warrior cats Crossword Puzzles

Warrior Cats Leaders 2022-03-21

Warrior Cats Leaders crossword puzzle
  1. Leader who got his name from an ancestor.
  2. Distinctive blue fur color and almost killed by Tigerclaw.
  3. Name coming from their jaw; appointed deputy due to a sign from a Dark Forest cat.
  4. The result of an accidental, forbidden love; sided with Tigerstar.
  5. Evil leader who killed multiple cats.
  6. A well-respected leader who had many medicine cats and many deputies.
  7. Outcast as a leader by their own Clan.
  1. Leader after Firestar; body got possessed.
  2. Ex-friend of Firestar; killed by Darktail.
  3. Leader who was tricked by Sol into disbelieving in StarClan.
  4. The cat who saved the forest.
  5. Manipulated by Tigerstar.
  6. Fell in love with their medicine cat; half-kittypet.
  7. Kit of another leader; blue fur.
  8. Left Clan and then rejoined.

15 Clues: Manipulated by Tigerstar.Left Clan and then rejoined.The cat who saved the forest.Kit of another leader; blue fur.Evil leader who killed multiple cats.Outcast as a leader by their own Clan.Leader who got his name from an ancestor.Leader after Firestar; body got possessed.Ex-friend of Firestar; killed by Darktail....

Warrior cats 2 2024-01-16

Warrior cats 2 crossword puzzle
  1. Rub or push against your nose or mouth.
  2. Expressing disappointment.
  3. To go around or avoid.
  4. Strong or unpleasant smell.
  5. A ravine formed by water
  6. To make rude or mocking remarks.
  1. In a manner that is not relaxed or friendly.
  2. To move rapidly.
  3. The opposite direction of the wind
  4. Suddenly change direction.
  5. Rough or uneven.
  6. An area on the body of an animal between the ribs and the hip.
  7. Move in a hissing or rushing sound.
  8. Making a disturbingly harsh or loud sound.
  9. Moving in a large group with no direction or purpose.

15 Clues: To move rapidly.Rough or uneven.To go around or avoid.A ravine formed by waterSuddenly change direction.Expressing disappointment.Strong or unpleasant smell.To make rude or mocking remarks.The opposite direction of the windMove in a hissing or rushing sound.Rub or push against your nose or mouth.Making a disturbingly harsh or loud sound....

Warrior Cats 2013-11-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Waarin viel een kitten tijdens de reis?
  2. Wie probeerde Vosstaart met doodsbessen te doden?
  3. Wat leidde de 4 clans naar hun nieuwe woonplaats?
  4. Wat was heel waardevol en werd omgehakt?
  5. In welke clan zit Kraaipoot?
  6. Welk dier ontvoerde een kitten tijdens de reis?
  1. Waarop jagen katten vaak?
  2. Tot welke clan behoort Vederstaart?
  3. Reisden de clans samen of apart?
  4. Waarom stapt Stormvacht over naar de stamkatten?

10 Clues: Waarop jagen katten vaak?In welke clan zit Kraaipoot?Reisden de clans samen of apart?Tot welke clan behoort Vederstaart?Waarin viel een kitten tijdens de reis?Wat was heel waardevol en werd omgehakt?Welk dier ontvoerde een kitten tijdens de reis?Waarom stapt Stormvacht over naar de stamkatten?Wie probeerde Vosstaart met doodsbessen te doden?...

Warrior cats 2012-11-01

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Hoe noemen babypoesjes?
  2. Hoe noemen de krijgskatten een huiskat?
  3. Hoe noemen de krijgskatten een huis?
  4. Hoe nomen de katten het pad waar er 'monsters' lopen?
  5. Hoe noemt een groep katten?
  6. Wie is bij het begin van het verhaal Vuurpoots vriend?
  1. Plaats waar alle clans samenkomen bij volle maan.
  2. Welke clan leeft er in de hemel?
  3. Wie is de leider van de donderclan?
  4. Wat onstaat er als twee clans op één territorium vechten voor voedsel?

10 Clues: Hoe noemen babypoesjes?Hoe noemt een groep katten?Welke clan leeft er in de hemel?Wie is de leider van de donderclan?Hoe noemen de krijgskatten een huis?Hoe noemen de krijgskatten een huiskat?Plaats waar alle clans samenkomen bij volle maan.Hoe nomen de katten het pad waar er 'monsters' lopen?Wie is bij het begin van het verhaal Vuurpoots vriend?...

warrior cats 2014-05-12

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. welke clan heeft als leider een meisjeskat?
  2. wie was de auteur?
  3. rokie en flos zaten niet in clans zaten, wie nog?
  4. welk geslacht had luipaardster?
  5. welke kleur ogen had kwikpoot?
  1. uit hoeveel bladeren is deze boek gemaakt?
  2. welk kleur vacht had asvoet?
  3. hoe heet de medicijnkat van de windclan?
  4. wie was de leider van, de donderclan?
  5. wat fonkelde als vloeibaar sterrenlicht in het poel?

10 Clues: wie was de auteur?welk kleur vacht had asvoet?welke kleur ogen had kwikpoot?welk geslacht had luipaardster?wie was de leider van, de donderclan?hoe heet de medicijnkat van de windclan?uit hoeveel bladeren is deze boek gemaakt?welke clan heeft als leider een meisjeskat?rokie en flos zaten niet in clans zaten, wie nog?...

Warriors vocab quiz 2022-05-24

Warriors vocab quiz crossword puzzle
  1. a cat who protects their clan from enemies
  2. the leader of Thunder Clan
  3. a dangerous Clan with merciless warriors
  4. a huge tabby with a crooked jaw
  5. a elder subbing as the Shadow Clan leader
  6. a cat assigned to organize hunting patrols
  7. a cat that does not belong to a clan
  8. a cat assigned
  9. a young cat before it is an apprentice
  10. a huge tabby who betrayed the Thunder Clan
  11. a cat cared for by twolegs
  1. a Clan that has powerful, water adapted cats
  2. a noble clan with brave warriors
  3. a group of cats lead by a leader
  4. the skiny wind clan leader
  5. a Clan that lives in the highlands
  6. a student who is trained by a warrior
  7. a human
  8. cat a cat that cares for other cats

19 Clues: a humana cat assignedthe leader of Thunder Clanthe skiny wind clan leadera cat cared for by twolegsa huge tabby with a crooked jawa noble clan with brave warriorsa group of cats lead by a leadera Clan that lives in the highlandscat a cat that cares for other catsa cat that does not belong to a clana student who is trained by a warrior...

Warriors vocab quiz 2022-05-24

Warriors vocab quiz crossword puzzle
  1. a cat who protects their clan from enemies
  2. the leader of Thunder Clan
  3. a dangerous Clan with merciless warriors
  4. a huge tabby with a crooked jaw
  5. a elder subbing as the Shadow Clan leader
  6. a cat assigned to organize hunting patrols
  7. a cat that does not belong to a clan
  8. a cat assigned
  9. a young cat before it is an apprentice
  10. a huge tabby who betrayed the Thunder Clan
  11. a cat cared for by twolegs
  1. a Clan that has powerful, water adapted cats
  2. a noble clan with brave warriors
  3. a group of cats lead by a leader
  4. the skiny wind clan leader
  5. a Clan that lives in the highlands
  6. a student who is trained by a warrior
  7. a human
  8. cat a cat that cares for other cats

19 Clues: a humana cat assignedthe leader of Thunder Clanthe skiny wind clan leadera cat cared for by twolegsa huge tabby with a crooked jawa noble clan with brave warriorsa group of cats lead by a leadera Clan that lives in the highlandscat a cat that cares for other catsa cat that does not belong to a clana student who is trained by a warrior...

Warriors-13 2022-02-01

Warriors-13 crossword puzzle
  1. a girl cat
  2. A cat who leads the clan
  3. an insult used to describe a cat as rude or mean
  4. a cat training to be a warrior or a Medicine cat
  5. a stone at mothermouth in which leaders and medicine cats speak with Starclan
  6. One of the five clans hunts in the river
  7. One of the five clans hunts on the moor
  8. One of the five clans their warrior ancestors
  9. the sixth clan driven out long ago
  10. A cat who heals wounds
  11. an insult used to describe a cat as not smart
  12. a pool at the lake territory in which leaders and medicine cats speak with star clan
  13. A cat who helps alongside the leader
  1. One of the five clans hunts in the marshy forest
  2. a cat who has done there job as a warrior and retires
  3. a cat who has completed there warrior training
  4. One of the five clans hunts forest prey
  5. a cat who nurses or has kits
  6. a journey that a cat from each clan takes to meet a badger named midnight
  7. a boy cat
  8. a time at the full moon in which clans talk about information in there clans
  9. a cat under 6 moons

22 Clues: a boy cata girl cata cat under 6 moonsA cat who heals woundsA cat who leads the clana cat who nurses or has kitsthe sixth clan driven out long agoA cat who helps alongside the leaderOne of the five clans hunts forest preyOne of the five clans hunts on the moorOne of the five clans hunts in the riverOne of the five clans their warrior ancestors...

warrior cats 2023-06-19

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. where cars drive
  2. main cat
  3. firehearts mate
  4. firehearts friend
  5. first med cat to apear in the books
  1. firehearts second apprentice
  2. firehearts leader
  3. firehearts first deputy
  4. a clan that starts with thunder
  5. an apprentice that got hurt on the thunderpath

10 Clues: main catfirehearts matewhere cars drivefirehearts leaderfirehearts friendfirehearts first deputyfirehearts second apprenticea clan that starts with thunderfirst med cat to apear in the booksan apprentice that got hurt on the thunderpath

Warrior Cats 2022-02-09

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Gives Jayfeather advice.
  2. Firestars Mate
  3. Orange tom. One of the main characters
  4. Medicine cat. Firestar's daughter
  5. Firestar's childhood bully
  6. The leader after firestar
  1. Gray Tom, Another one of the main characters
  2. Ghost that Hollyleaf lived with in exile.
  3. Predicted an eclipse
  4. Orange pelt. Firestar's daughter.

10 Clues: Firestars MatePredicted an eclipseGives Jayfeather advice.The leader after firestarFirestar's childhood bullyMedicine cat. Firestar's daughterOrange pelt. Firestar's daughter.Orange tom. One of the main charactersGhost that Hollyleaf lived with in exile.Gray Tom, Another one of the main characters

Warrior Cats 2019-03-02

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heißt die Anführerin des DonnerClans?
  2. Wie viele Leben bekommt ein Anführer vom SternenClan?
  3. Es gibt zwei Wege als Schüler zum Heiler oder zum...?
  4. Wo kommt eine tote Katze hin?
  5. Wer hat Warrior Cats geschrieben?
  1. Wie hieß Feuerpfote als Hauskätzchen?
  2. Wo finden die großen Versammlungen bei Vollmond statt?
  3. Wie viele Clans (SternenClan ausgenommen) gibt es?
  4. Wo wohnen die Jungen unter 6 Monden?
  5. Wer ist außer Graupfote ein Freund von Feuerpfote im DonnerClan?

10 Clues: Wo kommt eine tote Katze hin?Wer hat Warrior Cats geschrieben?Wo wohnen die Jungen unter 6 Monden?Wie hieß Feuerpfote als Hauskätzchen?Wie heißt die Anführerin des DonnerClans?Wie viele Clans (SternenClan ausgenommen) gibt es?Wie viele Leben bekommt ein Anführer vom SternenClan?Es gibt zwei Wege als Schüler zum Heiler oder zum...?...

Warrior Cats 2019-03-02

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Wie heißt die Anführerin des DonnerClans?
  2. Wo wohnen Jungs unter 6 Monden?
  3. Es gibt zwei Wege für Schüler: die Ausbildung zum Heiler oder zum...?
  4. Wer hat Warrior Cats geschrieben?
  1. Wer ist außer Graupfote noch ein guter Freund von Feuerpfote?
  2. Wie hieß Feuerpfote als Hauskätzchen?
  3. Wo ist die große Versammlung bei Vollmond?
  4. Wie viele Clan (SternenClan ausgenommen) gibt es?
  5. Wo kommen tote Katzen hin?
  6. Wie viele Leben erhält ein Anführer vom SternenClan?

10 Clues: Wo kommen tote Katzen hin?Wo wohnen Jungs unter 6 Monden?Wer hat Warrior Cats geschrieben?Wie hieß Feuerpfote als Hauskätzchen?Wie heißt die Anführerin des DonnerClans?Wo ist die große Versammlung bei Vollmond?Wie viele Clan (SternenClan ausgenommen) gibt es?Wie viele Leben erhält ein Anführer vom SternenClan?...

Warrior Cats 2014-12-02

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Welke eenling woont in een boerderij aan de andere kant van het windclanterretorium?
  2. Wie is de grootste aanhanger van tijgerklauw
  3. Wie is de leid(st)er van Vuurpoot/Vuurster?
  4. Hoeveel maanden moet een kitten zijn om leerling te worden?
  1. Van welke clan is Langster de leider?
  2. Vanaf waar spreken de clanleiders elkaar en hun katten toe?
  3. In welke clan woont de moeder van Misvoet en Steenvacht?
  4. Welk van de 2 commandanten die op de zonnerotsen de dood vonden werd niet vermoord?
  5. Welke kat is uit op Blauwsters positie?
  6. Welke leerling wordt door een kat van dezelfde clan met de dood bedreigd?

10 Clues: Van welke clan is Langster de leider?Welke kat is uit op Blauwsters positie?Wie is de leid(st)er van Vuurpoot/Vuurster?Wie is de grootste aanhanger van tijgerklauwIn welke clan woont de moeder van Misvoet en Steenvacht?Vanaf waar spreken de clanleiders elkaar en hun katten toe?Hoeveel maanden moet een kitten zijn om leerling te worden?...

Warrior Cats Leaders 2022-03-21

Warrior Cats Leaders crossword puzzle
  1. Leader who got his name from an ancestor.
  2. Distinctive blue fur color and almost killed by Tigerclaw.
  3. Name coming from their jaw; appointed deputy due to a sign from a Dark Forest cat.
  4. The result of an accidental, forbidden love; sided with Tigerstar.
  5. Evil leader who killed multiple cats.
  6. A well-respected leader who had many medicine cats and many deputies.
  7. Outcast as a leader by their own Clan.
  1. Leader after Firestar; body got possessed.
  2. Ex-friend of Firestar; killed by Darktail.
  3. Leader who was tricked by Sol into disbelieving in StarClan.
  4. The cat who saved the forest.
  5. Manipulated by Tigerstar.
  6. Fell in love with their medicine cat; half-kittypet.
  7. Kit of another leader; blue fur.
  8. Left Clan and then rejoined.

15 Clues: Manipulated by Tigerstar.Left Clan and then rejoined.The cat who saved the forest.Kit of another leader; blue fur.Evil leader who killed multiple cats.Outcast as a leader by their own Clan.Leader who got his name from an ancestor.Leader after Firestar; body got possessed.Ex-friend of Firestar; killed by Darktail....

Warrior cats crossword 2020-03-08

Warrior cats crossword crossword puzzle
  1. very confused or puzzled
  2. harsh sounding and unpleasant
  3. to start something
  4. walking or moving unsteadily
  5. a split in a rock or the ground
  6. making an uncontrolled and abrupt movement
  7. moving swiftly and lightly
  1. a very steep rock or cliff
  2. unwilling or hesitant
  3. not willing to give or allow something
  4. losing power and momentum
  5. a tall fern located globally
  6. a so called burp
  7. extending an object or another such as a cliff with rockfall
  8. a quick but rude movement

15 Clues: a so called burpto start somethingunwilling or hesitantvery confused or puzzledlosing power and momentuma quick but rude movementa very steep rock or cliffmoving swiftly and lightlya tall fern located globallywalking or moving unsteadilyharsh sounding and unpleasanta split in a rock or the groundnot willing to give or allow something...

Warriors - The Sight 2024-12-05

Warriors - The Sight crossword puzzle
  1. ThunderClan apprentice that can see the dreams of other cats
  2. Thunderclan's new deputy after the great journey
  3. RiverClan's leader
  4. Former ThunderClan deputy that returned after being captured
  5. The illness that spreads through the clans, killing one of the ShadowClan elders
  6. ShadowClan's leader
  1. The place where medicine cats gather
  2. ThunderClan cat who switched from being a medicine apprentice to a warrior apprentice
  3. ThunderClan's leader
  4. What Firestar was told about after the contest
  5. WindClan's leader
  6. ThunderClan warrior apprentice being mentored by Ashfur
  7. The occasion where cats of every clan meet

13 Clues: WindClan's leaderRiverClan's leaderShadowClan's leaderThunderClan's leaderThe place where medicine cats gatherThe occasion where cats of every clan meetWhat Firestar was told about after the contestThunderclan's new deputy after the great journeyThunderClan warrior apprentice being mentored by Ashfur...

Warriors: The New Prophecy - Starlight Crossword 2017-10-01

Warriors: The New Prophecy - Starlight Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Thunderclap medicine cat apprentice, Firestar's daughter.
  2. ThunderClan deputy, was taken away by Twolegs.
  3. Former deputy of WindClan, crushed by a falling tree.
  4. Where warriors go when they die, the stars.
  5. ThunderClan warrior, wants to be deputy. Main character.
  6. The new leader of Windclan.
  7. The deceased leader of WindClan.
  8. The clan the main character's are in.
  9. A wild animal that attacks cats.
  10. The ThunderClan medicine cat.
  1. Leader of RiverClan.
  2. The clan that fishes for some of their food.
  3. ThunderClan warrior, main character, Firestar's daughter.
  4. The leader of ShadowClan.
  5. Humans.
  6. WindClan warrior who loved Feathertail.
  7. The clan that camps in open moorlands.
  8. The clan that camps in the marshes.
  9. Tigerstar's son, RiverClan warrior.
  10. Leader of ThunderClan.

20 Clues: Humans.Leader of RiverClan.Leader of ThunderClan.The leader of ShadowClan.The new leader of Windclan.The ThunderClan medicine cat.The deceased leader of WindClan.A wild animal that attacks cats.The clan that camps in the marshes.Tigerstar's son, RiverClan warrior.The clan the main character's are in.The clan that camps in open moorlands....

warrior cats crossword 2024-05-07

warrior cats crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the most evil cat in warrior cats
  2. has fire in his name
  3. the place where the action is
  4. apprentice that became a kitty-pet
  1. how do cats call humans
  2. firestar father
  3. which clan does Rusty join?
  4. the she-cat leader of Thunder clan
  5. how many clans are there?
  6. highest role in warrior cats

10 Clues: firestar fatherhas fire in his namehow do cats call humanshow many clans are there?which clan does Rusty join?highest role in warrior catsthe place where the action isthe most evil cat in warrior catsthe she-cat leader of Thunder clanapprentice that became a kitty-pet

Warrior cats Crossword 2024-05-23

Warrior cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. She is ONLY gay for Rosetail
  2. I was the one who coined the name Starclan, HA!
  3. Somehow I died by being swarmed by rats.. IM A GREAT WARRIOR!
  5. Got scared, my friends help me run away, then I was gay, after that I just died.
  6. She is THICK!
  7. "I wished you'd been my son, but I could not have borne a cat like you. StarClan gave me Brokentail to teach me a lesson."
  1. Man... I really am dating a stick
  2. She watched her kits die! She deserves to be angry at the cats!
  3. Man I was the deputy but died in the first book.
  4. "I like them REALLY young"
  5. Tiny dog tooth boi
  6. Just had to go after the pick me boy didn't you?

14 Clues: She is THICK!Tiny dog tooth boiHE DOESN'T LIKE WAFFLES?!"I like them REALLY young"She is ONLY gay for RosetailMan... I really am dating a stickHER NAME IS NOT LOSTFACE SCREW YOU BLUESTAR!I was the one who coined the name Starclan, HA!Man I was the deputy but died in the first book.Just had to go after the pick me boy didn't you?...

Warrior cats (1)! 2023-12-10

Warrior cats (1)! crossword puzzle
  1. likes child labor
  2. first love interest that was alive for 12 seconds
  3. main character's best friend
  4. twice a traitor
  5. raging war against StarClan in her old age
  6. old and grumpy
  7. didn't even appear in the first book
  1. feisty
  2. tiny but DEADLY
  3. fire alone shall save the clans
  4. deputy for no time at all
  5. he saw too much...
  6. rude.
  7. evil bean (number 1)

14 Clues: rude.feistyold and grumpytiny but DEADLYtwice a traitorlikes child laborhe saw too much...evil bean (number 1)deputy for no time at allmain character's best friendfire alone shall save the clansdidn't even appear in the first bookraging war against StarClan in her old agefirst love interest that was alive for 12 seconds

Warrior cats Crossword 2024-05-23

Warrior cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. "I like them REALLY young"
  2. Tiny dog tooth boi
  3. Man... I really am dating a stick
  4. She is THICK!
  6. Somehow I died by being swarmed by rats.. IM A GREAT WARRIOR!
  1. I was the one who coined the name Starclan, HA!
  2. She watched her kits die! She deserves to be angry at the cats!
  3. Got scared, my friends help me run away, then I was gay, after that I just died.
  4. "I wished you'd been my son, but I could not have borne a cat like you. StarClan gave me Brokentail to teach me a lesson."
  5. She is ONLY gay for Rosetail
  6. Man I was the deputy but died in the first book.
  7. Just had to go after the pick me boy didn't you?

14 Clues: She is THICK!Tiny dog tooth boiHE DOESN'T LIKE WAFFLES?!"I like them REALLY young"She is ONLY gay for RosetailMan... I really am dating a stickHER NAME IS NOT LOSTFACE SCREW YOU BLUESTAR!I was the one who coined the name Starclan, HA!Man I was the deputy but died in the first book.Just had to go after the pick me boy didn't you?...

Warriors 'Into The Wild' 2022-04-22

Warriors 'Into The Wild' crossword puzzle
  1. Healer
  2. Newborn
  3. Protects Clan
  4. 4 Cat Clans
  5. Retired Queens Or warriors
  6. Protects Kits
  7. Protects
  8. New leaders share dreams to be Leader
  1. Human Home
  2. Cats live with Twoleg
  3. At least 6 moon old to learn
  4. Months
  5. Human
  6. Warriors need Warrior blood to become warrior
  7. Bluestar leads

15 Clues: HumanHealerMonthsNewbornProtectsHuman Home4 Cat ClansProtects ClanProtects KitsBluestar leadsCats live with TwolegRetired Queens Or warriorsAt least 6 moon old to learnNew leaders share dreams to be LeaderWarriors need Warrior blood to become warrior

Warrior Words 2021-04-27

Warrior Words crossword puzzle
  1. A young cat
  2. Clan where dead cats go
  3. Cat scream
  4. Fighter for the clans
  5. Main characters clan
  6. Someone who leads
  1. Clan of the river
  2. Missing clan
  3. Rivers side
  4. Clan of the shadows
  5. Warrior in training
  6. Hateful feeling
  7. heavy dragging
  8. Soft walking

14 Clues: Cat screamA young catRivers sideMissing clanSoft walkingheavy draggingHateful feelingClan of the riverSomeone who leadsClan of the shadowsWarrior in trainingMain characters clanFighter for the clansClan where dead cats go

Warrior Cats 2023-04-04

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Wie viele Clans leben oder lebten in der 1 Staffel im Wald?
  2. Wie heißt die Katze die Feuerherz zuerst im Wald begegnet ist?
  3. wie Heißt der Anführer der 2 Staffel?
  4. Wie heißt der Clan der in der 1 Staffel 6 Band im Wald ist?
  1. Welche Katze wurde von Tigerkralle im 1 band getötet?
  2. welche Heilerkatze wurde im 1 band getötet?
  3. Wie heißt der Clan in dem Feuerherz lebt?
  4. Wie viele staffeln gibt es?
  5. wie heißt der Hauskätzchen Name von feuerherz?

9 Clues: Wie viele staffeln gibt es?wie Heißt der Anführer der 2 Staffel?Wie heißt der Clan in dem Feuerherz lebt?welche Heilerkatze wurde im 1 band getötet?wie heißt der Hauskätzchen Name von feuerherz?Welche Katze wurde von Tigerkralle im 1 band getötet?Wie viele Clans leben oder lebten in der 1 Staffel im Wald?...

Warrior Cats - ThunderClan Edition 2023-01-29

Warrior Cats - ThunderClan Edition crossword puzzle
  1. Who had nearly as many kits as Snowbird?
  2. Whose kit "flew" away?
  3. Whose name once needed oil?
  4. Who is missing an eye?
  5. Who had a crush on his dad's mate?
  6. Who is the grumpiest medicine cat?
  7. Who switched Clans for the evil Tigerstar?
  8. Who replaced Feathertail?
  9. Who had three different eye colors?
  10. Who had the most recent ThunderClan super edition?
  11. Who was Firestar's first crush?
  12. Who was Graystripe's apprentice?
  1. Which medicine cat was born in ShadowClan?
  2. Who felt pressured by his legacy?
  3. Who was the first ThunderClan medicine cat?
  4. Who was an exception to the Three?
  5. Who had an interest of kits at Purdy's funeral?
  6. Who had a crush on Firestar as an apprentice?
  7. Who is Firestar's nephew?
  8. Who was Leafpaw's best friend?
  9. Who had the second super edition?
  10. Who loved Barely?
  11. Who left the Clan to be a kittypet?
  12. Who was Bramblestar's stillborn son?
  13. Who trained alongside Hawkfrost?
  14. Who is the only true female villain?
  15. Who had kits with his dead mate's sister?
  16. Who gave birth to Spottedleaf?
  17. Who was Stemleaf's mate?
  18. Which one of Bluestar's kits died?

30 Clues: Who loved Barely?Whose kit "flew" away?Who is missing an eye?Who was Stemleaf's mate?Who is Firestar's nephew?Who replaced Feathertail?Whose name once needed oil?Who was Leafpaw's best friend?Who gave birth to Spottedleaf?Who was Firestar's first crush?Who trained alongside Hawkfrost?Who was Graystripe's apprentice?Who felt pressured by his legacy?...

Warriors For Anyone who read Warrior Cats 2020-05-06

Warriors For Anyone who read Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. what the cats call a road
  2. tried to give her kittens to some farm cats first but they rejected her
  3. What FireStar was before a warrior Cat
  4. was CrowFeather's father
  5. What they call pet cats
  1. this cat is a monster but mated many she cats
  2. HollyLeaf's brother/sister
  3. this cat murdered AshFur and that is why he/she did not get a life in BrambleClaw's nine lives ceremony
  4. a windclan cat which is SorrelTail's father
  5. The friend of FireStar as a kitty pet
  6. the warrior word for human

11 Clues: What they call pet catswas CrowFeather's fatherHollyLeaf's brother/sisterwhat the cats call a roadthe warrior word for humanThe friend of FireStar as a kitty petWhat FireStar was before a warrior Cata windclan cat which is SorrelTail's fatherthis cat is a monster but mated many she cats...

Warriors For Anyone who read Warrior Cats 2020-05-06

Warriors For Anyone who read Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. what the cats call a road
  2. tried to give her kittens to some farm cats first but they rejected her
  3. What FireStar was before a warrior Cat
  4. was CrowFeather's father
  5. What they call pet cats
  1. this cat is a monster but mated many she cats
  2. HollyLeaf's brother/sister
  3. this cat murdered AshFur and that is why he/she did not get a life in BrambleClaw's nine lives ceremony
  4. a windclan cat which is SorrelTail's father
  5. The friend of FireStar as a kitty pet
  6. the warrior word for human

11 Clues: What they call pet catswas CrowFeather's fatherHollyLeaf's brother/sisterwhat the cats call a roadthe warrior word for humanThe friend of FireStar as a kitty petWhat FireStar was before a warrior Cata windclan cat which is SorrelTail's fatherthis cat is a monster but mated many she cats...

Warriors For Anyone who read Warrior Cats 2020-05-06

Warriors For Anyone who read Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. what the cats call a road
  2. tried to give her kittens to some farm cats first but they rejected her
  3. What FireStar was before a warrior Cat
  4. was CrowFeather's father
  5. What they call pet cats
  1. this cat is a monster but mated many she cats
  2. HollyLeaf's brother/sister
  3. this cat murdered AshFur and that is why he/she did not get a life in BrambleClaw's nine lives ceremony
  4. a windclan cat which is SorrelTail's father
  5. The friend of FireStar as a kitty pet
  6. the warrior word for human

11 Clues: What they call pet catswas CrowFeather's fatherHollyLeaf's brother/sisterwhat the cats call a roadthe warrior word for humanThe friend of FireStar as a kitty petWhat FireStar was before a warrior Cata windclan cat which is SorrelTail's fatherthis cat is a monster but mated many she cats...

warrior cats :) 2018-01-29

warrior cats :) crossword puzzle
  1. Golden she cat with green eyes
  2. Black tom with icy blue eyes
  3. Tourtishelle she cat with amber eyes
  4. Black and white tom with a long tail
  1. Golden tabby tom with dark green eyes
  2. Dark brown she cat with a light brown belly
  3. Silver she cat with dark gray stripes and a white belly
  4. Tan tom with brown stripes and green eyes
  5. Light brown she cat with darker brown stripes and a white

9 Clues: Black tom with icy blue eyesGolden she cat with green eyesTourtishelle she cat with amber eyesBlack and white tom with a long tailGolden tabby tom with dark green eyesTan tom with brown stripes and green eyesDark brown she cat with a light brown bellySilver she cat with dark gray stripes and a white belly...

ISKL Novel Knockout Warrior Cats 2021 2021-10-28

ISKL Novel Knockout Warrior Cats 2021 crossword puzzle
  1. Jackdaw’s Cry has this coloring
  2. Jagged Peak’s first catch while hunting
  3. One of Turtle Tail's strongest attributes
  4. Another name for Half Moon
  5. The cats use this to count votes for decisions
  1. After joining the travelling group, Gray Wing describes Moon Shadow this way
  2. Another name for small loose rocks covering a slope
  3. This serves as a gate into the entrance of the Warrior clan’s first home
  4. The leader of the expedition to the cats’ new home
  5. Dappled Pelt shows the rest of the travelling cats that she can catch this
  6. The warrior cats typically sleep in this
  7. The name of Gray Wing’s mom

12 Clues: Another name for Half MoonThe name of Gray Wing’s momJackdaw’s Cry has this coloringJagged Peak’s first catch while huntingThe warrior cats typically sleep in thisOne of Turtle Tail's strongest attributesThe cats use this to count votes for decisionsThe leader of the expedition to the cats’ new home...

Warrior Cats Crossword 2022-02-11

Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a big, dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws, and amber eyes.
  2. a silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes.
  3. a bright flame-colored tom with emerald-green eyes.
  4. a dark gray she-cat with orange eyes, a broad, flattened face, and long, matted fur.
  5. a muscular pale gray tom with darker flecks and dark blue eyes, has short, thick fur, and a torn ear.
  6. a white she-cat with ginger patches, a single blue eye and fur torn away from one side of her face.
  7. a lithe, heavy dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He also has fur around his muzzle that is fading to gray.
  8. a sleek-furred black tom with white on his chest and tail and green eyes.
  1. a small, lithe, pale brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes, she has a white chest and paws.
  2. a slender, long-legged, black she-cat with soft and long fur; she has green eyes, and a bushy tail.
  3. a pale blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes.
  4. a gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes.
  5. a small black tom with one white paw, ice-blue eyes, glossy fur, and a torn left ear.
  6. a lean, pale brown tabby tom with black stripes, a "V"-shaped nick in his ear, and a long tail.

14 Clues: a gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes.a pale blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes.a bright flame-colored tom with emerald-green eyes.a silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes.a sleek-furred black tom with white on his chest and tail and green eyes.a big, dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws, and amber eyes....

Warriors #2 2024-07-09

Warriors #2 crossword puzzle
  1. Cat with a strong sense of justice
  2. Insult among the Clans
  3. Particularly stinky member of the clan
  4. Deputy known for her calm demeanor
  5. Cats’ term for hunting rats
  6. Elder with a shortened tail
  7. Elderly cat with a wandering past
  8. Skillful warrior of old tales
  9. Ambitious apprentice seeking glory
  10. Senior warrior with a grumpy disposition
  11. Kit taken by Twolegs
  12. Queen with a tragic lineage
  13. Elder with a distinctive fur pattern
  14. Visionary place for prophecies
  15. Deputy with a fierce reputation
  16. Apprentice lost during a journey
  17. Time when healing herbs are gathered
  18. RiverClan deputy with a secret
  1. Cat caught between clan and tribe
  2. Former farm cat living near the Clans
  3. Tyrant leader exiled for his cruelty
  4. Vengeful spirit from the dark forest
  5. Plant used by medicine cats
  6. Comrade from a far-off place
  7. Leader who bridged two clans
  8. Warrior with a lumbering gait
  9. Ancient medicine cat of legend
  10. Warrior blinded in a battle
  11. Cat exiled from his home tribe
  12. Reckless apprentice lost to dogs
  13. Medicine cat with a troubled past
  14. Medicine cat with a gentle nature
  15. Healer known for her wisdom
  16. Cat known for her dark fur
  17. Deaf kit taken by a hawk

35 Clues: Kit taken by TwolegsInsult among the ClansDeaf kit taken by a hawkCat known for her dark furPlant used by medicine catsCats’ term for hunting ratsElder with a shortened tailWarrior blinded in a battleHealer known for her wisdomQueen with a tragic lineageComrade from a far-off placeLeader who bridged two clansSkillful warrior of old tales...

Warrior cats 2021-12-15

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Ivypools sister,one of the three,can see and hear things very far away
  2. Firestar's friend, the leader before onestar, changed his deputy from mudclaw to onewhisker on his dying breath
  3. leader before mistystar, ambitious, brave, loyal
  4. one of the three, can walk in other cats' dreams,medicine cat
  5. one of the three,can´t be hurt in battle
  1. first skyclan leader after cloudstar
  2. Bright orange tom ,thunderclan,brave,kind,wise
  3. tabby tom with a scar across his face, evil, once thunderclan
  4. Spyed on the dark forest cats in her dreams,risked her life to save the clans during the great battle

9 Clues: first skyclan leader after cloudstarone of the three,can´t be hurt in battleBright orange tom ,thunderclan,brave,kind,wiseleader before mistystar, ambitious, brave, loyaltabby tom with a scar across his face, evil, once thunderclanone of the three, can walk in other cats' dreams,medicine cat...

Warrior cats 2024-11-25

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. Was possessed by ashfur in the brocken code
  2. Can hear extremely far away
  3. Can't die in battle
  4. Has powers to see into people's dreams and is part of the three
  5. Stoped believing in starclan, the next leader after her was Firestar.
  1. Was reincarnated into cinderheart
  2. In bloodclan and took multiple apprentices to kill him
  3. Killed by darktail while violetshine escaped
  4. Joined the clans as a kittypet called rusty

9 Clues: Can't die in battleCan hear extremely far awayWas reincarnated into cinderheartWas possessed by ashfur in the brocken codeJoined the clans as a kittypet called rustyKilled by darktail while violetshine escapedIn bloodclan and took multiple apprentices to kill himHas powers to see into people's dreams and is part of the three...

Who died? (Warrior cats) 2023-03-16

Who died? (Warrior cats) crossword puzzle
  1. Killed (rogue)
  2. Murdered (Dep, Tc)
  3. Drowned (no space)(An Ancient)
  4. Badgers (W. under firestar Tc) [Kin*SorrelTail*
  5. Killed (under leopardStar RC)
  6. drowned (Lead)
  7. Illness (RC,Lead)
  8. Monster (App, Under FireStar)
  9. In Battle (Kit, Under BrokenStar ShC)
  10. Hypothermia (kit, Under Pinestar/sunstar Tc)
  11. Killed (D, Under Bluestar, Lead of ShC)
  12. Fell while helping Tribe of Rushing Water (RC, W under leopardstar)
  13. Murdered (in Dark Forest)
  14. Starvation (Eld, under firestar Tc)
  15. Killed in battle (Dep under firestar Tc)
  16. fire/inhaled smoke
  17. Drowned (Med C, ShC)
  18. Badgers (W, under Firestar or Bramblestar)
  19. Falling Rocks (Dep, Under crookedstar RC)
  20. Badgers (med c, Under firestar)
  1. Tree fell (TC)
  2. tree fell (WC)
  3. Falling rocks (med. cat Tc)
  4. (type GotIt again- Deputy- Dep, Apprentice- App, Leader- Lead, Warriors- Wars, Queens- Q, elders, elds, medicine cats- med C, kits stay the same)
  5. falling Rocks (Mtn Lion)
  6. Sharptooth (tribe of rushing water)
  7. Hawk (kit, Under bluestar, Tc)
  8. murdered by kin (ShC)
  9. Fell (RC, W under crookedstar)
  10. Monster (Q/W Under SunStar)Tc
  11. murdered by niece of who he loved
  12. Apps (rogue) BC
  13. (Type GotIt) If someone died the same way like in battle or murdered I'll put their position and/or rank in and if needed their clan and who they served under if that does not work i'll put their kin have fun!)
  14. Wounded after/in battle (dep under firestar, TC)
  15. Killed (W ,under sunstar Tc)
  16. Murdered (Q/W under bluestar)
  17. In battle (Q/W under FireStar, Tc) {Kin*AshFur*
  18. Dogs (App)
  19. Illness (med. c, RC)
  20. Old age (WC, Lead)
  21. starvation (kit, under firestar Tc)

41 Clues: Dogs (App)Tree fell (TC)Killed (rogue)tree fell (WC)drowned (Lead)Apps (rogue) BCIllness (RC,Lead)Murdered (Dep, Tc)fire/inhaled smokeOld age (WC, Lead)Illness (med. c, RC)Drowned (Med C, ShC)murdered by kin (ShC)falling Rocks (Mtn Lion)Murdered (in Dark Forest)Falling rocks (med. cat Tc)Killed (W ,under sunstar Tc)Killed (under leopardStar RC)...

Warrior cats trivia (hard) 2024-09-12

Warrior cats trivia (hard) crossword puzzle
  1. Who did Twigbranch save from a falling tree as an apprentice?
  2. What killed Hollykit and Larchkit in Dawn?
  3. Who gave Firestar his life of loyalty?
  4. What book did Cinderpelt die in?
  5. What trait did Runningwind give Firestar when giving one of his lives?
  6. Who stole ThunderClan’s kits and killed Spottedleaf in the process?
  7. Who was the youngest warrior ever?
  8. Who was the fat old tabby Smudge mentions to Rusty in the first book?
  9. Who tried to suffocate Darktail but failed?
  10. What animal is considered a bad omen if they appear at a camp?
  11. Who was the first cat Firestar gave their warrior name to as leader?
  12. Who killed Billystorm?
  13. What was Riverstar’s name as a kit?
  14. Who was the only kit in ThunderClan who went on the Great Journey. (Put their kit name)
  15. Whose ghost did Ivypool kill to become a dark forest warrior?
  16. What ThunderClan cat did Brokenstar kill during the Final Battle?
  17. Who was SkyClan’s first medicine cat?
  18. What is the Twoleg name for the lake?
  19. Who did Leafstar name her kit Harrybrook after?
  20. Who accidentally fell into the Gorge in the second book?
  21. Who was the reincarnation of Lionblaze?
  22. What is a RiverClan cat who doesn’t like to get wet called?
  23. Which (future) leader did Mapleshade train?
  1. What did the Tribe cats call the mountain lion that was terrorizing them?
  2. Who named Violetshine (Violetkit)?
  3. Whar is the Twoleg name for Fourtrees?
  4. What tree did Cinderpaw (Cinderheart) fall out of?
  5. What killed Leopardstar?
  6. What is the Twoleg name of Barley’s farm?
  7. What warrior name did Bluestar give Brightheart?
  8. Who was Sol’s mother?
  9. What are Tribe cat appearances called?
  10. What prey was Shrewpaw chasing when he was killed?
  11. What did Purdy call Twolegs?
  12. Who died on the Great Journey?
  13. Which ThunderClan apprentice died during the Great storm?
  14. Who was the cat Appledusk cheated on Mapleshade with?
  15. What animal did Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, any Lionblaze try to track as kits?
  16. What herb makes cats throw up?
  17. How many lives did Bluestar have left when Tigerclaw attacked her?
  18. Who killed Darkstripe?
  19. Who was the leader of SkyClan when they left the forest territories?
  20. Officially, what killed the four elders who were left behind before the Great Journey?
  21. What blinded Longtail?
  22. Who attacked Jayfeather at the moonpool?
  23. Which ShadowClan warrior fought and chose the dark forest side during the Great battle, and was killed by Blackstar?
  24. Where was Thistleclaw killed?
  25. Which kittypet almost became Bramblestar’s mate in Bramblestar’s Storm?
  26. Who was Fallen Leaves’s mother?
  27. What cat did Lionblaze accidentally kill in a boarder scrimish?
  28. Who gave Snowtuft his long scar?
  29. Who stopped Jayfeather from trying to save Flametail and drowning with him?

52 Clues: Who was Sol’s mother?Who killed Darkstripe?What blinded Longtail?Who killed Billystorm?What killed Leopardstar?What did Purdy call Twolegs?Where was Thistleclaw killed?Who died on the Great Journey?What herb makes cats throw up?Who was Fallen Leaves’s mother?What book did Cinderpelt die in?Who gave Snowtuft his long scar?...

Warrior Cats Tigerheart's Shadow 2024-10-10

Warrior Cats Tigerheart's Shadow crossword puzzle
  1. This animal drove city cats from their home
  2. What did outsiders call trains?
  3. The third city cat that went with Tigerheart and Dovewing to ShadowClan
  4. When Tigerheart died, where was he taken?
  5. Which of the three city cats that went to ShadowClan with Tigerheart and everyone else played with the kits?
  6. Which ShadowClan cat helped carry Tigerheart when he died?
  7. Out of the others, which cat doubted Spire the most?
  8. What was the name of the kit from the city that often helped Spire?
  9. This city cat also went to join ShadowClan
  10. What was the name of the cats that lived in the gathering place in the city?
  11. What name did Tigerheart give Spire when he died?
  12. Which cat and her group tried to take the Twoleg gathering place Tigerheart and Dovewing were in?
  13. What was in the Twoleg cages that lured the foxes in?
  1. Which city cat's leg is shorter than the rest?
  2. What did Tigerheart first think about when he heard Puddleshine's prophecy?
  3. What was the name of one of the kits travelling to ShadowClan called?
  4. How did Tigerheart die?
  5. Who was Tigerheart's mother and Rowanstar's mate?
  6. Which kittypet challenged Tigerheart to a fight and lost?
  7. What was Rowanstar's name when he wasn't leader anymore?
  8. Who was expecting kits and kitted while going back to ShadowClan?
  9. Which city cat was like a Clan medicine cat?
  10. Which kit of Tigerheart's was trapped in a mesh cage?
  11. This cat was in hiding when Darktail came
  12. Which cat was the mate of the queen walking the journey back to ShadowClan?
  13. Who was the cat that Tigerheart first met when setting paw in the city?

26 Clues: How did Tigerheart die?What did outsiders call trains?When Tigerheart died, where was he taken?This cat was in hiding when Darktail cameThis city cat also went to join ShadowClanThis animal drove city cats from their homeWhich city cat was like a Clan medicine cat?Which city cat's leg is shorter than the rest?...

Warrior cats crossword puzzle 2022-12-19

Warrior cats crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. sister of firestar and gave a kit to him
  2. lost her leg to a monster (car)
  3. bluestar was in love although he was in riverclan
  4. brambleclaw's imposter
  5. lives in the tunnels
  6. died from dogs as an apprentice
  7. first leader of thunderclaw
  8. bramblestar's son
  9. jayfeather is in love with this, has cool scars
  10. our favorite badger!
  11. lives in the barn
  12. went to the sundrown place but died
  13. one of firestar's first friend, is taken away by twolegs.
  14. his real mom is his fake mom's sister
  15. brambleclaw's sister
  16. rusty's kittypet friend
  17. taked care of firestar's nephew
  18. used to live in the horsebarn but is now a queen
  19. graystripe's first mate
  1. was loved by two cats but chose the cat that later became leader of thunderclan
  2. made kits train at younger ages and was killed by his own mother
  3. bluestar's son that she gave to riverclan that later died
  4. the main character of the prophecies begin
  5. graystripe's second mate
  6. sees tigerclaw kill redtail and fakes his death
  7. can enter other cats' dreams and is blind
  8. firestar's first deputy
  9. leader of thunderclan in the first book
  10. was once shadowclan but joined thunderclan as their medicine cat
  11. son of princess and nephew of firestar
  12. is stuck in the tunnels (has space in name but i couldnt put it)
  13. leader and healer of the tribe
  14. has two brothers and is daughter of leafpool
  16. became shadowclan leader but didnt recieve 9 lives
  17. was with bluestar when they met rusty
  18. bluestar's kit that didnt survive the way to riverclan

37 Clues: NOOO! SWIFTPAW!bramblestar's sonlives in the barnlives in the tunnelsour favorite badger!brambleclaw's sisterbrambleclaw's imposterfirestar's first deputyrusty's kittypet friendgraystripe's first mategraystripe's second matefirst leader of thunderclawleader and healer of the tribelost her leg to a monster (car)died from dogs as an apprentice...

Warrior Cats Main Characters 2018-07-06

Warrior Cats Main Characters crossword puzzle
  1. Fernsong's mate
  2. Jayfeather and Hollyleaf's brother
  3. Leader of Shadowclan after Tigerstar
  4. Father of Ivypool and Dovewing
  5. Leader of Riverclan after Hailstar
  6. Cinderpelt's oldest brother
  7. Mother of Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Hollyleaf
  8. Stormfur's sister
  9. Leader of Riverclan before Crookedstar
  10. Medicine cat before Featherwhisker
  11. Sandstorm's mate
  12. Cloudtail's mate
  13. Dawnpelt and Tigerheart's brother
  14. Tigerheart's mate
  15. Lionblaze and Hollyleaf's brother
  16. Son of Squirrelflight and Bramblestar
  17. Leafpool and Nightcloud's mate
  1. Lionblaze and Jayfeather's sister
  2. Ravenpaw lives with him
  3. Mother of Bramblestar and Tawnypelt
  4. Leader of Riverclan after Crookedstar
  5. The first person Rusty met
  6. Briarlight and Blossomfall's brother
  7. Breezepelt's mate
  8. Goldenflower's brother
  9. Current leader of Thunderclan
  10. Ferncloud's mate
  11. Brightheart's mate
  12. Leader of Thunderclan in Into The Wild
  13. Mother of Berrynose, Hazeltail, and Mousewhisker
  14. Mother of Crowfeather

31 Clues: Fernsong's mateFerncloud's mateSandstorm's mateCloudtail's mateBreezepelt's mateStormfur's sisterTigerheart's mateBrightheart's mateMother of CrowfeatherGoldenflower's brotherRavenpaw lives with himThe first person Rusty metCinderpelt's oldest brotherCurrent leader of ThunderclanFather of Ivypool and DovewingLeafpool and Nightcloud's mate...

WARRIORS 2016-05-05

WARRIORS crossword puzzle
  1. Who ownes FireHearts sister
  2. What did firehearts sister give him.
  3. Who was a very good warrior that started as a "kitty pet"
  4. What genre is this book?
  5. Who was Firehearts best Friend?
  6. What was the good thing that happened?
  7. What did cats eat before leaveing for hunger?
  8. What is the location of the monsters.
  9. What did cats fight for?
  10. Which clan lived near the river?
  1. What did the cats surive?
  2. What will save the clan?
  3. FIreheart was ______?
  4. Who almost died invite river
  5. What was the youngest kits called.
  6. What is everyone but Fireheart
  7. What was the author's first name?
  8. Who was greystripes apprentice.
  9. Who was the general cat?
  10. What did the cats do to surive?

20 Clues: FIreheart was ______?What will save the clan?What genre is this book?Who was the general cat?What did cats fight for?What did the cats surive?Who ownes FireHearts sisterWho almost died invite riverWhat is everyone but FireheartWho was Firehearts best Friend?Who was greystripes apprentice.What did the cats do to surive?...

Hard Warrior Cats Crossword 2023-01-18

Hard Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Mapleshade's victim
  2. a good cat who died in the Dark Forest
  3. Thunder's best friend
  4. in love with Jaywing
  5. Crowfeather' father
  6. one of Tigerstar's greatest followers but changed his ways
  7. mates with thornclaw
  8. sisters with Honeyfern
  9. eats a lot and friends with Firestar
  10. mates with Heathertail
  11. one of the last descendants of Skyclan
  12. mates with Blackclaw
  13. a cat who caused mischief in the clan
  14. a hostile cat that doesn't have a permanat home
  15. fluffy white marshmallow
  16. a tease warriors use
  17. best friends with Violetshine
  18. mother of ivypool
  19. "Lostface"
  20. Brokenstar's mentor
  21. a polydactyl cat
  22. sister to Brambleclaw
  23. Fall
  24. Graystipe's apprentice
  25. crushed by a tree
  26. Tree's brother
  27. mother of Bristlefrost
  28. one of the many mates of Clear Sky
  29. is invincible in battle
  30. mates with Slate
  31. Leopardstar's best friend
  32. tiny black cat who is evil
  33. in love with Raggedstar
  34. friends with Barley
  35. brother of tallshadow
  36. mother was Tawnypelt
  37. mates with Firestar
  38. an insult to a cat who sticks closly to the rules
  39. best friends with Leafpool
  40. had the vision that Bramleclaw should be deputy
  41. Mistystar's kit
  42. died fighting badgers with Shadowclan
  43. mates with Squirrelflight
  44. the name of a mountain lion to the tribe cats
  45. first mate with Graywing
  46. about 2 weeks or half a month
  47. a Riverclan cat that is afraid of water
  48. first leader of Thunderclan
  49. sister to Ashfur
  50. grouchy Thunderclan elder
  51. was accused of murder and is a medicine cat
  52. mother to Mosskit
  53. forced medicine cat
  54. one of the leaders of Tigerclan
  55. mates with Holly
  1. Skyclan's medicine cat
  2. killed Spottedleaf from the real world
  3. Spring
  4. a cat who made Flamepelt die
  5. an insult meaning cold-hearted
  6. roads
  7. mates with billystorm
  8. mother of frostpaw
  9. a cat that lives by themselves and doesn't normally protect their territory
  10. gave the "Water will defeat you" prophecy to Bluestar
  11. gave her life to try and kill Ashfur
  12. mates with Whitetail
  13. foster mother of Twigbranch
  14. first leader of Shadowclan
  15. medicine cat when Leopardstar was an apprentice
  16. requested their warrior name
  17. Summer
  18. leader of the Sisters
  19. used to be deputy of Skyclan
  20. mother to Bumblestripe
  21. joined Shadowclan with Russetfur
  22. gave the vision of the dying warrior
  23. died fighting dogs as an apprentice
  24. first leader of Windclan
  25. friends with the Sisters
  26. gave up his life for Mousefur's prey
  27. first leader of Riverclan
  28. about a week
  29. cars
  30. stupid, idiot cat who is obsessed with Squirrelflight
  31. his father is best friends with Tallstar
  32. calls twolegs "Upwalkers"
  33. mates with snowfur
  34. current Shadowclan medicine cat
  35. leader when Tallstar was a kit
  36. leader when Yellowfang was a warrior
  37. mates with an idiot named Appledusk
  38. Winter
  39. left Thunderclan for Shadowclan
  40. grumpy medicine cat
  41. mates with 3 different cats
  42. littermates with Rowanclaw
  43. Yellowfang's mother's mother
  44. deputy to Bluestar
  45. doesn't believe in Starclan
  46. mentor was Whitestorm
  47. the name the Sisters use for kittypets

102 Clues: carsFallroadsSpringSummerWinter"Lostface"about a weekTree's brotherMistystar's kita polydactyl catmates with Slatesister to Ashfurmates with Hollymother of ivypoolcrushed by a treemother to Mosskitmother of frostpawmates with snowfurdeputy to BluestarMapleshade's victimCrowfeather' fatherBrokenstar's mentorfriends with Barleymates with Firestar...

Warrior Cats Trivia Hard 2023-04-02

Warrior Cats Trivia Hard crossword puzzle
  1. Frostfur's mother
  2. Cat on the cover of Eclipse
  3. Lionblaze's first love
  4. Type fo bird that cats in ThunderClan eat
  5. ThunderClan was attacked by _______ at the lake territory shortly after moving in
  6. What was Sandstorm doing when Firestar first joined the clan
  7. The ______ is the group that tree is from
  8. Mothwing's first apprentice
  9. True or false, Mistystar's deputy is her son
  10. book three in the new prophecy
  11. Elders don't like being cold, hungry, or ___
  12. Dawn____ is Tawnypelt's daughter
  13. warriors graphic novels (Not Manga)
  14. books in the newest arc so far
  15. The warrior name of Thistleclaw's mentor
  16. Squirrelflight's she-cat daughter
  17. Deaf kit killed by an eagle
  18. Whitestorm's daughter
  19. Firestar's mom
  20. Fallen Leaves's best friend
  21. Stemleaf's mate
  22. Onestar's father
  23. A bird that is dangerous to kits
  24. the name of the kit Lionblaze named after hollyleaf
  25. What caused the clans to be driven out of the forest
  26. Graystripe's father
  27. Spottedleaf's mentor
  28. Which cat died saving a kit from a snake
  29. Whitestorm's mother
  30. ThunderClan's original name
  31. Another name for the dark forest (No spaces)
  32. Newleaf for humans
  1. cat that used to be in love with Dovewing
  2. Cat who got a whole book from his Point of View in the fifth series
  3. current oldest living cat (It's not Mistystar)
  4. What cats call roads
  5. Sparkpelt's mate
  6. a word kittypets use to describe warriors
  7. Type of trees in ShadowClan territory
  8. Cat who wanted to mate Spottedleaf when she was still training as a warrior
  9. Plant used for coughs
  10. One of the impostor's most supportive clanmates at first
  11. The current WindClan medicine cat
  12. Flametail died while _____ on the ice
  13. number of authors that use the pen name Erin hunter
  14. the clan by the lake first attacked by Darktail
  15. Riverstar's old name (no spaces)
  16. The color of Bramblestar's fur
  17. Mothwing's brother that didn't join the clans
  18. A _____ in ThunderClan is the next warriors graphic novel
  19. A ________ clan is the name of the newest arc
  20. Cinderpelt's mentor
  21. The _____ Aprentice is omen of the stars book one's name
  22. Type of trees in Thunderclan territory
  23. Brakenfur's mentor
  24. Book where Rootspring finds out about the impostor (No spaces)
  25. Main cat on the cover of The broken code book 1
  26. The prefix of Flametail's father

58 Clues: Firestar's momStemleaf's mateSparkpelt's mateOnestar's fatherFrostfur's motherBrakenfur's mentorNewleaf for humansCinderpelt's mentorGraystripe's fatherWhitestorm's motherWhat cats call roadsSpottedleaf's mentorPlant used for coughsWhitestorm's daughterLionblaze's first loveCat on the cover of EclipseMothwing's first apprentice...

Warrior Cats :3 2017-04-25

Warrior Cats :3 crossword puzzle
  1. Leader of Sky clan/ leader after Spiderstar
  2. First known as Rusty/ leader of Thunder clan
  3. Bluestar's sister
  4. Jayfeather and Lionblaze's sister
  5. Former Shadow clan medicine cat/ Brokenstar's mother
  6. Medicine cat during Bluestar's leadership
  1. Bloodthirsty leader of Shadow clan/ died 9 times
  2. Tigerstar's son/ leader after Firestar
  3. Leader of Blood clan/ kills Tigerstar
  4. The first leader of Thunder clan
  5. "Water will destroy her"/ previous leader before Firestar
  6. Blind medicine cat/ can see into other cats' dreams
  7. Has the power of invincibility

13 Clues: Bluestar's sisterHas the power of invincibilityThe first leader of Thunder clanJayfeather and Lionblaze's sisterLeader of Blood clan/ kills TigerstarTigerstar's son/ leader after FirestarMedicine cat during Bluestar's leadershipLeader of Sky clan/ leader after SpiderstarFirst known as Rusty/ leader of Thunder clan...

Warrior cats (2)! 2023-12-10

Warrior cats (2)! crossword puzzle
  1. white floofy bean (at least in my eyes...)
  2. had no major appearances... until he was killed by the imposter (aka Tigerstar)
  3. best friend's ~love interest~... until she DIES.
  4. "StarClan? what's that?"
  5. does not really have any major appearances...
  1. she got crippled
  2. pack pack kill kill
  4. old.
  6. lives in a barn
  7. practically a lion
  8. had a mentor that wasn't really a mentor

13 Clues: old.JEALOUSYIMMORTAL.lives in a barnshe got crippledpractically a lionpack pack kill kill"StarClan? what's that?"had a mentor that wasn't really a mentorwhite floofy bean (at least in my eyes...)does not really have any major appearances...best friend's ~love interest~... until she DIES....

Warrior Cats (Novel Study) 2022-11-22

Warrior Cats (Novel Study) crossword puzzle
  1. Looks like a white cloud on legs
  2. Latest time of night
  3. A cat with a tail
  4. What do you call a cats' feet
  1. The sound a cat makes (Past Tense)
  2. What is the highest point of a mountain
  3. Main Character of Warrior Cats "Midnight"
  4. Bright and colorful
  5. Secondary Character Of Warrior Cats "Midnight"

9 Clues: A cat with a tailBright and colorfulLatest time of nightWhat do you call a cats' feetLooks like a white cloud on legsThe sound a cat makes (Past Tense)What is the highest point of a mountainMain Character of Warrior Cats "Midnight"Secondary Character Of Warrior Cats "Midnight"

Warrior Cats (Novel Study) 2022-11-22

Warrior Cats (Novel Study) crossword puzzle
  1. Looks like a white cloud on legs
  2. Latest time of night
  3. A cat with a tail
  4. What do you call a cats' feet
  1. The sound a cat makes (Past Tense)
  2. What is the highest point of a mountain
  3. Main Character of Warrior Cats "Midnight"
  4. Bright and colorful
  5. Secondary Character Of Warrior Cats "Midnight"

9 Clues: A cat with a tailBright and colorfulLatest time of nightWhat do you call a cats' feetLooks like a white cloud on legsThe sound a cat makes (Past Tense)What is the highest point of a mountainMain Character of Warrior Cats "Midnight"Secondary Character Of Warrior Cats "Midnight"

Warrior Cats (Novel Study) 2022-11-22

Warrior Cats (Novel Study) crossword puzzle
  1. Main Character of Warrior Cats "Midnight"
  2. The sound a cat makes (Past Tense)
  3. What do you call a cats' feet
  4. Bright and colorful
  1. cat with a tail
  2. Secondary Character Of Warrior Cats "Midnight"
  3. Latest time of night
  4. Looks like a white cloud on legs
  5. What is the highest point of a mountain

9 Clues: cat with a tailBright and colorfulLatest time of nightWhat do you call a cats' feetLooks like a white cloud on legsThe sound a cat makes (Past Tense)What is the highest point of a mountainMain Character of Warrior Cats "Midnight"Secondary Character Of Warrior Cats "Midnight"

Warrior Cats 2 2022-04-09

Warrior Cats 2 crossword puzzle
  1. riverclan; died from falling
  2. deputy;was exiled from her clan
  3. Rusty's closest friend
  4. young thunderclan medicine cat
  5. died from his half brother
  1. skyclan cat; has kit in thunderclan
  2. lives on a farm
  3. was also exiled
  4. left his clan because of fear
  5. leader after scourge
  6. Named after his feet
  7. has the strongest connection to starclan
  8. doesn't believe in starclan

13 Clues: lives on a farmwas also exiledleader after scourgeNamed after his feetRusty's closest frienddied from his half brotherdoesn't believe in starclanriverclan; died from fallingleft his clan because of fearyoung thunderclan medicine catdeputy;was exiled from her clanskyclan cat; has kit in thunderclanhas the strongest connection to starclan

Warrior cats villains 2023-10-04

Warrior cats villains crossword puzzle
  1. Son of Onestar
  2. Bluestar gave up her kits just so this guy wouldn't become leader
  3. No idea why he's in the Dark forest
  4. Trained kits less than 6 moons to fight and sent them into battle
  5. Killed by 5 traumatized teenagers
  1. Lost her kits to a flood
  2. Killed Spottedleaf
  3. Tried to poison Sorrelkit because she saw him talking to Blackstar
  4. Tried to kill Firestar but instead got impaled by his half-brother
  5. Ripped open by a munchkin
  6. Has teeth for claws
  7. Predicted a solar eclipse
  8. Nearly destroyed the clans because his crush didn't love him

13 Clues: Son of OnestarKilled SpottedleafHas teeth for clawsLost her kits to a floodRipped open by a munchkinPredicted a solar eclipseKilled by 5 traumatized teenagersNo idea why he's in the Dark forestNearly destroyed the clans because his crush didn't love himBluestar gave up her kits just so this guy wouldn't become leader...

Warriors: Into the Wild 2023-06-14

Warriors: Into the Wild crossword puzzle
  1. What is Rusty?
  2. Clan driven out by ShadowClan
  3. Clan that Firepaw is adopted into.
  4. Tigerclaw's apprentice
  5. ThunderClan's medicine cat
  6. Author of Warriors
  7. Prophecy by Spottedleaf
  8. In the forest live four wild cat ______.
  9. Firepaw's best friend
  1. Takes place at Fourtrees
  2. Second deputy
  3. Warrior ancestors
  4. ShadowClan's former medicine cat
  5. Evil leader of ShadowClan
  6. Clan that fishes
  7. Leader of ThunderClan
  8. Firepaw's warrior name
  9. Deputy who died at Sunningrocks
  10. Where cats share with StarClan
  11. Rusty's apprentice name

20 Clues: Second deputyWhat is Rusty?Clan that fishesWarrior ancestorsAuthor of WarriorsLeader of ThunderClanFirepaw's best friendTigerclaw's apprenticeFirepaw's warrior nameProphecy by SpottedleafRusty's apprentice nameTakes place at FourtreesEvil leader of ShadowClanThunderClan's medicine catClan driven out by ShadowClanWhere cats share with StarClan...

Warrior Cats 2022-04-11

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. found a kit outside the clans; joined another rouge group
  2. tried to rule everyone
  3. father is famous
  4. gave birth to three well known cats
  1. there are so many cats with this name
  2. mated with a tom outside the Clans
  3. named from a part of your body; rouge
  4. took a mate from another clan

8 Clues: father is famoustried to rule everyonetook a mate from another clanmated with a tom outside the Clansgave birth to three well known catsthere are so many cats with this namenamed from a part of your body; rougefound a kit outside the clans; joined another rouge group

Warrior Cats Names 2021-04-14

Warrior Cats Names crossword puzzle
  1. Son of TIgerstar, leader of ThunderClan
  2. golden she-cat with a lovely dappled pelt, leader of RiverClan
  3. beautiful tortoiseshell she-cat, killed by Clawface
  4. mate of Breezepelt
  5. Tom from RiverClan, son of Sasha
  6. white and gray she-cat, used to train in the Dark Forest
  7. main villain in the first arc
  1. son of Mistystar, deputy of RiverClan
  2. medicine cat of ThunderClan, mentor to Jayfeather
  3. One of the Three, golden tom
  4. Handsome ginger tom, Sandstorm's mate
  5. Gray she-cat with yellow teeth

12 Clues: mate of BreezepeltOne of the Three, golden tommain villain in the first arcGray she-cat with yellow teethTom from RiverClan, son of Sashason of Mistystar, deputy of RiverClanHandsome ginger tom, Sandstorm's mateSon of TIgerstar, leader of ThunderClanmedicine cat of ThunderClan, mentor to Jayfeatherbeautiful tortoiseshell she-cat, killed by Clawface...

Warriors 2024-11-12

Warriors crossword puzzle
  1. home to the cats
  2. killed by river
  3. when gatherings take place
  4. dangerous leader exiled
  5. old territory
  6. warrior ancestors
  7. Captured by two legs and found way home
  8. died trying to seem brave
  9. Had kit with tyrant
  1. Lies about having kits
  2. car
  3. a danger to the camp
  4. saved thunderclan
  5. New territories
  6. rogue turned medican cat
  7. food the cats eat

16 Clues: carold territorykilled by riverNew territorieshome to the catssaved thunderclanwarrior ancestorsfood the cats eatHad kit with tyranta danger to the campLies about having kitsdangerous leader exiledrogue turned medican catdied trying to seem bravewhen gatherings take placeCaptured by two legs and found way home

Warriors-Bramblestar's Storm 2015-10-25

Warriors-Bramblestar's Storm crossword puzzle
  1. a cat who is stuck in the truth and who faked a death
  2. lives near trees also called squirrels
  3. can run fast
  4. ancestors/gift
  5. likes to swim eats fish
  6. the three kin who has the power of the stars
  7. has too much courage and a bad history
  8. a small cat that tried to kill all the clans
  9. a place with no stars and where evil lurks
  10. a great leader that saved all the clans twice
  11. a path of cats that are related
  1. a great cat who got rusty in the clan
  2. the warrior amendments
  3. can jump high
  4. a cat who leads a great battle and nearly ends the clans
  5. a mountain lion who threatens a tribe and kills cats
  6. Author
  7. series of books
  8. a star gazing badger who lives near the sea
  9. a cat who finds herbs and saves there clans

20 Clues: Authorcan run fastcan jump highancestors/giftseries of booksthe warrior amendmentslikes to swim eats fisha path of cats that are relateda great cat who got rusty in the clanlives near trees also called squirrelshas too much courage and a bad historya place with no stars and where evil lurksa star gazing badger who lives near the sea...

Warrior cats 2024-06-19

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. who loses half their tail in a fox trap
  2. how many kits did Graystripe have
  3. who is graystripe’s mate
  4. Stick
  1. who killed tigerstar
  2. who is the third in "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws."
  3. invincible
  4. did Hollyleaf have a power

8 Clues: Stickinvinciblewho killed tigerstarwho is graystripe’s matedid Hollyleaf have a powerhow many kits did Graystripe havewho loses half their tail in a fox trapwho is the third in "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws."

Warrior Cats Ark 1 2024-04-04

Warrior Cats Ark 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Crippled gray she-cat, ThunderClan medicine cat.
  2. fiery ginger tom of ThunderClan
  3. old and loyal gray tom of ThunderClan
  4. Tigerclaw's she-kit, formerly ThunderClan.
  5. Killed in a rockfall at Sunningrocks. From RiverClan.
  6. Graystripe's apprentice, Cinderpaw's brother.
  7. Small black apprentice who lives in a barn.
  8. blueish gray she-cat, mentored Firepaw
  9. slender gray tabby she-cat of RiverClan
  1. formerly a kittypet, Fireheart's kin.
  2. pretty calico she-cat, medicine cat of ThunderClan
  3. Massive tabby tom with huge claws. Killed Redtail.
  4. ShadowClan's leader, killed his father.
  5. Mauled by a pack of wild dogs but survived.
  6. former ShadowClan medicine cat, now ThunderClan's.
  7. striped tom of ThunderClan, shredded ear.
  8. Tigerclaw's tom-kit, looks like his father.
  9. The first victim of Tigerclaw. Fox-like tom.

18 Clues: fiery ginger tom of ThunderClanformerly a kittypet, Fireheart's kin.old and loyal gray tom of ThunderClanblueish gray she-cat, mentored FirepawShadowClan's leader, killed his father.slender gray tabby she-cat of RiverClanstriped tom of ThunderClan, shredded ear.Tigerclaw's she-kit, formerly ThunderClan.Mauled by a pack of wild dogs but survived....

Warrior Cats Ranks 2022-09-16

Warrior Cats Ranks crossword puzzle
  1. a cat with nine lives who is in charge and controls the entire Clan
  2. A kitten younger than 6 moons
  3. a mature cat who has completed their warrior training
  4. a she-cat with kits or who is expecting kits
  5. a cat who lives by themselves and does not defend their territory
  6. a cat who heals injuries/illnesses and can commune with StarClan
  1. a cat who is currently training an apprentice
  2. second in command to the Clan leader, helps organize patrols and is next in line for leadership
  3. a domesticated pet cat who lives with twolegs in the twolegplace
  4. at least 6 moons old, training to be a warrior or medicine cat
  5. a usually hostile cat who roams around and does not always follow Clan rules/borders
  6. a cat who has retired due to old age, injury, loss of sight, or sickness, respected in Clan

12 Clues: A kitten younger than 6 moonsa she-cat with kits or who is expecting kitsa cat who is currently training an apprenticea mature cat who has completed their warrior trainingat least 6 moons old, training to be a warrior or medicine cata domesticated pet cat who lives with twolegs in the twolegplace...

WARRIOR CATS 2024-05-17

WARRIOR CATS crossword puzzle
  1. Was a RiverClan warrior under Darkstar's leadership in the forest territories.
  2. was a kit of the Ancient Tribe.
  3. was a loner who lived on Barley's farm with Barley, formerly an apprentice of ThunderClan under Bluestar's leadership.
  4. Is a she-cat that also has a brother called "Wolfkit"
  1. She was born to Micah and Moth Flight, two medicine cats.
  2. A leader ın Thunder Clan
  3. A cat which is really brave,curious and is in Thunder Clan
  4. Is also called "The ımpostor" or the "dark warrior"

8 Clues: A leader ın Thunder Clanwas a kit of the Ancient Tribe.Is also called "The ımpostor" or the "dark warrior"Is a she-cat that also has a brother called "Wolfkit"She was born to Micah and Moth Flight, two medicine cats.A cat which is really brave,curious and is in Thunder Clan...

Warrior cat quiz 2024-11-27

Warrior cat  quiz crossword puzzle
  1. A friendly badger who helps the clan cats
  2. A clan which has the most ambitious cats
  3. A clan which is home to most loyal warriors
  4. A windclan warrior who is father of breezepaw
  5. A she cat who used to be a thunderclan leader now in star clan
  6. A power hungry ambitious tom cat who almost hurt his leader
  7. A shadowclan queen who used to be thrunderclan
  8. A clan which loves to run across grassy fields and is very fast
  9. The current medicine cat of thunderclan is mother to Jaykit, Hollykit and Lion kit
  1. A clan which loves the river and has most elegant cats and best swimmers
  2. A powerhungry tom cat who died because he wanted to be leader
  3. A cat who vows to starclan and who cant have kits of their own
  4. A code which all cats in clans must follow to serve their clan
  5. A she cat who died saving the tribe of rushing water
  6. A tomcat who is the current leader of shadowclan
  7. A clan that loves climbing up high in trees the 5th clan
  8. A clan with warrior ancestors of each clan who serves them with visions

17 Clues: A clan which has the most ambitious catsA friendly badger who helps the clan catsA clan which is home to most loyal warriorsA windclan warrior who is father of breezepawA shadowclan queen who used to be thrunderclanA tomcat who is the current leader of shadowclanA she cat who died saving the tribe of rushing water...


WARRIORS THE SIGHT crossword puzzle
  1. what the cats use for bedding.
  2. is a person the is your teacher.
  3. where the cats sleep.
  4. a person who is learning from a skilled worker.
  5. a body of water.
  6. a person the is a skilled fighter.
  7. someone that is very old.
  8. cats that are not part of the clan.
  9. a group of cats.
  10. when your always moving.
  1. used to cure sickness.
  2. a little cat.
  3. the space where your clan can hunt and do other stuff.
  4. were you go to talk to star clan.
  5. a spot full of little plants under a tree.
  6. the cure for a cold.
  7. the pile of meat that they eat.
  8. the cure for white cough.
  9. a space in the open.
  10. the cat that is in charge of the clan.

20 Clues: a little cat.a body of water.a group of cats.the cure for a cold.a space in the open.used to cure sickness.where the cats sleep.when your always moving.the cure for white cough.someone that is very old.what the cats use for bedding.the pile of meat that they eat.is a person the is your teacher.were you go to talk to star clan....

Warrior Cats 2024-02-28

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. warrior of fireclan
  2. Warrior of Brambleclan
  3. Son of Brambleclan's Father
  1. father of fireclan's leader
  2. warrior of Brambleclan
  3. Leader of starclan
  4. Leader of fireclan
  5. Warrior of starclan
  6. Warrior of Brambleclan
  7. medicine cat of Brambleclan

10 Clues: Leader of starclanLeader of fireclanwarrior of fireclanWarrior of starclanwarrior of BrambleclanWarrior of BrambleclanWarrior of Brambleclanfather of fireclan's leadermedicine cat of BrambleclanSon of Brambleclan's Father

Warrior Cats Crossword 2023-10-12

Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Where all cats go after death.
  2. Who is Greystripe's son?
  3. Who is Firestar's mother?
  4. Why was all the prey gone from the forest
  5. Who is Cinderpelt's apprentice?
  6. Feathertail died killing who?
  1. Longtail retired early. Why?
  2. Who saved Onewhisker and a kit from a falling tree?
  3. How did Hollykit die?
  4. What clan did Tawnypelt move to?
  5. Who took care of Birchkit for Ferncloud?
  6. Why did two of ThunderClan's elders stay behind on the journey?

12 Clues: How did Hollykit die?Who is Greystripe's son?Who is Firestar's mother?Longtail retired early. Why?Feathertail died killing who?Where all cats go after death.Who is Cinderpelt's apprentice?What clan did Tawnypelt move to?Who took care of Birchkit for Ferncloud?Why was all the prey gone from the forest...

Vikings 2024-05-27

Vikings crossword puzzle
  1. a person who fights
  2. a female warrior
  3. used to protect yourself in battle
  4. person who makes axes
  5. black bird associated with Odin
  6. goddess of healing
  1. to raid
  2. god of wisdom
  3. animal prophecies say will kill Odin
  4. god of thunder
  5. worn to protect the head
  6. viking ship
  7. furry animal associated with Freya
  8. traditional Viking weapon
  9. part of an animal used to make vessels to drink from

15 Clues: to raidviking shipgod of wisdomgod of thundera female warriorgoddess of healinga person who fightsperson who makes axesworn to protect the headtraditional Viking weaponblack bird associated with Odinused to protect yourself in battlefurry animal associated with Freyaanimal prophecies say will kill Odin...

Clash of the Crosswords 2021-09-29

Clash of the Crosswords crossword puzzle
  1. A young Tom that cannot speak
  2. A cat who killed his evil former mentor
  3. A rogue that fell for a clan leader
  4. A flirtatious ShadowClan tom with big opinions
  5. Leader of RiverClan
  6. A young she-cat with a poor sense of smell
  7. The son and namesake of ShadowClan’s former leader
  8. Deputy of ThunderClan
  9. A young warrior with a twisted paw
  10. Leader of ShadowClan
  11. A old, highly suspicious clan leader
  1. The leader of a band of rogue cats
  2. Mother to an exiled cat
  3. A grey cat that cares deeply for the warrior code
  4. A silver warrior who mourns her lost love
  5. RiverClan’s young medicine cat
  6. A murderous former clan leader
  7. Leader of ThunderClan
  8. A brother to RiverClan’s leader that takes very little seriously

19 Clues: Leader of RiverClanLeader of ShadowClanLeader of ThunderClanDeputy of ThunderClanMother to an exiled catA young Tom that cannot speakRiverClan’s young medicine catA murderous former clan leaderThe leader of a band of rogue catsA young warrior with a twisted pawA rogue that fell for a clan leaderA old, highly suspicious clan leader...

Warrior Cats by fan 2020-05-09

Warrior Cats by fan crossword puzzle
  1. who made Firestar go to the gorge?
  2. where was Redtail murdered?
  3. how many lives did Bluestar have left when Firesar came to the forest?
  4. in which book did Bramblestar lost his first life?
  5. who saved the clans with fire?
  6. Brightheart's warrior name given by Bluestar
  7. why did the Clans leave the old forest?
  8. in which book did Hollyleaf and Lionbaze become warrirors?
  9. who did Firestar fight when he first joined ThunderClan?
  1. Rootpaw's warrior name
  2. the clan that flies in trees
  3. what animal led Mothflight to Moonstone?
  4. what is the group name for the cats who raised Tree?
  5. what did the lake barn cats call humans?
  6. who found the stone hollow for ThunderClan beside the lake?
  7. in which book did Squirrelflight discovered she was expecting kits?

16 Clues: Rootpaw's warrior namewhere was Redtail murdered?the clan that flies in treeswho saved the clans with fire?who made Firestar go to the gorge?why did the Clans leave the old forest?what animal led Mothflight to Moonstone?what did the lake barn cats call humans?Brightheart's warrior name given by Bluestar...

KaiPod Crossword Puzzle 2024-01-30

KaiPod Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A KaiPod student who loves ducks and art
  2. The Learning Coach who comes Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
  3. A KaiPod student who has lots of retro McDonalds happy meal toys
  4. Newton KaiPod's mascot and Ms. Kim's dog
  5. A KaiPod student who loves reading Warrior Cats
  6. The street where the Newton KaiPod is located
  7. Lexie and Kennedy's older sister
  8. A KaiPod student who just just visited Western MA
  9. Colton's favorite Warrior cats character
  10. A KaiPod student who always wears his headphones
  1. The name of this year's KaiPod turkey
  2. A KaiPod student who attends TECCA and loves to crochet
  3. Where can you study in silence at KaiPod?
  4. The name of our art teacher some Mondays
  5. The Learning Coach who comes on Tuesdays and Fridays
  6. A KaiPod student who loves giraffes and is good at chess
  7. A KaiPod student who is the president of TECCA
  8. A KaiPod student who rides horses
  9. The founder of KaiPod
  10. A KaiPod student who just read The Giver

20 Clues: The founder of KaiPodLexie and Kennedy's older sisterA KaiPod student who rides horsesThe name of this year's KaiPod turkeyA KaiPod student who loves ducks and artThe name of our art teacher some MondaysNewton KaiPod's mascot and Ms. Kim's dogA KaiPod student who just read The GiverColton's favorite Warrior cats character...

Warriors Into the Wild Crossword 2014-11-13

Warriors Into the Wild Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. What did Rusty hunt in the forest?
  2. Where does the story take place?
  3. What the cats call a road
  4. Trained with Rusty
  5. Main character
  1. The groups of cats were called _____
  2. Clan leader
  3. Rusty's warrior name
  4. Had a bloodthirsty ambition
  5. Where the cats lived

10 Clues: Clan leaderMain characterTrained with RustyRusty's warrior nameWhere the cats livedWhat the cats call a roadHad a bloodthirsty ambitionWhere does the story take place?What did Rusty hunt in the forest?The groups of cats were called _____

Crossword Puzzle 2024-05-28

Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a baby cat still being nursed by it’s mother
  2. a group of cats
  3. the clan leader’s assistant
  4. a cat training to become a warrior
  5. a place with trees
  1. a time of peace where all the clans get together and talk every full moon
  2. the cat who runs the clan
  3. a small white creature that cats like to eat
  4. a fully trained apprentice
  5. a mammal that likes to chase mice

10 Clues: a group of catsa place with treesthe cat who runs the clana fully trained apprenticethe clan leader’s assistanta mammal that likes to chase micea cat training to become a warriora baby cat still being nursed by it’s mothera small white creature that cats like to eata time of peace where all the clans get together and talk every full moon

Warriors 1 2022-02-11

Warriors 1 crossword puzzle
  1. Thunderclans rival clan
  2. Rusty's friend
  3. This is the clan that fights the Riverclan at the beginning of the book
  4. Medicine cat of Thunderclan
  5. Riverclan warrior
  6. These are the cats that are owned by humans
  1. A warrior from Thunderclan
  2. Leader of Riverclan
  3. The kittypet that becomes a warrior
  4. Leader of the Thunderclan

10 Clues: Rusty's friendRiverclan warriorLeader of RiverclanThunderclans rival clanLeader of the ThunderclanA warrior from ThunderclanMedicine cat of ThunderclanThe kittypet that becomes a warriorThese are the cats that are owned by humansThis is the clan that fights the Riverclan at the beginning of the book

Warrior Cats 2014-10-29

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Over wat ging de droom van Rufus
  2. Waarom kunnen poeziepoezen geen krijgers worden. Ze hebben geen
  3. Vernoem één ban de Clans
  4. Wie is de baas van de DonderClan
  1. Wat is de nieuwe naam van Rufus
  2. Wie valde Rufus aan
  3. Wie is de God van de Katten

7 Clues: Wie valde Rufus aanVernoem één ban de ClansWie is de God van de KattenWat is de nieuwe naam van RufusOver wat ging de droom van RufusWie is de baas van de DonderClanWaarom kunnen poeziepoezen geen krijgers worden. Ze hebben geen

Warrior Cats Broken Code 2024-10-09

Warrior Cats Broken Code crossword puzzle
  1. What does Bramblestar call the cats who went to the Dark Forest to fight Ashfur?
  2. The Dark Forest's alternate name
  3. What was the nickname of the cat who pretended to be Bramblestar?
  4. Who was one of the two cats Mistystar exiled for being codebreakers?
  5. Who is Bristlefrost in love with as the series progresses?
  6. Who was Bristlefrost's first crush?
  7. What was the name of the group of she-cats that could see ghosts?
  8. How does Bristlefrost die?
  1. This cat died after dreaming into the Dark Forest
  2. Which cat's body was taken by Ashfur?
  3. What was blocking access to StarClan?
  4. Who was the other cat that Mistystar exiled for being a codebreaker?
  5. Which cat mentored Rootspring?
  6. Who was the leader of ShadowClan during The Broken Code ark?
  7. Which cat helped Shadowsight sneak to the Moonpool?
  8. Who is the cat that offered to help Rootspring and Shadowsight in the Dark Forest?

16 Clues: How does Bristlefrost die?Which cat mentored Rootspring?The Dark Forest's alternate nameWho was Bristlefrost's first crush?Which cat's body was taken by Ashfur?What was blocking access to StarClan?This cat died after dreaming into the Dark ForestWhich cat helped Shadowsight sneak to the Moonpool?...

Warrior Cats Crossword 2019-05-03

Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. i had the blood of four different clans, but I do not walk in StarClan. The cat I loved, took two mates after me, yet could not find a happy future with either of them. Who am I?
  2. i died for kits, and again for him. I once loved a cat, who now walk in the dark. Who am I?
  3. i died from an unknown illness. The daughter of my daughter was exiled by my daughter’s grandson. Who am I?
  4. with the help of an insect, I found a stone and became well known. I was mates with a medicine cat who was once a rogue. Our kits, were in different clans. Who am I?
  5. i fell in love, and was exiled. I now walk in the dark, swearing revenge. Who am I?
  1. the sister of my mate has a missing eye. I had 6 kits, though 3 of them die. Who am I?
  2. we played in the dark, watched by ancient eyes. I was a leader, of a clan dark but not evil. Who am I?
  3. i see but cannot see. Once in a tribe, now in a clan. Who am I?
  4. the son of my mate was once my lover. I betrayed him, and he killed my father. Who am I?
  5. i was exiled by my own apprentice, then became a leader without a ninth live. Who am I?
  6. i saw something I shouldn't have saw. What I saw, was against our law. Cats tried to steal my home, but I fought them off with the help of old friends. Who am I?

11 Clues: i see but cannot see. Once in a tribe, now in a clan. Who am I?i fell in love, and was exiled. I now walk in the dark, swearing revenge. Who am I?the sister of my mate has a missing eye. I had 6 kits, though 3 of them die. Who am I?the son of my mate was once my lover. I betrayed him, and he killed my father. Who am I?...

CMS Who Wrote What 2022-02-23

CMS Who Wrote What crossword puzzle
  1. Ground Zero
  2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
  3. Dork Diaries
  4. Dress Coded
  5. The Prince and the Dressmaker
  6. Dog Man
  7. Seance Tea Party
  8. Warrior Cats
  9. Hunger Games
  1. Maximum Ride
  2. Wonder
  3. Harry Potter
  4. Smile
  5. Truly Devious
  6. Among the Hidden

15 Clues: SmileWonderDog ManGround ZeroDress CodedMaximum RideDork DiariesHarry PotterWarrior CatsHunger GamesTruly DeviousSeance Tea PartyAmong the HiddenDiary of a Wimpy KidThe Prince and the Dressmaker

Warrior Cats Crossword 2024-11-30

Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Main Character's original name
  2. Cat murdered by Tigerclaw
  3. Secondary villain
  4. Where Redtail was killed
  1. The leader of Fireheart's Clan
  2. Main Villain
  3. Religious Clan
  4. Clan skilled at swimming
  5. Fireheart's sister
  6. Fireheart's best warrior friend
  7. Fireheart's loner friend

11 Clues: Main VillainReligious ClanSecondary villainFireheart's sisterClan skilled at swimmingFireheart's loner friendWhere Redtail was killedCat murdered by TigerclawThe leader of Fireheart's ClanMain Character's original nameFireheart's best warrior friend

Warrior Cats Crossword 2024-11-21

Warrior Cats Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The Clan that got kicked out of the forest territories while Cloudstar was leader
  2. The Clan that loves water
  3. the evil Clan that lives in the pine forest
  4. The forest-dwelling Clan
  5. A grumpy ThunderClan medicine cat
  1. Gave the "There will be three" prophecy to Firestar
  2. The "fire alone" that saved the Clan
  3. Jayfeather's brother
  4. The fastest Clan around
  5. the first leader of ThunderClan
  6. the DOTC character that had 3 girlfriends

11 Clues: Jayfeather's brotherThe fastest Clan aroundThe forest-dwelling ClanThe Clan that loves waterthe first leader of ThunderClanA grumpy ThunderClan medicine catThe "fire alone" that saved the Clanthe DOTC character that had 3 girlfriendsthe evil Clan that lives in the pine forestGave the "There will be three" prophecy to Firestar...

Warrior Cats Broken Code 2024-10-09

Warrior Cats Broken Code crossword puzzle
  1. What does Bramblestar call the cats who went to the Dark Forest to fight Ashfur?
  2. The Dark Forest's alternate name
  3. What was the nickname of the cat who pretended to be Bramblestar?
  4. Who was one of the two cats Mistystar exiled for being codebreakers?
  5. Who is Bristlefrost in love with as the series progresses?
  6. Who was Bristlefrost's first crush?
  7. What was the name of the group of she-cats that could see ghosts?
  8. How does Bristlefrost die?
  1. This cat died after dreaming into the Dark Forest
  2. Which cat's body was taken by Ashfur?
  3. What was blocking access to StarClan?
  4. Who was the other cat that Mistystar exiled for being a codebreaker?
  5. Which cat mentored Rootspring?
  6. Who was the leader of ShadowClan during The Broken Code ark?
  7. Which cat helped Shadowsight sneak to the Moonpool?
  8. Who is the cat that offered to help Rootspring and Shadowsight in the Dark Forest?

16 Clues: How does Bristlefrost die?Which cat mentored Rootspring?The Dark Forest's alternate nameWho was Bristlefrost's first crush?Which cat's body was taken by Ashfur?What was blocking access to StarClan?This cat died after dreaming into the Dark ForestWhich cat helped Shadowsight sneak to the Moonpool?...

Warrior Cats Broken Code 2024-10-09

Warrior Cats Broken Code crossword puzzle
  1. What does Bramblestar call the cats who went to the Dark Forest to fight Ashfur?
  2. The Dark Forest's alternate name
  3. What was the nickname of the cat who pretended to be Bramblestar?
  4. Who was one of the two cats Mistystar exiled for being codebreakers?
  5. Who is Bristlefrost in love with as the series progresses?
  6. Who was Bristlefrost's first crush?
  7. What was the name of the group of she-cats that could see ghosts?
  8. How does Bristlefrost die?
  1. This cat died after dreaming into the Dark Forest
  2. Which cat's body was taken by Ashfur?
  3. What was blocking access to StarClan?
  4. Who was the other cat that Mistystar exiled for being a codebreaker?
  5. Which cat mentored Rootspring?
  6. Who was the leader of ShadowClan during The Broken Code ark?
  7. Which cat helped Shadowsight sneak to the Moonpool?
  8. Who is the cat that offered to help Rootspring and Shadowsight in the Dark Forest?

16 Clues: How does Bristlefrost die?Which cat mentored Rootspring?The Dark Forest's alternate nameWho was Bristlefrost's first crush?Which cat's body was taken by Ashfur?What was blocking access to StarClan?This cat died after dreaming into the Dark ForestWhich cat helped Shadowsight sneak to the Moonpool?...

Warriors Expert Crossword Puzzle 2024-03-25

Warriors Expert Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Half-Clan cat, murdered by Darkstripe and Blackstar at the foot of the Bonehill
  2. Cat who threatens to reveal Leafpool's secret
  3. Tallstar's predeseccor (WindClan)
  4. Violetshine's friend when she lived in ShadowClan
  5. Name of first RiverClan leader
  6. This cat becomes the SkyClan medicine cat when Firestar rebuilds the Clan
  7. Herb used for treating greencough
  8. The Moonstone lies in this cave
  9. Leader of ThunderClan who stepped down after traumatic experiences in the Dark Forest
  10. ThunderClan leader who only recieved 8 lives, not 9
  11. ShadowClan leader who only had one life
  12. The warrior name of Snag
  13. Leafpool's sister
  14. Warrior who had heightened senses of sight and smell (before the Great Battle); one of the Three
  15. The WindClan cat chosen for the journey to the sun-drown-place
  16. This cat was the first leader to gain nine lives
  17. RiverClan cat who conspired to kill Reedwhisker
  18. Leader of ThunderClan, formerly a kittypet
  19. Dawnstripe's littermate who was a medicine cat
  20. The warrior name of the second Tigerstar before he became leader
  21. Raggedstar's deputy who was murdered by Brokenstar
  22. Bluestar's father
  23. Yellowfang's mentor
  24. ThunderClan leader who left to become a kittypet
  25. Tigerstar's (Tigerclaw) half-son who trained with him in the Dark Forest
  26. Tigerstar's (Tigerclaw) successor
  27. Cats with parents from different Clans
  28. Onestar's mate and the mother of Darktail
  29. Greystripe's mother
  1. ShadowClan leader who made kits become apprentices at 3 moons during his leadership
  2. Border between ThunderClan and ShadowClan in the forest territories
  3. Kestrelflight's mentor
  4. SkyClan tom who could see Bramblestar's ghost after it was usurped
  5. SkyClan returned to the forest under this cat's leadership
  6. This BloodClan leader tried to retake the forest after Scourge failed
  7. SkyClan medicine cat who came to RiverClan to help when it was leaderless
  8. Onestar appointed this deputy out of faith in the cats who trained in the Dark Forest
  9. This cat saw the Moonstone struck by lightning and later became ThunderClan's temporary leader
  10. Crookedstar's predecessor
  11. Medicine cat who could feel other cats' pain
  12. Blind medicine cat who could see into other cats' dreams (before the Great Battle); one of the Three
  13. Medicine cat who came over from RiverClan after Ravenwing was murdered
  14. Second leader of ShadowClan
  15. RiverClan medicine cat who doesn't believe in StarClanStarClan
  16. Mistystar's deputy and son
  17. Warrior who Frostpaw thought would lead RiverClan after Mistystar died
  18. This cat sacrificed her life and spirit to stop Ashfur once and for all.
  19. Tigerstar's apprentice who saw him kill Redtail
  20. Leader of SkyClan when it was forced to leave the forest.
  21. Warrior who sought revenge as a Dark Forest warrior after her half-Clan kits were denied by both RiverClan and ThunderClan
  22. Cat who correctly predicted an eclipse and is a troublemaker
  23. Tigerstar (Tigerclaw) supporter who leaves ShadowClan and later winds up in the Dark Forest
  24. Warrior who could not be hurt (before the Great Battle); one of the Three
  25. In the Broken Code arc, this cat was pushed to be a medicine cat
  26. ThunderClan spy in the Dark Forest in the Omen of the Stars arc

55 Clues: Leafpool's sisterBluestar's fatherYellowfang's mentorGreystripe's motherKestrelflight's mentorThe warrior name of SnagCrookedstar's predecessorMistystar's deputy and sonSecond leader of ShadowClanName of first RiverClan leaderThe Moonstone lies in this caveTallstar's predeseccor (WindClan)Herb used for treating greencough...

Warrior cats 2020-04-01

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. who is one of the worst villains in warriots?
  2. what cat is blind and had to become medcine cat because of it?
  3. what cat had kits as a medcine cat eben though she wasn't aloud
  4. which cat had left the clans to live in a barn with barley
  1. who is squirrelflight's mate?
  2. who became all of the clans best known cat?
  3. who was cinderpelt's apprentice

7 Clues: who is squirrelflight's mate?who was cinderpelt's apprenticewho became all of the clans best known cat?who is one of the worst villains in warriots?which cat had left the clans to live in a barn with barleywhat cat is blind and had to become medcine cat because of it?what cat had kits as a medcine cat eben though she wasn't aloud

Warrior Cats 2020-12-15

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. Clanname Blausterns?
  2. Wo treffen sich die Clans?
  3. Schwester von Blaustern?
  1. Was wird Blaustern?
  2. Gegner erster Kampf
  3. Wer starb bei Blausterns erstem Kampf?
  4. Name der Hauptfigur?

7 Clues: Was wird Blaustern?Gegner erster KampfClanname Blausterns?Name der Hauptfigur?Schwester von Blaustern?Wo treffen sich die Clans?Wer starb bei Blausterns erstem Kampf?

warrior cats 2021-02-11

warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. killed hollyleaf
  2. ivypool's mate
  3. was ravenpaw's dad
  4. The worst cat to ever live in thunderclan.
  1. the positively absolutely most best clan
  2. Sasha's daughter.
  3. spottedleaf's brother

7 Clues: ivypool's matekilled hollyleafSasha's daughter.was ravenpaw's dadspottedleaf's brotherthe positively absolutely most best clanThe worst cat to ever live in thunderclan.

Warrior cats 2021-05-19

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. - dum ledarkatt som mördar alla
  2. - Blåstjärnas son
  3. - åskklanens ledare
  4. - Eldstjärnas 'fru'
  1. - Eldstjärnas systerson
  2. - blev mördad av tigerstjärna
  3. - åskklanens f.d ledare

7 Clues: - Blåstjärnas son- åskklanens ledare- Eldstjärnas 'fru'- Eldstjärnas systerson- åskklanens f.d ledare- blev mördad av tigerstjärna- dum ledarkatt som mördar alla

Warrior Cats 2022-03-30

Warrior Cats crossword puzzle
  1. JayFeather's apprentice
  2. Med-cat that FireHeart fell in love with
  3. clan was forced out of the forest by 2legs
  1. used-to-be kittypet named Rusty
  2. Ancestors of the cats
  3. Role to treat wounds and see omens from StarClan
  4. ThunderClan's med-cat and CrowFeather's mate

7 Clues: Ancestors of the catsJayFeather's apprenticeused-to-be kittypet named RustyMed-cat that FireHeart fell in love withclan was forced out of the forest by 2legsThunderClan's med-cat and CrowFeather's mateRole to treat wounds and see omens from StarClan

Warrior cat 2024-11-27

Warrior cat crossword puzzle
  1. A she cat who died saving the tribe of rushing water
  2. A windclan warrior who is father of breezepaw
  3. A clan which loves the river and has most elegant cats and best swimmers
  4. A clan with warrior ancestors of each clan who serves them with visions
  5. The current medicine cat of thunderclan is mother to Jaykit, Hollykit and Lion kit
  6. A clan which loves to run across grassy fields and is very fast
  7. A tomcat who is the current leader of shadowclan
  1. A power hungry ambitious tom cat who almost hurt his leader
  2. A clan which is home to most loyal warriors
  3. A shadowclan queen who used to be thrunderclan
  4. A friendly badger who helps the clan cats
  5. A she cat who used to be a thunderclan leader now in star clan
  6. A clan which has the most ambitious cats

13 Clues: A clan which has the most ambitious catsA friendly badger who helps the clan catsA clan which is home to most loyal warriorsA windclan warrior who is father of breezepawA shadowclan queen who used to be thrunderclanA tomcat who is the current leader of shadowclanA she cat who died saving the tribe of rushing water...

A Secret in the Shadows 2024-12-07

A Secret in the Shadows crossword puzzle
  1. loner on DivineClan's island that becomes a warrior
  2. StarClan cats chosen to guard the Clans
  3. son of Sweetstar
  4. leader of FlowerClan
  5. strange loner that Brightheart encounters after defeating Avian's rogues
  6. Lightstar's apprentice at the beginning of the story
  7. is Cedarpaw's mentor
  8. Clan that is closest with StarClan
  9. battle-focused Clan
  1. FlowerClan warrior with a niche interest in snakes
  2. DivineClan deputy who has been asleep for many moons
  3. isolationist Clan with a tradition of only female leaders
  4. philanthropist Clan
  5. becomes Rosepaw's mentor
  6. intelligent Clan
  7. daughter of Sweetstar
  8. rogue leader with broken legs

17 Clues: son of Sweetstarintelligent Clanphilanthropist Clanbattle-focused Clanleader of FlowerClanis Cedarpaw's mentordaughter of Sweetstarbecomes Rosepaw's mentorrogue leader with broken legsClan that is closest with StarClanStarClan cats chosen to guard the ClansFlowerClan warrior with a niche interest in snakes...

Warrior cats 2023-05-15

Warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. a last hope, sacrificed herself
  2. a sister of fire
  3. who is the main carecter
  4. best friend of the main, as an apprentice
  1. son of a kittypet, now a warrior
  2. the cat who thought starclan abandoned them
  3. loner,joined the clan and mated with violetshine

7 Clues: a sister of firewho is the main carectera last hope, sacrificed herselfson of a kittypet, now a warriorbest friend of the main, as an apprenticethe cat who thought starclan abandoned themloner,joined the clan and mated with violetshine

Warrior Cats Books by Their Descriptions 2024-05-10

Warrior Cats Books by Their Descriptions crossword puzzle
  1. [Protag] has settled into life on the farm with his friend [boyfriend]. But when a vicious group of rogue cats from the Twoleplace arrive at the barn, [protag] new life is threatened. He must turn to his old friends in ThunderClan for help... and find the courage to fight like a warrior once more.
  2. When a mysterious vision promises a land filled with prey and shelter, a group of brave young cats leave their harsh mountain territory in search of a better home. But great dangers await--- and threaten to divide them.
  3. The warrior cats have enjoyed many moons of peace and prosperity--- but a new darkness approaches, and one young apprentice must go on a dangerous quest that will determine the fate of all the Clans.
  4. When RiverClan fell under the rule of the vicious tyrant [villain], [protag] and her brother [cat] barely escaped with their lives. Now [villain] is gone, and RiverClan must move forward in unity and strength. But [protag] isn't sure she can forgive the betrayals of the past--- or if RiverClan will every truly feel like home again.
  5. The five Clans are settled into their new territories around the lake. ut with changes comes conflict, and not every leader is satisfied the new borders. And when a new group of rogue cats moves in just beyond Clan boundaries and quickly beccomes the target of the other Clans' frustration and mistrust, [protag] is caught between her duty as ThunderClan's deputy and her desire to do what's right.
  6. The battle between the Dark Forest and the warrior Clans has arrived. [Protag], [protag], and [protag] wait desperately for the fourth cat who is prophesied to help them--- and who may be their only hope for survival.
  7. As a young WindClan warrior, [protag] never thought he would one day become Clan leader. But when he is unexpectedly chosen by [leader] as his successor, [protag] must learn to lead his Clanmates through the hardships of forging a new life in unknown territory--- and to face the deadly consequences of a mistake he tried to bury in the past.
  8. ShadowClan has fallen. A group of rogues rules the pine forest territory and their cruel leader, [villain], intends to conquer the rest of the Clans one by one. [Protag] is more certain than ever that their only hope is to find SkyClan and fulfill StarClan's prophecy--- before it's too late.
  9. RiverClan is in choas--- and their young medicine cat apprentice, [protag], is the only cat who can decide their fate. While she searches for guidance from StarClan, their neighbors in ShadowClan and ThunderClan face crises of their own. [Protag] and her Clanmates are determined to present a strong face to the other Clans. But in desperate times, keeping secrets can only lead to tension between the Clans... or even outright war.
  10. ShadowClan stands on the brink of its own destruction,. Its leader, [villain], is bent on nothing but battle and revenge. His former mentor, retired warrior [protag], hasn't had an easy path, but he has always put his Clanmates first. So when [villain] banishes [protag] and the rest of ShadowClan's elders to the farthest edges of ShadowClan's territory, [protag] is shocked at his cruelty. But he's determined to ensure he and his fellow exiles survive the coming frost--- and live to reclaim the ShadowClan they've always known.
  11. After a treacherous ourney, the warrior Clans have begun to settle into their new homes around the lake. But while some cats see their new beginnning as a chance to build a lasting peace, WindClan's deputy [protag] believes the other Clans cannot be truste. And as he prepares to take the ailing [leader]'s place as leader, [protag] will do whatever it takes to secure the future of his Clan--- no matter who stands in his way.
  12. New territory brings new troubles for the warrior cats. As divisions between the Clans grow deeper, [leader]'s daughters face troubling decisions. An unexpected enemy is poised to attack, and ThunderClan may not survive.
  13. A dark prophecy shapes the lives of the three ThunderClan apprentices. And when [protag], [protag], and [protag] travel to the Tribe of Rushing Water, they will begin to uncover what lies ahead.
  14. Moons have passed since the six cats set out on a journey to save their Clans. Meanwhile, back in the forest, [leader] and [protag] watch ThunderClan's world crumbling around them. Will the questing cats make it back in time, or will they be too late?
  15. Exiled after a battle that left all five Clans devastated, ThunderClan's loyal deputy, [deputy], must bring to light an earth-shattering truth: the identity of the cat ruling ThunderClan while wearing [leader]'s face. With tensions among the Clans at a breaking point, another battle looms, and even [deputy] may not be able to ensure [leader] has a body to return to. If he returns at all.
  16. [Protag] served ThunderClan for many moons before retiring to the elders' den. He was [leader]'s best and most trusted friend, relied on to ensure the clan's safety during times of great turmoil. And as new tensions and doubts strain ThunderClan nearly ot breaking, [protag] will need to call on all of that long history--- and leave ThunderClan behind in hope of finding an answer that might save it.
  17. A storm is on the horizon and with it approaches an era of great change. One long-lost Clan has returned to its rightful place, but another has disbanded--- perhaps forever. As StarClan warns of darkness ahead, [protag], [protag], and [protag] search for a new path... and a way for all five Clans to survive, together.
  18. [Protag], [Protag], and [Protag]--- grandchildren of the great leader [leader]--- possess unusual power and talent. But dark secrets surround them, and their strength will be needed for the Clans to survive.
  19. As tensions grow between the Clans, [protag], [protag], and [protag] realize that evil is sometimes no more than a whisker's length away. Meanwhile, one cat will make a stand for what is right--- and another will be lost.
  20. After moons of strife, the forest cats haves settled into five camps. But now the dangerous rogue [villain] has kidnapped [protag]'s mate, [mean girl], and made impossible demands for prey--- and if all five groups can't work together, their new way of life may not survive.
  21. [Protag] knows she is destined to be a great warrior who will save her Clan--- and in atiem of hardship, conflict and loss, RiverClan is in a desperate need of a leader who can guide them through an uncertain future. The ambitious ThunderClan deputy [villain] believes he can help her fulfill her destiny, but as [protag] rises to follow in [leader]'s paw steps, she must decide what kind of leader she will be--- one who maintains peace among the Clans, or one who is willing to sacrifice anything for the good of her own.
  22. SkyClan has returned to its rightful place among the other four warrior Clans, hoping to find a new territory to call home. But there is not yet peace in the territories around the lake--- and SkyClan's future is not the only one in question.
  23. As the dark forces that have come between the four warrior Clans grows stronger, [protag] is summoned to the mountains by a desperate plea--- the Tribe of Rushing Water is on the brink of being lost forever.
  24. When [leader] starts to behave oddly after returning from StarClan, suspicions quickly spread beyond ThunderClan's borders. With an apparition who claims to be the real [leader] haunting one of SkyClan's own, each warrior must decide where their allegiances lie--- with their Clan, or the warrior code itself.
  25. After discovering that rogues have taken over SkyClan's territory and rescuing two kits who may be related to StarClan's prophecy, [protag] has returned from his quest. But the same vicious cats that drove out SkyClan have traced his path back to the lake... and ShadowClan may be the next to fall.
  26. The Clans have finally arrived in their new home,and now they must establish territories and uncover the hidden dangers of this unfamiliar world. But the threats they faced in the forest may not be as perilous as the threats they face from within.
  27. RiverClan finally has the new leader it's been waiting for, but serious doubts remain about whether [villain] has been chosen by StarClan. And though he vows to travel to the Moonpool to seek his nine lives soon, the uncertainty has left the cats of all five Clans uneasy. Will StarClan's blessing be enough to avert the impending conflict?
  28. A divided StarClan has driven a deep rift between the warrior Clans, and the spirits of the Dark Forest are gaining strength. Now the warrior cats must decide whose word they can trust--- before it's too late.
  29. Medicine cat apprentice [protag] reels from a terrible betrayal, forcing her to look beyond RiverClan for help. Meanwhile, the other Clans are attempting to mediate between ShadowClan and RiverClan, but the peace is fragile. Until StarClan's chosen leader is found, the slightest push could lead the Clans back into outright war.
  30. After recovering from the dog attack she survived as an apprentice, [protag] is one again a warrior of ThunderClan. But moons of battle and betrayal have left her with lingering suspicions about where her Clanmate's loyalties lie. So when fresh-kill starts going missing from camp, she and her mate decide to investigate without alerting the other warriors. But as they struggle to track down the culprit, [protag] will have to take a leap of faith about who she can trust--- and remember what it means to be part of a Clan.
  31. For generations, four Clans of cats have shared the forest. But ThunderClan is in grave danger, and ShadowClan grows stronger every day. In the midst of this turmoil appears a house cat named [protag]... who may turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all.
  32. [Protag] is eager to complete his apprentice training and protect his Clan--- until a tragic accident leaves his father dead and [protag] is determined to avenge him. Though he earns his warrior name, [protag], the bitterness that fills his heart drives him away from WindClan in search of justice. But life outside the laws of the warrior code is dangerous... and [protag] must decide how much he is willing to sacrifice for his vengeance.
  33. As shadows of the past haunt the forest, [protag] is troubled by a dark figure on the dangerous quest for revenge. A sinister path is unfolding, and certain warriors must make choices that will determine the destiny of all the Clans.
  1. In a leaderless RiverClan, medicine cat apprentice [protag] is desperate to guide her Clanmates down the right path--- while [leader] watches their every move. Within ShadowClan and ThunderClan, the changes to the warrior code stretch tempers to a tipping point, where one wrong move could prove that peace among the Clans can never last long.
  2. It has been foretold that [protag] and [protag] will hold the power of the stars in their paws. Now they must wait for a sign from StarClan to tell them which of their Clanmates will complete the prophecy.
  3. [Protag] has dreams of becoming RiverClan's next great leader. Then a mysterious cat appears in his dreams, whispering promises of glory--- if only [protag] will pledge his undying loyaltty to his Clan. No cat could have had imagined the terror and destruction that would lie in one seemingly harmless promise...
  4. In the aftermath of the first great battle, the cats from the mountains must learn to move on. But a deadly disease threatens to strike at the heart of both camps, and only one thing can save them. They must seek [book title].
  5. As the icy grip of leaf-bare tightens around the lake, the five warrior cat Clans face moons of cold and darkness--- and far worse, the voices of their ancestors in StarClan have grown dim and silent. Only one medicine cat apprentice still hears them, in a strange vision that warns of a looming shadow in their midst. One that threatens the fate of all five Clans... and the warrior code they live by.
  6. The time has come for prophecies to unfold and for heroes to rise as [villain]'s quest for power plunges the forest into terrible danger. In order to save his Clan, [protag] must uncover the meaning of an ominous prophecy: [prophecy]
  7. Moons ago, [leader], leader of ThunderClan, helped the cats of SkyClan find their way back to the warrior code. But [leader] is gone, and SkyClan now faces an enemy it cannot defeat. The time has come for SkyClan to return to the other warrior Clans...
  8. [Protag], [protag], and [protag] are determined to convince the Clans to have faith in StarClan. But a vicious rage lurks in the most unexpected places, and one cat is about to reveal a breathtaking secret.
  9. The secret of [protag]'s, [protag]'s, and [protag]'s true identities has been revealed, but one shocking question remains unanswered. Now Clanmate will turn upon Clanmate, and one more warrior may be lost forever.
  10. ThunderClan's leader, [leader], has been possessed by the spirit of a sinister cat intent on rooting out and exiling the codebreakers--- cats he claims are irredeemable traitors to the warrior code. And though a small but growing number of cats have begun to resist his tyranny, tensions among all five Clans are on the rise... and may soon erupt into outright war.
  11. [Villain] has taken charge of ShadowClan, but will his thirst for power be satisfied? Meanwhile, a mysterious threat has invaded the forest, placing every cat's life in peril. [Protag] can't help but wonder: has StarClan abandoned the warrior cats forever?
  12. [Protag]--- leader of ThunderClan--- has been prophesied to guide her Clan to power in time of great turmoil. But closely guarded secrets from the past haunt her every step, and dark shadows whisper in her ears. Will she protect her Clan? Or fall under the weight of her destiny?
  13. There is peace at last between the warrior Clans, and all four are thriving. Then [protag], legendary leader of ThunderClan, discovers a shocking secret: StarClan, the warrior ancestors who guided his paw steps, have lied to him. [Protag] must embark on a perilous quest to discover a long-forgotten truth--- and by the end of his journey, nothing will be the same again.
  14. [Protag] has dedicated her life to ShadowClan. She is a loyal medicine cat, ready and willing to do anything to protect her Clanmates and keep them safe. But a dark secret haunts her, threatening her life and the lives of every cat around her...
  15. [Villain] has been exiled from ThunderClan--- but now [protag] must contend with sinister omens and a devastated Clan leader who is the shell of her former self. Meanwhile the forest gets hotter and hotter and every cat braces for the coming storm.
  16. As [protag], [protag], and [protag] struggle with the weight of their destinies, a mysterious warning shakes the Clans' faith in their ancestors. Now the future of the warrior code depends on three apprentices.
  17. After killing [deputy], and pronouncing himself leader of RiverClan, [villain]'s thirst for power has only grown. Soon his greed threatens the safety of not only RiverClan, but all Clans. Yet [villain]'s trickery knows no bounds, and the Clans find themselves in more danger than they could have imagined.
  18. The rivalry between [protag] and [protag/antag] has driven a deep wedge between the forest cats. Now every mountain cat, rogue, and kittypet in the forest will be forced to pick a side.
  19. When [cat] has a distrubing vision--- one that could spell disaster for all the Clans--- a group of cats is selected to go on a quest to investigate. [Protag] is happy to join their mission. Perhaps being away of her daily responsibilities will help her escape the painful memory of [cat]'s death.
  20. After defeating the shadow of the Dark Forest, WindClan should be at peace--- but there are still traitors in their midst. Now [protag] is caught in the conflict between his son, [cat], and their Clanmates. But when a terrile new danger rises within WindClan's own terriory, [protag] must conquer the ghosts of his past to make way for his Clan's future.
  21. The dawn of new age is upon the warrior Clans: one of peace, unity, and change. As a new generation of warriors rise, the Clan leaders agree that the warrior code must be reformed. But when tragedy strikes RiverClan, old fears will become new tensions--- unless one young medicine cat apprentice can use her unusual connection with StarClan to calm the coming storm.
  22. ThunderClan's deputy, [deputy], has vanished with the cat now known to be the impostor,and suspicion now reigns among the five Clans. They have learned the cause of their ancestors' mysterious silence--- and with it, what they must do if they hope to bring light back to the darkness.
  23. ShadowClan deputy [protag] has always been dedicated to his Clan. But as ShadowClan struggles to recover from the rogue [villain]'s terrible reign, their medicine cat has a vision suggesting that [protag], instead of saving them, may be their downfall. [Protag] now faces an impossible decision. He must do what is best for his Clan... even if it means leaving them behind forever.
  24. The newly reunited SkyClan is thriving under [protag]'s leadership. As new apprentices and warriors move through the ranks, [protag] is determined to believe that SkyClan's future is bright. But outside threats continue to plague the Clan, and as dissent grows from within, [protag] must face the one question she dreads: Is SkyClan meant to survive?
  25. The cats have survived the deadly plague, but their future is uncertain. [Protag] believes they must band together again, but few are willing to ally with him. The time has come for all cats to decide where their allegiances truly lie.
  26. At long last, there are five warrior Clans around the lake--- and yet StarClan warns of a terrible storm ahead, and tensions between ShadowClan and SkyClan are unraveling the peace every warrior has sacrificed to build. All five Clans must work together to find an answer... but it may already be too late.
  27. When a storm-tossed river sweeps [protag] away from the park he's always known, he commits himself to the life of a peaceful loner. Still, as his new islnd home starts to become a sanctuary for other rogues, he can't help but feel responsile for their safety. Soon the catnow known as [protag] will have to decide which home he is truly committed to protecting: his new Clan or his old family.
  28. In the earliest days of the warrior Clans, a young WindClan cat named [protag] is plagued by strange visions calling her toward the high stones in the distance. Her Clanmates still see her as a foolish kit with her head in the clouds, but [protag] is destined to walk a path no cat could have predicted--- and soon, she will depart on a journey that will change the shape of the Clans forever.
  29. Tensions are still high among the warrior Clans, and [protag] is determined to find out the truth about the mysterious death of the former ThunderClan deputy [cat]. But as he searches for answers, he uncovers secrets that some believe would be better left hidden...
  30. [Protag] now knows that she will be the third cat to hold the power of the stars in her paws. But even together, she, [protag], and [protag] may not be able to protect the Clans from a mysterious visitor who threatens their future.
  31. Tensions between the cats from the mountains are rising, and the once united group has split into two. Caught in the middle is a young cat named [protag]--- who will soon be forced to decide between the bonds of loyalty and the ties of blood.
  32. The Dark Forest has been defeated, and [protag] is now leader of ThunderClan. While any cat would find it difficult to follow in [leader]'s paw steps, [protag] is already being put to the test. Cats are wounded, prey is scarce, and a new threat looms on the horizon. The warrior cats must prepare to weather a storm worse than any they've seen before--- or all four Clans will be swept away.
  33. The young cats who set off on a quest many moons ago have returned with a chilling message: the Clans must move to a new home, or risk destruction. But the cats have no idea where to go. What they need is a sign from StarClan...
  34. [Protag], a warrior of ThunderClan, has received an ominous new prophecy from StarClan that speaks of a mysterious danger. Now he will need the courage of the greatest warriors to save the Clans.
  35. The imposer's reign of terror has brought the Clans to the brink of destruction, and now, every warrior--- living and dead--- must unite to defeat him before he delivers his final blow. To ensure their future and protect their past, StarClan, the Dark Forest, and all five Clans must bad together to turn back the tide of darkness--- before the impostor's fury destroys them all.
  36. [Protag] is now a ThunderClan warrior, but danger still lurks in the forest. The cats of RiverClan are growing restless, while WindClan is weak and facing threats from all sides. As tension build to an explosive climax, [Protag] faces not only imminent battle, but betrayal from within his own Clan.
  37. [Protag], [Protag], and [Protag] are thriving as ThunderClan apprentices. But each young cat will discover darkness; in the past, in the Clans--- and in themselves.

70 Clues: [Protag], [Protag], and [Protag] are thriving as ThunderClan apprentices. But each young cat will discover darkness; in the past, in the Clans--- and in themselves.The rivalry between [protag] and [protag/antag] has driven a deep wedge between the forest cats. Now every mountain cat, rogue, and kittypet in the forest will be forced to pick a side....

Warriors Themed Crossword 2024-01-19

Warriors Themed Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. The Badger the 6 cats meet at sun-drown-place.
  2. Firestar's old kittypet friend.
  3. River'clans leader (as of 2nd arc, 2nd book.)
  4. What the Clan cats call humans.
  5. The clan that owns the river.
  6. The Thunderclan apprentice who now lives on a farm.
  7. The Thunderclan warrior who was sent the new prophecy.
  1. The name of the cats watching from the stars.
  2. Thunderclan's medicine cat (as of the 2nd arc, 2nd book.)
  3. The Clan cat that died while fighting a dog pack.
  4. Former leader of Shadowclan, who tried to rule the forest.
  5. Hawkfrost and Mothwing's mother.
  6. The loner the 6 cats meet on their journey.
  7. Firestar's daughter, a medicine cat apprentice.
  8. The Clan that lives in a moorland.

15 Clues: The clan that owns the river.Firestar's old kittypet friend.What the Clan cats call humans.Hawkfrost and Mothwing's mother.The Clan that lives in a moorland.The loner the 6 cats meet on their journey.The name of the cats watching from the stars.River'clans leader (as of 2nd arc, 2nd book.)The Badger the 6 cats meet at sun-drown-place....

Warrior Cats Puzzle(Difficulty: You better know your warrior cats or your brain will explode like a firework) 2021-06-03

Warrior Cats Puzzle(Difficulty: You better know your warrior cats or your brain will explode like a firework) crossword puzzle
  1. name of the latest series(as of 2021)
  2. first super edition
  4. is a herb that makes cats fall asleep
  5. name for the evil dark brown tabby every good warrior cats fan should know and for the CURRENT ShadowClan leader
  1. HARDEST QUESTION: which cat was the one who captured the main character of Yellowfang's Secret at the end of the book?
  2. the answer is the one of the following that isn't a cat in warrior cats: Harrybrook, Quietmouse, Mapleshade, or allarefake
  3. name of the cat who killed Hollyleaf
  4. captured Squirrelflight and kept her in the Dark Forest cause he's obsessed with her(read newest book)
  5. Bluestar's kit
  6. name of the sixth book of the Vision of Shadows
  7. mother of Dovewing
  8. creepy evil she-cat who went loco after her kits died and went to Dark Forest
  9. first leader of ThunderClan

14 Clues: Bluestar's kitmother of Dovewingfirst super editionfirst leader of ThunderClanname of the cat who killed Hollyleafname of the latest series(as of 2021)is a herb that makes cats fall asleepname of the sixth book of the Vision of Shadowscreepy evil she-cat who went loco after her kits died and went to Dark Forest...

Warrior Cats last words 2023-11-20

Warrior Cats last words crossword puzzle
  1. "This is a good place to die. I only will miss seeing what starclan is destined to be."
  2. "You'll find others. Trust your heart, Firestar. You have always known Graystripe is the cat destined to be your deputy."
  3. "You live like a rogue, now die like one."
  4. "I will wait for you, wherever you are. I will find you."
  5. "If I can't be a warrior, I'll die like one."
  6. "That is not where I want to be. Thank you, Bramblepaw. May Star Clan light your path always."
  7. "What?!? but-- I killed you!"
  1. "Goodbye, Graystripe. I love you."
  2. "You'll be a great leader, one of the greatest the forest has ever known. You will be firestar, the light of thunder clan."
  3. "I'm glad I cane back to thunder clan. I couldn't bear to.. to leave without getting to know my mother."
  4. "Leave me alone. I don't need anyone."
  5. "Liar! Betrayer!"
  6. "I'll purr over what happened after I've revealed the truth.
  7. "Traitor!"
  8. "Don't worry, Alderpaw. I'm going to be fine. And we must set out soon. The others need us."

15 Clues: "Traitor!""Liar! Betrayer!""What?!? but-- I killed you!""Goodbye, Graystripe. I love you.""Leave me alone. I don't need anyone.""You live like a rogue, now die like one.""If I can't be a warrior, I'll die like one.""I will wait for you, wherever you are. I will find you.""I'll purr over what happened after I've revealed the truth....

Warriors 2023-01-10

Warriors crossword puzzle
  1. a tree a owl lives in
  2. old dark grey cat with a broad, flattened face
  3. a animals land
  4. black and white tom who is firehearts friend
  5. the medicine person/cat
  6. a bunch of trees growing in a -------
  7. the enemies of thunderclan
  8. the sound a cat makes
  9. the word that a cat is called if they live with a human
  10. Firehearts old name
  1. a kits time being a kit
  2. where humans live
  3. a fighter
  4. a animal that gets hunted
  5. a cats home base for their ----
  6. hunted prey
  7. a old cat
  8. Hunter the writer of warrior cats
  9. the smell of something

19 Clues: a fightera old cathunted preya animals landwhere humans liveFirehearts old namea tree a owl lives inthe sound a cat makesthe smell of somethinga kits time being a kitthe medicine person/cata animal that gets huntedthe enemies of thunderclana cats home base for their ----Hunter the writer of warrior catsa bunch of trees growing in a -------...

Warrior Cats "Novel Study". 2021-03-02

Warrior Cats "Novel Study". crossword puzzle
  1. This cat helped Littlecloud and trained Puddlekit.
  2. The unknown illness from ShadowClan.
  3. This is what cats call roads.
  4. A medicine cat from ThunderClan who found the kits from book 1.
  5. This place is were Alderpaw went on his quest and the team of cats went to check.
  6. Cats who don't have a clan from the gorge.
  7. Alderpaws new name.
  1. The medicine cats go here to see visions from StarClan.
  2. A medicine cat from ThunderClan and is blind
  3. ThunderClan's prophecy cat.
  4. Heals the unknown illness
  5. Were every clan goes to talk every moon, there is never any fighting.
  6. Leader of Windclan.
  7. Missing Clan.
  8. Helped on the quest, found one of the kits, and joined the rouges.

15 Clues: Missing Clan.Leader of Windclan.Alderpaws new name.Heals the unknown illnessThunderClan's prophecy cat.This is what cats call roads.The unknown illness from ShadowClan.Cats who don't have a clan from the gorge.A medicine cat from ThunderClan and is blindThis cat helped Littlecloud and trained Puddlekit....

A theif in Thunderclan 2024-01-11

A theif in Thunderclan crossword puzzle
  1. Thunderclans leader
  2. A place clan cats live
  3. Thunderclans deputy
  4. A young kit learning how to be a warrior
  1. Main character
  2. The ghosts of clan cats that lead the clans
  3. The first kit Brightheart had
  4. Brighthearts mate
  5. Cloudtails apprentice
  6. An Apprentice's teacher

10 Clues: Main characterBrighthearts mateThunderclans leaderThunderclans deputyCloudtails apprenticeA place clan cats liveAn Apprentice's teacherThe first kit Brightheart hadA young kit learning how to be a warriorThe ghosts of clan cats that lead the clans

Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter 2021-11-05

Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter crossword puzzle
  1. firestar's kittypet sister,mother of cloudtail
  2. firstar's nephew, son of princess
  3. loves brislefrost
  4. one of the three, can walk in dreams
  5. one of the three, has super senses
  6. ravenpaw's friend on the farm
  7. dog who torments wuhan
  8. lives in the forest
  9. skyclan leader from gorge, originally leaf
  10. body gets taken over by ashfur
  11. want-to-be warrior, lives with Naomi
  12. one of the three, cannot be defeated
  13. watch over warriors
  1. loves rootspring
  2. You will burn like fire through the forest
  3. fishes, swims, lives by the river and lake
  4. left thunderclan because of evil mentor
  5. stripey, evil, died by scourge's claws
  6. sister to dovewing, dark forest
  7. Water will destroy her
  8. lives in the pine forest
  9. fast, lives on the moor
  10. killed tigerstar with own claws
  11. unusual talent for climbing, tough paw pads

24 Clues: loves rootspringloves brislefrostlives in the forestwatch over warriorsWater will destroy herdog who torments wuhanfast, lives on the moorlives in the pine forestravenpaw's friend on the farmbody gets taken over by ashfursister to dovewing, dark forestkilled tigerstar with own clawsfirstar's nephew, son of princessone of the three, has super senses...

learning menu:warrior cats 2019-12-05

learning menu:warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. the clans greatest leader
  2. a mixture of medicinal herbs
  3. what a cat lives in
  4. the clans greatest healer
  5. the ones in charge of patrols
  1. a cat devoted to do duties to serve the clan
  2. cat a healer cat
  3. heaven for cats
  4. a boy cat
  5. a cats biggest enemy
  6. a cat that is in charge
  7. a girl cat

12 Clues: a boy cata girl catheaven for catscat a healer catwhat a cat lives ina cats biggest enemya cat that is in chargethe clans greatest leaderthe clans greatest healera mixture of medicinal herbsthe ones in charge of patrolsa cat devoted to do duties to serve the clan

Warriors Cats 2022-03-22

Warriors Cats crossword puzzle
  1. A nickname for evil cats
  2. The main clan of all the books
  3. The place where good cats go
  4. well known as the "evil clan"
  5. The oldest living cat
  6. the clan which swims
  7. Hostile to Firestar at the start
  8. The old skyclan territory
  9. The past keepers of the cave
  10. "________'s Rouges"
  11. Jayfeather's First Apprentice.
  12. the first clan; was discovered by thunderclan.
  13. The fat lazy thunderclan elder.
  14. The Water God
  15. The 6th Series
  16. This cat lives on a farm.
  17. "listen to _________"
  18. This lets mistystar live forever
  19. Which cats with the same name both led shadowclan at some point?
  20. Leader:IceStar
  21. Firestar's Former Best Friend
  22. The New Guard Of the cave
  23. the Wind God
  1. which cat was the one who jayfeather met in the past?
  2. jayfeather's second mate.
  3. The place where evil cats go
  4. Socks And Ruby's new clan.
  5. Who is the "Imposter" in the broken Code?
  6. Jayfeather's name in the past
  7. Jayfeather's second kit (With Halfmoon)
  8. Firestar's Succesor
  9. The only clan that does not follow the warrior code; alleiged with dustclan.
  10. The most evil cat in history.
  11. Jayfeather's First kit (With Halfmoon)
  12. The Thunder God
  13. Which is the cat who is both blind and not blind?
  14. A human
  15. Popular warriors cats song writer
  16. The place where prey goes.
  17. Who ran away to the tunnels?
  18. The place you go after starclan
  19. Ravenpaw's Mate
  20. The clan which talks to camels
  21. "When They look at _________ they always see tigerstar"
  22. The Skyclan leader's warrior name
  23. Blood Will spill blood. This Means _________ will be killed.
  24. A step past the dark forest.
  25. Jayfeather's third kit (With Halfmoon)
  26. The 4th member of the three
  27. Firestar's Kittypet sister.
  28. "You __________!"
  29. The New territory

52 Clues: A humanthe Wind GodThe Water GodThe 6th SeriesLeader:IceStarThe Thunder GodRavenpaw's Mate"You __________!"The New territoryFirestar's Succesor"________'s Rouges"the clan which swimsThe oldest living cat"listen to _________"A nickname for evil catsjayfeather's second mate.The old skyclan territoryThis cat lives on a farm.The New Guard Of the cave...

Maelstrom Trivia 2021-11-05

Maelstrom Trivia crossword puzzle
  1. What was Shellstar's warrior name?
  2. Who killed Vixenstar?
  3. Lemongsting led these to ForestClan.
  4. What is the name of the spirit that haunts the Lighthouse?
  5. What is the name of Arrowhead and Alpine's mother?
  6. What was Reverie's warrior name?
  7. What was the name of Charcoalflame's mentor?
  8. This is the name of the warrior that made Nightwatcher mute.
  9. Who was the deceased cat who possessed cats and made them go insane?
  1. Who was the original leader of ForestClan when the server started?
  2. This cat can't smell anything.
  3. Who's death initiated StarClan vs the Dark Forest?
  4. Who did Cowriestar kill in front of the clan?
  5. What was the name of Citrinestar's mother?

14 Clues: Who killed Vixenstar?This cat can't smell anything.What was Reverie's warrior name?What was Shellstar's warrior name?Lemongsting led these to ForestClan.What was the name of Citrinestar's mother?What was the name of Charcoalflame's mentor?Who did Cowriestar kill in front of the clan?Who's death initiated StarClan vs the Dark Forest?...

kruiswoord raadsel warrior cats 2013-10-29

kruiswoord raadsel warrior cats crossword puzzle
  1. de leider van de donderclan
  2. de voornaam schrijver
  3. de titel van het boek
  4. het woord wat de clankatten gebruiken voor huiskatten
  5. dochters van vuurster
  6. plaats waar de mensen wonen
  7. leider van de stam der waterstromen
  8. het woord wat de clankatten gebruiken voor mensen
  9. de achternaam van de schrijver
  1. katten die niet in de clans leven
  2. de leider van de rivierclan
  3. de uitgeverij
  4. de leider van de schaduwclan
  5. de leider van de windclan

14 Clues: de uitgeverijde voornaam schrijverde titel van het boekdochters van vuursterde leider van de windclande leider van de donderclande leider van de rivierclanplaats waar de mensen wonende leider van de schaduwclande achternaam van de schrijverkatten die niet in de clans levenleider van de stam der waterstromen...

Warrior Cats - Firestar's Family Tree 2023-04-02

Warrior Cats - Firestar's Family Tree crossword puzzle
  1. Whitewing's Nephew-in-law (Birchfall's Brother's / Spiderleg's Son)
  2. Lionblaze's Dead Warrior Sister-in-law (Cinderheart's Sister)
  3. Lionblaze's Warrior Son
  4. Leafpool's Warrior Son
  5. Fernsong & Ivypool's Very-Dead Daughter
  6. Lionblaze's Kittypet Daughter
  7. Sparkpelt & Larksong's Warrior Son
  8. Lionblaze's Warrior Daughter (that is currently a queen)
  9. Dovewing's Medicine Cat Son
  10. Whitewing's Apprentice Brother-in-law (Birchfall's Brother)
  11. Firestar's Half-brother
  12. The Father of Squirrelflight's Kits
  13. Cloudtail's Dead Warrior Son
  14. Squirrelflight's Half-brother-in-law (Bramblestar's Half-brother)
  15. Whitewing's Ex-Sister-in-law (Birchfall's Brother's / Spiderleg's Ex-Mate)
  16. Whitewing's Mother-in-law (Birchfall's Mother)
  17. Lionblaze's Sister-in-law (Cinderheart's sister) (that is Berrynose's mate)
  18. Squirrelflight's Mother-in-law (Bramblestar's Mother)
  19. Lionblaze's Mother-in-law (Cinderheart's Mother)
  20. Fernsong & Ivypool's Warrior Son
  21. Leafpool's Medicine Cat Son
  22. Lionblaze's Nephew-in-law (Poppyfrost's Son)
  23. Whitewing's Long-legged Warrior Brother-in-law (Birchfall's Brother)
  24. Lionblaze's Niece-in-law (Poppyfrost's Daughter)
  25. Dovewing's Non-Risk-Taking Daughter
  26. Cloudtail's Dead Daughter
  27. Spotfur's Brother-in-law (Stemleaf's Brother)
  28. Squirrelflight's Warrior Daughter
  29. Whitewing's ThunderClan Daughter
  30. Lionblaze's Warrior Daughter (that is named after her aunt)
  31. Lionblaze's Dead Apprentice Sister-in-law (Cinderheart's sister)
  32. Cloudtail's Warrior Daughter
  33. Spotfur's Son (that is named after Graystripe)
  34. Leafpool's Warrior Daughter
  35. Lionblaze's Kittypet Son
  36. Dewnose & Sorrelstripe's Warrior Son
  37. Firestar Himself
  38. Cloudtail's Sister-in-law (Brightheart's Sister)
  39. Firestar's Medicine Cat Daughter
  40. Snowbush's Warrior Daughter (that has a name very close to Honeyfern)
  41. Spotfur's Sister-in-law (Stemleaf's Sister) (her name starts with 'P')
  42. Lionblaze's Dead Brother-in-law (Cinderheart's Brother)
  43. Spotfur's Daughter (that is named after Bristlefrost)
  44. Squirrelflight's Sister-in-law (Bramblestar's Sister)
  45. The Mother of Cloudtail's Kits
  46. Fernsong & Ivypool's Warrior Daughter
  1. Whitewing's Sister-in-law (Birchfall's Sister)
  2. Whitewing's Father-in-law (Birchfall's Father)
  3. Squirrelflight's Half-sister-in-law (Bramblestar's Half-sister)
  4. Dovewing's Dead Kit Son
  5. The Father of Leafpool's Kits
  6. Sparkpelt & Larksong's Warrior Daughter
  7. The Father of Spotfur's Kits
  8. Dovewing's Alive Kit Son
  9. Cloudtail's Warrior Son
  10. Squirrelflights Leader Nephew-in-law (Tawnypelt's Son) (HIS WARRIOR NAME) / The Father of Dovewing's Kits
  11. Lionblaze's Warrior Daughter
  12. Snowbush's Dead Warrior Son
  13. Cloudtail's Warrior Brother-in-law (Brightheart's Brother)
  14. Dewnose & Sorrelstripe's Warrior Daughter
  15. Firestar's Deputy Daughter
  16. Spotfur's Sister-in-law (Stemleaf's Brother's / Shellfur's Mate)
  17. Spotfur's Son (that is named after Stemleaf)
  18. Firestar's Nephew
  19. Snowbush's Warrior Daughter
  20. Whitewing's ShadowClan Daughter
  21. Squirrelflight's Medicine Cat Nephew-in-law (Tawnypelt's Son) / Dovewing's Brother-in-law (Tigerheartstar's Brother)
  22. Whitewing's Niece-in-law (Birchfall's Brother's / Spiderleg's Daughter)
  23. Dovewing's Risk-Taking Daughter
  24. Lionblaze's Father-in-law (Cinderheart's Father) / Cloudtail's Elder Brother-in-law (Brightheart's Brother)
  25. Firestar's Father
  26. Squirrelflight's Father-in-law (Bramblestar's Father) (HIS WARRIOR NAME)
  27. Squirrelflight's Medicine Cat Son
  28. Jay, Holly, and Lion's Half-Brother
  29. Lionblaze's Sister-in-law (Cinderheart's Sister) / Sparkpelt's Mother-in-law (Larksong's Mother)
  30. The Mother of Firestar's Kits
  31. Sparkpelt & Larksong's Dead Son
  32. Spotfur's Sister-in-law (Stemleaf's Sister) (her name starts with 'E')
  33. The Mother of Lionblaze's Kits
  34. Whitewing's Warrior Brother-in-law (Birchfall's Brother)
  35. The Father of Whitewing's Kits
  36. Firestar's Sister
  37. Squirrelflight's Niece-in-law (Tawnypelt's Daughter) / Dovewing's Sister-in-law (Tigerheartstar's Sister)

83 Clues: Firestar HimselfFirestar's NephewFirestar's FatherFirestar's SisterLeafpool's Warrior SonDovewing's Dead Kit SonLionblaze's Warrior SonCloudtail's Warrior SonFirestar's Half-brotherDovewing's Alive Kit SonLionblaze's Kittypet SonCloudtail's Dead DaughterFirestar's Deputy DaughterDovewing's Medicine Cat SonSnowbush's Dead Warrior Son...

Warrior Cats: The New Prophecy 2023-12-09

Warrior Cats: The New Prophecy crossword puzzle
  1. What is Midnight?
  2. Who is Leafpool’s best friend?
  3. Who falls off a cliff in Dawn?
  4. Who do we see Sharptooth kill?
  5. Who tries to kill Onestar?
  6. Who follows Brambleclaw to the Sundrownplace?
  7. Who did Brambleclaw want his apprentice to be?
  8. How many cats do the badgers kill?
  9. Who makes the Great Journey while blind?
  10. What killed Hawkfrost?
  11. Who does Leafpool help mentor?
  12. Who was incredibly jealous of Daisy?
  1. Who is Feathertail’s brother?
  2. Who has pretty, bright blue eyes like crystals?
  3. Who was Brook’s older brother?
  4. Who manipulates his children?
  5. Who kills Sharptooth?
  6. Who does Leafpool run away with?
  7. Who was ShadowClan’s deputy?
  8. Who is Cinderpelt reincarnated as?
  9. Who is Crowfeather’s mother?
  10. Ferncloud and Dustpelt’s eldest kit.
  11. What cat found the Moonpool?
  12. Which medicine cat didn’t believe in StarClan?
  13. Who refuses to train with Tigerstar?

25 Clues: What is Midnight?Who kills Sharptooth?What killed Hawkfrost?Who tries to kill Onestar?Who was ShadowClan’s deputy?Who is Crowfeather’s mother?What cat found the Moonpool?Who is Feathertail’s brother?Who manipulates his children?Who was Brook’s older brother?Who is Leafpool’s best friend?Who falls off a cliff in Dawn?Who do we see Sharptooth kill?...