set theory Crossword Puzzles

Mathematicians 2018-02-15

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. First iranian female mathematician to receive field medal
  2. calculated first accurate calculation of pi
  3. developed field of fluid dynamics
  4. Founder of graph theory
  5. calculated the size of earth
  6. inventor of algebra
  7. Developer of math behind complex waves.
  8. Gave general method to find solution of Pell's Equation.
  9. Author of elements of geometry
  10. Proposed 23 problems for the 20th century
  1. Discovered quaternions
  2. Introduced symbols to algebra
  3. Defined laws of fall and pendulum
  4. inventor of planar coordinates
  5. invented Boolean algebra and logic
  6. founder figure of set theory
  7. Famous for incompleteness theorem
  8. leading figure of fractal geometry
  9. Developed trigonometry
  10. proved fermat’s theorem

20 Clues: inventor of algebraDiscovered quaternionsDeveloped trigonometryFounder of graph theoryproved fermat’s theoremfounder figure of set theorycalculated the size of earthIntroduced symbols to algebrainventor of planar coordinatesAuthor of elements of geometryDefined laws of fall and pendulumdeveloped field of fluid dynamics...

Famous Mathematicians 2023-06-09

Famous Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. - Austrian mathematician and logician who is known for his incompleteness theorems, which have had a profound impact on the foundations of mathematics.
  2. - German mathematician who made significant contributions to the field of analysis, particularly in his work on Riemannian geometry.
  3. - Italian mathematician who introduced the Fibonacci sequence, a sequence of numbers with each number being the sum of the two preceding ones.
  4. - German mathematician who formulated a famous list of 23 unsolved problems that greatly influenced the course of 20th-century mathematics.
  5. - Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher, best known for the Pythagorean theorem in geometry.
  6. - French lawyer and mathematician who famously claimed to have a proof for what became known as Fermat's Last Theorem.
  7. - German mathematician who made significant contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics, particularly in the field of Noether's theorem.
  8. - Indian mathematician who made extraordinary contributions to number theory, particularly in the areas of partition functions and modular forms.
  9. - Ancient Greek mathematician known for his treatise "Elements," which presented foundational principles of geometry.
  10. - Russian mathematician who made significant contributions to probability theory, statistics, and information theory.
  1. - English mathematician and physicist who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
  2. - Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, and inventor known for his contributions to mathematics and physics.
  3. - French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who is considered the father of analytic geometry.
  4. - Austrian mathematician known for his contributions to Lie group theory, representation theory, and quantum mechanics.
  5. - German mathematician who developed set theory and made profound discoveries related to infinite sets and cardinality.
  6. - English mathematician and writer who is recognized for her work with Charles Babbage on his early mechanical general-purpose computer.
  7. - Swiss mathematician known for his contributions to number theory, graph theory, and mathematical analysis.
  8. - French mathematician, physicist, and philosopher known for his contributions to probability theory, number theory, and projective geometry.
  9. - English mathematician and computer scientist who played a crucial role in cracking the Enigma code during World War II.
  10. - French mathematician who made groundbreaking contributions to group theory and abstract algebra before his untimely death.

20 Clues: - English mathematician and physicist who formulated the laws of motion and universal gravitation.- Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher, best known for the Pythagorean theorem in geometry.- French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who is considered the father of analytic geometry....

Mathematicians 2018-02-15

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. Developed trigonometry
  2. invented Boolean algebra and logic
  3. Famous for incompleteness theorem
  4. inventor of algebra
  5. Introduced symbols to algebra
  6. proved fermat’s theorem
  7. Defined laws of fall and pendulum
  8. leading figure of fractal geometry
  9. inventor of planar coordinates
  10. calculated first accurate calculation of pi
  11. founder figure of set theory
  1. Gave general method to find solution of Pell's Equation.
  2. Developer of math behind complex waves.
  3. Founder of graph theory
  4. developed field of fluid dynamics
  5. Proposed 23 problems for the 20th century
  6. Author of elements of geometry
  7. Discovered quaternions
  8. calculated the size of earth
  9. First iranian female mathematician to receive field medal

20 Clues: inventor of algebraDeveloped trigonometryDiscovered quaternionsFounder of graph theoryproved fermat’s theoremcalculated the size of earthfounder figure of set theoryIntroduced symbols to algebraAuthor of elements of geometryinventor of planar coordinatesdeveloped field of fluid dynamicsFamous for incompleteness theorem...

Crossword about my field of study 2017-04-20

Crossword about my field of study crossword puzzle
  1. atoms set
  2. Fluctuations through matter that produces sounds
  3. Center of earth's surface
  4. Solid form of water
  5. Biggest star near Earth
  6. Way of acquiring energy used by plants
  7. Main constituant of air
  8. Common way to express proportions
  9. Place where experiments are carried out
  10. Smallest unit of matter
  1. From solid to gas
  2. Genetical code
  3. Famous physicist
  4. Science related to space
  5. Gas coming from a reaction
  6. Things you do to prove a theory
  7. Distance made by light in one year
  8. Theory of evolution
  9. Constant used in rotation movements
  10. Force that causes the phenomenon of falling

20 Clues: atoms setGenetical codeFamous physicistFrom solid to gasSolid form of waterTheory of evolutionBiggest star near EarthMain constituant of airSmallest unit of matterScience related to spaceCenter of earth's surfaceGas coming from a reactionThings you do to prove a theoryCommon way to express proportionsDistance made by light in one year...

Mathematicians 2018-02-15

Mathematicians crossword puzzle
  1. Discovered quaternions
  2. Defined laws of fall and pendulum
  3. leading figure of fractal geometry
  4. Founder of graph theory
  5. Proposed 23 problems for the 20th century
  6. Introduced symbols to algebra
  7. inventor of algebra
  8. Author of elements of geometry
  9. Developer of math behind complex waves.
  10. proved fermat’s theorem
  11. developed field of fluid dynamics
  1. First iranian female mathematician to receive field medal
  2. calculated the size of earth
  3. invented Boolean algebra and logic
  4. Gave general method to find solution of Pell's Equation.
  5. Famous for incompleteness theorem
  6. founder figure of set theory
  7. inventor of planar coordinates
  8. Developed trigonometry
  9. calculated first accurate calculation of pi

20 Clues: inventor of algebraDiscovered quaternionsDeveloped trigonometryFounder of graph theoryproved fermat’s theoremcalculated the size of earthfounder figure of set theoryIntroduced symbols to algebrainventor of planar coordinatesAuthor of elements of geometryFamous for incompleteness theoremDefined laws of fall and pendulum...

Significant Scientific Discoveries of the 1990s 2023-06-29

Significant Scientific Discoveries of the 1990s crossword puzzle
  1. Theory (Theoretical framework in physics)
  2. (Planets outside our solar system)
  3. (DNA amplification technique)
  4. (Manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular scale)
  5. (Genetic material)
  6. (Subatomic particles with little mass and no charge)
  7. Genome (Complete set of human genes)
  8. (Zero electrical resistance)
  1. (Gene editing technology)
  2. (Global computer network)
  3. Warming (Rise in Earth's temperature due to human activities)
  4. Theory (Sensitive dependence on initial conditions)
  5. (Asexual reproduction)
  6. Bang (Origin of the universe)
  7. (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
  8. (Space telescope)
  9. Cells (Undifferentiated cells with regenerative potential)
  10. (First cloned mammal)
  11. Matter (Unseen matter in the universe)
  12. (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

20 Clues: (Space telescope)(Genetic material)(First cloned mammal)(Asexual reproduction)(Gene editing technology)(Global computer network)(Zero electrical resistance)(DNA amplification technique)Bang (Origin of the universe)(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)(Planets outside our solar system)Genome (Complete set of human genes)...

Nursing Theorists 2020-11-12

Nursing Theorists crossword puzzle
  1. E Johnson / proposed in 1968 the model advocates the fostering of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness
  2. Rizzo Parse / Their theory is based on the idea that to fulfill the goal of nursing, one must focus on quality of life from each individual’s own perspective. It is centered around three themes: meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence.
  3. Watson / This Nursing theorist was born in WV and is very focused on how nurses express care to their patients. Caring is the central idea to her theory that has four concepts including human being, health, environment-society, and nursing.
  4. Neuman / this theorist’s theory is based on the patient’s relationship to stress, reaction to it, and reconstitution factors that are dynamic
  5. Peplau / This theorist’s theory introduced a therapeutic way of nursing that emphasizes the importance of building trust with the patient.
  6. Abdellah / Their theory was designed to help with nursing education, identifying nursing as a helping profession. It defines ten problem solving steps and eleven nursing skills that can be used to develop a treatment plan.
  7. Mercer / Her theory involves the relationship between one and their mother and how it affects the growth of both people. Specifically, it helps nurses reinforce a nontraditional mother’s maternal identity and bond to her (not necessarily biological) new baby through four stages of acquisition.
  8. Lewin / this theorist’s theory involves three stages. These stages make change easy to accomplish, especially when you are trying to change a behavior that has been set in place to a new set in place behavior.
  9. E Hall / After her life’s work in psychiatry, she developed a theory of nursing that’s name resembles an alliteration. It focuses on three circles, which their names compose the name of the theory. When working together, the circles describe the process of healthcare professionals and patients interacting to achieve the patient’s health. Her theory emphasizes the patient as a whole.
  10. Pender / This theorist developed a model with five key concepts. In this model health is seen as a positive dynamic state, not just free of disease.
  1. Travelbee / This theory was presented in her book which was published in 1961. It has influenced hospice nurses to improve the quality of their patients’ lives by forming a relationship.
  2. Jean Orlando / This nursing theorist’s process she developed explains how nursing care plans need to be developed in a way that allows adaptation and encourages the nurse to think of a plan before immediately taking action.
  3. Orem / This theorist presented a theory that informs us on the importance of letting a patient learn to do things on his own so he/she can be strong enough as an individual to remain healthy when not in a hospital setting.
  4. Nightingale / established a nursing theory that incorporates the patients’ surrounding environment in his or her nursing care plan
  5. Henderson / Her theory focuses on the idea that nurses, through a substitutive, supplementary, or complementary role, help patients learn how to independently fulfill their needs to either achieve health or peaceful death. Her theory also outlines the needs that each person must meet to survive, some of which the nurse will need to teach the patient how to complete on their own to prepare for independent living, through 14 components. Hey theory also focuses on the idea that a patient is a sum of needs that must be met.
  6. Wiedenbach / developed Helping Art of Clinical Nursing. The theory identifies four elements in nursing; a philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and art. This theory is based off of the needs of the patient, looking for symptoms, and determining what the patient needs to resolve the illness.
  7. Roy / Her theory includes a model of nursing with three central concepts and questions. She has four doctoral degrees. Within her model are three concepts being human being, adaptation, and nursing. The adaptation concept can be broken down into four modes.
  8. Roper / Established a theory that looks at the patient's overall independence, determining what the patient can and can't do and how their illness has affected them. Then, they come up with a care plan for the specific needs of that certain patient. Upon arrival, they assess the patient for things such as breathing, eating, dressing, temperature control, and communication, then as time goes on they modify their plan of care to meet the needs of the patient.
  9. Erickson / in this theorist’s theory the roles of nursing are facilitation, nurturance, and unconditional acceptance.
  10. Joyce Fitzgerald / This doctor created a theory that has provided a framework for newer nursing theorists. The model representing the theory states that human development is centered along the rhythms of person, health, wellness-illness, and metaparadigm and nurses can use these to achieve maximum wellness for patients.
  11. Kolcaba / Her theory was developed in the 1990s. This theorist focuses on the comfort of the patient. This theory ensures that the patient is comforted mentally and physically.

21 Clues: Erickson / in this theorist’s theory the roles of nursing are facilitation, nurturance, and unconditional acceptance.Nightingale / established a nursing theory that incorporates the patients’ surrounding environment in his or her nursing care plan...

Task-oriented leadership puzzle 2023-04-18

Task-oriented leadership puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. synonym for powerful
  2. what did Fiedler make?
  3. whose contingency theory?
  4. construct or arrange
  5. desired result
  6. synonym for frail
  7. people working for a boss
  8. the set date of an end of a task
  1. synonym for order
  2. a set of circumstances
  3. particular manner of something
  4. ability to lead a group
  5. synonym for a job or duty
  6. what leaders have
  7. the boss

15 Clues: the bossdesired resultsynonym for ordersynonym for frailwhat leaders havesynonym for powerfulconstruct or arrangewhat did Fiedler make?a set of circumstancesability to lead a groupwhose contingency theory?synonym for a job or dutypeople working for a bossparticular manner of somethingthe set date of an end of a task


  1. The porch where stoics taught their disciplines and doctrines
  2. The founder of stoicism
  3. A life well lived, human flourishing
  4. Epicurus’ condition of peace
  5. For Epicurus there is no body without a...
  6. theory Ethical theory that emphasizes an individual’s character rather than following a set of rules
  7. Highest good for Epicurus
  1. The period of time when Epicurus and the stoics lived
  2. Pleasure gotten from fulfilling desires
  3. The middle ground between excess and deficiency
  4. Theory that says that everything is made of atoms
  5. A necessary desire for Epicurus
  6. What elderly friendship is based on
  7. Absence of pain for Epicurus
  8. Epicurus’ school was the...

15 Clues: The founder of stoicismHighest good for EpicurusEpicurus’ school was the...Absence of pain for EpicurusEpicurus’ condition of peaceA necessary desire for EpicurusWhat elderly friendship is based onA life well lived, human flourishingPleasure gotten from fulfilling desiresFor Epicurus there is no body without a......

Nursing Theorists 2020-11-12

Nursing Theorists crossword puzzle
  1. / This doctor created a theory that has provided a framework for newer nursing theorists. The model representing the theory states that human development is centered along the rhythms of person, health, wellness-illness, and metaparadigm and nurses can use these to achieve maximum wellness for patients.
  2. / in this theorist’s theory the roles of nursing are facilitation, nurturance, and unconditional acceptance.
  3. / This nursing theorist’s process she developed explains how nursing care plans need to be developed in a way that allows adaptation and encourages the nurse to think of a plan before immediately taking action.
  4. Her theory involves the relationship between one and their mother and how it affects the growth of both people. Specifically, it helps nurses reinforce a nontraditional mother’s maternal identity and bond to her (not necessarily biological) new baby through four stages of acquisition.
  5. / Their theory was designed to help with nursing education, identifying nursing as a helping profession. It defines ten problem solving steps and eleven nursing skills that can be used to develop a treatment plan.
  6. / After her life’s work in psychiatry, she developed a theory of nursing that’s name resembles an alliteration. It focuses on three circles, which their names compose the name of the theory. When working together, the circles describe the process of healthcare professionals and patients interacting to achieve the patient’s health. Her theory emphasizes the patient as a whole.
  7. / this theorist’s theory involves three stages. These stages make change easy to accomplish, especially when you are trying to change a behavior that has been set in place to a new set in place behavior.
  8. / This theorist presented a theory that informs us on the importance of letting a patient learn to do things on his own so he/she can be strong enough as an individual to remain healthy when not in a hospital setting.
  9. / developed Helping Art of Clinical Nursing. The theory identifies four elements in nursing; a philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and art. This theory is based off of the needs of the patient, looking for symptoms, and determining what the patient needs to resolve the illness.
  10. / This theorist developed a model with five key concepts. In this model health is seen as a positive dynamic state, not just free of disease.
  11. / Her theory includes a model of nursing with three central concepts and questions. She has four doctoral degrees. Within her model are three concepts being human being, adaptation, and nursing. The adaptation concept can be broken down into four modes.
  12. / This Nursing theorist was born in WV and is very focused on how nurses express care to their patients. Caring is the central idea to her theory that has four concepts including human being, health, environment-society, and nursing.
  1. / This theory was presented in her book which was published in 1961. It has influenced hospice nurses to improve the quality of their patients’ lives by forming a relationship.
  2. a nursing theory that incorporates the patients’ surrounding environment in his or her nursing care plan
  3. / Established a theory that looks at the patient's overall independence, determining what the patient can and can't do and how their illness has affected them. Then, they come up with a care plan for the specific needs of that certain patient. Upon arrival, they assess the patient for things such as breathing, eating, dressing, temperature control, and communication, then as time goes on they modify their plan of care to meet the needs of the patient.
  4. / Her theory was developed in the 1990s. This theorist focuses on the comfort of the patient. This theory ensures that the patient is comforted mentally and physically.
  5. / proposed in 1968 the model advocates the fostering of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness
  6. / Their theory is based on the idea that to fulfill the goal of nursing, one must focus on quality of life from each individual’s own perspective. It is centered around three themes: meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence.
  7. / Her theory focuses on the idea that nurses, through a substitutive, supplementary, or complementary role, help patients learn how to independently fulfill their needs to either achieve health or peaceful death. Her theory also outlines the needs that each person must meet to survive, some of which the nurse will need to teach the patient how to complete on their own to prepare for independent living, through 14 components. Hey theory also focuses on the idea that a patient is a sum of needs that must be met.
  8. / This theorist’s theory introduced a therapeutic way of nursing that emphasizes the importance of building trust with the patient.
  9. / this theorist’s theory is based on the patient’s relationship to stress, reaction to it, and reconstitution factors that are dynamic

21 Clues: a nursing theory that incorporates the patients’ surrounding environment in his or her nursing care plan/ in this theorist’s theory the roles of nursing are facilitation, nurturance, and unconditional acceptance./ This theorist’s theory introduced a therapeutic way of nursing that emphasizes the importance of building trust with the patient....

Enlightenment Era 2021-03-15

Enlightenment Era crossword puzzle
  1. Political leader who wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  2. She wrote the classic novel Frankenstein.
  3. Set of books to which many scholars of Europe contributed articles and essays.
  4. Russian ruler admired by philosophes.
  5. Name of the ten amendments added to the Constitution.
  6. Creator of the law of gravity.
  7. Social gatherings where scientists, philosphers, and other intellecutals discussed ideas.
  8. Type of music that emerged in the Enlightenment Era.
  9. Creator of the geocentric theory.
  10. Creator of the heliocentric theory.
  1. Theory that states that the stars and planets move around the sun.
  2. Name of the novel written by Samuel Richardson. Considered the true first English novel.
  3. A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas.
  4. He created the Encyclopedia.
  5. Artistic style of the late 1700s.
  6. Name of monarchs who embraced the new ideas of the Enlightenment spirit.
  7. Agreement by which people created a government.
  8. Theory that says that the moon, sun, and planets move around the Earth.
  9. He believed that humans were born with three natural human rights--life, liberty, and property.
  10. Philosopher who argued that torture should be abolished.

20 Clues: He created the Encyclopedia.Creator of the law of gravity.Artistic style of the late 1700s.Creator of the geocentric theory.Creator of the heliocentric theory.Russian ruler admired by philosophes.She wrote the classic novel Frankenstein.Agreement by which people created a government.A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas....

Chapter 1 Review Puzzle 2014-02-06

Chapter 1 Review Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. theory that government was born of force
  2. Congress's branch
  3. President's branch
  4. Supreme Court's branch
  5. theory where people voluntarily gave power to the state for the good of all
  6. a country or nation
  1. consists of House of Representatives and Senate
  2. the institution in which a society makes and enforces public policy
  3. theory that government came out of a family or clan
  4. the body of laws that set up our government
  5. theory that government was created when power was given to the divine

11 Clues: Congress's branchPresident's brancha country or nationSupreme Court's branchtheory that government was born of forcethe body of laws that set up our governmentconsists of House of Representatives and Senatetheory that government came out of a family or clanthe institution in which a society makes and enforces public policy...

Introduction to Government 2014-02-06

Introduction to Government crossword puzzle
  1. theory that government was created when was power given to the divine
  2. the President's branch
  3. Supreme Court's branch
  4. theory where people voluntarily gave power to the state for the good of all
  5. theory that government was born of force
  6. how a society makes and enforces public policy
  7. a country or nation
  1. the body of laws that set up our government
  2. consists of House of Representatives and Senate
  3. theory that government came out of a family or clan
  4. Congress's branch

11 Clues: Congress's brancha country or nationthe President's branchSupreme Court's branchtheory that government was born of forcethe body of laws that set up our governmenthow a society makes and enforces public policyconsists of House of Representatives and Senatetheory that government came out of a family or clan...

Plate Tectonics 2024-02-08

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a theory that proves Alfred Wegners theory of continental drift. Made by Harry Hess
  2. a theory made by Alfred Wegner
  3. the earths crust is split into different parts of these
  4. The way the earth is set up
  5. squeezing stuff
  6. the innermost part in the earths composition and is solid due to immense
  7. Strong lower part of mantle
  8. the biggest part in the earths composition
  9. coming together and folding makes mountains and volcanos
  10. a boundary meaning moving apart
  1. the outer part of the core
  2. it is all San Andreas Fault! A crack in the crust when a transform boundary takes place.
  3. a boundary where the heavier oceanic crust sinks under the lighter continental crust
  4. plates move side by side
  5. the innermost part of earth
  6. this mechanical properity includes the crust and upper mantle
  7. the earth is split into this way(lithosphere asthenosphere mesosphere core)
  8. a theory making fact that the tectonic plates are moving everyday
  9. The outer layer that we live on
  10. soft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth

20 Clues: squeezing stuffplates move side by sidethe outer part of the corethe innermost part of earthThe way the earth is set upStrong lower part of mantlea theory made by Alfred WegnerThe outer layer that we live ona boundary meaning moving apartthe biggest part in the earths compositionsoft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth...

Mathematician 2019-10-08

Mathematician crossword puzzle
  1. Projective geometry and probability theory
  2. Father of geometry
  3. Calculating a solar eclipse
  4. Best known for his investigations into the stability of the solar system
  5. Hydrodynamica
  6. Pioneer of game theory
  7. e
  8. Mathematician born in Auxerre
  9. The great inventor of modern graphical designs
  10. First computer programmer
  11. Introduce a ubiquitous tool in probability, logic and statistics
  12. The first true mathematician
  13. Fields Medal recipient for her outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces
  14. Theory of proportions
  15. Simple algorithm to find prime numbers
  16. Extraction of hidden waters
  17. Cartesian coordinate system
  18. Set theory
  19. At the centennial celebration of her life, a street and a girls' school were named after her
  20. Prince of mathematicians
  21. Introduced symbol ∞ for infinity
  1. Doctrine of Chances
  2. The Father of Algebra
  3. The Last Universalist
  4. The first professor of analysis at the École Polytechnique
  5. Transcendental Law of Homogeneity
  6. Fibonacci sequence
  7. Pioneer in modern chaos theory
  8. Father of accounting
  9. The greatest mathematician of the 20th century
  10. Order of the British Empire for his significant code-breaking work
  11. The father of modern optics
  12. Infinitesimal calculus
  13. He is mostly known for the first rigorous formulation of the integral
  14. Proving one of the most famous open questions in maths, the Poincaré Conjecture
  15. Logarithms
  16. Pi
  17. Pythagorean Theorem
  18. Commutative ring
  19. Greek woman mathematician
  20. String theory
  21. Axiomatization of geometry
  22. Pioneer of modern group theory
  23. Averroes

44 Clues: ePiAverroesLogarithmsSet theoryHydrodynamicaString theoryCommutative ringFibonacci sequenceFather of geometryDoctrine of ChancesPythagorean TheoremFather of accountingThe Father of AlgebraThe Last UniversalistTheory of proportionsPioneer of game theoryInfinitesimal calculusPrince of mathematiciansFirst computer programmerGreek woman mathematician...

Plate Tectonics 2024-02-08

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a theory that proves Alfred Wegners theory of continental drift. Made by Harry Hess
  2. a theory made by Alfred Wegner
  3. the earths crust is split into different parts of these
  4. The way the earth is set up
  5. squeezing stuff
  6. the innermost part in the earths composition and is solid due to immense
  7. Strong lower part of mantle
  8. the biggest part in the earths composition
  9. coming together and folding makes mountains and volcanos
  10. a boundary meaning moving apart
  1. the outer part of the core
  2. it is all San Andreas Fault! A crack in the crust when a transform boundary takes place.
  3. a boundary where the heavier oceanic crust sinks under the lighter continental crust
  4. plates move side by side
  5. the innermost part of earth
  6. this mechanical properity includes the crust and upper mantle
  7. the earth is split into this way(lithosphere asthenosphere mesosphere core)
  8. a theory making fact that the tectonic plates are moving everyday
  9. The outer layer that we live on
  10. soft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth

20 Clues: squeezing stuffplates move side by sidethe outer part of the corethe innermost part of earthThe way the earth is set upStrong lower part of mantlea theory made by Alfred WegnerThe outer layer that we live ona boundary meaning moving apartthe biggest part in the earths compositionsoft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth...

Plate Tectonics 2024-02-08

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a theory that proves Alfred Wegners theory of continental drift. Made by Harry Hess
  2. a theory made by Alfred Wegner
  3. the earths crust is split into different parts of these
  4. The way the earth is set up
  5. squeezing stuff
  6. the innermost part in the earths composition and is solid due to immense
  7. Strong lower part of mantle
  8. the biggest part in the earths composition
  9. coming together and folding makes mountains and volcanos
  10. a boundary meaning moving apart
  1. the outer part of the core
  2. it is all San Andreas Fault! A crack in the crust when a transform boundary takes place.
  3. a boundary where the heavier oceanic crust sinks under the lighter continental crust
  4. plates move side by side
  5. the innermost part of earth
  6. this mechanical properity includes the crust and upper mantle
  7. the earth is split into this way(lithosphere asthenosphere mesosphere core)
  8. a theory making fact that the tectonic plates are moving everyday
  9. The outer layer that we live on
  10. soft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth

20 Clues: squeezing stuffplates move side by sidethe outer part of the corethe innermost part of earthThe way the earth is set upStrong lower part of mantlea theory made by Alfred WegnerThe outer layer that we live ona boundary meaning moving apartthe biggest part in the earths compositionsoft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth...

Nursing Theorist Crossword Puzzle 2021-11-01

Nursing Theorist Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Peplau - Responsible for creating the Theory of Interpersonal Relations which includes seven nursing roles. Application of the seven roles helps to nurse to provide optimal patient care.
  2. King - created the Theory of goal attainment, where the nurse and patient set goals together and then create a plan to achieve those goals
  3. Watson - Best known for her theory that caring regenerates life energies and potentiates our capabilities
  4. Johnson - created the Behavior System Model to treat behavioral functioning to prevent illness
  5. Newman - “Health as Expanding Consciousness” was developed from another theory called “Theory of Unitary Human Beings”, the theory shows how someone’s health is the absence of disease or disability that isn't possible.
  6. Leininger - Transcultural Theory which emphasizes that nurses should always consider a person’s cultural background while developing a care plan
  7. Rogers - Theory of unitary human beings that takes a holistic view on a human being and acknowledges that the patient and their environment are one
  8. Travelbee - Human-to-Human Relationship Model with assumptions based on the philosophy of existentialism and logotherapy
  9. Kohlberg - Created the Theories of Moral Development. This assists nurses in applying their own reasoning, which is developed over time, to treating their patient(s) - compassion and effectiveness.
  1. Lewin - created the Change Theory, three-stage model of change that is known as the “unfreezing-change-refreeze model”
  2. Nightingale - Environmental Theory and incorporates the surrounding environment into the patients' care plan
  3. Mercer - Maternal Role Attainment Theory which strives to provide convenient and appropriate healthcare for nontraditional mothers
  4. Erickson - Model and Role Model Theory that recognizes an individual’s uniqueness, and focuses on the needs of this individual to help care for them.
  5. Neuman - Systems Model which was created to teach introductory nursing to students by giving them a holistic view of patients
  6. Eriksson - A Finland-Swedish nurse whose model of nursing distinguishes between caring ethics, the practical relationship between the patient and the nurse, and nursing ethics.
  7. Pender - developed the health promotion model in which the patient can improve their quality of life before acute or chronic health problems occur
  8. Kolcaba - developed the Comfort theory and comes in three forms: relief, ease, and transcendence. This theory is supposed to meet the patients needs in comfort.
  9. Jean Orlando - Created the Deliberative Nursing Process in which the nurse is to use a five stage process to assess the behavior of the patient
  10. Barker - Tidal Model that uses metaphors to emphasize the approach of mental health and reclaiming their distress.
  11. Estrine Levine - developed the Conservation Model that promotes adaptation and wholeness

20 Clues: Estrine Levine - developed the Conservation Model that promotes adaptation and wholenessJohnson - created the Behavior System Model to treat behavioral functioning to prevent illnessWatson - Best known for her theory that caring regenerates life energies and potentiates our capabilities...

Sociological Theories 2022-11-29

Sociological Theories crossword puzzle
  1. The complexity of a system is related to the number of interconnections and its
  2. chaos theory is the study of complex nonlinear systems of
  3. is found in many different kinds of systems such as traffic flows, cell differentiation, population dynamics, and turbulence
  4. he said the systems are
  5. suggest that there is a hidden reality in whole cultural expressions
  6. emerged around the eighties in a field of study in mathematics
  7. is a theory started by Talcott Parsons
  8. marx’s theory is known as Marxism in which the proletariat is the creator of a
  9. is ruled by a mathematical equiation to determinate its behavior
  1. is the theory proposed by Karl Marx
  2. lévi-strauss proposed methodological means of discovering these rules by identifying
  3. means the separation of things that naturally belong together, or antagonism between those who are properly in harmony
  4. set of all interpersonal relationships
  5. is developed from chaos theory and represents the body of research on systems about the systems that have complex characteristics
  6. was developed since 1923 in Germany
  7. studies evolved from the structures of kinship systems and marriage to his study of the structure of the human mind
  8. another representative of the structural functionalism theory is
  9. This approach gave a lot of importance to criticism and

18 Clues: he said the systems areis the theory proposed by Karl Marxwas developed since 1923 in Germanyset of all interpersonal relationshipsis a theory started by Talcott ParsonsThis approach gave a lot of importance to criticism andchaos theory is the study of complex nonlinear systems ofemerged around the eighties in a field of study in mathematics...

Plate Tectonics 2024-02-08

Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a theory that proves Alfred Wegners theory of continental drift. Made by Harry Hess
  2. a theory made by Alfred Wegner
  3. the earths crust is split into different parts of these
  4. The way the earth is set up
  5. squeezing stuff
  6. the innermost part in the earths composition and is solid due to immense
  7. Strong lower part of mantle
  8. the biggest part in the earths composition
  9. coming together and folding makes mountains and volcanos
  10. a boundary meaning moving apart
  1. the outer part of the core
  2. it is all San Andreas Fault! A crack in the crust when a transform boundary takes place.
  3. a boundary where the heavier oceanic crust sinks under the lighter continental crust
  4. plates move side by side
  5. the innermost part of earth
  6. this mechanical properity includes the crust and upper mantle
  7. the earth is split into this way(lithosphere asthenosphere mesosphere core)
  8. a theory making fact that the tectonic plates are moving everyday
  9. The outer layer that we live on
  10. soft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth

20 Clues: squeezing stuffplates move side by sidethe outer part of the corethe innermost part of earthThe way the earth is set upStrong lower part of mantlea theory made by Alfred WegnerThe outer layer that we live ona boundary meaning moving apartthe biggest part in the earths compositionsoft plastic like layer in the mechanical map of earth...

Narrative Writing 2018-05-20

Narrative Writing crossword puzzle
  1. sight, sound, touch, taste and smell
  2. Events are told chronologically
  3. Events are not told chronologically
  4. The most intense or decisive point of a narrative
  5. the second stage of Freytag's pyramid
  6. the person who tells the story
  7. when the writer gives an advance hint of something that happens later
  8. the third stage of Todorov's theory
  9. the lines spoken by characters
  10. an indirect comparison between two objects using like or as
  1. the final part of a narrative: a French term
  2. the first stage of Freytag's pyramid
  3. the place or location where the narrative takes place
  4. the opposite of a flashback
  5. a serious disagreement or argument within a narrative
  6. The mode or tone set by the writer
  7. the opposite of a flash forward
  8. the second stage of Todorov's theory
  9. invented the Theory of Equilibrium
  10. a direct comparison between two objects

20 Clues: the opposite of a flashbackthe person who tells the storythe lines spoken by charactersEvents are told chronologicallythe opposite of a flash forwardThe mode or tone set by the writerinvented the Theory of EquilibriumEvents are not told chronologicallythe third stage of Todorov's theorythe first stage of Freytag's pyramid...

The problem of Navigation at Sea 2024-04-25

The problem of Navigation at Sea crossword puzzle
  1. How far north or south someone is
  2. Theory developed by Johann Werner
  3. Built to help solve the problem
  4. Astronomer who offered a theory to help solve the problem
  5. This needed to be reliable to help sailors go around the world
  6. Set up in 1674 to investigate 8 downs theory
  7. Country that offered money to solve the problem
  1. Charles's French cousin
  2. Country fought against during Restoration England
  3. These needed to be mapped to determine location
  4. This provided Britain with money
  5. King's Astronomical Observator
  6. How far east or west someone is
  7. Established by Charles II to protect Britain

14 Clues: Charles's French cousinKing's Astronomical ObservatorBuilt to help solve the problemHow far east or west someone isThis provided Britain with moneyHow far north or south someone isTheory developed by Johann WernerSet up in 1674 to investigate 8 downs theoryEstablished by Charles II to protect BritainThese needed to be mapped to determine location...

Sociological Theory 2022-09-05

Sociological Theory crossword puzzle
  1. set of behaviors, responsibilities, priviledges, and obligations that go along with a status
  2. interactionsim The sociological theory which focuses on how social actors interact and create meaning together (2 words, no space)
  3. __________ stage, where you are "on stage" and consciously or unconsciously trying to influence how people see you.
  4. Last name of the major founder of Functionalist theory.
  5. owners of the means of production, according to conflict thoery.
  6. the status of serial killer is an ___________ status.
  7. Erving Goffman's idea that we consciously or unconsciously try to influence peoples' perceptions about ourselves, objects,or events by trying to control information (2 words, no spaces).
  8. A theory that focuses on interactions; not on the whole society, but on how people interact together
  9. A way of acting, fixed or not, which is general over a whole society (2 words but no space)
  10. the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is characterized by this.
  1. the bourgeoisie _____________ the proletariat by keeping some of the value or wealth workers produce.
  2. Charles Horton Cooley's theory that we imagine how others see us, interpret others' reactions, and develop feelings about and respond based on our perception of others' judgements of us (3 words, no spaces)
  3. __________ stage, where you relax and feel comfortable doing what you would not typically do in front of others.
  4. must sell their labor, since the do not own the means of production.
  5. A theory that focuses on how a whole society works; conflict theory and functionalist theory are examples of this type of theory.
  6. you are a stuednt, that is your _______ in this class.
  7. Last name of the major founder of Conflict theory.
  8. the process of learning how to be a member of your society. Starts at birth, if not before.
  9. Metaphore of the stage and acting to explain how society works.
  10. A family, a bank, a college, a hospital are all examples of these (plural)
  11. A status that you are born into.

21 Clues: A status that you are born into.Last name of the major founder of Conflict theory.the status of serial killer is an ___________ are a stuednt, that is your _______ in this class.Last name of the major founder of Functionalist theory.Metaphore of the stage and acting to explain how society works....

Motivation/ Tutorial 12 2016-12-10

Motivation/ Tutorial 12 crossword puzzle
  1. The extent to which a person believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual
  2. Which theory discusses the need for power, need for achievement & the need for affiliation
  3. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that deals with how people assess the consequences of their behavioral choices and how that assessment goes into their future choice of behaviors
  4. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that focus more on the conscious thought processes people use to select one behavior from among several
  5. David McClelland’s….. framework presents some relevant findings for international managers, also demonstrated that the need for achievement can be taught to people in different cultures
  6. One of Alderfer’s ERG Theory similar to Maslow’s needs for self-actualization and self-esteem
  7. This theory suggests that one set of factors affects dissatisfaction and another set affects satisfaction
  8. One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  9. The amount of effort that an employee is willing to put into work to accomplish an organizationally valued task
  1. is a process of various steps to maximize effort toward achieving goals
  2. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that attempt to identify the specific need or set of needs that result in motivated behavior
  3. The extent to which a person believes that power and status differences are appropriate within social hierarchies
  4. One of Alderfer’s ERG Theory similar to Maslow’s need for affiliation; these needs are fulfilled through meaningful and effective support from the work group
  5. A Need-Based Model that discusses the Social Orientation & Power Orientation
  6. This theory suggests that people are motivated to behave in certain ways to the extent that they perceive that such behaviors will lead to outcomes they find personally attractive
  7. One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  8. The extent to which an individual is gratified by or fulfilled in his or her work
  9. A person’s beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a task
  10. The degree of general importance and value attributed to the working role in an individual’s life

19 Clues: One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needsOne of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needsA person’s beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a taskis a process of various steps to maximize effort toward achieving goalsA Need-Based Model that discusses the Social Orientation & Power Orientation...

Motivation/ Tutorial 12 2016-12-10

Motivation/ Tutorial 12 crossword puzzle
  1. A person’s beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a task
  2. One of Alderfer’s ERG Theory similar to Maslow’s need for affiliation; these needs are fulfilled through meaningful and effective support from the work group
  3. The degree of general importance and value attributed to the working role in an individual’s life
  4. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that attempt to identify the specific need or set of needs that result in motivated behavior
  5. The extent to which a person believes that power and status differences are appropriate within social hierarchies
  6. The extent to which a person believes that he or she is a worthwhile and deserving individual
  7. The extent to which an individual is gratified by or fulfilled in his or her work
  8. One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  9. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that deals with how people assess the consequences of their behavioral choices and how that assessment goes into their future choice of behaviors
  1. One of Alderfer’s ERG Theory similar to Maslow’s needs for self-actualization and self-esteem
  2. A modern theoretical approach to motivation that focus more on the conscious thought processes people use to select one behavior from among several
  3. This theory suggests that one set of factors affects dissatisfaction and another set affects satisfaction
  4. David McClelland’s….. framework presents some relevant findings for international managers, also demonstrated that the need for achievement can be taught to people in different cultures
  5. is a process of various steps to maximize effort toward achieving goals
  6. One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  7. This theory suggests that people are motivated to behave in certain ways to the extent that they perceive that such behaviors will lead to outcomes they find personally attractive
  8. A Need-Based Model that discusses the Social Orientation & Power Orientation
  9. The amount of effort that an employee is willing to put into work to accomplish an organizationally valued task
  10. Which theory discusses the need for power, need for achievement & the need for affiliation

19 Clues: One of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needsOne of the basic needs in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needsA person’s beliefs about his or her capabilities to perform a taskis a process of various steps to maximize effort toward achieving goalsA Need-Based Model that discusses the Social Orientation & Power Orientation...

science 2022-08-23

science crossword puzzle
  1. everlasting
  2. a complex idea
  3. ending
  4. amount of facts
  5. idea
  1. educated guess
  2. a set amount of data
  3. think ahead
  4. a set of rules placed by the government
  5. idea or educated guess
  6. using your senses to find facts
  7. amount of 3d space in a container

12 Clues: ideaendingeverlastingthink aheadeducated guessa complex ideaamount of factsa set amount of dataidea or educated guessusing your senses to find factsamount of 3d space in a containera set of rules placed by the government

Chapter 10: Intelligence, Problem Solving, Creativity 2015-12-08

Chapter 10: Intelligence, Problem Solving, Creativity crossword puzzle
  1. The consistency of scores on a test over time
  2. A set of cognitive skills
  3. The consistency of a measurement
  4. A characterstic of a test that produces different outcomes for different groups
  5. The equivalent chronological age a child gas reached based on his/her performance on an IQ test
  6. A young person who is extremely gifted
  7. A judgement about how test results are applied to different groups based o values and philosophical inclinations
  8. The idea that intelligence consists of distinct dimensions
  9. Who's theory is the triarchic theory of intelligence?
  10. One of Carroll's three levels of intelligence, including many distinct abilities
  11. Adjustment to and coping with everyday life
  12. One Carroll's three levels of intelligence; memory, learning and processing speed
  13. The notion that group differences in IQ scores are caused by different cultural and educational background
  1. The degree to which intelligence test scores are positively related to real-world outcomes
  2. An integrated set of abilities needed to attain success in life
  3. Who's theory is the g-factor theory?
  4. A step-by-step procedure of formula for solving a problem
  5. Three-part model of intelligence
  6. Significant limitations in intellectual functioning
  7. A very rare condition in which people with serious mental handicaps also show isolated areas of ability or brilliance
  8. The genetically determined range of responses by an individual to his or her environment
  9. One of Carroll's three levels of intelligence; similar to "g"
  10. A characteristic of intelligence test in which questions on a given subtest ten to correlate highly with other items on the test
  11. The degree to which a test measures the concept it claims to measure
  12. Theory that intelligence is a single, general factor
  13. The degree to which a test accurately measures what it purports to measure

26 Clues: A set of cognitive skillsThree-part model of intelligenceThe consistency of a measurementWho's theory is the g-factor theory?A young person who is extremely giftedAdjustment to and coping with everyday lifeThe consistency of scores on a test over timeSignificant limitations in intellectual functioning...

Equity theory 2023-11-17

Equity theory crossword puzzle
  1. An economic theory of how relationships develop
  2. Partners were happy over benefitting in a ... culture
  3. People who are prepared to put more into the relationship than they get out
  4. A continuing and often committed association between two people
  5. Study conducted to Equity theory
  1. Berg and McQuinn did a ... study into changing levels of equity
  2. the theory of equity is mostly applied to ...cultures
  3. Mary Utne's study used this method
  4. Only takes into account one approach in psychology
  5. Equity theory is arguably more ... than SET
  6. Believe they deserve to be over benefited and accept it without feeling distressed or guilty
  7. Rewards minus cost
  8. Same balance of sharing that may not be fair

13 Clues: Rewards minus costStudy conducted to Equity theoryMary Utne's study used this methodEquity theory is arguably more ... than SETSame balance of sharing that may not be fairAn economic theory of how relationships developOnly takes into account one approach in psychologythe theory of equity is mostly applied to ...cultures...

Academic WL-1 2012-12-19

Academic WL-1 crossword puzzle
  1. study or exploration
  2. suppose or presume
  3. information or statistics
  4. profits or revenue or earnings
  5. nature or ecosystem
  6. set up or found or start
  7. set up or establish
  8. to give or deliver
  9. cycle or time
  10. agreement
  11. to explain the meaning
  1. money, economics, business, investment
  2. present or ready for use
  3. rule or strategy
  4. usually used with a number, part of whole
  5. careful use of money, resources
  6. very important or major
  7. rule or theory or notion
  8. to send a product =/ import
  9. reply or answer or answer back

20 Clues: agreementcycle or timerule or strategysuppose or presumeto give or delivernature or ecosystemset up or establishstudy or explorationto explain the meaningvery important or majorpresent or ready for useset up or found or startrule or theory or notioninformation or statisticsto send a product =/ importprofits or revenue or earnings...

German Expressionism 2013-05-08

German Expressionism crossword puzzle
  1. German Expressionism is set in a time of...
  2. What was Emile Dalcroze's theory called?
  3. Who did Laban witness in 1910?
  4. In 1920 the world plunged into...
  5. Wrote the famous play The Three-Penny Opera
  6. What theory did Laban teach Wigman?
  7. Jooss is most well known for his choreographic piece...
  8. What theory is Laban most well known for?
  9. German Expressionism was ... than a method
  10. Reich Ministry of popular Enlighment and propaganda was lead by Joseph ...
  1. The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?
  2. What emotion was the Corus Group conveying in Totenmal?
  3. When Nazis came into power many artworks were called...
  4. Wigman was a firm believer in...
  5. What dance was Wigman most famous for?
  6. Mixed ideologies were noticed in 1936 at the...
  7. Was a longtime friend of Wigman
  8. Actors,singers and dancers were...

18 Clues: Who did Laban witness in 1910?Was a longtime friend of WigmanWigman was a firm believer in...In 1920 the world plunged into...Actors,singers and dancers were...What theory did Laban teach Wigman?What dance was Wigman most famous for?The Dadaist wanted to express what idea?What was Emile Dalcroze's theory called?...

NSG 100 Crossword 2022-03-20

NSG 100 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. developed the care and cure model of nursing
  2. theorist that helps patients prevent illness through promoting healthy behavior and choices
  3. what theorist graduated from the university of Vienna with a medical degree and specialized as on ophthalmologist for a short time?
  4. focused on activities that contributed to recovery or health when the patient was on their own
  5. theory consists of philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and the art
  6. which theorist is the author of "Life Perspective Rhythm Model"
  7. propagated the self care theory of nursing
  8. this theorist came up with the maternal role attainment theory
  9. developed the deliberative nursing process
  10. theorist that developed the 3 stage change theory
  11. who was the theorist that wrote the Art of Helping book?
  1. believed stress reduction is the goal of nursing practice
  2. created the behavioral system model
  3. which theorist came up with the twenty one nursing problems
  4. theory focuses on caring and how it can promote health better than a simple medicinal cure
  5. believed that the nurse and patient should communicate information, set goals together, and take actions to achieve the goals
  6. theorist that believed that the cleanliness of the environment was essential to promote the healing of a patient
  7. who is best known for his nursing theory entitled Helvie Energy of Nursing and Health?
  8. theory focuses on putting yourself in the unique perspective that patients view the world
  9. theorist that adapts to each patients individual needs
  10. defined nursing as "an interpersonal process of therapeutic interactions"
  11. theorist that individualizes patient care through assessing the level of independence shown in that patient
  12. developed the Neuman's system model

23 Clues: created the behavioral system modeldeveloped the Neuman's system modelpropagated the self care theory of nursingdeveloped the deliberative nursing processdeveloped the care and cure model of nursingtheorist that developed the 3 stage change theorytheorist that adapts to each patients individual needs...

NSG 100 Crossword 2022-03-20

NSG 100 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. who is best known for his nursing theory entitled Helvie Energy of Nursing and Health?
  2. who was the theorist that wrote the Art of Helping book?
  3. theorist that individualizes patient care through assessing the level of independence shown in that patient
  4. theorist that developed the 3 stage change theory
  5. defined nursing as "an interpersonal process of therapeutic interactions"
  6. focused on activities that contributed to recovery or health when the patient was on their own
  7. theorist that helps patients prevent illness through promoting healthy behavior and choices
  8. theory consists of philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and the art
  9. propagated the self care theory of nursing
  10. theorist that believed that the cleanliness of the environment was essential to promote the healing of a patient
  1. created the behavioral system model
  2. theory focuses on caring and how it can promote health better than a simple medicinal cure
  3. developed the deliberative nursing process
  4. which theorist is the author of "Life Perspective Rhythm Model"
  5. what theorist graduated from the university of Vienna with a medical degree and specialized as on ophthalmologist for a short time?
  6. theorist that adapts to each patients individual needs
  7. believed that the nurse and patient should communicate information, set goals together, and take actions to achieve the goals
  8. theory focuses on putting yourself in the unique perspective that patients view the world
  9. believed stress reduction is the goal of nursing practice
  10. developed the Neuman's system model
  11. developed the care and cure model of nursing
  12. this theorist came up with the maternal role attainment theory
  13. which theorist came up with the twenty one nursing problems

23 Clues: created the behavioral system modeldeveloped the Neuman's system modeldeveloped the deliberative nursing processpropagated the self care theory of nursingdeveloped the care and cure model of nursingtheorist that developed the 3 stage change theorytheorist that adapts to each patients individual needs...

Natural selection 2021-11-16

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. a defense mechanism to blend in.
  2. the differences between individuals within a species.
  3. adjustment of organisms to their environment in order to improve their chances at survival in that environment.
  4. established the theory of evolution
  5. a group of linked ideas intended to explain something.
  6. a set of organisms that is adapted to a particular set of resources (niche) in the environment
  7. a change in a genetic sequence.
  1. established natural selection
  2. genetically determined
  3. change over time
  4. the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change.
  5. idea that all species are related and gradually change over time.

12 Clues: change over timegenetically determinedestablished natural selectiona change in a genetic sequence.a defense mechanism to blend in.established the theory of evolutionthe differences between individuals within a species.a group of linked ideas intended to explain something.idea that all species are related and gradually change over time....

Unit 7 2024-04-26

Unit 7 crossword puzzle
  1. The nonjudgmental empathy and respect for another person.
  2. The belief that the environment has more control over life circumstances than the individual does.
  3. a situation involving a choice between two equally desirable but incompatible alternatives.
  4. A theoretical view of human nature which stresses a positive view of human nature and the strong belief in psychological homeostasis.
  5. a theory of emotional and motivational states by Richard Solomon stating that when you experience one emotion, the other is temporarily inhibited. With repeated stimulus, the initial emotion becomes weaker, and the opposing emotion intensifies.
  6. a situation involving a choice between two equally objectionable alternatives.
  7. a situation involving a single goal or option that has both desirable and undesirable aspects or consequences. The closer an individual comes to the goal, the greater the anxiety, but withdrawal from the goal then increases the desire.
  1. Psychological forces which prevent undesirable or inappropriate impulses from entering consciousness
  2. The theory by Sigmund Freud stating that our childhood experiences and unconscious desires shape our behavior.
  3. theory that emotional expression results from the function of hypothalamic structures, and emotional feeling results from stimulations of the dorsal thalamus.
  4. The stable set of individual characteristics that make us unique.
  5. The theory stating that we are motivated by our innate desire to maintain an optimal level of arousal.
  6. theory that physical changes in the body happen first, which then leads to the experience of emotion
  7. personality test designed to let a person respond to ambiguous stimuli, presumably revealing hidden emotions and internal conflicts projected by the person into the test.
  8. a machine that measures a person's physiological responses when they respond to questions. Also known as a lie-detector test.
  9. The physiologic changes your body goes through as it responds to stress. Three stages (Alarm Reaction, Resistance, Exhaustion).
  10. One's belief in his or her own ability.
  11. The theory stating that there are certain factors in the workplace that cause job satisfaction while a separate set of factors cause dissatisfaction, all of which act independently of each other.
  12. theory by Albert Bandura which states that a person's behavior both influences and is influenced by personal factors and the social environment.

19 Clues: One's belief in his or her own ability.The nonjudgmental empathy and respect for another person.The stable set of individual characteristics that make us unique.a situation involving a choice between two equally objectionable alternatives.a situation involving a choice between two equally desirable but incompatible alternatives....

Research Methods: Chapter 1 2021-08-22

Research Methods: Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. ____ treatments are psychotherapy techniques whose effectiveness has been supported by empirical research.
  2. A feature of a scientific theory, in which it is possible to collect data that will indicate that the theory is wrong.
  3. Research that aims to enhance the general body of knowledge.
  4. Research that uses knowledge derived from basic research to develop and test solutions to real-world problems.
  5. The process of conducting a study again to test whether the result is consistent.
  1. Predictions about the specific outcome expected
  2. Research that aims to find a solution to a particular real-world problem.
  3. Collecting data and using it to develop, support, or challenge a theory.
  4. Set of observations.
  5. A monthly or quarterly periodical containing peer-reviewed articles on a specific academic discipline or subdiscipline, written for a scholarly audience.
  6. A statement, or set of statements, that describes general principles about how variables relate to one another.

11 Clues: Set of observations.Predictions about the specific outcome expectedResearch that aims to enhance the general body of knowledge.Collecting data and using it to develop, support, or challenge a theory.Research that aims to find a solution to a particular real-world problem....

SET THORY: Know my Theory 2024-02-21

SET THORY: Know my Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Z
  2. 'U'
  3. { }
  4. (a,b)
  5. Ø
  1. A×B
  2. C
  3. (N) or (N1)
  4. #A or |A|
  5. 2A
  6. A = B

15 Clues: CZØ2AA×B'U'{ }A = B(a,b)#A or |A|(N) or (N1)

probability 2018-03-12

probability crossword puzzle
  1. something will happen
  2. set of uniform model
  3. not able to do
  4. imitation of a problem
  5. events that have the same theoretical probability
  6. set of nonuniform model
  7. the theory of a subject
  8. known for sure
  1. the range of values
  2. equal in value
  3. more than one possible outcome
  4. untested ideas
  5. one event happens at a time
  6. the likelihood of something to happen

14 Clues: equal in valueuntested ideasnot able to doknown for surethe range of valuesset of uniform modelsomething will happenimitation of a problemset of nonuniform modelthe theory of a subjectone event happens at a timemore than one possible outcomethe likelihood of something to happenevents that have the same theoretical probability

Discrete Mathematics Set Theory Crossword 2024-07-15

Discrete Mathematics Set Theory Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Number of elements in the set
  2. P->Q
  3. generalization of notion of set in which members are allowed to appear as elements
  4. AUA=A, A∩A=A
  5. AUB=BUA
  6. Method in which condition is specified which defines all the elements
  7. AU(BUC)=(AUB)UC
  8. Set of all subsets of given set
  1. P->Q:(~Q)->(~P)
  2. AU(B∩C)=(AUB)∩(AUC)
  3. A group of unordered items
  4. P->Q:Q->P
  5. Empty set
  6. Method in which we list all the elements in the sets
  7. P->Q:(~P)->(~Q)

15 Clues: P->QAUB=BUAP->Q:Q->PEmpty setAUA=A, A∩A=AP->Q:(~Q)->(~P)P->Q:(~P)->(~Q)AU(BUC)=(AUB)UCAU(B∩C)=(AUB)∩(AUC)A group of unordered itemsNumber of elements in the setSet of all subsets of given setMethod in which we list all the elements in the setsMethod in which condition is specified which defines all the elements...

Renaissance 2020-10-09

Renaissance crossword puzzle
  1. A theory that earth is the center of the the universe
  2. A painting or mural using water colors
  3. The early period of the art and devlopment boom in Europe
  4. When someone funds the creation of artwork
  5. a short period when the renaissance was at its best point
  6. The method used to evaluate sciences and experiments
  7. a point in a painting where the light comes
  8. A theory that God had created the world and then time and set everything into motion
  1. A specific way to create a poem
  2. The theory that all particles attract one another
  3. The theory that you cannot be nice and a good politician
  4. The separation of religion from the state
  5. a type of perspective used by artists in which the relative size, shape, and position of objects are determined by drawn or imagined lines converging at a point on the horizon.
  6. A theory the sun is the center of our solar system
  7. the quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
  8. Cutting open a body and observing what's inside the body

16 Clues: A specific way to create a poemA painting or mural using water colorsThe separation of religion from the stateWhen someone funds the creation of artworka point in a painting where the light comesThe theory that all particles attract one anotherA theory the sun is the center of our solar systemA theory that earth is the center of the the universe...

Intro to Sociology first guide 2024-09-03

Intro to Sociology first guide crossword puzzle
  1. Process of social transformation.
  2. Set of customs and beliefs.
  3. Rules that guide behavior.
  4. Theory that emphasizes stability.
  5. Way to analyze society.
  6. Theory centered on inequality.
  1. Founder of Sociology.
  2. Science that studies society.
  3. Organized group of people.
  4. Beliefs that guide decisions.

10 Clues: Founder of Sociology.Way to analyze society.Rules that guide behavior.Organized group of people.Set of customs and beliefs.Science that studies society.Beliefs that guide decisions.Theory centered on inequality.Process of social transformation.Theory that emphasizes stability.

Crim2 2023-03-19

Crim2 crossword puzzle
  1. external examination of the skull
  2. published by darwin between 1794 and 1796
  3. discourage offenders by instilling fear
  4. he introduced defensible space theory
  5. observable level by Gregor Mendel
  6. seated in the liver
  7. v
  8. seated in the gall bladder
  9. human behavior originated from the brain
  10. swedish botanist,zoologist and physician
  11. t
  12. reappearance in an organism of characters
  13. theory that the threat of punishment will deter people from committing crime
  14. v
  15. p
  16. q
  17. inclusion of basic security and behavioral provisions
  18. p
  19. d
  20. i
  21. primary center for skeletal growth of long bones
  22. a stage of a positive stage
  1. based on or in accordance with reason or logic
  2. published Criminal Man
  3. v
  4. incorporation of security hardware
  5. observe the areas surrounding their home
  6. best known and most influential moral theories
  7. o
  8. Last name of the one who traced Martin Kallikak
  9. comes from greek words physis and gnomon
  10. Theory based on mixture of common logic and religious beliefs
  11. s
  12. an act commited or ommited in violation of law
  13. po
  14. ki
  15. e
  16. set of assumptions,propositions,or accepted facts
  17. a

39 Clues: vovtsvpeqpadipokiseated in the liverpublished Criminal Manseated in the gall bladdera stage of a positive stageexternal examination of the skullobservable level by Gregor Mendelincorporation of security hardwarehe introduced defensible space theorydiscourage offenders by instilling fearobserve the areas surrounding their home...

astronomy 2015-01-23

astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. theory the universe will come back together again and have repeating big bangs
  2. this size star is 1000x the diameter of the sun
  3. a unit of measurement that represents the average distance from the Earth to the sun
  4. color of hottest star
  5. this type of galaxy doesn't have a set shape
  6. this star has a diameter of about 10 miles
  7. 96-99% of a stars mass
  8. this type of galaxy has a bulge in the middle and arms
  9. color of coolest star
  10. how much light the star actually gives off
  11. giant cloud of dust and gas
  12. theory that universe will continue racing outward until everything dies
  13. this type of galaxy has no dust or gas
  1. energy is spread evenly throughout universe, this is evidence of the big bang theory
  2. colors of the visible spectrum
  3. the theory on how the universe began
  4. light waves that show a shift and serve as evidence that the universe is expanding
  5. year a unit of measurement used outside of the solar system
  6. how much light the star appears to give off
  7. what about the universe is repeated over and over?
  8. name of the galaxy we live in

21 Clues: color of hottest starcolor of coolest star96-99% of a stars massgiant cloud of dust and gasname of the galaxy we live incolors of the visible spectrumthe theory on how the universe beganthis type of galaxy has no dust or gasthis star has a diameter of about 10 mileshow much light the star actually gives off...

astronomy 2022-05-04

astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. the theory on how the universe began
  2. this star has a diameter of about 10 miles
  3. colors of the visible spectrum
  4. how much light the star actually gives off
  5. giant cloud of dust and gas
  6. theory that universe will continue racing outward until everything dies
  7. this type of galaxy has no dust or gas
  8. color of coolest star
  9. name of the galaxy we live in
  10. this size star is 1000x the diameter of the sun
  11. this type of galaxy has a bulge in the middle and arms
  12. color of hottest star
  13. this type of galaxy doesn't have a set shape
  1. a unit of measurement that represents the average distance from the Earth to the sun
  2. light waves that show a shift and serve as evidence that the universe is expanding
  3. energy is spread evenly throughout universe, this is evidence of the big bang theory
  4. what about the universe is repeated over and over?
  5. 96-99% of a stars mass
  6. theory the universe will come back together again and have repeating big bangs
  7. how much light the star appears to give off
  8. year a unit of measurement used outside of the solar system

21 Clues: color of coolest starcolor of hottest star96-99% of a stars massgiant cloud of dust and gasname of the galaxy we live incolors of the visible spectrumthe theory on how the universe beganthis type of galaxy has no dust or gasthis star has a diameter of about 10 mileshow much light the star actually gives off...

Motivation and Emotion 2014-11-05

Motivation and Emotion crossword puzzle
  1. psychological requirements for interaction and contact with others
  2. theory that says physiological changes CAUSE emotions
  3. an internal state that activates behavior and directs it toward a goal
  4. bodily requirements necessary for survival
  5. feeling of discomfort caused when our actions and beliefs don't match
  6. theory that says we perform best with a small amount of arousal; too much inhibits performance
  7. level of body fat that our bodies strive to maintain
  8. theory that says that physiological changes and a cognitive label happen at the same time; emotion comes later
  9. theorist who believed we have to satisfy our biological needs before our emotional ones
  10. number of expressible facial emotions
  1. theory that says we are motivated to reduce discomfort caused by biological needs
  2. theories of emotion that say that emotion derives from physical changes in the body
  3. theory that says physiological changes and emotion happen at the same time
  4. Maslow's triangle that shows which needs must be satisfied first
  5. number of components of emotion
  6. motivation that comes from our inner desires; personally pleasing
  7. motivation that comes from outer rewards and reinforcements
  8. theorist who studied universal facial expressions
  9. theorist who studied baby monkeys' need for contact comfort
  10. theories of emotion that say that emotion is the result of bodily changes and mental processes working together
  11. a set of complex reactions involving physiological arousal, subjective feelings, and observable behavior

21 Clues: number of components of emotionnumber of expressible facial emotionsbodily requirements necessary for survivaltheorist who studied universal facial expressionslevel of body fat that our bodies strive to maintaintheory that says physiological changes CAUSE emotionsmotivation that comes from outer rewards and reinforcements...

astronomy 2015-01-23

astronomy crossword puzzle
  1. color of hottest star
  2. theory the universe will come back together again and have repeating big bangs
  3. this type of galaxy has no dust or gas
  4. this size star is 1000x the diameter of the sun
  5. energy is spread evenly throughout universe, this is evidence of the big bang theory
  6. color of coolest star
  7. colors of the visible spectrum
  8. giant cloud of dust and gas
  9. the theory on how the universe began
  10. this type of galaxy has a bulge in the middle and arms
  11. year a unit of measurement used outside of the solar system
  12. what about the universe is repeated over and over?
  13. 96-99% of a stars mass
  14. name of the galaxy we live in
  1. how much light the star actually gives off
  2. how much light the star appears to give off
  3. a unit of measurement that represents the average distance from the Earth to the sun
  4. this star has a diameter of about 10 miles
  5. light waves that show a shift and serve as evidence that the universe is expanding
  6. theory that universe will continue racing outward until everything dies
  7. this type of galaxy doesn't have a set shape

21 Clues: color of hottest starcolor of coolest star96-99% of a stars massgiant cloud of dust and gasname of the galaxy we live incolors of the visible spectrumthe theory on how the universe beganthis type of galaxy has no dust or gashow much light the star actually gives offthis star has a diameter of about 10 miles...

Presentation Crossword Puzzle 2022-03-08

Presentation Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. sequence of tasks that processes a set of data
  2. a source of supply or support
  3. hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects of a situation rather than the bad ones
  4. a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end
  5. Father of Scientific management theory
  6. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself
  7. based on or characterized by the methods and principles of science
  8. Where employees work, like an office
  9. Who’s involved with theory x and theory y
  10. Something to do or something that is going on
  1. The person who developed the hierarchy of needs
  2. considering only the bad aspects of a situation, rather than the good ones
  3. the realization of one’s potential full development of one's abilities and appreciation for life
  4. efficiency of goods/services produced
  5. the ability to achieve an end goal with a low amount of energy/resources used
  6. person who is paid to work for another
  7. essential for human survival
  8. Examine or inspect something in detail
  9. characteristic sets of behaviour and emotional factors
  10. thought out explanation for observations from others

20 Clues: essential for human survivala source of supply or supportWhere employees work, like an officeefficiency of goods/services producedFather of Scientific management theoryperson who is paid to work for anotherExamine or inspect something in detailWho’s involved with theory x and theory yThe way in which one acts or conducts oneself...

Science Vocab 2 2022-08-23

Science Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a set of results formed by a test
  2. The amount of molecules in a small area.
  3. noticing different things during a experiment
  4. a series of taken tests and measurements
  5. a variable that stays the same in a experiment
  6. an educated guess based on probability
  1. something that stays the same through the test
  2. an educated guess based on scientific theory
  3. The quantity of matter in a specific area.
  4. A estimate based on scientific theory.
  5. a unique inquiry developed on indifferent conditions
  6. is an idea that can be tested

12 Clues: is an idea that can be testeda set of results formed by a testA estimate based on scientific educated guess based on probabilityThe amount of molecules in a small area.a series of taken tests and measurementsThe quantity of matter in a specific educated guess based on scientific theorynoticing different things during a experiment...

Science Vocab 2 2022-08-23

Science Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a variable that stays the same in a experiment
  2. a series of taken tests and measurements
  3. The amount of molecules in a small area.
  4. A estimate based on scientific theory.
  5. an educated guess based on probability
  6. The quantity of matter in a specific area.
  7. noticing different things during a experiment
  1. an educated guess based on scientific theory
  2. is an idea that can be tested
  3. something that stays the same through the test
  4. a set of results formed by a test
  5. a unique inquiry developed on indifferent conditions

12 Clues: is an idea that can be testeda set of results formed by a testA estimate based on scientific educated guess based on probabilitya series of taken tests and measurementsThe amount of molecules in a small area.The quantity of matter in a specific educated guess based on scientific theorynoticing different things during a experiment...

Science Vocab 2 2022-08-23

Science Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a set of results formed by a test
  2. The amount of molecules in a small area.
  3. noticing different things during a experiment
  4. a series of taken tests and measurements
  5. a variable that stays the same in a experiment
  6. an educated guess based on probability
  1. something that stays the same through the test
  2. an educated guess based on scientific theory
  3. The quantity of matter in a specific area.
  4. A estimate based on scientific theory.
  5. a unique inquiry developed on indifferent conditions
  6. is an idea that can be tested

12 Clues: is an idea that can be testeda set of results formed by a testA estimate based on scientific educated guess based on probabilityThe amount of molecules in a small area.a series of taken tests and measurementsThe quantity of matter in a specific educated guess based on scientific theorynoticing different things during a experiment...

Science Vocab 2 2022-08-23

Science Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a set of results formed by a test
  2. The amount of molecules in a small area.
  3. noticing different things during a experiment
  4. a series of taken tests and measurements
  5. a variable that stays the same in a experiment
  6. an educated guess based on probability
  1. something that stays the same through the test
  2. an educated guess based on scientific theory
  3. The quantity of matter in a specific area.
  4. A estimate based on scientific theory.
  5. a unique inquiry developed on indifferent conditions
  6. is an idea that can be tested

12 Clues: is an idea that can be testeda set of results formed by a testA estimate based on scientific educated guess based on probabilityThe amount of molecules in a small area.a series of taken tests and measurementsThe quantity of matter in a specific educated guess based on scientific theorynoticing different things during a experiment...

Speech Sound Disorders Review 2018-02-09

Speech Sound Disorders Review crossword puzzle
  1. one of a pair of sounds that are different by just one phonetic feature
  2. the minimal unit of meaning, the smallest unit of language that carried a semantic interpretation
  3. Phonology this theory is an expansion of the Distinctive Features Theory but includes additional concepts including underlying representation, surface forms, and phonological rules
  4. Theories these theories emphasize the hierarchical relationships that exist across production units, including speech segments, syllables, and words. These theories include: Metrical Phonology, Feature Geometry, Optimality Theory, and Gestural Phonology (or Articulatory Phonology)
  5. a mark added to a phonetic character to indicate some form of a modification
  6. the basic sound segment that has the linguistic function of distinguishing morphemes
  7. the influence of phonetic context on speech production
  8. stops, fricatives, and affricates because they have a complete, or narrow, constriction of the vocal tract
  9. a speech sound with an intense friction noise like the sibilants but that also includes /f/ and /v/
  10. a modified stop, in which a rapid flapping motion of the tongue tip contacts the alveolar ridge
  11. sounds formed from an inflowing air-stream
  12. a sound that occurs after a vowel
  13. unit of speech consisting of at least a vowel, which may be surrounded by one or more consonants
  1. a nondistinctive phonetic variant for a phoneme
  2. Theory this theory believes that the development of speech sounds is learned through contingent reinforcement and stimulus-response, and is shaped through infants babbling by mature speakers in the environment
  3. Theory this theory emphasizes the child’s individual active learning process as important for phonological development, and explains that a child will discover the structure of language by forming and testing hypotheses about the language system; also known as Cognitive Theory
  4. prosody characteristics that bridge across phonetic segments
  5. Feature Theory this theory emphasizes the development of “feature contrasts” not individual speech sounds
  6. Theory this theory addresses perception and input, views children as active learners, and emphasizes the perception of whole words as early word productions
  7. Phonology this theory was developed to explain children’s phonological acquisition and states that children are born with a set of natural phonological process that reflect their developing speech motor systems
  8. sounds that have the same place of articulation
  9. a speech sound with an intense, high-pitched noise
  10. involved the suprasegmental characteristics of intonation, stress patterns, loudness variation, pausing and rhythm
  11. different usage patterns in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary and/or grammar within the same language
  12. a sound that occurs before a vowel
  13. sounds formed from an outflowing stream
  14. the study of sound systems of language; the structure and function of sounds in language

27 Clues: a sound that occurs after a vowela sound that occurs before a vowelsounds formed from an outflowing streamsounds formed from an inflowing air-streama nondistinctive phonetic variant for a phonemesounds that have the same place of articulationa speech sound with an intense, high-pitched noisethe influence of phonetic context on speech production...

Renaissance Terms-to-Know 2020-10-09

Renaissance Terms-to-Know crossword puzzle
  1. renaissance , The period dominating the 15th century in Italian art
  2. , The duties of a patron
  3. clockmaker , God was the...
  4. , A way of mural painting on freshly laid lime plaster
  5. , Philosophical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of humans
  6. perspective , Making and illusion of depth on a flat surface
  7. renaissance , Short period of the most exceptional artist productions
  8. , Where a person focuses only on their interests and no one else's
  9. , Habit of being independent
  10. , The importance of something
  11. , Study of the structure of organisms and their parts
  1. sonnet , Sonnet form with 14 lines
  2. theory , A model where the Sun supposedly is near a central point
  3. , Set of principles underlying the work of an artist
  4. , Separation of the state from religious institutions
  5. point , In a painting, all lines go to this point for perspective
  6. , Cutting open a person
  7. method , Method of acquiring knowledge
  8. of gravitation , Newton's...
  9. theory , Theory of the structure of the solar system

20 Clues: , The duties of a patron, Cutting open a person, Habit of being independentclockmaker , God was the...of gravitation , Newton's..., The importance of somethingsonnet , Sonnet form with 14 linesmethod , Method of acquiring knowledge, Set of principles underlying the work of an artist, Separation of the state from religious institutions...

8th Grade Crossword - Final Project 2022-05-31

8th Grade Crossword - Final Project crossword puzzle
  1. Moving something around a set axis
  2. Takes 1,2,or 3 instructions to solve
  3. A symbol above a number
  4. Takes each point of a figure and slides it in a set direction
  5. The founder of a known triangle theory
  6. The number before a variable
  7. A continuous extension of numbers
  1. A equation using a set of variables
  2. Opposite of clockwise
  3. 4/3 pi r^2 is the equation of this shape
  4. The study of shapes
  5. The study of mathematical symbols and variables
  6. Pi r^2 x h is the equation of this shape
  7. 3rd side of a right triangle
  8. A number written without a a fraction
  9. To expand or widen an image by a set number
  10. The middle of a line segment

17 Clues: The study of shapesOpposite of clockwiseA symbol above a number3rd side of a right triangleThe middle of a line segmentThe number before a variableA continuous extension of numbersMoving something around a set axisA equation using a set of variablesTakes 1,2,or 3 instructions to solveA number written without a a fraction...

Nursing Theorist Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-16

Nursing Theorist Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Published her Theory of "Caratative Caring"
  2. means love and charity, eros and agape (unconditional love)
  3. Published her "Adaptation Model"
  4. developed the Self Care Deficit Nursing Theory
  5. Theorist of "Philosophy in Nursing Practice"
  6. First Director of Loeb Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
  7. a pioneer in nursing research who developed the 21 Nursing Problems
  8. promotes helping behavior that calls for a nurturing response
  9. this is having a feeling of sense of adequacy or well-being.
  10. set towards the disorganization of the system
  11. strengthens the effect of the focal stimilus
  1. It is a feeling of Displeasure
  2. using spoken or written words
  3. a design or model; a repetitive goal
  4. in which the person makes use of the nurse's help
  5. published the "Nursing Process Theory"
  6. a process where a person reaches the highest level of consciousness
  7. "Human-to-Human Relationship Model," was developed by
  8. first lady of nursing
  9. an organism that lives in an unstable balance of a given s

20 Clues: first lady of nursingusing spoken or written wordsIt is a feeling of DispleasurePublished her "Adaptation Model"a design or model; a repetitive goalpublished the "Nursing Process Theory"Published her Theory of "Caratative Caring"Theorist of "Philosophy in Nursing Practice"strengthens the effect of the focal stimilus...

Child Growth and Development 2023-09-28

Child Growth and Development crossword puzzle
  1. occurs during middle childhood
  2. designed to test hypotheses
  3. guides and helps us interpret research findings
  4. involves beginning with a group of people (same age/background) and measuring them over a repeated amount of time
  5. watching and recording the actions of participants
  6. Discontinuity vs. Continuity theory
  7. asking a standard set of questions to a group of subjects
  8. beginning with a sample that represents a cross-section of the population
  9. Active vs. Passive theory
  10. involves combining aspects of the previous two techniques
  1. lasts from birth until around age 2
  2. exploring a single case or situation in great detail
  3. more conscious attempt to support our own views
  4. begins with puberty and contines throughout adulthood
  5. suggests three parts of self
  6. theories of Erikson & others
  7. coincides with potty training or learning to manage biological urges
  8. occurs in early childhood and marks the development of the super-ego
  9. techniques used in developmental research
  10. (0,1-5,6-10, etc.)

20 Clues: (0,1-5,6-10, etc.)Active vs. Passive theorydesigned to test hypothesessuggests three parts of selftheories of Erikson & othersoccurs during middle childhoodlasts from birth until around age 2Discontinuity vs. Continuity theorytechniques used in developmental researchmore conscious attempt to support our own views...

Classical and Operant Conditioning 2023-12-08

Classical and Operant Conditioning crossword puzzle
  1. reinforcement after a set number of times/period of time
  2. type of schedule that rewards every time
  3. in operant conditioning, applying/adding something
  4. how often reinforcement is given
  5. amount of time needed for reinforcement
  6. developed the theory of behaviorism and Little Albert experiment
  7. in operant conditioning, done to increase a behavior
  8. training an automatic response by pairing two stimuli and creating an association between them
  9. in classical conditioning, innate
  1. experiment conditioning a baby to fear rats or anything similar
  2. in operant conditioning, done to decrease a behavior
  3. training a behavior through reinforcement and punishment
  4. developed theory of classical conditioning
  5. in operant conditioning, removing something
  6. reinforcement after a varying number of times/period of time
  7. number of times needed for reinforcement
  8. in classical conditioning, trained
  9. skinner's main work, involved and rat and the pressing of buttons which gave rewards or punishments
  10. pavlov's main work, involved a dog and the association of food with a ringing bell
  11. developed theory of operant conditioning

20 Clues: how often reinforcement is givenin classical conditioning, innatein classical conditioning, trainedamount of time needed for reinforcementtype of schedule that rewards every timenumber of times needed for reinforcementdeveloped theory of operant conditioningdeveloped theory of classical conditioningin operant conditioning, removing something...

CHAPTER 2 2023-09-18

CHAPTER 2 crossword puzzle
  1. a theory that focuses on improving the organization through understanding employee motivation and behavior
  2. time in history when machines replaced human and animal power
  3. a classical management theory that focuses on the organization as a whole and identifies effective ways to organize and manage a business
  4. a classical management theory that uses science to study worker productivity and workflow
  5. a theory that suggests the appropriate style of management depends on the situation
  6. a system in which people, items, or issues are ranked in order of importance
  7. a management philosophy in which the success of an organization is directly related to customer satisfaction
  1. an emerging management theory in which decisions are based on a combination of critical thinking and the best-available evidence
  2. a classical management theory that is an approach based on precisely defined procedures and a clearly defined order of command
  3. a management theory that uses measurable techniques to improve decision-making in an organization
  4. an idea or collection of ideas used as a set of guidelines for managing an organization
  5. theory that focuses on organizing work with the goal of increasing worker productivity
  6. the specialization of individuals who perform specific tasks

13 Clues: the specialization of individuals who perform specific taskstime in history when machines replaced human and animal powera system in which people, items, or issues are ranked in order of importancea theory that suggests the appropriate style of management depends on the situation...

Renaissance terms 2022-10-19

Renaissance terms crossword puzzle
  1. Isaac Newtons laws
  2. Being praised for being apart from a group/alone
  3. Francesco Petrarch's poetry style
  4. art technique that creates the illusion of depth on a flat surface
  5. scientific idea further developed during the renaissance.
  6. the action of opening a body to study its insides
  7. the importance something has
  8. A type of mural
  1. Scientist said god was this as he placed everything on earth
  2. the study of the structure of bodies or animals
  3. the part of a painting that is the
  4. time period during the 1400s
  5. Promotion of people of wealth
  6. The theory that the sun is at the center of the universe
  7. set of beliefs that all in the world is valuable and true.
  8. more around 1500s (art pinnacle)
  9. The theory where earth is at the center of the universe
  10. Perception or sensual viewing
  11. The study of grammar, history, and poetry
  12. Niccolo Machiavelli created this political theory

20 Clues: A type of muralIsaac Newtons lawstime period during the 1400sthe importance something hasPromotion of people of wealthPerception or sensual viewingmore around 1500s (art pinnacle)Francesco Petrarch's poetry stylethe part of a painting that is theThe study of grammar, history, and poetrythe study of the structure of bodies or animals...

Important Figures of The Renaissance 2023-01-26

Important Figures of The Renaissance crossword puzzle
  1. created the geocentric theory
  2. created the heliocentric theory
  3. astronomer who recanted his beliefs
  4. showed that the planets moved in a oval shape
  5. queen of Russia
  6. developed a technique for stitching wounds
  7. wrote "On the Structure of the Human Body"
  1. created the laws of motion
  2. popularized the scientific method
  3. first human to see cells and microorganisms
  4. showed that the heart served as a pump
  5. said "I think, therefore I am."
  6. distinguished elements and chemical compounds
  7. set up an astronical observatory

14 Clues: queen of Russiacreated the laws of motioncreated the geocentric theorycreated the heliocentric theorysaid "I think, therefore I am."set up an astronical observatorypopularized the scientific methodastronomer who recanted his beliefsshowed that the heart served as a pumpdeveloped a technique for stitching wounds...

BBA305 2022-01-23

BBA305 crossword puzzle
  1. Develop hypothesis to create theory
  2. An analysis of four and more variables
  3. An analysis of three variables
  4. Strength of association
  5. Deals with decimal points
  1. A set of proposition
  2. Develop hypothesis to test the theory
  3. An analysis of two variables
  4. An analysis to find the model fitness
  5. Deals with non-decimal points
  6. Reflects cause and effect
  7. An analysis of Single variable

12 Clues: A set of propositionStrength of associationReflects cause and effectDeals with decimal pointsAn analysis of two variablesDeals with non-decimal pointsAn analysis of Single variableAn analysis of three variablesDevelop hypothesis to create theoryDevelop hypothesis to test the theoryAn analysis to find the model fitness...

Year 6 2024-07-09

Year 6 crossword puzzle
  1. Imaginary line running around the centre of the Earth
  2. Zero's (from the book Holes) real name.
  3. An animal without a backbone.
  4. Main character of A Christmas Carol.
  5. Stole into the Misty Mountain.
  6. Who wrote Macbeth?
  7. Country the book Wolf Wilder is set in.
  8. Natures way of cleaning water
  9. Where the No Where Emporium's main character lives at the start of the story.
  10. Viking King of the gods.
  11. How many ghosts visited in A Christmas Carol?
  1. First person to reach the South Pole.
  2. Main character of our Shakespeare play studied this year
  3. Came up with the theory of natural selection
  4. To stay completely still
  5. World famous escapologist.
  6. Animal with a backbone.
  7. Wrote the book The Witches.
  8. Viking god of thunder.
  9. Created a world in his book of wonders.
  10. Viking capital city in England.
  11. Which side of the body is the heart tilted towards?
  12. Which city is A Christmas Carol set?
  13. Died on his way to the South Pole.
  14. Came up with the theory of gravity.

25 Clues: Who wrote Macbeth?Viking god of thunder.Animal with a backbone.To stay completely stillViking King of the gods.World famous escapologist.Wrote the book The Witches.An animal without a backbone.Natures way of cleaning waterStole into the Misty Mountain.Viking capital city in England.Died on his way to the South Pole....

History Review Crossword 2022-01-07

History Review Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dialect spoken by regular people of a region
  2. Means rebirth
  3. Country or area under control of another country
  4. Theory that everything orbits the sun
  5. Private actors own and control property
  6. The God given right to the throne
  7. Monarchs had complete control
  1. Reform of abuses in Catholic Church
  2. A conqueror
  3. Movement that focused on human potential
  4. Theory that Earth is center of the universe
  5. Worldly rather than spiritual
  6. A multilateral system of trading
  7. Religious images used by Eastern Christians
  8. Complex set of codes for knights to abide by

15 Clues: A conquerorMeans rebirthWorldly rather than spiritualMonarchs had complete controlA multilateral system of tradingThe God given right to the throneReform of abuses in Catholic ChurchTheory that everything orbits the sunPrivate actors own and control propertyMovement that focused on human potentialTheory that Earth is center of the universe...

Media Crossword 2013-05-03

Media Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Narrative thats contains more than one story line
  2. The theory about the disruption of the equilibrium
  3. Who said that a celebrity is not a person,they're an oject/brand?
  4. Slang Words
  5. The coming together of more than one media area
  6. Widely held set of beliefs and values
  7. Short episode that airs on the internet, usually as part of web series
  1. Design,set and lighting within a scene
  2. What's the name for the main character/hero?
  3. Who came up with that narrative theory about stock characters?
  4. Creating contrast between characters or location e.g. hero/villian
  5. Word/phrase/image that opens a new page when you click on it
  6. This is who the media text is intended for
  7. Small version of a bigger image or video clip on the web page
  8. Closeness to real life, unmediated truth
  9. Added in post-production stage to create dramatic effect

16 Clues: Slang WordsWidely held set of beliefs and valuesDesign,set and lighting within a sceneCloseness to real life, unmediated truthThis is who the media text is intended forWhat's the name for the main character/hero?The coming together of more than one media areaNarrative thats contains more than one story line...

DECA 2023-09-18

DECA crossword puzzle
  1. management - a theory that focuses on organizing work with the goal of increasing worker productivity.
  2. of labor - the specialization of individuals who perform specific tasks.
  3. quality management - a management philosophy in which the success of an organization is directly related to customer satisfaction.
  4. management - a classical management theory that focuses on the organization as a whole and identifies effective ways to organize and manage a business.
  5. management - a classical management theory that is an approach based on precisely defined procedures and a clearly defined order of command.
  6. approach - a theory that suggests the appropriate style of management depends on the situation.
  7. management - a theory that focuses on improving the organization through understanding employee motivation and behavior.
  1. Revolution - a time in history when machines replaced human and animal power.
  2. theory - n idea or collection of ideas used as a set of guidelines for managing an organization.
  3. management - an emerging management theory in which decisions are based on a combination of critical thinking and the best-available evidence.
  4. approach - a management theory that uses measurable techniques to improve decision-making in an organization.
  5. - a system in which people, items, or issues are ranked in order of importance.
  6. management - a classical management theory that uses science to study worker productivity and workflow

13 Clues: of labor - the specialization of individuals who perform specific tasks.Revolution - a time in history when machines replaced human and animal power.- a system in which people, items, or issues are ranked in order of importance.approach - a theory that suggests the appropriate style of management depends on the situation....

Psychology Words 2022-05-02

Psychology Words crossword puzzle
  1. Self-observation report
  2. A factor capable of change
  3. An intensive investigation
  4. Treatment is not applied
  5. Summarizing of data
  6. Relationship between two things
  7. Research over a number of years
  8. How we take and use information
  9. The function of consciousness
  10. Research supports a hypothesis
  1. How often a score occurs
  2. How organisms change behavior
  3. Helping people with disorders
  4. Asking a set of questions
  5. Making meaningful inferences
  6. Thinking and understanding
  7. Studying without interfering
  8. A small group that is studied
  9. Set of assumptions
  10. Average distance from the mean
  11. Belief that someone has freedom
  12. A measure of data

22 Clues: A measure of dataSet of assumptionsSummarizing of dataSelf-observation reportHow often a score occursTreatment is not appliedAsking a set of questionsThinking and understandingA factor capable of changeAn intensive investigationMaking meaningful inferencesStudying without interferingHow organisms change behaviorHelping people with disorders...

Theoretical Perspectives on the Development of African Americans 2023-10-15

Theoretical Perspectives on the Development of African Americans crossword puzzle
  1. stands for Phenomenological Variant of Ecological Systems Theory
  2. the social relationships where the individual is directly involved
  3. means inside one's self
  4. social interactions
  5. different characteristics that make a person
  1. created an ecological theory
  2. means between people
  3. created a social cognitive theory
  4. the context of connections between different microsystems (the link between family and peers)
  5. the set of temporal and historical changes that affect development and alter the characteristics of the individual
  6. the broader context the involves the social structure (ex: government, media, culture)
  7. the social settings that indirectly affect development but the individual doesn't have direct contact (ex: school boards)
  8. he, Tracey Hartmann, and Margaret Beale Spencer created PVEST
  9. means rhythm or movement
  10. auditory and verbal modes

15 Clues: social interactionsmeans between peoplemeans inside one's selfmeans rhythm or movementauditory and verbal modescreated an ecological theorycreated a social cognitive theorydifferent characteristics that make a personhe, Tracey Hartmann, and Margaret Beale Spencer created PVESTstands for Phenomenological Variant of Ecological Systems Theory...

AWL1 2020-05-23

AWL1 crossword puzzle
  1. to move forward
  2. a particular appearance or quality
  3. difficult to understand
  4. to pass laws
  5. to deliver or supply something
  6. a factor or feature
  7. being clear enough to be read
  8. to set up or found
  9. morals
  1. to give variety
  2. to form by putting together parts or materials
  3. a method or procedurefor achieving something
  4. following as a result or effect
  5. obvious or clear
  6. to set of idea that explains oberved facts

15 Clues: moralsto pass lawsto give varietyto move forwardobvious or clearto set up or founda factor or featuredifficult to understandbeing clear enough to be readto deliver or supply somethingfollowing as a result or effecta particular appearance or qualityto set of idea that explains oberved factsa method or procedurefor achieving something...

PSY-101 Eam #3 (Chapters 8, 9, & 14) 2019-10-04

PSY-101 Eam #3 (Chapters 8, 9, & 14) crossword puzzle
  1. The positive experiences in life, which may neutralize the effects of many hassles.
  2. How many stages are in Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development?
  3. What is the type of motivation that is the desire to behave in a certain way in order to gain some external reward or to avoid some undesirable consequence?
  4. The realization that objects continue to exist, even when they can no longer be perceived by the child.
  5. The general level of happiness when the individual is not trying to be happy. Answer: Set ________ of Happiness.
  6. What humanist psychologist developed the Hierarchy of Needs? (Last name only).
  7. In Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development, what is the preconventional level based on?
  8. The type of emotions that are unlearned and universal.
  9. The psychologist who theorized the Theory of Psychosocial Development (Last name only).
  10. What theory suggests that people are motivated to maintain an optimal level of alertness and physical/mental activation? Answer is: Optimum _________Theory.
  1. What theory of emotional feelings that results when an individual becomes aware of a physiological response to an emotion-provoking stimulus? (Hint: two words, no space).
  2. The force that moves people to behave, think, and feel the way they do.
  3. The theory of emotional feelings that results when the emotion of fear occurs at the same time you feel the physiological arousal? (Hint: two words, no space.
  4. The number of stages in Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development?
  5. When an adult adjusts the amount of guidance provided to match a child’s current ability?
  6. _______- reduction theory states that people are motivated to reduce tension created by biological drives.
  7. Eating Disorders are ____________ disorders and not disorders about eating.
  8. What is the type of motivation that is the desire to behave in a certain way because it is enjoyable or satisfying in and of itself?
  9. The psychologist who developed the sociocultural approach to human development (Last Name only).

19 Clues: The type of emotions that are unlearned and universal.How many stages are in Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development?The force that moves people to behave, think, and feel the way they do.The number of stages in Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development?Eating Disorders are ____________ disorders and not disorders about eating....

UNIT 1 2023-05-05

UNIT 1 crossword puzzle
  1. first name of theory of evolution creator
  2. inconsistent set of three beliefs
  3. deliberate termination of a foetus
  4. all powerful
  5. He created Natural Law
  6. the way god makes himself known to humans
  7. said evil is a privation
  8. an absence of something usually present
  9. religion tells us the?
  10. surname of person who spoke about speciesism
  11. surname of big bang theory creator
  12. all life is sacred
  1. means beginning
  2. science tells us the?
  3. second primary precept of natural law
  4. most important source of moral decision making
  5. we learn that God is what through Genesis
  6. outside of time and space
  7. Who painted the creation of adam?
  8. irenaeus says evil is?
  9. jesus asked his disciples to carry their?

21 Clues: all powerfulmeans beginningall life is sacredscience tells us the?He created Natural Lawreligion tells us the?irenaeus says evil is?said evil is a privationoutside of time and spaceinconsistent set of three beliefsWho painted the creation of adam?deliberate termination of a foetussurname of big bang theory creator...

vocab crossword 2021-12-02

vocab crossword crossword puzzle


Scientific Management 2023-01-17

Scientific Management crossword puzzle
  1. workers should know clearly of what of their work
  2. who set this principle
  3. the bad result is workers not set what
  4. the essence of this theory of an organization comes down to whether workers truly know what of their jobs
  5. workers should do what can help them do best work
  6. most workplace issue
  7. how many principles of this theory have
  1. every job should have what to follow
  2. every job should have what to follow
  3. workers should know clearly of what of their work
  4. workers should supported by what
  5. how to selected workers for each job

12 Clues: most workplace issuewho set this principleworkers should supported by whatevery job should have what to followevery job should have what to followhow to selected workers for each jobthe bad result is workers not set whathow many principles of this theory haveworkers should know clearly of what of their work...

Hope Theory 2022-05-01

Hope Theory crossword puzzle
  1. One hypothesis of this theory is that people of differing hope levels should have differing emotional sets, with high-hope people having enduring __ emotions
  2. Dixson et al. (2017) used __ analysis to provide basic empirical support for the theory
  3. Hope theory has mainly correlational support, with evidence for hope levels predicting loneliness (Sympson, 1999), adjustment to physical health changes (Kwon, 2002), and __ achievement (Snyder et al., 1999)
  4. One of the two key theorists; rhymes with Heider
  5. Goal-directed energy; the motivation to use the routes to reach goals
  6. Although Hope Theory was initially focused on applicability across __, it is now sometimes applied in specific areas such as math or employment
  7. Some current researchers are exploring the idea that hope, optimism, and self-efficacy may all be part of some larger overarching __
  8. The second seminal year; also a palindrome
  9. One of the two key theorists; rhymes with pope says
  1. Hope is framed as a __ set rather than an emotion
  2. For people lower in hope, this tends to produce rumination and self-doubt rather than leading to improvements in goal pursuit
  3. Hope Theory is an __ process, meaning the pathways influence each other
  4. These are said to reflect responses to perceptions about how one is doing in goal pursuit activities
  5. Hope is always directed at specific __
  6. True or false: Hope Theory is still used today, with no major changes to the original theory structure
  7. The first seminal year; a palindrome
  8. Creating different routes to goals
  9. People with higher levels of this tend to be flexible thinkers, able to come up with alternative routes to their goals if they encounter barriers
  10. Some of the initial empirical support for the theory came from Snyder et al. (1991) who administered Snyder's Hope Scale to different __, finding that hope scores differed between college students and people receiving psychological treatment

19 Clues: Creating different routes to goalsThe first seminal year; a palindromeHope is always directed at specific __The second seminal year; also a palindromeOne of the two key theorists; rhymes with HeiderHope is framed as a __ set rather than an emotionOne of the two key theorists; rhymes with pope says...

Natural selection 2021-11-17

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. change in a genetic sequence
  2. the change of organisms to their environment in order to survive
  3. different characteristics
  4. known for his theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics
  5. orderly and gradual change or development
  6. thought out explanation
  7. the idea that all species are related and gradually change over time
  1. what organisms use to disguise their appearance
  2. the process through which population of living organism adapt and change
  3. a set of organisms
  4. known for his theory of evolution by natural selection

11 Clues: a set of organismsthought out explanationdifferent characteristicschange in a genetic sequenceorderly and gradual change or developmentwhat organisms use to disguise their appearanceknown for his theory of evolution by natural selectionknown for his theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics...

Medieval Medicine 2021-10-06

Medieval Medicine crossword puzzle
  1. Removing the bad blood from your body with a knife, etc.
  2. Giving a patient something to make them vomit
  3. Belief in the movement of planets, stars and horoscopes affecting illness and wellbeing
  4. whipping oneself to ask God for forgiveness of your sins
  5. People who used to write medical textbooks, associated with the Church
  6. Took care of those in medieval hospitals by holding their hand, bringing warm food, etc
  7. Creator of Theory of the Four Humours
  1. Cures for illnesses made with natural sources: plants, herbs, etc.
  2. Creator of Theory of Opposites
  3. A set of rules set by physicians to maintain good health
  4. A religious journey to prove your faith to God
  5. Blood, Phlegm, Black bile and Yellow bile
  6. Medieval pharmacist; they would mix up cures
  7. Bad air

14 Clues: Bad airCreator of Theory of OppositesCreator of Theory of the Four HumoursBlood, Phlegm, Black bile and Yellow bileMedieval pharmacist; they would mix up curesGiving a patient something to make them vomitA religious journey to prove your faith to GodRemoving the bad blood from your body with a knife, etc....

S4 SET Theory Revision 2 2021-04-13

S4 SET Theory Revision 2 crossword puzzle
  1. In a ____ topology, all the devices are connected in a closed-loop circuit, with each device linked to the next.
  2. By switching on devices only when they are needed, automation helps to save electricity, water and gas, thereby increasing energy ____.
  3. RF refers to ____ communication via radio waves.
  4. ____ is also known as ramp control.
  5. ____ control is the ability of the home automation system to switch on or off all the lights, or just those in a particular section of the home, with a single command.
  6. It is a way to make machines or devices (such as lights and switches) work with little or no direct control by a person.
  7. The language used by devices in an automation system is called a ____ standard.
  8. A ______ and privacy system to make sure only residents holding valid access cards can access the lifts and other facilities within the building.
  1. Twisted Pair Cables can minimise the effects of noise or electromagnetic ____.
  2. ____ feature of the automation system helps to show the status of electrical loads on the screen of a tablet or panel.
  3. ____ access means that the home owner can use multiple devices in the home without needing to move around or even be present.
  4. In a ____ topology, the devices are connected to the bus cable by shorter cables called drop lines.
  5. A ____ switch can be programmed to turn on or turn off all the lights in the home.
  6. ____ refers to how a network is physically or logically laid out.

14 Clues: ____ is also known as ramp control.RF refers to ____ communication via radio waves.____ refers to how a network is physically or logically laid out.Twisted Pair Cables can minimise the effects of noise or electromagnetic ____.The language used by devices in an automation system is called a ____ standard....

Conflict Management 2020-07-05

Conflict Management crossword puzzle
  1. gains The view that through interest-based negotiations the needs of all parties can be met to some extent (also called cooperative, integrative, win-win, interest-based bargaining)
  2. theory The concept that people consistently make sense of the world by assigning meaning and motives to others’ behaviors
  3. A distributive view that resources are limited. As they are allocated, the amount of resources left ultimately will reach zero
  4. A demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statement
  5. conflict undesirable outcome for both parties or both outcomes so instead of addressing the conflict, they'll avoid the conflict.
  6. The event that precipitates a conflict episode (also called triggering events)
  7. The end or desired condition
  8. A tendency to defend one’s position from a competitive stance
  9. goals Goals regarding the expression of self-worth, pride, or self-respect
  10. theories Explanations that focus on the communication that occurs between people in conflict rather than on an individual or internal processes
  11. point A critical moment during an interaction when one choice of how to respond will set the tone for future interaction and possibly change the direction of a relationship
  12. Providing reasons to support an assertion or claim
  13. bias In attribution theory, where one ascribes motivations for personal behavior to a personal character trait when it is most flattering and to situation constraints to diminish personal responsibility (the precise opposite of how motivations are attributed to others)
  14. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by social development as opposed to biological development
  15. One’s view of oneself
  16. six views A theory that each person in a conversation has three views
  17. A state where one thing or person requires another thing or person to meet goals
  18. meaning a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries.
  19. goal A party’s preference for the depth or type of connection to another person and personality style.
  20. The public or private image one holds about oneself (also called self-face
  21. goal In negotiation a party’s desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed
  1. goals Goals around tangible resources
  2. the action or process of making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new developments and experiences.
  3. climates create an environment where communication is threatening.
  4. theory Developed by Lewin and others; the theory suggests there are types of forces that drive conflict and forces that restrain conflict
  5. The general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded
  6. An overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and one’s place in it
  7. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by biological development rather than social development
  8. Deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong
  9. aggressiveness Ultra argumentativeness using personal attacks, name-calling, and other aggressive tactics
  10. exchange theory A relational theory suggesting individuals make choices about relationships by evaluating the personal rewards, costs, and expected profits/benefits involved in maintaining that relationship.
  11. Dilemma A classic game theory example using two criminals pitted against each other during police interrogation
  12. Conflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinformation
  13. a convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise
  14. theory The idea that people make life choices based on a cost-benefit analysis of what better meets personal goals
  15. A style or tactic in response to conflict not to engage directly in conflict
  16. goals Goals held by individuals at the beginning of a conflict
  17. A relatively stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs an individual holds about oneself
  18. motive Situations where an individual’s goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitive
  19. focus A conflict management technique that requires disputants to attend to the changes to be made in the existing circumstances instead of focusing on past events, previous problems, or root causes
  20. conflict Issues that have potential for conflict that the parties do not yet perceive to be a problem
  21. A need that drives a goal

42 Clues: One’s view of oneselfA need that drives a goalThe end or desired conditiongoals Goals around tangible resourcesProviding reasons to support an assertion or claima convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromiseA demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statementConflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinformation...

Shenanigans 2024-07-21

Shenanigans crossword puzzle
  1. Mentor Mentee and.....
  2. Assessment to provide feedback
  3. Pyramid-knows, knows how, shows how and does
  4. The present medical curriculum is based on?
  5. teacher centered method for large group
  6. Adult Learning Theory
  7. Stage of group development featuring cohesion
  8. Father of adult learning theory
  9. A domain pertaining to knowledge
  1. A New role proposed in GMER 2023
  2. Objectives set to fulfil Mission and Vision
  3. acting out a situation-attitude domain
  4. One of the element in SLO
  5. SMART criteria of SLO
  6. Teacher under a microscope????
  7. a series of prepared talks on a topic
  8. gain pupil attention at the beginning of class

17 Clues: SMART criteria of SLOAdult Learning TheoryMentor Mentee and.....One of the element in SLOAssessment to provide feedbackTeacher under a microscope????Father of adult learning theoryA New role proposed in GMER 2023A domain pertaining to knowledgea series of prepared talks on a topicacting out a situation-attitude domain...

MGMT281 Crossword - Grace Lim 2017-07-28

MGMT281 Crossword - Grace Lim crossword puzzle
  1. Type of research where there is no or little earlier studies to refer to.
  2. A thing that is known or proved to be true.
  3. This type of research assumes there is no absolute truth. It is typically inductive and qualitative.
  4. A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena.
  5. Type of data that is measured by the quality of the object of study.
  6. ______ research assumes a knowable truth. It is typically deductive and quantitative.
  7. A set of assumptions or shared understandings about how things work or how something is viewed.
  8. This type of research starts with a theory and you either confirm or reject it.
  1. ______ research is used to identify the elements of a situation/subject being studied.
  2. Based on, concerned with or verifiable by observation or experience.
  3. Data in numerical form.
  4. ______ research helps model and forecast the future based on evidence of cause and effect.
  5. This type of research aims to analyse and evaluate a situation/subject by answering why and how questions.
  6. Moral principles that govern the conducting of an activity. This must be considered when conducting research.
  7. This type of research is useful when performing exploratory research, where there is no existing understanding or theory to guide the inquiry. A theory will be the product of this research.

15 Clues: Data in numerical form.A thing that is known or proved to be true.Based on, concerned with or verifiable by observation or experience.Type of data that is measured by the quality of the object of study.Type of research where there is no or little earlier studies to refer to....

Medieval Medicine 2021-10-06

Medieval Medicine crossword puzzle
  1. Removing the bad blood from your body with a knife, etc.
  2. Medieval pharmacist; they would mix up cures
  3. Cures for illnesses made with natural sources: plants, herbs, etc.
  4. A religious journey to prove your faith to God
  5. People who used to write medical textbooks, associated with the Church
  6. A set of rules set by physicians to maintain good health
  1. Blood, Phlegm, Black bile and Yellow bile
  2. Giving a patient something to make them vomit
  3. whipping oneself to ask God for forgiveness of your sins
  4. Creator of Theory of the Four Humours
  5. Bad air
  6. Creator of Theory of Opposites
  7. Belief in the movement of planets, stars and horoscopes affecting illness and wellbeing
  8. Took care of those in medieval hospitals by holding their hand, bringing warm food, etc

14 Clues: Bad airCreator of Theory of OppositesCreator of Theory of the Four HumoursBlood, Phlegm, Black bile and Yellow bileMedieval pharmacist; they would mix up curesGiving a patient something to make them vomitA religious journey to prove your faith to GodRemoving the bad blood from your body with a knife, etc....


  1. Human-to-human Relationship Model of Nursing
  2. Stages of Nursing Expertise Nursing philosophies
  3. 21 Nursing Theory
  4. Theory of Human Becoming
  5. Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality
  6. Behavioral System Model
  7. General Systems Framework Nursing Conceptual Model
  8. Systems Model
  9. Theory of Physiological Development
  10. Hierarchy of Needs
  1. Self-Care Deficit Model
  2. Environmental Theory
  3. Conservation Model
  4. Theory of Interpersonal Relations
  5. Adaptation Model
  6. General Systems Model
  7. Care, Core, Cure Theory of Nursing
  8. Theory of Deliberate Nursing Process
  9. Caritative Caring Theory
  10. Philosophy and Theory of Transpersonal Caring
  11. Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness

21 Clues: Systems ModelAdaptation Model21 Nursing TheoryConservation ModelHierarchy of NeedsEnvironmental TheoryGeneral Systems ModelSelf-Care Deficit ModelBehavioral System ModelTheory of Human BecomingCaritative Caring TheoryTheory of Interpersonal RelationsCare, Core, Cure Theory of NursingTheory of Physiological Development...

Network Theory 2019-11-26

Network Theory crossword puzzle
  1. Symmetric and asymmetric are considered what?
  2. It is an optimization which refers to a topic that consist of finding an optimal object from a finite set of objevts.
  3. This illustration a=b refers to a ___ relation.
  4. A theory refers to ___ of things in different fields.
  5. It is where edges are connected to.
  1. It is also referred to as networks.
  2. It involves finding an optimal object from a finite set of objects.
  3. This illustration a>b refers to an ___ relation.
  4. A theory which refers to the study of graphs as a representation or relations between objects.
  5. It refers to a limited or infinite set of objects.

10 Clues: It is also referred to as networks.It is where edges are connected to.Symmetric and asymmetric are considered what?This illustration a=b refers to a ___ relation.This illustration a>b refers to an ___ relation.It refers to a limited or infinite set of objects.A theory refers to ___ of things in different fields....

Conflict Management Puzzle 2020-07-05

Conflict Management Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. goals Goals around tangible resources.
  2. goal In negotiation a party’s desired means of how an event should happen or a negotiation should proceed.
  3. goals Goals regarding the expression of self-worth, pride, or self-respect.
  4. bias In attribution theory, where one ascribes motivations for personal behavior to a personal character trait when it is most flattering and to situation constraints to diminish personal responsibility (the precise opposite of how motivations are attributed to others).
  5. theory Developed by Lewin and others; the theory suggests there are types of forces that drive conflict and forces that restrain conflict.
  6. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by social development as opposed to biological development.
  7. A distributive view that resources are limited. As they are allocated, the amount of resources left ultimately will reach zero.
  8. gains The view that through interest-based negotiations the needs of all parties can be met to some extent (also called cooperative, integrative, win-win, interest-based bargaining).
  9. A state where one thing or person requires another thing or person to meet goals.
  10. A style or tactic in response to conflict not to engage directly in conflict.
  11. theories Explanations that focus on the communication that occurs between people in conflict rather than on an individual or internal processes.
  12. A need that drives a goal.
  13. focus A conflict management technique that requires disputants to attend to the changes to be made in the existing instead of focusing on past events, previous problems, or root causes.
  14. goal A party’s preference for the depth or type of connection to another person
  15. The public or private image one holds about oneself (also called self-face.
  16. point A critical moment during an interaction when one choice of how to respond will set the tone for future interaction and possibly change the direction of a relationship.
  17. action or process of making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new developments and experiences.
  18. a convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise.
  19. Deeply seated beliefs and core ideas about right and wrong.
  20. commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries.
  21. Goals held by individuals at the beginning of a conflict.
  1. The event that precipitates a conflict episode (also called triggering events).
  2. The general conversational area in which a conflict issue may be embedded.
  3. Aggressiveness Ultra argumentativeness using personal attacks, name-calling, and other aggressive tactics.
  4. An overarching set of beliefs about how the world works and one’s place in it.
  5. One’s view of oneself.
  6. conflict Issues that have potential for conflict that the parties do not yet perceive to be a problem than on the disputant’s emotions.
  7. Conflicts caused by misinterpretations and misinformation.
  8. climate create an environment where communication is threatening.
  9. exchange theory A relational theory suggesting individuals make choices about relationships by evaluating the personal rewards, costs, and expected profits/benefits involved in maintaining that relationship.
  10. six views A theory that each person in a conversation has three views.
  11. theory The concept that people consistently make sense of the world by assigning meaning and motives to others’ behaviors.
  12. A tendency to defend one’s position from a competitive stance.
  13. motive Situations where an individual’s goals are somewhat cooperative and somewhat competitive
  14. Dilemma A classic game theory example using two criminals pitted against each other during police interrogation.
  15. The end or desired condition.
  16. conflict occurs that results an undesirable outcome for both parties or both outcomes so instead of addressing the conflict.
  17. A theory that holds one’s personality and behavior are influenced by biological development rather than social development.
  18. theory The idea that people make life choices based on a cost-benefit analysis of what better meets personal goals.
  19. A relatively stable set of perceptions, values, attitudes, and beliefs an individual holds about oneself.
  20. Providing reasons to support an assertion or claim.
  21. A demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statement.
  22. personality style.

43 Clues: personality style.One’s view of oneself.A need that drives a goal.The end or desired condition.goals Goals around tangible resources.Providing reasons to support an assertion or claim.a convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise.A demand, proposed solution, or fixed outcome statement....

Symbols of Set Theory Crossword 2024-03-04

Symbols of Set Theory Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. { }
  2. A ⊅ B
  3. #A
  4. A ⊄ B
  5. A - B
  6. A ∪ B
  7. (a,b)
  8. A = B
  1. A ∆ B
  2. A ∩ B
  3. A ⊇ B
  4. A ∪ B
  5. A×B
  6. |
  7. Ø

15 Clues: |Ø#A{ }A×BA ∆ BA ∩ BA ⊅ BA ⊇ BA ⊄ BA ∪ BA - BA ∪ B(a,b)A = B


NURSING MODELS & THEORIES crossword puzzle
  1. She is also known as “The Nightingale of Modern Nursing” and “The First Lady of Nursing”.
  2. It is now the nursing focus, instead of it being disease-centered.
  3. This is where Abdellah studied and earned her three degrees.
  4. Country where Florence Nightingale trained as a Nurse.
  5. Aircraft that exploded thus become the turning point of Abdallah's life.
  6. It is the theory made by Virginia Henderson.
  7. This is what Florence Nightingale is also known as.
  8. They are the state licensed health care professional that is being engaged in the practice of providing nursing care.
  9. According to Abdellah, nursing care should be based on this and not on the hours of care.
  10. It is the nursing role which acts as a partner that works with the patient to do something.
  1. Faye Abdallah's theory.
  2. She is famous as the leader of the nurses who took care of British soldiers in hospital during the Crimean War.
  3. This is the goal of Henderson's theory.
  4. The theorist who spoke with firm conviction about the "nature of nursing as a profession that requires knowledge distinct from medical knowledge".
  5. In the metaparadigm of Henderson’s Theory, it is stated that settings in which individual learns unique pattern for living.
  6. A conceptualization of some aspect of nursing communicated for the purpose of describing, explaining, prescribing nursing care.
  7. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery.
  8. Florence Nightingale's theory.
  9. According to Henderson, it is a form where one of the basic human needs to play or participate in.
  10. Designed to explain a phenomenon such as self-care or caring; contains a set of concepts, definitions, and assumptions or propositions that explain a phenomenon.

20 Clues: Faye Abdallah's theory.Florence Nightingale's theory.This is the goal of Henderson's theory.It is the theory made by Virginia Henderson.This is what Florence Nightingale is also known as.Country where Florence Nightingale trained as a Nurse.This is where Abdellah studied and earned her three degrees....


NURSING MODELS & THEORIES crossword puzzle
  1. This is where Abdellah studied and earned her three degrees.
  2. She is also known as “The Nightingale of Modern Nursing” and “The First Lady of Nursing”.
  3. It is the nursing role which acts as a partner that works with the patient to do something.
  4. This is the goal of Henderson's theory.
  5. A conceptualization of some aspect of nursing communicated for the purpose of describing, explaining, prescribing nursing care.
  6. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery.
  7. The theorist who spoke with firm conviction about the "nature of nursing as a profession that requires knowledge distinct from medical knowledge".
  8. Country where Florence Nightingale trained as a Nurse.
  9. Aircraft that exploded thus become the turning point of Abdallah's life.
  10. According to Abdellah, nursing care should be based on this and not on the hours of care.
  11. Designed to explain a phenomenon such as self-care or caring; contains a set of concepts, definitions, and assumptions or propositions that explain a phenomenon.
  1. She is famous as the leader of the nurses who took care of British soldiers in hospital during the Crimean War.
  2. They are the state licensed health care professional that is being engaged in the practice of providing nursing care.
  3. According to Henderson, it is a form where one of the basic human needs to play or participate in.
  4. This is what Florence Nightingale is also known as.
  5. Faye Abdallah's theory.
  6. In the metaparadigm of Henderson’s Theory, it is stated that settings in which individual learns unique pattern for living.
  7. It is now the nursing focus, instead of it being disease-centered.
  8. Florence Nightingale's theory.
  9. It is the theory made by Virginia Henderson.

20 Clues: Faye Abdallah's theory.Florence Nightingale's theory.This is the goal of Henderson's theory.It is the theory made by Virginia Henderson.This is what Florence Nightingale is also known as.Country where Florence Nightingale trained as a Nurse.This is where Abdellah studied and earned her three degrees....


NURSING MODELS & THEORIES crossword puzzle
  1. This is the goal of Henderson's theory.
  2. A conceptualization of some aspect of nursing communicated for the purpose of describing, explaining, prescribing nursing care.
  3. She is also known as “The Nightingale of Modern Nursing” and “The First Lady of Nursing”.
  4. She is famous as the leader of the nurses who took care of British soldiers in hospital during the Crimean War.
  5. Florence Nightingale's theory.
  6. Designed to explain a phenomenon such as self-care or caring; contains a set of concepts, definitions, and assumptions or propositions that explain a phenomenon.
  7. They are the state licensed health care professional that is being engaged in the practice of providing nursing care.
  8. According to Henderson, it is a form where one of the basic human needs to play or participate in.
  1. The theorist who spoke with firm conviction about the "nature of nursing as a profession that requires knowledge distinct from medical knowledge".
  2. In the metaparadigm of Henderson’s Theory, it is stated that settings in which individual learns unique pattern for living.
  3. Faye Abdallah's theory.
  4. This is what Florence Nightingale is also known as.
  5. It is the nursing role which acts as a partner that works with the patient to do something.
  6. Aircraft that exploded thus become the turning point of Abdallah's life.
  7. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery.
  8. Country where Florence Nightingale trained as a Nurse.
  9. This is where Abdellah studied and earned her three degrees.
  10. It is the theory made by Virginia Henderson.
  11. According to Abdellah, nursing care should be based on this and not on the hours of care.
  12. It is now the nursing focus, instead of it being disease-centered.

20 Clues: Faye Abdallah's theory.Florence Nightingale's theory.This is the goal of Henderson's theory.It is the theory made by Virginia Henderson.This is what Florence Nightingale is also known as.Country where Florence Nightingale trained as a Nurse.This is where Abdellah studied and earned her three degrees....

AWL new vocabulary 2016-10-16

AWL new vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. foundation for belief
  2. reaction, answer
  3. possible, achievable
  4. seen, felt, sensed
  5. administer, carry out
  6. poll
  1. method
  2. result, outcome of action
  3. investigation, study
  4. process, system for achieving something
  5. start, set up, open
  6. last
  7. hypothesis, belief

13 Clues: lastpollmethodreaction, answerseen, felt, sensedhypothesis, beliefstart, set up, openinvestigation, studypossible, achievablefoundation for beliefadminister, carry outresult, outcome of actionprocess, system for achieving something

GENETICS 2022-09-01

GENETICS crossword puzzle
  1. A=T; G=?
  2. the growth of an organism from an embryo is explained through this theory by William Harvey.
  3. caused by mutant hemoglobin, the protein that transports oxygen from the lungs to cells in the body.
  4. the production of items using recombinant DNA technology and other molecular methods.
  5. complete haploid DNA content of a specific organism.
  6. receives a diploid set of chromosomes and produces identical nuclei.
  7. Plants where the long experiments on genetics were conducted in and were observed in.
  8. protein assembly is accomplished with the aid of adapter molecules called ____.
  9. the study of biology that focuses on heredity and variation.
  10. by examining this, one may ascertain how the trait under research is inherited.
  11. identifies the set of proteins present in a cell under a given set of conditions.
  12. it is associated with gamete formation.
  13. an easy technique to identify the genotype of organisms.
  1. what the transfer of heritable traits across species using recombinant DNA technology creates.
  2. Selection a theory by Charles Darwin that presented the explanation of the mechanism of evolutionary change.
  3. it helps in unraveling the process behind the inheritance of phenotypic features.
  4. a diagram that illustrates how gametes are combined to form genotypes and phenotypes.
  5. explores genes and genomes to learn about their structure, purpose, and evolution.
  6. a monk who worked on pea plants.
  7. the chromosomal region on which a specific gene resides.

20 Clues: A=T; G=?a monk who worked on pea is associated with gamete formation.complete haploid DNA content of a specific organism.the chromosomal region on which a specific gene easy technique to identify the genotype of organisms.the study of biology that focuses on heredity and variation....

Berk Exploring Child ch1 2020-08-24

Berk Exploring Child ch1 crossword puzzle
  1. orderly, integrated set of statements that describes, explains, and predicts behavior
  2. newer fields of study that investigate the relationships between changes in the brain and behavior or social development; developmental _______________________
  3. theorist best known for his psychosocial theory, which built upon Freud's ideas
  4. perspective that views the human mind as a symbol-manipulating system through which information flows; _____________ processing
  5. development that is a process of gradually augmenting the same types of skills that were there already there
  6. development as open to change in response to influential experiences
  7. ability to adapt effectively in the face of threats to development
  8. approach concerned with the adaptive, or survival, value of behavior and its evolutionary history
  1. theoriest best known for his ecological systems theory
  2. regards directly observable events—stimuli and responses—as the appropriate focus of study
  3. qualitative changes in thinking, feeling, and behaving that characterize specific periods of development
  4. theorist best known for his sociocultural theory of development
  5. unique combinations of personal and environmental circumstances that can result in different paths of development
  6. beginning age period for the field of child development
  7. theorist best known for his cognitive-developmental theory
  8. environmental factors that cause influences on development

16 Clues: theoriest best known for his ecological systems theorybeginning age period for the field of child developmenttheorist best known for his cognitive-developmental theoryenvironmental factors that cause influences on developmenttheorist best known for his sociocultural theory of development...

Hope Theory 2022-05-01

Hope Theory crossword puzzle
  1. People with higher levels of this tend to be flexible thinkers, able to come up with alternative routes to their goals if they encounter barriers
  2. Hope is framed as a __ set rather than an emotion
  3. The second seminal year; also a palindrome
  4. Goal-directed energy; the motivation to use the routes to reach goals
  5. One of the two key theorists; rhymes with Heider
  6. Dixson et al. (2017) used __ analysis to provide basic empirical support for the theory
  7. Creating different routes to goals
  8. The first seminal year; a palindrome
  9. These are said to reflect responses to perceptions about how one is doing in goal pursuit activities
  1. Some of the initial empirical support for the theory came from Snyder et al. (1991) who administered Snyder's Hope Scale to different __, finding that hope scores differed between college students and people receiving psychological treatment
  2. One of the two key theorists; rhymes with pope says
  3. Although Hope Theory was initially focused on applicability across __, it is now sometimes applied in specific areas such as math or employment
  4. True or false: Hope Theory is still used today, with no major changes to the original theory structure
  5. Hope is always directed at specific __
  6. Hope Theory is an __ process, meaning the pathways influence each other
  7. Hope theory has mainly correlational support, with evidence for hope levels predicting loneliness (Sympson, 1999), adjustment to physical health changes (Kwon, 2002), and __ achievement (Snyder et al., 1999)
  8. For people lower in hope, this tends to produce rumination and self-doubt rather than leading to improvements in goal pursuit

17 Clues: Creating different routes to goalsThe first seminal year; a palindromeHope is always directed at specific __The second seminal year; also a palindromeOne of the two key theorists; rhymes with HeiderHope is framed as a __ set rather than an emotionOne of the two key theorists; rhymes with pope says...

Barons review chapter 8:Motivation and Emotion 2021-04-08

Barons review chapter 8:Motivation and Emotion crossword puzzle
  1. - The concept that an easy task requires high arousal but a difficult one requires low arousal.
  2. - The need to establish ones self as unique in order reach a potential.
  3. - The desire to return to a baseline state
  4. - stimuli we learn to be drawn to.
  5. - The area of the brain that makes people hungry.
  6. - Starving yourself.
  7. - The theory that the desire for the most optimally arousing/ exciting possible experience motivates behaviors.
  8. - The theory that the biological and cognitive aspects causing emotion are interlinked and neither precedes the other.
  9. - The theory that biological change and cognitive awareness occur at the same time.
  10. - The things we require, i.e. food and water.
  11. - Unhealthy eating habits resulting in people being severely overweight.
  12. - The theory that biological needs motivate certain behaviors.
  13. - Non-biological drives, like that test you're studying for.
  14. - The theory that biological chages cause us stress and that impacts out emotion.
  15. - Our desire to reach goals and understand something complicated.
  16. - Internal rewards like satisfaction.
  1. - The way the hypothalmus sends impulses.
  2. - The order of events that follow us becoming stressed.
  3. - The ideas and feelings that make us act in a certain manner, usually to achieve something.
  4. - Biological drives like starvation.
  5. - Choosing between two negative outcomes.
  6. - Intrinsic behaviors exhibited in response to a given stimulus.
  7. - External rewards like money.
  8. - The competing theory that motivation of workers has to be stimulated or is intrensic.
  9. - The order in which needs are organized, with biological at the top and life goals at the bottom.
  10. - Choosing between two positive outcomes.
  11. - Eating a lot of food and purging it.
  12. - The balance of the internal state, i.e. health

28 Clues: - Starving yourself.- External rewards like money.- stimuli we learn to be drawn to.- Biological drives like starvation.- Internal rewards like satisfaction.- Eating a lot of food and purging it.- The way the hypothalmus sends impulses.- Choosing between two negative outcomes.- Choosing between two positive outcomes....

Unit 4 Vocabulary 2024-09-18

Unit 4 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. this system provides each branch of government with individual powers to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful
  2. developed heliocentric theory
  3. philospher who wrote about the social contract and thought government should provide for and protect the general will
  4. period in the mid-1500s, when scientists began to question accepted beliefs about the world and made new theories based on experimentation
  5. wrote about freedom of speech and religion
  6. French absolute monarch; centralized power, expanded French territory, ended religious freedom, and controlled nobles at the palace of Versailles
  7. set of written laws that govern a nation
  8. rulers who made small reforms but did not give up any powers of the throne
  9. used math to prove heliocentric theory and explain planetary movement- described gravity
  10. Improved the telescope and supported heliocentric theory, was tried in the inquisition and held under house arrest
  11. used enlightenment ideas when writing the Declaration of Independence
  1. believed government exist to protect people's natural rights; overthrow governments that fail to protect the rights
  2. believed the best government was an absolute monarchy; all people are evil
  3. laws of planetary motion- proved heliocentric theory using math
  4. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. 1215 the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law
  6. a revolution in intellectual activity and changed European's view of government and society
  7. theory that the Earth was the center of the universe
  8. the idea that people give up their rights to a government
  9. wrote about separation of powers, checks and balances

20 Clues: developed heliocentric theoryset of written laws that govern a nationwrote about freedom of speech and religiontheory that the sun is the center of the universetheory that the Earth was the center of the universewrote about separation of powers, checks and balancesthe idea that people give up their rights to a government...

biology 2024-08-22

biology crossword puzzle
  1. all living things
  2. making a copy, duplicate
  3. sampling of data gathered data
  4. the combination of qualities that God has placed in humans as a reflection of himself
  5. increasing in size
  6. is a simple testable statement that predicts the answer to a question
  7. is the set of life sustaining chemical reactions
  8. study of life
  9. your perspective of the world
  10. the idea that the ultimate cause of mans existence
  11. given by God to fill the earth
  1. living systems
  2. simplified representation of reality that descibes or explains something
  3. the preservation and wise use of natural resources
  4. an answer giving
  5. a set way of how your body works
  6. the study of often controversial issues
  7. set of observations
  8. logical procedure that helps answer a scientific question
  9. describes how phenomena relate to eachother

20 Clues: study of lifeliving systemsan answer givingall living thingsincreasing in sizeset of observationsmaking a copy, duplicateyour perspective of the worldsampling of data gathered datagiven by God to fill the eartha set way of how your body worksthe study of often controversial issuesdescribes how phenomena relate to eachother...

chapter 12 2024-02-27

chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. theory that motivation is influenced by internal and external influences
  2. a set of complex reactions to stimuli
  3. theory that people are motivated by rewards and consequences
  4. (TAT) test that determines one's achievement motivation
  5. theory that ranks fundamental, psychological, and self-actualization needs
  1. highest tier of maslow's hierarchy, where one will pursue their potential
  2. theory that behaviour and motivation are influenced by physiological states
  3. internal state that activates your behaviour and directs you towards a goal
  4. how much you respect and value yourself
  5. processing centre in the brain for emotions

10 Clues: a set of complex reactions to stimulihow much you respect and value yourselfprocessing centre in the brain for emotions(TAT) test that determines one's achievement motivationtheory that people are motivated by rewards and consequencestheory that motivation is influenced by internal and external influences...

Crossword Puzzle Development 2020-03-06

Crossword Puzzle Development crossword puzzle
  1. absolute or relative
  2. [blank] factors of development include culture & migration & traditions & gender relations
  3. North-South [blank]: the physical global divide which represents the different levels of state development
  4. [blank] factors of development include infrastructure & state debt & use of funds & education & trade relationships
  5. [blank] footprint is the reason why many Western developed states often score poorly on the Happy Plant Index
  6. international [blank] is resources transferred between states in the hope to improve that state's condition (sometimes plagued by ulterior motives)
  7. a process which connected all the levels of analysis
  8. pathway toward development which has been said to be the largest growing economic sectors in recent years but is often fragile to health epidemics and conflict
  9. unbalanced access to resources
  1. what is done must be not negatively impact future generation (often connected to the environment)
  2. [blank] factors of development include corruption & legitimacy & accountability & transparency
  3. theory which believes that government should remain outside of the economy in order to best develop states
  4. [blank] theory: developed states need developing states to allow their economies to remain dominant
  5. the main idea of the unit (a broad based and sustained increase in the standard of living and well-being of a level of social organization)
  6. a ideological theory which states the best pathway toward development is free market competition
  7. theory without hard policy on development but overall believes in government involvement in the market to support economic growth and therefore development
  8. [blank] Development Goals are the initial set of goals set up by the U.N. to be reached by 2015

17 Clues: absolute or relativeunbalanced access to resourcesa process which connected all the levels of analysis[blank] factors of development include culture & migration & traditions & gender relations[blank] factors of development include corruption & legitimacy & accountability & transparency...

Syllogisms & Set Theory 2015-05-28

Syllogisms & Set Theory crossword puzzle
  1. This one belongs to my family. I also belong to its family. Our families are different. How is this person related to me?
  2. Bike, Car, Truck all these belongs to a larger set ______
  3. All my daughters are beautiful. Komal is beautiful. Definitely Komal is my daughter TRUTH/FALSE?
  4. All books are trees. All trees are Lions. So, All books are_____
  1. We are all world. All world is better. All better is universe. So, we are _____
  2. How many numbers upto 50 is not divisible by 2, 4, 5?
  3. No cow is a chair. All chairs are tables. Hence, Some tables are _____

7 Clues: How many numbers upto 50 is not divisible by 2, 4, 5?Bike, Car, Truck all these belongs to a larger set ______All books are trees. All trees are Lions. So, All books are_____No cow is a chair. All chairs are tables. Hence, Some tables are _____We are all world. All world is better. All better is universe. So, we are _____...

chapter 12 2024-03-22

chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. a set of complex reactions to stimuli
  2. highest tier of maslow's hierarchy, where one will pursue their potential
  3. theory that behaviour and motivation are influenced by physiological states
  4. (TAT) test that determines one's achievement motivation
  5. how much you respect and value yourself
  1. theory that ranks fundamental, psychological, and self-actualisation needs
  2. processing centre in the brain for emotions
  3. theory that people are motivated by rewards and consequences
  4. internal state that activates your behaviour and directs you towards a goal
  5. theory that motivation is influenced by internal and external influences

10 Clues: a set of complex reactions to stimulihow much you respect and value yourselfprocessing centre in the brain for emotions(TAT) test that determines one's achievement motivationtheory that people are motivated by rewards and consequencestheory that motivation is influenced by internal and external influences...

Theories of Child Development 2013-05-08

Theories of Child Development crossword puzzle
  1. believed children should be guided with love and affection to expect behavior.
  2. Human Needs Theory.
  3. Psychosocial Theory.
  4. Second stage of Jean Piaget's theory.
  5. Emotional bond between child and caregiver.
  6. Individual tends to think conceptually about numbers, relationships and patterns.
  7. The way in which one acts.
  8. Are good at thinking in patterns, rhythms and sounds.
  9. Parent and child works together.
  10. Cognitive Development Theory.
  11. first stage in Jean Piaget's theory.
  12. First part of Operant Conditioning Theory.
  13. Child is anxious about exploring surrounding,even when mother is present.
  14. Parents Style Theory.
  1. Socio-Cultural Theory.
  2. Erickson's theory.
  3. Third stage in Jean Piaget's theory.
  4. Are able to use words well, both when writing and speaking.
  5. Mainly about baby and childcare.
  6. Parents have no rules.
  7. Emotional response.
  8. Third stage in Erickson's theory.
  9. Third part of Operant Conditioning Theory.
  10. Relating to the biological study of physiology.
  11. Affection towards child
  12. Human Ecology Theory.
  13. Operant Conditioning Theory.
  14. Developed the Psychoanalytic Theory.

28 Clues: Erickson's theory.Human Needs Theory.Emotional response.Psychosocial Theory.Human Ecology Theory.Parents Style Theory.Socio-Cultural Theory.Parents have no rules.Affection towards childThe way in which one acts.Operant Conditioning Theory.Cognitive Development Theory.Mainly about baby and childcare.Parent and child works together....

Psych Crossword Puzzle 2014-04-07

Psych Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Advocate of functionalism (how mental processes operate)
  2. Viewed neurosis as a coping mechanism that is a normal part of life
  3. Came up with the hierarchy of needs
  4. Came up with cognitive dissonance theory
  5. Came up with theory of multiple intelligences
  6. Known for theory of stages of moral development
  7. Developmental psychologist known for her parenting styles (authoritative, permissive & authoritarian)
  8. Developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
  9. Father of cognitive therapy; came up with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  10. Best known for his theory of learned helplessness
  11. Best known for his theory on intelligence and creativity
  12. Known for his study where pseudopatients feigned hallucinations in hospital to test reliability of psychiatric diagnosis)
  13. Known for theory of psychosocial development
  14. Defined two types of temperaments: inhibited and uninhibited
  1. Famous for his work in classical conditioning (dog and bell!)
  2. Known for work on misinformation effect and eyewitness memory
  3. Behavioral psychologist known for the Little Albert experiment (involving classical conditioning; associating loud noise with rat)
  4. Father of client-centered therapy; best known for "unconditional positive regard" (humanistic)
  5. Performed social psychology experiments (tested how willing study participants were with regards to obeying authority figure who told them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience)
  6. Known for coming up with the forgetting curve
  7. Did work on psychology of judgment and decision making, behavioral economics, etc.
  8. Linguist who emphasized language as "an innate set of linguistic principles shared by all humans" known as universal grammar
  9. Known for her study that classified child groups with attachments (secure, avoidant insecure, resistant insecure)
  10. Came up with theory of cognitive development
  11. Best known for conformity experiment (involving lines of different length)
  12. Famous for research on operant conditioning and negative reinforcement
  13. Did research on taste aversion
  14. Famous for research that nonverbal communication of emotions is not a cultural phenomenon but a universal one

28 Clues: Did research on taste aversionCame up with the hierarchy of needsCame up with cognitive dissonance theoryCame up with theory of cognitive developmentKnown for theory of psychosocial developmentKnown for coming up with the forgetting curveCame up with theory of multiple intelligencesKnown for theory of stages of moral development...


NURSING THEORISTS crossword puzzle
  1. Retirement And Role Discontinuities
  2. Culture Care Diversity And Universality
  3. Theory of Human Caring: Retrospective and Prospective
  4. Thory of Moral Develoment
  5. The Behavioral System Model for Nursing
  6. Systems Theory
  7. Theory of Human Becoming
  8. Theory of Health as expanding Conciusness
  9. System Model in Nursing Practice
  10. Theory of Nursing Process
  11. Change Theory
  12. 14 Basic Human Needs
  1. Care,Cure, and Cure Model
  2. Theory of Goal Attainment
  3. Environmental Theory
  4. Theory of Caricative Caring
  5. Nursing: Concepts of Practice
  6. PREPAPRE ME theory
  7. Nursing: Science of UNitary, Irreducible, Human Beings: Update
  8. The Conservation Principles: A Retrospective

20 Clues: Change TheorySystems TheoryPREPAPRE ME theoryEnvironmental Theory14 Basic Human NeedsTheory of Human BecomingCare,Cure, and Cure ModelTheory of Goal AttainmentThory of Moral DevelomentTheory of Nursing ProcessTheory of Caricative CaringNursing: Concepts of PracticeSystem Model in Nursing PracticeRetirement And Role Discontinuities...