mobile technology Crossword Puzzles

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  2. a security system preventing access to a computer or network
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. a worldwide network of computer networks
  5. transfer out of a database or document
  6. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program
  7. a unit of information equal to 1000 megabytes or 10^9 bytes
  8. a programmer who breaks into computer systems
  9. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  1. the exclusive right to sell a work
  2. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  3. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  4. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  5. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  6. a unit of measurement of information
  7. a program that gives a computer instructions
  8. a set of related records kept together
  9. fix a computer program piecemeal until it works
  10. any small compartmen
  11. having an output that is proportional to the input

20 Clues: any small compartmenthe exclusive right to sell a worka unit of measurement of informationa set of related records kept togethertransfer out of a database or documenta worldwide network of computer networksa program that gives a computer instructionsa programmer who breaks into computer systemsfix a computer program piecemeal until it works...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the exclusive right to sell a work
  2. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  3. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  4. a programmer who breaks into computer systems
  5. a unit of information equal to 1000 megabytes or 10^9 bytes
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. having an output that is proportional to the input
  1. a program that gives a computer instructions
  2. transfer out of a database or document
  3. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  4. any small compartmen
  5. fix a computer program piecemeal until it works
  6. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  7. a set of related records kept together
  8. a worldwide network of computer networks
  9. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  10. a security system preventing access to a computer or network
  11. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  12. a unit of measurement of information
  13. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program

20 Clues: any small compartmenthe exclusive right to sell a worka unit of measurement of informationtransfer out of a database or documenta set of related records kept togethera worldwide network of computer networksa program that gives a computer instructionsa programmer who breaks into computer systemsfix a computer program piecemeal until it works...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine.
  2. an online journal where people post about their experiences.
  3. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device.
  4. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as it's base.
  5. a data transmission rate for modems.
  6. a compact disk that is used with a PC.
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other.
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage.
  9. a program used to view HTML documents.
  10. any PC that is hooked up to a computer network.
  1. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.
  2. set up for a particular purpose.
  3. having an output that is proportional to the input.
  4. a program that gives a computer instructions.
  5. any small compartment.
  6. the exclusive right to sell a work.
  7. base: an organized body of related information.
  8. the amount of info that can be stored on a disk drive.
  9. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of info
  10. a unit of measurement of information.

20 Clues: any small compartment.set up for a particular purpose.the exclusive right to sell a work.a data transmission rate for modems.a unit of measurement of information.a compact disk that is used with a PC.a program used to view HTML documents.a program that gives a computer instructions.base: an organized body of related information....

Technology Vocabulary 2021-08-19

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a programmer who breaks into computer systems
  2. unwanted e-mail
  3. an electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computer
  4. a program that gives a computer instructions
  5. the smallest discrete component of an image on a screen
  6. a point of interaction between a computer system and a user
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  8. representing the real world by a computer program
  9. a sequence of instructions that a computer can execute
  10. transfer data into a database or document
  11. a device used to connect computers by a telephone line
  12. an arbitrary sign with a conventional significance
  13. a digital audio file made available on the internet
  14. a software program capable of reproducing itself
  15. a digital camera designed to take digital photographs and transmit them over the internet
  1. a unit of information equal to 1000 megabytes or 10^9 bytes
  2. a restricted computer network
  3. a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web
  4. transfer out of a database or document
  5. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  6. the address of a web page on the world wide web
  7. a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits
  8. the most common computer memory which can be used by programs
  9. a set of related records kept together
  10. a navigational system involving satellites and computers
  11. an instruction connecting one part of a program to another
  12. adjust the spaces between words
  13. the process in which output of a system is returned to input
  14. any small compartment
  15. having an output that is proportional to the input
  16. a symbol in a graphical user interface
  17. an electronic storage device
  18. a networked computer that provides access to client stations
  19. a unit of information equal to 1000 kilobytes or 10^6 bytes
  20. fix a computer program piecemeal until it works

35 Clues: unwanted e-mailany small compartmentan electronic storage devicea restricted computer networkadjust the spaces between wordstransfer out of a database or documenta set of related records kept togethera symbol in a graphical user interfacetransfer data into a database or documenta program that gives a computer instructions...

Technology Crossword 2022-03-30

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The name of the person who made this crossword!
  2. Solar panels collect clean _________ energy in the form of sunlight.
  3. The "Hyperloop" helps you travel faster and _____.
  4. The use of transportation over land, sea, air, and space to transport people, resources, and products.
  5. The sixth step of the engineering design process.
  6. 3D printed homes that can be built in less than 24 hours with a giant 3D _______.
  7. The third step of the engineering design process.
  8. Information technology helps us with many things such as keeping in contact with family and friends via _____, managing our finances with spreadsheets and online banking, tracking investments through an online broker, pursuing hobbies, etc.
  9. Manufacturing technology can help accelerate __________ and enable organizations to get products or components out to market in much less time.
  10. The fifth step of the engineering design process.
  11. The second step of the engineering design process.
  12. Farmers can now use a GPS to find _____ underground and harvest them easily.
  13. Machines churning, shaping, and solidifying cheese to be ________ later on.
  14. Growing of plants and animals for food, fiber, fuel, chemicals, or other useful products.
  15. Using living organisms or parts thereof to make or modify products, improve humans, plants, animals, or to develop microorganisms for a specific use.
  16. The fourth step of the engineering design process.
  1. Medical technology can extend life expectancy, which affects both the type and amount of __________ that people use in their lifetime.
  2. The production of physical goods from material resources.
  3. __________ modified fruits, vegetables, animals, and other organisms.
  4. Transportation technology helps us reduce road accidents, eliminate traffic congestion, lower ____ costs, cut travel time, and reduce parking fees.
  5. The use of technologies that have the ability to record, store, manipulate, analyze, and transmit data over long distances.
  6. The process and controlling of energy and its resources for the development of technology.
  7. Construction technology makes it so that we're able to build stronger, taller, and more energy-efficient _________.
  8. Using your _____ and texting your friends to tell them about something.
  9. The use of technology for diagnostic and treatment practices.
  10. The first full-size 3D print of a human ____ may be able to be fully functional one day.
  11. The building of large structures such as buildings, roads, and bridges amongst other structures to serve a purpose in a technological society.
  12. Energy and Power generates energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air _________.
  13. The first step of the engineering design process.
  14. Biological technology has helped improve food, animal, and other ________’s quality, quantity, and processing.

30 Clues: The name of the person who made this crossword!The sixth step of the engineering design process.The third step of the engineering design process.The fifth step of the engineering design process.The first step of the engineering design process.The "Hyperloop" helps you travel faster and _____.The second step of the engineering design process....

DNA Technology 2021-11-29

DNA Technology crossword puzzle
  1. An organism that contains recombinant DNA made from another species
  2. DNA created by combining genetic materials from two different organisms
  3. organisms that are created from artificially altered genome
  4. a section of DNA that codes for proteins that are used to express traits
  5. The material extracted from red seaweed that makes the gel used in gel electrophoresis
  6. An enzyme that breaks the weak hydrogen bonds in DNA
  7. Circlular DNA found only in prokayotes
  8. An enzyme that creates new strands of DNA that is compliant to another strand
  9. The replacement of a mutated gene with a healthy one
  10. The type of charge that DNA has
  11. Cell that haven't been assigned a job, they made up human embryos
  1. The monomer of DNA is known as ___
  2. Some uses for DNA fingerprints is matching DNA from a crime scene to a suspect, cataloging endangered species, and _____ tests
  3. A method using chemical treatments to explode the nuclei so that scientists can extract the now sticky DNA.
  4. A worldwide study where scientists raced to completely sequence the DNA of a human, the results of this study are available for public use
  5. The process of creating an organism that is genetically identical to another organism, one organism created from this process was Dollie the sheep
  6. a process involving separating DNA into large and small sections that can help identify an individual's DNA fingerprint
  7. Scientists manufactured this typically naturally occurring protein for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes
  8. An individual's unique sequence of base pairs
  9. Often referred to as glue used to bond two strands of DNA together
  10. Within Eukaryotic organisms DNA is found in the ___

21 Clues: The type of charge that DNA hasThe monomer of DNA is known as ___Circlular DNA found only in prokayotesAn individual's unique sequence of base pairsWithin Eukaryotic organisms DNA is found in the ___An enzyme that breaks the weak hydrogen bonds in DNAThe replacement of a mutated gene with a healthy one...

Technology Mandatory 2022-02-23

Technology Mandatory crossword puzzle
  1. a substance.
  2. The wood from a conifer.
  3. Is a type of softwood.
  4. a large tree with smooth grey bark, glossy
  5. the powdery residue left after the burning
  6. Where softwood came from.
  7. For trees it can take a long time.
  8. material made in rigid sheets from
  9. together with the direction of the
  10. leaves in clusters.
  11. decorated to close a fireplace
  12. wood chips and resin, often
  1. Where tress are mainly found.
  2. Is a type of wood.
  3. This wood is not made in as many colours.
  4. A peg can be made out of it.
  5. a screen or panel often painted or
  6. Better for something.
  7. and hard, pale fine-grained timber.
  8. not in use.
  9. Wood is made from it.
  10. or veneered, used in furniture,
  11. A large tree that makes hardwood.
  12. alternating.
  13. An evergreen coniferous tree with long
  14. Starts with a B and is a type of hardwood.
  15. Its what bamboo is.
  16. a type of strong thin wooden board
  17. of two or more layers glued and

29 Clues: not in use.a substance.alternating.Is a type of wood.Its what bamboo is.leaves in clusters.Better for something.Wood is made from it.Is a type of softwood.The wood from a conifer.Where softwood came from.wood chips and resin, oftenA peg can be made out of it.Where tress are mainly found.decorated to close a fireplaceor veneered, used in furniture,...

Information Technology 2022-02-28

Information Technology crossword puzzle
  1. A type of computer system
  2. A type of Software
  3. A set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks
  4. The name of a company that makes processors
  5. Memory is measured in ______
  6. Another word for processed data
  7. everything is connected to this device (ports, chips, memory etc.)
  8. Another output device
  9. A programmable device, that works faster than a human
  10. Another input device
  1. any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information to a human-perceptible form
  2. Volatile memory
  3. A commonly used input device
  4. An ancient storage medium
  5. Another name for a modern-day Personal Digital Assistant
  6. Provides electricity tothe computer system
  7. Refers to devices that captures information such that a computer can understand
  8. A component of a computer system. It is also an Output device
  9. A type of Systems Software
  10. Physical parts of a computer+

20 Clues: Volatile memoryA type of SoftwareAnother input deviceAnother output deviceA type of computer systemAn ancient storage mediumA type of Systems SoftwareA commonly used input deviceMemory is measured in ______Physical parts of a computer+Another word for processed dataProvides electricity tothe computer system...

Technology vocabulary 2021-04-12

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  2. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  3. a program used to view HTML documents
  4. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  5. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  6. a data transmission rate for modems
  7. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  8. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  9. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  10. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  1. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  2. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  3. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  4. a program that gives a computer instructions
  5. a unit of measurement of information
  6. having an output that is proportional to the input
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  9. any small compartment
  10. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

technology vocabulary 2021-04-12

technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information.
  2. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information.
  3. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device.
  4. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage.
  5. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine.
  6. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video).
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other.
  8. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base.
  9. having an output that is proportional to the input.
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT.
  11. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest.
  1. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels.
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.
  3. a program that gives a computer instructions.
  4. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive.
  5. an online journal where people post about their experiences.
  6. a data transmission rate for modems.
  7. any small compartment.
  8. a compact disk that is used with a computer.
  9. a program used to view HTML documents.

20 Clues: any small compartment.a data transmission rate for modems.a unit of measurement of information.a program used to view HTML documents.a compact disk that is used with a computer.a program that gives a computer instructions.a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.having an output that is proportional to the input....

technology vocabulary 2021-04-12

technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device.
  2. a data transmission rate for modems.
  3. a program that gives a computer instructions.
  4. a program used to view HTML documents.
  5. an online journal where people post about their experiences.
  6. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT.
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other.
  8. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest.
  9. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information.
  1. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video).
  2. having an output that is proportional to the input.
  3. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels.
  4. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage.
  5. a compact disk that is used with a computer.
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive.
  7. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.
  8. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base.
  9. any small compartment.
  10. a unit of measurement of information.
  11. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine.

20 Clues: any small compartment.a data transmission rate for modems.a unit of measurement of information.a program used to view HTML documents.a compact disk that is used with a computer.a program that gives a computer instructions.a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.having an output that is proportional to the input....

technology vocabulary 2021-04-12

technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base.
  2. an online journal where people post about their experiences.
  3. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage.
  4. a unit of measurement of information.
  5. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT.
  6. a program that gives a computer instructions.
  7. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device.
  8. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other.
  9. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest.
  10. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.
  1. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video).
  2. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels.
  3. any small compartment.
  4. a compact disk that is used with a computer.
  5. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information.
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive.
  7. a data transmission rate for modems.
  8. having an output that is proportional to the input.
  9. a program used to view HTML documents.
  10. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine.

20 Clues: any small compartment.a data transmission rate for modems.a unit of measurement of information.a program used to view HTML documents.a compact disk that is used with a computer.a program that gives a computer instructions.a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.having an output that is proportional to the input....

Technology Vocabulary 2021-04-12

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  2. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  3. a data transmission rate for modems
  4. any small compartment
  5. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  6. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  7. having an output that is proportional to the input
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  10. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  11. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  1. definitions & notes only words in list order
  2. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  3. a unit of measurement of information
  4. a program that gives a computer instruction
  5. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  6. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  9. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information

21 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa program that gives a computer instructiona compact disk that is used with a computerdefinitions & notes only words in list ordera part of RAM used for temporary storage of data...

Technology Basics 2021-04-25

Technology Basics crossword puzzle
  1. The button to increase how loud or quiet the sound on your device is.
  2. A technology brand responsible for producing a large number of device.
  3. A physical part or specific area used to operate a function on a device.
  4. A key on iPhones that changes the sound on or off.
  5. A device whose primary purpose is communication and which is designed for speaking.
  6. A button that returns you to the primary screen on your device.
  7. key A key on the side of many device which can have multiple functions.
  8. port The area of your device where you connect for charging.
  9. A piece of technology like a phone, tablet, iPad, or computer.
  1. The area on a device used for typing or writing words. (The area for numbers is a "keypad" or "number pad")
  2. A program on a device. Short for application.
  3. A button or screen that gives you options for what you want to do.
  4. One of the two dominant operating systems. Phones which are Androids include Samsung, Google Pixels, and more.
  5. The operating system that is used by Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, and more.
  6. A button that returns you to the previous page.
  7. A different word for "button".
  8. system The system that is responsible for the basic function of a device.
  9. The button used to close your phone or turn the power off or on.
  10. The area of your device where you look.
  11. A medium sized device that has more function that most phones, but not as many as a computer. (iPads are examples of these).

20 Clues: A different word for "button".The area of your device where you look.A program on a device. Short for application.A button that returns you to the previous page.A key on iPhones that changes the sound on or off.port The area of your device where you connect for charging.A piece of technology like a phone, tablet, iPad, or computer....

technology vocabulary 2021-04-13

technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. a data transmission rate for modems
  9. any small compartment
  10. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. having an output that is proportional to the input
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

W3 Technology 2021-05-10

W3 Technology crossword puzzle
  1. not able to relax/rest
  2. to operate well
  3. get confused
  4. a heart device
  5. a possible effect
  6. to become very angry
  7. impressive accessories
  8. to keep
  9. to decide on the cost
  10. inactive
  11. rest after being busy
  12. to do smth efficiently
  13. to share opinions/ideas
  14. very tired
  1. It's not complicated
  2. to be out of energy
  3. put lots of hard work
  4. very unhappy
  5. smth functions well
  6. connected with smth
  7. doesn't destroy nature
  8. to suddenly panic
  9. what can be a reality
  10. to stop something

24 Clues: to keepinactivevery tiredvery unhappyget confuseda heart deviceto operate wella possible effectto suddenly panicto stop somethingto be out of energysmth functions wellconnected with smthIt's not complicatedto become very angryput lots of hard workto decide on the costwhat can be a realityrest after being busynot able to relax/rest...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-04-15

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. a data transmission rate for modems
  9. any small compartment
  10. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. having an output that is proportional to the input
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Acronyms! 2021-04-22

Technology Acronyms! crossword puzzle
  1. EDS - Their leader has the best beard in the organisation (arguably)
  2. API - A program go-between
  3. SDK – A toolbox full of software
  4. DR - What to do when something hits the fan
  5. PMO – They will help you achieve your aims
  6. EIS - They've got the data
  7. OOTB – The best kind of present
  8. BUP – Guiding our annual activities
  9. MVP - Not most valuable player
  10. DAI - Helps pay the bills
  11. RFP – Will you marry me?
  12. ENG – Get to work with Journalists
  13. SLA - What they can do for us
  14. BCP - Artarmageddon outa here
  15. VAST - My very own spacecraft
  16. SPG - The beating heart of our production facility
  17. OTT – Above and beyond
  18. BI - Not an oxymoron
  1. DRM - A kind of copyright
  2. ASPP - They get to see the programs before you do
  3. BRD - How we know if we have been successful
  4. DAB - not the cool kids dance
  5. IBMS – Not A Bank
  6. TOS - Yes we do give one!
  7. ATS – Helping our viewers
  8. MMS - Wrangling information that is not media
  9. ARB – A governance body

27 Clues: IBMS – Not A BankBI - Not an oxymoronOTT – Above and beyondARB – A governance bodyRFP – Will you marry me?DRM - A kind of copyrightTOS - Yes we do give one!ATS – Helping our viewersDAI - Helps pay the billsAPI - A program go-betweenEIS - They've got the dataDAB - not the cool kids danceSLA - What they can do for usBCP - Artarmageddon outa here...

Sugar Technology 2020-05-28

Sugar Technology crossword puzzle
  1. unrefined sugar crystals
  2. harnessed to make sugar processing more efficient
  3. stem of a sugar cane plant
  4. produced by boiling sugar cane juice
  5. machine that will drop seed cane into furrows for cultivation
  6. temperature at which a substance will boil
  7. geographic zone in which Louisiana lies
  8. factory where sugar cane is processed into crystals
  9. allows the liquid to dissipate out of the boiling juice
  10. smaller segments of sugar cane stalk
  11. thick black substance often considered a by-product in sugar production
  1. machine that cuts the mature cane
  2. method of sugar production requiring the use of open kettles
  3. new technology introduced to the sugar industry by N. Rillieux
  4. product of processing sugar cane juice
  5. large open pots once used to cook cane juice
  6. large knife-like tools once used to harvest sugar cane
  7. substance obtained from squeezing sugar cane stalks
  8. region of the Earth where sugar cane originates
  9. part of cane stalk where new plant will emerge

20 Clues: unrefined sugar crystalsstem of a sugar cane plantmachine that cuts the mature caneproduced by boiling sugar cane juicesmaller segments of sugar cane stalkproduct of processing sugar cane juicegeographic zone in which Louisiana liestemperature at which a substance will boillarge open pots once used to cook cane juice...

technology stuff 2020-05-10

technology stuff crossword puzzle
  1. pathway for electricity to flow from one point to another.
  2. numeric system that uses only two digits -0 &1
  3. a structured set of data held in a computer.
  4. a group or system of interconnected people or things.
  5. whenever you enter data into the computer.
  6. currently connected to a network or the internet.
  7. anything that is not hardware but is used with hardware.
  8. a series of actions taken to achieve a particular end.
  9. set of parts working together in an interconnecting network
  1. science & technology concerned with design and engines
  2. physical components of a computer system.
  3. facts & statistics collected for reference or analysis.
  4. performs calculations & tasks to make programs run.
  5. the smallest unit of measurement in computing.
  6. way of sending messages over the internet.
  7. technology that lets us communicate without using wires.
  8. stores information used by programs (aka: computers memory)
  9. a place where power or info leaves the system.
  10. interconnected networks for computers to exchange info.
  11. basic unit of programmable colour on a computer display.

20 Clues: physical components of a computer system.way of sending messages over the internet.whenever you enter data into the computer.a structured set of data held in a computer.numeric system that uses only two digits -0 &1the smallest unit of measurement in computing.a place where power or info leaves the system....

Digital Technology! 2019-03-05

Digital Technology! crossword puzzle
  1. Data that is permanently stored
  2. Where data comes into a device
  3. The smallest unit of memory
  4. To show icons
  5. Something that holds data
  6. Where sound comes from
  7. to make straight drawings
  8. This is another word for an app
  9. A handheld cursor
  10. A device used to insert pictures into computers
  11. Uses 0's and 1's
  12. To connect software to each other
  13. A group of 8,16,32 or 64 bits
  14. to connect to the wifi is to have...
  15. A way to store information (backup)
  16. art can be when you...
  1. A place to store documents in
  2. Where information leaves a device
  3. Where wifi/data come from
  4. When a computer program is being used
  5. The visuals of a device
  6. Where your all your files are stored
  7. to put something digital onto paper
  8. Once power is turned of it is lost
  9. The things in a computer
  10. Where the display is shown
  11. Where you type
  12. The person occupying the device

28 Clues: To show iconsWhere you typeUses 0's and 1'sA handheld cursorWhere sound comes fromart can be when you...The visuals of a deviceThe things in a computerWhere wifi/data come fromSomething that holds datato make straight drawingsWhere the display is shownThe smallest unit of memoryA place to store documents inA group of 8,16,32 or 64 bits...

Information Technology 2019-03-10

Information Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Information made available to end users.
  2. The use of the same computer to accomplish more than one information processing tasks concurrently.
  3. Facts or observations about physical phenomena or business transactions.
  4. The most basic logical data element, consisting of a single alphabetic, numeric, or other symbol.
  5. A network that links selected resources of a company with its customers, suppliers, and other business partners, using the Internet or private networks.
  6. Also called a "Personal Computer" or "PC".
  7. A website stores information in a database consisting of a home page and other hyperlinked pages of multimedia or mixed media.
  8. A set of instructions that cause a computer to perform a particular task.
  9. Memory (such as electronic semiconductor memory) that loses its contents when electrical power is interrupted.
  10. A data element consisting of a grouping of characters that describe a single attribute of an entity.
  11. The use of Internet technologies to support business processes, electronic commerce, and collaboration within a company and with its customers, suppliers, and other business stakeholders.
  1. This category comprises the most powerful computer systems.
  2. Any unit of equipment, distinct from the CPU, that provides the system with input, output, or storage capabilities.
  3. Data describing the attributes, entities, relationships, and other characteristics of a database.
  4. A class of small active or passive transmitters that can be embedded in or affixed to objects to facilitate identification and tracking.
  5. Redundant array of independent disks.
  6. Sun Microsystems create this as an object-oriented programming language with a syntax similar to the "C" programming language.
  7. A process that copies one master database to multiple sites at pre-arranged times; also kown as "mirroring".
  8. Is a language that creates formatted hypertext or hypermedia documents
  9. A strategy that can establish new business linkages with customers, suppliers and competitors.
  10. Pertaining to devices not connected to a network.

21 Clues: Redundant array of independent disks.Information made available to end users.Also called a "Personal Computer" or "PC".Pertaining to devices not connected to a network.This category comprises the most powerful computer systems.Is a language that creates formatted hypertext or hypermedia documents...

Technology crossword 2023-03-22

Technology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Committed or devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises.(PRIDE)
  2. An electronic device with a screen used for display.
  3. A powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces.
  4. A panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.
  5. The application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life.
  6. Development of higher-level thinking, oral communication, self-management, and leadership skills.(PRIDE)
  7. Characteristic of a person who does all his homework on time and from.
  8. [person] Who is incapable of betraying or deceiving.
  9. A citizen abides by all the law and order of the country. (PRIDE)
  1. people who are generous, helpful, and who think of other people's feelings.
  2. A device with parts that cover each ear through which you can listen to something.
  3. an electronic machine that is used for storing, organizing, and finding words, numbers, and pictures.
  4. Device that offers audio and music.
  5. A portable computer.
  6. A medium-sized computer that is designed to be used by one person at a time.
  7. the ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effectively solve problems. (PRIDE)
  8. someone who conveys their message thoroughly and is receptive and responsive to others' input.(PRIDE)
  9. A small handheld device that is dragged across a flat surface to move the cursor on a computer screen, typically having buttons that are pressed to control functions.
  10. [person] Having a noble character and behavior, full of good intentions and kindness.
  11. [person] Who behaves showing kindness and courtesy.

20 Clues: A portable computer.Device that offers audio and music.[person] Who behaves showing kindness and courtesy.An electronic device with a screen used for display.[person] Who is incapable of betraying or deceiving.A panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.A citizen abides by all the law and order of the country. (PRIDE)...

Technology Crossword 2023-06-07

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. represents text, computer processor instructions, or any other data using a two-symbol system.
  2. is the most important processor in a given computer.
  3. is the protection of computer systems and networks from attack by malicious actors.
  4. is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any orde.
  5. is a coding format for digital audio developed largely by the Fraunhofer Society in Germany
  6. is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present document
  7. is a digital multimedia container format most commonly used to store video and audi.
  8. is a collection of discrete values that convey informatio.
  9. is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form
  1. is an American multinational technology company
  2. is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography.
  3. is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code into those programs.
  4. are small blocks of data created by a web server.
  5. is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe.
  6. is a mobile operating system
  7. is a hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster
  8. is a mapping from some domain (for example, a range of integers) to bits.
  9. is a method of transmitting and receiving messages using electronic devices.
  10. is any software intentionally designed to cause disruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network.
  11. is a proprietary audio/video interface for transmitting uncompressed video data and compressed or uncompressed digital audio data from an HDMI-compliant source devic.

20 Clues: is a mobile operating systemis an American multinational technology companyare small blocks of data created by a web the most important processor in a given a collection of discrete values that convey a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present document...

Employment & Technology 2023-04-03

Employment & Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a chair fitted with wheels for use as a means of transport by a person who is unable to walk as a result of illness, injury, or disability.
  2. someone who cleans houses, office, and buildings
  3. someone who is responsible for looking after an office
  4. an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature.
  5. someone who works with electricity
  6. Mass Storage Controller Device or Flash Memory Chip.
  7. someone who promotes and sells goods and services
  8. a device for making an electrical connection, especially between an appliance and a power supply, consisting of an insulated casing with metal pins that fit into holes in an outlet.
  9. a felt-tip pen with a broad tip
  10. a rotating power drill powered by an electric motor
  11. a device that projects an enlarged image of a transparency placed on it onto a wall or screen by means of an overhead mirror.
  12. a wipeable board with a white surface used for teaching or presentations.
  13. a thing or person that is the result of an action or process.
  14. an electrical apparatus that by means of suction collects dust and small particles from floors and other surfaces.
  15. a machine for printing text or pictures onto paper, especially one linked to a computer.
  1. a digital device that allows users to project files and manipulate them on a board's surface
  2. the distinctive clothing worn by members of the same organization or body or by children attending certain schools.
  3. a roughly cylindrical open container, typically made of metal or plastic, with a handle, used to hold and carry liquids or other material.
  4. a folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference.
  5. someone who cares for people who are sick or injured
  6. someone who enters information and data for digital storage
  7. an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
  8. treatment with a vaccine to produce immunity to a particular infectious disease or pathogen.
  9. a thick rope of wire or nonmetallic fiber, typically used for construction, mooring ships, and towing vehicles.
  10. someone who works in a school, college or university
  11. a system for transmitting voices over a distance using wire or radio, by converting acoustic vibrations to electrical signals.
  12. a list of the current prices of items on sale.
  13. an implement consisting of a sponge or a bundle of thick loose strings attached to a handle, used for wiping floors or other surfaces.
  14. an electronic device that plays audio compact discs
  15. messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network.

30 Clues: a felt-tip pen with a broad tipsomeone who works with electricitya list of the current prices of items on sale.someone who cleans houses, office, and buildingssomeone who promotes and sells goods and servicesa rotating power drill powered by an electric motoran electronic device that plays audio compact discs...

Technology Vocabulary 2023-03-27

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. the rhythmic, moderate-to-vigorous activity that uses large amounts of oxygen and works the heart and lungs
  2. any movement that makes the body use extra energy.
  3. physical activities that are part of your day-to-day routine or recreation
  4. the feeling of stability or control.
  5. switching between different forms of physical exercise
  6. the number of days you work out each week
  7. the places where two bones meet.
  8. the ability to move joints easily through range of motion.
  9. the ability to handle the physical demands of everyday life without becoming overly tired.
  10. how much energy you use when you work out
  11. the measure of how efficiently your heart and lungs work after exercise.
  1. the ability of a muscle to endure force over a period of time.
  2. intense physical activity that build muscles but does not use large amounts of oxygen
  3. Principle a method for safely increasing aspects of your workout without injuring yourself
  4. planned physical activity to maintain fitness.
  5. ability to perform difficult physical activity without getting overly tired.
  6. being able to handle physical work and being able to play every day without getting overly tired.
  7. your ability to stick with a task for an amount of time.
  8. the weight you can lift.
  9. the proportions of fat, bone, muscle, and fluid that make up body weight.
  10. physical activities that are part of your day to day routine or recreation.
  11. smooth and effective working together of your muscles or bones.
  12. ability of muscles to use force

23 Clues: the weight you can lift.ability of muscles to use forcethe places where two bones meet.the feeling of stability or control.the number of days you work out each weekhow much energy you use when you work outplanned physical activity to maintain fitness.any movement that makes the body use extra energy....

Technology Vocabulary 2023-12-06

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Same as disadvantage
  2. A North American version of what the British call 'mobile' (noun)
  3. A home appliance used to keep the food fresh
  4. A scan used in medicine for diagnostic purposes
  5. A person who understands how to work with computers is computer ... (adj)
  6. A general word for various appliances used for specific task.
  7. Kitchen equipment for one of the tedious household chores
  8. Provide opportunities to do sth to sb who could not do it before
  9. The data that is transmitted electronically, rather than in written or oral form, is ... (adj)
  10. Same as obstacle or barrier
  1. When a scientists finds out or invents something new, it is called a ... (noun)
  2. To change dramatically and fundamentally
  3. A computer ... is a person who knows far more about computers than about people
  4. Device for a personal use, such as smartphone
  5. Make sth possible, easy, or easier than before
  6. Sending messages to someone using words rather than voice or video
  7. A fundamental change in way people understand or perceive sth is called a ... shift.
  8. A person who is extremely clever at something
  9. Progress or rapid advance in development of something
  10. Negative or harmful

20 Clues: Negative or harmfulSame as disadvantageSame as obstacle or barrierTo change dramatically and fundamentallyA home appliance used to keep the food freshDevice for a personal use, such as smartphoneA person who is extremely clever at somethingMake sth possible, easy, or easier than beforeA scan used in medicine for diagnostic purposes...

Technology Terminology 2023-08-20

Technology Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. ability to navigate our digital environments that's safe and responsible
  2. tools, machinery, and other durable equipment
  3. set of rules applied by the owner
  4. exchanging information
  5. publishing or transfer of digital photos online
  6. electronic communication to bully
  7. information about a particular person that exist on the internet as a result of their online activity
  8. secret word or phrase used to gain admission
  9. application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  10. the programs and other operating information used by a computer
  11. digital reference to data that the user can follow or be guided by clicking
  12. adjustment in a software program or hardware device that changes it to the user's preference
  13. digital representation of the identity of the user
  1. display in a public place
  2. correct or acceptable way to communicate
  3. the sending and processing of messages
  4. abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word
  5. state or condition of being free from being observed by other people
  6. representation of a facial expression
  7. mindful of the dangers on the internet
  8. available on or performed using the internet
  9. happening or coming immediately
  10. document which can be displayed in a web browser
  11. act of sending short messages with cell phones
  12. keyword or term assigned to a piece of information
  13. moral principals

26 Clues: moral principalsexchanging informationdisplay in a public placehappening or coming immediatelyset of rules applied by the ownerelectronic communication to bullyrepresentation of a facial expressionthe sending and processing of messagesmindful of the dangers on the internetcorrect or acceptable way to communicate...

Auto Technology 2023-11-14

Auto Technology crossword puzzle
  1. three plus three
  2. you use it for Fake book
  3. ignites a fuel
  4. stores electricity for the car
  5. we hunt them
  6. tightens screws
  7. rises in the morning
  8. powertrain control module
  9. we use these to look up procedures
  1. lights up the darkness
  2. we write on these for customers
  3. you will give this to the sub
  4. fits in a cylinder
  5. Mr.Schaufele drinks this
  6. hits parts
  7. cover protects the car
  8. you need this for class
  9. you don this to me
  10. moves inside the cylinder
  11. goes on a ratchet
  12. cuts threads

21 Clues: hits partswe hunt themcuts threadsignites a fueltightens screwsthree plus threegoes on a ratchetfits in a cylinderyou don this to merises in the morninglights up the darknessyou need this for classyou use it for Fake bookMr.Schaufele drinks thismoves inside the cylinderpowertrain control modulecover protects the car...

Technology Vocabulary 2023-09-21

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. Where all the data is stored.
  2. vertical space between text.
  3. Makes your computer sick.
  4. A saved shortcut, below the address bar.
  5. moving a webpage up,down,left, and right
  6. Qwerty keys
  7. Multiple devices communicating with one another.
  8. Google Chrome
  9. Used to move your cursor.
  10. positioning text on a page
  11. Receiving data or a file from the internet.
  1. Blue and underlined
  2. A collection of data in one unit.
  3. used to point on a computer screen.
  4. Apps used to execute a specific task.
  5. Allows you to access the internet
  6. Physical components of a computer.
  7. Where the charger plugs into a phone.
  8. Shutting down and restarting
  9. A small graphical representation of a something.

20 Clues: Qwerty keysGoogle ChromeBlue and underlinedMakes your computer sick.Used to move your cursor.positioning text on a pagevertical space between text.Shutting down and restartingWhere all the data is stored.A collection of data in one unit.Allows you to access the internetPhysical components of a computer.used to point on a computer screen....

Vocabulary Technology 2023-11-01

Vocabulary Technology crossword puzzle
  1. to choose something on a computer screen by quickly pressing a button on a computer mouse or other device two times
  2. to load an operating system (OS) into the computer's main memory or RAM
  3. the act of pressing a computer mouse button once without moving the mouse.
  4. based on a multi-stage pressure drop, which divides a pipe's flow into different streams, similar to cages.
  5. Moving points that the user controls
  6. a computer file containing information input by a computer user and usually created with an application
  7. a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown and explained to an audience.
  8. Collection of data.
  9. a key that alters the function of another key if both are pressed at the same time.
  10. the working area of a computer screen regarded as a representation of a notional desktop and containing icons representing items such as files and a wastebasket.
  11. something that uses the link of a website that puts under your search bar for a easy click to the website.
  12. a storage space, or container, where many files can be placed into groups and organize the computer
  1. enables scrolling through content.
  2. a list of commands or options, especially one displayed on screen.
  3. the access point for programs displayed on the desktop, even if the program is minimized
  4. keep and store
  5. graphic image, a small picture or object that represents a file, program, web page, or command
  6. An .exe is a very common file type. The .exe file extension is short for “executable.” These files are most commonly used on Windows® computers to install or run software applications.
  7. a transparent panel on an envelope to show an address.
  8. an electronic document in which data is arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in calculations.

20 Clues: keep and storeCollection of data.enables scrolling through content.Moving points that the user controlsa transparent panel on an envelope to show an address.a list of commands or options, especially one displayed on load an operating system (OS) into the computer's main memory or RAM...

Technology Crossword 2023-11-02

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. To copy the document,recorder image being worked on
  2. To double press on the mouse
  3. Contains shortcuts to open windows
  4. A document that stores data
  5. To turn on
  6. To press on the mouse
  7. List for certain programs
  8. Stores Data
  9. Where your documents are stored
  10. A type of file
  1. The screen that can be seen
  2. Allows to display information
  3. Where your mouse pointer is
  4. Moving an icon across the screen
  5. Bar Allows you to go up and down on a page
  6. Extension
  7. Displays a specific program
  8. A key that if pressed with a letter key creates a special command
  9. Allows you to immediately go to a program
  10. A symbol

20 Clues: A symbolExtensionTo turn onStores DataA type of fileTo press on the mouseList for certain programsThe screen that can be seenWhere your mouse pointer isA document that stores dataDisplays a specific programTo double press on the mouseAllows to display informationWhere your documents are storedMoving an icon across the screen...

Technology Crossword 2023-11-02

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. To copy the document,recorder image being worked on
  2. To double press on the mouse
  3. Contains shortcuts to open windows
  4. A document that stores data
  5. To turn on
  6. To press on the mouse
  7. List for certain programs
  8. Stores Data
  9. Where your documents are stored
  10. A type of file
  1. The screen that can be seen
  2. Allows to display information
  3. Where your mouse pointer is
  4. Moving an icon across the screen
  5. Bar Allows you to go up and down on a page
  6. Extension
  7. Displays a specific program
  8. A key that if pressed with a letter key creates a special command
  9. Allows you to immediately go to a program
  10. A symbol

20 Clues: A symbolExtensionTo turn onStores DataA type of fileTo press on the mouseList for certain programsThe screen that can be seenWhere your mouse pointer isA document that stores dataDisplays a specific programTo double press on the mouseAllows to display informationWhere your documents are storedMoving an icon across the screen...

Technology Crossword 2023-11-02

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. To copy the document,recorder image being worked on
  2. To double press on the mouse
  3. Contains shortcuts to open windows
  4. A document that stores data
  5. To turn on
  6. To press on the mouse
  7. List for certain programs
  8. Stores Data
  9. Where your documents are stored
  10. A type of file
  1. The screen that can be seen
  2. Allows to display information
  3. Where your mouse pointer is
  4. Moving an icon across the screen
  5. Bar Allows you to go up and down on a page
  6. Extension
  7. Displays a specific program
  8. A key that if pressed with a letter key creates a special command
  9. Allows you to immediately go to a program
  10. A symbol

20 Clues: A symbolExtensionTo turn onStores DataA type of fileTo press on the mouseList for certain programsThe screen that can be seenWhere your mouse pointer isA document that stores dataDisplays a specific programTo double press on the mouseAllows to display informationWhere your documents are storedMoving an icon across the screen...

Technology Terminology 2023-11-02

Technology Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. to turn on the computer
  2. click and ______
  3. stores data in a grid
  4. adds more to a program
  5. where docs and apps are kept together
  6. another word for monitor
  7. alters the function of another key when used used at the same time
  8. a type of file
  9. drag to go up and down on a page
  10. where data is stored
  1. an icon on a computer that links to a program
  2. click twice
  3. keep data for later
  4. a speech or talk about a new technology
  5. on the bottom of the screen holding apps
  6. a list of
  7. the symbol of a file or app on a device
  8. the user interface of a computer
  9. used to point and click within the monitor
  10. what a mouse does

20 Clues: a list ofclick twicea type of fileclick and ______what a mouse doeskeep data for laterwhere data is storedstores data in a gridadds more to a programto turn on the computeranother word for monitorthe user interface of a computerdrag to go up and down on a pagewhere docs and apps are kept togethera speech or talk about a new technology...

technology terminology 2023-11-02

technology terminology crossword puzzle
  1. access items quickly
  2. the bar at the edge of the display
  3. moving something on the screen with the mouse
  4. points to something on the screen
  5. turn on the device
  6. extension
  7. keep and store up
  8. store data
  9. an act of selection and option
  10. a page in your drive
  11. list of commands or options
  1. key that functions another key
  2. bar on the side of the screen
  3. a document of data in rows and columns on a grid
  4. press the mouse two times
  5. a speech or talk about something
  6. stores files
  7. a shorter alternative route
  8. displays information for a specific program
  9. visual representation of something on your device

20 Clues: extensionstore datastores fileskeep and store upturn on the deviceaccess items quicklya page in your drivepress the mouse two timesa shorter alternative routelist of commands or optionsbar on the side of the screenkey that functions another keyan act of selection and optiona speech or talk about somethingpoints to something on the screen...

technology terminology 2023-11-02

technology terminology crossword puzzle
  1. access items quickly
  2. the bar at the edge of the display
  3. moving something on the screen with the mouse
  4. points to something on the screen
  5. turn on the device
  6. extension
  7. keep and store up
  8. store data
  9. an act of selection and option
  10. a page in your drive
  11. list of commands or options
  1. key that functions another key
  2. bar on the side of the screen
  3. a document of data in rows and columns on a grid
  4. press the mouse two times
  5. a speech or talk about something
  6. stores files
  7. a shorter alternative route
  8. displays information for a specific program
  9. visual representation of something on your device

20 Clues: extensionstore datastores fileskeep and store upturn on the deviceaccess items quicklya page in your drivepress the mouse two timesa shorter alternative routelist of commands or optionsbar on the side of the screenkey that functions another keyan act of selection and optiona speech or talk about somethingpoints to something on the screen...

Technology Terminology 2023-11-02

Technology Terminology crossword puzzle
  1. pressing the mouse button
  2. gives you easy access to things in your hard drive
  3. alters another key if pressed at the same time
  4. a document that stores data in a grid
  5. quick access to a file or application
  6. click twice on the mouse
  7. a list that contains applications
  8. Bar a slider the user can click and drag to scroll
  9. data stored
  10. move icons and objects
  1. shows where the mouse is
  2. a file that has been created or saved by an application
  3. allows to display info
  4. copy and store
  5. turning the computer on
  6. an area on the screen that displays a specific application
  7. bar at the bottom of the screen
  8. the way you view files
  9. stores files
  10. a file that has an encoded sequence

20 Clues: data storedstores filescopy and storeallows to display infothe way you view filesmove icons and objectsturning the computer onshows where the mouse isclick twice on the mousepressing the mouse buttonbar at the bottom of the screena list that contains applicationsa file that has an encoded sequencea document that stores data in a grid...

Fabric Technology 2023-10-31

Fabric Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Fasteners for clothing
  2. Customizing clothing fit
  3. machine Device for automated stitching
  4. Decorative stitched designs
  5. Fasteners with interlocking teeth
  6. construction: Making clothes from patterns
  7. Stitching layers of fabric together
  8. Guides for cutting and sewing
  9. Needle and thread work
  10. trends Current clothing styles
  11. Interlacing threads
  12. Thin, flexible strand for sewing
  1. Creating fabric with needles
  2. Handcraft involving needles
  3. Materials for making clothes
  4. Cloth materials
  5. Folding and sewing garment edges
  6. Coloring fabrics
  7. Quilt of sewn fabric pieces
  8. Sewing lines
  9. design Creating clothing styles
  10. Skilled female tailor
  11. Sewing fabric onto fabric

23 Clues: Sewing linesCloth materialsColoring fabricsInterlacing threadsSkilled female tailorFasteners for clothingNeedle and thread workCustomizing clothing fitSewing fabric onto fabricHandcraft involving needlesDecorative stitched designsQuilt of sewn fabric piecesCreating fabric with needlesMaterials for making clothesGuides for cutting and sewing...

Technology Vocab 2024-02-02

Technology Vocab crossword puzzle
  1. a mobile device for reading content, like e-books and newspapers.
  2. a speaker that can stream music, answer questions, and control smart home devices using voice commands.
  3. a compact camera designed for recording action while being immersed in it.
  4. the science of identifying people based on their unique physical or mental traits, such as fingerprints or face patterns.
  5. a piece of software that adds a certain function to a computer program.
  6. a software application, especially one designed for mobile devices.
  7. the computer's actual parts, like the CPU, monitor, and keyboard.
  8. a place where tools and gadgets can be managed over the Internet from anywhere in the world.
  9. a set of rules to solve a problem in a series of steps.
  10. recording and processing information with two signs - 0 and 1.
  11. a system in which records are maintained across several computers linked in a peer-to-peer network.
  12. a type of signal that keeps going, while digital signals stop and start.
  13. a computer-simulated experience that replicates an environment and can simulate physical presence.
  14. the act of buying and selling items or services over the Internet.
  15. a device that can be programmed to carry out arithmetic or logical operations.
  16. a personal computer designed to fit comfortably on top of a desk.
  17. a computer or system that manages network resources and provides requested data to other computers.
  18. software that communicates with computer hardware and allows other software to run.
  19. a network security system that controls and monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  1. a worldwide network of computers and systems that can share and send information.
  2. the component in a computer that interprets instructions and processes data in computer programs.
  3. a subset of artificial intelligence where computers are trained to improve from experience without being explicitly programmed.
  4. a head-mounted device that provides virtual reality experiences.
  5. the programs and other information that a computer needs to run.
  6. a group of binary digits operated on as a unit and is typically eight bits long.
  7. an external device connected to a computer, like a mouse or a printer.
  8. the process of putting information into a secret code that hides what it really means.
  9. to send or receive data (especially video and music) in a steady, ongoing flow over the Internet.
  10. content, usually a video, that gets a lot of attention in a short amount of time.
  11. a wearable computing device that closely resembles a wristwatch.
  12. an electronic device for playing video games.
  13. a camera that captures photographs in digital format.
  14. a flat, portable computer that's touchscreen operated.
  15. digital audio programs that can be downloaded or streamed online. They are similar to radio shows.
  16. a remote-controlled flying device, often equipped with a camera.
  17. a television set with integrated Internet capabilities.
  18. a separate part of the Internet whose names all end with the same letter.
  19. the address used to access a particular website on the Internet.
  20. the process of analyzing large sets of data to discover patterns and trends.
  21. a portable computer that folds open to expose a screen and keyboard.
  22. a mobile device that combines cellular and computing functions.
  23. a piece of hardware or software that saves data so that it can be used faster for future calls.
  24. servers accessed over the Internet, often used for storing data remotely.
  25. a technology that allows devices to connect to the Internet wirelessly.

44 Clues: an electronic device for playing video games.a camera that captures photographs in digital format.a flat, portable computer that's touchscreen operated.a set of rules to solve a problem in a series of steps.a television set with integrated Internet capabilities.recording and processing information with two signs - 0 and 1....

System technology 2024-02-20

System technology crossword puzzle
  1. An audio file (often in an MP3 format) that is made available to download for free or to purchase from the internet.
  2. Large rectangular board inside the computer case, containing circuitry with slots and connectors for the CPU, RAM, storage devices and peripherals to connect to it.
  3. Point Of Sale system – designed to speed up the sale of goods and services in the marketplace.
  4. A built-in connection to another place in a document (web page, resource), often indicated as text underlined in blue.
  5. Step-by-step solution used to solve a problem.
  6. The succession of folders, starting from the drive letter and separated by \ , that lead to the location of a specific file.
  7. The trend where separate technologies and functions that required different devices in the past are combined into one single device.
  8. Making copies of files with the aim of having extra copies of the files in case the originals get lost.
  9. A device used to connect computers in a network (e.g. a LAN) with cables so that communication can occur between the computers. It
  10. the highest number of pixels that the display supports, given by the number of horizontal pixels multiplied by the number of vertical pixels (e.g. 1920 x 1080).
  11. an interface that transmits high definition video and sound via a single cable.
  12. Input device in smartphones and tablets, used to detect which way around the device is held or how it is being moved.
  13. Temporary storage area for programs and data being processed in the computer.
  14. Optical Character Recognition – converts text in an image into editable text.
  1. A tip or information that pops up when you rest the pointer on an icon or object.
  2. A completely electronic alternative to the traditional hard drive. It uses the same technology as flash drives, making for very fast disk access.
  3. Downloadable update to an operating system – especially one that fixes bugs or security vulnerabilities.
  4. The ability of the operating system to load and process multiple tasks or processes at the same time.
  5. A special chip on the motherboard that holds the instructions needed to start the computer and load the operating system when you switch it on.
  6. A computer that provide services or resources to other computers (clients) that are linked in the network.
  7. A barrier between your computer and the internet. It checks which programs are trying to access your computer via the internet
  8. Additional data stored about a file that describes the contents of the file, such as the author and title of the file.
  9. Software that allows a computer to communicate with hardware or devices.
  10. The study and design of the workplace and the equipment used in the workplace for the comfort and safety of people in their work environments.
  11. A standard or technology that allows electronic devices to connect wirelessly and exchange data, simply by touching them together or bringing them close together
  12. Central Processing Unit – hardware component that processes all data and carries out all instructions.
  13. A policy where people are allowed to bring their own computing device (laptop, phone or tablet) to school or work and use it instead of relying on equipment owned or supplied by the school or company.
  14. A controller that connects the computer to a cabled network, allowing the computer to communicate with the network.
  15. End User Licence Agreement – a legally binding contract between a user and a software company. It describes what one may and may not do with the software.
  16. A test to determine whether it is a human being interacting with the computer
  17. A wireless technology that allows devices such as mice, printers and smartphones to communicate over a relatively short distance.

31 Clues: Step-by-step solution used to solve a problem.Software that allows a computer to communicate with hardware or devices.A test to determine whether it is a human being interacting with the computerTemporary storage area for programs and data being processed in the computer.Optical Character Recognition – converts text in an image into editable text....

Technology Terms 2024-04-09

Technology Terms crossword puzzle
  1. A textile art involving the assembly of small fabric pieces to create a larger design.
  2. Delicate, ornamental fabric.
  3. The art of decorating fabric with thread and intricate stitching.
  4. Small decorative trimmings sewn onto fabric.
  5. Material composed of fibres, woven or knitted together.
  6. A specimen.
  7. The deliberate planning and arrangement of elements to create an aesthetic product.
  8. A small implement that holds thread in a sewing machine.
  9. How something looks and feels, especially if it is attractive.
  10. A narrow strip of fabric used for decorative or functional purposes.
  11. A heated metal appliance used to remove creases from fabric.
  12. A stitch used for reinforcement.
  1. To unravel or become worn at the edges.
  2. A slender, pointed implement used to sew.
  3. Designed to be practical and useful, rather than attractive.
  4. A line of stitching that joins two fabrics.
  5. A sewing machine used to finish raw edges of fabric.
  6. Items used to enhance the appearance or functionality of garments.
  7. A textile art form involving the application of wax and dye.
  8. The process of temporarily securing fabric layers together.

20 Clues: A specimen.Delicate, ornamental fabric.A stitch used for reinforcement.To unravel or become worn at the edges.A slender, pointed implement used to sew.A line of stitching that joins two fabrics.Small decorative trimmings sewn onto fabric.A sewing machine used to finish raw edges of fabric.Material composed of fibres, woven or knitted together....

Technology words 2024-04-23

Technology words crossword puzzle
  1. A machine that can be programmed
  2. A structured set of data held in a computer
  3. operating info used by a computer
  4. It connects everything
  5. A small electronic device containing flash memory
  6. small files of information that a web server generates
  7. A hardware whose function is to control the flow of electrical energy
  8. A type of data storage device that is used in laptops and desktop computers.
  1. The use or operation of computers
  2. expressed as series of the digits 0 and 1
  3. A term used to describe a global network of servers, each with a unique function
  4. A form of mass media based on electronic delivery
  5. blocks unauthorized access to things
  6. Software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer
  7. A combined device for modulation and demodulation
  8. A communication method that uses electronic devices
  9. External and internal devices and equipment
  10. Hand-controlled electromechanical device to control the computer
  11. The capacity at which a network can transmit data
  12. Connects computer systems

20 Clues: It connects everythingConnects computer systemsA machine that can be programmedThe use or operation of computersoperating info used by a computerblocks unauthorized access to thingsexpressed as series of the digits 0 and 1A structured set of data held in a computerExternal and internal devices and equipment...

Gene Technology 2024-05-03

Gene Technology crossword puzzle
  1. most ambitus project in scientific history
  2. study of ethical issues related to gene technology
  3. bonds to human gene for insulin
  4. completed DNA fingerprint
  5. the study of all an organism's proteins
  6. number of tandem repeats at a specific place
  7. exact copy of DNA
  8. made by using one or more genes from a pathogen
  9. combines biological science, computer science, and information technology
  10. There are about ___ single nucleotide ploymorphisms
  1. a key tool in proteomics
  2. reasearchers can clone DNA fragments by inserting them into ___
  3. two-dimensional arrangement of DNA molecules
  4. organisms complete set of protiens
  5. artificially made pieces of single-stranded DNA
  6. seperates nucleic acids or proteins
  7. meaning "to kill"
  8. plasmids
  9. a strand of RNA
  10. identical sheep
  11. an organism's complete set of proteins
  12. regions of DNA that do not code for proteins
  13. polymerase chain reaction
  14. only about __ percent of the human genome codes for proteins
  15. Step where bacteria produces human insulin

25 Clues: plasmidsa strand of RNAidentical sheepmeaning "to kill"exact copy of DNAa key tool in proteomicscompleted DNA fingerprintpolymerase chain reactionbonds to human gene for insulinorganisms complete set of protiensseperates nucleic acids or proteinsan organism's complete set of proteinsthe study of all an organism's proteins...

technology crossword 2024-08-29

technology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A symbol that performs a calculation (e.g., +, -).
  2. Executes code line by line.
  3. Repeating steps in a loop.
  4. (Integrated Development Environment) Software for writing code.
  5. An instance of a class containing data and methods.
  6. A plain language description of an algorithm.
  7. A collection of pre-written code for reuse.
  8. Reasoning in programming to perform tasks.
  9. Data produced by a program.
  10. A diagram showing an algorithm’s steps.
  1. A class taking properties from another class.
  2. Data provided to a program.
  3. A file that can be run as a program.
  4. Using a single interface for different data types.
  5. A function that calls itself.
  6. A function associated with an object.
  7. Simplifying complex systems by modeling classes.
  8. Hiding details of an object’s implementation.
  9. Code Original code written by a programmer.
  10. Type Defines the kind of data (e.g., integer, string).
  11. A blueprint for creating objects in programming.

21 Clues: Repeating steps in a loop.Data provided to a program.Executes code line by line.Data produced by a program.A function that calls itself.A file that can be run as a program.A function associated with an object.A diagram showing an algorithm’s steps.Reasoning in programming to perform tasks.Code Original code written by a programmer....

french technology 2024-05-29

french technology crossword puzzle
  1. password
  2. to surf (the internet)
  3. to be online/on the phone
  4. file
  5. to print
  6. to close; to shut off
  7. to record, to burn a cd
  8. link
  1. to erase
  2. to download
  3. text
  4. to turn on
  5. smartphone
  6. website
  7. to be connected
  8. video games
  9. to save
  10. to dial
  11. to start up
  12. email

20 Clues: textfilelinkemailwebsiteto saveto dialto erasepasswordto printto turn onsmartphoneto downloadvideo gamesto start upto be connectedto close; to shut offto surf (the internet)to record, to burn a cdto be online/on the phone

Technology Crossword 2024-08-10

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. types of charts and graphs that use icons and images to represent data.
  2. a protective garment worn over the front of one's clothes
  3. a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made
  4. to collect and treat used objects and materials that are ready to be thrown out in order to produce materials that can be used again
  5. a device which detects or measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it
  6. open hardware development board
  7. a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided
  8. having the property of becoming permanently hard and rigid when heated or cured
  9. equipment used to prevent or minimize exposure to hazards
  10. the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material
  11. a toolpath generation software used in 3D printing
  12. light emitting diode
  13. of synthetic resins and textile fibres made from polymers of acrylic acid
  14. means an in-depth set of instructions for the completion of a specific process or task
  15. an early version of a product from which future versions are developed
  1. the manufacture, processing, analysis and application of long-chain molecules
  2. Technology specific activities performed by persons or systems to ensure that computer systems operate in a way that minimises risk.
  3. polymers that can be softened through heating before being processed and then left to cool and harden
  4. he pressure from an electrical circuit's power source that pushes charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop, enabling them to do work such as illuminating a light
  5. designed for humans to help suit them
  6. a folder or box for holding loose papers together and in order for easy reference
  7. consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another
  8. make a rough drawing of a prototype or idea
  9. Polyethylene terephthalate
  10. a tool or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes
  11. A 3D printing file format created by 3D Systems for its stereolithography system
  12. t is a machine with a strip of wire that heats the acrylic to such a heat that it becomes malleable
  13. the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury
  14. computer-aided design
  15. a thermoplastic polymer made from petroleum

30 Clues: light emitting diodecomputer-aided designPolyethylene terephthalateopen hardware development boarddesigned for humans to help suit themmake a rough drawing of a prototype or ideaa thermoplastic polymer made from petroleuma toolpath generation software used in 3D printinga protective garment worn over the front of one's clothes...

The Telecom World 2018-04-16

The Telecom World crossword puzzle
  1. These customers pay the mobile bill every month
  2. Voice calls using mobile data
  3. A card in your mobile phone
  4. Earnings made by telecom operator
  1. Any illegal activity which incurs a loss to the telecom operator
  2. An official agreement between 2 parties
  3. You use this device everyday
  4. A leader in Telecom OSS/BSS solutions

8 Clues: A card in your mobile phoneYou use this device everydayVoice calls using mobile dataEarnings made by telecom operatorA leader in Telecom OSS/BSS solutionsAn official agreement between 2 partiesThese customers pay the mobile bill every monthAny illegal activity which incurs a loss to the telecom operator

Digital Transformation Crossword 2018-04-02

Digital Transformation Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Referring to billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data
  2. The intersection of marketing and technology in today's highly digital business world
  3. New York's leading technology, business, and educational advisory firm that brings out the best capabilities for all of our clients
  4. Intelligence demonstrated by machines
  5. The protection of computer systems from the theft and damage
  6. Originally devised for the digital currency Bitcoin, the tech community is now finding other potential uses for the technology
  7. The range of interactions that patients have with the health care system, including their care from health plans
  8. Socio-technical model for healthcare management and delivery by using technology to provide healthcare services remotely
  9. Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking
  10. Modern technology that enables a machine or computer program to receive and interpret dictation or to understand and carry out spoken commands
  1. The new technology and innovation that aims to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services
  2. The change associated with the application of new digital technology in all aspects of business and organizational strategy
  3. Creating relevant and consistent connections between offline and online media in real time
  4. A cross-channel business model and content strategy that companies use to improve their user experience
  5. Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions
  6. Enhancing healthcare delivery and support using telecommunications technologies
  7. Computer oriented crime
  8. The practice that aims at unifying software development and software operation
  9. The myriad of IT resources provided over the internet; Digital data stored in logical pools

19 Clues: Computer oriented crimeIntelligence demonstrated by machinesThe protection of computer systems from the theft and damageThe practice that aims at unifying software development and software operationEnhancing healthcare delivery and support using telecommunications technologies...

Effects of ICT 2013-03-19

Effects of ICT crossword puzzle
  1. The good aspects of technology in the future
  2. A dystopian view on technology where employees would be on their own working
  3. A place to save files which can be accessible from anywhere with a connection to a network
  4. The acronym for an injury often occurring in the 50s typing pools
  5. Fast and efficient messaging with the ability to attach files
  6. What many employees had to in order to continue working after newer technology was added to the office
  7. A small chip that contains a CPU, some RAM and some ROM storage
  8. A worldwide computer network with email and information
  9. What happened after newer jobs such as web designers came into use
  10. A utopian view on the technology where less paper and energy will be used
  1. The bad aspects of technology in the future
  2. A stationary that most businesses and offices are based off
  3. The state of being connected in order to share work in a modern office
  4. A job type that replaced many employees with robots
  5. A machine used to type documents before word processing
  6. A job replaced by the personal computer and printing to produce documents required for the business to run
  7. Working from home
  8. The bad thing that happened to employees when new technology was introduced to offices
  9. A job replaced by spreadsheet software to calculate profit, loss, billings .etc
  10. The connection within an office to share the files and documents between each employee

20 Clues: Working from homeThe bad aspects of technology in the futureThe good aspects of technology in the futureA job type that replaced many employees with robotsA machine used to type documents before word processingA worldwide computer network with email and informationA stationary that most businesses and offices are based off...

software 2022-10-21

software crossword puzzle
  1. perangkat lunak mobile application commerce
  2. perangkat lunak layanan internet
  3. perangkat lunak pengolah kata
  4. perangkat lunak multimedia
  5. perangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerja
  6. perangkat lunak mobile application social
  7. perangkat lunak progam bantu
  8. perangkat lunak penerbitan
  1. perangkat lunak pengolah data
  2. perangkat lunak untuk presentasi
  3. perangkat lunak bahasa pemrogaman
  4. perangkat lunak pengolah grafis

12 Clues: perangkat lunak multimediaperangkat lunak penerbitanperangkat lunak progam bantuperangkat lunak pengolah dataperangkat lunak pengolah kataperangkat lunak pengolah grafisperangkat lunak untuk presentasiperangkat lunak layanan internetperangkat lunak bahasa pemrogamanperangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerjaperangkat lunak mobile application social...

software 2022-10-21

software crossword puzzle
  1. perangkat lunak untuk presentasi
  2. perangkat lunak progam bantu
  3. perangkat lunak penerbitan
  4. perangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerja
  5. perangkat lunak bahasa pemrogaman
  6. perangkat lunak multimedia
  1. perangkat lunak layanan internet
  2. perangkat lunak mobile application social
  3. perangkat lunak pengolah grafis
  4. perangkat lunak mobile application commerce
  5. perangkat lunak pengolah data
  6. perangkat lunak pengolah kata

12 Clues: perangkat lunak penerbitanperangkat lunak multimediaperangkat lunak progam bantuperangkat lunak pengolah dataperangkat lunak pengolah kataperangkat lunak pengolah grafisperangkat lunak layanan internetperangkat lunak untuk presentasiperangkat lunak bahasa pemrogamanperangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerjaperangkat lunak mobile application social...

software 2022-10-21

software crossword puzzle
  1. perangkat lunak bahasa pemrogaman
  2. perangkat lunak layanan internet
  3. perangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerja
  4. perangkat lunak pengolah kata
  5. perangkat lunak untuk presentasi
  6. perangkat lunak pengolah data
  1. perangkat lunak mobile application commerce
  2. perangkat lunak pengolah grafis
  3. perangkat lunak multimedia
  4. perangkat lunak penerbitan
  5. perangkat lunak mobile application social
  6. perangkat lunak progam bantu

12 Clues: perangkat lunak multimediaperangkat lunak penerbitanperangkat lunak progam bantuperangkat lunak pengolah kataperangkat lunak pengolah dataperangkat lunak pengolah grafisperangkat lunak layanan internetperangkat lunak untuk presentasiperangkat lunak bahasa pemrogamanperangkat lunak pengolah lembar kerjaperangkat lunak mobile application social...

Assurant Solutions Crossword 2014-04-26

Assurant Solutions Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Equipment Screen / screen that we would obtain or input the IMEI
  2. / website that we would provide to T-Mobile customers
  3. Screen / screen that we would obtain the mobile number of the claimed device
  4. Authorization / issue generated when we need to speak to the account holder to authorize the claim
  5. Verification / issue used to verify insurance coverage; will generate when no enrollment is on the date of loss
  6. / name of the cust that the account is under
  7. / second level review
  8. Verification / issue manually inputed when we need to speak to the user of the phone to obtain details of the incident
  9. Insurable Interest / reason for denial if no activation call was made on the phone prior to enrollment
  10. / liquid damage over time
  11. / reason of denial if the owner of the phone gave permission to another, who then stole the device
  12. Number / name of the issue when the IMEI
  1. / reason of denial if authorities currently have possession of the device.
  2. / T-Mobile coverage that is payed post-paid
  3. / T-Mobile coverage that is payed pre-paid
  4. Verification / issue that generates when the cust states that the claimed phone is different than the enrolled phone
  5. Screen / name of the screen in which you would obtain the email from the customer
  6. / reason of denial when the customer provides a lie about a material fact, pertaining to the claim
  7. Intent / when the owner of the device intentionally damages the device.
  8. of Loss / document needed to verify claim information
  9. Review / first level review
  10. / first level review documentation, will take 1-2 bus days
  11. Screen / screen that the POL would generate on a claim

23 Clues: / second level review/ liquid damage over timeReview / first level reviewNumber / name of the issue when the IMEI/ T-Mobile coverage that is payed pre-paid/ T-Mobile coverage that is payed post-paid/ name of the cust that the account is under/ website that we would provide to T-Mobile customersof Loss / document needed to verify claim information...


  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  4. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  5. ram memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  6. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  8. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  9. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  10. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  1. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  2. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  3. a program used to view HTML documents
  4. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. any small compartment
  6. a unit of measurement of information
  7. having an output that is proportional to the input
  8. a program that gives a computer instructions
  9. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  10. a data transmission rate for modems

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa program that gives a computer instructionsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

manufacturing technology 2022-11-29

manufacturing technology crossword puzzle
  1. The process of phosphating aluminum and steel parts is called _____ Coating
  2. Capital cost is ______ and it is easy to operate and maintain AJM
  3. non-consumable electrode is used in which arc spraying method
  4. ECM works on the principle of _________ of electroplating
  5. work piece is connected as ____ in electro chemical grinding principles
  6. ______ Wear is flat portion worn behind the cutting edge
  7. metal used in galvanizing for coating
  8. EDM is used to produce ________ geometric shapes
  9. tool ____________is based on the amount of wear
  10. process that changes the shape of grinding wheel
  11. ____ is requried for grinding wheel for restoring its wheel cutting capacity
  1. if the ____ angle is large chip thickness is less
  2. in which production case fixture is used ?
  3. Shear ______ may be defined as deformation per unit length
  4. no of edges for single point cutting tool
  5. Electron Beam Machining is required to be carried out in _____
  6. use of manganese phosphated coatings for improved______ resistance
  7. metal cutting operation performed by rotating abrasive wheel
  8. jigs are ____ in construction
  9. gears are used for ______ transmit

20 Clues: jigs are ____ in constructiongears are used for ______ transmitmetal used in galvanizing for coatingno of edges for single point cutting toolin which production case fixture is used ?tool ____________is based on the amount of wearEDM is used to produce ________ geometric shapesprocess that changes the shape of grinding wheel...

Modern technology 2020-06-01

Modern technology crossword puzzle
  1. A crime committed using social media
  2. What the 'fi' mean in WiFi?
  3. (Blank) hat hackers that are criminals
  4. A modern device that has lots of systems built into it
  5. hardware in the device that stores data already in use
  6. (blank)wide web
  7. A wireless form of connection between devices
  8. The worlds biggest network
  9. malicious software that damages your computer files
  10. A mouse is an example of this (blank) device
  11. An example of an output device
  12. The most popular social network platform
  1. The most important software on any device
  2. The term used when backing up to the ?
  3. Finger print password
  4. What does the 'P' stand for in CPU?
  5. V stands for in VPN
  6. A professional who writes code
  7. shopping online
  8. a form of protection when on the internet
  9. (Blank) hat hackers that are legally employed to hack
  10. Another name for a PC - ? computer
  11. A technique criminals use to get your data
  12. Professional software used to edit pictures

24 Clues: shopping online(blank)wide webV stands for in VPNFinger print passwordThe worlds biggest networkWhat the 'fi' mean in WiFi?A professional who writes codeAn example of an output deviceAnother name for a PC - ? computerWhat does the 'P' stand for in CPU?A crime committed using social mediaThe term used when backing up to the ?...

Food Technology 2020-06-09

Food Technology crossword puzzle
  1. A red/green fruit
  2. It provides protein, vitamins, and minerals rhymes with 'mole pain said'
  3. Healthy chocolate
  4. Flour is rubbed into fat to make pastry
  5. It is rich in iron, and is red meat but not beef
  6. "I love Greek _________."
  7. Fry very quickly over high heat
  8. H2O/The most important drink
  9. To cook food with dry heat in the oven. eg. Cake
  10. To rub (food)against a rough surface- rhymes with crating
  11. A large fish that can be eaten with salads
  12. Has an orange liquid inside
  1. A yellow dairy product- mice enjoy it!
  2. An orange fish that can be eaten raw or cooked
  3. A yellow berry
  4. Wholegrain rice- rhymes with 'frown ice'
  5. Coating a smooth finish to the food
  6. They are like miniature green trees
  7. They are flowering plants of the pea family
  8. Lightly frying until golden brown
  9. Cut into cubes
  10. A fruit that has healthy fats
  11. The most healthiest potato in the world
  12. To fry food using just enough preheated fat to stop the food sticking to the pan
  13. "My Grandpa is _______ the sausages on the barbecue"
  14. They are good for your heart, and high in fiber
  15. Hot bubbling water in a pot/kettle
  16. Softening solid fat/shortening
  17. Nutritious grains for the cereal
  18. White liquid filled with nutrients- from cows

30 Clues: A yellow berryCut into cubesA red/green fruitHealthy chocolate"I love Greek _________."Has an orange liquid insideH2O/The most important drinkA fruit that has healthy fatsSoftening solid fat/shorteningFry very quickly over high heatNutritious grains for the cerealLightly frying until golden brownHot bubbling water in a pot/kettle...

Digital Technology 2019-03-04

Digital Technology crossword puzzle
  1. information in computering and digital communications
  2. storage in text form
  3. and using object that controls a device
  4. where you store something
  5. receiving audio from a device
  6. recent times as opposed to the remote past
  7. a type of technology
  8. to receive information from a device
  9. to examine something
  10. an ancillary device used to put information into and get information out of a device
  11. to safely store something
  12. a point where two systems meet
  13. a series of software steps
  14. makes a human-readable representation on graphic or text on paper
  1. consists of eight units
  2. without reason, available data storage
  3. a monitor used by human beings
  4. a person who operates something
  5. to store, manage and process data
  6. a piece of equipment that mark out point of a charts
  7. moving in any way
  8. a group or system of interconnected people or things
  9. a panel of something that operates a computer
  10. relating to visual arts or computer tabs
  11. to take something from it's original place
  12. something that available for data storage
  13. allows you to interact with other devices
  14. to account a sound

28 Clues: moving in any wayto account a soundstorage in text forma type of technologyto examine somethingconsists of eight unitswhere you store somethingto safely store somethinga series of software stepsreceiving audio from a devicea monitor used by human beingsa point where two systems meeta person who operates somethingto store, manage and process data...





INVENTIONS & TECHNOLOGY crossword puzzle


Workplace Technology 2020-09-16

Workplace Technology crossword puzzle
  1. machine which makes exact duplicates of documents
  2. computer software which has restrictions on its use and source code is kept secret
  3. device for sending & receiving printed documents
  4. wireless networking technology using radio waves to transport internet signals
  5. programmable machine for storing,processing,& retrieving data
  6. software that can be used without paying a license fee
  7. connections among computers to facilitate communication and sharing of resources
  8. input device which transfers information and images from physical documents to computer files
  9. public information on the internet which connects billions of documents known as web pages
  10. output device,which produces physical versions of computer documents
  11. physical elements of a computer , all support computer functionality
  1. equipment and systems developed for practical purposes
  2. global system of computer networks
  3. Multiline interconnected telephone system
  4. computer software which provides platforms and instructions for specific tasks
  5. instructions which guide how hardware,operates
  6. global network of remote servers which operate through the internet
  7. Computer software which provides instructions for basic operations of computer hardware
  8. private networks typically used by organizations for the sharing of company news , etc.
  9. application software which operate and can be accessed through the World Wide Web

20 Clues: global system of computer networksMultiline interconnected telephone systeminstructions which guide how hardware,operatesdevice for sending & receiving printed documentsmachine which makes exact duplicates of documentsequipment and systems developed for practical purposessoftware that can be used without paying a license fee...

Globalization & Technology 2020-04-29

Globalization & Technology crossword puzzle
  1. A person's understanding on a certain topic
  2. Making something or bringing it into existence
  3. The practice of making a living about commerce
  4. Where businesses operate internationally
  5. The action of inventing something
  6. The activity or condition of competing
  7. The price of something
  8. The act of investing in something for profit
  9. Having to work or another word for work
  10. The process of developing or being developed
  11. A mode of transport used for transporting things
  12. A thought or suggestion to a possible action
  13. To extend over a large or increasing area
  1. Using scientific knowledge for practical reasons
  2. Another country other than one's own
  3. A treatment for diseases
  4. An abstract idea or general notion
  5. The ability to do or feel something creative
  6. Someone who innovates things
  7. The action of engaging in trade
  8. The exchanging of information or news
  9. A company operating in several countries
  10. Nations occupying a territory with a government
  11. To tell someone about something
  12. A station for trading and selling things
  13. Circumstances that allow one to do something
  14. To open, obtain, or retrieve information
  15. Being productive or effective
  16. A device used for communicating with other people
  17. Causing something to be developed or improved

30 Clues: The price of somethingA treatment for diseasesSomeone who innovates thingsBeing productive or effectiveThe action of engaging in tradeTo tell someone about somethingThe action of inventing somethingAn abstract idea or general notionAnother country other than one's ownThe exchanging of information or newsThe activity or condition of competing...


  1. máy tính xách tay
  2. tên lửa
  3. lò vi sóng
  4. rô bốt
  5. máy hút bụi
  6. ti vi thông minh
  7. tai nghe
  8. máy tính bảng
  9. tủ lạnh
  10. máy tính
  11. máy ảnh
  1. máy chiếu
  2. máy giặt
  3. máy in
  4. máy điều hòa
  5. điện thoại thông minh
  6. nồi cơm điện
  7. bếp lò
  8. máy sấy tóc
  9. máy rửa chén
  10. cái loa
  11. đồng hồ thông minh
  12. bàn phím
  13. quạt máy

24 Clues: máy inrô bốtbếp lòtên lửacái loatủ lạnhmáy ảnhmáy giặttai nghebàn phímquạt máymáy tínhmáy chiếulò vi sóngmáy hút bụimáy sấy tócmáy điều hòanồi cơm điệnmáy rửa chénmáy tính bảngti vi thông minhmáy tính xách tayđồng hồ thông minhđiện thoại thông minh

Technology Vocabulary 2021-04-13

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. a data transmission rate for modems
  9. any small compartment
  10. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. having an output that is proportional to the input
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

technology vocabulary 2021-04-12

technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information.
  2. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information.
  3. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device.
  4. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage.
  5. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine.
  6. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video).
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other.
  8. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base.
  9. having an output that is proportional to the input.
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT.
  11. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest.
  1. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels.
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.
  3. a program that gives a computer instructions.
  4. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive.
  5. an online journal where people post about their experiences.
  6. a data transmission rate for modems.
  7. any small compartment.
  8. a compact disk that is used with a computer.
  9. a program used to view HTML documents.

20 Clues: any small compartment.a data transmission rate for modems.a unit of measurement of information.a program used to view HTML documents.a compact disk that is used with a computer.a program that gives a computer instructions.a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data.having an output that is proportional to the input....

Technology vocabulary 2021-04-12

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A unit of measurement of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. A copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. A data transmission rate for modens
  9. any small comparftment
  10. of or relating to or being communucations network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneus signals (as for voice or data or video)
  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program , system , or machine
  4. Of or petaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. having an output that is proportional to the input
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to seach other
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an image represented as two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system divised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR an IF THEN and EXCDPT and NOT

20 Clues: any small comparftmentA data transmission rate for modensA unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-04-13

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. a data transmission rate for modems
  9. any small compartment
  10. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. board system
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. having an output that is proportional to the input
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

20 Clues: board systemany small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a data transmission rate for modems
  2. a unit of measurement of information
  3. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  4. a program that gives a computer instructions
  5. online journal where people post about their experiences
  6. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  9. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  10. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  11. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  1. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  2. a program used to view HTML documents
  3. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  4. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  5. any small compartment
  6. having an output that is proportional to the input
  7. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  8. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  9. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  10. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other

21 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. something reduced in volume to its full volume
  2. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  3. strings of letters and numbers (separated by periods) that are used to name organizations and computers and addresses on the internet
  4. publishing (computer science) the use of microcomputers with graphics capacity to produce printed materials
  5. a worldwide network of computer networks
  6. decompress
  7. science) indicator consisting of a movable spot of light (an icon) on a visual display; moving it allows the user to point to commands or screen positions
  8. a short line of text that a web site puts on your computer's hard drive when you access the web site
  9. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  10. set up for a particular purpose
  1. a facial expression represented by a sequence of characters
  2. an organized body of related information
  3. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program
  4. (computer science) a memory device consisting of a flat disk covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored
  5. a listing of the computer files stored in memory
  6. the activity of converting data or information into code
  7. transfer out of a database or document
  8. (computer science) the area of the screen in graphical user interfaces against which icons and windows appear
  9. the exclusive right to sell a work
  10. put into a format that can be read or processed by computers
  11. storage a data storage device that is not the main memory of a computer
  12. locate and correct errors in a computer program

22 Clues: decompressset up for a particular purposethe exclusive right to sell a workan organized body of related informationa worldwide network of computer networkstransfer out of a database or documentsomething reduced in volume to its full volumelocate and correct errors in a computer programcrime committed using a computer and the internet...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  2. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  3. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  4. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  7. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  8. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  9. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  1. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  2. a data transmission rate for modems
  3. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  4. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  5. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  6. any small compartment
  7. having an output that is proportional to the input
  8. a program used to view HTML documents
  9. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  10. a unit of measurement of information
  11. an online journal where people post about their experiences

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. transfer a file or program to a smaller computer
  2. a worldwide network of computer networks
  3. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  4. any small compartmen
  5. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  6. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  7. a unit of information equal to 1000 megabytes or 10^9 bytes
  8. transfer out of a database or document
  9. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  10. having an output that is proportional to the input
  1. a programmer who breaks into computer systems
  2. a security system preventing access to a computer or network
  3. crime committed using a computer and the internet
  4. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  5. a set of related records kept together
  6. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program
  7. fix a computer program piecemeal until it works
  8. a program that gives a computer instructions
  9. the exclusive right to sell a work
  10. a unit of measurement of information

20 Clues: any small compartmenthe exclusive right to sell a worka unit of measurement of informationa set of related records kept togethertransfer out of a database or documenta worldwide network of computer networksa program that gives a computer instructionsa programmer who breaks into computer systemsfix a computer program piecemeal until it works...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  2. a program used to view HTML documents
  3. a data transmission rate for modems
  4. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  5. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other.
  7. a program that gives a computer instructions
  8. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  9. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  10. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  1. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  2. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  3. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  4. any small compartment
  5. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  6. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  7. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  8. having an output that is proportional to the input
  9. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  10. a unit of measurement of information

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A unit of measurement of information
  2. A part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. An online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. A copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. A program that gives a computer instructions
  6. The amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. A program used to view HTML documents
  8. A data transmission rate for modems
  9. Any small compartment
  10. Of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  1. A sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. board system A computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  3. A fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. Of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. Having an output that is proportional to the input
  6. Adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  7. A compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. An image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. Of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

20 Clues: Any small compartmentA data transmission rate for modemsA unit of measurement of informationA program used to view HTML documentsA compact disk that is used with a computerA program that gives a computer instructionsA part of RAM used for temporary storage of dataHaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-03-16

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a copy of a file or dictory on a separate storage device
  2. a data transmission rate for modems
  3. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  4. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  5. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  6. set up for a particular purpose
  7. having an output that is proportional to the imput
  8. a program used to view HTML documents
  9. exclusive right to sell a work
  1. any computer that is hooked up to a computer network
  2. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  3. an electronic storage device
  4. a sequence of data processed as a sigle unit of information
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  7. any small compartment
  8. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  9. a fault or defect in a computer program, system or machine
  10. the symbolic arrangement of data in a computer program
  11. a unit of measurement of information

20 Clues: any small compartmentan electronic storage deviceexclusive right to sell a workset up for a particular purposea data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of data...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-17

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  2. a unit of measurement of information
  3. a data transmission rate for modems
  4. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  5. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  6. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  7. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  8. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  9. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  10. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  1. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  2. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  3. a program that gives a computer instructions
  4. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  5. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  6. any small compartment
  7. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  8. a program used to view HTML documents
  9. having an output that is proportional to the input
  10. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa program that gives a computer instructionsa compact disk that is used with a computera part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

1980s Technology 2021-04-08

1980s Technology crossword puzzle
  1. billionaire talk show celebrity
  2. co-founder of Apple
  3. over 100,000 epidemic
  4. young urbanites
  5. music channel
  6. an explosion occurred aboard this
  7. first American woman in space
  8. first teacher in space
  9. IBM's rival
  10. man who made the first mobile call
  1. encouraged an explosion in tech
  2. generally considered wealthiest man
  3. a social problem
  4. worldwide communication/info network
  5. Bill Gates created this software
  6. a type of refractive eye surgery
  7. powerful lights developed by NASA
  8. government had a "War" on these
  9. formed to address alcohol deaths
  10. US President from 1980-1988
  11. introduced first personal computer1981

21 Clues: IBM's rivalmusic channelyoung urbanitesa social problemco-founder of Applefirst teacher in spaceUS President from 1980-1988first American woman in spaceencouraged an explosion in techbillionaire talk show celebritygovernment had a "War" on theseBill Gates created this softwarea type of refractive eye surgeryformed to address alcohol deaths...

Technology vocabulary 2021-03-18

Technology vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  2. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT
  5. a unit of measurement of information
  6. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  7. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  8. a program used to view HTML documents
  9. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  10. a program that gives a computer instructions
  1. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  2. a data transmission rate for modems
  3. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  4. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  5. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  6. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  7. having an output that is proportional to the input
  8. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  9. board system: a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  10. any small compartment

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Information Technology 2021-10-27

Information Technology crossword puzzle
  1. Also referred to as “World Wide Web”
  2. It means that you are connected to the Internet
  3. Anyone can use its resources, being able to understand, interact etc. without difficulties.
  4. A worldwide network based on TCP/IP protocol that is used for connection
  5. Also called “Read Only Memory”
  6. Also called “Random Access Memory”
  7. A collection of data that has a name.
  8. The physical components of a technology
  9. A popular network technology that enables data to travel at 10 mbps. Also called "direct connection".
  10. A set of rules that tells computer how to exchange information over the Internet.
  11. A object-oriented programming language developed
  12. Program used to access World Wide Web pages.
  13. A program with a certain purpose.
  14. Identifies the location of an Internet resource.
  1. The ability to access the Internet without a physical network connection.
  2. A symbol used with the mouse that indicates where the next character typed on the screen will appear.
  3. A combination of different formats
  4. A group of interconnected computers capable of exchanging information.
  5. A restriction which means that lowercase letters are not equivalent to the same uppercase letters.
  6. A language used for creating web pages.
  7. A wireless networking technology that allows you to send something via radio waves.
  8. The process of identifying yourself and the verification that you're who you say you are.
  9. Is the central processing unit
  10. A set of instructions on how to do a specific task
  11. Any software that secretly gathers user information without knowledge
  12. Is each images of an audiovisual product
  13. 01001011
  14. The smallest unit of information that can be stored or transmitted and is represented by only two values
  15. Minimal fraction of a picture element
  16. A device that allows a computer to send and receive information (on the phone line).
  17. A program intended to alter data on a computer in an invisible fashion, usually for mischievous or destructive purposes.

31 Clues: 01001011Also called “Read Only Memory”Is the central processing unitA program with a certain purpose.A combination of different formatsAlso called “Random Access Memory”Also referred to as “World Wide Web”A collection of data that has a name.Minimal fraction of a picture elementA language used for creating web pages....

W3 Technology 2021-05-10

W3 Technology crossword puzzle
  1. not able to relax/rest
  2. to operate well
  3. get confused
  4. a heart device
  5. a possible effect
  6. to become very angry
  7. impressive accessories
  8. to keep
  9. to decide on the cost
  10. inactive
  11. rest after being busy
  12. to do smth efficiently
  13. to share opinions/ideas
  14. very tired
  1. It's not complicated
  2. to be out of energy
  3. put lots of hard work
  4. very unhappy
  5. smth functions well
  6. connected with smth
  7. doesn't destroy nature
  8. to suddenly panic
  9. what can be a reality
  10. to stop something

24 Clues: to keepinactivevery tiredvery unhappyget confuseda heart deviceto operate wella possible effectto suddenly panicto stop somethingto be out of energysmth functions wellconnected with smthIt's not complicatedto become very angryput lots of hard workto decide on the costwhat can be a realityrest after being busynot able to relax/rest...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-04-15

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. a data transmission rate for modems
  9. any small compartment
  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  3. board system a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  4. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  5. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  6. having an output that is proportional to the input
  7. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  8. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  9. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  10. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  11. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Technology Vocabulary 2021-04-19

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a unit of measurement of information
  2. a part of RAM used for temporary storage of data
  3. an online journal where people post about their experiences
  4. a copy of a file or directory on a separate storage device
  5. a program that gives a computer instructions
  6. the amount of information that can be stored on a disk drive
  7. a program used to view HTML documents
  8. a data transmission rate for modems
  9. any small compartment
  10. of or relating to or being a communications network in which the bandwidth can be divided and shared by multiple simultaneous signals (as for voice or data or video)
  1. a sequence of data processed as a single unit of information
  2. a computer that is running software that allows users to leave messages and access information of general interest
  3. a fault or defect in a computer program, system, or machine
  4. of or pertaining to a number system having 2 as its base
  5. having an output that is proportional to the input
  6. adjusting the parts of something in relation to each other
  7. a compact disk that is used with a computer
  8. RAM memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage
  9. an image represented as a two dimensional array of brightness values for pixels
  10. of or relating to a combinatorial system devised by George Boole that combines propositions with the logical operators AND and OR and IF THEN and EXCEPT and NOT

20 Clues: any small compartmenta data transmission rate for modemsa unit of measurement of informationa program used to view HTML documentsa compact disk that is used with a computera program that gives a computer instructionsa part of RAM used for temporary storage of datahaving an output that is proportional to the input...

Medical Technology 2023-02-07

Medical Technology crossword puzzle
  1. azurophilic granules
  2. Differentiates Staph from Strep
  3. antifungal in Thayer-Martin medium
  4. antigenic determinantv
  5. creamy layer in standing plasma test
  6. key component of fibrinolysis
  7. toxic to Neisseria
  8. Known to prolong PT
  9. cell wall component of bacteria
  1. positive for leukocyte esterase in reagent strip
  2. infective stage of Plasmodium in vector
  3. need a protein carrier to elicit immune response
  4. used for embedding eyes
  5. green amniotic fluid
  6. required storage temp for plasma component
  7. Charcot-leyden crystals
  8. other term for pinworm infection
  9. major NPN in urine
  10. salivary amylase
  11. predominant WBC in adult CSF

20 Clues: salivary amylasetoxic to Neisseriamajor NPN in urineKnown to prolong PTazurophilic granulesgreen amniotic fluidantigenic determinantvused for embedding eyesCharcot-leyden crystalspredominant WBC in adult CSFkey component of fibrinolysisDifferentiates Staph from Strepcell wall component of bacteriaother term for pinworm infection...

Medical Technology 2023-02-07

Medical Technology crossword puzzle
  1. counter-ion of sodium in ECF
  2. adult tapeworm segments
  3. reagent widely used for bilirubin
  4. product of lysine decarboxylation
  5. bronchodilator drug
  6. antibodies seen in EBV infection
  7. a dye originated from lichens
  8. major component of urinary casts
  9. cells counted using Miller eye disc
  10. reference method for glucose
  1. antigen used in RPR test
  2. based on the nitroprusside reaction
  3. resembles mast cells
  4. main source for polyclonal antibodies
  5. not detected in Cyanmeth method
  6. used to remove mercurial pigments
  7. other term for Loa loa
  8. smallest DNA virus
  9. most expensive anticoagulant
  10. swarming colonies

20 Clues: swarming coloniessmallest DNA virusbronchodilator drugresembles mast cellsother term for Loa loaadult tapeworm segmentsantigen used in RPR testcounter-ion of sodium in ECFmost expensive anticoagulantreference method for glucosea dye originated from lichensnot detected in Cyanmeth methodantibodies seen in EBV infection...

2H technology 2023-01-18

2H technology crossword puzzle
  1. made from wood that has been chopped very small and turned into “pulp”, which is then bleached, flattened, cut, and dried
  2. bright reddish color, easy to form and mold, good electric and heat conductor, a bit expensive, used in electrical cables and heating pipes
  3. silver color, very light, soft and easy to shape, used for drink cans, many kitchen things, and building materials
  4. hardwood, resistant, durable, very hard, heavy, expensive
  5. hardwood, flexible, often used in furniture
  6. taken directly from tree trunks, classified as hardwood or softwood
  7. separating the metal from inside a mineral, usually for steel and iron
  8. turning metals into useful products
  9. softwood, cheap, resistant, easy to work with, durable (lasts a long time)
  10. bluish white color, soft, resistant to rust, used in a lot of things to prevent rust and erosion
  11. copper/zinc alloy, bright yellow, easy to shape and mold, used in hardware and musical instruments
  12. metals that contain iron, classified by amount of carbon they contain (soft iron, steel, cast iron)
  13. can be shaped using a hammer, light gray or silver, not used in many things
  14. extracting materials from the Earth’s crust
  15. tropical wood, very durable for use outside, does not rot
  16. softwood, doesn’t last long, rots easily, found in the mountains of the Iberian Peninsula
  17. made from combining particles (pieces) of wood with glue to make new boards
  18. resistant to being stretched or bent, soft enough for screws and nails, electrical and thermal insulator, biodegradable, float in water
  1. easy to weld, high mechanical strength, lower price, most commonly used type of iron
  2. metals that do not contain iron, classified by density, do not rust, conduct heat and electricity better, melt at lower temperatures
  3. several different woods combined into stronger boards
  4. very light, very expensive, flammable, used in fireworks and automotive components
  5. boards lower quality wood made into larger boards, less expensive, usually very strong
  6. soft, heavy, toxic, easy to mold, used in car batteries and x-ray technology
  7. good heat and electricity conductors, high density (heavy), solid at room temp, shiny
  8. very light, very hard, very expensive, bright and shiny, used in medicine because the human body does not reject it
  9. melts easily, cannot be forged or welded, cheaper than steel, mostly used in engines
  10. copper/tin alloy, dark yellow or brown, harder than copper, used in boat propellers and gears
  11. bright white, melts easily, good electrical and thermal conductor, used in food cans mostly
  12. plant cells from destroyed wood that are glued to make panels

30 Clues: turning metals into useful productshardwood, flexible, often used in furnitureextracting materials from the Earth’s crustseveral different woods combined into stronger boardshardwood, resistant, durable, very hard, heavy, expensivetropical wood, very durable for use outside, does not rotplant cells from destroyed wood that are glued to make panels...

Technology Vocabulary 2023-03-06

Technology Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. replacement of a single course of stonework by two or more lower courses.
  2. a piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation.
  3. a secret word or expression used by authorized persons to prove their right to access, information, etc.
  4. Wide Area Network
  5. Drive a very small, portable, solid-state hard drive that can be inserted to a USB port for storage and retrieval of data.
  6. an external serial bus interface standard for connecting peripheral devices to a computer, as in USB port or USB cable.
  7. Local Area Network
  8. an online or networked identity adopted or claimed in cyberspace by an individual, organization or electronic device.
  9. a website containing a writer's or group of writers' own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.
  10. a website that allows users to add, delete, or revise content by using a web browser.
  1. the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc.
  2. to grant authoritative permission or license to.
  3. the use of software components for software development.
  4. an integrated collection of security measures designed to prevent unauthorized electronic access to a networked computer system.
  5. a device or unit that operates separately from the CPU but is connected to it, as a mouse, printer, speakers, etc.
  6. Acceptable Use Policy
  7. disruptive online messages, especially commercial messages posted on a computer network or sent as email.
  8. the rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, especially the internet.
  9. use reasonable and limited use of copyrighted material so as not to infringe upon copyright.
  10. Security protects your network and data from breaches, intrusions and other threats.

20 Clues: Wide Area NetworkLocal Area NetworkAcceptable Use Policyto grant authoritative permission or license to.the use of software components for software development.replacement of a single course of stonework by two or more lower courses.a piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation....

Medical Technology 2023-02-16

Medical Technology crossword puzzle
  1. an RNA nucleotide
  2. stimulus of erythropoietin release
  3. indication of cloudy red urine
  4. selective medium for Aspergillus
  5. most common staining pattern in ANA test
  6. anti-B container color
  7. wafer cells or thin red cells
  8. associated with Di Guglielmo syndrome
  9. counted during the Tourniquet test
  10. selective medium for Leptospira
  11. stain used in malarial thick smear
  1. ascorbic acid deficiency
  2. causative agent of sparganosis
  3. primary hormone produced by corpus luteum
  4. accumulation of urea in the blood
  5. drug metabolite of cocaine
  6. the only known vector of Ascaris lumbricoides
  7. where T cells mature and develop
  8. term for collection of peritoneal fluid
  9. preferred urine specimen for bacterial culture

20 Clues: an RNA nucleotideanti-B container colorascorbic acid deficiencydrug metabolite of cocainewafer cells or thin red cellscausative agent of sparganosisindication of cloudy red urineselective medium for Leptospiraselective medium for Aspergilluswhere T cells mature and developaccumulation of urea in the bloodstimulus of erythropoietin release...

technology work 2023-03-23

technology work crossword puzzle
  1. used to edit photos or videos
  2. programmable digital electronic machine
  3. used for computer work
  4. people have it in their heads
  5. is an email service
  6. earth have alot of that
  7. independent learners and collaborative workers
  8. specializes in products and services related to the Internet, software
  9. computer programs that make it possible to execute specific tasks within a computer
  10. It is used to select things on the computer
  1. responsible citizens
  2. software that has the objective of altering the normal operation of any type of computing device
  3. something visible to the naked eye on the face
  4. devoted catholics
  5. looks from head to toe
  6. effective communicators
  7. a programmable machine capable of performing various functions or complex tasks
  8. used to use a website
  9. it is an animal like horses
  10. solvers problems and criticals thinkers

20 Clues: devoted catholicsis an email serviceresponsible citizensused to use a websitelooks from head to toeused for computer workearth have alot of thateffective communicatorsit is an animal like horsesused to edit photos or videospeople have it in their headsprogrammable digital electronic machinesolvers problems and criticals thinkers...


TECHNOLOGY ACTIVITY crossword puzzle
  1. The development of computer systems of performing human intelligence.
  2. Object used to project the screen of a computer to a wall.
  3. It's used to pass documents to paper.
  4. Someone who thinks of what's better and does smart stuff.
  5. Someone who is committed to accomplish something.
  6. Someone who accomplishes it's duties.
  7. It's used to control the computer.
  8. What does P stand for?
  9. What does I stand for?
  10. Someone who doesn't get scared easily.
  11. Someone who can do things by themselves.
  1. It's used to listen stuff.
  2. It can detect and remove viruses.
  3. What does F stand for?
  4. What does D stand for?
  5. What does R stand for?
  6. it's used to write on the computer.
  7. It's use in free time and to communicate.
  8. It's used to control the TV.
  9. It's used to film or take pictures.

20 Clues: What does F stand for?What does D stand for?What does R stand for?What does P stand for?What does I stand for?It's used to listen stuff.It's used to control the TV.It can detect and remove viruses.It's used to control the's used to write on the computer.It's used to film or take pictures.It's used to pass documents to paper....

Computers & Technology 2023-03-09

Computers & Technology crossword puzzle
  1. System of web pages, information, pictures, etc... That is available on the Internet.
  2. Type of computer program that gathers someone's personal information without their knowledge.
  3. Text and symbold that from a web address.
  4. Network that connects a small group of computers.
  5. Program that provides a way for a user to interact with a computer.
  6. System that allows computers to transfer larger amounts of information.
  7. Set of questions and answers that are provided on a website to provide users with information that users commonly want to know.
  8. Method that allows computer users to recieve e-mails from a server.
  9. Process wherein thieves trick people into giving away their personal information through email.
  10. Way to encrypt a connection when you use the remote access.
  1. Computer program that changes human-readable source code into machine code that a CPU can understand.
  2. Operating system that uses icons to represent programs and files and allow users to access to them.
  3. Network that connects computers to a network without cables.
  4. Network that connects a wide group of computers.
  5. Program that restricts access on a network.
  6. Part on an e-mail address which shows the type of organization. e.g: .com, .edu, .es...
  7. Set of a computer instructions which controls input and output operations.
  8. Company that gives its customers access to the internet, email adresses and data storage.
  9. Smallest unit of computer data.
  10. Method that allows computer users to send e-mails to other users.

20 Clues: Smallest unit of computer data.Text and symbold that from a web address.Program that restricts access on a network.Network that connects a wide group of computers.Network that connects a small group of computers.Way to encrypt a connection when you use the remote access.Network that connects computers to a network without cables....

Information Technology 2023-05-24

Information Technology crossword puzzle
  1. a person who exploits computer hardware and software for their own purposes
  2. to modify or arrange something so that it works in a certain way
  3. to create a duplicate copy of data that is stored on a separate hard drive or computer system to prevent the loss of the data
  4. a personal website maintained by an individual
  5. a computer virus that copies its code over and destroys the files of the original data
  6. a set of rules that must be followed for the sake of security
  7. a filter that prevents harmful software from entering a network
  8. a small application that is embedded in a webpage
  9. to make copies
  10. to make sure that it is legitimate
  11. a piece of code that is used to fix a flaw in a computer program
  12. any type of media used on a webpage, including images and videos
  13. the proces of stealing another person’s information and using it for personal gain
  14. how users communicate with a computer
  15. the use of the internet for software and other resources
  16. a collection of icons or pictures that have been organized in a file or page
  1. changing computer to your needs
  2. a measurement of how quickly a computer works
  3. device that converts mechanical information into electronic signals
  4. the company that produces Macs and other computing products
  5. a software that keeps a computer safe from threats such as computer viruses and cyber crimes
  6. tricking people into giving information through email
  7. to work at a location away from a main office by using technology
  8. a word or phrase that makes a computer perform an operation
  9. a person who uses computers and the internet to commit crimes
  10. a filter that prevents harmful softaware from leaving a network
  11. a computer virus that becomes part of a file or disk drive but does nothing until activated by a trigger event
  12. using a legitimate-looking website to trick people
  13. a program that restricts access on a network
  14. an action that results in the loss of another person’s property

30 Clues: to make copieschanging computer to your needsto make sure that it is legitimatehow users communicate with a computera program that restricts access on a networka measurement of how quickly a computer worksa personal website maintained by an individuala small application that is embedded in a webpageusing a legitimate-looking website to trick people...

Technology CW 2023-06-07

Technology CW crossword puzzle
  1. is a file format developed by Adobe in 1992 to present documents, including text formatting and images, in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems
  2. is a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form
  3. is a type of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code into those programs
  4. are small blocks of data created by a web server while a user is browsing a website and placed on the user's computer or other device by the user's web browser
  5. is any software intentionally designed to cause disruption to a computer, server, client, or computer network, leak private information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems
  6. is a digital multimedia container format most commonly used to store video and audio, but it can also be used to store other data such as subtitles and still images
  7. is a mapping from some domain
  8. is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite and released on June 15, 1987
  9. is a form of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working data and machine code
  10. is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital images, particularly for those images produced by digital photography
  11. is a mobile operating system
  1. is an American multinational technology company
  2. is a hardware or software component that stores data so that future requests for that data can be served faster
  3. is the most important processor in a given computer. Its electronic circuitry executes instructions of a computer program
  4. is a collection of discrete values that convey information
  5. represents text, computer processor instructions, or any other data using a two-symbol system
  6. is the protection of computer systems and networks from attack by malicious actors that may result in unauthorized information
  7. is a coding format for digital audio developed largely by the Fraunhofer Society in Germany under the lead of Karlheinz Brandenburg
  8. is a method of transmitting and receiving messages using electronic devices
  9. is a proprietary audio/video interface for transmitting uncompressed video data and compressed or uncompressed digital audio data from an HDMI-compliant source device

20 Clues: is a mobile operating systemis a mapping from some domainis an American multinational technology companyis a collection of discrete values that convey informationis a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable formis a method of transmitting and receiving messages using electronic devices...

Green Technology 2013-04-18

Green Technology crossword puzzle
  1. systematically disassembling a building
  2. using the sun to heat
  3. integrated strategies-used to build with
  4. harvesting forests at an unsustainable rate
  5. LED
  6. integrated strategies-liquid
  7. atmosphere that keeps us cool
  8. integrated strategies-used to power
  9. integrated strategies-air quality
  10. CFC's
  11. building's relationship to the sun
  12. CFL
  13. used where it is breezy
  14. living spred out
  1. using the earth constant temperature
  2. amount of fossil fuel used to produce a product
  3. non-drinkable water
  4. VOC
  5. integrated strategies-leftovers
  6. weather and temperature changes world wide
  7. using the sun to produce electricity
  8. carbon pounds of the average cheeseburger
  9. the transfer of carbon between earth and the atmosphere
  10. drinkable water
  11. integrated strategies- outside property

25 Clues: VOCLEDCFLCFC'sdrinkable waterliving spred outnon-drinkable waterusing the sun to heatused where it is breezyintegrated strategies-liquidatmosphere that keeps us coolintegrated strategies-leftoversintegrated strategies-air qualitybuilding's relationship to the sunintegrated strategies-used to powerusing the earth constant temperature...

Technology Terms 2013-03-11

Technology Terms crossword puzzle
  1. Disk the computer's main storage media device that permanently stores all data on the computer.
  2. spread to other computers by monitoring the floppy drive and copying itself to any floppy diskette that was inserted into the computer. Once a floppy diskette became infected it would infect all other computers that disk was inserted into, each computer that was infected would then infect every floppy diskette inserted into it. A computer that was infected would also display a short poem on every 50th boot.
  3. a computer storage location that allows information to be stored and accessed quickly from random locations within DRAM on a memory module.
  4. a collection of instructions that enables a user to interact with the computer or have the computer perform specific tasks for them.
  5. the smallest portion of an image or display that a computer is capable of printing or displaying.
  6. a video display screen and the hard shell that holds it.
  7. disk created to help have an alternative to buying hard drives that were extremely expensive at the time and were not thought of as something to be used with a standard computer.
  8. initially developed by the IPTO with the intention of helping to develop the progress of computing technology by linking the work being done by all the best academic computer centers.
  9. CD players inside computers that can have speeds in the range from 1x and beyond, and have the capability of playing audio CDs and computer data CDs.
  10. short for binary digit and is a single unit of information that can have a value of either ON or OFF.
  11. a hardware device that enables a computer to send and receive information over telephone lines.
  12. a single item of data within a database or software program
  13. a hardware input device that allows a user to take an image or text and convert it into a digital file, allowing the computer to read or display the scanned object.
  14. a hardware device that allows a computer to perform an additional function, but is not something the computer needs in order to work.
  15. devices that accept data (input), process that data, produces output, and then store (storage) the results.
  16. a data file made up of rows and columns that are used to sort data and allow a user to manipulate and arrange data easily, commonly numerical data.
  17. a visual representation on the screen that allows the user to specify where they want the text to be placed.
  18. or more wires covered in a plastic covering that connects a computer to a power source or other device.
  19. Wide Web 
a graphical interface for the Internet that was first introduced to the public on August 6, 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee.
  20. a device that is physically connected to your computer or something that can be physically touched.
  1. a language used to create electronic documents, especially pages on the World Wide Web that contain connections called hyperlinks to other pages.
  2. drive Physical drive capable of holding information or retrieving information.
  3. A base 2 8-bit number system represented by the numeric values of 0 or 1, also known as ON or OFF, and is the primary language that computers use to communicate.
  4. is a form of URI and is a standardized naming convention for addressing documents accessible over the Internet or Intranet.
  5. An operation or procedure that copies data to an alternative location, so it can be recovered if deleted or becomes corrupted.
  6. equal to 1,048,576 bytes.
  7. is equal to 1,024 bytes, however is also defined by the IEC as equal to 1,000 bytes.
  8. by most standards is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes or 230.
  9. the process of how the computer boots and loads.
  10. any physical device capable of storing information temporarily or permanently.
  11. intersection between a row and a column on a spreadsheet.
  12. standard created by Bob Bemer and others that is data equal to either 7/8 bits depending if it needs error correction (parity).
  13. The IC is a package containing many circuits, pathways, transistors, and other electronic components all working together to perform a particular function or a series of functions.
  14. for handling all instructions it receives from hardware components and software programs running on the computer.
  15. The computer CPU is responsible for handling all instructions it receives from hardware components and software programs running on the computer.
  16. software program that allows a person to explore the Internet in an easy to use way
  17. A collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or various other devices connected to one another allowing for data to be shared and used.
  18. a small graphic representation of a program or file that, when clicked on, will be run or opened.
  19. text messages that may contain files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.
  20. a large quantity of information that can be searched, referenced, compared, changed or otherwise manipulated without a lot of work.
  21. text-based communication that is live or in real-time.
  22. A collection of related data contained in one or more files.

42 Clues: equal to 1,048,576 bytes.the process of how the computer boots and loads.text-based communication that is live or in real-time.a video display screen and the hard shell that holds most standards is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes or 230.intersection between a row and a column on a spreadsheet....

technology terms 2013-01-04

technology terms crossword puzzle
  1. a file that remembers and holds information of things that happen on your computer
  2. a type of computer that can fit in you palm
  3. a check list that the computer uses when you turn it on
  4. a picture, word document, or movie that needs another program to open it.
  5. icons that represent column and battery power that are found in the bottom, right hand corner of the computer screen
  6. a way a program is set up
  7. picture element
  8. a piece of software that tells the operating system to communicate with a piece of software
  9. another name for laptop
  10. software that blocks viruses from harming the computer
  11. software that allows you to do more than one thing at once
  12. programs in a computer
  13. where do you plug in your flash drive or printer?
  14. what you do when you buy a song from iTunes and put it onto your iPod or computer
  15. the address of where a web page is found
  16. something that the user has to accept
  17. tells the computer what to do, kind of the boss
  18. hardware in a computer that uses instructions from a program to help it work
  19. two or more computers connected by software
  20. a measurement of wavelengths used in clocks
  21. a disk that can hold information on it and then can have information written over it
  22. storage for a web page that remembers what to do on that web page
  23. a system used in IBM computers that isn’t used very much anymore because it doesn’t support multitasking
  24. shows all of the programs that are open and the date and time
  25. hardware that links a home network to the internet, helps computers communicate with each other
  26. physical parts of the computer
  27. a piece of hardware that holds information on it and can move it
  28. another name for “box”
  1. how many dpi there are on a screen
  2. a port that can connect flash drives or cables to the computer and can connect printers to computer
  3. a cd that has already-written, accessible information on it and cannot be rewritten
  4. a storage device that aids the computer and gives it resources (ex. file server or printer)
  5. the old version of a flash drive used to save and move information
  6. a measurement of how much information a computer can hold
  7. a format that computers use to be able to share information with each other
  8. a type of tablet sold by Amazon
  9. part of the computer that does the mathematical calculations for the computer
  10. a type of computer that is flat and has no cover
  11. a place where word documents, images, or powerpoint can be saved
  12. go there to start most programs, a way to find files or system settings
  13. text, images, video, or audio on a page and is accessible through the network
  14. the computer screen
  15. a tablet sold and created by apple
  16. a program that allows you to view HTML documents on the web
  17. a computer that stores all the information from a network of computers
  18. videos and pictures that are on your computer
  19. a program that enables you to be able to see the same thing on your computer screen as the printed final
  20. a card used to help the monitor display an image
  21. something that is used to help the computer but not part of it
  22. wireless technology that exchanges data over short distances and creates personal area networks
  23. a card about the size of a credit card that helps the computer
  24. a list of instructions that tell the computer what to do
  25. equipment that can hold information
  26. where all the information of the computer is stored
  27. a small picture that represents a program
  28. a program that finds sites and information that link to a key search word
  29. reads and writes information onto a floppy disk
  30. what makes up an image or picture on a screen
  31. a program, programmed to harm the computer
  32. ways that letters can be shaped and may include: style, typeface, point size, or weight

60 Clues: picture elementthe computer screenprograms in a computeranother name for “box”another name for laptopa way a program is set upphysical parts of the computera type of tablet sold by Amazonhow many dpi there are on a screena tablet sold and created by appleequipment that can hold informationsomething that the user has to accept...

Computer Technology 2013-03-15

Computer Technology crossword puzzle
  1. disc a storage unit that is thin
  2. unit of information
  3. a device you use to take a video
  4. another word for loading
  5. something that requires technology
  6. a device that is connected to a host computer
  7. somewhere you put your saved work into
  8. something that remembers your stuff
  9. what are Mega,Giga and Tera associated with
  10. something a provider provides you with to access the internet
  11. something you use to play games with
  12. what device do we use to scan things
  13. a domain
  14. a device you use to control the cursor on your computer
  15. opposite of output
  1. a device similar to a printer
  2. something very detailed
  3. a piece of equipment you use to type
  4. a thing you use to access the internet
  5. a software product
  6. a point of interaction between components
  7. a device that projects sound
  8. something you use a pencil to do
  9. what do we use to view a motion picture
  10. rival of Macintosh
  11. opposite of input
  12. random access memory
  13. something you save your work in
  14. read only memory

29 Clues: a domainread only memoryopposite of inputa software productrival of Macintoshopposite of outputunit of informationrandom access memorysomething very detailedanother word for loadinga device that projects sounda device similar to a printersomething you save your work indisc a storage unit that is thina device you use to take a video...

Electricity Technology 2013-11-22

Electricity Technology crossword puzzle
  1. 33Kv and above
  2. no2nd best network
  3. oil, sf6 or vacuum
  4. made of copper both primary and secondary
  5. usualy made of iron
  6. the company at the top
  7. the best network
  8. in the substaions
  1. one way from a to b
  2. connects cables
  3. where it all starts
  4. another way from a to b
  5. less than 33Kv
  6. bigger than your cars sump
  7. works at height
  8. from 13A to 125A+
  9. the gaffer
  10. another name for Electricity North West
  11. changes on demand
  12. stepping up and down
  13. not the best network

21 Clues: the gaffer33Kv and aboveless than 33Kvconnects cablesworks at heightthe best networkfrom 13A to 125A+changes on demandin the substaionsno2nd best networkoil, sf6 or vacuumone way from a to bwhere it all startsusualy made of ironstepping up and downnot the best networkthe company at the topanother way from a to bbigger than your cars sump...

Technology Words 2015-02-19

Technology Words crossword puzzle
  1. companies which provide internet; Comcast, Time Warner, etc in the USA
  2. a large collection of wind turbines set up to take advantage of good wind environments for energy
  3. when a computer turns on
  4. devices which you wear on your body which can monitor and report information
  5. a process of creating copies of an existing organism from it's DNA
  6. a type of program which locates and steals data from a computer without the user noticing
  7. a destructive computer program which invades a computer
  8. gathering financial support from the public for a new concept through sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo
  9. a device that is used exclusively to read texts, such as books or newspapers
  10. a person who is incapable of accepting modern technology
  11. locations where wifi access has been made available
  12. an original design used to make future copies for production
  1. unwanted messages sent through the internet to a large amount of people
  2. term for artificial life which closely resembles the real organism but is different enough to cause feelings of unease
  3. small non-serious technological devices
  4. an artificial environment where the user feels as though they are immersed in a real environments
  5. a person who is a great fan of technology
  6. a person who is afraid of technology
  7. a type of money used exclusively on the internet, such as Bitcoin, which is controlled and secured by complicated mathematical problems.
  8. an organism which has acquired new genes from other organism by means of laboratory methods
  9. an unmanned flying device
  10. a device which gathers solar radiation and transforms it into electrical energy
  11. a form of energy which uses the heat from the Earth
  12. a digital audio or visual file available to be downloaded, similar to radio programs
  13. how you move down a computer screen
  14. a form of energy derived from growing organisms, such as plants
  15. when a computer suddenly stops working

27 Clues: when a computer turns onan unmanned flying devicehow you move down a computer screena person who is afraid of technologywhen a computer suddenly stops workingsmall non-serious technological devicesa person who is a great fan of technologya form of energy which uses the heat from the Earthlocations where wifi access has been made available...

Technology Crossword 2014-11-11

Technology Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a peripheral that is known as a pointing device.
  2. flat on a desk, and the monitor usually sits on top of it.
  3. a rolling ball to detect movement.
  4. rather than desktop cases; however, some computers are being made with all of the internal components built into the monitor, which completely eliminates the tower.
  5. you create an online profile and interact with your friends.
  6. within your browser and can do many of the same things email programs like Microsoft Outlook can do.
  7. the link between the power outlet and the power supply unit in the computer casing.
  8. inside the computer case, to display images and text on the screen.
  9. Macs have a _________ port, which is similar to USB.
  10. cloud storage service that lets you easily store and share files with other people, and it lets you access your files from a mobile device as well.
  11. the metal and plastic box that contains the main components of the computer.
  12. are much larger and heavier, and they take up more desk space.
  1. are actually LCDs that are backlit with light-emitting diodes.
  2. an electronic eye to detect movement and is easier to clean.
  3. made to fit specific devices.
  4. you to perform tasks on your computer.
  5. is one of the primary ways we communicate with the computer and enter data.
  6. lets you type notes, clip webpages, take photos, and organize all of them from your computer or mobile device.
  7. an office suite that runs within your browser.
  8. is a touch-sensitive pad that lets you control the pointer by making a "drawing" motion with your finger. Touchpads are common on laptop computers.

20 Clues: made to fit specific devices.a rolling ball to detect to perform tasks on your office suite that runs within your browser.a peripheral that is known as a pointing device.Macs have a _________ port, which is similar to USB.flat on a desk, and the monitor usually sits on top of it....

technology crossword 2015-08-03

technology crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a complete and closed path around which a circulating electric current can flow.
  2. the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.
  3. a first or preliminary version of a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed.
  4. A sharply pointed tool used for marking lines, as on wood, metal, or ceramic. Also called scribe.
  5. the SI unit of electromotive force, the difference of potential that would carry one ampere of current against one ohm resistance.
  6. an electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts.
  7. provided by an electrical service is the flow rate of "electrical current" that is available. Mathematically, Amps = Watts / Volts. (Amps = Watts divided by Volts)
  8. a series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner.
  9. a block of glass, ceramic, or other insulating material enclosing a wire carrying an electric current where it crosses a support.
  10. a stable subatomic particle with a charge of negative electricity, found in all atoms and acting as the primary carrier of electricity in solids.
  11. (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection. The hazards addressed by protective equipment include physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne particulate matter
  12. the negatively charged electrode by which electrons enter an electrical device.
  13. convert (waste) into reusable material.
  14. the making of a judgement about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.
  15. denoting substances (especially synthetic resins) that become plastic on heating and harden on cooling, and are able to repeat these processes.
  16. a rough or unfinished drawing often made to assist in making a more finished project
  17. a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided.
  18. a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made.
  19. a particular way in which a thing exists or appears aestheticaly.
  20. a representation of statistics on a chart, graph, or computer screen.
  21. a tool or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes
  1. a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.
  2. a flow of electricity which results from the ordered directional movement of electrically charged particles.
  3. a system such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations which assists in remembering something
  4. new research, carried out to answer specific issues or questions. It can involve questionnaires, surveys or interviews with individuals or small groups. Secondary research makes use of information previously researched for other purposes and publicly available
  5. close-fitting glasses with side shields, for protecting the eyes from glare, dust, water
  6. also known as an Acrylic line Bender, it is a machine with a strip of wire that heats the acrylic to such a heat that it becomes malleable without warping or bubbling the acrylic as that can happen with other more rapid means of heating the acrylic.
  7. polymer (or plastic) also known as a prepolymer material that cures irreversibly. The cure may be induced by heat, generally above 200 °C (392 °F), through a chemical reaction, or suitable irradiation.
  8. a written document for a design project developed in concert by a person representing the business need for design and the designer. The document is focused on the desired results of design – not aesthetics.
  9. the way something appears or is designed
  10. (of a substance or material) capable of polishing or cleaning a hard surface by rubbing or grinding.
  11. a tool with a roughened surface or surfaces, typically of steel, used for smoothing or shaping a hard material.
  12. (also known as desk research) involves the summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing research rather than primary research, where data is collected from, for example, research subjects or experiments.
  13. a science that deals with designing and arranging things so that people can use them easily and safely
  14. a saw with a very narrow blade stretched across a D-shaped frame, used for cutting curves in wood.
  15. work or operate in a proper or particular way.
  16. a protective garment worn over the front of one's clothes and tied at the back
  17. (of synthetic resins and textile fibres) made from polymers of acrylic acid or acrylates.
  18. a woodworking or a metal working tool used for marking and measuring a piece of wood. The square refers to the tool's primary use of measuring the accuracy of a right angle (90 degrees); to try a surface is to check its straightness or correspondence to an adjoining surface.
  19. a material or device that conducts or transmits heat or electricity, especially when regarded in terms of its capacity to do this.
  20. a substance which has a molecular structure built up chiefly or completely from a large number of similar units bonded together, e.g. many synthetic organic materials used as plastics and resins

41 Clues: convert (waste) into reusable material.the way something appears or is designedwork or operate in a proper or particular way.a series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner.a particular way in which a thing exists or appears electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts....