criminal minds Crossword Puzzles

Criminal Behaviour 2014-06-15

Criminal Behaviour crossword puzzle
  1. Example of Criminal Personality
  2. Act that stopped fox hunting (Tony Blair)
  3. Police reports are sent here
  4. Euthanasia is legal here
  1. An unlawful act against the state
  2. Most serious offence
  3. Act that made homosexuality legal in the UK
  4. Damage to this is considered illegal to psychologists

8 Clues: Most serious offenceEuthanasia is legal herePolice reports are sent hereExample of Criminal PersonalityAn unlawful act against the stateAct that stopped fox hunting (Tony Blair)Act that made homosexuality legal in the UKDamage to this is considered illegal to psychologists

AI: Minds and Machines 2023-09-02

AI: Minds and Machines crossword puzzle
  1. computing systems inspired by the human brain's structure
  2. a subset of AI where computers learn from data
  3. a set of specific steps or procedures that, when followed, provide a solution to a problem
  4. a feature in many software applications that anticipates and suggests the next word or phrase a user might type based on their input history and a vast database of language patterns.
  5. a special type of RNN designed to remember and use long-term patterns or sequences
  1. A subset of AI that's trained to generate new, original content after learning from a vast amount of existing data.
  2. a type of neural network designed to recognize patterns in sequences of data
  3. in AI, this represents a specific structure or pattern learned from data and is used to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task
  4. a field in computer science dedicated to creating systems capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence
  5. trained on vast amounts of text, enabling them to generate coherent and contextually relevant sentences or paragraphs based on the input they receive.
  6. a type of machine learning model, especially good at handling sequential data, thanks to their attention mechanisms
  7. a piece of text that provides instructions or guidance to a generative AI model

12 Clues: a subset of AI where computers learn from datacomputing systems inspired by the human brain's structurea type of neural network designed to recognize patterns in sequences of dataa piece of text that provides instructions or guidance to a generative AI modela special type of RNN designed to remember and use long-term patterns or sequences...

Super minds 1 Pet show 2024-05-07

Super minds 1 Pet show crossword puzzle
  1. еда
  2. на
  3. утка
  4. вода
  5. паук
  6. в
  7. крыса
  8. укрытие
  9. воздух
  10. собака
  1. осел
  2. под
  3. кошка
  4. слон
  5. пруд
  6. ящерица
  7. лягушка

17 Clues: внаподедаоселуткаводаслонпаукпрудкошкакрысавоздухсобакаукрытиеящерицалягушка

LAW CAMP 2021-05-20

LAW CAMP crossword puzzle
  1. ผู้อนุบาล
  2. สภาพบุคคล
  3. อาชญากร
  4. ไม่ซื่อสัตย์ /ไม่สุจริต
  5. การยักยอกทรัพย์
  1. บทลงโทษ
  2. นักกฎหมาย
  3. ศาล
  4. จำคุก/ขังคุก
  5. ผู้เสียหาย
  6. ผู้เยาว์
  7. ผู้พิพากษา
  8. อัยการ

13 Clues: ศาลอัยการบทลงโทษอาชญากรผู้เยาว์นักกฎหมายผู้อนุบาลสภาพบุคคลผู้เสียหายผู้พิพากษาจำคุก/ขังคุกการยักยอกทรัพย์ไม่ซื่อสัตย์ /ไม่สุจริต

11 2021-03-22

11 crossword puzzle
  1. Дания
  2. любопытный
  3. встреча
  4. поводка
  5. точный
  6. щедрый
  7. задира
  8. появляться
  9. грубый
  10. общительный
  11. преступник
  12. отпустить
  13. совет
  14. очень
  1. защищать
  2. краткое изложение
  3. вежливый
  4. восхищаться
  5. ущерб
  6. веснушки
  7. ускорение
  8. выживать
  9. готовится
  10. драгоценности
  11. пробный
  12. куст
  13. расстроенный
  14. одеяло
  15. порядок

29 Clues: кустДанияущербсоветоченьточныйщедрыйзадирагрубыйодеяловстречаповодкапробныйпорядокзащищатьвежливыйвеснушкивыживатьускорениеготовитсяотпуститьлюбопытныйпоявлятьсяпреступниквосхищатьсяобщительныйрасстроенныйдрагоценностикраткое изложение

spelling 2022-10-11

spelling crossword puzzle
  1. involving a preference.
  2. designed for people to live in.
  3. to have the chance to do somthing.
  4. the first letter of your name/names.
  5. secret infomation.
  6. it is only slitly done.
  1. have the power to change minds or views.
  2. to fight or war.
  3. we only need the minimum.
  4. what you have done in the past.
  5. a series of events or steps.
  6. somthing that might happen.

12 Clues: to fight or war.secret infomation.involving a is only slitly done.we only need the minimum.somthing that might happen.a series of events or steps.what you have done in the past.designed for people to live have the chance to do somthing.the first letter of your name/names.have the power to change minds or views.

Vocab List 20 2023-05-04

Vocab List 20 crossword puzzle
  1. a person fleeing in an attempt to avoid legal sanctions
  2. mental and emotional strength during danger
  3. a person's strong suit or talent
  4. to protect against attack
  5. not making sense
  6. absence of interest or emotion
  1. incapable of being read
  2. a place of shelter or protection
  3. a person fleeing for reasons of safety
  4. agreement in emotion, mostly in times of difficulty
  5. communication between minds
  6. not allowed by rules

12 Clues: not making sensenot allowed by rulesincapable of being readto protect against attackcommunication between mindsabsence of interest or emotiona place of shelter or protectiona person's strong suit or talenta person fleeing for reasons of safetymental and emotional strength during dangeragreement in emotion, mostly in times of difficulty...

M3 Social - Chapter 1 - Civil & Criminal Law 2022-09-26

M3 Social - Chapter 1 - Civil & Criminal Law crossword puzzle
  1. a type of law whereby there is a danger to the peace, order, and stability order of society
  2. a kind of law used to settle mortgage disagreements and contracts
  3. when someone is put in jail permanently or a very long time
  4. a kind of penalty where the defendant has to pay some money for criminal activity
  5. a kind of penalty used for people who have killed another person
  1. done to property when someone is found guilty of a criminal offence
  2. when a group of people decide to steal or rob from others
  3. a kind of contract used for lending money to people e.g. banks
  4. you can call these government workers when you have been the subject of a criminal offence

9 Clues: when a group of people decide to steal or rob from otherswhen someone is put in jail permanently or a very long timea kind of contract used for lending money to people e.g. banksa kind of penalty used for people who have killed another persona kind of law used to settle mortgage disagreements and contracts...

Human Rights Education 2024-05-15

Human Rights Education crossword puzzle
  1. - Early release from prison under certain conditions.
  2. Aforethought - The intent to cause harm or commit a crime.
  3. Defender - An attorney appointed by the court to represent defendants who cannot afford to hire their own lawyer.
  4. to Quash - A request to nullify or invalidate a legal proceeding or document.
  5. - The questioning of a witness by the opposing party during trial.
  6. - The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to overthrow the government.
  7. - Monetary compensation awarded to a plaintiff in a civil lawsuit for losses or injuries suffered.
  8. - A request for a higher court to review and reconsider a decision made by a lower court.
  9. Doubt - The standard of proof in criminal cases, requiring jurors to be convinced of the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
  10. - The tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend.
  11. Evidence - Scientific evidence used in criminal investigations or court proceedings.
  12. Contendere - A plea in which the defendant neither admits nor denies the charges but accepts punishment as if guilty.
  13. Welfare - The protection and support of individuals who have been harmed or injured by a crime.
  14. Cause - Reasonable grounds for suspicion, supported by facts and circumstances, that a crime has been or is being committed.
  15. - A formal legal document that initiates a lawsuit by alleging facts constituting the plaintiff's cause of action.
  16. - The crime of lying under oath.
  17. - The reduction of a sentence, usually by a government authority.
  18. - The legal right to protect oneself or others from harm using reasonable force.
  19. - The act of taking a person into custody by legal authority, usually law enforcement officers.
  20. - The process of charging a public official with misconduct in office.
  21. Bargain - Negotiated agreement between the prosecution and defense in which the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a reduced sentence.
  22. Rule - The principle that evidence obtained illegally cannot be used in court.
  23. - The act of seeking revenge or reprisal against someone for an injury or offense.
  24. - The formal reading of criminal charges to the defendant in court, to which they must plead guilty or not guilty.
  25. Post Facto Law - A law that retroactively changes the legal consequences of actions that were committed before the enactment of the law.
  26. of Attainder - A legislative act declaring a person or group guilty of a crime without trial.
  27. - A period of supervision ordered by the court instead of incarceration.
  28. Action - Legal proceedings initiated by one party against another for non-criminal matters.
  29. Conviction - The conviction of an innocent person for a crime they did not commit.
  30. - Money or property deposited with the court to ensure the release of a defendant from custody before trial.
  31. Confession - An admission of guilt made willingly and without coercion.
  32. - A minor criminal offense typically punishable by fines or imprisonment for less than one year.
  33. Offenses - Crimes that are incomplete or in the planning stages.
  34. and Seizure - The process by which law enforcement officials search for and confiscate evidence or property.
  35. - Legal strategies and arguments presented on behalf of the accused in court.
  36. - A formal criminal charge made by a prosecutor without the need for a grand jury indictment.
  37. Included Offense - A crime whose elements are contained within a more serious crime.
  38. Reus. - The physical act or conduct that constitutes a criminal offense.
  39. - The legal capacity of an individual to understand court proceedings and assist in their defense.
  40. Defense - A defense in which the accused claims they were unable to understand the nature of their actions due to mental illness.
  41. - Failure to exercise the care that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in similar circumstances.
  42. Law - A law that applies to events that occurred before its enactment.
  43. Evidence - Evidence that tends to clear a defendant of guilt or blame.
  44. and Abetting - Assisting, encouraging, or facilitating the commission of a crime by another person.
  45. - The decision reached by a judge or jury at the conclusion of a trial.
  46. - A statement made by a person admitting to the commission of a crime.
  47. - A court order requiring a person to do or refrain from doing a specific act.
  48. Investigation - Questioning of a suspect in custody by law enforcement officers.
  49. - A serious crime typically punishable by imprisonment for more than one year.
  50. - A legal document issued by a judge authorizing law enforcement to perform a specific action, such as a search or arrest.
  51. - An agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act.
  52. - A legal judgment that a person is not guilty of the charges brought against them.
  1. - A trial that ends without a verdict due to a procedural error or hung jury.
  2. - Actions or words that incite or instigate another person to commit a crime.
  3. Corpus - A legal action that requires a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court.
  4. - A person who has information about a case and is called to testify in court.
  5. - The party responsible for bringing criminal charges against a defendant.
  6. - The person against whom a lawsuit or criminal charge is brought.
  7. - The punishment imposed on a defendant after conviction for a crime.
  8. Evidence - Evidence that is allowed to be presented in court during trial.
  9. - A formal declaration of guilt by a court of law.
  10. Judgment - A decision made by a court without a full trial when there is no genuine dispute as to the material facts of the case.
  11. - To send a case back to a lower court or other authority for further action.
  12. - Oral evidence given by a witness under oath in court.
  13. Circumstances - Factors that increase the severity or culpability of a criminal offense, such as premeditation or cruelty.
  14. of Limitations - The time limit within which legal action must be taken for a particular offense.
  15. - A legal document requiring a person to appear in court or to produce evidence.
  16. - A formal examination of evidence before a judge or jury to determine guilt or innocence.
  17. - The theory or philosophy of law.
  18. Witness - A person with specialized knowledge who is allowed to testify at trial about matters within their expertise.
  19. Delicti - The body of the crime; the facts and circumstances constituting a criminal offense.
  20. - The process of restoring a person to a functional and law-abiding life after conviction and incarceration.
  21. - A defense claiming that the accused was elsewhere at the time the crime was committed.
  22. - A person who assists or contributes to the commission of a crime, but is not present during its execution.
  23. - The voluntary relinquishment or surrender of a legal right or privilege.
  24. - The unlawful killing of another person without malice aforethought.
  25. Intent - The mental state or purpose to commit a crime.
  26. - Out-of-court statements offered in court to prove the truth of the matter asserted.
  27. - A written statement made under oath, usually sworn before a notary public or other authorized official.
  28. Felonies - Crimes where the criminal intent is present, but the felony is not completed due to external factors.
  29. Circumstances - Factors that may reduce the severity of a criminal offense or the punishment imposed.
  30. Jeopardy - The constitutional prohibition against being tried twice for the same offense.
  31. - A formal written accusation charging someone with a crime.
  32. Procedure - The rules and processes followed in criminal cases from investigation through trial and appeal.
  33. Law - A law that operates only in the future and does not apply retroactively.
  34. - Inducing a person to commit a crime they would not have otherwise committed.
  35. - A person formally charged with a crime.
  36. - Compensation paid to a victim
  37. - A formal written order issued by a court directing a specific action to be taken.
  38. Rights -Fundamental rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled.
  39. - A person who knowingly and voluntarily participates in the commission of a crime as a partner or accomplice.
  40. -A legal decision or principle established by previous court rulings that serves as a guide for future cases.
  41. Law - Law based on previous court decisions and interpretations.
  42. Delinquency - Criminal behavior by minors.
  43. Service - Court-ordered unpaid work performed by an offender for the benefit of the community.
  44. Investigation - The initial inquiry conducted by law enforcement to determine whether there is enough evidence to file formal charges.
  45. - To exclude evidence from consideration in a legal proceeding, typically due to it being obtained illegally.
  46. Process - The legal requirement that government must respect all legal rights of individuals.
  47. Rights - Constitutional rights that must be read to a suspect before custodial interrogation.
  48. Examination - Questioning of a witness by the party who called them to testify.

100 Clues: - Compensation paid to a victim- The crime of lying under oath.- The theory or philosophy of law.- A person formally charged with a crime.Delinquency - Criminal behavior by minors.- A formal declaration of guilt by a court of law.- The tendency of a convicted criminal to re-offend.- Early release from prison under certain conditions....

Business Terms 2024-01-22

Business Terms crossword puzzle
  1. exhaust
  2. check criminal record check
  3. give
  4. change
  5. trademark
  6. list
  1. recommence
  2. business rating agency
  3. depression
  4. nonpayment
  5. earnings
  6. copyright
  7. repay
  8. contract

14 Clues: givelistrepaychangeexhaustearningscontractcopyrighttrademarkrecommencedepressionnonpaymentbusiness rating agencycheck criminal record check

MA Network Portfolio 2020-06-07

MA Network Portfolio crossword puzzle
  1. Deep tech defense solutions integrator
  2. Provider of technology products and services in financial markets
  3. Platform to procure the best food ingredients for your business
  4. Oprah's favourite tea brand
  5. STEM education for young minds
  6. Powerful concoction of beauty and technology
  7. Helping raise money for a cause
  8. A different way to enjoy fruits
  1. Everything your lil one needs
  2. Coffee and skincare rolled in together
  3. Healthy snacking made easy
  4. Indian skincare needs
  5. All your ticketing needs here
  6. India's first e-bike tourism initiative

14 Clues: Indian skincare needsHealthy snacking made easyOprah's favourite tea brandEverything your lil one needsAll your ticketing needs hereSTEM education for young mindsHelping raise money for a causeA different way to enjoy fruitsDeep tech defense solutions integratorCoffee and skincare rolled in togetherIndia's first e-bike tourism initiative...

The Criminal Justice System 2013-09-30

The Criminal Justice System crossword puzzle
  1. Keep offending and you'll be staying at her majesty's pleasure
  2. Victim of crime? Witness a crime? This charity can help!
  3. keep offending and you'll get a lot of this
  4. Responsible for the police, crime policy and counter-terrorism
  5. Minor offences
  6. Government department responsible for the courts, offender management and the criminal justice system
  1. Wig Wearers
  2. Sent from the Magistrates
  3. Released from prison? We'll be watching you...
  4. We decide if you're going to face trial
  5. blind
  6. Hello! Hello! Hello!
  7. You Naught Boy!

13 Clues: Wig blindMinor offencesYou Naught Boy!Hello! Hello! Hello!Sent from the MagistratesWe decide if you're going to face trialkeep offending and you'll get a lot of thisReleased from prison? We'll be watching you...Victim of crime? Witness a crime? This charity can help!Keep offending and you'll be staying at her majesty's pleasure...

Vocabulary Unit 1 Crossword Puzzle - all clues are synonyms of the word 2021-09-14

Vocabulary Unit 1 Crossword Puzzle - all clues are synonyms of the word crossword puzzle
  1. befuddle
  2. incline
  3. choppy, fitful
  4. abandon, yield
  5. criminal
  6. false, phony
  7. cocky
  8. fade, delete, cancel
  9. crack, rift, rupture
  1. inconvenient, bulky
  2. uncontrolled
  3. standoff
  4. chronic, never ending
  5. rubble, junk
  6. reclaim, recover
  7. cagey, wary
  8. chide, forewarn
  9. hijack, confiscate
  10. broadcast, rambling
  11. problem

20 Clues: cockyinclineproblembefuddlestandoffcriminalcagey, waryuncontrolledrubble, junkfalse, phonychoppy, fitfulabandon, yieldchide, forewarnreclaim, recoverhijack, confiscateinconvenient, bulkybroadcast, ramblingfade, delete, cancelcrack, rift, rupturechronic, never ending

11 2021-03-22

11 crossword puzzle
  1. Дания
  2. любопытный
  3. встреча
  4. поводка
  5. точный
  6. щедрый
  7. задира
  8. появляться
  9. грубый
  10. общительный
  11. преступник
  12. отпустить
  13. совет
  14. очень
  1. защищать
  2. краткое изложение
  3. вежливый
  4. восхищаться
  5. ущерб
  6. веснушки
  7. ускорение
  8. выживать
  9. готовится
  10. драгоценности
  11. пробный
  12. куст
  13. расстроенный
  14. одеяло
  15. порядок

29 Clues: кустДанияущербсоветоченьточныйщедрыйзадирагрубыйодеяловстречаповодкапробныйпорядокзащищатьвежливыйвеснушкивыживатьускорениеготовитсяотпуститьлюбопытныйпоявлятьсяпреступниквосхищатьсяобщительныйрасстроенныйдрагоценностикраткое изложение

Society- unit 8 2019-01-23

Society- unit 8 crossword puzzle
  1. więzienie
  2. winny
  3. handlarz narkotykami
  4. kradzież z włamaniem
  5. podpalacz
  6. ofiara
  7. dewastować
  8. skazany
  9. materiał dowodowy
  10. kradzież sklepowa
  11. świadek
  12. kradzież
  1. polityka
  2. zamach
  3. terroryzm
  4. poniżać
  5. sędzia
  6. korupcja
  7. morderca
  8. niewinny
  9. rozbój
  10. sfałszowany
  11. prawdziwy oryginalny
  12. przestępca
  13. podejrzany

25 Clues: winnyzamachsędziaofiararozbójponiżaćskazanyświadekpolitykakorupcjamordercaniewinnykradzieżwięzienieterroryzmpodpalaczdewastowaćprzestępcapodejrzanysfałszowanymateriał dowodowykradzież sklepowahandlarz narkotykamikradzież z włamaniemprawdziwy oryginalny

ACT Units 1-2 Review 2024-04-18

ACT Units 1-2 Review crossword puzzle
  1. criminal
  2. consolidate
  3. not a stimulate
  4. uninterested
  5. to loiter
  6. to eat greedily
  7. dreamily thoughtful
  8. coin collector
  9. insufficiency
  10. to sharpen
  1. impose
  2. witty observation
  3. immoral
  4. obsolete or archaic
  5. to harass
  6. believing events are inevitable
  7. to turn away affections
  8. exaggerated portrayal
  9. overjoyed
  10. insane

20 Clues: imposeinsaneimmoralcriminalto harassto loiteroverjoyedto sharpenconsolidateuninterestedinsufficiencycoin collectornot a stimulateto eat greedilywitty observationobsolete or archaicdreamily thoughtfulexaggerated portrayalto turn away affectionsbelieving events are inevitable

emergency 2015-04-01

emergency crossword puzzle
  1. People who saw the crime
  2. it must disclose
  3. a crime- work criminal is..
  4. helps solve the crime
  1. people to solve crimes
  2. scene- the place where criminal violates the law
  3. villain who commits a crime

7 Clues: it must disclosehelps solve the crimepeople to solve crimesPeople who saw the crimea crime- work criminal is..villain who commits a crimescene- the place where criminal violates the law

Haven't you always wanted to do an EIS crossword? 2012-11-11

Haven't you always wanted to do an EIS crossword? crossword puzzle
  1. Population we work with
  2. We want to see people in their first?
  3. Developmental stage of early adolescence is to
  4. Common psychological approach
  5. Delusions lead to questioning around what is..?
  6. Key to working with youth is building ____
  7. Avolition, apathy, etc are what kind of symptoms
  8. ___s of reference
  9. We want to intervene ____
  1. What we are in the business of
  2. Young people often ______ us
  3. Hallucinations can be
  4. Drug with links to psychosis
  5. Handbook of disorders
  6. A style of care management
  7. The 7th principle is to minimise this
  8. Colloquial expression for what psychiatrists prescribe
  9. A type of non-medication therapy
  10. Meeting of the minds
  11. We work only during this

20 Clues: ___s of referenceMeeting of the mindsHallucinations can beHandbook of disordersPopulation we work withWe work only during thisWe want to intervene ____A style of care managementYoung people often ______ usDrug with links to psychosisCommon psychological approachWhat we are in the business ofA type of non-medication therapy...

<Fantasy Crossword> 2022-05-08

<Fantasy Crossword> crossword puzzle
  1. an orange doglike animal
  2. magic the characters usually use
  3. a lazy house animal
  4. a man who rules over a kingdom
  5. flying mythical creature
  6. main character(abbreviation)
  7. someone who can read minds
  8. someone who teaches the MC
  9. most popular genre in fiction
  10. the daughter of a king and a queen
  11. the tools the characters use to fight
  1. a goblin- like mythical creature
  2. creatures who have evil powers
  3. and animal that you raise
  4. clothes heroes wear
  5. dead people who roam the earth
  6. someone evil the main character fights
  7. high ranking angel
  8. someone who kills for money
  9. a promise made with a demon

20 Clues: high ranking angela lazy house animalclothes heroes wearan orange doglike animalflying mythical creatureand animal that you raisesomeone who can read mindssomeone who teaches the MCsomeone who kills for moneya promise made with a demonmain character(abbreviation)most popular genre in fictioncreatures who have evil powers...

<Fantasy Crossword> 2022-05-08

<Fantasy Crossword> crossword puzzle
  1. an orange doglike animal
  2. magic the characters usually use
  3. a lazy house animal
  4. a man who rules over a kingdom
  5. flying mythical creature
  6. main character(abbreviation)
  7. someone who can read minds
  8. someone who teaches the MC
  9. most popular genre in fiction
  10. the daughter of a king and a queen
  11. the tools the characters use to fight
  1. a goblin- like mythical creature
  2. creatures who have evil powers
  3. and animal that you raise
  4. clothes heroes wear
  5. dead people who roam the earth
  6. someone evil the main character fights
  7. high ranking angel
  8. someone who kills for money
  9. a promise made with a demon

20 Clues: high ranking angela lazy house animalclothes heroes wearan orange doglike animalflying mythical creatureand animal that you raisesomeone who can read mindssomeone who teaches the MCsomeone who kills for moneya promise made with a demonmain character(abbreviation)most popular genre in fictioncreatures who have evil powers...

This is Us 2022-05-16

This is Us crossword puzzle
  1. Continental Railroad, Mormon Trail and . . .
  2. Unruffled woodwind player
  3. 18 second invitation
  4. Your love is
  5. visual chat
  6. The water of life (French)
  7. Balance (Latin)
  8. Ponderosa Basin
  9. Petty's most beloved
  10. dreamy day
  11. Favorite Person
  12. Food of the god (Greek)
  13. Established in memory of husband
  14. Where Life Leads
  15. wake up music
  16. 1980 Nielsen Movie
  17. Sweet Caniformia
  18. Emerald City Romance
  19. request to be
  20. hill waking
  1. Crossing Words
  2. I was joking
  3. population two
  4. Radio meets passion
  5. Elevate royal retreat
  6. Motor Cities finest creation
  7. Ponies first trot
  8. Lion (Greek(
  9. musical za
  10. Better for dunking
  11. Monthly minds of the round-table
  12. savory

32 Clues: savorymusical zadreamy dayvisual chathill wakingI was jokingYour love isLion (Greek(wake up musicrequest to beCrossing Wordspopulation twoBalance (Latin)Ponderosa BasinFavorite PersonWhere Life LeadsSweet CaniformiaPonies first trotBetter for dunking1980 Nielsen MovieRadio meets passion18 second invitationPetty's most belovedEmerald City Romance...

Esperanza 2021-10-19

Esperanza crossword puzzle
  1. por ti mismo
  2. obtenemos
  3. lider
  4. esposar
  5. tiene ninos
  6. alegria
  7. esquina
  8. diferente
  1. no para
  2. giro alredor
  3. dolor de estomago
  4. positivo
  5. hacer a un lado
  6. malo persona
  7. gente loco
  8. correcto
  9. muy miedo
  10. ver otra vez
  11. escribo
  12. organizacion

20 Clues: liderno paraesposarescriboalegriaesquinapositivocorrectoobtenemosmuy miedodiferentegente locotiene ninosgiro alredorpor ti mismomalo personaver otra vezorganizacionhacer a un ladodolor de estomago

Name: Malapit, Maria Cassandrah J, 2022-06-08

Name: Malapit, Maria Cassandrah J, crossword puzzle
  1. - Not believing enough in the power of one's own internal weapons such as courage, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, mercy, honesty, sincerity, honor, modesty, humility, generosity, love, patience, self-discipline, temperance, etc.
  2. - Promote ______________ that offers anti-violence programs and services.
  3. - Work with schools to establish ____________, tobacco-free zones, and work with officials concerned to do the same for parks.
  4. - Being raised in a dysfunctional family, coming from a disadvantaged background, or feeling discriminated against, none of it alone causes crime. There are so many others in the world with such conditions, who don't turn to crime. However, they cause a lack of love and respect for others. That, endorsed with some other factors, can be a major issue related to crime.
  5. - The pressure that you feel to behave in a certain way because your friends or people in your group expect it.
  6. - is often blamed for leading to crime, however underneath is something more vital- society bombards with commercial values making one want more and more material things, to the point when some would do anything including criminal acts to get them. Unemployment is another factor in this category that contributes to crime by looking for ways to earn money by any means possible. Deprived neighborhoods: Economically impoverished neighborhoods breed criminal minds.
  7. - is better than cure.
  8. - knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
  9. - Most criminals are simply too strong physically, pumping up the body muscles, but not enough the mental and emotional muscles. The reason why their strength becomes weakness is that they are not balanced.
  1. - Lack of proper education and great role models causes many to fail to distinguish right from wrong. Also reflected in knowing it's wrong, but thinking they could get away with it, not getting caught.
  2. - is the commission or omission by a person having the capacity of any act prohibited or compelled by law. The commission or omission of which is punishable by a proceeding brought in the/of the government whose law has been violated.
  3. - The habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs.
  4. - to mentor young people who need positive support from adults.
  5. - Protect domestic _____________ victims and their children through policies as well as laws that offer them a prompt and meaningful response to calls for help and appropriate legal recourse.
  6. - People are not bad by nature, but sometimes too timid to resist the vicious evil that plays on their weakness.

15 Clues: - is better than cure.- knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.- The habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs.- to mentor young people who need positive support from adults.- Promote ______________ that offers anti-violence programs and services....

MALAPIT ACT212 NSTP2 2022-06-08

MALAPIT ACT212 NSTP2 crossword puzzle
  1. - is the commission or omission by a person having the capacity of any act prohibited or compelled by law. The commission or omission of which is punishable by a proceeding brought in the/of the government whose law has been violated.
  2. - knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
  3. - Promote ______________ that offers anti-violence programs and services.
  4. - Protect domestic _____________ victims and their children through policies as well as laws that offer them a prompt and meaningful response to calls for help and appropriate legal recourse.
  5. - The pressure that you feel to behave in a certain way because your friends or people in your group expect it.
  1. - is often blamed for leading to crime, however underneath is something more vital- society bombards with commercial values making one want more and more material things, to the point when some would do anything including criminal acts to get them. Unemployment is another factor in this category that contributes to crime by looking for ways to earn money by any means possible. Deprived neighborhoods: Economically impoverished neighborhoods breed criminal minds.
  2. - The habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs.
  3. - Work with schools to establish ____________, tobacco-free zones, and work with officials concerned to do the same for parks.
  4. - to mentor young people who need positive support from adults.
  5. - People are not bad by nature, but sometimes too timid to resist the vicious evil that plays on their weakness.
  6. - Lack of proper education and great role models causes many to fail to distinguish right from wrong. Also reflected in knowing it's wrong, but thinking they could get away with it, not getting caught.
  7. - Being raised in a dysfunctional family, coming from a disadvantaged background, or feeling discriminated against, none of it alone causes crime. There are so many others in the world with such conditions, who don't turn to crime. However, they cause a lack of love and respect for others. That, endorsed with some other factors, can be a major issue related to crime.
  8. - is better than cure.
  9. - Not believing enough in the power of one's own internal weapons such as courage, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, mercy, honesty, sincerity, honor, modesty, humility, generosity, love, patience, self-discipline, temperance, etc.
  10. - Most criminals are simply too strong physically, pumping up the body muscles, but not enough the mental and emotional muscles. The reason why their strength becomes weakness is that they are not balanced.

15 Clues: - is better than cure.- knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.- The habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs.- to mentor young people who need positive support from adults.- Promote ______________ that offers anti-violence programs and services....

Exercise 8 2022-07-31

Exercise 8 crossword puzzle
  1. เกี่ยวกับอาชญากรรม
  2. หยาบ, ขรุขระ
  3. น้ำหอม
  4. ช้ำ
  5. ดูถูก, เหยียดหยาม
  6. บทบาท, หน้าที่
  7. แข็งแรง, เหนียว
  1. ย่องเดินบนนิ้วเท้า
  2. เพียงพอ
  3. พองตัว
  4. ล่อลวง, ยั่วยวน
  5. สงสาร
  6. หลั่งเลือด
  7. วิญญาณ

14 Clues: ช้ำสงสารพองตัวน้ำหอมวิญญาณเพียงพอหลั่งเลือดหยาบ, ขรุขระบทบาท, หน้าที่ล่อลวง, ยั่วยวนแข็งแรง, เหนียวดูถูก, เหยียดหยามย่องเดินบนนิ้วเท้าเกี่ยวกับอาชญากรรม

Crime Theory Vocabulary 2022-10-17

Crime Theory Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. theory that says individuals choose to commit crimes
  2. scientific theory of eliminating so-called social ills through genetics and heredity
  3. relationship between two or more items
  4. Freud's theory of personality organization and the dynamics of personality development that guides psychoanalysis
  5. moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity
  6. criminal behavior is caused by biological, psychological, and social forces combined
  7. study of crime and criminals
  8. the detailed study of the shape and size of the skull as a supposed indication of character and mental abilities
  9. the branch of psychology that deals with social interactions, including their origins and their effects on the individual
  1. a person convicted of a crime who has previously been convicted of crimes
  2. medical procedure that permanently prevents someone from having children
  3. the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses
  4. criminal behavior is innate
  5. one item causes another to happen
  6. a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific methods

15 Clues: criminal behavior is innatestudy of crime and criminalsone item causes another to happenrelationship between two or more itemstheory that says individuals choose to commit crimesmedical procedure that permanently prevents someone from having childrena person convicted of a crime who has previously been convicted of crimes...

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Gomez 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Gomez crossword puzzle
  1. a type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation
  2. an individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  3. oral or written statement by the family or friends of the victim that explains the crime's inpact on the victim and/or his or her family and friends
  4. an institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  1. a perspective of criminal justice that argues that crime is the result of the burdens and benefits in society not being equally distributed among its members
  2. a perspective of criminal justice that argues that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to ensure fairness under the law
  3. an intentional act or omission to act neither justified nor excused that is in violation of criminal law and punishable by the state
  4. a institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes
  5. a sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings
  6. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  7. a veradict of not guilty
  8. behavioral expectations of a group

12 Clues: a veradict of not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsan individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutiona institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimesan institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes...

Exercise 8 2022-07-31

Exercise 8 crossword puzzle
  1. ดูถูก, เหยียดหยาม
  2. เกี่ยวกับอาชญากรรม
  3. บทบาท, หน้าที่
  4. สงสาร
  5. พองตัว
  6. แข็งแรง, เหนียว
  7. น้ำหอม
  1. ล่อลวง, ยั่วยวน
  2. หลั่งเลือด
  3. ช้ำ
  4. วิญญาณ
  5. เพียงพอ
  6. ย่องเดินบนนิ้วเท้า
  7. หยาบ, ขรุขระ

14 Clues: ช้ำสงสารวิญญาณพองตัวน้ำหอมเพียงพอหลั่งเลือดหยาบ, ขรุขระบทบาท, หน้าที่ล่อลวง, ยั่วยวนแข็งแรง, เหนียวดูถูก, เหยียดหยามเกี่ยวกับอาชญากรรมย่องเดินบนนิ้วเท้า

Crimes Against People and Property 2017-09-21

Crimes Against People and Property crossword puzzle
  1. unauthorized entry into a structure to commit a crime
  2. crime of intentionally destroying another persons property
  3. burning of property
  4. physical attacking someone
  5. taking of property from a person's possession by force
  6. unlawful taking property by someone who is was entrusted
  7. different degrees of murder to manslaughter
  8. lying while testifying
  9. revenge on the offender
  10. isolate a criminal from society to protect citizens
  11. paying back to the victim by the offender
  1. criminal activities on the internet
  2. prevent others from committing similar crimes
  3. retraining the offender
  4. taking of property of another with intent to steal it
  5. misrepresentation of a fact to obtain property
  6. crime crime motivated by racial, sexual or other involving violence
  7. unlawful killing of another person with malice aforethought
  8. threats to obtain anothers property. Also called blackmail
  9. threat of an attack

20 Clues: burning of propertythreat of an attacklying while testifyingretraining the offenderrevenge on the offenderphysical attacking someonecriminal activities on the internetpaying back to the victim by the offenderdifferent degrees of murder to manslaughterprevent others from committing similar crimesmisrepresentation of a fact to obtain property...

Happy Birthday 2022-04-06

Happy Birthday crossword puzzle
  1. Exam for future attorneys
  2. This company unveiled the first Mustang in April
  3. This ship went down in April
  4. A wildebeest
  5. Frontman Thom of English alternative band Radiohead
  6. The Southern Hemisphere's equivalent of April
  7. Capital insiders, informally
  8. Famous playwright born in April
  9. Where the captain can be found
  10. Actor Cranston
  11. The greater roadrunner adores this state
  12. April is sacred to this Venus goddess
  13. Actor Odenkirk
  14. Month of the Boston Marathon
  1. Criminal lawyer, literally
  2. Number one lawyer
  3. TV's least favorite brother
  4. Neil Young's favorite type of Moon
  5. Loses it
  6. Thin pancakes
  7. How the French say 'seven'
  8. UPenn's mascot
  9. A German greeting
  10. Sticky strip
  11. A female sheep, especially when mature
  12. It lives in the mind of James Taylor
  13. Chip, or criminal enforcer

27 Clues: Loses itA wildebeestSticky stripThin pancakesUPenn's mascotActor CranstonActor OdenkirkNumber one lawyerA German greetingExam for future attorneysCriminal lawyer, literallyHow the French say 'seven'Chip, or criminal enforcerTV's least favorite brotherThis ship went down in AprilCapital insiders, informallyMonth of the Boston Marathon...

Future 2015-04-13

Future crossword puzzle
  1. Sudden/random.
  2. Shattering into shards and recreating in another place.
  3. Makes one see-through.
  4. A powerful shield protecting something.
  1. To cure/strengthen.
  2. Communication between two minds.
  3. A mirror.
  4. A magnetic power pulling one towards the ground.

8 Clues: A mirror.Sudden/random.To cure/strengthen.Makes one see-through.Communication between two minds.A powerful shield protecting something.A magnetic power pulling one towards the ground.Shattering into shards and recreating in another place.

Types of Law 2022-01-20

Types of Law crossword puzzle
  1. less serious crime
  2. rulebook for government
  3. someone who files a lawsuit against someone else
  4. married people splitting up
  5. you can be found ______ if they prove you did it
  6. being convicted of a crime could lead to serving _____ or prison time
  1. someone is out of money and can't pay a debt
  2. creates laws
  3. 2 main types of law, ______ and civil
  4. someone who is charged or accused of wrongdoing
  5. civil case will be decided by a _____ or jury
  6. stuff that you own including land
  7. more serious crime
  8. tells who inherits money and property when someone dies
  9. 2 main types of law, criminal and ______

15 Clues: creates lawsless serious crimemore serious crimerulebook for governmentmarried people splitting upstuff that you own including land2 main types of law, ______ and civil2 main types of law, criminal and ______someone is out of money and can't pay a debtcivil case will be decided by a _____ or jurysomeone who is charged or accused of wrongdoing...

Criminal lessons 1-2 2022-07-05

Criminal lessons 1-2 crossword puzzle
  1. Considered a crime in the UK, but legal in Switzerland.
  2. In Maths, what is 'average' another word for?
  3. A type of question that offers a fixed number of responses.
  4. Some crimes are not reported due to a ........ in the police.
  5. Crimes that result in physical harm or death.
  6. Questionnaires are .......... because it’s easy to compare answers because participants are asked the same questions.
  7. Graffiti is considered an ..................... crime.
  8. Where an individual offers up the information that you need​ via questionnaire or interview.
  9. An interview style where a certain topic will be discussed and interaction tends to be free-flowing.
  10. Any act that is against the law.
  11. A type of interview involving a pre-determined set of questions asked in a fixed order.
  1. Who do the police pass their crime figures to?
  2. Fraud and burglary are types of ......... crime.
  3. A concept that exists as a result of interactions between people who make up a society.
  4. A golden rule of a bar chart is that the title must include your independent and dependent ..........
  5. An alternative to prison.
  6. A weakness of an interview is that participants may ........ in their answers.
  7. A type of question that does not have a fixed range of answers and respondents are free to answer in any way they wish.

18 Clues: An alternative to prison.Any act that is against the law.In Maths, what is 'average' another word for?Crimes that result in physical harm or death.Who do the police pass their crime figures to?Fraud and burglary are types of ......... crime.Graffiti is considered an ..................... crime.Considered a crime in the UK, but legal in Switzerland....

Criminal Justice Terms 1 2021-08-02

Criminal Justice Terms 1 crossword puzzle
  1. of Action, One or more related charges combined and made against a defendant for wrongs committed.
  2. Trial, Trial without a jury in which a judge decides the facts. Also known as court trial.
  3. Someone who helps another person (known as the principal) commit a crime. Unlike an accessory, an accomplice is usually present when the crime is committed.
  4. A claim or statement of what a party intends to prove; the facts as one party claims they are.
  5. A legal judgment, based on the decision to either a jury or a judge, that an accused is not guilty of the crime for which he or she has been charged or tried.
  6. a Reasonable Doubt, The burden of proof that the prosecution must carry in a criminal trial to obtain a guilty verdict. The jury must be convinced that the defendant committed each element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt before returning a guilty verdict.
  7. The money or property given to the court as security when an accused person is released before and during a trial with the agreement that the defendant will return to court when ordered to do so. Bail is forfeited if the defendant fails to return to court.
  8. Confession of a charge, an error, or a crime; acknowledgment.
  9. Evidence, The evidence that a trial judge or jury may consider, because the rules of evidence deem it reliable.
  1. The appearance of the defendant in court to enter his or her plea to the charges.
  2. Threat to inflict injury with an apparent ability to do so. Also, any intentional display of force that would give the victim reason to fear or expect immediate bodily harm.
  3. Someone who intentionally helps another person commit a felony An accessory is usually not physically present during the crime.
  4. Assault, An attempt to cause serious bodily injury to another or purposely, knowingly or recklessly causing such injury, or an attempt to cause or purposely or knowingly cause bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon.
  5. Part of the process of being arrested in which the details of who a person is and why he or she was arrested are recorded in police records.
  6. Battery, The unlawful use of force against another with unusual or serious consequences such as the use of a dangerous weapon.
  7. A person or persons formally charged but not yet tried for a crime.
  8. Warrant, An order issued by a judge for the arrest of a person. This is also known as a “capias.”
  9. A request made by the defense or State that the case be reviewed by a court of appeal.
  10. A written argument by counsel arguing a case, which contains a summary of the facts of the case, pertinent laws, and an argument of how the law applies to the fact situation. Also called a memorandum of law.
  11. Evidence Rule, A rule of evidence that demands that the original of any document, photograph or recording be used as evidence at trial, rather than a copy.

20 Clues: Confession of a charge, an error, or a crime; acknowledgment.A person or persons formally charged but not yet tried for a crime.The appearance of the defendant in court to enter his or her plea to the charges.A request made by the defense or State that the case be reviewed by a court of appeal....

Mental health 2024-06-05

Mental health crossword puzzle
  1. The overuse of a medicine or drug
  2. notice taken of someone
  3. Support from others
  4. indication of a problem
  1. Common tropes
  2. Your well being
  3. The minds thought process

7 Clues: Common tropesYour well beingSupport from othersnotice taken of someoneindication of a problemThe minds thought processThe overuse of a medicine or drug

Michael Jackson megamix 2023-11-16

Michael Jackson megamix crossword puzzle
  1. eam
  2. make me feel
  3. jean
  4. criminal
  5. or white
  6. til you get enough
  7. startin somethin
  1. the time
  2. erous
  3. my world
  4. ler
  5. ad
  6. about us
  7. it
  8. m
  9. d

16 Clues: mdaditeamlerjeanerousthe timemy worldabout uscriminalor whitemake me feelstartin somethintil you get enough

Twilight 2021-04-08

Twilight crossword puzzle
  1. Which of the Cullen's is jealous of Bella
  2. Edwards sister that can read minds
  3. Bella's daughters name
  4. What do vampires drink
  5. Edwards adoptive dads name
  6. Bella's second name
  7. What is the main supernatural theme
  8. What is the safest time of day for a vampire
  9. where does Bella live with her dad
  10. Main character beginning with "B"
  1. Main character beginning with "E"
  2. Bella's dads name
  3. Second name of the author of twilight
  4. Bella's home town
  5. Jasper is able to control what with his powers
  6. Bella's mums boyfriend's name
  7. who wants to kill Bella in the Twilight saga
  8. The strongest brother
  9. What is Jacob
  10. What is Bella's mums name

20 Clues: What is JacobBella's dads nameBella's home townBella's second nameThe strongest brotherBella's daughters nameWhat do vampires drinkWhat is Bella's mums nameEdwards adoptive dads nameBella's mums boyfriend's nameMain character beginning with "E"Main character beginning with "B"Edwards sister that can read mindswhere does Bella live with her dad...

Wings of Fire ( Moon Rising) 2015-01-23

Wings of Fire ( Moon Rising) crossword puzzle
  1. is Clay's sister
  2. is a teacher at Jade academy
  3. is the mother of Moonwatcher
  4. put fear into the Nightwings mind
  5. was one of Thorn's outclaws
  6. is Queen Glacier's nephew
  7. is also a teacher at Jade academy
  8. is the head of Jade academy
  9. has the animus touch
  10. has the animus curse
  1. can read minds and see the future
  2. is Tsunami's and Anemone's mother
  3. is a Seawing and also a jade winglet
  4. is a silver winglet
  5. is the queen of Nightwings and Rainwings
  6. is the librarian
  7. is Winter's sister
  8. is a Quartz winglet
  9. is a Rainwing and a Jade winglet
  10. is Clay"s sister

20 Clues: is Clay's sisteris the librarianis Clay"s sisteris Winter's sisteris a silver wingletis a Quartz winglethas the animus touchhas the animus curseis Queen Glacier's nephewwas one of Thorn's outclawsis the head of Jade academyis a teacher at Jade academyis the mother of Moonwatcheris a Rainwing and a Jade wingletcan read minds and see the future...

Vocabulary Week C 2016-11-20

Vocabulary Week C crossword puzzle
  1. to deceive, to mislead
  2. transparent, see-through
  3. rude, improper
  4. a false statement to damage the reputation of another
  5. a fortune teller
  6. habitual, natural
  7. to cheat, to swindle
  8. to slander, to smear, to libel, to defame, to speak evil of
  9. a statement that gives an unjust or unfavorable representation of a person or thing, a defamation
  10. cheerful unity among a group
  11. immature
  12. inclined to lie or mislead
  13. a fortune teller
  1. to destroy the reputation of
  2. lethargic
  3. ghostly, spectral
  4. nonthreatening, innocuous
  5. to force
  6. lazy, apathetic
  7. ghostly
  8. capable of reading minds
  9. deceitful actions or behavior
  10. an attempt to defame another's reputation
  11. young or immature

24 Clues: ghostlyto forceimmaturelethargicrude, improperlazy, apathetica fortune tellera fortune tellerghostly, spectralhabitual, naturalyoung or immatureto cheat, to swindleto deceive, to misleadtransparent, see-throughcapable of reading mindsnonthreatening, innocuousinclined to lie or misleadto destroy the reputation ofcheerful unity among a group...

Connie 22 tube crossword bonanza 2022-03-27

Connie 22 tube crossword bonanza crossword puzzle
  1. wordle, wordle, wordle, wordle
  2. dumbledore's brother (this is just a hp one as a test)
  3. on a key and in a tank
  4. best meatballs no mini rolls
  5. spanish gentleman
  6. greek god of water parks
  7. anag (shapop)
  8. like puzzle
  9. basically our song
  10. your favourite player
  11. old canal hotspot
  1. no veggie burger/ guilty pleasure (6,7)
  2. "maybe we should stay here all night"(7,6)
  3. the name I can now remember
  4. he's back
  5. she totally had a drink spilled on her
  6. your least favourite, colour
  7. knice drinks
  8. lost hat and weed tea
  9. thats not your husband
  10. great minds think alike
  11. the trust is gone

22 Clues: he's backlike puzzleknice drinksanag (shapop)spanish gentlemanthe trust is goneold canal hotspotbasically our songlost hat and weed teayour favourite playeron a key and in a tankthats not your husbandgreat minds think alikegreek god of water parksthe name I can now rememberbest meatballs no mini rollsyour least favourite, colour...

Freak the Mighty 2023-12-14

Freak the Mighty crossword puzzle
  1. Too hot to eat
  2. A muscle that improves with exercise
  3. A place where weird-sounding
  4. A four-letter word for Max in a bad mood
  5. Versification
  6. A finger-powered computer
  7. lie Ignorance is bliss
  8. A robotlike suit worn by knights of old
  9. the study of small families
  10. Another word for Max and Kevin
  11. Loyalty with an “F”
  1. A human sauropod
  2. A four-letter word for truth serum
  3. A way to improve on the human condition
  4. An eigth-grade English class
  5. a vegan
  6. A measure of energy equal to ten million ergs
  7. Max's shoe size
  8. A word used by people with small minds
  9. Another word for falling down

20 Clues: a veganVersificationToo hot to eatMax's shoe sizeA human sauropodLoyalty with an “F”lie Ignorance is blissA finger-powered computerthe study of small familiesAn eigth-grade English classA place where weird-soundingAnother word for falling downAnother word for Max and KevinA four-letter word for truth serumA muscle that improves with exercise...

quiz 7 2016-04-10

quiz 7 crossword puzzle
  1. Prosecutorial waivers, called ____ file, allows the prosecutor to have the sole authority to decide whether a particular juvenile case will be heard in criminal court.
  2. ___ ad litem is the term for defense lawyers of juveniles who act as their legal guardian as well as lawyer.
  3. A juvenile has no Constitutional right to this in court.
  4. A ____ sentence refers to the imposition of juvenile and/or adult correctional sanctions to juvenile defendants.
  5. Formal procedure whereby the state declares the juvenile to be an adult.
  6. The type of disposition that includes juvenile probation, community service, or restitution.
  7. The least punitive of the three major dispositions that includes a verbal warning or reprimand.
  1. An alternative to juvenile court that relies on teen jurors to dispose of minor juvenile cases.
  2. Changing the jurisdiction over certain juvenile offenders to another jurisdiction, usually from juvenile court to criminal court.
  3. A judgment or action on the petition filed with the juvenile court.
  4. A juvenile waiver also known as legislative or mandatory that specifies crimes that must be heard in criminal court rather than juvenile court.
  5. A juvenile waiver that initiated by the juvenile who wants his or her case heard in adult criminal court.

12 Clues: A juvenile has no Constitutional right to this in court.A judgment or action on the petition filed with the juvenile court.Formal procedure whereby the state declares the juvenile to be an adult.The type of disposition that includes juvenile probation, community service, or restitution....


  1. This is the type of prison which allows prisoners out on day release before they return in the evening.
  2. The focus of prisons in modern Britain is to help prisoners reform and what else?
  3. This was abolished in prisons in 1902 (two words)
  4. These army like institutions were created at the start of the 1900s to punish young people as an alternative for prison.
  5. This is a period of time whereby prisoners are allowed to apply for an early release from prison for good behaviour.
  6. This is a non-custodial punishment where a criminal can be tracked and monitored at all times.
  1. This was the location in Yorkshire of Britain's first open prison.
  2. This was a form of 'service' where the criminal would have to work in the local area as a retaliation for their crimes.
  3. This type of punishment was abolished in prisons under the terms of the 1948 Criminal Justice Act
  4. These types of less intimidating court were specifically created for younger people.
  5. This is a period of time after a prisoner has been released where they are supervised and checked upon.
  6. A criminal could be given this non-custodial sentence which bans them from being in a certain area.

12 Clues: This was abolished in prisons in 1902 (two words)This was the location in Yorkshire of Britain's first open prison.The focus of prisons in modern Britain is to help prisoners reform and what else?These types of less intimidating court were specifically created for younger people....

Crimes and Gangsters 2014-05-17

Crimes and Gangsters crossword puzzle
  1. was a nationwide ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages
  2. a type of drink that was banned in the united states in the 1920s
  3. one of capone's men
  4. a place where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed illegally
  5. activity that involves breaking the law
  6. was an early Prohibition gangster and bootlegger
  7. was an Italian-American mobster who helped build the criminal empire known as the Chicago Outfit in the 1920s
  1. is the female companion of a male professional criminal
  2. was a Jewish-American racketeer, businessman and gambler who became a kingpin of the Jewish mob in New York.
  3. was a person who was creating liquor and also obtaining liquor even though the use of liquor was then outlawed in the United States of America
  4. its also knowm as speakeasies
  5. was an American gangster who led a Prohibition-era crime syndicate
  6. a member of a gang of criminals
  7. one who obtains money by an illegal enterprise usually involving intimidation
  8. a person who commits crimes for a living

15 Clues: one of capone's menits also knowm as speakeasiesa member of a gang of criminalsactivity that involves breaking the lawa person who commits crimes for a livingwas an early Prohibition gangster and bootleggeris the female companion of a male professional criminala type of drink that was banned in the united states in the 1920s...

gabrielle's justice puzzle 2022-04-19

gabrielle's justice puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. act that violation of a law that any pertains to children
  2. person named as the wrong-doer in a civil or criminal
  3. process that allows the suspect to be free until court
  4. an act that is considered a crime if it is committed by an adult
  5. branch that interpret's the law of georgia
  6. person who brings a law suit against another person
  1. choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
  2. a place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime.
  3. formal legal process that gives recognition to a will and appoints the executor or personal representative who will administer the estate and distribute assets to the intended beneficiary
  4. law that deals with the actions that harm people and society
  5. has served time
  6. institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress
  7. a formal examination of evidence before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings
  8. law that privately disputes
  9. guilty or not guilty

15 Clues: has served timeguilty or not guiltylaw that privately disputesbranch that interpret's the law of georgiaperson who brings a law suit against another personperson named as the wrong-doer in a civil or criminalprocess that allows the suspect to be free until courtact that violation of a law that any pertains to children...

Crime Vocabulary 2019-07-29

Crime Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A reason for committing a crime.
  2. A public official that is chosen to decide on cases involving law and crime.
  3. A group of people who are selected to help decide on a legal case.
  4. The police use these to restrain someone by the wrists.
  5. The place criminals go for a very long term stay.
  6. Entering private or restricted property without permission.
  7. The amount of time that a criminal will have to stay locked up.
  8. The crime of setting fire to property.
  9. The place a criminal goes to have their case argued and punishment decided.
  10. Someone who kills a series of people with a pattern and no clear reason.
  11. Betraying one’s country by helping its enemies.
  12. The crime of accidentally killing a person.
  13. Objects or facts that validate or confirm something happened.
  14. A physical attack.
  15. Killing a famous person or public figure.
  16. If we are 100% sure that someone committed a crime, we can say they are...
  17. Crime that involves using violence or threats against people for political reasons.
  18. Signs, indications, or objects from something that happened.
  19. The crime of stealing from a building or a place without direct violence.
  20. Money that is paid to secure the release of someone who is accused of a crime.
  21. The quality of being fair and reasonable. Laws uphold this idea.
  22. The crime of lying under oath (vow of truth) in court.
  1. Someone who sees an event happen, like a crime or accident.
  2. Stealing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while it is in transit (moving).
  3. The crime of intentionally destroying public or private property.
  4. The crime of intentionally killing someone (begins with the letter M).
  5. The action police take to capture/restrain someone who appears to be criminal.
  6. If we are 100% sure that someone did not commit a crime, we can say they are..
  7. A fee that must be paid as punishment for breaking a rule or law.
  8. A person who practices or studies law.
  9. The crime of stealing from one’s own company.
  10. Someone who commits a crime.
  11. We leave these invisible clues on things if we don’t wear gloves.
  12. Gaining unauthorized access to data in a computer or a system.
  13. The crime of stealing from a store.
  14. A final decision or judgement on something, like a legal case.
  15. Illegally copying documents or money to fool people.
  16. The event where a criminal case is argued among people and a decision is made.
  17. Another word for punishment.
  18. The crime of moving goods in or out of a country illegally.
  19. The crime of intentionally killing someone (begins with the letter H).
  20. The place criminals go for a shorter term stay.
  21. Someone who is believed to have committed a crime or an offense.
  22. Someone who steals things.
  23. The room that a locked-up criminal must live in until they are released.
  24. The crime of stealing from someone with violence or the threat of violence.

46 Clues: A physical attack.Someone who steals things.Someone who commits a crime.Another word for punishment.A reason for committing a crime.The crime of stealing from a store.A person who practices or studies law.The crime of setting fire to property.Killing a famous person or public figure.The crime of accidentally killing a person....

Crime Vocabulary 2019-07-29

Crime Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. The crime of lying under oath (vow of truth) in court.
  2. The quality of being fair and reasonable. Laws uphold this idea.
  3. Crime that involves using violence or threats against people for political reasons.
  4. The place a criminal goes to have their case argued and punishment decided.
  5. The crime of intentionally killing someone (begins with the letter H).
  6. Killing a famous person or public figure.
  7. Someone who commits a crime.
  8. Objects or facts that validate or confirm something happened.
  9. Entering private or restricted property without permission.
  10. The room that a locked-up criminal must live in until they are released.
  11. The crime of stealing from a store.
  12. Money that is paid to secure the release of someone who is accused of a crime.
  13. Someone who is believed to have committed a crime or an offense.
  14. The crime of stealing from one’s own company.
  15. Illegally copying documents or money to fool people.
  16. Someone who sees an event happen, like a crime or accident.
  17. A group of people who are selected to help decide on a legal case.
  18. If we are 100% sure that someone committed a crime, we can say they are...
  19. The crime of intentionally killing someone (begins with the letter M).
  20. The place criminals go for a very long term stay.
  21. The crime of stealing from someone with violence or the threat of violence.
  1. The crime of stealing from a building or a place without direct violence.
  2. A fee that must be paid as punishment for breaking a rule or law.
  3. The crime of setting fire to property.
  4. The place criminals go for a shorter term stay.
  5. A physical attack.
  6. The crime of moving goods in or out of a country illegally.
  7. The police use these to restrain someone by the wrists.
  8. The action police take to capture/restrain someone who appears to be criminal.
  9. Someone who kills a series of people with a pattern and no clear reason.
  10. A final decision or judgement on something, like a legal case.
  11. Stealing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while it is in transit (moving).
  12. Gaining unauthorized access to data in a computer or a system.
  13. The crime of accidentally killing a person.
  14. Someone who steals things.
  15. We leave these invisible clues on things if we don’t wear gloves.
  16. The amount of time that a criminal will have to stay locked up.
  17. If we are 100% sure that someone did not commit a crime, we can say they are..
  18. The crime of intentionally destroying public or private property.
  19. The event where a criminal case is argued among people and a decision is made.
  20. Another word for punishment.
  21. Signs, indications, or objects from something that happened.
  22. A person who practices or studies law.
  23. Betraying one’s country by helping its enemies.
  24. A public official that is chosen to decide on cases involving law and crime.
  25. A reason for committing a crime.

46 Clues: A physical attack.Someone who steals things.Someone who commits a crime.Another word for punishment.A reason for committing a crime.The crime of stealing from a store.The crime of setting fire to property.A person who practices or studies law.Killing a famous person or public figure.The crime of accidentally killing a person....

Crime Vocabulary 2019-07-29

Crime Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. A fee that must be paid as punishment for breaking a rule or law.
  2. Gaining unauthorized access to data in a computer or a system.
  3. Crime that involves using violence or threats against people for political reasons.
  4. The crime of accidentally killing a person.
  5. The crime of setting fire to property.
  6. The crime of moving goods in or out of a country illegally.
  7. We leave these invisible clues on things if we don’t wear gloves.
  8. A public official that is chosen to decide on cases involving law and crime.
  9. The quality of being fair and reasonable. Laws uphold this idea.
  10. Someone who kills a series of people with a pattern and no clear reason.
  11. A physical attack.
  12. The room that a locked-up criminal must live in until they are released.
  13. Betraying one’s country by helping its enemies.
  14. The crime of intentionally destroying public or private property.
  15. Signs, indications, or objects from something that happened.
  16. Someone who commits a crime.
  17. The crime of lying under oath (vow of truth) in court.
  18. The crime of stealing from a building or a place without direct violence.
  19. Someone who steals things.
  20. Money that is paid to secure the release of someone who is accused of a crime.
  21. The amount of time that a criminal will have to stay locked up.
  22. The action police take to capture/restrain someone who appears to be criminal.
  23. Entering private or restricted property without permission.
  24. The place criminals go for a shorter term stay.
  1. If we are 100% sure that someone did not commit a crime, we can say they are..
  2. Illegally copying documents or money to fool people.
  3. The place a criminal goes to have their case argued and punishment decided.
  4. The place criminals go for a very long term stay.
  5. Killing a famous person or public figure.
  6. A person who practices or studies law.
  7. Someone who sees an event happen, like a crime or accident.
  8. A reason for committing a crime.
  9. Another word for punishment.
  10. If we are 100% sure that someone committed a crime, we can say they are...
  11. A group of people who are selected to help decide on a legal case.
  12. The crime of stealing from a store.
  13. The crime of stealing from one’s own company.
  14. Someone who is believed to have committed a crime or an offense.
  15. The police use these to restrain someone by the wrists.
  16. The crime of intentionally killing someone (begins with the letter M).
  17. Objects or facts that validate or confirm something happened.
  18. The crime of intentionally killing someone (begins with the letter H).
  19. Stealing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while it is in transit (moving).
  20. A final decision or judgement on something, like a legal case.
  21. The crime of stealing from someone with violence or the threat of violence.
  22. The event where a criminal case is argued among people and a decision is made.

46 Clues: A physical attack.Someone who steals things.Another word for punishment.Someone who commits a crime.A reason for committing a crime.The crime of stealing from a store.A person who practices or studies law.The crime of setting fire to property.Killing a famous person or public figure.The crime of accidentally killing a person....

Detective Stories essential vocabulary 2021-05-06

Detective Stories essential vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. small things that help the police
  2. the person who is guilty
  3. a blunt weapon that can stab people
  4. a person who steals money
  5. when the suspect admits he is guilty
  6. the person who decides to sent a criminal to prison
  7. when the police catches the criminal
  8. this is where the culprit goes
  9. a trace found by the scientific police
  1. someone who is believed to be the murderer
  2. when person is killed
  3. the work of the police to solve the crime
  4. this can be the crime weapon
  5. a person who has seen or heard the crime
  6. an excuse that proves your innocence
  7. the police needs it to prove the crime
  8. when the police ask a suspect questions
  9. a person who investigates a case

18 Clues: when person is killedthe person who is guiltya person who steals moneythis can be the crime weaponthis is where the culprit goesa person who investigates a casesmall things that help the policea blunt weapon that can stab peoplean excuse that proves your innocencewhen the suspect admits he is guiltywhen the police catches the criminal...

freak the Mighty 2013-05-08

freak the Mighty crossword puzzle
  1. big word for mechanical bird
  2. study of mysterious relatives
  3. good old days
  4. vegan
  5. you do after you zig
  6. up into books
  7. when he knows he's right
  8. exciting it makes you vibrate
  9. table/where King Arthur passes out the snack food
  1. adventure in which you have to use your imagination
  2. they manufacturer smells
  3. word used by people with small minds
  4. nitrate/the blue in a sky rocket
  5. perfume
  6. eighth-grade English class

15 Clues: veganperfumegood old daysup into booksyou do after you zigthey manufacturer smellswhen he knows he's righteighth-grade English classbig word for mechanical birdstudy of mysterious relativesexciting it makes you vibratenitrate/the blue in a sky rocketword used by people with small mindstable/where King Arthur passes out the snack food...

Marketing Entrepreneurship 2019-05-16

Marketing Entrepreneurship crossword puzzle
  1. how much money you make off of a product
  2. an image that represents a company
  3. who the market is being sold to
  4. someone who takes something already made and changes something about it
  5. short phrase that sticks in people's minds
  6. a catchy song to the tune of a familiar song
  7. a thought payed for
  8. and item that is made
  9. how much something costs
  1. someone who starts their own business
  2. advertising
  3. items bought
  4. actions bought
  5. someone who makes something new
  6. where, how, and why something is sold

15 Clues: advertisingitems boughtactions boughta thought payed forand item that is madehow much something costswho the market is being sold tosomeone who makes something newan image that represents a companysomeone who starts their own businesswhere, how, and why something is soldhow much money you make off of a product...

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Gomez 2016-02-11

ADJ 1 Chapter 1 Gomez crossword puzzle
  1. a type of conditional release that is based on good behavior or evidence of some level of rehabilitation
  2. oral or written statement by the family or friends of the victim that explains the crime's inpact on the victim and/or his or her family and friends
  3. a sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings
  4. an institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  5. an intentional act or omission to act neither justified nor excused that is in violation of criminal law and punishable by the state
  6. a perspective of criminal justice that argues that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to ensure fairness under the law
  1. an individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  2. behavioral expectations of a group
  3. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  4. a veradict of not guilty
  5. a perspective of criminal justice that argues that crime is the result of the burdens and benefits in society not being equally distributed among its members
  6. a institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes

12 Clues: a veradict of not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsan individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutionan institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimesa institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes...

ADJ 1 Chapter1 Gil Deniz 2016-02-09

ADJ 1 Chapter1 Gil Deniz crossword puzzle
  1. an intentional act or omission to act, niether justified nor excused, that is in violation of criminal law and punishable by state
  2. - a loosely organized collection of agencies-police, courts, and correction- that operate at the local, state, and federal levels, that the charged with protecting the public, maintaining order, enforcing laws, identifying offenders, bringing the guilty to justice, and treating and punishing convicted persons
  3. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations
  4. a person against whom a charge is brought in court
  5. the territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority
  6. a sum of money that the arrested person pays to guarantee really that he or she will appear at future hearings
  7. An individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecution
  1. a perspective of criminal that identifies the repression of the crime as the most important function of the criminal justice
  2. behavioral expectations of a group
  3. the procedures that occur in the criminal justice system, from a citizen's initial contact with police to his or her potential arrest, charging, booking, prosecution, conviction, sentencing, incarceration, and receiving probation, to be paroled
  4. an institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes
  5. a verdict of not guilty

12 Clues: a verdict of not guiltybehavioral expectations of a groupto accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusationsa person against whom a charge is brought in courtAn individual charged with carrying out a legal prosecutionthe territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority...

The flash 2023-04-14

The flash crossword puzzle
  1. dead
  2. rival
  3. wife
  4. student
  5. arsenal
  6. superhero friend
  7. resurrected
  1. speedy
  2. friend
  3. overwatch
  4. spartan
  5. alien
  6. friend
  7. how many people barry has kissed
  8. father
  9. criminal turned hero
  10. dead legend

17 Clues: deadwiferivalalienspeedyfriendfriendfatherspartanstudentarsenaloverwatchresurrecteddead legendsuperhero friendcriminal turned herohow many people barry has kissed

Victorian County Court 2014-07-17

Victorian County Court crossword puzzle
  1. The County Court is more _______ than it's proceedings than the Magistrates Court
  2. Civil juries of six members can be requested by the _________ or defendant
  3. The County Court is above the Magistrates Court in the Hierarchy and below the ________ Court
  4. How many people make up a criminal jury?
  5. The County Court hears mostly ________ offences
  6. The County Court has the jurisdiction to hear civil claims up to _________ amounts
  7. A ______ presides over the County Court
  1. Court The County _________ ______ is the first sentencing court for aboriginal offenders in a higher jurisdiction
  2. The Supreme Court and Court of Appeals can hear _______ from the County Court
  3. of Law Both Civil and Criminal appeals can be heard on a _____ __ ___
  4. The County Court can hear appeals from the ___________ court
  5. ________ may be used in both civil and criminal matters

12 Clues: A ______ presides over the County CourtHow many people make up a criminal jury?The County Court hears mostly ________ offences________ may be used in both civil and criminal mattersThe County Court can hear appeals from the ___________ courtof Law Both Civil and Criminal appeals can be heard on a _____ __ ___...

Criminal Science Investigation 2022-11-08

Criminal Science Investigation crossword puzzle
  1. The location the crime took place in
  2. A person who has been harmed or injured resulting as a crime
  3. A post examination to discover the cause of death or the extinct of death
  4. A person who is suspected of doing the crime
  5. DNA
  6. Someone who has seen something happen in the crime
  1. A type of print pattern which consists of one or more friction ridges causing to have a complete circuit
  2. A type of print patter which the friction ridges enter on one side of the print and flows out the other side with a rise or wave in the centre
  3. Someone who finds clues in the crime scene
  4. Someone who helps another commit a crime
  5. A piece of evidence found elsewhere from where the crime got taken place in
  6. A person who studies insects

12 Clues: DNAA person who studies insectsThe location the crime took place inSomeone who helps another commit a crimeSomeone who finds clues in the crime sceneA person who is suspected of doing the crimeSomeone who has seen something happen in the crimeA person who has been harmed or injured resulting as a crime...

Criminal Theory Terms 2023-02-21

Criminal Theory Terms crossword puzzle
  1. The theory holds that individuals will turn to a life of crime when they are strained, or when they are unable to achieve the goals of the society, whether power, finance, or some other desirable goal.
  2. upholds the belief that a small few, the elite of the society, decide laws and the definition of crime; those who commit crimes disagree with the laws that were created to keep control of them.
  3. Similar to the choice theory, this theory ascertains that people think before they proceed with criminal actions; that when one commits a crime, it is because the individual decided that it was advantageous to commit the crime.
  4. Learning Social learning indicates that individuals learn from those around them; they base their morals and activities on what they see others in their social environment doing.
  5. activity Followers of this theory believe that crime is inevitable, and that if the target is attractive enough, crime will happen; effective measures must be in place to deter crime from happening.
  6. disorganization Suggests that crime occurs in communities that experience breakdown in social mores and opportunities, such as in highly populated, lower income, urban communities.
  1. The positivist rejects the idea that each individual makes a conscious, rational choice to commit a crime; rather, some individuals are abnormal in intelligence, social acceptance, or some other way, and that causes them to commit crime.
  2. The conflict theory holds that crime results from the conflicts in society among the different social classes, and that laws actually arise from necessity as a result of conflict, rather than a general consensus.
  3. Control Theorists believe it is society’s responsibility to maintain a certain degree of stability and certainly in an individual’s life, to make the rules and responsibilities clear, and to create other activities to thwart criminal activity.
  4. Choice Reasons that an individual thinks through each action, deciding on whether it would be worth the risk of committing a crime to reap the benefits of that crime, whether the goal be financial, pleasure, or some other beneficial result.
  5. Those who follow the this theory of criminology ascribe to the fact that an individual will become what he is labeled or what others expect him to become; the danger comes from calling a crime a crime and a criminal a criminal.
  6. Those who follow the trait theory believe that individuals have certain traits that will contribute to whether or not they are capable of committing a crime when pushed in a certain direction, or when they are in duress.
  7. The belief that individuals choose to commit a crime, looking at the opportunities before them, weighing the benefit versus the punishment, and deciding whether to proceed or not.
  8. Course The theory that a person’s “course” in life is determined by short (transitory) and long (trajectory) events in his life, and crime can result when a transitory event causes stress in a person’s life causing him to commit a crime against society.

14 Clues: Learning Social learning indicates that individuals learn from those around them; they base their morals and activities on what they see others in their social environment doing....

Criminal law vocabulary 2016-02-11

Criminal law vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. a verdict not guilty.
  2. behavioral expectations of a group.
  3. the territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority.
  4. a perspective of criminal justice that identifies the repression of crime as the most important function of the criminal justice system.
  5. to accuse of wrongdoing through formal accusations.
  6. an international act or omission to act, neither justified nor excused, that is in violation of criminal law and punishable by the state.
  1. a sum of money that the arrested person needs to pay to guarantee that he or she will appear at future hearings.
  2. the heighest appellate court in the U.S. judicial system; it reviews cases appealed from federal and state court systems that the deal with constitutional issues.
  3. an institution to hold pretrial detainees and people convicted of less serious crimes.
  4. a person against whom a charge is brought in court.
  5. an individual charged with carrying out legal prosecution.
  6. an institution for the confinement of people who have been convicted of serious crimes.

12 Clues: a verdict not guilty.behavioral expectations of a group.a person against whom a charge is brought in accuse of wrongdoing through formal individual charged with carrying out legal prosecution.the territory over which a law enforcement agency has authority....

criminal law terms 2023-11-10

criminal law terms crossword puzzle
  1. Information, documents, or testimony presented in court to prove or disprove facts relevant to a case.
  2. The decision or judgment reached by a judge or jury at the conclusion of a trial.
  3. A legal document issued by a court that authorizes law enforcement to search, seize property, or make an arrest.
  4. The act of intentionally providing false information while under oath, such as during testimony in court.
  5. Money or collateral provided to secure a defendant's release from custody while awaiting trial.
  1. A serious criminal offense that may result in a prison sentence of one year or more.
  2. The person accused of committing a crime and facing legal charges.
  3. The legal representative who brings charges against the defendant on behalf of the state.
  4. A less serious criminal offense, typically punishable by fines, probation, or less than a year in jail.
  5. A formal legal proceeding in which evidence is presented, witnesses are called, and a judge or jury determines the outcome of a case.
  6. A group of citizens selected to hear evidence and decide the verdict in a trial.
  7. A defendant's response to criminal charges, such as "guilty," "not guilty," or "no contest."

12 Clues: The person accused of committing a crime and facing legal charges.A group of citizens selected to hear evidence and decide the verdict in a trial.The decision or judgment reached by a judge or jury at the conclusion of a trial.A serious criminal offense that may result in a prison sentence of one year or more....

Eysenck’s theory 2024-04-16

Eysenck’s theory crossword puzzle
  1. The way Eysenck saw offending behaviour
  2. People with an underactive nervous system
  3. Assumption that all offending behaviour can be explained by personality traits alone
  4. Characteristic of offenders
  5. Psychological quiz that determines personality type
  6. individuals with a higher level of testosterone
  7. Distinguished between offending behaviour in adolescents and adults
  8. Why the criminal personality can’t be generalised
  9. They did a meta-analysis on studies measuring psychoticism
  10. The criminal personality
  1. Process in which children are taught to become more able to delay gratification
  2. Impatient offenders demand this
  3. Neurotics overreact to this
  4. They found offenders scored higher for extroversion than non-offenders
  5. Innate personality type, from inherited nervous system
  6. Opposite of stable

16 Clues: Opposite of stableThe criminal personalityNeurotics overreact to thisCharacteristic of offendersImpatient offenders demand thisThe way Eysenck saw offending behaviourPeople with an underactive nervous systemindividuals with a higher level of testosteroneWhy the criminal personality can’t be generalised...

William's Crossword 2020-10-21

William's Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. carry
  2. steal
  3. absorb 2 times
  4. draw
  5. at 11:00 AM
  6. door
  7. playing outside
  1. revolt
  2. stomach
  3. ladder
  4. woof woof
  5. work
  6. I can do this
  7. jam on tosed
  8. cached
  9. to the finish line
  10. time
  11. very busy
  12. tears

19 Clues: workdrawtimedoorcarrystealtearsrevoltladdercachedstomachwoof woofvery busyat 11:00 AMjam on tosedI can do thisabsorb 2 timesplaying outsideto the finish line

Paul9 2021-06-03

Paul9 crossword puzzle
  1. impopulaire
  2. post sur les réseaux sociaux
  3. sensible
  4. improductif
  5. inclusif
  6. valeur
  7. annulation
  8. culture de l'annulation
  1. humiliation publique
  2. répréhensible
  3. criminel
  4. boycott
  5. contraire à l'éthique
  6. équitable
  7. enregistrement, archive
  8. tolérant

16 Clues: valeurboycottcriminelsensibleinclusiftolérantéquitableannulationimpopulaireimproductifrépréhensiblehumiliation publiquecontraire à l'éthiqueenregistrement, archiveculture de l'annulationpost sur les réseaux sociaux

CHRIST, OUR HIGH PRIEST Hebrews Chapter 8 2022-01-31

CHRIST, OUR HIGH PRIEST  Hebrews Chapter 8 crossword puzzle
  1. HEB. 8:10B
  2. HEB. 8:11B
  3. HEB. 8:4B
  4. HEB. 8:6B
  5. HEB. 8:8B
  6. HEB. 8:10C
  7. HEB. 8:10D
  8. HEB. 8:5
  9. HEB. 8:10
  10. HEBREWS 8:1
  11. HEB. 8:2
  12. HEB. 8:12B
  13. HEB. 8:2B
  1. HEB. 8:1B
  2. HEB. 8:3
  3. HEB. 8:9
  4. HEB. 8:7B
  5. HEBREWS 8:11C
  6. HEB. 8:7
  7. HEB. 8:4
  8. HEB. 8:5B
  9. HEB. 8:5C
  10. HEB. 8:8
  11. HEB. 8:12
  12. HEB. 8:3B
  13. HEB. 8:9B
  14. HEB. 8:6
  15. HEB. 8:11
  16. HEB. 8:13B
  17. HEB. 8:13

30 Clues: HEB. 8:3HEB. 8:9HEB. 8:7HEB. 8:4HEB. 8:8HEB. 8:6HEB. 8:5HEB. 8:2HEB. 8:1BHEB. 8:7BHEB. 8:4BHEB. 8:5BHEB. 8:5CHEB. 8:12HEB. 8:3BHEB. 8:6BHEB. 8:8BHEB. 8:9BHEB. 8:11HEB. 8:10HEB. 8:13HEB. 8:2BHEB. 8:10BHEB. 8:11BHEB. 8:10CHEB. 8:10DHEB. 8:13BHEB. 8:12BHEBREWS 8:1HEBREWS 8:11C

<Fantasy Crossword> 2022-05-09

<Fantasy Crossword> crossword puzzle
  1. an orange doglike animal
  2. magic the characters usually use
  3. a lazy house animal
  4. a man who rules over a kingdom
  5. flying mythical creature
  6. main character(abbreviation)
  7. someone who can read minds
  8. someone who teaches the MC
  9. most popular genre in fiction
  10. the daughter of a king and a queen
  11. the tools the characters use to fight
  1. a goblin- like mythical creature
  2. creatures who have evil powers
  3. and animal that you raise
  4. clothes heroes wear
  5. dead people who roam the earth
  6. someone evil the main character fights
  7. high ranking angel
  8. someone who kills for money
  9. a promise made with a demon

20 Clues: high ranking angela lazy house animalclothes heroes wearan orange doglike animalflying mythical creatureand animal that you raisesomeone who can read mindssomeone who teaches the MCsomeone who kills for moneya promise made with a demonmain character(abbreviation)most popular genre in fictioncreatures who have evil powers...

Assigment Emory moreland 2022-12-14

Assigment Emory moreland crossword puzzle
  1. a leader
  2. across the continent
  3. walking
  4. moving forward
  5. current right now
  6. shape with many sides
  7. sound
  8. making a guess about something
  9. not very outgoing
  10. the study of life
  11. a role in court
  12. something with only one tone
  13. a word with a similar meaning
  1. a type of chart
  2. studying animals
  3. a lever used by foot
  4. transportation vehicle with one wheel
  5. a type of thing in your body
  6. many of something
  7. something written about a persons life by that person
  8. a form of government
  9. the observation of life
  10. someone who can read minds
  11. a form of payment
  12. across a country

25 Clues: soundwalkinga leadermoving forwarda type of charta role in courtstudying animalsacross a countrymany of somethingcurrent right nowa form of paymentnot very outgoingthe study of lifea lever used by footacross the continenta form of governmentshape with many sidesthe observation of lifesomeone who can read mindsa type of thing in your body...

Human Rights - Yr 7 Catholic Studies - Paige Woolston 2023-07-26

Human Rights - Yr 7 Catholic Studies - Paige Woolston crossword puzzle
  1. Others can not make copies without permission
  2. We're always _______ till proven guilty
  3. The right to seek a ____ place to live
  4. Food and _______ for all
  5. ______ and family
  6. Come into our home without consent
  7. We are all born free and ______
  8. No Hurting
  9. We can not make anyone our ______
  10. We all have the right to believe
  1. Differences
  2. Social ________
  3. Choose our own leaders
  4. Cyrus the ____ saved the slaves in 539 BC
  5. We all have the right to make up our own minds
  6. To travel as we wish
  7. Rest from work and relax
  8. We all have the right to belong to a country
  9. freedom and safety
  10. The right to own things

20 Clues: No HurtingDifferencesSocial ______________ and familyfreedom and safetyTo travel as we wishChoose our own leadersThe right to own thingsFood and _______ for allRest from work and relaxWe are all born free and ______We all have the right to believeWe can not make anyone our ______Come into our home without consent...

Flock Together3 2022-12-30

Flock Together3 crossword puzzle
  1. What the devil does to hearts and minds.
  2. Lifestyle and memories created for the future
  3. Snail eaters
  4. The hatchlings of a Partridge.
  5. Be busy about the __________ business.
  6. Description of God's love.
  1. Faith without works is __________.
  2. Fable or lie used to promote fear.
  3. "Get busy _____, or get busy dying."
  4. Sleeps during the day and is awake at night.
  5. Abraham _______ God.
  6. Family heritage tracking names and date.

12 Clues: Snail eatersAbraham _______ God.Description of God's love.The hatchlings of a Partridge.Faith without works is __________.Fable or lie used to promote fear."Get busy _____, or get busy dying."Be busy about the __________ business.What the devil does to hearts and minds.Family heritage tracking names and date....

Vishnu's animal crossword 2024-01-30

Vishnu's animal crossword crossword puzzle
  1. largest animal in the world
  2. animals who eat meat and vegetation
  3. fastest animal in the world
  4. the tallest animal in the world
  5. they can sleep with half their minds closed and with only one eye open
  6. a group of cows
  1. animals who only eat meat
  2. a group of wolves
  3. animals awake at night
  4. animals who only eat vegetation
  5. a group of lions
  6. an extinct bird

12 Clues: a group of cowsan extinct birda group of lionsa group of wolvesanimals awake at nightanimals who only eat meatlargest animal in the worldfastest animal in the worldanimals who only eat vegetationthe tallest animal in the worldanimals who eat meat and vegetationthey can sleep with half their minds closed and with only one eye open

Aussie Slang 2024-07-27

Aussie Slang crossword puzzle
  1. barbecue
  2. very busy
  3. chicken
  4. full
  5. breakfast
  6. McDonalds
  7. football
  1. biscuit
  2. umbrella
  3. cool box / cooler
  4. avocado
  5. a lot of
  6. sick/criminal
  7. mosquito
  8. afternoon

15 Clues: fullbiscuitavocadochickenbarbecueumbrellaa lot ofmosquitofootballvery busybreakfastMcDonaldsafternoonsick/criminalcool box / cooler

American revolution vocab 2022-11-16

American revolution vocab crossword puzzle
  1. small army that defends a town
  2. ended the french Indian war
  3. To withdraw from doing something
  4. tries to sway you one way
  5. English tax on imported molasses
  6. Extreme patriots
  7. the act where all tea is shipped directly
  8. British soldiers fired on Americans
  1. wants to stay with America
  2. Colonists claimed the king caused these
  3. English tax on imported glass
  4. English tax on nearly all printed items
  5. wants to stay British
  6. Britain used these to try and pay of debt
  7. a pamphlet that changed lots of minds

15 Clues: Extreme patriotswants to stay Britishtries to sway you one waywants to stay with Americaended the french Indian warEnglish tax on imported glasssmall army that defends a townTo withdraw from doing somethingEnglish tax on imported molassesBritish soldiers fired on Americansa pamphlet that changed lots of mindsColonists claimed the king caused these...

Prefix Review 2015-03-13

Prefix Review crossword puzzle
  1. False knowledge
  2. New music written in the classical style
  3. A medicine that kills bad life in your body
  4. Another name for a newborn
  5. A new type of something
  1. A type of lens used on a camera to photograph things far away
  2. False name
  3. False science
  4. False music
  5. The ability to read minds
  6. Somebody who does not like to socialize
  7. Something that prevents your engine from freezing
  8. A newer part of the brain
  9. A device used to observe far away objects
  10. Somebody or something who is against a war

15 Clues: False nameFalse musicFalse scienceFalse knowledgeA new type of somethingThe ability to read mindsA newer part of the brainAnother name for a newbornSomebody who does not like to socializeNew music written in the classical styleA device used to observe far away objectsSomebody or something who is against a war...

Julianna's Make-Up Crossword Puzzle 2015-05-27

Julianna's Make-Up Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. a device used to cover an animals mouth to keep it from biting or barking
  2. a scraped spot or area
  3. a type of coffee made by forcing steam under pressure
  4. a garment worn by Hindu women
  5. an ancient egyptian made of mud and brick
  6. a small teacake
  7. a woman of distinguished courage
  8. a mineral
  1. grave,sober,or mirthless
  2. a person who builds or dresses stone
  3. majority of opinion
  4. acting by stealth
  5. the base of something
  6. communicating between minds
  7. a member of a religious community

15 Clues: a minerala small teacakeacting by stealthmajority of opinionthe base of somethinga scraped spot or areagrave,sober,or mirthlesscommunicating between mindsa garment worn by Hindu womena woman of distinguished couragea member of a religious communitya person who builds or dresses stonean ancient egyptian made of mud and brick...

Freak's Dictionary 2018-10-25

Freak's Dictionary crossword puzzle
  1. a z in england
  2. to seed a plant in your head
  3. Another name for Blade
  4. another word for falling down
  5. Education that taste good
  6. a vegan
  7. whatever you want more of
  8. Loyal with a "F"
  1. a unit of measurement equal to 70 centimeters
  2. One who can sneeze a hot dog though their nose
  3. a word used by people with small minds
  4. another word for blockhead
  5. to make a stupid mistake
  6. a silly-looking creature that eats ants
  7. what the aardvark says when it eats ants

15 Clues: a vegana z in englandLoyal with a "F"Another name for Bladeto make a stupid mistakeEducation that taste goodwhatever you want more ofanother word for blockheadto seed a plant in your headanother word for falling downa word used by people with small mindsa silly-looking creature that eats antswhat the aardvark says when it eats ants...

CROSSWORD 2023-01-18

CROSSWORD crossword puzzle
  1. a famous cat in Japan
  2. an act of unlawful premeditated killing
  3. a murderer named after a dog breed
  4. examination of a dead body is called...
  5. an unsolved criminal investigation
  6. the murderer that targetted 5 prostitutes
  7. difficult or impossible to explain
  1. an unsolved homicide case in the U.S.
  2. fair behavior or treatment
  3. most famous unsolved case in the U.S.
  4. a Japanese war criminal and murderer

11 Clues: a famous cat in Japanfair behavior or treatmenta murderer named after a dog breedan unsolved criminal investigationdifficult or impossible to explaina Japanese war criminal and murdereran unsolved homicide case in the U.S.most famous unsolved case in the act of unlawful premeditated killingexamination of a dead body is called......

4. Law and Order 2021-10-29

4. Law and Order crossword puzzle
  1. nuorisorikollinen
  2. rikosrekisteri
  3. service yhdyskuntapalvelu
  4. todistusaineisto
  5. kuolemanrangaistus
  6. haastaa oikeuteen
  7. valamiehistö
  1. syytesopimus
  2. vapauttaa syytteestä
  3. sovittelu
  4. lievä rikos
  5. karkuri
  6. todistaja
  7. pahoinpitely
  8. ehdonalainen

15 Clues: karkurisovittelutodistajalievä rikossyytesopimuspahoinpitelyehdonalainenvalamiehistörikosrekisteritodistusaineistonuorisorikollinenhaastaa oikeuteenkuolemanrangaistusvapauttaa syytteestäservice yhdyskuntapalvelu

Crime Scene to Courtroom 2021-09-26

Crime Scene to Courtroom crossword puzzle
  1. The intentional or premeditated death of a person
  2. First 10 amendments to the US constitution
  3. To make judgement of guilt
  4. Article of the Bill of Rights that provides the right to a fair trial
  5. Discussion between jurors
  6. Not accepted as valid
  7. Allows judge to admit expert witnesses
  8. An individual against whom a lawsuit is filed
  1. When evidence is insufficient to support a conviction
  2. Number of jurors in a trial
  3. Tries a criminal case on behalf of the government
  4. Allows judge to admit evidence
  5. The beginnings of a criminal trial
  6. Information presented to a jury
  7. Appointed official that makes decisions
  8. Defendant's statement of guilty or not guilty

16 Clues: Not accepted as validDiscussion between jurorsTo make judgement of guiltNumber of jurors in a trialAllows judge to admit evidenceInformation presented to a juryThe beginnings of a criminal trialAllows judge to admit expert witnessesAppointed official that makes decisionsFirst 10 amendments to the US constitution...

Maycomb County Knowledge 2022-01-10

Maycomb County Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Maycomb's sheriff
  2. the woman whom jem destroyed her flowers
  3. The deadest shot in Maycomb
  4. bakes the best cakes
  5. The towns garbage collector
  6. The man who tried to kill the children
  7. The man who saved jem and scout
  8. The mad dog that disturbed the town's peace
  1. Who is the Maycomb County's judge
  2. It is a sin to kill a
  3. No _____ minds their business
  4. the towns gossiper
  5. What state is maycomb county in

13 Clues: Maycomb's sheriffthe towns gossiperbakes the best cakesIt is a sin to kill aThe deadest shot in MaycombThe towns garbage collectorNo _____ minds their businessWhat state is maycomb county inThe man who saved jem and scoutWho is the Maycomb County's judgeThe man who tried to kill the childrenthe woman whom jem destroyed her flowers...

Maycomb County Knowledge 2022-01-10

Maycomb County Knowledge crossword puzzle
  1. Who is the Maycomb County's judge
  2. What state is maycomb county in
  3. No _____ minds their business
  4. bakes the best cakes
  5. The mad dog that disturbed the town's peace
  6. the woman whom jem destroyed her flowers
  1. the towns gossiper
  2. The towns garbage collector
  3. The man who saved jem and scout
  4. Maycomb's sheriff
  5. It is a sin to kill a
  6. The deadest shot in Maycomb
  7. The man who tried to kill the children

13 Clues: Maycomb's sheriffthe towns gossiperbakes the best cakesIt is a sin to kill aThe towns garbage collectorThe deadest shot in MaycombNo _____ minds their businessWhat state is maycomb county inThe man who saved jem and scoutWho is the Maycomb County's judgeThe man who tried to kill the childrenthe woman whom jem destroyed her flowers...

Crossword 2023-11-11

Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. public official appointed to decide cases in a law court
  2. May be given by a witness before evidence
  3. Given to witnesses
  4. Take this for well being
  5. the person who presents by or on behalf of the party accused of a crime
  6. The people who need our support
  7. another part of our area
  8. A type of court
  9. Donate their time to deliver our service
  10. We report to our funder on these
  1. WS operating system (email etc)
  2. public official who institutes criminal proceedings against someone
  3. A type of court
  4. Special measure/a letter and number
  5. Place where criminal trials are heard
  6. one part of our area
  7. requested of witness about our service
  8. an alternative way for witness to give evidence

18 Clues: A type of courtA type of courtGiven to witnessesone part of our areaTake this for well beinganother part of our areaWS operating system (email etc)The people who need our supportWe report to our funder on theseSpecial measure/a letter and numberPlace where criminal trials are heardrequested of witness about our service...

Criminal and Civil Law 2024-02-19

Criminal and Civil Law crossword puzzle
  1. The punishment for breaking a law
  2. A crime against the courts
  3. A crime where you intentionally kill someone
  4. Person who has been sued
  5. Criminal standard of proof
  6. A crime where you intentionally deceive someone
  7. Laws that regulate conduct between parties and to remedy a wrong that has occurred
  8. A crime against the state
  1. Civil standard of proof
  2. The party with the burden of proof (Criminal)
  3. Person defending the action
  4. A law that protects society and sanctions offenders
  5. The party with the burden of proof (Civil)
  6. A type of tort law
  7. A possible consequence of breaching someones rights

15 Clues: A type of tort lawCivil standard of proofPerson who has been suedA crime against the stateA crime against the courtsCriminal standard of proofPerson defending the actionThe punishment for breaking a lawThe party with the burden of proof (Civil)A crime where you intentionally kill someoneThe party with the burden of proof (Criminal)...

Henry's the daddy 2017-02-10

Henry's the daddy crossword puzzle
  1. a policeman
  2. criminal
  3. investigation
  4. law
  5. a murder
  6. death
  7. Blood
  1. shooting
  2. an injury
  3. suspect
  4. prison
  5. de crime a crime scene
  6. victim
  7. a weapon
  8. witness

15 Clues: lawdeathBloodprisonvictimsuspectwitnessshootingcriminala weapona murderan injurya policemaninvestigationde crime a crime scene

Crime Scene to Courtroom 2021-09-26

Crime Scene to Courtroom crossword puzzle
  1. Defendant's statement of guilty or not guilty
  2. First 10 amendments to the US constitution
  3. Tries a criminal case on behalf of the government
  4. Number of jurors in a trial
  5. Discussion between jurors
  6. The beginnings of a criminal trial
  7. To make judgement of guilt
  8. Information presented to a jury
  9. Not accepted as valid
  1. When evidence is insufficient to support a conviction
  2. Allows judge to admit evidence
  3. Appointed official that makes decisions
  4. Allows judge to admit expert witnesses
  5. The intentional or premeditated death of a person
  6. An individual against whom a lawsuit is filed
  7. Article of the Bill of Rights that provides the right to a fair trial

16 Clues: Not accepted as validDiscussion between jurorsTo make judgement of guiltNumber of jurors in a trialAllows judge to admit evidenceInformation presented to a juryThe beginnings of a criminal trialAllows judge to admit expert witnessesAppointed official that makes decisionsFirst 10 amendments to the US constitution...

Sheldon and Lombroso's Physiological Theories 2022-05-11

Sheldon and Lombroso's Physiological Theories crossword puzzle
  1. another new type of criminal Lombroso later found in his studies
  2. criminals are not as developed as modern humans, they were more primitive
  3. Sheldon seen this as an asset to crime.
  4. Sheldon's name for body types
  5. a new type of criminal Lombroso later found in his studies
  6. Lombroso found a murderer's nose to typically be...
  7. the body type least likely to be criminals
  8. the body type most likely to be criminals
  1. Italian Doctor
  2. atavistic criminals often had these due to reduced pain sensitivity
  3. Lombroso found a thief's nose to typically be...
  4. Muscular and hard-bodied
  5. William
  6. Lombroso studied 1000s of these to come up with his theory
  7. Sociable and outgoing
  8. Thin and fragile

16 Clues: WilliamItalian DoctorThin and fragileSociable and outgoingMuscular and hard-bodiedSheldon's name for body typesSheldon seen this as an asset to crime.the body type most likely to be criminalsthe body type least likely to be criminalsLombroso found a thief's nose to typically be...Lombroso found a murderer's nose to typically be......

Let's watch a film 2021-01-18

Let's watch a film crossword puzzle
  7. PLOT


Creative minds 2019-05-02

Creative minds crossword puzzle
  1. extravagant
  2. strange
  3. self-delusion
  1. burst into hysterics
  2. skillful, talented
  3. guess, understand

6 Clues: strangeextravagantself-delusionguess, understandskillful, talentedburst into hysterics

criminal 2013-12-16

criminal crossword puzzle
  1. ground for belief or disbelief; data on which to base proof or to establish truth or falsehoodan object or instrument used in fightin
  2. an area of ground wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings
  1. a similar fluid in such invertebrates as annelids and arthropods
  2. an object or instrument used in fighting
  3. something that helps to solve a problem or unravel a mystery

5 Clues: an object or instrument used in fightingsomething that helps to solve a problem or unravel a mysterya similar fluid in such invertebrates as annelids and arthropodsan area of ground wholly or partly surrounded by walls or buildings...

Proverbs Crossword 2013-11-30

Proverbs Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. actions speak louder than .....
  2. a ... is a mans best friend
  3. an ..... a day keeps a doctor away
  4. look before you ....
  5. a stitch in time saves ....
  1. a rolling ..... gathers no moss
  2. great minds think .....
  3. better .... than never

8 Clues: look before you ....better .... than nevergreat minds think .....a ... is a mans best frienda stitch in time saves ....actions speak louder than .....a rolling ..... gathers no mossan ..... a day keeps a doctor away

Week 4 vocab list 2021-08-25

Week 4 vocab list crossword puzzle
  1. A treatment for your face
  2. False teeth
  3. A disease in your nerves
  4. A doctor of teeth
  1. A brain nerve
  2. Bypass A stomach surgery for extreme weight loss
  3. A person who can read minds
  4. A doctor of skin

8 Clues: False teethA brain nerveA doctor of skinA doctor of teethA disease in your nervesA treatment for your faceA person who can read mindsBypass A stomach surgery for extreme weight loss

Law Review 2022-02-22

Law Review crossword puzzle
  1. a bill successfully debated and voted into royalassent queen agrees to make bill into a law
  2. has twelve tables and lawyers
  3. values that outline concepts of right and wrong
  4. earliest sets of recorded laws
  5. disorder in society from lack of authority
  6. just behavior or treatment
  7. criminal sentence focused on punishment
  8. a written version of a proposed new law
  1. sets rules between individuals
  2. compilation of roman law by an emperor
  3. sets rules between individual and society
  4. law given to hebrew people, found in torah
  5. criminal sentence focused on restoring
  6. regulation in society based on reason and fairness
  7. major contribution: the jury

15 Clues: just behavior or treatmentmajor contribution: the juryhas twelve tables and lawyerssets rules between individualsearliest sets of recorded lawscompilation of roman law by an emperorcriminal sentence focused on restoringcriminal sentence focused on punishmenta written version of a proposed new lawsets rules between individual and society...

Do You Want to Play a Game? 2015-04-26

Do You Want to Play a Game? crossword puzzle
  1. This 2004 movie centers around a man who creates deadly traps that determine the life or death of his victims. (1)
  2. Guilty by reason of ____ is what most serial killers plea before trial. (1)
  3. ____ is America's first documented serial killer.(last name only)
  4. This character, invented by author Thomas Harris, coined the famous: "Hello, Clarice." (2)
  5. This serial killer seemed like quite the ladies’ man, but don't let good looks and charm fool you; he confessed to killing 30+ young ladies before he was executed. (2)
  6. A ____ is a word used for what serial killers keep to remember their victims. This could range from a piece of jewelry to a body part. (1)
  7. This killer cannibal of the 1920s probably would have gotten away with all of his crimes if he had not written what is declared as one of the most obscene letters to the mother of one of his victims. (2)
  8. ____ ____ is the name of Charles Manson's clan. (2)
  9. This killer influenced Hollywood characters such as Norman Bates in “Psycho”, Leatherface in “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, and Buffalo Bill in “Silence of the Lambs.” (2)
  10. Popular TV dramas, such as "Criminal Minds," show criminal ____ as a way to catch serial killers. (1)
  11. The 2003 movie “Monster” depicts the life of this American female serial killer: ____ Wuoronos. (first name only)
  12. Albert DeSalvo is the also known as the ____ Strangler. (1)
  13. The novel “Darkly Dreaming Dexter” is the basis for this popular television series about a blood splatter analyst who doubles as a serial killer. (1)
  1. Killing twenty-three men, Vasili Komaroff, a.k.a. The Wolf of Moscow, was a serial killer in what country? (1)
  2. The Whitechapel Murderer is also known by this name: ____ ____ ____. This 1888 London killer’s real identity remains a mystery. (3)
  3. Wes Craven's 1977 movie "The ____ ____ ____" is about a clan of mutant cannibals who attack a family that is broken down and stranded in a California Desert. (3)
  4. Also known as The Killer Clown, this man, who dressed as a clown for childrens’ parties, murdered at least 33 young men. (3)
  5. ____ ____ is the fourth, and last, book and movie about Hannibal Lecter. (2)
  6. This cult leader of "homicidal hippies" wrote the song, "Look at Your Game, Girl," for Guns 'n' Roses. (2)
  7. This man, known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, raped, murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys. (2)
  8. Jake Gyllenhaal stars in this 2007 movie about the notorious real life killer who sent the police and newspapers letters and codes about his murders. (1)
  9. This reptile is a known way for some serial killers, such as Joe Ball, to dispose of victims’ bodies. (1)
  10. FBI Special Agent Robert K. Ressler states that not quite all, but ______ percent of serial killers are white males. (1)

23 Clues: ____ ____ is the name of Charles Manson's clan. (2)Albert DeSalvo is the also known as the ____ Strangler. (1)____ is America's first documented serial killer.(last name only)Guilty by reason of ____ is what most serial killers plea before trial. (1)____ ____ is the fourth, and last, book and movie about Hannibal Lecter. (2)...

Impact of the picture 2020-03-27

Impact of the picture crossword puzzle
  1. To put dead body in the ground.
  2. Someone who suppresses others.
  3. Dropping out of job on purpose.
  4. something like restriction for criminal.
  5. To make someone be uneasy.
  1. Catching a criminal by police.
  2. something like headstone for commemorating.
  3. To take posture.
  4. Forcibly being moved into other areas from particular area.
  5. Forcibly someone makes others to do something that he wants.
  6. To set something off.

11 Clues: To take posture.To set something off.To make someone be uneasy.Catching a criminal by police.Someone who suppresses others.To put dead body in the ground.Dropping out of job on purpose.something like restriction for criminal.something like headstone for commemorating.Forcibly being moved into other areas from particular area....

B Block Vocab of The Week Test 2024-02-05

B Block Vocab of The Week Test crossword puzzle
  1. sense of smell
  2. requirement
  3. surrender
  4. woebegone
  5. compliant
  6. suffuse
  1. unrestricted
  2. ruin
  3. mien
  4. blissful experience
  5. criminal
  6. taciturn
  7. principle

13 Clues: ruinmiensuffusecriminaltaciturnsurrenderwoebegonecompliantprinciplerequirementunrestrictedsense of smellblissful experience

Freak The Mighty Puzzle 2013-05-20

Freak The Mighty Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. loyalty with an "f"
  2. a word used by people with small minds
  3. the horizontal truth
  4. a toxic waste of time
  5. what the aardvark says when it eats ants
  6. another word for Max and Kevin
  7. a four-letter word for truth serum
  8. a four-letter word for Max in a bad mood
  9. whatever you want more of
  1. education that tastes good
  2. a sweet lady of light
  3. ignorance is bliss
  4. a horse who makes a point
  5. beaming up into books
  6. an eight-grade English class

15 Clues: ignorance is blissloyalty with an "f"the horizontal trutha sweet lady of lightbeaming up into booksa toxic waste of timea horse who makes a pointwhatever you want more ofeducation that tastes goodan eight-grade English classanother word for Max and Kevina four-letter word for truth seruma word used by people with small minds...

The right stuff 2016-04-23

The right stuff crossword puzzle
  1. provides information.
  2. has a fit body, goes to the gym a lot.
  3. someone who is liked by many people, makes new friends easily.
  4. knows a lot of things.
  5. is good at making arguments, changing peoples' minds.
  1. cheap, not expensive. Most people can buy.
  2. intelligent.
  3. enjoyable to read or watch.
  4. a good piece of writing.
  5. hard, not soft.
  6. interested in popular things, especially clothes.
  7. very good looking; beautiful.
  8. very hard working, rarely takes breaks.
  9. good looking, beautiful, pleasing on the eye.
  10. slim, not fat.

15 Clues: intelligent.slim, not fat.hard, not soft.provides information.knows a lot of things.a good piece of writing.enjoyable to read or watch.very good looking; beautiful.has a fit body, goes to the gym a lot.very hard working, rarely takes, not expensive. Most people can buy.good looking, beautiful, pleasing on the eye....

Mary 2022-04-24

Mary crossword puzzle
  1. Hehehe Ha.. Grr..
  2. the best addition to any cookie
  3. While some babies drink milk..
  4. an expression of soul
  5. I am the ketchup to your..
  6. A balancing act, If you fall, I'll catch
  7. how long we will last for
  1. Deep dive into deep minds
  2. like discovering stars for the stomach
  3. A coisa mais relaxante do mundo
  4. The worst food ever
  5. while ghosts might be, you are not
  6. The tether that binds us together
  7. the most relaxing thing in the world
  8. A gem of a cat

15 Clues: A gem of a catHehehe Ha.. Grr..The worst food everan expression of soulDeep dive into deep mindshow long we will last forI am the ketchup to your..While some babies drink milk..A coisa mais relaxante do mundothe best addition to any cookieThe tether that binds us togetherwhile ghosts might be, you are notthe most relaxing thing in the world...

Freak The Mighty crossword 2023-04-01

Freak The Mighty crossword crossword puzzle
  1. another word for Max and Kevin
  2. whatever you want more of
  3. King Arthur's bravest knight
  4. another name for Blade
  5. a seed you plant in your head
  6. a toxic waste of time
  7. a big word for mechanical bird
  1. a silly-looking creature that eats ants
  2. a know it all
  3. loyalty with an "F"
  4. a way to improve on the human condition
  5. a sword with magic powers
  6. millions and millions
  7. a word used by people with small minds
  8. another word for falling down

15 Clues: a know it allloyalty with an "F"millions and millionsa toxic waste of timeanother name for Bladewhatever you want more ofa sword with magic powersKing Arthur's bravest knighta seed you plant in your headanother word for falling downanother word for Max and Kevina big word for mechanical birda word used by people with small minds...

WW Lesson 10 2020-11-19

WW Lesson 10 crossword puzzle
  1. The criminal managed to ______ the police.
  2. The teacher's ______ is the principal.
  3. The Moses ______ the Jewish from Egypt.
  4. Kind people ______ food to the local shelter.
  5. Due to Covid-19 the government decided to ______ leaving your house.
  6. The school had ______ students in each classroom.
  7. She got ready for her Mom's special ______.
  8. The builders ______ a new library.
  1. The police ______ the criminal.
  2. Joe Biden ______ Donald Trump in the election.
  3. The doctor is ______ at this time for an appointment.
  4. The mother _____ her daughter after the car accident.
  5. The slaves ______ for an education.
  6. The student was ______ to do their homework.
  7. Harriet Tubman wanted to be free of her ______.

15 Clues: The police ______ the criminal.The builders ______ a new library.The slaves ______ for an education.The teacher's ______ is the principal.The Moses ______ the Jewish from Egypt.The criminal managed to ______ the police.She got ready for her Mom's special ______.The student was ______ to do their homework....

Dagnes crossword 2020-03-25

Dagnes crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A place for persons who are passing laws
  2. Is the money to pay for what has happened
  3. Took responsibility for his actions
  4. Action when a person climbs trees
  5. The man who did the crime
  6. Damages other properties
  7. Is the intent who did it
  1. Person sees a crime and can say what happened
  2. A picture where you put it on the wall
  3. A building where criminals go for punishment
  4. This person tries to discover who has committed a
  5. Jewelry put around neck
  6. Person who is criminal did this ...
  7. Someone suspected of theft
  8. One who secretly keeps watch on another or others

15 Clues: Jewelry put around neckDamages other propertiesIs the intent who did itThe man who did the crimeSomeone suspected of theftAction when a person climbs treesTook responsibility for his actionsPerson who is criminal did this ...A picture where you put it on the wallA place for persons who are passing lawsIs the money to pay for what has happened...

Dagnes crossword 2020-03-25

Dagnes crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A place for persons who are passing laws
  2. Is the money to pay for what has happened
  3. Took responsibility for his actions
  4. Action when a person climbs trees
  5. The man who did the crime
  6. Damages other properties
  7. Is the intent who did it
  1. Person sees a crime and can say what happened
  2. A picture where you put it on the wall
  3. A building where criminals go for punishment
  4. This person tries to discover who has committed a
  5. Jewelry put around neck
  6. Person who is criminal did this ...
  7. Someone suspected of theft
  8. One who secretly keeps watch on another or others

15 Clues: Jewelry put around neckDamages other propertiesIs the intent who did itThe man who did the crimeSomeone suspected of theftAction when a person climbs treesTook responsibility for his actionsPerson who is criminal did this ...A picture where you put it on the wallA place for persons who are passing lawsIs the money to pay for what has happened...

Español 6B 2023-04-05

Español 6B crossword puzzle
  1. tomar la vida de otra persona
  2. cuando la policia detiene a un criminal
  3. usado por alguien que no es pacifista
  4. criatura del espacio exterior
  1. opuesto de fracasar
  2. la parte tu juegas en una película
  3. persona que busca pistas
  4. una persona que resultó herida
  5. la narrativa de historia
  6. un criminal que roba

10 Clues: opuesto de fracasarun criminal que robapersona que busca pistasla narrativa de historiatomar la vida de otra personacriatura del espacio exterioruna persona que resultó heridala parte tu juegas en una películausado por alguien que no es pacifistacuando la policia detiene a un criminal