diabetes Crossword Puzzles

Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus pada Remaja 2024-03-25

Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus pada Remaja crossword puzzle
  1. kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah diabetes mellitus
  2. pengukuran kadar _____ secara rutin dinyatakan efektif untuk pencegahan penyakit diabetes mellitus
  3. gaya hidup ______ dapat mencegah resiko terjadinya diabetes mellitus
  4. kelebihan berat badan yang dapat menyebabkan diabetes mellitus
  5. Berhenti ______ adalah salah satu cara untuk mencegah terjadinya diabetes
  6. perasaan lapar yang berlebihan
  7. untuk mencegah diabetes, makanan harus mengandung ______ yang lengkap dan seimbang
  8. senam ______ adalah kegiatan yang sangat dianjurkan untuk penderita diabetes mellitus
  9. kelainan metabolik yang ditandai dengan kenaikan kadar gula darah
  1. diabetes type 1 terjadi karena _____ berhenti memproduksi insulin
  2. makanan yang mengandung _________ harus dihindari untuk mencegah diabetes mellitus
  3. latihan ________ seperti jalan cepat,bersepeda dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya diabetes mellitus
  4. ________ merupakan komplikasi akut yang ditandai dengan kadar gula dalam darah dibawah 50mg\dl
  5. pengaturan pola makan untuk mencegah diabetes
  6. penggunaan ______ dapat membantu menyeimbangkan kadar gula dalam darah

15 Clues: perasaan lapar yang berlebihanpengaturan pola makan untuk mencegah diabeteskegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah diabetes mellituskelebihan berat badan yang dapat menyebabkan diabetes mellitusdiabetes type 1 terjadi karena _____ berhenti memproduksi insulinkelainan metabolik yang ditandai dengan kenaikan kadar gula darah...

Educação Física e Fatores de Risco: Obesidade, Hipertensão e Diabetes. 2021-03-11

Educação Física e Fatores de Risco: Obesidade, Hipertensão e Diabetes. crossword puzzle
  1. A ... física Combate o sedentarismo.
  2. Comer e beber muito.
  3. Sinônimo de regime.
  4. Apneia do ...(doença).
  5. Tipo de deficiência ocular causada pela diabetes.
  6. ...do miocárdio.
  7. Aparelho de medir pressão.
  8. Açúcar no sangue(doença).
  9. O que o diabético medi?
  1. Diabetes Tipo I,também conhecida como diabetes.
  2. O mesmo que cansaço físico, exaustão.
  3. Sigla de Acidente Vascular Cerebral.
  4. Pode causar obesidade.
  5. ... Sanguíneos.Onde circula o sangue.
  6. Doença crônica determinada por elevados níveis de pressão nas artérias.
  7. Hipertensão,Obesidade e Diabetes são doenças...
  8. O mesmo que abatimento, tristeza.
  9. Adolphe Quételect inventou o...
  10. Vilão da pressão alta.
  11. Sigla de Quilograma.

20 Clues: ...do miocárdio.Sinônimo de regime.Comer e beber muito.Sigla de Quilograma.Pode causar obesidade.Apneia do ...(doença).Vilão da pressão alta.O que o diabético medi?Açúcar no sangue(doença).Aparelho de medir pressão.Adolphe Quételect inventou o...O mesmo que abatimento, tristeza.A ... física Combate o sedentarismo....

routeplanner 2.1 2015-03-31

routeplanner 2.1 crossword puzzle
  1. micro-organisme
  2. humaan immunodeficiëntievirus
  3. dementie ontstaan na CVA
  4. leefstijl diabetes mellitus
  5. complicatie diabetes
  6. zet glucose om in glycogeen
  7. 1-cellig micro-organisme
  8. diabetes type 1
  1. erfelijke aandoening
  2. ziekmakend
  3. micro-organisme met voorkeur voor vochtige omgeving
  4. diabetes type 2
  5. plek aanmaak insuline
  6. dementie gerelateerd aan Parkinson
  7. blootstelling aan ziektekiem
  8. hoge bloedsuiker
  9. lage bloedsuiker
  10. orale bloedsuiker medicatie
  11. zet glycogeen om in glucose
  12. toestand van bewustzijnsdaling en verwardheid

20 Clues: ziekmakenddiabetes type 2micro-organismediabetes type 1hoge bloedsuikerlage bloedsuikererfelijke aandoeningcomplicatie diabetesplek aanmaak insulinedementie ontstaan na CVA1-cellig micro-organismeleefstijl diabetes mellituszet glucose om in glycogeenorale bloedsuiker medicatiezet glycogeen om in glucoseblootstelling aan ziektekiem...

love 2022-11-23

love crossword puzzle
  1. Igual o mayor de 200mg/dl
  2. Enfermedad autoinmune de origen genético por la que el sistema inmunológico de los pacientes ataca a las células que producen insulina en el páncreas de una forma paulatina
  3. Se caracteriza por la destrucción autoinmune de la célula β, lo ocasiona deficiencia absoluta de insulina,
  4. Factor interno y condición para el desarrollo de la diabetes
  5. Defectos geneticos por la accion de insulina, enfermedades de pancreas exocrino
  6. Factor externo y condición para el desarrollo de la diabetes
  7. Rubeola congenita citomegalovirus,otros
  1. Sintoma clasico de diabetes
  2. Número de genes involucrados a la diabetes
  3. Número de genes involucrados enla diabetes
  4. Alteraciones sistemicas como consecuencia del aumento de acidez de la sangre
  5. Distintos genes de suceptibilidad participan en el desarrollo de la enfermedad
  6. Acromegalía, Sindrome de Cushing,glucacanoma
  7. Sintoma de la diabetes que comer en exceso poraumento del apetito.
  8. Agrupa específicamente la intolerancia a la glucosa detectada por primera vezdurant el embarazo.
  9. Por sus siglas en inglésMaturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young, conocida como la diabetes del adulto de inicio juvenil.
  10. Sensación excesiva de sed
  11. Es la forma más común y con frecuencia seasocia a obesidado incremento en la grasavisceral.
  12. El gen de la insulina
  13. Serie de Padecimientos a la alteración de un unico gen

20 Clues: El gen de la insulinaIgual o mayor de 200mg/dlSensación excesiva de sedSintoma clasico de diabetesRubeola congenita citomegalovirus,otrosNúmero de genes involucrados a la diabetesNúmero de genes involucrados enla diabetesAcromegalía, Sindrome de Cushing,glucacanomaSerie de Padecimientos a la alteración de un unico gen...

2016-06-07 Diabetes 2016-11-10

2016-06-07  Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. 18% of pregnancies are affected by this type of diabetes
  2. a way that insulin is released from the pancreas and promotes the uptake of glucose into the cells where is it used for energy
  3. 7th leading cause of death
  4. those who diabetes are at a higher risk of this disease
  5. those with this disease at risk for renal detachment associated with vigorous activity exercise
  6. neuropathy associated with loss of sensation or feeling in the extremeties
  7. common symptom associated with hyperglycemia
  8. most common type of diabetes
  9. least common type of diabetes
  10. condition characterized by elevated blood glucose in response to dietary carbohydrate and elevated blood glucose in the fasting state
  11. Large marsupial
  1. increased consumption before exercise can prevent hypoglycemia during and after exercise
  2. term that describes a rapid drop in blood glucose levels or <70mm/dL
  3. associated with having a higher risk of heat illness
  4. hormone produced by B-cells of the pancreas
  5. Man's best friend
  6. number of types of diabetes that are recognized based on etiologic origin
  7. neuropathy, disease that may cause chronotropic incompetence
  8. symptoms may include headache, visual disturbances, mental dullness, confusion, amnesia, seizures, and coma
  9. Flying mammal
  10. Has a trunk
  11. Likes to chase mice
  12. used to diagnose diabetes
  13. prevent or delay onset of type 2 diabetes
  14. common devise used by type 1 diabetes for insulin regulation

25 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceused to diagnose diabetes7th leading cause of deathmost common type of diabetesleast common type of diabetesprevent or delay onset of type 2 diabeteshormone produced by B-cells of the pancreascommon symptom associated with hyperglycemia...

Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus pada Remaja 2024-06-03

Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus pada Remaja crossword puzzle
  1. kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah diabetes mellitus
  2. pengukuran kadar _____ secara rutin dinyatakan efektif untuk pencegahan penyakit diabetes mellitus
  3. gaya hidup ______ dapat mencegah resiko terjadinya diabetes mellitus
  4. kelebihan berat badan yang dapat menyebabkan diabetes mellitus
  5. Berhenti ______ adalah salah satu cara untuk mencegah terjadinya diabetes
  6. perasaan lapar yang berlebihan
  7. untuk mencegah diabetes, makanan harus mengandung ______ yang lengkap dan seimbang
  8. senam ______ adalah kegiatan yang sangat dianjurkan untuk penderita diabetes mellitus
  9. kelainan metabolik yang ditandai dengan kenaikan kadar gula darah
  1. diabetes type 1 terjadi karena _____ berhenti memproduksi insulin
  2. makanan yang mengandung _________ seperti susu sapi, keju, gorengan, harus dihindari untuk mencegah diabetes mellitus
  3. latihan ________ seperti jalan cepat,bersepeda dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya diabetes mellitus
  4. ________ merupakan komplikasi akut yang ditandai dengan kadar gula dalam darah dibawah 50mg\dl
  5. pengaturan pola makan untuk mencegah diabetes
  6. penggunaan ______ dapat membantu menyeimbangkan kadar gula dalam darah

15 Clues: perasaan lapar yang berlebihanpengaturan pola makan untuk mencegah diabeteskegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah diabetes mellituskelebihan berat badan yang dapat menyebabkan diabetes mellitusdiabetes type 1 terjadi karena _____ berhenti memproduksi insulinkelainan metabolik yang ditandai dengan kenaikan kadar gula darah...

Types of Diabetes 2022-02-17

Types of Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. This type of diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels rise due to pregnancy.
  2. Type 2 diabetes is when our body develops a ______ to insulin, which prevents cells from being able to uptake glucose.
  3. _____ refers to high blood sugar levels.
  4. ____ refers to the condition in which glucose is in the urine.
  5. This type of diabetes is more commonly diagnosed among children, teenagers, and young adults.
  6. _____ refers to low blood sugar levels.
  7. Type 1 diabetes is known for its ______ reaction that causes our cells to attack insulin secreting cells.
  8. Two hormones involved in regulating our blood sugar levels are ____ .
  9. Which cell secretes insulin? _____ ____
  10. True or false: If someone has a genetic predisposition of Type 1 diabetes, that means they were born with diabetes.
  1. Ketone concentration increases in someone with diabetes because the body is breaking down ___ _____ ____ instead of glucose as its energy source.
  2. People over the age of 65 are at increased risk for _____ diabetes
  3. _____ refers to an increased concentration of ketones which can be poisonous to the body.
  4. Two hormones involved in regulating our blood sugar levels are ____ .
  5. Which organ releases glucose ? (from presentation).
  6. Which organ releases insulin and glucagon ?
  7. Being prediabetic or having gestational diabetes increases risk of contracting ____ diabetes.
  8. The liver will release more glucose into the bloodstream, even though there is already plenty, because it thinks the body is in a state of _____.
  9. The preferred energy source for the body is ______.
  10. This hormone causes blood sugar levels to decrease.
  11. This hormone causes blood sugar levels to increase

21 Clues: _____ refers to low blood sugar levels._____ refers to high blood sugar levels.Which cell secretes insulin? _____ ____Which organ releases insulin and glucagon ?This hormone causes blood sugar levels to increaseWhich organ releases glucose ? (from presentation).The preferred energy source for the body is ______....

Diabetes 2023-01-05

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. ___________ acting insulin
  2. increased blood sugar
  3. _______ acting insulin
  4. number of types of insulin
  5. synthetic, external source
  6. increased appetite
  7. risk factor for diabetes
  8. cure for Type 1 diabetes
  9. _________acting insulin
  1. type of insulin
  2. low blood sugar
  3. unit we are studying
  4. always used to treat Type 1 diabetes
  5. increased urination
  6. risk factor for diabetes
  7. blood sugar
  8. risk factor for diabetes
  9. type of insulin
  10. increased thirst

19 Clues: blood sugartype of insulinlow blood sugartype of insulinincreased thirstincreased appetiteincreased urinationunit we are studyingincreased blood sugar_______ acting insulin_________acting insulinrisk factor for diabetesrisk factor for diabetesrisk factor for diabetescure for Type 1 diabetes___________ acting insulinnumber of types of insulin...

Diabetes 2024-05-16

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Fasting blood glucose levels between 100-125 mg/dL would fall under the _______ range.
  2. Low blood glucose stimulates the pancreas to release _______ into the bloodstream.
  3. The pancreas responds to the increased blood glucose by releasing _______.
  4. ______ ________ (2 words) could be due to inflammation or cardiovascular disease
  5. Fasting blood glucose levels between 75-100 mg/dL would fall under the ______ range.
  6. Glucagon stimulates ______ cells to break down glycogen and release glucose into the blood.
  7. Poorly managed diabetes can lead to degenerative conditions such as blindness, nerve damage, renal and ___________ disease.
  1. During digestion, chemicals in your stomach break down carbohydrates into ______ which is absorbed into your bloodstream.
  2. Type 1 diabetes often begins as an autoimmune disorder that damages or destroys ____ _____ (2 words) of the pancreas which cannot produce insulin.
  3. In type 2 diabetes, adequate levels of insulin can be produced in the body but not enough to cover the ___________ load of the diet.
  4. Type 2 diabetes can be managed with a nutritious diet, eating meals in regular intervals with a balanced carbohydrate load, and regular physical activity to enhance uptake of glucose by muscle cells and reducing cardiovascular risk. These actions are identified as _______ modifications.
  5. Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose into cells and as storage of _______in the liver and muscles.
  6. Insulin-resistance is where the pancreas is producing enough insulin but the ______ _____ of cells are no longer recognizing insulin.
  7. __________ diabetes occurs only during pregnancy but can lead to increased risk of insulin resistance in the mother as well as development abnormalities in the fetus.
  8. Fasting blood glucose levels 126 mg/dL or higher would fall under the _______ range.
  9. Type 1 diabetes is treated by insulin therapy, either with injections several times a day or a with an insulin _____.

16 Clues: The pancreas responds to the increased blood glucose by releasing _______.______ ________ (2 words) could be due to inflammation or cardiovascular diseaseLow blood glucose stimulates the pancreas to release _______ into the bloodstream.Fasting blood glucose levels between 75-100 mg/dL would fall under the ______ range....

Diabetes 2024-02-29

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. type of rapid-acting insulin
  2. elevated levels of blood glucose
  3. Brand name for glipizide
  4. can cause fluid retention and weight gain
  5. Boxed warning of lactic acidosis
  6. can cause urinary tract and yeast infections
  7. the type of diabetes that occurs when pregnant
  8. insulin is produced here
  1. insulin is injected this way
  2. The GLP-1 used for weight loss
  3. chemical messenger secreted by an endocrine gland
  4. blood sugar less than 70mg/dl
  5. generic name for Januvia
  6. type 1 diabetes is this type of condition
  7. type of long-acting insulin
  8. this GLP-1 Agonist is injected daily

16 Clues: Brand name for glipizidegeneric name for Januviainsulin is produced heretype of long-acting insulintype of rapid-acting insulininsulin is injected this wayblood sugar less than 70mg/dlThe GLP-1 used for weight losselevated levels of blood glucoseBoxed warning of lactic acidosisthis GLP-1 Agonist is injected daily...

Diabetes 2024-04-10

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes is the leading risk factor for complications of these.
  2. Major complication of diabetes associated with high BG and insufficient insulin.
  3. Type of diabetes that develops in pregnant mothers.
  4. symptoms include increased urination, thirst, and hunger.
  5. Substance found in the urine and blood in DKA.
  6. Characterized by elevated blood glucose, not yet diabetic.
  7. Major risk factor for the development of Type 2
  8. Electrolyte collects in the blood in DKA.
  1. This macronutrient contributes to elevated BG levels, intake should be measured carefully in the diabetic patient.
  2. Deep, sighing respiratory pattern characteristic of DKA.
  3. This tool helps determine the amount of insulin to give.
  4. Given IV, IM, or SubQ when BG is very low and/or patient is not alert enough to take orally.
  5. This medication should be held in a patient set to receive IV contrast dye.
  6. Broken down by the body to compensate for decreased glucose uptake.
  7. Form of diabetes caused by insufficient insulin production.
  8. Form of diabetes caused by resistance of tissues to insulin.

16 Clues: Electrolyte collects in the blood in DKA.Substance found in the urine and blood in DKA.Major risk factor for the development of Type 2Type of diabetes that develops in pregnant mothers.Deep, sighing respiratory pattern characteristic of DKA.This tool helps determine the amount of insulin to give....

Diabetes 2019-04-25

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Fasting blood glucose levels between 100-125 mg/dL would fall under the _______ range.
  2. Low blood glucose stimulates the pancreas to release _______ into the bloodstream.
  3. The pancreas responds to the increased blood glucose by releasing _______.
  4. ______ ________ (2 words) could be due to inflammation or cardiovascular disease
  5. Fasting blood glucose levels between 75-100 mg/dL would fall under the ______ range.
  6. Glucagon stimulates ______ cells to break down glycogen and release glucose into the blood.
  7. Poorly managed diabetes can lead to degenerative conditions such as blindness, nerve damage, renal and ___________ disease.
  1. During digestion, chemicals in your stomach break down carbohydrates into ______ which is absorbed into your bloodstream.
  2. Type 1 diabetes often begins as an autoimmune disorder that damages or destroys ____ _____ (2 words) of the pancreas which cannot produce insulin.
  3. In type 2 diabetes, adequate levels of insulin can be produced in the body but not enough to cover the ___________ load of the diet.
  4. Type 2 diabetes can be managed with a nutritious diet, eating meals in regular intervals with a balanced carbohydrate load, and regular physical activity to enhance uptake of glucose by muscle cells and reducing cardiovascular risk. These actions are identified as _______ modifications.
  5. Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose into cells and as storage of _______in the liver and muscles.
  6. Insulin-resistance is where the pancreas is producing enough insulin but the ______ _____ of cells are no longer recognizing insulin.
  7. __________ diabetes occurs only during pregnancy but can lead to increased risk of insulin resistance in the mother as well as development abnormalities in the fetus.
  8. Fasting blood glucose levels 126 mg/dL or higher would fall under the _______ range.
  9. Type 1 diabetes is treated by insulin therapy, either with injections several times a day or a with an insulin _____.

16 Clues: The pancreas responds to the increased blood glucose by releasing _______.______ ________ (2 words) could be due to inflammation or cardiovascular diseaseLow blood glucose stimulates the pancreas to release _______ into the bloodstream.Fasting blood glucose levels between 75-100 mg/dL would fall under the ______ range....

Diabetes 2020-03-10

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. increased your chance of getting type 2 diabetes
  2. excessive thirst
  3. excessive hunger
  4. Type1daibetes
  5. symptoms include diaphoresis and dizziness
  6. elevates glucose levels
  7. can play a part in diabetes risk
  1. secretes insulin and glucagon
  2. excessive urination
  3. sugar
  4. counting this helps manage diabetes
  5. symptoms include excessive thirst, hunger, and urination
  6. measures glucose levels
  7. risk factor
  8. type 2 diabetics are more at risk as you
  9. lowers glucose levels

16 Clues: sugarrisk factorType1daibetesexcessive thirstexcessive hungerexcessive urinationlowers glucose levelsmeasures glucose levelselevates glucose levelssecretes insulin and glucagoncan play a part in diabetes riskcounting this helps manage diabetestype 2 diabetics are more at risk as yousymptoms include diaphoresis and dizziness...

Types of Diabetes 2022-02-17

Types of Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. _____ refers to high blood sugar levels.
  2. This type of diabetes is more commonly diagnosed among children, teenagers, and young adults.
  3. Which organ releases glucose ? (from presentation).
  4. This hormone causes blood sugar levels to increase
  5. Which organ releases insulin and glucagon ?
  6. _____ refers to an increased concentration of ketones which can be poisonous to the body.
  7. This hormone causes blood sugar levels to decrease.
  1. Ketone concentration increases in someone with diabetes because the body is breaking down ___ _____ ____ instead of glucose as its energy source.
  2. Type 1 diabetes is known for its ______ reaction that causes our cells to attack insulin secreting cells.
  3. Type 2 diabetes is when our body develops a ______ to insulin, which prevents cells from being able to uptake glucose.
  4. _____ refers to low blood sugar levels.
  5. Being prediabetic or having gestational diabetes increases risk of contracting ____ diabetes.
  6. Two hormones involved in regulating our blood sugar levels are ____ .
  7. ____ refers to the condition in which glucose is in the urine.
  8. Two hormones involved in regulating our blood sugar levels are ____ .
  9. The liver will release more glucose into the bloodstream, even though there is already plenty, because it thinks the body is in a state of _____.
  10. This type of diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels rise due to pregnancy.
  11. Which cell secretes insulin? _____ ____
  12. The preferred energy source for the body is ______.
  13. True or false: If someone has a genetic predisposition of Type 1 diabetes, that means they were born with diabetes.
  14. People over the age of 65 are at increased risk for _____ diabetes

21 Clues: _____ refers to low blood sugar levels._____ refers to high blood sugar levels.Which cell secretes insulin? _____ ____Which organ releases insulin and glucagon ?This hormone causes blood sugar levels to increaseWhich organ releases glucose ? (from presentation).The preferred energy source for the body is ______....

Diabetes 2023-07-16

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Controllable factor for Diabetes
  2. Diabetes happens due to___________
  3. Uncontrollable factor of Diabetes
  4. In this type of Diabetes Insulin not get produced in human body
  5. The term HbA1c refers to ____________haemoglobin
  6. If the pre-diabetes values 140-199mg/dl then the test is_____________
  7. PAD , CAD , Stroke
  1. The Inportant part of non Medical management of Diabetes
  2. Glucagon secreted from ___________ cells of Pancreas
  3. A SGLT2i present in Biocon kitty in combination with Sitagliptin
  4. Retinipathy , Nephropathy and Neuropathy
  5. This kind of Diabetes happens during pregnancy
  6. T2DM happens due to Insulin deficiency and _______
  7. Along with getting frequently thirsty and having frequent urination - this is another important symptom of Diabetes
  8. In India most of the hyperglycemic patients are
  9. A DPP4i present in Biocon

16 Clues: PAD , CAD , StrokeA DPP4i present in BioconControllable factor for DiabetesUncontrollable factor of DiabetesDiabetes happens due to___________Retinipathy , Nephropathy and NeuropathyThis kind of Diabetes happens during pregnancyIn India most of the hyperglycemic patients areThe term HbA1c refers to ____________haemoglobin...

Diabetes and Exercise 2016-11-17

Diabetes and Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. nervous system damage due to diabetes
  2. blood glucose level at which exercise is contraindicated with ketosis
  3. hormone that regulates the uptake of glucose into the tissue
  4. water deprivation
  5. risk factor associated with glucose levels between 100-126
  6. damage to the eyes as a result of diabetes
  7. type of diabetes that affects pregnant women
  8. too much glucose in the circulating blood
  9. raised levels of ketone bodies in the blood
  1. cells that produce insulin
  2. percentage of people projected to have diabetes or prediabetes by 2020
  3. excessive hunger
  4. another name for type 2 diabetes
  5. frequent need to urinate
  6. way of delivering synthesized insulin into the body
  7. organ that contains the insulin-secreting cells
  8. too little glucose in the circulating blood
  9. this is impaired in hot in cold environments in patients with diabetes
  10. increased thirst
  11. test that gives information on long-term glycemic control

20 Clues: excessive hungerincreased thirstwater deprivationfrequent need to urinatecells that produce insulinanother name for type 2 diabetesnervous system damage due to diabetestoo much glucose in the circulating blooddamage to the eyes as a result of diabetestoo little glucose in the circulating bloodraised levels of ketone bodies in the blood...

Endocrine crossword 2019-03-27

Endocrine crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A clinical sign of hyperglycaemia
  2. A leading risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes
  3. Secreted from the Alpha cells of the pancreas
  4. A form of diabetes during pregnancy
  5. The most common feedback system
  6. An increase in hunger associated with diabetes
  7. An electrolyte carefully monitored post total thyroidectomy
  8. This diabetes is associated with an insufficiency in ADH
  9. Aldosterone targets this organ
  1. The main secretory product of the adrenal cortex
  2. An instrument used to measure blood glucose levels
  3. This gland is located at the base of the skull
  4. The organ associated with diabetes
  5. What is secreted by the endocrine system
  6. A life threatening condition of diabetes
  7. A type of hormone secreted from the anterior pituitary gland
  8. Over production of cortisol can lead to this disease
  9. Melatonin is secreted by this gland
  10. Located below the larynx
  11. Lacking in Type 1 diabetics
  12. An autoimmune disease associated with hyperthyroidism

21 Clues: Located below the larynxLacking in Type 1 diabeticsAldosterone targets this organThe most common feedback systemA clinical sign of hyperglycaemiaThe organ associated with diabetesMelatonin is secreted by this glandA form of diabetes during pregnancyWhat is secreted by the endocrine systemA life threatening condition of diabetes...

Diabetes 2024-06-25

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Tested to check sugar levels.
  2. Hormone that regulates blood sugar.
  3. Can be affected by diabetes.
  4. Type of sugar in the blood.
  5. Person who helps manage diabetes.
  6. The cause of Diabetes.
  7. Body part that makes insulin.
  8. Helps control Diabetes.
  1. Device to check blood sugar levels.
  2. where sugar is produced from.
  3. Helps with diabetes care.
  4. Common symptom of diabetes.
  5. Food type that affects blood sugar.
  6. Needed to prevent low blood sugar.
  7. Important for diabetes management.

15 Clues: The cause of Diabetes.Helps control Diabetes.Helps with diabetes care.Type of sugar in the blood.Common symptom of diabetes.Can be affected by diabetes.Tested to check sugar levels.where sugar is produced from.Body part that makes insulin.Person who helps manage diabetes.Needed to prevent low blood sugar.Important for diabetes management....

Health PE 2020-2021 2021-01-25

Health PE 2020-2021 crossword puzzle
  1. What is a form of marijuana the can be put into a drink
  2. what did accent cultures call marijuana
  3. when is the start up date for recreational marijuana
  4. Long term affect of marijuana
  5. How many people have admitted to using marijuana at least once
  6. how to prevent diabetes
  7. A disease that is protozoan
  8. is diabetes communicable or non-communicable
  9. Marijuana short term affects, brain
  10. short term affects of marijuana heart
  1. a sugar disease that you get
  2. what is the maximum fine for marijuana
  3. How to diagnose diabetes
  4. If you are a 1,000 feet away from a school or closer with marijuana what is the penalty
  5. A treatment for diabetes is
  6. Marijuana is a what degree crime
  7. an eye problem with diabetes
  8. Form of marijuana
  9. How many 12-17 year old's use marijuana in 2007
  10. a drug that is called pot
  11. behavior affects of marijuana

21 Clues: Form of marijuanahow to prevent diabetesHow to diagnose diabetesa drug that is called potA treatment for diabetes isA disease that is protozoana sugar disease that you getan eye problem with diabetesLong term affect of marijuanabehavior affects of marijuanaMarijuana is a what degree crimeMarijuana short term affects, brain...

Genetics of Diabetes 2024-04-08

Genetics of Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Type of autoimmune diabetes which occurs in older adults, and is usually diagnosed after 35 years of age
  2. Subjects with type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but have insulin _____
  3. This is the key defining feature of patients who have diabetes
  4. Main susceptibility genes currently accepted for type 1 diabetes
  5. Pancreatic hormone in charge of increasing blood glucose
  6. Monogenic form of diabetes with specific mutations in diabetes-associated genes
  7. Most prevalent form of diabetes worldwide
  8. Type 1 diabetes is also known as _____ diabetes since its onset is usually at an earlier age
  1. Any of a class of organic compounds characterized by the presence of a carbonyl group in which the carbon atom is covalently bonded to an oxygen atom. The remaining two bonds are to other carbon atoms or hydrocarbon radicals (R)
  2. Type 1 diabetes is considered to be an _______ disease
  3. Type of pancreatic cell which produces insulin
  4. Mitochondrial disease inherited maternally and characterized by diabetes and deafness
  5. Type of glucose transporter present in insulin-dependent tissues
  6. Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease caused by an interplay between genetic, epigenetic and _____ factors
  7. Pancreatic hormone in charge of decreasing blood glucose levels
  8. This technology has increased our ability to diagnose MODY

16 Clues: Most prevalent form of diabetes worldwideType of pancreatic cell which produces insulinType 1 diabetes is considered to be an _______ diseasePancreatic hormone in charge of increasing blood glucoseThis technology has increased our ability to diagnose MODYThis is the key defining feature of patients who have diabetes...

Diabetes and Exercise 2016-11-17

Diabetes and Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. damage to the eyes as a result of diabetes
  2. increased thirst
  3. risk factor associated with glucose levels between 100-126
  4. way of delivering synthesized insulin into the body
  5. blood glucose level at which exercise is contraindicated with ketosis
  6. too much glucose in the circulating blood
  7. type of diabetes that affects pregnant women
  8. test that gives information on long-term glycemic control
  9. another name for type 2 diabetes
  10. frequent need to urinate
  1. organ that contains the insulin-secreting cells
  2. raised levels of ketone bodies in the blood
  3. cells that produce insulin
  4. nervous system damage due to diabetes
  5. hormone that regulates the uptake of glucose into the tissue
  6. too little glucose in the circulating blood
  7. water deprivation
  8. this is impaired in hot in cold environments in patients with diabetes
  9. excessive hunger
  10. percentage of people projected to have diabetes or prediabetes by 2020

20 Clues: increased thirstexcessive hungerwater deprivationfrequent need to urinatecells that produce insulinanother name for type 2 diabetesnervous system damage due to diabetestoo much glucose in the circulating blooddamage to the eyes as a result of diabetesraised levels of ketone bodies in the bloodtoo little glucose in the circulating blood...

Diabetes and Exercise 2016-11-17

Diabetes and Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. percentage of people projected to have diabetes or prediabetes by 2020
  2. way of delivering synthesized insulin into the body
  3. nervous system damage due to diabetes
  4. damage to the eyes as a result of diabetes
  5. too much glucose in the circulating blood
  6. type of diabetes that affects pregnant women
  7. organ that contains the insulin-secreting cells
  8. water deprivation
  9. another name for type 2 diabetes
  10. hormone that regulates the uptake of glucose into the tissue
  11. raised levels of ketone bodies in the blood
  12. cells that produce insulin
  1. blood glucose level at which exercise is contraindicated with ketosis
  2. too little glucose in the circulating blood
  3. excessive hunger
  4. this is impaired in hot in cold environments in patients with diabetes
  5. test that gives information on long-term glycemic control
  6. risk factor associated with glucose levels between 100-126
  7. increased thirst
  8. frequent need to urinate

20 Clues: excessive hungerincreased thirstwater deprivationfrequent need to urinatecells that produce insulinanother name for type 2 diabetesnervous system damage due to diabetestoo much glucose in the circulating blooddamage to the eyes as a result of diabetestoo little glucose in the circulating bloodraised levels of ketone bodies in the blood...

Diabetes 2015-01-21

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. If an individual tests their blood sugar and gets an odd reading, they should _____ their hands and retest.
  2. Type 2 diabetes can be managed by lifestyle changes, such as ______ and diet, oral medications, and insulin injections.
  3. 15 _____ of carbohydrates, on the nutrition label, equals 1 carb choice.
  4. This is the name for when your body has too much insulin and your blood sugar level is too low. Symptoms may include shaking, sweating, irritability, fatigue, dizziness, and accelerated heartbeat.
  5. Type 2 Diabetic's bodies do not use this properly, leading to increasingly varying blood sugar levels, if not managed.
  6. If you have too many ____ during a meal, it can raise your blood sugar level too high, which causes damage to the body.
  7. Most ______ have approximately 5 grams per serving, which means that these are low-carb options and they are also very healthy.
  1. Meat and _____ substitutes, such as cheeses, eggs, soy, tuna, peanut butter, and tofu, have minimal carbs in them and are a great low-carb option.
  2. Too many carbs, not enough exercise, not enough insulin, stress, illness, dehydration, and medication side effects can all cause blood sugar to ____.
  3. This is the name for when your body does not have enough insulin and your blood sugar level is elevated. Symptoms may include extreme thirst, frequent urination, drowsiness, and nausea.
  4. Serving _____ are important when counting carbs, because the nutrition label identifies how many grams of carbs per each one of these.
  5. ____________ counting is one way to manage diabetes. This involves monitoring carb intake during snacks and meals.
  6. _______ foods, such as grains, beans, potatoes, and rice, are all foods that are high carb foods.
  7. Monitoring ______ sugar levels can help medical providers when making changes to health plans, because the logging can show doctors if there are patterns in level changes.
  8. It is important to check your blood _______, when you are diabetic, because the results influence decisions about food, exercise, and medications.
  9. Too little food, alcohol, too much insulin, excessive exercise, and medication side effects can all cause blood sugar to be too _____.

16 Clues: 15 _____ of carbohydrates, on the nutrition label, equals 1 carb choice._______ foods, such as grains, beans, potatoes, and rice, are all foods that are high carb foods.If an individual tests their blood sugar and gets an odd reading, they should _____ their hands and retest....

Diabetes 2024-02-28

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A long-term complication of diabetes resulting from damage to the nerve cell
  2. A metabolic derangement resulting from a deficiency of insulin
  3. Hormone needed to regulate blood glucose
  4. High blood glucose levels
  5. Primary source of energy for cells
  6. Organ that produces insulin
  1. A long-term complication of diabetes in which the kidney cells are damaged
  2. Type of diabetes with onset during pregnancy
  3. Excessive urination
  4. Impaired glucose metabolism in which blood glucose concentrations fall between normal levels and those considered diagnostic for diabetes
  5. A condition that occurs when the small blood vessels that nourish the retina in the eye are damaged
  6. A highly acidic substance formed when the liver breaks down free fatty acids in the absence of insulin
  7. Low blood glucose levels
  8. Most common form of diabetes, a metabolic disorder characterized by the relative deficiency of insulin production and a decreased insulin action and increased insulin resistance
  9. Test that measures average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months
  10. Also called juvenile diabetes, a metabolic disorder characterized by an absence of insulin production and secretion from autoimmune destruction of the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas

16 Clues: Excessive urinationLow blood glucose levelsHigh blood glucose levelsOrgan that produces insulinPrimary source of energy for cellsHormone needed to regulate blood glucoseType of diabetes with onset during pregnancyA metabolic derangement resulting from a deficiency of insulinTest that measures average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months...

Diabetes Crossword 2022-11-27

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a condition where glucose level is lower than standard range, needs immediate treatment such as high sugar foods or drinks
  2. any diseases in which the body's ability to use blood sugar is impaired
  3. is the more chronic condition of diabetes where the person produces little or no insulin, they're insulin dependent, glucose remains high in the blood
  4. a life-threatening disorder caused from too little insulin being taken or too much food being eaten, high blood sugar
  5. how much glucose is in your body at a given time, people with diabetes must monitor this throughout the day
  6. higher than normal blood sugar level, not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes, but without lifestyle change you have a higher risk
  7. works through a tiny sensor inserted under your skin, usually your stomach or arm, and measures your interstitial glucose level
  8. a test that measures a person's average blood sugar level over the past two or three months
  9. an insulin powder that can be inhaled to manage blood sugar
  10. a shoulder condition associated with diabetes that results in pain and loss of ability to move the shoulder
  11. found in the pancreas that produce, store, and release insulin
  12. small, computerized devices that deliver insulin in two ways, as a measured and continuous dose or as a surge dose, around mealtimes
  13. diabetes diagnosed for the first time during pregnancy, affects how cells use glucose and this causes high blood sugar
  14. the main sugar found in your blood, comes from the food you eat and is your body's main source of energy
  15. a foot that exhibits any disease that results from diabetes or complication of diabetes
  1. type 1 and type 2 symptoms include dehydration, feeling tired and weak, having blurry vision, and urinating often
  2. blood glucose levels need to stay within a certain range, diabetics must regulate their levels with diet, exercise, and insulin
  3. a health care professional who teaches people with diabetes how to manage their diabetes
  4. former term for type 2 diabetes
  5. full name for diabetes
  6. long term conditions caused by diabetes, may include heart disease, nerve, eyes, kidney, and foot damage
  7. eating the healthiest foods in moderate amounts and sticking to regular mealtimes, usually nutrient rich and low in fats, helps control glucose level and manages weight
  8. a device for injecting insulin that holds replaceable cartridges of insulin
  9. automatically produces the high amount of insulin to move glucose from the blood into the cells, in people with diabetes it produces little or no insulin, or the cells don't respond properly to it
  10. eating healthy foods, losing excess weight, and getting physical activity can prevent type 1 diabetes
  11. one of the possible long term complications of diabetes is kidney disease and failure, is a treatment option for people with kidney failure
  12. a hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates body cells to take up and use blood sugar
  13. condition of diabetes where the person is non-insulin dependent, body cells don't respond normally to insulin, develops slowly over time and often goes undetected until symptoms become severe
  14. otherwise known as high blood sugar, affects people who have diabetes, this should be treated quickly
  15. unconsciousness caused by too little sugar and too much insulin in the blood, low blood sugar

30 Clues: full name for diabetesformer term for type 2 diabetesan insulin powder that can be inhaled to manage blood sugarfound in the pancreas that produce, store, and release insulinany diseases in which the body's ability to use blood sugar is impaireda device for injecting insulin that holds replaceable cartridges of insulin...

Diabetes 2015-01-21

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. This is the name for when your body does not have enough insulin and your blood sugar level is elevated. Symptoms may include extreme thirst, frequent urination, drowsiness, and nausea.
  2. Monitoring ______ sugar levels can help medical providers when making changes to health plans, because the logging can show doctors if there are patterns in level changes.
  3. Type 2 Diabetic's bodies do not use this properly, leading to increasingly varying blood sugar levels, if not managed.
  4. Most ______ have approximately 5 grams per serving, which means that these are low-carb options and they are also very healthy.
  5. If you have too many ____ during a meal, it can raise your blood sugar level too high, which causes damage to the body.
  1. 15 _____ of carbohydrates, on the nutrition label, equals 1 carb choice.
  2. Meat and _____ substitutes, such as cheeses, eggs, soy, tuna, peanut butter, and tofu, have minimal carbs in them and are a great low-carb option.
  3. This is the name for when your body has too much insulin and your blood sugar level is too low. Symptoms may include shaking, sweating, irritability, fatigue, dizziness, and accelerated heartbeat.
  4. Type 2 diabetes can be managed by lifestyle changes, such as ______ and diet, oral medications, and insulin injections.
  5. It is important to check your blood _______, when you are diabetic, because the results influence decisions about food, exercise, and medications.
  6. ____________ counting is one way to manage diabetes. This involves monitoring carb intake during snacks and meals.
  7. Serving _____ are important when counting carbs, because the nutrition label identifies how many grams of carbs per each one of these.
  8. If an individual tests their blood sugar and gets an odd reading, they should _____ their hands and retest.
  9. Too little food, alcohol, too much insulin, excessive exercise, and medication side effects can all cause blood sugar to be too _____.
  10. _______ foods, such as grains, beans, potatoes, and rice, are all foods that are high carb foods.
  11. Too many carbs, not enough exercise, not enough insulin, stress, illness, dehydration, and medication side effects can all cause blood sugar to ____.

16 Clues: 15 _____ of carbohydrates, on the nutrition label, equals 1 carb choice._______ foods, such as grains, beans, potatoes, and rice, are all foods that are high carb foods.If an individual tests their blood sugar and gets an odd reading, they should _____ their hands and retest....

Diabetes Crossword 2014-03-20

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. As well as type1 diabetes, there is also____ diabetes.(number included)
  2. This report is on the topic of diabetes _____.
  3. When suffering from diabetes it is hard to use ___ or fuel found in food.
  4. The disease diabetes affects your ____ system.
  5. In some cases, injecting insulin into the ___ can help regulate the levels of blood sugar.
  6. A common symptom of diabetes where one is constantly hungry.
  7. Hormone produced from the pancreas and regulates metabolism.
  8. Some cases of diabetes may be ____ or constant.
  9. Metabolic disease where a person suffers from high blood sugar.
  1. When someone suffers from diabetes their ____ plays a huge role in treatment.
  2. The act of urinating constantly.
  3. A symptom of diabetes that is also known as "increased thirst".
  4. A case where cells do not properly use insulin, resulting in insulin____.
  5. Another word for sugar.
  6. The gland located behind the stomach

15 Clues: Another word for sugar.The act of urinating constantly.The gland located behind the stomachThis report is on the topic of diabetes _____.The disease diabetes affects your ____ system.Some cases of diabetes may be ____ or constant.A common symptom of diabetes where one is constantly hungry.Hormone produced from the pancreas and regulates metabolism....

diabetes meds 2023-08-04

diabetes meds crossword puzzle
  1. - Life-threatening syndrome that can occur in diabetes, often with extremely high blood glucose levels (abbr.)
  2. - Medication that decreases insulin resistance
  3. - Autoantibody test for type 1 diabetes (abbr.)
  4. - Acute, major, life-threatening complication of diabetes (abbr.)
  5. - GLP-1 agonist for diabetes
  6. - Injectable for type 2 diabetes
  7. - Genetic form of diabetes (abbr.)
  1. - Continuous glucose monitoring system
  2. - Fast-acting insulin
  3. - Mineral important in insulin storage
  4. - Long-acting insulin
  5. - SGLT2 inhibitor for type 2 diabetes
  6. - Brand name for Pioglitazone
  7. - Non-invasive glucose monitor brand
  8. - Rapid-acting insulin analog

15 Clues: - Fast-acting insulin- Long-acting insulin- GLP-1 agonist for diabetes- Brand name for Pioglitazone- Rapid-acting insulin analog- Injectable for type 2 diabetes- Genetic form of diabetes (abbr.)- Non-invasive glucose monitor brand- SGLT2 inhibitor for type 2 diabetes- Continuous glucose monitoring system- Mineral important in insulin storage...

Diabetes 2021-09-20

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A symptom of hyperglycemia.
  2. condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.
  3. A small pricking needle used to obtain drops of blood.
  4. Helps control blood glucose levels. Includes oral and injected versions.
  5. The amount of glucose in the blood.
  6. A risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
  7. What gland is associated with diabetes?
  1. Medical term for high blood sugar levels.
  2. Cells responsible for creating insulin (aka. islet cells)
  3. A symptom of hypoglycemia.
  4. A hormone that the pancreas makes?
  5. A sugar that comes from the food we eat.
  6. The type of diabetes when the pancreas cannot make insulin.
  7. The type of diabetes where the body still produces insulin.
  8. Hypoglycemia is when the concentration of glucose drops too _____.

15 Clues: A symptom of hypoglycemia.A symptom of hyperglycemia.A hormone that the pancreas makes?A risk factor for type 2 diabetes.The amount of glucose in the blood.What gland is associated with diabetes?A sugar that comes from the food we eat.Medical term for high blood sugar levels.A small pricking needle used to obtain drops of blood....

Diabetes 2021-11-13

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. high glucose levels in the blood
  2. a lab test that averages 3 months of blood glucose levels
  3. the only route used for insulin
  4. fast acting insulin
  5. hormone made in the pancreas
  6. Diabetes greek
  7. oral medication used for type 2 DM
  1. constant thirst
  2. Type of diabetes aquired during pregnancy
  3. a steroid that raises blood glucose levels
  4. low glucose blood levels
  5. Given for hypoglycemic event
  6. intermediate acting insulin
  7. a type of breathing seen in DKA
  8. breaking down ketones instead of glcose

15 Clues: Diabetes greekconstant thirstfast acting insulinlow glucose blood levelsintermediate acting insulinGiven for hypoglycemic eventhormone made in the pancreasthe only route used for insulina type of breathing seen in DKAhigh glucose levels in the bloodoral medication used for type 2 DMbreaking down ketones instead of glcose...

Diabetes 2024-05-27

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. condition caused by damage to blood vessels in the brain
  2. main source of energy for the body
  3. the inability for an organ to function normally
  4. measure of body fat based on height and weight
  5. process of cleaning wastes from blood artificially
  6. substance providing nourishment essential for the maintenance of life and growth
  7. social and cultural characteristics shared by a group
  8. organ which filters wastes from blood to be removed in urine
  1. number of people in a given population reported to have a disease
  2. source of energy which also helps absorb vitamins
  3. hormone helping the body use glucose for energy
  4. process by which characteristics are passed on from parents to children through genes
  5. essential for growth and repair of tissues
  6. a condition in which a greater than normal amount of fac is in the body
  7. refers to a person or group's eating habits

15 Clues: main source of energy for the bodyessential for growth and repair of tissuesrefers to a person or group's eating habitsmeasure of body fat based on height and weighthormone helping the body use glucose for energythe inability for an organ to function normallysource of energy which also helps absorb vitamins...

World Diabetes Day 2018-11-11

World Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  2. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  3. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  4. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  5. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  6. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the......................induced diabetes guideline
  7. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased
  8. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  9. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  10. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  1. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  2. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  3. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  4. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  5. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  6. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  7. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  8. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin...

World Diabetes Day 2018-11-10

World Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  2. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  3. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the......................induced diabetes guideline
  4. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  5. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  6. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  7. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  8. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  9. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  1. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  2. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  3. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  4. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  5. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  6. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  7. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  8. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased
  9. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin...

World Diabetes Day 2018-11-11

World Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  2. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  3. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  4. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  5. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased
  6. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  7. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  1. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  2. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the......................induced diabetes guideline
  3. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  4. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  5. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  6. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  7. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  8. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  9. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  10. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  11. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin...

World Diabetes Day 2018-11-10

World Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  2. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  3. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  4. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  5. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  6. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  7. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  8. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  9. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  1. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  2. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  3. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  4. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  5. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  6. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  7. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  8. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the......................induced diabetes guideline
  9. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults...

World Diabetes Day 2018-11-11

World Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  2. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  3. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  4. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  5. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  6. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  7. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  8. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  9. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  10. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the......................induced diabetes guideline
  11. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased
  1. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  2. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  3. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  4. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  5. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  6. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  7. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults...

World Diabetes Day 2018-11-11

World Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  2. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  3. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  4. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  5. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  6. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  7. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  8. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  9. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  10. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  1. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  2. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  3. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  4. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the......................induced diabetes guideline
  5. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  6. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  7. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  8. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin...

Understanding Diabetes 2014-04-29

Understanding Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. this is the name for diabetes that develops while a woman is pregnant
  3. This macronutrient is the first to be digested in the stomach and small intestine
  4. person can add these two things to their diet to help prevent diabetes: PROTEIN & FIBER
  5. this means that your blood sugar levels are higher than the normal range but lower than the diabetes range
  6. doing this activity is important for people with diabetes and also to prevent diabetes. It lowers blood glucose levels, and helps insulin work for efficiently.
  7. Glucose gives THIS to your cells
  8. DEPENDENT this is the condition where you must have insulin from an outside source, usually delivered by pump or injection
  9. eating too much of this carbohydrate overtime, typically found in soda and candy, can lead to weight gain and type 2 diabetes
  10. the hormone released by our pancreas that allows glucose to leave our bloodstream. With type one diabetes, the pancreas cannot release this hormone
  1. When a person with diabetes eats a lot of sugary foods, their pancreas becomes___________.
  2. a fancy name for sugar in our blood. It is very important for our bodies to survive. If your body doesn’t use THIS properly, it can become unhealthy
  3. 2- The type of diabetes that is caused by a number of factors including genetics, overweight, high sugar/high fat diet, lack of exercise, among other things.
  4. The organ that creates insulin.
  5. levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood does THIS after eating a lot of sugar or carbohydrates
  6. TIREDNESS - three signs of diabetes
  7. Glucose stays here until insulin allows it to pass into the cells that need energy
  8. INTESTINE- after eating food, this is where 98% of nutrients, including sugar, is absorbed into the blood

19 Clues: THIRSTYURINATIONThe organ that creates insulin.Glucose gives THIS to your cellsTIREDNESS - three signs of diabetesthis is the name for diabetes that develops while a woman is pregnantThis macronutrient is the first to be digested in the stomach and small intestineGlucose stays here until insulin allows it to pass into the cells that need energy...

MOORFIELDS Diabetes crossword puzzle 2018-11-13

MOORFIELDS Diabetes crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. In people with diabetes, fluid leaking into the __ can cause blurriness and poor central vision
  2. __ is the oldest eye hospital in the world
  3. __for diabetic eye disease will prevent sight loss
  4. In people with diabetes, abnormal blood vessels can __ and cause permanent loss of vision
  5. In people with diabetic eye disease, __ into the eye are used to treat leakage of fluid from damaged blood vessels
  6. People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop __
  7. People with diabetes are more likely to develop ___ failure
  8. Our bodies need __ in order for the cells to use the blood glucose.
  1. In people with diabetic eye disease, __ are used to treat the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the eye
  2. Diabetes occurs when blood __ levels are higher than they should be
  3. You can tell if you have diabetes with a simple __ test
  4. A healthy __ can postpone the onset of diabetes
  5. People with diabetes have a greater risk of having a __
  6. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the __
  7. You should have an eye test every __ years
  8. __ is the leading cause of sight loss and blindness in people aged 20-69 years in the world
  9. People with diabetes have a greater risk of having a __
  10. __ can affect the health of your eyes

18 Clues: __ can affect the health of your eyes__ is the oldest eye hospital in the worldYou should have an eye test every __ yearsA healthy __ can postpone the onset of diabetesInsulin is a hormone that is produced by the ____for diabetic eye disease will prevent sight lossPeople with diabetes are twice as likely to develop __...

MOORFIELDS Diabetes crossword puzzle 2018-11-13

MOORFIELDS Diabetes crossword puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. You should have an eye test every __ years
  2. People with diabetes are more likely to develop ___ failure
  3. Diabetes occurs when blood __ levels are higher than they should be
  4. People with diabetes have a greater risk of having a __
  5. __for diabetic eye disease will prevent sight loss
  6. In people with diabetes, fluid leaking into the __ can cause blurriness and poor central vision
  7. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the __
  8. People with diabetes have a greater risk of having a __
  9. You can tell if you have diabetes with a simple __ test
  1. __ is the oldest eye hospital in the world
  2. A healthy __ can postpone the onset of diabetes
  3. In people with diabetic eye disease, __ into the eye are used to treat leakage of fluid from damaged blood vessels
  4. People with diabetes are twice as likely to develop __
  5. __ can affect the health of your eyes
  6. In people with diabetic eye disease, __ are used to treat the growth of abnormal blood vessels in the eye
  7. __ is the leading cause of sight loss and blindness in people aged 20-69 years in the world
  8. Our bodies need __ in order for the cells to use the blood glucose.
  9. In people with diabetes, abnormal blood vessels can __ and cause permanent loss of vision

18 Clues: __ can affect the health of your eyes__ is the oldest eye hospital in the worldYou should have an eye test every __ yearsA healthy __ can postpone the onset of diabetesInsulin is a hormone that is produced by the ____for diabetic eye disease will prevent sight lossPeople with diabetes are twice as likely to develop __...

Diabetes 2022-03-29

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. high blood sugar
  2. adult onset diabetes(most common)
  3. increasing the amount of times you _____ can reduce your chance of getting diabetes
  4. a tool that measures the amount of glucose in blood.
  5. treat diabetes with diet and blood sugar reducing medications,including insulin
  6. Protein hormone created by the pancreas that rises blood glucose levels
  7. having a _____ ____ can decrease the chances of getting diabetes
  8. develops during childhood, characterized by a severe deficiency of insulin
  1. nerve damage from diabetes. About half of all the people with diabetes have some sort of nerve damage
  2. a condition in which the blood sugar is high, but not high enough to have type 2.
  3. organ that produces insulin
  4. low blood sugar
  5. Eye damage that can be caused by diabetes
  6. diabetes a type of diabetes that only develops during pregnancy
  7. One of the simplest forms of sugar

15 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarorgan that produces insulinadult onset diabetes(most common)One of the simplest forms of sugarEye damage that can be caused by diabetesa tool that measures the amount of glucose in blood.diabetes a type of diabetes that only develops during pregnancyhaving a _____ ____ can decrease the chances of getting diabetes...

Diabetes 2023-02-03

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. made up of amino acids
  2. fat, protein and this are the three main energy sources for the body
  3. diabetes in children
  4. energy provided by food
  5. "good" cholesterol
  6. high blood glucose level
  7. autoimmune condition
  8. stage prior to type 2 diabetes
  1. allows glucose to enter cells
  2. organ that makes insulin
  3. low blood glucose level
  4. type of sugar in the blood
  5. blood glucose is too high
  6. insulin resistance
  7. high blood pressure in pregnancy

15 Clues: "good" cholesterolinsulin resistancediabetes in childrenautoimmune conditionmade up of amino acidslow blood glucose levelenergy provided by foodorgan that makes insulinhigh blood glucose levelblood glucose is too hightype of sugar in the bloodallows glucose to enter cellsstage prior to type 2 diabeteshigh blood pressure in pregnancy...

Questionário 2024-02-23

Questionário crossword puzzle
  1. valor abaixo de 70 mg/dl
  2. como se designa a diabetes na gravidez
  3. acumulação de gordura a nível hepático
  4. hormona que regula os níveis de açúcar no sangue
  5. degradação dos lípidos
  6. aumento da quantidade de urina
  7. sede em excesso
  8. complicação frequente na diabetes, diminuição na vascularização ocular.
  9. hemoglobina glicada
  10. quebra de moléculas complexas em moléculas menores
  1. quebra de gordura para obter energia
  2. armazenamento da glicose
  3. complicação frequente na diabetes, diminuição da sensibilidade nas extremidades
  4. valor acima de 250mg/dl
  5. processo fundamental para o crescimento, reparação e manutenção dos tecidos
  6. complicação frequente na diabetes, diminuição da capacidade de filtração renal
  7. quantidade anormal de lípidos no sangue
  8. aumento da pressão arterial
  9. aonde é produzida a insulina
  10. disfunção metabólica da glicose

20 Clues: sede em excessohemoglobina glicadadegradação dos lípidosvalor acima de 250mg/dlvalor abaixo de 70 mg/dlarmazenamento da glicoseaumento da pressão arterialaonde é produzida a insulinaaumento da quantidade de urinadisfunção metabólica da glicosequebra de gordura para obter energiacomo se designa a diabetes na gravidez...

Diabetes 2024-08-13

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. blood glucose levels is essential for effective diabetes control.
  2. improves insulin sensitivity and supports diabetes management.
  3. 1 diabetes involves the body's immune system attacking insulin-producing cells.
  4. 2 diabetes is marked by insulin resistance and progressive insulin deficiency.
  5. and consistent management are key to preventing diabetes-related complications.
  6. sugar levels must be carefully monitored in all types of diabetes.
  7. therapy is critical for managing Type 1 diabetes and sometimes Type 2 diabetes.
  1. of diabetes can include heart disease, kidney damage, and vision loss.
  2. changes, including diet and exercise, are essential for Type 2 diabetes management.
  3. diabetes occurs during pregnancy and often resolves after childbirth.
  4. management is crucial for reducing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
  5. is a chronic condition affecting blood sugar regulation.
  6. may be prescribed to help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetes.
  7. rich in whole grains, vegetables, and lean proteins helps control blood sugar.

14 Clues: is a chronic condition affecting blood sugar regulation.improves insulin sensitivity and supports diabetes management.blood glucose levels is essential for effective diabetes control.may be prescribed to help regulate blood sugar levels in diabetes.sugar levels must be carefully monitored in all types of diabetes....

Diabetes in Older Adults and Pregnancy 2021-06-10

Diabetes in Older Adults and Pregnancy crossword puzzle
  1. women with preexisting diabetes should ideally be managed in a _________ clinic
  2. an A1c goal of <6.5% preconception helps reduce the risk of fetal _______
  3. fasting and ________ BG monitoring should be done for all pregnant women with diabetes
  4. avoid this in older adults with diabetes
  5. A1c goal is <8-8.5% with ______ chronic illnesses
  6. A1c goal is <7-7.5% with _____ cognitive function
  7. this agent should be prescribed in low doses to women with preexisting diabetes to lower the risk of preeclampsia
  8. a glucose _______ test should be performed to screen women with a recent history of gestational diabetes
  9. during end of life care glycemic management burden should be ______
  10. all women with diabetes who are of childbearing age should have this type of counseling
  1. this sulfonylurea should be avoided in older adults for its risk of hypoglycemia
  2. these risk factors should be treated in older adults with DM as part of their treatment goals
  3. this is the preferred agent to treat hyperglycemia in pregnancy
  4. this type of behavioral change is a key component of managing gestational diabetes
  5. this should be monitored for during each trimester and one year postpartum
  6. CGM metrics can be used as an ______ to BG self-monitoring
  7. ____ glycemic control is associated with worsening cognitive function
  8. this can increase the risk of overnight hypoglycemia
  9. this is the first line agent for treating diabetes in older adults
  10. simplification of medication regimens is recommended to reduce hypoglycemia and _______
  11. women with a history of gestational diabetes should have _______ screenings for the development of T2DM
  12. patients residing in ___ facilities are at an even greater risk of hypoglycemia
  13. this should be incorporated into older adults' diets
  14. cognitive impairment may hinder this

24 Clues: cognitive impairment may hinder thisavoid this in older adults with diabetesA1c goal is <8-8.5% with ______ chronic illnessesA1c goal is <7-7.5% with _____ cognitive functionthis can increase the risk of overnight hypoglycemiathis should be incorporated into older adults' dietsCGM metrics can be used as an ______ to BG self-monitoring...

Diabetes 2016-07-14

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A by-product of the body breaking down other tissues
  2. A common symptom of hypoglycaemia
  3. Remaining aware of how much of this food group is being consumed by an individual with diabetes
  4. A common symptom of Hyperglycaemia
  5. If an individual becomes unconscious as a result of Hypoglycaemia they will need to be put in this position.
  6. If DKA remains untreated it can be...?
  7. ketoacidosis The condition when blood glucose levels are consistently high
  8. A common symptom of diabetes
  9. Ketones can be found in the blood or...?
  1. The hormone the pancreas produces
  2. Occurs when blood glucose levels are too high
  3. The substance that levels need to be monitored regularly
  4. A kind of fat that needs to be reduced from the diet if an individual is diabetic
  5. Insulin can be taken via insulin pump or...?
  6. Adults should have no more than one teaspoon of this per day

15 Clues: A common symptom of diabetesThe hormone the pancreas producesA common symptom of hypoglycaemiaA common symptom of HyperglycaemiaIf DKA remains untreated it can be...?Ketones can be found in the blood or...?Insulin can be taken via insulin pump or...?Occurs when blood glucose levels are too highA by-product of the body breaking down other tissues...

diabetes 2022-05-17

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. consecuencias de las diabetes.
  2. Large marsupial
  3. es llamado patógeno desconocido que ataca a los organismos de las personas con obesidad.
  4. el cuerpo expresa más de una enzima.
  5. enzima que normalmente tiene las células.
  6. recomendaciones para quienes sufren de estas enfermedades.
  7. Has a trunk
  1. factor que aumenta los riesgos en las personas con diabetes.
  2. órganos que ataca a las diabetes.
  3. Flying mammal
  4. muchas personas no acuden al centro de salud por temor
  5. Likes to chase mice
  6. personas que empezaron a dejar de tomar medicamentos para la.
  7. Man's best friend
  8. síntomas que pueden causar malestar

15 Clues: Has a trunkFlying mammalLarge marsupialMan's best friendLikes to chase miceconsecuencias de las diabetes.órganos que ataca a las diabetes.síntomas que pueden causar malestarel cuerpo expresa más de una enzima.enzima que normalmente tiene las células.muchas personas no acuden al centro de salud por temor...

Diabetes 2023-10-01

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. cause of diabetic ketoacidosis
  2. Produced by cells in islets of Langerhans
  3. diabetes that develops during pregnancy
  4. excessive hunger
  5. diseases of large and medium blood vessels
  6. usually occurs with type 1 diabetes
  7. autonomic nervous system activated
  1. fruity odor to breath
  2. counter regulatory hormone
  3. primary factor for type 2 diabetes
  4. risk factor is abdominal obesity
  5. results in low sodium, low potassium and low phosphorus
  6. break down glucose to make energy
  7. loss of nerve sensation in hands and feet
  8. cataracts develop

15 Clues: excessive hungercataracts developfruity odor to breathcounter regulatory hormonecause of diabetic ketoacidosisrisk factor is abdominal obesitybreak down glucose to make energyprimary factor for type 2 diabetesautonomic nervous system activatedusually occurs with type 1 diabetesdiabetes that develops during pregnancy...

Nature of Diabetes 2022-09-01

Nature of Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. energy that comes from food
  2. a blood glucose check requiring a person not to eat for 8-12 hours, usually overnight
  3. take your shoes and socks off and have your doctor examine these at each visit
  4. gum disease
  5. hormone that counters the effects of insulin
  6. hormone created by pancratic beta cells
  7. damage to these organs may lead dialysis
  8. type of diabetes due to lack of insulin
  9. regular physical activity to develop and maintain physical fitness
  10. one of the simplest forms of sugar
  11. type of juice commonly usrd to treat low blood
  12. type of diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy
  13. opacification of the lens of the eyes
  14. people with diabetes often count these at meal times
  15. pancreatic cells that produce insulin
  16. Latin word meaning sweet
  17. low blood glucose level
  18. stress hormones that can cause blood glucose elevation
  19. Greek word meaning to siphon or pass through
  1. specialist who treats patients with diabetes
  2. darkened skin patches
  3. damage to these structures in the body may result to amputation
  4. from the Greek word meaning thirsty
  5. diabetes complication involving the eye which mau cause visual impairment and blindness
  6. diabetes complication which manifests as numbness or tingling sensation of the hands an feet
  7. organ behind the stomach that produces important hormones like insulin and glucagon
  8. used to test capillary blood glucose
  9. excessive passing of urine
  10. test for average blood glucose for the past 2-3 months
  11. most common type of diabetes

30 Clues: gum diseasedarkened skin patcheslow blood glucose levelLatin word meaning sweetexcessive passing of urineenergy that comes from foodmost common type of diabetesone of the simplest forms of sugarfrom the Greek word meaning thirstyused to test capillary blood glucoseopacification of the lens of the eyespancreatic cells that produce insulin...

DIABETES 2022-08-19

DIABETES crossword puzzle
  1. where the level of sugar in your blood is too high.
  2. Type of insulin used on the pod
  3. where the level of sugar (glucose) in your blood drops too low.
  4. device, monitoring our blood glucose
  5. blood acid produced in excess by the body when there is not enough insulin in the body.
  6. Frequent delivery of insulin through the day that the body needs.
  1. diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy threapy.
  2. diagnosing test for diabetes, clinic based test for showing a personal average BG over 2-3 months.
  3. Organ of the human body which creates Insulin
  4. a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high
  5. important energy source that is needed in the cells and organs of our body.
  6. Hormone produced in the pancreas
  7. the main food source that affects blood sugar levels.
  8. the pancreas delivers a dose of insulin when needed to match the carbohydrates ingested after a meal.

14 Clues: Type of insulin used on the podHormone produced in the pancreasdevice, monitoring our blood glucosediabetes diagnosed during pregnancy threapy.Organ of the human body which creates Insulinwhere the level of sugar in your blood is too high.the main food source that affects blood sugar levels....

Diabetes 2024-04-10

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Given when fast sugar is not effective at correcting low blood glucose, or when the patient is not alert.
  2. Modifications to this can prevent development of Type 2 diabetes.
  3. Patients who are to receive IV contrast dye should have this medication held.
  4. This electrolyte can be thrown out of balance in the patient experiencing DKA.
  5. This hormone responsible for transporting glucose into cells for energy.
  6. Condition characterized by elevated blood glucose, not yet diabetic.
  1. After administering insulin, monitor for this condition.
  2. Symptoms of this condition include increased urination, thirst, and sensation of hunger.
  3. This form of diabetes is caused by resistance of body tissues to insulin.
  4. The is is a complication of high blood glucose and insufficient insulin.
  5. Broken down by the body in DKA to compensate for lack of glucose uptake.
  6. This substance leads to acidosis in DKA.
  7. Deep, sighing respiratory pattern associated with DKA.
  8. This form of diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin production.

14 Clues: This substance leads to acidosis in DKA.Deep, sighing respiratory pattern associated with DKA.After administering insulin, monitor for this condition.This form of diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin production.Modifications to this can prevent development of Type 2 diabetes.Condition characterized by elevated blood glucose, not yet diabetic....


WORLD DIABETES DAY crossword puzzle
  1. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  2. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  3. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased
  4. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  5. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  6. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  7. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  8. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  9. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  1. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  2. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  3. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  4. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level of or below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  5. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  6. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  7. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  8. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the........................................guideline
  9. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause…………………………....

World Diabetes Day 2018-11-10

World Diabetes Day crossword puzzle
  1. eight / Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  2. / This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  3. insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  4. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml
  5. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called
  6. / What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  7. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the........................................guideline
  8. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  9. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  10. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  11. / Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  1. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  2. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  3. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  4. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  5. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  6. Diabetes / All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  7. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition calledinsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas/ What is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerFast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause…………………………....


WORLD DIABETES DAY crossword puzzle
  1. Another name for the steroid induced hyperglycaemia guideline on PROMPT is the........................................guideline
  2. This insulin comprises of an ultra long acting and a rapid acting insulin
  3. A hormone called ............. is essential for the conversion of glucose into energy.
  4. All patients diagnosed with diabetes should be registered with............................Service Scheme
  5. The Endocrinology and Diabetes Department within Alfred Health is located on the ...............floor, Centre Block.
  6. What is the surname of the new Diabetes education Manager
  7. Blood glucose monitors in your clinical area should be quality control checked every........
  8. Blood ketone levels should be checked if a patients blood glucose level is equal to or greater than ..............mmol / L
  9. In a patient with diabetes, a blood glucose level of or below .............mmol / L is considered hypoglycaemia.
  10. ..................... and Torres Strait Islander people are almost four times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to have diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  11. A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increased
  12. Insulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreas
  1. This is a medical specialist who treats people with a range of conditions that are caused by problems with hormones, such as diabetes
  2. Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults
  3. Fast acting insulin given after a meal could potentially cause………………………….
  4. Hyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................
  5. Insulin can be safely kept out of the fridge at room temperature for.............days
  6. This is the name of a new insulin which has a concentration of 300 units/ml

18 Clues: A common symptom of hyperglycaemia is an increasedWhat is the surname of the new Diabetes education ManagerInsulin is produced in the ............cells in the pancreasHyperglycaemia can lead to a serious condition called................Diabetes is the leading cause of ..................in working aged adults...

Speak Glucose Regulation 2024-07-21

Speak Glucose Regulation crossword puzzle
  1. Maintenance of blood sugar levels within the desired range.
  2. Inability of the body to produce enough insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels.
  3. Blood sugar level measured after a period of fasting, typically overnight.
  4. Excessive urination, often seen in diabetes due to the kidneys trying to remove excess glucose from the blood.
  5. Life-threatening complication of diabetes, characterized by high blood sugar, ketones, and acidosis.
  6. Test that measures the body's ability to metabolize glucose, often used to diagnose diabetes and gestational diabetes.
  7. Cluster of conditions including obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
  8. Serious complication of diabetes characterized by extremely high blood sugar levels and dehydration.
  9. Excessive thirst, often seen in diabetes due to dehydration caused by high blood sugar levels.
  10. Diabetes develops during pregnancy and usually resolves after childbirth.
  11. Metabolic disorder characterized by insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency.
  12. Autoimmune condition where the body's immune system destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.
  13. Deep, rapid breathing pattern often seen in diabetic ketoacidosis as the body tries to compensate for acidosis
  14. Excessive hunger and increased food intake, often seen in diabetes due to the body's inability to use glucose properly.
  15. Natural rise in blood sugar levels in the early morning hours, often observed in people with diabetes.
  1. The presence of glucose in the urine, often a sign of high blood sugar levels.
  2. System that tracks glucose levels throughout the day and night, providing real-time data to the user.
  3. Blood test that measures average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months, is used to assess long-term glycemic control.
  4. Condition where the body's cells become resistant to the effects of insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels.
  5. High blood sugar levels.
  6. Condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.
  7. Devices that deliver insulin continuously throughout the day, closely mimicking the body's natural insulin release.
  8. Rebound hyperglycemia in the early morning hours following hypoglycemia during the night.
  9. Insulin provides background insulin coverage throughout the day and night.
  10. Regular testing of blood sugar levels by individuals with diabetes using a glucose meter.
  11. Chronic metabolic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels due to insulin deficiency or resistance.

26 Clues: High blood sugar levels.Maintenance of blood sugar levels within the desired range.Diabetes develops during pregnancy and usually resolves after childbirth.Blood sugar level measured after a period of fasting, typically overnight.Insulin provides background insulin coverage throughout the day and night....

Diabetes Mellitus 2017-06-01

Diabetes Mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Een oorzaak van diabetes waardoor meer insuline aangemaakt moet worden door teveel vetcellen
  2. Een ander woord voor diabetes
  3. Het orgaan dat hormonen aanmaakt die het bloedsuikergehalte regelt
  4. Dit wordt ook wel de vierde behandelmethode van diabetes genoemd
  5. Te laag bloedsuikergehalte
  6. Mensen met dit type diabetes kunnen absoluut niet zonder insuline. Dit type noem je..
  7. Eén van de belangrijkste aandachtspunten bij diabetespatiënten
  1. Diabetes patiënten mogen niet teveel ..... eten
  2. Naast insuline en een voedingsadvies, kan diabetes ook behandeld worden met ...
  3. Hormoon om de bloedsuiker te laten dalen
  4. Te hoog bloedsuikergehalte
  5. Deze vorm van diabetes ontstaat vaak na het 40e jaar.
  6. Hiermee kunnen diabeten hun bloedsuiker zelf in de gaten houden
  7. Kenmerk van een hoge bloedsuiker
  8. De alvleesklier maakt insuline en ...

15 Clues: Te hoog bloedsuikergehalteTe laag bloedsuikergehalteEen ander woord voor diabetesKenmerk van een hoge bloedsuikerDe alvleesklier maakt insuline en ...Hormoon om de bloedsuiker te laten dalenDiabetes patiënten mogen niet teveel ..... etenDeze vorm van diabetes ontstaat vaak na het 40e jaar....

Diabetes Mellitus 417 2016-11-16

Diabetes Mellitus 417 crossword puzzle
  1. excessive glucose production causes this
  2. activities that dramatically make blood pressure should be avoided by those with ____.
  3. stimulates beta cells to make insulin
  4. cells of the pancreas
  5. caused by autoimmune destruction of insulin cells
  6. provides info on long term glycemic control
  7. improves ability to insulin to move glucose
  8. patients with _____ should check and clean their feet regularly.
  9. improves cell sensitivity to insulin
  10. pregnancy can cause this issue
  11. after extended periods of time, glucose attaches itself to this
  1. low levels of glucose
  2. there are _____ types of diabetes recognized
  3. hormone produced by beta cells
  4. high levels of glucose
  5. essential to the management of diabetes
  6. diabetes management education, caretakers, and problem solving skills
  7. aids the uptake of glucose into cells
  8. This is two to four times higher in adults with diabetes than without.
  9. characterized by elevated blood glucose concentration due to too little insulin secretion or usage

20 Clues: low levels of glucosecells of the pancreashigh levels of glucosehormone produced by beta cellspregnancy can cause this issueimproves cell sensitivity to insulinstimulates beta cells to make insulinaids the uptake of glucose into cellsessential to the management of diabetesexcessive glucose production causes this...

Diabetes 2023-02-24

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Sweating, shaking and hunger are symptoms of this condition
  2. Diabetes can cause this eye condition
  3. A fast acting insulin
  4. A major cause of Type 2 diabetes
  5. A long acting insulin
  6. This medication is usually the first treatment option for Type 2 diabetes.
  7. Metformin side effects commonly affect this body system
  8. This hormone increases hepatic glucose production.
  1. A small strand of nylon attached to a plastic base used to assess for loss of feeling on the foot
  2. Excessive urination can be a symptom of this condition.
  3. For low blood sugar between 55-69 mg/dL eat 15 grams of fast acting_____________.
  4. An injectable medication used with diet and exercise to improve glucose control
  5. Insulin is produced in the islets of ____________in the pancreas.
  6. A normal Hgb A1C is _______5.7%.

14 Clues: A fast acting insulinA long acting insulinA major cause of Type 2 diabetesA normal Hgb A1C is _______5.7%.Diabetes can cause this eye conditionThis hormone increases hepatic glucose production.Excessive urination can be a symptom of this condition.Metformin side effects commonly affect this body system...

Diabetes 2019-06-02

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  2. Wenn die Eltern … sind steigt das Risiko auf Typ2 Diabetes?
  3. Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?
  4. Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?
  5. Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.
  6. Welche Art ist die genauste Messung des Blutzuckerspiegels?
  7. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung die in die Zellen aufgenommen wird?
  8. In welchem Monat ist der Weltweite Diabetestag?
  1. Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?
  2. Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  3. Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?
  4. Was für eine Art Erkrankung ist Diabetes?
  5. Wie viele Typen von Diabetes gibt es insgesamt?
  6. Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.

14 Clues: Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.Was für eine Art Erkrankung ist Diabetes?Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?Wie viele Typen von Diabetes gibt es insgesamt?In welchem Monat ist der Weltweite Diabetestag?...

Diabetes 2013-12-16

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. bloeddruk, een chronische verwikkeling van diabetes.
  2. een te lage bloedsuikerwaarde.
  3. Een ander woord voor suiker.
  4. van langerhans, Hier worden de hormonen aangemaakt die invloed hebben op de bloedglucosewaarde.
  5. Een ander woord voor type 2 diabetes.
  6. aantasting van kleine bloedvaten.
  7. Dit wordt opgeslagen in de lever.
  8. Is een ander woord voor alvleesklier.
  9. Is nodig om suiker op te slaan in ons lichaam.
  1. te hoge bloedsuikerwaarde.
  2. is nodig om de bloedsuikerspiegel constant te houden.
  3. Is van groot belang dat elke diabeet deze regelmatig controleert.
  4. Mellitus, een chronische niet geneesbare aandoening.
  5. een verstoorde prikkelgeleiding van de zenuwbanen.

14 Clues: te hoge bloedsuikerwaarde.Een ander woord voor suiker.een te lage bloedsuikerwaarde.aantasting van kleine bloedvaten.Dit wordt opgeslagen in de lever.Een ander woord voor type 2 diabetes.Is een ander woord voor alvleesklier.Is nodig om suiker op te slaan in ons lichaam.een verstoorde prikkelgeleiding van de zenuwbanen....

Diabetes 2019-06-02

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. In welchem Monat ist der Weltweite Diabetestag?
  2. Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?
  3. Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?
  4. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung die in die Zellen aufgenommen wird?
  5. Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.
  6. Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?
  7. Was für eine Art Erkrankung ist Diabetes?
  1. Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.
  2. Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?
  3. Welche Art ist die genauste Messung des Blutzuckerspiegels?
  4. Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  5. Wenn die Eltern … sind steigt das Risiko auf Typ2 Diabetes?
  6. Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  7. Wie viele Typen von Diabetes gibt es insgesamt?

14 Clues: Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.Was für eine Art Erkrankung ist Diabetes?Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?In welchem Monat ist der Weltweite Diabetestag?Wie viele Typen von Diabetes gibt es insgesamt?...

Diabetes 2021-12-22

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Type ____ diabetes is an autoimmune disease
  2. There is currently no ____ for diabetes
  3. One of the simplest forms of sugar
  4. A key symptom of diabetes is being excessively _____
  5. Untreated diabetes can lead to this
  6. A type of diabetes that develops only during pregnancy
  1. Injectable medication used to treat diabetes
  2. Malaysian is known as "____ nation in Asia"
  3. An organ in the body that produce insulin
  4. Condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes
  5. Regular _____ activity is a good way to prevent diabetes
  6. Walnuts,____ and spinach are some food which has low glycemic index (GI) which are good for diabetics
  7. People with diabetes have to test their _____ sugar often

13 Clues: One of the simplest forms of sugarUntreated diabetes can lead to thisThere is currently no ____ for diabetesAn organ in the body that produce insulinMalaysian is known as "____ nation in Asia"Type ____ diabetes is an autoimmune diseaseInjectable medication used to treat diabetesA key symptom of diabetes is being excessively _____...

What do we know about diabetes? 2016-04-10

What do we know about diabetes? crossword puzzle
  1. system Which body system accidentally attacks the insulin you produce if you have diabetes?
  2. True or False:It is good to have lots of glucose
  3. Insulin can also be inserted into the body through......
  4. Having too little insulin in your body can make you feel........
  5. Doing regular............... can help manage the risk of diabetes
  6. Where is insulin produced?
  7. True or False: Having a small amount of glucose can result in a lack of energy
  8. Somewhere you can go to get tested to see if you are at risk of getting diabetes
  1. Breaks down glucose so that the energy from them can enter the cells?
  2. Primary sugar associated with diabetes?
  3. A healthy ................ can help reduce the chance of getting diabetes
  4. Being .............. is considered a risk factor for diabetes
  5. A common symptom for people with diabetes is being...........
  6. The majority of people who have diabetes have type ...... diabetes

14 Clues: Where is insulin produced?Primary sugar associated with diabetes?True or False:It is good to have lots of glucoseInsulin can also be inserted into the body through......Being .............. is considered a risk factor for diabetesA common symptom for people with diabetes is being..............

What do we know about diabetes? 2016-04-10

What do we know about diabetes? crossword puzzle
  1. Somewhere you can go to get tested to see if you are at risk of getting diabetes
  2. Primary sugar associated with diabetes?
  3. Insulin can also be inserted into the body through......
  4. A healthy ................ can help reduce the chance of getting diabetes
  5. Which body system accidentally attacks the insulin you produce if you have diabetes?
  6. A common symptom for people with diabetes is being...........
  7. True or False:It is good to have lots of glucose
  1. Doing regular............... can help manage the risk of diabetes
  2. Being .............. is considered a risk factor for diabetes
  3. The majority of people who have diabetes have type ...... diabetes
  4. Where is insulin produced?
  5. Breaks down glucose so that the energy from them can enter the cells?
  6. Having too little insulin in your body can make you feel........
  7. True or False: Having a small amount of glucose can result in a lack of energy

14 Clues: Where is insulin produced?Primary sugar associated with diabetes?True or False:It is good to have lots of glucoseInsulin can also be inserted into the body through......Being .............. is considered a risk factor for diabetesA common symptom for people with diabetes is being..............


DIABETES MELLITUS crossword puzzle
  1. This is injected when a diabetic has low levels of ________.
  2. A type of Diabetes that only occures in pregnant women.
  3. This is linked with being overweight and comes about when the body doesnt make full use or doesnt produce enough insulin.
  4. It has been known that diabetes can cause a __________.
  5. Part of the body that produces insulin.
  6. Insulin is a __________ produced by the pancreas.
  7. A program that helps prevent type 2 diabetes.
  1. One reason diabetes occures is when there is to much _________ in an individuals blood.
  2. diabetes was the ________ highest burden of disease in 2003 for males.
  3. One major cause to Type 2 diabetes is __________.
  4. Diabetes in some cases have lead to ___________.
  5. There are ________ different types of diabetes.
  6. This is genetic and can occure at any age in life and lasts throughout life.
  7. Diabetes is a __________ health priority area.

14 Clues: Part of the body that produces insulin.A program that helps prevent type 2 diabetes.Diabetes is a __________ health priority area.There are ________ different types of diabetes.Diabetes in some cases have lead to ___________.One major cause to Type 2 diabetes is __________.Insulin is a __________ produced by the pancreas....

Insulin Crossword Puzzle 2016-11-14

Insulin Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. Best known as Insulin isophane human and is an Insulin.
  2. Better known as Insulin glargine. This drug treats type one and two diabetes and is a Sanofi-Aventis.
  3. Is known as Vildagliptin or a DPP-4 inhibitors (gliptins).
  4. is known as Metformin hydrochloride. Treats type 2 diabetes. Is a Biguanides inhibitor.
  5. Generic name Metformin hydrochloride or Vildagliptin. Biguanides class of 4 inhibitors.
  6. Is a fast acting medication that is used as a substitute for body insulin.
  7. Otherwise known as exenatide and a incretin mimetics GLP-1 agonists
  8. Is a type of insulin that treats both types of diabetes. This is better known as Insulin isophane bovine.
  9. Called Insulin glulisine is used to treat type 1 and 2 diabetes. It is a type of insulin.
  10. Once a day injectable medicine indicated for management of type 2 diabetes.
  11. is a diabetic tablet medicine that triggers the release of insulin from the pancreas to lower blood sugar levels.
  12. Otherwise known as Insulin Protamine Zinc Bovine that treats type one and two diabetes. It is a type of insulin.
  13. Is an antidiabetic drug used to improve glycemic control in adults with type II diabetes.
  14. Oral hypoglycemic medicine used to manage type 2 diabetes.
  15. Can be known as sitaglipin. This drug treats type 2 diabetes and is a DPP-4 inhibitor.
  16. Otherwise known as Gliclazide and is a member of the Sulphonylureas family.
  17. Otherwise known as Insulin isophane humane is a type of insulin that is used to treat type one and two diabetes.
  18. Aka Gliclazide. Sulphonylureas class.
  19. Rapid acting insulin intended for use in lowering blood glucose levels.
  20. Antidiabetic drug that lowers blood glucose through a number of actions.
  21. Known as metformin and is a biguanide.
  22. Otherwise known as Dapagliflozin or SGLT2 inhibitor.
  23. This drug is also known as Canagliflozin that treats type two diabetes and is an SGLT2 inhibitor.
  24. Medication consisting of both short-acting insulin and intermediate-acting insulin that provides a rapid blood glucose lowering effect.
  25. fast acting meatime insulin used to help maintain blood sugar control for adults with type two diabetes.
  1. Man-made version of the natural hormone amylin.
  2. is known as Acabose and is a Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor
  3. Can be called Insulin isophane porcine. This is used to treat type 1 and 2 diabetes and is in the insulin family.
  4. Rapid-acting insulin analogue taken shortly before or shortly after a mea.
  5. Medication that contains soluble insulin obtained from pig pancreas.
  6. Is a type of insulin called insulin isophane human.
  7. Oral hypoglycemic agent that controls blood glucose levels in type 2.
  8. Generic name Glimepiride and a member of the Sulphonylureas family.
  9. Known also as Glipizide that is discontinued in the UK and is a sulphonyluras family.
  10. This drug is known as Insulin soluable human. It treats type 1 and 2 diabetes and is a type of Insulin.
  11. This drug is known as Insulin Lispro and is an Insulin.
  12. Exenatide and Incretin mimetics
  13. Known as Insulin soluable human. This is in the Insulin class.
  14. Is called Insulin Detemir. It is used to treat both types of diabetes and is in the Insulin class.
  15. This drug is commonly known as Glipizide and is a Sulphonylureas.
  16. Pre-mixed combination of fast acing and long acting insulin that rapidly lowers blood glucose.
  17. Is an insulin isophane human and is classified as Insulin.
  18. Is also a type of insulin that treats type 1 and 2 diabetes. It is also called Insulin zinc suspension mixed bovine.
  19. Otherwise known as insulin isophane human or Insulin soluble human. It is in the insulin family.
  20. is a type of insulin used to treat both types of diabetes. This insulin can otherwise be known as insulin soluble porcine.
  21. Is a tablet diabetes medication used to help control blood sugar levels.
  22. Premixed combination of fast acting and intermediate acting insulin.
  23. Commonly known as Glucagon.
  24. is an Antidiabetic sulfonylurea drug designed to reduce blood sugar in people with type two diabetes.
  25. Known as Ranibizumab. Treats DMO,wAMB, and Macular oedema. It is an anti-VEGF.
  26. Gel indicated for the treatment of chronic ulcers.
  27. Known as Insuli lispro or Insulin lispro protamine and is an Insulin.
  28. is an oral antidiabetic medication that is the first-line of drug treatment for patients with type two diabetes.

53 Clues: Commonly known as Glucagon.Exenatide and Incretin mimeticsAka Gliclazide. Sulphonylureas class.Known as metformin and is a biguanide.Man-made version of the natural hormone amylin.Gel indicated for the treatment of chronic ulcers.Is a type of insulin called insulin isophane human.Otherwise known as Dapagliflozin or SGLT2 inhibitor....

Diabetes Crossword 2022-03-04

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. helps body use or store sugar from food
  2. Mellitus Syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycemia
  3. condition where body does not respond well to insulin
  4. state of weakened immune system common with diabetics
  5. long term complication of diabetes resulting in damage to vessels that supply the retina
  6. Excessively low blood sugar
  7. term used to suggest that Alzheimer's disease is a form of diabetes
  8. precipitating factor for development of type 2 diabetes
  9. One of the three main nutrients and main source of energy of body cells
  10. substance formed when the liver breaks down free fatty acids in the absence of insulin
  11. resistance to hormone insulin
  12. type of carbohydrate the body cannot digest and helps regulate body's use of sugars
  13. impaired glucose metabolism in which blood glucose levels fall in normal levels
  1. metabolic derangement in type 1 diabetes resulting in formation of highly acidic ketone bodies
  2. long term complication of diabetes resulting in damage to the nerve cell
  3. tool for checking blood sugar
  4. condition causing narrowing, blockage, or spasm in blood vessels
  5. long term complication of diabetes resulting in damage to kidney cells
  6. Excessively low blood sugar
  7. the amount a given food increases blood glucose compared with an equivalent amount of glucose
  8. condition when pancreas no longer makes insulin'
  9. condition resulting from decreased blood flow to the brain
  10. build up of plaque in the arteries that supply the heart

23 Clues: Excessively low blood sugarExcessively low blood sugartool for checking blood sugarresistance to hormone insulinhelps body use or store sugar from foodcondition when pancreas no longer makes insulin'condition where body does not respond well to insulinstate of weakened immune system common with diabetics...

Diabetes Crossword 2022-03-04

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. the amount a given food increases blood glucose compared with an equivalent amount of glucose
  2. condition when pancreas no longer makes insulin'
  3. helps body use or store sugar from food
  4. tool for checking blood sugar
  5. condition where body does not respond well to insulin
  6. substance formed when the liver breaks down free fatty acids in the absence of insulin
  7. condition resulting from decreased blood flow to the brain
  8. Excessively low blood sugar
  9. term used to suggest that Alzheimer's disease is a form of diabetes
  10. Excessively low blood sugar
  11. precipitating factor for development of type 2 diabetes
  12. state of weakened immune system common with diabetics
  13. long term complication of diabetes resulting in damage to kidney cells
  1. condition causing narrowing, blockage, or spasm in blood vessels
  2. metabolic derangement in type 1 diabetes resulting in formation of highly acidic ketone bodies
  3. resistance to hormone insulin
  4. long term complication of diabetes resulting in damage to the nerve cell
  5. impaired glucose metabolism in which blood glucose levels fall in normal levels
  6. build up of plaque in the arteries that supply the heart
  7. type of carbohydrate the body cannot digest and helps regulate body's use of sugars
  8. long term complication of diabetes resulting in damage to vessels that supply the retina
  9. One of the three main nutrients and main source of energy of body cells
  10. Mellitus Syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycemia

23 Clues: Excessively low blood sugarExcessively low blood sugarresistance to hormone insulintool for checking blood sugarhelps body use or store sugar from foodcondition when pancreas no longer makes insulin'condition where body does not respond well to insulinstate of weakened immune system common with diabetics...

Chapter 19 Vocabulary (Part 2) 2023-03-31

Chapter 19 Vocabulary (Part 2) crossword puzzle
  1. glucagon kit
  2. insulin blood glucose
  3. focal onset aware seizure
  4. focal onset seizure
  5. diabetic coma
  6. hyperglycemia
  7. epilepsy
  8. endocrinologist
  9. certified diabetes educator
  10. generalized onset seizure
  11. hypoglycemia
  12. aerobic exercise
  1. glucometer
  2. exertional rhabdomyolysis
  3. tonic-clonic seizures
  4. ketones
  5. ketoacidosis
  6. focal onset impaired seizure
  7. unknown onset seizure
  8. hypoglycemic unawareness
  9. diabetic ketoacidosis
  10. continuous glucose monitor
  11. anaerobic exercise
  12. type 1 diabetes
  13. seizure
  14. type 2 diabetes

26 Clues: ketonesseizureepilepsyglucometerglucagon kitketoacidosishypoglycemiadiabetic comahyperglycemiatype 1 diabetesendocrinologisttype 2 diabetesaerobic exerciseanaerobic exercisefocal onset seizuretonic-clonic seizuresinsulin blood glucoseunknown onset seizurediabetic ketoacidosishypoglycemic unawarenessexertional rhabdomyolysisfocal onset aware seizure...

Healthy Lifestyle 2013-08-20

Healthy Lifestyle crossword puzzle
  1. Lunch
  2. dairy
  3. overweight
  4. Minerals
  5. habit
  6. Physicalactivity
  7. Food
  8. Water
  9. Nutrients
  10. Fruits
  11. Meat
  1. Cardiovasculardisease
  2. Diabetes
  3. Dinner
  4. Carbohydrates
  5. Vitamins
  6. obesity
  7. Breakfast
  8. Protein
  9. Vegetables
  10. Fats

21 Clues: FoodFatsMeatLunchdairyhabitWaterDinnerFruitsobesityProteinDiabetesVitaminsMineralsBreakfastNutrientsoverweightVegetablesCarbohydratesPhysicalactivityCardiovasculardisease

Diabetes 2019-06-02

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Bei Diabetes Typ1 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  2. In welchem Monat ist der Weltweite Diabetestag?
  3. Wenn die Eltern … sind steigt das Risiko auf Typ2 Diabetes?
  4. Welche Art ist die genauste Messung des Blutzuckerspiegels?
  5. Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?
  6. Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?
  1. Was für eine Art Erkrankung ist Diabetes?
  2. Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.
  3. Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?
  4. Wie viele Typen von Diabetes gibt es insgesamt?
  5. Bei Diabetes Typ2 ist ein … Insulinmangel vorhanden.
  6. Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.
  7. Wie nennt man das Insulin das am längsten wirkt?
  8. Wie nennt man den Baustein der Nahrung die in die Zellen aufgenommen wird?

14 Clues: Wie nennt man Diabetes Typ4?Ohne Insulin ist der … erhöht.Wie wird Diabetes noch genannt?Nenne das Organ das Insulin produziert.Was für eine Art Erkrankung ist Diabetes?Wie viele Typen von Diabetes gibt es insgesamt?In welchem Monat ist der Weltweite Diabetestag?Wie nennt man das Hormon das die Zellen öffnet?...

Going to Bed Late? You Might Think Twice 2024-01-16

Going to Bed Late? You Might Think Twice crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes
  2. alcohol
  3. riesgo
  4. levado a cabo
  5. drogas
  6. pobre
  7. Concluido
  8. ignorado
  9. fumar
  10. Beber
  11. Gastado
  12. Durmió
  1. salud
  2. Respiración
  3. cama
  4. sufrir
  5. Reducir
  6. Estómago
  7. Permitido
  8. Sugirió
  9. riesgo

21 Clues: camasaludpobrefumarBebersufrirriesgodrogasriesgoDurmióalcoholReducirSugirióGastadoDiabetesEstómagoignoradoPermitidoConcluidoRespiraciónlevado a cabo

Diabetes mellitus 2023-12-03

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Measure of somatic protein status is
  2. Which persons would most likely be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
  3. Which of the following diabetes drugs acts by decreasing the amount of glucose produced by the liver
  4. When reviewing the urinalysis report of a client with newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, the nurse would expect which urine characteristics to be abnormal
  5. The period is a temporary time of remission of type 1 diabetes that occurs shortly after diagnosis
  6. Which of the following tissues requires insulin for glucose entry into cells
  7. A nurse is caring for a child admitted with diabetic retinopathy. Which of the following would the nurse expect to note on the assessment of this child
  8. Factors that seem to play a role in the development of type 2 diabetes include
  9. Which insulin can be administered through continuous intravenous infusion
  10. Risk factors of type 2 diabetes include all of the following except
  11. When hyperglycemia is seen following an episode of hypoglycemia, the condition is known as
  12. Which of the following slows glucose absorption from the digestive tract
  13. In a child, recent malnutrition shows up as a
  14. Untreated hyperglycemia may lead to all of the following complications except
  15. The recommended method for diabetes diagnosis is
  1. Tony is a night shift nurse who is assigned to a patient whose glucose levels remain normal at bedtime but experiences hypoglycemia at 3 am and hyperglycemia at 7 am. The patient is likely experiencing what kind of complication of insulin therapy
  2. High blood pressure can be a side effect of some medicines. Which of these can raise blood sugar
  3. Which of the following enzyme is involved in the conversion of glucose to sorbitol
  4. Which indicator of protein status is inaccurate if iron status is poor
  5. In the progression of malnutrition, which of the following indicators would occur last
  6. Which of the following is a long-term complication of diabetes
  7. Which of the following enzyme would be more active in diabetic patients
  8. The hormone that is secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreas that raises blood glucose when levels are low is
  9. Proliferative retinopathy is often treated using
  10. diagnostic criteria developed by the American Diabetes Association for diabetes include classic diabetic symptoms and fasting plasma glucose levels
  11. which of the following would cause a further decrease in the blood glucose level of the patient
  12. A patient received 6 units of regular insulin three (3) hours ago. The nurse would be most concerned if which of the following was observed
  13. Which of the following is NOT and indicator of dehydration
  14. An child with diabetes mellitus visits the clinic concerning her condition. Which of the following symptoms might an child with diabetes mellitus complain
  15. Insulin promotes all but which of the following

30 Clues: Measure of somatic protein status isIn a child, recent malnutrition shows up as aInsulin promotes all but which of the followingProliferative retinopathy is often treated usingThe recommended method for diabetes diagnosis isWhich of the following is NOT and indicator of dehydrationWhich of the following is a long-term complication of diabetes...

SNPhA Crossword 2015-12-05

SNPhA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A teaspoon of ____ makes the medicine go down
  2. A device to measure blood sugar
  3. Acronym for national diabetes organization
  4. A metabolic disease that affects one's ability to produce insulin
  5. Aspart is an example of this class of medication
  6. Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
  1. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity ____.
  2. 0 to 100 scale of a food's rate of increasing blood sugar
  3. Type of diabetes that is typically autoimmune
  4. 1st line therapy for diabetes
  5. This should be balanced to stay healthy
  6. A diabetic foot exam checks for _____.
  7. 6.9% or higher of this value defines diabetes
  8. Type of diabetes that can be caused by poor diet and lack of exercise

14 Clues: 1st line therapy for diabetesA device to measure blood sugarDiabetes that occurs during pregnancyA diabetic foot exam checks for _____.This should be balanced to stay healthyAcronym for national diabetes organizationA teaspoon of ____ makes the medicine go downType of diabetes that is typically autoimmune...

Health 2023-01-24

Health crossword puzzle
  1. oksentaa
  2. throat kurkkukipu
  3. riippuvuus
  4. kasvain
  5. voide
  6. särkylääke
  7. palovamma
  8. masennus
  9. mustelma
  10. inhalaattori
  11. särky
  1. vamma
  2. närästys
  3. auringonpistos
  4. yliannostus
  5. murtuma
  6. lämpöhalvaus
  7. syöpä
  8. ylipaino
  9. diabetes
  10. sairaus
  11. ihottuma

22 Clues: vammasyöpävoidesärkymurtumakasvainsairausoksentaanärästysylipainodiabetesmasennusihottumamustelmapalovammariippuvuussärkylääkeyliannostuslämpöhalvausinhalaattoriauringonpistosthroat kurkkukipu

SNPhA Crossword 2015-12-05

SNPhA Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. This should be balanced to stay healthy
  2. "A teaspoon of ____ makes the medicine go down"
  3. Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy
  4. 6.9% or higher of this value defines diabetes
  5. Type of diabetes that can be caused by poor diet and lack of exercise
  6. The American Heart Association recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity ____
  7. 1st line therapy for diabetes
  8. Type of diabetes that is typically autoimmune
  9. Aspart is an example of this class of medication
  10. A diabetic foot exam checks for ____
  1. A metabolic disease that affects one's ability to produce insulin
  2. Device to measure blood sugar
  3. 0 to 100 scale of a food's rate of increasing blood sugar
  4. Acronym for national diabetes organization screening

14 Clues: Device to measure blood sugar1st line therapy for diabetesA diabetic foot exam checks for ____Diabetes that occurs during pregnancyThis should be balanced to stay healthy6.9% or higher of this value defines diabetesType of diabetes that is typically autoimmune"A teaspoon of ____ makes the medicine go down"...

GUESS THE WORD 2018-03-09

GUESS THE WORD crossword puzzle
  1. homesick
  2. blank
  3. pigeonhole
  4. efficient
  5. crucial
  6. betray
  7. fatal
  8. diabetes
  9. edible
  10. heritage
  11. dizzy
  1. beak
  2. thorn
  3. revolver
  4. rape
  5. maternity
  6. bribery
  7. influence
  8. barrel
  9. minority
  10. dairy
  11. denim

22 Clues: beakrapethornblankfataldairydizzydenimbetraybarrelediblebriberycrucialrevolverhomesickminoritydiabetesheritagematernityefficientinfluencepigeonhole

Unit 3 - At the doctors 2015-05-20

Unit 3 - At the doctors crossword puzzle
  1. diabetes
  2. toothache
  3. fractured
  4. prescription
  5. stress
  6. pharmacy
  7. infection
  8. rash
  9. muscle
  10. cancer
  11. obesity
  1. asthma
  2. nausea
  3. medication
  4. allergies
  5. appointment
  6. depression
  7. insomnia
  8. temperature
  9. disease
  10. cream
  11. bruise

22 Clues: rashcreamasthmanauseastressmusclecancerbruisediseaseobesitydiabetesinsomniapharmacytoothacheallergiesfracturedinfectionmedicationdepressionappointmenttemperatureprescription

Diabetes mellitus 2018-05-20

Diabetes mellitus crossword puzzle
  1. Ist Diabetes mellitus heilbar? Nein
  2. Wie heißt der Makro-Nährstoff, der im Körper zu Traubenzucker abgebaut wird?
  3. Die Einheit für die Berechnung der gesamten täglich aufzunehmenden Kohlenhydrate heißt
  4. Was ist Hyperglykämie?
  5. Welches Hormon wird beim Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 in nicht ausreichender Menge gebildet?
  6. Wie kann ein Diabetes mellitus diagnostiziert werden?
  7. NennenSie eine Spätfolge von Diabetes
  1. Wann kommt es zum diabetischen Schock?
  2. Einen Flüssigkeitsmangel im Körper nennt man auch
  3. Was ist Hypoglyklämie?
  4. Was ist die Hauptursache des Diabetes mellitus Typ 2? Übergewicht
  5. Wann kommt es zum diabetischen Koma?
  6. Nenne Sie eine Insulinart.
  7. Was wird bei einem Diabetes mellitus über den Harn ausgeschieden?
  8. Welches Organ produziert Insulin?

15 Clues: Was ist Hypoglyklämie?Was ist Hyperglykämie?Nenne Sie eine Insulinart.Welches Organ produziert Insulin?Wann kommt es zum diabetischen Koma?Ist Diabetes mellitus heilbar? NeinNennenSie eine Spätfolge von DiabetesWann kommt es zum diabetischen Schock?Einen Flüssigkeitsmangel im Körper nennt man auch...

Diabetes 2022-12-13

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. long-acting Lantus(onset 2hrs;d24hrs)
  2. rapid-acting brand "Novolog"(onset 15min;d 3-4hr)
  3. long-acting Levemir(onset 2hrs;d24hrs)
  4. SGLT2 inhibitor
  5. rapid-acting brand "Humalog"(onset 15min;d 3-4hr)
  6. sulfonureas
  1. intermediate acting(onset 1-2hrs;d18hrs)
  2. alpha-glycosidase inhibitors
  3. meglitinides
  4. biguanide
  5. short-acting(onset .5-1hr;d6-10hrs)
  6. dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors
  7. incretin mimetic

13 Clues: biguanidesulfonureasmeglitinidesSGLT2 inhibitorincretin mimeticalpha-glycosidase inhibitorsdipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitorsshort-acting(onset .5-1hr;d6-10hrs)long-acting Lantus(onset 2hrs;d24hrs)long-acting Levemir(onset 2hrs;d24hrs)intermediate acting(onset 1-2hrs;d18hrs)rapid-acting brand "Novolog"(onset 15min;d 3-4hr)...

Diabetes 2020-10-08

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Exame de monitoramento que verifica os níveis glicêmicos dos últimos 3 meses.
  2. A insulina é um.
  3. O diabetes mellitus tipo I atinge principalmente.
  4. Pequeno aparelho usado para mediar a glicose diariamente.
  5. Principal carboidrato usado como fonte de energia pelos os seres vivos.
  6. Célula pancreática responsável pela a produção de insulina.
  7. Hormônio antagonista da insulina aumentando os níveis plasmáticos de glicose.
  1. A diabetes mellitus tipo II é caracterizada por uma.
  2. Principal medicamento no tratamento da diabetes mellitus.
  3. Com relação a alimentação o portador de diabetes geralmente apresenta.
  4. Principal sintoma crônico da diabetes.
  5. Tipo de diabetes mellitus diagnosticado na gestação.
  6. órgão responsável pela a produção de insulina.

13 Clues: A insulina é um.Principal sintoma crônico da diabetes.órgão responsável pela a produção de insulina.O diabetes mellitus tipo I atinge principalmente.A diabetes mellitus tipo II é caracterizada por uma.Tipo de diabetes mellitus diagnosticado na gestação.Principal medicamento no tratamento da diabetes mellitus....

Diabetes 2014-06-03

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Sojaproducten zijn een goede vleesvervanger maar bevatten geen vit B
  2. Bruin brood levert veel
  3. Bij hem moet je jaarlijks op controle
  4. Hier wordt insuline aangemaakt
  5. Deze worden grotendeels omgezet in glucose
  6. Mijn bloedsuikerspiegel staat te hoog, we noemen dit
  7. Zo noemen we diabetes in de volksmond
  8. Ik kan je hulp bieden bij de aanpassing van je voeding
  1. Naast het injecteren van insuline bestaat ook dit
  2. Met dit toestelletje kan ik zelf mijn bloedsuikerspiegel controleren
  3. Vlees levert vooral dit mineraal
  4. Dit is een mogelijke oorzaak van diabetes
  5. Deze organisatie moet ik contacteren om een diabetespas te krijgen

13 Clues: Bruin brood levert veelHier wordt insuline aangemaaktVlees levert vooral dit mineraalBij hem moet je jaarlijks op controleZo noemen we diabetes in de volksmondDit is een mogelijke oorzaak van diabetesDeze worden grotendeels omgezet in glucoseNaast het injecteren van insuline bestaat ook ditMijn bloedsuikerspiegel staat te hoog, we noemen dit...

Diabetes 2017-05-23

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Our bodies use __________as its central fuel source.
  2. shots Diabetics have to keep their __________ _____ up to date.
  3. _________ diabetes occurs during pregnancies.
  4. percent About ____ _______ of pregnancies develop this disease.
  5. Type 2 affects more children as childhood _______ increases.
  6. Early signs of type 2 diabetes develop ______.
  1. Type 2 increases the chance of various ___________ problems.
  2. Exposure to certain _________ factors may cause diabetes.
  3. Type 1 is also known as ________ diabetes.
  4. nigricans Dark discoloration in the skin is called ________ _______.
  5. inherited Type 2 is not necessarily ________ ________.
  6. therapy ______ ______is used to maintain blood sugar levels.
  7. one Losing the ability to make insulin.

13 Clues: one Losing the ability to make insulin.Type 1 is also known as ________ diabetes._________ diabetes occurs during pregnancies.Early signs of type 2 diabetes develop ______.Our bodies use __________as its central fuel source.inherited Type 2 is not necessarily ________ ________.Exposure to certain _________ factors may cause diabetes....

diabetes 2023-11-22

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A type of carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and legumes that is not digested by the body
  2. A hormone made by alpha cells in the pancreas, that helps to treat severe low blood sugar.
  3. One of the three nutrients that supply energy. Either single sugars or chains of sugars strung together.
  4. A type of carbohydrate with a sweet taste
  5. Diabetes caused by not enough insulin being secreted to counteract high blood sugars from insulin resistance.
  1. Low blood sugar.
  2. Diabetes caused by a person’s own immune system attacking the insulin-producing cells.
  3. A hormone made by the beta cells in the pancreas. The main regulator of the amount of sugar in the bloodstream.
  4. A simple sugar that is the main source of energy for the body.
  5. A glandular organ located in the abdomen that produces several hormones, including insulin and glucagon.
  6. Insulin injection device. It can be disposable or reusable.
  7. A hormone released along with insulin from beta cells, which decreases glucose levels during meals.
  8. A small, computerized device that is programmed to deliver insulin.

13 Clues: Low blood sugar.A type of carbohydrate with a sweet tasteInsulin injection device. It can be disposable or reusable.A simple sugar that is the main source of energy for the body.A small, computerized device that is programmed to deliver insulin.Diabetes caused by a person’s own immune system attacking the insulin-producing cells....

diabetes 2022-09-29

diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women.
  2. diabetes
  3. A condition in which blood sugar is high, but not high enough to be type 2 diabetes.
  4. A chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose).
  5. four what is the longest time to have diabetes?
  6. what is one way to get diabetes?
  7. what is the earliest age to get diabetes?
  1. is a chronic disease
  2. another name for Diabetes
  3. main cause of diabetes
  4. A chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin.
  5. what is one organ that is affected by diabetes?

12 Clues: diabetesis a chronic diseasemain cause of diabetesanother name for Diabeteswhat is one way to get diabetes?what is the earliest age to get diabetes?four what is the longest time to have diabetes?what is one organ that is affected by diabetes?A form of high blood sugar affecting pregnant women....

Virtual Step Out: Philadelphia 2020-10-28

Virtual Step Out: Philadelphia crossword puzzle
  1. Diabetes ___ ___ - ADA's resource for healthy recipes (2 words)
  2. A walker living with diabetes (2 words)
  3. Type of diabetes women can get when pregnant
  4. Lack of this can cause diabetes
  5. ____ of Art - where 2019 Step Out was held
  6. Type of event when not meeting in person
  7. A person raising $1,000+
  1. Approx. distance of a 5K, in miles (spelt out)
  2. _____ Blue Cross - Step Out: Philly sponsor
  3. Camp _____ - located in Schwenksville, PA
  4. This animal's pancreas was used to make insulin in 1920
  5. ____ PA & DE - ADA Territory
  6. Bend the _____ to help those with diabetes
  7. 34 _____ Americans living with diabetes

14 Clues: A person raising $1,000+____ PA & DE - ADA TerritoryLack of this can cause diabetesA walker living with diabetes (2 words)34 _____ Americans living with diabetesType of event when not meeting in personCamp _____ - located in Schwenksville, PABend the _____ to help those with diabetes____ of Art - where 2019 Step Out was held...

diabetes crossword 2012-05-16

diabetes crossword crossword puzzle
  1. test every two hours for ketones
  2. type of carbs that are usually found in non healthy foods
  3. stay away from salty and ____ foods if diabetic
  4. blood test before a meal
  5. drinking soda increases women’s chances of diabetes by 85%
  6. low blood sugar levels
  7. medical device to check for glucose in the blood
  8. blood test after a meal
  9. use less ___ if diabetic
  10. type of carbs that are high fiber foods
  11. produces enzymes and hormones and makes insulin
  1. what type of diabetes occurs in pregnant women
  2. cells that produce insulin in the pancreas
  3. what are they checking for in a foot exam
  4. high blood sugar levels
  5. what kind of tests are done before each complication
  6. support groups are available both national and ___?
  7. abbreviation for a test that diagnosis diabetes
  8. where diabetics usually loose the most nerve damage
  9. what type of diabetes is where your body can produce insulin
  10. not enough insulin is being produced correctly

21 Clues: low blood sugar levelshigh blood sugar levelsblood test after a mealblood test before a mealuse less ___ if diabetictest every two hours for ketonestype of carbs that are high fiber foodswhat are they checking for in a foot examcells that produce insulin in the pancreaswhat type of diabetes occurs in pregnant women...

Endocrinología 2024-05-11

Endocrinología crossword puzzle
  1. system sistema endocrino
  2. hormona antidiurética
  3. corticoesteroides
  4. cretinismo
  5. índice glucémico
  6. agromegalia
  7. carga glucémica
  8. prueba de HbA1c
  9. enanismo
  10. nefropatía diabética
  11. mensajero químico
  12. gigantismo
  13. hormona del crecimiento
  14. adrenalina
  15. monitor monitor de glucemia continuo
  16. Endocrinólogo
  1. hormona estimuladora de los folículos
  2. diabetes
  3. acondroplasia de huesos
  4. enfermedad de Addison
  5. aldosterone
  6. estrógeno
  7. neuropatía diabética
  8. prueba de azúcar en sangre en ayunas
  9. bocio
  10. hormona adrenocorticotrópica
  11. diabetes insípida
  12. enfermedad autoinmune
  13. hidrocortisona
  14. síndrome de Cushing

30 Clues: bociodiabetesenanismoestrógenocretinismogigantismoadrenalinaaldosteroneagromegaliaEndocrinólogohidrocortisonacarga glucémicaprueba de HbA1cíndice glucémicocorticoesteroidesdiabetes insípidamensajero químicosíndrome de Cushingneuropatía diabéticanefropatía diabéticahormona antidiuréticaenfermedad de Addisonenfermedad autoinmune...

Diabetes Crossword 2016-02-22

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. this condition occurs when your blood glucose level is too high; weight loss, thirstiness, and frequent urination are typical symptoms
  2. the diabetes some women develop during pregnancy; it typically subsides after the baby is delivered, but many women who have had gestational diabetes may develop type 2 diabetes later in life
  3. a test that reveals exactly how well your blood sugar (glucose) has been controlled over the previous three months
  4. the organ that makes insulin, needed to convert glucose to energy
  5. non-insulin-dependent diabetes, a condition in which your body either doesn't make enough insulin or doesn't use it properly and can't properly use blood glucose as energy; type 2 may be treated with oral medication, but could eventually require insulin
  6. blood sugar that gives energy to cells
  7. the simple blood test used to check the amount of glucose in the blood; a tiny drop of blood, taken by pricking a finger, is placed on a test strip and inserted in the meter for reading
  8. the chemical substance made by your body when there isn't enough insulin in your blood; a build-up of ketones can lead to serious illness or coma
  9. cells found in the pancreas that make insulin
  10. a diabetic kidney disease in which protein is spilled into the urine; it can progress over time and result in significant kidney damage
  11. a small medical device used to check blood glucose levels
  1. a condition usually caused by an infection or illness that results in blood sugar levels rising to dangerously high levels; HHNS can lead to seizures, coma, and death
  2. also known as low blood sugar, severe hypoglycemia can cause a variety of symptoms ranging from dizziness to seizures
  3. a condition often caused by an infection or other illness like dehydration, or from taking too little insulin; when the body begins to break down muscle and fat for needed energy, ketones are released into the urine and blood
  4. the eye disease that occurs in someone with diabetes when the small blood vessels of the retina become swollen and leak liquid into the retina, blurring vision; it can sometimes lead to blindness
  5. diabetes-caused nerve damage, typically in the feet and hands; major organs can also be affected
  6. insulin-dependent diabetes that requires life-long insulin treatment; type 1 occurs when the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, preventing your body from properly using blood glucose as energy
  7. a hormone made by the pancreas that assists in the use of glucose for energy; people with diabetes who don't make enough insulin will inject it
  8. also known as blood sugar, glucose comes from food and is then carried through the blood to deliver energy to cells
  9. the hormone that is injected into a person with diabetes to raise their blood glucose level when it's very low
  10. the condition in which the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin or your body is unable to use insulin to move glucose into cells of the body

21 Clues: blood sugar that gives energy to cellscells found in the pancreas that make insulina small medical device used to check blood glucose levelsthe organ that makes insulin, needed to convert glucose to energydiabetes-caused nerve damage, typically in the feet and hands; major organs can also be affected...

Diabetes Crossword 2022-11-07

Diabetes Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. high blood sugar
  2. one of the simplest forms of sugar
  3. a blood glucose check if a person has not eaten for 8-12 hours (usually overnight)
  4. a ____ ____ meter is used to test blood sugar
  5. organ of the body that produces insulin
  6. doctor who is a diabetes specialist
  1. regular activity to develop and maintain physical fitness
  2. another way to get insulin instead of injections
  3. injectable medication used to treat diabetes
  4. people with diabetes often count these at meals
  5. low blood sugar
  6. ___ diabetes affects about 4% of all pregnant women
  7. 85-90% of people with diabetes have type
  8. lifestyle risk factor for diabetes
  9. take your shoes and socks off and have your doctor examine these at each visit

15 Clues: low blood sugarhigh blood sugarone of the simplest forms of sugarlifestyle risk factor for diabetesdoctor who is a diabetes specialistorgan of the body that produces insulin85-90% of people with diabetes have typeinjectable medication used to treat diabetesa ____ ____ meter is used to test blood sugarpeople with diabetes often count these at meals...

Diabetes Awarness 2024-01-03

Diabetes Awarness crossword puzzle
  1. You use this injectable medication to treat diabetes
  2. What month is diabetes awareness month
  3. A diabetic needs to count these at each meal
  4. Sometimes you can take this pill to help control blood sugar
  5. Diabetes can cause these organs to shut down causing reno failure.
  6. The simplest form of sugar is?
  7. This type of diabetes develops only during a women pregnancy
  8. What kind of disease is diabetes considers
  9. This is one type of long acting insulin
  10. What organ in your body produces insulin?
  11. What is the name of the disease for which the body doesn't produce insulin
  1. What is the name of the diabetic specialist
  2. This happens when you have high blood sugar
  3. When your kidneys spill sugar what do you need to check
  4. a short nylon bristle brush used to check the nerves in a diabetics feet.
  5. Your blood glucose gets checked after you have been
  6. You need to make sure you get lots of this to keep your sugar down.
  7. What type of juice is commonly used to treat low blood sugar

18 Clues: The simplest form of sugar is?What month is diabetes awareness monthThis is one type of long acting insulinWhat organ in your body produces insulin?What kind of disease is diabetes considersWhat is the name of the diabetic specialistThis happens when you have high blood sugarA diabetic needs to count these at each meal...

Endocrine System 2017-10-26

Endocrine System crossword puzzle
  1. What is the autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism?
  2. What is the cause of type II diabetes mellitus?
  3. Increased bone thickness and hypertrophy of soft tissues.
  4. Exophthalmos is a unique clinical manifestation for which disease?
  5. Diabetes insipidus involves a problem with which hormone?
  6. Sensitive points on the body known as _____ points. This is a symptom of Endocrine disease.
  7. What autoimmune disease cause hypothyroidism?
  8. Type I diabetes mellitus is more likely to occur in which gender?
  9. Hypogonadism is a unique clinical manifestation of this disease.
  10. Cushing's disease leads to increased ______ production.
  11. Reduced blood glucose levels (<60mg/dL).
  12. Type I diabetes mellitus is cell mediated autoimmune destruction of which type of cell?
  13. This is one unique clinical manifestation of diabetes insipidus.
  1. Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone are released by this part of the pituitary gland.
  2. Addison's disease is a dysfunction of which gland?
  3. What is the main problem of diabetes mellitus for all patients?
  4. This gland secretes calcitonin.
  5. Mainly caused by secreting pituitary tumors.
  6. Overgrowth of the long bones of the skeleton.
  7. One unique cause of hypopituitarism.
  8. The secondary cause of adrenal insufficiency leads to a lack of which hormone?
  9. The primary effect of insulin is to ______ blood glucose.
  10. These cells in the pancreas produce glucagon

23 Clues: This gland secretes calcitonin.One unique cause of hypopituitarism.Reduced blood glucose levels (<60mg/dL).Mainly caused by secreting pituitary tumors.These cells in the pancreas produce glucagonOvergrowth of the long bones of the skeleton.What autoimmune disease cause hypothyroidism?What is the cause of type II diabetes mellitus?...

Diabetes 2014-01-16

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. body part you should check every day
  2. this is above normal in people with diabetes
  3. organization that provide research and support for people with diabetes
  4. one factor that may cause an increased risk for developing diabetes
  5. these make take a while to heal when you have diabetes
  6. when you are sick your blood sugar may do this
  1. medical word for high blood sugar
  2. "diabetes" doctor
  3. hormone that helps cells use glucose
  4. medical word for low blood sugar
  5. a method to assist with planning meals
  6. somethign that you should do every day
  7. machine used to check blood glucose

13 Clues: "diabetes" doctormedical word for low blood sugarmedical word for high blood sugarmachine used to check blood glucosebody part you should check every dayhormone that helps cells use glucosea method to assist with planning mealssomethign that you should do every daythis is above normal in people with diabetes...

Diabetes 2013-03-21

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. a lipid found in humans
  2. Shots
  3. foot doctor
  4. cells type of cell located in the pancreas
  5. relate to the age of the embryo
  6. peptid hormone secreted by the pancreas
  7. blood flow
  8. the needle
  1. Doctor dealing with hormones
  2. how insulin is generally given
  3. Condition
  4. 2 Can be prevented
  5. sugar

13 Clues: ShotssugarConditionblood flowthe needlefoot doctor2 Can be preventeda lipid found in humansDoctor dealing with hormoneshow insulin is generally givenrelate to the age of the embryopeptid hormone secreted by the pancreascells type of cell located in the pancreas

Diabetes 2017-04-24

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Eilandjes van Langerhans bevinden zich hier
  2. Omzetten van glycogeen in glucose
  3. Lage bloedsuikerspiegel
  4. Aanmaken van glucose uit aminozuren en glycerol
  5. Ketonen in de urine
  6. Veel plassen
  1. Regel waarmee we bijspuitschema berekenen
  2. Hormoon dat wordt aangemaakt door alfa-cellen
  3. Hoge bloedsuikerspiegel
  4. Reservesuiker
  5. Veel drinken
  6. Omzetting van glucose in glycogeen
  7. Hormoon dat wordt aangemaakt door bèta-cellen

13 Clues: Veel drinkenVeel plassenReservesuikerKetonen in de urineHoge bloedsuikerspiegelLage bloedsuikerspiegelOmzetten van glycogeen in glucoseOmzetting van glucose in glycogeenRegel waarmee we bijspuitschema berekenenEilandjes van Langerhans bevinden zich hierHormoon dat wordt aangemaakt door alfa-cellenHormoon dat wordt aangemaakt door bèta-cellen...

Diabetes 2023-09-06

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. A person with diabetes is more susceptible to THIS because of a defect in the mobilization of WBCs and an impaired phagocytosis by neutrophils and monocytes
  2. Microvascular complication associated with damage to the small blood vessels that supply the glomeruli of the kidney
  3. Organ where the β cells in the islets of Langerhans are located
  4. Nerve damage that occurs because of the metabolic imbalances associated with diabetes
  5. The type of insulin that is absent for type I diabetics
  6. The period of time when blood is most concentrated in the blood
  7. Break down glucose to make energy
  8. A hormone made by the β cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas
  1. Microvascular complication associated with damage to the small blood vessels that supply the glomeruli of the kidney
  2. Type of injection by which insulin is administered
  3. When blood glucose levels are too high, the patient experiences this
  4. A chronic multisystem disease characterized by hyperglycemia from abnormal insulin production, impaired insulin use, or both
  5. When blood glucose levels in the blood are too low, the patient experiences this
  6. An device that delivers a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

14 Clues: Break down glucose to make energyType of injection by which insulin is administeredThe type of insulin that is absent for type I diabeticsOrgan where the β cells in the islets of Langerhans are locatedThe period of time when blood is most concentrated in the bloodAn device that delivers a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion...

Diabetes 2022-06-01

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. leads to diabetes type 2
  2. A symptom of diabetes is _______ fingers/feet
  3. seventh leading cause of death in US
  4. when glucose stays in your blood, your ________ gets too high
  5. helps glucose get into the body's cells
  6. A person with diabetes might get _______ often
  7. body organ that makes insulin
  1. sugar that is body's main source of fuel
  2. Type of diabetes where insulin is produced but not working the way it should
  3. Type 2 diabetes is often treated through ___________
  4. Type of diabetes that comes from parents
  5. treatment for diabetes type 1

12 Clues: leads to diabetes type 2treatment for diabetes type 1body organ that makes insulinseventh leading cause of death in UShelps glucose get into the body's cellssugar that is body's main source of fuelType of diabetes that comes from parentsA symptom of diabetes is _______ fingers/feetA person with diabetes might get _______ often...

Diabetes 2014-12-05

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. Wat zijn insuline en glucagon?
  2. Te laag bloedsuikergehalte
  3. Wat is belangrijk als een slachtoffer medicatie inneemt?
  4. Symptoom hypoglycemie
  5. Welke soort suikers kan je in tweede instantie laten innemen?
  1. Hiermee kan het slachtoffer zijn bloedsuikergehalte meten.
  2. Symptoom hypoglycemie
  3. Te hoog bloedsuikergehalte
  4. Hormoon dat het bloedsuikergehalte doet dalen
  5. Symptoom hyperglycemie
  6. Symptoom hyperglycemie
  7. Welke soort suikers kan je in eerste instantie laten innemen?
  8. Fout in de werking van insuline en/of glucagon
  9. Symptoom hypoglycemie
  10. Het slachtoffer is bewusteloos? Wat doe je?
  11. Hormoon dat het bloedsuikergehalte doet stijgen

16 Clues: Symptoom hypoglycemieSymptoom hypoglycemieSymptoom hypoglycemieSymptoom hyperglycemieSymptoom hyperglycemieTe laag bloedsuikergehalteTe hoog bloedsuikergehalteWat zijn insuline en glucagon?Het slachtoffer is bewusteloos? Wat doe je?Hormoon dat het bloedsuikergehalte doet dalenFout in de werking van insuline en/of glucagon...

Diabetes 2021-07-22

Diabetes crossword puzzle
  1. This is given to raise blood glucose levels
  2. Rapid deep respirations related to high blood sugar
  3. hormone that facilitates glucose metabolism
  4. excessive thirst
  5. Decreased blood glucose <60mg/dL
  6. Excessive urination
  7. simple sugar
  8. Byproducts of improper metabolism
  1. Acidosis resulting from excess ketones
  2. Disease that affects how the body uses sugar
  3. excessive appetite
  4. Elevated blood glucose >240mg/dL
  5. This stimulates release of glycogen stores in the liver

13 Clues: simple sugarexcessive thirstexcessive appetiteExcessive urinationElevated blood glucose >240mg/dLDecreased blood glucose <60mg/dLByproducts of improper metabolismAcidosis resulting from excess ketonesThis is given to raise blood glucose levelshormone that facilitates glucose metabolismDisease that affects how the body uses sugar...

Diabetes and Heart Disease 2021-01-25

Diabetes and Heart Disease crossword puzzle
  1. What nutrient is NOT optimal to treat a low blood sugar level immediately?
  2. Weakness, headache, blurred vision, shakiness and fast heart beat are all symptoms of?
  3. __________ intake should be reduced in people diagnosed with Hypertension.
  4. Glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes may also be manifestations of an underlying disorder known as?
  5. Defects in insulin action and secretion are seen in most individuals diagnosed with?
  6. A _______ Cholesterol level less than 35 mg/dl is a risk factor for diabetes.
  7. A blood pressure reading greater than 140/90 mmHg is called what?
  8. Common dietary component that helps lower cholesterol through absorbing the fatty acids from the digestive system.
  9. Type of dietary fat that is protective for heart disease.
  10. ____________ is a type of cold water fish that contains polyunsaturated fat.
  11. What SMBG stands for.
  12. Most common oral diabetes medication that decreases the production of glucose from the liver.
  13. Which nutrient affects glucose levels the most?
  14. The hormone that helps glucose go INTO the cell.
  1. Improved insulin sensitivity, weight loss, improved cardiovascular health and improved quality of life are all benefits of_________________.
  2. ___________ is a useful tool for achieving nutrient balance at meals.
  3. Triglyceride levels above 150 mg/dl, HDL levels less than 35 mg/dl in men and less than 39 mg/dl for women, LDL levels greater than 100 mg/dl characterize what disorder?
  4. The type of diabetes where the pancreas stops making insulin and cannot move glucose into the body’s cells.
  5. The hormone that raises blood glucose.
  6. Long acting insulin that covers insulin needs for about one full day.
  7. How often A1c should be checked in a well controlled Patient with Diabetes.
  8. Adults with diabetes have heart disease death rates that are __________ versus those adults without diabetes.
  9. Most common class of drugs that are prescribed to control cholesterol?
  10. _____________levels greater than 250 mg/dl is a risk factor for diabetes.
  11. Diabetes can affect nerves throughout the body and cause nerve pain and damage, which is called?
  12. Inflammatory responses to excess nutrient intake may contribute to insulin________?

26 Clues: What SMBG stands for.The hormone that raises blood glucose.Which nutrient affects glucose levels the most?The hormone that helps glucose go INTO the cell.Type of dietary fat that is protective for heart disease.A blood pressure reading greater than 140/90 mmHg is called what?___________ is a useful tool for achieving nutrient balance at meals....