the office Crossword Puzzles
The Office 2023-01-03
- ______ started the fire.
- What is the name of the the client Michael and Jan meet at chilis(hint his name starts with C)?
- Who had jury duty for the Scranton Strangler case?
- What is the city known for in the show?
- The food Jim put Dwights stapler in?
- What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?
- Worlds Best Boss.
- what is the name of Dwight's cousin?
- What city is the office in?
- Which one of Angela's cats did Dwight kill?
- The painter
- Who was Jan Levinson's assistant?
- Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
- Who did Kevin get for secret Santa?
- What state do Michael Scott and Holly move to?
- Pam is engaged to him before Jim.
- Michael Scott's favorite restaurant
- what was Plop's (the intern) actual name?
- Michael loves waking up the smell of what?
- How many brothers does Jim have?
- What was Jim and Pam's first kids name?
21 Clues: The painter • Worlds Best Boss. • ______ started the fire. • What city is the office in? • Who did Michael take to Jamaica? • How many brothers does Jim have? • Who was Jan Levinson's assistant? • Pam is engaged to him before Jim. • Who did Kevin get for secret Santa? • Michael Scott's favorite restaurant • The food Jim put Dwights stapler in? • ...
The Office 2023-01-07
21 Clues: Flax • Smith • Lewis • Martin • Benard • Beesly • Miller • Packer • Hannon • Shrute • Malone • Philbin • Happoor • Halpert • Bertram • Bratton • Levinson • Anderson • Martinez • California • Filippelli
the OFFICE 2022-12-14
- teb najlepši
- ime, mentor Michael Scarna
- Dwightovo drugo ime
- ime punce, "how about that hot picture you have by your desk? Centerfold in the Catholic schoolgirls' outfit?"
- "i know a ton of _ year olds"
- "_ million 986 thousand minutes"
- dwightova druga pozicija ko postane manager (kratica), tudi ime epizode
- kdo strelja? s5e13: "stress relief"
- najboljša vrsta medveda
- ringtone, "or I'm gonna loose my FREAKIN' mind!"
- najljubša hardcore aktivnost Michaela, Andyja in Dwigtha
- enak hud kot Jan samo na drugačen način
- "_, _, thank you, ma'am"
- angelina teža
- something from Pam's world
- Devonov priimek
- najslabši karakter
- Stanleyeva sanjska hiša
- z njim Dwight poskusi spraviti Michaela v nezavest
- kaj naroči Michael v s6e6 "Mafia"
- "just _' you know how i be"
- najbolj kjut moment med Dwightom in Andyjem
- "oh, by the way 1985 called, it wants its _ back"
- ime igralca ki bi skoraj igral Michaela
- ime epizode z najslabšim trenutkom (namig: toby)
- priimek, kar speče Michaelovo nogo
- Mifflin in Dunder
27 Clues: teb najlepši • angelina teža • Devonov priimek • Mifflin in Dunder • najslabši karakter • Dwightovo drugo ime • Stanleyeva sanjska hiša • najboljša vrsta medveda • "_, _, thank you, ma'am" • something from Pam's world • ime, mentor Michael Scarna • "just _' you know how i be" • "i know a ton of _ year olds" • "_ million 986 thousand minutes" • kaj naroči Michael v s6e6 "Mafia" • ...
The Office 2016-06-09
- Black warehouse worker
- Cant run correctly
- Bob Vance,Vance ___________
- Was hit by Michael's car
- Thought Kevin was special needs
- The cat that Angela tries to save by throwing it into the ceiling
- Number of times Andy punched a wall
- Eats jello wierd/loud
- ______ I think I'm gay
- Kevin spilled this everywhere
- The location where Jim proposed (no spaces)
- Was locked in a trunk before wedding
- Becomes a male stripper
- Paper company
- Have no worry ___________ is here... (Dwights X-Mas)
- Assistant _____ regional manager
- Started the fire
- Three hole punch _____
- Pams gift from German Christmas
- The gift Kevin got from the yankee swap
- Bears. Beats. ______________
- Was manager for a very short time.
22 Clues: Paper company • Started the fire • Cant run correctly • Eats jello wierd/loud • Black warehouse worker • Three hole punch _____ • ______ I think I'm gay • Becomes a male stripper • Was hit by Michael's car • Bob Vance,Vance ___________ • Bears. Beats. ______________ • Kevin spilled this everywhere • Pams gift from German Christmas • Thought Kevin was special needs • ...
The Office 2024-10-02
- Angela marries this politician before ending up with Dwight.
- Michael’s go-to pizza spot in New York City.
- Kevin famously drops a pot of this food.
- Where Charles Miner worked prior to Dunder Mifflin
- Michael’s preferred drink, featuring a diet sweetener.
- This employee is obsessed with celebrity gossip.
- Dwight’s cousin
- Creed's job title at Dunder Mifflin
- That’s what ___ said
- Micheal is afraid his credits for this won’t transfer to Colorado
- Pam wins this award after having second drink
- The “Icelandic paper-walking game” featured in the Office Olympics.
- Pam’s favorite yogurt flavor
- Sprinkles, Garbage, and Pawlick Baggins for example
- Dwight's porcupine
- Andy is in a weird, flirty, nebulous thing with his what?
- Jim and Pam tie the knot here.
- Dwights grandparents left him a large number of these
- City where Dunder Mifflin is located.
- Pam's job title at Dunder Mifflin.
- A foreign exchange student took these from Michael
- He went from temp to CEO (and back to temp).
- Regional manager before Michael
- Phyllis’s high school nickname
- Creed’s band.
- Michael's startup
- The company that acquires Dunder Mifflin.
- Andy’s college singing group.
- The only day that Stanley likes to go to work
- Kevin though this was a boy’s name
- Dwight grows this root vegetable on his farm.
- This character briefly manages the Scranton branch after moving from Florida.
- Dwight dresses as this German Christmas figure.
- Michael’s true love
- Michael's movie character
- Ryan earns this nickname.
36 Clues: Creed’s band. • Dwight’s cousin • Michael's startup • Dwight's porcupine • Michael’s true love • That’s what ___ said • Michael's movie character • Ryan earns this nickname. • Pam’s favorite yogurt flavor • Andy’s college singing group. • Phyllis’s high school nickname • Jim and Pam tie the knot here. • Regional manager before Michael • Kevin though this was a boy’s name • ...
The Office 2015-10-01
- Character: "How is it that in six years, I've been engaged twice and have only had one chair?"
- The song Andy gets his virtual a cappella buddies to sing with him to ask out Angela
- "Nope! It's not _______________, It's Kevin Malone. Equally handsome, equally smart."
- "Goodbye Toby" is a parody of this song
- "Jim, I am not a ________. And my middle name is Kurt. Not 'Fart'."
- character: _____ Meyer Weiner-Lover
- Character: "Creed sold me a tapeworm. It's from Mexico"
- The name of Dwight's porcupine
- Character "The worst part of prison was: The Dementors!"
- "Michael only sings the ________ to Happy Birthday."
- Character: He went to Cornell
- Character: "I taught Michael some new terms. Things like, 'Fleece it out'."
- Astird
- Michael's favorite Ice Cream flavor
- Character: Basically Gumby with hair
- Character: He can't believe started the fire.
- "I'm ________ version Jim."
- Angela's cat that Dwight kills
- Character: I hate. So much. About the things you choose to be.
- Character: "Did. I. Stutter?"
- Character: "Don't fall in love with me, kid."
- The cat Dwight tries to give Angela
- The first to quit from the Stanford branch after the merger
- Character: Married to Bob Vance: Vance Refrigeration
- The cat Andy gives Angela (The same cat from before, under a different name."
- Character: Gets fired for nearly punching Jim in the face
26 Clues: Astird • "I'm ________ version Jim." • Character: "Did. I. Stutter?" • Character: He went to Cornell • Angela's cat that Dwight kills • The name of Dwight's porcupine • Michael's favorite Ice Cream flavor • character: _____ Meyer Weiner-Lover • The cat Dwight tries to give Angela • Character: Basically Gumby with hair • "Goodbye Toby" is a parody of this song • ...
The Office 2016-04-14
- /one popular gang "Cheers" his name as he arrives
- /fred's BFF
- /a list of severance
- /house flipper
- Political candidate
- /six months single, country boy
- /princess
- /fighting Irish
- /namesake of "Camelot" President
- /won't you be my neighbor?/cubie?
- quiet one, not Peggy's sister
- /bike chick
- /stylin'gal
- legged omnivore
- /paco aka catman
- /la mere de Avery
- /biker chick
- /new guy
- /IRS Queen
- /the Communicator
- /spins a yarn
- /Batman
22 Clues: /Batman • /new guy • /princess • /IRS Queen • /bike chick • /stylin'gal • /fred's BFF • /biker chick • /spins a yarn • /house flipper • legged omnivore • /fighting Irish • /paco aka catman • /la mere de Avery • /the Communicator • Political candidate • /a list of severance • quiet one, not Peggy's sister • /six months single, country boy • /namesake of "Camelot" President • /won't you be my neighbor?/cubie? • ...
The Office 2020-02-11
- ___ crushing
- Odds of a team winning a game
- Secure WiFi
- Monitor positioning
- One more piece of this won't kill you
- Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___
- Paid activity
- Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
- "temporary space"
- Preferred place of some to save work
- Pocket dessert
- Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
- Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
- Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
- Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
- Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
- Coffee cup lid
- Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
- Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
- Coffee stirrer substitute
20 Clues: Secure WiFi • ___ crushing • Paid activity • Coffee cup lid • Pocket dessert • "temporary space" • Monitor positioning • Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___ • Coffee stirrer substitute • Odds of a team winning a game • Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout • Preferred place of some to save work • One more piece of this won't kill you • Short nondescript perspective lacking detail • ...
The office 2022-07-30
- Vance refrigeration
- Pete's cohort
- first name is Kelly
- The company the show is based on
- did I stutter
- DM Scranton manager
- the rabies victim
- Cat lady
- Michael's sworn enemy
- Cornell Champ
- Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica.
- Erin's office mom
- Plop
- the most straightforward accountant
- man of many names
- Stanley's favorite type of puzzle
- The British Boss
- the office cookie monster
- Stanleys favorite day
- big tuna
- The annual award ceremony
- fashion show,fashion show,fashion show at lunch!
- Michael Scott's catch phrase
- The temp
- Michael's wife
- first receptionist
26 Clues: Plop • big tuna • Cat lady • The temp • Pete's cohort • did I stutter • Cornell Champ • Michael's wife • The British Boss • the rabies victim • Erin's office mom • man of many names • first receptionist • Vance refrigeration • first name is Kelly • DM Scranton manager • Stanleys favorite day • Michael's sworn enemy • the office cookie monster • The annual award ceremony • Michael Scott's catch phrase • ...
tHe OfFiCe 2022-12-05
- who describe wine as having an 'oaky afterbirth'
- what is dwight's favorite tv show
- how does michael burn his foot
- how does michael hit with his car
- what does pam steal in the first season
- what is pams favorite flavor of ice cream
- what does stanley typically do during meetings
- what cause does michael use for the fund run
- where does jim propose to pam
- what does kevin wear on his feet to jim and pam's wedding
- What’s in Michael’s thermos during morning deliveries for Michael Scott Paper Company?
- what food is kevin forced to eat
- who runs the warehouse
- what item does michael always have dry cleand
- whats michaels username for the dating website
- dwight keeps what in his car for special occasions
- what is the worst thing about prison, according to prison mike
- what did pam and angela want to name their baby
- who did kevin get for his secret santa
- who dated pam's mother
- which of angela's cats does dwight freeze
- what animal does dwight say is the scariest
22 Clues: who runs the warehouse • who dated pam's mother • where does jim propose to pam • how does michael burn his foot • what food is kevin forced to eat • what is dwight's favorite tv show • how does michael hit with his car • who did kevin get for his secret santa • what does pam steal in the first season • what is pams favorite flavor of ice cream • ...
The Office 2023-06-21
- manufacturing site
- entrance hall
- work support
- without profit
- gathering
- friendship
- limit time
- computer
- asking some people
- plan
- demand
- buyer
- where you sit
- shows curves following axis
- people working together
- affirm
- manager
- office
- study of market
- QG
- part of a company
- concern
- boss
- employee
- take someone as a new employee
25 Clues: QG • plan • boss • buyer • affirm • office • demand • manager • concern • computer • employee • gathering • friendship • limit time • work support • entrance hall • where you sit • without profit • study of market • part of a company • manufacturing site • asking some people • people working together • shows curves following axis • take someone as a new employee
The Office 2023-07-18
- Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
- Pretzel day lover
- Bob Vance, Vance _______
- The "whoreish" color
- Who did Michael hit with his car?
- Awards Michael gives out
- Dwight's Christmas Folklore
- Who has a last name that is a color?
- Michael's middle name
- Which cat did Dwight kill?
- Who sold purses?
- What does Pam steal in the first season?
- What is Meredith's last name?
- The food Jim puts a stapler in
- Erin's new vocab word
- Erin's middle name
- Andy's nickname
- Boom _____
- Whose last name is Bratton?
- Who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?
20 Clues: Boom _____ • Andy's nickname • Who sold purses? • Pretzel day lover • Erin's middle name • The "whoreish" color • Erin's new vocab word • Michael's middle name • Bob Vance, Vance _______ • Awards Michael gives out • Which cat did Dwight kill? • Whose last name is Bratton? • Dwight's Christmas Folklore • What is Meredith's last name? • The food Jim puts a stapler in • ...
The Office 2023-05-31
- Andy's famous Grammy nominee brother
- Invented Suck IT
- Pam was engaged to
- Famous for Chili
- Temp
- Dwight grows
- Phillis's husband
- Dwight killed Angela's cat__
- Pam and Jims daughters nick name
- 3 desks put together
- Company name
- Type of wrapping paper used for desk
- Michael moved to with Holly
- Jan Levinson's assistant at corporate
- Michael hates
- Oscar's last name
- Angela lives with for a bit
- Both Pam and Angela have a son named
- Took a long boat ride
- Suspicious character
- Building Security guard
21 Clues: Temp • Dwight grows • Company name • Michael hates • Invented Suck IT • Famous for Chili • Oscar's last name • Phillis's husband • Pam was engaged to • Suspicious character • 3 desks put together • Took a long boat ride • Building Security guard • Michael moved to with Holly • Angela lives with for a bit • Dwight killed Angela's cat__ • Pam and Jims daughters nick name • ...
The Office 2023-07-26
- Angela's _____ baby
- The Comedian
- _______ McSqueezy
- Michael ____ Scott
- _____ Wonderland
- ______ Galactica
- Wallace's Invention
- Location of the award ceremony
- Mose's Lover
- In Jello
- Erin's first name
- Dwight _____ Schrute
- Sensei _____
- Allergy developed at 35
- Dwight and Angela's first "spot"
- Ficitional game from the office olympics
- Jim's position creation
- Beloved Cat
- Jan's Assistant
- Jim's short-lived girlfriend
- Andy's EOD ritual
- to bounce a watermelon, you need a:
- Award Ceremony
- Bob _____
- The only day Stanley wants to come to work
- Stamford's game of choice
- Dwight worked at
- Jim's Alter Ego
- "You ____ her arm??"
- That's what ___ said
- The Visionary
31 Clues: In Jello • Bob _____ • Beloved Cat • The Comedian • Mose's Lover • Sensei _____ • The Visionary • Award Ceremony • Jan's Assistant • Jim's Alter Ego • _____ Wonderland • ______ Galactica • Dwight worked at • Andy's EOD ritual • _______ McSqueezy • Erin's first name • Michael ____ Scott • Angela's _____ baby • Wallace's Invention • "You ____ her arm??" • Dwight _____ Schrute • That's what ___ said • ...
The office 2023-10-03
- This person has the biggest water bottle and the craziest snack collection
- This person was supposed to stay but is now going
- This person loves their peanut butter granola
- This person shares a name with a few people in the office
- This person has a ranch in a small town
- This person played an interesting sport in college
- Most likely to not be at his desk
- From a small town in southern Illinois
- refers to himself once a week as a nursery rhyme character
- Oldest undergrad and most delusional
- This person takes his lunch breaks very seriously
- Best golfer in the office
- Childhood fear of darkness
- This person can go fishing in their backyard
- This person made the biggest stain in the office
- His favorite animals are ponies and hogs
- Tell me a crazy (Blank)
- Most likely to be in MCB office
- This person can keep the whole office entertained
- This person was supposed to leave but now they're staying
- This person is engaged
- This person could possibly enjoy the snow and the beach in the same year
22 Clues: This person is engaged • Tell me a crazy (Blank) • Best golfer in the office • Childhood fear of darkness • Most likely to be in MCB office • Most likely to not be at his desk • Oldest undergrad and most delusional • From a small town in southern Illinois • This person has a ranch in a small town • His favorite animals are ponies and hogs • ...
The Office 2024-03-21
- Michael's movie
- The fake job Michael gives Dwight
- The streaming service The Office is on
- Michael called all of his past girlfriends to tell them that he has this thing
- Michael's Job Title
- The person who collects bobble heads
- The person who is always pranking Dwight
- The woman Jim dates after the merger
- The guy who runs the warehouse until season 6
- The woman Michael gets married to
- The woman Dwight and Andy fight over
- where Michael and Holly move to
- He always has M&M's at his desk
- Michael's favorite joke
- Michael's boss who he dates in season 2
- The woman Jim gets married to
- Place
- Last name Scott
- The person Jim plays in Michael's Movie
- The thing Jim put Dwight's stapler into
- The guy Pam was first engaged to
21 Clues: Place • Michael's movie • Last name Scott • Michael's Job Title • Michael's favorite joke • The woman Jim gets married to • where Michael and Holly move to • He always has M&M's at his desk • The guy Pam was first engaged to • The fake job Michael gives Dwight • The woman Michael gets married to • The person who collects bobble heads • The woman Jim dates after the merger • ...
The Office 2022-07-04
- Quality Assurance
- Manager of Branch
- Married to Pam
- Michael drives this car
- Customer Service Representative
- Chili
- Company
- The Intern
- Location of Branch
- Cat Lady
- Cornell University
- Assistant to the Manager
- Married to Jim
- Cat Dwight Killed
- What Dwight Farms
- Michael's Ex
- Bob Vance's Wife
- Where Michael Moves
- Maiden name of Pam
- Rabies
- Parent Company
21 Clues: Chili • Rabies • Company • Cat Lady • The Intern • Michael's Ex • Married to Jim • Married to Pam • Parent Company • Bob Vance's Wife • Quality Assurance • Manager of Branch • Cat Dwight Killed • What Dwight Farms • Cornell University • Maiden name of Pam • Location of Branch • Where Michael Moves • Michael drives this car • Assistant to the Manager • Customer Service Representative
The office 2022-11-19
- The animal that gives Meredith rabies
- The receptionist after Pam
- World’s Best Boss
- The room where they have the meetings
- The city where The Office takes place
- He started as a temp
- Most hated in the office
- The main crop on Dwight’s farm
- The original receptionist
- Where Andy went to college
- Cat Lady
- Awards Ceremony
- Assistant to the Regional Manager
- Ryan’s girlfriend
- Big Tuna
- Number of seasons of “The Office”
- He sits with Angela and Kevin
- The oldest person in the office
- Parent company of Dunder Mifflin
- Stanley is always doing these puzzles
- What Jim puts in Jello
- Major product produced by Dunder Mifflin
22 Clues: Cat Lady • Big Tuna • Awards Ceremony • Ryan’s girlfriend • World’s Best Boss • He started as a temp • What Jim puts in Jello • Most hated in the office • The original receptionist • The receptionist after Pam • Where Andy went to college • He sits with Angela and Kevin • The main crop on Dwight’s farm • The oldest person in the office • Parent company of Dunder Mifflin • ...
The Office 2023-07-18
- Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
- Pretzel day lover
- Bob Vance, Vance _______
- The "whoreish" color
- Who did Michael hit with his car?
- Awards Michael gives out
- Dwight's Christmas Folklore
- Who has a last name that is a color?
- Michael's middle name
- Which cat did Dwight kill?
- Who sold purses?
- What does Pam steal in the first season?
- What is Meredith's last name?
- The food Jim puts a stapler in
- Erin's new vocab word
- Erin's middle name
- Andy's nickname
- Boom _____
- Whose last name is Bratton?
- Who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?
20 Clues: Boom _____ • Andy's nickname • Who sold purses? • Pretzel day lover • Erin's middle name • The "whoreish" color • Erin's new vocab word • Michael's middle name • Bob Vance, Vance _______ • Awards Michael gives out • Which cat did Dwight kill? • Whose last name is Bratton? • Dwight's Christmas Folklore • What is Meredith's last name? • The food Jim puts a stapler in • ...
The Office 2023-07-18
- The food Jim puts a stapler in
- Who did Michael hit with his car?
- The "whoreish" color
- Michael's middle name
- Andy's nickname
- Which cat did Dwight kill?
- Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
- Erin's new vocab word
- Awards Michael gives out
- Bob Vance, Vance _______
- Whose last name is Bratton?
- What is Meredith's last name?
- Who sold purses?
- Who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?
- Erin's middle name
- Who has a last name that is a color?
- Dwight's Christmas Folklore
- What does Pam steal in the first season?
- Boom _____
- Pretzel day lover
20 Clues: Boom _____ • Andy's nickname • Who sold purses? • Pretzel day lover • Erin's middle name • The "whoreish" color • Michael's middle name • Erin's new vocab word • Awards Michael gives out • Bob Vance, Vance _______ • Which cat did Dwight kill? • Whose last name is Bratton? • Dwight's Christmas Folklore • What is Meredith's last name? • The food Jim puts a stapler in • ...
The Office 2024-03-21
- The Name of the city they are in
- The woman Jim dates after the merger
- the nickname for the city they are in
- The woman Jim gets married to
- The person who cant get over Ryan
- Last name Scott
- Michael's Job Title
- The woman Andy and Dwight fight over
- The person Will Ferrell played
- The person who collects bobble heads
- Michael called all of his past girlfriends to tell them that he has this thing
- __ Started the fire!
- The place where Toby works
- The oldest person in the office
- The streaming service The Office is on
- The thing Dunder Mifflin sells
- The fake job Michael gives Dwight
- The woman Dwight and Andy fight over
- The person Jim plays in Michael's Movie
- The company That takes them over
- Place where Jim proposed to Pam
- Michael's movie
- where Michael and Holly move to
- The guy who runs the warehouse until season 6
- Michael's arch nemesis
- The song Andy and Erin
- Michael's boss who he dates in season 2
- The ceo of Dunder Mifflin
- Michael's favorite joke
- The thing Jim gives to Pam for the Christmas Party
- The woman Michael gets married to
- The thing Jim put Dwight's stapler into
- He always has M&M's at his desk
- The person who is always pranking Dwight
- The name Andy wanted everyone to call him after his anger management
- The guy Pam was first engaged to
37 Clues: DID I STUTTER! • Michael's movie • Last name Scott • Michael's Job Title • __ Started the fire! • Michael's arch nemesis • The song Andy and Erin • Michael's favorite joke • The ceo of Dunder Mifflin • The place where Toby works • The woman Jim gets married to • The person Will Ferrell played • The thing Dunder Mifflin sells • Place where Jim proposed to Pam • ...
THE OFFICE 2024-10-08
- A container for putting waste or rubbish in.
- A tool that joins papers together with a metal clip.
- phone A small phone that you can carry and use to talk or send messages.
- A book with blank pages for writing notes or ideas.
- chair A chair that can turn around in a circle.
- A box that slides in and out of a piece of furniture, used for storing things.
- cabinet A piece of furniture with drawers for storing files and documents.
- A piece of furniture with shelves for storing books.
- basket A small bin for paper and other small waste.
- A cover for holding papers together.
- A tray where you put papers that you need to look at or work on.
- A piece of furniture with a flat surface for working or studying.
- rack A frame where you can hang clothes to dry or store them.
- A small machine used for doing math calculations.
- A bag used for carrying documents and a laptop.
- A machine that makes paper copies of documents or picture
- A large cup used for drinking hot drinks like coffee or tea.
- A chart that shows the days, weeks, and months of the year.
- unit A piece of furniture with several drawers for storage.
- A tray where you put papers that are ready to be sent or finished
- A board where you can put notes and messages.
- A small computer that you can carry and use anywhere.
22 Clues: A cover for holding papers together. • A container for putting waste or rubbish in. • A board where you can put notes and messages. • A bag used for carrying documents and a laptop. • A small machine used for doing math calculations. • chair A chair that can turn around in a circle. • A book with blank pages for writing notes or ideas. • ...
The Office 2018-12-21
- “And I feel ___ in this Chili's tonight.”
- “Did I _______?!”
- The new golf course; where business happens, according to Small Businessman Magazine
- The worst thing about prison
- A canoe you build around your horse so you can easily switch between riding and boating
- Kelly is one of the few people who look hot eating these
- Michael didn’t say it, he declared it
- You should put your mouth on that
- The three Bs
- Jim, tell him where he can stick his grapes!
- That's my joke, Dwight!
- People who can’t farm, farm this
- "Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice..."
- The best gift for Yankee Swap
- Being this means you don’t have to think, or do anything
- It squeaks when you bang it
- A crime fighting beaver
- He is Beyonce, always
- Gets pimples, and still rocks harder than anyone alive
- “Dwight, you ________ ____!”
- Hurt, petulant Jesus ruined this
- Toby's (supposed) secret identity
- Stanley's favorite day
- National sport of Icelandic paper companies
- These aren’t the only thing fake about Jan…
- Dip it in water so it slides down your gullet more easily
- The groin of the head
- Michael's favorite restaurant (but hold the chicken)
- If you question the teachings of the Mormon church, you’re probably this
- “____ started the fire!”
30 Clues: The three Bs • “Did I _______?!” • He is Beyonce, always • The groin of the head • Stanley's favorite day • A crime fighting beaver • That's my joke, Dwight! • “____ started the fire!” • It squeaks when you bang it • “Dwight, you ________ ____!” • The worst thing about prison • The best gift for Yankee Swap • Hurt, petulant Jesus ruined this • People who can’t farm, farm this • ...
The Office 2022-03-24
- What is the name of Dwight's porcupine?
- What gift does Jim get Pam on the episode 'Christmas Party'?
- What cost Michael 200$?
- What costume does Pam wear on Halloween while pregnant?
- What does Angela get for Dwight on Valentine's day?
- Where does Jim and Pam get married?
- What does the (supposed) waitress say to Michael when he invites her to go to Jamaica? 'No... I have (...)'
- What cake does Kelly ask for on her birthday?
- What are Phyllis, Angela and Pam members of?
- What sort of training does Andy have to go through?
- What middle name does Jim print out on Dwight's work ID
- What is Pam's favourite yoghurt?
- Where did Michael take Jim when he wanted to talk about Pam?
- After how much time since Jim and Pam start dating does he buy the ring?
- Which role did the casting team originally want John Krasinski to audition for?
- What reference does Jim use to refer to a couple that they met on the honeymoon?
- Which episode of Glee made an appearance in The Office?
- What is Jim's nickname?
- Which Angela's cat does Dwight kill?
- Where is the actor playing Jeb Schrute known from?
- What is the name of Andy's University acapella band?
- What is Michale and Jan's safeword?
- Michale is just a little ...
- What does Jim put Dwight's stapler in?
- What does Dwight grow in his farm?
- What radio station's sticker can be seen all around the office?
- What does Dwight know not to do after the First Aid training? 'Not to (...)a real person'
- Where did Jim and Pam almost elope?
- What is the name of Dwight's cousin?
29 Clues: What is Jim's nickname? • What cost Michael 200$? • Michale is just a little ... • What is Pam's favourite yoghurt? • What does Dwight grow in his farm? • Where does Jim and Pam get married? • What is Michale and Jan's safeword? • Where did Jim and Pam almost elope? • Which Angela's cat does Dwight kill? • What is the name of Dwight's cousin? • ...
The Office 2014-12-10
- manufacturing site
- entrance hall
- work support
- without profit
- gathering
- friendship
- limit time
- computer
- asking some people
- plan
- demand
- buyer
- where you sit
- shows curves following axis
- people working together
- affirm
- manager
- office
- study of market
- QG
- part of a company
- concern
- boss
- employee
- take someone as a new employee
25 Clues: QG • plan • boss • buyer • affirm • office • demand • manager • concern • computer • employee • gathering • friendship • limit time • work support • entrance hall • where you sit • without profit • study of market • part of a company • manufacturing site • asking some people • people working together • shows curves following axis • take someone as a new employee
The Office 2020-02-11
- ___ crushing
- Odds of a team winning a game
- Secure WiFi
- Monitor positioning
- One more piece of this won't kill you
- Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___
- Paid activity
- Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
- "temporary space"
- Preferred place of some to save work
- Pocket dessert
- Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
- Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
- Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
- Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
- Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
- Coffee cup lid
- Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
- Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
- Coffee stirrer substitute
20 Clues: Secure WiFi • ___ crushing • Paid activity • Coffee cup lid • Pocket dessert • "temporary space" • Monitor positioning • Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___ • Coffee stirrer substitute • Odds of a team winning a game • Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout • Preferred place of some to save work • One more piece of this won't kill you • Short nondescript perspective lacking detail • ...
The office 2021-05-05
- Vance refrigeration
- Pete's cohort
- first name is Kelly
- The company the show is based on
- did I stutter
- DM Scranton manager
- the rabies victim
- Cat lady
- Michael's sworn enemy
- Cornell Champ
- Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica.
- Erin's office mom
- Plop
- the most straightforward accountant
- man of many names
- Stanley's favorite type of puzzle
- The British Boss
- the office cookie monster
- Stanleys favorite day
- big tuna
- The annual award ceremony
- fashion show,fashion show,fashion show at lunch!
- Michael Scott's catch phrase
- The temp
- Michael's wife
- first receptionist
26 Clues: Plop • big tuna • Cat lady • The temp • Pete's cohort • did I stutter • Cornell Champ • Michael's wife • The British Boss • the rabies victim • Erin's office mom • man of many names • first receptionist • Vance refrigeration • first name is Kelly • DM Scranton manager • Stanleys favorite day • Michael's sworn enemy • the office cookie monster • The annual award ceremony • Michael Scott's catch phrase • ...
The Office 2022-05-19
- Quality Assurance
- Manager of Branch
- Married to Pam
- Michael drives this car
- Customer Service Representative
- Chili
- Company
- The Intern
- Location of Branch
- Cat Lady
- Cornell University
- Assistant to the Manager
- Married to Jim
- Cat Dwight Killed
- What Dwight Farms
- Michael's Ex
- Bob Vance's Wife
- Where Michael Moves
- Maiden name of Pam
- Rabies
- Parent Company
21 Clues: Chili • Rabies • Company • Cat Lady • The Intern • Michael's Ex • Married to Jim • Married to Pam • Parent Company • Bob Vance's Wife • Quality Assurance • Manager of Branch • Cat Dwight Killed • What Dwight Farms • Cornell University • Maiden name of Pam • Location of Branch • Where Michael Moves • Michael drives this car • Assistant to the Manager • Customer Service Representative
The Office 2017-12-03
- Packer's first name
- Ryan's company he tries to start
- Michael's middle name
- Color of 500ft wire Jim pranks Dwight with
- Oscar is known as
- Creed's resolution
- Country Toby moves to temporarily
- Who enjoys watching Michael's and Holly's PDA
- Annual awards ceremony
- Erin's final word in scrabble against Gabe
- Andy's preferred name after anger management classes
- Michael's signature phrase
- It's called murder not...
- "Holly you and I are _ _"
- Number of dates Pam and Danny went on
- 2nd of top 2 greatest human weaknesses
- Erin's new vocab word
- "Be less squeamish around people's dogs and babies" who's resolution?
- Top greatest human weakness
- Where Andy went to school
- "Meet a loose woman" who's resolution?
- The one day of the year Stanley is happy
- Michael's favorite NY pizza joint
- Dwight's middle name
- Who has rabies?
- Erin boils a cup of this for her old lady friend
- Kelly's middle name
- Michael's face type
- Darryl buys this kind of book at the store
- Michael declares this
- Erin's middle name
- Michael thinks this is Jan's baby's name
- "Saving the world has never been this hard"
- "Sad, to soak up my tears"
- Phyllis's maiden name
- An "Ask Pam Beasley"
36 Clues: Who has rabies? • Oscar is known as • Creed's resolution • Erin's middle name • Packer's first name • Kelly's middle name • Michael's face type • Dwight's middle name • An "Ask Pam Beasley" • Michael's middle name • Michael declares this • Phyllis's maiden name • Erin's new vocab word • Annual awards ceremony • Where Andy went to school • It's called murder not... • "Holly you and I are _ _" • ...
The Office 2024-03-21
- Vance Refrigeration
- Openly Gay
- Cat Lady
- Prankster (identity thief)
- Bob Vance's wife
- Was hit with Michael's car
- Loves Crossword Puzzles
- Dwight's Cousin
- Drama Queen
- Forklift Operator
- Assistant to the regional manager
- Makes candles
- CEO of Dunder Mifflin in the later seasons
- "Why waste time use lot word when few word do trick"
- Anger Management
- Started the fire
- Secretary "Dunder Mifflin this is..."
- World's Best Boss
- Hated by michael scott
- Old Guy
- Pam's ex-fiance
21 Clues: Old Guy • Cat Lady • Openly Gay • Drama Queen • Makes candles • Dwight's Cousin • Pam's ex-fiance • Anger Management • Started the fire • Bob Vance's wife • World's Best Boss • Forklift Operator • Vance Refrigeration • Hated by michael scott • Loves Crossword Puzzles • Prankster (identity thief) • Was hit with Michael's car • Assistant to the regional manager • Secretary "Dunder Mifflin this is..." • ...
the office 2023-10-22
- The time when work is expected
- A small partitioned workspace
- A social event for colleagues to celebrate or bond
- A seat for sitting at a desk or table
- A piece of furniture for working and writing
- A folder for storing and organizing paperwork
- A gathering of colleagues to discuss matters
- A small book for jotting down notes
- Materials used for work, like pens and paper
- A tool for scheduling and tracking dates
- The person in charge at the workplace
- An electronic device for tasks and communication
- A surface for writing and erasing with markers
- A machine for duplicating documents
- A short pause for refreshment and relaxation
- A device for voice communication
- A portable computer for work on the go
- Electronic messages sent within an organization
- A machine for producing hard copies of documents
- A machine for transmitting documents by wire
20 Clues: A small partitioned workspace • The time when work is expected • A device for voice communication • A machine for duplicating documents • A small book for jotting down notes • The person in charge at the workplace • A seat for sitting at a desk or table • A portable computer for work on the go • A tool for scheduling and tracking dates • ...
The Office 2020-12-24
- object bought for $3500
- nickname of Paul Faust (of the five families)
- number of hotdogs Andy eats at beach day
- “Bleh. ___ made of real apes”
- who chooses “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” for desert island
- Angela’s sisters name
- person allergic to sesame seeds
- Michael’s dental condition
- Michael’s childhood foreign exchange student stole these
- Dwight trades this for Ryan’s homemade pesto
- Angela’s $7000 cat
- Gabe’s deadly fear
- name of Hunter’s band
- Kelly’s middle name
- branch closed at the company picnic
- Only pie Pam won’t eat
- aka George Howard Skub
- Michael’s nephew
- Angela’s “Diversity Day” card
- extension 128
- Dwight’s fake dentist
- car model Dwight buys from Andy
- Stanley’s third wife
- he makes a list, he checks it twice, and he’s gonna find out who is impish or admirable
- Michael and Jan’s safe word
- aka Bob Kazamakis
- “Shut up about the ___”
- “Every word out of your mouth is like the squawk of an ugly ____”
- the ingredient Kevin undercooks in his chili
- how many vasectomies Michael has had
- “rational consumer” aka winner of Scranton-Area Coupon Book
- Michael’s men’s shoe store idea
- Jim Carrey’s guest appearance character won’t stop talking about what
- at the last Dundies, Toby is the winner of the extreme ___ award
- Sam in the bootleg “Mrs. Albert Hannaday”
- Pizza by Alfredos tastes like “a hot circle of ____”
- Michael is a child star of this show
- aka Naughty Nellie Nutmeg
- Michael’s “fat person” character name
- culprit of writing about Michael on the women’s bathroom wall
- Plop’s ex-girlfriend
41 Clues: extension 128 • Michael’s nephew • aka Bob Kazamakis • Angela’s $7000 cat • Gabe’s deadly fear • Kelly’s middle name • Stanley’s third wife • Plop’s ex-girlfriend • Angela’s sisters name • name of Hunter’s band • Dwight’s fake dentist • Only pie Pam won’t eat • aka George Howard Skub • object bought for $3500 • “Shut up about the ___” • aka Naughty Nellie Nutmeg • Michael’s dental condition • ...
The Office 2021-12-16
- In what subject is Meredith’s Ph.D.?
- What cause does Michael use for the fun run?
- The only script/episode that wasn't rewritten (They used the first draft).
- What part of the office did John Krasinski film?
- What does Kevin wear on his feet to Jim and Pam’s wedding?
- Who kept Pam's engagement ring?
- What’s Dwight’s middle name?
- What is Michael Scott’s middle name?
- How many dollars did Jim spend on Dwight’s impersonating outfit?
- What is Dwight’s favorite TV show?
- What Canadian Actor auditioned for the role of Dwight but did not get the part?
- what sauce does Kevin request to go with his New Year’s resolution broccoli?
- Erin rated Holly a _____ out of 40
- Where does Michael Scott move to start his new life with Holly?
- what was dwight's cousin's name?
- What does Kevin tell Dwight to put in his gun holster?
- In the episode “The Coup,” the Stamford branch members play what video game with each other?
- What do Pam and Angela both want to name their babies?
- What brand of women’s suit does Michael accidentally wear?
- Who had their irl first kiss in the show?
- What color does Dwight paint Michael’s office when he thinks he’s taking over?
- What is Michael’s username for the dating site?
- How many year’s salaries does Michael spend on his engagement ring for Holly?
- What gift does Kevin get for himself when he draws his own name for Secret Santa?
- What is Dwight’s all-time favorite movie?
- In what season was Jim's hair actually fake?
- Which actor auditioned for the role of Michael Scott but ended up playing a different character?
- What did Phyllis Smith do before the Office?
- What food is Kevin forced to eat?
- What university is Andy a proud alum of?
- John Krasinski, Mindy Kaling, and who else were all, at one point, interns at Late Night With Conan O’Brien?
- For what reason did Steve Carrel call in sick during the writers' strike?
- What breakfast does Michael make on the first day of the Michael Scott Paper Company?
- What America Actor auditioned for the role of Jim and didn't get the part but was on Parks & Rec
- What was the name of Michael Scott's girlfriend who was Steve Carrel's wife irl?
- Creed’s 2011 New Year’s resolution to do a perfect _______.
36 Clues: What’s Dwight’s middle name? • Who kept Pam's engagement ring? • what was dwight's cousin's name? • What food is Kevin forced to eat? • What is Dwight’s favorite TV show? • Erin rated Holly a _____ out of 40 • In what subject is Meredith’s Ph.D.? • What is Michael Scott’s middle name? • What university is Andy a proud alum of? • Who had their irl first kiss in the show? • ...
The Office 2024-01-16
- Hol volt Michael és Jan nyaralni?
- Itt találkozik először Jim az "óvóbácsival".
- Legbunkóbb karakter.
- Hol található a Dunder Mifflin?
- Kinek van sündisznó házziállata?
- Ki tartja "kurvásnak" a zöld színt?
- Kivel flörtölt Stanley lánya?
- Ribanc...
- Michael felhasználóneve a randioldalon (angolul)
- Macska a fagyasztóban..
- Ingatlanértékesítő akivel Michael járt.
- Dwight unokatestvére
- Pam és Jim első gyereke?
- Kit ütött el Michael?
- Ki vette Michael legjobb főnökös bögréjét?
- Hogy hívták a sündisznót?
- Hol kérte meg Jim Pam kezét?
- Hogy hívták Pam első barátját?
- Főnök volt egy ideig, nem bírta Jimet.
- Michael kedvenc étterme
- A furcsa srác keresztneve a raktárból, aki szereti a rágót.
- Mi Dwight középső neve?
- Hova költözött Michael és Holly?
23 Clues: Ribanc... • Legbunkóbb karakter. • Dwight unokatestvére • Kit ütött el Michael? • Michael kedvenc étterme • Mi Dwight középső neve? • Macska a fagyasztóban.. • Pam és Jim első gyereke? • Hogy hívták a sündisznót? • Hol kérte meg Jim Pam kezét? • Kivel flörtölt Stanley lánya? • Hogy hívták Pam első barátját? • Hol található a Dunder Mifflin? • Kinek van sündisznó házziállata? • ...
The Office 2024-06-03
- Dwight's land
- Michael declares this, loudly
- Mr. California's first name
- Virus Merideth contracts
- This "Ben" was invited to the office
- Misspelled party sign
- Country Michael and Oscar debate over
- ___ calls the lowest-ranked salespeople make
- Michael's love interest
- Battles with Andy for the manager title after Florida
- Jan turns out to be "The ____"
- Grill Michael burns his foot on
- Award show in the Office
- Where the paper is shipped from
- Acronym for Michael's catchphrase
- One of Erin's lovers
- Karen's first branch
- Ryan's newest internet company
- Buys Dunder Mifflin
- Device Jim sends Dwight to find homosexuals
- Professional gambler in the office
- Restaurant Michael and Andy find dates for Xmas
- Threat ______ Midnight
- Hair affliction brought in by Pam
- Michael and Jan's first kiss is here
- Michael's international trip location
- Jim's first Christmas gift to Pam
- Fired instead of Creed on Halloween
- Andy's play "______ Todd"
- TV Show at the viewing party at Gabe's house
- Michael's sexually transmitted disease
31 Clues: Dwight's land • Buys Dunder Mifflin • One of Erin's lovers • Karen's first branch • Misspelled party sign • Threat ______ Midnight • Michael's love interest • Virus Merideth contracts • Award show in the Office • Andy's play "______ Todd" • Mr. California's first name • Michael declares this, loudly • Ryan's newest internet company • Jan turns out to be "The ____" • ...
The Office 2023-06-09
- Ceo of Dunder Mifflin
- Erin's first name
- GodFather to Angela's son
- Michael's middle name
- Kelly and Erin's pop group
- Ryan's son
- Dunder mifflin is a _____ company
- Sketchiest character in the office
- Bears,_____, Battle star galactica
- Michael took her to Sandals Jamaica
- Name of Andy's acapella group
- Andy's nickname
- Name of Pam and Angela's Son
- Where Toby moves temporarily
- Jim and Pam's daughter
- Ryan's Last name
- Dwights middle name
- Erin's Ex-boyfriend
- Pete's nickname that's given to him by Andy
- Company that brought Dunder Mifflin
- David Wallace's big marketing idea after leaving dundermifflin
- Ryan's baby is allergic to this fruit
- Stanley's favorite day
- Angela's favorite cat
- Dwight's cousin
- Pam's Husband
- Married to Bob Vance
- Dropped chili in the office
- Michael's wife
29 Clues: Ryan's son • Pam's Husband • Michael's wife • Dwight's cousin • Andy's nickname • Ryan's Last name • Erin's first name • Dwights middle name • Erin's Ex-boyfriend • Married to Bob Vance • Ceo of Dunder Mifflin • Michael's middle name • Angela's favorite cat • Jim and Pam's daughter • Stanley's favorite day • GodFather to Angela's son • Kelly and Erin's pop group • Dropped chili in the office • ...
The Office 2023-06-09
- Ceo of Dunder Mifflin
- Erin's first name
- GodFather to Angela's son
- Michael's middle name
- Kelly and Erin's pop group
- Ryan's son
- Dunder mifflin is a _____ company
- Sketchiest character in the office
- Bears,_____, Battle star galactica
- Michael took her to Sandals Jamaica
- Name of Andy's acapella group
- Andy's nickname
- Name of Pam and Angela's Son
- Where Toby moves temporarily
- Jim and Pam's daughter
- Ryan's Last name
- Dwights middle name
- Erin's Ex-boyfriend
- Pete's nickname that's given to him by Andy
- Company that brought Dunder Mifflin
- David Wallace's big marketing idea after leaving dundermifflin
- Ryan's baby is allergic to this fruit
- Stanley's favorite day
- Angela's favorite cat
- Dwight's cousin
- Pam's Husband
- Married to Bob Vance
- Dropped chili in the office
- Michael's wife
29 Clues: Ryan's son • Pam's Husband • Michael's wife • Dwight's cousin • Andy's nickname • Ryan's Last name • Erin's first name • Dwights middle name • Erin's Ex-boyfriend • Married to Bob Vance • Ceo of Dunder Mifflin • Michael's middle name • Angela's favorite cat • Jim and Pam's daughter • Stanley's favorite day • GodFather to Angela's son • Kelly and Erin's pop group • Dropped chili in the office • ...
The Office 2023-01-19
- ___ crushing
- Odds of a team winning a game
- Secure WiFi
- Monitor positioning
- One more piece of this won't kill you
- Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___
- Paid activity
- Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
- "temporary space"
- Preferred place of some to save work
- Pocket dessert
- Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
- Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
- Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
- Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
- Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
- Coffee cup lid
- Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
- Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
- Coffee stirrer substitute
20 Clues: Secure WiFi • ___ crushing • Paid activity • Coffee cup lid • Pocket dessert • "temporary space" • Monitor positioning • Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___ • Coffee stirrer substitute • Odds of a team winning a game • Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout • Preferred place of some to save work • One more piece of this won't kill you • Short nondescript perspective lacking detail • ...
the office 2022-08-16
- rm of stamford
- another day one wrong
- PAC-man
- the guy ho hide weapons in the office
- who bought dunder mifflin from sabre
- the cookie monster
- where the office is located
- the nard dog
- the guy every manager hates
- catwoman
- what branch did jim go to
- pam's first bf
- where dwight worked in season 3
- big tuna
- what stanley had in stress releif p1
- michaels first gf
- a day gone wrong
- which company bought dunder mifflin
- the new temp
- new guy 1
- new guy 2
- what michae fel in
- a gay man
- are you from another planet
- kevins favorite candy
- from warehouse to office
26 Clues: PAC-man • big tuna • catwoman • new guy 1 • new guy 2 • a gay man • the new temp • the nard dog • rm of stamford • pam's first bf • a day gone wrong • michaels first gf • the cookie monster • what michae fel in • another day one wrong • kevins favorite candy • from warehouse to office • what branch did jim go to • where the office is located • the guy every manager hates • are you from another planet • ...
The Office 2022-11-18
- Pam felt this in Chili’s that night
- Company that helped boost the show’s ratings
- Michael’s prize possession that he can look at for hours
- Steve Carell improvised a kiss with this character
- This is not a joke
- Place you never want to go during the middle of a weekday
- Characters are kinda a-holes the more you watch
- “Would I rather be _ or loved? Easy. Both.”
- May contain staples
- This person is scared of dementors
- She sold purses
- Probably shouldn’t put this next to your bed
- Song name for timing out CPR
- Who said “I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs”?
- Creed’s acronym
- Company that bought out Dunder Mifflin
- This was spilled and wasted
- Who said this
- Three people dressed as this one year for Halloween
- Natasha’s least favorite character
20 Clues: Who said this • She sold purses • Creed’s acronym • This is not a joke • May contain staples • This was spilled and wasted • Song name for timing out CPR • This person is scared of dementors • Natasha’s least favorite character • Pam felt this in Chili’s that night • Company that bought out Dunder Mifflin • “Would I rather be _ or loved? Easy. Both.” • ...
The Office 2024-11-06
- In “The Office” episode “Business School,” what mammal causes chaos during Michael’s lecture?
- What competitive event is organized to determine which employee can get the highest number of sales within a certain time frame? (The _____ Contest)
- What is the name of the website that Dwight creates to sell paper online? (Dunder Mifflin _____)
- Three regular members of the Finer Things Club (3)
- What is the name of the character who is known for constantly eating tuna fish at their desk?
- Who is responsible for planning the annual office Halloween party?
- Which character was originally hired as a part-time temp and later promoted to assistant regional manager?
- Who does Michael Scott date in the first few seasons and later reunite with briefly?
- Who does Jim Halpert date before he officially begins a relationship with Pam Beesly?
- What is the prize for winning the “Finer Things Club” competition?
- Who plays Dwight Schrute, the Assistant to the Regional Manager?
- What does Jim put in Andy’s office ceiling to annoy him as a prank?
- What is the name of the annual office awards ceremony hosted by Michael Scott? (The _____)
- Who did Michael hit with his car?
- What is the name of the fictional paper product created by Dunder Mifflin’s “Infinity” website, designed to compete with the iPad?
- What is the name of the city where Michael Scott moves after leaving Dunder Mifflin?
- Who did Jim play the most pranks on
- In which city is the Dunder Mifflin corporate office located in the series?
- What kind of car does Michael Scott drive?
- In “Beach Games,” what extreme sport does Dwight participate in to prove his leadership abilities?
- What is the name of the employee who often uses a Bluetooth earpiece?
- Which character has a mysterious past involving a stint as a wedding singer before joining Dunder Mifflin?
- What is the name of the first client that Michael Scott tries to impress with the “Dundie Award” presentation?
- What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?
- What did Jim place in Dwight’s stapler as a prank?
- Who plays Michael Scott, the Regional Manager of the company?
- What does Michael Scott call his GPS navigation system?
- Which character fakes a heart attack to avoid work and get out of a meeting?
- What kind of smartphone does Jim Halpert have in the series?
- What is Michael's username on the dating website?
- Who is known for planning extravagant and often inappropriate office parties?
- What does Dwight call his pet porcupine?
- Who in the office is a kleptomaniac?
- What is the name of the game Michael Scott invents and plays during meetings?
- What is the name of the conference room’s chair, known for its squeaky sound?
- What Yogurt flavor does Pam like the most?
- Three regular members of the Finer Things Club (2)
- Who accidentally displays their art project of a “naked” Michael Scott in the office?
- Who develops a crush on Ryan Howard and tries to win his affection throughout the series?
- Who scores the first points during the basketball game between the warehouse workers and office staff?
- Three regular members of the Finer Things Club (1)
41 Clues: Who did Michael hit with his car? • Who did Jim play the most pranks on • Who in the office is a kleptomaniac? • What crop does Dwight grow on his farm? • What does Dwight call his pet porcupine? • What Yogurt flavor does Pam like the most? • What kind of car does Michael Scott drive? • What is Michael's username on the dating website? • ...
The Office 2020-02-11
- Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
- Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
- Monitor positioning
- One more piece of this won't kill you
- ___ crushing
- Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
- Pocket dessert
- "temporary space"
- Secure WiFi
- Coffee stirrer substitute
- Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
- Odds of a team winning a game
- Coffee cup lid
- Paid activity
- Preferred place of some to save work
- Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
- Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
- Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
- Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
19 Clues: Secure WiFi • ___ crushing • Paid activity • Coffee cup lid • Pocket dessert • "temporary space" • Monitor positioning • Coffee stirrer substitute • Odds of a team winning a game • Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout • Preferred place of some to save work • One more piece of this won't kill you • Short nondescript perspective lacking detail • ...
The Office 2021-10-22
- party planning committee
- pretzel day lover
- keep it simple stupid
- spilled on floor, and served
- Schrute Farms Owner
- Michael's Arch Nemesis
- shady
- He is Gay, Boomroasted
- name of show
- The Receptionist
- Company
- Best Facial Expressions
- What they sell
- vending machine protector
- a.k.a. Andy
- World's Best Boss
- Stanley said no
- Secret Santa Gift
- Cat lady
19 Clues: shady • Company • Cat lady • a.k.a. Andy • name of show • What they sell • Stanley said no • The Receptionist • pretzel day lover • World's Best Boss • Secret Santa Gift • Schrute Farms Owner • keep it simple stupid • Michael's Arch Nemesis • He is Gay, Boomroasted • Best Facial Expressions • party planning committee • vending machine protector • spilled on floor, and served
The Office 2023-02-25
- The branch that merges with Scranton
- The employee that Michael runs over.
- This is what Michael's mug says.
- What Michael offers to Kelly on racial awareness day.
- Michael’s favorite joke.
- Dwight thinks this is his position.
- The sketchiest employee at Dunder Mifflin.
- Jim puts Dwight’s things in this.
- Ryan makes Dunder Mifflin _________.
- Michael's girlfriend
- Pam’s job.
- Dwight has this on his desk.
- Jim’s enemy.
- Awards that Michael gives out.
- Dwight shuts it in a refrigerator.
- Bob Vance’s wife.
- The place where the office is.
- What does Dwight grow?
- The place that Michael takes Jan to.
19 Clues: Pam’s job. • Jim’s enemy. • Bob Vance’s wife. • Michael's girlfriend • What does Dwight grow? • Michael’s favorite joke. • Dwight has this on his desk. • Awards that Michael gives out. • The place where the office is. • This is what Michael's mug says. • Jim puts Dwight’s things in this. • Dwight shuts it in a refrigerator. • Dwight thinks this is his position. • ...
The Office 2020-02-11
- / Odds of a team winning a game
- / Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
- / Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
- / Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
- / Preferred place of some to save work
- / Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
- / Coffee stirrer substitute
- / Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
- / Pocket dessert
- / Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
- / Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
- / Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
- / Secure WiFi
- / Coffee cup lid
- / ___ crushing
- / Monitor positioning
- / Paid activity
- / "temporary space"
- / One more piece of this won't kill you
19 Clues: / Secure WiFi • / ___ crushing • / Paid activity • / Pocket dessert • / Coffee cup lid • / "temporary space" • / Monitor positioning • / Coffee stirrer substitute • / Odds of a team winning a game • / Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout • / Preferred place of some to save work • / One more piece of this won't kill you • / Short nondescript perspective lacking detail • ...
The Office 2020-02-11
- Odds of a team winning a game
- Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
- Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
- Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
- Preferred place of some to save work
- Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
- Coffee stirrer substitute
- Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
- Pocket dessert
- Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
- Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
- Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
- Secure WiFi
- Coffee cup lid
- ___ crushing
- Monitor positioning
- Paid activity
- "temporary space"
- One more piece of this won't kill you
19 Clues: Secure WiFi • ___ crushing • Paid activity • Pocket dessert • Coffee cup lid • "temporary space" • Monitor positioning • Coffee stirrer substitute • Odds of a team winning a game • Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout • Preferred place of some to save work • One more piece of this won't kill you • Short nondescript perspective lacking detail • ...
the office 2025-01-22
- gaya yang berkerja tegak lurus terhadap arah perpindahan benda adalah
- gaya yang terjadi dua permukaan bersentuhan di sebut
- rumus usaha adalah
- apa terjadi jika usaha dilakukan pada benda
- contoh usaha dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang menguntungkan energi mesin berubah menjadi energi kinetik
- lambang s melambangkan
- satuan gaya adalah
- gaya yang berkerja tegak lurus terhadap permukaan disebut
- gaya yang berkerja tegak lurus terhadap permukaan disebut gaya
- gaya yang searah dengan arah perpindahan disebut
- jika benda tidak berpindah usaha nya bernilai
- gaya yang tarik menarik disebut
- w singkatan dari
- rumus dari gaya adalah
- apa satuan usaha
- setiap benda akan tetap dalam keadaan diam atau bergerak lurus beraturan dan berkonstan adalah pengertian dari
- lambang w melambangkan
- lambang a melambangkan
- lambang f melambangkan
- gaya yang berlawanan dengan arah perpindahan benda disebut usaha
20 Clues: w singkatan dari • apa satuan usaha • rumus usaha adalah • satuan gaya adalah • rumus dari gaya adalah • lambang w melambangkan • lambang a melambangkan • lambang f melambangkan • lambang s melambangkan • gaya yang tarik menarik disebut • apa terjadi jika usaha dilakukan pada benda • jika benda tidak berpindah usaha nya bernilai • gaya yang searah dengan arah perpindahan disebut • ...
The Office 2022-11-15
- D.M.’s main product
- Awards given. The ____
- Jim adds this to jello
- Grown at Schrute Farms
- What Kevin spills
- Dunder Mifflin Town
- What Michael grills
- Jim’s nickname. Big ____
- Pam’s first fiancée
- Angela’s frozen cat
- Dwight’s title ____ to the R.M.
- Phyllis’ new last name
- Dwight’s middle name
- Michael’s jail persona ____ Mike
- Jan’s candle company
- Kelly’s crush
- Jim and Pam’s wedding destination
- The one Michael hates
18 Clues: Kelly’s crush • What Kevin spills • Angela’s frozen cat • D.M.’s main product • Dunder Mifflin Town • What Michael grills • Pam’s first fiancée • Dwight’s middle name • Jan’s candle company • The one Michael hates • Awards given. The ____ • Phyllis’ new last name • Jim adds this to jello • Grown at Schrute Farms • Jim’s nickname. Big ____ • Dwight’s title ____ to the R.M. • ...
the office 2021-01-14
- she gets drunk and lights her hair on fire
- The name of kevins band
- the cat dwight gave to angela after killing sprinkles
- Shes obsessed with cats
- Jim and Pams daughter
- Pam and angela both name their son _______
- Andys nickname for pete
- the girl that darryl dates (she works in the warehouse)
- The awards at dunder mifflin
- michael gets engaged to _________
- name of the episode when he promises scholarships to the kids
- Where jim and pam got married
- Michaels name when he acts like a fat person
- got fired for almost punching jim in the face
- Jim put dwights _______ in jello
- the cfo of dunder mifflin
- The cat that dwight killed
- Erin's name before she changes it
18 Clues: Jim and Pams daughter • The name of kevins band • Shes obsessed with cats • Andys nickname for pete • the cfo of dunder mifflin • The cat that dwight killed • The awards at dunder mifflin • Where jim and pam got married • Jim put dwights _______ in jello • Erin's name before she changes it • michael gets engaged to _________ • she gets drunk and lights her hair on fire • ...
The Office 2024-09-03
18 Clues: boss • copier • salary • client • cubical • vacancy • manager • commute • meeting • proposal • coworker • schedule • promotion • secretary • assistant • appointment • receptionist • presentation
The Office 2021-06-16
- Ryan's baby is allergic to _______
- the most common baby name in the Office
- Michael's true love
- Michael takes Jan here
- what business is Bob Vance in?
- Dwight and Angela are married in their own _______
- this character becomes a different person in Florida
- how did Ed Truck die
- a funeral is held for this animal following the death of Ed Truck
- branch Holly is transferred to
- Pam's date for her double date with Kelly and Ryan
- who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?
- Cat killed by Dwight
- Dwight's bestest mench
- character obsessed with horror movies
- who replaces Jan at corporate?
- the last remaining employee from the merger
17 Clues: Michael's true love • how did Ed Truck die • Cat killed by Dwight • Dwight's bestest mench • Michael takes Jan here • branch Holly is transferred to • what business is Bob Vance in? • who replaces Jan at corporate? • Ryan's baby is allergic to _______ • who wore white to Phyllis' wedding? • character obsessed with horror movies • the most common baby name in the Office • ...
THE OFFICE 2023-06-08
- _____'_ FAMOS CHILLE
The Office 2014-04-09
- like poland
- awards
- batteries for everyone
- paper company
- dwight's title
- mercy of the
- holly's home
- said, hey hey hey, it's fat halpert
- dwight's promotion
- hey mr scott...
- michael's mug
- dwight worked here when he quit DM
- michael crashed it
- type of sheriff deputy
- where youngest child raises the others
- michael crashed into it
- grumpy or sleepy
17 Clues: awards • like poland • mercy of the • holly's home • michael's mug • paper company • dwight's title • hey mr scott... • grumpy or sleepy • dwight's promotion • michael crashed it • batteries for everyone • type of sheriff deputy • michael crashed into it • dwight worked here when he quit DM • said, hey hey hey, it's fat halpert • where youngest child raises the others
the office 2024-01-17
- "I have a delicious secret."
- "Sometimes, I think I'm working with idiots."
- "Bears can climb faster than they can run !"
- "Wow. That is a really good timing."
- "Did I stutter ?"
- "My father was a strict disciplinarian."
- "Andy is my best friend in the office."
- "You've got a lot learn, sweetie."
- "That's hurtful talk, we've talked about that."
- "Frankly, it's overdue."
- "I burned my foot."
- "After a couple of months, I'll introduce you to all the local talent."
- "C'mon, you're buying."
- "Actually."
- "Michael, I mean when has this ever worked for you?"
- "I mean how do you even judget that ?"
- "Stanley please. THIS IS SERIOUS !"
17 Clues: "Actually." • "Did I stutter ?" • "I burned my foot." • "C'mon, you're buying." • "Frankly, it's overdue." • "I have a delicious secret." • "You've got a lot learn, sweetie." • "Stanley please. THIS IS SERIOUS !" • "Wow. That is a really good timing." • "I mean how do you even judget that ?" • "Andy is my best friend in the office." • "My father was a strict disciplinarian." • ...
The Office 2014-04-09
- holly's home
- said, hey hey hey, it's fat halpert
- type of sheriff deputy
- dwight's title
- paper company
- like poland
- mercy of the
- grumpy or sleepy
- dwight worked here when he quit DM
- where youngest child raises the others
- michael crashed it
- hey mr scott...
- michael crashed into it
- dwight's promotion
- michael's mug
- batteries for everyone
- awards
17 Clues: awards • like poland • holly's home • mercy of the • michael's mug • paper company • dwight's title • hey mr scott... • grumpy or sleepy • michael crashed it • dwight's promotion • type of sheriff deputy • batteries for everyone • michael crashed into it • dwight worked here when he quit DM • said, hey hey hey, it's fat halpert • where youngest child raises the others
;The Office; 2022-09-21
- "How about you don't steal my business strategies, and I won't dress like life is just one long ____
- "Shut up about the ___"
- ____ Rob. Andy's college friend.
- Meredith's son's name
- Written on Mose's shirt when he was ready to wrestle Ryan
- "I remember when people thought ___ were all that."
- Oscar's partner's name
- Erin's real name
- the branch robert california closes
- The name of the proposed sprinkles replacement.
- "So much for keeping our secrets up ____"
- ____ bundle. The show Michael was on as a child
- the country Toby goes to
- sport played in the Pam is pregnant episode
- The item Michael uses to test the trampoline
- "Join the ____. "The movement Jim starts
- the name Andy calls Pete
17 Clues: Erin's real name • Meredith's son's name • Oscar's partner's name • "Shut up about the ___" • the country Toby goes to • the name Andy calls Pete • ____ Rob. Andy's college friend. • the branch robert california closes • "Join the ____. "The movement Jim starts • "So much for keeping our secrets up ____" • sport played in the Pam is pregnant episode • ...
The Office 2024-03-22
- Who breaks their neck in Costa Rica?
- What does Stanley say when Dwight lets a bat into the office?
- what is plops real name?
- who is the tallest character?
- what is Erin’s middle name?
- What was the name of the cat that Dwight killed?
- tots what is the name Michael calls the group of kids he is paying to go to university?
- Who falls into lake Scranton on beach day and floats away?
- when Jim send Dwight a fax from himself in the future what does he tell him is poisoned?
- What is the made up number Kevin uses to balance his numbers?
- What’s the name of Dwight’s cousin that he runs the farm with?
- Who does Michael hit with his car?
- who does Erin this might be her birth mother but isn't?
- what is the name of the company the buys Dunder Mifflin?
- is Pam married Roy what would her last name be?
- Who has an affair with the senator while married to Angela?
16 Clues: what is plops real name? • what is Erin’s middle name? • who is the tallest character? • Who does Michael hit with his car? • Who breaks their neck in Costa Rica? • is Pam married Roy what would her last name be? • What was the name of the cat that Dwight killed? • who does Erin this might be her birth mother but isn't? • ...
The Office 2024-06-05
- coughs the loudest, but is also very tech-savvy
- says "bye" in the sweetest way imaginable
- rarely enters or exits the building alone (very loyal)
- is the most active during lunch breaks
- is very good at finding hard-to-find BOL's
- has the #1 communication skills in the office
- loves animals, gossip and murder mysteries
- is only seen twice a week, but is super nice
- is the #1 manager, sometimes brings a friend
- greets everyone, every morning
- often wears a sweater vest, often here before the rest
- is good with #'s, and taking of care of plants
- has the most adorable sneeze
- is great at multi-tasking (ordering stock/being a dad)
- receives the most flatteries from our warehouse team
- has a youthful/lovely laugh
16 Clues: has a youthful/lovely laugh • has the most adorable sneeze • greets everyone, every morning • is the most active during lunch breaks • says "bye" in the sweetest way imaginable • is very good at finding hard-to-find BOL's • loves animals, gossip and murder mysteries • is only seen twice a week, but is super nice • is the #1 manager, sometimes brings a friend • ...
the office 2021-12-20
- What do they watch on their way to Gettysburg?
- Name of the receptionist at corprate s3?
- Dwight's last name in second life?
- Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe?
- thousand How expensive was princess lady?
- 'If I take off the hat, then Im _'
- Jim watches what basketball team in the hotel?
- Days michael didnt work when he found youtube?
- Who would roy do?
- Whats michael gonna do to pams mom?
- Who clapped after the bird funeral?
- The show michael was on as a kid?
- What does andy fall in while doing parkour?
- Dwight likes a little what in his nuggets?
- '_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-Stanley
- Dwight was raised by who?
16 Clues: Who would roy do? • Dwight was raised by who? • The show michael was on as a kid? • Dwight's last name in second life? • 'If I take off the hat, then Im _' • Whats michael gonna do to pams mom? • Who clapped after the bird funeral? • '_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-Stanley • Name of the receptionist at corprate s3? • Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe? • ...
the office 2021-12-20
- What do they watch on their way to Gettysburg?
- Name of the receptionist at corprate s3?
- Dwight's last name in second life?
- Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe?
- thousand How expensive was princess lady?
- 'If I take off the hat, then Im _'
- Jim watches what basketball team in the hotel?
- Days michael didnt work when he found youtube?
- Who would roy do?
- Whats michael gonna do to pams mom?
- Who clapped after the bird funeral?
- The show michael was on as a kid?
- What does andy fall in while doing parkour?
- Dwight likes a little what in his nuggets?
- '_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-Stanley
- Dwight was raised by who?
16 Clues: Who would roy do? • Dwight was raised by who? • The show michael was on as a kid? • Dwight's last name in second life? • 'If I take off the hat, then Im _' • Whats michael gonna do to pams mom? • Who clapped after the bird funeral? • '_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-Stanley • Name of the receptionist at corprate s3? • Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe? • ...
the office 2021-06-06
- they have rabies
- the kitchen appliance michael burnt his foot on
- what does bestest mensch mean
- michael's joke
- the number of scranton managers in the series
- "you should put your mouth on that"
- darryl's daughter
- the name of angela and pam's son
- the amount of cats angela has
- 'Serenity by Jan' sells _______
- the three b's
- the character that randall park plays
- what happens to dwight when he's nice to pam
- what kevin spills
- the cat dwight kills
15 Clues: the three b's • michael's joke • they have rabies • what kevin spills • darryl's daughter • the cat dwight kills • the amount of cats angela has • what does bestest mensch mean • 'Serenity by Jan' sells _______ • the name of angela and pam's son • "you should put your mouth on that" • the character that randall park plays • what happens to dwight when he's nice to pam • ...
The Office 2023-11-10
- Kissed by Michael on the mouth.
- Showcased art in a gallery.
- Michael's nemesis
- Started the fire
- Owns a beet farm.
- Given a 1-hour nap on her birthday.
- Owns her own candle making company
- Makes the best chili.
- Got run over by Michael in the parking lot
- Dyed his hair black with printer ink
- Went to Cornell.
- Married to Bob Vance
- Judgmental cat lady
- Crossword puzzle fan
- Receptionist after Pam
15 Clues: Went to Cornell. • Started the fire • Michael's nemesis • Owns a beet farm. • Judgmental cat lady • Married to Bob Vance • Crossword puzzle fan • Makes the best chili. • Receptionist after Pam • Showcased art in a gallery. • Kissed by Michael on the mouth. • Owns her own candle making company • Given a 1-hour nap on her birthday. • Dyed his hair black with printer ink • ...
The Office 2017-11-21
- / pam's favorite yogurt
- / it's earthday so here comes...
- / printer company
- / big__; jim
- / stanley's favorite day
- / packer's revenge;kevin almost choked on one
- / youngest vp in company and most recently worked at a bowling alley
- / michael's car
- / all that blubber
- / who no on ever asks about
- / best bear
- / creed's new year's resolution
- / taste change;all that stanley likes now
- / andy's signature song
- / what the gas station in carbondale did not have
15 Clues: / best bear • / michael's car • / all that blubber • / big__; jim • / printer company • / pam's favorite yogurt • / stanley's favorite day • / who no on ever asks about • / andy's signature song • / it's earthday so here comes... • / creed's new year's resolution • / taste change;all that stanley likes now • / packer's revenge;kevin almost choked on one • ...
The Office 2023-04-07
- Razorpay offices in Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune and ---
- Month of Razorpay's Birthday
- Name of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday
- No. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR Building
- Brand of Laptops preferred at Razorpay
- First Razorpay Office city
- Razorpay's logo colours are shades of?
- Business banking platform, supercharges your business banking
- powers your business growth through instant settlements, corporate cards and quick business loans.
- In order to get approval for a cost, we first need to raise a ---, PRF
- From whom does the accounting and paroll related communication come from?
- Razorpay HQ city
- We write to this team if the Air-conditioning in a building is not functioning correctly, CREWS
- Founder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as?
- Who do you need to write to if you want a slot with Harshil Mathur?
15 Clues: Razorpay HQ city • First Razorpay Office city • Month of Razorpay's Birthday • Razorpay's logo colours are shades of? • Brand of Laptops preferred at Razorpay • Founder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as? • No. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR Building • Name of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday • ...
The Office 2021-06-04
- New company Michael creates
- Where Andy and Angela plan to get married
- Where Jim hides Dwight’s stapler
- Married to Pam Beesly
- Dunder Mifflin Scranton Regional Manager
- Dwight’s favorite show
- Wears tissue boxes as shoes
- Name of Angela’s cat that Dwight kills
- What Dwight grows on his farm
- Where Jim and Pam get married
- Where Michael and Holly move to
- How many years salaries Michael spends on Holly’s engagement ring
- Assistant to the Regional Manager
- Does 26 push-ups to get the day off
14 Clues: Married to Pam Beesly • Dwight’s favorite show • Wears tissue boxes as shoes • New company Michael creates • What Dwight grows on his farm • Where Jim and Pam get married • Where Michael and Holly move to • Where Jim hides Dwight’s stapler • Assistant to the Regional Manager • Does 26 push-ups to get the day off • Name of Angela’s cat that Dwight kills • ...
The Office 2023-07-30
- Stapler hiding place
- Andy went to college here
- He started the fire in the office
- Dwight's porcupine
- Kelly's number one question
- What Michael accused Pam of stealing in season 1
- He's the boss
- who Kevin drew for secret santa
- Dwight's animal fear
- Michael's burn ointment of choice
- Dwight's fictional girl
- Andy's a cappella group
- Prison Mike's worst thing about prison
- Plop's real name
14 Clues: He's the boss • Plop's real name • Dwight's porcupine • Dwight's animal fear • Stapler hiding place • Dwight's fictional girl • Andy's a cappella group • Andy went to college here • Kelly's number one question • who Kevin drew for secret santa • Michael's burn ointment of choice • He started the fire in the office • Prison Mike's worst thing about prison • ...
The Office 2023-05-09
- Founder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as?
- Brand of Laptops preferred at Razorpay
- Month of Razorpay's Birthday
- Razorpay HQ city
- powers your business growth through instant settlements and quick business loans.
- this team manages all the building facilities
- No. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR Building
- Name of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday
- In order to get approval for a cost, we first need to raise a ---
- Razorpay offices in Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune and ---
- Who do you need to write to if you want a meeting with Harshil Mathur?
- the colours of the Razorpay Logo, shades of ____
- the slack channel where the most important communication is sent
- Business banking platform, supercharges your business banking
14 Clues: Razorpay HQ city • Month of Razorpay's Birthday • Brand of Laptops preferred at Razorpay • Founder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as? • this team manages all the building facilities • No. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR Building • the colours of the Razorpay Logo, shades of ____ • Name of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday • ...
The office 2024-11-18
- to cover up words
- you can use microsoft tools with this
- you can communicate
- you put things in it
- for things you dont need anymore
- you can sit on it
- its made from wood
- you work at it
- a paper with info you receive or send
- you can make confetti with this
- one tacks the papers together
- you write with this
- you transfer the info to paper
- one can write with it
14 Clues: you work at it • to cover up words • you can sit on it • its made from wood • you write with this • you can communicate • you put things in it • one can write with it • one tacks the papers together • you transfer the info to paper • you can make confetti with this • for things you dont need anymore • a paper with info you receive or send • you can use microsoft tools with this
The office 2017-12-13
14 Clues: Fixo • File • Goma • Sobre • Libreta • Empleado • Taquígrafa • Calculadora • Fotocopiadora • Recepcionista • stand: perchero • holder: Lapicero • TAblón de anuncios • clip holder: caja de clips
The Office 2023-11-03
- office furniture to organize and store documents
- an outdated machine that sends a document to another person's machine
- a wire object that holds paper together
- copying machine
- a tool for making empty spaces in paper
- a device that copies documents and converts them into a digital format
- sliding box in a desk
- part of a computer
- a machine that puts pictures and text onto paper
- as soon as possible
- contains toner for a printer
- a machine that inserts metal things into sheets of paper in order to fasten them together
- computer accessory that is also a small animal
- container for a letter
14 Clues: copying machine • part of a computer • as soon as possible • sliding box in a desk • container for a letter • contains toner for a printer • a wire object that holds paper together • a tool for making empty spaces in paper • computer accessory that is also a small animal • a machine that puts pictures and text onto paper • office furniture to organize and store documents • ...
Office 2017-10-26
- When was National Breastfeeding Month?
- Equity and ---- justice
- Submit this if your computer still isn't working
- This is where you dispose of confidential documents
- Mr. Darcy's estate
- You can make changes to your KC benefits during---
- They provide support to homeless children and their families
- Where Louisa fell off the Cobb and injured her head
- Meeting place if the building is evacuated
- Follow these three steps during an earthquake
- Try this first if your computer isn't working
- If you are the first person in the building you must turn this off
- Where we meet for All Staff meetings
- This famous nurse is best known for founding the American Red Cross
- One side of the building has a fantastic view of this
- This program will soon undergo a renovation
- The building next door will have apartments and a --- when completed
- Where you can access free resources to propel your career
- They support low income, first time mothers.
- Public Health is --- for you
- There are three paid holidays in this month
- If you lose this is will cost you $25 to replace
22 Clues: Mr. Darcy's estate • Equity and ---- justice • Public Health is --- for you • Where we meet for All Staff meetings • When was National Breastfeeding Month? • Meeting place if the building is evacuated • This program will soon undergo a renovation • There are three paid holidays in this month • They support low income, first time mothers. • ...
Office 2017-07-19
- What does Dwight put into the vent of the Michael Scott Paper Company to get back at them?
- Where does Toby leave Dunder Mifflin to travel?
- What is the name of the woman Stanley was having an affair with?
- Holly's last name
- In one episode Stanley yells back at Michael, "Did I __?"
- Who has rabies in season 4?
- Michael's realtor ex-girlfriend, who is played by Steve Carell's actual wife
- Pam's mom's name
- Where Michael and Jan went on vacation and stayed at Sandals
- Packer, the crass traveling salesman of Dunder Mifflin
- __ from Stamford, Jim's Season 3 boss who left to take a job at Staples
- Creed's last name
- Dunder Mifflin branch that Karen manages
- David Wallace's new business idea
- Oscar's last name
- Who is the only Scranton employee other than Michael that has dated two different Dunder Mifflin employees but has never been engaged?
- Only thing you ever see on Creed's screen
- In the dinner party episode, Jan reveals she also dabbles in this business
- If Astrid had been a boy, Michael's name of choice was _.
- First initials of all of the employees who have liked Pam, in alphabetical order
- __ Family Paper
- First word in name of another company in the building
- David Wallace's son who plays the drums
- Employee of the Michael Scott Paper Company who joined and quit within a few hours
- Scranton employee who went to high school with Michael
- Which branch did Michael and Holly reveal was closing during their skit?
- What Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction
- In Episode 1, Jim pranks Dwight by putting his stapler in what?
- Security guard for the building
29 Clues: __ Family Paper • Pam's mom's name • Oscar's last name • Holly's last name • Creed's last name • Who has rabies in season 4? • Security guard for the building • David Wallace's new business idea • David Wallace's son who plays the drums • Dunder Mifflin branch that Karen manages • Only thing you ever see on Creed's screen • What Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction • ...
Office 2023-10-12
- Task completion date
- Communication device
- Front desk area
- Office energy booster
- Digitizes documents
- Document material
- Writing instrument
- Electronic messages
- Supervisor
- Produces hard copies
- Scheduled discussion
- Duplicating machine
- Small sticky notes
- Binding tool
- A piece of furniture for working
- Schedule organizer
- Tool for digital tasks
- Used for sending documents
- Where you sit at your desk
- Organizing documents
20 Clues: Supervisor • Binding tool • Front desk area • Document material • Small sticky notes • Schedule organizer • Writing instrument • Duplicating machine • Digitizes documents • Electronic messages • Scheduled discussion • Task completion date • Communication device • Organizing documents • Produces hard copies • Office energy booster • Tool for digital tasks • Used for sending documents • ...
Office 2017-07-19
- __ from Stamford, Jim's Season 3 boss who left to take a job at Staples
- Employee of the Michael Scott Paper Company who joined and quit within a few hours
- Which branch did Michael and Holly reveal was closing during their skit?
- Pam's mom's name
- What is the name of the woman Stanley was having an affair with?
- Where does Toby leave Dunder Mifflin to travel?
- First word in name of another company in the building
- Oscar's last name
- __ Family Paper
- Who is the only Scranton employee other than Michael that has dated two different Dunder Mifflin employees but has never been engaged?
- David Wallace's son who plays the drums
- Holly's last name
- What Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction
- David Wallace's new business idea
- First initials of all of the employees who have liked Pam, in alphabetical order
- In one episode Stanley yells back at Michael, "Did I __?"
- Who has rabies in season 4?
- Where Michael and Jan went on vacation and stayed at Sandals
- In Episode 1, Jim pranks Dwight by putting his stapler in what?
- Security guard for the building
- Only thing you ever see on Creed's screen
- In the dinner party episode, Jan reveals she also dabbles in this business
- Creed's last name
- If Astrid had been a boy, Michael's name of choice was _.
- Michael's realtor ex-girlfriend, who is played by Steve Carell's actual wife
- Packer, the crass traveling salesman of Dunder Mifflin
- Scranton employee who went to high school with Michael
- Dunder Mifflin branch that Karen manages
- What does Dwight put into the vent of the Michael Scott Paper Company to get back at them?
29 Clues: __ Family Paper • Pam's mom's name • Creed's last name • Oscar's last name • Holly's last name • Who has rabies in season 4? • Security guard for the building • David Wallace's new business idea • David Wallace's son who plays the drums • Dunder Mifflin branch that Karen manages • Only thing you ever see on Creed's screen • What Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction • ...
Office 2022-06-15
- Cookie; cream filled snack ; Ice-cream flavor
- refers to a unit or group of lines within a poem
- Major source of distraction while driving
- An ancient language of India & the primary sacred language of Hinduism
- Mickey's home in California
- Food cooked out of the door on a grill
- Relative of fake news
- Gambling cube
- A record of clinical data for a hospital patient
- The metal which exists in the liquid state at room temperature
- Hundreds of years
- Czech-made auto that's part of the Volkswagen Group
- A common name for a "web-log"
- Winner's award
- memories catcher
- Take a holiday
- smaller than an ocean, but still fun
- They may get tied up in knots
- This is the #1popular social media site
- A pebbly or sandy shore especially by the sea
- The colors on the Canadian flag are red and ____
- Spaghetti and Penne are types of
- skating Gliding on frozen surface
- Costs incurred to turn material into a finished product
- Synonym of fire
- They come in last in alphabets
- A checkered black and white board game
- Light whisked dessert
28 Clues: Gambling cube • Winner's award • Take a holiday • Synonym of fire • memories catcher • Hundreds of years • Relative of fake news • Light whisked dessert • Mickey's home in California • A common name for a "web-log" • They may get tied up in knots • They come in last in alphabets • Spaghetti and Penne are types of • skating Gliding on frozen surface • smaller than an ocean, but still fun • ...
Office 2014-07-27
- formato de documento de Word 2007 y superior
- unidad que se usa para medir el tamaño de las letras (plural)
- una colección de varias hojas de cálculo
- primer letra en un párrafo o artículo, que se muestra en un tamaño aumentado
- acción de obtener una vista previa de un documento, generalmente antes de imprimirlo
- se refiere al tipo de letra
- Creadora y propietaria de la principal suite de oficina en los últimos tiempos
- programa de hoja de cálculo
- espacio que va desde el borde del márgen hasta el comienzo del párrafo.
- alinear el párrafo de forma pareja a ambos márgenes de la hoja.
- cada "hoja" de un archivo de presentación de diapositivas
- en Office 2007 y posteriores, reemplazó a la barra de menú
- programa de procesamiento de textos
- elemento de texto que se extiende hasta un punto y aparte.
- elemento gráfico que se coloca delante de cada item de una lista desordenada
- acción de acercar o alejar una página
- documento formado por varias diapositivas
- el elemento básico de una hoja de cálculo
- permite crear presentaciones
- se las nombra con una letra, en Excel. Se refiere a las series verticales.
20 Clues: se refiere al tipo de letra • programa de hoja de cálculo • permite crear presentaciones • programa de procesamiento de textos • acción de acercar o alejar una página • una colección de varias hojas de cálculo • documento formado por varias diapositivas • el elemento básico de una hoja de cálculo • formato de documento de Word 2007 y superior • ...
Office 2023-06-18
26 Clues: who • who2 • idea • idea4 • idea2 • idea6 • idea7 • idea9 • idea5 • ideas • idea8 • idea3 • idea16 • idea10 • idea15 • idea17 • idea12 • idea14 • idea13 • people • product • product3 • product2 • product4 • positive • attitude
office 2014-09-12
- PrimaryPhysican Care changed it's name to this.
- A health coach who shares the same last name of a large car maker? two names
- Street our company is located on.
- This male employee has an apostrophe in his last name.
- The largest client we service. two names
- This health coach shares the same last name with the actor who was married to Madonna in the mid 80's? two names
- Which department services ID cards for its' members.
- Audit, Revenue, Balance and Net describes this department's name.
- Who in the company has the first name of a famous TV show starring Barbara Eden as the man character originally aired September 1965?
- This company focuses on improving overall health.
- This female employee has an apostrophe in her last name.
- client that is located on Staten Island. two names
- client that is involved in fashion.
- Who in the company has the same name as a famous pop singer if you take out the hyphenated part of her name? two names.
- This person performs orientation of new hires, informing of policies, procedures, benefits etc. two names
- IT request system for our company.
- program used to store and capture documents for reviewing.
- Repricing group used by Newcomb Springs.
- Who has the last name that is a color?
19 Clues: Street our company is located on. • IT request system for our company. • client that is involved in fashion. • Who has the last name that is a color? • The largest client we service. two names • Repricing group used by Newcomb Springs. • PrimaryPhysican Care changed it's name to this. • This company focuses on improving overall health. • ...
The Office 2023-05-20
- The character who becomes Regional Manager after Michael Scott
- The character who claims to have seen Bigfoot
- Jim's middle name
- The accounting firm that merges with Dunder Mifflin
- Dwight's martial arts instructor
- The name of Jim and Pam's first child
- The office employee who has a Dundie Award for "Whitest Sneakers"
- The character who dresses up as a "three-hole punch" for Halloween
- Michael Scott's favorite pizza place
- Kevin's band
- The name of Dwight's cousin who works at the farm
- Michael's favorite movie
- The company that acquires Dunder Mifflin
13 Clues: Kevin's band • Jim's middle name • Michael's favorite movie • Dwight's martial arts instructor • Michael Scott's favorite pizza place • The name of Jim and Pam's first child • The company that acquires Dunder Mifflin • The character who claims to have seen Bigfoot • The name of Dwight's cousin who works at the farm • The accounting firm that merges with Dunder Mifflin • ...
The Office 2021-05-19
13 Clues: *snip-snip* • Ryan the temp • first episode • we'll be skins • what is a HERO • raise and lower • Katy the salesman • Jim's type of girl • I think you do mahn • spontaneous dental __ • I will attack you with this • because today is almost over • the special filing cabinet for faxes
The Office Crossword 2022-07-25
- Dwight froze this cat
- Lives with many cats
- This company bought Dunder Mifflin
- Erin rated Holly out of forty
- A pair is kept for "special occasions"
- Kevin's gift for his secret santa
- Andy is a proud alum of this university
- Name of Toby's daughter
- Creed also has this passport
- Number of brothers Jim had
- Michael loved the small in the morning
- Michael takes this job to help his finances
- Name of the employee awards night
- Can raise or lower his cholesterol at will
- Went to the same high school as Michael
- Medal Jim won
- Name of Dwight's porcupine
- Known intially as "the temp"
- Kevin is forced to eat this
- Angela finds this colour "whore-ish"
- state the office is in
- Kevin's band name
- Andy quit to become this
- Jim placed Dwight's stationery inside
- The Dwight family farm produces this
- Number of Dwight's cousins
- The Office aired on this network
- Dwight cried during this movie
- Gabe's middle name
- Used to make Dwight salivate
- Forcibly taken to rehab
- Plop's actual name
- Pam was engaged to him before Jim
- Dwight's middle name
- Bitten by a rabid bat
- Michael's birth month
- Dwight used to volunteer for this public office
- Runs the warehouse
- The building's security guard
- Michael organized a fun run for this cause
40 Clues: Medal Jim won • Kevin's band name • Gabe's middle name • Plop's actual name • Runs the warehouse • Lives with many cats • Dwight's middle name • Dwight froze this cat • Bitten by a rabid bat • Michael's birth month • state the office is in • Forcibly taken to rehab • Name of Toby's daughter • Andy quit to become this • Number of Dwight's cousins • Number of brothers Jim had • ...
The Nowhere Office 2023-03-21
- självklar,uppenbar
- pandemi
- vinst
- strävan,försök
- produktivitet
- företag,bolag
- mönster
- försiktighet
- skvallra
- förväntan
- sträva efter
- distansarbete
- heltid
- utvärdera
- överhängande,annalkande
- press
- vändpunkt
- konsumtion
- omvälvning
- rörlighet
- utrusta
- bekvämlighet
- utbrott
- framgångsrik
- pendla
- följa efter,följa exempel
- blomstra,lyckas
- begäran
- glamorös
29 Clues: press • vinst • pendla • heltid • pandemi • utrusta • utbrott • mönster • begäran • skvallra • glamorös • vändpunkt • rörlighet • förväntan • utvärdera • konsumtion • omvälvning • bekvämlighet • framgångsrik • försiktighet • sträva efter • produktivitet • företag,bolag • distansarbete • strävan,försök • blomstra,lyckas • självklar,uppenbar • överhängande,annalkande • följa efter,följa exempel
The front office 2024-05-05
- action of placing capital or money in an economic activity, project or operation with the objective of obtaining a long-term economic return.
- person or institution, that is, a natural or legal person, that makes an investment in a business
- Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity
- assets that are formed with the contributions of a group of people who invest their capital in search of profitability
- any activity, work or occupation that is carried out for the purpose of economic gain
- To govern, to exercise authority or command over a territory and over the people who inhabit it
- Mandatory payments of money required by the State from individuals and companies that are not subject to direct compensation
- Record of goods and other things belonging to a person or community, made with order and precision
- branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed
- Establish or reform something to achieve an end, coordinating the appropriate people and means
- Provision by which the testator leaves his property or part of it entrusted to the good faith of someone so that, in a specific case and time, he may transmit it to another person or invest it in the manner indicated.
- To separate or separate someone or something from another person or thing or from a place.
- Of or relating to banking or banks
- the socioeconomic activity that consists of the exchange of some materials that are free in the market for the purchase and sale of goods or services
- perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another
- means that part of the profits or revenues obtained by a company are not distributed but are used to acquire new fixed assets
- quantity of goods or services that you can purchase with a certain amount of money, depending on the price level that exists in the market.
- an individual who works for an employer
- Obligation that someone has to pay, satisfy or reimburse another person for something, usually money
- activities carried out to encourage potential customers to make a certain purchase
- Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect
- Card or medal that can be exchanged for groceries or other essential items, and sometimes for money.
22 Clues: Of or relating to banking or banks • an individual who works for an employer • perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another • Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity • Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect • branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed • ...
The Office Trivia 2024-11-23
- Pam's first fiancee
- Holly's middle name
- Ryan's start-up company
- Erin said Gabe always orders this soup
- The security guard
- What type of farm does Dwight own?
- Kevin's band
- Dwight's middle name on his ID badge
- What is Erin's real first name?
- they played flashlight tag
- Andy's college a capella group
- Michael's awards night
- Michael's paper company
- What cause was the Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity _____ Awareness Fun Run Pro-Am Race for the Cure for?
- Dwight's middle name
- Creed's job title
- the bar they go to
- Dwight's German Christmas character
- Dwight's bed and breakfast's name
- Michael's cocktail of choice
- who punched a hole in the wall?
- Angela's filing cabinet cat
- Michael's movie
- Toby's daughter's name
- where is Dunder Mifflin located?
- what did kevin spill?
- The Office Olympics
- what did michael order at Chili's
- Jan's assistant
- Jim's last name
- Dwight's earthday character
- What did Jim wrap in wrapping paper as a prank?
- What does it say on the pink MnMs at Jan's Office baby shower?
33 Clues: Kevin's band • Michael's movie • Jan's assistant • Jim's last name • Creed's job title • the bar they go to • The security guard • Pam's first fiancee • Holly's middle name • The Office Olympics • Dwight's middle name • what did kevin spill? • Toby's daughter's name • Michael's awards night • Ryan's start-up company • Michael's paper company • they played flashlight tag • ...
SBS/The Office 2024-03-21
- Which one of Angela's cats did Dwight kill?
- ____ started the fire
- SBS has recently partnered with ___ Heritage Festival
- ___is a multidisciplinary group of faculty and staff members who review reports about concerning behaviors; consider various approaches to managing concerning behavior; and provide guidance to students, faculty and staff regarding how to address and prevent violent and disruptive behavior.
- Which unit was recognized as one of the top five programs in the country.
- Who earned a spot on the shortlist for the Dzanc Books Short Story Collection Prize with his work, "Empty Calories and Male Curiosity"
- Gender & Women's Studies Abbreviation
- How many top-25 ranked graduate programs does SBS have?
- How many academic departments is SBS home to?
- "AIB" stands for ___ Informed Budget
- Who is the Assistant Director of Academic Advising?
- Having technical difficulties? Send tech a ___
- Manager of Scranton Branch
- What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?
- The food in which Jim puts Dwight stapler
- SBS's 2024 Alumna of the Year
- The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather ____ will be read in the Spring Reading Group.
- Who is the dean of SBS?
- What city does The Office take place in?
- Home of ___
- MarComm holds monthly ___ sessions on the fourth Friday of each month
- Who is the Assistant Dean of Finance & Administration
- The AZ Undergrad History Research Symposium - "___ the Past"
- What is the abbreviation for Independent Contractor Form?
- ___ is the University of Arizona's most ambitious fundraising campaign to date, with a goal of raising $3 billion.
- Wilbur's wife
- Three hole punch ___
- Who was awarded with the Linguistics, Language, and the Public Award from the Linguistics Society of America?
- What is a PCard
- What's the BEST college at the UofA?
- What was Plop's actual name?
- ___ down!
- Our Vision: A just ___, together
- Which unit was ranked #29 in the world in Shanghai Ranking 2018, 10th in the US
34 Clues: ___ down! • Home of ___ • Wilbur's wife • What is a PCard • Three hole punch ___ • ____ started the fire • Who is the dean of SBS? • Manager of Scranton Branch • What was Plop's actual name? • SBS's 2024 Alumna of the Year • Our Vision: A just ___, together • "AIB" stands for ___ Informed Budget • What's the BEST college at the UofA? • Gender & Women's Studies Abbreviation • ...
Mainly The Office 2024-11-14
- Toby runs the Human _______ Department
- ____ Kaling, writer/producer who plays Kelly
- The Office is a workplace _______.
- Michael once dated Pam's _______.
- Source of a toothache
- Karen was played by Rashida ______ .
- ________ gives out the annual "Dundie Awards"
- Stanley's last name or an NY river
- Root veggie they grow on Schrute Farms
- Dwight's martial art choice
- Magazine calling Jim actor "sexiest" in 2024
- Blonde cat lady
- Pennsylvania city where the show is set
- Andy always brags of going to this college
- Top couple: Pam and ____
- Paper Company: Dunder ______
- British show creator _____ Gervais
- Book that isn't returned on time
- Pam was once ______ to Roy
- NYC is where the ______ office is located
- Original network the show aired on
- Bean counter job
- ____ Bell serves enchiladas, too.
- _____ Spader plays a guest character in S8
- _____ K. Schrute
- State abbreviation for where the show is set
- Dwight is often _______ of The Month
27 Clues: Blonde cat lady • Bean counter job • _____ K. Schrute • Source of a toothache • Top couple: Pam and ____ • Pam was once ______ to Roy • Dwight's martial art choice • Paper Company: Dunder ______ • Book that isn't returned on time • ____ Bell serves enchiladas, too. • Original network the show aired on • The Office is a workplace _______. • Michael once dated Pam's _______. • ...
The Office Crossword 2022-07-25
- Dwight froze this cat
- Lives with many cats
- This company bought Dunder Mifflin
- Erin rated Holly out of forty
- A pair is kept for "special occasions"
- Kevin's gift for his secret santa
- Andy is a proud alum of this university
- Name of Toby's daughter
- Creed also has this passport
- Number of brothers Jim had
- Michael loved the small in the morning
- Michael takes this job to help his finances
- Name of the employee awards night
- Can raise or lower his cholesterol at will
- Went to the same high school as Michael
- Medal Jim won
- Name of Dwight's porcupine
- Known intially as "the temp"
- Kevin is forced to eat this
- Angela finds this colour "whore-ish"
- state the office is in
- Kevin's band name
- Andy quit to become this
- Jim placed Dwight's stationery inside
- The Dwight family farm produces this
- Number of Dwight's cousins
- The Office aired on this network
- Dwight cried during this movie
- Gabe's middle name
- Used to make Dwight salivate
- Forcibly taken to rehab
- Plop's actual name
- Pam was engaged to him before Jim
- Dwight's middle name
- Bitten by a rabid bat
- Michael's birth month
- Dwight used to volunteer for this public office
- Runs the warehouse
- The building's security guard
- Michael organized a fun run for this cause
40 Clues: Medal Jim won • Kevin's band name • Gabe's middle name • Plop's actual name • Runs the warehouse • Lives with many cats • Dwight's middle name • Dwight froze this cat • Bitten by a rabid bat • Michael's birth month • state the office is in • Forcibly taken to rehab • Name of Toby's daughter • Andy quit to become this • Number of Dwight's cousins • Number of brothers Jim had • ...
the office 2424 2022-12-21
- the name of the cat that died
- Who was Pam first engaged to
- Pam and Jims Child
- Jim dated _______
- Michael ate _______ before the rabies race
- The people in the warehouse quit after they won the ________
- Dwight Knows this language
- Michael hit _____ with his car
- This company bought dunder mifflin
- Pam and Jim found out they were pregnant because pam got hurt at a ______ game
- Character that has glasses
- The office is in _______ Pennsylvania
- Jans baby
- Michaels work girlfriend that got fired
- this is said by Dwight when something is good
- Out of Dunder and Mifflin, Mifflin ______
- At the end of the show creed got ________
- They work at a _____ Company
- Toby tried to move to ________
- Meredith got bitten by a ___
- the receptionist after Pam
- How many seasons are there
- Angela and Dwights child
- who punched a whole in a wall
- Stanley and Jim are both _________
- The boss is Michael _____
- Ryan faked a trip to __________
27 Clues: Jans baby • Jim dated _______ • Pam and Jims Child • Angela and Dwights child • The boss is Michael _____ • the receptionist after Pam • How many seasons are there • Dwight Knows this language • Character that has glasses • Who was Pam first engaged to • They work at a _____ Company • Meredith got bitten by a ___ • the name of the cat that died • who punched a whole in a wall • ...
The Office Blitz 2020-04-21
- Michael fell asleep at his desk after eating a _______ ___ ___, allowing the office to move the clocks forward and leave work early.
- The name of the candle scent Jan had Jim smell at her and Michael's dinner party?
- Dinner location for Michael and Donna in the Poconos
- Which client found five golden tickets?
- Who did Dwight say had abducted David Wallace's son when on the phone with the CFO's receptionist?
- Hank's signature song
- Michael asks Oscar about what he should expect in terms of "sensation" before going in for what routine procedure?
- "If it was an iPod, it would be a _______."
- Meredith was getting Outback steakhouse giftcards and discounted supplies for "meetups" with Bruce. What company was Bruce a rep for?
- Michael spread a lot rumors in the Season 6 premiere. He told everyone that Dwight used _____ ______ ______.
- At the company picnic, Michael wanted to tell Holly that they were ____ ______.
- The worst sandwich at Alfredo's
- Michael had a dream about a sandwich made of peanut butter and ________.
- "If I can't _____, then what's this all been about?"
- Andy's signature song while a part of Here Comes Treble.
- "The ___ will wait for no one!"
- Michael's disguise to eavesdrop on Jim and David Wallace?
- In what galaxy did Dwight say Pam's painting of the office must be located?
- "I thought this was a free country. I didn't know we were in communist ______."
- Jim and Pam lived on Linden Ave. by the ______.
- Charles appointed Stanley his ____________ ____ while in charge of the office.
- What male celebrity did Andy say might make him question if he was straight during a conversation with Oscar?
- Who did Michael plagiarize in his birthday poem to Helene?
- Everyone gets to know each other in the pot, yes, but the real trick to Kevin's chili is to undercook the ______.
- Dwight asks Mr. Schofield, "How's your ___ ___?"
- On Day 1 of the Michael Scott Paper Company, Michael made breakfast for Pam. What did he cook?
- The name of Andy's sailor statue after being 'bobble-ized' by Dwight
- What was Charles Miner's previous company (and wife's name, according to Michael)?
- Stanley's mistress
- Michael's idea for a fancy shoe store
- "I thought ___________ was a boy's name?"
- Who did Michael ask David Wallace if he should hire as salaried employees before his 15th Anniversary party?
- The major 2011 world event Meredith skipped her sister's funeral to attend
- Meredith said she'd have whatever was fanciest to eat at Pam's wedding, unless there was what?
- What Dunder Mifflin branch's employees found out they were out of a job at the company picnic?
- What was the name of the wrong class Pam sat in on in art school?
- Dwight's grandfather used secret massage techniques on this horse that Dwight adapted to use on Phyllis after she hurt her back.
- Michael Scott Paper Company motivational cheer: "One, two, three, ____ ___ _____!"
- What did Creed give Michael to inaugurate Cafe Disco that he'd previously been using as a rear view mirror?
- What did the Michael Scott Paper Company van say on the side in Korean?
- "You pet the animals, they pet you back."
- Gabe's middle name
- "Tastes like _______, gets you drunk like scotch."
- Pam's first customer as a saleswoman (_______ from the pancake luncheon)
- Stanley told Charles Miner his soccer star "preference" was who?
- Charles tasked Jim to get him a what of all his clients?
- Paul Faust's company in the Scranton Business Park
- Michael met Vikram while working at the ____________ diet pill company.
- The fake sport Michael fell for in school
- Andy was impressed with Erin's Mac computer. "____ _______ has this computer!" he told her.
- Dwight handwrote his "memo for a new file system" in what substance?
- Michael's lawyer
- Whose desk did Dwight model his after when he became acting manager?
- In a convo with David Wallace about promoting Jim, Michael compares Jim to which children's television character?
- What did Dwight frame for opening Christmas presents when he was young?
- "A canoe built around your horse"
- "You have no idea how high I can ___."
- Before it sold paper, Dunder Mifflin was originally a supplier of industrial _____ ________.
- Ryan said he went to Thailand with friends from "a high school." Where did he really go?
- According to Dwight, the German instructions for the office's copier said that the part Pam was trying to repair was either an incense dispenser or a ceremonial ___________.
- Jan wasn't really with Michael in Jamaica, but this German lady was.
- Local Scranton radio station the office often listens to
62 Clues: Michael's lawyer • Gabe's middle name • Stanley's mistress • Hank's signature song • The worst sandwich at Alfredo's • "The ___ will wait for no one!" • "A canoe built around your horse" • Michael's idea for a fancy shoe store • "You have no idea how high I can ___." • Which client found five golden tickets? • "You pet the animals, they pet you back." • ...
The Oval Office 2021-02-10
- Smooth connection of two parts
- Iron used to make attractive fences, gates,
- A short film of news show in the past
- People who helps a politician in their job
- People with important position
- Hidden corner or recess
- Admiring and respecting very much
- Serious and sometimes disapproving
- Having something in large quantities
- To burn brightly
- To be on each or on one side of
- Border around top of walls in a room
- Producing light
- A particular shade of a colour
- Debate with someone
- A soft smooth shiny quality
- Technique to support decorative element
- A short break from something unpleasant
- Magnificent and imposing
- To cut a pattern cut in stone or wood
- Lots of decoration, complex design
- Long time member of large organization
- Completely even with another surface
23 Clues: Producing light • To burn brightly • Debate with someone • Hidden corner or recess • Magnificent and imposing • A soft smooth shiny quality • A particular shade of a colour • Smooth connection of two parts • People with important position • To be on each or on one side of • Admiring and respecting very much • Lots of decoration, complex design • Serious and sometimes disapproving • ...
The front office 2024-05-05
- action of placing capital or money in an economic activity, project or operation with the objective of obtaining a long-term economic return.
- person or institution, that is, a natural or legal person, that makes an investment in a business
- Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity
- assets that are formed with the contributions of a group of people who invest their capital in search of profitability
- any activity, work or occupation that is carried out for the purpose of economic gain
- To govern, to exercise authority or command over a territory and over the people who inhabit it
- Mandatory payments of money required by the State from individuals and companies that are not subject to direct compensation
- Record of goods and other things belonging to a person or community, made with order and precision
- branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed
- Establish or reform something to achieve an end, coordinating the appropriate people and means
- Provision by which the testator leaves his property or part of it entrusted to the good faith of someone so that, in a specific case and time, he may transmit it to another person or invest it in the manner indicated.
- To separate or separate someone or something from another person or thing or from a place.
- Of or relating to banking or banks
- the socioeconomic activity that consists of the exchange of some materials that are free in the market for the purchase and sale of goods or services
- perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another
- means that part of the profits or revenues obtained by a company are not distributed but are used to acquire new fixed assets
- quantity of goods or services that you can purchase with a certain amount of money, depending on the price level that exists in the market.
- an individual who works for an employer
- Obligation that someone has to pay, satisfy or reimburse another person for something, usually money
- activities carried out to encourage potential customers to make a certain purchase
- Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect
- Card or medal that can be exchanged for groceries or other essential items, and sometimes for money.
22 Clues: Of or relating to banking or banks • an individual who works for an employer • perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another • Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity • Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect • branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed • ...
The front office 2024-04-29
20 Clues: bonos • deuda • cuenta • fondos • métodos • ahorros • negocio • finanzas • impuesto • inversor • comercio • bancario • de venta • cobertura • inversion • eficiencia • patrimonio • intercambio • reinversión • administrar
The front office 2024-04-29
20 Clues: Bonos • Venta • Puntos • Atraer • Perder • Cuentas • Comercio • Bancario • Inversión • Objetivos • Impuestos • Organizar • Dividendos • Jubilación • Inventario • Adquisitivo • Administrar • Reinversion • Medio ambiente • fund Fondo de inversión
office 2023-11-07
- Little square papers that are sticky at the top
- a wire that is twisted to hold pieces of paper together.
- a thick color pen that comes in different colors
- something you use to sign your signature
- something to store files in
- a thing to clip papers together and if you do it on yourself, it can cause an injury
- something that is used to cut things
- something you use to rub out when you make a mistake
- a sticky thing to stick things together.
- a machine that prints paper
- a book with lots of paper held together
- a marker to write on words that come in different transparent colors.
- a permanent pen
- something to write on
- a board with a big clip on the top to clip paper on
- Something to use to sharpen pencils
- something sticky to stick things together
- a wooden stick that has led at the tip
18 Clues: a permanent pen • something to write on • something to store files in • a machine that prints paper • Something to use to sharpen pencils • something that is used to cut things • a wooden stick that has led at the tip • a book with lots of paper held together • something you use to sign your signature • a sticky thing to stick things together. • ...
"The Office" Crossword 2019-05-15
- "I burned my foot!"
- *location of the show*
- *the name of the company*
- You`ve got a lot to learn, sweetie."
- "C`mon, you`re buying."
- "Sometimes, I think I work with idiots."
- "Actually,"
- "My father was a strict disciplinarian."
- "I mean how do you even judge that?"
- "Did I stutter?"
- "Thats hurtful talk, we`ve talked about that."
- "After a couple of months, I`ll introduce you to all the local talent."
- "Bears can climb faster than they can run!"
- "Can I pull off this Arabian slipper?
- "Wow. That is really really good timing."
- "Come on Stanly this is serious!"
- "Frankly, i`ts overdue."
- "I Have a delicious secret"
- "Andy is my best friend in the office."
- "Michael, I mean when has this ever worked out for you?"
20 Clues: "Actually," • "Did I stutter?" • "I burned my foot!" • *location of the show* • "C`mon, you`re buying." • "Frankly, i`ts overdue." • *the name of the company* • "I Have a delicious secret" • "Come on Stanly this is serious!" • You`ve got a lot to learn, sweetie." • "I mean how do you even judge that?" • "Can I pull off this Arabian slipper? • "Andy is my best friend in the office." • ...
The Office Characters 2024-04-11
- first successor of Michael
- has a van
- nickname "Plop"
- went to Cornell
- sues dunder Mifflin
- Always pranks Dwight
- Pam and Jim's first Child
- Dates Jim while at the other branch
- cheated on his wife
- mini Dwight
- "____ Vance, Vance refrigeration"
- was asked by Michael to get on a table for orientation
- Annoying British redhead
- "Chao"
- loves purple/knits a lot
- Beet farmer
- owns a truck, from the warehouse
- nickname "Acctually"
- sprouts beans that "smell like death"
- Dwight's cousin
- Buys dunder Mifflin for the second and final time
- crazy cat lady
- Owns Sabre and buys out dunder Mifflin the first time
- spilled chili
- customer service rep
- writes mystery novels
- started the fire
- "The senator"
- Was raised in a foster home
- Daryl tries to date her
- went to art school
31 Clues: "Chao" • has a van • Beet farmer • mini Dwight • spilled chili • "The senator" • crazy cat lady • Dwight's cousin • nickname "Plop" • went to Cornell • started the fire • went to art school • sues dunder Mifflin • cheated on his wife • nickname "Acctually" • Always pranks Dwight • customer service rep • writes mystery novels • Daryl tries to date her • Annoying British redhead • loves purple/knits a lot • ...
The front office 2024-05-05
- Of or relating to banking or banks
- perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another
- Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity
- an individual who works for an employer
- Provision by which the testator leaves his property or part of it entrusted to the good faith of someone so that, in a specific case and time, he may transmit it to another person or invest it in the manner indicated.
- To separate or separate someone or something from another person or thing or from a place.
- Card or medal that can be exchanged for groceries or other essential items, and sometimes for money.
- Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect
- activities carried out to encourage potential customers to make a certain purchase
- Establish or reform something to achieve an end, coordinating the appropriate people and means
- To govern, to exercise authority or command over a territory and over the people who inhabit it
- person or institution, that is, a natural or legal person, that makes an investment in a business
- Record of goods and other things belonging to a person or community, made with order and precision
- the socioeconomic activity that consists of the exchange of some materials that are free in the market for the purchase and sale of goods or services
- assets that are formed with the contributions of a group of people who invest their capital in search of profitability
- quantity of goods or services that you can purchase with a certain amount of money, depending on the price level that exists in the market.
- means that part of the profits or revenues obtained by a company are not distributed but are used to acquire new fixed assets
- Mandatory payments of money required by the State from individuals and companies that are not subject to direct compensation
- branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed
- action of placing capital or money in an economic activity, project or operation with the objective of obtaining a long-term economic return.
20 Clues: Of or relating to banking or banks • an individual who works for an employer • perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another • Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity • Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect • branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed • ...
The Office Trivia 2021-05-20
- The purse girl
- What color does Angela find whorish
- The convict at the office that inspires Prison Mike
- The villian of Michael Scott's movie
- Jan's former assistant who becomes a musician
- What is Michael's greatest fear besides not being afraid of anything
- What did Kevin get himself for secret Santa
- Pam wants Michael's old chair, and ___ wants Pam's old chair.
- The name of Toby's daughter
- What is Angela's replacement cat given by Dwight
- Dwight tells Andy that he will NOT be applying to Cornell, but the vastly superior
- What Ryan finds in surplus in the back of Michael's car
- Pie The song that Dwight and Michael sing while visiting the chair model's grave.
- Kelly claims that Ryan loves
- Michael confused _____ and samosas.
- "______ ______ is not a joke Jim. Millions of families suffer every year!"
- What is the stripper's name that eventually gets her "nursing degree"
- "I am ______, always"
- Jan's favorite alcoholic beverage
- Bob Hope and _____ ____ both have qualities of a good replacement manager at Dunder Mifflin
- Jan has an office and a ________ because she cannot create in the same place she works.
- What does Michael hide under Jan's side of the bed
22 Clues: The purse girl • "I am ______, always" • The name of Toby's daughter • Kelly claims that Ryan loves • Jan's favorite alcoholic beverage • Michael confused _____ and samosas. • What color does Angela find whorish • The villian of Michael Scott's movie • What did Kevin get himself for secret Santa • Jan's former assistant who becomes a musician • ...
The Office Crossword 2015-10-06
- Dwight believes David Wallace hides this drug in his trash
- The term Michael uses to describe "Nasty Christmas"
- Was decapitated by an 18 wheeler
- This actor plays Andy's brother
- The fictional brand of suit that Michael accidentally wears
- Is proposed to in the office while surrounded by hundreds of lit candles
- Goes into business with Jim Halpert
- The name of Jan's former assistant
- Michael shouts that he has this to the entire office and then refuses to pay his bills
- Has the license plate "WLHUNG"
- Andy sings all four parts of his ringtone of this song
- In order to demonstrate depression, Michael drops this onto a trampoline that lands on Stanley's car
- Kevin gets lost in this during the goodbye celebration for Toby
- This actor has a one min cameo on the show and tries to get the open position
- Michael ate this during the run for diabetes instead of drinking water
- The Office's version of The Oscars
- Andy tries to impress Erin by giving her gifts from this Christmas song
- Reassigns Holly to another department which causes Michael to be heartbroken
- Andy is sent away to .... after he punches a hole in the wall
- The town where The Office takes place
- Jim makes this meal for Pam during the intermission from the reading of "Threat Level Midnight"
- This actor became the new branch manager after Michael left, but he only starred in 2-3 episodes
- The joke Michael often uses around the office
- Jan's former last name
- Married a real goofball at work
- Michael claimed this character's daughter was sexy so he took down the picture of her
- Stanley confides in Michael about his .... which turns out to be a very bad idea
- Took over Jan's job and then got fired for embezzlement
- The name of Kevin Malone's Police cover band
- Michael thinks he sees Tina Fey in NY, but while he goes to look for her, this celebrity actually passes by him
- "Wait so the Scranton branch is closing? IN YOUR FACE!"
- When Dwight tries to usurp Michael and take his job, Michael punishes him by making Dwight do his .... for a year
- The owner of Vance Refridgeration
- Jim puts a stapler in this food item twice
- The fake dentist Dwight makes up in order for Michael to believe he actually got a dentist appointment
- This character gets accidentally run over by Michael in his car
- Todd Packer ruins Michael's ... and causes him to believe someone in the office was responsible
- Michael creates a fictional spy character by the name of ...
- ".... is the new golf course. It's where business happens."
- Got himself for secret santa but didn't tell anyone
- Plays pranks on co-workers around the office
- Has a cat that was left in the fridge by Dwight
- When Dwight tries to train Ryan in the ways of business, he uses his cousin .... to scare him
- The song on Michael's cell phone during the fire
- Michael never stops making fun of Toby because of his ....
- Michael gets high at a .... concert from a girl with a lip ring
- The business Michael creates when he is fired from Dunder Mifflin
- Fell in love with someone who was in love with someone else
- Won a free fridge on casino night by stealing other people's chips
- Her favorite drink is a shirley temple with 7 maraschino cherries and sugar on the rim
- When Michael and Jim are both managers of the branch, Jim sends Ryan to the ... for disobedience
- Attempts to punch Jim for kissing Pam
- Michael moved him to the back in order to keep him out of sight and mind
- Michael's car
- Insists that she and Michael are the same age
- The social media project Ryan tries to create but unfortunately fails
- Got a concussion while trying to pick up Michael for work
- The villain in Michael's fictional movie
- The fictional bar the characters often visit
- Dwight creates in the office this when Jim is on paternity leave
- Michael is upset when he gets this during secret santa from Phyllis
- Has an affair with a congressman and also receives harassment from Michael
- Has the same name as someone else in the office, so she changed her name
- The name of Michael's video production company
- Pam and Jim move to this city in the series finale
65 Clues: Michael's car • Jan's former last name • Has the license plate "WLHUNG" • This actor plays Andy's brother • Married a real goofball at work • Was decapitated by an 18 wheeler • The owner of Vance Refridgeration • The name of Jan's former assistant • The Office's version of The Oscars • Goes into business with Jim Halpert • Attempts to punch Jim for kissing Pam • ...
The Office (Walter) 2024-04-16
- day cause by Michael's racially offensive comments
- Donna's husband coaches
- Dwight tricked Angela into marriage by having mose speak
- Many sayings on rainy days
- Michaels alter ego (movie character)
- Diwali
- realizes the senator is gay
- Has Dalmatians
- Villain in "Threat Level Midnight"
- best pizza in New York
- Toby went to _____ after his divorce
- Bought parents house
- Pam and Angela both wanted to name their son
- Michael likes pam to bring him ______during meetings so he looks important
- sings little drummer boy at Christmas party
- put Aspirin in Michaels pudding
- Michael's dating website username
- Michaels realtor girlfriend
- "we didn't eat the children.... it never came to that"
- makes candles
- Meredith was bit by a
21 Clues: Diwali • makes candles • Has Dalmatians • Bought parents house • Meredith was bit by a • best pizza in New York • Donna's husband coaches • Many sayings on rainy days • Michaels realtor girlfriend • realizes the senator is gay • put Aspirin in Michaels pudding • Michael's dating website username • Villain in "Threat Level Midnight" • Toby went to _____ after his divorce • ...
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