plate tectonics Crossword Puzzles

Chapter 1 Plate Tectonics 2022-03-18

Chapter 1 Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. a layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth
  2. a plate boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite directions
  3. a dense sphere of solid iron and nickel at the center of Earth
  4. a dark, igneous rock with a fine texture found in oceanic crust
  5. the name of the single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago and gave rise to today’s continents
  6. a rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust
  7. country that is being split apart at the Mid-Atlantic ridge
  8. the force exerted on a surface divided by the area over which the force is exerted
  9. a trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
  10. a deep valley along the ocean floor beneath which oceanic crust slowly sinks toward the mantle
  11. the amount of mass in a given space, mass per unit of volume (like g/cm3)
  12. the process by which molten material adds new oceanic crust to the ocean floor
  13. the theory that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle
  14. the transfer of heat by movement of a fluid
  15. a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
  16. name of the ship that took rock samples from the deep ocean floor
  17. the hypothesis that the continents slowly move across Earth’s surface
  1. the transfer of heat within a material or between materials that are touching
  2. the transfer of energy through space
  3. the process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle at a convergent plate boundary
  4. a section of the lithosphere that slowly moves over the asthenosphere, carrying pieces of continental crust
  5. a usually light-colored igneous rock that is found in continental crust
  6. a plate boundary where two plates move toward each other
  7. a break in the Earth’s crust where masses of rock slip past each other
  8. vibrations that travel through Earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake
  9. the layer of hot, solid material between Earth’s crust and core
  10. first scientist to hypothesize about continental drift
  11. the layer of rock that forms Earth’s outer surface
  12. a deep valley that forms where two plates move apart
  13. a device that determines the distance of an object under water by recording echoes of sound waves
  14. An undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produce; a divergent plate boundary
  15. a plate boundary where two plates move away from each other
  16. the movement of a fluid caused by differences in temperature, that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another
  17. the soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats

34 Clues: the transfer of energy through spacethe transfer of heat by movement of a fluidthe layer of rock that forms Earth’s outer surfacea deep valley that forms where two plates move apartfirst scientist to hypothesize about continental drifta plate boundary where two plates move toward each othercountry that is being split apart at the Mid-Atlantic ridge...

Plate Tectonics CW 2 2022-09-28

Plate Tectonics CW 2 crossword puzzle
  1. A scientist who studies earthquakes.
  2. this layer is formed with the crust and rigid upper mantle, and is above the asthenosphere
  3. All the oceans, rivers, lakes and water on Earth. It comes from the word “Hydro” which means “water.”
  4. When two tectonic plates slowly crash into each other and mountains are formed.
  5. a theory that proposes that magma under Earth’s crust is forced up toward the surface at the mid-ocean ridges, forming new seafloor
  6. the process of moving things from one place to another.
  7. When one tectonic plate converges under another due to density differences.
  8. the layer below the lithosphere and is plasticlike
  9. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates slide past each other.
  10. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move away from each other.
  11. A solid form of carbon dioxide that is very cold and turns directly from a solid to a gas.
  12. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move towards each other.
  13. The outer most layer of the Earth. This is the layer we walk on.
  14. Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.
  15. To reuse something that would have otherwise been thrown out or to turn it into something usable again instead of sending it to a landfill.
  16. Movement caused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking.
  1. melted rock
  2. a chain of ridges and valleys stretching along Earth’s ocean floor
  3. All the living things on Earth. It comes from the word “Bio” which means “life.”
  4. All the rock, soil and sediments that makeup Earth’s land. It comes from the word “Geo” which means “Earth.”
  5. large, slow moving bodies of ice on land
  6. a single landmass composed of all the continents joined together
  7. All the gases surrounding the earth. It comes from the word “Atmos” which means “air.”
  8. Wegener’s hypothesis that all continents were once connected in a large landmass that broke apart & drifted slowly to their current positions
  9. pull-apart forces
  10. large sections of Earth’s crust and upper mantle
  11. a cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinking

27 Clues: melted rockpull-apart forcesA scientist who studies earthquakes.Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.large, slow moving bodies of ice on landa cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinkinglarge sections of Earth’s crust and upper mantlethe layer below the lithosphere and is plasticlikethe process of moving things from one place to another....

Plate Tectonics & Mountain Building 2023-02-13

Plate Tectonics & Mountain Building crossword puzzle
  1. Which way does the hanging wall move in a reverse fault
  2. Term referring to a break in rock without movement
  3. Pangea is the name of the _____________ which existed 200 MYA
  4. The Mesosaurus was found in both Africa and South America! This provided ________ evidence that the continents were once connected
  5. Type of fault found at a divergent boundary
  6. Type of fault found at a transform boundary
  7. Type of stress found at a transform boundary
  8. Theory that the continents were once connected but then overtime drifted apart
  9. Type of stress found at a divergent boundary
  10. Type of boundary where plates slide past each other
  1. Type of fault found at a convergent boundary (Low angle)
  2. Type of stress found at a convergent boundary
  3. Term referring to the balance between the crust and mantle
  4. Term referring to a break in rock with movement
  5. Type of fault found at a convergent boundary (High angle)
  6. Name of the german scientist who came up with the theory of continental drift
  7. Term referring to the creation of mountains
  8. Type of boundary where plates are moving away from each other
  9. Type of boundary where plates are moving towards each other
  10. Which way does the hanging wall move in a normal fault

20 Clues: Type of fault found at a divergent boundaryTerm referring to the creation of mountainsType of fault found at a transform boundaryType of stress found at a transform boundaryType of stress found at a divergent boundaryType of stress found at a convergent boundaryTerm referring to a break in rock with movement...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2023-03-02

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Scientists study these in order to learn about the interior of the earth.
  2. These are formed under water at divergent plate boundaries. They are areas where new ocean crust is formed.
  3. Layer of earth that is composed of Fe & Ni and is solid.
  4. Theory that the continents were once as one large, single land mass.
  5. These form under water (on the ocean floor) at most convergent boundaries.
  6. This is a type of heat transfer (hint: lava lamp). Some scientist believe these are occurring in the mantle and moving the tectonic plates.
  7. Earths thickest layer.
  8. This forms on land at divergent plate boundaries. There is a great one in Eastern Africa.
  9. Type of plate boundary where two plates collide.
  10. Type of plate boundary where two plates slide past each other in opposite directions.
  11. Scientist that proposed Earth's continents were once joined together in one single land mass
  1. These occur at transform boundary faults and can cause tremendous devastation.
  2. When one tectonic plate moves underneath another one, it's called this.
  3. The name of the supercontinent that existed 245 million years ago.
  4. Word used to describe the state of the mantle.
  5. Type of plate boundary where two plates separate or move apart.
  6. The cool, outermost layer of Earth that consists of the crust and uppermost part of the mantle.
  7. Type of crust that is thinner and contains basalt.
  8. The bending and crumpling of rock. This happens at continental vs. continental convergent boundaries and results in the tallest mountains.
  9. The process of plates sliding past each other in opposite directions. This can be found at transform boundaries and results in faults.
  10. The layer just below the lithosphere.
  11. Layer of earth with the lowest temperature.
  12. This is the process of creating new oceanic crust.
  13. Type of crust that is thick and contains granite.
  14. Areas along the transform boundary created by the shearing of two pieces of crust. There is a famous one in California.
  15. Layer of earth that is composed of Fe & Ni and is liquid.

26 Clues: Earths thickest layer.The layer just below the lithosphere.Layer of earth with the lowest temperature.Word used to describe the state of the mantle.Type of plate boundary where two plates collide.Type of crust that is thick and contains granite.Type of crust that is thinner and contains basalt.This is the process of creating new oceanic crust....

Plate Tectonics & Ocean Floor 2023-09-14

Plate Tectonics & Ocean Floor crossword puzzle
  1. This increases as you get deeper in the ocean and in the earth as well
  2. A boundary where two tectonic plates are colliding.
  3. the inner most layer of the earth
  4. the scientific tool used to detect mountains in the ocean
  5. The outermost layer of the Earth's surface that includes the ocean floor.
  6. the part of the ocean floor where light reaches the most
  7. Large sections of the Earth's lithosphere that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere.
  8. The lowest part of the ocean floor
  9. A boundary were two tectonic plates are sliding past each other
  1. The outermost layer located above water.
  2. The process by which continents move over geological time.
  3. A part of the convergent boundary when one plate overlaps the other
  4. the middle layer of the earth
  5. The process of the ocean floor spreading apart at mid-ocean ridges.
  6. a deep sea mountain that was previously a volcano but whos top had flattened below sea level.
  7. A boundary where two tectonic plates are moving away from each other.
  8. the mountainous structure in subduction zones that forms as a result of an upswelling of magma
  9. The last name of the person who hypothesized continental drift.
  10. The part of the divergent boundary that plays a large role in seafloor spreading.
  11. The supercontinent that existed before all of the continents separated due to continental drift

20 Clues: the middle layer of the earththe inner most layer of the earthThe lowest part of the ocean floorThe outermost layer located above water.A boundary where two tectonic plates are colliding.the part of the ocean floor where light reaches the mostthe scientific tool used to detect mountains in the ocean...

plate tectonics activity 3 2023-11-17

plate tectonics activity 3 crossword puzzle
  1. a type of heat and light source that can be very dangerous to eat and or touch
  2. forms when two continental plates crash into each other
  3. when a piece of land goes under another piece of land
  4. the middle of a subduction zone
  5. hot stuff trapped in a volcano
  6. a speculation about something
  7. when two plates move away from each other
  8. an underwater mountain
  9. when two plates come together
  1. something in the mantle that helps plates move
  2. hot stuff that comes out of volcanoes
  3. the layer under the crust
  4. when two plates rift together
  5. the ways plates move
  6. the sciencetist who made the theory of continental drift
  7. a theory about how the continents got to where they are today
  8. when two plates move past each other
  9. a super continent from 200 to 300 million years ago
  10. a fire mountain
  11. a dead things bones

20 Clues: a fire mountaina dead things bonesthe ways plates movean underwater mountainthe layer under the crustwhen two plates rift togethera speculation about somethingwhen two plates come togetherhot stuff trapped in a volcanothe middle of a subduction zonewhen two plates move past each otherhot stuff that comes out of volcanoes...

💥 PLATE TECTONICS 💥 2023-11-28

💥 PLATE TECTONICS 💥 crossword puzzle
  1. a device used to measure the vibrations of an earthquake
  2. when one tectonic plate moves under the other
  3. the liquid layer of the core of the earth
  4. where two tectonic plates are separating from each other
  5. when the earth begins to shake uncontrollably due to seismic waves
  6. a well known tectonic belt where many of the world's volcanoes are located
  7. the outermost and thinnest layer of the earth
  8. the theory that the continents are constantly drifting away from each other
  9. boundary where two tectonic plates meet
  10. a vent in the earth that erupts
  11. the layer of the earth in between the crust and the core
  12. the bottom of the ocean
  1. where oceanic plates sink down into the earth
  2. the exact middle point of an earthquake
  3. the scale at which the intensity of an earthquake is measured
  4. where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally
  5. the large landmass that used to be every continent combined
  6. the solid innermost layer of the core of the earth
  7. a place where two tectonic plates slide past each other
  8. the movement of the Earth's crust

20 Clues: the bottom of the oceana vent in the earth that eruptsthe movement of the Earth's crustthe exact middle point of an earthquakeboundary where two tectonic plates meetthe liquid layer of the core of the earthwhere oceanic plates sink down into the earthwhen one tectonic plate moves under the otherthe outermost and thinnest layer of the earth...

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Review 2024-09-05

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Review crossword puzzle
  1. This is the area where you will find most of the volcanoes in the world
  2. Type of boundary where two plates separate
  3. This mountain range that stretches along the Atlantic Ocean was created by a new crust from a divergent boundary
  4. This is where two tectonic plates meet
  5. This natural disaster, along with volcanoes, can cause a tsunami
  6. Large chunks of lithosphere that gradually move
  7. The 750-mile long fault in California that is created by a transform boundary
  8. The prehistoric conglomerate of the 7 continents all combined
  9. This is how scientists track movements of tectonic plates
  10. This process creates new crust in the ocean
  11. Process where one plate moves below another plate
  12. An area in the Earth’s mantle that is unusually hot
  1. The theory that plates slowly move the continents over time
  2. Type of boundary where two plates collide
  3. Lava that is below the Earth’s surface
  4. Layer of the earth that represents the crust
  5. The largest tectonic plate
  6. The deepest part of the ocean floor
  7. The scientist credited for the Continental Drift theory
  8. Type of boundary where two plates slide past each other
  9. This is the type of rock that is created at a ridge
  10. This is created in the ocean when subduction occurs
  11. Layer of the earth that contains magma
  12. The mountain range in Colorado that is created by a convergent boundary

24 Clues: The largest tectonic plateThe deepest part of the ocean floorLava that is below the Earth’s surfaceThis is where two tectonic plates meetLayer of the earth that contains magmaType of boundary where two plates collideType of boundary where two plates separateThis process creates new crust in the oceanLayer of the earth that represents the crust...

Plate tectonics and boundaries 2023-12-18

Plate tectonics and boundaries crossword puzzle
  1. the process by which Earth's crust breaks apart; can occur within continental crust or oceanic crust
  2. Outer most layer of earth
  3. The vent on the earth's surface through which magma and gases are expelled is a called a _________.
  4. Most inner layer of earth
  5. Thickest layer in earth crust
  6. is the layer of the upper mantle composed of low-density rock matterial that is semiplastic,like putty.
  7. the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  8. Said to be a liquid layer
  9. In this boundary plates slide past each other.
  10. where two plates are moving apart, magma comes up to create new crust
  1. A major volcanic zone which is found along the Pacific ocean and travels all the way from South America, to North America and along Asia.
  2. boundary between two colliding plates, often associated with mountain building ocean trenches and volcanic islands
  3. This is an example of a mid ocean ridge.
  4. When the earth's tectonic plates move, we call this a ______.
  5. A ______________ boundary creates mountains.
  6. What type of process is created by a divergent boundary.
  7. When one tectonic plates dives under another, it is called __________.
  8. boundary between two plates that are sliding past each other.
  9. the theory that explains how large pieces of the lithosphere, called plates, move and change shape the topography of the earth.
  10. At a convergent convergent boundary where an ocean meets a continent, the ocean dives under. This is called _________.
  11. A ___________ boundary creates new ocean floor.

21 Clues: Outer most layer of earthMost inner layer of earthSaid to be a liquid layerThickest layer in earth crustThis is an example of a mid ocean ridge.A ______________ boundary creates mountains.In this boundary plates slide past each other.A ___________ boundary creates new ocean floor.What type of process is created by a divergent boundary....

Extended Vocabulary - Plate Tectonics 2023-10-20

Extended Vocabulary - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. This principle states that layers of rock are superimposed, or laid down one on top of another.
  2. The "Age of Early Life" continents formed and our modern atmosphere developed, while early life evolved and flourished during this time.
  3. _____ ________ occurs when the nucleus of a radioactive atom spontaneously transforms into an atomic nucleus of a different, more stable isotope.
  4. The "Age of Reptiles" Pangaea began separating into the modern continents, and the modern Rocky Mountains rose during this time.
  5. The mineralized sediment that fills the mold recreates the shape of the remains.
  6. The preserved remains of plants and animals whose bodies were buried in sediments, such as sand and mud.
  7. The mineralized impression of the organism left in the sediment is called a ______.
  8. The process of forming something by forcing or pushing it out, especially through a small opening.
  1. The "Age of Ancient Life" Fish diversified and marine organisms were very abundant during this time.
  2. The "Age of Mammals" North America's characteristic landscapes began to develop during this time.
  3. A type of geologic contact caused by a period of erosion or a pause in sediment accumulation, followed by the deposition of new sediments.
  4. The “calendar” for events in Earth history.
  5. This occurs when the organic matter is completely replaced by minerals and the fossil is turned to stone.
  6. The time required for one-half of the radioactive (parent) isotopes in a sample to decay to radiogenic (daughter) isotopes.
  7. The action or process of forcing a body of igneous rock between or through existing formations, without reaching the surface.
  8. The approximate age determination of rocks, fossils or minerals made by comparing whether the material is younger or older than other surrounding material.
  9. The measurement of geologic age in years.
  10. A fossil that provides indirect evident evidence of ancient plants or animals, such as footprints, nests, burrows, or feces.
  11. It is a type of fossil found in any rock when organic material is compressed, leaving only a carbon residue or film.
  12. A mineral is used in geology to determine the degree of metamorphism a rock has experienced.
  13. An event or a time that begins a new period or development.
  14. A fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock

22 Clues: The measurement of geologic age in years.The “calendar” for events in Earth history.A fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rockAn event or a time that begins a new period or development.The mineralized sediment that fills the mold recreates the shape of the remains....

Science plate tectonics Vocab 2023-10-21

Science plate tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a scientist who specializes in the study of life forms that existed in previous geologic periods
  2. pertaining to the present era, beginning 65 million years ago
  3. to thrust out, force or press out
  4. an organism outline of a fossil
  5. The geologic age of a fossil organism, rock, or geologic feature or event given in units of time
  6. a fossil that is useful for dating and correlating the strata in which it is found
  7. the period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned
  8. pertaining to an era occurring between 230 and 65 million years ago
  9. to thrust or force into
  10. pertaining to the earliest era of earth history, ending 570 million years ago
  11. a hollow form or matrix for giving a particular shape to something in a molten or plastic state
  1. to receive form in a mold
  2. having been turned to stone
  3. one of a class of substances that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means
  4. a fossil of a footprint, trail, or burrow
  5. pertaining to an era occurring between 570 million and 230 million years ago
  6. cracks in the earth's crust along which there is movement
  7. mineral or organic matter deposited by water, air, or ice
  8. any remains, impression, or trace of a living thing of a former geologic age
  9. particular period of time marked by distinctive features

20 Clues: to thrust or force intoto receive form in a moldhaving been turned to stonean organism outline of a fossilto thrust out, force or press outa fossil of a footprint, trail, or burrowparticular period of time marked by distinctive featurescracks in the earth's crust along which there is movementmineral or organic matter deposited by water, air, or ice...

Unit 1: Plate Tectonics 2024-02-04

Unit 1: Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.
  2. hot air rises, cool air sinks.
  3. the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur.
  4. the second most abundant element found in the inner and outer cores of Earth.
  5. the theory that changes in the earth's crust during geological history have resulted from the action of continuous and uniform processes.
  6. theory that the Earth's lithosphere (the crust and upper mantle) is divided into a number of large, platelike sections
  7. a split or break that forms when the earth's crust divides.
  8. at this type of boundary, plates are moving toward each other, eventually colliding
  9. a chain of underwater mountains formed by seafloor spreading at divergent plate boundaries. Similar to the stitching on a baseball.
  1. the transfer of heat or matter by the flow of a fluid, especially horizontally in the atmosphere or the sea.
  2. the layer of Earth composed of solid iron and nickel.
  3. at this type of boundary, plates are moving away from each other, creating rift valleys or mid-ocean ridges
  4. boundary between two tectonic plates, where the plates are moving horizontally or vertically in opposite directions, not against or away from each other
  5. the outermost layer of Earth, where we live, work and play.
  6. the rocky outer part of Earth. It is made up of the brittle crust and the top part of the upper mantle. It lies below the crust.
  7. at this type of boundary, plates are sliding past each other in opposite directions, often leading to earthquakes
  8. the theory that our continents are slowly drifting across the surface of Earth
  9. the layer of Earth in which convection takes place.
  10. when heat moves from one object to another object through direct touch.
  11. the layer of Earth composed of liquid iron and nickel
  12. the heaviest of metal elements found in the inner and outer cores of Earth.

21 Clues: hot air rises, cool air sinks.the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves.the layer of Earth in which convection takes place.the layer of Earth composed of solid iron and nickel.the layer of Earth composed of liquid iron and nickelthe outermost layer of Earth, where we live, work and play....

Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics 2024-03-25

Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. what can earthquakes and tectonic plates shifting create?
  2. the process where one tectonic plate slices beneath another into the mantle
  3. what is the scale used to measure the magnitude of an earthquake?
  4. what is the term for the molten rock beneath the earths surface?
  5. what is the term for tectonic plates sliding past eachother horizontally?
  6. what is the shaking of the earths surface called?
  7. what is the name of the giant moving pieces of the earths lithosphere?
  8. what is the term for the sudden movement of tectonic plates that causes an earthquake?
  9. what is the instrument used to detect and measure earthquakes?
  10. what is the name of a break in the earths crust where earthquakes appear?
  1. what is the outermost layer of the earths surface where we live?
  2. what is the name for the process where the earths crust if lifted to form mountains?
  3. what is the term for the waves that travel through the earth during an earthquake?
  4. what is the term for a giant wave caused by an underground earthquake?
  5. the point beneath the earths surface where an earthquake originates
  6. what is the term for the measurement of the size of an earthquake based on the amount of energy released?
  7. what is the term for a sudden release of energy in the earths crust that causes an earthquake?
  8. what is the term for the boundary where two tectonic plates move away from each other?
  9. what is the term for the process of measuring and recording seismic waves?
  10. what is it called when molten rock, ash, and, and gases erupt from a volcano?

20 Clues: what is the shaking of the earths surface called?what can earthquakes and tectonic plates shifting create?what is the instrument used to detect and measure earthquakes?what is the outermost layer of the earths surface where we live?what is the term for the molten rock beneath the earths surface?...

Emily. 2015-05-01

Emily. crossword puzzle
  1. portion of motion of a tectonic plate that can be accounted for by its seduction.
  2. drift the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface through geological time.
  3. linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
  4. Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle
  5. a line on a diagram or map connecting points relating to the same time or equal times.
  6. a change in the earths magnetic field
  7. the branch of geophysics concerned with the magnetism in rocks that was induced by the earth's magnetic field at the time of their formation.
  8. super continent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras.
  1. instrument used for measuring magnetic forces, especially the earth's magnetism.
  2. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  3. a large elongated depression with steep walls formed by the downward displacement of a block of the earth's surface between nearly parallel faults or fault systems.
  4. s an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide.
  5. the formation of new areas of oceanic crust
  6. type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly horizontal in either sinistral or dextral direction.
  7. sliding plate force is a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics

15 Clues: a change in the earths magnetic fieldthe formation of new areas of oceanic crustEarth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantlesliding plate force is a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonicssuper continent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras....

Kendile's Cross Word Puzzle 2015-04-30

Kendile's Cross Word Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the portion of motion of a tectonic plate that can be accounted for by its subduction
  2. the study of magnetic record in rocks
  3. a large elongated depression with steep walls formed by the downward displacement of a block of the earth's surface between nearly parallel faults or fault systems
  4. A supercontinent that included all the world's landmasses
  5. theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle
  6. a change in a planet's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south are interchanged
  7. a type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly horizontal in either direction
  8. a line on a diagram or map connecting points relating to the same time or equal times
  1. a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity and then gradually moves away from the ridge
  2. two tectonic plates move toward one another and collide
  3. is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate and sinks into the mantle
  4. Wegner's hypothesis
  5. a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  6. sliding plate force is a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics
  7. measures small changes in magnetic fields

15 Clues: Wegner's hypothesisthe study of magnetic record in rocksmeasures small changes in magnetic fieldstwo tectonic plates move toward one another and collideA supercontinent that included all the world's landmassessliding plate force is a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics...

Convection Currents in the Mantle Crossword Puzzle 2021-04-13

Convection Currents in the Mantle Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What we walk one;solid rock
  2. part of the mantle; looks like crust
  3. Example: How heat is transmitted
  4. mass of a unit volume
  5. 2/3 the mass of earth
  6. smallest unit of matter
  1. Example: the sun
  2. tectonics massive; causes continents to move
  3. densest layer of earth
  4. Example: when you're boiling water

10 Clues: Example: the sunmass of a unit volume2/3 the mass of earthdensest layer of earthsmallest unit of matterWhat we walk one;solid rockExample: How heat is transmittedExample: when you're boiling waterpart of the mantle; looks like crusttectonics massive; causes continents to move

The Earth 2022-10-26

The Earth crossword puzzle
  1. the ocean floor.
  2. The thinnest layer of the earth.
  3. makes up our continents.
  4. between the thermosphere and the stratosphere.
  5. has a liquid part and a solid part.
  6. Convection currents in the _____ drive plate tectonics.
  1. rigid, rocky outer layer of the Earth.
  2. puddy like.
  3. mostly made of iron.
  4. is about 4000-5000 degrees Celsius.

10 Clues: puddy like.the ocean floor.mostly made of iron.makes up our continents.The thinnest layer of the about 4000-5000 degrees Celsius.has a liquid part and a solid part.rigid, rocky outer layer of the Earth.between the thermosphere and the stratosphere.Convection currents in the _____ drive plate tectonics.

Matt Sieg 2015-04-30

Matt Sieg crossword puzzle
  1. an instrument for measuring the intensity of a magnetic field, especially the earth's magnetic field.
  2. Changes in direction or orientation of the magnetic field of the Earth that have occurred from time to time.
  3. Geology. the lateral movement of continents resulting from the motion of crustal plates.
  4. a theory in geology: the lithosphere of the earth is divided into a small number of plates which float on and travel independently over the mantle and much of the earth's
  5. a portion of motion of a tectonic plate that can be accounted for by its subduction. Plate motion is partly driven by the weight of cold, dense plates sinking into the mantle at trenches.
  6. a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics. Because mid-ocean ridges lie at a higher elevation than the rest of the ocean floor, gravity causes the ridge to push on the lithosphere that lies farther from the ridge.
  7. is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other.
  8. the hypothetical landmass that existed when all continents were joined, from about 300 to 200 million years ago.
  1. Geology. the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate's being drawn down or overridden by another, localized along the juncture (subduction zone) of two plates.
  2. Geology. magnetic polarization acquired by the minerals in a rock at the time the rock was deposited or solidified.
  3. a major geologic discontinuity or suture marking the juncture of lithospheric plates that have been joined by plate tectonics.
  4. is a type of fault whose relative motion is predominantly
  5. a line on an isotope ratio diagram denoting a suite of rock or mineral samples all formed at the same time. The slope of the line is related to the age of the rock or mineral suite
  6. a process in which new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earth's mantle rises in margins between plates or ridges and spreads out.
  7. a subsea chasm extending along the crest of a mid-ocean ridge, locus of the magma upwellings that accompany seafloor spreading.

15 Clues: is a type of fault whose relative motion is predominantlyGeology. the lateral movement of continents resulting from the motion of crustal a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each instrument for measuring the intensity of a magnetic field, especially the earth's magnetic field....

Vocab #12 2023-04-25

Vocab #12 crossword puzzle
  1. -the process of plate movement
  2. - a sudden great misfortune
  3. - a storm with strong winds and rain
  1. - something that covers or protects
  2. - the whole mass of air surrounding the earth
  3. - a strong board made of thin wood sheets
  4. - a sudden disaster
  5. - to lock together
  6. - to reduce to ruin
  7. - wild and dangerous force

10 Clues: - to lock together- a sudden disaster- to reduce to ruin- wild and dangerous force- a sudden great misfortune-the process of plate movement- something that covers or protects- a storm with strong winds and rain- a strong board made of thin wood sheets- the whole mass of air surrounding the earth

Plate Tectonics,Earthquakes, Volcanoes 2018-03-06

Plate Tectonics,Earthquakes, Volcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. large super continent that existed 250 million years ago.
  2. Type of volcano that is almost entirely made of magma and lava
  3. hot molten rock above the Earth's surface
  4. the part of the Earth that contains most of Earth's mass
  5. the part of the Earth that is made of iron and nickel
  6. Small volcanoes made from ash and rocks.
  7. area where magma from the mantle continually breaks through the crust
  8. earths crust made of land
  9. plates the two sub-layers of the earth that float causing volcanoes and Earth Quakes
  10. a sudden and violent shaking of the Earth as a result of movements within the earth's crust
  1. large pieces of Earth's crust that move due to convection currents
  2. Volcanic gases can block out the sunlight causing what?
  3. when two oceanic plates pull apart, magma rises and new crust is formed
  4. earths crust located under the ocean
  5. the composition of the magma determines its what of the volcano?
  6. technical name for crust and upper mantle
  7. Flows fast flowing clouds of hot ash and volcanic glass rolling down the mountainside
  8. Explosive eruptions followed by outpourings of lava
  9. A mountain that forms when magma is forced to the Earth's surface
  10. hot fluid that is under the Earth's surface

20 Clues: earths crust made of landearths crust located under the oceanSmall volcanoes made from ash and molten rock above the Earth's surfacetechnical name for crust and upper mantlehot fluid that is under the Earth's surfaceExplosive eruptions followed by outpourings of lavathe part of the Earth that is made of iron and nickel...

chapter 10 plate tectonics 2013-10-31

chapter 10 plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. contain large areas of stable rock
  2. boundary boundary in which two plates slide past each other horizontally
  3. single large ocean that covered earths surface during the time the supercontinent
  4. cycle form an break apart over time
  5. the study of magnetic properties of rock
  6. boundary 2 plates move away from each other
  7. drift a germen scientist names Alfred Wegener proposed a hypothesis
  8. terranes may be small volcanic or underwater valcaones
  9. rigid upper part of the mantle form a layer of earth
  10. process in which continents break apart
  11. ridge undersea mountain range through the center of which run steep, narrow valleys
  1. exposed at earths surface
  2. boundaries plate boundaries that form where 2 plate collide
  3. piece of lithosphere that has a unique geologic history that differs from the history of the surrounding lithosphere
  4. continents arranged into large landmasses
  5. layer of plastic rock just below the lithosphere
  6. terrane becomes part of a continent
  7. form on top of seamounts
  8. formed over 30 million years ago
  9. spreading new ocean floor forms when magma rises to earths surface and solidifies at a mid ocean ridge

20 Clues: form on top of seamountsexposed at earths surfaceformed over 30 million years agocontain large areas of stable rockcycle form an break apart over timeterrane becomes part of a continentprocess in which continents break apartthe study of magnetic properties of rockcontinents arranged into large landmassesboundary 2 plates move away from each other...

Chapter 6 Plate Tectonics 2013-01-29

Chapter 6 Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. The Earth's thickest layer.
  2. Underwater mountain ranges.
  3. When one plate sinks beneath another.
  4. States that the Earth's lithosphere is made up of huge plates that move over the surface of the Earth.
  5. Occurs where plates scrape past each other.
  6. A gap that is formed where the ocean floor spreads causing a gap.
  7. Where heated rocks rise in plumes, or thin columns.
  8. A motion that transfers heat energy in a material.
  9. A thin layer of cool rock.
  1. A ball of hot, solid metals.
  2. Alfred Wegener's hypothesis.
  3. Comes from the Greek word meaning all lands.
  4. Is the energy transfer by the movement of the material.
  5. comes from the Greek word asthenes and means weak.
  6. Occurs where plates move apart.
  7. A layer of liquid metals that surrounds the inner core.
  8. Occurs where plates push together.
  9. A poles switch in direction.
  10. Large and small slabs of rock.
  11. has the greek prefix meaning stone.

20 Clues: A thin layer of cool rock.The Earth's thickest layer.Underwater mountain ranges.A ball of hot, solid metals.Alfred Wegener's hypothesis.A poles switch in direction.Large and small slabs of rock.Occurs where plates move apart.Occurs where plates push together.has the greek prefix meaning stone.When one plate sinks beneath another....

Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes 2014-10-21

Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes crossword puzzle
  1. Fault with horizontal motion
  2. 90% of the world's earthquakes are along the __________
  3. California's major fault
  4. A plate boundary where plates are moving towards one another
  5. Large wave created by an undersea earthquake
  6. Instrument for measuring earthquakes
  7. Process of one plate sinking beneath another
  8. A plate boundary where plates are sliding past each other
  9. Formed when continental plates spread apart
  10. Discovered continental drift
  11. Southern supercontinent
  12. New oceanic crust is formed during _____ spreading
  13. Northern supercontinent
  14. A more horizontal fault found at convergent boundaries
  15. Supercontinent
  1. A plate boundary where plates are spreading apart
  2. Fault usually found at divergent boundaries
  3. Worldwide ocean
  4. Organism that provided fossil evidence for continental shift
  5. _____ magnitude scale
  6. Underwater mountain chain along plate boundary
  7. The point on the earth's surface above an earthquake's location
  8. Driving force of continental drift
  9. Formed when two oceanic plates converge
  10. The west coast of North America is made up of many _____ terranes
  11. Fault usually found at convergent boundaries
  12. Fault with vertical motion
  13. Break in the Earth's crust/lithosphere

28 Clues: SupercontinentWorldwide ocean_____ magnitude scaleSouthern supercontinentNorthern supercontinentCalifornia's major faultFault with vertical motionFault with horizontal motionDiscovered continental driftDriving force of continental driftInstrument for measuring earthquakesBreak in the Earth's crust/lithosphereFormed when two oceanic plates converge...


  1. an area of fracturing between rocks resulting from stress.
  2. a visible exposure of bedrock or ancient superficial deposits on the surface of the Earth.
  3. a geologic process in which tectonic plates—large slabs of Earth's lithosphere split apart from each other.
  4. the outermost shell of a terrestrial planet.
  5. It's made up of a liquid metal outer core that flows around a solid metal inner core.
  6. occur along divergent plate boundaries, where new ocean floor is created as the Earth's tectonic plates spread apart.
  7. a depression in the earth's crust.
  8. the mostly solid bulk of Earth's interior.
  10. where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each other.
  11. when an oceanic plate runs into a continental plate and slides beneath it.
  12. occurs when two tectonic plates move away from each other.
  13. molten rock in the earths crust.
  1. includes the brittle upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth's structure.
  2. bounderies between plates.
  3. The plates have moved across Earth's surface for hundreds of millions of years.
  4. long, narrow depressions on the seafloor.
  5. an area of rock that has been bent by stress.
  6. is a split between 2 plates that were once joined.
  7. When forces are parallel but moving in opposite directions.

20 Clues: bounderies between plates.molten rock in the earths crust.a depression in the earth's crust.long, narrow depressions on the seafloor.the mostly solid bulk of Earth's interior.the outermost shell of a terrestrial area of rock that has been bent by a split between 2 plates that were once joined....

Plate tectonics and Earthquakes 2022-08-29

Plate tectonics and Earthquakes crossword puzzle
  1. centre of the earth, made of iron
  2. rocky shell of the earth
  3. point at which the rock first moves
  4. method to determine the origin of an earthquake
  5. scientist, continental drift
  6. moving towards
  7. earth's middle layer
  8. cracks caused by movement of plates
  9. moving away
  10. envelope of gases surrounding earth
  11. transfer of heat around in a circle
  12. all the water on earth
  1. great southern continent
  2. second wave to arrive
  3. earth's outermost layer
  4. this action creates mountains and hills
  5. first wave to arrive
  6. two plates moving past one another
  7. great northern continent
  8. point on surface, above earthquake
  9. shaking, natural disaster
  10. ____ plates
  11. living things
  12. supercontinent, contains all landmasses

24 Clues: ____ platesmoving awayliving thingsmoving towardsfirst wave to arriveearth's middle layersecond wave to arriveall the water on earthearth's outermost layergreat southern continentrocky shell of the earthgreat northern continentshaking, natural disasterscientist, continental driftcentre of the earth, made of irontwo plates moving past one another...

Plate Tectonics CW 3 2022-10-03

Plate Tectonics CW 3 crossword puzzle
  1. A solid form of carbon dioxide that is very cold and turns directly from a solid to a gas.
  2. To reuse something that would have otherwise been thrown out or to turn it into something usable again instead of sending it to a landfill.
  3. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move towards each other.
  4. A scientist who studies earthquakes.
  5. a cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinking
  6. a deep valley where pieces of Earth’s crust diverge on land
  7. When two tectonic plates slowly crash into each other and mountains are formed.
  8. the layer below the lithosphere and is plasticlike
  9. Wegener’s hypothesis that all continents were once connected in a large landmass that broke apart & drifted slowly to their current positions
  10. this layer is formed with the crust and rigid upper mantle, and is above the asthenosphere
  11. a theory that proposes that magma under Earth’s crust is forced up toward the surface at the mid-ocean ridges, forming new seafloor
  12. Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.
  13. scientist that discovered sea-floor spreading
  14. melted rock
  15. All the rock, soil and sediments that makeup Earth’s land. It comes from the word “Geo” which means “Earth.”
  16. All the gases surrounding the earth. It comes from the word “Atmos” which means “air.”
  17. large sections of Earth’s crust and upper mantle
  18. scientist that developed the idea of continental drift
  19. deep underwater canyons
  20. large, slow moving bodies of ice on land
  21. When one tectonic plate converges under another due to density differences.
  1. All the oceans, rivers, lakes and water on Earth. It comes from the word “Hydro” which means “water.”
  2. a chain of ridges and valleys stretching along Earth’s ocean floor
  3. pull-apart forces
  4. Movement caused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking.
  5. forces that destroy and wear away landmasses through process like erosion and weathering
  6. the process of moving things from one place to another.
  7. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates slide past each other.
  8. these are constantly being created and destroyed by competing forces
  9. a single landmass composed of all the continents joined together
  10. All the living things on Earth. It comes from the word “Bio” which means “life.”
  11. a measure of how much mass there is in a given volume of a substance
  12. forces that shape the land’s surface by building up mountains & other landmasses.
  13. breaks in Earth’s crust where rocks have slipped past each other
  14. any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
  15. The outer most layer of the Earth. This is the layer we walk on.
  16. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move away from each other.

37 Clues: melted rockpull-apart forcesdeep underwater canyonsA scientist who studies earthquakes.Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.large, slow moving bodies of ice on landscientist that discovered sea-floor spreadinga cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinkinglarge sections of Earth’s crust and upper mantle...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2022-12-14

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What the Earth's core is made up of
  2. Boundary of when two plates move toward each other
  3. The first of Earth's layers
  4. A circular process in the mantle
  5. Boundary of when two plates slide past each other
  6. Horseshoe shaped string of volcanoes from the tip of South America to New Zealand
  7. Beneath the Lithosphere
  8. Made up of the crust and upper mantle
  9. Underwater mountains
  1. What lava becomes when it gets colder
  2. Caused by transform boundaries
  3. A process in which the plate moves beneath another
  4. The innermost part of the Earth
  5. Boundary of when two oceanic plates move away from each other
  6. invisible lines that the earth is made up of
  7. How a plate moves
  8. Forms when two plates push toward each other
  9. Formed by subduction
  10. What lava becomes when it gets hotter
  11. Main material inside of the mantle

20 Clues: How a plate movesFormed by subductionUnderwater mountainsBeneath the LithosphereThe first of Earth's layersCaused by transform boundariesThe innermost part of the EarthA circular process in the mantleMain material inside of the mantleWhat the Earth's core is made up ofWhat lava becomes when it gets colderMade up of the crust and upper mantle...

Plate Tectonics Chap. 5 2023-02-09

Plate Tectonics Chap. 5 crossword puzzle
  1. Caused when a plate goes under one another in the ocean.
  2. Hot rock above the ground.
  3. A boundary that slides past other boundaries.
  4. Occurs when a pan touches a stove, also known as the transfer of heat when one object touches another.
  5. Boundaries that are pushing towards other boundaries.
  6. Mountain formed by hot spots in the Earth.
  7. Occurs along divergent boundaries, and makes new oceanic crust.
  8. A theory that states the sea-floor is always moving.
  1. Hot rock underground.
  2. When an oceanic plate slides under a continental plate.
  3. A boundary that is moving away from the other boundaries.
  4. Super continent made millions of years ago.
  5. A place filled with magma that rises to the Earth surface.
  6. The theory that states that there are plates in the crust that move everything around.
  7. The transfer of energy through space.
  8. Dead organisms preserved in rock.
  9. Chain of islands formed by a volcano.
  10. This can cause boiling water.
  11. Pieces of the earth's lithosphere which together make up the earth's surface.
  12. Found both on land and at the bottom of the ocean, where they are created by the process of seafloor spreading.

20 Clues: Hot rock underground.Hot rock above the ground.This can cause boiling water.Dead organisms preserved in rock.The transfer of energy through space.Chain of islands formed by a volcano.Mountain formed by hot spots in the Earth.Super continent made millions of years ago.A boundary that slides past other boundaries....

Introduction to Plate Tectonics 2021-02-04

Introduction to Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. molten rock found below the crust
  2. molten rock found above the crust
  3. the supercontinent making the countries in the northern hemisphere
  4. the upper part of the mantle that the crust sits on top of
  5. the centre of the Earth
  6. the mid-_________ ridge runs along the west coast of America
  7. ___________ spreading is responsible for forming ocean ridges
  8. ________ waves are used to take measurements inside the Earth
  9. the supercontinent made of Gondwana and Laurasia
  10. this scientist that gave evidence for the mid-atlantic ridge
  11. the first super =continent
  1. continental _________ are underwater cliffs
  2. the branch of science studying the Earth
  3. contains the semi-solid layer of the Earth
  4. a person who studies geology
  5. the theory that the Earth is made of moving plates
  6. the solid, outer layer of the Earth
  7. the theory that the continents have moved over time
  8. the scientist who first proposed continental drift
  9. ____________ currents move tectonic plates
  10. the supercontinent making the countries in the southern hemisphere

21 Clues: the centre of the Earththe first super =continenta person who studies geologymolten rock found below the crustmolten rock found above the crustthe solid, outer layer of the Earththe branch of science studying the Earthcontains the semi-solid layer of the Earth____________ currents move tectonic platescontinental _________ are underwater cliffs...

Unit 7: Plate Tectonics 2021-03-07

Unit 7:  Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. outer chemical layer of the Earth
  2. when a denser tectonic plate moves underneath a less-dense tectonic plate
  3. landform created from two continental plates colliding
  4. chemical layers of Earth are separated due to differences in this property
  5. layer of Earth that is most dense
  6. thickest chemical layer of the Earth
  7. type of tectonic boundary that forms when two plates slide past each other
  8. crust is destroyed at this location as it subducts
  9. huge pieces of lithosphere that move
  10. chemical layer of the Earth made of iron and nickel
  11. method of heat transfer through space, no direct contact
  12. layer of Earth that is responsible for the Earth's magnetic field
  13. landform that is present when continental crust diverges or moves apart
  14. german scientist proposing continental drift
  15. transform fault in California
  16. proposed Theory of Seafloor Spreading
  17. type of crust that is made mostly of basalt, and is more dense
  1. freshwater reptile fossil that provides evidence for Continental Drift
  2. type of tectonic boundary that forms with two plates moving apart
  3. is the solid outer layer that is broken into plates that move
  4. landform created when two oceanic plates collide
  5. responsible for the movement of tectonic plates, method of heat transfer through fluids
  6. landform found at divergent boundary in the Atlantic Ocean
  7. we refer to polarity as this when the magnetic north pole matches the geographic north pole
  8. used data from SONAR to create a map of the floor of the Atlantic Ocean
  9. Volcanic island arc formed from the collision of two oceanic plates
  10. physical layer of the Earth that flows slowly, allowing the plates to move
  11. method of heat transfer through direct contact
  12. grooves formed in bedrock from moving glacial ice
  13. name of Wegener's supercontinent
  14. lower part of the mantle
  15. type of tectonic boundary that forms with two plates moving together
  16. we refer to polarity as this when the magnetic north pole matches the geographic south pole
  17. mountains formed from collision of India and Eurasia
  18. type of crust that is made mostly of granite, and is less dense
  19. mountain range formed from a collision of oceanic and continental plates

36 Clues: lower part of the mantletransform fault in Californianame of Wegener's supercontinentouter chemical layer of the Earthlayer of Earth that is most densethickest chemical layer of the Earthhuge pieces of lithosphere that moveproposed Theory of Seafloor Spreadinggerman scientist proposing continental driftmethod of heat transfer through direct contact...

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Crossword 2021-10-17

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Flow of ash, cinders, bombs, and gases down the side of a volcano during an explosive eruption
  2. Boundary between tectonic plates that are sliding past each other horizontally
  3. Space below ground filled with magma
  4. Hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations
  5. Area along a fault where there has not been any earthquake activity for a long period of time
  6. Vibrations that travel through Earth carrying the energy released during an earthquake
  7. String of islands formed by the volcanoes along a deep ocean trench
  8. Force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume
  9. Major belt of volcanoes that surrounds the Pacific Ocean
  10. Pulling of a tectonic plate as its edge subducts deep in the mantle
  11. Shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s surface
  12. Theory that pieces of Earth’s crust are in constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle
  13. Molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from the mantle
  1. Point on Earth’s surface directly above an earthquake’s focus
  2. Mountain through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are erupted from the earth’s crust
  3. Point beneath Earth’s surface where rock breaks under stress and causes an earthquake
  4. Bowl-shaped area that may form at the top of a volcano around the vent
  5. Boundary between two tectonics plate that are moving away from each other
  6. Magma that reaches Earth’s surface
  7. Process by which oceanic crust sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle
  8. Process in which new material at a ridge pushes older material aside
  9. Formation of new ocean crust as a result of magma pushing upward and outward from Earth’s mantle to the surface
  10. Rock fragments and particles ejected by a volcanic eruption
  11. Boundary between tectonic plates that are colliding
  12. Large crater caused when it collapses due to a violent explosion
  13. Graph of arrival times of seismic waves that determines the focus of an earthquake
  14. Fracture along which movement occurs
  15. Deformation of materials in response to stress

28 Clues: Magma that reaches Earth’s surfaceSpace below ground filled with magmaFracture along which movement occursDeformation of materials in response to stressBoundary between tectonic plates that are collidingForce that acts on rock to change its shape or volumeMajor belt of volcanoes that surrounds the Pacific Ocean...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2018-02-20

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A large, slowly moving body of snow and ice
  2. The solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  3. A break in the earths crust that moves
  4. Thickest layer of the Earth, part solid part liquid where convection currents are found
  5. When two plates come together
  6. Thicker, less dense crust
  7. The theory that the continents are moving very slowly
  8. when two plates grind past each other
  9. Extremely deep areas in the ocean that are created by a subducting plate
  10. A solid mass of iron and nickel
  11. When two plates pull apart
  12. How much mass there is in any given volume
  13. A semi-fluid layer of solid liquid rock
  1. A single landmass that includes two or more continents
  2. Thin, more dense than continental crust, subducting crust
  3. The movement of a fluid, caused by differences in temperature, that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another
  4. When one tectonic plates drives under another
  5. A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth
  6. Waves produced by earthquakes that help us study the inner layers of earth
  7. The state of matter the earth's inner core is

20 Clues: Thicker, less dense crustWhen two plates pull apartWhen two plates come togetherA solid mass of iron and nickelwhen two plates grind past each otherA break in the earths crust that movesA semi-fluid layer of solid liquid rockHow much mass there is in any given volumeA large, slowly moving body of snow and ice...

Chapter 5 Plate Tectonics 2023-10-30

Chapter 5 Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. A well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
  2. A layer of hot, solid rock below the crust and above the core
  3. The process where lava adds new ocean crust to the ocean floor
  4. A section of lithosphere that slowly moves over the asthenosphere, carrying pieces of crust.
  5. A break or crack in Earth’s lithosphere along which the rocks move
  6. A device that determines the distance of an object under water by recording echoes of sound waves
  7. The layer of rock that forms Earth’s outer skin
  8. The theory that pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in constant motion driven by mantle convection
  9. The solid iron and nickel layer in the middle of the Earth
  10. The process where ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench into the mantle
  11. A boundary where two plates move towards each other
  12. A boundary where two plates move away from each other
  13. A deep valley where two plates move apart
  14. The transfer of energy through space
  1. The soft layer of rock in the mantle
  2. Flow which transfers heat within a fluid
  3. The transfer of heat by the movement of fluid currents
  4. A deep valley where ocean crust sinks toward the mantel
  5. Very hard rock which forms the top layer of the mantle and the crust
  6. Core- The only liquid layer in the earth, made of iron and nickel
  7. The theory that all continents were once joined together and have since drifted apart.
  8. The transfer of heat between touching material
  9. A boundary where two plates move past each other in opposite direction
  10. An undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is made
  11. The name of the single landmass that broke apart 200 million years ago and made today’s continents

25 Clues: The soft layer of rock in the mantleThe transfer of energy through spaceFlow which transfers heat within a fluidA deep valley where two plates move apartThe transfer of heat between touching materialThe layer of rock that forms Earth’s outer skinA boundary where two plates move towards each otherA boundary where two plates move away from each other...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2023-11-15

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ocean floor sinks under a deep ocean trench and back into the mantle
  2. chains of mountains that rise up from the floor of the ocean
  3. transferring energy/heat through liquids
  4. earths plates which meet at plate bounderies
  5. volcanos similar to a belt mostly on the pacific ocean
  6. heating and cooling of a liquid along with changes in the density with force of gravity makes this
  7. transferring energy/heat through electromagnetic waves
  8. earths lithosphere section that is broboundariesieces
  9. molten material inside the mantle
  10. remains of something from the past that is preserved
  1. how much mass is in an object
  2. continents moving overtime due to the plates
  3. area where material deep in the earth rises to the crust and melts, forming magma
  4. ocean floor turning into deep underwater canyons
  5. mid-ocean ridges adding new material to the floor of the ocean
  6. a weak spot in earth's surface which allows magma from the mantle to rise
  7. volcanos creating a string of volcanos
  8. transferring energy/heat through a direct object or thing
  9. continent from millions of years ago
  10. magma that has risen to earth's surface

20 Clues: how much mass is in an objectmolten material inside the mantlecontinent from millions of years agovolcanos creating a string of volcanosmagma that has risen to earth's surfacetransferring energy/heat through liquidscontinents moving overtime due to the platesearths plates which meet at plate bounderies...

Dafna Plate Tectonics Crossword 2024-01-12

Dafna Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. When the Earth cracks far down and hits the asthenosphere creating a volcano inside a fissure in the Earth’s crust.
  2. When Oceanic crust goes under continental crust and creates trenches in the sea floor.
  3. Heat transferred through the movement of fluids or gasses, based on density.
  4. Solid uppermost part of the mantle.
  5. Solid outermost layer of the earth subdivided continental crust and oceanic crust, broken into tectonic plates.
  6. A place where two plates meet or collide.
  7. Solid inner most layer of earth, it is also made up of nickel and iron.
  8. solid top most layer of the earth, includes crust and solid part of the mantle.
  9. Natural disasters caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  1. When two plates collide with each other.
  2. When one plate goes under another because there is a difference in density.
  3. When continental plates collide the crust gets folded and mountains form.
  4. Really hot liquid metal and rock primary, metals are iron and nickel, It is also under the asthenosphere.
  5. When Oceanic plates collide if there is a difference in density there is subduction which often creates trenches in the ocean floor.
  6. When plates move away from each other
  7. A break in the Earth’s crust.
  8. Gooey melted rock that is located directly under the lithosphere.
  9. depression in the ocean floor usually by a subduction zone or fault line
  10. When Plates collide and doing so shakes or reshapes the Earth.
  11. A mountain spewing molten rock or lava from the Asthenosphere.

20 Clues: A break in the Earth’s crust.Solid uppermost part of the mantle.When plates move away from each otherWhen two plates collide with each other.A place where two plates meet or collide.Natural disasters caused by the movement of tectonic plates.When Plates collide and doing so shakes or reshapes the Earth....

cst review 2013-04-29

cst review crossword puzzle
  1. which type of volcano would be the least explosive?
  2. the surface of plant mercury and moon contain some verylarge craters that are most likely the result of
  3. the convergence of two continental plate would produce
  4. what energy resource is made possible by the volcanic activity in California?
  5. which of the following energy sources is most likely to be abundant in California due to its position on plate boundery?
  6. a rift valley is evidence of which kind of plate boundary?
  7. stars begin their life cycle in
  8. the youngest rocks on the ocean floor are typically located near what feature?
  9. which planet was formed from the light gases of the outer solar nebula?
  1. whinch of the following provides evidence for plate tectonics?
  2. geothermal energy is possible where there is
  3. the richter scalemeasures which of the following earthquakes characteristics?
  4. the sun is an average yellow star in the milky way galaxy, which is described as
  5. the final stage of a star's existence is determined stars will end their lives as
  6. what is the source of energy for the sun?
  7. relative cooling rates of igneous intrusive rocks can be estimated by comparing rocks'
  8. earthquake vibrations are detected, measures, and recorded by instuments called

17 Clues: stars begin their life cycle inwhat is the source of energy for the sun?geothermal energy is possible where there iswhich type of volcano would be the least explosive?the convergence of two continental plate would producea rift valley is evidence of which kind of plate boundary?whinch of the following provides evidence for plate tectonics?...

I LOVE SCIENCE 2021-04-30

I LOVE SCIENCE crossword puzzle


Tectonic Plates Crossword 2016-09-21

Tectonic Plates Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A Neoproterozoic supercontinent that was assembled 1.3 - 0.9 billion years ago and broke up 750 - 600 million years ago.
  2. A small area or region with a relatively hot temperature in comparison to its surroundings.
  3. Tectonics A scientific theory that describes the large-scale motion of Earth's lithosphere.
  4. Rim The countries and regions bordering the Pacific Ocean, especially the small nations of eastern Asia.
  5. An actively deforming region where two or more tectonic plates move toward another and collide.
  6. A mild tremor preceding the violent shaking movement of an earthquake.
  7. Rifting The belt or zone of the continental lithosphere where the extensional deformation is occurring.
  8. An extended break in a body of rock, marked by the relative displacement and discontinuity of strata on either side of a particular surface.
  9. Activity Relating to or occurring within the interior of a tectonic plate.
  10. Boundaries An area on the margins of tectonic plates where seismic, volcanic, and tectonic activity takes place as a consequence of the relative motion of the plates.
  11. A supercontinent comprising all the continental crust of the earth, postulated to have existed in late Paleozoic and Mesozoic times before it broke into Gondwana and Laurasia.
  12. Currents A current in a fluid that results from convection.
  1. A linear feature that exists between tectonics plates that are moving away from each other.
  2. The sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  3. Upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, in which there is relatively low resistance to plastic flow and convection is thought to occur.
  4. Faults A strike-slip fault occurring at the boundary between two plates of the earth's crust.
  5. The point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake.
  6. A very large igneous intrusion extending deep in the earth's crust.
  7. Rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle.
  8. The region of the earth's interior between the crust and the core, believed to consist of hot, dense silicate rocks.
  9. Spreading The formation of new areas of oceanic crust, which occurs through the upwelling of magma at mid ocean ridges and its subsequent outward movement on either side.
  10. Form into a hard outer layer:

22 Clues: Form into a hard outer layer:Currents A current in a fluid that results from convection.A very large igneous intrusion extending deep in the earth's crust.A mild tremor preceding the violent shaking movement of an earthquake.Rigid outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle....




plate tectonics Kyle Williams 2015-02-11

plate tectonics             Kyle Williams crossword puzzle
  1. third layer of the earth
  2. part of the crust under the continental crust
  3. the transfer of heat by the mass movement of heated particles
  4. Scientist that came up with the Sea Floor Spreading Theory
  5. second layer of the earth
  6. when two plates slide past each other
  7. this moves the continents
  8. a deep and long channel formed by the earths crust
  9. Deep Valley that forms when two plates pull apart
  1. An area where the most volcanic eruptions happen
  2. break in earths crust where rocks have slipped past each other
  3. part of the crust above oceanic crust
  4. when two plates join
  5. when two plates join and both contain continental crust
  6. first layer of the earth
  7. when two plates separate
  8. Scientist that came up with the Continental Drift theory
  9. another type of convergent boundary
  10. super continent that was made millions of years ago
  11. fourth layer of the earth

20 Clues: when two plates jointhird layer of the earthfirst layer of the earthwhen two plates separatesecond layer of the earththis moves the continentsfourth layer of the earthanother type of convergent boundarypart of the crust above oceanic crustwhen two plates slide past each otherpart of the crust under the continental crust...


  1. Boundary where plates move apart.
  2. Consists of oceanic/continental crust and the uppermost mantle.
  3. The reason why basalt is created at a Mid Ocean Ridge rather that granite.
  4. Oceanic crust is subducted here and is recycled back into the asthenosphere.
  5. Oceanic crust is make of this denser rock.
  6. Created at an ocean-ocean convergent boundary. ex. Caribbean Islands.
  7. A portion of the lithosphere that slowly moves over the asthenosphere, carrying pieces of continental and oceanic crust.
  8. Boundary where plates come together
  9. Created at a continental-continental divergent boundary. example Africa.
  10. Boundary where plates slip past each other.
  11. Deep Ocean Trench
  12. Where Earth's plates meet.
  13. Theory that explains the movement of Earth's plates.
  1. Cracks in Earth's crust that occur at transform boundaries due to earthquakes.
  2. Continental crust is made of this lighter rock.
  3. Breaks in Earth's crust at plate boundaries.
  4. The process by which molten material produced at the Mid Ocean Ridge creates new oceanic crust.
  5. New oceanic crust is created here.
  6. Example of a continental-continental convergent boundary.
  7. A geologic feature in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where new oceanic crust is produced.
  8. Occur as mirror images on both sides of the Mid Ocean Ridge and alternately orient north or south.
  9. Single landmass that broke apart and gave rise to today's continent.
  10. Occurs at a Deep Ocean Trench
  11. Example of a continental-continental transform fault.
  12. Developed the Theory of Continental Drift. Did not take into account movement of the oceanic crust.
  13. Oceanic crust nearest the Mid Ocean Ridge is _________ than crust further away.

26 Clues: Deep Ocean TrenchWhere Earth's plates meet.Occurs at a Deep Ocean TrenchBoundary where plates move apart.New oceanic crust is created here.Boundary where plates come togetherOceanic crust is make of this denser rock.Boundary where plates slip past each other.Breaks in Earth's crust at plate boundaries.Continental crust is made of this lighter rock....

Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics 2018-03-01

Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. this is a type of evidence that continents are moving
  2. this type of volcano has explosive eruptions followed by outpourings of lava
  3. pieces of the crust that float on the mantle
  4. this crust is made from basalt rock and is very dense
  5. the force responsible for plate movements
  6. theory that explains that crustal plates are moving the mantle
  7. Volcanoes can shoot ___ high into the atmosphere
  8. 75% of Earth's volcanoes happen here
  9. places where the sea floor is spreading
  1. this type of volcano looks like a giant ______
  2. a mountain that forms when magma is forced to the Earth's surface
  3. this crust is granitic and 20-30 miles thick
  4. technical name for the crust and upper mantle
  5. clouds of hot ash and volcanic glass flowing down the mountain side
  6. this part of the Earth is made of iron and nickel
  7. These can block out the sun light
  8. contains most of Earth's mass
  9. german scientist who originated the continental drift theory
  10. this happens when new oceanic crust is created and older material is pushed away
  11. small volcanoes made from ash and rocks

20 Clues: contains most of Earth's massThese can block out the sun light75% of Earth's volcanoes happen heresmall volcanoes made from ash and rocksplaces where the sea floor is spreadingthe force responsible for plate movementsthis crust is granitic and 20-30 miles thickpieces of the crust that float on the mantletechnical name for the crust and upper mantle...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2018-02-20

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Thin, more dense than continental crust, subducting crust
  2. A solid mass of iron and nickel
  3. The theory that the continents are moving very slowly
  4. A large, slowly moving body of snow and ice
  5. Thickest layer of the Earth, part solid part liquid where convection currents are found
  6. Waves produced by earthquakes that help us study the inner layers of earth
  7. The solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  8. Thicker, less dense crust
  9. When one tectonic plates drives under another
  10. When two plates come together
  11. When two plates pull apart
  1. A semi-fluid layer of solid liquid rock
  2. A single landmass that includes two or more continents
  3. A break in the earths crust that moves
  4. when two plates grind past each other
  5. Extremely deep areas in the ocean that are created by a subducting plate
  6. The movement of a fluid, caused by differences in temperature, that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another
  7. How much mass there is in any given volume
  8. The state of matter the earth's inner core is
  9. A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth

20 Clues: Thicker, less dense crustWhen two plates pull apartWhen two plates come togetherA solid mass of iron and nickelwhen two plates grind past each otherA break in the earths crust that movesA semi-fluid layer of solid liquid rockHow much mass there is in any given volumeA large, slowly moving body of snow and ice...

Plate Tectonics & Ocean Floor 2020-11-13

Plate Tectonics & Ocean Floor crossword puzzle
  1. Ocean floor feature found at a divergent boundary, underwater mountain range.
  2. A flat-topped, submerged inactive volcano.
  3. Sediment formed from living organisms.
  4. Settling of sediments out of the water.
  5. Organic or inorganic particles that accumulate in a loose form.
  6. Sediment formed from particles dissolved in water.
  7. Plate boundary in which Earth's plates slide past each other.
  8. The layer of Earth between the crust and core.
  9. Sediment formed from particles from space.
  10. Small, sediment-covered inactive volcano, found on the abyssal plain.
  11. The hot layer of Earth's upper mantle below the crust.
  12. Large destructive wave commonly caused by underwater earthquakes.
  13. Movement of sediments through the action of wind, gravity, and moving water.
  14. Sediment formed from weathering and erosion of land.
  1. Deep, narrow valley with very steep sides found at subduction zones.
  2. Theory that the continents have moved slowly apart over the past 250 million years.
  3. A vent in the Earth's crust through which lava, steam, and ash are expelled.
  4. Breakdown of rocks & minerals by ice, water, and heat.
  5. Occurs when a dense, oceanic plate converges with a less dense continental plate, creates trenches.
  6. The gentle transition from the slope to the deep sea floor, created by the accumulation of sediments.
  7. A sudden motion of the Earth's crust resulting from plate movement.
  8. The greatly sloping transition between the shelf and rise.
  9. The outermost layer of Earth, top of the lithosphere.
  10. Name given by Alfred Wegener to the original "supercontinent."
  11. Vast, flat sediment-covered deep ocean floor.
  12. Type of current found in the mantle that causes the Earth's plates to move.
  13. The outermost layer of Earth, rigid layer of the mantle.
  14. Type of plate boundary in which the Earth's plates divide.
  15. Type of plate boundary in which the Earth's plates collide.
  16. Cone-shaped, underwater, volcanic mountain peak.
  17. The gently sloping submerged portion of a continent, just off land.

31 Clues: Sediment formed from living organisms.Settling of sediments out of the water.A flat-topped, submerged inactive volcano.Sediment formed from particles from space.Vast, flat sediment-covered deep ocean floor.The layer of Earth between the crust and core.Cone-shaped, underwater, volcanic mountain peak.Sediment formed from particles dissolved in water....

Chapter 5 Plate Tectonics 2020-11-02

Chapter 5 Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. vibrations that tell us about Earth's layers
  2. thick layer of hot rock, below lithosphere
  3. heat transfer that drives the plates
  4. liquid metal layer of Earth
  5. heat transfer, direct contact
  6. the "supercontinent"
  7. proposed the idea of continental drift
  8. technology that uses sound echoes
  9. generated by the liquid outer core
  10. decreases as heat is added
  1. found mid-ocean ridges
  2. definite volume but no definite shape
  3. freshwater creature, no salt water!
  4. soft part of upper mantle
  5. organisms make energy without light
  6. system of underwater mountains
  7. crust + uppermost mantle
  8. plates pull apart at a___boundary
  9. discovery that ocean crust moves
  10. idea that landmasses move
  11. trace of an organism
  12. transfer of heat through space

22 Clues: the "supercontinent"trace of an organismfound mid-ocean ridgescrust + uppermost mantlesoft part of upper mantleidea that landmasses movedecreases as heat is addedliquid metal layer of Earthheat transfer, direct contactsystem of underwater mountainstransfer of heat through spacediscovery that ocean crust movesplates pull apart at a___boundary...

Unit 4: Plate Tectonics 2020-02-12

Unit 4: Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Crust that is thinner and MORE dense.
  2. When tectonic plates move apart. "Di-" means "two."
  3. Scientist who came up with the Continental Drift Theory.
  4. Boundary between tectonic plates.
  5. Theory that states the continents have moved around over time.
  6. Means "Earth-ball."
  7. Layer under the Asthenosphere that is hardening due to increased pressure. Means "Middle-ball."
  8. Most rigid layer made of the crust and upper part of the mantle. Means "rock-ball."
  9. Layer made up of oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and calcium.
  10. Plastic-y semisolid layer that allows for convection currents of magma. Means "Weak-ball."
  11. Layer that is liquid due to iron and nickel being melted. This causes the magnetosphere.
  12. Happens at convergent boundary where denser crust slides underneath less dense crust.
  13. Mostly made up of iron and nickel.
  1. Happens at transform boundary where plates slide across each other horizontally.
  2. Deepest layer of Earth that is solid due to pressure.
  3. Happens at divergent boundary where mantle cools to become new crust.
  4. When tectonic plate move towards each other. "Con-" means "with."
  5. Supercontinent made up of all landmasses scientists believe formed over 300 million years ago and split up over time. Means "All-land."
  6. Has more magnesium and iron than the crust and has the most volume of the layers.
  7. Crust that is thicker and LESS dense.
  8. Theory that states that Earth's Lithosphere is divided into sever slabs/parts that glide over the Asthenosphere.
  9. Study of ancient life. Means "ancient-life-study."
  10. When tectonic plates slide past each other. "Trans-" means "across."

23 Clues: Means "Earth-ball."Boundary between tectonic plates.Mostly made up of iron and nickel.Crust that is thinner and MORE dense.Crust that is thicker and LESS dense.Study of ancient life. Means "ancient-life-study."When tectonic plates move apart. "Di-" means "two."Deepest layer of Earth that is solid due to pressure....

Earth Structure & Plate Tectonics 2021-05-20

Earth Structure & Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. molten rock that has been expelled from the interior of the Earth
  2. The thinnest earth layer and the only layer humans have ever dug
  3. molten rock that is within the Earth
  4. Tectonic plates move because of convection currents in the Earth’s mantle. These are driven by the ____ produced by the decay of radioactive elements inside the Earth.
  5. Which of the earth layers mostly consists of iron and nickel?
  6. A thin layer of Earth, about 150 miles thick, at the border between the mantle and the crust. It is very hot and nearly a liquid.
  7. Geologic formations that form when plates collide and one is pushed under the other. The Mariana ------- is an example.
  8. The middle layer of Earth's interior
  9. Primary state of matter of Earth's outer core
  10. Alfred Wegener proposed this theory at the beginning of the last century. It states that the continents were once all together in one land mass.
  11. Geologic formations that form when plates collide and push upward
  1. The crust and the upper layer of the mantle together make up this zone of rigid, brittle rock
  2. ____ occur when molten rock pushes up through weaknesses in the crust.
  3. A ---- is a crack between tectonic plates. Earthquakes often occur there.
  4. Earth's core is mostly made of this
  5. Inner core radiates its heat by....?
  6. A natural disaster that is caused by the movement of tectonic plates
  7. Earth's crust is broken into pieces called ____ plates.
  8. Primary state of matter of Earth's inner core
  9. ____ rocks are made when molten rock cools down and solidifies.

20 Clues: Earth's core is mostly made of thismolten rock that is within the EarthInner core radiates its heat by....?The middle layer of Earth's interiorPrimary state of matter of Earth's inner corePrimary state of matter of Earth's outer coreEarth's crust is broken into pieces called ____ plates.Which of the earth layers mostly consists of iron and nickel?...

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle 2021-11-09

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The layer of earth where convection currents take place
  2. a vibration that travels through the earth carrying the energy released by an earthquake
  3. a deep valley that is formed when to plates move apart
  4. The innermost/ densest layer of earth
  5. a system that determines the distance of an object underwater by recording the echoes of sound waves
  6. Two plates colliding
  7. the upper most layer of the mantle
  8. the name of a single landmass that broke up around 200-300 million years ago
  9. process by which a denser crust sinks down into the mantle
  10. a break in the earths lithosphere along which the rocks move along
  1. a liquid-like solid layer in the mantle that the plates float on
  2. Two plates separating
  3. Two plates sliding past each other
  4. a extensive break in the middle of the ocean which shows how plates are moving
  5. a deep valley along the ocean floor where the oceanic crust sinks into the mantle
  6. a process in which new land is created and the old land moves further away from where it was created
  7. The Scientist that created the plate Tectonics theory
  8. Large chunks of land that float on the mantle
  9. Alfred Wegener created this idea
  10. The outermost/ least dense layer of earth

20 Clues: Two plates collidingTwo plates separatingAlfred Wegener created this ideaTwo plates sliding past each otherthe upper most layer of the mantleThe innermost/ densest layer of earthThe outermost/ least dense layer of earthLarge chunks of land that float on the mantleThe Scientist that created the plate Tectonics theory...

Plate Tectonics CROSS/SEARCH 2022-03-01

Plate Tectonics CROSS/SEARCH crossword puzzle
  1. controls all body functions by sending and receiving messages up and down the spinal cord through the nerves
  2. Neuron A nerve that carries impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland
  3. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for auditory, memory
  4. A gap that separates the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next neuron
  5. Nerve that carries impulses to the brain or spinal cord
  6. Connector nerve cells that carry messages between sensory and motor neurons
  7. brings electrical signals towards the soma
  8. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for visual processing
  9. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for reasoning, planning
  10. A pathway in which your brain sends and receives information about what is happening in and around the body
  11. Specialized cells that carry messages through an electrochemical process
  12. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for movement, balance
  13. Carries messages to and from parts of the body to the central nervous system through nerves
  14. The message carried by neurons is called a nerve.
  1. Covers the axon and works like an insulator to keep the signal inside the cell
  2. Connects brain to spinal cord controls hunger, body temperature, blood pressure and breathing
  3. Made up of the brain and spinal cord
  4. Makes sure processes in your body work automatically
  5. Largest part of the brain that uses information from our senses to tell us what is going on and how to respond
  6. Located under the cerebrum in the back of the brain and controls balance and complex actions like walking
  7. Sends information through peripheral nerves to your central nervous system
  8. Takes information away from the soma
  9. An involuntary response to something, which happens quickly use to protect your body from harm
  10. Neuron cell body

24 Clues: Neuron cell bodyMade up of the brain and spinal cordTakes information away from the somabrings electrical signals towards the somaThe message carried by neurons is called a nerve.Makes sure processes in your body work automaticallyNerve that carries impulses to the brain or spinal cordLobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for auditory, memory...

Plate Tectonics Part One 2023-03-16

Plate Tectonics Part One crossword puzzle
  1. is a series of processes that create and transform the types of rocks in Earth's crust.
  2. Hot, liquid metal layer of earth
  3. Loose Earth materials, such as sand, soil, & rocks found on the surface of the Earth.
  4. rocks formed from cooled/solidified molten rock.
  5. Cool & rocky, surface layer of earth
  6. rocks formed from extreme heat and pressure.
  7. Solid rock found everywhere on Earth, often under SEDIMENT.
  8. Is a sudden & violent shaking of the ground, sometimes causing great destruction, as a result of movements within the earth's crust.
  9. The plane or a rupture zone along which two rocks mov
  10. The surface location of the earthquake, directly above the focus.
  1. Describes the damage of the earthquake.
  2. Plate material containing DENSER BASALT that is usually found under the ocean.
  3. rocks formed from compacted sediment.
  4. Plate material containing LESS DENSE GRANITE that is usually found underground on continents.
  5. Large slabs of solid, cool rock on the Earth's crust that moves slowly.
  6. How the energy of the earthquake travels.
  7. Hottest, solid metal ball of earth
  8. Measures the energy (or strength) of the earthquake.
  9. Hot, magma flowing layer of earth
  10. The starting point of the earthquake.

20 Clues: Hot, liquid metal layer of earthHot, magma flowing layer of earthHottest, solid metal ball of earthCool & rocky, surface layer of earthrocks formed from compacted sediment.The starting point of the earthquake.Describes the damage of the earthquake.How the energy of the earthquake formed from extreme heat and pressure....

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2024-01-12

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Rising magma pushing ends of plates up and apart (2 words)
  2. Landform created when continental plates separate (2 words)
  3. Type of crust that is more dense and younger
  4. Landform created when 2 oceanic plates collide (3 words)
  5. Landform created when 2 continental plates collide (2 words)
  6. First person to suggest the existence of Pangaea (2 words)
  7. Source of thermal energy for convection currents in the mantle
  8. Movement that occurs in the mantle and moves the plates (2 words)
  9. Boundary where two plates collide
  10. Border where two plates interact
  11. Continental plates do not subduct because they are less __ than oceanic plates
  1. Sinking end of plate pulling remaining plate into mantle (2 words)
  2. Where new oceanic crust forms (3 words)
  3. Area where one plate sinks under another plate (2 words)
  4. Type of crust that is less dense and thicker
  5. Giant chunks of Earth's crust (2 words)
  6. Boundary where two plates divide
  7. Boundary where two plates slide
  8. Landform created when 2 plates slide alongside of each other
  9. Occur at ALL types of plate boundaries (Can be deep or shallow)
  10. When oceanic plates collide, what determines which subducts?
  11. Thinnest and outermost layer of Earth
  12. Deep landform created by a subducting plate

23 Clues: Boundary where two plates slideBoundary where two plates divideBorder where two plates interactBoundary where two plates collideThinnest and outermost layer of EarthWhere new oceanic crust forms (3 words)Giant chunks of Earth's crust (2 words)Deep landform created by a subducting plateType of crust that is less dense and thicker...

💥 PLATE TECTONICS 💥 2023-11-28

💥 PLATE TECTONICS 💥 crossword puzzle
  1. a device used to measure the vibrations of an earthquake
  2. when one tectonic plate moves under the other
  3. the liquid layer of the core of the earth
  4. where two tectonic plates are separating from each other
  5. when the earth begins to shake uncontrollably due to seismic waves
  6. a well known tectonic belt where many of the world's volcanoes are located
  7. the outermost and thinnest layer of the earth
  8. the theory that the continents are constantly drifting away from each other
  9. boundary where two tectonic plates meet
  10. a vent in the earth that erupts
  11. the layer of the earth in between the crust and the core
  12. the bottom of the ocean
  1. where oceanic plates sink down into the earth
  2. the exact middle point of an earthquake
  3. the scale at which the intensity of an earthquake is measured
  4. where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally
  5. the large landmass that used to be every continent combined
  6. the solid innermost layer of the core of the earth
  7. a place where two tectonic plates slide past each other
  8. the movement of the Earth's crust

20 Clues: the bottom of the oceana vent in the earth that eruptsthe movement of the Earth's crustthe exact middle point of an earthquakeboundary where two tectonic plates meetthe liquid layer of the core of the earthwhere oceanic plates sink down into the earthwhen one tectonic plate moves under the otherthe outermost and thinnest layer of the earth...

💥 PLATE TECTONICS 💥 2023-11-28

💥 PLATE TECTONICS 💥 crossword puzzle
  1. a device used to measure the vibrations of an earthquake
  2. when one tectonic plate moves under the other
  3. the liquid layer of the core of the earth
  4. where two tectonic plates are separating from each other
  5. when the earth begins to shake uncontrollably due to seismic waves
  6. a well known tectonic belt where many of the world's volcanoes are located
  7. the outermost and thinnest layer of the earth
  8. the theory that the continents are constantly drifting away from each other
  9. boundary where two tectonic plates meet
  10. a vent in the earth that erupts
  11. the layer of the earth in between the crust and the core
  12. the bottom of the ocean
  1. where oceanic plates sink down into the earth
  2. the exact middle point of an earthquake
  3. the scale at which the intensity of an earthquake is measured
  4. where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally
  5. the large landmass that used to be every continent combined
  6. the solid innermost layer of the core of the earth
  7. a place where two tectonic plates slide past each other
  8. the movement of the Earth's crust

20 Clues: the bottom of the oceana vent in the earth that eruptsthe movement of the Earth's crustthe exact middle point of an earthquakeboundary where two tectonic plates meetthe liquid layer of the core of the earthwhere oceanic plates sink down into the earthwhen one tectonic plate moves under the otherthe outermost and thinnest layer of the earth...

Yaretzi Camila Padilla 2022-04-28

Yaretzi Camila Padilla crossword puzzle
  1. tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer shell
  2. change a thing into a different thing.
  3. by solidification of magma igneous rock.
  4. drift is the hypothesis that the Earth's continents have moved over geologic time relative to each other
  1. of, resembling, or containing sediment.
  2. or extending in different directions from a common point
  3. matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid.
  4. ,pertaining to or characterized by change of form, or metamorphosis.
  5. sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate.
  6. occurs when plates move towards each other and collide.

10 Clues: change a thing into a different thing.of, resembling, or containing solidification of magma igneous rock.matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid.tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer shelloccurs when plates move towards each other and collide.or extending in different directions from a common point...

Science Crossword Puzzle By Andrew Yee 2021-12-06

Science Crossword Puzzle By Andrew Yee crossword puzzle
  1. a series of mountains or mountain ridges
  2. Consists of an upper mantle and an crust
  3. Goes downward and sideward of the edge edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath the ocean
  4. Is a really shallow part an can only occur an Low
  5. movements
  6. a scientific theory that explains how major
  7. a seafloor mountain system formed by plate tectonics
  1. Its nearly above the water near the surface
  2. Is a crust that is under the ocean
  3. are created as a result of Earth's
  4. in position and direction
  5. its an displacement in the earth crust
  6. Is a shallow part of the ocean nearly near the upper

13 Clues: movementsin position and directionIs a crust that is under the oceanare created as a result of Earth'sits an displacement in the earth crusta series of mountains or mountain ridgesConsists of an upper mantle and an crustIts nearly above the water near the surfacea scientific theory that explains how major...

Mary Jeanne's Crossword Puzzle 2015-04-30

Mary Jeanne's Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the hypothetical landmass that existed when all continents were joined, from about 300 to 200 million years ago.
  2. the lateral movement of continents resulting from the motion of crustal plates.
  3. the portion of motion of a tectonic plate that can be accounted for by its subduction
  4. a large elongated depression with steep walls formed by the downward displacement of a block of the earth's surface between nearly parallel faults or fault systems
  5. a theory of global tectonics in which the lithosphere is divided into a number of crustal plates, each of which moves on the plastic asthenosphere more or less independently to collide with, slide under, or move past adjacent plates.
  6. a process in which new ocean floor is created as molten material from the earth's mantle rises in margins between plates or ridges and spreads out.
  7. is a linear feature that exists between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other
  1. magnetic polarization acquired by the minerals in a rock at the time the rock was deposited or solidified.
  2. is where two of the floats - two tectonic plates - side alongside each other
  3. A change in the Earth's magnetic field resulting in the magnetic north being aligned with the geographic south, and the magnetic south being aligned with the geographic north
  4. the process by which collision of the earth's crustal plates results in one plate's being drawn down or overridden by another
  5. is an actively deforming region where two (or more) tectonic plates or fragments of the lithosphere move toward one another and collide
  6. the slope of the line is related to the age of the rock or mineral suite
  7. an instrument for measuring the intensity of a magnetic field, especially the earth's magnetic field
  8. sliding plate force is a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics

15 Clues: the slope of the line is related to the age of the rock or mineral suiteis where two of the floats - two tectonic plates - side alongside each otherthe lateral movement of continents resulting from the motion of crustal plates.sliding plate force is a proposed mechanism for plate motion in plate tectonics...

Geothermal Energy 2023-02-20

Geothermal Energy crossword puzzle
  1. Natural disasters caused by plate tectonics combining
  2. A person that discovered a
  3. something warming up
  4. energy Used to power electronical items
  5. Friendly to the earth's natural environments
  6. Natural terrain that holds Magma and lava
  7. A pond of Boiling water
  1. thermal energy from the earth's core.
  2. Produced by the earth's core.
  3. The heat transfer of motion.
  4. The first person to use Geothermal energy.
  5. something freezing up

12 Clues: something warming upsomething freezing upA pond of Boiling waterA person that discovered aThe heat transfer of motion.Produced by the earth's core.thermal energy from the earth's Used to power electronical itemsNatural terrain that holds Magma and lavaThe first person to use Geothermal energy.Friendly to the earth's natural environments...

Plate Tectonics by Cole Murphy 2014-11-23

Plate Tectonics by Cole Murphy crossword puzzle
  1. The outer most layer of the earth.
  2. The ________ boundary where plates move away fom each other.
  3. The innermost layer of the earth.
  4. The hypothesis that continents slowly move across the earth's surface is __________ drift.
  5. The ________ boundary where plates slide past each other.
  6. The result of force distributed over an area.
  7. Earthquakes often occur at _______.
  8. The layer of hot viscous rock between the crust and core.
  9. _______ is the amount of mass in a given volume.
  1. The earth's surface is always _________.
  2. The name of the process where one tectonic plate moves under another and sinks into the mantle.
  3. Who first proposed Plate Tectonics theory?
  4. In order for an idea to become a theory you need.
  5. Transform Boundaries can cause _______.
  6. The _______ boundary is where plates move towards each other.
  7. San Andreas fault is a _________ boundary.
  8. How many layers make up the earth?
  9. Divergent Boundaries cause oceans to grow _______.

18 Clues: The innermost layer of the earth.The outer most layer of the earth.How many layers make up the earth?Earthquakes often occur at _______.Transform Boundaries can cause _______.The earth's surface is always _________.Who first proposed Plate Tectonics theory?San Andreas fault is a _________ boundary.The result of force distributed over an area....

Plate Tectonics & Seafloor 2022-02-14

Plate Tectonics & Seafloor crossword puzzle
  1. Evidence used to support continental drift
  2. Evidence of past species or life
  3. Where old crust is recycled
  4. Reaction from two tectonic plates moving
  5. Developed the idea of seafloor spreading
  6. Outer layer of the Earth
  7. Developed the idea of Continental Drift
  1. Hot molten rock in the mantle
  2. Layer beneath the crust
  3. Moving away from each other
  4. Moving toward each other
  5. Where hot magma comes up to create new crust
  6. When one plate moves below another plate

13 Clues: Layer beneath the crustMoving toward each otherOuter layer of the EarthMoving away from each otherWhere old crust is recycledHot molten rock in the mantleEvidence of past species or lifeDeveloped the idea of Continental DriftReaction from two tectonic plates movingDeveloped the idea of seafloor spreadingWhen one plate moves below another plate...

SEA crossword puzzle 2022-04-28

SEA crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a landlocked country
  2. the most densely populated island
  3. a theory that communism would spread to neighboring countries.
  4. a river located in the country of Thailand
  5. where major plate tectonics meet
  6. opposite of communism
  7. capital of Vietnam
  1. largest country in SEA
  2. smallest country in SEA
  3. body of water in between India and Myanmar
  4. capital of Myanmar
  5. a place that is a country and a city
  6. government type opposite of the US's
  7. country with 7,000 islands
  8. a cause of most of the major wars fought in SEA

15 Clues: capital of Myanmarcapital of Vietnama landlocked countryopposite of communismlargest country in SEAsmallest country in SEAcountry with 7,000 islandswhere major plate tectonics meetthe most densely populated islanda place that is a country and a citygovernment type opposite of the US'sbody of water in between India and Myanmar...

Cool science 2024-02-08

Cool science crossword puzzle
  1. solid, outer part of the earth
  2. a geological process
  3. largest layer
  4. 1 percent of the earth
  5. force that squeezes something together
  6. two substances mixed together
  7. boundary plates move away from each other
  8. boundary plates slide sideways past each other
  9. boundary when two plates come together
  1. portion of the earth's mantle
  2. properties involve a reaction to an applied load
  3. tectonics theory made by Alfred Wegner
  4. the highest layer of the atmosphere
  5. core hot, metal ball made of iron
  6. zone locations on earth
  7. cracks in the earth
  8. drift movement of tectonic plates
  9. plates slabs of rock
  10. center of the earth
  11. core layer that is 1300 miles thick

20 Clues: largest layercracks in the earthcenter of the eartha geological processplates slabs of rock1 percent of the earthzone locations on earthportion of the earth's mantletwo substances mixed togethersolid, outer part of the earthdrift movement of tectonic platesthe highest layer of the atmospherecore layer that is 1300 miles thick...

Plate Tectonics CW 1 2022-09-20

Plate Tectonics CW 1 crossword puzzle
  1. All the oceans, rivers, lakes and water on Earth. It comes from the word “Hydro” which means “water.”
  2. Movement caused by warm fluids rising and cooler fluids sinking.
  3. The outer most layer of the Earth. This is the layer we walk on.
  4. a theory that proposes that magma under Earth’s crust is forced up toward the surface at the mid-ocean ridges, forming new seafloor
  5. A solid form of carbon dioxide that is very cold and turns directly from a solid to a gas.
  6. Wegener’s hypothesis that all continents were once connected in a large landmass that broke apart & drifted slowly to their current positions
  7. large, slow moving bodies of ice on land
  8. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move towards each other.
  9. When two tectonic plates slowly crash into each other and mountains are formed.
  10. melted rock
  11. A scientist who studies earthquakes.
  12. To reuse something that would have otherwise been thrown out or to turn it into something usable again instead of sending it to a landfill.
  13. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates move away from each other.
  14. the layer below the lithosphere and is plasticlike
  15. All the living things on Earth. It comes from the word “Bio” which means “life.”
  1. a cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinking
  2. When one tectonic plate converges under another due to density differences.
  3. All the rock, soil and sediments that makeup Earth’s land. It comes from the word “Geo” which means “Earth.”
  4. Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.
  5. a chain of ridges and valleys stretching along Earth’s ocean floor
  6. A boundary of two tectonic plates where the plates slide past each other.
  7. pull-apart forces
  8. a single landmass composed of all the continents joined together
  9. this layer is formed with the crust and rigid upper mantle, and is above the asthenosphere
  10. All the gases surrounding the earth. It comes from the word “Atmos” which means “air.”
  11. the process of moving things from one place to another.
  12. large sections of Earth’s crust and upper mantle

27 Clues: melted rockpull-apart forcesA scientist who studies earthquakes.Slowly moving pieces of Earth’s crust.large, slow moving bodies of ice on landa cycle of heating, rising, cooling and sinkinglarge sections of Earth’s crust and upper mantlethe layer below the lithosphere and is plasticlikethe process of moving things from one place to another....

Plate Tectonics - Science 10 2022-10-09

Plate Tectonics - Science 10 crossword puzzle
  2. This type of plate boundary has resulted from the collision of plates
  3. the highest peak in the Philippines
  4. refers to a deep part of the ocean and is caused by a convergence of plates
  5. __________ boundary happens when plates move apart from each other causing to a formation of new crust
  6. the Himalayas mountain range was formed by the convergence of eurasian and ___________ plates
  7. ___________ process where a denser plate moves beneath/under a less dense plate
  8. Oceanic __________ is also referred to as underwater mountain ranges and is caused by the divergence of plates
  9. the longest mountain range in the philippines spanning for over 540 kilometers
  10. a lowland region that forms where Earth's tectonic plates move apart,
  11. the ductile and viscous later of the earth just below the lithosphere, including the upper mantle
  4. Mt. _____________ is the highest elevation on earth and is part of the Himalayas Mountain Range
  5. ___________ zone is formed when two continental plates converge forming mountain ranges
  6. __________ method is used to locate the epicenter of an earthquake using distance information from at least three seismic stations
  8. __________ fault boundary happens when plates slide or grind past each other without diverging or converging


Plate Tectonics by Tadhg 2020-06-01

Plate Tectonics by Tadhg crossword puzzle
  1. the rigid outer part of the earth
  2. the point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake
  3. a mountain or hill in which lava or hot fragments of rock erupt from
  4. the force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth
  5. another name for core
  6. the sideways and downward movement of the edge of a plate of the earth's crust into the mantle beneath another plate
  7. an instrument that measures and records details of earthquakes
  8. a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth
  9. the outermost shell of earth
  10. he solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets
  11. the upper layer of the earth's mantle, below the lithosphere
  12. the layer just beneath the crust
  13. the centre of the earth
  14. hot molten or semi-fluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure
  15. the branch of physics that deals with the deformation and flow of matter
  16. relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust
  17. a sudden violent shaking of the ground
  18. the branch of science concerned with earthquakes
  19. a line on a rock surface or the ground that traces a geological fault
  20. a volcano that will no longer erupt
  1. the person who came up with the Pangea theory
  2. the science which deals with the physical structure and substance of the earth
  3. a smaller earthquake following the main shock of a large earthquake
  4. the great size or extent of something
  5. hot fluid or semi-fluid material below or within the earth's crust
  6. continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it
  7. a dark fine-grained volcanic rock that sometimes displays a columnar structure
  8. the outermost layer that we live on
  9. a slight earthquake
  10. the gradual movement of the continents across the earth's surface
  11. a volcano that hasn't erupted in a long time but is set to erupt in the future
  12. a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level
  13. large-scale processes affecting the structure of the earth's crust
  14. wave, an elastic wave in the earth produced by an earthquake or other means
  15. the planet we live on
  16. the hypothetical landmass that existed when all continents were joined
  17. the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance
  18. the region of the earth's interior between the crust and the core
  19. a sharp change of pressure in a narrow region travelling through a medium
  20. the mass of a substance per unit volume

40 Clues: a slight earthquakeanother name for corethe planet we live onthe centre of the earththe outermost shell of earththe layer just beneath the crustthe rigid outer part of the earththe outermost layer that we live ona volcano that will no longer eruptthe great size or extent of somethinga sudden violent shaking of the ground...

Plate Tectonics Vocab Crossword 2021-04-14

Plate Tectonics Vocab Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Earth's outermost layer
  2. current a current caused by the rising of heated fluid and sinking of cooled fluid
  3. Ridge divergent boundary in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean
  4. plate boundary forms where two plates slide past each other
  5. the shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth's surface
  6. crust a solid, thin outermost layer of Earth
  7. the layer of hot, solid material between Earth's crust and core
  8. spreading the process that creates new sea floor as plates move away from each other at the mid-ocean ridges
  9. plate boundary where two plates are moving apart, magma comes up to create new crust
  10. spot a volcanically active area of Earth's surface far from a tectonic plate boundary
  11. the supercontinent containing all of Earth's land that existed about 225 million years ago
  12. plate boundary an area where plates move toward one another and collide
  13. crust thinner, more dense, younger crust making ocean floor
  14. core a dense sphere of solid iron and nickel at the center of Earth
  1. one plate going under another plate
  2. drift the hypothesis that states that the continents once formed a single landmass, broke up, and drifted to their present locations
  3. plates large movable plates under the Earth's surface.
  4. the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  5. core a layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth
  6. a weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface
  7. a crack in the earth's crust
  8. valley a valley formed by the separation of tectonic plates
  9. extremely deep areas in the ocean that are created by a subducting plate
  10. the soft layer of the mantle on which the lithosphere floats
  11. a landform with high elevation and high relief and formed by movement of the tectonic plates in the Earth's crust

25 Clues: Earth's outermost layera crack in the earth's crustone plate going under another platecrust a solid, thin outermost layer of Earthplate boundary forms where two plates slide past each otherplates large movable plates under the Earth's surface.a weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface...

Plate Tectonics Test Review 2023-03-15

Plate Tectonics Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. ____________ crust is thin and dense.
  2. The broad gently sloping volcano that mostly nonexplosive.
  3. The metamorphic rock that limestone turns into.
  4. All are inorganic, solid, natural, crystalline, and have chemical composition.
  5. The boundary type where plates come together.
  6. Stress at a strike slip fault
  7. Where convection currents move the plates.
  8. Process where crust is destroyed.
  9. Has pea sized tephra fragments piled around a vent.
  10. The circle of active volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean.
  11. ________ is an organic sedimentary rock used for energy production.
  12. The metamorphic rock that sandstone turns into.
  13. Stress at a normal fault.
  14. Common example of strike slip (side by side) plate motion at the surface.
  15. Seconds that separate P and S waves if you are 400km from epicenter (use chart on back of notes).
  16. The number of half lives that have occured if 1/16 parent isotope remains.
  17. The rock type that can contain fossils.
  18. Way s waves move relative to the direction of motion.
  1. Point where an earthquake originates below the surface.
  2. Steep sided with alternating layers of tephra and magma.
  3. Densest layer over 12g/mL.
  4. The boundary type at the mid ocean ridge.
  5. Stress at a reverse fault.
  6. fool's gold mineral name
  7. ______ rocks are classified as intrusive or extrusive.
  8. The Metamorphic rock that shale turns into.
  9. __________ rocks have small grains because they have cool quickly on the surface.
  10. Rocks are classified into 3 groups based on their ______ (how they formed).
  11. The type of mining that has the LEAST impact on the environment (of the surface).
  12. Color of mineral powder when rubbed on rough surface.
  13. A visual inspection of a mineral described as metallic or nonmetallic.
  14. The boundary that never has volcanoes.
  15. If a mineral scratches calcite with a hardness of 3, but is scratched by apatite with a hardness of 5...what is the mineral hardness.
  16. Country found at the top of the mid ocean ridge.

34 Clues: fool's gold mineral nameStress at a normal fault.Densest layer over 12g/mL.Stress at a reverse fault.Stress at a strike slip faultProcess where crust is destroyed.____________ crust is thin and dense.The boundary that never has volcanoes.The rock type that can contain fossils.The boundary type at the mid ocean ridge....

Chapter 14 - Plate Tectonics 2023-04-28

Chapter 14 - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. event in which the magnetic field reverses direction
  2. hypothesis that continents are in constant motion
  3. naturally preserved remains, imprints, or traces of organisms
  4. plate boundary where two plates separate
  5. new oceanic crust forms at a mid-ocean ridge as old oceanic crust moves away
  6. Wegener could not explain the ___________ that caused the continents to move.
  7. plate boundary where two plates collide
  8. mountain range located on the seafloor in the middle of the ocean
  9. plate boundary where two plates slide by each other
  10. force created by rising mantle of ocean ridges that creates potential for plates to move away from the ridge
  1. ancient supercontinent, composed of land that forms today’s continents
  2. polarity of magnetic field in which magnets orient themselves to point south
  3. sinking of a denser plate below a more buoyant plate at a convergent plate boundary
  4. cold, rigid outermost rock layer of Earth
  5. middle layer of Earth situated between the crust above and the core below
  6. Alfred Wegener proposed that at one time all the continents were part of one large __________.
  7. Continental drift is the slow ___________ of Earth’s continental plates.
  8. polarity of today’s magnetic field; magnets orient themselves to point north
  9. circulation of material caused by differences in temperature and density
  10. capable of being molded or changing shape
  11. theory that Earth’s surface is made of rock plates that move with respect to each other
  12. Wegener noticed that the shapes of the coastlines of the continents fit together much like pieces of a ___________.
  13. Evidence of __________ in places that are now warm supported Wegener's hypothesis.
  14. The farther away rocks are from the mid- ocean ridge, the _________ they are.
  15. force created by sinking of a plate, or slab, that pulls on the rest of the plate

25 Clues: plate boundary where two plates collideplate boundary where two plates separatecold, rigid outermost rock layer of Earthcapable of being molded or changing shapehypothesis that continents are in constant motionplate boundary where two plates slide by each otherevent in which the magnetic field reverses direction...

River's Plate tectonics crossword 2012-12-03

River's Plate tectonics crossword crossword puzzle
  1. trench long narrow steep-sided depression in the earth's oceanic crust
  2. merging
  3. the crust and upper mantel of the earth
  4. upper layer of earth's mantel
  5. limit
  6. the strength and vitality required for sustaining physical or mental activity
  7. to change in form, appearance of structure
  8. vent in the earth's crust through which lava, steam, ashes, etc., are expelled, either continuously or at irregular intervals
  9. core solid sphere in the middle of the fluid core such as the iron-nickel core of the Earth
  10. movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and therefore less dense to rise
  11. hot molten or semi-fluid rock erupted from a volcano or surface
  12. ocean ridge long mountain range on the ocean floor
  13. rising or falling, increasing or decreasing, according to a standard or to a set of conditions
  1. boundary is the place where two plates meet
  2. crust that part of the earth's crust that underlies the continents and continental shelves
  3. sea trench hemispheric-scale long but narrow topographic depressions of the sea floor
  4. a theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust
  5. a large natural elevation of the earths surface
  6. hit with force
  7. valley sub sea chasm extending along the crest of a mid-ocean ridge, locus of the magma upwelling that accompany seafloor spreading

20 Clues: limitmerginghit with forceupper layer of earth's mantelthe crust and upper mantel of the earthto change in form, appearance of structureboundary is the place where two plates meeta large natural elevation of the earths surfaceocean ridge long mountain range on the ocean floora theory explaining the structure of the earth's crust...

Geology and Plate Tectonics 2012-12-16

Geology and Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. Type of crust that is made up of granite.
  2. The result of the continental and oceanic crusts meeting.
  3. What is inside the mantle.
  4. Where the tectonic plates are located.
  5. The pulling apart of the sea floor at the ridge.
  6. Two plates sliding side-by-side.
  7. Where new rocks form from rising magma.
  8. ________ created the first proposed rock cycle.
  9. The dividing or pulling apart of plates.
  10. Type of crust that is made up of basalt.
  1. A new form of technology that bounced sound waves off of the ocean floor.
  2. What is outside of the mantle.
  3. The force that derives plate movement.
  4. The coming or pushing together of plates.
  5. Discovered the process called sea-floor spreading.
  6. The supercontinent that was theorized by Alfred Wegener.
  7. An area where a lot of subduction activity occurs.
  8. The study of the Earth and the forces that change the shape of the Earth.
  9. The process of one plate sliding below the other.
  10. A well researched idea or thought that has not been proven a fact.

20 Clues: What is inside the mantle.What is outside of the mantle.Two plates sliding side-by-side.The force that derives plate movement.Where the tectonic plates are located.Where new rocks form from rising magma.The dividing or pulling apart of plates.Type of crust that is made up of basalt.Type of crust that is made up of granite....

Plate tectonics, Earthquakes & Volcanoes! 2013-05-29

Plate tectonics, Earthquakes & Volcanoes! crossword puzzle
  1. A ring like area where there are a lot of volcanoes is the called the ring of
  2. One of the huge sections which make up the Earth's crust
  3. When one play goes underneath another
  4. Islands chains can be made from ... volcanoes
  5. The theory that the continents where all one land mass
  6. The point where an earthquakes power is released from is the ep
  7. Two plates moving towards each other
  8. Molten rock
  9. An earthquake which occurs after the initial shock
  10. The layer of rock that lies between the crust and the outer core of the Earth
  1. Plates that move away from each other are
  2. The cycle of heat inside the earth
  3. Two plates moving past each other
  4. line An area where earthquakes are likely to happen are called f
  5. An event that shakes the ground causing damage
  6. Earthquakes are described by the theory of plate
  7. An underwater mountain system could be called a mid-ocean
  8. Outer layer of the earth
  9. A measurement of the strength of an earthquake
  10. Comes out of volcanoes, super hot

20 Clues: Molten rockOuter layer of the earthTwo plates moving past each otherComes out of volcanoes, super hotThe cycle of heat inside the earthTwo plates moving towards each otherWhen one play goes underneath anotherPlates that move away from each other areIslands chains can be made from ... volcanoesAn event that shakes the ground causing damage...

Plate Tectonics and Geology 2013-02-15

Plate Tectonics and Geology crossword puzzle
  1. A single landmass on Earth about 300 million years ago
  2. A German scientist that proposed the theory of continental drift
  3. The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle
  4. A dense ball of solid metal.
  5. Breaks in Earths crust where rocks have slipped past each other
  6. A layer of molten metal surrounding the inner core
  7. Heat transfer between materials that are touching
  8. A group of parts that work together as a whole
  9. The parts of Earth where that contain living organisms make this up
  1. Results from a force pressing on an area
  2. Has three main parts: a metal core, a solid middle layer, and a rocky outer layer
  3. Any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
  4. Contains all of Earths water
  5. The layer of rock that forms that Earths outer skin
  6. A dark, fine-grained rock
  7. Heat transfer by the movement of a fluid
  8. A layer of hot rock
  9. The Earths outermost layer
  10. Transfer of energy that is carried in rays
  11. The ability to do work

20 Clues: A layer of hot rockThe ability to do workA dark, fine-grained rockThe Earths outermost layerContains all of Earths waterA dense ball of solid metal.Results from a force pressing on an areaHeat transfer by the movement of a fluidTransfer of energy that is carried in raysA group of parts that work together as a whole...

chapter 10 plate tectonics 2013-10-31

chapter 10 plate tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. contain large areas of stable rock
  2. boundary boundary in which two plates slide past each other horizontally
  3. single large ocean that covered earths surface during the time the supercontinent
  4. cycle form an break apart over time
  5. the study of magnetic properties of rock
  6. boundary 2 plates move away from each other
  7. drift a germen scientist names Alfred Wegener proposed a hypothesis
  8. terranes may be small volcanic or underwater valcaones
  9. rigid upper part of the mantle form a layer of earth
  10. process in which continents break apart
  11. ridge undersea mountain range through the center of which run steep, narrow valleys
  1. exposed at earths surface
  2. boundaries plate boundaries that form where 2 plate collide
  3. piece of lithosphere that has a unique geologic history that differs from the history of the surrounding lithosphere
  4. continents arranged into large landmasses
  5. layer of plastic rock just below the lithosphere
  6. terrane becomes part of a continent
  7. form on top of seamounts
  8. formed over 30 million years ago
  9. spreading new ocean floor forms when magma rises to earths surface and solidifies at a mid ocean ridge

20 Clues: form on top of seamountsexposed at earths surfaceformed over 30 million years agocontain large areas of stable rockcycle form an break apart over timeterrane becomes part of a continentprocess in which continents break apartthe study of magnetic properties of rockcontinents arranged into large landmassesboundary 2 plates move away from each other...


  1. Magma may form when this is added to hot rock.
  2. Magma that cools below the Earth's surface forming intrusive igneous rock bodies
  3. One of Earth's major earthquake zones
  4. a form of ductile strain in which rock layers ben, usually as a result of compression
  5. magma rich in magnesium and iron and is commonly dark in color
  6. a seismic wave that causes particles of rock to move in a back and forth direction parallel to the direction the wave is traveling
  7. a measure of the strentgth of an earthquake
  8. commonly form as the result of the collision of tectonic plates
  9. a seismic wave that causes particles of rock to move in a side to side direction perpendicular to the direction in which the wave is traveling
  10. magma that flows onto the Earth's surface
  1. used by scientists to record earthquake vibrations
  2. often caused by ocean-floor earthquakes
  3. a series of mountains that are closely related in orientation, age, and mode of formation
  4. fragments of rock that form during a volcanic eruption
  5. a break in a body of rock along which one block slides relative to another
  6. the bending, tilting, and breaking of Earth's crust; the change in shape or volume of rock in response to stress
  7. the measure of the effects of an earthquake
  8. the point on Earht's surface directly above an earthquake's starting point, or focus
  9. Areas of volcanic activity that are located over rising mantle plumes that can exist far from tectonic plate boundaries
  10. any chain in a rock's shape or volume caused by stress

20 Clues: One of Earth's major earthquake zonesoften caused by ocean-floor earthquakesmagma that flows onto the Earth's surfacethe measure of the effects of an earthquakea measure of the strentgth of an earthquakeMagma may form when this is added to hot rock.used by scientists to record earthquake vibrations...

Plate Tectonics - First Block 2014-09-29

Plate Tectonics - First Block crossword puzzle
  1. one plate moves under the other
  2. how thick a liquid is
  3. crack in the plates
  4. elevated region with a central valley on the ocean floor
  5. depth of earthquake
  6. the inside of the earth
  7. a current in a fluid that results from convection
  8. size of an earthquake
  9. come apart
  10. upper layer of the mantle below the lithosphere
  11. upper mantle and the crust
  1. the middle of the earth
  2. when 2 plates pass each other
  3. super continent
  4. when 2 plates collide the younger will rise over the other
  5. one plate slides past another
  6. linear shaped lowland between several mountians
  7. one plate slips down relative to the other
  8. one plate is moved upward to the other
  9. boundary pull apart
  10. ocean around the super continent

21 Clues: come apartsuper continentcrack in the platesdepth of earthquakeboundary pull aparthow thick a liquid issize of an earthquakethe middle of the earththe inside of the earthupper mantle and the crustwhen 2 plates pass each otherone plate slides past anotherone plate moves under the otherocean around the super continent...

Evolution and Plate Tectonics 2014-05-26

Evolution and Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. fossil copy of an organism in a rock
  2. impression of an organism in a rock
  3. preserved evidence of the activity of an organism
  4. person who studies plants and animals by observing them
  5. when all individuals of a species have died
  6. similar cells that work together and perform a function
  7. pulling force at a divergent boundary
  8. the breeding of organisms for desired characteristics
  9. characteristic of a species that enables the species to survive in its environment
  10. set of all the fossils ever discovered on Earth
  11. states that Earth’s crust is broken into rigid plates that move slowly over Earth’s surface
  12. squeezing force at a convergent boundary
  1. chart that divides Earth’s history into different time units
  2. hypothesis stating that continents move
  3. slight difference in the appearance of individual members of a species
  4. boundary where two plates move apart from each other
  5. resemblance of one species to another species
  6. boundary where plates slide horizontally past each other
  7. process by which populations of organisms with variations that help them survive in their environments live longer, compete better, and reproduce more than those that do not have the variations
  8. boundary where two plates move toward each other
  9. area where one plate slides under another
  10. adaptation that enables species to blend in with their environments
  11. change over time in populations of related organisms
  12. side-by-side dragging force at transform boundaries

24 Clues: impression of an organism in a rockfossil copy of an organism in a rockpulling force at a divergent boundaryhypothesis stating that continents movesqueezing force at a convergent boundaryarea where one plate slides under anotherwhen all individuals of a species have diedresemblance of one species to another species...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle. 2014-05-08

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle. crossword puzzle
  1. A number of rigid, but moving, pieces of the Earth's surface.
  2. The shaking of Earth's crust.
  3. Surface along which rocks break and move.
  4. The partially melted layer of the mantle that underlies the lithosphere.
  5. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric plates slide past each other.
  6. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates move apart.
  7. States that youngest rocks of ocean floor are at divergent boundaries, moving outward.
  8. The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.
  9. Waves of energy that reach Earth's surface during an earthquake, travel outward from the epicenter, and move rock particles up and down, and side to side.
  10. A long narrow valley on an ocean or sea floor.
  11. The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100 km.
  12. Energy waves that are produced at and travel outward from the earthquake's focus.
  1. Waves that travel outward from an Earthquake's focus and cause particles in rocks to move back and forth in the same direction the wave is moving.
  2. A hypothesis proposed by Alfred Wegener that the states that continents have moved slowly to their current locations on Earth.
  3. Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates come together.
  4. Single large landmass made up of all the continents connected together that broke apart 200 million years ago.
  5. Waves that travel outward from an earthquake's focus and move through Earth by causing particles in rocks to vibrate at right angles to the direction of the wave.
  6. The theory that Earth's crust and upper mantle are broken into sections.
  7. In an earthquake, the point beneath Earth's surface where energy release occurs.
  8. Opening in Earth's surface that often forms a mountain when layers of lava and volcanic ash erupt and build up.

20 Clues: The shaking of Earth's crust.Surface along which rocks break and move.A long narrow valley on an ocean or sea floor.The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core.Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates move apart.Forms when two (Crustal) Lithospheric Plates come together.The outer shell of Earth that extends to a depth of 100 km....

Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes 2014-10-28

Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes crossword puzzle
  1. Fault usually found at convergent plate boundaries
  2. Driving force of continental drift
  3. Formed when continental plates spread apart
  4. A plate boundary where plates are moving towards one another
  5. Break in the Earth's crust/lithosphere
  6. Large wave created by an undersea earthquake
  7. Fault with horizontal motion
  8. Underwater mountain chain along divergent plate boundary
  9. California's major fault
  10. A plate boundary where plates are spreading apart
  11. Fault usually found at divergent plate boundaries
  12. Supercontinent (means "worldwide earth" in Greek)
  1. The west coast of North America is made up of many ___________ terranes
  2. Process of one plate sinking beneath another
  3. 90% of the world's earthquakes are along the
  4. Northern supercontinent
  5. Ancient reptile that provided fossil evidence for continental drift
  6. Worldwide ocean
  7. New oceanic crust is formed during _________ spreading
  8. Instrument for measuring earthquakes
  9. Formed when two oceanic plates converge
  10. Southern supercontinent
  11. The point on the Earth's surface above an earthquake's location
  12. Discovered continental drift
  13. __________ magnitude scale
  14. Fault with vertical motion
  15. A more horizontal fault found at convergent plate boundaries

27 Clues: Worldwide oceanNorthern supercontinentSouthern supercontinentCalifornia's major fault__________ magnitude scaleFault with vertical motionFault with horizontal motionDiscovered continental driftDriving force of continental driftInstrument for measuring earthquakesBreak in the Earth's crust/lithosphereFormed when two oceanic plates converge...

Plate Tectonics & Earth's Layers 2016-01-10

Plate Tectonics & Earth's Layers crossword puzzle
  1. this is what happens when a plate moves BELOW another plate. For example, oceanic plates subducting under continental plates creates above ground volcanos.
  2. Heat & pressure do this, the further down you go from the Earth's crust to the core
  3. this is created when 2 oceanic plates spread apart. Seafloor spreading happens, when is what happens when new seafloor is being created; like when the Atlantic Ocean began growing.
  4. this part of the Earth's crust is found under the oceans AND is only about 5km thick.
  5. the type of movement that happens when 2 or more things come together.
  6. this is what is created when an oceanic plate moves below a continental plate, because the oceanic plate takes water with it; which mixes with magma.
  7. this is a landform made when 2 continental plates crash into each other and an upheaval of land/rock happens.
  8. sections of the Earth's crust that move, because of the convection currents in the mantle of the Earth
  9. this layer of the Earth is solid in the upper and lower parts, and is liquid-like in the middle; because convection currents causes flowing of the material here.
  10. a large break in the Earth's crust.
  11. a vibration of the Earth's plates that is caused by 2 plates sliding past each other AND getting stuck on one another.
  12. when convection currents do THIS, heat is taken away from the plates and the plates come closer together
  1. when convection currents do THIS, heat is added to the plates and the plates separate and move apart
  2. this is created when an older oceanic plate moves below another younger oceanic plate. Because the plate takes water with it when it moves below, it mixes with magma.
  3. this layer of the Earth's crust is solid, because there is SO MUCH heat and pressure, the nickel and iron metals are squeezed into a solid.
  4. these are the heat waves that travel through the Earth's mantle, and allow the plates on the crust to move.
  5. the type of movement that happens when 2 or more things spread apart.
  6. this layer of the Earth is the only COMPLETELY liquid layer of the Earth. It is made of two metals: nickel and iron.
  7. the movement of the Earth's crust upward. This upward motion creates mountains.
  8. Heat & pressure do this, the further up you go from the Earth's core to the crust
  9. this part of the Earth's crust is found under the continents AND is about 30km thick.
  10. the layer of the Earth we live on. This is the outermost layer of the Earth.
  11. this was the name of the Earth's continents, when all 7 of them were joined together, 200 million years ago.

23 Clues: a large break in the Earth's crust.the type of movement that happens when 2 or more things spread apart.the type of movement that happens when 2 or more things come together.the layer of the Earth we live on. This is the outermost layer of the Earth.the movement of the Earth's crust upward. This upward motion creates mountains....

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2018-02-20

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A large, slowly moving body of snow and ice
  2. The solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the rigid upper part of the mantle
  3. A break in the earths crust that moves
  4. Thickest layer of the Earth, part solid part liquid where convection currents are found
  5. When two plates come together
  6. Thicker, less dense crust
  7. The theory that the continents are moving very slowly
  8. when two plates grind past each other
  9. Extremely deep areas in the ocean that are created by a subducting plate
  10. A solid mass of iron and nickel
  11. When two plates pull apart
  12. How much mass there is in any given volume
  13. A semi-fluid layer of solid liquid rock
  1. A single landmass that includes two or more continents
  2. Thin, more dense than continental crust, subducting crust
  3. The movement of a fluid, caused by differences in temperature, that transfers heat from one part of the fluid to another
  4. When one tectonic plates drives under another
  5. A layer of molten iron and nickel that surrounds the inner core of Earth
  6. Waves produced by earthquakes that help us study the inner layers of earth
  7. The state of matter the earth's inner core is

20 Clues: Thicker, less dense crustWhen two plates pull apartWhen two plates come togetherA solid mass of iron and nickelwhen two plates grind past each otherA break in the earths crust that movesA semi-fluid layer of solid liquid rockHow much mass there is in any given volumeA large, slowly moving body of snow and ice...

Plate Tectonics CROSS/SEARCH 2022-03-01

Plate Tectonics CROSS/SEARCH crossword puzzle
  1. Covers the axon and works like an insulator to keep the signal inside the cell
  2. Nerve that carries impulses to the brain or spinal cord
  3. Connector nerve cells that carry messages between sensory and motor neurons
  4. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for visual processing
  5. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for movement, balance
  6. An involuntary response to something, which happens quickly use to protect your body from harm
  7. controls all body functions by sending and receiving messages up and down the spinal cord through the nerves
  8. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for auditory, memory
  9. Neuron cell body
  10. A pathway in which your brain sends and receives information about what is happening in and around the body
  11. The message carried by neurons is called a nerve.
  12. Carries messages to and from parts of the body to the central nervous system through nerves
  1. Sends information through peripheral nerves to your central nervous system
  2. A gap that separates the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next neuron
  3. Makes sure processes in your body work automatically
  4. Made up of the brain and spinal cord
  5. Connects brain to spinal cord controls hunger, body temperature, blood pressure and breathing
  6. Located under the cerebrum in the back of the brain and controls balance and complex actions like walking
  7. Neuron A nerve that carries impulses from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland
  8. Lobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for reasoning, planning
  9. brings electrical signals towards the soma
  10. Takes information away from the soma
  11. Specialized cells that carry messages through an electrochemical process
  12. Largest part of the brain that uses information from our senses to tell us what is going on and how to respond

24 Clues: Neuron cell bodyMade up of the brain and spinal cordTakes information away from the somabrings electrical signals towards the somaThe message carried by neurons is called a nerve.Makes sure processes in your body work automaticallyNerve that carries impulses to the brain or spinal cordLobe of the cerebrum that is responsible for auditory, memory...

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle 2023-11-15

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A mountain with a crater were lava comes out of.
  2. The shaking feeling from rocks being moved below earth's surface.
  3. A force that acts on rocks to change its shape or its volume.
  4. the transfer of heat by direct physical touch.
  5. Energy that travels through space at the speed of light.
  6. A stress that pushes inward on a rock until it breaks or folds.
  7. The area on the surface above where the focus is located.
  8. The certain number scientist give to earthquakes based on the size.
  9. Where rocks on the same fault slip past each other.
  10. A stress that pushes a mass of rocks in two different directions
  1. Same as a the normal fault except this one move the opposite way.
  2. A type of fault that is pulled by tension.
  3. A place that is hotter than it's surroundings.
  4. A type of heat transfer
  5. Molten rock above earth's surface.
  6. A current in a gas/fluid from convection
  7. The area under earth's surface where rock begin to move.
  8. Molten rock below earth's crust.
  9. Records produced by a seismograph
  10. A stress that pulls outwards on rock thinning it in the middle.

20 Clues: A type of heat transferMolten rock below earth's crust.Records produced by a seismographMolten rock above earth's surface.A current in a gas/fluid from convectionA type of fault that is pulled by tension.A place that is hotter than it's surroundings.the transfer of heat by direct physical touch.A mountain with a crater were lava comes out of....

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle 2023-11-20

Plate tectonics crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. rate magnitude of small earthquake's size
  2. instrument that records an earthquake's seismic waves
  3. a fault zone where two blocks of land move horizontally rather than vertically along a fault plane
  4. a dip-slip fault in which the block above the fault has moved downward relative to the block below
  5. a number based on the earthquake's size
  6. a sudden and violent shaking of the ground
  7. a fault in which the rock above the fault plane is displaced upward relative to the rock below the fault plane
  8. rate total energy a earthquake releases
  1. plates come together
  2. record of an earthquake's seismic waves produced by a seismograph
  3. point directly above the focus
  4. seismic waves that vibrate side to side or up and down
  5. rates amount of shaking from an earthquake
  6. seismic waves that expand like an accordian
  7. large area of flat land
  8. plates pull apart
  9. slow but can produce severe ground movements
  10. area of rock that begins to break or move
  11. mountain that forms when magma reaches the surface
  12. plates slip past each other

20 Clues: plates pull apartplates come togetherlarge area of flat landplates slip past each otherpoint directly above the focusa number based on the earthquake's sizerate total energy a earthquake releasesrate magnitude of small earthquake's sizearea of rock that begins to break or moverates amount of shaking from an earthquake...

Plate Tectonics Vocab Crossward 2024-01-10

Plate Tectonics Vocab Crossward crossword puzzle
  1. When Oceanic plates collide if there is a difference in density there is subduction which often creates trenches in the ocean floor.
  2. A break in the earth’s crust.
  3. When Plates collide and doing so shakes or reshapes the Earth.
  4. When continental plates collide the crust gets folded and mountains form.
  5. When one plate goes under another because there is a difference in density.
  6. solid top most layer of the earth, includes crust and solid part of the mantle.
  7. When plates move away from each other
  8. A mountain spewing molten rock or lava from the Asthenosphere.
  9. Volcanoes- When the Earth cracks far down and hits the asthenosphere creating a volcano inside a fissure in the Earth’s crust.
  10. When Oceanic crust goes under continental crust and creates trenches in the sea floor.
  11. Core- Solid inner most layer of earth, it is also made up of nickel and iron.
  1. mantle- Solid uppermost part of the mantle.
  2. Solid outermost layer of the earth subdivided continental crust and oceanic crust, broken into tectonic plates.
  3. Gooey melted rock that is located directly under the lithosphere.
  4. Events- Natural disasters caused by the movement of tectonic plates.
  5. core- Really hot liquid metal and rock primary, metals are iron and nickel, It is also under the asthenosphere.
  6. Boundaries- A place where two plates meet or collide.
  7. When two plates collide with each other.
  8. depression in the ocean floor usually by a subduction zone or fault line
  9. currents- Heat transferred through the movement of fluids or gasses, based on density.

20 Clues: A break in the earth’s crust.When plates move away from each otherWhen two plates collide with each other.mantle- Solid uppermost part of the mantle.Boundaries- A place where two plates meet or collide.When Plates collide and doing so shakes or reshapes the Earth.A mountain spewing molten rock or lava from the Asthenosphere....

SEA crossword puzzle 2022-04-28

SEA crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a landlocked country
  2. the most densely populated island
  3. a theory that communism would spread to neighboring countries.
  4. a river located in the country of Thailand
  5. where major plate tectonics meet
  6. opposite of communism
  7. capital of Vietnam
  1. largest country in SEA
  2. smallest country in SEA
  3. body of water in between India and Myanmar
  4. capital of Myanmar
  5. a place that is a country and a city
  6. government type opposite of the US's
  7. country with 7,000 islands
  8. a cause of most of the major wars fought in SEA

15 Clues: capital of Myanmarcapital of Vietnama landlocked countryopposite of communismlargest country in SEAsmallest country in SEAcountry with 7,000 islandswhere major plate tectonics meetthe most densely populated islanda place that is a country and a citygovernment type opposite of the US'sbody of water in between India and Myanmar...

Energy In Earths Systems 2023-05-17

Energy In Earths Systems crossword puzzle
  1. process where sediments, soil, and rocks are added to a landform
  2. the central part of the earth made of iron and nickel
  3. land formation created when two continental plates converge
  4. layer of the earth made of melted rock, can flow and move like putty
  5. a break in a body of rock along which one block slides relative to another
  6. type of plate made from crust that is usually very thick and less dense
  7. created when subduction occurs
  8. plate boundary where two plates are moving apart
  9. zone where blocks of crust are torn apart at a transform plate boundary
  10. large pieces of lithosphere that move around due to heat generated by convection currents
  11. plate boundary where two plates are colliding
  12. layer of the earth that is thick and made mostly of solid rock
  13. the type of valley created at a divergent boundary between two continental plates
  14. land formation with steep sides and explosive eruptions created as a result of a subduction zone
  1. process of breaking down rocks and turning them into sediments, caused by long exposure to the atmosphere
  2. the processes that result in the structure and properties of the Earth's crust and its evolution through time
  3. mechanisms that build up existing land forms or create a new one
  4. the type of current created when the heat from the core causes rock in the mantle to circulate
  5. outermost layer of the earth, consisting of the crust and solid part of the mantle
  6. land form created at a divergent boundary between two oceanic plates
  7. a form of weathering, occurs when the movement of a force wears the surface of rocks and carries the worn away parts to other areas
  8. plate boundary where two plates slide past one another
  9. thin, solid, outermost layer of the earth
  10. mechanisms that destroy or break down land forms
  11. the process by which one plate moves beneath another plate
  12. type of plate made from crust that is usually thinner and more dense

26 Clues: created when subduction occursthin, solid, outermost layer of the earthplate boundary where two plates are collidingplate boundary where two plates are moving apartmechanisms that destroy or break down land formsthe central part of the earth made of iron and nickelplate boundary where two plates slide past one another...

Landscapes and Landforms 2021-09-17

Landscapes and Landforms crossword puzzle
  1. A segment of the earth’s crust
  2. A fracturing of rock along a line
  3. Site of Australian landslide.
  4. A sudden movement of the earth’s crust
  5. Study of the movement the of Earth’s plates
  6. Water soaked land slipping down a hill.
  7. Protecting our environment
  8. Human made mess.
  1. Dangerous opening in the earth’s surface.
  2. A type of indigenous story.
  3. The overall appearance of an area
  4. The wearing down of material
  5. Natural feature of the earth’s surface.
  6. A severe wind and rain storm.
  7. Giant destructive waves.

15 Clues: Human made mess.Giant destructive waves.Protecting our environmentA type of indigenous story.The wearing down of materialSite of Australian landslide.A severe wind and rain storm.A segment of the earth’s crustA fracturing of rock along a lineThe overall appearance of an areaA sudden movement of the earth’s crust...

Layers of Earth 2024-02-08

Layers of Earth crossword puzzle
  1. The inner core is...
  2. gigantic pieces of the Earth's crust
  3. lubricates plate tectonics
  4. This layer of Earth is liquid and a core
  5. outermost layer of Earth
  6. Why we feel earthquakes
  1. the coldest layer of Earth's atmosphere
  2. This layer of Earth is solid/plastic
  3. The mantle is...
  4. Caused by the tectonic plates in the crust
  5. Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere, Outer Core, and Inner Core
  6. This layer of Earth is solid and a core
  7. You live here
  8. what the mantle, core, and crust are considered as.
  9. the outer core is...

15 Clues: You live hereThe mantle is...The inner core is...the outer core is...Why we feel earthquakesoutermost layer of Earthlubricates plate tectonicsThis layer of Earth is solid/plasticgigantic pieces of the Earth's crustthe coldest layer of Earth's atmosphereThis layer of Earth is solid and a coreThis layer of Earth is liquid and a core...


  1. study of Earth's plate movements
  2. elevated landform with peaks
  3. sudden shaking of the ground
  4. All living organisms on Earth.
  5. Earth's outermost thin layer
  6. Hypothesis of the solar system's formation through a close stellar encounter.
  7. Earth's solid outer layer
  8. All the water on Earth.
  9. Study of weather and atmosphere.
  10. community of living organisms interacting with their environment.
  1. long term weather patterns
  2. Earth's solid parts like rocks
  3. well-supported explanations based on confirmed facts from observation
  4. Layer of gases surrounding Earth.
  5. plants convert sunlight into energy
  6. lowest later of atmosphere
  7. manipulated variable
  8. study of Earth's oceans
  9. Earth's innermost layer
  10. serves as the standard of comparison

20 Clues: manipulated variablestudy of Earth's oceansEarth's innermost layerAll the water on Earth.Earth's solid outer layerlong term weather patternslowest later of atmosphereelevated landform with peakssudden shaking of the groundEarth's outermost thin layerEarth's solid parts like rocksAll living organisms on of Earth's plate movements...

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2018-09-17

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the theory that the Earth’s surface is made up of giant, moving slabs of lithosphere, made of both oceanic and continental slabs.
  2. a plate boundary in which plates move past one another in opposite directions.
  3. the study of changes in Earth's magnetic field, as shown by patterns of magnetism in rocks that have formed over time
  4. when a plate slides under another plate as it more dense than the plate above, occurs at convergent boundaries.
  5. the process by which new oceanic crust forms as magma rises towards the surface and solidifies, occur at mid-ocean ridges.
  6. a valley created at a divergent boundary where plates are spreading apart.
  1. a plate boundary in which plates move towards one another.
  2. deep underwater depressions created by one plate subducting under another plate at a convergent plate boundary.
  3. a single land mass, or supercontinent, that existed from about 350 to 200 million years ago.
  4. An area far from a plate boundary in which magma rises from deep within Earth through the lithosphere to reach the ocean floor.
  5. a plate boundary in which plates move away from one another.
  6. an undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced at a divergent plate boundary, also includes underwater volcanoes.
  7. the idea that continents were once joined in a single landmass that eventually broke apart into pieces that slowly moved away from each other

13 Clues: a plate boundary in which plates move towards one another.a plate boundary in which plates move away from one another.a valley created at a divergent boundary where plates are spreading apart.a plate boundary in which plates move past one another in opposite directions....

Plate Tectonics Vocab 2018-09-17

Plate Tectonics Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. an undersea mountain chain where new ocean floor is produced at a divergent plate boundary, also includes underwater volcanoes.
  2. the theory that the Earth’s surface is made up of giant, moving slabs of lithosphere, made of both oceanic and continental slabs.
  3. deep underwater depressions created by one plate subducting under another plate at a convergent plate boundary.
  4. a plate boundary in which plates move towards one another.
  5. the study of changes in Earth's magnetic field, as shown by patterns of magnetism in rocks that have formed over time
  6. the process by which new oceanic crust forms as magma rises towards the surface and solidifies, occur at mid-ocean ridges.
  1. a valley created at a divergent boundary where plates are spreading apart.
  2. a single land mass, or supercontinent, that existed from about 350 to 200 million years ago.
  3. a plate boundary in which plates move past one another in opposite directions.
  4. the idea that continents were once joined in a single landmass that eventually broke apart into pieces that slowly moved away from each other
  5. a plate boundary in which plates move away from one another.
  6. when a plate slides under another plate as it more dense than the plate above, occurs at convergent boundaries.
  7. an area far from a plate boundary in which magma rises from deep within Earth through the lithosphere to reach the ocean floor.

13 Clues: a plate boundary in which plates move towards one another.a plate boundary in which plates move away from one another.a valley created at a divergent boundary where plates are spreading apart.a plate boundary in which plates move past one another in opposite directions....

Plate Tectonics Crossword 2021-04-16

Plate Tectonics Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The solid, outer part of the earth
  2. Super continent with every landmass
  3. When one plate descends below another
  4. The outermost layer of the earth
  5. Long, narrow depressions on the seafloor
  6. Land form that rises above its surroundings
  7. A violent shaking of the ground
  8. Hot dense ball made of mostly iron
  1. Hot area in the mantle
  2. A fracture in the rock
  3. A layer made of fluid
  4. The thickest layer of the earth
  5. A mountain that releases gases and rock

13 Clues: A layer made of fluidHot area in the mantleA fracture in the rockThe thickest layer of the earthA violent shaking of the groundThe outermost layer of the earthThe solid, outer part of the earthHot dense ball made of mostly ironSuper continent with every landmassWhen one plate descends below anotherA mountain that releases gases and rock...

physical geography 2013-11-26

physical geography crossword puzzle
  1. my favorite colour
  2. it means " all land "
  3. is on december 25th
  4. best friend
  5. to messure the amount of energy a earthquake gives off
  6. somthing everyoe loves
  7. the number of this line
  8. it's yummy
  9. become a crazy cat lady
  10. the zone of magma
  1. never past this age
  2. highest class by mark
  3. Tectonics investigates how moving plates can create volcanos build mountains and trigger earthquakes
  4. when teh earth shakes
  5. teenagers can't live without it
  6. i want a I phone
  7. ejection of lava from a active volcano
  8. drift Theory of tectonic plates spreading apart
  9. throw it at someone
  10. like the shell of an egg

20 Clues: it's yummybest friendi want a I phonethe zone of magmamy favorite colournever past this ageis on december 25ththrow it at someonehighest class by markit means " all land "when teh earth shakessomthing everyoe lovesthe number of this linebecome a crazy cat ladylike the shell of an eggteenagers can't live without it...

pick a project crossword 2021-01-12

pick a project crossword crossword puzzle
  1. plates move away from each other
  2. broad volcano
  3. new crust being made is called
  4. plates move toward each other
  5. ancient super continent
  6. the faster waves
  7. the layer we are on top of
  8. moves down in relative to Footwall in normal fault
  9. happens most at transform boundaries
  10. Wegeners theory
  11. plates slide past each other
  12. what makes the tectonic plates move
  1. created at a divergent boundary
  2. the more damaging eruption
  3. made from continental continental convergent
  4. the liquid core
  5. the solid core
  6. also found at transform boundaries
  7. the more damaging wave
  8. the layer with convection currents

20 Clues: broad volcanothe solid corethe liquid coreWegeners theorythe faster wavesthe more damaging waveancient super continentthe more damaging eruptionthe layer we are on top ofplates slide past each otherplates move toward each othernew crust being made is calledcreated at a divergent boundaryplates move away from each other...

Geog 2023-09-01

Geog crossword puzzle
  1. Variety of plant and animal life
  2. tectonics Earth's crust movement and earthquakes
  3. Physical features of the land
  4. Seasonal wind and rainfall pattern
  5. Volcanic activity and eruptions
  6. change Long-term weather pattern shifts
  7. Wearing away of land by natural forces
  8. Map-making and study
  9. Movement of people or animals
  10. energy Sustainable power sources
  11. fuels Non-renewable energy sources
  12. shadow effect Dry area caused by mountains
  13. (Geographic Info Systems) Mapping and analyzing data
  1. Clearing trees from an area
  2. Environment-focused tourism
  3. Area draining into a river
  4. Worldwide integration and connection
  5. Land turning into a desert
  6. Growth of cities and towns
  7. landscape Human impact on natural environment

20 Clues: Map-making and studyArea draining into a riverLand turning into a desertGrowth of cities and townsClearing trees from an areaEnvironment-focused tourismPhysical features of the landMovement of people or animalsVolcanic activity and eruptionsVariety of plant and animal lifeenergy Sustainable power sourcesSeasonal wind and rainfall pattern...

Plate Tectonics Test Review 2017-11-29

Plate Tectonics Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. the echo sounder showed the _____ of the ocean floor
  2. melted mantle
  3. when to plates slide past each other
  4. type of reversal which shows that the poles switched
  5. an example of an volcanic island arc
  6. least dense type of crust
  7. mountains created by converging continents
  8. what happens are convergent boundaries
  1. valley formed by two plates diverging
  2. ______ rocks are closer to the center of the mid ocean ridge
  3. the pattern which the magnetic poles show on the ocean floor
  4. magma cooled down to create new crust
  5. location where two plates meet
  6. boundary where two plates move away from each other
  7. mid ocean ridges form underwater _______
  8. younger crust
  9. created by continental crust and oceanic crust colliding
  10. the type of boundary when two plates slide opposite directions
  11. when one plate ______ under another during subduction
  12. break in earth's crust

20 Clues: melted mantleyounger crustbreak in earth's crustleast dense type of crustlocation where two plates meetwhen to plates slide past each otheran example of an volcanic island arcvalley formed by two plates divergingmagma cooled down to create new crustwhat happens are convergent boundariesmid ocean ridges form underwater _______...

Plate tectonics, Earthquakes, & Volcanoes 2012-02-01

Plate tectonics, Earthquakes, & Volcanoes crossword puzzle
  1. break in earth's crust along which movement occurs
  2. the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake
  3. when magma hardens inside a volcano and the volcano erodes forms this
  4. bits of rock or solidified lava dropped from the air
  5. most active volcano in the world
  6. forms when magma hardens before it reaches the surface into a dome shape
  7. Plastic-like layer of the lower mantle on which the lithosphere move
  8. Harry Hess's theory that new seafloor is formed when magma is forced upward toward the surface at a mid-ocean ridge
  9. break in rock caused by compressive forces, where rock above the fault surface moves upward relative to the rock below the fault surface
  10. a volcano with very steep sides
  11. sections of the Earth's upper mantle and crust that move slowly
  12. when magma squeezes into cracks in rocks and hardens usually vertically
  13. point under the surface of the Earth where an earthquake originates
  14. Alfred Wegener's theory that continents can drift apart from one another and have done so in the past
  15. a volcano with gently sloping sides
  16. ocean wave produced by an earthquake on the ocean floor
  17. break in rock caused by shear forces, where rocks move past each other without much vertical movement
  18. seismic wave that moves rock particles at right angles to the direction of the wave
  19. when the top of a volcano collapses it forms this
  20. Wave which causes rock particles to move in a backward rolling and side to side swaying motion, this is the most destructive earthquake wave
  21. measure of the energy released by an earthquake
  1. a caldera that formed on Mt.Mazama and filled with water
  2. a volcano that is in between shield and cinder cone volcanoes
  3. the solid, outer layer of the earth that consists of the crust and the upper part of the mantle
  4. The process by which an earthquake's violent movement suddenly turns loose soil into liquid mud
  5. A current in the asthenosphere caused by the rising of heated fluid and sinking of cooled fluid. Causes the movement of tectonic plates.
  6. a wave produced by an earthquake
  7. a theory stating that the earth's surface is broken into plates that move
  8. break in rock caused by tension forces, where rock above the fault surface moves down relative to the rock below the fault surface
  9. an island that was formed by volcanic eruptions along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
  10. seismic wave that moves rock particles back and forth in the same direction that the wave travels
  11. the shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath earth's surface.
  12. when magma squeezes into cracks in rocks and hardens usually horizontally
  13. large, ancient landmass that was composed of all the continents joined together

34 Clues: a volcano with very steep sidesmost active volcano in the worlda wave produced by an earthquakea volcano with gently sloping sidesmeasure of the energy released by an earthquakewhen the top of a volcano collapses it forms thisbreak in earth's crust along which movement occursbits of rock or solidified lava dropped from the air...

Plate Tectonics and MORE!!! 2013-10-15

Plate Tectonics and MORE!!! crossword puzzle
  1. this famous mountain range was created by continental collision
  2. these form at this boundary that slides
  3. the only fault that collides
  4. rift valleys are made from this boundary
  5. rising magma cools filling the cracks and spreading apart forming new crust
  6. what is the boundary in which plates collide
  7. the man who proposed the theory of seafloor spreading
  8. uses sheer force
  1. when continental plates move apart this can possibly form
  2. the fault where the hanging wall moves down
  3. the point inside the earth in which the earthquake really happens
  4. this is the boundary where most earthquakes happen
  5. the system of ridges formed by this place
  6. what pushes the plates around
  7. the zone where the oceanic plate plunges beneath the less dense continental plate
  8. the layer that is the crust of the earth and its upper mantle combined
  9. the plastic like layer below the lithosphere
  10. earths crust and part of the upper mantle broken into sections
  11. the point on the surface above the earthquake
  12. this was used to map the ocean

20 Clues: uses sheer forcethe only fault that collideswhat pushes the plates aroundthis was used to map the oceanthese form at this boundary that slidesrift valleys are made from this boundarythe system of ridges formed by this placethe fault where the hanging wall moves downthe plastic like layer below the lithosphere...

Chapter Three - Plate Tectonics 2014-11-25

Chapter Three - Plate Tectonics crossword puzzle
  1. the number of main layers of the Earth
  2. how much mass there is in a volume of substance
  3. theory that explains the formation, movement, and subduction of Earth's plates
  4. moving downward this layer is between the lithospere and the lower mantle
  5. responsible for the movement of mantle rock
  6. boundary where plates slide past each other
  7. the oldest rock is located _____ from the mid-ocean ridge
  8. things like rocks that can be held in your hand as proof
  9. heat transfer through touch
  10. the ocean that is expanding due to a lower number of trenches
  11. fernlike plant found in Antarctica
  12. an example of indirect evidence
  1. force pressing on an area; increases as you move down through Earth
  2. provided drilling samples to support sea-floor spreading
  3. location of oceanic crust sinking back into the mantle
  4. creator of the theory of sea-floor spreading
  5. all lands
  6. part of the core that is molten
  7. creator of the idea that the continents have moved to their current locations
  8. forms along divergent boundaries
  9. location of the formation of new crust
  10. well tested concept that explains observations
  11. form when two continental plates collide
  12. a device that uses sound waves to help map the ocean floor

24 Clues: all landsheat transfer through touchpart of the core that is moltenan example of indirect evidenceforms along divergent boundariesfernlike plant found in Antarcticathe number of main layers of the Earthlocation of the formation of new crustform when two continental plates collideresponsible for the movement of mantle rock...

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle 2021-09-30

Plate Tectonics Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. the process of covering the earth with glaciers or masses of ice
  2. the movement or study of the movement of Earth's crust
  3. a sudden outbreak of something, typically something unwelcome or noisy
  4. reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state
  5. crash together with violent impact
  6. a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
  7. a sheet, quantity, or thickness of material, typically one of several, covering a surface or body
  8. a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star
  9. a strike-slip fault occurring at the boundary between two plates of the earth's crust
  1. subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration
  2. any of the world's main continuous expanses of land
  3. the regions of the Earth where living organisms exist
  4. a specialist in the history of the Earth recorded in rocks
  5. relating to or forming part of the structure of a building or other item
  6. a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
  7. another word for disengage
  8. a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust
  9. a continent or other large body of land
  10. liquid rock
  11. a sheet of floating ice

20 Clues: liquid rocka sheet of floating iceanother word for disengagecrash together with violent impacta continent or other large body of landany of the world's main continuous expanses of landthe regions of the Earth where living organisms existthe movement or study of the movement of Earth's crustsubject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration...

Plate Tectonics by Vivian 2021-09-17

Plate Tectonics by Vivian crossword puzzle
  1. The scientist that discovered plate tectonics
  2. The amount of Earth's life
  3. The most common event while transforming
  4. Earth's crust is split into these
  5. The theory that the plates are moving constantly
  6. The most common event during convergence
  7. The area in the crust and part of mantle
  8. The inner-most layer of the earth
  9. When one land mass goes under another
  1. A scientist that studies rocks
  2. The layer between the crust and outer core
  3. The type of current that cause plates to move
  4. When two plates go away from each other
  5. The second hottest layer of the earth
  6. valleys The most common event during divergence
  7. A large supercontinent that was around 280 mil. years ago
  8. When two plates collide and form mountains
  9. When two plates slide past each other
  10. The outermost layer of the earth
  11. Mountain ridges where new seafloor is created by seafloor spreading

20 Clues: The amount of Earth's lifeA scientist that studies rocksThe outermost layer of the earthEarth's crust is split into theseThe inner-most layer of the earthThe second hottest layer of the earthWhen two plates slide past each otherWhen one land mass goes under anotherWhen two plates go away from each otherThe most common event while transforming...