states Crossword Puzzles
Causes of the Civil War 2024-03-04
- Tariff of 1828 was also known as the Tariff of ___
- War between the states
- First state to secede from the United States
- Fort the Confederate troops fired upon to begin the Civil War
- Leaving the Union
- Best-selling novel of the 19th Century
- Became president after Taylor's death
- Slave who argued to the Supreme Court he should be free, as his owner took him to a free state
- 1850 law that required people to return escaped slaves to slavery
- Franklin Pierce's political party
- Led a raid on Harper's Ferry
- Fighting as a direct results of voting for slavery in Kansas
- Act introduced by Stephen Douglas
- Voting would be used to allow slavery or not
- Beaten with a cane for insulting pro-slavery Senator Butler
- Zachary Taylor's political party
- Compromise of 1850 admitted this as a free state
- Abraham Lincoln's political party
- Created a line dividing free/slave states
- Members of this party, Whig and some Democrats joined to create the Republican Party
- Southern states felt politically ___, as a president could be elected without their support
- Won the election of 1856
- The act of declaring a law invalid, or refusing to follow it
- Name the southern states gave their new country
- Slave that led a revolt in Virginia in 1831
- President of the Confederate States
- Debated with Abraham Lincoln 7 times
- Settlers wanted this in Kansas and Nebraska despite the Missouri Compromise
- Constitution written by people from Missouri to govern Kansas
29 Clues: Leaving the Union • War between the states • Won the election of 1856 • Led a raid on Harper's Ferry • Zachary Taylor's political party • Abraham Lincoln's political party • Franklin Pierce's political party • Act introduced by Stephen Douglas • President of the Confederate States • Debated with Abraham Lincoln 7 times • Became president after Taylor's death • ...
Chapter 11 - State Government - Part 1 2016-03-30
- Number of legislators in the PA General Assembly
- One-part lawmaking body
- State powers
- Lawmakers in PA are part of this group
- State power reference in the U.S. Constitution
- City that is the center of PA state government
- Puerto Rico is one of these
- 37 territories became states because of this
- Term length for State Senators
- Term length for State Representatives
- Federal government powers
- Concurrent power
- Level of government that protects states from foreign invasions with the military
- 49 states organize their legislatures this way
- Part of the Constitution that requires states to respect each other
15 Clues: State powers • Concurrent power • One-part lawmaking body • Federal government powers • Puerto Rico is one of these • Term length for State Senators • Term length for State Representatives • Lawmakers in PA are part of this group • 37 territories became states because of this • City that is the center of PA state government • 49 states organize their legislatures this way • ...
Federalism Crossword 2014-09-03
- Layered Cake
- Article VI of the Constitution is where you'll find the____
- Returning a citizen to home country for trial
- You have two cows, They prey in school every day
- States Rights
- Requiring IDs for voting is a ____
- Federalism is ____ in the Constitution
- You have two cows, the government takes both and then drafts you
- This man challenged Separate buy equal
- Right to BEAR arms
- Most countries are....
- States can not make their own____
- This event showed the States rights were still an issue
- right not to perjure yourself
- Returning citizens for trial
- Congress is ______ to chop up states
16 Clues: Layered Cake • States Rights • Right to BEAR arms • Most countries are.... • Returning citizens for trial • right not to perjure yourself • States can not make their own____ • Requiring IDs for voting is a ____ • Congress is ______ to chop up states • This man challenged Separate buy equal • Federalism is ____ in the Constitution • Returning a citizen to home country for trial • ...
The Constitution 2023-03-20
- The quality of being fair,reasonable, or impartial
- The lower legislative assembly of the united states congress
- The United States
- America
- Possession of the qualities to do something
- Freedom of choice
- The upper house of the United States Congress
- Something that aids or supports well being
- The legislature of the United States government
- The act of forming or establishing something
- A statement that is added to a proposal or document
- All future generations
- An untroubled state that is free from disturbances
- Relating to a law making assembly
- Any group of human beings collectively
15 Clues: America • The United States • Freedom of choice • All future generations • Relating to a law making assembly • Any group of human beings collectively • Something that aids or supports well being • Possession of the qualities to do something • The act of forming or establishing something • The upper house of the United States Congress • ...
Luna's Crossword puzzle ^_^ 2023-10-18
- 8th president of the United States
- Nickname "Old Tippecanoe," 9th president of the United States
- 5 Native tribes that adopted American customs
- Also known as patronage system
- Nickname for 7th United States president
- Nickname of state run banks with more power
- Act to relocated eastern Natives to the west
- Indigenous tribe with Iroquoian lineage
- Ethnic cleansing and displacement of 60,000 Natives
- Financial crisis in the United States
- Land reserved by the US for forced resettlement
- Secretary of war, 7th vice president
- Chief of justice for 3 decades
- Conservative political party
- The right to vote
15 Clues: The right to vote • Conservative political party • Chief of justice for 3 decades • Also known as patronage system • 8th president of the United States • Secretary of war, 7th vice president • Financial crisis in the United States • Indigenous tribe with Iroquoian lineage • Nickname for 7th United States president • Nickname of state run banks with more power • ...
Civil War Crossword 2023-04-12
- the power to reduce a fine or the length of a sentence imposed by a court
- someone who wanted to end slavery in the US
- a knife that can be fixed to the end of a rifle and used as a weapon
- a loose union of independent states; name of government used by the southern states that seceded during the Civil War
- warship covered with protective iron plates
- cannons and large guns
- when the southern states chose to leave the United States and to no longer be a part of the countrybrogan an ankle-high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War
- a war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy
- putting the local interests and customs ahead of the entire country
- soldiers that travel by foot
- a term used to describe people who supported the Union
- a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies
- a soldier who is killed, wounded, captured, or missing in battle
- a muzzle-loading shoulder gun with a long barrel
- a nickname for United States paper money that was first used in 1862. It got its name from the green ink used in printing
- murder of a public figure, usually for political reasons
- belongs to a period before the American Civil War
- a northerner who opposed using force to keep the southern states in the Union
- a Northerner who moved to the South after the Civil War
19 Clues: cannons and large guns • soldiers that travel by foot • someone who wanted to end slavery in the US • warship covered with protective iron plates • a muzzle-loading shoulder gun with a long barrel • belongs to a period before the American Civil War • a group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies • a term used to describe people who supported the Union • ...
Causes of the Civil War 2022-03-08
- the 16th president
- an act that required all citizens to help runaway slaves
- someone who is against slavery
- a _______ of 1850
- a man who sued his owner
- A group of states that seceded from the union
- a group of states for slavery
- the group of states against slavery
- what the north sates called themselves
- someone who has more loyalty to a group than there country
- the ______ which resulted in Abraham Lincoln as the 16th president
- states that got to chose if they were slave or free
- in state of owning a slave
- Uncle ___ Cabin
- part of the ____ compromise
- the practice of leaving a group
- the last name of a man who raided Harper's ferry Virginia
17 Clues: Uncle ___ Cabin • a _______ of 1850 • the 16th president • a man who sued his owner • in state of owning a slave • part of the ____ compromise • a group of states for slavery • someone who is against slavery • the practice of leaving a group • the group of states against slavery • what the north sates called themselves • A group of states that seceded from the union • ...
Civil War Crossword Puzzle by Emmanuel Wu 2023-05-01
- Southern States that joined together after they seceded
- General of the Confederate Army
- People who worked to end slavery
- Separate from the Union
- Bloodiest day of the Civil War
- Second General of the Union Army
- President of the Confederate States of America
- Location of the bloodiest battle (3 days) of the Civil War
- Man who killed Lincoln
- States in between the Union and Confederate States
- A novel promoting abolition and showed the cruelty of slavery
- Wars without limitations on weapons, targets, etc
- President during the Civil War
- Courthouse where General Lee surrendered
- Commander who led the famous "March to the Sea"
- First Battle of the Civil War
- First Major Land Battle of the Civil War
17 Clues: Man who killed Lincoln • Separate from the Union • First Battle of the Civil War • President during the Civil War • Bloodiest day of the Civil War • General of the Confederate Army • People who worked to end slavery • Second General of the Union Army • Courthouse where General Lee surrendered • First Major Land Battle of the Civil War • ...
CH. 10 - 11 Test Review 2021-04-19
- George Washington's home
- Declaration of Independence was signed on this day
- A list of rights or freedoms added to the constitution to protect the freedom of individuals and groups
- First President of the United States
- capital of the United States
- A document with the reasons why American colonist wanted freedom from English rule
- American colonists who wanted America to be free from Englands rule
- Lady who stitched together the first American flag
- American colonist who remained loyal to England
- First capital of the United States
- Massachusetts soldiers who said they could be ready to fight at a minutes notice
- Author of the Declaration of Independence
- Towns in Massachusetts where the first battle of the War for Independence took place
- Area of Pennsylvania where Washington's army stayed during the harsh winter of 1777-1778
- You did the most Important work at the constitutional convention, later he became the fourth President of the United States
- First Vice President, later became the second President of the United States
- Government run by representatives of the people
- Money that people pay to help run the government
18 Clues: George Washington's home • capital of the United States • First capital of the United States • First President of the United States • Author of the Declaration of Independence • American colonist who remained loyal to England • Government run by representatives of the people • Money that people pay to help run the government • ...
Civil War Terms 2022-03-08
- The final straw for the South was election of Abraham Lincoln to President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was a member of the new anti-slavery Republican Party. He managed to get elected without even being on the ballot in ten of the southern states. The southern states felt that Lincoln was against slavery and also against the South.
- - The first fighting over the slavery issue took place in Kansas. In 1854, the government passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowing the residents of Kansas to vote on whether they would be a slave state or a free state. The region was flooded with supporters from both sides. They fought over the issue for years. Several people were killed in small skirmishes giving the confrontation the name Bleeding Kansas. Eventually Kansas entered the Union as a free state in 1861.
- A political party created in the 1850s to prevent the spread of slavery to the territories. Eventually Republicans came to oppose the entire existence of slavery. Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president. Very few Southerners were Republicans.
- - the idea of states' rights was not new to the Civil War. Since the Constitution was first written there had been arguments about how much power the states should have versus how much power the federal government should have. The southern states felt that the federal government was taking away their rights and powers
- When Lincoln was elected, many of the southern states decided they no longer wanted to be a part of the United States. They felt that they had every right to leave. Starting with South Carolina, eleven states would eventually leave the United States and form a new country called the Confederate States of America. Abraham Lincoln said they did not have the right to leave the United States and sent in troops to force the Southern states to rejoin the Union. The Civil War had begun
- Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery.
- - At the heart of the divide between the North and the South was slavery. The South relied on slavery for labor to work the fields. Many people in the North believed that slavery was wrong and evil. These people were called abolitionists. They wanted slavery to be illegal throughout the United States. Abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass, John Brown, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet Beecher Stowe began to convince more and more people of the evil of slavery. This made wealthy landowners in the South fearful that their way of life would come to an end.
- This doctrine was prominent during the debate over slavery in the territories. Popular sovereignty said that the people of each territory should be able to decide for themselves if slavery should be allowed in their territory when it became a state.
- Eli Whitney changed the course of history in the southern United States with the invention of the cotton gin. It helped many southern plantation owners become rich off their cotton crops. However, it also increased the demand for slaves.
- The major political party in America most sympathetic to states rights and willing to tolerate the spread of slavery to the territories. Democrats opposed a strong Federal government. Most Southern men were Democrats before the War.
- The officer who was responsible for supplying clothing, supplies and food for the troops.
- - In the mid-1800s, the economies of many northern states had moved away from farming to industry. A lot of people in the North worked and lived in large cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. The southern states, however, had maintained a large farming economy and this economy was based on slave labor. While the North no longer needed slaves, the South relied heavily upon slaves for their way of life.
- - As the United States continued to expand westward, each new state added to the country shifted the power between the North and the South. Southern states began to fear they would lose so much power that they would lose all their rights. Each new state became a battleground between the two sides for power.
- The science of growing crops or raising livestock; farming.
- A branch of the military in which soldiers traveled and fought on foot.
15 Clues: Someone who wishes to abolish or get rid of slavery. • The science of growing crops or raising livestock; farming. • A branch of the military in which soldiers traveled and fought on foot. • The officer who was responsible for supplying clothing, supplies and food for the troops. • ...
Civil War 2021-10-07
- Ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War.
- troops trained to fight on horseback
- A cap worn by Civil War soldiers.
- Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars
- A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
- related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal
- Line A boundary or border that split the free states from the slave states. It went between Pennsylvania to the north and Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the south.
- A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were slaves.
- Term meaning "before war"
- Nickname for the south
- Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
- the act of governing or exercising authority
- Soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
- An army of citizens used during emergencies.
- When someone is murdered for political reasons.
- Term used to describe people who supported the union.
- An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- of or occurring between or among citizens of the state
- The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
- a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought
- an offensive against an enemy
21 Clues: Nickname for the south • Term meaning "before war" • an offensive against an enemy • A cap worn by Civil War soldiers. • troops trained to fight on horseback • Soldiers that fight and travel by foot. • the act of governing or exercising authority • An army of citizens used during emergencies. • Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars • ...
Maggie Brusca's Articles X-Word 2024-02-12
- How many representatives from each colony were sent to the the committe to write a plan for government?
- The Articles of Confederation said that how many states had to approve an amendment for it to pass?
- Alexander ______ hated Congress because they didn't share his vison.
- The power to declare war was held exclusively by the national _______.
- You needed nine-thirteens of the delegates to agree to pass a new law in the _____ congress.
- The Declaration of Independence established a new ______.
- The states could print their own ______.
- Where did the farmer's and war veteran's rebellion almost cause a civil war?
- Most ______ went to Canada or England after the war.
- Who was president of the continental congress
- The revolutionary war left the American states in _____.
- Who wrote a speller for American English
- The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4th, _____.
- Where did most state legislatures appoint delegates to revise defects in the federal system?
- Who lacked the power to tax the states?
- The Articles of Confederation made the states too _______.
- The Mississippi River was won from England in the Treaty of _____.
- When were the Articles of Confederation adopted?
- Daniel ____ was a former captain in continental army who led a rebellion.
- Articles are flawed because Congress couldn't _____
20 Clues: Who lacked the power to tax the states? • The states could print their own ______. • Who wrote a speller for American English • Who was president of the continental congress • When were the Articles of Confederation adopted? • Articles are flawed because Congress couldn't _____ • Most ______ went to Canada or England after the war. • ...
History of Civil War 2013-03-13
- Naval warfare strategy.
- place where Lincoln gave famous speech after battle.
- division among people.
- to remove the president.
- Freed the Slaves.
- The name of the Northern States during the Civil War.
- Thomas Jackson's nickname
- Famous General of the Union would later become President.
- Sumter First battle of the War
- What the north had many more of to out supply the southern states.
- period for the south after the war.
- killed the president.
- The southern states called themselves during the Civil War.
- Leader of the Union during the Civil War.
- Leader of the Southern States during the Civil War.
- The key product exported out of the South.
- travel with a bag made of carpet.
- What gave the North the ability to travel faster throughout the country more efficiently then the south.
- Leader of the Southern armies.
19 Clues: Freed the Slaves. • killed the president. • division among people. • Naval warfare strategy. • to remove the president. • Thomas Jackson's nickname • Leader of the Southern armies. • Sumter First battle of the War • travel with a bag made of carpet. • period for the south after the war. • Leader of the Union during the Civil War. • The key product exported out of the South. • ...
The Antebellum South 2023-01-13
- had nine new slave states enter between 1789 adn 1860.
- an owner of slaves.
- what the slave states were known as.
- of free blacks were light skinned women.
- known for use of slavery.
- the state of being a slave.
- a boat powered by steam.
- Planters projected the amount of cotton they could harvest based on the number of slaves under their control.
- a person who is owned and has no rights,
- led the 2nd rebellion.
- what most slaves were used for.
- extension of the states territory by encroaching on that of the other nations.
- people against slavery.
- banned the further importation of slaves beginning in 1808.
- formally put an end to the system, practice, or institution.
- wrote Uncle Toms Cabin.
- people for slavery.
- any southern states in the US in which slavery was legal before the civil war.
- a person who is killed for religious beliefs
19 Clues: an owner of slaves. • people for slavery. • led the 2nd rebellion. • people against slavery. • wrote Uncle Toms Cabin. • a boat powered by steam. • known for use of slavery. • the state of being a slave. • what most slaves were used for. • what the slave states were known as. • of free blacks were light skinned women. • a person who is owned and has no rights, • ...
Lucas J 4th hour 2023-03-06
- he was against slavery and was the leader and founder of the free states
- the first US Seniter
- John Browns companions
- USA bought from the french
- The heart of america
- people that are against slavery and is pro slavery battle
- thought that he was chosen by god to make every state free
- the state that balance the proslavery and free states
- in the bottom half of the states
- The trail under oregon trail
- what John Brown did to proslavery people
- above the heart of america
- he was proslavery and a sheiff
- people that are in the south
- people with slavery
- states that don't allow slavery
- the free state by pacific ocean
- the meaning of john brown against slavery
- people that are capture and force to work
- a trail that the end you will get a better life
20 Clues: people with slavery • the first US Seniter • The heart of america • John Browns companions • above the heart of america • USA bought from the french • The trail under oregon trail • people that are in the south • he was proslavery and a sheiff • states that don't allow slavery • the free state by pacific ocean • in the bottom half of the states • ...
Unit 7 Vocab 2023-04-04
- Armored naval vessel
- confederate soldiers so called because of opposition to the established government
- Political theory that government is subject to the will of the people
- Withdrawal from the union
- to leave or withdrawal
- Camera that used a glass plate to take photos
- war of all aspects of the enemy's life
- rights and powers independent of the federal government
- Union soldier
- States between North and South that were divided whether to stay in the union or confederacy
- To free from slavery
- Military person killed, wounded, or captured
- Led union armies to victory
- Tended to wounded and dying during the battle
- conflicts between opposing groups of citizens of some country
- United States of America of the Union
- Confederate States of America
- President of the United States of America during the time of the civil war
- Reunite the country following the American civil war.
19 Clues: Union soldier • Armored naval vessel • To free from slavery • to leave or withdrawal • Withdrawal from the union • Led union armies to victory • Confederate States of America • United States of America of the Union • war of all aspects of the enemy's life • Military person killed, wounded, or captured • Tended to wounded and dying during the battle • ...
Government Crossword 2024-11-15
- all three levels of government have the power to collect these
- only the national government has the power to declare this
- there are three of these: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
- the introduction to the Constitution
- this type of government is in charge of the country
- where the Judicial Branch works
- to deny a bill or law; a power of the President
- the first postmaster of the United States
- where the president lives
- The first three words of the Preamble
- the agreement reached by the states at the Constitutional Convention
- the leader of a state
- this type of government is in charge of states
- this type of government is in charge of cities
- the first president of the United States
- the leader of a city or town
- the number of judges in the supreme court
- to charge someone in power with misconduct
- where congress works
19 Clues: where congress works • the leader of a state • where the president lives • the leader of a city or town • where the Judicial Branch works • the introduction to the Constitution • The first three words of the Preamble • the first president of the United States • the number of judges in the supreme court • the first postmaster of the United States • ...
Federalism 2014-02-25
- An act creating the new State
- One type of federal grants-in-aid; made for specific projects to States, localities, and private agencies who apply for them
- Those powers that both the National Government and the States possess and exercise
- Grants of federal money or other resources to the States and their cities, countries, and other local units
- One type of federal grants-in-aid for some particular but broadly defined are of public policy
- Constitution's requirements that each State accept the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State
- Those delegated powers of the National Government that are spelled out, expressly in the Constitution
- The constitution al provisions by which government powers are divided on a geographic basis
- The legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one State can be returned to that State
- Those powers that the Constitution does not grant to the National Government and denies to the States
- Form of federal monetary aid under which Congress gave a share of federal tax revenue, with virtually no restrictions, to the States, cities, countries, and townships
- Not expressly stated in the Constitution but are reasonably suggested
- One type of federal grants-in-aid
- Is a system of government in which a written constitution divides the powers of government on a territorial basis
- Belong to the National Government because it is the national government of a sovereign state in the world community
- Agreements among themselves and with foreign states
- Those powers that can be exercised by the National Government
- Those powers, expressed, implied, or inherent, granted to the National Government by the Constitution
- An act directing the people of the territory to frame a proposed State constitution
- That no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who happen to live in other States
20 Clues: An act creating the new State • One type of federal grants-in-aid • Agreements among themselves and with foreign states • Those powers that can be exercised by the National Government • Not expressly stated in the Constitution but are reasonably suggested • Those powers that both the National Government and the States possess and exercise • ...
AIC 2018-04-12
- Mr Birling wants the Crofts and the Birlings to work together for “lower ____ and higher prices”
- Sheila reminds Gerald that he did not come near her “last _______”
- In Act 2, the Inspector states “we have to share something. If there’s nothing else, we’ll have to share our ______”
- Birling states that “a man has to mind his own business and look after _______”
- Gerald describes Daisy Renton as “intensely _____” when he first met her
- Birling believes he has a good chance of receiving a _______
- Birling repeats this adjective when describing the Titanic
- Birling describes Eva Smith as a “lively good-looking girl” and a “______ worker”
- The Inspector states in Act 1 that “it would do us all a bit of good if sometimes we tried to put _______ in the place of these young women counting their pennies in their dingy little back bedrooms”
- The stage directions describe Sheila as “rather ______”
- Birling states that “there isn’t a chance of ______”
- Mrs Birling refers to Eva Smith as “_____ of that class”
- When Sheila hears about Birling’s treatment of Eva Smith, she states that “these girls aren’t cheap labour – they’re ______”
- Sheila tells Gerald in Act 2 that “you and I aren’t the _____ people who sat down to dinner here”
- Mrs Birling states that she told Eva/Daisy to “Go and look for the _____ of the child. It’s his responsibility”
- Sheila uses this word to describe Eric
- Because Eva Smith has “a lot to say”, Birling stated that she had to ____
- The stage directions describe the Inspector as an “impression of massiveness, _____ and purposefulness”
- Who tells Sheila she is “marrying at a very good time”?
- the stage direction that describes Mr Birling
- When Eva/Daisy went to Mrs Birling for help, she states “I used my ______ to have it refused”
- Mrs Birling was Mr Birling’s “social ______”
- The stage directions describe Eric as “not quite at _____”
23 Clues: Sheila uses this word to describe Eric • Mrs Birling was Mr Birling’s “social ______” • the stage direction that describes Mr Birling • Birling states that “there isn’t a chance of ______” • Who tells Sheila she is “marrying at a very good time”? • The stage directions describe Sheila as “rather ______” • Mrs Birling refers to Eva Smith as “_____ of that class” • ...
civil war 2019-12-12
- of Shiloh , April 1862 Union victory in Tennessee noted for its large number of dead and wounded
- G. Farragut , Union naval commander who took control of New Orleans in 1862
- corpus , principle that a person cannot be held in prison without first being charged with a specific crime
- , Union ironclad ship
- Sumter , Union fort in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina where the first shots of the Civil War were fired in April 1861
- Pickett , Confederate general who led a failed charge against Union forces at Gettysburg
- Proclamation , order issued by Abraham Lincoln declaring slaves in all rebelling states were free
- Barton , nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross
- E. Lee , Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate Army)
- States of America , the name adopted by the 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union during the Civil War
- C. Breckinridge , Southern Democrat candidate for President of the United States in the 1860 Election
- of Vicksburg , gave the Union control of the Mississippi River in July 1863 dividing the Confederate States in two
- Cross , an international organization that cares for the sick or wounded or homeless in wartime
- state , slave states that did not secede: Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri
- Massachusetts Regiment , a famous African American unit in the Union army; led an attack on Ft. Wagner near Charleston, SC
- Act , 1862 law that allowed African American soldiers to serve in the Union military
- Brady , Civil War photographer
- McClellan , first commander of the Union army; fired by Lincoln after the Battle of Antietam for being too cautious
- , Confederate ironclad ship
- York City Draft Riots , July 1863 opposition to conscription; Irish Americans burnt buildings and killed blacks
- , a military draft
- tax , an 1861 3-5% tax on earnings to pay for the costs of the Civil War
- Campaign , Spring 1862 failed Union attempt to capture Richmond led by McClellan stopped by Lee at the Seven Days Battle
- Jackson , Confederate general during the Battle of Bull Run; later became Robert E. Lee's right-hand man
- Davis , President of the Confederate States of America
25 Clues: , a military draft • , Union ironclad ship • , Confederate ironclad ship • Brady , Civil War photographer • Davis , President of the Confederate States of America • Barton , nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross • E. Lee , Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia (Confederate Army) • ...
American Civil War 2019-10-16
- Steam-propelled warship protected by iron or steel plates used in the early part of the second half of the 19th century
- African-American abolitionist and women's right activist
- General in the Union Army during the American Civil War
- Author of of Uncle Tom's Cabin
- Escaped slavery in Maryland and became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York
- 16th president of the United States from 1861 to 1865
- 18th president of the United States from 1869 to 1877
- The art or practice of communicating news by photographs, especially in magazines
- Also known as the draft, the enlistment of people into the military
- American abolitionist who advocated the use of armed insurrection to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States
- Also known as the first battle of Manassas, was the first battle of the American Civil War
- Also known as the Battle of Sharpsburg, was fought September 17, 1862
- Type of muzzle-loading spin-stabilized bullet for rifled muskets
- Side known as the North in the American Civil War
- Pioneering nurse who founded the American Red Cross
- Largest of three Cherokee federally recognized tribes in the United States
- One of the best-known Confederate commanders after General Robert E. Lee
- Commander of the Confederate States Army
- Town in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, is known for Gettysburg National Battlefield
- Only President of the Confederate States of America from 1861 to 1865
- An American soldier, civil engineer, railroad executive, and politician.
- Made 13 missions to rescue around 70 enslaved people
- Another term for Confederate States of America
- City in western Mississippi, known as the site of the key Civil War battle
- Also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was fought April 6-7 1862
25 Clues: Author of of Uncle Tom's Cabin • Commander of the Confederate States Army • Another term for Confederate States of America • Side known as the North in the American Civil War • Pioneering nurse who founded the American Red Cross • Made 13 missions to rescue around 70 enslaved people • 16th president of the United States from 1861 to 1865 • ...
Civil War Crossword 2020-02-27
- City in Mississippi
- Lee A confederate general who led the South’s attempt at separating during the Civil War.
- Governor of Rhode Island
- 16th President of the United States
- Replaced Robert E. Lee as a lieutenant colonel
- lieutenant general in the Confederate Army
- partially blamed for the defeat of Gettysburg
- Executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln
- known as the battle of Sharpsburg
- Aggressive Union General
- Battle in the Western Theater of the Civil War
- A leader of the Cherokee Nation
- Steam frigate which was known as the hull
- Town in Pennsylvania
- First President of the Confederate States
- Jackson forged a reputation of braveness during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign.
- participated in the Battle of Gettysburg
- Major land battle of the Civil War
- Sea Fort in South Carolina
- Capital of Georgia
- Only United States senator to ever die in a military engagement
- Warship built for the Union Navy
- A prison in Georgia
- One of the most famous Union generals of the Civil War
- U.S. Army Engineer
- 18th President of the United States
- Plan to defeat the Confederate side
- known for “Sherman’s March”
- Flag officer of the United States Navy
- Known for Picketts Charge
- Town in Virginia
31 Clues: Town in Virginia • Capital of Georgia • U.S. Army Engineer • City in Mississippi • A prison in Georgia • Town in Pennsylvania • Governor of Rhode Island • Aggressive Union General • Known for Picketts Charge • Sea Fort in South Carolina • known for “Sherman’s March” • A leader of the Cherokee Nation • Warship built for the Union Navy • known as the battle of Sharpsburg • ...
Civil War 2021-10-07
- Ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War.
- troops trained to fight on horseback
- A cap worn by Civil War soldiers.
- Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars
- A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
- related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal
- Line A boundary or border that split the free states from the slave states. It went between Pennsylvania to the north and Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the south.
- A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were slaves.
- Term meaning "before war"
- Nickname for the south
- Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
- the act of governing or exercising authority
- Soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
- An army of citizens used during emergencies.
- When someone is murdered for political reasons.
- Term used to describe people who supported the union.
- An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- of or occurring between or among citizens of the state
- The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
- a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought
- an offensive against an enemy
21 Clues: Nickname for the south • Term meaning "before war" • an offensive against an enemy • A cap worn by Civil War soldiers. • troops trained to fight on horseback • Soldiers that fight and travel by foot. • the act of governing or exercising authority • An army of citizens used during emergencies. • Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars • ...
Reconstruction 2023-05-17
- These people wanted a better approach to Reconstruction.
- Period of time after the Civil War where the states wanted to rebuild its society.
- General of the Confederate Army.
- This states that if you were born in the U.S. you were a citizen and have the same rights as a citizen.
- U.S. President at the time.
- People tortured African Americans by hanging them. This was called _______.
- This is when one human being was owned by another and was forced to work..
- This was 3 requirements a state had to make in order to rejoin the Union.
- Laws that were passed to free newly freed African Americans.
- Northerners who traveled south to "help" with Reconstruction, but really wanted to scam them.
- This was created to assist African Americans adjust to their life after being a slave.
- These laws divided the former Confederate states into five military sections.
- Abolished slavery in the United States.
- The amendment that granted African American men the right to vote.
- 10% of the voters within the Confederate states swear allegiance to the Union.
- Dishonest or illegal actions.
- African Americans and white people were separated. This was called _________.
- General of the Union Army.
- Southerners who supported the north during the civil war.
- The forgiveness of any crime committed.
20 Clues: General of the Union Army. • U.S. President at the time. • Dishonest or illegal actions. • General of the Confederate Army. • Abolished slavery in the United States. • The forgiveness of any crime committed. • These people wanted a better approach to Reconstruction. • Southerners who supported the north during the civil war. • ...
civil war 2023-10-23
- Manufacturing goods from raw materials
- Withdrawal from the Federal government of the United States.
- To rush towards the enemy.
- An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path.
- Escaped slaves who fled to the Union lines for protection.
- Also called the South or the Confederate States of America
- War A new way of conducting war appeared during the Civil War.
- States The states of Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri
- The largest organizational group of soldiers
- A smooth bore firearm fired from the shoulder. Thrust from exploding powder shoots the bullet forward like a chest pass in basketball.
- The cruel killing of a number of helpless or unresisting people.
- The major political party in America most sympathetic to states rights and willing to tolerate the spread of slavery to the territories.
- The science of growing crops or raising livestock, farming.
- To admit defeat and give up in the face of overwhelming odds.
- Freedom from slavery.
- A branch of the military mounted on horseback.
- A flag identifying a regiment or army.
- Round container used to carry water made of wood or tin and carried over the shoulder by a strap.
- A place where weapons and other military supplies are manufactured.
- A hollow projectile shot from a cannon
20 Clues: Freedom from slavery. • To rush towards the enemy. • Manufacturing goods from raw materials • A flag identifying a regiment or army. • A hollow projectile shot from a cannon • The largest organizational group of soldiers • A branch of the military mounted on horseback. • Escaped slaves who fled to the Union lines for protection. • ...
Remy Johnson Articles X-word 2024-02-09
- States would print their own ___ even though they weren't supposed to
- The constitution made the government ___ so that they couldn't favor other states
- Shay's rebelleion convinced American leaders that little protected them from ___
- The federalist system of government created a balance of ___
- Because the U.S could not ___ they were in dept
- Who saw America as a future world power?
- Shay's rebellion protested taxes imposed on by ___
- After the revolutionary war ended, stats acted more like ___ then as part of the same nation
- What city did the delicates meet in?
- Because the governtment could not stop Shay's rebellion, a local ___ had to stop it.
- The constitution was based on ___
- The continental congress could pass laws, but they weren't good at ___ them
- Shay was NOT a ___ landowner, and thats why he rebelled against the government of Massachuwsetts
- The western land was filled with ___ tribes
- What book did Noah Webster write
- What power was held only by the National Government?
- What river borders the western lands won by the Americans in the revelation?
- The U.S army nearly ___ because they couldn't tax the states.
- States ___ goods manufactured in other states
- Nine-thirteenths of congress had to agree to pass a new ___
20 Clues: What book did Noah Webster write • The constitution was based on ___ • What city did the delicates meet in? • Who saw America as a future world power? • The western land was filled with ___ tribes • States ___ goods manufactured in other states • Because the U.S could not ___ they were in dept • Shay's rebellion protested taxes imposed on by ___ • ...
The Civil Grill 2021-12-01
- the use of transportation of supplies
- the general for the south
- the general for the north
- the document signed by president abraham lincoln to abolish slavery in the rebel states
- the president who signed the emancipation proclamation
- the main cause for the civil war to start
- a prison used for union soldiers
- the south's last weapon against the north(a fort)
- a blockade made by the north to stop any people from getting supplies in the south
- the nickname for the north states who were against slavery
- the capital of georgia
- the people who would go to Europe to get supplies whenever there weren't any union ships around
- the states that allowed slavery
- the nickname for the south states fighting for slavery
- a battle pushed by the union; one of the bloodiest wars in US history
- the bloodiest war in US history; the south and north fought over slavery being abolished or not
- the plan used against the south to cut off all of their supplies
- one of the main cities hit by sherman on the march to the sea
- the states that didn't allow slavery
- large weapons that the north had; used against the south
20 Clues: the capital of georgia • the general for the south • the general for the north • the states that allowed slavery • a prison used for union soldiers • the states that didn't allow slavery • the use of transportation of supplies • the main cause for the civil war to start • the south's last weapon against the north(a fort) • ...
Federalism - Gordy Kennedy 2021-12-03
- the holiday that Jingle Bells was created for
- laws relating to disputes within a state
- an act Congress must pass as procedure of admission
- returning a criminal to a state
- enumerated powers
- what type of trees are the most common Christmas trees
- powers of a government because it is a government
- clause that makes the acts and treaties of the US supreme
- what sports term describes courts
- powers specifically delegated to the states
- powers not explicitly defined in the constitution
- a negotiation between states
- case where the supreme court ruled national government the supreme power
- what is our government (not jigsaw)
- powers shared between the national and state governments
- created by John Marshall to empower the central government
- elastic clause
- what else is given besides full faith
- all citizens have the same privileges and
- whose version of Jingle Bells spells out j-i-n-g-l-e bells
- powers granted to the national government by the constitution
- other than Congress, what plays a key role in amending the constitution
- what do states and local governments conduct and pay for
- If interstate compacts aren’t enough to solve a dispute, these are what states will file
24 Clues: elastic clause • enumerated powers • a negotiation between states • returning a criminal to a state • what sports term describes courts • what is our government (not jigsaw) • what else is given besides full faith • laws relating to disputes within a state • all citizens have the same privileges and • powers specifically delegated to the states • ...
Civil War Crossword 2020-02-27
- A leader of the Cherokee Nation
- Flag officer of the United States Navy
- Battle in the Western Theater of the Civil War
- Forged a reputation of braveness during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign.
- Confederate military prison in Georgia
- One of the most famous Union generals of the Civil War
- Lieutenant-general in the Confederate Army
- First President of the Confederate States
- Aggressive Union General
- 16th President of the United States
- Sea Fort in South Carolina
- Participated in the Battle of Gettysburg
- Governor of Rhode Island
- Major land battle of the Civil War
- Town in Pennsylvania
- Plan to defeat the Confederate side
- Town in Virginia
- Capital of Georgia
- Known for Picketts Charge
- Executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln
- Known for “Sherman’s March”
- Warship built for the Union Navy
- Replaced Robert E. Lee as a lieutenant colonel
- A confederate general who led the South’s attempt at separating during the Civil War.
- U.S. Army Engineer
- Steam frigate which was known as the hull
- Only United States senator to ever die in a military engagement
- Partially blamed for the defeat of Gettysburg
- City in Mississippi
- 18th President of the United States
- Known as the battle of Sharpsburg
31 Clues: Town in Virginia • U.S. Army Engineer • Capital of Georgia • City in Mississippi • Town in Pennsylvania • Aggressive Union General • Governor of Rhode Island • Known for Picketts Charge • Sea Fort in South Carolina • Known for “Sherman’s March” • A leader of the Cherokee Nation • Warship built for the Union Navy • Known as the battle of Sharpsburg • Major land battle of the Civil War • ...
Law Studies 2023-04-05
- DOE is the Department of ____
- The Judicial Branch has a Supreme one of these
- This document is the highest form of law in the United States
- A bill hopes to become this someday
- Washington D.C. is the ________ of the United States
- The country is divided into these
- When the president won't sign in a law
- Number of Supreme Court justices
- President who is also called the Father of the Constitution
- Leader of the executive branch
- Number of amendments in the Bill of Rights
- States are usually divided into these
- This cabinet department runs the military
- This pays for the government to run
- Freedom of speech amendment
- When people vote it is called an _____
- United States of _____
- If convicted of a crime, you are ____, not innocent
- Person who presides over the court
- The ____ of Representatives is part of the legislative branch of government.
- Where the president lives
- The thirteenth amendment outlawed this
- The president's top 15 advisors
- Another name for the legislative branch
- What every citizen should do during elections
- There are two of these congressional members from each state
- Right not to testify against yourself amendment
- How long you are elected for office
28 Clues: United States of _____ • Where the president lives • Freedom of speech amendment • DOE is the Department of ____ • Leader of the executive branch • The president's top 15 advisors • Number of Supreme Court justices • The country is divided into these • Person who presides over the court • A bill hopes to become this someday • This pays for the government to run • ...
Civil War 2023-05-05
- Southern General that stood like a stonewall during battle
- California enters Union as a free state
- Leave or withdraw
- Place where first shots were fired at Civil War
- Published anti-slavery newspaper, The North Star
- The President of U.S. during the Civil War
- A book by Harriett Beecher Stowe
- All men could vote in this amendment
- Union general who accepted Lee's surrender
- During the Civil War, The United States was also known as the _____
- Believed that slavery violated Christian principles
- The bloodiest single day of combat in American History was the battle of________
- The amendment that freed all slaves
- Gave Union control of Mississippi River and cut South in half
- Having a larger population and more factories was an advantage for which side?
- These states did not secede and join the Confederate states.
- What Slave Act required northern states to forcibly return escaped slaves to their owners
- Having most of the nation’s best generals was an advantage for which side?
- When Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, the war's purpose was to end _____
- increased the need for slavery
- After Civil War Southern states adopted these to limit the impact of the Thirteenth Amendment
- President of the Confederacy
22 Clues: Leave or withdraw • President of the Confederacy • increased the need for slavery • A book by Harriett Beecher Stowe • The amendment that freed all slaves • All men could vote in this amendment • California enters Union as a free state • The President of U.S. during the Civil War • Union general who accepted Lee's surrender • Place where first shots were fired at Civil War • ...
Contemporary Unit 2023-05-24
- Plane Used in WW1
- Island United States Bombed
- Bombs Bombs Capable of Incredible Damage
- Ending WW1
- 2nd Island United States Bombed
- Money Becomes Less Valuable
- Armored Vehicle Used By British
- Lázaro Cárdenas, chosen to be president in 1934, brought peasants’ and workers’ organizations into the party, and renamed it the Mexican Revolutionary Party (PRM), and removed the generals from government positions
- Water Vehivle Used By Germans
- Cause of communist Russia
- Terrosrist Attack At Olympics
- Founder of Soviet Russia
- Leader of Mexican Revolution
- was a forum where all the pressure groups and vested interests – labor, peasants, businessmen, landowners, the military, and others – worked out compromises
- After Mao’s death Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping stabilize China
- Russia In 1900
- Island Japan Bombed
- Gaining Freedom From Spain
- Heir to the Austria-Hungary throne
- Gas Bombs Used In trnches
- Came to Power in Italy in 1922
- United States Prsident During WW2
- Corrective Labor Camps
- St Petersburg Ran Out Of Food
- Hitlers Abuse of Power towards Jews
- Rivalry Between United States And UUSR
- Cause of WW2 and Holocaust
- Leader of Mexican Revolution On Spain side
- Bombs Cause of US Japan Attacks
30 Clues: Ending WW1 • Russia In 1900 • Plane Used in WW1 • Island Japan Bombed • Corrective Labor Camps • Founder of Soviet Russia • Gas Bombs Used In trnches • Cause of communist Russia • Gaining Freedom From Spain • Cause of WW2 and Holocaust • Island United States Bombed • Money Becomes Less Valuable • Leader of Mexican Revolution • St Petersburg Ran Out Of Food • Water Vehivle Used By Germans • ...
Civics Test 2024-10-24
- The President's official residence
- The system that stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful
- The "Father of Our Country"
- The branch of government that interprets laws
- The term for a two-house legislature
- The war between the North and South
- A change to the Constitution is called
- The number of justices on the Supreme Court
- The two major political parties in the United States
- The first President of the United States
- The Commander in Chief of the military
- The supreme law of the land
- The month we vote for President
- The group that advises the President
- The number of amendments to the Constitution
- The first ten amendments to the Constitution
- The U.S. fought these three countries in World War II
- The highest court in the United States
- The power to veto a bill belongs to this person
- One of the two longest rivers in the United States
- The U.S. economic system
- The system that divides power between state and federal governments
- The ocean on the west coast of the United States
- The longest river in the United States
- The President is elected for this many years per term
- The leader of the executive branch
- The 16th President who freed the slaves
- The first state to ratify the Constitution
- Freedom of speech is protected by this amendment
29 Clues: The U.S. economic system • The "Father of Our Country" • The supreme law of the land • The month we vote for President • The President's official residence • The leader of the executive branch • The war between the North and South • The term for a two-house legislature • The group that advises the President • The highest court in the United States • ...
The Civil War 2024-12-09
- The site where the Confederacy surrendered to the Union.
- A critical city in the Civil War's Mississippi campaign.
- The northern states during the Civil War, opposing the Confederacy.
- A key river in the Union’s strategy to divide the South.
- Mandatory recruitment for military service.
- Slave states loyal to the Union but divided on the war.
- A pivotal Civil War battle that marked a turning point.
- The site of two early Civil War battles that ended in Confederate victories.
- A legal principle protecting against unlawful imprisonment.
- A failed Confederate attack during the Battle of Gettysburg.
- The site of the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, fought on September 17, 1862, where Union forces halted the Confederate advance into the North.
- People advocating for the end of slavery.
- Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War and abolition.
- A sudden and violent attack on an enemy position.
- Warships heavily armored with iron.
- The use of naval forces to prevent the transportation of goods and supplies.
- The act of freeing enslaved individuals.
- The act of withdrawing from an organization or political entity, as the southern states did.
- The federal fort where the Civil War began after Confederate forces attacked.
- The southern states that seceded from the United States during the Civil War.
20 Clues: Warships heavily armored with iron. • The act of freeing enslaved individuals. • People advocating for the end of slavery. • Mandatory recruitment for military service. • A sudden and violent attack on an enemy position. • Slave states loyal to the Union but divided on the war. • A pivotal Civil War battle that marked a turning point. • ...
Egbert's TX History Crossword puzzle 2021-05-04
- One cause of the Great Depression
- Period of time with unemployment and poverty
- JR. Civil Rights leader during the 60s
- Created the first map of the Texas Coast
- 16th president of the United States
- Deadliest natural disaster in the history of the U.S
- The first map of the Texas coast created by Pineda in 1519
- The first explorer to step foot in Texas
- deadliest war in human history
- Texas gaining independence from Mexico
- Northern states during the Civil War
- Spanish Mission in San Antonio
- Cloud of dust that spread across the great plains
- Leader of the Texan Army and first president of Texas
- European War between 1914-1918
- Equal rights for all citizens
- Southern states that left the United States in 1861
- The war between the Union and the Confederacy
18 Clues: Equal rights for all citizens • deadliest war in human history • Spanish Mission in San Antonio • European War between 1914-1918 • One cause of the Great Depression • 16th president of the United States • Northern states during the Civil War • Texas gaining independence from Mexico • JR. Civil Rights leader during the 60s • Created the first map of the Texas Coast • ...
The Civil War is Here 2022-10-05
- saying he should be free because they were in the North.
- the state that pro-slavery people came from to vote in Kansas
- bleeding______
- where johnbrown was going to get weapons
- the first president of the Confederates States of America
- the president of the U.S that was elected in 1860.
- the law that let slave catchers get runaway slaves that went to the North.
- the man who was trying to get the slaves to revolt by giving them weapons.
- states got to decide for themsleves
- led over 300 slaves to freedom.
- the book that led abolitionists to protest more.
- solved the problem of the new Western States if they were free or not.
- the network that helped slaves escape to freedom.
- what state in the West became free.
- what southern state was the first to leave the United States.
- the slave that took his owner to
- what economy did the North have
- ran against Lincoln in the 1860 election
- the southern states did when Lincoln became president
- what party was the leading party and against slavery
- the state other than new mexico that got to vote for themselves if they were free or not.
- the machine that took the seeds out of cotton
22 Clues: bleeding______ • what economy did the North have • led over 300 slaves to freedom. • the slave that took his owner to • what state in the West became free. • states got to decide for themsleves • where johnbrown was going to get weapons • ran against Lincoln in the 1860 election • the machine that took the seeds out of cotton • ...
Ancient Chinese Warfare 2020-05-15
- Which State reunited China during the Warring States period?
- By 334 BC there were how many Warring States?
- The study of The Art of War helped the soldiers of which country to win their war?
- Another tactic was to use reverse ………..
- Colours used in ancient armour included red, blue and ……..
- The earliest known armour were used by warriors of the ……. Dynasty
- The earliest shields were made of this.
- The period between 475-221 BC was called The …….. States Period.
- In the Warring States period, States declared independence from which Dynasty
- What weapon was a mix of a spear and an axe?
- Early armour was made from a part of what animal?
- The catapult was able to launch projectiles, including fired ……….
- The best strategy described in The Art of War was one that delivered victory without ……..?
- One tactic was to send …….. women to the opposition to distract them
- Single arm catapults were introduced in the ….... Period
- The most common weapon of Ancient Chinese warfare.
- When were swords first introduced?
- A tactic Ancient Chinese warriors would use was pretending to be ……...
- Who wrote the book “The Art Of War”?
- What piece of armour was worn to protect the ears and back of the neck?
20 Clues: When were swords first introduced? • Who wrote the book “The Art Of War”? • Another tactic was to use reverse ……….. • The earliest shields were made of this. • What weapon was a mix of a spear and an axe? • By 334 BC there were how many Warring States? • Early armour was made from a part of what animal? • The most common weapon of Ancient Chinese warfare. • ...
Civil War 2021-10-07
- a region where a battle is being (or has been) fought
- Line A boundary or border that split the free states from the slave states. It went between Pennsylvania to the north and Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware to the south.
- an offensive against an enemy
- Term used to describe people who supported the union.
- A cap worn by Civil War soldiers.
- A large farm in the southern United States. Before the Civil War many of the workers on plantations were slaves.
- Ankle high shoe worn by soldiers during the Civil War.
- Soldier that is wounded or killed during battle.
- Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars
- related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal
- of or occurring between or among citizens of the state
- An army of citizens used during emergencies.
- the act of governing or exercising authority
- When someone is murdered for political reasons.
- An attempt to stop people and supplies from going in or out of a port.
- The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
- Nickname for the south
- A nickname for people from the North as well as Union soldiers.
- Term meaning "before war"
- Soldiers that fight and travel by foot.
- troops trained to fight on horseback
21 Clues: Nickname for the south • Term meaning "before war" • an offensive against an enemy • A cap worn by Civil War soldiers. • troops trained to fight on horseback • Soldiers that fight and travel by foot. • An army of citizens used during emergencies. • the act of governing or exercising authority • Large caliber firearms like canons and mortars • ...
Documents and Principles 2016-09-09
- The US Cons. protects our fundamental ___.
- ___ govt't is when the gov't is not all powerful.
- The ___ explained the purpose of setting up a new gov't.
- States working together to fight COVID19 is an example of forming a more perfect ___.
- In the US Cons the ____ comes from the people.
- Under the Articles of Confederation, ___ held all the major powers.
- In order for an amendment to be added, it first needs 2/3 ______ by Congress or the states.
- There are two steps in the amendment process: proposal and ____.
- We live in a representative gov't where we ___ people to make decisions on our behalf.
- ___ the US Cons needs proposal from Congress/states and Ratification from states.
- There have been 17 amendments ____ to the US Cons.
- The US Cons created a ___ set of laws.
- There are 27 amendments ____ in the US Cons
- The US Cons. establishes the ___ of the gov't.
- We live in a ___ where we elect a president.
- When a judge is given a speeding ticket is an example of rule of ___
- Voters give their ___ when they vote on issues.
- The US Cons begins with We the ____.
- The US Cons. guarantees ___ under the law.
- The Magna Carta limited the power of the ___
- In the _____ amendment process the General Assembly must propose it.
21 Clues: The US Cons begins with We the ____. • The US Cons created a ___ set of laws. • The US Cons. protects our fundamental ___. • The US Cons. guarantees ___ under the law. • There are 27 amendments ____ in the US Cons • We live in a ___ where we elect a president. • The Magna Carta limited the power of the ___ • The US Cons. establishes the ___ of the gov't. • ...
New American Diplomacy 2023-09-29
- The man who led the attack on Columbus, New Mexico in March 1916
- The Mexican reformer who led the Mexican Revolution
- Policy where all countries should be able to trade with China.
- The French company's agent who helped Panama make a deal with the United States.
- Other than Panama, where else did the United States consider building the canal?
- Under the Roosevelt __________ the United States would intervene in Latin America to maintain stability
- President Taft's policy of supporting Latin America for everyone's benefit
- Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big _________"
- Who the United States bought the rights for the Panama Canal from
- William Jennings Bryan attacked Republicans for their support of...
- Woodrow Wilson believed that the United States should always promote __________
- In 1914, war erupted between China and Japan over...
- The secret Chinese Societies that fought foreign control
- The Mexican general who seized power of Mexico in February 1913
- The last name of President Roosevelt's successor
- The city where American sailors were arrested in April 1914
- William McKinley's running mate in the 1900 election
- The country that Panama was a province of
- Where the Germans were delivering weapons to Mexico
- Where Roosevelt settled a peace agreement between Japan and Russia
- The anarchist who shot William McKinley
21 Clues: The anarchist who shot William McKinley • The country that Panama was a province of • The last name of President Roosevelt's successor • The Mexican reformer who led the Mexican Revolution • Where the Germans were delivering weapons to Mexico • In 1914, war erupted between China and Japan over... • William McKinley's running mate in the 1900 election • ...
mycross 2025-02-12
- Which state is known as the "Sunshine State" of US?FLORIDA
- Which U.S. state is known as the "Lone Star State"?TEXAS
- What is the tallest type of tree? Redwood
- What is the most common surname in the United States? Smith
- The Grand Canyon is primarily located in which U.S. state?
- Where is Angel Falls, the world’s largest waterfall, located? Venezuela
- What is the national bird of the United States?Eagle
- On which continent would you find the world’s largest desert? Antarctica
- What company was initially known as "Blue Ribbon Sports"?
- Which U.S. state is known as the "Empire State"?
- The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from which country
- What city is known as "The Eternal City"? Rome
- In which country would you find Mount Kilimanjaro? Tanzania
- The United States acquired the territory of Alaska from which country?
- What country features a shipwreck on its national flag? Bermuda
- Which country has the highest life expectancy? Hong Kong
- Which is the only continent with land in all four hemispheres?
- The Civil Rights Act of 1964 aimed to end discrimination based on what?
- The Appalachian Mountains run through which region of theUnited States?
- Who was the Ancient Greek God of the Sun? Apollo
20 Clues: What is the tallest type of tree? Redwood • What city is known as "The Eternal City"? Rome • Who was the Ancient Greek God of the Sun? Apollo • Which U.S. state is known as the "Empire State"? • What is the national bird of the United States?Eagle • Which U.S. state is known as the "Lone Star State"?TEXAS • Which country has the highest life expectancy? Hong Kong • ...
Civil War Test 2022-05-06
- Number of Confederate States
- turning point of war
- freed the slaves in the south
- Number of border states
- Where did lee surrender at johnwilesbooth assassinated lincoln
- winning the first half of war
- who won the war
- bloodiest battle of the war
- General of USA
- Famous Speech
- Number of Union States.
- Had motivation, experience, better generals
- General of CSA
- What kind of war did Gen Sherman unleash
- President of the USA
- first major battle
- President of the CSA
- first battle
- Had more $$$, weapons, factories, soldiers
19 Clues: first battle • Famous Speech • General of CSA • General of USA • who won the war • first major battle • turning point of war • President of the USA • President of the CSA • Number of Union States. • Number of border states • bloodiest battle of the war • Number of Confederate States • freed the slaves in the south • winning the first half of war • What kind of war did Gen Sherman unleash • ...
Global Cold War 2024-04-19
- Waterway that was a source of a Cold War conflict in 1956
- Claimed by the Soviet Union at the end of World War II
- After _____ years, United States forces withdrew from the conflict in Vietnam
- The United States aided the _____ as they fought against communist rebels and communist North Vietnam
- North American country that is a member of NATO
- Number of military casualties in the Korean War
- The United States organized a group of rebels, who attacked from neighboring _____ and overthrew the popular president of Guatemala
- First Cold War victory by the United States in 1948-1949
- The Korean War ended in this
- Revolted and demanded the withdrawal of all Soviet troops in 1956
- One of the most violent conflicts of the Cold War
- Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was the president of this country in 1952
- North Vietnam had the assistance of China and the _____
- When Egypt’s president Nasser recognized communist _____ and improved relations with the Soviet Union, the United States dropped its offer to fund an important energy project in Egypt
- Its aim was containing communist expansion became the fundamental Cold War foreign policy of the United States
- Workers in Poland rioted against Communist rule because of the suppression of the Poles' strong _____ faith
- Ground zero of the Cold War
17 Clues: Ground zero of the Cold War • The Korean War ended in this • North American country that is a member of NATO • Number of military casualties in the Korean War • One of the most violent conflicts of the Cold War • Claimed by the Soviet Union at the end of World War II • North Vietnam had the assistance of China and the _____ • ...
American West 2023-10-10
- An event in which previously restricted land of the United States was opened to homestead on a first-arrival basis
- The act that regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States
- A United States federal agency within the Department of the Interior
- An American express mail service that used relays of horse-mounted riders
- The given name of many cemeteries, chiefly in the Western United States
- Several laws in the United States by which an applicant could acquire ownership of government land or the public domain, typically called a homestead
- A group of wagons traveling together
- The trail that was used in the post-Civil War era to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads
- The cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that American settlers were destined to expand across North America
- A ceremony incorporated into numerous Native American belief systems proper practice of the dance would reunite the living with spirits of the dead, bring the spirits to fight on their behalf, end American Westward expansion, and bring peace, prosperity, and unity to Native American peoples throughout the region
- An area of land held and governed by a U.S. federal government-recognized Native American tribal nation, whose government is semi-sovereign
- An agreement between the United States and the Oglala, Miniconjou, and Brulé bands of Lakota people, Yanktonai Dakota, and Arapaho Nation, following the failure of the first Fort Laramie treaty
- The process of moving a herd of cattle from one place to another usually moved and herded by cowboys on horses
- A private security guard and detective agency established around 1850 in the United States
- An ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of approximately 60,000 people of the "Five Civilized Tribes" between 1830 and 1850 by the United States government
- Regiments formed during the 19th century to serve on the American frontier that primarily comprised African Americans
16 Clues: A group of wagons traveling together • A United States federal agency within the Department of the Interior • The given name of many cemeteries, chiefly in the Western United States • An American express mail service that used relays of horse-mounted riders • The act that regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States • ...
vocab 2019-11-07
- invaded and subsequently became a possession of the United States.
- policy of Dollar Diplomacy
- War A war between Spain and the United States, fought in 1898
- Moral diplomacy
- ceded to the United States under the treaty ending the Spanish-American War
- journalism that is based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration
- 1898 treaty signed by Spain and the United States on December 10, 1898, that ended the Spanish American War
- President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy
- a term in foreign affairs initially used to refer to the United States policy
- structure of their government and school system
- waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean
- an anti-imperialist uprising of peasants in northern China between Autumn 1899
- big stick policy
- a principle of US policy, originated by President James Monroe in 1823
- a form of diplomacy proposed by US President Woodrow Wilson in his 1912 election
- a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
- shaping America's open-door policy toward the Far East
- It exploded in Havana Harbor in 1898 and precipitated U.S. entry into the Spanish American War.
- could not govern themselves
19 Clues: Moral diplomacy • big stick policy • policy of Dollar Diplomacy • could not govern themselves • President Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy • structure of their government and school system • shaping America's open-door policy toward the Far East • War A war between Spain and the United States, fought in 1898 • ...
Giuseppe Tribuzio Articles x-word 2024-02-09
- Alexander ______ hated Congress because they didn't share his vision.
- Shays' Rebellion to protest taxes imposed by___.
- what do you need to pass a new law in the Confederation Congress
- Articles are flawed because Congress couldn't _____
- what best describes a federalist system of government?
- Because ___lacked the power to tax the states, it couldn't pay for the supplies
- after the States meet to fix Articles of Confederation Constitution ____.
- what was the biggest obstical facing the Continental Congress
- what happend after United States declares independence.
- What can you infer about Daniel Shays from the rebellion named after him?
- which power was held exclusively by the national government?
- What factor convinced the framers of the Articles of Confederation to create a weak central government?
- The Declaration of Independence was ___ to shays Rebellion,Articles of Confederation,and Revolutionary War ends.
- Shays' Rebellion convinced American leaders that little protected them from anarchy. What's the best synonym for "anarchy?"
- Constitution was based on.
- what factor prompted the states to consider changing the Articles of Confederation?
- why might one state tax goods manufactured in another state?
- Articles of Confederation Established one-house___.
- The individual states acted in their ownby taxing goods from other states.
- what was established by the Declaration of Independence?
20 Clues: Constitution was based on. • Shays' Rebellion to protest taxes imposed by___. • Articles are flawed because Congress couldn't _____ • Articles of Confederation Established one-house___. • what best describes a federalist system of government? • what happend after United States declares independence. • what was established by the Declaration of Independence? • ...
Ani Sci 1 - Unit 3 2022-10-12
- _______ production is one of the most important agricultural industries in the United States
- Farmland availability is ______
- this place consumes the largest amount of beef
- Since 1990, the number of hog farms in the U.S has declined by more than _____ percent
- NC ranks 5th in the nation, Iowa, Georgia, Ohio are the top 3 producing states of this animal
- The average age of primary farm operators is _______
- _____ precent of households own a pet (dog, cat, bird, fish, pocket pet, reptile,)
- Approximately, the pet industry brings in roughly ______ million jobs
- This animal group accounts for the largest share of total cash receipts for all agricultural commodities
- NC ranks 12th in the nation and California, Wisconsin, Idaho are the top 3 producing states for this animal
- Government policies have consistently favored ______ farms
- This item is produced in all 50 states
- this is the companion animal most households have
- NC Ranks 10th in this animal production, Nebraska, Texas and Kansas are the top producing states of this animal
- NC ranks 1st in the nation, Georgia, Arkansas, NC are the top 3 producers of this animal
- NC ranks 3rd in the nation, NC, Minnesota, Indiana are the top 3 states that produce this animal
- NC ranks 2nd in the nation, Iowa, Minnesota and NC are the top 3 ranking states for this animal
- Companion animal industries generate more than _____ billion in salary wages and benefits
18 Clues: Farmland availability is ______ • This item is produced in all 50 states • this place consumes the largest amount of beef • this is the companion animal most households have • The average age of primary farm operators is _______ • Government policies have consistently favored ______ farms • Approximately, the pet industry brings in roughly ______ million jobs • ...
US History 30 terms 2020-10-26
- Responsible for the Missouri Compromise
- Helped protect Tariff and developed a federal government
- Mostly served to raise income for the national government
- Emerged in 1830 in opposition to President Andrew Jackson
- Eight President of the United States
- Served as the ninth president of the United States
- Warn European nations that the U.S. will not tolerate colonization or monarchy
- Elected seventh President
- Machin that separates cotton fiber from seed
- Political party gives government civil service jobs to its supporters
- Financial crises in the United States that created a major depression
- Establish in 1791 to serve as a repository for federal funds
- Political party's
- U.S. into war with Great Britain and established second bank of the U.S.
- Allowed Missouria to become a slave state and Maine to become a free state in 1854
- Substitutes one for another
- Gave Congress power to establish a national bank
- Known for his inventing the cotton gin
- Sixth president of the United States
- Made to protect industry in northern U.S.
- Treaty Between the United States and Spain in 1819
- Longest artificial waterway
- Large making of products
- Granted unsettled land west of Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands
- Indian nation forced to give up lands
- transition to new manufacturing processes in U.S.
- Helped define the constitutional power of the federal government
- Road made by Federal government
- Was the tenth president of the United States in 1841
- Idea that promotes the interest of a national group
30 Clues: Political party's • Large making of products • Elected seventh President • Substitutes one for another • Longest artificial waterway • Road made by Federal government • Eight President of the United States • Sixth president of the United States • Indian nation forced to give up lands • Known for his inventing the cotton gin • Responsible for the Missouri Compromise • ...
Civics Crossword 2 2021-11-16
- Established in 1607, this colony became the first permanent English colony in America
- Article _____ of the Constitution tells how the Legislative Branch of government should work
- George ________ was the first president of the United States
- The name given to a clash between British soldiers and Bostonians was the "Boston ______" - several colonists were killed
- John _____ was Vice President under George Washington and the second President of the United States
- July 4th is celebrated as _________ Day
- The duty of the Supreme Court is to ____ laws
- The ______ Continental Congress called for peace, made preparations for war, and declared independence
- The _____ court is the highest court in the United States
- On July 4th, we celebrate independence from _______ ________
- How many amendments are there to the Constitution?
- The colors of the United States flag are red, white, and ______
- The president is the _____-in-chief of the United States Army and Navy
- Also known as the _______ (or Connecticut) Compromise established that the House of Representatives would be based on population and the Senate would be based on equal representation
- The _______ is the supreme law of the land
- One of the two houses of Congress, historically known as the upper house
- The ______ becomes President of the United States if the current president should die.
- The ______ of the House becomes president if both the current President AND Vice President should die
- The pilgrims came to America for ______ freedom
- Patrick ______ was a Virginia patriot whose eloquent speeches helped to stir up resistance to Britain
- Article _____ of the Constitution tells how the Executive Branch of government should work
21 Clues: July 4th is celebrated as _________ Day • The _______ is the supreme law of the land • The duty of the Supreme Court is to ____ laws • The pilgrims came to America for ______ freedom • How many amendments are there to the Constitution? • The _____ court is the highest court in the United States • On July 4th, we celebrate independence from _______ ________ • ...
Presidents Day Crossword Puzzle 2023-02-20
- The author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States
- The President who led the country during the Civil War
- The President who famously said, "The business of America is business"
- The only President to be elected to four terms
- The actor-turned-President who famously said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
- The first President of the United States
- The Union general who served as President from 1869-1877
- The President who was impeached twice, in 2019 and 2021
- The President who later served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
- The President who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002
- The President who was impeached in 1998
- The fifth President of the United States and author of the Monroe Doctrine
- The fourth President of the United States and the "Father of the Constitution"
- The President who led the country through World War I and helped create the League of Nations
- The President who famously said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country"
- The President who served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during World War II
- The President whose grandfather, William Henry Harrison, served as President for only 31 days before dying in office
- The President who authorized the use of atomic bombs against Japan to end World War II
- The first African-American President of the United States
- The second President of the United States and one of the Founding Fathers
20 Clues: The President who was impeached in 1998 • The first President of the United States • The only President to be elected to four terms • The President who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 • The President who led the country during the Civil War • The President who was impeached twice, in 2019 and 2021 • The Union general who served as President from 1869-1877 • ...
Sergio Cadena's Articles X-Words 2024-02-09
- a ___ from each colony who was apart of the Continental Congress
- The states could have their own wars with Native Americans,since congress can't stop them from making their own ___.
- what did the aftermath of shay's rebellion create?
- how many houses of congress did America have?
- Alexander ___ hated Congress because they didn't share his vision.
- what was the name of the rebellion that started in 1785, which a group of farmers revolted in Massachusetts.
- Since congress was bankrupt, British troops where still on American soil, and the UNITED states are divided, what was most likely going to happen to the new nation.
- Another flaw in the articles that specifically almost destroyed economies with other states.
- who lead the protest that almost made Massachusetts go into a civil war?
- Congress is the only ones that can make money because the states made so much that it was usless.
- Since the continental army had been disbanded after the revolutionary war, what did the federal government need, but had no money to buy.
- What came into effect in 1789?
- Because of shay's rebellion, the legislature (person to tax a state/country) relized that it was ___
- what was the first constitution in America
- A system in which states share power with a strong national government.
- how many years did the revolutionary war last?
- Delegates met in philidalphia because they wanted to help ___ the Articles.
- Articles are flawed because Congress can't____
- how did the states act with one another after the war
- Shay's rebellion showed the ____ of the articles of confedersation.
20 Clues: What came into effect in 1789? • what was the first constitution in America • how many houses of congress did America have? • how many years did the revolutionary war last? • Articles are flawed because Congress can't____ • what did the aftermath of shay's rebellion create? • how did the states act with one another after the war • ...
He is Worthy to Be Praised 2023-08-14
- He has shown His people the what of His works? (Psalm 111:6)
- The song of the Lamb states, "... for your righteous acts have been what? (Revelation 15:4)
- The LORD is what? (Psalm 111:4) (3 words)
- He sent what to His people? (Psalm 111:9)
- James 5:11, states that the Lord is what and merciful?
- The fear of the LORD is the beginning of what? (Psalm 111:10)
- I will give thanks with my whole what? (Psalm 111:1)
- He has caused His wondrous works to be what? (Psalm 111:4)
- Those who delight in the works of the Lord have _______ them. (Psalm 111:2)
- The LORD provides food for those who what Him? (Psalm 111:5)
- The works of His what are faithful and just? (Psalm 111:7)
- The song of the Lamb states, "For you alone are what? (Revelation 15:4)
- 1 Peter 2:9 states that we should proclaim the __________ of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.
- Great are the what of the Lord? (Psalm 111:2)
- His what endures forever? (Psalm 111:10)
- The song of the Lamb states, "great and amazing are your what?" (Revelation 15:3)
- What of the LORD's endures forever? (Psalm 111:3)
- The song of the Lamb states, "Just and true are your what?" (Revelation 15:3)
- What is holy and awesome? (Psalm 111:9) (2 words)
- The LORD's work is full of what? (Psalm 111:3)
- His precepts are what? (Psalm 111:7)
21 Clues: His precepts are what? (Psalm 111:7) • His what endures forever? (Psalm 111:10) • He sent what to His people? (Psalm 111:9) • The LORD is what? (Psalm 111:4) (3 words) • Great are the what of the Lord? (Psalm 111:2) • The LORD's work is full of what? (Psalm 111:3) • What of the LORD's endures forever? (Psalm 111:3) • What is holy and awesome? (Psalm 111:9) (2 words) • ...
Unit 2- A New nation 2024-04-21
- A compromise that stated the HOR= based off population and Senate= equal in proportion.
- favored large states, representation based on population
- Met between May and September of 1787 to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation.
- The power of the judicial branch to declare laws unconstitutional.
- The supreme law of the United States of America.
- Government that only has those powers delegated to it by law, often through a written constitution.
- Document that limited the power of the king.
- Established direct democracy, first form of self government in the U.S
- Division of power among different levels of government
- Supported the constitution as is; no need for additional protections
- Each branch has their individual roles and responsibilities
- Ensures one branch does not become too powerful.
- favored the small states in equal representation
- Rule by the people, consent of the governed
- Wanted additional protections for people and states.
- Written in 1776, declared us independent of Great Britain
- The nation's first constitution; it failed due to giving the states too much power.
- Where we got some ideas for our Bill Of Rights from.
- The governing body that declared us independent of Great Britain
- States no one is above the law
- People directly vote for what they want
- Slaves counted as 3/5 of a person
- The first democratically elected legislative body in the U.S
- Showed the weakness of the Articles; armed rebellion regarding taxes.
24 Clues: States no one is above the law • Slaves counted as 3/5 of a person • People directly vote for what they want • Rule by the people, consent of the governed • Document that limited the power of the king. • The supreme law of the United States of America. • Ensures one branch does not become too powerful. • favored the small states in equal representation • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Civil War Crossword 2022-03-06
- The first official battle of the Civil War.
- Event (Book about horrors of slavery) that caused/led to the Civil War.
- General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War.
- The economy in the ________ states grew quickly after the Civil War.
- William Sherman’s goal to take over the city of Atlanta.
- President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
- Commander of the Union Army during the Civil War.
- President of the United States during the Civil War.
- The battle that ended the Civil War: Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant.
- A battle during the Civil War known as the turning point and the deadliest battle.
- Cause of the Civil War: Northern and Southern states disagreed about.
- William Sherman and his troops marched from Atlanta to Savannah destroying everything in their path.
- General in the Confederate Army: Known for standing his ground in the First Battle of Bull Run.
- Event (An attempt to take over a federal armory and arm slaves) that caused/led to the Civil War.
- General in the Union Army: Known for the Atlanta Campaign & March to the Sea.
- Cause of the Civil War: Southern States were worried about the government becoming too powerful.
- The ________ states had to rebuild after the Civil War because of destruction.
17 Clues: The first official battle of the Civil War. • Commander of the Union Army during the Civil War. • President of the United States during the Civil War. • General of the Confederate Army during the Civil War. • William Sherman’s goal to take over the city of Atlanta. • The economy in the ________ states grew quickly after the Civil War. • ...
History Crossword 2022-04-04
- outlined a strong national government with three branches
- a body of people representing the states of the US
- the arrangement of and relations
- The branch that makes all laws, declares war, and regulates interstate.
- Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States
- This branch interprets the law and determine the constitutionality of the law.
- counterbalancing influences by which an organization or system is regulated
- an agreement between the large and small states during the Constitutional Convention
- comprises the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.
- the federal principle or system of government.
- a person who supports a system of government in which states unite under a central authority.
- a person who opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.
- provided for a bicameral federal legislature that used a dual system of representation
- This branch carries out and enforces laws.
14 Clues: the arrangement of and relations • This branch carries out and enforces laws. • the federal principle or system of government. • a body of people representing the states of the US • outlined a strong national government with three branches • a person who opposed the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. • ...
American History Before The Civil War 2023-11-17
- The location of a major Women's Rights Meeting in 1848.
- The law that created a line where North of the line would have no slaves and South would have slaves.
- The President who won the 1860 Election.
- The second President of the United States.
- The people who wanted to end slavery.
- The third President of the United States.
- The President who wanted to move Native Americans out of the country.
- The name of a slave who tried to gain freedom through the court system.
- The law that allowed the new states to decide for themselves if they should have slavery.
- The first President of the United States.
- The country that the United States bought Louisiana from.
- The country that originally owned the United States.
- Where the final battle of the American Revolution happened.
- The idea that Women should be able to vote.
14 Clues: The people who wanted to end slavery. • The President who won the 1860 Election. • The first President of the United States. • The third President of the United States. • The second President of the United States. • The idea that Women should be able to vote. • The country that originally owned the United States. • ...
Emotion as a WOK 2023-03-16
- A scenario where a train conductor is forced to choose between two bad outcomes, usually involving death
- States that most evil is done by those who don't necessarily decide to be evil
- States that rightness and wrongness are determined by morally relevant particularities of the situation
- States that an action is right if it is in-line with a good character
- States that an action is right if it pursues our own interest, emphasizes personal responsibility
- The preliminary assessment of patients in order to determine the urgency of their need for treatment
- States that an action is right if it shows selfless concern for the interest of others
- An idea that an action is right or wrong according to personal belief, there are no moral facts
- An idea that an action is right or wrong independent of beliefs, suggests that there are universal moral principles
- States that actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules
- Determines the ethical choice that produces the greatest amount of good for the most people
- Proposed by David Hume that an action is only right if it conforms to positive sentiments
- A psychologist at Stanford University, famous for organizing the Stanford Prison Experiment
- States that the morality of an action is to be judged solely by its consequences
- States that an action is good if it shows that we care about those we have a connection to
15 Clues: States that actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules • States that an action is right if it is in-line with a good character • States that most evil is done by those who don't necessarily decide to be evil • States that the morality of an action is to be judged solely by its consequences • ...
George Washington 2022-02-27
- having liberty
- a normal condition, not in war
- leader of the Continental Army and first president of the United States of America
- a paper that is laws for the United States
- the leader of the United States of America
- war between America and Great Britain
- not easily done, hard
- a place where Washington and his soldiers stayed
- had confidence, had faith
- paper saying the United States of America was a new, free country
- a free country in North America
- the countries of England, Scotland, and Wales
- colonists who wanted to be free from Great Britain
- became a member of an organization
- the American army in the American Revolution
- well-known
16 Clues: well-known • having liberty • not easily done, hard • had confidence, had faith • a normal condition, not in war • a free country in North America • became a member of an organization • war between America and Great Britain • a paper that is laws for the United States • the leader of the United States of America • the American army in the American Revolution • ...
Causes of the Civil War 2022-03-03
- abraham lincoln becomes 16th president opposing the spread of slavery
- admitted missouri as a slave state and maine as a non slave state
- 16th president of the united states
- he sued his master for freedom, court rules slaves are not legal citizens and cant bring court cases before the supreme court
- african americans who worked on plantations in the south with no pay
- wilmot proviso suggested all lands from mexican cession had no slaves
- an American Confederate general best known for his service to the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War, during which he was appointed the overall commander of the Confederate States Army.
- some states thought they could leave the union if they didnt like the laws being passed by federal government
- northern abolitionist launched a slave revolt in 1859, was crushed, tried, and executed
- required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves
- 11 southern states leave the union and become the confederacy
- the new states would vote if their state would be admitted as a free or slave state.
- an anti-slavery book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
- an American politician who served as the president of the Confederate States from 1861 to 1865.
- john brown and others overran the federal arsenal
- greater loyalty to your own section rather than country as a whole
16 Clues: 16th president of the united states • john brown and others overran the federal arsenal • required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves • an anti-slavery book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe • 11 southern states leave the union and become the confederacy • admitted missouri as a slave state and maine as a non slave state • ...
History Chapter 9 and 10 Test 6 2024-01-23
- – created an income tax based on how much money a person makes each year
- – American evangelist who started a Sunday School movement in Chicago and founded the Moody Bible Institute
- a person who leaves his own country to make his home in another country
- – laws created to protect children from dangerous jobs and long working hours
- – manufacturing businesses that use factories to produce goods
- – largest passenger liner in the world at the time it sailed sank on its first voyage after hitting an iceberg
- moving platform on which workers add one specific part as a product moves to the next worker
- manmade waterway the United States built across the Isthmus of Panama
- – prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alcoholic beverages for several years
- North Carolina – location of the first successful airplane flight
- – the man who brought the steel industry to America
- – 22nd president and 24th President of the United States only president to be elected again after another president has served
- – location of a hurricane in the year 1900 deadliest natural disaster in the United States
- – narrow strip of land that connects North America and South America
- sent by the United States to set up a government for the Philippines 27th President of the United States
- – evangelist who had once been a famous baseball player
- – 20th president of the United States
- California- location of the 1906 earthquake that destroyed most of the city
- president of the United States
- – unproven theory that animals slowly turned into other animals over billions of years instead of being created by God
- – inventor of the gas mask and automatic traffic light made improvements to the sewing machine
- – first car built on Henry Ford’s assembly line
- – inventor of the steamboat
- organization that Clara Barton founded that helps in times of war and natural disaster
- – founded Standard Oil
- – public transportation carrying passengers either above or below ground on a track
- – built and flew the first successful airplane
- – war fought between Spain and the United States to set Cuba free from Spain
- – allowed for the election of U.S. Senators instead of being appointed by the U.S. State Legislature
- – U.S. East Coast entry port for immigrants from 1892 – 1954
- – famous battle won by the rough riders
- – 25th president of the United States declared war against Spain to help free the nation of Cuba
- – U.S. West Coast entry port for immigrants from 1910 – 1940
- –meeting that established time zones around the world
- – 1889 Pennsylvania flood that took the lives of over 2,000 people
- – leader of the Rough Riders 26th President of the United States
- – the first center of skyscraper architecture
- – 23rd President of the United States; Expanded the U.S. Navy
- – license proving ownership of an invention
- – years between 1900 and 1920 when government focused on being more efficient and better meeting the desires of voters
- – inventor of the telephone
- – inventor of the phonograph
- – helped save the lives of the Panama Canal workers by controlling disease carrying mosquitos
- – leader of the U.S. Navy fleet that destroyed Spanish Pacific naval fleet of Ships during the Spanish American War
- – law passed to keep Chinese laborers out of the United States
- – U.S, Navy ship that sank in Cuba and sparked the beginning of the Spanish American War
- – group of Pacific Islands that the United States helped free from Spain in the Spanish American War
- – group of American soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt during the Spanish American war
- time of great progress and growth in the way goods were made
- – island possessed by Spain until the end of the Spanish American War
- – 28th President of the United States president when the Panama Canal opened
- – built and launched the first successful liquid- fueled rocket
- – inventor who built the first gasoline powered car and developed the assembly line
53 Clues: – founded Standard Oil • – inventor of the telephone • – inventor of the steamboat • – inventor of the phonograph • president of the United States • – 20th president of the United States • – famous battle won by the rough riders • – license proving ownership of an invention • – the first center of skyscraper architecture • – built and flew the first successful airplane • ...
Unit 4 Academic Vocab 2021-05-20
- Reporters are allowed to publish fair and accurate accounts of official proceedings, such as a school board meeting, city council meeting or court or judicial proceeding. Because privileges are matters of state law, the names of the privileges vary from state to state.
- printed false statements
- This First Amendment right states you can say things with limitations.
- This First Amendment right states you may peacefully protest.
- acronym for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- This First Amendment right states you can question the government
- blank of privacy law protects individuals from people using their personal info.
- invasion of privacy category similar to trespassing
- Two examples of this are slander and libel
- This amendment states you have freedom of speech, religion, press, and to question the government.
- states that require only one person for consent to recording.
- invasion of privacy category where the person is shown in a negative light
- This will always be a publication’s best defense, which means a legal defense begins at the front end, when gathering facts and information and writing, arranging, editing and checking the facts.
- This First Amendment right states you can practice your beliefs
- This First Amendment right is the only portion that talks directly to the media
- verbal false statements
- invasion of privacy category using someone's image without permission
- acronym for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- a legal term of art which means it was published either with known falsity or reckless disregard for the truth.
19 Clues: verbal false statements • printed false statements • Two examples of this are slander and libel • invasion of privacy category similar to trespassing • acronym for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act • This First Amendment right states you may peacefully protest. • states that require only one person for consent to recording. • ...
Jason Nguyen's Constitution Crossword 2021-12-13
- The part of the Constitution that describes the process of changing the Constitution
- The part of the Constitution that states that a majority of the thirteen states must approve in order for the Constitution to take effect
- The process of how the head of the executive branch is selected
- One of the two houses in Congress that has two senators for every state
- The part of the Constitution that interprets and deals with federal laws
- The introduction of the Constitution that explains the purpose of the new government
- The part of the Constitution that declares United States laws and treaties supreme
- The longest part of the Constitution that creates the legislative branch and Congress
- The part of the Constitution that creates a branch that carries out laws
- An idea that states that a national government shares power with state governments
- Ten amendments that list specific rights that are not named in the Constitution to satisfy citizens
- One of the two houses in Congress that has the numbers of senators based on population of each state
- The number of ratified changes made to the Constitution
- A type of democracy that elects citizens as leaders
- This court and federal courts deal with national laws and appoint judges
- The number of states needed to ratify for the Constitution to become official
- The head of the executive branch
- A change or addition to the Constitution
- The part of the Constitution that describes interactions between states
19 Clues: The head of the executive branch • A change or addition to the Constitution • A type of democracy that elects citizens as leaders • The number of ratified changes made to the Constitution • The process of how the head of the executive branch is selected • One of the two houses in Congress that has two senators for every state • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
US History Exam #2 Review 2024-01-17
- Abraham Lincoln became President and the country broke up into Union and Confederacy.
- Conflict between North and South. More than 620,000 people died.
- Created a pathway for new states to join the USA. Took land from Louisiana. Slavery was banned here.
- the idea that God told Americans to move west and take over North America for themselves
- Part of the country that seceded from the United States over slavery. Mostly agricultural economy. Wore gray uniforms.
- Law signed by Jackson that forced Native Americans to move West of the Mississippi River
- Very important Civil War Battle where many soldiers died. Lincoln gave a big speech here.
- First government document of the United States. Took the ideas of "life, liberty, and" equality from John Locke and the Enlightenment.
- Major body of water that the United States got from France. Helped the United States ship goods to Europe and the East Coast more easily.
- The Civil War begins
- What the North did to make money (economy) and what helped them win the war
- The Civil War ends
- Last battle of the Civil War. General Grant Offers General Lee the opportunity to surrender and not be bothered by the US government.
- Enslaved man that sued for his freedom and lost. The Supreme Court ruled that Black people were not citizens and could not become citizens.
- the Confederacy withdrew from the United States
- Thomas Jefferson got this from France in 1803. Doubled the size of the United States.
- Part of the country that had more resources and was better able to supply its soldiers with food, weapons, and materials. Wore dark blue uniforms.
- President that abused his power by acting like a king and sent Native Americans to the West
18 Clues: The Civil War ends • The Civil War begins • the Confederacy withdrew from the United States • Conflict between North and South. More than 620,000 people died. • What the North did to make money (economy) and what helped them win the war • Abraham Lincoln became President and the country broke up into Union and Confederacy. • ...
23rd amendment 2022-12-15
- piece of paper you vote on and submit
- person chosen to REPRESENT a state (435)
- country we live in (shortened)
- Capital of the United states (shortened)
- President when 23rd amendment was passed
- Land owned by the U.S (not state)
- Number of U.S states
- the act of submitting a ballot
- Document of the United States
- Month that the 23rd amendment was ratified
- A U.S territory, subject of the landmark case.
- Parts of the constitution (27)
- Leader of the United states
- given to you by the constitution (freedoms/liberties)
- The right to vote
15 Clues: The right to vote • Number of U.S states • Leader of the United states • Document of the United States • Parts of the constitution (27) • country we live in (shortened) • the act of submitting a ballot • Land owned by the U.S (not state) • piece of paper you vote on and submit • Capital of the United states (shortened) • President when 23rd amendment was passed • ...
Social Studies Review 2023-02-27
- General of the North
- Amendment that gave former slaves right to vote
- First shots of Civil War
- Who explored the Louisiana Purchase
- doubled the size of the United States
- Path the slaves used to escape slavery
- Who we bought Louisiana from
- Amendment that ended slavery
- Location of the factories in the United States
- Which direction did the United States expand?
- Amendment that granted citizenship to former slaves
- 16th President of the United States
- Main cause of the Civil War
- Leader of the Underground Railroad
- Turning point of Civil War
15 Clues: General of the North • First shots of Civil War • Turning point of Civil War • Main cause of the Civil War • Who we bought Louisiana from • Amendment that ended slavery • Leader of the Underground Railroad • Who explored the Louisiana Purchase • 16th President of the United States • doubled the size of the United States • Path the slaves used to escape slavery • ...
unit 5 vocabulary 2018-01-18
- President Monroe's foreign policy statement warning European nations not to interfere in Latin America
- an 1807 law that imposed a total ban on foreign trade
- the heads of these departments made up the president’s cabinet
- Onis Treaty-an 1821 treaty between Spain and the United States in which Spain agreed to sell Florida to the United States
- a member of the political party founded by Thomas Jefferson, favored states' rights
- the declarations passed in 1798 and 1799 that claimed that each state has the right to decide whether a federal law is constitutional States’ rights
- the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835.
- explorers that traveled through the Louisiana Purchase from 1804-1806
- the practice of forcing people into military service
- a payment by a weaker party to a stronger party in return for protection
- it called for the Supreme Court to consist of one chief justice and five associate justices
- a supporter of a strong federal government
- loyalty to a state or section rather than to the whole country
- to cancel
- the power of Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional
- a nation’s plan of action toward other nations.
- of Greenville the treaty signed by some Native Americans in 1795, giving up land that would later become part of Ohio
- the members of Congress from the South and the West who called for war with Britain prior to the War of 1812
- in 1811, a battle over white settlement in the Indiana Territory
- the vast territory extending from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains, purchased from France in 1803
- at the end of the War of 1812, a battle between British and U.S. forces, led by Andrew Jackson, that ended in a victory for the United States
- a 1795 agreement between Britain and the United States that settled differences and put off a threat of military conflict between the two nations
- thousands marched in protest through the streets of Pittsburgh, they sang Revolutionary songs and tarred and feathered the tax collectors
- laws created in 1798 that permitted the President to expel foreigners, made it harder for immigrants to become citizens, and allowed for citizens to be fined or jailed if they criticized the government or its officials
- it stated that the United States would not support either side in the war
- an 1803 court case in which the Supreme Court ruled that it had the power to decide whether laws passed by Congress were constitutional
- a devotion to one's nation and its interests
- a peace treaty signed by Britain and the United States in 1814 to end the War of 1812
- an act or a decision that sets an example for others to follow
- a 1797 French attempt to demand a bribe of money from the United States before discussing French seizure of neutral American ships
30 Clues: to cancel • a supporter of a strong federal government • a devotion to one's nation and its interests • a nation’s plan of action toward other nations. • the practice of forcing people into military service • an 1807 law that imposed a total ban on foreign trade • the power of Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional • ...
Creating the Constitution Vocab Crossword 2024-12-02
- the idea that decisions approved by more than half of the people in a group or society will be accepted and observed by all of the people
- For purposes of representation and taxation, each person who was enslaved was to be counted as three-fifths of a person.
- Numerous protests led to stop tax collectors from seizing colonial properties. Proof the Articles were weak.
- A proposed that representation in both houses be based on the population of each state. This would give the more populous states more representatives, and thus more influence, than states with smaller populations.
- A series of 85 essays were published over the course of several months and made a strong case for the new plan of government. Some historians have called the publication of these papers one of the most powerful public relations campaigns in history.
- opponents of ratifying the U.S. Constitution. They favored the loose association of states established under the Articles of Confederation
- The second type of government the United States adopted and still current.
- the first written plan of government for the United States; ratified in 1781
- A plan called for a two-house legislature with a different form of representation in each house. In the Senate, states would have equal representation. In the House of Representatives, states would have representation based on their populations.
- In that plan, each state, whether large or small, would have the same vote.
- A list of Rights promised to American citizens in the Constitution
- the belief that governments should operate according to an agreed set of principles, which are usually spelled out in a written constitution
- On May 25, 1787, a meeting between Delegates from all the states except Rhode Island came together at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, which would later be known as Independence Hall to change the Articles of Confederation.
- supporters of ratifying the U.S. Constitution. They favored the creation of a strong federal government that shared power with the states.
- a financial status in which a person, company, or government owes money to someone else
- formal approval of an agreement, treaty, or constitution
- the approval of every voting member
17 Clues: the approval of every voting member • formal approval of an agreement, treaty, or constitution • A list of Rights promised to American citizens in the Constitution • The second type of government the United States adopted and still current. • In that plan, each state, whether large or small, would have the same vote. • ...
Civil War puzzle 2022-03-05
- a person who did not support slavery
- going in and out.
- states that are also called the union
- not law
- nickname was given to the people who lived in the south but supported the south.
- nickname for thee northerners who were against Civil War
- attempt to stop people money supplies
- nickname for the south
- people who supported the union
- warship that is fully covered and protected but iron cladding.
- when states leave the U.S
- confederate states of the U.S
- crackers eaten by Civil War soldiers
- the states that stayed loyal to the U.S government
- person who is legal property of another person
- Scott this decision said that Congress
16 Clues: not law • going in and out. • nickname for the south • when states leave the U.S • confederate states of the U.S • people who supported the union • a person who did not support slavery • crackers eaten by Civil War soldiers • states that are also called the union • attempt to stop people money supplies • Scott this decision said that Congress • ...
CIVIL WAR!!!!!! ella rigot 2023-01-25
- Slave Law A law passed by Congress in 1850 that said escaped enslaved people in free states had to be returned to their owners.
- a village in Virginia that was the site of the Confederate surrender to Union forces under the command of General Ulysses
- Scott decision A decision made by the Supreme Court that said Congress could not outlaw slavery and that people of African descent were not necessarily U.S. citizens.
- weakness for the south
- When a person is murdered for political reasons.
- pro for the North
- weaknesses for the North
- location pro for the south
- another name for the Confederate States of America, made up of the 11 states that seceded from the Union
- The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."
- pro for the south
- The northern states of the United States, also called the Union.
- A nickname for the Confederate States of America or the Confederacy
- pro for the North
- pro for the North
- a war between opposing groups of citizens from the same country
- pro for the North
17 Clues: pro for the south • pro for the North • pro for the North • pro for the North • pro for the North • weakness for the south • weaknesses for the North • location pro for the south • When a person is murdered for political reasons. • a war between opposing groups of citizens from the same country • The northern states of the United States, also called the Union. • ...
Constitution Crossword 2024-01-03
- Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.
- A guide on how to alter the constitution.
- Protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value.
- Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
- Article which included the instructions to ratify the constitution into law.
- Right to bear arms.
- Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition.
- No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
- Treason against the United States shall be punished. The criteria of this is discussed in which article.
- Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent.
- The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States.
- Guarantees criminal defendants nine different rights, including the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury consisting of jurors from the state and district in which the crime was alleged to have been committed.
- Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures.
- The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
- We the People
- Relation between the states and the federal government.
- When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins.
18 Clues: We the People • Right to bear arms. • A guide on how to alter the constitution. • Relation between the states and the federal government. • Freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. • Limiting governmental powers focusing on criminal procedures. • When state law is in conflict with federal law, federal law always wins. • ...
AP Government Chapter 2 2016-05-02
- person who opposed the ratification of the Constitution in 1789 and thereafter allied with Thomas Jefferson's Antifederal Party, which opposed extension of the powers of the federal government
- an act of vesting the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government in separate bodies
- proposal for the structure of the United States Government presented by William Paterson at the Constitutional Convention on June 15, 1787. States with a large population, like Virginia, would thus have more representatives than smaller states.
- government gets all its power from the people
- court order to a person (prison warden) or agency (institution) holding someone in custody to deliver the imprisoned individual to the court issuing the order
- proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch. The plan was drafted by James Madison while he waited for a quorum to assemble at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
- agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the United States Constitution
- formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain
- proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal rights for women.
- document that embodies the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States is governed. It was drafted by the Constitutional Convention and later supplemented by the Bill of Rights and other amendments.
- The 1803 case in which Chief Justice John Marshall and his associates first asserted the right of the Supreme Court to determine the meaning of the U.S. Constitution. The decision established the Court's power of judicial review over acts of Congress, in this case the Judiciary Act of 1789.
- used to keep the government from getting too powerful in one branch
- name given to a series of protests in 1786 and 1787 by American farmers against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgments for debt
- a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed
- United States' first constitution, and was in force from March 1, 1781, until 1789 when the present day Constitution went into effect
- a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics
- The power of the courts to determine whether acts of Congress, and by implication the executive, are in accord with the U.S. Constitution.
- state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch
- first ten amendments to the United States Constitution
- collection of 85 articles and essays written (under the pseudonym Publius) by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution
20 Clues: government gets all its power from the people • first ten amendments to the United States Constitution • used to keep the government from getting too powerful in one branch • a small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics • an act of vesting the legislative, executive, and judicial powers of government in separate bodies • ...
Civil War Puzzle by Camryn Stanley 2023-11-21
- The seceded states formed this.
- People against slavery.
- This ship was sunk in June 1898.
- General of the Confederacy during the Civil War.
- A machine for separating cotton from its seeds.
- The process of rebuilding the south.
- Abolitionist leader
- A slave who unsuccessfully sued for his freedom.
- Tax on imports.
- Coin money
- When people are forced to do work and are owned by someone else.
- Nickname for the commander of the Confederate States of America.
- President of the seceded states.
- People who seceded from the United State of America.
- General in the Confederate States Army or the capital of Alabama.
- When a state separates from a country.
16 Clues: Coin money • Tax on imports. • Abolitionist leader • People against slavery. • The seceded states formed this. • This ship was sunk in June 1898. • President of the seceded states. • The process of rebuilding the south. • When a state separates from a country. • A machine for separating cotton from its seeds. • A slave who unsuccessfully sued for his freedom. • ...
Civil War 2024-04-30
- No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.
- An agreement made by Congress in 1820 under which Missouri was admitted to the Union as a state that allowed enslavement and Maine was admitted as a state that banned enslavement.
- A Supreme Court decision in 1857 that held that African Americans could never be citizens of the United States and that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional.
- Confederacy another name for the Confederate States of America, made up of the 11 states that seceded from the Union.
- A war between opposing groups of citizens from the same country.
- An agency established by Congress at the end of the Civil War to help and protect newly freed Black Americans.
- An act passed in 1854 that created the Kansas and Nebraska territories and abolished the Missouri Compromise by allowing settlers to determine whether slavery would be allowed in the new territories.
- The period after the Civil War in which Southern states were rebuilt and brought back into the Union as the federal government addressed the impact of slavery.
- A speech by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 at the site of the Battle of Gettysburg in memory of the Union soldiers who had died trying to protect the ideals of freedom upon which the nation was founded.
- The rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all people, especially equal treatment under the law.
- An order issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863, declaring people enslaved in the Confederate states to be free.
- A series of political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, who were candidates in the Illinois race for U.S. senator, in which slavery was the main issue.
- The United States as one nation united under a single government. During the Civil War, “the Union” came to mean the government and armies of the North.
- The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
- The agreements made in order to admit California into the Union as a state in which slavery was illegal. These agreements included allowing the New Mexico and Utah territories to decide whether to allow slavery, outlawing the trade of enslaved people in Washington, D.C., and creating a stronger law targeting fugitives from slavery.
- Laws passed in 1865 and 1866 in the former Confederate states to limit the rights and freedoms of African Americans.
- The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."
17 Clues: A war between opposing groups of citizens from the same country. • The rights guaranteed by the Constitution to all people, especially equal treatment under the law. • An agency established by Congress at the end of the Civil War to help and protect newly freed Black Americans. • ...
Jack Kwartowitz 2nd Hour Gov. Final Project 2022-01-07
- gov. power limited by the constitution
- Powers denied by states
- makes the money and collects taxes
- states send these to congress
- Troops lead by the commander in chief
- A singed agreement
- Ruled by 1
- Countrys actions towards other countries
- tally of all the votes cast
- Broad powers kept by states
- two chambers
- "to assign"
- The U.S. document that holds the concept of federalism
- principles, rules, or laws influenced by parties
- the branch that makes laws
- to promote or support
- favoring one view or the other
- the branch that interprets laws
- things inside the United States
- the person that is chosen to run as a candidate in the national convention
- less serious crimes that can be less than a year in jail or just a fine
- Rule by a few
- agreements between countries
- serious crimes that are a punishment for more than a year in jail
24 Clues: Ruled by 1 • "to assign" • two chambers • Rule by a few • A singed agreement • to promote or support • Powers denied by states • the branch that makes laws • tally of all the votes cast • Broad powers kept by states • agreements between countries • states send these to congress • favoring one view or the other • the branch that interprets laws • things inside the United States • ...
Chapter 5 Vocab 2018-10-25
- These are 85 essays defending Constitution
- Supporters of the constitution
- Leader of Virginia, him and Alexander Hamilton called a meeting of state
- It's an alliance but also another form of government that delegates call
- Make laws
- Divided power between the national and states government
- Fifths Compromise, 3/5 of a state's slaves to be counted as population
- Prevents one state from dominating the other
- Plan for surveying the land
- Procedure for dividing the land is called the
- Farmers protested and it caused panic and dismay throughout the nation
- The idea that governments should be based on the consent of the people, meant different things to different Americans
- Official approval, requires 9 states
- Group of electors chosen by states
- Set of laws
- Interpret the law
- Opponents, against Constitution
- 12 amendments submitted to the legislature
- Political Leader from Connecticut
- Carry out laws
- Offered a two-house congress to satisfy both small and big states
- A government in which citizens rule through the representatives
22 Clues: Make laws • Set of laws • Carry out laws • Interpret the law • Plan for surveying the land • Supporters of the constitution • Opponents, against Constitution • Political Leader from Connecticut • Group of electors chosen by states • Official approval, requires 9 states • These are 85 essays defending Constitution • 12 amendments submitted to the legislature • ...
The Constitution;Donna 2019-04-25
- the branch that interprets the laws and Constitution
- The idea that governments should be based on the consent of the people
- A loose alliance of states
- Delegate who developed the Great Compromise
- Power given to separate branches
- Official approval of the Constitution
- the branch that enforce the laws
- A law that sets up a plan for surveying land west of the Appalachian Mountains
- Agreement that allowed states by the Constitutional Convention
- The division between federal and state governments
- Law that organized the Northwest Territories
- Anti-tax protest by farmers
- set of amendments
- people opposed to ratification
- Supporters
- Agreement that allowed states to count three-fifths of their slave population
- A group selected to elect the president
- the branch that makes laws
- One of the leaders of the Constitutional Conversation
- essay written by federalists
- the set of laws that established the first government of the United States
- A government in which the people elect representatives to govern
22 Clues: Supporters • set of amendments • A loose alliance of states • the branch that makes laws • Anti-tax protest by farmers • essay written by federalists • people opposed to ratification • Power given to separate branches • the branch that enforce the laws • Official approval of the Constitution • A group selected to elect the president • Delegate who developed the Great Compromise • ...
Civil War 2015-04-30
- A solid, round projectile, shot from a cannon
- Land within the mainland boundaries
- Troops sent to strengthen a fighting force
- Troops like the national guard
- The south or Confederate States of America
- African Americans who were owned by other people
- Someone who does something because they want too
- The Confederate States of America
- Freedom from slavery
- Party A political party who were generally against slavery
- The cruel killing of a number of people
- To rush towards the army
- The science of growing crops
- The term used to describe new soldiers
- Actively attacking someone
- Someone who wishes to get rid of slavery
- Resisting or protecting from an attack
- A branch of the Military
- Loyal to the government of the United States
- Loyal to the Confederacy
- Promoting the interests of a section or region
- The North or the United States
- To lie in wait for an unexpected attack
- The lowest rank in the army
- An organization of soldiers
25 Clues: Freedom from slavery • A branch of the Military • Loyal to the Confederacy • To rush towards the army • Actively attacking someone • The lowest rank in the army • An organization of soldiers • The science of growing crops • Troops like the national guard • The North or the United States • The Confederate States of America • Land within the mainland boundaries • ...
Civil War Crossword 2023-02-23
- How many Union states were there?
- First battle of war with combat
- If they didn't die in the war then they died from
- Who was the first state to leave the Union?
- The first battle of the Civil War?
- To formally withdraw from membership in a political state
- States States that allowed slavery but were still in the Union
- What invention did Eli Whitney make?
- This means before war
- This helped slaves escape to the North
- Battle of bull run is also known as
- President of the Confederacy during the Civil War
- The Union general who made Robert Lee surrender
- The first major battle of the Civil War
- Who was the president of the Union?
- What year did The Civil War start?
- What was the South's name in the war?
- What was the North's name in the war?
- What did they call Southern Soldiers
- How many confederate states were there?
20 Clues: This means before war • First battle of war with combat • How many Union states were there? • What year did The Civil War start? • The first battle of the Civil War? • Battle of bull run is also known as • Who was the president of the Union? • What did they call Southern Soldiers • What invention did Eli Whitney make? • What was the South's name in the war? • ...
Reconstruction Vocab 6 2022-11-18
- the violent abolitionist that gave slaves guns at harpers ferry
- slave who led a rebellion
- leader of the black legislators
- equal slave to free states
- the act of making legally null and void
- new general of the union army
- terrorist group that wanted to stop black men from voting
- states where slavery is legal
- most deadlist battle
- 17th president
- position supported by several prominent georgia politicans who supported the Compromise of 1850
- wrote uncle toms cabin
- site where a general abused his soldiers by not feeding them
- largest battle fought in georgia
- compromise where california was brought in as a free state
- states where slavery is not legal
- 16th president
- machine invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 that quickly removed seeds from the cotton fibers
- the belief that a states sovereignity is more important than that of the national goverment
- general of the confederate army
- group that wants to punish the south
21 Clues: 17th president • 16th president • most deadlist battle • wrote uncle toms cabin • slave who led a rebellion • equal slave to free states • new general of the union army • states where slavery is legal • leader of the black legislators • general of the confederate army • largest battle fought in georgia • states where slavery is not legal • group that wants to punish the south • ...
Honors Gov. Anthony Valentine 2023-05-17
- disliked a strong federal government
- service a civic duty to be drafted
- Old Party The old name for Republicans
- This agreement helped southern states have greater representations in the house
- The first ten amendments of the Constitution
- Jeopardy Cannot be tried for the same crime twice
- You cannot do this under the 5th amendment
- obligations under citizenship of the United States
- the constitution rules over all
- represents the states by population in congress
- The smallest geographical unit for voting
- a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by state and federal level
- An oath to be loyal and do right by the US govenrment
- Created the bicameral legislature in the US
- represents the states more equally with two from each state in congress
- Where the party announces their lead candidates for the general election
- Any means of casting a vote
- Powers not specified in the constitution
- Allows for commerse to regulate interstate trade
- A group of dictators
20 Clues: A group of dictators • Any means of casting a vote • the constitution rules over all • service a civic duty to be drafted • disliked a strong federal government • Old Party The old name for Republicans • Powers not specified in the constitution • The smallest geographical unit for voting • You cannot do this under the 5th amendment • ...
Early Republic 2024-11-21
- A from of tax applied on imports from other countries
- 7th president of the United States
- an economic system characterized by private ownership
- First President of the United States.
- prohibited U.S. from trading with foreign nations
- The overemphasized political, economic and social loyalty
- Invernted the cotton gin in 1783
- The character of a good participant in a system of government
- was the person who started the United states military expidition
- commander and chief during the war of 1812
- Appointed secretary of State by John Qiuncy
- Avoided the war with france Lawyer and population
- The right to determine whether a law violates the constitution
- Propogandist and journalis; wrote the pamphlet of "Common Sense"
- was fought between the United states and England
- mostly young politicians from hailing the west and south
- the practice of forcing scamen to serve the British Royal Navy
- a form of civic, ethnic, culture, and econimic influence
- Author of Monroe Doctrine
- role to advise President
20 Clues: role to advise President • Author of Monroe Doctrine • Invernted the cotton gin in 1783 • 7th president of the United States • First President of the United States. • commander and chief during the war of 1812 • Appointed secretary of State by John Qiuncy • was fought between the United states and England • Avoided the war with france Lawyer and population • ...
The Civil War 2024-12-17
- Union leader who took chances and wore a rumpled uniform
- states that remained in the Union but had slavery
- Confederate victory but they lost Stonewall Jackson
- single bloodiest day of the war
- winner of the Civil War
- president of the Confederate States
- Grant took control of part of the Mississippi and a railroad hub
- final battle and surrender
- Union general who marched to the sea
- first major battle of the war
- slaves were freed in _____ states through the Emancipation Proclamation
- food item commonly made and consumed by soldiers
- main Confederate leader
- strategic plan of the Union
- general who led the Union at the Battle of Gettysburg
- capital of the Confederate States
- first name of general who led the Union at the Battles of Shiloh and Vicksburg
- war between opposing citizens of the same country
- turning point in Northern territory
- first shots fired
- issued the Emancipation Proclamation
- cautious Union leader fired by President Lincoln
22 Clues: first shots fired • main Confederate leader • winner of the Civil War • final battle and surrender • strategic plan of the Union • first major battle of the war • single bloodiest day of the war • capital of the Confederate States • president of the Confederate States • turning point in Northern territory • issued the Emancipation Proclamation • ...
Civil War 2021-10-08
- Union military post in South Carolina which was taken over by the Confederacy in 1861.
- Place in Virginia where John Brown led a raid on a federal arsenal.
- A law that allowed voters in Kansas and Nebraska to choose whether to allow slavery or not.
- southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861.
- Courthouse
- War between the North and South.
- Speech given by Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery*His three minute speech inspired the North to keep fighting for a united country and the end of slavery.
- A series of agreements passed by Congress in 1820-1821 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states. Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state to keep the balance of powe
- ship made of iron
- Union strategy for winning by "squeezing" on all sides* The Union blocked the South's coastline and Mississippi River to stop movement of people and supplies in the South.
- where Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, when Lee surrendered to Grant.
- President of the United States of America during the Civil War; born in Kentucky; helped preserve the United States by leading the country in the defeat of the Confederacy; against slavery; freed slaves; assassinated by John Wilkes Booth
- U.S. Supreme Court decision which determined that slaves (Dred Scott) could not sue in federal court because they did not have the rights of citizenship.
- Novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed the horrors of slavery to Northerners.
- Rapid-fire gun capable of shooting 600 rounds per minute.
- Turning point of the Civil War that made it clear the North would win.
- of Antietam
- General of the Confederacy considered to be one of the greatest generals of all time*He was against slavery but didn't want to fight against his home state of Virginia. He also believed in states' rights.
- Proclamation
- The fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi, to General Ulysses S. Grant's army on July 4th, 1863, after 48 days of seige
- Condition of being owned by, and forced to work for someone else.
- Slave states that remained in the Union (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware).*Lincoln did not call for abolition (free all slaves) at the beginning of the war because these states had slaves and would fight for the Union.
- for the South; got his nickname because he refused to retreat during battle - he held his position like a stone wall.
- To leave or withdraw
- War battle in which 25,000 men were killed or wounded
- freeing slaves in Union-controlled Confederate states
- The march of an army of 62,000 men from Atlanta toward Savannah, Georgia which left a path of almost total destruction. *It is often cited as the first example of total war.
- United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War)
28 Clues: Courthouse • of Antietam • Proclamation • ship made of iron • To leave or withdraw • War between the North and South. • War battle in which 25,000 men were killed or wounded • freeing slaves in Union-controlled Confederate states • Rapid-fire gun capable of shooting 600 rounds per minute. • southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861. • ...
spelling words week 16 2021-03-24
- this states flower is apple blossom
- this states tree is eastern cottonwood
- this states capital is saintpaul
- this state capital is madison
- this states bird is the american goldfinch
- this states capital is frankfort
- this states flower is the blue violet
- this states tree is flowering dogwood
- this state was made in 1878-1888
- this state flower is irises
10 Clues: this state flower is irises • this state capital is madison • this states capital is frankfort • this state was made in 1878-1888 • this states capital is saintpaul • this states flower is apple blossom • this states flower is the blue violet • this states tree is flowering dogwood • this states tree is eastern cottonwood • this states bird is the american goldfinch
War & Diplomacy 2022-12-11
- The act of breaking away from the Union
- Critical ally in the American Revolution
- Major turning point of the Revolutionary War
- Major turning point of the Civil War
- Attempt by colonists to seek peace with Britain ________ Petition
- Major Native American massacre site in 1890
- ____ Proclamation addressed slavery in 1863
- gave states choice over slavery
- British capture of US sailors into their navy
- Land assignments forced upon Native Americans after broken treaties
- Ship destroyed in Cuba that triggered Spanish-American war was the USS ____
- The Treaty of ___ ended the Revolutionary War
- Jefferson acquired from France for 15M
- One of Cuba's main exports and chief supply to the US
- Supreme Court overturned Missouri Compromise
- Type of war that targets whole area slowly
- Name of Civil War southern states' "nation"
- slave states that stayed within the Union
- One of the new and highly prosperous states gained in Mex-Amer War
- Adams Era laws - Alien & ________ Act
20 Clues: gave states choice over slavery • Major turning point of the Civil War • Adams Era laws - Alien & ________ Act • Jefferson acquired from France for 15M • The act of breaking away from the Union • Critical ally in the American Revolution • slave states that stayed within the Union • Type of war that targets whole area slowly • Name of Civil War southern states' "nation" • ...
Reconstruction Vocab 6 2022-11-18
- the violent abolitionist that gave slaves guns at harpers ferry
- slave who led a rebellion
- leader of the black legislators
- equal slave to free states
- the act of making legally null and void
- new general of the union army
- terrorist group that wanted to stop black men from voting
- states where slavery is legal
- most deadlist battle
- 17th president
- position supported by several prominent georgia politicans who supported the Compromise of 1850
- wrote uncle toms cabin
- site where a general abused his soldiers by not feeding them
- largest battle fought in georgia
- compromise where california was brought in as a free state
- states where slavery is not legal
- 16th president
- machine invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 that quickly removed seeds from the cotton fibers
- the belief that a states sovereignity is more important than that of the national goverment
- general of the confederate army
- group that wants to punish the south
21 Clues: 17th president • 16th president • most deadlist battle • wrote uncle toms cabin • slave who led a rebellion • equal slave to free states • new general of the union army • states where slavery is legal • leader of the black legislators • general of the confederate army • largest battle fought in georgia • states where slavery is not legal • group that wants to punish the south • ...
The Civil War (FRANKLIN QUICHOCHO) 2017-02-13
- union victory in mississippi.
- relief agency founded by clara barton in 1881.
- frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause.
- Drafting of the civilians to serve in the army.
- Abolished slavery everywhere in the united states.
- Union victory.
- Court order that says that a person who is jailed has to appear before the court.
- president
- Three-part union strategy to win the civil war.
- American politician who was a U.S. Representative and Senator from Mississippi.
- confederate states of america,formed in 1861 by the southern states that seceded from the union.
- Assassin of president lincoln.
- Union fort in charleston, south carolina.
- group of people or an organization.
- site of the confederate surrender.
- order issued by lincoln freeing slaves behind confederate lines.
- eastern U.S. state in the tree-covered Appalachian Mountains.
- Confederate general
- the 18th President of the United States.
- withdraw formally from membership in a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.
- Most decisive battle of the war.
21 Clues: president • Union victory. • Confederate general • union victory in mississippi. • Assassin of president lincoln. • Most decisive battle of the war. • site of the confederate surrender. • group of people or an organization. • the 18th President of the United States. • Union fort in charleston, south carolina. • relief agency founded by clara barton in 1881. • ...
Riley Kircher Articles X-WORD 2024-02-09
- There is only one _____, called The Legislative
- The ________ was a big embarrassment
- They wrote a new constitution at the _________ Hall
- The congress cant regulate ______
- Alexander Hamilton says that the Articles are flawed in ______
- The states are putting _____ on each other
- The Articles passed in the ______
- What did the Articles make too strong?
- The Articles had no strength to _____ the laws
- Alexander Hamilton meets in 1787 to discuss a better _____
- Justice is ________
- Alexander Hamilton said "what good a dollar that nobody's ______"
- What could the Articles print that the other states could too
- The Shays' __________ was in Massachusetts
- To pass a bill you need ____ to 13 states to approve it
- The Articles was the country's first ______
- Alexander _______ congress because they didn't share his vision
- They could force people to join the ______
- The Articles are flawed with no new amendments because we need a ________ charge
- Articles are flawed because congress couldn't _____
20 Clues: Justice is ________ • The congress cant regulate ______ • The Articles passed in the ______ • The ________ was a big embarrassment • What did the Articles make too strong? • The Shays' __________ was in Massachusetts • The states are putting _____ on each other • They could force people to join the ______ • The Articles was the country's first ______ • ...
Civil War 2024-04-12
- unexpected attack
- number of union states
- the emancipation proclamation impacted the lives of these people
- believed that the only optoion for SC was to break away from the union
- the bloodiest battle of the civil war
- how many years did the civil war last
- the north did this to keep ships from entering/leaving the southern ports
- what women could be during the civil war to help
- who took over the plantations and farms when the men went out to fight
- someone who wishes to get rid of slavery
- southern side during the civil war
- weapon that every soldier had to fight
- wanted support from other southern states for SC to secede
- number of confederate states
- disagreed with the northern states
- one of the jobs young boys could be given during the civil war
- the northern side during the civil war
- confederate capital
- large piece of artillery used in warfare
- first state to secede from the union
20 Clues: unexpected attack • confederate capital • number of union states • number of confederate states • southern side during the civil war • disagreed with the northern states • first state to secede from the union • the bloodiest battle of the civil war • how many years did the civil war last • weapon that every soldier had to fight • the northern side during the civil war • ...
4th of July 2024-07-02
- Public procession that might occur on the July Fourth.
- Month in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
- National Bird of the United States
- City in which the Declaration of Independence was signed.
- Cooking outdoors on a grill
- American President who was born July 4th, Calvin____
- Nickname for the American flag, stars and ____
- Fight for American independence : The ____ War.
- Famous signer of the Declaration of Independence: John _____.
- Symbol of Freedom located in the New York Harbor: Statue of ____.
- Commonly consumed food on July 4th
- Founding document of the United States: The Declaration of ____.
- Red, White and ____.
- Light show often seen on the 4th of July
- Patriotic song: Yankee ___.
- Founding father and third President of the United States.
- The day of the Month on which American declared its independence
- Open air meal popular on July Fourth
- First President of the United States.
- Number of original colonies that declared independence
- National Anthem: The Star-Spangled ____.
21 Clues: Red, White and ____. • Patriotic song: Yankee ___. • Cooking outdoors on a grill • National Bird of the United States • Commonly consumed food on July 4th • Open air meal popular on July Fourth • First President of the United States. • Light show often seen on the 4th of July • National Anthem: The Star-Spangled ____. • Nickname for the American flag, stars and ____ • ...
Cold War Crossword 2014-03-04
- United States' political system
- United States' economic system
- Commander of UN forces in Korean War and oversaw Japanese occupation
- international peace organization created in Yalta Conference
- Plan that gave $13 billion in loans to Western European countries
- symbolic line between communist and democratic countries in Europe
- Money to veterans for scholarships, farms, houses, and businesses
- Alliance between Soviet Union and satellites
- The dividing line between North and South Korea is the 38th _________
- Doctrine that gave aid to Greece and Turkey to resist communism
- 1945 conference that divided Germany into four zones
- _________ Korea invaded South Korea in 1950
- ideological war between Soviet Union and United States
- Event in which U.S. airlifted supplies after the Berlin Blockade
- Congressional act against labor unions
- Temporary loans to support war effort
- Truman gave labor unions higher minimum wage and expanded Social Security benefits
- Political system of North Korea
- Senator who led investigations on federal employees
- Alliance between United States, Iceland, Canada, and Western Europe
20 Clues: United States' economic system • United States' political system • Political system of North Korea • Temporary loans to support war effort • Congressional act against labor unions • _________ Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 • Alliance between Soviet Union and satellites • Senator who led investigations on federal employees • ...