mobile technology Crossword Puzzles

HORTATORY 2023-05-05

HORTATORY crossword puzzle
  1. what is forbidden by the school?
  2. Mobile phones can expand what among students?
  3. what do schools do with cell phones?
  4. what do friends save on phone usage?
  5. what is the right place to find friends?
  6. the phone is used to access what?
  7. if use mobile at inopportune time then will?
  8. the phone is used to send what?
  1. what is the opposite of banned?
  2. what did the students find while in the school environment?
  3. Who can students call when they need something?
  4. how many hours are students in school?
  5. what is the opposite of friendship?
  6. what are synonyms prohibited
  7. what do students look for when using a wifi network?
  8. the phone is used to take what?
  9. who picks up students when they go home?
  10. what improvements do students need in using mobile phones?
  11. what networks do students use when looking for answers?
  12. what are synonyms difficult

20 Clues: what are synonyms difficultwhat are synonyms prohibitedwhat is the opposite of banned?the phone is used to take what?the phone is used to send what?what is forbidden by the school?the phone is used to access what?what is the opposite of friendship?what do schools do with cell phones?what do friends save on phone usage?...

Course Words 2024-05-15

Course Words crossword puzzle
  1. The process of identifying and removing errors from code.
  2. A language used to create webpages
  3. Worth 60% of your grade
  4. The unit which we learned to build mobile apps.
  5. The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own
  6. The unit where you had choice in your learning.
  7. The text and images on a website.
  8. To turn something in
  9. The lowest grade you receive on assignments.
  1. How the content of a website is organized.
  2. a link from text file or document to another location or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or image on the screen.
  3. A language used to style webpages
  4. shift-command-4
  5. The place where you find courses for school
  6. Worth 40% of your grade.
  7. To download a file onto a platform from a different source.
  8. Science Technology Engineering Math
  9. The special set of characters that indicates the start and end of an HTML element and that element's type.

18 Clues: shift-command-4To turn something inWorth 60% of your gradeWorth 40% of your grade.A language used to style webpagesThe text and images on a website.A language used to create webpagesScience Technology Engineering MathHow the content of a website is organized.The place where you find courses for schoolThe lowest grade you receive on assignments....

Wireless, Mobile Computing & Mobile Commerce (Fitri-Gita-Jessica) 2018-05-09

Wireless, Mobile Computing & Mobile Commerce (Fitri-Gita-Jessica) crossword puzzle
  1. Jenis satelit yang memiliki masa orbital 6-12 tahun
  2. Jenis wifi yang berupa perangkat wireless router yang berperan sebagai wifi hotspot
  3. Jaringan yang saling terhubung, bertenaga baterai, sensor nirkabel yang disebut motes yang ditempatkan ke dalam lingkungan fisik
  4. Upaya oleh pengguna yang tidak sah untuk mengakses data yang melakukan perjalanan melalui jaringan nirkabel
  5. Jenis satelit yang digunakan untuk sinyal TV
  6. Jenis wireless media yang berada diluar angkasa
  7. Aplikasi yang dipakai untuk para karyawan yang ada didalam perusahaan
  8. Jaringan tanpa kabel
  9. Jenis wireless media yang memiliki bandwidth low to medium
  10. Find my Iphone adalah contoh dari jenis aplikasi mobile commerce bagian
  1. Salah satu contoh dari layanan keuangan yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi m-commerce
  2. IEEE standard 802.16
  3. Contoh short range wireless network yang dapat digunakan untuk mentransfer data
  4. Jenis dari aplikasi mobile commerce untuk menunjukkan arah
  5. Generasi keempat dari teknologi seluler
  6. Suatu istilah bagi suatu area dimana user dapat mengakses jaringan internet, jika menggunakan perangkat yang memiliki fitur wifi
  7. Jenis aplikasi m-commerce dalam bagian keuangan
  8. Contoh medium range wireless network yang biasa digunakan sehari-hari
  9. Jenis satelit yang memiliki panjang 400-700 kilometers diatas bumi
  10. Kode dua dimensi, dapat dibaca oleh pembaca QR khusus dan telepon kamera

20 Clues: IEEE standard 802.16Jaringan tanpa kabelGenerasi keempat dari teknologi selulerJenis satelit yang digunakan untuk sinyal TVJenis wireless media yang berada diluar angkasaJenis aplikasi m-commerce dalam bagian keuanganJenis satelit yang memiliki masa orbital 6-12 tahunJenis dari aplikasi mobile commerce untuk menunjukkan arah...

Chapter 9: Betrayed 2012-11-16

Chapter 9: Betrayed crossword puzzle
  1. Waters/ He was worried because George hadn't come back.
  2. not telling the truth.
  3. How Erica felt when she saw the broken mobile
  4. The crystal mobile was this
  5. Room where the Crystal Mobile was kept
  6. not wrong.
  7. another name for a riddle.
  1. He was missing
  2. Janus/ Erica's real boss.
  3. people you don't know
  4. not fake.
  5. She had hardly slept

12 Clues: not fake.not wrong.He was missingShe had hardly sleptpeople you don't knownot telling the truth.Janus/ Erica's real boss.another name for a riddle.The crystal mobile was thisRoom where the Crystal Mobile was keptHow Erica felt when she saw the broken mobileWaters/ He was worried because George hadn't come back.

Technology & Its Impact 2023-05-10

Technology & Its Impact crossword puzzle
  1. Computers, Bluetooth, artificial intelligence, printers, and satellites are examples of ________ technology.
  2. Is a Continent where the first forms of technology are believed to be developed.
  3. A positive impact of technology has been the improvement of __________.
  4. A positive impact of technology has been in _________ by the invention of the Internet.
  5. A negative impact of technology by the industrialization process has been an increase in _________.
  6. Is one of the disciplines that technology is based on.
  1. Technology often affects how societies behave and _______.
  2. Chariots, the wheel, metallurgy, compass, calendar, and irrigation systems are examples of ________ technology.
  3. Technology often reflects a population's ________ and culture.
  4. Is an example of a sector that has been improved by technology and has saved many lives.
  5. Any application, process, skill, or tool that uses applied science/math to solve a problem or improve an area of life.
  6. An organized group of people living in the same space and having a proper government and economy.
  7. Is an example of another discipline that technology is based on.
  8. A negative impact of technology has been the increase in _________ due to larger life spans.

14 Clues: Is one of the disciplines that technology is based on.Technology often affects how societies behave and _______.Technology often reflects a population's ________ and culture.Is an example of another discipline that technology is based on.A positive impact of technology has been the improvement of __________....

Digital Citizenship - New Year's puzzle 2022-01-04

Digital Citizenship - New Year's puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. take a break from using technology
  2. a strong ____ is easy to remember but hard to crack.
  3. talk to and see your friend at the same time
  4. we have a ______ to use technology safely
  5. media ____ means having options of technology to use
  6. media ____ means using a variety of technology
  7. using too much technology can lead to a ____
  8. an educated guess using information
  9. a tool used to connect with another online
  10. information that can identify you.
  11. hurtful words online is an example of ___
  1. to sign up for an account
  2. a user makes this when they visit a website
  3. Social media makes money through ____
  4. a person who commits to doing the right thing
  5. "hit that like and subscribe button below"
  6. information that cannot identify you.
  7. an electronic piece of equipment like a tablet
  8. what we say and post online is _____
  9. Sometimes technology can cause a _____
  10. a good digital citizen uses ____ when going to a new website

21 Clues: to sign up for an accounttake a break from using technologyinformation that can identify educated guess using informationwhat we say and post online is _____Social media makes money through ____information that cannot identify you.Sometimes technology can cause a _____we have a ______ to use technology safely...

Introduction to Social Media Key Terms Part 1 2024-03-07

Introduction to Social Media Key Terms Part 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Technologies that deliver packets of compressed audio and video data in real-time over Internet Protocol (IP).
  2. The process of broadcasting live video or audio over the Internet to an audience.
  3. Information that describes other data.
  4. The use of World Wide Web technology and Web design to develop online information sharing and collaboration services.
  5. A service that allows a computer to send or receive Short Message Service (SMS) transmissions to or from a telecommunications network.
  6. A service that sends real-time audio and video from the publisher to the viewer.
  7. A social media user who creates original content.
  8. The number of times a piece of content is displayed.
  9. A programming methodology for the Web that enables Web applications to interact with users.
  10. The ease of obtaining the tools needed to publish content.
  11. Content that is created by the users of an online system or service
  12. The process of a particular content item becoming widely popular by multiple people sharing it.
  13. A markup language used to store, describe, and share data on the Web.
  14. A method of communication in which a user types and sends short messages from one mobile phone to another.
  15. Audio or video digital media files that are distributed through Web feeds to subscribed users.
  16. A keyword tagm that uses a hash symbol (#) as a prefix.
  17. Data that does not follow a specific format or is hard to label and organize.
  18. A technology that converts voice into digital form and delivers it using the Internet Protocol (IP). Allows the use of the Internet for real-time voice and video traffic.
  19. Indicates how fast content is created and distributed.
  20. Keywords, category names, or metadata used to describe an online content item.
  1. The number of places a particular content item is made available.
  2. A program or mobile app that allows real-time or delayed communication between users.
  3. A Web browser or application that collects syndicated content into a single location.
  4. The potential audience for a piece of content; the total number of your followers plus the numeber of followers for each person who shares the content.
  5. One-way communication methods in which the publisher creates content and sends that content to the end-user via the media source.
  6. The number of times within a certain period that a particular content item is published in the media.
  7. A Web 2.0 implementation by which Web data is contextualized with the addition of machine-readable metadata.
  8. Another term for broadcasting live video or audio over the Internet.
  9. The actual number of unique people who access a particular content item, such as an advertisement.
  10. Online services, sites, or apps that allow us to interact and use two-way communication between the pbublisher and the user
  11. A program or mobile app that allows real-time communication between online users.
  12. Indicates how long content exists or can be accessed.
  13. When replies to comments are posted directly under the original comment.

33 Clues: Information that describes other data.A social media user who creates original content.The number of times a piece of content is displayed.Indicates how long content exists or can be accessed.Indicates how fast content is created and distributed.A keyword tagm that uses a hash symbol (#) as a prefix....

mobile devices 2013-09-20

mobile devices crossword puzzle
  1. can take around
  2. Easily approached or entered.
  3. drake
  4. The quality or state of being mobile
  1. Of, relating to, or concerning quality.
  2. capacity the maximum number of bits, bytes
  3. Expressed or expressible as a quantity
  4. Skill and grace in physical movement
  5. for short-range connections between desktop and laptop computers, PDAs
  6. a local area network that uses high frequency radio signals

10 Clues: drakecan take aroundEasily approached or entered.Skill and grace in physical movementThe quality or state of being mobileExpressed or expressible as a quantityOf, relating to, or concerning quality.capacity the maximum number of bits, bytesa local area network that uses high frequency radio signals...

Mobile Devices 2013-09-20

Mobile Devices crossword puzzle
  1. A phone that has the ability to do many things
  2. McDonald's give it for free
  3. Needed for putting music and photos on a phone
  4. Can be measured and deals with numbers
  1. Cannot be observed but not measured, deals with description
  2. You can have a ________ scooter
  3. Used to send pictures or music from phone to phone at close range
  4. A ramp into a building can be used to increase this
  5. Needed for performing tasks with your hands
  6. Something can can do many things

10 Clues: McDonald's give it for freeYou can have a ________ scooterSomething can can do many thingsCan be measured and deals with numbersNeeded for performing tasks with your handsA phone that has the ability to do many thingsNeeded for putting music and photos on a phoneA ramp into a building can be used to increase this...

Mobile Phones 2013-09-20

Mobile Phones crossword puzzle
  1. is your phone quality
  2. what helps you store all of your music and pictures
  3. it allows 2 phones to connect in a local area and share
  1. some where that you can get free internet.
  2. a type of information
  3. A mobile that allows you to do so much more.
  4. It allows you to multi task
  5. this is a word for everything that you can do
  6. how skilful is your phone
  7. you can bring it around with you

10 Clues: is your phone qualitya type of informationhow skilful is your phoneIt allows you to multi taskyou can bring it around with yousome where that you can get free internet.A mobile that allows you to do so much more.this is a word for everything that you can dowhat helps you store all of your music and pictures...

Mobile madness 2013-10-14

Mobile madness crossword puzzle
  1. the act of breaking a rule
  2. general rule principle or piece of advice
  3. the improper use of certain objects
  4. to gain control of
  5. without defence or protection
  6. American English for mobile phone
  1. easily affected by slight changes or signals
  2. danger to your health
  3. the state of being dependent on something
  4. an object used for transport

10 Clues: to gain control ofdanger to your healththe act of breaking a rulean object used for transportwithout defence or protectionAmerican English for mobile phonethe improper use of certain objectsgeneral rule principle or piece of advicethe state of being dependent on somethingeasily affected by slight changes or signals

Marketing mobile 2020-03-08

Marketing mobile crossword puzzle
  1. Business model d'une app telle que Deezer
  2. Fonctionnalité M-commerce sur Instagram
  3. Aussi appelé geofencing
  4. Application mobile entre l'app web et native
  5. Le référencement d'une app sur les stores
  1. Encarts publicitaires
  2. Version d'un site s'adaptant au mobile
  3. KPI : nb d'utilisateur actifs par mois
  4. Application fonctionnement sur un navigateur
  5. Petit boitier utilisant le BLE dans les magasins

10 Clues: Encarts publicitairesAussi appelé geofencingVersion d'un site s'adaptant au mobileKPI : nb d'utilisateur actifs par moisFonctionnalité M-commerce sur InstagramBusiness model d'une app telle que DeezerLe référencement d'une app sur les storesApplication fonctionnement sur un navigateurApplication mobile entre l'app web et native...

Glossary Chapter 1 Word 2016-01-13

Glossary Chapter 1 Word crossword puzzle
  1. Series of related instructions organized for a common purpose
  2. Built-in connection to other documents, webpages, or websites
  3. card Removable flash memory
  4. Output device that visually conveys text, graphics, and video information
  5. message Short note sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  6. Electronic document on the web
  7. flash drive Portable flash memory storage device that you plug into a USB port
  8. Thin, light weight computer that has a touch screen
  9. device Computing device small enough to hold in your hand
  1. Light-sensing device that converts printed text into a form a computer can process
  2. engine Software that finds images and information related to a specific topic
  3. system Set of programs that coordinates all activities of a computer
  4. message Short video clip sent from a smartphone or other mobile device
  5. Output device that produces text and graphics on a physical medium
  6. Contains keys you press to enter data and instructions into a computer
  7. Small speakers that rest inside each ear canal
  8. Software that deliberately alters a computer's normal operation
  9. device Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer to a user
  10. Lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base
  11. Collection of related webpages

20 Clues: card Removable flash memoryElectronic document on the webCollection of related webpagesSmall speakers that rest inside each ear canalThin, light weight computer that has a touch screendevice Computing device small enough to hold in your handSeries of related instructions organized for a common purpose...

Mobile Radiography 2023-06-11

Mobile Radiography crossword puzzle
  1. ______,anode heel effect, SID and technique chart are the four most technical considerations for mobiles radiography.
  2. What should always be available for measurements in mobile radiography?
  3. ________ inches is the minimum source to skin distance.
  4. Where is the least exposure during a mobile exam? (Two words)
  1. The base of the mobile unit is positioned at the middle of the bed if the patient is in what position?
  2. Mobile radiography was first used by who?
  3. The base of the mobile unit is positioned at the head of the bed if the patient is in what position?
  4. What is the single most effective radiation protection in mobile radiography?
  5. What is the common term for a mobile fluoroscopy unit?
  6. The three criteria for optimal grid usage are being _____, centered to CR and at recommended focal distance.

10 Clues: Mobile radiography was first used by who?What is the common term for a mobile fluoroscopy unit?________ inches is the minimum source to skin distance.Where is the least exposure during a mobile exam? (Two words)What should always be available for measurements in mobile radiography?...

TTL Crossword Puzzle 2022-10-22

TTL Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Teacher knowledge about the subject matter to be learned or taught
  2. uses visual images to represent knowledge
  3. electronic device for storing and processing data
  4. collaborate with others
  5. kind of peripheral device that helps communicate with processing units of the computer
  6. level where technology tools are used in conventional ways.
  7. the goal is to move from passive use of technology to active use of technology
  8. Technology _________ Matrix
  9. used for putting information including letters, words and numbers.
  10. assess the quality and effectiveness of the entire instructional design process
  11. teachers uses tools to deliver instruction
  12. Information and ____________ Technology
  13. also known as hybrid learning
  14. refers to direct and intentional encounters
  15. controls a cursor in a GUI
  16. refers to the computer's physical components
  17. Knowledge of how technology can be used to provide innovative methods of teaching content
  18. features individualized instruction and self-learning modules
  19. a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge
  20. link learning activities to the real world
  1. knowledge about working with technology, tools and resources.
  2. connect new information to prior knowledge
  3. freeing students from the confines of the traditional schoolwork box
  4. knowledge of teaching methods or instructional strategies
  5. uses symbols and words to represent knowledge and experience.
  6. referred to as home based learning
  7. teacher provides context for lesson; students choose tools
  8. this phase entails carrying out and delivering the planned content
  9. has the goal of producing more effective teaching and learning
  10. teacher expertise in integrating content and pedagogical knowledge
  11. students use technology tools flexibly to achieve specific learning outcomes
  12. area where technology and pedagogy influence each other
  13. provides a framework for describing and targeting the use of technology to enhance learning
  14. define the learning objectives and the instructional strategies
  15. encompass all the technologies and services involved
  16. focuses on developing and refining each element.
  17. instructional design framework that training developers use
  18. independent use for building knowledge
  19. offers free education in an online environment
  20. setting goals and understanding the gaps to fill

40 Clues: collaborate with otherscontrols a cursor in a GUITechnology _________ Matrixalso known as hybrid learningreferred to as home based learningindependent use for building knowledgeInformation and ____________ Technologyuses visual images to represent knowledgeconnect new information to prior knowledgeteachers uses tools to deliver instruction...

CrossWord 2 2016-09-09

CrossWord 2 crossword puzzle
  1. This software testing tool is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load.
  2. This is an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver JSON wire protocol.
  3. This tool is an open-source family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers.
  4. This is one the popular automation testing frameworks for Android.
  5. The name of this tool comes from a joke made by Huggins in an email, mocking a competitor named Mercury, saying that you can cure mercury poisoning by taking (tool name) supplements.
  1. Unlike a traditional app testing tool that taps into the app's user interface framework, this Functional tool uses image analysis technology to perform testing tasks and validate functionality based on the app user's perspective.
  2. This Test Automation Framework is a combination of different automation frameworks.
  3. This is an open source web service testing application for SOA (service oriented architectures) and representational state transfers (REST).
  4. This is a web-based automation tool that allows users to manage, write, and run their automated tests from any computer or device (including mobile). The key to this tool is that tests consist of “Plain English” commands.
  5. This is a GUI test automation framework for testing of desktop, web-based and mobile applications. This tool use standard programming languages such as C# and VB.NET as a base.

10 Clues: This is one the popular automation testing frameworks for Android.This tool is an open-source family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers.This Test Automation Framework is a combination of different automation frameworks.This software testing tool is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load....

CrossWord 2 2016-09-09

CrossWord 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Unlike a traditional app testing tool that taps into the app's user interface framework, this Functional tool uses image analysis technology to perform testing tasks and validate functionality based on the app user's perspective.
  2. This Test Automation Framework is a combination of different automation frameworks.
  3. This is a GUI test automation framework for testing of desktop, web-based and mobile applications. This tool use standard programming languages such as C# and VB.NET as a base.
  4. This is an open source web service testing application for SOA (service oriented architectures) and representational state transfers (REST).
  5. This is a web-based automation tool that allows users to manage, write, and run their automated tests from any computer or device (including mobile). The key to this tool is that tests consist of “Plain English” commands.
  1. This tool is an open-source family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers.
  2. This software testing tool is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load.
  3. The name of this tool comes from a joke made by Huggins in an email, mocking a competitor named Mercury, saying that you can cure mercury poisoning by taking (tool name) supplements.
  4. This is one the popular automation testing frameworks for Android.
  5. This is an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver JSON wire protocol.

10 Clues: This is one the popular automation testing frameworks for Android.This tool is an open-source family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers.This Test Automation Framework is a combination of different automation frameworks.This software testing tool is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load....

CrossWord 2 2016-09-09

CrossWord 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Unlike a traditional app testing tool that taps into the app's user interface framework, this Functional tool uses image analysis technology to perform testing tasks and validate functionality based on the app user's perspective.
  2. This software testing tool is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load.
  3. This is one the popular automation testing frameworks for Android.
  4. This is an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver JSON wire protocol.
  1. This tool is an open-source family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers.
  2. This is a web-based automation tool that allows users to manage, write, and run their automated tests from any computer or device (including mobile). The key to this tool is that tests consist of “Plain English” commands.
  3. This is an open source web service testing application for SOA (service oriented architectures) and representational state transfers (REST).
  4. This is a GUI test automation framework for testing of desktop, web-based and mobile applications. This tool use standard programming languages such as C# and VB.NET as a base.
  5. The name of this tool comes from a joke made by Huggins in an email, mocking a competitor named Mercury, saying that you can cure mercury poisoning by taking (tool name) supplements.
  6. This Test Automation Framework is a combination of different automation frameworks.

10 Clues: This is one the popular automation testing frameworks for Android.This tool is an open-source family of Ruby libraries for automating web browsers.This Test Automation Framework is a combination of different automation frameworks.This software testing tool is used to test applications, measuring system behavior and performance under load....

Technological Revolution 2018-10-11

Technological Revolution crossword puzzle
  1. Now online so customer service jobs are lost
  2. Incredibly easy to spread businesses and products by paying websites to display this
  3. Losing jobs because of online school
  4. Has evolved and continues to advance in our and our parent's generation
  5. Change, especially in society's thinking
  1. Online program commonly used now instead of paper maps for navigation
  2. Side effect of too much screen time, related to inactivity
  3. Affected by online class, electronic textbooks, Google
  4. Affected by mobile phones, texting, and email
  5. Can influence people's perception of perfection and increase pressure to be perfect
  6. Rapid form of communication without speaking that makes it easier to reach people quickly
  7. Benefited by new fitness gadgets such as Fitbit and exercise machines

12 Clues: Losing jobs because of online schoolChange, especially in society's thinkingNow online so customer service jobs are lostAffected by mobile phones, texting, and emailAffected by online class, electronic textbooks, GoogleSide effect of too much screen time, related to inactivityOnline program commonly used now instead of paper maps for navigation...

teka teki Basis Data 2023-11-15

teka teki Basis Data crossword puzzle
  1. Flutter adalah kerangka kerja (framework) untuk pengembangan aplikasi mobile yang dikembangkan oleh?
  2. Bahasa pemrograman yang umum digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi Android adalah
  3. Pada Flutter, widget yang digunakan untuk membuat tampilan dengan layout berbaris secara horizontal
  4. Platform yang paling populer untuk pengembangan aplikasi mobile adalah
  5. Xcode adalah Integrated Development Environment (IDE) yang digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi mobile pada platform:
  6. engine Flutter menggunakan rendering engine bernama?
  1. Proses mengubah kode sumber menjadi aplikasi yang dapat dijalankan pada perangkat mobile disebut:
  2. Flutter menggunakan bahasa pemrograman apa?
  3. Untuk menguji aplikasi mobile secara otomatis, dapat menggunakan framework pengujian seperti?
  4. platform yang menyediakan layanan-backend-as-a-service (BaaS) yang umum digunakan dalam pengembangan aplikasi mobile

10 Clues: Flutter menggunakan bahasa pemrograman apa?engine Flutter menggunakan rendering engine bernama?Platform yang paling populer untuk pengembangan aplikasi mobile adalahBahasa pemrograman yang umum digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi Android adalahUntuk menguji aplikasi mobile secara otomatis, dapat menggunakan framework pengujian seperti?...

Crossword 1 2023-10-10

Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Any hardware component that conveys information from a computer or mobile device to one or more people.
  2. Sophisticated printers used to produce high quality drawings such as blueprints, maps, and circuit diagrams.
  3. A light-sensing input device that reads printed text and graphics and then translates the results into a form the computer can process.
  4. Input device that contains keys you press to enter data and information into a computer or mobile device.
  5. Thin, lightweight mobile computer with a screen in its lid and a keyboard in its base, designed to fit on your lap. See also notebook computer
  6. A duplicate of content on a storage medium that you can use in case the original is lost, damaged, or destroyed.
  7. Data that has been processed into a useful form.
  8. Any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer or mobile device.
  9. A computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers or devices on a network. Sometimes called a host computer.
  10. A collection of computers and mobile devices connected together, often wirelessly, via communications devices and transmission media.
  1. An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory.
  2. A touch-sensitive display device.
  3. A personal computer designed to be in a stationary location, where all of its components fit on or under a desk or table. Also called a desktop computer.
  4. Audio output device that covers or are placed outside the ear.
  5. Desktop that does not have a tower and instead houses the screen and system unit in the same case.
  6. Thin, lighter weight mobile computer that has a touch screen, usually smaller than a laptop but larger than a phone.
  7. Term used to refer to data.
  8. A small symbol on the screen whose location and shape change as a user moves a pointing device.
  9. A high-speed, high-quality nonimpact printer that creates images using a laser beam and powdered ink called toner.
  10. Electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and the data needed by those instructions.

20 Clues: Term used to refer to data.A touch-sensitive display device.Data that has been processed into a useful form.Audio output device that covers or are placed outside the ear.An electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory....

BANKING TERMS 2023-10-24

BANKING TERMS crossword puzzle
  1. Original amount of money saved or invested, separate from interest or earnings.
  2. A certificate that allows the stated payee to receive cash on-demand, usually issued by governments and banking institutions.
  3. An application that runs on mobile devices. It securely stores your payment information and passwords and allows you to pay for items without needing your physical cards.
  4. A card that is directly connected to your checking account; it enables you to conduct ATM transactions and to make purchases instead of using cash or writing a check.
  5. A mobile banking tool that allows you to deposit checks to your bank account using your mobile device.
  6. Reinvesting earned interest back into the principal to allow money to grow exponentially over time.
  7. A check that has been written but has not yet been cashed or deposited by the payee.
  8. Protection provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; protects the deposits of customers against loss up to $250,000 per account.
  9. A record that allows you to keep track of checks you have written, ATM/debit card transactions, as well as deposits and withdrawals.
  10. To compare your bank's monthly account statement with your own records of activity for the same account.
  1. A card that is loaded with a specific cash amount before you use it.
  2. A loan banks offer to their customers when they try to withdraw more funds than they have in their account, usually for a fee and with interest.
  3. A deposit that has been made but not yet added to the person's bank account.
  4. A monthly document prepared by your financial institution which shows all of the transactions related to your account.
  5. A consumer banking technology that allows you to schedule and make payments over the internet.
  6. A fee charged to your account when it lacks the funds to cover a withdrawal, but the bank allows the transaction to go through anyway.
  7. A term used to describe a person who does not use or does not have access to traditional financial services.
  8. A check that has been paid or cleared by the bank. It will appear on your bank statement.
  9. Interest paid on the principal alone.
  10. To sign the back of a check made out to you so it can be cashed or deposited.

20 Clues: Interest paid on the principal alone.A card that is loaded with a specific cash amount before you use it.A deposit that has been made but not yet added to the person's bank account.To sign the back of a check made out to you so it can be cashed or deposited.Original amount of money saved or invested, separate from interest or earnings....

Technology Vocabulary Technology 2013-05-17

Technology Vocabulary Technology crossword puzzle
  1. online site where people can make a profile, talk with other users, and share what they are doing and/or post pictures.
  2. the use of computers, the internet, and other electronic devices to complete an illegal goal against a single person, or a group of people.
  3. breaking into an electronic device to steal, change, or destroy information; a type of cyberterrorism.
  4. Settings the original settings for a profile on a social network.
  5. a branch of knowledge that deals with making and using technical means and how they interact with human life; an invention that uses electricity and battery power to make life easier. 1. Technology – a branch of knowledge that deals with making and using technical means and how they interact with human life; an invention that uses electricity and battery power to make life easier.
  6. an online argument between two people in which they insult and offend each other.
  7. the socially correct way of using the Internet.
  1. the same message sent over and over using an email account or a messaging site.
  2. illegally using a copyrighted item without permission from the copyright’s holder.
  3. using the internet or other electronic devices, including cell phones and tablets, too harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person.
  4. the use of internet or other electronic devices to stalk another person.
  5. an untrue email sent to people trying to get them to forward it.
  6. a program that can reproduce itself and can usually greatly damage files and programs.
  7. illegally copying and/or distributing games, music, movies, etc.,
  8. the amount of data that can be transmitted on a computer in a certain amount of time.

15 Clues: the socially correct way of using the untrue email sent to people trying to get them to forward it.illegally copying and/or distributing games, music, movies, etc.,Settings the original settings for a profile on a social network.the use of internet or other electronic devices to stalk another person....

Virtual Leaning 2020-09-30

Virtual Leaning crossword puzzle
  1. to mobile phones, handheld computers, and similar technology.
  2. -allowing a two-way flow of information between a computer and a computer-user; responding to a user’s input.
  3. a method of transmitting or receiving data (especially video and audio material) over a computer a seminar conducted over the as a steady, continuous flow, allowing playback to start while the rest of the data is still being received.
  1. a seminar conducted over the Internet.
  2. learning- a specific learning method in which the learner is able to control the amount of material they consume as well as the duration of time they need to learn the new information properly.
  3. using more than one medium of expression or communication.
  4. anything related to sound in terms of receiving, transmitting or reproducing or its specific frequency.
  5. learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet.

8 Clues: a seminar conducted over the Internet.using more than one medium of expression or mobile phones, handheld computers, and similar technology.learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet.anything related to sound in terms of receiving, transmitting or reproducing or its specific frequency....

WMS September Newsletter 2022-09-16

WMS September Newsletter crossword puzzle
  1. Mrs. Beck's dog's name is ________.
  2. WEB groups played games like keeping a ______ in the air using only their pinky finger.
  3. The staff member who ran a 50K this summer (Last Name Only)
  4. Wilson will be showing the documentary ________ for students and their families on September 27th.
  5. Wilson's therapy dog
  6. This staff member was in the Air Force for 2 years as a crew chief. (Last Name Only)
  1. Fifty-three percent of kids feel _______ to their mobile devices
  2. Ms. Gustafson is fostering what type of dog
  3. Go see Mrs.__________ if you're interested in helping with our school newsletters.
  4. Student _________ is looking for members to sign up from all grades!
  5. Ms. Gustafson teaches __________ technology.
  6. The staff member who is riding his bike every day until it is freezing. (Last Name Only)
  7. The staff member who loves Disney (Last Name Only)

13 Clues: Wilson's therapy dogMrs. Beck's dog's name is ________.Ms. Gustafson is fostering what type of dogMs. Gustafson teaches __________ technology.The staff member who loves Disney (Last Name Only)The staff member who ran a 50K this summer (Last Name Only)Fifty-three percent of kids feel _______ to their mobile devices...

how technology savy are you 2013-10-07

how technology savy are you crossword puzzle
  1. This private sky particle does not change color?
  2. collection of large and complex data.
  3. What is the name of an online community that has something in common with NASA?
  4. What is the global spider?
  5. The online supermarket for your application.
  6. This technology is triggering a third wave of capitalism.
  1. This is the major Forces in Mobile Application Development?
  2. This has become a cultural phenomenon with more than 800 million users, volume of visitors is rising at over 80% a year.

8 Clues: What is the global spider?collection of large and complex data.The online supermarket for your application.This private sky particle does not change color?This technology is triggering a third wave of capitalism.This is the major Forces in Mobile Application Development?What is the name of an online community that has something in common with NASA?...

BANKING TERMS 2024-01-29

BANKING TERMS crossword puzzle
  1. Original amount of money saved or invested, separate from interest or earnings.
  2. A certificate that allows the stated payee to receive cash on-demand, usually issued by governments and banking institutions.
  3. An application that runs on mobile devices. It securely stores your payment information and passwords and allows you to pay for items without needing your physical cards.
  4. A card that is directly connected to your checking account; it enables you to conduct ATM transactions and to make purchases instead of using cash or writing a check.
  5. A mobile banking tool that allows you to deposit checks to your bank account using your mobile device.
  6. Reinvesting earned interest back into the principal to allow money to grow exponentially over time.
  7. A check that has been written but has not yet been cashed or deposited by the payee.
  8. Protection provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; protects the deposits of customers against loss up to $250,000 per account.
  9. A record that allows you to keep track of checks you have written, ATM/debit card transactions, as well as deposits and withdrawals.
  10. To compare your bank's monthly account statement with your own records of activity for the same account.
  1. A card that is loaded with a specific cash amount before you use it.
  2. A loan banks offer to their customers when they try to withdraw more funds than they have in their account, usually for a fee and with interest.
  3. A deposit that has been made but not yet added to the person's bank account.
  4. A monthly document prepared by your financial institution which shows all of the transactions related to your account.
  5. A consumer banking technology that allows you to schedule and make payments over the internet.
  6. A fee charged to your account when it lacks the funds to cover a withdrawal, but the bank allows the transaction to go through anyway.
  7. A term used to describe a person who does not use or does not have access to traditional financial services.
  8. A check that has been paid or cleared by the bank. It will appear on your bank statement.
  9. Interest paid on the principal alone.
  10. To sign the back of a check made out to you so it can be cashed or deposited.

20 Clues: Interest paid on the principal alone.A card that is loaded with a specific cash amount before you use it.A deposit that has been made but not yet added to the person's bank account.To sign the back of a check made out to you so it can be cashed or deposited.Original amount of money saved or invested, separate from interest or earnings....

group 5 2016-10-24

group 5 crossword puzzle
  1. a lightweight inexpensive mobile computer
  2. bulk data processing
  3. a personal non mobile computer
  4. a way to communicate across long distances
  1. a thin remote access mobile computer
  2. a thin flat mobile computer
  3. a defensive wall against computer viruses
  4. a defining symbol
  5. a byte of data
  6. a cluster of computer towers used to house more data

10 Clues: a byte of dataa defining symbolbulk data processinga thin flat mobile computera personal non mobile computera thin remote access mobile computera defensive wall against computer virusesa lightweight inexpensive mobile computera way to communicate across long distancesa cluster of computer towers used to house more data

Modern Digital Words 2024-07-03

Modern Digital Words crossword puzzle
  1. Relating to the culture of computers and virtual reality.
  2. A mobile phone that performs many functions of a computer.
  3. Websites and apps that enable users to create and share content.
  4. A person who can affect others' behavior or opinions via social media.
  5. Involving or relating to the use of computer technology.
  1. Rapidly circulating content on the internet.
  2. Short for application, a software program for specific functions.
  3. A photograph taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone.
  4. A small digital image or icon used to express ideas or emotions.
  5. A person who gains unauthorized access to data.
  6. A word or phrase preceded by #, used to identify specific topics on social media.
  7. The continuous flow of audio or video over the internet.
  8. A humorous piece of content spread by internet users.
  9. Writing instructions for a computer to perform a task.

14 Clues: Rapidly circulating content on the internet.A person who gains unauthorized access to data.A humorous piece of content spread by internet users.Writing instructions for a computer to perform a task.The continuous flow of audio or video over the internet.Involving or relating to the use of computer technology....


TTL CROSSWORD PUZZLE crossword puzzle
  1. freeing students from the confines of the traditional schoolwork box
  2. has the goal of producing more effective teaching and learning
  3. encompass all the technologies and services involved
  4. provides a framework for describing and targeting the use of technology to enhance learning
  5. define the learning objectives and the instructional strategies
  6. connect new information to prior knowledge
  7. kind of peripheral device that helps communicate with processing units of the computer
  8. students use technology tools flexibly to achieve specific learning outcomes
  9. a technology integration framework that identifies three types of knowledge
  10. teacher expertise in integrating content and pedagogical knowledge
  11. Teacher knowledge about the subject matter to be learned or taught
  12. instructional design framework that training developers use
  13. level where technology tools are used in conventional ways.
  14. offers free education in an online environment
  15. uses visual images to represent knowledge
  16. knowledge of teaching methods or instructional strategies
  17. teacher provides context for lesson; students choose tools
  18. the goal is to move from passive use of technology to active use of technology
  19. refers to the computer's physical components
  20. used for putting information including letters, words and numbers.
  21. assess the quality and effectiveness of the entire instructional design process
  22. features individualized instruction and self-learning modules
  23. refers to direct and intentional encounters
  24. knowledge about working with technology, tools and resources.
  25. setting goals and understanding the gaps to fill
  1. Information and ____________ Technology
  2. Knowledge of how technology can be used to provide innovative methods of teaching content
  3. focuses on developing and refining each element.
  4. also known as hybrid learning
  5. this phase entails carrying out and delivering the planned content
  6. controls a cursor in a GUI
  7. electronic device for storing and processing data
  8. link learning activities to the real world
  9. independent use for building knowledge
  10. collaborate with others
  11. Technology _________ Matrix
  12. area where technology and pedagogy influence each other
  13. referred to as home based learning
  14. uses symbols and words to represent knowledge and experience.
  15. teachers uses tools to deliver instruction

40 Clues: collaborate with otherscontrols a cursor in a GUITechnology _________ Matrixalso known as hybrid learningreferred to as home based learningindependent use for building knowledgeInformation and ____________ Technologyuses visual images to represent knowledgeconnect new information to prior knowledgelink learning activities to the real world...

LIME 2014-02-25

LIME crossword puzzle
  1. We lead the way in making the Caribbean successful.
  2. We're excited by technology and its big possibilities.
  3. Always working to improve life in the caribbean.
  4. To understand and deliver to our Government, business and families.
  5. Building, connecting and serving our communities.
  6. Third word in the LIME acronym.
  7. First word in the LIME acronym.
  1. We treat our customers and each other as we want to be treated.
  2. Informal term for Barbadian.
  3. Caribbean people are higly visual. They dont need their time wastes or a "whole lot of long talk", so we limit the amount of copy we use. We get to the point and tell them what they need to know.
  4. Respect,deliver, win, innovate.

11 Clues: Informal term for Barbadian.Respect,deliver, win, innovate.Third word in the LIME acronym.First word in the LIME acronym.Always working to improve life in the caribbean.Building, connecting and serving our communities.We lead the way in making the Caribbean successful.We're excited by technology and its big possibilities....

LIME 2014-02-25

LIME crossword puzzle
  1. We lead the way in making the Caribbean successful.
  2. We're excited by technology and its big possibilities.
  3. Always working to improve life in the caribbean.
  4. To understand and deliver to our Government, business and families.
  5. Building, connecting and serving our communities.
  6. Third word in the LIME acronym.
  7. First word in the LIME acronym.
  1. We treat our customers and each other as we want to be treated.
  2. Informal term for Barbadian.
  3. Caribbean people are higly visual. They dont need their time wastes or a "whole lot of long talk", so we limit the amount of copy we use. We get to the point and tell them what they need to know.
  4. Respect,deliver, win, innovate.

11 Clues: Informal term for Barbadian.Respect,deliver, win, innovate.Third word in the LIME acronym.First word in the LIME acronym.Always working to improve life in the caribbean.Building, connecting and serving our communities.We lead the way in making the Caribbean successful.We're excited by technology and its big possibilities....

Media and Technology 2022-10-18

Media and Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a process by which fewer and fewer owners control the majority of media outlets
  2. the spread of technology across borders
  3. those who see technology as a symbol of the coldness of modern life
  4. those who see technology as symbolizing the potential for a brighter future
  5. all interactive forms of information exchange
  6. the ability to sort through, interpret, and process digital knowledge
  7. patents that are granted when someone has invented a new and original design for a manufactured product
  8. patents that recognize the discovery of new plant types that can be asexually reproduced
  9. all print, digital, and electronic means of communication
  10. the worldwide integration of media through the cross-cultural exchange of ideas
  11. the cross-cultural development and exchange of technology
  12. the act of a technology company planning for a product to be obsolete or unable from the time it’s created
  13. a form of constant monitoring in which the observation posts are decentralized and the observed is never communicated with directly
  1. the application to and promotion of feminism online
  2. a breakthrough in one form of technology that leads to a number of variations, from which a prototype emerges, followed by a period of slight adjustments to the technology, interrupted by a breakthrough
  3. the gap in information that builds as groups grow up without access to technology
  4. the application of science to solve problems in daily life
  5. the uneven access to technology around race, class, and geographic lines
  6. a situation in which a few firms dominate a marketplace
  7. the principle that all Internet data should be treated equally by internet service providers
  8. the sorting process by which thousands of possible messages are shaped into a mass media-appropriate form and reduced to a manageable amount
  9. patents that are granted for the invention or discovery of any new and useful process, product, or machine

22 Clues: the spread of technology across bordersall interactive forms of information exchangethe application to and promotion of feminism onlinea situation in which a few firms dominate a marketplaceall print, digital, and electronic means of communicationthe cross-cultural development and exchange of technology...

Telephoning and texting (Unit 21) 2021-07-13

Telephoning and texting (Unit 21) crossword puzzle
  1. to telephone someone a second time
  2. something you use to talk to someone far away
  3. to end a phone call
  4. to turn on/off
  5. to telephone someone
  6. when someone calls you but you don't pick up
  7. to pay more money to your phone company
  8. a mobile phone
  9. to be/remain in contact
  1. to use a telephone
  2. to wait
  3. to speak to someone by telephone
  4. without any sound
  5. to send a written message from a mobile phone
  6. to telephone someone

15 Clues: to waitto turn on/offa mobile phonewithout any soundto use a telephoneto end a phone callto telephone someoneto telephone someoneto be/remain in contactto speak to someone by telephoneto telephone someone a second timeto pay more money to your phone companywhen someone calls you but you don't pick upsomething you use to talk to someone far away...

Artificial intelligence 2014-01-14

Artificial intelligence crossword puzzle
  1. a robot designed to look and act like a human
  2. robots formed from molecules or molecular components
  3. a type of motor for moving or controlling a mechanism or system
  4. a computer-programmed machine that performs action, manipulates objects
  1. it connect movable parts of robots
  2. device that facilitate communication between the user and the system
  3. molecule-sized computers, may have the power of 100 workstations
  4. is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices

8 Clues: it connect movable parts of robotsa robot designed to look and act like a humanrobots formed from molecules or molecular componentsa type of motor for moving or controlling a mechanism or systemmolecule-sized computers, may have the power of 100 workstationsdevice that facilitate communication between the user and the system...

Buses Bi-Weekly Challenge 2023-07-30

Buses Bi-Weekly Challenge crossword puzzle
  1. Protocol that doesn't require the additional signal to support multiple devices on the same bus
  2. 'Q' in QSPI
  3. Flagship series of Qualcomm chipsets
  4. A communication protocol used for short-range wireless data exchange between devices
  1. Bus standard used for connecting peripherals to a computer
  2. Qualcomm's heterogenous computing architecture that integrates CPU, GPU and DSP
  3. Used for managing and scheduling requests from different devices to access the bus
  4. Qualcomm's bus technology used to connect application processor and modem in mobile devices

8 Clues: 'Q' in QSPIFlagship series of Qualcomm chipsetsBus standard used for connecting peripherals to a computerQualcomm's heterogenous computing architecture that integrates CPU, GPU and DSPUsed for managing and scheduling requests from different devices to access the busA communication protocol used for short-range wireless data exchange between devices...

Crossword 2 2023-12-14

Crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A GIS application launched by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj
  2. Newly elected President of Argentina
  3. Rank of India in the 2024 Climate Change Performance Index
  4. An AI assisted translation tool deployed by the SC
  1. Became the first country in the world to eliminate kala azar as a public health problem
  2. A mobile-based solution to help in capturing photos with Geo-Tags
  3. Arsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology developed by IIT Madras
  4. Location of world’s deepest and largest underground physics laboratory

8 Clues: Newly elected President of ArgentinaAn AI assisted translation tool deployed by the SCRank of India in the 2024 Climate Change Performance IndexA GIS application launched by the Ministry of Panchayati RajA mobile-based solution to help in capturing photos with Geo-TagsArsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology developed by IIT Madras...

Grecia Leza, Period 6 2024-02-06

Grecia Leza, Period 6 crossword puzzle
  1. to transfer move, or copy data
  2. a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves that allow any type of device to connect to the internet.
  3. a way people and organizations to save data securely online.
  4. another word for the internet
  5. to send data to a file or program
  6. a piece of computer hardware that is used to display images, text, video and graphics.
  7. used to connect computers with peripheral devices.
  1. a worldwide network that links computers.
  2. the short-range wireless interconnection of mobile devices
  3. a collection of instructions, programs, and data that tell a computer how to perform specific tasks.
  4. to bring data into file or program
  5. the address of a web page
  6. is the primary place to display and organize icons on a screen.
  7. refers to the physical elements of a computer.
  8. a type of image file that is commonly used on the internet.

15 Clues: the address of a web pageanother word for the internetto transfer move, or copy datato send data to a file or programto bring data into file or programa worldwide network that links computers.refers to the physical elements of a computer.used to connect computers with peripheral devices.the short-range wireless interconnection of mobile devices...

Layla M, Period 2 2024-02-06

Layla M, Period 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A worldwide network that links computers
  2. Used to connect computers with peripheral devices
  3. The physical elements of a computer
  4. A way for people and organizations to save data securely online
  5. Text files with small pieces of data
  6. primary place to display and organize icons on a screen
  7. Allows you to create and store files online and access them anywhere using the cloud
  1. The device that is used to display images, text, and video
  2. An area on a Web page that, when clicked on with a mouse, will transport the user to another Web page.
  3. Another word for the internet
  4. the short-range wireless interconnection of mobile phones
  5. To transfer, move, or copy data
  6. a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves
  7. is what comes between the @ in your email address and the .com, .org, .net, etc.
  8. a computer file format for the compression and storage of digital images

15 Clues: Another word for the internetTo transfer, move, or copy dataThe physical elements of a computerText files with small pieces of dataA worldwide network that links computersUsed to connect computers with peripheral devicesa wireless networking technology that uses radio wavesprimary place to display and organize icons on a screen...

Althea C. Period 3 2024-02-06

Althea C. Period 3 crossword puzzle
  1. a way to save data online safely that can be accessed at any time or place.
  2. a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to function.
  3. to bring data into a program
  4. to send data to a program
  5. a synonym for word number one down.
  6. a online storage plan accessed through mircosoft.
  7. text tiles with tiny information that are used to identify a device or user.
  8. to transfer data to the internet
  9. a primary place to display and organize icons on a screen.
  1. the physical elements of a computer (i.e motherboard, screen, etc.)
  2. a short range of wireless interconnection of mobile phones, computers,and other electronic devices
  3. to transfer data to one device to another.
  4. the non-physical elements of a computer (i.e the programming)
  5. A worldwide network that links computers and exchanges information.
  6. a device used to display images, text, videos, etc.

15 Clues: to send data to a programto bring data into a programto transfer data to the interneta synonym for word number one transfer data to one device to another.a online storage plan accessed through mircosoft.a device used to display images, text, videos, etc.a primary place to display and organize icons on a screen....


  1. a business with 200 or more employees.
  2. This type of business uses mobile technology such as apps to maximise consumer convenience.
  3. corporation or TNC.
  4. a business with 20 to 199 employees.
  5. A very popular global fast food business
  1. They provide essential community service such as health, education, roads and welfare.
  2. This is a type of business which runs some or all of its business using the internet.
  3. business that provide services to the community and do not earn a profit for its owners.
  4. business is a large company that has branches in many different countries.
  5. a business with 5 to 19 employees.
  6. a business with fewer than five employees.

11 Clues: corporation or TNC.a business with 5 to 19 employees.a business with 20 to 199 employees.a business with 200 or more employees.A very popular global fast food businessa business with fewer than five is a large company that has branches in many different countries....

Declan 2020-08-09

Declan crossword puzzle
  1. items that are not needed
  2. capital resource
  3. when resources are limited
  4. vehicle that gets fixed by Mobile Mechanic
  5. study of how to use resources
  6. land Resource
  7. small tool, capital resource
  8. example: mobile mechanic
  1. chef
  2. axe
  3. need
  4. items essential for survival
  5. enterprise resource
  6. example: cow
  7. essential item for survival

15 Clues: axechefneedexample: cowland Resourcecapital resourceenterprise resourceexample: mobile mechanicitems that are not neededwhen resources are limitedessential item for survivalitems essential for survivalsmall tool, capital resourcestudy of how to use resourcesvehicle that gets fixed by Mobile Mechanic

Automation Day 2022-09-09

Automation Day crossword puzzle
  1. iOS & Android mobile app UI automation tool
  2. complete test scripting in plain English
  3. process relying on software requirements being converted to test cases
  4. Studio IDE designed for mobile test automation
  5. API 23
  6. graphical programming environment for modeling
  1. Micro focus performance testing tool
  2. test automation cloud service for native and hybrid mobile apps
  3. leading open source automation server
  4. .NET library used for Automation
  5. Rest and soapUI automation test tool
  6. widely-used general-purpose, high-level programming language
  7. web framework that permits you to execute cross-browser tests.
  8. carrier preferred cloud

14 Clues: API 23carrier preferred cloud.NET library used for AutomationMicro focus performance testing toolRest and soapUI automation test toolleading open source automation servercomplete test scripting in plain EnglishiOS & Android mobile app UI automation toolStudio IDE designed for mobile test automationgraphical programming environment for modeling...

Topic 4 : Operating System 2021-11-02

Topic 4 : Operating System crossword puzzle
  1. _____ used to integrates the desktop OS with its mobile OS.
  2. Chrome OS is a ____ operating system designed to work primarily with web apps.
  3. ______ systems typically provide a means to establish Internet connection.
  4. The operating system on mobile devices and many consumer electronics is called a ____ operating system.
  5. Identifies and eliminates nonessential files can be one of the functions of?
  6. ______ developed by Microsoft, is a proprietary mobile operating system that runs on some applications.
  7. A ____ controls how you enter data and instruction and how information is displayed on the screen.
  1. The goal of the Operating system is to ______ the work.
  2. ________ are specialized programs designed to make computing error.
  3. Windows, macOS, UNIX, Linux, and Chrome OS are in the category of ____.
  4. Operating system is resource ______ which allocates memory resources.
  5. _____ mode saves any open documents and running programs/apps to an internal hard drive before removing power from the computer/device.
  6. Android is an ______, Linux-based mobile operating system designed by Google for smartphones and tablets.
  7. ____ is a multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s.

14 Clues: The goal of the Operating system is to ______ the work._____ used to integrates the desktop OS with its mobile OS.________ are specialized programs designed to make computing error.Operating system is resource ______ which allocates memory resources.____ is a multitasking operating system developed in the early 1970s....

ICT Secondary Review (Crossword Puzzle) 2023-04-18

ICT Secondary Review (Crossword Puzzle) crossword puzzle
  1. RAM stands for Random-______ Memory.
  2. A proper ____-down is required to safely turn off a computer.
  3. Google Chrome is a commonly used web-_______.
  4. ________ cables are used for connecting devices in a wired local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN).
  5. Microsoft __________ is used to create slides and presentations.
  6. Common video interfaces/cables include VGA, DVI, ____ and DisplayPort.
  7. USB stands for Universal ______ Bus.
  8. The part the cools off the CPU is called the heat-____.
  1. _________ is a short-range wireless technology standard that is used for exchanging data between fixed and mobile devices over short distances.
  2. Online _________ is an important behavioural aspect to uphold when using the internet and social media.
  3. CPU stands for _______-processing unit.
  4. GPU stands for ________ Processing Unit.
  5. SSD stands for _____-State Drive.
  6. The person sending the email.
  7. A ______ is a device used to capture videos or images that can be useful for a live video call.

15 Clues: The person sending the email.SSD stands for _____-State Drive.RAM stands for Random-______ Memory.USB stands for Universal ______ Bus.CPU stands for _______-processing unit.GPU stands for ________ Processing Unit.Google Chrome is a commonly used web-_______.The part the cools off the CPU is called the heat-____....

Grecia Leza, Period 6 2024-02-06

Grecia Leza, Period 6 crossword puzzle
  1. to transfer move, or copy data
  2. a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves that allow any type of device to connect to the internet.
  3. a way people and organizations to save data securely online.
  4. another word for the internet
  5. to send data to a file or program
  6. a piece of computer hardware that is used to display images, text, video and graphics.
  7. used to connect computers with peripheral devices.
  1. a worldwide network that links computers.
  2. the short-range wireless interconnection of mobile devices
  3. a collection of instructions, programs, and data that tell a computer how to perform specific tasks.
  4. to bring data into file or program
  5. the address of a web page
  6. is the primary place to display and organize icons on a screen.
  7. refers to the physical elements of a computer.
  8. a type of image file that is commonly used on the internet.

15 Clues: the address of a web pageanother word for the internetto transfer move, or copy datato send data to a file or programto bring data into file or programa worldwide network that links computers.refers to the physical elements of a computer.used to connect computers with peripheral devices.the short-range wireless interconnection of mobile devices...

Core Modernization & Transformation 2023-03-06

Core Modernization & Transformation crossword puzzle
  1. Being in accordance
  2. Not exposed to danger
  3. Something you want to achieve
  4. Complete Technology Change
  5. Plan of action
  6. A collection of information stored electronically
  7. Information Technology
  8. Put a decision or plan into effect
  9. Back-end banking system
  10. Ally
  11. Moving data from one location to another
  1. Technology upgrade
  2. Financial Institution
  3. New method or idea
  4. Changing to something else
  5. Solving a problem
  6. Community banking partner and adaptable core provider
  7. Price
  8. Expired technology that is no longer being updated
  9. A strong belief that something will happen in the future

20 Clues: AllyPricePlan of actionSolving a problemTechnology upgradeNew method or ideaBeing in accordanceFinancial InstitutionNot exposed to dangerInformation TechnologyBack-end banking systemChanging to something elseComplete Technology ChangeSomething you want to achievePut a decision or plan into effectMoving data from one location to another...

Declan 2020-08-09

Declan crossword puzzle
  1. axe
  2. example: cow
  3. study of how to use resources
  4. enterprise resource
  5. land Resource
  6. chef
  7. items that are not needed
  1. capital resource
  2. need
  3. when resources are limited
  4. vehicle that gets fixed by Mobile Mechanic
  5. items essential for survival
  6. small tool, capital resource
  7. essential item for survival
  8. example: mobile mechanic

15 Clues: axeneedchefexample: cowland Resourcecapital resourceenterprise resourceexample: mobile mechanicitems that are not neededwhen resources are limitedessential item for survivalitems essential for survivalsmall tool, capital resourcestudy of how to use resourcesvehicle that gets fixed by Mobile Mechanic

technology 2022-03-09

technology crossword puzzle
  1. kamerka internetowa
  2. skaner
  3. klawiatura
  4. telefon
  5. telefon komórkowy
  6. internet
  1. fax
  2. drukarka
  3. monitor
  4. pager
  5. satelity
  6. głośniki
  7. list
  8. myszka

14 Clues: faxlistpagerskanermyszkamonitortelefondrukarkasatelitygłośnikiinternetklawiaturatelefon komórkowykamerka internetowa

Technology 2022-10-03

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. you can search that online or on books
  2. a device that you use to make calls or access the internet
  3. to get something that is on the cloud to your PC or phone
  4. electronic message or address
  5. devices that you use to access internet, and produce other things
  6. things that help us evolve our work
  7. sequence of moving images
  1. a net that connects people who are in different places
  2. to put something from your phone or PC to the cloud
  3. a device we use to make calls
  4. softwares you have on the cellphone
  5. things you write to people who are not near you
  6. a fun thing you can play
  7. a type of internet connection

14 Clues: a fun thing you can playsequence of moving imagesa device we use to make callselectronic message or addressa type of internet connectionsoftwares you have on the cellphonethings that help us evolve our workyou can search that online or on booksthings you write to people who are not near youto put something from your phone or PC to the cloud...

~Technology~ 2023-02-17

~Technology~ crossword puzzle
  1. a small portable computer
  2. a string of letters, numbers, symbols that you use to access your account
  3. a machine that is used to print documents
  4. Universal Serial Bus
  5. a way to send messages over the internet
  6. a pointing device you use for the computer
  7. a website where I can watch videos
  1. used to type words on a computer
  2. a short message sent electronically usually from one cell phone to another
  3. a program that protects your computer or mobile phone from viruses
  4. short for "application". A type of software that can be downloaded on to your smart phone or computer (games, Whatsapp, uber eats)
  5. a small device you can use to save and transfer files
  6. a communication platform that allows people to communicate with audio, video, and chat
  7. allows devices to communicate with each other without cables or wires

14 Clues: Universal Serial Busa small portable computerused to type words on a computera website where I can watch videosa way to send messages over the interneta machine that is used to print documentsa pointing device you use for the computera small device you can use to save and transfer files...

Technology 2019-10-23

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. An example of a thermoplastic.
  2. A wood saw used with one hand.
  3. Used to secure material to stop it moving when cutting.
  4. Used for smoothing the surface of wood.
  5. A tool that fits into the head of a screw to turn it.
  6. A machine used to finish the edges of plastic.
  1. A tool for drawing circles and arcs.
  2. An essential safety requirement when using any machine.
  3. This is worn to protect our clothes in the workshop
  4. A machine that bores holes.
  5. Woodworking tool used for marking lines at 90 degrees.
  6. What saw is used to cut straight lines and complex shapes from plastic?
  7. Used for driving nails into material.
  8. What would you use to measure the length of a line?

14 Clues: A machine that bores holes.An example of a thermoplastic.A wood saw used with one hand.A tool for drawing circles and arcs.Used for driving nails into material.Used for smoothing the surface of wood.A machine used to finish the edges of plastic.This is worn to protect our clothes in the workshopWhat would you use to measure the length of a line?...

technology 2019-11-06

technology crossword puzzle
  1. what is a network security system used to stop unauthorized access
  2. a device that feeds data into a computer such as keyboard or mouse
  3. a client software program that runs against a web server or other internet server and enables a user to navigate the world wide web
  4. process of converting data into a secret code for transmission over a public network
  5. is a plug and play interface that allows a computer to communicate with peripheral and other devices
  6. a rate at which a processor can complete a processing cycle
  7. the act of trying to access someone' information illegally
  1. code made up of numbers separated by three dots that identifies a particular computer on the internet
  2. what is it called if people are nasty to you online?
  3. type of text style and size
  4. a sofware system that links topics on the screen to related information and graphics
  5. a person who posts inflammatory comments or messages in an online community such as forum, chatroom, blog or on social networking sites
  6. usually consists of eight bits
  7. a web address

14 Clues: a web addresstype of text style and sizeusually consists of eight bitswhat is it called if people are nasty to you online?the act of trying to access someone' information illegallya rate at which a processor can complete a processing cyclewhat is a network security system used to stop unauthorized access...

Technology 2023-06-14

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. To transfer or save data or files from the internet or another source onto a computer or device for later use.
  2. To modify or change content, such as text, images, or videos, using editing tools or software on a computer or device.
  3. To engage in interactive digital entertainment, games, or activities on a computer, gaming console, or mobile device.
  4. To install or apply the latest improvements, features, or security patches to software or firmware on a device.
  5. To link or join devices, networks, or systems together in order to exchange data or information.
  6. To make or produce something new using digital tools, software, or devices, often involving creativity or problem-solving.
  7. To make a copy or duplicate of data, files, or information as a precautionary measure against loss or damage.
  1. To distribute or send files, documents, or media with others through various digital platforms or communication methods.
  2. To watch or listen to multimedia content, such as videos or music, in real-time over the internet without downloading.
  3. To transfer or send data or files from a computer or device to the internet or another destination.
  4. To input or enter text or characters using a keyboard or keypad on a device, such as a computer or smartphone.
  5. To press a button on a mouse or touchscreen to select or activate an element or function on a computer or device.
  6. To look for information, websites, or resources on the internet using a search engine or specific keywords.
  7. To write or design instructions or code that controls the behavior or functions of a computer or software application.

14 Clues: To link or join devices, networks, or systems together in order to exchange data or information.To transfer or send data or files from a computer or device to the internet or another destination.To look for information, websites, or resources on the internet using a search engine or specific keywords....

TECHNOLOGY 2019-01-21

TECHNOLOGY crossword puzzle


Technology 2023-12-15

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a piece of software designed to prevent viruses entering a computer system
  2. the use of living organisms in the manufacture of drugs for enviromental management
  3. a computer or processing electronic data
  4. the mechanical equipment necessary for conductibg an activity
  5. a set of rules to follow in a fixed order for solving a problem
  6. A grupo of bits, usually eight, processed by a computer as a unit
  1. the capability of computer programs and devices to perform functions similar to human abilities to learn and make decisions
  2. documents are preserved.
  3. a place where
  4. programs for
  5. that can be disco eres only by close analysis or examination
  6. a computer user who ilegally gains access to retricted computer systems
  7. Science
  8. an important and sudden advance,etc.,as in science, that removes a barrier to progress

14 Clues: Scienceprograms fora place wheredocuments are preserved.a computer or processing electronic datathat can be disco eres only by close analysis or examinationthe mechanical equipment necessary for conductibg an activitya set of rules to follow in a fixed order for solving a problemA grupo of bits, usually eight, processed by a computer as a unit...

Technology 2023-10-17

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. What do you use to __ to music? Earbuds. I haven`t got any headphones.
  2. If you want to type words on your computer, use a __
  3. He downloaded the __ to read comics on his laptop.
  4. I`m __ the internet to find the information I need.
  5. Where do you __ your friends? On Vk, sometimes on Telegram. I can`t stand texting them on Viber.
  6. My mum often __ a website of borsht lovers. She hates borscht.
  7. Zhenya thinks he`s a brilliant blogger and DJ, so this weekend he`s __ his awful music online.
  8. .
  1. I`m __ an email, but the internet seems to be cutting in and out.
  2. I`m __ the VK app at the moment.
  3. Rick sometimes __ online in class to check his news feed.
  4. Just __ on this link, it`ll redirect you to the website.
  5. @
  6. __ helps me see my parents when we call each other.
  7. Granny reraly __ us. She prefers when we drop by instead.

15 Clues: @.I`m __ the VK app at the moment.He downloaded the __ to read comics on his laptop.I`m __ the internet to find the information I need.__ helps me see my parents when we call each other.If you want to type words on your computer, use a __Just __ on this link, it`ll redirect you to the website....

iPAD Terms 2013-09-10

iPAD Terms crossword puzzle
  1. wireless networking
  2. a writing tool for the iPAD
  3. short for "application"; the programs you download and run on a smartphone
  4. Apple mobile operating system and the software that powers the iPAD
  5. a wireless technology used for exchanging short-range data between electronic devices
  6. Apple's online services
  7. button the physical hardware button on the front of the iPAD
  8. an icon representing a group of apps
  9. short for synchronize
  1. mode tap and hold an app and it will begin to "jiggle" indicating you can move them around the Home screen, from screen to screen, put them into folders, delete them
  2. Apple's video calling service
  3. Apple's intelligent virtual assistant
  4. Apple's web browser
  5. one of Apple's built-in apps, it handles eents, invites, and reminders
  6. special row of icons along the bottom of the iPAD that don't change when you swipe between Home screens

15 Clues: wireless networkingApple's web browsershort for synchronizeApple's online servicesa writing tool for the iPADApple's video calling servicean icon representing a group of appsApple's intelligent virtual assistantbutton the physical hardware button on the front of the iPADApple mobile operating system and the software that powers the iPAD...

Innovation Through AI 2020-12-22

Innovation Through AI crossword puzzle
  1. an example of neural networks.
  2. Involves building machines that are capable of performing physical tasks.
  3. popular speech recognition on iOS.
  4. problem solving through thinking, perception and action
  5. form of psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems.
  6. method of data analysis that automates analytical model building.
  7. one of the reason ES being used is to preserve ________.
  1. computer program inspired by human brain.
  2. concept of creating computer programs/machines capable of behavior that could be regarded as intelligence if exhibits by humans.
  3. one of machine learning example.
  4. new data-centric approach to AI goes by one of this name.
  5. The process of converting speech signal into digital data.
  6. An input technology that facilitates typing on a mobile device by suggesting words
  7. all google search queries runs through __________.
  8. uses DeepFace as it facial recognition system.

15 Clues: an example of neural of machine learning example.popular speech recognition on program inspired by human brain.uses DeepFace as it facial recognition system.all google search queries runs through __________.problem solving through thinking, perception and actionone of the reason ES being used is to preserve ________....

Kylan S. Period 7 2024-02-06

Kylan S. Period 7 crossword puzzle
  1. o transfer, move, or copy data from a website
  2. a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves
  3. A piece of computer hardware that is used to display images
  4. To bring data into a file or program
  5. an application for accessing websites and the Internet
  6. is the primary place to display and organize icons on a screen
  7. Another word for the internet
  1. the short-range wireless interconnection of mobile phones
  2. A computer file format for image files that supports both animated and static images
  3. a world wide net work that links computers
  4. To transfer, move, or copy data
  5. a computer file format for the compression and storage of digital images
  6. Used to connect computers with peripheral devices such as smartphones
  7. To send data to a file or program
  8. a type of image file that is commonly used on the internet

15 Clues: Another word for the internetTo transfer, move, or copy dataTo send data to a file or programTo bring data into a file or programa world wide net work that links computerso transfer, move, or copy data from a websitea wireless networking technology that uses radio wavesan application for accessing websites and the Internet...


  1. A part of earth's surface that is indentified and given meaning
  2. increasing interconnections between countries, including economical, political and cultural exchange between countries
  3. factors related to a person's belief
  4. communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone or broadcasting
  5. factor related to employment and income
  6. exchange of goods and services
  7. factors related to past experience and events
  8. travel to natural areas that are not disturbed and possibly fragile
  1. relating to the shared characteristics of a group
  2. unequal levels of access that people in different countries to communication technologies like the internet and mobile network coverage
  3. travel to have a good time, and to enjoy what the place your visiting offers, in terms of attractions and activities
  4. enjoy the chanllenge of visiting wild places
  5. machinery and devices developed in scientific knowledge
  6. link between people and places and things
  7. take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another

15 Clues: exchange of goods and servicesfactors related to a person's belieffactor related to employment and incomelink between people and places and thingsenjoy the chanllenge of visiting wild placesfactors related to past experience and eventsrelating to the shared characteristics of a groupmachinery and devices developed in scientific knowledge...

Althea C. Period 3 2024-02-06

Althea C. Period 3 crossword puzzle
  1. a way to save data online safely that can be accessed at any time or place.
  2. a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to function.
  3. to bring data into a program
  4. to send data to a program
  5. a synonym for word number one down.
  6. a online storage plan accessed through mircosoft.
  7. text tiles with tiny information that are used to identify a device or user.
  8. to transfer data to the internet
  9. a primary place to display and organize icons on a screen.
  1. the physical elements of a computer (i.e motherboard, screen, etc.)
  2. a short range of wireless interconnection of mobile phones, computers,and other electronic devices
  3. to transfer data to one device to another.
  4. the non-physical elements of a computer (i.e the programming)
  5. A worldwide network that links computers and exchanges information.
  6. a device used to display images, text, videos, etc.

15 Clues: to send data to a programto bring data into a programto transfer data to the interneta synonym for word number one transfer data to one device to another.a online storage plan accessed through mircosoft.a device used to display images, text, videos, etc.a primary place to display and organize icons on a screen....

Althea C. Period 3 2024-02-06

Althea C. Period 3 crossword puzzle
  1. a way to save data online safely that can be accessed at any time or place.
  2. a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to function.
  3. to bring data into a program
  4. to send data to a program
  5. a synonym for word number one down.
  6. a online storage plan accessed through mircosoft.
  7. text tiles with tiny information that are used to identify a device or user.
  8. to transfer data to the internet
  9. a primary place to display and organize icons on a screen.
  1. the physical elements of a computer (i.e motherboard, screen, etc.)
  2. a short range of wireless interconnection of mobile phones, computers,and other electronic devices
  3. to transfer data to one device to another.
  4. the non-physical elements of a computer (i.e the programming)
  5. A worldwide network that links computers and exchanges information.
  6. a device used to display images, text, videos, etc.

15 Clues: to send data to a programto bring data into a programto transfer data to the interneta synonym for word number one transfer data to one device to another.a online storage plan accessed through mircosoft.a device used to display images, text, videos, etc.a primary place to display and organize icons on a screen....

Mobile App Development - Mobile Database 2022-07-21

Mobile App Development - Mobile Database crossword puzzle
  1. these are individual bits of information in the database
  2. you can find databases of student records and their grades in the database of this place
  3. any organised collection of data for search and retrieval by a computer
  4. Data is commonly stored as ______ and columns
  1. means DataBase Management Systems
  2. each column in your database will have a __________
  3. data from this type of database can be accessed from anywhere anytime
  4. Certain type of data are stored on this device
  5. this is very important for mobile app development to store the important information
  6. _______ are kept in a database

10 Clues: _______ are kept in a databasemeans DataBase Management SystemsData is commonly stored as ______ and columnsCertain type of data are stored on this deviceeach column in your database will have a __________these are individual bits of information in the databasedata from this type of database can be accessed from anywhere anytime...

Crossword 2 2023-12-14

Crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. An AI assisted translation tool deployed by the SC
  2. A mobile-based solution to help in capturing photos with Geo-Tags
  3. Newly elected President of Argentina
  4. Location of world’s deepest and largest underground physics laboratory
  1. Rank of India in the 2024 Climate Change Performance Index
  2. Became the first country in the world to eliminate kala azar as a public health problem
  3. Arsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology developed by IIT Madras

7 Clues: Newly elected President of ArgentinaAn AI assisted translation tool deployed by the SCRank of India in the 2024 Climate Change Performance IndexA mobile-based solution to help in capturing photos with Geo-TagsArsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology developed by IIT MadrasLocation of world’s deepest and largest underground physics laboratory...

TOPENG BASE 2022-05-27

TOPENG BASE crossword puzzle
  1. Singkatan game irama mobile dirilis oleh Cascalia Studio
  2. Game irama mobile seputar band beranggota cewek
  3. Gurita kuning dengan kecepatan Mach 1
  4. Lelaki yang terkenal dengan satu pukulannya
  5. Pria yang suka berteriak "MudaMudaMuda"
  1. Game open world mobile produksi Mihoyo
  2. Game irama mobile dengan kolaborasi terbaru bersama Hatsune Miku
  3. Darah daging dari Naruto
  4. Penyihir penyuka ledakan
  5. Memiliki julukan si Kaki Hitam

10 Clues: Darah daging dari NarutoPenyihir penyuka ledakanMemiliki julukan si Kaki HitamGurita kuning dengan kecepatan Mach 1Game open world mobile produksi MihoyoPria yang suka berteriak "MudaMudaMuda"Lelaki yang terkenal dengan satu pukulannyaGame irama mobile seputar band beranggota cewekSingkatan game irama mobile dirilis oleh Cascalia Studio...

Mobile legends heroes 2023-05-29

Mobile legends heroes crossword puzzle
  1. boneka laboraturium 178
  2. Wanita yg buta
  3. kakak Dyroth
  4. Saudara Miya
  5. pasangan carmila
  1. Adik Zilong
  2. Ayah angkat Ruby
  3. Teman Irithel
  4. pasangan Odette
  5. Gadis yg ditinggal ayahnya
  6. adik Aamon
  7. musuh Hayabusa
  8. musuh Frangko&Freya
  9. Adik angkat Lesley
  10. Ayah Julian

15 Clues: adik AamonAdik ZilongAyah Juliankakak DyrothSaudara MiyaTeman IrithelWanita yg butamusuh Hayabusapasangan OdetteAyah angkat Rubypasangan carmilaAdik angkat Lesleymusuh Frangko&Freyaboneka laboraturium 178Gadis yg ditinggal ayahnya

Computer Hardware 2022-08-13

Computer Hardware crossword puzzle
  1. graphics processing unit
  2. input for clicking
  3. connecting point for all components
  4. holds all the components
  5. display output
  6. non-mobile computer with larger components
  7. power supply
  8. hard disk drive
  1. mobile computer with smaller components
  2. input for typing
  3. network without wires
  4. holds electrical charge
  5. random access memory
  6. network interface controller
  7. central processing unit
  8. solid state drive

16 Clues: power supplydisplay outputhard disk driveinput for typingsolid state driveinput for clickingrandom access memorynetwork without wiresholds electrical chargecentral processing unitgraphics processing unitholds all the componentsnetwork interface controllerconnecting point for all componentsmobile computer with smaller components...

T-Mobile 2020-11-13

T-Mobile crossword puzzle
  1. Are our customers
  2. Are doing it with less
  3. Never Release
  4. A guide to get you familiar with new system/tool
  5. Are our customers staying
  6. Coolest Trainer
  7. All the deals
  1. Full of tips on how to use C2
  2. Bravo-Yankee-Oscar-Delta
  3. Are we deepening

10 Clues: Never ReleaseAll the dealsCoolest TrainerAre we deepeningAre our customersAre doing it with lessBravo-Yankee-Oscar-DeltaAre our customers stayingFull of tips on how to use C2A guide to get you familiar with new system/tool

Mobile madness 2013-10-14

Mobile madness crossword puzzle
  1. the act of breaking a rule
  2. general rule principle or piece of advice
  3. the improper use of certain objects
  4. to gain control of
  5. without defence or protection
  6. American English for mobile phone
  1. easily affected by slight changes or signals
  2. danger to your health
  3. the state of being dependent on something
  4. an object used for transport

10 Clues: to gain control ofdanger to your healththe act of breaking a rulean object used for transportwithout defence or protectionAmerican English for mobile phonethe improper use of certain objectsgeneral rule principle or piece of advicethe state of being dependent on somethingeasily affected by slight changes or signals

Mobile Legends 2023-11-21

Mobile Legends crossword puzzle
  1. hero yang sering disalahkan player karena skill player selalu miss
  2. aku bisa explane aku juga bisa roam dan aku bisa gold lane kadang itemku juga ada magicnya siapa aku
  3. nama skin season pertama mobile legends
  4. skin season 30 adalah hero
  1. Kapan Mobile Legends rilis?
  2. ayahnya Layla
  3. tier awal Mobile Legends
  4. skin "Hamer giant" adalah skin dari hero
  5. gambar game Mobile Legends adalah hero
  6. hero yang dapat berubah menjadi burung

10 Clues: ayahnya Laylatier awal Mobile Legendsskin season 30 adalah heroKapan Mobile Legends rilis?gambar game Mobile Legends adalah herohero yang dapat berubah menjadi burungnama skin season pertama mobile legendsskin "Hamer giant" adalah skin dari herohero yang sering disalahkan player karena skill player selalu miss...

fire mobile 2023-11-28

fire mobile crossword puzzle
  1. when something you think is funny you start
  2. when you fall your knee starts to
  3. when you grab something your
  4. when your swollowing spit you start
  1. when flames do something to trees the tree is
  2. when your in a car your
  3. when you put wood in a fire it starts
  4. when you hit puberty you start to
  5. when your giving your dog/animal food your
  6. when you do a 90 degree angle you

10 Clues: when your in a car yourwhen you grab something yourwhen you hit puberty you start towhen you fall your knee starts towhen you do a 90 degree angle youwhen your swollowing spit you startwhen you put wood in a fire it startswhen your giving your dog/animal food yourwhen something you think is funny you start...

Mobile Computing 2024-04-07

Mobile Computing crossword puzzle
  1. In Bluetooth which protocol device discovery in close proximity plus querying of service characteristics.​
  2. Name the component/station in 802.11 infrastructure mode in which station integrated into the wireless LAN and the distribution system​
  3. The Securing of network control​ is supported by WLAN 802.11____ future development.
  4. Interframe spacing having highest priority
  5. Mode of 802.11 in which nodes implement all parameters by itself.
  1. what in Bluetooth provides --Exchange of objects
  2. IPV6 provides better support for _________
  3. Name the dynamic protocol which enables automatic integration of systems into an Intranet or the Internet.
  4. Interconnection network to form one logical network (EES: Extended Service Set) based on several BSS​
  5. which WLAN(802.11) future development provides -Faster Handover between BSS​- 802.11__

10 Clues: IPV6 provides better support for _________Interframe spacing having highest prioritywhat in Bluetooth provides --Exchange of objectsMode of 802.11 in which nodes implement all parameters by itself.The Securing of network control​ is supported by WLAN 802.11____ future development....

Tech Crossword 1 2023-02-27

Tech Crossword 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Electronic device for processing and storing information.
  2. Wireless network technology that allows devices to connect to the internet without cables.
  3. game Interactive electronic game played on a console, computer, or mobile device.
  1. Portable device with phone, internet, and app capabilities.
  2. media Online platforms for sharing and connecting with others.
  3. Portable computer with a touch screen for browsing and apps.
  4. Global network of computers and devices that communicate and share information.

7 Clues: Electronic device for processing and storing information.Portable device with phone, internet, and app capabilities.Portable computer with a touch screen for browsing and Online platforms for sharing and connecting with others.Global network of computers and devices that communicate and share information....

Crossword 2 2023-12-14

Crossword 2 crossword puzzle
  1. An AI assisted translation tool deployed by the SC
  2. Rank of India in the 2024 Climate Change Performance Index
  3. Location of world’s deepest and largest underground physics laboratory
  4. A mobile-based solution to help in capturing photos with Geo-Tags
  1. Newly elected President of Argentina
  2. Became the first country in the world to eliminate kala azar as a public health problem
  3. Arsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology developed by IIT Madras

7 Clues: Newly elected President of ArgentinaAn AI assisted translation tool deployed by the SCRank of India in the 2024 Climate Change Performance IndexA mobile-based solution to help in capturing photos with Geo-TagsLocation of world’s deepest and largest underground physics laboratoryArsenic and Metal Removal by Indian Technology developed by IIT Madras...

ict 2012-10-24

ict crossword puzzle
  1. mobile
  2. pc
  3. pc history
  4. word, powerpoint
  5. assistant
  1. microsoft
  2. internet
  3. mrs wilkinson
  4. personal storage
  5. touchscreen
  6. ipads, iphones

11 Clues: pcmobileinternetmicrosoftassistantpc historytouchscreenmrs wilkinsonipads, iphonespersonal storageword, powerpoint


ETHOS RAPID FIRE ROUND crossword puzzle
  1. The chunks of the memory are known as
  2. Founder of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
  3. Who is the inventor of programming loop?
  4. Which company launched first mobile in India
  5. Which technology is used in compact disks
  6. Bridge works in which layer of OSI model
  1. The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done
  2. From what location are the 1st computer instructions available on boot up?
  3. A station in a network forwards incoming packets by placing them on its shortest output queue. What routing algorithm is being used?
  4. What is notification panel in windows phone 8.1 known as

10 Clues: The chunks of the memory are known asFounder of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)Who is the inventor of programming loop?Bridge works in which layer of OSI modelWhich technology is used in compact disksWhich company launched first mobile in IndiaWhat is notification panel in windows phone 8.1 known as...

Artificial Intelligence 2024-05-17

Artificial Intelligence crossword puzzle
  1. enables users to refine and steer a conversation towards a desired length, format, style, level of detail, and language
  2. made by human work or art, not by nature
  3. the ability to understand, learn and think
  4. virtual assistant software application developed by Google that is primarily available on mobile and home automation devices.
  1. one type of remote to control AC devices for different brands and models via wifi-connectio
  2. an image recognition technology developed by Google
  3. an e commerce website
  4. Filters can add color effects, show venue info, feature your Bitmoji
  5. a price comparison app
  6. a free-to-play tile-matching video game.Switch and match Candies in this puzzle

10 Clues: an e commerce websitea price comparison appmade by human work or art, not by naturethe ability to understand, learn and thinkan image recognition technology developed by GoogleFilters can add color effects, show venue info, feature your Bitmojia free-to-play tile-matching video game.Switch and match Candies in this puzzle...

Why We Study Technology? 2015-08-06

Why We Study Technology? crossword puzzle
  1. using knowledge of math, science, and technology to generate things
  2. the ability to move people, goods, and services around the world
  3. greek word meaning art
  4. type of technology that allows for gathering, storing, and sharing information
  5. time period when manufacturing, transportation, communication, and construction all advanced rapidly
  6. the study of things made by nature
  7. age when stronger metals replaced weaker metals and made permanent farming settlements desirable
  8. the field of technology involving medical and agricultural topics
  9. global network of computers known as the information super highway
  10. an acronym used to describe the seven resources of technology
  11. age in which machines were invented that could process, store, and exchange data electronically
  1. field of technology involving the building of structures and bridges
  2. deals with the production of electricity and power to make things run
  3. device used by a person without the use of electricity
  4. the science of working with atoms and molecules of materials to develop very small machines
  5. understanding something and feeling comfortable
  6. area of technology used to mass produce products in a factory
  7. device used in homes, schools, offices, and government to make tasks easier to complete
  8. common mode of transportation
  9. the practical use of knowledge to satisfy human needs and wants

20 Clues: greek word meaning artcommon mode of transportationthe study of things made by natureunderstanding something and feeling comfortabledevice used by a person without the use of electricityarea of technology used to mass produce products in a factoryan acronym used to describe the seven resources of technology...

GMAT 2013-03-11

GMAT crossword puzzle
  1. BlackBerry belongs to this company (Acronym required)
  2. This is the browser used in IPhone
  3. You need to click on this icon in IPhone in order to start Mail set up
  4. This is a place in Android where you download applications from
  5. These types of emails are installed onto user’s machines include Microsoft Outlook, Lotus etc.
  1. Previously used OS for Nokia
  2. Email made up ______% of network traffic soon after the introduction of the internet.
  3. Computers language
  4. This is an Android feature which could connect upto 8 Handsets through WiFi
  5. It is a technology used in mobile phones for maps, navigation purposes etc(acronym required)

10 Clues: Computers languagePreviously used OS for NokiaThis is the browser used in IPhoneBlackBerry belongs to this company (Acronym required)This is a place in Android where you download applications fromYou need to click on this icon in IPhone in order to start Mail set upThis is an Android feature which could connect upto 8 Handsets through WiFi...

Madden Mobile 22 2022-01-26

Madden Mobile 22 crossword puzzle
  1. this card/person is your starting tight end when you first start the game if you don't spend money
  2. Tyreek hill plays on this team
  3. what is the worst type of card in the game hint: epic, master, iconic, common, rare, uncommon, or legendary
  4. what is the third-worst type of card in the game hint: epic, master, iconic, common, rare, uncommon, or legendary
  5. what is the best type of card in the game hint: epic, master, iconic, common, rare, uncommon, or legendary
  6. what is the second-best type of card in the game hint: epic, master, iconic, common, rare, uncommon, or legendary
  7. can you upgrade commons
  8. this team has cooper Kupp
  1. brandon aiyuk is on this team
  2. this card/person is the only 49ers player that you can pick as a tight end from the gridiron gauntlet
  3. can you upgrade epics
  4. what is the second-worst type of card in the game hint: epic, master, iconic, common, rare, uncommon, or legendary
  5. this game will be held LA in 2022 where the best team in the AFC will play against the best team in the NFC
  6. jaamar chase is on this team
  7. this card/person is your starting running back when you first start the game if you don't spend money

15 Clues: can you upgrade epicscan you upgrade commonsthis team has cooper Kuppjaamar chase is on this teambrandon aiyuk is on this teamTyreek hill plays on this teamthis card/person is your starting tight end when you first start the game if you don't spend money...

Tobies TTS 2022-05-19

Tobies TTS crossword puzzle
  1. singkatan Game irama mobile dirilis oleh Cascalia Studio
  2. Game irama mobile seputar band beranggota cewek
  3. Gurita kuning dengan kecepatan Mach 1
  4. Lelaki yang terkenal dengan satu pukulannya
  5. pria yang suka berteriak "MudaMudaMuda"
  1. game open world mobile produksi Mihoyo
  2. Game irama mobile dengan kolaborasi terbaru bersama Hatsune Miku
  3. Darah Daging dari Naruto
  4. Penyihir penyuka ledakan
  5. Memiliki Julukan si Kaki Hitam

10 Clues: Darah Daging dari NarutoPenyihir penyuka ledakanMemiliki Julukan si Kaki HitamGurita kuning dengan kecepatan Mach 1Lelaki yang terkenal dengan satu pukulannyagame open world mobile produksi Mihoyopria yang suka berteriak "MudaMudaMuda"Game irama mobile seputar band beranggota cewek...

Globalisation 2013-07-27

Globalisation crossword puzzle
  1. Operate in more than one country and lend money.
  2. One of our most important global industries.
  3. Your food, fashions, music and sport is your ___________.
  4. One of the fastest developing areas of the world.
  5. Another famous international company.
  6. Countries have their own of these and ours is the dollar.
  7. When our companies manufacture things for sale.
  8. When we sell and buy things from other countries.
  9. A famous world company.
  10. Faster ________________ has been a driver of globalisation.
  11. Mobile phones are an example of this.
  12. We play with these and many are made in China.
  13. There are many __________ impacts of globalisation.
  14. These are very low for oversees workers.
  1. Capital of Italy.
  2. You can go to this global business when thirsty.
  3. TNC's are Transnational ________________.
  4. The gap between the rich and poor countries is _________.
  5. Krispy __________ is an expanding world company.
  6. The most important driver of globalisation
  7. We live in one of the most ______________ countries.
  8. We watch many TV shows from _________________
  9. A well known movie about globalisation is blood ________.
  10. The ______ allows you to travel quickly around the world.

24 Clues: Capital of Italy.A famous world company.Another famous international company.Mobile phones are an example of this.These are very low for oversees workers.TNC's are Transnational ________________.The most important driver of globalisationOne of our most important global industries.We watch many TV shows from _________________...

ELearning Crossword 2017-02-01

ELearning Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a measure of how much a course component can be expanded in size
  2. what you would call learning on the go
  3. a collection of user-edited web pages
  4. a clear statement of an instructional goal
  5. people with a vested interest in success are called this
  6. a synchronous online workshop
  7. learning where students work at their own pace
  8. Source software available for public use
  9. technology lets people do this with each other at a distance
  10. teacher centered educational approach
  1. title for the instructor of an online course
  2. how we evaluate knowledge or skill
  3. what we call an assessment of instruction
  4. a curriculum combining many types of media
  5. this helps those with disabilities
  6. Designer the kind of job this course might help us be prepared for
  7. what you would attach to content so you can find it in a database
  8. an educational approach for learner centeredness
  9. a learning environment meant to facilitate online course management is called this
  10. what we call the 3 main types of learning

20 Clues: a synchronous online workshophow we evaluate knowledge or skillthis helps those with disabilitiesa collection of user-edited web pagesteacher centered educational approachwhat you would call learning on the goSource software available for public usewhat we call an assessment of instructionwhat we call the 3 main types of learning...

Staff Crossword (Phobias) Good Luck!! 2018-05-28

Staff Crossword (Phobias) Good Luck!! crossword puzzle
  1. Fear of new things
  2. Fear of wild animals
  3. Fear of birds
  4. Fear of cleaning
  5. Fear of dolls
  6. Fear of being photographed
  7. Fear of needles of injections
  8. Fear of fish
  9. Fear of bad breath
  10. Fear of fears/phobias
  11. Fear of being looked at
  12. Fear of bees
  13. Fear of new technology
  14. Fear of the elderly
  15. Fear or swallowing
  16. Fear of spiders
  17. Fear of thunder and lightning
  18. Fear of darkness
  19. Fear of heat
  20. Fear of being alone
  21. Fear of fire
  22. Constant fear without cause
  1. Fear of the number 13
  2. Fear of being out of mobile phone contact
  3. Fear of death
  4. Fear of flowers
  5. Fear of germs/dirt
  6. Fear of dentists
  7. Fear of working
  8. Fear of water
  9. Fear of the number 666
  10. Fear of growing old or ageing
  11. Fear of bright colours
  12. Fear or butterflies/moths
  13. Fear of the colour yellow
  14. Fear of failure
  15. Fear of forests, trees or wood
  16. Fear of children
  17. Fear of crossing the road
  18. Fear of sleep

40 Clues: Fear of fishFear of beesFear of heatFear of fireFear of deathFear of waterFear of birdsFear of dollsFear of sleepFear of flowersFear of workingFear of failureFear of spidersFear of dentistsFear of cleaningFear of childrenFear of darknessFear of new thingsFear of germs/dirtFear of bad breathFear or swallowingFear of the elderlyFear of being alone...

Digital Safari 2019-02-12

Digital Safari crossword puzzle
  1. A digital record of transactions
  2. Branch of science used to build machines that can substitute for humans and replicate human actions
  3. Big data software product from Apache
  4. Google's OS for mobile phones
  5. Popular open source OS
  6. Embedded technology inside everyday objects, connected to each other (acronym)
  7. The core of an operating system (sounds like an army officer!)
  8. A data type comprising of sequence of characters
  9. Getting repetitive tasks done through the machine
  10. A list of jobs to be processed in first-in, first-out order
  11. A program used to verify that a human, rather than a computer, is entering data
  1. Software that converts a program into executable code
  2. Running multiple operating systems on a single machine
  3. Popular programming / scripting language
  4. Today's event sponsored by this browser?
  5. Network of servers and storage, can be public or private
  6. Java framework that comes after winter?
  7. The technique of solving problems in your code
  8. The largest SI unit of measurement used for measuring data (10^24 bytes)
  9. The science that helps us to make decisions using intelligent data insights

20 Clues: Popular open source OSGoogle's OS for mobile phonesA digital record of transactionsBig data software product from ApacheJava framework that comes after winter?Popular programming / scripting languageToday's event sponsored by this browser?The technique of solving problems in your codeA data type comprising of sequence of characters...

Storage Devices 2021-04-26

Storage Devices crossword puzzle
  1. RAID 0
  2. Checks for bad sectors on the hard drive
  3. Another name for the PATA standard
  4. The number of standards used by hard drives
  5. Used to erase the hard drive partitions when formatting doesn't work
  6. Another name for JBOD
  7. Multipurpose connector used for high-end displays, external storage, & charging
  8. This drive uses multiple platters and a read/write head
  9. An interface standard used only by SSDs
  10. A stiff cable with a single copper wire down the middle
  11. This type of leveling assurs that the LBA does not always adress the same physical blocks
  1. RAID 5
  2. A windows command to fix boot problems
  3. RAID 1
  4. This drive has no moving parts
  5. A Windows utility used to optimize disks
  6. Cable used to daisy-chain 7 to 15 devices
  7. A connector that is specific for Apple mobile devices
  8. Technology which is used to predict when a drive is likely to fail
  9. SATA ports for external drives
  10. This command will scan all protected system files, and replace corrupted files with a cached copy
  11. Has been known to give false SMART alerts.

22 Clues: RAID 5RAID 1RAID 0Another name for JBODThis drive has no moving partsSATA ports for external drivesAnother name for the PATA standardA windows command to fix boot problemsAn interface standard used only by SSDsA Windows utility used to optimize disksChecks for bad sectors on the hard driveCable used to daisy-chain 7 to 15 devices...

2019 HR Successes 2019-12-08

2019 HR Successes crossword puzzle
  1. The new Talent Acquisition model was implemented, which included the creation of several brand new ___.
  2. 55 Talent Acquisition Specialists participated in online ___ with potential employees attending our Virtual Career Fairs.
  3. The Talent Brand Specialist team focused on leveraging ___ to cast a broad net and reach candidates where they are.
  4. ECM continued to play a large role in partnership with HR on the P&C Mod Transformation and establishing the Enterprise Transformation Office (ETO) with an organizational ___ Center.
  5. The Enterprise Talent Strategy team introduced the enhanced ___ review process and Sales and Executive Success Profile to 16 business areas.
  6. ___ were completed on more than 350 incidents and more than 450 subjects.
  7. citylink staff planned and organized ___ days of food, activities and fun for this year's Founders Day (Week) celebration.
  8. We evolved ECM and HR to becoming more of a one Workforce ___ business area.
  1. The RRC received more than 115,000 ___ and engaged in more than 16,500 Live Chats.
  2. Performance ___ has received more than 16,600 calls from leaders and employees.
  3. HRSS continues to support the enterprise through extraordinarily high Recruiting volumes. Our teams have reviewed almost nearly 40,000 Applicant Disclosures, sent over 33,000 Test Links, processed more than 21,500 Background Checks and I-9s as well as screened over 25,250 ___.
  4. Employee ___ assembled 300 food kits at the citylink booth during the North Texas Giving Day event.
  5. HRBPs continued collaboration and ___ with business partners on a variety of workforce initiatives.
  6. The Credit Union is in the testing phase of work to roll out our new mobile application and online ___ platform.
  7. Total Reward Technology Analysts created three new self-___ tools, which helped gain efficiencies and meet business partner needs in real time.
  8. Catalogued all data in the HR Data Mart for the new California Consumer Privacy Act and built out an extraction process to pull all ___ required.
  9. HRSS Analysts partnered with Enterprise Technology to implement an Application Program Interface (API) solution for State/Municipal ___ forms.

17 Clues: ___ were completed on more than 350 incidents and more than 450 subjects.We evolved ECM and HR to becoming more of a one Workforce ___ business area.Performance ___ has received more than 16,600 calls from leaders and employees.The RRC received more than 115,000 ___ and engaged in more than 16,500 Live Chats....

Technical Crossword 2024-02-19

Technical Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A piece of software that is available in free of charge.
  2. Indentation is a special type of error in this programming language.
  3. What technology is used to record cryptocurrency transactions?
  4. What is the base class for all exceptions in java?
  1. It is a situation in which two or more transactions are waiting for one another to give up the locks.
  2. An example of operating system widely used on desktop and laptop computers.
  3. Which organization had developed the Chatgpt?
  4. What is the unexpected problem with software or hardware called?
  5. It is a programming language used for mobile applications development.
  6. Which keyword is used to handle exceptions in java?

10 Clues: Which organization had developed the Chatgpt?What is the base class for all exceptions in java?Which keyword is used to handle exceptions in java?A piece of software that is available in free of charge.What technology is used to record cryptocurrency transactions?What is the unexpected problem with software or hardware called?...

gr 11 2024-09-08

gr 11 crossword puzzle
  1. A spreadsheet function that allows the user to choose between two values depending on a criteria.
  2. A tag that creates a hyperlink.
  3. Gmail and Yahoo Mail are examples of this type of email program.
  4. A numbered label that you can add to a table, figure, or item.
  5. Extra information added to a file.
  6. Software that gives you control over which programs can access the internet.
  7. A protocol used to transfer large files quickly and easily between computers.
  1. An attribute that determine the font of the text.
  2. Mobile internet access that offers a more stable wireless network technology.
  3. A blueprint or format of a preformatted document that is used repeatedly.

10 Clues: A tag that creates a hyperlink.Extra information added to a file.An attribute that determine the font of the text.A numbered label that you can add to a table, figure, or item.Gmail and Yahoo Mail are examples of this type of email program.A blueprint or format of a preformatted document that is used repeatedly....

Storage - Matt 2014-09-15

Storage - Matt crossword puzzle
  1. does not contain disk, uses intergated circuits assembled as memory to store information
  2. compact disk information is burned in pits using laser light technology
  3. a form of information compression resulting in streamlining data bits
  4. memory stick portable flash memory card that stores in block permanently
  1. uses a shorter blue laser to encode information
  2. access any point directly in front without passing through previous points
  3. secure digital card used in mobile device
  4. to get to a position you must pass through certain points
  5. digital versatile disk storage for videos, multimedia, concert
  6. hard disk drive permanent fixed, metal platter, magnetically encoded, expensive fast access and retrieval

10 Clues: secure digital card used in mobile deviceuses a shorter blue laser to encode informationto get to a position you must pass through certain pointsdigital versatile disk storage for videos, multimedia, concerta form of information compression resulting in streamlining data bitscompact disk information is burned in pits using laser light technology...

The Internet Era 2021-04-26

The Internet Era crossword puzzle
  1. site that allows people to share journals online
  2. a mobile phone that can be used as a computer and that connects to the internet
  3. the system of connected documents on the internet
  4. abbreviation for hypertext
  1. large system of connected computers that allows people to share information and comunicate with each other
  2. a particular computer technology that can be used with some types of software programes
  3. to sound familiar
  4. (abbrev.) a computer program that is designed for a particular purpose
  5. websites that allow people to share information on the internet using a smartphone or computer
  6. social networking site where people post short texts.The Ex-President Donald Trum loves it.

10 Clues: to sound familiarabbreviation for hypertextsite that allows people to share journals onlinethe system of connected documents on the internet(abbrev.) a computer program that is designed for a particular purposea mobile phone that can be used as a computer and that connects to the internet...

Chapter 15 Crossword 2018-04-18

Chapter 15 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Individual Education Programs
  2. Autism Spectrum Disorder
  3. an individual is unable to fulfill a role due to a disability
  4. American Sign Language
  5. reads the words aloud for the student through use of a synthesizer
  6. Strategies Technology tools used for recruiting and managing online programs
  7. Cognitive Disabilities Learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, and intellectual disabilities
  8. Technology is an embedded support made available to all students
  9. the fifth essential variable associated with special education technology
  10. an abnormality or loss of function in a physical, anatomical, or psychological structure
  11. Strategies Curriculum enhancement activities such as online training, online group work, and group problem-solving
  12. Multiple Means of Representation
  13. Disability associated with loss of hearing or vision
  1. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  2. Yearly Progress The progress made and reported by schools and districts
  3. the third essential variable associated with special education
  4. Disability affects person's mobility and agility
  5. tool the fourth essential variable associated with special education technology
  6. Strategies changing the focus from individual knowledge to communities of learners
  7. when an impairment limits an individual from performing an activity
  8. Accessibility designing a website more usable for people with diabilities
  9. the second essential variable associated with special education technology
  10. the first essential variable associated with special education technology
  11. Multiple Means of Expression

24 Clues: American Sign LanguageAutism Spectrum DisorderMultiple Means of ExpressionIndividual Education ProgramsMultiple Means of RepresentationIndividuals with Disabilities Education ActDisability affects person's mobility and agilityDisability associated with loss of hearing or visionan individual is unable to fulfill a role due to a disability...

crossword puzzle 2023-02-17

crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a technology that allows computers, mobile phones and other devices to communicate with each other.
  2. clever or intelligent.
  3. a new thing or a new method of doing something.
  4. to use or control a machine or make it work.
  5. to bring letters or other goods to someone's house or to another place.
  1. a machine that is made to look like a human and that can do some things that a human can do.
  2. a special activity or purpose of a person or thing.
  3. not too expensive.
  4. an aircraft without a pilot, controlled from the ground.
  5. an order given to a person or a mechine.

10 Clues: not too expensive.clever or order given to a person or a use or control a machine or make it work.a new thing or a new method of doing something.a special activity or purpose of a person or aircraft without a pilot, controlled from the bring letters or other goods to someone's house or to another place....

Let's talk about technology! 2018-04-11

Let's talk about technology! crossword puzzle
  1. I always get lost while I'm driving. I should buy a ________
  2. You have to ____________ your mobile at the cinema.
  3. Do you have a _________ so that I can print my homework for tomorrow?
  4. Your music is very loud. Can you _______ it ________?
  5. The Internet is the biggest __________ of the XXI century.
  6. I love reading books but they take up to much space. I think I will buy an ___________.
  1. The computer is very noisy so we _______ it _______ at night.
  2. You have to _____________ the USB to your computer.
  3. My dad can also check his email in his new _____________
  4. Thanks to technology, everything is __________. You can take everything with you!

10 Clues: You have to _____________ the USB to your computer.You have to ____________ your mobile at the cinema.Your music is very loud. Can you _______ it ________?My dad can also check his email in his new _____________The Internet is the biggest __________ of the XXI century.I always get lost while I'm driving. I should buy a ________...

Bits & Brain 2024-02-15

Bits & Brain crossword puzzle
  1. The first name of the co-founder of Apple Inc.
  2. small piece of code used to track user interactions on a website
  3. A type of computer memory that can be written and rewritten
  4. A programming language commonly used for web development
  5. A type of malware that encrypts files and demands payment for their release
  6. A data storage technology using rotating magnetic disks
  1. The world's largest social media platform
  2. A term for the rules or standards governing the behavior of users in online communities
  3. A type of software designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network
  4. A popular mobile operating system developed by Google

10 Clues: The world's largest social media platformThe first name of the co-founder of Apple Inc.A popular mobile operating system developed by GoogleA data storage technology using rotating magnetic disksA programming language commonly used for web developmentA type of computer memory that can be written and rewritten...

Technology 2016-09-25

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. not natural, made by humans
  2. a small type of portable computer
  3. find by chance
  4. stop a machine working
  5. stop working
  6. invent an explanation
  1. discover information
  2. the ability to understand
  3. start a machine working
  4. break by pulling
  5. physical parts that make up a computer system
  6. programs which can be used on a particular computer system
  7. put smth in a rubbish bin
  8. a small hardware device

14 Clues: stop workingfind by chancebreak by pullingdiscover informationinvent an explanationstop a machine workingstart a machine workinga small hardware devicethe ability to understandput smth in a rubbish binnot natural, made by humansa small type of portable computerphysical parts that make up a computer system...

Technology 2017-05-09

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. someone who loves technology
  2. somebody who dislikes and can not use technology
  3. a completely new idea
  4. not modern any more
  5. the time of history that we live in now (3,8,3)
  1. to change and grow
  2. from today / not old fashioned
  3. too old to be used any more
  4. someone who grew up using technology (7,6)
  5. another word for a piece of equipment
  6. at the very front of new technology and ideas (7,4)
  7. having the ability to save time and work (6,6)
  8. literate someone who understands the basics of how to use a computer (8,8)
  9. a complete change in the way we live our lives

14 Clues: to change and grownot modern any morea completely new ideatoo old to be used any moresomeone who loves technologyfrom today / not old fashionedanother word for a piece of equipmentsomeone who grew up using technology (7,6)having the ability to save time and work (6,6)a complete change in the way we live our lives...

Technology 2017-05-11

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. someone who loves technology
  2. having the ability to save time and work (6,6)
  3. not modern any more
  4. someone who understands the basics of how to use a computer (8,8)
  5. at the very front of new technology and ideas (7,4)
  6. somebody who dislikes and can not use technology
  7. too old to be used any more
  8. a completely new idea
  1. the time of history that we live in now (3,8,3)
  2. from today / not old fashioned
  3. to change and grow
  4. someone who grew up using technology (7,6)
  5. a complete change in the way we live our lives
  6. another word for a piece of equipment

14 Clues: to change and grownot modern any morea completely new ideatoo old to be used any moresomeone who loves technologyfrom today / not old fashionedanother word for a piece of equipmentsomeone who grew up using technology (7,6)having the ability to save time and work (6,6)a complete change in the way we live our lives...

Technology 2012-11-01

Technology crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 1
  4. 7
  5. 10
  1. 13
  2. 2
  3. 11
  4. 8
  5. 12
  6. 6
  7. 9
  8. 14
  9. 3

14 Clues: 2485691731311121410