science Crossword Puzzles
Charlotte's Crossword 2021-06-22
14 Clues: _e_ _ (math) • _t_r_ (IHD) • S_ _g_ (Music) • _o_ _ (language) • _o_o_ _ (art-ACE) • B_ _l_ (Religion) • _e _ _ _r (language) • b_ _d_ _e_ _ _ t_ (IHD) • W_ _s (Social Science) • M _ _ _ (Social Science) • C_ _ _u_ _ _ (Computing) • _l_ _ e_ (Natural Science) • C_ _ _ u_ _ (Social Science) • U_ _v_ _s_ (Natural Science)
HLSM 2020-09-14
- The science of insects.
- The science of growing vegetables.
- A group of plants within a species that has one or more distinguishing characteristics.
- The next rank after kingdom.
- Nomenclature The formal, scientific naming of plants.
- The highest (most general) rank of organisms.
- Design/Architecture
- The most specific major taxonomic rank.
- The most general rank proposed by Linnaeus.
- The science of caring for trees.
- The science of growing and caring for flowering plants.
- The science of growing fruit.
- One level down from Order.
- Epithet the second element in the Latin binomial name of a species, which follows the generic name and distinguishes the species from others in the same genus.
- The science of naming, defining and classifying groups of biological organisms on the basis of shared characteristics.
- Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, and Bacteria
- Pathology The study of plant diseases and pathogens.
- Is selected and cultivated by humans.
- Forestry The care of a tree population in an urban setting.
- Is more specific than class.
- It is the first part of an organism’s scientific name using binomial nomenclature.
- Propagation Is the process which grows new plants from a variety of sources: seeds, cuttings, and other plant parts.
22 Clues: Design/Architecture • The science of insects. • One level down from Order. • The next rank after kingdom. • Is more specific than class. • The science of growing fruit. • The science of caring for trees. • The science of growing vegetables. • Is selected and cultivated by humans. • The most specific major taxonomic rank. • The most general rank proposed by Linnaeus. • ...
Les matières 2022-03-16
16 Clues: german • french • spanish • science • biology • physics • geography • chemistry • art class • mathematics • music/chorus • school subjects • physical education • english (ELA) • history social studies) • computer science (computer apps)
Types Of Science 2013-05-03
- The science of soil management and the production of field crops.
- The science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing.
- The scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments,and other such remains, especially those that have been excavated.
- The branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean.
- The branch of zoology dealing with fishes.
- The science or branch of biology dealing with animals.
- The branch of physics that deals with sound and sound waves.
- The science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth,reproduction, structure, and behavior.
- The science of the forms of life existing in former geologic periods, as represented by their fossils.
- The science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, including weather and climate.
- The science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.
- The science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force.
- The science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
- The branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.
- The science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter.
- The science of plants
16 Clues: The science of plants • The branch of zoology dealing with fishes. • The science or branch of biology dealing with animals. • The branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean. • The branch of physics that deals with sound and sound waves. • The science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force. • ...
Mrachek Crossword 2023-02-15
- Athens social studies
- ELD, near Gascon
- Ithaca literacy
- Atlantis math
- assistant principal, 8th grade
- STEM, room 216
- Ithaca social studies
- Athens intervention
- YAASPA boy's class
- 7th grade PE
- theatre arts
- Dragon social studies
- Dragon intervention
- YAASPA girl's class
- Olympus intervention
- Griffin math
- Griffin intervention
- STEM, near cafeteria
- ELD, near Athens wing
- Dragon math
- Athens math
- New 7th grade science
- center based teacher
- 7th grade literacy (two teachers, same name)
- cross-cultural literacy
- Dragon science
- Ithaca science
- Ithaca intervention
- front desk staff
- Griffin science
- principal
- Olympus math
- Atlantis intervention
- 6th grade literacy
- Atlantis social studies
- assistant principal, 6th grade
- 6th grade PE
- 6th grade dean/choir, music appreciation
- Old 7th grade science
- front office staff
- visual arts
- reasoning and logic, mythology
- 8th grade PE
- Athens literacy
- band, orchestra, music appreciation
- Ithaca math
- Athens science
- Griffin social studies
- Olympus social studies
49 Clues: principal • visual arts • Ithaca math • Dragon math • Athens math • Olympus math • 6th grade PE • 7th grade PE • theatre arts • 8th grade PE • Griffin math • Atlantis math • Dragon science • Ithaca science • STEM, room 216 • Athens science • Ithaca literacy • Griffin science • Athens literacy • ELD, near Gascon • front desk staff • 6th grade literacy • YAASPA boy's class • front office staff • Ithaca intervention • ...
Philippine politics and Governance 2024-02-02
- human behavior is naturally caused by a phenomenon acceptable to both the political scientists and the psychologists.
- In its broadest sense, includes the decision-making and decision-enforcing
- means governance in latin
- “SCIRE” means “TO KNOW”
- is therefore a science to the extent that it observes the cardinal rules of scientific logic.
- This approach is concerned with the study of formal structures and institutions like legislature etc
- concerned with the legal process, legal bodies or institutions, justice and independence of judiciary.
- Political Science should not be separated from various other social sciences like history, sociology and economics, etc
- Lasswell author of a major study of the distributive consequences of political activity
- is a key tenet of good governance
- emphasizes testing and verifying everything
- Science believes that the study of Political Science should be verified by evidence.
- the geographical conditions, which include soil, climate, vegetation, population, land use, mountain and rivers, affect the political development of a nation, not with standing its culture.
- This approach firmly believes that values cannot be separated from the study of politics and political system.
- put emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods
- “POLIS” means “CITY”
- is a selective re-creation of reality according to a person’s metaphysical value judgement
- The government should listen to the voices of the people and take transparent actions
- defines governance as “the manner in which power is exercised in the management of a country's economic and social resources for development”
- man alternative visions of the state
- research in Political Science must be systematic.
- After collecting data, the researcher should measure and quantify those data.
- the science of law, is concerning primarily with analysis of existing legal systems as well as the ethical, historical, sociological and psychological foundation of the law.
- it is the study of society as a whole. It is a social science course that enriches political science by its contributions to the study of social problems, which are also problems of the government
- science is therefore a science to the extent that it observes the cardinal rules of scientific logic.
- related to history, it emphasizes on the study of history of every political reality to analyze any situation
- the geographical conditions, which include soil, climate, vegetation, population, land use, mountain and rivers
- certain uniformities in political behavior which can be expressed in generalizations
- believe that to do objective research one has to be value free.
- active involvement of affected and interested parties in the decision-making process.
- concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of economy.
31 Clues: “POLIS” means “CITY” • “SCIRE” means “TO KNOW” • means governance in latin • is a key tenet of good governance • man alternative visions of the state • emphasizes testing and verifying everything • research in Political Science must be systematic. • put emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods • ...
Math & Science Crossword 2023-03-21
- A job for people good at math
- A science course
- Harder than regular classes
- should be 1 word; Clues should not be questions.
- Arrive to math class with a ____
- Item used for solving math problems
- Used to protect your eyes during science experiments
- Chemistry teacher
- Science, technology, engineering, and ____
- Geometry teacher
- Integrated Science teacher
- Clues
- A place to become a math/science teacher
- Senior math course
- Used for measuring things
- A scientific procedure to test a hypothesis
16 Clues: Clues • Geometry teacher • A science course • Chemistry teacher • Senior math course • Used for measuring things • Integrated Science teacher • Harder than regular classes • A job for people good at math • Arrive to math class with a ____ • Item used for solving math problems • A place to become a math/science teacher • Science, technology, engineering, and ____ • ...
Careers in science 2023-09-07
- This scientist studies the weather
- Science tool used to determine weight of an object
- This scientist studies mushroooms
- Science tool used to get to space
- this scientist studies life
- My science teacher's last name
- this scientist fixes puppies
- This scientist studies rocks
- This type of scientist goes to space
- Science tool used to study objects
- This scientist studies chemicals
- This scientist studies the stars
- This scientist gives out medicine at he
- This scientist fixes hearts
- This type of scientist builds things using science
- this scientist fixes people
16 Clues: This scientist fixes hearts • this scientist fixes people • this scientist studies life • this scientist fixes puppies • This scientist studies rocks • My science teacher's last name • This scientist studies chemicals • This scientist studies the stars • This scientist studies mushroooms • Science tool used to get to space • Science tool used to study objects • ...
V1 CH 4 ONE Education 2021-03-16
16 Clues: math • lunch • recess • French • biology • English • Spanish • phys ed • science • Spanish • chemistry • dismissal • art class • geography • social studies • computer science
Mod 4 Vocab 2022-11-10
- radioactive process
- date determined using dendrochronology
- one that is certain
- artifacts found in rock or earth
- past human life
- dating breaks down easily
- layers in tree
- older or younger rock
- Family tree of text
- systematic study
- rocks
- preserved remains
- phones
- from the past
- shows weather patterns in tree
- human made object
- knowledge
- asks two questions
- does it contradict other
- best dating method
- useful knowledge
- Scientific pursuits
- agrees with self
- Compare texts with copies
24 Clues: rocks • phones • knowledge • from the past • layers in tree • past human life • useful knowledge • systematic study • agrees with self • preserved remains • human made object • asks two questions • best dating method • radioactive process • one that is certain • Family tree of text • Scientific pursuits • older or younger rock • does it contradict other • dating breaks down easily • ...
Branches of Science Crossword Puzzle 2014-09-11
- the science of the causes and effects of diseases, especially the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes.
- the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
- the study of living organisms, divided into many specialized fields that cover their morphology, physiology, anatomy, behaviour, origin, and distribution.
- the branch of medicine concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs.
- the study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms.
- the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
- the branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.
- the branch of science that deals with microorganisms.
- the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is composed, the investigation of their properties and reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances.
- the scientific study of the behaviour, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.
- the branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects.
- the branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
- the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
- the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behaviour in a given context.
- the branch of science concerned with fossil animals and plants.
- the abstract science of number, quantity, and space, either as abstract concepts or as applied to other disciplines such as physics and engineering
- the branch of science concerned with earthquakes and related phenomena.
- the branch of science concerned with the chemical and physico-chemical processes and substances which occur within living organisms.
- the practice or science of collecting and analysing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.
- the scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance of plants.
- the scientific study of volcanoes.
- the branch of science concerned with the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere, especially as a means of forecasting the weather.
- the branch of science concerned with the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms, especially as revealed by dissection and the separation of parts.
23 Clues: the scientific study of volcanoes. • the branch of science that deals with microorganisms. • the branch of zoology concerned with the study of insects. • the branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound. • the branch of science concerned with fossil animals and plants. • the branch of science concerned with earthquakes and related phenomena. • ...
zach Unit 6 2023-02-28
- an exaggerated craving for books
- science which collects studies and explains facts about animals
- science of the mind and human behavior
- the study of the supposed influence of the stars and planets on the lives and behavior of humans
- of or pertaining to the earth is positioned between the sun and the moon
- an instant desire to see things burn
- one who
- science or study
- a room or building in which scientific tests are carried out
- insanity craziness it was originally believed that the different phases of the moon
- work
- work which is either physical or mental
- science dealing with life and organisms
- science dealing with he earth structure and history
- a craving a madness
- one who does not believe in the existence of a god
- to work together to co-operate
- one who is a funeral director
- uncontroable urge to steal
- the moon
20 Clues: work • one who • the moon • science or study • a craving a madness • uncontroable urge to steal • one who is a funeral director • to work together to co-operate • an exaggerated craving for books • an instant desire to see things burn • science of the mind and human behavior • work which is either physical or mental • science dealing with life and organisms • ...
Unit 1 Crossword 2024-11-01
- Growing and management of living things in water
- Applied science that involves growth, care, and Management of domestic livestock
- Factors that affect the management of agricultural resources
- Commercial firms developed in support of agriculture
- All the conditions and influences surrounding and affecting organisms
- Science of soil and crop management
- Science of art involved in cultivation, propagation, and more
- All aspects of water conservation and management
- Management of genetic characteristics transmitted from one generation to another
- Combination of biology and chemistry
- Study of all living things
- Science of insects
- Plants grown for their appearance
- Application of science to solve a problem
- Study of the properties and management of soil to grow plants
15 Clues: Science of insects • Study of all living things • Plants grown for their appearance • Science of soil and crop management • Combination of biology and chemistry • Application of science to solve a problem • All aspects of water conservation and management • Growing and management of living things in water • Commercial firms developed in support of agriculture • ...
Unit 1 Crossword 2024-11-01
- use of electronics
- Refers to commercial firms that have developed in support of agriculture
- Application of scientific principles and new technologies to agriculture
- use of science principles in growing and managing crops
- cover all aspects of water conservation and management
- Combination of biology and chemistry
- Growing in water
- Can replace itself
- resources provided by nature that can replace or renew themselves
- Electronics and ultramodern equipment
- defined application of science to solve a problem the application of science to an industrial use is called industrial technology
- refers to the study of the properties and management of soil to grow plants
- science of insects
- Science of soil management and crops
- Basic science of plants and animals
15 Clues: Growing in water • Can replace itself • use of electronics • science of insects • Basic science of plants and animals • Science of soil management and crops • Combination of biology and chemistry • Electronics and ultramodern equipment • cover all aspects of water conservation and management • use of science principles in growing and managing crops • ...
Nature of Science 2022-08-22
- a hypothesis that has been tested and proved
- a standard to compare with in an experiment
- science should be based on these
- this variable causes the change
- you make music with or measure science with
- a tendency to see the world w/ a skewed view
- science believes we can _ the world we study
- able to be seen with your 5 senses
- a hypothesis that is opposite of the hypothesis
- measurements and info from an experiment
- scientists must ask good ___ all the time
- an educated guess to a question or problem
- independent variable ___ dependent to change
- what you do with rulers, scales and beakers
- science does not acknowledge a __ dimension
- science is based on _ our brains can understand
- this variable is what the independent v changes
- more samples in an experiment help it be ___
- what comes at end of experiment; final __
- this "changes" in an experiment
20 Clues: this variable causes the change • this "changes" in an experiment • science should be based on these • able to be seen with your 5 senses • measurements and info from an experiment • what comes at end of experiment; final __ • scientists must ask good ___ all the time • an educated guess to a question or problem • a standard to compare with in an experiment • ...
Unit 6 Crossword 2023-03-02
- the moon
- the study of the supposed influence of the stars and planets on the lives and behavior of humans
- a room or building in which scientific tests are carried out
- work which is either physical or mental; to work; to toil
- one who does not believe in the existence of a God
- insanity; craziness
- work
- an insane desire to see things burn
- to work together; to co-operate
- science of the mind and human behavior
- science dealing with life and living organisms
- of or pertaining to the moon
- science or study of
- an uncontrollable urge to steal
- a craving; a madness
- one who is a funeral director; an undertaker
- one who
- an exaggerated craving for books; book madness
- science dealing with the earth's structure and history
- science which collects, studies, and explains facts about animals
20 Clues: work • one who • the moon • science or study of • insanity; craziness • a craving; a madness • of or pertaining to the moon • an uncontrollable urge to steal • to work together; to co-operate • an insane desire to see things burn • science of the mind and human behavior • one who is a funeral director; an undertaker • an exaggerated craving for books; book madness • ...
Unit 6 Crossword 2023-03-02
- the moon
- the study of the supposed influence of the stars and planets on the lives and behavior of humans
- a room or building in which scientific tests are carried out
- work which is either physical or mental; to work; to toil
- one who does not believe in the existence of a God
- insanity; craziness
- work
- an insane desire to see things burn
- to work together; to co-operate
- science of the mind and human behavior
- science dealing with life and living organisms
- of or pertaining to the moon
- science or study of
- an uncontrollable urge to steal
- a craving; a madness
- one who is a funeral director; an undertaker
- one who
- an exaggerated craving for books; book madness
- science dealing with the earth's structure and history
- science which collects, studies, and explains facts about animals
20 Clues: work • one who • the moon • science or study of • insanity; craziness • a craving; a madness • of or pertaining to the moon • an uncontrollable urge to steal • to work together; to co-operate • an insane desire to see things burn • science of the mind and human behavior • one who is a funeral director; an undertaker • an exaggerated craving for books; book madness • ...
Fields of Science 2014-05-27
- The scientific study of plants.
- Study of nature and properties band how they undergo changes.
- The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
- The branch of science dealing with fossils of organisms.
- The study of human history and prehistory.
- A natural science that deals with the study of life.
- Science dealing with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
- The study of the behavior and structure of animals.
- The branch of science that deals with the sea.
- The scientific study of the atmosphere.
- The science of causes and effects of diseases.
- Science of soil management and crop production.
- The study of solid earth.
- A branch of zoology that deals with fishes.
- A branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.
- The branch of science that deals with space.
16 Clues: The study of solid earth. • The scientific study of plants. • The scientific study of the atmosphere. • The study of human history and prehistory. • A branch of zoology that deals with fishes. • The branch of science that deals with space. • The branch of science that deals with the sea. • The science of causes and effects of diseases. • ...
Fields of Science 2014-05-27
- Science dealing with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
- A branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.
- The scientific study of plants.
- The branch of science that deals with the sea.
- The scientific study of the atmosphere.
- The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
- A natural science that deals with the study of life.
- The science of causes and effects of diseases.
- The study of human history and prehistory.
- The branch of science dealing with fossils of organisms.
- A branch of zoology that deals with fishes.
- Study of nature and properties band how they undergo changes.
- Science of soil management and crop production.
- The branch of science that deals with space.
- The study of the behavior and structure of animals.
- The study of solid earth.
16 Clues: The study of solid earth. • The scientific study of plants. • The scientific study of the atmosphere. • The study of human history and prehistory. • A branch of zoology that deals with fishes. • The branch of science that deals with space. • The science of causes and effects of diseases. • The branch of science that deals with the sea. • ...
Fields of Science 2014-05-27
- A natural science that deals with the study of life.
- Science dealing with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
- Science of soil management and crop production.
- The branch of science dealing with fossils of organisms.
- The branch of science that deals with space.
- The scientific study of the atmosphere.
- A branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.
- The study of solid earth.
- The study of human history and prehistory.
- A branch of zoology that deals with fishes.
- The study of the behavior and structure of animals.
- The science of causes and effects of diseases.
- Study of nature and properties band how they undergo changes.
- The branch of science that deals with the sea.
- The scientific study of plants.
- The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
16 Clues: The study of solid earth. • The scientific study of plants. • The scientific study of the atmosphere. • The study of human history and prehistory. • A branch of zoology that deals with fishes. • The branch of science that deals with space. • The science of causes and effects of diseases. • The branch of science that deals with the sea. • ...
School And Friends 2023-03-06
science 2013-02-06
- any medicine, drug or medicament
- the act of inferring
- a measurement of weight
- a searching inquiry for ascertaining facts
- the action of keeping safe
- the end result of a experiment
- to determine, check or rectify of any instrument giving quantitative measurements
- a measurement of liquid or gas
- the science of life or living matter in all its forms
- there are three types of _____________
- to take a estimate at a science result
- anything kept or provided for a specific purpose
- the act of measuring
- used to measure heat
- the science that deals with the dyanmics and the physical history of the earth
- a measure of warmth or cold of a object
- taking notice
- the science that deals with composition and properties of substance
- a science room
- a cresent or a crescent shape body
20 Clues: taking notice • a science room • the act of inferring • the act of measuring • used to measure heat • a measurement of weight • the action of keeping safe • the end result of a experiment • a measurement of liquid or gas • any medicine, drug or medicament • a cresent or a crescent shape body • there are three types of _____________ • to take a estimate at a science result • ...
Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06
20 Clues: art • quiz • test • music • class • house • course • school • biology • library • science • Spanish • stadium • schedule • homework • bookstore • economics • accounting • university • computer science
Science crossword 2022-10-25
20 Clues: data • graph • earth • magma • beaker • theory • volcano • science • measure • Geology • accurate • tectonic • chemical • evidence • Astronomy • earthquake • Microscope • prediction • Thermometer • Photosynthesis
20 Clues: town • home • move • rock • work • heavy • parts • hippo • force • twist • wagon • think • simple • school • street • machine • science • complex • scissors • wheelbarrow
Fields of Science 2014-05-27
- The science of causes and effects of diseases.
- The scientific study of the atmosphere.
- The study of solid earth.
- The study of human history and prehistory.
- The scientific study of plants.
- The branch of science that deals with the sea.
- Science dealing with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
- The study of the behavior and structure of animals.
- The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
- Science of soil management and crop production.
- The branch of science dealing with fossils of organisms.
- A natural science that deals with the study of life.
- A branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.
- A branch of zoology that deals with fishes.
- Study of nature and properties band how they undergo changes.
- The branch of science that deals with space.
16 Clues: The study of solid earth. • The scientific study of plants. • The scientific study of the atmosphere. • The study of human history and prehistory. • A branch of zoology that deals with fishes. • The branch of science that deals with space. • The science of causes and effects of diseases. • The branch of science that deals with the sea. • ...
Fields of Science 2014-05-27
- The branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another and to their physical surroundings.
- Study of nature and properties band how they undergo changes.
- A branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound.
- The scientific study of the atmosphere.
- The branch of science dealing with fossils of organisms.
- The branch of science that deals with space.
- The scientific study of plants.
- The study of solid earth.
- A branch of zoology that deals with fishes.
- A natural science that deals with the study of life.
- Science of soil management and crop production.
- The study of human history and prehistory.
- The branch of science that deals with the sea.
- The science of causes and effects of diseases.
- Science dealing with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
- The study of the behavior and structure of animals.
16 Clues: The study of solid earth. • The scientific study of plants. • The scientific study of the atmosphere. • The study of human history and prehistory. • A branch of zoology that deals with fishes. • The branch of science that deals with space. • The branch of science that deals with the sea. • The science of causes and effects of diseases. • ...
School Fun 2017-02-16
20 Clues: Bus • Gym • Math • Lunch • Foods • Earth • Sports • Cooking • English • Science • Walmart • Biology • Algebra • History • Geometry • Calculus • Chemistry • Economics • Computers • Literature
classes and school supplies 2021-04-14
21 Clues: art • book • math • test • desk • quiz • window • teacher • library • science • English • biology • spanish • teacher • stadium • histroy • physics • schedule • homework • backpack • computer science
sua french vocabulary 2022-11-30
21 Clues: pe • bad • math • weak • good • band • music • civics • strong • boring • french • pencil • boring • algebra • science • spanish • histoty • horrible • technology • fascinating • interesting
Charlotte vocab 2022-12-01
School Fun 2023-08-20
20 Clues: Bus • Gym • Math • Lunch • Foods • Earth • Sports • Cooking • English • Science • Walmart • Biology • Algebra • History • Geometry • Calculus • Chemistry • Economics • Computers • Literature
What's your favorite subject? 2024-05-30
20 Clues: pe • art • math • music • books • songs • study • sports • Korean • robots • making • singing • reading • playing • English • subject • science • drawing • favorite • pictures
School Signs 2024-10-10
20 Clues: Art • asl • book • pool • Math • test • Lunch • School • french • spanish • Teacher • Science • library • Biology • Algebra • Schedule • homework • computers • cafeteria • Principles
REVISION 2018-03-07
Spanish Vocab 2020-10-06
20 Clues: art • quiz • test • music • class • house • course • school • biology • library • science • Spanish • stadium • schedule • homework • bookstore • economics • accounting • university • computer science
French Crossword 1/13 2023-01-13
science vocab 2013-05-20
- the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force
- ( used with a singular verb ) Physics. the branch of physics that deals with sound and sound waves.
- the scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples and their cultures by analysis of their artifacts, inscriptions, monuments, and other such remains, especially those that have been excavated.
- the science dealing with the atmosphere and its phenomena, including weather and climate.
- the science or branch of biology dealing with animals.
- the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth's atmosphere.
- the branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean.
- the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, especially with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior.
- the science of soil management and the production of field crops.
- the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. Compare element
- the science of the forms of life existing in former geologic periods, as represented by their fossils.
- the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.
- the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing.
- the branch of zoology dealing with fishes.
- the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.
- the science of plants; the branch of biology that deals with plant life.
16 Clues: the branch of zoology dealing with fishes. • the science or branch of biology dealing with animals. • the branch of physical geography dealing with the ocean. • the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force • the science of soil management and the production of field crops. • the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases. • ...
Sasha 2022-06-03
- the lowest possible number
- you get it after finishing a university
- with much work in a little time
- a wipeable board with a white surface used for teaching or presentations
- science of dates and facts from the past
- science studying countries, lands, mountains, oceans, etc.
- the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy
- set of paper to make notes on
- has studied to do a job
- science of mixtures, substances
- a tool for measuring length of objects
- you can either pass or fail it, you certainly need to prepare for it
- science studying bacteria, plants, animals, etc.
- a book used for study
- science studying numbers
- a table in school
16 Clues: a table in school • a book used for study • has studied to do a job • science studying numbers • the lowest possible number • set of paper to make notes on • science of mixtures, substances • with much work in a little time • a tool for measuring length of objects • you get it after finishing a university • science of dates and facts from the past • ...
3rd Grade Spelling Bee Final Round 2024-01-29
- - In Science, relating to or operated by electricity
- - In English, it is to envy someone
- - In Science, it is a mountain or hill with a crater which has magma inside and when erupted it becomes lava
- - In Science, it occurs when light travelling through one material bounces off a different material
- - In English, it is a water in a desert
- - In Math, it is to multiply numbers
- - In Science, it refers to any element of the physical universe which includes matter, energy, forces etc.
- - In English, it is showing enjoyment
- - In Math, any symbol that indicates an operation to be performed
- - In English newspaper, it is a notice of death
- - In English, it is formal or quiet
- - In Science, it is a process of fining the answer to a question
- - In English, it is to express regret
- - In Science, it gives off a high degree of light
- - In Science, able or likely to cause harm or injury
- - In English, it is a process of transported
- - In Math, it is to subtract numbers
- - In Math, it is to divide numbers
- - In Science, it could be found naturally and available in the environment.
- - In Math, it is a part of a whole or represents a whole
- - In Math, it is how you deal with the numbers or structure to solve a problem
- - In Math, it is to add numbers
- - In Science, a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory
- - In Math, it is identifying a number smaller or greater than the rest
- - In English, it is called extremely beautiful
- - In Science, it is made or produce by human beings
- - In Math, it is a problem solving
- - In English, it is the synonym of illegal
- - In English, an expression of sadness, relief or tiredness
- - In Math, a line parallel to the Y-axis, which goes from top to bottom and bottom to top
30 Clues: - In Math, it is to add numbers • - In Math, it is to divide numbers • - In Math, it is a problem solving • - In English, it is to envy someone • - In English, it is formal or quiet • - In Math, it is to subtract numbers • - In Math, it is to multiply numbers • - In English, it is to express regret • - In English, it is showing enjoyment • ...
5th Grade Academic Vocab Pt. 2 2023-05-02
- (Science) The action of water cooling down to turn into liquid. Produces sweat on cans or bottles and rain drops in clouds.
- (Science) In science, a group to compare your experiment with. Stays consistent and/or the same at all times.
- (Math) A type of measuring unit that is in multiples of 10. Represented by KHDUDCM (kilo, centi, milli).
- (Reading) The type of story you're reading, such as autobiography or fantasy.
- (Science) Hail, rain, sleet, snow, etc. The process in the water cycle where water falls from clouds.
- (Science) A type of rock when smaller particles accumulate over time to form a new rock.
- (Science) Measured in weather to help determine if it is going to rain. Barometric ___________________.
- Science) A part of the body that does a specific action. Things like your skin or kidneys.
- (Science) A type of rock that is molten rock at one point and hardens/crystalizes to form a new type of rock.
- (Science) A type of rock that undergoes major changes through heat and pressure.
- (Reading) To sum up a larger passage into a significantly smaller writing.
- (Math) A type of measuring unit represented by gallon, quart, pint, cup, and ounces.
- (Science) The action in the water cycle when water is evaporated directly from plants.
- (Science) Used to describe a sequence of events, such as water _______ or life ________.
- (Reading) A type of story that is not real.
15 Clues: (Reading) A type of story that is not real. • (Reading) To sum up a larger passage into a significantly smaller writing. • (Reading) The type of story you're reading, such as autobiography or fantasy. • (Science) A type of rock that undergoes major changes through heat and pressure. • ...
Homework 2020-08-13
- the study of the geographical distribution of living things
- the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere
- the study of the microscopic appearance of cells, especially for the diagnosis of abnormalities and malignancies
- the science dealing with the chemistry of living matter
- the science of plants ; the branch of biology that deals with plant life
- the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force
- the science or technique of classification
- the science of heredity, dealing with resemblance and differences of related organisms resulting from the interaction of their genes an the environment
- the study of phylogeny
- the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms
- the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants
- the science or branch of biology dealing with animals
- the branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts, including all physical and chemical processes
- the branch of botany dealing with algae
- the science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases
15 Clues: the study of phylogeny • the branch of botany dealing with algae • the science or technique of classification • the science or branch of biology dealing with animals • the science dealing with the chemistry of living matter • the study of the geographical distribution of living things • the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants • ...
What Ag Is 2023-12-17
- the art and science of producing food and fiber
- #1 ag state
- raw materials used to create the products consumers buy.
- #4 ag state
- #6 ag state
- ag science
- a commodity, article, or service sold abroad.
- #3 ag state
- gross national product
- the branch of applied mathematics dealing with motion and forces producing motion.
- the use of technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture with the aim of improving yield, efficiency, and profitability.
- the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
- the science and craft of creating, managing, planting, using, conserving and repairing forests
- the supply, service, production, and marketing aspects of a modern agricultural system
- a person who owns or manages a farm.
- a department or branch of a craft, art, business, or manufacture.
- a pig.
- agriculture the segment of agriculture which actually raises the crops and livestock.
- science the basic science and applied science of food.
- food, especially dried hay or feed, for cattle and other livestock.
- farm animals regarded as an asset.
- the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.
- crop and soil science
- economics an applied field of economics to optimize the production and distribution of food and fiber products.
- a commodity, article, or service brought in from abroad for sale.
- #2 ag state
26 Clues: a pig. • ag science • #1 ag state • #4 ag state • #6 ag state • #3 ag state • #2 ag state • crop and soil science • gross national product • farm animals regarded as an asset. • a person who owns or manages a farm. • a commodity, article, or service sold abroad. • the art and science of producing food and fiber • science the basic science and applied science of food. • ...
- believe that to do objective research, one must be value free.
- People are open to information regarding decision-making process and the implementation of the same.
- The proper utilization of resources
- meeting the needs.
- pure science believes that study of Political Science should be verified by ______.
- Greek word of governance which means "to steer".
- Pure science believes that the study of Political Science should be _______ by evidence.
- emphasizes testing and verifying everything.
- Political science is the study of political _______.
- implies that Political Science should not be ______ from other social sciences.
- politics consists of ______________ relations.
- Traditional approaches is the _______, historical, and legal-institutional modes of analysis.
- essentially the rule of law
- politics requires great _____________ and skills.
- research in Political Science must be systematic.
- Behavioral approaches is value-free, _______, and behavioral modes of inquiry.
- A particular orientation or POV in looking at and interpreting the world of politics.
- everyone has a stake in the society and no one should feel _______ from it.
- after collecting data, the researcher should measure and quantify those data.
- behavioral approach to political science mainly emphasizes on ___________, objective and value free study of political phenomenon.
- Active involvement of all affected and interested parties in the decision-making process.
- It is through the _______ that people express their will and exercise their sovereignty
- Political Science deals with the systematic study of political structures, political processes and political _________.
- it is essentially a system of check and balances.
- commonly defined as the exercise of power or authority by political leaders.
- it is the Greek word of politics which means city-state.
- emphasis on the use of those research tools and methods
- means answerability or responsibility for one’s action.
- means that institutions and processes serve all stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner.
- this approach is concerned with the legal process, legal bodies or institutions, justice and independence of judiciary.
30 Clues: meeting the needs. • essentially the rule of law • The proper utilization of resources • emphasizes testing and verifying everything. • politics consists of ______________ relations. • Greek word of governance which means "to steer". • it is essentially a system of check and balances. • politics requires great _____________ and skills. • ...
agricultural words explained 2022-09-20
- talking to others
- trying new things
- a prediction
- what is
- are gmos safe
- what is a genetically modified organism
- engineering gen moding
- i hate my life
- years ago
- tracking thing or people
- modified organism
- how far can something can go
- tech,tech for bio
- genetic engineering
- gmo
- science in agriculture
- science of plants
- farming no synthetic pesticides
- love to
- cant float
20 Clues: gmo • what is • love to • years ago • cant float • a prediction • are gmos safe • i hate my life • talking to others • modified organism • tech,tech for bio • trying new things • science of plants • genetic engineering • science in agriculture • engineering gen moding • tracking thing or people • how far can something can go • what is a genetically modified organism • ...
Schulfächer 2022-01-04
20 Clues: PE • Art • Math • Latin • Choir • French • German • Science • Russian • History • Biology • Spanish • Physics • English • Chemistry • Geography • Orchestra • engineering • Social Studies • Computer Science
Útiles Escolares y Las Clases 2014-12-07
20 Clues: pens • ruler • clock • shoes • paper • French • German • pencil • clothes • Spanish • folders • history • science • backpack • Chemistry • notebooks • art class • calculator • shop class • computer science
AA Core & More part 2 2023-02-09
- Calculus for Business
- Biological Foundations
- Explorations in Mathematics
- General Physics I
- Physical Geology
- Meteorology
- College Algebra
- Physics w/Calculus I
- Astronomy
- Intro to Environmental Science
- Trigonometry
- Chemistry & Society
- Connections
- Human Anat & Phys I
- Topics in Mathematics
- Calculus & Analytical Geo
- Elementary Statistics
- Marine Biology
- Conceptual Physics
- Earth Science
- Biological Science
- Nutrition & Drugs
- General Chemistry I
- Pre-calculus Algebra
24 Clues: Astronomy • Meteorology • Connections • Trigonometry • Earth Science • Marine Biology • College Algebra • Physical Geology • General Physics I • Nutrition & Drugs • Conceptual Physics • Biological Science • Human Anat & Phys I • General Chemistry I • Chemistry & Society • Physics w/Calculus I • Pre-calculus Algebra • Topics in Mathematics • Calculus for Business • Elementary Statistics • ...
cosa studiamo? quando studiamo? 2012-11-20
20 Clues: / law • / art • / math • / friday • / sunday • / monday • thursday • / tuesday • / biology • / saturday • / astronomy • /psychology • / wednesday • / chemistry • / journalism • / literature • / engineering • / computer science • / political science • / foreign languages
classes and school supplies 2021-04-14
20 Clues: art • Math • test • book • desk • music • window • Spanish • bookbag • Physics • stadium • Biology • history • student • library • science • english • male teacher • female teacher • computer science
French Test :( 2022-05-02
20 Clues: PE • art • hard • easy • math • funny • music • French • German • Spanish • history • science • English • biology • physics • languages • energetic • chemistry • school subjects • computer science
CH. 1A Vocabulary 2024-10-14
20 Clues: Art • pen • flag • desk • book • door • paper • table • boring • poster • pencil • spanish • English • homework • difficult • technology • calculator • mathematics • social science • Natural science
classes/school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • test • desk • book • paper • music • pencil • marker • stadium • spanish • english • science • history • biology • homework • backpack • schedule • mathmatics • male teacher • computer science
classes and school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • math • book • desk • test • music • window • biology • library • science • history • English • station • physics • Spanish • backpack • schedule • make teacher • female teacher • computer science
2020 Christmas Crossword Puzzle-2 2020-11-09
- Cropland and Handbook
- inheritance and legacy
- science of matter
- possessive form of USA
- science of how compounds interact with each other
- Earthly marvels
- electronic code; not analogue
- Establishing dads of our country
- Study
- Definite Article and the generic name for Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and previously Pluto
- creation
- Bibliotheca and Every school has one
- flowing
- Birth to Grave
- science of astronomy combined with the science of matter
- melodic and tuneful
- Last name of OWL
17 Clues: Study • flowing • creation • Birth to Grave • Earthly marvels • Last name of OWL • science of matter • melodic and tuneful • Cropland and Handbook • inheritance and legacy • possessive form of USA • electronic code; not analogue • Establishing dads of our country • Bibliotheca and Every school has one • science of how compounds interact with each other • ...
STEAM Day 2024-11-07
- _______ degrees out-earn all other college grads
- A in STEAM
- S in STEAM
- M in STEAM
- Math that focuses triangles
- Math that focuses on shapes
- Study of water
- Science that focuses on nature
- Math that gives us data on populations
- Engineering that focuses on chemistry
- ________ engineering deals with force and motion
- Science that focuses on space
- E in STEAM
- Science that focuses on rocks
- T in STEAM
- Study of matter
- Engineering that focuses on buildings and public works
17 Clues: A in STEAM • S in STEAM • E in STEAM • M in STEAM • T in STEAM • Study of water • Study of matter • Math that focuses triangles • Math that focuses on shapes • Science that focuses on space • Science that focuses on rocks • Science that focuses on nature • Engineering that focuses on chemistry • Math that gives us data on populations • ________ engineering deals with force and motion • ...
Léa vocab 2022-11-30
20 Clues: PE • art • math • band • drama • music • civics • chorus • french • german • science • algebra • history • spanish • english • culinary • geometry • orchestra • geography • technology
classes and school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • math • book • quiz • test • music • window • library • spanish • stadium • physics • biology • science • english • history • homework • backpack • schedule • male teacher • computer science
cosa studiamo? quando studiamo? 2012-11-20
20 Clues: / law • / art • / math • / friday • / sunday • / monday • thursday • / tuesday • / biology • / saturday • / astronomy • /psychology • / wednesday • / chemistry • / journalism • / literature • / engineering • / computer science • / political science • / foreign languages
classes and school supplies 2021-04-14
20 Clues: art • math • test • book • desk • music • window • physics • stadium • english • spanish • science • library • biology • history • schedule • backpack • male profesor • female teacher • computer science
Animal Science 2020-01-08
- the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
- study of parasitic organisms
- study of heredity and the variation of inherited characteristics
- the science of the cause and effects of diseases
- study of the body structure
- rule defining correct procedure or behavior in a sport
- branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building and use of engines and machines
- study of the principles and use of computers
- branch of biology that deals with the relations of organisms to one another
- branch of science that deals with microorganisms
- science of soil management and crop production
- study of bacteria
- study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification and distribution of animals
- the management of large amounts of money
- the branch of knowledge that deals with systems of government
- sending or receiving information
- study of the function of the body
- the study of production, consumption and transfer of wealth
- study of embryos and their development
- branch of science that deal with the ID of substances
- study of insects
- science of animal behavior
- study of plants, including their physiology, structure, etc.
23 Clues: study of insects • study of bacteria • science of animal behavior • study of the body structure • study of parasitic organisms • sending or receiving information • study of the function of the body • study of embryos and their development • the management of large amounts of money • study of the principles and use of computers • science of soil management and crop production • ...
Jimmy Chapter 10 2023-04-19
- in geometry, the distance around a plane figure
- in the middle
- the science of man, his origin,customs,development,etc
- a science or study of
- lying or being in the middle
- an instrument used to in measuring wind speed
- a measure
- written or oral praise of a person
- a long speech by one person
- a branch of science which treats of the relationships between organisms and their enviorments
- a speech by an individual to himself
- an instrument used in measuring atmospheric pressure or weight
- a collection of beutiful poems or passages from authors
- a branch of mathematics that treats the study of triangles
- to control or regulate
- a small book which can be carried in the hand
- of or pertaining to zoology, the science which studies and explains facts about animals.
- the hand
- one who stands between parties at variance
- scientific study of history from the remains of ancient things
- to care or treat of hands and nails
- one who is well versed in entomology, the science which studies and explains facts about animals
- the science which treats the derivation of words
23 Clues: the hand • a measure • in the middle • a science or study of • to control or regulate • a long speech by one person • lying or being in the middle • written or oral praise of a person • to care or treat of hands and nails • a speech by an individual to himself • one who stands between parties at variance • a small book which can be carried in the hand • ...
Scientific Method and History of Microbiology 2022-11-16
- He investigated Cholera
- Infectious disease, mild discomfort, aching, swelling, and disappears in a few days
- History's greatest microbiologist
- Not influenced by feelings, interests, or prejudices.
- What is the key to good science
- Who created the first vaccine
- When non-science claims to be science
- Influenced by feelings, interests, and prejudices.
- discovered Animalcules
- She founded the first school for nurses Domagk He discovered sulfa drugs
- He is known as the main supporter of spontaneous generation
- The study of the immune system
- Two or more scientists investigate to see if they get the same results
- What was the first vaccine created for?
- He believed that death following childbirth was caused by the material on the hands of midwives and physicians
- Outside the domain of science
- He discovered the importance of handwashing
- He discovered endospores
- He discovered the antibiotic Penicillin Koch He experimented with the Gram stain
- A tool for answering questions
- His hypothesis states that microbes come from the air and that boiling will kill them
- The first to introduce spontaneous generation
- He is known as the father of modern antisepsis
23 Clues: discovered Animalcules • He investigated Cholera • He discovered endospores • Outside the domain of science • Who created the first vaccine • A tool for answering questions • The study of the immune system • What is the key to good science • History's greatest microbiologist • When non-science claims to be science • What was the first vaccine created for? • ...
Unit 10 Julian 2023-04-20
- a small book which can be carried in the hand
- an instrument used in measuring wind speed
- to control or regulate
- the science of man, his origin,customs,development, etc.
- one who stands between at variance
- written or oral praise of person
- an instrument used in measuring atmospheric pressure or weight
- metry a measure
- a science study of
- in the middle
- of or pertaining to zoology, the science which studies and explains the facts about the animals
- to care or treat the hands and nails
- mani, manu the hand
- scientific study of history from the remains of ancient things
- in geometry, the distance around a plane figure
- a branch of mathematics that treats of the study of triangles
- lying or being in the middle
- a long speech by one person
- the science which treats of the derivation of words
- a collection of beautiful poems or passages from authors
- a branch of science which treats of the relationship between organisms and their environments
- one who is well versed in etomology, the science which studies and explains facts about insects
- a speech by an individual to himself
23 Clues: in the middle • metry a measure • a science study of • mani, manu the hand • to control or regulate • a long speech by one person • lying or being in the middle • written or oral praise of person • one who stands between at variance • to care or treat the hands and nails • a speech by an individual to himself • an instrument used in measuring wind speed • ...
Science Vocabulary 2021-02-25
- Variable, is the ONE factor scientists changes or manipulates in an experiment
- Notation, a way of expressing a value as the product of a number between 1 and 10
- the amount of space taken up by an object
- a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena
- is the natural science that studies life and living organisms
- machinery
- educated guess
- information you obtain through your senses
- straight line distance between two points
- the natural science that studies matter
- the ratio of an objects mass to its volume
- the closeness of a measurement to the actual value of what’s being measured
- Method, An organized plan for gathering, organizing and communicating Information
- Figures, all the digits known in measurement
- a gauge for how exact a measurement is
- Variable, is what the scientists measure or observe in the experiment
- a representation of an object or event
- this class
- the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance
- Science, the sciences concerned with the study of inanimate natural objects
- the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds
- Law, a statement that summarizes a pattern in nature
- the quantity of matter in a object or sample
- Theory, a well-tested explanation for a set of observations or experimental results
- Experiment, an experiment where only the manipulated variable is changed
25 Clues: machinery • this class • educated guess • a representation of an object or event • a gauge for how exact a measurement is • the natural science that studies matter • the amount of space taken up by an object • straight line distance between two points • information you obtain through your senses • the ratio of an objects mass to its volume • ...
EnSci 2024-08-04
- Science, The study of interactions among physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment and the solution of environmental problems
- Anything that takes up space and has mass; made up of chemical substances
- The rate at which energy is used
- Done when force is applied to an object over a distance
- The ability to do work
- and stability, Scientific knowledge can stand the test of time
- Substance, Matter that has a definite composition
- Investigation, Examine, gain new knowledge, or build on previous knowledge about phenomena
- Comprises all types of water resources oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, polar icecaps, glaciers, and ground water
- Science, Study of people
- Energy, The energy stored in molecules and chemical compounds
- Energy, Resulting from the flow of electric charge
- Energy, The energy of electromagnetic waves
- Energy, Stored energy that depends upon the relative position of various parts of a system
- Science, Focuses on the Earth’s atmosphere and its interrelation to the other systems
- Chemistry, Study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species in the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere
- Science, Study of living things
- Methods, Based on gathering observable, empirical (produced by experiment or observation), and measurable evidence that is critically evaluated
- Science, Understand the natural world
- The protective blanket of gases (N, O2, Ar, CO2, trace gases), surrounding the Earth
- Energy, The energy that comes from the temperature of the heated substance
- Energy, The energy in the nucleus, or core, of an atom
- Science, Study of non-living things
- Energy, Puts something in motion
- Energy, Any moving object has kinetic energy or energy of motion, and it thus can do work
- A pure substance
- of Science, To learn how nature works by observing the physical world
- The study of the interactions between life and its physical environment
- The study of energy
- CAN BE UNDERSTOOD, Science that presumes events in the universe happen in patterns that can be understood by careful study
30 Clues: A pure substance • The study of energy • The ability to do work • Science, Study of people • Science, Study of living things • The rate at which energy is used • Energy, Puts something in motion • Science, Study of non-living things • Science, Understand the natural world • Energy, The energy of electromagnetic waves • Substance, Matter that has a definite composition • ...
science fest 2023-04-04
- World environment day is celebrated every
- date every year in India?
- India?
- study of weather is called
- health organisation .WHO stands for
- on
- celebrated in India?
- .Who is known as the father of Indian science?
- effect .National Science Day is celebrated to mark the
- Gopal Joshi Who is considered as the first female engineer
- .In which year was the first National Science
- of
- Watson and Francis Crick
- Country having highest biodiversity
- Study of soil
- .Who invented Air Conditioning?
- discovered penicillin
- acronym for Promoting scientific research among
- february The National Science Day is celebrated on
19 Clues: of • on • India? • Study of soil • celebrated in India? • discovered penicillin • Watson and Francis Crick • date every year in India? • study of weather is called • .Who invented Air Conditioning? • Country having highest biodiversity • health organisation .WHO stands for • World environment day is celebrated every • .In which year was the first National Science • ...
19 Clues: room • cool • nice • ideas • house • minute • school • family • before • street • trusted • smiling • awesome • science • cupcakes • powerful • important • volunteered • accidentally
Espinoza - G5 - 2023 2023-12-15
- Think of science. When molecules are not connecting, they have ____ attraction.
- What is Mr. Espinoza's first name?
- What is the name of the last book we read in Ms. Rebollo's class?
- What do we call the computers we use in class?
- Think of math, "5 or more, we ______ the score"
- What's not _________?
- Mr. Espinoza teaches _____ and science
- how many weeks do you have off for Winter break?
- You go to KIPP ____________ Academy
- What is the name of Mr. Espinoza's homeroom?
- A ______ is made up of atoms.
- Think of math, "Whatever you do to the ______, you do to the top."
- Think of science. What do you call it when you mix more than one substance together.
- Think of science. This type of substance helps two substances that have a low attraction, connect.
- Think of science. What do you call something that is pure and has nothing mixed into it.
- You got some ________ I can eat?
- What is the name of Ms. Rebollo's homeroom?
- Think of math, "4 or ______, we let it rest"
- Think of science. When molecules are connecting, they have ____ attraction.
- What is the name of the best movie ever made?
20 Clues: What's not _________? • A ______ is made up of atoms. • You got some ________ I can eat? • What is Mr. Espinoza's first name? • You go to KIPP ____________ Academy • Mr. Espinoza teaches _____ and science • What is the name of Ms. Rebollo's homeroom? • Think of math, "4 or ______, we let it rest" • What is the name of Mr. Espinoza's homeroom? • ...
science crossword 2014-10-24
- of all chemical waste properly
- your lab partner is hurt immediately report to your teacher
- is a systematic enterprise
- lab safety rule is always work in a ventillated area
- eyeborg is a body modification apparatus typically fits on the user head
- must ask good questions
- good scientist must be willing to make mistakes.
- an accident to the teacher
- glassware good be hot for a long time
- science refer to the study of society
- first entering a science room do not touch any experiment.
- must always good housekeeping practicie
- science anlyze the study of the natrul property energy
- science is the study of living things
- all labels on chemical bottles twice
- lenses may not be worn in the labatory
- alert and proceed with caution at all time
- lab safety rule is conduct your self in a responsible
- only those experiment authorized by your teacher
- water bottle is both technology and science
- is the application of knowledge,tools process to solve problems
- and space is the study of the earth
- not eat food or drink breverage in the lab
- work alone in the labortoray
24 Clues: must ask good questions • is a systematic enterprise • an accident to the teacher • work alone in the labortoray • of all chemical waste properly • and space is the study of the earth • all labels on chemical bottles twice • science is the study of living things • glassware good be hot for a long time • science refer to the study of society • ...
Agriculture Crossword 2017-09-20
- - raising of finfish, shellfish, and other aquatic animals under controlled condition. Also, the management of the aquatic environment for production of plants and animals.
- - chemistry as it applies to living matter.
- - the turf grass plant and soil immediately below it; also grass used for decorative or soil holding purposes.
- - pest control program based on multiple control practices.
- - Basic science of the plant and the animal kingdoms.
- - science dealing with the characteristics of elements or simple substances.
- - an aspect of water conservation and management.
- - science of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
- study of the properties, and management of soil to grow plants.
- - Science of science life.
- - teaching and program management in agriculture.
- - space and mass around me.
- - Commercial firms that have developed with or stems out of agriculture.
- - application of engineering principles in agriculture settings.
- - resources provided by nature that can replace themselves.
- - use of electronics and ultra modern equipment to perform tasks and control machinery and processes.
- - application of science to an industrial or commercial objective. Also, the equipment, and expertise to cultivate, harvest, store, process, and transport crops for consumption.
- - use of modern principles and practices in animal growth and management.
- - management of agricultural resources, including farms and agribusinesses.
- - Management of the characteristics transmitted from one generation to another.
- - Use of Modern principles in growing and managing crops.
- - all jobs relating in some way to plants, animals, and renewable natural resources. Also, the application of scientific principles and new technologies to agriculture.
- - the science of producing, processing and marketing fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants
- - Science of soils and field crops.
24 Clues: - Science of science life. • - space and mass around me. • - Science of soils and field crops. • - chemistry as it applies to living matter. • - teaching and program management in agriculture. • - an aspect of water conservation and management. • - Basic science of the plant and the animal kingdoms. • - science of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. • ...
Lab Equipment and Scientific Method 2024-08-26
- Goggles Science lab tool worn to protect your eyes during hands on activities.
- A forecast of what someone thinks will occur.
- Anything that can affect the outcome of the experiment.
- A judgment or decision reached by reasoning based on evidence.
- A set of well-tested hypotheses or principles that explain observations.
- A tool used in science labs to weigh certain materials.
- Science lab tool used to measure drops of liquid.
- An act or instance of viewing something that happened.
- A piece of technology used to store information, make calculations, and much more.
- Cylinder Science lab tool used to measure volumes of liquids. The measurement is usually in mL (milliliters).
- Science lab tool used to measure microscopic organisms (very small organisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye.)
- A variable that is changed in an experiment to observe its effects.
- Science lab equipment used to hold small amounts of materials for testing.
- Science lab tool used to magnify images.
- Container used to hold liquids.
- A group in an experiment that does not receive treatment.
- A piece of equipment with an open flame used to heat substances.
- A widely accepted rule that reliably predicts natural events under any testable condition.
- A method of testing different hypotheses.
- Science lab tool used as a place for microorganisms to grow.
- A proposed explanation based on limited evidence or observations. An educated guess.
- A conclusion based on observations using skills and previous experiences.
- An investigation that uses a variety of skills to answer questions.
- A variable that changes and can be measured in an experiment.
- Facts and statistics collected to be analyzed.
- A scientific tool used to observe stars, planets, and other celestial objects.
26 Clues: Container used to hold liquids. • Science lab tool used to magnify images. • A method of testing different hypotheses. • A forecast of what someone thinks will occur. • Facts and statistics collected to be analyzed. • Science lab tool used to measure drops of liquid. • An act or instance of viewing something that happened. • ...
Super Mini Quiz 2016-09-12
19 Clues: Firm • Model • Scarce • Science • Producer • Consumer • Resource • Objective • Economist • Household • Inflation • Economics • Hypothesis • Subjective • Fluctuation • Unemployment • Macroeconomics • Ceterisparibus • Microeconomics
Super Mini Quiz 2016-09-12
19 Clues: Firm • Model • Scarce • Science • Producer • Resource • Consumer • Economist • Economics • Household • Inflation • Objective • Subjective • Hypothesis • Fluctuation • Unemployment • Macroeconomics • Microeconomics • Ceterisparibus
Unit 1 crossword 2024-11-01
- science that studies all living things.
- science the use of science principles in growing and managing crops.
- commercial firms that have developed in support of agriculture.
- the use of electronics and state of the art equipment to perform tasks and control machinery and processes.
- science the study of the properties and management of soil to grow plants.
- provided by nature that can replace or renew themselves.
- the branch of science that studies the nature and characteristics of elements.
- combining two or more different control methods to control insects, diseases, rodents, and other pests.
- cover all aspects of water conservation and managment.
- the science of art involved in the cultivation, propagation, processing, and marketing of flowers, turf, vegetables, fruits and nuts.
- the application of scientific principles and new technologies to agriculture.
- plants grown for their appearance or beauty.
- the science of soil management and crops.
- a combination of biology and chemistry.
- science of insects
15 Clues: science of insects • science that studies all living things. • a combination of biology and chemistry. • the science of soil management and crops. • plants grown for their appearance or beauty. • cover all aspects of water conservation and managment. • provided by nature that can replace or renew themselves. • ...
Science 2022-02-10
19 Clues: Sun • Ion • atom • Oxygen • Cation • Helium • physics • science • Bigbang • Gravity • Nuclear • Element • Infrared • Hydrogen • Molecule • Periodic • Potassium • Supernova • Airresistance
Intro to Forensics Vocab Review 2024-09-12
- science of motion, behavior, and effects of projectiles
- using a series of logical and often ordered steps to determine a sequence of events, consequence, conclusion, or fact
- the study of the origin, behavior, and physical/social/cultural characteristics of humans
- testimony, physical objects, or other information used to establish or disprove a fact or corroborate a version of events
- the examination of physical evidence
- one application of this branch of Forensic Science would be to determine the authenticity of a person's signature or handwriting
- the branch of science used to identify remains using dental records or bite marks
- the study of fingerprints
- this refers to and describes form and structure
- examples of this would be the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965
- the study of the effects of chemical toxins on living organisms
- the investigation of sudden, unexplained, or violent death
- this includes the ability to organize information, establish standards for evaluation, identify problems, recognize patterns, and draw conclusions
- an expert evaluating the life stages of beetles found on a corpse would be under this branch of Forensic Science
- this branch of Forensic Science would involve collecting pollen samples from a crime scene
- the application of science to matters of law
- an investigator looking into the species of trees and flowers native to the scene of a crime would be involved with this branch of Forensic Science
- the study of human skeletal remains for identification and data collection
- this type of law is derived from established precedents of judicial decisions and previous case outcomes
- an investigator analyzing blood and urine samples from a crime scene would be under this branch of Forensic Science
20 Clues: the study of fingerprints • the examination of physical evidence • the application of science to matters of law • this refers to and describes form and structure • science of motion, behavior, and effects of projectiles • the investigation of sudden, unexplained, or violent death • the study of the effects of chemical toxins on living organisms • ...
Crossword Puzzle 2022-08-18
16 Clues: here • school • Director • Principle • Coordinator • Sports team • School goals • "life science" • "math science" • "hardest science" • highschool program • what we strive to be • "most hated subject" • highschool sports season • middleschool sport season • The student body government
classes and school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • test • desk • math • book • music • window • library • biology • English • history • physics • stadium • science • schedule • backpack • male teacher • female teacher • computer science • male/female student
classes and school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • book • math • desk • music • window • library • physics • stadium • Spanish • history • English • biology • science • backpack • male teacher • male student • female teacher • female student • computer science
classes and school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • test • desk • book • math • music • window • history • physics • biology • english • stadium • library • science • spanish • backpack • male teacher • male student • female teacher • computer science
classes and school suplies 2021-04-14
21 Clues: art • math • test • book • desk • music • window • physics • library • stadium • spanish • biology • english • science • history • homework • backpack • schedule • test;quiz • female teacher • computer science
The Environmental Unit 2022-03-17
22 Clues: Lab • Earth • Metal • Trees • Trash • Ocean • People • Energy • Plants • Oxygen • Planets • Weather • Recycle • Science • Plastic • Society • Pollution • Littering • Scientist • Chemistry • Greenhouse • Environment
Crossword puzzle french 1 unit 3 2024-03-28
20 Clues: bad • Math • noon • good • easy • Noisy • music • coding • french • tiring • science • useless • exciting • midnight • relaxing • important • difficult • interesting • useful/practical • computer science (tech ed)
Crossword 2023-08-23
22 Clues: Map • Bat • Cup • Card • Door • Tree • Flea • Pipe • Watch • Phone • Wires • Light • Magnet • Helmet • Pencil • Science • Charger • Journal • Penguin • Blanket • Backpack • Elephant
Crossword puzzle french 1 unit 3 2024-03-28
20 Clues: bad • Math • noon • good • easy • Noisy • music • coding • french • tiring • science • useless • exciting • midnight • relaxing • important • difficult • interesting • useful/practical • computer science (tech ed)
Vocabulaire 3B 2024-12-10
22 Clues: Art • Math • Math • Smart • Music • Funny • French • German • History • Physics • English • Biology • Spanish • Science • Chemistry • Geography • Energetic • Languages • It’s easy. • It’s hard. • Interesting • Computer science
The Teachers of Eddy 2022-05-04
20 Clues: PE • PE • Dean • Dean • Office • Chorus • Principal • Counselor • ROTC/Band • 7th grade/ELA • 7th grade/Math • 7th grade/Math • Discipline Dean • 8th grade/Science • 7th grade/Science • 6th and 7th grade • Assistant Principal • 6th grade and 7th grade • 6th and 8th grade/Science • 6th and 7th grade/Social Studies
Science 2013-10-20
- A person who does science
- Science that examines events in the past
- A place where experiments take place
- Science that is interested in how money work
- Science that examines atoms
- Science that deals with rocks
- Science that examines plants
- Science that deals with elements
- Science that is interested in human mind
- Science that examines essence of being
- Science that examines big social groups
11 Clues: A person who does science • Science that examines atoms • Science that examines plants • Science that deals with rocks • Science that deals with elements • A place where experiments take place • Science that examines essence of being • Science that examines big social groups • Science that is interested in human mind • Science that examines events in the past • ...
Science 2013-10-20
- Science that examines plants
- Science that is interested in human mind
- A place where experiments take place
- Science that examines events in the past
- Science that deals with rocks
- A person who does science
- Science that examines big social groups
- Science that examines essence of being
- Science that is interested in how money work
- Science that examines atoms
- Science that deals with elements
11 Clues: A person who does science • Science that examines atoms • Science that examines plants • Science that deals with rocks • Science that deals with elements • A place where experiments take place • Science that examines essence of being • Science that examines big social groups • Science that is interested in human mind • Science that examines events in the past • ...
Las materias 2019-04-12
21 Clues: Art • Music • English • History • Science • Spanish • Biology • Physics • Geography • Chemistry • Sociology • Economics • Humanities • Literature • Journalism • Accounting • Psychology • Mathematics • Archaeology • Computer science • Foreign Languages
classes and school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • math • desk • book • test • music • window • english • history • spanish • biology • stadium • science • physics • library • schedule • backpack • male teacher • computer science • male/female student
classes and school supplies 2021-04-15
20 Clues: art • math • desk • book • test • window • physics • library • biology • english • history • stadium • science • spanish • backpack • male teacher • male student • musica music • female teacher • computer science
Unit 2 Vocab Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-05
20 Clues: map • art • quiz • door • window • school • course • stadium • Spanish • library • science • semester • homework • schedule • test;exam • accounting • laboratory • house;home • computer science • university;college
Crossword 2023-08-23
22 Clues: Map • Bat • Cup • Card • Door • Tree • Flea • Pipe • Watch • Phone • Wires • Light • Magnet • Helmet • Pencil • Science • Charger • Journal • Penguin • Blanket • Backpack • Elephant
crossword 2023-09-19
22 Clues: PE • red • blue • math • Alex • paper • track • pencil • soccer • houses • yellow • school • purple • English • history • science • baseball • homework • computer • volleyball • literature • basketball
What is the Science in Animal Science 2016-09-13
- The science of plants
- The study of animal behavior
- The science that deals with the composition and properties of substances
- The science of heredity
- The branch of biology dealing with the structure, function, uses, and modes of existence of microscopic organisms
- The branch of biology dealing with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts
- The act or process of nourishing
- The science of biology dealing with animals
- The branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment
- The science dealing with the structure of animals
- The branch of microbiology dealing with the identification, study, and cultivation of bacteria
- The branch of biology dealing with parasites
- The branch of zoology dealing with insects
- The science of soil management and production of field crops
- The science dealing with the formation, development, structure, and functional activities of embryos
- The study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases
16 Clues: The science of plants • The science of heredity • The study of animal behavior • The act or process of nourishing • The branch of zoology dealing with insects • The science of biology dealing with animals • The branch of biology dealing with parasites • The science dealing with the structure of animals • The study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases • ...
eliana's crossword puzzle 2016-04-18
- deadly
- social study
- 9 letter word starting with P and ending with N
- paperazzi
- a person involved in sports
- described in detail
- government of all,for all, and by all people
- space science
- hot drink holder
- Financial system
- _______rubber
- school science class
- an optical instrument used in science
- a life story
- real
- earth's _______
- a preso involved in politics
- a shape with 6 sides
- communication
- orchestral composition
20 Clues: real • deadly • paperazzi • a life story • social study • space science • communication • _______rubber • earth's _______ • hot drink holder • Financial system • described in detail • school science class • a shape with 6 sides • orchestral composition • a person involved in sports • a preso involved in politics • an optical instrument used in science • government of all,for all, and by all people • ...
Science 2013-10-20
- Science that deals with elements
- Science that examines plants
- Science that examines essence of being
- A person who does science
- Science that deals with rocks
- Science that examines events in the past
- Science that is interested in how money work
- Science that examines atoms
- A place where experiments take place
- Science that is interested in human mind
- Science that examines big social groups
11 Clues: A person who does science • Science that examines atoms • Science that examines plants • Science that deals with rocks • Science that deals with elements • A place where experiments take place • Science that examines essence of being • Science that examines big social groups • Science that is interested in human mind • Science that examines events in the past • ...
Science 2013-10-20
- Science that examines atoms
- Science that is interested in human mind
- A place where experiments take place
- Science that examines plants
- Science that examines events in the past
- A person who does science
- Science that deals with elements
- Science that examines big social groups
- Science that examines essence of being
- Science that is interested in how money work
- Science that deals with rocks
11 Clues: A person who does science • Science that examines atoms • Science that examines plants • Science that deals with rocks • Science that deals with elements • A place where experiments take place • Science that examines essence of being • Science that examines big social groups • Science that is interested in human mind • Science that examines events in the past • ...