithosphere, hydrosphere, and _______
  5. what organisms do in the soil to dead matter
  6. and inorganic substance that occurs naturally
  7. living things
  8. when something is floating that thing is _____
  9. what we breathe
  10. something we need to do work

20 Clues: a mustexplosiona componentmany or alotliving thingswhat we breathe_______ and componenthumus is present in ___what plants do at nighta layer in the stratopsheresomething we need to do worka substance that pollutes somethingexhalation of water vapour through stomatawhat organisms do in the soil to dead matter...

Biology 2021-11-15

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. An apparent link or relationship between two factors.
  2. The hormone produced during 'fight or flight' moments.
  3. Nerve cells carrying signals from the central nervous system to the effector organs.
  4. The end product of anaerobic respiration in animals.
  5. Used to destroy a tumour, but can also cause mutations and cancer in healthy organisms.
  6. An abnormal growth of cells.
  7. The regulation of the internal conditions of a cell or organism to maintain optimum conditions.
  8. A rapid automatic response to stimuli
  9. Breaking down glucose in an exothermic reaction, releasing energy for the cells.
  10. An abnormal growth of cells, contained in one area and do not invade other tissues.
  11. Respiration in the absence of Oxygen.
  12. Carbohydrate store of glucose in animals.
  1. The process by which plants make food from Carbon Dioxide and water.
  2. The common name for a malignant tumour
  3. A hormone involved in controlling blood sugar levels (decreasing sugar levels)
  4. Substance that increases the risk of developing cancer.
  5. A hormone controlling the menstrual cycle.
  6. Nerve cells that detect stimuli.
  7. Methods of preventing pregnancy
  8. The release of an egg (ovum) from the ovary.
  9. A hormone involved in controlling blood sugar levels (increasing sugar levels)
  10. An abnormal growth of cells, invading neighbouring tissues and spreading to the blood and other parts of the body.
  11. A hormone controlling the production of sperm.
  12. changes in the external or internal environment.

24 Clues: An abnormal growth of cells.Methods of preventing pregnancyNerve cells that detect stimuli.A rapid automatic response to stimuliRespiration in the absence of Oxygen.The common name for a malignant tumourCarbohydrate store of glucose in animals.A hormone controlling the menstrual cycle.The release of an egg (ovum) from the ovary....

Biology 2022-01-27

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A cell which contains only one set of chromosomes
  2. Phagocytic white blood cells are also known as.....
  3. A disease that is transferred by mosquitos.
  4. What is the first step in protein synthesis?
  5. Are protein molecules which can be defined as biological catalysts
  6. An ..... is a particular variety of a gene.
  7. The smaller molecules from which DNA and RNA molecules are made
  8. Are involved in seed germination and controlling stem elongation
  9. A type of allele that when present on its own will not affect the individual
  10. The removal of these unwanted products of metabolism
  11. Tiny air sacs that function as basic respiratory units
  1. is the control of body temperature
  2. These are finger-like extensions of the cell surface membrane
  3. Plant cells are linked to neighbouring cells by means of fine strands of cytoplasm called......
  4. Any agent that causes cancer is called.....
  5. The parts of a flower that are often conspicuously colored
  6. An organ used for breathing
  7. The ends of chromosomes are ‘sealed’ by structures called .....
  8. Is a long molecule that contains our unique genetic code
  9. The type of nuclear division that halves the chromosome number
  10. Involves the engulfing of the material by the cell surface membrane to form a small sac

21 Clues: An organ used for breathingis the control of body temperatureAny agent that causes cancer is called.....A disease that is transferred by mosquitos.An ..... is a particular variety of a gene.What is the first step in protein synthesis?A cell which contains only one set of chromosomesPhagocytic white blood cells are also known as........

BIOLOGY 2022-02-19

BIOLOGY crossword puzzle
  1. Mukus dan partikel asing yang terperangkap dalam trakea
  2. Pertukaran udara antara paru-paru dan lingkungan eksternal
  3. Volume udara sisa dalam paru-paru setelah melakukan ekspirasi maksimal
  4. Penyempitan saluran napas yang bersifat sementara akibat hipersensitivitas terhadap rangsangan tertentu
  5. Virus penyebab gangguan sistem pernapasan
  6. salah satu faktor frekuensi pernapasan
  7. organ saluran pernapasan
  8. Penyakit infeksi oleh bakteri (Corynebacterium diphtheriae)
  9. Jumlah total udara yang dapat ditampung dalam paru-paru (Kapasitas ...)
  10. pernapasan yang dilakukan saat kondisi istirahat
  11. Jumlah udara yang yang dapat dikeluarkan setelah inspirasi maksimal (Kapasitas ...)
  12. Mekanisme pernapasan yang dilakukan oleh otot interkostal disebut...
  1. selaput pembungkus paru-paru
  2. Kombinasi hemoglobin dan oksigen
  3. Alat pengukur laju respirasi
  4. Alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan pernapasan buatan
  5. Otot yang berkontraksi dan bergerak mendatar ketika menarik napas
  6. Saluran yang memanjang dari laring sampai bronkus
  7. Mekanisme pernapasan yang dilakukan oleh otot diafragma disebut
  8. Proses memasukkan udara ke paru paru

20 Clues: organ saluran pernapasanselaput pembungkus paru-paruAlat pengukur laju respirasiKombinasi hemoglobin dan oksigenProses memasukkan udara ke paru parusalah satu faktor frekuensi pernapasanVirus penyebab gangguan sistem pernapasanpernapasan yang dilakukan saat kondisi istirahatSaluran yang memanjang dari laring sampai bronkus...

Biology 2022-01-05

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Disaccharide made of one glucose and one galactose, found in milk.
  2. Sugar, salt, starch, and cellulose are polar, that’s why they create hydrogen bonds with water molecules, won’t repel water and are known as being …………….
  3. Oils, fats, and greasy substances are nonpolar, that’s why they repel water and are ……………….
  4. When a fatty acid is ……………… it has no double bonds and has straight chains.
  5. The process of water vapor turning back into liquid water.
  6. Cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated.
  7. A tendency in which water molecules attract each other and stick together.
  8. Has a 3 dimensional shape and consists of amino acids joined by peptide bonds.
  9. Range of pH and temperature in which it works with maximum activity.
  10. Complex carbohydrate/polysaccharide which consists of 3000 or more glucose units, for example: it helps in making cell walls and fibers for plants.
  1. transition of a cell from one cell type to another and it involves a switch from one pattern of gene expression to another.
  2. An idea stating that organic substances can only be synthesized by organisms.
  3. When a lipid is …………………. it possesses hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts.
  4. An organic compound that is insoluble in water, including fats, waxes, oils, hormones etc.
  5. A type of lipid synthesized by animal cells in order to become an essential component of animal cell membranes.
  6. Disaccharide, which is produced by the breakdown starches during digestion, consists of two molecules of glucose connected via an α-linkage.
  7. The smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body. Formed by cell membrane and contains genetic material and cytoplasm.
  8. The reacting molecule that binds to the enzyme.
  9. Complex cellular mechanism that is used to translate genetic codes into chains of amino acids.
  10. Chemical or enzymatic reaction involved in the breakdown of organic or non-organic materials such as proteins, sugars, fatty acids, etc.

20 Clues: The reacting molecule that binds to the enzyme.The process of water vapor turning back into liquid water.Disaccharide made of one glucose and one galactose, found in milk.Range of pH and temperature in which it works with maximum activity.When a lipid is …………………. it possesses hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts....

biology 2022-04-01

biology crossword puzzle
  1. controls what enters and leaves the cell
  2. community of living things plus their non-living surroundings
  3. has no nucleus
  4. different forms of a gene
  5. carries out photosynthesis in plant cells
  6. organisms that are best adapted for their environment have the highest fitness and will therfore survive, reproduce, and pass on their good genes to their offspring
  7. make up cell membranes and store extra energy
  8. occurs in chloroplasts
  9. diagrams that show evolutionary relationships between organisms
  10. segment of dna that codes for a particular protein
  11. has nucleus
  12. all of the same species living in a particular area
  1. all of the living things (all species) living in a particular area
  2. make protein
  3. allele combination for a gene/trait
  4. females choose males based on "sexy" or "showy" phenotypes or behaviors
  5. energy sources like sugars and starches
  6. acids carry genetic info
  7. extra protection around plant and bacteria cells
  8. contains dna in eukaryotes
  9. break down glucose to release energy for the cell to use
  10. building blocks of body or enzymes that speed up reactions in body
  11. if two species share lots of physical similarities, they are probably related
  12. occurs in mitochondria

24 Clues: has nucleusmake proteinhas no nucleusoccurs in chloroplastsoccurs in mitochondriaacids carry genetic infodifferent forms of a genecontains dna in eukaryotesallele combination for a gene/traitenergy sources like sugars and starchescontrols what enters and leaves the cellcarries out photosynthesis in plant cells...

Biology 2021-09-28

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. + CO2 + H2O : Reactants of cellular respiration
  2. : Transformation of glucose to into ATP
  3. : Smallest unit of living things
  4. to stimuli : Fight or flight response
  5. : Locate at the right side of the arrow
  6. : The high energy form of adenosine triphosphate
  7. : Living things that use the sun’s energy directly to make glucose
  8. : The used form form of adenosine triphosphate
  9. : Genetic material changes over time through within a species
  10. Organization : Cell -> Tissue -> Organ -> Organ system -> Organism
  11. : Maintaining Balance
  12. : passing DNA through the family
  13. Fusion : Gravity condolences nuclei and forms atoms to collide and produce the origin of energy
  14. : Cell division
  1. + oxygen : Products of Photosynthesis
  2. : Living thighs that cannot use the sun's energy directly
  3. : Plants rely on animals and animals rely on plants
  4. + CO2 + H2O : Reactants of cellular respiration
  5. : Located at the left side of the arrow
  6. : A process in which plants use the sun to make glucose
  7. : The process that transforms glucose into ATP

21 Clues: : Cell division: Maintaining Balance: Smallest unit of living things: passing DNA through the family+ oxygen : Products of Photosynthesisto stimuli : Fight or flight response: Transformation of glucose to into ATP: Located at the left side of the arrow: Locate at the right side of the arrow: The used form form of adenosine triphosphate...

biology 2021-09-29

biology crossword puzzle
  1. individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  2. the basic unit of a chemical element.
  3. particle smaller than an atom
  4. group of organs that work together to perform a complex function
  5. substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together,
  6. the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism
  7. the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country.
  8. regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth
  9. of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues
  10. assets in excess of liabilities; able to pay one's debts.
  1. group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
  2. molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer.
  3. of atoms,
  4. chemical substance that neutralizes alkalis, dissolves some metals, and turns litmus red; typically, a corrosive or sour-tasting liquid of this kind.
  5. a group of atoms bonded together
  6. a molecule containing a very large
  7. consisting of or deriving from living matter.
  8. sweet crystalline substance obtained from various plants
  9. group of cells that have similar structure and that function together as a unit.
  10. action or fact of forming a united whole.
  11. part of an organism that is typically self-contained
  12. biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  13. lowest part or edge of something, especially the part on which it rests or is supported.
  14. action or process of adhering to a surface or object.
  15. to or derived from living matter.

25 Clues: of atoms,particle smaller than an atoma group of atoms bonded togetherto or derived from living matter.a molecule containing a very largethe basic unit of a chemical element.action or fact of forming a united whole.consisting of or deriving from living matter.part of an organism that is typically self-contained...

Biology 2021-09-17

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. - the specific reactants that an enzyme acts on
  2. - a substance that decrease activation energy and increase the rate of chemical reaction.
  3. - a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold.
  4. - bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms that can cause diseases.
  5. - the amount of energy that needs to absorb for a chemical reaction to start.
  6. - a group of two or more atoms.
  7. - The measure of the amount of a sub-component in a solution.
  8. - lasting attractions between atoms, ions or molecules that enables the formation of chemical compounds.
  9. - an enzyme in saliva that breaks down starch into simple sugars.
  1. - the processor the body that provide resistance to infection and toxin.
  2. - can restore previous situation.
  3. - substances that are formed as the result of chemical reactions.
  4. - cell of the immune system and also known as leukocyte.
  5. - living things.
  6. - substances that take part in and undergo change during the reactions.
  7. - reactants are converted to one or more different products.
  8. - polysaccharide that is made and stored by plants.
  9. - The reversible chemical reaction. However, no net changes in the amount of reactants and products occurs.
  10. - a measure of how acidic or basic water is.
  11. - act as biological catalyst for chemical reactions in living things.
  12. - monomers that make proteins.

21 Clues: - living things.- monomers that make proteins.- a group of two or more atoms.- can restore previous situation.- a measure of how acidic or basic water is.- the specific reactants that an enzyme acts on- a physical quantity that expresses hot and cold.- polysaccharide that is made and stored by plants....

Biology 2021-10-01

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. bond cause water molecules to attract to each other
  2. natural sugar in milk
  3. monosaccharides
  4. no charge
  5. polysaccharide
  6. compounds made from carbon,hydrogen
  7. molecule made from two hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom
  8. make up everything
  9. negatively charged
  10. acid macromolecules contains hydrogen,oxygen,nitrogen,carbon,phosphorus
  1. positively charge
  2. containing or made from milk
  3. substance made from atoms
  4. reaction changes one set of chemicals
  5. most common element
  6. element carbon,hydrogen,oxygen
  7. proteins,lipids,carbohydrates,
  8. atom or molecule with negative/positive charge
  9. structure nucleus+protons+neutrons
  10. chemical reactions need them to speed up

20 Clues: no chargepolysaccharidemonosaccharidespositively chargemake up everythingnegatively chargedmost common elementnatural sugar in milksubstance made from atomscontaining or made from milkelement carbon,hydrogen,oxygenproteins,lipids,carbohydrates,structure nucleus+protons+neutronscompounds made from carbon,hydrogenreaction changes one set of chemicals...

biology 2022-04-18

biology crossword puzzle
  1. making a copy
  2. an area classified according to the species that live in that location
  3. sustenance the body needs for energy
  4. complex amino acids
  5. fats, waxes, oils
  6. converting light from the sun to chemical energy
  7. plant vascular tissue that lets in water
  8. abiotic and biotic factors functioning together as a unit
  9. information-carrying molecules in cells
  10. the ability to do work
  11. sugar molecules
  1. any organism that cant produce its own food
  2. plants in a food web
  3. an interacting group of various species in a common location
  4. the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth occupied by living organisms
  5. a group of the same species living within a given area
  6. plant vascular system that conducts food
  7. proteins that help speed up metabolism
  8. a chemical compound found in all living organisms
  9. something that occupies space and has mass

20 Clues: making a copysugar moleculesfats, waxes, oilscomplex amino acidsplants in a food webthe ability to do worksustenance the body needs for energyproteins that help speed up metabolisminformation-carrying molecules in cellsplant vascular system that conducts foodplant vascular tissue that lets in watersomething that occupies space and has mass...

biology 2023-04-18

biology crossword puzzle
  1. the molecule inside cells that contains the genetic information responsible for the development
  2. -a genetic change in which a piece of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome
  3. membranous true-like projections arising from the body of the neuron
  4. - a chromosomal defect in which a segment of the chromosome breaks off and reattaches in the reverse direction
  5. cell- a type of cell that receives ang sends messages from the body
  6. division- the process by which a single parent cell splits to form new cells
  7. the largest part of the brain
  8. the long threadline part of a nerve cell which impulses the conducted from the cell body to other cells
  9. a chemical compound that is used to make one of the building blocks of DNA
  10. part of nervous system consisting of sensory receptors received stimuli
  11. a type of genetic change that involves the absence of a segment of DNA
  12. body- the central part of a neuron that includes the nucleus but not the axons ang dendrites
  13. the genetic code is the set of rules used by living cells to translate information encoded within genetic material
  14. any change in the DNA sequence of a cell
  15. the basic unit of heredity passed from parent to child
  16. a type of mutation in which one nucleotide is replaced by a different nucleotide
  1. the process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA
  2. a chemical compound that is used to make one of the building blocks of DNA and RNA
  3. syndrome- a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome
  4. a structure found inside the nucleus of a cell
  5. the portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem
  6. a state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly
  7. it is a type of purine
  8. a neuron that conveys impulses from one neuron to another
  9. the space between the end of a nerve cell
  10. the process by which a double stranded DNA molecule is copied to produce two identical DNA molecule
  11. relating to the skull or cramian
  12. having to do with movement of body parts
  13. trinucleotide sequence located at one end to transfer RNA molecule
  14. stem- central trunk of the mamalian brain

30 Clues: it is a type of purinethe largest part of the brainrelating to the skull or cramianhaving to do with movement of body partsany change in the DNA sequence of a cellthe space between the end of a nerve cellstem- central trunk of the mamalian braina structure found inside the nucleus of a cellthe process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA...

Biology 2023-05-08

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. V-shaped diagram that helps show species relationships
  2. Type of lipid used to make cell membranes
  3. Organism's alleles are the same
  4. Organism's alleles are different
  5. Change in a species over time
  6. Cell division that makes 4 genetically unique gametes
  7. _____ acid, macromolecule made of nucleotides, carries genetic information
  8. Must inherit 2 of these alleles to show the trait
  9. Cell division that makes 2 geneticall identical somatic cells
  1. Macromolecule used to store energy for plants; glucose and cellulose
  2. Photograph of an organism's chromosomes
  3. Solution where there is more water outside the cell; cell will swell
  4. Programmed cell suicide
  5. Structure that no longer serves a purpose
  6. Anaerobic respiration used when oxygen isn't present
  7. Macromolecule made of amino acids, used for enzymes and structure
  8. Organism uses sunlight to create food for energy
  9. Uncontrolled cell division
  10. Biological catalysts; speed up chemical reactions in the body
  11. Macromolecule used to store energy in animals; wax and fat

20 Clues: Programmed cell suicideUncontrolled cell divisionChange in a species over timeOrganism's alleles are the sameOrganism's alleles are differentPhotograph of an organism's chromosomesStructure that no longer serves a purposeType of lipid used to make cell membranesOrganism uses sunlight to create food for energy...

biology 2023-05-10

biology crossword puzzle
  1. When an animal has a connection to the first see they see when they are born
  2. cannot produce on its own
  3. organisms such as worms or single celled animal
  4. yeasts,molds,mushrooms are what?
  5. A process of sexual reproduction that occurs after pollination and germination
  6. keeping a clean environment
  7. reproductive organs of plants
  8. microscopic single celled
  9. the male part of the flower
  10. mushroom,puffballs,shelf fungi
  11. food storage for the embryo
  1. symbiotic relationship between fungus and algae
  2. an animal's response to a stimulus
  3. mold that grows on fruit
  4. transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma
  5. truffles, morels
  6. bread molds
  7. automatic neuromuscular action
  8. surrounds and protects the petals
  9. female part of the flower

20 Clues: bread moldstruffles, morelsmold that grows on fruitcannot produce on its ownmicroscopic single celledfemale part of the flowerkeeping a clean environmentthe male part of the flowerfood storage for the embryoreproductive organs of plantsautomatic neuromuscular actionmushroom,puffballs,shelf fungiyeasts,molds,mushrooms are what?...

Biology 2023-05-03

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. A cell lacking a nucleus or any other membrane-enclosed organelle.
  2. a group of interacting individuals of the same species located in the same area.
  3. The smallest unit of an organism that performs all of life's functions.
  4. a system comprised of both living and non living factors.
  5. an an organism made of many cells working together.
  6. One of the three taxonomic domains of organisms; has cells that contain a membrane-enclosed nucleus.
  7. Kingdom of single-celled and simple multiple-celled eukaryotic organisms
  8. One of the three taxonomic domains of organisms; consists of a specialized group of unicellular prokaryotes that can live in extreme environments.
  9. Kingdom of prokaryotic, single-celled organisms that live in extreme environments.
  10. One of the three taxonomic domains of organisms; includes prokaryotic, single-celled organisms that lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus and can be classified by shape.
  11. contains information that forms the hereditary material of all cells.
  12. the entire organism is a single cell.
  1. A cell with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.
  2. factors that are living.
  3. Kingdom of autotrophic eukaryotes that includes all plants.
  4. an organism that gets its energy from eating other organisms.
  5. Kingdom of heterotrophic eukaryotes that reproduce through asexual spores and have cell walls.
  6. all of the populations of different species in a particular area.
  7. organisms who make their own food.
  8. Kingdom of prokaryotic, single-celled organisms.that lack a membrane-enclosed nucleus and can be classified by shape.
  9. factors that are neither living nor have ever been living.
  10. a cell lacking a nucleus or any other membrane-enclosed organelle.
  11. Kingdom of heterotrophic eukaryotes that includes all animals.
  12. A self-contained living thing.

24 Clues: factors that are living.A self-contained living thing.organisms who make their own food.the entire organism is a single cell.an an organism made of many cells working together.A cell with a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.a system comprised of both living and non living factors.factors that are neither living nor have ever been living....

biology 2023-05-08

biology crossword puzzle
  1. another name for fats
  2. enzyme that digests sugar
  3. pressure on plant cells
  4. breaks down fats
  5. helps to neutralize acid
  6. macromolecule made up of sugars
  7. makes up cell walls
  8. tiny projections in small intestine
  9. secretes enzymes for digestion
  10. top and bottom of leaf
  11. macromolecule made up of amino acids
  12. movement of water to more particles
  1. surrounds all cells
  2. enzyme that digests protein
  3. animal cells do this in water
  4. suffix that all enzymes have
  5. where the DNA is stored
  6. made up of tightly wound DNA
  7. ideal conditions for a reaction
  8. biological catalyst
  9. prevents food from going into lungs

21 Clues: breaks down fatssurrounds all cellsmakes up cell wallsbiological catalystanother name for fatstop and bottom of leafpressure on plant cellswhere the DNA is storedhelps to neutralize acidenzyme that digests sugarenzyme that digests proteinsuffix that all enzymes havemade up of tightly wound DNAanimal cells do this in water...