dream smp Crossword Puzzles


OUR RANDOM ACTIVITIES crossword puzzle
  1. filter jamet terfav
  2. tempat pertama kali ketemu
  3. yang selalu dicari tapi ga pernah ketemu
  4. pecel lele fav
  5. mall paling rajin didatengin
  6. abis beli ini dhea minta dijemput abang
  1. tempat les fav bedua
  2. berapa lama kita kenal
  3. minuman yang wajib dibeli
  4. aktivitas baru sopi dhea
  5. makanan yang paling sering didatengin
  6. motor idaman dhea
  7. kapan pertama kali ketemu
  8. temen tercantik dhea

14 Clues: pecel lele favmotor idaman dheafilter jamet terfavtempat les fav beduatemen tercantik dheaberapa lama kita kenalaktivitas baru sopi dheaminuman yang wajib dibelikapan pertama kali ketemutempat pertama kali ketemumall paling rajin didatenginmakanan yang paling sering didatenginabis beli ini dhea minta dijemput abang...


OUR RANDOM ACTIVITIES crossword puzzle
  1. filter jamet terfav
  2. tempat pertama kali ketemu
  3. yang selalu dicari tapi ga pernah ketemu
  4. pecel lele fav
  5. mall paling rajin didatengin
  6. abis beli ini dhea minta dijemput abang
  1. tempat les fav bedua
  2. berapa lama kita kenal
  3. minuman yang wajib dibeli
  4. aktivitas baru sopi dhea
  5. makanan yang paling sering didatengin
  6. motor idaman dhea
  7. kapan pertama kali ketemu
  8. temen tercantik dhea

14 Clues: pecel lele favmotor idaman dheafilter jamet terfavtempat les fav beduatemen tercantik dheaberapa lama kita kenalaktivitas baru sopi dheaminuman yang wajib dibelikapan pertama kali ketemutempat pertama kali ketemumall paling rajin didatenginmakanan yang paling sering didatenginabis beli ini dhea minta dijemput abang...

Teka Teki Slamdunk 2023-10-22

Teka Teki Slamdunk crossword puzzle
  1. tidak bodoh
  2. Nama kakaknya Miyagi Ryota
  3. Nama pelatih Ryonan
  4. Pemain NBA referensi Sakuragi
  5. nama kapten Sannoh
  6. Kakaknya Hikoichi Aida yang reporter basket
  7. sekolah yang hasil pertandingannya bikin Sakuragi potong rambut
  8. Merk sepatu Mitsui
  9. zodiak Rukawa
  1. Tim Basket amerika referensi Shohoku
  2. ore~ wa~ tensai~
  3. tempat tidur favorit Rukawa di sekolah
  4. rival Akagi yang pengen sakuragi masuk klub judo
  5. SMP nya Akagi & Kogure

14 Clues: tidak bodohzodiak Rukawaore~ wa~ tensai~nama kapten SannohMerk sepatu MitsuiNama pelatih RyonanSMP nya Akagi & KogureNama kakaknya Miyagi RyotaPemain NBA referensi SakuragiTim Basket amerika referensi Shohokutempat tidur favorit Rukawa di sekolahKakaknya Hikoichi Aida yang reporter basketrival Akagi yang pengen sakuragi masuk klub judo...


  1. Kewajiban umat muslim yang sudah baligh
  2. Bentuk negara Indonesia
  3. Tempat ibadah umat Islam
  4. Organisasi siswa
  5. Kegiatan tambahan di luar jam sekolah
  6. Permohonan kepada Tuhan
  7. Hari yang diperingati setiap tanggal 28 Oktober
  8. Perasaan tidak senang melihat orang lain senang
  9. Guru BK
  10. Istirahat dengan memejamkan mata
  1. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler wajib di SMP N 2 Prembun
  2. Percampuran kuning dan biru
  3. Makan sebelum subuh
  4. Presiden pertama Indonesia
  5. Tanda masuk masa remaja
  6. Masa peralihan anak-anak menuju dewasa
  7. Perasaan memahami apa yang dirasakan orang lain
  8. Perasaan yang bersifat abstrak

18 Clues: Guru BKOrganisasi siswaMakan sebelum subuhBentuk negara IndonesiaTanda masuk masa remajaPermohonan kepada TuhanTempat ibadah umat IslamPresiden pertama IndonesiaPercampuran kuning dan biruPerasaan yang bersifat abstrakIstirahat dengan memejamkan mataKegiatan tambahan di luar jam sekolahMasa peralihan anak-anak menuju dewasa...

Layanan Bimbingan Karir 2023-11-26

Layanan Bimbingan Karir crossword puzzle
  1. Tips yang paling utama untuk melanjutkan karir setelah lulus SMP menuju ke SMA/MA dan SMK adalah ...
  2. Apa istilah yang digunakan dalam seseorang yang membantu individu dalam menyelesaikan masalah?
  3. Jalur karir ketiga yang dapat ditempuh siswa setelah siswa lulus SMP adalah...
  4. Standar prestasi siswa di SMK diukur dari ...kerja
  5. Pendidikan di SMA/MA dipersiapkan untuk siswa melanjutkan ke...
  6. Bimbingan yang digunakan untuk membantu individu dalam perencanaan dan masalah karir adalah bimbingan....
  1. Layanan dalam bimbingan konseling yang dengan tujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada individu mengenai berbagai aspek karir adalah layanan?
  2. Inti tujuan pendidikan di SMK adalah untuk mempersiapkan siswa memasuki dunia...
  3. Menurut kurikulum merdeka, siswa di SMA/MA akan memilih kelompok mata pelajaran mulai pada kelas....
  4. Proses pemberian bantuan dalam bimbingan karir disebut

10 Clues: Standar prestasi siswa di SMK diukur dari ...kerjaProses pemberian bantuan dalam bimbingan karir disebutPendidikan di SMA/MA dipersiapkan untuk siswa melanjutkan ke...Jalur karir ketiga yang dapat ditempuh siswa setelah siswa lulus SMP adalah...Inti tujuan pendidikan di SMK adalah untuk mempersiapkan siswa memasuki dunia......

indrusss 2021-03-09

indrusss crossword puzzle
  1. pertama ketemu
  2. tangal jadian
  1. i love you
  2. kangen harus
  3. makanan kesukaan kamu
  4. kamu sayang
  5. berapa pacar

7 Clues: i love youkamu sayangkangen harusberapa pacartangal jadianpertama ketemumakanan kesukaan kamu

Dream Analysis 2015-12-05

Dream Analysis crossword puzzle
  1. The key thinker
  2. when the analysand puts feelings onto the analyst
  3. the actual content of the dream
  4. Key thinkers work is based on this
  5. this therapy has led to development of what other therapy
  6. A person undergoing psychoanalysis
  7. type of depression this is used to treat
  8. A case study
  9. This therapy can be what?
  10. What it aims to uncover
  11. not a particularly what treatment
  1. It is highly what?
  2. what is another disorder dream analysis is used to treat
  3. what is confronted?
  4. The therapy involves frequent visits to who?
  5. Could be said to lack
  6. an example of transference
  7. It is based on what?
  8. The underlying meaning of the dream

19 Clues: A case studyThe key thinkerIt is highly what?what is confronted?It is based on what?Could be said to lackWhat it aims to uncoverThis therapy can be what?an example of transferencethe actual content of the dreamnot a particularly what treatmentKey thinkers work is based on thisA person undergoing psychoanalysisThe underlying meaning of the dream...

Jacob's Dream 2020-07-18

Jacob's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. a person that you will
  2. Something you climb to get
  3. Jacob's father
  4. Jacob poured this on top of
  5. If you're lucky you have a
  6. God
  7. one tonight.
  8. God promised to do this for
  9. you what you need.
  10. and all his
  11. to "keep" you, or watch out
  1. you
  2. Jacob's grandfather
  3. What Jacob used as a pillow
  4. These beings have wings and
  5. break
  6. Something you make to God
  7. It means to
  8. stone

19 Clues: youGodbreakstoneIt means toand all hisone tonight.Jacob's fatheryou what you need.Jacob's grandfathera person that you willSomething you make to GodSomething you climb to getIf you're lucky you have aWhat Jacob used as a pillowThese beings have wings andJacob poured this on top ofGod promised to do this forto "keep" you, or watch out

American Dream 2022-12-16

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Mensen die als eigendom van anderen verkocht worden en geen rechten hebben.
  2. Een (arm) gebied waar indianen moesten gaan wonen.
  3. De belangrijkste wet waarin alle rechten en plichten van burgers van een land staan.
  4. Mensen die als eerste iets ondernemen.
  5. Als het (zware) werk voornamelijk door mensenhanden wordt gedaan.
  6. Het maken van goederen.
  7. De trek naar de bergen in het westen om super rijk te worden.
  8. Zo werden de eerste bewoners van Amerika genoemd.
  9. handelswaar die van Afrika naar Amerika ging.
  1. belangrijk product van de plantages in Amerika.
  2. Staten Het land dat ontstond toen kolonies zich vrij vochten van Engeland.
  3. de handel tussen Europa, Afrika en Amerika in de 17e tot 19e eeuw.
  4. De (vroegere) baas van de Amerikaanse kolonies.
  5. Een gebied overzee dat door een land beheerst wordt.
  6. Groot landbouwbedrijf waar maar één product wordt verbouwd door slaven.
  7. Amerikaanse president die de slavernij afschafte.
  8. Noordelijke en Zuidelijk staten vochten in deze oorlog tegen elkaar om slavernij.
  9. handelswaar die van Europa naar Afrika ging.
  10. Een stof of product waarvan andere producten worden gemaakt.

19 Clues: Het maken van goederen.Mensen die als eerste iets ondernemen.handelswaar die van Europa naar Afrika ging.handelswaar die van Afrika naar Amerika ging.belangrijk product van de plantages in Amerika.De (vroegere) baas van de Amerikaanse kolonies.Amerikaanse president die de slavernij afschafte.Zo werden de eerste bewoners van Amerika genoemd....

Nebuchadnezzar's dream 2024-04-27

Nebuchadnezzar's dream crossword puzzle
  1. stone turns into this
  2. the thighs
  3. final kingdom lasts.....
  4. King Neb wrongly does this to Daniel
  5. Jesus Christ is described as this
  6. iron legs
  7. stone does this to the kingdoms
  8. the legs
  9. statue represents
  10. God is a revealer of....
  11. the chest
  1. What King Neb saw
  2. The statue describes the times of the....
  3. silver chest
  4. the head
  5. toes mean Rome......
  6. iron/clay mix
  7. gold head
  8. bronze thighs

19 Clues: the headthe legsgold headiron legsthe chestthe thighssilver chestiron/clay mixbronze thighsWhat King Neb sawstatue representstoes mean Rome......stone turns into thisfinal kingdom lasts.....God is a revealer of....stone does this to the kingdomsJesus Christ is described as thisKing Neb wrongly does this to Daniel...

Serba serbi 7C 2022-11-03

Serba serbi 7C crossword puzzle
  1. wakil km 7C
  2. bendahara 7C
  3. wali kelas 7C
  1. sekertaris 7C
  2. ketua kelas 7C
  3. ceria
  4. SMP 8

7 Clues: ceriaSMP 8wakil km 7Cbendahara 7Csekertaris 7Cwali kelas 7Cketua kelas 7C

mini game 2024-05-26

mini game crossword puzzle
  1. bulan kelahiran
  2. hewan kesukaan
  3. apa rasa kesukaan
  4. temen dekat disekolah
  1. dari sejak kapan kita kenal
  2. warna kesukaan
  3. siapa yang ulang tahun hari ini
  4. panggilan khusus untuk linda
  5. siapa orang dibalik nama langit biru

9 Clues: warna kesukaanhewan kesukaanbulan kelahiranapa rasa kesukaantemen dekat disekolahdari sejak kapan kita kenalpanggilan khusus untuk lindasiapa yang ulang tahun hari inisiapa orang dibalik nama langit biru

cue for treason nolan 2021-12-14

cue for treason nolan crossword puzzle
  1. head of secret service
  2. man from stratford
  3. man who lied about sir Phillip Morton
  4. guy that dies
  5. breaks a leg
  6. ruler on london
  1. man who cracked the code of sonnet
  2. likes little girls
  3. owner of company in London
  4. the pirate
  5. person smp is after
  6. man on islet with peter
  7. almost put peter and kit in a pit
  8. person disguised as opposite gender
  9. man who was gonna shoot queen

15 Clues: the piratebreaks a legguy that diesruler on londonlikes little girlsman from stratfordperson smp is afterhead of secret serviceman on islet with peterowner of company in Londonman who was gonna shoot queenalmost put peter and kit in a pitman who cracked the code of sonnetperson disguised as opposite genderman who lied about sir Phillip Morton

Dream homes 2016-09-27

Dream homes crossword puzzle
  1. na zewnątrz
  2. strych
  3. park
  4. chłodny
  5. dach
  6. szeregowiec
  7. wyspa
  8. niezwykły
  9. dostarczać
  10. zatoka
  1. centralne ogrzewanie
  2. wiatrak
  3. dom oddzielny
  4. patio
  5. wioska
  6. piwnica
  7. uroczy
  8. południe
  9. gabinet

19 Clues: parkdachpatiowyspastrychwioskauroczyzatokawiatrakpiwnicachłodnygabinetpołudnieniezwykłydostarczaćna zewnątrzszeregowiecdom oddzielnycentralne ogrzewanie

Matematika SMP 2022-04-26

Matematika SMP crossword puzzle
  1. Nilai tangen dari sudut 45 derajat
  2. Peubah
  3. Daerah asal dari fungsi matematika
  4. Pasangan ordinat
  5. Nilai tengah
  6. Deret....(deret aritmatika)
  1. Segi banyak
  2. Bilangan yang lebih kecil dari nol
  3. Tegak lurus dengan tinggi segitiga
  4. Pembagian data menjadi4 bagian yang sama banyak
  5. Diagram untuk mempelajari teori himpunan
  6. Garis yang menghubungkan titip pusat dengan tali busur lingkaran

12 Clues: PeubahSegi banyakNilai tengahPasangan ordinatDeret....(deret aritmatika)Bilangan yang lebih kecil dari nolNilai tangen dari sudut 45 derajatTegak lurus dengan tinggi segitigaDaerah asal dari fungsi matematikaDiagram untuk mempelajari teori himpunanPembagian data menjadi4 bagian yang sama banyak...

Dream Jobs 2022-02-16

Dream Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. He seems to have a lot of ideas about his drawings. He is very ______.
  2. ____ is good at speaking in front of people
  3. _____ enjoys taking care of sick animals.
  4. He always has a grin on his face, he is ____.
  5. _____ likes building things.
  6. she gives second-thought about her actions, she is _____.
  7. ____ enjoys driving cars.
  8. _____ is good at saving people.
  1. _____ are good at playing musical instruments.
  2. ___ likes acting.
  3. ____ loves singing on a stage.
  4. _____ is good at teaching others.
  5. He is ______ because he helps people when they are in need.
  6. _____ likes solving math problems.
  7. ______ is good at cooking.
  8. She is ______ because she noticed that her friend's hand is cold, so she gave her a scarf.
  9. ____ loves writing stories.
  10. _____ likes doing sports.
  11. ______ is good at healing sick people.
  12. ____ is good at flying airplanes.

20 Clues: ___ likes acting._____ likes doing sports.____ enjoys driving cars.______ is good at cooking.____ loves writing stories._____ likes building things.____ loves singing on a stage._____ is good at saving people._____ is good at teaching others.____ is good at flying airplanes._____ likes solving math problems.______ is good at healing sick people....

Dream Jobs 2022-02-16

Dream Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. He seems to have a lot of ideas about his drawings. He is very ______.
  2. ____ is good at speaking in front of people
  3. _____ enjoys taking care of sick animals.
  4. He always has a grin on his face, he is ____.
  5. _____ likes building things.
  6. She gives second-thought about her actions, she is _____.
  7. ____ enjoys driving cars.
  8. _____ is good at saving people.
  1. _____ are good at playing musical instruments.
  2. ___ likes acting.
  3. ____ loves singing on a stage.
  4. _____ is good at teaching others.
  5. He is ______ because he helps people when they are in need.
  6. _____ likes solving math problems.
  7. ______ is good at cooking.
  8. She is ______ because she noticed that her friend's hand is cold, so she gave her a scarf.
  9. ____ loves writing stories.
  10. _____ likes doing sports.
  11. ______ is good at healing sick people.
  12. ____ is good at flying airplanes.

20 Clues: ___ likes acting._____ likes doing sports.____ enjoys driving cars.______ is good at cooking.____ loves writing stories._____ likes building things.____ loves singing on a stage._____ is good at saving people._____ is good at teaching others.____ is good at flying airplanes._____ likes solving math problems.______ is good at healing sick people....

American Dream 2022-12-16

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Een gebied overzee dat door een land beheerst wordt.
  2. belangrijk product van de plantages in Amerika.
  3. Amerikaanse president die de slavernij afschafte.
  4. Zo werden de eerste bewoners van Amerika genoemd.
  5. Als het (zware) werk voornamelijk door mensenhanden wordt gedaan.
  6. de handel tussen Europa, Afrika en Amerika in de 17e tot 19e eeuw.
  7. De trek naar de bergen in het westen om super rijk te worden.
  8. Een stof of product waarvan andere producten worden gemaakt.
  9. handelswaar die van Afrika naar Amerika ging.
  10. Mensen die als eigendom van anderen verkocht worden en geen rechten hebben.
  11. Groot landbouwbedrijf waar maar één product wordt verbouwd door slaven.
  1. Noordelijke en Zuidelijk staten vochten in deze oorlog tegen elkaar om slavernij.
  2. Het maken van goederen.
  3. Het land dat ontstond toen kolonies zich vrij vochten van Engeland.
  4. Mensen die als eerste iets ondernemen.
  5. handelswaar die van Europa naar Afrika ging.
  6. De (vroegere) baas van de Amerikaanse kolonies.
  7. De belangrijkste wet waarin alle rechten en plichten van burgers van een land staan.
  8. Een (arm) gebied waar indianen moesten gaan wonen.

19 Clues: Het maken van goederen.Mensen die als eerste iets ondernemen.handelswaar die van Europa naar Afrika ging.handelswaar die van Afrika naar Amerika ging.belangrijk product van de plantages in Amerika.De (vroegere) baas van de Amerikaanse kolonies.Amerikaanse president die de slavernij afschafte.Zo werden de eerste bewoners van Amerika genoemd....

Karakter di LEFTOVERSE 2023-06-10

Karakter di LEFTOVERSE crossword puzzle
  1. pacarnya farra
  2. orang yang menurut rayna lucu (tapi gak suka); codename: ayam
  3. kae's brother di dipo
  4. codename: HCl
  5. pacarnya kayel
  6. bulan kayel praktek nikah sama ayank
  7. sekolah negeri (dieja dan disambung)
  8. sekolah di rawamangun
  1. nama tc kita kelas 1
  2. sekolah kayel dan pacarnya
  3. nama lain track 4
  4. sekolah penuh memori baik dan buruk; smp
  5. codename: track 4
  6. sekolah farra (singkatannya)
  7. namanya mirip sama kae's brother; ee
  8. maskot leftovers yg legendaris (semacam kera)

16 Clues: codename: HClpacarnya farrapacarnya kayelnama lain track 4codename: track 4nama tc kita kelas 1kae's brother di diposekolah di rawamangunsekolah kayel dan pacarnyasekolah farra (singkatannya)bulan kayel praktek nikah sama ayanknamanya mirip sama kae's brother; eesekolah negeri (dieja dan disambung)sekolah penuh memori baik dan buruk; smp...

Inception 2021-09-13

Inception crossword puzzle
  1. cobb is the _________
  2. joseph-gordon levitt
  3. a _____ piece is Ariadne's totem
  4. where the fight between arthur and some men took place (gravity goes weird)
  5. the director of Inception
  6. the whole idea of another world when you sleep
  7. cobb's manager
  8. eames was found here in the back of a shop
  9. planting an idea rather than stealing one
  10. cobb's daughter
  11. something that does something to tell you that you are in a dream or not in a dream
  12. the most common weapon in the whole movie
  13. eg. the neverending staircase
  1. the person who stays in the first dream
  2. what is Cobb and his team running out of?
  3. the maker of the mazes
  4. what they go into when they steal information
  5. cobb's wife
  6. at the start, the dream was __________
  7. cobb's totem
  8. the person who composed the music
  9. 'an idea can grow to define, or destroy you.'
  10. a very powerful ________ to make the dreams stable
  11. how many dream within a dreams did Cobb and Ariadne go through?
  12. the godfather of fischer
  13. who's mind they have to go into
  14. cobb's son
  15. 'you mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling'
  16. the first name of cobb

29 Clues: cobb's soncobb's wifecobb's totemcobb's managercobb's daughterjoseph-gordon levittcobb is the _________the maker of the mazesthe first name of cobbthe godfather of fischerthe director of Inceptioneg. the neverending staircasewho's mind they have to go intoa _____ piece is Ariadne's totemthe person who composed the music...

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph 2023-11-29

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph crossword puzzle
  1. Joseph's dad
  2. The wife Jacob didn't love
  3. Joseph's mom
  4. the amount of children abraham would have
  5. Pharaoh made Joseph___of Egypt
  6. The man who's dream Joseph interpreted and he got out of jail
  7. Who got Joseph out of jail to interpret his dream
  8. Abraham son
  9. what the fat cows represented in Pharoahs dream
  10. Joseph was thrown into this
  11. The item Joseph hid in Benjamin's bag
  1. Josephs owner when he was a slave
  2. Brothers sold him
  3. Joseph's little brother
  4. what pharaoh dreamed about
  5. what the skinny cows represented in Pharaohs dream
  6. The one who's dream was interpreted by Joseph and was executed
  7. The place where all of this happened
  8. Abraham Wife
  9. People who bought Joseph as a slave
  10. what joseph was sold as

21 Clues: Abraham sonJoseph's dadJoseph's momAbraham WifeBrothers sold himJoseph's little brotherwhat joseph was sold asThe wife Jacob didn't lovewhat pharaoh dreamed aboutJoseph was thrown into thisPharaoh made Joseph___of EgyptJosephs owner when he was a slavePeople who bought Joseph as a slaveThe place where all of this happened...

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph 2023-11-29

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph crossword puzzle
  1. Joseph's dad
  2. The wife Jacob didn't love
  3. Joseph's mom
  4. the amount of children abraham would have
  5. Pharaoh made Joseph___of Egypt
  6. The man who's dream Joseph interpreted and he got out of jail
  7. Who got Joseph out of jail to interpret his dream
  8. Abraham son
  9. what the fat cows represented in Pharoahs dream
  10. Joseph was thrown into this
  11. The item Joseph hid in Benjamin's bag
  1. Josephs owner when he was a slave
  2. Brothers sold him
  3. Joseph's little brother
  4. what pharaoh dreamed about
  5. what the skinny cows represented in Pharaohs dream
  6. The one who's dream was interpreted by Joseph and was executed
  7. The place where all of this happened
  8. Abraham Wife
  9. People who bought Joseph as a slave
  10. what joseph was sold as

21 Clues: Abraham sonJoseph's dadJoseph's momAbraham WifeBrothers sold himJoseph's little brotherwhat joseph was sold asThe wife Jacob didn't lovewhat pharaoh dreamed aboutJoseph was thrown into thisPharaoh made Joseph___of EgyptJosephs owner when he was a slavePeople who bought Joseph as a slaveThe place where all of this happened...

Serba Serbi 7f 2022-11-03

Serba Serbi 7f crossword puzzle
  1. Km 7f
  2. wali kelas 7f
  3. Keamanan 7f
  1. visi visi SMP 8
  2. Kebersihan 7f
  3. sekertaris 7f
  4. bendahara 7f

7 Clues: Km 7fKeamanan 7fbendahara 7fKebersihan 7fsekertaris 7fwali kelas 7fvisi visi SMP 8

Dreams & Dreaming 2024-05-06

Dreams & Dreaming crossword puzzle
  1. What do we spend 1/3 of our lives doing?
  2. Some believe dreams are .....
  3. Another neurotransmitter
  4. An embarrassing state in public!
  5. What are the frontal lobes doing during REM
  6. How much of the night is the Brain active?
  7. How many hours a night are spent dreaming?
  8. What do men dream about more than women?
  9. A common dream
  10. In a typical lifetime how many years are spent dreaming?
  11. What group of people rarely report dreaming in black & white?
  12. What sort of colours do most people dream in?
  13. Most people dream in .....
  1. This group also dreams - like humans
  2. Rapid Eye Movement
  3. Some dreams go across cultures
  4. A neurotransmitter
  5. Compared to men, womens' dreams are ....
  6. The most common negative emotion in dreams
  7. A characteristic of Rem sleep
  8. A long dream lasts for ... minutes
  9. What happens to nearly 95% of dreams?
  10. Medial Pre frontal cortex
  11. Dream aware even though you are asleep

24 Clues: A common dreamRapid Eye MovementA neurotransmitterAnother neurotransmitterMedial Pre frontal cortexMost people dream in .....Some believe dreams are .....A characteristic of Rem sleepSome dreams go across culturesAn embarrassing state in public!A long dream lasts for ... minutesThis group also dreams - like humans...

Diana's Dream 2022-12-23

Diana's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. くらい
  2. 船出、乗り出す
  3. 見た
  4. の方へ
  5. ふもと
  6. やさしい
  7. 楽しい
  8. 行った
  9. どうくつ
  10. ベランダ
  1. 静かな
  2. おかしい
  3. 思った
  4. 子猫
  5. トラ

18 Clues: 見た子猫トラ静かなくらいの方へふもと思った楽しい行ったおかしいやさしいどうくつベランダ船出、乗り出す

SMP kelas 9 2023-03-17

SMP kelas 9 crossword puzzle
  1. Jenis karya sastra berbentuk prosa yang menceritakan suatu kisah yang dialami suatu tokoh disertai berbagai konflik
  2. Pesan moral yang disisipkan pengarang dalam cerpen
  3. Teks yang berisi cerita fiksi yang benar-benar terjadi yang mampu memberi semangat orang yang membacanya
  4. Memengaruhi orang lain adalah tujuan dari pidato
  5. Tokoh baik dalam karya sastra
  6. Pada teks cerpen, pembaca dapat mengetahui karakter tokoh atau watak pelaku cerita dalam
  7. Dalam ilmu bahasa, kata penghubung yang menghubungkan setiap kata atau kalimat
  8. Nama lain tema
  9. Gagasan pokok dalam sebuah karya atau cerita
  1. Kalimat yang memiliki lebih dari dua verba atau struktur
  2. Untuk memperkuat argument, tulisan tanggapan kritis yang kita buat bisa disertai dengan
  3. Teks yang beisi isu atau masalah yang diperdebatkan oleh beberapa orang
  4. Permasalahan yang menjadi topik diskusi harus bersifat
  5. Orang yang mempinpin jalannnya diskusi
  6. Buku yang ditulis orang lain yang berisi tentang kisah hidup seseorang yang dapat diteladani
  7. Fungsi cerpen yang memberikan nilai moral sehingga pembaca mengerti moral yang baik dan tidak baik untuk dirinya
  8. Teks cerita inspiratif termasuk karya
  9. Hasil akhir dari sebuah isu yang dibahas dalam dikusi
  10. Teks yang berisi tentang penjabaran mengenai hasil pengamatan

19 Clues: Nama lain temaTokoh baik dalam karya sastraTeks cerita inspiratif termasuk karyaOrang yang mempinpin jalannnya diskusiGagasan pokok dalam sebuah karya atau ceritaMemengaruhi orang lain adalah tujuan dari pidatoPesan moral yang disisipkan pengarang dalam cerpenHasil akhir dari sebuah isu yang dibahas dalam dikusi...

American dream 2023-04-16

American dream crossword puzzle
  1. Limit between two countries
  2. what the immigrants saw when arriving in NY
  3. name given to Chinese immigrants
  4. Country in the South of USA
  5. job of the man who discovered the poems on Angel Island
  6. Roles Chinese immigrants learnt on Angel Island
  7. continent from which came the Chinese immigrants
  8. Mean of transportation European immigrants took
  9. A dangerous dry piece of land
  10. Shorts texts with rhymes
  1. continent from which came the German immigrants
  2. A dangerous wet piece of land
  3. San Fransisco immigration station
  4. Expecation for the future
  5. NY immigration station
  6. What immigrants fled from in their country
  7. Chinese philosopher
  8. Period of isolation
  9. The way Chinese people wrote their poems

19 Clues: Chinese philosopherPeriod of isolationNY immigration stationShorts texts with rhymesExpecation for the futureLimit between two countriesCountry in the South of USAA dangerous wet piece of landA dangerous dry piece of landname given to Chinese immigrantsSan Fransisco immigration stationThe way Chinese people wrote their poems...

How Well Do You Know HCS? 2023-06-14

How Well Do You Know HCS? crossword puzzle
  1. “👍😁✌️”
  2. Nama belakang kepala sekolah HCS
  3. Homeroom G9
  4. Salah satu helper SMP HCS
  5. “gabisa diem”
  1. Nama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama
  2. Ada chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu di
  3. Homeroom G8
  4. “Children with …. passion and integrity
  5. Saat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

10 Clues: “👍😁✌️”Homeroom G8Homeroom G9“gabisa diem”Salah satu helper SMP HCSNama belakang kepala sekolah HCSNama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama“Children with …. passion and integrityAda chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu diSaat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

How Well Do You Know HCS? 2023-06-14

How Well Do You Know HCS? crossword puzzle
  1. “👍😁✌️”
  2. Nama belakang kepala sekolah HCS
  3. Homeroom G9
  4. Salah satu helper SMP HCS
  5. “gabisa diem”
  1. Nama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama
  2. Ada chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu di
  3. Homeroom G8
  4. “Children with …. passion and integrity
  5. Saat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

10 Clues: “👍😁✌️”Homeroom G8Homeroom G9“gabisa diem”Salah satu helper SMP HCSNama belakang kepala sekolah HCSNama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama“Children with …. passion and integrityAda chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu diSaat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph 2023-11-29

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph crossword puzzle
  1. Joseph's dad
  2. The wife Jacob didn't love
  3. Joseph's mom
  4. the amount of children abraham would have
  5. Pharaoh made Joseph___of Egypt
  6. The man who's dream Joseph interpreted and he got out of jail
  7. Who got Joseph out of jail to interpret his dream
  8. Abraham son
  9. what the fat cows represented in Pharoahs dream
  10. Joseph was thrown into this
  11. The item Joseph hid in Benjamin's bag
  1. Josephs owner when he was a slave
  2. Brothers sold him
  3. Joseph's little brother
  4. what pharaoh dreamed about
  5. what the skinny cows represented in Pharaohs dream
  6. The one who's dream was interpreted by Joseph and was executed
  7. The place where all of this happened
  8. Abraham Wife
  9. People who bought Joseph as a slave
  10. what joseph was sold as

21 Clues: Abraham sonJoseph's dadJoseph's momAbraham WifeBrothers sold himJoseph's little brotherwhat joseph was sold asThe wife Jacob didn't lovewhat pharaoh dreamed aboutJoseph was thrown into thisPharaoh made Joseph___of EgyptJosephs owner when he was a slavePeople who bought Joseph as a slaveThe place where all of this happened...

cue for treason nolan 2021-12-14

cue for treason nolan crossword puzzle
  1. head of secret service
  2. man from stratford
  3. man who lied about sir Phillip Morton
  4. guy that dies
  5. breaks a leg
  6. ruler on london
  1. man who cracked the code of sonnet
  2. likes little girls
  3. owner of company in London
  4. the pirate
  5. person smp is after
  6. man on islet with peter
  7. almost put peter and kit in a pit
  8. person disguised as opposite gender
  9. man who was gonna shoot queen

15 Clues: the piratebreaks a legguy that diesruler on londonlikes little girlsman from stratfordperson smp is afterhead of secret serviceman on islet with peterowner of company in Londonman who was gonna shoot queenalmost put peter and kit in a pitman who cracked the code of sonnetperson disguised as opposite genderman who lied about sir Phillip Morton

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph 2023-11-29

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph crossword puzzle
  1. Joseph's dad
  2. The wife Jacob didn't love
  3. Joseph's mom
  4. the amount of children abraham would have
  5. Pharaoh made Joseph___of Egypt
  6. The man who's dream Joseph interpreted and he got out of jail
  7. Who got Joseph out of jail to interpret his dream
  8. Abraham son
  9. what the fat cows represented in Pharoahs dream
  10. Joseph was thrown into this
  11. The item Joseph hid in Benjamin's bag
  1. Josephs owner when he was a slave
  2. Brothers sold him
  3. Joseph's little brother
  4. what pharaoh dreamed about
  5. what the skinny cows represented in Pharaohs dream
  6. The one who's dream was interpreted by Joseph and was executed
  7. The place where all of this happened
  8. Abraham Wife
  9. People who bought Joseph as a slave
  10. what joseph was sold as

21 Clues: Abraham sonJoseph's dadJoseph's momAbraham WifeBrothers sold himJoseph's little brotherwhat joseph was sold asThe wife Jacob didn't lovewhat pharaoh dreamed aboutJoseph was thrown into thisPharaoh made Joseph___of EgyptJosephs owner when he was a slavePeople who bought Joseph as a slaveThe place where all of this happened...

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph 2023-11-29

Knox Bishop- Abraham to Joseph crossword puzzle
  1. Joseph's dad
  2. The wife Jacob didn't love
  3. Joseph's mom
  4. the amount of children abraham would have
  5. Pharaoh made Joseph___of Egypt
  6. The man who's dream Joseph interpreted and he got out of jail
  7. Who got Joseph out of jail to interpret his dream
  8. Abraham son
  9. what the fat cows represented in Pharoahs dream
  10. Joseph was thrown into this
  11. The item Joseph hid in Benjamin's bag
  1. Josephs owner when he was a slave
  2. Brothers sold him
  3. Joseph's little brother
  4. what pharaoh dreamed about
  5. what the skinny cows represented in Pharaohs dream
  6. The one who's dream was interpreted by Joseph and was executed
  7. The place where all of this happened
  8. Abraham Wife
  9. People who bought Joseph as a slave
  10. what joseph was sold as

21 Clues: Abraham sonJoseph's dadJoseph's momAbraham WifeBrothers sold himJoseph's little brotherwhat joseph was sold asThe wife Jacob didn't lovewhat pharaoh dreamed aboutJoseph was thrown into thisPharaoh made Joseph___of EgyptJosephs owner when he was a slavePeople who bought Joseph as a slaveThe place where all of this happened...

MNNIT Crossword Operaomnia 2021-12-26

MNNIT Crossword Operaomnia crossword puzzle
  1. Bonafide ke liye contact karein
  2. Jahan MNNIT ka largest contingent jata hai
  3. Jo gate hamesha band rehta hai
  4. All-girls dance committee
  5. Number of FS in Avishkar
  6. Sabse aaleeshan hostel
  7. College ka bank
  8. Faculty in-charge of Avishkar (opening ceremony me aae the?)
  1. MNNIT ke number of Deans
  2. Avishkar ka most-participated event
  3. MNNIT ka local startup
  4. Patel gate ke samne wali tapri
  5. GS1
  6. Seniors for juniors
  7. Number of coordinators of Operaomnia

15 Clues: GS1College ka bankSeniors for juniorsMNNIT ka local startupSabse aaleeshan hostelMNNIT ke number of DeansNumber of FS in AvishkarAll-girls dance committeeJo gate hamesha band rehta haiPatel gate ke samne wali tapriBonafide ke liye contact kareinAvishkar ka most-participated eventNumber of coordinators of Operaomnia...

Who knows Shenice best? 2022-01-10

Who knows Shenice best? crossword puzzle
  1. Favorite ice cream flavor
  2. Favorite thing to do
  3. Dream job
  4. Girl best friend
  5. Favorite female artist
  6. Favorite male artist
  7. Previous obsession
  8. Favorite animal
  9. Last vacation?
  10. Favorite marvel character
  1. Favorite color
  2. Favorite fruit
  3. Middle name
  4. Favorite food
  5. Favorite movie
  6. First dream job
  7. Biggest passion
  8. Favorite drink
  9. Second favorite movie
  10. Dream destination

20 Clues: Dream jobMiddle nameFavorite foodFavorite colorFavorite fruitFavorite movieFavorite drinkLast vacation?First dream jobBiggest passionFavorite animalGirl best friendDream destinationPrevious obsessionFavorite thing to doFavorite male artistSecond favorite movieFavorite female artistFavorite ice cream flavorFavorite marvel character

Kecap Wancahan 2023-03-14

Kecap Wancahan crossword puzzle
  1. dewek mah
  2. Prosés ngawangun kecap wancahan disebutna ngawancah.
  3. Sirnapurwa, sirnamadya, sirnawekas.
  4. oncom di jero
  1. Sirnapurwa anu harti séjénna pahlawan.
  2. Istilah séjén tina kecap wancahan tingkesan.
  3. Sirnamadya tina barang nu sok dipake dina suku.
  4. suuk di jero
  5. tatanen di bale atikan
  6. Sekolah Menengah Pertama

10 Clues: dewek mahsuuk di jerooncom di jerotatanen di bale atikanSekolah Menengah PertamaSirnapurwa, sirnamadya, sirnawekas.Sirnapurwa anu harti séjénna pahlawan.Istilah séjén tina kecap wancahan tingkesan.Sirnamadya tina barang nu sok dipake dina suku.Prosés ngawangun kecap wancahan disebutna ngawancah.

How Well Do You Know HCS 2023-06-14

How Well Do You Know HCS crossword puzzle
  1. Saat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah
  2. “gabisa diem”
  3. Salah satu helper SMP HCS
  4. Homeroom G8
  5. Ada chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu di
  6. “Children with …. passion and integrity
  1. Nama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama
  2. Homeroom G9
  3. Nama belakang kepala sekolah HCS
  4. “👍😁✌️”

10 Clues: “👍😁✌️”Homeroom G9Homeroom G8“gabisa diem”Salah satu helper SMP HCSNama belakang kepala sekolah HCSNama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama“Children with …. passion and integrityAda chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu diSaat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

How Well Do You Know HCS 2023-06-14

How Well Do You Know HCS crossword puzzle
  1. “👍😁✌️”
  2. Nama belakang kepala sekolah HCS
  3. Homeroom G9
  4. Salah satu helper SMP HCS
  5. “gabisa diem”
  1. Nama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama
  2. Ada chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu di
  3. Homeroom G8
  4. “Children with …. passion and integrity
  5. Saat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

10 Clues: “👍😁✌️”Homeroom G8Homeroom G9“gabisa diem”Salah satu helper SMP HCSNama belakang kepala sekolah HCSNama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama“Children with …. passion and integrityAda chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu diSaat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

For Dad 2023-03-04

For Dad crossword puzzle
  1. mom's dream vacation
  2. mom's favorite book
  3. Annie's favorite color
  4. kids
  5. world's deadliest animal
  6. man's best friend
  7. fav fire activity
  8. what organ is in a shrimps head
  9. most deadly honey bee
  10. makes your head spin
  11. this nut is part of the peach family
  12. zach's fav rap song
  1. Chloe's dream wedding ring style
  2. ella's dream job
  3. Ella's favorite horse
  4. paralyzes its prey
  5. mom's favorite plant
  6. zach's new fav artist
  7. annie is saving up for this
  8. liv's favorite book
  9. mom's favorite food
  10. liv's dream vacation

22 Clues: kidsella's dream jobman's best friendfav fire activityparalyzes its preymom's favorite bookliv's favorite bookmom's favorite foodzach's fav rap songmom's dream vacationmom's favorite plantmakes your head spinliv's dream vacationElla's favorite horsezach's new fav artistmost deadly honey beeAnnie's favorite colorworld's deadliest animal...

Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar 2023-11-05

Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar crossword puzzle
  1. What smashed the feet of the statue in the kings dream
  2. Name of Daniel's friend that begins with "S"
  3. Who reveals the king's dream to Daniel
  4. Number of years that Daniel and his friends were trained in Babylon
  5. What as the chest and arms made of in the king's dream
  6. King of Babylon
  7. What was the head made of in the dream?
  1. Where did Daniel live prior to being taken to Babylon
  2. What were the feet of the statue made of in the dream
  3. Interpreted the king's dream that no other advisor could
  4. What were the stomach and thighs made of in the kings dream
  5. What the King has that he needs help understanding
  6. What do Daniel and his friends do to learn about the king's dream
  7. What were the legs made of in the kings dream

14 Clues: King of BabylonWho reveals the king's dream to DanielWhat was the head made of in the dream?Name of Daniel's friend that begins with "S"What were the legs made of in the kings dreamWhat the King has that he needs help understandingWhere did Daniel live prior to being taken to BabylonWhat were the feet of the statue made of in the dream...

TTS SENI MUSIK & UMUM 2023-12-06

TTS SENI MUSIK & UMUM crossword puzzle


Emo CrossWord 2022-10-13

Emo CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Very short and red head.
  2. Mexican
  3. Married to Landon
  4. He is finally back on discord
  5. First canon dead on sobble smp.
  6. only plays vrchat and makes out with dk
  7. Always on Sobbles side
  8. He makes fun of people’s dead dads aka Pedo Joe
  1. He owns a small dog
  2. true god aka Nate
  3. The creator of emo
  4. Pokemon Vr
  5. Only has won 1 war
  6. Dating Keenan

14 Clues: MexicanPokemon VrDating Keenantrue god aka NateMarried to LandonThe creator of emoOnly has won 1 warHe owns a small dogAlways on Sobbles sideVery short and red head.He is finally back on discordFirst canon dead on sobble smp.only plays vrchat and makes out with dkHe makes fun of people’s dead dads aka Pedo Joe

Crossword 2023-05-17

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One of Alex's favorite sports that includes bouncing a ball
  2. One of Alex's favorite sports that requires you to pump your legs
  3. one of Alex's dream dogs that is known for its huge size
  4. Alex's current dream car
  5. Alex's dream school
  6. Alex's favorite stuffed animal
  7. dream future location
  8. Alex's favorite food
  9. one of Alex's favorite YouTubers, he has an English accent and specializes in viruses and parasites
  10. Alex's favorite book
  1. Alex's favorite drink
  2. one of Alex's dream dogs that is black and white
  3. where Alex's grandparents live
  4. how many kids does Alex want
  5. one of Alex's favorite YouTubers named Mike who has a Newfoundland called Bear
  6. Alex's favorite anime
  7. Alex's favorite dessert
  8. Alex's hobby
  9. Alex's brother's name
  10. what Alex wants to be when he grows up

20 Clues: Alex's hobbyAlex's dream schoolAlex's favorite foodAlex's favorite bookAlex's favorite drinkAlex's favorite animedream future locationAlex's brother's nameAlex's favorite dessertAlex's current dream carhow many kids does Alex wantwhere Alex's grandparents liveAlex's favorite stuffed animalwhat Alex wants to be when he grows up...

JTC3 Board Crossword 2022-07-15

JTC3 Board Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. We're flying! (MP10)
  2. Me if i was a board (SMP)
  3. RIP Pino (MP8)
  5. The Final MP1 Board
  1. Yee Haw (MP2)
  2. I want candy rn (MP5)
  3. RIP Ghost (MP4)
  4. It's a little chilly (MP6)
  5. Feel the Breeze! (MP7)
  6. 🎵 It's getting hot in here🎵 (MP9)
  7. Mario Part 2 x Mario Party SuperStars

12 Clues: Yee Haw (MP2)RIP Pino (MP8)RIP Ghost (MP4)The Final MP1 BoardWe're flying! (MP10)WAAAAAHHHHHHH! (MP3)I want candy rn (MP5)Feel the Breeze! (MP7)Me if i was a board (SMP)It's a little chilly (MP6)🎵 It's getting hot in here🎵 (MP9)Mario Part 2 x Mario Party SuperStars

American Dream 2022-12-07

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. eyes suspicious man looking through gatsbys books
  2. Gatsbys feelings for daisy
  3. what Gatsby was reaching for
  4. continuous hard work
  5. clock
  6. personal items
  7. land of freedom
  8. the last word in the great Gatsby book
  1. a board game
  2. personal goals achieved
  3. the name of one of the main characters
  4. grown on trees
  5. a way to measure your value
  6. owned land
  7. list of achievable things
  8. gatsbys ending
  9. done in sleep
  10. the narrator

18 Clues: clockowned landa board gamethe narratordone in sleepgrown on treesgatsbys endingpersonal itemsland of freedomcontinuous hard workpersonal goals achievedlist of achievable thingsGatsbys feelings for daisya way to measure your valuewhat Gatsby was reaching forthe name of one of the main charactersthe last word in the great Gatsby book...

Justin & Jess sip and solve 2023-09-02

Justin & Jess sip and solve crossword puzzle
  1. brides favorite ice cream flavor
  2. Grooms favorite movie
  3. Grooms favorite ice cream flavor
  4. Grooms nickname
  5. place bride and groom met
  6. brides favorite color
  7. Bride and grooms favorite baseball team
  8. Brides favorite movie
  9. Grooms favorite color
  10. number is siblings bride has
  11. Grooms dream car
  12. the number of years the bride and groom have been together
  13. Grooms favorite season
  14. brides favorite season
  1. Grooms dream dog
  2. Grooms favorite TV show
  3. sport the bride played growing up
  4. high school the groom attended
  5. Brides dream dog
  6. Bride and grooms middle name
  7. High school the bride attended
  8. Brides favorite football team
  9. Grooms favorite football team
  10. food the groom dislikes the most
  11. Brides dream honeymoon
  12. food the bride dislikes the most
  13. grooms work place
  14. Brides dream car

28 Clues: Grooms nicknameGrooms dream dogBrides dream dogGrooms dream carBrides dream cargrooms work placeGrooms favorite moviebrides favorite colorBrides favorite movieGrooms favorite colorBrides dream honeymoonGrooms favorite seasonbrides favorite seasonGrooms favorite TV showplace bride and groom metBride and grooms middle namenumber is siblings bride has...

agnesjuanita 2023-02-09

agnesjuanita crossword puzzle
  1. nama panggilan yang aku buat
  2. siapa nama tengah aku?
  3. nama panggung dari vachrirawit cheevare?
  4. aktor thailand yang kamu suka
  1. negara yang pengen bgt kesana?
  2. kapan tanggal jadian kita?
  3. dimana marsel lahir?
  4. bulan lahir agnes?
  5. kapan kita kenal ?

9 Clues: bulan lahir agnes?kapan kita kenal ?dimana marsel lahir?siapa nama tengah aku?kapan tanggal jadian kita?nama panggilan yang aku buataktor thailand yang kamu sukanegara yang pengen bgt kesana?nama panggung dari vachrirawit cheevare?

Review 2024-05-31

Review crossword puzzle
  1. Sekolah Menengah Pertama
  2. Bahasa inggris
  3. kalimat berdasarkan pemikiran pribadi
  4. kalimat yang berdasarkan kenyataan
  1. Sekolah Dasar
  2. Laporan yang berisi pengalaman saat jalan-jalan
  3. Bahasa inggris Satu
  4. memiliki rima a-b-a-b
  5. mengandung bait dan berisi kata kata indah

9 Clues: Sekolah DasarBahasa inggrisBahasa inggris Satumemiliki rima a-b-a-bSekolah Menengah Pertamakalimat yang berdasarkan kenyataankalimat berdasarkan pemikiran pribadimengandung bait dan berisi kata kata indahLaporan yang berisi pengalaman saat jalan-jalan

Haloquest SMP Chatacters 2022-01-07

Haloquest SMP Chatacters crossword puzzle
  1. the child
  2. Dead boi
  3. ____ + branch = tree :)
  4. that one whos not involved in anything
  5. the weird username
  6. Parental Figure
  7. demon boi
  8. got swag
  1. The server
  2. oldest child
  3. nonboonary legend
  4. only got custody of 1 child
  5. not many know this one, it's Alana
  6. the one who k1lled Crooked
  7. the middle child
  8. the only one in another nation
  9. the number

17 Clues: Dead boigot swagthe childdemon boiThe serverthe numberoldest childParental Figurethe middle childnonboonary legendthe weird username____ + branch = tree :)the one who k1lled Crookedonly got custody of 1 childthe only one in another nationnot many know this one, it's Alanathat one whos not involved in anything

Bahasa Indonesia 2024-01-01

Bahasa Indonesia crossword puzzle
  1. Kepanjangan dari Bpk.
  2. Kepanjangan dari dll.
  3. Kepanjangan dari S.Pd.
  4. Kepanjangan dari PMI.
  1. Kepanjangan dari KTP.
  2. Kepanjangan dari RA. (RA stands for).
  3. Kepanjangan dari hlm.
  4. Singkatan dari Sekolah Menengah Atas.
  5. Singkatan dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama. (Abbreviation for Junior High School).
  6. Singkatan dari yang bersangkutan.

10 Clues: Kepanjangan dari KTP.Kepanjangan dari Bpk.Kepanjangan dari hlm.Kepanjangan dari dll.Kepanjangan dari PMI.Kepanjangan dari S.Pd.Singkatan dari yang bersangkutan.Kepanjangan dari RA. (RA stands for).Singkatan dari Sekolah Menengah Atas.Singkatan dari Sekolah Menengah Pertama. (Abbreviation for Junior High School).

Dream Three 2023-10-14

Dream Three crossword puzzle
  1. _ is an interdimensional timeline traveler and one of Ben's adversaries. He is the archenemy of Professor Paradox, as well as an alternate and evil version of Ben.
  2. What are Gwen's favourite flowers?
  3. "It's main event time. Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve. I'll say no more. see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you…__ __ ___. Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks." Whose first appearance is being talked about?
  4. What do you recite to close the Marauder's Map
  5. What alien is evil and got stuck in the Omnitrix?
  6. What species did Hagrid's pet dragon, Noberta, belong to?
  7. How many PhDs does Banner have?
  8. What spell created by the Half Blood Prince did Harry use on Draco Malfoy?
  1. What is the name of the spell that Harry uses to defeat Voldemort in their final duel?
  2. What is the name of Ben Tennyson's favorite video game, where he and Gwen once unexpectedly find themselves inside the game world?
  3. Which spell is known as the Thief's Friend
  4. What kind of an alien is Goose?
  5. A complex self-righteous MCU villain, loved by fans and critics alike who graduated from MIT before proceeding to work with the SEALS.
  6. Which techie billionaire has a cameo in Iron Man 2?
  7. _ is Azmuth's former assistant, who, in his attempt to recreate the Omnitrix, turned himself into an imperfect clone of Ben Tennyson.
  8. Which alien did Ben first transform into in 'Alien Force'?
  9. What does Mad-Eye Moody turn Draco Malfoy into?
  10. Which video game is Thor addicted to in Endgame?

18 Clues: What kind of an alien is Goose?How many PhDs does Banner have?What are Gwen's favourite flowers?Which spell is known as the Thief's FriendWhat do you recite to close the Marauder's MapWhat does Mad-Eye Moody turn Draco Malfoy into?Which video game is Thor addicted to in Endgame?What alien is evil and got stuck in the Omnitrix?...

Minecraft 2019-10-14

Minecraft crossword puzzle
  1. Minigame you smash the bedof the other
  2. many people aploads videos with Minecraft there
  3. scary mob
  4. cring master, maker of Minecraft
  5. Youtuber from Greece plays it
  6. Minigame in the air
  7. N.2 company maked it
  8. Mode in Minecraft start from C
  1. server with greek youtubers
  2. country maked
  3. Youtuber from Sweden plays it
  4. N.1 company maked it
  5. online things in Minecraft
  6. city maked
  7. Servers you can play with your friends in those
  8. Mode in Minecraft start from S

16 Clues: scary mobcity makedcountry makedMinigame in the airN.1 company maked itN.2 company maked itonline things in Minecraftserver with greek youtubersYoutuber from Sweden plays itYoutuber from Greece plays itMode in Minecraft start from SMode in Minecraft start from Ccring master, maker of MinecraftMinigame you smash the bedof the other...

All About You... 2023-08-03

All About You... crossword puzzle
  1. Jenny's biggest strength
  2. Mike's dream vacation spot
  3. Katie's favorite sport
  4. Brad would describe himself as
  5. Rebecca's favorite animal
  6. Deana's phobia
  7. Zoe's favorite animal (2 words)
  8. Jasmine's most cherished attribute
  9. Matt's favorite genre of movies
  10. Samone's dream vacation spot
  11. Lawanda's dream job
  1. Takia's favorite board game
  2. Erin's happy place
  3. Domo's phobia
  4. Karsen's favorite animal (2 words)
  5. Loren's total number of tattoos
  6. Britta's dream job
  7. Vicky's favorite subject in high school
  8. Rachel's biggest strength
  9. Emily's favorite subject in high school
  10. Shavawn would describe herself as
  11. Katy's Hogwarts house
  12. Harout's favorite hobby

23 Clues: Domo's phobiaDeana's phobiaErin's happy placeBritta's dream jobLawanda's dream jobKaty's Hogwarts houseKatie's favorite sportHarout's favorite hobbyJenny's biggest strengthRebecca's favorite animalRachel's biggest strengthMike's dream vacation spotTakia's favorite board gameSamone's dream vacation spotBrad would describe himself as...

Serba serbi 7F 2022-11-03

Serba serbi 7F crossword puzzle
  1. KM kelas 7F
  2. wali kelas 7F
  3. seleksi keamanan 7F
  1. visi misi SMP 8
  2. seleksi kebersihan 7F
  3. sekertaris 7F
  4. bendahara 7F

7 Clues: KM kelas 7Fbendahara 7Fsekertaris 7Fwali kelas 7Fvisi misi SMP 8seleksi keamanan 7Fseleksi kebersihan 7F

TTS BK 2023-09-12

TTS BK crossword puzzle
  1. daerah mistery
  2. jumlah siswa 7a yang berawalan huruf a
  3. gaya belajar dengan indera pengelihatan
  4. daerah yang dapat di ketahui oleh orang lain
  5. suku pak herman
  6. kecenderungan menyerap informasi
  7. tempat lahir wanda
  8. nama awal wali kelas 7a
  9. menyukai hal yang banyak melakukan aktivitas fisik
  1. orang lain tahu, diri sendiri tidak tahu
  2. jumlah siswa kelas 7a yang berawalan muhammad
  3. kepala SMP Tunas Agro
  4. pandangan tentang diri sendiri
  5. lebih suka mendengarkan guru menjelaskan
  6. bulan kelahiran bu juwita

15 Clues: daerah misterysuku pak hermantempat lahir wandakepala SMP Tunas Agronama awal wali kelas 7abulan kelahiran bu juwitapandangan tentang diri sendirikecenderungan menyerap informasijumlah siswa 7a yang berawalan huruf agaya belajar dengan indera pengelihatanorang lain tahu, diri sendiri tidak tahulebih suka mendengarkan guru menjelaskan...

life smp members 2024-01-22

life smp members crossword puzzle
  1. Yellow wings
  2. Affirmations
  3. Cookies
  4. Stars (LL)
  5. *Watcher Lore*
  6. King
  7. Homewrecker
  1. Fairy fort
  2. Sideways house
  4. Summoned a Warden
  5. Villain (SL)
  6. Band leader
  7. Washed Up
  8. Undead
  9. Sun (3L)
  10. RelationShip
  11. Moon (DL)

18 Clues: KingUndeadCookiesSun (3L)Washed UpMoon (DL)Fairy fortStars (LL)Band leaderHomewreckerYellow wingsAffirmationsVillain (SL)RelationShipSideways house*Watcher Lore*I AM THE BOOGEYSummoned a Warden

Raelle's Dream 2023-07-19

Raelle's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. an aggregation of cases over a particular period esp. cancer & birth defects that are closely grouped in time and space
  2. more cases of a particular disease than expected in a given area or among a specialized group of people over a particular period of time
  3. Disease An infection that is acquired in a hospital
  4. factor that contributes to the generation of a trait
  5. the period when you are infectious and can spread your germs (whether bacteria, viruses, or parasites) to an uninfected person via adequate contact
  6. Rate of death in a population
  7. An epidemic occurring over a very wide area (several countries or continents) and usually affecting a large proportion of the population
  8. Time in between when a person comes into contact with a pathogen and when they first show symptoms or signs of disease
  1. when the cumulative effects of the infection cause damage in the tissues
  2. Time in between when a person comes into contact with a pathogen and when they become infected
  3. Rate of disease in a population
  4. probability of a host to become infected
  5. offers a summary of person, place, and time for each of the known cases in an outbreak
  6. capacity to cause disease and symptoms in the host
  7. Study of the cause of a disease
  8. a physical object that serves to transmit an infectious agent from person to person; comb, dust particles
  9. disease or condition present among a population at all times
  10. Raw values

18 Clues: Raw valuesRate of death in a populationRate of disease in a populationStudy of the cause of a diseaseprobability of a host to become infectedcapacity to cause disease and symptoms in the hostDisease An infection that is acquired in a hospitalfactor that contributes to the generation of a trait...

Dream jobs 2023-01-05

Dream jobs crossword puzzle
  1. A person whose job is to take care of people's teeth
  2. A person who plays a musical instrument or writes music
  3. A person who performs ballet
  4. A person who works in business, especially at a high level
  5. A person in charge of a film/movie or play who tells the actors and staff what to do
  6. A person whose job is inventing things
  7. Difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability(adj.)
  8. A person who assists people who are on holiday
  9. Something helps you to relax (adj.)
  1. A person who works in someone else's garden
  2. A person who designs fashionable clothes
  3. Worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important(adj.)
  4. A person whose job involves travelling and working in a spacecraft
  5. A person whose job involves designing and building engines, machines, roads, bridges.
  6. A person whose job is teaching, especially in a school
  7. A person whose job is to treat animals who are sick are injured
  8. A person who flies a plane, especially as a job

17 Clues: A person who performs balletSomething helps you to relax (adj.)A person whose job is inventing thingsA person who designs fashionable clothesA person who works in someone else's gardenA person who assists people who are on holidayA person who flies a plane, especially as a jobA person whose job is to take care of people's teeth...

ARGOSY 2024-06-10

ARGOSY crossword puzzle
  1. E in DREAM
  2. The color of your Math binder
  3. The city Ms. Lossio lives in
  5. The color of your STEM binder
  6. The color of your GL binder
  7. STEM Teacher
  8. Other Math Teacher
  9. An afterschool opportunity to get extra help
  10. The college that Mr. O'Hara and Ms. Lossio attended
  11. O'HARA'S FISH (RIP) Pablo
  1. Other English Teacher
  2. M in DREAM
  3. ELA Teacher
  4. D in DREAM
  5. The color of your ELA binder
  6. Math Teacher
  7. Global Lit Teacher
  8. A in DREAM
  9. OF HOLES Louis Sachar
  10. A popular afterschool club run by Mr. O'Hara

21 Clues: E in DREAMM in DREAMD in DREAMA in DREAMELA TeacherMath TeacherSTEM TeacherGlobal Lit TeacherOther Math TeacherOther English TeacherOF HOLES Louis SacharO'HARA'S FISH (RIP) PabloThe color of your GL binderThe color of your ELA binderThe city Ms. Lossio lives inThe color of your Math binderWE ARE GOING TO FIELD DAY BCCThe color of your STEM binder...

A Raisin in the Sun Act 1 2023-03-30

A Raisin in the Sun Act 1 crossword puzzle
  1. gift from Asagai
  2. one for whom bread-food is not enough
  3. Asagai call's this mutilated
  4. walter's dream
  5. has big dreams; feels unsupported
  6. Younger's were doing this before Asagai's visit
  7. Asagai from
  8. Beneatha's dream
  9. source of money, $10,000
  1. Mama's dream
  2. Ruth's dream
  3. Ruth may be willing to sacrifice
  4. type of home the Younger's live in
  5. Travis plays with while outside
  6. Walter's job
  7. changing yourself to fit in with the group
  8. brings Beneatha gifts
  9. a goal or a strongly held desire
  10. city where Younger's live
  11. to put something off; delay

20 Clues: Asagai fromMama's dreamRuth's dreamWalter's jobwalter's dreamgift from AsagaiBeneatha's dreambrings Beneatha giftssource of money, $10,000city where Younger's liveto put something off; delayAsagai call's this mutilatedTravis plays with while outsideRuth may be willing to sacrificea goal or a strongly held desirehas big dreams; feels unsupported...

All About Avi 2024-04-29

All About Avi crossword puzzle
  1. favorite cartoon character
  2. dream job
  3. color of her eyes
  4. favorite color
  5. favorite movie
  6. favorite store
  7. dream car
  8. favorite sport
  1. favorite animal
  2. born on a
  3. favorite snack
  4. zodiac sign
  5. favorite hobby
  6. baby blanket color
  7. name of her dog
  8. middle name
  9. dream vacation
  10. baby name

18 Clues: dream jobborn on adream carbaby namezodiac signmiddle namefavorite snackfavorite hobbyfavorite colorfavorite moviedream vacationfavorite storefavorite sportfavorite animalname of her dogcolor of her eyesbaby blanket colorfavorite cartoon character


TEKS DESKRIPSI crossword puzzle
  1. perbedaan nyata
  2. Dina mengajak temannya untuk ... saat piknik ke Pantai Parangtritis
  3. pembetulan memrediksi
  4. slogan Kabupaten Magelang
  5. gaya bahasa/majas yang membuat benda mati seolah hidup
  6. kata yang mudah diserap pancaindra
  7. Desa ini adalah desa terdekat ... Wae Rebo
  1. Visi SMP Negeri 1 Kota Mungkid
  2. Adi sangat ... mengendarai sepeda
  3. kata dasar menerpa
  4. Pulau Dewata
  5. pelukisan sesuatu sesuai dengan keadaan nyata
  6. pancaran cahaya
  7. terasa setelah melihat/mendengar sesuatu
  8. makanan bulat yang terbuat dari beras ketan dengan isian gula merah

15 Clues: Pulau Dewataperbedaan nyatapancaran cahayakata dasar menerpapembetulan memrediksislogan Kabupaten MagelangVisi SMP Negeri 1 Kota MungkidAdi sangat ... mengendarai sepedakata yang mudah diserap pancaindraterasa setelah melihat/mendengar sesuatuDesa ini adalah desa terdekat ... Wae Rebopelukisan sesuatu sesuai dengan keadaan nyata...

Lingkungan Rumah (Tetangga, RT, RW) 2023-03-15

Lingkungan Rumah (Tetangga, RT, RW) crossword puzzle
  1. salah satu kegiatan RT adalah ... .
  2. kegiatan untuk orang meninggal yaitu ...
  3. rw dipimpin oleh ...
  4. orang terdekat kita
  5. Lawan dari utara adalah ... .
  6. singkatan dari rukun tetangga
  1. Matahari terbenam dari arah ... .
  2. manfaat hidup rukun dengan tetangga adalah salah satunya agar hidup menjadi ...
  3. salah satu kegiatan RW adalah ...
  4. singkatan tanaman obat keluarga
  5. TOKO ada di ... SD AL IKHLASH
  6. singkatan dari rukun warga
  7. SD AL IKHLAS berada di ... SMP
  8. Matahari terbit dari arah ....

14 Clues: orang terdekat kitarw dipimpin oleh ...singkatan dari rukun wargaTOKO ada di ... SD AL IKHLASHLawan dari utara adalah ... .singkatan dari rukun tetanggaSD AL IKHLAS berada di ... SMPMatahari terbit dari arah ....singkatan tanaman obat keluargaMatahari terbenam dari arah ... .salah satu kegiatan RW adalah ...salah satu kegiatan RT adalah ... ....

Serba serbi 7F 2022-11-03

Serba serbi 7F crossword puzzle
  1. Km kelas 7F
  2. wali kelas 7F
  3. seksi keamanan 7F
  1. visi misi smp 8
  2. seksi kebersihan 7F
  3. sekertaris 7F
  4. bendahara kelas 7F

7 Clues: Km kelas 7Fsekertaris 7Fwali kelas 7Fvisi misi smp 8seksi keamanan 7Fbendahara kelas 7Fseksi kebersihan 7F

Serba serbi 7F 2022-11-03

Serba serbi 7F crossword puzzle
  1. km kelas 7F
  2. wali kelas 7F
  3. visi SMP 8
  1. kebersihan kelas 7F
  2. keamanan kelas 7F
  3. sekertaris kelas 7F
  4. bendahara kelas 7F

7 Clues: visi SMP 8km kelas 7Fwali kelas 7Fkeamanan kelas 7Fbendahara kelas 7Fkebersihan kelas 7Fsekertaris kelas 7F


TTS RAIHAN DAN ASYRAF crossword puzzle
  1. Nama ayah Asyraf
  2. Kalau hari ini hari Jum'at, besok hari apa?
  3. Piramida penduduk muda
  4. Pindah dari desa ke kota
  5. Berapa jumlah penduduk Indonesia pada tahun 2020?0
  6. Kelompok suku terbesar di Indonesia
  7. Nama ketua kelas 8D
  8. Piramida penduduk dewasa
  9. Sekarang kita kelas berapa?
  1. Pindah dari kota ke desa
  2. Nama istri yang buat soal
  3. Berapa jumlah penduduk Amerika Serikat pada tahun 2020?
  4. Berapa jumlah penduduk Rusia pada tahun 2020?
  5. Nama kepala sekolah SMP MUGADETA
  6. Kepanjangan BYI
  7. Nama guru IPS Kelas 8
  8. Piramida penduduk tua
  9. Nama lain perpindahan penduduk
  10. Nama murid yang mau pindah ke Malaysia
  11. Presiden kita saat ini

20 Clues: Kepanjangan BYINama ayah AsyrafNama ketua kelas 8DNama guru IPS Kelas 8Piramida penduduk tuaPiramida penduduk mudaPresiden kita saat iniPindah dari kota ke desaPindah dari desa ke kotaPiramida penduduk dewasaNama istri yang buat soalSekarang kita kelas berapa?Nama lain perpindahan pendudukNama kepala sekolah SMP MUGADETA...

TUGAS IPS KELAS 7 & 8 2022-06-03

TUGAS IPS KELAS 7 & 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Tempat beribadah umat Islam
  2. Sikap mental seseorang yang memiliki kreativitas tinggi
  3. Kekurangan (paucity)
  4. Kemampuan untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru
  5. Dampak nyata kelangkaan ekonomi
  6. Kebutuhan ...... adalah kebutuhan yang harus dipenuhi
  7. Keinginan memenuhi kepuasan rohani dan jasmani
  8. Sejumlah barang yang diinginkan
  9. Kegiatan menyalurkan hasil produksi
  10. Sumber Daya Alam
  1. Santri teladan kelas 7 SMP Tahfizh Al Qolam
  2. Sejumlah barang yang tersedia
  3. Nilai suatu barang
  4. Salah satu proses persebaran Islam di Indonesia
  5. Sesuatu tidak berwujud tetapi dapat memenuhi kebutuhan
  6. Nama kota tempat kita berada
  7. Kegiatan menggunakan hasil produksi
  8. Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi
  9. Kegiatan menambah nilai guna
  10. Tempat melakukan jual-beli

20 Clues: Sumber Daya AlamNilai suatu barangKekurangan (paucity)Tempat melakukan jual-beliTempat beribadah umat IslamNama kota tempat kita beradaKegiatan menambah nilai gunaSejumlah barang yang tersediaIlmu Pengetahuan dan TeknologiDampak nyata kelangkaan ekonomiSejumlah barang yang diinginkanKegiatan menggunakan hasil produksi...

EAB 2024-04-16

EAB crossword puzzle
  1. online presence
  2. occupies dresser
  3. brings may flowers
  4. competitive family entertainment
  5. blue mountains
  6. lab dream
  7. alma mater cheer
  8. first concert
  9. edible layers
  10. favorite food group
  11. oui oui dream
  12. bald entertainment
  1. the best holiday
  2. meal in a bowl
  3. ancestors
  4. hotdog dream
  5. remix GOAT
  6. happy reaction
  7. nickname
  8. Second name
  9. english chicken
  10. greek gang
  11. furry pasta sauce
  12. my guy

24 Clues: my guynicknameancestorslab dreamremix GOATgreek gangSecond namehotdog dreamfirst concertedible layersoui oui dreammeal in a bowlhappy reactionblue mountainsonline presenceenglish chickenthe best holidayoccupies dresseralma mater cheerfurry pasta saucebrings may flowersbald entertainmentfavorite food groupcompetitive family entertainment

Istilah sekolah 2021-08-04

Istilah sekolah crossword puzzle
  1. Bpk Bambang Setiawan Waka bagian
  2. Alamat jalan sekolah
  3. Mulai thn 2021, SMP 3 Songgon sekolah menuju
  1. Sebelum keg Pembelajaran di sekolah biasanya
  2. Bpk Kholil Prastiyo Waka bagian
  3. Desa lokasi sekolah
  4. Sistem pembelajaran saat ini
  5. Nama Kepala sekolah
  6. Arti Daring

9 Clues: Arti DaringDesa lokasi sekolahNama Kepala sekolahAlamat jalan sekolahSistem pembelajaran saat iniBpk Kholil Prastiyo Waka bagianBpk Bambang Setiawan Waka bagianSebelum keg Pembelajaran di sekolah biasanyaMulai thn 2021, SMP 3 Songgon sekolah menuju

Serba serbi 7F 2022-11-03

Serba serbi 7F crossword puzzle
  1. km kelas 7F
  2. wali kelas 7F
  3. visi SMP 8
  1. kebersihan kelas 7F
  2. keamanan kelas 7F
  3. sekertaris kelas 7F
  4. bendahara kelas 7F

7 Clues: visi SMP 8km kelas 7Fwali kelas 7Fkeamanan kelas 7Fbendahara kelas 7Fkebersihan kelas 7Fsekertaris kelas 7F

Serba serbi 7F 2022-11-03

Serba serbi 7F crossword puzzle
  1. km kelas 7F
  2. wali kelas 7F
  3. visi SMP 8
  1. kebersihan kelas 7F
  2. keamanan kelas 7F
  3. sekertaris kelas 7F
  4. bendahara kelas 7F

7 Clues: visi SMP 8km kelas 7Fwali kelas 7Fkeamanan kelas 7Fbendahara kelas 7Fkebersihan kelas 7Fsekertaris kelas 7F

Serba serbi 7F 2022-11-03

Serba serbi 7F crossword puzzle
  1. km kelas 7F
  2. wali kelas 7F
  3. visi SMP 8
  1. kebersihan kelas 7F
  2. keamanan kelas 7F
  3. sekertaris kelas 7F
  4. bendahara kelas 7F

7 Clues: visi SMP 8km kelas 7Fwali kelas 7Fkeamanan kelas 7Fbendahara kelas 7Fkebersihan kelas 7Fsekertaris kelas 7F

nightmares 2022-05-12

nightmares crossword puzzle
  1. what medication is used for nightmares
  2. what is it called when a dream comes true?
  3. what is between nightmares and night terror?
  4. can you feel pain in dreams?
  5. what is the rarest type of dreams?
  6. why are my dreams like a horror movie?
  7. what food can give you nightmares?
  8. what can stop nightmares in kids ?
  9. what is the medical reason for scary dreams?
  10. how many adults fix the problem?
  11. what is the most common nightmare?
  1. what is the high common thing that causes dream
  2. what is worse than sleep terrors?
  3. how do i not be scared after a dream?
  4. what is a frighting dreams?
  5. how to clam yourself down?
  6. what happens to your behavior during days of nightmares?
  7. what can cause a nightmare?
  8. how many minutes does a dream last?
  9. why are there people i know in my dream?

20 Clues: what is a frighting dreams?can you feel pain in dreams?how to clam yourself down?what can cause a nightmare?how many adults fix the problem?what is worse than sleep terrors?what food can give you nightmares?what is the most common nightmare?what can stop nightmares in kids ?how do i not be scared after a dream?...

TARCOG Aging Programs 2023-01-19

TARCOG Aging Programs crossword puzzle
  1. Assistance for relatives raising grandchild
  2. TARCOG's help line
  3. Educates seniors on Medicare fraud prevention
  4. Regional office for aging programs
  5. Assists Seniors with Insurance Assistance
  1. Advocates for residents in LTC
  2. Provides meals to seniors
  3. Job Training for Seniors
  4. Assists senior with POA's and Wills
  5. Support for Caregivers
  6. Provides Seniors with assistance purchasing medication

11 Clues: TARCOG's help lineSupport for CaregiversJob Training for SeniorsProvides meals to seniorsAdvocates for residents in LTCRegional office for aging programsAssists senior with POA's and WillsAssists Seniors with Insurance AssistanceAssistance for relatives raising grandchildEducates seniors on Medicare fraud prevention...

do youu knoww perii ?:D 2021-03-16

do youu knoww perii ?:D crossword puzzle
  1. least favorite lesson
  2. favorite boy band
  3. dream city to visit
  4. dream university
  5. kindergarten school
  6. 1st dream cita"
  7. favorite teacher [external]
  8. favorite subject
  9. favorite month
  10. top 1 fear
  11. 1st hangout stop ai rlly wan go
  12. dad's name
  13. favorite animal
  14. Chinese nickname
  15. favorite flower
  16. favorite breakfast
  17. where ai was born
  18. sister's name
  19. something ai hate
  1. nickname from friends
  2. favorite math topic
  3. org yg ai sk wahh
  4. favorite les
  5. favorite dog breed
  6. favorite drink
  7. favorite character on greys anatomy
  8. favorite snack
  9. a lesson aim bad at
  10. dream state ai wanted to visit
  11. mom's name
  12. dream cita"
  13. favorite color
  14. favorite hobbies
  15. favorite food
  16. favorite fruit
  17. first crush
  18. favorite day
  19. a food ai hate
  20. favorite restaurant
  21. 1st phone

40 Clues: 1st phonemom's nametop 1 feardad's namedream cita"first crushfavorite lesfavorite dayfavorite foodsister's namefavorite drinkfavorite snackfavorite colorfavorite monthfavorite fruita food ai hate1st dream cita"favorite animalfavorite flowerdream universityfavorite subjectfavorite hobbiesChinese nicknameorg yg ai sk wahhfavorite boy band...

do youu knoww perii ?:D 2021-03-16

do youu knoww perii ?:D crossword puzzle
  1. least favorite lesson
  2. favorite boy band
  3. dream city to visit
  4. dream university
  5. kindergarten school
  6. 1st dream cita"
  7. favorite teacher [external]
  8. favorite subject
  9. favorite month
  10. top 1 fear
  11. 1st hangout stop ai rlly wan go
  12. dad's name
  13. favorite animal
  14. Chinese nickname
  15. favorite flower
  16. favorite breakfast
  17. where ai was born
  18. sister's name
  19. something ai hate
  1. nickname from friends
  2. favorite math topic
  3. org yg ai sk wahh
  4. favorite les
  5. favorite dog breed
  6. favorite drink
  7. favorite character on greys anatomy
  8. favorite snack
  9. a lesson aim bad at
  10. dream state ai wanted to visit
  11. mom's name
  12. dream cita"
  13. favorite color
  14. favorite hobbies
  15. favorite food
  16. favorite fruit
  17. first crush
  18. favorite day
  19. a food ai hate
  20. favorite restaurant
  21. 1st phone

40 Clues: 1st phonemom's nametop 1 feardad's namedream cita"first crushfavorite lesfavorite dayfavorite foodsister's namefavorite drinkfavorite snackfavorite colorfavorite monthfavorite fruita food ai hate1st dream cita"favorite animalfavorite flowerdream universityfavorite subjectfavorite hobbiesChinese nicknameorg yg ai sk wahhfavorite boy band...

People of the Time Period 2022-05-09

People of the Time Period crossword puzzle
  1. arrested for tax evasion
  2. The damage the American Dream causes.
  3. learning to abandon dreams & wealth.
  4. Shallowness and uselessness of money
  5. fundamentalist prosecutor
  6. Why wealth is the wrong dream.
  7. "The Great Humanitarian"
  8. "keeping it cool with"
  9. Learn to settle or advance with care.
  1. Bobby Frank's killers.
  2. modern monkey defender
  3. "Satchmo"
  4. radical Italians
  5. spirit of St. Louis
  6. evolution endorser
  7. Dream realistically and the American Dream is a failure.
  8. road not taken

17 Clues: "Satchmo"road not takenradical Italiansevolution endorserspirit of St. LouisBobby Frank's killers.modern monkey defender"keeping it cool with"arrested for tax evasion"The Great Humanitarian"fundamentalist prosecutorWhy wealth is the wrong dream.learning to abandon dreams & wealth.Shallowness and uselessness of money...


TEKA TEKI MATEMATIKA (TTM) crossword puzzle
  1. Meja (Inggris)
  2. Akar dari 121
  3. Bagian yang tegak lurus dengan alas
  4. (-2) pangkat 4
  5. angka yang berdiri sendiri tanpa variabel
  6. Salah satu bangun ruang sisi lengkung
  7. nama lain pangkat
  8. 1.234.567 pangkat 0
  1. Nama mata pelajaran
  2. angka yamg berada dibelakang variabel
  3. sesuatu yang belum diketahui nilainya,biasanya dilambangkan huruf abjad
  4. Salah satu nama surga
  5. Salah satu unsur kerucut
  6. Pangkat tiga
  7. Bangun ruang sisi lenkung yang dibentuk dari 2 buah lingkaran dan 1 persegipanjang sebagai selimut
  8. Nama Kepala Sekolah SMP Negeri 6 Kejuruan Muda
  9. Salah satu nama Kecamatan di Aceh Tamiang
  10. Pangkat dua

18 Clues: Pangkat duaPangkat tigaAkar dari 121Meja (Inggris)(-2) pangkat 4nama lain pangkatNama mata pelajaran1.234.567 pangkat 0Salah satu nama surgaSalah satu unsur kerucutBagian yang tegak lurus dengan alasangka yamg berada dibelakang variabelSalah satu bangun ruang sisi lengkungangka yang berdiri sendiri tanpa variabel...

Communication Exercise OMAM 2018-04-09

Communication Exercise OMAM crossword puzzle
  1. Ranch
  2. Mouse
  3. Clara
  4. Curley
  5. Whiskey
  6. Neck
  7. Bunkhouse
  8. Puppy
  9. Dress
  10. Crooks
  1. Dream
  2. Stable
  3. California
  4. Lennie
  5. Ketchup
  6. Brush
  7. Supper
  8. George
  9. Candy
  10. Slim

20 Clues: NeckSlimDreamRanchMouseClaraBrushPuppyDressCandyStableCurleyLennieSupperGeorgeCrooksWhiskeyKetchupBunkhouseCalifornia

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 2020-04-24

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. arrive
  2. draw
  3. answer
  4. ask
  5. cook
  6. clean
  7. walk
  8. bleed
  9. close
  1. dream
  2. arise
  3. brush
  4. break
  5. awake
  6. begin
  7. call
  8. cut
  9. add
  10. believe
  11. buy

20 Clues: askcutaddbuydrawcookcallwalkdreamarisebrushbreakawakebegincleanbleedclosearriveanswerbelieve

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 2020-04-24

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. dream
  2. buy
  3. believe
  4. draw
  5. answer
  6. arise
  7. call
  8. bleed
  9. ask
  10. close
  1. awake
  2. brush
  3. begin
  4. break
  5. walk
  6. arrive
  7. add
  8. clean
  9. cook
  10. cut

20 Clues: buyaddaskcutdrawwalkcallcookdreamawakebrushbeginbreakarisecleanbleedcloseanswerarrivebelieve


TTS MOBILITAS SOSIAL crossword puzzle
  1. Tempat mengajar Bu Damaris
  2. Usaha baru pak Gayus
  3. Salah seorang ahli mobilitas social
  4. perubahan status diantara beberapa generasi
  5. mobilitas vertikal kebawah disebut social….
  6. Mobilitas vertical ke atas disebut social……
  7. Yang berarti mudah dipindahkan
  8. Mantan presiden yang mengalami social sinking
  9. Kedudukan seseorang
  1. Perubahan status dalam satu generasi
  2. Seorang guru di provinsi Papua
  3. Seorang kepala sekolah SMP di Jawa Timur
  4. Perpindahan status sosial ke lapisan yang sama
  5. Perpindahan status seseorang menjadi
  6. Anak pengusaha yang memiliki perkebunan teh

15 Clues: Kedudukan seseorangUsaha baru pak GayusTempat mengajar Bu DamarisSeorang guru di provinsi PapuaYang berarti mudah dipindahkanPerubahan status dalam satu generasiSalah seorang ahli mobilitas socialPerpindahan status seseorang menjadiSeorang kepala sekolah SMP di Jawa Timurperubahan status diantara beberapa generasi...

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 2020-04-24

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. dream
  2. buy
  3. believe
  4. draw
  5. answer
  6. arise
  7. call
  8. bleed
  9. ask
  10. close
  1. awake
  2. brush
  3. begin
  4. break
  5. walk
  6. arrive
  7. add
  8. clean
  9. cook
  10. cut

20 Clues: buyaddaskcutdrawwalkcallcookdreamawakebrushbeginbreakarisecleanbleedcloseanswerarrivebelieve

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 2020-04-24

regular and IRREGULAR VERBS. 1 crossword puzzle
  1. ask
  2. brush
  3. arise
  4. break
  5. begin
  6. close
  7. walk
  8. dream
  9. clean
  1. answer
  2. arrive
  3. draw
  4. believe
  5. call
  6. buy
  7. bleed
  8. cook
  9. awake
  10. cut
  11. add

20 Clues: askbuycutadddrawcallcookwalkbrusharisebreakbeginbleedcloseawakedreamcleananswerarrivebelieve

Civil Rights 2023-05-22

Civil Rights crossword puzzle
  1. PlessyvFerguson
  2. Dream
  3. Boycott
  4. school
  5. Amendment
  6. Supremecourt
  7. LittleRock
  8. Protest
  9. Segregation
  10. March
  1. vote
  2. EmmitTill
  3. Education
  4. JackieRobinson
  5. RosaParks
  6. WEBDuBois
  7. NAACP
  8. MLK
  9. CivilRights
  10. MalcomX

20 Clues: MLKvoteDreamNAACPMarchschoolBoycottProtestMalcomXEmmitTillEducationRosaParksWEBDuBoisAmendmentLittleRockCivilRightsSegregationSupremecourtJackieRobinsonPlessyvFerguson

BUTTS 2024-02-21

BUTTS crossword puzzle
  1. deaf
  2. when
  3. lead
  4. bleed
  5. dead
  6. dream
  7. breath
  8. sweet
  9. street
  10. beach
  1. queen
  2. head
  3. bled
  4. lead
  5. bread
  6. each
  7. reach
  8. great
  9. steam
  10. swept
  11. break

21 Clues: deafwhenheadbledleadleaddeadeachqueenbleedbreaddreamreachgreatsweetsteamsweptbeachbreakbreathstreet

Evolve SMP Crossword 2023-05-07

Evolve SMP Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. One of our mods that hails from Mexico
  2. SMP
  3. Our Bot Overlord
  4. the Bane of Dolpan's existence
  5. Dolpan's old user
  1. Beer lovin' nation from S1
  2. the big cheese
  3. Biggest nation
  4. a Coastal Colony that is a part of Ichinomiya

9 Clues: SMPthe big cheeseBiggest nationOur Bot OverlordDolpan's old userBeer lovin' nation from S1the Bane of Dolpan's existenceOne of our mods that hails from Mexicoa Coastal Colony that is a part of Ichinomiya

crossword for nel 2024-05-08

crossword for nel crossword puzzle
  1. dream car
  2. favorite animal
  3. favorite berry
  4. favorite shoes (brand)
  5. dream perfume (brand)
  6. favorite book genre
  7. favorite flower
  8. favorite animal pattern
  9. favorite couple (in a k-drama)
  10. favorite movie
  1. favorite k-drama
  2. dream bag
  3. favorite hobby
  4. favorite food
  5. favorite American actor
  6. favorite series
  7. favorite Korean actor
  8. favorite season

18 Clues: dream bagdream carfavorite foodfavorite hobbyfavorite berryfavorite moviefavorite animalfavorite seriesfavorite seasonfavorite flowerfavorite k-dramafavorite book genrefavorite Korean actordream perfume (brand)favorite shoes (brand)favorite American actorfavorite animal patternfavorite couple (in a k-drama)

Asesmen Teks Berita Kelas 8 2023-08-30

Asesmen Teks Berita Kelas 8 crossword puzzle
  1. Aku menangis karena terjatuh
  2. Unsur-unsur berita
  3. Berita harus sesuai dengan kejadian
  4. Aku belajar...pintar
  1. Struktur yang memuat ADIKSIMBA
  2. Yusuf mendapat beasiswa tatkala SMP
  3. Struktur berita yang tidak terlalu penting
  4. Aku belajar...tertidur
  5. Berkaitan dengan waktu terjadinya peristiwa

9 Clues: Unsur-unsur beritaAku belajar...pintarAku belajar...tertidurAku menangis karena terjatuhStruktur yang memuat ADIKSIMBAYusuf mendapat beasiswa tatkala SMPBerita harus sesuai dengan kejadianStruktur berita yang tidak terlalu pentingBerkaitan dengan waktu terjadinya peristiwa

RA #1 2014-01-27

RA #1 crossword puzzle
  1. trouble sleeping
  2. waves slow brain waves when awake
  3. actually storyline of a dream
  4. scary dream in REM sleep
  5. periodic physiological fluctuations
  6. emotions, images, and thoughts while sleeping
  7. stop breathing while sleeping
  1. biological clock
  2. false sensory experiences
  3. waves large slow brain waves while sleeping
  4. scary dream in stage 4
  5. sleep attacks
  6. what you are aware of
  7. stage in which vivd deems occur
  8. content underlying content of a dream; a safety valve

15 Clues: sleep attacksbiological clocktrouble sleepingwhat you are aware ofscary dream in stage 4scary dream in REM sleepfalse sensory experiencesactually storyline of a dreamstop breathing while sleepingstage in which vivd deems occurwaves slow brain waves when awakeperiodic physiological fluctuationswaves large slow brain waves while sleeping...

A Midsummer Night's Dream 2024-06-16

A Midsummer Night's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Who Hermia ends up with
  2. Who dose Titania Fall in Love with, when she wakes up
  3. The Fairy Queen
  4. Bottom woke up and thought their experiences were a _____ when he woke up
  5. What is the main theme of the play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  6. The Character who is betrothed to Theseus
  7. What was the play that was performed
  8. How many scenes were there in the play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  9. The Character that who ends up with a donkey head
  10. Puck dropped flower juice in Demetrius ____
  11. Who Titania ends up with
  12. The play opens in this ancient city ____
  13. The type of play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is condidered
  14. When Lysander is absent, Hermia thinks he has been ____
  15. What city was the play based in
  1. Quince leads a band of _____
  2. Who wrote " A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  3. Living prop played by Snout _____
  4. Where was the 'A Midsummer Night's Dream" Frist recited
  5. Who do Oberon and Titania have an argument about
  6. Witch Play did Shakespear take elements from, his play 'A Midsummer Night's Dream"
  7. Where the play is set
  8. Who is the father of Hermia
  9. Potion Oberon uses this special flower to make _____
  10. These magical beings have a kingdom in the woods
  11. Who Demetrius ends up with
  12. The fairy that that severs Oberon's
  13. The profession of Bottom
  14. The flower that causes people to fall in love
  15. What was practiced in the woods

30 Clues: The Fairy QueenWhere the play is setWho Hermia ends up withWho Titania ends up withThe profession of BottomWho Demetrius ends up withWho is the father of HermiaQuince leads a band of _____What was practiced in the woodsWhat city was the play based inLiving prop played by Snout _____The fairy that that severs Oberon's...

crossword for nel 2024-05-08

crossword for nel crossword puzzle
  1. favorite berry
  2. favorite movie
  3. favorite book genre
  4. dream bag
  5. dream perfume (brand)
  6. favorite animal pattern
  7. favorite hobby
  8. favorite animal
  9. favorite couple (in a k-drama)
  1. favorite flower
  2. favorite season
  3. favorite Korean actor
  4. favorite k-drama
  5. favorite American actor
  6. dream car
  7. favorite food
  8. favorite series
  9. favorite shoes (brand)

18 Clues: dream cardream bagfavorite foodfavorite berryfavorite moviefavorite hobbyfavorite flowerfavorite seasonfavorite seriesfavorite animalfavorite k-dramafavorite book genrefavorite Korean actordream perfume (brand)favorite shoes (brand)favorite American actorfavorite animal patternfavorite couple (in a k-drama)

Olive puzzle 2021-03-08

Olive puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ditunggu PU?
  2. tanggal lahirmu?
  1. makanan kesukaan kamu?
  2. kado dari siap?
  3. udah gede jangan?
  4. semoga jadi anak?
  5. kapan kita bertemu?

7 Clues: ditunggu PU?kado dari siap?tanggal lahirmu?udah gede jangan?semoga jadi anak?kapan kita bertemu?makanan kesukaan kamu?

Ice Breaking Thrones Session 2021-02-19

Ice Breaking Thrones Session crossword puzzle
  1. Nasib mosi yang tidak memiliki pendukung
  2. BAB IV Konstitusi CIMSA mengatur tentang...
  3. Pendukung mosi
  4. The Rise of National Secretary General Squad
  5. Lebih dari 50%
  6. Tamu undangan dan penasihat eksternal
  7. Jumlah kongres pada Sidang Umum CIMSA
  8. Salah satu komponen legalitas
  1. bulan kelahiran Secretary General Host NLS 2021
  2. Bagian paling akhir dari MoU
  3. Nama officials CIMSA 2020-2021
  4. Tempat pertama kali Statuta CIMSA disahkan
  5. Nama organisasi resmi CIMSA ada pada Statuta Bab I Pasal ...
  6. Tidak menentukan pilihan
  7. Calon lokal observer CIMSA
  8. Mau launching sebentar lagi!

16 Clues: Pendukung mosiLebih dari 50%Tidak menentukan pilihanCalon lokal observer CIMSABagian paling akhir dari MoUMau launching sebentar lagi!Salah satu komponen legalitasNama officials CIMSA 2020-2021Tamu undangan dan penasihat eksternalJumlah kongres pada Sidang Umum CIMSANasib mosi yang tidak memiliki pendukungTempat pertama kali Statuta CIMSA disahkan...

TTM (Teka-teki Mupalas) 2022-06-15

TTM (Teka-teki Mupalas) crossword puzzle
  1. media berbagi foto dan video
  2. tempat Bung Karno dilahirkan
  3. pengesahan
  4. desa didirikannya Muhammadiyah
  1. kode batang
  2. SMP Muhammadiyah 14 Surabaya
  3. sebuah panggilan bagi seseorang yang dapat menghafal Al-Qur'an
  4. satu dari warna dasar

8 Clues: pengesahankode batangsatu dari warna dasarmedia berbagi foto dan videoSMP Muhammadiyah 14 Surabayatempat Bung Karno dilahirkandesa didirikannya Muhammadiyahsebuah panggilan bagi seseorang yang dapat menghafal Al-Qur'an

american dream 2022-12-07

american dream crossword puzzle
  1. not the present or future
  2. land of the free
  3. what Gatsby was reaching out for
  4. goals achieved
  5. list of achievable things
  6. a chance to do something
  7. not grown on trees
  8. sleep activities
  1. strong emotion towards something
  2. the next chapter in life
  3. narrator of the book
  4. feeling of content
  5. gatsbys end
  6. main character
  7. being able to make free choices
  8. gatsbys feelings for daisy
  9. the man looking at gatsbys books

17 Clues: gatsbys endmain charactergoals achievedland of the freesleep activitiesfeeling of contentnot grown on treesnarrator of the bookthe next chapter in lifea chance to do somethingnot the present or futurelist of achievable thingsgatsbys feelings for daisybeing able to make free choicesstrong emotion towards somethingwhat Gatsby was reaching out for...

Colour 2021-05-02

Colour crossword puzzle
  1. the color in SD national Pants
  2. the color of scout uniform
  3. the color of grape
  4. the color of SMA National Uniform Pants
  5. the color of the board which teacher used for writing
  6. the color of cloud
  7. the color of melon
  1. the color of sea
  2. the color of
  3. the color of skies
  4. the color of banana
  5. the color of tree
  6. the color which woman’s like
  7. the color of leaves
  8. the color in SMP national pants

15 Clues: the color ofthe color of seathe color of treethe color of grapethe color of skiesthe color of cloudthe color of melonthe color of bananathe color of leavesthe color of scout uniformthe color which woman’s likethe color in SD national Pantsthe color in SMP national pantsthe color of SMA National Uniform Pants...

TTS Sejarah 2023-02-02

TTS Sejarah crossword puzzle
  1. haluan serekat islam merah
  2. pendiri perhimpunan indonesia
  3. pendidikan 3 tahun, yang setara seperti smp
  4. kantor bacaan rakyat
  5. didirikannya perhimpunan indonesia
  1. organisasi pergerakan nasional yang dipelopori mahasiswa STOVIA
  2. politik devide et impera
  3. nama belanda dari dewan rakyat
  4. strategi perang secara diam diam
  5. pendiri taman siswa

10 Clues: pendiri taman siswakantor bacaan rakyatpolitik devide et imperahaluan serekat islam merahpendiri perhimpunan indonesianama belanda dari dewan rakyatstrategi perang secara diam diamdidirikannya perhimpunan indonesiapendidikan 3 tahun, yang setara seperti smporganisasi pergerakan nasional yang dipelopori mahasiswa STOVIA

Struktur Surat Dinas 2023-04-11

Struktur Surat Dinas crossword puzzle
  1. Hormat saya,Hormat kami,
  2. menunjukan informasi kapan sebuah surat dikeluarkan
  3. Dengan hormat,
  4. pihak yang bertanggung jawab atas penulisan surat
  5. terdapat pembuka, isi, penutup surat
  1. nama instansi, alamat, nomor telepon,dan logo
  2. Yth. Bapak/Ibu
  3. tujuan atau perkara surat
  4. 1 lembar
  5. 567/SMP/IV/2023

10 Clues: 1 lembarYth. Bapak/IbuDengan hormat,567/SMP/IV/2023Hormat saya,Hormat kami,tujuan atau perkara suratterdapat pembuka, isi, penutup suratnama instansi, alamat, nomor telepon,dan logopihak yang bertanggung jawab atas penulisan suratmenunjukan informasi kapan sebuah surat dikeluarkan

How Well Do You Know HCS? 2023-06-14

How Well Do You Know HCS? crossword puzzle
  1. “👍😁✌️”
  2. Nama belakang kepala sekolah HCS
  3. Ada chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu di.... hall
  4. “Children with …. passion and integrity
  5. Nama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama
  1. Homeroom G8
  2. Salah satu helper SMP HCS
  3. Homeroom G9
  4. “gabisa diem”
  5. Saat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerah

10 Clues: “👍😁✌️”Homeroom G8Homeroom G9“gabisa diem”Salah satu helper SMP HCSNama belakang kepala sekolah HCSNama panggilan kami sebenarnya sama“Children with …. passion and integritySaat “Bulan Bahasa”, kita cosplay jadi daerahAda chapel ada pramuka. Tempatnya selalu di.... hall