among%20us Crossword Puzzles

Cross word 2022-05-18

Cross word crossword puzzle
  1. whose/of which
  2. to miss
  3. to move away
  4. Sometimes
  5. remercier
  6. crazy
  7. glimpse/notice
  8. already
  9. Numerous
  10. flood
  1. despite
  2. To drive
  3. among
  4. rust
  5. sure
  6. sheet metal
  7. proud
  8. copious
  9. to please
  10. place

20 Clues: rustsureamongproudcrazyplaceflooddespiteto misscopiousalreadyTo driveNumerousSometimesremercierto pleasesheet metalto move awaywhose/of whichglimpse/notice

Vivian hard puzzle 😎🤣🤭🥹 2022-06-17

Vivian hard puzzle 😎🤣🤭🥹 crossword puzzle
  1. water
  2. P.S.129
  3. device
  4. cabbage
  5. ms.lee
  6. lamp
  7. sun
  8. math
  9. roblox
  10. calling device
  11. star
  12. PC
  13. emotion
  14. time
  15. blood
  1. national athem
  2. creater
  3. statue
  4. cold place
  5. cookie
  6. sus
  7. cook food
  8. sky
  9. chips
  10. time

25 Clues: PCsussunskylampmathstartimetimewaterchipsbloodstatuedevicecookiems.leerobloxcreaterP.S.129cabbageemotioncook foodcold placenational athemcalling device

Los Animales y Naturaleza 2021-08-06

Los Animales y Naturaleza crossword puzzle
  1. kangaroo
  2. zebra
  3. to forage
  4. starfish
  5. bear
  6. to hunt
  7. hyena
  8. shark
  9. dolphin
  10. wolf
  11. lion
  12. giraffe
  13. muddy
  14. goat
  1. seal
  2. cheetah
  3. smooth
  4. rhino
  5. shrimp
  6. gorilla
  7. tiger
  8. hippo
  9. wet
  10. among

24 Clues: wetsealbearwolfliongoatzebrarhinotigerhyenahipposharkmuddyamongsmoothshrimpcheetahgorillato huntdolphingiraffekangaroostarfishto forage

english words unit 1 2022-10-13

english words unit 1 crossword puzzle
  1. moedig
  2. vooruitgangen
  3. voorouder
  4. houding
  5. oud
  6. begeleiden
  7. buitensporig
  8. klagen
  9. verduidelijken
  10. doel
  11. in het algemeen
  1. oragniseren
  2. voorouder
  3. on basseren
  4. tussen
  5. aantrekken
  6. toevoeging
  7. to aanspreken
  8. onderwerp
  9. toegankelijk
  10. geloofwaardig
  11. in touch conact houden met

22 Clues: ouddoelmoedigtussenklagenhoudingvooroudervoorouderonderwerpaantrekkentoevoegingbegeleidenoragniserenon basserenbuitensporigtoegankelijkvooruitgangento aansprekengeloofwaardigverduidelijkenin het algemeenin touch conact houden met

Stage 14 Vocabulary Review 2023-12-05

Stage 14 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. something
  2. among, at the house of
  3. Lady of the house
  4. gift
  5. king
  6. faithful
  7. astonished
  8. god
  9. necessary
  10. to destroy
  1. palace
  2. how
  3. when
  4. every day
  5. right, proper
  6. difficult
  7. carefully
  8. husband
  9. that
  10. surely... not?

20 Clues: howgodwhengiftkingthatpalacehusbandfaithfulsomethingevery daydifficultcarefullynecessaryastonishedto destroyright, propersurely... not?Lady of the houseamong, at the house of

Thesaurus #6 2024-01-22

Thesaurus #6 crossword puzzle
  1. peace
  2. wage
  3. rare
  4. blush
  5. farm
  6. castle
  7. between
  8. curious
  9. tax
  10. art
  11. animal
  12. defeat
  13. lazy
  1. herd
  2. luck
  3. jail
  4. melt
  5. insane
  6. gift
  7. number
  8. prefer
  9. shy
  10. feast
  11. unique
  12. enemy

25 Clues: shytaxartherdluckjailwagemeltraregiftfarmlazypeaceblushfeastenemyinsanenumberprefercastleuniqueanimaldefeatbetweencurious

25.11.2015 2015-11-25

25.11.2015 crossword puzzle
  1. ผ้าปูที่นอน
  2. out ระมัดระวัง
  3. อาการผิวหนังถูกแดดเผา
  4. แดดกล้า
  5. ขี่จักรยาน
  6. กลางแจ้ง
  7. ท่ามกลาง
  8. ตัวแบบ,แบบอย่าง
  9. ในร่ม
  1. พุ่มไม้
  2. ชั้น,หิ้ง,ราว
  3. ทำให้ยับย่น
  4. แสงอาทิตย์
  5. ผง
  6. ลูวิ่ง
  7. นอน

16 Clues: ผงนอนในร่มลูวิ่งพุ่มไม้แดดกล้ากลางแจ้งท่ามกลางแสงอาทิตย์ขี่จักรยานผ้าปูที่นอนทำให้ยับย่นชั้น,หิ้ง,ราวout ระมัดระวังตัวแบบ,แบบอย่างอาการผิวหนังถูกแดดเผา

Spanish 1B Brayden Boone 2023-02-19

Spanish 1B Brayden Boone crossword puzzle
  1. cheerleader
  2. voices
  3. interest
  4. photography
  5. pastime
  6. band
  7. to participate
  1. dancer
  2. member
  3. to rehearse
  4. musician
  5. orchestra
  6. among/between
  7. to record
  8. swimming
  9. chess

16 Clues: bandchessdancermembervoicespastimemusicianinterestswimmingorchestrato recordto rehearsecheerleaderphotographyamong/betweento participate

Competition 2023-03-02

Competition crossword puzzle
  1. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that focuses on the use of price to attract scarce customer dollars
  2. Limited
  3. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or services
  4. A market structure in which there are relatively few sellers, and industry leaders usually determine prices
  5. A type of market structure in which a lot of businesses sell similar products that have only a few differences
  1. A market structure in which there are many businesses selling a lot of identical products for about the same price to many buyers; also known as pure competition
  2. The type of market,or environment,in which businesses operate
  3. A federal regulation that established a regulatory agency, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), to monitor business activities in order to prevent unfair competition
  4. An illegal activity in which a business charges different customers different prices for similar amounts and types of products
  5. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services
  6. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that involves factors other than price (e.g., customer services, modern facilities, trained personnel, and variety of products)
  7. Using minimum amounts of resources to the best advantage
  8. A monopoly that the government allows to exist legally under controlled conditions
  9. Rivalry between two or more businesses to attract customer dollars

14 Clues: LimitedUsing minimum amounts of resources to the best advantageThe type of market,or environment,in which businesses operateRivalry between two or more businesses to attract customer dollarsRivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or servicesRivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or services...

Nadya Putri Pratama 2022-05-28

Nadya Putri Pratama crossword puzzle
  1. pasif
  2. pendek
  3. melukis
  4. diantara
  5. anak anak
  6. lebih sedikit
  7. terkini
  8. tipis
  9. kedua
  10. waktu
  11. ketiga
  1. dewasa
  2. mendapatkan
  3. merokok
  4. darah
  5. studi
  6. banyak
  7. produk
  8. jangkauan
  9. peluang
  10. ditemukan
  11. pertama
  12. lebar
  13. sepertinya

24 Clues: pasifdarahstuditipislebarkeduawaktudewasapendekbanyakprodukketigamerokokmelukispeluangpertamaterkinidiantarajangkauananak anakditemukansepertinyamendapatkanlebih sedikit

Lesson 1. All about Me 2021-04-16

Lesson 1. All about Me crossword puzzle
  1. 신문
  2. 시골
  3. 가구
  4. 영원히
  5. 손님
  6. 특별히
  7. 얼리어답터(early _______)
  8. 부엌
  9. 몸무게
  10. 앞으로
  1. ~사이에
  2. 재치있는
  3. 순간
  4. 바베큐
  5. 음표
  6. 싫어하다
  7. 애완동물
  8. 관련시키다
  9. 거울
  10. 충고하다
  11. 기쁜

25 Clues: 순간신문음표시골가구손님거울부엌기쁜바베큐영원히특별히몸무게앞으로~사이에재치있는싫어하다애완동물충고하다관련시키다얼리어답터(early _______)

dump 2017-01-06

dump crossword puzzle
  1. utazás
  2. meghív
  3. mentén
  4. öv
  5. énekel
  6. érez
  7. kötél
  8. győz
  9. közt
  10. fárad
  11. tégla
  12. folyosó
  13. senki
  1. mély
  2. dob
  3. hatodik
  4. liga
  5. labda
  6. sisak
  7. király
  8. hegycsúcs
  9. vág
  10. út
  11. zsúfolt
  12. kölcsönkér

25 Clues: övútdobvágmélyligaérezgyőzköztlabdasisakkötélfáradtéglasenkiutazásmeghívmenténénekelkirályhatodikzsúfoltfolyosóhegycsúcskölcsönkér

Latin Stage 14 Vocab Menu 2024-01-25

Latin Stage 14 Vocab Menu crossword puzzle
  1. surely...not?
  2. king
  3. right
  4. difficult
  5. himself
  6. although
  7. present
  8. something
  9. destroy
  10. palace
  11. mistress
  12. that
  13. and
  1. faithful
  2. necessary
  3. everyday
  4. god
  5. herself
  6. where/when
  7. among
  8. carefully
  9. husband
  10. how
  11. astonished

24 Clues: godhowandkingthatrightamongpalaceherselfhimselfpresenthusbanddestroyfaithfuleverydayalthoughmistressnecessarydifficultcarefullysomethingwhere/whenastonishedsurely...not?


UNIT IV TRANSORT LAYER crossword puzzle
  1. Each segment as an independent packet and delivers it to the transport layer at the destination machine is called_____
  2. Which among the below specified design issues should not be minimized while designing the system of a computer network?
  3. Which of the protocol at transport layer provides connection oriented service?
  4. Layer Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to __________
  5. Which of the following that a data field can carry?
  6. An endpoint of an inter-process communication flow across a computer network is called.
  7. To use the services of UDP, we need _________ socket addresses.
  1. Which mechanism/s is/are extremely essential in data link and transport layers in accordance to operational services offered by the transport protocols?
  2. Which among the following are delivered by the transport layer in process-to-process delivery mechanism?
  3. _______ control refers to a set of procedures used to restrict the amount of data that the sender can send before waiting for acknowledgment.
  4. Which among the following are uncontrolled and un-registered form of ephemeral ports in accordance to IANA?
  5. layer Transport layer aggregates data from different applications into a single stream before passing it to?
  6. Which among the several transport services deals with the addresses, protocol utility class in addition to performance evaluating features of a connection?
  7. Multiplexing done at _______ side.
  8. Which among the following are delivered by the transport layer in process-to-process delivery mechanism?
  9. A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.

16 Clues: Multiplexing done at _______ side.Which of the following that a data field can carry?A _____ is a TCP name for a transport service access point.To use the services of UDP, we need _________ socket addresses.Which of the protocol at transport layer provides connection oriented service?...

Chapter 1 2012-12-03

Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. A clan of the Anishinabe.
  2. duty is teaching.
  3. A leader in the Mi'kmaq society.
  4. A region for hunting.
  5. another word for lacrose.
  6. duty is leadership.
  7. agreement by everyone.
  8. mother female leaders of clans in Haudenosaunee society.
  9. duty is leadership.
  10. a basic principle held in common by a group.
  1. duty is spiritual needs.
  2. a Haudenosaunee leader.
  3. A leader of the Anishinabe.
  4. to become less.
  5. formal rules.
  6. a special society of the anishinabe people.
  7. A council for all seven districts of the Mi'kmaq Nation.
  8. duty is defence.
  9. duty is policing.
  10. shell beads woven into belts or strings used to record treaties and other agreements among different nations.
  11. an agreement among a group of nations to act together to support each others interests.
  12. duty is community needs.

22 Clues: formal become less.duty is defence.duty is teaching.duty is policing.duty is leadership.duty is leadership.A region for hunting.agreement by everyone.a Haudenosaunee leader.duty is spiritual needs.duty is community needs.A clan of the Anishinabe.another word for lacrose.A leader of the Anishinabe.A leader in the Mi'kmaq society....

Find The Prepositions... 2024-04-11

Find The Prepositions... crossword puzzle
  1. Can you get that box behind you?
  2. I went into the attic to find my old stuff bear.
  3. There is a cloud above us.
  4. They are ahead of you!
  5. Here is your birthday present from me.
  6. The cat is on the porch.
  7. My dog walks beside me.
  8. Regan is below the deck.
  9. There is an imposter among us!
  10. Sam walks along the beach.
  11. There was a eclipse during my birthday
  1. Welcome aboard on the ship!
  2. Ace was here before we could get in line.
  3. Are you at the circus?
  4. It's raining outside.
  5. Let's go inside the shop.
  6. What is the number between 57 and 59.
  7. Faith walked by her neighbors front yard.
  8. Frake ran around a block.
  9. I went across a street.

20 Clues: It's raining outside.They are ahead of you!Are you at the circus?My dog walks beside me.I went across a street.The cat is on the porch.Regan is below the deck.Let's go inside the shop.Frake ran around a block.There is a cloud above us.Sam walks along the beach.Welcome aboard on the ship!There is an imposter among us!Can you get that box behind you?...

Miss Kemp's Grade 2 Class 2021-01-21

Miss Kemp's Grade 2 Class crossword puzzle
  1. likes math and farming
  2. likes among us and hanging out with friends
  3. loves to dance and create crafts
  4. likes farming and hunting
  5. likes art and hanging out with friends
  6. likes singing and dancing
  7. loves art and animals
  8. likes among us and dancing
  9. likes to see his classmates
  10. likes ballet and to play with her friends
  1. likes to skate and does not like cats
  2. likes eating and napping
  3. likes hunting and ice fishing
  4. likes to golf and wear zyia clothes
  5. likes math and art
  6. likes rats and flies
  7. likes math and animals
  8. likes to play lego and listen to music
  9. likes soccer and hockey
  10. likes to play video games
  11. likes skating and dancing
  12. likes soccer and reading

22 Clues: likes math and artlikes rats and fliesloves art and animalslikes math and farminglikes math and animalslikes soccer and hockeylikes eating and nappinglikes soccer and readinglikes farming and huntinglikes singing and dancinglikes to play video gameslikes skating and dancinglikes among us and dancinglikes to see his classmates...

French Foods 2021-03-18

French Foods crossword puzzle
  1. Something that swims in the sea
  2. This vegetable is orange
  3. This is a common pastry
  4. This food is eaten by rabbits
  5. The top and bottom of a sandwich
  6. A famous Italian dish
  7. This crustacean is both a fresh and salt water animal
  8. This is very popular among Asians
  9. These are long and yellow
  10. This food makes you cry
  1. This is popular among little kids
  2. This fruit is sour
  3. This is a sauce used for meat
  4. A traditional American breakfast includes this
  5. Very popular tropical fruit
  6. This animal makes the sound MOO
  7. This makes your breath smell
  8. This is a famous food on Christmas day
  9. They have the word French in the food name
  10. Most famous poultry
  11. The main thing eaten in Thanksgiving

21 Clues: This fruit is sourMost famous poultryA famous Italian dishThis is a common pastryThis food makes you cryThis vegetable is orangeThese are long and yellowVery popular tropical fruitThis makes your breath smellThis is a sauce used for meatThis food is eaten by rabbitsSomething that swims in the seaThis animal makes the sound MOO...

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) 2021-02-10

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) crossword puzzle
  1. en en en gıcık olunan görev (task)
  2. en uzun görev
  3. kaybedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanar
  1. among us freeplay'de botların adı nedir
  2. acildurum butonunun orası
  3. among us'a 2021'de gelecek harita
  4. en çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun
  5. öldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazar

8 Clues: en uzun görevacildurum butonunun orasıamong us'a 2021'de gelecek haritaen en en gıcık olunan görev (task)öldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazaramong us freeplay'de botların adı nedirkaybedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanaren çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) 2021-02-10

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) crossword puzzle
  1. en en en gıcık olunan görev (task)
  2. en uzun görev
  3. kayıpedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanar
  1. among us freeplay'de botların adı nedir
  2. acildurum butonunun orası
  3. among us'a 2021'de gelecek harita
  4. en çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun
  5. öldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazar

8 Clues: en uzun görevacildurum butonunun orasıamong us'a 2021'de gelecek haritaen en en gıcık olunan görev (task)öldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazaramong us freeplay'de botların adı nedirkayıpedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanaren çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun

I hate you 2017-02-08

I hate you crossword puzzle
  1. borz
  2. hangya
  3. híd
  4. forever öröké együtt
  5. közt
  6. gyűjt
  7. love you szeretlek
  8. állatkölyök
  1. mező
  2. harangvirág
  3. sofőr
  4. mentén
  5. padlás
  6. szabályzat
  7. korán
  8. nyírfa

16 Clues: hídmezőborzköztsofőrgyűjtkoránhangyamenténpadlásnyírfaszabályzatharangvirágállatkölyöklove you szeretlekforever öröké együtt

teen life-2 2021-11-07

teen life-2 crossword puzzle
  1. tercih
  2. şaşırtıcı
  3. harika
  4. çadır
  5. şarkı söylemek
  6. çoğu,çok
  7. ip,halat
  8. müthiş
  9. yıkamak
  10. tavsiye etmek
  1. satranç oynamak
  2. tercih
  3. bisiklet sürmek
  4. pusula,
  5. daima
  6. arasında
  7. eve varmak
  8. üye
  9. müthiş

19 Clues: üyedaimaçadırtercihtercihharikamüthişmüthişpusula,yıkamakarasındaçoğu,çokip,halatşaşırtıcıeve varmaktavsiye etmekşarkı söylemeksatranç oynamakbisiklet sürmek

Number The Stars Final Project 2023-06-06

Number The Stars Final Project crossword puzzle
  1. The month which Jewish people celebrate their New Year.
  2. The place where Jewish People’s names are collected.
  3. Lise’s ex fiance.
  4. The name of Uncle Henrik's boat.
  5. The main character of the story.
  6. The youngest girl among the Johansen siblings.
  7. The Danish meaning of “Fraithful”
  8. Uncle Henrik’s Job.
  9. The disease that “Great-aunt” had.
  10. What was “Great-Aunt”s name?
  11. The main place of the novel.
  1. Annemarie's best friend.
  2. Uncle Henrik’s cow’s name.
  3. The country which Danish Jews smuggled to.
  4. The name of the Danish resistence newspaper.
  5. What was in the bottom of the basket?
  6. The oldest girl among the Johansen siblings.
  7. Mama’s brother’s name.
  8. The place where Uncle Henrik lives.
  9. What does Ellen’s necklace include?
  10. Mr. Rosen’s job.

21 Clues: Mr. Rosen’s job.Lise’s ex fiance.Uncle Henrik’s Job.Mama’s brother’s name.Annemarie's best friend.Uncle Henrik’s cow’s name.What was “Great-Aunt”s name?The main place of the novel.The name of Uncle Henrik's boat.The main character of the story.The Danish meaning of “Fraithful”The disease that “Great-aunt” had.The place where Uncle Henrik lives....

History Puzzle 2024-02-13

History Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. State of doing well.
  2. a set of rules that say how a country,state, or organization works.
  3. What branch makes laws?
  4. power shared among state and government.
  5. Contribute to the growth of something.
  6. State of being free.
  7. Things that we should do.
  8. members of a country have the rights and protection of that country.
  1. of power ideas that power is divided among different branches of government.
  2. is a government in which citizens rule through elected representations.
  3. a way of reaching an agreement.
  4. Joining together of different parts.
  5. being free from danger or loss.
  6. What branch interprets laws?
  7. What branch carries out laws?
  8. state of peace and quiet.
  9. to make certain.
  10. to establish or order by law.
  11. things we must do.
  12. Future generations.

20 Clues: to make certain.things we must do.Future generations.State of doing well.State of being free.What branch makes laws?state of peace and quiet.Things that we should do.What branch interprets laws?What branch carries out laws?to establish or order by law.a way of reaching an agreement.being free from danger or loss.Joining together of different parts....

SC Y6 (Interaction Among Animal) 2022-06-27

SC Y6 (Interaction Among Animal) crossword puzzle
  1. A species of animal that always snatches lions' food.
  2. An area under animal control.
  3. Animals compete for it during drought.
  4. Only occurs when basic needs are limited.
  5. A place animal hides for safety.
  6. Venus _____ is an example of plant interacting with animal as prey-predator.
  7. The only organism to get benefit from the relationship.
  8. One organism gets nothing in return.
  9. Blood-sucking parasite.
  1. Relationship among living things that depend on each other.
  2. Animals that get free transportation on whale's body.
  3. A group of animal that eats plants and being hunted.
  4. Interspecies animals wont compete for this factor.
  5. A type of symbiosis where both organisms get benefit from one another.
  6. Animal that hunts other animals for food.
  7. A shelter for clownfish.

16 Clues: Blood-sucking parasite.A shelter for clownfish.An area under animal control.A place animal hides for safety.One organism gets nothing in return.Animals compete for it during drought.Only occurs when basic needs are limited.Animal that hunts other animals for food.Interspecies animals wont compete for this factor....

Silas 2023-05-09

Silas crossword puzzle
  1. _____ Rider
  2. La pizza
  3. Abbreviation of Town of Salem
  4. Writing utensil that can’t be erased
  5. Opposite of odd
  6. Word to describe people in among us
  1. president before Donald trump
  2. Long form of the measurement KM
  3. My fourth period class
  4. Plays Among us

10 Clues: La pizza_____ RiderPlays Among usOpposite of oddMy fourth period classpresident before Donald trumpAbbreviation of Town of SalemLong form of the measurement KMWord to describe people in among usWriting utensil that can’t be erased

AS Vocab 2 2021-09-21

AS Vocab 2 crossword puzzle
  1. appear
  2. silver
  3. notice
  4. spirit
  5. tree
  6. narrow
  7. lose
  1. before
  2. walk
  3. water
  4. love
  5. astonished
  6. among
  7. eagle

14 Clues: walklovetreelosewateramongeagleappearbeforesilvernoticespiritnarrowastonished

spanish 2023-01-06

spanish crossword puzzle
  1. band
  2. interest
  3. win
  4. dancer
  5. attend
  6. hockey
  7. return
  8. among
  9. record
  1. participate
  2. rehearse
  3. extracurricular
  4. choir
  5. opportunity

14 Clues: winbandchoiramongdancerattendhockeyreturnrecordinterestrehearseparticipateopportunityextracurricular

Economic Concepts 2023-03-28

Economic Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. Rate measure of the number of people without jobs
  2. American Free Trade Agreement trade agreement among Canada, the United States and Mexico; mission to diminish all trade
  3. period of the business cycle in which there is increasing economic activity
  4. limits the quantity or monetary value of an import; controls the level of an import
  5. Union trade alliance among 28 European nations; encourages free trade among
  6. period of the business cycle in which there is decreasing economic activity
  7. Interdependence State in which countries depend on each other for certain goods or services which they cannot produce efficiently for themselves; international trade
  8. French word for 'leave alone'; economic concept opposing governmental! involvement in commerce beyond what is necessary to keep an economic system running on its laws; associated with a free enterprise system
  9. period of business cycle in which economic activity is at its highest
  10. Advantage occurs when ,a country possesses unique resources or capabilities allowing for the lowest cost of production for a product
  11. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of decreasing GDP
  12. goods and services sold to other countries
  1. producing Tariff tariff which supplies revenue for a country
  2. period of the business cycle with the lowest economic activity
  3. Tariff tariff which increases price on imports to protect domestic products
  4. Cycle fluctuations in economic activity over time; constitutes production rising then falling in a long cycle of expansion and contraction
  5. Price Index measure of the change in the prices of wholesale goods; used to measure inflation; formerly known as the wholesale price index
  6. Advantage occurs when a country is able to produce a product more efficiently and at a lower cost than another country
  7. Trade Organization global coalition among many countries; headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
  8. complete ban on certain products coming in or leaving the country; usually put in place for political reasons
  9. goods and services purchased from other countries
  10. tax on imports
  11. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of increasing GDP

23 Clues: tax on importsgoods and services sold to other countriesgoods and services purchased from other countriesperiod of the business cycle with the lowest economic activityRate measure of the number of people without jobsperiod of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of increasing GDP...

Genetics-9 2023-03-03

Genetics-9 crossword puzzle
  1. increases in genes inherited to the next generation
  2. a type of selection that pushes alleles towards the mean of the population
  3. an allele no longer occurs within a population
  4. mutations that occur but change the protein structure of the protein they code for
  5. random changes in allele frequency over time
  6. a type of selection that creates multiple allele frequencies, splits the mean
  7. a group within a species that is isolated from the rest of the species
  1. an allele occurs at 100% within a population
  2. a type of selection that pushes allele frequency towards one side or the other
  3. mutations that occur but are silent. These are often used as markers among populations
  4. gene flow among populations
  5. when a population can be tracked back to a few individuals that started the population
  6. when a population goes through a great reduction in genetic diversity
  7. a statistical method to quantify genetic similarity among populations.
  8. an equation that predicts allele frequencies within a population

15 Clues: gene flow among populationsan allele occurs at 100% within a populationrandom changes in allele frequency over timean allele no longer occurs within a populationincreases in genes inherited to the next generationan equation that predicts allele frequencies within a populationwhen a population goes through a great reduction in genetic diversity...

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) 2021-02-10

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) crossword puzzle
  1. among us freeplay'de botların adı nedir
  2. among us'a 2021'de gelecek harita
  3. kaybedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanar
  4. en en en gıcık olunan görev (task)
  5. en çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun
  1. en uzun görev
  2. öldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazar
  3. acildurum butonunun orası

8 Clues: en uzun görevacildurum butonunun orasıamong us'a 2021'de gelecek haritaöldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazaren en en gıcık olunan görev (task)among us freeplay'de botların adı nedirkaybedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanaren çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) 2021-02-10

among us!!!türkçe (turkey) crossword puzzle
  1. en en en gıcık olunan görev (task)
  2. en uzun görev
  3. kaybedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanar
  1. among us freeplay'de botların adı nedir
  2. acildurum butonunun orası
  3. among us'a 2021'de gelecek harita
  4. en çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun
  5. öldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazar

8 Clues: en uzun görevacildurum butonunun orasıamong us'a 2021'de gelecek haritaen en en gıcık olunan görev (task)öldürme butonunun üstünde ne yazaramong us freeplay'de botların adı nedirkaybedince arkada hangi renk ışık yanaren çok among us çakması oyun barındıran oyun

cousins 2017-05-03

cousins crossword puzzle
  1. most talkative among the cousins
  2. best football player among the cousins
  3. best rope skipper among the cousins
  1. best at drama among the cousins
  2. most trouble-maker among the cousins
  3. best snapchat user among the cousins

6 Clues: best at drama among the cousinsmost talkative among the cousinsbest rope skipper among the cousinsmost trouble-maker among the cousinsbest snapchat user among the cousinsbest football player among the cousins

Little boots 2022-01-03

Little boots crossword puzzle
  1. husband
  2. to hinder
  3. military camp
  4. faithful
  5. safe
  6. speech
  7. to keep
  8. hunt
  9. munity
  1. soldier's sandal
  2. to leave behind
  3. general
  4. to punish
  5. to play
  6. boldness
  7. the rest
  8. prayer
  9. to ask
  10. among

19 Clues: safehuntamongprayerspeechto askmunityhusbandgeneralto playto keepfaithfulboldnessthe restto hinderto punishmilitary campto leave behindsoldier's sandal

November Deutsch Quiz 2021-12-01

November Deutsch Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. hot chocolate
  2. pumpkin
  3. soup
  4. cake
  5. turkey
  6. pie
  7. coffee
  8. corn
  1. ham
  2. vegetables
  3. cheese
  4. bacon
  5. gravy
  6. uns among us
  7. icecream

15 Clues: hampiesoupcakecornbacongravycheeseturkeycoffeepumpkinicecreamvegetablesuns among ushot chocolate

Among the hidden 2018-03-07

Among the hidden crossword puzzle
  1. ID / what does Jen’s dad give Luke?
  2. police / who does Jen’s dad work for?
  3. / who is the main character of the book?
  4. / what does Luke go into?
  5. / who does Luke see through the window?
  1. / what is the main problem in the book?
  2. / Luke is _______ from the whole world?
  3. child / luke and Jen are considered?

8 Clues: / what does Luke go into?ID / what does Jen’s dad give Luke?child / luke and Jen are considered?/ what is the main problem in the book?/ Luke is _______ from the whole world?police / who does Jen’s dad work for?/ who does Luke see through the window?/ who is the main character of the book?

Relationships Among Genetics 2017-11-22

Relationships Among Genetics crossword puzzle
  1. Organelle that contains chromosomes
  2. Contained in gene molecules
  3. the building blocks of an organisms, which contains organelles such as the nucleus
  1. The DNA molecule contains a number of genes in which half of those genes are nucleic acids which are composed of a smaller unit
  2. small molecules which are also contained in a DNA strand
  3. one of the smalest units of a chromosome
  4. smallest molecule within a chromosome
  5. One strand of this is attached to each chromosome

8 Clues: Contained in gene moleculesOrganelle that contains chromosomessmallest molecule within a chromosomeone of the smalest units of a chromosomeOne strand of this is attached to each chromosomesmall molecules which are also contained in a DNA strandthe building blocks of an organisms, which contains organelles such as the nucleus...

among us crossword 2021-05-20

among us crossword crossword puzzle
  1. starting room of Mira HQ
  2. the place alot of people die on the skeld
  3. what is this about? (Use underline for spaces)
  4. the one usually blamed to be imposter without any proof
  1. what happens with the red button? (Use underline for spaces)
  2. starting place for the skeld
  3. biggest map (Use underline for spaces)
  4. the purple map

8 Clues: the purple mapstarting room of Mira HQstarting place for the skeldbiggest map (Use underline for spaces)the place alot of people die on the skeldwhat is this about? (Use underline for spaces)the one usually blamed to be imposter without any proofwhat happens with the red button? (Use underline for spaces)

2.05 B/C 2022-11-17

2.05 B/C crossword puzzle
  1. a type of rivalry between or among businesses that involves factors other than price
  2. A risk-response strategy that involves choosing not to do something that is considered risky
  3. A federal regulation that established a regulatory agency, the federal trade commission, to monitor business activity to prevent unfair competition
  4. The type of market or environment in which, businesses operate
  5. Also known as pure competition
  6. A federal regulation intended to protect competitors from takeovers that would limit competition
  7. a market structure in which there are relatively few sellers, and industry leaders usually determine prices
  8. an illegal activity in which business charges different customers different prices for similar amounts and types of products
  9. Using minimum amounts of resources to the best advantage
  10. The rivalry between two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollar
  1. a type of market structure in which a market is controlled by one supplier, and there are no substitute goods or services readily available
  2. A federal regulation intended to prevent business actions that might restrict competition
  3. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or services
  4. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that focuses on the use of price to attract scarce dollars
  5. A type of market structure in which a lot of businesses sell similar products that only a few differences
  6. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types if goods or services
  7. An illegal agreement that forbids customers from buying goods and services from competitors
  8. the risk of harm caused by human mistakes, dishonesty, or another risk that is attributed to people
  9. illegal business agreement in which businesses agree on the prices of their goods or services, resulting in little to no choice for customer
  10. A risk that presents the chance of loss but not opportunity for gain

20 Clues: Also known as pure competitionUsing minimum amounts of resources to the best advantageThe type of market or environment in which, businesses operateA risk that presents the chance of loss but not opportunity for gainRivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or services...

Economic Concepts #3 2023-11-14

Economic Concepts #3 crossword puzzle
  1. trade agreement among Canada, the United States and Mexico; mission to diminish all trade barriers and investment restrictions between Canada, the United States and Mexico
  2. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of decreasing GDP
  3. state in which countries depend on each other for certain goods or services which they cannot produce efficiently for themselves; international trade Imports goods and services purchased from other countries
  4. period of business cycle in which economic activity is at its highest
  5. measure of the number of people without jobs
  6. tariff which increases price on imports to protect domestic products
  7. limits the quantity or monetary value of an import; controls the level of an import
  8. trade alliance among 28 European nations; encourages free trade among members and promotes work as a single market
  9. tax on imports
  10. French word for ‘leave alone’; economic concept opposing governmental involvement in commerce beyond what is necessary to keep an economic system running on its laws; associated with a free enterprise system
  11. global coalition among many countries; headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
  1. measure of the change in the prices of wholesale goods; used to measure inflation; formerly known as the wholesale price index
  2. period of the business cycle in which there is increasing economic activity
  3. tariff which supplies revenue for a country
  4. period of the business cycle in which there is decreasing economic activity
  5. occurs when a country possesses unique resources or capabilities allowing for the lowest cost of production for a product
  6. occurs when a country is able to produce a product more efficiently and at a lower cost than another country
  7. complete ban on certain products coming in or leaving the country; usually put in place for political reasons
  8. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of increasing GDP
  9. period of the business cycle with the lowest economic activity
  10. fluctuations in economic activity over time; constitutes production rising then falling in a long cycle of expansion and contraction
  11. goods and services sold to other countries

22 Clues: tax on importsgoods and services sold to other countriestariff which supplies revenue for a countrymeasure of the number of people without jobsperiod of the business cycle with the lowest economic activityperiod of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of decreasing GDPperiod of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of increasing GDP...

Latin Practice 2020-05-28

Latin Practice crossword puzzle
  1. cowardly
  2. between, among
  3. within
  4. to, toward
  5. below
  6. at, by, near
  7. just, fair, right
  8. horrendous
  9. silent
  10. blind
  1. before
  2. dirty
  3. around
  4. outside of
  5. broad
  6. blind
  7. near, next to
  8. strange, wonderful
  9. against
  10. grateful

20 Clues: dirtybroadblindbelowblindbeforearoundwithinsilentagainstcowardlygratefuloutside ofto, towardhorrendousat, by, nearnear, next tobetween, amongjust, fair, rightstrange, wonderful

Night - Sections I and II Vocabulary 2020-10-27

Night - Sections I and II Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. harsh language
  2. goodwill among friends
  3. clarity
  4. surrounding
  5. repealed
  6. deadly
  7. religious or devout
  8. agony
  9. waiting room
  1. merciful
  2. randomly
  3. filled with
  4. fire or holocaust
  5. hidden
  6. handling/holding
  7. airtight
  8. demonic
  9. mandatory
  10. pandemonium

19 Clues: agonyhiddendeadlyclaritydemonicmercifulrandomlyairtightrepealedmandatoryfilled withsurroundingpandemoniumwaiting roomharsh languagehandling/holdingfire or holocaustreligious or devoutgoodwill among friends

Vocab- kylie 2022-11-17

Vocab- kylie crossword puzzle
  1. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer dissimilar goods or
  2. A type of market structure in which a market is controlled by one supplier, and there
  3. competition (e.g., tying agreements and exclusive agreements)
  4. A federal regulation intended to protect competitors from
  5. A federal regulation that established a regulatory agency, the
  6. prices for similar amounts and types of products
  7. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that involves factors
  8. An illegal activity in which a business charges different customers
  9. A type of rivalry between or among businesses that focuses on the use of
  10. resulting in little choice for the customer
  11. no substitute goods or services readily available
  12. that have only a few differences
  13. A risk-response strategy that involves choosing not to do something that is
  14. the risk of harm caused by human mistakes, dishonesty, or another risk that is
  15. The rivalry between two or more businesses to attract scarce customer dollars
  16. than price (e.g., customer services, modern facilities, trained personnel, and variety of
  17. determine prices
  1. risky
  2. An illegal agreement that forbids customers from buying goods and
  3. A type of market structure in which a lot of businesses sell similar
  4. A market structure in which there are many businesses selling a lot of
  5. Using minimum amounts of resources to the best advantage
  6. that would limit competition
  7. Trade Commission (FTC), to monitor business activities in order to prevent unfair
  8. Rivalry between or among businesses that offer similar types of goods or
  9. A market structure in which there are relatively few sellers, and industry leaders
  10. from competitors
  11. A federal regulation intended to prevent specific business actions that might
  12. to attract scarce customer dollars
  13. products for about the same price to many buyers; also known as pure competition
  14. fixing Illegal business agreement in which businesses agree on prices of their goods or
  15. to people
  16. The type of market, or environment, in which businesses operate

33 Clues: riskyto peoplefrom competitorsdetermine pricesthat would limit competitionthat have only a few differencesto attract scarce customer dollarsresulting in little choice for the customerprices for similar amounts and types of productsno substitute goods or services readily availableUsing minimum amounts of resources to the best advantage...

Woodland Wonders 2024-05-05

Woodland Wonders crossword puzzle
  1. - Nocturnal birds of prey known for their silent flight and haunting calls in woodland areas
  2. - Bird with a specially adapted beak for drumming on trees to find insects and establish territories
  3. - Small mammal with a bushy tail often found scampering among trees in wooded areas
  4. - Reproductive structure of conifer trees, found scattered on the forest floor in wooded areas
  5. - Narrow body of flowing water winding through wooded landscapes, providing habitat for various species
  6. - Small body of water nestled among trees in wooded areas, providing habitat for aquatic life
  7. - Kingdom of organisms including mushrooms, molds, and yeasts, often found thriving in woodland environments
  1. - Green, carpet-like plant that grows on trees, rocks, and damp ground in wooded environments
  2. - Spring-flowering bulbous plants with bell-shaped blue flowers often carpeting woodland floors
  3. - Tall flowering plant with bell-shaped blossoms found in woodland clearings and edges
  4. - Path or route through wooded areas, offering opportunities for recreation and exploration
  5. - Small, striped rodent often seen darting among fallen leaves and tree roots in wooded habitats
  6. - Upper layer of trees forming a continuous cover over a wooded area, creating a shaded environment below
  7. - Non-flowering plants with feathery leaves found in woodland areas, often in damp and shaded areas
  8. - Thick layer of fallen leaves, needles, and debris covering the forest floor
  9. - Fungi with a cap and stem, often found in woodland areas and sometimes poisonous
  10. - Ecosystem characterized by a dense growth of trees and understory vegetation, providing homes for diverse flora and fauna
  11. - Towering trees found in California and Oregon, among the tallest and oldest living organisms on Earth
  12. - Grazing mammals often found in woodland areas, known for their graceful movements and antlers in males
  13. - Bioluminescent insects known for their dazzling displays in wooded areas during summer evenings

20 Clues: - Thick layer of fallen leaves, needles, and debris covering the forest floor- Fungi with a cap and stem, often found in woodland areas and sometimes poisonous- Small mammal with a bushy tail often found scampering among trees in wooded areas- Tall flowering plant with bell-shaped blossoms found in woodland clearings and edges...

Roots, prefixes and suffixes. 2021-02-24

Roots, prefixes and suffixes. crossword puzzle
  1. fear
  2. wrongly
  3. against anticlimax
  4. opposite devalue
  5. again
  6. under
  7. not
  8. many of
  9. how something is
  10. without
  1. to make
  2. before
  3. life
  4. between; among
  5. not; opposite of
  6. the most
  7. study of
  8. full of
  9. middle
  10. more

20 Clues: notfearlifemoreagainunderbeforemiddleto makewronglyfull ofmany ofwithoutthe moststudy ofbetween; amongopposite devaluenot; opposite ofhow something isagainst anticlimax

Vocabulary page 196-197 2021-01-14

Vocabulary page 196-197 crossword puzzle
  1. erfinden
  2. menschlich
  3. dessen, deren
  4. erfolgreich
  5. Detektor
  6. unter, inmitten
  7. Erfolg
  8. Ziel
  9. Sprache, Rede
  10. verändern, sich ändern
  1. Ehefrauen
  2. gehörlos, schwerhörig, taub
  3. beide
  4. Erfindung
  5. Ehefrau
  6. einzige
  7. reich
  8. als
  9. gründen
  10. der, dem, den, die
  11. Telefon

21 Clues: alsZielbeidereichErfolgEhefraueinzigegründenTelefonerfindenDetektorEhefrauenErfindungmenschlicherfolgreichdessen, derenSprache, Redeunter, inmittender, dem, den, dieverändern, sich änderngehörlos, schwerhörig, taub

Latin ll: Little Boots 2023-01-10

Latin ll: Little Boots crossword puzzle
  1. hunt
  2. to punish
  3. to go away
  4. prayer
  5. the rest
  6. mutiny
  7. to play
  8. husband
  9. speech
  10. soldier's sandals
  11. safe
  1. to leave behind
  2. to hinder
  3. to keep
  4. to ask
  5. general
  6. faithful
  7. military camp
  8. boldness
  9. among

20 Clues: huntsafeamongto askprayermutinyspeechto keepgeneralto playhusbandfaithfulthe restboldnessto hinderto punishto go awaymilitary campto leave behindsoldier's sandals

Greek and Latin Root Review 2023-01-19

Greek and Latin Root Review crossword puzzle
  1. drive or push
  2. shape or form
  3. different
  4. lead
  5. human
  6. say
  7. around
  8. all
  9. change
  10. believe or trust
  1. book
  2. over
  3. hang or weight
  4. strong
  5. law or rule
  6. time
  7. both
  8. peace
  9. people
  10. between, within, among

20 Clues: sayallbookoverleadtimebothhumanpeacestrongpeoplearoundchangedifferentlaw or ruledrive or pushshape or formhang or weightbelieve or trustbetween, within, among

Prepositions of place 2015-01-04

Prepositions of place crossword puzzle
  1. of 12
  2. front of 8
  3. 4
  4. 3
  5. 16
  6. 11
  7. 7
  8. 6
  1. 9
  2. 14
  3. 13
  4. 15
  5. 2
  6. 10
  7. 5

15 Clues: 9432756141315161110of 12front of 8

Literacy Strategies Groups 1-3 Prefixes 2021-12-02

Literacy Strategies Groups 1-3 Prefixes crossword puzzle
  1. equal
  2. large
  3. across
  4. one hundredth
  5. between/ among
  6. jointly/together
  7. two
  1. break
  2. ten
  3. four
  4. half
  5. live
  6. together
  7. self
  8. cancer

15 Clues: tentwofourhalfliveselfbreakequallargeacrosscancertogetherone hundredthbetween/ amongjointly/together

150 - All Summer in a Day 2020-05-03

150 - All Summer in a Day crossword puzzle
  1. stille
  2. leke sisten
  3. alvorlig
  4. kikket
  5. blant
  6. torden
  7. hvert syvende år
  8. ivrig
  9. låse
  1. skap
  2. lyn
  3. Skled, sklei
  4. gjemsel
  5. tvinge
  6. endeløs
  7. bråk
  8. blek
  9. et skrik
  10. unntatt

19 Clues: lynskapbråkbleklåseblantivrigstilletvingekikkettordengjemselendeløsunntattalvorliget skrikleke sistenSkled, skleihvert syvende år

Puzzle 3: Prepositions 2021-12-06

Puzzle 3: Prepositions crossword puzzle
  1. àcôtéde
  2. au-dessus
  3. après
  4. depuis
  5. près
  6. parmi
  1. vers
  2. sous
  3. au-dessous
  4. derrière
  5. avant
  6. vers/autour
  7. de
  8. sur
  9. chez

15 Clues: desurverssousprèschezavantaprèsparmidepuisàcôtédederrièreau-dessusau-dessousvers/autour

Dash 2024-03-21

Dash crossword puzzle
  1. near, close
  2. wheel
  3. far
  4. danger
  5. among, between
  6. wild
  7. since
  1. yesterday
  2. easy
  3. cry, scream
  4. fact
  5. street
  6. ride
  7. wave
  8. simple

15 Clues: fareasyfactridewavewildwheelsincestreetdangersimpleyesterdaycry, screamnear, closeamong, between

Economic Concepts 2023-03-28

Economic Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. fluctuations in economic activity over time; constitutes production rising then falling in a long cycle of expansion and contraction
  2. Tariff tariff which supplies revenue for a country
  3. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of increasing GDP
  4. tariff which increases price on imports to protect domestic products
  5. measure of the change in the prices of wholesale goods; used to measure inflation; formerly known as the wholesale price index
  6. goods and services sold to other countries
  7. trade agreement among Canada, the United States and Mexico; mission to diminish all trade
  8. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of decreasing GDP
  9. French word for 'leave alone'; economic concept opposing governmental! involvement in commerce beyond what is necessary to keep an economic system running on its laws; associated with a free enterprise system
  10. period of the business cycle with the lowest economic activity
  1. occurs when a country is able to produce a product more efficiently and at a lower cost than another country
  2. State in which countries depend on each other for certain goods or services which they cannot produce efficiently for themselves; international trade
  3. period of the business cycle in which there is decreasing economic activity
  4. measure of the number of people without jobs
  5. tax on imports
  6. trade alliance among 28 European nations; encourages free trade among
  7. global coalition among many countries; headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
  8. period of the business cycle in which there is increasing economic activity
  9. limits the quantity or monetary value of an import; controls the level of an import
  10. goods and services purchased from other countries
  11. occurs when ,a country possesses unique resources or capabilities allowing for the lowest cost of production for a product
  12. complete ban on certain products coming in or leaving the country; usually put in place for political reasons
  13. period of business cycle in which economic activity is at its highest

23 Clues: tax on importsgoods and services sold to other countriesmeasure of the number of people without jobsgoods and services purchased from other countriesTariff tariff which supplies revenue for a countryperiod of the business cycle with the lowest economic activityperiod of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of increasing GDP...

Home 2018-09-25

Home crossword puzzle
  1. korrus
  2. teine korrus
  3. lõhe
  4. kuivatama
  5. toimuma
  6. kuni
  7. eelmine
  8. suitsetama
  1. töö,amet
  2. privaatne
  3. esimene korrus
  4. põhi,ilmakaar
  5. külmutama
  6. kolima
  7. seas, hulgas
  8. erutatud

16 Clues: lõhekunikorruskolimatoimumaeelminetöö,ameterutatudprivaatnekülmutamakuivatamasuitsetamateine korrusseas, hulgaspõhi,ilmakaaresimene korrus

Ben and Will’s crossword puzzle. 2023-02-15

Ben and Will’s crossword puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. the noun form of to say it tell before or earlier
  2. the past tense of to throw or lie in or on
  3. the past tense of to carry back or agin
  4. the noun from or to act between or among.
  5. the noun form of to build down or away from
  6. the action or process of to grow or lie between or among
  1. the action or process of to burst or break between or among
  2. the past tense of it view before or earlier.
  3. the past tense of to shape down or away from
  4. to watch or see small or minute things
  5. the action or process of to pull back or again
  6. the action or process of to Burt’s or break not to opposite, to take apart.
  7. in inclined to write about life.

13 Clues: in inclined to write about watch or see small or minute thingsthe past tense of to carry back or aginthe noun from or to act between or among.the past tense of to throw or lie in or onthe noun form of to build down or away fromthe past tense of it view before or earlier.the past tense of to shape down or away from...

22.03.2022 2022-03-22

22.03.2022 crossword puzzle
  1. bezpośrednio
  2. przejąć coś (np. czyjeś obowiązki)
  3. ulepszenie
  4. mylić
  5. plan, harmonogram
  6. wśród
  7. krótki, zwięzły
  8. woleć coś
  9. mówca
  10. doceniać
  1. wdzięczny
  2. częsty
  3. podzielić
  4. ogłoszenie
  5. pracownicy, obsługa
  6. jednak
  7. trzymać się czegoś
  8. parking
  9. zatrudnienie

19 Clues: mylićwśródmówcaczęstyjednakparkingdoceniaćwdzięcznypodzielićwoleć cośogłoszenieulepszeniebezpośredniozatrudnieniekrótki, zwięzłyplan, harmonogramtrzymać się czegośpracownicy, obsługaprzejąć coś (np. czyjeś obowiązki)

Economic Concepts 2023-03-28

Economic Concepts crossword puzzle
  1. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of decreasing GDP
  2. global coalition among many countries; headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland
  3. trade alliance among 28 European nations; encourages free trade among
  4. French word for 'leave alone'; economic concept opposing governmental! involvement in commerce beyond what is necessary to keep an economic system running on its laws; associated with a free enterprise system
  5. Advantage occurs when a country is able to produce a product more efficiently and at a lower cost than another country
  6. State in which countries depend on each other for certain goods or services which they cannot produce efficiently for themselves; international trade
  7. goods and services sold to other countries
  8. period of the business cycle in which there is increasing economic activity
  9. fluctuations in economic activity over time; constitutes production rising then falling in a long cycle of expansion and contraction
  10. period of business cycle in which economic activity is at its highest
  11. period of the business cycle with the lowest economic activity
  12. occurs when ,a country possesses unique resources or capabilities allowing for the lowest cost of production for a product
  1. trade agreement among Canada, the United States and Mexico; mission to diminish all trade
  2. measure of the number of people without jobs
  3. Tariff tariff which supplies revenue for a country
  4. limits the quantity or monetary value of an import; controls the level of an import
  5. Tariff tariff which increases price on imports to protect domestic products
  6. complete ban on certain products coming in or leaving the country; usually put in place for political reasons
  7. period of the business cycle in which there is decreasing economic activity
  8. measure of the change in the prices of wholesale goods; used to measure inflation; formerly known as the wholesale price index
  9. goods and services purchased from other countries
  10. period of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of increasing GDP
  11. tax on imports

23 Clues: tax on importsgoods and services sold to other countriesmeasure of the number of people without jobsgoods and services purchased from other countriesTariff tariff which supplies revenue for a countryperiod of the business cycle with the lowest economic activityperiod of two or more consecutive fiscal quarters of decreasing GDP...

Week 6 2022-04-04

Week 6 crossword puzzle
  1. lanzar
  2. dibujar
  3. gatear
  4. pausar
  5. ley
  6. compró
  7. mandíbula
  1. decidió
  2. pata
  3. salsa
  4. crudo
  5. culpa
  6. entre
  7. ver en el pasado
  8. halcón

15 Clues: leypatasalsacrudoculpaentrelanzargatearpausarcompróhalcóndecidiódibujarmandíbulaver en el pasado

Unit 2 vocabulary 2020-09-28

Unit 2 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. lõhe (kala)
  2. korrus
  3. swuvila, maamaja
  4. eramaja
  5. omama
  6. jäine, külm
  7. toimuma
  1. metsik
  2. onu
  3. mäenõlval
  4. lubama
  5. kalamees
  6. kolima
  7. kellegi hulgas
  8. kuiv

15 Clues: onukuivomamametsikkorruslubamakolimaeramajatoimumakalameesmäenõlvallõhe (kala)jäine, külmkellegi hulgasswuvila, maamaja


  1. an international financial institution focused on world war 2 impacted-countries and now focusing on underdeveloped countries development
  2. an international cooperation between a country with numbers of countries
  3. international organization under UN concerning on development program
  4. an international cooperation among the countries in specific area
  5. international organization concerning on labour issues
  6. an international organization focusing on global market among the ASEAN countries
  7. a country sells goods and services to other countries
  1. an international cooperation between two countries
  2. an entity focusing on producing a good or service it is good at
  3. a country buys goods and services from other countries
  4. export and import activity done by a country
  5. an international cooperation among the countries in two or more specific areas
  6. curve that describes the possibility of maximum capacity of production on two variables

13 Clues: export and import activity done by a countryan international cooperation between two countriesa country sells goods and services to other countriesa country buys goods and services from other countriesinternational organization concerning on labour issuesan entity focusing on producing a good or service it is good at...

17.03.2022 2022-03-17

17.03.2022 crossword puzzle
  1. atrakcyjny (nie "attractive")
  2. zatrudnienie
  3. rozwijać
  4. pracodawca
  5. wśród
  6. zrównoważony
  7. zwiększyć
  8. miejsce, punkt
  9. umożliwić
  10. zawierać
  11. jednak
  1. zanieczyszczony
  2. środowisko
  3. poza godzinami szczytu
  4. pracownik
  5. mylić
  6. zatłoczony
  7. częsty
  8. korzyść
  9. przewodnik
  10. wiejski
  11. centrum handlowe
  12. danie

23 Clues: mylićwśróddanieczęstyjednakkorzyśćwiejskirozwijaćzawieraćpracownikzwiększyćumożliwićśrodowiskozatłoczonypracodawcaprzewodnikzatrudnieniezrównoważonymiejsce, punktzanieczyszczonycentrum handlowepoza godzinami szczytuatrakcyjny (nie "attractive")

Solid Gold 1 - Encounters 2022-01-29

Solid Gold 1 - Encounters crossword puzzle
  1. besökare
  2. damm
  3. jakt
  4. meddela
  5. påfågel
  6. blygsam
  7. bland
  8. möta
  9. puma
  10. avföring
  11. ingång
  1. ödla
  2. varelse
  3. besvikelse
  4. bo
  5. art
  6. ströva
  7. själsfrände
  8. område
  9. handled
  10. inträdesavgift
  11. urgammal
  12. kräldjur
  13. armbandsur
  14. glänsa

25 Clues: boartödladammjaktmötapumablandströvaområdeglänsaingångvarelsemeddelapåfågelblygsamhandledbesökareurgammalkräldjuravföringbesvikelsearmbandsursjälsfrändeinträdesavgift

Ch. 6 & 7 Terms 2022-09-19

Ch. 6 & 7 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. son
  2. kingdom
  3. into
  4. beginning
  5. gospel
  6. not
  7. they
  8. charity
  9. that
  10. heaven
  11. season
  12. among
  1. authority
  2. other
  3. you
  4. work
  5. not
  6. said
  7. but
  8. these
  9. sin
  10. therefore
  11. and
  12. Jesus
  13. now
  14. hour
  15. lord

27 Clues: sonyounotbutsinnotandnowworkintosaidtheythathourlordothertheseJesusamonggospelheavenseasonkingdomcharityauthoritybeginningtherefore

Sara and Lauryn Crossword Puzzel 2021-01-26

Sara and Lauryn Crossword Puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. in charge
  2. argument
  3. a length
  4. education
  5. some time
  6. rely
  7. trust
  8. protect
  9. said yes
  10. present
  11. not quiet
  12. start
  1. under
  2. an explanation
  3. middle
  4. scared
  5. math
  6. want
  7. create
  8. gone somewhere
  9. past
  10. to be with

22 Clues: mathwantrelypastundertruststartmiddlescaredcreateprotectpresentargumenta lengthsaid yesin chargeeducationsome timenot quietto be withan explanationgone somewhere

CLC Stage 16 2022-11-15

CLC Stage 16 crossword puzzle
  1. escape
  2. the next day
  3. as soon as
  4. surely
  5. build
  6. punish
  7. among
  8. flower
  9. then
  10. emperor
  11. turn
  12. good
  13. better
  1. help
  2. raise
  3. in this way
  4. plan
  5. sail
  6. agree
  7. delight
  8. highest
  9. put
  10. die

23 Clues: putdiehelpplansailthenturngoodraisebuildagreeamongescapesurelypunishflowerbetterdelighthighestemperoras soon asin this waythe next day

MORE 3, UNIT 2 2017-09-30

MORE 3, UNIT 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Welle
  2. Rechnung
  3. unglaublich
  4. unter
  5. überrascht
  6. Handtasche
  7. Zufall, Glück, Fügung
  8. sollen
  9. unvorsichtig, leichtsinnig
  10. täglich
  1. wählen
  2. Koffer
  3. sofort
  4. Kino
  5. betreten, eintreten
  6. gehören
  7. Kopfhörer
  8. der/die/das (Relativpronomen)
  9. unterbrechen
  10. Sonnenbrille
  11. (sich) entscheiden
  12. Mahlzeit, Essen

22 Clues: KinoWelleunterwählenKoffersofortsollengehörentäglichRechnungKopfhörerüberraschtHandtascheunglaublichunterbrechenSonnenbrilleMahlzeit, Essen(sich) entscheidenbetreten, eintretenZufall, Glück, Fügungunvorsichtig, leichtsinnigder/die/das (Relativpronomen)

CLC, Book II, Stage 14, Vocabulary 2017-12-30

CLC, Book II, Stage 14, Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. god
  2. among, at the house of
  3. I destroy
  4. husband
  5. astonished
  6. palace
  7. difficult
  8. faithful, loyal
  9. necessary
  1. although
  2. king
  3. that
  4. present, gift
  5. right, proper
  6. mistress
  7. something
  8. every day
  9. carefully
  10. when
  11. himself
  12. surely...not?

21 Clues: godkingthatwhenpalacehusbandhimselfalthoughmistresssomethingI destroyevery daycarefullydifficultnecessaryastonishedpresent, giftright, propersurely...not?faithful, loyalamong, at the house of

LATIN VOCAB 2018-11-14

LATIN VOCAB crossword puzzle
  1. that
  2. ill
  3. everyday
  4. how
  5. tired
  6. building
  7. herself
  8. city
  9. husband
  10. faithful
  11. among
  12. king
  13. sing
  1. how
  2. donate
  3. proper
  4. necessary
  5. astonished
  6. misstress
  7. difficiult
  8. although
  9. where
  10. god
  11. himself
  12. careful
  13. something
  14. palace

27 Clues: howillhowgodthatcitykingsingwheretiredamongdonateproperpalacehimselfcarefulherselfhusbandeverydayalthoughbuildingfaithfulnecessarymisstresssomethingastonisheddifficiult

Roots, prefixes and suffixes. 2021-02-24

Roots, prefixes and suffixes. crossword puzzle
  1. against anticlimax
  2. full of
  3. study of
  4. not; opposite of
  5. opposite devalue
  6. the most
  7. again
  8. to make
  9. wrongly
  10. life
  11. before
  1. without
  2. many of
  3. fear
  4. how something is
  5. not
  6. middle
  7. between; among
  8. more
  9. under

20 Clues: notfearmorelifeagainundermiddlebeforewithoutmany offull ofto makewronglystudy ofthe mostbetween; amonghow something isnot; opposite ofopposite devalueagainst anticlimax

Vocab latin 2022-11-03

Vocab latin crossword puzzle
  1. gift
  2. to destroy
  3. among,at the house of
  4. image,statue
  5. king
  6. who
  7. miserable
  8. to close
  9. to conquer
  10. sailor
  1. to hold
  2. priest
  3. own,ought
  4. sea
  5. where
  6. to hinder
  7. wave
  8. rihgt,proper
  9. even,also
  10. god

20 Clues: seawhogodgiftkingwavewherepriestsailorto holdto closeown,oughtto hindermiserableeven,alsoto destroyto conquerimage,statuerihgt,properamong,at the house of

Stage 14 Vocabulary Review 2022-11-30

Stage 14 Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. palace
  2. when
  3. difficult
  4. lady of the house
  5. king
  6. every day
  7. carefully
  8. necessary
  9. how
  10. among, at the house of
  11. astonished
  1. god
  2. faithful, loyal
  3. something
  4. to destroy
  5. that
  6. gift, present
  7. right, proper
  8. surely not?
  9. husband

20 Clues: godhowwhenthatkingpalacehusbandsomethingdifficultevery daycarefullynecessaryto destroyastonishedsurely not?gift, presentright, properfaithful, loyallady of the houseamong, at the house of

Latin ll: Little Boots 2023-01-10

Latin ll: Little Boots crossword puzzle
  1. hunt
  2. to punish
  3. to go away
  4. prayer
  5. the rest
  6. mutiny
  7. to play
  8. husband
  9. speech
  10. soldier's sandals
  11. safe
  1. to leave behind
  2. to hinder
  3. to keep
  4. to ask
  5. general
  6. faithful
  7. military camp
  8. boldness
  9. among

20 Clues: huntsafeamongto askprayermutinyspeechto keepgeneralto playhusbandfaithfulthe restboldnessto hinderto punishto go awaymilitary campto leave behindsoldier's sandals


ISN'T IT INTERESTING? crossword puzzle
  1. the worldwide computer system that allows communication and information sharing among people
  2. involving people playing among themselves; an exchange of activity
  3. between or among the nations of the world
  4. to get in between two people when it is not your problem or issue
  5. between the states
  6. a person who helps translate the languages between different people
  1. the break between parts of a play, opera, or concert
  2. to throw a remark into a conversation between two or more people
  3. between people (usually describing social activities)
  4. to break into a conversation between people

10 Clues: between the statesbetween or among the nations of the worldto break into a conversation between peoplethe break between parts of a play, opera, or concertbetween people (usually describing social activities)to throw a remark into a conversation between two or more peopleto get in between two people when it is not your problem or issue...

August 2022 2022-07-22

August 2022 crossword puzzle
  1. Grow
  2. rest
  3. strong
  4. Love
  5. no
  6. self-disciplined
  7. remain
  8. set apart
  9. acquainted
  10. behavior
  11. perfection
  1. shadow
  2. abundant
  3. reverence
  4. among
  5. finish
  6. Seek
  7. presence
  8. knowing
  9. faithfully
  10. death
  11. believe
  12. be firm
  13. Word of Life

24 Clues: noGrowrestSeekLoveamongdeathshadowstrongfinishremainknowingbelievebe firmabundantpresencebehaviorreverenceset apartfaithfullyacquaintedperfectionWord of Lifeself-disciplined

WEEK3. 세로 가로 퍼즐맞추기~! 2015-01-06

WEEK3. 세로 가로 퍼즐맞추기~! crossword puzzle
  1. 대답,대답하다
  2. 운반하다
  3. 젓가락
  4. 세다
  5. ~이 되다
  6. ~때문에
  7. 오르다
  8. 국가,지역,나라
  9. expansive 의 반댓말
  10. 묻다
  1. 공항
  2. 생일
  3. 수도,대문자,주요한
  4. 걱정,주의,돌봄
  5. ~사이에
  6. ~옆에
  7. ~사이에
  8. ~뒤에
  9. 주소
  10. 바꾸다 잔돈
  11. 도시

22 Clues: 공항생일세다주소도시묻다젓가락~옆에~뒤에오르다운반하다~사이에~사이에~때문에~이 되다바꾸다 잔돈대답,대답하다걱정,주의,돌봄국가,지역,나라수도,대문자,주요한expansive 의 반댓말

latin greek root words america 2023-11-13

latin greek root words america crossword puzzle
  1. many
  2. center
  3. under
  4. half
  5. to carry, a gate
  6. 100
  7. to speak,say
  8. life
  9. against
  10. to watch
  11. to write
  1. hear
  2. far away
  3. between,among
  4. time
  5. to throw
  6. water
  7. two
  8. fear
  9. around
  10. super

21 Clues: 100twohearmanytimehalffearlifeunderwatersupercenteraroundagainstfar awayto throwto watchto writeto speak,saybetween,amongto carry, a gate

Among the Impostors 2013-09-26

Among the Impostors crossword puzzle
  1. Like detention for private schools
  2. The boy who is mean to Luke and betrayed him
  3. People who take third children away
  1. The man who helps Luke out of hiding
  2. The girl who inspires Luke (Lee)
  3. The handicapped boy who helps Luke around
  4. The school Luke goes to
  5. An illegal third child, known as "Lee Grant"

8 Clues: The school Luke goes toThe girl who inspires Luke (Lee)Like detention for private schoolsPeople who take third children awayThe man who helps Luke out of hidingThe handicapped boy who helps Luke aroundThe boy who is mean to Luke and betrayed himAn illegal third child, known as "Lee Grant"

Goth subculture 2020-04-13

Goth subculture crossword puzzle
  1. ausleben
  2. Klischee
  3. Verfall
  4. Subkultur
  5. emotionaler Punkstil
  6. unter
  7. rotbraun
  1. Dunkelheit
  2. düster
  3. darstellen
  4. Schmuck
  5. Punk
  6. Stamm
  7. abstammen

14 Clues: PunkStammunterdüsterSchmuckVerfallauslebenKlischeerotbraunSubkulturabstammenDunkelheitdarstellenemotionaler Punkstil


EXTREME SPORTS crossword puzzle
  1. there are sports with great risk, they are
  2. physical activity that involves a set of rules or regulations
  3. season of the year in which sports such as Snowboarding, Curling among others are developed
  4. space where you can practice skydiving, paragliding among others
  5. you feel it running through your veins
  6. extraordinary event, especially one that is exciting, dangerous or involves some risk.
  7. when it is at another level is
  1. movement needed for the bonggie, launching from a high place
  2. this sport is commonly developed in rivers
  3. I remember what you have left after developing an extreme sport
  4. sport in which you jump from a plane, plane, helicopter ... between 25 to 50 seconds of free fall
  5. another way to call skydiving
  6. necessary to develop different sports, it is an atmospheric phenomenon
  7. sport on wheels, more common in young people and that one of the favorite surfaces to practice it are the ramps
  8. He is part of the sports safety team and is something everyone has in common
  9. necessary element to develop sports such as bonggie jomping, climbing among others

16 Clues: another way to call skydivingwhen it is at another level isyou feel it running through your veinsthis sport is commonly developed in riversthere are sports with great risk, they aremovement needed for the bonggie, launching from a high placephysical activity that involves a set of rules or regulations...

1B Voabulario 2014-02-13

1B Voabulario crossword puzzle
  1. to return
  2. swimming
  3. martial arts
  4. to attend
  5. band
  6. pratice
  7. to rehearse
  8. chess
  9. interest
  10. team
  11. chorus, choir
  1. gymnastics
  2. orchestra
  3. to participate
  4. lessons
  5. to win, to earn
  6. to record
  7. singer
  8. among, between
  9. musician
  10. hockey

21 Clues: bandteamchesssingerhockeylessonspraticeswimminginterestmusicianorchestrato returnto attendto recordgymnasticsto rehearsemartial artschorus, choirto participateamong, betweento win, to earn

1. Crossword Puzzle 2021-01-29

1. Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. daily
  2. palace
  3. mistress
  4. king
  5. although
  6. husband
  7. difficult
  8. himself, herself, themselves
  9. necessary
  10. astonished
  1. destroy
  2. that
  3. right, proper
  4. gift
  5. someone, something
  6. how
  7. among
  8. surely not?
  9. when, where
  10. diligently
  11. faithful, loyal
  12. god
  13. and

23 Clues: howgodandthatgiftkingdailyamongpalacedestroyhusbandmistressalthoughdifficultnecessarydiligentlyastonishedsurely not?when, whereright, properfaithful, loyalsomeone, somethinghimself, herself, themselves

Stage 14 Vocab Crossword 2022-09-14

Stage 14 Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. palace
  2. when
  3. difficult
  4. Lady (of the house)
  5. king
  6. every day
  7. carefully
  8. necessary
  9. how
  10. among, the house of
  11. astonished
  1. god
  2. faithful, loyal
  3. something
  4. to destroy
  5. that
  6. present, gift
  7. right proper
  8. surely... not?
  9. husband

20 Clues: godhowwhenthatkingpalacehusbandsomethingdifficultevery daycarefullynecessaryto destroyastonishedright properpresent, giftsurely... not?faithful, loyalLady (of the house)among, the house of

Marcos 3: 23-26 2022-12-18

Marcos 3: 23-26 crossword puzzle
  1. destruirá
  2. parábolas
  3. llamó
  4. pronto
  5. dividido
  6. podrá
  7. desaparecerá
  8. distintos
  9. está
  10. si
  11. pelea
  12. entre
  13. luchan
  14. entonces
  15. cómo
  1. los
  2. fuera
  3. echar
  4. divide
  5. habló
  6. hogar
  7. en
  8. puede
  9. bandos
  10. mantenerse
  11. sí mismo
  12. contra
  13. les
  14. reino

29 Clues: ensiloslesestácómofueraecharhablóhogarllamópuedepodráreinopeleaentredivideprontobandoscontraluchandivididosí mismoentoncesdestruiráparábolasdistintosmantenersedesaparecerá

8.3. Road Trip Oregon tunnistava 2023-04-26

8.3. Road Trip Oregon tunnistava crossword puzzle
  1. Earth
  2. weather
  3. awake
  4. weekend
  5. giant
  6. finally
  7. spring
  8. grow
  9. except
  10. should
  11. a chain
  1. impossible
  2. amazed
  3. too
  4. far
  5. among
  6. major
  7. though
  8. whole
  9. a board
  10. bachelor
  11. a champion
  12. ago
  13. still
  14. decide

25 Clues: toofaragogrowEarthawakeamonggiantmajorwholestillamazedthoughspringexceptshoulddecideweatherweekendfinallya boarda chainbachelorimpossiblea champion

little boots 2024-01-12

little boots crossword puzzle
  1. to go away
  2. to punish
  3. among
  4. boot
  5. to ask
  6. military camp
  7. the rest, others
  8. hunt
  9. faithful
  1. to leave behind
  2. safe
  3. prayer
  4. general
  5. speech
  6. to play
  7. husband
  8. boldness
  9. mutiny
  10. to keep
  11. to hinder

20 Clues: safeboothuntamongprayerspeechto askmutinygeneralto playhusbandto keepboldnessfaithfulto punishto hinderto go awaymilitary campto leave behindthe rest, others

Słówka Yujin 2024-02-16

Słówka Yujin crossword puzzle
  1. sweet shop / bakery
  2. bed
  3. near
  4. among
  5. around
  6. bookstore
  7. train station
  8. in the front
  9. pharmacy
  10. fly
  1. sea
  2. castle
  3. field
  4. flat
  5. farfrom
  6. church
  7. along
  8. next to
  9. rich
  10. huge
  11. garden
  12. tourist
  13. river

23 Clues: seabedflyflatnearrichhugefieldalongamongrivercastlechurchgardenaroundfarfromnext totouristpharmacybookstorein the fronttrain stationsweet shop / bakery

ahhhhhhh 2022-04-26

ahhhhhhh crossword puzzle
  1. memes
  2. b
  3. sun now
  4. fart sound effect
  5. gobble
  6. food now
  7. burger
  8. kong
  1. brains now
  2. bread now
  3. meal
  4. us
  5. banana now
  6. battle pass
  7. food
  8. water now
  9. dave

17 Clues: busmealfooddavekongmemesgobbleburgersun nowfood nowbread nowwater nowbrains nowbanana nowbattle passfart sound effect

Inglise keel Laura Ilves 2017-12-06

Inglise keel Laura Ilves crossword puzzle
  1. tervitama
  2. tulevik
  3. seas,hulgas
  4. lisama
  5. know (minevikuvorm)
  6. ajalooline
  7. telekas
  8. jõllitama
  1. onu
  2. ümmargun
  3. vahepeal
  4. kaklema
  5. amet,töö
  6. loterii
  7. ida (ilmakaar)

15 Clues: onulisamakaklematulevikloteriitelekasümmargunvahepealamet,töötervitamajõllitamaajaloolineseas,hulgasida (ilmakaar)know (minevikuvorm)

Unit 2 vocabulary 2020-09-28

Unit 2 vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. lõhe(kala)
  2. korrus
  3. suvila, maamaja
  4. eramaja
  5. omama
  6. jäine, külm
  7. toimuma
  1. metsik
  2. onu
  3. mäenõlval
  4. lubama
  5. kalamees
  6. kolima
  7. kellegi hulgas
  8. kuiv

15 Clues: onukuivomamametsikkorruslubamakolimaeramajatoimumakalameesmäenõlvallõhe(kala)jäine, külmkellegi hulgassuvila, maamaja

root words week 3 2023-10-04

root words week 3 crossword puzzle
  1. inside, between, among
  2. outside
  3. bad
  4. fat
  5. false
  6. color
  7. leaf
  8. within
  1. across
  2. green
  3. inside
  4. many
  5. plant
  6. molded, formed
  7. no, not

15 Clues: badfatmanyleafgreenfalsecolorplantacrossinsidewithinoutsideno, notmolded, formedinside, between, among

for madeleine 2021-04-20

for madeleine crossword puzzle
  1. what we drink on thursdays
  2. something u call me when im "acting out"
  3. ur color in among us
  4. swedish word for thanks
  5. Name you call me
  1. my mothers name / u angry at ur sister
  2. my color in among us
  3. capital of sweden
  4. Name i call you
  5. city i live in
  6. where we first "met"

11 Clues: city i live inName i call youName you call mecapital of swedenmy color in among usur color in among uswhere we first "met"swedish word for thankswhat we drink on thursdaysmy mothers name / u angry at ur sistersomething u call me when im "acting out"

prepositions 2022-11-29

prepositions crossword puzzle
  1. clay plays minecraft ____ his friends
  2. michael and joe were hanging ______ town
  3. the plane flew __ in the sky
  4. theodore went ____ the stairs
  5. bill ran ______ the yard
  6. dave ran ____ the murderer
  1. the minotaur ran ______ sam
  2. bob went __ the store
  3. lance walked ____ work
  4. matt hid _____ the couch
  5. aaron is _____ the few people who still likes among us

11 Clues: bob went __ the storelance walked ____ workmatt hid _____ the couchbill ran ______ the yarddave ran ____ the murdererthe minotaur ran ______ samthe plane flew __ in the skytheodore went ____ the stairsclay plays minecraft ____ his friendsmichael and joe were hanging ______ townaaron is _____ the few people who still likes among us

UNIT 2, 1-16 2022-09-26

UNIT 2, 1-16 crossword puzzle
  1. ettevõte
  2. liikuma;liigutama
  3. töö,amet
  4. metsik
  5. künkanõlv
  6. kolima
  7. erutatud,põnevil
  8. kohvik
  9. kelgukoer
  1. era-,privaatne
  2. kohv
  3. lubama
  4. jõeäärne ala
  5. põhi
  6. minu,sinu jne oma
  7. korrus
  8. seas,hulgas

17 Clues: kohvpõhilubamametsikkolimakorruskohvikettevõtetöö,ametkünkanõlvkelgukoerseas,hulgasjõeäärne alaera-,privaatneerutatud,põnevilliikuma;liigutamaminu,sinu jne oma

Vocabulary 2021-09-01

Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. (uit)spraak
  2. houding
  3. verkrijgen
  4. druk,levendig
  5. neiging
  6. bijwonen
  7. tussen
  8. bepalen/vaststellen
  1. buitensporig
  2. aangeven
  3. bezighouden
  4. beperking
  5. twijfelen/aarzelen
  6. vooruitgangen
  7. moedig

15 Clues: moedigtussenhoudingneigingaangevenbijwonenbeperkingverkrijgenbezighouden(uit)spraakbuitensporigvooruitgangendruk,levendigtwijfelen/aarzelenbepalen/vaststellen

e포스 영어독해 1강-3 단어시험 2015-01-14

e포스 영어독해 1강-3 단어시험 crossword puzzle
  1. 더 가까운
  2. 상황
  3. 안심
  4. ~사이에
  5. 스트레스로 지친, 스트레스를 받는
  6. 눈에 보이지 않는
  7. 연결고리
  8. 유용한
  9. 직접적으로
  1. 연결
  2. 부분
  3. 게다가
  4. 스트레스로 가득한
  5. 특히
  6. 한계
  7. 책 시리즈
  8. 물다

17 Clues: 연결부분상황안심특히한계물다게다가유용한~사이에연결고리더 가까운책 시리즈직접적으로스트레스로 가득한눈에 보이지 않는스트레스로 지친, 스트레스를 받는

0fewкц 2022-01-24

0fewкц crossword puzzle
  1. среди
  2. проблема
  3. глубина
  4. ответственнвый
  5. вощмодность
  6. ответственность
  7. влиять на
  8. урон, ущерб
  1. уровень, ставка
  2. тяжесть, бремя, груз
  3. отцовство
  4. давление
  5. вред
  6. материнство
  7. обеспечивать
  8. воровать, красть

16 Clues: вредсредиглубинадавлениепроблемаотцовствовлиять наматеринствовощмодностьурон, ущербобеспечиватьответственнвыйуровень, ставкаответственностьворовать, крастьтяжесть, бремя, груз

ADB UNIT I - Revision 2021-07-09

ADB UNIT I - Revision crossword puzzle
  1. Systematic collection of data
  2. key It shown relationship among two tables
  3. It is used to delete/update record from
  4. It is also called as information hiding
  5. One type of schema constraints
  6. Another term used for degree of relation
  7. Total number of attributed in the table
  8. Database which stores data in the form of tables
  1. Term used in object oriented database
  2. key Key which is used to distinguish among tuples
  3. One type of database
  4. Object oriented database concept
  5. as well as from child table
  6. key Superiority of keys
  7. Total number of tuples in the table
  8. constraint, Specifies restriction on attributes

16 Clues: One type of databaseas well as from child tablekey Superiority of keysSystematic collection of dataOne type of schema constraintsObject oriented database conceptTotal number of tuples in the tableTerm used in object oriented databaseIt is used to delete/update record fromIt is also called as information hiding...

ADB UNIT I - Revision 2021-07-09

ADB UNIT I - Revision crossword puzzle
  1. Systematic collection of data
  2. It shown relationship among two tables
  3. It is used to delete/update record from
  4. It is also called as information hiding
  5. One type of schema constraints
  6. Another term used for degree of relation
  7. Total number of attributed in the table
  8. Database which stores data in the form of tables
  1. Term used in object oriented database
  2. Key which is used to distinguish among tuples
  3. One type of database
  4. Object oriented database concept
  5. as well as from child table
  6. Superiority of keys
  7. Total number of tuples in the table
  8. Constraint that Specifies restriction on attributes

16 Clues: Superiority of keysOne type of databaseas well as from child tableSystematic collection of dataOne type of schema constraintsObject oriented database conceptTotal number of tuples in the tableTerm used in object oriented databaseIt shown relationship among two tablesIt is used to delete/update record fromIt is also called as information hiding...

Sociology chapter 12 2017-05-16

Sociology chapter 12 crossword puzzle
  1. ability capacity for thinking abstractly
  2. education specific curricular programs designed to overcome defiency
  3. education emphasizes difference among gender, ethnic, racial
  4. awards are based on relative performance
  5. schools ran by private companies
  6. placement of students in programs
  7. schools public schools operated like private schools
  1. curriculum non academic agenda that teaches discipline
  2. social status is based on ability
  3. learning relies on cooperation among students
  4. prophecy a prediction that results in behavior
  5. desegregation the achievement of racial balance
  6. schools focus on particular disciplines or areas
  7. curriculum student teacher callboration
  8. bias the unfair measurement of cognitive abilities
  9. schooling education that is provided

16 Clues: schools ran by private companiessocial status is based on abilityplacement of students in programsschooling education that is providedcurriculum student teacher callborationability capacity for thinking abstractlyawards are based on relative performancelearning relies on cooperation among studentsprophecy a prediction that results in behavior...