world war 2 Crossword Puzzles

World War II Vocabulary 2023-12-12

World War II Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Hitler’s “Final Solution” of systematic killing of European Jews and others by the Nazis
  2. A leader who rules with total authority in a cruel or brutal manner
  3. A political philosophy in which total power is given to a dictator and individual freedoms are denied
  4. Great Britain, the USA, the USSR, and France
  5. He used unrest and economic instability in Italy to grab power in the 1920s
  6. Germany, Italy, and Japan
  7. Consumers could buy only certain number of goods so that the majority of these goods could be sent abroad to aid in the war effort
  8. battle that was the first major Japanese defeat and the turning point of the war in the Pacific
  9. President of the US focused on his New Deal
  1. Accepting demands in order to avoid conflicts
  2. first Japanese city where the U.S. dropped atomic bombs ending WWII
  3. Site of Japanese surprise attack on December 7, 1941
  4. Normandy Invasion on June 6, 1944: the largest combined land-sea-air invasion in history
  5. A government in which all economic and social activity is controlled by totalitarian leaders and one powerful political party
  6. Hatred, hostility, and discrimination toward and against Jews
  7. He was military general and Prime Minister of Japan from 1941 – 1944
  8. Battle in Soviet city that was a Soviet victory and marked a major turning point in the war on the eastern front
  9. He was appointed Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1940 and led Britain with great courage
  10. He used the anger over the Treaty of Versailles and the depression in Germany to grab power in the 1920s

19 Clues: Germany, Italy, and JapanPresident of the US focused on his New DealGreat Britain, the USA, the USSR, and FranceAccepting demands in order to avoid conflictsSite of Japanese surprise attack on December 7, 1941Hatred, hostility, and discrimination toward and against JewsA leader who rules with total authority in a cruel or brutal manner...

COLD WAR 2023-12-01

COLD WAR crossword puzzle
  1. the political repression and persecution of left-wing individuals and a campaign spreading fear of alleged communist and Soviet influence on American institutions
  2. the US and the soviet union were the two big one after world war 2
  3. Scare scared of the rise of comunism
  4. a collective secuity system
  5. A policy followed by the US in the Cold War that was laid out by George Keenan
  6. Plan proposed that the United States provide economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of postwar Europe
  1. Doctrine provide , military, and encomic, econmic assistance to restore the economic infrastrature
  2. Pact a collective defense treaty established by the soviet union
  3. Airlift one of the major crisis in the cold war
  4. F. Keenan formulated rhe police of the cointaiment

10 Clues: a collective secuity systemScare scared of the rise of comunismAirlift one of the major crisis in the cold warF. Keenan formulated rhe police of the cointaimentPact a collective defense treaty established by the soviet unionthe US and the soviet union were the two big one after world war 2...

World War Crossword Puzzle 2022-04-11

World War Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The way that people have been affected by an event.
  2. How is an event related to modern events or contemporary concerns.
  3. The first battle with tanks, and in which British failed to break the German lines.
  4. A war involves all of governments, economies and populations.
  5. A prolonged war which has the purpose of causing more casualties to the opponent.
  6. Inventions by German used to defeat British Navy and cut off their supplies
  7. Political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force, preparing to use it to aggressively defend the country.
  8. The reason of an event being dicussed and the single element of focus of commemorations.
  1. A policy of expanding a nation's power, and influencing others through its military forces.
  2. Treaties took after the World War I.
  3. Longest battle in world war I
  4. is established to become a place which countries can come together for resolving a problem before a war.
  5. Telegram sent fromzimmerman to Germany and is used to convince United States to declare war on Germany.
  6. The friendly relationships between two or more countries.
  7. What an event achieved that had not been done
  8. A belief that people should support their own nations, and strengthen the exclusion to the interests of other nations.

16 Clues: Longest battle in world war ITreaties took after the World War I.What an event achieved that had not been doneThe way that people have been affected by an event.The friendly relationships between two or more countries.A war involves all of governments, economies and populations.How is an event related to modern events or contemporary concerns....

The road to the revolution 2021-09-17

The road to the revolution crossword puzzle
  1. temoerary government that contained the laws, served as colonist government durring the war.
  2. congress unified group or representatives from different colonies that met to discuss the stamp act.
  3. won by british gave them control or new york city and its port.biggest battle in war
  4. pushed into the countryside during a harsh winter.washington loses 20% OF HIS ARMY
  5. one of Washington's top generals, He betrayed washigton for a position of higher rank in the british army
  6. known as swampfox.Led guerilla-style ambush assults in the south aganist the british army
  7. the king of england forbids all colonist to move into ohio valley.
  1. Mostly made up of merchants, these were terrorist that antagonized parliament and pushed the country towords war.
  2. total control over pricing and distribution of a product.
  3. britians law-making body.
  4. taxes on paper,paint,led and glass
  5. after the french and indian war, indians attackedcolonist who tried to settle in the ohio valley
  6. britians general.lost entire army while waiting for reinforcements on the coast of virginia
  7. skirmish that erupted when colonist outside boston ambushed british soilders.the short her around the world
  8. the british and french were at war in other parts of the world. this was the name for their confllict in north america
  9. colonist who supported the war with Britain

16 Clues: britians law-making body.taxes on paper,paint,led and glasscolonist who supported the war with Britaintotal control over pricing and distribution of a product.the king of england forbids all colonist to move into ohio valley.pushed into the countryside during a harsh winter.washington loses 20% OF HIS ARMY...

Southwest Asia 2016-10-22

Southwest Asia crossword puzzle
  1. Of Iraq / What did the U.S. launch in 2003?
  2. / What is the new name of the city conquered in 1453 by the Ottoman Empire?
  3. / Who lived in Israel first?
  4. / What is the main conflict about with the Arabs and Israelis?
  5. 1 / Who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire?
  6. / Since Iraq had no access to the coastline they invaded what country?
  7. Much Land / What is one thing that contributed to the fall of the Ottoman Empire?
  8. In Afghanistan / What war had the U.S. go to looking for the people responsible for 9/11?
  9. Storm / What was the operation called from the invasion of Kuwait?
  1. Days / How long did the war did the war of 1967 between the Israelis and the Palestinians last?
  2. / Soldiers that were loyal to the Sultan were called what?
  3. Eleven / What day did the Al-Qaeda attack the World Trade Center?
  4. Palestines / Who turned down the UN 1947 Partition Plan?
  5. Wall / What divides the Israelis and the Palestinians from crossing no man's land?
  6. / A radical group to engage terrorist attacks and activities.
  7. / Re-establishment & development of the Jewish State (Israel).
  8. / What war caused the Jews to flee from Europe?
  9. / How many planes crashed into the World Trade Center on 9/11?
  10. / What modern Middle Eastern country was the Ottoman Empire centered around?

19 Clues: / Who lived in Israel first?Of Iraq / What did the U.S. launch in 2003?1 / Who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire?/ What war caused the Jews to flee from Europe?Palestines / Who turned down the UN 1947 Partition Plan?/ Soldiers that were loyal to the Sultan were called what?/ A radical group to engage terrorist attacks and activities....

General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute and Museum Crossword Pt 2 2020-04-09

General Tommy Franks Leadership Institute and Museum Crossword Pt 2 crossword puzzle
  1. What international conflict was referred to as the "war to end all wars"?
  2. Who allied themselves with the Colonies against the British Crown, secretly shipping supplies to the Continental Army?
  3. Which famous abolitionist and Underground Railroad Conducter also joined the Union Army as a nurse and acted as a scout and spy behind Confederate lines?
  4. Which country did Germany invade in 1939 beginning World War II?
  5. Who said this when addressing congress in 1941, "In the days to come the British and American peoples will for their own safety and for the good of all walk together side by side in majesty, in justice and in peace."?
  6. Who was the first and only president to serve three terms?
  1. In 1775, who ended his speech shouting, "Give me liberty or give me death!" When addressing the Second Virginia Convention in Richmond, Virginia, spurring the colonies into defensive action against the British crown?
  2. Who was the first president of the United States?
  3. Which president issued the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves in the Confederate states in 1863?
  4. What was the pronouncement authored by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston and signed on July 4, 1776?
  5. War horses were common in warfare throughout the world and used up into World War I, what form of machinery introduced during the 'Great War' phased out the use of horses in battle?
  6. Which American conflict was the deadliest war?
  7. Which Union General led the United States Army in winning the American Civil War and later served as the 18th president of the United States?
  8. What nickname was coined to Confederate general, Thomas Jonathan Jackson?
  9. From 1942-1945 The USMC recruited which Native American tribe to create a code that the Japanese could not break?

15 Clues: Which American conflict was the deadliest war?Who was the first president of the United States?Who was the first and only president to serve three terms?Which country did Germany invade in 1939 beginning World War II?What international conflict was referred to as the "war to end all wars"?...

The reforms of Alexander II (first two pages) 2021-12-05

The reforms of Alexander II (first two pages) crossword puzzle
  1. Inequitable type of tax
  2. Person who enforced payments by peasants (2 words)
  3. Name for a law
  4. The Crimea juts into this sea
  5. Grandfather of Tsar Nicholas II (Name & numerals)
  6. Growth causing land hunger
  7. Owner of serfs
  8. War Russia was involved in (1853-1856)
  9. A victor in the Crimean War
  10. Restrictions on access to ideas
  11. Person forced to be a soldier
  1. ‘Thinking’ class of people
  2. Russian term that is equivalent to ‘emperor’
  3. Time of starvation
  4. Upper class
  5. Freed
  6. Rule by one ruler with absolute power
  7. Desire for land (2 words)
  8. Feudal labourer
  9. Payments required of former serfs for land

20 Clues: FreedUpper className for a lawOwner of serfsFeudal labourerTime of starvationInequitable type of taxDesire for land (2 words)‘Thinking’ class of peopleGrowth causing land hungerA victor in the Crimean WarThe Crimea juts into this seaPerson forced to be a soldierRestrictions on access to ideasRule by one ruler with absolute power...

Humanities Revision 2016-03-02

Humanities Revision crossword puzzle
  1. Misleading or biased information used to promote a political point of view (10)
  2. An association formed for mutual benefits (9)
  3. A political ideology where there is government led by a dictator, and they have absolute power (7)
  4. A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)
  5. The "perfect" race with blonde hair and blue eyes. (5, 4)
  6. The treaty that ended World War I and blamed Germany. It also made Germany pay reparations(6,2,10)
  7. Formed based on Wilson's idea, known as the guardian of world peace (6,2,7)
  8. A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)
  1. The period of time where the stock exchange collapsed that resulted in unemployment and poverty (11)
  2. A policy of conceding to aggression by a warlike nation to avoid conflict(11)
  3. A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)
  4. Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)
  5. A group of countries that signed the Tripartite Act, consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan (4, 5)
  6. A place with a large numbers of people such as political prisoners (13, 5)
  7. Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)
  8. A political ideology that believes in private ownership rather than by state (10)
  9. A state forming and alliance with another state(6)
  10. A political ideology where the government owns all property and wealth and the person is given back according to their ability (9)

18 Clues: A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)An association formed for mutual benefits (9)Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)A state forming and alliance with another state(6)A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)...

Greek City States 2024-10-21

Greek City States crossword puzzle
  1. Located in Ionia- key in Persian War.
  2. Sparta won this war and led this alliance
  3. Philip II defeated Thebes. Where was he from?
  4. Soundly defeated Sparta and ended its dominance in the Greek world.
  5. Known for its textiles and colonies. Responsible for Constantinople, a major world city.
  6. Wealthy naval city state on the island of Sicily
  1. Often the peace keeper between Athens and sparta
  2. Where did the famous "stand" of the 300 Spartans take place during the Persian War.
  3. While never one of the most powerful city states, it was often a thorn in Sparta's side
  4. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, created by Rhodes.
  5. Athens was the birthplace of
  6. Thebes ended the influence of a major city state at this event
  7. Important pilgrimage site to ancient Greeks.

13 Clues: Athens was the birthplace ofLocated in Ionia- key in Persian War.Sparta won this war and led this allianceImportant pilgrimage site to ancient Greeks.Philip II defeated Thebes. Where was he from?Often the peace keeper between Athens and spartaWealthy naval city state on the island of Sicily...

Akyra's U.S History Crossword 2020-02-14

Akyra's U.S History Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down
  2. war fought to achieve a limited objective ( 2 words)
  3. left over from the nuclear blast
  4. the diplomat that responded with the long telegram explaining his views of soviet goals (2 words)
  5. built these in their backyards and stocked them with food (2 words)
  6. the thing that separated the communist nations of eastern europe from the west (2 words)
  7. -German leader; killed many Jewish people
  8. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  1. thing that would give european nations american aid to rebuild their economies (2 words)
  2. -a city near berlin that truman met stalin (2 words)
  3. - ussr facilitator
  4. is used to screen all federal employees. ( 2 words)
  5. of american states- OAS
  6. -the communist counties of eastern europe came to become this ( 2 words)
  7. disapproval against McCarthy
  8. million-between 1947 and 1951 this many federal employees were screened for their loyalty

16 Clues: - ussr facilitatorof american states- OASdisapproval against McCarthyleft over from the nuclear blastthe North Atlantic Treaty Organization-German leader; killed many Jewish people-a city near berlin that truman met stalin (2 words)is used to screen all federal employees. ( 2 words)war fought to achieve a limited objective ( 2 words)...

Anzac Day 2020 2020-04-19

Anzac Day 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. The place where the Anzacs fought in world war one
  2. Where there is lots of fighting and violence with either a surrender on a victory
  3. Australian soldiers gave the papua new guinean war carriers who helped them by carrying the injured australian troops
  4. recall and show respect for someone
  5. the action of remembering something
  6. the soldiers
  7. The place where we go to celebrate the lives of the ANZACs
  1. the time of day when the sun rises
  2. a trail that the anzacs hiked on
  3. the soldiers that fought in world war one
  4. many people go to this very early event on anzac day
  5. to walk in an organized procession

12 Clues: the soldiersa trail that the anzacs hiked onthe time of day when the sun risesto walk in an organized processionrecall and show respect for someonethe action of remembering somethingthe soldiers that fought in world war oneThe place where the Anzacs fought in world war onemany people go to this very early event on anzac day...

WW1 2021-04-21

WW1 crossword puzzle
  1. Being drafted into the military
  2. The main treaty that ended the first world war
  3. The term used to describe soldiers facing trauma after the first world war
  4. A battle between two planes
  1. Biased/Misleading information
  2. Someone who refuses to fight
  3. An agreement to end conflict
  4. A group of vehicles travelling to a single place
  5. The deadly strain of influenza that spread worldwide during the first world war

9 Clues: A battle between two planesSomeone who refuses to fightAn agreement to end conflictBiased/Misleading informationBeing drafted into the militaryThe main treaty that ended the first world warA group of vehicles travelling to a single placeThe term used to describe soldiers facing trauma after the first world war...

The Cold War And Decolonization (1945-1975) 2013-02-24

The Cold War And Decolonization (1945-1975) crossword puzzle
  1. Doctrine/the policy of President Truman, as advocated in his address to Congress on March 12, 1947, to provide military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey and, by extension, to any country threatened by Communism or any totalitarian ideology.
  2. revolution/(Historical Terms) (in China) a mass movement (1965-68), in which the youthful Red Guard played a prominent part. It was initiated by Mao Tse-tung to destroy the power of the bureaucrats and to revolutionize the attitudes and behavior of the people
  3. plan/(1948-51) U.S.-sponsored program to provide economic aid to European countries after World War II. The idea of a European self-help plan financed by the U.S. was proposed by George Marshall in 1947 and was authorized by Congress as the European Recovery Program.
  4. War/A protracted military conflict (1954-1975) between the Communist forces of North Vietnam supported by China and the Soviet Union and the non-Communist forces of South Vietnam supported by the United States.
  5. Nations/An international organization composed of most of the countries of the world. It was founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and economic development.
  6. of the Petroleum Exporting Countries/an organization formed in 1961 to administer a common policy for the sale of petroleum. Its members are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.
  7. War/A conflict that lasted from 1950 to 1953 between North Korea, aided by China, and South Korea, aided by United Nations forces consisting primarily of U.S. troops.
  8. bank/an international cooperative organization established in 1945 under the Bretton Woods Agreement to assist economic development, esp of backward nations, by the advance of loans guaranteed by member governments Officially called International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  1. world/The developing countries
  2. nations/developing countries that announced their neutrality in the cold war.
  3. accords/International agreement signed in 1975, designed to reduce tension between the Soviet and Western blocs. It was an attempt to secure common acceptance of the post-World War II status quo in Europe, including the division of Germany.
  4. curtain/A notional barrier that prevents the passage of information or ideas between political entities, in particular.
  5. missile crisis/(1962) Major confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over the presence of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. In October 1962 a U.S. spy plane detected a ballistic missile on a launching site in Cuba. Pres. John F. Kennedy placed a naval blockade around the island, and for several days the U.S. and the Soviet Union hovered on the brink of war.
  6. Community/An economic and political association of certain European countries, incorporated since 1993 in the European Union.
  7. Pact/(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a military treaty and association of E European countries, formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania
  8. war/A state of political tension and military rivalry between nations that stops short of full-scale war, especially that which existed between the United States and Soviet Union following World War II.
  9. Atlantic Treaty Organization/An international organization, begun in 1949. The members have pledged to settle disputes among themselves peacefully and to defend one another against outside aggressors.

17 Clues: world/The developing countriesnations/developing countries that announced their neutrality in the cold war.curtain/A notional barrier that prevents the passage of information or ideas between political entities, in particular....

Humanities Revision 2016-03-02

Humanities Revision crossword puzzle
  1. A group of countries that signed the Tripartite Act, consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan (4, 5)
  2. A policy of conceding to aggression by a warlike nation to avoid conflict(11)
  3. A place with a large numbers of people such as political prisoners (13, 5)
  4. The treaty that ended World War I and blamed Germany. It also made Germany pay reparations(6,2,10)
  5. A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)
  6. Misleading or biased information used to promote a political point of view (10)
  7. a stock exchange (5,6)
  8. A political ideology where the government owns all property and wealth and the person is given back according to their ability (9)
  9. A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)
  10. An association formed for mutual benefits (9)
  1. The period of time where the stock exchange collapsed that resulted in unemployment and poverty. (11)
  2. Formed based on Wilson's idea, known as the guardian of world peace (6,2,7)
  3. A political ideology where there is government led by a dictator, and they have absolute power (7)
  4. A state forming and alliance with another state(6)
  5. Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)
  6. A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)
  7. A political ideology that believes in private ownership rather than by state (10)
  8. The "perfect" race with blonde hair and blue eyes. (5, 4)

18 Clues: a stock exchange (5,6)A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)An association formed for mutual benefits (9)Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)A state forming and alliance with another state(6)A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)...

Humanities Revision 2016-03-02

Humanities Revision crossword puzzle
  1. A political ideology where the government owns all property and wealth and the person is given back according to their ability (9)
  2. A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)
  3. The treaty that ended World War I and blamed Germany. It also made Germany pay reparations(6,2,10)
  4. The "perfect" race with blonde hair and blue eyes. (5, 4)
  5. A political ideology that believes in private ownership rather than by state (10)
  6. The period of time where the stock exchange collapsed that resulted in unemployment and poverty (11)
  7. A group of countries that signed the Tripartite Act, consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan (4, 5)
  1. A policy of conceding to aggression by a warlike nation to avoid conflict(11)
  2. An association formed for mutual benefits (9)
  3. Formed based on Wilson's idea, known as the guardian of world peace (6,2,7)
  4. A place with a large numbers of people such as political prisoners (13, 5)
  5. Misleading or biased information used to promote a political point of view (10)
  6. A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)
  7. Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)
  8. A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)
  9. A state forming and alliance with another state(6)
  10. Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)
  11. A political ideology where there is government led by a dictator, and they have absolute power (7)

18 Clues: A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)An association formed for mutual benefits (9)Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)A state forming and alliance with another state(6)A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)...

Humanities Revision 2016-03-02

Humanities Revision crossword puzzle
  1. A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)
  2. A group of countries that signed the Tripartite Act, consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan (4, 5)
  3. A political ideology that believes in private ownership rather than by state (10)
  4. A policy of conceding to aggression by a warlike nation to avoid conflict(11)
  5. Formed based on Wilson's idea, known as the guardian of world peace (6,2,7)
  6. Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)
  7. A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)
  8. The treaty that ended World War I and blamed Germany. It also made Germany pay reparations(6,2,10)
  1. Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)
  2. A place with a large numbers of people such as political prisoners (13, 5)
  3. A state forming and alliance with another state(6)
  4. Misleading or biased information used to promote a political point of view (10)
  5. An association formed for mutual benefits (9)
  6. The period of time where the stock exchange collapsed that resulted in unemployment and poverty (11)
  7. A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)
  8. A political ideology where there is government led by a dictator, and they have absolute power (7)
  9. A political ideology where the government owns all property and wealth and the person is given back according to their ability (9)
  10. The "perfect" race with blonde hair and blue eyes. (5, 4)

18 Clues: A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)An association formed for mutual benefits (9)Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)A state forming and alliance with another state(6)A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)...

Famous Historical Figures 2024-03-03

Famous Historical Figures crossword puzzle
  1. The first President of the USA
  2. Egyptian queen known for her beauty and intelligence
  3. Russian author of "War and Peace"
  4. German physicist known for his theory of relativity
  5. French military leader and emperor
  6. First man to walk on the moon
  1. Italian explorer who discovered the Americas
  2. Italian painter who painted the Mona Lisa
  3. Leader of the Soviet Union during World War II
  4. Man who saw an apple fall from tree, and was inspired to invent the theory of gravity
  5. First man in space
  6. German dictator responsible for World War II
  7. The first African American to serve as the President of USA

13 Clues: First man in spaceFirst man to walk on the moonThe first President of the USARussian author of "War and Peace"French military leader and emperorItalian painter who painted the Mona LisaItalian explorer who discovered the AmericasGerman dictator responsible for World War IILeader of the Soviet Union during World War II...

Ashleigh's BTN Crossword 2018-12-06

Ashleigh's BTN Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. most recently discovered disease
  2. what do they want to make paper world wide
  3. years what have btn been celebrating
  4. sporting event Prince Harry flew here to see and support
  5. where was a resent war
  6. 1st out of 2 PM’s this year
  7. what building was used for protesting
  8. what was held in Peong Yang Korea
  9. flooding really fast
  10. fifa world cup was held in this country
  11. America’s president
  12. red leather ball and wooden bat
  13. in which country did a soccer team get stuck in a cave
  14. like a tornado
  15. celebrate being indigenous
  16. most worthless money this year
  17. forest inflames
  18. what were strawberries contaminated with
  1. our land
  2. American school shooting
  3. what have people been saying to btn
  4. what was investigated by the industry
  5. most recent PM of Australia
  6. what made people look up in the sky
  7. dried up land
  8. out of this world
  9. huge massive wave
  10. lava explosion
  11. how many PM’s have we had this year
  12. what fruits were contaminated with needles
  13. Mr. X found these
  14. sorry
  15. when things are wrong
  16. kids news
  17. what was the 100th anniversary for
  18. big ball of fire

36 Clues: sorryour landkids newsdried up landlava explosionlike a tornadoforest inflamesbig ball of fireout of this worldhuge massive waveMr. X found theseAmerica’s presidentflooding really fastwhen things are wrongwhere was a resent warAmerican school shootingcelebrate being indigenousmost recent PM of Australia1st out of 2 PM’s this year...

u11 vocab crossword 2023-05-03

u11 vocab crossword crossword puzzle
  1. policy of the United States adopted after the Second World War to aid countries such as Turkey and Greece to stop the spread of communism
  2. process of former colonies moving towards independence
  3. rights regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons
  1. the U.S. approach to containing, or preventing, the spread of Communism after World War II
  2. theory adopted in U.S. foreign policy after World War II according to which the “fall” of a noncommunist state to communism would precipitate the fall of noncommunist governments in neighboring states
  3. systematic killing of a particular ethnic group
  4. the political, military, and ideological barrier erected by the Soviet Union after World War II to seal off itself and its dependent eastern and central European allies from open contact with the West and other noncommunist areas.
  5. the use of violence to draw attention to a cause or political aim
  6. policy of the United States adopted after the Second World War to provide money to European nations to rebuild
  7. a political system in South Africa that legally separated people of different races

10 Clues: systematic killing of a particular ethnic groupprocess of former colonies moving towards independencerights regarded as belonging fundamentally to all personsthe use of violence to draw attention to a cause or political aima political system in South Africa that legally separated people of different races...

Humanities Revision 2016-03-02

Humanities Revision crossword puzzle
  1. A group of countries that signed the Tripartite Act, consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan (4, 5)
  2. A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)
  3. A political ideology where the government owns all property and wealth and the person is given back according to their ability (9)
  4. An association formed for mutual benefits (9)
  5. A place with a large numbers of people such as political prisoners (13, 5)
  6. The treaty that ended World War I and blamed Germany. It also made Germany pay reparations(6,2,10)
  7. Misleading or biased information used to promote a political point of view (10)
  8. A political ideology where there is government led by a dictator, and they have absolute power (7)
  1. A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)
  2. The period of time where the stock exchange collapsed that resulted in unemployment and poverty (11)
  3. A state forming and alliance with another state(6)
  4. Formed based on Wilson's idea, known as the guardian of world peace (6,2,7)
  5. A policy of conceding to aggression by a warlike nation to avoid conflict(11)
  6. Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)
  7. A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)
  8. A political ideology that believes in private ownership rather than by state (10)
  9. Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)
  10. The "perfect" race with blonde hair and blue eyes. (5, 4)

18 Clues: A person captured during war (8, 2, 3)Shares of publicity between companies (5,6)An association formed for mutual benefits (9)Rulers with total control and absolute power(9)A political ideology that comes from fascism (6)A state forming and alliance with another state(6)A revolution in Russia that occurred in 1917.(9,10)...

Crossword Unit 2 2020-10-29

Crossword Unit 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Is a paper were you write and than send to an other person.
  2. an other word for do
  3. The ONU is an ... Organization
  4. if you have a wish don`t lose the ...
  5. A cake is a ...
  6. something that can't wait
  7. The peak of a mountain is a ... place
  8. When someone is popular has a .. for being friendly.
  9. When you make everything good
  1. A person who speak 2 languages
  2. Strong feelings
  3. just happened
  4. The buffon is an...
  5. The world has 5 ...
  6. Immigrants are .. when they live in Mexico
  7. Flash is faster that a ...
  8. The sound that do a bee
  9. ... the people has 5 fingers
  10. a person who speak 3 languages
  11. In infinity war Thanos make ... the half part of the population.

20 Clues: just happenedStrong feelingsA cake is a ...The buffon is an...The world has 5 other word for doThe sound that do a beesomething that can't waitFlash is faster that a ...... the people has 5 fingersWhen you make everything goodA person who speak 2 languagesa person who speak 3 languagesThe ONU is an ... Organization...

Miss Gilliam's Class 2024-02-23

Miss Gilliam's Class crossword puzzle
  1. favorite food is donuts
  2. is new to the school this year
  3. has a straight mullet
  4. is blonde
  5. uses the heater as another desk
  6. has glasses
  7. his bff is Josiah
  8. sits in the back by the window
  9. her mom works here
  10. sold Miss G girl scout cookies
  11. always takes the lunch bin
  12. the youngest
  13. has a curly mullet
  1. wears a comfy for a coat
  2. has cat headphones
  3. the other twin
  4. is buddies with her sister
  5. sits by the computers
  6. a boy who sits by Alisha
  7. has a giant World War 2 book
  8. has red hair
  9. has a twin
  10. sits by Bailey
  11. a boy who is in band
  12. has brown hair and sits by Declan
  13. sits by Claire

26 Clues: is blondehas a twinhas glasseshas red hairthe youngestthe other twinsits by Baileysits by Clairehis bff is Josiahhas cat headphonesher mom works herehas a curly mulleta boy who is in bandsits by the computershas a straight mulletfavorite food is donutswears a comfy for a coata boy who sits by Alishais buddies with her sister...

Random? 2 2024-10-07

Random? 2 crossword puzzle
  1. It's used for nail care
  2. Type of sound
  3. Pastime activity? (2 words)
  4. Money coin
  5. Summertime activity
  6. "The great beyond"
  7. Halloween monster
  8. It's outdoors
  9. ____-phobia
  10. Dentist's gesture
  11. It's a sport
  12. 20th Century author
  13. Italian greeting
  14. Cinco De Mayo country
  15. It's in the Wild West
  1. It's in the grocery
  2. Biggest city in the world?
  3. Autumn month?
  4. School supply in high school
  5. Big
  6. Thing on the job?
  7. Said
  8. Teeth?
  9. School event
  10. Fabric?
  11. Airline, e.g.
  12. It's in the American Civil War
  13. U.S. national park?
  14. Composer name
  15. Paranormal
  16. It's in the ocean
  17. Happy
  18. "One small step for man!"
  19. A type of coffee
  20. On a boat
  21. It's in the jungle

36 Clues: BigSaidHappyTeeth?Fabric?On a boatMoney coinParanormal____-phobiaSchool eventIt's a sportAutumn month?Type of soundAirline, e.g.It's outdoorsComposer nameA type of coffeeItalian greetingThing on the job?Halloween monsterDentist's gestureIt's in the ocean"The great beyond"It's in the jungleIt's in the grocerySummertime activityU.S. national park?...

Surrealism 2023-09-29

Surrealism crossword puzzle
  1. A contrast between any 2 things (colours, objects etc)
  2. The painter of the persistence in time
  1. Dreamlike
  2. Famous for her self portraits
  3. Magritte
  4. An art medium that uses magazines and other paper
  5. Art movement after world war 1

7 Clues: MagritteDreamlikeFamous for her self portraitsArt movement after world war 1The painter of the persistence in timeAn art medium that uses magazines and other paperA contrast between any 2 things (colours, objects etc)

Humanities Revision - Essential Vocabulary 2016-03-02

Humanities Revision - Essential Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Agreement to end fighting
  2. Biased information usually used to promote political causes or point of views
  3. A place where a lot of political prisoners are held
  4. A revolution that occurred in 1917, Russia
  5. A political ideology influenced by fascism
  6. Britain, France and the other states on the winning side in World War I
  7. A period of time where the New York stock exchange collapsed and led to poverty and unemployment
  1. Wilson's idea and formed to hold promise as a guardian of world peace
  2. A stock exchange
  3. A political ideology that believes that a country's trade and industry are controlled by private properties rather than by state
  4. A political ideology where all properties and everyone contributes and receives according to their needs and ability
  5. A compromise between all victorious nations that was signed at the end of World War I
  6. A political ideology where the government is led by a dictator
  7. A person captured during war
  8. An alliance consisting of Japan, Italy and Germany
  9. Rulers with total power over a country, typically obtained control by force

16 Clues: A stock exchangeAgreement to end fightingA person captured during warA revolution that occurred in 1917, RussiaA political ideology influenced by fascismAn alliance consisting of Japan, Italy and GermanyA place where a lot of political prisoners are heldA political ideology where the government is led by a dictator...

Akyra's U.S History Crossword 2020-02-14

Akyra's U.S History Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down
  2. war fought to achieve a limited objective ( 2 words)
  3. left over from the nuclear blast
  4. the diplomat that responded with the long telegram explaining his views of soviet goals (2 words)
  5. built these in their backyards and stocked them with food (2 words)
  6. the thing that separated the communist nations of eastern europe from the west (2 words)
  7. -German leader; killed many Jewish people
  8. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  1. thing that would give european nations american aid to rebuild their economies (2 words)
  2. -a city near berlin that truman met stalin (2 words)
  3. - ussr facilitator
  4. is used to screen all federal employees. ( 2 words)
  5. of american states- OAS
  6. -the communist counties of eastern europe came to become this ( 2 words)
  7. disapproval against McCarthy
  8. million-between 1947 and 1951 this many federal employees were screened for their loyalty

16 Clues: - ussr facilitatorof american states- OASdisapproval against McCarthyleft over from the nuclear blastthe North Atlantic Treaty Organization-German leader; killed many Jewish people-a city near berlin that truman met stalin (2 words)is used to screen all federal employees. ( 2 words)war fought to achieve a limited objective ( 2 words)...

vocabulary 2022-11-18

vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Wilt
  2. Bragg
  3. Wise
  4. Not real
  5. Field of Knowledge
  6. Anger
  7. Different
  8. Ambush
  9. Puzzling
  1. Rapid
  2. Occupation
  3. Push to goal
  4. No War
  5. No to this
  6. Biast
  7. The whole world
  8. Line
  9. Appoint
  10. Promise
  11. Bring to an end

20 Clues: WiltLineWiseRapidBiastBraggAngerNo WarAmbushAppointPromiseNot realPuzzlingDifferentOccupationNo to thisPush to goalThe whole worldBring to an endField of Knowledge

Figures A 2023-12-18

Figures A crossword puzzle
  1. Major World War II battle
  2. Eastern Roman Empire
  3. 19th-century American expansion belief
  4. Scattering of a people
  5. Sacred journey to a shrine
  1. Greek-influenced cultural period
  2. Post-World War I peace agreement
  3. Ancient trade route
  4. Chinese invention for explosives
  5. Late Stone Age period

10 Clues: Ancient trade routeEastern Roman EmpireLate Stone Age periodScattering of a peopleMajor World War II battleSacred journey to a shrineGreek-influenced cultural periodPost-World War I peace agreementChinese invention for explosives19th-century American expansion belief

Canada's daily life 2014-01-28

Canada's daily life crossword puzzle
  1. Canada's cites are home to some of the best parties and
  2. Canada's _____ and other grain is well known
  3. one of Canada's main languages
  4. farming requires a lot of
  5. like Americans Canadians live in big
  6. Native Indian artist also excel at
  1. after world war 2 huge amounts of immigrants form
  2. Canada has many _____ in the central provinces
  3. Canada is home to many
  4. A average farm has about 1,000
  5. Canada is know for its environment and it's
  6. one of Canada's main sport is
  7. Quebecs local tongue is know as
  8. Canada has a lot of talented

14 Clues: Canada is home to manyfarming requires a lot ofCanada has a lot of talentedone of Canada's main sport isA average farm has about 1,000one of Canada's main languagesQuebecs local tongue is know asNative Indian artist also excel atlike Americans Canadians live in bigCanada is know for its environment and it's...

Canada's daily life 2014-01-28

Canada's daily life crossword puzzle
  1. after world war 2 huge amounts of immigrants form
  2. A average farm has about 1,000
  3. like Americans Canadians live in big
  4. Canada is home to many
  5. Canada is know for its environment and it's
  6. Canada's _____ and other grain is well known
  7. Canada's cites are home to some of the best parties and
  8. one of Canada's main languages
  1. Quebecs local tongue is know as
  2. Native Indian artist also excel at
  3. Canada has a lot of talented
  4. Canada has many _____ in the central provinces
  5. farming requires a lot of
  6. one of Canada's main sport is

14 Clues: Canada is home to manyfarming requires a lot ofCanada has a lot of talentedone of Canada's main sport isA average farm has about 1,000one of Canada's main languagesQuebecs local tongue is know asNative Indian artist also excel atlike Americans Canadians live in bigCanada is know for its environment and it's...

Canada's daily life 2014-01-28

Canada's daily life crossword puzzle
  1. like Americans Canadians live in big
  2. after world war 2 huge amounts of immigrants form
  3. Canada has a lot of talented
  4. Canada's cites are home to some of the best parties and
  5. Native Indian artist also excel at
  6. farming requires a lot of
  7. Canada has many _____ in the central provinces
  1. Quebecs local tongue is know as
  2. Canada is home to many
  3. Canada is know for its environment and it's
  4. A average farm has about 1,000
  5. one of Canada's main languages
  6. Canada's _____ and other grain is well known
  7. one of Canada's main sport is

14 Clues: Canada is home to manyfarming requires a lot ofCanada has a lot of talentedone of Canada's main sport isA average farm has about 1,000one of Canada's main languagesQuebecs local tongue is know asNative Indian artist also excel atlike Americans Canadians live in bigCanada is know for its environment and it's...

World War I Kariel 2015-11-26

World War I Kariel crossword puzzle
  1. to make peace with another country normally after war
  2. wooden planks in trenches
  3. France and Germany wanted Morocco. Germany wanted to test France and Britain's alliance. This caused...
  4. Austria Hungary wanted an area, so did Serbia. Caused...
  5. made by Germany
  6. Marshall Joffre was one
  7. most dangerous area for soldiers to defend
  8. Blistered skin, ate the flesh, caused internal bleeding/ blindness
  9. to be prideful of your military
  10. Rear side of trenches protected by sand bags
  1. to be proud of your country
  2. dug behind front line trenches
  3. alliance between Russia and Britain
  4. areas in no mans land where soldiers were sent to spy at night
  5. used to destroy enemy aircraft, but were unreliable
  6. The policy of setting up colonies and building up empires by domination another nation politically, economically, and socially.
  7. the company and friendship of others with common aims.
  8. filled with Earth
  9. to befriend another country for protection

19 Clues: made by Germanyfilled with EarthMarshall Joffre was onewooden planks in trenchesto be proud of your countrydug behind front line trenchesto be prideful of your militaryalliance between Russia and Britainmost dangerous area for soldiers to defendto befriend another country for protectionRear side of trenches protected by sand bags...

World War One Crossword 2018-04-08

World War One Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An event during the Revolution of 1905 where hundreds of unarmed protestors would be fired upon and killed by the Imperial Guard on their way to the Imperial Palace.
  2. Open areas between trenches
  3. the first major battle in WW1 on the eastern front held in 1914
  4. The sinking of this British Ocean liner carrying 128 Americans helped spur the U.S. to enter WW1.
  5. Served as the Allie’s first major battle and victory on the western front. For the Central Powers (and specifically Germany), it became battle that signified the failure of the Schlieffen Plan
  6. required enlistment for service into the armed forces
  7. a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other.
  1. Consisted of members of the Triple Entente and other nations during WW1
  2. A type of combat which involves using the toxic properties of chemical substances as weapons.
  3. armored land ships developed around 1915 which held enormous potential on the battlefield during WW1
  4. a message in January 1917 by Germany proposing a military alliance between Mexico and Germany
  5. Remembered as the longest and one of the most costly battles of WW1, it was almost a year of fighting.
  6. For nearly 400 years, Russia had been ruled under this dynasty in various forms prior to the revolution
  7. Where participants use all of their disposable resources in an effort to aid their needs in war.
  8. Consisted of members from the Triple Alliance and other nations during WW1
  9. These extended sea battles from the surface to the depths below.
  10. Held in 1917 on the western front, IT was the first large-scale effective use of tanks in warfare.
  11. refers to the strategy where the participating groups of the war do not use all of their disposable resources (zB. human, industrial, agricultural, military, technological, etc.) during a conflict
  12. refers to the act of deliberately killing mass groups of people, especially those from a specific ethnicity or nation

19 Clues: Open areas between trenchesrequired enlistment for service into the armed forcesthe first major battle in WW1 on the eastern front held in 1914These extended sea battles from the surface to the depths below.Consisted of members of the Triple Entente and other nations during WW1...

World War One Crossword 2018-04-08

World War One Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. refers to the act of deliberately killing mass groups of people, especially those from a specific ethnicity or nation
  2. Open areas between trenches
  3. Where participants use all of their disposable resources in an effort to aid their needs in war.
  4. Held in 1917 on the western front, IT was the first large-scale effective use of tanks in warfare.
  5. Remembered as the longest and one of the most costly battles of WW1, it was almost a year of fighting.
  6. A type of combat which involves using the toxic properties of chemical substances as weapons.
  7. Consisted of members from the Triple Alliance and other nations during WW1
  8. a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other.
  9. armored land ships developed around 1915 which held enormous potential on the battlefield during WW1
  1. These extended sea battles from the surface to the depths below.
  2. a message in January 1917 by Germany proposing a military alliance between Mexico and Germany
  3. the first major battle in WW1 on the eastern front held in 1914
  4. refers to the strategy where the participating groups of the war do not use all of their disposable resources (zB. human, industrial, agricultural, military, technological, etc.) during a conflict
  5. For nearly 400 years, Russia had been ruled under this dynasty in various forms prior to the revolution
  6. The sinking of this British Ocean liner carrying 128 Americans helped spur the U.S. to enter WW1.
  7. Served as the Allie’s first major battle and victory on the western front. For the Central Powers (and specifically Germany), it became battle that signified the failure of the Schlieffen Plan
  8. Consisted of members of the Triple Entente and other nations during WW1
  9. required enlistment for service into the armed forces
  10. An event during the Revolution of 1905 where hundreds of unarmed protestors would be fired upon and killed by the Imperial Guard on their way to the Imperial Palace.

19 Clues: Open areas between trenchesrequired enlistment for service into the armed forcesthe first major battle in WW1 on the eastern front held in 1914These extended sea battles from the surface to the depths below.Consisted of members of the Triple Entente and other nations during WW1...

World War I Review 2023-03-07

World War I Review crossword puzzle
  1. One sided information intended to persuade its audience
  2. Telegram This document from Germany to Mexico led to the U.S. entry into WWI
  3. The treaty that ended WWI
  4. Agreements to come to the aid of another country
  5. Taking over colonies to enrich the mother country that was a cause of WWI
  6. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire Group
  7. term for the area between the trenches in WWI.
  8. British Ship sank by Germany in 1915 that killed 128 Americans
  9. Term for the end of fighting that took place on 11/11/1918
  10. Term for glorifying and preparing for war that was a cause of WWI
  1. The reason Russia dropped out of the war in 1917
  2. Royal who was assassinated to start WWI
  3. Delivered by artillery shell it choked and burned its victims
  4. Germany was forced to pay these at the end of WWI
  5. England, France, Russia Group
  6. Used for the first time in war, they were famous for dogfights
  7. Germany's sneaky weapon that attacked unseen
  8. The term that means intense pride in your country that was a cause of WWI
  9. Used for the first time in WWI, they broke through the trenches

19 Clues: The treaty that ended WWIEngland, France, Russia GroupRoyal who was assassinated to start WWIGermany's sneaky weapon that attacked unseenGermany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire Groupterm for the area between the trenches in WWI.The reason Russia dropped out of the war in 1917Agreements to come to the aid of another country...

The first world war 2023-04-26

The first world war crossword puzzle
  1. A plan made by Germany
  2. consisted of France, Russia and Great Britain
  3. A war in which a country must fight on two distinct fronts
  4. Something that meant Germany would support Austria-Hungary no matter what
  5. when two or more countries are in a competition to become the best equipped military
  6. a close association of nations for the achievement of common objectives
  7. A threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face dire consequences
  8. Battles that were mainly fought in the trenches
  9. A standard war tactic in which they dug trenches to escape the fire
  10. extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  1. the official British policy regarding the navy
  2. When all of the resources of a nation are organized for one one purpose-to win the war
  3. When officers ordered an advance
  4. consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  5. an idea that promoted the unification of the Salvia peoples of the Balkans
  6. A narrow strip of land in which enemies would fire across
  7. a terrorist organization that supported violent action to achieve its goals
  8. a strong feeling of patriotism and pride for one’s country
  9. the policy of making a country’s armed forces very strong and allowing a political situation in which military interests dominate government policy

19 Clues: A plan made by GermanyWhen officers ordered an advanceconsisted of France, Russia and Great Britainthe official British policy regarding the navyBattles that were mainly fought in the trenchesconsisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and ItalyA narrow strip of land in which enemies would fire across...

How European Influence and Decolonization Resulted in an Unstable Congolese state. 2023-05-24

How European Influence and Decolonization Resulted in an Unstable Congolese state. crossword puzzle
  1. According to the Oxford English dictionary this term book definition is "a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force".
  2. This term was aligned with a proxy in the war in the Congo, following Congolese independence from Belgium
  3. This war was a worldwide war against the Axis and allied power.
  4. According to the United States Magazine “National Geographic” this term is a time in history when a significant economic change was made. economies were centered around machine manufacturing, especially in Europe. This allowed Europeans to go deeper into Africa, rather they staying on the coast.
  5. This term’s book definition is “the action or process of a state withdrawing from a former colony, leaving it independent.” and was seen in Africa following the end of world war 2
  6. After the death of Lumumba, this leader soon came to power. This resulted in a
  7. This man was given power by the country of Berlin to fully control the African Congo, resulting in famine and violence that tore apart the Congo.
  8. This term was a European trading company that primarily traded in Africa, especially slaves.
  1. This term was a summit in which European powers came together to partition Africa.
  2. This war was fought through proxy wars between the united states and the soviet union
  3. This Term Was known as a Hub for African Goods, Here Europeans traded goods, including gold, ivory, and pepper.
  4. This new part of European technology stretched across Africa allowing Europeans to further control and monopolize the African people.
  5. According to the “Eastern Congo Initiative”, a United States-based charity organization that works to rebuild the Congo country this genocide took place in the eastern part of the Congo, where members of the Tutsi ethnic group murdered an estimated 550,000 native Hutus
  6. Along with Ugandan and Rwandan forces, this man takes down the previous Mobutu. Instating himself as the new leader of the Congo.
  7. This war is known as “The African World wae” and resulted in the death of over 5.4 million people.
  8. Following the removal of Belgium forces from the Congo, the Congo was filled with tensions between groups of different races, this is known as?
  9. Following the Rwandan Genocide, Rwandan and Ugandan forces invaded the Congo in order to capture the Tutsis who were involved in the genocide. This is known as what war?
  10. This Congolese nationalistic leader, was also the prime minister of the Congo. He was known for his connections to the soviet union and was later killed for it.

18 Clues: This war was a worldwide war against the Axis and allied power.After the death of Lumumba, this leader soon came to power. This resulted in aThis term was a summit in which European powers came together to partition Africa.This war was fought through proxy wars between the united states and the soviet union...

Kreuzworträtsel für die Hochzeitsnacht 2016-03-15

Kreuzworträtsel für die Hochzeitsnacht crossword puzzle
  1. Wo wurde Ihm eine Künstlerkarriere verwehrt
  2. York Wo verbrachte er sein Auslandssemester
  3. Sein Lieblingsfach an der FH
  4. Was verkauft er am Liebsten
  5. Wobei hält er den Familienrekord
  6. Sein Lieblingsgetränk
  7. Bei welchem Fußballteam spielte er in seiner Jugend
  8. Seine allerliebste Freizeitbeschäftigung
  9. Sein erster Job
  10. Sein zweiter Job
  11. Als ... war Großvater sein Vorbild
  12. Sein Lieblingsgegenstand in der Schule
  13. Position in seinem Fußballteam
  14. Sein häufigstes Urlaubsdomizil
  15. Lieblingsort in seiner Jugend
  1. Seine große Liebe
  2. Sein Lieblingsort
  3. Was war seine aufreibendste Nebenbeschäftigung
  4. Was war sein Lieblingsspielzeug
  5. Traumbedarf in seiner Kindheit
  6. Bei welchem Theaterfestival war er der Jugendstar
  7. Lieblingsspeise (2 Worte)
  8. Bei welchem Verein war er Obmann
  9. Seine zukünftige Lieblingsbeschäftigung
  10. Sein Lieblingswort
  11. Was meidet er
  12. Vorname seiner Volkschullehrerin
  13. Sein Lieblingsverein

28 Clues: Was meidet erSein erster JobSein zweiter JobSeine große LiebeSein LieblingsortSein LieblingswortSein LieblingsvereinSein LieblingsgetränkLieblingsspeise (2 Worte)Was verkauft er am LiebstenSein Lieblingsfach an der FHLieblingsort in seiner JugendTraumbedarf in seiner KindheitPosition in seinem FußballteamSein häufigstes Urlaubsdomizil...

Games 2021-11-19

Games crossword puzzle
  1. Just try and finish it.
  2. Voted one of the best world war 2 games.
  3. Lets try and retire.
  1. Take over the island.
  2. It's literally Crazy 8's.
  3. Don't make it fall.
  4. To Ride, A game of building railroads.

7 Clues: Don't make it fall.Lets try and retire.Take over the island.Just try and finish it.It's literally Crazy 8's.To Ride, A game of building railroads.Voted one of the best world war 2 games.

ww1 2023-01-17

ww1 crossword puzzle
  1. Total control of a government by a central power
  2. Not participating in a war on either side.
  3. World War 1, the war to end all wars.
  4. Armed escort ships traveling with troop transport ships to protect the transport
  5. States, in return the would be given Arizona, Texas, and new Mexico.
  6. German submarine that attacked ship convoys
  7. 128 Americans.
  8. England, Russia, France, Serbia, united states, Portugal, Italy.
  9. Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria.
  10. and reduction of armaments.
  1. Letter that Germany sent to Mexico asking them to invade and declare war on the
  2. Wilson’s terms for peace that included: no more secret alliances, restore freedom of the
  3. An organization of nations created by President Wilson of the United States to help
  4. Long ditches dug in the ground for soldiers to shoot from and hide in.
  5. The policy of opposing involvement of ones country with international alliances or
  6. Large British passenger ship that the Germans sank in 1915; over 1,000 livers were lost
  7. peace around the world (Congress would not approve the U.S. joining even after Wilson created it.)

17 Clues: 128 Americans.and reduction of armaments.World War 1, the war to end all wars.Not participating in a war on either side.German submarine that attacked ship convoysGermany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria.Total control of a government by a central powerEngland, Russia, France, Serbia, united states, Portugal, Italy....

монгол улсын нийслэл юу вэ 2023-05-04

монгол улсын нийслэл юу вэ crossword puzzle
  1. people 2
  2. landmarks 3
  3. geography 12
  4. people 24
  5. world geography 10
  6. people 6
  7. landmarks 16
  8. pelple 20
  1. people3
  2. landmarks 14
  3. world geography 9
  4. people 26
  5. geography 24
  6. geography 21
  7. world geography 8
  8. geography 16

16 Clues: people3people 2people 6people 26people 24pelple 20landmarks 3landmarks 14geography 12geography 24geography 21landmarks 16geography 16world geography 9world geography 8world geography 10

Canada's daily life 2014-01-28

Canada's daily life crossword puzzle
  1. Canada is home to many
  2. one of Canada's main sport is
  3. Quebecs local tongue is know as
  4. Native Indian artist also excel at
  5. Canada's _____ and other grain is well known
  6. Canada's cites are home to some of the best parties and
  1. one of Canada's main languages
  2. Canada is know for its environment and it's
  3. Canada has a lot of talented
  4. after world war 2 huge amounts of immigrants form
  5. farming requires a lot of
  6. Canada has many _____ in the central provinces
  7. like Americans Canadians live in big
  8. A average farm has about 1,000

14 Clues: Canada is home to manyfarming requires a lot ofCanada has a lot of talentedone of Canada's main sport isone of Canada's main languagesA average farm has about 1,000Quebecs local tongue is know asNative Indian artist also excel atlike Americans Canadians live in bigCanada is know for its environment and it's...

Peloponnesian War 2022-12-01

Peloponnesian War crossword puzzle
  1. Sparta was recovoring from a major ________.
  2. Athens began to ___ the other city-states
  3. He wrote history of the Peloponnesian War.
  4. Free foreigners who lived in ____ were called Perioeci.
  5. How many different time periods did the war fight?
  6. The war fought between the delian and ________ League.
  7. Spart a was ruled by 2 ____.
  8. The war fought between 2 different time periods with a period of ____ between them.
  1. Criminal Cases could only be tried in ____.
  2. Money from the Delian League was used to build the _______.
  3. The ruler of Athens.
  4. The war remained _______ for many years

12 Clues: The ruler of Athens.Spart a was ruled by 2 ____.The war remained _______ for many yearsAthens began to ___ the other city-statesHe wrote history of the Peloponnesian War.Sparta was recovoring from a major ________.Criminal Cases could only be tried in ____.How many different time periods did the war fight?...

Joschi's X-Mas Crossword 2018-12-21

Joschi's X-Mas Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wo wohnen Berni und Ozzi
  2. Straße in Pellendorf
  3. Welche Hunderasse ist Lalobe
  4. englisch für Kinder
  5. Welche Fellfarbe hat Rocky
  6. Wer ist die Taufpatin von Nathan
  7. Wie lautet Nathan's 2.Vorname
  1. Kathy's Auto ist ein...
  2. In welchem Bundesland war 2018 das Family Weekend
  3. Wie lautet Amanda's 2.Vorname
  4. Wie alt ist Nathan
  5. Wie hieß Kathy's erster Hund
  6. Wie alt ist Thesi
  7. Wie viele Cousin's und Cousinen mütterlicherseits hat Tini
  8. Kathy's Schule heißt ...
  9. Wie alt war Amanda letztes Jahr zu Weihnachten
  10. Wer ist die Taufpatin von Amanda
  11. Amandas Schule ist in ...
  12. vierbeiniges Tier
  13. Veronika hat Geburtstag im ...

20 Clues: Wie alt ist Thesivierbeiniges TierWie alt ist Nathanenglisch für KinderStraße in PellendorfKathy's Auto ist ein...Wo wohnen Berni und OzziKathy's Schule heißt ...Amandas Schule ist in ...Welche Fellfarbe hat RockyWie hieß Kathy's erster HundWelche Hunderasse ist LalobeWie lautet Amanda's 2.VornameWie lautet Nathan's 2.Vorname...

The Punic Wars - Hannah Williams 2021-03-17

The Punic Wars - Hannah Williams crossword puzzle
  1. Who won Punic War #3
  2. Carthage and Rome both wanted ...
  3. An admiral of Carthage who extended their land
  4. How Hannibal defeated the Romans in the Battle of Cannae
  5. General of Carthage in Punic War #3
  6. General of Rome in Punic War #2
  1. Princess of Phoenicia and founder of Carthage
  2. General of Carthage in the #1 Punic War
  3. The son of Hamilcar Barca and the General of Punic War #2
  4. The most powerful ship at it's time
  5. Roman senator that decided to attack Carthage
  6. What happened to the survivors of the attack on Carthage

12 Clues: Who won Punic War #3General of Rome in Punic War #2Carthage and Rome both wanted ...The most powerful ship at it's timeGeneral of Carthage in Punic War #3General of Carthage in the #1 Punic WarPrincess of Phoenicia and founder of CarthageRoman senator that decided to attack CarthageAn admiral of Carthage who extended their land...

Peloponnesian War 2022-12-01

Peloponnesian War crossword puzzle
  1. Sparta was recovoring from a major ________.
  2. Athens began to ___ the other city-states
  3. He wrote history of the Peloponnesian War.
  4. Free foreigners who lived in ____ were called Perioeci.
  5. How many different time periods did the war fight?
  6. The war fought between the delian and ________ League.
  7. Spart a was ruled by 2 ____.
  8. The war fought between 2 different time periods with a period of ____ between them.
  1. Criminal Cases could only be tried in ____.
  2. Money from the Delian League was used to build the _______.
  3. The ruler of Athens.
  4. The war remained _______ for many years

12 Clues: The ruler of Athens.Spart a was ruled by 2 ____.The war remained _______ for many yearsAthens began to ___ the other city-statesHe wrote history of the Peloponnesian War.Sparta was recovoring from a major ________.Criminal Cases could only be tried in ____.How many different time periods did the war fight?...

Anthony Quizon's crossword 2024-02-08

Anthony Quizon's crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What was the most important "underlying crisis" in the Us that overshadowed all other issues
  2. Who was a joyalist and was the founder of the son of liberty
  3. Alexander Hamilton hated the _____, Congress, and himself
  4. The power to tax, was the power to ____
  5. ____ were forced to retreat to Canada and England
  6. Alexander Hamilton hate the world, Congress,and ______
  7. they couldn't ____ people to join the amry
  8. The power to tax is the power to ______
  9. Alexander Hamilton hate the world,_____, and himself
  10. The power to ___, is the power to destroy
  1. Where was the last battle of revolutionary war take?
  2. What did most Loyalists go after the war
  3. Which person wrote the first American dicanary
  4. People attacked the British with a tactic called _____ warfare
  5. Did the first US constitution fail or succeed?
  6. Who was the person that made the book, common sense
  7. Some Us States are allowed to print ______
  8. Articles were proven weak by ___ Rebellion
  9. What did Hoah Webster write
  10. In 1777, the battle of Saratoga was the ____

20 Clues: What did Hoah Webster writeThe power to tax, was the power to ____The power to tax is the power to ______What did most Loyalists go after the warThe power to ___, is the power to destroySome Us States are allowed to print ______Articles were proven weak by ___ Rebellionthey couldn't ____ people to join the amry...

The Cold War And Decolonization (1945-1975) 2013-02-24

The Cold War And Decolonization (1945-1975) crossword puzzle
  1. Pact/(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a military treaty and association of E European countries, formed in 1955 by the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania
  2. missile crisis/(1962) Major confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over the presence of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. In October 1962 a U.S. spy plane detected a ballistic missile on a launching site in Cuba. Pres. John F. Kennedy placed a naval blockade around the island, and for several days the U.S. and the Soviet Union hovered on the brink of war.
  3. nations/developing countries that announced their neutrality in the cold war.
  4. revolution/(Historical Terms) (in China) a mass movement (1965-68), in which the youthful Red Guard played a prominent part. It was initiated by Mao Tse-tung to destroy the power of the bureaucrats and to revolutionize the attitudes and behavior of the people
  5. world/The developing countries
  6. Community/An economic and political association of certain European countries, incorporated since 1993 in the European Union.
  1. Doctrine/the policy of President Truman, as advocated in his address to Congress on March 12, 1947, to provide military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey and, by extension, to any country threatened by Communism or any totalitarian ideology.
  2. accords/International agreement signed in 1975, designed to reduce tension between the Soviet and Western blocs. It was an attempt to secure common acceptance of the post-World War II status quo in Europe, including the division of Germany.
  3. of the Petroleum Exporting Countries/an organization formed in 1961 to administer a common policy for the sale of petroleum. Its members are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.
  4. war/A state of political tension and military rivalry between nations that stops short of full-scale war, especially that which existed between the United States and Soviet Union following World War II.
  5. plan/(1948-51) U.S.-sponsored program to provide economic aid to European countries after World War II. The idea of a European self-help plan financed by the U.S. was proposed by George Marshall in 1947 and was authorized by Congress as the European Recovery Program.
  6. bank/an international cooperative organization established in 1945 under the Bretton Woods Agreement to assist economic development, esp of backward nations, by the advance of loans guaranteed by member governments Officially called International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
  7. Atlantic Treaty Organization/An international organization, begun in 1949. The members have pledged to settle disputes among themselves peacefully and to defend one another against outside aggressors.
  8. curtain/A notional barrier that prevents the passage of information or ideas between political entities, in particular.
  9. War/A protracted military conflict (1954-1975) between the Communist forces of North Vietnam supported by China and the Soviet Union and the non-Communist forces of South Vietnam supported by the United States.
  10. War/A conflict that lasted from 1950 to 1953 between North Korea, aided by China, and South Korea, aided by United Nations forces consisting primarily of U.S. troops.
  11. Nations/An international organization composed of most of the countries of the world. It was founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and economic development.

17 Clues: world/The developing countriesnations/developing countries that announced their neutrality in the cold war.curtain/A notional barrier that prevents the passage of information or ideas between political entities, in particular....

Great Depression and World War 2 2022-03-25

Great Depression and World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Period of time when buying slows down or stops
  2. surrendered on August 14th
  3. This crashed in 1929
  4. Last name of president people blamed the Great Depression on
  5. workers stop doing their job to protest
  6. Leader of a country who has complete control of its government
  7. FDR created this plan to help stop the depression
  8. The state that was attacked by Japanese war planes
  1. This scared people to move out of Florida
  2. period when businesses fail and prices drop
  3. Lack of jobs
  4. Government limits what can be bought
  5. Last name of the president who was elected in 1932
  6. Loans to the government to help pay for the war
  7. FDR said the Pearl Harbor Attack will live in ____.
  8. surrended on May 7th

16 Clues: Lack of jobsThis crashed in 1929surrended on May 7thsurrendered on August 14thGovernment limits what can be boughtworkers stop doing their job to protestThis scared people to move out of Floridaperiod when businesses fail and prices dropPeriod of time when buying slows down or stopsLoans to the government to help pay for the war...

The Changing Crossword 2013-02-04

The Changing Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. many koreans worship this god
  2. the main character in this book speaks ________
  3. the _______ police of japan
  4. wealthy museums need to have good ________
  5. The Japanese word for teacher
  6. when bound tightly with ropes it is difficult to _______
  7. this country's flag is a white background with a red dot
  8. Socrates and Plato possess this intangible thing
  1. things in cycles eventually ________
  2. Walls can be used as an obstacle or __________
  3. our home country
  4. an abbreviation for World War 2
  5. our country has a president, but japan has an ________
  6. this country took over north korea shortly after the japanese fled

14 Clues: our home countrythe _______ police of japanmany koreans worship this godThe Japanese word for teacheran abbreviation for World War 2things in cycles eventually ________wealthy museums need to have good ________Walls can be used as an obstacle or __________the main character in this book speaks ________...

Rights and Freedoms 2024-04-09

Rights and Freedoms crossword puzzle
  1. policy which placed Aboriginal people into missions
  2. 1967 referendum on whether Aboriginal people should be counted in this
  3. fought for land rights
  4. Aboriginal children taken from their families
  5. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved
  6. a moral or legal entitlement
  7. protest in 1938
  1. most famous American civil rights leader
  2. vote yes or no on the constitution
  3. policy to make Aboriginal people "act white, think white, be white"
  4. formed after World War 2 to prevent further wars
  5. the fight to bring Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people together
  6. successful protest by Charles Perkins
  7. discrimination based on ethnicity

14 Clues: protest in 1938fought for land rightsa moral or legal entitlementdiscrimination based on ethnicityvote yes or no on the constitutionsuccessful protest by Charles Perkinsmost famous American civil rights leaderAboriginal children taken from their familiesthe state of not being imprisoned or enslavedformed after World War 2 to prevent further wars...

A Nation at War pgs. 452-457 2024-05-14

A Nation at War pgs. 452-457 crossword puzzle
  1. Freeing of enslaved people.
  2. Number of southern states seceded and formed the Confederacy.
  3. (3 words) the General that lef a Union army south from Illinois to Tennessee.
  4. What month did the Emancipation Proclamation come into effect?
  5. Soldiers who are killed or wounded
  6. This place was considered the Confederate Capital and the place the Union planned to capture.
  7. (2 words) The president of the Confederacy.
  8. (2 words) Slave states that stayed in the Union were known as.
  9. In this month of 1863, it was considered the turning point of the Civil War.
  1. (3 words) The battle where General Lee was stopped and considered the deadliest day of the war.
  2. (3 words) In this city people were opposed to the draft and started a riot that lasted for days
  3. (2 words) President of the United States.
  4. (2 words)By early 1863 this was the only major Confederate town left on the Mississippi River.
  5. A violent protest
  6. Government selects people to serve in the military.
  7. number of slave states that stayed in the Union.
  8. (2 words) This person was a skilled and respected Confederate general who had fought in the Mexican War
  9. The place where Lincoln gave a famous, short speech.

18 Clues: A violent protestFreeing of enslaved people.Soldiers who are killed or wounded(2 words) President of the United States.(2 words) The president of the Confederacy.number of slave states that stayed in the Union.Government selects people to serve in the military.The place where Lincoln gave a famous, short speech....

Famous Speeches 2023-11-26

Famous Speeches crossword puzzle
  1. Winston Churchill's first speech as Prime Minister during World War II.
  2. Abraham Lincoln's announcement freeing slaves in Confederate states.
  3. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic speech for civil rights.
  4. F. Scott Fitzgerald's phrase popularized in his speech to writers.
  5. Mahatma Gandhi's speech on non-violence and resistance.
  6. Ronald Reagan's speech in response to the Challenger space shuttle disaster.
  7. Winston Churchill's rallying cry during World War II.
  8. George Washington's speech at the end of his presidency.
  9. William Wallace's speech from the movie, not an actual historical figure.
  1. John F. Kennedy's speech expressing solidarity with the people of West Berlin.
  2. Orson Welles' radio broadcast that caused panic in 1938.
  3. Abraham Lincoln's short but powerful speech during the American Civil War.
  4. J. William Fulbright's critique of U.S. foreign policy.
  5. John F. Kennedy's speech on the U.S. commitment to space exploration.
  6. Chief Joseph's speech surrendering to the U.S. Army in 1877.
  7. Winston Churchill's speech warning of the Soviet Union's influence in Europe.
  8. Theodore Roosevelt's speech calling for a strong military and readiness for war.
  9. Franklin D. Roosevelt's inaugural address during the Great Depression.
  10. Delivered by various U.S. Presidents on their inauguration day.
  11. Dwight D. Eisenhower's speech on the peaceful use of atomic energy.

20 Clues: Winston Churchill's rallying cry during World War II.J. William Fulbright's critique of U.S. foreign policy.Mahatma Gandhi's speech on non-violence and resistance.Orson Welles' radio broadcast that caused panic in 1938.George Washington's speech at the end of his presidency.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic speech for civil rights....

vocabulario - el pretérito 2022-03-25

vocabulario - el pretérito crossword puzzle
  1. the country
  2. news/reports
  3. the world
  4. then/so
  5. yesterday
  6. beginning
  7. culture
  8. the attack
  9. story
  1. year
  2. disaster
  3. the end
  4. week
  5. the people
  6. last night
  7. war
  8. past/last

17 Clues: waryearweekstorythe endthen/soculturedisasterthe worldyesterdaybeginningpast/lastthe peoplelast nightthe attackthe countrynews/reports

World War One crossword 2014-03-12

World War One crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Brittish passenger liner sunk by German U boats
  2. a war that is unrestricted in terms of the weapons used, territory or combatants involved,or the objectives persued
  3. an intergovernmental organization founded as a resultof the paris peace confrence
  4. a strong pride toward one's country
  5. a type of naval warfarein which submarines sink vessels without warning
  6. the german plan for victory during world war one
  7. the policy of one country taking over another country for its resources or service
  8. information of a biased or misleading nature used to promote or publicize a particular political point of view
  9. the nationalist group that was responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
  10. unions or associations formed for the mutual benefit between countries or organizations
  1. a style of warfare ehere soldiers resided in trenches and shot at the opposing side
  2. the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiences
  3. the alliance between Austria, Italy, and Germany
  4. the alliance between Englans France and Russia
  5. the heir to the austrian throne that was assasinated
  6. the peace treaty that ended word war one
  7. the belief the a nation must have a strong military
  8. president wilson's plan for world peace
  9. the alliance between Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, and the ottoman Empire

19 Clues: a strong pride toward one's countrypresident wilson's plan for world peacethe peace treaty that ended word war onethe alliance between Englans France and RussiaBrittish passenger liner sunk by German U boatsthe alliance between Austria, Italy, and Germanythe german plan for victory during world war one...

World War 1 Crossword 2014-10-30

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. toxic chemical mixtures in a gas state
  2. land that is unoccupied due to fear or uncertainty of the enemy
  3. consist Serbia, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the United States.
  4. a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water
  5. consist of Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire
  6. a small, wingless, parasitic insect that lives on the skin of soldiers in World War I
  7. a long, narrow ditch
  8. a machine that is able to fly by gaining support from the air
  1. long-tailed rodents
  2. things given to people in the trenches
  3. a large type of armored fighting vehicle with tracks
  4. a type of artillery with a relatively short barrel
  5. diarrhea which contains blood
  6. a small bomb that can be thrown by hand.
  7. an indirect fire weapon that fires bombs at low velocities, short ranges, and high-arches
  8. A automatic firearm
  9. injury of the skin, blood vessels, and nerves of the feet due to prolonged exposure to cold and wet
  10. To leave the trenches and attack the enemy
  11. the reaction of some soldiers in World War I to the trauma of battle

19 Clues: long-tailed rodentsA automatic firearma long, narrow ditchdiarrhea which contains bloodthings given to people in the trenchestoxic chemical mixtures in a gas statea small bomb that can be thrown by hand.To leave the trenches and attack the enemya type of artillery with a relatively short barrela large type of armored fighting vehicle with tracks...

The First World War 2021-11-09

The First World War crossword puzzle
  1. Group of arrangements, France, Russia, and Britain
  2. British navy must be equal or better than any two other navies combined
  3. secret agreement between Germany,Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  4. Policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
  5. each side tried to wear the other down by killing as many of its men as possible
  6. A war where a country must fight on two distant battlegrounds
  7. Rifles and machine guns fired across _______ when movement detected
  8. Germany would support Austria-Hungary no matter what
  9. Going across no mans land fully exposed
  10. A threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face dire consequences
  11. close association of nations for the achievement of common objectives, or a group of countries united for the purpose of joint military
  12. Principal or advocacy of the union of all slavs or all slavic people in one political organization
  1. Process of economic and social change
  2. Standard war tactic
  3. Conflict in which the contenders are willing to make any sacrifice in lives and other resources to obtain a complete victory
  4. Two or more countries are in competition to become best equipped military
  5. Intense form of patriotism or loyalty to ones country
  6. Terrorist organization that supported violent action to achieve a goal
  7. Belief of government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to depend or promote national interests

19 Clues: Standard war tacticProcess of economic and social changeGoing across no mans land fully exposedGroup of arrangements, France, Russia, and BritainGermany would support Austria-Hungary no matter whatIntense form of patriotism or loyalty to ones countrysecret agreement between Germany,Austria-Hungary, and Italy...

World War 1 Crossword 2021-11-09

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The development of industries in a country or region.
  2. Standard A Britain adopted standard, A fleet of naval ships should be as strong as two of the largest navies combined.
  3. An identification of one’s own nation and support of the nation’s interests and hates.
  4. A belief or desire that a country should have a strong military to aggressively defend or promote national interests.
  5. war Where people are willing to commit their lives and resources to obtain total victory.
  6. over the top” to leave the safety of the trenches to attack the enemy.
  7. hand A secret criminal and terrorist group of the early 20th century.
  8. A final Proposition/demand
  9. Plan A plan for Germany to flank France’s military on the German boarder by passing through Belgium.
  10. A extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  1. The union of all slaves or Slavic peoples in one political organization.
  2. war when the opposing forces are geographically on two sperate fronts.
  3. man’s land” The land between the trenches, defined by the muddy, plant less land with shell holes.
  4. race A competition of two or more groups for having the largest military and materials.
  5. A union formed by a mutual benefit, mainly in countries and organizations.
  6. Alliance A union between three powers or states.
  7. Cheque Germany’s promise of support to Austria-Hungary for punishing Serbia.
  8. of Attrition Where each side is wearing down each other by killing as many of their men as possible.
  9. Entente the alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia.
  10. warfare where the military fights in trenches to protect themselves from arms fire.

20 Clues: A final Proposition/demandAlliance A union between three powers or states.The development of industries in a country or region.Entente the alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia.hand A secret criminal and terrorist group of the early 20th century.war when the opposing forces are geographically on two sperate fronts....

World War 1 Crossword 2022-04-01

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Central Powers Three countries would support each other if they were attacked.
  2. A British policy about the navy stated that the military must be stronger than ay other two navies.
  3. Is also known as the Allied Powers. Three countries have a somewhat alliance.
  4. Threat that you must either comply with them or face disastrous consequences.
  5. A terrorist society that would viloently try to fulfill their goals.
  6. Russia tried to advocate a union with all Slavic people of the Balkans because they wanted to have a warm-water port.
  7. Going out of the trenches to attack. (something soldiers were told during World War 1.
  8. Two or more countries try to have a better military than the other/s.
  9. Involves governments, economies, and populations in a war that is taken to a different level compared to most other wars in history.
  1. Germany wanted to attach France through Belgium. This was created to avoid a two-front war.
  2. is an area that didn't belong to either side. It was usually deserted as soldiers would then be unprotected if they were on those grounds.
  3. What the Schlieffen Plan was created to avoid. (WW1)
  4. A fight that each side tried to wear down the other using making the other side lose its will to fight. (Equipment, supplies, soldiers)
  5. Feeling of patriotism and pride for their country or ethnic group.
  6. This was designed to try and keep troops protected from machine guns and air attacks. This prolonged the war.
  7. Germany would help Austria-Hungary whenever they need to be supported.
  8. The military is allowed to do anything they would like regardless of government policies. The government creates and maintains a group the fight against their enemies.
  9. are formed because of mutual benefit and are between several countries or organizations.
  10. Extending power and authority of one country to other countries.Making an empire by creating colonies or an area of authority)

19 Clues: What the Schlieffen Plan was created to avoid. (WW1)Feeling of patriotism and pride for their country or ethnic group.A terrorist society that would viloently try to fulfill their goals.Two or more countries try to have a better military than the other/s.Germany would help Austria-Hungary whenever they need to be supported....

World War Two CrosswordAppeasement 2022-05-24

World War Two CrosswordAppeasement crossword puzzle
  1. British fighter plane (h).
  2. Powerful bomb that could destroy cities and used by the USA against Japan in 1945.
  3. German Secret Police.
  4. Codename for the planned invasion of Britain by German forces in 1940-41.
  5. Heavy and frequent bombing raids carried out over British cities, ports and industrial areas from 1940-1941.
  6. Cyanide-based gas used in the death camps.
  7. German Air Force.
  8. A ship, fleet, or group of vehicles accompanied by a protecting escort.
  1. The German for "lighting war". A swift, sudden military attack using bomber aircraft to support fast moving tanks and motor vehicles.
  2. British fighter plane (s).
  3. Covering up weapons, buildings, troops or equipment so that they are difficult to see.
  4. Decisive naval battle in 1942 in which the US destroyed several Japanese aircraft carriers.
  5. Alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan in WW2.
  6. Missile fired by submarines and ships designed to sink other surface vessels or submarines.
  7. Death camp where many thousands of Jews, gypsies and other groups were murdered by the Nazis from 1942-45.
  8. Codename for the German invasion of the USSR (Russia) in 1941.
  9. Codename for the evacuation of British and French forces from Dunkirk in 1940.
  10. German tank.
  11. Machine used by German forces to turn their messages into code. It was supposed to be unbreakable but was cracked by British intelligence.

19 Clues: German tank.German Air Force.German Secret Police.British fighter plane (s).British fighter plane (h).Cyanide-based gas used in the death camps.Alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan in WW2.Codename for the German invasion of the USSR (Russia) in 1941.A ship, fleet, or group of vehicles accompanied by a protecting escort....

World War I Terms 2022-03-31

World War I Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A war where a country has to fight in two locations, or along two borders
  2. Land war using large trenches so soldiers had protection from enemy fire
  3. When several countries are competing to have the best technology, especially military
  4. Also called Central Powers. Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary.
  5. The British policy that their navy had to be stronger than any other 2 navies
  6. A group of terrorists that wanted to liberate Slavics in Austria-Hungary
  7. The transformation of industries in an area from agricultural to industrial
  8. A war where any sacrifice is made for a victory
  9. Also called Allied Powers. No-treaty alliance by France, Russia and Britain
  10. The idea that the Slavic people in the Balkan area should be brought together
  1. An agreement between countries to reach the same goals or protect themselves in war
  2. A war plan where Germany would defeat France in six weeks, then fight Russia.
  3. The cover-less piece of land between Allied and Germans' trenches
  4. Colonozation, one country expanding their territory to include more territories
  5. Leaving trenches to cross no-man's land and attack the enemy, usually under heavy fire
  6. A battle where there was less strategy, and fighting was mainly to wear down the enemy with large numbers of soldiers
  7. An agreement that Germany would be an ally to Austria-Hungary in any situation
  8. Making a country's army the priority, making war socially acceptable
  9. À threat that is given where no compromise can be made

19 Clues: A war where any sacrifice is made for a victoryÀ threat that is given where no compromise can be madeAlso called Central Powers. Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary.The cover-less piece of land between Allied and Germans' trenchesMaking a country's army the priority, making war socially acceptable...

World War I Crossword 2023-11-15

World War I Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Baron / The best pilot, Manfred von Richthofen is known as
  2. / UK, France, and Russia are a part of the ______
  3. Somme / Bloodiest battle in WWI
  4. gas / This gas is used for the first time by the Germans
  5. / What game did the British and German play on Christmas in 1914?
  6. / This battle led to the foundation of turkey in the present
  7. / 70000 ______ entered the workforce during WWI
  8. fights / Combat between airplanes
  9. / A word that means neither side can change front lines of fighting
  10. / “Miracle on the _____” Most pivotal battle
  11. Princip / 19 year old who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
  1. / Longest battle in WWI
  2. / Both sides dug these for thousands of miles.
  3. / Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the heir to ______ throne.
  4. Powers / Germany, and Austria-Hungry are this _______
  5. / This holiday truce in 1914.
  6. / The Capital of Bosnia
  7. / German name for submarine
  8. Armenians / The ottoman empire sent this group of people on a “Death March”

19 Clues: / Longest battle in WWI/ The Capital of Bosnia/ German name for submarine/ This holiday truce in 1914.Somme / Bloodiest battle in WWIfights / Combat between airplanes/ “Miracle on the _____” Most pivotal battle/ Both sides dug these for thousands of miles./ 70000 ______ entered the workforce during WWI...

Linda's Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-12

Linda's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. World traveler
  2. Served at LanDs
  3. Old Stomping Grounds
  4. Matthew's
  5. Ceramic Addiction
  6. One of Linda's Many Skill Sets
  7. Novel Platform
  8. Greek Grandmother
  9. Creasing Activity
  10. Never Met One She Didn't Like
  11. Zen Like
  12. A Favorite Birthday Gift 2 wds
  13. Favorite Series
  14. Protects the USA
  15. Ethnicity
  16. Janet's Plate bottom
  17. Crazy spectacles
  18. Doctor of Sorts
  19. Tiny World Traveler
  20. A favorite Wine
  21. Cry from deck
  22. Scares Others to Death
  1. Happy Place
  2. A Favorite Meal 2 wds
  3. Soccer Phenom
  4. Many Pairs
  5. Van Gogh Like
  6. Tiny shoes
  7. Another Favorite Birthday Gift 2 wds
  8. Summer time drink
  9. Morning activity
  10. Sings Every Word
  11. Steak Joint
  12. Nana to Seven 2 wds
  13. Kindest Man
  14. Nickname 2 wds
  15. Puts on like nobodies busy 2 wds
  16. President Pocket Pal
  17. Loves To
  18. New best friend
  19. Color Palette
  20. Favorite After Dinner Activity
  21. Brand of Transportation
  22. Mr. Wilson's Bestie
  23. Mainstays Nickname
  24. Has A Big One
  25. Cul de Sac Hangout 2 wds
  26. Taija's Job 2 wds

48 Clues: Zen LikeLoves ToMatthew'sEthnicityMany PairsTiny shoesHappy PlaceSteak JointKindest ManSoccer PhenomVan Gogh LikeColor PaletteHas A Big OneCry from deckWorld travelerNovel PlatformNickname 2 wdsServed at LanDsFavorite SeriesNew best friendDoctor of SortsA favorite WineMorning activitySings Every WordProtects the USACrazy spectaclesCeramic Addiction...

Presidents 2023-04-20

Presidents crossword puzzle
  1. Main author of the Constitution
  2. Had 2 alligators as a pet
  3. This president was assassinated on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald
  4. Father of George W Bush
  5. First non-slave holding president aside from bush
  6. One of the 2 presidents to have 2 wives
  7. First African-American President
  8. Owned a Durham Cow and a goat
  9. Served 2 non-consecutive terms
  10. Only president born on July 4th
  11. President during the Mexican-American war
  12. Became president when Kennedy was assassinated
  13. First president in the Cold War
  14. proclaimed that America needed "not nostrums, but normalcy".
  15. Assassinated on November 18th 1886
  16. Named the hero of the battle of Trenton
  17. First Natural Born President
  18. 39th U.S. President
  19. Hayes’ successor
  1. Became president when Lincoln was assassinated
  2. His first son died by scarlet fever at 3
  3. Biggest President
  4. Bearded 19th President
  5. This president was the leader of the militia during the war of 1812
  6. President during 9/11
  7. Commonly referred to as F.D.R.
  8. Only president elected from Pennsylvania
  9. April 15, 1865, assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
  10. First president to resign
  11. Died of using to much cigars
  12. Became an Orphan at 9
  13. He was the only president to not be elected to president nor vice president
  14. This president enjoyed jelly beans

33 Clues: Hayes’ successorBiggest President39th U.S. PresidentPresident during 9/11Became an Orphan at 9Bearded 19th PresidentFather of George W BushHad 2 alligators as a petFirst president to resignDied of using to much cigarsFirst Natural Born PresidentOwned a Durham Cow and a goatCommonly referred to as F.D.R.Served 2 non-consecutive terms...

World War I Begins 2014-12-10

World War I Begins crossword puzzle
  1. The reason the assassination of the Archduke led to a big war
  2. Number of reasons the U.S. had for deciding to join the Great war
  3. Name for the type of government Russia got in March 1917 and third reason the U.S. decided to enter war
  4. Name of the British ship that was sunk by Germany and one of the reasons Americans decided to join war
  5. Country where Germany got stuck fighting
  6. Date World War I ended
  7. Name for the space between trenches
  1. Name of the telegram where Germany asked Mexico to join them in war against the U.S. and the 2nd reason the U.S. joined the war
  2. Name of the Kaiser of Germany during World War I
  3. The Name of Germany's December 1905 plan

10 Clues: Date World War I endedName for the space between trenchesThe Name of Germany's December 1905 planCountry where Germany got stuck fightingName of the Kaiser of Germany during World War IThe reason the assassination of the Archduke led to a big warNumber of reasons the U.S. had for deciding to join the Great war...

US Geography 2021-09-02

US Geography crossword puzzle
  1. this area of land in the Midwest (2 words) is flat and lacking of trees
  2. - This river played a crucial role in bringing farm goods from the Midwest to the East coast through the Gulf of Mexico.
  3. This large bodies of water are located on the border of the U.S. and Canada (2 words) and were the scene of naval battles during the French & Indian War and the War of 1812.
  4. These mountains in the West were very difficult to cross for settlers of the West Coast
  5. Colonists mostly settled to the east of this mountain range in the Thirteen Colonies
  6. This bay between Maryland and Virginia played a major role during the battle of Yorktown in the Revolutionary War.
  7. - This body of water between Connecticut and New York was used by the British during the Revolutionary War.
  1. Purchase doubled the size of the United States at the time.
  2. Our neighbors to the north contained both British and French colonies.
  3. This river (2 words) separates Texas from Mexico.
  4. this outlet of land was the location of the first landing of the Pilgrims (2 words)
  5. Our neighbors to the south lost much of their land during a war with the United States.
  6. This canal links the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean through Central America
  7. This canal links the Great Lakes to the Hudson River.
  8. This river which runs through New York city played a major role in the Revolutionary War.

15 Clues: This river (2 words) separates Texas from Mexico.This canal links the Great Lakes to the Hudson River.Purchase doubled the size of the United States at the time.Our neighbors to the north contained both British and French colonies.this area of land in the Midwest (2 words) is flat and lacking of trees...

History of Britain 2023-11-16

History of Britain crossword puzzle
  1. The first female British Prime Minister (last name)
  2. The Roman leader who came to Britain in 55 BC
  3. Leader of the Roundheads, he was Lord Protector of England from 1653 to 1658 (last name)
  4. The epithet given to the revolution of 1688
  5. Scandinavian warriors that invaded Britain in 865
  6. The dynasty which began its reign after the Wars of the Roses
  7. He became King of England in 1066 (first name)
  1. The first name of four successive kings from the Hanover dynasty
  2. The Prime Minister of Britain during World War 2 (last name)
  3. The colony established in America under James I and VI
  4. An era is named after this queen (first name)
  5. The king during whose reign the Hundred Years' War began

12 Clues: The epithet given to the revolution of 1688The Roman leader who came to Britain in 55 BCAn era is named after this queen (first name)He became King of England in 1066 (first name)Scandinavian warriors that invaded Britain in 865The first female British Prime Minister (last name)The colony established in America under James I and VI...


RECIPE FOR A LOVE POTION? crossword puzzle
  1. Love in Rome
  2. Stir together twenty and thirty-somethings until well blended
  3. The K in SWAK
  4. Love in Munich
  5. Heroine of the day
  6. A TE Sorority?
  7. Bake till thirteen, or ready for adulthood
  8. What the world needs now
  9. X’s and O’s
  10. Beatles hit, #1 in August 1967, It's easy...
  11. Make the world great again
  12. Love in Paris
  13. Songbird chicks
  14. Yenta’s occupation
  15. How Tom says “I Love You” in Jerry Maguire
  16. Antidote for loneliness?
  17. A Jew and a Baptist walk into a bar...
  18. Let’s hear it for the HA-man. Boo!
  19. Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers
  1. Hometown for 2/3 of our Rabbi's
  2. Key figure on Team Esther
  3. Next up on the calendar
  4. TE entryway
  5. Problem solved
  6. Add a pinch of this weekly sing-a-long
  7. Love in Barcelona
  8. Prediction from the Captain and Tenille
  9. How Renee says “I Love You” in Jerry Maguire
  10. Layer hamantashen, treats, love and Purim
  11. Esther's Book
  12. Traditional Purim garb
  13. Play group for empty-nesters
  14. Only member of the clergy with 2 eager understudies
  15. Torah study for our littlest learners
  16. Add to taste - knowledge, wisdom, experience and learning
  17. Two per day, every day. Minimum of ten
  18. A TE Fraternity?
  19. Hat? Pocket? Ears? Delicious.
  20. A very _____Purim
  21. All’s fair in love and ___

40 Clues: TE entrywayX’s and O’sLove in RomeThe K in SWAKEsther's BookLove in ParisProblem solvedLove in MunichA TE Sorority?Songbird chicksA TE Fraternity?Love in BarcelonaA very _____PurimHeroine of the dayYenta’s occupationTraditional Purim garbNext up on the calendarWhat the world needs nowAntidote for loneliness?Key figure on Team Esther...

revolution usa tarver 2021-10-12

revolution usa tarver crossword puzzle
  1. shot heard round the world
  2. suprise attack on hessians
  3. an ally of usa during war
  4. first to sign declaration
  5. first major battle of war
  6. battle that got french ally cold reason soldiers quit the war
  7. leader of continental army
  1. declared independence
  2. peace treaty sent to king
  3. book written by thomas paine
  4. diplomat to france
  5. soldier fighting for usa
  6. fort in a big battle pencil
  7. soldier loyal to britain
  8. mercenaries hired by britain

15 Clues: diplomat to francedeclared independencesoldier fighting for usasoldier loyal to britainpeace treaty sent to kingan ally of usa during warfirst to sign declarationfirst major battle of warshot heard round the worldsuprise attack on hessiansleader of continental armyfort in a big battle pencilbook written by thomas painemercenaries hired by britain...

21.2 Supporting the War effort 2024-05-01

21.2 Supporting the War effort crossword puzzle
  1. cofounded by Jane Addams
  2. Representative from Montana
  3. law requiring young men to register for the military draft
  4. a branch of service women served in for WWI
  5. suffragist advocating for the war
  6. group appointed by President Wilson to generate propaganda for the war
  1. military served as a _________________ for unlearned men
  2. unable to read or write
  3. these 2 acts gave US gov the authority to jail those expressing antiwar views and close newspapers against the war
  4. group Wilson created to oversee war production
  5. encouraged African Americans to support the war
  6. prepare for war
  7. these were issued to help finance the war
  8. head of Food Administration chosen by President Wilson
  9. African American group that received France's highest medal for bravery
  10. jailed labor leader who urged workers not to support the war
  11. some German Americans were ____________________

17 Clues: prepare for warunable to read or writecofounded by Jane AddamsRepresentative from Montanasuffragist advocating for the warthese were issued to help finance the wara branch of service women served in for WWIgroup Wilson created to oversee war productionencouraged African Americans to support the warsome German Americans were ____________________...

War of 1812 2022-12-07

War of 1812 crossword puzzle
  1. A key war hawk from Kentucky
  2. a national legislative body, in the U.S. it consists of 2 branches
  3. this gov building was burned as a result, the president lives here modern day
  4. an army consisting of civilians
  5. the wealth and recourses of a country
  6. People who favored war
  7. this national anthem was created as a result of the war
  8. governor of the Indian territory
  9. common name for native peoples
  10. the name of James Madison's wife
  1. devotion to ones country
  2. cheif of shawnee tribe
  3. the president before the war started
  4. the large bodies of water bordering Canada and the U.S.
  5. French Emperor at the time
  6. sealing the ports to prevent people from coming in or out
  7. a ban on exporting product
  8. A key country in the war, mother country
  9. an official end to fighting
  10. the president during the war
  11. the military section that focuses on the sea

21 Clues: cheif of shawnee tribePeople who favored wardevotion to ones countryFrench Emperor at the timea ban on exporting productan official end to fightingA key war hawk from Kentuckythe president during the warcommon name for native peoplesan army consisting of civiliansgovernor of the Indian territorythe name of James Madison's wife...

Number The Stars Puzzle 2024-10-01

Number The Stars Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Annemarie's dad
  2. Annemarie's mom
  3. The kitten that Kirsti finds
  4. Annemarie's mom
  5. Annemarie's sister
  6. Annemarie's best friend
  7. An old Friend of Annemarie and Lise
  8. Escaped the Nazis
  9. Lise's yellow dress
  10. Was Annemarie's older sister (She Died)
  1. Ellen's best friend
  2. Uncle Henrik's milk cow.
  3. World War II
  4. Annemarie's uncle
  5. A garden
  6. Escaped the Nazis
  7. The Star Of David
  8. The Teacher
  9. Park A park in Klampenborg.
  10. The owner of the corner shop

20 Clues: A gardenThe TeacherWorld War IIAnnemarie's dadAnnemarie's momAnnemarie's momAnnemarie's uncleEscaped the NazisThe Star Of DavidEscaped the NazisAnnemarie's sisterEllen's best friendLise's yellow dressAnnemarie's best friendUncle Henrik's milk cow.Park A park in Klampenborg.The kitten that Kirsti findsThe owner of the corner shop...

WW1 Project Puzzle 2021-05-05

WW1 Project Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. telegram intercepted from the germans to the mexicans.
  2. one who loves and defends his or her country
  3. a polical and ecomical system striving for a classless society
  4. a war between allies and central powers
  5. person opposed to the use of war or violence to settle disputes
  6. a partnership between entities
  7. strategy drawn up by germans to avoid fighting a war on two fronts
  8. woodrow wilson's plan for organizing post war europe
  9. an understanding between nations
  10. international congress of nations formed in 1919 that was designed to settle disputes and maintain peace.
  11. alliance that include britain, france, and russia
  12. 1917 act gave the government new ways to spy.
  13. term used to describe the deadlock on the western front during the first world war.
  14. military strategy by fighting from the protection of deep ditches
  15. payments for damages and expenses brought on by war
  16. the heir to the throne of austria-hungary
  17. a region where warfare is taking place
  18. the 11th day of the 11th month of the 11th hour, 1918
  19. system that prevents any one country from dominating the others
  20. medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to the distressing experiences of trench warfare
  21. pre ww1 alliance between italy, germany, and austria-hungary
  22. another word for a spy
  1. for the factor that lead to the start of the war
  2. treaty ending ww1 that required germany to pay billions of dollars of war costs and established the league of nations
  3. the state of not taking sides
  4. the powerful german counsellor
  5. law that required men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for the draft into the armed forces.
  6. gathering resources and preparing for war
  7. british passenger liner sunk by u-boat
  8. pride in one's nation/country
  9. alliance led by austria hungary and germany
  10. war bond sold to americans
  11. sold during ww1 to raise money for loans
  12. building empires by imposing outside rule on peoples around the world
  13. supervised the nations industrial production
  14. team of troops, ships, or equipment
  15. a form of socialsim featuring racism and expansionism
  16. during the war people were ______ to their home countries
  17. glorification of the military
  18. german submarines

40 Clues: german submarinesanother word for a spywar bond sold to americansthe state of not taking sidespride in one's nation/countryglorification of the militarythe powerful german counsellora partnership between entitiesan understanding between nationsteam of troops, ships, or equipmentbritish passenger liner sunk by u-boat...

Veterans Day Updated 2022-11-11

Veterans Day Updated crossword puzzle
  1. Some soldiers suffered severe physical and psychological trauma called ________ as a result of massive artillery bombardment.
  2. Location of the Twin Towers that were brought down by the 9/11 attacks.
  3. A nickname for the U.S. flag
  4. The month of Veteran's Day.
  5. The acronym for a psychological disorder some soldiers face after returning from war is ____.
  6. The original name of Veteran's Day
  7. From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. fought a war in _______ to stop the spread of communism.
  8. The U.S. fought two wars in ______ in 1991 and 2003.
  9. A song played with a bugle at ceremonies honoring Veterans.
  10. In Europe, the U.S. helped ________ become a democratic capitalist country after World War II.
  11. Highest military award for valor in the U.S.
  12. The U.S. gained control of much of the American southwest as a result of this 1848 war.
  13. A second nickname for the U.S. flag.
  14. First US War after independence
  15. The U.S. entered this war in 1917 because of Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare and Germany's Zimmermann Telegram.
  1. The U.S. gained permanent or temporary control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippine Islands in this 1898 war.
  2. Another name for the 13 colonies war for independence in 1776.
  3. Song played during ceremonies honoring Veteran's
  4. Name of the skyscraper built where the twin towers were located that includes the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.
  5. The ________ Memorial in Arizona includes five pillars that allow light to shine on the Great Seal of the U.S. once a year on Veteran's Day.
  6. What people often say to veterans.
  7. Soldiers invaded __________ just after the 9/11 attacks in 2001.
  8. The U.S. led a U.N. military force from 1950 – 1953 that drove back an invasion from communist North ________.
  9. In Asia, the U.S. occupied ________ (an Asian country) after World War II helping it become a successful democratic and capitalist country.
  10. The U.S. national anthem is called the ________.
  11. The country that controlled the 13 American colonies and fought the first war against the U.S. in 1812.
  12. The U.S. joined this war after the Japanese attack on ______.
  13. The U.S. participated in the largest amphibious invasion in history at __________ in France on June 6, 1944.

28 Clues: The month of Veteran's Day.A nickname for the U.S. flagFirst US War after independenceThe original name of Veteran's DayWhat people often say to veterans.A second nickname for the U.S. flag.Highest military award for valor in the U.S.Song played during ceremonies honoring Veteran'sThe U.S. national anthem is called the ________....

Österreich I 2016-04-11

Österreich I crossword puzzle
  1. Schießerei
  2. Österreicher gegen Österreicher
  3. Führer
  4. Problem am Arbeitsmarkt
  5. Großpartei
  6. Duce
  7. jüngstes Bundesland
  8. Anhänger Hitlers
  9. ... und das Geld war nichts mehr wert
  10. roter Selbstschutzverband
  11. Großpartei
  12. neue Währung
  13. Zusammenfassung des Austromarxismus (2 Wörter)
  14. ... führte zum Hunger
  15. Einheitspartei (2 Wörter)
  1. Parteiprogramm der Christlichsozialen (2 Wörter)
  2. Hielt Kärnten bei Österreich
  3. ... zwischen Schuschnigg und Hitler
  4. Bundeskanzler
  5. ... brannte nach Schattendorf
  6. Bundeskanzler
  7. Ende Österreichs
  8. Bundespräsident
  9. bürgerlicher Wehrverband

24 Clues: DuceFührerSchießereiGroßparteiGroßparteineue WährungBundeskanzlerBundeskanzlerBundespräsidentAnhänger HitlersEnde Österreichsjüngstes Bundesland... führte zum HungerProblem am Arbeitsmarktbürgerlicher Wehrverbandroter SelbstschutzverbandEinheitspartei (2 Wörter)Hielt Kärnten bei Österreich... brannte nach SchattendorfÖsterreicher gegen Österreicher...

Unit Nine Part Two Review 2024-05-16

Unit Nine Part Two Review crossword puzzle
  1. Leader of Al Qaeda, responsible for the 9/11 attacks, was located and killed by Navy Seals in 2011 (2 words/no spaces)
  2. Civil Rights activist that refused to give up her seat sparking a city wide bus boycott
  3. 1964 act that called for an end to a number of racial injustices (3 words/no spaces)
  4. City where nine high school students were the first to integrate into an all white high school despite the need for military escorts due to threats of violence against them (2 words/no spaces)
  5. City that had the largest civil rights protest in US History in August 1963
  6. Civil Rights activist who was a WWII veteran who received a full military funeral following his assassination in 1963
  7. Location of the bus boycott that led the Supreme Court to forbid discrimination in public transportation
  8. Corrupted government of Afghanistan who were harboring Al Qaeda and committing terrorist attacks on their own people
  9. Attorney who assisted with the Brown Supreme Court decision and later became the first African American Supreme Court Justice
  10. Civil Rights Activist who helped led the Selma March who was ultimately beaten and arrested for his involvement
  11. Individuals who bought bus tickets and attempted to promote integration by riding across the south only to be met with violence and arrests (2 words/no spaces)
  12. President who helped bring about the end of the Cold War, known as the "Great Communicator"
  13. City where four A&T students staged a sit-in at a Woolworth's lunch counter leading to nationwide sit-ins and the integration of lunch counters across the country
  1. 1965 act that helped register black Americans to vote and which outlawed literacy tests for voters (3 words/no spaces)
  2. Reagan gave a famous speech at the Brandenburg Gate asking Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" (2 words/no spaces)
  3. Movement that pushed for the equality of people of all races (2 words/no spaces)
  4. Leader of Iraq during the Gulf War, was ultimately captured, put on trial, and executed for crimes against humanity in 2006
  5. Pastor who became one of the most famous civil rights activists in the US, gave the I Have a Dream speech in 1963
  6. One of the four planes hijacked on 9/11 flew into this building that houses the US Department of Defense
  7. 15 year old who refused to give up her bus seat inspiring Rosa Parks to do the same
  8. Two of the four planes hijacked on 9/11 were flown into two of the ___ ____ ____ buildings in New York City (3 words/no spaces)
  9. Code named operation of the massive military assault on Iraq during the Gulf War (2 words/no spaces)
  10. Military conflict caused by Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, lasted only a matter of hours (2 words/no spaces)
  11. In 1993, terrorists committed a _____ attack on the World Trade Center that caused destruction and loss of lives, but thankfully not as much as they had hoped
  12. Civil Rights activist who differed from Martin Luther King Jr's peaceful protest approach instead promoting whatever means necessary (2 words/no spaces)
  13. Leader of the USSR who met with Reagan several times during Reagan's presidency and helped bring about the end of the Cold War
  14. ______ v. Board of Education overthrew the Plessy v. Ferguson decision ruling that separate is inherently unequal

27 Clues: City that had the largest civil rights protest in US History in August 1963Movement that pushed for the equality of people of all races (2 words/no spaces)15 year old who refused to give up her bus seat inspiring Rosa Parks to do the same1964 act that called for an end to a number of racial injustices (3 words/no spaces)...

Canada's daily life 2014-01-28

Canada's daily life crossword puzzle
  1. Canada's _____ and other grain is well known
  2. A average farm has about 1,000
  3. farming requires a lot of
  4. Quebecs local tongue is know as
  5. after world war 2 huge amounts of immigrants form
  6. Native Indian artist also excel at
  7. one of Canada's main languages
  1. like Americans Canadians live in big
  2. one of Canada's main sport is
  3. Canada's cites are home to some of the best parties and
  4. Canada is know for its environment and it's
  5. Canada has many _____ in the central provinces
  6. Canada is home to many
  7. Canada has a lot of talented

14 Clues: Canada is home to manyfarming requires a lot ofCanada has a lot of talentedone of Canada's main sport isA average farm has about 1,000one of Canada's main languagesQuebecs local tongue is know asNative Indian artist also excel atlike Americans Canadians live in bigCanada is know for its environment and it's...

cold war 2023-02-23

cold war crossword puzzle
  1. established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.during the cold war
  2. conflict between (North Korea) and (South Korea)China and the Ussr supplied and helped the north and the United sates Supplied and helped with the south Koreans
  3. the isolating, closing off, or surrounding of a place, as a port, harbor, or city, by hostile ships or troops to prevent entrance or exit.
  4. when two or more countries increase the size and quality of military resources to gain military and political superiority over one another.
  1. the U.S. approach to containing, or preventing, the spread of Communism after World War avoid the temptation of communism.
  2. Plan the United States provides economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of post World War 2 Europe.
  3. was an ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II.
  4. Soviet Union a powerful group of Communist countries including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and1922 to 1991

8 Clues: Soviet Union a powerful group of Communist countries including Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, and1922 to 1991Plan the United States provides economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of post World War 2 Europe....

Alan Walker 2023-09-11

Alan Walker crossword puzzle
  1. Falls Down
  2. Of The Heroes
  3. Heart
  4. A Smile
  5. Like U
  6. Melody
  7. You Lonely
  8. You
  9. Control
  10. Summer
  1. World
  2. We Used To Know
  3. World
  4. Pt 2
  5. Of Time
  6. side
  7. Sometimes
  8. Drum
  9. Spectre
  10. Up

20 Clues: UpYouPt 2sideDrumWorldWorldHeartLike UMelodySummerA SmileOf TimeSpectreControlSometimesFalls DownYou LonelyOf The HeroesWe Used To Know

Struggle For Independence Vocab: 2024-01-22

Struggle For Independence Vocab: crossword puzzle
  1. war 1 a global conflict fought between to coalition
  2. one's own country
  3. quality of supporting ones country
  1. war 2 war fought between 1934-1945 between Axis powers and Allies
  2. self government or independence for India
  3. Charge when a large group of police run forward in an attacking
  4. Graha when you are clinging to truth

7 Clues: one's own countryquality of supporting ones countryGraha when you are clinging to truthself government or independence for Indiawar 1 a global conflict fought between to coalitionCharge when a large group of police run forward in an attackingwar 2 war fought between 1934-1945 between Axis powers and Allies

American revolution 2023-11-15

American revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Soldiers that helped British in the war
  2. king of England
  3. helped Americans in the war against England
  4. they are from England and wanted control of the United States but ended up losing in the war
  5. created the Declaration of Independence
  6. were the nicknames for British soldiers
  7. The battle that was the turning point in the war
  8. was the first battle that started the war
  9. was a document made by Thomas Jefferson
  1. were the people who created our country
  2. helped the Americans in many battles and was America's first president
  3. people that made America what it is today
  4. this battle was fought I the most populated city in the world today
  5. was everything that happened between the Americans and the British For the United States.
  6. rode to all the states to tell them about the British
  7. this is the river that George Washington crossed on the night of Christmas
  8. war that Americans proved they could win the war
  9. served in the Second Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence
  10. dumped all the tea in the harbor

19 Clues: king of Englanddumped all the tea in the harborwere the people who created our countrySoldiers that helped British in the warcreated the Declaration of Independencewere the nicknames for British soldierswas a document made by Thomas Jeffersonpeople that made America what it is todaywas the first battle that started the war...

Jacob Conrad Atlantic world 2024-10-10

Jacob Conrad  Atlantic world crossword puzzle
  1. conquered the Incas
  2. exporting more then importing
  3. a diseases the Europeans brought with them
  4. leader of the Aztec empire
  5. a war between the french and the British
  6. Owned by a different nation
  7. private owners
  8. A trade route from Europe and Africa and the new world
  9. Sea journey taken by slave ships
  10. Spanish forcing the native Americans to work
  11. conquered the Aztec civilization
  1. found the Americas
  2. Trade around the globe
  3. leader of the Incas
  4. having shares in a big company
  5. The exchange of goods between the old world and the new world
  6. The importation of slaves from Africa to the new world
  7. mix race of Spanish and native Americans
  8. Spanish conquers
  9. first English settlement

20 Clues: private ownersSpanish conquersfound the Americasleader of the Incasconquered the IncasTrade around the globefirst English settlementleader of the Aztec empireOwned by a different nationexporting more then importinghaving shares in a big companySea journey taken by slave shipsconquered the Aztec civilizationmix race of Spanish and native Americans...

Unit 6 crossword 2021-12-09

Unit 6 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / The speech intensified America's isolationist mood
  2. / the entire land, sea, and air area that is or may become involved directly in war operations.
  3. / Soviet political leader who governed the Soviet Union
  4. / an epic military campaign between U.S. Marines and the Imperial Army of Japan in early 1945
  5. / he outlined were freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
  6. / the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated.
  1. / a joint declaration released by U.S. President FranklinD.Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
  2. / a Mexican laborer allowed into the US for a limited time as a seasonal agricultural worker.
  3. / a military strategy employed by the Allies in the Pacific War
  4. / defining the new, post-World War II balance of power.
  5. / a meeting of three World War II allies
  6. / President Roosevelt virtually unlimited authority to direct material aid such as ammunition
  7. / Japanese army officer who initiated the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  8. / a loan to the government to help fund a war
  9. / belonging to the nucleus of an atom

15 Clues: / belonging to the nucleus of an atom/ a meeting of three World War II allies/ a loan to the government to help fund a war/ The speech intensified America's isolationist mood/ defining the new, post-World War II balance of power./ Soviet political leader who governed the Soviet Union...

American revolution 2023-11-15

American revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Soldiers that helped British in the war
  2. king of England
  3. helped Americans in the war against England
  4. they are from England and wanted control of the United States but ended up losing in the war
  5. created the Declaration of Independence
  6. were the nicknames for British soldiers
  7. The battle that was the turning point in the war
  8. was the first battle that started the war
  9. was a document made by Thomas Jefferson
  1. were the people who created our country
  2. helped the Americans in many battles and was America's first president
  3. people that made America what it is today
  4. this battle was fought I the most populated city in the world today
  5. was everything that happened between the Americans and the British For the United States.
  6. rode to all the states to tell them about the British
  7. this is the river that George Washington crossed on the night of Christmas
  8. war that Americans proved they could win the war
  9. served in the Second Continental Congress and helped draft the Declaration of Independence
  10. dumped all the tea in the harbor

19 Clues: king of Englanddumped all the tea in the harborwere the people who created our countrySoldiers that helped British in the warcreated the Declaration of Independencewere the nicknames for British soldierswas a document made by Thomas Jeffersonpeople that made America what it is todaywas the first battle that started the war...

vocabulario - el pretérito 2022-03-25

vocabulario - el pretérito crossword puzzle
  1. news/reports
  2. the people
  3. the attack
  4. yesterday
  5. beginning
  6. the end
  7. culture
  8. week
  1. story
  2. war
  3. disaster
  4. the world
  5. then/so
  6. last night
  7. past/last
  8. the country
  9. year

17 Clues: warweekyearstorythen/sothe endculturedisasterthe worldyesterdaybeginningpast/lastthe peoplethe attacklast nightthe countrynews/reports

The Homefront 2023-02-10

The Homefront crossword puzzle
  1. Bonds Certificates sold by the United States government to pay for the war.
  2. Drives World War II, collected tin cans, scrap metal, rubber to make into bullets, tanks, airplanes
  3. any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees
  4. Boat A landing craft used in World War II to take soldiers and supplies to beaches
  5. Sam a personification of the United States government
  6. Complete power failure
  7. raid signal that attack by air is about to happen
  8. A limited portion or allowance of food or goods; limitation of use
  9. person who joins the military by choice
  1. A special way of sending mail to and from soldiers.
  2. Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
  3. the Riveter A propaganda character designed to increase production of female workers in the factories. It became a rallying symbol for women to do their part.
  4. collaborative efforts of people to accomplish common objectives
  5. a jerky American dance that was popular in the 1940s
  6. Gardens Backyard gardens; Americans were encouraged to grow their own vegetables to support the war effort

15 Clues: Complete power failureperson who joins the military by choiceraid signal that attack by air is about to happenA special way of sending mail to and from soldiers.a jerky American dance that was popular in the 1940sSam a personification of the United States governmentcollaborative efforts of people to accomplish common objectives...

Topic 19: The Modern World 2023-06-02

Topic 19: The Modern World crossword puzzle
  1. a radical Russian socialist group that supported Vladimir Lenin
  2. fighting from trenches
  3. giving in to the demands of an aggressor in hopes of avoiding war
  4. the mass-murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WWII
  5. the deliberate extermination of an ethnic, racial or religious group
  6. agreement in which each side promises not to attack the other
  7. a policy of agressive military buildup
  8. a German term for "lightning war"
  9. the conflict between the US and Soviet Union that dominated world politics
  1. not related to the military; for non-military use
  2. payment made for war damages
  3. economic system based on private ownership of property
  4. a situation with no chance for progress
  5. a deep worldwide economic slump that lasted through the 1930's
  6. massive collection of economic and social government programs in the US during the Great Depression
  7. countries with enough political, economic and military strength to influence world events
  8. idea that all Africans should cooperate in order to make progress
  9. alliance between germany and austria-hungary during WWII
  10. US policy of trying to keep the Soviet Union from expanding
  11. the use of violence and fear to achieve a political goal

20 Clues: fighting from trenchespayment made for war damagesa German term for "lightning war"a policy of agressive military buildupa situation with no chance for progressnot related to the military; for non-military useeconomic system based on private ownership of propertythe mass-murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WWII...

Unit 6- The Modern Era 2023-05-19

Unit 6- The Modern Era crossword puzzle
  1. A French word that means an "easing of tensions" used to describe US President Nixon's approach to the Soviet Union
  2. Organization created by countries to control oil business functions
  3. Soviet Union, Vietnam, China, & North Korea all have this type of economic system
  4. The Persian Gulf war was fought in this country after their leader decided to invade Kuwait
  5. Exchanging information, products, and ideas is associated with this vocabulary word
  6. Both Israelis and Palestinians are fighting for the right to own this- ____
  7. The Palestinians are a group of ___ Nationalists that believe in their right to land their families held for 1,000s of years
  8. During the Partition of India, this country was carved out for Muslim majorities
  9. This individual was instrumental in bringing independence to India through non-violence
  10. This Islamic Fundamentalist group was responsible for the US attack on 9/11
  1. After WW2, this organization was created to prevent another world war by trying to resolve international conflicts (2 words)
  2. After the Korean War, this country remained a communist dictatorship (2 words)
  3. This leader rose up to make China a communist country
  4. Middle Eastern ethnic group that now controls the nation of Israel created by the UN
  5. Through peaceful protests and non-violence, this Asian country gained independence from Britain in 1947
  6. After WW2 this city was divided in half and a wall was erected to prevent people from moving from the east to the west
  7. A protest for basic freedoms took place at this location in China- _____ Square
  8. These racial descrimination laws separated people in South Africa
  9. Contrary to the Soviet Union, the United States has this type of economic system

19 Clues: This leader rose up to make China a communist countryThese racial descrimination laws separated people in South AfricaOrganization created by countries to control oil business functionsBoth Israelis and Palestinians are fighting for the right to own this- ____This Islamic Fundamentalist group was responsible for the US attack on 9/11...

Presidents 2023-04-20

Presidents crossword puzzle
  1. Main author of the Constitution
  2. Had 2 alligators as a pet
  3. This president was assassinated on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald
  4. Father of George W Bush
  5. First non-slave holding president aside from bush
  6. One of the 2 presidents to have 2 wives
  7. First African-American President
  8. Owned a Durham Cow and a goat
  9. Served 2 non-consecutive terms
  10. Only president born on July 4th
  11. President during the Mexican-American war
  12. Became president when Kennedy was assassinated
  13. First president in the Cold War
  14. proclaimed that America needed "not nostrums, but normalcy".
  15. Assassinated on November 18th 1886
  16. Named the hero of the battle of Trenton
  17. First Natural Born President
  18. 39th U.S. President
  19. Hayes’ successor
  1. Became president when Lincoln was assassinated
  2. His first son died by scarlet fever at 3
  3. Biggest President
  4. Bearded 19th President
  5. This president was the leader of the militia during the war of 1812
  6. President during 9/11
  7. Commonly referred to as F.D.R.
  8. Only president elected from Pennsylvania
  9. April 15, 1865, assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
  10. First president to resign
  11. Died of using to much cigars
  12. Became an Orphan at 9
  13. He was the only president to not be elected to president nor vice president
  14. This president enjoyed jelly beans

33 Clues: Hayes’ successorBiggest President39th U.S. PresidentPresident during 9/11Became an Orphan at 9Bearded 19th PresidentFather of George W BushHad 2 alligators as a petFirst president to resignDied of using to much cigarsFirst Natural Born PresidentOwned a Durham Cow and a goatCommonly referred to as F.D.R.Served 2 non-consecutive terms...

Topic 19: The Modern World 2023-06-02

Topic 19: The Modern World crossword puzzle
  1. a radical Russian socialist group that supported Vladimir Lenin
  2. fighting from trenches
  3. giving in to the demands of an aggressor in hopes of avoiding war
  4. the mass-murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WWII
  5. the deliberate extermination of an ethnic, racial or religious group
  6. agreement in which each side promises not to attack the other
  7. a policy of agressive military buildup
  8. a German term for "lightning war"
  9. the conflict between the US and Soviet Union that dominated world politics
  1. not related to the military; for non-military use
  2. payment made for war damages
  3. economic system based on private ownership of property
  4. a situation with no chance for progress
  5. a deep worldwide economic slump that lasted through the 1930's
  6. massive collection of economic and social government programs in the US during the Great Depression
  7. countries with enough political, economic and military strength to influence world events
  8. idea that all Africans should cooperate in order to make progress
  9. alliance between germany and austria-hungary during WWII
  10. US policy of trying to keep the Soviet Union from expanding
  11. the use of violence and fear to achieve a political goal

20 Clues: fighting from trenchespayment made for war damagesa German term for "lightning war"a policy of agressive military buildupa situation with no chance for progressnot related to the military; for non-military useeconomic system based on private ownership of propertythe mass-murder of 6 million Jews by Nazis during WWII...

The Home Front 2023-02-22

The Home Front crossword puzzle
  1. Bonds Certificates sold by the United States government to pay for the war.
  2. Drives World War II, collected tin cans, scrap metal, rubber to make into bullets, tanks, airplanes
  3. any activity carried on by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees
  4. Boat A landing craft used in World War II to take soldiers and supplies to beaches
  5. Sam a personification of the United States government
  6. Complete power failure
  7. raid signal that attack by air is about to happen
  8. A limited portion or allowance of food or goods; limitation of use
  9. person who joins the military by choice
  1. A special way of sending mail to and from soldiers.
  2. Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
  3. the Riveter A propaganda character designed to increase production of female workers in the factories. It became a rallying symbol for women to do their part.
  4. collaborative efforts of people to accomplish common objectives
  5. a jerky American dance that was popular in the 1940s
  6. Gardens Backyard gardens; Americans were encouraged to grow their own vegetables to support the war effort

15 Clues: Complete power failureperson who joins the military by choiceraid signal that attack by air is about to happenA special way of sending mail to and from soldiers.a jerky American dance that was popular in the 1940sSam a personification of the United States governmentcollaborative efforts of people to accomplish common objectives...

1940's Fashion Style 2024-08-19

1940's Fashion Style crossword puzzle
  1. One of the movie in that time
  2. Designer who released "The New Look"
  3. thing that removed from man's fashion
  4. manufacture that closed in world war II
  5. reason why stockings were not available
  1. famous hat at that time
  2. designer's inspiration for the fashion during world war
  3. Female industrial worker outfit
  4. Bomber jacket inspiration
  5. female suit shoulder is always
  6. Colors that reflecting that time
  7. characteristic of Eisenhower jacket's shoulder

12 Clues: famous hat at that timeBomber jacket inspirationOne of the movie in that timefemale suit shoulder is alwaysFemale industrial worker outfitColors that reflecting that timeDesigner who released "The New Look"thing that removed from man's fashionmanufacture that closed in world war IIreason why stockings were not available...

AJ wilson 2015-03-02

AJ wilson crossword puzzle
  1. War 1: A global war centered in Europe that began in 1914 and ended late 1918.
  2. the compensation paid by a defeated nation for the damage or injury it inflicted during a war
  3. policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war
  4. of Nations: an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations
  5. a deadlock in which neither side wins
  6. Powers: alliance of nations in WW1 that include Germany, Austria Hungary, and Ottoman empires
  1. Franz Ferdidand: Ruler of Austria, the assassination of him led to the beginning of World War 1
  2. Man's Land: Strip of land between the trenches of opposing armies
  3. Prides in one's Nation
  4. To prepare for war
  5. Warfare: a new kind of warfare in WW1 that involved troops digging and fighting from deep ditches
  6. Powers: alliance of nations that fought the Central Powers in WW1

12 Clues: To prepare for warPrides in one's Nationa deadlock in which neither side winspolicy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for warMan's Land: Strip of land between the trenches of opposing armiesPowers: alliance of nations that fought the Central Powers in WW1War 1: A global war centered in Europe that began in 1914 and ended late 1918....

APUSH Unit 1&2 Crossword 2022-08-21

APUSH Unit 1&2 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The _____ Covenant allowed unconverted offspring of church members to baptize their children; hypocritical and showed a weakening of religious zeal among Puritans
  2. First Permanent English colony in the new world (where everyone lived…kind of)
  3. The journey of West Africans being moved to the Caribbean to begin their lives as slaves in the New World was called (2 words)
  4. The _________was a mass immigration of about 30,000 Puritans to the New World to escape from the English Civil war. (2 words
  5. The Exchange of goods, crops, and diseases between the New and Old World societies after 1492
  6. Spain's system of labor in the New World essentially made the Natives into serfs.
  7. This violent Virginia Rebellion in 1676 marked the shift from using indentured servants to using slaves.
  8. This noble was given the proprietary colony of Georgia which was designed as a buffer between English territory in North America and Spanish territory in Florida.
  9. The _________Compact was the first written form of government in the colonies was put together on a Pilgrim ship prior to landing at Plymouth.
  10. He was the first leader of the Puritans who landed in Massachusetts. He established the theocratic settlement at Boston with the intention of making a, "City upon a Hill." (last name)
  11. Calvinist doctrine that God had foreordained some people to be saved and some to be damned. Though their fate was irreversible, Calvinists sought to lead sanctified lives in order to demonstrate to others that they were in fact members of the “elect”
  12. This system allowed for fifty acres of prime tobacco land to be given to anyone paying the passage of any person coming to America.
  13. John Peter was a New York printer tried for seditious libel against the state’s corrupt royal governor; his acquittal set an important precedent for freedom of the press
  14. An economic belief that there is only limited wealth in the world and colonies must be exploited in order to enrich the mother country.
  15. Belief that the elect need not obey the law of either God or man; most notably espoused in the colonies by Anne Hutchinson
  16. John______ English adventurer who took control of Jamestown in 1608 and ensured the survival of the colony by directing gold-hungry colonists toward more productive tasks. He also sang and danced while Pocahontas talked to trees.
  17. These individuals settled on the frontier; as far away from the English as possible. They were the most self­ sufficient and least loyal of the English settlers.(2 words)
  1. In Maryland the Act of______ was passed by Lord Baltimore to allow for the peaceful coexistence of all religions, primarily Catholics.
  2. Set of laws beginning in 1662 defining racial slavery; established the hereditary nature of slavery and limited the rights and education of slaves (2 words)
  3. This woman was exiled from Massachusetts Bay colony for questioning predestination; she helped to found Rhode Island (2 words)
  4. Religious group known for their tolerance, emphasis on peace, and idealistic Indian policy, who settled heavily in Pennsylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries
  5. This Quaker leader established Pennsylvania. He then went on to try to create a Quaker utopia there.
  6. A series of witchcraft trials were launched in this town after a group of adolescent girls claimed to have been bewitched by certain older women of the town; twenty individuals were put to death before the trials were put to an end by the governor of Massachusetts
  7. Civil War Armed conflict between royalists and parliamentarians, resulting in the victory of pro-Parliament forces and the execution of Charles I
  8. brought tobacco to Jamestown and ensured it’s survival growing cash crops.
  9. Poor Servants shipped from England to work for 5-7 years on plantations. At first few survived.
  10. The Great______was a religious movement based in America focusing on religion as an emotional experience instead of Predestination. Establishes the Baptist & Methodist sects.
  11. The _________of New England was An early British attempt to dissolve the New England colonial governments and unite them under 1 royal governor in the1680's.
  12. these laws were loosely enforced English trade laws passed after their Civil War in the 1680's. (2 words)
  13. English Protestant reformers who sought to purify the Church of England Settled in Massachusetts, Barbados & Charleston
  14. Sugar plantation islands which had strong trade & social connections with South Carolina
  15. This Puritan dissenter had issues with the Massachusetts confiscation of Native lands and government enforced religion. Separation of church and state started with him; Plus he founded Rhode Island. (full name)
  16. Separatists from the church of England who migrated to New England from Amsterdam.
  17. The ______trade was a profitable English trade route shipping slaves, raw materials and manufactured goods Between Europe, Africa and the Americas
  18. King ________ war was a major Native American uprising in New England, it resulted in an almost complete annihilation of the Indians in the area.
  19. Reform-minded Spanish missionary who worked to abolish the encomienda system and documented the mistreatment of Indians in the Spanish colonies (last name)
  20. Jonathan ________ was a preacher during the Great Awakening famous for his emotional sermons such as, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

37 Clues: brought tobacco to Jamestown and ensured it’s survival growing cash crops.First Permanent English colony in the new world (where everyone lived…kind of)Spain's system of labor in the New World essentially made the Natives into serfs.Separatists from the church of England who migrated to New England from Amsterdam....

World Cup Qatar 2022 2022-11-20

World Cup Qatar 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. has a yellow flag
  2. also has a green star on its flag
  3. flag with a dot
  4. where K pop is from
  5. has a two headed bird on its flag
  6. white cross on its flag
  7. kagaroos and koala bears
  8. has lots of stars on its flag
  9. a country close to Antarctica
  10. where you live
  11. where Cristiano Ronaldo is from
  12. A country in North Africa
  13. world war 2 started because this country was invaded
  14. San Jose is its capital
  15. used to be known as Persia
  1. has a sword on its flag
  2. has the Eiffel Tower
  3. biggest Central American country
  4. the 4th Scandanavian country
  5. red and white chequered flag
  6. part of the UK
  7. has a black star on its flag
  8. has a green star on its flag
  9. has the same colours as Germany on its flag
  10. clogs and tulips
  11. the host nation
  12. won the first world cup
  13. the Amazon Rainforest
  14. on the western coast of South America
  15. second largest population in Europe
  16. it's next to France
  17. maple syrup

32 Clues: maple syruppart of the UKwhere you liveflag with a dotthe host nationclogs and tulipshas a yellow flagwhere K pop is fromit's next to Francehas the Eiffel Towerthe Amazon Rainforesthas a sword on its flagwhite cross on its flagwon the first world cupSan Jose is its capitalkagaroos and koala bearsA country in North Africaused to be known as Persia...

Revolutionary War -- Daniel Beauleau 2022-04-20

Revolutionary War -- Daniel Beauleau crossword puzzle
  1. Convinced the french to join the war
  2. Someone who is loyal to the king
  3. "The shot heard around the world"
  4. Biggest signature on the declaration
  5. Worst winter in the war
  6. Someone who is for the Revolution
  7. closed because of the Boston tea party
  1. 2nd president, Lawyer
  2. Christmas night
  3. George Washington's assistant
  4. large battle hill
  5. most famous traitor
  6. dumped in the Boston harbor
  7. last battle of the revolutionary war
  8. former king of England

15 Clues: Christmas nightlarge battle hillmost famous traitor2nd president, Lawyerformer king of EnglandWorst winter in the wardumped in the Boston harborGeorge Washington's assistantSomeone who is loyal to the king"The shot heard around the world"Someone who is for the RevolutionConvinced the french to join the warBiggest signature on the declaration...

Animals 2017-11-28

Animals crossword puzzle
  1. An ape
  2. They fly in the sky
  3. The national bird of The U.S.A (2 words)
  4. A marsupial
  5. The only mammal that lays eggs
  6. They hibernate
  7. Black, white and orange cat
  8. This big black cat is really a variety of leopard or jaguar (2 words)
  9. They gather pollen
  10. A bird that lives in Antartica
  11. Man's best friend
  12. A reptile with a hard shell
  13. A hairy mammal you can ride
  1. It eats bamboo
  2. It eats other snakes (2 words)
  3. Largest animal in the world (2 words)
  4. Biggest fish (2 words)
  5. Only mammal that flies
  6. It lives in its shell
  7. The biggest bird in the world
  8. Slowest mammal
  9. Repeats what people say
  10. An amphibian
  11. It quacks
  12. The fastest mammal
  13. A farm animal that is pink
  14. Similar to a mouse

27 Clues: An apeIt quacksA marsupialAn amphibianIt eats bambooSlowest mammalThey hibernateMan's best friendThe fastest mammalThey gather pollenSimilar to a mouseThey fly in the skyIt lives in its shellBiggest fish (2 words)Only mammal that fliesRepeats what people sayA farm animal that is pinkBlack, white and orange catA reptile with a hard shell...

Unit 6 Crossword 2017-12-11

Unit 6 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War I
  2. the understanding linking the Russian Empire, the French Third Republic, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
  3. the state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict
  4. a Russian communist revolutionary, politician and political theorist
  5. an intergovernmental organisation founded on 10 January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War
  6. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
  7. a formal agreement of warring parties to stop fighting
  1. a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other
  2. a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Party
  3. an Archduke of Austria-Este
  4. a document signed between Germany and the Allied Powers following World War I that officially ended that war
  5. consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire
  6. a secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  7. the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military
  8. a union or association formed for mutual benefit
  9. a ruler with total power over a country
  10. the last Emperor of Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his forced abdication on 15 March 1917
  11. a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state

18 Clues: an Archduke of Austria-Estea ruler with total power over a countrya union or association formed for mutual benefita formal agreement of warring parties to stop fightinga faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labor Partya secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy...

Countries 2023-01-01

Countries crossword puzzle
  1. Rica popular tropical vacation destination
  2. We’re not Norway
  3. Kingdom Goodday!
  4. Is it a country? 🥶
  5. Country at war
  6. Tacos
  7. We’re not a country, we’re a state!
  8. Also a male name.
  9. Croikey!
  10. Where the Eiffel Tower is
  1. Won this year’s World Cup
  2. Hola!
  3. … of America
  4. We’re not Sweden
  5. Largest country
  6. Athat’s aspicy ameatball!
  7. the maple leaf
  8. Has won 5 world cups

18 Clues: Hola!TacosCroikey!… of AmericaCountry at warthe maple leafLargest countryWe’re not NorwayKingdom Goodday!We’re not SwedenAlso a male name.Is it a country? 🥶Has won 5 world cupsWon this year’s World CupAthat’s aspicy ameatball!Where the Eiffel Tower isWe’re not a country, we’re a state!Rica popular tropical vacation destination

doeboek 2013-11-19

doeboek crossword puzzle
  1. division of which guard is represented on the Nachtwacht?
  2. first multinational in the world
  3. black liquorice the Dutch are addicted to
  4. traditional winter dish
  5. how much per cent of the time does it rain in Holland?
  6. the most favorite topic in Dutch conversation
  7. the Waag was used for from 1617 till 1819
  8. the house Anne Frank lived in during World War 2
  9. colour of age when the Dutch economy flourished
  10. the first newly build Protestant Church in Amsterdam
  11. the surname of the architect of Nemo museum
  12. a Dutch word often used, meaning "cosy"
  13. stone with
  1. Doing a "bakkie" refers to what drink?
  2. myth:all people wear them
  3. name used by Amsterdam inhabitants for Townhouse and Opera
  4. the name of the holy man that rides on the roofs on a horse
  5. curse for a Dutch with a fat white face
  6. Amsterdam was build on
  7. chocolate candy to decorate your bread with
  8. woman on horse (statue) on Rokin
  9. former usage of Amsterdam Museum
  10. favorite color of the Dutch
  11. famous Dutch flower
  12. Magere brug is spanning which river?

25 Clues: stone withfamous Dutch flowerAmsterdam was build ontraditional winter dishmyth:all people wear themfavorite color of the Dutchfirst multinational in the worldwoman on horse (statue) on Rokinformer usage of Amsterdam MuseumMagere brug is spanning which river?Doing a "bakkie" refers to what drink?curse for a Dutch with a fat white face...