respiratory system Crossword Puzzles

Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract 2021-04-16

Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract crossword puzzle
  1. The ________ muscles help decrease the volume of the thoracic cavity during expiration by pushing the diaphragm upwards. They relax during inspiration.
  2. Shelves of bone that line the inside of the nasal cavity.
  3. Hair-shaped structures found on the lumen of the epithelium, surrounded by a thin film of mucus.
  4. These are small, elastic buds that are located a the end of the respiratory tree. They provide a large surface area for gas exchange to occur.
  5. The smallest airway of the respiratory tract, getting smaller with each split branch.
  6. Thin skeletal muscle located below the lungs that contracts when one inhales to expand the lungs. Upon exhale, this relaxes and causes air to be forced out of the lungs.
  7. The _____ respiratory tract contains the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx.
  8. The __________ muscles run between the ribs to expand and shrink the size of the chest muscle during inspiration and expiration.
  9. Repiratory __________ acts to warm, filter, and humidify air.
  10. Epithelial cells that secrete mucus to create a protective layer.
  1. _________ clearance is a process by which the cilia in the upper respiratory tract beat and push mucus up towards the pharynx for expulsion by a cough or swallow.
  2. These split from the trachea into two primary sections which enter the lungs, then split into even smaller sections which enter separate lobes, splitting into even smaller sections within.
  3. Also known as the windpipe, it links the upper airways to the lungs. It consists of C-shaped rings of cartilage which are connected by smooth muscle.
  4. Contains curved shelves of bone in which the surface is lined with ciliated respiratory epithelium that secretes mucus and fluid to trap foreign
  5. A pair of organs consisting of elastic sacs with branching passageways where air is drawn in order to conduct gas exchange.
  6. These are passageways that connect to the end of the respiratory tree.
  7. Short tube consisting of several cartilages connected by muscles. It also contains the vocal chords which are needed to generate sound.
  8. The common pathway for the respiratory and digestive tracts and allows for both air and food to pass.
  9. Flap of cartilage which serves as a switch between the respiratory and digestive tracts, ensuring that food and air each enter in the appropriate location.
  10. The _____ respiratory tract contains the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli.

20 Clues: Shelves of bone that line the inside of the nasal cavity.Repiratory __________ acts to warm, filter, and humidify air.Epithelial cells that secrete mucus to create a protective layer.These are passageways that connect to the end of the respiratory tree.The _____ respiratory tract contains the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx....

Homeostasis 2021-11-26

Homeostasis crossword puzzle
  1. the system in an organism's body that performs the function of disposing of wastes through peeing or pooping.
  2. a muscular organ found on the left side of the upper belly that digests food.
  3. a hormone and drug involved in the regulation of visceral functioning.
  4. our body’s central framework which is all our bones in our body.
  5. a kind of body tissue made up of lengthy cells that can stretch and move.
  6. our body’s command center.
  7. a system that helps the body digest food and liquid.
  8. A system that allows us to breathe in the fresh air and let out waste gases.
  9. a pair of spongy, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest (thorax).
  1. an organ that functions as the nervous system's nerve center
  2. a system that allows movement, structure, and circulation of blood around our body.
  3. a system of glands that produce hormones.
  4. a primary lymphoid organ in the immune system.
  5. pump blood throughout our body.
  6. discharged from the body
  7. an organ system in vertebrates that is part of the circulatory system and the immune system.
  8. a system that carries blood away and towards the heart.
  9. the process living things use to maintain stable conditions.

18 Clues: discharged from the bodyour body’s command center.pump blood throughout our body.a system of glands that produce hormones.a primary lymphoid organ in the immune system.a system that helps the body digest food and liquid.a system that carries blood away and towards the organ that functions as the nervous system's nerve center...

Organ Systems 2024-05-14

Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. all your bones
  2. helps produce an organism
  3. helps fight disease
  4. system pumps blood through your body
  5. attached to your bones
  1. hormones
  2. nerves
  3. includes your lungs
  4. lets the corrupt parts exit
  5. includes your stomach

10 Clues: nerveshormonesall your bonesincludes your lungshelps fight diseaseincludes your stomachattached to your boneshelps produce an organismlets the corrupt parts exitsystem pumps blood through your body

Organ Systems 2024-05-14

Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. all your bones
  2. helps produce an organism
  3. helps fight disease
  4. system pumps blood through your body
  5. attached to your bones
  1. hormones
  2. nerves
  3. includes your lungs
  4. lets the corrupt parts exit
  5. includes your stomach

10 Clues: nerveshormonesall your bonesincludes your lungshelps fight diseaseincludes your stomachattached to your boneshelps produce an organismlets the corrupt parts exitsystem pumps blood through your body

Body Systems 2022-02-09

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. the artery that takes blood to the lungs
  2. a long tube inside the body where nutrients and food are absorbed
  3. the front part of your brain that controls memory, emotions, problem solving, and social interaction
  4. the body system that breaks down food so it can be carried throughout the body
  5. the bones that make up fingers and toes
  6. the body system that removes waste products from the body
  7. the tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles in your lungs
  8. the body system that helps you breathe
  9. tissue that connects your muscles to other body parts
  10. the long tube that connect your larynx to your bronchi
  11. the body system that controls your body and sends signals to cells
  12. a muscular sac that stores urine
  1. two bean shaped organs that extract waste from blood
  2. a muscle that moves your limbs and other parts of the body
  3. the muscular organ in your mouth that is used to push food around
  4. one of the three major muscle types, also maintains steady heartbeat
  5. the body system that carries materials to cells, and wast away from cells
  6. the body system that provides structure and support for your body
  7. the cord made of nervous tissue that extends from your brain along your back
  8. the part of your heart that delivers food to your entire body
  9. the body system that provides your body’s posture, movement, and temperature

21 Clues: a muscular sac that stores urinethe body system that helps you breathethe bones that make up fingers and toesthe artery that takes blood to the lungstwo bean shaped organs that extract waste from bloodtissue that connects your muscles to other body partsthe long tube that connect your larynx to your bronchi...

Intro to Body Systems 2024-02-27

Intro to Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. This body system takes in and breaks down food in your body.
  2. This body system takes in and releases air.
  3. This body system is responsible for keeping you healthy.
  4. This body system is responsible for creating offspring.
  1. This body system pumps blood throughout your body.
  2. This body system is responsible for balancing your hormones.
  3. This body system filters and removes any liquid waste within your body.
  4. This body system is responsible for movement within your body.
  5. This body systems is responsible for telling your body what to do.
  6. This body system helps to provide structure to your body.

10 Clues: This body system takes in and releases air.This body system pumps blood throughout your body.This body system is responsible for creating offspring.This body system is responsible for keeping you healthy.This body system helps to provide structure to your body.This body system takes in and breaks down food in your body....

The Circulatory System 2013-01-10

The Circulatory System crossword puzzle
  1. The fluid that flows in the body
  2. The organ system which helps blood flow through the body
  3. Carry blood to heart
  4. These kinds of blood cells deliver oxygen
  5. Carry blood away from heart
  6. These kinds of blood cells fight infection
  1. The element that is transported in blood
  2. Maintaining a stable body temperature
  3. Smallest of the blood vessels
  4. The organ system that works with blood circulation to give lungs oxygen
  5. The main muscle in this organ system

11 Clues: Carry blood to heartCarry blood away from heartSmallest of the blood vesselsThe fluid that flows in the bodyThe main muscle in this organ systemMaintaining a stable body temperatureThe element that is transported in bloodThese kinds of blood cells deliver oxygenThese kinds of blood cells fight infection...

Word Puzzle 2021-12-05

Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A system that provides structure and support to more around
  2. A system where oxygenated blood from our lungs and heart to different parts of our body
  3. A system that is responsible for controlling the things we consume and providing energy to our body
  4. A system that regulates waste in our body
  1. A system that helps us breath
  2. A system that controls the growth the development of our body
  3. A system that fights off infections and diseases in our body
  4. A system that functions within the process of reproductive
  5. A system of organs that work together in our body to keep it sustainable
  6. A system that separates the interior and exterior parts of the body
  7. A system that sends signals and responses to different parts of the body
  8. A system that helps us make movement

12 Clues: A system that helps us breathA system that helps us make movementA system that regulates waste in our bodyA system that functions within the process of reproductiveA system that provides structure and support to more aroundA system that fights off infections and diseases in our bodyA system that controls the growth the development of our body...

respiratory 2021-05-06

respiratory crossword puzzle
  1. blood pressure, the pressure of blood as the left ventricle relaxes
  2. return, amount of blood that returns to the heart from the body
  3. diaphragm relaxes and forms dome shape
  4. output, amount of blood pumped per minute
  5. lung capacity, residual volume plus vital capacity
  6. volume, the amount left in the lungs after a forced expiration
  7. rate, number of times the heart beats per minute
  8. of blood flow, when we exercise blood flow is redistributed from organs to working muscles
  1. reserve volume, the max amount air breathed in on top of a normal inspiration
  2. volume, amount of blood in the body
  3. reserve volume, max amount of air breathed out on top of a normal expiration
  4. exchange, occurs because of differences in concentration or pressure levels
  5. blood pressure, the pressure of blood as the left ventricle contracts
  6. capacity, max amount of air that can be breathed out after inspiration
  7. diaphragm contracts and flattens
  8. volume, the amount of air breathed in and out with each breath
  9. volume, amount of blood pumped each beat

17 Clues: diaphragm contracts and flattensvolume, amount of blood in the bodydiaphragm relaxes and forms dome shapevolume, amount of blood pumped each beatoutput, amount of blood pumped per minuterate, number of times the heart beats per minutelung capacity, residual volume plus vital capacityvolume, the amount of air breathed in and out with each breath...

That's Gross 2022-01-05

That's Gross crossword puzzle
  1. tiny creatures that live in soil, water, and in and on other living thing; some cause diseases
  2. the process of turning food into simpler materials that the body can use
  3. a tiny particle, or germ, that causes disease
  4. the tube that passes food from the throat to the stomach
  5. the release of gas built up in the small and large intestines; a fart
  1. a substance found in foods like meat or milk; used by the body to build and repair tissues
  2. a thick mucus produced by the respiratory system during illness
  3. a sticky substance produced by the nose and respiratory system
  4. an organ or tissue that make substances the body needs to function
  5. a body fluid

10 Clues: a body fluida tiny particle, or germ, that causes diseasethe tube that passes food from the throat to the stomacha sticky substance produced by the nose and respiratory systema thick mucus produced by the respiratory system during illnessan organ or tissue that make substances the body needs to function...

Crossword review #1 2022-05-25

Crossword review #1 crossword puzzle
  1. tissue death
  2. abnormally slow respiratory rate
  3. surgical removal of the spleen
  4. newborn
  5. swelling
  6. control of bleeding
  7. surgical puncture to remove fluid from a joint
  8. cancerous tumor
  9. inflammation of the liver
  10. pertaining to within the skull
  11. painful urination
  1. abnormal yellowing discoloration of the skin
  2. a system for prioritizing care
  3. inflammation of the brain
  4. increased blood sugar
  5. abnormal bluish discoloration of the skin
  6. a stroke
  7. inflammation of the ear
  8. nose bleed
  9. a mini stroke
  10. abnormally fast heart rate
  11. without breathing/respirations
  12. harmless

23 Clues: newborna strokeswellingharmlessnose bleedtissue deatha mini strokecancerous tumorpainful urinationcontrol of bleedingincreased blood sugarinflammation of the earinflammation of the braininflammation of the liverabnormally fast heart ratea system for prioritizing caresurgical removal of the spleenwithout breathing/respirations...

Reece B. week of March 4th 2019-03-07

Reece B. week of March 4th crossword puzzle
  1. a lung compartment containing air
  2. a small tube in the lungs that carries air sacs
  3. an organ of the respiratory system that contains brochioles and air sacs
  4. a right atrium that receives blood returning from the body via. that supenor and inferion vena carae
  5. a polygon with two polygonal forces with the other faces parallelograms
  1. the tiny structures on cells in the living of many parts of the respiratory system
  2. the tube that carries air form the larynx to the lungs
  3. the upper part of the trachea containing the vocal cords
  4. the dome-shaped muscle below you lung that contracts to let air into the lungs
  5. a measure of volume of one unit wide, long, and high

10 Clues: a lung compartment containing aira small tube in the lungs that carries air sacsa measure of volume of one unit wide, long, and highthe tube that carries air form the larynx to the lungsthe upper part of the trachea containing the vocal cordsa polygon with two polygonal forces with the other faces parallelograms...

Reparatory and Circulatory system 2023-11-28

Reparatory and Circulatory system crossword puzzle
  1. muscle that acts like a pump for the circulatory system
  2. another name for the circulatory system
  3. Organs that supply blood with oxygen
  1. Lower chamber of the heart
  2. The group of organs and tissues that carry needed materials to cells and remove waste
  3. upper chamber of the heart
  4. organs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
  5. Blockage of blood flow to heart
  6. two passageways from the trachea to the lungs
  7. Swollen airways
  8. carry blood back to the heart
  9. area of respiratory system that contains the vocal cords
  10. Force of the blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels
  11. carry blood away from the heart
  12. large dome muscle that enables breathing

15 Clues: Swollen airwaysLower chamber of the heartupper chamber of the heartcarry blood back to the heartBlockage of blood flow to heartcarry blood away from the heartOrgans that supply blood with oxygenanother name for the circulatory systemlarge dome muscle that enables breathingtwo passageways from the trachea to the lungs...

Gen Bio Body Systems and Feedback Mechanisms Vocab Crossword 2022-01-12

Gen Bio Body Systems and Feedback Mechanisms Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. System that produces and delivers hormones and other signaling molecules throughout the body
  2. System that takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide
  3. Type of feedback where the response exacerbates, or increases, the strength of the original stimulus to give an even greater response
  4. System that controls voluntary and involuntary movement, including body movement, movement of food, and circulation
  5. Reaction or behavior of a living organism that results from an external or internal stimulus
  6. System that transports blood and gases throughout the body
  7. System that detects and fights infection
  8. Molecule that is activated and transported through the body in response to a stimulus
  9. System that is a fancy word for "skin"; helps protect the body from temperature fluctuations and fluid loss
  1. System that moves food through the body as it is broken down, absorbed, and excreted
  2. System that passes down genetic information from parent to offspring
  3. Internal balance
  4. System that moves waste materials out of the body
  5. System that controls responses to the environment and processes information
  6. Detectable change in an organism's internal or external environment
  7. System that supports the body, gives it shape, protects internal organs, and assists with movement
  8. Type of feedback where the response brings the system back to homeostasis and cancels out the effect of the original stimulus

17 Clues: Internal balanceSystem that detects and fights infectionSystem that moves waste materials out of the bodySystem that takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxideSystem that transports blood and gases throughout the bodyDetectable change in an organism's internal or external environment...

Body Systems 2023-11-07

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. gamete cells and offspring
  2. allows movement
  3. fights infection
  4. absorbs nutrients
  5. controls the senses sends signals to body
  6. protection and structure
  1. gas exchange
  2. hormone signals
  3. protection from dehydration, skin and hair
  4. Transport system

10 Clues: gas exchangehormone signalsallows movementfights infectionTransport systemabsorbs nutrientsprotection and structuregamete cells and offspringcontrols the senses sends signals to bodyprotection from dehydration, skin and hair

WWA - Week 3 - Vocabulary 2022-02-20

WWA - Week 3 - Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The red liquid containing oxygen and nutrients that pumps through the veins and arteries of humans and many other animals.
  2. Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.
  3. A wall of muscle that separates the chest and abdomen in humans and certain animals.
  4. A tiny blood vessel where substances are exchanged between the blood and the body cells.
  5. The organ that pumps blood through the body of a person or animal.
  1. A gas that is expelled from the body by the respiratory system.
  2. A group of parts that work together as a whole.
  3. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.
  4. The tube that carries air to the lungs in humans and other animals that breathe air; windpipe.
  5. Main organs of the respiratory system. They bring oxygen to the body and get rid of carbon dioxide.

10 Clues: A group of parts that work together as a whole.Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.A gas that is expelled from the body by the respiratory system.The organ that pumps blood through the body of a person or animal....

Organ System Crossword Puzzle (no spaces between words) 2022-05-26

Organ System Crossword Puzzle (no spaces between words) crossword puzzle
  1. part of the excretory system, removes waste and toxins from the body, and excess water from the bloodstream
  2. part of the endocrine system, produces hormones which affect metabolism, growth, and development of the human body
  3. responsible for hormones which affect the change of the body for homeostasis
  4. gathers, transfers, and processes information.
  5. part of the muscular system, used for locomotion
  6. part of the digestive system, turns waste into feces and passes it from the body
  7. relieves the body of waste to maintain a normal body composition of internal fluids
  8. part of the nervous system, controls every process that regulates our body, controls sensory information, controls memory
  9. part of the respiratory system, inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide
  10. part of the Integumentary System, covers your flesh to provide a barrier between you insides and the pathogens outside
  11. part of the reproductive system, produces eggs
  12. supports and protects the body
  1. defends against pathogens
  2. provides protection from injury and disease with the use of a physical barrier
  3. distributes oxygen around the body and gets rid of carbon dioxide
  4. part of the circulatory system, pumps blood
  5. gathers oxygen for the red blood cells to pass around the body and exhales waste like carbon dioxide
  6. part of the immune system, white blood cells that destroy pathogens
  7. produces offspring
  8. moves and supports the body
  9. digests and absorbs nutrients from food
  10. part of the skeletal system, provides support, shape, and protection for the body

22 Clues: produces offspringdefends against pathogensmoves and supports the bodysupports and protects the bodydigests and absorbs nutrients from foodpart of the circulatory system, pumps bloodgathers, transfers, and processes information.part of the reproductive system, produces eggspart of the muscular system, used for locomotion...

Human Body Systems 01 2023-05-02

Human Body Systems 01 crossword puzzle
  1. you have 206 of these
  2. _____ blood cells fight infection
  3. this system transports oxygen, nutrients, and carbon dioxide
  4. ______ clot your blood to stop bleeding
  5. a pale-yellow liquid that carries blood cells
  6. your skin is made of ______ tissue
  7. the nervous system is composed of the spinal cord and the _____
  8. The circulatory system works most closely with the ______ system
  9. your elbow and knee are _____ joints
  10. this system removes waste from your body
  11. the ______ system releases hormones
  12. where two bones come together
  13. part of the circulatory system that “cleans” your blood
  14. the _____ system breaks down food
  1. the two chambers at the bottom of the heart are the left and right _______
  2. this is where food first enters your digestive system
  3. this is the largest artery in the body
  4. these make movement possible
  5. to maintain homeostasis, out body must remove _____
  6. your windpipe, or the tube in your throat you breath through
  7. this muscle is found only in the heart
  8. The heart is composed of four ______
  9. small thin blood vessels where gas exchange happens
  10. this muscles contracts to move bones
  11. your nervous system sends _______ messages, not chemical
  12. muscles _____ to move body parts
  13. this muscle is found in the walls of many organs
  14. types of blood vessels are veins, ______, and capillaries
  15. the _____ system transmits signals between the brain and the rest of the body
  16. These bring deoxygenated blood back to the heart

30 Clues: you have 206 of thesethese make movement possiblewhere two bones come togethermuscles _____ to move body parts_____ blood cells fight infectionthe _____ system breaks down foodyour skin is made of ______ tissuethe ______ system releases hormonesThe heart is composed of four ______this muscles contracts to move bones...

Animal Systems 2023-08-15

Animal Systems crossword puzzle
  1. The _________ system helps to transport digested food to all parts of the body.
  2. When we exhale, our diaphragm moves ________.
  3. The main function of the respiratory system is for the __________ of gases with the surroundings.
  4. Which is the main organ in the circulatory system?
  5. Which system supports the body and gives it shape?
  6. The _________ system is responsible for breaking down food into simpler substances.
  1. Digestion begins in the _________.
  2. Digestion of food is complete in the _________ intestine.
  3. What are the tubes that blood flow in our body called?
  4. What is one gas that is exhaled without being circulated around our body?
  5. Which system allows our body to move?
  6. When we inhale, our ribs move _____.
  7. Which intestine is responsible for absorbing water from undigested food?
  8. Respiration is the process where plants and animals break down food to produce _________.

14 Clues: Digestion begins in the _________.When we inhale, our ribs move _____.Which system allows our body to move?When we exhale, our diaphragm moves ________.Which is the main organ in the circulatory system?Which system supports the body and gives it shape?What are the tubes that blood flow in our body called?...

Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract 2021-04-16

Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract crossword puzzle
  1. The ________ muscles help decrease the volume of the thoracic cavity during expiration by pushing the diaphragm upwards. They relax during inspiration.
  2. Shelves of bone that line the inside of the nasal cavity.
  3. Hair-shaped structures found on the lumen of the epithelium, surrounded by a thin film of mucus.
  4. These are small, elastic buds that are located a the end of the respiratory tree. They provide a large surface area for gas exchange to occur.
  5. The smallest airway of the respiratory tract, getting smaller with each split branch.
  6. Thin skeletal muscle located below the lungs that contracts when one inhales to expand the lungs. Upon exhale, this relaxes and causes air to be forced out of the lungs.
  7. The _____ respiratory tract contains the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx.
  8. The __________ muscles run between the ribs to expand and shrink the size of the chest muscle during inspiration and expiration.
  9. Repiratory __________ acts to warm, filter, and humidify air.
  10. Epithelial cells that secrete mucus to create a protective layer.
  1. _________ clearance is a process by which the cilia in the upper respiratory tract beat and push mucus up towards the pharynx for expulsion by a cough or swallow.
  2. These split from the trachea into two primary sections which enter the lungs, then split into even smaller sections which enter separate lobes, splitting into even smaller sections within.
  3. Also known as the windpipe, it links the upper airways to the lungs. It consists of C-shaped rings of cartilage which are connected by smooth muscle.
  4. Contains curved shelves of bone in which the surface is lined with ciliated respiratory epithelium that secretes mucus and fluid to trap foreign
  5. A pair of organs consisting of elastic sacs with branching passageways where air is drawn in order to conduct gas exchange.
  6. These are passageways that connect to the end of the respiratory tree.
  7. Short tube consisting of several cartilages connected by muscles. It also contains the vocal chords which are needed to generate sound.
  8. The common pathway for the respiratory and digestive tracts and allows for both air and food to pass.
  9. Flap of cartilage which serves as a switch between the respiratory and digestive tracts, ensuring that food and air each enter in the appropriate location.
  10. The _____ respiratory tract contains the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli.

20 Clues: Shelves of bone that line the inside of the nasal cavity.Repiratory __________ acts to warm, filter, and humidify air.Epithelial cells that secrete mucus to create a protective layer.These are passageways that connect to the end of the respiratory tree.The _____ respiratory tract contains the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx....

Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract 2021-04-16

Anatomy of the Respiratory Tract crossword puzzle
  1. The ________ muscles help decrease the volume of the thoracic cavity during expiration by pushing the diaphragm upwards. They relax during inspiration.
  2. Shelves of bone that line the inside of the nasal cavity.
  3. Hair-shaped structures found on the lumen of the epithelium, surrounded by a thin film of mucus.
  4. These are small, elastic buds that are located a the end of the respiratory tree. They provide a large surface area for gas exchange to occur.
  5. The smallest airway of the respiratory tract, getting smaller with each split branch.
  6. Thin skeletal muscle located below the lungs that contracts when one inhales to expand the lungs. Upon exhale, this relaxes and causes air to be forced out of the lungs.
  7. The _____ respiratory tract contains the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx.
  8. The __________ muscles run between the ribs to expand and shrink the size of the chest muscle during inspiration and expiration.
  9. Repiratory __________ acts to warm, filter, and humidify air.
  10. Epithelial cells that secrete mucus to create a protective layer.
  1. _________ clearance is a process by which the cilia in the upper respiratory tract beat and push mucus up towards the pharynx for expulsion by a cough or swallow.
  2. These split from the trachea into two primary sections which enter the lungs, then split into even smaller sections which enter separate lobes, splitting into even smaller sections within.
  3. Also known as the windpipe, it links the upper airways to the lungs. It consists of C-shaped rings of cartilage which are connected by smooth muscle.
  4. Contains curved shelves of bone in which the surface is lined with ciliated respiratory epithelium that secretes mucus and fluid to trap foreign
  5. A pair of organs consisting of elastic sacs with branching passageways where air is drawn in order to conduct gas exchange.
  6. These are passageways that connect to the end of the respiratory tree.
  7. Short tube consisting of several cartilages connected by muscles. It also contains the vocal chords which are needed to generate sound.
  8. The common pathway for the respiratory and digestive tracts and allows for both air and food to pass.
  9. Flap of cartilage which serves as a switch between the respiratory and digestive tracts, ensuring that food and air each enter in the appropriate location.
  10. The _____ respiratory tract contains the trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli.

20 Clues: Shelves of bone that line the inside of the nasal cavity.Repiratory __________ acts to warm, filter, and humidify air.Epithelial cells that secrete mucus to create a protective layer.These are passageways that connect to the end of the respiratory tree.The _____ respiratory tract contains the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx....

body systems 2024-05-16

body systems crossword puzzle
  1. a part of the body made of tissues and cells
  2. Organ that gets rid of waste
  3. Protects organs from diseases
  4. responsible for taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon
  5. forms life
  6. organ system made of glands to produce hormones
  1. responsible for making red blood cells
  2. the process organs remain stable
  3. responsible for moving your body
  4. allows the body to move and function
  5. responsible for the breakdown of food
  6. organ system that forms a protective covering on the outside of the body
  7. the organ system that circulates blood
  8. groups of cells in the body that preform a specific job

14 Clues: forms lifeOrgan that gets rid of wasteProtects organs from diseasesthe process organs remain stableresponsible for moving your bodyallows the body to move and functionresponsible for the breakdown of foodresponsible for making red blood cellsthe organ system that circulates blooda part of the body made of tissues and cells...

execratory system 2022-11-10

execratory system crossword puzzle
  1. This organ stores the urine
  2. digestive system eliminates it
  3. A tube that leads from the kidney to the bladder
  1. The execratory system eliminates this from the body
  2. This is the main organ of the execratory system
  3. The integumentary system eliminates it
  4. Tube that carries urine out side of the body
  5. The respiratory system eliminates it

8 Clues: This organ stores the urinedigestive system eliminates itThe respiratory system eliminates itThe integumentary system eliminates itTube that carries urine out side of the bodyThis is the main organ of the execratory systemA tube that leads from the kidney to the bladderThe execratory system eliminates this from the body

The Viral Virus 2020-08-17

The Viral Virus crossword puzzle
  1. When a disease is prevalent across the entire world
  2. What provides an 'acquirred immunity' to a disease?
  3. What was the city where covid-19 originated?
  4. What is the most common symptom of Covid-19?
  5. Section of the population most impacted by the virus
  6. The system where Covid-19 has the most effect
  7. A way we can find out who has contracted the virus
  8. Article of clothing that prevents the spread of the virus
  1. Organism that takes nutrients from a host
  2. The month when Covid-19 was first recorded
  3. What should you do if you have contracted the virus?
  4. The country in which the parasite originated
  5. How Covid-19 is spread
  6. How many feet you should stay apart from others
  7. Abbreviation for severe acute respiratory syndrome

15 Clues: How Covid-19 is spreadOrganism that takes nutrients from a hostThe month when Covid-19 was first recordedThe country in which the parasite originatedWhat was the city where covid-19 originated?What is the most common symptom of Covid-19?The system where Covid-19 has the most effectHow many feet you should stay apart from others...

Excretory System 2022-11-07

Excretory System crossword puzzle
  1. tubes that lead from each kidney to the bladder
  2. cellular waste released by the urinary system
  3. main Organ of the excretory system
  4. tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
  5. waste released by the digestive system
  1. a storge sac for urine
  2. waste released by the respiratory system
  3. elimates waste materials to keep the body cells healthy
  4. waste released by the integumentary system

9 Clues: a storge sac for urinemain Organ of the excretory systemwaste released by the digestive systemwaste released by the respiratory systemwaste released by the integumentary systemcellular waste released by the urinary systemtubes that lead from each kidney to the bladderelimates waste materials to keep the body cells healthy...

P4D-Sharon 2021-08-05

P4D-Sharon crossword puzzle
  1. is the collection of the same kind of cells .
  2. system transport blood around the body.
  3. is the smallest unit of life.
  4. such as your eyes your stomach and your heart.
  5. system allows exchange of gases in the lungs.
  1. is the biggest part.
  2. system protects some organs,supports the body and gives it shape.
  3. system controls all body functions.
  4. system works with the bones to help the body to move.

9 Clues: is the biggest the smallest unit of life.system controls all body functions.system transport blood around the the collection of the same kind of cells .system allows exchange of gases in the lungs.such as your eyes your stomach and your heart.system works with the bones to help the body to move....

The Cardio-Respiratory System 2022-01-25

The Cardio-Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The smallest kind of blood vessel.
  2. What blood feels in the left ventricle.
  3. Diffuses out of the blood into the lungs.
  4. Where gaseous exchange takes place.
  5. A product of heart rate and stroke volume.
  6. Amount of blood ejected from heart per sec.
  1. Used in breathing when exercising.
  2. Carries deoxygenated blood to the heart.
  3. The movement of oxygen from alveoli to blood.
  4. In between the right atrium and ventricle.
  5. Made up of rings of cartilage.
  6. Where the heart relaxes and fills with blood.
  7. Where the blood is transported to gain oxygen.
  8. The main artery taking blood away from the heart.

14 Clues: Made up of rings of cartilage.Used in breathing when exercising.The smallest kind of blood vessel.Where gaseous exchange takes place.What blood feels in the left ventricle.Carries deoxygenated blood to the heart.Diffuses out of the blood into the lungs.In between the right atrium and ventricle.A product of heart rate and stroke volume....

The Human Respiratory System 2024-01-18

The Human Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The first two branches of the trachea.
  2. This contracts and moves down when we inhale, pulling air into the lungs.
  3. Blood which which is returning to the lungs is low in oxygen, and is called ____________ blood.
  4. Process which involves the exchange of gases between an organism and its surroundings by inhalation and exhalation.
  5. A black sticky substance found in tobacco smoke which can damage the lungs.
  6. Tiny air sacs in lungs surrounded by capillaries. They have thin walls and a large surface area for gas exchange.
  7. The process whereby cells obtain energy from glucose, which requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide and water as waste products.
  1. Name for any substance which can cause the growth of cancerous cells.
  2. When blood contains a high concentration of oxygen it is called _______________ blood.
  3. Gaseous product of cellular respiration.
  4. By exercising regularly we can improve it, and it means our bodies won't get tired easily from physical activity.
  5. Smaller tubes which branch off of the bronchi into the lungs.
  6. Also known as the windpipe, it connects the mouth to the lungs.
  7. Substance in tobacco smoke which is highly addictive

14 Clues: The first two branches of the trachea.Gaseous product of cellular respiration.Substance in tobacco smoke which is highly addictiveSmaller tubes which branch off of the bronchi into the lungs.Also known as the windpipe, it connects the mouth to the lungs.Name for any substance which can cause the growth of cancerous cells....

The Respiratory System 2023-09-21

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. how oxygen flows throughout the body
  2. the study of lung diseases
  3. external body part that is used to inhale and exhale
  4. A common lung disease which is caused by an infection of the lungs.
  1. the gas that exits the respiratory system
  2. the type of gas that is the main intake for the respiratory system
  3. the only organ that can float on water

7 Clues: the study of lung diseaseshow oxygen flows throughout the bodythe only organ that can float on waterthe gas that exits the respiratory systemexternal body part that is used to inhale and exhalethe type of gas that is the main intake for the respiratory systemA common lung disease which is caused by an infection of the lungs.

Colin's Body Systems and Homeostasis crossword Puzzle 2022-03-10

Colin's Body Systems and Homeostasis crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. system that controls reproduction
  2. a complex network of glands and organs.
  3. any of the minute blood vessels that form networks throughout the bodily tissues
  4. involves the secretions of enzymes throughout your digestive tract.
  5. An organ that makes one or more substances, such as hormones, digestive juices, sweat, tears, saliva, or milk.
  6. what your body does to keep yourself in survivable conditions
  7. system of our body that controls what we feel
  8. the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
  9. any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart.
  10. single muscle cells
  11. system used to turn food into energy
  12. combination of cells that have the ability to contract
  1. a substance that effects the way you behave
  2. system that consist of the bones in an organisms body
  3. any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.
  4. the system that circulates blood and lymph through the body,
  5. sum of all systems in a human body
  6. when food is broken down by processes that are not chemical in origin.
  7. system that allows you to breathe
  8. system that rids waste from the body

20 Clues: single muscle cellssystem that controls reproductionsystem that allows you to breathesum of all systems in a human bodysystem used to turn food into energysystem that rids waste from the bodya complex network of glands and organs.a substance that effects the way you behavesystem of our body that controls what we feel...

Unit 1 Human Body System Extra Credit 2022-12-07

Unit 1 Human Body System Extra Credit crossword puzzle
  1. body system that contains the bones and joints
  2. the body system that forms the external covering and protects deeper tissue
  3. body system responsible for moving the body
  4. body system that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  5. body system that transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients around the body
  1. body system that processes information
  2. body system that contains the lungs and assists with gas exchange
  3. body system that regulates growth and secretes hormones
  4. body system that eliminates wastes and regulates water

9 Clues: body system that processes informationbody system responsible for moving the bodybody system that contains the bones and jointsbody system that eliminates wastes and regulates waterbody system that regulates growth and secretes hormonesbody system that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients...

Elizabeth's Science Crossword 2013-11-28

Elizabeth's Science Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One example of an epithelial tissue is: the outer layer of ____
  2. The skeletal system is to ____ fragile internal organs
  3. What is one of the major organs of the digestive system?
  4. How many primary tissue types are there?
  5. How many types of muscle tissues are there?
  6. Homeostasis involves two different systems.The nervous and the ____ system
  7. Some of the following major organs are part of which system: lymph nodes, vessels and white blood cells? ___ system
  8. Another word for "Goosebumps"
  9. ___ "links the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland"
  10. An example of positive feedback
  1. A type of hormone
  2. What type pf tissue "provides sensation of the internal and external environment and integrates sensory information?
  3. The major role of which system is to "provide gas exchange between the blood and the environment"?
  4. The muscular system has two major organs. one is the smooth muscle. what is the other major organ? ____ muscle
  5. Control Center
  6. What part of the human body produces hormones?
  7. What type of tissue is "most diverse and abundant of the four types of tissue? ____ tissue
  8. What type of feedback pushes beyond the range?
  9. When you get cold, three things happen. One of the three things is when your surface blood vessels ____
  10. This tissue is a specialized tissue that can contract. What type of tissue is it?

20 Clues: Control CenterA type of hormoneAnother word for "Goosebumps"An example of positive feedbackHow many primary tissue types are there?How many types of muscle tissues are there?What part of the human body produces hormones?What type of feedback pushes beyond the range?The skeletal system is to ____ fragile internal organs...

PARTS OF OUR BODY 2024-04-10

PARTS OF OUR BODY crossword puzzle


Colin's Body Systems and Homeostasis crossword Puzzle 2022-03-10

Colin's Body Systems and Homeostasis crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. system of our body that controls what we feel
  2. the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
  3. a complex network of glands and organs.
  4. what your body does to keep yourself in survivable conditions
  5. system that controls reproduction
  6. involves the secretions of enzymes throughout your digestive tract.
  7. a substance that effects the way you behave
  8. when food is broken down by processes that are not chemical in origin.
  9. system that allows you to breathe
  1. system used to turn food into energy
  2. single muscle cells
  3. system that rids waste from the body
  4. An organ that makes one or more substances, such as hormones, digestive juices, sweat, tears, saliva, or milk.
  5. any of the muscular-walled tubes forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed from the heart to all parts of the body.
  6. system that consist of the bones in an organisms body
  7. sum of all systems in a human body
  8. any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart.
  9. combination of cells that have the ability to contract
  10. any of the minute blood vessels that form networks throughout the bodily tissues
  11. the system that circulates blood and lymph through the body,

20 Clues: single muscle cellssystem that controls reproductionsystem that allows you to breathesum of all systems in a human bodysystem used to turn food into energysystem that rids waste from the bodya complex network of glands and organs.a substance that effects the way you behavesystem of our body that controls what we feel...

7th Grade Science 2022-06-21

7th Grade Science crossword puzzle
  1. Attaches muscle to bone
  2. The powerhouse of the cell
  3. A species that isn't native to a food web
  4. Living things are made of these
  5. One organism benefits, the other is harmed
  6. The body system that does breathing
  7. The process to make glucose from water and sunlight
  8. Like a single-stranded version of DNA
  9. The body system that moves blood around
  1. Science's favorite sugar
  2. The organelle where photosynthesis happens
  3. Both organisms benefit
  4. The name for plants in a food web
  5. The molecule that holds plans for life
  6. The number of chambers in a human heart
  7. The control center of the cell
  8. The diversity of species
  9. Nonliving factors in an environment

18 Clues: Both organisms benefitAttaches muscle to boneScience's favorite sugarThe diversity of speciesThe powerhouse of the cellThe control center of the cellLiving things are made of theseThe name for plants in a food webNonliving factors in an environmentThe body system that does breathingLike a single-stranded version of DNA...

ESS Concepts P-Z 2024-03-21

ESS Concepts P-Z crossword puzzle
  1. The gain by consumers in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time remaining after allowing for respiratory losses (R).
  2. The arrangement or patterning of plant communities or ecosystems into parallel or sub - parallel bands in response to change, over a distance,
  3. The orderly process of change over time in a community. Changes in the community of organisms frequently cause changes in the physical environment that allow another community to become established and replace the former through competition. The later communities in such a sequence or sere are more complex than those that appear earlier.
  4. Use of global resources at a rate that allows natural regeneration and minimizes damage to the environment.
  5. The critical threshold when even a small change can have dramatic effects and cause a disproportionately large resource in the overall system
  6. The condition of a system in which there is a tendency for it to return to a previous equilibrium condition following disturbance.
  7. A group of organisms that interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
  8. The condition of an open system in which there are no changes over the longer term, but in which there may be oscillations in the very short term. There are continuing inputs and outputs of matter and energy, but the system as a whole remains in a more or less constant state.
  9. An arbitrary group of individuals who share some common characteristic such as geographical location, cultural background, historical timeframe, religious perspective or value system.
  10. A vertical section through a soil, from the surface down to the parent material, revealing the soil layers or horizons.
  1. A system in which both matter and energy are exchanged with its surroundings (for example, natural ecosystems).
  2. The gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time remaining after allowing for respiratory losses (R).
  3. The term used for any haziness in the atmosphere caused by air pollutants. Photochemical smog is produced through the effect of ultraviolet light on the products of internal combustion engines. It may contain ozone and is damaging to the human respiratory system and eyes.
  4. The total gain by consumers in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time through absorption.
  5. When energy or matter flows and changes location but does not change its state
  6. Species that tend to spread their reproductive investment among a large number of offspring so that they are well adapted to colonize new habitats rapidly and make opportunistic use of short-lived resources.
  7. The total gain in energy or biomass per unit area per unit time fixed by photosynthesis in green plants. crude birth rate – crude death rate
  8. A system in which energy, but not matter, is exchanged with its surroundings.
  9. A set of inter-related parts working together to make a complex whole
  10. The position that an organism occupies in a food chain, or a group of organisms in a community that occupy the same position in food chains.
  11. The process through which new species form. See also evolution .
  12. A mixture of mineral particles and organic material that covers the land, and in which terrestrial plants grow.
  13. When energy or matter flows and changes its state (chemical or physical change)

23 Clues: The process through which new species form. See also evolution .A group of organisms that interbreed and produce fertile offspring.A set of inter-related parts working together to make a complex wholeA system in which energy, but not matter, is exchanged with its surroundings....

Metabolism 2021-12-06

Metabolism crossword puzzle
  1. - what gets produced after cellular respiration
  2. - amino acids when it isn’t broken down
  3. of your body - where all of the molecules go to
  4. - where oxygen and glucose go to create a chemical reaction
  5. - food to keep you energized
  6. respiration - chemical reaction between glucose and oxygen
  1. system - where the food goes
  2. - glucose when it isn’t broken down
  3. system - where you breathe air through
  4. - when your body doesn’t get the energy it needs
  5. - the body systems working together
  6. - the molecules you take in when you breathe
  7. system - the transporter that delivers all molecules to the cells

13 Clues: system - where the food goes- food to keep you energized- glucose when it isn’t broken down- the body systems working togethersystem - where you breathe air through- amino acids when it isn’t broken down- the molecules you take in when you breathe- what gets produced after cellular respirationof your body - where all of the molecules go to...

Anatomy Review 1 2024-09-10

Anatomy Review 1 crossword puzzle
  1. System is the external covering of the body, or the skin
  2. System exists primarily to produce offspring
  3. System like the nervous system, the endocrine system helps control body activities but at a much slower rate
  4. System the role of the lymphatic system compliments that of the cardiovascular system
  5. Responsible for the transport of oxygen-carrying blood, nutrients, hormones, and other substances to and from the tissue cells where exchanges are made
  1. System responsible for excretion and removal of wastes as well as absorption of nutrients
  2. System it’s role is to keep the body constantly supplied with oxygen and to remove carbon dioxide
  3. System consists of all the skeletal muscles within the body to assist the skeletal system with movement
  4. System removes the nitrogen-containing wastes from the blood and flushes them from the body in urine
  5. is defined as the study of the structure of the human body
  6. System the body’s fast-acting control system
  7. is defined as the study of normal function within living organism
  8. System consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints
  9. Consists of lymph vessels, lymph nodes, and other lymphoid organs such as the spleen and tonsils
  10. System consist of the heart and blood vessels

15 Clues: System the body’s fast-acting control systemSystem exists primarily to produce offspringSystem consist of the heart and blood vesselsSystem is the external covering of the body, or the skinis defined as the study of the structure of the human bodySystem consists of bones, cartilages, ligaments, and joints...


  1. Viruses that virus that appeared in 2019 and affects the upper respiratory system
  2. To treat a vri in children and adults you can use...
  3. Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze is a
  4. Viral Respiratoy Infections
  5. extend over a large or increasing area
  6. substance from the mouth or nose
  1. Something that affects the lungs and airways
  2. expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound
  3. Viruses they cause the common cold
  4. Something caused by a virus

10 Clues: Something caused by a virusViral Respiratoy Infectionssubstance from the mouth or noseViruses they cause the common coldextend over a large or increasing areaSomething that affects the lungs and airwaysexpel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp soundTo treat a vri in children and adults you can use......

Organ systems 2022-06-01

Organ systems crossword puzzle
  1. Body system that breaks down food into nutrients and energy
  2. Body system that helps with immune responses and tissue drainage
  3. Body system that produces eggs and sperm
  4. Body system that acts as a barrier, detects stimuli, and regulates your body temperature
  5. Body system that brings in oxygen and lets out carbon dioxide when you breathe
  1. The body system that controls the things that your body does
  2. The body system that collects and rids the body of wastes
  3. Body system that produces and secretes hormones throughout your body
  4. The body system that is the support structure for your body
  5. This body system uses the heart to pump blood throughout your body
  6. Body system that is responsible for nearly all movement in the body

11 Clues: Body system that produces eggs and spermThe body system that collects and rids the body of wastesThe body system that is the support structure for your bodyBody system that breaks down food into nutrients and energyThe body system that controls the things that your body doesBody system that helps with immune responses and tissue drainage...

Science Crossword Homework 2018-12-09

Science Crossword Homework crossword puzzle
  1. Glucose comes from what molecules?
  2. Your whats cut and grind up food?
  3. What are fat molecules made of?
  4. What begins with a P that breaks down protein?
  5. The small intestine is nine whats long?
  6. What body system helps the body to move and interact with the world?
  1. What body system brings oxygen into the body using the lungs?
  2. What creates the saliva in your mouth?
  3. Fungi belong to which of the animal kingdoms?
  4. What does the large intestine absorb?
  5. What body system uses the spinal cord and nerves to communicate with the brain?
  6. What body system is made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons?
  7. What body system helps convert food into energy and nutrients the body can use?
  8. Protein molecules consist of what acids?

14 Clues: What are fat molecules made of?Your whats cut and grind up food?Glucose comes from what molecules?What does the large intestine absorb?What creates the saliva in your mouth?The small intestine is nine whats long?Protein molecules consist of what acids?Fungi belong to which of the animal kingdoms?What begins with a P that breaks down protein?...

Organ System Crossword 2022-05-26

Organ System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. It is a system that transports oxygen and nutrients in cells.
  2. It is a system that provides the engine for movement and physical abilities.
  3. This organ is the control center of the body.
  4. It is a system that regulates the chemical composition of body fluids.
  5. This organ protects the body from external factors like temperature.
  6. This organ produces the egg cells.
  7. gland this organ receives information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment.
  8. It is a system that protects the body from infection and injury from the external environment.
  9. It is a system that chemically and mechanically degrades food.
  10. It is a system that provides mechanical support, movement, and protection.
  11. It is a system that produces hormones to regulate bodily functions like metabolism.
  1. This organ digests food and sends t to our small intestine.
  2. It is a system that regulates vital body functions
  3. This organ process special lymphocytes called T-cells.
  4. This organ removes waste and gases from the body when you exhale.
  5. It is a system that protects the body from outside invaders like viruses.
  6. It is a system that produces reproductive cells and helps in reproduction.
  7. It is a system that controls your breathing.
  8. This structure holds the body together.
  9. This structure pulls on the joints, allowing us to move.
  10. This organ eliminates toxins from the body's blood supply.
  11. This organ pumps blood to other body parts.

22 Clues: This organ produces the egg cells.This structure holds the body together.This organ pumps blood to other body parts.It is a system that controls your breathing.This organ is the control center of the body.It is a system that regulates vital body functionsThis organ process special lymphocytes called T-cells....

Human Body Systems 2024-02-13

Human Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. In the respiratory system, what gives oxygen to the blood and gets rid of the CO2?
  2. Your skeletal system is made up of ____
  3. Which bone is at the very top of your skeletal system, and protects your brain?
  4. The tubes that carry blood away from your heart are called___
  5. Which system is responsible for your sense of touch
  6. Besides Urine, what other waste is removed through the excretory system?
  1. What in the mouth contains enzymes that break down food?
  2. What organ acts as a control center in the nervous system?
  3. Besides the appendix, what organ can be removed in the digestive system without causing too much harm?
  4. What organ does the most chemical digestion in your digestive system?
  5. Where does the digestive system start?
  6. When your biceps relax, your ______ contract

12 Clues: Where does the digestive system start?Your skeletal system is made up of ____When your biceps relax, your ______ contractWhich system is responsible for your sense of touchWhat in the mouth contains enzymes that break down food?What organ acts as a control center in the nervous system?The tubes that carry blood away from your heart are called___...

Excretory and Integumentary System 2021-11-10

Excretory and Integumentary System crossword puzzle
  1. system that filters blood, excretes waste, excess water, salt and minerals
  2. stores and secretes urine
  3. Kidneys help maintain____?
  1. system excretes extra salt and water through your sweat
  2. system that excretes carbon dioxide
  3. filter blood
  4. digestive, integumentary and excretory system work together to remove_____?
  5. largest organ of the human body

8 Clues: filter bloodstores and secretes urineKidneys help maintain____?largest organ of the human bodysystem that excretes carbon dioxidesystem excretes extra salt and water through your sweatsystem that filters blood, excretes waste, excess water, salt and mineralsdigestive, integumentary and excretory system work together to remove_____?

Body Systems 2015-06-17

Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. This is the type of muscle that controls body functions such as peristalsis
  2. This is the system that sends out hormones
  3. This is a source of nourishment
  4. This is the gas we breathe in.
  5. this is the main organ of the excretory system
  6. This absorbs most of our nutrients into our body.
  7. Another name for fats.
  8. this is what connects muscle to bone
  1. this is the chemical messenger sent out by the endocrine system
  2. What does the liver produce?
  3. This is the gas we breathe out
  4. What does bile break down?
  5. the respiratory system exchanges this in from the blood
  6. This is the type of muscle that enables you to move
  7. What does the gall bladder do?
  8. This is the muscle that controls breathing
  9. This is the structure where gas exchange occurs. They look like a bunch of grapes

17 Clues: Another name for fats.What does bile break down?What does the liver produce?This is the gas we breathe outThis is the gas we breathe in.What does the gall bladder do?This is a source of nourishmentthis is what connects muscle to boneThis is the system that sends out hormonesThis is the muscle that controls breathing...

CC review 2021-01-19

CC review crossword puzzle
  1. capital of Wyoming
  2. latin verbs with different endings
  3. “to” plus a verb, used as a noun, adjective or adverb
  4. capital of North Dakota
  5. Latin nouns and pronouns with different endings
  6. what is one part of the lymph system
  7. what the colonists disguised as when they dumped tea into the Boston Harbor
  8. one part of the nervous system
  9. capital of New Jersey
  1. what is one part of the respiratory system
  2. capital of Ohio
  3. which war began when Abraham Lincoln was president
  4. which president believed that the Mexican War and the Gadsden Purchase affirmed America’s manifest destiny
  5. who sailed from England and signed the Mayflower Compact in 1620
  6. who falls to Babylon
  7. one of the bones that makes up the axial skeleton
  8. which system consists of glands/organs that use hormones to send messages to the body

17 Clues: capital of Ohiocapital of Wyomingwho falls to Babyloncapital of New Jerseycapital of North Dakotaone part of the nervous systemlatin verbs with different endingswhat is one part of the lymph systemwhat is one part of the respiratory systemLatin nouns and pronouns with different endingsone of the bones that makes up the axial skeleton...

Body System 2020-10-27

Body System crossword puzzle
  1. what is a major type of muscles?
  2. bones meet at?
  3. This system controls everything you do
  4. when you inhale, your lungs:
  5. when you breath in air, you bring oxygen into your lungs and blow out:
  6. your body couldnt breathe without this system?
  7. a typical brain weigh how much?
  8. how many bones does an adult human have?
  9. the movement of our blood through the heart and body is called?
  10. what is a major type of muscles?
  1. beating sound of your heart makes comes from?
  2. which part of the body is the control center for the nervous system?
  3. the respiratory system is made up of the trachea, the lungs, and the:
  4. with circulation, the heart provides your body with?
  5. with circulation, the heart provides your body with?
  6. what is the biggest part of the brain?
  7. what is the muscle that pumps blood to you body?
  8. what is the smallest bone in the body?
  9. the bones in your spine are called?
  10. what is a major type of muscles?

20 Clues: bones meet at?when you inhale, your lungs:a typical brain weigh how much?what is a major type of muscles?what is a major type of muscles?what is a major type of muscles?the bones in your spine are called?This system controls everything you dowhat is the biggest part of the brain?what is the smallest bone in the body?...

LS9U2 PT Part 1 2022-11-18

LS9U2 PT Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Controls the body functions.
  2. the organ that releases insulin
  3. the organ that is responsible for sight
  4. filters and clean your bloodstream
  5. your respiratory system
  6. most important organ in the body.
  7. responsible for your human growth hormone and height
  8. pumps blood around your body
  1. essential for human speech
  2. system enables you to move
  3. it plays a huge role in the growth and metabolism of the human body
  4. the body central framework, what

12 Clues: your respiratory systemessential for human speechsystem enables you to moveControls the body functions.pumps blood around your bodythe organ that releases insulinthe body central framework, whatmost important organ in the body.filters and clean your bloodstreamthe organ that is responsible for sight...

Circulatory System 2023-12-05

Circulatory System crossword puzzle
  1. Lower chamber of the heart
  2. Relating to the lungs
  3. It pumps blood
  4. 21% of the air we breathe
  5. It carries blood around the body
  6. A measurement of the heart rate
  7. Something that takes blood away from the heart
  1. The name of a system in your body.
  2. Something that flows through our body
  3. Something that takes blood back to the heart
  4. Major part of the respiratory system
  5. Higher chambers of the heart

12 Clues: It pumps bloodRelating to the lungs21% of the air we breatheLower chamber of the heartHigher chambers of the heartA measurement of the heart rateIt carries blood around the bodyThe name of a system in your body.Major part of the respiratory systemSomething that flows through our bodySomething that takes blood back to the heart...

Human Systems 2021-09-28

Human Systems crossword puzzle
  1. tubes that carry air
  2. outside protective layer
  3. branch off of arteries to serve each cell
  4. arched muscle in the respiratory system
  5. vessel that carries oxygenated blood
  6. group of cells working for a purpose
  7. bottom sections of the heart
  1. air sacs on lungs
  2. the heart is like a _______
  3. the system that transports blood around the body
  4. the heart has four ________, or sections
  5. blood flows through _______ to every cell in the body

12 Clues: air sacs on lungstubes that carry airoutside protective layerthe heart is like a _______bottom sections of the heartvessel that carries oxygenated bloodgroup of cells working for a purposearched muscle in the respiratory systemthe heart has four ________, or sectionsbranch off of arteries to serve each cell...

Organ System Crossword Puzzle-Trevon Smith 2022-05-31

Organ System Crossword Puzzle-Trevon Smith crossword puzzle
  1. controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body
  2. System helps to regulate metabolism and the products of digestion
  3. system gives the body it's shape, movement, blood cells, and provides protection for organs storing minerals.
  4. System Helps to make us breathe and resperate
  5. move blood throughout your body.
  6. System produce egg and sperm cells.
  7. System Filters blood & remove various toxins/waste from the body’s tissues
  8. allows us to breathe
  9. System protect the body from outside threats
  10. carrys food and liquid from your mouth to your stomach
  1. System skin protection-protects body frm external factors
  2. remove wastes and extra fluid from your body.
  3. help the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working as they should.
  4. system Transports oxygen, and other nutrients through the body. It also gets rid of carbon dioxide and other unnecessary products.
  5. System Essential building block for our movement, tendons, and ligaments attached to it
  6. nourish the developing fetus prior to birth
  7. System carries food from where it enters to exits.
  8. produce hair fibers in a regular cycle.
  9. System sends signals between the brain & rest of the body.
  10. spongy substance found in the center of the bones
  11. gives the body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals.
  12. detects and analyzes sound by transduction

22 Clues: allows us to breathemove blood throughout your body.System produce egg and sperm cells.produce hair fibers in a regular cycle.detects and analyzes sound by transductionnourish the developing fetus prior to birthSystem protect the body from outside threatsremove wastes and extra fluid from your body.System Helps to make us breathe and resperate...

RESPIRATION 2024-04-29

RESPIRATION crossword puzzle
  1. The respiratory system of insects.
  2. This happens to the intercostal muscles during inhalation.
  3. Cancer causing chemical substances.
  4. A condition of damaged alveoli.
  5. MONOXIDE A colourless and odourless gas.
  6. Place where the exchange of gaseous occurs.
  7. Pathway of air into the nasal cavity.
  8. At night or on a hot day, the guard cells become _______ and straight.
  1. A part of respiratory tract.
  2. A dark red-coloured compound.
  3. A substance in cigarette smoke that can cause addiction.
  4. The skin of frogs is thin and very ______ to gas.
  5. The concentration of oxygen in the air is lower at a _____ altitude.
  6. In the breathing mechanism model, the rubber sheet represents the _________.
  7. Process of water molecules diffuse from the low concentration region to high concentration region through semi-permeable membrane
  8. One of the harmful substances in the air.

16 Clues: A part of respiratory tract.A dark red-coloured compound.A condition of damaged alveoli.The respiratory system of insects.Cancer causing chemical substances.Pathway of air into the nasal cavity.MONOXIDE A colourless and odourless gas.One of the harmful substances in the air.Place where the exchange of gaseous occurs....

Human Body System Crossword 2023-01-10

Human Body System Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Broccoli shaped material found in the lungs.
  2. Found inside of the Kidney, responsible for filtering the blood.
  3. A group of tissues working together to perform a specific task.
  4. Part of the Digestive system, and absorbs water into the bloodstream.
  5. The first step in digestion.
  6. Where blood is filtered, located in the Excretory System.
  7. A group of cells working together.
  8. The base unit for every LIVING thing.
  9. Upper part of the Heart.
  1. Assists in expanding and compressing the lung, helping people breath.
  2. Part of the Digestive system, and absorbs nutrients into the blood stream.
  3. Lower part of the Heart.
  4. A blood vessel that carries blood back to the Heart.
  5. Multiple Organs working together to perform a function needed for survival.
  6. Rhymes with Eli, and absorbs nutrients in the small intestine.
  7. Main organ in the Respiratory system.

16 Clues: Lower part of the Heart.Upper part of the Heart.The first step in digestion.A group of cells working together.The base unit for every LIVING thing.Main organ in the Respiratory system.Broccoli shaped material found in the lungs.A blood vessel that carries blood back to the Heart.Where blood is filtered, located in the Excretory System....

Metabolism-Piper McReynolds 2022-02-24

Metabolism-Piper McReynolds crossword puzzle
  1. how your evidence supports your claim respiratory system takes in oxygen and releases carbon
  2. molecule made of carbon and oxygen atoms cellularrespiration reaction between oxygen & glucose that releases energy
  3. proposed answer to question about the world
  4. information about the natural world
  5. atoms rearrange to form new substances
  6. molecule that organisms use to release energy
  7. body’s use of molecules for energy & growth
  8. transports molecules to and from all cells of the body
  1. a claim supported by evidence
  2. a group of atoms joined together
  3. body system that breaks food down
  4. building blocks of proteins
  5. organisms use to release energy
  6. the ability to make things move or change
  7. molecules that perform important functions
  8. set of interacting parts forming a complex whole
  9. a type of energy storage molecule

17 Clues: building blocks of proteinsa claim supported by evidenceorganisms use to release energya group of atoms joined togetherbody system that breaks food downa type of energy storage moleculeinformation about the natural worldatoms rearrange to form new substancesthe ability to make things move or changemolecules that perform important functions...

human systems 2024-02-12

human systems crossword puzzle
  1. breaks down food
  2. makes you strong
  3. the main system
  4. gives rich blood to the cells
  1. babies are baby
  2. gives you air
  3. is your hormones
  4. is your hair, nails, and skin
  5. frame of your body
  6. transports a fluid
  7. holds your pee

11 Clues: gives you airholds your peebabies are babythe main systembreaks down foodis your hormonesmakes you strongframe of your bodytransports a fluidis your hair, nails, and skingives rich blood to the cells

Photosynthesis and Respiration 2021-02-24

Photosynthesis and Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. created during photosynthesis
  2. the step of respiration to break glucose
  3. the system in the body for taking in/out gases
  4. any organism that eats others for food
  5. energy for cells
  6. required for cellular respiration
  7. required for photosynthesis
  1. the system in the body that breaks down food
  2. a waste product of cellular respiration
  3. organelle where cellular respiration happens
  4. organelle where photosynthesis happens
  5. any organism that can make its own food

12 Clues: energy for cellsrequired for photosynthesiscreated during photosynthesisrequired for cellular respirationorganelle where photosynthesis happensany organism that eats others for fooda waste product of cellular respirationany organism that can make its own foodthe step of respiration to break glucosethe system in the body that breaks down food...

Elements in the Periodic Table 2012-09-14

Elements in the Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. a prevalent poor metal, chemically resembles arsenic and antimony
  2. Ne
  3. As
  4. Se
  5. used to make wires
  6. B
  7. Atomic Number 16
  8. Sc Symbol
  9. Ar
  10. The chemical element of atomic number 32
  11. alloy of silver and lead
  12. Element V
  13. Salt
  14. Part of the atmosphere
  15. Y
  16. Salt Addition
  1. Graphite Element
  2. Most Non metallic element
  3. Be
  4. Battery type
  5. Xe
  6. It is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas
  7. Ra
  8. Most Metallic Element
  9. An element that is efficient to the human's respiratory system

25 Clues: BYNeAsBeSeXeRaArSaltSc SymbolElement VBattery typeSalt AdditionGraphite ElementAtomic Number 16used to make wiresMost Metallic ElementPart of the atmospherealloy of silver and leadMost Non metallic elementThe chemical element of atomic number 32It is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas...

Elements in the Periodic Table 2012-09-14

Elements in the Periodic Table crossword puzzle
  1. It is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas
  2. Battery type
  3. Xe
  4. An element that is efficient to the human's respiratory system
  5. Part of the atmosphere
  6. The chemical element of atomic number 32
  7. Se
  8. Graphite Element
  9. alloy of silver and lead
  10. a prevalent poor metal, chemically resembles arsenic and antimony
  11. used to make wires
  1. Ra
  2. Ne
  3. Salt
  4. B
  5. Salt Addition
  6. Most Non metallic element
  7. Ar
  8. Be
  9. Element V
  10. Most Metallic Element
  11. As
  12. Atomic Number 16
  13. Sc Symbol
  14. Y

25 Clues: BYRaNeArBeXeAsSeSaltElement VSc SymbolBattery typeSalt AdditionAtomic Number 16Graphite Elementused to make wiresMost Metallic ElementPart of the atmospherealloy of silver and leadMost Non metallic elementThe chemical element of atomic number 32It is a radioactive, colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas...

cross word for pe. 2017-09-27

cross word for pe. crossword puzzle
  1. small tubes or vessels
  2. Man's best friend
  3. how hard you work
  4. achievable goal
  5. frequency intensity time type
  6. heart pumping blood while workingout
  7. over time getting better
  8. carbon dioxide for oxygen
  9. how often
  10. how long
  11. how well you can stretch
  1. producing energy without oxygen
  2. requires free oxygen
  3. how well lungs and heart works hard
  4. enduring your muscles hard
  5. System lungs
  6. muscle strength
  7. fat mass and fat free mass
  8. long goal
  9. extact workout
  10. one or more of the fitt variables

21 Clues: how longlong goalhow oftenSystem lungsextact workoutachievable goalmuscle strengthMan's best friendhow hard you workrequires free oxygensmall tubes or vesselsover time getting bettercarbon dioxide for oxygenhow well you can stretchenduring your muscles hardfat mass and fat free massfrequency intensity time typeproducing energy without oxygen...

Respiratory Infections and Immunity 2013-05-19

Respiratory Infections and Immunity crossword puzzle
  1. Type II pneumocytes (great ........ alveolar cells) responsible for the production of surfactant and the replacement of damaged Type I pneumocytes, through the process of differentiation and replication.
  2. An antimicrobial agent used to treat bacterial infections.
  3. A pathogen that is normally a commensal, but can cause disease when the host’s resistance is low.
  4. Causative pathogen of most upper respiratory tract infections characterized as the "common cold".
  5. An inflammatory condition of the lung affecting predominantly the alveoli and usually caused by a pathogen.
  1. Type I pneumocytes (simple …….. alveolar cells) incapable of replication, which form the alveolar epithelium and are particularly susceptible to bacterial toxins.
  2. Inflammation of the mucosal membranes of the bronchioles.
  3. A white blood cell which engulfs extracellular pathogens.
  4. Specialized tissue specific monocyte involved in phagocytosis.
  5. A protein found in the respiratory tract which forms an essential part of the innate antimicrobial defense system.
  6. An RNA virus which causes seasonal outbreaks of respiratory infection.
  7. Enzymes that damage bacterial cells walls.
  8. An organism that causes disease.

13 Clues: An organism that causes disease.Enzymes that damage bacterial cells walls.Inflammation of the mucosal membranes of the bronchioles.A white blood cell which engulfs extracellular pathogens.An antimicrobial agent used to treat bacterial infections.Specialized tissue specific monocyte involved in phagocytosis....

Nervous System 2022-01-06

Nervous System crossword puzzle
  1. that produce detailed pictures of the inside of the body
  2. for sending signals throughout the body
  3. and cardiac,respiratory and vasomotor centers
  4. bundle of nerves that are protected by vertebrae
  5. medical professional who studies the nervous system
  6. all the signals and responses coming to and from the body
  1. nerve diseases
  2. system
  3. lobe
  4. electrical impulses out to the body and back to the brain
  5. lobe
  6. affect muscle function, perception of touch, pain, speech or eye sight
  7. Fear, and some language
  8. cord

14 Clues: lobelobecordsystemnerve diseasesFear, and some languagefor sending signals throughout the bodyand cardiac,respiratory and vasomotor centersbundle of nerves that are protected by vertebraemedical professional who studies the nervous systemthat produce detailed pictures of the inside of the body...

Human Systems 2022-04-12

Human Systems crossword puzzle
  1. churns the food and mixed it with digestive juices.
  2. ___ system gives the body its shape.
  3. large ___ absorbs water and mineral salts from the undigested food.
  4. connects the mouth to the stomach.
  5. ___ system carries digested food, water and oxygen to all parts of the body.
  1. ___ intestine adds more digestive juices to completely digest the food and absorbs the digested food into the blood stream.
  2. ___ system breaks down food simple substances.
  3. digestion starts here.
  4. ___ system takes air into the body.
  5. ___ system works with the skeletal system to allow the body to move.

10 Clues: digestion starts here.connects the mouth to the stomach.___ system takes air into the body.___ system gives the body its shape.___ system breaks down food simple substances.churns the food and mixed it with digestive juices.large ___ absorbs water and mineral salts from the undigested food....

Biology 2021-10-18

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. this tissue supports the structure of plants
  2. this tissue supports the structure of our body
  3. this tissue covers external and inner linings of the body
  4. a type of plant organ
  5. This organism only has one level of organization
  6. benefits of having specialized tissues
  7. a group of organs that function together
  8. a type of organ system in a plant
  9. a type of organ system in a plant
  1. the organ system that allow us to breathe
  2. the organ system that allows nutrients to flow into all parts of our body
  3. these things make up an organ
  4. this tissue only covers the outermost part of the body
  5. The smallest living thing
  6. Function of cell division in multicellular organisms
  7. the vascular tissue in plants mainly transports this substance
  8. the organ system that allows animals to feel sensations on their skin

17 Clues: a type of plant organThe smallest living thingthese things make up an organa type of organ system in a planta type of organ system in a plantbenefits of having specialized tissuesa group of organs that function togetherthe organ system that allow us to breathethis tissue supports the structure of plantsthis tissue supports the structure of our body...

Chapter 1 -3 Review (version 2) 2017-11-12

Chapter 1 -3 Review (version 2) crossword puzzle
  1. oxygen enters body
  2. proximal to ankle, distal to thigh
  3. system that is responsible for breathing
  4. where oxygen gets delivered to red blood cells
  5. receptors that feel pain or pleasure
  6. carry blood back to heart with carbon dioxide
  1. most distal structure on full arm
  2. scientific word for knots.
  3. mobile end of muscle
  4. system responsible for passing food through the body
  5. tube that carries red blood cells to muscles and organs
  6. neurons that allow for movement
  7. thick fluid responsable for healing

13 Clues: oxygen enters bodymobile end of musclescientific word for knots.neurons that allow for movementmost distal structure on full armproximal to ankle, distal to thighthick fluid responsable for healingreceptors that feel pain or pleasuresystem that is responsible for breathingcarry blood back to heart with carbon dioxide...

PSL 310 - Acid/Base Balance 2013-06-15

PSL 310 - Acid/Base Balance crossword puzzle
  1. renal regulation of acid/base involves adjustment of ________ ion and bicarbonate ion.
  2. hyperventilation can cause a state known as ________ alkalosis.
  3. decreasing ventilation will _____ the amount of CO2 that is removed from the body, and hence will retain H+ in the blood
  4. this buffer system is primarily buffers the ECF against noncarbonic-acid changes
  5. vomiting stomach acid, hypomagnesaemia, ingestion of saliva while chewing tobacco can all lead to metabolic _________.
  6. patients exhibiting alkalosis will likely be excreting this type of urine during their body's attempt to compensate
  7. sedatives, impaired breathing mechanics, COPD, can all cause respiratory _________
  8. this buffer system is the primary buffer against carbonic acid changes
  9. this buffer system is an important urinary buffer
  1. H+ excretion rates are regulated by means of increasing/decreasing tubular ________
  2. the third and final line of defense against acid load.
  3. metabolic alkalosis will result in a ________ in ventilation rate
  4. minimizes changes in ECF pH by binding or releasing free H+ to weak acids/weak bases. (abbreviation).
  5. HCO3- excretion rates are regulated by means of increasing/decreasing tubular _________
  6. above normal H+ in arterial blood stimulates chemoreceptors leading to an _________ in ventilation rate
  7. chronic diarrhea, ketoacidosis due to untreated diabetes, and ingestion of methanol are examples that lead to ______ acidosis
  8. patients exhibiting acidosis will likely be excreting this type of urine during their body's attempt to compensate
  9. kidneys regulate the formation and subsequent secretion of "_________ urinary acids" in response to acidosis

18 Clues: this buffer system is an important urinary bufferthe third and final line of defense against acid load.hyperventilation can cause a state known as ________ alkalosis.metabolic alkalosis will result in a ________ in ventilation ratethis buffer system is the primary buffer against carbonic acid changes...

Human Body Systems 2021-12-09

Human Body Systems crossword puzzle
  1. To move air into the body
  2. Defends the Body
  3. system that contains what we eat
  4. system that controls blood
  5. they supply with nutrients and remove waste
  1. Controls glands and the bodys different hormones
  2. body temp regulation and cell fluid maintenance
  3. controls are movements and what we think
  4. To remove wastes from the body
  5. holds our Structure
  6. Filters blood and creates urine and waste
  7. Connected to our bones Reproductive Helps make offspring

12 Clues: Defends the Bodyholds our StructureTo move air into the bodysystem that controls bloodTo remove wastes from the bodysystem that contains what we eatcontrols are movements and what we thinkFilters blood and creates urine and wastethey supply with nutrients and remove wastebody temp regulation and cell fluid maintenance...

Asthma 2016-09-25

Asthma crossword puzzle
  1. A measure of ozone, sulfur, dioxide, carbon monoxide, and fine particles close to the ground
  2. The main organ in the respiratory system affected by asthma.
  3. Lets people with asthma breathe in the medicine their airway needs
  4. Wheezing, shortness of breath, frequent cough, tight chest
  1. Percentage of kids enrolled in Paola schools with asthma
  2. Causes symptoms of asthma
  3. A serious chronic condition that causes tiny air passages in the respiratory system to become narrow or blocked
  4. Avoid outdoor activities when the air quality index is ____.

8 Clues: Causes symptoms of asthmaPercentage of kids enrolled in Paola schools with asthmaWheezing, shortness of breath, frequent cough, tight chestThe main organ in the respiratory system affected by asthma.Avoid outdoor activities when the air quality index is ____.Lets people with asthma breathe in the medicine their airway needs...

Word List 7- Caroline Hites 2016-03-29

Word List 7- Caroline Hites crossword puzzle
  1. If you look suspicious...
  2. Roman
  3. what you do in hot weather
  4. This is needed when things get out of hand
  5. Circus
  6. study of birds
  7. Not horizontal but...
  8. Jewish church
  9. Irrational fear of death
  10. Crazy about one's self
  1. Study of animals
  2. not allowed by the law
  3. Not willing to do
  4. Ordinary
  5. Bone cancer
  6. Outside heat
  7. Body system that helps you breathe
  8. disease when too many growth hormones are released
  9. Top left to bottom right
  10. Capitol city or region

20 Clues: RomanCircusOrdinaryBone cancerOutside heatJewish churchstudy of birdsStudy of animalsNot willing to doNot horizontal but...not allowed by the lawCapitol city or regionCrazy about one's selfTop left to bottom rightIrrational fear of deathIf you look suspicious...what you do in hot weatherBody system that helps you breathe...

Medical Terminology 2019-01-24

Medical Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. pertaining to the heart
  2. blood
  3. resembling mucus
  4. prediction of disease outcome
  5. one who administers anesthesia
  6. kneecap
  7. lack of muscle tone
  8. two or twice
  9. pertaining to respiration
  10. yellow
  1. Blue
  2. joint
  3. inflammation of the lungs
  4. bone of the spine
  5. inflammation of
  6. pertaining to the jaw
  7. medical specialty concerning pregnancy and birth
  8. difficult function
  9. study of
  10. red
  11. half, one side
  12. pertaining to salivary
  13. many
  14. the study of the nervous system
  15. downward displacement
  16. fear

26 Clues: redBluemanyfearjointbloodyellowkneecapstudy oftwo or twicehalf, one sideinflammation ofresembling mucusbone of the spinedifficult functionlack of muscle tonepertaining to the jawdownward displacementpertaining to salivarypertaining to the heartinflammation of the lungspertaining to respirationprediction of disease outcome...

Cellular Respiration 2020-10-19

Cellular Respiration crossword puzzle
  1. allows the release of large amount of chemical energy
  2. utilized in organic compound breakdown
  3. four-carbon molecule
  4. pyruvic acid
  5. major energy source
  6. citric acid cycle
  7. source of essential energy
  8. NAD+ with hydrogen
  9. oxygen-dependent
  10. net yield ATP per glucose molecule
  1. respiratory system organs
  2. in the cytoplasm
  3. oxygen transported to the cells
  4. gas entry and exit
  5. membrane-bound
  6. exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide
  7. three carbon atoms
  8. hydrogen ion transport
  9. projections of inner membrane
  10. final catabolic process product

20 Clues: pyruvic acidmembrane-boundin the cytoplasmoxygen-dependentcitric acid cyclegas entry and exitthree carbon atomsNAD+ with hydrogenmajor energy sourcefour-carbon moleculehydrogen ion transportrespiratory system organssource of essential energyprojections of inner membraneoxygen transported to the cellsfinal catabolic process product...

opioid induced respiratory depression (OIRD) 2017-07-19

opioid induced respiratory depression (OIRD) crossword puzzle
  1. respiratory rate function assessment includes rate, regularity and __________.
  2. opioid analgesics bind to these receptors.
  3. these kind of thinking skills are required for analysing trends.
  4. screening for this is recommended in those patients with a high body mass index.
  5. patients who are taking regular opioid medications prior to hospitalisation are considered to be _________
  6. nurses need to be aware of _______effect times of opiates.
  7. comparison of patients current respiratory rate with their__________ can lead to early detection of deterioration.
  8. rate should be measured before arousing a sleeping patient.
  9. vigilance in monitoring for adverse events is important during first 24 hours post __________.
  10. agent required to reverse opiate induced excessive sedation and respiratory depression.
  1. advancing sedation measured on a sedation scale indicates need for the nurse to ___________opiate administration.
  2. respirations can be _________due to three mechanisms affected by opioids.
  3. standard anaesthetic physical assessment classification.
  4. documentation of respiratory rate, sedation level and oxygen saturation is completed at least _____hourly for first 24hours.
  5. consequences of unintended advancing sedation can have _________consequences for patients.
  6. this factor along with individual and pharmacological are known to be associated with near miss opioid related events.
  7. analgesic administration should be balanced with this kind of practice.
  8. this sign of airway obstruction should be promptly re evaluated and patient repositioned.
  9. increasing levels of _________are evident before decreasing respiratory rate.
  10. nurses suffer from alarm ______as a result of numerous bedside alarms.

20 Clues: opioid analgesics bind to these receptors.standard anaesthetic physical assessment classification.nurses need to be aware of _______effect times of opiates.rate should be measured before arousing a sleeping patient.these kind of thinking skills are required for analysing trends.nurses suffer from alarm ______as a result of numerous bedside alarms....

Respiratory Disease- Em 2021-03-19

Respiratory Disease- Em crossword puzzle
  1. allergic hypersensitivity causing inflammation/edema in walls of bronchioles
  2. damage to the alveoli caused by injury or trama. polution, burns, aspiration
  3. brief or prolonged absence of spontaneous respirations due to respiratory failure.
  4. known as heart failure inadequately pump blood
  5. mild for of pneumonia, people experience less severe symptoms
  6. permanent, destructive pulmonary disorder that is a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  7. viral infection of the respiratory system characterized by chills, fever, body aches, and fatigue.
  8. protective mechanism to forcefully expel accidentally inhaled food
  9. air in the pleural cavity
  1. fatal disease caused by a recessive gene
  2. cancerous tumor of the lungs
  3. difficult, labored, or painful respirations due to lung disease
  4. whistling or sighing musical sound heard on auscultation
  5. lung infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium.
  6. includes pleural friction rub, rales, rhonchi, stridor, or wheezes
  7. inflammation of the lungs
  8. bluish-gray discoloration of the skin due to low level of oxygen

17 Clues: inflammation of the lungsair in the pleural cavitycancerous tumor of the lungsfatal disease caused by a recessive geneknown as heart failure inadequately pump bloodlung infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium.whistling or sighing musical sound heard on auscultationmild for of pneumonia, people experience less severe symptoms...

Pregnancy Terms Practice 2022-12-08

Pregnancy Terms Practice crossword puzzle
  1. Cell that embeds in the uterine wall
  2. Month where mother feels baby movements
  3. Temporary organ takes of hCG production in month 3
  4. Month where baby has fully developed lungs
  5. 8 week old embryo
  6. made up of the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
  7. Will eventually create nervous system
  8. Month where cardiovascular system is fully developed in fetus
  9. Stage of labor where female cervix begins dilating from 3-10cm
  10. Occurs day 6/7 after fertilization
  1. The period of rapid mitotic division of zygote
  2. Will eventually create the digestive, respiratory and urogenital system
  3. Prompts uterus for pregnancy
  4. Prompts corpus luteum to make progesterone
  5. Clump of 16 cells, about 72 hours after fertilization
  6. Stage of labor were placenta is delivered
  7. The time from last menstraul period to birth of baby

17 Clues: 8 week old embryoPrompts uterus for pregnancyOccurs day 6/7 after fertilizationCell that embeds in the uterine wallWill eventually create nervous systemMonth where mother feels baby movementsStage of labor were placenta is deliveredPrompts corpus luteum to make progesteroneMonth where baby has fully developed lungs...

Something About The Respiratory System 2022-09-08

Something About The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Gas exchange between the lungs and blood and between the blood and tissues
  2. Needle puncture through the chest wall and into the pleura
  3. Collapsed alveoli in part or all of the lung
  4. System responsible for gas exchange
  5. Disease state characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible
  6. Accumulation of air in pleural space
  7. Has suprasternal notch used for PE
  8. Lung with 3 lobes
  9. Pink puffer
  10. either of the two main branches of the trachea
  11. Lung capacity which is the amount of air exhaled after maximal inspiration
  12. Thin sacs that surround each lung lobe
  13. Help regulate the temperature and humidity of the air you inhale
  14. Airways in the lungs that lead from the trachea to the bronchioles
  15. Where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place
  16. Protect the body from invading organisms that may get past the nose
  17. Primary cause of COPD
  18. Serves as a common passageway for food and air
  19. Symptom of cardiopulmonary disorders
  20. Average TLC of adult human in liters
  21. Accumulation of thick, purulent, fluid within the pleural space
  22. Filters, humidifies and warms air
  23. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide from alveoli into the blood occurs by ____
  24. Point where trachea bifurcates
  25. Act of breathing in oxygen
  26. AKA windpipe
  27. Connects nasal and oral cavities to the larynx
  1. Chest pain described as knifelike on inspiration
  2. Helps break up thick fluids in lungs
  3. External nares
  4. Characterized by airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness to a variety of stimuli
  5. Moves the mucus back to the larynx
  6. Voice organ
  7. Main muscle in breathing
  8. Lungs should be free from _____
  9. Help to transfer oxygen to the alveoli
  10. Type 2 cells secrete _____
  11. Actual blood flow through the pulmonary circulation
  12. Breath sound that is high-pitched, sibilant, and musical
  13. Closes when you swallow
  14. Lung capacity with maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after a relax expiration
  15. An infection that causes inflammation in your alveoli
  16. Central compartment of the thoracic cavity
  17. Movement of air in and out of the lungs
  18. Lies posterior to the upright epiglottis
  19. Blood in the pleural space
  20. Act of breathing out carbon dioxide
  21. Responsibility of the nose
  22. Lies posterior to the nasal cavity
  23. Helps moisten, warm and filter the air as it enters the nose; secreted by the mucous membranes
  24. Lung volume with a normal value of approximately 1,000 ml
  25. Lung with 2 lobes

52 Clues: Voice organPink pufferAKA windpipeExternal naresLung with 3 lobesLung with 2 lobesPrimary cause of COPDCloses when you swallowMain muscle in breathingType 2 cells secrete _____Blood in the pleural spaceResponsibility of the noseAct of breathing in oxygenPoint where trachea bifurcatesLungs should be free from _____Filters, humidifies and warms air...

Urinary and Respiratory System Study 2022-09-26

Urinary and Respiratory System Study crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of the bile pigment?
  2. A rare disease caused by inadequate production of the anti-diuretic hormone.
  3. The gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide must occur between the pulmonary blood and alveoli.
  4. Gas exchanges must be made between the blood and tissue cells.
  5. This is formed in the Kidneys, and then transformed into Urea in the Liver.
  6. Starvation makes the urine more ______?
  7. A vegetarian diet makes urine more ______?
  8. Tiny Filtration Unit in the Kidneys.
  9. What hormone controls urine volume?
  10. _________ is mainly transported in plasma of the blood.
  1. When air is flowing into the lungs.
  2. The process by which excess or harmful substances are removed from the body.
  3. This is very common in women due in part to the shorter length of the female urethra.
  4. Inflammation of the sinuses.
  5. When air is leaving the lungs.
  6. Function of the Kidneys: Maintaining _______ Balance.
  7. Oxygen mainly transports itself around blood by attaching to haemoglobin molecules inside the red blood cells to form ____________?
  8. Function of the Kidneys: ________ Blood Pressure.
  9. What is the process of urination called?
  10. Symptoms of this disorder include sneezing, runny nose and eyes and sometimes swelling and itching.
  11. These are located on the posterior wall of the abdomen on either side of the spine.

21 Clues: Inflammation of the sinuses.When air is leaving the lungs.When air is flowing into the lungs.What hormone controls urine volume?Tiny Filtration Unit in the Kidneys.What is the name of the bile pigment?Starvation makes the urine more ______?What is the process of urination called?A vegetarian diet makes urine more ______?...

The Functional of Respiratory System 2019-12-11

The Functional of Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. oxygen difuses form the alveolar air across the membrane into the pulmonary capillary....
  2. muscle that run between the ribs is called.....muscle
  3. function of surfactant is to coats the gas-exposed alveolar.....
  4. serousa the surface of each lung is covered with its own.....
  5. air enters the nose by passing through the....
  6. rhinitis cause by various allergens and....
  7. food is directed into the esophagus posteriorly by a flapped called....
  8. smell receptor located in the mucosa called.....receptors
  9. lower respiratory track is those from the trachea to the....
  10. ..... muscle is a smooth muscle that located next to esophagus and posteriorly of trachea
  11. thin-walled veins....the air as it flows past
  12. voice box known as....
  13. plueral fluid allows the lungs to glide easily over the.....wall during breathing
  14. gland that located between lung
  1. vocal folds will.... to allow us to speak
  2. another name of blood cells also known as....
  3. the alveoli and capillary walls, their fused basement membranes and occasional elastic fibers construct the respiratory.....
  4. alveolar.... connect neighbouring air sacs and provide alternative routes for air to reach alveoli
  5. inflammation of the pleurae can be cause by.....secretion of plueral fluid
  6. the walls of the alveoli are composed largely of a single, thin layer of simple squamous.. .cells
  7. dioxide the chemical that difused out form alveoli is......
  8. efficient alveolar....wander in and out of the alveoli picking up the bacteria, carbon particles and other debris.
  9. soft palate and.... move together to close of nasopharynx during swallowing food
  10. the respiratory membrane has.....past on one side and blood on the other
  11. division of trachea known as.....
  12. drip the results in nasal congestion and.....produced by excessive mucos
  13. inside the trachea, the....beat all the harmful particles continuously in superior direction
  14. voice box play role in speech and routes.... into the proper channel
  15. stroma allow the lungs to.....and recoil as we breathe

29 Clues: voice box known as....gland that located between lungdivision of trachea known as.....vocal folds will.... to allow us to speakrhinitis cause by various allergens and....another name of blood cells also known as....thin-walled veins....the air as it flows pastair enters the nose by passing through the.......

The Functional of Respiratory System 2019-12-16

The Functional of Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. mucosa inside trachea, there are.....which lined at the trachea wall.
  2. inflammation of the pleurae can be caused by.....secretion of the pleural fluid.
  3. .....exerted on the lungs when the pleurae produce excessive amounts of fluid.
  4. epiglottis is the pharynx.
  5. muscle a smooth muscle that located nest to esophagus and posteriorly of trachea.
  6. we use taste food.
  7. the pleurae are strongly resist being.....apart.
  8. dome-shaped muscle that separated the chest from the abdomen.
  9. maneuver a procedure which our own lungs expel the food that prevent airway to our lungs and save people's life.
  10. insufficient secretion of the pleural fluid causes the pleural surfaces become dry and.....
  11. ducts tiny ducts that connect the respiratory bronchiles to alveolar sacs is called.....
  12. juices foods that we eat swallowed and digested by.....
  13. space the tiny area between two layers of pleura.
  14. cartilage largest hyaline cartilage is.....
  15. voice box play role in speech and routes.....and foods into the proper channel.
  16. apple thyroid cartilage which protrudes anteriorly also known as.....
  1. surgical opening of trachea known as.....
  2. a person who had done tracheostomy will produce huge amount it needs to be suctioned frequently.
  3. the lungs flask mediastinal structure laterally in.....view.
  4. vocal folds allows us to speak.
  5. muscles that run between the ribs is called.....muscle.
  6. gland that located between lungs.
  7. .....enzymes in the mucus destroy bacteria chemically.
  8. component that encloses the thoracic cavity which contains the lungs.
  9. trunk major vessel of the human heart that originates from the right ventricle.
  10. cold viruses and various allergens can cause.....
  11. reflex .....will trigger if anything other than air enter the larynx to prevent anything other than air enter the lungs.
  12. inflammation of the pleurae.
  13. part of the larynx consisting of the vocal cords and the opening between them known as.....
  14. when we swallow a large piece of food the open part of rings abut the esophagus and allow it to.....

30 Clues: inflammation of the pleurae.we use taste food.gland that located between lungs.surgical opening of trachea known as.....epiglottis is the pharynx.vocal folds allows us to speak.cartilage largest hyaline cartilage is.....the pleurae are strongly resist being.....apart....

The Respiratory System- Ajay D 2020-05-05

The Respiratory System- Ajay D crossword puzzle
  1. also known as the windpipe
  2. air passages inside the lungs
  3. body cavity that connects the nasal and oral cavities with the larynx and esophagus
  4. a thin membrane that lines the surface of your lungs and the inside of your chest wall
  5. an condition in which your airways narrow and swell
  6. a muscle which keeps/prevents food from entering your lungs
  7. the airways that lead from the trachea into the lungs
  8. muscles which run between the ribs
  9. the amount of air that stays in a persons lungs after fully exhaling
  10. where food and air enter the body through
  11. a dome-shaped muscle, located below the lungs
  12. a condition which causes shortness of breath
  1. also known as the voicebox
  2. the most air someone can exhale after they have inhaled the most amount of air they can inhale.
  3. an infection in one or both lungs caused by bacteria
  4. allow air to enter the respiratory system
  5. any of the many tiny air sacs of the lungs
  6. and fungi
  7. an inflammation of the lining of your bronchial tubes
  8. a small blood vessel from 5 to 10 micrometres
  9. a cancer which forms in the lungs

21 Clues: and fungialso known as the voiceboxalso known as the windpipeair passages inside the lungsa cancer which forms in the lungsmuscles which run between the ribsallow air to enter the respiratory systemwhere food and air enter the body throughany of the many tiny air sacs of the lungsa condition which causes shortness of breath...

HAP Topic 8: Respiratory System 2017-07-16

HAP Topic 8: Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. The _____ network is the major site for exchange of substances between the blood and tissues.
  2. An increase or decrease in blood carbon dioxide level is always accompanied by a change in the concentration of this ion.
  3. The valve that covers the larynx to prevent food entering into the "wrong tube".
  4. The intercostal muscles _____ to move rib cage downwards.
  5. Bulk of carbon dioxide is carried in this form of ion in the blood.
  6. The mucociliary transport system moves the _____ (and contaminants in it) out of the air way.
  7. The bronchi further divide into minute branches of _____.
  8. The term associated with "lungs".
  9. The type of transport mechanism that occurs in the exchange of gases between the respiratory and circulatory systems.
  10. The organ that holds the vocal chords.
  1. The _____ anhydrase is the enzyme that facilitates carbon dioxide reacts with water to form H+ and HCO3-.
  2. Cells that clean off particles such as dust or micro-organisms.
  3. The air tube that divides to form bronchi.
  4. The _____ sac is part of the conducting zone.
  5. During inspiration, intrapulmonary pressure is _____ than atmospheric pressure.
  6. During _____, air moves into the lungs.
  7. It contracts to increase the volume of the thoracic cavity.
  8. It reduces the surface tension in the pulmonary alveoli.
  9. One of the factors in blood that affect how much oxygen can combine with hemoglobin.
  10. Hemoglobin with attached oxygen molecule is called ___hemoglobin.

20 Clues: The term associated with "lungs".The organ that holds the vocal chords.During _____, air moves into the lungs.The air tube that divides to form bronchi.The _____ sac is part of the conducting zone.It reduces the surface tension in the pulmonary alveoli.The intercostal muscles _____ to move rib cage downwards....

Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiolgy 2023-09-27

Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiolgy crossword puzzle
  1. humidifier Warms the incoming air
  2. Normal respiratory rate
  3. The reserve volume which is usually between 2100 ml to 3200 ml is called volume
  4. Olfactory receptors are located in the mucosa in the gaps of the nasal cavity called recaptors
  5. Removal of carbon dioxide
  6. Pharangeal tonsils are called
  7. The remaining mucosal layar, namely the nasal cavity, is called the respiratory tract
  8. The nasal cavity is surrounded by a ring
  9. Three mucosal projects or lobes are called
  1. What system keeps the body supplied with oxygen
  2. During exercise, we deeply because breathe more forcefully and the muscular centers send more impulses to the so-called breathing pattern
  3. The surface of each lung is filled with uiseral callulose
  4. The breathing sound heard as the air fills the alopoly is
  5. The road is about 13cm long
  6. The Cells of the nasal bulb create a gentle current as the cells
  7. Tonsils at the tip of the soft palate
  8. Passageways that allow air to reach the lungs
  9. The right and left bronchi are formed by division
  10. Tonsils located at the base of the tongue
  11. The Pharymponic duct, which drains the maiddle ear, opens into the

20 Clues: Normal respiratory rateRemoval of carbon dioxideThe road is about 13cm longPharangeal tonsils are calledhumidifier Warms the incoming airTonsils at the tip of the soft palateThe nasal cavity is surrounded by a ringTonsils located at the base of the tongueThree mucosal projects or lobes are calledPassageways that allow air to reach the lungs...

Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology 2023-09-24

Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. That play a role in the formation of gall cells
  2. If it has died, the veins become
  3. The heart region has low oxygen content and high carbon dioxide
  4. Bacteria caused the cardiac valve
  5. blood Cardiac function
  6. The microbiology examination that can be done on this patient is to take its most representative specie
  7. The ability to penetrate the pores of the capillaries and enter the tissues
  8. The part responsible for the heart's contractions
  9. Right and top left atrium separator
  1. The blood part that is involved in the transportation of food grains that have been digestive tract
  2. That helps the muscles and the heart contract
  3. the oxygen rich in the heart
  4. membranes or membranes that coat the heart
  5. Heart disease
  6. Diseases that harm the immune system by attacking t's lymphocytes
  7. The membrane conditions are returning to a potential after-depolarization break
  8. HB deficiency or red blood cells
  9. A type of cancer characterized by uncontrolled white blood cell polyferase
  10. The classification of white blood cells that play a role in the immune system by pathogenic means
  11. Organs that work as a blood pump

20 Clues: Heart diseaseblood Cardiac functionthe oxygen rich in the heartIf it has died, the veins becomeHB deficiency or red blood cellsOrgans that work as a blood pumpBacteria caused the cardiac valveRight and top left atrium separatormembranes or membranes that coat the heartThat helps the muscles and the heart contract...

Respiratory System Vet Med Terms 2024-02-08

Respiratory System Vet Med Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Difficult or labored breathing
  2. Pertaining to the alveoli
  3. Condition resulted from the inhalation of environmental particles and dust
  4. Presence of pus in the chest cavity
  5. Taking shallow breaths
  6. Paralysis of the muscles controlling the larynx
  7. Instrument that measures the amount of oxygen in the blood stream
  8. Surgical repair of the nose
  9. Type of pneumoconiosis that develops from the collection of carbon in the lung. May lead to the development of lung cancer. Also known as black lung.
  1. An instrument used to view inside the bronchus
  2. Pertaining to the diaphragm
  3. To cough up blood or blood-stained sputum
  4. To cut into the chest cavity
  5. Surgical repair of the larynx
  6. Pertaining to the epiglottis
  7. Dilated bronchus / Abnormal enlargement of the bronchi
  8. Pleural pain
  9. Presence of blood in the chest cavity
  10. An insufficient level of carbon dioxide in the body
  11. Condition where the shape of the skull is shorter than average
  12. Condition of having insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood stream

21 Clues: Pleural painTaking shallow breathsPertaining to the alveoliPertaining to the diaphragmSurgical repair of the noseTo cut into the chest cavityPertaining to the epiglottisSurgical repair of the larynxDifficult or labored breathingPresence of pus in the chest cavityPresence of blood in the chest cavityTo cough up blood or blood-stained sputum...

Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology 2023-09-28

Respiratory System Anatomy and Physiology crossword puzzle
  1. Large areas of the lungs are present in
  2. The right and left bronchi are formed by division
  3. Pharangeal tonsils are called
  4. Tonsils located at the base of the tongue
  5. The reserve volume which is usually between 2100 ml to 3200 ml is called volume
  6. What system keeps the body supplied with oxygen
  7. The Cells of the nasal bulb create a gentle current as the cells
  8. Removal of carbon dioxide
  9. The road is about 13cm long
  10. Three mucosal projects or lobes are called
  1. The surface of each lung is filled with uiseral callulose
  2. The gap between the vocal cords is
  3. During exercise, we deeply because breathe more forcefully and the muscular centers send more impulses to the so-called breathing pattern
  4. The biggest cargo is
  5. The breathing sound heard as the air fills the alopoly is
  6. Passageways that allow air to reach the lungs
  7. The nasal cavity is surrounded by a ring
  8. The main bronchus is larger in size
  9. Tonsils at the tip of the soft palate
  10. Normal respiratory rate

20 Clues: The biggest cargo isNormal respiratory rateRemoval of carbon dioxideThe road is about 13cm longPharangeal tonsils are calledThe gap between the vocal cords isThe main bronchus is larger in sizeTonsils at the tip of the soft palateLarge areas of the lungs are present inThe nasal cavity is surrounded by a ringTonsils located at the base of the tongue...

The circulatory System 2021-12-09

The circulatory System crossword puzzle
  1. fist sized organ
  2. carries oxygenated blood away from heart
  3. cell pieces that help proper blood clot
  4. carries blood toward heart
  5. pale yellow liquid,carries blood cells
  6. carries oxygen & carbon dioxide
  1. help fight disease
  2. Fluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels
  3. system works with this system to oxygenate blood
  4. smallest vessel site of nutrients and gas exchange between blood and body cells
  5. oxygenates blood

11 Clues: fist sized organoxygenates bloodhelp fight diseasecarries blood toward heartcarries oxygen & carbon dioxidepale yellow liquid,carries blood cellscell pieces that help proper blood clotcarries oxygenated blood away from heartsystem works with this system to oxygenate bloodFluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels...

The Respiratory System 2024-01-23

The Respiratory System crossword puzzle
  1. Retracts when breathing in, allowing oxygen to be pulled into your lungs
  2. A respiratory disease associated with smoking
  3. A beneficial nutrient/vitamin that is primarily in oysters/seafood, red meat, and poultry
  4. A beneficial nutrient/vitamin that is found primarily in pumpkin/chia seeds, almonds, and spinach
  5. One of the most common respiratory diseases that affects the way you breathe
  1. Attached to the lungs, and spread air throughout the Alevoli
  2. Blood vessels in the wall of the Alevoli
  3. The main body of the Respiratory System

8 Clues: The main body of the Respiratory SystemBlood vessels in the wall of the AlevoliA respiratory disease associated with smokingAttached to the lungs, and spread air throughout the AlevoliRetracts when breathing in, allowing oxygen to be pulled into your lungsOne of the most common respiratory diseases that affects the way you breathe...

CMA Chapter 14 2024-02-01

CMA Chapter 14 crossword puzzle
  1. Inflammation of the pleura
  2. Inflammation of the lining of the sinuses
  3. Condition in which a lung becomes blocked and unable to expand as it should
  4. Inflammation of lung tissue
  5. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema
  6. State in which drugs no longer work to kill specific bacteria
  7. Chronic inflammatory disease that occurs when the respiratory system is hyperactive
  1. Highly contagious bacterial lung disease
  2. Drug that has a boxed warning related to psychiatric events
  3. Inflammation of the mucus membranes lining the nasal passages
  4. Respiratory illness caused by a virus
  5. Irritation and inflammation of the lining of the bronchi
  6. Process of inhaling air into the lungs and exhaling air out of the lungs
  7. Chronic disease of the lungs that usually results from cigarette smoking

14 Clues: Inflammation of the pleuraInflammation of lung tissueChronic bronchitis and emphysemaRespiratory illness caused by a virusHighly contagious bacterial lung diseaseInflammation of the lining of the sinusesIrritation and inflammation of the lining of the bronchiDrug that has a boxed warning related to psychiatric events...

Human Body Vocabulary 2020-11-11

Human Body Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. System , is made up of blood vessels that carry blood away from and towards the heart
  2. , Helps with digest food, fighting germs, and regulating the body’s water balance
  3. System , Helps break down food
  4. , provides your body with the oxygen and nutrients it needs, it also carries away waste
  5. , Helps you breathe and moves fresh air into your body while removing waste gases
  6. , Windpipe part of your airway system
  7. , Uses a process called enzymes to break down food
  8. , Inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide
  1. , Is a muscle that helps blood flow throughout your body
  2. , made up of many cells
  3. System , Helps you breathe
  4. , made up of one cell
  5. , Eating and speaking
  6. , Carry blood away from and towards the heart.
  7. , Helps the food travel to your stomach

15 Clues: , made up of one cell, Eating and speaking, made up of many cellsSystem , Helps you breatheSystem , Helps break down food, Windpipe part of your airway system, Helps the food travel to your stomach, Inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide, Carry blood away from and towards the heart., Uses a process called enzymes to break down food...

The circulatory System 2021-12-09

The circulatory System crossword puzzle
  1. fist sized organ
  2. carries oxygenated blood away from heart
  3. cell pieces that help proper blood clot
  4. carries blood toward heart
  5. pale yellow liquid,carries blood cells
  6. carries oxygen & carbon dioxide
  1. help fight disease
  2. Fluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels
  3. system works with this system to oxygenate blood
  4. smallest vessel site of nutrients and gas exchange between blood and body cells
  5. oxygenates blood

11 Clues: fist sized organoxygenates bloodhelp fight diseasecarries blood toward heartcarries oxygen & carbon dioxidepale yellow liquid,carries blood cellscell pieces that help proper blood clotcarries oxygenated blood away from heartsystem works with this system to oxygenate bloodFluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels...

Health Midterm Review 2017-07-09

Health Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. / the longest bone in the body; it is in the leg
  2. / the organ system that helps your body move
  3. / the organ system responsible for removing waste from the body
  4. / the finger and toe bones
  5. / the muscle in the front of your leg
  6. / the chest bone
  7. / a disease that people can get from having a diet that is high in sugar
  8. / has your heart and blood, it transports oxygen to the body
  9. / a disease from an iron deficiency
  10. / also known as your skin, it protects your body from infections
  11. / the organ system that protects your organs
  12. / a disease from a vitamin D deficiency
  1. / important for your body to build bones
  2. / a disease from a vitamin C deficiency
  3. / the organ system that has your lungs; you inhale oxygen that is put in the blood
  4. / the muscle in the back of your leg
  5. / secretes oil to keep the skin and hair moist
  6. / the top layer of skin
  7. / the back bone

19 Clues: / the back bone/ the chest bone/ the top layer of skin/ the finger and toe bones/ a disease from an iron deficiency/ the muscle in the back of your leg/ the muscle in the front of your leg/ a disease from a vitamin C deficiency/ a disease from a vitamin D deficiency/ important for your body to build bones...

Health Midterm Review 2017-07-09

Health Midterm Review crossword puzzle
  1. / a disease from a vitamin C deficiency
  2. / the muscle in the front of your leg
  3. / important for your body to build bones
  4. / the back bone
  5. / secretes oil to keep the skin and hair moist
  6. / the muscle in the back of your leg
  7. / the top layer of skin
  8. / the organ system that protects your organs
  9. / the organ system that has your lungs; you inhale oxygen that is put in the blood
  10. / the organ system that helps your body move
  1. / the longest bone in the body; it is in the leg
  2. / a disease from a vitamin D deficiency
  3. / a disease from an iron deficiency
  4. / has your heart and blood, it transports oxygen to the body
  5. / the organ system responsible for removing waste from the body
  6. / also known as your skin, it protects your body from infections
  7. / the finger and toe bones
  8. / a disease that people can get from having a diet that is high in sugar
  9. / the chest bone

19 Clues: / the back bone/ the chest bone/ the top layer of skin/ the finger and toe bones/ a disease from an iron deficiency/ the muscle in the back of your leg/ the muscle in the front of your leg/ a disease from a vitamin D deficiency/ a disease from a vitamin C deficiency/ important for your body to build bones...

Respiratory Care 2019-11-05

Respiratory Care crossword puzzle
  1. on the side
  2. it is in air
  3. microscopic projections that look like hair
  4. what are you studying
  5. the major machine you learn
  6. organ of respiration
  7. it is next your food pipe
  8. left side of lung
  9. it should be 2cm below
  10. above
  11. air moving in and out
  12. you have five of them
  1. bottom layer
  2. carries oxygenated blood
  3. can be seen in CHF
  4. behind
  5. slimy substance
  6. air moving in and out
  7. what is the system you are studyning
  8. voice box
  9. it beats
  10. it carries oxygen

22 Clues: abovebehindit beatsvoice boxon the sidebottom layerit is in airslimy substanceleft side of lungit carries oxygencan be seen in CHForgan of respirationair moving in and outwhat are you studyingair moving in and outyou have five of themit should be 2cm belowcarries oxygenated bloodit is next your food pipethe major machine you learn...

cardivascular 2016-12-13

cardivascular crossword puzzle
  1. to transport nutrients to cells
  2. arteries that surround the heart
  3. an involuntary muscle found in the heart
  4. interacts with this system by having blood cells made in bone marrow
  5. brings nutrient-rich blood to tissues and organs
  6. main organ in the system and pumps blood
  7. transports blood away from the heart
  1. hollow tubes for carrying blood
  2. brings nutrient-depleted blood to the lungs and nutrient-rich blood back to the heart
  3. a fluid that transports nutrients and waste throughout the body
  4. interacts with this system because in the bloodstream but also fight against infection.
  5. transport blood back to the heart
  6. connects the arteries and veins
  7. structures within the heart that regulate blood flow
  8. interacts with this system by receiving oxygen from the lungs

15 Clues: hollow tubes for carrying bloodto transport nutrients to cellsconnects the arteries and veinsarteries that surround the hearttransport blood back to the hearttransports blood away from the heartan involuntary muscle found in the heartmain organ in the system and pumps bloodbrings nutrient-rich blood to tissues and organs...

Organs and Organ Systems 2023-11-06

Organs and Organ Systems crossword puzzle
  1. made up of cells working together to do a job.
  2. groups of tissues work together to do a job.
  3. the system that gets rid of waste materials
  4. contains chloroplasts that trap sunlight to make food
  5. absorbs water and nutrients from the soil
  6. the system that allows you to sense things
  7. controls the body
  8. carries substances around the plant and supports leaves and flowers.
  9. the system responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients around the body
  10. pumps blood around the body
  1. makes and stores some substances and destroys others.
  2. breaks up food and absorbs it to provide nutrition.
  3. the system that moves oxygen into your body and carbon dioxide out.
  4. the smallest unit of life
  5. groups of organs work together to do a job.

15 Clues: controls the bodythe smallest unit of lifepumps blood around the bodyabsorbs water and nutrients from the soilthe system that allows you to sense thingsthe system that gets rid of waste materialsgroups of organs work together to do a job.groups of tissues work together to do a job.made up of cells working together to do a job....

Biology Vocabulary 2024-01-18

Biology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. External signals or cues that elicit a response in organisms.
  2. The growth or movement of a plant in response to touch or contact.
  3. The tissue in plants that transports water and dissolved minerals from the roots to other parts of the plant.
  4. A reproductive structure in plants and some microorganisms that can develop into a new organism.
  5. The system responsible for the exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between the body and the environment.
  6. The process by which a seed begins to grow into a new plant.
  7. The system responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients.
  8. The tissue in plants that transports sugars and other nutrients from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
  9. The system responsible for removing metabolic wastes from the body.
  10. The movement or growth of a plant in response to gravity.
  1. The system that includes the skin, hair, and nails, protecting the body from the external environment.
  2. The system that transports blood and nutrients throughout the body.
  3. The system responsible for movement and locomotion in animals.
  4. The growth or movement of a plant in response to light.
  5. The process of eliminating waste materials from the body.
  6. The system that provides support, protection, and structure to the body.

16 Clues: The growth or movement of a plant in response to light.The process of eliminating waste materials from the body.The movement or growth of a plant in response to gravity.The process by which a seed begins to grow into a new plant.External signals or cues that elicit a response in organisms....

The circulatory System 2021-12-09

The circulatory System crossword puzzle
  1. fist sized organ
  2. carries oxygenated blood away from heart
  3. cell pieces that help proper blood clot
  4. carries blood toward heart
  5. pale yellow liquid,carries blood cells
  6. carries oxygen & carbon dioxide
  1. help fight disease
  2. Fluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels
  3. system works with this system to oxygenate blood
  4. smallest vessel site of nutrients and gas exchange between blood and body cells
  5. oxygenates blood

11 Clues: fist sized organoxygenates bloodhelp fight diseasecarries blood toward heartcarries oxygen & carbon dioxidepale yellow liquid,carries blood cellscell pieces that help proper blood clotcarries oxygenated blood away from heartsystem works with this system to oxygenate bloodFluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels...

The circulatory System 2021-12-09

The circulatory System crossword puzzle
  1. fist sized organ
  2. carries oxygenated blood away from heart
  3. cell pieces that help proper blood clot
  4. carries blood toward heart
  5. pale yellow liquid,carries blood cells
  6. carries oxygen & carbon dioxide
  1. help fight disease
  2. Fluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels
  3. system works with this system to oxygenate blood
  4. smallest vessel site of nutrients and gas exchange between blood and body cells
  5. oxygenates blood

11 Clues: fist sized organoxygenates bloodhelp fight diseasecarries blood toward heartcarries oxygen & carbon dioxidepale yellow liquid,carries blood cellscell pieces that help proper blood clotcarries oxygenated blood away from heartsystem works with this system to oxygenate bloodFluid that circulates thru heart and blood vessels...

Naeems Crossword Puzzle Grade 6 2022-05-27

Naeems Crossword Puzzle Grade 6 crossword puzzle
  1. what is it called when rocks are broken down by the ocean?
  2. what does water evaporate into?
  3. what is it called when rocks are blown away by the wind?
  4. which intestine helps you remove waste?
  5. what part of the body does digesting start?
  6. which part of the water cycle does it rain?
  7. what is the most important organ in the respiratory system?
  8. what is the main organ of the circulatory system?
  9. which system supports your body and helps you stand up?
  10. what sends signals to the brain?
  11. what type of animals give birth?
  1. what part of the body protects your heart and lungs?
  2. what is the most important part of the brain?
  3. which system helps you breathe?
  4. how many bones are in the human body?

15 Clues: which system helps you breathe?what does water evaporate into?what sends signals to the brain?what type of animals give birth?how many bones are in the human body?which intestine helps you remove waste?what part of the body does digesting start?which part of the water cycle does it rain?what is the most important part of the brain?...

cardiovascular 2016-12-13

cardiovascular crossword puzzle
  1. connects the arteries and veins
  2. transports blood away from the heart
  3. interacts with this system because in the bloodstream but also fight against infection.
  4. brings nutrient-depleted blood to the lungs and nutrient-rich blood back to the heart
  5. transport blood back to the heart
  6. main organ in the system and pumps blood
  7. hollow tubes for carrying blood
  1. brings nutrient-rich blood to tissues and organs
  2. a fluid that transports nutrients and waste throughout the body
  3. to transport nutrients to cells
  4. arteries that surround the heart
  5. interacts with this system by receiving oxygen from the lungs
  6. interacts with this system by having blood cells made in bone marrow
  7. an involuntary muscle found in the heart
  8. structures within the heart that regulate blood flow

15 Clues: connects the arteries and veinsto transport nutrients to cellshollow tubes for carrying bloodarteries that surround the hearttransport blood back to the hearttransports blood away from the heartan involuntary muscle found in the heartmain organ in the system and pumps bloodbrings nutrient-rich blood to tissues and organs...

Cardiovascular system 2023-04-13

Cardiovascular system crossword puzzle
  1. Takes blood to the heart
  2. Circulate throughout the body through arteries and veins
  3. connects to this system that supplies oxygen for the blood
  4. Takes blood away from the heart
  5. Pumps blood throughout the body
  6. system that supplies body with nutrients through blood stream
  1. Works with this system that is responsible for movement
  2. Transfers oxygen to red blood cells
  3. System that makes new blood cells through marrow

9 Clues: Takes blood to the heartTakes blood away from the heartPumps blood throughout the bodyTransfers oxygen to red blood cellsSystem that makes new blood cells through marrowWorks with this system that is responsible for movementCirculate throughout the body through arteries and veinsconnects to this system that supplies oxygen for the blood...

Body Systems Intro Crossword 2022-12-08

Body Systems Intro Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. I am the body system responsible for reproduction
  2. I am the body system that breaks down food and absorbs nutrients
  3. I am the body system that provides structure and support
  4. I hold the cell together, keep the good stuff in and the bad stuff out
  5. different kinds of cells have different shapes and perform different ______
  6. I am the body system that is responsible for immunity
  7. I am the part of the cell where all cell activities take place
  8. I am a group of organ working together to keep the body healthy and alive
  1. I am the body system that allows the bodies movement
  2. I am the body system that circulates the body's hormones
  3. _____ is the largest organ in the body
  4. I am the part of the cell that controls its activities
  5. I am the body system that takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide from the body
  6. I am the smallest living level of organization in our body
  7. I am made up of like tissues and take care of specific tasks
  8. I am the system that protects the body and helps control the bodies temperature
  9. I am the body system that is the bodies control center
  10. I am the body system that transports substances throughout the body
  11. I am the part of the body made up of groups of like cells

19 Clues: _____ is the largest organ in the bodyI am the body system responsible for reproductionI am the body system that allows the bodies movementI am the body system that is responsible for immunityI am the part of the cell that controls its activitiesI am the body system that is the bodies control center...