vocabulary Crossword Puzzles
Mrs. Johnson's "A Christmas Carol" (Horowitz) 2023-12-04
- vocabulary word meaning "small in amount"
- vocabulary word meaning "to beg"
- vocabulary word meaning "an empty space"
- Scrooge's nephew's first name
- first ghost; ghost of Christmas _____
- boy in A1S2 sings "away in a _______"
- first name Bob, Scrooge's clerk
- vocabulary word meaning "irresistible urge"
- second ghost; ghost of Christmas ________
- vocabulary word meaning "loud enough to be heard"
- vocabulary word meaning "gloomy"
- ghost, Scrooge's business partner
- city the story takes place in
- vocabulary word meaning "extremely poor"
- another word for ghost, Marley is a _________
- kind of mill wheel used to punish prisonors
- vocabulary word meaning "to strike with wonder"
- Marley's first name
- first name Ebenezer, main character
19 Clues: Marley's first name • city the story takes place in • Scrooge's nephew's first name • first name Bob, Scrooge's clerk • vocabulary word meaning "to beg" • vocabulary word meaning "gloomy" • ghost, Scrooge's business partner • first name Ebenezer, main character • first ghost; ghost of Christmas _____ • boy in A1S2 sings "away in a _______" • ...
Animal Farm 2023-11-20
- this character is admired by all other animals on the farm.
- this rhetorical device persuades you by appealing to your emotions.
- this character represents Tsar Nicholas
- a type of propaganda that repeats statements over and over.
- vocabulary word meaning scold
- vocabulary word meaning explained
- the animal chased off of the farm by 9 dogs
- the farm Mollie goes to in chapter 5.
- a vocabulary word meaning after death
- mr. Jones special pet
- a vocabulary word meaning waiting
- a type of propaganda that makes bold statements
- a vocabulary word meaning unplanned
- Squealer represents this
- where Moses says the animals will go when they die.
- vocabulary word meaning kind
- vocabulary word meaning stepped on
- vocabulary word meaning treating badly
- this character represents the aristocracy
- asking a question that implies the answer.
- a vocabulary word meaning excuse
- vocabulary word meaning negative/jaded
- represents Stalin's 5 year plan to industrialize
- creating a common enemy
- this character represents Joseph Stalin
- this rhetorical device persuades you by gaining credibility and trust.
- came up with the foundation of Animalism
- a type of propaganda that twists the truth
- this character is always very cryptic
- a vocabulary word meaning landed
- a vocabulary word meaning approve
- a type of propaganda that chooses certain facts
- this rhetorical device use statistics and data.
33 Clues: mr. Jones special pet • creating a common enemy • Squealer represents this • vocabulary word meaning kind • vocabulary word meaning scold • a vocabulary word meaning excuse • a vocabulary word meaning landed • vocabulary word meaning explained • a vocabulary word meaning waiting • a vocabulary word meaning approve • vocabulary word meaning stepped on • ...
Unit Five Review 2024-04-09
- A vocabulary word meaning to do something thoroughly
- Facts, statistics, quotes, anecdotes
- A vocabulary word meaning with caution and without confidence
- A vocabulary word meaning the postponement of a punishment
- Punctuation used to signal a pause in a sentence, a list or make things easier to read
- The title of a short story in Unit Five
- An autobiographical account of a person's experiences and observations
- The author's attitude toward their writing
- The emotional atmosphere the writer creates for the reader
- An educated guess based on what you know and what the text tells you
- The author's position on a topic or issue
- Interruptions in the chronological narrative
- A vocabulary word meaning to praise
- A vocabulary word meaning final or concluding
- A vocabulary word meaning to limit or impede growth
- A vocabulary word meaning to carry out a plan
- A vocabulary word meaning to criticize
- The sequence of events in a work of fiction
- A vocabulary word meaning to gradually intrude upon or invade
- The underlying message that usually emerges through an inference
- The title of an argument in Unit five
- The title of a memoir in Unit Five
- Explanations that support the claim
- A vocabulary word meaning extremely thin and weak
- The title of a memoir in Unit Five
25 Clues: The title of a memoir in Unit Five • The title of a memoir in Unit Five • Explanations that support the claim • A vocabulary word meaning to praise • Facts, statistics, quotes, anecdotes • The title of an argument in Unit five • A vocabulary word meaning to criticize • The title of a short story in Unit Five • The author's position on a topic or issue • ...
English 12 - LOTF Review 2024-12-16
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “use gestures, signal, motion.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonym is “unexpected changes.”
- This term is used to refer to the young, small boys on the island.
- The boys are stranded on an _____________.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “bitter, pungent, putrid, rancid.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “mocking, ridiculing, jeering.”
- Jack stresses to the other boys that he will focus on making sure they ___________ the beast.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “passion, enthusiasm.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “huge, enormous, massive.”
- Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is that he suffers from ____________.
- In Chapter 2 of the novel, the boys make their first fire. Unfortunately, the fire ___________ uncontrollably.
- This object, which Ralph has possession of, is used to summon boys to meetings and acts as a symbol of leadership.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “a bright radiance, a shining.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “horribly, disastrously.”
- Ralph is hopeful his father, who is a ___________, will be able to help find them.
- What role does Ralph take on after the initial vote?
- Jack’s position early in the novel is to be the leader of the ___________.
- Simon’s main responsibility in the first part of the novel is building ___________.
- The main conflict of this novel is that a group of young boys are stranded after an _____________ crash.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “appeasingly, trying to please.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “aggressively, argumentatively.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “howling, wailing, shrieking.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “statue, figure, model.”
- Ralph stresses to the other boys that the beast does not really ___________.
- During their first hunt, Jack and his followers fail to kill a ___________.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “decorated, draped, embellished.”
- In the chapter where the boys kill their first pig, Ralph becomes upset because they let the fire go ___________.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “strolling, walking leisurely.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “impossible to understand, mysterious.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “secretive, stealthy, sly.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “suggest, offer, propose.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “exuberance, joyousness.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “ridicule, mockery, teasing.”
- This character is described as being tall, thin, and boy with red hair and freckles.
- This character is described as having fair hair and natural leadership qualities.
- Talk about bad luck… the signal fire just happened to go out when there was a ___________ that passed the island.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “loud noise, racket, uproar, commotion.”
- Lord of the Flies is a famous novel written by William ___________.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “muscular, strong, buff.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “hatred, loathing.”
- What do the boys call the mysterious creature that they fear is on the island?
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “make fun of, taunt.”
- Ralph’s main objective in the first meeting among the boys is to establish ___________.
- Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is that he wears ___________.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “fat, overweight, obese.”
- Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is being ___________.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “implied, inferred, implicit.”
- In the final chapter we have read up to this point, the boys claim the beast comes from the ___________.
- As the first half of the chapter evolves, Jack becomes more and more obsessed with ___________.
- This character’s glasses are used to start the fire the boys set in hopes of being found.
50 Clues: The boys are stranded on an _____________. • What role does Ralph take on after the initial vote? • This vocabulary word’s synonym is “unexpected changes.” • This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “hatred, loathing.” • This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “make fun of, taunt.” • This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “passion, enthusiasm.” • ...
KGTT1400: Vocabulary Review (Sep. 14 - Oct. 3) 2023-10-04
- (vocabulary: Sep 19) The Tigers ___ (won) the Giants all three days.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ sick yesterday.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 19) My sister-___-___ (your partner’s sister) is getting married this weekend.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 28) I use ___ (2 words) if my eyes are ___.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 28) My daughter ___ sick last week, so I ___ a day ___.
- (finish) ___ (>1) you have fun.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 21) a ___ (>1) 🚅
- (vocabulary: Sep. 19) 🔺 I'm not good condition today. ✅ I ___ (2 words) good today.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 19) The Giants ___ (2 words; didn’t win) the Tigers all three days, so I was sad.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ my ___' ___. (the place where people from long ago are buried) last week.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 28) Do you have any ___ (2 words) weekend?
- (vocabulary: Sep. 14) I ___ (3 words; 🍻) yesterday after the environmental audit.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 19) 🔺 This Friday I absent the work.. ✅ ___ (2 words) this Friday ___.
- (vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ (>1) sick yesterday. (sick AND you didn’t work)
- (vocabulary: Sep. 14) This weekend I'm ___ my aunt's birthday, and Shinichi is ___ (same word) his wife's birthday.
- (vocabulary: Oct. 3) In other companies, they ___ (= to pay someone to help them do something) employees for working___ home.
16 Clues: (finish) ___ (>1) you have fun. • (vocabulary: Sep. 21) a ___ (>1) 🚅 • (vocabulary: Sep. 26) I ___ sick yesterday. • (vocabulary: Sep. 28) Do you have any ___ (2 words) weekend? • (vocabulary: Sep. 28) I use ___ (2 words) if my eyes are ___. • (vocabulary: Sep 19) The Tigers ___ (won) the Giants all three days. • ...
Unit 10 Review and Extension 2020-06-22
14 Clues: grammar D1 • grammar A3 • grammar A2 • grammar D3 • grammar D2 • vocabulary A4 • vocabulary B3 • vocabulary A2 • vocabulary A3 • vocabulary B2 • vocabulary A1 • vocabulary B4 • vocabulary B1 • grammar A19 muahhaha
Crossword Puzzle 2023-10-30
- man vs. self
- vocabulary word for hard working
- who buried the Scarlet ibis
- man vs. society
- vocabulary word for new
- over exaggeration
- vocabulary word for praise
- vocabulary word for extravagant
- "such a name that only sounds good on a tombstone is an example of.
- backwards how did doodle get his nickname
- time and place of the story
- composers that uses like or as
- How is doodle like the Scarlet Ibis
- vocabulary word for cunning
- the message of the story
- who is the main character in the Scarlet Ibis
- how did doodle die
- what does the bleeding tree represent
- vocabulary word for common
- who is the narrator of the story
20 Clues: man vs. self • man vs. society • over exaggeration • how did doodle die • vocabulary word for new • the message of the story • vocabulary word for common • vocabulary word for praise • time and place of the story • vocabulary word for cunning • who buried the Scarlet ibis • composers that uses like or as • vocabulary word for extravagant • vocabulary word for hard working • ...
English 10 Review - TKAM Portion 2024-12-16
- The narrator’s father is named…
- The root word sil means this.
- The root word opt means this.
- When she begins school, Scout’s teacher gets mad at her because she can already….
- Boo Radley sews Jem’s ___________ after he got them stuck on a fence running away.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “prodding, egging on.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “lookout, watch, observance.”
- Boo Radley leaves a small sculpture of Scout and Jem for them to find. The sculpture is made out of…
- Many characters in the first half of the novel insult Atticus when talking to Scout because he’s defending someone who is a different _________ than them.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “disapproval, dislike, disfavor.”
- Atticus’s job is he is a…
- Scout’s older brother is named…
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “favorable, promising.”
- Scout’s uncle who punishes her after her fight with Francis is named Uncle….
- Miss Maudie’s house catches on __________ during Part One of the novel.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “payment, reimbursement”
- This character hangs out with Scout and Jem during the summers while he stays with his aunt.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “native, original.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “ to calm, to alleviate.”
- The root word amic means this.
- Nathan Radley fills the knothole in the tree with this so that Boo can’t continue giving Jem and Scout gifts.
- The Finch family’s housekeeper is named…
- This is a mysterious character who the children are obsessed with talking about during Part One of the novel. (two words)
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “unnoticeable, unremarkable.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “straying, transgression, deviation.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “simple, innocent, trustful.”
- In the scene where Miss Maudie’s house burns down, Boo Radley sneaks out and puts a ____________ around Scout.
- This root word means jail.
- The novel To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in a city in Alabama named….
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “not understandable, incomprehensible.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “cartoon, parody, exaggerated drawing.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “combative, aggressive.”
- The narrator of the novel is named…
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “master, skill, talent.”
- This character is an African American man that Atticus will be defending in court throughout the second half of the novel. (two words)
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “dangerous, evil, harmful.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “endure persist, keep going.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “unpredictable, bizarre, abnormal.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “assault, attack, invasion.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “gentle, mild.”
- Boo Radley leaves several items for Scout and Jem to find that are hidden in a hole in a…
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “betterment, guidance.”
- The root word pac means this.
- In Part One of the novel, the children are told it is a sin to kill a _______________ because all they do is try to bring joy through their songs.
- The author of To Kill a Mockingbird is named Harper…
- The root word meta means this.
46 Clues: Atticus’s job is he is a… • This root word means jail. • The root word sil means this. • The root word opt means this. • The root word pac means this. • The root word amic means this. • The root word meta means this. • The narrator’s father is named… • Scout’s older brother is named… • The narrator of the novel is named… • The Finch family’s housekeeper is named… • ...
The Feather Pillow 2021-09-02
- paragraph 3 line 4 word 12
- paragraph 20 line 2 word 7
- first vocabulary word
- paragraph 5 line 1 word 15
- paragraph 28 line 5 word 7
- new co-teacher
- second vocabulary word
- tenth vocabulary word
- paragraph 1 line 1 word 9
- sixth vocabulary word
- eighth vocabulary word
- paragraph 29 line 2 word 2
- fourth vocabulary word
- paragraph 18 line 4 word 8
- paragraph 8 line 2 word 3
- paragraph 9 line 1 word 6
- old co-teacher
- paragraph 20 line 1 word 3
18 Clues: new co-teacher • old co-teacher • sixth vocabulary word • first vocabulary word • tenth vocabulary word • eighth vocabulary word • fourth vocabulary word • second vocabulary word • paragraph 8 line 2 word 3 • paragraph 9 line 1 word 6 • paragraph 1 line 1 word 9 • paragraph 3 line 4 word 12 • paragraph 20 line 2 word 7 • paragraph 29 line 2 word 2 • paragraph 18 line 4 word 8 • ...
We Failed to Hear them When They Lived. 2022-04-06
- vocabulary word meaning a celebration of an individual or event
- vocabulary word meaning a dangerous, difficult, or challenging situation
- vocabulary word meaning surprising, previously unknown facts
- vocabulary word meaning official statements
- vocabulary word meaning an extremely cruel act, often leading to the loss of life
- vocabulary word meaning never done or known before
- vocabulary word meaning shocking to bring about actions
- vocabulary word meaning causing to fall apart
- vocabulary word meaning happening frequently, over time
- vocabulary word meaning the extended cruel treatment and removal of rights
- vocabulary word meaning to understand through touch
- vocabulary word meaning a sense/feeling of disgust
- vocabulary word meaning intense happiness/celebration
- vocabulary word meaning a person/event bringing about change
14 Clues: vocabulary word meaning official statements • vocabulary word meaning causing to fall apart • vocabulary word meaning a sense/feeling of disgust • vocabulary word meaning never done or known before • vocabulary word meaning to understand through touch • vocabulary word meaning intense happiness/celebration • vocabulary word meaning shocking to bring about actions • ...
English 10 Review - 451 Portion 2024-12-16
- In the novel, 451 is the temperature that ____________ burns.
- The root word pod means this.
- This vocabulary word means “someone forced to take the blame for others.”
- This vocabulary word means “a formal announcement or order from someone.”
- This vocabulary word means “a large building that houses tombs.”
- This is the name for the futuristic screens that surround Mildred as she sits at home. (two words)
- Faber develops an electronic radio to speak to Montag that fits in his…
- This vocabulary word means “to argue about unimportant things.”
- This root word means shape.
- This vocabulary word means “a brick, stone, or concrete area in front of a fireplace.”
- This root word means war.
- This vocabulary word means “a utensil used ot strain solids from liquids.”
- At the beginning of the novel, Montag says that ________________ smells like perfume to him.
- This vocabulary word means “a deep or bottomless hole.”
- This root word means to think.
- This character calls in an alarm on Montag to turn him in for hiding books.
- The men Montag meets at the end of the novel use their ____________ to save books.
- This vocabulary word means “a bladed tool with a long, bent handle used for cutting or mowing.”
- Early in the novel, Mildred ________________ on sleeping pills.
- This vocabulary word means “to lose strength or momentum.”
- This vocabulary word means “a state of complete destruction.”
- This vocabulary word means “to claim or prove that something is false.”
- This vocabulary word means “an association of people in the same trade.”
- This vocabulary word means “to call upon a spirit or ghost to appear.”
- Montag gets angry when Clarisse asks, “Are you_______?”
- This root word means head.
- This vocabulary word means “spreading harm slowly and secretly.”
- This vocabulary word means “moving from one place to another instead of staying in one place at a time.”
- This vocabulary word means “to scatter or spread things untidily over an area.”
- The root word alb means this.
- This vocabulary word means “a major city.”
- This character is a young, curious girl who likes to think and talk to Montag. She later goes missing and is found out to be dead.
- This character is a retired English professor who ends up helping Montag.
- This root word means first.
- The root word hext means this.
- At the end of the novel, the city montag lived in was completely….
- This vocabulary word means “to shake or tremble in speaking, typically through nervousness or emotion.”
- Clarisse tells Montag he is not really in ________ after rubbing a dandelion on his chin.
- This vocabulary word means “a person overly concerned with minor details and rules.”
- This root word means time.
- What character does Montag kill?
- This root word means holy.
- Montag memorizes a book from the…
- The root word path means this.
- The root word chrom means this.
- This vocabulary word means “a harsh mixture of sounds.”
- This vocabulary word means “showing little emotion or animation.”
- The first station has a mechanical version of this animal that hunts and kills.
48 Clues: This root word means war. • This root word means head. • This root word means time. • This root word means holy. • This root word means first. • This root word means shape. • The root word pod means this. • The root word alb means this. • The root word hext means this. • This root word means to think. • The root word path means this. • The root word chrom means this. • ...
Unit Four Review 2024-03-01
- Specific ways of using language--authors use to emphasize key ideas
- A vocabulary word meaning a person who enjoys the company of others
- A rhetorical device where the author address the readers using the pronouns "you or yourself"
- A vocabulary word meaning to do something in a manner that is not obvious
- A vocabulary word meaning something that stands out
- Includes footnotes and endnotes
- A vocabulary word meaning an improvement or step forward
- A viewpoint or position on an issue
- Statements that address opposing viewpoints
- An author's reason for writing a text
- A vocabulary word meaning to become fainter or more distant
- A vocabulary word meaning questionable or not to be relied upon
- An example of a science writing in Unit Four
- A vocabulary word meaning extremely important or significant
- An example of a science fiction short story in Unit Four
- A particular arrangement of ideas and information.
- Helps to shape both tone and voice in a text
- A vocabulary word meaning to send a group of people to a new place and establish a colony or settlement
- An author's unique use of language that allows a reader to "hear" a human personality
- The feeling or atmosphere that a writer creates for the reader
- A vocabulary word meaning someone or something that appears lonely or sad
- A vocabulary word meaning a controlled environment
- The author's attitude toward a subject
- A list of statements that recognize the contributions made by people or organizations to the creation of the text
- A vocabulary word meaning a gaseous mass that surrounds a planet
- There are three examples of this type of text in Unit Four
- A vocabulary word meaning to have or require
- Declarations made to explain an action or belief
- A rhetorical device that consists of words with strongly positive or negative connotations
- Specific facts, statistics, or examples
30 Clues: Includes footnotes and endnotes • A viewpoint or position on an issue • An author's reason for writing a text • The author's attitude toward a subject • Specific facts, statistics, or examples • Statements that address opposing viewpoints • Helps to shape both tone and voice in a text • A vocabulary word meaning to have or require • ...
Zlata's Diary 2020-10-11
- Basement.
- A period of such armed conflict.
- To ruin or damage (vocabulary).
- Scribbles.
- “Sarajevo __” was the name of the song the radios kept playing. (2 words)
- What people actually experience (vocabulary).
- Someone __ has lost hope (vocabulary).
- Without guilt (vocabulary).
- To affect in an important way (vocabulary).
- Kindness and compassion for others (vocabulary).
- A collection of young people's diaries written during wars that Zlata co-edited. (2 words)
- The first three diary entries were written in the month of __.
- Ethnic group identified with an "S".
- Relating to government activities and policy (vocabulary).
- Zlata’s last name.
- A daily account of events, thoughts and feelings. Private and personal. (2 words)
- City of Yugoslavia where the story takes place.
- Temporary homes.
- A fight or disagreement between 2 people or groups of people (vocabulary).
- Ethnic group identified with a "C".
- Grown-ups.
- Person who flees to a foreign country to escape danger or persecution.
- A piece of __ killed Eldin. It is the shell's metal.
- Zlata’s diary’s name.
- Ethnic group identified with an "M".
- City where Zlata and her family escaped to.
26 Clues: Basement. • Scribbles. • Grown-ups. • Temporary homes. • Zlata’s last name. • Zlata’s diary’s name. • Without guilt (vocabulary). • To ruin or damage (vocabulary). • A period of such armed conflict. • Ethnic group identified with a "C". • Ethnic group identified with an "M". • Ethnic group identified with an "S". • Someone __ has lost hope (vocabulary). • ...
Sports 2024-03-07
- Major Brand Tennis W
- Soccer Player C
- Soccer Team R
- Basketball Player L
- Football Equipment H
- Volleyball Technical Vocabulary S
- Major Brand Soccer A
- Tennis Court W
- Tennis Equipment G
- Volleyball Team B
- Tennis Player N
- Basketball Technical Vocabulary T
- Basketball Court M
- Soccer Technical Vocabulary D
- Basketball Team L
- Tennis Double Team B
- Tennis Technical Vocabulary F
- Volleyball PLayer Y
- Football Stadium L
- NFL Football Team D
- Football Technical Vocabulary T
- Soccer Equipment C
- Volleyball Arena S
- Soccer Stadium S
- Football Player J
- Major Brand Football N
- Major Brand Volleyball M
- Basketball Equipment H
- Major Brand Basketball J
- Volleyball Equipment N
30 Clues: Soccer Team R • Tennis Court W • Soccer Player C • Tennis Player N • Soccer Stadium S • Basketball Team L • Football Player J • Volleyball Team B • Football Stadium L • Soccer Equipment C • Volleyball Arena S • Tennis Equipment G • Basketball Court M • Volleyball PLayer Y • NFL Football Team D • Basketball Player L • Tennis Double Team B • Major Brand Tennis W • Football Equipment H • ...
English 12 Review - The Catcher in the Rye 2024-12-16
- While at the Edmont, Holden orders one of these from an elevator operator.
- Holden thinks a “Catcher in the Rye” is someone who saves children from _________ over a cliff.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “mandatory, required, obligated.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “bad breath, morning breath, foul-smelling breath.”
- The novel takes place during the nineteen…
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “extravagant, luxurious, showy.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “clam, unconcerned, cool.”
- At Pency Prep, Holden has an acquaintance who is an awkward boy with poor hygiene named…
- When the novel ends, it is implied that Holden is telling the story from a…
- This piece of clothing is frequently mentioned throughout the story after Holden buys it during his trip to New York. (three words)
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “jerk, creep, clown.”
- Holden becomes so happy he almost cries while watching his sister, Phoebe, ride one of these.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “fight, argument, disagreement.”
- A motif in the novel is when Holden frequently mentions the ____________ in Central Park.
- Holden this a “Catcher in the Rye” is someone who saves….
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “savage, vicious, cruel.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “jolly, lively, animated.”
- The Catcher in the Rye was written by the famous author J.D.
- Holden reacted to his brother’s death by breaking all the windows in his ___________ with his bare hands.
- The poem “Comin’ Thro’ the Rye” is actually about people engaging in casual ______________ encounters.
- James Castle is a young man Holden often mentions who ____________ from a window after being harassed.
- The protagonist of the novel is ____ years old.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “classy, fancy, ritzy.”
- Holden’s favorite thing about the Museum of Natural History is that nothing ever __________ there.
- The plot of the story takes place in… (two words)
- This character had Holden write an English composition for him early in the novel.
- Holden’s brother Allie died from this.
- Holden’s little sister is named….
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “middle-class, conventional, ordinary.”
- The term “catcher in the rye” comes from a very old…
- One of the unique things about Allie was that he wrote poetry on his ____________ mitt.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “splendid, exceptional, excellent.”
- Holden tells us his older brother is in this city being a “prostitute.”
- Holden frequently associates the game of ____________ when he thinks about Jane.
- Holden and Stradlater get into a fight when Stradlater won’t discuss his date with….
- Holden tells readers he left a school called Elkton Hills because he was surrounded by….
- Holden leave’s Mr. Antolini’s house when he awakens to Mr. Antolini _______________ him.
- Holden gets extremely upset when he sees “f*** _____” written on the wall of his sister’s school.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “addict, fanatic, enthusiast.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “disturbing, distressing, chilling.”
- The protagonist’s last name is.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “immoral, unethical, shameless.”
- In the later portion of the novel, Holden tells us that a guy named Luce suggest he should see one of these.
- At the beginning of the novel, Holden is kicked out of Pency Prep because he is….
- Holden ends the novel saying that he ________ all the people he talked about in the book.”
- The protagonist’s first name is.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “charming, sophisticated, poised.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “concerns, doubts, worries.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “unimpressed, indifferent, bored.”
- Holden’s favorite insult for other people is this word.
- Holden makes an allusion to this well-known play when he is eating breakfast with the nuns. (three words)
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “untidy, messy.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “pointless, moronic, foolish.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “shun, reject, exclude.”
54 Clues: The protagonist’s last name is. • The protagonist’s first name is. • Holden’s little sister is named…. • Holden’s brother Allie died from this. • The novel takes place during the nineteen… • The protagonist of the novel is ____ years old. • The plot of the story takes place in… (two words) • The term “catcher in the rye” comes from a very old… • ...
Sports 2024-03-07
- Major Brand Tennis W
- Soccer Player C
- Soccer Team R
- Basketball Player L
- Football Equipment H
- Volleyball Technical Vocabulary S
- Major Brand Soccer A
- Tennis Court W
- Tennis Equipment G
- Volleyball Team B
- Tennis Player N
- Basketball Technical Vocabulary T
- Basketball Court M
- Soccer Technical Vocabulary D
- Basketball Team L
- Tennis Double Team B
- Tennis Technical Vocabulary F
- Volleyball PLayer Y
- Football Stadium L
- NFL Football Team D
- Football Technical Vocabulary T
- Soccer Equipment C
- Volleyball Arena S
- Soccer Stadium S
- Football Player J
- Major Brand Football N
- Major Brand Volleyball M
- Basketball Equipment H
- Major Brand Basketball J
- Volleyball Equipment N
30 Clues: Soccer Team R • Tennis Court W • Soccer Player C • Tennis Player N • Soccer Stadium S • Basketball Team L • Football Player J • Volleyball Team B • Football Stadium L • Soccer Equipment C • Volleyball Arena S • Tennis Equipment G • Basketball Court M • Volleyball PLayer Y • NFL Football Team D • Basketball Player L • Tennis Double Team B • Major Brand Tennis W • Football Equipment H • ...
Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) 2024-07-02
- Back in the old times we didn’t have telephones when we were little! What’s the vocabulary word for telephone in español?
- The police stoped me because I was speeding on the road. What’s the vocabulary word for stop in español?
- Jordan and Kaitlin went the the furniture store to buy a new bed for the extra room. What’s the vocabulary word for Furniture store in español?
- John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?
- The children throw coins into the fountain to make a wish and hoped to get what they wished for. What’s the vocabulary word for Fountain in español?
- Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?
- My whole family decided to not go watch the movie so we had to turn around and go home. What’s the vocabulary word for to turn in español?
- Excuse me, sir. Where can i find the nearest bathroom? What’s the vocabulary word for excuse me in español?
- I had to go to the emergency room in a hospital to see what was wrong with me! What’s the vocabulary word hospital in español?
- Sara heads to the bank to make a deposit of 100 dollars into her checking account. What’s the vocabulary word Bank in español?
- Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?
- We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?
- Ethan and McKenzie work at a bakery and loves to sell sweets! What’s the vocabulary word for bakery in español?
- The whole class went on a field trip to the aquarium and I was fascinated by the fish! What’s the vocabulary word for aquarium in español?
- Lisa and Mark are a happy married couple shopping at a market. What’s the vocabulary word for market in español?
- Me and my friends like to walk in the cemetery at night during Halloween! What’s the vocabulary word for cemetery in español?
16 Clues: Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español? • Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español? • John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español? • We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español? • ...
Percy Jackson Chapter 1-5 Review 2023-08-31
- Something that seems real but does not really exist (vocabulary word)
- what Percy Jackson is
- Slightly open (vocabulary word)
- A person who listen to other people talk without letting them know (vocabulary word)
- ______ ones
- The color of Percy's mother's cooking/baking
- Academy name
- Three old ladies
- Name of Percy's best friend
- Mr. Brunner's real name
- What Grover is
- the name of Percy's mother
- Half man, Half bull
- Destroy completely (vocabulary word)
- Percy's nickname for his step-father
- _____ Mythology
- Third word in the chapter 1 title (also a vocabulary word)
17 Clues: ______ ones • Academy name • What Grover is • _____ Mythology • Three old ladies • Half man, Half bull • what Percy Jackson is • Mr. Brunner's real name • the name of Percy's mother • Name of Percy's best friend • Slightly open (vocabulary word) • Destroy completely (vocabulary word) • Percy's nickname for his step-father • The color of Percy's mother's cooking/baking • ...
Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) 2022-05-13
- Back in the old times we didn’t have telephones when we were little! What’s the vocabulary word for telephone in español?
- The police stoped me because I was speeding on the road. What’s the vocabulary word for stop in español?
- Jordan and Kaitlin went the the furniture store to buy a new bed for the extra room. What’s the vocabulary word for Furniture store in español?
- John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?
- The children throw coins into the fountain to make a wish and hoped to get what they wished for. What’s the vocabulary word for Fountain in español?
- Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?
- My whole family decided to not go watch the movie so we had to turn around and go home. What’s the vocabulary word for to turn in español?
- Excuse me, sir. Where can i find the nearest bathroom? What’s the vocabulary word for excuse me in español?
- I had to go to the emergency room in a hospital to see what was wrong with me! What’s the vocabulary word hospital in español?
- Sara heads to the bank to make a deposit of 100 dollars into her checking account. What’s the vocabulary word Bank in español?
- Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?
- We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?
- Ethan and McKenzie work at a bakery and loves to sell sweets! What’s the vocabulary word for bakery in español?
- The whole class went on a field trip to the aquarium and I was fascinated by the fish! What’s the vocabulary word for aquarium in español?
- Lisa and Mark are a happy married couple shopping at a market. What’s the vocabulary word for market in español?
- Me and my friends like to walk in the cemetery at night during Halloween! What’s the vocabulary word for cemetery in español?
16 Clues: Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español? • Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español? • John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español? • We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español? • ...
Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) 2022-05-13
- Back in the old times we didn’t have telephones when we were little! What’s the vocabulary word for telephone in español?
- The police stoped me because I was speeding on the road. What’s the vocabulary word for stop in español?
- Jordan and Kaitlin went the the furniture store to buy a new bed for the extra room. What’s the vocabulary word for Furniture store in español?
- John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?
- The children throw coins into the fountain to make a wish and hoped to get what they wished for. What’s the vocabulary word for Fountain in español?
- Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?
- My whole family decided to not go watch the movie so we had to turn around and go home. What’s the vocabulary word for to turn in español?
- Excuse me, sir. Where can i find the nearest bathroom? What’s the vocabulary word for excuse me in español?
- I had to go to the emergency room in a hospital to see what was wrong with me! What’s the vocabulary word hospital in español?
- Sara heads to the bank to make a deposit of 100 dollars into her checking account. What’s the vocabulary word Bank in español?
- Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?
- We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?
- Ethan and McKenzie work at a bakery and loves to sell sweets! What’s the vocabulary word for bakery in español?
- The whole class went on a field trip to the aquarium and I was fascinated by the fish! What’s the vocabulary word for aquarium in español?
- Lisa and Mark are a happy married couple shopping at a market. What’s the vocabulary word for market in español?
- Me and my friends like to walk in the cemetery at night during Halloween! What’s the vocabulary word for cemetery in español?
16 Clues: Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español? • Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español? • John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español? • We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español? • ...
Español Crossword puzzle (Use vocabulary!) 2024-12-02
- Back in the old times we didn’t have telephones when we were little! What’s the vocabulary word for telephone in español?
- The police stoped me because I was speeding on the road. What’s the vocabulary word for stop in español?
- Jordan and Kaitlin went the the furniture store to buy a new bed for the extra room. What’s the vocabulary word for Furniture store in español?
- John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español?
- The children throw coins into the fountain to make a wish and hoped to get what they wished for. What’s the vocabulary word for Fountain in español?
- Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español?
- My whole family decided to not go watch the movie so we had to turn around and go home. What’s the vocabulary word for to turn in español?
- Excuse me, sir. Where can i find the nearest bathroom? What’s the vocabulary word for excuse me in español?
- I had to go to the emergency room in a hospital to see what was wrong with me! What’s the vocabulary word hospital in español?
- Sara heads to the bank to make a deposit of 100 dollars into her checking account. What’s the vocabulary word Bank in español?
- Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español?
- We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español?
- Ethan and McKenzie work at a bakery and loves to sell sweets! What’s the vocabulary word for bakery in español?
- The whole class went on a field trip to the aquarium and I was fascinated by the fish! What’s the vocabulary word for aquarium in español?
- Lisa and Mark are a happy married couple shopping at a market. What’s the vocabulary word for market in español?
- Me and my friends like to walk in the cemetery at night during Halloween! What’s the vocabulary word for cemetery in español?
16 Clues: Where’s the plaza? What’s the vocabulary word for plaza in español? • Louis takes his dog out for a walk. What’s the vocabulary word for walk in español? • John and Amanda Go to the clinic for a check up. What’s the Vocabulary word to Clinic in español? • We use now a days to make fuel is by factory’s! What’s the vocabulary word for factory in español? • ...
7th Unit One Review 2024-09-29
- A vocabulary word meaning being in contact with another person
- Short story by Theodore Taylor
- A vocabulary word meaning the strength and courage someone has
- Part in a story where there is a moment of great interest
- A vocabulary word meaning a situation that is difficult or stressful for a person
- The way an author develops characters
- Myth retold by Sally Benson
- Part in a story where the final outcome and conflict are revealed
- Hints that suggest future events in a short story
- A vocabulary word meaning something that is without qualifications or exceptions
- The growing tension felt by the reader in a story
- The message of a text
- The struggle between opposing forces
- A vocabulary word meaning a person's travel to and from work/school
- The arrangement of events in time order
- The main character in "A Police Stop..."
- To make a logical guess
- Part in a story where things begin to draw to a close
- A vocabulary word meaning without confidence or trust
- A Vocabulary word that means long unbroken wave
- A series of events in a story
- Part in a story where complications start to intensify the plot
- Part in a story where the characters and setting are introduced
- Short story by Langston Hughes
- A vocabulary word meaning leather that is treated to be soft and fuzzy
- Old and traditional story that tries to answer basic questions about the world, events, and human nature
- A character's struggle against an outside force
- A character's internal struggle
- A vocabulary word meaning kept within a certain limit
29 Clues: The message of a text • To make a logical guess • Myth retold by Sally Benson • A series of events in a story • Short story by Theodore Taylor • Short story by Langston Hughes • A character's internal struggle • The struggle between opposing forces • The way an author develops characters • The arrangement of events in time order • The main character in "A Police Stop..." • ...
"The Tell-Tale Heart" Crossword 2024-05-09
- what bird did the narrator compare the eye to?
- vocabulary word meaning having the limbs (of a body) cut off
- vocabulary word meaning extreme physical or mental suffering
- what is the color of the old man's eye?
- what noise did the narrator hear just before he killed the old man?
- how many police officers came to the door?
- vocabulary word meaning to listen
- vocabulary word meaning very strong and sensitive; sharp
- vocabulary word meaning to bring trouble or agitation
- vocabulary word meaning a narrow opening or crack
- what time did the narrator go into the old man's room each night?
- vocabulary word meaning before in time
- the narrator kills the old man by dragging the ___ on top of him
- what was the narrator holding each night as he stalked the old man?
- the purpose of the narrator telling the story is to prove that he is not ______
- who is the author of this story?
- what emotion was the narrator feeling that caused him to confess to the murder?
- before he is murdered, the old man feels the presence of ____ in the room
- what time did the police officers come to the door?
- how many nights did the narrator stalk the old man before committing the murder?
20 Clues: who is the author of this story? • vocabulary word meaning to listen • vocabulary word meaning before in time • what is the color of the old man's eye? • how many police officers came to the door? • what bird did the narrator compare the eye to? • vocabulary word meaning a narrow opening or crack • what time did the police officers come to the door? • ...
More Than Words - Clothes 2023-04-18
- an outfit you wear to bed
- wear these and your hands won't freeze
- the shorter word for "kumisaappaat"
- villapaita, neule
- wear this and your head won't freeze
- rhymes with kittens
- AmE word for "alushousut"
- kangas *extra word, not in the vocabulary
- puuvilla *extra word, not in the vocabulary
- BrE word for "housut"
- villa *extra word, not in the vocabulary
- tennarit
- trousers made from a fabric called "denim"
- pilkullinen
- nahka *extra word, not in the vocabulary
- villatakki
- uimapuku
- kuvio
- keeps your trousers up
19 Clues: kuvio • tennarit • uimapuku • villatakki • pilkullinen • villapaita, neule • rhymes with kittens • BrE word for "housut" • keeps your trousers up • an outfit you wear to bed • AmE word for "alushousut" • the shorter word for "kumisaappaat" • wear this and your head won't freeze • wear these and your hands won't freeze • villa *extra word, not in the vocabulary • ...
9th Unit One Review 2024-09-29
- The reason the writer has for writing a text
- A vocabulary word meaning blended or laced together
- Type of rhetorical device that creates emphasis by saying less than is literally true
- Argument by Anna Quindlen
- A vocabulary word meaning consisting of many ethnic and cultural groups
- Statements that address opposing viewpoints
- The author's unique use of language that allows the reader to "hear" a human personality
- The central idea of a text
- A vocabulary word meaning to form or develop in the mind
- A vocabulary word meaning to perish or die
- Poem by Alberto Rios
- The people for whom the author is writing
- An author's position on an issue
- The time and place of the action of a story
- Short Story by Nadine Gordimer
- The main message a story
- Presents a claim, or position on an issue
- The author's attitude toward his or her subject
- Personal Essay by Ishmael Beah
- Ideas used to develop the author's claim
- Type of rhetorical device where the same word is repeated more than once
- Directly compares two things says one "is" another
- An additional storyline that runs parallel to the main plot
- Uses "like" or "as" to compare
- A vocabulary word meaning lacking worldly experience and understanding
- Speech by Abraham Lincoln
- A vocabulary word meaning bold or rebellious
- A vocabulary word meaning things that have the same characteristics and function as another
- A vocabulary word meaning purpose or plan
29 Clues: Poem by Alberto Rios • The main message a story • Argument by Anna Quindlen • Speech by Abraham Lincoln • The central idea of a text • Personal Essay by Ishmael Beah • Uses "like" or "as" to compare • Short Story by Nadine Gordimer • An author's position on an issue • Ideas used to develop the author's claim • Presents a claim, or position on an issue • ...
Safe as HSouses 2018-03-08
- What is the boy's last name
- When they looked at the other house the people were ___
- What is the youngest girl's name
- Vocabulary word for the dog's appearance
- Vocabulary word for how the babysitter was walking as she carried the young girl
- What is the boy's name
- Vocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the tree
- Vocabulary word that the kids called the impact of the storm
- What is the babysitter's name
- Vocabulary word for what is left in the water after the structures floated away
- Vocabulary word for why the older girl spun around in the river
- Vocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the river
- Vocabulary word for what the young girl did when the dog fell off the roof
- What is the dog's name
14 Clues: What is the dog's name • What is the boy's name • What is the boy's last name • What is the babysitter's name • What is the youngest girl's name • Vocabulary word for the dog's appearance • When they looked at the other house the people were ___ • Vocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the tree • Vocabulary word for how the babysitter got into the river • ...
Communications exercise Speeches 2018-05-01
22 Clues: List • Quote • Ethos • Logos • Pathos • Future • Example • Speaker • Address • Excerpt • Language • Democrat • Audience • Persuade • Contrast • Metaphor • Intention • Structure • Vocabulary • Repetition • Republican • Constitution
English Class Words 2024-07-02
22 Clues: Verb • Noun • Adverb • Syntax • Article • Writing • Grammar • Pronoun • Reading • Synonym • Opposite • Speaking • Adjective • Listening • Vocabulary • Dictionary • Definition • Conjunction • Preposition • Pronunciation • Comprehension • Parts of speech
BQ2-7 2020-12-15
English Class Words 2022-11-08
22 Clues: Verb • Noun • Adverb • Syntax • Article • Writing • Grammar • Pronoun • Reading • Synonym • Opposite • Speaking • Adjective • Listening • Vocabulary • Dictionary • Definition • Conjunction • Preposition • Pronunciation • Comprehension • Parts of speech
"Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto 2020-10-07
- This vocabulary words means to tremble slightly
- This vocabulary word means shy and lacking confidence
- This is the formula used to write a good conclusion paragraph
- This is the part of plot that shows the result of the decision made by the main character
- This is the correct way to spell your ELA Teacher's name
- This is the end of the story where the moral is revealed to readers
- This is the part of plot where the conflict gets intense and readers are left in suspense
- This is the author of "Seventh Grade"
- This is the main character
- This is Victor's best friend
- This vocabulary word means to stay longer than necessary or to not want to leave
- This vocabulary word means slightly overweight
- This is Victor's French Teacher
- This is the formula used to write good body paragraphs
- This is the part of plot where the main character usually makes a decision
- This vocabulary word means fierce and savage
- This is the formula used to write a good introduction paragraph
- This is the beginning of the story where characters, setting, and conflicts are revealed
- This is Victor's crush
- This vocabulary word means at the same time
20 Clues: This is Victor's crush • This is the main character • This is Victor's best friend • This is Victor's French Teacher • This is the author of "Seventh Grade" • This vocabulary word means at the same time • This vocabulary word means fierce and savage • This vocabulary word means slightly overweight • This vocabulary words means to tremble slightly • ...
Teacher's Day 2024-03-10
16 Clues: Vacation • Pedagogy • Instructor • Acceptance • Motivation • Separation • Engagement • Vocabulary • Persistance • Segregation • Scaffolding • Presentation • Polarization • Comprehension • Communication • Administration
English 12 - TCITR Review 2024-12-16
- The protagonist’s last name is.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “clam, unconcerned, cool.”
- Holden frequently associates the game of ____________ when he thinks about Jane.
- Holden tells us his older brother is in this city being a “prostitute.”
- In the later portion of the novel, Holden tells us that a guy named Luce suggest he should see one of these.
- Holden becomes so happy he almost cries while watching his sister, Phoebe, ride one of these.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “untidy, messy.”
- When the novel ends, it is implied that Holden is telling the story from a…
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “charming, sophisticated, poised.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “concerns, doubts, worries.”
- The Catcher in the Rye was written by the famous author J.D.
- This character had Holden write an English composition for him early in the novel.
- The protagonist’s first name is.
- Holden this a “Catcher in the Rye” is someone who saves….
- This piece of clothing is frequently mentioned throughout the story after Holden buys it during his trip to New York. (three words)
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “fight, argument, disagreement.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “savage, vicious, cruel.”
- Holden’s little sister is named….
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “shun, reject, exclude.”
- Holden’s brother Allie died from this.
- Holden leave’s Mr. Antolini’s house when he awakens to Mr. Antolini _______________ him.
- Holden thinks a “Catcher in the Rye” is someone who saves children from _________ over a cliff.
- Holden makes an allusion to this well-known play when he is eating breakfast with the nuns. (three words)
- The protagonist of the novel is ____ years old.
- Holden’s favorite insult for other people is this word.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “classy, fancy, ritzy.”
- The term “catcher in the rye” comes from a very old…
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “immoral, unethical, shameless.”
- Holden and Stradlater get into a fight when Stradlater won’t discuss his date with….
- The plot of the story takes place in… (two words)
- One of the unique things about Allie was that he wrote poetry on his ____________ mitt.
- Holden gets extremely upset when he sees “f*** _____” written on the wall of his sister’s school.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “disturbing, distressing, chilling.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “extravagant, luxurious, showy.”
- Holden’s favorite thing about the Museum of Natural History is that nothing ever __________ there.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “splendid, exceptional, excellent.”
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “jerk, creep, clown.”
- At Pency Prep, Holden has an acquaintance who is an awkward boy with poor hygiene named…
- The novel takes place during the nineteen…
- While at the Edmont, Holden orders one of these from an elevator operator.
- James Castle is a young man Holden often mentions who ____________ from a window after being harassed.
- Holden ends the novel saying that he ________ all the people he talked about in the book.”
- A motif in the novel is when Holden frequently mentions the ____________ in Central Park.
- Holden reacted to his brother’s death by breaking all the windows in his ___________ with his bare hands.
- The poem “Comin’ Thro’ the Rye” is actually about people engaging in casual ______________ encounters.
- This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “pointless, moronic, foolish.”
- At the beginning of the novel, Holden is kicked out of Pency Prep because he is….
- Holden tells readers he left a school called Elkton Hills because he was surrounded by….
48 Clues: The protagonist’s last name is. • The protagonist’s first name is. • Holden’s little sister is named…. • Holden’s brother Allie died from this. • The novel takes place during the nineteen… • The protagonist of the novel is ____ years old. • The plot of the story takes place in… (two words) • The term “catcher in the rye” comes from a very old… • ...
Unit Five Review 2024-02-14
- When modifiers are used to compare more than two things
- A personal belief
- A pattern of organization that includes words such as "for example, experts say, others agree that"
- The way a writer creates and develops characters
- The way in which the text is put together
- A vocabulary word meaning an agent that temporarily speeds up the brain
- A position on an issue
- The main idea that the author wants to convey
- A type of rhetorical device that uses the pronoun "YOU"
- Specific facts, examples, statistics, expert opinions
- Techniques writers use to enhance their arguments and communicate effectively
- Arrangement of ideas and information
- An example of an argument from Unit Five
- A vocabulary word meaning a system in which conflicting or competing forces are at work
- A vocabulary word meaning a person, thing, or situation that is contradictory
- Where the narrative jumps back and forth in time using multiple first-person narrators
- Example of an informational text in Unit Five
- An argument made to oppose another argument
- An example of a novel from Unit Five
- A vocabulary word meaning to act quickly before thinking about the consequences
- A logical guess based on text clues and the reader's experience
- A word that the pronoun refers to
- A vocabulary word meaning to feel restrained, or held back
- A vocabulary word meaning a long angry speech
- Poetry that does not have regular patterns of rhythm or rhyme
- A vocabulary word meaning to share private information
- A type of conjunction used to make compound sentences
- A type of rhetorical device that makes a point-by-point comparison between things that are alike
28 Clues: A personal belief • A position on an issue • A word that the pronoun refers to • An example of a novel from Unit Five • Arrangement of ideas and information • An example of an argument from Unit Five • The way in which the text is put together • An argument made to oppose another argument • Example of an informational text in Unit Five • ...
The Importance of Being Earnest 2024-04-29
- this is where Jack was found as an infant
- this type of irony is when something happens that is the opposite of what you expect to happen
- this term means to overstate something
- this vocabulary word is someone who dislikes mankind
- this is the type of humor used in the play
- this vocabulary word means unimportant
- this vocabulary word means improper
- this character represents society
- this character is Jack's country servant
- this character pretends to have a sick friend in the country
- this vocabulary word means idealistic,unrealistic
- this is the priest in the country
- Oscar Wilde is from this country
- this term means a play on words
- this vocabulary word means priceless
- this character is Algernon's butler
- this character is young and is admired by Jack
- this character pretends to have a troublesome younger brother
- this type of irony is when the audience knows something the characters don't
- this character is 18 and excessively pretty
- this is the author of the play
- Algernon accuses Jack of being this because he is untruthful
- this is Cecily's teacher
23 Clues: this is Cecily's teacher • this is the author of the play • this term means a play on words • Oscar Wilde is from this country • this is the priest in the country • this character represents society • this character is Algernon's butler • this vocabulary word means improper • this vocabulary word means priceless • this term means to overstate something • ...
crossword narrative 2024-09-18
15 Clues: long • open • detail • honest • mistake • grammer • spelling • creative • appealing • relatable • attention • correction • vocabulary • punctuation • imperfection
Le Québec Mots Croisés 2024-11-08
- The day le Festival d'été du Québec place on
- One of the bays initially used for settlement
- A snowman (Vocabulary word)
- The event where the land where Québec is was transferred from France to Britain
- A float (Vocabulary word)
- A mascot (Vocabulary word)
- A performer (Vocabulary word)
- French fries covered in gravy; their signature dish
- The country the area where Québec used to be a part of
- The month le Festival d'été du Québec is hosted every year
- The month le Carnaval du Québec takes place in
- The name of the mascot of le Carnaval du Québec
- 12% of Québec is this
- Events held during la Fête de la Musique where musicians play music
- The start (Vocabulary word)
15 Clues: 12% of Québec is this • A float (Vocabulary word) • A mascot (Vocabulary word) • A snowman (Vocabulary word) • The start (Vocabulary word) • A performer (Vocabulary word) • The day le Festival d'été du Québec place on • One of the bays initially used for settlement • The month le Carnaval du Québec takes place in • The name of the mascot of le Carnaval du Québec • ...
Unit 6-7 Bridge Notes 2024-02-08
- Impact of The War of 1812: US gained status and _____ from other nations.
- Vocabulary: To state ownership.
- Vocabulary: Kept control of
- Vocabulary: To grow bigger
- Impact of The War of 1812: _______ was increased in America. (Like patriotism but different)
- Causes of The War of 1812: _______of American sailors.
- Vocabulary: Partnership or team.
- Vocabulary: Land set aside for native settlement.
- Impact of The War of 1812:______ were returned to pre-war locations.
- Causes of The War of 1812: War Hawks wanted to push England out of southern _____.
- Causes of The War of 1812: _________ assistance of Tecumseh's rebellion.
- Vocabulary: Move from one place to another.
- Impact of The War of 1812: The Canadian border was ______.
13 Clues: Vocabulary: To grow bigger • Vocabulary: Kept control of • Vocabulary: To state ownership. • Vocabulary: Partnership or team. • Vocabulary: Move from one place to another. • Vocabulary: Land set aside for native settlement. • Causes of The War of 1812: _______of American sailors. • Impact of The War of 1812: The Canadian border was ______. • ...
Jada Camacho - Portfolio Quarter Two 2023-01-09
- Book finished this quarter is called "My __"
- We studied survivors ___ this marking period
- We did many units on this and had assessments of the different units throughout the marking period
- "The _____ Girls" was the name of the second book in my Antonia that we read
- The unit we are studying right now
- One of our unit 7 vocabulary words, this word means able to be believed
- The narrator after the first chapter in our class novel
- the number of assessments we have taken in this quarter (so far)
- The name of the wife of Jim in "The Gift of the Magi"
- A grammar topic that we studied at the beginning of the year that is similar to gerunds
- the name of the seminars on My Antonia we took
- These are the vocabulary exercises we do for homework before a test to have a greater understanding of vocabulary words
- a large wave talked about in the Seventh man reading we did
- One of our unit 7 vocabulary words, this word means something that is kept for later use
- A text we read was "The Gift of the ___"
- Antonia's family's last name
- Grammer lesson we spent time on this quarter
- This was the place that the Thai soccer team was stuck in (from the story we read while doing the survival unit)
- One of our unit 6 vocabulary words, this word means unfriendly or angry
- The number of tips in the survival tips video we watched
20 Clues: Antonia's family's last name • The unit we are studying right now • A text we read was "The Gift of the ___" • Book finished this quarter is called "My __" • We studied survivors ___ this marking period • Grammer lesson we spent time on this quarter • the name of the seminars on My Antonia we took • The name of the wife of Jim in "The Gift of the Magi" • ...
Charlotte Doyle 2024-05-21
- Vocabulary - The cracker-like food the crew ate; nicknamed sailor's bread
- Vocabulary - Specific name of the dagger/knife Charlotte received
- Events - The type of destructive storm the Seahawk went though
- Events - Role Charlotte takes after the captain fell into the sea
- Vocabulary - The quarters in which the crew lived
- Characters - Last name of the first mate
- Vocabulary - The type of the ship in the story
- Characters - Last name of the captain of the ship
- Setting - The city to which Charlotte was traveling to in Rhode Island
- Setting - Name of the ship
- Characters - Name of the black man who gave Charlotte the knife
- Characters - Last name of Charlotte's father's business associate, who brought her to the docks.
- Setting - Name of the ocean the ship crossed
- Setting - Name of the English city in which the first chapter took place in
- Characters - Last name of the owner of the chest that contained the pistol
- Characters - Last name of the stowaway
- Characters - Last name of the second mate
- Vocabulary - A British currency used in the time period of the story
- Events - What Charlotte had to climb to prove that was able to join the crew (2 words)
19 Clues: Setting - Name of the ship • Characters - Last name of the stowaway • Characters - Last name of the first mate • Characters - Last name of the second mate • Setting - Name of the ocean the ship crossed • Vocabulary - The type of the ship in the story • Vocabulary - The quarters in which the crew lived • Characters - Last name of the captain of the ship • ...
Phonetics 2022-10-06
TESL 4203 Vocabulary terms 2015-01-22
- a words that has the same meaning
- helping students to make the connections to what they already know
- endings that change the part of speech of the vocabulary
- the form of the target vocabulary, including endings, grammar, etc.
- authentic objects used for teaching
- a group of words that are chosen to be taught in a particular lesson
- visual representation made by the teacher while students are watching
- things that students easily confuse with your target vocabulary
- the meaning of vocabulary
- acting out the meaning
- how the target vocabulary is used in a sentence
- getting students to give answers
- any relevant pronunciation that needs to be taught
13 Clues: acting out the meaning • the meaning of vocabulary • getting students to give answers • a words that has the same meaning • authentic objects used for teaching • how the target vocabulary is used in a sentence • any relevant pronunciation that needs to be taught • endings that change the part of speech of the vocabulary • ...
Vocabulary 2023-10-16
- graphic organizer dacceleratesthe word's meaning
- strategy to discover new meanings of important vocabulary
- children learn word meanings indirectly in many ways
- the word is unfamiliar to students
- accelerate word learning with a new concept
- words that we recognize and use in listening and speaking
- frequent words found in texts to represent important ideas and concepts
- words used in common core subjects; math, reading, science, social studies
- graphic organizer targets the word and concept
- smallest vocabulary
- words that have different mean
- words we use when we speak and write
- banks collect and review word meanings
- students have a solid grasp of the word meaning
- words that have the same meaning
- words that we recognize and use in reading writing
- a place in the classroom where words are displayed for visuals
- words we recognize when we hear and see
- knowledge of words and word meanings
- largest vocabulary made up of words heard and understood
20 Clues: smallest vocabulary • words that have different mean • words that have the same meaning • the word is unfamiliar to students • words we use when we speak and write • knowledge of words and word meanings • banks collect and review word meanings • words we recognize when we hear and see • accelerate word learning with a new concept • ...
Electricity 2024-01-12
- What is the vocabulary word for this definition an unintended electrical connection between current carrying parts
- a substance or material that allows electricity to flow through it
- What's the vocabulary word for this definition the flow of electrical power or charge.
- What is the vocabulary for this definition one in which all circuit elements are arranged in a single path
- What's the vocabulary word for this definition a negatively charged subatomic particle that can be either bound to an atom or free (not bound).
- What is the vocabulary word for this definition the “pressure” that pushes electricity.
- What is the vocabulary word for this definition materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them
- What is the vocabulary for this definition has two or more paths for current to flow through
- What is the vocabulary word for this definition a measure of the amount of electric charge in motion per unit time
- what is the vocabulary word for this definition the result of an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object.
- What is the vocabulary word for this definition the rate at which electrons flow past a point in a complete electrical circuit.
- What is the vocabulary word for this definition materials that do not allow electricity to pass through them
- What is the vocabulary word for this definition an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit.
13 Clues: a substance or material that allows electricity to flow through it • What's the vocabulary word for this definition the flow of electrical power or charge. • What is the vocabulary word for this definition the “pressure” that pushes electricity. • What is the vocabulary for this definition has two or more paths for current to flow through • ...
"Seventh Grade" Crossword 2022-09-17
- This vocabulary word means slightly overweight.
- This vocabulary word means shy or bashful.
- The story takes place in this city in California.
- This vocabulary word means to shake.
- This is the part of the plot diagram where Teresa asks Victor to tutor her in French.
- The protagonist of the story
- This vocabulary word means to stay longer than necessary or to not want to leave.
- This term is when we learn about Victor's conflict and his first day of school events.
- Victor's best friend
- "Stay true to yourself." is an example of this term.
- This term is highest point in the story where Mr. Bueller learns that Victor does not know French.
- This term happens when Victor bolts out of class after embarrassing himself by trying to speak French.
- This term is when we learn about the setting and character.
- Victor's crush
- This type situation is when Victor faces a challenge like saying he knows French.
- Victor's French teacher
- This vocabulary means at the same time.
- This is the part of the plot diagram where Victor runs to the library to get French books.
18 Clues: Victor's crush • Victor's best friend • Victor's French teacher • The protagonist of the story • This vocabulary word means to shake. • This vocabulary means at the same time. • This vocabulary word means shy or bashful. • This vocabulary word means slightly overweight. • The story takes place in this city in California. • "Stay true to yourself." is an example of this term. • ...
Putting It All Together 2016-12-13
- ability to read quickly, accurately, and with proper expression
- smallest part of spoken language
- words used when speaking
- method where children first name the letters of the alphabet, spell aloud the syllables in the syllabary, and then spell and recite each word of the printed text
- assessments that are embedded as part of day-to-day instruction
- experiment where children were asked to link printed words to words already in their speaking vocabulary
- the understanding that there are systematic and predictable relationships between written letters and spoken sounds
- instruction that teaches the relationship between letters of written language and individual sounds of spoken language
- the understanding of language output
- ability to read and write
- model of instruction that makes explicit what and why something is to be learned
- method of using real literature and writing in context of meaningful, functional, and cooperative experiences
- words to know to understand what you read
- educational and political battle about whether phonics emphasis or whole language emphasis is better for students to learn literacy
- the understanding of language input
- assessment that occurs more frequently, and provides students with feedback
- comprehension, writing, vocabulary, word structure, fluency, and motivation
- assessment that compares students level achievement to that of other students of the same age or grade
- emergent, beginning, transitional, intermediate, and skillful
- assessment that occurs at the end of a learning unit or grade level
- purpose was to determine the effectiveness of the different approaches to reading
- abilities based on paper, pen, turning pages, and books on shelves in library
- assessment that is often administered in whole class or small group
- ability to understand and navigate digital environments, and use social media responsibly and effectively
- words used when writing
- broad term that includes phonemic awareness; involves activities with rhymes, words, syllables, and onsets and rimes
- ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds in spoken words
- framework for writing instruction and practice in the classroom
- construction of meaning from text
- words to know to understand what you hear
- approach to teaching reading to small groups of children at the same stage of development
- approach that helps students develop a general knowledge of the English language
- assessment that provides comparisons between a student's performance and a predetermined standard
- fast, effortless word recognition that comes with a great deal of reading practice
- teacher lead activity that introduces vocabulary, provides a model of fluent, expressive reading
35 Clues: words used when writing • words used when speaking • ability to read and write • smallest part of spoken language • construction of meaning from text • the understanding of language input • the understanding of language output • words to know to understand what you hear • words to know to understand what you read • ...
Douglas College TEST Terms 2017-06-28
- the form of the target vocabulary, including endings, grammar, etc.
- acting out the meaning
- getting students to give answers
- endings that change the part of speech of the vocabulary
- a group of words that are chosen to be taught in a particular lesson
- a word that has the same meaning
- authentic objects used for teaching
- visual representation made by the teacher while students are watching
- how the target vocabulary is used in a sentence
- the meaning of vocabulary
- helping students to make the connections to what they already know
- any relevant pronunciation that needs to be taught
- things that students easily confuse with your target vocabulary
13 Clues: acting out the meaning • the meaning of vocabulary • getting students to give answers • a word that has the same meaning • authentic objects used for teaching • how the target vocabulary is used in a sentence • any relevant pronunciation that needs to be taught • endings that change the part of speech of the vocabulary • ...
graphic designer crossword 2024-01-10
- what is the minimum income of a graphic designer?
- what other career is in this cluster that has to do with acting on stage?
- a vocabulary term for a certain color model
- what do you need to major in for graphic design (in the name)
- what career does with making art?
- what is the maximum income for a graphic designer?
- what career does with making clothes?
- what college can graphic designer go to in houston?
- a vocabulary term for certain words being bolded
- a vocabulary term that means to align
- what career cluster is graphic designer in?
- what career does with make-up and some times theater/plays?
- a vocabulary term for a piece of paper going to be trimmed off
- what career does with melody, microphone, stage, and sometimes insruments?
- what is the average income of a graphic designer?
- a vocabulary term for technique and art of arranging type to make written language readable
16 Clues: what career does with making art? • what career does with making clothes? • a vocabulary term that means to align • what career cluster is graphic designer in? • a vocabulary term for a certain color model • a vocabulary term for certain words being bolded • what is the minimum income of a graphic designer? • what is the average income of a graphic designer? • ...
Purple Group 2020-11-11
- To give an order.
- Of a very high standard; excellent. (vocabulary word)
- To have a liking for.(vocabulary word)
- A dishonest or unfair person. (vocabulary word)
- Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word)
- You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word)
- A person who weaves fabric. (vocabulary word)
- Unable to be seen. (vocabulary word)
- To look closely or carefully.
- This word means the opposite of subtract. (spelling word)
- Most babies are _____________. (spelling word)
- Everybody has this. It's what you call someone (spelling word)
12 Clues: To give an order. • To look closely or carefully. • Unable to be seen. (vocabulary word) • To have a liking for.(vocabulary word) • Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word) • You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word) • A person who weaves fabric. (vocabulary word) • Most babies are _____________. (spelling word) • A dishonest or unfair person. (vocabulary word) • ...
CATCH 2012-11-15
- what you capture using the other C
- what you do to the main idea
- what do you write when you acknowledge confusion
- what you do to important words and information (last!)
- a vocabulary strategy (thumbs up!)
- how to deal with confusion in CATCH
- using Spanish ______ to figure out word meanings
- a way to talk to the text that relates to other people, things or places
- what do you circle in CATCH
- how many vocabulary strategies did we mention
- a vocabulary strategy (make a scissors motion!)
- a "before reading strategy" to talk to the text
- a vocabulary strategy "CC"
- another word for "speak" to the text
- a way to talk to the text that includes your thoughts
- a way to talk to the text that includes your feelings
- an acronym for a reading strategy
17 Clues: a vocabulary strategy "CC" • what do you circle in CATCH • what you do to the main idea • an acronym for a reading strategy • what you capture using the other C • a vocabulary strategy (thumbs up!) • how to deal with confusion in CATCH • another word for "speak" to the text • how many vocabulary strategies did we mention • a vocabulary strategy (make a scissors motion!) • ...
CATCH 2012-11-15
- how many vocabulary strategies did we mention
- what you do to the main idea
- using Spanish ______ to figure out word meanings
- a vocabulary strategy (thumbs up!)
- a way to talk to the text that includes your thoughts
- what you capture using the other C
- another word for "speak" to the text
- what do you circle in CATCH
- a "before reading strategy" to talk to the text
- a way to talk to the text that includes your feelings
- what do you write when you acknowledge confusion
- a vocabulary strategy "CC"
- what you do to important words and information (last!)
- a vocabulary strategy (make a scissors motion!)
- how to deal with confusion in CATCH
- an acronym for a reading strategy
- a way to talk to the text that relates to other people, things or places
17 Clues: a vocabulary strategy "CC" • what do you circle in CATCH • what you do to the main idea • an acronym for a reading strategy • a vocabulary strategy (thumbs up!) • what you capture using the other C • how to deal with confusion in CATCH • another word for "speak" to the text • how many vocabulary strategies did we mention • a "before reading strategy" to talk to the text • ...
Red Group 2020-11-11
- To focus. (vocabulary word)
- A mean laugh. (vocabulary word)
- Everybody has this. It's what you call someone. (spelling word)
- A long loose robe worn in Japan. (vocabulary word)
- You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word)
- This cloth is used to blow your nose. (vocabulary word)
- Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word)
- A thing that is a reminder of an event. (vocabulary word)
- Most babies are very ____________. (spelling word)
- This word means the opposite of subtract. (spelling word)
- To shake or tremble. (vocabulary word)
11 Clues: To focus. (vocabulary word) • A mean laugh. (vocabulary word) • Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word) • To shake or tremble. (vocabulary word) • You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word) • Most babies are very ____________. (spelling word) • A long loose robe worn in Japan. (vocabulary word) • This cloth is used to blow your nose. (vocabulary word) • ...
Practice 2015-01-27
- a word that has the same meaning
- authentic objects used for teaching
- a group of words that are chosen to be taught in a particular lesson
- any relevant pronunciation that needs to be taught
- helping students to make the connections to what they already know
- how the target vocabulary is used in a sentence
- endings that change the part of speech of the vocabulary
- the form of the target vocabulary, including endings, grammar, etc.
- the meaning of vocabulary
- acting out the meaning
- visual representation made by the teacher while students are watching
- things that students easily confuse with your target vocabulary
- getting students to give answers
13 Clues: acting out the meaning • the meaning of vocabulary • a word that has the same meaning • getting students to give answers • authentic objects used for teaching • how the target vocabulary is used in a sentence • any relevant pronunciation that needs to be taught • endings that change the part of speech of the vocabulary • ...
graphic designer crossword 2024-01-10
- what is the minimum income of a graphic designer?
- what other career is in this cluster that has to do with acting on stage?
- a vocabulary term for a certain color model
- what do you need to major in for graphic design (in the name)
- what career does with making art?
- what is the maximum income for a graphic designer?
- what career does with making clothes?
- what college can graphic designer go to in houston?
- a vocabulary term for certain words being bolded
- a vocabulary term that means to align
- what career cluster is graphic designer in?
- what career does with make-up and some times theater/plays?
- a vocabulary term for a piece of paper going to be trimmed off
- what career does with melody, microphone, stage, and sometimes insruments?
- what is the average income of a graphic designer?
- a vocabulary term for technique and art of arranging type to make written language readable
16 Clues: what career does with making art? • what career does with making clothes? • a vocabulary term that means to align • what career cluster is graphic designer in? • a vocabulary term for a certain color model • a vocabulary term for certain words being bolded • what is the minimum income of a graphic designer? • what is the average income of a graphic designer? • ...
Brown Girl Dreaming Crossword Puzzle 2023-08-29
- the vocabulary word that means a spongy, cushioned feeling
- Woodson's sister's name
- singing with closed lips and without words
- a type of literature in which an author tells a true story about themselves
- vivid figurative language that allows the reader to "see" the author's scenes as they paint them
- in poetry, it is the act of repeating a word or phrase for emphasis
- the musician that Uncle Robert plays a record of
- the point of view in which the poems are told
- the author's personality on the page
- the vocabulary word that means the signaling to someone to be quiet
- the vocabulary word that means to turn around and around quickly
- the author tells ____ that her mother thinks are lies
- the old hometown of the author
- the flower that Woodson makes wishes on
- Uncle Robert's gift to the author's sister
- the city in which the author lives
- a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is given to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable
- when the author is stuck inside, her mother brings her ___ ___ to play
- the author's sister is very intelligent, also known as ____
- the vocabulary word that means light and airy, like the touch of a feather
- the vocabulary word that means to wind or spin around one another
21 Clues: Woodson's sister's name • the old hometown of the author • the city in which the author lives • the author's personality on the page • the flower that Woodson makes wishes on • singing with closed lips and without words • Uncle Robert's gift to the author's sister • the point of view in which the poems are told • the musician that Uncle Robert plays a record of • ...
Teaching Literacy 2016-07-26
- alternative to
- one of the six traits of writing
- vocabulary should not be taught this way
- question type to answer during reading
- learns best through experiences in nature
- number of models for questioning
- good questioning strategy
- these are texts used to model reading strategies
- high learning expectations
- naming ,defining, identifying
- teachers does this by using the read a loud strategy
- a characteristic of good questioning
- aha moment in fiction reading
- learns through words/language
- key to student learning
- learns through social interaction
- type of non formal assessment
- Marzano has a 6 step process to learn this
- type of vocabulary structure
- learns through rhythm and/or music
- type of workshop used to teach reading fluency
21 Clues: alternative to • key to student learning • good questioning strategy • high learning expectations • type of vocabulary structure • aha moment in fiction reading • learns through words/language • type of non formal assessment • naming ,defining, identifying • one of the six traits of writing • number of models for questioning • learns through social interaction • ...
Cask of Amantillado Crossword 2017-11-17
- _______is the man mentioned by Montresor, but never makes an appearance.
- The search for this drink in a wine cellar led to Fortunado's fatal imprisonment.
- The brotherhood that Fortunado says Montresor is not part of.
- The white substance on the walls of the wine cellar.
- To give punishment or reward for a deed (Vocabulary Word).
- To have freedom from consequences (Vocabulary Word).
- The animal on the Montresor family's coat of arms.
- The formal name of a clown's multicolored costume (Vocabulary Word).
- A term for a knee-length cloak.
- To have expert judgement (Vocabulary Word).
- Meaning destruction (Vocabulary Word).
- ______ is the revenge-obsessed main character.
- ______ is the character left for dead at the end of the story.
- The country where the story is set in.
14 Clues: A term for a knee-length cloak. • Meaning destruction (Vocabulary Word). • The country where the story is set in. • To have expert judgement (Vocabulary Word). • ______ is the revenge-obsessed main character. • The animal on the Montresor family's coat of arms. • The white substance on the walls of the wine cellar. • To have freedom from consequences (Vocabulary Word). • ...
Literary Focus: The Romantic Period - Gothic Romanticism (pages 186 - 190) 2022-10-24
- a type of Romantic writing that had dark story elements (______ Romanticism)
- VOCABULARY: the regular pattern of sounds in a poem
- A painting of ___ ___ is on page 187. It shows an example of the beauty of nature.
- In the 1800s, many Americans were Puritans (a religion that was very strict and unforgiving). Soon, however, many Americans began to move to __________ (a religion that was more positive and accepting).
- Romantic artists celebrated and encouraged individualism and using your _______ (being creative).
- Edgar Allan ______ was a famous Gothic Romantic writer who wrote about dark themes like the tragedy of death and the loss of love.
- A painting of an abandoned ____ is on page 189. It shows an example of a dark setting in Gothic Romantic stories.
- movement of the 19th century in Europe and America.
- During the Romantic Period, poets didn't worry so much about ______ in their poems (words sounding the same).
- Romantic writers believed in exploring nature, individualism, and tapping into human _____ (feelings).
- VOCABULARY: the ability to feel or be aware of something
- VOCABULARY: to support or defend
- VOCABULARY: an economic system built on large industries (factories, machines), not agriculture (farming)
- During the Romantic Period, many writers began to write short ______ to express their thoughts and ideas.
- VOCABULARY: The _____ period was an artistic and
- Romantic writers began to use ______ in their stories. For example, the black raven in Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" represented evil and death.
- After Americans won their ______, they wanted to create their won voice in their writing.
- VOCABULARY: a specific category of literature (a category within a larger one)
- During the Romantic Period, people were encouraged to get out and enjoy the outdoors or _______.
- Transcendentalists believed in living simple lives; not being overly concerned with accumulating ______ (lots of money).
- The creator of Transcendentalism - and a Unitarian minister - Ralph Waldo _______. He believed in people having a closer connection to God without religious barriers.
- VOCABULARY: to give advice or guidance to someone with less experience
22 Clues: VOCABULARY: to support or defend • VOCABULARY: The _____ period was an artistic and • VOCABULARY: the regular pattern of sounds in a poem • movement of the 19th century in Europe and America. • VOCABULARY: the ability to feel or be aware of something • VOCABULARY: to give advice or guidance to someone with less experience • ...
Of Mice and Men Chapter 1/Vocabulary 2014-11-26
- What town did they just run away from?
- What did Lenny want instead of mice?
- vocabulary word meaning uneasy or fearful
- Clara Who used to give Lenny mice to pet?
- What did George have for them to eat for supper?
- vocabulary word meaning a bundle of belongings
- The author of the book
- vocabulary word meaning rude or disparaging
- Where did Lenny suggest he sleep after George yelled at him?
- Where did George and Lennie stay the night?
- vocabulary word meaning maintenance worker
- vocabulary word meaning to behave with doubt
12 Clues: The author of the book • What did Lenny want instead of mice? • What town did they just run away from? • vocabulary word meaning uneasy or fearful • Clara Who used to give Lenny mice to pet? • vocabulary word meaning maintenance worker • vocabulary word meaning rude or disparaging • Where did George and Lennie stay the night? • vocabulary word meaning to behave with doubt • ...
Of Mice and Men Chapter 1/Vocabulary 2023-05-18
- What town did they just run away from?
- What did Lenny want instead of mice?
- vocabulary word meaning uneasy or fearful
- Clara Who used to give Lenny mice to pet?
- What did George have for them to eat for supper?
- vocabulary word meaning a bundle of belongings
- The author of the book
- vocabulary word meaning rude or disparaging
- Where did Lenny suggest he sleep after George yelled at him?
- Where did George and Lennie stay the night?
- vocabulary word meaning maintenance worker
- vocabulary word meaning to behave with doubt
12 Clues: The author of the book • What did Lenny want instead of mice? • What town did they just run away from? • vocabulary word meaning uneasy or fearful • Clara Who used to give Lenny mice to pet? • vocabulary word meaning maintenance worker • vocabulary word meaning rude or disparaging • Where did George and Lennie stay the night? • vocabulary word meaning to behave with doubt • ...
CATCH 2012-11-15
- what you do to the main idea
- an acronym for a reading strategy
- how to deal with confusion in CATCH
- a vocabulary strategy "CC"
- what do you write when you acknowledge confusion
- a vocabulary strategy (make a scissors motion!)
- a way to talk to the text that includes your thoughts
- what you do to important words and information (last!)
- what you capture using the other C
- a way to talk to the text that includes your feelings
- a way to talk to the text that relates to other people, things or places
- another word for "speak" to the text
- a vocabulary strategy (thumbs up!)
- using Spanish ______ to figure out word meanings
- what do you circle in CATCH
- how many vocabulary strategies did we mention
- a "before reading strategy" to talk to the text
17 Clues: a vocabulary strategy "CC" • what do you circle in CATCH • what you do to the main idea • an acronym for a reading strategy • what you capture using the other C • a vocabulary strategy (thumbs up!) • how to deal with confusion in CATCH • another word for "speak" to the text • how many vocabulary strategies did we mention • a vocabulary strategy (make a scissors motion!) • ...
Odyssey 2021-11-08
14 Clues: The Ally • The Hero • The Shadow • One eye giant • Father of gods • Threshold Guardian • Odysseus Wife Name • The son of the hero • The name of the war • Vocabulary - Arrogant Pride • Helps the hero pass the test • help the hero in a special way • Vocabulary - extreme need for help • Vocabulary - A modst viw of one's self
Solange Knowles & Ava DuVernay 2024-03-05
- Fill in the blank: __ in the Sky is the name of the song that Solange Knowles won a Grammy for.
- Solange Knowles was diagnosed with this disability.
- Vocabulary word. Something you have done or lived through.
- Last name of the woman who was a director and activist.
- First name of the woman who is a famous singer.
- Vocabulary word. To determine the identity of a disease
- Fill in the blank: __ Sugar is the name of the television show director Ava DuVernay is currently directing.
- Vocabulary word. An interesting or difficult problem or task.
- Vocabulary word. The belief or practoce of trying to make social or political changes.
- Vocabulary word. To manage or control.
- Vocabulary word. A particular entertainment presented before an audience.
- Texas city where singer Solange Knowles was born.
12 Clues: Vocabulary word. To manage or control. • First name of the woman who is a famous singer. • Texas city where singer Solange Knowles was born. • Solange Knowles was diagnosed with this disability. • Vocabulary word. To determine the identity of a disease • Last name of the woman who was a director and activist. • ...
Teaching Literacy 2024-07-02
- alternative to
- one of the six traits of writing
- vocabulary should not be taught this way
- question type to answer during reading
- learns best through experiences in nature
- number of models for questioning
- good questioning strategy
- these are texts used to model reading strategies
- high learning expectations
- naming ,defining, identifying
- teachers does this by using the read a loud strategy
- a characteristic of good questioning
- aha moment in fiction reading
- learns through words/language
- key to student learning
- learns through social interaction
- type of non formal assessment
- Marzano has a 6 step process to learn this
- type of vocabulary structure
- learns through rhythm and/or music
- type of workshop used to teach reading fluency
21 Clues: alternative to • key to student learning • good questioning strategy • high learning expectations • type of vocabulary structure • aha moment in fiction reading • learns through words/language • type of non formal assessment • naming ,defining, identifying • one of the six traits of writing • number of models for questioning • learns through social interaction • ...
tekweb 2020-04-22
- ditunjukkan oleh rdf:type
- data terhubung dalam web
- vocabulary menunjukkan objek
- graf yang jarang terhubung
- perintah untuk menambah data di Neo4j meskipun datanya exist
- vocabulary menunjukkan subjek
- mendeksripsikan hubungan antar data di semantic web
- nama wikipedia dalam semantic web
- tidak ada node awal dan akhir
- nama vocabulary populer
- query linkeddata
11 Clues: query linkeddata • nama vocabulary populer • data terhubung dalam web • ditunjukkan oleh rdf:type • graf yang jarang terhubung • vocabulary menunjukkan objek • vocabulary menunjukkan subjek • tidak ada node awal dan akhir • nama wikipedia dalam semantic web • mendeksripsikan hubungan antar data di semantic web • perintah untuk menambah data di Neo4j meskipun datanya exist
Yellow Group 2021-03-11
- Of very great size. (vocabulary word)
- Say something quietly so nobody can hear. (vocabulary word)
- This word means the opposite of subtract. (spelling word)
- Having little or no use. (vocabulary word)
- A person who does not like to talk brag or talk about themselves. (vocabulary word)
- Not at all. No time in the past. (vocabulary word)
- You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word)
- Most babies are _____________. (spelling word)
- Really. Telling the truth or facts. (vocabulary word)
- Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word)
- Everybody has this. It's what you call someone. (spelling word)
11 Clues: Of very great size. (vocabulary word) • Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word) • Having little or no use. (vocabulary word) • You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word) • Most babies are _____________. (spelling word) • Not at all. No time in the past. (vocabulary word) • Really. Telling the truth or facts. (vocabulary word) • ...
Yellow Group 2020-11-11
- Of very great size. (vocabulary word)
- Say something quietly so nobody can hear. (vocabulary word)
- This word means the opposite of subtract. (spelling word)
- Having little or no use. (vocabulary word)
- A person who does not like to talk brag or talk about themselves. (vocabulary word)
- Not at all. No time in the past. (vocabulary word)
- You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word)
- Most babies are _____________. (spelling word)
- Really. Telling the truth or facts. (vocabulary word)
- Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word)
- Everybody has this. It's what you call someone. (spelling word)
11 Clues: Of very great size. (vocabulary word) • Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word) • Having little or no use. (vocabulary word) • You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word) • Most babies are _____________. (spelling word) • Not at all. No time in the past. (vocabulary word) • Really. Telling the truth or facts. (vocabulary word) • ...
Solange & Ava DuVernay 2024-03-07
- Vocabulary word. To determine the identity of a disease
- Vocabulary word. A particular entertainment presented before an audience.
- Vocabulary word. The belief or practice of trying to make social or political changes.
- Fill in the blank: __ Sugar is the name of the television show director Ava DuVernay is currently directing.
- Texas city where singer Solange Knowles was born.
- Vocabulary word. Something you have done or lived through.
- Last name of the woman who was a director and activist.
- First name of the woman who is a famous singer.
- Fill in the blank: __ in the Sky is the name of the song that Solange Knowles won a Grammy for.
- Vocabulary word. An interesting or difficult problem or task.
- Vocabulary word. To manage or control.
- Solange Knowles was diagnosed with this disability.
12 Clues: Vocabulary word. To manage or control. • First name of the woman who is a famous singer. • Texas city where singer Solange Knowles was born. • Solange Knowles was diagnosed with this disability. • Vocabulary word. To determine the identity of a disease • Last name of the woman who was a director and activist. • ...
Word Workshop Crossword Puzzle 2020-08-13
- Put the vocabulary terms in defined groups.
- Make a descriptive or ___ ___ using the vocabulary words and their synonyms and/or antonyms.
- A set of eight graphic organizers for visualizing thought or representing abstract ideas.
- Make a word puzzle with clues for filling in the vocabulary terms across or down the puzzle board.
- Place a vocabulary term and its synonyms and antonyms in order of the intensity of its meaning.
- Make a word search for the vocabulary terms.
- Make new words using the letters found in a vocabulary term.
- Thinking maps and other diagrams for organizing and visualizing thoughts and abstract ideas
- Write the different forms of the vocabulary term.
- Write as many vocabulary terms as you can remember with the correct spelling.
10 Clues: Put the vocabulary terms in defined groups. • Make a word search for the vocabulary terms. • Write the different forms of the vocabulary term. • Make new words using the letters found in a vocabulary term. • Write as many vocabulary terms as you can remember with the correct spelling. • ...
Literary Focus: The Romantic Period - Gothic Romanticism (pages 186 - 190) 2022-10-24
- VOCABULARY: an economic system built on large industries (factories, machines), not agriculture (farming)
- VOCABULARY: to support or defend
- Transcendentalists believed in living simple lives; not being overly concerned with accumulating ______ (lots of money).
- VOCABULARY: The _____ period was an artistic and
- VOCABULARY: the ability to feel or be aware of something
- VOCABULARY: to give advice or guidance to someone with less experience
- Romantic artists celebrated and encouraged individualism and using your _______ (being creative).
- movement of the 19th century in Europe and America.
- VOCABULARY: a specific category of literature (a category within a larger one)
- In the 1800s, many Americans were Puritans (a religion that was very strict and unforgiving). Soon, however, many Americans began to move to __________ (a religion that was more positive and accepting).
- Edgar Allan ______ was a famous Gothic Romantic writer who wrote about dark themes like the tragedy of death and the loss of love.
- The creator of Transcendentalism - and a Unitarian minister - Ralph Waldo _______. He believed in people having a closer connection to God without religious barriers.
- Romantic writers began to use ______ in their stories. For example, the black raven in Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven" represented evil and death.
- a type of Romantic writing that had dark story elements (______ Romanticism)
- During the Romantic Period, poets didn't worry so much about ______ in their poems (words sounding the same).
- During the Romantic Period, many writers began to write short ______ to express their thoughts and ideas.
- During the Romantic Period, people were encouraged to get out and enjoy the outdoor or _______.
- Romantic writers believed in exploring nature, individualism, and tapping into human _____ (feelings).
18 Clues: VOCABULARY: to support or defend • VOCABULARY: The _____ period was an artistic and • movement of the 19th century in Europe and America. • VOCABULARY: the ability to feel or be aware of something • VOCABULARY: to give advice or guidance to someone with less experience • a type of Romantic writing that had dark story elements (______ Romanticism) • ...
Lesson 6 & 7 review 2017-11-19
- Green tea helps many ____________ of your body. (Lesson 6)
- 熱 (Medical Vocabulary)
- 坂下町 = Bange _________ (Lesson 7)
- 医者(Medical Vocabulary)
- The Amish ride in wagons that are pulled by ________________. (Lesson 7)
- 風邪 (Medical Vocabulary)
- 切り傷 (Medical Vocabulary)
- The Hershey’s ____________ factory is in Pennsylvania. (Lesson 7)
- It is inside your chest. Chia seeds make it stronger. (Lesson 6)
- It is inside your head. Green tea is good for it. (Lesson 6)
- Amish don’t use _________________ and cars. (Lesson 7)
- Green tea can help you ___________ weight. (Lesson 6)
- Superfoods are very _________ foods with many vitamins and minerals. (Lesson 6)
- You use it to remember. Blueberries improve it. (Lesson 6)
14 Clues: 熱 (Medical Vocabulary) • 医者(Medical Vocabulary) • 風邪 (Medical Vocabulary) • 切り傷 (Medical Vocabulary) • 坂下町 = Bange _________ (Lesson 7) • Green tea can help you ___________ weight. (Lesson 6) • Amish don’t use _________________ and cars. (Lesson 7) • Green tea helps many ____________ of your body. (Lesson 6) • You use it to remember. Blueberries improve it. (Lesson 6) • ...
Teaching Literacy 2016-07-26
- question type to answer during reading
- aha moment in fiction reading
- naming ,defining, identifying
- learns best through experiences in nature
- these are texts used to model reading strategies
- Marzano has a 6 step process to learn this
- good questioning strategy
- type of assessment
- type of vocabulary structure
- one of the six traits of writing
- a characteristic of good questioning
- vocabulary should not be taught this way
- learns through rhythm and/or music
- number of models for questioning
- learns through social interaction
- teachers does this by using the read a loud strategy
- key to student learning
- alternative way to present information
- learns through words/language
- type of workshop used to teach reading fluency
- high learning expectations
21 Clues: type of assessment • key to student learning • good questioning strategy • high learning expectations • type of vocabulary structure • aha moment in fiction reading • naming ,defining, identifying • learns through words/language • number of models for questioning • one of the six traits of writing • learns through social interaction • learns through rhythm and/or music • ...
KGTT1250: Skills & Vocabulary (Jul. 6 - 13) Review 2023-09-03
- (Survival English) ______ I ______ (4 words) 1.55pm. I ______ a meeting.
- (Giving opinions: 😐) ______ the hotel.
- (Vocabulary: July 6) I ate lunch in the company ______.
- (Discussing answers) I think ______ “~”. ______ (2 words) you?
- (Disagreeing politely) ______, my hotel room is too noisy for me.
- (Developing conversations) The 3As = A______, A______, A______
- (Start/switch conversation topics) ______, when did you arrive?
- (Vocabulary: July 6) a ______ (= a person you work with)
- (Vocabulary: July 6) 🔺 Take time is 10 minutes for walking ✅ It ______ 10 minutes ______ (2 words) there.
- (Vocabulary: July 6) Do you have an image in mind? → No, but I don't want anything ______-the-______* (= too crazy).
- (Discussing answers) ______ do you think number 1 ______?
- (Survival English: “I need that information again”) ______? (5 words)
- (Survival English) ______ (2 words) late. ______ (4 words) a meeting
- (Survival English: answer = ??? ) ______ (4 words)
- (Asking for opinions) ______ (4 words; “go”) on business trips?
- (Vocabulary: July 13) So, what are your plans this three-day weekend? → I'm going to meet ______ (2 words) my friends on Saturday and Monday.
- (Discussing answers: “I agree”) I think ______ (2 words)
- (Survival English: “I need more time”) ______ (3 words)
- (Asking for opinions) ______ (3 words) the hotel?
- (Agreeing) ______ (4 words)
- (Giving opinions) ______ (2 words) the hotel is comfortable.
- (Disagreeing politely) ______ (2 words) it isn’t near the city centre.
- (Asking for opinions) ______ (5 words) trade fairs?
- (Discussing answers: “I don’t know the answer, but I’m going to try.”) Sorry ______ (3 words), but I think ______.
- (Survival English: 🎈= ???) ______? (4 words)
- (Survival English) ______ (4 words) that? → B-A-L-L-O-O-N.
- (Vocabulary: July 11) I work ______ Kobe Steel. I work ______ the Kobe head office. I work ______the procurement department.
- (Giving opinions: ☹️) ______ the hotel.
- (Survival English) ______ (4 words) 風船 ______ English?
- (Discussing answers: “I have a different answer”) ______, I think ______
30 Clues: (Agreeing) ______ (4 words) • (Giving opinions: 😐) ______ the hotel. • (Giving opinions: ☹️) ______ the hotel. • (Survival English: 🎈= ???) ______? (4 words) • (Asking for opinions) ______ (3 words) the hotel? • (Survival English: answer = ??? ) ______ (4 words) • (Asking for opinions) ______ (5 words) trade fairs? • ...
Macey's Crossword 2024-10-29
- a doing word
- antonym for complicated
- better vocabulary for nice
- synonym for small
- a person, place or thing
- a word with the opposite meaning
- "_______ going to the concert"
- synonym for fast
- better vocabulary for pretty
- a word with the same or similar meaning
- better vocabulary for mean
- "i want to go to the park ____"
- "is this ______ backpack"
13 Clues: a doing word • synonym for fast • synonym for small • antonym for complicated • a person, place or thing • "is this ______ backpack" • better vocabulary for nice • better vocabulary for mean • better vocabulary for pretty • "_______ going to the concert" • "i want to go to the park ____" • a word with the opposite meaning • a word with the same or similar meaning
Lesson 6 & 7 review 2017-11-19
- The Amish ride in wagons that are pulled by ________________. (Lesson 7)
- It is inside your chest. Chia seeds make it stronger. (Lesson 6)
- 切り傷 (Medical Vocabulary)
- The Hershey’s ____________ factory is in Pennsylvania. (Lesson 7)
- Superfoods are very _________ foods with many vitamins and minerals. (Lesson 6)
- 風邪 (Medical Vocabulary)
- 坂下町 = Bange _________ (Lesson 7)
- Green tea can help you ___________ weight. (Lesson 6)
- Green tea helps many ____________ of your body. (Lesson 6)
- Amish don’t use _________________ and cars. (Lesson 7)
- You use it to remember. Blueberries improve it. (Lesson 6)
- 熱 (Medical Vocabulary)
- 医者(Medical Vocabulary)
- It is inside your head. Green tea is good for it. (Lesson 6)
14 Clues: 熱 (Medical Vocabulary) • 医者(Medical Vocabulary) • 風邪 (Medical Vocabulary) • 切り傷 (Medical Vocabulary) • 坂下町 = Bange _________ (Lesson 7) • Green tea can help you ___________ weight. (Lesson 6) • Amish don’t use _________________ and cars. (Lesson 7) • Green tea helps many ____________ of your body. (Lesson 6) • You use it to remember. Blueberries improve it. (Lesson 6) • ...
Constitution Unit Crossword 2021-01-08
- president
- fought the British army
- in notes
- "kick him out of office"
- vocabulary constitution
- supreme court
- first lesson we learned
- supports the king
- to make request to the government
- hired foreign soldiers
- first vocabulary after "triangle trade"
- executive branch
- people that aren't free
- make laws
- class work above colonies
- "the ___ are coming"
- yellow page in notes.
- an official approval
- executive branch
- decline laws
20 Clues: in notes • make laws • president • decline laws • supreme court • executive branch • executive branch • supports the king • "the ___ are coming" • an official approval • yellow page in notes. • hired foreign soldiers • people that aren't free • fought the British army • vocabulary constitution • first lesson we learned • "kick him out of office" • class work above colonies • ...
Spelling Term 4 week 1 2022-10-20
Crossword 2025-01-17
- Model modification
- Simple token type
- SentencePiece handling
- Rare token issue
- Prompt compression
- Delimiter tokens
- Popular LLM
- LLM input units
- LLM struggle
- GPT-4 improvement
- BPE merging factor
- Vocabulary size
- Tokenization issues
- Token representation
- BPE benefit
- Adding new tokens
- SentencePiece input
- Early method
- Token set
- Text processor
- Alternative tokenizer
- Advanced method
- BPE's main goal
- Byte Pair Encoding
- SentencePiece option
25 Clues: Token set • BPE benefit • Popular LLM • Early method • LLM struggle • Text processor • LLM input units • Advanced method • BPE's main goal • Vocabulary size • Rare token issue • Delimiter tokens • Simple token type • Adding new tokens • GPT-4 improvement • Model modification • Prompt compression • BPE merging factor • Byte Pair Encoding • SentencePiece input • Tokenization issues • SentencePiece option • ...
Introducing English Crossword 2023-08-11
- Verb
- Lexicon
- Motley
- Irregularity
- Slang
- Prolific
- Indicate
- Syntax
- Mastery
- Peculiar
- Consonant
- Dialect
- Inconsistency
- Phonology
- Voluminous
- Strict
- Tense
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Aspect
- Coinage
- Vowel
- Novel
- Borrowing
- Orthography
- Condescending
- Alphabetic Script
- Distinct
- Variety
- Feminist
- Invention
- Gender
- Notorious
- Fluency
- Adopt
- Innumerable
- Accuracy
- Noun
- Mother Tongue
- Plural
- Myriad
- Case
- Phoneme
- Adjective
44 Clues: Verb • Noun • Case • Slang • Adopt • Tense • Vowel • Novel • Motley • Syntax • Gender • Strict • Plural • Myriad • Aspect • Lexicon • Variety • Mastery • Fluency • Dialect • Grammar • Phoneme • Coinage • Distinct • Prolific • Feminist • Indicate • Peculiar • Accuracy • Borrowing • Invention • Notorious • Consonant • Phonology • Adjective • Voluminous • Vocabulary • Orthography • Innumerable • Irregularity • Condescending • Inconsistency • Mother Tongue • Alphabetic Script
Industrialization, Inventions and Vocabulary Micaela zacharias 2014-12-04
- an example of mechanization
- new things that are made
- You see these on TV a lot
- One of the wright brothers
- using child to do work
- the city in northeaster Illinois
- and example of industrialization's new access
- The wright brother made this
- "the wizard of Menlo park " ( look in your vocabulary )
- Another word for low money( Low W____)
- Alexander Graham Bell invented this
- this man invented the assembly line
- Thomas Edison invented this
- city in Michigan ( look in your vocabulary )
- The state where Thomas Edison was born ( look in vocabulary )
15 Clues: using child to do work • new things that are made • You see these on TV a lot • One of the wright brothers • an example of mechanization • Thomas Edison invented this • The wright brother made this • the city in northeaster Illinois • Alexander Graham Bell invented this • this man invented the assembly line • Another word for low money( Low W____) • ...
Language Development 2024-09-03
Green Group Crossword 2020-11-11
- You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word)
- Everybody has this. It's what you call someone. (spelling word)
- The first meal of the day. (vocabulary word)
- To speak very softly. (vocabulary word)
- This word means the opposite of subtract. (spelling word)
- Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word)
- To be very large in size. (vocabulary word)
- To spread. (vocabulary word)
- Most babies are _____________. (spelling word)
- A soft, chewy delicacy we use to make Smores. (vocabulary word)
10 Clues: To spread. (vocabulary word) • Dogs like to eat this. (spelling word) • To speak very softly. (vocabulary word) • To be very large in size. (vocabulary word) • You fly this on a windy day. (spelling word) • The first meal of the day. (vocabulary word) • Most babies are _____________. (spelling word) • This word means the opposite of subtract. (spelling word) • ...
Communication in the Classroom 2023-02-20
- Core _____- a no-tech AAC made of vocabulary applicable to a variety of environments.
- Core boards are ____-coded.
- ______ vocabulary is a large category of words with limited applicability.
- ______ method- how someone manipulates AAC to use it.
- A core vocabulary is made up of very few ____.
- Core vocabulary is relatively small & _____ little across settings
- 85% of what we say is said with 200 ___ words.
- A core vocabulary is mainly made up of pronouns, verbs, adjectives, & _________.
- ________ can benefit.
- ___ is a different way to communicate.
10 Clues: ________ can benefit. • Core boards are ____-coded. • ___ is a different way to communicate. • A core vocabulary is made up of very few ____. • 85% of what we say is said with 200 ___ words. • ______ method- how someone manipulates AAC to use it. • Core vocabulary is relatively small & _____ little across settings • ...
Unit 2 Vocabulary 2021-09-19
- Minimum is the antonym to this vocabulary word
- Magazines often depict current fashions.
- Crops will not grow in the waterless ground.
- Artists often sketch family portraits in their home.
- It's important to be neutral when friends are arguing.
- Endurance is a synonym to this vocabulary word.
- The ocean surged over the barrier causing floods
- I want my retirement to be peaceful and calm.
- The teacher's directions were baffling.
- Phony friends are often lonely.
- I have no problems facing my fears.
- The mugger was arrested yesterday.
- Noone likes to be exploited.
- Life has many difficult moments.
- embarrassed; resembling a sheep in meekness.
- Hypocrites have unsupported arguments.
- Comprise is a synonym for this vocabulary word.
- You can't restrict me against my will.
- This happens to people's feathers when they are disturbed.
- Noone likes a copycat.
20 Clues: Noone likes a copycat. • Noone likes to be exploited. • Phony friends are often lonely. • Life has many difficult moments. • The mugger was arrested yesterday. • I have no problems facing my fears. • Hypocrites have unsupported arguments. • You can't restrict me against my will. • The teacher's directions were baffling. • Magazines often depict current fashions. • ...
Spring Semester ACP US History 2023-05-19
- turning point of the american revolution
- vocabulary word for being loyal to your own part of the country rather than the whole nation
- vocabulary word that means to approve
- protest over taxes on tea
- president during the Nullification crisis
- last battle of the american revolution
- president during the civil war
- this amendment protects against illegal search and seizure of your property
- president during the Louisiana Purchase
- this vocabulary word means to cancel
- this vocabulary word means to have the ability to vote
- author of a pamphlet named Common Sense which talked about why the colonies should be free from british rule
- top general for the Union
- this invention sped up communication
- constitutional principle where power is shared between the state and federal government
- this amendment protects against the government putting soldiers in your home
- a manmade waterway that sped up the transportation of people and goods
- Economy of the Northern Colonies
- required all colonists to house and feed british soldiers
- this dude was president during the XYZ affair
- religious groups came to the new world to escape this
- Pennsylvania was founded by this religious group
- this amendment freed the slaves after the civil war
- name of the first president of the united states
- the part of the bicameral legislature where equal representation is given despite population
- vocabulary word for governmental abuse of power
- this river is arguably the most important river in terms of commerce, political power and military strategy
- Cash crop of the south
- tax on all paper products
- brutal winter that washington and his army endured where many died of disease and starvation
- vocabulary word for an item made of cloth
- this group of immigrants were escaping a potato famine in their home country
- vocabulay word that means not to pick a side
- the first permanent colony in the new world
- this amendment protects freedom of speech and religion among others
35 Clues: Cash crop of the south • tax on all paper products • protest over taxes on tea • top general for the Union • president during the civil war • Economy of the Northern Colonies • this vocabulary word means to cancel • this invention sped up communication • vocabulary word that means to approve • last battle of the american revolution • president during the Louisiana Purchase • ...
Morphemes Crossword #3 2023-12-19
- Something that helps you see(vocabulary word)
- A Latin root word meaning "to hear"
- Can be seen (vocabulary word)
- The study of hearing(vocabulary word)
- A prefix meaning both "not" and "in"
- A Latin root word meaning "to see"
- A suffix meaning "someone who" or "something that"
- Cannot be heard(vocabulary word)
- A suffix meaning "can be"
- A suffix meaning "act or process of"
10 Clues: A suffix meaning "can be" • Can be seen (vocabulary word) • Cannot be heard(vocabulary word) • A Latin root word meaning "to see" • A Latin root word meaning "to hear" • A suffix meaning "act or process of" • A prefix meaning both "not" and "in" • The study of hearing(vocabulary word) • Something that helps you see(vocabulary word) • ...
spoken interaction (EL Oral) 2019-07-23
- glue
- you
- with the video
- ____ at the examiner when talking
- jim
- ____ the teacher after finishing
- when talking, ___ more to make it more interesting
- examiner before seating down
- the video _____ times
- very___ of explaining
- talk about your ___ experience
- the examiner
- do not ___ when talking
- speak with your ______
- have ____ when talking
- to _____the question related to the video
- the video is talk about
- ___ important to have a good vocabulary
18 Clues: you • jim • glue • the examiner • with the video • very___ of explaining • the video _____ times • speak with your ______ • have ____ when talking • do not ___ when talking • the video is talk about • examiner before seating down • talk about your ___ experience • ____ the teacher after finishing • ____ at the examiner when talking • ___ important to have a good vocabulary • ...
Vocabulary Lesson 12 2013-03-12
- courage and initiative; common sense
- bad tempered; cross
- "harvest" is the synonym for which vocabulary word
- playful, teasing talk
- the synonyms for gumption are enterprise; aggressiveness; and _____
- a synonym for fastidious
- the synonyms "overpraise" and "bootlicking" belong to what vocabulary word
- the prefix that means "both" or "around"
- corruption; self-indulgence
- the synonyms for bilious are "cantankerous" and _______
- a model; an example
- a synonym for halcyon
- environment; setting
- the prefix that means "with" or "together"
- flight; escape
- the prefix e means "out" or ______
- a antonym for halcyon
- the root that means "to be strong" or "to be worthy"
- the root that means to "flock" or "herd"
- to move backward
- hard to please
- magic, especially that is practiced by a witch
- a synonym for badinage
- a word humorously misused
- destiny; fate; fortune
- what the prefix "in" means
- what the prefix "seg" means
- "troubled" and "tumultuous" are antonyms for what vocabulary word
- the antonym for bilious
29 Clues: hard to please • flight; escape • to move backward • bad tempered; cross • a model; an example • environment; setting • a antonym for halcyon • playful, teasing talk • a synonym for halcyon • a synonym for badinage • destiny; fate; fortune • the antonym for bilious • a synonym for fastidious • a word humorously misused • what the prefix "in" means • corruption; self-indulgence • ...
Medieval Period - 6th Grade 2023-10-16
- This vocabulary word means not related to or connected to religion.
- This vocabulary word means to write down music in a special way through musical symbols.
- This instrument is an ancestor of the trombone. Its name means "To push and pull".
- This vocabulary word means that everyone sings the same thing.
- This vocabulary word means the simultaneous combination of pitches, usually that sound pleasing to the ear.
- This vocabulary word means relating to the church.
- This was the first type of notation developed for gregorian chant. It looked like gesture lines placed above the words being sung.
- The Medieval Period began after the fall of the ___________ __________.
- was the first type of song that developed in the church during the Medieval Period. These pieces were always sung in Latin and were taught orally.
- acted as the main source of leadership during the Medieval Period.
- This is the nickname for the Medieval Period
- This instrument you would need to turn a hand crank and press down keys for the melody.
- This instrument is loud and often related to the oboe.
13 Clues: This is the nickname for the Medieval Period • This vocabulary word means relating to the church. • This instrument is loud and often related to the oboe. • This vocabulary word means that everyone sings the same thing. • acted as the main source of leadership during the Medieval Period. • This vocabulary word means not related to or connected to religion. • ...
Things of importance (Right now) 2022-03-10
13 English Study Skills "A" 2023-12-25
JATGP Chapter 20 2025-01-11
- what are the sharks doing in the water below them? RETRIEVE
- a circle of string VOCABULARY
- The Earthworm is this. It helps them catch the seagulls. We can use it to catch fish also. VOCABULARY
- the part of a fruit that has leaves and connects the fruit to its tree VOCABULARY
- a synonym for excitedly they cried VOCABULARY
- who doesn't think James' idea is a good idea? INFER
- the seagulls will lift the peach like they are these things. EXPLAIN
- which creature makes the stong string? RETRIEVE
- birds that live by the sea and will lift the peach
- dying for something you believe in VOCABULARY
10 Clues: a circle of string VOCABULARY • dying for something you believe in VOCABULARY • a synonym for excitedly they cried VOCABULARY • which creature makes the stong string? RETRIEVE • birds that live by the sea and will lift the peach • who doesn't think James' idea is a good idea? INFER • what are the sharks doing in the water below them? RETRIEVE • ...
sr vons 2021-04-13
- You put onto YOURSELF
- I shower MYSELF
- He get HIMSELF up
- In this vocabulary, 'TE' means:
- She wakes HERSELF up
- You get YOURSELF up
- You dress YOURSELF
- He puts onto HIMSELF
- You dry YOURSELF
- I dry MYSELF
- He looks at HIMSELF
- Himself or herself =
- I dress MYSELF
- She showers HERSELF
- I wake MYSELF up
- She dresses HERSELF
- You shower YOURSELF
- I get MYSELF up
- You look at YOURSELF
- You wake YOURSELF up
- In this vocabulary, 'ME'means:
- I look at MYSELF
- I put onto MYSELF
- He dries HIMSELF
24 Clues: I dry MYSELF • I dress MYSELF • I shower MYSELF • I get MYSELF up • I wake MYSELF up • I look at MYSELF • You dry YOURSELF • He dries HIMSELF • He get HIMSELF up • I put onto MYSELF • You dress YOURSELF • She showers HERSELF • She dresses HERSELF • You shower YOURSELF • You get YOURSELF up • He looks at HIMSELF • You look at YOURSELF • You wake YOURSELF up • She wakes HERSELF up • He puts onto HIMSELF • ...
Unit 10: Dictionary Related Words 2024-11-11
- Relating to the sounds of speech
- geographical dictionary
- concise collection
- everyday language or dialect
- specialized vocabulary
- specific item or individual record
- reference to a source
- study of the origin and history of words
- shares the same spelling or pronunciation
- source of information
- look through something
- A shortened version
- conventional spelling system
- note or comment added
- dictionary or vocabulary list
15 Clues: concise collection • A shortened version • source of information • note or comment added • reference to a source • look through something • specialized vocabulary • geographical dictionary • everyday language or dialect • conventional spelling system • dictionary or vocabulary list • Relating to the sounds of speech • specific item or individual record • ...
"Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros 2022-08-25
- The red sweater has been in the class's coatroom for a ____.
- The narrator compares growing old to an _____.
- The narrator compares growing old to the rings inside a tree ____.
- The red _____ does not belong to Rachel, but she can't communicate that to her teacher.
- Rachel's teacher; Mrs. ____
- The red sweater actually belongs to ____ ____.
- the part of you that may want to sit on your mother's lap because you're scared (your ___-year-old self)
- Rachel is insulted when ___ ___ says perhaps the ugly sweater is Rachel's.
- The narrator says sometimes you may need to cry like when you were ____ years old.
- While the sweater sits on her desk, Rachel tries to think about her ____ party later at home.
- Rachel wants to ball up the sweater and throw it in the ____ (vocabulary word).
- Rachel thinks the red sweater is old, worn, and ____ (vocabulary word).
- Rachel cries in front of her classmates like a ___-year-old.
- The narrator says she can feel her 11 years _____ around inside her like pennies in a tin box.
- The narrator compares growing old to her little wooden ____ that fit inside each other.
- Mrs. Price tells Rachel to stop her ____ (vocabulary word) and put on the sweater!
- The narrator says it may take days, weeks, or even ____ before you feel your new age (11).
- The narrator says her birthday is today, but everything still feels like ______.
- Rachel wishes she were ____ (vocabulary word); that she could disappear from her classroom.
- Rachel uses her ____ to push the sweater to the edge of her desk.
- Rachel wishes the day would be as far away as a runaway _____.
- When the story opens, it's the narrator's ____ birthday.
- Rachel thinks - due to what happened in class with the sweater - that it's too ____ to save her birthday.
- Rachel hates putting on the sweater because she imagines it has a lot of harmful ____ (vocabulary word).
- the part of you that may say something stupid (your ___-year-old self)
25 Clues: Rachel's teacher; Mrs. ____ • The narrator compares growing old to an _____. • The red sweater actually belongs to ____ ____. • When the story opens, it's the narrator's ____ birthday. • The red sweater has been in the class's coatroom for a ____. • Rachel cries in front of her classmates like a ___-year-old. • ...
"No Dream Too High: Simone Biles" by Alex Schultz 2023-04-13
- Simone Biles is probably the best female _____ in the world!
- The most difficult something is, the more ____ it has (vocabulary word that means "a condition that makes something difficult or unpleasant").
- Vocabulary word that means "something that is a basic part or principle; an essential".
- In 2013, Simone began working with Sports Psychologist ____ ____ who helped her with her mental health.
- Simone is only 4 feet, 8 inches tall, but being ____ gives her an advantage in her sport.
- The points system in gymnastics consists of an execution score and a ____ score.
- the second move in Simone's maneuver "The Biles"
- When Simone started gymnastics, she lacked ____ (vocabulary terms meaning "delicate skill; exquisite grace")
- Simone Biles ____ed a lot of time in her sport (vocabulary word that means "to give, usually of time, money, or attention").
- the last move in Simone's maneuver "The Biles"
- Because of ____, Simone's daycare found themselves at a gymnastic studio.
- Instead of going to college (UCLA), Simone decided to "stick to _______ gymnastics".
- At age 5, Simone was adopted by her _____, Ron and Nellie Biles.
- In the 2016 Olympics, Simone won four gold and one ____ medal.
- Like Dominique Dawes and Gabby Douglas, Simone faced a lot of _____ (practice of discriminating against people based on their race or ethnic background).
- Simone Biles is an ____ athlete (vocabulary term that means "of a group or class that is considered the very best").
- After 8th grade, Simone was homeschooled, which allowed her more time to _____ gymnastics.
- In what Japanese capital city did Simone compete in the 2020 Olympics?
- The table entitled "2016 Olympics - women's Gymnastic All-Around Final..." shows how Simone compared to two other gymnasts in the ____ competition.
- age Simone was when she started gymnastics
- "The _____ score aided Biles because the routines she performs are more challenging than what other gymnasts attempt."
- the age Simone Biles was when she premiered "The Biles"
- _______ like Simone Biles is short (5'5"tall )but is an elite athlete in baseball (see chart "Professional Athletes: Height Chart").
23 Clues: age Simone was when she started gymnastics • the last move in Simone's maneuver "The Biles" • the second move in Simone's maneuver "The Biles" • the age Simone Biles was when she premiered "The Biles" • Simone Biles is probably the best female _____ in the world! • In the 2016 Olympics, Simone won four gold and one ____ medal. • ...
- vocabulary to get attention
- vocabulary to get attention
- "your story is very interesting, i like it"contoh kalimat tersebut digunakan saat?
- vocabulary to check that you are understand
- "i think this class is very dirty" kalimat tersebut contoh saat kita menyampaikan?
- vocabulary to check that we are understand
- the answer when your teacher asks for get Attention
- the meaning of "understand"
- "vocabulary to show appreciation to others
- the meaning of "Attention"
- the answer when your teacher say "do you understand?"
11 Clues: the meaning of "Attention" • the meaning of "understand" • vocabulary to get attention • vocabulary to get attention • vocabulary to check that we are understand • "vocabulary to show appreciation to others • vocabulary to check that you are understand • the answer when your teacher asks for get Attention • the answer when your teacher say "do you understand?" • ...
Unit 7 Review 2018-02-02
- Vocabulary - To pull out of a political union
- By 1828, the Republican Party split into two separate groups - the Republicans and Democrats. The ______ supported Andrew Jackson. (plural)
- The _______ ultimately chose the new president in the crazy Election of 1824
- The winner of the 1824 election was the _____ of our second president
- The fact that Martin Van Buren was the ________ and friend for Andrew Jackson helped him win the presidency in 1836 (2)
- Vocabulary - A tax on imported goods
- Clay and Webster tried to use the ________ to ruin Jackson’s chances for reelection. (2)
- States in this region hated tariffs because they only benefited a different region and resulted in more expensive goods
- Vocabulary - An overwhelming majority of votes for one candidate in an election
- The ________ Act of 1830 forced the relocation of thousands of Native Americans (2)
- The long and deadly route taken by the Cherokee to their new land was called the ___________ by the Cherokee themselves (4)
- William Henry Harrison used the image of a ______ as a symbol during his campaign (2)
- Supporters of William Henry Harrison referred to him as “Old _________” to remind people that he was a former war hero
- The ______ Party was the only major party during the Era of Good Feelings
- Vocabulary - More than half
- Vocabulary - A severe, long-term downturn in the economy
- William Henry Harrison ended up being president for about how long? (2)
- Vocabulary - Insults and accusations to damage the reputation of an opponant
- Andrew Jackson appealed to the “______ man” who often felt left out of politics.
- By 1828, the Republican Party split into two separate groups - the Republicans and Democrats. The ______ supported John Quincy Adams. (plural)
- He was the first vice president to take over for president who died in office.
- Andrew Jackson was given this famous nickname by his former troops for being strong and tough (2)
- In the “Corrupt Bargain”, Henry Clay was given this position. (3)
- Jackson opposed the National Bank because he felt it unfairly benefitted people who were _____
- He won the crazy Election of 1824 (full name)
- In the 1830s, thousands of Native Americans were forced west of the Mississippi River to a place called the ________ (2)
- The _________ Indian tribe in Florida was the only tribe to have success in resisting its removal
- Vocabulary - The practice of a winning candidate appointing their supporters to government jobs (2)
- The _______ supported the Cherokee, but Andrew Jackson ignored its ruling (2)
- He helped John Quincy Adams in the crazy Election of 1824 in a “Corrupt Bargain”
- The long and deadly route taken by the Cherokee to their new land is known by historians as the ___________ (3)
- The new political party of the 1830s was the _____ Party
- Much of the Indian Territory was located in this present-day state
33 Clues: Vocabulary - More than half • Vocabulary - A tax on imported goods • Vocabulary - To pull out of a political union • He won the crazy Election of 1824 (full name) • Vocabulary - A severe, long-term downturn in the economy • The new political party of the 1830s was the _____ Party • In the “Corrupt Bargain”, Henry Clay was given this position. (3) • ...
Drama Vocabulary 2015-06-18
- To get ready for a play (no space)
- Something that an actor wears during a show
- Use special vocabulary to tell where a actor should go in and out
- A show on stage
- A journal that you put theatre work in plastic pockets (no space)
- The way you talk
- Take action in a scene
- People watching a play from seats
- How loud you talk
- Games that are related to theatre (no space)
- A person who is in charge of a play
- A special vocabulary for actors to say towards the audience
- A special vocabulary for actors to say away from the audience
- A item that an actor uses in a play
- Do a play without script or plan
- Standing shoulder width, hands beside you when your character is not doing anything (no space)
- A person who plays a part in a play
- Trying for a character in a play
- Movement with body parts to show something
- Someone in the play that someone is acting
20 Clues: A show on stage • The way you talk • How loud you talk • Take action in a scene • Do a play without script or plan • Trying for a character in a play • People watching a play from seats • To get ready for a play (no space) • A item that an actor uses in a play • A person who plays a part in a play • A person who is in charge of a play • Movement with body parts to show something • ...
Drama Vocabulary 2015-06-18
- A person who is in charge of a play
- A person who plays a part in a play
- Trying for a character in a play
- People watching a play from seats
- The way you talk
- Do a play without script or plan
- To get ready for a play (no space)
- A journal that you put theatre work in plastic pockets (no space)
- A special vocabulary for actors to say away from the audience
- How loud you talk
- Take action in a scene
- A item that an actor uses in a play
- Movement with body parts to show something
- Someone in the play that someone is acting
- Standing shoulder width, hands beside you when your character is not doing anything (no space)
- Something that an actor wears during a show
- A show on stage
- Use special vocabulary to tell where a actor should go in and out
- A special vocabulary for actors to say towards the audience
- Games that are related to theatre (no space)
20 Clues: A show on stage • The way you talk • How loud you talk • Take action in a scene • Trying for a character in a play • Do a play without script or plan • People watching a play from seats • To get ready for a play (no space) • A item that an actor uses in a play • A person who is in charge of a play • A person who plays a part in a play • Movement with body parts to show something • ...
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