dream smp Crossword Puzzles

Read. Dream. Share in Translation Crossword 2 2020-04-15

Read. Dream. Share in Translation Crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Dream in Spanish
  2. Share in Telugu
  3. Share in Spanish
  4. Dream in Dutch
  5. Share in French
  6. Read in German
  7. Read in Somali
  1. Read in Telugu
  2. Share in Hmong
  3. Read in Vietnamese
  4. Dream in Hawaiian
  5. Dream in Somali
  6. Dream in Vietnamese
  7. Share in Samoan
  8. Share in Dutch
  9. Dream in Portuguese
  10. Read in Italian
  11. Read in Samoan

18 Clues: Read in TeluguShare in HmongDream in DutchShare in DutchRead in GermanRead in SamoanRead in SomaliShare in TeluguDream in SomaliShare in SamoanShare in FrenchRead in ItalianDream in SpanishShare in SpanishDream in HawaiianRead in VietnameseDream in VietnameseDream in Portuguese

Jawab dulu, baru hadiah 2023-01-15

Jawab dulu, baru hadiah crossword puzzle
  1. apakah jamal orang indonesia
  2. profesi mulia *kesehatan
  3. bahasa inggris anggun
  4. rasa es krim favorit kia
  5. jurusan jamal
  6. daerah sekolah anggun sekarang
  7. warna almet fara
  1. bahasa bengkulu bel
  2. tami cantik (fakta/mitos)
  3. sekarang hari apa
  4. asal daerah aufa
  5. kota tami kuliah
  6. panggilan smp farah

13 Clues: jurusan jamalasal daerah aufakota tami kuliahwarna almet farasekarang hari apabahasa bengkulu belpanggilan smp farahbahasa inggris anggunprofesi mulia *kesehatanrasa es krim favorit kiatami cantik (fakta/mitos)apakah jamal orang indonesiadaerah sekolah anggun sekarang

judul 2024-05-07

judul crossword puzzle
  1. setelah jasmin
  2. surat persahabatan
  3. pada waktu
  4. apa singkatan dari
  5. pada dan jasmin
  1. berapa lama
  2. putri pingsan
  3. putri berangkat
  4. setelah jasmin
  5. kisah persahabatan

10 Clues: pada waktuberapa lamaputri pingsansetelah jasminsetelah jasminputri berangkatpada dan jasminsurat persahabatanapa singkatan darikisah persahabatan

Sejarah SMP 2022-08-03

Sejarah SMP crossword puzzle
  1. Raja pertama kerajaan kaingga
  2. raja yang terkenal di kerajaan kalingga
  3. Letak Sungai Kampar
  4. Prasasti kerajaan tarumanegara
  5. peninggalan kerajaan mataram
  6. letak kerajaan tarumanegara
  7. Kerajaan Hindu tertua di Indonesia
  8. sungai di kerajaan mataram
  1. raja kedua sriwijaya
  2. kepercayaan kerajaan mataram "budha"
  3. Upacara pelepasan kuda di kerajaan kutai
  4. Raja kedua kutai
  5. raja yang terkenal di tarumanegara
  6. Prasasti kerajaan tarumanegara
  7. Raja ketiga kutai

15 Clues: Raja kedua kutaiRaja ketiga kutaiLetak Sungai Kamparraja kedua sriwijayasungai di kerajaan mataramletak kerajaan tarumanegarapeninggalan kerajaan mataramRaja pertama kerajaan kainggaPrasasti kerajaan tarumanegaraPrasasti kerajaan tarumanegararaja yang terkenal di tarumanegaraKerajaan Hindu tertua di Indonesiakepercayaan kerajaan mataram "budha"...

Tes Pramuka P5 2023-09-29

Tes Pramuka P5 crossword puzzle
  1. pramuka tertinggi
  2. Organisasi Kpeanduan di Indonesia
  3. sandi dalam pramuka
  4. Tanda kecakapan khusus
  5. Dimanakah negara manakah Baden Powell meninggal
  6. tingkatan SMP
  7. satuan karya
  8. Tingkatan sekolah dasar
  9. Syarat Kecakapan Umum
  1. Apa nama satuan terkecil dalam Pramuka Penggalang
  2. tali temali
  3. pembantu pembina
  4. Tingkatan SMK/SMA
  5. alat bantu untuk menentukan arah mata angin
  6. tempat kelahiran boden powell

15 Clues: tali temalisatuan karyatingkatan SMPpembantu pembinapramuka tertinggiTingkatan SMK/SMAsandi dalam pramukaSyarat Kecakapan UmumTanda kecakapan khususTingkatan sekolah dasartempat kelahiran boden powellOrganisasi Kpeanduan di Indonesiaalat bantu untuk menentukan arah mata anginDimanakah negara manakah Baden Powell meninggal...

PH 2 IPS 2021-02-22

PH 2 IPS crossword puzzle
  1. presiden indonesia
  2. tempat olahraga
  3. gubernur DKI
  4. warna bendera indonesia
  5. tempat wisata terkenal
  6. walikota padang
  1. hamengkuwono bertugas di
  2. ibu kota republik indonesia
  3. gubernur sumatera barat
  4. sukarno hatta diculik
  5. lokasi smp 39 padang

11 Clues: gubernur DKItempat olahragawalikota padangpresiden indonesialokasi smp 39 padangsukarno hatta diculiktempat wisata terkenalgubernur sumatera baratwarna bendera indonesiahamengkuwono bertugas diibu kota republik indonesia


  6. ADAT



  1. warna seragam guru hari senin
  2. ketua osis
  3. ruang craft
  4. ekskul tiap jumat
  5. warna gerbang depan
  6. ms sinta
  7. pohon di halaman SD
  8. ms nila, mr widhi, ms ayu
  9. lantai ruang musik
  10. seragam guru hari kamis
  1. warna meja lab
  2. panca, vincent, Tata
  3. Kepala SD
  4. komandan security
  5. vektor, gerak melingkar, gaya
  6. kelas 1
  7. lapangan di bima
  8. bahasa hari selasa
  9. ekskul mr suas
  10. 12.00
  11. depan kelas
  12. Selisih lantai gedung SD dan SMA
  13. kepala SMP

23 Clues: 12.00kelas 1ms sintaKepala SDketua osiskepala SMPruang craftdepan kelaswarna meja labekskul mr suaslapangan di bimakomandan securityekskul tiap jumatbahasa hari selasalantai ruang musikwarna gerbang depanpanca, vincent, Tatapohon di halaman SDseragam guru hari kamisms nila, mr widhi, ms ayuwarna seragam guru hari seninvektor, gerak melingkar, gaya...

SMP Reveal 2023-03-13

SMP Reveal crossword puzzle
  1. grade
  2. mainstage
  3. college
  4. friends
  5. neighborhood
  6. class
  1. age
  2. eyes
  3. major
  4. superhero
  5. dog
  6. sibling
  7. church
  8. hair

14 Clues: agedogeyeshairgrademajorclasschurchsiblingcollegefriendssuperheromainstageneighborhood

Dream 2024-06-02

Dream crossword puzzle
  1. pom-pom girl
  2. flipper - to lose or cause to lose emotional control from extreme excitement, shock, fear, joy, despair, etc.
  3. cauchemar
  4. a mound (tas) of sand formed by the wind, usually along the beach or in a desert
  5. gratte-ciel
  6. an ancient Egyptian figure with the body of a lion and the head of human
  1. a hot, dry, sandy region with little or no rain
  2. extremely tired
  3. déçu
  4. premier plan
  5. a small area of land completely surrounded by water
  6. désir
  7. bête, stupid, ridicule

13 Clues: déçudésircauchemargratte-cielpom-pom girlpremier planextremely tiredbête, stupid, ridiculea hot, dry, sandy region with little or no raina small area of land completely surrounded by wateran ancient Egyptian figure with the body of a lion and the head of humana mound (tas) of sand formed by the wind, usually along the beach or in a desert...

Aria School 2022-04-20

Aria School crossword puzzle
  1. Phoenix's favorite game ever
  2. phoenix's favorite game 2022
  3. Phoenix's old yt series
  4. hate vaccines
  5. Quinn's worst nightmare
  6. who made number 9 a thing
  7. Loved WW11 in elementary
  1. aboud loves to say this
  2. 3 years old
  3. Very unfunny
  4. Short Monkey
  5. In another state
  6. Quinn's Feet

13 Clues: 3 years oldVery unfunnyShort MonkeyQuinn's Feethate vaccinesIn another stateaboud loves to say thisPhoenix's old yt seriesQuinn's worst nightmareLoved WW11 in elementarywho made number 9 a thingPhoenix's favorite game everphoenix's favorite game 2022

Final 2023-10-23

Final crossword puzzle
  1. Dua anak kalimat
  2. Pencipta mars SMP 5 DEPOK
  3. Unsur instristik cerpen
  4. Membaca buku
  5. Isi dari pidato
  6. Membangun suatu,dalam cerita itu sendiri
  1. Menghibur dan memikat pembaca
  2. Cerpen fantasi melibatkan unsur
  3. Karya sastra cerpen berbentuk
  4. Banyak kata dalam cerpen
  5. Perbandingan tidak langsung
  6. Cerpen bagian awal
  7. Bahasa yang lebih kuat
  8. Tokoh dalam cerpen fantasi
  9. Mengaktifkan semangat pendengar

15 Clues: Membaca bukuIsi dari pidatoDua anak kalimatCerpen bagian awalBahasa yang lebih kuatUnsur instristik cerpenBanyak kata dalam cerpenPencipta mars SMP 5 DEPOKTokoh dalam cerpen fantasiPerbandingan tidak langsungMenghibur dan memikat pembacaKarya sastra cerpen berbentukCerpen fantasi melibatkan unsurMengaktifkan semangat pendengar...

Ayo bermain! 2023-12-05

Ayo bermain! crossword puzzle
  1. untuk murid SMP(MS)
  2. musik untuk bermain musik
  3. untuk bermain air dan lumpur
  4. untuk yoga
  5. untuk olahraga
  6. untuk sepak bola, voli dan dodgeball
  1. toilet
  2. untuk rumah babi
  3. untuk rumah ayam
  4. untuk membuat proyek
  5. untuk menyebrang sungai

11 Clues: toiletuntuk yogauntuk olahragauntuk rumah babiuntuk rumah ayamuntuk murid SMP(MS)untuk membuat proyekuntuk menyebrang sungaimusik untuk bermain musikuntuk bermain air dan lumpuruntuk sepak bola, voli dan dodgeball

- 2022-11-15

- crossword puzzle
  1. Membuat ada.
  2. Ditemani
  3. Sekolah Dasar.
  4. Taman kanak-kanak.
  5. Punya banyak pengalaman.
  1. Mau coba.
  2. Dicek/dikontrol.
  3. Sekolah Menengah Pertama.
  4. Sekolah Menengah Atas.
  5. Belajar tambahan di luar sekolah.

10 Clues: DitemaniMau coba.Membuat ada.Sekolah Dasar.Dicek/dikontrol.Taman kanak-kanak.Sekolah Menengah Atas.Punya banyak pengalaman.Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Belajar tambahan di luar sekolah.

coba 2022-10-22

coba crossword puzzle
  1. kau
  2. lawan dari hidup
  3. aku
  4. lawan dari minum
  5. lawan dari bangun
  1. lawan dari berdiri
  2. kumpulan air yang luas dan berombak
  3. lawan dari siang
  4. sekolah setelah sd
  5. lawan dari turun

10 Clues: kauakulawan dari hiduplawan dari sianglawan dari minumlawan dari turunlawan dari bangunlawan dari berdirisekolah setelah sdkumpulan air yang luas dan berombak

judul 2024-05-07

judul crossword puzzle
  1. setelah jasmin
  2. surat persahabatan
  3. pada waktu
  4. apa singkatan dari
  5. pada dan jasmin
  1. berapa lama
  2. putri pingsan
  3. putri berangkat
  4. setelah jasmin
  5. kisah persahabatan

10 Clues: pada waktuberapa lamaputri pingsansetelah jasminsetelah jasminputri berangkatpada dan jasminsurat persahabatanapa singkatan darikisah persahabatan

Aku 2023-01-10

Aku crossword puzzle
  1. sekolah nisa yg sekarang
  2. Alamat nisa , desa?
  3. nama lengkap Nisa
  4. kecamatan?
  5. ibu dari Nisa
  6. yg sekarang dekat dengan nisa?
  7. nisa anak ke?
  1. Alamat Nisa , dusun?
  2. alumni dari SMP?
  3. kakak dari Nisa
  4. nama ayah dari nisa
  5. jurusan yang diambil

12 Clues: kecamatan?ibu dari Nisanisa anak ke?kakak dari Nisaalumni dari SMP?nama lengkap Nisanama ayah dari nisaAlamat nisa , desa?Alamat Nisa , dusun?jurusan yang diambilsekolah nisa yg sekarangyg sekarang dekat dengan nisa?

Teks Tanggapan 2023-01-22

Teks Tanggapan crossword puzzle
  1. Bentuk tanggapan
  2. Binatang yang dilindungi di NTT
  3. kata penghubung keterangan waktu
  4. Struktur teks tanggapan
  5. Fenomena cuaca
  6. Kata penghubung
  7. ungkapan pujian
  8. Informasi berkaitan tema lingkungan
  9. Jenjang pendidikan setelah SMP
  10. Areal luas yang dipadati pepohonan
  1. Penulis terkenal
  2. Sungai terpanjang di Indonesia
  3. Berita yang tidak berdasarkan fakta dan data
  4. Kritik membangun
  5. Teks yang berisi kritik
  6. Pendapat
  7. Orang yang ahli dalam bidang seni
  8. Unsur kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai inti pembicaraan dalam kalimat
  9. Objek tanggapan

19 Clues: PendapatFenomena cuacaKata penghubungObjek tanggapanungkapan pujianBentuk tanggapanPenulis terkenalKritik membangunTeks yang berisi kritikStruktur teks tanggapanSungai terpanjang di IndonesiaJenjang pendidikan setelah SMPBinatang yang dilindungi di NTTkata penghubung keterangan waktuOrang yang ahli dalam bidang seni...

ATS 2024-03-01

ATS crossword puzzle
  1. perilaku mengurangi suatu barang yang tidak terlalu dibutuhkan
  2. Pengikisan yang disebabkan oleh air laut
  3. pusat kesehatan masyarakat
  4. zat penyusun atmosfer
  5. pos keamanan lingkungan
  6. Bagian bumi yang paling dalam
  7. sekolah menegah pertama
  8. penyebab pasang naik dan pasang surut
  9. belajar dari rumah
  10. Bagian kerak bumi
  1. tahap penyerapan pada siklus air
  2. Bagian terluar bumi
  3. Salah satu hasil tambang
  4. salah satu bagian atmosfer
  5. pos pelayanan terpadu
  6. alat mencatat gempa
  7. pertahanan sipil
  8. Lapisan yang menyelubungi inti bumi
  9. telephon seluler

19 Clues: pertahanan sipiltelephon selulerBagian kerak bumibelajar dari rumahBagian terluar bumialat mencatat gempapos pelayanan terpaduzat penyusun atmosferpos keamanan lingkungansekolah menegah pertamaSalah satu hasil tambangsalah satu bagian atmosferpusat kesehatan masyarakatBagian bumi yang paling dalamtahap penyerapan pada siklus air...

Aria School 2022-04-20

Aria School crossword puzzle
  1. Phoenix's favorite game ever
  2. phoenix's favorite game 2022
  3. Phoenix's old yt series
  4. hate vaccines
  5. Quinn's worst nightmare
  6. who made number 9 a thing
  7. Loved WW11 in elementary
  1. aboud loves to say this
  2. 3 years old
  3. Very unfunny
  4. Short Monkey
  5. In another state
  6. Quinn's Feet

13 Clues: 3 years oldVery unfunnyShort MonkeyQuinn's Feethate vaccinesIn another stateaboud loves to say thisPhoenix's old yt seriesQuinn's worst nightmareLoved WW11 in elementarywho made number 9 a thingPhoenix's favorite game everphoenix's favorite game 2022

Aria School 2022-04-20

Aria School crossword puzzle
  1. Phoenix's favorite game ever
  2. phoenix's favorite game 2022
  3. Phoenix's old yt series
  4. hate vaccines
  5. Quinn's worst nightmare
  6. who made number 9 a thing
  7. Loved WW11 in elementary
  1. aboud loves to say this
  2. 3 years old
  3. Very unfunny
  4. Short Monkey
  5. In another state
  6. Quinn's Feet

13 Clues: 3 years oldVery unfunnyShort MonkeyQuinn's Feethate vaccinesIn another stateaboud loves to say thisPhoenix's old yt seriesQuinn's worst nightmareLoved WW11 in elementarywho made number 9 a thingPhoenix's favorite game everphoenix's favorite game 2022


  1. Tenaga yang berasal dari dalam bumi yang menyebabkan berbagai bentuk muka bumi melalui gerakan vertikal dan horizontal disebut dengan tenaga...
  2. Aktivitas ekonomi yang menambah nilai bahan mentah dengan mengubah bentuknya atau menggabungkannya menjadi komoditas yang berguna disebut aktivitas ekonomi...
  3. Perpindahan penduduk dari daerah yang padat ke daerah yang jarang penduduknya disebut dengan...
  4. Peningkatan suhu di permukaan laut yang berdampak pada menurunnya curah hujan di wilayah Indonesia di kenal sebagai fenomena...
  5. Putri merupakan siswa SMP kelas 8 disalah satu SMP yang ada di kota Sampit. Putri terpaksa pindah sekolah ke salah satu SMP di Surabaya karena orang tua putri mengalami kenaikan jabatan. Perpindahan yang dilakukan putri termasuk mobilitas sosial...
  6. Peran para wali dalam penyebaran agama Islam, khususnya di tanah Jawa, cukup besar. Wali yang memiliki peran penting dalam penyebaran agama Islam di daerah Jawa Barat adalah Sunan...
  7. Perpindahan penduduk kembali ke negara asalnya disebut dengan...
  8. Kondisi rata-rata suhu, angin, kelembaban, curah hujan selama periode waktu yang relatif singkat dan dapat berubah dalam hitungan jam, hari, atau bahkan minggu disebut...
  1. Daerah lekukan yang lebih rendah dari pada tempat di sekitarnya dan merupakan dataran yang panjang serta dialirin sungai disebut...
  2. Salah satu metode yang dipakai di pesantren dengan cara para santri duduk di sekeliling kiai yang menerangkan pelajaran merupakan metode...
  3. Syarat masuk Islam dikenal cukup mudah, yaitu cukup dengan mengucapkan kalimat...
  4. Lembah yang dalam dan sempit dengan lereng yang curam merupakan bentuk muka bumi dengan istilah...
  5. Aktivitas ekonomi yang memberikan layanan jasa kepada masyarakat umum disebut dengan aktivitas ekonomi...
  6. Perpindahan penduduk dari wilayah perdesaan ke wilayah perkotaan disebut dengan...
  7. Relief daratan yang bentuknya mirip dengan gunung, tetapi ketinggiannya lebih rendah dengan puncak yang tidak terlalu curam merupakan bentuk...

15 Clues: Perpindahan penduduk kembali ke negara asalnya disebut dengan...Syarat masuk Islam dikenal cukup mudah, yaitu cukup dengan mengucapkan kalimat...Perpindahan penduduk dari wilayah perdesaan ke wilayah perkotaan disebut dengan...Perpindahan penduduk dari daerah yang padat ke daerah yang jarang penduduknya disebut dengan......

Minecraft puzzle time 2021-12-09

Minecraft puzzle time crossword puzzle
  1. Best wood type
  2. It's in the game
  3. Delayed feature now in 1.19
  4. boneboys
  5. Souls and sand and skeleton skulls
  6. final boss
  7. MLG move
  8. They make the game
  1. were supposed to be pigs
  2. Snowier snow
  3. fireball fortress
  4. I cry tears of death
  5. Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop _________
  6. undead green mob
  7. Smp but to know you can't be a hermit
  8. It's in the name

16 Clues: boneboysMLG movefinal bossSnowier snowBest wood typeIt's in the gameundead green mobIt's in the namefireball fortressThey make the gameI cry tears of deathwere supposed to be pigsDelayed feature now in 1.19Whoop Whoop Whoop Whoop _________Souls and sand and skeleton skullsSmp but to know you can't be a hermit

FGD FUN FACT 2023-11-09

FGD FUN FACT crossword puzzle
  1. Pengukur panjang
  2. belas lusin
  3. Jajanan dikantin sd asbc
  4. Pengganti air wudhu
  1. Jual barang ke luar negeri
  2. Masjid di SMP ASBC
  3. lambang sila ke 2
  4. Rangkaian listrik
  5. Presiden ke 6
  6. 20 buah

10 Clues: 20 buahbelas lusinPresiden ke 6Pengukur panjangRangkaian listriklambang sila ke 2Pengganti air wudhuMasjid di SMP ASBCJual barang ke luar negeriJajanan dikantin sd asbc

CO CAPTAIN 2023-04-14

CO CAPTAIN crossword puzzle
  1. The term for meat eaters
  2. Smart but slow
  3. Something hot that represent our team
  4. "Lucky Cave"
  5. My fav color
  6. Who broke the alliance between stars and earth?
  7. 2 Big ones and one small for aamir
  1. Peaceful tribe
  2. The team that lives in nether
  3. Our team belief
  4. Most used command
  5. The game we play
  6. Our enemy
  7. Survival Multiplayer
  8. The name basically

15 Clues: Our enemy"Lucky Cave"My fav colorPeaceful tribeSmart but slowOur team beliefThe game we playMost used commandThe name basicallySurvival MultiplayerThe term for meat eatersThe team that lives in nether2 Big ones and one small for aamirSomething hot that represent our teamWho broke the alliance between stars and earth?

American Dream 2023-05-09

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. What many people have for their future.
  2. The Statue of...
  3. Not alive
  4. This leads you to the American Dream.
  5. Determines how realistic a dream is.
  6. A book by Zora Neale Hurston
  7. This will help you achieve your American Dream.
  8. A book by Lorraine Hansberry.
  9. The most important part of America.
  10. The chance to achieve your American Dream.
  11. This is what people want for for themselves.
  12. The opposite of pessimistic.
  13. Achieving the American Dream is very...
  14. A tool that can help you achieve your dream.
  1. Many people's dream is to acquire...
  2. To work through and continue on.
  3. A strong foundation.
  4. The effect of achieving your dreams.
  5. What school gives you.
  6. To be committed.
  7. To be financially successful.
  8. Not dead
  9. To not give up.
  10. The author of the "I Have A Dream" speech.
  11. People get help from their friends and...
  12. A book by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  13. What stops many people from achieving their dreams.
  14. A place for your family to live.
  15. Not the past, not the present, but the...
  16. Some people believe this can affect a person's ability to achieve their American Dream.

30 Clues: Not deadNot aliveTo not give up.The Statue of...To be committed.A strong foundation.What school gives you.A book by Zora Neale HurstonThe opposite of pessimistic.To be financially successful.A book by Lorraine Hansberry.A book by F. Scott Fitzgerald.To work through and continue on.A place for your family to live.The most important part of America....

indrusss 2021-05-21

indrusss crossword puzzle
  1. how many girlfriend
  2. tahun kita bertemu
  3. first met up
  1. tanggal kita
  2. kebiasaan kamu
  3. bulan kita
  4. tanggal ulang tahun aku
  5. your favorite food
  6. my favorite drink

9 Clues: bulan kitatanggal kitafirst met upkebiasaan kamumy favorite drinktahun kita bertemuyour favorite foodhow many girlfriendtanggal ulang tahun aku

Jai's TMI 2021-02-14

Jai's TMI crossword puzzle
  1. nickname
  2. mapel favorit
  3. makanan favorit
  4. nama smp
  1. fandom kpop
  2. anime favorit
  3. minuman favorit
  4. program studi yang diincer

8 Clues: nicknamenama smpfandom kpopanime favoritmapel favoritmakanan favoritminuman favoritprogram studi yang diincer

9/10 - 8th Grade Trivia! 2022-05-25

9/10 - 8th Grade Trivia! crossword puzzle
  1. This person's dream job is to be an artist, writer, animator, or musician.
  2. This person's dream job is a pilot.
  3. This person's dream concert would be Bruno Mars.
  4. This person's last meal would be vodka pasta.
  5. This person's summer plans include playing basketball with friends.
  6. This person's last meal would include chocolate cake.
  7. This person's dream concert is with Blackpink or Ariana Grande.
  8. This person would want to have a meal with Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant.
  9. This person's dream job is to be an architect, interior/exterior designer, or criminal psychologist.
  10. This person is going to Poland and Seattle this summer.
  1. This person's favorite song right now is "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes.
  2. This person's dream job is medical laboratory analyst.
  3. This person's dream job would be a painter or child therapist.
  4. This person is going to London, Scotland, and Paris this summer.
  5. This person's last meal would be pizza.
  6. This person's favorite song right now is the title track of BB.
  7. This person's dream job is video game tester.
  8. This person is spending their entire summer in Ireland.
  9. This person's dream job is to be a real estate agent or lawyer.
  10. This person's last meal includes all kinds of dessert.
  11. This person's dream concert would be the band Kansas.
  12. This person's dream job is to be a computer programmer/coder.
  13. This person's dream job is to be a doctor or IT engineer.
  14. This person would like to go to a Bad Bunny concert.
  15. This person's current favorite tv show is Vampire Diaries.
  16. This person would like to have a meal with Ryan Reynolds and Dwanye Johnson.

26 Clues: This person's dream job is a pilot.This person's last meal would be pizza.This person's dream job is video game tester.This person's last meal would be vodka pasta.This person's dream concert would be Bruno Mars.This person would like to go to a Bad Bunny concert.This person's dream concert would be the band Kansas....

Supriyadi 2024-02-21

Supriyadi crossword puzzle
  1. apresiasi presiden soekarno
  2. ibu supriyadi
  3. sekolah setelah smp supriyadi
  4. organisasi kemiliteran
  5. pengganti supriyadi
  1. Tokoh yang membantu supriyadi
  2. peran supriyadi dalam pemberontakan menjadi 4 kelompokdi
  3. puncak perlawanan
  4. kisah tempat persembunyian
  5. alasan latihan gabungan dibatalkan

10 Clues: ibu supriyadipuncak perlawananpengganti supriyadiorganisasi kemiliterankisah tempat persembunyianapresiasi presiden soekarnoTokoh yang membantu supriyadisekolah setelah smp supriyadialasan latihan gabungan dibatalkanperan supriyadi dalam pemberontakan menjadi 4 kelompokdi

How well do you know me? 2023-11-08

How well do you know me? crossword puzzle
  1. my love language
  2. my favorite band
  3. I always say it when I'm with you
  4. my favorite anime
  5. my favorite person
  6. my favorite color
  7. my dream vacation
  8. my favorite food
  9. my circle of friends
  1. my favorite cartoon show
  2. my favorite drink
  3. my dream country
  4. my dream country with you
  5. my favorite part of my body
  6. my favorite weather
  7. my zodiac sign
  8. my favorite song
  9. my dream car
  10. my hate food
  11. my dream job
  12. i’m good at

21 Clues: i’m good atmy dream carmy hate foodmy dream jobmy zodiac signmy dream countrymy love languagemy favorite songmy favorite bandmy favorite foodmy favorite drinkmy favorite animemy favorite colormy dream vacationmy favorite personmy favorite weathermy circle of friendsmy favorite cartoon showmy dream country with youmy favorite part of my body...

Teks Berita (Pengertian, Ciri, dan Jenis) 2024-01-03

Teks Berita (Pengertian, Ciri, dan Jenis) crossword puzzle
  1. Teks yang berisi informasi/laporan penting terjadinya suatu peristiwa.
  2. Sifat peristiwa yang dapat dijadikan berita adalah lain daripada yang lain.
  3. Sita melakukan wawancara kepada salah satu santri berprestasi di SMP Syubbanul Wathon Bandongan.
  4. Gus Yusuf diminta untuk memberikan keterangan/penjelasan terhadap pembangunan Sekolah Syubbanul Wathon Internasional.
  5. Sifat peristiwa yang dapat dijadikan berita yaitu sebuah peristiwa yang jarang terjadi
  1. Baru saja Andre melaporkan secara langsung peristiwa di SMP Syubbanul Wathon Bandongan yakni terkait seorang santri yang berhasil membuat robot canggih.
  2. Salah satu media berita digital
  3. Setiap hari Jumat, Santri Syubbanul Wathon Bandongan melihat berita di televisi
  4. Berita yang ditemukan di koran
  5. Sebuah berita yang dilaporkan harus berupa peristiwa yang baru saja terjadi.

10 Clues: Berita yang ditemukan di koranSalah satu media berita digitalTeks yang berisi informasi/laporan penting terjadinya suatu peristiwa.Sifat peristiwa yang dapat dijadikan berita adalah lain daripada yang lain.Sebuah berita yang dilaporkan harus berupa peristiwa yang baru saja terjadi....

persahabatan yang tak pernah luntur 2023-11-29

persahabatan  yang tak pernah luntur crossword puzzle
  1. kisah persahabatan dengN JASMIN DIMULAI
  3. PYTRI
  5. DGUHS


indrusss 2021-05-21

indrusss crossword puzzle
  1. how many girlfriend
  2. tahun kita bertemu
  3. first met up
  1. tanggal kita
  2. kebiasaan kamu
  3. bulan kita
  4. tanggal ulang tahun aku
  5. your favorite food
  6. my favorite drink

9 Clues: bulan kitatanggal kitafirst met upkebiasaan kamumy favorite drinktahun kita bertemuyour favorite foodhow many girlfriendtanggal ulang tahun aku

DREAM 2020 2020-02-05

DREAM 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. city of first dream conference
  2. board chair
  3. international attendees
  4. dream students
  5. atd funder /
  6. month of 2nd dream conference
  7. opening keynoter
  1. atd west
  2. dream in 2021
  3. award namesake
  4. movie in your sleep
  5. perennial dream holiday
  6. longest serving current atd staff member
  7. atd funder /
  8. dream students
  9. stairs or wings?
  10. field hockey phenom
  11. first atd home?

18 Clues: atd westboard chairdream in 2021atd funder /atd funder /award namesakedream studentsdream studentsfirst atd home?stairs or wings?opening keynotermovie in your sleepfield hockey phenomperennial dream holidayinternational attendeesmonth of 2nd dream conferencecity of first dream conferencelongest serving current atd staff member

Jare Sih Master TTS 2021-03-25

Jare Sih Master TTS crossword puzzle
  1. maeman sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koe
  2. pertama kali ngobrol
  3. film sek ditonton awakdewe
  4. kartun kita bersama
  5. werno tas andalanku ket smp
  6. angka-baju-donat
  7. games-grill
  1. dadidiomongi kembar
  2. bajakan-series-melu" koe
  3. hobi kita
  4. hal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok
  5. usernamemu
  6. kembaran segi percuanan
  7. bukumu sek tak gowo

14 Clues: hobi kitausernamemugames-grillangka-baju-donatdadidiomongi kembarkartun kita bersamabukumu sek tak gowopertama kali ngobrolkembaran segi percuananbajakan-series-melu" koefilm sek ditonton awakdewewerno tas andalanku ket smpmaeman sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koehal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok

Jare Sih Master TTS 2021-03-25

Jare Sih Master TTS crossword puzzle
  1. usernamemu
  2. games-grill
  3. kartun kita bersama
  4. angka-baju-donat
  5. hobi kita
  6. dadidiomongi kembar
  7. pertama kali ngobrol
  1. bukumu sek tak gowo
  2. film sek ditonton awakdewe
  3. hal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok
  4. bajakan-series-melu" koe
  5. kembaran segi percuanan
  6. maeman sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koe
  7. werno tas andalanku ket smp

14 Clues: hobi kitausernamemugames-grillangka-baju-donatbukumu sek tak gowokartun kita bersamadadidiomongi kembarpertama kali ngobrolkembaran segi percuananbajakan-series-melu" koefilm sek ditonton awakdewewerno tas andalanku ket smpmaeman sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koehal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok

Jare Sih Master TTS 2021-03-25

Jare Sih Master TTS crossword puzzle
  1. werno tas andalanku ket smp
  2. maeman sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koe
  3. film sek ditonton awakdewe
  4. pertama kali ngobrol
  5. kembaran segi percuanan
  6. hal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok
  7. angka-baju-donat
  1. kartun kita bersama
  2. dadidiomongi kembar
  3. bukumu sek tak gowo
  4. hobi kita
  5. usernamemu
  6. bajakan-series-melu" koe
  7. games-grill

14 Clues: hobi kitausernamemugames-grillangka-baju-donatkartun kita bersamadadidiomongi kembarbukumu sek tak gowopertama kali ngobrolkembaran segi percuananbajakan-series-melu" koefilm sek ditonton awakdewewerno tas andalanku ket smpmaeman sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koehal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok

coba 2022-10-22

coba crossword puzzle
  1. kau
  2. lawan dari hidup
  3. aku
  4. lawan dari minum
  5. lawan dari bangun
  1. lawan dari berdiri
  2. kumpulan air yang luas dan berombak
  3. lawan dari siang
  4. sekolah setelah sd
  5. lawan dari turun

10 Clues: kauakulawan dari hiduplawan dari sianglawan dari minumlawan dari turunlawan dari bangunlawan dari berdirisekolah setelah sdkumpulan air yang luas dan berombak

Mas Bim 2021-03-25

Mas Bim crossword puzzle
  1. games-grill
  2. bajakan-series-melu" koe
  3. hobi kita
  4. hal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok
  5. pertama kali ngobrol
  6. angka-baju-donat
  7. film sek ditonton awakdewe
  8. kembaran segi percuanan
  1. sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koe
  2. kartun kita bersama
  3. usernamemu
  4. werno tas andalanku ket smp
  5. mata, dadi diomongi kembar
  6. bukumu sek tak gowo

14 Clues: hobi kitausernamemugames-grillangka-baju-donatkartun kita bersamabukumu sek tak gowopertama kali ngobrolkembaran segi percuananbajakan-series-melu" koemata, dadi diomongi kembarfilm sek ditonton awakdewewerno tas andalanku ket smpsek pernah tak gawekke nggo koehal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok

Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 2023-06-06

Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 crossword puzzle
  1. Name of day
  2. I am .... at SMP Miftahul Ulum
  3. Tanggal kemerdekaan Indonesia
  4. Sedang belanja
  1. Warna bendera Indonesia
  2. name of month
  3. Bekerja di sekolah
  4. My mother and I are .... movie
  5. Beberapa buku
  6. Menyapa

10 Clues: MenyapaName of dayname of monthBeberapa bukuSedang belanjaBekerja di sekolahWarna bendera IndonesiaTanggal kemerdekaan IndonesiaMy mother and I are .... movieI am .... at SMP Miftahul Ulum


TEKA TEKI SILANG SD crossword puzzle
  1. Bahasa inggrisnya ‘terima kasih'
  2. Bentuk bumi
  3. presiden pertama Indonesia
  4. Nama planet yang kita tinggali?
  5. Jenjang pendidikan setelah SMP
  6. Bulan kemerdekaan Indonesia
  1. Ibukota Indonesia sekarang?
  2. Bulan ke 10
  3. warna pisang
  4. Lambang sila pertama pancasila

10 Clues: Bulan ke 10Bentuk bumiwarna pisangpresiden pertama IndonesiaIbukota Indonesia sekarang?Bulan kemerdekaan IndonesiaLambang sila pertama pancasilaJenjang pendidikan setelah SMPNama planet yang kita tinggali?Bahasa inggrisnya ‘terima kasih'

Acronyms 2015-03-04

Acronyms crossword puzzle
  1. Underwriting Service Assistant
  2. Work Load Management
  3. Summit Lead (Two words - no space)
  4. OG (Two words - no space)
  5. Actual Cash Value
  6. Individual Development Plan
  7. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
  8. SC (Two words - no space)
  9. Excellence in Operations Management
  1. AI (Two words - no space)
  2. Business Underwriter Specialist
  3. Work Force Management
  4. Workers Compensation
  5. State Farm Payment Plan
  6. Commercial Liabiity Umbrella Policy
  7. Transaction Per Hour
  8. Insurance to Value
  9. Gross New Worth
  10. State Farm IntraNet
  11. Rental Dwelling Policy
  12. Scheduled Management Process

21 Clues: Gross New WorthActual Cash ValueInsurance to ValueState Farm IntraNetWork Load ManagementWorkers CompensationTransaction Per HourWork Force ManagementRental Dwelling PolicyState Farm Payment PlanAI (Two words - no space)OG (Two words - no space)SC (Two words - no space)Individual Development PlanScheduled Management Process...

Jare Sih Master TTS 2021-03-25

Jare Sih Master TTS crossword puzzle
  1. games-grill
  2. bajakan-series-melu" koe
  3. hobi kita
  4. hal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok
  5. pertama kali ngobrol
  6. angka-baju-donat
  7. film sek ditonton awakdewe
  8. kembaran segi percuanan
  1. sek pernah tak gawekke nggo koe
  2. kartun kita bersama
  3. usernamemu
  4. werno tas andalanku ket smp
  5. mata, dadi diomongi kembar
  6. bukumu sek tak gowo

14 Clues: hobi kitausernamemugames-grillangka-baju-donatkartun kita bersamabukumu sek tak gowopertama kali ngobrolkembaran segi percuananbajakan-series-melu" koemata, dadi diomongi kembarfilm sek ditonton awakdewewerno tas andalanku ket smpsek pernah tak gawekke nggo koehal rutin mbok lakokke dan aku pengen melu delok

Teka Teki Baiz 2021-11-17

Teka Teki Baiz crossword puzzle
  1. warna kesukaan bais
  2. merk sepatu kesukaan baiz
  3. makanan yang baiz kirim pertama kali ke alya
  4. band lagu kesukaan baiz
  5. panggilan baiz pas smp
  6. tempat kita kenal
  1. tempat pertama date
  2. warna baju bais jemput di bandara
  3. merk hp baiz
  4. cemilan kesukaan bais
  5. minuman kesukaan baiz
  6. olahraga kesukaan baiz
  7. ponakan kesayangan bais
  8. tempat terakhir date di jakarta

14 Clues: merk hp baiztempat kita kenaltempat pertama datewarna kesukaan baiscemilan kesukaan baisminuman kesukaan baizolahraga kesukaan baizpanggilan baiz pas smpponakan kesayangan baisband lagu kesukaan baizmerk sepatu kesukaan baiztempat terakhir date di jakartawarna baju bais jemput di bandaramakanan yang baiz kirim pertama kali ke alya


TTS SMART ESPERO crossword puzzle
  1. lambang negara indonesia
  2. menteri pendidikan indonesia saat ini
  3. semboyan bapak pendidikan nasional
  4. bapak kepala smp N 2 sukoharjo
  5. zona waktu untuk daerah papua
  6. organisasi siswa intra sekolah
  7. bapak nasional pendidikan indonesia
  1. diperingati setiap tanggal 28 oktober
  2. pulau dewata
  3. bahasa nasional indonesia
  4. ibu kota negara indonesia
  5. lagu kebangsaan indonesia
  6. bapak pramuka dunia
  7. Latihan dasar kepemimpinan osis

14 Clues: pulau dewatabapak pramuka dunialambang negara indonesiabahasa nasional indonesiaibu kota negara indonesialagu kebangsaan indonesiazona waktu untuk daerah papuabapak kepala smp N 2 sukoharjoorganisasi siswa intra sekolahLatihan dasar kepemimpinan osissemboyan bapak pendidikan nasionalbapak nasional pendidikan indonesia...

Acroynms 2015-03-03

Acroynms crossword puzzle
  1. Transaction Per Hour
  2. Scheduled Management Process
  3. SC (2 words no spaces)
  4. Rental Dwelling Policy
  5. State Farm IntraNet
  6. Business Underwriter Specialist
  7. State Farm Payment Plan
  8. Additional Insured
  9. Operation Guide
  10. Actual Cash Value
  11. Underwriting Service Assistant
  12. WLM (3 words no spaces)
  1. EPR (3 words no spaces)
  2. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
  3. Workers Compensation
  4. Excellence in Operations Management
  5. IV (3 words no spaces)
  6. Individual Development Plan
  7. Summit Lead (2 words no spaces)
  8. Commercial Liability Umbrella Policy
  9. Gross Net Worth
  10. Work Force Management

22 Clues: Operation GuideGross Net WorthActual Cash ValueAdditional InsuredState Farm IntraNetTransaction Per HourWorkers CompensationWork Force ManagementSC (2 words no spaces)Rental Dwelling PolicyIV (3 words no spaces)EPR (3 words no spaces)State Farm Payment PlanWLM (3 words no spaces)Individual Development PlanScheduled Management Process...

CieePenasaran 2018-11-18

CieePenasaran crossword puzzle
  1. Salah satu hobinya berkaitan dengan...
  2. Dia anak kelas...
  3. SMP asal
  4. Jumlah mantan yang dimiliki
  5. Zodiaknya
  6. Genre film yang kurang ia sukai
  7. Kebiasaannya setiap malam minggu
  8. Game yang sering ia mainkan
  9. Salah satu buah yang tidak ia sukai
  10. Dia sering kurang...
  1. Nama teman sebangkunya
  2. Jumlah ekskul yang dia ikuti
  3. Kebiasaannya setiap malam
  4. Terkadang, dia sering...
  5. Dia bersekolah di...
  6. Bulan kelahiran
  7. Dia termasuk tipe orang yang...
  8. Salah satu merk coklat yang dia sukai
  9. Warna tas sekolah
  10. Dia adalah seorang...

20 Clues: SMP asalZodiaknyaBulan kelahiranDia anak kelas...Warna tas sekolahDia bersekolah di...Dia sering kurang...Dia adalah seorang...Nama teman sebangkunyaTerkadang, dia sering...Kebiasaannya setiap malamJumlah mantan yang dimilikiGame yang sering ia mainkanJumlah ekskul yang dia ikutiDia termasuk tipe orang yang...Genre film yang kurang ia sukai...

Bimbingan dan Konseling 2023-01-25

Bimbingan dan Konseling crossword puzzle
  1. Seragam Grisata hari jumat
  2. Jam pulang siswa di hari Rabu
  3. Nama guru PAI Grisata (laki - laki)
  4. Jam masuk siswa
  5. Ekstrakurikuler wajib
  6. Warna sepatu siswa
  7. Pekerjaan tanpa tanda jasa
  8. Yang selalu dipakai saat upacara
  9. Jumlah guru BK (perempuan)
  10. Jumlah guru Bahasa Inggris Grisata
  1. Jam 09.40 di hari selasa
  2. Warna seragam olahraga Grisata
  3. Mata pelajaran banyak angka
  4. Kewajiban seorang siswa
  5. Sekolah Menengah Pertama
  6. Jumlah lab TIK Grisata
  7. Kecamatan lokasi Grisata

17 Clues: Jam masuk siswaWarna sepatu siswaEkstrakurikuler wajibJumlah lab TIK GrisataKewajiban seorang siswaJam 09.40 di hari selasaSekolah Menengah PertamaKecamatan lokasi GrisataSeragam Grisata hari jumatPekerjaan tanpa tanda jasaJumlah guru BK (perempuan)Mata pelajaran banyak angkaJam pulang siswa di hari RabuWarna seragam olahraga Grisata...

Sevi's trivia 2025-03-01

Sevi's trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Minuman Yang Paling Sevi Tidak Suka
  2. Panggilan Kesayangan/Kecil Anak Sevi
  3. Nama Belakang Sevi
  4. #1 Makanan Kesukaan Sevi
  5. Ikan Favorit Sevi Untuk Dimakan Mentah
  6. Ikan Favorit Sevi Untuk Dimakan Goreng
  7. Panggilan Asli Anak Sevi
  8. Ekskul Sevi di SMP
  9. Warna Kesukaan Sevi
  10. Kucing Sevi (Jantan)
  1. Ekskul Sevi di SMA
  2. Buah Favorit Sevi
  3. Jurusan Kuliah Sevi
  4. #1 Negara Wishlist Sevi
  5. Kota Kelahiran Sevi
  6. Nama Panggilan Suami Sevi
  7. Kucing Sevi (Betina)

17 Clues: Buah Favorit SeviEkskul Sevi di SMANama Belakang SeviEkskul Sevi di SMPJurusan Kuliah SeviKota Kelahiran SeviWarna Kesukaan SeviKucing Sevi (Betina)Kucing Sevi (Jantan)#1 Negara Wishlist Sevi#1 Makanan Kesukaan SeviPanggilan Asli Anak SeviNama Panggilan Suami SeviMinuman Yang Paling Sevi Tidak SukaPanggilan Kesayangan/Kecil Anak Sevi...

DREAM 2020 2020-02-05

DREAM 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. award queen
  2. atd's field hockey phenom
  3. movie in your sleep
  4. month of 2nd dream conference
  5. perennial dream holiday
  6. leader college of...
  7. dream students
  1. dream students
  2. city of first dream conference
  3. our international attendees
  4. atd funder
  5. longest serving current atd staff member
  6. atd west
  7. stairs or wings?
  8. opening keynoter
  9. first atd home
  10. atd funder
  11. dream in 2021

18 Clues: atd westatd funderatd funderaward queendream in 2021dream studentsfirst atd homedream studentsstairs or wings?opening keynotermovie in your sleepleader college of...perennial dream holidayatd's field hockey phenomour international attendeesmonth of 2nd dream conferencecity of first dream conferencelongest serving current atd staff member


TEKS TANGGAPAN crossword puzzle
  1. Genangan yang tak kunjung surut menyebabkan lantai menjadi ....
  2. Kerja bakti rutin dilakukan untuk membersihkan selokan dan ... banjir.
  3. Kalimat 3 pada paragraf 2 pada teks tersebut merupakan kalimat tanggapan?
  4. Kalimat 2 pada paragraf 2 pada teks tersebut merupakan kalimat tanggapan?
  1. Selokan yang tersumbat tidak dapat mengalirkan air karena ... air meningkat.
  2. Penyebab utama tergenangnya banjir di SMP Duta adalah hujan yang ....
  3. Penulis berharap sekolah dapat memberikan ... bagi siswa yang membuang sampah sembarangan.
  4. Kalimat 1 pada paragraf 2 pada teks tersebut merupakan kalimat tanggapan?
  5. Banjir sering terjadi karena kurangnya ... warga sekolah untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya.
  6. Banjir di SMP duta terjadi karena selokan sekolah ... oleh sampah.

10 Clues: Genangan yang tak kunjung surut menyebabkan lantai menjadi ....Banjir di SMP duta terjadi karena selokan sekolah ... oleh sampah.Penyebab utama tergenangnya banjir di SMP Duta adalah hujan yang ....Kerja bakti rutin dilakukan untuk membersihkan selokan dan ... banjir.Kalimat 1 pada paragraf 2 pada teks tersebut merupakan kalimat tanggapan?...

Sevi's trivia 2025-03-01

Sevi's trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Minuman Yang Paling Sevi Tidak Suka
  2. Panggilan Kesayangan/Kecil Anak Sevi
  3. Nama Belakang Sevi
  4. #1 Makanan Kesukaan Sevi
  5. Ikan Favorit Sevi Untuk Dimakan Mentah
  6. Ikan Favorit Sevi Untuk Dimakan Goreng
  7. Panggilan Asli Anak Sevi
  8. Ekskul Sevi di SMP
  9. Warna Kesukaan Sevi
  10. Kucing Sevi (Jantan)
  1. Ekskul Sevi di SMA
  2. Buah Favorit Sevi
  3. Jurusan Kuliah Sevi
  4. #1 Negara Wishlist Sevi
  5. Kota Kelahiran Sevi
  6. Nama Panggilan Suami Sevi
  7. Kucing Sevi (Betina)

17 Clues: Buah Favorit SeviEkskul Sevi di SMANama Belakang SeviEkskul Sevi di SMPJurusan Kuliah SeviKota Kelahiran SeviWarna Kesukaan SeviKucing Sevi (Betina)Kucing Sevi (Jantan)#1 Negara Wishlist Sevi#1 Makanan Kesukaan SeviPanggilan Asli Anak SeviNama Panggilan Suami SeviMinuman Yang Paling Sevi Tidak SukaPanggilan Kesayangan/Kecil Anak Sevi...

minecraft (raske) 2023-11-01

minecraft (raske) crossword puzzle
  1. minecrafti tegija perekonna nimi
  2. esimene versioon creeperist
  3. esimene mob vote võitja
  4. üks esimesi ehitisi
  5. mob vote 2022 aasta kaotaja
  6. tugevaim mob minecraftis
  1. ühe minecraft smp nimi
  2. üks vana dimensioon
  3. esimene nimi minecraftil
  4. üks minecrafti omanikke

10 Clues: üks vana dimensioonüks esimesi ehitisiühe minecraft smp nimiesimene mob vote võitjaüks minecrafti omanikkeesimene nimi minecraftiltugevaim mob minecraftisesimene versioon creeperistmob vote 2022 aasta kaotajaminecrafti tegija perekonna nimi

minecraft (raske) 2023-11-01

minecraft (raske) crossword puzzle
  1. minecrafti tegija perekonna nimi
  2. esimene versioon creeperist
  3. esimene mob vote võitja
  4. üks esimesi ehitisi
  5. mob vote 2022 aasta kaotaja
  6. tugevaim mob minecraftis
  1. ühe minecraft smp nimi
  2. üks vana dimensioon
  3. esimene nimi minecraftil
  4. üks minecrafti omanikke

10 Clues: üks vana dimensioonüks esimesi ehitisiühe minecraft smp nimiesimene mob vote võitjaüks minecrafti omanikkeesimene nimi minecraftiltugevaim mob minecraftisesimene versioon creeperistmob vote 2022 aasta kaotajaminecrafti tegija perekonna nimi

PILIHAN KARIR 2023-02-14

PILIHAN KARIR crossword puzzle


Heaven smp (hard) 2022-04-28

Heaven smp (hard) crossword puzzle
  1. The creator of the world and mushroom fan.
  2. The name of the virus corrupting the world
  3. a former founder of monocrome and arsonist.
  4. the name of the third monochrome nation
  5. an iconic phrase uttered by the one and only Chaos when in presence of a child.
  6. an atlantian that became a leader of monochrome and a founder of catalysts.
  7. The name of a nation was never saw the light of day and is one of the first nations
  8. a nation of red, yellow, and blue in a never ending conflict.
  9. The number of times monochrome was attacked
  10. What do the catalysts you as their symbol
  11. The name of the first monochrome nation
  12. a kingdom underwater that house people who cheated their way to the tip and reaked havoc on other nations.
  13. monochrome's cousin nation, and home to arsonists, one of the first nation's to be born.
  14. a half silverfish child belonging to a potato farmer.
  1. founder of bikini bottom and arch nemesis of monochrome.
  2. The name of the second monochrome nation
  3. founder of l'pogberg and friend of moss.
  4. A former member of l'pogberg and mushroom creature.
  5. a netherbeast that became a leader of many small nations and a potato farmer
  6. the name of Pup's mother
  7. Pups favorite flower
  8. founder of l'pogberg and friend of Arson.
  9. The common phrase of the catalysts
  10. Where did chaos like to build their houses?
  11. a terrorist cult group that focused on drawing out the violence and chaos of the world, they succeeded.
  12. a cyborg that became founder of monochrome and the catalysts.
  13. a nation in a desert that housed the greatest evils, one of the first nations to be born.
  14. she who should not be named and one of the evils of the world

28 Clues: Pups favorite flowerthe name of Pup's motherThe common phrase of the catalyststhe name of the third monochrome nationThe name of the first monochrome nationThe name of the second monochrome nationfounder of l'pogberg and friend of moss.founder of l'pogberg and friend of Arson.What do the catalysts you as their symbol...

Sevi's trivia 2025-03-01

Sevi's trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Minuman Yang Paling Sevi Tidak Suka
  2. Panggilan Kesayangan/Kecil Anak Sevi
  3. Nama Belakang Sevi
  4. #1 Makanan Kesukaan Sevi
  5. Ikan Favorit Sevi Untuk Dimakan Mentah
  6. Ikan Favorit Sevi Untuk Dimakan Goreng
  7. Panggilan Asli Anak Sevi
  8. Ekskul Sevi di SMP
  9. Warna Kesukaan Sevi
  10. Kucing Sevi (Jantan)
  1. Ekskul Sevi di SMA
  2. Buah Favorit Sevi
  3. Jurusan Kuliah Sevi
  4. #1 Negara Wishlist Sevi
  5. Kota Kelahiran Sevi
  6. Nama Panggilan Suami Sevi
  7. Kucing Sevi (Betina)

17 Clues: Buah Favorit SeviEkskul Sevi di SMANama Belakang SeviEkskul Sevi di SMPJurusan Kuliah SeviKota Kelahiran SeviWarna Kesukaan SeviKucing Sevi (Betina)Kucing Sevi (Jantan)#1 Negara Wishlist Sevi#1 Makanan Kesukaan SeviPanggilan Asli Anak SeviNama Panggilan Suami SeviMinuman Yang Paling Sevi Tidak SukaPanggilan Kesayangan/Kecil Anak Sevi...

Dream 2023-06-22

Dream crossword puzzle
  1. It's the act of discovering new things and going on exciting quests in your dreams. It's like being an astronaut exploring distant planets or a brave explorer finding hidden treasures.
  2. It's the power to create pictures and ideas in your mind. It's like having a magical movie playing inside your head.
  3. It's the ability to come up with new and imaginative ideas. It's like painting beautiful pictures or writing captivating stories in your dreams.
  4. They are unexpected and exciting things that happen in your dreams. It's like receiving a surprise gift or meeting a friendly dragon during your dream adventures.
  5. It's the act of discovering new things and going on exciting quests in your dreams. It's like being an astronaut exploring distant planets or a brave explorer finding hidden treasures.
  6. They are extraordinary abilities you have in your dreams, like flying, being invisible, or having incredible strength. It's like being a superhero with amazing powers.
  1. It's the ability to soar through the sky like a bird. It's like floating on a cloud or riding a magical carpet high above the world.
  2. It's a feeling of joy and contentment that fills your dreams. It's like being surrounded by things that make you smile and bring you happiness.
  3. It's a make-believe world full of magical creatures and incredible things. It's like stepping into a storybook and living a magical adventure.
  4. They are things you hope for or want to come true. It's like blowing out birthday candles and making a special wish.
  5. It's an exciting journey or experience that you imagine in your dreams. It's like going on a thrilling treasure hunt or exploring new places.
  6. It's the enchanting and mysterious power that can make impossible things happen in your dreams. It's like waving a wand and making your wildest dreams come true.
  7. It's a feeling of happiness and delight that fills your dreams. It's like finding a hidden treasure or meeting your favorite fictional characters.

13 Clues: They are things you hope for or want to come true. It's like blowing out birthday candles and making a special wish.It's the power to create pictures and ideas in your mind. It's like having a magical movie playing inside your head....

Dream 2024-10-17

Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Libra
  2. March
  3. August
  4. August
  5. Ashley
  6. Geo
  7. Leo
  1. Holly
  2. May
  3. Taurus
  4. Melissa
  5. Leo
  6. September
  7. Diana

14 Clues: MayLeoGeoLeoHollyLibraMarchDianaTaurusAugustAugustAshleyMelissaSeptember

CRM 2023-04-14

CRM crossword puzzle
  1. Arris moca, Touchstone, Mercury and Compal
  2. SPM password
  3. To view the customer Package / Prices and equipment
  4. Confirm outages
  5. all closed tickets
  6. SPM Status
  7. Playback, record, pause
  1. Wifi name LIB
  2. open.running.workflow.warning
  3. CRM account not in acut
  4. to view all the notation and transaction information on account
  5. Bar in SMP
  6. Home internet up to 200mbps

13 Clues: Bar in SMPSPM StatusSPM passwordWifi name LIBConfirm outagesall closed ticketsCRM account not in acutPlayback, record, pauseHome internet up to 200mbpsopen.running.workflow.warningArris moca, Touchstone, Mercury and CompalTo view the customer Package / Prices and equipmentto view all the notation and transaction information on account

Kelompok 3 2024-09-04

Kelompok 3 crossword puzzle
  1. Zona waktu maluku adalah...
  2. Andi adalah guru smp fatonah berpindah menjadi guru smp tuncen,jenis mobilitas yang dialami andi adalah..
  3. Salah satu putra dari sunan ampel adalah sunan...
  4. Nama panggilan dari salah satu wali (jakfar shadiq)adalah sunan ...
  1. Murid dari sunan ampel adalah sunan...
  2. filsuf atau ajaran terkenal oleh sunan ampel yang berarti tidak berjudi adalah......
  3. Jenis Iklim mayoritas negara yang tergabung di ASEAN...

7 Clues: Zona waktu maluku adalah...Murid dari sunan ampel adalah sunan...Salah satu putra dari sunan ampel adalah sunan...Jenis Iklim mayoritas negara yang tergabung di ASEAN...Nama panggilan dari salah satu wali (jakfar shadiq)adalah sunan ...filsuf atau ajaran terkenal oleh sunan ampel yang berarti tidak berjudi adalah.........

Moss SMP Crossword 2023-03-31

Moss SMP Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. DeviantArt evil variant of Walter.
  2. Rindi was raised by these.
  3. Also a god who invents drugs.
  4. ...Rarely on, basically a god.
  5. Likes to revive people.
  6. Enjoys homicide.
  7. Something green that tends to grow in caves.
  8. Also a god.
  9. Rindi used to have a bunch of these as pets.
  10. Bad at life in general, as a bunch of pets.
  11. Invented drugs (add 'ee' to the name once you have it)
  12. Spelt kinda like 'vermin' but are supposed to be more similar to 'demons'
  13. Good at making mob farms and giving away free stuff.
  1. Good at making villager farms.
  2. Definitely not crack.
  3. Bad at hiding, but good at being dramatic.
  4. Literally a goddess.
  5. Rindi's skeleton horse.
  6. Sun cult pt. 2, but with cats.
  7. Something about the sun?
  8. Whole "Being Dead" thing reprise. Has a bunch of pets.
  9. B's favorite food.

22 Clues: Also a god.Enjoys homicide.B's favorite food.Literally a goddess.Definitely not crack.Rindi's skeleton horse.Likes to revive people.Something about the sun?Rindi was raised by these.Also a god who invents drugs.Good at making villager farms....Rarely on, basically a god.Sun cult pt. 2, but with cats.DeviantArt evil variant of Walter....

Dadan's SMP Irr.Verbs 2020-05-04

Dadan's SMP Irr.Verbs crossword puzzle
  1. menggambar
  2. mengeluarkan
  3. easy
  4. jaket
  5. membaca
  6. permit
  7. Door
  8. seek
  9. tumbuh
  10. menaruh
  11. menata
  12. one
  13. person
  14. lahir
  15. membuat
  16. cave
  17. room
  18. mendengar
  19. mengetahui
  20. yes
  21. time
  22. next
  1. terbit
  2. mengambil
  3. mengatakan
  4. repeat
  5. lamp
  6. sleep
  7. find
  8. ghost
  9. physical
  10. membayar
  11. terbang
  12. makan
  13. is,am,are(in Indonesian)
  14. eagle
  15. right
  16. mengalami
  17. can (as noun)
  18. memakai
  19. menangkap

41 Clues: oneyeseasylampfindDoorseekcaveroomtimenextjaketsleepghostmakaneaglelahirrightterbitrepeatpermittumbuhmenatapersonmembacaterbangmenaruhmembuatmemakaiphysicalmembayarmengambilmengalamimendengarmenangkapmenggambarmengatakanmengetahuimengeluarkancan (as noun)is,am,are(in Indonesian)

Estonia SMP Crossword 2024-07-06

Estonia SMP Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. gay country
  2. whistling animal
  3. weirdest people place
  4. hendris favorite food
  5. dankletos favorite girl
  6. worst country
  7. joe's hot cat
  8. commiting suicide in joe's shed
  9. very smelly
  10. bo'oh'o'wa'er
  11. relative of pranker
  12. meeting place
  13. pranker
  14. weird dankleto drawings
  15. weird island
  16. beans
  17. gay person
  18. aww ur so adorable
  19. Australia person
  20. weird country
  1. best dog
  2. beautiful voice
  3. dankletos favorite game ever
  4. cool president
  5. treatment to people who do wrong
  6. dumb president
  7. best country
  8. second best dog
  9. Denmark person
  10. pink island
  11. Estonia
  12. joe's favorite room
  13. most awesomest bulgarian alpha sigma man
  14. we see it in everything
  15. best videogame
  16. ew french
  17. child
  18. amount of dutch people in the server

38 Clues: beanschildEstoniaprankerbest dogew frenchgay persongay countrypink islandvery smellybest countryweird islandworst countryjoe's hot catbo'oh'o'wa'ermeeting placeweird countrycool presidentdumb presidentDenmark personbest videogamebeautiful voicesecond best dogwhistling animalAustralia personaww ur so adorablejoe's favorite roomrelative of pranker...

Emo CrossWord 2022-10-13

Emo CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. Mexican
  2. He is finally back on discord
  3. He makes fun of people’s dead dads
  4. true god
  5. The creator of emo
  6. Only has won 1 war
  7. First canon dead on sobble smp.
  1. Goes big boom boom
  2. Always on Sobbles side
  3. Dating Keenan
  4. Married to Landon
  5. Pokemon Vr
  6. He owns a small dog
  7. only plays vr chat

14 Clues: Mexicantrue godPokemon VrDating KeenanMarried to LandonGoes big boom boomThe creator of emoonly plays vr chatOnly has won 1 warHe owns a small dogAlways on Sobbles sideHe is finally back on discordFirst canon dead on sobble smp.He makes fun of people’s dead dads

Jadual Kuliah 2023-04-01

Jadual Kuliah crossword puzzle
  1. Bachelor Accounting
  2. Sistem Maklumat Perniagaan
  3. Kewangan Korporat dan Penstrukturan
  4. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
  1. Bachelor Business Administration
  2. Corporate Storytelling
  3. Pengurusan Risiko dan Insurans
  4. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  5. Pengurusan Undang Undang

9 Clues: Bachelor AccountingCorporate StorytellingPengurusan Undang UndangSistem Maklumat PerniagaanPengurusan Risiko dan InsuransUniversiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaUniversiti Sains Islam MalaysiaBachelor Business AdministrationKewangan Korporat dan Penstrukturan

中文課第十課 - 7年級 2021-01-27

中文課第十課 - 7年級 crossword puzzle
  1. 學中文
  2. 才教
  3. 上課
  4. 會學
  5. 還沒好
  6. 還沒來
  7. 還沒讀
  8. 沒關係
  9. 上學
  10. 小學
  11. 有關係
  12. 大學
  13. 三課
  14. 學了
  15. 年年
  16. 還沒去
  17. 還沒教
  1. 才學
  2. 認識
  3. 二月
  4. 上樓
  5. 還沒
  6. 多久
  7. 已經
  8. 高中
  9. 關係好
  10. 上班
  11. 初中
  12. 兩個月
  13. 幼稚園

31 Clues: 才學認識才教二月上樓上課還沒多久會學已經上學小學高中上班大學三課學了初中年年學中文還沒好還沒來還沒讀沒關係關係好有關係兩個月幼稚園還沒去還沒教


TEKA TEKI MATEMATIKA (TTM) crossword puzzle
  1. Bilangan negatif dikali bilangan positif
  2. -9 .... -5
  3. Bilangan berkoma
  4. Bilangan yang terdiri dari 0,1,2,3, ....
  5. Salah satu nama surga
  6. Bagian atas dari bilangan pecahan
  7. Kucing (Inggris)
  8. (-7 + -8) : (2 + -7) = ....
  9. Ibukota Jepang
  10. Pangkat dua
  11. Perseribu
  1. Pecahan yang pembilangnya lebih kecil dari penyebut disebut pecahan ....
  2. Salah satu segi empat
  3. -26 + 31 =
  4. Kepala Sekolah SMP Negeri 6 Kejuruan Muda
  5. Bilangan bulat tidak positif dan tidak negatif tetapi termasuk bilangan genap
  6. Pemisah antara pembilang dan penyebut
  7. Faktor Persekutuan terBesar
  8. Bentuk lingkaram
  9. Salah satu sifat penjumlahan dan perkalian

20 Clues: Perseribu-26 + 31 =-9 .... -5Pangkat duaIbukota JepangBilangan berkomaBentuk lingkaramKucing (Inggris)Salah satu segi empatSalah satu nama surgaFaktor Persekutuan terBesar(-7 + -8) : (2 + -7) = ....Bagian atas dari bilangan pecahanPemisah antara pembilang dan penyebutBilangan negatif dikali bilangan positifBilangan yang terdiri dari 0,1,2,3, .......

CieePenasaran 2018-11-18

CieePenasaran crossword puzzle
  1. Zodiaknya
  2. Warna tas sekolah
  3. Terkadang, dia sering...
  4. Genre film yang kurang ia sukai
  5. Dia bersekolah di...
  6. Game yang sering ia mainkan
  7. Dia sering kurang...
  8. Kebiasaannya setiap malam minggu
  9. Dia anak kelas...
  10. Nama teman sebangkunya
  11. Jumlah mantan yang dimiliki
  1. Salah satu merk coklat yang dia sukai
  2. Salah satu buah yang tidak ia sukai
  3. Bulan kelahiran
  4. Salah satu hobinya berkaitan dengan...
  5. Kebiasaannya setiap malam
  6. SMP asal
  7. Dia adalah seorang...
  8. Dia termasuk tipe orang yang...
  9. Jumlah ekskul yang dia ikuti

20 Clues: SMP asalZodiaknyaBulan kelahiranWarna tas sekolahDia anak kelas...Dia bersekolah di...Dia sering kurang...Dia adalah seorang...Nama teman sebangkunyaTerkadang, dia sering...Kebiasaannya setiap malamGame yang sering ia mainkanJumlah mantan yang dimilikiJumlah ekskul yang dia ikutiGenre film yang kurang ia sukaiDia termasuk tipe orang yang......

singkatan dan akronim 2024-02-02

singkatan dan akronim crossword puzzle
  1. = Jawa Timur
  2. = Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa
  3. = buku pemilik kendaraan bermontor
  4. = kepolisian republik indonesia resor
  5. = organisasi siswa intra sekolah
  6. = kartu indonesia sehat
  7. = Kartu Tanda penduduk
  8. = Surat tanda nomor kendaraan
  9. =telepon seluler
  10. = kartu indonesia pintar
  11. = Sekolah Menengah Atas
  13. = surat izin mengemudi
  14. = USAHA kesehatan sekolah
  15. = bukti pelanggaran
  1. = Jawa Barat
  2. = kartu keluarga
  3. = Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat
  4. = badan penyelenggara jaminan sosial
  5. = Sekolah Menengah Pertama
  6. = Sulawesi Selatan
  7. = Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
  8. = kepolisian republik indonesia sektor
  9. = dalam jaringan
  10. = Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia

25 Clues: = Jawa Timur= Jawa Barat= kartu keluarga=telepon seluler= dalam jaringan= UJIAN NASIONAL= Sulawesi Selatan= bukti pelanggaran= Kartu Tanda penduduk= surat izin mengemudi= kartu indonesia sehat= Sekolah Menengah Atas= kartu indonesia pintar= USAHA kesehatan sekolah= Sekolah Menengah Pertama= Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa= Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat...

CRM/HFC Service 2023-04-14

CRM/HFC Service crossword puzzle
  1. Confirm outages
  2. to view all the notation and transaction information on account
  3. SPM Status
  4. Modem with no battery feature
  5. Bar in SMP
  6. open.running.workflow.warning
  7. Arris moca, Touchstone, Mercury and Compal
  8. To view the customer Package / Prices and equipment
  1. SPM password
  2. all closed tickets
  3. Home internet up to 200mbps
  4. HFC
  5. Route ticket
  7. What troubleshooting can be done for all HFC modems
  8. Grey box on customer house
  9. Playback, record, pause
  10. CRM account not in acut
  11. TG2492LG
  12. Wifi name LIB

20 Clues: HFCTG2492LGSPM StatusBar in SMP192.168.0.1SPM passwordRoute ticketWifi name LIBConfirm outagesall closed ticketsPlayback, record, pauseCRM account not in acutGrey box on customer houseHome internet up to 200mbpsModem with no battery featureopen.running.workflow.warningArris moca, Touchstone, Mercury and Compal...

Dream team 2022-01-18

Dream team crossword puzzle
  1. Laettner one of the most hated college players. has an ESPN 30 for 30 called " I hate ******** *******"
  2. easiest shot in the game
  3. Jordan Arguably the best player of all time. Most popular basketball shoes turned casual
  4. City the 1992 olympics were held in
  5. Ewing Knicks legend at centre
  6. Bird Celtics legend
  7. Pippen MJ's sidekick
  8. Robinson career high of 71 points
  9. Johnson Arguably the greatest PG of all time
  10. Stockton All time leader in assists and steals
  11. Pointer You shoot behind the arc
  1. The sport they played
  2. Daly Dream team coach
  3. Malone Second place in all time points
  4. Barkley also known as chuck, TNT crews laughing stock
  5. Drexler Also known as ***** the glide *******
  6. Thomas Dream team's biggest snub. Also their number 1 hater
  7. The flashiest 2 points you can get
  8. Mullin Sharp shooter who played for the warriors in the 90s
  9. Throw the shots you get after you get fouled

20 Clues: Bird Celtics legendPippen MJ's sidekickThe sport they playedDaly Dream team coacheasiest shot in the gameEwing Knicks legend at centrePointer You shoot behind the arcRobinson career high of 71 pointsThe flashiest 2 points you can getCity the 1992 olympics were held inMalone Second place in all time pointsThrow the shots you get after you get fouled...

Pharaoh's Dream 2013-09-07

Pharaoh's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for cows
  2. To keep
  3. What was available before the famine
  4. The objects in the second dream
  5. Vision while sleeping
  6. Appointed over the land
  7. The Hebrew
  8. What the thin ears did to the full ears
  9. The chief servant Pharaoh spoke to
  10. The people first call by Pharaoh to interpret
  11. What the seven represented
  12. Where the kine came out of
  1. The land in the dream
  2. The number of ears of corn
  3. The part that was stored each year
  4. The second lot of kine were _ _ _ _
  5. Who gave Pharaoh his answer to his dream
  6. King of Egypt
  7. Eat, devour
  8. The way the wind blasted
  9. Where the fatfleshed kine fed
  10. To bring in
  11. What shall happen to the plenty
  12. Caused by the drought
  13. The dream was revealed this many times

25 Clues: To keepThe HebrewEat, devourTo bring inKing of EgyptAnother name for cowsThe land in the dreamVision while sleepingCaused by the droughtAppointed over the landThe way the wind blastedThe number of ears of cornWhat the seven representedWhere the kine came out ofWhere the fatfleshed kine fedThe objects in the second dream...

American Dream 2013-02-10

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. In context of the space race JFK speaks of a new ...
  2. What had Martin Luther King? A ...
  3. How is the belief, that it was God-given to take in NA, called?
  4. The American national personification
  5. The first people to move westwards and settle down
  6. What year was the Declaration of Independence written? 17...
  7. A famous immigrant, who made it into politics
  8. E ... unum
  9. The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture
  1. What year was the Constitution signed? 17...
  2. A term for 4 times 20
  3. The metaphor for a homogeneous mixture of nations
  4. Which religious group shaped the young nation?
  5. "Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär"
  6. "Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: First a right to life, secondly to liberty, and thirdly to ..." - Samuel Adams
  7. Black people fighting for their equality: ... Rights Movement
  8. Where had immigrants have to sign in?
  9. ... of happiness
  10. The movement triggered by the Californian Dream
  11. "That every citizen has a right to bear ... in defense of himself and the state" - Constitution

20 Clues: E ... unum... of happinessA term for 4 times 20"Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär"What had Martin Luther King? A ...The American national personificationWhere had immigrants have to sign in?What year was the Constitution signed? 17...A famous immigrant, who made it into politicsWhich religious group shaped the young nation?...

American dream 2023-05-10

American dream crossword puzzle
  1. love and dedication for one country.
  2. short story by Andy Weir. Or type of food.
  3. you earn it by working.
  4. author of "two kids".
  5. other word to describe freedom.
  6. author of poem "A Korean American dream".
  7. total character peculiar to and distinguishing an individual from others
  8. _______ media
  9. It means treating some people differently from others because of their group, class or other categories.
  10. intense feelings of deep affection.
  11. other word for joy.
  12. something _______ is something that can be for the entire world.
  13. I need to _____ to get money.
  14. a call to take part in a contest or competition, especially a duel.
  1. foreigner.
  2. The________ held by martin luther king in 1963 was really interesting.
  3. short inspiring story that usually rime.
  4. I _____ I am not gonna mess that up.
  5. the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
  6. territory where all the people are led by the same government. A country is a _______.
  7. book/movie about the fact that you need to work hard and improve your social level to get to the American dream.
  8. something becoming different.
  9. I had a _______ last night.
  10. pledge.
  11. author of number 25.
  12. a way of governing which depends on the will of the people.
  13. most of you are american _________.
  14. to ______ your goal. Get it done.
  15. people who live in the USA are ________.
  16. when you accomplish something in a good way.

30 Clues: pledge.foreigner._______ mediaother word for joy.author of number 25.author of "two kids".you earn it by working.I had a _______ last night.something becoming different.I need to _____ to get money.other word to describe freedom.to ______ your goal. Get it done.most of you are american _________.intense feelings of deep affection....

The Dream 2023-12-05

The Dream crossword puzzle
  1. greatly surprised or impressed; amazed.
  2. sad because one has no friends or company
  3. feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event. Never give up hope.
  4. loss or absence of hope
  5. Feeling or showing pleasure ort content
  6. anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems
  7. wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
  8. Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements
  9. If you are surprised at something because it is unexpected or unusual.
  10. able to do as you wish, not under the control of another.
  11. think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
  12. Closely acquainted, familiar, private, personal
  1. accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.
  2. free from war, free from trouble
  3. seeing the world in an optimistic way.
  4. far away from other places, buildings or people, remote
  5. to understand the full worth of something.
  6. feeling or showing love or great care
  7. to find something funny
  8. suspect evil or distrust
  9. feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder
  10. Something difficult or impossible to believe.
  11. appealing or attract someone, right or wrong.
  12. a menace or source of danger

24 Clues: loss or absence of hopeto find something funnysuspect evil or distrusta menace or source of dangerfree from war, free from troublewretchedly unhappy or uncomfortablefeeling or showing love or great careseeing the world in an optimistic way.greatly surprised or impressed; amazed.Feeling or showing pleasure ort content...

TTS COSMIA 2K23 2023-07-05

TTS COSMIA 2K23 crossword puzzle
  1. Guru pengajar kelas karir
  2. Pelajaran yang diajar Ustadz Ahsan
  3. Jumlah guru science SMA SAIM
  4. Nama acara MPLS 2023 ini
  5. Wakil Kepala Sekolah
  6. Nama gedung sma & smp saim
  7. Guru Bahasa Inggris
  8. Ketua osis saat ini
  1. Kepanjangan dari BS
  2. Nama program magang di SAIM
  3. Pelajaran yang diajar Ustadzah Firda
  4. Guru Ekonomi SMA SAIM
  5. Guru Bahasa Indonesia
  6. Lantai letak perpustakan
  7. Nama kantin SMA SAIM

15 Clues: Kepanjangan dari BSGuru Bahasa InggrisKetua osis saat iniWakil Kepala SekolahNama kantin SMA SAIMGuru Ekonomi SMA SAIMGuru Bahasa IndonesiaNama acara MPLS 2023 iniLantai letak perpustakanGuru pengajar kelas karirNama gedung sma & smp saimNama program magang di SAIMJumlah guru science SMA SAIMPelajaran yang diajar Ustadz Ahsan...

AWAL SMP PGRI 2024-01-25

AWAL SMP PGRI crossword puzzle
  1. Sebelum menyembelih hewan kita harus membaca ...
  2. Ketentuan Allah sejak zaman azali disebut ...
  3. Daging Aqiqah haruslah dibagikan dalam bentuk ...
  4. Zakat yang dibayarkan setiap akhir bulan romadhon adalah ...
  5. Salah satu ciri dari orang munafik adalah apabila berjanji ...
  6. Haji dan Umrah hanya bisa dilakukan di kota ...
  7. Kita harus mengedepankan sikap ... kepada guru, orang tua bahkan siapapun yang lebih tua dari kita.
  8. Rukun iman ke-6 adalah iman kepada ...
  9. Sebagai siswa atau siswi dari SMP PGRI Bendo, kita harus selalu berkata dengan benar atau disebut dengan ...
  10. Upacara memperingati maulid Nabi Muhammad Saw. di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta disebut ...
  11. Pada tanggal 10, 11, 12, dan 13 dzulhijjah kita disunnahkan untuk ...
  1. Apabila diberi nasehat oleh orang tua kita, yang kita harus lakukan adalah ...
  2. Agama yang diakui di Indonesia ada 6 agama. Sesama warga negara Indonesia kita harus mengedepankan sikap .....
  3. Jika sebelum menyembelih hewan kita tidak menyebut Asma Allah, hewan yang kita sembelih akan menjadi ...
  4. Sebagai siswa kita harus belajar secara sungguh sungguh. Mengenai hasil merupakan kehendak dari Allah Swt. perilaku tersebut merupakan bentuk dari ....
  5. Rukun Iman ke 5 adalah iman kepada ...
  6. Zakat yang dibayarkan setelah harta seseorang mencapai nishobnya adalah ...
  7. Apabila bertemu guru di jalan kita harus ...
  8. Jika kita melakukan kesalahan, kita seharusnya merasa ...
  9. Ketentuan Allah yang sudah terjadi disebut ...

20 Clues: Rukun Iman ke 5 adalah iman kepada ...Rukun iman ke-6 adalah iman kepada ...Apabila bertemu guru di jalan kita harus ...Ketentuan Allah sejak zaman azali disebut ...Ketentuan Allah yang sudah terjadi disebut ...Haji dan Umrah hanya bisa dilakukan di kota ...Sebelum menyembelih hewan kita harus membaca ......

Soal IPA SMP 2024-06-01

Soal IPA SMP crossword puzzle
  1. Membuat magnet dengan mendekatkan besi dengan magnet
  2. Penghubung testis dengan uretra
  3. Ciri-ciri makhluk hidup
  4. Benda diam akan diam dan benda bergerak akan tetap bergerak asalkan tidak dikenai gaya
  5. Tegangan dan lilitan primer lebih dari sekunder
  6. Tidal + komplementer + suplementer
  7. Memerahkan lakmus biru
  8. Sodium benzoat
  9. Planet terjauh dari matahari
  10. Kentang berkembang biak dengan...
  11. Aspergillus wentii
  12. 2 benda bermuatan sama didekatkan
  13. Tempat terjadinya respirasi seluler
  14. Mengendapkan protein susu
  15. Mengubur dedaunan ke lubang dalam tanah
  16. Aglutinin beta
  1. Kacamata lensa - digunakan untuk penderita...
  2. Perbedaan sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan
  3. Terjadi di tubulus kontortus proksimal
  4. Gaya tarik antar partikel sangat kuat
  5. Kumpulan populasi
  6. Waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan 1 gelombang
  7. Sifat yang terlihat
  8. Tuas jenis 1
  9. Satuan SI suhu
  10. Setengah kali massa kali gravitasi kuadrat
  11. Satuan hambatan listrik
  12. Tegangan kali arus kali waktu
  13. Sendi 2 arah
  14. F1/A1 = F2/A2
  15. Pemakan bangkai

31 Clues: Tuas jenis 1Sendi 2 arahF1/A1 = F2/A2Satuan SI suhuSodium benzoatAglutinin betaPemakan bangkaiKumpulan populasiAspergillus wentiiSifat yang terlihatMemerahkan lakmus biruCiri-ciri makhluk hidupSatuan hambatan listrikMengendapkan protein susuPlanet terjauh dari matahariTegangan kali arus kali waktuPenghubung testis dengan uretra...

Designers Dream 2015-03-30

Designers Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Step by step problem solving
  2. Space inside a letter
  3. First part of design process
  4. Arrangement of type and image in design space
  5. Distance between elements
  6. Dimension
  7. Design principle where the element that is different stands out
  8. Who buys the design
  9. Brainstorming part of design process
  10. identifying mark made up of type
  11. When the eye completes a shape
  12. A logo made up of a device and type
  13. Layout software used by designers
  14. Principle where elements line up
  15. Where the type sits
  16. size, shape and orientation of a design
  17. Two kinds symmetry and asymmetry
  1. Refers to something else
  2. Who the message goes to
  3. Contour
  4. Variation of tone from light to dark
  5. Difference
  6. Harmony
  7. Little foot on a letterforms
  8. Figure Ground that moves back and forth
  9. Figure Ground where the figure makes up the ground and vice versa
  10. The era we are currently in in terms of type design
  11. Design principle involved with cropping
  12. Step between thumbnails and final comp
  13. Creates a pattern
  14. Focal point
  15. A design element from point a to b
  16. Trace and
  17. Design element hue

34 Clues: ContourHarmonyDimensionTrace andDifferenceFocal pointCreates a patternDesign element hueWho buys the designWhere the type sitsSpace inside a letterWho the message goes toRefers to something elseDistance between elementsStep by step problem solvingFirst part of design processLittle foot on a letterformsWhen the eye completes a shape...

Dream Careers 2023-07-20

Dream Careers crossword puzzle
  1. A doctor who specializes in the medical care of animals. (Hint: "Animal healer and caretaker")
  2. The top executive of a company or organization. (Hint: "Company leader")
  3. A person trained to travel and work in space. (Hint: "Explorer beyond Earth's atmosphere")
  4. A designer of buildings and structures. (Hint: "Creator of blueprints")
  5. A person who operates and navigates an aircraft. (Hint: "Aviator in the skies")
  6. A medical doctor who diagnoses and treats illnesses. (Hint: "Healer in the medical field")
  7. An expert in the study of the natural world and its phenomena. (Hint: "Inquirer of nature's secrets")
  8. A skilled cook who prepares and creates delicious dishes. (Hint: "Culinary master")
  9. An educator who imparts knowledge and guides students. (Hint: "Classroom mentor")
  10. A person who starts and runs a business, taking on financial risks. (Hint: "Business innovator")
  11. A person who creates written works such as books, articles, or scripts. (Hint: "Wordsmith and storyteller")
  1. A representative of a country who promotes international relations. (Hint: "Ambassador and negotiator")
  2. A creative individual who produces visual or performing arts. (Hint: "Painter, sculptor, or performer")
  3. A reporter or writer who investigates and reports news. (Hint: "News gatherer")
  4. A professional who studies behavior and mental processes. (Hint: "Mind and behavior expert")
  5. A businessperson who uses technology to develop and grow entrepreneurial ventures. (Hint: "Tech-savvy entrepreneur")
  6. A person who plays musical instruments or sings. (Hint: "Melody maker")
  7. A professional who provides legal advice and represents clients in court. (Hint: "Legal advocate")
  8. A professional who applies scientific and mathematical principles to design and construct solutions. (Hint: "Problem solver in various fields")
  9. A person who excels in sports and physical activities. (Hint: "Competitive player")

20 Clues: A designer of buildings and structures. (Hint: "Creator of blueprints")A person who plays musical instruments or sings. (Hint: "Melody maker")The top executive of a company or organization. (Hint: "Company leader")A reporter or writer who investigates and reports news. (Hint: "News gatherer")...

The Dream 2023-11-06

The Dream crossword puzzle
  1. appealing or attract someone, right or wrong.
  2. to be a menace or source of danger
  3. anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems
  4. to understand the full worth of something.
  5. Feeling or showing pleasure ort content
  6. wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable
  7. loss or absence of hope
  8. think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.
  9. free from war, free from trouble
  10. accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.
  11. feeling or showing love or great care
  12. sad because one has no friends or company
  13. suspect evil or distrust
  14. greatly surprised or impressed; amazed.
  1. Closely acquainted, familiar, private, personal
  2. able to do as you wish, not under the control of another.
  3. If you are surprised at something because it is unexpected or unusual.
  4. far away from other places, buildings or people, remote
  5. feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder
  6. to find something funny
  7. Expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements
  8. seeing the world in an optimistic way.
  9. Something difficult or impossible to believe.
  10. feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event. Never give up hope.

24 Clues: to find something funnyloss or absence of hopesuspect evil or distrustfree from war, free from troubleto be a menace or source of dangerwretchedly unhappy or uncomfortablefeeling or showing love or great careseeing the world in an optimistic way.Feeling or showing pleasure ort contentgreatly surprised or impressed; amazed....

Minecraft challenge 2022-09-30

Minecraft challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Minecraft's strongest mob
  2. Army for water
  3. Minecraft's best server
  4. Best minecraft escapist
  1. Server you can steal hearts
  2. Minecraft's best pvper
  3. Minecraft's lat update
  4. Minecraft's creator
  5. Minecraft's best weapon
  6. how we say server for minimum players but shortcut

10 Clues: Army for waterMinecraft's creatorMinecraft's best pvperMinecraft's lat updateMinecraft's best weaponMinecraft's best serverBest minecraft escapistMinecraft's strongest mobServer you can steal heartshow we say server for minimum players but shortcut

Dream 2 2012-11-23

Dream 2 crossword puzzle
  1. this fruit is orange
  2. you can see old things here
  3. this fruit is red and has very small seeds you can eat
  4. this fruit is the biggest
  5. you can see animals here
  6. you eat these before the main dish
  7. I study the past in this class
  8. you can watch a baseball game here
  9. this fruit is red and has seeds
  10. this sport needs water and waves
  1. this movie is scary
  2. you can see a music play here
  3. this movie has cartoons
  4. this kind of movie is funny
  5. I play in a gym in this class.
  6. im going to cook food. i'm going to have a ________
  7. this sport needs snow.
  8. I play instruments in this class
  9. My ________ teacher is mr bradley. He is the kindest.
  10. you eat these after the main dish
  11. examples are water, soda, cola, milk
  12. I study numbers in this class
  13. I make things with paper, metal, crayons, and pencils in this class

23 Clues: this movie is scarythis fruit is orangethis sport needs snow.this movie has cartoonsyou can see animals herethis fruit is the biggestthis kind of movie is funnyyou can see old things hereyou can see a music play hereI study numbers in this classI play in a gym in this class.I study the past in this classthis fruit is red and has seeds...

Dream Three 2023-10-14

Dream Three crossword puzzle
  1. "Let no joyful voice be heard! Let no man look up at the sky with hope!
  2. Which alien did Ben first transform into in 'Alien Force'?
  3. What species did Hagrid's pet dragon, Noberta, belong to?
  4. _ is Azmuth's former assistant, who, in his attempt to recreate the Omnitrix, turned himself into an imperfect clone of Ben Tennyson.
  5. Which spell is known as the Thief's Friend
  6. Pirate lord of the south China sea Sao Feng resides in which country ?
  7. What is the name of the spell that Harry uses to defeat Voldemort in their final duel?
  8. X?"
  9. let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake __!."
  10. What is the name of Ben Tennyson's favorite video game, where he and Gwen once unexpectedly find themselves inside the game world?
  1. boisterous, drunken, and bawdy, X was pirate heaven.
  2. What are Gwen's favourite flowers?
  3. From which country the conqueror belongs to? due to whose adventures/Thefts Aztec gold was?
  4. What do you recite to close the Marauder's Map
  5. Who is the lover of the Davy Jones whom he used meet only once in a year
  6. "Of all the pirate islands in the Caribbean, none was the equal of X .
  7. How many Pirate lords combined governed the piracy of the seas?
  8. _ is an interdimensional timeline traveler and one of Ben's adversaries. He is the archenemy of Professor Paradox, as well as an alternate and evil version of Ben.
  9. What alien is evil and got stuck in the Omnitrix?
  10. What does Mad-Eye Moody turn Draco Malfoy into?
  11. What spell created by the Half Blood Prince did Harry use on Draco Malfoy?

21 Clues: X?"What are Gwen's favourite flowers?Which spell is known as the Thief's FriendWhat do you recite to close the Marauder's MapWhat does Mad-Eye Moody turn Draco Malfoy into?What alien is evil and got stuck in the Omnitrix?boisterous, drunken, and bawdy, X was pirate heaven.let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake __!."...

Dream Trivia 2022-07-19

Dream Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. Wear a ___ every day!
  2. The Signature Ingredient of His Mr. Beast Burger
  3. Author of Self-Insert ___ Fanfictions (2 Words)
  4. Signature Color
  5. Manhunt-Inspired Cereal (2 Words)
  6. Drista Attacked Him with One of These
  7. "If this video gets ___ million likes, we'll do a Minecraft Manhunt in real life."
  8. "I want to see ___ flags!"
  9. Favorite Crustacean-Named Game
  10. #1 Toxic ___
  11. Almost Got His Ears Pierced at ___'s
  12. When Everything Will Happen
  13. "I saw that on ___!"
  1. Favorite Flower
  2. Childhood Video Game
  3. Category of His Awarded Streamys
  4. The One Word No One Wants to Hear at the End of His Streams
  5. Most Recent Artist Collaboration (As of 7/20/22) (2 Words)
  6. Favorite Football Team
  7. Birthday Month
  8. "That's what the ___ of the mask is"
  9. Tea Kettle-Like Laughter
  10. Beloved Cat
  11. Foolish Built Them a Statue
  12. "Am I all alone? Am I ___?" (3 Words)
  13. Zodiac Sign
  14. "type 123 for ___ team"

27 Clues: Beloved CatZodiac Sign#1 Toxic ___Birthday MonthFavorite FlowerSignature ColorChildhood Video Game"I saw that on ___!"Wear a ___ every day!Favorite Football Team"type 123 for ___ team"Tea Kettle-Like Laughter"I want to see ___ flags!"Foolish Built Them a StatueWhen Everything Will HappenFavorite Crustacean-Named GameCategory of His Awarded Streamys...

Dream Team 2024-06-06

Dream Team crossword puzzle
  1. Laura’s Ride
  2. Laura does not care for this
  3. something that should never be disrupted
  4. how good ice cream tastes
  5. how Laura feels about being Lauren’s friend
  6. literally the worst
  7. a sneaky sip
  8. a parent of sorts
  9. meeting spot
  10. lunch spot
  11. Shane’s truest role
  12. the mindful man
  1. the “dairy” we both get at dunks
  2. Laura loves it, Lauren hates it
  3. communication hub
  4. also mandatory for outside time
  5. Lauren’s best card game
  6. a vehicle made of popsicle sticks or cardboard
  7. mandatory for outside time
  8. a fun toy in the team room
  9. what we share after sessions
  10. another parent of sorts
  11. where we get these
  12. unknowing cult leader
  13. a frequent lunch

25 Clues: lunch spotLaura’s Ridea sneaky sipmeeting spotthe mindful mana frequent lunchcommunication huba parent of sortswhere we get theseliterally the worstShane’s truest roleunknowing cult leaderLauren’s best card gameanother parent of sortshow good ice cream tastesmandatory for outside timea fun toy in the team roomLaura does not care for this...

American Dream 2023-05-10

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. What is the symbol of the American Dream
  2. amendment gives the freedom of speech
  3. Martin Luther King Jr speech "I have a ____"
  4. what cases the American dream in California
  5. what type of government is the U.S.
  6. who wrote the Declaration of Independence
  7. court over all others
  8. the term used in the American dream "from rags to ___"
  9. president who wrote the emancipation proclamation
  10. people before the settlers
  11. the belief that a god given the right to expand to the west
  12. the Statue of ____
  13. country broke away during the American Revolution
  1. what type of economy is the U.S.
  2. what type of party system is the U.S.
  3. 2020 president
  4. a long-lasting session in the 1920s
  5. who coined the American Dream
  6. what war ended slavery
  7. do people still believe in the American Dream
  8. mainly settlers from Europe were
  9. the American flag "stars and ___"
  10. how to participate in a election
  11. American car manufacturer that achieved the American Dream with the model A
  12. the rush of people going o Alaska in the 70s
  13. first person to discover the Americas
  14. port in new york that to immigrants
  15. the court system of the U.S. is "the ____ court"
  16. what was signed on September 17, 1787
  17. the enemy of the Confederates during the civil war

30 Clues: 2020 presidentthe Statue of ____court over all otherswhat war ended slaverypeople before the settlerswho coined the American Dreamwhat type of economy is the U.S.mainly settlers from Europe werehow to participate in a electionthe American flag "stars and ___"a long-lasting session in the 1920swhat type of government is the U.S....

2023 Dream 2022-09-03

2023 Dream crossword puzzle
  1. comedy club
  2. where you embark
  3. deck with the buffet
  4. where you go for a lifeboat
  5. show lounge
  6. kitchen on a ship
  7. youngest age group at kids camp
  8. carnival's ship brewed brand name
  9. oldest age group at kids camp
  10. where officers navigate the ship
  11. kids camp
  12. theater troupe name
  1. deck one
  2. highest ranking officer on ship
  3. iconic feature of all carnival ships
  4. shops location
  5. carnival hq base
  6. aft pool name
  7. photo shop
  8. front of the ship
  9. casino
  10. on of the big 3 cruise lines
  11. adults only section
  12. right side of a ship
  13. ship class of the dream
  14. back of the ship

26 Clues: casinodeck onekids campphoto shopcomedy clubshow loungeaft pool nameshops locationwhere you embarkcarnival hq baseback of the shipfront of the shipkitchen on a shipadults only sectiontheater troupe namedeck with the buffetright side of a shipship class of the dreamwhere you go for a lifeboaton of the big 3 cruise linesoldest age group at kids camp...

Dream Jobs 2025-02-13

Dream Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. I help people feel better when they are sick. I am ...
  2. I bake bread, cakes and cookies. I am a ...
  3. I cut someone's hair. I work at barbershop. I am a ...
  4. I design buildings. I am a ...
  5. I deliver letters to someone's house. I am a ...
  6. I drive people to where they want to go. I am a ...
  7. I put out fires and rescue cats in trees. I am a ...
  8. I take orders in a restaurant and I bring food. I am a ...
  9. I help patient maintain good oral health. I work at dental clinic. I am ...
  10. I fly in a rocket and I get to go to space. I am an ...
  11. I work at a restaurant. I cook delicious food. I am a ...
  1. I investigates and reports on news stories, events, and issues. I am a ...
  2. officer I wear a uniform and I catch criminals. i am a ...
  3. I use camera to capture moments. I am a ...
  4. I am a person who is responsible for keeping or calculating financial records. I am a ...
  5. I work in a rice field. I plant rice. I am a ...
  6. I fly to many countries. I fly airplanes. I am a ...
  7. I Performed illusions and tricks to entertain audience. I am a ...
  8. I treat sick people and I work with doctors. I am a ...
  9. I teach the students a lesson. I am a ...

20 Clues: I design buildings. I am a ...I teach the students a lesson. I am a ...I bake bread, cakes and cookies. I am a ...I use camera to capture moments. I am a ...I work in a rice field. I plant rice. I am a ...I deliver letters to someone's house. I am a ...I drive people to where they want to go. I am a ......

Dream 2 2021-09-23

Dream 2 crossword puzzle
  1. ellentétes
  2. beszélgetés
  3. hasonló
  4. világos
  5. megért
  6. átlagos
  7. teljesen
  8. tudatalatti
  9. nyilvános
  10. véletlen
  1. elér
  2. téma
  3. lehetetlen
  4. igazság
  5. naptár
  6. valószínűleg
  7. elfelejt
  8. igaz
  9. döntés
  10. pontosan

20 Clues: elértémaigaznaptármegértdöntéshasonlóigazságvilágosátlagoselfelejtpontosanteljesenvéletlennyilvánosellentéteslehetetlenbeszélgetéstudatalattivalószínűleg

Dream journey 2021-05-11

Dream journey crossword puzzle
  1. båt
  2. årstid
  3. koffert
  4. natt
  5. reisebyrå
  6. solfaktor
  7. overnattingssted
  8. trøtt
  9. sted å spise
  10. hav
  1. solbrent
  2. drikke
  3. ferie
  4. reisedokument
  5. gøy
  6. sykle
  7. tog
  8. utforske
  9. gå tur
  10. fly

20 Clues: båtgøytogflyhavnattferiesykletrøttdrikkeårstidgå turkoffertsolbrentutforskereisebyråsolfaktorsted å spisereisedokumentovernattingssted

American Dream 2023-05-09

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. A democratic country known for big opportunities.
  2. The president who abolished slavery.
  3. A small demographic of people in the population.
  4. The opposite of captivity.
  5. The opposite of failure.
  6. America's national bird.
  7. A thing you do when you're sleeping.
  8. A type of government in which the people vote for leaders.
  9. The most popular coffee chain in the U.S.
  10. Middle class.
  11. The United States Capital.
  12. The only founding father to have a musical written about him.
  13. The goal of all people to be equal.
  14. The country we gained independence from.
  15. How people choose their leaders in democratic countries.
  16. The ability to take charge.
  17. The chance to make things possible (employment, love, etc.)
  1. A play about a black family's life in Chicago in the 1950s.
  2. The current President of 2023.
  3. The people Robin hood steals from.
  4. The state of being free.
  5. The first national park.
  6. A period of economic downfall across America and the world.
  7. Another term for America.
  8. The first president.
  9. The most popular American chain restaurant.
  10. The number of Presidents we have had.
  11. A book about 1920's America
  12. Something that represents the country with symbols.
  13. People who migrate to other countries for better opportunities.

30 Clues: Middle class.The first president.The state of being free.The first national park.The opposite of failure.America's national bird.Another term for America.The opposite of captivity.The United States Capital.A book about 1920's AmericaThe ability to take charge.The current President of 2023.The people Robin hood steals from....

Dream Jobs 2023-05-25

Dream Jobs crossword puzzle
  1. Advogado
  2. Cientista
  3. Motorista de caminhão
  4. Comissário de bordo
  5. Funcionário do Zoológico
  6. Piloto
  7. Dançarino
  8. Professor
  9. Enfermeiro
  1. Bombeiro
  2. Médico
  3. Ator
  4. Jogador de futebol
  5. Fazendeiro
  6. Garçonete
  7. Veterinário
  8. Dentista
  9. Chefe
  10. Astronauta
  11. Policial
  12. Garçom
  13. Cantor

22 Clues: AtorChefeMédicoPilotoGarçomCantorBombeiroAdvogadoDentistaPolicialCientistaGarçoneteDançarinoProfessorFazendeiroAstronautaEnfermeiroVeterinárioJogador de futebolComissário de bordoMotorista de caminhãoFuncionário do Zoológico

American Dream 2015-02-18

American Dream crossword puzzle
  1. The symbolic character representing the US (first word)
  2. The thirteen colonies got their independence from ...
  3. The symbolic character representing the US (second word)
  4. The idea of being an individual.
  5. The American flag is called "Stars and ..."
  6. ... is the economic system which best fits to the American Dream.
  7. Americans as a nation are sceptical about a strong ...
  8. Manifest Destiny means that the US have the duty to bring ... to the world.
  9. An Austrian actor who embodies the American Dream as a person.
  10. People who belong to a strict christian protestantism
  11. "Melting Pot" means that immigrants from many ... together form a new, American people.
  12. The ... narrates that Moses led the Israelites to a new paradise called "Canaan"
  13. The idea of the ... stands for the American ideal of always finding new challenges.
  1. New ... is the name religious christians gave to America.
  2. The ... of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.
  3. The puritans don't like a.....
  4. The word describes that many people man different cultures peacefully live together.
  5. The capital of the US.
  6. The puritans think that ... is a religious duty.
  7. If you come from abroad and want to live in a new country, you are a ...
  8. ... island is the place where the immigrants arrived first.
  9. July 4, 1776 is called "... Day"
  10. The cowboy in western movies always rides ... towards the frontier.

23 Clues: The capital of the US.The puritans don't like a.....The idea of being an individual.July 4, 1776 is called "... Day"The American flag is called "Stars and ..."The puritans think that ... is a religious duty.The ... of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776.The thirteen colonies got their independence from ......

Dream Vacation 2015-07-28

Dream Vacation crossword puzzle
  1. Forms large reefs
  2. Land surrounded by water
  3. State flower
  4. Traditional Hawaiian feast
  5. Estate with resident workers
  6. Tropical fruit w orange flesh
  7. Cheerful
  8. Conical mountain having a crater
  9. Famous road
  1. Hot molten
  2. Opposite of cloudy
  3. Tropical forest flower
  4. Necklace of flowers
  5. Water sport
  6. Tall grass Saccharum officinarum
  7. Type of whale
  8. Grand Canyon of the Pacific
  9. Tropical fruit
  10. Pebbly or sandy shore
  11. Hawaiian Island
  12. Morning beverage
  13. Hawaiian greeting

22 Clues: CheerfulHot moltenWater sportFamous roadState flowerType of whaleTropical fruitHawaiian IslandMorning beverageForms large reefsHawaiian greetingOpposite of cloudyNecklace of flowersPebbly or sandy shoreTropical forest flowerLand surrounded by waterTraditional Hawaiian feastGrand Canyon of the PacificEstate with resident workers...

Dream Theater 2021-12-20

Dream Theater crossword puzzle
  1. Song that says, "Remember me, I gave you life."
  2. The original keyboard player.
  3. The length of their best song according to the internet.
  4. The guitar player who writes most of the songs.
  5. What album has the song "Take Away My Pain?"
  6. A _________ to Remember.
  7. Drummer of the first ten albums.
  8. Song that says, "The fabric of reality is tearing apart."
  9. Their first song to win a Grammy Award.
  10. What album has the song "I walk beside you?"
  11. Originally going to be a song on Images and Words but ended up being an album in and of itself.
  12. The count of _______
  13. What song on their self-titled album comes first alphabetically?
  14. Piano song from Images and Words.
  15. Number of albums.
  16. What album has the song "Space-Dye Vest?"
  17. Song about war.
  18. The name of their longest song and sixth album.
  19. Song that says, "I just can't help myself! I'm feeling like I'm going out of my head!"
  20. Their newest album as of December 2021.
  21. Their first album.
  22. What song on Images and Words comes first alphabetically?
  23. What the band was originally called.
  1. Bonus: Popular video game character.
  2. The current drummer of Dream Theater.
  3. The best album.
  4. Endless _________
  5. A popular album.
  6. Number of songs in their newest album.
  7. Keyboard player since the 90s.
  8. The name of the "Monday Morning Lunatic" part of their longest song.
  9. What song on Train of Thought comes first alphabetically?
  10. Where the singer is from.
  11. Song that says, "Trying to believe."
  12. The best song according to the internet.
  13. Number of parts in their longest song.
  14. What album has the song "Build me up, break me down?"
  15. Number of band members.
  16. Song that says, "let it out."
  17. Song that says, "This feeling inside me."
  18. Song that says, "I never thought that I could carry on with this lie. But I can't resist myself no matter how hard I try."
  19. Number of scenes from a memory.

42 Clues: The best album.Song about war.A popular album.Endless _________Number of albums.Their first album.The count of _______Number of band members.A _________ to Remember.Where the singer is from.The original keyboard player.Song that says, "let it out."Keyboard player since the 90s.Number of scenes from a memory.Drummer of the first ten albums....

Dream Realization 2023-07-21

Dream Realization crossword puzzle
  1. Hard work and exertion put into achieving something
  2. A belief in oneself and one's abilities
  3. A strong and barely controllable emotion or intense enthusiasm
  4. A strong desire or hope for a particular outcome or career
  5. The accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  6. A strong desire to achieve something significant
  7. The act of making positive changes to oneself or one's circumstances
  8. Something that stimulates creativity or imagination
  9. The successful accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  10. Continuous improvement and advancement toward a goal
  1. The quality of continuing to do something despite challenges
  2. A carefully designed course of action to achieve a specific goal
  3. An idea or concept of the future that one hopes to achieve
  4. A strong conviction or trust in the truth, existence, or reliability of something
  5. The process of learning about oneself and personal strengths
  6. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way
  7. A target or objective one aims to accomplish
  8. The quality of being resolute and unwavering in the pursuit of goals
  9. The act of chasing or striving towards a specific objective
  10. The feeling of contentment or satisfaction derived from achieving a goal

20 Clues: A belief in oneself and one's abilitiesThe accomplishment of an aim or purposeA target or objective one aims to accomplishA strong desire to achieve something significantThe successful accomplishment of an aim or purposeHard work and exertion put into achieving somethingSomething that stimulates creativity or imagination...

Dolly's Dream 2023-11-28

Dolly's Dream crossword puzzle
  1. Known to her kids as Mummy
  2. Dolly might find Debbie here
  3. Conception Bay South (abbrev.)
  4. What Dolly’s kids call their Grandfather
  5. Baby of the family
  6. Pittman 1
  7. Gave Dolly her nick name
  8. Church affiliation
  9. Kids call her
  10. Real given name
  11. aka
  12. Pittman 2
  13. Took the wind out of her sails in May 2022
  1. Grandmother to Dolly’s kids is called this
  2. Rebecca’s mom
  3. New home 2009
  4. Where Dolly grew up
  5. Nanny’s playground
  6. Her mom’s name
  7. Humby
  8. Chief caregiver now
  9. Became a pilot like dad
  10. She was born with this family name
  11. “You’re my best friend.”
  12. Dolly lives here now
  13. Several surgeries here

26 Clues: akaHumbyPittman 1Pittman 2Rebecca’s momNew home 2009Kids call herHer mom’s nameReal given nameNanny’s playgroundBaby of the familyChurch affiliationWhere Dolly grew upChief caregiver nowDolly lives here nowSeveral surgeries hereBecame a pilot like dadGave Dolly her nick name“You’re my best friend.”Known to her kids as Mummy...