fruits Crossword Puzzles

fruits 2024-03-18

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. schwarze Johannisbeere
  2. Banane
  3. Mandarine
  4. Birne
  5. Grapefrucht
  6. Kiwi
  7. Honigmelone
  8. Brombeere
  9. Zuckermelone
  10. Pflaume
  11. Litschi
  12. Klementine
  13. rote Johannisbeere
  14. Himbeere
  15. Wassermelone
  1. Nektarine
  2. Heidelbeere
  3. Preiselbeere
  4. Ananas
  5. Limette
  6. Kirsche
  7. Erdbeere
  8. Drachenfrucht
  9. Pfirsich
  10. Dattel
  11. Marille
  12. Zitrone
  13. Holunder
  14. Papaya
  15. Orange
  16. Mango
  17. Apfel

32 Clues: KiwiBirneMangoApfelBananeAnanasDattelPapayaOrangeLimetteKirscheMarilleZitronePflaumeLitschiErdbeerePfirsichHolunderHimbeereNektarineMandarineBrombeereKlementineHeidelbeereGrapefruchtHonigmelonePreiselbeereZuckermeloneWassermeloneDrachenfruchtrote Johannisbeereschwarze Johannisbeere

FRUITS 2024-08-07

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. A round, orange-fleshed melon with a netted rind
  2. A round, fuzzy fruit with a sweet taste
  3. A tropical fruit with a hard shell and white flesh
  4. A smooth-skinned fruit similar to a peach
  5. A small, red fruit with a hollow core
  6. A red, green, or yellow fruit that is crisp and sweet
  7. A small, round, red fruit with a pit
  8. A small, dark purple fruit that grows on bushes
  9. A round, citrus fruit with a tough skin
  10. A sweet fruit with a bell shape
  11. A large, spiky fruit known for its strong odor
  12. A large, spiky fruit with a sweet, fleshy interior
  13. A small, round fruit with a rough skin and sweet, white flesh
  14. A green fruit with creamy flesh and a large pit
  15. A long, yellow fruit with a soft interior
  16. A tropical fruit with orange flesh and a large pit
  17. Fruit A tropical fruit with a pink skin and white, seeded flesh
  18. A small, green, citrus fruit with a sour taste
  19. A tropical fruit with a thick, purple rind and juicy, white flesh
  20. Fruit A round, purple fruit with a tangy, seedy interior
  21. A sweet, chewy fruit that grows on palm trees
  22. A small, sweet fruit with a soft skin and many seeds
  1. A small, orange fruit with a soft flesh and a pit
  2. A small, round fruit with smooth skin and a pit
  3. An orange fruit that is sweet when ripe
  4. A small, red, spiky fruit with sweet, white flesh
  5. A tropical fruit with spiky skin and sweet, yellow flesh
  6. A large, round, citrus fruit with a tangy flavor
  7. A small, red fruit with seeds on the outside
  8. A large, green fruit with red flesh and black seeds
  9. A small, juicy fruit often used to make wine
  10. A fruit with a tough skin and many juicy seeds
  11. A small, blue fruit often used in muffins
  12. A tropical fruit with pink flesh and edible seeds
  13. A round, green-fleshed melon with a smooth rind
  14. A small, brown fruit with green flesh and tiny seeds
  15. A tropical fruit with orange flesh and black seeds
  16. A small, sweet, citrus fruit similar to an orange
  17. A yellow, citrus fruit with a sour taste
  18. A yellow fruit that is shaped like a star when sliced

40 Clues: A sweet fruit with a bell shapeA small, round, red fruit with a pitA small, red fruit with a hollow coreAn orange fruit that is sweet when ripeA round, fuzzy fruit with a sweet tasteA round, citrus fruit with a tough skinA yellow, citrus fruit with a sour tasteA smooth-skinned fruit similar to a peachA small, blue fruit often used in muffins...

FRUITS 2024-08-07

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. A round, orange-fleshed melon with a netted rind
  2. A round, fuzzy fruit with a sweet taste
  3. A tropical fruit with a hard shell and white flesh
  4. A smooth-skinned fruit similar to a peach
  5. A small, red fruit with a hollow core
  6. A red, green, or yellow fruit that is crisp and sweet
  7. A small, round, red fruit with a pit
  8. A small, dark purple fruit that grows on bushes
  9. A round, citrus fruit with a tough skin
  10. A sweet fruit with a bell shape
  11. A large, spiky fruit known for its strong odor
  12. A large, spiky fruit with a sweet, fleshy interior
  13. A small, round fruit with a rough skin and sweet, white flesh
  14. A green fruit with creamy flesh and a large pit
  15. A long, yellow fruit with a soft interior
  16. A tropical fruit with orange flesh and a large pit
  17. Fruit A tropical fruit with a pink skin and white, seeded flesh
  18. A small, green, citrus fruit with a sour taste
  19. A tropical fruit with a thick, purple rind and juicy, white flesh
  20. Fruit A round, purple fruit with a tangy, seedy interior
  21. A sweet, chewy fruit that grows on palm trees
  22. A small, sweet fruit with a soft skin and many seeds
  1. A small, orange fruit with a soft flesh and a pit
  2. A small, round fruit with smooth skin and a pit
  3. An orange fruit that is sweet when ripe
  4. A small, red, spiky fruit with sweet, white flesh
  5. A tropical fruit with spiky skin and sweet, yellow flesh
  6. A large, round, citrus fruit with a tangy flavor
  7. A small, red fruit with seeds on the outside
  8. A large, green fruit with red flesh and black seeds
  9. A small, juicy fruit often used to make wine
  10. A fruit with a tough skin and many juicy seeds
  11. A small, blue fruit often used in muffins
  12. A tropical fruit with pink flesh and edible seeds
  13. A round, green-fleshed melon with a smooth rind
  14. A small, brown fruit with green flesh and tiny seeds
  15. A tropical fruit with orange flesh and black seeds
  16. A small, sweet, citrus fruit similar to an orange
  17. A yellow, citrus fruit with a sour taste
  18. A yellow fruit that is shaped like a star when sliced

40 Clues: A sweet fruit with a bell shapeA small, round, red fruit with a pitA small, red fruit with a hollow coreAn orange fruit that is sweet when ripeA round, fuzzy fruit with a sweet tasteA round, citrus fruit with a tough skinA yellow, citrus fruit with a sour tasteA smooth-skinned fruit similar to a peachA small, blue fruit often used in muffins...

Fruits 2024-07-04

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. - Fruta de piel oscura y pulpa jugosa
  2. - Fruta pequeña y roja, rica en vitamina C
  3. - Fruta pequeña y amarilla con varias semillas grandes
  4. - Fruta amarilla con forma de estrella
  5. - Fruta de color naranja con piel suave y una gran semilla
  6. - Fruta tropical con una cáscara dura y pulpa blanca
  7. - Fruta tropical grande y con una pulpa fibrosa
  8. - Fruta tropical verde por fuera y rosa o blanca por dentro
  9. - Fruta pequeña con piel rugosa y pulpa jugosa
  10. - Fruta grande con pulpa roja y muchas semillas
  11. - Fruta de color verde o amarilla con forma alargada
  12. - Fruta tropical con una cáscara dura y pulpa ácida
  13. - Fruta tropical con un sabor fuerte y amargo
  14. - Fruta pequeña y dulce, similar al durazno pero más pequeña
  15. - Fruta grande y redonda con pulpa dulce y jugosa
  16. - Uva seca
  17. - Fruta cítrica similar a la naranja pero más pequeña
  18. - Fruta negra o morada que crece en zarzas
  19. - Fruta tropical alargada con pulpa anaranjada y semillas negras
  20. - Fruta pequeña y roja, similar a la fresa pero más pequeña
  1. - Fruta pequeña y dulce, a menudo seca
  2. - Fruta pequeña y azul, generalmente usada en postres
  3. - Fruta con piel dura y muchas semillas comestibles
  4. - Fruta tropical con una vaina dura y pulpa ácida
  5. - Fruta tropical dulce con una gran semilla central
  6. - Fruta pequeña y roja con una semilla dura en el centro
  7. - Fruta pequeña y redonda que crece en racimos
  8. - Fruta tropical con pulpa blanca y dulce
  9. - Fruta tropical grande con una cáscara dura y espinosa
  10. - Fruta cítrica de color naranja
  11. - Fruta amarilla alargada y dulce
  12. - Fruta marrón y peluda por fuera, verde por dentro
  13. camu - Fruta amazónica con alto contenido de vitamina C
  14. - Fruta amarilla y ácida
  15. - Fruta tropical conocida por su fuerte olor
  16. - Fruta pequeña y roja, generalmente con semillas en el exterior
  17. - Fruta tropical con pulpa blanca y dulce
  18. - Fruta roja o verde que crece en los árboles
  19. - Fruta tropical con una cáscara peluda y pulpa dulce
  20. - Fruta pequeña y morada, conocida por sus beneficios para la salud

40 Clues: - Uva seca- Fruta amarilla y ácida- Fruta cítrica de color naranja- Fruta amarilla alargada y dulce- Fruta de piel oscura y pulpa jugosa- Fruta pequeña y dulce, a menudo seca- Fruta amarilla con forma de estrella- Fruta tropical con pulpa blanca y dulce- Fruta tropical con pulpa blanca y dulce- Fruta pequeña y roja, rica en vitamina C...

fruits 2024-05-29

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Tuna is a kind of…
  2. It’s made by the bees.
  3. black beverage usually drank in the mornings
  4. fries You usually eat it with burgers.
  5. You can put whatever you want in it, but it’s usually made of bread, cheese, lettuce, ham and tomato.
  6. It’s another yellow dairy, but this one you have to use a knife to put it on the bread.
  7. It’s made of corn, and you usually eat this when you go to the movies.
  8. Spaghetti is a kind of…
  9. You use this when your food is not salty enough.
  10. Mix of vegetables/fruits like lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots, etc.
  11. It has a lot of animal protein, and it’s used to make kibe, strogonoff, burgers, etc.
  1. cream It’s a cold dessert that you can eat on a cone.
  2. It’s a yellow dairy, used to make sandwiches, pies, lasagnas, etc.
  3. The meat that is used to make coxinha.
  4. where you put the candles on a birthday party
  5. food made out of vegetables and pasta, usually eaten in cold days.
  6. You buy it in the bakery and usually eat it on breakfast, with butter, cheese or peanutbutter.
  7. Gasified drink that can taste like lemon, cola, orange or even guaraná.
  8. You use it when you need to make something sweet.
  9. hot beverage made of water and herbs
  10. White drink that cows make.

21 Clues: Tuna is a kind of…It’s made by the bees.Spaghetti is a kind of…White drink that cows beverage made of water and herbsThe meat that is used to make coxinha.fries You usually eat it with beverage usually drank in the morningswhere you put the candles on a birthday partyYou use this when your food is not salty enough....

FRUITS 2021-02-15

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. MANGO
  4. LIME
  6. PEACH
  8. FIG
  5. PLUM
  6. APPLE
  9. PEAR
  10. LEMON


FRUITS 2019-12-08

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. Roud and elongated. Yelow, green, red or lilac is it color
  2. Small round red and sweet
  3. The favorite fruit of the monkeys
  4. Its color is orange. We eat the red seeds inside
  5. Similiar to orange but smaller
  6. Snow White but her
  7. Acid and yelow
  8. Its has many vitamins. It´s round and orange
  9. It is eaten in summer and has a lot of water
  1. This fruit is shaped like a bulb is juicy and fleshy
  2. Small ins size there are black and red
  3. Sweet and tasty bright red fruit. It is born from a plant
  4. It is tropical and fruit of the palm tree
  5. Big and red inside with black nuggets
  6. SpongeBob lives there
  7. His skin is hard, he has a big round bone. The guacamole is very good
  8. Her skin is hairy and hes flesh is green
  9. Large fruit with bone. It is also eaten in syrup
  10. We ate twelve on New Year´s Eve
  11. It has an oval shape. Its skin does not eat

20 Clues: Acid and yelowSnow White but herSpongeBob lives thereSmall round red and sweetSimiliar to orange but smallerWe ate twelve on New Year´s EveThe favorite fruit of the monkeysBig and red inside with black nuggetsSmall ins size there are black and redHer skin is hairy and hes flesh is greenIt is tropical and fruit of the palm tree...

FRUITS 2019-12-08

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. Roud and elongated. Yelow, green, red or lilac is it color
  2. Small round red and sweet
  3. The favorite fruit of the monkeys
  4. Its color is orange. We eat the red seeds inside
  5. Similiar to orange but smaller
  6. Snow White but her
  7. Acid and yelow
  8. Its has many vitamins. It´s round and orange
  9. It is eaten in summer and has a lot of water
  1. This fruit is shaped like a bulb is juicy and fleshy
  2. Small ins size there are black and red
  3. Sweet and tasty bright red fruit. It is born from a plant
  4. It is tropical and fruit of the palm tree
  5. Big and red inside with black nuggets
  6. SpongeBob lives there
  7. His skin is hard, he has a big round bone. The guacamole is very good
  8. Her skin is hairy and hes flesh is green
  9. Large fruit with bone. It is also eaten in syrup
  10. We ate twelve on New Year´s Eve
  11. It has an oval shape. Its skin does not eat

20 Clues: Acid and yelowSnow White but herSpongeBob lives thereSmall round red and sweetSimiliar to orange but smallerWe ate twelve on New Year´s EveThe favorite fruit of the monkeysBig and red inside with black nuggetsSmall ins size there are black and redHer skin is hairy and hes flesh is greenIt is tropical and fruit of the palm tree...

Fruits 2020-12-15

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. ขนุน
  2. ฝรั่ง
  3. ส้มโอ
  4. องุ่น
  5. มังคุด
  6. ลูกเชอรี่
  7. ลำไย
  8. มะม่วง
  9. แอปเปิล
  10. ลูกพีท
  11. สตรอเบอร์รี่
  1. ทุเรียน
  2. ส้ม
  3. แตงโม
  4. ชมพู่
  5. กล้วย
  6. สับปะรด
  7. มะพร้าว
  8. เงาะ
  9. มะละกอ
  10. ลูกแพร

21 Clues: ส้มขนุนเงาะลำไยแตงโมฝรั่งชมพู่กล้วยส้มโอองุ่นมังคุดมะม่วงมะละกอลูกแพรลูกพีททุเรียนสับปะรดมะพร้าวแอปเปิลลูกเชอรี่สตรอเบอร์รี่

FRUITS 2020-03-31

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. maracujá
  2. melancia
  3. marmelo
  4. romã
  5. goiaba
  6. laranja
  7. abacaxi
  8. jaca
  9. cereja
  10. mamão
  11. carambola
  12. ameixa
  13. ameixa amarela
  14. jabuticaba
  15. pêssego
  16. banana
  1. morango
  2. lima
  3. abacate
  4. tangerina
  5. tâmara
  6. limão
  7. manga
  8. maçã verde
  9. coco
  10. caqui
  11. figo
  12. amendoim
  13. butiá
  14. caju
  15. fruta-do-conde
  16. ingá
  17. uva melon melão
  18. cacau

34 Clues: limaromãcocofigojacacajuingálimãomangacaquibutiámamãocacautâmaragoiabacerejaameixabananamorangoabacatemarmelolaranjaabacaxipêssegomaracujámelanciaamendoimtangerinacarambolamaçã verdejabuticabafruta-do-condeameixa amarelauva melon melão

Fruits 2020-02-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. มะม่วง
  2. สับปะรด
  3. ลำไย
  4. มังคุด
  5. fruit ขนุน
  6. มะพร้าว
  7. เชอรี่
  8. ส้ม
  9. เงาะ
  10. กล้วย
  11. องุ่น
  1. ทับทิม
  2. แตงไทย
  3. กีวี
  4. แตงโม
  5. พุทรา
  6. apple ชมพู่
  7. ทุเรียน
  8. apple น้อยหน่า
  9. แอปเปิล
  10. ฝรั่ง

21 Clues: ส้มกีวีลำไยเงาะแตงโมพุทรากล้วยองุ่นฝรั่งทับทิมมะม่วงแตงไทยมังคุดเชอรี่สับปะรดทุเรียนมะพร้าวแอปเปิลfruit ขนุนapple ชมพู่apple น้อยหน่า

Fruits 2021-05-01

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. is a fruit that has sharp skin like thorns, it tastes sweet and sometimes people don't like it because of its aroma
  2. has a star-like shape and has a sweet taste but a little sourness
  3. is a fruit that is oval / elliptical, yellow, scaly, soft, some are sweet and some are sour
  4. is a fleshy, oval, yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles or chutneys
  5. contains tannins which are efficacious to strengthen gums and stop bleeding and are usually used for ceremonial events such as concoction of betel nut for traditional ceremonies.
  6. is a fruit that is round as big as an egg and has scaly skin
  7. is a round juicy citrus with a tough bright reddish-yellow rind
  8. is a fruit that has an elongated shape, tastes sweet and is often used as a frying pan
  9. is a fruit that is cooked to become rice
  10. is a fruit that contains lots of water, which is made into coconut milk and the water is good for reducing heat
  1. is a fruit whose seeds are used as a source of oil and spices
  2. is a round fruit that has plates, with very short hair, slightly oblong (oval) and coarse
  3. is a fruit that grows in the ground, can be made of rice, can be made of chips and tape.
  4. is a type of fruit that has a lot of water content and when ripe it is usually pink
  5. is natives to Indonesia, widely used as a spice in spicy dishes in European countries, and as the main ingredient in Indonesian clove cigarettes.
  6. are fruit as big as marbles that are very popular with people and are often used as a drink. This fruit has three kinds of colors: black, red and green.
  7. is a fruit that is often used to make ice cream, cakes, snacks, milk and chocolate
  8. is a fruit the size of a fist, green in color and often used as fruit juice
  9. is a type of orange whose fruit is commonly used as a flavoring and freshener in many of the world's culinary arts.
  10. is a green fruit, the skin surface is not flat like thorns, the contents are white and have a lot of seeds

20 Clues: is a fruit that is cooked to become riceis a fruit that is round as big as an egg and has scaly skinis a fruit whose seeds are used as a source of oil and spicesis a round juicy citrus with a tough bright reddish-yellow rindhas a star-like shape and has a sweet taste but a little sourness...

fruits 2021-05-01

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. fruit that contains a lot of water,which is made into coconut milk,the water is good for reducing heat
  2. this fruit is yelloow its shapes is round and elongated,this fruit has large pores,has large scaly skin
  3. is oval to almost round in shape and is widely consumed fruit
  4. yellow fruit,fragraant andb,has a very stick sap
  5. this fruit is good for eye healty,often used as food for rabbits
  6. fruit as big as a fist inside is defended sweet taste
  7. fruit as big as a fist,the fruit is very hard. if it is ripe it smells starking. is often used asba medicine for diarrhea if it's still easy
  8. fruit with hairy seeds are mede rucak
  9. round fruit the size of an egg,and kiliy scaly
  10. fruit round,and large,green skinskin red contentsb,small seeds
  11. fruit whoses leaves cannot bet wet with water
  1. the fruit that is often used for rucak has an oval shepen in front of the cheekb,if it's still easy it tastes sour but when it's ripe the fruit tastes sweet
  2. fruit that is cooked to become rice
  3. fruit as big as marbles that are loved by people and are often useda as a drink,this fruit has three kinds of colors,black ,red,green
  4. arabic fruit typical
  5. fruit that is elongated,taste,often fried
  6. fruit its skin is red and its contents have small black seeds
  7. fruit as big as a fist,green in color used as fruit juice
  8. this fruit is long,and cylindrical,used as ingredients for rucak. in fairly tales,the deer are often stolen
  9. fruit the size of a fist has two colors green and red

20 Clues: arabic fruit typicalfruit that is cooked to become ricefruit with hairy seeds are mede rucakfruit that is elongated,taste,often friedfruit whoses leaves cannot bet wet with waterround fruit the size of an egg,and kiliy scalyyellow fruit,fragraant andb,has a very stick sapfruit as big as a fist inside is defended sweet taste...

fruits 2021-04-30

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. at first glance it does look like an apple, both in shape and taste and is ripe yellow in color
  2. one type of fruit that is quite favorite in Indonesia. This is because this fruit has a sweet taste and is also thick enough flesh.
  3. is a nutrient dense fruit that helps improve overall body health
  4. a type of fruit as well as a plant that is quite interesting and much in demand. This fruit is a type of pumpkin.
  5. are a type of fruit that is quite widely found around the community. This fruit has a neat shape in bunches and when it is ripe, its green color can turn yellow.
  6. fruit fruit that can lose weight and the risk of heart disease
  7. guava seeds when ripe, pink, suitable for consumption in hot areas and as an ingredient in salads and candy
  8. This has small seeds with a whitish orange color. The seed is located in the middle of the pulp.
  9. This one fruit will generally be processed into a kind of pickle, jam, jam and salad. The seeds of this fruit are relatively stringy and tend to be sweet and acidic
  10. often called the queen of fruit, while the king of fruit fruit is durian fruit.
  11. has quite a lot of benefits. Among them is that it is able to ward off the presence of free radicals or various types of toxins in the human body.
  12. is a type of fruit originating from Southeast Asia. This fruit is very similar to the types of kokosan, langsat, celoring and pisitan fruit.
  13. Untuk mengobati sariawan, bibir pecah-pecah dan gangguan pencernaan
  14. this one fruit has hair-like parts on the skin. The skin of this fruit is red, yellowish green and some yellow when the fruit is ripe.
  15. fruit this fruit is greenish yellow and tastes sweet a slightly acidic contains vitamin C and contains a lot water and this fruit shape like that star angular
  1. is a soft fruit with a yellowish orange color of various sizes depending on the type, has many seeds and is beneficial for skin beauty
  2. are a type of fruit whose exterior is usually red when ripe and ready to eat.
  3. this fruit has a sweet and sour taste and is also fresh. You can find this fruit very easily in the market and of course at an affordable price.
  4. have a yellow color and are slightly oval in shape. It has a sour taste and is also slightly sweet
  5. It has a tough and prickly skin, it tastes very good
  6. often used to make ice cream, cakes, snacks, milk and so on.
  7. this fruit is useful as a board and food, this fruit consisting of fibers, botok, meat, and water
  8. originating from Mexico, Central America and South America but is now also cultivated in Asian countries, skin colored pingkingkung, and purple flesh
  9. live in lowland areas. This type of plant requires a dry season, which is between four months and seven months.
  10. This has a sweet, crusty taste and also has hard seeds in the flesh of the fruit.
  11. It has a tough and prickly skin, it tastes very good

26 Clues: It has a tough and prickly skin, it tastes very goodIt has a tough and prickly skin, it tastes very goodoften used to make ice cream, cakes, snacks, milk and so on.fruit fruit that can lose weight and the risk of heart diseaseis a nutrient dense fruit that helps improve overall body health...

Fruits 2021-05-02

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. to prevent heart disease.
  2. beneficial for heart health.
  3. heal wounds and eliminate infection.
  4. to prevent blood clots.
  5. overcome bladder problems.
  6. Helps smooth the digestive system.
  7. to treat diarrhea and treat dysentery.
  8. to increase appetite.
  9. treat asthma.
  10. to reduce the risk of respiratory problems.
  11. reduce cholesterol levels in the body.
  12. to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
  1. to treat heartburn.
  2. to treat thrush.
  3. helps reduce fever.
  4. to prevent osteoarthritis or cartilage damage.
  5. brightens the skin.
  6. helps reduce heat in the body during fever.
  7. to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.
  8. fruit to treat hypertension.

20 Clues: treat treat treat heartburn.helps reduce fever.brightens the increase prevent blood prevent heart disease.overcome bladder problems.beneficial for heart health.fruit to treat hypertension.Helps smooth the digestive system.heal wounds and eliminate maintain healthy bones and teeth....

FRUITS 2021-05-03

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. plants that are many live in in the beach area.
  2. a plant that has prickly fruit
  3. long balls, lots of liquid
  4. Consuming fasting month
  5. a plant whose fruits seem to have feathers.
  6. citrus fruit
  7. oval shaped, sphere and green or yellowish green, frecks-purple spots.
  8. the redruit of the red and yellow
  9. vines and has a small fruit shrinkle
  10. it’s quite small in shape and has a bright red in it.
  11. yellow flesh with fresh sense
  1. a single leaf that the fruit has a lot of sticky sap
  2. golden-yellow, almost similart a plum.
  3. a fruit that is white in color and tastes quite sour.
  4. a plant that has yellow fruit.
  5. white with rind red or green.
  6. breed with shoots and fruit in yellow.
  7. at a gender age of green and will turn greenish yellow at the age of harvest.
  8. it has a rounded fruit shape, a greenish-white rind soft without nets.
  9. the inside is orange

20 Clues: citrus fruitthe inside is orangeConsuming fasting monthlong balls, lots of liquidwhite with rind red or green.yellow flesh with fresh sensea plant that has yellow fruit.a plant that has prickly fruitthe redruit of the red and yellowvines and has a small fruit shrinklegolden-yellow, almost similart a plum.breed with shoots and fruit in yellow....

Fruits 2021-05-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. the scaly fruit
  2. is a versatile fruit
  3. have a crown
  4. A fruit as big as a marble that people really like, and is often used as a drink. This fruit has 3 kinds of colors, black, red, green.
  5. are often used when breaking the fast
  6. is as a material for making cigarettes
  7. round,large and red inside
  8. purple skin and white contens
  9. is a long oval fruit
  1. The fruit is as big as a fist, has two colors, green and red. for the red ones, they are sold in seeds and wrapped in a soft net
  2. is a thorny fruit
  3. are spicy fruit
  4. to get rid of the fishy smell
  5. has large seeds and yellow flesh
  6. have green colored skin, bullied seeds and are usually made into juice
  7. orange flesh is rich in vitamin c
  8. red and the size of a marble
  9. the basic igredient of chocolate
  10. has green fruit with white or red flesh and sour-sweet taste.
  11. fruit like a star

20 Clues: have a crownthe scaly fruitare spicy fruitis a thorny fruitfruit like a staris a versatile fruitis a long oval fruitround,large and red insidered and the size of a marbleto get rid of the fishy smellpurple skin and white contenshas large seeds and yellow fleshthe basic igredient of chocolateorange flesh is rich in vitamin c...

fruits 2020-08-10

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. It’s made of corn, and you usually eat this when you go to the movies.
  2. It’s made by the bees.
  3. cream It’s a cold dessert that you can eat on a cone.
  4. food made out of vegetables and pasta, usually eaten in cold days.
  5. black beverage usually drank in the mornings
  6. hot beverage made of water and herbs
  7. where you put the candles on a birthday party
  8. You can put whatever you want in it, but it’s usually made of bread, cheese, lettuce, ham and tomato.
  9. Spaghetti is a kind of…
  10. You use this when your food is not salty enough.
  1. You use it when you need to make something sweet.
  2. It’s a yellow dairy, used to make sandwiches, pies, lasagnas, etc.
  3. Tuna is a kind of…
  4. It’s another yellow dairy, but this one you have to use a knife to put it on the bread.
  5. The meat that is used to make coxinha.
  6. fries You usually eat it with burgers.
  7. Gasified drink that can taste like lemon, cola, orange or even guaraná.
  8. You buy it in the bakery and usually eat it on breakfast, with butter, cheese or peanutbutter.
  9. It has a lot of animal protein, and it’s used to make kibe, strogonoff, burgers, etc.
  10. White drink that cows make.
  11. Mix of vegetables/fruits like lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots, etc.

21 Clues: Tuna is a kind of…It’s made by the bees.Spaghetti is a kind of…White drink that cows beverage made of water and herbsThe meat that is used to make coxinha.fries You usually eat it with beverage usually drank in the morningswhere you put the candles on a birthday partyYou use this when your food is not salty enough....

Fruits 2020-09-30

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. it is fibrous, soft and especially smooth when ripe. Its pulp is similar to that of papaya, smooth and juicy, and its flavor is sweet
  2. delicious tropical fruit and has great therapeutic virtues and is very rich in vitamin C and potassium.
  3. sour green fruit
  4. it is rich in nutrients and vitamins, is part of weight loss diets due to its diuretic power and is good for diabetes.
  5. when it is ripe its flavor is sweet but when it is still green its flavor is acid
  6. purple, sour fruit that is widely used for jams
  7. It is a citrus fruit obtained from the sweet orange tree.
  8. It is round and yellow in color and its pulp is sweet.
  9. it is a fruit that grows in tight clusters. Its pulp is white or purple and has a sweet flavor. It is consumed as fresh fruit or juice
  10. on the outside it is brown and on the inside white, it is round and hard
  1. It is a fruit of a more or less spherical and sweet shape, its color is green and red inside with several seeds.
  2. They are one of the most desired fruits of autumn, and their properties and benefits are ideal for this time of year
  3. composed of deciduous trees commonly known as pear trees
  4. It is a fruit of tropical origin with a more or less rounded shape and reticulated green skin, which is consumed for its white pulp
  5. It is a tropical fruit that is consumed mainly for its pulp, which is usually orange in color and has a sweet and juicy flavor.
  6. It has a yellow color and the pulp is consumed, it is acidic and with many seeds
  7. It is the edible fruit of the plants of the genus Fragaria and red in color
  8. its taste is sweet and it is rich in fiber, potassium and some vitamins beneficial to health
  9. It is the berry of the delicious Actinidia creeper. It is native to a large area of ​​China
  10. It is a round-shaped pomegranate fruit with a more or less sweet taste and red in color.

20 Clues: sour green fruitpurple, sour fruit that is widely used for jamsIt is round and yellow in color and its pulp is sweet.composed of deciduous trees commonly known as pear treesIt is a citrus fruit obtained from the sweet orange tree.on the outside it is brown and on the inside white, it is round and hard...

Fruits 2016-09-22

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. A purple fruit that has a pit in it.
  2. A yellow curved fruit.
  3. Used in guacamole.
  4. A tropical fruit that is yellow with green leaves
  5. A green sour fruit.
  6. A red berry that has its seeds on the outside.
  7. Light yellow fruit, starts with p
  8. A small berry that is often baked into muffins.
  9. A fruit that you eat the seeds of
  10. A green fruit with little black seeds that has a fuzzy brown skin
  11. Used in juice that you drink for breakfast.
  1. a tropical fruit that are juicy and are yellow on the inside.
  2. cuties
  3. A green melon
  4. A fruit that had a fuzzy skin.
  5. It looks like an orange but smaller.
  6. This small fruit comes in purple or green and grows on vines.
  7. An orange melon
  8. A small red fruit with a skinny stem that can be made into a pie.
  9. A little red berry that can be tart.
  10. Perfect for a picnic, when it is cut it is red with lots of seeds.
  11. Like a peach but tiny.
  12. Looks like a small pear, purple
  13. A fruit that looks kind if like an orange on the outside but is tart and red on the inside.
  14. A small dark berry
  15. A yellow sour fruit.
  16. A red fruit fruit the size of your fist.

27 Clues: cutiesA green melonAn orange melonUsed in guacamole.A small dark berryA green sour fruit.A yellow sour fruit.A yellow curved fruit.Like a peach but tiny.A fruit that had a fuzzy skin.Looks like a small pear, purpleLight yellow fruit, starts with pA fruit that you eat the seeds ofA purple fruit that has a pit in it....

Fruits 2018-12-12

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Snow White ate it
  2. Noelia eats toasts of this
  3. Little orange
  4. Round, big, red fruit that you can eat in summer
  5. Sweet fruit, white on the inside and green on the outside
  6. Red, little fruit that usually go in pairs
  7. Yellow and acid fruit
  8. Really sweet fruit similar a tomato
  1. Spanish clothes shop
  2. You can eat it with cream
  3. Unusual fruit and minions say it
  4. Monkeys like it
  5. You eat them at New Years Eve
  6. Where Spongebob lives
  7. Typical Valencian fruit
  8. Fruit of the palm tree similar to a bowling ball
  9. Princess of Mario Bros
  10. Green lemon used to make mojitos
  11. Fruit similar to a rugby ball
  12. I'm allergic to this fruit

20 Clues: Little orangeMonkeys like itSnow White ate itSpanish clothes shopWhere Spongebob livesYellow and acid fruitPrincess of Mario BrosTypical Valencian fruitYou can eat it with creamNoelia eats toasts of thisI'm allergic to this fruitYou eat them at New Years EveFruit similar to a rugby ballUnusual fruit and minions say it...

Fruits 2023-11-14

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. greyfurt
  2. incir
  3. kayısı
  4. avakado
  5. nar
  6. kavun
  7. mango
  8. limon
  9. armut
  10. ananas
  11. hindistan cevizi
  1. erik
  2. muz
  3. çilek
  4. kivi
  5. karpuz
  6. üzüm
  7. kiraz
  8. portakal
  9. elma
  10. şeftali

21 Clues: muznarerikkiviüzümelmaçilekincirkirazkavunmangolimonarmutkarpuzkayısıananasavakadoşeftaligreyfurtportakalhindistan cevizi

Fruits 2024-01-03

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. watermelon
  2. Plum
  3. Avocado
  4. Grapes
  5. Grapefruit
  6. apple
  7. Bananas
  8. Orange
  9. Cherries
  1. Strawberry
  2. Mango
  3. Blueberries
  4. Lime
  5. Papaya
  6. Kiwi
  7. Coconut
  8. Pineapple
  9. Lemon
  10. pear
  11. Peach
  12. Apple

21 Clues: LimePlumKiwipearMangoLemonapplePeachApplePapayaGrapesOrangeAvocadoCoconutBananasCherriesPineappleStrawberrywatermelonGrapefruitBlueberries

Fruits 2022-08-13

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. rfritSuati
  2. rrrbweyatS
  3. aeeoplpRs
  4. hPcea
  5. eLmi
  6. yBrlruebe
  7. eClupsptaadr
  8. nMeaentgso
  9. aaannB
  10. oMagn
  11. aenrgL
  12. yeheLc
  13. ftJkrcuai
  14. giF
  15. plpAe
  16. ePtoamneagr
  1. uvaGa
  2. iKwi
  3. aermelnWto
  4. oAdvaco
  5. eiaeppPnl
  6. auabtnRm
  7. nLoem
  8. ooemlP
  9. tDiruargfon
  10. yChrre
  11. ypaaaP
  12. tCuonco
  13. rPae
  14. tGiruarpfe
  15. oanngL
  16. smmernoPi
  17. nDauir
  18. paerG
  19. mPul
  20. Aiproct

36 Clues: giFiKwieLmirPaemPuluvaGanLoemhPceaoMagnpaerGplpAeooemlPyChrreypaaaPaaannBoanngLaenrgLyeheLcnDauiroAdvacotCuoncoAiproctauabtnRmaeeoplpRseiaeppPnlyBrlruebeftJkrcuaismmernoPirfritSuatirrrbweyatSaermelnWtonMeaentgsotGiruarpfetDiruargfonePtoamneagreClupsptaadr

fruits 2022-10-07

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. small and jucy orange-yellow fruit often enjoyed in summer/fall
  2. larger orange fruit usually picked last in fruit trays
  3. brown with fluid inside
  4. often enjoyed dried and tropical
  5. a pinky exterior with many dark red seeds inside
  6. small and grows on a vine
  7. tart and green
  8. a brown oval with vibrant green innards
  9. sweet and sour fruit in the shape of a five point star
  10. tart pink fruit
  11. larger green fruit also not usually liked
  1. large green fruit with pink insides enjoyed in summer
  2. an oval dark green fruit
  3. an oblong shape that tapers toward the top usually a yellowy green
  4. small and usually dark red
  5. long and yellow
  6. fruit, pinkish color with spiky green tips
  7. comes in many different sizes and types and is known for its color
  8. large fruit with green skin that ripens to yellow or orange with many seeds
  9. small dark fruit that is full of seeds and usually purple or yellow
  10. a small tropical fruit with a slightly fuzzy exterior and extremely sweet
  11. large tropical spiky fruit with large leaves and tart flavor
  12. typically red or black small fruits and occasionally dried into prunes
  13. tart and yellow

24 Clues: tart and greenlong and yellowtart and yellowtart pink fruitbrown with fluid insidean oval dark green fruitsmall and grows on a vinesmall and usually dark redoften enjoyed dried and tropicala brown oval with vibrant green innardslarger green fruit also not usually likedfruit, pinkish color with spiky green tips...

FRUITS 2023-03-02

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. buah ini rasanya asam sekali, berwarna coklat, dan sering dibuat menjadi permen asam
  2. buah ini termasuk beri-berian, berwarna merah, rasanya asam manis
  3. buah ini mengandung banyak air, daging buahnya berwarna putih, dan sering ada di pantai
  4. kulitnya orange, rasanya asam manis dan ada bijinya
  5. buah ini sering dijumpai ketika bulan ramadhan
  6. warna buahnya kuning, panjang, rasanya manis
  7. kulitnya bersisik, dan daunya panjang keras, rasanya asam
  8. kulitnya kuning, dagingnya putih, rasanya manis
  9. buah ini sering digunakan sebagai lalapan
  10. warna buahnya merah, rasanya asam
  11. rasanya sangat asam, dan kulitnya berwarna kuning
  12. kulitnya merah, biji dan airnya banyak sekali
  13. kulitnya orange, dipakai juga sebagai sayur
  1. kulitnya hijau bergaris, dagingnya merah dan banyak air dan biji
  2. buah ini termasuk beri-berian, berwarna hijau atau ungu, berukuran kecil
  3. buah ini berwarna hijau, dagingnya berwarna putih, memiliki banyak biji kecil
  4. daging buahnya banyak dan kecil berwarna merah, sering disebut buah delima
  5. kulitnya keras, di dalam nya banyak biji, berwarna pink
  6. kulitnya orange, daging buahnya orange, banyak biji di bagian tengahnya, rasanya manis
  7. buah ini besar dan manis, dagingnya berwarna kuning seperti durian
  8. kulitnya merah atau hijau, dagingnya putih, rasanya asam manis
  9. kulitnya berwarna hijau, rasanya manis asam, berbuahnya jika sedang musimnya
  10. buahnya banyak sekali jenisnya, rasanya asam, ada yang berwarna merah, hitam, biru
  11. kulitnya hijau, kecil, asam sekali
  12. buah ini sering diolah menjadi minyak
  13. sering juga disebut sebagai buah persik

26 Clues: warna buahnya merah, rasanya asamkulitnya hijau, kecil, asam sekalibuah ini sering diolah menjadi minyaksering juga disebut sebagai buah persikbuah ini sering digunakan sebagai lalapankulitnya orange, dipakai juga sebagai sayurwarna buahnya kuning, panjang, rasanya maniskulitnya merah, biji dan airnya banyak sekali...

Fruits 2024-04-15

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. mure
  2. pamplemousse
  3. pomme
  4. peche
  5. orange
  6. fruit du dragon
  7. Fraise
  8. cerises
  9. Raisin
  10. bleuet
  11. noix de coco
  1. kiwi
  2. banane
  3. prune
  4. cantaloup
  5. poire
  6. ananas
  7. pasteque
  8. framboise
  9. mangue

20 Clues: murekiwipommepecheprunepoirebananeorangeananasFraiseRaisinmanguebleuetcerisespastequecantaloupframboisepamplemoussenoix de cocofruit du dragon

fruits 2024-05-09

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. round red and often used in mkn juise
  2. I'm round, yellow and small, I have a fresh sour taste, I'm sometimes used as a cooking spice, I'm often used in drinks
  3. I am a long tropical fruit, my skin is green when young, yellow when ripe, my flesh is orange, sweet and juicy. I am often eaten as fresh fruit
  4. round, and prickly, my meat is soft but has a strong smell, my taste is sweet and addictive
  5. small and round, my color is bright red, I have a long stem, my flesh is sweet and juicy
  6. round and red or yellowish green, my flesh is sweet with hard seeds
  7. It is round and green and has black and watery spots
  8. small round, spines like a dragon, my flesh is sweet, but my skin is rough, I grow on a low tree
  9. I am a slender fruit, my skin is smooth, green or yellow, my flesh is crunchy and sweet
  10. The shape is similar to a pear, the flesh is soft and green, I often grind it into juice, or eat it straight after cutting it
  11. I am a large, thorny tropical fruit, my flesh is yellow and has a sweet aroma, my seeds are large and encased in the flesh
  12. I am a fruit that is long and flat, my skin is shiny yellowish green when cut into a star shape, my taste is sweet and sour
  1. I am a long and small tropical fruit, my skin is dry and wrinkled, my flesh is soft and sweet, I am often used as a snack or addition to cakes
  2. I am a fruit that is often used as a vegetable, my skin is green, smooth and wrinkled, my meat is juicy and fresh
  3. my skin is hard, my meat is sweet, I am round, but not a ball, sometimes I make juice or ice cream
  4. round, orange-skinned, and often consumed in summer
  5. I am round, green, my flesh is white, my taste is sweet and fresh
  6. I, small, round and red, inside there are small seeds, I taste sweet, usually found in the form of juice or jam
  7. long, yellow-skinned, and usually eaten by peeling
  8. long, purple-skinned, and often used to make wine
  9. My skin is hairy, green and brown. My flesh is green, soft and has seeds. I contain lots of vitamin C. My aroma and taste are fresh and sour.
  10. I am a sweet tropical fruit that is round or avol shaped, my skin is yellow or green, my aroma is tempting
  11. round shape, green skin, and has sweet juice
  12. round red, but not a sweet fruit, I often use it in cooking, I can use it for salads and sauces
  13. fine hairs cover me, my flesh is sweet and juicy

25 Clues: round red and often used in mkn juiseround shape, green skin, and has sweet juicefine hairs cover me, my flesh is sweet and juicylong, purple-skinned, and often used to make winelong, yellow-skinned, and usually eaten by peelinground, orange-skinned, and often consumed in summerIt is round and green and has black and watery spots...

Fruits 2024-09-08

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. 20
  5. 1
  6. 8
  7. 4
  8. 19
  9. 21
  1. 13
  2. 11
  3. 17
  4. 9
  5. 2
  6. 10
  7. 16
  8. 18
  9. 12
  10. 3
  11. 15
  12. 14

21 Clues: 796521843131117201016181215191421

Fruits 2024-05-29

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. a round yellow tropical fruit with pink or white flesh and hard seeds, or the small tropical tree on which it grows
  2. a round fruit with firm, white flesh and a green, red, or yellow skin
  3. an oval fruit with brown, hairy skin and green flesh
  4. a small, round fruit with a thin, smooth, red, purple, or yellow skin, sweet, soft flesh, and a single large, hard seed
  5. a large, round or oval-shaped fruit with dark green skin, sweet pink flesh, and a lot of black seeds
  6. a round fruit with sweet yellow flesh that has a lot of juice, a slightly furry red and yellow skin, and a large seed in its centre
  7. a large oval fruit with a yellowish skin and sweet orange flesh, or the tropical tree on which this grows
  8. an oval tropical fruit with a smooth skin, orange-yellow flesh, and a large, hard seed in the middle
  9. a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft, sweet, white flesh inside
  10. a small, round, soft fruit with a pale orange, furry skin
  11. a sweet fruit, usually with a green skin and a lot of juice, that has a round base and is slightly pointed towards the stem
  12. an oval fruit that has a thick, yellow skin and sour juice, or the small tree on which this fruit grows
  1. a large, oval, tropical fruit with a hard skin covered in sharp points, yellow, orange, or red flesh, and a very strong smell
  2. a fruit like a small orange
  3. a large tropical fruit with a rough orange or brown skin and pointed leaves on top
  4. a large tropical fruit with white flesh and a green skin covered with sharp points, or the tree on which this fruit grows. It is a type of custard apple
  5. a round yellow tropical fruit with pink or white flesh and hard seeds, or the small tropical tree on which it grows
  6. a starfruit
  7. a very large fruit that grows on a tree that is common in South Asia and other tropical areas
  8. a small juicy red fruit that has small brown seeds on its surface, or the plant with white flowers on which this fruit grows
  9. a round sweet fruit that has a thick orange skin and an orange center divided into many parts
  10. a tropical fruit with thick, dark green or purple skin, a large, round seed, and soft, pale green flesh that can be eaten

22 Clues: a starfruita fruit like a small orangean oval fruit with brown, hairy skin and green flesha small, round, soft fruit with a pale orange, furry skina round fruit with firm, white flesh and a green, red, or yellow skina long, curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft, sweet, white flesh inside...

Fruits 2024-10-08

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. guitar what fruit becomes a musical instruments
  2. what fruit is small bucount many feedsseeds
  3. what fruit likes to count
  4. what fruit looks like a ball
  5. What fruit is long and green
  6. what fruit likes to be hit
  7. fruit what fruit is always taken to school
  8. fruit what fruit can fly
  9. What fruit is full of thorns but dilecious
  1. what fruit is sweet and likes to fall
  2. what fruit is always thorny
  3. what fruit is always crowded
  4. what fruit can't be eaten
  5. fruit what fruit is always used by people
  6. what fruit like to wake up early
  7. what fruit is related to a bicbiciclycle
  8. fruit what fruit likes to whisper
  9. what fruit like to sing
  10. what fruit causes pain
  11. What fruit comes in pairs

20 Clues: what fruit causes painwhat fruit like to singfruit what fruit can flywhat fruit can't be eatenwhat fruit likes to countWhat fruit comes in pairswhat fruit likes to be hitwhat fruit is always thornywhat fruit is always crowdedwhat fruit looks like a ballWhat fruit is long and greenwhat fruit like to wake up earlyfruit what fruit likes to whisper...

Fruits 2023-06-19

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. - A small, round fruit with a smooth skin and juicy, sweet or tart flesh.
  2. - Small, round fruits that grow in clusters, available in various colors and flavors.
  3. - A fruit with a rounded bottom and a narrow top, usually green or yellow, and sweet, crisp flesh.
  4. - A soft, fuzzy fruit with a yellow or orange skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  5. - A citrus fruit with a green skin and tangy juice, often used in beverages and recipes.
  6. - A fruit with a green or black skin, a creamy texture, and a nutty flavor.
  7. - A large fruit with a hard, brown shell and sweet, refreshing water and flesh inside.
  8. - A small, pear-shaped fruit with a soft, sweet flesh and a thin, edible skin.
  9. - A small, black or dark purple fruit with a tart, juicy flavor.
  10. - A small, round fruit with a shiny red or dark purple skin and a sweet or tart taste.
  11. - A tropical fruit with a yellow or orange skin and sweet, orange-colored flesh.
  12. - A small, red fruit with a sweet and juicy taste, often used in desserts.
  13. - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color, a sweet and tangy taste, and segmented flesh.
  14. - A small, oval fruit with brown fuzzy skin and green or yellow flesh with black seeds.
  15. - A small, red or black fruit with a soft texture and a sweet, tangy taste.
  1. - A round fruit with a firm flesh and a sweet or tart taste.
  2. - A tropical fruit with a smooth, orange or yellow skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  3. - A large fruit with a green rind and juicy, sweet red flesh.
  4. - A small, orange fruit with a velvety skin and a sweet, slightly tart taste.
  5. - A round fruit with a tough, reddish-pink skin and juicy, ruby-red seeds.
  6. - A small, round fruit with a blue or purple skin and a sweet, juicy taste.
  7. - A citrus fruit with a yellow, sour-tasting skin and acidic juice.
  8. - A large citrus fruit with a yellow or pink skin and a tangy, bitter-sweet taste.
  9. - A small, tart fruit with a red color, often used in sauces and juices.
  10. - A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel and a creamy, sweet flavor.
  11. - A tropical fruit with a spiky, rough exterior and sweet, juicy yellow flesh.

26 Clues: - A round fruit with a firm flesh and a sweet or tart taste.- A large fruit with a green rind and juicy, sweet red flesh.- A small, black or dark purple fruit with a tart, juicy flavor.- A citrus fruit with a yellow, sour-tasting skin and acidic juice.- A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel and a creamy, sweet flavor....

Fruits 2023-06-22

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Fruit with a tough outer layer and sweet, juicy seeds
  2. Sweet, juicy fruit with a tropical flavor
  3. Tropical fruit with orange flesh and black seeds
  4. Small, red fruit with a sweet-tart taste
  5. Fruit with a soft, juicy interior and a narrow top
  6. Tropical fruit with a hard shell and sweet, white flesh
  7. Yellow citrus fruit with a sour taste
  8. Small fruit with a fuzzy brown exterior and green flesh
  9. Tropical fruit with a spiky exterior and sweet flesh
  10. Citrus fruit with a bright orange color
  11. Small, sweet fruit that grows in bunches
  1. Green fruit with a creamy texture and a large pit
  2. Yellow fruit with a curved shape
  3. Large fruit with juicy red or pink flesh
  4. Soft fruit with fuzzy skin and a sweet taste
  5. Round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin
  6. Small, round fruit with a red or black skin and a pit inside
  7. Small fruit with smooth skin and a juicy interior
  8. Small, red fruit with seeds on the outside
  9. Small, round fruit with a blue or purple skin

20 Clues: Yellow fruit with a curved shapeYellow citrus fruit with a sour tasteCitrus fruit with a bright orange colorLarge fruit with juicy red or pink fleshSmall, red fruit with a sweet-tart tasteSmall, sweet fruit that grows in bunchesSweet, juicy fruit with a tropical flavorSmall, red fruit with seeds on the outside...

FRUITS 2023-05-31

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. - A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and red flesh
  2. - A round, crispy fruit with a red or green skin
  3. - A soft, juicy fruit with a fuzzy skin and a sweet taste
  4. - A tropical fruit with a spiky, rough skin and sweet yellow flesh
  5. - A small, round fruit that grows in clusters
  6. - A citrus fruit with a yellow or pink flesh and a tangy flavor
  7. - A small, red fruit that grows on bushes and has a sweet-tart flavor
  8. - A fruit with a tough outer skin and juicy red seeds inside
  9. - A tropical fruit with a soft, orange flesh and black seeds
  1. - A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel
  2. - A small, round fruit with a dark blue color and a sweet taste
  3. - A small fruit with a fuzzy brown skin and bright green flesh
  4. - A tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy orange flesh
  5. - A fruit with a green, buttery flesh and a smooth skin
  6. - A fruit with a thin, smooth skin and a crisp, juicy flesh
  7. - A small, round fruit with a red or black skin and a pit in the center
  8. - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color and a sweet taste
  9. - A small, red fruit with seeds on the outside
  10. - A citrus fruit with a bright yellow color and a sour taste
  11. - A juicy fruit with a smooth skin and a sweet or tart taste

20 Clues: - A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel- A small, round fruit that grows in clusters- A small, red fruit with seeds on the outside- A round, crispy fruit with a red or green skin- A tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy orange flesh- A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and red flesh- A fruit with a green, buttery flesh and a smooth skin...

fruits 2022-09-15

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. we like
  2. a coco
  3. bye
  4. they like
  5. he wants
  6. I want
  7. it's windy
  8. I like
  9. vas where are you going
  10. how are you
  11. a apple
  12. the pineapple
  1. an orange
  2. a mango
  3. the ice cream
  4. you want
  5. it's cold
  6. I want
  7. adios
  8. it's sunny
  9. the grapes
  10. very good
  11. it's hot

23 Clues: byeadiosI wanta cocoI wantI likea mangowe likea appleyou wanthe wantsit's hotan orangeit's coldthey likevery goodit's sunnythe grapesit's windyhow are youthe ice creamthe pineapplevas where are you going

"Fruits" 2023-08-19

"Fruits" crossword puzzle
  1. Large, juicy fruit with a green rind
  2. Tropical fruit with a spiky exterior
  3. Small, red fruit with a distinctive flavor
  4. Tropical fruit with orange flesh
  5. Dark-colored fruit often used in desserts
  6. Citrus fruit with a sour flavor
  7. Red fruit with edible seeds
  8. Small, round fruit often used for making wine
  9. Small, round fruit often used for baking
  10. Green citrus fruit often used in beverages
  1. Yellow, curved fruit
  2. Small, red fruit often used in desserts
  3. Round fruit with a crisp texture
  4. Fruit with a tapered shape and sweet taste
  5. Sweet, tropical fruit with a large pit
  6. Small, round fruit with a smooth skin
  7. Small, round fruit known for its antioxidants
  8. Citrus fruit with a bright color and tangy flavor
  9. Fuzzy fruit with a soft, juicy interior
  10. Brown, fuzzy fruit with green flesh

20 Clues: Yellow, curved fruitRed fruit with edible seedsCitrus fruit with a sour flavorRound fruit with a crisp textureTropical fruit with orange fleshBrown, fuzzy fruit with green fleshLarge, juicy fruit with a green rindTropical fruit with a spiky exteriorSmall, round fruit with a smooth skinSweet, tropical fruit with a large pit...

Fruits 2023-08-21

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. A sweet and juicy tropical fruit with a unique flavor.
  2. A round and usually red or green fruit with a crisp texture.
  3. Small, round fruit that is typically dark blue in color.
  4. Small, red fruit known for its use in sauces and juices.
  5. A small, fuzzy fruit with green flesh and black seeds.
  6. A yellow tropical fruit that comes in bunches.
  7. A tropical fruit with a spiky outer layer and sweet, tangy flesh.
  8. A fuzzy fruit with a soft, juicy interior and a pit in the center.
  9. Small red fruit with seeds on the outside and a sweet taste.
  10. Small, round fruit with a pit and a variety of colors.
  11. Large, sweet fruit with a thick rind and soft flesh.
  12. A citrus fruit known for its sour and slightly bitter taste.
  1. A small, red or black fruit that grows on a bush.
  2. Dark-colored fruit with multiple small drupelets.
  3. Small, round, and typically purple or green fruit often used to make wine.
  4. A large, juicy fruit with a green rind and red or pink flesh.
  5. A sweet and juicy fruit with a bulbous shape and thin skin.
  6. Small, orange fruit with a smooth skin and a slightly tart flavor.
  7. A citrus fruit known for its juicy and tangy flavor.
  8. Round or oval fruit with a sweet taste and smooth skin.

20 Clues: A yellow tropical fruit that comes in bunches.A small, red or black fruit that grows on a bush.Dark-colored fruit with multiple small drupelets.A citrus fruit known for its juicy and tangy flavor.Large, sweet fruit with a thick rind and soft flesh.A sweet and juicy tropical fruit with a unique flavor....

Fruits 2023-05-16

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. This fruit is orange on the inside and orange on the outside
  2. This fruit is yellow and sour
  3. This fruit is red and small with a stem
  4. This fruit is yellow and grows on trees in the tropical
  5. This fruit is green and is shaped like a small ball
  6. This fruit is fuzzy and pale orange
  7. This fruit sounds crunchy when you bite into it
  8. This fruit is green on the inside and sweet
  9. This fruit is black and has little filled seeds
  10. This fruit is yellow and has a green top on it
  11. This fruit is brown on the outside and white on the inside
  1. This fruit is green on the outside and pink on the inside
  2. This fruit is green and is used in salads or on toast
  3. This fruit is red and has little filled seeds inside
  4. This fruit is yellow and the shape is medium
  5. This fruit is red and has little tiny seeds on it
  6. This fruit is a green and medium size
  7. This fruit is green on the inside and brown on the outside and is small
  8. This fruit is used for Halloween and is orange
  9. This fruit is green and looks like a lemon

20 Clues: This fruit is yellow and sourThis fruit is fuzzy and pale orangeThis fruit is a green and medium sizeThis fruit is red and small with a stemThis fruit is green on the inside and sweetThis fruit is green and looks like a lemonThis fruit is yellow and the shape is mediumThis fruit is yellow and has a green top on it...

Fruits 2023-05-16

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. This fruit is orange on the inside and orange on the outside
  2. This fruit is yellow and sour
  3. This fruit is red and small with a stem
  4. This fruit is yellow and grows on trees in the tropical
  5. This fruit is green and is shaped like a small ball
  6. This fruit is fuzzy and pale orange
  7. This fruit sounds crunchy when you bite into it
  8. This fruit is green on the inside and sweet
  9. This fruit is black and has little filled seeds
  10. This fruit is yellow and has a green top on it
  11. This fruit is brown on the outside and white on the inside
  1. This fruit is green on the outside and pink on the inside
  2. This fruit is green and is used in salads or on toast
  3. This fruit is red and has little filled seeds inside
  4. This fruit is yellow and the shape is medium
  5. This fruit is red and has little tiny seeds on it
  6. This fruit is a green and medium size
  7. This fruit is green on the inside and brown on the outside and is small
  8. This fruit is used for Halloween and is orange
  9. This fruit is green and looks like a lemon

20 Clues: This fruit is yellow and sourThis fruit is fuzzy and pale orangeThis fruit is a green and medium sizeThis fruit is red and small with a stemThis fruit is green on the inside and sweetThis fruit is green and looks like a lemonThis fruit is yellow and the shape is mediumThis fruit is yellow and has a green top on it...

FRUITS 2023-10-09

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. A citrus fruit that's similar to an orange but smaller and more tart
  2. A yellow fruit with a unique, curved shape
  3. A small, round fruit that's often used to make jelly and juice, and comes in varieties like "concord" and "seedless."
  4. citrus fruit that's often used to make lemonade
  5. A small, sweet, and often tart fruit, often used in pies and found in the wild
  6. A pear-shaped tropical fruit with green skin and sweet, juicy flesh
  7. A tropical fruit with a red or pink skin, sweet, juicy flesh, and black seeds
  8. A long, green fruit with a mild flavor, often used in salads.
  9. A tropical fruit with green skin and sweet, tangy flesh, often used in smoothies
  10. A small, sweet fruit often used in jams and jellies, and comes in varieties like "strawberry" and "blackberry."
  11. A tropical fruit with a spiky exterior and sweet, white flesh
  12. A tropical fruit with a tough outer shell and sweet, white flesh, often associated with Hawaii
  13. A red or yellow fruit known for its slightly tart taste, often used in pies and sauces
  14. A small, sweet, and fragrant fruit often used in perfumes and desserts
  1. A small, red fruit often used in pies and jams
  2. A tropical fruit with a tough outer shell and sweet, fragrant flesh, often associated with Southeast Asia.
  3. A round, orange fruit that's a good source of vitamin C.
  4. A tropical fruit known for its vibrant pink or red flesh and black seeds.
  5. A tropical fruit with a green skin and sweet, juicy pink or red flesh.
  6. A tropical fruit with a green or yellow skin, sweet, juicy flesh, and a large seed in the center
  7. A small, round fruit that's often used in baking and found in pies and tarts
  8. A small, sweet fruit often used in desserts and known for its vibrant red color.
  9. A tropical fruit with a tough, spiky rind and sweet, juicy flesh
  10. A small, round fruit often found in pies and cobblers
  11. small, round tropical fruit, similar to a longan or lychee, with sweet and translucent flesh
  12. A small, sweet fruit often used in desserts and jams
  13. A apple-shaped fruit with a green or yellow skin and sweet, fragrant flesh

27 Clues: A yellow fruit with a unique, curved shapeA small, red fruit often used in pies and jamscitrus fruit that's often used to make lemonadeA small, sweet fruit often used in desserts and jamsA small, round fruit often found in pies and cobblersA round, orange fruit that's a good source of vitamin C....

Fruits 2024-09-24

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Petit poils sur la peau
  2. Avec feuille verte sur le dessus
  3. Vert avec petit poils brun dessus
  4. En groupe de deux avec un noyau au millieux
  5. Beaucoup d'eau rouge avec une peau verte
  6. Ont peut le couper en carreau l'intérieur est jaune orangé
  7. On peut les a cueillir a l'automne
  8. Petit et rose avec pépin
  9. Ressemble a une framboise mais noir
  10. Sa commence petit sa fini gros jaune et vert
  1. Mauve foncé noyau au millieux
  2. Une coque brune accrocher aux arbres
  3. de maíz- Bleu et petit
  4. Jaune grande feuille verte au dessus
  5. Fait parti de la famille du melon mais orange
  6. Un agrume orange
  7. Fait sur le long et jaune
  8. Toujours en grappe fait pour faire du vin
  9. Plein de petit grains rouge et un contour blanc peau rouge
  10. Orange très petit avec un noyau au millieux même famille que la prune

20 Clues: Un agrume orangede maíz- Bleu et petitPetit poils sur la peauPetit et rose avec pépinFait sur le long et jauneMauve foncé noyau au millieuxAvec feuille verte sur le dessusVert avec petit poils brun dessusOn peut les a cueillir a l'automneRessemble a une framboise mais noirUne coque brune accrocher aux arbresJaune grande feuille verte au dessus...

Fruits 2024-10-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Coconut I’m hard and brown on the outside, but my insides are sweet and watery. What am I?
  2. Lemon I’m yellow, sour, and often used to make a refreshing drink in the summer. What am I?
  3. Apple I come in many colors like red, green, and yellow, and a famous saying suggests eating me daily keeps the doctor away. What am I?
  4. I'm a yellow fruit, often mistaken for a vegetable. What am I?
  5. Blueberry I'm small, round, and blue, and often found in muffins or pancakes. What am I?
  6. Dragonfruit . I have a unique look with bright pink skin and white flesh dotted with black seeds. What am
  7. I’m green on the outside and sour on the inside. You might pucker your lips after tasting me. What am I?
  8. I’m small, red, and have tiny seeds on my surface. People love to eat me with cream or dip me in chocolate. What am I?
  9. I have a crown but am not a king, and I'm sweet but also a little tangy. What am I?
  10. Avocado I’m green on the outside, soft on the inside, and people use me to make guacamole. What am I?
  11. Papaya I'm a tropical fruit with orange flesh and black seeds in the middle. What am I?
  1. I'm red on the outside and white on the inside, with tiny black seeds. What am I?
  2. Kiwi I'm small, brown, and fuzzy on the outside but green and juicy on the inside. What am I?
  3. Mango I'm a tropical fruit with a smooth orange flesh, and people love me in smoothies. What am I?
  4. I'm a small fruit that comes in a bunch, and you can find me in red, green, or purple. What am I?
  5. Peach I’m soft, fuzzy on the outside, and sweet and juicy on the inside. What am I?
  6. Orange I share my name with a color, and I'm full of vitamin C. What am I?
  7. Cherry I'm small and round, usually red or black, and often used as a topping on cakes. What am I?
  8. Peart I’m green and shaped like a bell, and I'm crunchy when you bite me. What am I?
  9. Pomegranate I’m full of tiny seeds and have a tough outer skin, but my juice is a favorite in many places. What am I?

20 Clues: I'm a yellow fruit, often mistaken for a vegetable. What am I?Orange I share my name with a color, and I'm full of vitamin C. What am I?I'm red on the outside and white on the inside, with tiny black seeds. What am I?I have a crown but am not a king, and I'm sweet but also a little tangy. What am I?...

Fruits 2022-01-28

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Orange-red-yellow, roundish, fuzzy skin
  2. Purple-black, aggregated
  3. Yellow, curved,
  4. 1. ______ fruit, pink and green outside, white and black inside, 2. mythical creature
  5. Red, green stem and leaves, seeds on exterior
  6. Large, oblong, spiny exterior, yellow-orangey interior
  7. Red, green, orange, or yellow, one variety is bell _____
  8. red, yellow, orange, and green, oblong, smooth skinned
  9. Green, red, or yellow, has a stem
  10. Purple, red, or green, come in bunches
  11. Blue, round, small, white-yellowy interior
  1. Similar to a peach, smooth
  2. Orange with black seeds
  3. green lemon
  4. green, called a vegetable,
  5. red or pinkish, had long green stem
  6. green, red, striped, black seeds
  7. orange and round, segmented
  8. pink-red, Aggregated
  9. pink inside, yellow - orange outside, bitter
  10. _____ fruit, green, star-shaped
  11. Brown on the outside, green on the inside fruit
  12. Yellow, spiny, green leaves, Spanish moss is a member of this fruit's family
  13. Purple-black, smooth, roundish
  14. red, called a vegetable
  15. yellow, pinched, oblong shape

26 Clues: green lemonYellow, curved,pink-red, AggregatedOrange with black seedsred, called a vegetablePurple-black, aggregatedSimilar to a peach, smoothgreen, called a vegetable,orange and round, segmentedyellow, pinched, oblong shapePurple-black, smooth, roundish_____ fruit, green, star-shapedgreen, red, striped, black seedsGreen, red, or yellow, has a stem...

fruits 2020-08-10

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Tuna is a kind of…
  2. It’s made by the bees.
  3. black beverage usually drank in the mornings
  4. fries You usually eat it with burgers.
  5. You can put whatever you want in it, but it’s usually made of bread, cheese, lettuce, ham and tomato.
  6. It’s another yellow dairy, but this one you have to use a knife to put it on the bread.
  7. It’s made of corn, and you usually eat this when you go to the movies.
  8. Spaghetti is a kind of…
  9. You use this when your food is not salty enough.
  10. Mix of vegetables/fruits like lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots, etc.
  11. It has a lot of animal protein, and it’s used to make kibe, strogonoff, burgers, etc.
  1. cream It’s a cold dessert that you can eat on a cone.
  2. It’s a yellow dairy, used to make sandwiches, pies, lasagnas, etc.
  3. The meat that is used to make coxinha.
  4. where you put the candles on a birthday party
  5. food made out of vegetables and pasta, usually eaten in cold days.
  6. You buy it in the bakery and usually eat it on breakfast, with butter, cheese or peanutbutter.
  7. Gasified drink that can taste like lemon, cola, orange or even guaraná.
  8. You use it when you need to make something sweet.
  9. hot beverage made of water and herbs
  10. White drink that cows make.

21 Clues: Tuna is a kind of…It’s made by the bees.Spaghetti is a kind of…White drink that cows beverage made of water and herbsThe meat that is used to make coxinha.fries You usually eat it with beverage usually drank in the morningswhere you put the candles on a birthday partyYou use this when your food is not salty enough....

Fruits 2020-06-22

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. mango
  2. pear
  3. orange
  4. passionfruit
  5. pineapple
  6. strawberry
  7. avocado
  8. nectarine
  9. banana
  1. cherry
  2. grapefruit
  3. grapes
  4. fig
  5. tomato
  6. watermelon
  7. kiwi
  8. lemon
  9. peach
  10. blueberry
  11. apple

20 Clues: figpearkiwimangolemonpeachapplecherrygrapesorangetomatobananaavocadopineappleblueberrynectarinegrapefruitwatermelonstrawberrypassionfruit

Fruits 2013-04-30

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. MELON
  4. PEAR
  7. KIWI
  8. GUAVA
  9. LEMON
  12. LYCHEE
  1. APPLE
  3. MANGO
  10. GRAPE
  12. PAPAYA
  13. CHERRY


Fruits 2015-03-29

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. winogrona
  2. limonka
  3. pomarańcza
  4. kokos
  5. arbuz
  6. malina
  7. wiśnia
  8. orzech włoski
  9. jabłko
  1. kiwi
  2. figa
  3. brzoskwinia
  4. gruszka
  5. czerwona porzeczka
  6. cytryna
  7. mango
  8. agrest
  9. nektarynki
  10. ananas
  11. truskawka
  12. awokado
  13. borówka
  14. banan
  15. daktyle
  16. śliwka

25 Clues: kiwifigamangokokosarbuzbananagrestananasmalinawiśniajabłkośliwkagruszkalimonkacytrynaawokadoborówkadaktylewinogronatruskawkapomarańczanektarynkibrzoskwiniaorzech włoskiczerwona porzeczka

Fruits 2022-09-15

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. They like
  2. He loves
  3. How are you
  4. goodbye
  5. He likes
  6. it's hot
  7. we like
  8. it's storming
  9. I like
  10. a coconut
  1. A apple
  2. very well
  3. you like
  4. An orange
  5. bye
  6. The icecream
  7. I love
  8. where are you going
  9. It's sunny
  10. A pear
  11. the pineapple
  12. A mango
  13. it's cold

23 Clues: byeI loveA pearI likeA applegoodbyewe likeA mangoyou likeHe lovesHe likesit's hotvery wellThey likeAn orangeit's colda coconutIt's sunnyHow are youThe icecreamthe pineappleit's stormingwhere are you going

fruits 2022-12-28

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. melon
  2. lemon
  3. plums
  4. pineapple
  5. guava
  6. mamao
  7. corn
  8. pear
  9. coconut
  10. pomegranate
  11. tangarine
  12. grapefruit
  13. pessego
  14. carambola
  15. kiwi
  1. Banana
  2. nectarine
  3. water melon
  4. mirtilo
  5. orange
  6. strawberry
  7. fig
  8. maca
  9. amora
  10. uva
  11. mango
  12. cereja
  13. acai-berry

28 Clues: figuvamacacornpearkiwimelonlemonplumsguavaamoramamaomangoBananaorangecerejamirtilococonutpessegonectarinepineappletangarinecarambolastrawberrygrapefruitacai-berrywater melonpomegranate

Fruits 2020-05-03

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. white inside with brow fuzzy outside
  2. very refreshing in the summer
  3. coral colored with big brown pit in the middle
  4. yellow colored, very sour
  5. orange colored and citrus flavored
  6. red seed that you eat from the inside
  7. blue colored, small ball shape
  8. pink berries with hollow center
  9. smaller orange
  10. red ball shaped berries connected to green stems
  11. come in green, red, and black
  1. orange inside with brown and green peel
  2. green on the inside with brown fuzzy peel
  3. yellow on the inside with yellow outside, green stem
  4. red orange color and citrus flavored
  5. bumpy berries, colored black
  6. green colored, very sour
  7. red berries with green leaves
  8. you peel the ______ and throw it away
  9. one a day will keep the doctors away

20 Clues: smaller orangegreen colored, very souryellow colored, very sourbumpy berries, colored blackvery refreshing in the summerred berries with green leavescome in green, red, and blackblue colored, small ball shapepink berries with hollow centerorange colored and citrus flavoredwhite inside with brow fuzzy outsidered orange color and citrus flavored...

fruits 2021-01-05

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. to process cooked fruit in a food mill or sieve
  2. cutting the peel on citrus fruit into thin strips
  3. small tropical fruit with fuzzy skin and sweet green flesh
  4. not a fruit, it's red stalks are used like fruit in jams and pies
  5. tropical fruit with hard brown shell and sweet white flesh
  6. large, often yellow-skinned citrus fruit
  7. type of fruit with flesh that separates easily from the pit
  8. slow-cooking stewed fruit dish
  9. oils give fruit its aroma and flavor
  10. type of fruit with flesh that clings tightly to the pit
  1. a cross between an apple and a pear in flavor and appearance
  2. the most popular variety of the most popular tropical fruit
  3. bitter layer just below the outer skin of fruit
  4. this tropical fruit has a thick skin and can range in color from yellow to deep purple
  5. bitter oranges are used to make
  6. batter-coated fried pieces of fruit
  7. Individually (IQF), method for freezing fruit
  8. variety of apple that is tart and green
  9. popular melon with red flesh and green skin
  10. another name for the hard pit found in a peach

20 Clues: slow-cooking stewed fruit dishbitter oranges are used to makebatter-coated fried pieces of fruitoils give fruit its aroma and flavorvariety of apple that is tart and greenlarge, often yellow-skinned citrus fruitpopular melon with red flesh and green skinIndividually (IQF), method for freezing fruitanother name for the hard pit found in a peach...

Fruits 2021-01-07

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. fruit can be baked in a number of different ___ .
  2. fruit can be coated in batter and fried to make ______.
  3. fruit has developed the brightest color and deepest flavor.
  4. pr
  5. you can serve poached fruit hot or _______ .
  6. fruit can be sold in a _________ of forms.
  7. grilled fruit can be cut into _______ .
  8. dried fruit can be served without any ________.
  1. fruit ripens because of a gas it give off.
  2. dry heat methods include grilling or broiling,sauteing, frying, and ________ .
  3. you could serve or _______ the fruit
  4. fresh fruit can be served as a ________.
  5. fruit coated in batter then fried make _______.
  6. fresh fruit can be pureed or _______ .
  7. ________ the fruit until tender and flavorful.
  8. when your working with fresh fruit that isn't going to be cooked before you serve it, always wear what?
  9. to broil fruit, arrange it on a sheet ______ .
  10. _______ the fruit before serving.
  11. a example of a stewed fruit dish
  12. be sure to use a very _______ knife.
  13. stewed fruit is often served with its cooking _______ .

21 Clues: pra example of a stewed fruit dish_______ the fruit before could serve or _______ the fruitbe sure to use a very _______ knife.fresh fruit can be pureed or _______ .grilled fruit can be cut into _______ .fresh fruit can be served as a ________.fruit ripens because of a gas it give off.fruit can be sold in a _________ of forms....

FRUITS 2020-09-30

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. a small green and acid fruit with an one only seed brown
  2. fruit with a red skin and with a name very similar to a vegetable
  3. a fruit with white pulp, yellow skin and many black seeds
  4. typical fruit of Ecuador, round black and very small
  5. super acid fruit with a pulp completely full of black seeds
  6. It is a fruit famous for being used as a purgative
  7. a small round sweet orange fruit
  8. an orange fruit known as citrus
  1. fleshy and sweet green fruit with a cinnamon-like aroma
  2. round, bluish fruit eaten in jam or cakes
  3. a large round white fruit with green and pointed skin
  4. a green fruit with thin skin that can also be eaten with rice
  5. a sweet or acid fruit with hard skin and yellow
  6. a small purple or red fruit like a blackberry
  7. it is an acid fruit with brown skin and pulp
  8. black or purple dried fruit
  9. sweet fruit that can be served with bread and cheese
  10. a very sweet fruit with a red skin
  11. fruit with a name similar to lemon, is light green or yellow
  12. a soft sweet fruit that is eaten with salt in season

20 Clues: black or purple dried fruitan orange fruit known as citrusa small round sweet orange fruita very sweet fruit with a red skinround, bluish fruit eaten in jam or cakesit is an acid fruit with brown skin and pulpa small purple or red fruit like a blackberrya sweet or acid fruit with hard skin and yellow...

fruits 2020-10-06

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. food made out of vegetables and pasta, usually eaten in cold days.
  2. Spaghetti is a kind of…
  3. The meat that is used to make coxinha.
  4. fries You usually eat it with burgers.
  5. It’s made by the bees.
  6. Gasified drink that can taste like lemon, cola, orange or even guaraná.
  7. You can put whatever you want in it, but it’s usually made of bread, cheese, lettuce, ham and tomato.
  8. Mix of vegetables/fruits like lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots, etc.
  9. black beverage usually drank in the mornings
  10. It’s another yellow dairy, but this one you have to use a knife to put it on the bread.
  1. You use it when you need to make something sweet.
  2. It’s made of corn, and you usually eat this when you go to the movies.
  3. hot beverage made of water and herbs
  4. You buy it in the bakery and usually eat it on breakfast, with butter, cheese or peanutbutter.
  5. White drink that cows make.
  6. It’s a yellow dairy, used to make sandwiches, pies, lasagnas, etc.
  7. Tuna is a kind of…
  8. You use this when your food is not salty enough.
  9. cream It’s a cold dessert that you can eat on a cone.
  10. It has a lot of animal protein, and it’s used to make kibe, strogonoff, burgers, etc.
  11. where you put the candles on a birthday party

21 Clues: Tuna is a kind of…It’s made by the bees.Spaghetti is a kind of…White drink that cows beverage made of water and herbsThe meat that is used to make coxinha.fries You usually eat it with beverage usually drank in the morningswhere you put the candles on a birthday partyYou use this when your food is not salty enough....

Fruits 2021-05-03

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. helps smooth the digestive system
  2. is useful for heart heart
  3. provides antioxsidant to the body
  4. provide nutrition the skin
  5. increases endurance
  6. to increase appetite
  7. as an antidote in the body
  8. container lots of vitamin c
  9. can relieve stress
  10. water contect iS quite high.
  11. cleases the dirty blood
  1. disorders of the stomach
  2. strengthens the body's Resistance
  3. nourish and moisturize the skino
  4. for treating asthma
  5. against cancer cels
  6. is used to brighten the skin
  7. treats digestive problems
  8. add delicaci to food
  9. keeps the body hydrated

20 Clues: can relieve stressfor treating asthmaagainst cancer celsincreases enduranceto increase appetiteadd delicaci to foodkeeps the body hydratedcleases the dirty blooddisorders of the stomachis useful for heart hearttreats digestive problemsprovide nutrition the skinas an antidote in the bodycontainer lots of vitamin cis used to brighten the skin...

FRUITS 2021-05-03

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. : plants that are many live in in the beach area.
  2. : a plant that has prickly fruit
  3. : long balls, lots of liquid
  4. : Consuming fasting month
  5. : a plant whose fruits seem to have feathers.
  6. : citrus fruit
  7. : oval shaped, sphere and green or yellowish green, frecks-purple spots.
  8. the redruit of the red and yellow
  9. vines and has a small fruit shrinkle
  10. : it’s quite small in shape and has a bright red in it.
  11. : yellow flesh with fresh sense
  1. : a single leaf that the fruit has a lot of sticky sap
  2. : golden-yellow, almost similart a plum.
  3. : a fruit that is white in color and tastes quite sour.
  4. : a plant that has yellow fruit.
  5. : white with rind red or green.
  6. breed with shoots and fruit in yellow.
  7. at a gender age of green and will turn greenish yellow at the age of harvest.
  8. : it has a rounded fruit shape, a greenish-white rind soft without nets.
  9. : the inside is orange

20 Clues: : citrus fruit: the inside is orange: Consuming fasting month: long balls, lots of liquid: white with rind red or green.: yellow flesh with fresh sense: a plant that has yellow fruit.: a plant that has prickly fruitthe redruit of the red and yellowvines and has a small fruit shrinklebreed with shoots and fruit in yellow....

Fruits 2021-05-02

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. in indonesia is paprika
  2. in indonesia is durian
  3. in indonesia is anggur
  4. bean in indonesia is bengkuang
  5. fruit in indonesia is naga
  6. fruit in indonesia is belimbing
  7. in indonesia is salak
  8. in indonesia is pir
  9. in indonesia is rambutam
  10. in indonesia is ceri
  1. in indonesia is manggis
  2. in indonesia is lemon
  3. in indonesia is strawberry
  4. in indonesia is delima
  5. in indonesia is pisang
  6. in indonesia is sawo
  7. in indonesia is bluebery
  8. in indonesia is jeruk
  9. in indonesia is nanas
  10. fruit in indonesia is nangka

20 Clues: in indonesia is pirin indonesia is sawoin indonesia is ceriin indonesia is lemonin indonesia is salakin indonesia is jerukin indonesia is nanasin indonesia is durianin indonesia is anggurin indonesia is delimain indonesia is pisangin indonesia is manggisin indonesia is paprikain indonesia is blueberyin indonesia is rambutam...

fruits 2021-04-30

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. pear in indonesia
  2. coconat in indonesia
  3. semangka in english
  4. kelapa in english
  5. jambu in english
  6. banana in indonesia
  7. apel in english
  8. lemon in indonesia
  9. jeruk in english
  10. ceri in english
  11. strawberry in english
  1. salak in english
  2. durian in indonesia
  3. pisang in english
  4. pir in english
  5. tomat in english
  6. anggur in english
  7. terong in english
  8. ara in english
  9. anggur ungu in english
  10. melon in english
  11. sawo in english

22 Clues: pir in englishara in englishapel in englishceri in englishsawo in englishsalak in englishtomat in englishjambu in englishmelon in englishjeruk in englishpisang in englishpear in indonesiakelapa in englishanggur in englishterong in englishlemon in indonesiadurian in indonesiasemangka in englishbanana in indonesiacoconat in indonesia...

fruits 2021-10-12

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. pineapple
  2. peach
  3. grapes
  4. cherry
  5. cucumber
  6. blueberry
  7. orange
  8. lemon
  9. banana
  1. raspberry
  2. watermelon
  3. strawberry
  4. pear
  5. coconut
  6. apple
  7. mango
  8. dragon fruit
  9. kiwi
  10. plum
  11. lime

20 Clues: pearkiwiplumlimepeachapplemangolemongrapescherryorangebananacoconutcucumberraspberrypineappleblueberrywatermelonstrawberrydragon fruit

Fruits 2022-05-27

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. avc
  2. ben
  3. cntl
  4. zcn
  5. chr
  6. prsmn
  7. bll ppr
  8. tmt
  9. ccm
  10. pea
  1. drg frt
  2. str ben
  3. egplnt
  4. apl
  5. str frt
  6. chkp
  7. pmpkn
  8. crn
  9. per
  10. pch
  11. olv
  12. okr

22 Clues: avcbenaplzcnchrcrnperpcholvtmtokrccmpeacntlchkppmpknprsmnegplntdrg frtstr benstr frtbll ppr

Fruits 2022-06-17

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. A soft sweet fruit that grows in hot countries. It is full of tiny seeds and is often eaten dried.
  2. A tree that is native to Brazil. It also grows in parts of Asia and Africa. Its nut is commonly eaten as food
  3. Tree originated in Central Asia
  4. A small oval and sweet red fruit that wrinkles and looks like a date when it’s mature
  5. Also known as custard apple
  6. Also known as butter fruit
  7. Also known as custard apple
  8. A large evergreen shrub or tree, grown commercially for its orange fruit and for its leaves, which are used to make herbal tea.
  9. A type of fruit native to the mountains and hillsides of Southwest China
  10. Native to Malaysia and commonly cultivated throughout the archipelago and southeast Asia.
  11. The name for an evergreen tree in the mulberry family.
  12. Nicknamed king of fruits
  1. Popularly coms in purple
  2. Fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus
  3. Often labeled as "super fruit" because it contains 4 times more vitamin C than orange, 3 times more proteins and 4 times more fiber than pineapple, 2 times more lycopene than tomato and slightly more potassium than banana.
  4. Has bright orange spiky skin filled with yellow and green seeds
  5. A small orange berry that is sour and sweet
  6. Colorful berries that are eaten both fresh and dried.
  7. Round fruit with a thick reddish skin .
  8. Tree leaves can be used to make tea
  9. A small widely cultivated muskmelon

21 Clues: Popularly coms in purpleNicknamed king of fruitsAlso known as butter fruitAlso known as custard appleAlso known as custard appleTree originated in Central AsiaTree leaves can be used to make teaA small widely cultivated muskmelonRound fruit with a thick reddish skin .Fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus...

Fruits 2022-11-02

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. tough skin with red flesh with many seeds
  2. large green fruit red flesh & black seeds
  3. monkeys love them
  4. grown on a palm
  5. green and pear shaped
  6. large tropical fruit with sweet yellow flesh
  7. a dried plum
  8. sour citrus
  9. grown at Young
  10. associated with Adam & Eve
  1. a Chinese tree bears these
  2. has a very pungent smell
  3. seed of a tropical palm
  4. sweet soft fruits with see covered surface
  5. same colour as their name
  6. berries the colour of the sky
  7. the blossom is inside the fruit
  8. popular at Christmas time in Australia
  9. stone fruit, yellow flesh pinkish downy skin
  10. can be with seeds or seedless
  11. has green furry skin

21 Clues: sour citrusa dried plumgrown at Younggrown on a palmmonkeys love themhas green furry skingreen and pear shapedseed of a tropical palmhas a very pungent smellsame colour as their namea Chinese tree bears theseassociated with Adam & Eveberries the colour of the skycan be with seeds or seedlessthe blossom is inside the fruit...

FRUITS 2022-11-02

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. has a very pungent smell
  2. grows on a Chinese tree
  3. tropical with spiky skin sweet yellow flesh
  4. name is the same as its colour
  5. know as the king of fruits
  6. native to the Middle East
  7. associated with Adam & Eve
  8. tropical palm seed
  9. the seeds are on outside of fruit
  10. the blossom is inside the fruit
  1. dried plums
  2. curved with yellow skin
  3. always in a fruit cake mix
  4. resembles a small peach
  5. these come in bunches
  6. a fruit used as a salad vegetable
  7. an Aussie favourite in Summer
  8. large sour citrus
  9. bland green flesh
  10. brown furry skin with green interior

20 Clues: dried plumslarge sour citrusbland green fleshtropical palm seedthese come in bunchescurved with yellow skinresembles a small peachgrows on a Chinese treehas a very pungent smellnative to the Middle Eastalways in a fruit cake mixknow as the king of fruitsassociated with Adam & Evean Aussie favourite in Summername is the same as its colour...

Fruits 2017-11-16

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. jordbær
  2. drue
  3. fersken
  4. appelsin
  5. blåbær
  6. granatæble
  7. kokosnød
  8. brombær
  9. grape
  10. vandmelon
  11. hasselnød
  12. banan
  1. pære
  2. kirsebær
  3. mango
  4. blomme
  5. lime
  6. ribs
  7. æble
  8. hindbær
  9. mandel
  10. valnød

22 Clues: pæredruelimeribsæblemangograpebananblommeblåbærmandelvalnødjordbærferskenhindbærbrombærkirsebærappelsinkokosnødvandmelonhasselnødgranatæble

FRUITS 2019-12-08

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. Roud and elongated. Yelow, green, red or lilac is it color
  2. Small round red and sweet
  3. The favorite fruit of the monkeys
  4. Its color is orange. We eat the red seeds inside
  5. Similiar to orange but smaller
  6. Snow White but her
  7. Acid and yelow
  8. Its has many vitamins. It´s round and orange
  9. It is eaten in summer and has a lot of water
  1. This fruit is shaped like a bulb is juicy and fleshy
  2. Small ins size there are black and red
  3. Sweet and tasty bright red fruit. It is born from a plant
  4. It is tropical and fruit of the palm tree
  5. Big and red inside with black nuggets
  6. SpongeBob lives there
  7. His skin is hard, he has a big round bone. The guacamole is very good
  8. Her skin is hairy and hes flesh is green
  9. Large fruit with bone. It is also eaten in syrup
  10. We ate twelve on New Year´s Eve
  11. It has an oval shape. Its skin does not eat

20 Clues: Acid and yelowSnow White but herSpongeBob lives thereSmall round red and sweetSimiliar to orange but smallerWe ate twelve on New Year´s EveThe favorite fruit of the monkeysBig and red inside with black nuggetsSmall ins size there are black and redHer skin is hairy and hes flesh is greenIt is tropical and fruit of the palm tree...

Fruits 2023-06-19

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. - A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel and a creamy, sweet flavor.
  2. - A soft, fuzzy fruit with a yellow or orange skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  3. - A small, round fruit with a blue or purple skin and a sweet, juicy taste.
  4. - Small, round fruits that grow in clusters, available in various colors and flavors.
  5. - A tropical fruit with a smooth, orange or yellow skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  6. - A citrus fruit with a yellow, sour-tasting skin and acidic juice.
  7. - A small, black or dark purple fruit with a tart, juicy flavor.
  8. - A small, red fruit with a sweet and juicy taste, often used in desserts.
  9. - A round fruit with a firm flesh and a sweet or tart taste.
  10. - A small, orange fruit with a velvety skin and a sweet, slightly tart taste.
  11. - A fruit with a green or black skin, a creamy texture, and a nutty flavor.
  12. - A tropical fruit with a spiky, rough exterior and sweet, juicy yellow flesh.
  13. - A large citrus fruit with a yellow or pink skin and a tangy, bitter-sweet taste.
  14. - A small, pear-shaped fruit with a soft, sweet flesh and a thin, edible skin.
  15. - A citrus fruit with a green skin and tangy juice, often used in beverages and recipes.
  1. - A large fruit with a green rind and juicy, sweet red flesh.
  2. - A tropical fruit with a yellow or orange skin and sweet, orange-colored flesh.
  3. - A small, red or black fruit with a soft texture and a sweet, tangy taste.
  4. - A small, tart fruit with a red color, often used in sauces and juices.
  5. - A round fruit with a tough, reddish-pink skin and juicy, ruby-red seeds.
  6. - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color, a sweet and tangy taste, and segmented flesh.
  7. - A large fruit with a hard, brown shell and sweet, refreshing water and flesh inside.
  8. - A small, round fruit with a shiny red or dark purple skin and a sweet or tart taste.
  9. - A fruit with a rounded bottom and a narrow top, usually green or yellow, and sweet, crisp flesh.
  10. - A small, oval fruit with brown fuzzy skin and green or yellow flesh with black seeds.
  11. - A small, round fruit with a smooth skin and juicy, sweet or tart flesh.

26 Clues: - A round fruit with a firm flesh and a sweet or tart taste.- A large fruit with a green rind and juicy, sweet red flesh.- A small, black or dark purple fruit with a tart, juicy flavor.- A citrus fruit with a yellow, sour-tasting skin and acidic juice.- A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel and a creamy, sweet flavor....

Fruits 2023-06-19

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. - A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel and a creamy, sweet flavor.
  2. - A soft, fuzzy fruit with a yellow or orange skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  3. - A small, round fruit with a blue or purple skin and a sweet, juicy taste.
  4. - Small, round fruits that grow in clusters, available in various colors and flavors.
  5. - A tropical fruit with a smooth, orange or yellow skin and sweet, juicy flesh.
  6. - A citrus fruit with a yellow, sour-tasting skin and acidic juice.
  7. - A small, black or dark purple fruit with a tart, juicy flavor.
  8. - A small, red fruit with a sweet and juicy taste, often used in desserts.
  9. - A round fruit with a firm flesh and a sweet or tart taste.
  10. - A small, orange fruit with a velvety skin and a sweet, slightly tart taste.
  11. - A fruit with a green or black skin, a creamy texture, and a nutty flavor.
  12. - A tropical fruit with a spiky, rough exterior and sweet, juicy yellow flesh.
  13. - A large citrus fruit with a yellow or pink skin and a tangy, bitter-sweet taste.
  14. - A small, pear-shaped fruit with a soft, sweet flesh and a thin, edible skin.
  15. - A citrus fruit with a green skin and tangy juice, often used in beverages and recipes.
  1. - A large fruit with a green rind and juicy, sweet red flesh.
  2. - A tropical fruit with a yellow or orange skin and sweet, orange-colored flesh.
  3. - A small, red or black fruit with a soft texture and a sweet, tangy taste.
  4. - A small, tart fruit with a red color, often used in sauces and juices.
  5. - A round fruit with a tough, reddish-pink skin and juicy, ruby-red seeds.
  6. - A citrus fruit with a bright orange color, a sweet and tangy taste, and segmented flesh.
  7. - A large fruit with a hard, brown shell and sweet, refreshing water and flesh inside.
  8. - A small, round fruit with a shiny red or dark purple skin and a sweet or tart taste.
  9. - A fruit with a rounded bottom and a narrow top, usually green or yellow, and sweet, crisp flesh.
  10. - A small, oval fruit with brown fuzzy skin and green or yellow flesh with black seeds.
  11. - A small, round fruit with a smooth skin and juicy, sweet or tart flesh.

26 Clues: - A round fruit with a firm flesh and a sweet or tart taste.- A large fruit with a green rind and juicy, sweet red flesh.- A small, black or dark purple fruit with a tart, juicy flavor.- A citrus fruit with a yellow, sour-tasting skin and acidic juice.- A long, curved fruit with a yellow peel and a creamy, sweet flavor....

Fruits 2023-08-16

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. 21
  2. 20
  3. 13
  4. 11
  5. 15
  6. 8
  7. 1
  8. 14
  9. 6
  10. 4
  11. 10
  12. 23
  13. 24
  1. 3
  2. 18
  3. 2
  4. 5
  5. 22
  6. 17
  7. 16
  8. 12
  9. 19
  10. 7
  11. 9

24 Clues: 325816749212018221317111615121914102324

Fruits 2023-11-30

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Small, red fruit with stone inside.
  2. Round or oval fruit with stone.
  3. Orange variety, acidic and several pieces
  4. Fruit with sweet pulp and fragrant aroma.
  5. Juicy pear-shaped fruit.
  6. Fruit with juicy red grains inside.
  7. Small, hairy fruit with bright green flesh.
  8. Fruit with soft skin and sweet pulp, often consumed dried.
  9. Fruit that grows on mulberry trees and is used to feed silkworms.
  10. Fruit with thin skin and juicy flesh.
  11. Yellow and acidic fruit with many culinary applications.
  12. Elongated fruit with a yellow peel.
  13. Star-shaped fruit with crunchy and juicy pulp.
  14. Small juicy spheres that grow in clusters.
  15. Fruit with velvety skin and juicy flesh.
  16. Small dark blue berry rich in antioxidants.
  17. Large, watery fruit with red or pink flesh.
  1. Smaller and more acidic variety of yellow lemon.
  2. Tropical fruit with wrinkled peel and juicy, acidic pulp.
  3. Creamy fruit with green skin and a large seed inside.
  4. Fruit with soft pulp and orange color.
  5. Tropical fruit with juicy and sweet pulp.
  6. Small red fruit with small seeds on its surface.
  7. Large fruit with rough skin and juicy pulp.
  8. Large citrus fruit with a sweet and sour flavor.
  9. Fruit with orange pulp and sweet flavor.
  10. Tropical fruit with pink or yellow pulp and sweet flavor.
  11. Small, orange fruit with stone.
  12. Small red fruit made up of small drupes.
  13. Orange citrus fruit.

30 Clues: Orange citrus fruit.Juicy pear-shaped fruit.Round or oval fruit with stone.Small, orange fruit with stone.Small, red fruit with stone inside.Fruit with juicy red grains inside.Elongated fruit with a yellow peel.Fruit with thin skin and juicy flesh.Fruit with soft pulp and orange color.Fruit with orange pulp and sweet flavor....

Fruits 2024-04-15

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. mure
  2. pamplemousse
  3. pomme
  4. peche
  5. orange
  6. fruit du dragon
  7. Fraise
  8. cerises
  9. Raisin
  10. bleuet
  11. noix de coco
  1. kiwi
  2. banane
  3. prune
  4. cantaloup
  5. poire
  6. ananas
  7. pasteque
  8. framboise
  9. mangue

20 Clues: murekiwipommepecheprunepoirebananeorangeananasFraiseRaisinmanguebleuetcerisespastequecantaloupframboisepamplemoussenoix de cocofruit du dragon

Fruits 2024-05-20

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Qershi
  2. Kumbulla
  3. Fiku
  4. Ananas
  5. Portokalli
  6. Shega
  7. Shalqiri
  8. Brusnicë
  9. Kivi
  10. Hurma
  1. Dredhëz
  2. Boronicë
  3. Ftu
  4. Molla
  5. Limon
  6. Rrushi
  7. Dardha
  8. Pjepën
  9. Kajsi
  10. Banane
  11. Mjedër

21 Clues: FtuFikuKiviMollaLimonKajsiShegaHurmaQershiAnanasRrushiDardhaPjepënBananeMjedërDredhëzBoronicëKumbullaShalqiriBrusnicëPortokalli

FRUITS 2024-08-05

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. - Fresa
  2. - Kiwi
  3. - Manzana
  4. - Sandía
  5. - Melón
  6. - Papaya
  7. - Pera
  8. - Uvas
  9. - Coco
  10. - Frambuesa
  11. - Arándano
  1. - Naranja
  2. - Piña
  3. - Plátano
  4. - Ciruela
  5. - Aguacate / Palta
  6. - Limón
  7. - Mango
  8. - Durazno / Melocotón
  9. - Cereza

20 Clues: - Piña- Kiwi- Pera- Uvas- Coco- Fresa- Limón- Melón- Mango- Sandía- Papaya- Cereza- Naranja- Plátano- Ciruela- Manzana- Arándano- Frambuesa- Aguacate / Palta- Durazno / Melocotón

Fruits 2024-03-26

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. meruňka
  2. oranžový
  3. brusinka
  4. švestka
  5. paprika
  6. malina
  7. hruška
  8. mandarinka
  9. třešeň
  1. citrón
  2. jablko
  3. jahoda
  4. ananas
  5. okurka
  6. vodní meloun
  7. mučenka
  8. ostružina
  9. hroznový
  10. broskev
  11. borůvka

20 Clues: citrónjablkojahodaananasokurkamalinahruškatřešeňmeruňkamučenkašvestkapaprikabroskevborůvkaoranžovýbrusinkahroznovýostružinamandarinkavodní meloun

fruits 2024-03-11

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Zuckermelone
  2. Apfel
  3. Mandarinen
  4. Orange
  5. Drachenfrucht
  6. Limette
  7. Quitten
  8. Wassermelone
  9. Honigmelone
  10. Preiselbeere
  11. Kiwi
  12. Heidelbeere
  13. Ananas
  14. rote Johannesbeere
  15. Birne
  16. Litschi
  1. Himbeere
  2. Klementinen
  3. Zitrone
  4. Mango
  5. Erdbeere
  6. Pflaume
  7. Holunder
  8. Banane
  9. Nektarinen
  10. Kirsche
  11. schwarze Johannesbeere
  12. Feigen
  13. Grapefrucht
  14. Brombeere
  15. Pfirsich
  16. Weintrauben
  17. Datteln

33 Clues: KiwiApfelMangoBirneOrangeBananeFeigenAnanasZitronePflaumeLimetteQuittenKirscheDattelnLitschiHimbeereErdbeereHolunderPfirsichBrombeereMandarinenNektarinenKlementinenHonigmeloneGrapefruchtHeidelbeereWeintraubenZuckermeloneWassermelonePreiselbeereDrachenfruchtrote Johannesbeereschwarze Johannesbeere

Fruits 2024-09-13

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. it has many nuclei inside
  2. It is a purpel fruit
  3. it is a green or purple fruit and they Are small and round
  4. They are yellow and crooked
  5. Its like a lemon but in Green
  6. Its a large juice fruit witch is most just watter
  7. It Looks Like an Orange in red
  8. It has a bellshaped Body and its Green
  9. It is a pink fruit
  10. Its a red fruit
  11. it grows on a palm tree
  1. They Are red and small
  2. It is a crunchy fruit and It can be sour or Sweet
  3. Its round and orange
  4. It is a tropic yellow fruit
  5. It is Blue and small
  6. It is a yellow sour fruit
  7. It is a Sweet tropical fruit
  8. its known as the "king of fruits"
  9. Outside they are Brown and inside they are Green

20 Clues: Its a red fruitIt is a pink fruitIt is a purpel fruitIts round and orangeIt is Blue and smallThey Are red and smallit grows on a palm treeit has many nuclei insideIt is a yellow sour fruitThey are yellow and crookedIt is a tropic yellow fruitIt is a Sweet tropical fruitIts like a lemon but in GreenIt Looks Like an Orange in red...

Fruits 2024-08-31

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. DU DRAGON Extérieur surprenant, intérieur blanc à petits points noirs.
  2. Petites perles rouges ou blanches.
  3. Noire, juteuse, et pleine d’antioxydants.
  4. Riche en vitamine C, au petit-déjeuner.
  5. Cousine douce et juteuse de la pomme.
  6. Parfait compagnon du jambon.
  7. Rouge à l'intérieur, parfait en été.
  8. Dur à l’extérieur, doux à l’intérieur.
  9. Douceur tropicale au noyau.
  10. Ensoleillée avec des graines noires.
  11. Un goût sucré en robe violette.
  12. Petite baie bleue, amie des muffins.
  13. Un agrume qui divise, amer ou sucré.
  14. Jaune et courbé, facile à éplucher.
  15. Petit fruit exotique, à la chair blanche.
  16. Petit fruit d’été, doux et orangé.
  17. Petite, rouge, souvent associée à la crème.
  1. À l'origine du vin.
  2. Acide mais rafraîchissant.
  3. Délicate et rouge, un peu acidulée.
  4. Vert, crémeux, parfait en guacamole.
  5. Rouge rubis, pleine de petites graines.
  6. Veloutée à l’extérieur, juteuse à l’intérieur.
  7. Rouge et souvent sur le gâteau.
  8. Le fruit défendu du jardin.
  9. Petit, poilu, vert à l’intérieur.
  10. Précieux pour faire le vin.
  11. Couronne tropicale sucrée.
  12. Petite baie noire, très aromatique.
  13. Petite, souvent violette, sucrée ou acide.

30 Clues: À l'origine du vin.Acide mais rafraîchissant.Couronne tropicale sucrée.Douceur tropicale au noyau.Le fruit défendu du jardin.Précieux pour faire le vin.Parfait compagnon du jambon.Rouge et souvent sur le gâteau.Un goût sucré en robe violette.Petit, poilu, vert à l’intérieur.Petites perles rouges ou blanches.Petit fruit d’été, doux et orangé....

FRUITS 2024-10-04

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. A fruit with a fuzzy skin that comes in yellow or green
  2. A fruit that is known for its high vitamin C content
  3. A fruit that is often mistaken for a vegetable, used in salads
  4. Green on the outside, red and juicy inside
  5. A tropical fruit with a soft, sweet inside
  6. Small fruit with a pit, often used in desserts
  7. A small, red fruit often used in pies
  8. A tropical fruit with green or yellow skin and pink or white flesh
  9. A fruit with many seeds on the outside
  10. A fruit that is the main ingredient in guacamole
  11. Dried version of a sweet fruit, often in trail mixes
  1. A tropical fruit with spiky skin
  2. A green fruit that is smooth on the outside and has a big pit inside
  3. Tropical fruit with a spiky skin
  4. Small, tart fruit used in jams
  5. A fruit that is orange and often made into juice
  6. A fruit that grows in bunches and can be used to make wine
  7. A fruit that's brown on the outside and creamy inside
  8. Sweet tropical fruit that is orange inside
  9. A yellow fruit that monkeys love

20 Clues: Small, tart fruit used in jamsA tropical fruit with spiky skinTropical fruit with a spiky skinA yellow fruit that monkeys loveA small, red fruit often used in piesA fruit with many seeds on the outsideGreen on the outside, red and juicy insideA tropical fruit with a soft, sweet insideSweet tropical fruit that is orange inside...

Fruits & Vegetables Crossword 2023-03-20

Fruits & Vegetables Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. fruits and vegetables become ____ tender when you cook them
  2. you want to make sure you do this to fruits and vegetables before eating
  3. this vegetable is red, and may be considered a fruit to some
  4. this vegetable may make some cry when cut
  5. this method is where boiling vegetables are “shocked” in cold water to stop the cooking process
  6. this fruit is very high in fiber. And example is Granny Smith
  7. this fruit has a large pit in the middle. They are great for cobblers
  8. fruit and vegetables are full of this
  9. this tropical fruit is yellow and grows on trees
  10. when you cut fruits and vegetables to cook, you want to make they are the same what?
  1. when buying fruits and vegetables, you want to make sure they are ____ in color
  2. this cooking method is the most destructive when it comes to nutrient loss
  3. you want to cook fruits and vegetables on this heat to preserve nutrients
  4. tropical fruits only grown in this climate
  5. this on the fruits and vegetables containers the most nutrients
  6. a potato is an example of this vegetable classification that is grown under ground
  7. occurs when fruits and vegetables are cut and exposed to the air
  8. this fruit contains a core
  9. this fruit has a leathery skin that can be zested
  10. this cooking method retains as much nutrient content as possible

20 Clues: this fruit contains a corefruit and vegetables are full of thisthis vegetable may make some cry when cuttropical fruits only grown in this climatethis tropical fruit is yellow and grows on treesthis fruit has a leathery skin that can be zestedfruits and vegetables become ____ tender when you cook them...

Fruits & Vegetables 2017-01-08

Fruits & Vegetables crossword puzzle
  1. using water to prepare remove soil on vegetables
  2. an orange root vegetable
  3. fruits that have reached top eating quality
  4. cooking method used for all-purpose potatoes
  5. an example of a tuber
  6. fruits that are full sized but haven't reached peak eating quality
  7. method of cooking vegetables until crisp
  8. cooking machine used to prevent vegetables from becoming soggy
  9. Burn moisture loss caused by improper packaging
  10. grown with chemicals and growth hormones
  11. small juicy fruits with a thin skin
  12. fruit with a single hard seed
  13. cooking food in a small amount of liquid at temperatures just below simmering
  14. fruits that come packed in juices or syrups
  15. adding water to restore a dried food
  16. dipping fruits in lemon will prevent this
  17. pigment found in red vegetables
  18. foods that come in plastic bags or paper cartons
  19. fruits with a thick rind & many seeds
  1. form of vegetable that best retains flavor
  2. fruits that haven't reached full size
  3. cooking food in a liquid that has reached its highest temperature possible
  4. these are pulses that can be used as meat substitute
  5. you must do this in order to prevent steam from building up in potatoes
  6. spread of harmful bacteria from one food to another
  7. fruit with several small seeds
  8. this removes the layer of nutrients & flesh on the vegetable
  9. vegetable subgroup that's high in starch & calories
  10. Illness sickness caused by eating contaminated food
  11. pigment in white vegetables
  12. potato best used for mashing
  13. the sun filters through the water for these to grow
  14. spoilage due to the breakdown of fats
  15. substance that makes food unsafe to eat
  16. fruits that come in boxes
  17. flavorful but not sweet
  18. vegetables that have already been preheated in boiling water
  19. fruits and vegetables grown in tropical climates
  20. grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers or GMO's
  21. vegetable subgroup that has a high water content

40 Clues: an example of a tuberflavorful but not sweetan orange root vegetablefruits that come in boxespigment in white vegetablespotato best used for mashingfruit with a single hard seedfruit with several small seedspigment found in red vegetablessmall juicy fruits with a thin skinadding water to restore a dried foodfruits that haven't reached full size...

Fruits and Vegetables 2019-02-06

Fruits and Vegetables crossword puzzle
  1. Candied yams are a baked dish containing yams, another type of _____ tuber.
  2. Ability to reduce oxidative stress and promote heart health.
  3. Fruits and vegetables are also naturally low in _____ and fat.
  4. The US Supreme Court actually ruled that tomatoes should be classified as _____ rather than fruits.
  5. Fruits and vegetables are classified from both a ________ and culinary standpoint
  6. Rich in fiber, plus a good source of vitamin C.
  7. F & V are high in _____ as well as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and plant compounds.
  8. Fruits and vegetables have a lot of similarities in terms of _____.
  9. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories but high in fiber, they could even help keep your _____ under control.
  10. Sweet potato pie is a _____ that is a traditional part of Thanksgiving in the United States.
  11. A fruit develops from the _____ of a plant.
  1. Increasing your fiber intake through fruits and vegetables may even reduce your risk of _____.
  2. Fruits contain seeds, while vegetables can consist of roots, stems and _____.
  3. Increase in fruit and vegetable intake can actually lead to a reduction in the development of _____.
  4. Fruit juice provides a _____ dose of the vitamins, minerals and sugars found in fruit,
  5. Some vegetable varieties have a naturally _____ flavor.
  6. Fruits tend to have a higher amount of natural _____ and calories compared to most varieties of vegetables.
  7. _____ vegetables may be composed of 84–95% water.
  8. Leafy Greens have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, _____ and cancer.
  9. Eating more fruits and vegetables is associated with a decreased risk of heart _____.
  10. One study even found that eating more than _____ servings per day slashed the risk of heart disease by 70%
  11. Vegetables have a more mild or _____ taste.

22 Clues: Vegetables have a more mild or _____ taste.A fruit develops from the _____ of a plant.Rich in fiber, plus a good source of vitamin C._____ vegetables may be composed of 84–95% water.Some vegetable varieties have a naturally _____ flavor.Ability to reduce oxidative stress and promote heart health....

Fruit 2023-07-22

Fruit crossword puzzle
  1. Kiwis are small and green fruits with a fuzzy skin and a refreshing and tangy taste, packed with vitamin C.
  2. Cherries are small and red or dark fruits with a sweet or tart flavor, commonly used in desserts and preserves.
  3. Peaches are soft and fuzzy fruits with a juicy and sweet taste, often eaten fresh or used in pies and cobblers.
  4. Blueberries are small and blue fruits, rich in antioxidants and perfect for adding to yogurt, pancakes, or muffins.
  5. Lemons are citrus fruits with a bright yellow color and a sour taste, widely used in cooking, baking, and beverages.
  6. Bananas are sweet and creamy fruits with a curved shape, packed with nutrients and a great source of energy.
  7. Raspberries are small and red fruits with a sweet and slightly tart taste, great for eating fresh or adding to desserts.
  8. Mangoes are tropical fruits with a smooth and sweet flesh, enjoyed fresh or blended into smoothies and salsas.
  1. Strawberries are red and juicy fruits with a sweet and slightly tangy taste, commonly used in desserts and salads.
  2. Pineapples are tropical fruits with a spiky outer skin and a sweet and tropical flavor, often used in fruit salads and drinks.
  3. Watermelons are large and hydrating fruits with a juicy red or pink flesh, perfect for staying refreshed in the summer.
  4. Apples are crisp and juicy fruits with various colors and flavors, often enjoyed as a healthy and delicious snack.
  5. Grapes are small and sweet fruits, available in different colors like green, red, and purple, ideal for snacking or making wine.
  6. Oranges are citrus fruits with a bright color and refreshing taste, rich in vitamin C and perfect for juicing.
  7. Pears are sweet and juicy fruits with a smooth texture, delicious when eaten fresh or poached in desserts.

15 Clues: Pears are sweet and juicy fruits with a smooth texture, delicious when eaten fresh or poached in desserts.Kiwis are small and green fruits with a fuzzy skin and a refreshing and tangy taste, packed with vitamin C.Bananas are sweet and creamy fruits with a curved shape, packed with nutrients and a great source of energy....

Fruits 2024-04-02

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. A common fruit with a red or green skin (5 letters)
  2. A yellow fruit often found in bunches (6 letters)
  3. Small round fruits often found in bunches (6 letters)
  4. fruit A small tropical fruit with a tough outer rind and juicy, seed-filled center (12 letters)
  5. A small red fruit with a stone inside (6 letters)
  6. A sweet fruit with a green or brown skin and white flesh (4 letters)
  7. A tropical fruit with a rough, spiky skin (9 letters)
  8. A large green fruit with red flesh (10 letters)
  9. A tropical fruit with a hard shell and white flesh (7 letters)
  10. A red fruit often used in salads and sauces (6 letters)
  11. A small red fruit with seeds on the outside (10 letters)
  1. A small round fruit with green skin and sour flesh (4 letters)
  2. A small red or black fruit similar to a blackberry (9 letters)
  3. A round citrus fruit with a tough orange skin (6 letters)
  4. A round, juicy fruit with fuzzy skin (5 letters)
  5. A small green fruit with brown skin and green flesh (4 letters)
  6. A large citrus fruit with a yellow or pink skin (10 letters)
  7. A sour citrus fruit (5 letters)
  8. A small round fruit with a purple or black skin (10 letters)

19 Clues: A sour citrus fruit (5 letters)A large green fruit with red flesh (10 letters)A round, juicy fruit with fuzzy skin (5 letters)A yellow fruit often found in bunches (6 letters)A small red fruit with a stone inside (6 letters)A common fruit with a red or green skin (5 letters)Small round fruits often found in bunches (6 letters)...

Fruits 2024-10-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. which fruit never smiles
  2. which fruit can make you dance
  3. which fruit is in outer space
  4. which fruit doesn't lose weight even if divided
  5. which fruit loves to read
  6. which fruit never takes a vacation
  7. which fruit always has work
  8. which fruit is The laziest
  1. which fruit likes to disturb
  2. which fruit often exercises
  3. which fruit never lies
  4. which fruit is often confused
  5. which fruit resembles a human
  6. which fruit is always in school
  7. which fruit is the most patient
  8. which fruit can walk
  9. fruit which fruit is often late
  10. which fruit is always cheerful
  11. which fruit can be a dessert and work like a radio
  12. what fruit does a monkey like

20 Clues: which fruit can walkwhich fruit never lieswhich fruit never smileswhich fruit loves to readwhich fruit is The laziestwhich fruit often exerciseswhich fruit always has workwhich fruit likes to disturbwhich fruit is often confusedwhich fruit resembles a humanwhich fruit is in outer spacewhat fruit does a monkey likewhich fruit can make you dance...

Fruits 2024-07-16

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Can not lift it
  2. gives me strength
  3. I don't like it
  4. like the leaves
  5. so rough
  6. it so soft as a baby's skin
  7. goes around and around
  8. need so water
  9. I like the taste, it's so sweet
  1. Fells nice
  2. so lovely
  3. nearly broke me teeth
  4. seems so short
  5. So cool
  6. mmm so nice
  7. yak I don't like it
  8. As solid
  9. very long
  10. as the sun

19 Clues: So coolso roughAs solidso lovelyvery longFells niceas the sunmmm so niceneed so waterseems so shortCan not lift itI don't like itlike the leavesgives me strengthyak I don't like itnearly broke me teethgoes around and aroundit so soft as a baby's skinI like the taste, it's so sweet

Fruits 2024-11-12

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. brown skin fruit
  2. green fruit
  3. yellow fruit
  4. tropical orange fruit
  5. small and round
  6. red fruit
  7. red berry
  8. citrus fruit
  9. purple stone fruit
  10. large green fruit
  1. small red fruit
  2. green citrus
  3. spiky fruit
  4. orange stone fruit
  5. red berry
  6. tropical fruit
  7. many seeds
  8. tiny blue fruit
  9. fuzzy skin fruit
  10. sour fruit

20 Clues: red berryred fruitred berrymany seedssour fruitgreen fruitspiky fruitgreen citrusyellow fruitcitrus fruittropical fruitsmall red fruitsmall and roundtiny blue fruitbrown skin fruitfuzzy skin fruitlarge green fruitorange stone fruitpurple stone fruittropical orange fruit

CH 2 - Part 2 2013-08-05

CH 2 - Part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A berry with a thick rind (watermelon, cucumber)
  2. A dry fruit that splits along two sides, with seed borne on only one half of the split ovary (Pea, bean)
  3. A fruit derived from a single flower with several to many pistils. Pistils develop into a cluster of tiny fruitlets or drupes on a single receptacle (strawberry, blackberry)
  4. A fruit derived from a cluster of several to many individual flowers in a single inflorescence (fig, pineapple)
  5. Nontree fruits that usually require physical support during cultivation (raspberry, blackberry)
  6. Indehiscent fruits with a thin pericarp (dill, carrot)
  7. Indehiscent fruits with a thick pericarp (pecan, hazelnut)
  8. Fruits borne on trees (apple)
  9. Legumes that are harvested prematurely, cooked, and eaten with the seeds inside
  10. A dry fruit that splits along two seams, seeds attached to a central structure (radish, mustard)
  11. Fruits produced on plants adapted to warm climates (mango, coconut)
  1. A dry fruit that splits along multiple sides
  2. These crops prefer monthly temperatures of 65 to 81 degreese F)
  3. Fleshy fruit comprised mainly of ovary tissue, no pits (tomato, grape)
  4. A berry with a leathery exocarp that contains oils (citrus fruits)
  5. Fleshy fruit comprised mainly of ovary tissue, hard and stony endocarp (peach, nectarine)
  6. Modified stems (potato)
  7. A fleshy fruit comprised primarily of receptacle tissue, pitted with a stony interior (apple, pear)
  8. Dry fruits that retain their seeds
  9. These crops prequire monthly temperatues of 60 to 65 degree F (sugar beet, cabbage)
  10. Modified stems (with basal plate)and leaves sometimes eaten as vegetables (onions)
  11. Dry fruits that may split open and discharge their seeds
  12. A dry fruit that splits along one side
  13. Fruits from plants adapted to cool climates (apple, peach, plum)

24 Clues: Modified stems (potato)Fruits borne on trees (apple)Dry fruits that retain their seedsA dry fruit that splits along one sideA dry fruit that splits along multiple sidesA berry with a thick rind (watermelon, cucumber)Indehiscent fruits with a thin pericarp (dill, carrot)Dry fruits that may split open and discharge their seeds...

fruits 2020-08-10

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. You use it when you need to make something sweet.
  2. You can put whatever you want in it, but it’s usually made of bread, cheese, lettuce, ham and tomato.
  3. black beverage usually drank in the mornings
  4. It’s another yellow dairy, but this one you have to use a knife to put it on the bread.
  5. The meat that is used to make coxinha.
  6. Spaghetti is a kind of…
  7. It has a lot of animal protein, and it’s used to make kibe, strogonoff, burgers, etc.
  8. Mix of vegetables/fruits like lettuce, tomato, onion, carrots, etc.
  9. It’s made of corn, and you usually eat this when you go to the movies.
  1. hot beverage made of water and herbs
  2. Gasified drink that can taste like lemon, cola, orange or even guaraná.
  3. It’s a cold dessert that you can eat on a cone.
  4. It’s made by the bees.
  5. You use this when your food is not salty enough.
  6. It’s a yellow dairy, used to make sandwiches, pies, lasagnas, etc.
  7. Tuna is a kind of…
  8. where you put the candles on a birthday party
  9. White drink that cows make.
  10. food made out of vegetables and pasta, usually eaten in cold days.

19 Clues: Tuna is a kind of…It’s made by the bees.Spaghetti is a kind of…White drink that cows beverage made of water and herbsThe meat that is used to make beverage usually drank in the morningswhere you put the candles on a birthday partyIt’s a cold dessert that you can eat on a cone.You use this when your food is not salty enough....

Fruits 2021-01-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. What is a more bitter orange called?
  2. A tart and green apple
  3. fruit the flesh does not separate easily
  4. hard green melon with orange fruit and seeds
  5. fuzzy skin tropical fruit
  6. used like fruit and jams
  7. star shaped with a sweet tart flavor
  8. juicy berrries that grows in clusters
  9. same characteristics as an apple
  10. Which part of pomegranate do we eat?
  11. Sweet tasting flesh and skin ranging to recd and green
  12. Diamond pattern skin
  1. best eaten fresh
  2. cross between an apple and a pear in flavor and appearance
  3. Small red fruit with a leaf on top
  4. method to freeze fruits
  5. hard green shell with sweet red insides
  6. one characteristic of a good melon
  7. red orange skin and flesh creamy texture and tangy flavor

19 Clues: best eaten freshDiamond pattern skinA tart and green applemethod to freeze fruitsused like fruit and jamsfuzzy skin tropical fruitsame characteristics as an appleSmall red fruit with a leaf on topone characteristic of a good melonWhat is a more bitter orange called?star shaped with a sweet tart flavorWhich part of pomegranate do we eat?...

Fruits 2021-01-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. Juicy berries that that grows in clusters on vines or shrubs
  2. citrus fruit has a bright skin that contains _____
  3. Fruit where you each the seeds
  4. White, bitter, and indigestible layer
  5. includes oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes
  6. Cherries, apricots, plums, peaches, & nectarines
  7. Type of fruit with flesh that clings tightly to the pit
  8. Fuzzy brown skin and soft juicy inside
  9. Yellow peel and soft white like inside
  10. Cooked into juice with sugar or other flavorings
  1. Red juicy fruit with seeds on the outside
  2. Hard brown outside and white inside
  3. The peel on citrus fruit that’s grated or peeled into small stripes
  4. Red celery like stalk are extremely tart & used in pies and jams
  5. Similar fruit to apple
  6. Dark blue tear drop shaped tree fruit
  7. Fruit in which flesh that separates easily from the pit
  8. Type of apple good for cooking
  9. Seed

19 Clues: SeedSimilar fruit to appleFruit where you each the seedsType of apple good for cookingHard brown outside and white insideWhite, bitter, and indigestible layerDark blue tear drop shaped tree fruitFuzzy brown skin and soft juicy insideYellow peel and soft white like insideRed juicy fruit with seeds on the outside...

Fruits 2021-01-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. most available fruit
  2. first step in preparing fruit
  3. popular tropical fruit
  4. when the fruit develops its brightest color
  5. on way fruit can be prepared, using dry heat
  6. this fruit has fuzzy skin and small black seeds
  7. this type of orange is sweet, large, and easy-to-eat
  8. this fruit has a tough outer skin
  9. fruit that easily separates from the pit
  10. this type of fruit grows on bushes
  1. a stone fruit
  2. yellowish, pear shaped, tropical fruit
  3. fruit that clings to the pit
  4. easy to peel citrus fruit
  5. part of the pomegranate we eat
  6. bitter oranges are used to make this
  7. used to make wine and other products
  8. white, bitter, and indigestible layer
  9. quality of a good melon

19 Clues: a stone fruitmost available fruitpopular tropical fruitquality of a good meloneasy to peel citrus fruitfruit that clings to the pitfirst step in preparing fruitpart of the pomegranate we eatthis fruit has a tough outer skinthis type of fruit grows on bushesbitter oranges are used to make thisused to make wine and other products...

FRUITS 2020-09-29

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  2. comes in a bunch is purple or green
  5. is oval with its green skin and very reddish inside
  6. is acidic and of yellow color
  7. its shell is very thick yellow
  8. its peel is thick and orange in color
  9. is large and very wrinkled
  10. is very juicy and has an intense color inside
  11. its color is very red or sometimes purple
  1. is round with seeds inside skin color
  2. is sweet with many seeds inside
  3. squirrels like a lot, dried fruit
  4. is small and shaped like a drop
  5. are blue or red in color
  6. can eat peach with a skin-colored peel
  7. has a drop shape is small
  8. is very sweet, and he eats it with cheese made sweet

19 Clues: FOOD THAT MONKEYS LIKEare blue or red in colorhas a drop shape is smallis large and very wrinkledis acidic and of yellow colorits shell is very thick yellowis sweet with many seeds insideis small and shaped like a dropsquirrels like a lot, dried fruitcomes in a bunch is purple or greenis round with seeds inside skin color...

FRUITS 2021-12-09

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  1. a bird like an ostrich that cannot fly and that is active during the night
  2. Plant Biologythe usually round red, green, or yellow fruit of a small tree of the rose family
  3. Plant Biologya tropical American tree or shrub of the myrtle family
  4. the round, pink-to-yellow, fuzzy-skinned fruit of a tree of the rose family
  5. a rounded, reddish yellow, bitter or sweet citrus fruit that can be eaten
  6. Plant Biologythe soft, red, pulpy fruit of any of various trees of the rose family
  7. Plant Biology[countable]the large, hard-shelled seed of the coconut palm tree, lined with a white edible meat and containing a milky liquid
  8. Plant Biology[uncountable]a tropical plant grown for its nutritious fruit
  9. the smooth-skinned, green or purple fruit that grows in clusters on vines, may be eaten, and is used to make wine
  10. a kind of mandarin orange
  1. a tropical plant having a short stem and rigid, spiny leaves
  2. Plant Biologythe sweet yellow or orange fruit of a tree of the cashew family that grows in hot climates
  3. Plant Biologythe fleshy red fruit of a stemless plant belonging to the rose family
  4. he rounded fruit of a tree of the rose family
  5. Plant Biologythe large, dark-green, slightly acid, pulpy fruit of a small West Indian tree, Annona muricata, of the annona family
  6. Plant Biologythe round, pink-to-yellow, fuzzy skinned fruit of a tree of the rose family
  7. a creeping plant of the gourd family, occurring in many cultivated forms
  8. a small tropical American tree, bearing a yellow, melonlike fruit
  9. fruit the edible fruit of any of various passionflowers
  10. Plant Biologya large melon with a hard, green rind and sweet, juicy, usually red pulp

20 Clues: a kind of mandarin orangehe rounded fruit of a tree of the rose familyfruit the edible fruit of any of various passionflowersa tropical plant having a short stem and rigid, spiny leavesa small tropical American tree, bearing a yellow, melonlike fruitPlant Biologya tropical American tree or shrub of the myrtle family...

fruits 2022-05-03

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. fruit jaca
  2. damasco
  3. abacaxi
  4. uva
  5. abacate
  6. banana
  7. mirtilo
  8. fruit maracujá
  9. lichia
  1. laranja
  2. cereja
  3. melancia
  4. morango
  5. mamão
  6. pera
  7. maçã
  8. manga
  9. pêssego
  10. kiwi

19 Clues: uvaperamaçãkiwimamãomangacerejabananalichialaranjamorangodamascoabacaxiabacatepêssegomirtilomelanciafruit jacafruit maracujá

Fruits 2022-09-27

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. amora
  2. pêra
  3. manga
  4. caju
  5. abacaxi
  6. pêssego
  7. cacau
  8. côco
  9. morango
  1. melancia
  2. abacate
  3. melão
  4. goiaba
  5. cereja
  6. ameixa
  7. maracujá
  8. graviola
  9. jaca
  10. papaya

19 Clues: pêracajujacacôcoamoramelãomangacacaugoiabacerejaameixapapayaabacateabacaxipêssegomorangomelanciamaracujágraviola

Fruits 2023-06-25

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. This is a small fruit with a smooth skin and a juicy, sweet or tart flesh. Plums come in different colors like red, purple, or yellow and are often enjoyed fresh or used in jams, jellies, or desserts.
  2. This is a citrus fruit with a bright orange color and a refreshing, tangy taste. Oranges are usually segmented and can be eaten fresh or juiced. They are rich in vitamin C and are often associated with boosting the immune system.
  3. This is a small and round fruit with a dark blue or purple skin. Blueberries have a sweet and slightly tangy taste. They are often eaten fresh, used in baked goods, or added to breakfast cereals or smoothies.
  4. This is a small and juicy fruit that grows in clusters. Grapes come in different colors like green, red, or purple and have a sweet or slightly tart taste. They can be eaten fresh or used to make juice or raisins.
  5. This is a tropical fruit with a spiky exterior and a sweet, juicy, and tangy flesh. Pineapple is often enjoyed fresh, used in fruit salads, or grilled for a delicious caramelized flavor.
  6. This is a small and round fruit with a bright red or dark red skin and a sweet or tart flavor. Cherries can be eaten fresh or used in desserts, jams, or added to fruit salads.
  7. This is a round fruit with a fuzzy skin and a juicy, sweet flesh. Peaches have a delicate flavor and are often enjoyed fresh or used in desserts, jams, or pies.
  8. This is a small and juicy fruit with a bright red color and tiny seeds on its surface. Strawberries have a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. They are often eaten fresh, used in desserts, or added to salads and smoothies.
  9. This is a long and curved fruit with a soft and creamy flesh. It has a sweet taste and is often eaten as a quick and healthy snack. Bananas can also be used in smoothies, desserts, or added to breakfast cereals.
  1. This is a tropical fruit with a thin skin and a juicy, golden flesh. Mangos have a sweet and tropical flavor and are often eaten fresh or used in smoothies, salsas, or desserts.
  2. This is a citrus fruit with a bright yellow color and a tangy and sour taste. Lemons are often used for their juice or zest in cooking, baking, or making refreshing lemonade.
  3. This is a small fruit with a vibrant red or black color and a sweet and slightly tart taste. Raspberries are often enjoyed fresh, used in desserts, or added to yogurt or breakfast cereals.
  4. This is a small fruit with a dark purple or black color and a sweet and slightly tart taste. Blackberries are often enjoyed fresh, used in desserts, or added to smoothies or salads.
  5. This is a large citrus fruit with a yellow or pink color and a tangy and slightly bitter taste. Grapefruits are often segmented and enjoyed fresh or used in juices and salads.
  6. This is a small, oval fruit with a fuzzy brown exterior and a vibrant green flesh with small black seeds. Kiwis have a tangy and slightly sweet taste. They are often peeled and eaten fresh or used in fruit salads and smoothies.
  7. This is a small citrus fruit with a green color and a tangy and sour taste. Limes are often used for their juice in cooking, making drinks like limeade or adding flavor to dishes like guacamole.
  8. This is a large and juicy fruit with a green rind and a vibrant red or pink flesh. Watermelon has a sweet and refreshing taste and is often enjoyed in the summertime. It can be eaten in slices or used to make refreshing beverages.
  9. This is a fruit with a rounded bottom and a narrow top. Pears have a crisp and juicy flesh with a sweet or slightly tangy taste. They are often eaten fresh or used in salads and baked goods.
  10. This is a round or oval-shaped fruit with a crisp texture and a sweet or tart taste. It comes in different colors like red, green, or yellow and is often enjoyed fresh or used in various baked goods like pies or apple crumbles.

19 Clues: This is a round fruit with a fuzzy skin and a juicy, sweet flesh. Peaches have a delicate flavor and are often enjoyed fresh or used in desserts, jams, or pies.This is a citrus fruit with a bright yellow color and a tangy and sour taste. Lemons are often used for their juice or zest in cooking, baking, or making refreshing lemonade....

FRUITS 2024-04-08

FRUITS crossword puzzle
  8. VGUAA
  2. PEAPL
  4. EHAPC
  5. NOEML
  8. APRE
  10. ANNAAB
  11. PLMU


fruits 2024-10-20

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. apelsin
  2. kivi
  3. shaftoli
  4. meva
  5. gilos
  6. mango
  7. anor
  8. uzum
  9. xurmo
  10. banan
  1. qulupnay
  2. qovun
  3. anjir
  4. kakos
  5. ananas
  6. tarvuz
  7. limon
  8. nok
  9. zaldori

19 Clues: nokkivimevaanoruzumqovunanjirkakosgilosmangolimonxurmobananananastarvuzapelsinzaldoriqulupnayshaftoli

Fruits 2024-09-15

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. This fruit Stink
  2. Most popular fruit
  3. Its Like a lemon but green
  4. This fruit is Brown at outside and Green inside
  5. Round Shaped fruit
  6. Very small fruit
  7. This fruit is Namen as a Color
  8. This fruit has Spike on it
  9. Boomerang shaped fruit
  10. It grows on Palms
  11. This fruit has a lot Sees in it
  1. This fruit grows in the woods
  2. This fruit has Yellow seeds in it
  3. This fruit is very souer
  4. This fruit is big
  5. Orange yellow fruit
  6. it grows in Asia
  7. This fruit has a big Seed in it
  8. orange fruit

19 Clues: orange fruitThis fruit Stinkit grows in AsiaVery small fruitThis fruit is bigIt grows on PalmsMost popular fruitRound Shaped fruitOrange yellow fruitBoomerang shaped fruitThis fruit is very souerIts Like a lemon but greenThis fruit has Spike on itThis fruit grows in the woodsThis fruit is Namen as a ColorThis fruit has a big Seed in it...

Fruits 2021-01-05

Fruits crossword puzzle
  1. yellowish, pear shaped, tropical fruit
  2. easy to peel citrus fruit
  3. quality of a good melon
  4. most available fruit
  5. first step in preparing fruit
  6. this type of orange is sweet, large, and easy-to-eat
  7. when the fruit develops its brightest color
  8. a stone fruit
  9. this type of fruit grows on bushes
  10. on way fruit can be prepared, using dry heat
  1. popular tropical fruit
  2. used to make wine and other products
  3. bitter oranges are used to make this
  4. this fruit has a tough outer skin
  5. fruit that clings to the pit
  6. fruit that easily separates from the pit
  7. this fruit has fuzzy skin and small black seeds
  8. white, bitter, and indigestible layer
  9. part of the pomegranate we eat

19 Clues: a stone fruitmost available fruitpopular tropical fruitquality of a good meloneasy to peel citrus fruitfruit that clings to the pitfirst step in preparing fruitpart of the pomegranate we eatthis fruit has a tough outer skinthis type of fruit grows on bushesused to make wine and other productsbitter oranges are used to make this...

fruits 2022-03-23

fruits crossword puzzle
  1. áfonya
  2. mogyoró
  3. körte
  4. dió
  5. narancs
  6. málna
  7. eper
  8. alma
  9. citrom
  10. ananász
  1. banán
  2. cseresznye
  3. ribizli
  4. kókuszdió
  5. mandarin
  6. dinnye
  7. szőlő
  8. szeder
  9. szilva

19 Clues: dióeperalmabanánkörteszőlőmálnaáfonyadinnyeszedercitromszilvamogyoróribizlinarancsananászmandarinkókuszdiócseresznye