the office Crossword Puzzles

The Office 2023-01-03

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. ______ started the fire.
  2. What is the name of the the client Michael and Jan meet at chilis(hint his name starts with C)?
  3. Who had jury duty for the Scranton Strangler case?
  4. What is the city known for in the show?
  5. The food Jim put Dwights stapler in?
  6. What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?
  7. Worlds Best Boss.
  8. what is the name of Dwight's cousin?
  9. What city is the office in?
  1. Which one of Angela's cats did Dwight kill?
  2. The painter
  3. Who was Jan Levinson's assistant?
  4. Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
  5. Who did Kevin get for secret Santa?
  6. What state do Michael Scott and Holly move to?
  7. Pam is engaged to him before Jim.
  8. Michael Scott's favorite restaurant
  9. what was Plop's (the intern) actual name?
  10. Michael loves waking up the smell of what?
  11. How many brothers does Jim have?
  12. What was Jim and Pam's first kids name?

21 Clues: The painterWorlds Best Boss.______ started the fire.What city is the office in?Who did Michael take to Jamaica?How many brothers does Jim have?Who was Jan Levinson's assistant?Pam is engaged to him before Jim.Who did Kevin get for secret Santa?Michael Scott's favorite restaurantThe food Jim put Dwights stapler in?...

The Office 2023-01-07

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Happoor
  2. Martin
  3. Beesly
  4. Bertram
  5. Packer
  6. Bratton
  7. Filippelli
  8. Martinez
  9. Flax
  1. Philbin
  2. California
  3. Levinson
  4. Halpert
  5. Benard
  6. Miller
  7. Hannon
  8. Shrute
  9. Smith
  10. Anderson
  11. Lewis
  12. Malone

21 Clues: FlaxSmithLewisMartinBenardBeeslyMillerPackerHannonShruteMalonePhilbinHappoorHalpertBertramBrattonLevinsonAndersonMartinezCaliforniaFilippelli

the OFFICE 2022-12-14

the OFFICE crossword puzzle
  1. teb najlepši
  2. ime, mentor Michael Scarna
  3. Dwightovo drugo ime
  4. ime punce, "how about that hot picture you have by your desk? Centerfold in the Catholic schoolgirls' outfit?"
  5. "i know a ton of _ year olds"
  6. "_ million 986 thousand minutes"
  7. dwightova druga pozicija ko postane manager (kratica), tudi ime epizode
  8. kdo strelja? s5e13: "stress relief"
  9. najboljša vrsta medveda
  10. ringtone, "or I'm gonna loose my FREAKIN' mind!"
  11. najljubša hardcore aktivnost Michaela, Andyja in Dwigtha
  12. enak hud kot Jan samo na drugačen način
  13. "_, _, thank you, ma'am"
  14. angelina teža
  1. something from Pam's world
  2. Devonov priimek
  3. najslabši karakter
  4. Stanleyeva sanjska hiša
  5. z njim Dwight poskusi spraviti Michaela v nezavest
  6. kaj naroči Michael v s6e6 "Mafia"
  7. "just _' you know how i be"
  8. najbolj kjut moment med Dwightom in Andyjem
  9. "oh, by the way 1985 called, it wants its _ back"
  10. ime igralca ki bi skoraj igral Michaela
  11. ime epizode z najslabšim trenutkom (namig: toby)
  12. priimek, kar speče Michaelovo nogo
  13. Mifflin in Dunder

27 Clues: teb najlepšiangelina težaDevonov priimekMifflin in Dundernajslabši karakterDwightovo drugo imeStanleyeva sanjska hišanajboljša vrsta medveda"_, _, thank you, ma'am"something from Pam's worldime, mentor Michael Scarna"just _' you know how i be""i know a ton of _ year olds""_ million 986 thousand minutes"kaj naroči Michael v s6e6 "Mafia"...

The Office 2016-06-09

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Black warehouse worker
  2. Cant run correctly
  3. Bob Vance,Vance ___________
  4. Was hit by Michael's car
  5. Thought Kevin was special needs
  6. The cat that Angela tries to save by throwing it into the ceiling
  7. Number of times Andy punched a wall
  8. Eats jello wierd/loud
  9. ______ I think I'm gay
  10. Kevin spilled this everywhere
  11. The location where Jim proposed (no spaces)
  1. Was locked in a trunk before wedding
  2. Becomes a male stripper
  3. Paper company
  4. Have no worry ___________ is here... (Dwights X-Mas)
  5. Assistant _____ regional manager
  6. Started the fire
  7. Three hole punch _____
  8. Pams gift from German Christmas
  9. The gift Kevin got from the yankee swap
  10. Bears. Beats. ______________
  11. Was manager for a very short time.

22 Clues: Paper companyStarted the fireCant run correctlyEats jello wierd/loudBlack warehouse workerThree hole punch ___________ I think I'm gayBecomes a male stripperWas hit by Michael's carBob Vance,Vance ___________Bears. Beats. ______________Kevin spilled this everywherePams gift from German ChristmasThought Kevin was special needs...

The Office 2024-10-02

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Angela marries this politician before ending up with Dwight.
  2. Michael’s go-to pizza spot in New York City.
  3. Kevin famously drops a pot of this food.
  4. Where Charles Miner worked prior to Dunder Mifflin
  5. Michael’s preferred drink, featuring a diet sweetener.
  6. This employee is obsessed with celebrity gossip.
  7. Dwight’s cousin
  8. Creed's job title at Dunder Mifflin
  9. That’s what ___ said
  10. Micheal is afraid his credits for this won’t transfer to Colorado
  11. Pam wins this award after having second drink
  12. The “Icelandic paper-walking game” featured in the Office Olympics.
  13. Pam’s favorite yogurt flavor
  14. Sprinkles, Garbage, and Pawlick Baggins for example
  15. Dwight's porcupine
  16. Andy is in a weird, flirty, nebulous thing with his what?
  17. Jim and Pam tie the knot here.
  18. Dwights grandparents left him a large number of these
  19. City where Dunder Mifflin is located.
  20. Pam's job title at Dunder Mifflin.
  21. A foreign exchange student took these from Michael
  1. He went from temp to CEO (and back to temp).
  2. Regional manager before Michael
  3. Phyllis’s high school nickname
  4. Creed’s band.
  5. Michael's startup
  6. The company that acquires Dunder Mifflin.
  7. Andy’s college singing group.
  8. The only day that Stanley likes to go to work
  9. Kevin though this was a boy’s name
  10. Dwight grows this root vegetable on his farm.
  11. This character briefly manages the Scranton branch after moving from Florida.
  12. Dwight dresses as this German Christmas figure.
  13. Michael’s true love
  14. Michael's movie character
  15. Ryan earns this nickname.

36 Clues: Creed’s band.Dwight’s cousinMichael's startupDwight's porcupineMichael’s true loveThat’s what ___ saidMichael's movie characterRyan earns this nickname.Pam’s favorite yogurt flavorAndy’s college singing group.Phyllis’s high school nicknameJim and Pam tie the knot here.Regional manager before MichaelKevin though this was a boy’s name...

The Office 2015-10-01

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Character: "How is it that in six years, I've been engaged twice and have only had one chair?"
  2. The song Andy gets his virtual a cappella buddies to sing with him to ask out Angela
  3. "Nope! It's not _______________, It's Kevin Malone. Equally handsome, equally smart."
  4. "Goodbye Toby" is a parody of this song
  5. "Jim, I am not a ________. And my middle name is Kurt. Not 'Fart'."
  6. character: _____ Meyer Weiner-Lover
  7. Character: "Creed sold me a tapeworm. It's from Mexico"
  8. The name of Dwight's porcupine
  9. Character "The worst part of prison was: The Dementors!"
  10. "Michael only sings the ________ to Happy Birthday."
  11. Character: He went to Cornell
  12. Character: "I taught Michael some new terms. Things like, 'Fleece it out'."
  13. Astird
  1. Michael's favorite Ice Cream flavor
  2. Character: Basically Gumby with hair
  3. Character: He can't believe started the fire.
  4. "I'm ________ version Jim."
  5. Angela's cat that Dwight kills
  6. Character: I hate. So much. About the things you choose to be.
  7. Character: "Did. I. Stutter?"
  8. Character: "Don't fall in love with me, kid."
  9. The cat Dwight tries to give Angela
  10. The first to quit from the Stanford branch after the merger
  11. Character: Married to Bob Vance: Vance Refrigeration
  12. The cat Andy gives Angela (The same cat from before, under a different name."
  13. Character: Gets fired for nearly punching Jim in the face

26 Clues: Astird"I'm ________ version Jim."Character: "Did. I. Stutter?"Character: He went to CornellAngela's cat that Dwight killsThe name of Dwight's porcupineMichael's favorite Ice Cream flavorcharacter: _____ Meyer Weiner-LoverThe cat Dwight tries to give AngelaCharacter: Basically Gumby with hair"Goodbye Toby" is a parody of this song...

The Office 2016-04-14

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. /one popular gang "Cheers" his name as he arrives
  2. /fred's BFF
  3. /a list of severance
  4. /house flipper
  5. Political candidate
  6. /six months single, country boy
  7. /princess
  8. /fighting Irish
  9. /namesake of "Camelot" President
  1. /won't you be my neighbor?/cubie?
  2. quiet one, not Peggy's sister
  3. /bike chick
  4. /stylin'gal
  5. legged omnivore
  6. /paco aka catman
  7. /la mere de Avery
  8. /biker chick
  9. /new guy
  10. /IRS Queen
  11. /the Communicator
  12. /spins a yarn
  13. /Batman

22 Clues: /Batman/new guy/princess/IRS Queen/bike chick/stylin'gal/fred's BFF/biker chick/spins a yarn/house flipperlegged omnivore/fighting Irish/paco aka catman/la mere de Avery/the CommunicatorPolitical candidate/a list of severancequiet one, not Peggy's sister/six months single, country boy/namesake of "Camelot" President/won't you be my neighbor?/cubie?...

The Office 2020-02-11

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. ___ crushing
  2. Odds of a team winning a game
  3. Secure WiFi
  4. Monitor positioning
  5. One more piece of this won't kill you
  6. Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___
  7. Paid activity
  8. Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
  9. "temporary space"
  10. Preferred place of some to save work
  11. Pocket dessert
  1. Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
  2. Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
  3. Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
  4. Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
  5. Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
  6. Coffee cup lid
  7. Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
  8. Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
  9. Coffee stirrer substitute

20 Clues: Secure WiFi___ crushingPaid activityCoffee cup lidPocket dessert"temporary space"Monitor positioningUh oh! an ___ ___ ___Coffee stirrer substituteOdds of a team winning a gameGreatest fashion faux pa in WorkoutPreferred place of some to save workOne more piece of this won't kill youShort nondescript perspective lacking detail...

The office 2022-07-30

The office crossword puzzle
  1. Vance refrigeration
  2. Pete's cohort
  3. first name is Kelly
  4. The company the show is based on
  5. did I stutter
  6. DM Scranton manager
  7. the rabies victim
  8. Cat lady
  9. Michael's sworn enemy
  10. Cornell Champ
  11. Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica.
  12. Erin's office mom
  13. Plop
  14. the most straightforward accountant
  15. man of many names
  1. Stanley's favorite type of puzzle
  2. The British Boss
  3. the office cookie monster
  4. Stanleys favorite day
  5. big tuna
  6. The annual award ceremony
  7. fashion show,fashion show,fashion show at lunch!
  8. Michael Scott's catch phrase
  9. The temp
  10. Michael's wife
  11. first receptionist

26 Clues: Plopbig tunaCat ladyThe tempPete's cohortdid I stutterCornell ChampMichael's wifeThe British Bossthe rabies victimErin's office momman of many namesfirst receptionistVance refrigerationfirst name is KellyDM Scranton managerStanleys favorite dayMichael's sworn enemythe office cookie monsterThe annual award ceremonyMichael Scott's catch phrase...

tHe OfFiCe 2022-12-05

tHe OfFiCe crossword puzzle
  1. who describe wine as having an 'oaky afterbirth'
  2. what is dwight's favorite tv show
  3. how does michael burn his foot
  4. how does michael hit with his car
  5. what does pam steal in the first season
  6. what is pams favorite flavor of ice cream
  7. what does stanley typically do during meetings
  8. what cause does michael use for the fund run
  9. where does jim propose to pam
  10. what does kevin wear on his feet to jim and pam's wedding
  11. What’s in Michael’s thermos during morning deliveries for Michael Scott Paper Company?
  12. what food is kevin forced to eat
  1. who runs the warehouse
  2. what item does michael always have dry cleand
  3. whats michaels username for the dating website
  4. dwight keeps what in his car for special occasions
  5. what is the worst thing about prison, according to prison mike
  6. what did pam and angela want to name their baby
  7. who did kevin get for his secret santa
  8. who dated pam's mother
  9. which of angela's cats does dwight freeze
  10. what animal does dwight say is the scariest

22 Clues: who runs the warehousewho dated pam's motherwhere does jim propose to pamhow does michael burn his footwhat food is kevin forced to eatwhat is dwight's favorite tv showhow does michael hit with his carwho did kevin get for his secret santawhat does pam steal in the first seasonwhat is pams favorite flavor of ice cream...

The Office 2023-06-21

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. manufacturing site
  2. entrance hall
  3. work support
  4. without profit
  5. gathering
  6. friendship
  7. limit time
  8. computer
  9. asking some people
  10. plan
  11. demand
  12. buyer
  13. where you sit
  1. shows curves following axis
  2. people working together
  3. affirm
  4. manager
  5. office
  6. study of market
  7. QG
  8. part of a company
  9. concern
  10. boss
  11. employee
  12. take someone as a new employee

25 Clues: QGplanbossbuyeraffirmofficedemandmanagerconcerncomputeremployeegatheringfriendshiplimit timework supportentrance hallwhere you sitwithout profitstudy of marketpart of a companymanufacturing siteasking some peoplepeople working togethershows curves following axistake someone as a new employee

The Office 2023-07-18

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
  2. Pretzel day lover
  3. Bob Vance, Vance _______
  4. The "whoreish" color
  5. Who did Michael hit with his car?
  6. Awards Michael gives out
  7. Dwight's Christmas Folklore
  8. Who has a last name that is a color?
  9. Michael's middle name
  1. Which cat did Dwight kill?
  2. Who sold purses?
  3. What does Pam steal in the first season?
  4. What is Meredith's last name?
  5. The food Jim puts a stapler in
  6. Erin's new vocab word
  7. Erin's middle name
  8. Andy's nickname
  9. Boom _____
  10. Whose last name is Bratton?
  11. Who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?

20 Clues: Boom _____Andy's nicknameWho sold purses?Pretzel day loverErin's middle nameThe "whoreish" colorErin's new vocab wordMichael's middle nameBob Vance, Vance _______Awards Michael gives outWhich cat did Dwight kill?Whose last name is Bratton?Dwight's Christmas FolkloreWhat is Meredith's last name?The food Jim puts a stapler in...

The Office 2023-05-31

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Andy's famous Grammy nominee brother
  2. Invented Suck IT
  3. Pam was engaged to
  4. Famous for Chili
  5. Temp
  6. Dwight grows
  7. Phillis's husband
  8. Dwight killed Angela's cat__
  9. Pam and Jims daughters nick name
  10. 3 desks put together
  11. Company name
  1. Type of wrapping paper used for desk
  2. Michael moved to with Holly
  3. Jan Levinson's assistant at corporate
  4. Michael hates
  5. Oscar's last name
  6. Angela lives with for a bit
  7. Both Pam and Angela have a son named
  8. Took a long boat ride
  9. Suspicious character
  10. Building Security guard

21 Clues: TempDwight growsCompany nameMichael hatesInvented Suck ITFamous for ChiliOscar's last namePhillis's husbandPam was engaged toSuspicious character3 desks put togetherTook a long boat rideBuilding Security guardMichael moved to with HollyAngela lives with for a bitDwight killed Angela's cat__Pam and Jims daughters nick name...

The Office 2023-07-26

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Angela's _____ baby
  2. The Comedian
  3. _______ McSqueezy
  4. Michael ____ Scott
  5. _____ Wonderland
  6. ______ Galactica
  7. Wallace's Invention
  8. Location of the award ceremony
  9. Mose's Lover
  10. In Jello
  11. Erin's first name
  12. Dwight _____ Schrute
  13. Sensei _____
  14. Allergy developed at 35
  15. Dwight and Angela's first "spot"
  16. Ficitional game from the office olympics
  1. Jim's position creation
  2. Beloved Cat
  3. Jan's Assistant
  4. Jim's short-lived girlfriend
  5. Andy's EOD ritual
  6. to bounce a watermelon, you need a:
  7. Award Ceremony
  8. Bob _____
  9. The only day Stanley wants to come to work
  10. Stamford's game of choice
  11. Dwight worked at
  12. Jim's Alter Ego
  13. "You ____ her arm??"
  14. That's what ___ said
  15. The Visionary

31 Clues: In JelloBob _____Beloved CatThe ComedianMose's LoverSensei _____The VisionaryAward CeremonyJan's AssistantJim's Alter Ego_____ Wonderland______ GalacticaDwight worked atAndy's EOD ritual_______ McSqueezyErin's first nameMichael ____ ScottAngela's _____ babyWallace's Invention"You ____ her arm??"Dwight _____ SchruteThat's what ___ said...

The office 2023-10-03

The office crossword puzzle
  1. This person has the biggest water bottle and the craziest snack collection
  2. This person was supposed to stay but is now going
  3. This person loves their peanut butter granola
  4. This person shares a name with a few people in the office
  5. This person has a ranch in a small town
  6. This person played an interesting sport in college
  7. Most likely to not be at his desk
  8. From a small town in southern Illinois
  9. refers to himself once a week as a nursery rhyme character
  10. Oldest undergrad and most delusional
  1. This person takes his lunch breaks very seriously
  2. Best golfer in the office
  3. Childhood fear of darkness
  4. This person can go fishing in their backyard
  5. This person made the biggest stain in the office
  6. His favorite animals are ponies and hogs
  7. Tell me a crazy (Blank)
  8. Most likely to be in MCB office
  9. This person can keep the whole office entertained
  10. This person was supposed to leave but now they're staying
  11. This person is engaged
  12. This person could possibly enjoy the snow and the beach in the same year

22 Clues: This person is engagedTell me a crazy (Blank)Best golfer in the officeChildhood fear of darknessMost likely to be in MCB officeMost likely to not be at his deskOldest undergrad and most delusionalFrom a small town in southern IllinoisThis person has a ranch in a small townHis favorite animals are ponies and hogs...

The Office 2024-03-21

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Michael's movie
  2. The fake job Michael gives Dwight
  3. The streaming service The Office is on
  4. Michael called all of his past girlfriends to tell them that he has this thing
  5. Michael's Job Title
  6. The person who collects bobble heads
  7. The person who is always pranking Dwight
  8. The woman Jim dates after the merger
  9. The guy who runs the warehouse until season 6
  10. The woman Michael gets married to
  11. The woman Dwight and Andy fight over
  1. where Michael and Holly move to
  2. He always has M&M's at his desk
  3. Michael's favorite joke
  4. Michael's boss who he dates in season 2
  5. The woman Jim gets married to
  6. Place
  7. Last name Scott
  8. The person Jim plays in Michael's Movie
  9. The thing Jim put Dwight's stapler into
  10. The guy Pam was first engaged to

21 Clues: PlaceMichael's movieLast name ScottMichael's Job TitleMichael's favorite jokeThe woman Jim gets married towhere Michael and Holly move toHe always has M&M's at his deskThe guy Pam was first engaged toThe fake job Michael gives DwightThe woman Michael gets married toThe person who collects bobble headsThe woman Jim dates after the merger...

The Office 2022-07-04

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Quality Assurance
  2. Manager of Branch
  3. Married to Pam
  4. Michael drives this car
  5. Customer Service Representative
  6. Chili
  7. Company
  8. The Intern
  9. Location of Branch
  10. Cat Lady
  1. Cornell University
  2. Assistant to the Manager
  3. Married to Jim
  4. Cat Dwight Killed
  5. What Dwight Farms
  6. Michael's Ex
  7. Bob Vance's Wife
  8. Where Michael Moves
  9. Maiden name of Pam
  10. Rabies
  11. Parent Company

21 Clues: ChiliRabiesCompanyCat LadyThe InternMichael's ExMarried to JimMarried to PamParent CompanyBob Vance's WifeQuality AssuranceManager of BranchCat Dwight KilledWhat Dwight FarmsCornell UniversityMaiden name of PamLocation of BranchWhere Michael MovesMichael drives this carAssistant to the ManagerCustomer Service Representative

The office 2022-11-19

The office crossword puzzle
  1. The animal that gives Meredith rabies
  2. The receptionist after Pam
  3. World’s Best Boss
  4. The room where they have the meetings
  5. The city where The Office takes place
  6. He started as a temp
  7. Most hated in the office
  8. The main crop on Dwight’s farm
  9. The original receptionist
  10. Where Andy went to college
  1. Cat Lady
  2. Awards Ceremony
  3. Assistant to the Regional Manager
  4. Ryan’s girlfriend
  5. Big Tuna
  6. Number of seasons of “The Office”
  7. He sits with Angela and Kevin
  8. The oldest person in the office
  9. Parent company of Dunder Mifflin
  10. Stanley is always doing these puzzles
  11. What Jim puts in Jello
  12. Major product produced by Dunder Mifflin

22 Clues: Cat LadyBig TunaAwards CeremonyRyan’s girlfriendWorld’s Best BossHe started as a tempWhat Jim puts in JelloMost hated in the officeThe original receptionistThe receptionist after PamWhere Andy went to collegeHe sits with Angela and KevinThe main crop on Dwight’s farmThe oldest person in the officeParent company of Dunder Mifflin...

The Office 2023-07-18

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
  2. Pretzel day lover
  3. Bob Vance, Vance _______
  4. The "whoreish" color
  5. Who did Michael hit with his car?
  6. Awards Michael gives out
  7. Dwight's Christmas Folklore
  8. Who has a last name that is a color?
  9. Michael's middle name
  1. Which cat did Dwight kill?
  2. Who sold purses?
  3. What does Pam steal in the first season?
  4. What is Meredith's last name?
  5. The food Jim puts a stapler in
  6. Erin's new vocab word
  7. Erin's middle name
  8. Andy's nickname
  9. Boom _____
  10. Whose last name is Bratton?
  11. Who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?

20 Clues: Boom _____Andy's nicknameWho sold purses?Pretzel day loverErin's middle nameThe "whoreish" colorErin's new vocab wordMichael's middle nameBob Vance, Vance _______Awards Michael gives outWhich cat did Dwight kill?Whose last name is Bratton?Dwight's Christmas FolkloreWhat is Meredith's last name?The food Jim puts a stapler in...

The Office 2023-07-18

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. The food Jim puts a stapler in
  2. Who did Michael hit with his car?
  3. The "whoreish" color
  4. Michael's middle name
  5. Andy's nickname
  6. Which cat did Dwight kill?
  7. Who did Michael take to Jamaica?
  8. Erin's new vocab word
  9. Awards Michael gives out
  10. Bob Vance, Vance _______
  1. Whose last name is Bratton?
  2. What is Meredith's last name?
  3. Who sold purses?
  4. Who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?
  5. Erin's middle name
  6. Who has a last name that is a color?
  7. Dwight's Christmas Folklore
  8. What does Pam steal in the first season?
  9. Boom _____
  10. Pretzel day lover

20 Clues: Boom _____Andy's nicknameWho sold purses?Pretzel day loverErin's middle nameThe "whoreish" colorMichael's middle nameErin's new vocab wordAwards Michael gives outBob Vance, Vance _______Which cat did Dwight kill?Whose last name is Bratton?Dwight's Christmas FolkloreWhat is Meredith's last name?The food Jim puts a stapler in...

The Office 2024-03-21

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. The Name of the city they are in
  2. The woman Jim dates after the merger
  3. the nickname for the city they are in
  4. The woman Jim gets married to
  5. The person who cant get over Ryan
  6. Last name Scott
  7. Michael's Job Title
  8. The woman Andy and Dwight fight over
  9. The person Will Ferrell played
  10. The person who collects bobble heads
  11. Michael called all of his past girlfriends to tell them that he has this thing
  12. __ Started the fire!
  13. The place where Toby works
  14. The oldest person in the office
  15. The streaming service The Office is on
  16. The thing Dunder Mifflin sells
  17. The fake job Michael gives Dwight
  1. The woman Dwight and Andy fight over
  2. The person Jim plays in Michael's Movie
  3. The company That takes them over
  4. Place where Jim proposed to Pam
  5. Michael's movie
  7. where Michael and Holly move to
  8. The guy who runs the warehouse until season 6
  9. Michael's arch nemesis
  10. The song Andy and Erin
  11. Michael's boss who he dates in season 2
  12. The ceo of Dunder Mifflin
  13. Michael's favorite joke
  14. The thing Jim gives to Pam for the Christmas Party
  15. The woman Michael gets married to
  16. The thing Jim put Dwight's stapler into
  17. He always has M&M's at his desk
  18. The person who is always pranking Dwight
  19. The name Andy wanted everyone to call him after his anger management
  20. The guy Pam was first engaged to

37 Clues: DID I STUTTER!Michael's movieLast name ScottMichael's Job Title__ Started the fire!Michael's arch nemesisThe song Andy and ErinMichael's favorite jokeThe ceo of Dunder MifflinThe place where Toby worksThe woman Jim gets married toThe person Will Ferrell playedThe thing Dunder Mifflin sellsPlace where Jim proposed to Pam...

THE OFFICE 2024-10-08

THE OFFICE crossword puzzle
  1. A container for putting waste or rubbish in.
  2. A tool that joins papers together with a metal clip.
  3. phone A small phone that you can carry and use to talk or send messages.
  4. A book with blank pages for writing notes or ideas.
  5. chair A chair that can turn around in a circle.
  6. A box that slides in and out of a piece of furniture, used for storing things.
  7. cabinet A piece of furniture with drawers for storing files and documents.
  8. A piece of furniture with shelves for storing books.
  9. basket A small bin for paper and other small waste.
  10. A cover for holding papers together.
  11. A tray where you put papers that you need to look at or work on.
  12. A piece of furniture with a flat surface for working or studying.
  1. rack A frame where you can hang clothes to dry or store them.
  2. A small machine used for doing math calculations.
  3. A bag used for carrying documents and a laptop.
  4. A machine that makes paper copies of documents or picture
  5. A large cup used for drinking hot drinks like coffee or tea.
  6. A chart that shows the days, weeks, and months of the year.
  7. unit A piece of furniture with several drawers for storage.
  8. A tray where you put papers that are ready to be sent or finished
  9. A board where you can put notes and messages.
  10. A small computer that you can carry and use anywhere.

22 Clues: A cover for holding papers together.A container for putting waste or rubbish in.A board where you can put notes and messages.A bag used for carrying documents and a laptop.A small machine used for doing math calculations.chair A chair that can turn around in a circle.A book with blank pages for writing notes or ideas....

The Office 2018-12-21

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. “And I feel ___ in this Chili's tonight.”
  2. “Did I _______?!”
  3. The new golf course; where business happens, according to Small Businessman Magazine
  4. The worst thing about prison
  5. A canoe you build around your horse so you can easily switch between riding and boating
  6. Kelly is one of the few people who look hot eating these
  7. Michael didn’t say it, he declared it
  8. You should put your mouth on that
  9. The three Bs
  10. Jim, tell him where he can stick his grapes!
  11. That's my joke, Dwight!
  12. People who can’t farm, farm this
  13. "Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice..."
  14. The best gift for Yankee Swap
  1. Being this means you don’t have to think, or do anything
  2. It squeaks when you bang it
  3. A crime fighting beaver
  4. He is Beyonce, always
  5. Gets pimples, and still rocks harder than anyone alive
  6. “Dwight, you ________ ____!”
  7. Hurt, petulant Jesus ruined this
  8. Toby's (supposed) secret identity
  9. Stanley's favorite day
  10. National sport of Icelandic paper companies
  11. These aren’t the only thing fake about Jan…
  12. Dip it in water so it slides down your gullet more easily
  13. The groin of the head
  14. Michael's favorite restaurant (but hold the chicken)
  15. If you question the teachings of the Mormon church, you’re probably this
  16. “____ started the fire!”

30 Clues: The three Bs“Did I _______?!”He is Beyonce, alwaysThe groin of the headStanley's favorite dayA crime fighting beaverThat's my joke, Dwight!“____ started the fire!”It squeaks when you bang it“Dwight, you ________ ____!”The worst thing about prisonThe best gift for Yankee SwapHurt, petulant Jesus ruined thisPeople who can’t farm, farm this...

The Office 2022-03-24

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of Dwight's porcupine?
  2. What gift does Jim get Pam on the episode 'Christmas Party'?
  3. What cost Michael 200$?
  4. What costume does Pam wear on Halloween while pregnant?
  5. What does Angela get for Dwight on Valentine's day?
  6. Where does Jim and Pam get married?
  7. What does the (supposed) waitress say to Michael when he invites her to go to Jamaica? 'No... I have (...)'
  8. What cake does Kelly ask for on her birthday?
  9. What are Phyllis, Angela and Pam members of?
  10. What sort of training does Andy have to go through?
  11. What middle name does Jim print out on Dwight's work ID
  12. What is Pam's favourite yoghurt?
  13. Where did Michael take Jim when he wanted to talk about Pam?
  14. After how much time since Jim and Pam start dating does he buy the ring?
  1. Which role did the casting team originally want John Krasinski to audition for?
  2. What reference does Jim use to refer to a couple that they met on the honeymoon?
  3. Which episode of Glee made an appearance in The Office?
  4. What is Jim's nickname?
  5. Which Angela's cat does Dwight kill?
  6. Where is the actor playing Jeb Schrute known from?
  7. What is the name of Andy's University acapella band?
  8. What is Michale and Jan's safeword?
  9. Michale is just a little ...
  10. What does Jim put Dwight's stapler in?
  11. What does Dwight grow in his farm?
  12. What radio station's sticker can be seen all around the office?
  13. What does Dwight know not to do after the First Aid training? 'Not to (...)a real person'
  14. Where did Jim and Pam almost elope?
  15. What is the name of Dwight's cousin?

29 Clues: What is Jim's nickname?What cost Michael 200$?Michale is just a little ...What is Pam's favourite yoghurt?What does Dwight grow in his farm?Where does Jim and Pam get married?What is Michale and Jan's safeword?Where did Jim and Pam almost elope?Which Angela's cat does Dwight kill?What is the name of Dwight's cousin?...

The Office 2014-12-10

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. manufacturing site
  2. entrance hall
  3. work support
  4. without profit
  5. gathering
  6. friendship
  7. limit time
  8. computer
  9. asking some people
  10. plan
  11. demand
  12. buyer
  13. where you sit
  1. shows curves following axis
  2. people working together
  3. affirm
  4. manager
  5. office
  6. study of market
  7. QG
  8. part of a company
  9. concern
  10. boss
  11. employee
  12. take someone as a new employee

25 Clues: QGplanbossbuyeraffirmofficedemandmanagerconcerncomputeremployeegatheringfriendshiplimit timework supportentrance hallwhere you sitwithout profitstudy of marketpart of a companymanufacturing siteasking some peoplepeople working togethershows curves following axistake someone as a new employee

The Office 2020-02-11

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. ___ crushing
  2. Odds of a team winning a game
  3. Secure WiFi
  4. Monitor positioning
  5. One more piece of this won't kill you
  6. Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___
  7. Paid activity
  8. Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
  9. "temporary space"
  10. Preferred place of some to save work
  11. Pocket dessert
  1. Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
  2. Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
  3. Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
  4. Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
  5. Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
  6. Coffee cup lid
  7. Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
  8. Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
  9. Coffee stirrer substitute

20 Clues: Secure WiFi___ crushingPaid activityCoffee cup lidPocket dessert"temporary space"Monitor positioningUh oh! an ___ ___ ___Coffee stirrer substituteOdds of a team winning a gameGreatest fashion faux pa in WorkoutPreferred place of some to save workOne more piece of this won't kill youShort nondescript perspective lacking detail...

The office 2021-05-05

The office crossword puzzle
  1. Vance refrigeration
  2. Pete's cohort
  3. first name is Kelly
  4. The company the show is based on
  5. did I stutter
  6. DM Scranton manager
  7. the rabies victim
  8. Cat lady
  9. Michael's sworn enemy
  10. Cornell Champ
  11. Bears Beets Battlestar Galactica.
  12. Erin's office mom
  13. Plop
  14. the most straightforward accountant
  15. man of many names
  1. Stanley's favorite type of puzzle
  2. The British Boss
  3. the office cookie monster
  4. Stanleys favorite day
  5. big tuna
  6. The annual award ceremony
  7. fashion show,fashion show,fashion show at lunch!
  8. Michael Scott's catch phrase
  9. The temp
  10. Michael's wife
  11. first receptionist

26 Clues: Plopbig tunaCat ladyThe tempPete's cohortdid I stutterCornell ChampMichael's wifeThe British Bossthe rabies victimErin's office momman of many namesfirst receptionistVance refrigerationfirst name is KellyDM Scranton managerStanleys favorite dayMichael's sworn enemythe office cookie monsterThe annual award ceremonyMichael Scott's catch phrase...

The Office 2022-05-19

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Quality Assurance
  2. Manager of Branch
  3. Married to Pam
  4. Michael drives this car
  5. Customer Service Representative
  6. Chili
  7. Company
  8. The Intern
  9. Location of Branch
  10. Cat Lady
  1. Cornell University
  2. Assistant to the Manager
  3. Married to Jim
  4. Cat Dwight Killed
  5. What Dwight Farms
  6. Michael's Ex
  7. Bob Vance's Wife
  8. Where Michael Moves
  9. Maiden name of Pam
  10. Rabies
  11. Parent Company

21 Clues: ChiliRabiesCompanyCat LadyThe InternMichael's ExMarried to JimMarried to PamParent CompanyBob Vance's WifeQuality AssuranceManager of BranchCat Dwight KilledWhat Dwight FarmsCornell UniversityMaiden name of PamLocation of BranchWhere Michael MovesMichael drives this carAssistant to the ManagerCustomer Service Representative

The Office 2017-12-03

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Packer's first name
  2. Ryan's company he tries to start
  3. Michael's middle name
  4. Color of 500ft wire Jim pranks Dwight with
  5. Oscar is known as
  6. Creed's resolution
  7. Country Toby moves to temporarily
  8. Who enjoys watching Michael's and Holly's PDA
  9. Annual awards ceremony
  10. Erin's final word in scrabble against Gabe
  11. Andy's preferred name after anger management classes
  12. Michael's signature phrase
  13. It's called murder not...
  14. "Holly you and I are _ _"
  15. Number of dates Pam and Danny went on
  16. 2nd of top 2 greatest human weaknesses
  17. Erin's new vocab word
  18. "Be less squeamish around people's dogs and babies" who's resolution?
  19. Top greatest human weakness
  1. Where Andy went to school
  2. "Meet a loose woman" who's resolution?
  3. The one day of the year Stanley is happy
  4. Michael's favorite NY pizza joint
  5. Dwight's middle name
  6. Who has rabies?
  7. Erin boils a cup of this for her old lady friend
  8. Kelly's middle name
  9. Michael's face type
  10. Darryl buys this kind of book at the store
  11. Michael declares this
  12. Erin's middle name
  13. Michael thinks this is Jan's baby's name
  14. "Saving the world has never been this hard"
  15. "Sad, to soak up my tears"
  16. Phyllis's maiden name
  17. An "Ask Pam Beasley"

36 Clues: Who has rabies?Oscar is known asCreed's resolutionErin's middle namePacker's first nameKelly's middle nameMichael's face typeDwight's middle nameAn "Ask Pam Beasley"Michael's middle nameMichael declares thisPhyllis's maiden nameErin's new vocab wordAnnual awards ceremonyWhere Andy went to schoolIt's called murder not..."Holly you and I are _ _"...

The Office 2024-03-21

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Vance Refrigeration
  2. Openly Gay
  3. Cat Lady
  4. Prankster (identity thief)
  5. Bob Vance's wife
  6. Was hit with Michael's car
  7. Loves Crossword Puzzles
  8. Dwight's Cousin
  9. Drama Queen
  10. Forklift Operator
  11. Assistant to the regional manager
  1. Makes candles
  2. CEO of Dunder Mifflin in the later seasons
  3. "Why waste time use lot word when few word do trick"
  4. Anger Management
  5. Started the fire
  6. Secretary "Dunder Mifflin this is..."
  7. World's Best Boss
  8. Hated by michael scott
  9. Old Guy
  10. Pam's ex-fiance

21 Clues: Old GuyCat LadyOpenly GayDrama QueenMakes candlesDwight's CousinPam's ex-fianceAnger ManagementStarted the fireBob Vance's wifeWorld's Best BossForklift OperatorVance RefrigerationHated by michael scottLoves Crossword PuzzlesPrankster (identity thief)Was hit with Michael's carAssistant to the regional managerSecretary "Dunder Mifflin this is..."...

the office 2023-10-22

the office crossword puzzle
  1. The time when work is expected
  2. A small partitioned workspace
  3. A social event for colleagues to celebrate or bond
  4. A seat for sitting at a desk or table
  5. A piece of furniture for working and writing
  6. A folder for storing and organizing paperwork
  7. A gathering of colleagues to discuss matters
  8. A small book for jotting down notes
  9. Materials used for work, like pens and paper
  10. A tool for scheduling and tracking dates
  1. The person in charge at the workplace
  2. An electronic device for tasks and communication
  3. A surface for writing and erasing with markers
  4. A machine for duplicating documents
  5. A short pause for refreshment and relaxation
  6. A device for voice communication
  7. A portable computer for work on the go
  8. Electronic messages sent within an organization
  9. A machine for producing hard copies of documents
  10. A machine for transmitting documents by wire

20 Clues: A small partitioned workspaceThe time when work is expectedA device for voice communicationA machine for duplicating documentsA small book for jotting down notesThe person in charge at the workplaceA seat for sitting at a desk or tableA portable computer for work on the goA tool for scheduling and tracking dates...

The Office 2020-12-24

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. object bought for $3500
  2. nickname of Paul Faust (of the five families)
  3. number of hotdogs Andy eats at beach day
  4. “Bleh. ___ made of real apes”
  5. who chooses “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” for desert island
  6. Angela’s sisters name
  7. person allergic to sesame seeds
  8. Michael’s dental condition
  9. Michael’s childhood foreign exchange student stole these
  10. Dwight trades this for Ryan’s homemade pesto
  11. Angela’s $7000 cat
  12. Gabe’s deadly fear
  13. name of Hunter’s band
  14. Kelly’s middle name
  15. branch closed at the company picnic
  16. Only pie Pam won’t eat
  17. aka George Howard Skub
  18. Michael’s nephew
  19. Angela’s “Diversity Day” card
  20. extension 128
  21. Dwight’s fake dentist
  22. car model Dwight buys from Andy
  1. Stanley’s third wife
  2. he makes a list, he checks it twice, and he’s gonna find out who is impish or admirable
  3. Michael and Jan’s safe word
  4. aka Bob Kazamakis
  5. “Shut up about the ___”
  6. “Every word out of your mouth is like the squawk of an ugly ____”
  7. the ingredient Kevin undercooks in his chili
  8. how many vasectomies Michael has had
  9. “rational consumer” aka winner of Scranton-Area Coupon Book
  10. Michael’s men’s shoe store idea
  11. Jim Carrey’s guest appearance character won’t stop talking about what
  12. at the last Dundies, Toby is the winner of the extreme ___ award
  13. Sam in the bootleg “Mrs. Albert Hannaday”
  14. Pizza by Alfredos tastes like “a hot circle of ____”
  15. Michael is a child star of this show
  16. aka Naughty Nellie Nutmeg
  17. Michael’s “fat person” character name
  18. culprit of writing about Michael on the women’s bathroom wall
  19. Plop’s ex-girlfriend

41 Clues: extension 128Michael’s nephewaka Bob KazamakisAngela’s $7000 catGabe’s deadly fearKelly’s middle nameStanley’s third wifePlop’s ex-girlfriendAngela’s sisters namename of Hunter’s bandDwight’s fake dentistOnly pie Pam won’t eataka George Howard Skubobject bought for $3500“Shut up about the ___”aka Naughty Nellie NutmegMichael’s dental condition...

The Office 2021-12-16

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. In what subject is Meredith’s Ph.D.?
  2. What cause does Michael use for the fun run?
  3. The only script/episode that wasn't rewritten (They used the first draft).
  4. What part of the office did John Krasinski film?
  5. What does Kevin wear on his feet to Jim and Pam’s wedding?
  6. Who kept Pam's engagement ring?
  7. What’s Dwight’s middle name?
  8. What is Michael Scott’s middle name?
  9. How many dollars did Jim spend on Dwight’s impersonating outfit?
  10. What is Dwight’s favorite TV show?
  11. What Canadian Actor auditioned for the role of Dwight but did not get the part?
  12. what sauce does Kevin request to go with his New Year’s resolution broccoli?
  13. Erin rated Holly a _____ out of 40
  14. Where does Michael Scott move to start his new life with Holly?
  15. what was dwight's cousin's name?
  16. What does Kevin tell Dwight to put in his gun holster?
  17. In the episode “The Coup,” the Stamford branch members play what video game with each other?
  18. What do Pam and Angela both want to name their babies?
  1. What brand of women’s suit does Michael accidentally wear?
  2. Who had their irl first kiss in the show?
  3. What color does Dwight paint Michael’s office when he thinks he’s taking over?
  4. What is Michael’s username for the dating site?
  5. How many year’s salaries does Michael spend on his engagement ring for Holly?
  6. What gift does Kevin get for himself when he draws his own name for Secret Santa?
  7. What is Dwight’s all-time favorite movie?
  8. In what season was Jim's hair actually fake?
  9. Which actor auditioned for the role of Michael Scott but ended up playing a different character?
  10. What did Phyllis Smith do before the Office?
  11. What food is Kevin forced to eat?
  12. What university is Andy a proud alum of?
  13. John Krasinski, Mindy Kaling, and who else were all, at one point, interns at Late Night With Conan O’Brien?
  14. For what reason did Steve Carrel call in sick during the writers' strike?
  15. What breakfast does Michael make on the first day of the Michael Scott Paper Company?
  16. What America Actor auditioned for the role of Jim and didn't get the part but was on Parks & Rec
  17. What was the name of Michael Scott's girlfriend who was Steve Carrel's wife irl?
  18. Creed’s 2011 New Year’s resolution to do a perfect _______.

36 Clues: What’s Dwight’s middle name?Who kept Pam's engagement ring?what was dwight's cousin's name?What food is Kevin forced to eat?What is Dwight’s favorite TV show?Erin rated Holly a _____ out of 40In what subject is Meredith’s Ph.D.?What is Michael Scott’s middle name?What university is Andy a proud alum of?Who had their irl first kiss in the show?...

The Office 2024-01-16

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Hol volt Michael és Jan nyaralni?
  2. Itt találkozik először Jim az "óvóbácsival".
  3. Legbunkóbb karakter.
  4. Hol található a Dunder Mifflin?
  5. Kinek van sündisznó házziállata?
  6. Ki tartja "kurvásnak" a zöld színt?
  7. Kivel flörtölt Stanley lánya?
  8. Ribanc...
  9. Michael felhasználóneve a randioldalon (angolul)
  10. Macska a fagyasztóban..
  11. Ingatlanértékesítő akivel Michael járt.
  12. Dwight unokatestvére
  1. Pam és Jim első gyereke?
  2. Kit ütött el Michael?
  3. Ki vette Michael legjobb főnökös bögréjét?
  4. Hogy hívták a sündisznót?
  5. Hol kérte meg Jim Pam kezét?
  6. Hogy hívták Pam első barátját?
  7. Főnök volt egy ideig, nem bírta Jimet.
  8. Michael kedvenc étterme
  9. A furcsa srác keresztneve a raktárból, aki szereti a rágót.
  10. Mi Dwight középső neve?
  11. Hova költözött Michael és Holly?

23 Clues: Ribanc...Legbunkóbb karakter.Dwight unokatestvéreKit ütött el Michael?Michael kedvenc éttermeMi Dwight középső neve?Macska a fagyasztóban..Pam és Jim első gyereke?Hogy hívták a sündisznót?Hol kérte meg Jim Pam kezét?Kivel flörtölt Stanley lánya?Hogy hívták Pam első barátját?Hol található a Dunder Mifflin?Kinek van sündisznó házziállata?...

The Office 2024-06-03

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Dwight's land
  2. Michael declares this, loudly
  3. Mr. California's first name
  4. Virus Merideth contracts
  5. This "Ben" was invited to the office
  6. Misspelled party sign
  7. Country Michael and Oscar debate over
  8. ___ calls the lowest-ranked salespeople make
  9. Michael's love interest
  10. Battles with Andy for the manager title after Florida
  11. Jan turns out to be "The ____"
  12. Grill Michael burns his foot on
  13. Award show in the Office
  14. Where the paper is shipped from
  15. Acronym for Michael's catchphrase
  1. One of Erin's lovers
  2. Karen's first branch
  3. Ryan's newest internet company
  4. Buys Dunder Mifflin
  5. Device Jim sends Dwight to find homosexuals
  6. Professional gambler in the office
  7. Restaurant Michael and Andy find dates for Xmas
  8. Threat ______ Midnight
  9. Hair affliction brought in by Pam
  10. Michael and Jan's first kiss is here
  11. Michael's international trip location
  12. Jim's first Christmas gift to Pam
  13. Fired instead of Creed on Halloween
  14. Andy's play "______ Todd"
  15. TV Show at the viewing party at Gabe's house
  16. Michael's sexually transmitted disease

31 Clues: Dwight's landBuys Dunder MifflinOne of Erin's loversKaren's first branchMisspelled party signThreat ______ MidnightMichael's love interestVirus Merideth contractsAward show in the OfficeAndy's play "______ Todd"Mr. California's first nameMichael declares this, loudlyRyan's newest internet companyJan turns out to be "The ____"...

The Office 2023-06-09

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Ceo of Dunder Mifflin
  2. Erin's first name
  3. GodFather to Angela's son
  4. Michael's middle name
  5. Kelly and Erin's pop group
  6. Ryan's son
  7. Dunder mifflin is a _____ company
  8. Sketchiest character in the office
  9. Bears,_____, Battle star galactica
  10. Michael took her to Sandals Jamaica
  11. Name of Andy's acapella group
  12. Andy's nickname
  1. Name of Pam and Angela's Son
  2. Where Toby moves temporarily
  3. Jim and Pam's daughter
  4. Ryan's Last name
  5. Dwights middle name
  6. Erin's Ex-boyfriend
  7. Pete's nickname that's given to him by Andy
  8. Company that brought Dunder Mifflin
  9. David Wallace's big marketing idea after leaving dundermifflin
  10. Ryan's baby is allergic to this fruit
  11. Stanley's favorite day
  12. Angela's favorite cat
  13. Dwight's cousin
  14. Pam's Husband
  15. Married to Bob Vance
  16. Dropped chili in the office
  17. Michael's wife

29 Clues: Ryan's sonPam's HusbandMichael's wifeDwight's cousinAndy's nicknameRyan's Last nameErin's first nameDwights middle nameErin's Ex-boyfriendMarried to Bob VanceCeo of Dunder MifflinMichael's middle nameAngela's favorite catJim and Pam's daughterStanley's favorite dayGodFather to Angela's sonKelly and Erin's pop groupDropped chili in the office...

The Office 2023-06-09

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Ceo of Dunder Mifflin
  2. Erin's first name
  3. GodFather to Angela's son
  4. Michael's middle name
  5. Kelly and Erin's pop group
  6. Ryan's son
  7. Dunder mifflin is a _____ company
  8. Sketchiest character in the office
  9. Bears,_____, Battle star galactica
  10. Michael took her to Sandals Jamaica
  11. Name of Andy's acapella group
  12. Andy's nickname
  1. Name of Pam and Angela's Son
  2. Where Toby moves temporarily
  3. Jim and Pam's daughter
  4. Ryan's Last name
  5. Dwights middle name
  6. Erin's Ex-boyfriend
  7. Pete's nickname that's given to him by Andy
  8. Company that brought Dunder Mifflin
  9. David Wallace's big marketing idea after leaving dundermifflin
  10. Ryan's baby is allergic to this fruit
  11. Stanley's favorite day
  12. Angela's favorite cat
  13. Dwight's cousin
  14. Pam's Husband
  15. Married to Bob Vance
  16. Dropped chili in the office
  17. Michael's wife

29 Clues: Ryan's sonPam's HusbandMichael's wifeDwight's cousinAndy's nicknameRyan's Last nameErin's first nameDwights middle nameErin's Ex-boyfriendMarried to Bob VanceCeo of Dunder MifflinMichael's middle nameAngela's favorite catJim and Pam's daughterStanley's favorite dayGodFather to Angela's sonKelly and Erin's pop groupDropped chili in the office...

The Office 2023-01-19

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. ___ crushing
  2. Odds of a team winning a game
  3. Secure WiFi
  4. Monitor positioning
  5. One more piece of this won't kill you
  6. Uh oh! an ___ ___ ___
  7. Paid activity
  8. Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
  9. "temporary space"
  10. Preferred place of some to save work
  11. Pocket dessert
  1. Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
  2. Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
  3. Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
  4. Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
  5. Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
  6. Coffee cup lid
  7. Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
  8. Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
  9. Coffee stirrer substitute

20 Clues: Secure WiFi___ crushingPaid activityCoffee cup lidPocket dessert"temporary space"Monitor positioningUh oh! an ___ ___ ___Coffee stirrer substituteOdds of a team winning a gameGreatest fashion faux pa in WorkoutPreferred place of some to save workOne more piece of this won't kill youShort nondescript perspective lacking detail...

the office 2022-08-16

the office crossword puzzle
  1. rm of stamford
  2. another day one wrong
  3. PAC-man
  4. the guy ho hide weapons in the office
  5. who bought dunder mifflin from sabre
  6. the cookie monster
  7. where the office is located
  8. the nard dog
  9. the guy every manager hates
  10. catwoman
  11. what branch did jim go to
  12. pam's first bf
  13. where dwight worked in season 3
  1. big tuna
  2. what stanley had in stress releif p1
  3. michaels first gf
  4. a day gone wrong
  5. which company bought dunder mifflin
  6. the new temp
  7. new guy 1
  8. new guy 2
  9. what michae fel in
  10. a gay man
  11. are you from another planet
  12. kevins favorite candy
  13. from warehouse to office

26 Clues: PAC-manbig tunacatwomannew guy 1new guy 2a gay manthe new tempthe nard dogrm of stamfordpam's first bfa day gone wrongmichaels first gfthe cookie monsterwhat michae fel inanother day one wrongkevins favorite candyfrom warehouse to officewhat branch did jim go towhere the office is locatedthe guy every manager hatesare you from another planet...

The Office 2022-11-18

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Pam felt this in Chili’s that night
  2. Company that helped boost the show’s ratings
  3. Michael’s prize possession that he can look at for hours
  4. Steve Carell improvised a kiss with this character
  5. This is not a joke
  6. Place you never want to go during the middle of a weekday
  7. Characters are kinda a-holes the more you watch
  8. “Would I rather be _ or loved? Easy. Both.”
  9. May contain staples
  1. This person is scared of dementors
  2. She sold purses
  3. Probably shouldn’t put this next to your bed
  4. Song name for timing out CPR
  5. Who said “I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs”?
  6. Creed’s acronym
  7. Company that bought out Dunder Mifflin
  8. This was spilled and wasted
  9. Who said this
  10. Three people dressed as this one year for Halloween
  11. Natasha’s least favorite character

20 Clues: Who said thisShe sold pursesCreed’s acronymThis is not a jokeMay contain staplesThis was spilled and wastedSong name for timing out CPRThis person is scared of dementorsNatasha’s least favorite characterPam felt this in Chili’s that nightCompany that bought out Dunder Mifflin“Would I rather be _ or loved? Easy. Both.”...

The Office 2024-11-06

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. In “The Office” episode “Business School,” what mammal causes chaos during Michael’s lecture?
  2. What competitive event is organized to determine which employee can get the highest number of sales within a certain time frame? (The _____ Contest)
  3. What is the name of the website that Dwight creates to sell paper online? (Dunder Mifflin _____)
  4. Three regular members of the Finer Things Club (3)
  5. What is the name of the character who is known for constantly eating tuna fish at their desk?
  6. Who is responsible for planning the annual office Halloween party?
  7. Which character was originally hired as a part-time temp and later promoted to assistant regional manager?
  8. Who does Michael Scott date in the first few seasons and later reunite with briefly?
  9. Who does Jim Halpert date before he officially begins a relationship with Pam Beesly?
  10. What is the prize for winning the “Finer Things Club” competition?
  11. Who plays Dwight Schrute, the Assistant to the Regional Manager?
  12. What does Jim put in Andy’s office ceiling to annoy him as a prank?
  13. What is the name of the annual office awards ceremony hosted by Michael Scott? (The _____)
  14. Who did Michael hit with his car?
  15. What is the name of the fictional paper product created by Dunder Mifflin’s “Infinity” website, designed to compete with the iPad?
  16. What is the name of the city where Michael Scott moves after leaving Dunder Mifflin?
  17. Who did Jim play the most pranks on
  18. In which city is the Dunder Mifflin corporate office located in the series?
  19. What kind of car does Michael Scott drive?
  20. In “Beach Games,” what extreme sport does Dwight participate in to prove his leadership abilities?
  21. What is the name of the employee who often uses a Bluetooth earpiece?
  22. Which character has a mysterious past involving a stint as a wedding singer before joining Dunder Mifflin?
  1. What is the name of the first client that Michael Scott tries to impress with the “Dundie Award” presentation?
  2. What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?
  3. What did Jim place in Dwight’s stapler as a prank?
  4. Who plays Michael Scott, the Regional Manager of the company?
  5. What does Michael Scott call his GPS navigation system?
  6. Which character fakes a heart attack to avoid work and get out of a meeting?
  7. What kind of smartphone does Jim Halpert have in the series?
  8. What is Michael's username on the dating website?
  9. Who is known for planning extravagant and often inappropriate office parties?
  10. What does Dwight call his pet porcupine?
  11. Who in the office is a kleptomaniac?
  12. What is the name of the game Michael Scott invents and plays during meetings?
  13. What is the name of the conference room’s chair, known for its squeaky sound?
  14. What Yogurt flavor does Pam like the most?
  15. Three regular members of the Finer Things Club (2)
  16. Who accidentally displays their art project of a “naked” Michael Scott in the office?
  17. Who develops a crush on Ryan Howard and tries to win his affection throughout the series?
  18. Who scores the first points during the basketball game between the warehouse workers and office staff?
  19. Three regular members of the Finer Things Club (1)

41 Clues: Who did Michael hit with his car?Who did Jim play the most pranks onWho in the office is a kleptomaniac?What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?What does Dwight call his pet porcupine?What Yogurt flavor does Pam like the most?What kind of car does Michael Scott drive?What is Michael's username on the dating website?...

The Office 2020-02-11

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
  2. Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
  3. Monitor positioning
  4. One more piece of this won't kill you
  5. ___ crushing
  6. Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
  7. Pocket dessert
  8. "temporary space"
  9. Secure WiFi
  10. Coffee stirrer substitute
  11. Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
  12. Odds of a team winning a game
  1. Coffee cup lid
  2. Paid activity
  3. Preferred place of some to save work
  4. Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
  5. Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
  6. Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
  7. Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India

19 Clues: Secure WiFi___ crushingPaid activityCoffee cup lidPocket dessert"temporary space"Monitor positioningCoffee stirrer substituteOdds of a team winning a gameGreatest fashion faux pa in WorkoutPreferred place of some to save workOne more piece of this won't kill youShort nondescript perspective lacking detail...

The Office 2021-10-22

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. party planning committee
  2. pretzel day lover
  3. keep it simple stupid
  4. spilled on floor, and served
  5. Schrute Farms Owner
  6. Michael's Arch Nemesis
  7. shady
  8. He is Gay, Boomroasted
  9. name of show
  10. The Receptionist
  1. Company
  2. Best Facial Expressions
  3. What they sell
  4. vending machine protector
  5. a.k.a. Andy
  6. World's Best Boss
  7. Stanley said no
  8. Secret Santa Gift
  9. Cat lady

19 Clues: shadyCompanyCat ladya.k.a. Andyname of showWhat they sellStanley said noThe Receptionistpretzel day loverWorld's Best BossSecret Santa GiftSchrute Farms Ownerkeep it simple stupidMichael's Arch NemesisHe is Gay, BoomroastedBest Facial Expressionsparty planning committeevending machine protectorspilled on floor, and served

The Office 2023-02-25

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. The branch that merges with Scranton
  2. The employee that Michael runs over.
  3. This is what Michael's mug says.
  4. What Michael offers to Kelly on racial awareness day.
  5. Michael’s favorite joke.
  6. Dwight thinks this is his position.
  7. The sketchiest employee at Dunder Mifflin.
  8. Jim puts Dwight’s things in this.
  9. Ryan makes Dunder Mifflin _________.
  10. Michael's girlfriend
  1. Pam’s job.
  2. Dwight has this on his desk.
  3. Jim’s enemy.
  4. Awards that Michael gives out.
  5. Dwight shuts it in a refrigerator.
  6. Bob Vance’s wife.
  7. The place where the office is.
  8. What does Dwight grow?
  9. The place that Michael takes Jan to.

19 Clues: Pam’s job.Jim’s enemy.Bob Vance’s wife.Michael's girlfriendWhat does Dwight grow?Michael’s favorite joke.Dwight has this on his desk.Awards that Michael gives out.The place where the office is.This is what Michael's mug says.Jim puts Dwight’s things in this.Dwight shuts it in a refrigerator.Dwight thinks this is his position....

The Office 2020-02-11

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. / Odds of a team winning a game
  2. / Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
  3. / Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
  4. / Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
  5. / Preferred place of some to save work
  6. / Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
  7. / Coffee stirrer substitute
  8. / Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
  1. / Pocket dessert
  2. / Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
  3. / Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
  4. / Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
  5. / Secure WiFi
  6. / Coffee cup lid
  7. / ___ crushing
  8. / Monitor positioning
  9. / Paid activity
  10. / "temporary space"
  11. / One more piece of this won't kill you

19 Clues: / Secure WiFi/ ___ crushing/ Paid activity/ Pocket dessert/ Coffee cup lid/ "temporary space"/ Monitor positioning/ Coffee stirrer substitute/ Odds of a team winning a game/ Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout/ Preferred place of some to save work/ One more piece of this won't kill you/ Short nondescript perspective lacking detail...

The Office 2020-02-11

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Odds of a team winning a game
  2. Risk team member over bid on these at first FL annual training
  3. Figure of this individual used to make it look like one was actively working
  4. Short nondescript perspective lacking detail
  5. Preferred place of some to save work
  6. Individual dubbed "bald Jesus" when these were taken out
  7. Coffee stirrer substitute
  8. Black and white animal shown to someone who didn't know what a raccoon was
  1. Pocket dessert
  2. Your expertise was sought regarding these animals escaping in India
  3. Greatest fashion faux pa in Workout
  4. Removal of these from a completed approval sparked a temper tantrum
  5. Secure WiFi
  6. Coffee cup lid
  7. ___ crushing
  8. Monitor positioning
  9. Paid activity
  10. "temporary space"
  11. One more piece of this won't kill you

19 Clues: Secure WiFi___ crushingPaid activityPocket dessertCoffee cup lid"temporary space"Monitor positioningCoffee stirrer substituteOdds of a team winning a gameGreatest fashion faux pa in WorkoutPreferred place of some to save workOne more piece of this won't kill youShort nondescript perspective lacking detail...

the office 2025-01-22

the office crossword puzzle
  1. gaya yang berkerja tegak lurus terhadap arah perpindahan benda adalah
  2. gaya yang terjadi dua permukaan bersentuhan di sebut
  3. rumus usaha adalah
  4. apa terjadi jika usaha dilakukan pada benda
  5. contoh usaha dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang menguntungkan energi mesin berubah menjadi energi kinetik
  6. lambang s melambangkan
  7. satuan gaya adalah
  8. gaya yang berkerja tegak lurus terhadap permukaan disebut
  9. gaya yang berkerja tegak lurus terhadap permukaan disebut gaya
  1. gaya yang searah dengan arah perpindahan disebut
  2. jika benda tidak berpindah usaha nya bernilai
  3. gaya yang tarik menarik disebut
  4. w singkatan dari
  5. rumus dari gaya adalah
  6. apa satuan usaha
  7. setiap benda akan tetap dalam keadaan diam atau bergerak lurus beraturan dan berkonstan adalah pengertian dari
  8. lambang w melambangkan
  9. lambang a melambangkan
  10. lambang f melambangkan
  11. gaya yang berlawanan dengan arah perpindahan benda disebut usaha

20 Clues: w singkatan dariapa satuan usaharumus usaha adalahsatuan gaya adalahrumus dari gaya adalahlambang w melambangkanlambang a melambangkanlambang f melambangkanlambang s melambangkangaya yang tarik menarik disebutapa terjadi jika usaha dilakukan pada bendajika benda tidak berpindah usaha nya bernilaigaya yang searah dengan arah perpindahan disebut...

The Office 2022-11-15

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. D.M.’s main product
  2. Awards given. The ____
  3. Jim adds this to jello
  4. Grown at Schrute Farms
  5. What Kevin spills
  6. Dunder Mifflin Town
  7. What Michael grills
  8. Jim’s nickname. Big ____
  9. Pam’s first fiancée
  1. Angela’s frozen cat
  2. Dwight’s title ____ to the R.M.
  3. Phyllis’ new last name
  4. Dwight’s middle name
  5. Michael’s jail persona ____ Mike
  6. Jan’s candle company
  7. Kelly’s crush
  8. Jim and Pam’s wedding destination
  9. The one Michael hates

18 Clues: Kelly’s crushWhat Kevin spillsAngela’s frozen catD.M.’s main productDunder Mifflin TownWhat Michael grillsPam’s first fiancéeDwight’s middle nameJan’s candle companyThe one Michael hatesAwards given. The ____Phyllis’ new last nameJim adds this to jelloGrown at Schrute FarmsJim’s nickname. Big ____Dwight’s title ____ to the R.M....

the office 2021-01-14

the office crossword puzzle
  1. she gets drunk and lights her hair on fire
  2. The name of kevins band
  3. the cat dwight gave to angela after killing sprinkles
  4. Shes obsessed with cats
  5. Jim and Pams daughter
  6. Pam and angela both name their son _______
  7. Andys nickname for pete
  8. the girl that darryl dates (she works in the warehouse)
  9. The awards at dunder mifflin
  10. michael gets engaged to _________
  1. name of the episode when he promises scholarships to the kids
  2. Where jim and pam got married
  3. Michaels name when he acts like a fat person
  4. got fired for almost punching jim in the face
  5. Jim put dwights _______ in jello
  6. the cfo of dunder mifflin
  7. The cat that dwight killed
  8. Erin's name before she changes it

18 Clues: Jim and Pams daughterThe name of kevins bandShes obsessed with catsAndys nickname for petethe cfo of dunder mifflinThe cat that dwight killedThe awards at dunder mifflinWhere jim and pam got marriedJim put dwights _______ in jelloErin's name before she changes itmichael gets engaged to _________she gets drunk and lights her hair on fire...

The Office 2024-09-03

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. promotion
  2. cubical
  3. presentation
  4. schedule
  5. salary
  6. meeting
  7. secretary
  8. client
  9. appointment
  1. proposal
  2. copier
  3. receptionist
  4. coworker
  5. vacancy
  6. manager
  7. commute
  8. boss
  9. assistant

18 Clues: bosscopiersalaryclientcubicalvacancymanagercommutemeetingproposalcoworkerschedulepromotionsecretaryassistantappointmentreceptionistpresentation

The Office 2021-06-16

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Ryan's baby is allergic to _______
  2. the most common baby name in the Office
  3. Michael's true love
  4. Michael takes Jan here
  5. what business is Bob Vance in?
  6. Dwight and Angela are married in their own _______
  7. this character becomes a different person in Florida
  1. how did Ed Truck die
  2. a funeral is held for this animal following the death of Ed Truck
  3. branch Holly is transferred to
  4. Pam's date for her double date with Kelly and Ryan
  5. who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?
  6. Cat killed by Dwight
  7. Dwight's bestest mench
  8. character obsessed with horror movies
  9. who replaces Jan at corporate?
  10. the last remaining employee from the merger

17 Clues: Michael's true lovehow did Ed Truck dieCat killed by DwightDwight's bestest menchMichael takes Jan herebranch Holly is transferred towhat business is Bob Vance in?who replaces Jan at corporate?Ryan's baby is allergic to _______who wore white to Phyllis' wedding?character obsessed with horror moviesthe most common baby name in the Office...

THE OFFICE 2023-06-08

THE OFFICE crossword puzzle
  3. _____'_ FAMOS CHILLE
  4. OLD MAN


The Office 2014-04-09

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. like poland
  2. awards
  3. batteries for everyone
  4. paper company
  5. dwight's title
  6. mercy of the
  7. holly's home
  8. said, hey hey hey, it's fat halpert
  1. dwight's promotion
  2. hey mr scott...
  3. michael's mug
  4. dwight worked here when he quit DM
  5. michael crashed it
  6. type of sheriff deputy
  7. where youngest child raises the others
  8. michael crashed into it
  9. grumpy or sleepy

17 Clues: awardslike polandmercy of theholly's homemichael's mugpaper companydwight's titlehey mr scott...grumpy or sleepydwight's promotionmichael crashed itbatteries for everyonetype of sheriff deputymichael crashed into itdwight worked here when he quit DMsaid, hey hey hey, it's fat halpertwhere youngest child raises the others

the office 2024-01-17

the office crossword puzzle
  1. "I have a delicious secret."
  2. "Sometimes, I think I'm working with idiots."
  3. "Bears can climb faster than they can run !"
  4. "Wow. That is a really good timing."
  5. "Did I stutter ?"
  6. "My father was a strict disciplinarian."
  7. "Andy is my best friend in the office."
  8. "You've got a lot learn, sweetie."
  1. "That's hurtful talk, we've talked about that."
  2. "Frankly, it's overdue."
  3. "I burned my foot."
  4. "After a couple of months, I'll introduce you to all the local talent."
  5. "C'mon, you're buying."
  6. "Actually."
  7. "Michael, I mean when has this ever worked for you?"
  8. "I mean how do you even judget that ?"
  9. "Stanley please. THIS IS SERIOUS !"

17 Clues: "Actually.""Did I stutter ?""I burned my foot.""C'mon, you're buying.""Frankly, it's overdue.""I have a delicious secret.""You've got a lot learn, sweetie.""Stanley please. THIS IS SERIOUS !""Wow. That is a really good timing.""I mean how do you even judget that ?""Andy is my best friend in the office.""My father was a strict disciplinarian."...

The Office 2014-04-09

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. holly's home
  2. said, hey hey hey, it's fat halpert
  3. type of sheriff deputy
  4. dwight's title
  5. paper company
  6. like poland
  7. mercy of the
  8. grumpy or sleepy
  1. dwight worked here when he quit DM
  2. where youngest child raises the others
  3. michael crashed it
  4. hey mr scott...
  5. michael crashed into it
  6. dwight's promotion
  7. michael's mug
  8. batteries for everyone
  9. awards

17 Clues: awardslike polandholly's homemercy of themichael's mugpaper companydwight's titlehey mr scott...grumpy or sleepymichael crashed itdwight's promotiontype of sheriff deputybatteries for everyonemichael crashed into itdwight worked here when he quit DMsaid, hey hey hey, it's fat halpertwhere youngest child raises the others

;The Office; 2022-09-21

;The Office; crossword puzzle
  1. "How about you don't steal my business strategies, and I won't dress like life is just one long ____
  2. "Shut up about the ___"
  3. ____ Rob. Andy's college friend.
  4. Meredith's son's name
  5. Written on Mose's shirt when he was ready to wrestle Ryan
  6. "I remember when people thought ___ were all that."
  7. Oscar's partner's name
  8. Erin's real name
  9. the branch robert california closes
  1. The name of the proposed sprinkles replacement.
  2. "So much for keeping our secrets up ____"
  3. ____ bundle. The show Michael was on as a child
  4. the country Toby goes to
  5. sport played in the Pam is pregnant episode
  6. The item Michael uses to test the trampoline
  7. "Join the ____. "The movement Jim starts
  8. the name Andy calls Pete

17 Clues: Erin's real nameMeredith's son's nameOscar's partner's name"Shut up about the ___"the country Toby goes tothe name Andy calls Pete____ Rob. Andy's college friend.the branch robert california closes"Join the ____. "The movement Jim starts"So much for keeping our secrets up ____"sport played in the Pam is pregnant episode...

The Office 2024-03-22

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Who breaks their neck in Costa Rica?
  2. What does Stanley say when Dwight lets a bat into the office?
  3. what is plops real name?
  4. who is the tallest character?
  5. what is Erin’s middle name?
  6. What was the name of the cat that Dwight killed?
  7. tots what is the name Michael calls the group of kids he is paying to go to university?
  8. Who falls into lake Scranton on beach day and floats away?
  1. when Jim send Dwight a fax from himself in the future what does he tell him is poisoned?
  2. What is the made up number Kevin uses to balance his numbers?
  3. What’s the name of Dwight’s cousin that he runs the farm with?
  4. Who does Michael hit with his car?
  5. who does Erin this might be her birth mother but isn't?
  6. what is the name of the company the buys Dunder Mifflin?
  7. is Pam married Roy what would her last name be?
  8. Who has an affair with the senator while married to Angela?

16 Clues: what is plops real name?what is Erin’s middle name?who is the tallest character?Who does Michael hit with his car?Who breaks their neck in Costa Rica?is Pam married Roy what would her last name be?What was the name of the cat that Dwight killed?who does Erin this might be her birth mother but isn't?...

The Office 2024-06-05

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. coughs the loudest, but is also very tech-savvy
  2. says "bye" in the sweetest way imaginable
  3. rarely enters or exits the building alone (very loyal)
  4. is the most active during lunch breaks
  5. is very good at finding hard-to-find BOL's
  6. has the #1 communication skills in the office
  7. loves animals, gossip and murder mysteries
  8. is only seen twice a week, but is super nice
  9. is the #1 manager, sometimes brings a friend
  1. greets everyone, every morning
  2. often wears a sweater vest, often here before the rest
  3. is good with #'s, and taking of care of plants
  4. has the most adorable sneeze
  5. is great at multi-tasking (ordering stock/being a dad)
  6. receives the most flatteries from our warehouse team
  7. has a youthful/lovely laugh

16 Clues: has a youthful/lovely laughhas the most adorable sneezegreets everyone, every morningis the most active during lunch breakssays "bye" in the sweetest way imaginableis very good at finding hard-to-find BOL'sloves animals, gossip and murder mysteriesis only seen twice a week, but is super niceis the #1 manager, sometimes brings a friend...

the office 2021-12-20

the office crossword puzzle
  1. What do they watch on their way to Gettysburg?
  2. Name of the receptionist at corprate s3?
  3. Dwight's last name in second life?
  4. Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe?
  5. thousand How expensive was princess lady?
  6. 'If I take off the hat, then Im _'
  7. Jim watches what basketball team in the hotel?
  8. Days michael didnt work when he found youtube?
  9. Who would roy do?
  1. Whats michael gonna do to pams mom?
  2. Who clapped after the bird funeral?
  3. The show michael was on as a kid?
  4. What does andy fall in while doing parkour?
  5. Dwight likes a little what in his nuggets?
  6. '_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-Stanley
  7. Dwight was raised by who?

16 Clues: Who would roy do?Dwight was raised by who?The show michael was on as a kid?Dwight's last name in second life?'If I take off the hat, then Im _'Whats michael gonna do to pams mom?Who clapped after the bird funeral?'_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-StanleyName of the receptionist at corprate s3?Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe?...

the office 2021-12-20

the office crossword puzzle
  1. What do they watch on their way to Gettysburg?
  2. Name of the receptionist at corprate s3?
  3. Dwight's last name in second life?
  4. Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe?
  5. thousand How expensive was princess lady?
  6. 'If I take off the hat, then Im _'
  7. Jim watches what basketball team in the hotel?
  8. Days michael didnt work when he found youtube?
  9. Who would roy do?
  1. Whats michael gonna do to pams mom?
  2. Who clapped after the bird funeral?
  3. The show michael was on as a kid?
  4. What does andy fall in while doing parkour?
  5. Dwight likes a little what in his nuggets?
  6. '_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-Stanley
  7. Dwight was raised by who?

16 Clues: Who would roy do?Dwight was raised by who?The show michael was on as a kid?Dwight's last name in second life?'If I take off the hat, then Im _'Whats michael gonna do to pams mom?Who clapped after the bird funeral?'_ _ and leave a sexy corpse'-StanleyName of the receptionist at corprate s3?Who else skinny dips with robert and gabe?...

the office 2021-06-06

the office crossword puzzle
  1. they have rabies
  2. the kitchen appliance michael burnt his foot on
  3. what does bestest mensch mean
  4. michael's joke
  5. the number of scranton managers in the series
  6. "you should put your mouth on that"
  7. darryl's daughter
  8. the name of angela and pam's son
  1. the amount of cats angela has
  2. 'Serenity by Jan' sells _______
  3. the three b's
  4. the character that randall park plays
  5. what happens to dwight when he's nice to pam
  6. what kevin spills
  7. the cat dwight kills

15 Clues: the three b'smichael's jokethey have rabieswhat kevin spillsdarryl's daughterthe cat dwight killsthe amount of cats angela haswhat does bestest mensch mean'Serenity by Jan' sells _______the name of angela and pam's son"you should put your mouth on that"the character that randall park playswhat happens to dwight when he's nice to pam...

The Office 2023-11-10

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Kissed by Michael on the mouth.
  2. Showcased art in a gallery.
  3. Michael's nemesis
  4. Started the fire
  5. Owns a beet farm.
  6. Given a 1-hour nap on her birthday.
  7. Owns her own candle making company
  8. Makes the best chili.
  1. Got run over by Michael in the parking lot
  2. Dyed his hair black with printer ink
  3. Went to Cornell.
  4. Married to Bob Vance
  5. Judgmental cat lady
  6. Crossword puzzle fan
  7. Receptionist after Pam

15 Clues: Went to Cornell.Started the fireMichael's nemesisOwns a beet farm.Judgmental cat ladyMarried to Bob VanceCrossword puzzle fanMakes the best chili.Receptionist after PamShowcased art in a gallery.Kissed by Michael on the mouth.Owns her own candle making companyGiven a 1-hour nap on her birthday.Dyed his hair black with printer ink...

The Office 2017-11-21

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. / pam's favorite yogurt
  2. / it's earthday so here comes...
  3. / printer company
  4. / big__; jim
  5. / stanley's favorite day
  6. / packer's revenge;kevin almost choked on one
  7. / youngest vp in company and most recently worked at a bowling alley
  1. / michael's car
  2. / all that blubber
  3. / who no on ever asks about
  4. / best bear
  5. / creed's new year's resolution
  6. / taste change;all that stanley likes now
  7. / andy's signature song
  8. / what the gas station in carbondale did not have

15 Clues: / best bear/ michael's car/ all that blubber/ big__; jim/ printer company/ pam's favorite yogurt/ stanley's favorite day/ who no on ever asks about/ andy's signature song/ it's earthday so here comes.../ creed's new year's resolution/ taste change;all that stanley likes now/ packer's revenge;kevin almost choked on one...

The Office 2023-04-07

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Razorpay offices in Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune and ---
  2. Month of Razorpay's Birthday
  3. Name of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday
  4. No. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR Building
  5. Brand of Laptops preferred at Razorpay
  1. First Razorpay Office city
  2. Razorpay's logo colours are shades of?
  3. Business banking platform, supercharges your business banking
  4. powers your business growth through instant settlements, corporate cards and quick business loans.
  5. In order to get approval for a cost, we first need to raise a ---, PRF
  6. From whom does the accounting and paroll related communication come from?
  7. Razorpay HQ city
  8. We write to this team if the Air-conditioning in a building is not functioning correctly, CREWS
  9. Founder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as?
  10. Who do you need to write to if you want a slot with Harshil Mathur?

15 Clues: Razorpay HQ cityFirst Razorpay Office cityMonth of Razorpay's BirthdayRazorpay's logo colours are shades of?Brand of Laptops preferred at RazorpayFounder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as?No. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR BuildingName of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday...

The Office 2021-06-04

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. New company Michael creates
  2. Where Andy and Angela plan to get married
  3. Where Jim hides Dwight’s stapler
  4. Married to Pam Beesly
  1. Dunder Mifflin Scranton Regional Manager
  2. Dwight’s favorite show
  3. Wears tissue boxes as shoes
  4. Name of Angela’s cat that Dwight kills
  5. What Dwight grows on his farm
  6. Where Jim and Pam get married
  7. Where Michael and Holly move to
  8. How many years salaries Michael spends on Holly’s engagement ring
  9. Assistant to the Regional Manager
  10. Does 26 push-ups to get the day off

14 Clues: Married to Pam BeeslyDwight’s favorite showWears tissue boxes as shoesNew company Michael createsWhat Dwight grows on his farmWhere Jim and Pam get marriedWhere Michael and Holly move toWhere Jim hides Dwight’s staplerAssistant to the Regional ManagerDoes 26 push-ups to get the day offName of Angela’s cat that Dwight kills...

The Office 2023-07-30

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Stapler hiding place
  2. Andy went to college here
  3. He started the fire in the office
  4. Dwight's porcupine
  5. Kelly's number one question
  6. What Michael accused Pam of stealing in season 1
  1. He's the boss
  2. who Kevin drew for secret santa
  3. Dwight's animal fear
  4. Michael's burn ointment of choice
  5. Dwight's fictional girl
  6. Andy's a cappella group
  7. Prison Mike's worst thing about prison
  8. Plop's real name

14 Clues: He's the bossPlop's real nameDwight's porcupineDwight's animal fearStapler hiding placeDwight's fictional girlAndy's a cappella groupAndy went to college hereKelly's number one questionwho Kevin drew for secret santaMichael's burn ointment of choiceHe started the fire in the officePrison Mike's worst thing about prison...

The Office 2023-05-09

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Founder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as?
  2. Brand of Laptops preferred at Razorpay
  3. Month of Razorpay's Birthday
  4. Razorpay HQ city
  5. powers your business growth through instant settlements and quick business loans.
  6. this team manages all the building facilities
  7. No. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR Building
  8. Name of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday
  9. In order to get approval for a cost, we first need to raise a ---
  1. Razorpay offices in Bengaluru, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune and ---
  2. Who do you need to write to if you want a meeting with Harshil Mathur?
  3. the colours of the Razorpay Logo, shades of ____
  4. the slack channel where the most important communication is sent
  5. Business banking platform, supercharges your business banking

14 Clues: Razorpay HQ cityMonth of Razorpay's BirthdayBrand of Laptops preferred at RazorpayFounder Shashank Kumar likes to be known as?this team manages all the building facilitiesNo. of floors Razorpay occupies in SJR Buildingthe colours of the Razorpay Logo, shades of ____Name of the person who sends out the lunch menu everyday...

The office 2024-11-18

The office crossword puzzle
  1. to cover up words
  2. you can use microsoft tools with this
  3. you can communicate
  4. you put things in it
  5. for things you dont need anymore
  6. you can sit on it
  7. its made from wood
  8. you work at it
  1. a paper with info you receive or send
  2. you can make confetti with this
  3. one tacks the papers together
  4. you write with this
  5. you transfer the info to paper
  6. one can write with it

14 Clues: you work at itto cover up wordsyou can sit on itits made from woodyou write with thisyou can communicateyou put things in itone can write with itone tacks the papers togetheryou transfer the info to paperyou can make confetti with thisfor things you dont need anymorea paper with info you receive or sendyou can use microsoft tools with this

The office 2017-12-13

The office crossword puzzle
  1. clip holder: caja de clips
  2. Calculadora
  3. TAblón de anuncios
  4. Fixo
  5. File
  6. stand: perchero
  7. Goma
  1. Sobre
  2. Empleado
  3. Fotocopiadora
  4. Recepcionista
  5. Libreta
  6. Taquígrafa
  7. holder: Lapicero

14 Clues: FixoFileGomaSobreLibretaEmpleadoTaquígrafaCalculadoraFotocopiadoraRecepcionistastand: percheroholder: LapiceroTAblón de anunciosclip holder: caja de clips

The Office 2023-11-03

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. office furniture to organize and store documents
  2. an outdated machine that sends a document to another person's machine
  3. a wire object that holds paper together
  4. copying machine
  5. a tool for making empty spaces in paper
  6. a device that copies documents and converts them into a digital format
  7. sliding box in a desk
  1. part of a computer
  2. a machine that puts pictures and text onto paper
  3. as soon as possible
  4. contains toner for a printer
  5. a machine that inserts metal things into sheets of paper in order to fasten them together
  6. computer accessory that is also a small animal
  7. container for a letter

14 Clues: copying machinepart of a computeras soon as possiblesliding box in a deskcontainer for a lettercontains toner for a printera wire object that holds paper togethera tool for making empty spaces in papercomputer accessory that is also a small animala machine that puts pictures and text onto paperoffice furniture to organize and store documents...

Office 2017-10-26

Office crossword puzzle
  1. When was National Breastfeeding Month?
  2. Equity and ---- justice
  3. Submit this if your computer still isn't working
  4. This is where you dispose of confidential documents
  5. Mr. Darcy's estate
  6. You can make changes to your KC benefits during---
  7. They provide support to homeless children and their families
  8. Where Louisa fell off the Cobb and injured her head
  9. Meeting place if the building is evacuated
  10. Follow these three steps during an earthquake
  11. Try this first if your computer isn't working
  12. If you are the first person in the building you must turn this off
  1. Where we meet for All Staff meetings
  2. This famous nurse is best known for founding the American Red Cross
  3. One side of the building has a fantastic view of this
  4. This program will soon undergo a renovation
  5. The building next door will have apartments and a --- when completed
  6. Where you can access free resources to propel your career
  7. They support low income, first time mothers.
  8. Public Health is --- for you
  9. There are three paid holidays in this month
  10. If you lose this is will cost you $25 to replace

22 Clues: Mr. Darcy's estateEquity and ---- justicePublic Health is --- for youWhere we meet for All Staff meetingsWhen was National Breastfeeding Month?Meeting place if the building is evacuatedThis program will soon undergo a renovationThere are three paid holidays in this monthThey support low income, first time mothers....

Office 2017-07-19

Office crossword puzzle
  1. What does Dwight put into the vent of the Michael Scott Paper Company to get back at them?
  2. Where does Toby leave Dunder Mifflin to travel?
  3. What is the name of the woman Stanley was having an affair with?
  4. Holly's last name
  5. In one episode Stanley yells back at Michael, "Did I __?"
  6. Who has rabies in season 4?
  7. Michael's realtor ex-girlfriend, who is played by Steve Carell's actual wife
  8. Pam's mom's name
  9. Where Michael and Jan went on vacation and stayed at Sandals
  10. Packer, the crass traveling salesman of Dunder Mifflin
  11. __ from Stamford, Jim's Season 3 boss who left to take a job at Staples
  12. Creed's last name
  1. Dunder Mifflin branch that Karen manages
  2. David Wallace's new business idea
  3. Oscar's last name
  4. Who is the only Scranton employee other than Michael that has dated two different Dunder Mifflin employees but has never been engaged?
  5. Only thing you ever see on Creed's screen
  6. In the dinner party episode, Jan reveals she also dabbles in this business
  7. If Astrid had been a boy, Michael's name of choice was _.
  8. First initials of all of the employees who have liked Pam, in alphabetical order
  9. __ Family Paper
  10. First word in name of another company in the building
  11. David Wallace's son who plays the drums
  12. Employee of the Michael Scott Paper Company who joined and quit within a few hours
  13. Scranton employee who went to high school with Michael
  14. Which branch did Michael and Holly reveal was closing during their skit?
  15. What Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction
  16. In Episode 1, Jim pranks Dwight by putting his stapler in what?
  17. Security guard for the building

29 Clues: __ Family PaperPam's mom's nameOscar's last nameHolly's last nameCreed's last nameWho has rabies in season 4?Security guard for the buildingDavid Wallace's new business ideaDavid Wallace's son who plays the drumsDunder Mifflin branch that Karen managesOnly thing you ever see on Creed's screenWhat Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction...

Office 2023-10-12

Office crossword puzzle
  1. Task completion date
  2. Communication device
  3. Front desk area
  4. Office energy booster
  5. Digitizes documents
  6. Document material
  7. Writing instrument
  8. Electronic messages
  9. Supervisor
  10. Produces hard copies
  1. Scheduled discussion
  2. Duplicating machine
  3. Small sticky notes
  4. Binding tool
  5. A piece of furniture for working
  6. Schedule organizer
  7. Tool for digital tasks
  8. Used for sending documents
  9. Where you sit at your desk
  10. Organizing documents

20 Clues: SupervisorBinding toolFront desk areaDocument materialSmall sticky notesSchedule organizerWriting instrumentDuplicating machineDigitizes documentsElectronic messagesScheduled discussionTask completion dateCommunication deviceOrganizing documentsProduces hard copiesOffice energy boosterTool for digital tasksUsed for sending documents...

Office 2017-07-19

Office crossword puzzle
  1. __ from Stamford, Jim's Season 3 boss who left to take a job at Staples
  2. Employee of the Michael Scott Paper Company who joined and quit within a few hours
  3. Which branch did Michael and Holly reveal was closing during their skit?
  4. Pam's mom's name
  5. What is the name of the woman Stanley was having an affair with?
  6. Where does Toby leave Dunder Mifflin to travel?
  7. First word in name of another company in the building
  8. Oscar's last name
  9. __ Family Paper
  10. Who is the only Scranton employee other than Michael that has dated two different Dunder Mifflin employees but has never been engaged?
  11. David Wallace's son who plays the drums
  12. Holly's last name
  13. What Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction
  1. David Wallace's new business idea
  2. First initials of all of the employees who have liked Pam, in alphabetical order
  3. In one episode Stanley yells back at Michael, "Did I __?"
  4. Who has rabies in season 4?
  5. Where Michael and Jan went on vacation and stayed at Sandals
  6. In Episode 1, Jim pranks Dwight by putting his stapler in what?
  7. Security guard for the building
  8. Only thing you ever see on Creed's screen
  9. In the dinner party episode, Jan reveals she also dabbles in this business
  10. Creed's last name
  11. If Astrid had been a boy, Michael's name of choice was _.
  12. Michael's realtor ex-girlfriend, who is played by Steve Carell's actual wife
  13. Packer, the crass traveling salesman of Dunder Mifflin
  14. Scranton employee who went to high school with Michael
  15. Dunder Mifflin branch that Karen manages
  16. What does Dwight put into the vent of the Michael Scott Paper Company to get back at them?

29 Clues: __ Family PaperPam's mom's nameCreed's last nameOscar's last nameHolly's last nameWho has rabies in season 4?Security guard for the buildingDavid Wallace's new business ideaDavid Wallace's son who plays the drumsDunder Mifflin branch that Karen managesOnly thing you ever see on Creed's screenWhat Phyllis auctions off at Michael's auction...

Office 2022-06-15

Office crossword puzzle
  1. Cookie; cream filled snack ; Ice-cream flavor
  2. refers to a unit or group of lines within a poem
  3. Major source of distraction while driving
  4. An ancient language of India & the primary sacred language of Hinduism
  5. Mickey's home in California
  6. Food cooked out of the door on a grill
  7. Relative of fake news
  8. Gambling cube
  9. A record of clinical data for a hospital patient
  10. The metal which exists in the liquid state at room temperature
  11. Hundreds of years
  12. Czech-made auto that's part of the Volkswagen Group
  1. A common name for a "web-log"
  2. Winner's award
  3. memories catcher
  4. Take a holiday
  5. smaller than an ocean, but still fun
  6. They may get tied up in knots
  7. This is the #1popular social media site
  8. A pebbly or sandy shore especially by the sea
  9. The colors on the Canadian flag are red and ____
  10. Spaghetti and Penne are types of
  11. skating Gliding on frozen surface
  12. Costs incurred to turn material into a finished product
  13. Synonym of fire
  14. They come in last in alphabets
  15. A checkered black and white board game
  16. Light whisked dessert

28 Clues: Gambling cubeWinner's awardTake a holidaySynonym of firememories catcherHundreds of yearsRelative of fake newsLight whisked dessertMickey's home in CaliforniaA common name for a "web-log"They may get tied up in knotsThey come in last in alphabetsSpaghetti and Penne are types ofskating Gliding on frozen surfacesmaller than an ocean, but still fun...

Office 2014-07-27

Office crossword puzzle
  1. formato de documento de Word 2007 y superior
  2. unidad que se usa para medir el tamaño de las letras (plural)
  3. una colección de varias hojas de cálculo
  4. primer letra en un párrafo o artículo, que se muestra en un tamaño aumentado
  5. acción de obtener una vista previa de un documento, generalmente antes de imprimirlo
  6. se refiere al tipo de letra
  7. Creadora y propietaria de la principal suite de oficina en los últimos tiempos
  8. programa de hoja de cálculo
  9. espacio que va desde el borde del márgen hasta el comienzo del párrafo.
  10. alinear el párrafo de forma pareja a ambos márgenes de la hoja.
  1. cada "hoja" de un archivo de presentación de diapositivas
  2. en Office 2007 y posteriores, reemplazó a la barra de menú
  3. programa de procesamiento de textos
  4. elemento de texto que se extiende hasta un punto y aparte.
  5. elemento gráfico que se coloca delante de cada item de una lista desordenada
  6. acción de acercar o alejar una página
  7. documento formado por varias diapositivas
  8. el elemento básico de una hoja de cálculo
  9. permite crear presentaciones
  10. se las nombra con una letra, en Excel. Se refiere a las series verticales.

20 Clues: se refiere al tipo de letraprograma de hoja de cálculopermite crear presentacionesprograma de procesamiento de textosacción de acercar o alejar una páginauna colección de varias hojas de cálculodocumento formado por varias diapositivasel elemento básico de una hoja de cálculoformato de documento de Word 2007 y superior...

Office 2023-06-18

Office crossword puzzle
  1. who
  2. idea7
  3. idea9
  4. idea10
  5. who2
  6. ideas
  7. idea8
  8. product4
  9. idea17
  10. idea12
  11. idea14
  12. idea3
  13. positive
  14. attitude
  1. idea4
  2. product3
  3. idea2
  4. idea6
  5. product
  6. idea16
  7. product2
  8. idea5
  9. idea15
  10. idea
  11. idea13
  12. people

26 Clues: whowho2ideaidea4idea2idea6idea7idea9idea5ideasidea8idea3idea16idea10idea15idea17idea12idea14idea13peopleproductproduct3product2product4positiveattitude

office 2014-09-12

office crossword puzzle
  1. PrimaryPhysican Care changed it's name to this.
  2. A health coach who shares the same last name of a large car maker? two names
  3. Street our company is located on.
  4. This male employee has an apostrophe in his last name.
  5. The largest client we service. two names
  6. This health coach shares the same last name with the actor who was married to Madonna in the mid 80's? two names
  7. Which department services ID cards for its' members.
  8. Audit, Revenue, Balance and Net describes this department's name.
  9. Who in the company has the first name of a famous TV show starring Barbara Eden as the man character originally aired September 1965?
  10. This company focuses on improving overall health.
  11. This female employee has an apostrophe in her last name.
  1. client that is located on Staten Island. two names
  2. client that is involved in fashion.
  3. Who in the company has the same name as a famous pop singer if you take out the hyphenated part of her name? two names.
  4. This person performs orientation of new hires, informing of policies, procedures, benefits etc. two names
  5. IT request system for our company.
  6. program used to store and capture documents for reviewing.
  7. Repricing group used by Newcomb Springs.
  8. Who has the last name that is a color?

19 Clues: Street our company is located on.IT request system for our company.client that is involved in fashion.Who has the last name that is a color?The largest client we service. two namesRepricing group used by Newcomb Springs.PrimaryPhysican Care changed it's name to this.This company focuses on improving overall health....

The Office 2023-05-20

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. The character who becomes Regional Manager after Michael Scott
  2. The character who claims to have seen Bigfoot
  3. Jim's middle name
  4. The accounting firm that merges with Dunder Mifflin
  5. Dwight's martial arts instructor
  6. The name of Jim and Pam's first child
  7. The office employee who has a Dundie Award for "Whitest Sneakers"
  8. The character who dresses up as a "three-hole punch" for Halloween
  1. Michael Scott's favorite pizza place
  2. Kevin's band
  3. The name of Dwight's cousin who works at the farm
  4. Michael's favorite movie
  5. The company that acquires Dunder Mifflin

13 Clues: Kevin's bandJim's middle nameMichael's favorite movieDwight's martial arts instructorMichael Scott's favorite pizza placeThe name of Jim and Pam's first childThe company that acquires Dunder MifflinThe character who claims to have seen BigfootThe name of Dwight's cousin who works at the farmThe accounting firm that merges with Dunder Mifflin...

The Office 2021-05-19

The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Katy the salesman
  2. Ryan the temp
  3. because today is almost over
  4. Jim's type of girl
  5. I will attack you with this
  6. I think you do mahn
  7. raise and lower
  8. *snip-snip*
  1. we'll be skins
  2. spontaneous dental __
  3. the special filing cabinet for faxes
  4. what is a HERO
  5. first episode

13 Clues: *snip-snip*Ryan the tempfirst episodewe'll be skinswhat is a HEROraise and lowerKaty the salesmanJim's type of girlI think you do mahnspontaneous dental __I will attack you with thisbecause today is almost overthe special filing cabinet for faxes

The Office Crossword 2022-07-25

The Office Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dwight froze this cat
  2. Lives with many cats
  3. This company bought Dunder Mifflin
  4. Erin rated Holly out of forty
  5. A pair is kept for "special occasions"
  6. Kevin's gift for his secret santa
  7. Andy is a proud alum of this university
  8. Name of Toby's daughter
  9. Creed also has this passport
  10. Number of brothers Jim had
  11. Michael loved the small in the morning
  12. Michael takes this job to help his finances
  13. Name of the employee awards night
  14. Can raise or lower his cholesterol at will
  15. Went to the same high school as Michael
  16. Medal Jim won
  17. Name of Dwight's porcupine
  18. Known intially as "the temp"
  19. Kevin is forced to eat this
  20. Angela finds this colour "whore-ish"
  1. state the office is in
  2. Kevin's band name
  3. Andy quit to become this
  4. Jim placed Dwight's stationery inside
  5. The Dwight family farm produces this
  6. Number of Dwight's cousins
  7. The Office aired on this network
  8. Dwight cried during this movie
  9. Gabe's middle name
  10. Used to make Dwight salivate
  11. Forcibly taken to rehab
  12. Plop's actual name
  13. Pam was engaged to him before Jim
  14. Dwight's middle name
  15. Bitten by a rabid bat
  16. Michael's birth month
  17. Dwight used to volunteer for this public office
  18. Runs the warehouse
  19. The building's security guard
  20. Michael organized a fun run for this cause

40 Clues: Medal Jim wonKevin's band nameGabe's middle namePlop's actual nameRuns the warehouseLives with many catsDwight's middle nameDwight froze this catBitten by a rabid batMichael's birth monthstate the office is inForcibly taken to rehabName of Toby's daughterAndy quit to become thisNumber of Dwight's cousinsNumber of brothers Jim had...

The Nowhere Office 2023-03-21

The Nowhere Office crossword puzzle
  1. självklar,uppenbar
  2. pandemi
  3. vinst
  4. strävan,försök
  5. produktivitet
  6. företag,bolag
  7. mönster
  8. försiktighet
  9. skvallra
  10. förväntan
  11. sträva efter
  12. distansarbete
  13. heltid
  14. utvärdera
  1. överhängande,annalkande
  2. press
  3. vändpunkt
  4. konsumtion
  5. omvälvning
  6. rörlighet
  7. utrusta
  8. bekvämlighet
  9. utbrott
  10. framgångsrik
  11. pendla
  12. följa efter,följa exempel
  13. blomstra,lyckas
  14. begäran
  15. glamorös

29 Clues: pressvinstpendlaheltidpandemiutrustautbrottmönsterbegäranskvallraglamorösvändpunktrörlighetförväntanutvärderakonsumtionomvälvningbekvämlighetframgångsrikförsiktighetsträva efterproduktivitetföretag,bolagdistansarbetesträvan,försökblomstra,lyckassjälvklar,uppenbaröverhängande,annalkandefölja efter,följa exempel

The front office 2024-05-05

The front office crossword puzzle
  1. action of placing capital or money in an economic activity, project or operation with the objective of obtaining a long-term economic return.
  2. person or institution, that is, a natural or legal person, that makes an investment in a business
  3. Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity
  4. assets that are formed with the contributions of a group of people who invest their capital in search of profitability
  5. any activity, work or occupation that is carried out for the purpose of economic gain
  6. To govern, to exercise authority or command over a territory and over the people who inhabit it
  7. Mandatory payments of money required by the State from individuals and companies that are not subject to direct compensation
  8. Record of goods and other things belonging to a person or community, made with order and precision
  9. branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed
  10. Establish or reform something to achieve an end, coordinating the appropriate people and means
  11. Provision by which the testator leaves his property or part of it entrusted to the good faith of someone so that, in a specific case and time, he may transmit it to another person or invest it in the manner indicated.
  1. To separate or separate someone or something from another person or thing or from a place.
  2. Of or relating to banking or banks
  3. the socioeconomic activity that consists of the exchange of some materials that are free in the market for the purchase and sale of goods or services
  4. perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another
  5. means that part of the profits or revenues obtained by a company are not distributed but are used to acquire new fixed assets
  6. quantity of goods or services that you can purchase with a certain amount of money, depending on the price level that exists in the market.
  7. an individual who works for an employer
  8. Obligation that someone has to pay, satisfy or reimburse another person for something, usually money
  9. activities carried out to encourage potential customers to make a certain purchase
  10. Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect
  11. Card or medal that can be exchanged for groceries or other essential items, and sometimes for money.

22 Clues: Of or relating to banking or banksan individual who works for an employerperform a reciprocal exchange of one element for anotherQuantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activityAbility to use someone or something to achieve a specific effectbranch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed...

The Office Trivia 2024-11-23

The Office Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Pam's first fiancee
  2. Holly's middle name
  3. Ryan's start-up company
  4. Erin said Gabe always orders this soup
  5. The security guard
  6. What type of farm does Dwight own?
  7. Kevin's band
  8. Dwight's middle name on his ID badge
  9. What is Erin's real first name?
  10. they played flashlight tag
  11. Andy's college a capella group
  12. Michael's awards night
  13. Michael's paper company
  14. What cause was the Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity _____ Awareness Fun Run Pro-Am Race for the Cure for?
  15. Dwight's middle name
  1. Creed's job title
  2. the bar they go to
  3. Dwight's German Christmas character
  4. Dwight's bed and breakfast's name
  5. Michael's cocktail of choice
  6. who punched a hole in the wall?
  7. Angela's filing cabinet cat
  8. Michael's movie
  9. Toby's daughter's name
  10. where is Dunder Mifflin located?
  11. what did kevin spill?
  12. The Office Olympics
  13. what did michael order at Chili's
  14. Jan's assistant
  15. Jim's last name
  16. Dwight's earthday character
  17. What did Jim wrap in wrapping paper as a prank?
  18. What does it say on the pink MnMs at Jan's Office baby shower?

33 Clues: Kevin's bandMichael's movieJan's assistantJim's last nameCreed's job titlethe bar they go toThe security guardPam's first fianceeHolly's middle nameThe Office OlympicsDwight's middle namewhat did kevin spill?Toby's daughter's nameMichael's awards nightRyan's start-up companyMichael's paper companythey played flashlight tag...

SBS/The Office 2024-03-21

SBS/The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Which one of Angela's cats did Dwight kill?
  2. ____ started the fire
  3. SBS has recently partnered with ___ Heritage Festival
  4. ___is a multidisciplinary group of faculty and staff members who review reports about concerning behaviors; consider various approaches to managing concerning behavior; and provide guidance to students, faculty and staff regarding how to address and prevent violent and disruptive behavior.
  5. Which unit was recognized as one of the top five programs in the country.
  6. Who earned a spot on the shortlist for the Dzanc Books Short Story Collection Prize with his work, "Empty Calories and Male Curiosity"
  7. Gender & Women's Studies Abbreviation
  8. How many top-25 ranked graduate programs does SBS have?
  9. How many academic departments is SBS home to?
  10. "AIB" stands for ___ Informed Budget
  11. Who is the Assistant Director of Academic Advising?
  12. Having technical difficulties? Send tech a ___
  13. Manager of Scranton Branch
  14. What crop does Dwight grow on his farm?
  15. The food in which Jim puts Dwight stapler
  16. SBS's 2024 Alumna of the Year
  17. The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together by Heather ____ will be read in the Spring Reading Group.
  1. Who is the dean of SBS?
  2. What city does The Office take place in?
  3. Home of ___
  4. MarComm holds monthly ___ sessions on the fourth Friday of each month
  5. Who is the Assistant Dean of Finance & Administration
  6. The AZ Undergrad History Research Symposium - "___ the Past"
  7. What is the abbreviation for Independent Contractor Form?
  8. ___ is the University of Arizona's most ambitious fundraising campaign to date, with a goal of raising $3 billion.
  9. Wilbur's wife
  10. Three hole punch ___
  11. Who was awarded with the Linguistics, Language, and the Public Award from the Linguistics Society of America?
  12. What is a PCard
  13. What's the BEST college at the UofA?
  14. What was Plop's actual name?
  15. ___ down!
  16. Our Vision: A just ___, together
  17. Which unit was ranked #29 in the world in Shanghai Ranking 2018, 10th in the US

34 Clues: ___ down!Home of ___Wilbur's wifeWhat is a PCardThree hole punch _______ started the fireWho is the dean of SBS?Manager of Scranton BranchWhat was Plop's actual name?SBS's 2024 Alumna of the YearOur Vision: A just ___, together"AIB" stands for ___ Informed BudgetWhat's the BEST college at the UofA?Gender & Women's Studies Abbreviation...

Mainly The Office 2024-11-14

Mainly The Office crossword puzzle
  1. Toby runs the Human _______ Department
  2. ____ Kaling, writer/producer who plays Kelly
  3. The Office is a workplace _______.
  4. Michael once dated Pam's _______.
  5. Source of a toothache
  6. Karen was played by Rashida ______ .
  7. ________ gives out the annual "Dundie Awards"
  8. Stanley's last name or an NY river
  9. Root veggie they grow on Schrute Farms
  10. Dwight's martial art choice
  11. Magazine calling Jim actor "sexiest" in 2024
  12. Blonde cat lady
  13. Pennsylvania city where the show is set
  14. Andy always brags of going to this college
  15. Top couple: Pam and ____
  16. Paper Company: Dunder ______
  1. British show creator _____ Gervais
  2. Book that isn't returned on time
  3. Pam was once ______ to Roy
  4. NYC is where the ______ office is located
  5. Original network the show aired on
  6. Bean counter job
  7. ____ Bell serves enchiladas, too.
  8. _____ Spader plays a guest character in S8
  9. _____ K. Schrute
  10. State abbreviation for where the show is set
  11. Dwight is often _______ of The Month

27 Clues: Blonde cat ladyBean counter job_____ K. SchruteSource of a toothacheTop couple: Pam and ____Pam was once ______ to RoyDwight's martial art choicePaper Company: Dunder ______Book that isn't returned on time____ Bell serves enchiladas, too.Original network the show aired onThe Office is a workplace _______.Michael once dated Pam's _______....

The Office Crossword 2022-07-25

The Office Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dwight froze this cat
  2. Lives with many cats
  3. This company bought Dunder Mifflin
  4. Erin rated Holly out of forty
  5. A pair is kept for "special occasions"
  6. Kevin's gift for his secret santa
  7. Andy is a proud alum of this university
  8. Name of Toby's daughter
  9. Creed also has this passport
  10. Number of brothers Jim had
  11. Michael loved the small in the morning
  12. Michael takes this job to help his finances
  13. Name of the employee awards night
  14. Can raise or lower his cholesterol at will
  15. Went to the same high school as Michael
  16. Medal Jim won
  17. Name of Dwight's porcupine
  18. Known intially as "the temp"
  19. Kevin is forced to eat this
  20. Angela finds this colour "whore-ish"
  1. state the office is in
  2. Kevin's band name
  3. Andy quit to become this
  4. Jim placed Dwight's stationery inside
  5. The Dwight family farm produces this
  6. Number of Dwight's cousins
  7. The Office aired on this network
  8. Dwight cried during this movie
  9. Gabe's middle name
  10. Used to make Dwight salivate
  11. Forcibly taken to rehab
  12. Plop's actual name
  13. Pam was engaged to him before Jim
  14. Dwight's middle name
  15. Bitten by a rabid bat
  16. Michael's birth month
  17. Dwight used to volunteer for this public office
  18. Runs the warehouse
  19. The building's security guard
  20. Michael organized a fun run for this cause

40 Clues: Medal Jim wonKevin's band nameGabe's middle namePlop's actual nameRuns the warehouseLives with many catsDwight's middle nameDwight froze this catBitten by a rabid batMichael's birth monthstate the office is inForcibly taken to rehabName of Toby's daughterAndy quit to become thisNumber of Dwight's cousinsNumber of brothers Jim had...

the office 2424 2022-12-21

the office 2424 crossword puzzle
  1. the name of the cat that died
  2. Who was Pam first engaged to
  3. Pam and Jims Child
  4. Jim dated _______
  5. Michael ate _______ before the rabies race
  6. The people in the warehouse quit after they won the ________
  7. Dwight Knows this language
  8. Michael hit _____ with his car
  9. This company bought dunder mifflin
  10. Pam and Jim found out they were pregnant because pam got hurt at a ______ game
  11. Character that has glasses
  12. The office is in _______ Pennsylvania
  13. Jans baby
  1. Michaels work girlfriend that got fired
  2. this is said by Dwight when something is good
  3. Out of Dunder and Mifflin, Mifflin ______
  4. At the end of the show creed got ________
  5. They work at a _____ Company
  6. Toby tried to move to ________
  7. Meredith got bitten by a ___
  8. the receptionist after Pam
  9. How many seasons are there
  10. Angela and Dwights child
  11. who punched a whole in a wall
  12. Stanley and Jim are both _________
  13. The boss is Michael _____
  14. Ryan faked a trip to __________

27 Clues: Jans babyJim dated _______Pam and Jims ChildAngela and Dwights childThe boss is Michael _____the receptionist after PamHow many seasons are thereDwight Knows this languageCharacter that has glassesWho was Pam first engaged toThey work at a _____ CompanyMeredith got bitten by a ___the name of the cat that diedwho punched a whole in a wall...

The Office Blitz 2020-04-21

The Office Blitz crossword puzzle
  1. Michael fell asleep at his desk after eating a _______ ___ ___, allowing the office to move the clocks forward and leave work early.
  2. The name of the candle scent Jan had Jim smell at her and Michael's dinner party?
  3. Dinner location for Michael and Donna in the Poconos
  4. Which client found five golden tickets?
  5. Who did Dwight say had abducted David Wallace's son when on the phone with the CFO's receptionist?
  6. Hank's signature song
  7. Michael asks Oscar about what he should expect in terms of "sensation" before going in for what routine procedure?
  8. "If it was an iPod, it would be a _______."
  9. Meredith was getting Outback steakhouse giftcards and discounted supplies for "meetups" with Bruce. What company was Bruce a rep for?
  10. Michael spread a lot rumors in the Season 6 premiere. He told everyone that Dwight used _____ ______ ______.
  11. At the company picnic, Michael wanted to tell Holly that they were ____ ______.
  12. The worst sandwich at Alfredo's
  13. Michael had a dream about a sandwich made of peanut butter and ________.
  14. "If I can't _____, then what's this all been about?"
  15. Andy's signature song while a part of Here Comes Treble.
  16. "The ___ will wait for no one!"
  17. Michael's disguise to eavesdrop on Jim and David Wallace?
  18. In what galaxy did Dwight say Pam's painting of the office must be located?
  19. "I thought this was a free country. I didn't know we were in communist ______."
  20. Jim and Pam lived on Linden Ave. by the ______.
  21. Charles appointed Stanley his ____________ ____ while in charge of the office.
  22. What male celebrity did Andy say might make him question if he was straight during a conversation with Oscar?
  23. Who did Michael plagiarize in his birthday poem to Helene?
  24. Everyone gets to know each other in the pot, yes, but the real trick to Kevin's chili is to undercook the ______.
  25. Dwight asks Mr. Schofield, "How's your ___ ___?"
  26. On Day 1 of the Michael Scott Paper Company, Michael made breakfast for Pam. What did he cook?
  27. The name of Andy's sailor statue after being 'bobble-ized' by Dwight
  28. What was Charles Miner's previous company (and wife's name, according to Michael)?
  29. Stanley's mistress
  30. Michael's idea for a fancy shoe store
  31. "I thought ___________ was a boy's name?"
  32. Who did Michael ask David Wallace if he should hire as salaried employees before his 15th Anniversary party?
  33. The major 2011 world event Meredith skipped her sister's funeral to attend
  34. Meredith said she'd have whatever was fanciest to eat at Pam's wedding, unless there was what?
  35. What Dunder Mifflin branch's employees found out they were out of a job at the company picnic?
  36. What was the name of the wrong class Pam sat in on in art school?
  1. Dwight's grandfather used secret massage techniques on this horse that Dwight adapted to use on Phyllis after she hurt her back.
  2. Michael Scott Paper Company motivational cheer: "One, two, three, ____ ___ _____!"
  3. What did Creed give Michael to inaugurate Cafe Disco that he'd previously been using as a rear view mirror?
  4. What did the Michael Scott Paper Company van say on the side in Korean?
  5. "You pet the animals, they pet you back."
  6. Gabe's middle name
  7. "Tastes like _______, gets you drunk like scotch."
  8. Pam's first customer as a saleswoman (_______ from the pancake luncheon)
  9. Stanley told Charles Miner his soccer star "preference" was who?
  10. Charles tasked Jim to get him a what of all his clients?
  11. Paul Faust's company in the Scranton Business Park
  12. Michael met Vikram while working at the ____________ diet pill company.
  13. The fake sport Michael fell for in school
  14. Andy was impressed with Erin's Mac computer. "____ _______ has this computer!" he told her.
  15. Dwight handwrote his "memo for a new file system" in what substance?
  16. Michael's lawyer
  17. Whose desk did Dwight model his after when he became acting manager?
  18. In a convo with David Wallace about promoting Jim, Michael compares Jim to which children's television character?
  19. What did Dwight frame for opening Christmas presents when he was young?
  20. "A canoe built around your horse"
  21. "You have no idea how high I can ___."
  22. Before it sold paper, Dunder Mifflin was originally a supplier of industrial _____ ________.
  23. Ryan said he went to Thailand with friends from "a high school." Where did he really go?
  24. According to Dwight, the German instructions for the office's copier said that the part Pam was trying to repair was either an incense dispenser or a ceremonial ___________.
  25. Jan wasn't really with Michael in Jamaica, but this German lady was.
  26. Local Scranton radio station the office often listens to

62 Clues: Michael's lawyerGabe's middle nameStanley's mistressHank's signature songThe worst sandwich at Alfredo's"The ___ will wait for no one!""A canoe built around your horse"Michael's idea for a fancy shoe store"You have no idea how high I can ___."Which client found five golden tickets?"You pet the animals, they pet you back."...

The Oval Office 2021-02-10

The Oval Office crossword puzzle
  1. Smooth connection of two parts
  2. Iron used to make attractive fences, gates,
  3. ​A short film of news show in the past
  4. People who helps a politician in their job
  5. People with important position
  6. Hidden corner or recess
  7. Admiring and respecting very much
  8. Serious and sometimes disapproving
  9. Having something in large quantities
  10. To burn brightly
  11. To be on each or on one side of
  1. Border around top of walls in a room
  2. Producing light
  3. A particular shade of a colour
  4. Debate with someone
  5. A soft smooth shiny quality
  6. Technique to support decorative element
  7. A short break from something unpleasant
  8. Magnificent and imposing
  9. To cut a pattern cut in stone or wood
  10. Lots of decoration, complex design
  11. Long time member of large organization
  12. Completely even with another surface

23 Clues: Producing lightTo burn brightlyDebate with someoneHidden corner or recessMagnificent and imposingA soft smooth shiny qualityA particular shade of a colourSmooth connection of two partsPeople with important positionTo be on each or on one side ofAdmiring and respecting very muchLots of decoration, complex designSerious and sometimes disapproving...

The front office 2024-05-05

The front office crossword puzzle
  1. action of placing capital or money in an economic activity, project or operation with the objective of obtaining a long-term economic return.
  2. person or institution, that is, a natural or legal person, that makes an investment in a business
  3. Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity
  4. assets that are formed with the contributions of a group of people who invest their capital in search of profitability
  5. any activity, work or occupation that is carried out for the purpose of economic gain
  6. To govern, to exercise authority or command over a territory and over the people who inhabit it
  7. Mandatory payments of money required by the State from individuals and companies that are not subject to direct compensation
  8. Record of goods and other things belonging to a person or community, made with order and precision
  9. branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed
  10. Establish or reform something to achieve an end, coordinating the appropriate people and means
  11. Provision by which the testator leaves his property or part of it entrusted to the good faith of someone so that, in a specific case and time, he may transmit it to another person or invest it in the manner indicated.
  1. To separate or separate someone or something from another person or thing or from a place.
  2. Of or relating to banking or banks
  3. the socioeconomic activity that consists of the exchange of some materials that are free in the market for the purchase and sale of goods or services
  4. perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another
  5. means that part of the profits or revenues obtained by a company are not distributed but are used to acquire new fixed assets
  6. quantity of goods or services that you can purchase with a certain amount of money, depending on the price level that exists in the market.
  7. an individual who works for an employer
  8. Obligation that someone has to pay, satisfy or reimburse another person for something, usually money
  9. activities carried out to encourage potential customers to make a certain purchase
  10. Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect
  11. Card or medal that can be exchanged for groceries or other essential items, and sometimes for money.

22 Clues: Of or relating to banking or banksan individual who works for an employerperform a reciprocal exchange of one element for anotherQuantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activityAbility to use someone or something to achieve a specific effectbranch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed...

The front office 2024-04-29

The front office crossword puzzle
  1. bonos
  2. reinversión
  3. eficiencia
  4. comercio
  5. ahorros
  6. negocio
  7. cuenta
  8. administrar
  9. fondos
  10. deuda
  11. inversion
  1. intercambio
  2. finanzas
  3. métodos
  4. impuesto
  5. inversor
  6. bancario
  7. cobertura
  8. patrimonio
  9. de venta

20 Clues: bonosdeudacuentafondosmétodosahorrosnegociofinanzasimpuestoinversorcomerciobancariode ventacoberturainversioneficienciapatrimoniointercambioreinversiónadministrar

The front office 2024-04-29

The front office crossword puzzle
  1. Dividendos
  2. Puntos
  3. Objetivos
  4. Venta
  5. Administrar
  6. Inventario
  7. fund Fondo de inversión
  8. Cuentas
  9. Impuestos
  10. Organizar
  11. Perder
  1. Bonos
  2. Comercio
  3. Bancario
  4. Inversión
  5. Medio ambiente
  6. Jubilación
  7. Adquisitivo
  8. Atraer
  9. Reinversion

20 Clues: BonosVentaPuntosAtraerPerderCuentasComercioBancarioInversiónObjetivosImpuestosOrganizarDividendosJubilaciónInventarioAdquisitivoAdministrarReinversionMedio ambientefund Fondo de inversión

office 2023-11-07

office crossword puzzle
  1. Little square papers that are sticky at the top
  2. a wire that is twisted to hold pieces of paper together.
  3. a thick color pen that comes in different colors
  4. something you use to sign your signature
  5. something to store files in
  6. a thing to clip papers together and if you do it on yourself, it can cause an injury
  7. something that is used to cut things
  8. something you use to rub out when you make a mistake
  9. a sticky thing to stick things together.
  10. a machine that prints paper
  1. a book with lots of paper held together
  2. a marker to write on words that come in different transparent colors.
  3. a permanent pen
  4. something to write on
  5. a board with a big clip on the top to clip paper on
  6. Something to use to sharpen pencils
  7. something sticky to stick things together
  8. a wooden stick that has led at the tip

18 Clues: a permanent pensomething to write onsomething to store files ina machine that prints paperSomething to use to sharpen pencilssomething that is used to cut thingsa wooden stick that has led at the tipa book with lots of paper held togethersomething you use to sign your signaturea sticky thing to stick things together....

"The Office" Crossword 2019-05-15

"The Office" Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. "I burned my foot!"
  2. *location of the show*
  3. *the name of the company*
  4. You`ve got a lot to learn, sweetie."
  5. "C`mon, you`re buying."
  6. "Sometimes, I think I work with idiots."
  7. "Actually,"
  8. "My father was a strict disciplinarian."
  9. "I mean how do you even judge that?"
  1. "Did I stutter?"
  2. "Thats hurtful talk, we`ve talked about that."
  3. "After a couple of months, I`ll introduce you to all the local talent."
  4. "Bears can climb faster than they can run!"
  5. "Can I pull off this Arabian slipper?
  6. "Wow. That is really really good timing."
  7. "Come on Stanly this is serious!"
  8. "Frankly, i`ts overdue."
  9. "I Have a delicious secret"
  10. "Andy is my best friend in the office."
  11. "Michael, I mean when has this ever worked out for you?"

20 Clues: "Actually,""Did I stutter?""I burned my foot!"*location of the show*"C`mon, you`re buying.""Frankly, i`ts overdue."*the name of the company*"I Have a delicious secret""Come on Stanly this is serious!"You`ve got a lot to learn, sweetie.""I mean how do you even judge that?""Can I pull off this Arabian slipper?"Andy is my best friend in the office."...

The Office Characters 2024-04-11

The Office Characters crossword puzzle
  1. first successor of Michael
  2. has a van
  3. nickname "Plop"
  4. went to Cornell
  5. sues dunder Mifflin
  6. Always pranks Dwight
  7. Pam and Jim's first Child
  8. Dates Jim while at the other branch
  9. cheated on his wife
  10. mini Dwight
  11. "____ Vance, Vance refrigeration"
  12. was asked by Michael to get on a table for orientation
  13. Annoying British redhead
  14. "Chao"
  15. loves purple/knits a lot
  1. Beet farmer
  2. owns a truck, from the warehouse
  3. nickname "Acctually"
  4. sprouts beans that "smell like death"
  5. Dwight's cousin
  6. Buys dunder Mifflin for the second and final time
  7. crazy cat lady
  8. Owns Sabre and buys out dunder Mifflin the first time
  9. spilled chili
  10. customer service rep
  11. writes mystery novels
  12. started the fire
  13. "The senator"
  14. Was raised in a foster home
  15. Daryl tries to date her
  16. went to art school

31 Clues: "Chao"has a vanBeet farmermini Dwightspilled chili"The senator"crazy cat ladyDwight's cousinnickname "Plop"went to Cornellstarted the firewent to art schoolsues dunder Mifflincheated on his wifenickname "Acctually"Always pranks Dwightcustomer service repwrites mystery novelsDaryl tries to date herAnnoying British redheadloves purple/knits a lot...

The front office 2024-05-05

The front office crossword puzzle
  1. Of or relating to banking or banks
  2. perform a reciprocal exchange of one element for another
  3. Quantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activity
  4. an individual who works for an employer
  5. Provision by which the testator leaves his property or part of it entrusted to the good faith of someone so that, in a specific case and time, he may transmit it to another person or invest it in the manner indicated.
  6. To separate or separate someone or something from another person or thing or from a place.
  7. Card or medal that can be exchanged for groceries or other essential items, and sometimes for money.
  8. Ability to use someone or something to achieve a specific effect
  1. activities carried out to encourage potential customers to make a certain purchase
  2. Establish or reform something to achieve an end, coordinating the appropriate people and means
  3. To govern, to exercise authority or command over a territory and over the people who inhabit it
  4. person or institution, that is, a natural or legal person, that makes an investment in a business
  5. Record of goods and other things belonging to a person or community, made with order and precision
  6. the socioeconomic activity that consists of the exchange of some materials that are free in the market for the purchase and sale of goods or services
  7. assets that are formed with the contributions of a group of people who invest their capital in search of profitability
  8. quantity of goods or services that you can purchase with a certain amount of money, depending on the price level that exists in the market.
  9. means that part of the profits or revenues obtained by a company are not distributed but are used to acquire new fixed assets
  10. Mandatory payments of money required by the State from individuals and companies that are not subject to direct compensation
  11. branch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed
  12. action of placing capital or money in an economic activity, project or operation with the objective of obtaining a long-term economic return.

20 Clues: Of or relating to banking or banksan individual who works for an employerperform a reciprocal exchange of one element for anotherQuantity or percentage covered by a thing or an activityAbility to use someone or something to achieve a specific effectbranch of economics that has to do with how money is obtained and managed...

The Office Trivia 2021-05-20

The Office Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. The purse girl
  2. What color does Angela find whorish
  3. The convict at the office that inspires Prison Mike
  4. The villian of Michael Scott's movie
  5. Jan's former assistant who becomes a musician
  6. What is Michael's greatest fear besides not being afraid of anything
  7. What did Kevin get himself for secret Santa
  8. Pam wants Michael's old chair, and ___ wants Pam's old chair.
  9. The name of Toby's daughter
  10. What is Angela's replacement cat given by Dwight
  11. Dwight tells Andy that he will NOT be applying to Cornell, but the vastly superior
  12. What Ryan finds in surplus in the back of Michael's car
  1. Pie The song that Dwight and Michael sing while visiting the chair model's grave.
  2. Kelly claims that Ryan loves
  3. Michael confused _____ and samosas.
  4. "______ ______ is not a joke Jim. Millions of families suffer every year!"
  5. What is the stripper's name that eventually gets her "nursing degree"
  6. "I am ______, always"
  7. Jan's favorite alcoholic beverage
  8. Bob Hope and _____ ____ both have qualities of a good replacement manager at Dunder Mifflin
  9. Jan has an office and a ________ because she cannot create in the same place she works.
  10. What does Michael hide under Jan's side of the bed

22 Clues: The purse girl"I am ______, always"The name of Toby's daughterKelly claims that Ryan lovesJan's favorite alcoholic beverageMichael confused _____ and samosas.What color does Angela find whorishThe villian of Michael Scott's movieWhat did Kevin get himself for secret SantaJan's former assistant who becomes a musician...

The Office Crossword 2015-10-06

The Office Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Dwight believes David Wallace hides this drug in his trash
  2. The term Michael uses to describe "Nasty Christmas"
  3. Was decapitated by an 18 wheeler
  4. This actor plays Andy's brother
  5. The fictional brand of suit that Michael accidentally wears
  6. Is proposed to in the office while surrounded by hundreds of lit candles
  7. Goes into business with Jim Halpert
  8. The name of Jan's former assistant
  9. Michael shouts that he has this to the entire office and then refuses to pay his bills
  10. Has the license plate "WLHUNG"
  11. Andy sings all four parts of his ringtone of this song
  12. In order to demonstrate depression, Michael drops this onto a trampoline that lands on Stanley's car
  13. Kevin gets lost in this during the goodbye celebration for Toby
  14. This actor has a one min cameo on the show and tries to get the open position
  15. Michael ate this during the run for diabetes instead of drinking water
  16. The Office's version of The Oscars
  17. Andy tries to impress Erin by giving her gifts from this Christmas song
  18. Reassigns Holly to another department which causes Michael to be heartbroken
  19. Andy is sent away to .... after he punches a hole in the wall
  20. The town where The Office takes place
  21. Jim makes this meal for Pam during the intermission from the reading of "Threat Level Midnight"
  22. This actor became the new branch manager after Michael left, but he only starred in 2-3 episodes
  23. The joke Michael often uses around the office
  24. Jan's former last name
  25. Married a real goofball at work
  26. Michael claimed this character's daughter was sexy so he took down the picture of her
  27. Stanley confides in Michael about his .... which turns out to be a very bad idea
  28. Took over Jan's job and then got fired for embezzlement
  29. The name of Kevin Malone's Police cover band
  30. Michael thinks he sees Tina Fey in NY, but while he goes to look for her, this celebrity actually passes by him
  31. "Wait so the Scranton branch is closing? IN YOUR FACE!"
  32. When Dwight tries to usurp Michael and take his job, Michael punishes him by making Dwight do his .... for a year
  33. The owner of Vance Refridgeration
  34. Jim puts a stapler in this food item twice
  35. The fake dentist Dwight makes up in order for Michael to believe he actually got a dentist appointment
  1. This character gets accidentally run over by Michael in his car
  2. Todd Packer ruins Michael's ... and causes him to believe someone in the office was responsible
  3. Michael creates a fictional spy character by the name of ...
  4. ".... is the new golf course. It's where business happens."
  5. Got himself for secret santa but didn't tell anyone
  6. Plays pranks on co-workers around the office
  7. Has a cat that was left in the fridge by Dwight
  8. When Dwight tries to train Ryan in the ways of business, he uses his cousin .... to scare him
  9. The song on Michael's cell phone during the fire
  10. Michael never stops making fun of Toby because of his ....
  11. Michael gets high at a .... concert from a girl with a lip ring
  12. The business Michael creates when he is fired from Dunder Mifflin
  13. Fell in love with someone who was in love with someone else
  14. Won a free fridge on casino night by stealing other people's chips
  15. Her favorite drink is a shirley temple with 7 maraschino cherries and sugar on the rim
  16. When Michael and Jim are both managers of the branch, Jim sends Ryan to the ... for disobedience
  17. Attempts to punch Jim for kissing Pam
  18. Michael moved him to the back in order to keep him out of sight and mind
  19. Michael's car
  20. Insists that she and Michael are the same age
  21. The social media project Ryan tries to create but unfortunately fails
  22. Got a concussion while trying to pick up Michael for work
  23. The villain in Michael's fictional movie
  24. The fictional bar the characters often visit
  25. Dwight creates in the office this when Jim is on paternity leave
  26. Michael is upset when he gets this during secret santa from Phyllis
  27. Has an affair with a congressman and also receives harassment from Michael
  28. Has the same name as someone else in the office, so she changed her name
  29. The name of Michael's video production company
  30. Pam and Jim move to this city in the series finale

65 Clues: Michael's carJan's former last nameHas the license plate "WLHUNG"This actor plays Andy's brotherMarried a real goofball at workWas decapitated by an 18 wheelerThe owner of Vance RefridgerationThe name of Jan's former assistantThe Office's version of The OscarsGoes into business with Jim HalpertAttempts to punch Jim for kissing Pam...

The Office (Walter) 2024-04-16

The Office (Walter) crossword puzzle
  1. day cause by Michael's racially offensive comments
  2. Donna's husband coaches
  3. Dwight tricked Angela into marriage by having mose speak
  4. Many sayings on rainy days
  5. Michaels alter ego (movie character)
  6. Diwali
  7. realizes the senator is gay
  8. Has Dalmatians
  9. Villain in "Threat Level Midnight"
  10. best pizza in New York
  1. Toby went to _____ after his divorce
  2. Bought parents house
  3. Pam and Angela both wanted to name their son
  4. Michael likes pam to bring him ______during meetings so he looks important
  5. sings little drummer boy at Christmas party
  6. put Aspirin in Michaels pudding
  7. Michael's dating website username
  8. Michaels realtor girlfriend
  9. "we didn't eat the children.... it never came to that"
  10. makes candles
  11. Meredith was bit by a

21 Clues: Diwalimakes candlesHas DalmatiansBought parents houseMeredith was bit by abest pizza in New YorkDonna's husband coachesMany sayings on rainy daysMichaels realtor girlfriendrealizes the senator is gayput Aspirin in Michaels puddingMichael's dating website usernameVillain in "Threat Level Midnight"Toby went to _____ after his divorce...