environmental economics Crossword Puzzles

Economics 2021-10-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. quantity of a good or service that businesses are willing and able to provide
  2. resources are owned/controlled by the government
  3. economy where goods and services are produced the way it has always been done
  4. raw materials supplied by nature
  5. can be seen and touched
  6. the basic economic problem
  7. combines elements of a command and market economy
  8. the value of the next best alternative
  1. people producing the goods and services
  2. quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy
  3. person who buys and uses goods and services
  4. resources are owned/controlled by the people
  5. determine what products and services will be available for sale
  6. add comfort and pleasure
  7. activities that are consumed at the same time they are produced
  8. giving something up to have something else
  9. means in which goods and services are produced or Factors of Production
  10. the process of choosing which wants (among several) will be satisfied
  11. required for life
  12. products and money used to produce goods and services

20 Clues: required for lifecan be seen and touchedadd comfort and pleasurethe basic economic problemraw materials supplied by naturethe value of the next best alternativepeople producing the goods and servicesgiving something up to have something elseperson who buys and uses goods and servicesresources are owned/controlled by the people...

Economics 2021-02-11

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a reference to spending.(11)
  2. the ability of a firm to profitably raise the market price of a good or service over marginal cost.(6,5)
  3. putting all resources to their maximum use to satisfy the needs & wellbeings of society (10,10)
  4. refers to an increase in the size of a country's economy over a period of time.(8,6)
  5. cost.(5)
  6. the forgone benefit that would have been derived by an option not chosen (11,4)
  7. a structure in which many firms offer products or services that are similar, but not perfect substitutes.(12,11)
  8. buildings or machinery which are necessary to produce goods or to make companies more efficient.(7)
  9. a market structure characterized by a single seller, selling a unique product in the market. (7)
  10. a market structure with a small number of firms, none of which can keep the others from having significant influence.(9)
  11. rivals. (11)
  12. A producer who has enough market power to influence prices.(5,5)
  13. perfect substitutes and buyers perceive no actual or real differences between the products(11,8)
  1. a service or other asset used to produce goods and services that meet human needs and wants (9)
  2. the factor of production that organises the other factors of production into a production unit to produce a good/service.(10)
  3. unlimited (8)
  4. what makes your product or service stand out to your target audience.(7,14)
  5. A producer who has no power to influence prices.(5,5)
  6. is an ideal type of market structure where all producers and consumers have full and symmetric information.(7,11)
  7. limited (6)
  8. will typically have very high fixed costs meaning that it is impractical to have more than one firm producing the good.(7,8)
  9. production possibility curve(Abr)
  10. a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.(9)
  11. effort that people contribute to the production of goods and services.(6)
  12. the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in production.(4)
  13. companies who sell something.(7)
  14. depicts how firms are differentiated and categorised.(6,9)
  15. lack of or in short supply; shortage (8)
  16. a place where buyers & sellers can gather to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.(6)
  17. an area of the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services.(7)

30 Clues: cost.(5)limited (6)rivals. (11)unlimited (8)a reference to spending.(11)companies who sell something.(7)production possibility curve(Abr)lack of or in short supply; shortage (8)A producer who has no power to influence prices.(5,5)depicts how firms are differentiated and categorised.(6,9)a person who purchases goods and services for personal use.(9)...

Economics 2021-03-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. table that lists the quantity supplied for a good or service that suppliers
  2. decrease in the marginal output a production process as the amount of a single factor of production
  3. graphic representation of the correlation between the cost of a good or service and the quantity supplied
  4. measures the responsiveness to the supply of a good or service after a change in its market price
  5. business expenses that are not dependent on the level of goods
  6. function that produces the minimum amount of costs associated with producing a vector of outputs
  7. the cost added by producing one additional unit of a product or service
  8. cost is equal to total cost divided by the number of units of a good produced
  9. is any duty on manufactured goods that is levied at the moment of manufacture
  10. application of law by government or independent administrative agencies for various purposes
  11. is an upward sloping curve depicting the positive relationship between price and quantity supplied
  12. a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist
  13. the expenses which are related to the operation of a business
  14. is the change in output that results from employing an added unit of labor
  1. are the expenses which are related to the operation of a business
  2. total product curve for labor, so we are holding the quantities of other factors constant.
  3. describes the amount of goods or services that suppliers will produce and sell
  4. change as the quantity of the good or service that a business produces changes
  5. revenue gained by producing one additional unit of a good or service
  6. the quantity of goods or services that suppliers offer will increase
  7. special type of amount or quantity with an unknown value
  8. make something needed or wanted available to someone

22 Clues: make something needed or wanted available to someonespecial type of amount or quantity with an unknown valuethe expenses which are related to the operation of a businessbusiness expenses that are not dependent on the level of goodsare the expenses which are related to the operation of a business...

Economics 2021-03-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. decrease in the marginal output a production process as the amount of a single factor of production
  2. revenue gained by producing one additional unit of a good or service
  3. are the expenses which are related to the operation of a business
  4. the cost added by producing one additional unit of a product or service
  5. is any duty on manufactured goods that is levied at the moment of manufacture
  6. application of law by government or independent administrative agencies for various purposes
  7. table that lists the quantity supplied for a good or service that suppliers
  8. special type of amount or quantity with an unknown value
  9. cost is equal to total cost divided by the number of units of a good produced
  10. make something needed or wanted available to someone
  11. graphic representation of the correlation between the cost of a good or service and the quantity supplied
  12. the expenses which are related to the operation of a business
  13. business expenses that are not dependent on the level of goods
  1. measures the responsiveness to the supply of a good or service after a change in its market price
  2. describes the amount of goods or services that suppliers will produce and sell
  3. is an upward sloping curve depicting the positive relationship between price and quantity supplied
  4. change as the quantity of the good or service that a business produces changes
  5. total product curve for labor, so we are holding the quantities of other factors constant.
  6. function that produces the minimum amount of costs associated with producing a vector of outputs
  7. a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist
  8. is the change in output that results from employing an added unit of labor
  9. the quantity of goods or services that suppliers offer will increase

22 Clues: make something needed or wanted available to someonespecial type of amount or quantity with an unknown valuethe expenses which are related to the operation of a businessbusiness expenses that are not dependent on the level of goodsare the expenses which are related to the operation of a business...

economics 2021-10-15

economics crossword puzzle
  1. natural
  2. the amount of physical used to produce good and services
  3. buyers, sellers, market
  4. max money a consumer is willing to pay
  5. financial motivations for people to take certain action
  6. loss of something you also want
  7. water, food supply,
  8. where government makes all the decisions
  9. demand drive economic decision
  10. quantity of good and services produced in a specific time period
  11. worker tools
  1. rules that limit who can enter a business and what prices they may charged
  2. the separation of work process of task
  3. distribution resources
  4. refers of framework by business
  5. consumers have some controlling power
  6. private and public enterprise
  7. non man-made, ore, minerals
  8. an increase in the amount of good and services
  9. additional cost, one

20 Clues: naturalworker toolswater, food supply,additional cost, onedistribution resourcesbuyers, sellers, marketnon man-made, ore, mineralsprivate and public enterprisedemand drive economic decisionrefers of framework by businessloss of something you also wantconsumers have some controlling powerthe separation of work process of task...

Economics 2021-05-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : to be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  2. : the sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  3. : an immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  4. : selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  5. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.
  6. : a situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  7. : Rising prices of goods and services.
  8. : a person who starts a business
  9. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.
  1. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  2. : periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  3. : decrease in the general price level
  4. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.
  5. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  6. : means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  7. : entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  8. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  9. : the situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.
  10. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  11. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company

20 Clues: : a person who starts a business: decrease in the general price level: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: Rising prices of goods and services.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

Economics 2021-05-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : the situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.
  2. : selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  3. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.
  4. : to be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  5. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  6. : an immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  7. : entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  8. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  9. : means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  10. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  1. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company
  2. : a person who starts a business
  3. : a situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  4. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  5. : periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  6. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.
  7. : decrease in the general price level
  8. : the sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  9. : Rising prices of goods and services.
  10. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.

20 Clues: : a person who starts a business: decrease in the general price level: Rising prices of goods and services.: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

Economics 2021-05-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : the situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.
  2. : selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  3. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.
  4. : to be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  5. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  6. : an immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  7. : entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  8. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  9. : means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  10. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  1. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company
  2. : a person who starts a business
  3. : a situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  4. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  5. : periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  6. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.
  7. : decrease in the general price level
  8. : the sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  9. : Rising prices of goods and services.
  10. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.

20 Clues: : a person who starts a business: decrease in the general price level: Rising prices of goods and services.: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

Economics 2021-05-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.
  2. : means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  3. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.
  4. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  5. : selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  6. : decrease in the general price level
  7. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  8. : a person who starts a business
  9. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  1. : the situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.
  2. : entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  3. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  4. : a situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  5. : to be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  6. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company
  7. : an immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  8. : periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  9. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.
  10. : the sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  11. : Rising prices of goods and services.

20 Clues: : a person who starts a business: decrease in the general price level: Rising prices of goods and services.: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

economics 2023-02-06

economics crossword puzzle
  1. a worth that can be expressed in dollars and cents
  2. mechanism that allows buyers and sellers to exchange a specific product
  3. products that are tangible, scarce, useful, and transferable from one person
  4. nation’s total output of goods and services increases over time
  5. good that lasts three years or more when used on a regular basis
  6. study of how people try to satisfy
  7. market the factors of production are bought and sold
  8. work that is performed for someone
  9. not having enough resources
  10. we rely on others
  11. a useful tangible item
  1. perform only tasks they can do better or more efficiently than others
  2. natural resources not created by people
  3. the capacity to be useful and provide satisfaction
  4. capital goods
  5. study of how people try to satisfy
  6. measure of the amount of goods and services produced
  7. people with all their efforts, abilities, and skills
  8. producers sell their goods and services
  9. a risktaker in search of profit
  10. Goods intended for final use by individuals
  11. basic requirement for survival
  12. good tools, equipment used in the production of goods and service
  13. not necessary for survival
  14. each individual worker completes a separate part of the work

25 Clues: capital goodswe rely on othersa useful tangible itemnot necessary for survivalnot having enough resourcesbasic requirement for survivala risktaker in search of profitstudy of how people try to satisfystudy of how people try to satisfywork that is performed for someonenatural resources not created by peopleproducers sell their goods and services...

economics 2023-02-03

economics crossword puzzle
  1. measure of a country's total outcome
  2. the second question
  3. vast different seen in prices
  4. the dollar value for final produce
  5. useful tangible item
  6. The basic problem in Economics (scarcity)
  7. resource equid to produce things
  8. worth can be expressed in dollars
  9. the first question
  10. for finial use by individuals
  11. tools, equipment, factories
  12. basic equipment for survival
  1. U.S has remarkable what?
  2. Another factor of production
  3. the way to make everything
  4. last question
  5. "the gift of nature"
  6. factors can perform only task they can do better
  7. risk taker looking for profits
  8. people with their efforts and abilities
  9. study of scarcity
  10. item that last for fewer years
  11. something that people would like to have
  12. total output and outcome increase

24 Clues: last questionstudy of scarcitythe first questionthe second question"the gift of nature"useful tangible itemU.S has remarkable what?the way to make everythingtools, equipment, factoriesAnother factor of productionbasic equipment for survivalvast different seen in pricesfor finial use by individualsrisk taker looking for profits...

Economics 2023-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. tax on imports
  2. consumers wants
  3. elimination of trade
  4. lack of something
  5. max price
  6. business have to offer
  7. land,labor,capital,entrepreneurship
  8. lack of resources
  9. grow large
  10. supply and demand meet
  11. Production Possibilities Curve
  12. North American free Trade Agreement
  13. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  1. FRB
  2. Union
  3. reduce cost
  4. one person starts
  5. What is given up in a decision
  6. two or more people start
  7. what you bring home
  8. limit on imports
  9. total amount of money
  10. minium price
  11. over supply
  12. small change

25 Clues: FRBUnionmax pricegrow largereduce costover supplyminium pricesmall changetax on importsconsumers wantslimit on importslack of somethingone person startslack of resourceswhat you bring homeelimination of tradetotal amount of moneybusiness have to offersupply and demand meettwo or more people startWhat is given up in a decision...

Economics 2023-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. any type of physical work
  2. The maximum something can cost
  3. 1 part of the Factors of Production
  4. means all things being equal
  5. wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing
  6. voluntary employment transitions within an economy
  7. The value of the option that was not picked
  8. Maximum amount a consumer is willing to pay for a additional good/service
  1. The minimum something can cost
  2. A graph used to see all the combinations of 2 items that can be produced
  3. 2 more more people starting a business together
  4. When supply is greater than demand
  5. Time bound restrictions on trade
  6. When people are unemployed during certain times of the year when labor is low
  7. The owner of a business
  8. business owned by shareholders who elect whoever oversees the company
  9. Where supply and demand equal out
  10. Tax put on imports by the government
  11. how much money you make
  12. A longer lasting unemployment caused by fundamental shifts in the economy
  13. When demand is more than supply
  14. The change in production of one product that comes from producing another product
  15. when only one person owns a business
  16. the reason a production curve changes
  17. Demand for a good or service is greater than the supply

25 Clues: The owner of a businesshow much money you makeany type of physical workmeans all things being equalThe minimum something can costThe maximum something can costWhen demand is more than supplyTime bound restrictions on tradeWhere supply and demand equal outWhen supply is greater than demand1 part of the Factors of Production...

Economics 2023-03-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. increase in production costs generated by additional production units
  2. owned by a singular person
  3. short supply
  4. political union that promotes an independent Western Europe by promoting free trade
  5. tax placed on imports
  6. decrease supply and increase barriers
  7. agreement to protect free trade by reducing tariffs among Canada, Mexico, and U.S.
  8. if some resources are not fully employed can not meet maximum potential production
  9. supply and demand are balanced
  10. owned by two
  11. when the skills are no longer needed typically due to technological advances
  12. something needed cannot be obtained
  13. legally established minimum price
  1. graph that shows all different combinations of outputs that can be produced
  2. max amount a consumer will pay for a good or service
  3. legally established maximum price
  4. owned by a group of shareholders
  5. against trade barriers
  6. gap between someone leaving one job and finding another
  7. when people are unemployed for a certain part of the year
  8. land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
  9. loss of potential gain when you choose something else
  10. share

23 Clues: shareshort supplyowned by twotax placed on importsagainst trade barriersowned by a singular personsupply and demand are balancedowned by a group of shareholderslegally established maximum pricelegally established minimum pricesomething needed cannot be obtaineddecrease supply and increase barriersland, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship...

Economics 2023-03-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. One who starts a business
  2. Land=
  3. Cost
  4. Shareholder company
  5. Limits on supply
  6. Small handful in power
  7. Most famous board game
  1. Tech Factor of Production
  2. Limited trade
  3. Land Labor Capital and Entrepreneur
  4. Wants
  5. Max/Min amount of a item to trade
  6. Money for goods
  7. Resource Factor of Production
  8. Rivals
  9. Human resource
  10. The amount available
  11. Price
  12. Tax on imports
  13. study of economy
  14. Two leaders in a company

21 Clues: CostLand=WantsPriceRivalsLimited tradeHuman resourceTax on importsMoney for goodsLimits on supplystudy of economyShareholder companyThe amount availableSmall handful in powerMost famous board gameTwo leaders in a companyTech Factor of ProductionOne who starts a businessResource Factor of ProductionMax/Min amount of a item to trade...

Economics 2023-05-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. total revenue minus total cost
  2. a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded
  3. A business in which two or more persons combine their assets and skills
  4. A business owned by one person
  5. What you expect prices to do in the future can influence your buying habits today.
  6. A legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold
  7. A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market
  8. fixed costs plus variable costs
  9. an establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
  10. the change in consumption resulting from a change in real income
  11. a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
  1. A focus on a particular activity or area of study
  2. A legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold
  3. when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and more of other goods
  4. the cost of producing one more unit of a good
  5. Price x Quantity
  6. money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  7. A business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts
  8. Trends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumer
  9. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes

20 Clues: Price x Quantitytotal revenue minus total costA business owned by one personfixed costs plus variable coststhe cost of producing one more unit of a goodA focus on a particular activity or area of studyA legal maximum on the price at which a good can be soldA legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold...

Economics 2023-05-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A focus on a particular activity or area of study
  2. Economic decisions are made by individuals or the open market
  3. a graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied
  4. Trends and fashions that are highly desirable to the consumer
  5. when consumers react to an increase in a good's price by consuming less of that good and more of other goods
  6. fixed costs plus variable costs
  7. A legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold
  8. What you expect prices to do in the future can influence your buying habits today.
  9. Price x Quantity
  1. an establishment formed to carry on commercial enterprise
  2. A business owned by one person
  3. A market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market
  4. the cost of producing one more unit of a good
  5. A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller.
  6. A legal minimum on the price at which a good can be sold
  7. a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded
  8. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
  9. received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
  10. total revenue minus total cost
  11. the change in consumption resulting from a change in real income

20 Clues: Price x QuantityA business owned by one persontotal revenue minus total costfixed costs plus variable coststhe cost of producing one more unit of a goodA focus on a particular activity or area of studyA legal minimum on the price at which a good can be soldA legal maximum on the price at which a good can be sold...

Economics 2023-06-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. ________ cost - Change with the level of outputs
  2. Process of transforming inputs into outputs
  3. Country that has Mixed economic system in Asia
  4. ________ economies of scale - Benefit enjoyed within the firm
  5. Economic ______ - An outward movement of PPC
  6. Reward from Enterprise
  7. _________ economy - Small percentage of primary sector
  8. Economies of _____ - Advantages enjoyed by the large firms
  9. ________ good - Wanted for its Own Sake
  10. Business Know-how
  11. Reward from Capital
  12. _____ cost - Sum of Fixed cost and Variable cost
  1. Economic system is how economies decide on the __________ of resources
  2. _______ economy -Economic system which fully controlled by Goverment (Public sector)
  3. Feature of Division of Labour
  4. Reward from Land
  5. ___________ cost - The Next Best Alternative cost
  6. Resources that are used to make Output
  7. Limited Resources
  8. Man-made goods

20 Clues: Man-made goodsReward from LandLimited ResourcesBusiness Know-howReward from CapitalReward from EnterpriseFeature of Division of LabourResources that are used to make Output________ good - Wanted for its Own SakeProcess of transforming inputs into outputsEconomic ______ - An outward movement of PPCCountry that has Mixed economic system in Asia...

Economics 2023-06-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. studies aggregates
  2. central problem of an economy
  3. Recognisable sub-divisions
  4. First chair of NSSO
  5. inhuman definition
  6. Conducted since 1881
  7. next best opportunity foregone
  8. third step of organization of data in a singular sense
  9. Change in a particular factor
  10. satisfying capability
  1. Maximum satisfaction
  2. decrease in price
  3. Production possibility frontier
  4. Quaterly journal of NSSO
  5. studies individual factors
  6. maximum amount of infastructure spent
  7. exception to the law of demand
  8. That can't be expressed in statistics
  9. decrease
  10. last commodity consumed

20 Clues: decreasedecrease in pricestudies aggregatesinhuman definitionFirst chair of NSSOMaximum satisfactionConducted since 1881satisfying capabilitylast commodity consumedQuaterly journal of NSSORecognisable sub-divisionsstudies individual factorscentral problem of an economyChange in a particular factorexception to the law of demand...

ECONOMICS 2023-07-02

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. Persistence in doing something despite difficulty
  2. State of being apart from company or observation seclusion.
  3. As a social science, is the study of creation, distribution, and consumption of goods.
  4. A strain or heavy demand.
  5. Financial resources.
  6. friendly or business interactions.
  7. Willingness and ability to purchase a commodity or service.
  8. Is the cultivation and reproduction of animals, plants and fungi to produce food,fiber,fuel,medicine and other products for use in sustaining and improving people's lives.
  9. A distinguishable localized population of a species.
  10. As a pledge for a contract, The balance being payable later.
  11. A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.
  12. Knowing, accepting and being who are while demonstrating modesty about our accomplishment and gifts.
  13. Services within an economy.
  14. An act of lending small money to someone.
  1. off Is a concept in Economics which refers to the method of selection.
  2. The quantities of goods.
  3. State and organizes its system.
  4. A type of security that gives stockholders a share of ownership in a company.
  5. Cost Is the value imposed on one object in exchange for another objects for a choice of unrelated objects.
  6. The activity or condition of competing.
  7. Property in the form of money
  8. An accepted form of exchange and measure of value and A contract that legally represents wealth.
  9. Thinking Spends another unit for something will be a reduction.
  10. Declared in the law unable to pay outstanding debts.
  11. A principle of action adopted.
  12. Buy (something) whose usefulness will repay the cost.
  13. The amount of money needed or available for a purpose.
  14. A particular section, group or type of people.
  15. Estimate the price of.
  16. Refers to an enterprising entity or organization that carries out professional activities.

30 Clues: Financial resources.Estimate the price of.The quantities of goods.A strain or heavy demand.Services within an economy.Property in the form of moneyA principle of action adopted.State and organizes its system.friendly or business interactions.The activity or condition of competing.An act of lending small money to someone....

Economics 2013-05-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. unit that allows consumers to do their banking without the help of a teller
  2. exchange of goods and services for other goods or services
  3. the world’s largest trade agreement
  4. income total income that individuals receive before personal taxes are paid
  5. quota restriction imposed on the number of units of a particular good that can be imported
  6. complete restriction on the import of export of a certain good
  7. rate interest rate on which the fed charges on loans to bank members
  8. term used by karl marx for his ideal society
  9. indicators statistics that measure variables in the economy
  10. supporters of the theory of monetarism
  11. gdp GDP that has been adjusted for inflation by applying the price deflator
  12. loss of value because of wear and tear to durable goods and capital goods
  13. tariff tax on imports used primarily to raise government revenues
  14. Union organization of European nations
  15. summation of all the individual parts in the economy
  16. prolonged rise in the general price level of goods and services
  17. nations nations in the relatively high standards of living
  18. redistribution government activity that takes income from some people through taxation and uses it to help citizens in need
  19. income total income earned by everyone in the country
  1. lags periods between the time fisical policy is enacted and the time it becomes effective
  2. domestic product total dollar value of all final products and services in a nation
  3. cycle irregular changes in the level of otal out-put measured by real GDP
  4. tariff tax on imports to raise the price of imported goods
  5. basket/ representative group of goods and services used to compile the consumer price index
  6. power the real goods and services that money can buy
  7. Government program that provides health care for the aged
  8. anything used as a medium of exchange
  9. fluctuations ups in downs in the economy
  10. social insurance program
  11. state and federal public-assistance program that helps pay health care costs to low-income and disabled people
  12. placement of industries under government ownership
  13. year year used as a point of comparison for other years in a serious if statistics
  14. funds rate interest rate that banks charge each other on loans
  15. term used by karl marx referring to workers
  16. trade agreement between Mexico, Canada, and the United States
  17. goods goods or services the government supplies to its citizens
  18. security federal program that provides monthly payments to retired
  19. major slowdown of economic activity
  20. prolonged decline in the general price level of goods and services
  21. exports difference between what the nation sells to other countries and what it buys from other countries

40 Clues: social insurance programthe world’s largest trade agreementmajor slowdown of economic activityanything used as a medium of exchangesupporters of the theory of monetarismUnion organization of European nationsfluctuations ups in downs in the economyterm used by karl marx referring to workersterm used by karl marx for his ideal society...

Economics 2013-10-19

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. All goods that are used to produce other goods
  2. Every unit that takes economic decisions independently
  3. Combining the factors of production in the production process
  4. The work performed by people
  5. If you don't use the money immediately but keep it for later
  6. Money you get for working
  7. The money you get
  8. Synonym for groups
  9. The money you get from your parents every week or month
  10. The price gets lower
  1. The wage as a percentage of the total primary income
  2. You pay with in a lot of Europese countries
  3. Comprises everything not produced by people
  4. The line indicating the connection between income and leisure time
  5. money you get without doing anythind for it
  6. Synonym for a worker
  7. The money you get from the bank
  8. Something you pay with
  9. Synonym for stuff
  10. The money you still have to pay

20 Clues: The money you getSynonym for stuffSynonym for groupsSynonym for a workerThe price gets lowerSomething you pay withMoney you get for workingThe work performed by peopleThe money you get from the bankThe money you still have to payYou pay with in a lot of Europese countriesComprises everything not produced by people...

Economics 2014-08-25

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. - All buildings, equipment and human skills used to produce goods and services.
  2. decrease - A decrease in the quantity demanded at every price; a shift to the left of the demand curve.
  3. - Anything of value that is acceptable to a lender to guarantee repayment of a loan.
  4. advantage - The principle of comparative advantage states that a country will specialize in the production of goods in which it has a lower opportunity cost than other countries.
  5. - A sustained and continuous decrease in the general price level.
  6. of supply - Factors that influence producer decisions about goods, services, or resources.
  7. - The effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms.
  8. - A certificate reflecting a firm's promise to pay the holder a periodic interest payment until the date of maturity and a fixed sum of money on the designated maturity date.
  9. - Products that are used with one another such as hamburger and hamburger buns
  10. advantage - The ability to produce something with fewer resources than other producers would use to produce the same thing
  11. - People whose wants are satisfied by consuming a good or a service.
  12. - (1) In monetary theory, the use of someone else's funds in exchange for a promise to pay (usually with interest) at a later date. The major examples are short-term loans from a bank, credit extended by suppliers, and commercial paper. (2) In balance-of-payments accounting, an item such as exports that earns a country foreign currency.
  13. of production - All resources used in producing goods and services, for which owners receive payments.
  14. economy - A mode of economic organization in which the key economic functions--what, how, and for whom--are principally determined by government directive. Sometimes called a "centrally planned economy."
  15. - A schedule of how much consumers are willing and able to buy at all possible prices during some time period.
  1. increase - An increase in the quantity demanded at every price; a shift to the right of the demand curve.
  2. resources - Goods made by people and used to produce other goods and services. Examples include buildings, equipment, and machinery.
  3. spending - The purchase of consumer goods and services.
  4. - Options among which to make choices.
  5. - A worker who completes all steps in the production of a good or service.
  6. - A legal entity owned by stockholders whose liability is limited to the value of their stock.
  7. - The gain received from voluntary exchange.
  8. line
  9. - The manner in which total output and income is distributed among individuals or factors
  10. - In macroeconomics, the total spending, by individuals or a nation, on consumer goods during a given period. Strictly speaking, consumption should apply only to those goods totally used, enjoyed, or "eaten up" within that period. In practice, consumption expenditures include all consumer goods bought, many of which last well beyond the period in question --e.g., furniture, clothing, and automobiles.
  11. making - Choosing from alternatives the one with the greatest benefit net of costs.
  12. of trade - The part of a nation's balance of payments that deals with merchandise (or visible) imports or exports.
  13. - Standards or measures of value that people use to evaluate what is most important.
  14. - The direct trading of goods and services without the use of money.
  15. commercial - A financial institution accepts checking deposits, holds savings, sells traveler's checks and performs other financial services.

30 Clues: line- Options among which to make choices.- The gain received from voluntary exchange.spending - The purchase of consumer goods and services.- A sustained and continuous decrease in the general price level.- People whose wants are satisfied by consuming a good or a service.- The direct trading of goods and services without the use of money....

Economics 2014-03-26

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A sustained and continuous increase in the general price level.
  2. Objects that can satisfy people's wants.
  3. Dependence on others for goods and services; occurs as a result of specialization.
  4. The gain received from voluntary exchange.
  5. National, state and local agencies that use tax revenues to provide goods and services for their citizens.
  6. Factors that motivate and influence the behavior of households and businesses. Prices, profits, and losses act as incentives for participants to take action in a market economy.
  7. Individuals and family units which, as consumers, buy goods and services from firms and, as resource owners, sell or rent productive resources to business firms.
  8. Standards or measures of value that people use to evaluate what is most important.
  9. The direct trading of goods and services without the use of money.
  1. Consumer goods expected to last longer than three years.
  2. The purchase of a security, such as a stock or bond.
  3. Goods or services bought from sellers in another nation.
  4. Options among which to make choices.
  5. The payments made for the use of borrowed or loaned money.
  6. Private profit-seeking organizations that use resources to produce goods and services.
  7. Trading goods and services with others for other goods and services or for money (also called trade).
  8. Goods or services produced in one nation but sold to buyers in another nation.
  9. A certificate reflecting a firm's promise to pay the holder a periodic interest payment until the date of maturity and a fixed sum of money on the designated maturity date.
  10. All buildings, equipment and human skills used to produce goods and services.
  11. Receive payment (income) for productive efforts.
  12. A schedule of how much consumers are willing and able to buy at all possible prices during some time period.

21 Clues: Options among which to make choices.Objects that can satisfy people's wants.The gain received from voluntary exchange.Receive payment (income) for productive efforts.The purchase of a security, such as a stock or bond.Consumer goods expected to last longer than three years.Goods or services bought from sellers in another nation....

Economics 2015-03-05

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. good that go out
  2. and Demand the things that control a market economy
  3. person who start a business
  4. give money to a business to help them make more exports
  5. another word for money
  6. Economy every country has this type of economy
  7. North America Free Trade Agreement
  8. Economy Prices are controlled by the government
  9. goods a factor of economic growth, technology
  10. another word for trade
  1. sets a limit on the amount of imports coming in
  2. goods that come in
  3. stop trade completely with a country
  4. Economy Use bartering as currency
  5. regulation that you put on imports
  6. Gross Domestic Product
  7. Capital a combination of education, experience, health. (hint: labor)
  8. Resources a factor of economic growth, come from nature
  9. Economy supply and demand control the prices in this economy
  10. t for tax, t for.....

20 Clues: good that go outgoods that come int for tax, t for.....Gross Domestic Productanother word for moneyanother word for tradeperson who start a businessEconomy Use bartering as currencyregulation that you put on importsNorth America Free Trade Agreementstop trade completely with a countrygoods a factor of economic growth, technology...

Economics 2015-05-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Part of the lorenz diagram that shows the degree of income or wealth quality or inequality
  2. A type of policy that includes taxes
  3. When people are willing and able to work but do not have jobs
  4. A point on the business cycle where GDP is going up slowly
  5. A supply factor that affects GDP
  6. CPI that excludes volatile items
  7. A type of market structure that have a few firms in the industry
  8. A point on the business cycle where the GDP of a country is negative
  9. A number between 0-1 that measures the equality of the distributional income
  10. Another word for limited
  11. Payments received by businesses from selling goods and services
  12. Also known as personal income tax
  13. Unlimited wants and needs but not enough resources
  14. When prices are generally falling over a period of time
  15. Goods or services bought from sellers in another country
  16. A supply factor that can affect the cost of production of the business
  17. A point on the business cycle where the GDP is high
  18. Refers to a rise in the level of prices for goods and services over a period of time
  19. Every 20% of income distributed
  1. Another word for unlimited
  2. When consumers and producers are satisfied with the price
  3. A level of income which people cannot enjoy access to basic needs
  4. A factor in the AD formula
  5. One firm in the industry
  6. A situation where prices rise very quickly and go out of control
  7. A level of poverty that is experienced when there is a serious deprivation of basic needs
  8. 80% of a business cost
  9. Goods or services produced in one country but sold to buyers in another country
  10. Gross domestic product
  11. Every 10% of income distributed
  12. A demand factor that can increase GDP
  13. A type of policy that includes interest rates
  14. Events such as cyclones, droughts and floods
  15. A type of market structure that have several firms in the industry and has strong market power
  16. A point on the business cycle where GDP is falling slowly
  17. A measure of resource efficiency
  18. All buildings, equipment and human skills used to produce goods and services
  19. A demand factor in which one product can replace another product
  20. Natural resources that are used to produce goods and services
  21. A type of measure for inflation

40 Clues: 80% of a business costGross domestic productOne firm in the industryAnother word for limitedAnother word for unlimitedA factor in the AD formulaEvery 10% of income distributedA type of measure for inflationEvery 20% of income distributedA supply factor that affects GDPCPI that excludes volatile itemsA measure of resource efficiency...

Economics 2015-05-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. One firm in the industry
  2. Natural resources that are used to produce goods and services
  3. A type of market structure that have several firms in the industry and has strong market power
  4. 80% of a business cost
  5. Also known as personal income tax
  6. Unlimited wants and needs but not enough resources
  7. A point on the business cycle where the GDP is high
  8. Events such as cyclones, droughts and floods
  9. Part of the lorenz diagram that shows the degree of income or wealth quality or inequality
  10. Another word for unlimited
  11. All buildings, equipment and human skills used to produce goods and services
  12. A factor in the AD formula
  13. Every 10% of income distributed
  14. A type of policy that includes interest rates
  15. When prices are generally falling over a period of time
  16. A point on the business cycle where GDP is falling slowly
  17. Another word for limited
  18. Goods or services produced in one country but sold to buyers in another country
  19. A type of policy that includes taxes
  20. Every 20% of income distributed
  21. When consumers and producers are satisfied with the price
  22. A point on the business cycle where GDP is going up slowly
  23. A level of income which people cannot enjoy access to basic needs
  24. A demand factor in which one product can replace another product
  1. Gross domestic product
  2. A type of market structure that have a few firms in the industry
  3. A situation where prices rise very quickly and go out of control
  4. Goods or services bought from sellers in another country
  5. A demand factor that can increase GDP
  6. A level of poverty that is experienced when there is a serious deprivation of basic needs
  7. A supply factor that affects GDP
  8. CPI that excludes volatile items
  9. A number between 0-1 that measures the equality of the distributional income
  10. A supply factor that can affect the cost of production of the business
  11. Refers to a rise in the level of prices for goods and services over a period of time
  12. A type of measure for inflation
  13. When people are willing and able to work but do not have jobs
  14. A point on the business cycle where the GDP of a country is negative
  15. A measure of resource efficiency
  16. Payments received by businesses from selling goods and services

40 Clues: Gross domestic product80% of a business costOne firm in the industryAnother word for limitedAnother word for unlimitedA factor in the AD formulaEvery 10% of income distributedA type of measure for inflationEvery 20% of income distributedA supply factor that affects GDPCPI that excludes volatile itemsA measure of resource efficiency...

Economics 2015-05-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. what is the total number of groups the Consumer Price index regime consist of?
  2. what is the term that refers to the value of a good or service?
  3. spending/ Purchase of consumer goods and services
  4. a tax on an imported good
  5. what is the main source of government revenue?
  6. cost/ What is the term that refers to the next best alternative that must be given up when a choice is made?
  7. what is the term that refers to the people and firms that use resources to make goods and services?
  8. a financial gain
  9. Resources/Oceans, air and minerals are all types of______.
  10. Tax/ Taxes paid by households and businesses on lands and buildings
  11. Competition/What is the term that involves a a lot of competition between firms, each producing a similar product?
  12. policy/ What is the policy that controls interest rates?
  13. goods/ What is the term that is used when goods can be used together?
  14. what is the term that refers to the goods that are required to assist the production of other goods and services/Capital
  15. who is the person who organizes, manages a business?
  16. when a country has a negative GDP the country is likely to be experiencing a_____.
  17. what is the term that is used to describe the price in which determines how much consumers are willing to buy?
  18. production that relies essentially on the growth and nurturing of plants
  19. Growth/ What is the term that refers to the increase in the total output of a nation?
  20. what is the condition that refers to unlimited wants and limited resources?
  21. rate/ What is the term used when the rate of one country's currency is exchanged for the currency of another country?
  22. what is the term that refers to the value of all finally goods and services produced in a year?
  23. what is the term that is used when the government assists companies by giving them money?
  24. goods/What is the term that refers to the replacement of a good?
  25. what is the term that refers to the decrease in prices of goods and services over a period of time?
  26. what is the term that refers to the objects that satisfy people's wants?
  27. the purchase of security, such as a stock or bond for profit
  28. private profit-seeking organizations that use resources to produce goods and services
  29. Demand/ Total demand for a country’s output
  30. what type of elasticity is cigarettes?
  31. what is the term that involves very small numbers of sellers and high market power?
  32. what is the term that is used when money is transferred into a financial account?
  33. what is the term that refers to the type of loan that is used to purchase a house?
  34. when quantity supplied exceeds the quantity demanded
  35. what is the term that refers to the activities that satisfy people's wants?
  1. policy/What is he term used when the government decides to change the tax rates?
  2. of living/Degree of wealth and material comfort available to a person or community
  3. what is the term that is used to describe the price in which determines how much producers are willing to provide?
  4. what is the term used when a country buys production of goods or services from another country?
  5. what is the term that refers to the increase in prices of goods and services over a period of time?
  6. use of someone elses funds in exchange for a promise to pay back with interest
  7. what is the term that refers to the quantity and quality of human effort available to produce goods and services?
  8. what is the term that refers to the rapid increase in prices of goods and services over a period of time. 43 words/
  9. cost/ total cost divided by output
  10. anything that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange in which to buy goods and services.
  11. possibility curve/ what does PPC stand for?
  12. people who use resources to make goods and services
  13. the state of having paid work
  14. GDP/ What type of GDP measures the actual change in volume of goods and services produce?
  15. what is the situation where people are willing to work but do not have jobs?
  16. rates/ Australia's ____ is currently sitting at 2.25%
  17. goods or services brought from sellers in another nation
  18. inflation/ What is the situation when there is excess demand and widespread shortages?
  19. income/What is the term that refers to the amount of money available after income taxes?
  20. price/ What is the term used when both producers and consumers are satisfied with the market price?
  21. income/ What is the term that refers to the total income received from all sources?
  22. goods or services produced in one nation but sold to other nations
  23. what is the term that involves large number of buyers and small number of sellers?
  24. curve/ What is the graphical representation used to measure the distribution of income?
  25. coefficient/ What is the term that refers to the measure of degree of equality in the distribution of income?

60 Clues: a financial gaina tax on an imported goodthe state of having paid workwhat type of elasticity is cigarettes?cost/ total cost divided by outputpossibility curve/ what does PPC stand for?what is the main source of government revenue?Demand/ Total demand for a country’s outputpeople who use resources to make goods and services...

Economics. 2016-06-15

Economics. crossword puzzle
  1. Subjective satisfaction received by a customer from consumption of a set of services or goods.
  2. Form of unemployment which is voluntary
  3. Price paid for use of land
  4. Study of individual consumers and the business firm
  5. system of relations
  6. A market situation where there is only one buyer
  7. Expenses of getting factors of manufacture
  8. Change in price will have a relatively small effect on quantity demanded
  9. Special kind of product that acts as an universal equivalent
  1. Sum of structural and fictional unemployment
  2. Human Resources
  3. Public form of collision of subjects of a market economy
  4. Economics of the world.
  5. Created by people to produce other goods and services
  6. Initiative independent activity of citizens using their own property and responsibility
  7. Goods having similar characteristics
  8. Social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of goods.
  9. Situation of over production
  10. Consumer's ability to buy a product or service at a particular time and place
  11. Deal between economic partners, taking the forms of loan.

20 Clues: Human Resourcessystem of relationsEconomics of the world.Price paid for use of landSituation of over productionGoods having similar characteristicsForm of unemployment which is voluntaryExpenses of getting factors of manufactureSum of structural and fictional unemploymentA market situation where there is only one buyer...

economics 2016-05-09

economics crossword puzzle
  1. is an increase in the level of economic activity, and of the goods and services available.
  2. is a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production
  3. is the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds the portion that is utilized.
  4. is the economic policy of restraining trade between countries through methods.
  5. faire/ a system or point of view that opposes regulation or interference by the government in economic affairs beyond the minimum necessary to allow the free enterprise system to operate according to its own laws.
  6. floor/ is a situation when the price charged is more than or less than the equilibrium price determined by market forces of demand and supply
  7. worth/ s the total assets minus total outside liabilities of an individual or a company.
  8. is a benefit given by the government to groups or individuals usually in the form of a cash payment or tax reduction.
  9. standard/A monetary system in which a country's government allows its currency unit to be freely converted into fixed amounts of gold and vice versa.
  10. the highest point between the end of an economic expansion and the start of a contraction in a business cycle.
  11. Hayek/ is well-known for his numerous contributions in the field of economics and political philosophy.
  12. fund/ is an account that is used to set aside funds to be used in an emergency.
  13. is an agreement among the United States, Canada and Mexico designed to remove tariff barriers between the three countries.\
  1. decline in economic activity spread across the economy.
  2. is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.
  3. A market structure characterized by a single seller, selling a unique product in the market.
  4. IRA/ is an individual retirement plan
  5. trade/ is a policy followed by some international markets in which countries' governments do not restrict imports from, or exports to, other countries.
  6. is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time.
  7. measurement of "useful-ness" that a consumer obtains from any good
  8. advantage/ states that if countries specialize in producing goods where they have a lower opportunity cost – then there will be an increase in economic welfare.
  9. advantage/ refers to the ability of a party (an individual, or firm, or country) to produce a greater quantity of a good, product, or service than competitors, using the same amount of resources.
  10. smith/considered to be the founding father of modern Economics.
  11. is a low turning point or a local minimum of a business cycle.
  12. money is currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but is not backed by a physical commodity.

25 Clues: IRA/ is an individual retirement plandecline in economic activity spread across the economy.is a low turning point or a local minimum of a business cycle.smith/considered to be the founding father of modern Economics.measurement of "useful-ness" that a consumer obtains from any good...

Economics 2017-03-21

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. is to divide a municipality into residential, commercial, and industrial districts (or zones), that are for the most part separate from one another, with the use of property within each district being reasonably uniform.
  2. an extra benefit supplementing an employee's salary, for example, a company car, subsidized meals, health insurance, etc.
  3. a sum of money paid regularly (typically quarterly) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits (or reserves).
  4. the situation prevailing in a market in which buyers and sellers are so numerous and well informed that all elements of monopoly are absent and the market price of a commodity is beyond the control of individual buyers and sellers.
  5. a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee.
  6. a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.
  7. an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company's products.
  8. secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
  9. is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem.
  1. Share of earnings given to a franchise as payment.
  2. the action or process of differentiating.
  3. is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business.
  4. a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.
  5. the maintaining of prices at a certain level by agreement between competing sellers.
  6. is an organization whose purpose is something other than making a profit.
  7. is a type of monopoly that exists as a result of the high fixed costs or startup costs of operating a business in a specific industry.
  8. the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.
  9. the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  10. an association of manufacturers or suppliers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition.
  11. the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.

20 Clues: the action or process of differentiating.a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality.Share of earnings given to a franchise as payment.a thing used to tie something or to fasten things together.the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business....

Economics 2017-12-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Industry is publicly owned and a central authority makes production and consumption decisions
  2. Refers to manufactured goods used to make other goods and services
  3. The study of the costs and benefits of doing a little bit more of an activity versus a little bit less
  4. Decisions by individuals about what to do, which necessarily involve decisions about what not to do
  5. Establish ownership and grant individuals the right to trade goods and services with each other
  6. Rewards or punishments that motivate particular choices
  7. Make prescriptions about the way the economy should work
  8. Describes the efforts of entrepreneurs in organizing resources for production, taking risks to create new enterprises, and innovating to develop new products and production processes
  9. The study of scarcity and choice
  10. Concerned with the overall ups and downs in the economy
  1. The decisions of individual producers and consumers largely determine what, how, and for whom to produce, with the little government involvement in the decisions
  2. When a resource is not available in sufficient quantities to satisfy all the various ways a society wants to use it
  3. What you must give up in order to get an item
  4. Economic measures tat summarize data across many different markets
  5. The study of how people make decisions and how those decisions interact
  6. The branch of economic analysis that describes the way the economy actually works
  7. Anything that can be used to produce something else
  8. Refers to all resources that come from nature, such as minerals, timber, and petroleum
  9. A system for coordinating a society's productive and consumptive activities
  10. The effort of workers

20 Clues: The effort of workersThe study of scarcity and choiceWhat you must give up in order to get an itemAnything that can be used to produce something elseRewards or punishments that motivate particular choicesConcerned with the overall ups and downs in the economyMake prescriptions about the way the economy should work...

Economics 2018-03-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. economy with an economic system that is centrally controlled by a powerful government.
  2. an agreement that is enforceable by law
  3. economies based on customs and historical precedent.
  4. created a free trade zone in Canada, Mexico, and the United States
  5. economy which prevents the government from interfering with trade between individuals.
  6. many governments implement _______ on trade.
  7. economy where consumers make decisions on their own, without much interference from the government
  8. The sole control of the supply of a good or service.
  9. a tax that is a portion of the earnings of an individual or corporation that is paid to the government
  10. an early economist who believed that the free market system was the best way to organize the economy.
  1. helps administer free trade agreements by handling various disputes and providing a forum for member nations to negotiate.
  2. provided the ideology behind many command economies.
  3. These nations have greater levels of political freedom, and also greater levels of economic freedom.
  4. this nation allows less political freedom.
  5. "____ hand" is a term Smith used to describe the influence of competition and self-interest on the economy.
  6. a tax that is deducted from and individual's paycheck
  7. what type of trade increases the material standards of living worldwide?
  8. _____ freedom refers to an individual’s right to answer the three basic economic questions without interference from the government.
  9. ____ Korea is a modern example of a command economy.
  10. economy that combines the competition, self-interest, and profit motive of free market economies with the government regulation and restrictions of command economies.

20 Clues: an agreement that is enforceable by lawthis nation allows less political freedom.many governments implement _______ on trade.provided the ideology behind many command economies.economies based on customs and historical precedent.The sole control of the supply of a good or service.____ Korea is a modern example of a command economy....

ECONOMICS 2018-11-11

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. income of employees
  2. paribus latin phrase meaning “other things equal”
  3. lack of resources
  4. opposite of equilibrium
  5. goods that producers are willing to provide
  6. utility consumer gains from consuming one good
  7. consumers willingness to pay a price for a good
  8. second branch of economics
  9. market that is dominated by only a few large firms
  10. desires
  1. employees
  2. necessities
  3. measure of a variable’s sensitivity to a change in another variable
  4. first branch of economics
  5. greek prefix word “mikro”
  6. state where supply and demand are balanced
  7. process of combining various materials
  8. market structure characterized by single seller
  9. investment
  10. properties

20 Clues: desiresemployeesinvestmentpropertiesnecessitieslack of resourcesincome of employeesopposite of equilibriumfirst branch of economicsgreek prefix word “mikro”second branch of economicsprocess of combining various materialsstate where supply and demand are balancedgoods that producers are willing to provide...

Economics 2018-08-30

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. / machinery used in the production process to produce a further advanced good.
  2. / a situation where resources are limited in terms of meeting consumers demands (needs and wants).
  3. / unemployment due jobs highly demanded in a certain season to a certain time of the year and industry they work in.
  4. / what Australia buys from overseas countries.
  5. / has and index of between 0 and 1.
  6. / Government implemented policy controlling the tax rates.
  7. / those considered as employed however, are not working as many hours as they would like.
  8. / Supply factor that generally is labelled as favourable or unfavourable (having to do with the weather).
  9. / Generally those unemployed will be receiving benefits under here.
  10. / 2-4 (few) businesses dominating the market.
  11. / highest point of the economic business cycle (includes inflation, high GDP and many businesses opening)
  12. / Consumers being optimistic or pessimistic about the future of their business.
  13. / income after one has paid back any loan/mortgage, also affected by interest rates.
  14. / Government spending on goods and services used to help satisfy consumers needs and wants. (teachers, defense workers, etc)
  15. employed / working in paid employment for a minimum of 12 hours per week.
  16. / unemployed however can be working for the black economy, cash in hand. (Removed themselves from any data.
  17. / the largest proportion of income the government receives on the revenue pie.
  18. / products in the marketplace are exactly the same, generally found in a perfect competitive market.
  19. / Disposable income plus indirect government benefits in the form of goods and services.
  20. / Businesses spending on materials, plant and capital affecting aggregate demand.
  21. / Australia purchasing overseas goods to create an even further advanced good to sell as an export.
  22. / Demand factor that is determined by the RBA that controls how much householder with a loan have to pay back.
  23. / The RBA controlling interest rates as a means to expand or contract the economy.
  24. / the labour force will have no cyclical unemployment and some (minimal) natural employment.
  25. / After an increase in population, the ____ curve will shift to the right.
  26. tax / The more you earn the more tax you pay.
  27. / Calculates the total assets a household has, and determines whether they need further assistance from the government.
  28. / After the occurrence of unfavorable climatic conditions, the ___ curve will shift to the left.
  29. / the next best thing foregone.
  30. / private or market income plus direct cash benefits received from the government.
  31. / naturally occurring resources used in the production of goods and services.
  32. / lowest point of the economic business cycle (includes no inflation, low GDP and business bankruptcy.
  1. / Where both the supply and demand curve meet.
  2. / unemployment resulting from industrial reorganisation, typically due to technological advancement.
  3. / Part of the circular flow model that ‘leakes’ money out of the economy.
  4. / unemployed for longer than one year.
  5. / income after tax.
  6. / The government’s budget if their outlays and receipts match up.
  7. / the largest proportion of spending on the government's expenditure pie.
  8. / a highly competitive market structure with many similarities to a perfect competition.
  9. / Part of the circular flow model that injects’ money out of the economy.
  10. / the unemployment due to people being in the process of moving from one job to another.
  11. / What Australia sends to overseas countries in exchange for their contribution to aggregate demand.
  12. employed / working more than 32 hours a week.
  13. / Business owners and entrepreneurs being optimistic or pessimistic about the future profitability of their business.
  14. / The government’s budget if its receipts is greater than their expenses.
  15. / The government’s budget if their outlays are greater than their receipts.
  16. / those unemployed for an extended period of time, can be due to those with a criminal record or a disability.
  17. / The factor affected by consumer's spending on goods and services contributing to the aggregate demand.
  18. / a diagram that demonstrates the choice or option available when deciding how to allocate scarce resources.
  19. / One business dominating the market.
  20. / unemployed due to a lack of aggregate demand.
  21. / Where not all of the resources are not being 'utilised' efficiently.
  22. / Those with the skills and business 'know how'.
  23. / tax system that collects tax proportionally more for lower income earners when compared to lower income earners.
  24. income / income collected from the government (Pension).
  25. income / income collected for the the contribution in the production process.
  26. / the physical and mental effort put in by human beings.

58 Clues: / income after tax./ the next best thing foregone./ has and index of between 0 and 1./ unemployed for longer than one year./ One business dominating the market./ Where both the supply and demand curve meet./ what Australia buys from overseas countries./ 2-4 (few) businesses dominating the market....

Economics 2022-03-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The amount by which the value of a countries exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  2. Send (goods or services) to another country for sale
  3. Are used to restrict trade, as they increase the price of imported goods and services, making them more expensive to consumers
  4. The account which records transactions for the ownership of foreign assets
  5. Money flows into the country
  6. A measurement of the total amount of demand for all finished goods and services produced in an economy
  7. The exchange of goods and services across international borders/territories.
  8. The combined letters which form the equation for aggregate demand
  9. A monetary system that allows the exchange rate to be determined by supply and demand
  10. The amount by which the value of a countries exports exceeds the cost of its imports
  1. An official ban or trade or other commercial activity without a particular economic activity more efficiently than another activity
  2. The ability of an individual/group to carry out a particular economic activity more efficiently than another activity
  3. Part of the current account which represents income that Australian residents earn from and pay to the rest of the world
  4. Intervals of expansion followed by recession in economic activity
  5. The account which measures the inflow and outflow of goods, services, investment incomes and transfer payments
  6. Investments, government expenditure and export earnings are considered...in the circular flow model
  7. An agreement among the United States, Canada, and Mexico designed to remove tariff barriers between the three countries
  8. Middle Eastern Country in which crude petroleum is the top export
  9. A branch of economics that deals with the structure, performance, behaviour, and decision-making of the whole, or aggregate, economy
  10. The economic policy of restricting quotas, and a variety of other government regulations
  11. Money flows out of the country

21 Clues: Money flows into the countryMoney flows out of the countrySend (goods or services) to another country for saleIntervals of expansion followed by recession in economic activityMiddle Eastern Country in which crude petroleum is the top exportThe combined letters which form the equation for aggregate demand...

Economics 2022-04-05

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Another word for money?
  2. What is the name of a famous game that we play in economics class?
  3. Type of money that has no alternative value or use as a commodity?
  4. Who proposed the first National Bank?
  5. Who is our teacher of Economics?
  6. A bank that can lend to other banks in times of need, or a “bankers’ bank”?
  7. A hurt economy?
  8. How are inflation and deflation measured?
  9. Things of value that you can buy or sell?
  10. Anything that is used as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value?
  11. Trees can't be used as money because they lack which of the money characteristics?
  1. The name of unemployment caused by weather changes or other?
  2. The combination of the resources of labor, land, and capital?
  3. The difference between the total cost of production and the total revenues received from buyers?
  4. Moneyless economy that relies on trade or barter?
  5. How many broad categories of unemployment are there?
  6. What is the minimum age in order to be counted as a part of the civilian labor force?
  7. The ability to use the money now or in the future represent the function of money as?
  8. How much do people want something?
  9. Where do you think is the best economy?

20 Clues: A hurt economy?Another word for money?Who is our teacher of Economics?How much do people want something?Who proposed the first National Bank?Where do you think is the best economy?How are inflation and deflation measured?Things of value that you can buy or sell?Moneyless economy that relies on trade or barter?...

economics 2021-12-03

economics crossword puzzle
  1. amount invested by the owner
  2. anything that motivates a person to do something.
  3. a system that combines aspects of both capitalism and socialism
  4. a service or other asset used to produce goods and services that meet human needs and wants
  5. a quantity of good or services produced in a specific time period
  6. the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in production
  7. something needed to survive
  8. the change in total production cost that comes from making or producing another unit of a product
  9. the value of the next best alternative when a decision is made
  10. a ratio between the output volume and the volume of inputs
  11. the maximum amount of money a consumer is willing to pay
  12. raw materials occurring in nature that can be used for economic production
  13. rules that limit who can enter a business
  1. an economic system where two forces known as supply and demand direct the production of goods and services
  2. the amount of physical effort used to produce goods and services
  3. anything that motivates a person
  4. imposition of rules by government
  5. a system of production-distribution of goods
  6. to the distribution of existing resources
  7. an increase in the production of economic goods and services
  8. the excess over the returns to capital,land,and labour

21 Clues: something needed to surviveamount invested by the owneranything that motivates a personimposition of rules by governmentto the distribution of existing resourcesrules that limit who can enter a businessa system of production-distribution of goodsanything that motivates a person to do something.the excess over the returns to capital,land,and labour...

Economics 2022-02-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. trading one good/service for another
  2. are any resource found in nature that is used to produce goods/services
  3. the desire for something that may or not be required
  4. activity of producing goods and services
  5. Tangible items that will be consumed by industrial users
  6. Uses Goods and Services
  7. actual price that prevails in the market
  8. productive resources like human and natural resources and capital goods
  9. Business responsible for moving, storing, or locating the goods and services
  10. desires that can be obtained without spending money
  11. quantity of a good that will be offered for sale varies
  1. Quantity of a good that a buyer is ready to buy
  2. indication of how changes in price in the amount demanded and supplied
  3. amount of money paid for a good
  4. when supply is greater than demand
  5. Objects that can be produced for resale
  6. Intangible acts performed by other people for money
  7. activity of using goods and services
  8. tangible items used for personal use
  9. people who make or provide the goods
  10. constructed items that are used in the production of goods
  11. Prices determine who gets the goods/services produced

22 Clues: Uses Goods and Servicesamount of money paid for a goodwhen supply is greater than demandtrading one good/service for anotheractivity of using goods and servicestangible items used for personal usepeople who make or provide the goodsObjects that can be produced for resaleactivity of producing goods and services...

Economics 2022-05-17

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. market
  2. loss
  3. luotto
  4. commodity
  5. production
  6. trade
  7. kulutus
  8. vero
  9. economi
  10. savings
  11. lama
  1. investment
  2. economic
  3. exports
  4. devaluation
  5. alennus
  6. tili
  7. talletus
  8. assets
  9. palkata
  10. kuluttaja

21 Clues: losstiliverolamatrademarketluottoassetsexportsalennuspalkatakulutuseconomisavingseconomictalletuscommoditykuluttajainvestmentproductiondevaluation

economics 2022-05-18

economics crossword puzzle
  1. and
  2. to
  3. death
  4. amen
  5. gentle
  6. self
  7. deaf
  8. i
  9. mom
  10. hey
  11. yep
  12. cross
  13. yeah
  14. blind
  15. forever
  16. eric
  17. jesus
  1. lover
  2. grave
  3. loser
  4. be
  5. good
  6. kind
  7. faithful
  8. trust
  9. mmhm
  10. love
  11. ill
  12. you
  13. control
  14. ho
  15. peace
  16. god
  17. elijah
  18. patience
  19. your

36 Clues: ibetohoandillyoumomheygodyepgoodkindmmhmamenloveselfdeafyeahyourericlovergravelosertrustdeathpeacecrossblindjesusgentleelijahcontrolforeverfaithfulpatience

Economics 2023-08-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. of labor -separating task
  2. of production -land,labor
  3. -factors of production
  4. that takes away something
  5. decision-marginal benefits are greater than cost
  6. cost-change in total cost
  7. -resources are limited
  8. a person who takes risk
  9. Study of choices and how a society allocates scarce resources
  10. worker performs
  11. goods- a tool or equipment used to produce other goods
  12. -vital to sustain
  1. -anything taken from earth
  2. any factor”financial “
  3. cost- opportunity lost when one alternative is chosen another
  4. off-economic situation related to opportunity cost
  5. factors
  6. benefits- additional/extra benefit
  7. -not using all productive resources
  8. -using all productive resources
  9. method of distribution of goods and services
  10. anything that brings value
  11. equipment and factories used in the production of goods and services

23 Clues: factorsworker performs-vital to sustainany factor”financial “-factors of production-resources are limiteda person who takes riskof labor -separating taskof production -land,laborthat takes away somethingcost-change in total cost-anything taken from earthanything that brings value-using all productive resourcesbenefits- additional/extra benefit...

ECONOMICS 2023-11-08

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle


Economics 2023-11-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. having limited resources to meet all the needs and wants
  2. one of four factors of production soil
  3. you can only use it once it will not last forever
  4. the way participants in an economy rely on each other for goods and services they cannot produce
  5. time and labour given without payment in return
  6. machinery, tools and building used to produce goods and services
  7. The person who buys goods and services
  8. the value of the best alternative given up when making a choice for something else
  9. something you would like to have
  10. The exchange of goods and services amongst buyers and sellers
  1. work type that is often irregular hours
  2. type of work that is ongoing and more than 35 hours per week
  3. A focus on the production of a particular good or service
  4. money earnt from working in the form of a wage
  5. combines all factors of production together
  6. something you need to survive
  7. The way we distribute the scarce resources
  8. the study of how society uses resources for needs and wants
  9. a job type that is ongoing but less that 35 hours per week
  10. The people or organisations that supply goods and services
  11. factor of production representing workers effort

21 Clues: something you need to survivesomething you would like to haveone of four factors of production soilThe person who buys goods and serviceswork type that is often irregular hoursThe way we distribute the scarce resourcescombines all factors of production togethermoney earnt from working in the form of a wage...

Economics 2023-11-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions and wages
  2. sells merchandise at reduced prices for their members
  3. companies reach out to other companies to do a specific job
  4. a certificate of ownership in a corporation
  5. movement of company operations to a different country
  6. business organization owned by two or more people
  7. demand for labor
  8. wage rate or price of labor services that is set when demand for workers is met
  9. business owned and managed by a single individual
  1. two or more firms competing in the same market with the same good
  2. all nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployed
  3. an organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands
  4. theory about the relationship between education and wages
  5. money and other valuables
  6. authorization from local government to run a business
  7. business organization owned by a group of people
  8. legal entity owned by individual stock holders
  9. formal contract issued by a corporation
  10. debts
  11. negotiating labor contracts that keeps unnecessary workers on the company payroll

20 Clues: debtsdemand for labormoney and other valuablesformal contract issued by a corporationa certificate of ownership in a corporationlegal entity owned by individual stock holdersbusiness organization owned by a group of peoplebusiness organization owned by two or more peoplebusiness owned and managed by a single individual...

Economics 2023-11-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. paid leave from your job
  2. lots of money
  3. works when needed
  4. a lack or resources
  5. learning on the job
  6. someone who generates goods
  7. something from nature
  8. your job
  9. how things rely on each other
  10. a wage
  11. something you need to survive
  1. an intern
  2. making decisions
  3. soil
  4. something you would like
  5. money your employer sets aside
  6. someone with an idea
  7. someone who buys things
  8. machinery
  9. when you stop working
  10. how much of a job or service is wanted
  11. workers

22 Clues: soila wageworkersyour joban internmachinerylots of moneymaking decisionsworks when neededa lack or resourceslearning on the jobsomeone with an ideawhen you stop workingsomething from naturesomeone who buys thingssomething you would likepaid leave from your jobsomeone who generates goodshow things rely on each othersomething you need to survive...

Economics 2023-11-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. tax levied on the consumption of goods and services
  2. a person/conmpany/country that supplies goods and services
  3. money that is paid by a government or Organization to make prices lower. Usually to encourage production of a certain good.
  4. its consumption is beneficial to the society.
  5. something people require to survive
  6. difference between total revenue and total cost
  7. shows the maximum possible output combination of two goods and services an economy can achieve when all resources are fully and efficiently employed
  8. the quantity of goods and services consumers are willing to purchase at a given price
  9. something that has an effect on something
  1. process of using goods or services to statist wants and needs
  2. the amount of money a firm receives from selling goods
  3. things that you think are true although you have no definite
  4. a person/ company/ country that purchases goods and services
  5. the price at which demand and supply are equal
  6. one good
  7. spending by a government
  8. the amount of goods producers are willing to offer for sale at different prices in a given period of time
  9. what the customer is willing to pay for a goods or service
  10. the desire for goods and services
  11. when any economic agent will compromise

20 Clues: one goodspending by a governmentthe desire for goods and servicessomething people require to survivewhen any economic agent will compromisesomething that has an effect on somethingits consumption is beneficial to the society.the price at which demand and supply are equaldifference between total revenue and total cost...

Economics 2023-11-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. partnership A type of partnership in which all partners share equally in both responsibility and liability.
  2. A legal entity, or being owned by individual stockholders.
  3. The movement of some of a company's operations or resources of production. To another country
  4. The money and other valuables belonging to an individual or business.
  5. A business organization owned and operated by a group of people for their shared benefit
  6. The wage rate, or price of labor of labor services.
  7. A certificate of ownership in a corporation.
  8. A formal contract issued by a corporation or other legal entity that includes a promise to repay borrowed money.
  9. All nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployed
  10. work that requires specialized skills
  11. The share of earnings given by a franchise as payment to the franchiser.
  12. The practice of contracting with another company to do a specific job that would otherwise be done by a company's own workers.
  1. An institution that functions much like a business but does not operate for the purpose of making a profit.
  2. Workers that are allowed to work and live in the united states only temporarily.
  3. A business owned and managed by one individual.
  4. Someone who works in a professional or clerical job and who usually earns a weekly salary.
  5. demand A type of demand that is set by the demand for another good or service.
  6. The legal obligation to pay debts.
  7. An organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands.
  8. Work that requires no specialized skills, education, or training.

20 Clues: The legal obligation to pay debts.work that requires specialized skillsA certificate of ownership in a corporation.A business owned and managed by one individual.The wage rate, or price of labor of labor services.All nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployedA legal entity, or being owned by individual stockholders....

Economics 2023-11-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions and wages
  2. sells merchandise at reduced prices for their members
  3. companies reach out to other companies to do a specific job
  4. a certificate of ownership in a corporation
  5. movement of company operations to a different country
  6. business organization owned by two or more people
  7. demand for labor
  8. wage rate or price of labor services that is set when demand for workers is met
  9. business owned and managed by a single individual
  1. two or more firms competing in the same market with the same good
  2. all nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployed
  3. an organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands
  4. theory about the relationship between education and wages
  5. money and other valuables
  6. authorization from local government to run a business
  7. business organization owned by a group of people
  8. legal entity owned by individual stock holders
  9. formal contract issued by a corporation
  10. debts
  11. negotiating labor contracts that keeps unnecessary workers on the company payroll

20 Clues: debtsdemand for labormoney and other valuablesformal contract issued by a corporationa certificate of ownership in a corporationlegal entity owned by individual stock holdersbusiness organization owned by a group of peoplebusiness organization owned by two or more peoplebusiness owned and managed by a single individual...

Economics 2023-11-15

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. organization of workers that tries to improve working conditions and wages
  2. sells merchandise at reduced prices for their members
  3. companies reach out to other companies to do a specific job
  4. a certificate of ownership in a corporation
  5. movement of company operations to a different country
  6. business organization owned by two or more people
  7. demand for labor
  8. wage rate or price of labor services that is set when demand for workers is met
  9. business owned and managed by a single individual
  1. two or more firms competing in the same market with the same good
  2. all nonmilitary people who are employed or unemployed
  3. an organized work stoppage intended to force an employer to address union demands
  4. theory about the relationship between education and wages
  5. money and other valuables
  6. authorization from local government to run a business
  7. business organization owned by a group of people
  8. legal entity owned by individual stock holders
  9. formal contract issued by a corporation
  10. debts
  11. negotiating labor contracts that keeps unnecessary workers on the company payroll

20 Clues: debtsdemand for labormoney and other valuablesformal contract issued by a corporationa certificate of ownership in a corporationlegal entity owned by individual stock holdersbusiness organization owned by a group of peoplebusiness organization owned by two or more peoplebusiness owned and managed by a single individual...

Economics 2023-12-01

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The difference between what was earned and what was spent in order to create the good or service
  2. Unity of ownership in a publicly listed company.
  3. Saving for retirement-contributions are made by an employer.
  4. Buying, selling, or exchanging g/s between people or countries, etc...
  5. Inputs from man-made goods, such as machines or computers, that are used to produce further goods or services.
  6. A stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organisation in order to function effectively.
  7. A scheme that is deliberately dishonest.
  8. Having limited resources to achieve unlimited needs and wants.
  9. Inputs from nature such as water, forests, and fertile land used in the production of goods/services.
  1. When a business is able to outperform similar businesses in a market.
  2. The likelihood of loss.
  3. A business or organisation hiring workers to perform specific tasks in return for payment.
  4. Exchange of goods or services between buyers and sellers
  5. Inputs from human efforts (physical and/or mental) used in the production of goods and services.
  6. An individual who purchases goods or services for personal use
  7. The cost of the next-best alternative use of resources.
  8. A person's regular occupation, profession or trade / An organisation or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
  9. Sum or money that is still owed
  10. The way scarce resources are distributed among producers, how scarce goods and services are divided among consumers.
  11. The study of how people produce, consume, and share wealth

20 Clues: The likelihood of loss.Sum or money that is still owedA scheme that is deliberately dishonest.Unity of ownership in a publicly listed company.The cost of the next-best alternative use of resources.Exchange of goods or services between buyers and sellersThe study of how people produce, consume, and share wealth...

Economics 2024-02-26

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. amount an individual or business makes after deducting costs, allowances and taxes
  2. group organized for purposes other than generating profit
  3. a company that has business operations in at least one country other than its home country
  4. private organization that provides the public with information on businesses and charities
  5. amount of money a company borrows when it takes a loan.
  6. specialized form of general partnership.
  7. shares of ownership in a corporation and the type of stock in which most people invest.
  8. fixed-income instrument that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower
  9. taxing of shareholder dividends after taxation as corporate earnings.
  10. items, goods, merchandise, and materials held by a business for selling in the market to earn a profit.
  11. non-registered, unincorporated business run solely by one individual proprietor with no distinction between the business and the owner.
  12. situation where a business closes if the owner dies, retires, or leaves for some other reason.
  13. form of fundraising where a business asks the public for a contribution
  14. a business whereby the owner licenses its operations—along with its products, branding, and knowledge
  15. union between two companies in the same industry but at different stages of the production process
  16. corporation made up of several different, independent businesses
  17. association or network of businesspeople designed to promote and protect the interests of its members
  18. relationship between two or more people to do trade or business.
  19. companies operating in the same or similar industry combine together
  20. not-for-profit financial institution that accepts deposits, make loans, and provides a wide array of other financial services
  21. sells the right to open stores and sell products or services using its brand, expertise, and intellectual property.
  22. measure of the amount of value an asset loses from influential factors affecting its market value.
  1. one or more business owners or partners are liable for their company's debts and tax compliance.
  2. private equity investor that provides capital to companies with high growth potential
  3. organization of workers that negotiates with employers over wages and working conditions
  4. documents that bind a company's objectives and goals.
  5. financial statement that shows you the company's income and expenditures.
  6. user-owned and controlled business from which benefits are derived and distributed equitably on the basis of use or as a business owned and controlled by the people who use its services
  7. focused on early-stage startups that do not have a business model in place
  8. distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders and is determined by the company's board of directors.
  9. voluntary process used to determine terms and conditions of work and regulate relations between employers, workers and their organisations
  10. type of stock that pays shareholders a specified dividend and has priority over common stock for receiving dividends.
  11. total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business
  12. legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners.
  13. share in the ownership of a company, including a claim on the company's earnings and assets.
  14. monetary charge for borrowing money
  15. wealthy person who invests his or her own money in a company
  16. business arrangement by which two or more individuals agree to share responsibilities, assets, profits, and financial and legal liabilities of a jointly-owned business.
  17. an individual that owns at least one share of an organisation's capital stock.
  18. individual who purchases the right to sell the franchisor's goods or services using its existing business model and trademark.

40 Clues: monetary charge for borrowing moneyspecialized form of general partnership.documents that bind a company's objectives and goals.amount of money a company borrows when it takes a loan.group organized for purposes other than generating profitlegal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners....

Economics 2024-02-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. amout of money going in to your bank account
  2. the action of helping someone
  3. transport goods some were
  4. short supply of stuff
  5. give something and receive somthing
  6. money you have saved in the bank
  7. the resources needed or wanted
  8. increase in the cost of something
  9. what something cost
  10. discussing something
  1. a safe place for your money
  2. the stuff you need to build something
  3. an action of buying and sell goods
  4. something used to buy thinks
  5. the merchandise
  6. an amout of something left over
  7. a person who purches goods
  8. can not abtaine supply's
  9. were people buy food
  10. how much something is

20 Clues: the merchandisewhat something costwere people buy fooddiscussing somethingshort supply of stuffhow much something iscan not abtaine supply'stransport goods some werea person who purches goodsa safe place for your moneysomething used to buy thinksthe action of helping someonethe resources needed or wantedan amout of something left over...

economics 2024-01-21

economics crossword puzzle
  1. real
  2. efficiency
  3. opportunity
  4. productionpossibility
  5. household
  6. products
  7. corporation
  8. socialism
  9. absolute
  10. competition
  11. resource
  1. underutilization
  2. circular
  3. scarcity
  4. nationalincome
  5. incentives
  6. partnership
  7. factorsofproduction
  8. money
  9. communism
  10. capitalism
  11. comparative
  12. entrepreneur
  13. economicfreedom
  14. business

25 Clues: realmoneycircularscarcityproductsabsolutebusinessresourcecommunismhouseholdsocialismincentivesefficiencycapitalismpartnershipopportunitycomparativecorporationcompetitionentrepreneurnationalincomeeconomicfreedomunderutilizationfactorsofproductionproductionpossibility

Economics 2024-01-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The rights of individuals to own property with in an economic system
  2. Rent, wages, interest, profit
  3. Limited quantities of resources to meet unlimited wants
  4. The struggle among producers to gain the business of consumers
  5. Money spent by households to purchase products
  6. Economic system with private ownership and very little gov't intervention
  7. A business organization owned by two or more people
  8. possibility A curve that shows alternative ways to use and economies resources
  9. The market in which households are sellers and businesses are buyers
  10. A business organization made up of a legal entity owned by individual stockholders
  11. Offering that encourages people to behave in a certain way
  12. Goods and services
  1. Land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship
  2. Economic system with centrally planned economy and gov't control
  3. The flow of resources and finished products between businesses and households
  4. Economic system with evenly distributed wealth and combined gov't control and private ownership
  5. The sector of the economy that provides resources and purchases products
  6. The flow of money as income and consumer expenditures between households and businesses
  7. The market in which businesses are sellers and household are buyers
  8. Ambitious leader who combines land,labor, and capital to creat a market new goods or services
  9. Using fewer resources that an economy is capable of using
  10. A business organization owned and managed by a single individual
  11. The gap between the two products that results from underutilization on a PPC
  12. Economic cost of choices
  13. The sector of the economy that purchases resources and provide products
  14. The model showing the flow between households and businesses

26 Clues: Goods and servicesEconomic cost of choicesRent, wages, interest, profitLand, labor, capital, entrepreneurshipMoney spent by households to purchase productsA business organization owned by two or more peopleLimited quantities of resources to meet unlimited wantsUsing fewer resources that an economy is capable of using...

Economics 2024-01-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the struggle among producers to gain the business of consumers
  2. goods and services
  3. possibility, alternative way to use economic resources
  4. sector of economy that provides resources and purchase products
  5. of production, Land, labor, capital,entrepreneurship
  6. income, rent, wages, interest, profit
  7. expenditures, money spent by households to purchase products
  8. economic system with private ownership and little government intervention
  9. offering that encourages people to behave in a certain way
  10. limited quantities of resources to meet unlimited wants
  11. sector of economy that purchases resources and provide products
  12. flow of money as income and consumer expenditures between households and businesses
  13. economic cost of choice
  14. flow of resources and finished products between businesses and households
  1. the rights of individuals to own property with an economic system
  2. market where businesses are sellers and household are buyers
  3. a business organization owned by two or more people
  4. economic system with evenly distributed wealth and combined government control and private ownership
  5. using fewer resources that an economy is capable of using
  6. model showing flow between households and businesses

20 Clues: goods and serviceseconomic cost of choiceincome, rent, wages, interest, profita business organization owned by two or more peopleof production, Land, labor, capital,entrepreneurshipmodel showing flow between households and businessespossibility, alternative way to use economic resourceslimited quantities of resources to meet unlimited wants...

Economics 2024-03-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The expenses that a new business must pay before it can begin to produce and sell goods
  2. An agreement among firms to sell at the same or very similar prices
  3. A business combination similar to a cartel
  4. Factors that make it difficult for new firms to enter a market
  5. Contract issued by a local authority that gives a single firm the right to sell its goods within an exclusive market
  6. Perfect competition
  7. A company joins with another company or companies to form a single firm
  8. Skeptical about most claims of predatory pricing, predator loses money each time it drives an endless series or rivals out of business
  9. A market dominated by a few large, profitable firms
  10. When competitors cut their prices very low to win business
  11. Granting firms the right to operate a business, especially where scarce resources are involved
  12. A market that runs most efficiently when one large firm provides all of the output
  13. A monopoly created by the government
  14. Enables a monopolistically competitive seller to profit from the differences between his or her products and competitors' products
  15. An agreement among members of an oligopoly to illegally set prices and production levels
  1. The ability to control prices and total market output
  2. Based on the idea that each customer has a maximum price that he or she will pay for a good
  3. Many companies compete in an open market to sell products that are similar but not identical
  4. A market structure that fails to meet the conditions of pure competition
  5. Competition through ways other than lower prices
  6. An agreement by a formal organization of producers to coordinate prices and production
  7. A product that is considered the same regardless of who makes or sells it
  8. If a firm controls a large share of a market, watch the firm
  9. Characteristics that cause a producer's average cost to drop as production rises
  10. Government no longer decides what role each company can play in a market and how much it can charge its customers
  11. Gives a company exclusive rights to sell a new good or service for a specific period of time
  12. Forms when barriers prevent firms from entering a market that has a single supplier

27 Clues: Perfect competitionA monopoly created by the governmentA business combination similar to a cartelCompetition through ways other than lower pricesA market dominated by a few large, profitable firmsThe ability to control prices and total market outputWhen competitors cut their prices very low to win business...

ECONOMICS 2024-03-14

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. economic system where individuals answer the 3 questions
  2. the next best alternative when making a decision
  3. the science of scarcity
  4. when government takes money from a business to limit production
  5. government programs aimed at limiting poverty
  6. we have unlimited wants but limited resources
  7. weighing the marginal benefits & costs
  8. people who benefit from a good/service without paying
  9. output per unit of input
  10. when the invisible hand fails
  11. economic system in which the government answers the 3 questions
  1. any point inside of the PPC
  2. all the alternatives given up when making a decision
  3. destroy competition (they are the market)
  4. when government gives money to businesses to increase production
  5. where Qd=Qs
  6. any point along the PPC
  7. the amount of a good producers are willing and able to sell at different prices
  8. what motivates all businesses
  9. the amount of a good people are willing and able to buy at different prices

20 Clues: where Qd=Qsthe science of scarcityany point along the PPCoutput per unit of inputany point inside of the PPCwhat motivates all businesseswhen the invisible hand failsweighing the marginal benefits & costsdestroy competition (they are the market)government programs aimed at limiting povertywe have unlimited wants but limited resources...

ECONOMICS 2024-03-15

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. the goal of any American business
  2. China is a _____ country because of its economic system
  3. another word meaning trade
  4. _____ used traditional economies in prehistoric times
  5. private individual citizens own their own property in a _____ economy
  6. the United States is a _____ country because of its economic system
  7. the social science that studies money
  8. there is no money in a _____ economy
  1. the government owns everything in a _____ economy
  2. _____ _____ is the founder of communism
  3. the name of this class subject
  4. Who owns everything in command economies?
  5. in communist countries the government even tells you what _____ you will do
  6. economics is the laws of supply & _____
  7. "barter" is a fancy word meaning _____
  8. _____ _____ is the founder of capitalism
  9. economics is the laws of _____ & demand
  10. this economy is a mix of capitalism & communism
  11. the $$$ sign represents _____
  12. this island nation 90 miles from the USA is the only country Americans are not allowed to buy anything from

20 Clues: another word meaning tradethe $$$ sign represents _____the name of this class subjectthe goal of any American businessthere is no money in a _____ economythe social science that studies money"barter" is a fancy word meaning __________ _____ is the founder of communismeconomics is the laws of supply & _____economics is the laws of _____ & demand...

Economics 2024-03-16

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. are work that one person does for another
  2. Every choice involves costs. These costs can take the form of money, time, or some other thing you value.
  3. the study of the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of production and consumption of goods and services.
  4. is a person who buys or uses goods or services
  5. benefit offered to encourage people to act in a certain way
  6. are desires that can be satisfied by consuming a good or a service
  7. is a maker of goods or a provider of services
  8. the benefit or satisfaction gained from using a good or service
  9. are things that are necessary for survival
  10. Also known as open-end funds are professionally managed funds that pool lots of investors’ money in order to buy a basket of investments.
  11. All the natural resources found on or under the ground that are used to produce goods and services are considered land
  12. Buying assets such as stock, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate with the expectation that your investment will grow in value.
  13. All the human time, effort, and talent that go into the production of goods and services are considered labor
  14. exists when there are not enough resources to satisfy human wants
  15. the alternative someone gives when making an economic choice
  16. The choices people make are shaped by incentives, by expected utility, and by the desire to economize
  17. The collection of physical and electronic markets where buyers and sellers can trade shares. It is like a giant, global auction. Most trading happens through the stock exchanges.
  18. Land,Labor,Entrepreneurship,Capital
  1. A collection of stocks and bonds (or other securities) pooled into a single fund. You can buy and sell shares of ETFs on a stock exchange the same way you buy and sell stocks. Although they are very similar to mutual funds, unlike mutual funds, you can trade ETFs throughout the trading day.
  2. to make decision according what is believed to be the best combination of costs and benefits
  3. a symbol by which stocks are identified. Tickers are a few letters that distinguish a company’s shares in the stock market.
  4. the practice of examining the costs and the expected benefits of a choice as an aid to decision making
  5. All the physical resources made and used by people to produce and distribute goods and services are considered capital. So, too, are the knowledge and skills that make workers more productive
  6. are shares (pieces) of ownership in a company
  7. The combination of vision, skill, ingenuity, and willingness to take risks that is needed to create and run new businesses is called entrepreneurship
  8. are objects, such as food, clothing, and furniture, that can be bought
  9. the additional cost of producing or using one more unit of a good or service
  10. the value of something that is given up by choosing one alternative over another
  11. the benefit or satisfaction gained from using one or more unit of a good or service

29 Clues: Land,Labor,Entrepreneurship,Capitalare work that one person does for anotherare things that are necessary for survivalare shares (pieces) of ownership in a companyis a maker of goods or a provider of servicesis a person who buys or uses goods or servicesbenefit offered to encourage people to act in a certain way...

Economics 2023-10-27

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The study of individual markets and how they work.
  2. The cost of borrowing money.
  3. The opposite of inflation, a general decrease in prices.
  4. The study of the overall economy, including inflation and unemployment.
  5. A strategic document outlining a company's goals and how to achieve them.
  6. A measure of a country's economic output.
  7. The state in which supply and demand are balanced.
  8. Putting money into a project with the hope of future gain.
  9. Something valuable that an individual or organization owns.
  10. An economic system based on private ownership and free markets.
  1. A decrease in the value of an asset.
  2. An increase in the value of an asset.
  3. An economic system where the means of production are collectively owned.
  4. A place where you can buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies.
  5. The study of how societies allocate resources.
  6. A general increase in prices, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of a currency.
  7. The desire for a product in the market.
  8. GDP per person, a measure of income per capita.
  9. Ownership shares in a company.
  10. The quantity of a product available for purchase.

20 Clues: The cost of borrowing money.Ownership shares in a company.A decrease in the value of an asset.An increase in the value of an asset.The desire for a product in the market.A measure of a country's economic output.The study of how societies allocate resources.GDP per person, a measure of income per capita....

Economics 2024-05-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. The amount of money a person earns in a given period of time
  2. Economic system that uses free markets and funds many societal functions, such as education and healthcare
  3. An area of the production, distribution and trade, as well as consumption of goods and services
  4. The result of people who wish to work but cannot find work
  5. A type of place where shares of companies can be bought, sold and traded
  6. Economic system that uses high tax rates to fund necessary quality-of-life elements of society
  7. A government payment to an individual or business to assist in their continued economic activity
  8. Occurs when too much of a good or service is offered
  9. The total of goods and services sold in a country
  10. Money earned per year according to a contractual agreement
  1. Economic system that emphasizes use of a free market
  2. Money earned by the hour, determined by state of employment and employer
  3. Economic system that disperses the wealth of the nation equitably to its citizens
  4. The effect of a currency losing its value over time
  5. The purchase of goods or services for the further production of other goods and services
  6. Goods or services sent to another country for sale
  7. The desire and ability to purchase a good or service
  8. Occurs when a good or service cannot match the level of demand
  9. Goods or services brought into a country from abroad for sale
  10. The goods or services ready for economic purchase or trade
  11. Required monthly and annual payments to the State that are used for the welfare of the State
  12. Money used in economic transactions,

22 Clues: Money used in economic transactions,The total of goods and services sold in a countryGoods or services sent to another country for saleThe effect of a currency losing its value over timeEconomic system that emphasizes use of a free marketThe desire and ability to purchase a good or serviceOccurs when too much of a good or service is offered...

Economics 2024-05-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the consumer makes market decisions
  2. general increase in prices and fall in the value of money
  3. when the market is growing and doing well
  4. property consisting of lang of buildings
  5. 20-30 years, much cheaper
  6. stock dividing and then paying out to you
  7. tax on privately owned property
  8. giving up the best thing for and alternative
  9. business run individually and for people who pay money
  10. business run and paid for by the government
  11. when the stocks go down and economy is struggling
  1. when economy suffers government should influx money
  2. performance how well a stock is doing based on how others are doing
  3. have disadvantages because they pay higher taxes
  4. the more you make the more luxury you can buy
  5. have advantages because they don't get taxed as much
  6. anything you gave up to make a finacial decision
  7. automatically pays out, more expensive,
  8. a share in the ownership of a company
  9. hands-off economy will self regulate
  10. father of modern economics, wealth of nations, capitalism

21 Clues: 20-30 years, much cheapertax on privately owned propertythe consumer makes market decisionshands-off economy will self regulatea share in the ownership of a companyautomatically pays out, more expensive,property consisting of lang of buildingswhen the market is growing and doing wellstock dividing and then paying out to you...

ECONOMICS 2024-05-12

ECONOMICS crossword puzzle
  1. monetary value of all goods and services made within a country.
  2. demand increase rapidly, supply decreases/remains the same, to restore equilibrium prices will be made higher.
  3. costs that a firm incurs due to changing its prices.
  4. decline in economic activity, lasting for a few months
  5. a period of weak or negative growth in real GDP, unemployment is also high.
  6. unemployment due to technological change
  7. recovering from recession and economy starts to expand again.
  8. when people are unemployed at certain times of the year due to low demand for labour.
  9. how quickly the prices of good and services are rising.
  10. the result of workers seeking new employment or transitioning from old jobs to new jobs.
  11. extremely poor
  12. inflation of goods and services due to an increase in costs for producing the good.
  13. the cost to individuals who have to take frequent visits to the bank to take out more money for goods and services in periods of high inflation
  14. the amount of goods and services an economy is able to produce
  1. the state of someone not having a job.
  2. a period of rapid economic expansion
  4. something that is produced and consumed within the same country
  5. the level of income, and wether a person can afford necessities, comforts & luxuries
  6. an individual is not working but is able and willing to work and actively seeking employment
  7. occurs when there's a downturn in the economy, which might lead to lower demand for goods and services, deriving the demand for labour to decrease too.
  8. reduction of the general price for goods and services (lower prices)
  9. goods imported into a country for sale that is manufactured in a different country,

23 Clues: extremely poora period of rapid economic expansionthe state of someone not having a job.unemployment due to technological changeINCREASE IN THE LEVEL OF OUTPUT BY A NATION.costs that a firm incurs due to changing its prices.decline in economic activity, lasting for a few monthshow quickly the prices of good and services are rising....

Economics 2024-05-12

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. you choose one thing which causes you to have to give up, or sacrifice, another. In economics, trade-offs are evaluated based upon their opportunity cost
  2. The sum of money paid regularly by a company to its shareholders
  3. Products that “compliment” each other
  4. Mandatory payments collected from individuals and corporations by a government entity to fund government activity
  5. real property that includes land and anything permanently attached to it or built on it, whether natural or man-made
  6. the process of developing, organizing, and running a new business to generate profit while taking on financial risk
  7. the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time
  8. Deals with the structure, performance, behavior, and decision-making of the whole, or aggregate, economy.
  9. the process of creating a plan to spend your money
  1. Pessimism: economy is contracting and last an average length of 1 year
  2. The study of economics on an individual level
  3. A product or service that can be used in place of another
  4. a means of communication with the users of a product or service
  5. Optimism: economy is expanding and last an average of 7 years
  6. means of protection from financial loss in which, in exchange for a fee, a party agrees to compensate another party in the event of a certain loss, damage, or injury
  7. the action or fact of leaving one's job and ceasing to work
  8. Father of modern Economics
  9. known as equity, is a security that represents the ownership of a fraction of the issuing corporation. Units of stock are called "shares" which entitles the owner to a proportion of the corporation's assets and profits equal to how much stock they own.
  10. value of what is lost when choosing one thing over another
  11. economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods

20 Clues: Father of modern EconomicsProducts that “compliment” each otherThe study of economics on an individual levelthe process of creating a plan to spend your moneyA product or service that can be used in place of anotherthe rate of increase in prices over a given period of timevalue of what is lost when choosing one thing over another...

Economics 2024-05-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A situation in which the quanity demanded is greater than the supply
  2. Making, buying selling, and trading of a country
  3. the sum of all goods and services produced within a country's borders in one year
  4. the desire to own something and the ability to pay for it
  5. An economic system in which the government controls a country's economy.
  6. industry involved in the transfer and processing of information and knowledge
  7. a modern, industrialized country in which people are generally better educated and healthier and live longer
  8. An economy in which production is based on customs and traditions and economic roles are typically passed down from one generation to the next.
  9. market-based economic system with limited government involvement
  10. Industry that produces raw materials; examples include agriculture, fishing, mining, and forestry.
  11. a type of economy in which people are free to buy, sell, and produce whatever they want
  1. The idea that certain restrictions should be placed on government to protect the natural rights of citizens.
  2. Land, labor, and capital; the three groups of resources that are used to make all goods and services
  3. economic system in which decisions on production are made by business owners and consumers
  4. A situation in which quantity supplied is greater than quantity demanded
  5. A government in which no limits are imposed on the ruler's authority. The leaders don't have to follow the same laws as everyone else.
  6. A country that has low industrial production and little modern technology
  7. The amount of goods available
  8. total GDP divided by total population; average GDP
  9. the sum of all goods and services produced in a nation in a year
  10. A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.
  11. statistics that measure the performance of the economy
  12. Industry involved in providing goods and service to others
  13. Materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain
  14. Industry that deals with making products that are likely to be directly consumed by individuals.

25 Clues: The amount of goods availableMaking, buying selling, and trading of a countrytotal GDP divided by total population; average GDPstatistics that measure the performance of the economythe desire to own something and the ability to pay for itIndustry involved in providing goods and service to others...

IELTS Vocabularies 2023-08-06

IELTS Vocabularies crossword puzzle
  1. In economics, we are familiar with the terms supply and _______.
  2. Synonym of rebel
  3. Indonesia is a multi-cultural country.
  4. Indonesia was ________ by Japan for 3.5 years.
  5. In that country, we have to ask permission before doing something, because they are ______.
  6. The oil spill was an environmental _________.
  7. The disease is difficult to cure.
  8. The ______ she felt was indescribable.
  1. COVID-19 is highly ________ disease.
  2. The leader original statement has been completely _________ by the media.
  3. She has to reduce her sugar _____ because of her diabetes.
  4. The country is facing a drought. That's why many people die of _______.
  5. Because of the war, Palestinian become _____ in other countries.
  6. They are not going to throw _______ amounts of money at it.
  7. My mom gave me a ________. I have to go home before 8 p.m.
  8. Animal should not be over-hunted, as they may become________.
  9. That grandpa remained _______ into his nineties.
  10. I love that café, but the music is too ______, I can't hear anything.

18 Clues: Synonym of rebelThe disease is difficult to cure.COVID-19 is highly ________ disease.Indonesia is a multi-cultural country.The ______ she felt was indescribable.The oil spill was an environmental _________.Indonesia was ________ by Japan for 3.5 years.That grandpa remained _______ into his nineties....

school subjects 2023-05-17

school subjects crossword puzzle
  1. economics class
  2. world explorer
  3. the worst language
  4. singing
  5. sports
  6. potions, oxgen
  7. streingt,speed
  1. human body and nature
  2. what happend in the past
  3. human body
  4. acting class
  5. programmation
  6. nature
  7. painting class
  8. numbers

15 Clues: naturesportssingingnumbershuman bodyacting classprogrammationworld explorerpainting classpotions, oxgenstreingt,speedeconomics classthe worst languagehuman body and naturewhat happend in the past

Economics 2017-03-28

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. industrie and business specific
  2. type of system run by dictator or central authority
  3. money spent
  4. Merritt's choice of business for artificial shortage
  5. always some degree of
  6. a type of stock that has the lowest risk
  7. discounts different discounts to different customers for same time
  8. type of cost that cannot lead directly traced back to source
  9. discrimination, different prices to different customers for same item
  10. person specific
  11. anything business owes
  12. willingness
  13. system run by the past
  14. economy must keep up with the demands of the people
  15. necessity
  16. legal name when you own stocks
  17. what is money also known as
  18. at least 2 owners
  19. intellectual Property
  20. along with
  21. price sensitive
  22. type of cost that varies with usage
  23. "Compromise" choice
  24. attempts to fill the gap created when economy is not growing
  25. legal protection
  26. bond the riskiest
  1. economy wide
  2. quantity of items produced/provided at a certain price for a certain time
  3. bond pay less than face value
  4. intangible
  5. feeling, business sense
  6. type of system run by the four pillars
  7. method of operation
  8. chunks out of table leg
  9. 50% or more profit
  10. one owner
  11. price insensitive
  12. as know as fairness
  13. money generated
  14. in place of
  15. desire
  16. competition no choices
  17. out competed everyone else
  18. bond pay exactly face value
  19. delivering the right items at right price to the right people in the right quantitys
  20. "either... or"choice"
  21. what to produce/provide
  22. money left over
  23. also know as labors
  24. type of system run by the consumers
  25. tangible

51 Clues: desiretangibleone ownernecessityintangiblealong withmoney spentwillingnessin place ofeconomy wideperson specificmoney generatedmoney left overprice sensitivelegal protectionprice insensitiveat least 2 ownersbond the riskiest50% or more profitmethod of operationas know as fairnessalso know as labors"Compromise" choicealways some degree of...

Economics 2013-05-13

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a steady rise in the stock market over a period of time
  2. the practice of making high risk investments with borrowed money in hopes of getting a big return
  3. index that shows the price changes of 500 different stocks
  4. institution that helps channel funds from savers to borrowers
  5. the collapse of the stocks market in 1929
  6. claim on the property or income of a borrower
  7. a steady drop in the stock market over a period of time
  8. the option to buy shares of stock at a specific time in the future
  9. bond issued by a state to finance improvements as highways schools ect
  10. contracts to buy or sell at a specific date in the future at a price specified today
  11. the option to sell shares of stock at a specific time in the future
  12. the money an investor receives above and beyond the sum of money initially invested
  1. time at which payment to bondholder
  2. an investments report to potential investors
  3. a bond that a corporation issues to raise money to expand its business
  4. the system that allows the transfer of money between savers and borrowers
  5. business that specializes in trading stocks
  6. American market for OTC securities
  7. annual rate of return on a bond if the bond were held to maturity
  8. interest rate that a bond issuer will pay to a bondholder
  9. a collection of financial assets
  10. an electronic marketplace for stocks and bonds
  11. contracts that give investors the choice to buy or sell stock and other financial assets

23 Clues: a collection of financial assetsAmerican market for OTC securitiestime at which payment to bondholderthe collapse of the stocks market in 1929business that specializes in trading stocksan investments report to potential investorsclaim on the property or income of a borroweran electronic marketplace for stocks and bonds...

Economics 2013-09-11

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. amount buyer pays
  2. created for direct consumption
  3. economy where economic decisions are made by government
  4. products being produced are most desired by society
  5. human work
  6. the study of choices
  7. economy where individuals, firms, and government make economic decisions
  8. producer with the lowest opportunity cost
  9. products are being produced in the least costly way
  10. satisfaction
  11. economy where individuals and firms make all economic decisions
  12. machinery, tools
  13. resources are easily adaptable for producing either good
  14. amount seller pays to produce a good
  15. created for indirect consumption
  1. based on facts
  2. traditional out of pocket costs of decision making
  3. to distribute
  4. as you produce more of any goods, the opportunity cost will increase
  5. producer that can produce the most output or requires the least amount of resources
  6. taking a financial risk to create a successful business
  7. unlimited wants with limited resources
  8. what you give up to get something else
  9. additional
  10. focusing on one skill in the production process
  11. include value judgments
  12. land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship
  13. opportunity cost such as forgone time and forgone income
  14. natural resources
  15. all alternatives that are given up

30 Clues: human workadditionalsatisfactionto distributebased on factsmachinery, toolsamount buyer paysnatural resourcesthe study of choicesinclude value judgmentscreated for direct consumptioncreated for indirect consumptionall alternatives that are given upamount seller pays to produce a goodunlimited wants with limited resources...

Economics 2013-10-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. selling similar products to keep prices low
  2. economic law that states that the consumers will buy more when prices are lower
  3. the trade-offs
  4. money made by a business
  5. amount of a good and services produced by a worker in a given time
  6. looking at the similarities and differences of a product before purchasing
  7. a personal plan for spending
  8. people 16 years or older looking for or in the work force
  9. an activity performed for others for money
  10. a business owned by 2 or more people
  11. an organization that fights for workers wages, benefits, working conditions
  1. a business owned by stockholders
  2. tools that help produce an item
  3. a business owned by one person
  4. money people make for working
  5. owner of the business
  6. lowest hourly amount of money that a business can legally pay its workers
  7. workers
  8. economic law that states that producers will supply more when the prices are higher
  9. things that can be bought or sold

20 Clues: workersthe trade-offsowner of the businessmoney made by a businessa personal plan for spendingmoney people make for workinga business owned by one persontools that help produce an itema business owned by stockholdersthings that can be bought or solda business owned by 2 or more peoplean activity performed for others for money...

Economics 2014-03-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. / alturnitive that you give up when making an economic choice
  2. / all human time, effort, and talent going into making products
  3. / supplizes goods for sale
  4. / benefit or satisfaction gained by the use of a service
  5. / the conditon in which economics resources are not being used to the full potential
  6. / make decisons according to what you believe is the best combination of cost and beneifts
  7. / numerical data or information to see paterns of behavior
  8. / the conditon in which economic resources are used to produce the maximum amount of goods
  9. benefit / refers to the benefit or satisfaction recived from using one more unit of a good or service
  10. / all natural resources found on or under the ground to produce goods
  11. of production / economic reources to produce goods and services
  1. costs / the value of the next best alturnative over another
  2. /d esires not needed to live
  3. / vision skills and willingness to take risks needed to create and run a new business
  4. / all resoures made and used by people to produce and distribute goods and services
  5. / study of individual behavior in the econmoy, such as individuals and familes
  6. / study of behavior of the economy
  7. / Shortage in supply
  8. / benefits offered to encourgae people to act cerian ways
  9. / Purchase goods for personal use

20 Clues: / Shortage in supply/ supplizes goods for sale/d esires not needed to live/ Purchase goods for personal use/ study of behavior of the economy/ benefit or satisfaction gained by the use of a service/ benefits offered to encourgae people to act cerian ways/ numerical data or information to see paterns of behavior...

Economics 2013-12-02

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. "natural effect of commerce is to lead to peace
  2. specie flow theory
  3. what etienne bonnot de condillac suported
  4. was the driving force behind the return to classical economics
  5. written by adam smith
  6. instituionalist who challenged smith's theory
  7. true father of modern economics
  8. believed in private property
  9. decorated soldier and student of Socrates
  10. wrote the fable of the bees
  11. lead character on our story.
  12. eminent surgeon and doctor
  1. industry is more productive than agriculture
  2. agriculture as the most productive sector of the economy
  3. advocates stable monetary policy
  4. they resuscitated the invisible hand of smith
  5. advantage of thrift, free trade and growing population
  6. one of the greek thought
  7. also called the great depression.
  8. condemned in excessive luxury usury and unproductive labor
  9. vacillated between liberty and socialism
  10. marginal revolution economist from england
  11. marginal revolution economist from US
  12. was an absolutist
  13. marginal revolution economist from australia
  14. "law of subsistence wages and permanent misery of the working class
  15. theory of population and economic decline
  16. marginal revolution economist from switzerland
  17. talk about alienation and exploitation of the workers
  18. leading french physiocrat

30 Clues: was an absolutistspecie flow theorywritten by adam smithone of the greek thoughtleading french physiocrateminent surgeon and doctorwrote the fable of the beesbelieved in private propertylead character on our story.true father of modern economicsadvocates stable monetary policyalso called the great depression.marginal revolution economist from US...

Economics 2015-05-24

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. / A type of measure for inflation
  2. / When prices are generally falling over a period of time
  3. / 80% of a business cost
  4. / When consumers and producers are satisfied with the price
  5. / Payments received by businesses from selling goods and services
  6. / A demand factor that can increase GDP
  7. / Unlimited wants and needs but not enough resources
  8. / Goods or services bought from sellers in another country
  9. / When people are willing and able to work but do not have jobs
  10. / A type of policy that includes taxes
  11. / All buildings, equipment and human skills used to produce goods and services
  12. / A point on the business cycle where the GDP of a country is negative
  13. / A factor in the AD formula
  14. / Another word for limited
  15. / A point on the business cycle where the GDP is high
  16. / Every 20% of income distributed
  17. / A number between 0-1 that measures the equality of the distributional income
  18. / Part of the lorenz diagram that shows the degree of income or wealth quality or inequality
  19. / Natural resources that are used to produce goods and services
  20. / A measure of resource efficiency
  1. / A level of income which people cannot enjoy access to basic needs
  2. / Also known as personal income tax
  3. / Events such as cyclones, droughts and floods
  4. / A type of policy that includes interest rates
  5. / A level of poverty that is experienced when there is a serious deprivation of basic needs
  6. / A type of market structure that have a few firms in the industry
  7. / One firm in the industry
  8. / A supply factor that affects GDP
  9. / A point on the business cycle where GDP is going up slowly
  10. / CPI that excludes volatile items
  11. / A situation where prices rise very quickly and go out of control
  12. / A supply factor that can affect the cost of production of the business
  13. / Another word for unlimited
  14. / Gross domestic product
  15. / A point on the business cycle where GDP is falling slowly
  16. / A demand factor in which one product can replace another product
  17. / Every 10% of income distributed
  18. / Refers to a rise in the level of prices for goods and services over a period of time
  19. / A type of market structure that have several firms in the industry and has strong market power
  20. / Goods or services produced in one country but sold to buyers in another country

40 Clues: / 80% of a business cost/ Gross domestic product/ One firm in the industry/ Another word for limited/ Another word for unlimited/ A factor in the AD formula/ A type of measure for inflation/ Every 10% of income distributed/ Every 20% of income distributed/ A supply factor that affects GDP/ CPI that excludes volatile items...

Economics 2021-02-03

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. study of government activities
  2. increase in prices and fall in the value of money
  3. not engaged in gainful occupation
  4. international exchange of capital, goods, services
  5. concerned with largescale economic factors
  6. spread of nuclear weapons to countries w/o
  7. production increase of goods/services overtime
  8. study of decision making of individuals and firms
  1. formal international organizations
  2. studies interaction of nation/nonnation states
  3. measures to reduce risk of violence
  4. accounting of international transactions
  5. using economy to augment state power
  6. behavior of firms, policies, and competition
  7. device intended to harm citizens
  8. violence against civilians due to political aims
  9. value of money available in the economy
  10. academic study of economy
  11. exports exceeding cost of imports
  12. protection of industries from foreign competition

20 Clues: academic study of economystudy of government activitiesdevice intended to harm citizensnot engaged in gainful occupationexports exceeding cost of importsformal international organizationsmeasures to reduce risk of violenceusing economy to augment state powervalue of money available in the economyaccounting of international transactions...

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A business that makes and sells products to other companies
  2. What goes into your bank account besides money
  3. A person that hires workers
  4. The amount you have of something
  5. A customer or a company that will buy the products
  6. a Free Market
  7. work
  8. Money that gets payed to the government
  9. When you have more than you need of something
  10. Something you do well in
  11. the maximum amount of money you can spend
  12. tax that gets taken from your total work salary
  13. Someone who works there
  1. the amount of money people can produce
  2. a subject that teaches you how to learn money
  3. Something that is hard to find
  4. Money that you get then later have to pay it back
  5. Money you save in your account for later
  6. How much of what people want to buy
  7. Battle between two shops
  8. Someone who starts a business
  9. looking for items you want to buy
  10. Tools that you can use
  11. Goods tools used to make stuff
  12. Tax that is on items that got payed back to the government

25 Clues: worka Free MarketTools that you can useSomeone who works thereBattle between two shopsSomething you do well inA person that hires workersSomeone who starts a businessSomething that is hard to findGoods tools used to make stuffThe amount you have of somethinglooking for items you want to buyHow much of what people want to buy...

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. A way a person chooses to spend money.
  2. A person who starts a business.
  3. Somebody that works for a business.
  4. Tax on products you purchase.
  5. When an item is hard to find.
  6. a business that makes things they sell.
  7. A person who hires people.
  8. A type of tax you have to pay when you earn money.
  9. The study of how humans use currency.
  10. A car, college tuition, retirement.
  11. An account you have to save money.
  1. the amount of money a person will spend.
  2. A person who buys an item.
  3. Money people work to get.
  4. The amount of something people will buy.
  5. Tools needed for making a product.
  6. Work that a person does.
  7. Doing one job very well.
  8. The amount of a product somebody has.
  9. Rivalry between 2 or more businesses.
  10. The market the US has.
  11. Money that goes to the government.
  12. A thing you will need for a business.
  13. Money that you barrow and pay back.
  14. When there is a lot of something.

25 Clues: The market the US has.Work that a person does.Doing one job very well.Money people work to get.A person who buys an item.A person who hires people.Tax on products you purchase.When an item is hard to find.A person who starts a business.When there is a lot of something.Tools needed for making a product.Money that goes to the government....

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Money that has to be paid back.
  2. When you can find a product easily.
  3. I can't find a specific brand of apple juice, so I will go- .
  4. A tax when you buy products.
  5. To give up something by using resources one way.
  6. When it is hard to find a product.
  7. Work done by someone.
  8. I'm an- at this store.
  9. How much of something that exists.
  10. Things that need to be used to make other things.
  11. We need these- for the business.
  12. How much money that you want to spend.
  13. A person who starts a business and takes a risk when doing it.
  1. To pay someone back for using their money and then the bank pays the interest in this.
  2. Someone that wants to buy something.
  3. Where more than one company has a rivalry
  4. Something that someone does a good job at in a business.
  5. When different people working in a business do different jobs.
  6. A service where someone puts money in a bank and they can take money out of it when they need to.
  7. A tax on your income from work.
  8. I have to pay this- .
  9. The study of the use of our money.
  10. This business that is a- of electronics.
  11. Someone who needs to hire people.
  12. How many things that people want to buy.

25 Clues: Work done by someone.I have to pay this- .I'm an- at this store.A tax when you buy products.Money that has to be paid back.A tax on your income from work.Someone who needs to hire people.We need these- for the business.When it is hard to find a product.The study of the use of our money.How much of something that exists....

Economics 2021-01-18

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Any situation where making one choice means losing something else, usually forging a benefit or opportunity
  2. Goods- Any tangible commodity produced and subsequently purchased to satisfy the current wants and perceived needs of the buyer (durable goods, non-durable goods and services)
  3. the problem of scarcity is regarded as the fundamental economic problem arising from the fact that, while resources were finite, society’s demand for resources is infinite
  4. a method of production whereby an entity focuses on the production of a limited scope of goods to gain a greater degree of efficiency
  5. Typically cash or liquid assets held or obtained for expenditures. In financial economics, the term may be expanded to include a company’s capital assets
  6. Analysis- (CBA) is the process used to measure the benefits of a decision or taking action minus the costs associated with taking that action
  7. of Living- Refers to the amount and quality of material goods and services available to a given population. The standard of living includes basic material factors such as income, gross domestic product (GDP), life expectancy and economic opportunity
  8. the amount of physical, mental and social effort used to produce goods and services in an economy. (one of the 3 things that drives supply; land, capital and entrepreneurship)
  9. an economic system in which private actors own and control property in accord with their interests, and demand and supply freely set prices in markets in a way that can serve the best interests in society
  1. the financial benefit realized when revenue generated from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes involved in sustaining the activity in question
  2. Cost- the potential benefits an individual, investor, or business misses out on when when choosing one alternative over another
  3. A political and economic ideology that positions itself in opposition to liberal democracy and capitalism, advocating itself for a classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is non-existent or severely curtailed
  4. a populist economic and political system based on public ownership (also known as collective or common ownership) of the means of production
  5. the process of creating a new enterprise and bearing any of its risk, with the view of making a profit
  6. needs are based on psychological,personal and socio-economic requirements necessary for you to function and live
  7. means to fulfilling our needs
  8. a social science concerned with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
  9. Depression- Worldwide economic crisis that lasted most of the 1930s; a period during which business,employment and stock markets values fall to very low levels for a significant amount of time. (deflation and widespread unemployment)
  10. Goods- Physical assets that a company uses in the production process to manufacture products and services that consumers will later use. Capital goods are not finished goods instead they are used to make finished goods (buildings, machinery, equipment, vehicles and tools)
  11. Domestic Product- the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period
  12. of Production- Inputs needed for the creation of a good or service. These include land, labor, entrepreneurship and capital
  13. the resources that encompasses the natural resources used in production

22 Clues: means to fulfilling our needsthe resources that encompasses the natural resources used in productiona social science concerned with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and servicesthe process of creating a new enterprise and bearing any of its risk, with the view of making a profit...

Economics 2021-01-11

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a good which has an opportunity cost to produce (8,4)
  2. the education training and experience that workers have gained (5,7)
  3. incapable of moving from one location to another location (14,8)
  4. goods and services produced by the factors of production (6)
  5. the spending on capital goods (10)
  6. Factor of production which covers all human effort used in producing goods and services (6)
  7. the system which rules the country (10)
  8. a point on the PPC is an _______________ point (9)
  9. the aim of firms in the private sector (6)
  1. the study of economic decisions and actions of individual consumers, producers and households (14)
  2. output per worker per hour (6,12)
  3. Capable of changing use (14,6)
  4. PPCs are usually bowed ______________ (7)
  5. _______________ cost is the best alternative foregone (11)
  6. any human-made (manufactured) good used to produce other goods and services (7)
  7. Good a good which requires no resources to produce (4,4)
  8. agents those who undertake economic activities and make economic decisions (8,6)
  9. ________________ Goods are wanted for the satisfaction they provide to their owners (8)
  10. includes any gifts of nature available for production (4)
  11. the study which considers economics issues and actions that affect the whole economy
  12. the willingness and ability to bear uncertain risks and to make decisions in business (10)
  13. payment for capital (8)
  14. reward paid to labour (5)

23 Clues: payment for capital (8)reward paid to labour (5)Capable of changing use (14,6)output per worker per hour (6,12)the spending on capital goods (10)the system which rules the country (10)PPCs are usually bowed ______________ (7)the aim of firms in the private sector (6)a point on the PPC is an _______________ point (9)...

Economics 2021-02-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Surplus, an economic measure of a positive balance of trade, where a country's exports exceed its imports
  2. an economic system centered around the belief that a government can make a nation more prosperous by regulating trade and using tariffs and other protective measures to achieve a balance of exports over imports
  3. Trade, the exchange of goods and services between countries
  4. Development, the creation of wealth from which community benefits are realized
  5. Conflict, a disagreement between two groups of different religions that struggle against coherent existence without themselves
  6. Conflict, a form of conflict in which the objectives of at least one party are defined in ethnic terms
  7. policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign competition by means of tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions or handicaps placed on the imports of foreign competitors
  8. Economics, the economic study of urban areas; as such, it involves using the tools of economics to analyze urban issues such as crime, education, public transit, housing, and local government finance
  9. the study of decisions made by people and businesses regarding the allocation of resources, and prices at which they trade goods and services
  10. the unlawful use or threat of violence especially against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion
  11. Proliferation, the spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons technology, or fissile material to countries that do not already possess them
  1. Economics, the allocation of goods and resources for promoting social welfare
  2. growth, an increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time
  3. the steady rise of prices for goods and services over a period, has many effects that can be good and bad
  4. people who are jobless, actively seeking work, and available to take a job
  5. Organization, a field of economics dealing with the strategic behavior of firms, regulatory policy, antitrust policy and market competition
  6. of Payments, an accounting of a country's international transactions for a particular time period
  7. Finance, maintaining a sustainable fiscal position, the effective allocation of resources, and the efficient delivery of public goods and services
  8. Supply, the total amount of money-cash, coins, and balances in bank accounts—in circulation
  9. Economics, study of the labour force as an element in the process of production

20 Clues: Trade, the exchange of goods and services between countriespeople who are jobless, actively seeking work, and available to take a jobEconomics, the allocation of goods and resources for promoting social welfareDevelopment, the creation of wealth from which community benefits are realized...

Economics 2021-05-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  2. : decrease in the general price level
  3. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.
  4. : the situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.
  5. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.
  6. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  7. : selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  8. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  1. : means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  2. : Rising prices of goods and services.
  3. : an immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  4. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  5. : a person who starts a business
  6. : to be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  7. : periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  8. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company
  9. : the sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  10. : a situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  11. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  12. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.

20 Clues: : a person who starts a business: decrease in the general price level: Rising prices of goods and services.: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

Economics 2021-05-14

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. : In economics, this refers to rivalry between several agents for the same market.
  2. : entry into a country of goods or services from another country
  3. : A sharp downturn in general economic activity.
  4. : It is a practice to record all the flows, expenses and revenues of the company.
  5. : decrease in the general price level
  6. : It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company
  7. : the situation of a person who wants to work and has the capacity to do so, but finds himself or herself jobless in spite of searching.
  8. : Rising prices of goods and services.
  1. : means the positive change in the production of goods and services in an economy over a given period.
  2. : the sum of a company's sales of goods or services over an accounting period.
  3. : a person who starts a business
  4. : Excess of expenditure over earnings.
  5. : to be prudent in spending, to set aside money for a particular purpose.
  6. : a situation in which one supplier has an exclusive position on a product or service offered to a multitude of buyers.
  7. : periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee
  8. : Situation of a business owner who cannot pay his debts, keep his commitments.
  9. : an immediate expenditure intended to increase the wealth of the person incurring it in the long term
  10. : Also called a firm, it is an organisation whose purpose is to produce and supply goods or services to a set of customers.
  11. : selling part of the production of goods or services in the other country
  12. : A financial institution that collects deposits from the public and extends credit to businesses and households.

20 Clues: : a person who starts a business: decrease in the general price level: Excess of expenditure over earnings.: Rising prices of goods and services.: A sharp downturn in general economic activity.: It is a fraction of the capital of a listed company: periodic payment, paid by an employer to a salaried employee...

Economics 2021-03-20

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. cost, The benefit that is lost when you decide to use scarce resources for one purpose rather than for another.
  2. Giving up all or a part of one thing in order to get something else.
  3. Intangible activities that are performed by other people for money; productive acts that satisfy economic wants.
  4. prices, One price compared to another; the ratio between two prices
  5. want, Desires for things that can be obtained without spending money
  6. An indication of how changes in price will affect changes in the amounts demanded and supplied.
  7. demand, A form of demand in which changes in price do not affect demand
  8. goods, Tangible items that will be consumed by industrial users.
  9. A function of relative prices that determines who gets the goods and services produced; determining how scarce resources will be distributed.
  1. A condition resulting from the gap between unlimited wants for goods and services and limited resources.
  2. The process of trading one good/service for another
  3. The process or activity of using goods and services.
  4. utility, Usefulness created by altering or changing the form or shape of a good to make it more useful to the consumer.
  5. effect, A phenomenon that occurs when changes in relative prices cause buyers to replace the purchase of one product with another.
  6. price, The point at which the quantity of a good that buyers want to buy is equal to the quantity that sellers are willing to sell at a certain price.
  7. resources, The human and natural resources and capital goods used to produce goods and services.
  8. utility, Usefulness created when products are made available at the time they are needed or wanted by consumers or to complete specific business activities.
  9. A marketing/business function that is responsible for moving, storing, locating, and/or transferring ownership of goods and services
  10. utility, Usefulness created when ownership of a product is transferred from the seller to the user.
  11. demand, The situation that exists when demand is greater than supply.

20 Clues: The process of trading one good/service for anotherThe process or activity of using goods and services.goods, Tangible items that will be consumed by industrial users.prices, One price compared to another; the ratio between two pricesGiving up all or a part of one thing in order to get something else....

Economics 2022-03-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. rider, a person or organization that receives benefits that others have paid for without making any contributions.
  2. failure, when government intervention leads to a net welfare loss compared to the free market solution.
  3. a fall in the rate of inflation.
  4. total expenditure by households on goods and services over a period of time.
  5. the study of economy as a whole.
  6. government actions or policies to restrict international trade.
  7. failure, where resources are inefficiently allocated due to imperfections in the working of the market mechanism.
  8. addition to an existing course of plan.
  1. large increases in the price level.
  2. the process of removing government controls from markets.
  3. the cost incurred to or the benefit received to the third party from an economic activity.
  4. buying or selling something in the expectation of a future price change and a profit.
  5. a loan to help buy a house.
  6. when a firm splits into two or more independent businesses.
  7. two quarters of negative economic growth in a row.
  8. income, household income over a period of time including state benefits, less direct taxes.
  9. unemployment, unemployment caused by long term changes in the pattern of demand and production of an industry.
  10. efficiency, efficiency occurring over time as a result of investment and innovations.
  11. mechanism, the way the decisions made by households and firms interact to decide the allocation of resources.
  12. population, people aged below school leaving age and above the retirement age of the country.

20 Clues: a loan to help buy a house.a fall in the rate of inflation.the study of economy as a whole.large increases in the price level.addition to an existing course of plan.two quarters of negative economic growth in a row.the process of removing government controls from markets.when a firm splits into two or more independent businesses....

Economics 2022-03-10

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. a fall in the rate of inflation.
  2. the way the decisions made by households and firms interact to decide the allocation of resources.
  3. two quarters of negative economic growth in a row.
  4. a person or organization that receives benefits that others have paid for without making any contributions.
  5. when government intervention leads to a net welfare loss compared to the free market solution.
  6. the cost incurred to or the benefit received to the third party from an economic activity.
  7. efficiency occurring over time as a result of investment and innovations.
  8. where resources are inefficiently allocated due to imperfections in the working of the market mechanism.
  9. addition to an existing course of plan.
  10. people aged below school leaving age and above the retirement age of the country.
  1. a loan to help buy a house.
  2. unemployment caused by long term changes in the pattern of demand and production of an industry.
  3. household income over a period of time including state benefits, less direct taxes.
  4. when a firm splits into two or more independent businesses.
  5. government actions or policies to restrict international trade.
  6. the study of economy as a whole.
  7. large increases in the price level.
  8. buying or selling something in the expectation of a future price change and a profit.
  9. the process of removing government controls from markets.
  10. total expenditure by households on goods and services over a period of time.

20 Clues: a loan to help buy a house.a fall in the rate of inflation.the study of economy as a whole.large increases in the price level.addition to an existing course of plan.two quarters of negative economic growth in a row.the process of removing government controls from markets.when a firm splits into two or more independent businesses....

Economics 2022-05-06

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. Osakkeet
  2. surplus
  3. depression
  4. pääoma
  5. kuluttaja
  6. investment
  7. debt
  8. deposit
  9. income tax
  1. lautapeli
  2. budjetti
  3. kauppasaarto
  4. arvo
  5. käteinen
  6. romahdus
  7. market
  8. savings
  9. stock market
  10. kysyntä
  11. credit
  12. alijäämä

21 Clues: arvodebtpääomamarketcreditsurplussavingskysyntädepositOsakkeetbudjettikäteinenromahdusalijäämälautapelikuluttajadepressioninvestmentincome taxkauppasaartostock market

Economics 2022-05-06

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. lautapeli
  2. credit
  3. romahdus
  4. kauppasaarto
  5. kysyntä
  6. stock market
  7. käteinen
  8. deposit
  9. arvo
  10. income tax
  11. savings
  1. depression
  2. liikevoitto
  3. kuluttaja
  4. investment
  5. alijäämä
  6. budjetti
  7. pääoma
  8. market
  9. Osakkeet
  10. surplus
  11. debt

22 Clues: debtarvocreditpääomamarketkysyntäsurplusdepositsavingsromahdusalijäämäbudjettikäteinenOsakkeetkuluttajalautapelidepressioninvestmentincome taxliikevoittokauppasaartostock market

Economics 2022-07-04

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. which industry provides maximum employment in India
  2. Which sector contributes most to our GDP
  3. Name of the Largest Nuclear Power Plant in India with installed capacity of 2000MW
  4. largest private employer in India
  5. Which sector contributes most to our employment
  6. State with Highest population density in India
  7. State with Highest GDP to Debt % in India
  8. state with highest coal reserves in India
  9. India's most valuable company by market value
  10. which country is the world's largest exporter
  11. State with Highest GDP growth rate in FY21-22
  12. index name of National stock exchange
  13. Rate at which RBI lends short-term money to banks against Govt securities
  14. which country is the world's largest importer
  15. What is the position of India on merchandise trade
  16. What is India's GDP in $Trillion ( Closest)
  17. state with highest iron-ore reserves in India
  18. Which is India's largest export
  19. Which tax is the single biggest source of revenue for Govt of India
  1. Which industry is maximum consumer of water in India?
  2. Which country is the largest recipient of remittances in the world
  3. State with Highest GDP in India
  4. Largest rice producing state in India
  5. Minister of Commerce and Industries Govt of India
  6. Which Industry in India has produced the highest number of billionaires till date
  7. State which received maximum FDI in India for FY21-22
  8. index name of Bombay stock exchange
  9. Leading state in India to produce the highest amount of renewable energy
  10. country for where India received maximum FDI in FY21-22
  11. who is in charge of monetary policy in India

30 Clues: State with Highest GDP in IndiaWhich is India's largest exportlargest private employer in Indiaindex name of Bombay stock exchangeLargest rice producing state in Indiaindex name of National stock exchangeWhich sector contributes most to our GDPState with Highest GDP to Debt % in Indiastate with highest coal reserves in India...

economics 2022-05-19

economics crossword puzzle
  1. osakkeet
  2. vero
  3. sijoittaa
  4. sijoitus
  5. taloustiede
  6. tarjonta
  7. ylijäämä
  8. velkakirja
  9. romahdus
  10. velka
  1. rahatalous
  2. kuluttaja
  3. talletus
  4. pääoma
  5. hinta
  6. säästöt
  7. kilpailu
  8. kirjanpitäjä
  9. luotto
  10. tappio

20 Clues: verohintavelkapääomaluottotappiosäästöttalletusosakkeetsijoituskilpailutarjontaylijäämäromahduskuluttajasijoittaarahatalousvelkakirjataloustiedekirjanpitäjä

Economics 2022-05-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. put money into something that can help in the future
  2. money matters or transactions of some size or importance
  3. rivalry where companies try to be better than the other
  4. a person whose job is to keep, inspect, and analyse financial accounts.
  5. a request
  6. legal process through which people or other entities who cannot repay debts and
  7. the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
  8. general consumption tax on the consumption of goods and services
  9. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, the payer will pay later
  10. make something needed or wanted
  11. a share which entitles the holder to a fixed dividend
  1. an official ban on trade with a particular country.
  2. the monetary value of expenditures for supplies or services
  3. business makes more money than loses
  4. guy in charge of the business
  5. regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.
  6. a sum of money paid into a bank or building society account
  7. money one has saved, especially through a bank
  8. sum of financial assets that are required to produce goods or services.
  9. business makes less money than it costs
  10. other word for money

21 Clues: a requestother word for moneyguy in charge of the businessmake something needed or wantedbusiness makes more money than losesbusiness makes less money than it costsmoney one has saved, especially through a bankan official ban on trade with a particular country.put money into something that can help in the future...

economics 2022-05-08

economics crossword puzzle
  1. kulut
  2. ylijäämä
  3. tappio
  4. luotto
  5. säästöt
  6. vero
  7. arvo, hinta
  8. sijoittaa varoja
  9. markkinat
  10. pääoma, varallisuus
  1. talletus, käsiraha
  2. taloustiede
  3. tarjonta, varasto
  4. kuluttaja
  5. budjetti
  6. käteinen
  7. valtiontaloudellinen
  8. rate korkotaso
  9. yksinoikeus, monopoli
  10. velka

20 Clues: verokulutvelkatappioluottosäästötbudjettiylijäämäkäteinenkuluttajamarkkinattaloustiedearvo, hintarate korkotasosijoittaa varojatarjonta, varastotalletus, käsirahapääoma, varallisuusvaltiontaloudellinenyksinoikeus, monopoli

Economics 2022-05-17

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. market
  2. loss
  3. luotto
  4. commodity
  5. production
  6. trade
  7. kulutus
  8. vero
  9. economi
  10. savings
  11. lama
  1. investment
  2. economic
  3. exports
  4. devaluation
  5. alennus
  6. tili
  7. talletus
  8. assets
  9. palkata
  10. kuluttaja

21 Clues: losstiliverolamatrademarketluottoassetsexportsalennuspalkatakulutuseconomisavingseconomictalletuscommoditykuluttajainvestmentproductiondevaluation

economics 2022-05-09

economics crossword puzzle
  1. valtiontaloudellinen, vero-
  2. kuluttaja
  3. kysyntä
  4. (joukko)velkakirja, obligaatio
  5. tulos, (liike)voitto
  6. velka
  7. ylijäämä
  8. konkurssi, vararikko
  9. lainata, ottaa lainaksi
  10. arvo, hinta
  11. talletus, käsiraha
  12. alijäämä, vaje
  13. vero
  14. valuutta, raha, rahayksikkö
  1. talous-, raha-asioihin liittyvä
  2. kauppasaarto
  3. käsiraha, ennakko
  4. arvopaperit, osakkeet
  5. markkinat, markkina-alue
  6. tarjonta, varasto
  7. yksinoikeus
  8. luotto
  9. kilpailu
  10. pääoma, varallisuus
  11. sijoittaa varoja

25 Clues: verovelkaluottokysyntäylijäämäkilpailukuluttajayksinoikeusarvo, hintakauppasaartoalijäämä, vajesijoittaa varojakäsiraha, ennakkotarjonta, varastotalletus, käsirahapääoma, varallisuustulos, (liike)voittokonkurssi, vararikkoarvopaperit, osakkeetlainata, ottaa lainaksimarkkinat, markkina-aluevaltiontaloudellinen, vero-valuutta, raha, rahayksikkö...

Economics 2022-09-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. costs of borrowing.
  2. Spending on goods and services within the period.
  3. It is a way of visually representing the distribution of income or wealth across a population.
  4. It is a situation in which economic forces such as supply and demand are balanced.
  5. It is a measure of how much the quantity changes when the price changes and it determines the slope of a demand curve and the slope of a supply curve.
  6. the distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders and is determined by the company's board of directors
  7. It is defined as a good or a service that is used in pairs such as pen and ink.
  8. The volume of output that is produced from any given number of inputs.
  9. It is one of the supply factors that shifts the supply curve to the left and it refers to natural events such as floods and droughts.
  10. A system of money in general use in a particular country
  11. This is the skill and talent needed to combine the other three resources to successfully produce something people want to buy.
  12. It occurs when funds are added to the circular flow from a source other than households and businesses.
  13. It is the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
  14. It comprises all people aged over 15 years who are able and willing to work including those who are classified as employed and those who are unemployed.
  15. It is a government policy that takes proportionately more tax from those on higher levels of income and redistributes welfare benefits to those on lower incomes.
  16. An increase in the value of the Australian dollar
  1. It refers to the economic problem that arises because the volume of resources (land, labour and capital) is limited compared with individual needs and wants, which are unlimited.
  2. It describes a situation where the potential labour of employed people is not fully used
  3. It is defined as employed persons who are highly skilled but are working in low-paid or low-skilled jobs or are working part-time but would prefer to be working on a full-time basis.
  4. A number between zero and one that indicates the level of inequality in the distribution of income or wealth.
  5. It refers to individuals who might be considered unemployable because of some personal characteristic, such as a physical disability.
  6. It is one of the demand factors which is whether consumers are optimistic or pessimistic about their future spending
  7. Spending by government departments and public enterprises on goods and services within the period.
  8. fixing It is an anti-competitive practice that allows companies to get together to fix and control or maintain prices artificially, and increase the prices for consumers.
  9. The value of the Australian dollar against another currency.
  10. It is when a small number of large firms have all or most of the sales in an industry.

26 Clues: costs of borrowing.Spending on goods and services within the period.An increase in the value of the Australian dollarA system of money in general use in a particular countryThe value of the Australian dollar against another currency.The volume of output that is produced from any given number of inputs....

Economics 2022-09-08

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. It is a situation in which economic forces such as supply and demand are balanced.
  2. It is one of the supply factors that shifts the supply curve to the left and it refers to natural events such as floods and droughts.
  3. The volume of output that is produced from any given number of inputs.
  4. The value of the Australian dollar against another currency.
  5. It describes a situation where the potential labour of employed people is not fully used
  6. It is when a small number of large firms have all or most of the sales in an industry.
  7. It comprises all people aged over 15 years who are able and willing to work including those who are classified as employed and those who are unemployed.
  8. It measures peoples’ access to goods and service
  9. It is one of the demand factors which is whether consumers are optimistic or pessimistic about their future spending
  10. The factors that affect a person's quality of life irrespective of income.
  11. A sustained period of weak or negative growth in real GDP (output) that is accompanied by a significant rise in the unemployment rate
  12. It is the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
  13. It is a government policy that takes proportionately more tax from those on higher levels of income and redistributes welfare benefits to those on lower incomes.
  14. It is defined as a good or a service that is used in pairs such as pen and ink.
  1. It refers to the economic problem that arises because the volume of resources (land, labour and capital) is limited compared with individual needs and wants, which are unlimited.
  2. This is the skill and talent needed to combine the other three resources to successfully produce something people want to buy.
  3. Costs of borrowing.
  4. An increase in the value of the Australian dollar
  5. A number between zero and one that indicates the level of inequality in the distribution of income or wealth.
  6. It is a way of visually representing the distribution of income or wealth across a population.
  7. Spending on goods and services within the period.
  8. Spending by government departments and public enterprises on goods and services within the period.
  9. A system of money in general use in a particular country
  10. It refers to individuals who might be considered unemployable because of some personal characteristic, such as a physical disability.
  11. It is defined as employed persons who are highly skilled but are working in low-paid or low-skilled jobs or are working part-time but would prefer to be working on a full-time basis.
  12. X in aggregate demand formula and income earnt by Australians selling goods overseas.
  13. It is a measure of how much the quantity changes when the price changes and it determines the slope of a demand curve and the slope of a supply curve.
  14. The distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders and is determined by the company's board of directors
  15. It occurs when funds are added to the circular flow from a source other than households and businesses.
  16. It is an anti-competitive practice that allows companies to get together to fix and control or maintain prices artificially, and increase the prices for consumers.

30 Clues: Costs of borrowing.It measures peoples’ access to goods and serviceAn increase in the value of the Australian dollarSpending on goods and services within the period.A system of money in general use in a particular countryThe value of the Australian dollar against another currency....

Economics 2022-09-09

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. what is interest rate
  2. consumers being optimistic about their future
  3. a type of market structure with no competition
  4. part time/ casual workers that work similar hours as full time
  5. something being forgone in order to get something else
  6. tax on individuals income and the bulk of government revenue
  7. unemployment caused due to lack of aggregate demand
  8. geographically located agreement
  9. limited resources not being able to meet unlimited needs and wants
  10. test done to check individual’s income and ownership
  11. living standards of an individual's quality of life with no monetary factors
  12. supply factor where amount of output is produced with any given number of input
  13. taxes on specific goods and services like tobacco
  14. a type of market structure with little competition but not much effect
  15. part of AD formula and is affected by business confidence
  16. global agreement
  1. unemployment when an individual is in between jobs
  2. part of AD formula and is affected by population growth
  3. unemployment cause by discouragement of job prospects and not counted in statistics
  4. income after tax
  5. occurs when there is 2 years of consecutive negative GDP & low inflation
  6. unemployment due to automation
  7. the AD formula
  8. makes up 75% of exports
  9. living standards measured by goods and services
  10. leading forum to facilitate trade/ investment and economic growth consisting of 21 countries
  11. occurs when there is high GDP and unemployment decreases

27 Clues: the AD formulaincome after taxglobal agreementwhat is interest ratemakes up 75% of exportsunemployment due to automationgeographically located agreementconsumers being optimistic about their futurea type of market structure with no competitionliving standards measured by goods and servicestaxes on specific goods and services like tobacco...

Economics 2022-08-22

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. the portion of income not spent on current expenditures
  2. anything that helps us produce things faster, better or cheaper
  3. of the same or a similar kind or nature
  4. individual's ordering of various outcomes
  5. the point where individuals have no particular preference for either one good or another based on their relative quantities.
  6. the point when the marginal utility of any activity is zero.
  7. out-of-pocket costs—payments that are actually made.
  8. level playing field where everyone has the same access to the same wealth
  9. condition or state in which economic forces are balanced
  1. it is representation of economy as a heterogeneous and proliferative social space.
  2. curve. the maximum amount of one commodity X obtainable for any given amount of another commodity Y, and vice versa
  3. It refers to people's decisions about sharing and using those resources
  4. one unit which participate in production mechanism
  5. a rational consumer always prefers more of a good as it offers the consumer a higher level of satisfaction.
  6. the process of capital formation by a firm or increase in the stock of existing capital stock
  7. occurs when a good's quantity demanded or supplied changes even though the price remains the same.
  8. income that a firm receives from the sale of a good or service to its customers
  9. the operation of a country’s money supply, commercial activities and industry
  10. people who make or grow goods and provide services
  11. the difference between the revenue received from the sale of an output and the costs of all inputs used, as well as any opportunity costs

20 Clues: of the same or a similar kind or natureindividual's ordering of various outcomesone unit which participate in production mechanismpeople who make or grow goods and provide servicesout-of-pocket costs—payments that are actually made.the portion of income not spent on current expenditurescondition or state in which economic forces are balanced...

Economics 2021-03-30

Economics crossword puzzle
  1. send (goods or services) to another country for sale
  2. production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by a government
  3. production and prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses
  4. an advantage or profit gained from something
  5. a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports
  6. the rate at which a good or service is consumed
  7. a fixed regular payment made by an employer to an employee
  8. the exports of a country exceed its imports
  9. the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
  10. the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole
  11. traditions, customs, and beliefs help shape the goods and services the economy produces, as well as the rules and manner of their distribution
  12. the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
  1. interaction between businesses or people, in which success and failure depend on gaining a share of a limited resources
  2. Balance of Trade
  3. Not having enough of a resource
  4. a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
  5. the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something
  6. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
  7. the regulations and agreements that control imports and exports to foreign countries
  8. the amount of the good or service that is available
  9. bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale
  10. Restrictions on trade that occur naturally or by government influence
  11. Combines private and public enterprise
  12. the effort, loss, or sacrifice necessary to achieve or obtain something

24 Clues: Balance of TradeNot having enough of a resourceCombines private and public enterprisethe exports of a country exceed its importsan advantage or profit gained from somethingthe rate at which a good or service is consumedthe amount of the good or service that is availablesend (goods or services) to another country for sale...