covid 19 Crossword Puzzles

ABOUT COVID-19 2020-04-22

ABOUT COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Penyakit yang menyerang seluruh dunia
  2. Agen infeksi berukuran kecil yang hidup dalam sel inang
  3. Provinsi di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus Covid-19 tergolong rendah
  4. Memproteksi diri supaya partikel tidak masuk
  5. Negara dengan kasus Covid-19 terbanyak
  6. Cara pemerintah untuk memutus rantai penyebaran Covid-19
  7. Masa inkubasi virus Covid-19
  8. Virus Covid-19
  9. Negara pertama yang terkena wabah Covid-19
  10. Aturan tidak boleh berboncengan dan berkumpul >5 orang
  11. Anjuran pemerintah untuk mengurangi penyebaran Covid-19
  12. Cara efektif mencegah persebaran Covid-19
  13. Cara penularan virus Covid-19
  14. Sistem tubuh yang diserang virus Covid-19
  15. penyakit dengan gejala yang sama seperti Covid-19
  16. Virus dapat bertahan 72 jam pada permukaan
  1. Orang tanpa gejala dengan riwayat perjalanan dari luar kota/negeri
  2. Hipoklorit, NaClO, Alkohol 70%
  3. Penyakit yang ditularkan antar hewan ke manusia
  4. Organisasi sebagai koroordinator kesehatan umum internasional
  5. Alternatif jika tidak ada air bersih
  6. tes cepat untuk seseorang yang diduga terinfeksi Covid-19
  7. Gejala seseorang terserang Covid-19
  8. Sistem kekebalan tubuh
  9. Zona dengan persebaran virus Covid-19 sudah tidak terkendali
  10. Isolasi diri dari dunia luar
  11. Pembelajaran online karena wabah Covid-19
  12. Negara dengan tingkat kematian akibat Covid-19 rendah
  13. SOP tenaga medis dalam menangani pasien Covid-19
  14. Zat pembentuk kekebalan tubuh
  15. Orang dengan gejala dan diduga kuat menderita Covid-19

31 Clues: Virus Covid-19Sistem kekebalan tubuhMasa inkubasi virus Covid-19Isolasi diri dari dunia luarCara penularan virus Covid-19Zat pembentuk kekebalan tubuhHipoklorit, NaClO, Alkohol 70%Gejala seseorang terserang Covid-19Alternatif jika tidak ada air bersihPenyakit yang menyerang seluruh duniaNegara dengan kasus Covid-19 terbanyak...

COVID-19 2020-05-21

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. when something is capable of being spread through relatively simple means
  2. a method of working someones lungs when they cant do it themselves
  3. the country of origin for COVID-19
  4. i am doing this
  5. another symptom of covid-19 involving a heightened temperature
  6. the animal that many believe covid-19 comes from
  7. a disease which only affects a small area
  8. a method of defending ones self from covid-19
  9. a large shutdown of an area susceptible to COVID-19
  10. something covid-19 is very good at
  1. a type of disease which effects the respiratory system
  2. those who are most susceptible to COVID-19
  3. the best method of defending against covid-19
  4. the act of distancing yourself from other people in public in order to avoid infection by COVID-19
  5. a word to describe people who think COVID-19 was made by the Chinese government as a bio weapon
  6. the environment where COVID-19 originates
  7. the city in which COVID-19 originates
  8. a disease which is affecting an entire population
  9. feelings or side effects of a disease or virus
  10. one of the symptoms of covid-19
  11. those who are second most susceptible to COVID-19

21 Clues: i am doing thisone of the symptoms of covid-19the country of origin for COVID-19something covid-19 is very good atthe city in which COVID-19 originatesthe environment where COVID-19 originatesa disease which only affects a small areathose who are most susceptible to COVID-19the best method of defending against covid-19...

Covid -19 2023-12-23

Covid -19 crossword puzzle
  1. What is the liquid for washing hands made from 75% alcohol to prevent COVID-19?
  2. What variant of COVID-19 was first reported in India?
  3. A method of defending oneself from COVID-19 -
  4. Another symptom of COVID-19 involving a heightened temperature
  5. What is the name of the COVID-19 examination method taken from mucus samples in the respiratory tract?
  6. A disease that is affecting an entire population
  7. A large shutdown of an area susceptible to COVID-19
  8. The act of distancing yourself from other people in public to avoid infection by COVID-19
  9. The country of origin for COVID-19
  1. A type of disease that affects the respiratory system
  2. What measures are taken to separate someone who has been exposed to COVID-19? -
  3. Separation from other people so as not to spread the so-called COVID-19 virus? -
  4. What is the term for controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus?
  5. What are the things to do after doing activities outside the home? -
  6. What is the name of the COVID-19 test method, which is taken from a blood sample?
  7. The liquid that a person emits from the mouth or nose when sneezing and coughing is called? -
  8. What areas of the body should not be touched by hands too often before washing hands?
  9. A method of working someone's lungs when they can't do it themselves
  10. What should be used to avoid exposure to COVID-19?
  11. The city in which COVID-19 originates
  12. Those who are most susceptible to COVID-19 -
  13. One of the symptoms of COVID-19
  14. Something COVID-19 is very good at

23 Clues: One of the symptoms of COVID-19Something COVID-19 is very good atThe country of origin for COVID-19The city in which COVID-19 originatesThose who are most susceptible to COVID-19 -A method of defending oneself from COVID-19 -A disease that is affecting an entire populationWhat should be used to avoid exposure to COVID-19?...

Self Awareness Implementing Health Protocol 2023-04-18

Self Awareness Implementing Health Protocol crossword puzzle
  1. What variant of covid 19 was first reported in india?
  2. Separation from other people so as not to spread the so-called covid 19 virus?
  3. What is the name of the Covid-19 examination method that is considered more accurate than other tests?
  4. The liquid that a person emits from the mouth or nose when sneezing and coughing is called?
  5. Where was the Covid 19 virus first discovered?
  6. What is the term for controlling the spread of the covid 19 virus?
  7. What is the name of the Covid-19 examination method taken from mucus samples in the respiratory tract?
  8. What is the liquid for washing hands made from 75% alcohol to prevent Covid 19?
  9. Activities carried out remotely to prevent the spread of the covid 19 virus?
  10. What is the name of the COVID-19 test method, which is taken from a blood sample?
  1. What should be used to avoid exposure to covid 19?
  2. What should be avoided so as not to be exposed to the covid 19 virus?
  3. How long will the self-isolation take?
  4. What areas of the body should not be touched by hands too often before washing hands?
  5. What variant of Covid 19 was first reported in South Africa?
  6. What is the prevention of the covid 19 virus to form immunity against the covid 19 virus?
  7. What measures are taken to separate someone who has been exposed to Covid 19?
  8. What are the things to do after doing activities outside the home?
  9. What are the symptoms of covid 19 infection where the body temperature is above normal body temperature?
  10. How many meters social distancing

20 Clues: How many meters social distancingHow long will the self-isolation take?Where was the Covid 19 virus first discovered?What should be used to avoid exposure to covid 19?What variant of covid 19 was first reported in india?What variant of Covid 19 was first reported in South Africa?What are the things to do after doing activities outside the home?...


TEKA SILANG KATA crossword puzzle
  1. Covid berpunca daripada haiwan?
  2. 19 di dalam Covid-19 bermaksud?
  3. Covid-19 adalah sebuah ______ yang diberikan oleh Allah
  4. Pandemik____ ialah virus yang menyerang dunia ketika ini
  5. Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah merupakan Ketua Pengarah Kementerian
  6. Simpton Covid-19 dimulakan dengan
  7. Covid-19 banyak memberikan_____ negatif kepada masyarakat
  8. Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham dipilih menjadi antara tiga doktor terbaik di _____ dalam mengawal penularan wabak ini.
  9. Covid boleh masuk melalui hidung,_____,mata
  10. Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan sajak yang paling disukai oleh Swee Tin kerana pandemik ini dapat disimpulkan dalam bentuk sajak yang pendek dan ____
  11. Rumah baru virus Covid-19 selepas haiwan?
  12. 'Tunggu sehingga esok' menandakan situasi ini akan
  1. Covid berkembang di dalam badan melalui
  2. Berapa lamakah masa diambil untuk virus Covid-19 mati?
  3. Orang luar perlu memakai______ muka semasa berada di luar
  4. Suntikan yang diberi kerajaan bagi mencegah penularan Covid-19
  5. Sajak ini mula ditulis sejak bulan ______ pada awal tahun 2020
  6. Salah satu barisan hadapan yang bertungkus lumus dalam situasi ini
  7. Siapakah penulis sajak ini?
  8. Puisi Tunggulah Sehingga Esok ialah berkaitan dengan
  9. Perkataan 'lazuardi'membawa maksud permata bewarna____
  10. 'Langit kita masih kelabu' menunjukkan penularan Covid-19 membuatkan semua masyarakat
  11. Masyarakat perlu memastikan penjarakan ______ diamalkan ketika berada di kawasan yang penuh dengan orang ramai
  12. 8 Ogos 2021 virus Covid-19 telah membunuh seramai ______ orang
  13. Kita mestilah mengamalkan penjarakan sebanyak 1 _____

25 Clues: Siapakah penulis sajak ini?Covid berpunca daripada haiwan?19 di dalam Covid-19 bermaksud?Simpton Covid-19 dimulakan denganCovid berkembang di dalam badan melaluiRumah baru virus Covid-19 selepas haiwan?Covid boleh masuk melalui hidung,_____,mata'Tunggu sehingga esok' menandakan situasi ini akanPuisi Tunggulah Sehingga Esok ialah berkaitan dengan...

COVID 19 CROSS WORD 2022-01-27

COVID 19 CROSS WORD crossword puzzle
  1. Organisasi PBB yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatan
  2. Obat yang disuntikkan untuk mencegah penularan virus covid 19
  3. Salah satu varian covid 19
  4. Negara yang mengalami infeksi terbanyak oleh virus covid 19
  5. Dosis tambahan untuk meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap resiko infeksi virus covid 19
  6. Diterapkan untuk para pelaku perjalan luar negeri
  7. Nama tengah menteri kesehatan saat ini
  1. Tempat yang pertama kali terdapat penyebaran virus covid 19
  2. Harus dipakai ketika keluar rumah
  3. Salah satu gejala terinfeksi virus covid 19
  4. Aturan yang dibuat untuk mencegah penularan virus covid 19
  5. Berfungsi untuk menjaga kekebalan tubuh
  6. Organ dalam tubuh yang paling sering diserang oleh virus covid 19
  7. Kota di Indonesia dengan jumlah kasus covid 19 tertinggi
  8. Yang harus dilakukan saat terinfeksi virus covid 19
  9. Yang harus dijaga untuk mencegah penularan virus covid 19
  10. Salah satu organ tubuh yang menjadi area penularan virus covid 19

17 Clues: Salah satu varian covid 19Harus dipakai ketika keluar rumahNama tengah menteri kesehatan saat iniBerfungsi untuk menjaga kekebalan tubuhSalah satu gejala terinfeksi virus covid 19Diterapkan untuk para pelaku perjalan luar negeriOrganisasi PBB yang bergerak dalam bidang kesehatanYang harus dilakukan saat terinfeksi virus covid 19...

COVID-19 2022-04-28

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Asal virus covid-19
  2. Salah satu negara yang dilanda virus covid-19 pada 2020
  3. Cairan untuk membersihkan tangan
  4. Kapan kasus covid-19 pertama ditemukan di Indonesia
  5. Wajib dipakai ketika keluar rumah
  6. Covid-19 tidak dapat masuk melalui
  7. Gejala covid-19 yang mengeluarkan dan menularkan virus
  8. Negara pertama yang melakukan vaksinasi
  9. Masker yang wajib digunakan selama covid
  10. Baju yang dipakai untuk melindungi diri dari virus
  1. Cairan pembasmi mikroorganisme
  2. Covid-19 tidak bisa hidup di air...
  3. Varian terbaru dari virus corona
  4. WHO menyatakan covid-19 sebagai pandemi pada bulan
  5. mencuci tangan dengan air dan...
  6. Pencegahan covid-19 oleh masyarakat dapat dilakukan dengan mematuhi...
  7. Kapan vaksin booster dimulai
  8. Cara bersin dan batuk yang benar
  9. Vaksin covid-19 pertama di Indonesia

19 Clues: Asal virus covid-19Kapan vaksin booster dimulaiCairan pembasmi mikroorganismeVarian terbaru dari virus coronaCairan untuk membersihkan tanganmencuci tangan dengan air dan...Cara bersin dan batuk yang benarWajib dipakai ketika keluar rumahCovid-19 tidak dapat masuk melaluiCovid-19 tidak bisa hidup di air...Vaksin covid-19 pertama di Indonesia...

COVID-19: Coding and General Knowledge 2020-08-14

COVID-19: Coding and General Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. New code effective April 1, 2020, off-cycle update.
  2. CDC’s Influenza SARS-CoV-2 (Flu SC2) Multiplex Assay is a single test used to detect the COVID-19 virus and two types of the _______ virus.
  3. Coders should ______ the provider if the provider documented the diagnosis COVID-19
  4. Worn to minimize exposure to COVID-19.
  5. “Corona” in Coronovirus refers to the appearance of a ____ surrounding the virus.
  6. Study and control of disease or injury patterns in populations.
  7. Condition in children who had or been exposed to COVID-19 causing inflammation of different body parts.
  8. There are ____ phases of human clinical trials that a potential vaccine must undergo to determine if it is safe and effective in preventing infection.
  9. A chemical used in a lab to test patient swab samples to determine a positive or negative COVID-19 result.
  10. Social distance is ____ feet.
  11. Rapid result mucous swab test used to identify an active infection.
  12. COVID-19 is an ___ virus, like the measles and unlike DNA viruses, like smallpox. RNA
  13. Body system most affected by COVID-19 infection.
  14. Name for nonautologous plasma obtained from patients recovered from COVID-19 and transfused into current, acute COVID-19 patients.
  15. The most at-risk COVID-19 patients have the underlying health condition(s) cardiovascular disease, ______, and chronic lung disease.
  16. the test results were back and the test results come back
  17. Contact ¬¬¬______ is the process of identifying, notifying, and monitoring anyone who came in close contact with an infectious, COVID-19 positive individual.
  18. Codes Z09 and _____ are reported when a patient who previously had COVID-19 is seen for a follow-up exam and the COVID-19 test is negative.
  19. Blood test that identifies past COVID-19 infection.
  20. Pneumonia confirmed as due to COVID-19 is coded ______.
  1. Alternative to in-person medical appointments.
  2. Geographic origin of COVID-19.
  3. Veklury, ‎GS-5734, and RDV are other names for _______.
  4. Epicenter City in May 2020.
  5. Ventilator patients may be placed in the _____ position in order to improve ventilation-perfusion, help keep alveolae open at end-expiration, and improve gas exchange.
  6. Approach for new PCS convalescent plasma transfusion code.
  7. Hospitals will send COVID-19 patient data to a federal contractor called, _______, or to their state health departments.
  8. Codes from PCS Tables ____ and XW1, New Technology Group 5, are reported for administration of a therapeutic substance to treat COVID-19 when a unique code does not exist.
  9. COVID-19 is thought to have a _____ origin, likely bats.
  10. The common _____ and LAMP tests look for genetic strands of a given virus in a sample collected from a patient.
  11. Class of surgeries cancelled to increase hospital capacity for COVID-19 patients.
  12. First word in “SARS.”
  13. Code 8E0ZXY6 may be reported for COVID-19 patients placed in _______.
  14. COVID-19 existing on the hands can be killed by washing for 20 seconds with common household ______, which bursts the virus’ protective bubble.
  15. Code ____ was reported for COVID-19 cases for discharges that occurred prior to April 1, 2020.
  16. A pregnant patient admitted because of COVID-19 should receive a principal diagnosis code from category _____.
  17. Code _____ is reported if a patient has a known or suspected exposure to COVID- 19, is exhibiting signs/symptoms associated with COVID-19, and the test results are negative, inconclusive, or unknown.
  18. Federal agency that licenses, evaluates and monitors vaccines.
  19. Recommended quarantine time, in weeks.
  20. Code ______ is reported as a secondary diagnosis for the sequelae, residual effect or complication of a previous COVID-19 infection.

40 Clues: First word in “SARS.”Epicenter City in May 2020.Social distance is ____ feet.Geographic origin of COVID-19.Worn to minimize exposure to COVID-19.Recommended quarantine time, in weeks.Alternative to in-person medical appointments.Body system most affected by COVID-19 infection.New code effective April 1, 2020, off-cycle update....

COVID-19 2020-05-27

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
  2. To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
  3. Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
  4. The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
  5. One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
  6. The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case
  7. Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
  8. A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
  9. if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be ______
  10. Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
  11. The study of how infectious diseases spread and how they will affect people
  12. The starting country of COVID-19
  1. The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
  2. The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
  3. To give someone a disease
  4. COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
  5. The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
  6. Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
  7. The country that is most affected by COVID-19
  8. The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to

20 Clues: To give someone a diseaseThe starting country of COVID-19The disease class that COVID-19 belongs toSevere economic ______ is caused by COVID-19The country that is most affected by COVID-19A disease that is prevalent over the entire worldSomething that can help you prevent COVID-19 infectionThe typical number of newly infected people from 1 case...

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
  2. Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
  3. Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
  4. Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
  5. Dari mana datangnya virus ini
  6. Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
  7. Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan
  8. Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
  9. Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
  10. Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
  11. Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
  1. Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
  2. Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  3. Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
  4. Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
  5. Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
  6. ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
  7. Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
  8. Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
  9. Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
  10. Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
  11. Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  12. Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
  13. Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____

24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus iniApakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?______ ialah permata berwarna biru.Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupanApakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?...

Covid-19 2020-10-22

Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
  2. The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
  3. Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
  4. To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
  5. The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
  6. COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
  7. Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
  8. if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be _
  1. The starting country of COVID-19
  2. What are the colour of the safe zone
  3. A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
  4. The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
  5. To give someone a disease
  6. The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
  7. The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
  8. One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
  9. The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
  10. Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
  11. The country that is most affected by COVID-19

19 Clues: To give someone a diseaseThe starting country of COVID-19What are the colour of the safe zoneThe disease class that COVID-19 belongs toSevere economic ______ is caused by COVID-19The country that is most affected by COVID-19A disease that is prevalent over the entire worldSomething that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection...

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
  2. Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
  3. Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
  4. Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
  5. Dari mana datangnya virus ini
  6. Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
  7. Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan
  8. Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
  9. Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
  10. Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
  11. Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
  1. Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
  2. Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  3. Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
  4. Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
  5. Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
  6. ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
  7. Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
  8. Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
  9. Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
  10. Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
  11. Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  12. Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
  13. Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____

24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus iniApakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?______ ialah permata berwarna biru.Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupanApakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?...

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 crossword puzzle
  1. ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
  2. Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
  3. Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
  4. Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
  5. Dari mana datangnya virus ini
  6. Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
  7. Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
  8. Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
  9. Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____
  10. Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
  11. Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
  1. Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
  2. Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
  3. Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  4. Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
  5. Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
  6. Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
  7. Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
  8. Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
  9. Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  10. Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
  11. Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
  12. Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
  13. Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan

24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus iniApakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?______ ialah permata berwarna biru.Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupanApakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?...

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 2021-08-11

Sajak Tunggulah Sehingga Esok dan Virus Covid 19 crossword puzzle
  1. ______ ialah permata berwarna biru.
  2. Tunggulah Sehingga Esok merupakan puisi _____ yang ditulisnya dalam naskhah tersebut
  3. Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.
  4. Hadkan hubungan rapat dengan orang lain, jarakkan sekitar ___ kaki daripada orang lain
  5. Dari mana datangnya virus ini
  6. Puisi-puisi yang terkandung di dalam buku tersebut merangkumi pelbagai aspek seperti _____ yang wujud daripada penularan virus tersebut.
  7. Merentas ______ : Pandemik 2020 merupakan buku puisi yang dikarang ketikan covid-19 melanda dunia
  8. Berapakah bilangan rakyat yang Dr.Noor Hisham bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga?
  9. Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____
  10. Apakah gelaran untuk orang yang berjuang ketika Covid 19? Barisan ____
  11. Apakah perasaan SweeTin melihat Dr.Noor Hisham berjaya mengawal penularan pandemik Covid-19 di negara ini?
  1. Apakah simptom pertama apabila kita dijangkiti virus Covid-19?sakit_____
  2. Berapa banyakkah puisi di dalam buku Merentas Gempita: Pandemik 2020
  3. Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  4. Siapakah yang mengarang sajak tunggulah sehingaa esok?
  5. Apakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?
  6. Tanda amaran penting COVID-19 adalah kesukaran _____ atau sesak nafas.
  7. Pandemik covid 19 ini adalah satu virus yang menyerang
  8. Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupan
  9. Apakah perkara yang perlu dilakukan jika dijangkiti Covid-19 ?
  10. Kurangkan _____ menyentuh muka anda dengan tangan yang tidak bersih.
  11. Apakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?
  12. Bilakah SweeTin mula menulis puisi-puisi itu?______ 2019
  13. Covid-19 merupakan _____ dunia yang telah diturunkan oleh Tuhan

24 Clues: Dari mana datangnya virus iniApakah maksud (co)dalam Covid-19?______ ialah permata berwarna biru.Pandemik ini mengubah ____ kehidupanApakah haiwan yang membawa punca covid-19?Buku itu telah diiktiraf sebagai puisi_____Sentiasa tutup mulut semasa anda ____ atau bersin.Apakah simptom pertama apabila dijangkiti Covid-19 ?...

Covid-19 2020-10-22

Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
  2. if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be _
  3. Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
  4. Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
  5. The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
  6. The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
  7. The country that is most affected by COVID-19
  8. To give someone a disease
  9. To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
  1. The starting country of COVID-19
  2. A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
  3. The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
  4. What are the colour of the safe zone
  5. Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
  6. COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
  7. The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
  8. The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
  9. One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
  10. The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases

19 Clues: To give someone a diseaseThe starting country of COVID-19What are the colour of the safe zoneThe disease class that COVID-19 belongs toSevere economic ______ is caused by COVID-19The country that is most affected by COVID-19A disease that is prevalent over the entire worldSomething that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection...

Covid-19 2020-10-22

Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
  2. The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
  3. Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
  4. To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
  5. The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
  6. COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
  7. Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
  8. if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be _
  1. The starting country of COVID-19
  2. What are the colour of the safe zone
  3. A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
  4. The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June
  5. To give someone a disease
  6. The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
  7. The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
  8. One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
  9. The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
  10. Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
  11. The country that is most affected by COVID-19

19 Clues: To give someone a diseaseThe starting country of COVID-19What are the colour of the safe zoneThe disease class that COVID-19 belongs toSevere economic ______ is caused by COVID-19The country that is most affected by COVID-19A disease that is prevalent over the entire worldSomething that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection...

Covid 19 hortatory text puzzle 2023-04-19

Covid 19 hortatory text puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What type of face covering is recommended to help prevent the spread of COVID-19?
  2. What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19?
  3. What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19?
  4. What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2?
  5. The name of the condition where a person loses their sense of taste and/or smell?
  6. What is the name of the vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson to prevent COVID-19?
  7. What is the name of the vaccine developed by Moderna to prevent COVID-19?
  8. A ondition where a person's lungs fill with fluid, making it difficult to breathe?
  9. What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2?
  10. The name of the organization that is leading the global response to COVID-19?
  1. How far is the distance to maintain from others to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
  2. What is the name of the antiviral medication that was granted emergency use authorization to treat COVID-19?
  3. The most common symptom of COVID-19?
  4. What is the name of the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca to prevent COVID-19?
  5. What is the term used to describe the spread of disease from one person to another?
  6. What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19?
  7. What type of animal is believed to have transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to humans?
  8. the name of the process where a large percentage of a population becomes immune to a disease?
  9. Is it necessary to follow the latest guidelines and recommendations?
  10. When did the World Health Organization declare COVID-19 a global pandemi

20 Clues: What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2?The most common symptom of COVID-19?What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19?What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19?What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2?What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19?...

COVID-19 2020-05-27

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. The country that is most affected by COVID-19
  2. The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
  3. Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
  4. if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be ______
  5. COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
  6. The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
  7. Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
  8. Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
  9. To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
  10. The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case
  1. A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
  2. One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
  3. The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
  4. Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
  5. The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
  6. The starting country of COVID-19
  7. The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
  8. To give someone a disease
  9. The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June

19 Clues: To give someone a diseaseThe starting country of COVID-19The disease class that COVID-19 belongs toSevere economic ______ is caused by COVID-19The country that is most affected by COVID-19A disease that is prevalent over the entire worldSomething that can help you prevent COVID-19 infectionThe typical number of newly infected people from 1 case...

COVID-19 2020-05-27

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
  2. One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
  3. Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
  4. The starting country of COVID-19
  5. The country that is most affected by COVID-19
  6. To give someone a disease
  7. Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
  8. if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be ______
  9. Something that can help you prevent COVID-19 infection
  10. The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
  1. To kill all viruses and bacteria in an area or on a surface
  2. Something that can prevent COVID-19 but still being developed
  3. The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
  4. The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
  5. The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
  6. The typical number of newly infected people from 1 case
  7. COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
  8. The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
  9. The second most affected country; the country that is predicted to be the new epicenter of COVID-19 by the end of June

19 Clues: To give someone a diseaseThe starting country of COVID-19The disease class that COVID-19 belongs toSevere economic ______ is caused by COVID-19The country that is most affected by COVID-19A disease that is prevalent over the entire worldSomething that can help you prevent COVID-19 infectionThe typical number of newly infected people from 1 case...


COVID CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. Widespread of COVID-19 now classified as
  2. Restriction movement of infective individual
  3. BioNtech and Pfizer vaccine
  4. Infectious object
  5. First animal species infected with COVID-19
  6. Action of keeping harmful under control
  7. Total COVID strains
  8. One of the preventive measure
  9. Time for Virus that can survive on surface (hours)
  10. World first COVID vaccine
  11. Purpose of vitamin-C
  12. Little germs that have greater impact on life
  13. Indirect immunity
  14. Another name for immunoglobulins
  15. Complete lack of contact with people
  16. Mineral producing antiviral immunity
  1. One of the corticosteroid used for COVID-19
  2. Effective therapy with four drugs in regimen
  3. Vector for COVID-19 transmission
  4. Antiviral drug ( Nucleotide analog) for COVID-19
  5. Group of people in same area
  6. India's first indigenous COVID-19 vaccine
  7. One of the protective measure
  8. Family of COVID
  9. Loss of sense of smell
  10. Block buster drug in veterinary field for COVID-19
  11. Period between exposure and symptoms
  12. Antiviral drug used to treat influenza in Japan and now for COVID

28 Clues: Family of COVIDInfectious objectIndirect immunityTotal COVID strainsPurpose of vitamin-CLoss of sense of smellWorld first COVID vaccineBioNtech and Pfizer vaccineGroup of people in same areaOne of the protective measureOne of the preventive measureVector for COVID-19 transmissionAnother name for immunoglobulinsPeriod between exposure and symptoms...

COVID-19 Hortatory Text Puzzle 2023-05-05

COVID-19 Hortatory Text Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. What type of animal is believed to have transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to humans?
  2. What is the name of the vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson to prevent COVID-19?
  3. What is the name of the vaccine developed by Moderna to prevent COVID-19?
  4. What is the name of the organization that is leading the global response to COVID-19?
  5. What is the name of the process where a large percentage of a population becomes immune to a disease?
  6. What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2?
  7. What is the most common symptom of COVID-19?
  8. What is the term used to describe the spread of disease from one person to another?
  9. What is the recommended distance to maintain from others to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
  10. What is the name of the condition where a person loses their sense of taste and/or smell?
  1. What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2?
  2. What is the name of the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca to prevent COVID-19?
  3. What is the name of the condition where a person's lungs fill with fluid, making it difficult to breathe?
  4. What is the name of the antiviral medication that was granted emergency use authorization to treat COVID-19?
  5. What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19?
  6. What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19?
  7. When did the World Health Organization declare COVID-19 a global pandemic
  8. What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19?
  9. Is it necessary to follow the latest guidelines and recommendations?
  10. What type of face covering is recommended to help prevent the spread of COVID-19?

20 Clues: What type of virus is SARS-CoV-2?What is the most common symptom of COVID-19?What is the name of the virus that causes COVID-19?What is the name of the test used to detect COVID-19?What is the name of the illness caused by SARS-CoV-2?What is the name of the vaccine developed to prevent COVID-19?...

Servier Quiz 1 2020-12-10

Servier Quiz 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Pembawa virus yang tidak merasakan sakit
  2. Gejala umum penyakit Covid-19
  3. Organisasi yang mendeklarasikan Covid sebagai pandemi
  4. Orang dengan penyakit penyerta
  5. Penyakit yang ditularkan antar hewan ke manusia
  6. Penyakit yang menyerang seluruh dunia
  7. Sistem tubuh yang diserang virus Covid-19
  8. menjaga jarak minimal 1 meter
  9. Orang yang berinteraksi dengan yang terkonfirmasi Covid lebih dari 15 menit
  10. Sistem kekebalan tubuh
  11. Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar
  1. Kota pertama ditemukannya virus Corona
  2. Salah satu cara efektif mencegah penyebaran Covid-19
  3. Kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk menelusuri orang yang berinteraksi dengan yang terkonfirmasi Covid-19
  4. Salah satu dari bagian tubuh yang dapat menularkan virus Corona
  5. Isolasi yang dilakukan untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit
  6. Cairan yang digunakan untuk membunuh bakteri pada benda mati
  7. Orang dengan gejalan dan diduga kuat menderita Covid-19
  8. Masa inkubasi virus Covid-19 berkisar antara satu sampai .... hari
  9. Bahan antigenik yang diberikan untuk mencegah atau mengurangi pengaruh infeksi penyebab penyakit
  10. Tes awal untuk seseorang yang diduga terpapar Covid-19

21 Clues: Sistem kekebalan tubuhGejala umum penyakit Covid-19menjaga jarak minimal 1 meterOrang dengan penyakit penyertaPembatasan Sosial Berskala BesarPenyakit yang menyerang seluruh duniaKota pertama ditemukannya virus CoronaPembawa virus yang tidak merasakan sakitSistem tubuh yang diserang virus Covid-19Penyakit yang ditularkan antar hewan ke manusia...

TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1 24 2023-08-23

TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1 24 crossword puzzle
  1. virus yang menjangkit hewan dan manusia
  2. hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD
  3. Covid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota
  4. Virus yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari hari
  5. obat yang digunakan untuk memperlambat HIV
  6. selain udara, covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
  7. salah satu gejalan virus covid-19
  8. cara mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19 lewat tangan, yaitu
  9. penyakit yang menyerang hati
  1. nama lain penyakit hepatitis
  2. cara mencegah penyebaran cacar air yaitu
  3. Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat
  4. hewan yang rentan terkena rabies
  5. AIDS dapat menyebar melalui
  6. gejala demam berdarah
  7. Virus yang sampai saat ini belum ditemukan obatnya
  8. Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
  9. cara rabies menyerang target lainnya, yaitu
  10. Hewan penyebab virus covid-19
  11. ciri-ciri hewan terjangkit virus rabies

20 Clues: gejala demam berdarahAIDS dapat menyebar melaluinama lain penyakit hepatitispenyakit yang menyerang hatiHewan penyebab virus covid-19hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBDhewan yang rentan terkena rabiessalah satu gejalan virus covid-19Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewatVirus cacar air mudah menyebar lewatCovid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota...

Test your knowledge 2024-12-05

Test your knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Infected but showing no symptoms.
  2. The primary organ affected by COVID-19.
  3. The city where COVID-19 was first identified.
  4. The ability of a vaccine to prevent disease.
  5. The disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.
  6. The technology used in Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.
  7. The state of being protected against infectious diseases.
  8. The first mRNA vaccine approved in the United States.
  9. Another common COVID-19 symptom.
  10. Loss of this is a symptom of COVID-19.
  11. A COVID-19 vaccine approved for single-dose administration.
  12. A common symptom of COVID-19.
  1. A sensation of coldness often accompanied by shivering, common in COVID-19 cases.
  2. The mRNA vaccine approved for individuals 18 and older on December 18, 2020.
  3. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; another illness caused by coronaviruses.
  4. The part of the virus encoded by mRNA vaccines to trigger an immune response.
  5. The period from infection to the onset of symptoms.
  6. A structure used to deliver mRNA in vaccines.
  7. A biological preparation that provides immunity to a specific disease.
  8. A type of disease transmitted from animals to humans.
  9. A condition falsely linked to vaccines in a discredited 1998 study.
  10. A viral vector vaccine used for COVID-19.
  11. Proteins produced by the immune system in response to vaccines.

23 Clues: A common symptom of COVID-19.Another common COVID-19 symptom.Infected but showing no symptoms.Loss of this is a symptom of COVID-19.The primary organ affected by COVID-19.A viral vector vaccine used for COVID-19.The ability of a vaccine to prevent disease.A structure used to deliver mRNA in vaccines.The city where COVID-19 was first identified....

TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1-24 2023-08-23

TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1-24 crossword puzzle
  1. cara rabies menyerang target lainnya, yaitu
  2. ciri-ciri hewan terjangkit virus rabies
  3. salah satu gejalan virus covid-19
  4. AIDS dapat menyebar melalui
  5. obat yang digunakan untuk memperlambat HIV
  6. selain udara, covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
  7. cara mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19 lewat tangan, yaitu
  8. hewan yang rentan terkena rabies
  9. pencegahan penularan virus cacar air
  10. Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat
  1. Virus yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari hari
  2. Virus yang sampai saat ini belum ditemukan obatnya
  3. salah satu gejala demam berdarah
  4. Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
  5. Hewan penyebab virus covid-19
  6. hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD
  7. penyakit yang menyerang hati
  8. Covid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota
  9. virus yang menjangkit hewan dan manusia
  10. nama lain penyakit hepatitis

20 Clues: AIDS dapat menyebar melaluipenyakit yang menyerang hatinama lain penyakit hepatitisHewan penyebab virus covid-19hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBDsalah satu gejala demam berdarahhewan yang rentan terkena rabiessalah satu gejalan virus covid-19Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewatpencegahan penularan virus cacar airVirus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat...

TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1-24 2023-08-23

TTS Biologi Samuel Tulle X1-24 crossword puzzle
  1. cara rabies menyerang target lainnya, yaitu
  2. ciri-ciri hewan terjangkit virus rabies
  3. salah satu gejalan virus covid-19
  4. AIDS dapat m9enyebar melalui
  5. obat yang digunakan untuk memperlambat HIV
  6. selain udara, covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
  7. cara mencegah penyebaran virus covid-19 lewat tangan, yaitu
  8. hewan yang rentan terkena rabies
  9. pencegahan penularan virus cacar air
  10. Virus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat
  1. Virus yang terjadi di kehidupan sehari hari
  2. Virus yang sampai saat ini belum ditemukan obatnya
  3. salah satu gejala demam berdarah
  4. Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewat
  5. Hewan penyebab virus covid-19
  6. hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBD
  7. penyakit yang menyerang hati
  8. Covid-19 pertamakali ditemukan di kota
  9. virus yang menjangkit hewan dan manusia
  10. nama lain penyakit hepatitis

20 Clues: AIDS dapat m9enyebar melaluipenyakit yang menyerang hatinama lain penyakit hepatitisHewan penyebab virus covid-19hewan yang menjadi penyebab DBDsalah satu gejala demam berdarahhewan yang rentan terkena rabiessalah satu gejalan virus covid-19Virus Covid-19 mudah menyebar lewatpencegahan penularan virus cacar airVirus cacar air mudah menyebar lewat...

Vacina contra a Covid - 19; Professora: Claudiane (Kika) 2021-04-11

Vacina contra a Covid - 19; Professora: Claudiane (Kika) crossword puzzle
  1. Os anticorpos precisam se conectar com as
  2. A missão da Anvisa é proteger e promover a saúde para a
  3. Um dos Países que a iniciou a aplicação da vacina Coronavac?
  4. Um dos grupos que tem prioridade para tomar a vacina contra a covid - 19?
  5. A vacina contra a covid - 19 que não foi aprovada pela Anvisa
  6. As vacinas coronavac e oxford são administradas em quantas doses?
  7. Um dos efeito colaterais possível de sentir depois da vacinação do covid - 19
  8. A esperança da população para frear a pandemia da covid - 19 é?
  9. Qual o nome da proteína que os anticorpos se conectam
  10. A Beta propiolactona desativou os novos coronas vírus ao se conectar com
  11. Qual porcentagem mínima de eficácia para quem foi vacinado com a Coronavac
  12. Quem ainda não pode tomar a vacina da covid -19
  13. A sigla usada para representar a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária
  14. O nome empresa chinesa que desenvolveu a Coronavac
  15. Uma das vantagens de tomar vacina contra covid -19
  1. Uma das vacinas contra a Covid -19 mais usada no Brasil
  2. Na realização da vacina contra o covid – 19 os pesquisadores cultivaram grandes estoques do novo corona nas células
  3. A vacina produzida pela Fiocruz (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz)
  4. As vacinas são produtos
  5. Quanto tempo demora para ser imunizado por completo, após as duas doses da vacina contra covid - 19
  6. Quantos milhões de doses de vacina contra a covid - 19 foram aplicadas no Brasil?
  7. Um dos Países que iniciou a vacinação da Coronavac?

22 Clues: As vacinas são produtosOs anticorpos precisam se conectar com asQuem ainda não pode tomar a vacina da covid -19O nome empresa chinesa que desenvolveu a CoronavacUma das vantagens de tomar vacina contra covid -19Um dos Países que iniciou a vacinação da Coronavac?Qual o nome da proteína que os anticorpos se conectam...

LAB WEEK at Kaiser San Jose 2021-04-22

LAB WEEK at Kaiser San Jose crossword puzzle
  1. A Drug of Abuse
  2. Often elevated in Covid+ patients
  3. Transfused for Coagulation factors
  4. Abnormal cell distribution
  5. Urine Crystal
  6. A Covid-19 vaccine
  7. Hemoglobin derivative
  8. Yellowish color of CSF supernatant
  9. Complete Blood Count
  10. Based the number of dissolved particles in a solution
  11. Bacterial infection
  12. Hand __________
  13. Causative agent of Covid-19
  14. Order Entry is an example
  15. Covid-19 symptom
  16. How much of a given substance is measured
  17. Mode of transmission for Covid-19
  1. Used by Pfizer for Covid-19 antibody production
  2. ________ guidelines
  3. Can be seen in urine wet mount
  4. Sudden increase in disease cases within a region
  5. Covid-19 crisis
  6. Person under Investigation
  7. Part of blood count
  8. Measure of dispersion of a set of value
  9. Shots
  10. RBC inclusions
  11. Symptom of diabetes
  12. Mask & gloves
  13. An electrolyte
  14. To isolate
  15. Chelating anticoagulant for tubes
  16. Original name of Kaiser San Jose
  17. Name of control used for CRP
  18. Methodology of one of the Covid-19 tests
  19. Common bacteria found in UTI

36 Clues: ShotsTo isolateUrine CrystalMask & glovesRBC inclusionsAn electrolyteA Drug of AbuseCovid-19 crisisHand __________Covid-19 symptomA Covid-19 vaccine________ guidelinesPart of blood countSymptom of diabetesBacterial infectionComplete Blood CountHemoglobin derivativeOrder Entry is an examplePerson under InvestigationAbnormal cell distribution...

LAB WEEK at Kaiser San Jose 2021-04-22

LAB WEEK at Kaiser San Jose crossword puzzle
  1. Methodology of one of the Covid-19 tests
  2. Covid-19 crisis
  3. Hand __________
  4. Often elevated in Covid+ patients
  5. Complete Blood Count
  6. Person under Investigation
  7. An electrolyte
  8. Measure of dispersion of a set of value
  9. ________ guidelines
  10. RBC inclusions
  11. Abnormal cell distribution
  12. Mask & gloves
  13. How much of a given substance is measured
  14. Chelating anticoagulant for tubes
  15. Common bacteria found in UTI
  16. A Covid-19 vaccine
  17. Name of control used for CRP
  18. Symptom of diabetes
  19. Hemoglobin derivative
  20. Can be seen in urine wet mount
  1. Transfused for Coagulation factors
  2. Used by Pfizer for Covid-19 antibody production
  3. A Drug of Abuse
  4. Yellowish color of CSF supernatant
  5. Causative agent of Covid-19
  6. Bacterial infection
  7. Shots
  8. Covid-19 symptom
  9. Sudden increase in disease cases within a region
  10. Order Entry is an example
  11. Based the number of dissolved particles in a solution
  12. Urine Crystal
  13. Mode of transmission for Covid-19
  14. To isolate
  15. Part of blood count
  16. Original name of Kaiser San Jose

36 Clues: ShotsTo isolateUrine CrystalMask & glovesAn electrolyteRBC inclusionsA Drug of AbuseCovid-19 crisisHand __________Covid-19 symptomA Covid-19 vaccineBacterial infection________ guidelinesPart of blood countSymptom of diabetesComplete Blood CountHemoglobin derivativeOrder Entry is an examplePerson under InvestigationAbnormal cell distribution...

Covid-19 2020-05-15

Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Covid-19 is caused by this type of single cell organism
  2. A term often used as a synonym for mask
  3. Disease characterized by persistently high blood sugar
  4. The country with the highest total cases of Covid-19 at at May 1, 2020
  5. The organisation responsible for monitoring health in the americas
  6. The month in which Covid-19 was reported as an emerging problem
  7. Fine droplets suspended in air
  8. (adj.) Can be spread from person to person
  9. The unit of measurement used for virus and other particles blocked by N95 masks
  10. Covid-19 is version 2 of this condition
  11. The organisation responsible for monitoring global health
  12. (adj) [of a disease] transmissible from animals to humans; normally impacting animals but may infect humans
  1. This is what MERS stands for
  2. The city and country in which Covid-19 was first observed and reported
  3. A common respiratory condition in Barbados which involves wheezing
  4. Disease characterised by persistently high blood pressure
  5. The practice of maintaining safe separation between individuals to reduce spreading diseases
  6. An epidemic which impacts the entire globe
  7. (n) Movement of a disease from person to person, for example
  8. the type of genetic material found in Covid-19
  9. Another disease/condition that can cause severe complications with Covid-19
  10. The US state most affected by Covid-19
  11. Another disease caused by a Covid-19 cousin
  12. changes in the genetic code of an organism
  13. this disease has caused past pandemics
  14. a Nordic country that never implemented a shut-down due to Covid-19

26 Clues: This is what MERS stands forFine droplets suspended in airThe US state most affected by Covid-19this disease has caused past pandemicsA term often used as a synonym for maskCovid-19 is version 2 of this conditionAn epidemic which impacts the entire globe(adj.) Can be spread from person to personchanges in the genetic code of an organism...


COVID-19 DAN PENCEGAHANNYA crossword puzzle
  1. Bahan pembasmi kuman yang terkandung dalam 'hand sanitizer' ialah _____.
  2. Pemakaian pelitup _____ ketika berada di kawasan umum digalakkan bagi mencegah dan mengawal penularan wabak COVID-19.
  3. Meningkatkan aliran _____ dengan membuka tingkap boleh mengurangkan risiko penularan COVID-19.
  4. Protein yang dihasilkan oleh tubuh badan untuk melawan jangkitan.
  5. Simptom serius bagi penyakit COVID-19 ialah kesukaran _____.
  6. Organisasi antarabangsa apakah yang mengisytihar COVID-19 sebagai pandemik pada bulan Mac 2020?
  7. Elakkan memakai pelitup muka di bahagian _____ dagu.
  8. Kita perlulah elakkan _____ mata, hidung dan mulut kita.
  9. Mengenal pasti _____ rapat adalah salah satu usaha untuk membendung penularan wabak COVID-19.
  10. Epidemik yang berlaku dalam satu skala geografikal yang besar.
  11. Pelitup muka perubatan (medical mask) hanya boleh diguna pakai _____ kali sahaja dan harus dibuang dengan cara yang betul.
  12. Kita haruslah kerap _____ tangan dengan air dan sabun atau menggunakan 'hand sanitizer'.
  13. Kita haruslah menjarakkan diri dengan orang lain sekurang-kurangnya _____ meter.
  1. COVID-19 berjangkit dari individu ke individu lain melalui _____ pernafasan atau sentuhan.
  2. Penjarakan _____ merupakan salah satu cara untuk memutuskan rantaian penyebaran COVID-19.
  3. _____ kelompok merujuk kepada populasi yang mempunyai daya ketahanan terhadap penyakit berjangkit.
  4. Varian baru yang diberi nama _____ boleh merebak dalam tempoh masa yang singkat dan mampu merebak melalui udara.
  5. Kita tidak boleh berkongsi bekas _____ bagi mengelakkan jangkitan COVID-19.
  6. Elakkan berjabat _____.
  7. Elakkan tempat yang _____ dan sempit.
  8. Kita mestilah _____ mulut dan hidung apabila batuk dan bersin.
  9. Kes pertama COVID-19 dilaporkan di _____.
  10. Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna dan Sinovac. Apakah ia?
  11. Tempoh pengasingan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia(KKM) ialah _____ hari bermula pada hari membuat ujian calitan PCR yang positif.
  12. Terdapat _____ kategori keterukan jangkitan COVID-19.

25 Clues: Elakkan berjabat _____.Elakkan tempat yang _____ dan sempit.Kes pertama COVID-19 dilaporkan di _____.Elakkan memakai pelitup muka di bahagian _____ dagu.Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, Moderna dan Sinovac. Apakah ia?Terdapat _____ kategori keterukan jangkitan COVID-19.Kita perlulah elakkan _____ mata, hidung dan mulut kita....

COVID 19 2022-04-13

COVID 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Kapan WHO pertama kali menyatakan covid 19 sebagai pandemi?
  2. Virus Corona (COVID-19) yang menyerang manusia muncul di negara ... pada awal tahun 2020
  3. seberapa persen bahaya covid ini
  4. kapan vaksin booster dimulai
  5. apa vaksin covid pertama di indonesia?
  6. Cara bersin yang baik dan beretika yaitu dengan?
  7. virus corona diduga dari sup
  8. Negara mana yang pertama kali melakukan vaksinasi?
  1. nama virus varian baru
  2. Kapan kasus covid 19 ditemukan pertama kali di indonesia?
  3. Peran serta masyarakat diperlukan untuk mencegah covid 19 semakin menyebar dengan cara?
  4. COVID-19 bisa masuk melalui anggota anggota tubuh kecuali?
  5. apa vaksin covid19 pertama di indonesia
  6. Suhu tubuh orang yang tertular covid
  7. COVID-19 tidak bisa hidup di beberapa jenis air yaitu?
  8. Gejala covid
  9. Media penyebaran virus corona dengan cara?
  10. Cuci tangan yang paling baik dilakukan dengan menggunakan sabun pada
  11. covid berasal dari?

19 Clues: Gejala covidcovid berasal dari?nama virus varian barukapan vaksin booster dimulaivirus corona diduga dari supseberapa persen bahaya covid iniSuhu tubuh orang yang tertular covidapa vaksin covid pertama di indonesia?apa vaksin covid19 pertama di indonesiaMedia penyebaran virus corona dengan cara?Cara bersin yang baik dan beretika yaitu dengan?...

COVID-19 (By: Gavin Price) 2020-08-20

COVID-19 (By: Gavin Price) crossword puzzle
  1. A shortness of _ is one of the most notable symptoms of COVID-19
  2. pain in the _ is a very common symptom of COVID-19
  3. A sore _ is another common symptom of COVID-19.
  4. The _ are much more effected by COVID-19(has to do with age).
  5. _ days is the max incubation period of COVID-19
  6. If you have COVID you get _
  7. Dangerous activitie that involve inhaling chemicals such as _ make the chance of dying from it higher.
  8. Not being able to taste or _ food are many times the first symptoms.
  9. The reccomended distance between people is _ feet
  1. COVID-19 is an _ diesease (meaning it travels through the air).
  2. The CDC recommends a _ mask over a face shield.
  3. Running a high _ is a common symptom of COVID-19
  4. Washing your _ with soap and water is highly recommended to halt the spread of covid.
  5. The most affected organ in the majority of COVID-19 Cases.
  6. Wearing a _ can make the spread of COVID-19 through the mouth and nose slow down.
  7. Covid-19 has many of the same syptoms as the _

16 Clues: If you have COVID you get _Covid-19 has many of the same syptoms as the _The CDC recommends a _ mask over a face shield.A sore _ is another common symptom of COVID-19._ days is the max incubation period of COVID-19Running a high _ is a common symptom of COVID-19The reccomended distance between people is _ feet...

COVID-19 2020-03-12

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. The virus is fitted with protein spikes sticking out of the envelope that ___(form)the surface
  2. The country with the second highest victims.
  3. People should avoid unnecessary contact with...
  4. The COVID-19 attacks___system.
  5. Something that can cure the COVID-19 but still currently developed
  6. The first city that COVID-19 found.
  7. Coronaviruses (CoV)___ a family of viruses that cause sicknesses
  8. Any virus that ___(enter) your body looks for cells with compatible receptors
  9. the number of COVID-19's phases of attack.
  1. one of COVID-19 symptomps.
  2. COVID-19 are transmitted via...
  3. Something that might help people to prevent the virus
  4. Corona Virus
  5. Immune cells ___(recognize) the virus and flood into the lungs.
  6. Something that COVID-19 attack
  7. Coronaviruses ___(cause) diseases in mammals and birds.
  8. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  9. nCOV

18 Clues: nCOVCorona Virusone of COVID-19 symptomps.The COVID-19 attacks___system.Something that COVID-19 attackCOVID-19 are transmitted via...Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeThe first city that COVID-19 found.the number of COVID-19's phases of attack.The country with the second highest victims.People should avoid unnecessary contact with......

COVID-19 Response 2020-04-27

COVID-19 Response crossword puzzle
  1. Country with the most COVID-19 infections
  2. What should be taken at start of shift
  3. Do not touch your ____________
  4. Protective Gear
  5. Who do you get permission from to enter a COVID-19 room?
  6. Process completed when site has been exposed to possible contamination?
  7. Which department needs to be contacted if ill?
  8. How COVID-19 can be transmitted
  9. What should you do before and after touching mask?
  1. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19
  2. Name of strategy in place to lower number of infections
  3. Number of days lab coat can be worn in repair area?
  4. Face mask worn if entering a COVID-19 room?
  5. What color bag is used to cover dirty equipment?
  6. Minimum amount of seconds to wash hands
  7. Number of days a lab coat can be worn if not soiled?
  8. First person to contact if you fall ill?
  9. Type of mask used when cleaning equipment
  10. COVID-19
  11. If you are ill with COVID-19 you will be?
  12. What should be worn when cleaning equipment?
  13. _____ refer to the stop the spread of germs guidelines
  14. Employee that can enter a room with COVID-19
  15. How many feet should you distance yourself from someone

24 Clues: COVID-19Protective GearDo not touch your ____________How COVID-19 can be transmittedOne of the main symptoms of COVID-19What should be taken at start of shiftMinimum amount of seconds to wash handsFirst person to contact if you fall ill?Country with the most COVID-19 infectionsType of mask used when cleaning equipment...

2020 COVID Crossword 2020-12-09

2020 COVID Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Hand sanitizer alternative
  2. COVID-19 catchphrase
  3. Stay at home order
  4. Mental health day practice
  5. Lead member of COVID-19 task force
  6. Virtual conferencing tool
  7. Six feet apart
  8. Widespread disease
  9. "In these __________ times."
  1. A tool used by health departments to prevent the spread of infections disease.
  2. Silence; a red microphone
  3. Dwarf with signs of COVID-19
  4. An image, behind you
  5. Protection against Covid-19
  6. Personal Protective Equipment: Abbr.
  7. 10-14 days long
  8. US Federal Government Economic Assistance Program
  9. Coronavirus: Abbr.
  10. A scarce resource during 2020
  11. Turn

20 Clues: TurnSix feet apart10-14 days longStay at home orderCoronavirus: Abbr.Widespread diseaseCOVID-19 catchphraseAn image, behind youSilence; a red microphoneVirtual conferencing toolHand sanitizer alternativeMental health day practiceProtection against Covid-19Dwarf with signs of COVID-19"In these __________ times."A scarce resource during 2020...

COVID-19 2020-04-13

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Se le llama al espacio que debemos guardar de las demás personas para evitar el contagio de COVID-19
  2. Aislamiento preventivo de personas o animales en un lugar y durante un período por razones sanitarias
  3. Parte del cuerpo que debe lavarse con regularidad para evitar el contagio del virus.
  4. Enfermedad epidémica que se extiende a muchos países o que ataca a casi todos los individuos de una localidad o región
  5. Promedio de días después de la exposición en los que aparecen los síntomas
  6. País donde se originó el COVID-19
  7. Lugar en México en el que se registró el primer caso de COVID-19 (hombre llegado de Italia)
  8. Para reducir el riesgo de infección por COVID-19, evitar el ________ directo (1 metro) con cualquier persona con síntomas de resfriado o gripe
  9. Síntoma del COVID-19 que es la expulsión brusca, violenta y ruidosa del aire contenido en los pulmones
  10. Factor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19
  11. Parte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toser
  12. País con más casos de infectados de COVID-19
  1. Enfermedad del sistema respiratorio que consiste en la inflamación de los espacios alveolares de los pulmones y es una de las complicaciones del COVID-19
  2. Enfermedad infecciosa que produce síntomas similares al COVID-19 (fiebre, tos seca, disnea, mialgia y fatiga)
  3. Enfermedad infecciosa causada por un nuevo virus que no había sido detectado en humanos hasta la fecha.
  4. Persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedad
  5. Que puede causar la muerte del individuo
  6. La transmisión del COVID-19 se produce mediante pequeñas gotas que se emiten al hablar, estornudar, toser o espirar, estas gotas reciben el nombre de...
  7. Síntoma del COVID-19 que se manifiesta cuando el ser humano tiene una temperatura superior a la considerada normal
  8. Lo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toser

20 Clues: País donde se originó el COVID-19Que puede causar la muerte del individuoParte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toserPaís con más casos de infectados de COVID-19Persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedadLo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toserFactor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19...

End of Unit Test - Hazards Y12 Geography 2020-05-13

End of Unit Test - Hazards Y12 Geography crossword puzzle
  1. Which country has over 80,000 deaths from COVID-19?
  2. In terms of frequency, COVID-19 is the first of its kind, but it is simlar to MERS and ...
  3. Most earthquakes occur on the Ring of Fire. This is an example of the ? distribution
  4. Places that have a high population ? have a higher rate of COVID-19
  5. Another word for temporal
  6. Not social distancing is an example of ? the impact of a hazard
  7. The scale on which earthquake magnitude is measured
  8. Death and infection numbers are examples of ? impacts.
  9. How often a hazard occurs
  10. The intensity of a hazard
  1. How interconnected countries are; those countries that are ... have more cases of COVID-19
  2. How long a hazard lasts
  3. COVID-19 is what type of virus?
  4. 187 countries have COVID-19; this is an example of the ? of spatial impact
  5. The Haiti 2010 earthquake lasted how many seconds?
  6. COVID-19 is an ? disease
  7. Corona is latin for ...
  8. The country you live in is a ? factor that can affect vulnerability to ecological hazards like COVID-19
  9. Building damage is an example of a risek to be ? for natural hazards like earthquakes

19 Clues: How long a hazard lastsCorona is latin for ...COVID-19 is an ? diseaseAnother word for temporalHow often a hazard occursThe intensity of a hazardCOVID-19 is what type of virus?The Haiti 2010 earthquake lasted how many seconds?Which country has over 80,000 deaths from COVID-19?The scale on which earthquake magnitude is measured...

coronavirus in spanish 2023-03-28

coronavirus in spanish crossword puzzle
  1. ¿Cuál es el primer país en reportar una infección por COVID-19?
  2. ¿Cuál es el síntoma más popular de COVID-19?
  3. Verdadero o Falso - El Coronavirus llegó para quedarse indefinidamente.
  4. ¿Qué tipo de máscara proporciona la mejor protección?
  5. Quédate en ______ si te sientes enfermo.
  6. ¿Quiénes corren mayor riesgo de enfermarse gravemente de COVID-19?
  7. Cuando un virus se propaga por un país.
  8. Lávese las ________ con frecuencia para ayudar a prevenir infecciones porque las personas con frecuencia se tocan los ojos, la nariz y la boca sin siquiera darse cuenta.
  9. La dificultad para ________ es una señal de advertencia de emergencia o COVID-19.
  1. _________ las superficies si alguien en su hogar está enfermo.
  2. ¿Cuál es la tecnología utilizada en las vacunas contra el COVID-19?
  3. ¿Cuál es el nombre científico del coronavirus?
  4. Usar una ______ bien ajustada ayuda a protegerlo a usted y a quienes lo rodean al prevenir la propagación de COVID-19.
  5. La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es ________.
  6. ¿Cómo se llama el COVID que persiste durante meses?
  7. ¿Cuántos días debes quedarte en casa si das positivo por coronavirus?
  8. Cúbrase siempre la boca si tose o ___________.
  9. ¿Cuál es el mejor método para protegerse del Coronavirus?
  10. ¿A quién llama si siente síntomas de COVID-19?

19 Clues: Cuando un virus se propaga por un país.Quédate en ______ si te sientes enfermo.La vacuna contra el COVID-19 es ________.¿Cuál es el síntoma más popular de COVID-19?¿Cuál es el nombre científico del coronavirus?Cúbrase siempre la boca si tose o ___________.¿A quién llama si siente síntomas de COVID-19?...

Covid cross 2020-08-19

Covid cross crossword puzzle
  1. a period of isolation where people that have been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed
  2. second name for covid-19
  3. what did the World Health Organization declare the COVID‑19 outbreak
  4. how did schools teach when the lock down started
  5. most common form of clothing worn to protect against covid-19
  6. date of first official covid-19 case
  7. What length is declared proper social distancing
  1. Which city is reported to have the first covid-19 case
  2. the first animal to have covid-19
  3. a microscopic parasite that can infect living organisms and cause disease
  4. when was covid-19 first declared a pandemic
  5. First country to have covid-19
  6. what was the first state to require face coverings
  7. first state to have a covid-19 infected person
  8. date when covid-19 first was detected in the USA

15 Clues: second name for covid-19First country to have covid-19the first animal to have covid-19date of first official covid-19 casewhen was covid-19 first declared a pandemicfirst state to have a covid-19 infected personhow did schools teach when the lock down starteddate when covid-19 first was detected in the USA...

Corona Crossword 2020-11-28

Corona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Celebrity with COVID 19 and friend of Wilson
  2. People required to work to keep companies running
  3. COVID 19 therapeutic
  4. Group who isolate together
  5. Machine to help people breath
  6. Organization that leads partners in global health response
  7. Number of seconds you should wash your hands
  8. Social distance spacing recommendation
  9. Country where COVID 19 discovered
  10. A Government agency to combat COVID 19
  11. Another COVID vaccine maker
  12. Purchased in abundance for no reason
  13. Virus carrier who's not sick
  1. Nature of business during pandemic
  2. Virus carrier who infects many
  3. Acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  4. Vaccine maker
  5. A period of isolation
  6. Spray used to kill germs and virus
  7. Item worn to protect against air droplets from a sneeze
  8. The action of breathing
  9. Virtual meeting place
  10. Alcohol based cleanser
  11. A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies
  12. Place to binge watch
  13. Healthcare workers line of defense
  14. An abnormally high body temperature
  15. Word often interchanged with Pandemic
  16. New growing cluster of virus
  17. CDC home
  18. Flying Mammal and suspect cause of COVID 19
  19. Disease declared a pandemic in 202
  20. Try not to touch yours
  21. Lead member of COVID 19 Task Force
  22. City in China where COVID 19 is believed to have started

35 Clues: CDC homeVaccine makerCOVID 19 therapeuticPlace to binge watchA period of isolationVirtual meeting placeAlcohol based cleanserTry not to touch yoursThe action of breathingGroup who isolate togetherAnother COVID vaccine makerNew growing cluster of virusVirus carrier who's not sickMachine to help people breathVirus carrier who infects many...

SB COVID-19 Crossword 2021-04-02

SB COVID-19 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Alcohol based cleanser
  2. People required to work to keep companies running
  3. Spray used to kill germs and virus
  4. Healthcare workers line of defense
  5. Country where COVID 19 discovered
  6. Lead member of COVID 19 Task Force
  7. Social distance spacing recommendation
  8. An abnormally high body temperature
  9. The action of breathing
  10. Number of seconds you should wash your hands
  11. Virus carrier who's not sick
  12. Group who isolate together
  13. COVID 19 therapeutic
  14. A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies
  15. City in China where COVID 19 is believed to have started
  16. Acronym for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  1. Virus carrier who infects many
  2. Organization that leads partners in global health response
  3. Disease declared a pandemic in 202
  4. An order for self isolation
  5. Word often interchanged with Pandemic
  6. New growing cluster of virus
  7. Virtual meeting place
  8. Try not to touch yours
  9. Place to binge watch
  10. A Government agency to combat COVID 19
  11. Celebrity with COVID 19 and friend of Wilson
  12. Machine to help people breath
  13. Flying Mammal and suspect cause of COVID 19
  14. paper Purchased in abundance for no reason
  15. CDC home
  16. Another COVID vaccine maker
  17. Vaccine maker
  18. Item worn to protect against air droplets from a sneeze

34 Clues: CDC homeVaccine makerPlace to binge watchCOVID 19 therapeuticVirtual meeting placeAlcohol based cleanserTry not to touch yoursThe action of breathingGroup who isolate togetherAn order for self isolationAnother COVID vaccine makerNew growing cluster of virusVirus carrier who's not sickMachine to help people breathVirus carrier who infects many...

Coronavirus Puzzle 2023-03-19

Coronavirus Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Wearing a well fitted [BLANK] helps to protect you and those around you by preventing the spread of COVID-19.
  2. The COVID-19 vaccine is _________ of charge.
  3. What type of mask provides the best protection?
  4. What is the first country to report a COVID-19 infection?
  5. TRUE OR FALSE - The coronavirus is here to stay indefinitely.
  6. Stay ____ If you feel sick.
  7. Who are most at risk of severe illness of COVID-19?
  8. What is the most popular symptom of COVID-19?
  9. What is the scientific name for the Coronavirus?
  10. What is the best method to protect yourself from the Coronavirus?
  11. Sometimes people feel pain and pressure in the ______ when they test positive for COVID-19.
  1. Difficult [BLANK] is a emergency warning sign for COVID-19
  2. What is the technology used in the COVID-19 vaccines?
  3. Always cover your mouth if you cough or ______.
  4. How many days should you stay home if you test positive for the Coronavirus?
  5. When a virus spreads throughout a country it is called a ________.
  6. _______ surfaces if someone in your household is sick.
  7. What is it called when people experience Coronavirus symptoms for months?
  8. Wash your ______ often to help prevent infections because people frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realizing it.
  9. Who do you call if you feel COVID-19 symptoms?
  10. You should not go to __________ if you have symptoms of the Coronavirus.
  11. How many vaccines do I need to stay safe?
  12. Does the vaccine cure the Coronavirus?

23 Clues: Stay ____ If you feel sick.Does the vaccine cure the Coronavirus?How many vaccines do I need to stay safe?The COVID-19 vaccine is _________ of charge.What is the most popular symptom of COVID-19?Who do you call if you feel COVID-19 symptoms?Always cover your mouth if you cough or ______.What type of mask provides the best protection?...

Test 2020-12-17

Test crossword puzzle
  1. ရောဂါပိုး ရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူများကို မေးမြန်းစုံစမ်းခြင်း
  2. ရောဂါပိုးရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူ
  3. COVID-19 ကူးစက်ခံရသူများတွင် ဖြစ်နိုင်သော အဆုတ်ရောဂါ
  4. နှာခေါင်းမှ အနံ့မရတော့ခြင်း
  5. COVID-19 ကူးစက်ခံရဖူးသူများဆီမှ သွေးရည်ကြည်ကို အသုံးပြုသော ကုထုံး
  6. COVID-19 ရောဂါ မကူးစက်စေရန်အတွက် အပြင်သွားသည့်အခါတိုင်း ဝတ်ဆင်သင့်သည့် အရာတစ်ခု
  7. COVID-19 ရောဂါကို ဖြစ်စေသော ပိုး
  1. COVID-19 ကာကွယ်ထိန်းချုပ်ကုသရေးများတွင် ရှေ့တန်းမှ ပါဝင်နေသူများ
  2. ပိုးစစ်ရန်အတွက် နှာခေါင်း/အာခေါင်မှ ယူသော တို့ဖတ်
  3. ရောဂါပိုးရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူများကို အသွားအလာ ကန့်သတ်ထားခြင်း
  4. ရောဂါပိုး ကူးစက်မှုမှ ကာကွယ်ရန်အတွက် အမြဲ ဆောင်ထားပြီး မကြာခဏ အသုံးပြုသင့်သော အရာတစ်ခု
  5. COVID-19,Ebola, AIDS အစရှိသော ဗိုင်းရပ်စ်ရောဂါများကို ကုသရာတွင် သုံးနိုင်သော ဆေးအုပ်စု
  6. COVID-19 ရောဂါ မကူးစက်စေရန် မျက်နှာတွင် ဝတ်ဆင်သင့်သော အရာတစ်ခု
  7. ရောဂါကူးစက်ခံရသူ များပြားသည့် နေရာများကို အဝင်အထွက် ကန့်သတ်ခြင်း

14 Clues: နှာခေါင်းမှ အနံ့မရတော့ခြင်းCOVID-19 ရောဂါကို ဖြစ်စေသော ပိုးရောဂါပိုးရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူပိုးစစ်ရန်အတွက် နှာခေါင်း/အာခေါင်မှ ယူသော တို့ဖတ်COVID-19 ကူးစက်ခံရသူများတွင် ဖြစ်နိုင်သော အဆုတ်ရောဂါCOVID-19 ရောဂါ မကူးစက်စေရန် မျက်နှာတွင် ဝတ်ဆင်သင့်သော အရာတစ်ခုရောဂါပိုး ရှိသူနှင့် ထိတွေ့ခဲ့ဖူးသူများကို မေးမြန်းစုံစမ်းခြင်း...

TTS COVID 19 2020-05-03

TTS COVID 19 crossword puzzle
  1. pulang kampung
  2. peningkatan mendadak suatu penyakit didaerah tertentu
  3. cairan untuk membunuh kuman
  4. orang dalam pemantauan
  5. petugas yang membantu dokter
  6. Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut
  7. pasien yang menunjukkan gejala corona
  8. penyebaran penyakit menular didaerah luas
  9. pembatasan sosial berskala besar
  10. walikota Bogor
  11. menjauhkan orang-orang agar tidak tertular covid-19
  12. kota asal mula covid-19
  1. mengunci keluar masuk ke suatu wilayah
  2. rumah sakit darurat covit-19
  3. pengujian cepat covid-19
  4. pasien dalam pengawasan
  5. work from home
  6. juru bicara covid-19
  7. alat pelindung dari debu dan virus
  8. alat pelindung diri
  9. menjaga jarak antar manusia
  10. zat yang memperlambat pertumbuhan bakteri
  11. organisas kesehatan PBB

23 Clues: pulang kampungwork from homewalikota Bogoralat pelindung dirijuru bicara covid-19orang dalam pemantauanpasien dalam pengawasanorganisas kesehatan PBBkota asal mula covid-19pengujian cepat covid-19cairan untuk membunuh kumanmenjaga jarak antar manusiarumah sakit darurat covit-19petugas yang membantu dokterInfeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut...

TTS COVID 19 2020-05-03

TTS COVID 19 crossword puzzle
  1. kota asal mula covid-19
  2. rumah sakit darurat covit-19
  3. pembatasan sosial berskala besar
  4. peningkatan mendadak suatu penyakit didaerah tertentu
  5. juru bicara covid-19
  6. zat yang memperlambat pertumbuhan bakteri
  7. pasien dalam pengawasan
  8. Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut
  9. menjauhkan orang-orang agar tidak tertular covid-19
  10. alat pelindung diri
  11. alat pelindung dari debu dan virus
  1. mengunci keluar masuk ke suatu wilayah
  2. penyebaran penyakit menular didaerah luas
  3. cairan untuk membunuh kuman
  4. walikota Bogor
  5. menjaga jarak antar manusia
  6. work from home
  7. orang dalam pemantauan
  8. pengujian cepat covid-19
  9. petugas yang membantu dokter
  10. organisas kesehatan PBB
  11. pulang kampung
  12. pasien yang menunjukkan gejala corona

23 Clues: walikota Bogorwork from homepulang kampungalat pelindung dirijuru bicara covid-19orang dalam pemantauankota asal mula covid-19pasien dalam pengawasanorganisas kesehatan PBBpengujian cepat covid-19cairan untuk membunuh kumanmenjaga jarak antar manusiarumah sakit darurat covit-19petugas yang membantu dokterInfeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut...

Lauren's COVID-19 Puzzle 2020-10-19

Lauren's COVID-19 Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. How many days does everyone entering New Zealand must isolate for?
  2. Which gender in NZ has reported the most number of cases?
  3. How many days do returnees who need to pay for their stay in managed isolation have to pay?
  4. What can visitors drop off at your house that has to be contactless?
  5. Drinking alcohol does protect you against COVID-19?
  6. A group of 10 or more COVID-19 cases connected through transmission and who do not all live in the same household are classed as a what?
  7. What date in February was the first COVID-19 case reported in New Zealand?
  8. The service user has to be what before they can be released regardless of whether they have their day 12 test result?
  9. What system is the NZ Covid Tracer app?
  10. Which country has recorded the most COVID-19 cases?
  1. What is the name of a case with a reported history of international travel within 14 days of onset?
  2. Where should you cough or sneeze into?
  3. How many deaths in New Zealand have there been related to COVID-19?
  4. Who declared COVID-19 as pandemic?
  5. Does a negative test mean you don’t have the virus?
  6. At Alert Level 1, you are not legally required to wear face coverings
  7. How many people can you have at a funeral under Alert Level 3?
  8. Where was COVID-19 first reported?
  9. What distance should you keep in public away from others under Alert Level 2 and above?
  10. Who will let you know the results of the COVID-19 test?
  11. When was the Alert system introduced?

21 Clues: Who declared COVID-19 as pandemic?Where was COVID-19 first reported?When was the Alert system introduced?Where should you cough or sneeze into?What system is the NZ Covid Tracer app?Drinking alcohol does protect you against COVID-19?Does a negative test mean you don’t have the virus?Which country has recorded the most COVID-19 cases?...

Corona is very bad 2020-08-18

Corona is very bad crossword puzzle
  1. Not affected by a disease
  2. A device to help a patient breathe when they cannot by themselves
  3. country Where Covid-19 originated
  4. Wash these all the time
  5. provides immunity from a virus or disease
  6. When a virus has spreads all over the world
  7. Stay _____
  8. device used to provide some protection from the Covid-19
  1. Having the disease by not hving the symptoms
  2. Social ______
  3. Flatten the _______
  4. city Where the Covid-19 originated
  5. The organ Covid-19 affects the most
  6. How Covid-19 spreads
  7. One way Covid-19 spreads

15 Clues: Stay _____Social ______Flatten the _______How Covid-19 spreadsWash these all the timeOne way Covid-19 spreadsNot affected by a diseasecountry Where Covid-19 originatedcity Where the Covid-19 originatedThe organ Covid-19 affects the mostprovides immunity from a virus or diseaseWhen a virus has spreads all over the world...

Influenza in children. COVID-19 in children 2023-12-08

Influenza in children. COVID-19 in children crossword puzzle
  1. *Pandemic disease affecting kids globally.
  2. *Seasonal occurrence of influenza.
  3. *Annual vaccine recommended to prevent flu in kids.
  4. *Common route of transmission for flu and COVID-19.
  5. *Complication seen more in flu than COVID-19
  6. *Primary mode of prevention for both viruses.
  7. *Protective measure for both influenza and COVID-19.
  8. *Age group with higher risk for severe COVID-19.
  1. *Recommended COVID-19 vaccine for children.
  2. *Common respiratory virus in children.
  3. *Common cold symptom shared by both viruses.
  4. *COVID-19 preventive measure in schools.
  5. *Main symptom differentiating COVID-19 in children.
  6. *Symptom common to both influenza and COVID-19 in children.

14 Clues: *Seasonal occurrence of influenza.*Common respiratory virus in children.*COVID-19 preventive measure in schools.*Pandemic disease affecting kids globally.*Recommended COVID-19 vaccine for children.*Common cold symptom shared by both viruses.*Complication seen more in flu than COVID-19*Primary mode of prevention for both viruses....

COVID-19 Crossword 2021-09-17

COVID-19 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. COVID-19 often has a long _____ period, where individuals are infected but may not show symptoms.
  2. An infectious agent that enters the body and attempts to reproduce
  3. A group of RNA viruses that produce a variety of symptoms in animals and humans; COVID-19
  4. Limiting or halting in-person connections in an attempt to prevent the spread of a disease
  5. An article placed on the face to prevent airborne spread of COVID-19.
  6. What you are supposed to do after being exposed to/being a suspected/confirmed infection
  7. Social _____ was heavily emphasized in the beginning of the pandemic
  8. It is possible for someone to be ______, and show no symptoms after infection
  1. An easy way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is by washing your ____.
  2. Used to develop antibodies; Pfizer, Moderna
  3. An epidemic of infectious diseases
  4. COVID-19 often has similar symptoms to this yearly virus
  5. A common symptom of COVID-19; One of the most efficient methods for COVID-19 to spread
  6. Flattening the _____ was an important metaphor earlier in the pandemic, referencing slowing the spread of COVID-19 to prevent the filling of hospitals.
  7. An event that is directly responsible for a large amount of spread of an infectious disease
  8. A disease caused by a coronavirus that created a smaller epidemic in 2003.
  9. Having the ability to resist symptoms and spread of a particular disease
  10. People infected with COVID-19 often lose their _____.
  11. Proteins in our body that has the ability to recognize a disease as alien and enemy

19 Clues: An epidemic of infectious diseasesUsed to develop antibodies; Pfizer, ModernaPeople infected with COVID-19 often lose their _____.COVID-19 often has similar symptoms to this yearly virusAn infectious agent that enters the body and attempts to reproduceSocial _____ was heavily emphasized in the beginning of the pandemic...

Covid - 19 Crossword 2020-05-21

Covid - 19 Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Wear this when you are out in public
  2. When you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you do this
  3. the incubation period of Covid-19 is days
  4. Virus that causes COVID-19 is transmitted through
  5. We are all in this
  6. One of the symptoms of Covid-19 is a
  7. Wash your hands for at least 20
  8. Cough into your bent
  9. Flatten the
  10. Do not gather in
  1. A solution we offer our customers
  2. Avoid touching your
  3. The kind of distancing we practise
  4. Only visit shops for
  5. When you are exposed to COVID-19, you do this
  6. sanitizer Use this regularly to clean your hands
  7. Name of the mailbox we send customer call backs to
  8. Our current lockdown level
  9. Our insurance product

19 Clues: Flatten theDo not gather inWe are all in thisAvoid touching yourOnly visit shops forCough into your bentOur insurance productOur current lockdown levelWash your hands for at least 20A solution we offer our customersThe kind of distancing we practiseWear this when you are out in publicOne of the symptoms of Covid-19 is a...

COVID-19 2020-03-23

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Medida de prevención de contagios para pacientes con COVID-19 que consiste en mantenerse alejados de las demás personas. Hace alusión a un número.
  2. También llamada "cubrebocas", se recomienda su uso para personas con síntomas, o personas sanas que atenderán a enfermos de COVID-19.
  3. Medicamento utilizados para combatir una infección por bacterias, y que por lo tanto NO SON EFICACES contra la COVID-19.
  4. Condición médica que agrava la salud de personas enfermas de COVID-19, junto con el asma y las cardiopatías.
  5. Información falsa sobre el Coronavirus, como remedios caseros y teorías de la conspiración (plural).
  6. Uno de los síntomas de la COVID-19, junto con la tos y la dificultad para respirar.
  7. Medida principal para evitar el contagio de la COVID-19, debe durar al menos 20 segundos (tres palabras).
  8. Expulsión violenta de aire por la nariz que puede diseminar la COVID-19 si no se cubre nariz y boca con un pañuelo o con la parte interior del codo.
  9. Ciudad de China donde se detectó el primer brote de COVID-19.
  1. Prueba para confirmar la COVID-19.
  2. Gel que se puede usar como medida de prevención, en caso de no poder lavarse las manos.
  3. Para lavarse las manos, es necesario mojarlas con agua y aplicar suficiente…
  4. Tiempo de incubación máximo que tarda el Coronavirus en provocar síntomas. Número de días, escrito en letra.
  5. Primer país de Latinoamérica donde se detectó un caso de COVID-19.
  6. Extensa familia de virus que pueden causar enfermedades tanto en animales como en humanos.
  7. Mes del 2019 cuando surgió el primer brote de la COVID-19.
  8. Organización Mundial de la Salud (Siglas)

17 Clues: Prueba para confirmar la COVID-19.Organización Mundial de la Salud (Siglas)Mes del 2019 cuando surgió el primer brote de la COVID-19.Ciudad de China donde se detectó el primer brote de COVID-19.Primer país de Latinoamérica donde se detectó un caso de COVID-19.Para lavarse las manos, es necesario mojarlas con agua y aplicar suficiente…...

2020 Covid-19 crossword puzzle! 2020-08-20

2020 Covid-19 crossword puzzle! crossword puzzle
  1. A disease that spreads to others is ____
  2. Many people were required to self __ in 2020
  3. Origin of COVID 19
  4. People have started wearing __ to combat COVID 19
  5. Infections or diseases are caused by small living cell
  6. Fever, cough, and fatigue are all __ of COVID 19
  7. Center for Disease Control
  8. when a disease is prevalent over a country or the world
  1. COVID 19 is a __ disease
  2. public health conditions, washing hands, clean
  3. Country that has the most COVID 19 cases
  4. Older people and people with medical conditions are more at __
  5. Only ___ workers were allowed to work during lockdown
  6. Doctors are trying to create a __ to fight COVID 19
  7. You can become __ through respiratory droplets from someone who has COVID 19

15 Clues: Origin of COVID 19COVID 19 is a __ diseaseCenter for Disease ControlA disease that spreads to others is ____Country that has the most COVID 19 casesMany people were required to self __ in 2020public health conditions, washing hands, cleanFever, cough, and fatigue are all __ of COVID 19People have started wearing __ to combat COVID 19...

COVID-19 2020-04-08

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Aislamiento preventivo de personas o animales en un lugar y durante un período por razones sanitarias
  2. enfermedad infecciosa causada por un nuevo virus que no había sido detectado en humanos hasta la fecha.
  3. Factor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19
  4. Que puede causar la muerte del individuo
  5. Enfermedad del sistema respiratorio que consiste en la inflamación de los espacios alveolares de los pulmones y es una de las complicaciones del COVID-19
  6. País donde se originó el COVID-19
  7. Síntoma del COVID-19 que se manifiesta cuando el ser humano tiene una temperatura superior a la considerada normal
  8. Síntoma del COVID-19 que es la expulsión brusca, violenta y ruidosa del aire contenido en los pulmones
  9. Lugar en México en el que se registró el primer caso de COVID-19 (hombre llegado de Italia)
  10. Enfermedad epidémica que se extiende a muchos países o que ataca a casi todos los individuos de una localidad o región
  11. La transmisión del COVID-19 se produce mediante pequeñas gotas que se emiten al hablar, estornudar, toser o espirar, estas gotas reciben el nombre de...
  1. Se le llama al espacio que debemos guardar de las demás personas para evitar el contagio de COVID-19
  2. Lo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toser
  3. Parte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toser
  4. País con más casos de infectados de COVID-19
  5. Enfermedad infecciosa que produce síntomas similares (fiebre, tos seca, disnea, mialgia y fatiga)
  6. Parte del cuerpo que debe lavarse con regularidad para evitar el contagio del virus.
  7. persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedad
  8. Promedio de días después de la exposición en los que aparecen los síntomas

19 Clues: País donde se originó el COVID-19Que puede causar la muerte del individuoParte del cuerpo que debe cubrirse al toserPaís con más casos de infectados de COVID-19persona que no presenta síntomas de la enfermedadLo que debe hacer una persona al estornudar y/o toserFactor que aumenta la probabilidad de muerte por COVID-19...

Corona Crossword 2020-09-21

Corona Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. equipment or garment designed to protect from corona
  2. your hands frequently
  3. It is very important to wash your hands with
  4. place of isolation in which people exposed to infectious disease are placed.
  5. the most infected state of India with corona
  6. method effective in controlling covid 19
  7. hand sanitizers should have this to tackel coronavirus
  8. try not to touch your
  1. common symptoms of covid 19 are _,cough and breathing difficulties.
  2. helps to find covid-19 cases
  3. the name of the pandemic used with 19
  4. prevalent over a whole country or the world.
  5. name of a city in china
  6. an important measure taken by those who have COVID-19
  7. a cover on the nose and mouth
  8. an app developed by India for tracking Corona infection
  9. it declared covid 19 a global pandemic

17 Clues: your hands frequentlytry not to touch yourname of a city in chinahelps to find covid-19 casesa cover on the nose and mouththe name of the pandemic used with 19it declared covid 19 a global pandemicmethod effective in controlling covid 19prevalent over a whole country or the world.It is very important to wash your hands with...

COVID-19 and the Brain 2024-02-04

COVID-19 and the Brain crossword puzzle
  1. Marker of muscle degradation
  2. Neurological damage to the inner ear
  3. Similar condition to COVID-19 but differs pathologically
  4. Having affinity for neural cells
  5. Immune response causing many of the neurological conditions related to COVID-19
  6. Disease in humans is characterized by fever and severe cough
  7. condition resulting in the tingling in limbs
  8. Miscommunication between nerves and mucsles
  9. Mass influx of cytokines resulting in a mass amount of inflammation causing mass swelling
  10. Conditions that arise due to viral infections
  11. The disfunction of cranial nerves
  1. Protien involved in creating influx of inflammation
  2. Exportation of foreign bodies in a cell
  3. Muscle aches and pain
  4. Mechanism COVID-19 uses to bind to ACE2 receptors
  5. Condition that disrupts autonomic processes
  6. The first cranial nerve and what was hypothesized to be the cause of COVID-19 neurological conditions
  7. Process of a cell importing a forigen body into it's memebrane
  8. system consists of the nerves
  9. Proposed method of infection between neurons
  10. Virus that causes COVID-19
  11. Condition marked by the resurfacing of symptoms after a COVID-19 infection
  12. Binding site of COVID-19
  13. Selective semi-permeable membrane between the blood and the interstitium of the brain
  14. Pathogens of the respriatory system
  15. Relating to the system of sense of smell
  16. system consists of the brain and spinal cord
  17. Pro-inflammatory agent

28 Clues: Muscle aches and painPro-inflammatory agentBinding site of COVID-19Virus that causes COVID-19Marker of muscle degradationsystem consists of the nervesHaving affinity for neural cellsThe disfunction of cranial nervesPathogens of the respriatory systemNeurological damage to the inner earExportation of foreign bodies in a cell...

PUZZLE ON COVID 19 2020-08-03

PUZZLE ON COVID 19 crossword puzzle
  1. this term related to COVID was coined in 1968
  2. the first human corona virus infection ever discovered
  3. corona virus is
  4. started in saudi arabia in 2012
  5. a protein to infect human cells in COVID 19
  6. Fabiflu is manufactured by this innovator company
  7. A place of isolation during COVID to maintain physical distancing
  8. This disease was emerged in 2003
  9. scaly anteaters
  10. Common symptom in COVID 19
  1. china approved this drug recently against COVID
  2. an mRNA based influenza vaccine developed as a combined product of germany and USA
  3. Emergency Use Authorization
  4. NL63 discovered in this country
  5. The first discovered vaccine by NIH against Corona virus
  6. official medical grade face masks
  7. a research centre that regulates biological products under FDA
  8. corona virus first started in these animals
  9. COVID 19 was first identified in
  10. a drug made by Apeiron biologics against COVID
  11. COVID was declared outbreak by

21 Clues: corona virus isscaly anteatersCommon symptom in COVID 19Emergency Use AuthorizationCOVID was declared outbreak byNL63 discovered in this countrystarted in saudi arabia in 2012COVID 19 was first identified inThis disease was emerged in 2003official medical grade face masksa protein to infect human cells in COVID 19...

Covid -19 Kryžiažodis, sudarė VSS Daiva Jokubauskienė 2021-01-20

Covid -19 Kryžiažodis,  sudarė VSS Daiva Jokubauskienė crossword puzzle
  1. Dažniausiai Covid infekcijos pažeidžiamas organas...
  2. Vienas iš būdų apsisaugoti nuo Covid infekcijos
  3. Vienas iš būdų apsisaugoti nuo Covid infekcijos...rankas
  4. Simptomas būdingas Covid infekcijai
  5. Izoliacija trunka... dienų
  6. Žmoniją nuo Covid infekcijos gali apsaugoti
  7. Mokykloje norint apsisaugoti nuo virusinių susirgimų būtina...kabinetus
  8. Ar nuo Korona viruso apsaugo gripo vakcina?
  9. Grįžę iš užsienio asmenys privalo izoliuotis 14...
  10. Korona virusas plinta per...
  1. Vienas dažniausių Covid simptomų yra...
  2. Asmuo turėjęs artimą kontaktą su sergančiuoju Covid, privalo...
  3. Covid infekcijai nustatyti naudojamas...
  4. Labiausiai užsikrėsti Covid -19 rizikuoja...
  5. Covid infekcija platinama ir per ...
  6. Viena iš priemonių, apsauganti nuo Covid infekcijos
  7. Ar yra specifinis vaistas Covid infekcijai gydyti?
  8. Infekcinis susirgimas, kuriam būdingas uoslės praradimas
  9. Vienos iš vakcinų nuo Covid-19 pavadinimas

19 Clues: Izoliacija trunka... dienųKorona virusas plinta per...Simptomas būdingas Covid infekcijaiCovid infekcija platinama ir per ...Vienas dažniausių Covid simptomų yra...Covid infekcijai nustatyti naudojamas...Vienos iš vakcinų nuo Covid-19 pavadinimasŽmoniją nuo Covid infekcijos gali apsaugotiAr nuo Korona viruso apsaugo gripo vakcina?...

PUZZLE ON COVID 19 2020-08-03

PUZZLE ON COVID 19 crossword puzzle
  1. this term related to COVID was coined in 1968
  2. the first human corona virus infection ever discovered
  3. corona virus is
  4. started in saudi arabia in 2012
  5. a protein to infect human cells in COVID 19
  6. Fabiflu is manufactured by this innovator company
  7. A place of isolation during COVID to maintain physical distancing
  8. This disease was emerged in 2003
  9. scaly anteaters
  10. Common symptom in COVID 19
  1. china approved this drug recently against COVID
  2. an mRNA based influenza vaccine developed as a combined product of germany and USA
  3. Emergency Use Authorization
  4. NL63 discovered in this country
  5. The first discovered vaccine by NIH against Corona virus
  6. official medical grade face masks
  7. a research centre that regulates biological products under FDA
  8. corona virus first started in these animals
  9. COVID 19 was first identified in
  10. a drug made by Apeiron biologics against COVID
  11. COVID was declared outbreak by

21 Clues: corona virus isscaly anteatersCommon symptom in COVID 19Emergency Use AuthorizationCOVID was declared outbreak byNL63 discovered in this countrystarted in saudi arabia in 2012COVID 19 was first identified inThis disease was emerged in 2003official medical grade face masksa protein to infect human cells in COVID 19...


TTS ISTILAH SEPUTAR COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. Kebijakan membuka kembali aktivitas ekonomi, sosial, dan kegiatan publik secara terbatas menggunakan standar kesehatan
  2. Tatanan normal baru di Jawa Barat dikenal dengan istilah ini
  3. Mengunci akses masuk dan keluar pada suatu wilayah/negara disertai sanksi yang tegas
  4. Menjauhkan orang-orang yang terinfeksi penyakit menular
  5. Sampel dari organisme yang diambil untuk mengetes ada tidaknya virus di dalamnya
  6. Orang yang terinfeksi Covid-19 tidak menunjukkan gejala tertentu
  7. Penyebaran penyakit tertentu yang terjadi secara global di banyak negara di dunia
  8. Kekebalan kelompok yang tercapai bila beberapa orang dalam komunitas tahan terhadap serangan virus
  9. Pasien Dalam Pengawasan
  10. Orang yang diketahui telah memiliki kontak dengan kasus Covid-19
  11. Negara dengan jumlah korban meninggal terbanyak akibat Covid-19
  1. Pembatasan sosial untuk meminimalkan kontak dengan orang lain
  2. Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar
  3. Istilah untuk mengkategorikan dari mana asal penyebaran virus
  4. Nama kota di China yang dipercaya asal mula munculnya Covid-19
  5. Kebijakan sebuah perusahaan/instansi yang meminta pekerjanya untuk bekerja dari rumah
  6. Pembatasan fisik dengan jarak minimal 1 meter
  7. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov-2
  8. Provinsi di Indonesia saat ini yang memiliki jumlah kasus positif terbanyak
  9. Metode pemeriksaan cepat untuk mendeteksi Covid-19

20 Clues: Pasien Dalam PengawasanPembatasan Sosial Berskala BesarPembatasan fisik dengan jarak minimal 1 meterPenyakit ini disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov-2Metode pemeriksaan cepat untuk mendeteksi Covid-19Menjauhkan orang-orang yang terinfeksi penyakit menularTatanan normal baru di Jawa Barat dikenal dengan istilah ini...

10. Nov Nachrichtenquiz 2022-11-14

10. Nov Nachrichtenquiz crossword puzzle
  1. wer war 911 gekrönt?-Gunter II
  2. Wer war geboren in 1888?-Leah p3
  3. Was Nummer ist Indonesian für COVID-19? Leon
  4. Was ist Deutschland für covid 19?
  5. Wer war 1483 geboren-Jan
  6. wer war 1805 gestorben? - Luka P7
  7. Was ist achte fur COVID-19? Bailee P3
  1. woraus war die Statue gemacht? tom p7
  2. was ist 13.666,32 der ? - Marie
  3. Wer war 1759 geboren?- willi
  4. Wer war die Surf Weltmeisterin?-Annika
  5. Wo ist zweite für die Glücksatlas? Liste?
  6. Was Nummer ist Irland für COVID-19? Hans Schmidt P3
  7. Was ist der vierzehnte Zustand auf der glücklichen Liste? Stefan
  8. Wie alt war Johann Christoph Friedrick von Schiller als er starb? - Carl
  9. Was Nummer ist Schweiz fur Covid-19? Anton p7
  10. Was ist erste fur Covid-19? Fenn P.3

17 Clues: Wer war 1483 geboren-JanWer war 1759 geboren?- williwer war 911 gekrönt?-Gunter IIwas ist 13.666,32 der ? - MarieWer war geboren in 1888?-Leah p3Was ist Deutschland für covid 19?wer war 1805 gestorben? - Luka P7Was ist erste fur Covid-19? Fenn P.3woraus war die Statue gemacht? tom p7Was ist achte fur COVID-19? Bailee P3...

COVID-19 2021-05-05

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. When a disease is prevalent over a country or the world
  2. Origin of Covid-19
  3. Covid-19 is a _____ disease
  4. Fever, cough, and fatigue are all _____ of Covid-19
  5. Infections or diseases are caused by a small living cell
  6. Many people were required to self _____ in 2020
  7. Center for Disease Control
  1. Only _____ workers were allowed to work during lockdown
  2. A disease that spreads to others is _____
  3. Doctors created a _____ to fight Covid-19
  4. Older people and people with medical conditions are more at _____
  5. People have started wearing _____ to combat Covid-19
  6. You can become _____ through respiratory droplets from someone who has Covid-19
  7. Country that has the most Covid-19 cases

14 Clues: Origin of Covid-19Center for Disease ControlCovid-19 is a _____ diseaseCountry that has the most Covid-19 casesA disease that spreads to others is _____Doctors created a _____ to fight Covid-19Many people were required to self _____ in 2020Fever, cough, and fatigue are all _____ of Covid-19People have started wearing _____ to combat Covid-19...

Covid-19 2020-05-20

Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. You do this when you are sick
  2. Many streets are _____
  3. What you have when your head feels hot
  4. A very serious cause of covid-19 is _____
  5. You should stay at least _____ _____ away from other people
  6. Stay _____
  7. When a disease spreads across the world it is called a _____
  8. If the virus can spread through the air, it is _____
  9. The disease spread very _____
  10. Covid-19 was first identified in what city
  11. We have to wash our hands for at least _____ seconds
  12. Many events have been _____
  13. A _____ stops you from getting covid-19
  14. You can get shortness of _____
  15. _____have shut down
  16. This is what covid-19 is
  1. The act of staying inside so you don't get the virus
  2. These animals returned to Italy because no one is going outside
  3. Many businesses have been _____ by the coronavirus
  4. Covid-19 is very easy to catch, so it is highly _____
  5. People are trying to find a _____ for covid-19
  6. Many students have to take _____ school
  7. Shape of coronavirus
  8. _____ _____ have been put in place
  9. Donald Trump gave every US citizen _____
  10. Many people have lost their _____

26 Clues: Stay __________have shut downShape of coronavirusMany streets are _____This is what covid-19 isMany events have been _____You do this when you are sickThe disease spread very _____You can get shortness of _____Many people have lost their __________ _____ have been put in placeWhat you have when your head feels hot...

COVID-19: Review 2021-01-25

COVID-19:  Review crossword puzzle
  1. _______ your cough or sneeze with a tissue (then dispose), or cough/sneeze into your elbow.
  2. Removes 99.9% of germs.
  3. Stay _____ if you are sick.
  4. A biological preparation providing immunity to a particular infectious disease.
  5. Wash your hands for ________ seconds.
  6. Country where COVID-19 started.
  7. A disinfectant may be created, by mixing one-half cup _______ into one gallon of water.
  8. Do not come to work if you have any _________ of COVID-19.
  9. We all need to help reduce the ______ of COVID-19.
  10. Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart.
  11. Another word for isolation.
  1. The virus is primarily transmitted through this.
  2. Widespread disease.
  3. To disinfect.
  4. It is important to practice proper hygiene at work and at _______.
  5. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should call the _____________ immediately.
  6. What should be taken at the start of shift.
  7. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.
  8. Utilize an alcohol solution of at least ____ percent.
  9. _____ are mandatory for caregivers at all times.
  10. Supplies/gear used for staying safe.

21 Clues: To disinfect.Widespread disease.Removes 99.9% of germs.Stay _____ if you are sick.Another word for isolation.Country where COVID-19 started.Supplies/gear used for staying safe.One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.Wash your hands for ________ seconds.What should be taken at the start of shift.Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart....

COVID-19: Review 2021-01-27

COVID-19:  Review crossword puzzle
  1. _______ your cough or sneeze with a tissue (then dispose), or cough/sneeze into your elbow.
  2. Removes 99.9% of germs.
  3. Stay _____ if you are sick.
  4. A biological preparation providing immunity to a particular infectious disease.
  5. Wash your hands for ________ seconds.
  6. Country where COVID-19 started.
  7. A disinfectant may be created, by mixing one-half cup _______ into one gallon of water.
  8. Do not come to work if you have any _________ of COVID-19.
  9. We all need to help reduce the ______ of COVID-19.
  10. Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart.
  11. Another word for isolation.
  1. The virus is primarily transmitted through this.
  2. Widespread disease.
  3. To disinfect.
  4. It is important to practice proper hygiene at work and at _______.
  5. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should call the homecare _____________ immediately.
  6. What should be taken at the start of shift.
  7. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.
  8. Utilize an alcohol solution of at least ____ percent.
  9. _____ are mandatory for caregivers at all times.
  10. Supplies/gear used for staying safe.

21 Clues: To disinfect.Widespread disease.Removes 99.9% of germs.Stay _____ if you are sick.Another word for isolation.Country where COVID-19 started.Supplies/gear used for staying safe.One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.Wash your hands for ________ seconds.What should be taken at the start of shift.Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart....

Corona virus 19 2020-07-24

Corona virus  19 crossword puzzle
  1. What is tool used in getting sample for testing for virus?
  2. To prevent personal spread we employ social _______
  3. worn on hands to prevent spread of a pathogen
  4. Director of National Institute of allergies and Infectious Diseases,Dr
  5. Decreased cases is reported as flattening the ______
  6. Primary organ covid attacks first
  7. Worn over nose and mouth
  8. Antimalarial drug that has been used to treat ?
  9. City where covid 19 originated
  10. First US city that covid 19 hit?
  11. Alcohol liquid or gel to decrease infection
  1. UK prime minister who had covid 19
  2. Agent injected into body to produce antibiodies to prevent disease
  3. Country where covid 19 originated
  4. Worldwide epidemic
  5. What age group is most vulnerable to gettin covid
  6. To be away from others
  7. A regulation requiring someone to remain indoors for a given period of rime
  8. apparel worn over body to suppress spread of pathogens
  9. an infectious particle smaller than a bacteria that depends on host to reproduce

20 Clues: Worldwide epidemicTo be away from othersWorn over nose and mouthCity where covid 19 originatedFirst US city that covid 19 hit?Country where covid 19 originatedPrimary organ covid attacks firstUK prime minister who had covid 19Alcohol liquid or gel to decrease infectionworn on hands to prevent spread of a pathogen...

COVID-19: Review 2021-01-25

COVID-19:  Review crossword puzzle
  1. We all need to help reduce the ______ of COVID-19
  2. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should
  3. Stay _____ if you are sick.
  4. _______ your cough or sneeze with a tissue (then dispose) or your elbow.
  5. Another word for isolation.
  6. Do not come to work if you have any _________ of COVID-19.
  7. infectious disease.
  8. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.
  9. A biological preparation providing immunity to a
  10. To disinfect.
  11. Widespread disease
  12. Utilize an alcohol solution of at least ____ percent.
  1. Removes 99.9% of germs.
  2. It is important to practice proper hygiene at work and at _______.
  3. The virus is primarily transmitted through this.
  4. What should be taken at the start of shift.
  5. the _____________ immediately.
  6. Country where COVID-19 started.
  7. _____ are mandatory for caregivers at all times.
  8. A disinfectant may be mixed, using one-half cup _______ into one gallon of water.
  9. Wash your hands for ________ seconds.
  10. Supplies/gear used for staying safe.
  11. Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart.

23 Clues: To disinfect.Widespread diseaseinfectious disease.Removes 99.9% of germs.Stay _____ if you are sick.Another word for isolation.the _____________ immediately.Country where COVID-19 started.Supplies/gear used for staying safe.One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.Wash your hands for ________ seconds.What should be taken at the start of shift....

COVID-19: Review 2021-01-25

COVID-19:  Review crossword puzzle
  1. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.
  2. Supplies/gear used for staying safe.
  3. What should be taken at the start of shift.
  4. A biological preparation providing immunity to a
  5. Another word for isolation.
  6. It is important to practice proper hygiene at work and at _______.
  7. Country where COVID-19 started.
  8. To disinfect.
  9. Wash your hands for ________ seconds.
  10. The virus is primarily transmitted through this.
  11. Do not come to work if you have any _________ of COVID-19.
  1. _______ your cough or sneeze with a tissue (then dispose) or your elbow.
  2. infectious disease.
  3. Removes 99.9% of germs.
  4. A disinfectant may be created, by mixing one-half cup _______ into one gallon of water.
  5. We all need to help reduce the ______ of COVID-19.
  6. Widespread disease.
  7. _____ are mandatory for caregivers at all times.
  8. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should call the _____________ immediately.
  9. Utilize an alcohol solution of at least ____ percent.
  10. Stay _____ if you are sick.
  11. Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart.

22 Clues: To disinfect.infectious disease.Widespread disease.Removes 99.9% of germs.Another word for isolation.Stay _____ if you are sick.Country where COVID-19 started.Supplies/gear used for staying safe.One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.Wash your hands for ________ seconds.What should be taken at the start of shift....

COVID-19: Review 2021-01-27

COVID-19:  Review crossword puzzle
  1. _______ your cough or sneeze with a tissue (then dispose), or cough/sneeze into or your elbow.
  2. Removes 99.9% of germs.
  3. Stay _____ if you are sick.
  4. A biological preparation providing immunity to a particular infectious disease.
  5. Wash your hands for ________ seconds.
  6. Country where COVID-19 started.
  7. A disinfectant may be created, by mixing one-half cup _______ into one gallon of water.
  8. Do not come to work if you have any _________ of COVID-19.
  9. We all need to help reduce the homecare ______ of COVID-19.
  10. Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart.
  11. Another word for isolation.
  1. The virus is primarily transmitted through this.
  2. Widespread disease.
  3. To disinfect.
  4. It is important to practice proper hygiene at work and at _______.
  5. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should call the _____________ immediately.
  6. What should be taken at the start of shift.
  7. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.
  8. Utilize an alcohol solution of at least ____ percent.
  9. _____ are mandatory for caregivers at all times.
  10. Supplies/gear used for staying safe.

21 Clues: To disinfect.Widespread disease.Removes 99.9% of germs.Stay _____ if you are sick.Another word for isolation.Country where COVID-19 started.Supplies/gear used for staying safe.One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.Wash your hands for ________ seconds.What should be taken at the start of shift.Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart....

COVID-19: Review 2021-01-25

COVID-19:  Review crossword puzzle
  1. _______ your cough or sneeze with a tissue (then dispose) or your elbow.
  2. Removes 99.9% of germs.
  3. Stay _____ if you are sick.
  4. A biological preparation providing immunity to a particular infectious disease.
  5. Wash your hands for ________ seconds.
  6. Country where COVID-19 started.
  7. A disinfectant may be created, by mixing one-half cup _______ into one gallon of water.
  8. Do not come to work if you have any _________ of COVID-19.
  9. We all need to help reduce the ______ of COVID-19.
  10. Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart.
  11. Another word for isolation.
  1. The virus is primarily transmitted through this.
  2. Widespread disease.
  3. To disinfect.
  4. It is important to practice proper hygiene at work and at _______.
  5. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should call the _____________ immediately.
  6. What should be taken at the start of shift.
  7. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.
  8. Utilize an alcohol solution of at least ____ percent.
  9. _____ are mandatory for caregivers at all times.
  10. Supplies/gear used for staying safe.

21 Clues: To disinfect.Widespread disease.Removes 99.9% of germs.Stay _____ if you are sick.Another word for isolation.Country where COVID-19 started.Supplies/gear used for staying safe.One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.Wash your hands for ________ seconds.What should be taken at the start of shift.Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart....

COVID-19: Review 2021-01-27

COVID-19:  Review crossword puzzle
  1. One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.
  2. Supplies/gear used for staying safe.
  3. What should be taken at the start of shift.
  4. A biological preparation providing immunity to a
  5. Another word for isolation.
  6. It is important to practice proper hygiene at work and at _______.
  7. Country where COVID-19 started.
  8. To disinfect.
  9. Wash your hands for ________ seconds.
  10. The virus is primarily transmitted through this.
  11. Do not come to work if you have any _________ of COVID-19.
  1. _______ your cough or sneeze with a tissue (then dispose) or your elbow.
  2. infectious disease.
  3. Removes 99.9% of germs.
  4. A disinfectant may be created, by mixing one-half cup _______ into one gallon of water.
  5. We all need to help reduce the ______ of COVID-19.
  6. Widespread disease.
  7. _____ are mandatory for caregivers at all times.
  8. If you test positive for COVID-19, you should call the homecare _____________ immediately.
  9. Utilize an alcohol solution of at least ____ percent.
  10. Stay _____ if you are sick.
  11. Maintain social distance, keep ___ feet apart.

22 Clues: To disinfect.infectious disease.Widespread disease.Removes 99.9% of germs.Another word for isolation.Stay _____ if you are sick.Country where COVID-19 started.Supplies/gear used for staying safe.One of the main symptoms of COVID-19.Wash your hands for ________ seconds.What should be taken at the start of shift....


SENAT WORKSHOP 2021- STAFF AHLI POSDM crossword puzzle
  1. Berbusa, membersihkan
  2. Virus bermahkota
  3. Isolasi diri dari dunia luar
  4. Mamalia yang bisa terbang
  5. Cara penularan COVID-19
  6. Nama vaksin COVID-19 di Indonesia
  7. SOP tenaga medis dalam menangani pasien COVID-19
  1. Ibukota provinsi hubei
  2. Topeng setengah wajah
  3. Tes cepat untuk orang yang diduga terinfeksi COVID-19
  4. NaClO dan alcohol 70%
  5. Zat buatan pembentuk kekebalan tubuh
  6. Cara pemerintah mengatasi penyebaran COVID-19
  7. Penyakit yang menyerang seluruh dunia

14 Clues: Virus bermahkotaTopeng setengah wajahBerbusa, membersihkanNaClO dan alcohol 70%Ibukota provinsi hubeiCara penularan COVID-19Mamalia yang bisa terbangIsolasi diri dari dunia luarNama vaksin COVID-19 di IndonesiaZat buatan pembentuk kekebalan tubuhPenyakit yang menyerang seluruh duniaCara pemerintah mengatasi penyebaran COVID-19...

What CoVid-19 did 2020-04-20

What CoVid-19 did crossword puzzle
  1. The first country teh Virus was discovered.
  2. Klima wandel
  3. (Co)Vid-19
  4. caused by CoVid-19.
  5. Discovered
  6. Corona is a...
  7. CoVid-(19)
  8. we are having it right now.
  9. fever, cough, shortness of breath are...
  10. One CoVid-19 symptome
  1. Right now is a Global...
  2. Coronavirus is called like that
  3. Co(Vi)d-19
  4. What is happening in Venice?
  5. ...are recovering due the lockdown.

15 Clues: Co(Vi)d-19(Co)Vid-19DiscoveredCoVid-(19)Klima wandelCorona is a...One CoVid-19 symptomeRight now is a caused by CoVid-19.we are having it right now.What is happening in Venice?Coronavirus is called like that...are recovering due the lockdown.fever, cough, shortness of breath are...The first country teh Virus was discovered.

Corona Crossword Puzzle 2020-08-18

Corona Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The virus that has killed 776+ people
  2. Stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  3. They give us guidelines to follow to keep us safe and healthy, stands for World Health Organization
  4. What we are made of
  5. When enough people in a population have a vaccine for a certain pathogen
  6. These lack the ability to live and reproduce outside of a host
  7. What we wear to slow the spread of COVID-19
  1. Gives us active acquired immunity
  2. Pumps oxygen into the lungs
  3. Not alive
  4. Where COVID-19 originated
  5. where you go when you have a severe case of COVID-19
  6. A symptom of COVID-19
  7. Can't survive more than three minutes without it
  8. People who care for COVID-19 patients

15 Clues: Not aliveWhat we are made ofA symptom of COVID-19Where COVID-19 originatedPumps oxygen into the lungsGives us active acquired immunityThe virus that has killed 776+ peoplePeople who care for COVID-19 patientsWhat we wear to slow the spread of COVID-19Stands for Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeCan't survive more than three minutes without it...

Corona Crossword Puzzle 2020-08-18

Corona Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The virus that has killed 776+
  2. What we wear to slow the spread of COVID-19
  3. Not alive
  4. Stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  5. Where COVID-19 originated
  6. Can't survive more than three minutes without it
  7. What we are made of
  8. Pumps oxygen into the lungs
  1. Gives us active acquired immunity
  2. These lack the ability to live and reproduce outside of a host
  3. People who take care of COVID-19 patients
  4. When enough people in a population have a vaccine for a certain pathogen
  5. They give us guidelines to follow to keep us safe and healthy, stands for World Health Organization
  6. where you go when you have a severe case of COVID-19
  7. A symptom of COVID-19

15 Clues: Not aliveWhat we are made ofA symptom of COVID-19Where COVID-19 originatedPumps oxygen into the lungsThe virus that has killed 776+Gives us active acquired immunityPeople who take care of COVID-19 patientsWhat we wear to slow the spread of COVID-19Stands for Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeCan't survive more than three minutes without it...

Corona Crossword Puzzle 2020-08-18

Corona Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. The virus that has killed 776+ people
  2. What we wear to slow the spread of COVID-19
  3. Not alive
  4. Stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  5. Where COVID-19 originated
  6. Can't survive more than three minutes without it
  7. What we are made of
  8. Pumps oxygen into the lungs
  1. Gives us active acquired immunity
  2. These lack the ability to live and reproduce outside of a host
  3. People who care for COVID-19 patients
  4. When enough people in a population have a vaccine for a certain pathogen
  5. They give us guidelines to follow to keep us safe and healthy, stands for World Health Organization
  6. where you go when you have a severe case of COVID-19
  7. A symptom of COVID-19

15 Clues: Not aliveWhat we are made ofA symptom of COVID-19Where COVID-19 originatedPumps oxygen into the lungsGives us active acquired immunityThe virus that has killed 776+ peoplePeople who care for COVID-19 patientsWhat we wear to slow the spread of COVID-19Stands for Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeCan't survive more than three minutes without it...

Covid-19 2020-10-22

Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. COVID-19 was characterized as a pandemic by WHO on the 11th of _____
  2. One of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperature
  3. A disease that is prevalent over the entire world
  4. The growth trend of total cases in the beginning of a disease outbreak
  5. The disease class that COVID-19 belongs to
  6. The country that is most affected by COVID-19
  7. Something you do when you are sick; one of the symptoms of COVID-19
  1. The country that seems to be controlling COVID-19 fine in terms of deaths
  2. if a disease is able to transmit through air, it is said to be _
  3. Severe economic ______ is caused by COVID-19
  4. The total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______
  5. The measure of how likely a person will die from a disease; calculated by total deaths divided by total cases
  6. The starting country of COVID-19

13 Clues: The starting country of COVID-19The disease class that COVID-19 belongs toSevere economic ______ is caused by COVID-19The country that is most affected by COVID-19A disease that is prevalent over the entire worldOne of the symptoms of COVID-19; increase of temperatureThe total number of COVID-19 cases has reached over 5 ______...

BKGN PDGI KBB 2020-11-29

BKGN PDGI KBB crossword puzzle
  1. sisa makanan
  2. pencegah covid-19
  3. imunisasi
  4. K-POP
  5. Ibukota Belanda
  6. 38 derajat celcius
  7. Pandemik
  1. tempat berobat
  2. obat batuk tradisional
  3. menjaga kebersihan
  4. Sumber Awal COVID-19
  5. gejala COVID-19
  6. Alat Pelindung Diri
  7. buah, vitamin C
  8. aplikasi kekinian

15 Clues: K-POPPandemikimunisasisisa makanantempat berobatgejala COVID-19Ibukota Belandabuah, vitamin Cpencegah covid-19aplikasi kekinianmenjaga kebersihan38 derajat celciusAlat Pelindung DiriSumber Awal COVID-19obat batuk tradisional

COVID-19 2022-07-19

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. COVID-19 is transmitted via ______
  2. ________ disease is a chronic health condition that is impacted by COVID-19
  3. The family of viruses COVID-19 is part of, from the latin word for “crown”
  4. COVID can be passed by particles from coughing, sneezing, talking, and ________
  5. A key difference between COVID-19 and the flu is that COVID is more ________
  6. Common symptom of COVID-19
  7. Tool to prevent COVID transmission
  1. Common symptom of COVID-19
  2. Way of protecting yourself from COVID-19
  3. You can practice this to reduce COVID transmission
  4. Chronic health condition that is impacted by COVID-19
  5. While both can make people really sick, this virus causes serious illness in a larger number of people.
  6. The more COVID get passed around, the more mutations occur, AKA:

13 Clues: Common symptom of COVID-19Common symptom of COVID-19COVID-19 is transmitted via ______Tool to prevent COVID transmissionWay of protecting yourself from COVID-19You can practice this to reduce COVID transmissionChronic health condition that is impacted by COVID-19The more COVID get passed around, the more mutations occur, AKA:...

Pharmacology of COVID 19 2021-03-29

Pharmacology of COVID 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Glucocorticoid receptor belongs to this superfamily
  2. Sars-cov-2 enters the cell through this enzyme
  3. A monoclonal antobody used for the treatment of COVID-19
  4. The receptor for this cytokine is targetted in the treatment of COVID-19
  5. Inhibitors of this enzyme will potentiate the OAS gene pathway
  6. JAK inhibitor under investigation for the treatment of COVID-19
  1. Glucocorticoid approved for the treatment of COVID-19
  2. scheme to promote equitable access to vaccines
  3. mRNA vaccines are delivered in one of these
  4. Commonly used drug for hypertension currently in clinical trials for COVID-19
  5. Causes a 'storm' in patients with severe COVID-19
  6. anti-malarial drug proven to be ineffective in the treatemnt of COVID-19
  7. An anti-nflammatory mediator activated by glucocorticoids
  8. Angiotensin(1-7)has vasoprotective effects via its actions at this receptor

14 Clues: mRNA vaccines are delivered in one of thesescheme to promote equitable access to vaccinesSars-cov-2 enters the cell through this enzymeCauses a 'storm' in patients with severe COVID-19Glucocorticoid receptor belongs to this superfamilyGlucocorticoid approved for the treatment of COVID-19A monoclonal antobody used for the treatment of COVID-19...

HSE Connection -A Virtual Experience October 25-31,2020- Staying Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-10-29

HSE Connection -A Virtual Experience October 25-31,2020- Staying Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic crossword puzzle
  1. SARS-COV2 is a_____.
  2. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter the quarantined community within the 14 days.
  3. Separation of people suspected or with COVID-19
  4. What does the I in IPC stands for?
  5. name of cleaning process when a case occurs.
  6. Using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces.
  7. ______ must be provided and available for cleaning, disinfecting and hand sanitizing chemicals.
  8. under the updated protocol____is not required for discharge and/work resumption.
  9. Objects or materials which are likely to carry infection.
  10. Showing no symptoms of a disease.
  11. Remove surface germs with water and detergent.
  1. Separation to reduce COVID 19 infections.
  2. What does the P in IPC stands for?
  3. Unable to link new case to older.
  4. persons living in quarantined communities are permitted to leave the community for the period of 14 days.
  5. MOHW toll free line (888___).
  6. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Going to a Bar.
  7. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Staying Home.
  8. Under the new protocols you do not of to shut down or stop operations to clean when a case occurs in the workplace
  9. There should be no social ______ or discrimination at the workplace.
  10. MOHW EOC email for KSA.
  11. If you are sick or showing symptoms of flu or COVID-19 you should stay___.
  12. What does the C in IPC stands for?
  13. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating for takeout meals.
  14. Face-to-face contact within 1m for more than 15 consecutive minutes.

25 Clues: SARS-COV2 is a_____.MOHW EOC email for KSA.MOHW toll free line (888___).Unable to link new case to older.Showing no symptoms of a disease.What does the P in IPC stands for?What does the I in IPC stands for?What does the C in IPC stands for?MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Staying Home.Separation to reduce COVID 19 infections....

HSE Connection Crossword Puzzle Staying Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-10-29

HSE Connection Crossword Puzzle Staying Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic crossword puzzle
  1. SARS-COV2 is a_____.
  2. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter the quarantined community within the 14 days.
  3. Separation of people suspected or with COVID-19
  4. What does the I in IPC stands for?
  5. name of cleaning process when a case occurs.
  6. Using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces.
  7. ______ must be provided and available for cleaning, disinfecting and hand sanitizing chemicals.
  8. under the updated protocol____is not required for discharge and/work resumption.
  9. Objects or materials which are likely to carry infection.
  10. Showing no symptoms of a disease.
  11. Remove surface germs with water and detergent.
  1. Separation to reduce COVID 19 infections.
  2. What does the P in IPC stands for?
  3. Unable to link new case to older.
  4. persons living in quarantined communities are permitted to leave the community for the period of 14 days.
  5. MOHW toll free line (888___).
  6. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Going to a Bar.
  7. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Staying Home.
  8. Under the new protocols you do not of to shut down or stop operations to clean when a case occurs in the workplace
  9. There should be no social ______ or discrimination at the workplace.
  10. MOHW EOC email for KSA.
  11. If you are sick or showing symptoms of flu or COVID-19 you should stay___.
  12. What does the C in IPC stands for?
  13. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating for takeout meals.
  14. Face-to-face contact within 1m for more than 15 consecutive minutes.

25 Clues: SARS-COV2 is a_____.MOHW EOC email for KSA.MOHW toll free line (888___).Unable to link new case to older.Showing no symptoms of a disease.What does the P in IPC stands for?What does the I in IPC stands for?What does the C in IPC stands for?MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Staying Home.Separation to reduce COVID 19 infections....

What CoVid-19 did 2020-04-20

What CoVid-19 did crossword puzzle
  1. Coronavirus is called like that
  2. Right now is a Global...
  3. Corona is a...
  4. Co(Vi)d-19
  5. caused by CoVid-19.
  6. (Co)Vid-19
  7. One CoVid-19 symptome
  1. What is happening in Venice?
  2. we are having it right now.
  3. CoVid-(19)
  4. Klima wandel
  5. The first country the Virus was discovered.
  6. are open because the are important
  7. fever, cough, shortness of breath are...
  8. ...are recovering due the lockdown.

15 Clues: CoVid-(19)Co(Vi)d-19(Co)Vid-19Klima wandelCorona is a...One CoVid-19 symptomeRight now is a caused by CoVid-19.we are having it right now.What is happening in Venice?Coronavirus is called like thatare open because the are important...are recovering due the lockdown.fever, cough, shortness of breath are......


  1. Coronavirus majorly affects this part of of Human body
  2. people are at higher risk of developing serious illness
  3. It means restricting activities or separating people who are not ill
  4. Abbreviation for Personal Protective Equipment
  5. covid-19 Badly Affected state in India
  6. Government of India launched app as COVID 19 tracker
  7. original source of new corona-virus
  1. WHO heads key message for the world on covid-19
  2. US Demanded this medicine from India
  3. outbreak began in the city of China
  4. It means separating people who are ill with symptoms of COVID-19
  5. covid-19 virus can survive for up to 72 hours on
  6. First case of the COVID-19 pandemic in India was reported in month of
  7. Lockdown in India Started with this curfew
  8. distancing in which keeping at least 1-metre distance from others

15 Clues: original source of new corona-virusUS Demanded this medicine from Indiaoutbreak began in the city of Chinacovid-19 Badly Affected state in IndiaLockdown in India Started with this curfewAbbreviation for Personal Protective EquipmentWHO heads key message for the world on covid-19covid-19 virus can survive for up to 72 hours on...

Training & Placement Cell, KGRDCP & RI , Karjat Presenting "COVID-19 AWARENESS CROSSWORD PUZZLE" 2020-05-07

Training & Placement Cell, KGRDCP & RI , Karjat Presenting "COVID-19 AWARENESS CROSSWORD PUZZLE" crossword puzzle
  1. First case of the COVID-19 pandemic in India was reported in month of
  2. Government of India launched app as COVID 19 tracker
  3. Lockdown in India Started with this curfew
  4. It means separating people who are ill with symptoms of COVID-19
  5. outbreak began in the city of China
  6. US Demanded this medicine from India
  7. covid-19 virus can survive for up to 72 hours on
  8. original source of new corona-virus
  1. Coronavirus majorly affects this part of of Human body
  2. WHO heads key message for the world on covid-19
  3. people are at higher risk of developing serious illness
  4. It means restricting activities or separating people who are not ill
  5. covid-19 Badly Affected state in India
  6. distancing in which keeping at least 1-metre distance from others
  7. Abbreviation for Personal Protective Equipment

15 Clues: original source of new corona-virusUS Demanded this medicine from Indiaoutbreak began in the city of Chinacovid-19 Badly Affected state in IndiaLockdown in India Started with this curfewAbbreviation for Personal Protective EquipmentWHO heads key message for the world on covid-19covid-19 virus can survive for up to 72 hours on...

Covid 19 2021-09-09

Covid 19 crossword puzzle
  1. Type of transmission of Covid 19.
  2. A disease caused by a form of Corona Virus.
  3. Outbreak of disease over a whole country or the world.
  4. Vaccination.
  5. Number of days of isolation for people with suspected Covid 19.
  6. Preferred vaccine for people aged 60yrs and over.
  7. A person opposed to vaccination.
  8. Essential item to prevent spread of Covid 19.
  1. A place of significant activity or danger.
  2. Confinement to home as a security measure.
  3. Prevalent symptom of Covid 19
  4. Preferred vaccine for people aged under 60yrs.
  5. Australian state experiencing continual lockdowns.
  6. A large family of viruses causing respiratory infections.
  7. Loss of sense of smell.
  8. A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies.
  9. A variant that spreads very quickly.

17 Clues: Vaccination.Loss of sense of smell.Prevalent symptom of Covid 19A person opposed to vaccination.Type of transmission of Covid 19.A variant that spreads very quickly.A place of significant activity or danger.Confinement to home as a security measure.A disease caused by a form of Corona Virus.Essential item to prevent spread of Covid 19....

HSE Connection Crossword Puzzle -Staying Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic 2020-10-29

HSE Connection Crossword Puzzle -Staying Healthy During COVID-19 Pandemic crossword puzzle
  1. SARS-COV2 is a_____.
  2. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter the quarantined community within the 14 days.
  3. Separation of people suspected or with COVID-19
  4. What does the I in IPC stands for?
  5. name of cleaning process when a case occurs.
  6. Using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces.
  7. ______ must be provided and available for cleaning, disinfecting and hand sanitizing chemicals.
  8. under the updated protocol____is not required for discharge and/work resumption.
  9. Objects or materials which are likely to carry infection.
  10. Showing no symptoms of a disease.
  11. Remove surface germs with water and detergent.
  1. Separation to reduce COVID 19 infections.
  2. What does the P in IPC stands for?
  3. Unable to link new case to older.
  4. persons living in quarantined communities are permitted to leave the community for the period of 14 days.
  5. MOHW toll free line (888___).
  6. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Going to a Bar.
  7. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Staying Home.
  8. Under the new protocols you do not of to shut down or stop operations to clean when a case occurs in the workplace
  9. There should be no social ______ or discrimination at the workplace.
  10. MOHW EOC email for KSA.
  11. If you are sick or showing symptoms of flu or COVID-19 you should stay___.
  12. What does the C in IPC stands for?
  13. MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating for takeout meals.
  14. Face-to-face contact within 1m for more than 15 consecutive minutes.

25 Clues: SARS-COV2 is a_____.MOHW EOC email for KSA.MOHW toll free line (888___).Unable to link new case to older.Showing no symptoms of a disease.What does the P in IPC stands for?What does the I in IPC stands for?What does the C in IPC stands for?MOHW COVID-19 Risk Rating Staying Home.Separation to reduce COVID 19 infections....

Home Vegetable Garden 2020-04-28

Home Vegetable Garden crossword puzzle
  1. Sinonim pandemi.
  2. Dalam pemanfaatan home vegetable garden akan mempengaruhi
  3. Inovasi yang dapat digunakan dalam menghadapi pandemic Covid-19 di rumah.
  4. Pemanfaatan home vegetable garden juga merupakan salah satu upaya untuk
  5. Merupakan salah satu manfaat dari home vegetable garden.
  6. Covid-19 merupakan sebuah….
  7. Karena sangat mengancam kesehatan setiap orang harus…
  8. Orang-orang menghadapi masa-masa sulit dikarenakan…
  9. Bayak dari kita harus mengisolasi diri di ….. dan pinggiran kota
  10. Salah satu faktor agar kesehatan tetap terjaga.
  1. Penggunaan home vegetable garden dapat menjadi pendekatan skala kecil terhadap pemanfaatan…
  2. Yang bisa menjadi kunci penting dalam keadaan pandemi Covid-19.
  3. Kita harus tetap…. tubuh dan pikiran kita.
  4. merupakan salah satu sayuran.
  5. Merupakan salah satu jenis makanan.
  6. Sinonim isolasi.
  7. Antonim makan.
  8. Sinonim kebun.
  9. Juga merupakan salah satu manfaat dari home vegetable garden.
  10. Antonim sehat.

20 Clues: Antonim makan.Sinonim kebun.Antonim sehat.Sinonim pandemi.Sinonim isolasi.Covid-19 merupakan sebuah….merupakan salah satu sayuran.Merupakan salah satu jenis makanan.Kita harus tetap…. tubuh dan pikiran kita.Salah satu faktor agar kesehatan tetap terjaga.Orang-orang menghadapi masa-masa sulit dikarenakan…...

Home Vegetable Garden 2020-04-28

Home Vegetable Garden crossword puzzle
  1. Sinonim pandemi.
  2. Dalam pemanfaatan home vegetable garden akan mempengaruhi
  3. Inovasi yang dapat digunakan dalam menghadapi pandemic Covid-19 di rumah.
  4. Pemanfaatan home vegetable garden juga merupakan salah satu upaya untuk
  5. Merupakan salah satu manfaat dari home vegetable garden.
  6. Covid-19 merupakan sebuah….
  7. Karena sangat mengancam kesehatan setiap orang harus…
  8. Orang-orang menghadapi masa-masa sulit dikarenakan…
  9. Bayak dari kita harus mengisolasi diri di ….. dan pinggiran kota
  10. Salah satu faktor agar kesehatan tetap terjaga.
  1. Penggunaan home vegetable garden dapat menjadi pendekatan skala kecil terhadap pemanfaatan…
  2. Yang bisa menjadi kunci penting dalam keadaan pandemi Covid-19.
  3. Kita harus tetap…. tubuh dan pikiran kita.
  4. merupakan salah satu sayuran.
  5. Merupakan salah satu jenis makanan.
  6. Sinonim isolasi.
  7. Antonim makan.
  8. Sinonim kebun.
  9. Juga merupakan salah satu manfaat dari home vegetable garden.
  10. Antonim sehat.

20 Clues: Antonim makan.Sinonim kebun.Antonim sehat.Sinonim pandemi.Sinonim isolasi.Covid-19 merupakan sebuah….merupakan salah satu sayuran.Merupakan salah satu jenis makanan.Kita harus tetap…. tubuh dan pikiran kita.Salah satu faktor agar kesehatan tetap terjaga.Orang-orang menghadapi masa-masa sulit dikarenakan…...

2021 News 2021-12-08

2021 News crossword puzzle
  1. Actor who misfired during a scene in movie
  2. Prince who died this year at the age of 99
  3. The protests that happened in the USA (use the abbreviations)
  4. New variant of covid 19
  5. Terrorists who took over Afghanistan
  6. Lame president of USA currently
  7. Prince who got in big trouble
  8. Deal between Japan and Australia
  9. Weather pattern that has been creating storms
  10. The state with the most lockdowns in the world
  1. Disappearance of 4-year-old girl toddler
  2. Variant of covid 19 from India
  3. Most popular vaccine
  4. Premier who fractured his back and ribs
  5. The injections which are helping us fight Covid 19
  6. Premier of NSW who stepped down
  7. Expensive Interview with Oprah Winfrey
  8. Melbourne's 5.9 magnitude earthquake
  9. Place in china where Covid 19 came from
  10. Conference of countries talking about coal

20 Clues: Most popular vaccineNew variant of covid 19Prince who got in big troubleVariant of covid 19 from IndiaLame president of USA currentlyPremier of NSW who stepped downDeal between Japan and AustraliaTerrorists who took over AfghanistanMelbourne's 5.9 magnitude earthquakeExpensive Interview with Oprah WinfreyPremier who fractured his back and ribs...

TTS Covid-19 2020-04-13

TTS Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. seseorang yang tidak boleh keluar rumah
  2. salah satu alat untuk mencegah penyebaran covid-19
  3. alat pelindung diri
  4. salah satu tanda seseorang terjangkit covid-19
  1. salah satu usaha pembatasan untuk mengurangi penyebaran covid-19
  2. tempat awal penyebaran covid-19
  3. nama virus yang memiliki julukan covid-19
  4. organisme mikroskopik (super kecil)yang bersifat parasit
  5. sistem perlindungan diri dari covid-19
  6. media tempat covid-19 menyebar
  7. salah satu cara untuk mencegah terjangkiti covid-19 dengan mencuci?

11 Clues: alat pelindung dirimedia tempat covid-19 menyebartempat awal penyebaran covid-19sistem perlindungan diri dari covid-19seseorang yang tidak boleh keluar rumahnama virus yang memiliki julukan covid-19salah satu tanda seseorang terjangkit covid-19salah satu alat untuk mencegah penyebaran covid-19organisme mikroskopik (super kecil)yang bersifat parasit...

Home Vegetable Garden 2020-04-28

Home Vegetable Garden crossword puzzle
  1. Antonim makan.
  2. Covid-19 merupakan sebuah….
  3. Antonim sehat.
  4. Yang bisa menjadi kunci penting dalam keadaan pandemi Covid-19.
  5. Inovasi yang dapat digunakan dalam menghadapi pandemic Covid-19 di rumah.
  6. Sinonim isolasi.
  7. Merupakan salah satu manfaat dari home vegetable garden.
  8. Kita harus tetap…. tubuh dan pikiran kita.
  9. Juga merupakan salah satu manfaat dari home vegetable garden.
  10. Bayak dari kita harus mengisolasi diri di ….. dan pinggiran kota
  11. Sinonim kebun.
  12. merupakan salah satu sayuran.
  13. Orang-orang menghadapi masa-masa sulit dikarenakan…
  1. Karena sangat mengancam kesehatan setiap orang harus…
  2. Sinonim pandemi.
  3. Penggunaan home vegetable garden dapat menjadi pendekatan skala kecil terhadap pemanfaatan…
  4. Merupakan salah satu jenis makanan.
  5. Pemanfaatan home vegetable garden juga merupakan salah satu upaya untuk
  6. Salah satu faktor agar kesehatan tetap terjaga.
  7. Dalam pemanfaatan home vegetable garden akan mempengaruhi

20 Clues: Antonim makan.Antonim sehat.Sinonim kebun.Sinonim pandemi.Sinonim isolasi.Covid-19 merupakan sebuah….merupakan salah satu sayuran.Merupakan salah satu jenis makanan.Kita harus tetap…. tubuh dan pikiran kita.Salah satu faktor agar kesehatan tetap terjaga.Orang-orang menghadapi masa-masa sulit dikarenakan…...


VIVENCIAS DEL COVID-19 crossword puzzle



VIVENCIAS DEL COVID-19 crossword puzzle



  1. daerah indonesia yang banyak terinfeksi virus corona
  2. langkah awal pencegahan covid-19 ?
  3. menghindari tempat umum, menjauhi keramaian disebut?
  4. alat pelindung diri yang di gunakan medis disebut ?
  5. dampak yang paling menakutkan adalah?
  6. karantina wilayah disebut?
  7. selain sabun, pembersih tangan mengandung alkohol ?
  8. pada tahun berapa awalnya covid-19 di wuhan ?
  1. salah satu contoh APD ?
  2. Organisasi kesehatan dunia adalah ?
  3. bahan untuk mencegah penyebaran pada benda ?
  4. melalui apa virus ini menyebar
  5. nama lain virus corona
  6. daerah yang pertama kali terjangkit covid 19
  7. tipe masker yang paling baik di gunakan adalah ?
  8. berapa jam virus ini akan bertahan di permukaan ?
  9. masa inkubasi covid-19 ?

17 Clues: nama lain virus coronasalah satu contoh APD ?masa inkubasi covid-19 ?karantina wilayah disebut?melalui apa virus ini menyebarlangkah awal pencegahan covid-19 ?Organisasi kesehatan dunia adalah ?dampak yang paling menakutkan adalah?bahan untuk mencegah penyebaran pada benda ?daerah yang pertama kali terjangkit covid 19...

Are you a CoronaGenuis? 2020-05-07

Are you a CoronaGenuis? crossword puzzle
  1. what separates us from Perth/Peel region and Great Southern region
  2. an acronym formed out of the COVID-19 pandemic
  3. what we have to do to avoid the spread of COVID-19
  4. the kind of disease that COVID-19 is
  5. the name for the outbreak of a disease
  6. the famous three words used to describe what we had to do as a nation in order to get on top of COVID-19
  7. all the rules that have been put in place throughout COVID-19
  1. the 14-day period of remaining in lockdown
  2. another term for COVID-19
  3. the brilliant idea to stock up on millions of items at home
  4. apparently the most valuable item of COVID-19
  5. a way that COVID-19 can be transmitted
  6. another high commodity which other countries are making a mandatory piece of clothing in order to leave the house

13 Clues: another term for COVID-19the kind of disease that COVID-19 isa way that COVID-19 can be transmittedthe name for the outbreak of a diseasethe 14-day period of remaining in lockdownapparently the most valuable item of COVID-19an acronym formed out of the COVID-19 pandemicwhat we have to do to avoid the spread of COVID-19...

COVID-19 2020-05-15

COVID-19 crossword puzzle
  1. which virus is responsible for COVID-19?
  2. What is the Incubation Period of COVID-19?
  3. What is the test used to detect corona virus?
  4. Who has declared COVID-19 an epidemic?
  5. How long we should was our hands by following seven steps?
  6. What type of infection does covid cause?
  7. The disease that has spread to multiple countries and continents called?
  8. First case of novel Corona virus was identified in?
  9. Which country did the COVID-19 outbreak start?
  10. Which age groups are more suspected to corona virus?
  11. The First and the common symptoms of corona virus?
  12. Name the genetic material present in the corona virus?
  13. Corona virus affects which part of the human body?
  14. A disease that can can be transmitted to humans from animals called?
  1. What is the most common method to prevent the entry of corona virus?
  2. Indian Government launches which app for COVID-19?
  3. A highly infected people who can spread the infection to large number of people called?
  4. latin meaning of corona called?
  5. Which medicine has India exported to America?
  6. Which state became the first State to declare corona virus as an epidemic?
  7. who announced an official name for the Corona virus as?
  8. Which is the safe method of disposal of dead bodies affected by corona virus?
  9. Which is commonly used to kill the virus from our hands?
  10. Corona virus belong to the large family of virus called?
  11. India's first corona virus case confirmed in?

25 Clues: latin meaning of corona called?Who has declared COVID-19 an epidemic?which virus is responsible for COVID-19?What type of infection does covid cause?What is the Incubation Period of COVID-19?What is the test used to detect corona virus?Which medicine has India exported to America?India's first corona virus case confirmed in?...

What CoVid-19 did 2020-04-20

What CoVid-19 did crossword puzzle
  1. One CoVid-19 symptome
  2. Corona is a...
  3. Klima wandel
  4. Right now is a Global...
  5. we are having it right now.
  6. CoVid-(19)
  7. fever, cough, shortness of breath are...
  8. ...are recovering due the lockdown.
  1. What is happening in Venice?
  2. caused by CoVid-19.
  3. The first country teh Virus was discovered.
  4. Coronavirus is called like that
  5. Co(Vi)d-19
  6. (Co)Vid-19

14 Clues: Co(Vi)d-19(Co)Vid-19CoVid-(19)Klima wandelCorona is a...One CoVid-19 symptomeRight now is a caused by CoVid-19.we are having it right now.What is happening in Venice?Coronavirus is called like that...are recovering due the lockdown.fever, cough, shortness of breath are...The first country teh Virus was discovered.

virus Covid-19 2021-11-18

virus  Covid-19 crossword puzzle
  1. - Mês de confirmação do primeiro caso de COVID-19 no Brasil
  2. Além do sistema respiratório, outro sistema corporal muito afetado pelo COVID-19
  3. O imobilismo prolongado associado à Ventilação Mecânica pode acarretar em (?)
  4. Equipamento de proteção individual (sigla)
  5. - Tempo decorrido entre exposição ao vírus até manifestação dos primeiros sintomas
  6. Crise referente ao sistema de saúde
  7. com outro indivíduo infectado (no COVID-19 é de 14 dias)
  1. As medidas de distanciamento social visam reduzir a (?) viral
  2. Fase social quando há um sinal consistente de involução (redução) do número de casos
  3. Material biológico em que se é realizado o teste diagnóstico para COVID-19
  4. Primeira cidade brasileira com confirmação de COVID-19
  5. Vírus transmissível de animal para o homem
  6. - Período de reclusão de indivíduo por um determinado tempo, contado a partir do último
  7. Grupo acima de 60 anos, diabéticos, hipertensos e asmáticos no COVID-19
  8. Disseminação em escala mundial de determinada doença

15 Clues: Crise referente ao sistema de saúdeVírus transmissível de animal para o homemEquipamento de proteção individual (sigla)Disseminação em escala mundial de determinada doençaPrimeira cidade brasileira com confirmação de COVID-19com outro indivíduo infectado (no COVID-19 é de 14 dias)- Mês de confirmação do primeiro caso de COVID-19 no Brasil...

PALAISIPAN-290 2021-08-07

PALAISIPAN-290 crossword puzzle
  1. – Work From Home
  2. – ulat araw-araw
  3. – hindi namimigay
  4. – Intensive Care Unit
  5. – isang senyales ng may sakit
  6. – saradong negosyo dahil sa pandemya
  7. – inaasahang tulong mula sa gobyerno
  8. – Department of Health
  9. – isang tagapag-deliver ng mga orders
  10. – maraming nawalan nito sa pandemya
  11. – kung saan alkalde si Vico Sotto
  1. – bumaba na ang lagnat
  2. – Isko Moreno
  3. – kelangan para iwas sa covid-19
  4. – dasal ng nagkaroon ng covid-19
  5. – covid-19 variant na mas nakakahawa
  6. – mga nalugi dahil sa pandemya
  7. – frontliner sa ospital
  8. – walang problema sa pera
  9. – mga taong kelangan ng ayuda

20 Clues: – Isko Moreno– Work From Home– ulat araw-araw– hindi namimigay– Intensive Care Unit– bumaba na ang lagnat– Department of Health– frontliner sa ospital– walang problema sa pera– isang senyales ng may sakit– mga taong kelangan ng ayuda– mga nalugi dahil sa pandemya– kelangan para iwas sa covid-19– dasal ng nagkaroon ng covid-19...