world war 2 Crossword Puzzles

Chapter 16 - Theology Vocab and Terms - Mr. Nawn 2020-05-31

Chapter 16 - Theology Vocab and Terms - Mr. Nawn crossword puzzle
  1. This was the one apostle that WAS NOT martyred.
  2. St. Peter died being crucified ___ ___. (2 words)
  3. St. Paul compares a life of faith to a spiritual ___.give
  4. The order of priests founded by St. Ignatius is called the ____.
  5. First Peter makes it clear that when we witness our faith, we must make sure that we are living ____.
  6. This apostle was stabbed in the back with a sword.
  7. This saint helped hide countless Jews from the Nazis during World War II. His names was St. ___ ___. (2 words)
  8. The spiritual union of all of the redeemed, those on Earth and those who have died is called ___ ___ ___. (3 words)
  9. In March of 1966, seven monks from the ___ Abbey were kidnapped and executed.
  1. The Letters of Peter show us that ___ have been struggling with living out their faith in the world since the time of the early Church.
  2. In 1 Peter 2:12, Be good no matter what, so that others cannot use your ___ example against you.
  3. The practice of inducing someone to convert to your faith. (Usually aggressively)
  4. Prayers, meditations and reflections established by St. Ignatius is called the ___ ___. (2 words)
  5. The teachings of Jesus that begin the Sermon on the Mount.
  6. St. Paul also says that when you are losing hope and are ready to give up, put on the ____ of God.
  7. Divine Law revealed in the New Testament through the life and teaching of Jesus is called the ___ ___ ___. (3 words)
  8. In Paul's letter to the Romans, Paul uses the image of God as a ____, and we are the clay.
  9. St. Peter was crucified the way he was because he said he was ___ to die like Jesus.

18 Clues: This was the one apostle that WAS NOT martyred.St. Peter died being crucified ___ ___. (2 words)This apostle was stabbed in the back with a sword.St. Paul compares a life of faith to a spiritual ___.giveThe teachings of Jesus that begin the Sermon on the Mount.The order of priests founded by St. Ignatius is called the ____....

PASIFIKA IN NEW ZEALAND: Migration, Dawn Raids and the Polynesian Panther Movement 2021-04-20

PASIFIKA IN NEW ZEALAND: Migration, Dawn Raids and the Polynesian Panther Movement crossword puzzle
  1. World War II ended in 194?
  2. Dawn Raids happened in the 19??s
  3. ___________ Panther Movement
  4. an act of forgiveness for past offences
  5. In the years after what world war did large numbers of Pacific Islander migrate to New Zealand
  6. low __________ workers were needed
  7. Dawn Raids had a significant ________ on people
  1. rejct ideas of inferiority from colonisation
  2. stronger culture absrobing a weaker culture
  3. expel someone from a country
  4. Dawn ________
  5. _______ paid jobs needed filling
  6. Pacific Islander in NZ experienced this

13 Clues: Dawn ________World War II ended in 194?expel someone from a country___________ Panther MovementDawn Raids happened in the 19??s_______ paid jobs needed fillinglow __________ workers were neededPacific Islander in NZ experienced thisan act of forgiveness for past offencesstronger culture absrobing a weaker culture...

WW1 Crossword 2022-01-15

WW1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria.
  2. Nickname for the American soldier in WWI.
  3. Pride in ones country
  4. World War 1, war to end all wars.
  5. Total control of a country or a government by a central power
  6. Letter that Germany sent to Mexico asking them to invade and declare war on the
  7. Armed escort ships traveling with troop transport ships to protect the transport from the enemy.
  8. The policy of opposing involvement of ones country with international alliances or
  1. The American people “lent” money to the government by buying bonds which were
  2. States, in return the would be given Arizona, Texas, and new Mexico.
  3. German submarine
  4. An organization of nations created by President Wilson of the United States to help keep peace around the world (Congress would not approve the U.S. joining even after Wilson created it.)
  5. A temporary peace treaty ending a war.
  6. Large British passenger ship that the Germans sank in 1915; over 1,000 livers were lost
  7. promises by the government to repay the money.
  8. 128 Americans.
  9. Control of a government by only one person
  10. England, Russia, France, Serbia, united states, Portugal, Italy.

18 Clues: 128 Americans.German submarinePride in ones countryWorld War 1, war to end all wars.A temporary peace treaty ending a war.Nickname for the American soldier in WWI.Control of a government by only one personGermany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria.promises by the government to repay the money....

Ch. 1 Crossword 2023-09-26

Ch. 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a strike organized by workers rather than union leaders
  2. a large, sturdy merchant ship built during World War II.
  3. the idea of withholding income taxes from people's paychecks.
  4. collected
  5. government savings bond that is sold to raise money for the war.
  6. a Japanese-American whose parents were born in Japan.
  7. would eventually add up to the price of a bond.
  8. a home garden created to boost food production during World War II.
  9. a camp to which Japanese-Americans were forcibly sent during WWII.
  1. a federal agency created in 1943 to coordinate issues related to war production during WWII.
  2. government spending of borrowed money
  3. status derived from length of service
  4. an effort, launched by an African-American newspaper for victory against the Axis powers and victory and winning racial equality at home.
  5. term used to symbolize the many women who worked in defense industries during WWII.

14 Clues: collectedgovernment spending of borrowed moneystatus derived from length of servicewould eventually add up to the price of a bond.a Japanese-American whose parents were born in Japan.a strike organized by workers rather than union leadersa large, sturdy merchant ship built during World War II....

Cold War Vocab 2023-03-20

Cold War Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a U.S.-sponsored program implemented after World War II to help European countries that had been destroyed in the conflict
  2. proposed U.S. strategic defensive system against potential nuclear attacks
  3. a collective defence treaty established by the Soviet Union and seven other Soviet satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe
  4. the practice of trying to achieve an advantageous outcome by pushing dangerous events to the brink of active conflict
  5. failed attack launched by the CIA during the Kennedy administration to push Cuban leader Fidel Castro from power
  6. Leader of USSR at the End of WW2 / beginning of Cold War
  7. a geopolitical strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States during the Cold War to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II
  8. Leader of USSR at End of Cold War
  9. US President that was in power during the Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis
  10. the guarantee that if one superpower launched a massive nuclear attack, the other would reciprocate by also launching a massive nuclear attack, and both countries would be destroyed (Acronym)
  11. hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. during the Cold War
  12. a security alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe
  13. an ideology or system based on the idea that the property of a community should be owned collectively and shared among everyone
  14. period of the easing of Cold War tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union from 1967 to 1979
  1. means "restructuring" and refers to a series of political and economic reforms meant to kick-start the stagnant 1980s economy
  2. a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  3. the practice of making accusations of subversion and treason, especially when related to anarchism, communism, and socialism
  4. means increased openness and transparency in government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union
  5. The President who said the famous line, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"
  6. competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons, especially between the U.S. and the former USSR during the Cold War
  7. the political, military, and ideological barrier erected by the Soviet Union after World War II to seal off itself and its dependent eastern and central European allies
  8. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
  9. The _______________ theory was a Cold War policy that suggested a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring states, each falling like a row of dominos
  10. competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop aerospace capabilities
  11. built by the German Democratic Republic during the Cold War to prevent its population from escaping Soviet-controlled East Berlin to West Berlin
  12. an attempt in 1948 by the Soviet Union to limit the ability of the United States, Great Britain and France to travel to their respective sectors of the city of Berlin

26 Clues: Leader of USSR at End of Cold WarLeader of USSR at the End of WW2 / beginning of Cold Wara security alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europeproposed U.S. strategic defensive system against potential nuclear attacksThe President who said the famous line, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"...

Unit Seven Part Two Review 2024-03-25

Unit Seven Part Two Review crossword puzzle
  1. Acronym for the organization formed to fight legal battles on behalf of blacks
  2. Campaign slogan of Wilson in 1916 that was purposefully written in past tense (6 words/no spaces)
  3. Warning to Germany to not attack any other passenger or merchant ships (2 words/no spaces)
  4. Handpicked successor of Roosevelt when he decided to not run for a third term
  5. Education that aimed to relate learning to the child's interests and make education more interactive and interesting
  6. One of Roosevelt's favorite projects was the building of the _____ _____, which took ten years to complete (2 words/no space)
  7. Engineer who perfected the assembly line method to mass produce affordable cars
  8. Who Germany and Austria fought for against the Allies (2 words/no space)
  9. Order that required all men between 21 and 30 to register for the draft (eventually expanded to 18 to 45 year olds) (3 words/no spaces)
  10. British ship that was attacked and sunk by a German U-Boat in May 1915
  11. Extreme pride in and loyalty to one's country
  12. Term meaning the rapid build-up of a nation's military
  13. Wilson's plan that he hoped would create long lasting peace after WWI (2 words/no space)
  14. Nickname given to the American soldiers by the other Allies
  15. Individual that argued that blacks could not truly improve themselves economically until they enjoyed equal participation as American citizens (2 words/no spaces)
  16. Agreement between countries to support and help one another
  17. Individual who had risen out of slavery to the presidency of Tuskegee Institute, argued that as blacks became more powerful economically, whites would be forced to accept them as equals
  18. The most important urban evangelist after the death of D.L. Moody
  19. Laws passed by southern states that required forced segregation (2 words/no space)
  20. The expansion of one's nation's control outside of its physical border
  21. Telegram that revealed Germany's desire for Mexico to enter the war for the Central Powers in exchange for regaining lost territory
  22. Taft's foreign policy that was far less controversial than his predecessor's (2 words/no space)
  1. Supreme Court case which decreed that "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional (3 words/no spaces)
  2. Offensive that was one of the costliest military campaigns in American history
  3. Treaty signed at the end of the war, one week after the Armistice was signed
  4. Program led by Herbert Hoover to help with distribution of food and fuel for the war effort (2 words/no space)
  5. Organization created to help nations come together and express grievances without future declarations of war (3 words/no spaces)
  6. Movement that applied Darwinian evolution to Christianity
  7. Clause Germany was forced to sign that made them accept full responsibility for WWI (hyphenated term, no spaces, include -)
  8. Payments Germany was forced to make to the Allies that deepened the poverty and resentment in Germany
  9. Individual elected as president in 1912 with the campaign slogan of "New Freedom"
  10. Who France, Great Britain, and the US fought for against the Central Powers
  11. Acts that said it was a criminal act to criticize the war effort in any way (3 words/no spaces)
  12. Heir to the Austrian throne that was assassinated in 1914
  13. Official document signed on 11/11/18 that ended The Great War
  14. Supreme Court case that said Congress can limit free speech, especially during wartime
  15. Nickname given to the leaders of the US, France, Italy, and Great Britain (2 words/no spaces)
  16. Brothers who were the first to have a successful flight
  17. Submarine Warfare that declared that ALL ships in the war zone could be sunk without warning

39 Clues: Extreme pride in and loyalty to one's countryTerm meaning the rapid build-up of a nation's militaryBrothers who were the first to have a successful flightMovement that applied Darwinian evolution to ChristianityHeir to the Austrian throne that was assassinated in 1914Nickname given to the American soldiers by the other Allies...

Midterm assignment 2019-01-11

Midterm assignment crossword puzzle
  1. Freedoms, expression, the freedom to worship God in his own way, freedom from want and freedom from fear.
  2. Powers, was the alignment of nations that fought in the Second World War against the Allied forces
  3. Packing, plan was proposed to increase the number of U.S. Supreme Court justices from nine to fifteen.
  4. Army, the 43,000 marchers—17,000 U.S. World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups—who gathered in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1932 to demand cash-payment redemption of their service certificates.
  5. Scare, The rounding up and deportation of several hundred immigrants of radical political views by the federal government in 1919 and 1920.
  6. Internment, established during World War II by President Franklin Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066.
  7. Darwinism, the theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals.
  8. - Briand Pact, international agreement in which signatory states promised not to use war to resolve disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them.
  9. The Civilian Conservation Corps.
  10. a fashionable young woman intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standards of behavior.
  11. Lease, a bill that allowed foreign aid to be repaid in kind after the war.
  12. a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.
  13. Hoover, an American engineer, businessman and politician who served as the 31st president of the United States from 1929 to 1933.
  14. Deal, which took action to bring about immediate economic relief as well as reforms in industry, agriculture, finance.
  15. Renaissance, an intellectual, social, and artistic explosion that took place in Harlem, New York
  1. Migration, the movement of six million African-Americans out of the rural Southern United States to the urban Northeast, Midwest, and West
  2. a person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.
  3. Bowl, an area of land where vegetation has been lost and soil reduced to dust and eroded, especially as a consequence of drought or unsuitable farming practice.
  4. Chats, one of a series of radio broadcasts made by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the nation, beginning in 1933.
  5. a document signed between Germany and the Allied Powers following World War I that officially ended that war.
  6. Coughlin, was a Roman Catholic priest who became a national celebrity during the 1930s by hosting a popular radio broadcast.
  7. Tuesday, October 29, 1929. On this date, share prices on the New York Stock Exchange completely collapsed, becoming a pivotal factor in the emergence of the Great Depression.
  8. Acts, bills intended to limit U.S. involvement in future wars.
  9. The Ku Klux Klan
  10. The Works Progress Administration.
  11. Roosevelt, wife of Franklin Roosevelt and a strong advocate of human rights
  12. of Nations, An international organization established after World War I under the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.
  13. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
  14. Twenties, a time when many people defied Prohibition, indulged in new styles of dancing and dressing, and rejected many traditional moral standards.
  15. Long, "The Kingfish", was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932.

30 Clues: The Ku Klux KlanThe Civilian Conservation Corps.The Works Progress Administration.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.a person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.Acts, bills intended to limit U.S. involvement in future wars.Lease, a bill that allowed foreign aid to be repaid in kind after the war....

Korean war 2017-10-23

Korean war crossword puzzle
  1. which country occupied the Korean peninsula until the end of WW2?
  2. US president during WW2 and Korean War
  3. contributed thousands of troops to northern part of Korea and extended the fighting
  4. what parallel divided north and South Korea?
  5. How did the war end?
  6. American general during the Korean War
  7. Ruler of communist North Korea
  8. the theory that stated if Korea fell to communism other countries in the Far East would too
  9. ruler of democratic South Korea
  10. which report recommended more opposition to communism in the Far East
  1. A river between China and North Korea
  2. Capital of North Korea
  3. The opposite of containment, which means preventing expansion
  4. organization of nations that works for world peace and security
  5. What is the Korean War sometimes called?
  6. The capital of South Korea that was conquered and re-conquered several times during the Korean War
  7. Leader of China during Korean War

17 Clues: How did the war end?Capital of North KoreaRuler of communist North Korearuler of democratic South KoreaLeader of China during Korean WarA river between China and North KoreaUS president during WW2 and Korean WarAmerican general during the Korean WarWhat is the Korean War sometimes called?what parallel divided north and South Korea?...

world war 2 2015-03-04

world war 2 crossword puzzle
  1. war
  2. people live in
  3. are called in canada
  4. does bulid the railway in the country
  1. of canada
  2. the railway

6 Clues: warof canadathe railwaypeople live inare called in canadadoes bulid the railway in the country

world war 2 2022-05-23

world war 2 crossword puzzle
  1. - Rhineland, in southern Germany, would be occupied by Allied Troops for 15 years. This was an industrial and farming area. This area was like Southern Ontario.
  2. - Germany was required to play damages for wartime destruction ($6.6 Billion which translates to 132 Billion today)
  3. - German Military was restricted to 100,000 soldiers. They were not allowed tanks, armed aircraft, or poison gas. The German Navy was limited to 15,000 men and a few ships.
  1. - According to the “War Guilt Clause”, Germany had to claim total responsibility for the war.
  2. - The Treaty created the League of Nations as an International Organization to maintain World Peace in the future. This is like the modern United Nations.
  3. - Parts of German Territory were transferred to France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and Denmark.

6 Clues: - According to the “War Guilt Clause”, Germany had to claim total responsibility for the war.- Parts of German Territory were transferred to France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and Denmark.- Germany was required to play damages for wartime destruction ($6.6 Billion which translates to 132 Billion today)...

3.25 2021-11-09

3.25 crossword puzzle
  1. the primary treaty produced by the Paris Peace Conference at the end of World War I
  2. bitter opponents of the Treaty of Versailles in the United States in 1919
  3. a political principle that advocates greater political or economic cooperation among states and nations
  4. a statement that Germany was responsible for beginning World War I
  5. A person who lives on a reservation set apart for a particular group
  6. a military or naval force
  7. a committed member of a political party or army
  8. a proposal made by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson in a speech before Congress on January 8, 1918
  1. system by which states have attempted to prevent or stop wars
  2. a levy on a defeated country forcing it to pay some of the war costs of the winning countries
  3. an international diplomatic group developed after World War I as a way to solve disputes between countries before they erupted into open warfare
  4. a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate to its representative

12 Clues: a military or naval forcea committed member of a political party or armysystem by which states have attempted to prevent or stop warsa statement that Germany was responsible for beginning World War IA person who lives on a reservation set apart for a particular groupbitter opponents of the Treaty of Versailles in the United States in 1919...

Kirby Villains 2022-04-27

Kirby Villains crossword puzzle
  1. Sectonia's servant, master of puppets
  2. Angelic reincarnation
  3. a swordsman out to prove he's the best. (2 words)
  4. master of a matter most dark
  5. Mouse Thief
  6. Dark ruler of the mirror world
  7. traitorous jester with neon wings
  8. Queen of the sky world
  9. Haltmann works co. secretary
  1. President ___ _______ Haltmann (2 words)
  2. Wish-granting star rebuilt by Haltmann (2 words)
  3. Seeker of the Master Crown
  4. Think NME from the anime
  5. astral birth
  6. His eternal nemesis and rival
  7. leader of the jambastion cult

16 Clues: Mouse Thiefastral birthAngelic reincarnationQueen of the sky worldThink NME from the animeSeeker of the Master Crownmaster of a matter most darkHaltmann works co. secretaryHis eternal nemesis and rivalleader of the jambastion cultDark ruler of the mirror worldtraitorous jester with neon wingsSectonia's servant, master of puppets...

Tricky Tricky Words 2021-06-08

Tricky Tricky Words crossword puzzle
  1. millions of people died in world war 2
  2. people wipe their nose with it
  3. a piece of fabric finely made from remaining silk
  4. dilution is a root of horseradish
  1. apart from one another
  2. half a binocular but works the same
  3. It is time we beseech the police of the theft of my diamond ring
  4. dizzy and wanting to vomit
  5. feeling rejuvenated and happy
  6. it is right next to last

10 Clues: apart from one anotherit is right next to lastdizzy and wanting to vomitfeeling rejuvenated and happypeople wipe their nose with itdilution is a root of horseradishhalf a binocular but works the samemillions of people died in world war 2a piece of fabric finely made from remaining silk...

Canada 1867-1900 2015-03-12

Canada 1867-1900 crossword puzzle
  1. what did the residential schools do to the aboriginal
  2. how many men died while making the railway
  3. When did Jerry Potts father die
  4. What month did MacDonald and his government resign
  5. What does Ky-yo-kosi mean
  6. what was the residential schools goal
  7. who joined the Philippines in world war 2
  1. who took over Rupert's land
  2. why do they have residential schools
  3. who was the leader of the metis

10 Clues: What does Ky-yo-kosi meanwho took over Rupert's landWhen did Jerry Potts father diewho was the leader of the metiswhy do they have residential schoolswhat was the residential schools goalhow many men died while making the railwaywho joined the Philippines in world war 2What month did MacDonald and his government resign...

Downton Abbey 2023-02-04

Downton Abbey crossword puzzle
  2. ETHEL
  3. TOM
  4. THE TITANIC (2)


Unit 3 Vocab 2024-02-07

Unit 3 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. country that contains more than one dominant ethnicity
  2. French-speaking province of Canada
  3. A dry area on the downwind side of a mountain.
  4. African nation that experienced genocide
  5. river that forms the border between Texas and Mexico
  1. Hindu place of worship
  2. an organization of independent states formed in 1945
  3. Another name for the Sea of Japan.
  4. The Buddhist place of worship
  5. Muslim house of worship
  6. Jewish house of worship
  7. a cultural region that is unified by the Arabic language
  8. Christian place of worship
  9. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  10. An international organization of European countries formed after World War 2

15 Clues: Hindu place of worshipMuslim house of worshipJewish house of worshipChristian place of worshipThe Buddhist place of worshipFrench-speaking province of CanadaAnother name for the Sea of Japan.North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationAfrican nation that experienced genocideA dry area on the downwind side of a mountain....

Cold War Crossword 2024-05-14

Cold War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Type of government found in the Soviet Union
  2. Small island country near Florida that allied with the Soviet Union
  3. Last name of the first American in Space
  4. Organization of countries with a goal of world peace
  5. Country that was divided in half after WWII
  6. Soviet Union Leader when the Cold War Started
  7. name of country that the United States :fought in the Cold War
  1. Policy adopted by the United States to stop the spread of communism
  2. The finish line of the Space Race
  3. Planes delivering supplies to West Berlin during a blockade
  4. name of first satellite in space
  5. Imaginary line that separated the Soviet Union from the rest of the world
  6. American President when the Cold War Started
  7. Capital of Germany

14 Clues: Capital of Germanyname of first satellite in spaceThe finish line of the Space RaceLast name of the first American in SpaceCountry that was divided in half after WWIIType of government found in the Soviet UnionAmerican President when the Cold War StartedSoviet Union Leader when the Cold War Started...

WW1 2022-05-27

WW1 crossword puzzle
  1. 7
  2. 19
  3. 5
  4. 18
  5. 11
  6. 10
  7. 15
  8. 6
  9. 9 Hungary
  10. 4
  11. 17
  1. 20
  2. 16
  3. 8
  4. 2
  5. 14
  6. 1
  7. 13
  8. 3
  9. 12

20 Clues: 7825136420161914181113101215179 Hungary

The Mayan Empire 2023-11-17

The Mayan Empire crossword puzzle
  1. 3
  2. 16
  3. 1
  4. 7
  5. 19
  6. 9
  7. 21
  8. 14
  9. 6
  10. 18
  1. 5
  2. 13
  3. 17
  4. 10
  5. 2
  6. 12
  7. 4
  8. 8
  9. 11
  10. 15

20 Clues: 5321749861613171012192114111815

SOCIETY IN 1984 2023-05-11

SOCIETY IN 1984 crossword puzzle
  1. War was ...
  2. There is no ... between states
  3. ... are never meant to be crossed
  4. Is forbidden to speak other...
  5. Now there is a ... of reality
  6. Once in a while there are surprise ... to an ally
  7. They keep a continuous economy by the constant
  8. Superstates are simultaneously aware and ....
  1. Political belief system of Oceania
  2. In the now war belief there is not a .... between superstates
  3. The point of war is to preserve the same ... society structure
  4. Each superstate is a completely whole different ....
  5. Before it was important to learn from the ... now it's falsified in order to control
  6. Name to refer the new divisions of the actual world
  7. War is...
  8. In the past war kept people in ...

16 Clues: War is...War was ...Now there is a ... of realityThere is no ... between statesIs forbidden to speak other...... are never meant to be crossedPolitical belief system of OceaniaIn the past war kept people in ...Superstates are simultaneously aware and ....They keep a continuous economy by the constantOnce in a while there are surprise ... to an ally...

Luty Texas History cwp 2021-05-03

Luty Texas History cwp crossword puzzle
  1. fast growing town
  2. The Mexican dictator during the texas revolution
  3. the deadliest hurricane ever
  4. A way cowboys make money
  5. Disobeying the law peacefully
  6. The first president of texas
  7. The action of joining a country
  8. A french explorer who got in a shipwreck
  9. The side that texas was on in the civil war
  10. The right to vote
  11. A wire with barbs on it to keep cowboys from taking their cattle through their farms
  12. America banned alcohol
  1. The most destructive war
  2. The new world and the old world were trading
  3. A way that texas advanced its transportation
  4. Who texas revolted against
  5. First European explorer to explore texas land
  6. The father of texas
  7. A fort where the texas army fought and died in the texas revolution
  8. Huge duststorm that lasted about ten years

20 Clues: fast growing townThe right to voteThe father of texasAmerica banned alcoholThe most destructive warA way cowboys make moneyWho texas revolted againstthe deadliest hurricane everThe first president of texasDisobeying the law peacefullyThe action of joining a countryA french explorer who got in a shipwreckHuge duststorm that lasted about ten years...

Testing this out 2021-08-26

Testing this out crossword puzzle
  1. Where Bucky Barnes stays before Infinity War
  2. The best character from the newest live-action marvel show
  3. the beautiful name for Spiderman's black suit in Far From Home
  4. We saw a fake version of him in Iron Man 2, but he will be the primary antagonist in Shang Chi
  5. Peter Quill possessed powers because his father was Ego, a _________.
  6. The movie that introduces your two favorite characters
  7. a hilarious new character introduced in thor Ragnorok
  8. the true identity of the Task Master
  9. The mysterious woman recruiting characters for a new secret team
  1. The home base of Doctor Strange and the other sorcerers
  2. That one villain from Thor the Dark World that I couldn't even remember his name
  3. the number of realms on ygdrasil, the world tree
  4. The new name for Mysterio
  5. The Multiverse is broken because of _____.
  6. A collection of teenagers who possess powerful abilities

15 Clues: The new name for Mysteriothe true identity of the Task MasterThe Multiverse is broken because of _____.Where Bucky Barnes stays before Infinity Warthe number of realms on ygdrasil, the world treea hilarious new character introduced in thor RagnorokThe movie that introduces your two favorite characters...

Top news stories 2021 2021-12-08

Top news stories 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. most endangered leopard
  2. meeting to save world
  3. highest medal tally count for Olympic
  4. comirnaty
  5. Territorial war
  6. Egyptian findings
  7. rich guy goes to space
  8. Dying reef
  9. most lock downed city in the world
  1. Popular Netflix show
  2. military coup
  3. Winner of women's Wimbledon 2021
  4. Filming incident(shot)
  5. Host of 2016 Olympics
  6. spreads dengue fever with a bite
  7. Kidnapped toddler
  8. The GOAT (tennis)
  9. Kidnapped 3 year old
  10. Famous dead actor
  11. Big sports event

20 Clues: comirnatyDying reefmilitary coupTerritorial warBig sports eventKidnapped toddlerThe GOAT (tennis)Famous dead actorEgyptian findingsPopular Netflix showKidnapped 3 year oldHost of 2016 Olympicsmeeting to save worldFilming incident(shot)rich guy goes to spacemost endangered leopardWinner of women's Wimbledon 2021spreads dengue fever with a bite...

Andrue's Birthday 2022-12-08

Andrue's Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. good morning...
  2. three [blank]
  3. smallest
  4. homeland plant
  5. college
  6. cute little girl
  7. long hot...
  8. a fave president
  9. squeeze
  10. your go-to grill
  11. power in your car
  12. summer day dream
  1. looney air 1995
  2. childhood brekkie
  3. powered by kyber
  4. American football
  5. 'i watched this video's
  6. first prize
  7. ...of the world
  8. with syrup
  9. her loss
  10. war in the sky
  11. the world with you in it
  12. boys night
  13. creative guns
  14. not gordo

26 Clues: collegesqueezesmallesther lossnot gordowith syrupboys nightfirst prizelong hot...three [blank]creative gunshomeland plantwar in the skygood morning...looney air 1995...of the worldpowered by kybercute little girla fave presidentyour go-to grillsummer day dreamchildhood brekkieAmerican footballpower in your car'i watched this video's...

megs crossword 2020-03-31

megs crossword crossword puzzle
  1. builds up the world
  2. you do experiments in
  3. watch your shows
  4. no money
  5. takes you places
  6. makes you run more comfortable
  7. your biggest supporters
  8. sweaty
  9. mark your spot
  10. help improve living situations
  11. lack of food population
  12. Man's best friend
  1. fills the world
  2. lots of money
  3. left homes cause of war
  4. your doing it now
  5. poor housing
  6. you sleep in it
  7. no where to live
  8. keeps you from starving
  9. sharp claws
  10. help from others

22 Clues: sweatyno moneysharp clawspoor housinglots of moneymark your spotfills the worldyou sleep in itwatch your showstakes you placesno where to livehelp from othersyour doing it nowMan's best friendbuilds up the worldyou do experiments inleft homes cause of waryour biggest supporterskeeps you from starvinglack of food population...

semester review 2021-05-17

semester review crossword puzzle
  1. = economic downturn
  2. = a storm that caused choking on death
  3. = no more authority
  4. = rising to power by fueling feelings of nationalism
  5. = women who created birth control
  6. = girls that do things that guys can do/ different
  7. = boost the price for farm reduction
  8. = young men who work in nature
  9. = two nights of terrorizing jews event
  10. = jews were sent here for prison because of a great betrayal
  11. = bombings sent across the country
  12. = Britain, France, and Russia
  1. = war ended and treaty blamed Germany for starting world war one
  2. = migration = people moving because of dust death
  3. = world peace organization
  4. = kkk is good and black men is a bad film
  5. = a new german empire
  6. = Germany and Austria - Hungary
  7. = japan brutalizing the chinese
  8. = a group of countries that protect eachother
  9. = a flying weapon
  10. = the belief that the gov should control the economy

22 Clues: = a flying weapon= economic downturn= no more authority= a new german empire= world peace organization= Britain, France, and Russia= young men who work in nature= Germany and Austria - Hungary= japan brutalizing the chinese= women who created birth control= bombings sent across the country= boost the price for farm reduction...

World War II Vocabulary 2021-12-02

World War II Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a compromise that allowed the United States to provide aid.
  2. travel from one island to another, especially as a tourist in an area of small islands.
  3. successfully leading Britain through World War Two.
  4. a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition
  5. hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.
  6. a joint declaration issued during World War II (1939-45) by the United States and Great Britain that set out a vision for the postwar world.
  7. nominated for the Peace Prize several times in the second half of the 1930s for having conducted a policy of fraternization with Latin America and for having negotiated free trade agreements with a number of states.
  8. the dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1929 to 1953.
  1. an epic WWII clash between the U.S. Navy and the Imperial Japanese Navy that played out six months after the attack.
  2. building and directing the largest army in history.
  3. American program for researching and developing the first atomic bombs.
  4. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
  5. the state or process of being international.
  6. the prime minister of Japan during most of the Pacific War.
  7. the day (June 6, 1944) in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy.

15 Clues: the state or process of being international.hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.building and directing the largest army in history.successfully leading Britain through World War Two.a compromise that allowed the United States to provide aid.the prime minister of Japan during most of the Pacific War....

World Cup Crossword 2023-05-17

World Cup Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Got lobbed by Ronaldinho
  2. Got knocked out of the WC on Fair Play points
  3. This ground was due to hold a WC Semi-Final in 1966 before the ground was changed at short notice
  4. Scored the first (own) goal of the 2014 WC
  5. Scored the winning penalty at the 2022 WC
  6. This team pulled out of the 1950 WC
  7. Reached the QF in their first ever World Cup
  8. Which Italian coach won 2 World Cups in the 30s?
  9. Haven't qualified for the World Cup since 1982
  10. Top scorer at the 1998 World Cup
  11. Only CONCACAF side to reach the SF
  12. Which stadium hosted the 1994 WC Final?
  1. The song of the 2010 WC
  2. Who scored 13 goals at the 1958 World Cup?
  3. Where was the 1934 WC Final held?
  4. Where was the first World Cup held?
  5. The only African team to take part in the 1970 World Cup
  6. Only team in 2010 to be undefeated
  7. Won a perfect penalty shootout at the 2006 WC
  8. This team lost the Battle of Santiago
  9. Scorer of the Dutch Penalty in the 1974 WC Final
  10. The original hosts of the 1986 World Cup
  11. The top scorer at the 1978 World Cup
  12. Hungary beat Brazil 4-2 in 1954 in the battle of _____

24 Clues: The song of the 2010 WCGot lobbed by RonaldinhoTop scorer at the 1998 World CupWhere was the 1934 WC Final held?Only team in 2010 to be undefeatedOnly CONCACAF side to reach the SFWhere was the first World Cup held?This team pulled out of the 1950 WCThe top scorer at the 1978 World CupThis team lost the Battle of Santiago...

Second Declension 2022-04-24

Second Declension crossword puzzle
  1. man
  2. field
  3. teacher
  4. town
  5. war
  6. servant
  7. horse
  8. year
  9. lamb
  10. marketplace
  11. word
  12. Christ
  1. book
  2. god
  3. temple
  4. rock
  5. gift
  6. master
  7. world
  8. son
  9. kingdom
  10. judge
  11. debt
  12. slave
  13. craftsman
  14. friend
  15. heaven

27 Clues: godmansonwarbookrockgifttowndebtyearlambwordfieldworldjudgehorseslavetemplemasterfriendChristheaventeacherkingdomservantcraftsmanmarketplace

Unit 7 Crossword 2016-03-17

Unit 7 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy.
  2. Manhattan Project a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada.
  3. also known as the Battle of Pearl Harbor, the Hawaii Operation or Operation AI by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters
  4. Bomb a bomb that produces an extremely powerful explosion when atoms are split apart
  5. Buwl an area of Oklahoma, Kansas, and northern Texas affected by severe soil erosion
  6. Bill a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.
  7. a person in prison or other kind of detention, generally in wartime.
  8. Valley Authority a federally owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter in May 1933 to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation
  9. Randolph was a leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the American labor movement, and socialist political parties.
  10. New Deal to characterize the second stage, 1935-36, of the New Deal programs of President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  11. Alamos a town in central New Mexico: atomic research center
  12. of Berlin was the last major battle in Europe during World War II. It resulted in the surrender of the German army and an end to Adolf Hitler's rule.
  13. Security Act to create a system of transfer payments in which younger, working people support older, retired people.
  1. Act a foundational statute of United States labor law which guarantees basic rights of private sector employees
  2. the act of assembling and making both troops and supplies ready for war
  3. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.
  4. a fixed allowance of provisions or food, especially for soldiers or sailors or for civilians during a shortage
  5. long an American politician who served as the 40th Governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932
  6. a shantytown built by unemployed and destitute people during the Depression of the early 1930s.
  7. Depression A major economic collapse that lasted from 1929 to 1940 in the US and a similar period in many other countries.
  8. Roosevelt an American politician, diplomat, and activist.
  9. Market Crash a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section
  10. Lease the matériel and services supplied by the U.S. to its allies during World War II under an act of Congress

23 Clues: Roosevelt an American politician, diplomat, and activist.Alamos a town in central New Mexico: atomic research centera person in prison or other kind of detention, generally in wartime.the act of assembling and making both troops and supplies ready for wardestruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war....

daAnmol crossword 2023-02-08

daAnmol crossword crossword puzzle
  1. got nuked back in the 40s
  2. won game of the year for the best music
  3. evil version of superman
  4. got slapped at the emmy's
  5. biggest social media platform
  6. cofounder of tesla an ceo
  1. a country that started a world war
  2. one of greatest bad guy in movie history
  3. is the strangest state in america
  4. is form south park
  5. its biggest shoe company in the world
  6. its a battle royal game
  7. biggest gaming platform

13 Clues: is form south parkits a battle royal gamebiggest gaming platformevil version of supermangot nuked back in the 40sgot slapped at the emmy'scofounder of tesla an ceobiggest social media platformis the strangest state in americaa country that started a world warits biggest shoe company in the worldwon game of the year for the best music...




Canadian History Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-29

Canadian History Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A belief that thinks countries must improve their military force and war is good for nations.
  2. Organization formed in 1949 to bring together democratic nations in North America and Europe to defend against potential Soviet attacks.
  3. Pride and loyalty of their own nation
  4. of Vimy Ridge The main combatants were the four divisions of the Canadian Corps in the First Army, against three divisions of the German 6th Army.
  5. Alliance secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed in May 1882 and renewed periodically until World War I
  6. is a system or government whereby someone is elected to be the voice for the people.
  7. of Somme also known as the Somme Offensive
  8. Entente Countries including Britain, France & Canada were in
  9. When someone is forced to go to war and fight
  10. of Versailles the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end
  11. McClung One of the five most famous Suffragists
  12. space cold war nuclear arms race, it occurs when countries increase their military forces to gain superiority over another country.
  13. of Ypres Most successful Canadian Battle in WW1
  14. Women fighting for voting right for women
  15. Explosion was a disaster that occurred in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, on the morning of 6 December 1917
  1. wall This wall divided the germans from 1961 to 1989
  2. Is a system that leads a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and pays according to their ability and needs. In essence goods are owned in common and available to all as needed.
  3. Robert Borden Prime Minister of Canada during WW1
  4. means that if war breaks out in all likelihood it will lead to the wiping out of both countries and their allies.
  5. is the shared defense system between Canada and the USA designed to alert and combat in the case of nuclear war.
  6. Was a seperatist paramilitary group in Quebec founded in early 1960.
  7. a truce
  8. the domestic, economic, social and political histories of countries involved in that conflict
  9. of Pigs was a failed attack to push Cuban leader Fidel Castro from office.
  10. A web of allies nations built
  11. man’s land the narrow, muddy, treeless stretch of land, characterized by numerous shell holes, that separated German and Allied trenches during the First World War.
  12. Pegahmagabow First indigenous soldier and deadliest sniper in WW1
  13. the top something that is extreme or outrageous
  14. Canada flag Flag was an important symbol of Canada's independence
  15. Ferdinand Assasination of him triggered the WW1

30 Clues: a truceA web of allies nations builtPride and loyalty of their own nationWomen fighting for voting right for womenof Somme also known as the Somme OffensiveWhen someone is forced to go to war and fightthe top something that is extreme or outrageousMcClung One of the five most famous Suffragistsof Ypres Most successful Canadian Battle in WW1...

US History Unit 2 Keywords 2018-02-22

US History Unit 2 Keywords crossword puzzle
  1. Conference in which the Allies decided how to end World War II and what to do next
  2. Acts made by Roosevelt to attempt to keep the US out of World War II by avoiding actions taken before the first world war
  3. Economic aid provided to Western European nations by the U.S. after WWII
  4. Trade in which the other nation had to transport the goods instead of the US
  5. Policy of ignoring military actions in hopes of avoiding conflict
  6. Reforms and changes made by Franklin Roosevelt to help solve problems caused by the Great Depression and prevent similar issues in the future
  7. Law allowing veterans to receive loans to build homes or pursue and education
  8. 7 December 1941, the day that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor causing the US to declare war on Japan
  9. Secret project of building an atomic bomb
  10. Line at which North and South Korea became divided into communist and non-communist parts
  11. Man who wanted wealth to be redistributed to the poor in the Great Depression
  12. Agreement of the US to help Britain in WWII by providing weapons and money
  13. 29 October 1929 when stock values suddenly fell as many people tried to sell their stocks
  14. International organization created after WWII to maintain peace in the world
  15. Government in which one leader has absolute power
  16. Drought and winds in Oklahoma during the Great Depression
  17. US military strategy of capturing Pacific islands and establishing bases there to get closer to Japan
  18. Decision to strengthen relations between the US and other Western Hemisphere countries
  19. Agreement between North American and Western European nations to protect each other
  20. Divide between communist Eastern Europe and non-communist Western Europe
  1. Japanese aircraft pilots who crashed their explosive-filled planes into U.S. ships killing themselves in the process
  2. Group of WWI soldiers and their families who marched in Washington DC to demand payment for their service
  3. Female secretary of labor in the US who promoted the Social Security program
  4. Court case in which the supreme court defended Japanese internment camps and deemed them necessary
  5. Franklin Roosevelt’s weekly radio program that explained current issues in simple language
  6. Woman on US propaganda posters encouraging women to join the war effort by working in factories for example
  7. Shantytowns in urban areas during the Great Depression
  8. Antisemitic laws in Germany in World War II
  9. American general who led the US forces in Japan in WWII and the UN forces in the Korean War
  10. Act giving less power to labor unions
  11. The US join the war, the Allies win a victory in North Africa, the Soviets gain ground at Stalingrad, D-Day allows the Allies to free France and the US drops atomic bombs in Japan
  12. Name given to the use of the containment policy
  13. Policy of using US military forces to sop the spread of communism
  14. Sending of supplies to West Berlin by airplane when the Soviet Union blocked roads to West Germany
  15. Theory that as more nations became communist, other nearby countries would follow
  16. Military technique involving the use of airplanes followed by infantry and tanks and use by Germany in WWII

36 Clues: Act giving less power to labor unionsSecret project of building an atomic bombAntisemitic laws in Germany in World War IIName given to the use of the containment policyGovernment in which one leader has absolute powerShantytowns in urban areas during the Great DepressionDrought and winds in Oklahoma during the Great Depression...

U.S. History (3) 2017-03-16

U.S. History (3) crossword puzzle
  1. a war bond that was sold in the United States to support the allied cause in World War I
  2. a political slogan and a name for various associated ideologies aimed at achieving self-determination for people of African descent
  3. an intergovernmental organisation founded on 10 January 1920 as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War.
  4. Riders civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated southern United States in 1961 and subsequent years in order to challenge the non-enforcement of the United States Supreme Court decisions
  5. Renaissance flourishing of African American literature and art in the 1920s.
  1. diplomacy - practice of influencing governments through economic, not military, intervention
  2. one of the two main factions during World War I consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
  3. Society a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson
  4. Stock Market Crash
  5. countries that together opposed the Axis powers during the Second World War

10 Clues: Stock Market Crashcountries that together opposed the Axis powers during the Second World WarRenaissance flourishing of African American literature and art in the 1920s.a war bond that was sold in the United States to support the allied cause in World War Idiplomacy - practice of influencing governments through economic, not military, intervention...

Eisenhower - Presidents of Vietnam - Part 1 of 4 2022-04-09

Eisenhower - Presidents of Vietnam - Part 1 of 4 crossword puzzle
  1. War in Indochina would do this to divisions of troops
  2. Temporarily divided Vietnam into Communist North and Pro-western South
  3. President Eisehower's secretary of state
  4. President Eisenhower avoided ___ in Vietnam during his two terms
  5. President who did not want another Korean War
  6. France's Asian jewel since the 1880s
  7. well-educated and worldly communist leader in Vietnam
  8. Wanted to control the "rice bowl of Asia"
  9. most dangerous and unstable theater of conflict with the Communist bloc in the 1950s
  1. Mao's Communist revolution in China was a _______
  2. begged the Americans for more aid against communists at Dein Bien Phu
  3. Paying for at least half the cost of France's war in Vietnam
  4. During the ______ World War, Japan conquered China
  5. President's administration came to see French Indochina as a front in the global war against communism
  6. President Eisenhower avoided ______ military intervention in Indochina in 1954
  7. President Eisenhower (As well as others) believed in this Communist theory
  8. Ended the Korean war
  9. President Eisenhower gave France money and weapons instead of ________
  10. President Eisenhower's Vice-president
  11. How American leaders initially looked at France's re-conquest of Indochina
  12. Season in which the Battle of Dien Bien Phu took place

21 Clues: Ended the Korean warFrance's Asian jewel since the 1880sPresident Eisenhower's Vice-presidentPresident Eisehower's secretary of stateWanted to control the "rice bowl of Asia"President who did not want another Korean WarMao's Communist revolution in China was a _______During the ______ World War, Japan conquered China...

African Wars Jaden 2024-05-23

African Wars Jaden crossword puzzle
  1. National Resistance Army
  2. The mam that ran a rebel organization that forced mobutu into exile
  3. The US led Unified Task Force
  4. Establishment of transitional government, but sporadic violence and insecurity persisted in eastern Congo
  5. People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
  6. People as Southeastern Nigeria
  7. The crisis that saw overthrow of Patrice Lumumba
  8. A extremist group during the Somali Civil War
  9. Uganda National Liberation Front
  10. Tigray People's Liberation Front
  11. Diamonds mined in a war zone and sold to fund conflict
  12. The President of Uganda In 1971
  13. Rwandan genocide
  14. The militant Islamist and jihadist rebel group
  1. A ethnic group found mostly in northern Nigeria
  2. Leader of the NRA
  3. The battle were the Somali militia forces shot down three American Black Hawk helicopters
  4. The rise of the Marxist-Leninist military dictatorship
  5. Ethiopian Red Terror
  6. When Kenyan troops entered southern Somalia to fight the al-Shabaa
  7. The Non-Governmental Organization
  8. Uganda National Liberation Army
  9. Eritrean People's Liberation Front
  10. The largest battle in the Uganda War
  11. A civil war also known as The Biafran War
  12. Africa's First World War with a civil war and international military conflict that took place mostly in Zaire

26 Clues: Rwandan genocideLeader of the NRAEthiopian Red TerrorNational Resistance ArmyThe US led Unified Task ForcePeople as Southeastern NigeriaUganda National Liberation ArmyThe President of Uganda In 1971Uganda National Liberation FrontTigray People's Liberation FrontThe Non-Governmental OrganizationEritrean People's Liberation Front...

NEW Revolutionary Crossword 2022-02-02

NEW Revolutionary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Established a republican form of government
  2. Shot heard around the world
  3. Britain's response to the Boston Tea Party
  4. France surrendered to Britqain
  5. At war with Spain and France
  6. Protected citizens from the government
  7. Made a new translation of the Bible
  8. Executed James I
  9. Wrote the Bill of Rights
  10. Reason the colonists boycotted British goods
  11. Who restored the monarchy
  12. The amount of money to pay after a war
  1. draft of declaration of independence was written
  2. France and the natives teamed up to fight Britain
  3. When the British opened fire in Boston
  4. Representatives from each colony came together to write the declaration of independence
  5. Promoted free speech
  6. Declared independence of America
  7. Also called the Bloodless Revolution
  8. War that broke out in 1642
  9. The British taxed teas in America
  10. Monarchy was restored
  11. Stopped expansion to Indian territory
  12. Life Liberty and Property
  13. Queen who died before the civil war

25 Clues: Executed James IPromoted free speechMonarchy was restoredWrote the Bill of RightsLife Liberty and PropertyWho restored the monarchyWar that broke out in 1642Shot heard around the worldAt war with Spain and FranceFrance surrendered to BritqainDeclared independence of AmericaThe British taxed teas in AmericaMade a new translation of the Bible...

World War II people and battles 2018-05-15

World War II people and battles crossword puzzle
  1. Britain a series of battles between Germany and British air forces, fought over Britain in 1940-1941.
  2. Harbor U.S. naval base in Hawaii attacked by the Japanese, Dec. 7, 1941, precipitating U.S. entry into World War II.
  3. Churchill British prime minister; he opposed the policy of appeasement and led Great Britain through World War II.
  4. MacArthur An American general, he commanded U.S. troops in the southwest Pacific during World War II and administered Japan after the war ended. He later commanded U.N. forces at the beginning of the Korean War, until he was removed by President Truman.
  1. de Gaulle president of France from 1958 to 1969; as a French General during World War II, he helped organize resistance to Germany and Vichy control of France.
  2. Rommel German general during World War II; he commanded the Afrika Korps and was nicknamed the Desert Fox for his leadership.
  3. Yamamoto Japan's most prominent naval officer during World War II, he planned the attack on Pearl Harbor and was responsible for the later Japanese defeat at the Battle Midway.
  4. D. Eisenhower general; thirty-fourth president of the United States; as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II, he led the Allied invasions of North Africa and of France (D-Day).

8 Clues: Britain a series of battles between Germany and British air forces, fought over Britain in 1940-1941.Churchill British prime minister; he opposed the policy of appeasement and led Great Britain through World War II.Harbor U.S. naval base in Hawaii attacked by the Japanese, Dec. 7, 1941, precipitating U.S. entry into World War II....

World War 1 2022-05-18

World War 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war
  2. the military alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungry, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire during World War I
  3. A policy of nonparticipation in international economic and political relations
  4. A law requiring people of a certain age to serve in the military
  1. to attack France while Russia mobilized its army and then attack Russia
  2. A union of two or more groups
  3. the military alliance of France, Britain, Russia, Italy and many other nations during World War I
  4. A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country
  5. A bond sold by the United States government to raise money for World War I
  6. A policy that calls for expanding a nation's boundaries.
  7. A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

11 Clues: A union of two or more groupsA policy that calls for expanding a nation's boundaries.A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's countryA law requiring people of a certain age to serve in the militaryto attack France while Russia mobilized its army and then attack Russia...

SOCIETY IN 1984 2023-05-11

SOCIETY IN 1984 crossword puzzle
  1. War was ...
  2. There is no ... between states
  3. ... are never meant to be crossed
  4. Is forbidden to speak other...
  5. Now there is a ... of reality
  6. Once in a while there are surprise ... to an ally
  7. They keep a continuous economy by the constant
  8. Superstates are simultaneously aware and ....
  1. Political belief system of Oceania
  2. In the now war belief there is not a .... between superstates
  3. The point of war is to preserve the same ... society structure
  4. Each superstate is a completely whole different ....
  5. Before it was important to learn from the ... now it's falsified in order to control
  6. Name to refer the new divisions of the actual world
  7. War is...
  8. In the past war kept people in ...

16 Clues: War is...War was ...Now there is a ... of realityThere is no ... between statesIs forbidden to speak other...... are never meant to be crossedPolitical belief system of OceaniaIn the past war kept people in ...Superstates are simultaneously aware and ....They keep a continuous economy by the constantOnce in a while there are surprise ... to an ally...

Colton Ritchey The Atlantic World 2024-10-11

Colton Ritchey The Atlantic World crossword puzzle
  1. Conquered the Incas
  2. More exports then imports
  3. Disease brought from the old world
  4. Aztec leader
  5. War between the British and French
  6. Group controlled by a nation
  7. Private ownership
  8. Trade of slaves between Europe Africa and the Americas
  9. part of the triangle trade that slaves were sailed on
  10. Abusing native American labor
  11. Conquered the Aztecs
  1. Made first contact with America
  2. Exchange of goods over the globe
  3. Incan leader
  4. Many small investments split between people
  5. Exchange of new world and old world goods
  6. The transportation of slaves across the Atlantic
  7. Mix of Spanish and Native American
  8. Spanish conquerors
  9. First British settlement

20 Clues: Incan leaderAztec leaderPrivate ownershipSpanish conquerorsConquered the IncasConquered the AztecsFirst British settlementMore exports then importsGroup controlled by a nationAbusing native American laborMade first contact with AmericaExchange of goods over the globeDisease brought from the old worldMix of Spanish and Native American...

SOCIETY IN 1984 2023-05-11

SOCIETY IN 1984 crossword puzzle
  1. There is no ... between states
  2. Now there is a ... of reality
  3. Each superstate is a completely whole different ....
  4. Name to refer the new divisions of the actual world
  5. Is forbidden to speak other...
  6. Before it was important to learn from the ... now it's falsified in order to control
  7. Superstates are simultaneously aware and ....
  8. In the past war kept people in ...
  9. War was ...
  1. In the now war belief there is not a .... between superstates
  2. ... are never meant to be crossed
  3. War is...
  4. The point of war is to preserve the same ... society structure
  5. Once in a while there are surprise ... to an ally
  6. Political belief system of Oceania
  7. They keep a continuous economy by the constant

16 Clues: War is...War was ...Now there is a ... of realityThere is no ... between statesIs forbidden to speak other...... are never meant to be crossedPolitical belief system of OceaniaIn the past war kept people in ...Superstates are simultaneously aware and ....They keep a continuous economy by the constantOnce in a while there are surprise ... to an ally...

worl war 2 2024-01-30

worl war 2 crossword puzzle
  1. World War II or the Second World War was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945. T
  2. japanese immigrants' children who were born with American citizenship
  3. explosive device placed in water to damage or destroy surface ships or submarines
  4. Executive Order 9066 that resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans
  5. was a German fighter pilot during Ww2
  6. U.S. involvement in the Second World War was quickly followed by a massive mobilization effort.
  1. was an iconic poster of a female factory worker
  2. entered the workforce during ww2
  3. Black men and women served in every branch of the armed services during Ww2
  4. the study of crackers codes
  5. Code Talkers, who created a code based on the complex, unwritten Navajo language
  6. were a group of African American military pilots

12 Clues: the study of crackers codesentered the workforce during ww2was a German fighter pilot during Ww2was an iconic poster of a female factory workerwere a group of African American military pilotsjapanese immigrants' children who were born with American citizenshipExecutive Order 9066 that resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans...

American Revolution 2019-10-27

American Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. King George made a . . . on tea.
  2. The boat the pilgrims came to the New World on was the
  3. The people already living (ya vivian) in the New World.
  4. World Native Americans colonies tax protest revolution Britain revolution Mayflower rebelled war
  5. The pilgrims left England to go to the
  6. To show strong disagreement is to
  1. A violent attempt to end a government is a
  2. were 13 ______________________
  3. The pilgrims were from
  4. The colonists . . . against the tax on tea.
  5. There was a . . . between the colonists and Britain.

11 Clues: The pilgrims were fromKing George made a . . . on tea.were 13 ______________________To show strong disagreement is toThe pilgrims left England to go to theA violent attempt to end a government is aThe colonists . . . against the tax on tea.There was a . . . between the colonists and Britain.The boat the pilgrims came to the New World on was the...

world war 2 2022-03-29

world war 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Metal the US used for missile cones
  2. Japanese people were locked up in these
  3. created posters to sell the war
  1. Agreement of self determination of the people, free trade, and cooperation among nations
  2. The US's response to Pearl Harbor
  3. He protested the internment camps

6 Clues: created posters to sell the warThe US's response to Pearl HarborHe protested the internment campsMetal the US used for missile conesJapanese people were locked up in theseAgreement of self determination of the people, free trade, and cooperation among nations

world war 2 2022-03-29

world war 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Japanese people were locked up in these
  2. He protested the internment camps
  3. Agreement of self determination of the people, free trade, and cooperation among nations
  1. created posters to sell the war
  2. Metal the US used for missile cones
  3. The US's response to Pearl Harbor

6 Clues: created posters to sell the warThe US's response to Pearl HarborHe protested the internment campsMetal the US used for missile conesJapanese people were locked up in theseAgreement of self determination of the people, free trade, and cooperation among nations

World War 1 2023-02-10

World War 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Best fighter pilot
  2. Russian communists
  3. Guy who sent telegram to Mexico
  4. Teenager who assassinated Ferdinand
  5. Kind of warfare used during world war one
  6. German undersea boats
  1. Year world war one started
  2. River where two battle took place
  3. France Britain Russia
  4. Strong devotion to ones country

10 Clues: Best fighter pilotRussian communistsFrance Britain RussiaGerman undersea boatsYear world war one startedGuy who sent telegram to MexicoStrong devotion to ones countryRiver where two battle took placeTeenager who assassinated FerdinandKind of warfare used during world war one

Disney Day! 2020-05-23

Disney Day! crossword puzzle
  1. One benefit of having Disney Day at home instead of at Disney World is that you don't have to stand in long _____.
  2. who has dust that helps people fly? (2 words)
  3. Whose castle is at Disney World?
  4. What souvenir that you wear on your head is popular to bring back from Disney World
  5. Who is a sheriff/cowboy in a Disney movie?
  6. Who has lost her sheep? (2 words)
  7. What city is Disney World in?
  1. What is the first name of a duck that one can find at Disney World?
  2. Whose last name rhymes with house (2 words)
  3. What is the best roller coaster ever? (2 words)
  4. What is the best place to visit in Florida? (2 words)
  5. What Disney dog also is the name of what used to be considered the ninth planet?

12 Clues: What city is Disney World in?Whose castle is at Disney World?Who has lost her sheep? (2 words)Who is a sheriff/cowboy in a Disney movie?Whose last name rhymes with house (2 words)who has dust that helps people fly? (2 words)What is the best roller coaster ever? (2 words)What is the best place to visit in Florida? (2 words)...

American Revolution Crossword 2016-03-11

American Revolution Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. capital of the state above Connecticut and Rhode Island
  2. providence in Canada
  3. ready at 60 seconds notice
  4. "there is only 51 cards in this deck" 2word
  5. an army of people who aren't soldiers
  6. the shot heard round the world 3word
  7. a social gathering at which cakes, tea, and sandwiches
  8. Land of the free and home of the brave
  9. tax on molasses 2word
  10. "conflict in the _________" 2word
  1. to refuse to buy certain goods
  2. the legislative body of a country
  3. capital of a "new" state
  4. the real first world war 3word
  5. a formal written request to someone in authority
  6. document signed to end the French and Indian war 3word
  7. a sum of money demanded by the government
  8. "only the British East India Companies tea!!!" 2word
  9. the unnecessary, unfair killing of people
  10. British attire

20 Clues: British attireprovidence in Canadatax on molasses 2wordcapital of a "new" stateready at 60 seconds noticeto refuse to buy certain goodsthe real first world war 3wordthe legislative body of a country"conflict in the _________" 2wordthe shot heard round the world 3wordan army of people who aren't soldiersLand of the free and home of the brave...

English LA Project 2022-11-24

English LA Project crossword puzzle
  1. first women to scale the Mt Everest twice
  2. the age during which the village girls used to marry.
  3. the lesson my childhood was written by
  4. the highest rewards
  5. father of ramanadhasastry
  6. a father who had no formal education or wealth
  7. Indians will build their own India who said these words.
  8. the armies of U.K , U.S.A and Russia during the Second World War.
  9. the birth place of Abdul Kalam
  10. mother of Abdul
  1. went towards.
  2. a strong opinion or belief
  3. having strong and sincere feelings
  4. be understood
  5. who was from a middle class family
  6. Abdul’s science teacher
  7. Abdul’s closest friend
  8. what were thrown away from the train during the World War Two.
  9. a newspaper name which Abdul’s brother - in - law used to tell.
  10. an old Indian coin,worth about six paise.

20 Clues: went understoodmother of Abdulthe highest rewardsAbdul’s closest friendAbdul’s science teacherfather of ramanadhasastrya strong opinion or beliefthe birth place of Abdul Kalamhaving strong and sincere feelingswho was from a middle class familythe lesson my childhood was written byfirst women to scale the Mt Everest twice...

World War 1 Crossword Puzzle 2019-05-20

World War 1 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. american war hero
  2. the 1919 treaty that ended world war 1
  3. leader of the war industries board
  4. French premier
  5. payments made by defeated countries after war
  6. head of the committee on public information
  7. Building up armed forces to prepare for war
  1. a devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation
  2. Law requiring men to register for military service
  3. famous american fighter pilot
  4. a kind of biased communication designed to influence peoples thoughts and actions
  5. act of giving two different sides equal sides strength or power
  6. Truce agreement

13 Clues: French premierTruce agreementamerican war herofamous american fighter pilotleader of the war industries boardthe 1919 treaty that ended world war 1head of the committee on public informationBuilding up armed forces to prepare for warpayments made by defeated countries after warLaw requiring men to register for military service...

World War 1 Crossword Puzzle 2019-05-20

World War 1 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. payments made by defeated countries after war
  2. Law requiring men to register for military service
  3. american war hero
  4. leader of the war industries board
  5. a devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation
  6. head of the committee on public information
  1. a kind of biased communication designed to influence peoples thoughts and actions
  2. the 1919 treaty that ended world war 1
  3. French premier
  4. famous american fighter pilot
  5. act of giving two different sides equal sides strength or power
  6. Building up armed forces to prepare for war
  7. Truce agreement

13 Clues: French premierTruce agreementamerican war herofamous american fighter pilotleader of the war industries boardthe 1919 treaty that ended world war 1Building up armed forces to prepare for warhead of the committee on public informationpayments made by defeated countries after warLaw requiring men to register for military service...

Security and Exchange Comission 2023-01-05

Security and Exchange Comission crossword puzzle
  1. President that got assassinated
  2. first world war
  3. Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval
  4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  5. Made by FDR
  6. The day the market crashed
  7. required registration of most securities sales in the United States.
  1. happened in 1929 when the economy went down
  2. second world war
  3. Madoff was arrested for making a Ponzi scheme
  4. Stands for security and exchange commission

11 Clues: Made by FDRfirst world warsecond world warThe day the market crashedPresident that got assassinatedFederal Deposit Insurance Corporationhappened in 1929 when the economy went downStands for security and exchange commissionMadoff was arrested for making a Ponzi schemeElectronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval...

Classics Revision Crossword 2018-05-21

Classics Revision Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The Gorgon who lives at the edge of the world
  2. Achilles' weak point
  3. Was eaten by sea snakes during the Trojan War
  4. Penelope's husband
  5. Odysseus' son
  6. Wrecked Odysseus' ship
  7. --------- is Odysseus' wife
  8. The youngest cyclops
  9. Helped Theseus kill the Minotaur
  10. Neptune
  1. The son of King Aegeus
  2. Best musician in the whole of Greece
  3. The beast who dwells in the labyrinth
  4. Ate Odysseus' men
  5. Has the strongest hide in the world
  6. Most beautiful woman in the world
  7. Performed 12 tasks
  8. The prince of Troy
  9. The keeper of the winds
  10. The boy who fell out of the sky

20 Clues: NeptuneOdysseus' sonAte Odysseus' menPenelope's husbandPerformed 12 tasksThe prince of TroyAchilles' weak pointThe youngest cyclopsThe son of King AegeusWrecked Odysseus' shipThe keeper of the winds--------- is Odysseus' wifeThe boy who fell out of the skyHelped Theseus kill the MinotaurMost beautiful woman in the world...

Nationalism 2024-05-01

Nationalism crossword puzzle
  1. In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.
  2. Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.
  3. ___ became the new capital of Italy then the total process of unification was completed.
  4. Nationalism is an ideology that a person's nation is ___ to others.
  5. ___ is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.
  6. Bismarck went to war against Denmark, Austria, and France to gain land to add to his.
  7. Nationalism can ___ people by having people fight for what they all believe in.
  8. Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia
  9. Italy became a unified country in 1861. It happened after Sardinia-Piedmont and France defeated ___ in the Second War of Italian Independence.
  10. Austria-Hungary struggled in World War I due to internal divisions from nationalism, resulting in revolts and territorial ___.
  11. Nationalism can be ___ your country.
  1. The Ottomans and Austria-Hungary were not ___ allies for Germany in World War I, but their contributions to the war effort were limited.
  2. In the Balkans, Slavic Serbs sought ___ from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and in 1878, they tried to gain control of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.
  4. An example of a result of bad nationalism is the ___ of Jews.
  5. Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.
  6. The land that Bismarck gained from ___ added the last section to the new country of Germany.
  7. In 1870, the Papal States became the last area to ___ a united Italy.
  8. Nationalism can bring ___ people together.
  9. By 1917, Austria's output of ___ had fallen to less than half of its 1913 total, and that of rye and oats had fallen even more.

20 Clues: Nationalism can be ___ your country.Nationalism can bring ___ people together.Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia...

canada ww1 2020-09-17

canada ww1 crossword puzzle
  1. Elections Act, an Act that gave the vote to Canadian women related to servicemen, but cancelled the vote for conscientious objectors & immigrants from enemy countries
  2. an airplane with 2 sets of wings, one on top of the body and one underneath
  3. a fighter pilot who has shot down 5 enemy aircraft
  4. Bonds, bonds issued by the Canadian government to support the war effort
  5. a person skilled in shooting
  6. military search or exploration
  7. Measures Act, an Act that gives the federal government emergency powers during wartime, including the right to detain people without laying charges
  8. corpus, the right of a detained person to be brought before a judge or other official to decide whether the detention is lawful
  9. a group of ships travelling together protected by an armed force
  10. to send a person back to his/her country of origin
  11. of attrition, a military strategy based on exhausting the enemy's manpower & resources before yours are exhausted, usually involving great losses on both sides
  12. devotion to one's culture & nation
  13. a believer in a political & economic system in which the means of production & distribution in a country are publicly owned & controlled for the benefit of all members of society
  14. Government, the coalition government formed by Conservatives & some Liberals & independents that governed Canada from 1917 to 1920
  15. Days Campaign, the final Allied offensive against the Central Powers on the Western Front from August 8-November 11, 1918
  16. large guns used to fire shells
  1. Voters Act, an Act that allowed men & women serving overseas to vote
  2. alien, a national living in a country that is at war with his/her homeland
  3. aerial duels between aircraft
  4. camp, a government-run camp where people who are considered a threat are detained
  5. loyalty or faithfulness
  6. information, usually produced by governments, presented in such a way as to inspire & spread particular beliefs or opinions
  7. those injured, killed, captured, or missing in action
  8. objector, a person who opposes war for religious or moral reasons
  9. election, the name given to the 1917 federal election because of Borden's efforts to win the military vote
  10. making profit by raising prices on needed goods or producing poor quality materials
  11. an agreement by warring parties to end hostilities
  12. of Versailles, one of the treaties that ended the First World War; it imposed strict sanctions on Germany
  13. Front, the area of fighting in western Europe during the First World War, characterized by trench warfare and inconclusive battles with heavy casualties on both sides
  14. forced enlistment in the armed forces of all fit men of certain ages
  15. tax, a tax charged to businesses based on their total revenues
  16. Peace Conference, a meeting in Paris in 1919 to discuss the terms of a peace agreement after WW1
  17. movement, groups organized to improve conditions for workers
  18. tax, a tax on personal income
  19. mans land, the area between the trenches of 2 opposing forces
  20. rationing, a civilian effort to consume less & conserve supplies on the home front
  21. Service Act, a 1917 Act that made conscription compulsory for all Canadian men between the ages of 20 & 45, calling up the younger men first
  22. marine, civilian ships & sailors that transported food, weapons, & munitions

38 Clues: loyalty or faithfulnessa person skilled in shootingaerial duels between aircrafttax, a tax on personal incomemilitary search or explorationlarge guns used to fire shellsdevotion to one's culture & nationa fighter pilot who has shot down 5 enemy aircraftan agreement by warring parties to end hostilities...

Number The Stars 2015-09-02

Number The Stars crossword puzzle
  1. a job or profession
  2. Ellens last name
  3. Lise's fiance & member of Resistance
  4. person who serves in the military
  5. relating to a navy
  6. main character
  7. a native of Germany
  8. religion; relating to Judaism
  9. a ship
  1. Male ruler
  2. shopping area in Copenhagen, Denmark
  3. a merry-go-round
  4. War II War between 1939-1945
  5. Annmaries uncle
  6. caused to be under water
  7. Annmaries last name
  8. Annmarie's best friend
  9. Annmaries younger sister
  10. largest group of naval vessels under one commander

19 Clues: a shipMale rulermain characterAnnmaries unclea merry-go-roundEllens last namerelating to a navya job or professionAnnmaries last namea native of GermanyAnnmarie's best friendcaused to be under waterAnnmaries younger sisterWar II War between 1939-1945religion; relating to Judaismperson who serves in the militaryshopping area in Copenhagen, Denmark...

Norse Mythology- Willow Smith 2020-10-13

Norse Mythology- Willow Smith crossword puzzle
  1. Norse warriors
  2. The end of days
  3. Watchman of the gods
  4. The All-mother
  5. The world tree
  6. Goddess of death
  7. Realm of the Fire-giants
  8. Realm of the Bright Elves
  9. God of War
  10. The All-father
  1. Thor's hammer
  2. Realm of the Giants
  3. The world Serpent
  4. God of thunder
  5. Home of the Aseir
  6. God of mischief
  7. Realm of the Dwarves
  8. Goddess of love, fertility, and battle
  9. Realm of the humans
  10. The gods and goddesses

20 Clues: God of WarThor's hammerNorse warriorsGod of thunderThe All-motherThe world treeThe All-fatherThe end of daysGod of mischiefGoddess of deathThe world SerpentHome of the AseirRealm of the GiantsRealm of the humansWatchman of the godsRealm of the DwarvesThe gods and goddessesRealm of the Fire-giantsRealm of the Bright Elves...

Punic Wars (Eve Fouser) 2021-03-18

Punic Wars (Eve Fouser) crossword puzzle
  1. general of carthage punic war #1
  2. - roman senteder
  3. princess of phoenicia founder of carthage
  4. - roman general punic war #2
  5. -a naval warship with five banks of oars
  6. and Syracuse - both are on sicily
  1. the Navigator - admiral of carthage
  2. carthage general punic war #3
  3. general of carthage punic war #2
  4. bulit rafs to go acros

10 Clues: - roman sentederbulit rafs to go acros- roman general punic war #2carthage general punic war #3general of carthage punic war #1general of carthage punic war #2and Syracuse - both are on sicilythe Navigator - admiral of carthage-a naval warship with five banks of oarsprincess of phoenicia founder of carthage

Spanish American War 2024-05-08

Spanish American War crossword puzzle
  1. How many months did the Spanish-American War last.
  2. These people supported the US acquiring territories abroad.
  3. This treaty brought an end to the Spanish-American War in 1898.
  4. Person opposed to US acquiring Colonies abroad.
  5. He defeated the Spanish Navy in Philippines.
  6. This battle won the Spanish-American War for the US.
  7. His letter was an embarrassment to Spain on the eve of the Spanish-American War.
  8. Owner of the New York Journal.
  9. President of the US during the Spanish-American War.
  1. US Battleship that blew up in Havana Cuba.
  2. Europen belief of spreading cultural superiority and Christianity.
  3. Territory acquired by US from Spain after the Spanish-American War.
  4. Led a coup to over-through Hawaiian Monarch.
  5. This is the action of exaggerating and sensationalizing stories in a newspaper.
  6. Philosophy that drove America to conquer North America in the 19th Century.
  7. Owner of the New York World.
  8. Last Monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
  9. Spanish Colony acquired by America at the end of the Spanish-American War.
  10. Volunteer Cavalry raised and led by TR.
  11. The US annexed these islands because of their location in the Pacific.

20 Clues: Owner of the New York World.Owner of the New York Journal.Last Monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaii.Volunteer Cavalry raised and led by TR.US Battleship that blew up in Havana Cuba.Led a coup to over-through Hawaiian Monarch.He defeated the Spanish Navy in Philippines.Person opposed to US acquiring Colonies abroad....

History Crossword By Habiba Elazhary 2022-06-23

History Crossword By Habiba Elazhary crossword puzzle
  1. It is the bond between nations around the world to provide and manufacture goods that grew stronger after the Second World War as technology and transportation of goods advanced.
  2. A French phrase used in the 1960s by Quebec to standardize rates across the province, ensure economic benefits for the Québec economic system through a purchasing policy, and make French the only language in the workforce.
  3. It mandated men during the first and second world wars to participate in the military. It divided English-speaking Canadians, who strongly supported it, and French-speaking Canadians, who did not.
  4. The country where the crisis of the Suez canal, a precious flowing river that controls two-thirds of Europe's oil consumption, occurred. Israeli troops tried to take over the Suez canal, followed by the French, and British, but withdrew their troops after a year.
  5. During this time, women were obligated to aid the homefront by consuming less resources when cooking and doing patriot actions to aid war effort. Women sufferagist movements started after this event has started. However, the advocation for women’s rights has increased throughout it. Some men who couldn’t serve due to health and age restrictions, felt emasculated and embarrassed.
  6. A weapon designed by scientists such as Albert Einstein and others to destroy countries and kill people. The goal of this creation was for the United States to drop it on Hiroshima.
  7. It is a profit-seeking economic system in which individuals own and control property according to their own interests, and demand and supply freely set market prices in ways that benefit society.
  8. A German leader designed specialized concentration camps to execute European Jews and commited suicide when he knew that Germany was obligated to surrender.
  9. A capital city that was shared among four allied countries after the Second World War. A separating wall was built in this city where it separated East and West Berlin.
  10. As a result of attacking Pearl Harbor to cut off China’s support of the USA, what was the first Japanese city to experience death and extreme property damage?
  11. Poverty that rose after the crash of the stock market in North America. During this era, government relief prioritized families and married men.
  12. A small community in Halifax that was populated with black individuals which was later destroyed by the government.
  13. A competition between the USA and the USSR to become the first nation to have the most technological advances and fly to space to gain more dominance.
  1. A generation that has the largest popuation (currently) as they were born after the Second World War due to Canada’s economy’s stability, growth and improvement.
  2. Specialized German bombs and munitions that attacked Ypres, France and Britain to intentionally cause gas poisoning, skin burns, and, eventually, death.
  3. Due to the fear of nuclear war, the USA the Soviets made and claimed to have nuclear weapons which delayed the war.
  4. Enforced laws that banned the consumption of alcohol specifically bootleg during the 1920s in Canada. (However, it did not prevent individuals from consuming alcohol as bootleggers continued selling bootleg.)
  5. A peaceful secret pact that was signed during the Second World War between Germany and the USSR to become allies and share Poland.
  6. Its support grew after the Parti Quebecois was formed and its aim was to gain sovereignty and become an independent nation, away from the .
  7. A home city to many religious places in Palestine such as Al- Aqsa Mosque and the Wailing Wall.
  8. It is a law that allows its prime minister/president to implement laws to provide security and order in case of a war insurrection. Pierre Trudeau used this to detain French Quebecois in suspicion of being a part of the FLQ.
  9. It followed the Cold War and it is designed to make people happier through buying products. Many suburbs, cars, and other products were built in this period to gain money and construct new establishments.
  10. A common job during the Second World War which allowed an individual to work from a different country (enemy’s country). This job required one to acquire various languages and accents.
  11. A Canadian thing that continuously changed ten times since the start of the Cold War.
  12. A terrorist organization that planted bombs in Quebec after the Quiet Revolution as an expression of their aggression towards the anglophone Quebeckers.
  13. American and Soviet forces fought to gain control and dominance where there weren’t direct battles.
  14. Adolf Hitler created this event that caused a mass genocide of a specific religious group (Jews) during the Second World War in Europe and was called “the final solution”.
  15. A communist kingdom that formed in 1918 that currently consists of 7 different countries where the Serbian forces attacked thousands of Kosovo Albanians.
  16. A deathly plan that killed 13 percent of the population created by the dictator of the USSR during the 1930s, Joseph Stalin, to extract Ukraine’s resources via the fertile farmlands. During this period, Stalin prohibited food, and livestock, consolidated farms, prevented immigration and manipulated citizens into believing that they were greedy via a propaganda campaign.
  17. After the Holocaust, Jewish and Israeli communities were established on Palestinian land.

30 Clues: A Canadian thing that continuously changed ten times since the start of the Cold War.After the Holocaust, Jewish and Israeli communities were established on Palestinian land.A home city to many religious places in Palestine such as Al- Aqsa Mosque and the Wailing Wall....

Cold War 2024-03-21

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Group used to keep world Peace
  2. Invisible wall that separates communist countries from non communist
  3. Weapons used in Vietnam now considered war crimes
  4. Used to check presidents power over military
  5. Strategy used to stop the spread of communism
  6. We claimed Vietnam attacked our ships so we can declare war
  7. President during the Cuban Missile crisis and was assassinated
  8. First artificial satellite to orbit Earth, launched by soviet Union
  9. fear of the spread of communism
  10. Russia put missiles in cuba because of ours in Turkey
  11. If one country falls to communism then more will follow
  1. Leader of Cuba during the crisis
  2. Results of the Korean war
  3. History of US involvement in the Korean war
  4. Guerilla warfare army during Vietnam war
  5. Used to get supplies to Berlin over the Berlin wall
  6. Victory for military but loss in the media
  7. Riots against the war effort where they burned down a recruiting center
  8. Hydrogen bomb that's more powerful than a nuke
  9. zone in Korea that separates North and South
  10. Failed assassination attempt on the Cuban leader

21 Clues: Results of the Korean warGroup used to keep world Peacefear of the spread of communismLeader of Cuba during the crisisGuerilla warfare army during Vietnam warVictory for military but loss in the mediaHistory of US involvement in the Korean warUsed to check presidents power over militaryzone in Korea that separates North and South...

Korean War Crossword 2024-03-07

Korean War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A Russian jet fighter.
  2. The leader of the American military at the beginning of the Korean War.
  3. The area of China that was located near North Korea where North Korean allies kept troops and weapons.
  4. The dividing line between North and South Korea.
  5. The leader of the Soviet Union at the time of the Korean War.
  6. The Korean War began on ________ 25th when the North invaded the South.
  7. The leader of China during the Korean War.
  8. The type of government North Korea wanted.
  9. The international peace keeping group formed after World War II.
  10. The four letter abbreviation for the Soviet Union.
  1. To take away a military from an area.
  2. The President of the United States at the time of the Korean War.
  3. The Russian Soviet newspaper.
  4. The ____________ Plan was the redevelopment plan of Europe by the United States.
  5. A term used by communist to show equality and shared values.
  6. The capital of North Korea.
  7. A highly flammable material dropped by bombs or used in flamethrowers.
  8. The leader of North Korea during the Korean War.
  9. The type of government South Korea wanted.
  10. The battle at this reservoir was famous as the Americans were surrounded in miserable conditions.
  11. Aerial combat.
  12. The democratically elected leader of South Korea during the Korean War.

22 Clues: Aerial combat.A Russian jet fighter.The capital of North Korea.The Russian Soviet newspaper.To take away a military from an area.The type of government South Korea wanted.The leader of China during the Korean War.The type of government North Korea wanted.The dividing line between North and South Korea....


HISTORIC EVENTS crossword puzzle
  1. US President during civil war
  2. Name a powerful family who ruled in china
  1. First man in space
  2. world war 2 started in which continent
  3. Vikings came from here

5 Clues: First man in spaceVikings came from hereUS President during civil warworld war 2 started in which continentName a powerful family who ruled in china

Nationalism 2024-05-01

Nationalism crossword puzzle
  1. In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.
  2. Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.
  3. ___ became the new capital of Italy then the total process of unification was completed.
  4. Nationalism is an ideology that a person's nation is ___ to others.
  5. ___ is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.
  6. Bismarck went to war against Denmark, Austria, and France to gain land to add to his.
  7. Nationalism can ___ people by having people fight for what they all believe in.
  8. Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia
  9. Italy became a unified country in 1861. It happened after Sardinia-Piedmont and France defeated ___ in the Second War of Italian Independence.
  10. Austria-Hungary struggled in World War I due to internal divisions from nationalism, resulting in revolts and territorial ___.
  11. Nationalism can be ___ your country.
  1. The Ottomans and Austria-Hungary were not ___ allies for Germany in World War I, but their contributions to the war effort were limited.
  2. In the Balkans, Slavic Serbs sought ___ from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and in 1878, they tried to gain control of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.
  4. An example of a result of bad nationalism is the ___ of Jews.
  5. Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.
  6. The land that Bismarck gained from ___ added the last section to the new country of Germany.
  7. In 1870, the Papal States became the last area to ___ a united Italy.
  8. Nationalism can bring ___ people together.
  9. By 1917, Austria's output of ___ had fallen to less than half of its 1913 total, and that of rye and oats had fallen even more.

20 Clues: Nationalism can be ___ your country.Nationalism can bring ___ people together.Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia...

World War 2 2018-05-29

World War 2 crossword puzzle
  1. what blah blah blah
  2. what balh
  3. What was the name of the side which included Germany, Italy and Japan?
  1. which blah
  2. What was the name of the side which included Great Britain, France and Russia?
  3. what blah blah

6 Clues: what balhwhich blahwhat blah blahwhat blah blah blahWhat was the name of the side which included Germany, Italy and Japan?What was the name of the side which included Great Britain, France and Russia?

Battle of Blitzkrieg 2016-05-02

Battle of Blitzkrieg crossword puzzle
  1. Lightning war
  2. A eastern European country
  3. A German Submarine used in World War I and World War II
  1. Occupy or to enter
  2. A violent attack
  3. Leader of Germany
  4. a shipped equipped with weapons designed to take part in war at sea
  5. A western European country

8 Clues: Lightning warA violent attackLeader of GermanyOccupy or to enterA western European countryA eastern European countryA German Submarine used in World War I and World War IIa shipped equipped with weapons designed to take part in war at sea

Vietnam War 2013-05-11

Vietnam War crossword puzzle
  1. America's foreign policy theory that if one country falls to communism than others will follow.
  2. All property and means belong to the government.
  3. A competition between nations to get the most weapons.
  4. Elected to be the North Vietnam leader, he later was assinated.
  5. Vietcong attacked a US airfield, November 1.
  6. Another one of the US presidents during the Vietnam War.
  7. End of the Vietnam War.
  8. Vietnam capital.
  9. One of the presidents during the Vietnam War.
  10. Start of the Vietnam War.
  11. South of Thailand.
  12. On January 31, the NVA launches a suprise attack on South Vietnam hitting over 100 cities, including Saigon.
  1. Promising armed forces globe wide to fight against communism.
  2. A conflict of words, ideas, and propoganda between nations that lead to the Vietnam War.
  3. Another name for the Vietman War.
  4. Different fronts to where a country is fighting.
  5. The polict to relax tensions between the communists and the free world.
  6. Leader of North Vietnam.
  7. An autocratic ruler.
  8. Where Vietnam declared independence from.

20 Clues: Vietnam capital.South of Thailand.An autocratic ruler.End of the Vietnam War.Leader of North Vietnam.Start of the Vietnam War.Another name for the Vietman War.Where Vietnam declared independence from.Vietcong attacked a US airfield, November 1.One of the presidents during the Vietnam War.All property and means belong to the government....

World War two:places,countries,people 2023-10-21

World War two:places,countries,people crossword puzzle
  1. Air force of germany
  2. American General
  3. Allies power on an island
  4. when World War two officially ends
  5. Japanese city that is bombed on Aug9,1945
  6. Axis power in Europe
  7. Place that have Suez canal
  8. dictator of germany
  9. The axis powers are called _____
  10. modern fighter from GBR
  11. name of this war
  12. Why USA entered the war
  13. military of USSR
  14. leader of USSR
  15. Axis and Allies power
  16. tactic used in Dunkirk
  17. First country to surrender
  18. Axis power in Asia
  1. High-performance fighter from GBR
  2. submarine of germany
  3. Allies power in Asia
  4. when USSR declared war on Japan(in (full name of month)dd format)
  5. Line that is "unbreakable"
  6. Allies power in America
  7. Allies power that surrenders quickly
  8. the end of European war(in (full name of month)dd format)
  9. Tactic used by (dictator of gernamy)
  10. military of germany
  11. large industrial city in USSR
  12. Anti-Dunkirk
  13. Organization formed after the war
  14. Japanese city that is bombed on Aug6,1945
  15. Biggest allies power
  16. Important island in Pacific

34 Clues: Anti-Dunkirkleader of USSRAmerican Generalname of this warmilitary of USSRAxis power in Asiamilitary of germanydictator of germanysubmarine of germanyAir force of germanyAllies power in AsiaAxis power in EuropeBiggest allies powerAxis and Allies powertactic used in DunkirkAllies power in Americamodern fighter from GBRWhy USA entered the war...

African crosswords Jaleese Davis 2024-05-17

African crosswords Jaleese Davis crossword puzzle
  2. LRA
  3. First Africa war
  4. PDRE
  5. NRA
  6. EPLF
  7. Death of hundreds of thousands due to famine from 1977 to 1978.
  8. Political, economic and ethnic conflict due to feelings of being unable to coexist
  9. UNLA
  10. 1985 fundraiser in response to widespread famine
  11. Authoritarian and corrupt leader who led to the rise of 1991 solomi civil war
  12. Ethiopian Red Terror
  13. Killed 500,000 to 800,000 people
  14. Extremist group
  15. Helped civilians affected by conflict
  1. War started by Eritrean Separatists to gain freedom
  2. non-governmental organization
  3. War originated by Said Barre
  4. The rise of Marxist Leninist military dictatorship
  5. Kenyan troops in Somalia to fight al-shabaab
  6. TPLF
  7. Imposed by Nigerian government, caused 3 million to die of starvation
  8. War that started due to feeling threatened by the Somali invasion
  9. Ruler of Uganda as a military dictator, one of the most brutal dictators in the world.
  10. the banning of western culture using violence
  11. diamonds, Diamonds minded in war zone and sold to fun conflict.

26 Clues: LRANRAPDREEPLFTPLFUNLAUNITAFExtremist groupFirst Africa warEthiopian Red TerrorWar originated by Said Barrenon-governmental organizationKilled 500,000 to 800,000 peopleHelped civilians affected by conflictKenyan troops in Somalia to fight al-shabaabthe banning of western culture using violence1985 fundraiser in response to widespread famine...

Lucas Soda: Vietnam Conflict 2022-05-06

Lucas Soda: Vietnam Conflict crossword puzzle
  1. ,Which Country was afraid that Communism would spread over Vietnam.
  2. What theory did people believe that are making nations turn to communism
  3. What year did the Vietnam War broke out
  4. Who was a corrupted leader in south vietnam
  5. Which President sent a half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?
  6. Who was the Secretary of Defence of the USA at that time
  7. What Empire was Vietnam in when World War Two was ending.
  8. Who gave President Lyndon Johnson the option to attack North Vietnam.
  1. Who was unhappy with Ngo Dinh Diem
  2. What type of religion did Ngo Dinh Diem refuse to give land?
  3. The conflict in Vietnam that developed following World War II can best be described as this type of War.
  4. The Treaty of Geneva made the French not take over what Parallel.
  5. Who was the leader of the communist Vietnamese resistance movement?
  6. What was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?
  7. Describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam.

15 Clues: Who was unhappy with Ngo Dinh DiemWhat year did the Vietnam War broke outWho was a corrupted leader in south vietnamWhat was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?Who was the Secretary of Defence of the USA at that timeWhat Empire was Vietnam in when World War Two was ending.What type of religion did Ngo Dinh Diem refuse to give land?...

Landons super duper cool Crossword 2024-05-03

Landons super duper cool Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the leader of the communist Vietnamese resistance movement?
  2. Ho Chi Minh was the leader of the ________, a resistance army which fought for Vietnamese independence.
  3. Peace Treaty that was discussed in 1954.
  4. Who was the US secretary of defense at the time?
  5. The conflict in Vietnam that developed following the French defeat can best be described as this type of War.
  6. What does NLF stand for?
  7. Describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam.
  1. South Vietnam was a capitalist republic led by
  2. The US Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson permission to wage war on who?
  3. What US navy destroyer was attacked by North Vietnamese boats?
  4. Before World War Two Vietnam had been part of the ______ Empire
  5. What was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?
  6. Which President sent a half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?
  7. After World War Two Ho Chi Minh captured _____ in 1945.
  8. The French were defeated by the Vietminh here in 1954

15 Clues: What does NLF stand for?Peace Treaty that was discussed in 1954.South Vietnam was a capitalist republic led byWho was the US secretary of defense at the time?What was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism?The French were defeated by the Vietminh here in 1954After World War Two Ho Chi Minh captured _____ in 1945....

Causes of the Vietnam War 2024-05-06

Causes of the Vietnam War crossword puzzle
  1. Who was the leader of South Vietnam at the start of the war?
  2. What part of the world had been under Communist rule after World War II?
  3. Describe the type of military force President Kennedy sent to Vietnam:
  4. What USS ship was attacked in August 1964 off the coast of Vietnam?
  5. Where was the split between North and South Vietnam?
  6. Who was the leader of the US Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam war?
  7. What was the first Asian Nation to fall to Communism
  1. Which country sent supplies to South Vietnam?
  2. What were the South Vietnamese Communist troops called?
  3. What religion did the majority of the Vietnamese follow?
  4. The conflict in Vietnam that developed following the French defeat can best be described as this type of War:
  5. Who was the leader of the Communist Vietnamese resistance movement?
  6. Where was the treaty between the French and Vietnamese signed?
  7. What governmental system did South Vietnam peasants support?
  8. Which President sent a half a million US combat troops to Vietnam?

15 Clues: Which country sent supplies to South Vietnam?Where was the split between North and South Vietnam?What was the first Asian Nation to fall to CommunismWhat were the South Vietnamese Communist troops called?What religion did the majority of the Vietnamese follow?Who was the leader of South Vietnam at the start of the war?...

worl war 2 2024-01-30

worl war 2 crossword puzzle
  1. World War II or the Second World War was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945. T
  2. japanese immigrants' children who were born with American citizenship
  3. explosive device placed in water to damage or destroy surface ships or submarines
  4. Executive Order 9066 that resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans
  5. was a German fighter pilot during Ww2
  6. U.S. involvement in the Second World War was quickly followed by a massive mobilization effort.
  1. was an iconic poster of a female factory worker
  2. entered the workforce during ww2
  3. Black men and women served in every branch of the armed services during Ww2
  4. the study of crackers codes
  5. Code Talkers, who created a code based on the complex, unwritten Navajo language
  6. were a group of African American military pilots

12 Clues: the study of crackers codesentered the workforce during ww2was a German fighter pilot during Ww2was an iconic poster of a female factory workerwere a group of African American military pilotsjapanese immigrants' children who were born with American citizenshipExecutive Order 9066 that resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans...

Early Cold War 2021-03-17

Early Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. Amendment, The amendment prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again.
  2. blacklist, was the colloquial term for what was in actuality a broader entertainment industry
  3. Deal, fair deal recommended that all Americans have health insurance, that the minimum wage
  4. Germany, from 1949 to 1990, a republic consisting of the western two-thirds of what is now Germany.
  5. missile crisis, A confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962 over the presence of missile sites in Cuba
  6. Oaks Conference, was an international conference at which proposals for the establishment of a "general international organization", which was to become the United Nations, were formulated and negotiated.
  7. for Progress, aimed to establish economic cooperation between the U.S. and Latin America.
  8. Race, occurs when two or more countries increase the size and quality of military resources to gain military and political superiority over one another.
  9. Plan, was an American initiative passed in 1948 for foreign aid to Western Europe
  10. also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance between 30 European and North American countries.
  11. Eisenhower, he served under various generals and was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in 1941.
  12. it had to fend off enemies both directly on its borders and over the distant horizon.
  13. Airlift, A military operation in the late 1940s that brought food and other needed goods into West Berlin by air after the government of East Germany, which at that time surrounded West Berlin, had cut off its supply routes.
  14. Kennedy, was an American socialite, writer, and photographer who became First Lady of the United States as the wife of President John F. Kennedy.
  15. Germany, was a country that existed from 1949 to 1990, the period when the eastern portion of Germany was part of the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War.
  16. Parallel, used as the pre-Korean War boundary between North Korea and South Korea.
  17. Alejandro Castro, was a Cuban revolutionary and politician who served as Prime Minister of Cuba from 1959 to 1976 and President from 1976 to 2008.
  18. doctrine, President Harry S. Truman established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces.
  19. Zedong, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founder of the People's Republic of China.
  20. a state that cannot be ignored on the world stage and without whose cooperation no world problem can be solved
  21. was a village just north of the de facto border between North and South Korea
  22. Wall, was built by the communist government of East Berlin in 1961.
  1. proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology
  2. War,the state of political hostility that existed between the Soviet bloc countries and the US-led Western powers from 1945 to 1990.
  3. was a United States policy using numerous strategies to prevent the spread of communism abroad.
  4. was the last of the World War II meetings held by the “Big Three” heads of state.
  5. Blockade, was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War.
  6. Corps, is an independent agency and volunteer program run by the United States Government providing international social and economic development assistance.
  7. F. Kennedy, was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from 1961 until his assassination in 1963.
  8. Nations, are those Eastern European nations that were allied with and under the control of the Soviet Union during the Cold War
  9. put in effect in the mid-20th century in the United States
  10. conference, was the World War II meeting of the heads of government of the United States
  11. is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason, especially when related to communism.
  12. Pact, was a Cold War-era mutual defense treaty signed on May 14, 1955
  13. of Pigs, The invasion is considered part of the Cold War because the United States was trying to prevent communism from taking hold
  14. Stalin, was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who ruled the Soviet Union from 1927 until 1953.
  15. Macarthur, was an American five-star general and Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.
  16. Khrushchev, was a Soviet politician who led the Soviet Union as the first secretary of the ruling Communist Party from 1953 to 1964 and as chairman of the country's Council of Ministers from 1958 to 1964.
  17. Truman, 33rd president of the United States, who led his country through the final stages of World War II and through the early years of the Cold War, vigorously opposing Soviet expansionism in Europe
  18. Curtain, the boundary that separated the Warsaw Pact countries from the NATO countries from about 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991.
  19. War, was a war between North Korea and South Korea.

41 Clues: War, was a war between North Korea and South Korea.put in effect in the mid-20th century in the United StatesWall, was built by the communist government of East Berlin in 1961.Pact, was a Cold War-era mutual defense treaty signed on May 14, 1955Blockade, was one of the first major international crises of the Cold War....

Vietnam 2020-06-04

Vietnam crossword puzzle
  1. Where American soldiers killed hundreds of innocent villagers
  2. (2 words) South Vietnam's Communist guerrilla troops were called...
  3. (2 words) Deadly herbicide sprayed all over Vietnam
  4. (2 words) Major turning point (military engagement) for Communists
  5. Leader of South Vietnam
  6. US nickname for Communists in South Vietnam
  7. (4 words) Primitive supply route for Viet Cong
  8. Firebomb used to kill people, burned uncontrollably
  1. (2 words) Side that won the Vietnam War
  2. Dug by the VC to house troops, set traps and hide
  3. Used in many ways by Americans, part of "Air Mobility" strategy
  4. Abbreviation for American soldiers left behind after the Vietnam War
  5. American policy of helping S. Vietnamese to stand on their own
  6. Country who colonized Vietnam in 1877
  7. Capital of South Vietnam
  8. (Last name of) US President who began air support of S. Vietnamese
  9. Majority of South Vietnamese were this religion
  10. Capital of North Vietnam
  11. Leader of North Vietnam
  12. In 1973, American forces officially ____ Vietnam

20 Clues: Leader of South VietnamLeader of North VietnamCapital of South VietnamCapital of North VietnamCountry who colonized Vietnam in 1877(2 words) Side that won the Vietnam WarUS nickname for Communists in South Vietnam(4 words) Primitive supply route for Viet CongMajority of South Vietnamese were this religion...

Vocabulary words 2021-09-17

Vocabulary words crossword puzzle
  1. these were punishments levied by Parliament on colonists living in Boston
  2. the shot heard around the world
  3. total control over pricing and distribution of a product
  4. colonists who supported the war with britain
  5. won by the british, gave them control of NYC and its ports
  6. basically a declaration of war as far as Parliament and the king of England were concerned
  7. this was an assembly of colonists who drafted the Articles of Confederation and Declaration of Independence
  1. crosses the frozen Delaware River and attacks German Hessians
  2. top general in the continental army
  3. an organized decision by a large group of people to stop buying a product
  4. tax on stamped paper that was to be collected from all colonists
  5. final battle of the war
  6. the british and french were at war in other parts of the world. This was the name of their conflict in North America
  7. battle that took place on a hill in Boston between Massachusetts minutemen and British soldiers
  8. colonists who supported the king

15 Clues: final battle of the warthe shot heard around the worldcolonists who supported the kingtop general in the continental armycolonists who supported the war with britaintotal control over pricing and distribution of a productwon by the british, gave them control of NYC and its portscrosses the frozen Delaware River and attacks German Hessians...

Imperialism and World War I 2014-11-28

Imperialism and World War I crossword puzzle
  1. Amendment Legislation that severely restricted Cuba's sovereignty and gave the US the right to intervene in Cuban affairs at anytime
  2. Lome Letter Letter written by Spanish minister to the United States. The letter was highly critical of President McKinley including calling him weak.
  3. Rebellion a secret society of Chinese Nationalists that opposed foreign influence in China. They attacked foreign settlements and murdered dozens of Christian Missionaries.
  4. of Nations an association of nations established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace.
  5. In World War I, the group of nations originally consisting of Britain, France, and Russia and later joined by the United States , Italy and others. Together they opposed the Central Powers.
  6. Riders The First United States Volunteer Calvary, a mixture of Ivy League athletes and western frontiersmen, volunteered to fight in the Spanish-American War. Led by Theodore Roosevelt. Fought several battles in Cuba including the battle for San Juan Hill.
  7. for U.S. entry into WWI The 1915 Sinking of the Lusitania - 128 Americans died - American public opinion began turning against the Central Powers; Unrestricted Submarine Warfare by the Germans; Zimmerman Telegram.
  8. Service Act (1917) Required men to be registered with the government in order to be randomly selected for military service.
  9. Policy A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations
  10. A British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-Boat on May 7, 1915. 128 Americans died. The sinking greatly turned American opinion against the Germans, helping the move towards entering the war.
  11. Fourteen Points the principles making up President Wilson's plan for world peace following World War I
  12. Expeditionary Force (AEF) U.S. Forces led by General John Pershing who fought with the Allies in Europe during WWI.
  13. War (1898) war fought between Spain and the United States that began after the sinking of the battleship USS Maine; the United States won the war in four months, gaining control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. Other factors that caused the war included the De Lome Letter, and Yellow Journalism.
  14. Diplomacy The US Policy of using the nation's economic power to exert influence over other countries.
  15. four causes of World War I (MAIN) Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism
  16. of Versailles 1919 treaty at the end of WWI that established new nations, borders, and war reparations.
  17. B. Dole American plantation owner in Hawaii (Dole Pineapple) who led a revolt against the queen of Hawaii and became president of the Republic of Hawaii. He was president until the US annexed Hawaii 4 years later. He then became the territorial governor.
  18. Powers the group of nations led by Germany, Austria-Hungry, and the Ottoman Empire that opposed the Allies in WWI.
  19. a policy of not choosing sides in a war or dispute between countries {we wanted to be neutral with Britain and France}
  20. Darwinism a modern name given to various theories of society that emerged in the United States and Europe in the 1870s, and which sought to apply biological concepts of natural selection and survival of the fittest to sociology and politics.
  21. Doctrine 1823 declaration by President James Monroe that the U.S. would regard any attempt by an external (European) power to interfere in the Western Hemisphere as a hostile act. In Exchange the U.S. would stay out of any interference by Europeans.
  1. Roosevelt Vice President under McKinley; became 26th President; led a volunteer Calvary called the Rough Riders during the Spanish American War. Added Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine, later known as "Big Stick" policy.
  2. Journalism Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers
  3. John Pershing led the American Expeditionary Force; urged that the AEF operate as an independent fighting force, under American command.
  4. Industries Board an agency established during WWI to increase efficiency and discourage waste in war related industries.
  5. Canal an artificial waterway cut through the isthmus of Panama to provide a short cut between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.
  6. Warfare A form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield.
  7. A policy of avoiding political or military involvement with other countries
  8. compensation paid by a defeated nation for the damage or injury it inflicted during war.
  9. The policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker territories.
  10. Francis Ferdinand the heir to the throne of the Austro Hungarian empire- his assassination was the single event that actually started World War I
  11. Telegram A German telegram to Mexico that proposed Mexico ally itself with Germany in return for Germany's pledge to help Mexico recover the lost territory of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.
  12. a devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation.
  13. the policy of building armed forces in preparedness for war and their use as a tool for diplomacy.
  14. Thayer Mahan Leading imperialist who felt that national greatness was based on a nation's naval power. He urged Government officials to build up America's Naval power in order to compete with other powerful nations. As a result America built nine steel hulled cruisers between 1883 and 1890.
  15. of the Argon Forest part of the final Allied offensive of World War I that stretched along the entire Western Front. The battle was the largest in United States military history, involving 1.2 million American soldiers, and was one of a series of Allied attacks known as the Hundred Days Offensive, which brought the war to an end.
  16. Cabot Lodge Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he was a leader in the fight against participation in the League of Nations.
  17. Maine U.S. War ship that explodes off the coast of Cuba in Havana harbor and helps contribute to the start of the Spanish-American War on February 15, 1898
  18. of Paris (1898) treaty that ended the Spanish American war. Provided that Cuba be free from Spain. Turned over control of the islands of Guam & Puerto Rico to the United States.
  19. Door Policy all nations would have equal trading privileges in China.

40 Clues: a devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation.Policy A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nationsDoor Policy all nations would have equal trading privileges in China.A policy of avoiding political or military involvement with other countriesfour causes of World War I (MAIN) Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism...

Battle of Midway 2013-05-06

Battle of Midway crossword puzzle
  1. The _______ was where the midway battle was
  2. The Japanese sent troops to _________
  3. was the most important Naval Battle in World War 2
  4. ______ was a Fleet Admiral of the United States (Last Name)
  5. Midway is located in ______
  1. The ________ dropped bombs on the american bases
  2. ________ was the Japanese Marshal Admiral (Last name)
  3. _______ attacked against Japan
  4. _____ was the sole surviving Japanese aircraft

9 Clues: Midway is located in _____________ attacked against JapanThe Japanese sent troops to _________The _______ was where the midway battle was_____ was the sole surviving Japanese aircraftThe ________ dropped bombs on the american baseswas the most important Naval Battle in World War 2________ was the Japanese Marshal Admiral (Last name)...

Korean War Crossword 2024-03-07

Korean War Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The type of government South Korea wanted.
  2. The leader of the Soviet Union at the time of the Korean War.
  3. A highly flammable material dropped by bombs or used in flamethrowers.
  4. The dividing line between North and South Korea.
  5. The democratically elected leader of South Korea during the Korean War.
  6. The capital of North Korea.
  7. The leader of the American military at the beginning of the Korean War.
  8. Aerial combat.
  9. The leader of North Korea during the Korean War.
  10. The battle at this reservoir was famous as the Americans were surrounded in miserable conditions.
  11. A Russian jet fighter.
  1. The ____________ Plan was the redevelopment plan of Europe by the United States.
  2. The President of the United States at the time of the Korean War.
  3. The area of China that was located near North Korea where North Korean allies kept troops and weapons.
  4. A term used by communist to show equality and shared values.
  5. The leader of China during the Korean War.
  6. The Korean War began on ________ 25th when the North invaded the South.
  7. The type of government North Korea wanted.
  8. To take away a military from an area.
  9. The Russian Soviet newspaper.
  10. The four letter abbreviation for the Soviet Union.
  11. The international peace keeping group formed after World War II.

22 Clues: Aerial combat.A Russian jet fighter.The capital of North Korea.The Russian Soviet newspaper.To take away a military from an area.The type of government South Korea wanted.The leader of China during the Korean War.The type of government North Korea wanted.The dividing line between North and South Korea....

British Empire - Places 2024-03-26

British Empire - Places crossword puzzle
  1. Name of the town that is called 'a little bit of Scotland' in Canada
  2. City in Sudan besieged by Islamic warriors in 1884 where General Gordon was killed
  3. City of the headquarters of the East India Company in India
  4. In which city was the treaty signed in 1763 that ended the 7-Years-War between the great European Powers
  5. City in the UK with 25% of its population of Asian origin
  6. County in the north of England whose cotton mills dominated the world market in the 1920's
  7. One of the bloodiest battles of the Empire in Sudan with spears against machine guns
  8. Name of the river that was to become 'God's highway into the heart of Africa
  9. Name given to the Caribbean during the British Empire (2)
  1. Capital city of Jamaica (2)
  2. In which building in Jerusalem was a deadly bomb placed by militant Jews on 22 July 1946 (3)
  3. Burial place of David Livingstone (2)
  4. First Caribbean island to gain independence in 1962
  5. Source of the Nile found by the explorer John Speke in the 19th century (2)
  6. Which waterway in Egypt was crucial to cut sailing time to and from India(2)
  7. Famous racecourse in Hong Kong, legacy from the days of empire (2)
  8. Home in Delhi of India's ruling dynasty in the 18th C (2)
  9. What did the British call the hill station where they escaped the summer heat
  10. Original name of Zimbabwe, country founded on blood and greed and named after its founder who made his fortune in diamonds
  11. Which Indian city was the seat of a terrible siege in 1857 when 3000 British and loyal Indians were trapped in the British headquarters
  12. Country in Africa where the 'toffs' settled in early 1900

21 Clues: Capital city of Jamaica (2)Burial place of David Livingstone (2)First Caribbean island to gain independence in 1962City in the UK with 25% of its population of Asian originHome in Delhi of India's ruling dynasty in the 18th C (2)Country in Africa where the 'toffs' settled in early 1900Name given to the Caribbean during the British Empire (2)...

Romans 1-4 2022-11-10

Romans 1-4 crossword puzzle
  1. Romans 3:13
  2. Romans 1:3
  3. Romans 4:25
  4. Romans 1:8
  5. Romans 2:16
  6. Romans 4:19
  7. Romans 4:14
  8. Romans 4:7
  9. Romans 3:5
  1. Romans 1:4
  2. Romans 4:16
  3. Romans 2:27
  4. Romans 2:4
  5. Romans 1:32
  6. Romans 3:4
  7. Romans 1:21
  8. Romans 4:1
  9. Romans 4:10
  10. Romans 2:29
  11. Romans 3:28
  12. Romans 4:17
  13. Romans 2:7

22 Clues: Romans 1:4Romans 2:4Romans 1:3Romans 3:4Romans 4:1Romans 1:8Romans 4:7Romans 2:7Romans 3:5Romans 4:16Romans 2:27Romans 3:13Romans 1:32Romans 1:21Romans 4:25Romans 4:10Romans 2:29Romans 2:16Romans 3:28Romans 4:17Romans 4:19Romans 4:14

The End of World War I 2022-04-04

The End of World War I crossword puzzle
  1. an international organization created after the First World War to provide mutual aid and a forum for resolving international disputes
  2. Treaty signed in 1919 between Germany, France, Britain, and the United States
  3. a policy of aggressive military preparedness
  4. a strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country
  5. President Wilson's plan for peace that he brought to treaty negotiations
  6. law passed in 1917 to punish anyone found guilty of spying or aiding the enemy
  7. loans that Americans made to the government to fund the war effort that would be repaid with interest in later years
  8. the arguments that nations had a right to rule territory they had colonized
  9. wartime law prohibiting words or behavior that resisted America's wartime policies
  10. a group of U.S. Senators who refused to sign the treaty ending the war
  11. the belief that nations should rule themselves based on ethnicity, religion, and other identity
  1. An alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI
  2. a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
  3. rule requirig men of a certain age to register with the government so that they could be drafted for war
  4. An agreement signed by countries to stop fighting while negotiations for a treaty begin
  5. America's approach to the war in Europe. Wilson began to build up the military while maintaining neutrality. (begun at the end of 1915)
  6. British passenger ship that German U-boat submarines attacked and sunk off the coast of Ireland in 1915
  7. ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause
  8. A military alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia in the years preceding World War I.
  9. illegal traffic, smuggled goods
  10. monetary compensation paid for damages

21 Clues: illegal traffic, smuggled goodsmonetary compensation paid for damagesa policy of aggressive military preparednessa strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's countryideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a causea group of U.S. Senators who refused to sign the treaty ending the war...

Nationalism 2024-05-01

Nationalism crossword puzzle
  1. In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.
  2. Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.
  3. ___ became the new capital of Italy then the total process of unification was completed.
  4. Nationalism is an ideology that a person's nation is ___ to others.
  5. ___ is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.
  6. Bismarck went to war against Denmark, Austria, and France to gain land to add to his.
  7. Nationalism can ___ people by having people fight for what they all believe in.
  8. Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia
  9. Italy became a unified country in 1861. It happened after Sardinia-Piedmont and France defeated ___ in the Second War of Italian Independence.
  10. Austria-Hungary struggled in World War I due to internal divisions from nationalism, resulting in revolts and territorial ___.
  11. Nationalism can be ___ your country.
  1. The Ottomans and Austria-Hungary were not ___ allies for Germany in World War I, but their contributions to the war effort were limited.
  2. In the Balkans, Slavic Serbs sought ___ from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and in 1878, they tried to gain control of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.
  4. An example of a result of bad nationalism is the ___ of Jews.
  5. Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.
  6. The land that Bismarck gained from ___ added the last section to the new country of Germany.
  7. In 1870, the Papal States became the last area to ___ a united Italy.
  8. Nationalism can bring ___ people together.
  9. By 1917, Austria's output of ___ had fallen to less than half of its 1913 total, and that of rye and oats had fallen even more.

20 Clues: Nationalism can be ___ your country.Nationalism can bring ___ people together.Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia...

Nationalism 2024-05-01

Nationalism crossword puzzle
  1. In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.
  2. Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.
  3. ___ became the new capital of Italy then the total process of unification was completed.
  4. Nationalism is an ideology that a person's nation is ___ to others.
  5. ___ is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.
  6. Bismarck went to war against Denmark, Austria, and France to gain land to add to his.
  7. Nationalism can ___ people by having people fight for what they all believe in.
  8. Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia
  9. Italy became a unified country in 1861. It happened after Sardinia-Piedmont and France defeated ___ in the Second War of Italian Independence.
  10. Austria-Hungary struggled in World War I due to internal divisions from nationalism, resulting in revolts and territorial ___.
  11. Nationalism can be ___ your country.
  1. The Ottomans and Austria-Hungary were not ___ allies for Germany in World War I, but their contributions to the war effort were limited.
  2. In the Balkans, Slavic Serbs sought ___ from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and in 1878, they tried to gain control of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.
  4. An example of a result of bad nationalism is the ___ of Jews.
  5. Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.
  6. The land that Bismarck gained from ___ added the last section to the new country of Germany.
  7. In 1870, the Papal States became the last area to ___ a united Italy.
  8. Nationalism can bring ___ people together.
  9. By 1917, Austria's output of ___ had fallen to less than half of its 1913 total, and that of rye and oats had fallen even more.

20 Clues: Nationalism can be ___ your country.Nationalism can bring ___ people together.Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia...

World War 1 Crossword Puzzle 2019-05-23

World War 1 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. French pemier
  2. British Prime Minister
  3. A kind of biased communication designed to influence people’s thoughts and actions
  4. Agency to improve efficiency in war related industries
  5. Truce agreement
  6. Movement of many African Americans to Northern cities from the south in the early 1900s
  7. A devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation
  8. Building up armed forces to prepare for war
  1. Leader of War Industries Board
  2. The 1919 Treaty that ended World War 1
  3. Head of Committee of Public Information
  4. Famous American fighter pilot
  5. American War Hero

13 Clues: French pemierTruce agreementAmerican War HeroBritish Prime MinisterFamous American fighter pilotLeader of War Industries BoardThe 1919 Treaty that ended World War 1Head of Committee of Public InformationBuilding up armed forces to prepare for warAgency to improve efficiency in war related industries...

Middle East Vocab Crossword Puzzle 2024-10-09

Middle East Vocab Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The largest ethnic group within the Middle East
  2. Leader of Iraq during the Persian Gulf War/Iraq War
  3. Branch of Islam; most widely practiced
  4. U.S defense headquarters.
  5. Citizens can only vote for legislature;legislature selects chief executive
  6. War from 1990-1991 that took place when Iraq attacked Kuwait's oil fields
  7. Largest attack on U.S soil
  8. Has more than one house of legislature
  9. Also known as weapons of mass destruction
  10. The legislature in Israel
  11. President of the United Sates during the War on Terror
  1. Al-Qaeda attacks world trade center;beginning of Afghanistan War/War on Terror
  2. Terrorist group that took over Afghanistan
  3. Beginning of the Iraq War
  4. Most globally practiced religion;believes Jesus is the prophet/messiah
  5. One person holds absolute power
  6. Chief executive is a king, Sultan, or other ruler
  7. Freedom of religion, press, speech, etc
  8. Afghan terrorist group that invaded the U.S on September eleventh, two thousand one
  9. Leader o the Al-Qaeda
  10. The main religion practiced in the Middle East
  11. Accepted as Christianity's old testament
  12. Citizens can vote for legislature and chief executives
  13. Branch of Islam
  14. President of the United States during the Persian Gulf War
  15. Middle Eastern ethnic group

26 Clues: Branch of IslamLeader o the Al-QaedaBeginning of the Iraq WarU.S defense headquarters.The legislature in IsraelLargest attack on U.S soilMiddle Eastern ethnic groupOne person holds absolute powerBranch of Islam; most widely practicedHas more than one house of legislatureFreedom of religion, press, speech, etcAccepted as Christianity's old testament...

Unit 3 Test 2017-03-24

Unit 3 Test crossword puzzle
  1. Theodore Roosevelt's name for the dirt-digging investigative reporters employed by William Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer
  2. the acquisition of territory by a nation through political influence; a cause of World War I
  3. the rapid and aggressive expansion of a nation's military; a cause of World War I
  4. a type of sensational or outlandish reporting that has very little basis in research or fact
  5. The Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson established the doctrine of ___ ___ ___.
  6. the Eighteenth Amendment, establishing the prohibition of alcohol, was overturned by the ___ Amendment
  7. type of propaganda that appeals to a person's desire to belong
  8. money paid by a defeated enemy to pay for damage done during a war
  9. Harding campaign promise: "A Return to ___"
  10. These laws were enacted to prevent African Americans from achieving equality in the southern United States.
  11. Wilson's organization that would allow nations to resolve differences through diplomacy rather than warfare
  12. Opponents in World War I dug ___ to protect themselves from the machine guns and howitzers of their enemies.
  13. Alaska and ___ are the two most recent states added to the union.
  14. With the discovery of ___ in Alaska, Secretary of State William Seward's decision to purchase the land turn out to be a good one after all.
  15. ____ believed that the government had the responsibility of solving social and economic problems
  16. a collection of ideas and reforms that changed the scope and direction of American industry, politics, and social behavior
  1. This telegram, from the German Government to Mexico, promised the return of the southwestern United States to Mexico in return of a declaration of war by Mexico on the U.S.
  2. fear of the spread of Communism in America and the steps taken to undermine it
  3. made the drinking, sale, and manufacture of alcoholic beverages a federal crime
  4. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution granted ___ to American women.
  5. popular music of the 1920 with roots in African and Caribbean music
  6. print, film, and broadcast methods of communicating with large amounts of people
  7. young women of the 1920s who changed America's idea of what a woman's role in society was; shorter hair, unmarried partiers
  8. labor union leadership speaks for its members while negotiating with company management
  9. a third party negotiator is brought in to deliver a binding decision between management and union members
  10. this clause in the Treaty of Versailles (1919) blamed Germany for World War I, and required them to disarm and pay for damages.
  11. scandal during the Harding Administration that saw Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall go to prison for illegally selling drilling rights on federal land to private oil companies
  12. type of communication that is used specifically for the purpose of influencing the actions or attitudes of others
  13. The ___ ___ speech focused on the surrender of Germany, the rebuilding of Europe, and prevention of future wars after World War I.
  14. a Tennessee science teacher charged and fined for teaching evolution in his classroom resulted in the ___ ___.

30 Clues: Harding campaign promise: "A Return to ___"type of propaganda that appeals to a person's desire to belongAlaska and ___ are the two most recent states added to the paid by a defeated enemy to pay for damage done during a warpopular music of the 1920 with roots in African and Caribbean music...

Nationalism 2024-05-01

Nationalism crossword puzzle
  1. In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.
  2. Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.
  3. ___ became the new capital of Italy then the total process of unification was completed.
  4. Nationalism is an ideology that a person's nation is ___ to others.
  5. ___ is an idea and movement that holds that the nation should be congruent with the state.
  6. Bismarck went to war against Denmark, Austria, and France to gain land to add to his.
  7. Nationalism can ___ people by having people fight for what they all believe in.
  8. Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia
  9. Italy became a unified country in 1861. It happened after Sardinia-Piedmont and France defeated ___ in the Second War of Italian Independence.
  10. Austria-Hungary struggled in World War I due to internal divisions from nationalism, resulting in revolts and territorial ___.
  11. Nationalism can be ___ your country.
  1. The Ottomans and Austria-Hungary were not ___ allies for Germany in World War I, but their contributions to the war effort were limited.
  2. In the Balkans, Slavic Serbs sought ___ from Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, and in 1878, they tried to gain control of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.
  4. An example of a result of bad nationalism is the ___ of Jews.
  5. Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.
  6. The land that Bismarck gained from ___ added the last section to the new country of Germany.
  7. In 1870, the Papal States became the last area to ___ a united Italy.
  8. Nationalism can bring ___ people together.
  9. By 1917, Austria's output of ___ had fallen to less than half of its 1913 total, and that of rye and oats had fallen even more.

20 Clues: Nationalism can be ___ your country.Nationalism can bring ___ people together.Nationalism is loyalty and ___ to a nation.Count Cavour made an ___ with France in 1858.In 1871, Bismarck ___ the Franco-Prussian War.Nationalism at its worst can fuel ___ disorder.Otto von ___ led the large German state of Prussia...

History 2020-03-01

History crossword puzzle
  1. What 2 sides had a dispute?
  2. A lot of monarchs ruled by?
  3. Who had control over the Parliament?
  4. What did King Charles I do with the money?
  5. What did King Charles I have to give in order to raise taxes?
  6. What other law did King Charles I Agree to?
  7. What 2 sides were part of the civil war?
  8. At what time did King Charles I become broke?
  9. What happened with the Puritan leaders?
  1. Why did King James 1 want to raise taxes?
  2. Who was unhappy with King Charles 1?
  3. What did the Parliament get in exchange for passing the law for more taxes?
  4. Who won the Civil war in 1642?
  5. After King James 1 who ruled?
  6. Who did King Charles I want a war with?
  7. Where did monarchs rights come from?
  8. Who did King Charles I make enemy of?
  9. When was the civil war between King Charles I and the Puritans?
  10. Who did the Kings support?
  11. Where was the first God given right monarch?

20 Clues: Who did the Kings support?What 2 sides had a dispute?A lot of monarchs ruled by?After King James 1 who ruled?Who won the Civil war in 1642?Who was unhappy with King Charles 1?Who had control over the Parliament?Where did monarchs rights come from?Who did King Charles I make enemy of?Who did King Charles I want a war with?...

Disney Day! 2021-02-11

Disney Day! crossword puzzle
  1. One benefit of having Disney Day at home instead of at Disney World is that you don't have to stand in long _____.
  2. who has dust that helps people fly? (2 words)
  3. Whose castle is at Disney World?
  4. What souvenir that you wear on your head is popular to bring back from Disney World
  5. Who is a sheriff/cowboy in a Disney movie?
  6. Who has lost her sheep? (2 words)
  7. What city is Disney World in?
  1. What is the first name of a duck that one can find at Disney World?
  2. Whose last name rhymes with house (2 words)
  3. What is the best roller coaster ever? (2 words)
  4. What is the best place to visit in Florida? (2 words)
  5. What Disney dog also is the name of what used to be considered the ninth planet?

12 Clues: What city is Disney World in?Whose castle is at Disney World?Who has lost her sheep? (2 words)Who is a sheriff/cowboy in a Disney movie?Whose last name rhymes with house (2 words)who has dust that helps people fly? (2 words)What is the best roller coaster ever? (2 words)What is the best place to visit in Florida? (2 words)...

English 2023-01-16

English crossword puzzle
  1. like to eat banana
  2. The safest country in the world
  3. used for writing with ink
  4. live in ancient times
  5. The greatest football player, from Argentina
  6. eiffel tower
  7. study tool in Regina Pacis Bogor
  8. Indonesia is in this continent
  9. The capital of Japan
  10. The biggest animal in the world
  1. the capital of Bali
  2. when pandemic people wear it
  3. has a war with Russia
  4. Animal that has a long trunk
  5. the biggest country in the world
  6. The president in Indonesia

16 Clues: eiffel towerlike to eat bananathe capital of BaliThe capital of Japanlive in ancient timeshas a war with Russiaused for writing with inkThe president in Indonesiawhen pandemic people wear itAnimal that has a long trunkIndonesia is in this continentThe safest country in the worldThe biggest animal in the worldthe biggest country in the world...

Unit 12 Imperalism and WW1 2023-04-13

Unit 12 Imperalism and WW1 crossword puzzle
  1. the lead of nations.
  2. An addition to something that has already been approved.
  3. The policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war.
  4. two larger bodies of land.
  5. An agreement to stop fighting.
  6. Law requiring people of a certain age group to serve in military
  7. The belief that one race is superior to another
  8. A follower or advocate of territorial or economic expansion.
  9. Using threats or violence to promote a cause.
  1. A deadly epidemic that spread around the world.
  2. People who wanted the United States to stay out of world affairs,
  3. To have little to do with other countries and their affairs.
  4. A person who tries to stir up war/wants war.
  5. Wartime acts of cruelty and brutality- crimes against humanity.
  6. A narrow strip of land that has water at each side with the strip of land
  7. Another word for authorization.

16 Clues: the lead of nations.two larger bodies of land.An agreement to stop fighting.Another word for authorization.A person who tries to stir up war/wants war.Using threats or violence to promote a cause.A deadly epidemic that spread around the world.The belief that one race is superior to anotherAn addition to something that has already been approved....

World War I Name________ 2015-03-10

World War I     Name________ crossword puzzle
  1. to eliminate for political reasons
  2. before
  3. stop fighting
  4. spying
  5. prepare military for battle
  6. total control by government
  7. get rid of
  8. on same team
  9. official plan, government plan
  1. to say, announce
  2. anger, violence, protest
  3. temporary
  4. taken away
  5. to give up, resign
  6. public ownership of resources
  7. socialist dictatorship
  8. against your country
  9. forced out, kicked out

18 Clues: beforespyingtemporarytaken awayget rid ofon same teamstop fightingto say, announceto give up, resignagainst your countrysocialist dictatorshipforced out, kicked outanger, violence, protestprepare military for battletotal control by governmentpublic ownership of resourcesofficial plan, government planto eliminate for political reasons

World War I Name________ 2015-03-10

World War I     Name________ crossword puzzle
  1. stop fighting
  2. against your country
  3. temporary
  4. anger, violence, protest
  5. get rid of
  6. public ownership of resources
  7. on same team
  8. spying
  1. total control by government
  2. prepare military for battle
  3. before
  4. official plan, government plan
  5. socialist dictatorship
  6. to give up, resign
  7. taken away
  8. to say, announce
  9. forced out, kicked out
  10. to eliminate for political reasons

18 Clues: beforespyingtemporarytaken awayget rid ofon same teamstop fightingto say, announceto give up, resignagainst your countrysocialist dictatorshipforced out, kicked outanger, violence, protesttotal control by governmentprepare military for battlepublic ownership of resourcesofficial plan, government planto eliminate for political reasons

World War I Name________ 2015-03-10

World War I     Name________ crossword puzzle
  1. official plan, government plan
  2. public ownership of resources
  3. prepare military for battle
  4. on same team
  5. get rid of
  6. temporary
  7. forced out, kicked out
  1. taken away
  2. socialist dictatorship
  3. to eliminate for political reasons
  4. to give up, resign
  5. total control by government
  6. stop fighting
  7. spying
  8. anger, violence, protest
  9. against your country
  10. to say, announce
  11. before

18 Clues: spyingbeforetemporarytaken awayget rid ofon same teamstop fightingto say, announceto give up, resignagainst your countrysocialist dictatorshipforced out, kicked outanger, violence, protesttotal control by governmentprepare military for battlepublic ownership of resourcesofficial plan, government planto eliminate for political reasons

World War I Name________ 2015-03-10

World War I     Name________ crossword puzzle
  1. to eliminate for political reasons
  2. forced out, kicked out
  3. prepare military for battle
  4. on same team
  5. spying
  6. public ownership of resources
  7. total control by government
  8. official plan, government plan
  9. to say, announce
  10. anger, violence, protest
  1. get rid of
  2. before
  3. taken away
  4. temporary
  5. socialist dictatorship
  6. to give up, resign
  7. stop fighting
  8. against your country

18 Clues: beforespyingtemporaryget rid oftaken awayon same teamstop fightingto say, announceto give up, resignagainst your countrysocialist dictatorshipforced out, kicked outanger, violence, protestprepare military for battletotal control by governmentpublic ownership of resourcesofficial plan, government planto eliminate for political reasons

World War I Name________ 2015-03-10

World War I     Name________ crossword puzzle
  1. official plan, government plan
  2. before
  3. temporary
  4. stop fighting
  5. spying
  6. anger, violence, protest
  7. to give up, resign
  8. get rid of
  9. taken away
  1. to eliminate for political reasons
  2. total control by government
  3. socialist dictatorship
  4. on same team
  5. forced out, kicked out
  6. prepare military for battle
  7. public ownership of resources
  8. against your country
  9. to say, announce

18 Clues: beforespyingtemporaryget rid oftaken awayon same teamstop fightingto say, announceto give up, resignagainst your countrysocialist dictatorshipforced out, kicked outanger, violence, protesttotal control by governmentprepare military for battlepublic ownership of resourcesofficial plan, government planto eliminate for political reasons

World War 1 Vocab 2016-03-13

World War 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. German philosopher who argued that cultures grow and decay in cycles.
  2. Dealing with or comparing two or more cultures.
  3. A group or class fo persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status.
  4. Turkish statesman who abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state.
  5. Organize (the product of something) into an industry.
  6. The branch of physics based on quantum theory.
  7. Made industrial; converted to industrial.
  8. Archduke of Austria and heir apparent to Francis Joseph 1.
  9. An orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group.
  10. Make ready for action or use.
  11. Chinese communist leader.
  12. A form of socialism featuring racism and expansionism and obedience to a strong leader.
  1. Tending to exploit or make use of.
  2. The leader of a nationalist movement.
  3. Turkish statesman who abolished the caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state.
  4. Turkish statesman who abolished dthe caliphate and founded Turkey as a modern secular state.
  5. made urban in nature taking on urban characteristics.
  6. Russia founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR.
  7. Russia founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR.
  8. A political theory advocating an authoritarian government.

20 Clues: Chinese communist leader.Make ready for action or use.Tending to exploit or make use of.The leader of a nationalist movement.Made industrial; converted to industrial.The branch of physics based on quantum theory.Dealing with or comparing two or more cultures.Organize (the product of something) into an industry....