set theory Crossword Puzzles

Set Theory Symbol 2023-03-08

Set Theory Symbol crossword puzzle
  1. A ⊆ B
  2. A \ B
  3. #A
  4. a∈A
  5. A×B
  6. A ∪ B
  7. x∉A
  1. A ⊇ B
  2. |
  3. { }
  4. A ∆ B
  5. (a,b)
  6. Ø
  7. A=B
  8. |A|

15 Clues: |Ø#A{ }A=Ba∈AA×B|A|x∉AA ⊇ BA ⊆ BA ∆ B(a,b)A \ BA ∪ B


SET THEORY SYMBOLS crossword puzzle
  1. A ⊆ B
  2. (a,b)
  3. {}
  4. A=B
  5. A-B
  6. A ⊄ B
  1. A ∆ B
  2. A/B
  3. Ø
  4. |A|
  5. A ⊅ B
  6. #A
  7. P(A)
  8. A×B
  9. A ∩ B
  10. A ∪ B

16 Clues: Ø#A{}A/B|A|A×BA=BA-BP(A)A ∆ BA ⊆ BA ⊅ B(a,b)A ∩ BA ⊄ BA ∪ B

SET THEORY 2015-11-23

SET THEORY crossword puzzle
  1. In a class of 120 students numbered 1 to 120, all even numbered students opt for Physics, whose numbers are divisible by 5 opt for Chemistry and those whose numbers are divisible by 7 opt for Math. How many opt for none of the three subjects?
  2. A veterinarian surveys 26 of his patrons. He discovers that 14 have dogs, 10 have cats, and 5 have fish. Four have dogs and cats, 3 have dogs and fish, and one has a cat and fish. If no one has all three kinds of pets, how many patrons have none of these pets?
  3. In a class 40% of the students enrolled for Math and 70% enrolled for Economics. If 15% of the students enrolled for both Math and Economics, what % of the students of the class did not enroll for either of the two subjects?
  4. The part of venn diagram where common things exist.
  1. In a class of 50 students, 18 takes Chorus, and 26 take Band, and 2 take both Chorus and Band. How many students in the class are not enrolled in either Chorus or Band?
  2. Of 60 students in a class, anyone who has chosen to study maths elects to do physics as well. But no one does maths and chemistry, 16 do physics and chemistry. All the students do at least one of the three subjects and the number of people who do exactly one of the three is more than the number who do more than one of the three. What are the maximum number of people who could have done Chemistry only?
  3. In a school of 30 students, 8 students are in the band, 20 students are on sports teams, and 6 students participate in both activities. How many students are not involved in any activity?
  4. 95% of the students in a class have taken Marketing, 80% have chosen Finance, 84% have chosen operations (ops), and 90% have chosen Human Resources (HR). What is the maximum percentage of people who have chosen all of the four?
  5. A guidance counselor is planning schedules for 30 students. Sixteen students say they want to take French, 16 want to take Spanish, and 11 want to take Latin. Five say they want to take both French and Latin, and of these, 3 wanted to take Spanish as well. Five want only Latin, and 8 want only Spanish. How many students want French only?
  6. this is an another name for an empty set.

10 Clues: this is an another name for an empty set.The part of venn diagram where common things exist.In a class of 50 students, 18 takes Chorus, and 26 take Band, and 2 take both Chorus and Band. How many students in the class are not enrolled in either Chorus or Band?...

Set theory symbol 2023-09-10

Set theory symbol crossword puzzle
  1. All subset A
  2. set of all possible value
  3. objects that belong to A and Not to B
  4. a collection of elements
  5. set A is not subset of set B
  6. A is a subset of B but A is not equal to B
  7. not set membership
  8. all the objects that do not belong to set A
  1. objects that belong to set A or set B
  2. objects that belong to A and not to B
  3. collection of 2 elements
  4. both sets have the same members
  5. set membership
  6. all subset A
  7. objects that belong to set A and B

15 Clues: All subset Aall subset Aset membershipnot set membershipcollection of 2 elementsa collection of elementsset of all possible valueset A is not subset of set Bboth sets have the same membersobjects that belong to set A and Bobjects that belong to set A or set Bobjects that belong to A and not to Bobjects that belong to A and Not to B...

Basic Set Theory 2024-07-15

Basic Set Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the logical symbol (V)
  2. A sentence which is either true or false
  3. Logical gate equivalent to conjunction
  4. A set representation method ex- {x|x = natural no.}
  5. Number of elements
  6. All combination subsets of given set
  1. A logic whose outcome is always True
  2. Name of the logical operation (->)
  3. Unordered collection of distinct well ordered data
  4. Name of law stating A U B = B U A
  5. A logical property stating A U A = A
  6. A method of proving using a domino effect
  7. Is discrete mathematics easy or hard

13 Clues: Number of elementsName of the logical symbol (V)Name of law stating A U B = B U AName of the logical operation (->)A logic whose outcome is always TrueA logical property stating A U A = AAll combination subsets of given setIs discrete mathematics easy or hardLogical gate equivalent to conjunctionA sentence which is either true or false...

Basic Set Theory 2024-07-15

Basic Set Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the logical symbol (V)
  2. A sentence which is either true or false
  3. Logical gate equivalent to conjunction
  4. A set representation method ex- {x|x = natural no.}
  5. Number of elements
  6. All combination subsets of given set
  1. A logic whose outcome is always True
  2. Name of the logical operation (->)
  3. Unordered collection of distinct well ordered data
  4. Name of law stating A U B = B U A
  5. A logical property stating A U A = A
  6. A method of proving using a domino effect
  7. Is discrete mathematics easy or hard

13 Clues: Number of elementsName of the logical symbol (V)Name of law stating A U B = B U AName of the logical operation (->)A logic whose outcome is always TrueA logical property stating A U A = AAll combination subsets of given setIs discrete mathematics easy or hardLogical gate equivalent to conjunctionA sentence which is either true or false...

Mathematicians 2013-04-19

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. magnets
  2. generality of algebra
  3. father of geometry
  4. triangles
  5. Indian autodidact
  6. Italian mathematician
  7. greek philosopher
  8. fibonacci number
  9. Norwegian mathematician
  10. french lawyer
  11. gravity
  12. German philosopher
  1. gas laws
  2. elliptic functions
  3. the stupidest name ever
  4. french philosopher
  5. german number theory
  6. greek teacher
  7. set theory
  8. Swiss physicist

20 Clues: magnetsgravitygas lawstrianglesset theorygreek teacherfrench lawyerSwiss physicistfibonacci numberIndian autodidactgreek philosopherelliptic functionsfrench philosopherfather of geometryGerman philosophergerman number theorygenerality of algebraItalian mathematicianthe stupidest name everNorwegian mathematician

Mathematicians 2013-04-19

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. magnets
  2. generality of algebra
  3. father of geometry
  4. triangles
  5. Indian autodidact
  6. Italian mathematician
  7. greek philosopher
  8. fibonacci number
  9. Norwegian mathematician
  10. french lawyer
  11. gravity
  12. German philosopher
  1. gas laws
  2. elliptic functions
  3. the stupidest name ever
  4. french philosopher
  5. german number theory
  6. greek teacher
  7. set theory
  8. Swiss physicist

20 Clues: magnetsgravitygas lawstrianglesset theorygreek teacherfrench lawyerSwiss physicistfibonacci numberIndian autodidactgreek philosopherelliptic functionsfrench philosopherfather of geometryGerman philosophergerman number theorygenerality of algebraItalian mathematicianthe stupidest name everNorwegian mathematician

Famous Mathematicians 2024-08-06

Famous Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. Swiss mathematician known for graph theory and functions
  2. Self-taught Indian mathematician known for his work on infinite series
  3. Co-founder of calculus along with Newton
  4. Known for his work in differential equations and matrix theory
  5. Mathematician known for Laplace transforms and probability theory
  6. Mathematician known for his work in number theory and algebra
  7. Mathematician known for his work on computation and artificial intelligence
  8. Ancient Greek mathematician known for his work in geometry and buoyancy
  9. Known for the Pythagorean theorem
  10. Founder of group theory
  1. Known for Riemann surfaces and contributions to analysis
  2. Known for Noether's theorem in abstract algebra and theoretical physics
  3. Mathematician known for Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and function theory
  4. Developed Hilbert space theory and formalism
  5. Creator of set theory
  6. Mathematician and physicist who formulated the laws of motion
  7. Father of Geometry
  8. German mathematician known for number theory and the Gaussian distribution
  9. Known for Fermat's Last Theorem
  10. Known for contributions to topology and mathematical logic

20 Clues: Father of GeometryCreator of set theoryFounder of group theoryKnown for Fermat's Last TheoremKnown for the Pythagorean theoremCo-founder of calculus along with NewtonDeveloped Hilbert space theory and formalismKnown for Riemann surfaces and contributions to analysisSwiss mathematician known for graph theory and functions...

Set Theory Symbols 2020-09-16

Set Theory Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. set of possible value
  2. both sets have the same members
  3. A ⊇ B
  4. A ⊆ B
  5. Ac
  6. pair (a,b)
  7. |A|
  1. product A×B
  2. A ∩ B
  3. { }
  4. A ∪ B
  5. set all subset of A

12 Clues: Ac{ }|A|A ∩ BA ⊇ BA ⊆ BA ∪ Bpair (a,b)product A×Bset all subset of Aset of possible valueboth sets have the same members

Set Theory 2022-11-22

Set Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Also known as members of a set
  2. A set without any elements.
  3. If A={e,f,g,h} and B={2,3, 4, 5}, they are ___ sets.
  4. A null set is also known as an ___ set
  1. A set whose members can be counted.
  2. A set whose members cannot be counted.
  3. Sets are ___ when they have the same elements.
  4. Set A is a ___ of Set B if the elements of Set A are apart of Set B.

8 Clues: A set without any elements.Also known as members of a setA set whose members can be counted.A set whose members cannot be counted.A null set is also known as an ___ setSets are ___ when they have the same elements.If A={e,f,g,h} and B={2,3, 4, 5}, they are ___ sets.Set A is a ___ of Set B if the elements of Set A are apart of Set B.

Set theory 575 2024-07-15

Set theory 575 crossword puzzle
  1. All the elements of set 1&2
  2. Set with no elements present in it
  3. Collection of elements those are not present in set
  4. Set 1 having all elements from set 2
  5. Total number of elements present in Set
  6. Set having Finite number of elements in it
  7. Set having single element in it
  8. Elements present in both set 1&2 but not in both
  1. Set having infinite number of elements in it
  2. Set 1&2 having only single common element
  3. Set 1&2 having exactly same elements
  4. Common elements of set 1&2

12 Clues: Common elements of set 1&2All the elements of set 1&2Set having single element in itSet with no elements present in itSet 1&2 having exactly same elementsSet 1 having all elements from set 2Total number of elements present in SetSet 1&2 having only single common elementSet having Finite number of elements in it...

30 2024-08-23

30 crossword puzzle
  1. Set theory founder
  2. Cartesian coordinate system
  3. Probability and celestial mechanics
  4. Famous for his triangle
  5. Early female mathematician
  6. Indian mathematical genius
  7. Independently developed calculus
  8. Father of geometry
  9. Proposed 23 problems
  10. Famous family of mathematicians
  11. Founded group theory
  12. Father of computer science
  13. Sequence named after Italian mathematician
  14. Famous theorem on triangles
  1. Series and transforms
  2. Prince of mathematicians
  3. Swiss mathematician
  4. Hypothesis on prime numbers
  5. Last theorem
  6. Ancient Greek mathematician
  7. Fractals pioneer
  8. Game theory developer
  9. Developed calculus
  10. Algebra innovator
  11. Contributions to mechanics

25 Clues: Last theoremFractals pioneerAlgebra innovatorSet theory founderDeveloped calculusFather of geometrySwiss mathematicianProposed 23 problemsFounded group theorySeries and transformsGame theory developerFamous for his trianglePrince of mathematiciansEarly female mathematicianIndian mathematical geniusContributions to mechanics...

Set Theory Vocabulary 2023-09-25

Set Theory Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. belong to both set A and B
  2. what an item in a set is called
  3. a set that is contained in another set
  4. set B includes set C
  5. another name for empty set
  1. not in the set
  2. contains no items
  3. contains all items in every set and subset required
  4. a collection of objects
  5. a set that is contained or equal to another set
  6. belong to Set A or B

11 Clues: not in the setcontains no itemsset B includes set Cbelong to Set A or Ba collection of objectsbelong to both set A and Banother name for empty setwhat an item in a set is calleda set that is contained in another seta set that is contained or equal to another setcontains all items in every set and subset required

Evidence 3 2022-11-29

Evidence 3 crossword puzzle
  1. is the theory proposed by Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels
  2. seeks to analyze society through a general theoretical system
  3. was developed since 1923 in Germany, because a group of German neo Marxists
  4. group of facts and circumstances that complicate the achievement of an objective.
  5. is the study of complex nonlinear systems of social complexity
  6. Some of these ........ make people think in a similar way
  7. talks to us of lack of knowledge there is about the system
  8. Set of individual experiences.
  1. is widely regarded as the father of structural anthropology
  2. The pioneer in developing the chaos theory
  3. Set of all interpersonal relationships.
  4. Balance inside the system
  5. part that each person plays in society and is a consequence of a certain status
  6. proposes that many cultural elements such as myths, stories, language structures or behaviors are common to all human civilizations
  7. the separation of things that naturally belong together, or antagonism between those who are properly in harmony
  8. is developed from chaos theory and represents the body of research on systems about the systems that have complex characteristics
  9. is related to the different nature of the parts of a system
  10. was born in Prussia in a wealthy family

18 Clues: Balance inside the systemSet of individual experiences.Set of all interpersonal relationships.was born in Prussia in a wealthy familyThe pioneer in developing the chaos theorySome of these ........ make people think in a similar waytalks to us of lack of knowledge there is about the systemis widely regarded as the father of structural anthropology...

Motivation and Emotion 2021-04-16

Motivation and Emotion crossword puzzle
  1. conflict decision between two unloved things
  2. process Idea creation of your enemy
  3. Word after the phrase "wants and __"
  4. motivators doing something for reward
  5. Drive Two words for after the main goal
  6. Word for reason you do something
  7. word for what drives us
  8. law law made by a two names starting with Y and D
  9. bard theory of emotion hypothesis on how we feel by a guy whos letter initals are CB
  10. Word for what you do with a car
  11. theory hypothesis on multiple factors
  12. Science term for what drives us
  13. Psychotic obsession with losing weight
  14. Set in the middle of the medial side
  15. Theory Hypothesis of purpose of a person
  16. Region in the brain that involves sleep
  1. Hypothalamas Name for "LHA"
  2. adaptation syndrome name of a conditon of how our body processes stress
  3. of motivation Hypothesis on what drives us
  4. theory concepts of managing your life
  5. conflict decision between two loved things
  6. Hierarchy of Needs Food chain of what we survive on made by a guy whose first letter starts with "M"
  7. another word for completing goal
  8. Opposite of Heterostasis
  9. motivators doing something with no expectation of reward
  10. Word after the term "survival __"
  11. What we feel when we feel complete
  12. lang theory of emotion hypothesis about how we feel by a guy whos letter initals are JL
  13. condition of being overweight
  14. Obsession with eating and throwing up food
  15. reduction Two words for what you do with a car and synonym for decreasing
  16. Drives Two words for main goal
  17. Scientific name for an idea or hypothesis
  18. theory hypothesis on body weight

34 Clues: word for what drives usOpposite of HeterostasisHypothalamas Name for "LHA"condition of being overweightWord for what you do with a carScience term for what drives usanother word for completing goalWord for reason you do somethingWord after the term "survival __"Drives Two words for main goalWhat we feel when we feel complete...

types of math 2024-07-30

types of math crossword puzzle
  1. theory - Deals with associates elements of one set, called the domain, with elements of another set, called the codomain
  2. - Deals with data
  3. - studies properties of spaces that are invariant under any continuous
  4. Equations - A part of calculus, deals with systems systems that change in
  5. - Deals unknown quantities, represented as variables
  6. theories
  7. - Deals with basic operations, like addition, and multiplication
  8. - The mathematics of counting and arranging
  9. Algebra - Deals with the algebra of matrices
  10. Theory - Deals with sets and their properties. A set is a group of objects
  1. - Deals with chance
  2. - Deals with triangles and their properties
  3. - The branch of mathematics dealing with continuous functions, limits, and
  4. to their own rates of change or derivatives
  5. - Deals with shapes and sizes
  6. - Deals with change, particularly rates of change
  7. geometry - Geometry within a coordinate system

17 Clues: theories- Deals with data- Deals with chance- Deals with shapes and sizes- Deals with triangles and their propertiesto their own rates of change or derivatives- The mathematics of counting and arrangingAlgebra - Deals with the algebra of matricesgeometry - Geometry within a coordinate system- Deals with change, particularly rates of change...

set theory 2024-03-04

set theory crossword puzzle
  1. A-B
  2. AxB
  3. |
  1. (a,b)
  2. A

7 Clues: A|A-BAxB(a,b)

Developmental Theories 2021-10-04

Developmental Theories crossword puzzle
  1. thoughts you are aware of
  2. Number of stages in Erikson's theory
  3. reaching your fullest potential
  4. decision making part of personality (Freud)
  5. developed the hierarchy of needs theory
  6. follower of Freud's teachings
  1. Treatment to bring memories into the conscious
  2. conscience. Wrong vs. Right (Freud)
  3. First set of needs that must be met (maslow)
  4. An organized set of ideas to explain something
  5. Urges/needs according to Freud
  6. IF a task is not worked out it will have a _____ effect on personality development
  7. Maslows needs move in what direction?

13 Clues: thoughts you are aware offollower of Freud's teachingsUrges/needs according to Freudreaching your fullest potentialconscience. Wrong vs. Right (Freud)Number of stages in Erikson's theoryMaslows needs move in what direction?developed the hierarchy of needs theorydecision making part of personality (Freud)First set of needs that must be met (maslow)...

Maths activity 2024-07-15

Maths activity crossword puzzle
  1. breakdown of all the possible truth values returned by a logical expression.
  2. Theory Set theory based on axioms
  3. Set with no elements
  4. Study of logical reasoning
  5. A set that is not finite
  1. Number of elements in a set
  2. Set containing all subsets of another set
  3. Set containing all elements under consideration
  4. A set that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with natural numbers
  5. Method of proof using a base case and inductive step

10 Clues: Set with no elementsA set that is not finiteStudy of logical reasoningNumber of elements in a setTheory Set theory based on axiomsSet containing all subsets of another setSet containing all elements under considerationMethod of proof using a base case and inductive stepA set that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with natural numbers...

Theorist and their Theories 2020-10-06

Theorist and their Theories crossword puzzle
  1. Large motor skills
  2. Erik Erikson
  3. Sigmund Freud
  4. Objective
  5. Bottom level of Hierarchy of Needs
  6. Social learning
  7. orderly set of ideas which decribe,explain, and predict behavior
  8. counting to 10
  9. Attachment Theory
  10. Running record, Frequency count
  11. Milestones of development
  1. Temper Tantrum
  2. Formation of a person's personality
  3. Subjective
  4. Sharing toys
  5. Children construct their understanding
  6. Operational Conditioning
  7. Hierarchy of Needs
  8. Moral Development

19 Clues: ObjectiveSubjectiveErik EriksonSharing toysSigmund FreudTemper Tantrumcounting to 10Social learningMoral DevelopmentAttachment TheoryLarge motor skillsHierarchy of NeedsOperational ConditioningMilestones of developmentRunning record, Frequency countBottom level of Hierarchy of NeedsFormation of a person's personality...

Biology Crossword 2017-06-13

Biology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. twogroupscombined
  2. conlusion
  3. framingerror
  4. exchangeofgenes
  5. notsexchromosome
  6. twin
  7. changingtosomethingnew
  8. mutationatonepoint
  9. resultinparentgenes
  10. geneticmakeup
  11. set of 4
  12. geneticmakeup
  1. movingspots
  2. britishnaturalist
  3. englishgeologist
  4. rnamessenger
  5. numberofproteinsassociated
  6. dnachart
  7. fibers
  8. passingtraits
  9. unpairedchromosome
  10. 3nucleotide

22 Clues: twinfibersdnachartset of 4conlusionmovingspots3nucleotidernamessengerframingerrorpassingtraitsgeneticmakeupgeneticmakeupexchangeofgenesenglishgeologistnotsexchromosomebritishnaturalisttwogroupscombinedmutationatonepointunpairedchromosomeresultinparentgeneschangingtosomethingnewnumberofproteinsassociated

Elijah's Set Theory Crossword 2022-03-15

Elijah's Set Theory Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Both sets have the same members.
  2. What does this symbol mean ⊄?
  3. It is colloquially defined as a number that can be written without a fractional component.
  4. It is the number of elements in a given mathematical set.
  5. What does this symbol mean ⊇?
  6. A \ B and A - B is what type of complement?
  7. The ___of a set in math is defined as a set of elements in the universal set that is not part of the original set.
  1. What does this symbol mean ∩?
  2. It is the set that does not contain anything.
  3. It is a set that has elements of all the related sets, without any repetition of elements.
  4. What does this symbol mean ⊃?
  5. What does this symbol mean ∪?
  6. What does this symbol mean ⊅?
  7. What does this symbol mean ⊆?
  8. A collection of elements.

15 Clues: A collection of elements.What does this symbol mean ∩?What does this symbol mean ⊄?What does this symbol mean ⊃?What does this symbol mean ∪?What does this symbol mean ⊅?What does this symbol mean ⊇?What does this symbol mean ⊆?Both sets have the same members.A \ B and A - B is what type of complement?It is the set that does not contain anything....

The Set theory symbols 2022-03-12

The Set theory symbols crossword puzzle
  1. such that,|
  2. Ø
  3. set of all possible values
  4. A is a superset of B. set A includes set B
  5. A ∪ B
  6. A ⊄ B
  1. both sets have the same members
  2. collection of 2 elements
  3. A×B
  4. A ∩ B
  5. a collection of elements
  6. A is a subset of B. set A is included in set B.
  7. all the objects that do not belong to set A
  8. |A|
  9. cardinality of countable ordinal numbers set

15 Clues: ØA×B|A|A ∩ BA ∪ BA ⊄ Bsuch that,|collection of 2 elementsa collection of elementsset of all possible valuesboth sets have the same membersA is a superset of B. set A includes set Ball the objects that do not belong to set Acardinality of countable ordinal numbers setA is a subset of B. set A is included in set B.

Exploring Set Theory Symbols 2022-03-11

Exploring Set Theory Symbols crossword puzzle
  1. P(A)
  2. A ∪ B
  3. Z
  4. Ø
  5. A ⊂ B
  6. |A|
  7. U
  1. C
  2. |
  3. A = B
  4. A ⊆ B
  5. a collection of elements
  6. A×B
  7. (a,b)
  8. R

15 Clues: C|ZØRUA×B|A|P(A)A = BA ⊆ BA ∪ B(a,b)A ⊂ Ba collection of elements

Set Theory fun Crisscross 2023-09-12

Set Theory fun Crisscross crossword puzzle
  1. both have the same members
  2. AUB
  3. All the Objects that do not belong to set A
  4. Objects that belong to A or but not to their intersection
  5. element of No set membership
  6. Set A is not super set of set B
  7. A is a superset of B, But B is note equal to A
  8. All Subsets of A
  9. A is not subset to B
  1. Objects that belong to A and not to B
  2. Collection of 2 elements
  3. Object that belong to set A and Set B
  4. A collection of elements
  5. |
  6. A is a subset of B

15 Clues: |AUBAll Subsets of AA is a subset of BA is not subset to BCollection of 2 elementsA collection of elementsboth have the same memberselement of No set membershipSet A is not super set of set BObjects that belong to A and not to BObject that belong to set A and Set BAll the Objects that do not belong to set A...

evolution 2023-02-02

evolution crossword puzzle
  1. The most accurate theory on evolution
  2. a got or bad trait that you are born with
  3. when you have to fight for food
  4. a group of a-like organisms
  5. when population growth increases steadily
  6. functions
  7. bones that are very old and
  8. when the growth increases non steadily over time
  9. underground
  10. your environment
  11. when there is a change that an animal gains
  12. parts with same bone set but
  1. when you have more beneficial traits
  2. different bone set but similar
  3. when you have an adaptation thats
  4. the amount of organisms in a species
  5. reproduce more.
  6. organs that lost purpose over time
  7. when a new species is created
  8. the amount of organisms in a
  9. the ancestor everyone has
  10. when you breed to get certain traits
  11. When animals change over time
  12. Was the first of the main three to release their theory
  13. the study of embryos
  14. They came out with their theory a
  15. before Darwin

27 Clues: functionsundergroundbefore Darwinreproduce more.your environmentthe study of embryosthe ancestor everyone hasa group of a-like organismsbones that are very old andthe amount of organisms in aparts with same bone set butwhen a new species is createdWhen animals change over timedifferent bone set but similarwhen you have to fight for food...

set theory 21408 2024-07-15

set theory 21408 crossword puzzle
  1. number of elements in the set
  2. subsets of all elements in a set
  3. unordered collection of elements
  4. property to prove equivalence of 2 expressions
  5. when a set remains the same even after performing operations on it with itself
  1. matchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions
  2. very important principle used to solve problems
  3. when we multiply 2 sets
  4. a statement with truth value
  5. equation form of elements

10 Clues: when we multiply 2 setsequation form of elementsa statement with truth valuenumber of elements in the setsubsets of all elements in a setunordered collection of elementsproperty to prove equivalence of 2 expressionsvery important principle used to solve problemsmatchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions...

set theory 21408 2024-07-15

set theory 21408 crossword puzzle
  1. number of elements in the set
  2. subsets of all elements in a set
  3. unordered collection of elements
  4. property to prove equivalence of 2 expressions
  5. when a set remains the same even after performing operations on it with itself
  1. matchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions
  2. very important principle used to solve problems
  3. when we multiply 2 sets
  4. a statement with truth value
  5. equation form of elements

10 Clues: when we multiply 2 setsequation form of elementsa statement with truth valuenumber of elements in the setsubsets of all elements in a setunordered collection of elementsproperty to prove equivalence of 2 expressionsvery important principle used to solve problemsmatchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions...

Set theory symbols 2024-03-04

Set theory symbols crossword puzzle
  1. (a,b)
  2. (x)
  3. ∑∑
  1. (f ∘g) (x) = f (g(x))
  2. ⌈x⌉
  3. ( )

10 Clues: ∑∑⌈x⌉( )(x)(a,b)(f ∘g) (x) = f (g(x))

set theory 21408 2024-07-15

set theory 21408 crossword puzzle
  1. number of elements in the set
  2. subsets of all elements in a set
  3. unordered collection of elements
  4. property to prove equivalence of 2 expressions
  5. when a set remains the same even after performing operations on it with itself
  1. matchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions
  2. very important principle used to solve problems
  3. when we multiply 2 sets
  4. a statement with truth value
  5. equation form of elements

10 Clues: when we multiply 2 setsequation form of elementsa statement with truth valuenumber of elements in the setsubsets of all elements in a setunordered collection of elementsproperty to prove equivalence of 2 expressionsvery important principle used to solve problemsmatchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions...

set theory 21408 2024-07-15

set theory 21408 crossword puzzle
  1. very important principle used to solve problems
  2. number of elements in the set
  3. when we multiply 2 sets
  4. subsets of all elements in a set
  5. when a set remains the same even after performing operations on it with itself
  6. property to prove equivalence of 2 expressions
  1. equation form of elements
  2. a statement with truth value
  3. unordered collection of elements
  4. matchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions

10 Clues: when we multiply 2 setsequation form of elementsa statement with truth valuenumber of elements in the setunordered collection of elementssubsets of all elements in a setproperty to prove equivalence of 2 expressionsvery important principle used to solve problemsmatchematical for of expressing english statements to logical expressions...

Nursing Theorists Crossword 2022-03-10

Nursing Theorists Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. she stated that the ultimate goal for nurses was to be the presence of hope
  2. she is known as the lady with the lamp
  3. her theory is considered a human needs theory
  4. his theory is a practical guide for psychiatry and mental health nursing
  5. her theory is based on how an individual responds to stressors
  6. her theory summarizes that the ultimate goal of caring is to alleviate suffering and serve life and health
  7. she saw that patients needed a more personalized nursing care plan that was designed for each patient
  8. her theory identifies four main elements: philosophy, purpose, practice, and the art
  9. she states that the main purpose of care is to gain a relationship with the individual to create a goal to improve health
  10. her theory covers how nurses care for their patients and how that can caring progress into a better plan to promote health and wellness, prevent illness and restore health
  1. her theory focuses on the idea that different cultures have different caring behaviors and different health and illness values, beliefs, and patterns of behaviors
  2. her theory emphasizes the nurse-patient relationship
  3. defined nursing as an art and science that is humanistic and humanitarian
  4. her theory describes the person as a behavioral system with seven subsystems
  5. her theory gives nurses a guide on how to make the patient more comfortable, both mentally and physically, to aid in recovery
  6. her theory focuses on the nurse-patient relationship to obtain a healthy goal for the patient
  7. her theory guides nurses to help mothers gain a stronger maternal identity
  8. her theory focuses on the importance of increasing patient's independence
  9. this model was designed to be a complementary counterpart to models of health protection
  10. her theory is set around an individual’s expanding consciousness, in terms of within and with the environment

20 Clues: she is known as the lady with the lampher theory is considered a human needs theoryher theory emphasizes the nurse-patient relationshipher theory is based on how an individual responds to stressorshis theory is a practical guide for psychiatry and mental health nursingdefined nursing as an art and science that is humanistic and humanitarian...

Crim 2 2022-05-20

Crim 2 crossword puzzle
  1. leclec
  2. theory that
  3. set of
  4. father s
  5. close
  6. punishment
  7. suicide
  8. placing
  9. grandf
  10. state
  11. a penalty
  12. male
  13. deter
  14. incorporated
  15. survival
  16. based
  17. propose
  18. mixture
  1. Linnaeus
  2. fight
  3. action
  4. rejected
  5. defensible
  6. rejects fw
  7. an approach
  8. racial
  9. influential
  10. his principle
  11. positive
  12. became
  13. antis
  14. blood
  15. human b
  16. an act
  17. encourage
  18. greek
  19. black bile
  20. father cj
  21. tb
  22. thin

40 Clues: tbmalethinfightcloseantisbloodstategreekdeterbasedleclecactionset ofracialbecamegrandfan actsuicideplacinghuman bproposemixtureLinnaeusrejectedfather spositivesurvivalencouragefather cja penaltydefensiblerejects fwpunishmentblack biletheory thatan approachinfluentialincorporatedhis principle

SETS prepared D.V.L.N.RAO 2020-08-05

SETS prepared D.V.L.N.RAO crossword puzzle
  7. welldefined collection of objects
  4. SET theory


SETS prepared D.V.L.N.RAO 2020-08-05

SETS prepared D.V.L.N.RAO crossword puzzle
  7. welldefined collection of objects
  4. SET theory


TFN- Corpuz, Allyza Gene 2019-11-19

TFN- Corpuz, Allyza Gene crossword puzzle
  1. promotes for helping behaviour that calls for a nurturing response
  2. the most global perpective of a discipline
  3. set of expected behaviour when occupying a position on social system
  4. the backbone of clinical care
  5. what is the title of Hildegard Peplau's theory
  6. is viewed hollistically, wherein the body mind and soul are interrelated
  7. a non linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes
  8. refers to the drama of suffering
  9. process of being and becoming an integrated and whole person
  10. means caring with love
  11. she proposed the theory of caratative caring
  1. core,care and cure theory
  2. the first nursing theory that is made by Florence Nightingale
  3. the malignant phase of dispairful not caring and apathetic indifference
  4. are deliberate, systematic and puposeful
  5. the goal of role function
  6. she defined nursing as a process of action, reaction and interaction
  7. the term used by Benner instead of using the word environment
  8. it is a science and art
  9. the theory that the origin of all knowledge is sensory experience

20 Clues: means caring with loveit is a science and artcore,care and cure theorythe goal of role functionthe backbone of clinical carerefers to the drama of sufferingare deliberate, systematic and puposefulthe most global perpective of a disciplineshe proposed the theory of caratative caringwhat is the title of Hildegard Peplau's theory...

The Industrial Revolution 2018-03-03

The Industrial Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. a theory founded by Robert Koch and Louis Pasteer
  2. an originated association of workers often in trade
  3. a revolution with big changes
  4. a german philosopher who studies social science
  5. believeing that all people are equal and have equal rights
  6. a businessperson
  7. to raise money
  8. shares business with stock holders
  9. the doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of the majority
  10. to set up a new country with new industries
  11. a class between the higher and the lower class
  12. an economic system
  1. making something more up to date
  2. a political theory derived from Karl Max
  3. a room or set of rooms forming a separate residence
  4. an employment organized by employees
  5. A policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering
  6. to go against
  7. group of middle class people
  8. the first womans rights convention
  9. a machine created by Eli Whitney
  10. the right to vote in politicak elections
  11. the principle or movement of a party of political reforms
  12. a place were everything was perfect
  13. workers or working class people
  14. a political and economic theory
  15. founder of the germ theory
  16. a worker who destroyed

28 Clues: to go againstto raise moneya businesspersonan economic systema worker who destroyedfounder of the germ theorygroup of middle class peoplea revolution with big changesworkers or working class peoplea political and economic theorymaking something more up to datea machine created by Eli Whitneyshares business with stock holders...

Unit 02: Paradigms, Theory, and Research 2017-06-13

Unit 02: Paradigms, Theory, and Research crossword puzzle
  1. A type of theory or perspective aimed at understanding the ‘big picture’ of institutions, whole societies, and the interactions among societies.
  2. A scientific tool for measuring a variable.
  3. A micro-level paradigm that focuses on meaning, and how individuals communicate in order to make their social settings meaningful. (two-words)
  4. A type of theory or perspective aimed at understanding social life at the intimate level of individuals and their interactions.
  5. A set of interrelated propositions used for understanding observed realities.
  6. The procedure used for linking the abstract (concepts) to the concrete.
  7. Empirical ___________ is the logical process for transforming a theoretical proposition into a research hypothesis.
  8. The building blocks of a theory (the ideas) that represents an expression of a relationship between concepts.
  9. The criterion for assessing thinking in terms of its logical consistency.
  10. __________ theory is an approach to theory construction that generates ideas to account for observed empirical patterns.
  11. Theoretical propositions that are assumed to be true.
  12. __________ theory is a paradigm that can be both at the micro- and macro-level where the main focus is on patriarchy.
  1. A macro-level paradigm that focuses on societal values, and is interested in how social institutions contribute to social stability.
  2. __________ theory construction is the process based on the discovery of patterns that leads to the construction of propositions that lead to theory construction.
  3. The process of transplanting abstract concepts into variables that indicate the concepts.
  4. A theoretical perspective that includes a set of assumptions about reality that guide research questions.
  5. The criterion that it is possible for empirical evidence to disconfirm a hypothesis.
  6. A quality of mind that is open to new ideas and evidence.
  7. A series of observations with high inter-subjective reliability.
  8. The process of applying a tool to an object to determine its score on a variable.
  9. A theoretically informed expectation about empirical patterns expressed as a relationship between variables.
  10. __________ definition represents the steps of observing abstract concepts at the concrete level.
  11. _________ theory is a macro-level paradigm that focuses on class inequality, and how privileged groups seek to maintain their advantages over disadvantaged groups.
  12. The belief in an objective reality independent of human experience.

24 Clues: A scientific tool for measuring a variable.Theoretical propositions that are assumed to be true.A quality of mind that is open to new ideas and evidence.A series of observations with high inter-subjective reliability.The belief in an objective reality independent of human experience....

SET 1.10 Conventional Lighting Theory 2021-07-14

SET 1.10 Conventional Lighting Theory crossword puzzle
  1. The socket outlet of a .... final circuit is usually 13A or 15A.
  2. A .... is an example of an electrical accessory.
  3. Every MCB supplies .... final circuit.
  4. A .... unit is a unit in the electrical supply at the point it enters a domestic property
  5. The minimum .... cable size for 20A radial final circuit is 1.5 mm2.
  6. .... current circuit breaker
  7. The .... switch is a 4-terminal switch.
  8. A physical check or .... to ensure no damaged cable insulation/accessories and all terminations are secured.
  1. All single pole switches must be connected to the .... conductor.
  2. The .... air-con unit uses a 15A socket outlet.
  3. An electrical .... is a device, other than current-using equipment, associated with such equipment or with the wiring of an installation.
  4. The neutral wire's colour.
  5. A .... circuit is connected directly to current-using equipment, socket outlet or other outlet points for the connection of such equipment.
  6. A .... final circuit is normally protected by 6A/10A MCB.
  7. There is no .... to the number of socket-outlets to be connected to the radial final circuit.
  8. The two types of 13A Socket Outlet circuits are .... final circuit and ring final circuit.
  9. Ensure circuit is .... before conducting the insulation resistance test.
  10. The number of lights on each circuit is usually limited to about ....
  11. There are .... MCBs in a 6-way consumer unit.
  12. The standard .... cable used in lighting final circuit is 1.5 mm2.

20 Clues: The neutral wire's colour..... current circuit breakerEvery MCB supplies .... final circuit.The .... switch is a 4-terminal switch.There are .... MCBs in a 6-way consumer unit.The .... air-con unit uses a 15A socket outlet.A .... is an example of an electrical accessory.A .... final circuit is normally protected by 6A/10A MCB....

Ultra set theory crossword 2024-07-15

Ultra set theory crossword crossword puzzle
  1. laws are given by me
  2. same elements of sets
  3. representation method
  4. I am law of absorption
  5. representation method
  6. there is nothing in me
  7. I am law of distribution
  1. I am limited
  2. I am law of association
  3. opposite of set
  4. addition of two sets
  5. I have power
  6. I am child of set
  7. I am all in one
  8. I am limitless

15 Clues: I am limitedI have powerI am limitlessopposite of setI am all in oneI am child of setlaws are given by meaddition of two setssame elements of setsrepresentation methodrepresentation methodI am law of absorptionthere is nothing in meI am law of associationI am law of distribution


  1. Set of all ordered pairs from A to B
  2. Set of all possible values
  3. No Set
  4. Cardinality of countable ordinal number set
  5. Both sets have the same members
  6. The number of elements of set A
  7. When set A is included to set B
  8. contains all the elements of another set
  9. A combination of real numbers and imaginary numbers
  10. They do not include zero or negative values
  11. When set A is not present in Set B
  12. Denotes that one set is not present in another set
  1. A set that contains all the elements of one/both sets
  2. There's no existence of set
  3. A one set
  4. The collection of two elements
  5. A special set of numbers comprising zero, negative values, and positive values
  6. Objects that belong to set A and B
  7. Objects that belong to A and B but not to their intersection
  8. Infinite cardinality of natural number set
  9. Set if real numbers
  10. Objects that belong to A and not B
  11. If set B contains atleast one that is not present in set A
  12. All the objects that do not belong to set A
  13. All subset of A
  14. A collection of elements

26 Clues: No SetA one setAll subset of ASet if real numbersA collection of elementsSet of all possible valuesThere's no existence of setThe collection of two elementsBoth sets have the same membersThe number of elements of set AWhen set A is included to set BObjects that belong to set A and BObjects that belong to A and not B...

Theories of Personality 2021-05-09

Theories of Personality crossword puzzle
  1. The proponent of the Social Cognitive Theory.
  2. A disposition that shows general characteristics that are found in every person.
  3. Something that a person strives for in order to detach from the feeling of inferiority.
  4. The proponent of a theory where people are continuously motivated by one need or another.
  5. The proponent of Existential Theory.
  6. Focuses on the role of the individual’s conscious life experience and choices in personality development
  7. A ​set of related assumptions that allows scientists to use ​logical deductive reasoning to formulate testable hypotheses.
  8. The dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thought. (Gordon Allport)
  9. Refers to a person’s expectation that some specific reinforcement or set of reinforcements will occur in a given situation.
  10. Unacceptable or threatening impulses or feelings are seen as originating with someone else, usually the target of the impulses or feelings.
  1. Effects of environment on behavior.
  2. An intimate non-sexual friendship between two people.
  3. In Jung’s Analytical Psychology, it is the turning outward of psychic energy so that a person is oriented toward the objective and away from the subjective.
  4. Latin for “mask.”
  5. In Horney’s Psychoanalytic Social Theory, it is one of the protective strategies/devices where they detach themselves to others so as not to feel anxious.
  6. In the theory Person-Centered Therapy, it is a part of Incongruence in the Barriers to Psychological Health where it is a state of uneasiness of tension whose cause is unknown.
  7. Surrendering of one’s individuality in order to meet the wishes of others.
  8. An archetype by Carl Jung that represents qualities we do not wish to acknowledge and attempt to hide from ourselves and others. (Analytical Psychology)
  9. Focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality.
  10. In Horney’s Psychoanalytic Social Theory about the intrapsychic conflicts, it addresses one’s conflict by painting a god-like picture of himself/herself.

20 Clues: Latin for “mask.”Effects of environment on behavior.The proponent of Existential Theory.The proponent of the Social Cognitive Theory.An intimate non-sexual friendship between two people.Surrendering of one’s individuality in order to meet the wishes of others.Focuses on the role of the unconscious mind in the development of personality....

Chapter 32 2013-04-19

Chapter 32 crossword puzzle
  1. Identifying a computer problem may involve questioning the computer user.
  2. Last step in the CompTIA troubleshooting process
  3. Use __________ to attempt to retrieve a screw dropped into a computer case
  4. After problem is resolved and solution is implemented, verify system _______________.
  5. this screwdriver fits a screw with a single slot
  6. After identifying the problem, establish a _________ of probable cause.
  7. Once your theory is confirmed, determine steps to ___________ problem
  8. computer spare parts carried by a technician to a job site
  9. After establishing a theory of probable cause, _______ the theory
  1. this screwdriver fits a screw with two slots crossing at right angles
  2. Establish plan of action to resolve problem and ____________ the plan.
  3. software tool set by Mark Russinovich
  4. where calculations are done and decisions are made
  5. a popular file compression/extraction tool
  6. If your theory is not confirmed, establish a new theory or ___________ the problem.
  7. a common input device
  8. This screwdriver fits a screw with six-points in a star pattern
  9. software tools
  10. The first troubleshooting step is to _______ (or confirm) the problem.
  11. When trying to determine the probable cause of a problem, check the _____________.

20 Clues: software toolsa common input devicesoftware tool set by Mark Russinovicha popular file compression/extraction toolLast step in the CompTIA troubleshooting processthis screwdriver fits a screw with a single slotwhere calculations are done and decisions are madecomputer spare parts carried by a technician to a job site...

Early Childhood Education Activity 2022-02-09

Early Childhood Education Activity crossword puzzle
  1. referring to the brain's development
  2. be late or slow
  3. who or what a person or thing is
  4. the evaluation or estimation of the nature
  5. the making of a judgment about value
  6. involving the theory of a subject
  7. the identification of an illness
  8. the quality of being sociable.
  1. the evaluation of something medically
  2. a set of questions with a set of answers
  3. combinations of ideas to form a theory
  4. a medical provider who examines bodies
  5. an operation that associates elements
  6. a standard or point of reference against

14 Clues: be late or slowthe quality of being sociable.who or what a person or thing isthe identification of an illnessinvolving the theory of a subjectreferring to the brain's developmentthe making of a judgment about valuethe evaluation of something medicallyan operation that associates elementscombinations of ideas to form a theory...

Early Childhood Education Activity 2022-02-09

Early Childhood Education Activity crossword puzzle
  1. referring to the brain's development
  2. be late or slow
  3. who or what a person or thing is
  4. the evaluation or estimation of the nature
  5. the making of a judgment about value
  6. involving the theory of a subject
  7. the identification of an illness
  8. the quality of being sociable.
  1. the evaluation of something medically
  2. a set of questions with a set of answers
  3. combinations of ideas to form a theory
  4. a medical provider who examines bodies
  5. an operation that associates elements
  6. a standard or point of reference against

14 Clues: be late or slowthe quality of being sociable.who or what a person or thing isthe identification of an illnessinvolving the theory of a subjectreferring to the brain's developmentthe making of a judgment about valuethe evaluation of something medicallyan operation that associates elementscombinations of ideas to form a theory...

Sec 4 SET Theory Revision 2021-03-04

Sec 4 SET Theory Revision crossword puzzle
  1. In the ____ topology, data is transmitted along the BUS cable.
  2. The ____'s Law states that V = R x I.
  3. When the number of resistors in a series circuit increases, the total resistance will ____.
  4. When a person comes into contact with a conductor that is live under normal conditions, it is a/an ____ contact.
  5. ____ shows how the computers in the network are inter-connected.
  6. The resistance will be ____ hundred ohms if the applied voltage is 200 V and the current flowing through the resistor is 0.5 A.
  7. the ____ control can perform multiple switching and dimming actions with a single command.
  8. The ____ current flows in both directions with current changing all the time.
  9. Controllers are factory-programmed with a ____ ID.
  10. A device must be ____ in the Z-Wave network before it can be controlled via Z-Wave.
  11. Low noise ____ is one of the disadvantages of using Twisted Pair.
  1. The severity of an electric shock is determined by ____ flow in the circuit.
  2. In the Z-wave network, a ____ is a device that controls other devices.
  3. ____ standard is the machine language.
  4. ____ means that the devices can work without direct control by a person.
  5. 50 volts is equal to 0.05 ____ volts.
  6. ____ is used to act quickly to prevent human electrocution when the thin wire within melts and open the circuit.
  7. ____ recognition technology ia a security feature that is becoming widespread.
  8. The dimming feature is also known as the ____ control.

19 Clues: The ____'s Law states that V = R x I.50 volts is equal to 0.05 ____ volts.____ standard is the machine language.Controllers are factory-programmed with a ____ ID.The dimming feature is also known as the ____ control.In the ____ topology, data is transmitted along the BUS cable.____ shows how the computers in the network are inter-connected....

Let Wild Animals BE Wild Spelling 2024-05-08

Let Wild Animals BE Wild Spelling crossword puzzle
  1. letting
  2. artificial intelligence
  3. supplied
  4. schedule
  5. advantage
  6. to transmit
  7. argument
  8. productions
  9. to be included in something
  10. changing something
  1. enhanced
  2. ideas
  3. to allow
  4. to depend on
  5. include
  6. business
  7. delivering
  8. expects
  9. set up
  10. to change or make better

20 Clues: ideasset uplettingincludeexpectsenhancedto allowsuppliedschedulebusinessargumentadvantagedeliveringto transmitproductionsto depend onchanging somethingartificial intelligenceto change or make betterto be included in something

Psychology of the Workplace CH.9 2014-11-18

Psychology of the Workplace CH.9 crossword puzzle
  1. theory A theory that includes multiple tiers of needs that must be met in order
  2. This idea suggests that different people are motivated by different things
  3. A theory with only three categories of needs
  4. What employees put into a job
  5. Work motivation in the absence of external factors such as pay, promotion, and coworkers
  6. What employees receive from their job
  7. This should be given to the employee in private, should be constructive and concentrate on behaviors
  8. The employee wants this to be specific, sincere, and receive it in a timely manner
  1. The extent, to which a person views him or herself as a valuable or worthy individual
  2. motivation technique used by drawing attention to an employee
  3. This theory suggests that employees will be motivated by monitoring their own progress towards the goal they set
  4. This theory states all needs can fall under hygiene factors or motivators
  5. Work motivation that arises from non-personal factors such as pay, promotion, and coworkers
  6. Using this method to set up goals will make them the most successful

14 Clues: What employees put into a jobWhat employees receive from their jobA theory with only three categories of needsmotivation technique used by drawing attention to an employeeUsing this method to set up goals will make them the most successfulThis theory states all needs can fall under hygiene factors or motivators...

Psychology of the Workplace CH.9 2014-11-18

Psychology of the Workplace CH.9 crossword puzzle
  1. The employee wants this to be specific, sincere, and receive it in a timely manner
  2. The extent, to which a person views him or herself as a valuable or worthy individual
  3. This idea suggests that different people are motivated by different things
  4. This theory suggests that employees will be motivated by monitoring their own progress towards the goal they set
  5. This should be given to the employee in private, should be constructive and concentrate on behaviors
  6. What employees put into a job
  7. theory A theory that includes multiple tiers of needs that must be met in order
  1. Work motivation that arises from non-personal factors such as pay, promotion, and coworkers
  2. What employees receive from their job
  3. motivation technique used by drawing attention to an employee
  4. Work motivation in the absence of external factors such as pay, promotion, and coworkers
  5. This theory states all needs can fall under hygiene factors or motivators
  6. A theory with only three categories of needs
  7. Using this method to set up goals will make them the most successful

14 Clues: What employees put into a jobWhat employees receive from their jobA theory with only three categories of needsmotivation technique used by drawing attention to an employeeUsing this method to set up goals will make them the most successfulThis theory states all needs can fall under hygiene factors or motivators...

Psychology of the Workplace CH.9 2014-11-18

Psychology of the Workplace CH.9 crossword puzzle
  1. theory A theory that includes multiple tiers of needs that must be met in order
  2. This idea suggests that different people are motivated by different things
  3. A theory with only three categories of needs
  4. What employees put into a job
  5. Work motivation in the absence of external factors such as pay, promotion, and coworkers
  6. What employees receive from their job
  7. This should be given to the employee in private, should be constructive and concentrate on behaviors
  8. The employee wants this to be specific, sincere, and receive it in a timely manner
  1. The extent, to which a person views him or herself as a valuable or worthy individual
  2. motivation technique used by drawing attention to an employee
  3. This theory suggests that employees will be motivated by monitoring their own progress towards the goal they set
  4. This theory states all needs can fall under hygiene factors or motivators
  5. Work motivation that arises from non-personal factors such as pay, promotion, and coworkers
  6. Using this method to set up goals will make them the most successful

14 Clues: What employees put into a jobWhat employees receive from their jobA theory with only three categories of needsmotivation technique used by drawing attention to an employeeUsing this method to set up goals will make them the most successfulThis theory states all needs can fall under hygiene factors or motivators...

Crossword of Set Theory 2020-09-30

Crossword of Set Theory crossword puzzle
  1. A collection of elements
  2. A ⊆ B
  3. Set of all ordered pairs from A&B
  4. All subset of A
  5. |A|
  6. Z
  7. A ∪ B
  1. A ⊇ B
  2. (a,b)
  3. Both sets have the same members
  4. Set of all possible values
  5. Object that belong set A and set B
  6. Ac

13 Clues: ZAc|A|A ⊇ B(a,b)A ⊆ BA ∪ BAll subset of AA collection of elementsSet of all possible valuesBoth sets have the same membersSet of all ordered pairs from A&BObject that belong set A and set B

Theoretically Speaking 2022-03-23

Theoretically Speaking crossword puzzle
  1. theorized care plan revolved around a patient’s comfort levels
  2. her theory focuses on the independence of patients
  3. created a model for the healthcare system so patients are cared for in a holistic perspective.
  4. creator of the Human-to-Human Relationship model
  5. his theory suggests that people with a higher self-efficacy will recover quicker than those with a low self-efficacy
  6. the three stages of his theory are unfreezing, movement, and refreezing
  7. the five key concepts of this theorists’ model are person, illness, health, environment, and nursing
  8. Authored Perspectives on Adolescent Health Care, Transitions in a Woman’s Life, and Parents at Risk.
  9. using energy input/output as the main factor in nursing care
  10. the five stages of her theory are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation
  11. the nurse and patient set and achieve goals together
  1. Created a model that advocates for the fostering of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness
  2. the creator of the theory that is all about human becoming and addresses the issue of the different aspects of nursing.
  3. created a goal in their nursing theory of identifying a patient’s need for help
  4. her theory views man as more than just the sum of his parts
  5. the nursing process for the Twenty-One Nursing Problems theory is assessment, nursing, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation
  6. created the Ten Carative Factors
  7. created the tidal model of nursing
  8. her theory includes 14 components composed of basic human needs
  9. the creator of the theory that is known as “the Three C’s”
  10. this theorist devised the seven roles that nurses take on with their patients

21 Clues: created the Ten Carative Factorscreated the tidal model of nursingcreator of the Human-to-Human Relationship modelher theory focuses on the independence of patientsthe nurse and patient set and achieve goals togetherthe creator of the theory that is known as “the Three C’s”her theory views man as more than just the sum of his parts...

Nursing Theory & Theorists Crossword 2023-08-24

Nursing Theory & Theorists Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Beliefs and values that define a way of thinking and are generally known and understood by a group or discipline.
  2. Most general statement of discipline and functions as a framework in which the more restricted structures of conceptual models develop.
  3. One assumption in this nursing theory is that people should be self-reliant and responsible for their own care.
  4. The recipient of nursing care may include individuals, patients, groups, families, and communities.
  5. These theories are abstract, broad in scope, and complex.
  6. A belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action.
  7. Assumptions of her “21 Nursing Problems Theory” relate to change and anticipated changes that affect nursing.
  8. Representations of the interaction among and between the concepts showing patterns.
  9. This nurse’s theory is based on 10 carative factors.
  10. Founder of the “Theory of Transcultural Nursing”.
  11. The words that describe objects, properties, or events and are basic components of theory.
  1. This theorist’s health promotion model defines health as a positive dynamic state not merely the absence of disease.
  2. Defined as the nurse’s attributes, characteristics, and actions that provide care on behalf of or in conjunction with the client.
  3. She described Environmental Theory in her book Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not.
  4. Her “Theory of Interpersonal Relations” emphasizes the nurse-client relationship as the foundation of nursing practice.
  5. Defined as the degree of wellness or well-being that the client experiences.
  6. Her theory defines the individual as a set of interrelated systems that strive to maintain a balance between various stimuli.
  7. His theory has been applied to nursing to guide the prioritization of patient care needs.
  8. Belief Model: One of the first theories of health behavior.
  9. The internal and external surroundings that affect the client.

20 Clues: Founder of the “Theory of Transcultural Nursing”.This nurse’s theory is based on 10 carative factors.These theories are abstract, broad in scope, and complex.Belief Model: One of the first theories of health behavior.The internal and external surroundings that affect the client....

Introduction to Psychology 2021-03-19

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics.
  2. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by learning.
  3. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind.
  4. Gap in-between neurons.
  5. The science of animal and human behavior.
  6. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan.
  7. Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality.
  8. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior.
  9. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t.
  10. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development.
  1. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron.
  2. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge.
  3. Greek word for study.
  4. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential.
  5. A theory that suggests that the environment shapes human behavior.
  6. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event.
  7. A set of characteristics unique to each individual.
  8. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  9. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware.
  10. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.

20 Clues: Greek word for study.Gap in-between neurons.The science of animal and human behavior.Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan.A set of characteristics unique to each individual.Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior.Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind....

Unit 1 Review 2022-01-27

Unit 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. best company to work for
  2. theory based on experience/knowledge
  3. theory based on ppl.
  4. LVR Top Manager
  5. difficult to predict change for manager
  6. examples: dress code, layout, office design
  7. get work done to fulfill company goals
  8. manager function used to inspire
  9. example: leaving work early
  10. C-Level Employees
  11. search environment for important events or issues
  12. theory improved communication with tech.
  13. theory based on multiple theories can occur
  14. top manager for Tesla
  1. Patty McCord created this for Netflix
  2. Michael Scott from The Office
  3. defines right and wrong
  4. getting work done through others
  5. used to convince to do more or faster
  6. theory based on day-to-day
  7. business' purpose for existing
  8. get work done with low effort or cost
  9. manager function to determine goals
  10. chart used to visualize completing tasks
  11. manager function to monitor progress
  12. today
  13. manager function to delegate work
  14. set of values, beliefs, and attitudes
  15. number of workplace deviances
  16. successful managers do these four __

30 Clues: todayLVR Top ManagerC-Level Employeestheory based on manager for Tesladefines right and wrongbest company to work fortheory based on day-to-dayexample: leaving work earlyMichael Scott from The Officenumber of workplace deviancesbusiness' purpose for existinggetting work done through othersmanager function used to inspire...

Discrete Mathematics Set Theory 2024-07-15

Discrete Mathematics Set Theory crossword puzzle
  1. the number of elements of a set.
  2. a statement that is always false.
  3. type of a diagram used to model sets.
  4. a declarative sentence which is either true or false.
  5. joining of two words using the word 'or'.
  6. a statement that is always true.
  7. a set that contains no elements.
  1. set of subsets.
  2. an implication p -> q that can be proved by showing that if p is true then q is also true.
  3. a statement that is neither true nor false.
  4. the exact opposite of a statement.
  5. elements that belong to two or more sets.
  6. simplifying conditional or biconditional into basic form

13 Clues: set of subsets.the number of elements of a set.a statement that is always true.a set that contains no elements.a statement that is always false.the exact opposite of a statement.type of a diagram used to model sets.elements that belong to two or more sets.joining of two words using the word 'or'.a statement that is neither true nor false....

Introduction to Psychology 2021-03-19

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. The science of animal and human behavior.
  2. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by learning.
  3. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential.
  4. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t.
  5. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind.
  6. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware.
  7. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event.
  8. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.
  9. A theory that suggests that the environment shapes human behavior.
  1. Greek word for study.
  2. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge.
  3. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior.
  4. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  5. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan.
  6. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics.
  7. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development.
  8. Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality.
  9. A set of characteristics unique to each individual.
  10. Gap in-between neurons.
  11. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron.

20 Clues: Greek word for study.Gap in-between neurons.The science of animal and human behavior.Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan.A set of characteristics unique to each individual.Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior.Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind....

Introduction to Psychology 2021-03-19

Introduction to Psychology crossword puzzle
  1. The science of animal and human behavior.
  2. A theory that the reaction to an object or event by a person or animal can be modified by learning.
  3. A theory of psychology wherein it states that each individual has a unique potential.
  4. Impostor of Science; a set of claims that seem scientific but aren’t.
  5. Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind.
  6. School of psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, that focuses on internal psychological processes of which we’re unaware.
  7. A conclusion about the cause of an observed behavior/event.
  8. Nerve cells exquisitely specialized for communication with each other. The functioning of our brain depends on the cross-talk of these cells.
  9. A theory that suggests that the environment shapes human behavior.
  1. Greek word for study.
  2. Refers to the acquisition, processing, organizing, and use of knowledge.
  3. Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior.
  4. Discipline that applies Darwin’s theory of natural selection to man and animal behavior.
  5. Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan.
  6. School of psychology that aimed to understand the adaptive purposes of psychological characteristics.
  7. The failure to resolve problems at a particular stage and leads to a halt in development.
  8. Where all decision-making processes lie as it is the executive of the personality.
  9. A set of characteristics unique to each individual.
  10. Gap in-between neurons.
  11. Chemical messenger specialized for communication from neuron to neuron.

20 Clues: Greek word for study.Gap in-between neurons.The science of animal and human behavior.Study of how behavior changes over the lifespan.A set of characteristics unique to each individual.Emphasizes social and cultural Influences on Behavior.Discovery of basic elements (structures) of the human mind....

Algebra as Modernism Avowed 2021-04-13

Algebra as Modernism Avowed crossword puzzle
  1. This mathematician introduced a theory that provided a connection between field theory and group theory
  2. The term “modern algebra” was derived from a book written by this person
  3. Truee or False: we presented over 4.2
  4. Title of book: Plato's _______
  1. A set with binary operations (addition and multiplication) such that the set is an abelian group and satisfy the distributive property
  2. This formula has been proven impossible to construct using standard operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and radicals
  3. A set with two binary operations (addition and multiplication) such that the set is an abelian group, a monoid, and satisfy the distributive property
  4. A set with a binary operation such that the set is associative, has an identity, and has inverse elements
  5. This person set forth a set of axioms after World War I

9 Clues: Title of book: Plato's _______Truee or False: we presented over 4.2This person set forth a set of axioms after World War IThe term “modern algebra” was derived from a book written by this personThis mathematician introduced a theory that provided a connection between field theory and group theory...

INRS ICE 2015-04-29

INRS ICE crossword puzzle
  1. a cluster or set of beliefs in a particular discipline that determine what should be researched
  2. the study of being or reality
  3. paradigm concerned with subjective knowledge and understanding
  4. research where the researcher does not affect the findings of the study
  5. sampling that involves choosing elements that you wish to include based on a set of characteristics
  6. basic component of theories
  7. questions that ask respondents to rate a number of options
  8. measurement scales that use an absolute zero
  9. how simply and concisely a theory explains complex aspects
  10. general to specific reasoning
  1. research that usually attempts to study an unknown area
  2. tentative statement about a relationship between variables
  3. a field research approach that involves describing a culture the researcher is interested in
  4. variables that are likely to cause an effect
  5. theory about theory
  6. sampling that entails first splitting the population into sub-units or levels
  7. research: characterised by rigorous and systematic investigations

17 Clues: theory about theorybasic component of theoriesthe study of being or realitygeneral to specific reasoningvariables that are likely to cause an effectmeasurement scales that use an absolute zeroresearch that usually attempts to study an unknown areatentative statement about a relationship between variables...

INRS ICE 2015-04-29

INRS ICE crossword puzzle
  1. questions that ask respondents to rate a number of options
  2. measurement scales that use an absolute zero
  3. research: characterised by rigorous and systematic investigations
  4. variables that are likely to cause an effect
  5. the study of being or reality
  6. a field research approach that involves describing a culture the researcher is interested in
  7. sampling that involves choosing elements that you wish to include based on a set of characteristics
  8. theory about theory
  9. research that usually attempts to study an unknown area
  10. sampling that entails first splitting the population into sub-units or levels
  11. how simply and concisely a theory explains complex aspects
  1. research where the researcher does not affect the findings of the study
  2. paradigm concerned with subjective knowledge and understanding
  3. tentative statement about a relationship between variables
  4. basic component of theories
  5. general to specific reasoning
  6. a cluster or set of beliefs in a particular discipline that determine what should be researched

17 Clues: theory about theorybasic component of theoriesthe study of being or realitygeneral to specific reasoningmeasurement scales that use an absolute zerovariables that are likely to cause an effectresearch that usually attempts to study an unknown areaquestions that ask respondents to rate a number of options...

Global Issues 2015-02-04

Global Issues crossword puzzle
  1. ............... Stability Theory
  2. War A conflict between the USSR and the US
  3. Entente the agreement between UK, France, Russia, Italy and the US during WW1
  4. Autonomy over your territory
  5. During the Middle Age, system based on classes
  6. The ability of an actor to achieve its goals
  7. Imperialism where the dominating state takes control of another state
  8. No world government
  9. Structuralism A theory based on the idea that wealth is power
  1. ISIS is this type of actor
  2. dilemma choice faced by states between arming itself or not
  3. Greek general
  4. A doctrine adopted by the US not to intervene overseas
  5. A generalized set of explanations
  6. Presence of competing actors and ideas
  7. A theory which focuses on "how things should be"

16 Clues: Greek generalNo world governmentISIS is this type of actorAutonomy over your territory............... Stability TheoryA generalized set of explanationsPresence of competing actors and ideasWar A conflict between the USSR and the USThe ability of an actor to achieve its goalsDuring the Middle Age, system based on classes...

Global Issues 2015-02-04

Global Issues crossword puzzle
  1. ISIS is this type of actor
  2. During the Middle Age, system based on classes
  3. A theory based on the idea that wealth is power
  4. ............... Stability Theory
  5. Greek general
  6. A theory which focuses on "how things should be"
  1. The ability of an actor to achieve its goals
  2. Autonomy over your territory
  3. Entente the agreement between UK, France, Russia, Italy and the US during WW1
  4. Presence of competing actors and ideas
  5. A generalized set of explanations
  6. where the dominating state takes control of another state
  7. A doctrine adopted by the US not to intervene overseas
  8. choice faced by a state between arming itself or not
  9. No world government
  10. A conflict between the USSR and the US

16 Clues: Greek generalNo world governmentISIS is this type of actorAutonomy over your territory............... Stability TheoryA generalized set of explanationsPresence of competing actors and ideasA conflict between the USSR and the USThe ability of an actor to achieve its goalsDuring the Middle Age, system based on classes...

SET THEORY 2023-09-14

SET THEORY crossword puzzle
  1. set with uncountable number of elements
  2. The set which has just one element
  3. The set of all subsets
  1. A set that contains all the elements of other sets
  2. set with no element
  3. set with countable number of elements

6 Clues: set with no elementThe set of all subsetsThe set which has just one elementset with countable number of elementsset with uncountable number of elementsA set that contains all the elements of other sets

Linguistics 2019-11-13

Linguistics crossword puzzle
  1. The person who described a set of biologically controlled behaviors, which we can use to test (INNATENESS THEORY).
  2. A neglected child found in the 1970s who was not able to acquire language fully, as she had passed the (CRITICAL PERIOD).
  3. A communicative gesture, distinctive from a sign found in a signed language.
  4. The theoretical period of time in which we are able to acquire language (proposed (LENNEBURG)).
  5. "Now there is another one. There are two of them. There are two _____." This is evidence for (ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION).
  6. ____ of a Grammar Theory, the most influential LA theory, asserts that children create rules of grammar themselves.
  7. The stage in life when the critical period is theorized to end.
  1. A type of speech error a child makes when they assume too much, which is evidence for (ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION).
  2. Hypothesis which suggests we are genetically predisposed to acquire and use language.
  3. "My child keeps saying 'other one spoon' instead of 'other spoon' no matter how often I correct them." is evidence against which theory?
  4. _____ Theory claims children learn language just by listening and reproducing.
  5. The father of modern Linguistics who proposed (UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR). Bonus question!
  6. Subconscious process of learning.
  7. Set of structural characteristics shared by all languages. Evidence for (INNATENESS THEORY).

14 Clues: Subconscious process of learning.The stage in life when the critical period is theorized to end.A communicative gesture, distinctive from a sign found in a signed language._____ Theory claims children learn language just by listening and reproducing.The father of modern Linguistics who proposed (UNIVERSAL GRAMMAR). Bonus question!...

Vocab Stats - Graham Presley 2023-04-14

Vocab Stats - Graham Presley crossword puzzle
  1. the mean average and the median
  2. an inactive substance that looks like the drug or treatment being tested
  3. the arranging of experimental units in groups blocks that are similar to one another
  4. to apply any statistical method to your data
  5. algebra, calculus, number theory, probability theory, game theory, data collection and sampling methods, and statistical modelling.
  6. a term that describes how a score compares to other scores from the same set
  7. a data point that differs significantly from other observations.
  8. computer experiments that involve creating data
  9. the two sides of the distribution are a mirror image of each other
  10. widely used to present measurements of two or more related variables.
  11. is the application of statistical methods to monitor and control the quality of a production process.
  1. the process of drawing conclusions about an underlying population based on a sample or subset of the data.
  2. an experiment or trial is any procedure that can be infinitely repeated and has a well-defined set of possible outcomes, known as the sample space.
  3. The use of a controlled study is the most effective way of establishing causality between variables.
  4. the mean, the median, and the mode.
  5. Whereas statistics is more about how we handle various data using different techniques
  6. describe how similar or varied the set of observed values are for a particular variable
  7. the difference between predicted values of y dependent variable and observed values of y
  8. a statistical measure that expresses the extent to which two variables are linearly related
  9. a population is a set of similar items or events which is of interest for some question or experiment.

20 Clues: the mean average and the medianthe mean, the median, and the apply any statistical method to your datacomputer experiments that involve creating dataa data point that differs significantly from other observations.the two sides of the distribution are a mirror image of each other...

PUZZLE TIME 2022-01-30

PUZZLE TIME crossword puzzle
  1. basic needs to human life such as food, clothing, shelter etc.,
  2. a movement to a position with greater responsibilities
  3. incentive to abstain an individual from doing something
  4. pension, leave encashment are what benefits?
  5. anything that relieves a motive
  6. who proposed Theory X and Theory Y
  7. task-oriented role
  1. perceived probability that effort will lead to good performance
  2. proposed need hierarchy theory
  3. working condition is a _________ factor
  4. down-sizing of a group could increase group ______?
  5. a set of expected behavior pattern attached to a position
  6. willingness to exert high levels of effort towards organizational goals
  7. self-respect, self-confidence are part of _____ needs?
  8. proposed a theory based on expectancy of human beings

15 Clues: task-oriented roleproposed need hierarchy theoryanything that relieves a motivewho proposed Theory X and Theory Yworking condition is a _________ factorpension, leave encashment are what benefits?down-sizing of a group could increase group ______?proposed a theory based on expectancy of human beings...


NURSEWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. most immediately confronting the person
  2. potential for process, movement and change
  3. drama of suffering
  4. system model in nursing practice
  5. governed behavior is limited and inflexible
  6. unifyong concept
  7. person has no background experience
  8. strenghthens the effect of the focal stimulus
  9. means suffering
  10. it set up the possibility of giving and receiving help
  11. event that produce stress
  12. Beginning of nursing theory development can be traced to
  13. refers to the act that occurs and nurse welcomes the patient
  14. It became the driving force in 1950-1970s
  15. originallt refers to home
  16. method for describing, explaining and predicting causes or outcomes
  17. process of nursing perception, conceptualization and critical thinking
  18. specific to academia and refers to branch of education
  19. earned BSN in 1964
  20. set towards disprganization of the system
  1. primary method of data collection.
  2. nurse with 2-3 years experience on the job
  3. any change in internal or external environment
  4. science of unitary human beings
  5. determination of how best to assist the person attaining the established goals
  6. system that is continuous activities are conducted to achieve goals
  7. information processing, change of information from one state to another
  8. composite of thoughts and feelings
  9. set of behaviors expected when occupying a position in a social system
  10. term used by comte in the early 20th century
  11. set towards stability
  12. means love and charity
  13. dynamic in nature
  14. duration of one event to another
  15. known for “from novice to expert”
  16. vary according to culture and gender.
  17. affect the focal stimulus but the effect is unclear
  18. was to assist nature in healing the patient.
  19. his/her theory is the theory of caritative caring
  20. constitures one of the basic concepts pf caritative caring ethics

40 Clues: means sufferingunifyong conceptdynamic in naturedrama of sufferingearned BSN in 1964set towards stabilitymeans love and charityevent that produce stressoriginallt refers to homescience of unitary human beingssystem model in nursing practiceduration of one event to anotherknown for “from novice to expert”primary method of data collection....

Family Systems Theory 2017-10-18

Family Systems Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Every family has it's own set of rules and ______.
  2. One of the key concepts is ______.
  3. What family therapy approach focuses on communication and problem solving skills?
  4. Working with one family member and it having a positive effect is called the....
  5. This theory helps you be able to see the big picture from a _________ perspective.
  1. Someone would use this theory when working with _____.
  2. How many key concepts are there?
  3. Strategies, Techniques and _______.
  4. Bowen's theory is Family ______ Theory.
  5. What intervention shows family roles, relationships and patterns?
  6. This theory focuses on the _____ approach.
  7. What is the first name of the theorist associated with this theory?

12 Clues: How many key concepts are there?One of the key concepts is ______.Strategies, Techniques and _______.Bowen's theory is Family ______ Theory.This theory focuses on the _____ approach.Every family has it's own set of rules and ______.Someone would use this theory when working with _____....

Set theory DM unit 1 2024-07-15

Set theory DM unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A union B=B union A
  2. If A union B is C then A and B are
  3. set representation method
  4. elements not in given set
  5. If two sets have no elements in common, then they are
  6. elements in A and B
  7. All elements of A plus B
  8. A and B
  9. number of elements in a set
  1. A intersection B = phi
  2. set containing all the elements
  3. A or B
  4. A union A is A
  5. only A
  6. ~A
  7. all elements of A in B
  8. If A then B
  9. diagrammatic representation of set

18 Clues: ~AA or Bonly AA and BIf A then BA union A is AA union B=B union Aelements in A and BA intersection B = phiall elements of A in BAll elements of A plus Bset representation methodelements not in given setnumber of elements in a setset containing all the elementsIf A union B is C then A and B arediagrammatic representation of set...

Globalisation Key terms 2021-09-07

Globalisation Key terms crossword puzzle
  1. International organisation that oversees fair and free trade
  2. The cost of the next best alternative foregone
  3. Agreement signed by two countries on trade
  4. Ratio of export prices to import prices
  5. His theory is that of specialisation
  6. Ricardo's theory of trade
  7. A company that operates in more than one country
  8. One with a common external tariff
  9. Investment in one country into another
  1. An organisation the UK is not part of
  2. Limit set on imports
  3. One with free movement of people and capital
  4. Group of countries with free trade between them
  5. When a country takes advantage of comparative advantage
  6. Measures to remove trade barriers
  7. One where countries set their own tariffs on external members
  8. An industry in decline
  9. What the WO used to be called
  10. An new industry that needs protection
  11. Given to firms to lower production costs
  12. Tax on imports

21 Clues: Tax on importsLimit set on importsAn industry in declineRicardo's theory of tradeWhat the WO used to be calledMeasures to remove trade barriersOne with a common external tariffHis theory is that of specialisationAn organisation the UK is not part ofAn new industry that needs protectionInvestment in one country into another...

Nursing Theorists 2022-03-10

Nursing Theorists crossword puzzle
  1. Founder of Bolton's World Health Collaborating Center for Nursing
  2. developed the theory of interpersonal relations
  3. this lady’s theory has three components: focal, contextual, and residual
  4. published her first book along with Evelyn M. Tomlin and Mary Ann P. Swain in 1983
  5. Revolutionized clinical psychology and counseling in schools
  6. Her theory states that a nurse and patient should set attainable goals and then both take actions to work towards those goals.
  7. this lady’s theory identifies the four main elements of nursing as philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and the art.
  8. currently serving as Associate Professor of nursing at the University of Akron College of Nursing
  9. her theory deals with the interpersonal aspects of nursing and human-to-human relationships
  10. Her theory assessed patients' level of independence and provided the best-individualized care for them
  1. Her theory states that all patients will recover more quickly and holistically by performing their own self-care if possible.
  2. first woman to serve as a Deputy Surgeon General
  3. known for her definition of nursing, “The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge"
  4. proposed interpersonal theory of personality
  5. developed the helping art of clinical nursing
  6. developed a grading policy that required nursing students to prove their abilities in order to be awarded qualifications
  7. this lady’s theory makes the assumption that care is the essence of nursing and a distinct, dominant, and unifying focus.
  8. known as the “Lady with the lamp.”
  9. he contributed to the field of psychology and his theory established the factors that cause a high or low level of self-efficacy
  10. Her theory states that a holistic approach is key when caring in nursing.

20 Clues: known as the “Lady with the lamp.”proposed interpersonal theory of personalitydeveloped the helping art of clinical nursingdeveloped the theory of interpersonal relationsfirst woman to serve as a Deputy Surgeon GeneralRevolutionized clinical psychology and counseling in schoolsFounder of Bolton's World Health Collaborating Center for Nursing...

Globalisation Key terms 2021-09-07

Globalisation Key terms crossword puzzle
  1. An new industry that needs protection
  2. Limit set on imports
  3. When a country takes advantage of comparative advantage
  4. Ratio of export prices to import prices
  5. Tax on imports
  6. Given to firms to lower production costs
  7. One with a common external tariff
  8. Group of countries with free trade between them
  9. One where countries set their own tariffs on external members
  10. International organisation that oversees fair and free trade
  1. Measures to remove trade barriers
  2. The cost of the next best alternative foregone
  3. Agreement signed by two countries on trade
  4. What the WTO used to be called
  5. An organisation the UK is not part of
  6. His theory is that of specialisation
  7. An industry in decline
  8. One with free movement of people and capital
  9. Investment from one country into another
  10. Ricardo's theory of trade
  11. A company that operates in more than one country

21 Clues: Tax on importsLimit set on importsAn industry in declineRicardo's theory of tradeWhat the WTO used to be calledMeasures to remove trade barriersOne with a common external tariffHis theory is that of specialisationAn new industry that needs protectionAn organisation the UK is not part ofRatio of export prices to import prices...

Globalisation Key terms 2021-09-07

Globalisation Key terms crossword puzzle
  1. International organisation that oversees fair and free trade
  2. The cost of the next best alternative foregone
  3. Agreement signed by two countries on trade
  4. Ratio of export prices to import prices
  5. His theory is that of specialisation
  6. Ricardo's theory of trade
  7. A company that operates in more than one country
  8. One with a common external tariff
  9. Investment from one country into another
  1. An organisation the UK is not part of
  2. Limit set on imports
  3. One with free movement of people and capital
  4. Group of countries with free trade between them
  5. When a country takes advantage of comparative advantage
  6. Measures to remove trade barriers
  7. One where countries set their own tariffs on external members
  8. An industry in decline
  9. What the WTO used to be called
  10. An new industry that needs protection
  11. Given to firms to lower production costs
  12. Tax on imports

21 Clues: Tax on importsLimit set on importsAn industry in declineRicardo's theory of tradeWhat the WTO used to be calledMeasures to remove trade barriersOne with a common external tariffHis theory is that of specialisationAn organisation the UK is not part ofAn new industry that needs protectionRatio of export prices to import prices...

Globalisation Key terms 2021-09-07

Globalisation Key terms crossword puzzle
  1. International organisation that oversees fair and free trade
  2. The cost of the next best alternative foregone
  3. Agreement signed by two countries on trade
  4. Ratio of export prices to import prices
  5. His theory is that of specialisation
  6. Ricardo's theory of trade
  7. A company that operates in more than one country
  8. One with a common external tariff
  9. Investment from one country into another
  1. An organisation the UK is not part of
  2. Limit set on imports
  3. One with free movement of people and capital
  4. Group of countries with free trade between them
  5. When a country takes advantage of comparative advantage
  6. Measures to remove trade barriers
  7. One where countries set their own tariffs on external members
  8. An industry in decline
  9. What the WO used to be called
  10. An new industry that needs protection
  11. Given to firms to lower production costs
  12. Tax on imports

21 Clues: Tax on importsLimit set on importsAn industry in declineRicardo's theory of tradeWhat the WO used to be calledMeasures to remove trade barriersOne with a common external tariffHis theory is that of specialisationAn organisation the UK is not part ofAn new industry that needs protectionRatio of export prices to import prices...

Math Ninja 2024-09-05

Math Ninja crossword puzzle
  1. Prince of Mathematics
  2. Number of elements in a group
  3. Polynomial with one term
  4. Combination of variables,numbers and operations
  5. A line that approaches a curve but doesn't intersect
  6. A way to divide a set of data into 4 equal parts
  7. A graph where all edges are bidirectional
  8. A function that is analytic in its domain except at poles
  9. A matrix where the entries are non-negative and each row and column sums to 1
  10. Known for his work on Set Theory
  11. Largest known named number
  12. x-coordinate is also known as
  1. Four sided polygon
  2. A function that either increases or decreases
  3. A function of the form f(x) = x^(p)
  4. Father of Graph Theory
  5. 13 sided polygon
  6. A polygon where all vertices lie on a single circle
  7. Square roots that cannot be simplified into whole numbers or integers
  8. Prime numbers of the form 2^(p) - 1

20 Clues: 13 sided polygonFour sided polygonPrince of MathematicsFather of Graph TheoryPolynomial with one termLargest known named numberNumber of elements in a groupx-coordinate is also known asKnown for his work on Set TheoryA function of the form f(x) = x^(p)Prime numbers of the form 2^(p) - 1A graph where all edges are bidirectional...


NURSE WORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. are accepted as truth and represents the values and beliefs of the theory or conceptual framework.
  2. A term or a label that describes a phenomenon or a group phenomena
  3. Presents the first nursing theory that focuses on the manipulation of the environment for the benefit of the patient.
  4. Is a statement about a concept or a statement of the relation between two or more concepts
  5. the performance no longer relies on analytical principle to connect an understanding of the situation to an appropriate action
  6. is the most global prspective of a discipline
  7. Takes the place in the environment that affects the client and involves taking action to modify that environment
  8. Nightingale work is clear and easily understood.
  9. is the theory that the origin of all knowledge is sensory experience
  10. Theory have been used to provide general guidelines for all nurse.
  11. which supports that empirical research and logical analysis where two approaches that would produce scientific knowledge
  1. Nightingale recommended two essential behaviors by the nurse in the area of assessment
  2. The advanced beginner moves
  3. Is specifically defined as a set of concepts and statements that integrate the concepts into meaningful configuration
  4. has metaphysical component that implies that the natural world exists
  5. Is based on the effect of the changes in the environment on the client and involves taking action to modify that environment
  6. The performer perceives the situation a whole rather than the terms of aspects .
  7. the person has no background experience of the situation in which he or she involved
  8. is an organized coherent and systematic of a set of statements
  9. This is accomplished with cards, flowers, pictures, books or puzzles .
  10. Develop and implement adequate light in the client’s room without placing the client in direct light.
  11. Nightingale provides a descriptive explanatory theory

22 Clues: The advanced beginner movesis the most global prspective of a disciplineNightingale work is clear and easily understood.Nightingale provides a descriptive explanatory theoryis an organized coherent and systematic of a set of statementsA term or a label that describes a phenomenon or a group phenomena...

Chapters 1-4 2019-06-03

Chapters 1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. individuals weave together information to explain the world
  2. one's personality and behavior are influenced by social development
  3. conflicts caused by misinterpretations and information
  4. goals regarding the expression of self-worth, pride, or self-respect
  5. issues that have potential for conflict not yet perceived
  6. a theory that models outcomes of choices by players
  7. claiming credit for solutions depleting value that previously existed
  8. an individualized reaction to a word derived from experience
  9. one party's desired means of how a negotiation should proceed
  10. the event that precipitates a conflict episode
  11. an interaction theory advance by Delia and others
  12. a demand or proposed solution
  13. an overreaching set of beliefs about the world and one's place in
  14. one thing or person requires another to meet goals
  15. one person's preference for type or depth of connection to another
  16. one's view of oneself
  17. the general conversation area in which a conflict may be imbedded
  18. a tendency to defend one's position from a competitive stance
  19. communications about communicaiton
  20. critical moment during interaction when one choice sets the tone
  21. goals held by individuals at the beginning of a conflict
  22. tentative explanations for observed behaviors
  1. goals around tangible resources
  2. a word, gesture, or picture that stands for something else
  3. cooperative win-win interest-based bargaining
  4. a tactic in response to conflict not to engage
  5. using decision making process to create outcomes with benefit to all
  6. a relatively stable set of preceptions about oneself
  7. the public or private image one holds
  8. a theory that holds one's personality and behavior are influenced by biology
  9. the end or desired condition
  10. submission during conflict
  11. the literal dictionary definition of a word
  12. assumes a behavior was caused by factors inherent to the person
  13. the allocated resources left will ultimately reach zero
  14. reasons that support an assertion or claim
  15. a theory that highlights the complex nature of life
  16. deeply seated core ideas about right and wrong
  17. a theory developed by Lewin
  18. a need that drives a goal

40 Clues: one's view of oneselfa need that drives a goalsubmission during conflicta theory developed by Lewinthe end or desired conditiona demand or proposed solutiongoals around tangible resourcescommunications about communicaitonthe public or private image one holdsreasons that support an assertion or claimthe literal dictionary definition of a word...

Child Development Crossword 2023-11-06

Child Development Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The main goal to achieve during this stage is object permanence
  2. Allow a wide range of freedom to children
  3. theories analyze the symbolic meaning behind behaviors
  4. Type of development that includes changes in the size, shape, and muscular control of the body
  5. married parents and their biological or adopted children
  6. is a set of ideas proposed to describe and explain certain a phenomena (human development).
  7. Children begin thinking logically and rationally
  8. Created a hierarchy of needs
  9. theory is called the social cognitive theory
  10. Showing children how to perform tasks by demonstrating
  11. Based on the idea that children should obey their parents without question
  12. a type of theory where ideas about how people process information, think, and learn
  13. theories based on the belief that people’s behavior is determined by forces in the environment that are beyond their control
  14. Can think abstractly and hypothetically
  15. parents and children and other kind such as aunts, uncles, and cousins all live under the same roof
  16. Providing help to the child until they grow confident
  1. Teaching should be done through model, instruction, and working together on tasks or projects
  2. Provide the children with independence, but still have set limits
  3. Responsible for the theory of moral development
  4. Responsible for the Theory of Cognitive Development
  5. Responsible for the Operant Conditioning Theory
  6. Parent(s) and adopted children.
  7. An adult couple without children
  8. Type of development that includes growth in the ability to get along with people
  9. A group of families with or without children, and single adults that live together
  10. Second marriage or blended families, often called “step”
  11. Developed the theory of classical conditioning
  12. means giving a child opportunities for encouragement and enrichment.
  13. Type of development that includes growth in the ability to control and express emotions in acceptable ways
  14. Widows, widowers, divorced men and women, separated men and women, unmarried mothers or fathers caring for children
  15. Begin to think symbolically
  16. means using firmness and understanding to help children learn to control their own behavior
  17. Type of development that includes growth in the ability to use language and understand concepts
  18. Eight life stages

34 Clues: Eight life stagesBegin to think symbolicallyCreated a hierarchy of needsParent(s) and adopted children.An adult couple without childrenCan think abstractly and hypotheticallyAllow a wide range of freedom to childrentheory is called the social cognitive theoryDeveloped the theory of classical conditioning...

HSC3032: CH 4 THEORIES 2022-09-30

HSC3032: CH 4 THEORIES crossword puzzle
  1. The last people to be involved and interested in change are called ______
  2. of influence What is at the heart of socio-ecological approach
  3. set of interrelated concepts, definitions, propositions that presents a a systematic view of events/ situations by specifying relations among variables
  4. Which TMC stage matches when an individual is aware that smoking is bad and considers quitting
  5. The central focus of SMART is the ________
  6. In the diffusion of theory, these people are the 1st to adopt
  7. Social Cognitive Theory was created by _____
  8. The creator of the Health Behavior Model(HBM)
  9. model Precede-Proceed can be a categorized as a ______
  10. Theories are _______, not representations
  11. the primary elements of theories
  1. interpersonal theory created by Prochaska that explains intentional behavior occurs in stages
  2. perceived ability to carry out recommended action
  3. Models are ______ , not explanations
  4. These theories summarize that individuals are influenced by social environment and individuals have a reciprocal effect on those around them
  5. Fishbein was the creator of Theory of ______ Behavior
  6. T/F: Theory of Planned Behavior Model can explain all voluntary behaviors
  7. Which interpersonal theory best match when an individual feels threatened by their current behavior and ultimately they are confident in their abilities to overcome barriers to pursue change
  8. policy What level of influence is reached when there are local, state, and national laws
  9. indication of a person's readiness to perform a given behavior
  10. Cognitive Learning is a reciprocal interaction between the individual's environment, cognitive process, and behavior is what theory?
  11. How many stages are there in the TMC?

22 Clues: the primary elements of theoriesModels are ______ , not explanationsHow many stages are there in the TMC?Theories are _______, not representationsThe central focus of SMART is the ________Social Cognitive Theory was created by _____The creator of the Health Behavior Model(HBM)perceived ability to carry out recommended action...

transword 89 2018-07-18

transword 89 crossword puzzle
  1. end
  2. part
  3. general
  4. number
  5. directions
  6. diverse
  7. theory
  8. common, communal
  9. hereby
  10. seniors
  11. decide
  12. learning years
  13. offers
  14. want
  15. lesson
  1. to swim, swimming
  2. shelter
  3. oriented
  4. important
  5. goes out
  6. to lead
  7. established, set
  8. preference
  9. recreation
  10. practice
  11. to say

26 Clues: endpartwantnumbertheoryherebydecideto sayofferslessonshelterto leadgeneraldiverseseniorsorientedgoes outpracticeimportantdirectionspreferencerecreationlearning yearsestablished, setcommon, communalto swim, swimming

Theories of language acquisition 2020-11-09

Theories of language acquisition crossword puzzle
  1. someone who takes care of a person who is young, old, or sick
  2. This theory placed acquisition of language within the context of a child's mental or cognitive development
  3. …………………… are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do at a certain age range
  4. Noam Chomsky said the brain has an innate function for language acquisition, this natural faculty is called …………………………
  5. ……… was a Swiss psychologist and genetic epistemologist
  6. This theory says that children must have an inborn faculty for language acquisition
  7. adults use a different speech when they want to talk with a child, this process is called ……………………
  8. This theory emphasizes the interaction between children and their care-givers
  1. when the child does something right or correctly, the behaviorist theory says that the parents or caregiver need to give to the child a ……………
  2. when you repeat many times some activity, that you need to do it again like a drug (think about Operant conditioning)
  3. In Chomsky’s theory we have the LAD, but in the interactionist theory we have ……………………..
  4. ………….. American psychologist and educator who developed theories on perception, learning, memory, and other aspects of cognition in young children
  5. According with the text, the innateness theory explained that the process to acquire a language is ……………………….
  6. ………… is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social critic, and political activist
  7. Children make mistakes when they are learning to speak, but sometimes these mistakes are good, how does the author call these mistakes?
  8. “Neuro-science has also identified specific areas of the brain with distinctly linguistic functions, notably Broca's area and …………………..”
  9. This theory talks about how children learn a language through imitation
  10. there is a period when children have a big facility to understand and learn a language, who does the text call this period?
  11. In phonetic terms, an .......... is a stretch of spoken language that is preceded by silence and followed by silence or a change of speaker
  12. ……. was an American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher (write just the last name)

20 Clues: ……… was a Swiss psychologist and genetic epistemologistsomeone who takes care of a person who is young, old, or sickThis theory talks about how children learn a language through imitationThis theory emphasizes the interaction between children and their care-giversThis theory says that children must have an inborn faculty for language acquisition...

Psychology Personality 2023-02-21

Psychology Personality crossword puzzle
  1. Personality Inventory that is used to diagnose mental disorders
  2. set of ten inkblots designed to identify people’s feelings
  3. sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident
  4. Questionnaires graded by a computer
  5. friendly/compassionate vs. challenging/callous
  6. projective test which people express their inner feelings through stories
  7. efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless
  1. asks subject to interpret a picture
  2. theory concerned with the unconscious mind
  3. theory concerned about the conscious feeling in light of experience
  4. more concerned with external forces influencing personality
  5. theory on personality more concerned with our biology
  6. the “moral principle” the conscience
  7. inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious
  8. moderates between the id and superego
  9. “pleasure principle” unconscious animalistic impulses
  10. outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved
  11. Father of psychoanalysis

18 Clues: Father of psychoanalysisasks subject to interpret a pictureQuestionnaires graded by a computerthe “moral principle” the consciencemoderates between the id and superegooutgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reservedsensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confidentinventive/curious vs. consistent/cautioustheory concerned with the unconscious mind...

Chapter 3 - Sensation and Perception 2015-09-21

Chapter 3 - Sensation and Perception crossword puzzle
  1. these are located in the retina and responsible for color perception
  2. opening to the eye
  3. the theory that the entire basilar membrane can detect any frequency
  4. adjustment to stimuli after prolonged exposure
  5. principles of how we organize bits and peices into a meaningful whole
  6. theory that receptor cells for color are linked in pairs
  7. theory of pain that states particular neurons in the spinal cord can block pain
  8. false percetions
  1. protective covering of the eye
  2. attempting to shape how you think or feel
  3. playing music backwards to reveal a message
  4. focal point on the retina
  5. theory of hearing that states that different areas of the basilar membrane are responsible for different frequencies
  6. more detail is visible up close
  7. stimuli that creates an expectation
  8. the smallest amount that can be detected
  9. theory that there are three kinds of cones in the retine
  10. chemical released to attract a mate
  11. processing information using higher level knowledge
  12. processing done by understanding parts until it creates a whole
  13. a coiled tube in the ear filled with fluid that vibrates
  14. part of the ear thst vibrates when sound waves hit it

22 Clues: false percetionsopening to the eyefocal point on the retinaprotective covering of the eyemore detail is visible up closestimuli that creates an expectationchemical released to attract a matethe smallest amount that can be detectedattempting to shape how you think or feelplaying music backwards to reveal a message...

Theory 2023-01-24

Theory crossword puzzle
  1. sweetly
  2. faster, quick
  3. two half steps
  4. a musical sign that is at the beginning of a piece and tells you what lines and spaces you have
  5. Sad
  6. broadly, slow
  7. the acronym for the bass clef spaces
  8. Happy
  9. very very fast
  10. emphasized or stressed
  11. very soft
  12. short and detached
  13. A signature that tells you what notes to play
  14. examines the fundamentals of music
  15. lean into the note
  16. walking pace
  17. slow and leisurely
  18. a gradual increase in volume
  19. medium loud
  20. more
  1. lively
  2. smooth or connected
  3. loud
  4. very slow
  5. a gradual decrease in tempo
  6. little
  7. natural minor scale
  8. a gradual decrease in volume
  9. a sudden forceful emphasis
  10. a curved line connecting two or more notes
  11. the acronym for the treble clef spaces
  12. Traditional major scale
  13. very loud
  14. moderate speed
  15. very fast
  16. a gradual increase in tempo
  17. A signature that tells you how many beats are in one measure and what type of note gets the beat
  18. soft/quiet
  19. the distance between two adjacent keys
  20. medium soft

40 Clues: SadloudmoreHappylivelylittlesweetlyvery slowvery loudvery fastvery softsoft/quietmedium softmedium loudwalking pacefaster, quickbroadly, slowtwo half stepsmoderate speedvery very fastshort and detachedlean into the noteslow and leisurelysmooth or connectednatural minor scaleemphasized or stressedTraditional major scalea sudden forceful emphasis...

Vietnam WAR 2016-04-27

Vietnam WAR crossword puzzle
  1. One of two warships attacked
  2. The domino theory set off a _________ chain reaction
  3. the month the U.S. entered to war
  4. the month that the war ended
  5. who helped Vietnam during the wAr
  6. the month that the war started
  7. the war seemed _______
  8. where the wAr occurred
  9. two attacks by North _________ torpedo boats
  10. Domino ______ declared the Republic of Vietnam
  11. Gulf f ______ Resolution
  12. how many countries were included in the wAr
  1. Viet ____ was not popular
  2. ______ Theory
  3. Viet cong was __________
  4. Vietnam was separated into North and _____ Vietnam
  5. opposed independence
  6. provided military advisors
  7. how many years did the wAr last
  8. John F. _______ sent "military advisors" to help train South Vietnamese army
  9. France sought a _____ settlement
  10. the second warship attacked
  11. the purpose to repel any further aggression

23 Clues: ______ Theoryopposed independencethe war seemed _______where the wAr occurredViet cong was __________Gulf f ______ ResolutionViet ____ was not popularprovided military advisorsthe second warship attackedOne of two warships attackedthe month that the war endedthe month that the war startedhow many years did the wAr last...

Theory 2023-12-01

Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Fifteenth
  2. Health
  3. About
  4. sixteenth
  5. lang
  6. Insurance
  7. seven
  8. You
  9. Nine
  10. Is
  11. Twelve
  12. Of
  13. Seventern
  14. eighties
  15. Han
  1. Kasi
  2. six
  3. four
  4. Jay
  5. Ten
  6. three
  7. fourteenth
  8. eleven
  9. Nineties
  10. two
  11. You
  12. Thirteen
  13. Nine
  14. five
  15. eight

30 Clues: IsOfsixJayTentwoYouYouHanKasifourlangNineNinefiveAboutthreeseveneightHealthelevenTwelveNinetiesThirteeneightiesFifteenthsixteenthInsuranceSeventernfourteenth

Vietnam WAR 2016-04-27

Vietnam WAR crossword puzzle
  1. One of two warships attacked
  2. The domino theory set off a _________ chain reaction
  3. the month the U.S. entered to war
  4. the month that the war ended
  5. who helped Vietnam during the wAr
  6. the month that the war started
  7. the war seemed _______
  8. where the wAr occurred
  9. two attacks by North _________ torpedo boats
  10. Domino ______ declared the Republic of Vietnam
  11. Gulf f ______ Resolution
  12. how many countries were included in the wAr
  1. Viet ____ was not popular
  2. ______ Theory
  3. Viet cong was __________
  4. Vietnam was separated into North and _____ Vietnam
  5. opposed independence
  6. provided military advisors
  7. how many years did the wAr last
  8. John F. _______ sent "military advisors" to help train South Vietnamese army
  9. France sought a _____ settlement
  10. the second warship attacked
  11. the purpose to repel any further aggression

23 Clues: ______ Theoryopposed independencethe war seemed _______where the wAr occurredViet cong was __________Gulf f ______ ResolutionViet ____ was not popularprovided military advisorsthe second warship attackedOne of two warships attackedthe month that the war endedthe month that the war startedhow many years did the wAr last...

NUR 3166 Introduction to Nursing Science 2023-09-24

NUR 3166 Introduction to Nursing Science crossword puzzle
  1. AND, OR, NOT
  2. Encompasses the aims or objectives the scientist hopes to achieve
  3. Theory about social processes
  4. Qualitative study instrument
  5. systematically developed recommendations that serve as a guide for practitioners
  6. Null hypothesis
  7. Randomized controlled trials
  8. theory generating research
  9. Step 6 research process
  10. Format used to develop searchable clinical questions
  11. SRs and meta-analyses
  12. Original sources
  13. Aggregation of qualitative findings
  14. White papers and gov't documents
  1. Integration of qualitative findings
  2. This variable has the presumed effect on the other
  3. Lived experiences
  4. Editorial review process
  5. Largest database
  6. short, comprehensive synopsis of a study
  7. Qualitative studies
  8. research, clinical expertise and patient preferences to inform clinical decision making
  9. I Systematic reviews
  10. Cultural or social groups and systems
  11. Following procedures to increase accuracy
  12. set of interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions

26 Clues: AND, OR, NOTNull hypothesisLargest databaseOriginal sourcesLived experiencesQualitative studiesI Systematic reviewsSRs and meta-analysesStep 6 research processEditorial review processtheory generating researchQualitative study instrumentRandomized controlled trialsTheory about social processesWhite papers and gov't documents...

Nursing Theory & Theorist Crossword 2023-08-23

Nursing Theory & Theorist Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Leininger: Founder of the “Theory of Transcultural Nursing”.
  2. Abdellah: Assumptions of her “21 Nursing Problems Theory” relate to change and anticipated changes that affect nursing.
  3. His theory has been applied to nursing to guide the prioritization of patient care needs.
  4. Orem: One assumption of this nursing theory is that people should be self-reliant and responsible for their own care.
  5. Belief Model: One of the first theories of health behavior.
  6. A belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action.
  7. Beliefs and values that define a way of thinking and are generally known and understood by a group or discipline.
  8. Nightingale: Her Environmental Theory is described in Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not.
  9. Pender: This theorist’s health promotion model defines health as a positive dynamic state not merely the absence of disease.
  10. Defined as the nurse’s attributes, characteristics, and actions that provide care on behalf of or in conjunction with the client.
  11. Watson: Her theory is based on 10 carative factors.
  1. The internal and external surroundings that affect the client.
  2. The words that describe objects, properties, or events and are basic components of theory.
  3. Most general statement of discipline and functions as a framework in which the more restricted structures of conceptual models develop.
  4. Defined as the degree of wellness or well-being that the client experiences.
  5. Peplau: Her “Theory of Interpersonal Relations” emphasizes the nurse-client relationship as the foundation of nursing practice.
  6. The recipient of nursing care may include individuals, patients, groups, families, and communities.
  7. Roy: Her theory defines the individual as a set of interrelated systems that strive to maintain a balance between various stimuli.

18 Clues: Watson: Her theory is based on 10 carative factors.Belief Model: One of the first theories of health behavior.Leininger: Founder of the “Theory of Transcultural Nursing”.The internal and external surroundings that affect the client.A belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action....

History crossword 2022-02-23

History crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Called the sun king
  2. developed analytical geometry and supported the scientific method
  3. proposed the heliocentric theory
  4. study of suns position led to
  5. oberseved bacteria in microscope
  6. invented the telescope
  7. invented the microscope
  8. sun is the center of the solar system
  9. advanced scientific theory
  1. theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  2. Earth is the center of the solar system
  3. system in which multiple groups share decisions making power
  4. a person who rules with absolute power
  5. discovered gravity
  6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  7. invented Boyle's law
  8. told us how the planets move
  9. parties where people set to discuss new ideas
  10. art characterized by soft lines and colors
  11. to know something one did not know before

20 Clues: discovered gravityCalled the sun kinginvented Boyle's lawinvented the telescopeinvented the microscopeadvanced scientific theorytold us how the planets movestudy of suns position led toproposed the heliocentric theoryoberseved bacteria in microscopesun is the center of the solar systema person who rules with absolute power...

Nursing Theories & Theorists 2023-08-23

Nursing Theories & Theorists crossword puzzle
  1. The words that describe objects, properties, or events and are basic components of theory.
  2. A belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action.
  3. Her “Theory of Interpersonal Relations” emphasizes the nurse-client relationship as the foundation of nursing practice.
  4. She described Environmental Theory in her book Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not.
  5. The internal and external surroundings that affect the client.
  6. This theorist’s health promotion model defines health as a positive dynamic state not merely the absence of disease.
  7. Beliefs and values that define a way of thinking and are generally known and understood by a group or discipline.
  8. Defined as the degree of wellness or well-being that the client experiences.
  9. Most general statement of discipline and functions as a framework in which the more restricted structures of conceptual models develop.
  10. This nurse’s theory is based on 10 carative factors.
  1. Defined as the nurse’s attributes, characteristics, and actions that provide care on behalf of or in conjunction with the client.
  2. His theory has been applied to nursing to guide the prioritization of patient care needs.
  3. Founder of the “Theory of Transcultural Nursing”.
  4. Her theory defines the individual as a set of interrelated systems that strive to maintain a balance between various stimuli.
  5. One assumption in this nursing theory is that people should be self-reliant and responsible for their own care.
  6. Assumptions of her “21 Nursing Problems Theory” relate to change and anticipated changes that affect nursing.
  7. The recipient of nursing care may include individuals, patients, groups, families, and communities.
  8. Belief Model: One of the first theories of health behavior.

18 Clues: Founder of the “Theory of Transcultural Nursing”.This nurse’s theory is based on 10 carative factors.Belief Model: One of the first theories of health behavior.The internal and external surroundings that affect the client.A belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action....


  1. a set of normative postulates that personify the essence of power distribution in a society
  2. a political theory that tends toward self-maintaining order or equilibrium.
  3. a political theory that leans toward the centrality of contradiction
  4. is an understanding as rational self-consciousness
  5. a pause preceding the act
  6. a sociological theory that views power as an instrument that brings peace and justice
  1. a sociological theory that views power as an instrument that imposes obedience through cost and reward.
  2. policy initiatives that favor and allocates resources for the marginalized
  3. the primary concern of political analysis is the dispersion of this scarce resource.
  4. the pride and arrogance of scholars that ruined body politic
  5. a sociological theory that views power as an instrument that controls and divides people
  6. a legislative action aimed at institutionalizing the responses of the State
  7. a characteristic of policy making that takes away institutional powerlessness by anticipating future events
  8. a political theory that recognizes the actor’s ability to interpret the social world
  9. a political theory that tends toward analysis of reward and punishment

15 Clues: a pause preceding the actis an understanding as rational self-consciousnessthe pride and arrogance of scholars that ruined body politica political theory that leans toward the centrality of contradictiona political theory that tends toward analysis of reward and punishmentpolicy initiatives that favor and allocates resources for the marginalized...


  1. the pride and arrogance of scholars that ruined body politic
  2. a political theory that recognizes the actor’s ability to interpret the social world
  3. a sociological theory that views power as an instrument that controls and divides people
  4. the primary concern of political analysis is the dispersion of this scarce resource.
  5. a legislative action aimed at institutionalizing the responses of the State
  6. policy initiatives that favor and allocates resources for the marginalized
  7. a sociological theory that views power as an instrument that imposes obedience through cost and reward.
  1. is an understanding as rational self-consciousness
  2. a sociological theory that views power as an instrument that brings peace and justice
  3. a pause preceding the act
  4. a political theory that tends toward self-maintaining order or equilibrium.
  5. a set of normative postulates that personify the essence of power distribution in a society
  6. a political theory that leans toward the centrality of contradiction
  7. a political theory that tends toward analysis of reward and punishment
  8. a characteristic of policy making that takes away institutional powerlessness by anticipating future events

15 Clues: a pause preceding the actis an understanding as rational self-consciousnessthe pride and arrogance of scholars that ruined body politica political theory that leans toward the centrality of contradictiona political theory that tends toward analysis of reward and punishmentpolicy initiatives that favor and allocates resources for the marginalized...

Academic WL-1 2012-12-19

Academic WL-1 crossword puzzle
  1. study or exploration
  2. rule or strategy
  3. usually used with a number
  4. to give or deliver
  5. reply or answer or answer back
  6. very important or major
  7. agreement
  8. careful use of money, resources
  9. set up or found or start
  10. money, economics, business, investment
  11. to send a product =/ import
  12. profits or revenue or earnings
  1. information or statistics
  2. to explain the meaning
  3. set up or establish
  4. rule or theory or notion
  5. nature or ecosystem
  6. cycle or time
  7. present or ready for use
  8. suppose or presume

20 Clues: agreementcycle or timerule or strategyto give or deliversuppose or presumeset up or establishnature or ecosystemstudy or explorationto explain the meaningvery important or majorrule or theory or notionpresent or ready for useset up or found or startinformation or statisticsusually used with a numberto send a product =/ import...

Academic WL-1 Enkhbold 2012-12-19

Academic WL-1 Enkhbold crossword puzzle
  1. to explain the meaning
  2. rule or strategy
  3. money, economics, business, investment
  4. careful use of money, resources
  5. to give or deliver
  6. suppose or presume
  7. information or statistics
  8. very important or major
  9. reply or answer or answer back
  10. set up or found or start
  11. to send a product =/ import
  12. rule or theory or notion
  13. agreement
  1. cycle or time
  2. usually used with a number
  3. nature or ecosystem
  4. present or ready for use
  5. profits or revenue or earnings
  6. set up or establish
  7. study or exploration

20 Clues: agreementcycle or timerule or strategyto give or deliversuppose or presumenature or ecosystemset up or establishstudy or explorationto explain the meaningvery important or majorpresent or ready for useset up or found or startrule or theory or notioninformation or statisticsusually used with a numberto send a product =/ import...


NURSEWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. explains why the theory was formulated and specifies the context and situation in which it should be applied.
  2. patterns or models used to show a client relationship among the existing theoretical works in nursing
  3. consistency, semantics, and structure
  4. addresses the person’s state of well-being
  5. theory has few concepts
  6. refers to a theory about a theory
  7. basic settings where nursing care is provided.
  8. The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well.
  9. limited by time and space and are observable in reality, directly observed, tangible
  1. not clearly observable, directly or indirectly and must be defined in terms of observable concepts; intangible
  2. a statement that specifies the relationship or connection of factual concepts or phenomena or those which the researcher or theorist holds as TRUTH and therefore are excluded from measurement and testing
  3. taking six steps without assistance
  4. Examine the scope of concepts and goals within the theory
  5. theory that is achieved when the relationships of concepts under a certain conditions are able to describe future outcomes consistently
  6. set of statement that tentatively describe, explain or predict relationships among concepts that have been systematically selected and organized as an abstract representation of some phenomenon
  7. refers to all human beings.
  8. permit classifications of dimensions or gradation of phenomena on a continuum
  9. a basic generalization that is accepted as true and can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct.
  10. schematic representations of some aspects of reality
  11. theory that relates concepts to one another, describe the interrelationships among concepts or propositions and specify the associations or relationships among concepts.

20 Clues: theory has few conceptsrefers to all human beings.refers to a theory about a theorytaking six steps without assistanceconsistency, semantics, and structureaddresses the person’s state of well-beingbasic settings where nursing care is provided.schematic representations of some aspects of reality...

Chemistry Vocabulary 2022-05-24

Chemistry Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Composition is uniform throughout
  2. The center of an atom containing protons and neutrons
  3. Well tested explanation for a broad set of observations
  4. Has a mix of metal and non-metal properties
  5. A wave's height from zero to crest
  6. Anything that takes up space and has mass
  7. The ability of an element to attract electrons when an atom is in a compound
  8. A unit of energy or heat
  9. Contains one or more hydrogen atoms and produces hydrogen atoms when dissolved in water
  1. The number of wave cycles to pass a given point per unit of time
  2. A subatomic particle with a charge of +1
  3. A character set slightly above the normal word line
  4. A solid that forms and settles out of a liquid mixture
  5. Discovered the atom scientifically, and invented the atomic theory
  6. A substance present at the beginning of a reaction
  7. A way for chemists to count the number of representative particles in a substance
  8. The charge of an atom, can be positive or negative
  9. Molecules fly in all directions at great speeds, with little attractive force
  10. Can be broken down into elements
  11. The agreement of a set of measurements with the true value

20 Clues: A unit of energy or heatCan be broken down into elementsComposition is uniform throughoutA wave's height from zero to crestA subatomic particle with a charge of +1Anything that takes up space and has massHas a mix of metal and non-metal propertiesA substance present at the beginning of a reactionThe charge of an atom, can be positive or negative...

Vocabulario 7B 2016-05-17

Vocabulario 7B crossword puzzle
  1. Theory
  2. To set
  3. To shine
  4. Sacred
  5. Astronomer
  6. To contribute
  7. Writing
  8. As, like
  9. In other words
  10. Belief
  11. Shadow
  12. But
  1. To throw
  2. Symbol
  3. Origin
  4. Attempt
  5. To appear
  6. To turn (into)
  7. God
  8. Universe
  9. Planet
  10. Myth
  11. Any
  12. Inhabitant
  13. Legend
  14. Eclipse
  15. Rabbit

27 Clues: GodAnyButMythTheorySymbolOriginTo setSacredPlanetLegendBeliefRabbitShadowAttemptWritingEclipseTo throwTo shineUniverseAs, likeTo appearAstronomerInhabitantTo contributeTo turn (into)In other words