natural disasters Crossword Puzzles

Test 2 Disasters 2023-10-16

Test 2 Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. A huge sea wave as a result of underwater geological activity
  2. over the side of a boat or a ship into the water
  3. a period of time when the supply of electricity, etc. is not working
  4. Very strong storm ravaging over a large territory
  5. A famine is a long period of time when people may die because there isn’t enough …
  6. Different movements of the earth’s crust
  7. a violent action often committed for political reasons
  8. A disaster is when something … happens.
  9. A mass of soil and water sliding down a slope
  10. the loss or destruction of a ship because of a storm
  11. A great funnel-shaped whirlwind
  12. Gases and hot liquid rock escaping through a large opening at the top of a mountain
  1. an official action that is done in order to achieve a particular aim
  2. an unexpected event often caused by natural factors which kills a lot of people and causes a lot of damage
  3. to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc.
  4. long period of fighting between two and more countries
  5. to happen
  6. the act of destroying something
  7. An extremely hot weather resulting in a lack of wate
  8. an accident in which two vehicles or people crash into each other
  9. physical harm caused to something which makes it less attractive, useful or valuable
  10. A great amount of water covering a territory
  11. to make it difficult for something to continue in the normal way

23 Clues: to happenthe act of destroying somethingA great funnel-shaped whirlwindA disaster is when something … happens.Different movements of the earth’s crustA great amount of water covering a territoryA mass of soil and water sliding down a slopeover the side of a boat or a ship into the waterVery strong storm ravaging over a large territory...

Disasters - The Penalty 2024-03-22

Disasters - The Penalty crossword puzzle
  1. besluttsom
  2. imens
  3. prøvekamp
  4. ta all hederen
  5. opp mot
  6. spytt
  7. slengte
  8. usammenhengende
  9. gresstust
  1. kraft eller plassering
  2. skøyt i været
  3. salto
  4. stinkende
  5. dommer
  6. bomme
  7. tråkket ned
  8. lyden
  9. dunke
  10. kropp
  11. straffespark
  12. tulling
  13. fotballbane
  14. dyttet
  15. up dukket opp
  16. små dråper

25 Clues: saltoimensbommelydendunkekroppspyttdommerdyttettullingopp motslengtestinkendeprøvekampgresstustbesluttsomsmå dråpertråkket nedfotballbanestraffesparkskøyt i væretup dukket oppta all hederenusammenhengendekraft eller plassering

chapter 10 2013-02-14

chapter 10 crossword puzzle
  1. is the differance in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals in the group to witch it belongs.
  2. is a group of organisms so similar to one another that they can reproduce and have a fertile offspring.
  3. in this process humans make use of the genetic variation in plants and animals by acting as the selective agent.
  4. is a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its invironment.
  5. is the ability of a trait to be passed down from one generation to the next.
  6. he argued that the laying down of soil or the creation of canyons by rivers cutting through rock were not the result of large-scale events
  1. selection is a mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more offspring on average than do other individuals.
  2. structures are features that are similar in structures but appear in different organisms and have different functions.
  3. the study of the distribution of organisms around the wourld.
  4. is a measure of ability to survive and produce more offspring. relative to other members of the population in a given environment.
  5. this theory states that the geologic processes that shape the earth are uniform through time
  6. is the process of biological change by which disendants come to differ from there anccestors
  7. states that natural disasters such as floods in volcanic eruptions has happend ofton during earth past history.
  8. are traces of organisms that existed in the past.
  9. is all the individuals of a spieces that live in an area.

15 Clues: are traces of organisms that existed in the all the individuals of a spieces that live in an area.the study of the distribution of organisms around the a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its the ability of a trait to be passed down from one generation to the next....

Natural Resources 2022-02-24

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. fuels formed from the remains of dead animals and plants deposited in a previous geologic time.
  2. inorganic substances on or in the earth.
  3. the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere.
  4. all plants and animals that are living in the wild
  5. the movement of air.
  6. resources that may be living or were living at one time.
  7. a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.
  8. the outer layer of earth's surface that supports life.
  9. the control of plants and animals by humans
  10. resources replaced naturally.
  11. the movement of water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back.
  1. interactions between climate, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
  2. resources that cannot be replaced after being used.
  3. resources that come from non-living, non-organic materials.
  4. all the water on earth whether liquid, solid, salty, or fresh.
  5. the combination of soil and rock that makes up the earth's crust.
  6. the source of almost all the energy used on earth.
  7. a tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource.
  8. the average weather conditions in a region over a period of years.
  9. all types of living things on earth.

20 Clues: the movement of air.resources replaced naturally.all types of living things on earth.inorganic substances on or in the earth.a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.the control of plants and animals by humansa tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource.the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere....

Natural Resources 2022-02-24

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. fuels formed from the remains of dead animals and plants deposited in a previous geologic time.
  2. inorganic substances on or in the earth.
  3. the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere.
  4. all plants and animals that are living in the wild
  5. the movement of air.
  6. resources that may be living or were living at one time.
  7. a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.
  8. the outer layer of earth's surface that supports life.
  9. the control of plants and animals by humans
  10. resources replaced naturally.
  11. the movement of water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back.
  1. interactions between climate, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
  2. resources that cannot be replaced after being used.
  3. resources that come from non-living, non-organic materials.
  4. all the water on earth whether liquid, solid, salty, or fresh.
  5. the combination of soil and rock that makes up the earth's crust.
  6. the source of almost all the energy used on earth.
  7. a tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource.
  8. the average weather conditions in a region over a period of years.
  9. all types of living things on earth.

20 Clues: the movement of air.resources replaced naturally.all types of living things on earth.inorganic substances on or in the earth.a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.the control of plants and animals by humansa tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource.the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere....

Natural Resources 2022-02-24

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. fuels formed from the remains of dead animals and plants deposited in a previous geologic time.
  2. inorganic substances on or in the earth.
  3. the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere.
  4. all plants and animals that are living in the wild
  5. the movement of air.
  6. resources that may be living or were living at one time.
  7. a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.
  8. the outer layer of earth's surface that supports life.
  9. the control of plants and animals by humans
  10. resources replaced naturally.
  11. the movement of water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere and back.
  1. interactions between climate, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
  2. resources that cannot be replaced after being used.
  3. resources that come from non-living, non-organic materials.
  4. all the water on earth whether liquid, solid, salty, or fresh.
  5. the combination of soil and rock that makes up the earth's crust.
  6. the source of almost all the energy used on earth.
  7. a tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource.
  8. the average weather conditions in a region over a period of years.
  9. all types of living things on earth.

20 Clues: the movement of air.resources replaced naturally.all types of living things on earth.inorganic substances on or in the earth.a layer of gases that surrounds the earth.the control of plants and animals by humansa tasteless, colorless, liquid natural resource.the mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere....

Natural Resources 2021-12-05

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Mass cutting of trees
  2. A symbiotic bacteria that lives in the root nodules of leguminous plants
  3. A blanket of air that surrounds the Earth
  4. Process by which nitrate turns into nitrogen in atmosphere
  5. The product of photosynthesis
  6. Water loss of plants in the form of water vapour
  7. Cooling down of water vapour to form water droplets
  8. Process by which non usable nitrogen is turned into usable nitrogen
  9. A natural process that heats the Earth's surface
  1. Plants using CO2 to release glucose
  2. Fuel is heated and reacts with oxygen to release energy
  3. Formation of water vapour with the process of heating
  4. The trapping of the Sun's warmth in Earth's atmosphere
  5. Process by which nitrogen in atmosphere turns into nitrate
  6. Displacement of the upper layer of soil
  7. Degradation of animal or plant bodies
  8. Intaking oxygen and releasing CO2
  9. Process by which rain is formed
  10. Converting dead plants into ammonia
  11. A factor that contributes in pollution

20 Clues: Mass cutting of treesThe product of photosynthesisProcess by which rain is formedIntaking oxygen and releasing CO2Plants using CO2 to release glucoseConverting dead plants into ammoniaDegradation of animal or plant bodiesA factor that contributes in pollutionDisplacement of the upper layer of soilA blanket of air that surrounds the Earth...

Natural resourses 2021-12-06

Natural resourses crossword puzzle
  1. less visibility
  2. situation in which something needed cannot be obtained in sufficient amounts.
  3. a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen
  4. a group of atoms bonded together
  5. loosely used term for molecules present in organisms
  6. form of dissolved nitrogen that occurs naturally in the water column
  7. region occupied by living organisms
  8. abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism
  9. the rigid outer part of the earth
  10. fog and smoke
  11. air is mostly filled with
  12. for breathing
  1. process of rotting
  2. breathing
  3. the action or process of fixing
  4. plants convert light energy into chemical energy
  5. inorganic compounds made up of nitrogen and oxygen
  6. It is both a natural and a man-made product that occurs in the Earth's upper atmosphere (the stratosphere) and lower atmosphere (the troposphere).
  7. introduction into the environment of a
  8. useful or useless things thrown away
  9. chemical used to kill pests
  10. removes the nitrates or nitrites from (soil, air, or water) by chemical reduction.
  11. the process of burning something.
  12. the gaseous products of burning materials

24 Clues: breathingfog and smokefor breathingless visibilityprocess of rottingair is mostly filled withchemical used to kill peststhe action or process of fixinga group of atoms bonded togetherthe process of burning something.the rigid outer part of the eartha compound of nitrogen and hydrogenregion occupied by living organisms...

Natural recourses 2021-12-05

Natural recourses crossword puzzle
  1. burning of fuels
  2. chemisal symbol H
  3. smoke and fog
  4. oxidation of ammonia to nitrite
  5. breaking down of gluecose
  6. conversion back to elemental nitrogen
  7. chemisal symbol C
  8. transfer of energy with no medium
  9. chemisal symbol N
  10. blanket around earth
  11. chemisal symbol N3
  12. chemisal symbol N2
  1. introduction of harmful materials into environment
  2. chemisal symbol o3
  3. ______ corrents are reradiated sun rays
  4. degredation
  5. living components in environment
  6. chemisal symbol H2O
  7. cloud near surface
  8. elemental nitrogen to absorbable nitrogen
  9. 1st layer of atmosphere
  10. non living components of environment
  11. chemisal symbo O
  12. concertion do CO2 to gluecose
  13. caused by uneven heating of air

25 Clues: degredationsmoke and fogburning of fuelschemisal symbo Ochemisal symbol Hchemisal symbol Cchemisal symbol Nchemisal symbol o3cloud near surfacechemisal symbol N3chemisal symbol N2chemisal symbol H2Oblanket around earth1st layer of atmospherebreaking down of gluecoseconcertion do CO2 to gluecoseoxidation of ammonia to nitrite...

Natural Selection 2022-03-17

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  2. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  5. any difference in traits between individual organisms living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  6. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  7. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  8. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  9. a related organism from a previous generation
  10. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  11. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  12. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  1. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  2. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  3. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  4. to receive genes from a parent
  5. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  6. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  7. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  8. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  9. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  10. an instruction for making a protein molecule

22 Clues: to receive genes from a parenta long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organisma characteristic that all members of a species have...

Natural Selection 2022-03-16

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. un grupo del mismo tipo de organismo que vive en la misma área
  2. un grupo de individuos que nacieron y viven aproximadamente al mismo tiempo
  3. un animal al cual otro animal caza o mata para alimentarse
  4. un pedazo largo de ADN que contiene muchos genes
  5. una manera de esconderse luciendo igual que el fondo
  6. cualquier diferencia de rasgos entre organismos individuales
  7. una forma específica de un gen que proporciona instrucciones para hacer una molécula de proteína particular
  8. una instrucción para formar una molécula de proteína
  9. un resultado o cambio que ocurre debido a un evento o proceso
  10. todo (viviente y no viviente) lo que rodea a un organismo
  11. recibir genes de uno de los padres
  12. el número de individuos que tienen cada rasgo en una población
  13. un evento o proceso que provoca un resultado o cambio
  14. un organismo emparentado de una generación anterior
  1. un rasgo que hace menos probable que un individuo sobreviva en un ambiente específico
  2. una característica que tienen todos los individuos de una especie
  3. el proceso por medio del cual cambia la distribución de rasgos en una población con el paso de muchas generaciones
  4. un animal que caza y mata a otros animales para alimentarse
  5. un cambio aleatorio a un gen que a veces da como resultado un rasgo nuevo
  6. un rasgo que hace más probable que un individuo sobreviva en un ambiente específico
  7. un organismo producido como resultado de la reproducción
  8. un grupo de organismos del mismo tipo (que viven en una o más poblaciones) que no se reproducen con organismos de ningún otro grupo
  9. una idea acerca de lo que podría suceder que está basada en lo que tú ya conoces

23 Clues: recibir genes de uno de los padresun pedazo largo de ADN que contiene muchos genesun organismo emparentado de una generación anterioruna manera de esconderse luciendo igual que el fondouna instrucción para formar una molécula de proteínaun evento o proceso que provoca un resultado o cambioun organismo producido como resultado de la reproducción...


NATURAL HAZARDS crossword puzzle
  1. A system of winds rotating clockwise of anticlockwise.
  2. Impairment of the normal state or functioning of the body.
  3. Serve offshore storm.
  4. Uncontrollable shaking of the ground.
  5. Fragments of broken buildings.
  6. To be alerted of something dangerous.
  7. Rapid slipping of large amounts of earth.
  8. Antarctica's weather is commonly like this
  9. The humid, hot and rainy season in Queensland
  10. Extreme heat consisting over a long period of time.
  11. When thunder, lightening and rain all come together.
  12. Queensland endures a lot of this.
  13. The outer layer of the earth.
  14. When there is no water in an area for a long period of time.
  15. An out of control fire in an area of bush.
  16. Centre of the earth.
  17. An usually large sea wave.
  18. When one thing can effect another.
  19. The water that comes out of clouds.
  1. All over the world.
  2. Fall down.
  3. A terrible event.
  4. When they collide an earthquake is caused.
  5. erosion of something.
  6. There are over 23 million of us in Australia.
  7. Process of destroying.
  8. Polar bears live in it.
  9. Australia's weather is commonly like this.
  10. large amounts of snow sliding down mountain sides.
  11. when they are strong objects can be blown away.
  12. A Richter scale measures this.
  13. The action or fact of dying or being killed.
  14. Bits of ice falling from the sky.
  15. The natural landscape that surrounds most people.
  16. Sever winter storm.
  17. An overflow of a large amount of water.
  18. The normal part of something.
  19. When ice bergs do thing, water levels rise.

38 Clues: Fall down.A terrible event.All over the world.Sever winter storm.Centre of the earth.erosion of something.Serve offshore storm.Process of destroying.Polar bears live in it.An usually large sea wave.The outer layer of the earth.The normal part of something.Fragments of broken buildings.A Richter scale measures this.Bits of ice falling from the sky....

Natural Resources 2013-04-03

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Used in our coins
  2. Movement of air
  3. An ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit.
  4. A tick flammable liquid
  5. A dense growth of trees, plants, and underbrush covering a large area.
  6. Present in or produced by nature
  7. element used in alloys
  8. A rare gem or element
  9. a light from the sun
  10. A clear, colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid,
  11. The material world and its phenomena.
  12. Top layer of earth
  1. An golden element
  2. A plant crop
  3. A structure where a person lives
  4. Be renewed
  5. Metallic element
  6. wood
  7. a plant
  8. The entire body of salt water that covers more than 70 percent of the earth's surface.
  9. A natural elevation of the earth's surface having considerable mass, generally steep sides, and a height greater than that of a hill.
  10. An Element
  11. a white heave stick
  12. A colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen
  13. Where we write

25 Clues: wooda plantBe renewedAn ElementA plant cropWhere we writeMovement of airMetallic elementAn golden elementUsed in our coinsTop layer of eartha white heave sticka light from the sunA rare gem or elementelement used in alloysA tick flammable liquidA structure where a person livesPresent in or produced by natureThe material world and its phenomena....

natural resourses 2013-03-07

natural resourses crossword puzzle
  1. objeto que le dice a uno los dias y las semanas
  2. cuando algo tiene resultado es
  3. sinonimo de naturaleza
  4. sin esto los seres vivos no podemos vivir
  5. es un sinonimo de riesgo
  6. antomino de delgado
  7. animal que se come el polen de las folores
  8. sinonimo de medida
  1. sinomino de bosque
  2. un sinonimo de iinculpar
  3. es un aminal de tiene caparason
  4. cuando una persona bota basura esta haciendo
  5. fuente de energia para que los carro funcione
  6. antonimo de agradecido
  7. un antonimo de escasez
  8. generalmente se usa para hacer casa o costruir muebles
  9. antonimo de lago
  10. cuando una persona destruye algo esta
  11. sinonimo de reponsable
  12. cuando una persona hace una obra de arte en el papel esta
  13. los animales y las flores que estan en bosque son

21 Clues: antonimo de lagosinomino de bosquesinonimo de medidaantomino de delgadoantonimo de agradecidosinonimo de naturalezaun antonimo de escasezsinonimo de reponsableun sinonimo de iinculpares un sinonimo de riesgocuando algo tiene resultado eses un aminal de tiene caparasoncuando una persona destruye algo estasin esto los seres vivos no podemos vivir...

Natural Disaster 2015-07-29

Natural Disaster crossword puzzle
  1. what do you call a wild fire
  2. what is inside of a Volcano
  3. A strom with sand
  4. what spins in the sky
  5. how does a earthquake start
  6. big flashs of light
  7. what goes around the Earth
  8. A place like a north ploe
  9. what is stgonen,fast and can see in space
  10. heavy rain and hail
  11. what do you call a place that is dry
  1. what comes out when the Volcano expoleds
  2. A active mountain
  3. what is one of the biggest flatline
  4. A places that is hot for couple of days
  5. what do you call when the ground shasks
  6. when a huge rocks or ice wall down from a mountain
  7. really cold wealther with snow
  8. A major big wave
  9. what do you call when the water over flos
  10. how is a turnado made out of

21 Clues: A major big waveA active mountainA strom with sandbig flashs of lightheavy rain and hailwhat spins in the skyA place like a north ploewhat goes around the Earthwhat is inside of a Volcanohow does a earthquake startwhat do you call a wild firehow is a turnado made out ofreally cold wealther with snowwhat is one of the biggest flatline...

Natural Selection 2023-03-22

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the occurrence of an organism in more than one distinct color or form.
  2. the father of natural selection
  3. the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant in a population due to random chance
  4. a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment.
  5. an adaptation that is preprogrammed
  6. a substance or object required by an organism for normal growth, maintenance, and reproduction
  7. the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  8. an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment
  9. an animal's natural coloring or form that enables it to blend in with its surroundings.
  10. the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes.
  1. Artificial selection is the identification by humans of desirable traits in plants and animals, and the steps taken to enhance and perpetuate those traits in future generations
  2. something that hunts or kills a species
  3. the close external resemblance of an animal or plant (or part of one) to another animal, plant, or inanimate object.
  4. the condition or period of an animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state.
  5. an adaptation that is learned
  6. the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
  7. the product of the reproductive processes of a person, animal, or plant
  8. Behaviors that are learned
  9. the transfer of genetic material from one population to another
  10. a genetically determined characteristic.

20 Clues: Behaviors that are learnedan adaptation that is learnedthe father of natural selectionan adaptation that is preprogrammedsomething that hunts or kills a speciesa genetically determined characteristic.the transfer of genetic material from one population to anotherthe occurrence of an organism in more than one distinct color or form....

Natural Selection 2023-03-23

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. emphasizing behavior
  2. when an organism develops a trait
  3. identification by humans towards plants and animals
  4. sleeping for an entire season
  5. changing evolution
  6. transfer of genetic material
  7. changing to become a better suit to the environment
  8. distinguishing quality
  9. changing color to hide from predators
  10. being physically fit
  1. changing the structure of a gene
  2. a different version of a specific thing
  3. species adapt over time
  4. imitating something or someone
  5. an automatic act
  6. known for natural selection
  7. a change in an existing gene
  8. a child
  9. a stock or supply of something
  10. an animal that naturally preys on others

20 Clues: a childan automatic actchanging evolutionemphasizing behaviorbeing physically fitdistinguishing qualityspecies adapt over timeknown for natural selectiona change in an existing genetransfer of genetic materialsleeping for an entire seasonimitating something or someonea stock or supply of somethingchanging the structure of a gene...

Natural Selection 2023-03-25

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. emphasizing behavior
  2. habit/automatic
  3. genetic characteristic
  4. organism that kills/eats other organisms
  5. selective breeding
  6. ability to survive in a certain environment
  7. change in existing gene variant
  8. actions learned/habit
  9. blending in/hiding
  10. imitating something
  1. when animals adapt to their environment
  2. changing to survive in an environment
  3. naturalist
  4. distinct form
  5. transfer of genetic material to another population
  6. change of a gene
  7. change in heritable characteristics
  8. someone or something child
  9. is a period of inactiveness
  10. supply of something or someone

20 Clues: naturalistdistinct formhabit/automaticchange of a geneselective breedingblending in/hidingimitating somethingemphasizing behavioractions learned/habitgenetic characteristicsomeone or something childis a period of inactivenesssupply of something or someonechange in existing gene variantchange in heritable characteristics...

Natural Selection 2023-01-06

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the study of past and present distribution of organisms
  2. form of reproductive isolation in which two or more species reproduces at different times
  3. form of natural selection when individuals at one end of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals in the middle or at the other end of the curve
  4. situation in which allele frequencies in a population remain the same
  5. structures that are similar in different species of common ancestry
  6. selective breeding of plants and animals to promote the occurrence of desirable traits in offspring
  7. the movement of genes into or out of a population
  8. heritable characteristics that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in an environment
  9. trait controlled by one gene that has two alleles
  10. form of natural selection in which individuals near the center of a distribution curve have higher fitness than individuals at either end of the curve
  11. form of reproductive isolation in which two populations develop differences in courtship rituals or other behaviors that prevent them from breeding
  12. how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment
  13. process by which organisms that are most suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully; also called survival of the fittest
  14. formation of a new species
  15. body parts that share a common function, but not structure
  16. change over time; the process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms
  17. separation of species or population so that they no longer interbreed and evolved into two separate species
  1. a change in allele frequency following a dramatic reduction in the size of a population
  2. change in allele frequencies as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population
  3. form of reproductive isolation in which two populations are separated by geographic barriers such as rivers, mountains, or bodies of water, leading to the formation of two separate subspecies
  4. the number of times that an allele occurs in a gene pool compared with the number of alleles in that pool for the same gene
  5. principle that states that allele frequencies in a population remain constant unless one or more factors cause those frequencies to change
  6. natural selection in which individuals at the upper and lower ends of the curves have higher fitness that individuals near the middle of the curve
  7. when individuals select mates based on heritable traits
  8. trait controlled by two or more genes
  9. all the genes, including all the different alleles for each gene, that are present in a population at any one time
  10. structure that is inherited from ancestors but has lost much or all of its original function
  11. a group of homeotic genes clustered together that determine the head to tail identity of body parts in animals. All Hox genes contain the homie box DNA sequence
  12. preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms
  13. random change in allele frequency caused by series of chance occurrences that cause an allele to become more or less common in a population

30 Clues: formation of a new speciestrait controlled by two or more genespreserved remains or traces of ancient organismsthe movement of genes into or out of a populationtrait controlled by one gene that has two allelesthe study of past and present distribution of organismswhen individuals select mates based on heritable traits...

Natural Resources 2023-01-18

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. protection of resources for future use
  2. non-renewable energy source
  3. a mineral used to make aluminum
  4. harmful gas emitted from the burning of fossils
  5. the most widely used in the Caribbean
  6. used to satisfy the needs of man
  7. can be restored or replenished
  8. energy from the earths' core
  9. the living space for human society
  10. found in Guyana
  11. general conditions temperature
  1. energy from the sun
  2. resources that are derived from nature
  3. exhaustible
  4. water powered
  5. the capacity to do work
  6. use of resources to improve the standard of living
  7. energy produced from animal and plant waste
  8. release of substance that causes harm to the environment
  9. used up or finished

20 Clues: exhaustiblewater poweredfound in Guyanaenergy from the sunused up or finishedthe capacity to do worknon-renewable energy sourceenergy from the earths' corecan be restored or replenishedgeneral conditions temperaturea mineral used to make aluminumused to satisfy the needs of manthe living space for human societythe most widely used in the Caribbean...


NATURAL PHENOMENAS crossword puzzle
  1. A windstorm that carries sand and dust.
  2. A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall resulting in a shortage of water.
  3. A mass of snow, ice, and rock that slides down a mountainside.
  4. A rotating column of water that forms over a body of water.
  5. A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land.
  6. A series of ocean waves caused by an earthquake, landslide, or other disturbance under the ocean.
  7. A large piece of ice that breaks off from a glacier or ice shelf and floats in the ocean.
  8. A storm with falling hailstones.
  9. A prolonged period of excessively cold weather.
  10. An uncontrolled fire in a natural area such as a forest, grassland, or prairie.
  11. A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.
  12. A depression or hole in the ground caused by the collapse of the surface layer.
  13. Distant lightning that is too far away to hear the thunder.
  14. A temporary overflow of water onto normally dry land.
  15. A seasonal prevailing wind in the region of South and Southeast Asia, blowing from the southwest between May and September and bringing rain.
  16. A thin layer of ice that forms on surfaces at or below freezing temperatures.
  17. A sudden and violent shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of tectonic plates.
  18. The expansion of soil as it freezes, causing it to heave upward.
  1. A severe snowstorm with strong winds and low visibility.
  2. A large-scale atmospheric circulation system characterized by low pressure at its center.
  3. The movement of rock, earth, or debris down a slope.
  4. A tropical cyclone with winds of at least 74 mph that forms over warm waters and can cause extensive damage.
  5. A mountain or hill with a vent or fissure through which lava, ash, and gases are ejected.
  6. A sudden and intense burst of radiation from the sun's surface.
  7. The Northern Lights, a natural light display in the sky in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
  8. An astronomical event that occurs when one celestial object passes into the shadow of another.
  9. The movement of a mass of mud or earth down a slope.
  10. A storm that coats surfaces with a layer of ice.
  11. A small body of matter from outer space that enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns up.
  12. A sudden discharge of electricity in the atmosphere.
  13. A hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a tall column of water and steam into the air.
  14. A natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen in the high-latitude regions.
  15. A violently rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground and can cause widespread damage.
  16. A small whirlwind or dust storm that forms in dry conditions.
  17. A small, icy body that orbits the sun and has a tail of gas and dust.
  18. A large ocean wave caused by the gravitational influence of the moon or sun.
  19. An arc of colors in the sky caused by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight.
  20. A storm with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain.

38 Clues: A storm with falling hailstones.A windstorm that carries sand and dust.A prolonged period of excessively hot weather.A prolonged period of excessively cold weather.A large mass of ice that moves slowly over land.A storm that coats surfaces with a layer of ice.A storm with thunder, lightning, and heavy rain....

Natural phenomena 2023-02-24

Natural phenomena crossword puzzle
  1. (n) a violent tropical storm
  2. (n) a storm with strong winds that move in a circle
  3. (n) an extremly large wave in the sea
  4. (n) an unexpected event, a very bad accident
  5. (v) to attack
  6. (n) a mountain with a large hole in the top where gases and lava are forced out
  7. (n) pieces of wood, metal, building materials, etc. that are left after something has been destroyed
  8. (n) mud sliding from a moutain
  9. (v) to explode
  1. (v) to place something in the ground
  2. (v) to fall down & break apart
  3. (adj) having no home
  4. (n) a long period of time with little or no rain
  5. (n) a place to live, work or stay in
  6. (adj) hurt, having an injury
  7. (v) to move quickly from side to side and or up and down
  8. (n) protection from rain,danger or attack
  9. (n) a person who continues to live, despite nearly dying
  10. (n) a sudden,violent shaking of the earth's surface
  11. (v) to put somebody in a dangerous place that they cannot get out of

20 Clues: (v) to attack(v) to explode(adj) having no home(n) a violent tropical storm(adj) hurt, having an injury(v) to fall down & break apart(n) mud sliding from a moutain(v) to place something in the ground(n) a place to live, work or stay in(n) an extremly large wave in the sea(n) protection from rain,danger or attack...

Natural Resources 2023-02-24

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. this is a measure of the quality of life in different countries
  2. the number of years the average person will live in a country
  3. countries with not a lot of money or technology
  4. one way to reduce resource consumption is to use this rather than each person driving their own vehicles
  5. governments can make these to try and limit the amount of pollution that businesses can make
  6. this approach to resource use involves people using whatever resources meet their needs and wants
  7. the amount of resources each person consumes is called this ind of footprint
  8. these types of costs are things like people getting sick from pollution
  9. create green spaces in cities on the tops of buildings for growing food and cooling buildings
  10. a teaching that Indigenous people use to guide decisions about resource use
  11. resources that are gone after they are used they take millions of years to grow back
  12. one way people can use less resources is to buy products that have less of this
  13. these are often destroyed when humans are extracting resources from the environment leaving animals with fewer places to live
  14. the amount of money people make in a country
  1. resources that are replaced by natural actions like sunlight wind or moving water
  2. cutting down lots of trees to use the wood as a resource is called this
  3. these types of costs are things like habitat destruction and pollution
  4. altered seasonal weather patterns as a result of human activities leads to this kind of change
  5. this approach to resource use means using them wisely so they last a long time
  6. overusing soil and exposing it to too much sunlight leads to this
  7. these types of products need resources from all over the word to produce and manufacture
  8. this type of energy is created by capturing the sun's rays
  9. this approach to resource use says that resources should be set aside and protected
  10. this is a measure of how many people can read and do simple math in a country
  11. materials in the natural environment that humans can use to meet needs and wants
  12. places protected by the United Nations around the world that are considered to be important for everyone
  13. doing this with crops ensures that soil will not lose all its nutrients
  14. these are large areas of land protected from development and regulating how land can be used
  15. using resources in a way that there will be some left for future generations
  16. resources that grow back or renew themselves over time
  17. countries with lots of wealth and technology

31 Clues: countries with lots of wealth and technologythe amount of money people make in a countrycountries with not a lot of money or technologyresources that grow back or renew themselves over timethis type of energy is created by capturing the sun's raysthe number of years the average person will live in a country...

Medicina Natural 2020-04-09

Medicina Natural crossword puzzle
  1. quitar monte
  2. cuidar
  3. prepara
  4. cura
  5. olor
  6. producto
  7. efecto
  8. yerb
  9. jhgjy
  10. monte
  11. natu
  12. plantar
  13. bichos
  14. estudios
  15. semnb
  16. proceso
  1. sacar
  2. curaaa
  3. suelo
  4. agua
  5. vitamina
  6. escoger
  7. antes de cosechar
  8. cult
  9. natur pl
  10. recoger
  11. planta
  12. piso
  13. base
  14. mas olor
  15. sitio
  16. frio
  17. mata
  18. comida

34 Clues: aguacuraolorcultyerbpisobasenatufriomatasacarsuelojhgjymontesitiosemnbcuraaacuidarefectoplantabichoscomidapreparaescogerrecogerplantarprocesovitaminaproductonatur plmas olorestudiosquitar monteantes de cosechar

natural hazards 2020-11-07

natural hazards crossword puzzle
  1. a heated fragment of carbon based material that can start a fire
  2. a natural disaster caused by excess snow
  3. an event caused by excessive rain
  4. a natural disaster created by strong winds over land
  5. change, an ongoing event where greenhouse gases are burning the ozone layer, leading to weather at both extremes
  6. rain, an event caused by the sulphur from a volcanic eruption mixing with the water in the clouds
  7. a naturally occuring electric discharge that can cause a fire
  8. a natural disaster created by underwater earthquakes
  9. a rain cloud created by fire
  10. tornado, a by product of a fire that is created by strong winds
  1. a natural disaster created by strong winds over tropical seas
  2. an event caused by heavy snowfall
  3. a natural disaster that occurs when water builds up in a town over a prolonged period of time
  4. a natural disaster caused by frozen water fragments coming from the sky
  5. an event that occurs when there is not enough water for our daily needs over a prolonged period of time
  6. eruption, a natural disaster that is caused by a buildup of heat in the earth which is released by a volcano
  7. storm, an event caused by strong winds pushing the dry top soil into the air
  8. the weather average over a prolonged period of time
  9. a natural disaster that occurs when the earths tectonic plates shift
  10. a wildfire that occurs in the bush

20 Clues: a rain cloud created by firean event caused by heavy snowfallan event caused by excessive raina wildfire that occurs in the busha natural disaster caused by excess snowthe weather average over a prolonged period of timea natural disaster created by strong winds over landa natural disaster created by underwater earthquakes...

natural hazards 2020-11-19

natural hazards crossword puzzle
  1. pellets of frozen rain which fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds
  2. to change from liquid into vapour
  3. the kind of weather experienced by a place over a long period
  4. a severe snowstorm with high winds.
  5. vapour, water in the form of gas
  6. the layer of gases surrounding Earth
  7. a tropical storm over the north Atlantic ocean, the Caribbean sea, the Gulf of Mexico, or the Northeast Pacific Ocean
  8. a storm with thunder and lightning and typically also heavy rain or hail.
  9. a series of waves caused by earthquakes or undersea volcanic eruptions
  10. the process where water vapour becomes liquid
  1. a fire in scrub or a forest, especially one that spreads rapidly
  2. an overflow of water that covers land that is usually dry
  3. the amount of moisture in the air
  4. pressure, the downward force caused by the weight of the air pressing on the surface of Earth
  5. an instrument for measuring temperature
  6. a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air.
  7. a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside
  8. a long period of unusually dry weather
  9. the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time as regards heat, cloudiness, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain
  10. the branch of science concerned with the processes and phenomena of the atmosphere, especially as a means of forecasting the weather

20 Clues: vapour, water in the form of gasthe amount of moisture in the airto change from liquid into vapoura severe snowstorm with high winds.the layer of gases surrounding Eartha long period of unusually dry weatheran instrument for measuring temperaturethe process where water vapour becomes liquidan overflow of water that covers land that is usually dry...

Natural Resources 2021-03-02

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. a strong, hard magnetic silvery-gray metal, the chemical element of atomic number 26, much used as a material for construction and manufacturing, especially in the form of steel.
  2. combustion or burning, in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke.
  3. a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
  4. light from the sun.
  5. a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system
  6. a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and mosses,
  7. The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the Earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants
  8. Natural gas, is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium
  9. moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops
  10. the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water, as opposed to the sea or the air
  1. a precious or semiprecious stone, especially one cut, polished, and used in a piece of jewelry.
  2. classified as a nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to form
  3. The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the Earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of land plants
  4. a viscous liquid derived from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant.
  5. a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile
  6. a loose granular substance, typically pale yellowish brown, resulting from the erosion of siliceous and other rocks and forming a major constituent of beaches, riverbeds, the seabed, and deserts.
  7. a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms
  8. the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction.
  9. a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain
  10. a loud rumbling or crashing noise heard after a lightning flash due to the expansion of rapidly heated air
  11. the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen

21 Clues: light from the sun.a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate dropsa solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductilea viscous liquid derived from petroleum, especially for use as a fuel or lubricant....

Natural Selection 2022-05-04

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  2. a young insect that looks somewhat different from the adult
  3. a related organism from a previous generation
  4. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  5. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  6. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  7. evidence of life from the past, such as fossilized bones, footprints, or leaf prints
  8. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring
  9. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  10. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  11. having died out completely and no longer alive anywhere on Earth
  12. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  13. something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving
  14. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  15. a type of large molecule that performs important functions inside organisms
  16. when a huge number of species on Earth
  1. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  2. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  3. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  4. things people do that affect the Earth system
  5. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  6. from any other group
  7. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  8. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  9. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  10. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  11. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  12. to stay alive
  13. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  14. to receive genes from a parent
  15. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  16. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  17. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  18. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  19. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations)that do not reproduce with
  20. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  21. out completely around the same time

37 Clues: to stay alivefrom any other groupto receive genes from a parentout completely around the same timewhen a huge number of species on Eartha long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculethings people do that affect the Earth systema related organism from a previous generation...

natural selection 2022-04-19

natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. selection - a natural process of evolution in which the organisms that are best
  2. - an animal that hunts other animals for food
  3. - corresponding structurally, often because of a common evolutionary origin
  4. - a group of living things that can mate with one another but not with those of
  5. - a variety
  6. - the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity
  7. - everything that surrounds a particular type of living thing and affects its
  8. - in biology, similar in form or function, but of different evolutionary origin
  9. - to have young or offspring
  10. sickness
  11. - something that pollutes, esp. a waste substance that makes air, water, or land
  12. - in biology, a change in an organism, over time, that better enables it to
  13. - the child or young of a particular human, animal, or plant
  14. - to fill with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain
  15. - a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant;
  16. structure, as opposed to gradual evolutionary change
  17. groups
  1. - the degree to which something varies; amount of change or difference
  2. species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal
  3. - the process or act of trying to win
  4. or unhealthy; contaminant.
  5. - of, pertaining to, or being a vestige, esp. an anatomical one
  6. other less suited forms will become extinct
  7. to their environment survive and are able to reproduce, while those that are
  8. and multiply
  9. - the branch of science that concerns the formation and development of
  10. and health
  11. changes that took millions of years
  12. for evolution
  13. - a sudden, apparently abnormal change or alteration in a genetically
  14. of the Fittest - in biology, the evolutionary principle that only the forms of plants
  15. - a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its
  16. - the theory that describes how all life forms developed from simpler life forms
  17. - an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal
  18. animals best suited to or most easily able to adapt to existing conditions will survive,
  19. leave fewer or no offspring
  20. - money or things that are available for a particular use

37 Clues: groupssicknessand health- a varietyand multiplyfor evolutionor unhealthy; contaminant.leave fewer or no offspring- to have young or offspringchanges that took millions of years- the process or act of trying to winother less suited forms will become extinct- an animal that hunts other animals for food...

Natural disaster 2017-11-07

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. aim to preserve (a threatened species or area) by legislating against collecting, hunting, or development.
  2. inflict physical harm on (something) so as to impair its value, usefulness, or normal function.
  3. the level of the sea's surface, used in reckoning the height of geographical features such as hills and as a barometric standard.
  4. the action of clearing a wide area of trees.
  5. an exceptionally large ocean wave, especially one caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.
  6. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  7. a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants.
  8. an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.
  9. a general term used to refer to chemical compounds produced by industry which, if they are ingested or breathed in by humans, can cause physiological damage.
  10. the trapping of the sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the planet's surface.
  11. unwanted or unusable material, substances, or by-products.
  12. rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm, chiefly to forests and lakes. The main cause is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids.
  13. convert (waste) into reusable material.
  1. the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which cause ionization.
  2. a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.
  3. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapour, and gas are or have been erupted from the earth's crust.
  4. a sudden violent shaking of the ground, typically causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action.
  5. a building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured or assembled chiefly by machine.
  6. a person who is concerned about protecting the environment.
  7. a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.
  8. the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.
  9. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
  10. the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.
  11. a layer in the earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 10 km (6.2 miles) containing a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth from the sun.
  12. a large, destructive fire that spreads over a forest or area of woodland.

25 Clues: convert (waste) into reusable material.the action of clearing a wide area of trees.unwanted or unusable material, substances, or by-products.a person who is concerned about protecting the environment.the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.a large, destructive fire that spreads over a forest or area of woodland....

Natural Resources 2018-01-23

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. A con of the hydroelectric industry, caused by an upstream reservoir
  2. Grasberg Gold Mine in Indonesia produces gold, silver, and this precious metal
  3. The Carlin-Nevada Complex is a mine in Nevada that uses both underground and ___-___ mines
  4. The greenhouse affect is the warming of the Earth's atmosphere due to the buildup of carbon dioxide and _______ gas
  5. The seventh largest hydro dam in the world producing producing 6000 Megawatts of energy, located in Russia
  6. Ores are rocks from _____ or metals that can be extracted and then sold for profit
  7. With the development of electronics and technology have come some major advances in this field
  8. The country with the tenth largest amount of arable land
  9. Manufacturing is the process of turning ____ materials into finished products inside a factory
  10. The second largest country in the world by the amount of freshwater
  1. Used along with windmills to harness energy from wind
  2. Two of the top ten oil fields in the world, the Azadegan and Esfandiar Oil Fields, are located in this country
  3. This fossil fuel is in the form of a rock
  4. Water resources mainly come from rivers, lakes, glaciers, and ________
  5. Canada has roughly 310 million _____ of forested area
  6. Natural gas is an example of this type of resource
  7. The top producing silver mine in the world is located in ______, Australia
  8. The _____ Oil Field is the fifth largest oil field in the world
  9. This Asian country is home of the largest hydro dam in the world, the Three Gorges Dam
  10. This oil field, located in Saudi Arabia, is the largest producing oil field in the world

20 Clues: This fossil fuel is in the form of a rockNatural gas is an example of this type of resourceUsed along with windmills to harness energy from windCanada has roughly 310 million _____ of forested areaThe country with the tenth largest amount of arable landThe _____ Oil Field is the fifth largest oil field in the world...

natural resources 2018-02-22

natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. a metamorphic rock: this can be split into layers and used as a roofing material
  2. used to help dyes stick to fabric
  3. a renewable source of fuel oil
  4. the “building blocks” of rocks
  5. a porous sedimentary rock used on SLATE
  6. a sedimentary rock found around the lothians: that is easy to cut into blocks
  7. used to extract some metals from their ores
  8. technique used to extract essential oils
  9. older dyes were extracted from these
  10. the amount of this in soil decreases as it is warmed up
  11. a rock with a lot of a metal in it
  12. types of metals that can only be extracted using electricity
  13. a fertile soil of clay and sand containing organic matter
  14. an essential oil in citrus fruits
  1. a metal that can be extracted from its ore by heat alone
  2. a purple flower which is commonly used for extracting essential oils
  3. oils that give plants their fragrance
  4. these are smaller in igneous rocks that cooled more quickly
  5. used to extract some metals from their ores
  6. is much better than water at dissolving oils
  7. rocks formed from grains of other rocks
  8. Rocks that have been changed from one type to another by heat
  9. type of dyes that have brighter colours than natural ones
  10. rocks formed from magma
  11. a bit of this helps water drain from soil

25 Clues: rocks formed from magmaa renewable source of fuel oilthe “building blocks” of rocksused to help dyes stick to fabrican essential oil in citrus fruitsa rock with a lot of a metal in itolder dyes were extracted from theseoils that give plants their fragrancea porous sedimentary rock used on SLATErocks formed from grains of other rocks...

Natural Resources 2018-01-18

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. canada has roughly 310 million square _____ of forested area
  2. the greenhouse affect is the warming of the earth's atmosphere because of the build-up of carbon dioxide and _______ gas
  3. the top producing silver mine in the world is located in _______, Australia
  4. the seventh largest hydro dam in the world, producing six thousand Megawatts of energy, located in Russia
  5. with the development of electronics and technology have come some major advances in this field
  6. water resources mainly come from rivers, lakes, glaciers, and _________
  7. ores are rocks from ____ or metals that can be extracted and then sold for profit
  8. the Carlin-Nevada Complex is a mine in Nevada that uses both underground and ____-___ mines
  9. the second largest country in the world by the amount of fresh water
  10. this fossil fuel is in the form of a rock
  11. manufacturing is the process of turning ___ materials into finished products in a factory
  1. a con of the hydro electric industry, due to an upstream dam/reservoir
  2. this Asian country is home of the largest hydro dam in the world, the Three Gorges Dam
  3. natural gas is an example of this type of resource
  4. is home of the ______ Oil Field which is the fifth largest oil field in the world
  5. Grasberg Gold Mine in Indonesia is produces gold, silver, and this precious metal
  6. this oil field, located in Saudi Arabia, is the largest producing oil field in the world
  7. used along with wind mills to harness energy from wind
  8. the country with the tenth largest amount of arable land
  9. two of the top ten oil fields in the world, the Azadegan and Esfandiar Oil Fields are located in this country

20 Clues: this fossil fuel is in the form of a rocknatural gas is an example of this type of resourceused along with wind mills to harness energy from windthe country with the tenth largest amount of arable landcanada has roughly 310 million square _____ of forested areathe second largest country in the world by the amount of fresh water...

Natural Phenomena 2019-06-15

Natural Phenomena crossword puzzle
  1. Viento
  2. Arcoiris
  3. Torbellino
  4. Clima
  5. Estrella Fugaz
  6. Rayo
  7. Acantilado
  8. Tormenta de nieve
  9. Roca
  10. Pantano
  1. Sequía
  2. Agua
  3. Terremoto
  4. Hielo
  5. Cascada
  6. Bosque
  7. Aurora Boreal
  8. Tormenta
  9. Galaxia
  10. Fuego

20 Clues: AguaRayoRocaHieloClimaFuegoVientoSequíaBosqueCascadaGalaxiaPantanoArcoirisTormentaTerremotoTorbellinoAcantiladoAurora BorealEstrella FugazTormenta de nieve

Natural Selection 2024-01-08

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  2. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  3. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  4. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  5. organisms from any other group
  6. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  7. pressure: something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving
  8. a related organism from a previous generation
  9. trait a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  10. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  11. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  12. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  13. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  14. selection: the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many
  15. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  1. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  2. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  3. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  4. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  5. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  6. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce
  7. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  8. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  9. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  10. trait: a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific
  11. to receive genes from a parent
  12. an event or process that leads to a result or change

27 Clues: organisms from any other groupto receive genes from a parenta long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona characteristic that all members of a species havea specific characteristic of an individual organism...

Natural Resources 2024-01-25

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. a form of rain that is unusually acidic, meaning that it has elevated levels of hydrogen ions
  2. a silvery white, weakly radioactive metal
  3. naturally occurring water that is not salty, and is suitable for consumption if clean or processed
  4. the action of clearing a wide area of trees
  5. a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms
  6. the draining away of water (or substances carried in it) from the surface of an area of land
  7. a naturally occurring mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons consisting primarily of methane
  8. the science, art, or practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock
  9. the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity
  10. a group of wind turbines in the same location used to produce electricity
  11. the process of claiming something back
  1. the introduction of harmful materials into the environment
  2. radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed to generate electricity
  3. a mixture of pollutants that are formed when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react to sunlight, creating a brown haze above cities
  4. the generation of electricity using flowing water
  5. a brown deposit resembling soil, formed by the partial decomposition of vegetable matter in wet acidic conditions
  6. a naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted
  7. a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth
  8. capable of being renewed
  9. thermal energy in the Earth's crust
  10. organic matter used as a fuel, especially in a power station for the generation of electricity.

21 Clues: capable of being renewedthermal energy in the Earth's crustthe process of claiming something backa silvery white, weakly radioactive metalthe action of clearing a wide area of treesthe generation of electricity using flowing watera large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowththe introduction of harmful materials into the environment...

Natural Resources 2024-05-19

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. are events caused by forces of nature that cause destruction of life and property
  2. to limit the amount you use of something
  3. the solid part of earth that is made of the crust and upper mantle
  4. is an area of land where all of the water that is under it, or drains off of it collects into the same place (e.g. The River).
  5. a material that is found naturally on or near the Earth
  6. layer around the earth that keeps oxygen and heat around the earth
  7. a resource that CAN NOT be replaced quickly and can be used completely (limited amount) Coal, oil, gas
  8. using things that have already been used, to make new things
  9. layer of earth in which all DIRT is found
  10. a material that is being put into the air (smoke)
  1. a place where we bury garbage in the ground
  2. Garbage, or something left over and not needed
  3. a resource that is replaced naturally again and again (unlimited amount) Trees, water, wind
  4. to use a material again instead of throwing away
  5. Protection of things found in nature – (conservation)
  6. the ability to do work
  7. happens when the environment is contaminated, or dirtied, by waste, chemicals, and other harmful substances
  8. layer of earth in which all WATER is found
  9. related to the sun or sun’s rays
  10. a set amount or number
  11. to withstand the force of something

21 Clues: the ability to do worka set amount or numberrelated to the sun or sun’s raysto withstand the force of somethingto limit the amount you use of somethinglayer of earth in which all DIRT is foundlayer of earth in which all WATER is founda place where we bury garbage in the groundGarbage, or something left over and not needed...

Natural Selection 2024-04-23

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a theory that suggests that geological processes have been taking place at a constant rate
  2. this type of structure is sometimes referred to as an evolutionary left-over
  3. this guy was an English economist who theorized about resources and the growing population
  4. the modification of species due to human intervention
  5. what many Europeans believed to be the origin of plants and animals
  6. a type of intermediate organism
  7. reproductive success which leads to more surviving offspring
  8. the name of Darwin's ship
  9. this guy was a Scottish geologist who wrote about geological time
  1. where Darwin studied after medical school
  2. this type of structure is similar in different species
  3. this guy was a French naturalist who proposed organisms change based on use and disuse of body parts
  4. a theory that is based on sexual recombination and mutations
  5. this guy calculated the world was created on October 23, 4004 BC
  6. antibiotic resistance is an example of this type of evidence for evolution
  7. a theory based on characteristic traits developing based on need
  8. this guy proposed and wrote about naturalselection
  9. this gal is who Darwin married
  10. this type of trait is similar in different species, the structure is different but the function is the same
  11. the imprint or remains of an organism that lived in the past
  12. this guy proposed a natural selection theory and shared his research with Darwin

21 Clues: the name of Darwin's shipthis gal is who Darwin marrieda type of intermediate organismwhere Darwin studied after medical schoolthis guy proposed and wrote about naturalselectionthe modification of species due to human interventionthis type of structure is similar in different speciesa theory that is based on sexual recombination and mutations...

Natural Selection 2024-04-24

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. (two words) Difference in courtship or mating behaviors that cause two species to be unable to successfully interbreed.
  2. Producing more offspring than can possibly survive.
  3. An inherited trait that allows members of a species to survive and reproduce better than others.
  4. (two words) Process in which certain traits increase mating success and therefore become more common in the population.
  5. (two words)When humans choose which organisms mate to try to obtain specific traits in the offspring.
  6. The scientific theory that explains how life on earth has changed over time.
  7. The movement of genes (organisms) in and out of populations. If this is low, there is an increased chance of speciation.
  8. (two words) When nature acts on phenotypes to increase the population of those who have traits that allow them to survive and reproduce better than others.
  9. (two words)The actual structures of the organisms prevent them from successfully mating.
  1. (two words)Physical barriers divide a population and make it impossible for them to successfully interbreed.
  2. (two words) Type of selection in which males exhibit a certain trait that females chooses. Females pick.
  3. (two words) Timing of reproductive periods prevents mating.
  4. (two words) Species may occur in the same region, but occupy different habitat niches so they rarely encounter each other.
  5. (two words)When individuals from two populations are no longer able to mate successfully. This is the final stage of speciation.
  6. (three words) This type of genetic drift occurs when a random catastrophic event wipes out most of a population.
  7. Small differences in traits among members of a population that may be selected for or against.
  8. (two words) Type of selection in which males compete for females.
  9. (two words) This type of genetic drift occurs when a small part of a population leaves to form a new colony/ population.
  10. The rise of two or more species from a single species.
  11. (two words) This is the change in allele frequency due to chance occurrences It causes a loss of genetic diversity and is more common in smaller populations.
  12. Any group of organisms that live in the same general area that can successfully mate and produce fertile offspring.

21 Clues: Producing more offspring than can possibly survive.The rise of two or more species from a single species.(two words) Timing of reproductive periods prevents mating.(two words) Type of selection in which males compete for females.The scientific theory that explains how life on earth has changed over time....

Natural Resources 2024-02-21

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Energy from tides
  2. Does NOT replenish naturally
  3. Replenishes naturally
  4. Resources that do NOT replenish Naturally
  5. Colorless and Odorless
  6. To use more than once
  7. Energy from the sun
  8. Known as petroleum
  9. The act of trying to use less
  10. To replace or make like new
  11. Energy from the splitting of atoms
  12. Resources that replenish naturally
  1. Energy from moving water
  2. Gases that trap heat in the atmosphere
  3. Energy from recently living plants/microorganisms
  4. Energy from heating of the Earth
  5. Nonrenewable sources of energy that form within the Earth over millions of Years
  6. To convert into a useable material
  7. Fossilized plants
  8. Energy from uneven heating

20 Clues: Energy from tidesFossilized plantsKnown as petroleumEnergy from the sunReplenishes naturallyTo use more than onceColorless and OdorlessEnergy from moving waterEnergy from uneven heatingTo replace or make like newDoes NOT replenish naturallyThe act of trying to use lessEnergy from heating of the EarthTo convert into a useable material...

natural phenomen 2024-03-18

natural phenomen crossword puzzle
  1. rainbow
  2. climate
  3. fog
  4. cape
  5. stream
  6. valley
  7. heat
  8. hoarfrost
  9. dew
  10. cloud
  11. glacier
  12. field
  13. raun
  14. wave
  15. cave
  16. hill
  1. bank
  2. rainfall
  3. peac
  4. draught
  5. land
  6. forest
  7. wind
  8. sea
  9. shower
  10. river
  11. flood
  12. island
  13. ocean
  14. frost
  15. hail
  16. dust

32 Clues: fogseadewbankpeaclandwindcapeheatraunwavehailcavedusthillriverfloodcloudoceanfrostfieldforeststreamvalleyshowerislandrainbowdraughtclimateglacierrainfallhoarfrost

Natural Medicines 2024-08-11

Natural Medicines crossword puzzle
  1. This herb is used for its antimicrobial properties and to help with respiratory conditions.
  2. This berry is often used to treat colds and flu, known for its immune-boosting effects.
  3. This fragrant herb is used in aromatherapy for relaxation and stress relief.
  4. This bright yellow spice contains curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  5. A popular herb used to boost the immune system, especially during cold season.
  6. Kola Used in traditional medicine for cognitive function and wound healing.
  7. Thistle Known for supporting liver health and detoxification.
  8. Known for increasing energy and improving mental performance; often used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  1. A soothing herb commonly used in tea to aid sleep and relieve anxiety.
  2. Commonly used to help with nausea and digestive issues; also known for its anti-inflammatory benefits.
  3. Vera Known for its soothing properties, especially for skin burns and minor irritations.
  4. This herb aids digestion and can relieve bloating and gas.
  5. Used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen the immune system and increase vitality.
  6. Elm Known for its mucilaginous properties, which can soothe irritated mucous membranes in the digestive tract.
  7. Often used as a diuretic and liver tonic; the whole plant is edible and medicinal.
  8. This pungent bulb is used for its antimicrobial and heart-health benefits.
  9. This plant is used for its anti-inflammatory properties and to support urinary health.
  10. Often used to relieve digestive issues and headaches; known for its cooling effect.
  11. This spice has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and is used to help manage blood sugar levels.
  12. Basil Also called Tulsi, this herb is used in Ayurveda for its adaptogenic and stress-relieving properties.

20 Clues: This herb aids digestion and can relieve bloating and gas.Thistle Known for supporting liver health and detoxification.A soothing herb commonly used in tea to aid sleep and relieve anxiety.This pungent bulb is used for its antimicrobial and heart-health benefits.Kola Used in traditional medicine for cognitive function and wound healing....

Natural World 2024-07-21

Natural World crossword puzzle
  1. caverna
  2. topi
  3. alluvione
  4. trasposto pubblico
  5. inquinamento
  6. contenitore raccolta vetro
  7. riciclare
  8. pelliccia
  9. gamma
  10. spiaggia
  11. foresta pluviale
  12. spazzatura
  13. cambiamento climatico
  1. volontario
  2. esploratore
  3. terreno coltivato
  4. paesaggio
  5. benzina (USA)
  6. ambientale
  7. spazzatura
  8. congelare
  9. benzina (UK)

22 Clues: topigammacavernaspiaggiaalluvionepaesaggioriciclarepellicciacongelarevolontarioambientalespazzaturaspazzaturaesploratoreinquinamentobenzina (UK)benzina (USA)foresta pluvialeterreno coltivatotrasposto pubblicocambiamento climaticocontenitore raccolta vetro

Natural Science 2024-07-21

Natural Science crossword puzzle
  1. a chemical reaction that happens in some living things, such as yeast and bacteria.
  2. the flow of electrical charges through materials.
  3. a material which does not allow electrical charges to move.
  4. a method used to separate substances of different density in heterogeneous mixtures.
  5. another word for a homogeneous mixture.
  6. a chemical reaction that happens when some metal substances such as iron combine with oxygen in the presence of water.
  7. A connecting wire, usually made of copper, wrapped in plastic covering.
  8. a device with a magnetic needle that always points north. We use it to orient ourselves.
  9. the component of an electric circuit which provides the electricity.
  10. the component of an electric circuit which transforms electricity into another type of energy.
  11. a mixture in which the different components can be distinguished.
  1. a method used to separate solids from liquids, or solids with different size particles, in heterogeneous mixtures.
  2. a method used to separate liquids that have different boiling points in homogeneous mixtures.
  3. a type of matter which contains only one type of component.
  4. an object which can attract other objects made of iron and other magnetic metals.
  5. a closed path through which electricity flows.
  6. These happen when atoms react and group together differently.
  7. a type of matter which contains two or more pure substances.
  8. a method used to separate solids from liquids in homogeneous mixtures.
  9. a material which allows electrical charges to move.
  10. a mixture in which the different components cannot be distinguished.
  11. a chemical reaction that happens when objects or substances are burned.
  12. the force of attraction exerted by magnets.

23 Clues: another word for a homogeneous mixture.the force of attraction exerted by magnets.a closed path through which electricity flows.the flow of electrical charges through materials.a material which allows electrical charges to move.a type of matter which contains only one type of component.a material which does not allow electrical charges to move....

natural resources 2013-03-07

natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. sostener
  2. calentamiento
  3. especies
  4. bosque
  5. implicar
  6. replantar
  7. laguna
  8. bienes
  9. cosecha
  10. talador
  11. permitirse
  12. fallar
  1. dibujo
  2. restaurar
  3. repirar
  4. reforzar
  5. amplia
  6. nocivo
  7. ganancias
  8. minero
  9. abeja
  10. saludable
  11. combustible
  12. deber

24 Clues: abejadeberdibujobosqueamplianocivolagunaminerobienesfallarrepirarcosechataladorsostenerespeciesreforzarimplicarrestaurarreplantargananciassaludablepermitirsecombustiblecalentamiento

The Natural 2013-05-18

The Natural crossword puzzle
  1. Approximate age Roy was shot
  2. Age when Roy starts playing for New York Knights
  3. What did Roy face frequently? (Cover article)
  4. Roy was called a _________
  5. Name of Roy's bat
  6. Who has Roy's child?
  7. Did Memo ever love Roy?
  8. Symbol that represented rebirth
  9. Roy's condition he is diagnosed with
  10. The main character of The Natural
  11. The person Roy strikes out on the train
  12. Team clown
  13. Roy's main object of affection
  14. First recurring character that Roy meets
  15. Type of bird Roy catches in his glove and kills
  1. Name of first section of book
  2. Person who asks Roy to throw the game
  3. Team Roy plays for
  4. Iris Gaines is a _________
  5. Person who asked Roy to get a hit in order to save his sun
  6. When did Roy's fame finally go to his head?
  7. Roy's three flaws
  8. Who shoots Roy?
  9. What did Roy win at the fair for knocking down the bottles with a baseball?
  10. Decade the book was published
  11. Name of the Author
  12. Reason why Roy threw the last game
  13. Name of second section of book
  14. City Roy first tries out in

29 Clues: Team clownWho shoots Roy?Roy's three flawsName of Roy's batTeam Roy plays forName of the AuthorWho has Roy's child?Did Memo ever love Roy?Iris Gaines is a _________Roy was called a _________City Roy first tries out inApproximate age Roy was shotName of first section of bookDecade the book was publishedName of second section of book...

Natural Hazards 2014-09-11

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. a mudflow
  2. a primary effect, mostly destroyed during Kobe earthquake
  3. rising magma
  4. electric, gas,communication are __ effects
  5. rocks pushed upwards
  6. for diverting lava flow
  7. characteristic of the lava flow in Mt. Etna
  8. plate boundary of most active volcanoes
  9. located on Nojima Fault
  10. Mt Etna is most active volcano in this continent
  11. China's strongest earthquake
  1. landform constructed due to Sichuan earthquake
  2. positive environmental effect of volcanic eruption over time
  3. lowered world's temperature
  4. measures earthquakes
  5. known for perfect cone shape
  6. a waterform formed by Sichuan earthquake
  7. has 1/3 of world's active volcanoes
  8. a stratovolcano
  9. "Mountain of fire"

20 Clues: a mudflowrising magmaa stratovolcano"Mountain of fire"measures earthquakesrocks pushed upwardsfor diverting lava flowlocated on Nojima Faultlowered world's temperatureknown for perfect cone shapeChina's strongest earthquakehas 1/3 of world's active volcanoesplate boundary of most active volcanoesa waterform formed by Sichuan earthquake...

Natural Resources 2016-10-20

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. A animal that has no limbs in the sea
  2. Use as fuel
  3. A clean energy that comes from the air
  4. nuclear fuel
  5. Another name for Oxygen
  6. Oil
  7. A black, carbon fossil fuel used for energy
  8. We slather billions of them every year for meat coat bags, and etc.
  9. It clovers 71% of the earth
  10. A star that will blow up in 4 billion years later that will also eat up the earth.
  11. A layer of earth were plants grow
  12. It germinates when add water
  13. The chemical element of atomic number 29
  14. Another name for H20
  1. A fuel found in the earth
  2. A chemical element with the symbol Au
  3. A material that can mine diamond in mine-craft
  4. A animal that give birth not by egg
  5. Its green
  6. It can grow up to 400 feet
  7. We sitting or standing on it right now
  8. Its used to catch fish
  9. Use to make silverware
  10. Five cents
  11. The hardest material to find in mine craft
  12. an air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available

26 Clues: OilIts greenFive centsUse as fuelnuclear fuelAnother name for H20Its used to catch fishUse to make silverwareAnother name for OxygenA fuel found in the earthIt can grow up to 400 feetIt clovers 71% of the earthIt germinates when add waterA layer of earth were plants growA animal that give birth not by eggA animal that has no limbs in the sea...

Natural Resources 2016-10-18

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. Use as fuel
  2. A material that can mine diamond in mine-craft
  3. Its green
  4. Its used to catch fish
  5. Five cents
  6. The hardest material to find in mine craft
  7. Use to make silverware
  8. A animal that give birth not by egg
  9. A fuel found in the earth
  10. A chemical element with the symbol Au
  11. A animal that has no limbs in the sea
  1. The chemical element of atomic number 29
  2. Another name for Oxygen
  3. A black, carbon fossil fuel used for energy
  4. It can grow up to 400 feet
  5. Oil
  6. Another name for H20
  7. It germinates when add water
  8. A clean energy that comes form the air
  9. nuclear fuel
  10. We slather billions of them every year for meat coat bags, and ect
  11. It clovers 71% of the earth
  12. A layer of earth were plants grow
  13. A star that will blow up in 4 billions years later
  14. We sitting or standing on it right now
  15. An air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available

26 Clues: OilIts greenFive centsUse as fuelnuclear fuelAnother name for H20Its used to catch fishUse to make silverwareAnother name for OxygenA fuel found in the earthIt can grow up to 400 feetIt clovers 71% of the earthIt germinates when add waterA layer of earth were plants growA animal that give birth not by eggA chemical element with the symbol Au...

Natural Hazards 2016-08-19

Natural Hazards crossword puzzle
  1. A natural disaster which comes from extremely high rainfall
  2. The most common cause of landslides
  3. Something that has the potential to cause harm to people or property
  4. A country in the Circum-Pacific Earthquake Belt
  5. The first thing to do after a disaster impacts
  6. What we can do to return to normal after an earthquake
  7. A tremor produced by the passage of vibratory waves through the earth
  8. A country in the Mid-World Mountain Belt
  9. Ongoing changes to make society safer in case of a disaster
  10. What we can do to reduce the risks or effects of a disaster
  11. The instrument used to measure earthquakes
  12. The science of earthquakes
  13. A natural hazard that can cause earthquakes
  1. The origin point of an earthquake
  2. An event that has caused harm or damage to people or property
  3. The point on the earth's surface above an earthquakes origin
  4. A natural disaster which comes from extremely low rainfall
  5. What we can do to be ready to respond to a disaster
  6. An advantage of earthquakes
  7. A man-made cause of earthquakes

20 Clues: The science of earthquakesAn advantage of earthquakesA man-made cause of earthquakesThe origin point of an earthquakeThe most common cause of landslidesA country in the Mid-World Mountain BeltThe instrument used to measure earthquakesA natural hazard that can cause earthquakesThe first thing to do after a disaster impacts...

Natural Science 2019-03-05

Natural Science crossword puzzle
  1. fact or information
  2. a runny substance
  3. information from different sources
  4. an intelligent guess
  5. a combination of things to create something
  6. what you see happening
  7. asking something that needs an answer
  8. filled with water
  9. a mode of conducting something
  10. can not be dissolved
  11. the conversion of solid or gas into liquid form by mixture with liquid solvent
  12. that can be dissolved
  13. special form or procedure
  1. tending to change direction
  2. a test
  3. to focus on something
  4. make or become liquid
  5. final result or decision
  6. dissolved substance
  7. the power to dissolve or form a solution

20 Clues: a testa runny substancefilled with waterfact or informationdissolved substancean intelligent guesscan not be dissolvedto focus on somethingmake or become liquidthat can be dissolvedwhat you see happeningfinal result or decisionspecial form or proceduretending to change directiona mode of conducting somethinginformation from different sources...

Natural Selection 2022-03-16

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  2. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  3. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  4. to receive genes from a parent
  5. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  6. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  7. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many
  8. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  9. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  1. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  2. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  3. a related organism from a previous generation
  4. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  5. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  6. the number of individuals with each trait in a population a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  7. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  8. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  9. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  10. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  11. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  12. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  13. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  14. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group

23 Clues: to receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona characteristic that all members of a species havean event or process that leads to a result or change...

Natural resources 2021-12-06

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. symbiotic bacteria in nitrogen fixation
  2. 75% of earths surface \
  3. 21% of the atmosphere
  4. When water gets released from clouds
  5. from sea to land
  6. from land to sea
  7. process where water vapour becomes liquid
  8. dead organic substances are broken down
  9. burning
  10. O3
  1. relates to living organisms
  2. organic material that forms when animals decay
  3. 78% of the atmosphere
  4. NO3
  5. product of respiration
  6. elemental form of carbon
  7. relates to non living items
  8. process of water turning into water vapour
  9. material that covers most of earths surface
  10. free living bacteria in nitrogen fixation
  11. NO2

21 Clues: O3NO3NO2burningfrom sea to landfrom land to sea78% of the atmosphere21% of the atmosphereproduct of respiration75% of earths surface \elemental form of carbonrelates to living organismsrelates to non living itemsWhen water gets released from cloudssymbiotic bacteria in nitrogen fixationdead organic substances are broken down...

Natural Resources 2021-12-05

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. The process by which plants obtain food
  2. Conversion of nitrates into ammonia
  3. Physical method of nitrogen fixation
  4. Burning of fossil fuels
  5. Sphere that contains biotic and abiotic components
  6. A glass room aimed at increasing plant growth
  7. Increase of algae in a water body
  8. Inhalation and exhalation of air
  9. Conversion of liquid to gas by heating
  10. Outcome of condensation
  11. Type of nitrogen fixing bacteria
  1. Rain,hail,snow and sleet are forms of ____
  2. The most abundant gas
  3. Blanket of air covering the Earth
  4. Name of the gas above the stratosphere
  5. Direction of wind during the night
  6. The act of toxifying all resources
  7. The gas we all need
  8. The most important liquid
  9. Heating up of the Earth
  10. Breaking up of rocks form ____
  11. Evaporation through plants
  12. Planting of trees
  13. Coal and petroleum are ____
  14. Found in number in the soil

25 Clues: Planting of treesThe gas we all needThe most abundant gasBurning of fossil fuelsHeating up of the EarthOutcome of condensationThe most important liquidEvaporation through plantsCoal and petroleum are ____Found in number in the soilBreaking up of rocks form ____Inhalation and exhalation of airType of nitrogen fixing bacteria...

Natural resource 2021-12-07

Natural resource crossword puzzle
  1. combination of smoke and fog
  2. Where all there zones interact
  3. Gas emitted from AC
  4. Exchange of chemical nutrients between living and non living components
  5. A colloid where the dispersed phase is Solid and dispersion medium is gas
  6. increase in the overall temperature of the Earth
  7. Process by which dead substance are broken down into simpler substance
  8. Release of energy by breaking down glucose
  9. A denitrification microbe
  10. Precipitation of nitric and sulfuric acid
  11. Conversion of nitrate to elemental nitrogen
  12. Change of state of matter from gas to liquid
  13. Flow of energy
  1. All Water content on earth
  2. Conversion of nitrogen containing substances into ammonia
  3. harmful rays emitted by the Sun
  4. Used in swimming pools
  5. An ozone depleting gas
  6. An ozone depleting substance
  7. Establishment of a forest where there were no tress before
  8. Present in roots of legume plants
  9. symbiotic relation between algae and fungi
  10. diseases gotten due to ozone gas
  11. Loss of top soil
  12. Gas protecting us from UV rays

25 Clues: Flow of energyLoss of top soilGas emitted from ACUsed in swimming poolsAn ozone depleting gasA denitrification microbeAll Water content on earthcombination of smoke and fogAn ozone depleting substanceWhere all there zones interactGas protecting us from UV raysharmful rays emitted by the Sundiseases gotten due to ozone gas...

Natural Selection 2022-01-18

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  2. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  3. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  4. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  5. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  6. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  7. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  8. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring
  9. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  10. organisms from any other group
  1. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific
  2. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  3. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  4. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  5. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  6. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  7. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  8. a related organism from a previous generation
  9. to stay alive
  10. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  11. to receive genes from a parent
  12. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  13. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  14. selection: the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many
  15. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce

25 Clues: to stay aliveto receive genes from a parentorganisms from any other groupan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organism...

Natural Selection 2022-01-18

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  2. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  3. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  4. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring
  5. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many
  6. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  7. to stay alive
  8. to receive genes from a parent
  9. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  1. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific
  2. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  3. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  4. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  5. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce
  6. organisms from any other group
  7. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  8. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  9. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  10. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  11. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  12. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  13. a related organism from a previous generation
  14. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  15. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  16. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria

25 Clues: to stay aliveorganisms from any other groupto receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organism...

Natural Selection 2022-04-04

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. species has died out
  2. organisms who are better adapted will survive
  3. two parents needed
  4. reduction in genetic variation
  5. change in genetic variation frequency
  6. single cell organism
  7. formation of new species
  8. versions of a gene
  9. organism splits in half to reproduce
  10. changing to adjust to environment
  11. one parent needed
  1. event that causes population decrease
  2. amount of different phenotypes
  3. has a nucleus
  4. no nucleus
  5. bacteria form a resistance to antibiotics
  6. difference in DNA among species
  7. movement of genes in and out a population
  8. production of offspring
  9. difference in phenotype

20 Clues: no nucleushas a nucleusone parent neededtwo parents neededversions of a genespecies has died outsingle cell organismproduction of offspringdifference in phenotypeformation of new speciesamount of different phenotypesreduction in genetic variationdifference in DNA among specieschanging to adjust to environmentorganism splits in half to reproduce...

natural selective 2022-04-19

natural selective crossword puzzle
  1. or unhealthy; contaminant.
  2. - the child or young of a particular human, animal, or plant
  3. - an animal that hunts other animals for food
  4. leave fewer or no offspring
  5. - money or things that are available for a particular use
  6. - the degree to which something varies; amount of change or difference
  7. species, genes, and ecosystems, esp. when regarded as providing the optimal
  8. changes that took millions of years
  9. - something that pollutes, esp. a waste substance that makes air, water, or land
  10. - everything that surrounds a particular type of living thing and affects its
  11. - corresponding structurally, often because of a common evolutionary origin
  12. - a group of living things that can mate with one another but not with those of
  13. - in biology, a change in an organism, over time, that better enables it to
  14. - an animal being hunted, caught, and eaten by another animal
  15. - a variety
  16. and multiply
  1. to their environment survive and are able to reproduce, while those that are
  2. - in biology, similar in form or function, but of different evolutionary origin
  3. - the branch of science that concerns the formation and development of
  4. - to have young or offspring
  5. - a way of hiding something by covering or coloring it so that it looks like its
  6. of the Fittest - in biology, the evolutionary principle that only the forms of plants
  7. - to fill with more inhabitants than available resources can sustain
  8. groups
  9. - the theory that describes how all life forms developed from simpler life forms
  10. - the diversity of life forms on earth or part of the earth, including diversity
  11. and health
  12. - a sudden, apparently abnormal change or alteration in a genetically
  13. - of, pertaining to, or being a vestige, esp. an anatomical one
  14. for evolution
  15. - the process or act of trying to win
  16. selection - a natural process of evolution in which the organisms that are best
  17. - a condition that causes harm to the health of a person, animal, or plant;
  18. structure, as opposed to gradual evolutionary change
  19. sickness
  20. other less suited forms will become extinct
  21. animals best suited to or most easily able to adapt to existing conditions will survive,

37 Clues: groupssicknessand health- a varietyand multiplyfor evolutionor unhealthy; contaminant.leave fewer or no offspring- to have young or offspringchanges that took millions of years- the process or act of trying to winother less suited forms will become extinct- an animal that hunts other animals for food...

natural disaster 2022-12-19

natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. a danger
  2. a sudden powerful movement forward or upward
  3. the act of taking care of it and repairing when needed
  4. the act or destroying or ruining something
  5. able to move or easily moved
  6. makes you worry something bad may happen
  7. to watch it and see where it moves and how it changes
  8. instruments that measure and record details about earthquakes
  9. something worth noticing
  10. refers to the size of something
  11. attached to something or weighed down that won't move easily
  12. the outcomes or effects of events
  13. happens over a large area or among many people
  14. a small earthquake or uncontrolled shaking of a body part
  1. push something with great force
  2. moves side to side
  3. the act of moving from a dangerous area to a safe one
  4. areas
  5. to spread out in waves or rays
  6. a version of something changed
  7. two or more things that move in the same direction
  8. a place where a supply of something is collected
  9. a group of things that are similar to each other in some way
  10. happened before

24 Clues: areasa dangerhappened beforemoves side to sidesomething worth noticingable to move or easily movedto spread out in waves or raysa version of something changedpush something with great forcerefers to the size of somethingthe outcomes or effects of eventsmakes you worry something bad may happenthe act or destroying or ruining something...

Natural Resources 2022-09-26

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. - a mixture of gases composed of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and a tiny percentage of water vapor and other gases.
  2. - a natural resource that can never run out, for example: flying a kite
  3. web - a set of overlapping food chains that contain sequences of organisms, each of which provides a source of nutrients for the next organisms in the chain
  4. - is a nonrenewable fossil fuel that is combusted and used to generate electricity.
  5. - a partially self-contained environmental and living system
  6. - all the factors surrounding that affect a living organism
  7. - limited resources that exist in fixed quantities that cannot be replaced or reproduced
  8. - colorless and transparent
  9. - a layer of natural resources materials on the earth´s surface
  10. - the process of humans and nature existing in productive harmony, which permits fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations
  1. resource - a naturally occurring material organism that supports life and can reproduce themselves or can be reproduced by human efforts
  2. Fuel - any energy-producing material
  3. - all nondomesticated animals
  4. by decomposition
  5. capacity - the maximum population level for which an ecosystem can provide ongoing food and shelter
  6. - a large area of land
  7. - inorganic compounds
  8. species - any species that is non-native or alien to an ecosystem and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm
  9. - any of numerous greasy usually liquid substances from plant, animal, or mineral sources that do not dissolve in water
  10. - natural material made of grains of one or more minerals
  11. - a renewable abiotic energy resource that provides energy in the form of heat and light

21 Clues: by decomposition- inorganic compounds- a large area of land- colorless and transparent- all nondomesticated animalsFuel - any energy-producing material- natural material made of grains of one or more minerals- all the factors surrounding that affect a living organism- a partially self-contained environmental and living system...

Natural Resources 2022-10-03

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. to use a material in a different way rather than throwing it away
  2. a reddish brown metal that is a good conductor of electricity
  3. to make something impure and unsafe to use
  4. a fossil fuel that is a black rock
  5. when water falls from the sky as a liquid or a solid
  6. the amount of a material that is available to be used
  7. to decompose, to rot
  8. a fossil fuel made of a mix of different gases that we use for heat and energy
  9. a material found in nature that people use
  10. a material that cannot be replace quickly enough and will run out
  11. to remove or take out
  12. to stop something from happening
  1. a source of energy that formed from the remains of dead plants and animals millions of years ago
  2. to protect and care for natural resources, to save
  3. when water changes from a liquid to a gas
  4. when water changes from a gas to a liquid
  5. materials that are always being replaced and will not run out
  6. a mixture of decaying materials that is used to feed plants
  7. to throw something away or use carelessly
  8. the process by which water goes from the sky to Earth over and over again
  9. a metal mineral that is used to make steel, is magnetic and can rust
  10. silver,lightweight metal that is not magnetic
  11. a strong metal that is made of iron, carbon, and other metals
  12. rock that contains metal
  13. a fossil fuel that is black liquid

25 Clues: to decompose, to rotto remove or take outrock that contains metalto stop something from happeninga fossil fuel that is a black rocka fossil fuel that is black liquidwhen water changes from a liquid to a gaswhen water changes from a gas to a liquidto throw something away or use carelesslyto make something impure and unsafe to use...

Natural Selection 2022-05-27

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. A random change in a gene that results in a different trait
  2. the reproductive organs do not match up
  3. barriers that take effect before fertilization
  4. heterozygous
  5. differences in mating habits that prevent species from intermixing
  6. different structures that have similar functions.
  7. random event that severely decreases the population and leaves random survivors
  8. Similar structure, different function
  9. a diagram that depicts the lines of evolutionary descent of different species, organisms, or genes from a common ancestor.
  10. homozygous recessive
  11. barriers that take effect after fertilization.
  12. no mutation, random mating, no gene flow, infinite population size, and no selection.
  13. species mating at different times
  1. ________happens because more babies are born than there are resources to support them
  2. the maximum population size an ecosystem can support sustainably
  3. infertile offspring is produced
  4. Gametes cannot form a zygote
  5. ____evolve, not individuals
  6. zygote does not live to maturation
  7. distantly related species, independently evolving similar traits due to similar environments or environmental pressures.
  8. Naturalist who worked with tortoises in the Galapagos
  9. a role an organism plays in a community
  10. survival of the...
  11. homozygous dominant

24 Clues: heterozygoussurvival of the...homozygous dominanthomozygous recessive____evolve, not individualsGametes cannot form a zygoteinfertile offspring is producedspecies mating at different timeszygote does not live to maturationSimilar structure, different functionthe reproductive organs do not match upa role an organism plays in a community...

Natural Selection 2022-05-04

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. to stay alive
  2. things people do that affect the Earth system
  3. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  4. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  5. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  6. having died out completely and no longer alive anywhere on Earth
  7. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  8. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  9. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  10. a young insect that looks somewhat different from the adult
  11. something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving
  12. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  13. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  14. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  15. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  16. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  17. evidence of life from the past, such as fossilized bones, footprints, or leaf prints
  18. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  19. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  1. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  2. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  3. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  4. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations)that do not reproduce with
  5. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring
  6. a type of large molecule that performs important functions inside organisms
  7. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  8. to receive genes from a parent
  9. a related organism from a previous generation
  10. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  11. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  12. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  13. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  14. when a huge number of species on Earth die out completely around the same time
  15. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  16. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  17. from any other group

36 Clues: to stay alivefrom any other groupto receive genes from a parenta long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculethings people do that affect the Earth systema related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona characteristic that all members of a species have...

Natural resources 2023-05-05

Natural resources crossword puzzle
  1. extracting oil or minerals from the ground
  2. a minerals ability to split easily along flat surface
  3. urban areas that heat up more quickly and retain heat better than non urban areas
  4. coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals
  5. a spontaneous process in which unstable nuclei lose energy by emitting radiation
  6. any natural resource (as wood or solar energy) that can be replenished naturally with the passage of time
  7. power derived from the wind(as by windmills)
  8. a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
  9. polyculture, crop rotation, labor intensive
  10. a liquid mixture of complex hydrocarbon compound; used widely as a fuel source
  11. involves global management of earths natural resources to ensure that current and future energy needs will be met without harming the environment
  1. movement of people from rural areas to cities
  2. a resource that cannot be reused or replaced easily
  3. the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum
  4. the act of cutting down trees, can cause erosion
  5. agriculture that has minimal/no impact on the land. it is often thought that these foods are healthier or safer in some ways
  6. the color of a material in powdered form
  7. Farming
  8. energy from the sun
  9. brownish-black materials produced by partial decompostion of plant remains

20 Clues: Farmingenergy from the sunthe color of a material in powdered formextracting oil or minerals from the groundpolyculture, crop rotation, labor intensivepower derived from the wind(as by windmills)movement of people from rural areas to citiesthe act of cutting down trees, can cause erosiona resource that cannot be reused or replaced easily...

Natural Calamities 2023-10-02

Natural Calamities crossword puzzle
  1. What natural disaster occurs when a mass of snow ice and debris rapidly descends down a mountain slope?
  2. What severe snowstorm is characterized by strong winds low visibility and dangerously low temperatures?
  3. What natural disaster occurs when tectonic plates shift causing the ground to shake?
  4. What electrical discharge in the atmosphere can cause fires and damage structures during storms?
  5. What uncontrolled fire spreads rapidly through vegetation often fueled by dry conditions and high winds?
  6. What geological event occurs when underground cavities collapse creating sudden depressions in the ground?
  7. What catastrophic event is triggered by underwater disturbances like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions leading to massive sea waves?
  8. What violent windstorm is characterized by a twisting funnel-shaped cloud and destructive winds?
  9. What disaster results from an overflow of water onto normally dry land often caused by heavy rainfall or dam failures?
  1. What term is used interchangeably with "hurricane" and "typhoon" in different regions of the world?
  2. What extreme weather event brings prolonged periods of abnormally high temperatures?
  3. What natural phenomenon is often incorrectly used to describe a tsunami?
  4. What seasonal wind pattern brings heavy rains and often leads to flooding in certain regions?
  5. What disaster is similar to a landslide but involves the movement of waterlogged soil and debris?
  6. What weather event produces balls or lumps of ice that fall from the sky during a thunderstorm?
  7. What powerful storm is known for its strong winds and heavy rainfall typically forming over warm ocean waters?
  8. What prolonged period of dry weather leads to water scarcity and agricultural hardships?
  9. What geological event involves the eruption of molten rock ash and gases from beneath the Earth's surface?
  10. What meteorological event involves strong winds blowing loose soil and dust into the air reducing visibility?
  11. What event involves the downward movement of rock soil and debris on a slope or hillside?

20 Clues: What natural phenomenon is often incorrectly used to describe a tsunami?What extreme weather event brings prolonged periods of abnormally high temperatures?What natural disaster occurs when tectonic plates shift causing the ground to shake?What prolonged period of dry weather leads to water scarcity and agricultural hardships?...

Natural Cycles 2023-10-02

Natural Cycles crossword puzzle
  1. the process that releases nitrogen from the soil back into the atmosphere
  2. a plant that hosts nitrogen-fixing bacteria
  3. the basic building block of matter
  4. precipitation that flows over the surface of the soil
  5. the process in cells by which oxygen and glucose are used to produce energy and carbon dioxide
  6. two or more atoms joined together
  7. the process by which precipitation is gathered into a body of water
  8. the change of a gas into a liquid
  9. meaning earth
  10. the cycling of chemical elements through the living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem
  11. the conversion of nitrogen in the atmosphere to a form that can be used by plants
  12. evaporation of excess water from a plant
  13. the precipitation that is more acidic than normal rainwater
  1. a source of energy formed from dead plants and animals
  2. the brown smog produced when air pollutants react with sunlight
  3. the process that allows green plants to make sugars from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
  4. a swelling on a plant root that contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria
  5. the change of a liquid into a gas
  6. meaning life
  7. a pollutant released into the atmosphere
  8. a substance that is made of only one type of atom and cannot be broken down
  9. a molecule that consists of two or more different elements
  10. a form of water that falls from the atmosphere

23 Clues: meaning lifemeaning earththe change of a liquid into a gastwo or more atoms joined togetherthe change of a gas into a liquidthe basic building block of mattera pollutant released into the atmosphereevaporation of excess water from a planta plant that hosts nitrogen-fixing bacteriaa form of water that falls from the atmosphere...

Natural Resources 2023-02-10

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. / the natural environment of an organism;
  2. layer / the layer of the upper atmosphere where most atmospheric ozone is concentrated and absorbs UV radiation from the sun.
  3. aid / economic, technical, or military aid given by one nation to another for purposes of relief and rehabilitation, for economic stabilization, or for mutual defense
  4. / to clear away forests or trees
  5. resource / any natural resource that can replenish itself naturally over time, as wood or solar energy
  6. farming / crops are grown and animals are raised for sale for commercial purposes
  7. / the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale
  8. nation / A developed country, industrialized country, or more economically advanced country
  9. resource / a resource that can be used again and again.
  10. rain / precipitation, such as rain, snow, or sleet, containing high concentrations of acid-forming chemicals
  1. farming / self-sufficiency farming in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families
  2. / a biological community of interconnected organisms and their environment
  3. resource / any natural resource from the Earth that exists in limited supply and cannot be replaced if it is used up
  4. change / a change in global or regional climate patterns attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels
  5. fuel / any combustible organic material, as oil, coal, or natural gas, derived from the remains of former life
  6. resource / the natural wealth of a country, consisting of land, forests, mineral deposits, water, etc.
  7. nation / a poor agricultural country that is seeking to become more advanced economically and socially
  8. / converting waste materials into reusable objects
  9. / a large farm on which cotton, tobacco, coffee, sugar cane, etc., is cultivated, usually by resident laborers
  10. material / any material before being processed or manufactured into a final form.

20 Clues: / to clear away forests or trees/ the natural environment of an organism;/ converting waste materials into reusable objectsresource / a resource that can be used again and again./ a biological community of interconnected organisms and their environmentfarming / crops are grown and animals are raised for sale for commercial purposes...

Natural Selection 2023-10-31

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  2. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  5. any difference in traits between individual organisms living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  6. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  7. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  8. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  9. a related organism from a previous generation
  10. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  11. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  12. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  1. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  2. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  3. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  4. to receive genes from a parent
  5. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  6. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  7. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  8. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  9. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  10. an instruction for making a protein molecule

22 Clues: to receive genes from a parenta long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organisma characteristic that all members of a species have...

Natural Wonders 2023-10-17

Natural Wonders crossword puzzle
  1. The colossal canyon in Arizona.
  2. The extensive wetland in South America.
  3. The breathtaking fjord in Norway.
  4. The mystical forest in Romania.
  5. The arid desert in Africa.
  6. The unique salt flats in Bolivia.
  7. The iconic mountain range in Europe.
  1. The magnificent waterfall on the border of the United States and Canada.
  2. The world's largest coral reef system off the coast of Australia.
  3. The vast rainforest in South America.
  4. The ancient stone circle in England.
  5. The volcanic island nation in the Pacific Ocean.
  6. The deep gorge formed by the Colorado River.
  7. The massive ice sheet in Antarctica.
  8. The stunning archipelago in Indonesia.
  9. The geothermal park in New Zealand with colorful pools.
  10. The extensive system of caves in New Mexico.
  11. The lush valley in California known for its wine.
  12. The mesmerizing blue hole in Belize.
  13. The impressive rock formation in Australia's Northern Territory.

20 Clues: The arid desert in Africa.The colossal canyon in Arizona.The mystical forest in Romania.The breathtaking fjord in Norway.The unique salt flats in Bolivia.The ancient stone circle in England.The massive ice sheet in Antarctica.The mesmerizing blue hole in Belize.The iconic mountain range in Europe.The vast rainforest in South America....

Natural Selection 2024-02-07

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. Traits or characteristics that enhance an organism's survival and reproduction in a specific environment.
  2. Natural selection that favors one extreme phenotype over others, leading to a shift in the population's characteristics.
  3. The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce, contributing to the next generation's gene pool.
  4. with Modification: The idea that species share a common ancestry and have descended with changes from that common ancestor over time.
  5. Drift: Changes in allele frequencies in a population due to random events rather than natural selection.
  6. Selection: The intentional breeding of organisms with specific traits by humans to produce offspring with desired characteristics.
  7. A gene that exists in all members of a population.
  8. Selection: A mechanism of evolution where organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing those traits to their offspring, leading to an increase in frequency of those traits in a population over time.
  9. The observable physical and behavioral characteristics of an organism, resulting from both genetic and environmental influences.
  10. Factors: Non-living components of an ecosystem, such as temperature, water, sunlight, and soil.
  11. A sharp reduction in the size of a population due to environmental events, leading to a loss of genetic diversity.
  12. The study of the distribution of species and ecosystems in geographic space and through geological time.
  13. The total set of genes in a population at a specific time.
  14. A theoretical model stating that the frequencies of alleles in a population remain constant if certain conditions are met (no mutation, no migration, no selection, large population size, random mating).
  1. Natural selection that favors the intermediate phenotype, reducing the extremes in a population.
  2. A group of individuals of the same species living in a particular geographic area.
  3. Natural selection that operates on traits related to mating and reproduction.
  4. Natural selection that favors both extremes of a trait, leading to the divergence of the population.
  5. Interaction between individuals or species for limited resources.
  6. Pressures: Environmental factors that favor certain traits over others in the process of natural selection.
  7. Genetic drift that occurs when a small group of individuals establishes a new population, resulting in a limited genetic diversity.
  8. The process of gradual change in all living organisms over generations, leading to the diversity of species and the development of new traits.
  9. The genetic makeup of an organism, representing the combination of alleles inherited from its parents.
  10. A random change in an organism's DNA sequence, which can lead to genetic variation.
  11. The movement of genes between populations, influencing genetic diversity.
  12. Factors: Living components of an ecosystem, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.

26 Clues: A gene that exists in all members of a population.The total set of genes in a population at a specific time.Interaction between individuals or species for limited resources.The movement of genes between populations, influencing genetic diversity.Natural selection that operates on traits related to mating and reproduction....

natural beauty 2024-02-26

natural beauty crossword puzzle
  1. plants live in water
  2. country of the rising sun
  3. 1st president
  4. bambo curtain
  5. paranormal city
  6. indonesia raya song writer
  7. kong hu cou's place of worship
  8. spring roll city
  9. Has a trunk
  10. the natio's carital
  11. head protector
  1. president of indonesia
  2. lion city
  3. Flying mammal
  4. Large marsupial
  5. booat driver
  6. mayor of solo
  7. javanese cuiture
  8. king of the jungle
  9. has a trunk
  10. national monument
  11. Man's best friend
  12. hindu religious place of worship
  13. habibi's wife
  14. Likes to chase mice
  15. where all the planes are

26 Clues: lion cityhas a trunkHas a trunkbooat driverFlying mammal1st presidentmayor of solobambo curtainhabibi's wifehead protectorLarge marsupialparanormal cityjavanese cuiturespring roll citynational monumentMan's best friendking of the jungleLikes to chase micethe natio's caritalplants live in waterpresident of indonesiawhere all the planes are...

Natural Selection 2024-04-01

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  2. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  3. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  4. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  5. any difference in traits between individual organisms living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  6. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  7. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  8. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  9. a related organism from a previous generation
  10. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  11. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  12. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  1. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  2. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  3. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  4. to receive genes from a parent
  5. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  6. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  7. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  8. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  9. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  10. an instruction for making a protein molecule

22 Clues: to receive genes from a parenta long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organisma characteristic that all members of a species have...

Natural Wonders 2024-08-07

Natural Wonders crossword puzzle
  1. Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil
  2. Continent covered by ice
  3. Kea, a massive shield volcano in Hawaii
  4. Rocks in Sedona, Arizona
  5. A steep-sided valley formed by erosion
  6. Caves in New Zealand with bioluminescent insects
  7. Flats in Bolivia’s Salar de Uyuni
  8. Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on Earth
  9. Cliffs along the Caribbean Sea in Mexico
  10. Outback, a vast arid region in Australia
  1. National Park known for geysers and hot springs
  2. Falls on the border of the US and Canada
  3. Canyon carved by the Colorado River
  4. Falls in Africa on the Zambezi River
  5. Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights phenomenon
  6. Everest, the highest peak on Earth
  7. Barrier Reef in Australia
  8. Caves in Kentucky, extensive underground formations
  9. Capitan, a notable granite monolith in Yosemite
  10. Sea, salt lake bordered by Jordan and Israel

20 Clues: Continent covered by iceRocks in Sedona, ArizonaBarrier Reef in AustraliaFlats in Bolivia’s Salar de UyuniEverest, the highest peak on EarthCanyon carved by the Colorado RiverFalls in Africa on the Zambezi RiverA steep-sided valley formed by erosionKea, a massive shield volcano in HawaiiFalls on the border of the US and Canada...

Natural Selection 2024-06-07

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. the study of the size, shape, and structure of animals, plants, and microorganisms and of the relationships of their constituent parts.
  2. the person who created the theory of evolution through natural selection
  3. If the alleles of a gene are different, one allele will be expressed;
  4. the scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system.
  5. animals that are killed and eaten by other animals
  6. Some traits make an organism more likely to survive and reproduce in its environment.
  7. an interaction between organisms or species in which both require a resource that is in limited supply
  8. any environmental or physical pressure that elicits a response from an organism.
  9. the process by which the information encoded in a gene is turned into a function
  10. a successive stage in natural descent of organisms:
  11. changes in the heritable traits of a population of organisms as successive generations replace one another
  12. The basic unit of heredity passed from parent to child.
  1. The effect of the other allele, is masked.
  2. a characteristic or trait that can be passed from a parent to a child through the genes.
  3. process in which an organism adapts to its environment through selectively reproducing changes in its genotype.
  4. the formation of new and distinct species in the course of evolution.
  5. an organism's ability to pass its genetic material to its offspring.
  6. a biological interaction where one organism, the predator, kills and eats another organism
  7. Multiplying or increasing in number.
  8. the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form

20 Clues: Multiplying or increasing in number.The effect of the other allele, is masked.animals that are killed and eaten by other animalsa successive stage in natural descent of organisms:The basic unit of heredity passed from parent to child.the scientific study of functions and mechanisms in a living system....

Natural Wonders 2024-07-05

Natural Wonders crossword puzzle
  1. Canyon in USA
  2. Rainforest in South America
  3. Islands in Ecuador
  4. National park in USA
  5. Region in South America
  6. Mountain in the Alps
  7. Volcano in Italy
  8. Waterfalls in South America
  9. Mountain in Tanzania
  10. Mountain range in North America
  11. Desert in Africa
  1. Salt lake in Middle East
  2. Waterfall in Venezuela
  3. Coral reef in Australia
  4. Natural light display
  5. Mountain range in South America
  6. Waterfall between USA and Canada
  7. Highest mountain in the world
  8. Mountain in Japan
  9. Waterfall in Africa

20 Clues: Canyon in USAVolcano in ItalyDesert in AfricaMountain in JapanIslands in EcuadorWaterfall in AfricaNational park in USAMountain in the AlpsMountain in TanzaniaNatural light displayWaterfall in VenezuelaCoral reef in AustraliaRegion in South AmericaSalt lake in Middle EastRainforest in South AmericaWaterfalls in South America...

Natural Selection 2024-05-31

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  2. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  3. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  4. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  5. to stay alive
  6. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  7. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  8. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  9. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  10. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  11. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  1. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  2. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  3. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  4. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  5. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  6. a related organism from a previous generation
  7. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  8. to receive genes from a parent
  9. a group of the same type of organisms living in the same area
  10. a group of organisms of the same kind that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  11. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  12. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of

23 Clues: to stay aliveto receive genes from a parentan instruction for making a protein moleculea long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona characteristic that all members of a species haveliving things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria...

Evolution Crossword 2022-05-04

Evolution Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. inherited trait that is selected over time because it allows organisms to better survive in their environment
  2. body part that is similar in structure on different organisms, but performs different functions (ex. limbs of humans and bat wings)
  3. that states that the changes in landforms result from slow changes over a long period of time
  4. theory that states that the geologic processes that shape Earth are uniform through time
  5. group of organisms so similar to one another that they can breed and produce fertile offspring
  1. theory that states that natural disasters such as floods and volcanic eruptions shaped Earth's landforms and caused the extinction of some species
  2. differences in physical traits of an individual from the group to which it belongs
  3. trace of an organism from the past
  4. process by which humans modify a species by breeding it for certain traits
  5. all of the individuals of a species that live in the same area

10 Clues: trace of an organism from the pastall of the individuals of a species that live in the same areaprocess by which humans modify a species by breeding it for certain traitsdifferences in physical traits of an individual from the group to which it belongstheory that states that the geologic processes that shape Earth are uniform through time...

Two Degrees Crossword 2023-06-13

Two Degrees Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for coat mainly used by the Inuit people.
  2. A flame that can either be small or can stretch for miles.
  3. Famous for its polar bears and their cubs.
  4. Also known as the sea bear or arctic bear, this is the biggest bear species in the world.
  5. These trees adapted to be immune to most wildfires by growing very tall, but Morris reached them and these majestic trees started to get set aflame.
  6. Infamous for the massive hurricanes destroying entire cities.
  1. The cause for stronger hurricanes and bigger wildfires and other lethal natural disasters.
  2. These are like tornadoes but bigger and shaped like a donut. The big hole in the middle is known as its "eye".
  3. A vehicle used for traversing arctics and staying away from polar bears.
  4. This place is infamous for its many wildfires that can be lethal for the enviornment.

10 Clues: Famous for its polar bears and their cubs.Another word for coat mainly used by the Inuit people.A flame that can either be small or can stretch for miles.Infamous for the massive hurricanes destroying entire cities.A vehicle used for traversing arctics and staying away from polar bears....

City of Ember Vocabulary Ch. 12-20 2020-03-10

City of Ember Vocabulary Ch. 12-20 crossword puzzle
  1. way out
  2. openly confront with resistance
  3. scattering
  4. saying
  5. disasters
  6. quality of being restless or short of temper
  7. enclosed closely; set firmly into a mass or material
  8. slowly
  9. marked with spots or blotches
  10. clumsy because of weight and size
  11. searched thoroughly; investigated
  1. angered
  2. large area
  3. interpret the meaning of
  4. intricate; very involved
  5. plentiful supply
  6. unrolled
  7. determined; unyielding
  8. irritable; restless
  9. showing disregard for others; contempuous
  10. people forced to flee a country and enter a new country
  11. in an abrupt manner
  12. disorderly or turbulent uprising

23 Clues: sayingslowlyangeredway outunrolleddisasterslarge areascatteringplentiful supplyirritable; restlessin an abrupt mannerdetermined; unyieldinginterpret the meaning ofintricate; very involvedmarked with spots or blotchesopenly confront with resistancedisorderly or turbulent uprisingclumsy because of weight and sizesearched thoroughly; investigated...

Term 3 Week 1 spelling words 2020-07-21

Term 3 Week 1 spelling words crossword puzzle
  1. a form of medicine
  2. what most boxes are made of
  3. liquid excrements
  4. to explore
  5. very fun
  6. riding a bike
  7. a way to cook food
  8. can not happen
  9. a means of transport
  10. the 7 biggest land masses
  11. state in australia
  12. a place in Thailand
  1. when two or more tectonic pates collide
  2. ancient beliefs
  3. a break that is not the weekend
  4. a conjunction
  5. a hope
  6. to go to different places
  7. a machine that combines
  8. fake emotions and disasters
  9. tidy and neat
  10. The name of a bird
  11. a meeting

23 Clues: a hopevery funa meetingto explorea conjunctionriding a biketidy and neatcan not happenancient beliefsliquid excrementsa form of medicineThe name of a birda way to cook foodstate in australiaa place in Thailanda means of transporta machine that combinesto go to different placesthe 7 biggest land masseswhat most boxes are made of...

Hurricanes! 2021-12-07

Hurricanes! crossword puzzle
  1. storms that are very dangerous
  1. natural events that can be good or bad
  2. storms that may be deadly

3 Clues: storms that may be deadlystorms that are very dangerousnatural events that can be good or bad

Earth and Disasters 2022-02-25

Earth and Disasters crossword puzzle
  1. these form tsunamis
  2. the top layer of the earth
  3. carry continents and oceans
  4. a giant wave
  5. where two plates separate
  6. when two plates pull away from each other
  7. the middle layer of the earth
  8. the inside layer of the earth
  9. a mountain that spews lava
  10. when two plate go under each other
  1. a sliding mass of rock
  2. spews out with lava
  3. a giant land mass
  4. when two pull away from each other
  5. a giant body of water
  6. a giant fall of snow down a mountain
  7. the layer plates sit on
  8. is oxidized molten rock
  9. is unoxidized molten rock
  10. a shaking in the round or ocean

20 Clues: a giant wavea giant land massspews out with lavathese form tsunamisa giant body of watera sliding mass of rockthe layer plates sit onis oxidized molten rockwhere two plates separateis unoxidized molten rockthe top layer of the eartha mountain that spews lavacarry continents and oceansthe middle layer of the earththe inside layer of the earth...

Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act 2015-05-18

Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act crossword puzzle
  1. The American public disapproves of the ____ approaches DHS uses like searching luggage in an airport?
  2. Patriot Act is criticized for a breach in ____?
  3. Besides terrorist attacks DHS is also required to respond to ____ disasters?
  4. Critics also say most of the studies DHS conducts result in ____?
  5. Under the patriot act authorities can ___ tap into phones which citizens don't like?
  6. Some Americans feel that because of the Patriot Act some citizens receive wrongful ___?
  7. DHS is criticized for spending too much money on these?
  1. DHS controversially has been reported to research ___ control to get a leg up on terrorists?
  2. The DHS's primary responsibilities include receiving and analyzing information pertaining to law _____?
  3. One of the positives from the Patriot Act is improved ____?
  4. The president who signed to create DHS and patriot act?
  5. The purpose of the DHS and patriot act is to protect the nation against these foreign threats?
  6. Because of the Patriot Act and the ability to trace phones/computer IP's back to the owner no one is longer ____?
  7. Criticism of DHS is they spend too much ____ studying problems and not enough energy trying to fix them?
  8. The Patriot Act provides funding and ____ for victims of terrorist attacks?

15 Clues: Patriot Act is criticized for a breach in ____?The president who signed to create DHS and patriot act?DHS is criticized for spending too much money on these?One of the positives from the Patriot Act is improved ____?Critics also say most of the studies DHS conducts result in ____?...

Papatuanuku 2022-06-14

Papatuanuku crossword puzzle
  1. Mother Earth in Te Reo Māori
  2. the surroundings or conditions in which a person animal or plant lives on or operates on
  3. it is the introduction of harmful material into the environment
  4. there are one hundred and ninety five of them throughout the world
  5. what does the D stand for in H.D.I
  6. the process of growing in size
  7. money being received on a regular basis for work
  8. it can result in many serious alterations to the environment eventually impacting human health it can also cause a rise in sea level leading to loss of costal land floods and more natural disasters ect
  9. what does the E stand for in L.E.D.C
  1. the condition of being extremely poor
  2. conditioner without E.R at the end
  3. you have to go to school and learn to receive a good
  4. a feeling of discomfort caused by lack of food coupled with the desire to eat
  5. power derived from the use of physical or chemical resources particularly to provide light and heat or to operate machinery
  6. it is one of the largest and deepest of Earths five Oceanic divisions it begins with the letter P and ends with the letter C

15 Clues: Mother Earth in Te Reo Māorithe process of growing in sizeconditioner without E.R at the endwhat does the D stand for in H.D.Iwhat does the E stand for in L.E.D.Cthe condition of being extremely poormoney being received on a regular basis for workyou have to go to school and learn to receive a good...

Chapter 14: Edo Japan: A Closed Society 2018-03-07

Chapter 14: Edo Japan: A Closed Society crossword puzzle
  1. A Japanese type of wrestling, originally a religious performance
  2. Because of a great ________ in Edo, Japan became the first people to scientifically replant forests from seedlings
  3. Because of natural disasters during the 1700s and 1800s, the price of this skyrocketed and caused riots throughout Japan
  4. Because of high taxes, alternate attendance, and road construction, peasants and daimyos alike blamed this position for their economic difficulties
  5. Japan did not let Japanese people outside Japan return because they feared they would "________" society
  6. Japanese poetry, with a specific formal structure
  7. Known as the Dutch ________, these Japanese people studied Dutch medicine and language
  8. A Japanese martial art, using bamboo swords
  1. Towards the end of the Edo period, this class gained power because more people required their services
  2. During their period of isolation, Japan entered into a golden age of this
  3. This Tokugawa shogun was responsible for passing the isolation laws
  4. These laws, also known as isolation laws, closed Japanese borders and banned foreign objects
  5. These people were the only European traders allowed in Japan during its isolation
  6. Cultural activities in Japan took place in areas called the ________ world
  7. A Japanese form of theatre, in which male actors play both male and female roles

15 Clues: A Japanese martial art, using bamboo swordsJapanese poetry, with a specific formal structureA Japanese type of wrestling, originally a religious performanceThis Tokugawa shogun was responsible for passing the isolation lawsDuring their period of isolation, Japan entered into a golden age of this...

Urbanism Crossword Puzzle 2023 2023-01-27

Urbanism Crossword Puzzle 2023 crossword puzzle
  1. The ability of a city or community to adapt and recover from shocks, such as natural disasters or economic downturns.
  2. The practice of creating a mix of uses and activities in a given area, in order to reduce dependence on any one sector or activity.
  3. A large area of open land surrounding or near a city, intended to limit urban sprawl and preserve the natural environment.
  4. A development approach that emphasizes compact, transit-oriented, walkable, and inclusive development, with a focus on preserving natural and cultural resources (contains a hyphen).
  5. A development that is designed to be easily accessible by public transportation (contains a hyphen).
  6. The practice of making sure that a wide range of groups, particularly those that have been historically marginalized, have equal access to opportunities and resources.
  7. The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  1. The degree to which an area is designed to be easily accessible to people with disabilities and other mobility challenges.
  2. The degree to which an area is designed to be easily navigable on foot.
  3. The degree to which an area is designed to be densely built up, typically with a mix of uses and high levels of public transportation.
  4. The regulation of the use of land and buildings in a city or town, typically according to use (residential, commercial, industrial) and density.
  5. The spreading of urban development over a wide area, typically characterized by low-density, single-use development.
  6. The degree to which a given area is built up, usually measured as the number of people or buildings per unit of area.
  7. The process of renovating and improving a house or district so that it conforms to middle-class taste, typically resulting in the displacement of lower-income residents.
  8. The fair distribution of opportunities and resources among members of a community.

15 Clues: The degree to which an area is designed to be easily navigable on foot.The fair distribution of opportunities and resources among members of a community.A development that is designed to be easily accessible by public transportation (contains a hyphen)....

Natural Selection 2022-09-13

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. a related organism from a previous generation
  2. The reason why something happens
  3. a result or consequence
  4. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  5. a specific form of a gene that provides instructions for making a particular protein molecule
  6. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  7. the number of individuals with each trait in a population.
  8. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  9. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  10. a young insect that looks somewhat different from the adult
  11. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  12. something in the environment that affects an individual's chances of surviving
  13. specific characteristic of an individual
  14. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  15. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  16. a more recent species that evolved from an ancestor population
  17. Non-living things
  18. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  19. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  20. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  21. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  1. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  2. to stay alive
  3. to receive genes from a parent
  4. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  5. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  6. An older population from which two or more species descended
  7. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  8. an idea about what might happen that is based on what you already know
  9. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  10. the process in which two parents pass on their genes to create offspring
  11. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  12. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  13. living things

34 Clues: to stay aliveliving thingsNon-living thingsa result or consequenceto receive genes from a parentThe reason why something happensspecific characteristic of an individuala long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproduction...

Natural disaster 2022-11-24

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. megment
  2. túlél
  3. ismeretlen
  4. kiürít
  5. vulkán
  6. árvíz
  7. terület
  8. élettelen
  9. földrengés
  10. füst
  11. sérült
  12. kitör
  13. okoz
  1. kár
  2. katasztrófa
  3. villámlás
  4. hullám
  5. túlélő
  6. összeomlik
  7. csapdába ejt
  8. megment
  9. rom
  10. komoly
  11. elpusztít
  12. hajléktalan
  13. előfordul

26 Clues: kárromfüstokoztúlélárvízkitörhullámtúlélőkiürítvulkánkomolysérültmegmentterületmegmentvillámlásélettelenelpusztítelőfordulismeretlenösszeomlikföldrengéskatasztrófahajléktalancsapdába ejt

Natural Resources 2022-09-26

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. - a mixture of gases composed of 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and a tiny percentage of water vapor and other gases.
  2. by decomposition
  3. - a natural resource that can never run out, for example: flying a kite
  4. - a renewable abiotic energy resource that provides energy in the form of heat and light
  5. - a large area of land
  6. - the process of humans and nature existing in productive harmony, which permits fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations
  7. - a partially self-contained environmental and living system
  8. - inorganic compounds
  9. - a nonrenewable fossil fuel that is combusted and used to generate electricity.
  1. - colorless and transparent
  2. - all the factors surrounding that affect a living organism
  3. web - a set of overlapping food chains that contain sequences of organisms, each of which provides a source of nutrients for the next organisms in the chain
  4. - limited resources that exist in fixed quantities that cannot be replaced or reproduced
  5. resource - a naturally occurring material organism that supports life and can reproduce themselves or can be reproduced by human efforts
  6. capacity - the maximum population level for which an ecosystem can provide ongoing food and shelter
  7. - a layer of natural resources materials on the earth´s surface
  8. species - any species that is non-native or alien to an ecosystem and whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm
  9. Fuel - any energy-producing material
  10. - all nondomesticated animals
  11. - natural material made of grains of one or more minerals

20 Clues: by decomposition- inorganic compounds- a large area of land- colorless and transparent- all nondomesticated animalsFuel - any energy-producing material- natural material made of grains of one or more minerals- all the factors surrounding that affect a living organism- a partially self-contained environmental and living system...

Natural Resources 2020-03-07

Natural Resources crossword puzzle
  1. It is along the shoreline of a body of water.
  2. It is an overflow of water that covers the land.
  3. It can be used to grow plants.
  4. It is a large body of water with lands all around it.
  5. It is caused by moving water that carries rocks and soil to other places.
  6. It is a large body of moving water.
  7. Not easy to be broken.
  8. It is the place we can fly kites.
  9. It is a small body of moving water that we can fid peddles in it.
  10. It is a very large area of salty water.
  11. This place is flat and open, and we often can find lions here.
  12. It is moving air.
  1. The most beautiful part of a plant.
  2. It is the place where we always choose to go hiking.
  3. The thing that all living things need it to live.
  4. Long time no rain.
  5. It can be found on beaches.
  6. It is a large landform that is usually in the form of a peak.
  7. It is all around us, but we cannot see it.
  8. The planet we live.
  9. It is low land and bodies of water often run through here.
  10. People can use it to built house and make roads.
  11. The surface of the Earth.

23 Clues: It is moving air.Long time no rain.The planet we live.Not easy to be broken.The surface of the Earth.It can be found on beaches.It can be used to grow plants.It is the place we can fly kites.The most beautiful part of a plant.It is a large body of moving water.It is a very large area of salty water.It is all around us, but we cannot see it....

Natural selection 2020-09-02

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. - well-supported testable explanation
  2. - islands that Darwin visited
  3. - pattern of evolution where a species is stable for a long time then rapidly changes equilibrium
  4. - proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection
  5. - structures that have no current function
  6. - natural selection is also known as the survival of the
  7. - the name of Darwin's book; the of species
  8. - principle that states that living species are descended from ancient ones descent with
  9. - had different shaped beaks depending on the island they were from
  10. - when two unrelated organisms look alike (sharks & dolphins)
  11. - required for new species to form
  12. - change over time
  1. - the study of the earth
  2. - when one species evolves into many adaptive
  3. - had different shaped shells depending on the island they were from
  4. - when organisms disappear from the earth
  5. - refers to the variety of living things
  6. - structures that are similar
  7. - process by which evolution occurs natural
  8. - when two species evolve together
  9. - a characteristic that helps an organism survive
  10. - formation of new species
  11. - the name of the ship that darwin traveled on
  12. - preserved remains of ancient organisms

24 Clues: - change over time- the study of the earth- formation of new species- islands that Darwin visited- structures that are similar- when two species evolve together- required for new species to form- well-supported testable explanation- refers to the variety of living things- preserved remains of ancient organisms...

Natural Selection 2020-09-02

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment
  2. The gradual changes in gene frequencies in a population due to random events
  3. dealing with the geographical distribution of animals and plants
  4. the branch of biology that deals with the structure of animals and plants
  5. large-scale evolutionary changes that take place over long periods of time
  6. This type of isolation is a separation of species or populations so that they cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring
  7. the evolution of a biological species
  8. type of similar structure found in more than one species that share a common ancestor
  9. Any change across successive generations in the heritable characteristics of biological populations
  10. The theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily
  11. remnant of a structure that may have had an important function in a species' ancestors, but has no clear function in the modern species
  12. type of isolation that separates populations as a result of geographic change or migration to geographically isolated places
  13. the perserved trace, imprint, or remains of a plant or animal
  14. a change or alteration in form or qualities
  15. Punctuated Equilibrium is a theory of evolution holding that evolutionary change in the ____ record came in fits and starts rather than in a steady process of slow change
  1. An English naturalist who established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry
  2. Process by which individuals that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully
  3. A ____ Tree is a chart showing evolutionary relationships as determined by phylogenic systematics
  4. Natural Selection is the gradual, ____ process by which biological traits become either more or less common in a population as a function of differential reproduction of their bearers
  5. Process through which early prokaryotic cells are thought to have engulfed other, smaller cells and eventually incorporated them as organelles
  6. inactivity resulting from a static balance between opposing forces
  7. form of reproductive isolation in which 2 populations have differences in courtship rituals or other types of behavior that prevent them from interbreeding
  8. the accumulation of differences between groups
  9. the branch of biology that studies the formation and early development of living organisms
  10. These types of structures do not have a common evolutionary origin but are similar in function
  11. a trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce

26 Clues: the evolution of a biological speciesa change or alteration in form or qualitiesthe accumulation of differences between groupsThe theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadilya trait that helps an organism survive and reproducethe perserved trace, imprint, or remains of a plant or animal...

Natural Selection 2020-11-29

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. natural __-evolution where best suited survive
  2. something that pollutes
  3. to have young or offspring
  4. the degree to which something varies
  5. fill with more inhabitants than resources
  6. a condition that causes harm to health of
  7. an animal that hunts other animals for food
  8. a sudden apparently abnormal change in genes
  9. survival of the __- best suited will survive
  10. the diversity of life forms on earth
  1. change in organism over time enables survival
  2. the process or act of trying to win
  3. limited __: when needful things not available
  4. a group of living things that can mate
  5. everything that surrounds living things
  6. a variety
  7. the theory that describes how all life forms
  8. the child or young of a particular organism
  9. an animal hunted and eaten by another animal
  10. focus of evolution study in the Galapagos Islands

20 Clues: a varietysomething that pollutesto have young or offspringthe process or act of trying to winthe degree to which something variesthe diversity of life forms on eartha group of living things that can mateeverything that surrounds living thingsfill with more inhabitants than resourcesa condition that causes harm to health of...

natural phenomena 2021-04-29

natural phenomena crossword puzzle
  1. a celestial body that enters the earth's atmosphere and appears to be lit
  2. natural events in the form of vibrations in the earth's crust
  3. a condition in which an area is inundated by large amounts of water
  4. a celestial body that rotates following the earth's rotation
  5. occurs due to the erosion of the earth's surface due to water, wind and ice
  6. eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs when the position of the earth is between the sun and the moon
  7. what appears after the rain that looks beautiful
  8. water that comes from clouds and forms a crystal ball
  1. what the sun emits
  2. I shine like a star and have a long tail and reach into the fog
  3. aliens whose existence is still questionable
  4. A large wind that is in the form of a vortex and can cause damage
  5. violent ocean waves due to an earthquake or volcanic eruption at the bottom of the sea
  6. erupting is an event that occurs as a result of magma deposition in the bowels of the earth which is pushed out by high pressure gas
  7. eclipse the sun is suddenly covered by the moon which also rotates around the earth
  8. I am a celestial body that does not emit heat
  9. moon one of the phases of the moon in which the moon lies behind the earth in terms of the sun
  10. I am a celestial body that reflects the sunlight that appears at night
  11. the process of condensing water vapor in the atmosphere into water droplets heavy enough to fall and usually arrive on land.
  12. moon Shaped like a large circle which is emptied by a small circle pivoting on one side
  13. I am powerful and am a ball of gas that gives off heat and light as the center of the solar system

21 Clues: what the sun emitsaliens whose existence is still questionableI am a celestial body that does not emit heatwhat appears after the rain that looks beautifulwater that comes from clouds and forms a crystal balla celestial body that rotates following the earth's rotationnatural events in the form of vibrations in the earth's crust...

Selección Natural 2023-02-06

Selección Natural crossword puzzle
  1. una instrucción para formar una molécula de proteína
  2. un grupo de individuos que nacieron y viven aproximadamente al mismo tiempo
  3. un animal que caza y mata a otros animales para alimentarse
  4. mantenerse vivo
  5. un tipo de molécula grande que desempeña funciones importantes dentro de organismos como codificar un rasgo.
  6. el proceso por medio del cual cambia la distribución de rasgos en una población con el paso de muchas generaciones
  7. el número de individuos que tienen cada rasgo en una población
  8. un rasgo que hace más probable que un individuo sobreviva en un ambiente específico
  9. cualquier diferencia de rasgos entre organismos individuales
  10. un cambio aleatorio a un gen que a veces da como resultado un rasgo nuevo
  11. todo (viviente y no viviente) lo que rodea a un organismo
  1. un rasgo que hace menos probable que un individuo sobreviva en un ambiente específico
  2. las bases acídicas del ADN que compone los peldaños.
  3. un grupo de organismos del mismo tipo (que viven en una o más poblaciones) que no se reproducen con organismos de ningún otro grupo
  4. un animal al cual otro animal caza o mata para alimenta
  5. una estructura de ADN en espiral.
  6. un organismo producido como resultado de la reproducción
  7. un grupo del mismo tipo de organismo que vive en la misma área
  8. un organismo relacionado de una generación anterior
  9. una característica específica de un organismo individual

20 Clues: mantenerse vivouna estructura de ADN en espiral.un organismo relacionado de una generación anterioruna instrucción para formar una molécula de proteínalas bases acídicas del ADN que compone los peldaños.un animal al cual otro animal caza o mata para alimentaun organismo producido como resultado de la reproducción...

Natural Selection 2023-02-02

Natural Selection crossword puzzle
  1. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  2. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  3. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  4. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  5. to receive genes from a parent
  6. more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  7. a related organism from a previous generation
  8. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  9. an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food
  10. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  11. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  12. an instruction for making a protein molecule
  13. does not help or hurt a population survive
  14. living things, such as plants, animals, and bacteria
  1. something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving
  2. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  3. a group of individuals born and living at about the same time
  4. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  5. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  6. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  7. less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  8. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  9. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  10. an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  11. a specific characteristic of an individual organism

25 Clues: to receive genes from a parentdoes not help or hurt a population survivea long piece of DNA that contains many genesan instruction for making a protein moleculea related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona characteristic that all members of a species have...

Natural disaster 2023-02-20

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. they are inside sg and cannot get out of it
  2. a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage
  3. a dangerous part of a river that flows very fast because it is steep and sometimes narrow
  4. fall to the ground
  5. make sg continue at a certain level
  6. very important
  7. insect ...
  8. to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink
  1. death
  2. wave tsunami
  3. a violent wind that has a circular movement, found in the West Pacific Ocean
  4. amount of sg you need
  5. death ..., number of people killed in a disaster
  6. save sy
  7. ...away,to make a person or an animal so frightened that he, she, or it goes away
  8. a path through a countryside, mountain, or forest area
  9. hot liquid rock that comes out of the earth through a volcano
  10. hit
  11. move sy away from a dangerous place
  12. to burst out suddenly or explode

20 Clues: hitsave syinsect deathwave tsunamivery importantfall to the groundamount of sg you needto burst out suddenly or explodemake sg continue at a certain levelmove sy away from a dangerous placethey are inside sg and cannot get out of itto stay on the surface of a liquid and not sinkdeath ..., number of people killed in a disaster...

Natural disaster 2023-02-20

Natural disaster crossword puzzle
  1. they are inside sg and cannot get out of it
  2. very important
  3. wave tsunami
  4. insect ...
  5. a sudden violent movement of the earth's surface, sometimes causing great damage
  6. amount of sg you need
  7. move sy away from a dangerous place
  8. to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink
  9. save sy
  1. make sg continue at a certain level
  2. death
  3. ...away,to make a person or an animal so frightened that he, she, or it goes away
  4. hot liquid rock that comes out of the earth through a volcano
  5. hit
  6. a violent wind that has a circular movement, found in the West Pacific Ocean
  7. a dangerous part of a river that flows very fast because it is steep and sometimes narrow
  8. a path through a countryside, mountain, or forest area
  9. to burst out suddenly or explode
  10. death ..., number of people killed in a disaster
  11. fall to the ground

20 Clues: hitsave syinsect deathwave tsunamivery importantfall to the groundamount of sg you needto burst out suddenly or explodemake sg continue at a certain levelmove sy away from a dangerous placethey are inside sg and cannot get out of itto stay on the surface of a liquid and not sinkdeath ..., number of people killed in a disaster...

Natural selection 2023-03-22

Natural selection crossword puzzle
  1. a way of hiding by looking the same as the background
  2. the number of individuals with each trait in a population
  3. a group of the same type of organism living in the same area
  4. an event or process that leads to a result or change
  5. a result or change that happens because of an event or process
  6. the process by which the distribution of traits in a population changes over many generations
  7. a trait that makes it more likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  8. a type of molecule that genes and chromosomes are made of
  9. a specific characteristic of an individual organism
  10. a graph that uses bars to show how characteristics or values are distributed within a group
  11. a characteristic that all members of a species have
  12. a random change to a gene that sometimes results in a new trait
  13. a related organism from a previous generation
  14. an organism produced as a result of reproduction
  1. when a huge number of species on Earth die out completely around the same time
  2. a group of organisms of the same kind (in one or more populations) that do not reproduce with organisms from any other group
  3. any difference in traits between individual organisms
  4. everything (living and nonliving) that surrounds an organism
  5. a trait that makes it less likely that an individual will survive in a specific environment
  6. evidence of life from the past, such as fossilized bones, footprints, or leaf prints
  7. changes in climate over a long period of time that can be caused by natural events or human activities
  8. pressure something in the environment that affects an individual’s chances of surviving
  9. having died out completely and no longer alive anywhere on Earth
  10. a long piece of DNA that contains many genes
  11. to receive genes from a parent

25 Clues: to receive genes from a parenta long piece of DNA that contains many genesa related organism from a previous generationan organism produced as a result of reproductiona specific characteristic of an individual organisma characteristic that all members of a species havean event or process that leads to a result or change...