world war 2 Crossword Puzzles

World War I Crossword 2021-01-07

World War I Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a term to describe british expeditionary Force soldiers.
  2. A term to describe constant artillery bombardment from airplanes.
  3. Also known as "LandShip"
  4. A technique primarily used in war, to become less visual to the the enemy.
  5. A disease that causes your skin to rot of your foot.
  6. The area between trenches that is almost impossible to cross alive.
  7. A tool used by soldiers to avoid the lethal effects of mustard gas.
  8. A treaty that ended WWI.
  9. Also known as a blimp or airship.
  1. A time where a certain strategy or planned operation was taking place.
  2. A term to describe lice.
  3. The creator of facial prosthesis
  4. A day where we celebrate the end of WWI and we praise Veterans for their service.
  5. A weapon created in 12th china.
  6. gas A lethal gas that began the idea of chemical warfare.
  7. A term that would later be identified as P.T.S.D.
  8. A term to describe a working relationship between countries.
  9. The War to end all wars.
  10. A slang term to describe large artillery cannons.
  11. A term to describe american soldiers.
  12. A Weapon that throws flames.

21 Clues: A term to describe lice.Also known as "LandShip"The War to end all wars.A treaty that ended WWI.A Weapon that throws flames.A weapon created in 12th china.The creator of facial prosthesisAlso known as a blimp or airship.A term to describe american soldiers.A term that would later be identified as P.T.S.D....

World War I Review 2020-12-15

World War I Review crossword puzzle
  1. The US had this position in the beginning of WWI about getting involved
  2. France, Great Britain, Russia, and the US were called the _______ powers
  3. military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire
  4. form of combat where soldiers took shelter in the ditches during WWI
  5. This war strategy focused on defeating France first and then Russia
  6. This was the area between the trenches during trench warfare
  7. The Treaty of Versailles blamed this country for causing WWI
  8. He was the president of the US during WWI
  9. The policy of glorifying military power
  10. The assassination of this archduke was the spark that started WWI
  11. Germany took over this country first on its way to battling France
  12. Britain used their navy to enforce this so that supplies could not get into Germany
  13. temporary agreement to stop fighting, a truce
  1. Wilson's plan for world peace following WWI
  2. alliance between France, Russia, and Great Britain
  3. This terrorist group was responsible for the assassination of the Archduke of Austria
  4. Germany was forced to pay these as the cost of the war
  5. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were called the ________ Powers
  6. international organization created to keep peace after WWI
  7. The Zimmerman Letter proposed an agreement between Germany and this country
  8. passenger ship that was sunk, that caused US to enter into WWI
  9. loyalty and devotion to one's nation
  10. German submarine

23 Clues: German submarineloyalty and devotion to one's nationThe policy of glorifying military powerHe was the president of the US during WWIWilson's plan for world peace following WWItemporary agreement to stop fighting, a trucealliance between France, Russia, and Great BritainGermany was forced to pay these as the cost of the war...

Imperialism/World War I 2021-09-20

Imperialism/World War I crossword puzzle
  1. Desperate conditions in Germany fueled his rise to power
  2. Strong patriotic feelings for a country
  3. Unoccupied area between armies
  4. The losing country has to pay the winning country in either land or money
  5. New weapon in WWI
  6. Exaggerated the facts of an event
  7. Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
  8. Nickname for the Allied leaders who wrote the Treaty that ended the war.
  9. Stronger nations take over weaker nations economically, politically, or by military means
  10. His assassination was one of the causes of the war
  1. I was put on a famous piece of propaganda
  2. American passenger ship sunk by a U-boat
  3. This front saw the most fighting
  4. France Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and the US
  5. Built as a short cut to connect the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean
  6. Warfare in ditches
  7. Treaty ending WWI
  8. This was built up to be used if other nations interfered in the Western Hemisphere
  9. Original US position on the war
  10. The deadliest weapon of WWI
  11. Note suggesting Mexico and Germany form an alliance

21 Clues: Treaty ending WWINew weapon in WWIWarfare in ditchesThe deadliest weapon of WWIUnoccupied area between armiesOriginal US position on the warThis front saw the most fightingExaggerated the facts of an eventStrong patriotic feelings for a countryAmerican passenger ship sunk by a U-boatI was put on a famous piece of propaganda...

World War 1 Crossword 2021-03-30

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a narrow strip of land between the trenches
  2. the unification of the Slavic people of the Balkans
  3. where each side simply tried to. outlast the other side
  4. a terrorist organization that supports violence to achieve its goals
  5. a war where a country needs to fight on two battle fronts
  6. where one country supports another country unconditionally
  7. consisted of Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy to support each other if attacked
  8. where officers order soldiers to "go over the top" of the trench to attempt to take control of the other side
  9. a threat where one must meet certain conditions or shall face dire consequences
  1. the official policy for the navy of Britain, where they are required to be twice as strong and larger in quantity than rivalling militaries
  2. strong feeling of patriotism and pride of ones country
  3. designed to avoid a two front war
  4. extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  5. the central powers and consists the support between France, Britain, and Russia
  6. the development of am economic and social change in a country
  7. all resources of a war are used to assist the military of one's country
  8. a standard war tactic where protection is offered and where soldiers go for cover
  9. occurs when two countries are in competition to see who has the best equipped military
  10. close association of nations for achieving the same objective
  11. the policy of making country's armed forces very strong

20 Clues: designed to avoid a two front wara narrow strip of land between the trenchesthe unification of the Slavic people of the Balkansstrong feeling of patriotism and pride of ones countrywhere each side simply tried to. outlast the other sidethe policy of making country's armed forces very stronga war where a country needs to fight on two battle fronts...

The First World War 2021-05-10

The First World War crossword puzzle
  1. sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.
  2. a raw or painful place on the body. (a wound)
  3. economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials (wood/metal/etc) and making them into things in factories.
  4. an order or signal to stop fighting.
  5. savagely violent, very cruel
  6. all at once in a quick way
  7. relating to actions carefully planned to gain a specific military end. (plans that say how one will fight in a battle)
  8. a person or thing that is equal to or corresponds with another in value, amount, function, meaning, etc. (match)
  9. join in (an activity).
  10. to repair something that is broken or damaged) usually by sewing
  11. a narrow channel dug at the side of a road or field, to hold or carry away water.
  12. the British word for a line
  13. a type of machine or tool on a farm that makes long grooves in the soil.
  1. recall and show respect for (someone or something).
  2. a fixed amount of officially food allowed to each person during a time of shortage, as in wartime.
  3. people who do not serve in the police force or armed forces
  4. information, especially of a untrue or opinionated nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
  5. a person killed or injured in a war or accident.
  6. a gift, payment or service to a common fund or collection.
  7. without being planned, organized, or rehearsed.

20 Clues: join in (an activity).all at once in a quick waythe British word for a linesavagely violent, very cruelan order or signal to stop fighting.a raw or painful place on the body. (a wound)without being planned, organized, or rehearsed.a person killed or injured in a war or accident.recall and show respect for (someone or something)....

World War 1 Terms 2021-11-09

World War 1 Terms crossword puzzle
  1. The belief or desire of a government or people to strengthen and maintain the country's military for the purpose of defending or promoting national interests.
  2. The act of soldiers leaving the trenches and crossing no man's land.
  3. attacked.
  4. A conflict in which each side tries to wear the other down by killing as many of its men as possible.
  5. The close association of nations for the achievement of common goals or objectives or a union of countries for the purpose of joint military protection.
  6. Germany's unconditional support for the Austria-Hungarian Empire in handling the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
  7. A type of land warfare in which the opposing parties attack and defend from a system of trenches dug in the ground.
  8. A threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face the consequences.
  1. A war that's unrestricted in terms of weapons used or resources committed.
  2. An informal, loose alliance between France, Russia, and Britain.
  3. Germany's plan to attack France through Belgium.
  4. A narrow strip between opposing trenches.
  5. The policy that the British Navy must always be equal to or better than any two other navies combined.
  6. The extension of rule of one country over other countries or territories.
  7. The strong feeling of patriotism and support for one's own nation/country.
  8. The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.
  9. Head A terrorist organization that supported and practiced violent action to achieve its goals, and was formed bu a group of Bosnian Serbs to free Bosnia from the Austria-Hungarian Empire.
  10. A war in which a country must fight on two distinct battlegrounds at the same time.
  11. The concept or promotion of unity of all Slavs/Slavic peopled under one political organization.
  12. An alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, who all agreed to support each other
  13. Race The occurrence of when two or more countries compete to develop and become the best equipped military.

21 Clues: attacked.A narrow strip between opposing trenches.Germany's plan to attack France through Belgium.An informal, loose alliance between France, Russia, and Britain.The act of soldiers leaving the trenches and crossing no man's land.The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale....

The First World War 2021-11-09

The First World War crossword puzzle
  1. a policy of extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  2. consisted of France, Russia, and Britain who all loosely agreed to support each other when needed
  3. consisted of Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy, who all agreed to support each other if attacked
  4. an official British policy regarding the navy
  5. the desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests
  6. disputed ground between the front lines or trenches of two opposing armies, where soldiers fire rifles and guns when there are movement detected
  7. a war in which a country must fight on two distinct fronts
  8. having a strong feeling of patriotism and pride in one’s country
  1. a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
  2. an attack planned by Germany to France through the neutral country of Belgium
  3. a standard war tactic
  4. a result of trench warfare, where it was impossible for on side to gain the upper hand
  5. a terrorist organization that supported violent action to achieve its goals
  6. occurs when two or more countries are in competition to become the best equipped military
  7. the famous cheque that meant Germany would support Austria-Hungary no matter what
  8. where soldiers leave the safety of their trenches and attack the enemy
  9. where all the resources of a nation are organized for one purpose, to win the war
  10. resulted from imperialism
  11. a threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face dire consequences
  12. nationalism within an ethnic group that does not have its own country or desire for independence from a dominant ethnic group

20 Clues: a standard war tacticresulted from imperialisman official British policy regarding the navya war in which a country must fight on two distinct frontshaving a strong feeling of patriotism and pride in one’s countrywhere soldiers leave the safety of their trenches and attack the enemy...

World War II Crossword 2023-03-13

World War II Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The invasion of over 160000 Allied Troops on nomandy
  2. The United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union were part of this group.
  3. This is where Jews got sent to in the Holocaust.
  4. The idea that everyone shares the same wealth and labor.
  5. A secret program to develop an atomic bomb.
  6. Germany, Italy, and Japan were part of this group.
  7. Hitler's invasion strategy by attacking nations suddenly and with overwhelming force.
  8. This place was surprise attacked by the Japanese Navy.
  9. This technique was used by Japanese pilots by flying their planes into American ships.
  1. This pesticide was used to kill many Jews during the Holocaust.
  2. Over 6 million of these people were murdered in WW2.
  3. This place was the setting for the evacuation for 338000 soldiers using small ships.
  4. The increase in price level of goods.
  5. A political philosophy where total control was given to the dictator.
  6. The genocide of Jews during World War II.
  7. This person rose to power and commanded the Nazis.
  8. This treaty ended WW1 but is often viewed as a major cause for WW2 due to its harsh punishments on Germany.
  9. Hitler was the leader of this party.
  10. An attack where aircraft drops explosives on the ground.
  11. Hitler was dictator for this country.

20 Clues: Hitler was the leader of this party.The increase in price level of goods.Hitler was dictator for this country.The genocide of Jews during World War II.A secret program to develop an atomic bomb.This is where Jews got sent to in the Holocaust.This person rose to power and commanded the Nazis.Germany, Italy, and Japan were part of this group....

World War I Review 2023-03-29

World War I Review crossword puzzle
  1. Germany hoped to get this country to help them in WWI with the Zimmermann Telegram
  2. These gardens that U.S. government wanted Americans to grow helped in the war effort
  3. This many thousand American soldiers died in combat during WWI
  4. U.S. ships and soldiers traveled in groups known as this to help with protection and survival
  5. This group of Americans joined the workforce by the millions as men went overseas to fight
  6. Last name of U.S. general who led the American forces during WWI
  7. Many European countries wanted freedom in part because of this idea
  8. This country was Austria-Hungary's main ally during World War I
  9. Countries formally agreeing to join forces is known as this
  10. This Allied power left WWI to deal with a revolution that was occurring in its country
  11. Besides poison gas and aircraft, these vehicles were another new weapon seen in WWI
  1. Germany's sinking of this British passenger boat pushed the U.S. closer to WWI
  2. First name of U.S. president who at first wanted to keep the U.S. out of WWI
  3. As WWI raged on, the world was also dealing with this epidemic around 1918
  4. Last name of archduke who was killed by a Bosnian Serb, which led to WWI
  5. Once this country entered the war for the Allies, Germany knew it would likely lose
  6. The U.S. government worried about this act of giving information to enemy countries
  7. Many African-Americans moved north during the war during this 'Great' movement
  8. U.S. government wanted Americans to buy bonds so the U.S. had more of this to win the war
  9. These dug-out, often sprawling, areas in the ground were major part of WWI warfare
  10. Countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia declared this as Austria-Hungary lost control at end of WWI

21 Clues: Countries formally agreeing to join forces is known as thisThis many thousand American soldiers died in combat during WWIThis country was Austria-Hungary's main ally during World War ILast name of U.S. general who led the American forces during WWIMany European countries wanted freedom in part because of this idea...

First World War Terms 2023-04-26

First World War Terms crossword puzzle
  1. soldiers were unfit to continue fighting for psychiatric reasons
  2. promoting the unification of the Slavic peoples of the Balkans
  3. terrorist group to free Bosnia from Austria-Hungary
  4. extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  5. A hiding place for soldiers on the battlefield which were filled with rats, lice, and diseases
  6. consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  7. strong feeling of patriotism and pride for one’s country
  8. a country must fight on two distinct fronts
  9. Occurs when two or more countries are in competition to become the best equipped militarily
  10. the need of raw materials to supply their factories
  11. all the resources of a nation organized for one purpose - to win the war
  12. close association of nations for thé achievement of common adjectives
  1. threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face dire consequences
  2. the term used to tell the soldiers to go across No Mans Land
  3. designed to avoid a two-front war
  4. British navy must at all times be equal or better then any two navies combined
  5. a narrow strip in between the trenches
  6. The loose agreement to help each other between France, Russia, and Britain
  7. continuous statements which led to this
  8. the policy of making a country’s armed forces very strong
  9. The agreement that Germany would support Austria-Hungary no matter what

21 Clues: designed to avoid a two-front wara narrow strip in between the trenchescontinuous statements which led to thisa country must fight on two distinct frontsconsisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italyterrorist group to free Bosnia from Austria-Hungarythe need of raw materials to supply their factories...

World War 1 Vocab 2023-06-12

World War 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. This event paved the way for the rise of communism
  2. Formally ended WWI
  3. Heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne
  4. A conflict where both sides attempt to wear each other down by mass casualties
  5. Archduke’s Assinator
  6. Secret Serbian military society that assassinated the archduke
  7. Ringleader of Bolshevik Party
  8. Revolutionary group who followed in the ideas of Karl Marx
  9. Political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating a society where all property is publicly owned
  10. Strategy of warfare that was very unsanitary and hazardous to soldiers and was used on the eastern and western fronts
  11. Place where soldiers spent most of their time in WWI
  12. Extending a country’s power through military force
  13. Spark of WWI
  1. Very last emperor of Russia
  2. The heightened defense of one’s country in fear of attack
  3. Countries teaming up with each other with promises to defend one another in case of attack
  4. Exaggerated/ false information, typically printed onto posters, used to promote or publicize a political party or war
  5. Strong pride for one’s country
  6. This group consisted of Great Britain, France, Russia, USA, etc
  7. Weaponized transportation vehicle
  8. Attempted message sent from Germany to Mexico, intercepted by Britain
  9. Idea to attempt to force France into submission and then attack Russia
  10. This group consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
  11. Passenger ship shot down by confused Germans

24 Clues: Spark of WWIFormally ended WWIArchduke’s AssinatorVery last emperor of RussiaRingleader of Bolshevik PartyStrong pride for one’s countryWeaponized transportation vehicleHeir to the Austrian-Hungarian thronePassenger ship shot down by confused GermansThis event paved the way for the rise of communismExtending a country’s power through military force...

World War I: Crossword 2013-01-10

World War I: Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Used to make a fence in front of trenches
  2. Counter-Alliance
  3. A soldiers main weapon/ primary weapon
  4. "Francs-tireurs"
  5. Explosive attack
  6. Reinforcements
  7. Momentary
  8. Colonization
  9. "Rape of Belgium"
  10. Patriot
  1. Crew is needed to use this defensive weapon
  2. Not afraid
  3. Assassinated
  4. Stielhandgranate
  5. Central Powers
  6. Having a strong army
  7. Tranquility
  8. Wise
  9. First Grenade
  10. Draft
  11. Farts
  12. Unity
  13. Knife
  14. sincerity

24 Clues: WiseDraftFartsUnityKnifePatriotMomentarysincerityNot afraidTranquilityAssassinatedColonizationFirst GrenadeCentral PowersReinforcementsCounter-AllianceStielhandgranate"Francs-tireurs"Explosive attack"Rape of Belgium"Having a strong armyA soldiers main weapon/ primary weaponUsed to make a fence in front of trenches...

World War I Crossword 2013-01-11

World War I Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Was considered an act of War and was used in militarism
  2. the bad person you're against
  3. Supported by Russia
  4. Assassinated by members of the Black Hand
  5. Alliance created in 1907
  6. the _________ of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
  7. Alliance formed in 1802
  8. Chancellar responded with a "blank check"
  9. Russia was defeated in this battle due to being outnumbered and outgunned
  10. Allies first fought here against Ottoman Empire
  11. to change slightly
  12. Strategy of war created WWI
  13. Regular practice established in the west for war
  1. Battle at fortress city on the border of Germany
  2. Because of ______, Citizens of country's involved were involved in the war
  3. Big Bertha
  4. Plan created by Germany against France and Russia
  5. Reason why British source could destroy Ottoman empire
  6. Led to trench war
  7. Caused the attack of Serbia
  8. Strategy used if outnumbered
  9. One of the main causes of world war I that had conscriptions and weapons
  10. special gun used to shoot precisely far away
  11. Germans threatened to kill 10 per German soldier
  12. Made Germans seem worse during invasion of Belgium

25 Clues: Big BerthaLed to trench warto change slightlySupported by RussiaAlliance formed in 1802Alliance created in 1907Caused the attack of SerbiaStrategy of war created WWIStrategy used if outnumberedthe bad person you're againstAssassinated by members of the Black HandChancellar responded with a "blank check"the _________ of Archduke Francis Ferdinand...

World War 1 Crossword 2013-01-11

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Group of terrorists
  2. Stirred up national hatred
  3. Assasinated by Gavrilo
  4. Great Britain, Russia, and France alliance
  5. Remained neutral in war of Germany Vs. France/Russia
  6. In order to preserve this, Serbia rejected extreme demands from Austria-Hungary
  7. Military Draft
  8. Killed Francis Ferdinand
  9. Considered an act of war in 1914
  10. Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary alliance
  11. With him I have 10 _____ friends on facebook
  12. Kept both in virtually
  1. Determined country to create a large independent state
  2. Country that wanted something to be free of Austria-Hungary
  3. A statement or terms of conditions for settlement
  4. Austria-Hungary started what?
  5. The Blackhand were _______ who planned to assassinate Francis Ferdinand
  6. The British ambassador to Vienne _________ War in 1913
  7. Pride in one's country
  8. Country that planned a two-front war with France and Russia
  9. System of _______ contributed to the start of World War I
  10. Mobilization of the Russian Army against Austria-Hungary
  11. German Emperor that supported Austria-Hungary
  12. They sought the backing of their German allies
  13. Germans had a Military Plan

25 Clues: Military DraftGroup of terroristsPride in one's countryAssasinated by GavriloKept both in virtuallyKilled Francis FerdinandStirred up national hatredGermans had a Military PlanAustria-Hungary started what?Considered an act of war in 1914Great Britain, Russia, and France allianceItaly, Germany, and Austria-Hungary alliance...

World War 1 Crossword 2013-01-11

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Effect of the battle of the Marne
  2. King will
  3. All Quiet
  4. The Boot
  5. The sandvich was his downfall
  6. Uncharted 3
  7. City in france
  8. idea for economy
  9. Libalist news
  10. Big Bertha
  11. the center
  12. what was WWI
  1. Two front plan
  2. phone
  3. Creater of the plan
  4. Sandvich
  5. 170,000 casualties
  6. Many old school forts
  7. Are where Russia battle against Germany
  8. Area always under heavy fire
  9. The Czar
  10. Nisu Hrvati
  11. a draft
  12. R-----F-----E------
  13. Tf2 the Heavy native region

25 Clues: phonea draftThe BootSandvichThe CzarKing willAll QuietBig Berthathe centerUncharted 3Nisu Hrvatiwhat was WWILibalist newsTwo front planCity in franceidea for economy170,000 casualtiesCreater of the planR-----F-----E------Many old school fortsTf2 the Heavy native regionArea always under heavy fireThe sandvich was his downfall...

world war one topics 2013-05-06

world war one topics crossword puzzle
  1. killed 80 enemy planes
  2. the big meating of all the countrys-
  3. im a general
  4. guns that shot alot of bullets quickly
  5. president of the U.S. in WW1
  6. name is the city called the big apple
  7. innitials are C.W.
  8. a very deadly gas
  9. i was a general
  10. assassinated by serbia
  11. the big group of germany and austria and hungary
  1. lived in adobe houses and are dough boys
  2. a ship that was sunk
  3. innitials are A.V.S.
  4. killed 26 enemy planes
  5. i am kaiser W.
  6. a big blimp
  7. the last czar of russia
  8. war that was in the trenches
  9. the group of france and serbia and the us

20 Clues: a big blimpim a generali am kaiser W.i was a generala very deadly gasinnitials are C.W.a ship that was sunkinnitials are A.V.S.killed 80 enemy planeskilled 26 enemy planesassassinated by serbiathe last czar of russiapresident of the U.S. in WW1war that was in the trenchesthe big meating of all the countrys-name is the city called the big apple...

World War I Vocabulary 2013-04-11

World War I Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. betrayal, backstabbing
  2. independence from something else.
  3. agreement (ex. treaty)
  4. unclear;muddy
  5. extra special.
  6. internal feeling that guides you in the right direction
  7. disturbance or loudness.
  8. resistant, self-impose
  9. uneducated, unskillful Irish people
  10. bias against Jews.
  11. jumping to conclusions
  12. treaties to end wars
  13. causing terror or disgust
  14. emotionally hunting
  15. not acknowledging something, deny
  16. thinking a race is superior to other races
  17. thinking something out before an act
  1. happens over and over
  2. different from the normal.
  3. belief that money establishes Superiority(of rich over poor)
  4. hostile behavior
  5. Law that does not allow something
  6. need for immediate action
  7. group, government, or person in charge, expert
  8. information used to sway your mind.
  9. to give up, to cease
  10. strange, special, odd-one-out
  11. belief in social equality
  12. using something up
  13. reaching the highest point
  14. friends, help each other out
  15. excluded, not part of something
  16. going against something
  17. strong desire

34 Clues: unclear;muddystrong desireextra special.hostile behaviorusing something upbias against Jews.emotionally huntingto give up, to ceasetreaties to end warshappens over and overbetrayal, backstabbingagreement (ex. treaty)resistant, self-imposejumping to conclusionsgoing against somethingdisturbance or loudness.need for immediate action...

World War 1 Crossword 2015-10-10

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Princip The student that assassinated the Archduke
  2. The Triple Entente consisted of Britain France and ___
  3. The competition where enemies try to get more weapons
  4. The Compulsory military service
  5. The battle that took place in 1916
  6. Another name for World War 1
  7. The lady who represented Britain
  8. When two countries are evenly matched
  9. The ship that sank in 1917
  10. Ferdinand The Archduke assassinated in Bosnia
  1. The ship that crashed and sank another ship
  2. Another name for Conscientious objectors
  3. The Capital of Bosnia
  4. What governments used to manipulate their citizens
  5. The fungal infection common in the trenches
  6. The Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Italy and
  7. The country where this battle took place
  8. The organisation for the blacks(the acronym)
  9. The area between enemy trenches
  10. Britains most fierce and famous battleship
  11. The country that wanted to unite with Bosnia
  12. The invention that ended Trench Warfare

22 Clues: The Capital of BosniaThe ship that sank in 1917Another name for World War 1The Compulsory military serviceThe area between enemy trenchesThe lady who represented BritainThe battle that took place in 1916When two countries are evenly matchedThe invention that ended Trench WarfareAnother name for Conscientious objectors...

World War I Vocab 2016-01-12

World War I Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. Raising prices
  2. Act passed by congress in 1917 to serve penalties to anyone in acts of treason.
  3. A telegram written by German Foreign Minister Zimmerman to Mexico for an Alliance to fight the U.S.
  4. This Board regulated the industries engaged in the war.
  5. A person whose beliefs forbid them from fighting in the war.
  6. A nation that owes less to other nations than other nations owe that nation.
  7. Merchant ships traveling together and were protected by warships.
  8. A series of attacks in the early 1920's against suspected radicals and communists begun by General Palmer.
  9. Movement of the African American population of the south to move to the North.
  1. Military glorification
  2. A world organization to promote cooperation.
  3. Government agency created during WWI to encourage the citizens to support the war.
  4. An act passed by congress to draft men into the military in 1917
  5. Republican candidate for the election of Ohio.
  6. A document written by President Woodrow Wilson on resolving the War and Wars after it.
  7. A right for people to choose their own government.
  8. fear that communists were out to destroy the American way of life.
  9. The front of the battle of Allies and Central Powers in WWI
  10. German Submarine
  11. The passenger liner from Great Brittan sunk by German submarines

20 Clues: Raising pricesGerman SubmarineMilitary glorificationA world organization to promote cooperation.Republican candidate for the election of Ohio.A right for people to choose their own government.This Board regulated the industries engaged in the war.The front of the battle of Allies and Central Powers in WWI...

World War I- Tabria 2015-11-26

World War I- Tabria crossword puzzle
  1. The port that the gunboat was sent
  2. Naval Policy followed by Britian
  3. The month in which the Battle of the Somme started
  4. Alliance which included Britain and France
  5. The ruler of Germany
  6. Terrorist organization
  7. Protective holes on the side of the trenches
  8. A British Colony
  1. The gunboat Kaiser sent to the Moroccan Port
  2. A country hated by many
  3. An idea made by Germany to attack its two nearest countries
  4. A country apart of the triple alliance
  5. Ships built by Britain
  6. Given to Austria Hungary by Germany giving them support
  7. Country with the greatest population
  8. The ground between two opposing trenches
  9. A person killed by the Serbians
  10. The country with the biggest navy
  11. A place that France and Germany both wanted
  12. A weapon first used in the Battle of the Somme

20 Clues: A British ColonyThe ruler of GermanyShips built by BritainTerrorist organizationA country hated by manyA person killed by the SerbiansNaval Policy followed by BritianThe country with the biggest navyThe port that the gunboat was sentCountry with the greatest populationA country apart of the triple allianceThe ground between two opposing trenches...

World War Two Puzzel 2016-12-08

World War Two Puzzel crossword puzzle
  1. to become confused
  2. tiring do to length of dullness
  3. to look quickly
  4. synonym,arrogant
  5. synonyms, full of complete amazement or dread for something
  6. ugly
  7. synonym,church
  8. synonym,thrash about
  9. messed up hair
  10. synonym,charming
  11. antonym,run
  12. to purposely perplex or bewilder
  1. synonym,friendly
  2. to be weakened by age
  3. having many parts
  4. synonym,delicious
  5. not continuous or steady
  6. synonym,looted
  7. synonym,slave
  8. synonyms,investigate study
  9. synonyms,spy undercover
  10. Ammo
  11. to feel mental or physical pain

23 Clues: uglyAmmoantonym,runsynonym,slavesynonym,lootedsynonym,churchmessed up hairto look quicklysynonym,friendlysynonym,arrogantsynonym,charminghaving many partssynonym,deliciousto become confusedsynonym,thrash aboutto be weakened by agesynonyms,spy undercovernot continuous or steadysynonyms,investigate studytiring do to length of dullness...

The First World War 2016-11-13

The First World War crossword puzzle
  1. When it rained, the battlefield was turned into this.
  2. Heavy weapons that would fire a shell over great distances.
  3. The battle in which tanks made an impressive breakthrough.
  4. Used in large quantities to protect friendly trenches.
  5. The space between the fighting on the Western Front.
  6. A type of aircraft lifted by an enormous balloon.
  7. Rapid firing weapons technology that caused devastating casualties.
  8. Temperatures inside tanks could rise to this level.
  9. An aircraft that has three wings.
  10. Defensive ditches in which soldiers can be protected.
  1. A wooden framework laid over wet ground to provide a surface for moving.
  2. The process of learning how to fight trench warfare.
  3. An aircraft that has two wings.
  4. New mobile technology invented to deal with barbed wire.
  5. A fighter pilot with many kills.
  6. The country in which the Western Front existed.
  7. The name originally used for a type of amoured vehicle.
  8. A truce signed on the 11th of November 1918.
  9. Being out in this was lethal during the war.
  10. Placed around trenches to absorb the impact of bullets.

20 Clues: An aircraft that has two wings.A fighter pilot with many kills.An aircraft that has three wings.A truce signed on the 11th of November 1918.Being out in this was lethal during the war.The country in which the Western Front existed.A type of aircraft lifted by an enormous balloon.Temperatures inside tanks could rise to this level....

World War I Crossword 2017-04-05

World War I Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. TANK
  3. YPRES
  11. SOMME


World War II Crossword 2016-11-06

World War II Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Founded by Bill Stephenson in 1941
  2. Political ideology followed by Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Francisco Franco
  3. Demilitarized zone according to the Treaty of Versailles
  4. The encryption machine used by the Germans that was said to be “uncrackable”
  5. Book written by Hitler in 1925
  6. A short, violent attack meant to accomplish a sudden takeover of an area
  7. Original code name for Juno Beach
  8. The _ Memorandum (1937)
  9. The strategy of choice for many countries in the League of Nations (Britain especially)
  10. Canada, India, and Hong Kong were part of the British ______
  11. Britain, France, Italy, and Germany were all members before 1933
  12. The battle that got both Japan and the United States involved in the war
  13. About 373,000 women worked in this kind of job during the war
  14. “______ Front”- an alliance between Italy, France, and England against Germany in 1935
  15. The title which Mussolini took when he took over Italy
  16. Section of Czechoslovakia the Germans initially wanted
  17. Air force of the Germans during WWII
  18. The Italian city in which Canadians started using the technique of “mouseholing”
  1. Most mine-rigged area in the war
  2. Treaty that ended WWI, with significant negative consequences for the Germans
  3. The region of China which Japan invaded in 1931
  4. Prime minister of Britain during the beginning of WWII
  5. The ______ line, France’s main line of defense against Germany
  6. This country was prominently not consulted during the Munich agreement
  7. The D-Day beach with the least Allied casualties
  8. Term used for the event of Austria joining Germany
  9. This was the subject of some controversy in Canada, although not as much as it was in the last world war
  10. New technology that was instrumental in the aerial war between Britain and Germany in 1940, referred to as the “Battle of Britain”
  11. The name for Ethiopia in 1935, when Italy attacked them
  12. The title to which Hitler was first appointed
  13. Code name for the operation that began on D-Day

31 Clues: The _ Memorandum (1937)Book written by Hitler in 1925Most mine-rigged area in the warOriginal code name for Juno BeachFounded by Bill Stephenson in 1941Air force of the Germans during WWIIThe title to which Hitler was first appointedThe region of China which Japan invaded in 1931Code name for the operation that began on D-Day...

World War 1 Crossword 2018-12-13

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A plan intended to ensure German victory over a Franco-Russian alliance by holding off Russia with minimal strength and swiftly defeating France by a massive flanking movement through the Low Countries, called the _______________.
  2. Effect,the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling _____________.
  3. All country's in Europe thought it was a good idea to do this at one point.
  4. (of a country or its government) prepare and organize (troops) for active service.
  5. This guy death is one of the many factors starting WW 1.
  6. Let the people control what happens to there country.
  7. This dude killed someone who was he?
  8. In this age people as a whole where together getting smarter rather then a group of people.
  9. The _______________ was the military alliance formed between Russia, Great Britain and France before World War I.
  10. Something that was uphold-ed by English for no reason causing a bigger war.
  11. The English made this during July 4, 1776.
  12. Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
  13. This is a City which someone famous died that kinda started WW 1.
  1. A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.
  2. This was a piece of land owned by the french then taken by Germans.
  3. A bigger country taking a smaller weaker country by force fast.
  4. ______________ generally means relating to someone's family, home, or home country.
  5. A war that ends all wars started here.
  6. The ________________ was a secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  7. In military terminology, a __________ is a war in which fighting takes place on two geographically separate fronts.
  8. The __________________ was the Balkans in the early part of the 20th century preceding World War I.
  9. A country wants to do its best to protect its citizens and grow
  10. the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling _____________.
  11. A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.
  12. The first nations has made a ______in Canada.
  13. This is use to put fear into the masses in a country

26 Clues: This dude killed someone who was he?A war that ends all wars started here.The English made this during July 4, 1776.Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.The first nations has made a ______in Canada.This is use to put fear into the masses in a countryLet the people control what happens to there country....

World War 1 Crossword 2022-05-05

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This was a type of warfare in which people dug deep ditches to defend their positions.
  2. This type of gas caused blisters externally and internally.
  3. Treaties to defend one another in event of war.
  4. The assassination of this man sparked WW1.
  5. This animal was used to detect poison gas during the war.
  6. The most successful fighter ace in the war.
  7. Austria declared war on this country on July 28th, 1914.
  8. This is an international war where all of a country’s resources are used to destroy another country.
  9. Tanks were introduced by Britain in this battle.
  10. This is another name for the Allied Powers.
  11. The first of this weapon was named “Little Willie.”
  12. 400 Indians were killed by the British for protesting the Rowlatt Acts in this event.
  13. This man created the 14 Points.
  14. Having pride in one’s own country.
  15. The first use of poison gas was in this battle.
  16. The German army opened this front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium.
  17. This alliance was made up of Britain, France, Russia, and the USA.
  18. This was a British act to curb Indian dissent resulting in Indians being jailed for two years without trial.
  19. This was where religion was essentially eliminated.
  1. These were images that were used to persuade people to have a certain political view, usually including biased and misleading information.
  2. A policy of extending a country’s power and influence.
  3. Britain passed this act to provide India with local self-govt and limited elections but not total independence.
  4. This disease was one of the most common causes of deaths for soliders fighting in the war.
  5. This alliance was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.
  6. This man became the leader of the independence movement.
  7. In 1917, this country withdrew from the war.
  8. This is another name for the Central Powers.
  9. This weapon could shoot 600 rounds per minute.
  10. This is another name for WW1.
  11. This treaty ended the war.
  12. This telegram was the final factor in the US entering the war.
  13. This German plan failed due to Germans being held up by Belgians.
  14. This ship’s sinking angered the USA.
  15. This country had the most deaths by the end of the war.
  16. This weapon launched burning fuel and was introduced by Germany.
  17. This was a method of control that included spying, intimidation, and brutality.
  18. This country is also referred to as the Ottoman Empire.
  19. This is what Stalin replaced religion with.
  20. This is a government that has total, complete control over all aspects of life.
  21. This is where Stalin eliminated millions of people that he saw as a threat to his power.

40 Clues: This treaty ended the war.This is another name for WW1.This man created the 14 Points.Having pride in one’s own country.This ship’s sinking angered the USA.The assassination of this man sparked WW1.The most successful fighter ace in the war.This is another name for the Allied Powers.This is what Stalin replaced religion with....

World War I (xavierj) 2022-05-06

World War I (xavierj) crossword puzzle
  1. 1917 act gave the government new ways to spy
  2. A military conflict centered on Europe that began in the summer of 1914. The fighting ended in late 1918.
  3. They do no believe in government.
  4. Teams of troops,ships,or equipment.
  5. German emperor.
  6. A person who tries to stir up war.
  7. 11 day of the 11 month of the 11 hour 1918
  8. The heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
  9. German Submarines
  10. Leaders of britain, France, the U.S and Italy after WW1.
  11. A union or association between three powers or states
  12. To give up power.
  13. Unable to read or write.
  14. World War 1 military strategy of defending a position by fighting form the protection of deep ditches.
  15. Nickname for American troops in europe.
  16. The gathering of resources and preparation for war
  17. The name given to the line of trenches which stretched from the english channel across the battle fields of France and Belgium during WW1.
  18. Idea about how nations should work together.
  1. Most famous WW1 treaty
  2. Country pays for damage caused by war.
  3. President during WWI
  4. A formal agreement between two or more nations or powers to cooperate and come to another's defense.
  5. Tax on your average income to support the war
  6. Information given to show something or someone in a based way.
  7. Association of nations formed after WW1 under wilson's 14 points plan.
  8. A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  9. Russian Emperors.
  10. The military alliance formed between Russia, Great Britain and France before World War 1.
  11. World War 1 alliance led by Austria-Hungary and Germany and later joined by Bulgaria and the Ottoman empire.
  12. President Woodrow Wilsons plan for organizing post WW1 Europe and for avoiding future wars.
  13. A group of communists who overthrew the democratic Russian government.
  14. a covering for a soldiers head.
  15. They used intimidation and fear towards blacks catholics, and jews.
  16. A system of managing government through departments.
  17. The rapid spread of a contagious disease among large numbers of people.
  18. Law that requires people of a certain age to enlist in the military.
  19. A rapid firing weapon.
  20. U.S bonds sold during WW1 to raise money for loans to the Allies
  21. Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
  22. They do no believe in government.

40 Clues: German emperor.Russian Emperors.German SubmarinesTo give up power.President during WWIMost famous WW1 treatyA rapid firing weapon.Unable to read or write.a covering for a soldiers head.They do no believe in government.They do no believe in government.A person who tries to stir up war.Teams of troops,ships,or equipment....

World War 1 Crossword 2022-04-01

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. An early 20th century alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia. Originally a series of loose agreements, the Triple Entente began to assume the nature of a more formal allience as the prospect of war with the Central Powers became more likely and formed the basis of the Allied powers in WW1
  2. Disputed land between the front lines or trenches of two opposing armies
  3. A competition between nations for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons
  4. A secret Serbian society of the early 20th century that used terrorist methods to promote the liberation of Serbs outside Serbia from Habsburg or Ottoman rule
  5. An offensive strategy proposed by Alfred von Schlieffen that was designed to allow Germany to wage a successful two-front war
  6. Britain's policy of having a larger fleet than the next two powers combined
  7. The belief that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests
  1. A union or association between three powers or states
  2. A signed cheque with the amount left for the payee to fill in
  3. A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
  4. a conflict in which each side tried to wear the other down by killing as many of its soldiers as possible
  5. a war which is unrestricted in term of the weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the accepted rules of war are disregarded
  6. The action of emerging from the trenches to charge across an open area to attack the enemy
  7. A final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations
  8. The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale
  9. A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means
  10. The principle or advocacy of the union of all Slavs or all Slavic peoples in one political organization
  11. A type of warfare where opposing forces fight from trenches facing each other
  12. Identification with ones own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations
  13. when opposing forces encounter on two geographically separate fronts

20 Clues: A union or association between three powers or statesA signed cheque with the amount left for the payee to fill inThe development of industries in a country or region on a wide scalewhen opposing forces encounter on two geographically separate frontsDisputed land between the front lines or trenches of two opposing armies...

Starting World War II 2023-09-03

Starting World War II crossword puzzle
  6. OPÓR



WORLD WAR I REVIEW crossword puzzle
  1. Leaders from the U.S., Britain, France, & Italy
  2. ____ Powers- WWI alliance composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, & the Ottoman Empire
  3. American president during WWI
  4. a political and economic ideology where everything is owned and shared by everyone
  5. Leader of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, overthrowing the royal family
  6. British ship sunk by the Germanany's unrestricted submarine warfare; over 100 Americans died
  7. Common type of fighting during WWI, led to lots of disease and causalities
  8. Many of these were created to help with the war effort; Ex: National War Labor Board
  9. Informal understanding/alliance between the Russian Empire, France, and Great Britain
  10. Clause that forced Germany to accept full responsibility for WWI
  11. Nickname for American soldiers during WWI
  12. ____ Powers- WWI alliance of Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan, & the U.S.
  13. ____ Plan- German strategy to quickly defeat the French & avoid fighting a war on two fronts
  14. Extreme pride in one's country
  15. Russian royal family; Overthrown & assassinated in the Russian Revolution of 1917
  16. Austro-Hungarian archduke; his assassination is the spark that set off WWI
  17. Created by the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve to help raise money for WWI
  1. Glorification of war, competing in an arms race
  2. Required all men in the US between the ages of 21 & 45 to register for military service
  3. Naval submarine operated by Germany; known for unrestricted submarine warfare
  4. Used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
  5. To conquer and control another country to spread one’s influence and power
  6. Policy adopted by the U.S. at the beginning of WWI
  7. Leader of the American Expeditionary Force in WWI
  8. President Woodrow Wilson's plan for for peace, ending WWI
  9. The ____ Telegram was a secret message sent from Germany asking Mexico to join their side
  10. Post-WWI international alliance created to establishing peace & prevent future wars
  11. Many black Americans moved to northern cities, filling jobs, fleeing racism
  12. Peace treaty that ended WWI; Punished Germany very harshly
  13. Group of ships sailing together for protection during WWI
  14. Making up for something one has done wrong, usually by paying money
  15. New technological innovation that helped make ground warfare more deadly

32 Clues: American president during WWIExtreme pride in one's countryNickname for American soldiers during WWIGlorification of war, competing in an arms raceLeaders from the U.S., Britain, France, & ItalyLeader of the American Expeditionary Force in WWIPolicy adopted by the U.S. at the beginning of WWIPresident Woodrow Wilson's plan for for peace, ending WWI...

world war 1 test 2024-01-31

world war 1 test crossword puzzle
  1. a bad political system, people control everything
  2. agreements to lend money to the government
  3. man made holes/lines underground made for fighting
  4. this came at a faster rate then ever...death
  5. pilots who shot down enemy planes
  6. guns too big to carry... cannons or rocket launchers
  7. the flu caused this to happen, widespread disease
  8. spying
  9. countries coming together to fight against opponent
  10. a nation should be one with its states
  11. self-government
  1. submarines or boats used under water
  2. aef soldiers were called this because of the buttons on their jakcets
  3. not going into the war but helping both sides
  4. financial compensation paid someone who has been wronged
  5. a situation in which nothing can be done or won by either side
  6. assassinated archduke ferdinand
  7. this leader promised "land, peace, and bread"
  8. extending power over other nations
  9. a group traveling together for safety

20 Clues: spyingself-governmentassassinated archduke ferdinandpilots who shot down enemy planesextending power over other nationssubmarines or boats used under watera group traveling together for safetya nation should be one with its statesagreements to lend money to the governmentthis came at a faster rate then ever...death...

World War II Battles 2024-02-07

World War II Battles crossword puzzle
  1. Egyptian battle in July 1942 between the allies and axis
  2. naval battle in October 1942
  3. Henderson Field is located here
  4. a tragic night battle where 4 allied cruisers are sunk
  5. large Japanese surface force battles a much smaller US force
  6. famous flag raising here
  7. allied invasion on the French coast
  8. 1940 military evacuation of France
  9. November 1943 battle in the Gilbert Islands
  10. attempt by Germany to turn the tide in December 1944
  11. battle is code named Operation Stalemate
  1. siege in Soviet Union from September 1941 to January 1944
  2. Germany in unsuccessful in battle to control this city
  3. first battle where opposing ships did not see each other
  4. US Navy suffers a loss at the hands of the Japanese
  5. air war over England in 1940
  6. Italian battle from January 1944 to June 1944
  7. Battle in 1942 where 4 Japanese carriers sunk
  8. protracted battle near Japan beginning April 1945
  9. largest naval battle in World War II

20 Clues: famous flag raising herenaval battle in October 1942air war over England in 1940Henderson Field is located here1940 military evacuation of Franceallied invasion on the French coastlargest naval battle in World War IIbattle is code named Operation StalemateNovember 1943 battle in the Gilbert IslandsItalian battle from January 1944 to June 1944...

World War 1 Review 2023-12-20

World War 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Weapon for the trenches
  2. A good idea that didn't work out
  3. Britain, France, United States, Italy
  4. Shoot down 5 or more planes
  5. 5/7/1915
  6. America's best pilot
  7. Russia quit
  8. The Red Baron
  9. No sinking without warning
  10. Future leader
  11. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
  1. Developed the poster campaign
  2. First used the tank
  3. Destroyed entire Russian 2nd Army
  4. A u-boat strategy
  5. First used poison gas
  6. Wilson's idea
  7. A Russian Czar
  8. Means communist
  9. Helped pull the USA into WW1
  10. A plan of the food administration
  11. Serbian nationalist
  12. Germany started the war
  13. Created the trenches
  14. The home of Germany and France

25 Clues: 5/7/1915Russia quitWilson's ideaThe Red BaronFuture leaderA Russian CzarMeans communistA u-boat strategyFirst used the tankSerbian nationalistAmerica's best pilotCreated the trenchesFirst used poison gasWeapon for the trenchesGermany started the warNo sinking without warningShoot down 5 or more planesHelped pull the USA into WW1...

World War 1 vocab 2024-03-19

World War 1 vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  2. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
  3. undersea boat
  4. a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other.
  5. a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.
  6. setting limits on certain high demand items
  7. outlawed false statements intended to interfere with military operations
  8. a coded message sent to Mexico, proposing a military alliance
  9. the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.
  10. A German U-boat torpedoed the British-owned steamship Lusitania, killing 1,195 people
  11. authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription
  12. formally ending World War One
  13. an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.
  14. The action of submarines shooting down other ships without warning.
  1. austria hungary issues an ultimatum to serbia austria itungary declares war on sarbia
  2. Designed as guidelines for the rebuilding of the postwar world,
  3. powers Germany,Austria Hun-glory, the Ottoman Empire and bulgana
  4. an advocate for financial justice, world peace, and gender/social equality.
  5. the court valued that freedom of speech of the press under first admendment
  6. the state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement, etc.; impartiality.
  7. identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
  8. made it a crime for American citizens to "print, utter, or publish... any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the government
  9. Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union
  10. interest-bearing certificates sold by the us governemtn to finance the american ww1 effort.

24 Clues: undersea boatformally ending World War Onesetting limits on certain high demand itemsGreat Britain, the United States and the Soviet Uniona coded message sent to Mexico, proposing a military allianceDesigned as guidelines for the rebuilding of the postwar world,powers Germany,Austria Hun-glory, the Ottoman Empire and bulgana...

World War I Glossary 2024-05-25

World War I Glossary crossword puzzle
  1. Program for settling German reparations debts after WWI, written in 1924 and formally adopted in 1930.
  2. Archduke of Austria whose assassination in 1914 sparked the beginning of WWI.
  3. German submarine, short for *Unterseeboot* (Under Sea Boat).
  4. Strategy drawn up by Germany to avoid fighting a war on two fronts.
  5. British-led offensive in mid-March 1917 in Iraq, running for six weeks before being called off until autumn.
  6. 28th president of the United States, known for WWI leadership, Treaty of Versailles, sought 14 points post-war plan, and League of Nations.
  7. Longest battle of WWI at a French fort.
  8. Policy that the Germans announced in January 1917 which stated that their submarines would sink any ship in the British waters.
  9. Program for settling German reparations debts after WWI, written in 1929 and formally adopted in 1930.
  10. Assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, a member of the Black Hand.
  11. Temporary peace agreement to end fighting.
  12. Military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the years preceding WWI.
  13. Book by Norman Angell published in 1910 about the rivalry between England and Germany, translated into 11 languages.
  14. Festering quarrels over the Balkans which eventually pushed Europe into war.
  15. 1915 secret pact between the Triple Entente and Italy, signed in London, to gain Italy's alliance against Germany.
  16. Reigned as the last King of Serbia and the first King of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (1903-1918).
  17. Acronym for the causes of WWI: Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism.
  18. Battle from April 22 to May 25, 1915, for control of Ypres in Belgium.
  19. British passenger boat sunk by a German submarine that claimed 1,000 lives. One of the main reasons the US decided to join the war.
  20. Strip of land between the trenches of opposing armies along the Western Front during WWI.
  21. Laid out between the trenches to slow down advancing enemy forces.
  22. Territory created by the German Empire in 1871 after annexing Alsace and parts of Lorraine from France.
  23. Treaty that ended WWI and blamed Germany for WWI, handing down harsh punishment.
  24. Major battle between British and French armies against Germany from July 1 to November 18, 1916.
  25. Battle from October 24 to November 19, 1917, near Kobarid, on the Austro-Italian front.
  1. Composed of France, Britain, and Russia, and later Japan and Italy, the Allies fought the Central Powers in WWI. The United States joined the Allies in 1917.
  2. Author of *Germany and the Next War*, argued that Germany and France could never negotiate their problems.
  3. Part of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay fines to the Allies to repay the costs of the war.
  4. Military alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia in the years preceding WWI.
  5. Naval battle between the British Royal Navy and German Navy from May 31 - June 1, 1916.
  6. Last Emperor of Russia, cousin of King George V.
  7. Series of proposals in which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving lasting peace after WWI.
  8. Battle in September 1914 during the invasion and occupation of German New Guinea by Australian forces.
  9. International port city on Belgium's River Scheldt.
  10. Military alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire.
  11. The siege of Liège.
  12. Height in Turkey dominating the Gallipoli Peninsula, the main position of Ottoman defenses in 1915.
  13. International organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations.
  14. Coded message sent by Germany to try to get Mexico to attack the US.
  15. King of the United Kingdom and British Dominions during WWI, also known as the "Uncle of Europe."
  16. Battle on August 21, 1914, between the French Fifth Army and German 2nd and 3rd armies during the Battle of the Frontiers.
  17. Deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other.
  18. Form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield.
  19. July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918.
  20. Conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort.
  21. 1904 agreement between Britain and France resolving colonial disputes and establishing a diplomatic understanding.
  22. Region of northern France where the forces of the Allies and the Central Powers battled each other.
  23. Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
  24. Battle from April 12-14, 1915, between British and Ottoman forces for control of Basra.
  25. Alliance system in Europe was a major cause of WWI.
  26. Militaristic and nationalistic leader of Germany during the last decade of the 1800s and most of WWI.
  27. Battle fought from September 5-12, 1914, resulting in an Allied victory against Germany.
  28. Demand or threat that is final.
  29. Region along the German-Russian Border where Russians and Serbs battled Germans, Austrians, and Turks.
  30. Reigned as King of the Belgians from 1909 to 1934.
  31. High-ranking senior military officer in the army.

56 Clues: The siege of Liège.Demand or threat that is final.July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918.Longest battle of WWI at a French fort.Temporary peace agreement to end fighting.Last Emperor of Russia, cousin of King George V.High-ranking senior military officer in the army.Reigned as King of the Belgians from 1909 to 1934....

World War 1 Review 2024-10-03

World War 1 Review crossword puzzle
  1. The new super battleship
  2. New weapon first used against Canadians at the Battle of Ypres, 1915
  3. Could grow as big as cats as they ate the dead bodies of soldiers
  4. A connecting trench between the front and rear trenches
  5. 128 American died on this ship which helped bring the USA into the war
  6. Assassin who killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
  7. A tragedy in Halifax when two ships collided
  8. A new 'fire' weapon used to burn enemy soldiers in trenches
  9. The failed German battle plan
  10. Bonds Canadians could buy to support the war effort
  11. Francis Peghmagabow has 300 confirmed kills as a:
  12. Underground tunnels used to listen to No Mans Land
  13. Soldiers were covered in this bug as they couldn't shower in the trenches
  14. A yellow liquid that could protect people from poison gas
  15. The stretch of land between the trenches, where millions of soldiers died
  16. Manfred von Richtofen was known as the:
  17. A new tactic used by Canadians to take Vimy Ridge
  18. Where soldiers were stationed, these were dug all along the front lines
  19. The First Battle of Ypres, 1914 was called
  20. A term used to describe Canadian soldiers
  21. A new weapon that could fire hundreds of bullets per minute
  22. The Prime Minister of Canada during World War 1
  23. Leader of the Communists that murder Tsar Nicholas II and his family
  24. The alliance between Great Britain, France and Russia
  25. The belief in a strong army and navy
  26. A fungal infection of the feet which led to amputation
  1. A colonial empire
  2. When all men, aged 20-45, must fight in the war
  3. Build to keep soldiers from walking in the water and much of a trench
  4. Terror group that killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand
  5. The belief in a strong, powerful nation
  6. Where enemy aliens were sent in Canada
  7. A group of ships travelling together to defend from submarines
  8. Massive guns used to destroy trenches or fortified positions
  9. The Treaty signed officially ending World War 1
  10. Women who fought to get the vote
  11. A nickname given to a machine gun location
  12. The Alliance between Germany, Austria and the Ottoman Empire
  13. A new underwater weapon developed by Germany
  14. A battle fought in the rain and mud but won by Canadians
  15. To wake up and fire all weapons and artillery before breakfast
  16. Underground rooms built off trenches used to hide during artillery bombardments
  17. A gun that jammed
  18. The Canadian General who won at Vimy Ridge
  19. Massive new vehicles that got stuck in the mud
  20. The Canadian pilot who shot down the Red Baron
  21. Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism, Assassination - The causes of World War 1
  22. A telegram sent to Mexico asking them to attack the USA
  23. People were only given small amounts of food and fuel because it was scarce
  24. The build up of arms and weapons between Germany and Great Britain
  25. Three thousand Canadian women volunteered to be
  26. An air battle between airplanes
  27. Unrestricted warfare with no rules
  28. Canada's First Ace
  29. Pictures taken by airplanes above enemy trenches
  30. How the Canadian public viewed Germans living in Canada

56 Clues: A colonial empireA gun that jammedCanada's First AceThe new super battleshipThe failed German battle planAn air battle between airplanesWomen who fought to get the voteUnrestricted warfare with no rulesThe belief in a strong army and navyWhere enemy aliens were sent in CanadaThe belief in a strong, powerful nation...

World War II Vocabulary 2023-04-18

World War II Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a harbor near Honolulu, on S Oahu, in Hawaii: surprise attack by Japan on the U.S. naval base and other military installations December 7, 1941.
  2. U.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs
  3. a mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen.
  4. the first Black military aviators in the U.S. Army Air Corps (AAC),
  5. an Austrian-born German politician who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 until his suicide in 1945
  6. a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.
  7. allowed the U.S. government to lend or lease war supplies to any nation vital to U.S. defense,
  8. a German submarine used in World War I or World War II.
  1. A political leader of the twentieth century. A Democrat, Truman was president from 1945 to 1953. In 1944, after representing Missouri in the Senate, ...
  2. a person not in the armed services or the police force.
  3. an American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd president of the United States
  4. a bomb that derives its destructive power from the rapid release of nuclear energy by fission of heavy atomic nuclei, causing damage through heat, blast, and radioactivity
  5. media icon associated with female defense workers during World War II
  6. travel from one island to another, especially as a tourist in an area of small islands.
  7. the day (June 6, 1944) in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy.
  8. the name given to American Indians who used their tribal language to send secret communications on the battlefield.

16 Clues: a person not in the armed services or the police force.a German submarine used in World War I or World War II.the first Black military aviators in the U.S. Army Air Corps (AAC),media icon associated with female defense workers during World War IIU.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs...

Dayne | Vietnam Conflict 2022-05-08

Dayne | Vietnam Conflict crossword puzzle
  1. What Does NLF Stand For?
  2. In What Year Did Communists Take Control Of North Vietnam?
  3. How Many Billions did the Vietnam War cost per year?
  4. Who Was The Leader Of The Communist Vietnamese Resistence Movement?
  5. What US Ship Was Attacked On August 2nd, 1964?
  6. What Was The First Asian Nation To Fall To Communism?
  7. Which Country's Empire Held Control Of Vietnam Before World War II?
  8. What Kind Of Leader Was Diem?
  1. Which Vietnam Leader Controlled South Vietnam?
  2. Along Which Parallel Was Vietnam Split Following The Treaty Of Geneva?
  3. Describe The Type Of Military Force President Kennedy Sent To Vietnam.
  4. The Conflict In Vietnam That Developed Following World War II Can Be Best Described As This Type Of War.
  5. Which President Sent A Half A Million US Combat Troops To Vietnam?
  6. Which Part Of Vietnam Did America Send Help To?
  7. What Was The Main Religion In South Vietnam During The Conflict?

15 Clues: What Does NLF Stand For?What Kind Of Leader Was Diem?Which Vietnam Leader Controlled South Vietnam?What US Ship Was Attacked On August 2nd, 1964?Which Part Of Vietnam Did America Send Help To?How Many Billions did the Vietnam War cost per year?What Was The First Asian Nation To Fall To Communism?...

Cold War 2023-01-11

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation
  2. The crisis started on June 24, 1948, when Soviet forces blockaded railroads and water access to allied controlled area of Berlin.
  3. president that was assassinated
  4. was broken up into zones
  5. was growing in eastern europe during the end of the cold war
  6. aimed at preventing the spread of communism
  7. soviet union created an alliance of communist nationsit controlled in eastern europe
  8. This crisis showed the world that nuclear war was a real possibility.
  9. A period of conflict and tension between USA & Soviet Union
  1. a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War
  2. Invasion attempt to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba.
  3. referring to the division between western Europe and eastern Europe
  4. north atlantic treaty organization
  5. an attempt by the USA to extend their influence, or contain communism
  6. After World War II, the US used the idea of _______

15 Clues: was broken up into zonespresident that was assassinatednorth atlantic treaty organizationaimed at preventing the spread of communismagreed to divide Germany into zones of occupationAfter World War II, the US used the idea of _______Invasion attempt to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba.A period of conflict and tension between USA & Soviet Union...

Vedika Shah Articles Crossword 2024-02-12

Vedika Shah Articles Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The phrase, "balance of power" best describes a _____ system of government
  2. Which man saw the new United States as a future world power?
  3. Who mostly lived in the "Western Land" won by Great Britain in the Treaty of Paris?
  4. The document _________ was written during the American Revolution
  5. Shays Rebellion was named after _____
  6. Who wrote the Speller?
  7. Under the Articles of Confederation, the power of declaring war was held by the ______
  8. In the American Revolution War, who was a major general in the British Army?
  9. Who was one of the major writers of the Articles of Confederation?
  10. From the Treaty of Paris, England won land until the _______ river.
  11. To pass a new _____ you need nine-thirteenths of the delegates to agree
  12. After the war, these people who Britainted Great Britain went to England and Canada
  1. The loyalists went to England and Canada after the war where they were treated like ______
  2. A new country was established by the ________________
  3. The US _______ was adopted after the states met to fix the Articles of Confederation.
  4. Based on Shay's Rebellion, Daniel Shay was not a ______ landowner
  5. These people wanted to go to war with Great Britain
  6. What treaty ended the American Revolution in 1783?
  7. Alexander Hamilton hated Congress, the world, and ______
  8. The Articles of Confederation concentrated its power in the _____

20 Clues: Who wrote the Speller?Shays Rebellion was named after _____What treaty ended the American Revolution in 1783?These people wanted to go to war with Great BritainA new country was established by the ________________Alexander Hamilton hated Congress, the world, and ______Which man saw the new United States as a future world power?...

History 2023-10-24

History crossword puzzle
  1. Telegraph sent from Germany to their ambassador in Mexico City that offered an alliance between the Central Powers and Mexico if they invaded the U.S.
  2. Law passed by Congress May 18th, 1917 that instructed for the drafting of men ages 21-30.
  3. President Wilson established the Committee of Public Information to influence public opinion about the war using...
  4. Had to change his last name to enlist in the draft and became the first person of Mexican descent to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by the U.S. army after his death in France.
  5. Law approved by Congress that gave the president authority to manage the countries supplies of food and fuels.
  6. Secretary of State who said "...inconsistent with the true spirit of neutrality." in response to America's involvement in aiding France and Great Britain.
  7. The line of fighting in northern France and Belgium.
  8. New York attorney who published The Passing of a Great Race, that claimed breeding with African Americans and European immigrants was "race suicide".
  9. Hellish, nightmarish land warfare involving digging zigzagging trenches.
  10. Woodrow Wilson's proposal to the Allied Powers to secure peace after the war.
  11. Humiliating peace agreement between Russia and Germany that forced Lenin to give territories to Germany and Turkey and recognize Ukraine's independence.
  12. German submarines.
  13. Despite claiming neutrality, this president sent financial assistance and military supplies to Allied Powers, Great Britain and France.
  1. He worked alongside Theodore Roosevelt to create the National Security League to convince Congress to prepare for war.
  2. Played a crucial role in the war effort and held jobs for the first time that were usually occupied by men.
  3. The Immigration Act of 1917 became this much more restrictive law breed out of paranoia about disloyalty and racism.
  4. The first woman elected to the House of Representatives who had doubts about the U.S entering the Great War.
  5. The "spark" that started the war was the assassination of Archduke...
  6. Russian movement in which the Russian Empire and monarchy were overthrown, a civil war erupted between Vladimir Lenin's army, and the country was completely taken over by Communism.
  7. WWI European military alliance made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey (Ottoman Empire).
  8. Former president Theodore Roosevelt, called for Woodrow Wilson to declare war after a German U-boat sunk this British luxury liner, killing 128 Americans.
  9. Wage workers who were members of the radical Industrial Workers of the World who supported battle between labor and management.
  10. The "_____ ___" was a conflict that plagued all of Europe and lasted from 1914-1919 (later named World War I).
  11. During the _____ _________ some 1.6 million African Americans moved to the cities for better job opputunities.
  12. 8 were killed and 2 Americans were injured in the U-boat sinking of this French passenger ferry.
  13. WWI European military alliance made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia.

26 Clues: German submarines.The line of fighting in northern France and Belgium.The "spark" that started the war was the assassination of Archduke...Hellish, nightmarish land warfare involving digging zigzagging trenches.WWI European military alliance made up of Great Britain, France, and Russia....

Oscar's Volcano Poem 2018-12-06

Oscar's Volcano Poem crossword puzzle
  1. Where was the World Cup held?
  2. Where did Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet?
  3. Which country won the soccer world cup?
  4. What is the most popular cryptocurrency?
  5. What was the particular moon this year called?
  6. This year there was a rescue of a boys ____ team.
  7. The cricket team of Australia was ____
  8. What fruit had needles placed inside?
  1. What disasters are happening in 2018?
  2. What is the most popular song in 2018?
  3. There is a war in Syria and ____
  4. Which inventor died this year?
  5. Where does NASA want to land a probe
  6. Trump Who is the USA president in 2018?
  7. What is fake food this year? Artificial ____
  8. What is this sport event called? ____ Games
  9. What is the most popular dance move in 2018?
  10. What is the most popular game in 2018?
  11. and France Which two teams in the soccer world cup made it into the finals?
  12. What war is its 100th anniversary?

20 Clues: Where was the World Cup held?Which inventor died this year?There is a war in Syria and ____What war is its 100th anniversary?Where does NASA want to land a probeWhat disasters are happening in 2018?What fruit had needles placed inside?What is the most popular song in 2018?The cricket team of Australia was ____What is the most popular game in 2018?...

Oscar's BTN Crossword 2018-12-06

Oscar's BTN Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Trump Who is the USA president in 2018?
  2. Where does NASA want to land a probe
  3. Where was the World Cup held?
  4. There is a war in Syria and ____
  5. What was the particular moon this year called?
  6. What war is its 100th anniversary?
  7. The cricket team of Australia was ____
  8. This year there was a rescue of a boys ____ team.
  9. What is the most popular song in 2018?
  1. What disasters are happening in 2018?
  2. What is this sport event called? ____ Games
  3. Which country won the soccer world cup?
  4. What is the most popular game in 2018?
  5. Where did Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un meet?
  6. Which inventor died this year?
  7. What is the most popular cryptocurrency?
  8. What is the most popular dance move in 2018?
  9. What fruit had needles placed inside?
  10. and France Which two teams in the soccer world cup made it into the finals?
  11. What is fake food this year? Artificial ____

20 Clues: Where was the World Cup held?Which inventor died this year?There is a war in Syria and ____What war is its 100th anniversary?Where does NASA want to land a probeWhat disasters are happening in 2018?What fruit had needles placed inside?What is the most popular game in 2018?The cricket team of Australia was ____What is the most popular song in 2018?...

OKD Asia Crossword 2021-04-28

OKD Asia Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What Chu Ju used to make silk with her friends.
  2. Desert on one of the biggest peninsulas in the world.
  3. Location of a proxy war that took place in East Asia near Malaysia.
  4. Roof of the World.
  5. Second tallest structure in Japan.
  6. Capital of Japan.
  7. Largest mountain in the world
  8. Social and economic 5 year plan to make China a communist society.
  9. Japan's number one export.
  1. What type of landform is Japan?
  2. Country that produces up 12% of the world’s total oil.
  3. Island off China’s coast who does not get along with them.
  4. East-Asian nation that allied with Axis.
  5. Where a Cold War missile crisis took place.
  6. Large desert that is at the tip of China and the bottom of Mongolia.
  7. Leader of the Cultural Revolution.
  8. Capital of South Korea.
  9. Border between North and South Korea.
  10. The sea between the Koreas and China.
  11. Name of Japanese companies working together.

20 Clues: Capital of Japan.Roof of the World.Capital of South Korea.Japan's number one export.Largest mountain in the worldWhat type of landform is Japan?Leader of the Cultural Revolution.Second tallest structure in Japan.Border between North and South Korea.The sea between the Koreas and China.East-Asian nation that allied with Axis....

Unit 8 Vocab and Geography 2024-02-15

Unit 8 Vocab and Geography crossword puzzle
  1. a company with no competitors
  2. country that welcomed the Year of the Dragon this January
  3. number of stars on the U.S. flag
  4. blue plus black
  5. most popular milk flavor, after unflavored
  6. what raisins start out as
  7. what pickles start out as
  8. sixteen plus fourteen
  9. drug outlawed during Prohibition
  10. World War I soldiers got four of these per meal
  11. white people prefer the hard-shelled version
  12. tiny island chain in the Pacific
  13. month when Spring begins
  14. number of judges on the Supreme Court
  15. America's uncle
  1. ocean at the bottom of the world
  2. cheese starts out as this
  3. baboons have them, but chimpanzees don't
  4. number of moons Earth has
  5. cereal best served hot
  6. hand-sized cake
  7. horned animal on the Lunar New Year calendar
  8. the land of kangaroos
  9. Papua New ______
  10. world's most popular caffeinated beverage, after tea
  11. ______ Roosevelt; he wanted to join World War I right away
  12. Harriet ________
  13. Arizona, Florida and Maine are examples of these

28 Clues: blue plus blackhand-sized cakeAmerica's unclePapua New ______Harriet ________the land of kangaroossixteen plus fourteencereal best served hotmonth when Spring beginscheese starts out as thisnumber of moons Earth haswhat raisins start out aswhat pickles start out asa company with no competitorsocean at the bottom of the world...

Chapter 15 Review 2021-05-18

Chapter 15 Review crossword puzzle
  1. This amendment gave African American men the right to vote
  2. To murder for political reasons
  3. This was the leading cause of death for Civil War soldiers
  4. A mandatory term of military service
  5. A certificate offered for sale to the public with the promise that the government will pay the money back, usually with interest
  6. Civil War _______ were fed poorly, often died of disease, often died of hunger, and lived in extremely uncomfortable conditions
  7. People who listened to the Gettysburg Address were asked to think about the ideas of this founding document (3)
  8. Lincoln and Grant offered very generous terms when Lee surrendered on _____ 9, 1865
  9. Lee finally surrendered at this Virginia town
  10. About 625,000 total soldiers ______ during the Civil War
  11. The ________ changed its main commanding general often throughout the war
  12. The amendment ended slavery in the United States
  13. The Emancipation Proclamation said that slavery would end here if the seceded states didn’t give up and return to the Union
  14. When the rules and laws of war are ignored and all available resources are used to defeat the enemy (2)
  15. This Union victory was the turning point of the war
  16. During General Sherman’s _________, he and the Union army travelled from Atlanta to Savannah and practiced the total war strategy (4)
  17. At the start of the war, Lincoln said he would not end _________ because he needed the support of the Border States
  18. Grant and the Union army finally captured this capital city of the Confederacy
  19. This amendment guaranteed African Americans equal protection under the law
  20. A person who has served in the military
  1. Lincoln changed the focus of the war with his _________ (2)
  2. The Emancipation Proclamation also announced that _________ could join the Union army (2)
  3. The courageous 54th regiment from this state proved that African Americans could fight as well as anyone
  4. This general had great success for the North and became Lincoln’s final choice to command the Union army, but was controversial because of his army had many casualties (last name only)
  5. It upset many that _______ people could find exemptions for the draft
  6. This was the last stronghold on the Mississippi River for the Confederacy that Grant finally captured for the North
  7. The ______ won the Civil War
  8. The right of an arrested person to be brought before a judge before going to jail (2)
  9. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to silence Northerners who _______ the war
  10. The era following the Civil War was known as ________
  11. The Gettysburg Address was a speech given by this man (last name only)
  12. The __________ Act helped Americans find affordable land and more quickly settle the West
  13. The value of Confederate money went _______ after they printed much more money

33 Clues: The ______ won the Civil WarTo murder for political reasonsA mandatory term of military serviceA person who has served in the militaryLee finally surrendered at this Virginia townThe amendment ended slavery in the United StatesThis Union victory was the turning point of the warThe era following the Civil War was known as ________...

Revolutionary to Independence - Section 1 2021-10-06

Revolutionary to Independence - Section 1 crossword puzzle
  1. What many frontiersmen did to the Proclamation of 1763
  2. Country that won the French & Indian War(2 wds)
  3. One of its goals was to avoid future conflicts with Native Americans(3 wds)
  4. Reason why much of the land was given to Native Americans in the Proclamation of 1763(2 wds)
  5. What the colonists didn't have in Parliament during the Stamp Act
  6. Treaty that forced France to give up all its North American Colonies, Canada, and all land west to the Mississippi River(4 wds)
  7. The financial state Britain was in after winning the war
  8. a group affiliated with the Sons of Liberty that was established to oppose the Stamp Act(2 wds)
  9. It basically means that England allowed the colonies to govern themselves
  1. Known as the Seven Year's War in Europe(4 wds)
  2. Joined forces with the French in the French & Indian War(2 wds)
  3. How colonists felt about the Proclamation of 1763
  4. What British Parliament did to the Stamp Act due to colonial pressure
  5. What colonists did after hearing about the Stamp Act
  6. Required colonists to buy a government stamp for every paper document(2 wds)

15 Clues: Known as the Seven Year's War in Europe(4 wds)Country that won the French & Indian War(2 wds)How colonists felt about the Proclamation of 1763What colonists did after hearing about the Stamp ActWhat many frontiersmen did to the Proclamation of 1763The financial state Britain was in after winning the war...

The Scientific Advances of World War Two 2023-05-09

The Scientific Advances of World War Two crossword puzzle
  1. This was a fear that was sparked after the atomic bombing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
  2. Viewed as the "Good Guys" of World War Two
  3. What product ramped up production during World War Two because Japan seized the Dutch East Indies
  1. The war between the Axis (Germany, Italy, and Japan) against the Allies (USA, Britain, Russia, Canada, etc.)
  2. What "Miracle Drug" was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming?
  3. Viewed as the "Bad Guys" of World War Two
  4. What month did the United States of America join World War Two?
  5. This product was used to keep ammo boxes moisture free and was later sold commercially.
  6. What product was used to keep naval instruments from shaking but was later sold commercially?

9 Clues: Viewed as the "Bad Guys" of World War TwoViewed as the "Good Guys" of World War TwoWhat month did the United States of America join World War Two?What "Miracle Drug" was discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming?This was a fear that was sparked after the atomic bombing in Nagasaki and Hiroshima....

WW1 CrossWord 2023-09-20

WW1 CrossWord crossword puzzle
  1. The country east of Germany
  2. Underwater ship.
  3. The first major amphibious operation in modern warfare.
  4. a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.
  5. A battle that was one of the longest, bloodiest, and most-ferocious battles of the war, located in France.
  6. The battle marked the Germans' first use of poison gas as a weapon.
  7. Heir to the imperial throne of the Austro-Hungarian empire.
  8. When opposing forces encounter on two geographically separate fronts.
  9. The country in between France and Russia
  10. In case of the outbreak of war, Germany would attack France first and then Russia.
  11. A type of combat in which the opposing sides attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent systems of trenches dug into the ground.
  12. Powers, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.
  13. A British passenger ship that was owned by the Cunard Line and was first launched in 1906.
  14. A Serbian nationalist group.
  15. a joint operation between British and French forces intended to achieve a decisive victory over the Germans on the Western Front.
  1. An aspiration to secure Germany's position among the established world powers of the time and to realize a foreign policy that was global in scope.
  2. One of the central powers that annexed Bosnia
  3. One of the most significant political figures of modern Germany.
  4. An alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia.
  5. killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and set the wheels of world war in motion.
  6. Destruction of the Russian Second Army and the suicide of its commanding general, Alexander Samsonov.
  7. Empire, An empire that has declining power and lost Bosnia due to it.
  8. The country surrounded by water.
  9. The alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  10. The country west of Germany
  11. Powers, France, the United Kingdom, Russia, the United States, Italy, and Japan
  12. Symbol of the worst horrors of the First World War.
  13. The battle were the French saved the capital city of Paris from capture.
  14. The top scoring flying ace of World War I
  15. A final demand or statement of terms.

30 Clues: Underwater ship.The country east of GermanyThe country west of GermanyA Serbian nationalist group.The country surrounded by water.A final demand or statement of terms.The country in between France and RussiaThe top scoring flying ace of World War IOne of the central powers that annexed BosniaThe alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary....

Kaitlyn McMullen - The Atlantic World 2023-10-12

Kaitlyn McMullen - The Atlantic World crossword puzzle
  1. first contact with the Americas
  2. mix between Spanish and Native American
  3. Trade between the new world, Europe, and Africa
  4. investors buy shared large companies
  5. land controlled by a nation
  6. network of slave ships across the Atlantic Ocean
  7. cultural exchange to and from the Americas
  8. Inca emperor
  9. privately owned
  1. First English colony
  2. War between British and French
  3. Conquered Aztec Empire
  4. Transported slaves from Africa to the new world
  5. Aztec emperor
  6. someone conquered land/Empire
  7. Spanish abused Native American labor
  8. goods and slaves are are transported worldwide
  9. disease brought to the new world from the old world
  10. wealth for the nation
  11. Conquered Inca Empire

20 Clues: Inca emperorAztec emperorprivately ownedFirst English colonywealth for the nationConquered Inca EmpireConquered Aztec Empireland controlled by a nationsomeone conquered land/EmpireWar between British and Frenchfirst contact with the Americasinvestors buy shared large companiesSpanish abused Native American labor...

Period 7 APUSH 2023-04-04

Period 7 APUSH crossword puzzle
  1. organization formed during the Red Scare to protect free speech rights
  2. dominant civil rights leader of the 1920s. He was militaristic and radically rejected the lack of equality by proposing a migration to Africa, but was imprisoned and deported.
  3. A group of writers and journalists who exposed corporate malfeasance and political corruption close to the beginning of the 20th century
  4. committee organized by isolationists in 1940 to oppose the entrance of the United States into World War II
  5. amendment to the Cuban constitution that blocked Cuba from making a treaty with any country except the United States and gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuban affairs
  6. series of raids led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer on radical organizations that peaked in January 1920, when federal agents arrested six thousand citizens and aliens and denied them access to legal counse
  7. The sinking of this ship started the Spanish-American war
  8. President of the United States during WWI
  9. assertion that the U.S. would act as a “policeman” in the Caribbean region to protect U.S. interests in Latin America.Treaty of Versailles - saddled Germany with a debt of $33 billion in war damages.
  10. Identified by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as the most basic human rights: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear
  11. massive movement of African Americans north after World War I opened job opportunities
  12. fell into an economic crisis early in the 1920s due to less demand and lower prices for food after World War I
  13. saddled Germany with a debt of $33 billion in war damages
  14. upheld the right of industrial workers to join unions and established the National Labor Relations Board
  15. amendment to the 1898 U.S. declaration of war against Spain disclaiming any intention by the United States to occupy Cuba
  16. Federal New Deal program that provided government-funded public works jobs to millions of unemployed Americans during the Great Depression in areas ranging from construction to the arts
  17. expanded the number of people paying income taxes from 3.9 million to 42.6 million. These taxes on personal incomes and business profits paid half the cost of World War II
  18. small but vocal group of Americans who pushed for greater U.S. involvement in Europe
  19. law that created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insured deposits up to $2,500 (and now up to $250,000), also prohibited banks from making risky, unsecured investments with customers’ deposits
  20. session during the first few months of Franklin Roosevelt’s administration in which Congress enacted fifteen major bills that focused primarily on four problems: banking failures, agricultural overproduction, the business slump, and soaring unemployment
  21. villages full of shacks located in cities filled with unemployed Americans
  1. imporved farming techniques during dust bowl
  2. association of industrialists and business leaders opposed to government regulation. In the era of the New Deal, the group promoted free enterprise and capitalism through a publicity campaign of radio programs, motion pictures, billboards, and direct mail
  3. The term for women who embodied fast lives in the 1920s
  4. group of 15,000 unemployed World War I veterans who set up camps near the Capitol building in 1932 to demand immediate payment of pension awards
  5. A period where the government went after communists and other radical ideologies
  6. This Program when enacted helped retirees
  7. order signed by President Roosevelt that authorized the War Department to force Japanese Americans from their West Coast homes and hold them in relocation camps for the rest of the war
  8. intercepted dispatch that urged Mexico to join the Central Powers and promised that if the United States entered the war, Germany would help Mexico recover Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
  9. known as the GI Bill, legislation authorizing the government to provide World War II veterans with funds for education, housing, and health care, as well as loans to start businesses and buy homes
  10. conference in which Britain and France agreed to allow Germany to annex the Sudetenland in return for Hitler’s pledge to seek no more territory
  11. Legislation that sought to avoid entanglement in foreign wars while protecting trade
  12. political party founded in 1916 that fought for an Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in the early twentieth century
  13. document warning European countries against colonization of the Western Hemisphere
  14. thought the federal government should not get involved in the economy, blamed for the great depression
  15. The act that made it a crime to criticise the government or its officials
  16. severely limited immigration, especially from Southern and Eastern Europe
  17. Principles for a new world order proposed in 1919 by President Woodrow Wilson as a basis for peace negotiations at Versailles
  18. international organization bringing together world governments to prevent future hostilities, proposed by President Woodrow Wilson in the aftermath of World War I
  19. Project Top-secret project authorized by Franklin Roosevelt in 1942 to develop an atomic bomb ahead of the Germans
  20. date of the Allied invasion of northern France. opened a second front against the Germans and moved the Allies closer to victory in Europe
  21. series of dust storms from 1930 to 1941 during which a severe drought afflicted the semiarid states of Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arkansas, and Kansas
  22. anticommunist hysteria that swept the United State first after World War I
  23. plan by Franklin D.Roosevelt intended to bring economic relief, recovery, and reforms to the country after the Great Depression

44 Clues: This Program when enacted helped retireesPresident of the United States during WWIimporved farming techniques during dust bowlThe term for women who embodied fast lives in the 1920sThe sinking of this ship started the Spanish-American warsaddled Germany with a debt of $33 billion in war damages...

Chapter 16 Review 2021-05-18

Chapter 16 Review crossword puzzle
  1. This amendment gave African American men the right to vote
  2. To murder for political reasons
  3. This was the leading cause of death for Civil War soldiers
  4. A mandatory term of military service
  5. A certificate offered for sale to the public with the promise that the government will pay the money back, usually with interest
  6. Civil War _______ were fed poorly, often died of disease, often died of hunger, and lived in extremely uncomfortable conditions
  7. People who listened to the Gettysburg Address were asked to think about the ideas of this founding document (3)
  8. Lincoln and Grant offered very generous terms when Lee surrendered on _____ 9, 1865
  9. Lee finally surrendered at this Virginia town
  10. About 625,000 total soldiers ______ during the Civil War
  11. The ________ changed its main commanding general often throughout the war
  12. The amendment ended slavery in the United States
  13. The Emancipation Proclamation said that slavery would end here if the seceded states didn’t give up and return to the Union
  14. When the rules and laws of war are ignored and all available resources are used to defeat the enemy (2)
  15. This Union victory was the turning point of the war
  16. During General Sherman’s _________, he and the Union army travelled from Atlanta to Savannah and practiced the total war strategy (4)
  17. At the start of the war, Lincoln said he would not end _________ because he needed the support of the Border States
  18. Grant and the Union army finally captured this capital city of the Confederacy
  19. This amendment guaranteed African Americans equal protection under the law
  20. A person who has served in the military
  1. Lincoln changed the focus of the war with his _________ (2)
  2. The Emancipation Proclamation also announced that _________ could join the Union army (2)
  3. The courageous 54th regiment from this state proved that African Americans could fight as well as anyone
  4. This general had great success for the North and became Lincoln’s final choice to command the Union army, but was controversial because of his army had many casualties (last name only)
  5. It upset many that _______ people could find exemptions for the draft
  6. This was the last stronghold on the Mississippi River for the Confederacy that Grant finally captured for the North
  7. The ______ won the Civil War
  8. The right of an arrested person to be brought before a judge before going to jail (2)
  9. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to silence Northerners who _______ the war
  10. The era following the Civil War was known as ________
  11. The Gettysburg Address was a speech given by this man (last name only)
  12. The __________ Act helped Americans find affordable land and more quickly settle the West
  13. The value of Confederate money went _______ after they printed much more money

33 Clues: The ______ won the Civil WarTo murder for political reasonsA mandatory term of military serviceA person who has served in the militaryLee finally surrendered at this Virginia townThe amendment ended slavery in the United StatesThis Union victory was the turning point of the warThe era following the Civil War was known as ________...

chapters 30-31 2015-03-24

chapters 30-31 crossword puzzle
  1. "lightning war"
  2. minority in the indian nationalist movement
  3. the ship that the british sunk that ended german war efforts
  4. someone who opposes the use war and violence
  5. gandhi encouraged indians to ______ british cloths
  6. after World War One japan was the worlds third largest ______ power
  7. allied plan to land troops in france
  8. joining of austria to germany
  9. gandhi protested the tax on this product
  10. means "truth force"
  11. in return for help in the war india got this from great britian
  12. symbolic in the struggle between the germans and the soviets
  13. took place on june 6,1944
  14. second place that japan dropped a bomb on United States
  15. "sit down war"
  16. later named manchukuo
  17. called the attack on december 7 "a date that will live in infamy"
  18. the mass destruction of the jewish people
  19. a series of air raids
  20. the allied invasion of italy began with the conquer of this island
  1. this natural resource from nigeria brought profits to the british
  2. first place that japan dropped a bomb on United States
  3. method of protest involving the refusal to obey unfair laws
  4. what name did reza pahlavi give Persia
  5. jews and slavs were not part of hitlers _________
  6. killed mussolini
  7. he declared china a republic
  8. japan bombed this base in hawaii
  9. where d day took place
  10. volunteered for suicide missions
  11. britian this nation controlled palestine after the World War I
  12. year long retreat that killed more than 90,000 troops
  13. this group along with the jews came into conflict with palestine
  14. the growth of this social class made the labor unions larger
  15. led by Mao Zedong the communist formed this
  16. majority in the indian nationalist movement

36 Clues: "sit down war""lightning war"killed mussolinimeans "truth force"later named manchukuoa series of air raidswhere d day took placetook place on june 6,1944he declared china a republicjoining of austria to germanyjapan bombed this base in hawaiivolunteered for suicide missionsallied plan to land troops in francewhat name did reza pahlavi give Persia...

Summative Review: MANIA and the Causes of WWI 2021-03-17

Summative Review: MANIA and the Causes of WWI crossword puzzle
  1. mutual defense agreements
  2. the conquest of foreign lands to create or expand an empire
  3. at the time, people called WWI the _______ War.
  4. the political murder of a prominent person for political purposes
  5. most important branch of the military that connected the world’s colonies, trading centers, and commerce.
  6. the name of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary who was assassinated launching WWI
  7. country over which France and Germany conflicted during the Scramble for Africa
  8. Germany instigated Austria-Hungary into declaring war on Serbia by offering this, which essentially said Germany would do whatever was necessary to help Austria-Hungary
  9. the name of the 19 year old who assassinated the Archduke and of Austria-Hungary and his pregnant wife
  10. this Revolution led to the mechanization of warfare and the mass production of weapons making WWI “The First Modern War”
  11. This country was actually neutral, but was was dragged into the war regardless due to a German invasion
  12. the Bosnian, Serb nationalist group responsible for the assasinatpn of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary
  1. the belief that all nations (cultural/ethnic groups) should have their own country exclusively
  2. region in Austria-Hungary in which Serb nationalism too hold
  3. This country preemptively declared war on both Russia and France
  4. the Triple ______ consisted of Italy, Germany, and Austria- Hungary
  5. the increase in the empower and influence of a country’s military through the build up of the armaments and personnel of the military
  6. the Triple ______ consisted of Russia, Britain, and France
  7. this naval race resulted from the idea that: “Whoever controls the waves controls the world.”
  8. WWI expanded from a European war into a world war because many countries, such as Britain and France, possessed these
  9. continent nearly entirely colonized just prior to WWI

21 Clues: mutual defense agreementsat the time, people called WWI the _______ War.continent nearly entirely colonized just prior to WWIthe Triple ______ consisted of Russia, Britain, and Francethe conquest of foreign lands to create or expand an empireregion in Austria-Hungary in which Serb nationalism too hold...

World war 1 (Michael Collier) 2021-03-03

World war 1 (Michael Collier) crossword puzzle
  1. the person who was assassinated before the War started
  2. a final proposal or statment of conditions
  3. In World war 1 the alliances of Germany and Austria-Hungary
  4. drafting of civilians serve in the army
  5. France VS. Germany France led by Nivelle poorly defended Germans lost
  6. Alliance between Germany, Italy, Austria Hungry
  7. A large ridge dirigible designed to carry passengers or bomb
  8. a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms
  9. when nations joined together to support each other.
  10. A german submarine that was the first submarine
  11. made for gunpowder
  12. of nations Countries teamed up to protect Europe
  13. used mainly for scouting enemy ground forces later used as fighters or bombers
  14. An alliance between Britain, France, and Russia
  15. Emphasises the life of the mind and feelings rather than the realistic external details of everyday life
  1. war from inside trenches
  2. Most deaths of any war to this date
  3. Policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war
  4. baron German pilots who shot down over 80 planes
  5. and epidemic that is geographically widespread
  6. the channeling of a nations entire resources into a war effort
  7. A collection of merchant ships with an escort of warships
  8. Britain France and Russia
  9. information that is spared for the purpose of promoting some cause
  10. A telegram Germany sent to Mexico to convince the US
  11. Killed almost 30 million worldwide Spread between military camps
  12. Tettorie between rival trenches very dangers
  13. the treat imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War 1
  14. Atomic bombs, tanks trench warfare
  15. A situation in which no progress can be made

30 Clues: made for gunpowderwar from inside trenchesBritain France and RussiaAtomic bombs, tanks trench warfareMost deaths of any war to this datedrafting of civilians serve in the armya final proposal or statment of conditionsTettorie between rival trenches very dangersA situation in which no progress can be made...

ANZAC Crossword 2023-04-17

ANZAC Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What is the name of the small metal identification disc worn by Australian and New Zealand soldiers during World War I?
  2. What is the name of the Australian and New Zealand war cemetery in Turkey?
  3. What is the name of the highest military honour awarded to Australian soldiers?
  4. What is the name of the song that is played on ANZAC Day to honour fallen soldiers?
  5. What is the name of the small town in France that was liberated by the ANZACs during World War I?
  1. Which Australian city is home to the Shrine of Remembrance?
  2. What is the name of the famous cove where the ANZACs landed in Turkey during World War I?
  3. What is the name of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps that fought in World War I?
  4. What is the name of the hill that the ANZACs captured during the Gallipoli Campaign?
  5. What is the name of one of the six Australian soldiers who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions during the Battle of Lone Pine?
  6. What is commonly read at ANZAC Day ceremonies?
  7. What is the name of the ceremony held at dawn on ANZAC Day to commemorate fallen soldiers?

12 Clues: What is commonly read at ANZAC Day ceremonies?Which Australian city is home to the Shrine of Remembrance?What is the name of the Australian and New Zealand war cemetery in Turkey?What is the name of the highest military honour awarded to Australian soldiers?What is the name of the song that is played on ANZAC Day to honour fallen soldiers?...

Places 2023-01-19

Places crossword puzzle
  1. We fight them in World War II
  2. we give them $400 million in aid
  3. A part of NAFTA
  4. huge market for goods
  5. we build a base at Pearl Harbor
  6. we fight them in World War I
  1. Invaded by Iraq
  2. houses al-Qaeda
  3. we use agent orange here
  4. We send troops here looking for Pancho Villa
  5. We take the Philippines from this country
  6. Guantanamo bay is there
  7. we build a canal there
  8. support for this country starts the first oil embargo

14 Clues: Invaded by Iraqhouses al-QaedaA part of NAFTAhuge market for goodswe build a canal thereGuantanamo bay is therewe use agent orange herewe fight them in World War IWe fight them in World War IIwe build a base at Pearl Harborwe give them $400 million in aidWe take the Philippines from this countryWe send troops here looking for Pancho Villa...

Wars - Leonel Barreto 2023-10-31

Wars - Leonel Barreto crossword puzzle
  1. One country causes similar events to neighbors.
  2. Listening device to secretly listen to people.
  3. Formally ended World War One
  4. China and Soviet Union
  5. Tunnels used as hiding spots and communication.
  6. Law for protection of German blood
  7. British and French forces
  8. Demilitarized zone
  1. Divided at the end of second World War.
  2. Atomic bombings of Japan
  3. Hostility against Jewish people
  4. Letter sent to Mexico from Germany to fight USA
  5. Sticky jelly used in bombs and flamethrowers.
  6. PTSD during WW1

14 Clues: PTSD during WW1Demilitarized zoneChina and Soviet UnionAtomic bombings of JapanBritish and French forcesFormally ended World War OneHostility against Jewish peopleLaw for protection of German bloodDivided at the end of second World War.Sticky jelly used in bombs and flamethrowers.Listening device to secretly listen to people....

World War II Test Review 2019-04-09

World War II Test Review crossword puzzle
  1. The leader of Germany.
  2. Americans grew their own fruits & vegetables in these.
  3. The day the war ended in Europe, May 7, 1945.
  4. To make free.
  5. To end the war, Truman decided to drop the first ____ on Japan.
  6. World War II war strategy used in the Pacific.
  7. This limited what a family could buy.
  8. African American pilots that fought in WWII.
  9. He became president after FDR died.
  1. Where the Jewish people were sent by the Nazis.
  2. The US, Great Britian, France, Canada, etc.
  3. WWII began when Germany invaded ____.
  4. Where a surprise attack took place on Dec. 7, 1941.
  5. This ended the great depression.
  6. Italy's leader.
  7. Germany, Italy & Japan.
  8. The day the allies invaded the Nazis at Normandy, France.
  9. They took jobs in factories to help with the war effort.
  10. Their goal was to make sure that another war didn't happen.
  11. The term used for the killing of Jewish people by the Nazis.

20 Clues: To make free.Italy's leader.The leader of Germany.Germany, Italy & Japan.This ended the great depression.He became president after FDR died.WWII began when Germany invaded ____.This limited what a family could buy.The US, Great Britian, France, Canada, etc.African American pilots that fought in WWII.The day the war ended in Europe, May 7, 1945....

McCarthyism and The Crucible 2022-05-20

McCarthyism and The Crucible crossword puzzle
  1. an anti-communist committee formed by McCarthy.
  2. McCarthy died on May 2, 1957. The cause of death was acute _____________.
  3. Arthur _____ was named as a suspected communist.
  4. Miller was disallowed a U.S. ________.
  5. The play focuses on residents of ____, Massachusetts
  6. McCarthy's committee then began an investigation into the United States ______.
  7. Some libraries actually _______ the newly forbidden books.
  1. A Marine Corps veteran of World War II was elected to the U.S. Senate from Wisconsin in 1946.
  2. The setting of the play was occupied with ______, a group of people who let their religious beliefs guide their daily lives
  3. the Cold War was between America and the _____ Union.
  4. Miller was married to Marilyn ________.

11 Clues: Miller was disallowed a U.S. ________.Miller was married to Marilyn anti-communist committee formed by McCarthy.Arthur _____ was named as a suspected communist.The play focuses on residents of ____, Massachusettsthe Cold War was between America and the _____ Union.Some libraries actually _______ the newly forbidden books....

History overview (grade 9) 2022-10-30

History overview (grade 9) crossword puzzle
  1. army
  2. chairman
  3. battlefield
  4. Czechoslovakia
  1. trench
  2. airman
  3. World War I
  4. fight

8 Clues: armyfighttrenchairmanchairmanWorld War IbattlefieldCzechoslovakia

WW2 2021-05-17

WW2 crossword puzzle
  1. project, secret project to construct the atomic bomb
  2. night of broken glass
  3. Harbor, military strike by Japan that brought the US into the war
  4. Japanese Suicide planes
  5. German dictator
  6. code, a code based on the complex, unwritten Navajo language
  7. hopping, bypass heavily fortified enemy islands instead of trying to capture every island in sequence
  8. Allied forces invaded northern France
  9. the Riveter, represented the women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II
  1. prime minister of the UK during WW2
  2. diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to avoid conflict
  3. Airmen, African-American military pilots and airmen who fought in World War II
  4. German warfare
  5. dictator of the Soviet Union
  6. genocide of European Jews

15 Clues: German warfareGerman dictatornight of broken glassJapanese Suicide planesgenocide of European Jewsdictator of the Soviet Unionprime minister of the UK during WW2Allied forces invaded northern Franceproject, secret project to construct the atomic bombcode, a code based on the complex, unwritten Navajo language...

Chapter 16 Review 2021-05-18

Chapter 16 Review crossword puzzle
  1. Lincoln changed the focus of the war with his _________ (2)
  2. The right of an arrested person to be brought before a judge before going to jail (2)
  3. The amendment ended slavery in the United States
  4. This was the last stronghold on the Mississippi River for the Confederacy that Grant finally captured for the North
  5. The era following the Civil War was known as ________
  6. The __________ Act helped Americans find affordable land and more quickly settle the West
  7. Grant and the Union army finally captured this capital city of the Confederacy
  8. This Union victory was the turning point of the war
  9. This general had great success for the North and became Lincoln’s final choice to command the Union army, but was controversial because of his army had many casualties (last name only)
  10. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus to silence Northerners who _______ the war
  11. A mandatory term of military service
  12. About 625,000 total soldiers ______ during the Civil War
  13. To murder for political reasons
  14. The courageous 54th regiment from this state proved that African Americans could fight as well as anyone
  15. The ________ changed its main commanding general often throughout the war
  16. The Emancipation Proclamation said that slavery would end here if the seceded states didn’t give up and return to the Union
  17. The Gettysburg Address was a speech given by this man (last name only)
  1. The Emancipation Proclamation also announced that _________ could join the Union army (2)
  2. People who listened to the Gettysburg Address were asked to think about the ideas of this founding document (3)
  3. This amendment guaranteed African Americans equal protection under the law
  4. A person who has served in the military
  5. A certificate offered for sale to the public with the promise that the government will pay the money back, usually with interest
  6. Civil War _______ were fed poorly, often died of disease, often died of hunger, and lived in extremely uncomfortable conditions
  7. At the start of the war, Lincoln said he would not end _________ because he needed the support of the Border States
  8. During General Sherman’s _________, he and the Union army travelled from Atlanta to Savannah and practiced the total war strategy (4)
  9. The ______ won the Civil War
  10. Lee finally surrendered at this Virginia town
  11. When the rules and laws of war are ignored and all available resources are used to defeat the enemy (2)
  12. This amendment gave African American men the right to vote
  13. This was the leading cause of death for Civil War soldiers
  14. The value of Confederate money went _______ after they printed much more money
  15. It upset many that _______ people could find exemptions for the draft
  16. Lincoln and Grant offered very generous terms when Lee surrendered on _____ 9, 1865

33 Clues: The ______ won the Civil WarTo murder for political reasonsA mandatory term of military serviceA person who has served in the militaryLee finally surrendered at this Virginia townThe amendment ended slavery in the United StatesThis Union victory was the turning point of the warThe era following the Civil War was known as ________...

The Second World War 2018-01-29

The Second World War crossword puzzle
  1. quitter, partir
  2. protéger
  3. avoir le mal du pays
  4. evacuate evacuer
  5. chutes de métal, vieux métaux
  6. le rationnement
  7. le métro
  8. famille d'accueil
  9. la campagne
  10. couvre feu
  11. se battre
  12. soldats
  1. détruire
  2. un évacué
  3. extinction des feux
  4. tuer
  5. bombarder
  6. effrayé
  7. les décombres
  8. un abri
  9. en sécurité
  10. mourir

22 Clues: tuermourireffrayéun abrisoldatsdétruireprotégerle métroun évacuébombarderse battrecouvre feula campagneen sécuritéles décombresquitter, partirle rationnementevacuate evacuerfamille d'accueilextinction des feuxavoir le mal du payschutes de métal, vieux métaux

World War II Puzzle 2018-04-26

World War II Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The invasion of Normandy, was the largest sea attack in history
  2. Powers: An agreement between Italy, France and Japan
  3. Charter: deceleration held by Roosevelt and Churchill that upheld free trade and right to believe in own government
  4. Rommel: German general who led tank forces in surprise attack against the British
  5. Hitler promised living space
  6. MacArthur: General who commanded the allied forces in the pacific
  7. Franco: General who led the revolt in the facist style
  8. Yamanoto: Japans greatest naval strategist, called an attack on U.S. fleet in Hawaii
  9. belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided
  10. Churchill: British Prime minister who never gave in and wanted to fight back
  11. Reich: Hitlers plan to absorb Austria and Czechoslovakia
  1. Harbor: December 7th 1941 Japanese attack in Hawaii, Japan wanted to conquer
  2. Eisenhower: led operation torch over 100,000 troops in Morocco and Algeria
  3. Political leader who volunteered for the German army
  4. of Guadalcanal: U.S. marines battled for the Guadalcanal airfield, after 6 months of battling the Japanese abandoned for the lost of men
  5. Giving in to an aggressor to keep peace
  6. Depression: A Severe economic slump that followed the collapse of the stock market 1929
  7. A political militant movement that emphasized loyalty to the state
  8. de Gaulle: French general who set up exile in London
  9. Promised to rescue Italy, economically and rebuilding armed forces
  10. Aggression Pact: Pact between Russia and Germany for no war for 10 years
  11. Conference: Meeting of Germany, Italy, France and Britain, discussing the Sudetenland

22 Clues: Hitler promised living spaceGiving in to an aggressor to keep peacePowers: An agreement between Italy, France and JapanPolitical leader who volunteered for the German armyde Gaulle: French general who set up exile in LondonFranco: General who led the revolt in the facist styleReich: Hitlers plan to absorb Austria and Czechoslovakia...

World War 1 Crossword 2013-01-11

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. long and drawn out wars
  2. A place where Allied troops tried to open an bulken front
  3. Water cooled weapon
  4. A dead heir
  5. Helped destroy the Ottoman Emprire
  6. Offered full support to Austria-Hungary
  7. Trusted a pedophile
  8. Stretching the truth
  9. You can't see him but he can see you
  10. Too weak to join the army
  11. A Main reason
  12. Response to another alliance
  1. Central Powers
  2. Required for 18 and up to join
  3. Schlieffen Plan creator
  4. "Well this is going no where."
  5. Controlled by Austria-Hungary
  6. First of the two battles lost by the Russians
  7. "HIT THE DECK!"
  8. When the enemy keeps on coming
  9. Preparations to leave
  10. Another area where the Russians were defeated
  11. "It's a bird. It's a _____."
  12. Living on the edge
  13. Absolute movement

25 Clues: A dead heirA Main reasonCentral Powers"HIT THE DECK!"Absolute movementLiving on the edgeWater cooled weaponTrusted a pedophileStretching the truthPreparations to leavelong and drawn out warsSchlieffen Plan creatorToo weak to join the army"It's a bird. It's a _____."Response to another allianceControlled by Austria-Hungary...

World War 1 Vocabulary 2013-04-11

World War 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. something accepted as true or certain to happen, with no proof (jumping to conclusions)
  2. states formally cooperation with each other for military or other purposes
  3. to give up, to voluntarily cease to claim or keep
  4. belief in equality of all mankind in politics, economy, and society
  5. a group, government or person in charge
  6. earnest or insistent necessity, need for immediate action
  7. reaching the highest point
  8. betrayal of trust, deceptive action or nature
  9. attempting to rid an area of terrorists and other enemies
  10. another word for tuberculosis (or the amount used up)
  11. supreme power or authority, or the authority of a state to govern another state
  12. farmers and uneducated lower class of Ireland, who immigrated to the US during a famine
  13. hurt emotionally, all the way to the soul
  14. something that causes terror or disgust
  15. strange or unusual
  16. bias against Jews
  1. a strong desire
  2. hostile or violent behavior towards others
  3. excluded from, not included
  4. disturbance or loud noise
  5. a feeling that makes someone self-conscious and unable to act relaxed
  6. very unusual or remarkable
  7. something that guides a person's moral decisions
  8. not clear, difficult to understand
  9. belief that money establishes superiority
  10. effort to spread opinions or beliefs
  11. something that happens over and over, more than once
  12. an agreement
  13. planned out beforehand
  14. acts of breaking a law, rule, or promise
  15. to deny, refuse to acknowledge
  16. prejudice or discrimination directed at someone of a different race
  17. strange occurrence

33 Clues: an agreementa strong desirebias against Jewsstrange or unusualstrange occurrenceplanned out beforehanddisturbance or loud noisevery unusual or remarkablereaching the highest pointexcluded from, not includedto deny, refuse to acknowledgenot clear, difficult to understandeffort to spread opinions or beliefsa group, government or person in charge...

World War 1 Vocabulary 2013-04-11

World War 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a group, government or person in charge
  2. reaching the highest point
  3. to give up, to voluntarily cease to claim or keep
  4. excluded from, not included
  5. something that causes terror or disgust
  6. hurt emotionally, all the way to the soul
  7. a feeling that makes someone self-conscious and unable to act relaxed
  8. very unusual or remarkable
  9. states formally cooperation with each other for military or other purposes
  10. attempting to rid an area of terrorists and other enemies
  11. disturbance or loud noise
  12. something that guides a person's moral decisions
  13. earnest or insistent necessity, need for immediate action
  14. another word for tuberculosis (or the amount used up)
  15. an agreement
  16. acts of breaking a law, rule, or promise
  17. strange or unusual
  1. effort to spread opinions or beliefs
  2. to deny, refuse to acknowledge
  3. prejudice or discrimination directed at someone of a different race
  4. a strong desire
  5. belief in equality of all mankind in politics, economy, and society
  6. planned out beforehand
  7. bias against Jews
  8. supreme power or authority, or the authority of a state to govern another state
  9. betrayal of trust, deceptive action or nature
  10. hostile or violent behavior towards others
  11. another word for tuberculosis, or the amount used up
  12. something that happens over and over, more than once
  13. something accepted as true or certain to happen, with no proof (jumping to conclusions)
  14. belief that money establishes superiority
  15. strange occurrence
  16. farmers and uneducated lower class of Ireland, who immigrated to the US during a famine
  17. not clear, difficult to understand

34 Clues: an agreementa strong desirebias against Jewsstrange occurrencestrange or unusualplanned out beforehanddisturbance or loud noisereaching the highest pointvery unusual or remarkableexcluded from, not includedto deny, refuse to acknowledgenot clear, difficult to understandeffort to spread opinions or beliefsa group, government or person in charge...

Imperialism/World War I 2021-09-20

Imperialism/World War I crossword puzzle
  1. Desperate conditions in Germany fueled his rise to power
  2. Strong patriotic feelings for a country
  3. Unoccupied area between armies
  4. The losing country has to pay the winning country in either land or money
  5. New weapon in WWI
  6. Exaggerated the facts of an event to cause an emotion from the public
  7. Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria
  8. Nickname for the Allied leaders who wrote the Treaty that ended the war.
  9. Stronger nations take over weaker nations economically, politically, or by military means
  10. His assassination was one cause of the war
  1. I was put on a famous piece of propaganda
  2. American passenger ship sunk by a U-boat
  3. This front saw the most fighting
  4. France Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and the US
  5. Built as a short cut to connect the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean
  6. Warfare in ditches
  7. Treaty ending WWI
  8. This was built up to be used if other nations interfered in the Western Hemisphere
  9. Original US position on the war
  10. The deadliest weapon of WWI
  11. Note suggesting Mexico and Germany form an alliance

21 Clues: Treaty ending WWINew weapon in WWIWarfare in ditchesThe deadliest weapon of WWIUnoccupied area between armiesOriginal US position on the warThis front saw the most fightingStrong patriotic feelings for a countryAmerican passenger ship sunk by a U-boatI was put on a famous piece of propagandaHis assassination was one cause of the war...

World War I 2020 2021-01-21

World War I 2020 crossword puzzle
  1. disillusioned writers Ernest Hemingway & F. Scott Fitzgerald
  2. a cause of the Russian Revolution
  3. attack France first before Russia could mobilize
  4. Germany accepts responsibility for WWI
  5. artists, architects, writers, and musicians rejected
  6. nation formerly dissolved then reconstructed
  7. Turkey's murder and persecution of the Armeniain people condemned international community's response to Armenian genocide
  8. heavy casualties little territorial gain
  9. russia pulls out of war
  10. almost all of the European economies
  1. Wilson's peace plan
  2. used to encourage support for the war
  3. strong devotion to one's country or ethnic background
  4. russia pulls out of the war
  5. died due to disease and starvation
  6. endured 400 years of ethnic and political conflict
  7. ...of the war were described in "All Quiet on the Western Front"
  8. became part of Yugoslavia
  9. formed from the former Ottoman Empire
  10. central powers could fight no more
  11. leader of the Bolsheviks
  12. WWI began when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was...
  13. may lead to future u.s. involvement in wars

23 Clues: Wilson's peace planrussia pulls out of warleader of the Bolsheviksbecame part of Yugoslaviarussia pulls out of the wara cause of the Russian Revolutiondied due to disease and starvationcentral powers could fight no morealmost all of the European economiesused to encourage support for the warformed from the former Ottoman Empire...

WORLD WAR 1 TERMS 2021-03-03

WORLD WAR 1 TERMS crossword puzzle
  1. known as Allied Powers; France, Russia, and Britain loosely agreed to support each other
  2. designed to avoid a two-front war
  3. close association of nations for the achievement of common objectives, or a group of countries united for the purpose of join military protection
  4. extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  5. official British policy regarding the navy, meant that the British navy must at all times be equal or better than any two other navies combined
  6. standard war tactic, 400 metres apart and offered protection against enemy fire
  7. a social or economic system built on manufacturing industries
  8. promoted the unification of the Slavic peoples of the Balkans
  9. occurs when two or more countries are in competition to become the best equipped military
  10. known as Central Powers, consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
  11. a threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face dire consequence: hand over your terrorists or face war
  12. narrow strip between the trenches, land belonged to neither side
  1. officers order an advance; going on top of the trench and across the narrow strip, fully exposed to enemy fire
  2. meant that Germany would support Austria-Hungary no matter what, even if it meant going to war
  3. each side tried to wear the other side down in order to outlast them
  4. a war in which a country must fight on two distinct fronts
  5. policy of making a country’s armed forces very strong, allowing a political situation in which military interests dominate government policy
  6. strong feeling of patriotism and pride for one’s country
  7. all of the resources of a nation are organized for one purpose- to win the war
  8. terrorist organization that supported violent action to achieve its goals

20 Clues: designed to avoid a two-front warstrong feeling of patriotism and pride for one’s countrya war in which a country must fight on two distinct frontsa social or economic system built on manufacturing industriespromoted the unification of the Slavic peoples of the Balkansnarrow strip between the trenches, land belonged to neither side...

World War I Crossword 2021-10-18

World War I Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. an alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in the years before WWI.
  2. in WWI, the region of Northern France where the forces of the Allies and the Central Powers battled each other.
  3. an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations, U.S.A. never joined
  4. a form of warfare in which opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battlefield.
  5. a telegram Germany Sent to Mexico to convince Mexico to attack the U.S., but brought the U.S.A. into the war
  6. treaty that ended WW I, blamed Germany for WW I and handed down harsh punishment.
  7. a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  8. wanting one's own country, pride in one's country
  9. a policy of nonparticipation in international economic and political relations
  10. Russian founder of the Bolsheviks, leader of the Russian Revolution, and first head of the USSR
  11. Russian Czar during WWI; unpopular with Russian people; overthrown in March 1917; executed by Bolsheviks after November Revolution (1917)
  12. a series of proposals in which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving a lasting peace after World War I.
  1. the generation who became disillusioned with society after World War I
  2. beginning in 1915, before U.S. entry into World War I, a movement led by former president Theodore Roosevelt that called on the government to increase U.S. military strength and convince Americans of the need for U.S. involvement in the war
  3. a military alliance between Great Britain, France, and Russia in the years before WWI.
  4. U.S. president during WWI, created Fourteen Points
  5. the revolution against the Tsarist government which led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the creation of a provisional government in March 1917.
  6. territories set up by the League of Nations and administered by western powers
  7. mental injuries caused by the stress of war, such as PTSD
  8. a German submarine that was the first submarine employed in warfare, initially used during WW1
  9. foot rot caused by long periods of time in wet boots
  10. a policy of glorifying military power and keeping a standing army always prepared for war
  11. kaiser of Germany during WWI
  12. a conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort
  13. the devastated strip of land between the two opposing trenches
  14. payment for war damages, such as those that Germany paid after WWI
  15. agreements between nations to aid and protect one another
  16. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

28 Clues: kaiser of Germany during WWIwanting one's own country, pride in one's countryU.S. president during WWI, created Fourteen Pointsfoot rot caused by long periods of time in wet bootsmental injuries caused by the stress of war, such as PTSDagreements between nations to aid and protect one another...

World War II Crossword 2021-11-05

World War II Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. information distributed in order to persuade people to follow a cause
  2. strong disliking for people of jewish heritage
  3. general that led the advancement of US troops on Japan
  4. major naval battle in the pacific theatre, 6 months after pearl harbor
  5. the city where the first atomic bomb was dropped on
  6. the mass execution of millions of people by the Nazis
  7. a political system that glorifies one race,or nation
  8. lightning warfare
  9. the second city to be hit with an atomic bomb
  1. the alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan
  2. a place designed to withstand bombs and other aerial attacks
  3. a government ban on trades with one or more nations
  4. major US Naval military base in Hawaii
  5. capturing critical islands by bypassing others
  6. major battle resulting in heavy US casualties, over 2000 kamikaze attacks were preformed
  7. the mass elimination of a population
  8. emperor of Japan during WWII
  9. a form of facial protection designed to filter out toxic gas
  10. japanese suicide pilots
  11. the alliance of the US, Britain, France, and the USSR

20 Clues: lightning warfarejapanese suicide pilotsemperor of Japan during WWIIthe mass elimination of a populationmajor US Naval military base in Hawaiithe alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japanthe second city to be hit with an atomic bombcapturing critical islands by bypassing othersstrong disliking for people of jewish heritage...

The First World War 2021-11-09

The First World War crossword puzzle
  1. a policy of extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  2. consisted of France, Russia, and Britain who all loosely agreed to support each other when needed
  3. consisted of Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy, who all agreed to support each other if attacked
  4. an official British policy regarding the navy
  5. the desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests
  6. disputed ground between the front lines or trenches of two opposing armies, where soldiers fire rifles and guns when there are movement detected
  7. a war in which a country must fight on two distinct fronts
  8. having a strong feeling of patriotism and pride in one’s country
  1. a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
  2. an attack planned by Germany to France through the neutral country of Belgium
  3. a standard war tactic
  4. a result of trench warfare, where it was impossible for on side to gain the upper hand
  5. a terrorist organization that supported violent action to achieve its goals
  6. occurs when two or more countries are in competition to become the best equipped military
  7. the famous cheque that meant Germany would support Austria-Hungary no matter what
  8. where soldiers leave the safety of their trenches and attack the enemy
  9. where all the resources of a nation are organized for one purpose, to win the war
  10. resulted from imperialism
  11. a threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face dire consequences
  12. nationalism within an ethnic group that does not have its own country or desire for independence from a dominant ethnic group

20 Clues: a standard war tacticresulted from imperialisman official British policy regarding the navya war in which a country must fight on two distinct frontshaving a strong feeling of patriotism and pride in one’s countrywhere soldiers leave the safety of their trenches and attack the enemy...

The First World War 2021-11-09

The First World War crossword puzzle
  1. a policy of extending the rule of authority of one country over other countries or territories
  2. consisted of France, Russia, and Britain who all loosely agreed to support each other when needed
  3. consisted of Germany, Austria- Hungary, and Italy, who all agreed to support each other if attacked
  4. an official British policy regarding the navy
  5. the desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests
  6. disputed ground between the front lines or trenches of two opposing armies, where soldiers fire rifles and guns when there are movement detected
  7. a war in which a country must fight on two distinct fronts
  8. having a strong feeling of patriotism and pride in one’s country
  1. a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
  2. an attack planned by Germany to France through the neutral country of Belgium
  3. a standard war tactic
  4. a result of trench warfare, where it was impossible for on side to gain the upper hand
  5. a terrorist organization that supported violent action to achieve its goals
  6. occurs when two or more countries are in competition to become the best equipped military
  7. the famous cheque that meant Germany would support Austria-Hungary no matter what
  8. where soldiers leave the safety of their trenches and attack the enemy
  9. where all the resources of a nation are organized for one purpose, to win the war
  10. resulted from imperialism
  11. a threat which states that one must meet certain conditions or face dire consequences
  12. nationalism within an ethnic group that does not have its own country or desire for independence from a dominant ethnic group

20 Clues: a standard war tacticresulted from imperialisman official British policy regarding the navya war in which a country must fight on two distinct frontshaving a strong feeling of patriotism and pride in one’s countrywhere soldiers leave the safety of their trenches and attack the enemy...

World War I Crossword 2021-12-21

World War I Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Americans were outraged at this country for the sinking of a U-Boat.
  2. The development of armed forces and their use as a tool of diplomacy.
  3. Consisted of France, Britain, and Russia.
  4. German word for submarine
  5. An area in the battlefield in which no one entered filled with barbwire.
  6. Another word for a truce.
  7. Powers An empire of mostly middle eastern lands controlled by the Turks.
  8. These people believed war was evil and that the U.S. should set an example of world peace.
  9. The policy of extending a nation's authority over other countries by economic or political means.
  10. Germany invaded this country on August 3, 1914
  11. A U-boat was sunk during this tragic event.
  12. A promise Germany issued to not sink merchant's vessels.
  1. Part of the triple alliance and Ottoman Empire
  2. consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy's
  3. the large scale movement of hundreds of thousands of southern blacks to cities in the north.
  4. A kind of biased communication designed to influence peoples thoughts and actions.
  5. A devotion to the interests and culture of one's nation.
  6. armies fought for mere yards with this war tactic.
  7. These people criticized the war.
  8. Such as imperialists they struggle between Germany and England to control markets and colonies in china

20 Clues: German word for submarineAnother word for a truce.These people criticized the war.Consisted of France, Britain, and Russia.A U-boat was sunk during this tragic event.Part of the triple alliance and Ottoman EmpireGermany invaded this country on August 3, 1914consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy's...

World War I Vocab 2021-11-29

World War I Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. the leaders of the four major world powers
  2. a disease that occurs when your feet are wet too long
  3. what germany tried to avoid when fighting during the war
  4. this person was shot and that was THE SPARK that ignited WWI!
  5. the government set limits on the amount of goods civilians could have
  6. a state where both sides are so evenly balanced that neither can breakthrough against the enemy.
  7. an international organization that failed after WWI because the US did not join.
  8. the reason the Russians left the war
  9. a type of fighting where both sides build deep trenches as a defense against the enemy
  10. one the of the causes of WWI. a stronger country taking over a weaker country.
  11. a war that involved the governments, economies and populations of participating nations to an extent never seen before in history
  12. Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States
  13. a message that was sent to Mexico that told them to attack the US, but was intercepted and leaked to newspapers in the US
  1. the gardens that Americans were encouraged to grow to help the war effort
  2. President Wilson wrote these outlining his proposals for a postwar peace settlement.
  3. the US Ship that was sunk and one of the reasons that the US eventually joined the fighting
  4. medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to the distressing experiences of trench warfare
  5. any medium used to influence a person's view, usually about politics or society
  6. a conflict in which each side tried to wear the other down by killing as many of its men as possible.
  7. one of the causes of WWI. an extreme love for one's country/the belief that your country is superior.
  8. the name for the German submarines which comes from the word 'unterseeboat'
  9. one of the causes of WWI. a formal, economic, military, or political agreement between two or more nations.
  10. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire
  11. the desire to stay out of world events
  12. one of the causes of WWI. the belief or the desire of a government or a people that a state should maintain a strong military capability and to use it aggressively
  13. a way for the US to raise money for the war;bought by citizens

26 Clues: the reason the Russians left the warthe desire to stay out of world eventsthe leaders of the four major world powersa disease that occurs when your feet are wet too longwhat germany tried to avoid when fighting during the warGermany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empirethis person was shot and that was THE SPARK that ignited WWI!...

World War II Crossword 2022-05-31

World War II Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. How(l) the Germans liked to attack Allied boats
  2. It overtook agriculture as the most crucial component of Canada’s economy
  3. Japan’s declaration of war caused unavailability and rationing of ___ in the Far East
  4. Code name for the development of the atomic bomb, to which Canada contributed uranium in 1942
  5. Hitler's greatest mistake in WWII; the attack that broke Germany and the Soviet Union’s non-aggression pact
  6. At the end of the war, Japanese Canadians were forced to “relocate”
  7. People of Japanese, German, and Italian descent living in Canada
  8. A devastating battle claimed to be both a valuable learning experience and a wasteful slaughter of Allied soldiers
  9. Working women would use _______ to tie their hair back
  10. It is used to breed desirable offsprings
  11. What Churchill dubbed the “soft underbelly” of Europe and an invasion that was a component of the Italian Campaign
  12. The WWII alliance between 3 totalitarian states
  13. At the start of the war, Canada practiced _______ to avoid conscription mandates and returning into debt after a slow recovery from the Depression
  14. The cipher device that's development led to the first computer
  15. Canada’s _______ policy lead it to provide significant amounts of military and economic support to the Allies during WWII and caused a boom in the Canadian economy from increased demand for production
  16. The name for the day Hong Kong, a British colony, fell to the Japanese Empire
  17. A flowering gift to Canada for liberating the Netherlands
  18. The Allied forces’ “miracle” evacuation, saving them from a horrible loss in France
  19. It was held in Canada over conscription during 1942
  20. Secured “peace for our time”, as claimed by the British Prime Minister Chamberlain Forced to resign as British Prime minister during WWII
  21. The beach that 14 000 Canadian soldiers captured on D-Day
  22. Japan withdrew from the League of Nations to continue invading _______
  23. Manuverable warships protecting vulnerable convoys
  24. Secret German police force used to uphold fascist government
  25. Italian fascist gangs who helped Mussolini rise to power
  26. New German war tactic
  27. A military tactic named after a rodent, used in Stalingrad
  1. The previous name of the city Volgograd
  2. Code name for the Normandy Invasion
  3. The breaking of this agreement caused Stalin much grief
  4. German for “the leader”
  5. A huge Canadian contribution to the war effort that trained more than 130 000 pilots, navigators, flight engineers, air gunners, ground crew, and radio operators (acronym)
  6. The naval battle that lasted from the start to the end of WWII
  7. Japanese Canadians _____ workers were considered “unfair competition”
  8. The right to vote
  9. Women who worked in the Canadian navy as operators, mechanics, coders, and drivers (acronym)
  10. Estonia, Lituania, Latvia
  11. A crucial piece of technology in winning the Battle of Britain
  12. Women who married Canadian soldiers overseas and caused a huge influx of immigrants after the war
  13. She became a symbol for working women during WWII
  14. The event that occurred hours before the Battle of Hong Kong and led to the USA joining the war with the Allies
  15. Germany’s action with Austria that breached one of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
  16. Young rebels against clothing restrictions
  17. Proved the Canadian government’s determination to improve the war effort, allowing conscription for home defence and eventually “zombies” for overseas service (acronym)
  18. The group of people Hitler thought to be the “master race” possessing blonde hair, blue eyes, and white ethnicity
  19. A failed artist
  20. His corpse was strung up on a metal pole, the end of a cruel and powerful leader
  21. Soldiers jumping out of planes, a good number weren’t real to appear more substantial in size
  22. Present in Canadian society throughout the war, leading to the denial of Jewish refugees and affecting Canada’s immigration policies
  23. The alliance that kept its name from WWI

50 Clues: A failed artistThe right to voteNew German war tacticGerman for “the leader”Estonia, Lituania, LatviaCode name for the Normandy InvasionThe previous name of the city VolgogradIt is used to breed desirable offspringsThe alliance that kept its name from WWIYoung rebels against clothing restrictionsHow(l) the Germans liked to attack Allied boats...

World War II Crossword 2022-05-29

World War II Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The beach that 14 000 Canadian soldiers captured on D-Day
  2. The name for the day Hong Kong, a British colony, fell to the Japanese Empire
  3. Japanese Canadians _____ workers were considered “unfair competition”
  4. Present in Canadian society throughout the war, leading to the denial of Jewish refugees and affecting Canada’s immigration policies
  5. Secret German police force used to uphold fascist government
  6. How(l) the Germans liked to attack Allied boats
  7. A crucial piece of technology in winning the Battle of Britain
  8. At the end of the war, Japanese Canadians were forced to “relocate”
  9. New German war tactic
  10. Young rebels against clothing restrictions
  11. A flowering gift to Canada for liberating the Netherlands
  12. The WWII alliance between 3 totalitarian states
  13. The event that occurred hours before the Battle of Hong Kong and led to the USA joining the war with the Allies
  14. His corpse was strung up on a metal pole, the end of a cruel and powerful leader
  15. Women who married Canadian soldiers overseas and caused a huge influx of immigrants after the war
  16. Japan’s declaration of war caused unavailability and rationing of ___ in the Far East
  17. The right to vote
  18. A huge Canadian contribution to the war effort that trained more than 130 000 pilots, navigators, flight engineers, air gunners, ground crew, and radio operators (acronym)
  19. Japan withdrew from the League of Nations to continue invading _______
  20. Soldiers jumping out of planes, a good number weren’t real to appear more substantial in size
  21. A failed artist
  22. It overtook agriculture as the most crucial component of Canada’s economy
  23. Manuverable warships protecting vulnerable convoys
  24. It was held in Canada over conscription during 1942
  25. Working women would use _______ to tie their hair back
  26. It is used to breed desirable offspring
  27. The naval battle that lasted from the start to the end of WWII
  1. The breaking of this agreement caused Stalin much grief
  2. Italian fascist gangs who helped Mussolini rise to power
  3. Code name for the development of the atomic bomb, to which Canada contributed uranium in 1942
  4. Hitler's greatest mistake in WWII; the attack that broke Germany and the Soviet Union’s non-aggression pact
  5. Code name for the Normandy Invasion
  6. Secured “peace for our time”, as claimed by the British Prime Minister Chamberlain, Forced to resign as British Prime minister during WWII
  7. Proved the Canadian government’s determination to improve the war effort, allowing conscription for home defence and eventually “zombies” for overseas service (acronym)
  8. People of Japanese, German, and Italian descent living in Canada
  9. What Churchill dubbed the “soft underbelly” of Europe and an invasion that was a component of the Italian Campaign
  10. The Allied forces’ “miracle” evacuation, saving them from a horrible loss
  11. Germany’s action with Austria that breached one of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles
  12. The previous name of the city Volgograd
  13. A military tactic named after a rodent, used in Stalingrad
  14. Canada’s _______ policy lead it to provide significant amounts of military and economic support to the Allies during WWII and caused a boom in the Canadian economy from increased demand for production
  15. The alliance that kept its name from WWI
  16. She became a symbol for working women during WWII
  17. The cipher device that's development led to the first computer
  18. Estonia, Lituania, Latvia
  19. At the start of the war, Canada practiced _______ to avoid conscription mandates and returning into debt after a slow recovery from the Depression
  20. The policy that Canada practiced of wanting to remain indifferent about issues in other countries
  21. German for “the leader”
  22. A devastating battle claimed to be both a valuable learning experience and a wasteful slaughter of Allied soldiers
  23. Women who worked in the Canadian navy as operators, mechanics, coders, and drivers (acronym)
  24. The group of people Hitler thought to be the “master race” possessing blonde hair, blue eyes, and white ethnicity

51 Clues: A failed artistThe right to voteNew German war tacticGerman for “the leader”Estonia, Lituania, LatviaCode name for the Normandy InvasionThe previous name of the city VolgogradIt is used to breed desirable offspringThe alliance that kept its name from WWIYoung rebels against clothing restrictionsHow(l) the Germans liked to attack Allied boats...

World war 1 crossword 2022-06-06

World war 1 crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Heir to the Austrian-hungry throne
  2. bloodless coup d'état against the Duma
  3. National Socialist German Workers' Party.
  4. 1917 revolution
  5. War between Japan and Russia
  6. German Emperor
  7. Occured in 1929 in New York
  8. when a government makes it's military strong
  9. 28th us president
  10. Relating to an empire
  11. When nazis had murdered thousands of jews as a last resort plan.
  12. Establish January 10th 1920
  13. The taking of colonies owned by germany
  1. Soviet union's economic policy from 1921 to 1928
  2. he Who led after Vladamir Lenin
  3. Persuasive news from a country
  4. a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism
  5. Soviet plan for the economy that would last 5 years
  6. Germany paid ____ to other countries
  7. controversial armistice treaty
  8. When farmers were forced to work in large farms
  9. Bolshevik Leader
  10. When Joseph Stalin murdered thousands who stood against him
  11. fought from trenches
  12. When the economies prices per product increase alot

25 Clues: German Emperor1917 revolutionBolshevik Leader28th us presidentfought from trenchesRelating to an empireOccured in 1929 in New YorkEstablish January 10th 1920War between Japan and RussiaPersuasive news from a countrycontroversial armistice treatyhe Who led after Vladamir LeninHeir to the Austrian-hungry throneGermany paid ____ to other countries...

World War 1 Crossword 2022-11-04

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.
  2. Ditches that were dug out of the Earth to protect soldiers from explosions and bullets
  3. it's archduke was assassinated and started the war
  4. A political movement in Germany that supported totalitarian government
  5. was fought from 21 February to 18 December 1916 on the Western Front in France
  6. A famous battle fought between Russia and Germany between the 26th and 30th of August 1914
  7. Pride in one's country; nations sought their own interests over others
  8. The compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state
  9. Rivalries developed as countries tried to grab colonies
  10. The country Austria-Hungary declared war on that started WW1
  11. These countries included The U.S, Great Britain, France, Russia, and many other countries.
  12. European countries had joined ______ to better protect themselves
  13. The ship that was sunk by german u-boat which caused U.S to join the war
  1. Countries had built strong armies and navies to defend their own countries and colonies
  2. this type of warfare was fought in trenches
  3. The person that got assassinated which started World War 1.
  4. The 28th U.S president
  5. A peace agreement to end a war
  6. The revolution that caused Russia to pull out of WW1
  7. These countries included Germany, AustriaHungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria

20 Clues: The 28th U.S presidentA peace agreement to end a warthis type of warfare was fought in trenchesit's archduke was assassinated and started the warThe revolution that caused Russia to pull out of WW1Rivalries developed as countries tried to grab coloniesThe compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state...

World War II Review 2021-03-11

World War II Review crossword puzzle
  1. Victory in Japan Day in August 1945
  2. Where Japanese-Americans were relocated following executive order 9066
  3. In 1940, a series of air attacks and bombings, radar allowed for self-defense
  4. Victory in Europe Day on May 8, 1945
  5. One of the Japanese cities destroyed by a U.S. atomic bomb
  6. Italian dictator, fascist, outlawed political parties, controlled the press
  7. Became president after FDR died in 1945, decided to use the atomic bomb on Japan to end the war
  8. Trials that charged individuals and held individuals accountable for actions during war-time, held in Germany
  9. Japanese attack on U.S. on December 7, 1941
  10. The Allied invasion of Germany controlled France on June 6, 1944
  11. Alliance between Germany, Japan, and Italy
  12. British Prime Minister, inspired Brits during the Battle of Britain, wrote Atlantic Charter, Lend-Lease deal with FDR
  1. One of the Japanese cities destroyed by a U.S. atomic bomb
  2. Soviet Union dictator, five year plans, collective farms, great purge, modernization, initially signed agreement with Germany (Nazis)
  3. Group of African American pilots who were incredibly successful despite experiencing discrimination and segregation
  4. U.S. President during WWII, supported democracy in Europe, wrote Atlantic Charter
  5. U.S. First Lady and wife of FDR
  6. The systematic murders of the Jews and others by Nazis in Eastern Europe
  7. Great Britain, France, USSR, U.S., and Canada
  8. German dictator, anti-Semitic, scapegoat, main aggressor in Europe
  9. The U.S. project that developed the atomic bombs

21 Clues: U.S. First Lady and wife of FDRVictory in Japan Day in August 1945Victory in Europe Day on May 8, 1945Alliance between Germany, Japan, and ItalyJapanese attack on U.S. on December 7, 1941Great Britain, France, USSR, U.S., and CanadaThe U.S. project that developed the atomic bombsOne of the Japanese cities destroyed by a U.S. atomic bomb...

World War II Countries 2021-04-20

World War II Countries crossword puzzle
  1. This country had the most deaths during WWII (Abrevited)
  2. This country was attacked by Germany on the morning of April 9th, 1940.
  3. This African country was controlled by Italy during WWII.
  4. This country is the place where a young girl who wrote a diary in "The secret Annex."
  5. This country's dictator was Benito Mussolini
  6. This country used a ghost army to trick the Germans before the invasion of Normandy.
  7. This African country became the a base used by the Allies.
  8. This country cheered when Hitler and Germany invaded this country on March 12, 1938.
  9. This country's dictator, Francisco Franco,called for neutrality.
  10. Georgi Dimitrov led this country into WWII.
  11. This major Allie fell to Germany on May 10,1940.
  1. This South American country is "supposedly" where Hitler escaped to live his life in exile.
  2. This country broke its pact by invading the USSR.
  3. Enver Hoxha was the Dictator of this country during wwII.
  4. Britain Training for D-Day took place in this country.
  5. This tiny European country stayed neutral during WWII.
  6. This country that no longer exists was with the Axis powers during WWII.
  7. Germany did not invade this country, because Hitler feared that doing so would upset Francisco Franco.
  8. This country bombed Pearl Harbor.
  9. Germany invaded this country first during WWII.

20 Clues: This country bombed Pearl Harbor.Georgi Dimitrov led this country into WWII.This country's dictator was Benito MussoliniGermany invaded this country first during WWII.This major Allie fell to Germany on May 10,1940.This country broke its pact by invading the USSR.Britain Training for D-Day took place in this country....

World War 1 Vocabulary 2021-04-16

World War 1 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. An agreement to stop fighting - was signed between France, Britain, and Germany on 11/11/1918.
  2. Apparatus that allows one to breathe without inhaling poisonous gas.
  3. A German submarine.
  4. A country such as Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire who fought against the Allies in WW1.
  5. WW1 officially ended with the signing of this document on 6/28/191.
  6. People who follow the theory that all means of production are owned in common, rather than by individual.
  7. Archduke and heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne whose assassination on 6/28/1914 in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip was a cause of WW1.
  8. A small bomb thrown by hand or launched mechanically, could also contain poisonous gas.
  9. Disputed ground between the front lines or trenches of 2 opposing armies.
  10. Soldiers marching or fighting on foot.
  11. A union or association formed for mutual benefit between countries and one of the causes of WW1.
  12. An international organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland that was created after WW1 to provide a forum for resolving international disputes.
  13. A British luxury liner sunk by a German submarine in the North Atlantic on 5/7/1915, led to U.S. entry into WW1.
  1. The zone of fighting in western Europe where the German army engaged the armies to its west like France.
  2. A gaseous substance, such as chlorine, used in warfare to kill or harm.
  3. Soldiers who fought on horseback.
  4. A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible.
  5. A philosophy that places great importance on military power even allowing it to overtake the government.
  6. Abbreviation for World War 1, fighting between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers.
  7. Compensation imposed during the Paris Peace Conference upon the Central Powers following their defeat in WW1.
  8. A policy of extending another country's power and influence through colonization and one of the causes of WW1.
  9. A heavy armored fighting vehicle carrying guns and moving on a continuous articulated metal track.
  10. A type of land warfare using occupied fighting lines consisting of fortified ditches, in which troops are protected from enemy fire.
  11. A fully automatic mounted or portable firearm designed to fire bullets in quick succession.
  12. A group of countries including Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the U.S. who joined together to fight against the Central Powers in WW1.
  13. The strong belief that the interests of a particular nation-state are of primary importance.
  14. Large-caliber guns

27 Clues: Large-caliber gunsA German submarine.Soldiers who fought on horseback.Soldiers marching or fighting on foot.WW1 officially ended with the signing of this document on 6/28/191.Apparatus that allows one to breathe without inhaling poisonous gas.A gaseous substance, such as chlorine, used in warfare to kill or harm....

World War I Crossword 2019-02-04

World War I Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. how Germany responded to the British Blockade
  2. building up militaries to protect colonies overseas
  3. the British passenger ship that the Germans sank
  4. traded with both sides during the war
  5. the reason the U.S. enters the war
  6. the politicians who sign the Treaty of Versailles
  7. the Zimmerman Note offered this country territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
  8. used the campaign slogan "He kept us out of war"
  9. introduced and reduced the threat of U-Boats
  10. a direct result of the alliance system
  1. extreme pride in one's country
  2. Germany must take sole blame for the war
  3. Wilson's plan for lasting peace
  4. socialist leaders in Germany establish this
  5. filthy with lice, rats, and polluted water from dysentery
  6. WWI ends with this;designed to punish and weaken Germany
  7. archduke of Austria-Hungary that was assassinated in Bosnia
  8. competition for colonies as a source of raw materials
  9. alliances formed with other countries to protect each other
  10. wanted to unite all Serbs together; did not want to be apart of Austria-Hungary Empire

20 Clues: extreme pride in one's countryWilson's plan for lasting peacethe reason the U.S. enters the wartraded with both sides during the wara direct result of the alliance systemGermany must take sole blame for the warsocialist leaders in Germany establish thisintroduced and reduced the threat of U-Boatshow Germany responded to the British Blockade...

World War 1 Crossword 2018-12-13

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This is a City which someone famous died that kinda started WW 1.
  2. In military terminology, a __________ is a war in which fighting takes place on two geographically separate fronts.
  3. This was a piece of land owned by the french then taken by Germans.
  4. This is use to put fear into the masses in a country
  5. This guy death is one of the many factors starting WW 1.
  6. The _______________ was the military alliance formed between Russia, Great Britain and France before World War I.
  7. All country's in Europe thought it was a good idea to do this at one point.
  8. A plan intended to ensure German victory over a Franco-Russian alliance by holding off Russia with minimal strength and swiftly defeating France by a massive flanking movement through the Low Countries, called the _______________.
  9. the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling _____________.
  10. Effect,the theory that a political event in one country will cause similar events in neighboring countries, like a falling _____________.
  11. In this age people as a whole where together getting smarter rather then a group of people.
  1. ______________ generally means relating to someone's family, home, or home country.
  2. This dude killed someone who was he?
  3. Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
  4. A country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.
  5. The __________________ was the Balkans in the early part of the 20th century preceding World War I.
  6. A war that ends all wars started here.
  7. The ________________ was a secret agreement between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
  8. A country wants to do its best to protect its citizens and grow
  9. A union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.
  10. (of a country or its government) prepare and organize (troops) for active service.
  11. Something that was uphold-ed by English for no reason causing a bigger war.
  12. Let the people control what happens to there country.
  13. The English made this during July 4, 1776.
  14. A bigger country taking a smaller weaker country by force fast.
  15. The first nations has made a ______in Canada.

26 Clues: This dude killed someone who was he?A war that ends all wars started here.The English made this during July 4, 1776.Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.The first nations has made a ______in Canada.This is use to put fear into the masses in a countryLet the people control what happens to there country....

Post World War II 2022-12-12

Post World War II crossword puzzle
  1. George Orwell published this book in 1949
  2. China invaded this country in 1950
  3. Nicknamed the "forgotten war"
  4. Johnny Cash releases this song in 1955
  5. Soviet seizure of Eastern Europe after WWII
  6. Central Intelligence Agency
  7. JFK published this book in 1956
  8. Established the People's Republic of China
  9. Dwight D. Eisenhower's campaign slogan in 1952
  10. TV hit in 1952 that premiered live from Philadelphia
  1. Location of border between North and South Korea
  2. Began with 3.4 million children born in 1946
  3. J.D. Salinger published this book in 1951
  4. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  5. Famous pediatrician in 1946
  6. Limits president to 2 terms or 10 years in office
  7. Two countries threatening each other,no killing
  8. Founded by Berry Gordy in 1959
  9. Russian for traveling companion
  10. U.S. 1st nuclear submarine

20 Clues: U.S. 1st nuclear submarineFamous pediatrician in 1946Central Intelligence AgencyNicknamed the "forgotten war"Founded by Berry Gordy in 1959Russian for traveling companionJFK published this book in 1956North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationChina invaded this country in 1950Johnny Cash releases this song in 1955George Orwell published this book in 1949...

World War 1 Crossword 2023-03-02

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Archduke Franz _______ of Austria Hungary; assassinated by a Serbian in 1914. His murder was one of the causes of WW I.
  2. Vladimir _______Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924).
  3. The secret police under Lenin and his Communist Party
  4. _______Note: Message proposing an alliance between Germany and Mexico; Mexico attacks US, then Germany would later help
  5. Russian peasant monk who was able to influence Russian politics by gaining the confidence of the Czarina
  6. Gavrilo _____The assassin of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria, a member of the Black Hand
  7. agreements between nations to aid and protect one another
  8. founder of modern communism, wrote the Communist Manifesto
  9. pride in one's country
  10. A conflict in which the participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort
  11. Ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause.
  12. an international organization formed in 1920 to promote cooperation and peace among nations
  13. A party of revolutionary Marxists, led by Vladimir Lenin, who seized power in Russia in 1917.
  14. The practice of conducting negotiations between countries; try to keep peace
  15. Last tsar of Russia, he went to the frontlines in WWI to try to rally the troops, but was forced to abdicate after his wife made horrible decisions under the influence of Rasputin.
  16. An agreement to stop fighting
  17. President of the US during WWI; created the 14 Points
  18. _____Warfare a type of combat in which opposing troops fight from trenches facing each other.
  19. A military draft; forced to join military
  1. _______ Powers: Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, and later the US
  2. British passenger ship holding Americans that was sunk by Germany; helped lead to America entering war
  3. A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.
  4. Area between trenches during war
  5. Medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to the distressing experiences of trench warfare.
  6. Payment for war damages
  7. ________Powers: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire
  8. a political theory advocating state ownership of industry
  9. the process of assembling troops and supplies and making them ready for war
  10. The Treaty of _____; the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded reparations from the Germans and punished Germany
  11. Building up armed forces to prepare for war
  12. those who believe socialism can be achieved only through revolution and totalitarian dictatorship; Bolsheviks were an example

31 Clues: pride in one's countryPayment for war damagesAn agreement to stop fightingArea between trenches during warA military draft; forced to join militaryBuilding up armed forces to prepare for warThe secret police under Lenin and his Communist PartyPresident of the US during WWI; created the 14 Points...

World War ll Project 2023-04-21

World War ll Project crossword puzzle
  1. “Lightning War”; type of warfare used by Germans in WWll
  2. Satisfying the demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace
  3. An attack by an armed force on another country
  4. Nickname for Operation Overlord
  5. Garden plan to use paratroopers and tanks to capture bridges leading to Germany
  6. third German empire, established by Hitler
  7. city where second atomic bomb was dropped
  8. give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion
  9. British Royal Air Force
  10. Biased Information used to promote a political point
  1. city where first atomic bomb was dropped, ending WWll
  2. A general and progressive Increase in the prices of goods and services
  3. The economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929
  4. Japanese suicide pilots
  5. the name of the American B-29 bomber plane that dropped the atomic bombs
  6. A political movement hat puts the needs of the nation above the needs of the individual
  7. detention centers where Japanese Americans were relocated
  8. the German Air Force during WWll
  9. code name for secret US project to develop atomic bombs
  10. A ruler with total power over a country by force

20 Clues: Japanese suicide pilotsBritish Royal Air ForceNickname for Operation Overlordthe German Air Force during WWllcity where second atomic bomb was droppedthird German empire, established by HitlerAn attack by an armed force on another countryA ruler with total power over a country by forceBiased Information used to promote a political point...

World War I Review 2023-03-29

World War I Review crossword puzzle
  1. Germany hoped to get this country to help them in WWI with the Zimmermann Telegram
  2. These gardens that U.S. government wanted Americans to grow helped in the war effort
  3. This many thousand American soldiers died in combat during WWI
  4. U.S. ships and soldiers traveled in groups known as this to help with protection and survival
  5. This group of Americans joined the workforce by the millions as men went overseas to fight
  6. Last name of U.S. general who led the American forces during WWI
  7. Many European countries wanted freedom in part because of this idea
  8. This country was Austria-Hungary's main ally during World War I
  9. Countries formally agreeing to join forces is known as this
  10. This Allied power left WWI to deal with a revolution that was occurring in its country
  11. Besides poison gas and aircraft, these vehicles were another new weapon seen in WWI
  1. Germany's sinking of this British passenger boat pushed the U.S. closer to WWI
  2. First name of U.S. president who at first wanted to keep the U.S. out of WWI
  3. As WWI raged on, the world was also dealing with this epidemic around 1918
  4. Last name of archduke who was killed by a Bosnian Serb, which led to WWI
  5. Once this country entered the war for the Allies, Germany knew it would likely lose
  6. The U.S. government worried about this act of giving information to enemy countries
  7. Many African-Americans moved north during the war during this 'Great' movement
  8. U.S. government wanted Americans to buy bonds so the U.S. had more of this to win the war
  9. These dug-out, often sprawling, areas in the ground were major part of WWI warfare
  10. Countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia declared this as Austria-Hungary lost control at end of WWI

21 Clues: Countries formally agreeing to join forces is known as thisThis many thousand American soldiers died in combat during WWIThis country was Austria-Hungary's main ally during World War ILast name of U.S. general who led the American forces during WWIMany European countries wanted freedom in part because of this idea...

'World War I' Review 2023-03-29

'World War I' Review crossword puzzle
  1. U.S. ships and soldiers traveled in groups known as this to help with protection and survival
  2. Germany's sinking of this British passenger boat pushed the U.S. closer to WWI
  3. This many thousand American soldiers died in combat during WWI
  4. These ‘points’ created by President Wilson detailed a plan for peace in the world after WWI
  5. Countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia declared this as Austria-Hungary lost control at end of WWI
  6. This chamber of U.S. Congress essentially blocked the U.S. from joining the League of Nations
  7. Many African-Americans moved north during the war during this 'Great' movement
  8. This treaty blamed Germany for the atrocities of WWI fining them around $33 billion
  9. These gardens that U.S. government wanted Americans to grow helped in the war effort
  10. Last name of U.S. general who led the American forces during WWI
  11. Germany signed this which stopped the fighting and ended the war on Nov. 11, 1918
  12. This country was Austria-Hungary's main ally during World War I
  13. First name of U.S. president who at first wanted to keep the U.S. out of WWI
  1. U.S. government wanted Americans to buy bonds so the U.S. had more of this to win the war
  2. As WWI ended, countries in this continent worked to regain freedom, peace and stability
  3. Countries formally agreeing to join forces is known as this
  4. These dug-out, often sprawling, areas in the ground were major part of WWI warfare
  5. This group of Americans joined the workforce by the millions as men went overseas to fight
  6. As WWI raged on, the world was also dealing with this epidemic around 1918
  7. Many European countries wanted freedom in part because of this idea
  8. Besides poison gas and aircraft, these vehicles were another new weapon seen in WWI
  9. Once this country entered the war for the Allies, Germany knew it would likely lose
  10. Germany hoped to get this country to help them in WWI with the Zimmermann Telegram
  11. The U.S. government worried about this act of giving information to enemy countries
  12. This Allied power left WWI to deal with a revolution that was occurring in its country
  13. Last name of archduke who was killed by a Bosnian Serb, which led to WWI

26 Clues: Countries formally agreeing to join forces is known as thisThis many thousand American soldiers died in combat during WWIThis country was Austria-Hungary's main ally during World War ILast name of U.S. general who led the American forces during WWIMany European countries wanted freedom in part because of this idea...

Post World War II 2022-12-09

Post World War II crossword puzzle
  1. released "Folsom Prison Blues"
  2. U.S first satellite
  3. First Disneyland location
  4. Where JFK graduated from (College)
  5. U.S first nuclear submarine
  6. Found Motown
  7. fitsr Master's Golf Turnament
  8. Number of Kennedy siblings
  9. Dr.Seuss's real name
  1. Radiation belt around the earth
  2. Refused to move her seat on the bus
  3. Most intelligent Kennedy sibling
  4. Vice President in 1959
  5. Short for Motortown
  6. Made the Muppets
  7. Posed for a picture promoting the "Seven Year Itch"
  8. Soviets answer to NATO
  9. Announced the domino theory
  10. World's first satellite
  11. ____vs the board of education

20 Clues: Found MotownMade the MuppetsShort for MotortownU.S first satelliteDr.Seuss's real nameVice President in 1959Soviets answer to NATOWorld's first satelliteFirst Disneyland locationNumber of Kennedy siblingsU.S first nuclear submarineAnnounced the domino theoryfitsr Master's Golf Turnament____vs the board of educationreleased "Folsom Prison Blues"...

World War l Crossword 2024-05-13

World War l Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. In 1916-1917, WWl turned into a war of…
  2. A military draft
  3. By August 4, the great powers of…were at war
  4. Where battle was fought on the Western front
  5. This force sank the British ship Lustitania on May 7,1915
  6. Battle took place between Sept.5-Sept.12,1914
  7. Got assassinated; started WWl
  8. Appeared on the battlefront for the first time in 1915
  9. The Ottoman government used allegations to begin a…
  1. Russia, Great Britain, and France in WWl
  2. Germany used this unrestricted warfare to set up their own blockade of Britain
  3. The aggressive preparation for war
  4. This gerenal helped draw up the Schlieffen Plan
  5. As the war was ending and men were coming back to take their jobs, the government removed…from the jobs they were encouraged to take
  6. The prods of assembling troops and supplies for war
  7. Under what plan could Germany not mobilize its troops solely against Russia?
  8. Ideas spread by Government to influence public opinion
  9. Played roles in starting WWl: Nationalism, imperialism, militarism, alliances, and…
  10. Declared war on Germany on August 4,1915
  11. This happened to civilians from their homes during WWl

20 Clues: A military draftGot assassinated; started WWlThe aggressive preparation for warIn 1916-1917, WWl turned into a war of…Russia, Great Britain, and France in WWlDeclared war on Germany on August 4,1915By August 4, the great powers of…were at warWhere battle was fought on the Western frontBattle took place between Sept.5-Sept.12,1914...

World War 1 Crossword 2024-03-07

World War 1 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Longest battle in WW1
  2. News exaggerated news used for recruitment
  3. The first country to drop out of the war
  4. Showing no interest in affairs with other countries
  5. Warfare New warfare used
  6. British ship sunk by a german U boat that killed over 1,000 men
  7. The powers containing Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman empire
  8. Living conditions of trenches
  9. Holes dug out in ground for protection
  10. The belief that a government should keep a strong military at use
  11. Last country to join the war, played pivotal role in Allied victory
  1. Ships used by Germany that shot torpedoes at other ships
  2. Strategy used to recruit strong men without discussion
  3. An agreement in a cease fire
  4. Extreme loyalty in ones country
  5. This country forced bulgaria to withdraw and made quick advances
  6. Assassinated which led up to the war
  7. Last central power in war
  8. the powers containing Britain, Soviet Union, and America
  9. First battle of the war

20 Clues: Longest battle in WW1First battle of the warWarfare New warfare usedLast central power in warAn agreement in a cease fireLiving conditions of trenchesExtreme loyalty in ones countryAssassinated which led up to the warHoles dug out in ground for protectionThe first country to drop out of the warNews exaggerated news used for recruitment...

World War 1 Vocab 2024-03-14

World War 1 Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a law that gave U.S. Federal government the right to raise a national army through conscription
  2. a German submarine used in WW1 or WW2
  3. formally ending WW1
  4. allow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a particular commodity)
  5. England, France, Russia, United State (1917)
  6. heir apparent to the thrones of Austria and Hungary whose assassination precipitated the outbreak of WW1
  7. a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end WW1
  8. who could build up the strongest military with the most weapons
  9. identification with ones nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations
  10. a ship that Germany sent a torpedo at and it sunk, one of the reasons why America joined WW1
  1. when a strong country takes over a week country
  2. warfare in which opposing armed forces attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent systems of trench's dug into the ground
  3. an international organization, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, created after the First World War to provide a forum for resolving international disputes
  4. The court ruled that freedom of speech and freedom of the press under the first amendment could be limited only if the words in the circumstances created "a clear and present danger"
  5. u-boats would not warn targets and attacked merchant ships along with allied warships
  6. the state of not supporting or helping either side in a conflict, disagreement
  7. the dissemination of information-facts,arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies - to influence public opinion
  8. a coded message sent to Mexico, proposing a military alliance against the U.S.
  9. president during WW1 and designed the fourteen points and created the league of nations
  10. a debt obligation issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury in conjunction with the Federal Reserve
  11. Made it a crime for American citizens to "print, utter, or publish ... any false, scandalous, and malicious writing" about the government
  12. act broadly sought to crack down on wartime activities considered dangerous or disloyal
  13. a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations
  14. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

24 Clues: formally ending WW1a German submarine used in WW1 or WW2Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman EmpireEngland, France, Russia, United State (1917)when a strong country takes over a week countrywho could build up the strongest military with the most weaponsallow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a particular commodity)...

World War I Terms 2024-04-03

World War I Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Occurred between March 28 - April 1, 1918 in response to Canada using conscription.
  2. Large-caliber weapons used in warfare on land; this includes tanks, rockets and guns.
  3. A battle between April 9 - April 12, 1917 which is considered Canada's GREATEST battle.
  4. __________ of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
  5. The introduction of machine or automatic weaponry in warfare.
  6. The policy of building up a strong military to prepare for war.
  7. People killed or injured in the war.
  8. The feeling of love, devotion, and support for one's own country.
  9. The forced enlistment of people into military service.
  10. A battle that happened from April 22 - May 25, 1915 where chlorine gas was first used against the Allies.
  1. A tactic where soldiers run forward and wait for heavy artillery to hit the targeted positions.
  2. Extreme pride in one's country.
  3. A battle that occurred between July 31 - November 20, 1917 where drowning in mud was a great concern.
  4. This act (passed in Sept. 20, 1917) states that all male citizens between 20-45 years old could be conscripted.
  5. When neither side can make a move to win.
  6. The close combat between military aircrafts (or planes).
  7. An airplane with two wings, one above the other.
  8. Military observation of an area to gain information about enemy activities or resources.
  9. A battle that occurred from July 1 - November 18, 1916 where 700 Newfoundlanders perished supporting the British.
  10. The area of land between two enemy trench systems, not controlled by either side.
  11. When one country takes over another country economically and politically.
  12. A military pilot credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircrafts during aerial combat.
  13. A chemical weapon which caused blisters to form upon contact; it is yellow-brown in colour.
  14. This is what we call soldiers that are marching and fighting on foot.
  15. The first and only Canadian to command the Canadian Corps; helped Canadians achieve victory at Vimy Ridge.
  16. Agreements between nations to provide aid and protect one another.
  17. When a nation or territory are self-governing and are not under the control of another nation, they have ________.
  18. German submarines were called ________.

28 Clues: Extreme pride in one's country.People killed or injured in the war.German submarines were called ________.When neither side can make a move to win.An airplane with two wings, one above the other.__________ of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand.The forced enlistment of people into military service....

Period 8 & 9 Exam 2022-04-07

Period 8 & 9 Exam crossword puzzle
  1. war on terror took place in this country
  2. caused by US support of Israel in Yom Kippur War
  3. more professional and educational training directly providing service to human beings
  4. connects millions across world with friends and family
  5. president while American hostages were held in Tehran
  6. caused decrease of popular support of Vietnam war
  7. we invaded this country in 2003 and toppled gov't
  8. expansion of free trade with Mexico, US & Canada
  9. high prices and high unemployment
  10. policy used by Nixon to end Cold War tensions
  11. revolutionized communication, even including video and internet coverage
  12. market bubble burst and recession ensued
  1. economic practice of deregulation & austerity with increase of incomes for wealthy Americans
  2. bill granting veterans education assistance
  3. reasons for end of Cold War
  4. civil rights group that used violence
  5. best known for her criticism of gender roles
  6. anti-war demonstration where four students were killed
  7. act accused of violating civil liberties in the name of stopping terrorism
  8. social programs

20 Clues: social programsreasons for end of Cold Warhigh prices and high unemploymentcivil rights group that used violencewar on terror took place in this countrymarket bubble burst and recession ensuedbill granting veterans education assistancebest known for her criticism of gender rolespolicy used by Nixon to end Cold War tensions...

Postwar America and Harding 12.1/12.2 2024-10-21

Postwar America and Harding 12.1/12.2 crossword puzzle
  1. Labor leader who led the coal miners' strike
  2. Tariff raised to protect U.S. businesses after the war
  3. Major political scandal involving oil leases and bribery
  4. Group that promoted white supremacy and targeted minorities
  5. Cabinet member convicted in the Teapot Dome scandal
  6. Laws limiting immigration from certain countries
  7. Policy changes driven by nativism to reduce immigrant numbers
  8. U.S. loans to help Germany pay war reparations
  9. Officers' protest for better wages in 1919
  10. Anti-immigrant sentiment after World War I
  1. Strikes and worker protests after the war
  2. Political ideology that fueled fear and unrest in postwar America
  3. Protested for better wages and conditions in the 1920s
  4. Immigrant anarchists involved in a controversial trial
  5. Treaty that aimed to renounce war as a national policy
  6. Protested for better conditions under John L. Lewis
  7. U.S. policy to avoid involvement in international affairs
  8. Harding's promise to return to pre-war life
  9. Government raids on suspected radicals during the Red Scare
  10. Harding’s corrupt group of friends in his administration

20 Clues: Strikes and worker protests after the warOfficers' protest for better wages in 1919Anti-immigrant sentiment after World War IHarding's promise to return to pre-war lifeLabor leader who led the coal miners' strikeU.S. loans to help Germany pay war reparationsLaws limiting immigration from certain countries...

history crossword 2020-06-18

history crossword crossword puzzle
  1. is the pronouncement of the people summoned by the President of the Republic,
  2. The reform movement led to the drafting of another constitution. The process began with attempts at reform in 1988
  3. It refers to money borrowed from a source outside the country
  4. it's a blue Colombian party
  5. as a series of riots that occurred in the capital of Colombia
  6. was an event that lasted a thousand days
  7. This mechanism for citizen participation consists of the political right of all Colombians
  8. In the struggle to pass the federal constitution of 1787 began to take shape
  1. It is the call made to the people to approve or reject a draft legal norm
  2. Colombia is a democratic country, in this democratic country, people are the people who determine the direction of the country
  3. It officially began on 1 September 1939 and continued until 2 September 1945
  4. ended world war one
  5. Franz Ferdinand his pregnant wife Sophie, which caused the First World War.
  6. is the one in which the citizens become creditors of the same
  7. it's a red Colombian party
  8. It began on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918
  9. is the political right of a group of citizens to present Draft Legislative Act

17 Clues: ended world war oneit's a red Colombian partyit's a blue Colombian partywas an event that lasted a thousand daysIt began on July 28, 1914 and ended on November 11, 1918is the one in which the citizens become creditors of the sameIt refers to money borrowed from a source outside the country...

Cold War 2023-01-11

Cold War crossword puzzle
  1. agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation
  2. The crisis started on June 24, 1948, when Soviet forces blockaded railroads and water access to allied controlled area of Berlin.
  3. president that was assassinated
  4. was broken up into zones
  5. was growing in eastern europe during the end of the cold war
  6. aimed at preventing the spread of communism
  7. soviet union created an alliance of communist nationsit controlled in eastern europe
  8. This crisis showed the world that nuclear war was a real possibility.
  9. A period of conflict and tension between USA & Soviet Union
  1. a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War
  2. Invasion attempt to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba.
  3. referring to the division between western Europe and eastern Europe
  4. north atlantic treaty organization
  5. an attempt by the USA to extend their influence, or contain communism
  6. After World War II, the US used the idea of _______

15 Clues: was broken up into zonespresident that was assassinatednorth atlantic treaty organizationaimed at preventing the spread of communismagreed to divide Germany into zones of occupationAfter World War II, the US used the idea of _______Invasion attempt to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba.A period of conflict and tension between USA & Soviet Union...