criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

The Criminal Trial 2023-03-28

The Criminal Trial crossword puzzle
  1. - The use of correlational techniques from the social sciences to gauge the likelihood that potential jurors will vote for conviction or acquittal.
  2. - An oral summation of a case presented to a judge, or to a judge and jury, by the prosecution or by the defense in a criminal trial.
  3. - Evidence consisting of physical material or traces of physical activity
  4. - A 1974 federal law requiring that proceedings in a criminal case against a defendant begin before passage of a specified period of time, such as 70 working days after indictment.
  5. - The initial statement of an attorney (or of a defendant representing himself or herself) made in a court of law to a judge, or to a judge and jury, describing the facts that he or she intends to present during trial to prove the case.
  6. – This is a process where both the prosecution and defense attorneys question potential jurors.
  7. - The two-sided structure under which American criminal trial courts operate that pits the prosecution against the defense.
  8. - The intentional making of a false statement as part of the testimony by a sworn witness in a judicial proceeding on a matter relevant to the case at hand.
  1. - Oral evidence offered by a sworn witness on the witness stand during a criminal trial.
  2. - The process whereby, according to law and precedent, members of a particular trial jury are chosen.
  3. - Evidence that, if believed, directly proves a fact. Eyewitness testimony and videotaped documentation account for the majority of all direct evidence heard in the criminal courtroom.
  4. - A jury that is isolated from the public during the course of a trial and throughout the deliberation process.
  5. - The decision of the jury in a jury trial or of a judicial officer in a nonjury trial.
  6. - Rules of court that govern the admissibility of evidence at criminal hearings and trials.
  7. - Evidence that requires interpretation or that requires a judge or jury to reach a conclusion based upon what the evidence indicates.
  8. - The right to challenge a potential juror without disclosing the reason for the challenge
  9. - Something that is not based upon the personal knowledge of a witness.

17 Clues: - Something that is not based upon the personal knowledge of a witness.- Evidence consisting of physical material or traces of physical activity- The decision of the jury in a jury trial or of a judicial officer in a nonjury trial.- Oral evidence offered by a sworn witness on the witness stand during a criminal trial....

Crime and criminal 2023-12-07

Crime and criminal crossword puzzle
  1. vrah
  2. vražda, vraždit
  3. pašovat
  4. drancovat, rabovat
  5. loupež
  6. hlídat
  7. zahájit
  8. žhářství
  1. loupež
  2. lupič
  3. vyloupit
  4. prodávat drogy
  5. přepadnout
  6. drancovník
  7. násilník
  8. vykrást
  9. kukla
  10. žhář

18 Clues: vrahžhářlupičkuklaloupežloupežhlídatpašovatvykrástzahájitvyloupitnásilníkžhářstvípřepadnoutdrancovníkprodávat drogyvražda, vražditdrancovat, rabovat

Criminal Justice Vocabulary 2024-02-05

Criminal Justice Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Benefit society by dealing early and quickly with delinquent behavior. These often require individualized contracts which may refer the juvenile to counseling, educational/youth programs, and community service.
  2. Alternative sentencing approach which seeks to address and examine the harmful impact of a crime and then determine what can be done to repair that harm while holding the person who caused it accountable for his or her actions.
  3. The act of apprehending and taking a person into legal custody, usually because the person has been suspected of or observed committing a crime.
  4. A Constitutional requirement that applies to most offenders that grants the temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on condition that a sum of money be lodged to guarantee their appearance in court.
  5. An actor accused of participating in unlawful behavior as a minor or individual younger than the statutory age of majority.
  6. A responsibility of the courts, this is the formal process of determining the punishment for one who was convicted or plead guilty to a crime. There is a wide range of potential outcomes at this stage.
  7. AKA imprisonment, it is the restraint of a person's liberty against their will in a mandated correctional setting.
  1. Refers to a legal decision to terminate a court case or charge without imposing liability on the defendant.
  2. A formal reading of a criminal charging document in the presence of the defendant, to inform them of the charges against them. In some jurisdictions, the accused is expected to enter a plea at this point; in other jurisdictions, no plea is required yet.
  3. This component of the criminal justice system serves a variety of functions related to the punishment, treatment, and supervision of persons who have been convicted of crimes.
  4. Also known as a prosecutor, they represent the government in criminal cases and are responsible for ensuring that justice is served by prosecuting individuals accused of committing crimes.
  5. This can consist of physical, scientific, and technological elements and the outcome of many criminal law cases will depend upon its strength and admissibility in the court of law.
  6. Setting where prosecution occurs when a state or other legal system believes that an individual has committed a crime and charges have been filed.
  7. While particular laws vary by state, these generally include nonviolent crimes. Less serious crimes.
  8. Occur when a criminal defendant agrees to admit guilt to a charge or charges related to a criminal offense, in return for reduced charges or sentencing guidelines, rather than making the prosecutor prove their guilt, in a court of law, beyond a reasonable doubt.
  9. A crime that is considered a serious offense, typically one involving violence, serious injury, and significant loss. A conviction for this type of crime can lead to strict punishments and can result in long incarceration sentences.
  10. Behavior, either by act or omission, defined by statutory or common law as deserving of punishment or penalty.

17 Clues: While particular laws vary by state, these generally include nonviolent crimes. Less serious crimes.Refers to a legal decision to terminate a court case or charge without imposing liability on the defendant.Behavior, either by act or omission, defined by statutory or common law as deserving of punishment or penalty....

Spelling week 3 term 1 2013-02-11

Spelling week 3 term 1 crossword puzzle
  1. as one
  2. talk to someone via ?
  3. he performed a ?
  4. three books are called a ?
  5. to make objects seem larger
  6. divide into 2 seperate pieces
  7. a persons own signature
  8. independent
  9. communication by minds
  10. they had to ? the problem
  1. a mythical creature with one horn
  2. glasses
  3. a ? runs on one rail
  4. a business meeting
  5. three babies
  6. self working
  7. a passenger vehicle
  8. to decorate with a ?

18 Clues: as oneglassesindependentthree babiesself workinghe performed a ?a business meetinga passenger vehiclea ? runs on one railto decorate with a ?talk to someone via ?communication by mindsa persons own signaturethey had to ? the problemthree books are called a ?to make objects seem largerdivide into 2 seperate piecesa mythical creature with one horn

6B Crossword (muy interesante) 2024-04-05

6B Crossword (muy interesante) crossword puzzle
  1. opuesto al éxito
  2. acto de lastimar a alguien
  3. interpretando un personaje
  4. alguien que resuelve un crimen
  5. tomar una persona
  6. gusto extremo
  7. alguien que resena peliculas
  8. del espacio exterior
  9. alguien que la policia arresta
  10. alguien que roba
  1. el escenario de una película
  2. magia de compitadora
  3. Algo que hace un criminal
  4. cuando la policia te captura
  5. estar muy interesado
  6. alguien a quien le roban
  7. hacer morir a alguien
  8. hacer bien
  9. lider de la pelicula
  10. decir a alguien sobre
  11. persona encargada de hacer una película

21 Clues: hacer biengusto extremoopuesto al éxitoalguien que robatomar una personamagia de compitadoraestar muy interesadolider de la peliculadel espacio exteriorhacer morir a alguiendecir a alguien sobrealguien a quien le robanAlgo que hace un criminalacto de lastimar a alguieninterpretando un personajeel escenario de una película...

6B crossword 2024-04-05

6B crossword crossword puzzle
  1. persona investigar El crimen
  2. Cuando alguien roba Algo
  3. alguien toma algo
  4. Cuando El galan se enamora
  5. donde pelicula tener Lugar
  6. alguin habla sobre la pelicula
  7. Cuando alguien dolor una persona
  8. policia captura El criminal
  9. persona que era matio
  10. temporaria comprar un pelicula
  11. El dio dirección
  12. preterite ver
  13. que pelicula es sobre
  1. los efectos especiales
  2. tu estas enamorado
  3. persona juega en la pelicula
  4. tomando alguien
  5. Cuando una persona hace mal
  6. jugando un papel
  7. opuesto de tener éxito

20 Clues: preterite vertomando alguienjugando un papelEl dio direcciónalguien toma algotu estas enamoradopersona que era matioque pelicula es sobrelos efectos especialesopuesto de tener éxitoCuando alguien roba AlgoCuando El galan se enamoradonde pelicula tener Lugarpolicia captura El criminalCuando una persona hace malpersona investigar El crimen...

unit 5 cross word 2021-11-08

unit 5 cross word crossword puzzle
  1. / latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification
  2. / harmful result; element of a crime
  3. / classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies
  4. /criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime
  5. / classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  6. /illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  7. / factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  1. / factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and or sentence likely
  2. elements of a crime
  3. /criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  4. /simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the
  5. / latin phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  6. / classification for the most serious type of crimes

13 Clues: elements of a crime/ harmful result; element of a crime/illegal action or activity which is punishable by law/criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime/criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime/ classification for the most serious type of crimes...

SAT Foundations Vocabulary 5a and 5b Puzzle 2021-03-22

SAT Foundations Vocabulary 5a and 5b Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - extravagant, wasteful
  2. careless, slack, not strict
  3. using few words, concise
  4. rapidly changing, capricious, temperamental
  5. dejected, hopeless
  6. having more than one possible meanng, uncertain
  7. short-lived, transitory, fleeting
  8. pompous, self-important, affected
  1. bland, boring, without zest
  2. calm, docile, serene
  3. wealthy
  4. stubborn, adamant, obstinate
  5. enormous, extraordinary, marvelous
  6. excessively proper, puritanical
  7. indecisive, of two minds about something
  8. rushed, hurried, superficial, perfunctory
  9. consisting of varied things, mixed, heterogeneous
  10. proud, arrogant
  11. false, fake
  12. cautious, suspicious

20 Clues: wealthyfalse, fakeproud, arrogantdejected, hopelesscalm, docile, serenecautious, suspicious- extravagant, wastefulusing few words, concisebland, boring, without zestcareless, slack, not strictstubborn, adamant, obstinateexcessively proper, puritanicalshort-lived, transitory, fleetingpompous, self-important, affected...

Ollie Final Project 2022-12-13

Ollie Final Project crossword puzzle
  1. a person who claims to read minds
  2. to keep going
  3. belief in many gods
  4. the us government
  5. the entirety of all life
  6. walking person
  7. unending
  8. your signature
  9. many
  10. spell corrector
  11. moving from continent to continent
  12. as one
  1. disorder
  2. a brain nerve
  3. to research
  4. study of animals
  5. a person against vaccines
  6. state of walking
  7. trustworthy
  8. between numbers
  9. a single person used to keep the law
  10. in order of events
  11. in agreement or harmony

23 Clues: manyas onedisorderunendingto researchtrustworthya brain nerveto keep goingwalking personyour signaturebetween numbersspell correctorstudy of animalsstate of walkingthe us governmentin order of eventsbelief in many godsin agreement or harmonythe entirety of all lifea person against vaccinesa person who claims to read minds...

words 2023-04-27

words crossword puzzle
  1. opera is a ...
  2. a set of words that is complete in itself
  3. a person who uses unlawful violence
  4. great significance or value.
  5. fear of arachnids (spiders)
  6. one's own nation
  7. over and over
  8. very needed
  9. to include
  1. give (someone) one's good wishes
  2. approve before
  3. eye doctor
  4. science of living organisms
  5. not admitted
  6. autism is a...
  7. work out
  8. very quiet
  9. being skeptical
  10. not agree
  11. professionals who are trained to treat minds

20 Clues: work outnot agreeeye doctorvery quietto includevery needednot admittedover and overapprove beforeopera is a ...autism is a...being skepticalone's own nationscience of living organismsfear of arachnids (spiders)great significance or value.give (someone) one's good wishesa person who uses unlawful violencea set of words that is complete in itself...

Crimes and Defenses 2016-11-17

Crimes and Defenses crossword puzzle
  1. Criminal act of purposefully setting property on fire.
  2. taking someone's property by violence or the threat of violence.
  3. Obtaining something through force or threats.
  4. Intentionally defacing or destroying someone else's property.
  5. Illegally entering a building to steal someone's property.
  6. stealing someone else's property they entrusted to you.
  7. Helping convicted offenders change their life around.
  8. Crime A crime motivated by race or other prejudice's.
  9. Crime conducted via the internet.
  10. Deliberate act of unlawfully killing a person.
  1. Killing someone unlawfully with premeditation.
  2. The offense of willfully telling the untruth in a court after taking an oath.
  3. The illegal touching of another person usually an attack.
  4. To make a physical attack.
  5. wrongful or criminal deception to result in personal gain.
  6. removing criminals from a society they have offended.
  7. Punishment inflicted on someone for doing a wrong act.
  8. repayment from a criminal to the victim as compensation.
  9. Theft of personal property.
  10. The fear of punishment will prevent crimes.

20 Clues: To make a physical attack.Theft of personal property.Crime conducted via the internet.The fear of punishment will prevent crimes.Obtaining something through force or threats.Killing someone unlawfully with premeditation.Deliberate act of unlawfully killing a person.removing criminals from a society they have offended....

great expectations by Jazz 2018-03-06

great expectations by Jazz crossword puzzle
  1. Pip's sister
  2. country girl and pip's tutor
  3. fellow student of Mr Pockets
  4. Estella's adopted mum
  5. lawyer of miss Havisham
  6. narrator of the novel
  7. Matthew pockets son
  8. pumblechook pip's uncle
  9. a criminal who met pip when he was a child
  10. Joe's new apprentice
  1. Jaggers house keeper
  2. church Clark
  3. Miss Havisham's cousin
  4. one of Pip's friends in London
  5. another criminal who escaped with magwitch
  6. Miss Havisham's adopted daughter
  7. Pip's brother in law
  8. Jaggers assistant

18 Clues: Pip's sisterchurch ClarkJaggers assistantMatthew pockets sonJaggers house keeperPip's brother in lawJoe's new apprenticeEstella's adopted mumnarrator of the novelMiss Havisham's cousinlawyer of miss Havishampumblechook pip's unclecountry girl and pip's tutorfellow student of Mr Pocketsone of Pip's friends in LondonMiss Havisham's adopted daughter...

Algernon and Vocabulary Review 2012-04-10

Algernon and Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. pays attention to details
  2. Algernon can solve this
  3. disobedient
  4. moving backwards
  5. temporary
  6. Charlie works here
  7. Charlie has a low one of these at the beginning of the book
  1. Kevin (2 words)
  2. One of two "types of minds"
  3. to object
  4. Makes it hard for Charlie to sleep
  5. to obtain
  6. skillful or clever
  7. model of excellence
  8. losing your memory
  9. equivalent

16 Clues: to objectto obtaintemporaryequivalentdisobedientKevin (2 words)moving backwardsskillful or cleverlosing your memoryCharlie works heremodel of excellenceAlgernon can solve thispays attention to detailsOne of two "types of minds"Makes it hard for Charlie to sleepCharlie has a low one of these at the beginning of the book

Great Minds in Greece 2024-02-13

Great Minds in Greece crossword puzzle
  1. Socrates wanted to know "What is ______.? Hint look at the white board.
  2. Socrates died after drinking this type of poison.
  3. Plato thought about the ___ ____ and how it works. Two words
  4. Socrates has a big trial in front of an ____ jury.
  5. Socrates believed the _____ people should make decisions for everyone.
  6. Plato believed the soul was made out of ___ parts.
  7. Aristotle opened a school in Athens called The _____.
  8. Aristotle made efforts to create order in peoples' _______.
  1. Aristotle was the tutor to this Great leader.
  2. Aristotle's father did this for a living.
  3. He fought bravely for Athens in the Peloponnesian War.
  4. Plato wrote a book called The Laws about how corrupt _____ are.
  5. Plato argues that if your three souls are out of ____ that leads to badness
  6. A student of Socrates. He wrote down much of what Socrates said.
  7. Plato stared a school for Philosophers called The _______.
  8. Plato thought most people were pretty ____.
  9. History is ________.

17 Clues: History is ________.Aristotle's father did this for a living.Plato thought most people were pretty ____.Aristotle was the tutor to this Great leader.Socrates died after drinking this type of poison.Socrates has a big trial in front of an ____ jury.Plato believed the soul was made out of ___ parts....

unit 5 cross word 2021-11-08

unit 5 cross word crossword puzzle
  1. latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification
  2. classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  3. phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  4. Factor/ factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  5. result; element of a crime
  6. / illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  1. classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies
  2. /simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the
  3. elements of a crime
  4. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  5. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence likely
  6. /criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  7. /criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime

13 Clues: elements of a crimeresult; element of a crimeclassification for the most serious type of crimes/criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crimelatin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification/criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime/ illegal action or activity which is punishable by law...

unit 5 cross word 2021-11-08

unit 5 cross word crossword puzzle
  1. / illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  2. /simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the
  3. /criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime
  4. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  5. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence likely
  6. phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  1. result; element of a crime
  2. /criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  3. latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification
  4. elements of a crime
  5. classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  6. classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies
  7. Factor/ factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty

13 Clues: elements of a crimeresult; element of a crimeclassification for the most serious type of crimes/criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime/criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crimelatin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification/ illegal action or activity which is punishable by law...

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-11

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  2. their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  3. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they
  4. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  5. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and
  6. of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  7. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  8. at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in
  9. the underlying causes of crime.
  10. or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties
  11. on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime
  12. the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in
  13. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  14. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions
  15. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants
  1. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a
  2. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  3. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  4. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the
  5. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  6. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  7. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  8. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  9. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served
  10. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  11. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  12. and run together.
  13. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for
  14. of an incarceration sentence.

29 Clues: and run together.of an incarceration sentence.the underlying causes of crime.their criminal sentences. (County Jails)Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, servedA prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes aAn alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the...

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-11

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  2. their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  3. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they
  4. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  5. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and
  6. of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  7. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  8. at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in
  9. the underlying causes of crime.
  10. or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties
  11. on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime
  12. the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in
  13. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  14. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions
  15. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants
  1. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a
  2. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  3. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  4. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the
  5. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  6. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  7. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  8. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  9. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served
  10. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  11. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  12. and run together.
  13. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for
  14. of an incarceration sentence.

29 Clues: and run together.of an incarceration sentence.the underlying causes of crime.their criminal sentences. (County Jails)Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, servedA prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes aAn alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the...

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-11

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  2. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime.
  3. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  4. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  5. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a period of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  6. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they caused the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in society.
  7. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  8. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  9. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties
  10. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  1. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  2. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  3. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  4. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  5. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  6. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together.
  7. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  8. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  9. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions based on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime
  10. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the
  11. at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in lieu of an incarceration sentence.

21 Clues: An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in thePrison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves....

jess's cool crossweod 2022-01-19

jess's cool crossweod crossword puzzle
  1. describe
  2. control
  3. describe the problem
  4. ask for a spesific change
  5. and breath
  6. sherlock
  1. minds
  2. list the impovements the change will make
  3. the situation
  4. talk
  5. express your feeling

11 Clues: talkmindscontroldescribesherlockand breaththe situationdescribe the problemexpress your feelingask for a spesific changelist the impovements the change will make

Freak the Mighty 2013-05-15

Freak the Mighty crossword puzzle
  1. sweet lady
  2. silly looking creature
  3. the past
  4. fair gwens word
  5. muscle that improveswith excercise
  6. max in a bad mood
  1. what you do after zig
  2. fuel for humans
  3. people with small minds
  4. shoes big enough to fir max
  5. what max sees when he dreams
  6. fingered powered computer
  7. beaming into books
  8. gentlemen
  9. another word for falling down

15 Clues: the pastgentlemensweet ladyfuel for humansfair gwens wordmax in a bad moodbeaming into bookswhat you do after zigsilly looking creaturepeople with small mindsfingered powered computershoes big enough to fir maxwhat max sees when he dreamsanother word for falling downmuscle that improveswith excercise

Full Irish 2022-03-13

Full Irish crossword puzzle
  1. best country ever!!
  2. a person bought to work hard
  3. a month
  4. national plant of Ireland
  5. black Irish beer
  6. a boy's name
  7. Irish meat
  8. a colour worn on Paddys day
  1. what Patrick taught in Ireland
  2. a country in the UK
  3. Green vegatable
  4. banished from Ireland
  5. a person who minds sheep
  6. a belief
  7. party in the streets

15 Clues: a montha beliefIrish meata boy's nameGreen vegatableblack Irish beera country in the UKbest country ever!!party in the streetsbanished from Irelanda person who minds sheepnational plant of Irelanda colour worn on Paddys daya person bought to work hardwhat Patrick taught in Ireland

Study Unit 1.1 2020-04-15

Study Unit 1.1 crossword puzzle
  1. State versus ...
  2. Purpose of law of delict.
  3. Criminal trial: State must prove case beyond ... doubt.
  4. Civil case: plaintiff proves case on ... of probabilities.
  5. Accused in criminal trial is found ...
  6. Must always be present in delict.
  1. Purpose of criminal law
  2. Plaintiff versus ...
  3. Represents state in criminal trial

9 Clues: State versus ...Plaintiff versus ...Purpose of criminal lawPurpose of law of delict.Must always be present in delict.Represents state in criminal trialAccused in criminal trial is found ...Criminal trial: State must prove case beyond ... doubt.Civil case: plaintiff proves case on ... of probabilities.

A-5 Grasses We Eat 2024-09-05

A-5 Grasses We Eat crossword puzzle
  1. rhymes with "nice"
  2. antonym for "man"
  3. rhymes with "minds"
  4. synonym for "kin"
  5. antonym for "ignore"
  6. plural of "grass"
  7. compound word ("break" + "fast")
  8. rhymes with "surround"
  9. synonym for "countries"
  1. a large, domesticated herbivore with horns
  2. synonym for "creatures"
  3. plural of "plant"
  4. a type of grain
  5. You bake it, from flour, from wheat.
  6. synonym for "ingest"
  7. rhymes with "soften"
  8. antonym for "tall"

17 Clues: a type of grainantonym for "man"plural of "plant"synonym for "kin"plural of "grass"rhymes with "nice"antonym for "tall"rhymes with "minds"antonym for "ignore"synonym for "ingest"rhymes with "soften"rhymes with "surround"synonym for "creatures"synonym for "countries"compound word ("break" + "fast")You bake it, from flour, from wheat....

Court Case Vocab 2023-11-21

Court Case Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Court order preventing parties from taking actions
  2. Group of people who decide if a person is guilty or not guilty
  3. Official decision by the court
  4. Serious crime
  5. Final decision on a civil or criminal case
  6. When a criminal defendant pleads guilty or not guilty
  7. Lawyer
  8. Person being accused
  9. An invalid trial (errors caused the trial to be thrown out)
  10. A formal statement, sometimes with evidence, given to the court
  1. Hearing in which the defendant pleads guilty or not guilty
  2. When one party sues another party
  3. When a criminal defendant is found guilty
  4. Defendant is found not guilty
  5. Official of the judicial branch
  6. One party requests a higher court review the decision
  7. Proof
  8. A court’s command to give testimony
  9. To charge someone with a crime
  10. Legal authority
  11. Punishment the court gives to the person convicted of the crime
  12. Property
  13. Person who brings a lawsuit against another
  14. Prior to the trial, money paid to remain out of jail……
  15. Minor crime

25 Clues: ProofLawyerPropertySerious crimeMinor crimeLegal authorityPerson being accusedDefendant is found not guiltyOfficial decision by the courtOfficial of the judicial branchTo charge someone with a crimeWhen one party sues another partyA court’s command to give testimony...

deviance crosswords 2024-02-29

deviance crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. the act of going along with peers
  2. carried out by authorized agents
  3. process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  4. attempts to explain why certain people are viewed as deviants while others engaged in the same behavior aren’t
  5. governmental social control
  6. penalties and rewards for conduct concerning a social norm
  7. A disorganized society
  8. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  9. attributes increases in crime and deviance
  10. illegal acts committed in the course of business activities
  11. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  1. infraction of criminal law without identifiable evidence of an individual
  2. Falls on a wide variety of people goals “open to all”
  3. An undesirable trait or label that is used to characterize an individual
  4. learned behavior
  5. used causally to enforce norms
  6. compliance with higher authorities in hierarchical structure
  7. doesn’t ask why people are deviene but why they aren’t
  8. Protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prisons
  9. punishment to make criminals pay compensation

20 Clues: learned behaviorA disorganized societygovernmental social controlused causally to enforce normscarried out by authorized agentsthe act of going along with peersattributes increases in crime and deviancepunishment to make criminals pay compensationbehavior that departs from societal or group normsdiscouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment...

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-11

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  2. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime.
  3. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  4. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  5. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a period of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  6. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they caused the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in society.
  7. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  8. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  9. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties
  10. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  1. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  2. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  3. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  4. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  5. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  6. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together.
  7. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  8. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  9. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions based on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime
  10. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the
  11. at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in lieu of an incarceration sentence.

21 Clues: An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in thePrison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves....

Legal Menu Crossword 2016-11-05

Legal Menu Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a jury chosen for an accustion before trial
  2. a criminal wanting to gain money or personal things
  3. Law defines crimes and makes punishments
  4. a crime that is not serious
  5. a jury that can't agree on a decison
  6. the correct way to do things in a legal case
  7. a document allowing a person access to a premises
  8. a treaty between the prosecutor and defendant
  9. the side of a case explaining that a person is guilty
  1. causing damage to property
  2. charges a person of a crime
  3. an acussed person
  4. can't be tried for the same crime
  5. criminal defendant is told charges against them
  6. decision of a court that a person isn't guilty

15 Clues: an acussed personcausing damage to propertycharges a person of a crimea crime that is not seriouscan't be tried for the same crimea jury that can't agree on a decisonLaw defines crimes and makes punishmentsa jury chosen for an accustion before trialthe correct way to do things in a legal casea treaty between the prosecutor and defendant...

CJ Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-11

CJ Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  2. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime.
  3. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  4. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  5. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a period of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  6. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they caused the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in society.
  7. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  8. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  9. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties
  10. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  1. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  2. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  3. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  4. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  5. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  6. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together.
  7. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  8. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  9. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions based on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime
  10. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the
  11. at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in lieu of an incarceration sentence.

21 Clues: An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in thePrison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves....

Criminal Justice System Crossword Puzzle 2020-03-26

Criminal Justice System Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What is the accused entitled to do in cases that involve the death penalty as a sanction?
  2. What type of trial does the judge serves as the finder of fact?
  3. Which criminal justice official files charges or petitions for adjudication?
  4. How might the accused plea during an Arraignment that would be a result of negotiations between the prosecutor and the defendant?
  5. What is the conditional release of a prisoner before their full sentence has been served called?
  6. What type of law did the American system of justice evolve from?
  7. Which criminal justice official sets bail or conditions for release?
  8. Which criminal justice official arrests or detains people?
  9. What sector of society initiates the response to crime?
  10. About how many inmates released from state prison will return?
  11. What is the formal sanction called that refers to offenders paying compensation to their victim?
  12. What is a written statement of the essential facts of the offense charged against the accused?
  13. What level of government are most justice personal employed in?
  14. Name a federal crime?
  1. Where do offenders go if they are sentenced to incarceration for less than a year?
  2. What type of petition is filed in cases where juvenile courts retain jurisdiction?
  3. What program do juveniles take part in after they have been released from an institution?
  4. During what stage of the criminal justice system is the accused informed of the charges against them and advised the rights of criminal defendants?
  5. What is a penalty that is primarily applied to minor offences?
  6. Name an alternative program for cases diverted out of the juvenile justice system?
  7. What level of government is primarily responsible for corrections?
  8. What is allowing the convicted person to remain at liberty, but subject to certain conditions and restrictions such as drug testing or drug treatment called?
  9. What is an authority conferred by law to act in certain conditions or situations in accordance with an official's or an official agency's own considered judgment and conscience?
  10. What is the tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend called?
  11. What type of courts usually have jurisdiction over matters concerning children, including delinquency, neglect, and adoption?

25 Clues: Name a federal crime?What sector of society initiates the response to crime?Which criminal justice official arrests or detains people?What is a penalty that is primarily applied to minor offences?About how many inmates released from state prison will return?What type of trial does the judge serves as the finder of fact?...

Civil vs Criminal Vocabulary 2024-01-11

Civil vs Criminal Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. money paid for repairs and injuries
  2. the person who is accusing the defendant in a civil case
  3. time spent helping the community
  4. the punishment that a defendant gets in a civil case
  5. time in prison
  6. the punishment that a defendant gets in a criminal case
  7. a case when a law is broken
  1. a person accused of committing a crime or wrongdoing
  2. the person who is accusing the defendant in a criminal case
  3. time spent being watched for good behavior
  4. the person in charge of a courtroom
  5. a serious crime
  6. a petty crime
  7. money paid for breaking the law
  8. a group of people who decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty
  9. a person who saw an event happen
  10. a case when there is a dispute between two or more people or groups over an accident or wrongdoing
  11. time spent attending a class or program to recover from addiction

18 Clues: a petty crimetime in prisona serious crimea case when a law is brokenmoney paid for breaking the lawtime spent helping the communitya person who saw an event happenthe person in charge of a courtroommoney paid for repairs and injuriestime spent being watched for good behaviora person accused of committing a crime or wrongdoing...

Superhero Abilities 2022-07-10

Superhero Abilities crossword puzzle
  1. Unable to die like Thor Odinson
  2. To be strong like Bruce Banner
  3. To be able to read minds like Charles Francis Xavier
  4. To be able to emit laser beams from your eyes like Scott Summers (5,4)
  5. To be able to control minds like Jervis Tetch
  6. To be able to change location without travelling like Clarice Ferguson
  7. To be able to move objects like Stephen Vincent Strange
  8. To be able to fly like Carol Susan Jane Danvers
  9. To be able to manipulate the weather like Ororo Munroe
  10. To have heightened senses like Peter Parker (8,6)
  1. To be able to manipulate the elements like Aang, Katara, Toph, or Zuko (9,7)
  2. To be able to see through objects like Clark Kent/Kal-El (1-3,6)
  3. To be unseen like Sue Storm
  4. To be fast like Pietro Maximoff
  5. To be able to go to the past or future like Number Five (4,6)
  6. To be able to see in the dark like Kurt Wagner (5,6)
  7. To be able to change form like Raven Darkhölme
  8. To be able to think smarter than others like Tony Stark

18 Clues: To be unseen like Sue StormTo be strong like Bruce BannerUnable to die like Thor OdinsonTo be fast like Pietro MaximoffTo be able to control minds like Jervis TetchTo be able to change form like Raven DarkhölmeTo be able to fly like Carol Susan Jane DanversTo have heightened senses like Peter Parker (8,6)...

A Wrinkle In Time 2024-05-17

A Wrinkle In Time crossword puzzle
  1. gets bullied at school,smart,is not good at going through the tesseract
  2. He can suck people into IT, he can get into their minds
  3. Scientist,smart,mom,husband of Mr.Murry and knows about the tesseract
  4. The 5 demension and the way the children travel to different planets and how Mr.Murry traveled
  5. Travel through space, wasn't with family for awhile, smart, scienntist, went on a mission
  6. They all do the same things and do them perfectly and if they don't they die
  7. A thing that people are fighting
  1. It is on the planet, everyone was in synnche
  2. A brain, the person who controls Camozotz, makes people into a certain beat
  3. The house the Mrs live in and do things in that children are scared of
  4. She talks reallly slow, can travel in
  5. Smart,not as normal,brother of meg, and can read minds
  6. They are athletic,normal,and will look out for meg
  7. Old,big,in the country, kind of spooky
  8. Tall,Athletic,smart and friends with Meg.

15 Clues: A thing that people are fightingShe talks reallly slow, can travel inOld,big,in the country, kind of spookyTall,Athletic,smart and friends with Meg.It is on the planet, everyone was in synncheThey are athletic,normal,and will look out for megSmart,not as normal,brother of meg, and can read minds...

CRIME ON THE RISE! 2022-12-31

CRIME ON THE RISE! crossword puzzle
  1. pavement
  2. destroy properties
  3. run away
  4. criminal,people's pocket
  5. person who kills someone
  6. opposite of criminal
  7. enter a house and steal something
  1. bad dreams
  2. action of stealing a "person"
  3. pick something from store and don't pay
  4. annoy people in street
  5. opposite of outdoors
  6. what do a robber do?
  7. fasten

14 Clues: fastenpavementrun awaybad dreamsdestroy propertiesopposite of criminalopposite of outdoorswhat do a robber do?annoy people in streetcriminal,people's pocketperson who kills someoneaction of stealing a "person"enter a house and steal somethingpick something from store and don't pay

1920's crime 2016-02-11

1920's crime crossword puzzle
  1. law breaker
  2. a group of criminals
  3. shlutz, capone, Luciano
  4. places that sell illegal liquor
  5. moving good illegal
  6. fashionable young women
  7. a criminal act or robbery
  8. law enforcer
  1. Suspected of being responsible for the Valentin massacre
  2. the 18th amendment
  3. betting
  4. hard liquor
  5. people who illegal sold alcohol
  6. an intoxicating drink
  7. something you don't want anyone to know

15 Clues: bettinghard liquorlaw breakerlaw enforcerthe 18th amendmentmoving good illegala group of criminalsan intoxicating drinkshlutz, capone, Lucianofashionable young womena criminal act or robberypeople who illegal sold alcoholplaces that sell illegal liquorsomething you don't want anyone to knowSuspected of being responsible for the Valentin massacre

T-1375 Crossword 2013-01-19

T-1375 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. / Host Of The Front End Party
  2. / Little Ninjas?
  3. / Our Fearless Leader
  4. / Cup of Joe?
  5. / Most Popular Person Of The Day
  6. / Walkie Wanda Lament #3
  7. correction / Incorrect Clock Result
  8. / Backstocks Home
  9. / Devin's Domain?
  1. / Always Our First Priority
  2. / Fast, Fun, And _______
  3. / Walkie Wanda Lament #2
  4. / Electronics Focus
  5. / Everyone's Favorite Color!
  6. / Walkie Wanda Lament #1
  7. / Meeting Of The Minds?
  8. / From Prompt To Application
  9. / Ominous Elevator?
  10. / 5-3-2 For Example
  11. / Item Placement Blueprint
  12. / Permits 5% Off

21 Clues: / Cup of Joe?/ Little Ninjas?/ Permits 5% Off/ Backstocks Home/ Devin's Domain?/ Electronics Focus/ Ominous Elevator?/ 5-3-2 For Example/ Our Fearless Leader/ Meeting Of The Minds?/ Fast, Fun, And _______/ Walkie Wanda Lament #2/ Walkie Wanda Lament #1/ Walkie Wanda Lament #3/ Item Placement Blueprint/ Always Our First Priority...

SAT Foundations Vocabulary 5a and 5b Puzzle 2021-03-22

SAT Foundations Vocabulary 5a and 5b Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. careless, slack, not strict
  2. proud, arrogant
  3. bland, boring, without zest
  4. wealthy
  5. using few words, concise
  6. stubborn, adamant, obstinate
  7. rushed, hurried, superficial, perfunctory
  8. enormous, extraordinary, marvelous
  9. pompous, self-important, affected
  10. indecisive, of two minds about something
  11. rapidly changing, capricious, temperamental
  12. short-lived, transitory, fleeting
  1. cautious, suspicious
  2. having more than one possible meanng, uncertain
  3. calm, docile, serene
  4. dejected, hopeless
  5. consisting of varied things, mixed, heterogeneous
  6. excessively proper, puritanical
  7. false, fake
  8. - extravagant, wasteful

20 Clues: wealthyfalse, fakeproud, arrogantdejected, hopelesscautious, suspiciouscalm, docile, serene- extravagant, wastefulusing few words, concisecareless, slack, not strictbland, boring, without zeststubborn, adamant, obstinateexcessively proper, puritanicalpompous, self-important, affectedshort-lived, transitory, fleeting...

SAT Foundations Vocabulary 5a and 5b Puzzle 2021-03-22

SAT Foundations Vocabulary 5a and 5b Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. - extravagant, wasteful
  2. careless, slack, not strict
  3. using few words, concise
  4. rapidly changing, capricious, temperamental
  5. dejected, hopeless
  6. having more than one possible meanng, uncertain
  7. short-lived, transitory, fleeting
  8. pompous, self-important, affected
  1. bland, boring, without zest
  2. calm, docile, serene
  3. wealthy
  4. stubborn, adamant, obstinate
  5. enormous, extraordinary, marvelous
  6. excessively proper, puritanical
  7. indecisive, of two minds about something
  8. rushed, hurried, superficial, perfunctory
  9. consisting of varied things, mixed, heterogeneous
  10. proud, arrogant
  11. false, fake
  12. cautious, suspicious

20 Clues: wealthyfalse, fakeproud, arrogantdejected, hopelesscalm, docile, serenecautious, suspicious- extravagant, wastefulusing few words, concisebland, boring, without zestcareless, slack, not strictstubborn, adamant, obstinateexcessively proper, puritanicalshort-lived, transitory, fleetingpompous, self-important, affected...

Criminal Law Crossword 2024-02-26

Criminal Law Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Deliberately setting fire to property
  2. The action of holding someone against their will without the legal authority to do so (two words)
  3. The action of unlawfully taking something from a business without paying for it
  4. Unlawful killing of another person without premeditation.
  5. Unlawful sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will and without consent
  6. Unlawful killing of another person with premeditation.
  7. The action of sexual intercourse with consent, but involving one or more persons under the age of consent (two words)
  8. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
  9. Unlawfully entering a building to commit a crime, such as theft
  1. The action of deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property
  2. Fraudulent taking of personal property by someone to whom it was entrusted. It is most often associated with the misappropriation of funds
  3. The threat of immediate physical harm
  4. The action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art
  5. Unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome and causes nuisance, alarm, or substantial emotional distress
  6. Unlawfully taking property from a person by force or threat of force
  7. The action of abducting someone by force or threat of force and holding them against their will.
  8. Unlawful physical contact

17 Clues: Unlawful physical contactDeliberately setting fire to propertyThe threat of immediate physical harmUnlawful killing of another person with premeditation.Unlawful killing of another person without premeditation.Unlawfully entering a building to commit a crime, such as theftUnlawfully taking property from a person by force or threat of force...

Amazing Minds 2024-06-05

Amazing Minds crossword puzzle
  1. The angle which is 45 degree.
  2. angle in a square.
  3. what is the sum of angle in triangle.
  4. The angle which is 90 degree.
  5. the angle more than 90 degree.
  6. square of 13.
  1. angle of circle.
  2. square of 12.

8 Clues: square of 12.square of 13.angle of circle.angle in a square.The angle which is 45 degree.The angle which is 90 degree.the angle more than 90 degree.what is the sum of angle in triangle.

Civics & Citizenship Crossword 2015-12-01

Civics & Citizenship Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Responsible by law; legally answerable
  2. Playing music until 2am is this type of civil wrong
  3. A summary offence (2 words)
  4. A civil officer who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court
  5. This type of law protects our rights and property
  6. Burden of ________ is when the prosecution must prove that the accused is guilty of the crime
  7. An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law
  1. An indictable offence
  2. This criminal activity involves taking goods that are not yours
  3. A body of people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court
  4. A criminal activity
  5. Something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury
  6. A person who brings a case against another in a court of law
  7. A civil wrong
  8. ________ of proof is the level of certainty that must be established before a legal case can be won
  9. This type of law protects and punishes offenders
  10. A body of people presided over by a judge, judges, or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases

17 Clues: A civil wrongA criminal activityAn indictable offenceA summary offence (2 words)Responsible by law; legally answerableThis type of law protects and punishes offendersThis type of law protects our rights and propertyPlaying music until 2am is this type of civil wrongA person who brings a case against another in a court of law...

Chapter 2 Definitions 2024-01-09

Chapter 2 Definitions crossword puzzle
  1. The standard used by juror to arrive at a verdict.
  2. Crimes during which no violence is perpetrated against a person.
  3. A term for all non-criminal law, usually related to settling disputes between private citizens, gov., and/or business entities.
  4. The body of law that spells out the elements of criminal acts
  5. Type of gov. that divides powers between a national (federal)gov. and govs. of smaller geographic territories.
  6. Requirement that the state must meet to introduce evidence of established facts.
  7. The reason for committing a crime.
  8. Authority to make legal decisions and judgements based on territory or the type of case in question.
  9. Crimes committed by wealthy or powerful individuals.
  10. Violent crimes, to include homicide, sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault.
  11. Purposeful act or state of mind to commit a crime.
  12. Police tactics that unduly encourage or induce an individual to commit a crime he or she would not typically commit.
  13. A person against whom a criminal charge is pending; one charged with a crime.
  14. Latin for "Guilty mind."
  15. Prosecution of an accused person twice for the same offense; prohibited by the 5th Amendment.
  1. Legal doctrine that says that, if a death occurs during the commission of a felony, the person can be charged with first degree murder.
  2. Latin for " To stand by a decision."
  3. Offenses that violate a society's shared norms.
  4. Crimes committed by members of illegal organizations.
  5. The part bringing the lawsuit or initiating a legal action against someone.
  6. Serious offense with a possible sentence of more then a year in prison.
  7. Defendant admits to the crime but argues he or she should not be held criminally responsible under the law.
  8. Latin for "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."
  9. Lessor offense, typically punishable by a fine or up to one year in a local jail.
  10. Test of legal insanity, asking whether the defendant understood the nature or quality of their act.
  11. Response by a defendant to a criminal charge, to include denial of the criminal allegations in attempt to negate or over come charges.
  12. Body of law that defines criminal offenses and prescribes punishments for infractions.
  13. Rules that set forth how substantive laws are to be enforced.
  14. Latin for "Guilty deed."

29 Clues: Latin for "Guilty deed."Latin for "Guilty mind."The reason for committing a crime.Latin for " To stand by a decision."Offenses that violate a society's shared norms.The standard used by juror to arrive at a verdict.Purposeful act or state of mind to commit a crime.Latin for "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."...

criminal law 2021-09-29

criminal law crossword puzzle
  1. plan it but dont do it
  2. do not require a guilty state of mind
  3. when you ask someone to do it for you
  4. The person or company harmed or injured
  5. The person accused of committing the crime
  1. person who commits crime
  2. person vs person
  3. when you try to do it bu fail
  4. government vs people
  5. helping with the crime
  6. someone who helps

11 Clues: person vs personsomeone who helpsgovernment vs peopleplan it but dont do ithelping with the crimeperson who commits crimewhen you try to do it bu faildo not require a guilty state of mindwhen you ask someone to do it for youThe person or company harmed or injuredThe person accused of committing the crime

Forensic Science Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-07

Forensic Science Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What do Forensic Scientists have to prepare? It may be presented in court to help prove whether someone is innocent or guilty.
  2. Forensic scientists will use this type of light sources to classify biological samples. (Nondestructive and can be used to detect a wide array of biological samples)
  3. Forensic science is an important part of what system?
  4. When arriving at the crime scene Forensic Scientists will try to do what to the crime scene?
  5. what do forensic scientists investigate?
  6. Criminal lists use their knowledge of physical and natural science to examine and analyze every piece of what?
  7. Experts who study and assess the individuals that are a part of the crime, and use those to provide testimony to the criminal case. Involved in the investigations in child abuse, domestic violence, foster care, and custody.
  8. Is a laboratory technique that is used to establish a link between biological evidence and a suspect in a criminal investigation.
  9. it is important for forensic scientists to establish ____ that a crime occured and to determine the cause and manner of death? (Fill the blank)
  10. Psychiatrists ____ and assess the individuals that a part of the crime
  11. Another name for a Forensic Ballistics expert
  12. DNA Fingerprinting is used to find the ___ of the suspect or victim.
  1. is the application of science to criminal and civil laws during criminal investigation, as governed by the legal standards of admissible evidence and criminal procedure.
  2. Criminalists will often ____ the crime scene using the evidence they have gathered.
  3. What do Forensic Toxicologists normally analyze?
  4. Is a technology used in defining the facial appearance of the victims for visual identification. (This is conducted in three phases: anatomic modeling, morphology determination, and depiction of the resultant face for identification)
  5. Professionals that find evidence and link objects, people, and places through the evidence. Typically finds Firearms, Toolmark, DNA, and trace evidence.
  6. carries genetic instructions in all living things
  7. Who conducts facial reconstruction?
  8. Experts who analyze the death, the substance used during the crime, and the actions that the perpetrator may have done if under the use of drugs. Used in identifying the type(s) of drugs, what effects from the drug took part in the crime, and where it is used.

20 Clues: Who conducts facial reconstruction?what do forensic scientists investigate?Another name for a Forensic Ballistics expertWhat do Forensic Toxicologists normally analyze?carries genetic instructions in all living thingsForensic science is an important part of what system?DNA Fingerprinting is used to find the ___ of the suspect or victim....

Crossword 2014-04-01

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. street gang in Los Angeles
  2. can hack anything electrical
  3. the name of the winged kids
  4. place where they grew up
  5. human/wolf
  6. leader of the flock
  7. secret government building for making experiments
  8. created to be with max
  9. loves explosives
  1. scientists
  2. robots that look like erasers
  3. reads minds
  4. max's clone
  5. doesn't talk much
  6. blind

15 Clues: blindscientistshuman/wolfreads mindsmax's cloneloves explosivesdoesn't talk muchleader of the flockcreated to be with maxplace where they grew upstreet gang in Los Angelesthe name of the winged kidscan hack anything electricalrobots that look like eraserssecret government building for making experiments

Crime Terms Puzzle 2023-11-30

Crime Terms Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
  2. the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
  3. Selling illegal drugs and substances for a price.
  4. an unlawful application of force directly or indirectly upon another person or their personal belongings, causing bodily injury or offensive contact.​
  5. the crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought, or otherwise in circumstances not amounting to murder.
  6. the action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force.
  7. the criminal action of stealing goods from a store while pretending to be a customer.
  1. action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
  2. entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.
  3. A criminal act in which a thief /mugger/or robber takes property belonging to another is taken without that person’s consent.
  4. to make a physical attack on.
  5. an act of attacking and robbing someone in a public place.
  6. Men’s rea refers to criminal intent. The literal translation from Latin is "guilty mind.“
  7. action or conduct which is a constituent element of a crime, as opposed to the mental state of the accused.
  8. a type of sexual assault committed to another person(s)

15 Clues: to make a physical attack on.Selling illegal drugs and substances for a price.a type of sexual assault committed to another person(s)the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to act of attacking and robbing someone in a public place.entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft....

Crimes Against People and Property 2018-01-16

Crimes Against People and Property crossword puzzle
  1. the action of robbing a person or place
  2. the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder
  3. a deleberate attack
  4. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
  5. criminal activities carried out by means of computers or the Internet
  6. the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation
  7. restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment
  8. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence
  9. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats
  10. the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property
  1. theft of personal property
  2. entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft
  3. to deprive of the legal power to act in a specified way or ways
  4. punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act
  5. the crime or tort of unconsented physical contact with another person, even where the contact is not violent but merely menacing or offensive
  6. killing someone
  7. theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer
  8. recompense for injury or loss
  9. the action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences
  10. action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property

20 Clues: killing someonea deleberate attacktheft of personal propertyrecompense for injury or lossthe action of robbing a person or placethe criminal act of deliberately setting fire to propertyto deprive of the legal power to act in a specified way or waysthe deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder...

Kang Daniel Day: D-4! 2022-12-06

Kang Daniel Day: D-4! crossword puzzle
  1. A vegetable he just doesn't really like
  2. Brand he wore in First Parade Seoul
  3. Number of minutes Danity nagged during a VLIVE
  4. Bought extras of this to give to his friends
  5. He enjoyed this the most in the White Day VLIVE
  6. Horrified a nation by eating this raw
  7. Dish he claims to cook well
  8. Favourite brand (jeans)
  9. Daniel is this person's biggest anti
  10. Accessory he loves
  11. Didn't realise he was paying for them
  12. Danity should save for this instead
  13. First drama
  14. He said this sounded sexy
  15. Movie Daniel quoted from
  16. Something we'll never see the same way again
  1. Something he claims to have a lot of
  2. Learned life lessons from
  3. Something he couldn't eat because he watched a documentary
  4. He wants to collaborate with them
  5. Something he wants to grow
  6. Always wanted to film in one
  7. When Danity collectively lost their minds (Part 1)
  8. He said he was soft like a ______
  9. He dropped the whisk while making this
  10. Clothing item he loves
  11. When Danity collectively lost their minds (Part 2)
  12. Cartoon puppy Daniel resembles
  13. A menu item he ordered & ate (for a long time)
  14. He was right about this bird

30 Clues: First dramaAccessory he lovesClothing item he lovesFavourite brand (jeans)Movie Daniel quoted fromLearned life lessons fromHe said this sounded sexySomething he wants to growDish he claims to cook wellAlways wanted to film in oneHe was right about this birdCartoon puppy Daniel resemblesHe wants to collaborate with them...

mars patel 2022-12-13

mars patel crossword puzzle
  1. think other minds
  2. protecting toothpick
  3. brain washed
  4. quit smart
  5. might be pruitts assistent
  6. going away to find friends.
  7. found friends
  1. not okay
  2. being very secret
  3. cought mars and friends

10 Clues: not okayquit smartbrain washedfound friendsthink other mindsbeing very secretprotecting toothpickcought mars and friendsmight be pruitts assistentgoing away to find friends.

Crime Crossword 2022-09-27

Crime Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. to go into a building illegally
  2. what you do with a gun
  3. the crime of stealing things from shops
  4. the person who decides a punishment
  5. when the police look for a criminal
  6. the crime of cheating people to make money from them
  7. the person who the criminal affects/hurts
  8. another word for punishment
  1. when the police catch criminals
  2. a person who breaks the law
  3. a person who catches criminals
  4. the crime of stealing things
  5. an amount of money you have to pay as a punishment
  6. to take things which are not yours

14 Clues: what you do with a guna person who breaks the lawanother word for punishmentthe crime of stealing thingsa person who catches criminalswhen the police catch criminalsto go into a building illegallyto take things which are not yoursthe person who decides a punishmentwhen the police look for a criminalthe crime of stealing things from shops...

Boekbespreking The Darkest Minds 2019-01-30

Boekbespreking The Darkest Minds crossword puzzle
  1. Welke kleur staat voor de gevaarlijkste kinderen?
  2. Hoeveel boeken zijn verschenen van de 'Darkest Minds' serie?
  3. Hoe oud was Ruby toen ze naar een heropvoedingskamp werd gebracht?
  4. Hoe heet de zoon van president Clay?
  5. Hoe heette het busje waarmee de vier kinderen op pad gingen?
  6. Welk boek vond Ruby onder de passagiersstoel?
  7. Hoe heette de jongen die Ruby leuk vond?
  8. Wat is de afkorting van de mysterieuze ziekte waaraan veel kinderen overleden?
  1. Wat is het genre van het boek?
  2. Wat is de voornaam van de auteur?
  3. Het hoofdpersonage van het boek
  4. Hoe heet de organisatie die de kinderen uit heropvoedingskampen redt?
  5. Hoe heette de dokter die Ruby uit Thurmond haalde?
  6. hoe heet het kamp waar Ruby zes jaar in zat?
  7. Welke kleur staat voor de minst gevaarlijke kinderen?
  8. Uit welk land komt de schrijfster?
  9. Wat is een karaktertrek van Ruby?

17 Clues: Wat is het genre van het boek?Het hoofdpersonage van het boekWat is de voornaam van de auteur?Wat is een karaktertrek van Ruby?Uit welk land komt de schrijfster?Hoe heet de zoon van president Clay?Hoe heette de jongen die Ruby leuk vond?hoe heet het kamp waar Ruby zes jaar in zat?Welk boek vond Ruby onder de passagiersstoel?...

pols 2023-02-16

pols crossword puzzle
  1. The process through which potential jurors from the venire are questioned by either the judge or a lawyer to determine their suitability for jury service. Also the preliminary questioning of witnesses (especially experts) to determine their competence to testify.
  2. An amount of money given to a court to allow a prisoner to leave jail and return later for a trial.
  3. the process where information about a criminal suspect is entered into the system of a police station or jail after that person's arrest.
  4. one of the first hearings that's conducted in a criminal case
  5. a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought.
  6. The substitution of another place of trial, as when the local jury or court is likely to be prejudiced.
  7. apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
  8. U.S. legal principle that allows police to perform a warrantless search of an arrested person, and the area within the arrestee’s immediate control, in the interest of officer safety, the prevention of escape, and the preservation of evidence.
  9. A lawyer's final opportunity in a trial to tell the judge and/or jury why they should win the case.
  1. The rejection of a potential juror without the need for explanation/reason.
  2. A formal written accusation of crime affirmed by a grand jury and presented by it to a court for trial of the accused.
  3. the statements or arguments provided by lawyers at the beginning of a trial.
  4. The rights that the police are required to read to a person when they are arrested.
  5. tools used by the prosecutor and the defense to set the boundaries for a trial, if a trial is going to take place. often a written pleading that asks the judge to take certain actions in relation to a criminal case.
  6. a person's first appearance before the Court when being charged with a traffic or criminal offense. a formal reading of a criminal charging document in the presence of the defendant, to inform them of the charges against them.
  7. bargain a negotiation process between the defense and the prosecution about charges and sentencing.
  8. the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation.
  9. the act of the opposing party questioning the witness during a trial.

18 Clues: one of the first hearings that's conducted in a criminal casethe act of the opposing party questioning the witness during a trial.apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.The rejection of a potential juror without the need for explanation/reason....

Quarter 4 WW 2022-05-11

Quarter 4 WW crossword puzzle
  1. defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they caused the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community
  2. - Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  3. - A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  4. - A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  5. a state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more.
  6. - A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  7. - Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds CommunityService An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the community at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in lieu of an incarceration sentence.
  8. the policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  9. - Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together.
  10. - A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties.
  1. sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime
  2. - An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer
  3. - The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  4. sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  5. - The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings. RiskClassification - An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  6. the action or practice of awarding each person his or her due.
  7. - A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a period of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  8. - A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time

18 Clues: the action or practice of awarding each person his or her due.- Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.- Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together.sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime...

September Mind-Bender 2021-08-20

September Mind-Bender crossword puzzle
  1. Healing ______ & Minds
  2. Our informative articles can be found in our Mental Health _____ Center.
  3. Acenda serves _____ counties in New Jersey.
  4. Certified ______ Behavioral Health Center
  5. Keeping _______ Together
  6. Acenda is accredited through The ____ Commission.
  7. Mobile _____ & Stabilization Services
  8. _______ Outpatient Program
  1. Acenda is where lives move ______.
  2. Psychiatric ________ Screening Services
  3. Parents as ________
  4. Family _____ Centers
  5. Family _______ services
  6. Nurse-Family _________
  7. School Based ______ Services

15 Clues: Parents as ________Family _____ CentersHealing ______ & MindsNurse-Family _________Family _______ servicesKeeping _______ Together_______ Outpatient ProgramSchool Based ______ ServicesAcenda is where lives move ______.Mobile _____ & Stabilization ServicesPsychiatric ________ Screening ServicesCertified ______ Behavioral Health Center...


THIS IS HOW WE INNOVATE crossword puzzle
  1. Often we need to transform our minds and begin our thinking outside of here
  2. You have just found a key component of our Strategic Plan here at Colegio Menor
  3. When we use innovation in our methods and strategies, this becomes automatic for students
  4. We are all involved for success
  5. A location to build, design and problem solve here at Menor
  1. One way we innovate is to make a positive impact here
  2. You spent a good portion of your time today looking for these
  3. Existing or occurring naturally situations and events
  4. By providing opportunities, we do this for our students
  5. We use this collaboration at Menor to stimulate our minds and innovate
  6. Innovators are always searching for these types of ideas

11 Clues: We are all involved for successOne way we innovate is to make a positive impact hereExisting or occurring naturally situations and eventsBy providing opportunities, we do this for our studentsInnovators are always searching for these types of ideasA location to build, design and problem solve here at Menor...

Law Puzzle #1 2022-03-22

Law Puzzle #1 crossword puzzle
  1. ther person against who a claim is made.
  2. laws, regulate relations between individuals or groups of individuals.
  3. of omission, failing to perform an act required by crminial law.
  4. law, regulate public conduct and set out duties owed to society.
  5. something one does or fails to do that is in violation of a law.
  6. a serious criminal offense punishable by a prison sentence of more than one year.
  7. to ask command urge or advise another to commit a crime.
  8. the rules and regulations made and enforced by government that regulate the conduct of people within a society.
  9. the state or federal government's attorney in a criminal care
  1. the person who commits the crime.
  2. the injured party who brings the legal action against the alleged wrongdoer.
  3. a person who voluntarily helps another person commit a crime.
  4. a person who helps the principal before or after a crime.
  5. law, rules that apply to business situations and transactions.
  6. written laws enacted by legislatures
  7. a criminal offense, punishable by a prison sentence of one year or less.
  8. agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime.
  9. must have intended to commit a crime and taken some "substantial step" toward committing the crime.

18 Clues: the person who commits the crime.written laws enacted by legislaturesther person against who a claim is made.agreement between two or more persons to commit a ask command urge or advise another to commit a crime.a person who helps the principal before or after a crime.a person who voluntarily helps another person commit a crime....


CROSS YOUR MINDS crossword puzzle
  1. Sugar present in milk
  2. Samuel Clemens wrote using this pen name
  3. Collector of souls
  4. A long narrow cut
  1. Movie that won Tom Hanks his Oscar for Best Actor
  2. Poeneru invented the fountain pen
  3. To hate very much
  4. The sister of Gamora
  5. Memory loss due to illness or brain injury
  6. This broke the camels back
  7. Person in charge of government or corporate money
  8. Author of the novel mother

12 Clues: To hate very muchA long narrow cutCollector of soulsThe sister of GamoraSugar present in milkThis broke the camels backAuthor of the novel motherPoeneru invented the fountain penSamuel Clemens wrote using this pen nameMemory loss due to illness or brain injuryMovie that won Tom Hanks his Oscar for Best Actor...

The Armour of God 2014-07-04

The Armour of God crossword puzzle
  1. Sandals of _______ help us ask for forgiveness and get along with others.
  2. This piece of armour we hold and it protects us against temptations and doubt.
  3. This is invisible to others but each piece will protect us in a special way.
  4. The helmet of _________ protects our minds so we can make good decisions.
  5. It is important to fill our minds with the words of this book.
  6. There is a constant ________ between good and evil and we should be ready.
  1. Put on the _______ Armour of God.
  2. With the Armour of God we can ______ strong and know we are protected from evil.
  3. We win the _______ when we wear the Armour of God.
  4. We learn about the Armour of God in this Book.
  5. The belt of ______.
  6. When we ____ all the armour is held together so that it protects us.
  7. With the sword of the ______ we have a special part of God at work in us.

13 Clues: The belt of ______.Put on the _______ Armour of God.We learn about the Armour of God in this Book.We win the _______ when we wear the Armour of God.It is important to fill our minds with the words of this book.When we ____ all the armour is held together so that it protects us....

Kang Daniel Day: D-4 2022-12-05

Kang Daniel Day: D-4 crossword puzzle
  1. A vegetable he just doesn't really like
  2. Brand he wore in First Parade Seoul
  3. Number of minutes Danity nagged during a VLIVE
  4. Bought extras of this to give to his friends
  5. He enjoyed this the most in the White Day VLIVE
  6. Horrified a nation by eating this raw
  7. Dish he claims to cook well
  8. Favourite brand (jeans)
  9. Daniel is this person's biggest anti
  10. Accessory he loves
  11. Didn't realise he was paying for them
  12. Danity should save for this instead
  13. First drama
  14. He said this sounded sexy
  15. Movie Daniel quoted from
  16. Something we'll never see the same way again
  1. Something he claims to have a lot of
  2. Learned life lessons from
  3. Something he couldn't eat because he watched a documentary
  4. He wants to collaborate with them
  5. Something he wants to grow
  6. Always wanted to film in one
  7. When Danity collectively lost their minds (Part 1)
  8. He said he was soft like a ______
  9. He dropped the whisk while making this
  10. Clothing item he loves
  11. When Danity collectively lost their minds (Part 2)
  12. Cartoon puppy Daniel resembles
  13. A menu item he ordered & ate (for a long time)
  14. He was right about this bird

30 Clues: First dramaAccessory he lovesClothing item he lovesFavourite brand (jeans)Movie Daniel quoted fromLearned life lessons fromHe said this sounded sexySomething he wants to growDish he claims to cook wellAlways wanted to film in oneHe was right about this birdCartoon puppy Daniel resemblesHe wants to collaborate with them...

Expanding the Concept of Crime 2023-03-22

Expanding the Concept of Crime crossword puzzle
  1. rules that govern serious violations of social code
  2. The Criminal Act
  3. A combination of Mens Rea and Actus Reus
  4. latin for "let the decision stand"
  5. most serious criminal offense
  6. Supremacy of law
  1. is not a law but a proposed model
  2. "Body of Crime"
  3. law originating from use and custom rather than from written statuses
  4. rules that underline and are inherent in the fabric of society
  5. guilty knowledge or knowledge of wrongness before act occurs
  6. Basic parts, standards, or components of a crime than the government must prove in a court of law
  7. Least serious criminal offense
  8. A culpable mental state

14 Clues: "Body of Crime"The Criminal ActSupremacy of lawA culpable mental statemost serious criminal offenseLeast serious criminal offenseis not a law but a proposed modellatin for "let the decision stand"A combination of Mens Rea and Actus Reusrules that govern serious violations of social codeguilty knowledge or knowledge of wrongness before act occurs...

Medieval Crime and Punishment 2024-04-15

Medieval Crime and Punishment crossword puzzle
  1. Crimes that are against society's views, e.g. public drunkenness
  2. A Law Enforcer introduced in the Later Middle Ages.
  3. Someone who investigates suspicious deaths.
  4. A title you are given if you run away after committing a crime. You lose all legal protections.
  5. A law that made killing Normans worse than killing Anglo-Saxons.
  6. Setting fire to a building to cause property damage.
  7. A punishment that ends in death, e.g. Execution
  8. Taking an oath to prove your innocence during a trial.
  9. Belief in something other than the established religion.
  10. Money paid by a criminal to the victim of a crime or their family.
  11. Ten men who all take responsibility for each others crimes.
  12. Illegally hunting on land that belongs to someone else.
  13. A criminal could ask the church for this. They would not be captured so long as they remained in the church.
  1. A local law enforcer appointed to bring criminals to justice. Later became known as sheriffs.
  2. A type of punishment where you are whipped.
  3. Betraying the King, e.g. plotting to kill or overthrow him.
  4. A group of men that would help track down criminals.
  5. A punishment that severely harms a criminal without killing them, e.g. maiming
  6. Something that discourages someone from doing something.
  7. Marking a criminal by burning their flesh with a hot iron.
  8. A method of trial using a specific task, e.g. holding a hot iron or being dunked in water
  9. A method of trial where two people fight over who is innocent.
  10. When a crime is committed, everyone in the village needs to do this.
  11. The place where a witch or heretic would be burned.
  12. The second part of the punishment for treason where your organs would be removed from your body.
  13. A Written Law.
  14. A type of punishment to humiliate the criminal by holding them in one place.

27 Clues: A Written Law.A type of punishment where you are whipped.Someone who investigates suspicious deaths.A punishment that ends in death, e.g. ExecutionA Law Enforcer introduced in the Later Middle Ages.The place where a witch or heretic would be burned.A group of men that would help track down criminals....

Ancient Athens 2017-04-08

Ancient Athens crossword puzzle
  1. Supports or holds up something.
  2. It is a list of topics to be discussed at a meeting
  3. Names are drawn by chance from a large number of choices
  4. The person who is accused of a crime in a court case
  5. A type of democracy where people vote to make every decision rather than having representatives
  6. Citizens of Athens were divided into 10 of these political groups
  7. The person who brings a complaint about another person to court
  8. It was a government official who works for the court
  9. It was the regular opportunity for all male citizens of Athens to speak their minds and exercise their votes regarding the government of their city. It was the most central and most definitive institution of the Athenian Democracy.
  1. It was the full-time government of Athens. It was known as the Council of 500.
  2. A person owned by another person
  3. someone who speaks in public
  4. It was the place where the assembly met
  5. The only members of society who could vote and take part in government: man over the age of 20 years old, born in Athens with Athenian parents.
  6. The type of government system Athens is known for creating
  7. It was a building in ancient Greece which housed the council of 500.
  8. If the defendant was found guilty, the jury would vote on the ______
  9. It is a decision made by people who are in authority
  10. It is where you decide on criminal cases.
  11. A temporary banishment of a citizen, decided upon by popular vote.
  12. A man living in Athens who was not born there

21 Clues: someone who speaks in publicSupports or holds up something.A person owned by another personIt was the place where the assembly metIt is where you decide on criminal cases.A man living in Athens who was not born thereIt is a list of topics to be discussed at a meetingThe person who is accused of a crime in a court case...

3/4 8th Grade Trivia! 2022-05-24

3/4 8th Grade Trivia! crossword puzzle
  1. This person would have dinner with Elon Musk & Hasan Minhaj
  2. This person's dream career is to be a pilot or professional soccer player.
  3. This person would have dinner with Ryan Reynolds and Robert Downey Jr.
  4. This person's dream career is to be a lawyer
  5. This person's dream career is to be a pediatrician
  6. This person's dream concert would be Taylor Swift
  7. This person's favorite animated character is Kagamine Len
  8. This person's dream job is to be a surgeon
  9. This person's favorite show is Rick and Morty
  10. This person's favorite television show is Stranger Things.
  11. This person's dream concert would be Eugene's rap concert.
  12. This person's favorite song right now is Twizzy Rich by Yeat.
  13. This person's last meal would be their mom's spicy lamb curry with rice, a 2 liter Pepsi, water, naan, and Ben& Jerrys Ice Cream
  14. This person's dream career is to be an author
  1. This person would have dinner with Kylie Jenner & Trisha Paytas.
  2. This person enjoys Christopher Nolan's Batman over Robert Pattinsons
  3. This person is spending their entire summer in Ireland
  4. This person would go to dinner with Joe Keery and Joe Keery only
  5. This person's dream job is to be an anesthesiologist.
  6. This person's would go to a My Chemical Romance concert
  7. This person's favorite book is It Ends With Us
  8. This person's summer plans are to go to Mexico & Six Flags
  9. This person's favorite show right now is Friends
  10. This person enjoys their skincare routine at night
  11. This person's last meal would be steak & potatoes with lemonade.
  12. This person's favorite show is Criminal Minds.

26 Clues: This person's dream job is to be a surgeonThis person's dream career is to be a lawyerThis person's favorite show is Rick and MortyThis person's dream career is to be an authorThis person's favorite book is It Ends With UsThis person's favorite show is Criminal Minds.This person's favorite show right now is Friends...

Steps in a Criminal Case 2023-02-10

Steps in a Criminal Case crossword puzzle
  1. a person's first appearance before the Court when being charged with a traffic or criminal offense. a formal reading of a criminal charging document in the presence of the defendant, to inform them of the charges against them.
  2. A lawyer's final opportunity in a trial to tell the judge and/or jury why they should win the case.
  3. The process through which potential jurors from the venire are questioned by either the judge or a lawyer to determine their suitability for jury service. Also the preliminary questioning of witnesses (especially experts) to determine their competence to testify.
  4. the act of the opposing party questioning the witness during a trial.
  5. U.S. legal principle that allows police to perform a warrantless search of an arrested person, and the area within the arrestee’s immediate control, in the interest of officer safety, the prevention of escape, and the preservation of evidence.
  6. The rejection of a potential juror without the need for explanation/reason.
  7. An amount of money given to a court to allow a prisoner to leave jail and return later for a trial.
  8. the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation.
  9. The rights that the police are required to read to a person when they are arrested.
  10. the statements or arguments provided by lawyers at the beginning of a trial.
  1. tools used by the prosecutor and the defense to set the boundaries for a trial, if a trial is going to take place. often a written pleading that asks the judge to take certain actions in relation to a criminal case.
  2. bargain a negotiation process between the defense and the prosecution about charges and sentencing.
  3. the process where information about a criminal suspect is entered into the system of a police station or jail after that person's arrest.
  4. The substitution of another place of trial, as when the local jury or court is likely to be prejudiced.
  5. apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
  6. one of the first hearings that's conducted in a criminal case
  7. A formal written accusation of crime affirmed by a grand jury and presented by it to a court for trial of the accused.
  8. a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought.

18 Clues: one of the first hearings that's conducted in a criminal casethe act of the opposing party questioning the witness during a trial.apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.The rejection of a potential juror without the need for explanation/reason....

pols 2023-02-16

pols crossword puzzle
  1. The rejection of a potential juror without the need for explanation/reason.
  2. The substitution of another place of trial, as when the local jury or court is likely to be prejudiced.
  3. tools used by the prosecutor and the defense to set the boundaries for a trial, if a trial is going to take place. often a written pleading that asks the judge to take certain actions in relation to a criminal case.
  4. An amount of money given to a court to allow a prisoner to leave jail and return later for a trial.
  5. one of the first hearings that's conducted in a criminal case
  6. The rights that the police are required to read to a person when they are arrested.
  7. a jury—a group of citizens—empowered by law to conduct legal proceedings, investigate potential criminal conduct, and determine whether criminal charges should be brought.
  8. the process where information about a criminal suspect is entered into the system of a police station or jail after that person's arrest.
  9. bargain a negotiation process between the defense and the prosecution about charges and sentencing.
  1. the act of the opposing party questioning the witness during a trial.
  2. U.S. legal principle that allows police to perform a warrantless search of an arrested person, and the area within the arrestee’s immediate control, in the interest of officer safety, the prevention of escape, and the preservation of evidence.
  3. A formal written accusation of crime affirmed by a grand jury and presented by it to a court for trial of the accused.
  4. The process through which potential jurors from the venire are questioned by either the judge or a lawyer to determine their suitability for jury service. Also the preliminary questioning of witnesses (especially experts) to determine their competence to testify.
  5. A lawyer's final opportunity in a trial to tell the judge and/or jury why they should win the case.
  6. the statements or arguments provided by lawyers at the beginning of a trial.
  7. apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.
  8. the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation.
  9. a person's first appearance before the Court when being charged with a traffic or criminal offense. a formal reading of a criminal charging document in the presence of the defendant, to inform them of the charges against them.

18 Clues: one of the first hearings that's conducted in a criminal casethe act of the opposing party questioning the witness during a trial.apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.The rejection of a potential juror without the need for explanation/reason....

Ch 12 White Collar Crime 2012-04-16

Ch 12 White Collar Crime crossword puzzle
  1. federal law that subjects to criminal or civil sanctions to any person.
  2. usings one's institutional position to grant favors and sell information to which one's co-conspiators are entitled.
  3. using the internet to steal someone's identitiy and'or impersonate the victim.
  4. methods of controlling white-collar crime rely on the threat of economic sanctions or civil penalties to control potential violaters.
  5. using the internet to buy or sell merchandise illegally.
  6. use of the instrumentsn of modern technology for criminal purposes.
  7. illgal buying of stock in a company on the basis of information provided by someone who has a fiduciary interest in the company.
  8. a national syndicate of some 25 itailia- dominated crime families who control organized crime in distinct geographic areas.
  9. use of computer networks for criminal profits.
  1. use of illegal tactics to gain profit in the marketplace.
  2. placing broker's personal orders ahead f a customer's large order to profit from the market effects of the trade.
  3. using the internet,email,or other electronics communications devices to stalk or harsass another person.
  4. poerful institutions or thier representatives willfully violate the laws that restrain these institutions from doing socail harm or require them to do socail good.
  5. methods of controlling whit-color crime that rely punishment of individual offenders to deter other would-be violaters.
  6. collarcrime illegal activites of people and institutions whose acknowledged purpose is profit through legitimate business transactions.
  7. a term that denotes all forms of technolgoy.
  8. the illegal control by agreement amongproducers or manufacturers of the price of a commidty to avoid price competition and deprive the consumer of reasonable prices.
  9. illegal activites or people and organizations whose acknowledged purpose is profit through illegitimate business enterprise.
  10. a standard investigative tool of the FBI that focuses on criminal enterprise and attacks the structure or the criminal enterprise.
  11. the belief, subscribed to by the federal government and many respected criminologist.

20 Clues: a term that denotes all forms of technolgoy.use of computer networks for criminal profits.using the internet to buy or sell merchandise illegally.use of illegal tactics to gain profit in the marketplace.use of the instrumentsn of modern technology for criminal purposes.federal law that subjects to criminal or civil sanctions to any person....

Chapter 7 Vocabulary 2021-12-27

Chapter 7 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Deviance involving occasional breaking of norms that is not a part of a lifestyle or self concept
  2. Deviance in which an individual's life and identity are organized around breaking norms
  3. Behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  4. An undesirable label that is used to deny a deviant social acceptance
  5. Job-related crimes committed by high-status people
  6. Rewards or punishments that encourage conformity to social norms
  7. The process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  8. Discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment
  9. Punishment intended to make criminals pay monetary compensation to make up for the financial damage caused by their acts
  10. Behavior that under-conforms to accepted norms
  11. The process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  12. Theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  1. The theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to the number of deviant acts and norms in which they are exposed
  2. A system comprising institutions and processes responsible for enforcing criminal statuses
  3. A social condition in which norms are weak, conflicting, or absent
  4. A person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  5. A repetition of, or return to, criminal behavior
  6. The theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  7. The theory that deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the ability to achieve them
  8. A method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison
  9. Ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  10. Behavior that over-conforms to accepted norms
  11. An act committed in violation with the law
  12. Punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts

24 Clues: An act committed in violation with the lawBehavior that over-conforms to accepted normsBehavior that under-conforms to accepted normsWays to encourage conformity to society's normsA repetition of, or return to, criminal behaviorBehavior that departs from societal or group normsJob-related crimes committed by high-status people...

unit 5 cross word 2021-11-08

unit 5 cross word crossword puzzle
  1. /criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  2. result; element of a crime
  3. /simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the
  4. elements of a crime
  5. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  6. latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification
  7. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence likely
  1. phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  2. classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies
  3. /criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime
  4. Factor/ factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  5. classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  6. / illegal action or activity which is punishable by law

13 Clues: elements of a crimeresult; element of a crimeclassification for the most serious type of crimes/criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime/criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crimelatin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification/ illegal action or activity which is punishable by law...

unit 5 cross word 2021-11-08

unit 5 cross word crossword puzzle
  1. /criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  2. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  3. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence likely
  4. latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification
  5. factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  6. /simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the
  7. classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies
  1. phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  2. classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  3. elements of a crime
  4. result; element of a crime
  5. /criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime
  6. / illegal action or activity which is punishable by law

13 Clues: elements of a crimeresult; element of a crimeclassification for the most serious type of crimes/criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime/criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crimelatin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification/ illegal action or activity which is punishable by law...

unit 5 cross word 2021-11-08

unit 5 cross word crossword puzzle
  1. /illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  2. latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification
  3. latin phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”; crime classification
  4. /simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent; one of the
  5. /criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crime
  6. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  7. classification for the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  1. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence likely
  2. /criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  3. elements of a crime
  4. factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  5. harmful result; element of a crime
  6. classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, but less serious than felonies

13 Clues: elements of a crimeharmful result; element of a crimeclassification for the most serious type of crimes/illegal action or activity which is punishable by law/criminal act; one of the essential elements of a crimelatin phrase meaning “bad in itself”; crime classification/criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime...

Costume Unit/Developing Personal Resources 2022-02-14

Costume Unit/Developing Personal Resources crossword puzzle
  1. fabric rich in threading. Heavy fabric used in historical pieces
  2. interest or engagement
  3. sample strip cut from a piece of fabric (Let’s ponder 2-3 archetype costumes)
  4. that is used to close a costume
  5. power of seeing and taking notice movement the ability to transform ideas into action
  6. set of clothes in a style to meet the Playwright's storyline
  7. of the garment which covers the torso
  8. of fabric or trip attached to a background fabric in a decorative design
  1. with complex patterns or in a precise shape
  2. power to create ideas and pictures in our minds
  3. cotton cloth in a plain weave
  4. to or appropriate to a time in history (Dramaturg would verify)
  5. act of imagining and seeing pictures in our minds
  6. ability to focus and pay close attention
  7. round collar of pleated muslin or linen worn by men and women in the late 16/early 17th century
  8. of view/a position from which we perceive an object person or place

16 Clues: interest or engagementcotton cloth in a plain weavethat is used to close a costumeof the garment which covers the torsoability to focus and pay close attentionwith complex patterns or in a precise shapepower to create ideas and pictures in our mindsact of imagining and seeing pictures in our minds...

Costume Unit/Developing Personal Resources 2022-02-14

Costume Unit/Developing Personal Resources crossword puzzle
  1. pieces of fabric or trip attached to a background fabric in a decorative design
  2. anything that is used to close a costume
  3. lacking interest or engagement
  4. a position from which we perceive an object person or place
  5. raised fabric rich in threading. Heavy fabric used in historical pieces
  6. a sample strip cut from a piece of fabric (Let’s ponder 2-3 archetype costumes)
  7. a set of clothes in a style to meet the Playwright's storyline
  8. lightweight cotton cloth in a plain weave
  9. authentic to or appropriate to a time in history (Dramaturg would verify)
  1. the act of imagining and seeing pictures in our minds
  2. the power of seeing and taking notice movement the ability to transform ideas into action
  3. decorated with complex patterns or in a precise shape
  4. part of the garment which covers the torso
  5. the ability to focus and pay close attention
  6. large round collar of pleated muslin or linen worn by men and women in the late 16/early 17th century
  7. the power to create ideas and pictures in our minds

16 Clues: lacking interest or engagementanything that is used to close a costumelightweight cotton cloth in a plain weavepart of the garment which covers the torsothe ability to focus and pay close attentionthe power to create ideas and pictures in our mindsthe act of imagining and seeing pictures in our minds...

Act 6 2023-05-09

Act 6 crossword puzzle
  1. critic
  2. role
  3. criminal
  4. crime
  5. detective
  6. failure
  7. to rob
  8. you have seen
  9. thief
  10. how is it
  11. scene
  12. to rent
  13. director
  14. to arrest
  15. plot
  16. to kill
  17. leading man
  18. direction
  19. to be in love
  20. violence
  21. special effects
  22. not yet
  23. alien
  1. acting
  2. to be based on
  3. action film
  4. love
  5. main character
  6. victim
  7. to recommend
  8. to capture
  9. to be about
  10. star
  11. to succeed
  12. in love with
  13. i have seen
  14. to fascinate
  15. he she will be

38 Clues: rolelovestarplotcrimethiefscenealienactingcriticvictimto robfailureto rentto killnot yetcriminaldirectorviolencedetectivehow is itto arrestdirectionto captureto succeedaction filmto be aboutleading mani have seento recommendin love withto fascinateyou have seento be in loveto be based onmain characterhe she will bespecial effects

Vocab 6B 2024-04-05

Vocab 6B crossword puzzle
  1. Investigador en un asesinato
  2. una persona que juzga la película
  3. esta en el espacio exterior
  4. Atrapar a un criminal
  5. pagar durante un periodo de tiempo
  6. el acto de algo ilegal
  7. tomar ilegalmente
  8. algo que es interesante
  9. parte de la película
  1. La brutalidad en una película se llama
  2. se llama un actor en una película
  3. El persona esta muerto
  4. una persona que dirige la película
  5. una persona que roba
  6. una parte de película
  7. sugerir una idea
  8. Los amas
  9. el que sufre
  10. una pelea a causa de un
  11. Esposar al criminal

20 Clues: Los amasel que sufresugerir una ideatomar ilegalmenteEsposar al criminaluna persona que robaparte de la películauna parte de películaAtrapar a un criminalEl persona esta muertoel acto de algo ilegalalgo que es interesanteuna pelea a causa de unesta en el espacio exteriorInvestigador en un asesinatose llama un actor en una película...

Vocab Crossword 2021-12-06

Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the facility of power or using one’s will
  2. an unorthodox or independent-minded person
  3. fond of company or sociable
  4. an uneasy feeling about one’s conduct
  5. deserving strong condemnations
  6. instigate or stir up
  7. longer than the most direct way
  8. in an initial stage
  9. deserving praise
  10. causing harm or damage
  11. a person or thing that come before another
  12. having an uncooperative attitude to authority
  13. expressing disapproval
  14. a tiny trace of a feeling
  15. shock or surprise someone into taking action
  16. think deeply about something
  17. intensify or increase
  18. generous or forgiving especially towards rival
  19. made necessarily by particular circumstances
  20. with referring to or concerning
  21. issue or spread from a source
  22. publicly criticized
  23. satisfy to the full
  24. very attentive to accuracy in detail
  25. a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another
  26. make a problem worse
  27. vehement or clamorous
  28. a small quantity of a particular item, especially considered desirable
  29. make less severe
  1. approval or praise
  2. sudden change in mood or behavior
  3. cause a bad event to happen
  4. unable to be placated
  5. wicked or criminal
  6. de vivre, exuberant enjoyment of life
  7. the process of releasing strong emotions
  8. badly planned
  9. kept secret especially if not approved of
  10. well meaning or kindly
  11. remove a difficulty
  12. annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
  13. too great to calculate
  14. clever or skillful in using hands or minds
  15. bad tempered or argumentative
  16. a person or thing that is mysterious or puzzling
  17. interpret something wrongly
  18. lacking a plan
  19. unchanging over time
  20. sharpness of thought or hearing
  21. cause a large amount of damage or harm

50 Clues: badly plannedlacking a plandeserving praisemake less severeapproval or praisewicked or criminalin an initial stageremove a difficultypublicly criticizedsatisfy to the fullinstigate or stir upunchanging over timemake a problem worseunable to be placatedintensify or increasevehement or clamorouswell meaning or kindlycausing harm or damage...

Stripling Warriors Attributes 2020-10-14

Stripling Warriors Attributes crossword puzzle
  1. perform every word of command with exactness
  2. ______in God continually
  3. brave
  4. exceedingly__________
  5. _____at all times
  1. did NOT ______
  2. not silly
  3. fixed with a ________________
  4. belief and trust in God
  5. _____are firm

10 Clues: bravenot silly_____are firmdid NOT ___________at all timesexceedingly__________belief and trust in God______in God continuallyfixed with a ________________perform every word of command with exactness

Law & Public Safety Pathways 2024-04-02

Law & Public Safety Pathways crossword puzzle
  1. offer social services to help rehabilitate law offenders suggest actions for rehabilitation plans and treatments of offenders
  2. depict, store and record exactly pretrial and trial proceedings or other information
  3. collect abandoned, dangerous or unattended animals
  4. investigate suspected criminal violations of federal, state or local laws
  5. oversee and organize activities of correctional officers and jailers
  6. perform investigations to solve criminal cases or prevent crimes inspect crime scenes to gather clues and evidence, such as loose hairs, clothing or weapons
  7. investigate legal standards, study facts or prepare legal documents for lawyers
  8. represent clients in criminal and civil legal proceedings
  9. enforce laws and ordinances, monitor traffic, control crowds, prevent crime and make arrests
  1. keep order in courts of law
  2. gather and review physical evidence related to criminal investigations
  3. provide justice in a court of law
  4. prevent theft, violence or breaking of rules by monitoring and patrolling premises
  5. examine persons, common carriers, goods and merchandise arriving or departing from the United States or between states
  6. expose occurrences of unlawful acts or breaking of rules in private establishment or for a client
  7. provide negotiation and conflict resolution through communicating with clients
  8. oversee inmates in penal or rehabilitative institutions
  9. help in the rehabilitation process of institutionalized offenders develop treatment plans for offenders
  10. research or prepare legal documents for lawyers and judges

19 Clues: keep order in courts of lawprovide justice in a court of lawcollect abandoned, dangerous or unattended animalsoversee inmates in penal or rehabilitative institutionsrepresent clients in criminal and civil legal proceedingsresearch or prepare legal documents for lawyers and judgesoversee and organize activities of correctional officers and jailers...

American Justice 2017-11-16

American Justice crossword puzzle
  1. taking of someones stuff by violence
  2. A criminal offense on the internet
  3. The unlawful killing of another person with malice oforethought
  4. threat of attacking someone
  5. The idea that fear of a punishment will prevent crime
  6. Punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a crime
  7. Blackmail
  8. the response used when a person has committed a crime
  9. the taking of someones stuff with intent to never give it back
  1. The crime of lying while under oath
  2. The intentional destruction of someones property
  3. a crime motivated by race, or other predjudice
  4. They illegal breaking into of a place with criminal intent
  5. If you pretend to be hurt to get workers compensation
  6. A Worker taking money from the bank they work at
  7. Returning someone to a normal health state
  8. Payment from criminal to victim as compensation for a crime
  9. Human killing, many different degrees
  10. Illegal touching of someone
  11. Any willful or malicious burning of someone else's property

20 Clues: Blackmailthreat of attacking someoneIllegal touching of someoneThe crime of lying while under oathA criminal offense on the internettaking of someones stuff by violenceHuman killing, many different degreesReturning someone to a normal health statea crime motivated by race, or other predjudiceThe intentional destruction of someones property...


  1. street gang in Los Angeles
  2. leader of the flock
  3. secret government building for making experiments
  4. created to be with max
  5. robots that look like erasers
  6. can hack anything electrical
  7. human/wolf
  8. blind
  9. the name of the winged kids
  1. scientists
  2. loves explosives
  3. place where they grew up
  4. max's clone
  5. doesn't talk much
  6. reads minds

15 Clues: blindscientistshuman/wolfmax's clonereads mindsloves explosivesdoesn't talk muchleader of the flockcreated to be with maxplace where they grew upstreet gang in Los Angelesthe name of the winged kidscan hack anything electricalrobots that look like eraserssecret government building for making experiments

Vocab Practice 2021-05-14

Vocab Practice crossword puzzle
  1. the helicopter ______
  2. bring up to conscious minds
  3. stopping myself
  4. resisting
  5. the perfume ________ even after she left the room
  6. he had the ________ to say that
  1. passionate matter
  2. worry/caution
  3. for my high school schedule I needed to pick an ________
  4. unshakable
  5. mocking
  6. I _______ my sister because what shes doing looks fun
  7. spread through
  8. fierce
  9. interested

15 Clues: fiercemockingresistingunshakableinterestedworry/cautionspread throughstopping myselfpassionate matterthe helicopter ______bring up to conscious mindshe had the ________ to say thatthe perfume ________ even after she left the roomI _______ my sister because what shes doing looks funfor my high school schedule I needed to pick an ________

CJ1 Q4 Word Wall 2022-05-11

CJ1 Q4 Word Wall crossword puzzle
  1. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the community at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in lieu of an incarceration sentence.
  2. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  3. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  4. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a period of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  5. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  6. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  7. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties.
  8. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  9. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  10. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  1. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  2. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  3. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  4. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they caused the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in society.
  5. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together.
  6. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  7. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and eliminating the underlying causes of crime.
  8. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  9. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  10. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions based on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime

20 Clues: Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served simultaneously and run together....

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle 2022-05-11

Criminal Justice Word Wall 4 Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. and run together.
  2. The medieval practice of allowing offenders to go unpunished if they agreed to refrain from any further criminal behavior
  3. A state or federal correctional institution for incarceration of felony offenders for terms of 1 year or more. (State or Federal)
  4. The action or practice of awarding each person his or her just due. Sanctions
  5. The process in which a probation officer settles cases at the initial appearance before the onset of formal criminal proceedings.
  6. A state correctional facility designed to hold convicted felons while they serve their criminal sentence. (State Prison)
  7. An alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in the
  8. A correctional policy that allows inmates to leave the institution for vocational or educational training, for employment, or to maintain family ties
  9. A sentence entailing the conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of the court (in the form of a probation officer), subject to certain conditions for a specified time
  10. on equity seek to compensate individual victims and the general society for their losses due to crime
  11. A condition of probation in which the offender repays society of the victim of the crime for the trouble the offender caused.
  12. Sentencing is aimed at sparing non-dangerous offenders from the stigma and labeling of a criminal conviction and involvement with the justice process
  13. An assessment of the risk level probationers pose to the community and themselves.
  14. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served one after the other.
  1. A correctional facility designed to hold pretrial detainees and misdemeanants serving their criminal sentences. (County Jails)
  2. The policy of keeping dangerous criminals of confinement to eliminate the risk of their repeating their offense in society
  3. at such tasks as cleaning public parks or working with disabled children in lieu of an incarceration sentence.
  4. Levying a money payment on offenders to compensate society for their misdeeds.
  5. Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, served
  6. Defendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they
  7. An administrative act performed by a parole authority that removes a person from parole, or a judicial order by a court removing a person from parole or probation, in response to a violation on the part of the parolee or probationer.
  8. the victim, and the shame they brought to their family, friends, and community. The goal is satisfying everyone's need and restore the wrongdoer to good standing in
  9. A prison term that is delayed while the defendant undergoes a period of community treatment. If the treatment is successful, the prison sentence is terminated.
  10. Sentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating and
  11. the underlying causes of crime.

25 Clues: and run together.the underlying causes of crime.Prison sentences for two or more criminal acts, servedAn alternative sanction that requires an offender to work in theSentencing is aimed at reducing future criminality by treating andDefendants may be asked to confront their behavior, the damage they...

Super People 2022-03-31

Super People crossword puzzle
  1. can read minds
  2. Nexus being
  3. Owns a cave under their house
  4. Frozen in ice
  5. Likes to smash
  6. Stark Industries
  1. Fastest Man Alive
  2. Carries the lasso of truth
  3. Excelsior
  4. Russian spy/assassin

10 Clues: ExcelsiorNexus beingFrozen in icecan read mindsLikes to smashStark IndustriesFastest Man AliveRussian spy/assassinCarries the lasso of truthOwns a cave under their house

Andrew 2023-12-06

Andrew crossword puzzle
  1. un person qui faire semblant un autre person
  2. un person qui voir les crime
  3. un assistant
  4. un chose qui fait un chalange plus facile
  5. un person qui interroge les criminal
  6. un person qui vole les chose
  7. un person qui le criminal a fait mal
  1. un person qui dit une chose pour na pas etre en un chose ma
  2. saur un distraction
  3. un person qui fait les chose iligal maculic
  4. un person qui interroge les criminal
  5. un person qui en viguer le loi
  6. pour chercher pour un chose
  7. un person que voler une chose en ligne (2 mots)
  8. un person qui porrait fait la crime

15 Clues: un assistantsaur un distractionpour chercher pour un choseun person qui voir les crimeun person qui vole les choseun person qui en viguer le loiun person qui porrait fait la crimeun person qui interroge les criminalun person qui interroge les criminalun person qui le criminal a fait malun chose qui fait un chalange plus facile...

Act 6 2023-05-09

Act 6 crossword puzzle
  1. critic
  2. role
  3. criminal
  4. crime
  5. detective
  6. failure
  7. to rob
  8. you have seen
  9. thief
  10. how is it
  11. scene
  12. to rent
  13. director
  14. to arrest
  15. plot
  16. to kill
  17. leading man
  18. direction
  19. to be in love
  20. violence
  21. special effects
  22. not yet
  23. alien
  1. acting
  2. to be based on
  3. action film
  4. love
  5. main character
  6. victim
  7. to recommend
  8. to capture
  9. to be about
  10. star
  11. to succeed
  12. in love with
  13. i have seen
  14. to fascinate
  15. he she will be

38 Clues: rolelovestarplotcrimethiefscenealienactingcriticvictimto robfailureto rentto killnot yetcriminaldirectorviolencedetectivehow is itto arrestdirectionto captureto succeedaction filmto be aboutleading mani have seento recommendin love withto fascinateyou have seento be in loveto be based onmain characterhe she will bespecial effects

Awesome Summer Program Kids 2022-06-07

Awesome Summer Program Kids crossword puzzle
  1. Has 2 younger siblings, like playing games on his phone after outside time.
  2. Plays soccer, has 3 siblings
  3. Has glasses, goes to Carey Elementary.
  4. Is cousins with someone in the center, just got back from Kentucky.
  5. Is going into 1st grade, Miss Bry spelled his name wrong on his name tag.
  6. Has dirty blonde hair, has a little brother in preschool at Bright Minds.
  7. Likes to play with her tablet, has the same name as someone else in the group.
  8. Loves to play with leggos, goes to Union Elementary.
  9. Loves sonic, his mom works next door.
  1. Has dirty blonde hair, has a little brother in preschool at Bright Minds.
  2. Has brown hair, plays baseball, and is the oldest in the group.
  3. Loves to go camping, Miss Bry will go to the same schools as her next year.
  4. Does dance, has 2 younger siblings that go to Bright Minds.
  5. . Has blonde/red hair, her mom works at the center
  6. Has bright blonde hair, is the youngest in the group.
  7. Has light brown hair, goes to OLC, loves cats.
  8. Is the oldest of her siblings, enjoys drawing and coloring.
  9. Has a new baby sister coming soon in her moms tummy, loves to color coloring pages.

18 Clues: Plays soccer, has 3 siblingsLoves sonic, his mom works next door.Has glasses, goes to Carey Elementary.Has light brown hair, goes to OLC, loves cats.. Has blonde/red hair, her mom works at the centerLoves to play with leggos, goes to Union Elementary.Has bright blonde hair, is the youngest in the group....

The foundation of criminal justice 2016-09-01

The foundation of criminal justice crossword puzzle
  1. rule test for criminal insanity
  2. Rea a criminal intent
  3. document in which such an enactment is expressed
  4. officer luring a person into a crime
  5. a reason that defends
  1. an action that is legally prohibited
  2. a criminal offense defined as less serious than a felony
  3. Reus a criminal action regarded as a constitution element of a crime
  4. an offense with punishment of imprisonment for more than a year
  5. law law established by judicial decisions in particular cases

10 Clues: Rea a criminal intenta reason that defendsrule test for criminal insanityan action that is legally prohibitedofficer luring a person into a crimedocument in which such an enactment is expresseda criminal offense defined as less serious than a felonylaw law established by judicial decisions in particular cases...

The foundation of criminal justice 2016-09-01

The foundation of criminal justice crossword puzzle
  1. law law established by judicial decisions in particular cases
  2. Reus a criminal action regarded as a constitution element of a crime
  3. a reason that defends
  4. rule test for criminal insanity
  5. an action that is legally prohibited
  6. Rea a criminal intent
  1. officer luring a person into a crime
  2. document in which such an enactment is expressed
  3. a criminal offense defined as less serious than a felony
  4. an offense with punishment of imprisonment for more than a year

10 Clues: a reason that defendsRea a criminal intentrule test for criminal insanityofficer luring a person into a crimean action that is legally prohibiteddocument in which such an enactment is expresseda criminal offense defined as less serious than a felonylaw law established by judicial decisions in particular cases...

Popular Jobs in the world 2020-09-16

Popular Jobs in the world crossword puzzle
  1. often gather information and evaluate behavior through controlled laboratory experiments, psychoanalysis, or psychotherapy
  2. Represent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, draw up legal documents, or manage or advise clients on legal transactions
  3. is any skilled tradesperson who designs, installs, maintains, and repairs the electrical systems
  4. care for the health of animals and work to improve public health
  5. are licensed health professionals who maintain and restore human health through the practice of medicine
  6. help organizations by applying mathematical theories and techniques to solve practical problems
  1. design power-producing machines, such as electric generators, internal combustion engines, and steam and gas turbines, as well as power-using machines
  2. are the creative minds behind software programs, and they have the technical skills to build those programs or to oversee their creation by a team
  3. is responsible for the coding, design and layout of a website
  4. is responsible for the preoperative diagnosis of the patient, for performing the operation, and for providing the patient with postoperative surgical care and treatment
  5. diagnose and treat problems with patients' teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth
  6. Provides financial information to management by researching and analyzing accounting data
  7. fly and navigate airplanes, helicopters, and other types of aircraft
  8. install and repair pipes that supply water and gas to, as well as carry waste away from, homes and businesses

14 Clues: is responsible for the coding, design and layout of a websitecare for the health of animals and work to improve public healthfly and navigate airplanes, helicopters, and other types of aircraftdiagnose and treat problems with patients' teeth, gums, and related parts of the mouth...

Punishments for commonly committed crimes 2013-06-24

Punishments for commonly committed crimes crossword puzzle
  1. / A punishment given to those who committed public drunkenness that resulted in wearing a large barrel
  2. / A punishment that resulted in hot irons burning certain letters into the skin of the criminal, with different letters for different crimes
  3. / A punishment that resulted in the criminal being crushed (execution)
  4. / A punishment that resulted in the criminal being chained to a post, stripped to the waist and whipped
  5. / A punishment that resulted in the criminal standing in a T shaped block of wood with holes for the hands in the crossbar of the T
  1. / A punishment that resulted in the criminal having their head cut of (execution)
  2. / A punishment given to criminals who stole things from shops, which resulted in them having had their hands cut off
  3. / A punishment that resulted in the criminal standing with a block of wood with two holes for your feet to go in
  4. / A punishment given to women found guilty of either treason that resulted in them being burnt alive at the stake (execution)
  5. / A punishment given to criminals for attempting to murdering someone that resulted in being boiled alive in a big bowl of hot water (execution)
  6. / A punishment given to women accused of being witches, they were dunked into a river, to see if they were innocent or guilty. If they floated, they were considered guilty and burnt at the stake. If they sank, they were innocent but died anyway, by drowning. Either way, they perished
  7. / A punishment given to women that resulted in a cafe enacted on women who gossiped or spoke too freely
  8. / A de-grading punishment that resulted in the criminal being hung by a rope until they could no longer breath (execution)

13 Clues: / A punishment that resulted in the criminal being crushed (execution)/ A punishment that resulted in the criminal having their head cut of (execution)/ A punishment given to those who committed public drunkenness that resulted in wearing a large barrel...

crime defined 2021-11-05

crime defined crossword puzzle
  1. criminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crime
  2. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentences likely
  3. criminal acct; one of the essential elements of a crime
  4. illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  5. factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  6. simultaneous occurrence of a criminal act and criminal intent
  1. classification for the most serious types of crimes
  2. Latin phrase meaning "bad in itself"; crime classification
  3. classification fir the least serious type of crime; may also be called petty offense
  4. classification for a crime of medium gravity; more serious than infractions, less serious than felonies
  5. harmful result; the element of the crime
  6. Latin phrase meaning " bad because prohibited"; crime classification

12 Clues: harmful result; the element of the crimeclassification for the most serious types of crimesillegal action or activity which is punishable by lawcriminal acct; one of the essential elements of a crimecriminal intent; one of the essential elements of a crimeLatin phrase meaning "bad in itself"; crime classification...

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Danielle 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Danielle crossword puzzle
  1. behavioral expectations of a group
  2. an individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  3. an intentional act that is in violation of criminal law
  4. a person of whom a charge is brought in court
  5. perspective of criminal justice that argues that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to ensure fairness under the law
  6. an institution on confinement of people who were convicted of serious crimes
  1. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  2. perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function
  3. type of conditional release based on good behavior
  4. territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority
  5. a versict of being not guilty
  6. amount of money to get out of jail

12 Clues: a versict of being not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupamount of money to get out of jaila person of whom a charge is brought in courtto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationstype of conditional release based on good behavioran intentional act that is in violation of criminal law...

Merry Christmas - COVID Style 2020-12-19

Merry Christmas - COVID Style crossword puzzle
  1. Missing From 2020
  2. The Other Reason to Leave the House
  3. Pat’s Everyday Exercise
  4. Looking Forward in 2021
  5. Socially Apart
  6. Major Holiday Decoration
  7. Online Meeting Venue
  8. Season’s Wish
  1. Keeps our Minds Sharp
  2. Summer Activity That Fills the Freezer
  3. Christmas Treat for Santa
  4. Pat’s Part-time Job On Hold
  5. 2021
  6. Happy to Have This
  7. Who We Miss Seeing
  8. The Only In-person Shopping We Do
  9. How Pat Spent 2020
  10. Brings Gifts

18 Clues: 2021Brings GiftsSeason’s WishSocially ApartMissing From 2020Happy to Have ThisWho We Miss SeeingHow Pat Spent 2020Online Meeting VenueKeeps our Minds SharpPat’s Everyday ExerciseLooking Forward in 2021Major Holiday DecorationChristmas Treat for SantaPat’s Part-time Job On HoldThe Only In-person Shopping We DoThe Other Reason to Leave the House...

Mary-Ann's Mother's Day Crossword 2021-05-09

Mary-Ann's Mother's Day Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Perhaps I turned blue
  2. Ate mixed afternoon meal
  3. 24 independent minds
  4. The anxieties of the trustfunded
  5. Half hearted athlete sees double
  6. Crazy equestrian
  1. Hounding the Atlantic Seaboard
  2. Where Troy's next oven comes from
  3. Drug holiday has been spotted
  4. Indicate hidden animal
  5. Take half from lost arms
  6. Zip readjusted
  7. Outlandish meal

13 Clues: Zip readjustedOutlandish mealCrazy equestrian24 independent mindsPerhaps I turned blueIndicate hidden animalAte mixed afternoon mealTake half from lost armsDrug holiday has been spottedHounding the Atlantic SeaboardThe anxieties of the trustfundedHalf hearted athlete sees doubleWhere Troy's next oven comes from

Alexandra Uhler Chapter 7 2023-01-12

Alexandra Uhler Chapter 7 crossword puzzle
  1. rewards or punishments tht encourage conformity to social norms
  2. discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishments
  3. the theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  4. bahavior that overconforms to social expectations
  5. a social condition in which norms are weak conflicting or absent
  6. punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts
  7. a method of protecting society from crinimals by keeping them in prison
  8. the theory that individuals learn deviance by identifying particular members as deviant
  9. only occasional breaking of norms
  10. the theory that compliance with societal norms requires strong bonds between individuals and society
  1. the theory that deviance is more likey to occur when a gap exists between cultural goals and the abilty to achieve them
  2. behavior that departs from societal or group norms
  3. behavior that underconforms to accepted norms
  4. a person who breaks significant societal or group norms
  5. the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization
  6. an act commited in violation of the law
  7. a system comprising institutions and processrd responsible for enforcing criminal statuses
  8. ways to encourage conformity to society's norms
  9. deviance that becomes a lifestyle and part of an individuals identity
  10. an undesirable label used to deny a deviant acceptance
  11. job related crimes commited by high-status people
  12. the process of reducing the seriousness of the crimes that injure people of lower status
  13. a repitition of or return to criminal behavior

23 Clues: only occasional breaking of normsan act commited in violation of the lawbehavior that underconforms to accepted normsa repitition of or return to criminal behaviorways to encourage conformity to society's normsbahavior that overconforms to social expectationsjob related crimes commited by high-status people...

Feed the Minds 2022-08-03

Feed the Minds crossword puzzle
  1. The capital city of Kenya
  2. The subject where you learn to add up
  3. A place where you go to learn to read and write
  4. Feed the Minds helps others and is a ________
  5. Harvested seeds of barley, rye and wheat are called this
  6. A group of animals used on a farm which includes Cows Bulls and Oxen
  1. A country where Islamabad is the capital city
  2. A country where marathon runner Sir Mo Farah originates from
  3. A time when farmers gather crops from the fields
  4. The amount of money not used after spend
  5. Lamb is the meat which comes from this animal

11 Clues: The capital city of KenyaThe subject where you learn to add upThe amount of money not used after spendA country where Islamabad is the capital cityLamb is the meat which comes from this animalFeed the Minds helps others and is a ________A place where you go to learn to read and writeA time when farmers gather crops from the fields...

Strong Minds Are... 2024-04-29

Strong Minds Are... crossword puzzle
  1. Able to be trusted or depended on; consistent in performance
  2. Feeling sure about yourself or your abilities
  3. Having a positive attitude and believing that things will turn out well even in tough times
  4. Paying close attention to something; concentrating
  5. Having Confidence in oneself; feeling sure about what you do
  6. Strong and able to handle difficult situations without giving up
  1. Very motivated or determined to achieve something
  2. Holding onto something firmly; not giving up easily
  3. Able to bounce back
  4. peaceful and relaxed, especially when facing challenges and problems
  5. Having physical or mental power; not easily defeated

11 Clues: Able to bounce backFeeling sure about yourself or your abilitiesVery motivated or determined to achieve somethingPaying close attention to something; concentratingHolding onto something firmly; not giving up easilyHaving physical or mental power; not easily defeatedAble to be trusted or depended on; consistent in performance...


IN THE ZONE VOCABULARY crossword puzzle
  1. Mental processes fully active.
  2. Become conscious/active.
  3. Being a minumum.
  4. Readily accessible when needed.
  5. The best.
  6. Move around no definite purpose/plan.
  1. Giving a reward.
  2. To increase/intensify.
  3. Not disciplined, unrulu, uncontrollable.
  4. Attention, thoughts.
  5. OF In spite of.
  6. Paying complete attention.

12 Clues: The best.OF In spite of.Giving a reward.Being a minumum.Attention, thoughts.To increase/intensify.Become conscious/active.Paying complete attention.Mental processes fully active.Readily accessible when needed.Move around no definite purpose/plan.Not disciplined, unrulu, uncontrollable.

Words 2022-01-27

Words crossword puzzle
  1. One way of looking at things
  2. The past
  3. Many point of views
  4. Look carefully
  5. Glasses
  1. Cautious
  2. Glass box with something inside
  3. Reading minds
  4. Something to watch
  5. Looking up to someone

10 Clues: GlassesCautiousThe pastReading mindsLook carefullySomething to watchMany point of viewsLooking up to someoneOne way of looking at thingsGlass box with something inside

ag 2023-09-11

ag crossword puzzle
  1. very good at
  2. very high
  3. strength
  4. big fluffy animal like goat
  5. get when hurts you
  6. used on wet hair
  1. animal like sheep
  2. flight or fight
  3. wondering minds
  4. use to shave

10 Clues: strengthvery highvery good atuse to shaveflight or fightwondering mindsused on wet hairanimal like sheepget when hurts youbig fluffy animal like goat