greys anatomy Crossword Puzzles
Crossword Anatomy 2021-03-21
- artery Transverse foramen
- Sacral - S1
- Lateral curvature
- Found in the thoracic vertebral bodies
- ligament Stabilization medium that joins the transverse processes
- Thoracic Curvature
- Spinous Process Bifida
- Vertebrae with prominent downward directed spinous processes
- Cervical transverse processes
- Odontoid Process
- ligaments They pass anteriorly and posteriorly to the vertebral bodies
- intestine It inserts over the body of the spinous processes
- They join spinous, transverse and articular processes.
- process They are found in the lumbar vertebrae
- Ax-shaped spinous process
- fibrosus Intervertebral disc, central portion
- Lumbar Curvature
- Odontoid fossa
- Unites body with vertebral arch
- Ligament that inserts into the laminae
20 Clues: Sacral - S1 • Odontoid fossa • Odontoid Process • Lumbar Curvature • Lateral curvature • Thoracic Curvature • Spinous Process Bifida • Ax-shaped spinous process • artery Transverse foramen • Cervical transverse processes • Unites body with vertebral arch • Found in the thoracic vertebral bodies • Ligament that inserts into the laminae • fibrosus Intervertebral disc, central portion • ...
Anatomy Terms 2021-08-19
- cheek area
- point of shoulder
- cut along horizontal plane divides body into inferior and superior parts.
- posterior surface of leg
- area between hips
- posterior surface of elbow
- anterior surface of elbow
- arm
- armpit
- lengthwise cut along median plane of body. Right and left sides are equal
- Heel of foot
- area of spinal column
- posterior surface of head or base of skull
- area of back between ribs and hips
- thigh
- head
- posterior knee area
- forearm
- section of the body cut lengthwise separates body into right and left parts
- wrist
- a cut dividing body into anterior and posterior parts
- buttock
- Anterior body trunk inferior to ribs
23 Clues: arm • head • thigh • wrist • armpit • forearm • buttock • cheek area • Heel of foot • point of shoulder • area between hips • posterior knee area • area of spinal column • posterior surface of leg • anterior surface of elbow • posterior surface of elbow • area of back between ribs and hips • Anterior body trunk inferior to ribs • posterior surface of head or base of skull • ...
Anatomy Crossword 2021-08-19
- section also called sagittal
- retrieves fluid leaked from blood vessels and returns them to blood; carries white blood cells
- posterior surface of elbow
- lateral part of leg
- branch of science about the human body
- a system that transports blood and includes the heart
- posterior of head and base of skull
- arm
- area where thigh meets trunk of body; groin
- posterior side of leg; the calf
- hip
- area between hips
- genital region
- area of spinal column
- system for creating offspring
- shoulder blade region
- neck region
- armpit
- forearm
- forehead
- chest
- cheek area
- posterior knee area
- nose area
- area between hips and ribs; loin
- anterior knee
- leg
27 Clues: arm • hip • leg • chest • armpit • forearm • forehead • nose area • cheek area • neck region • anterior knee • genital region • area between hips • lateral part of leg • posterior knee area • shoulder blade region • area of spinal column • posterior surface of elbow • section also called sagittal • system for creating offspring • posterior side of leg; the calf • area between hips and ribs; loin • ...
Leaf anatomy 2021-11-03
- The blade is held away from the stem and supported by a leaf stem
- Other leaves have several dominant veins branching out from the petiole.
- When three or more leaves and buds are attached at a node
- A leaf that has only one blade on its
- can open and close
- Veins in a branching pattern are called
- leaf has multiple leaflets attached along a rachis or axis
- Many leaves are organized with one main vein running down the middle of the blade
- leaf has all its leaflets attached to a common point.
- which refers to a condition where leaves and buds are not spaced far enough apart to be called alternate nor perfectly opposite.
- On top of the leaf is a waxy non-cellular layer
- The opening and closing is controlled by
- forms air spaces that hold raw materials to be used and products of photosynthesis.
- Leaves and buds that are spaced along a stem in an alternating fashion
- leaf A leaf with multiple blades
- leaf has multiple leaflets attached along a rachis or axis
- Monocots have leaves with
- is a skin like layer of cells found on both the top and the bottom surface of the leaf.
- The main sun-collecting structure on the leaf is a large broad flat surface
- When leaves and buds are arranged directly across from each other on a stem
- These standing cells are responsible for most of the photosynthesis in the leaf
21 Clues: can open and close • Monocots have leaves with • leaf A leaf with multiple blades • A leaf that has only one blade on its • Veins in a branching pattern are called • The opening and closing is controlled by • On top of the leaf is a waxy non-cellular layer • leaf has all its leaflets attached to a common point. • When three or more leaves and buds are attached at a node • ...
Anatomy Crossword 2021-11-04
- tissue, covers organs, lines body cavities, lines hollow organs
- organized groups and layers of cells
- cubed-shaped cells
- single layers of cells
- muscle tissue, muscle that shows no cross stripes under microscopic magnification
- muscle tissue, tissue composed of muscle cells containing neatly packed filaments
- cartilage cells
- rigid connective tissue
- tissue, composed of cells that have the special ability to shorten or contract in order to produce movement of the body parts
- cartilage, dense network of elastic fibers
- tall elongated cells
- epithelial tissues that are composed of thin, flattened cells
- multiple layers of cells
- Connective tissue, holds and binds organs together
- has many collagenous fibers
- cells, large class of neural cells
- tissue, responsible for coordinating and controlling many body activities
- cartilage, fine collagenous in its extracellular matrix
- muscle tissue, specialized type of muscle tissue that forms the heart
- specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell
20 Clues: cartilage cells • cubed-shaped cells • tall elongated cells • single layers of cells • rigid connective tissue • multiple layers of cells • has many collagenous fibers • cells, large class of neural cells • organized groups and layers of cells • cartilage, dense network of elastic fibers • Connective tissue, holds and binds organs together • ...
Brain Anatomy 2022-03-29
- - carries info from one side of the brain to the other
- - the second largest part of the brain
- - largest part of the brain
- Lobe - related to vision
- Gland - produces Melatonin
- Stem - Is located between the cerebrum and the spinal cord
- Rhythm - sleeping Pattern
- Area - allows you to comprehend speech and put words together in correct syntax when speaking
- Area - connected to wernicke’s Area
- Nuclei - islands of gray matter
- Plexus - clusters of capillaries in ventricles and secrete CSF
- - relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex for processing and sorting
- - contains the thalamus, the Hypothalamus, and pineal gland
- Horns - receive impulses from afferent nerves.
- Lobe - Maintains focus
- Cortex - larger in humans
- Oblongata - located just above the spinal cord
- Barrier - controls homeostasis for the brain and prevents infection
- - made up of brain and Spinal cord
- - the 3 layers of connective tissue that protects the CNS.
- Fluid - between arachnoid layer and pia mater
- Lobe - important for solving problems, reflect, engage in convo, allows us to move parts of our body at will
- Formation - complex network of nerve fibers that connects tiny islands of gray matter in the brain.
- - nerve cell damage in the brain causing dopamine levels to decrease
- - programmed responses
25 Clues: Lobe - Maintains focus • - programmed responses • Lobe - related to vision • Cortex - larger in humans • Rhythm - sleeping Pattern • Gland - produces Melatonin • - largest part of the brain • Nuclei - islands of gray matter • - made up of brain and Spinal cord • Area - connected to wernicke’s Area • - the second largest part of the brain • ...
FOOT ANATOMY 2022-03-31
- where 2 bones attach
- inner arch
- number of bones in the foot
- key support: narvicular
- function of an arch
- outer arch
- a type of arch
- attachment sites
- irregular shaped tarsal bone
- found in hands and feet
- first toe
- number of tarsal bones in the foot
- also known as Chopart's joint
- articulates with 3 cuneiforms
- a type of arch
- number of phalangeal bones in the foot
- joint formed by the junction of the bases of metatarsal bones with the cuboid
- abbreviation for metatarsophalangeal joints
- uppermost part of the talus
- largest tarsal bone
- group of tarsometatarsal joints
- designed for flexion and extension
- articulates posteriorly with calcaneus
- articulation between talus and calcaneus
24 Clues: first toe • inner arch • outer arch • a type of arch • a type of arch • attachment sites • largest tarsal bone • function of an arch • where 2 bones attach • key support: narvicular • found in hands and feet • uppermost part of the talus • number of bones in the foot • irregular shaped tarsal bone • articulates with 3 cuneiforms • also known as Chopart's joint • group of tarsometatarsal joints • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2021-11-29
- this process is crucial in growth and development of the gene.
- relatively small and mobile type of RNA.
- three-base mRNA sequence.
- chemical language the cell uses.
- the functional unit of heredity.
- contains complementary triplets that will be used as a model for mrna production.
- carries hereditary information.
- binds to the promoter of the gene.
- nonsense regions.
- essential in coding, decoding, regulation and expression of genes.
- a strand containing the triplets that specify the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide.
- we have 23 of these distant structures.
- connects to chromatids and chromosomes.
- a change in the DNA sequence.
- the creation of proteins by cells that use DNA, RNA and other enzymes.
- gives the nucleus a grainy clumpy look.
- a region of dna where transcription of a gene is initiated.
- the production of rna from a dna. template.
- a particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins found in large numbers in the cytoplasm.
- the process of making the mrna string
- three nitrogen bases form this.
- basic proteins found in chromatin.
- coding segments.
23 Clues: coding segments. • nonsense regions. • three-base mRNA sequence. • a change in the DNA sequence. • three nitrogen bases form this. • carries hereditary information. • chemical language the cell uses. • the functional unit of heredity. • basic proteins found in chromatin. • binds to the promoter of the gene. • the process of making the mrna string • ...
Flower Anatomy 2022-05-03
- modified leaves at the base of a flower
- The part of the stem that holds the flower part
- Female part of a plant
- The sticky tissue at the end of the pistil
- Swollen base of the style
- Male and female parts on one plant
- Rod-shaped middle part of the flower
- Support the petals and protect unopened flower
- Sepals fused together
- Flower with only female part
- Male part of the plant
- the part of the flower pollen is released from
- Flat-topped inflorescences
- Petals that are fused together
- Flower with only male parts
- Attract insects to the flower
- No distinction is seen between petal and sepals
- The grain released by flowers from the anther
- The flower stem
- Arrangement of the flowers on a plant
- Male and female parts on different plants
21 Clues: The flower stem • Sepals fused together • Female part of a plant • Male part of the plant • Swollen base of the style • Flat-topped inflorescences • Flower with only male parts • Flower with only female part • Attract insects to the flower • Petals that are fused together • Male and female parts on one plant • Rod-shaped middle part of the flower • ...
Anatomy Crossword 2022-07-12
- action of serratus anterior
- nerve that passes through carpal tunnel
- thumb flexion occurs in which plane
- where is the PA of the gastrocnemius
- nerve wraps around surgical neck humerus
- shape of metacarpal head
- plane of motion for supination
- articulates with navicular bone
- action of biceps brachii
- bone forms base of snuff box
- nerves that innervate skin
- tendon that quadricep muscles form into
- patellar base location
- border between radius and ulna
- FDLs friend
- nerve passes posterior to elbow
- number of extensor compartments
- muscles on dorsal forearm
- An action of tibialis posterior
- nerve innervates medial thigh muscles
20 Clues: FDLs friend • patellar base location • shape of metacarpal head • action of biceps brachii • muscles on dorsal forearm • nerves that innervate skin • action of serratus anterior • bone forms base of snuff box • border between radius and ulna • plane of motion for supination • nerve passes posterior to elbow • number of extensor compartments • An action of tibialis posterior • ...
Skeletal Anatomy 2022-06-20
- inferiornasalconcha
- lessertrochanter
- acromion
- eop
- parietalbone
- capitulum
- lateralcondyle
- trochlea
- deltoidtuberosity
- spineofscapula
- radialnotch
- sacrum
- talus
- vomerbone
- clavicle
- cuboid
- headofhumerus
- capitate
- lessertubercle
- pubis
- olecranonprocess
- fibula
- styloidprocess
- zygomaticprocess
- neckoffemur
- axis
- coronoidfossa
- lumbarvertebrae
- navicular
- carpals
- spinousprocess
- foramenmagnum
- medialmalleolus
- acetabulum
- radialtuberosity
- hamate
- headoffemur
- ribs
- nasalbone
- vertebralcolumn
- ilium
- coccyx
- lateralcuneiform lateralepicondyle lateralepicondyle
- glenoidcavity
- xiphoidprocess
- trochlearnotch
- headofradius
- sphenoidbone
- metacarpals
- coracoid process
- coronalsuture
- coronoidprocess
- lambdoidsuture
- atlas
- externalacousticmeatus
- sagittalsuture
- intermediatecuneiform
- tibialtuberosity
- jugularnotch
- ischialtuberosity
- occipitomastoidsuture
- iliaccrest
- superiorarticularprocesses
- calcaneus
- lateralmalleolus
- intertuberculargroove
- lacrimalfossa
- transverseprocess
- ethmoid
- lacrimalbone
- pisiform
- hyoidbone
- mastoidprocess
- phalanges
- patella
- iliacfossa
- manubrium
77 Clues: eop • ribs • axis • ilium • atlas • talus • pubis • hamate • coccyx • sacrum • cuboid • fibula • ethmoid • patella • carpals • acromion • trochlea • clavicle • capitate • pisiform • nasalbone • capitulum • calcaneus • vomerbone • hyoidbone • phalanges • manubrium • navicular • iliaccrest • iliacfossa • acetabulum • headoffemur • metacarpals • radialnotch • neckoffemur • parietalbone • headofradius • sphenoidbone • jugularnotch • lacrimalbone • glenoidcavity • ...
Human Anatomy 2022-05-11
- outer ear canal
- nociception allows us to feel this
- on the back side
- insects and clams are not included
- sense of touch
- type of process
- bone that looks like it has wings
- bone opening
- true, false, or floating?
- sesamoid bone in inferior limb
- blindness to blue
- bone called half of a diameter
- superior vertebral region
- common name for malleus
- stirrup
- spot your eye doesn't see
- muscle in the lower extremity
- you chew with it
- auditory part of the inner ear
- olfaction and thermoception are 2 of them
- humans have 12 of these bones
- inferior limb
- they shrink during the day
- contains the ossicles
- its muscle reflex is stimulated by photoreceptors
- type of nerve instructing a muscle
- there are 4 in the appendicular skeleton
- anvil
- muscle doing the opposite of the work
- connects bone to bone
- not the posterior or anterior semicircular canal
- anterior to the fibula
- longest bone
- superior vertebra
34 Clues: anvil • stirrup • bone opening • longest bone • inferior limb • sense of touch • outer ear canal • type of process • you chew with it • on the back side • blindness to blue • superior vertebra • contains the ossicles • connects bone to bone • anterior to the fibula • common name for malleus • true, false, or floating? • superior vertebral region • spot your eye doesn't see • they shrink during the day • ...
Anatomy Terms 2022-05-13
- Towards the back of the body
- Towards the feet
- Farther from the surface
- Away from median
- arbitrary vertical plane passing through the body parallel to the midline, slicing it longitudinally into right and left parts
- vertical plane passing through the centre of the body (midline) that cuts it longitudinally into right and left halves
- Towards the head
- Midline of the body
- Closer or towards the trunk or the point of origin of the body part
- In behind of or behind
- Nearer to the surface
- vertical plane at right angle to the sagittal plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions
- Towards the front of the body
- Towards the surface, superficial
- Towards the top of the head
- Towards the tail
- Away or farthest away from the trunk or the point of origin of the body part
- Towards the median
- horizontal plane at right angles to the sagittal and frontal planes, slicing the body into a superior (upper) and inferior (lower) portions
- In front of or front
- Away from the surface, deep
21 Clues: Towards the feet • Away from median • Towards the tail • Towards the head • Towards the median • Midline of the body • In front of or front • Nearer to the surface • In behind of or behind • Farther from the surface • Towards the top of the head • Away from the surface, deep • Towards the back of the body • Towards the front of the body • Towards the surface, superficial • ...
Anatomy Shiz 2022-09-08
- type of epithelial cells that are flat and sheet-like in appearance
- part of the neuron that collects electrical signals
- type of tissue that propagates electrical impulses and carries information
- the four DNA bases
- "father of modern medicine"
- a molecule that can bind to other molecules to form a polymer (is an amino acid)
- a serious disease where your bones are very low density and can have holes in them, this disease is characterized by low bone mineral density
- part of the neuron that sends electrical signals to dendrites of another cell or to an effector cell
- type of tissue that covers exposed surfaces, lives internal passageways and chambers, and produces glandular secretions
- type of tissue that fills internal spaces, provides structural support, and stores energy
- formed by an number of subatomic particles carrying a fractional electrical charge
- the four main biological molecules are carbohydrates, amino acids, lipids and...
- a blue-black dye with basic pH that preferentially binds acid molecules, DNA and cytoplasmic ribosomes darkly stain based on density of material
- red dye with acidic pH which preferentially binds basic molecules, proteins(amines) stain based on density of material
- a large molecule that contains many smaller monomers linked together (is a protein)
- the process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA
- type of epithelial cells that are cube-like in appearance meaning they have equal width, height, and depth
- germ layer that gives rise to skin cells, neurons, and pigment cells
- germ layer that gives rise to cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, tubule cells, red blood cells, and smooth muscle
- where DNA is stored
- type of tissue that contracts to produce movement
- germ layer that gives rise to lung cells, thyroid cells, and pancreatic cells
- this started spacetime 13.7 billion years ago
- process where ribosomes synthesize proteins from RNA
24 Clues: the four DNA bases • where DNA is stored • "father of modern medicine" • this started spacetime 13.7 billion years ago • the process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA • type of tissue that contracts to produce movement • part of the neuron that collects electrical signals • process where ribosomes synthesize proteins from RNA • ...
Skeletal Anatomy 2022-06-27
23 Clues: 6 • 1 • 5 • 2 • 9 • 17 • 22 • 13 • 20 • 24 • 10 • 12 • 16 • 27 • 26 • 23 • 18 • 19 • 21 • 24 • 7 (there are 7 of these vertebrae) • 8 (there are 13 of these vertebrae) • 11 (there are 4 of these vertebrae)
Grey's anatomy 2022-09-14
21 Clues: hero • Ugly • bald • sober • McDreamy • best mom • McSteamy • cardio god • scardy cat • best mom #2 • Famous award • Mark obsessed • LVAD wire cut • Main character • absoutly funny • cutest baby ever • booty hole sometimes • callie's first woman • Really good at cardio • really pretty red head • booty hole but good surgon
Eye Anatomy 2022-02-06
- Secrete tears onto the anterior surface of the eyeball
- A gel-like substance that is posterior to the lens
- Clear membrane that allows light to enter the eye
- Clear watery fluid that is anterior to the lens
- Structures that respond to light
- The area that’s near the optic disk that contains only cones
- The white portion of the eye
- Black structure of the eye that contracts and dilates
- Allows light to reach the retina to focus an image
- Part of the eye where it does not have any photoreceptors
- The inner coat that has rods and cones
- Sends information from the eyes to the brain
- A membrane that lines eyelids and covers part of the outer surface of the eyeball
- Term for coat
- Structures that hold the lens in place
- When drainage of aqueous humor is blocked, pressure within the eye increases
- Detect black and white
- Detect color
- The lens becomes hard and cloudy as one ages
- Colored portion of the eye
- Has a dark pigment that prevents light from escaping the eye
- A bacterial or viral infection causes this condition
- An optic disk is also known as this
- The most exterior structures that protect the eyes
24 Clues: Detect color • Term for coat • Detect black and white • Colored portion of the eye • The white portion of the eye • Structures that respond to light • An optic disk is also known as this • Structures that hold the lens in place • The inner coat that has rods and cones • The lens becomes hard and cloudy as one ages • Sends information from the eyes to the brain • ...
Anatomy Terminology 2022-02-09
- goes from the stop (the area between the eyes,) and the back point of the skull.
- definition is “the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.” When it comes to dogs’ pigment often refers to the coloring of the eye rims and nose and an area lacking dark pigment is not desirable.
- is the line formed by the withers, back loin, and croup. The line from the base of the neck to the base of the tail.
- refer to the front assembly of the dog.
- is another word for the knee.
- is the part of the neck where it joins the bottom of the skull toward the back of the head.
- is a dog’s quality of movement.
- refer to the rear assembly of the dog
- ears that begin, or are set, below the level of the eye. An example would be the Bloodhound seen above.
- are surgically altered, often seen on Doberman Pinchers.
- ears that begin, or are set, higher than eye level. An example would be the Airedale seen above.
- have a fold in them, for example, Shetland Sheepdogs or Airedale Terriers.
- are upright, examples include the Corgi and Husky.
- The lower jaw is physically longer than the top jaw.
- A dog’s bite is how its teeth come together
- bone is the pointy bone in the hip area, usually a few inches under the tail.
- are at the top of the shoulders, they are the highest point along a well-bred dog’s back.
- hang down, examples are the Bloodhound or a Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen.
- the hock of a dog bends inward they are said to be cow hocked.
- made up of the upper and lower jaws.
- of a dog is the area beneath the jaws
- refers to the ay bones are slanted and meet at the joints Front angulation includes the shoulder and upper arm. Rear angulation includes the pelvis, upper and lower leg.
- is the bone bump at the back of the skull. It is also affectionately called the “smart bump.”
- is a weak, pointed muzzle lacking in substance. A muzzle that is too pointed for a breed type.
- The top jaw is physically longer than the lower jaw.
- in a dog also called the nictitating membrane. This keeps the eye moist and protected. When this third eyelid protrudes out it is called a “Cherry Eye.”
- is the lower portion of the rear leg.
- a fold of loose skin hanging from the neck or throat.
- The upper and lower incisor teeth meet exactly.
- aspect of appearance or temperament that is considered detrimental to the breed type that can be directly observed.
- term for an area of a dog’s lips. It is not the entire lip, but the flew is the part of a dog’s lip that hangs.
- is the area at the top of the muzzle between the eyes.
- is the raised area set behind the last rib. On some breeds, this is scissored into the underline of the dog.
- begins at the nape of the neck, the base of the skull, and stops at the withers.
- The incisor teeth in the upper jaw are in contact with but slightly overlap the teeth in the bottom jaw.
35 Clues: is another word for the knee. • is a dog’s quality of movement. • made up of the upper and lower jaws. • of a dog is the area beneath the jaws • is the lower portion of the rear leg. • refer to the rear assembly of the dog • refer to the front assembly of the dog. • A dog’s bite is how its teeth come together • The upper and lower incisor teeth meet exactly. • ...
Anatomy #2 2022-01-20
- portion of muscle joined to movable attachments
- palm of hand causes thumb to move toward fingers
- carry messages to the brain and spinal cord
- begins in the thigh
- extends down mid forearm into the hand
- controls the nervous system
- passes behind the knee and the common peroneal nerve
- located between jaws and cheek
- located between eyebrows controls eyebrows
- flat triangular covers upper back and part of neck and shoulders
- begins in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the lower limb
- located below corners of the mouth
- supplies blood to the thumb side of the arm and hand
- transports blood to the heart and lungs for oxygenation
- study of the structure function and diseases of the muscles
- supplies blood to the knee joint and muscles in thigh and calf
- tubular elastic thin walled
- carry messages from the brain to muscles and glands
- runs parallel to the ulna
- originates in upper portion of fibula from just below knee to heel
- bring information to the cell body
- covers the hinge of the jaw
- stretches over fingers separates fingers
- take information away from the nerve cell
- primary muscle in the front of upper arm
- extends into fingers of the hand
- tubular elastic thick walled
- fluid part of blood
- supplies blood to the little finger side of the forearm and the smaller arteries of the hand
- blood platelets
- colorless liquid that travels though the lymph vessels
31 Clues: blood platelets • begins in the thigh • fluid part of blood • runs parallel to the ulna • covers the hinge of the jaw • controls the nervous system • tubular elastic thin walled • tubular elastic thick walled • located between jaws and cheek • extends into fingers of the hand • bring information to the cell body • located below corners of the mouth • ...
Plant Anatomy 2022-01-16
- how veins are arranged in leaves
- Three basic types in vascular plants all have their own contribution in helping the plant from protection to supporting development.
- Plants containing their seeds within a fruit
- Plants that have adapted very specialized tissues that allow conditions for the transport of nutrients to water and more.
- Protective layer between the plant and outside environment
- Part of the vascular tissue dies at maturity with thick-walled cells
- A tissue that has not yet been specialized
- The process in which plants use the sunlight and convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen
- The middle layer of leaf cells
- In the case of leaves created for protection against herbivores and humans as well as the cold
- Parallel venation
- Treatment and prevention of diseases.
- Certain well-developed functions acquired from its conditions.
- Determine the opening and closing of the stoma
- Affects the mind
- Branching patterned venation
- The primary site of photosynthesis in plants
- Part of the vascular tissue, thin-walled cells living at maturity.
- Evolutionary process that helps organisms fit into their environment
- Opening in the epidermis allowing gas exchange
- Wax-like coating covering the epidermis
21 Clues: Affects the mind • Parallel venation • Branching patterned venation • The middle layer of leaf cells • how veins are arranged in leaves • Treatment and prevention of diseases. • Wax-like coating covering the epidermis • A tissue that has not yet been specialized • Plants containing their seeds within a fruit • The primary site of photosynthesis in plants • ...
Anatomy Introduction 2022-01-23
- a type of a protein
- back of knee
- monomer of sugar
- calf
- anterior elbow
- point of shoulder
- term for the backside or “back” in the anatomical position
- cell part that makes energy
- bottom of foot
- check
- heal
- shoulder blade
- meat of trunk/groin
- another term similar to anterior for humans
- shin
- chin
- muscle tissue that is voluntary
- thigh
- thigh
- the skin is _________________ to the skeletal bones.
- arm
- knee
- tail bone
- process inside a human cell in which DNA makes a copy of itself
- head
- ankles
26 Clues: arm • shin • chin • calf • knee • head • heal • thigh • thigh • check • ankles • tail bone • back of knee • anterior elbow • bottom of foot • shoulder blade • monomer of sugar • point of shoulder • a type of a protein • meat of trunk/groin • cell part that makes energy • muscle tissue that is voluntary • another term similar to anterior for humans • the skin is _________________ to the skeletal bones. • ...
Anatomy Introduction 2022-01-24
- a type of a protein
- back of knee
- monomer of sugar
- calf
- anterior elbow
- point of shoulder
- term for the backside or “back” in the anatomical position
- cell part that makes energy
- bottom of foot
- check
- heal
- shoulder blade
- meat of trunk/groin
- another term similar to anterior for humans
- shin
- chin
- muscle tissue that is voluntary
- thigh
- thigh
- the skin is _________________ to the skeletal bones.
- arm
- knee
- tail bone
- process inside a human cell in which DNA makes a copy of itself
- head
- ankles
26 Clues: arm • shin • chin • calf • knee • head • heal • thigh • thigh • check • ankles • tail bone • back of knee • anterior elbow • bottom of foot • shoulder blade • monomer of sugar • point of shoulder • a type of a protein • meat of trunk/groin • cell part that makes energy • muscle tissue that is voluntary • another term similar to anterior for humans • the skin is _________________ to the skeletal bones. • ...
Anatomy test 2022-11-21
- inner lining of medullary cavity
- c1
- eroding cell
- cartilage found in the ribs
- bone shape that is longer than wide
- these ribs are 8-12
- shoulder girdle
- c2
- basic unit of structure of compact bone
- cube shaped bone
- vertebrae there are 7 of these
- 126 total bones
- vertebrae there are 12 of these
- bone building cell
- each vertebrae is separated by these discs
- thin and curved bone
- 7 of these ribs
- 80 total bones
- mature bone cell
- vertebrae there are 5 of these
20 Clues: c1 • c2 • eroding cell • 80 total bones • 126 total bones • 7 of these ribs • shoulder girdle • mature bone cell • cube shaped bone • bone building cell • these ribs are 8-12 • thin and curved bone • cartilage found in the ribs • vertebrae there are 5 of these • vertebrae there are 7 of these • vertebrae there are 12 of these • inner lining of medullary cavity • bone shape that is longer than wide • ...
anatomy 12345 2022-11-09
- Soft and fibrous cartilage that provides shock absorption and cushion to your knee
- Expanded end of the long bones
- The process of bone formation
- Osteoblasts that become surrounded by unmineralized matrix (osteoid) during bone formation
- A movable joint in animals in which the surfaces of bones are connected by ligaments or cartilage
- Cylindrical vascular tunnels formed by an osteoclast-rich tissue
- Structure composed of an outer fibrous layer that lends structural integrity and an inner cambium layer
- The soft, spongy tissue that has many blood vessels and is found in the center of most bones
- A joint that can move freely
- A fibrous connective tissue that attaches bone to bone
- A thick liquid located between your joints
- Lighter and less dense than compact bone
- Large multinucleated cell responsible for the dissolution and absorption of bone
- The shaft of a long bone.
- Sacs filled with fluid between bones and soft tissues
- Immovable joint
- Dense bone leaving only tiny spaces (lacunae)
- A joint between bones or cartilage in the skeleton
- skeleton Consists of upper and lower extremities, that include the shoulder girdle and pelvis
- Connective tissue-related bone cell responsible for the synthesis and mineralization of bone
- A partial or complete break in the bone
- In the central core of the body(made up of 80 bones)
22 Clues: Immovable joint • The shaft of a long bone. • A joint that can move freely • The process of bone formation • Expanded end of the long bones • A partial or complete break in the bone • Lighter and less dense than compact bone • A thick liquid located between your joints • Dense bone leaving only tiny spaces (lacunae) • A joint between bones or cartilage in the skeleton • ...
Pathological anatomy 2022-10-10
- absence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions.
- defined as a deviation of the normal curvature of the spine in the sagittal and coronal planes and can include a rotation of the spinal axis
- Pulmonary ____ is a surface-active complex of phospholipids and proteins formed by type II alveolar cells.
- is characterized by rugged deformed peribronchial, perivascular fibrous cords, bronchial deformation and local bronchitis
- condition occurs when air leaks into the space between the lungs and chest wall.
- . Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes in the lungs).
- occur as a result of small airways suddenly snapping open
- disorders resulting from build-up of certain chemicals related to red blood cell proteins.
- abnormal protein that is usually produced in the bone marrow and can be deposited in any tissue or organ
- ffects the cells that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices. It causes these fluids to become thick and sticky. They then plug up tubes, ducts and passageways.
- is a lung condition that causes shortness of breath
- is a blocked artery caused by a foreign body, such as a blood clot or an air bubble. Spasmodic
- Inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes, which carry air to and from the lungs.
- is highly contagious respiratory tract infection that is easily preventable by vaccine.
- large airway sounds,” are continuous gurgling or bubbling sounds typically heard during both inhalation and exhalation
- _Relating to, affected by, or having the character of a spasm; convulsive.
- condition in which the lungs' airways become damaged, making it hard to clear mucus.
- The most common causes of recurrent ______________ are asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which both cause narrowing and spasms (bronchospasms) in the small airways of your lungs.
- (comparative more dyspneic, superlative most dyspneic) Afflicted with dyspnea; possessing unhealthy breathing
- condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.
20 Clues: is a lung condition that causes shortness of breath • occur as a result of small airways suddenly snapping open • absence of enough oxygen in the tissues to sustain bodily functions. • _Relating to, affected by, or having the character of a spasm; convulsive. • condition occurs when air leaks into the space between the lungs and chest wall. • ...
anatomy & physiology 2022-10-17
- cranial nerve also known as the facial nerve; is the chief motor nerve of the face
- scientific study of the structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system
- anterior muscle of the chest that assists in breathing and in raising the arm
- collection of similiar cells that perform a particular function
- bones that form the bridge of the nose
- bone that joins all of the bones of the cranium together
- inner and larger bone in the forearm located on the side of the little finger
- skeleton of the head; divided into two parts:cranium and facial skeleton
- smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb
- larger of the two bones that form the leg below the knee
- smaller of the two bones that form the leg below the knee
- also known as the ankle bone
- small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins
- word ending meaning study of
- twelve pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax
- basic unit of all living things from bacteria to plants and animals
- heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee
- a connection between two or more bones of the skeleton
- also known as the accessory bone or kneecap; forms the kneecap joint
- nerve largest and longest nerve in the body, it passes through the gluteal region into the thigh
- also known as shoulder blade; large, flat, triangular bone of the shoulder
21 Clues: also known as the ankle bone • word ending meaning study of • bones that form the bridge of the nose • heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee • twelve pairs of bones forming the wall of the thorax • a connection between two or more bones of the skeleton • small vessels that connect the capillaries to the veins • ...
Vocab anatomy 2022-10-13
- away from body surface HINT: away from surface
- sweat that is formed during puberty HINT: sweat, puberty, armpits, pubic regions
- connective tissue HINT: thicker layer
- contains the stomach,intestines,spleen, liver,other organs HINT:stomach organs
- helps maintain an internal body temperature HINT: maintain, body temp
- adipose tissue HINT: fat
- produces oil to hair and skin to keep from being brittle and skin moist HINT: produces oil
- granulosum prevents fluid loss from the body HINT: fluid loss
- towards body surface HINT: close to surface of body
- luicidum to protect sensitive skin like the soles of feet and palms of hands HINT: protect, soles of feet,palm of hands
- pili Goose bumps HINT:hair rises
- towards the back of body HINT: shoulders, spine
- dorsal cavity protects the nervous system and is divided into subdivision HINT: nervous system, protection
- away from body surface HINT: feet
- cells protect the body from bacterial and viural invasion HINT:protect, bacteria, virus, invasion
- closer to the body HINT: closer to body
- study of tissue HINT: tissues
- found all over the body and regulates heat HINT: all over the body, heat
- lines body cavity that opens to the exterior
- prevents unwanted material from entering skin HINT: enter, prevent, unwanted material
- basal cell division HINT: cell division
- spinosum helps make the skin flexible and strong HINT: flexible, skin
- towards the front of the body HINT:face,abdominal organs
- within the skull and encases the brain HINT:skull, brain
- the mid line of the body HINT:spine
- divides the body into right and left parts HINT: division of body
- stratum squamous epithelium HINT: five layers
- system a body system that controls body temp, cell fluid,maintaince and protects body from chemical damage HINT:body sysem, homeostasis
- collection of cell HINT:collection, cells
- away from the midline HINT:not close to the midline
- surface HINT: body cavity
31 Clues: adipose tissue HINT: fat • surface HINT: body cavity • study of tissue HINT: tissues • pili Goose bumps HINT:hair rises • away from body surface HINT: feet • the mid line of the body HINT:spine • connective tissue HINT: thicker layer • closer to the body HINT: closer to body • basal cell division HINT: cell division • collection of cell HINT:collection, cells • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2020-06-25
- An immovable type of joint
- Away from the midline
- with the femoral head.
- An abnormal accumulation of bloody fluid within the pleural space following
- A type of white blood cell
- A fracture caused by a twisting force
- A grinding sound or sensation.
- Areas in the infant’s skull where the sutures between the skull bones have not yet closed.
- Bands of tissue that connect bones to bones
- Back surface of the body
- An endocrine gland responsible for directly or indirectly affecting all bodily functions
- A type of fracture
- A substance that does not contain carbon, hydrogen, or oxygen is said to be….
- 1 of the main components of blood
- A type of fracture mostly found in children
- A type of suture in the skull
- A minute canal in a bone.
- Atoms that either gain or lose electrons.
- A major function of the skeleton system
- Another term for anterior
- Another term for posterior
- A bone in the appendicular skeleton
- Area of spine that contains 12 vertebrae
23 Clues: A type of fracture • Away from the midline • with the femoral head. • Back surface of the body • A minute canal in a bone. • Another term for anterior • An immovable type of joint • Another term for posterior • A type of white blood cell • A type of suture in the skull • A grinding sound or sensation. • 1 of the main components of blood • A bone in the appendicular skeleton • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2020-06-07
- cell that forms bone tissue
- one of 4 pea-shaped glands located or embedded in the thyroid that secrete parathyroid hormone, increasing blood levels of calcium
- hardening of the arteries and loss of elasticity resulting from thickening of the vessel wall
- first 30 days after birth
- the phase of metabolism in which cells are broken down
- involuntary discharge of urine
- a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that blocks respiration
- damage to the retina in diabetic patients from hemorrhage of vessels
- bands of fibrous connective tissue connecting the articulating ends of bones to facilitate or limit movement
- node located in the upper wall of the atrium; pacemaker of the heart
- air sacs at the ends of the bronchioles where the gas exchange occurs
- pear-shaped sac located on the inferior surface of the liver; stores bile to aid in digestion and fat absorption
- ringing in the ear
- uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep; also known as sleep epilepsy
- first female menses; usually occurs between 9 and 15 years of age
- inferior portion of hip bones supporting the body weight when sitting
- eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging
- the upper portion of the large intestine; contains the appendix
- phase of metabolism in which cells are built or repaired
- inflammation and pain, usually of the great toes or thumbs, caused by accumulation of uric acid crystals
20 Clues: ringing in the ear • first 30 days after birth • cell that forms bone tissue • involuntary discharge of urine • the phase of metabolism in which cells are broken down • phase of metabolism in which cells are built or repaired • eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging • the upper portion of the large intestine; contains the appendix • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2020-06-07
- phase of metabolism in which cells are built or repaired
- involuntary discharge of urine
- eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging
- node located in the upper wall of the atrium; pacemaker of the heart
- pear-shaped sac located on the inferior surface of the liver; stores bile to aid in digestion and fat absorption
- uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep; also known as sleep epilepsy
- first 30 days after birth
- inferior portion of hip bones supporting the body weight when sitting
- cell that forms bone tissue
- ringing in the ear
- first female menses; usually occurs between 9 and 15 years of age
- damage to the retina in diabetic patients from hemorrhage of vessels
- a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that blocks respiration
- air sacs at the ends of the bronchioles where the gas exchange occurs
- hardening of the arteries and loss of elasticity resulting from thickening of the vessel wall
- the phase of metabolism in which cells are broken down
- one of 4 pea-shaped glands located or embedded in the thyroid that secrete parathyroid hormone, increasing blood levels of calcium
- bands of fibrous connective tissue connecting the articulating ends of bones to facilitate or limit movement
- the upper portion of the large intestine; contains the appendix
- infection of middle ear
- inflammation and pain, usually of the great toes or thumbs, caused by accumulation of uric acid crystals
21 Clues: ringing in the ear • infection of middle ear • first 30 days after birth • cell that forms bone tissue • involuntary discharge of urine • the phase of metabolism in which cells are broken down • phase of metabolism in which cells are built or repaired • eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2020-05-03
- the largest sesamoid bone in the body
- important part of cell membrane
- moves body part away from midline of body
- a form of energy produced by a vibrating body
- cranial nerve sometimes called "wanderer"
- surgery and to dilate pupils for an eye examination
- used to prevent salivation
- must be applied to produce a sensation
- simplest form of carbohydrates
- lowers activation energy,catalyst
- natural painkillers that activate opioid receptors in the brain
- layer of subcutaneous tissue which is deep to skin
- provides energy to drive many processes in living cells
- smallest contractile units of a cell and are made of thick and thin myofilaments
- tube-shaped shaft of long bones
- powerhouse of the cell
- a long nerve fiber arising from a cone shaped area of the cell body
- the structural and functional unit of bone
- chronic inability to get enough sleep
- surrounds thoracic organs
- the longest muscle in the human body
- act as the blood brain barrier
- one of the main classes of connective tissue
- large shoulder muscle
- study of structure
- opposes or reverses particular movement or action
- awareness of physiological conditions with the goal of consciously influencing
- one of the special senses
- controls body temperature,hunger,thirst,fatigue,sleep, and circadian rhythms
- a yellow-orange pigment,can be converted to vitamin A
- outer gray matter of the brain
31 Clues: study of structure • large shoulder muscle • powerhouse of the cell • surrounds thoracic organs • one of the special senses • used to prevent salivation • act as the blood brain barrier • simplest form of carbohydrates • outer gray matter of the brain • important part of cell membrane • tube-shaped shaft of long bones • lowers activation energy,catalyst • ...
Anatomy cruci 2019-03-14
- Presenta osso spugnoso
- Prodotti dalle ghiandole endocrine
- Parte secernente della ghiandola
- Numero dei tessuti umani
- Privi di nucleo
- Contenuti nei canali di Havers
- Organo dell'apparato scheletrico
- Accentuazione della curvatura fisiologica lombare
- Parte liquida del sangue
- Epitelio con cellule di diversa altezza
- Rotula
- Ossa del cranio
- Perone
- Porzione terminale dello sterno
- Membrana che riveste esternamente l'osso
- Arteria con sangue privo di ossigeno
- Articolazioni mobili
- Divide il tessuto epitelio dal connettivo
- Introflessione dell'epidermide
- Producono nuovo tessuto osseo
- Ricevono l'impulso nervoso
- Molti nelle cellule muscolari
- Posseggono movimenti ameboidi
- Canale in cui passa il midollo
- Controlla il tessuto muscolare liscio
- Tessuto connettivo liquido
- Numero delle stazioni linfatiche
27 Clues: Perone • Rotula • Privi di nucleo • Ossa del cranio • Articolazioni mobili • Presenta osso spugnoso • Numero dei tessuti umani • Parte liquida del sangue • Ricevono l'impulso nervoso • Tessuto connettivo liquido • Producono nuovo tessuto osseo • Molti nelle cellule muscolari • Posseggono movimenti ameboidi • Introflessione dell'epidermide • Contenuti nei canali di Havers • ...
anatomy crossword 2023-01-19
- Development, maturation, or expansion of physical structures or cognitive and psychosocial abilities
- away from the head
- somthing the body needs to survive
- a mark left after you have gotten a cut
- the back
- somthing that has organs and is living is a ___________
- burn that only reaches the epidermis
- The shaft is the visible part of the hair that sticks out of the skin
- a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed
- a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue
- close to the surface
- the white area at the base of a fingernail.
- the physiological value around which the normal range fluctuates
- a protective and waxy or hard layer covering the epidermis of a plant
- the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis
- an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands.
- Tissue that supports, protects, and gives structure to other tissues and organs in the body.
- close to the center
- A state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly
- a mark left after the skin is stretched past its elastic limit
20 Clues: the back • away from the head • close to the center • close to the surface • somthing the body needs to survive • burn that only reaches the epidermis • a mark left after you have gotten a cut • an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands. • the white area at the base of a fingernail. • the thick layer of living tissue below the epidermis • ...
Pig Anatomy 2023-05-11
- insulin
- blood to pig
- hard and makes up roof of mouth
- removes waste in urine
- stores food and digests
- produces eggs
- detoxifies posions
- holds spleen in place
- bile and pancreatic enzymes mix with food
- spiraled part of the colon
- stores bile
- carries oxygenated blood from lungs
- carries urine from kidney
- most nutrients are absorbed here
- any fold that connects intestines to dorsal abdominal wall
- air between lungs and throat
- opening between vocal cords
- produces milk in female pigs
- feces released
- pouch between small intestine and colon
- extra blood cells
- fetus develops in here
- collect blood low in o2
- buds allow to taste
- voice box
25 Clues: insulin • voice box • stores bile • blood to pig • produces eggs • feces released • extra blood cells • detoxifies posions • buds allow to taste • holds spleen in place • removes waste in urine • fetus develops in here • stores food and digests • collect blood low in o2 • carries urine from kidney • spiraled part of the colon • opening between vocal cords • air between lungs and throat • ...
Plant Anatomy 2023-01-12
- Undifferentiated ground tissue
- Nutrients; sugars, proteins, fats, & dissolved inorganic salts
- The leaf stalk
- A waxy covering on the surface of some leaves and stems
- The lamina
- Any flat, green structure growing from the stem or twig of a plant. Organs specialized for photosynthesis
- The edge of a leaf
- A member of the group of flowering plants, the seed of which has two cotyledons ex: beans, peanuts
- A plant with leathery leaves, used as a house plant
- Arranged with the veins spreading in a number of directions
- The flat expanded part of a leaf
- On the outside
- Arranged with the veins running side by side
- Group of flowering plants, the seed of which has a single cotyledon ex: cereal grains, rice, oats
- Either of a pair of small, leaflike parts at the base of some leaf petioles, as on a bean, pea, or rose plant
- The part of a stem between successive nodes
- The tip of the leaf farthest away from the petiole
- The common name for the maize plant
- The part of the leaf nearest to the petiole
- The leaf tissue where the cells are arranged alongside one another, in a row
- Point where one or more leaves are attached to a stem; more obvious in monocotyledons than dicotyledons
- The outermost layer of cells on leaves, young stems, roots, and flowers
- The hollow tubes that transport materials in the plant
23 Clues: The lamina • The leaf stalk • On the outside • The edge of a leaf • Undifferentiated ground tissue • The flat expanded part of a leaf • The common name for the maize plant • The part of a stem between successive nodes • The part of the leaf nearest to the petiole • Arranged with the veins running side by side • The tip of the leaf farthest away from the petiole • ...
Anatomy Review 2023-02-15
- Section of the vertebral column that has 7 vertebrae
- Section of the vertebral column that are 5 fused vertebrae into 1
- Body cavity that contains the brain
- Part of the skeletal system that contains the arms, legs and pelvis
- Plane that divides the body into top and bottom halves
- Body cavity that contains the stomach and spleen
- Connect muscle to bone
- Connect bone to bone
- Plane that divides the body into right and left halves
- Plane that divides the body into front and back halves
- Body cavity that contains the reproductive organs
- Joint action term that means to decrease the joint angle
- Joint action term that means to lift the medial edge of the foot
- Joint action term that means to move away from the midline
- Section of the vertebral column that has 12 vertebrae
- Joint action term that means to increase the joint angle
- Joint action term that means to move toward the midline
- Body cavity that contains the heart and lungs
- Section of the vertebral column that has 5 vertebrae
- Body cavity that contains the spine
- Joint action term that means to life the lateral edge of the foot
- Part of the skeletal system that contains the skull,spine, ribs and sternum
22 Clues: Connect bone to bone • Connect muscle to bone • Body cavity that contains the brain • Body cavity that contains the spine • Body cavity that contains the heart and lungs • Body cavity that contains the stomach and spleen • Body cavity that contains the reproductive organs • Section of the vertebral column that has 7 vertebrae • ...
Anatomy Terminology 2023-02-16
- Location where two or more bones meet, synonym for 'joint'(12)
- Describes the 8th rib(5)
- Patient lying on their back(6)
- Movement towards the body(9)
- Describes ipsilateral(4,4)
- Also known as the palmer aspect of the hand(7)
- Superior surface of the foot(6)
- Type of cartilage, covers articular surfaces(7)
- The mouth is ___ to the eye(12)
- Plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior(7)
- A hole through which vessels and nerves pass through(7)
- Describes the vessels that carry blood away from the heart(8)
- The neck is ____ to the mouth(8)
- The wrist is ___ to the shoulder(6)
- Describes position of thumb in anatomical position in relation to the body(7)
- Near to the surface of the body(11)
- Organ involved in integumentary system(4)
- Fluid containing white blood cells involved in fighting infection(5)
- Bones of the skull, neck and trunk make up this skeleton(5)
- Plane dividing the body into left and right(8)
20 Clues: Describes the 8th rib(5) • Describes ipsilateral(4,4) • Movement towards the body(9) • Patient lying on their back(6) • Superior surface of the foot(6) • The mouth is ___ to the eye(12) • The neck is ____ to the mouth(8) • The wrist is ___ to the shoulder(6) • Near to the surface of the body(11) • Organ involved in integumentary system(4) • ...
Human Anatomy 2023-05-25
- pertaining to the kidneys
- female gonad
- air sacs
- the collecting chamber of the heart
- embryonic stage after week 8
- membrane that surrounds your lungs that reduce friction
- nerve cell
- protein that makes up hair and nails
- circulation from the heart to the lungs and back to the lungs
- another name for the large intestine
- cluster of capillaries with a nephron
- tough connective tissue that connects muscle to bones
- liquid portion of the blood
- tough band of cartilage that surrounds bones
- organic molecules that act as coenzymes
- white blood cells
- male gamete
- group of tissues working together for a common function
- skeleton composed of cranium, vertebrae and ribcage
- membrane that encased the protective fluid of the developing embryo
- gland that neutralize the pH of male urethra
- functional unit of a kidney
- tissues which have the ability to contract
- fertilized egg
- nitrogenous waste produced by the liver
25 Clues: air sacs • nerve cell • male gamete • female gonad • fertilized egg • white blood cells • pertaining to the kidneys • liquid portion of the blood • functional unit of a kidney • embryonic stage after week 8 • the collecting chamber of the heart • protein that makes up hair and nails • another name for the large intestine • cluster of capillaries with a nephron • ...
Anatomy-Easy 2023-07-09
- one-half of the forearm
- general name for all of the back thigh muscles
- assists with breathing
- the study of the function of the body
- minimus innermost glue muscle
- thigh bone
- scientific name for kneecap
- one-half of the forearm
- "flexing" muscles
- one-half of the shin
- largest back muscle
- protects the lungs and heart
- general name for all of the front thigh muscles
- largest chest muscle
- bones that make up fingers and toes
- the study of muscles in the body
- protects the brain
- one-half of the shin
- upper arm bone
- bones that make up the wrist
- scientific name for the hip
- bones that make up the ankle
22 Clues: thigh bone • upper arm bone • "flexing" muscles • protects the brain • largest back muscle • largest chest muscle • one-half of the shin • one-half of the shin • assists with breathing • one-half of the forearm • one-half of the forearm • scientific name for the hip • scientific name for kneecap • protects the lungs and heart • bones that make up the wrist • bones that make up the ankle • ...
Anatomy Terms 2023-03-30
- close to the point of attachment
- different sides of the body
- divides inferior and superior
- both sides of the body
- towards the center of the midline
- lying on back
- behind
- main part of the body (head,neck,&trunk)
- away from the surface
- saggital cuts
- divides into left and right
- below
- towards the surface
- limbs attached to axis
- one side of the body
- front
- away from the point of attachment
- above
- away from the midline (towards the side)
- same side of the body as another part
- divides anterior and posterior
- lying on stomach
- lying on either right or left side
23 Clues: front • above • below • behind • lying on back • saggital cuts • lying on stomach • towards the surface • one side of the body • away from the surface • limbs attached to axis • both sides of the body • different sides of the body • divides into left and right • divides inferior and superior • divides anterior and posterior • close to the point of attachment • away from the point of attachment • ...
Anatomy activity 2022-12-05
- Complex iron protein in red blood cells that binds to oxygen; gives blood color.
- Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries.
- Scientific study of the structure, function, and pathology of the nervous system.
- Body organ that removes waste created by digestion.
- An oval, bony case that protects the brain.
- The movable part of the muscle that is farthest from the skeleton.
- Also known as microscopic anatomy; the study of tiny structures found in living tissues.
- Muscle attached to the lower rear surface of the heel and pulls the foot down.
- Body organs that excrete water and waste products.
- Middle part of the muscle.
- The largest artery in the body.
- Muscular, cone-shaped organ that keeps the blood moving within the circulatory system.
- Connection between two or more bones of the skeleton.
- Breathing outward; expelling carbon dioxide (collected from the blood) from the lungs.
- Body organs that control the body’s vision.
- Uppermost and largest bone in the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulder.
- Body organ that digests food, along with the stomach.
- Constructive metabolism, the process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones.
- Also known as collarbone; bone that joins the sternum and scapula.
- Heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee.
- Breathing in through the nose or mouth
- Basic units of all living things, from bacteria to plants to animals, including human beings.
- Lower jawbone; largest and strongest bone of the face.
- Extensor muscle of the wrist involved in flexing the wrist.
- Study of the nature, structure, function, and diseases of the muscles.
25 Clues: Middle part of the muscle. • The largest artery in the body. • Breathing in through the nose or mouth • Body organs that control the body’s vision. • An oval, bony case that protects the brain. • Small arteries that deliver blood to capillaries. • Body organs that excrete water and waste products. • Body organ that removes waste created by digestion. • ...
flower anatomy 2022-12-14
- unit of the female reproductive organ
- petals that get fused together
- modified leaves at the base of a flower
- sticky tissue at the end of the pistil
- rod-shaped middle part below the stigma
- flat-topped indeterminate inflorescence
- Flowers that have only female parts
- colorful leaf-like structures
- spike with unisexual flowers without
- the process of flowering going up the stem
- flower stem is referred as a
- green leaf-like structures under petals
- part of the pedicel that hold the flower
- main stem of an inflorescence
- flat-topped cluster of sessile flowers
- process of flowering going down the stem
- female part of plant
- sepals may be fused together
- plants that have male and female parts
- usually flat-topped inflorescence
20 Clues: female part of plant • sepals may be fused together • flower stem is referred as a • main stem of an inflorescence • colorful leaf-like structures • petals that get fused together • usually flat-topped inflorescence • Flowers that have only female parts • spike with unisexual flowers without • unit of the female reproductive organ • flat-topped cluster of sessile flowers • ...
Flower Anatomy 2022-12-14
- no female or male parts
- fused together and formed a structure
- green leaf-like structures
- holds the flower parts together
- the petals are and sepals
- the sticky tissue at the end of the pistil
- the sepals are fused together to form a calyx.
- the flower stem referred as the pedical
- The male part of the flower
- rod-shaped middle part
- the base of the flower or floral inflorescence.
- anther contains pollen
- leaf-like structures
- flower- has the every part of a flower
- filament holds up the sack-like anther
- Made of stalk-like
- a swollen base
- parts of a perianth
- the basic unit of the female reproductive organ.
- the female part of the flower
20 Clues: a swollen base • Made of stalk-like • parts of a perianth • leaf-like structures • rod-shaped middle part • anther contains pollen • no female or male parts • the petals are and sepals • green leaf-like structures • The male part of the flower • the female part of the flower • holds the flower parts together • fused together and formed a structure • ...
Human Anatomy 2023-08-07
- The rigid organ that forms the skeleton and supports the body.
- The upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow.
- The point where two or more bones meet and allow movement.
- The flexible column of bones that surrounds and protects the spinal cord.
- The outer covering of the body, protecting it from the environment.
- The organ that detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs, among other functions.
- The organ where food is partially digested and stored before entering the small intestine.
- The central organ of the nervous system, controlling various bodily functions.
- The terminal part of the arm, consisting of fingers and a thumb.
- The organ responsible for vision and sight.
- The lower limb between the knee and the ankle.
- The terminal part of the leg, used for standing and walking.
- The muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
- The long tube-like structure that aids in digestion and nutrient absorption.
- The pair of organs that filter waste products from the blood to form urine.
- The pair of organs responsible for breathing and gas exchange.
- The fluid that circulates through the body, carrying nutrients and oxygen.
- The bundle of fibers that transmit signals between the brain and other body parts.
- The tissue that contracts to produce movement in the body.
- The uppermost part of the body, containing the brain and sensory organs.
20 Clues: The organ responsible for vision and sight. • The lower limb between the knee and the ankle. • The upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow. • The muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body. • The point where two or more bones meet and allow movement. • The tissue that contracts to produce movement in the body. • ...
Anatomy Review 2024-01-02
- organelle that moves fluid over surface of the cell
- limb bones can be classified as
- thermoregulation is an example of a ____ feedback loop
- tissues that line body cavities
- term for muscle cells
- nerve receptors in the ear that respond to vibrations
- bone with the same width, length, and height
- structural classification of joints in the cranial bones of the skull
- bone with large surface area
- most basic unit of life
- has a fluid-filled cavity
- responsible for our “fight or flight” response
- finger bones
- blood clotting this a ___ feedback loop
- type of tissue that connect the bones with collagen fibers
- the most complex level of organization
- joint allows for the most maneuverability
- responsible for controlling voluntary movements
- bones that make up the ankle are called __.
- the largest part of the brain is the
- plane with two equal left and right sides
- thumb joint
- tissues that are the most abundant and widely distributed
- connect muscles to bone
24 Clues: thumb joint • finger bones • term for muscle cells • connect muscles to bone • most basic unit of life • has a fluid-filled cavity • bone with large surface area • limb bones can be classified as • tissues that line body cavities • the largest part of the brain is the • the most complex level of organization • blood clotting this a ___ feedback loop • ...
Knee Anatomy 2023-12-12
- What is the abbreviation for "Range of Motion"?
- Tendon damage caused by overuse and results in pain at the knee and the location of pain being tender to the touch
- What is the antonym used during injury evaluations?
- Ligament damage caused by hyperflexion and falling with knee bent
- What word is used when used at the end of an injury evaluation and determines what will be done to the patient?
- What word is used when an injury assessment is given during an injury evaluation?
- Ligament damage caused by varus force to the knee and internal rotation of the Tibia
- Which test is used to locate a PCL Tear?
- What word is used when observing an inAssessmentng an injury evaluation?
- Damage to ligaments, cartilage, and bones, caused by repeated trauma to the knee and causes popping in the knee
- Which test is used to locate an LCL Tear?
- Which test is used to locate an MCL Tear?
- Which test is used to locate an ACL Tear?
- Bursa is damaged by kneeling or by falling directly on the knee and results in a lump and soreness
- Ligament damage caused by valgus force lateral or external rotation of the Tibia
- Which side of the leg does the Gracilis lay on?
- Cartilage damage caused by weight bearing with rotational lateral force with extension
- What is the main muscle located on the anterior side of the leg?
- Fracture of the Patella Bone caused by a fall or pull of the patella and results in swelling and deformation of the knee.
- Which test is used to locate a Meniscus Tear?
- Capsule injury caused by a direct blow and causes loss of motion
- Which test is used to locate Patella Dislocation?
- What word is used to determine the MOI and type of injury during Injury Evaluation
- Which muscle is located on the posterior side of the leg and helps the action of knee flexion and hip extension?
- Ligament damage due to hyperextending the knee while hearing/feeling a popping sensation in the knee
25 Clues: Which test is used to locate a PCL Tear? • Which test is used to locate an LCL Tear? • Which test is used to locate an MCL Tear? • Which test is used to locate an ACL Tear? • Which test is used to locate a Meniscus Tear? • What is the abbreviation for "Range of Motion"? • Which side of the leg does the Gracilis lay on? • ...
Beef Anatomy 2023-11-27
Anatomy Voacab 2023-11-21
- cartilage the outer surface of the articulating portion of the epiphysis is coated with a layer of hyaline cartilage called articular cartilage.
- discs it is composed of many bony parts called vertebrae, that are separated by masses of fibrocartilage called intervertebral discs and are connected by ligaments
- A type of articulation permitting only slight movement, as between the vertebrae of the backbone
- an immovably fixed joint between bones connected by fibrous tissue
- articulation that proides free movement
- a deep groove
- bones plate-like shape with broad surface; examples: ribs, scapula
- union of two or more bones; articulation
- bone consists of many branching bony plates called trabeculae
- bone-building cells, called osteoblasts then deposit bone in place of calcified cartilage
- where two or more bones meet
- blood escapes from ruptured blood vessels and forms a hematoma
- bone very tightly packed tissue, which makes up the wall of the diaphysis
- expanded ends of bones that form joints with adjacent bones
- joints lie between bones taht closely contact one another and are held together by a thin layer of dense connective tissue
- remodeling osteoclasts resorb and osteblasts deposit bone throughtout life
- bones long with expanded ends; examples: arm and leg bones
- interlocking line of union between bones
- joints a layer of cartilage joins the bones of cartilaginous joints, articulating bones are connected by hyaline cartilage
- joints articulating surfaces
20 Clues: a deep groove • where two or more bones meet • joints articulating surfaces • articulation that proides free movement • interlocking line of union between bones • union of two or more bones; articulation • bones long with expanded ends; examples: arm and leg bones • expanded ends of bones that form joints with adjacent bones • ...
Anatomy Vocabulary 2023-11-21
- Type of fracture that occurs when bone breaks but does not puncture the skin.
- The hollow center of the diaphyses filled with marrow is called the _________ cavity.
- While the flexor bends the joint, the _______ extends/straightens the joint.
- Type of joint that does not allow for movement.
- Cells that form new bony tissue.
- The most abundant type of connective tissue. Found in ears, nose and trachea.
- This thin filament pulls on the myosin cross bridges as part of the Sliding Filament Theory.
- The structure that attaches the muscle to the bone.
- The layer of the skin that connects the dermis to the muscles and bones.
- A helper muscle that works alongside the prime mover.
- Type of connective tissue that surrounds bundles of muscle fibers.
- Specialized type of loose connective tissue that stores fat
- The inflammation of the skin often interchangeably used with eczema.
- The layer of the epidermis where keratinization begins is called the Stratum ________.
- A muscle _______ is a result of erratic nerve impulses.
- Type of bone that forms from sheet-like layers of connective tissue.
- End of the muscle that is pulled towards the origin during contraction.
- The ends of the bone surrounded by articular cartilage.
- Type of bone marrow that functions in storing fat.
- This element is most important in allowing the Sliding Filament Theory to function.
- The only one of three main types of muscle tissue that allow for voluntary contraction.
- Type of synovial joint located between metacarpals and phalanges.
- Rigor Mortis occurs right after death as a result of a lack of ___.
- Condition involving the painful degeneration of movable joints.
24 Clues: Cells that form new bony tissue. • Type of joint that does not allow for movement. • Type of bone marrow that functions in storing fat. • The structure that attaches the muscle to the bone. • A helper muscle that works alongside the prime mover. • A muscle _______ is a result of erratic nerve impulses. • The ends of the bone surrounded by articular cartilage. • ...
Anatomy bones 2023-11-22
20 Clues: rib • food • sport • brand • holiday • kneecap • jawbone • forehead • cheekbone • cartilage • firstcervical • borderofilium • secondcervical • posteriorindent • lateraloftroclea • posteriorsideoffemur • posteriortocalcaneus • dentbtweentubercules • anteriorsideofscapula • processinferiorpartofsternum
Plant Anatomy 2023-09-27
- where leaf attaches to the stem
- stalk that supports the anther
- tip of leaf
- seed bearing part, reproductive, before fruit
- part of flower that includes anther and filament
- how plants use sunlight, water, and CO2 to create O2 & Glucose(food)
- part of plant where most photosynthesis takes place
- modified leaves that surround flowers
- fleshy product of plant that contains seed
- female reproductive part of flower
- expanded part of leaf which performs photosynthesis
- stalk that supports stigma
- anchor of plant, provides water and nutrients
- plants unit of reproduction, will sprout to become new plant
- second thickest leaf vein on leaf
- slender stem that supports the blade of leaf
- outer edge of leaf
- sprout that begins leaf
- entire female part of flower, includes stigma, style, ovary
- part of flower that grows into a fruit
- central vein of leaf
- supportive structure of plant
- male reproductive part of flower, produces pollen
23 Clues: tip of leaf • outer edge of leaf • central vein of leaf • sprout that begins leaf • stalk that supports stigma • supportive structure of plant • stalk that supports the anther • where leaf attaches to the stem • second thickest leaf vein on leaf • female reproductive part of flower • modified leaves that surround flowers • part of flower that grows into a fruit • ...
Anatomy PALIA 2024-01-30
- What gland produces oil?
- Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium is found on this layer of the epidermis.
- This structure is made of elastic cartilage, closes over the larynx, and keeps food from entering the lungs.
- the thickest layer of the skin?
- What sits on CV1?
- There are 7 of what type of vertebrae in the axial skeleton?
- Which canal contains the cranial nerve II?
- What is the name for the cervical vertebrae, CV1?
- What part of the skin is avascular but contains nerve and nerve endings?
- Which bone is located in the tendons?
- The scapula is a bone expanded into 1 plane, what type of bone is the scapula?
- What is the layer deep to the epidermis with deep irregular connective tissue, is vascular,
- What is the term used for the two ends of a long bone?
- Term for rib that does not have an anterior attachment
- cervical vertebrae have transverse foramen for the passage of an ____?
- What is avascular but contains nerves and nerve endings with 5 layers?
- The organ system that is composed with bones and cartilage: skeletal
- The fluid moved in and out of cartilage
- left parts.
- The epidermis and the dermis lie on top of what underlying tissue?
- What type of cartilage is found between the ribs and sternum?
- Any vertical plane that parallels the median plane and divides the body into unequal right
- What vertebrae have no transverse foramina and no costal facets?
- The thickest portion of the skin is on the ___ and is about 1/2 cm.
- What is composed of the 12 organ systems?
- Cells and tissues are structures that are seen with the aid of a microscope. What term is used to describe this?
26 Clues: left parts. • What sits on CV1? • What gland produces oil? • the thickest layer of the skin? • Which bone is located in the tendons? • The fluid moved in and out of cartilage • What is composed of the 12 organ systems? • Which canal contains the cranial nerve II? • What is the name for the cervical vertebrae, CV1? • What is the term used for the two ends of a long bone? • ...
Anatomy PALIA 2024-01-30
- cervical vertebrae have transverse foramen for the passage of an ____?
- The thickest portion of the skin is on the ___ and is about 1/2 cm.
- What is the term used for the two ends of a long bone?
- What sits on CV1?
- Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium is found on this layer of the epidermis.
- The scapula is a bone expanded into 1 plane, what type of bone is the scapula?
- left parts.
- The epidermis and the dermis lie on top of what underlying tissue?
- Which bone is located in the tendons?
- What part of the skin is avascular but contains nerve and nerve endings?
- Cells and tissues are structures that are seen with the aid of a microscope. What term is used to describe this?
- Any vertical plane that parallels the median plane and divides the body into unequal right
- The fluid moved in and out of cartilage
- What is composed of the 12 organ systems?
- The organ system that is composed with bones and cartilage: skeletal
- What type of cartilage is found between the ribs and sternum?
- There are 7 of what type of vertebrae in the axial skeleton?
- Term for rib that does not have an anterior attachment
- What is avascular but contains nerves and nerve endings with 5 layers?
- What gland produces oil?
- Which canal contains the cranial nerve II?
- This structure is made of elastic cartilage, closes over the larynx, and keeps food from entering the lungs.
- What is the layer deep to the epidermis with deep irregular connective tissue, is vascular,and the thickest layer of the skin?
- What is the name for the cervical vertebrae, CV1?
- What vertebrae have no transverse foramina and no costal facets?
25 Clues: left parts. • What sits on CV1? • What gland produces oil? • Which bone is located in the tendons? • The fluid moved in and out of cartilage • What is composed of the 12 organ systems? • Which canal contains the cranial nerve II? • What is the name for the cervical vertebrae, CV1? • What is the term used for the two ends of a long bone? • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2023-10-09
- Body parts towards the middle of the body
- Another name for the chest cavity
- Muscle underneath the lungs to aid with breathing
- Cavity containing the eyes
- Position when standing upright and facing forward
- Body parts towards front of body (aka ventral)
- Body parts close to the point of reference
- Body parts towards the side of the body
- Body parts near the "tail" of the body
- Plane when body is divided in top and bottom half
- Divides body into left and right sides
- Body parts towards the back of the body (aka dorsal)
- Body parts above other parts
- Divides the body into front and back
- Continuous cavity on the back of the body
- Cavity on the front of the body
- Body parts near the head
- Cavity containing the teeth and tongue
- Body parts below other parts
- Cavity containing the nose
- Body parts distant from the point of reference
- Cavity beneath the diaphragm
22 Clues: Body parts near the head • Cavity containing the eyes • Cavity containing the nose • Body parts above other parts • Body parts below other parts • Cavity beneath the diaphragm • Cavity on the front of the body • Another name for the chest cavity • Divides the body into front and back • Cavity containing the teeth and tongue • Body parts near the "tail" of the body • ...
Anatomy Review 2023-10-12
- Carries food downward from the leaves to the roots
- Center of tree that is the oldest
- The cell layer that is the growing part of the trunk
- Leaf venation that looks like palm of hand
- Seeds that are made out of a single embryonic leaf or cotyledon
- Type of leaf that has one blade/leaf per stem
- Pipeline through which food is passed to the rest of the tree
- Large strengthened vein along the midline of a leaf
- Tree's protection from the outside world
- Seeds which have two embryonic leaves and cotyledons
- Type of leaf that has multiple blades/leaf per stem
- Type of tissue at the tip of a plant root
- A component of vascular tissue, together with phloem and cambium that its main roles are transporting water.
- The tree's pipeline for water moving up to the leaves
- A protective tissue that covers the entire surface of the plant
- Flat and thin structure of the leaf that contains the chloroplast and the stomata
- Collect water and mineral nutrients in the soil to be sent throughout the plant
- The central, supporting pillar of the tree
- Type of root that is one long with small hairs
- Outer edge of a leaf
- Something that has many branching roots
21 Clues: Outer edge of a leaf • Center of tree that is the oldest • Something that has many branching roots • Tree's protection from the outside world • Type of tissue at the tip of a plant root • Leaf venation that looks like palm of hand • The central, supporting pillar of the tree • Type of leaf that has one blade/leaf per stem • Type of root that is one long with small hairs • ...
Muscle Anatomy 2024-04-30
- each muscle cell/fiber is surrounded by a membrane called
- muscles become smaller and weak due to disuse
- Gap between the neuron and motor end plate
- The functional unit inside of a muscle fiber is called
- the muscle fiber & the motor neuron
- Fascicles are surrounded by a membrane called
- is the boundary between sarcomeres where they connect
- The Sarcomere is part of the fiber that contains
- Enlargement of a muscle
- The plasma membrane of muscle cells has a special name
- the muscle loses ability to contract after prolonged exercise or strain
- sustained involuntary contraction
- When thick and thin fliaments overlap
- A single muscle cell is called a muscle
- Each muscle cell/fiber has smaller fibers within it called
- Folded area of sarcolemma where the muscle and neuron communicate
- Enzyme that breaks down ACH
- Each muscle is surrounded by a membrane called the
- Inside skeletal muscle, fibers are organized into bundles called
- Sustained contraction of individual fibers, even when the muscle is at rest
20 Clues: Enlargement of a muscle • Enzyme that breaks down ACH • sustained involuntary contraction • the muscle fiber & the motor neuron • When thick and thin fliaments overlap • A single muscle cell is called a muscle • Gap between the neuron and motor end plate • muscles become smaller and weak due to disuse • Fascicles are surrounded by a membrane called • ...
Anatomy Terms 2024-09-06
- The plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions.
- The hand is _______ to the elbow.
- The upper middle section of the abdomen.
- The cavity that includes the heart, esophagus, and trachea.
- The section of the abdomen that is in the middle-left section of one's abdomen.
- The heart is ______ to the brain.
- The right middle section of the abdomen.
- The appendix is in the _________ region of the abdomen.
- The cavity that includes the spine.
- The plane that divides the body into an upper and. lower section.
- The body cavity that includes the cranial and spinal cavities.
- The regional term that includes the spinal cord.
- Regional term for the hip.
- The cavity that contains the brain.
- The word that means "toward the front surface."
- The regional term that includes the wrist.
- The regional term that describes the arm
- The term that describes being closer to the head.
- The term for the armpit.
- The regional term for the calf.
- The region of the abdomen that includes the inferior portion of the small intestine.
- The major cavity that includes the pelvis and abdomen.
- The regional term for your foot.
- The term that means on opposite sides.
- The skin is ______ to the bones.
- The knee is _______ to the foot.
- The term that describes the knee.
- The regional term that contains the scapula.
- The term for the elbow.
- The arm is _____ to the heart.
- The regional term that describes the back of the head.
- The plane that divides the body into left and right portions.
- The abdominal region that contains the belly button.
- The body cavity that contains the lungs.
- The regional term that includes the nose.
- The section of the abdominal region that includes the gall bladder.
- The cavity that includes the bladder and reproductive organs.
- The regional term that includes the hip.
- The regional term that includes the cheek.
- The region anterior to the elbow.
- The region posterior to the knee.
41 Clues: The term for the elbow. • The term for the armpit. • Regional term for the hip. • The arm is _____ to the heart. • The regional term for the calf. • The regional term for your foot. • The skin is ______ to the bones. • The knee is _______ to the foot. • The term that describes the knee. • The hand is _______ to the elbow. • The heart is ______ to the brain. • ...
Anatomy Terms 2024-09-06
- The plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions.
- The hand is _______ to the elbow.
- The upper middle section of the abdomen.
- The cavity that includes the heart, esophagus, and trachea.
- The section of the abdomen that is in the middle-left section of one's abdomen.
- The heart is ______ to the brain.
- The right middle section of the abdomen.
- The appendix is in the _________ region of the abdomen.
- The cavity that includes the spine.
- The plane that divides the body into an upper and. lower section.
- The body cavity that includes the cranial and spinal cavities.
- The regional term that includes the spinal cord.
- Regional term for the hip.
- The cavity that contains the brain.
- The word that means "toward the front surface."
- The regional term that includes the wrist.
- The regional term that describes the arm
- The term that describes being closer to the head.
- The term for the armpit.
- The regional term for the calf.
- The region of the abdomen that includes the inferior portion of the small intestine.
- The major cavity that includes the pelvis and abdomen.
- The regional term for your foot.
- The term that means on opposite sides.
- The skin is ______ to the bones.
- The knee is _______ to the foot.
- The term that describes the knee.
- The regional term that contains the scapula.
- The term for the elbow.
- The arm is _____ to the heart.
- The regional term that describes the back of the head.
- The plane that divides the body into left and right portions.
- The abdominal region that contains the belly button.
- The body cavity that contains the lungs.
- The regional term that includes the nose.
- The section of the abdominal region that includes the gall bladder.
- The cavity that includes the bladder and reproductive organs.
- The regional term that includes the hip.
- The regional term that includes the cheek.
- The region anterior to the elbow.
- The region posterior to the knee.
41 Clues: The term for the elbow. • The term for the armpit. • Regional term for the hip. • The arm is _____ to the heart. • The regional term for the calf. • The regional term for your foot. • The skin is ______ to the bones. • The knee is _______ to the foot. • The term that describes the knee. • The hand is _______ to the elbow. • The heart is ______ to the brain. • ...
Brain Anatomy 2024-09-24
- Main function of the Hypothalamus
- The movie we watched about syphilis
- language, memory, emotions
- hearing and vision
- sensory information
- scan for muscles
- What period we have this class
- motor skills, memory, problem solving speech
- scan for organs, bones, and soft tissues
- regulates heartbeat
- emotional controller of the brain
- Where the prison experiment was held
- Basal Ganglia is at the top of where
- language processing
- Location of amygdala
- What is the function of basal ganglia
- second word after frontal, parietal, occipital, etc.
- The medulla oblongata is located at the bottom of what part of the brain
- Midbrain is below what part of the brain
- A gang of what?
- Who teaches this class
- scan for just organs and tissues
- Is Hypothalamus Dorsal or Ventral
- Is cerebellum front or back of the head
- color, visual information, motion
25 Clues: A gang of what? • scan for muscles • hearing and vision • language processing • sensory information • regulates heartbeat • Location of amygdala • Who teaches this class • language, memory, emotions • What period we have this class • scan for just organs and tissues • Main function of the Hypothalamus • Is Hypothalamus Dorsal or Ventral • color, visual information, motion • ...
Human Anatomy 2024-06-02
- Example of a muscle involved in elbow flexion.
- Component of skeletal muscles that lines blood vessels.
- Type of attachment where muscle belly attaches to the skeleton.
- Principal muscle involved in any one joint movement.
- Percentage of total body weight accounted for by skeletal muscles.
- Opposite muscle to the prime mover.
- One of the important roles of antagonistic muscles in muscle function.
- Activated to flex the knee joint as an antagonistic muscle to the quadriceps femoris.
- Component of skeletal muscles that transmit signals to and from the brain.
- Surrounds each skeletal muscle as dense irregular connective tissue.
- Example of an agonist muscle involved in knee extension.
- Major component contained within the muscle belly.
- Connective tissue found in minor components of skeletal muscles.
- Component of skeletal muscles that includes arteries and veins.
- Superficial and visible muscle of the calf with medial and lateral heads.
- Connective tissue contained within tendons and/or aponeuroses.
- Major component surrounding skeletal muscles.
- The movable end of a muscle that attaches to the bone being pulled.
- Muscle deep to the gastrocnemius.
- Manner in which actions of skeletal muscles are covered, working from head to toes.
- Fibrous connective tissues that attach muscle to bone.
- Part of the muscle that contains skeletal muscle fibres.
- Collective term for the calf muscles.
- Muscles responsible for forming smiles, frowns, etc.
- System used to name skeletal muscles.
- Small muscle located on the medial side of the foot.
- The fixed bone to which the muscle's attachment is located.
- Approximate number of skeletal muscles in the human body.
- Shares a common action, innervation, and blood supply.
29 Clues: Muscle deep to the gastrocnemius. • Opposite muscle to the prime mover. • Collective term for the calf muscles. • System used to name skeletal muscles. • Major component surrounding skeletal muscles. • Example of a muscle involved in elbow flexion. • Major component contained within the muscle belly. • Principal muscle involved in any one joint movement. • ...
Frog Anatomy 2024-06-03
- stores waste
- near the stomach, and stores and eliminates blood cells
- filter blood and make urine
- A hopping amphibian
- hearing
- deliver oxygen to the body
- all waste is collected
- stores urine
- carries blood back to the heart
- digestion, uptake of sugar
- stores bile,part of the digestive system
- Catches pray
- moves digested food out of the body
- carries blood away
- the first part of the small intestine
- carry eggs in female frogs
- stores food
- Holds coils of the small intestine
- air opening to exchange gases
- protects eye
20 Clues: hearing • stores food • Catches pray • stores waste • protects eye • stores urine • carries blood away • A hopping amphibian • all waste is collected • carry eggs in female frogs • deliver oxygen to the body • digestion, uptake of sugar • filter blood and make urine • air opening to exchange gases • carries blood back to the heart • Holds coils of the small intestine • ...
Frog Anatomy 2024-06-03
- Moves digested food out of the body; part of the digestive system
- The first part of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach, leading to the jejunum; part of the digestive system
- First site of chemical digestion; part of the digestive system
- All waste is collected; part of the digestive system
- The two upper chambers of the heart; part of the circulatory system
- Organ near the stomach that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells
- Carries eggs in female frogs; part of the reproductive system
- Thin membrane that holds the coils of the small intestine
- Stores urine; part of the excretory system
- The first part of the small intestine immediately beyond the stomach, leading to the jejunum; part of the digestive system
- Air opening to exchange gases
- Catches prey
- Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart; part of the circulatory system
- Tube behind tounge
- Lower chamber of the heart;part of the circulatory system
- Digestion, uptake of sugar; part of the digestive system
- Deliver oxygen to the body; part of the respiratory system
- Filters blood, makes urine; part of the excretory system
- Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart; part of the circulatory system
- Masses of fat in the body cavities of frogs needed for hibernating and matching; considered part of the reproductive system in the frog
- Largest digestive gland or organ in the body of the frog: part of the digestive system
- Stores solid waste, eggs, sperm; part of the excretory system, reproductive system, and the digestive system
22 Clues: Catches prey • Tube behind tounge • Air opening to exchange gases • Stores urine; part of the excretory system • All waste is collected; part of the digestive system • Digestion, uptake of sugar; part of the digestive system • Filters blood, makes urine; part of the excretory system • Lower chamber of the heart;part of the circulatory system • ...
Anatomy Crossword 2024-12-04
- Bone that forms the orbit of the eye, zygomatic bone and superior dentition
- gland, Produces melatonin
- Organ in the female that produces hormones necessary for pregnancy
- lobe, Visual cortex of the brain
- Also called the windpipe
- femoris, Muscle is part of the quadricep group
- Structure that propels food from mouth to stomach
- Muscle name is a geometrical shape that extends to the thoracic spine
- Ventricle, Most muscular of all chambers of the heart
- Soft tissue extension of the soft palate seen in many cartoons when characters scream
- Largest muscle of the rotator cuff
- Anterior, Muscle of the anterior compartment of the leg
- Longest muscle of the body
- coronary artery, Coronary vessel that supplies the right side of the heart
- The point at which the trachea bifurcates into the primary bronchus
- Triangular shaped muscle commonly used for intramuscular injections
- foramen, Small opening in the maxilla provides sensory to cheek lower eyelid and upper lip
- Bone in the posterior skull and has a protuberance
- Muscle that helps form the wall of the cheek and helps with chewing
- Organ of the abdomen that produces insulin
- Largest artery of the body and supplies multiple organs with oxygenated blood
- anterior, Muscle with jagged edges named for its serrated border
- Tube from kidney to bladder
- Turcica, Literally meaning "Turkish saddle" an impression of the sphenoid bone
- atrium, Chamber of the heart with the sinoatrial node
25 Clues: Also called the windpipe • gland, Produces melatonin • Longest muscle of the body • Tube from kidney to bladder • lobe, Visual cortex of the brain • Largest muscle of the rotator cuff • Organ of the abdomen that produces insulin • femoris, Muscle is part of the quadricep group • Structure that propels food from mouth to stomach • ...
Alyssa 18 2024-03-03
- favorite tv show
- favorite disney character
- favorite color
- favorite childhood toy
- preferred reading
- worst school subject
- favorite shoe brand
- beloved snack
- best school subject
- best past time
- beau
- music lover
- disney princess most like
- favorite store cookie
- how many hubcaps she owns
- favorite sis
- princess form at disney
- new favorite sandwich abbr.
18 Clues: beau • music lover • favorite sis • beloved snack • best past time • favorite color • favorite tv show • preferred reading • favorite shoe brand • best school subject • worst school subject • favorite store cookie • favorite childhood toy • princess form at disney • favorite disney character • disney princess most like • how many hubcaps she owns • new favorite sandwich abbr.
Act 3, Scene 2 2022-11-21
10 Clues: - passion • - captured • - to greet, • - schoolmaster • - rebuke, scold • - distinguished • - skeleton, body • - sleeping, timid • - sworn testimony • - fit of laughter
ชื่อวิชาชีววิทยา 2023-03-24
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพฤติกรรมของสัตว์
- การนำชีววิทยา มาประยุกต์ใช้
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับหนอนและพยาธิต่าง ๆ(Helminth=หนอน)
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับจุลชีพ คือ แบคทีเรีย ไวรัส
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพยาธิ ปรสิตต่าง ๆ
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์เลี้ยงลูกด้วยนม
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับวิวัฒนาการ
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเนื้อเยื่อต่าง ๆ
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการจัดจำพวกของสิ่งมีชีวิต
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็ดรา
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็บและไร
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโพรโตซัว
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปลา (มีนวิทยา ;Icthyo=ปลา)
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสาหร่าย
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับนก
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับระบบนิเวศ
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการถ่ายทอดลักษณะทางพันธุกรรม
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับไวรัส
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับกายวิภาค โครงสร้างต่าง ๆ ของสิ่งมีชีวิต
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับตัวอ่อนของสิ่งมีชีวิตและการพัฒนาการ
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรีย
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับหอย
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสารชีวโมเลกุล และกระบวนการ Metabolism
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับการทางานของโครงสร้างร่างกายต่างๆ
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเซลล์
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโครงสร้างและสัณฐานของสิ่งมีชีวิต
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับซากดึกดาบรรพ์
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแมลง
- ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืช
30 Clues: ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับนก • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับหอย • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับพืช • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแมลง • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับไวรัส • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสัตว์ • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเซลล์ • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็ดรา • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับสาหร่าย • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับโพรโตซัว • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับระบบนิเวศ • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแบคทีเรีย • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับเห็บและไร • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับวิวัฒนาการ • การนำชีววิทยา มาประยุกต์ใช้ • ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับซากดึกดาบรรพ์ • ...
Premed crossword 2024-04-01
- - Person receiving medical care
- - Body functions
- - Imaging technique
- - Elevated body temperature
- - Study of diseases
- - Needs to pass the NCLEX
- - Medical professional
- - Atomic composition
- - Study of the nervous system
- - Chemical processes in living organisms
- - Microscopic organisms
- - Inherited traits
- - Study of life
- - Body structure
- - Medical operation
- - Immunization
- - Circulatory fluid
- - Treatment for illness
- - Medical facility
- - Set of: Heart rate, blood pressure, SpO2
20 Clues: - Immunization • - Study of life • - Body structure • - Body functions • - Medical facility • - Inherited traits • - Medical operation • - Imaging technique • - Circulatory fluid • - Study of diseases • - Atomic composition • - Medical professional • - Treatment for illness • - Microscopic organisms • - Needs to pass the NCLEX • - Elevated body temperature • - Study of the nervous system • ...
9 2024-09-05
- Viral outbreak
- Monster attack
- Dark fantasy
- Foggy town
- Deadly fog
- Zombie comedy
- Cursed woman
- Japanese curse
- Killer plants
- Home invasion
- Alien parasites
- Haunted house
- Torture tourism
- Outback killer
- Cave horror
- Vampire child
- Alaska vampires
- Cursed tape
- Rage virus
- Spanish ghosts
- Mike Enslin in 1408 movie
- Found footage
- Infected building
- Deadly anatomy
- Deadly traps
25 Clues: Foggy town • Deadly fog • Rage virus • Cave horror • Cursed tape • Dark fantasy • Cursed woman • Deadly traps • Haunted house • Vampire child • Zombie comedy • Found footage • Killer plants • Home invasion • Viral outbreak • Monster attack • Outback killer • Spanish ghosts • Japanese curse • Deadly anatomy • Torture tourism • Alaska vampires • Alien parasites • Infected building • Mike Enslin in 1408 movie
Terminology 2019-10-08
26 Clues: not • per • two • lung • blue • first • tetra • heart • Kan-de • stigma • occular • kneecap • study of • away from • frostbite • years old • fluid serum • inflammation • complaining of • electrocardiogram • form into one part • pertaining to muscle • prefix for epigastric • pertaining to the skin • study of body structure • clinical lab scientists
Genres 2022-08-09
12 Clues: / Westworld • / The 100 • / True Detective • / The Office • / Godless • / Planet Earth • / Riverdale • / Breaking Bad • / One Piece • / American Horror Story • / Grey's Anatomy • / The Crown
open house yay 2023-08-03
AHSP 20024 2023-12-26
Terminology 2019-10-08
26 Clues: two • per • not • lung • blue • first • tetra • heart • stigma • Kan-de • kneecap • occular • study of • away from • years old • fluid serum • inflammation • complaining of • work frostbite • electrocardiogram • form into one part • pertaining to muscle • prefix for epigastric • pertaining to the skin • clinical lab scientists • study of body structure
On Screen 2a Vocabulary 2023-10-24
- łodyga
- łuski
- przeżyć
- tysiąclecie
- płytki
- zamiatać
- długi, szpiczasty nos
- owijać
- prąd
- zapładniać
- wodorosty
- zasysać
- występować
- pęcherz
- kameleon
- niewątpliwie
- ujście rzeki
- ostre kolce
- przypominać (kogoś)
- kończyny
- poważne niebezpieczeństwo
- budowa ciała
- skrzela
- ewoluować
- zagrożony
- szczególny
- anatomia, budowa
- funkcja, rola
- przyczepiony, załączony
- w ciąży
- folklor
- na zawsze
- płetwa
33 Clues: prąd • łuski • łodyga • płytki • owijać • płetwa • przeżyć • skrzela • w ciąży • folklor • zasysać • pęcherz • kończyny • zamiatać • kameleon • ewoluować • zagrożony • wodorosty • na zawsze • szczególny • zapładniać • występować • ostre kolce • tysiąclecie • budowa ciała • niewątpliwie • ujście rzeki • funkcja, rola • anatomia, budowa • przypominać (kogoś) • długi, szpiczasty nos • przyczepiony, załączony • poważne niebezpieczeństwo
Chapter 1 2024-01-17
12 Clues: back • groin • a covering • up + to cut • on + stomach • mass + small • within + sift • heart + vessel • below + cartilage • around + stretched • before or opposite + elbow • same or like + standing still
- / Nerve which supplies the bicep brachii muscle
- / The part of a bone that is covered with articular cartilage is the ________________
- / Number of cervical and lumbar vertebrae combined
- / Flexor of the forearm
- / The sternoclavicular joint is classified as a ________________ joint
- pollicis longus / Tendon which makes up part of the anatomical snuff box
- / A capsular ligament of the hip
- / Where is the sole line?
- / Acromioclavicular joint is classified as what type of joint
- / What canals transmit blood vessels to osteons deep inside the bone
- / Ligament connecting adjacent vertebra spinous processes
- Major / The insertion of this muscle is the lesser trochanter of the femur
- / What is the function of the rhomboid major?
- anterior / Which muscle protracts the scapula?
- medius / Which muscle originates on the external surface of the ilium between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines and inserts on the lateral surface of the greater trochanter?
- / The 11th and 12th ribs are known as?
- / The annular ligament surrounds the head of this bone
- / Gastrocnemius plantarflexes the foot and also ________________ the knee
- / The origin of this muscle is the coracoid process
- / A muscle that crosses two joints
- / Muscle which opposes the prime mover
- Longus / The insertion of this muscle is the base of the 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
- The head of the femur articulates with what?
- / What muscle medially rotates the shoulder
- rotation / How can you identify the Greater Trochanter?
- / Which muscle runs through the greater sciatic foramen?
- / The gluteus maximus and ________________ muscle share an insertion, but have opposing actions
- / Immature cartilage cells are called
- / The sustentaculum tali is an attachment point of which ligament
- / Most commonly injured ligament of the ankle
- / Which muscle is described here: Origin- posterior surface of proximal tibia & Insertion- lateral femoral condyle
- / The bilateral upper fibres of trapezius do what to the head/neck
- oblique / Which muscle is described here: Origin – lower eight rib; Insertion – anterior part of iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
- spinae / Which spinal muscle is made up of Iliocostalis, Longissimus and Spinalis components?
- Dorsi / Originates on T7 – L5 sacrum and iliac crest
- / The zona orbicularis are joint capsule fibres of which joint?
- / Cell type responsible for breaking down bone matrix
- plate / Bones grow in length here
- / The irregular folds of synovial membrane found in the knee joint are known as ________________
- abdominus / Which muscle originates on the crest of the pubis and Pubis Symphysis and inserts onto the Xiphoid process and 5th/6th and 7th ribs
- / Ligamentum Nuchae is specific to which area of the spine?
- / The patella is this type of bone
- The number of carpal bones in the hand
- / You would find this bony feature on a vertebrae
- / Muscle which aids in ulnar deviation of the wrist
- tubercle / You would find this bony feature on the clavicle
46 Clues: / Flexor of the forearm • / Where is the sole line? • / A capsular ligament of the hip • / A muscle that crosses two joints • plate / Bones grow in length here • / The patella is this type of bone • / Immature cartilage cells are called • The number of carpal bones in the hand • / Muscle which opposes the prime mover • / The 11th and 12th ribs are known as? • ...
Anatomy cruci 2019-03-14
- Numero dei tessuti umani
- Controlla il tessuto muscolare liscio
- Accentuazione della curvatura fisiologica lombare
- Introflessione dell'epidermide
- Arteria con sangue privo di ossigeno
- Ossa del cranio
- Producono nuovo tessuto osseo
- Rotula
- Canale in cui passa il midollo
- Prodotti dalle ghiandole endocrine
- Presenta osso spugnoso
- Contenuti nei canali di Havers
- Molti nelle cellule muscolari
- Articolazioni mobili
- Organo dell'apparato scheletrico
- Divide il tessuto epitelio dal connettivo
- Porzione terminale dello sterno
- Tessuto connettivo liquido
- Epitelio con cellule di diversa altezza
- Parte liquida del sangue
- Parte secernente della ghiandola
- Perone
- Privi di nucleo
- Posseggono movimenti ameboidi
- Membrana che riveste esternamente l'osso
- Ricevono l'impulso nervoso
- Numero delle stazioni linfatiche
27 Clues: Perone • Rotula • Ossa del cranio • Privi di nucleo • Articolazioni mobili • Presenta osso spugnoso • Numero dei tessuti umani • Parte liquida del sangue • Tessuto connettivo liquido • Ricevono l'impulso nervoso • Producono nuovo tessuto osseo • Posseggono movimenti ameboidi • Molti nelle cellule muscolari • Introflessione dell'epidermide • Canale in cui passa il midollo • ...
Anatomy Introduction 2022-01-23
- tail bone
- meat of trunk/groin
- shoulder blade
- heal
- check
- process inside a human cell in which DNA makes a copy of itself
- chin
- another term similar to anterior for humans
- bottom of foot
- monomer of sugar
- term for the backside or “back” in the anatomical position
- thigh
- arm
- head
- back of knee
- point of shoulder
- the skin is _________________ to the skeletal bones.
- muscle tissue that is voluntary
- cell part that makes energy
- shin
- a type of a protein
- anterior elbow
- thigh
- calf
- ankles
25 Clues: arm • head • heal • shin • chin • calf • check • thigh • thigh • ankles • tail bone • back of knee • shoulder blade • bottom of foot • anterior elbow • monomer of sugar • point of shoulder • meat of trunk/groin • a type of a protein • cell part that makes energy • muscle tissue that is voluntary • another term similar to anterior for humans • the skin is _________________ to the skeletal bones. • ...
Anatomy puzzles 2020-05-25
- Largest carpal bone
- Strongest bone
- Larget tarsal bone
- Bone formed by fusion of 5 vertebra
- Part of sternum which possess suprasternalnotch
- Cervical vertebra with longest spinous process
- 1st cervical vertebra
- Bone which possess anterior oblique line
- Tuberocity is present on this part of hip bone
- Bone which resembles short sword
- The part of humerus where ulna articulates
- Upper border of hip bone
- Half moon Shaped Carpal bone
- Sacropelvic surface is present on this part of hip bone
- A cavity where femur articulates
- Bone which possess anatomical neck
- Bone with tubercal & angle
- Bone which have head at its lower end
- Vertera with odontoid process
- Homologus bone of lower extrimity to ulna
- Boat shaped carpal bone
- Prismoid bone
- 1st bone in the body to ossify
- Bone which gives origin to biceps brachii muscle
- Longest & strongest bone
25 Clues: Prismoid bone • Strongest bone • Larget tarsal bone • Largest carpal bone • 1st cervical vertebra • Boat shaped carpal bone • Longest & strongest bone • Upper border of hip bone • Bone with tubercal & angle • Half moon Shaped Carpal bone • Vertera with odontoid process • 1st bone in the body to ossify • A cavity where femur articulates • Bone which resembles short sword • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2020-09-03
- study of structure of organisms and its parts
- study of function of living organisms and its parts
- produces bile,detoxifies drugs and alcohol
- inflammation of inner lining of uterus
- example of unicellular organism
- inflammation of stomach
- building blocks of life
- inflammation of urinary bladder
- small body in the cell concerned with protein synthesis
- liquid connective tissue
- exchange of gases happens here
- heart of the cell
- chromosomes are made of this chemical
- gel like substance within a living cell
- infection/inflammation of lungs
- produces insulin and digestive enzymes
- complex molecules broken down to simple molecules with release of energy
- removes waste and helps control BP
- inflammation of the uterus
- how many valves in the heart
- membrane covering the heart
- produces hydrochloric acid
- power house of cell
- upper chamber of heart
- part of the body that helps in synthesis of vitamin d
- voice box
26 Clues: voice box • heart of the cell • power house of cell • upper chamber of heart • inflammation of stomach • building blocks of life • liquid connective tissue • inflammation of the uterus • produces hydrochloric acid • membrane covering the heart • how many valves in the heart • exchange of gases happens here • infection/inflammation of lungs • example of unicellular organism • ...
Anatomy & Physiology 2020-06-07
- retinopathy, damage to the retina in diabetic patients from hemorrhage of vessels
- cell that forms bone tissue
- gland, one of 4 pea-shaped glands located or embedded in the thyroid that secrete parathyroid hormone, increasing blood levels of calcium
- pear-shaped sac located on the inferior surface of the liver; stores bile to aid in digestion and fat absorption
- involuntary discharge of urine
- the phase of metabolism in which cells are broken down
- bands of fibrous connective tissue connecting the articulating ends of bones to facilitate or limit movement
- air sacs at the ends of the bronchioles where the gas exchange occurs
- the upper portion of the large intestine; contains the appendix
- ringing in the ear
- first 30 days after birth
- inferior portion of hip bones supporting the body weight when sitting
- node located in the upper wall of the atrium; pacemaker of the heart
- uncontrollable episodes of falling asleep; also known as sleep epilepsy
- a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that blocks respiration
- phase of metabolism in which cells are built or repaired
- hardening of the arteries and loss of elasticity resulting from thickening of the vessel wall
- first female menses; usually occurs between 9 and 15 years of age
- nervosa, eating disorder characterized by binge eating and purging
- inflammation and pain, usually of the great toes or thumbs, caused by accumulation of uric acid crystals
20 Clues: ringing in the ear • first 30 days after birth • cell that forms bone tissue • involuntary discharge of urine • the phase of metabolism in which cells are broken down • phase of metabolism in which cells are built or repaired • the upper portion of the large intestine; contains the appendix • first female menses; usually occurs between 9 and 15 years of age • ...
anatomy vocabulary 2021-12-03
- organelle used in protein synthesis, needed for translation
- “carriers” of rna that produces amino acids, brings needed amino acid to ribosome based on mRNA sequence
- strand DNA strand containing DNA triplets that specify amino acid order
- provide genetic information, x shaped distinct structures that coil during cell division, specifically prophase
- product of transcription, used to produce copies of genetic information that leave the nucleus and transfer to cytoplasm
- binds to codon, contains three bases
- part of the chromosome spindles attach to during mitosis
- activation the process by which a DNA molecule is uncoiled and histones are removed temporarily, at a specific gene
- regions that are eliminate when RNA processing occurs, does not contain code
- creates and stores proteins instructions, controls the order of amino acids, double helix
- damaged genes that alter genetic code, damaging nucleotide sequence
- the process by which amino acids are formed, aka polypeptides, through the use of mRNA created by transcription
- strand DNA strand used as a model for the creation of mRNA, contains complementary triplets
- the protein that makes, x up the nuclei
- a specific location on chromosome, basic unit of heredity, contains DNA triplets
- messenger to cells, control segment located at the beginning of gene
- code the chemical instruction in DNA and RNA that determines amino acid sequence
- created through the loose coiling of nucleosomes, tangle of filaments
- polymerase an enzyme in which bonds to a protomer
- synthesis occurs in cytoplasm, the creation of amino acid chains (polypeptide)
- comprised of three bases, used for mRNA sequencing
- opposite of intron, contains code for proteins, spliced together as RNA processing takes place
- the process by which mRNA is produced from a template strand of DNA
23 Clues: binds to codon, contains three bases • the protein that makes, x up the nuclei • polymerase an enzyme in which bonds to a protomer • comprised of three bases, used for mRNA sequencing • part of the chromosome spindles attach to during mitosis • organelle used in protein synthesis, needed for translation • ...
Poultry Anatomy 2022-02-10
- 42 bones
- only 1 bone
- bacterial activity, water absorption, and waste storage
- Bones No shafts: spongey bone with layers of compact bone.
- complex sugar molecule, broken down into glucose
- produced by the liver and breaks down ingested fats
- muscle responsible for voluntary movement and body shape. Attached to bones by tendons.
- Tibia and Fibula
- flight muscles, short bursts of movement, less myoglobin, fewer blood vessels, less fat, and less color
- simple sugar that is a main source of energy
- fatty or waxy organic compound involved in energy storage (e.g., cholesterol)
- common chamber for GI and urinary tracts
- Bones i.e. vertebrae.
- Connects from Duodenal Loop to Ileum. Receives bile from Liver or Gall Bladder to break down fats
- vertebrae that are fused to add support for wing movement
- common exit for GI and urinary tracts
- extends from the Ventriculus “Gizzard” to the Jejunum Enzymes convert digested food into amino acid and glucose
- a pair of bones that aid in wing movement and supplies additional support of the shoulder joint
- iron- and oxygen-binding protein found in muscle tissue
- tube from mouth to stomach that is open at the mouth end
- Bones i.e. arm and leg bones.
- comprised of 23 bones
- muscles that form blood vessels, gizzard, intestines, organs, reproductive tract.
- muscular stomach; mechanical breakdown
- tarsoMetatarsus and phalanges
- glandular stomach (HCI and gastric juices); enzymatic
- vertebrae forms an “S” shape, which are designed to minimize landing impact stresses on the head
- specialized heart muscle
- Bones. They do not have a shaft, and do not increase dramatically in size
- Connects to Jejunum to the Large Intestine. Digestion ends here and end products (amino acids and fats) are absorbed for use by the blood stream
- The waste product of protein metabolism in other domestic livestock.
- Intestine enzymatic digestion and absorption
- Very similar to the human arm
- leg muscles, longer usage, more continuous usage, more myoglobin, more blood vessels, more fat, and more color
- feed storage and moistening
- The waste product of protein metabolism in the chicken
- 14 individual (or 7 pairs)
- gather and bread down food
- this bone is an important source of calcium when hens are laying eggs
- broken down into amino acids to be used as building blocks for the body
- Specialized protein that disassemble or assemble organic materials and are water soluble (dissolve in water)
- essentially non-functioning in monogastrics
42 Clues: 42 bones • only 1 bone • Tibia and Fibula • comprised of 23 bones • Bones i.e. vertebrae. • specialized heart muscle • 14 individual (or 7 pairs) • gather and bread down food • feed storage and moistening • Bones i.e. arm and leg bones. • tarsoMetatarsus and phalanges • Very similar to the human arm • common exit for GI and urinary tracts • muscular stomach; mechanical breakdown • ...
Anatomy Crossword 2022-03-28
- pressure changes in the heart
- protection for the heart and big vessels
- Controls the rhythm of heart rate
- receiving rooms for the blood
- rests on the diaphragm.
- keeps the heart pumping blood
- collects cardiac venous blood
- receives blood returning to the heart
- pumps blood out of the heart
- primary muscle used in respiration
- protect the organs of your torso
- Upper part of the heart
- Movement of blood
- entry sight into the left ventricle
- carries blood away from your heart
- controls sympathetic nerve activity
- Supports the peripheral circulation
- Supplies blood to the heart muscle
- The division of the thoracic cavity
- Lines the valves
20 Clues: Lines the valves • Movement of blood • Upper part of the heart • rests on the diaphragm. • pumps blood out of the heart • pressure changes in the heart • receiving rooms for the blood • keeps the heart pumping blood • collects cardiac venous blood • protect the organs of your torso • Controls the rhythm of heart rate • primary muscle used in respiration • ...
- Third type of plasma protein and functions in blood clotting.
- How blood cells are formed. Starts with hemocytoblasts (stem cells) that become RBC's and many other blood types.
- People who specialize in blood.
- The protein that stimulates the production of blood and maintain the correct amount of blood in the body.
- Chemically neutral white blood cells. First to arrive at site of injury.
- Orange yellow pigment that is released into the bloodstream. Becomes pigment molecules that give feces and urine its color.
- Reduced amount of white blood cells.
- Makes up the majority of plasma proteins. Important in maintaining the osmotic pressure of plasma.
- White blood cells that attack objects that are coated with antibodies. Usually attack through the exocytosis of toxic compounds
- White blood cells
- Increased amount of white blood cells.
- A plasma transport protein. Used in synthesization of blood and is transferred to liver & spleen and stored in iron complexes
- Red blood cell formation only occurs in red bone marrow.
- Protect the body from foreign cells by detecting, producing antibodies, and killing them.
- Free macrophages engulf compounds bigger than them.
- Immature red blood cells that are actively synthesizing hemoglobin.
- Second most abundant proteins in plasma. Include antibodies and transport proteins.
- Process of transferring blood from one person to another.
- Protein that is quaternary is needed by RBC's to transport oxygen.
- Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen within the body.
20 Clues: White blood cells • People who specialize in blood. • Reduced amount of white blood cells. • Increased amount of white blood cells. • Free macrophages engulf compounds bigger than them. • Red blood cell formation only occurs in red bone marrow. • Process of transferring blood from one person to another. • Third type of plasma protein and functions in blood clotting. • ...
- The central compartment of the thoracic cavity.
- A sword shaped bone.
- Membrane that covers the outer surface of all bones, except at the joints of long bones.
- It is not polite to put them on the table.
- The cavity of the skull in which the eye is situated.
- Two large chambers that collect and expel blood received from an atrium towards the peripheral beds within the body and lungs.
- You put a bracelet on it.
- The body excluding the head and neck, and limbs.
- They help you move.
- A watery substance located in the mouths of organisms.
- The fold or depression marking the juncture of the lower abdomen and the inner part of the thigh.
- The only long bone in the body that lies horizontally and makes up part of the shoulder.
- The vertebrate cerebrum (brain) is formed by two cerebral ___
- The main difference between exocrine and endocrine glands.
- The bone of the lower jaw.
- The act or process of separating or dividing.
- The part of the arm between the wrist and the elbow.
- The flat, movable bone at the front of the knee.
- The middle section of the human foot, forming the arch between the ankle and toes.
- The deeper layer of the dermis, containing mostly fat and connective tissue.
- The second most ulnar finger is the ____ finger.
- The inner and longer of the two bones of the human forearm.
- Vascular tissue in the interior cavities of bones that is a major site of blood cell production.
- The color of the ____ is often referred to as "eye color".
24 Clues: They help you move. • A sword shaped bone. • You put a bracelet on it. • The bone of the lower jaw. • It is not polite to put them on the table. • The act or process of separating or dividing. • The central compartment of the thoracic cavity. • The flat, movable bone at the front of the knee. • The second most ulnar finger is the ____ finger. • ...
8O Anatomy 2015-03-04
- Shine bone
- Thumb to Elbow
- Cube-shaped
- 5cm up from coccyx
- Thigh muscles
- Bottom Muscle
- Broad surface
- front of upper arm
- Bones in ankle
- joints movement in 1 direction
- Chest "pecks"
- example cranium
- Ball and Socket
- Bone in knee
- forearm
- Protective tissue
- Finger bones
- muscle to bone
- Shoulder muscles
- limited rotational movement
20 Clues: forearm • Shine bone • Cube-shaped • Bone in knee • Finger bones • Chest "pecks" • Thigh muscles • Bottom Muscle • Broad surface • Bones in ankle • Thumb to Elbow • muscle to bone • example cranium • Ball and Socket • Shoulder muscles • Protective tissue • 5cm up from coccyx • front of upper arm • limited rotational movement • joints movement in 1 direction
Anatomy Prefixes 2014-09-03
25 Clues: fat • eye • body • milk • pain • head • bone • skin • form • sugar • brain • liver • heart • skull • blood • sodium • muscle • finger • middle • windpipe • condition • corpse/dead • under (quantity) • above (quantity) • colon (large intestine)
Functional Anatomy 2016-08-21
- Which tissue functions to connect a muscle to a bone?
- Which of the following connective tissues is responsible for providing stability within a joint by connecting bone to bone?
- Plantar flexion of the ankle during running is caused by a concentric contraction of which muscle?
- What is the correct movement of the glenohumeral joint during a triceps extension exercise?
- During the descent phase of the standing barbell curl, the biceps are contracting _________.
- Having your client rehearse the forward lunge repeatedly without weights will improve their movement performance due to neuromuscular familiarity, referred to as __________.
- During performance of the side lateral raise, the prime mover is the __________.
- During the performance of a single-leg squat (Bulgarian squat), what muscles are considered the prime movers?
- What muscle is responsible for shoulder flexion?
- Which muscle is responsible for stabilizing the pelvis and spine in the frontal plane, and functions as a mover during lateral trunk flexion?
- What is the term used to describe the natural curvature of the cervical spine?
- A majority of back injuries from incorrect lifting and movement mechanics occur between which segments of the spine?
- The performance of side lateral raises occurs in what movement plane?
- The concept that energy is transferred across joints to support voluntary movement is termed __________.
- The deltoid becomes the primary abductor of the humerus beginning at what joint angle; reducing involvement of the rotator cuff?
- The reverse lunge is performed in which movement plane?
- Which muscles dominate the upward movement when a full, anchored sit-up is performed?
- What muscle is commonly found to lack proper flexibility; promoting a posterior pelvic tilt?
- The performance of a lunge with forward press on a cable machine occurs in which movement plane?
- What muscle acts as the agonist during performance of the Romanian deadlift?
- What is the natural curvature of the thoracic spine?
- What muscle can contribute to an anterior pelvic tilt when it becomes inflexible?
- Which muscle acts as a spinal stabilizer during the performance of a push-up?
- What type of contraction occurs in the quadriceps during the descent phase of a leg press?
- To minimize the risk for injury, hamstring strength should be _____% of quadriceps strength?
- What acronym represents the four muscles of the rotator cuff?
- Which muscle is responsible for the first 30 degrees of trunk flexion and is targeted during the crunch movement?
- During the performance of the back squat, what is the prime mover responsible for hip extension?
28 Clues: What muscle is responsible for shoulder flexion? • What is the natural curvature of the thoracic spine? • Which tissue functions to connect a muscle to a bone? • The reverse lunge is performed in which movement plane? • What acronym represents the four muscles of the rotator cuff? • The performance of side lateral raises occurs in what movement plane? • ...
Crab Anatomy 2016-08-23
- Organ that pumps in the circulatory system
- Posterior-most division of body.
- The shell covering the body that provides rigidity and protection. Part of the exoskeleton.
- Shorter segmented appendages located between and below the eyestalks, act as sensory organs.
- Thin dark membrane which lies beneath carapace.
- Paired appendages used by crab for swimming.
- Tough external covering of whole crab.
- Female structure which hold egg mass.
- Claw of cheliped.
- Abdomen of crab, which is folded under the body.
- The first pair of legs that carry a large claw.
- Female opening of oviduct.
- Paired points on the widest outside edges of the carapace.
- Long segmented appendages located behind eyestalks; allow crab to interact with environment by tough and chemoreception.
- Female gonads.
- Male gonads.
- Appendages used by crab for walking movement.
- Internal organ that carry out gas exchange.
- Organ of digestive system that breaks down ingested food.
- Male appendage for transferring sperm.
20 Clues: Male gonads. • Female gonads. • Claw of cheliped. • Female opening of oviduct. • Posterior-most division of body. • Female structure which hold egg mass. • Male appendage for transferring sperm. • Tough external covering of whole crab. • Organ that pumps in the circulatory system • Internal organ that carry out gas exchange. • Paired appendages used by crab for swimming. • ...
Animal Anatomy 2017-01-24
- Des oreilles
- Les mâchoires
- La queue
- Des branchies
- Le corps
- Des pattes
- Des plumes
- Des nageoires
- Le pouce
- Le museau
- Les doigts
- Opposable
- La trompe
- Des cornes
- Des bandes
- Des bois
- Les doigts de pied
- La peau
- Le dard
- Des griffes / serres / Pinces
- Un sabot
- La crinière
- Les moustaches
- Des tâches
- Les nageoires / palmes
- Les pattes arrières
- Le pelage / La fourrure
- Des ailes
- Des antennes
- Des ongles / griffes
- Des défenses
31 Clues: La peau • Le dard • La queue • Un sabot • Le corps • Le pouce • Des bois • Le museau • Des ailes • Opposable • La trompe • Des pattes • Des tâches • Des plumes • Les doigts • Des cornes • Des bandes • La crinière • Des oreilles • Des antennes • Des défenses • Les mâchoires • Des branchies • Des nageoires • Les moustaches • Les doigts de pied • Les pattes arrières • Des ongles / griffes • Les nageoires / palmes • ...
grey's anatomy 2023-03-02
- jo’s real name
- best character ever except a ginger yikes
- something found in a patient’s chest; almost killed meredith
- bailey’s next nickname
- only transfer from mercy west that stayed long-term
- dating kai
- meredith and christina’s nickname
- completely different person after plane crash
- izzie cut his LVAD wire
- had a photographic memory
- who had the first surgery in meredith’s intern group
- lost her shoe
- original name of the hospital
- what organ did meredith give her father
- worst character ever
- derek’s bestie and traitor
- had an affair with ellis
- meredith’s nickname from the interns
- was married to george O’Malley
- named her child after george
- henry’s wife before he died
- bailey’s original nickname
- funded the free clinic
- peds with occasional anger issues
- heart surgeon
25 Clues: dating kai • heart surgeon • lost her shoe • jo’s real name • worst character ever • bailey’s next nickname • funded the free clinic • izzie cut his LVAD wire • had an affair with ellis • had a photographic memory • derek’s bestie and traitor • bailey’s original nickname • henry’s wife before he died • named her child after george • original name of the hospital • ...
Anatomy Terminology 2023-02-07
- the chest
- the kneecap
- the bony structures around the eyes; the eye sockets
- the thirty-three bones of the spinal column
- the two fused bones forming the upper jaw
- the breastbone
- the superior and widest portion of the pelvis
- the bony structure of the head
- the medial and larger bone of the lower leg
- the superior portion of the sternum
- the nose bones
- the inferior portion of the sternum
- bones that form the structure of the cheeks
- the large bone of the thigh
- the medial anterior portion of the pelvis
- the top, back, and sides of the skull
- the pelvic socket into which the ball at the proximal end of the femur fits to form the hip joint
- the basin shaped bony structure that supports the spine and attatched the lower extremities
- the lower jaw-bone
- the lower, posterior portions of the pelvis
20 Clues: the chest • the kneecap • the nose bones • the breastbone • the lower jaw-bone • the large bone of the thigh • the bony structure of the head • the inferior portion of the sternum • the superior portion of the sternum • the top, back, and sides of the skull • the medial anterior portion of the pelvis • the two fused bones forming the upper jaw • ...
Computer Anatomy 2023-02-10
- A type of primary storage
- A type of secondary storage
- How is data stored in ROM
- How is data stored in RAM
- What is a CPU
- USB stands for
- The dot on the score board
- What does ROM stand for
- Switches in a microprocessor
- What does PCI stand for
- What does RAM stand for
- Passes instructions
- Basic hardware of a computer
- A type of output device
- One of the major CPU manufacturers
- The results of the calculation
- Uses calculators to do math
- A type of input device
- Retrieves program instructions
- One of the main factors that determines the speed of CPU
20 Clues: What is a CPU • USB stands for • Passes instructions • A type of input device • What does RAM stand for • A type of output device • What does ROM stand for • What does PCI stand for • A type of primary storage • How is data stored in ROM • How is data stored in RAM • The dot on the score board • A type of secondary storage • Uses calculators to do math • Basic hardware of a computer • ...
Computer Anatomy 2023-02-10
- basic hardware of a computer
- pass instructions
- what is a CPU
- uses calculators to do math
- A type of output device
- volatile how data is stored in ROM
- Parts of your computer to receive power and communicate with one another
- a type of input device
- retireves program instructions
- one of the main factors of the CPU
- A type of secondary storage
- a output device
- switches in a microphone
- what does ROM stand for
- the dot on the score board
- how data is stored in RAM
- what you receive out of a system
- what you put into a system to function
- one of the major CPU manufactures
- to display to your monitor
- a type of primary storage
21 Clues: what is a CPU • a output device • pass instructions • a type of input device • what does ROM stand for • A type of output device • switches in a microphone • how data is stored in RAM • a type of primary storage • the dot on the score board • to display to your monitor • A type of secondary storage • uses calculators to do math • basic hardware of a computer • ...
Chest Anatomy 2023-02-16
- Most inferior structures of the lung hilum(9,5)
- Pseudostratified ciliated ____ epithelium with goblet cells, respiratory epithelium(8)
- Junction between subclavian and internal jugular veins(6,5)
- Type of pleura in contact with the body wall(8)
- Right posterior intercostal veins drain into this vessel(7)
- Nerve supply to diaphragm(7)
- Usually largest branch of left coronary artery, abbrev.(3)
- Deep crevice that separates lung lobes(7)
- Drains deoxygenated blood from cardiac veins into right atrium(8,5)
- Unilateral drainage occurs from lateral quadrants of the breast into these nodes(8)
- Outward pouch of muscle lying over each atrium(7)
- First branch of the aorta, artery(8)
- Valve auscultated over the 5th left intercostal space in midclavicular line(6)
- Posterior border of the 'safe triangle', pectoralis ____(5)
- Narrowest part of the larynx(4,9)
- Bifurcation of the trachea(6)
- Space between lungs containing organs and vessels(11)
- Layer of heart wall that secretes pericardial fluid lubricant(10)
- Type of intercostal muscle used in passive breathing(8)
- Vessel lateral to the ascending aorta, abbrev.(3)
20 Clues: Nerve supply to diaphragm(7) • Bifurcation of the trachea(6) • Narrowest part of the larynx(4,9) • First branch of the aorta, artery(8) • Deep crevice that separates lung lobes(7) • Most inferior structures of the lung hilum(9,5) • Type of pleura in contact with the body wall(8) • Outward pouch of muscle lying over each atrium(7) • ...
Ocular Anatomy 2023-03-25
- The main structure of the globe that protects the internal structures
- Eyeball
- The tissues and structures surrounding the eye
- Transparent layer of tissue that forms the inner most lining of the globe
- How many extraocular muscles control the movement of the eye
- The inner-most layer of the eyelid
- This is responsible for finely detailed central vision
- The center of the macula
- This is responsible for 1/3 of the focusing power
- This acts as a shock absorber and maintains the shape of the eye
- The meibomian glands secret this which becomes part of the tear film
- Junction of the eyelids
- The layer that provides nourishing blood to the retina
- This gland produces the middle aqueous layer of the tear film
- The junction of the cornea and the sclera
- The bony cavity in the skull that houses the globe
- A small, pink, globular spot at the medial canthus
- Excess tears pass through tiny openings
- The outermost front part of the globe
- The colored part of the eye
- The iris, ciliary body, and choroid are the three components of this
- Help to control light exposure, help protect the eye, and lubricate the eye
22 Clues: Eyeball • Junction of the eyelids • The center of the macula • The colored part of the eye • The inner-most layer of the eyelid • The outermost front part of the globe • Excess tears pass through tiny openings • The junction of the cornea and the sclera • The tissues and structures surrounding the eye • This is responsible for 1/3 of the focusing power • ...
Flower Anatomy 2022-12-14
- this part of the flower makes pollen
- modified leaves
- holds the reproductive parts
- produces ovules
- A spike that is composed of unisexual flowers without petals
- sepals formed together create this
- the male part of the flower
- produces nectar
- carrots, parsley and dill are examples that have this
- A yellow powder (some people have allergies to this)
- flower clusters that are the stem's branching system
- part of the stamen that supports the anther
- the stalk of the pistil
- these suck up nectar
- these are brightly colored, making it the most noticable part of the flower
- protects the bud
- petals that are fused together
- these contain ovules
- main stem of an inflorescence
- catches pollen from bees
20 Clues: modified leaves • produces ovules • produces nectar • protects the bud • these suck up nectar • these contain ovules • the stalk of the pistil • catches pollen from bees • the male part of the flower • holds the reproductive parts • main stem of an inflorescence • petals that are fused together • sepals formed together create this • this part of the flower makes pollen • ...
Flower anatomy 2022-12-14
- a loose branching cluster of flowers
- the female organs of a flower
- a tight cluster of small flowers without stems
- a slender threadlike object or fiber
- he hollow base of the carpel of a flower
- the female reproductive organ of a flower
- an enlarged area at the apex of a stem
- segment of the outer whorl in a flower
- the petals of a flower, typically forming a whorl
- the male fertilizing organ of a flower
- the part of a stamen that contains the pollen.
- a flower cluster in which stalks of nearly equal length spring from a common center
- The outer parts of the flower
- a flowering spike of trees such as willow and hazel.
- the stalk bearing a flower or fruit
- a flower cluster whose lower stalks are proportionally longer
- a yellow powdery substance bees collect
- having pistils but no stamens.
- a flower cluster with the separate flowers attached by short equal stalks
- the outer part of a flower, consisting of the calyx
20 Clues: The outer parts of the flower • the female organs of a flower • having pistils but no stamens. • the stalk bearing a flower or fruit • a loose branching cluster of flowers • a slender threadlike object or fiber • an enlarged area at the apex of a stem • segment of the outer whorl in a flower • the male fertilizing organ of a flower • a yellow powdery substance bees collect • ...
Human anatomy 2022-12-29
- Frontal part of the head
- excretory organ that filters blood
- Fingers plus wrist
- Composed of all vertebrates
- Connecting upper arm with forearm
- the biggest of immune system
- Many of them consists in the chest
- sense organ used for sound detection
- stores and digests food
- has four chambers and pumps blood throughout the body
- attached to the muscle, aids in movement and protections
- Biggest finger
- freely movable bone of skull
- Connecting head with trunk
- Soft part of mouth cavity
- End of upper extremity
- belongs under chest
- They provide living organisms with vision
- fingers of lower extremity
- used for urine storage
- Controls thought, memory, feelings and activity
- Consist of 8 little bones
- Pair of them create mouth
- five-inch long tube that starts near our nose and ends at our windpipe
- composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae, the breastbone and 12 pairs of ribs
- Upper extremity
- Upper part of the face
- It joins the arm to the rest of the body
- aids in movement, 206 bones
- The body is covered with it
30 Clues: Biggest finger • Upper extremity • Fingers plus wrist • belongs under chest • used for urine storage • Upper part of the face • End of upper extremity • stores and digests food • Frontal part of the head • Consist of 8 little bones • Pair of them create mouth • Soft part of mouth cavity • fingers of lower extremity • Connecting head with trunk • Composed of all vertebrates • ...