food Crossword Puzzles
Food 2019-09-16
- Drink for snack time
- Big round fruit you need to cut
- Sweet drink
- Cut to make 8 triangles
- 2 pieces of bread
- Spicy and brown
- Coke or Pepsi
- Orange vegetable
- Get at Mcdonalds
- Long green vegetable
- Round and sweet fruit
- Get at KFC, from a bird
- Many vegetables together
- Pink fruit
- Red, put in salad
- Use to make sushi
- In the river
- Eat every snack time
- Use to make french fries
- Cold and sweet
- Long and yellow
- Hot, sometimes miso
- Looks like a small tree
- Small and white
24 Clues: Pink fruit • Sweet drink • In the river • Coke or Pepsi • Cold and sweet • Long and yellow • Spicy and brown • Small and white • Orange vegetable • Get at Mcdonalds • Red, put in salad • Use to make sushi • 2 pieces of bread • Hot, sometimes miso • Drink for snack time • Eat every snack time • Long green vegetable • Round and sweet fruit • Cut to make 8 triangles • Looks like a small tree • ...
Food 2019-10-16
- a popular jacket potato topping
- Some like it hot
- A spreadable filling
- May need a dressing
- Eaten raw
- Sausage and batter
- Ring or filled?
- A picnic favourite
- Love or hate it
- Eaten with chopsticks
- Traditional on Sunday
- The main topping for Pizza
- Eat with a spoon and fork
- Good for dunking
- Egg or pineapple on top?
- A favourite after a night out
- Friday feast needing salt and vinegar
- First meal of the day
- A typical Xmas treat
- Can be cooked 4 different ways
- Red, green or black?
- Smooth or crunchy?
- Added to everything
- Jam or Cream first?
25 Clues: BLT • Eaten raw • Ring or filled? • Love or hate it • Good for dunking • Some like it hot • Smooth or crunchy? • Sausage and batter • A picnic favourite • May need a dressing • Added to everything • Jam or Cream first? • A typical Xmas treat • A spreadable filling • Red, green or black? • First meal of the day • Eaten with chopsticks • Traditional on Sunday • Egg or pineapple on top? • ...
Food 2023-05-11
21 Clues: eau • thé • oeuf • poire • pêche • sucre • ananas • farine • citron • patate • orange • vanille • fraises • épinards • dégoutant • confiture • concombre • chou-fleur • cornichons • un paquet de chips • boisson gazeuse sucrée
Food 2023-05-15
20 Clues: Käse • Chips • Äpfel • Pizza • Pilze • Gurke • Ananas • Nudeln • Pommes • Fische • Erbsen • Tomaten • Fleisch • Brokkoli • Karotten • Hamburger • Würstchen • Kartoffel • Erdbeeren • Weintrauben
Food 2023-05-05
- is 90% water
- is a french delicacy
- linguine,fettuccine,spaghetti
- is almost a pickle
- is a keg speciality
- a popular cheesy meal
- a popular morning breakfast
- comes from cucumber
- is good for eyes
- Comes from pigs
- just like pasta, kids favourite
- is ballpark food
- is a cold dessert
- is fast food
- is a popular British food
- bar same name as mars
- a common meat
- who lives in a __ under the sea?
- after school snack, good with dip
- a fluffy treat
20 Clues: is 90% water • is fast food • a common meat • a fluffy treat • Comes from pigs • is ballpark food • is good for eyes • is a cold dessert • is almost a pickle • is a keg speciality • comes from cucumber • is a french delicacy • bar same name as mars • a popular cheesy meal • is a popular British food • a popular morning breakfast • linguine,fettuccine,spaghetti • just like pasta, kids favourite • ...
Food 2023-05-18
23 Clues: 🥪 • 🍚 • 🧀 • 🍗 • 🍲 • 🥗 • 🍝 • 🍕 • 🍵 • 🍊🧃 • ☕️ • 🍳🥚 • 🥛🍼 • 🍞🥖🥨 • Де? • 🍒🍑🍎🍋🍍 • Чому? • Коли? • 🥦🍅🌶️🧄🫛 • Що? Який? • вода в бутилці • тільки що видавлений 🧃 • пластівці які можно залити 🥛
FOOD 2023-06-03
- Food item consisting of bread with fillings in between
- Orange vegetable that grows underground
- Italian dish made from dough, often in various shapes
- Green vegetable with a tree-like appearance
- Red or green fruit that grows on trees
- Flat, round cake made from batter and cooked on a griddle
- Red fruit often used in salads and sauces
- cream Frozen dessert made from dairy products and flavors
- Sweet treat made from cacao beans
- Domesticated bird often used for meat and eggs
- Yellow fruit with a curved shape and sweet taste
- Popular Italian dish with a round dough base and various toppings
- Small red fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor
- Large, juicy fruit with a refreshing taste
- Popped corn kernels, often enjoyed as a snack
- Dairy product with a creamy texture and various flavors
- Tropical fruit with a sweet and tangy taste
- Sandwich made with a cooked ground meat patty
- Green vegetable with a crunchy texture
- Dairy product made from milk
20 Clues: Dairy product made from milk • Sweet treat made from cacao beans • Green vegetable with a crunchy texture • Red or green fruit that grows on trees • Orange vegetable that grows underground • Red fruit often used in salads and sauces • Large, juicy fruit with a refreshing taste • Tropical fruit with a sweet and tangy taste • Green vegetable with a tree-like appearance • ...
FOOD 2023-06-05
20 Clues: Lait • Boire • Glace • Chips • Oeufs • Poires • Yaourt • Viande • Pommes • Fromage • Légumes • Fraises • Bananes • Tomates • Carottes • Petit pois • Champignons • Pomme de terre • Boissons gazeuses • Crêpes americaines
food 2023-06-05
27 Clues: ham • fish • milk • soup • meat • cake • bacon • apples • grapes • tomato • orange • cheese • coconut • cookies • avocado • pickles • chicken • carrots • lemonade • potatoes • pinapple • icecream • hamburger • mushrooms • watermelon • strawberry • green beans
Food 2023-05-31
- a piece of kitchen equipment with a wire or plastic net which separates large pieces of food from liquids or powders
- a machine that heats bread so that it becomes brown
- a piece of furniture with a door on the front and shelves inside, used foe storing things
- a large, deep spoon, used to serve soup
- a round container, usually used for storing things or cooking
- a kitchen tool shaped like a tube that you roll over pastry to make it thinner before cooking
- a style of cooking
- a sharp tool or weapon for cutting, usually with a metal blade and a handle
- a kitchen tool with a surface full of holes with sharp edges,used to grate,foods such as cheese
- a machine for mincing meat
- a container used for making and serving tea, which has a lid, a handle and a spout
- a tin for baking a cake or a layer of a cake
- a toot etc that peels
- an object with a handle and round, curved part at one end, used for eating and serving food
- a bowl with small holes in it used for washing food or separating water from food after cooking
- a piece of kichen equipment with a door, which is used for cooking food
- a piece of equipment for measuring weight
- the part at the end of a pipe that controls the flow of water
- materia made from cotton, wool and used for example, to make clothes or curtains
- a large container thet uses electricity to keep food cold
20 Clues: a style of cooking • a toot etc that peels • a machine for mincing meat • a large, deep spoon, used to serve soup • a piece of equipment for measuring weight • a tin for baking a cake or a layer of a cake • a machine that heats bread so that it becomes brown • a large container thet uses electricity to keep food cold • ...
Food 2023-05-31
- A small, round container with a handle on the side, used to drink from.
- A large container operated by electricity in which food can be frozen and stored.
- To use a knife or other sharp tool to divide something, remove part of something, or make a hole in something.
- The flesh of an animal when it is used for food.
- A large piece of cloth that covers a table during a meal and protects or decorates it.
- A substance made from a plant, which is used to give a special taste to food.
- A meal eaten in the morning as the first meal of the day.
- A sharp tool or weapon for cutting, usually with a metal blade and a handle.
- A machine that mixes substances.
- A machine that makes coffee.
- A container for boiling water, that has a lid, handle, and spout and is made from plastic or metal.
- A sweet, usually brown, food made from cacao seeds, that is usually sold in a block and is often used as a flavour for desserts, drinks, etc.
- the soft part containing seeds that is produced by a plant. Many types are sweet and can be eaten.
- To cook or heat food.
- A flat, usually round dish with a slightly raised edge that you eat from or serve food from.
- A small container for drinks made of glass or similar material, with a flat base and usually with no handle.
- A plant, root, seed, or pod that is used as food, especially in dishes that are not sweet.
- The main meal of the day, usually the meal you eat in the evening but sometimes, in Britain, the meal eaten in the middle of the day.
- (A drink made by pouring hot water onto) dried and cut leaves and sometimes flowers.
- A round container that is open at the top and is deep enough to hold fruit, sugar, etc.
- To cook food in hot oil or fat.
- A glass or clay container with a wide opening at the top and sometimes a fitted lid, usually used for storing food.
- A round container, usually used for storing things or cooking.
- A metal container with a handle that is used for cooking food in.
- A small object with three or four points and a handle, that you use to pick up food and eat with.
25 Clues: To cook or heat food. • A machine that makes coffee. • To cook food in hot oil or fat. • A machine that mixes substances. • The flesh of an animal when it is used for food. • A meal eaten in the morning as the first meal of the day. • A round container, usually used for storing things or cooking. • A metal container with a handle that is used for cooking food in. • ...
FOOD! 2023-06-24
- Colorful vegetable for fajitas
- Red fruit
- Red fruit( For salad)
- Rissotto
- Monkey's favorite fruit
- Very sour!
- HUGE fruit
- We need it to grow (Drink)
- Small fruit looks like it has branches
- Green vegetable that looks like cucumber
- Big fruit with spikes
- Green vegetable (For salad)
- We get from cows
- Small red fruit
- Farm animal (We gets eggs from)
- Yummy dipping
- Summer fruit with huge seed
- For grilled cheese sandwiches
- We make sandwiches with it
- We eat it with burgers (Fried)
- Popeye's favorite
- Orange vegetable (Rabbit's favorite)
22 Clues: Rissotto • Red fruit • Very sour! • HUGE fruit • Yummy dipping • Small red fruit • We get from cows • Popeye's favorite • Red fruit( For salad) • Big fruit with spikes • Monkey's favorite fruit • We need it to grow (Drink) • We make sandwiches with it • Summer fruit with huge seed • Green vegetable (For salad) • For grilled cheese sandwiches • Colorful vegetable for fajitas • ...
food 2023-07-03
- biggest slice
- lolo's favorite restaurant
- tacos sidewalk in Spanish
- best soup
- only chilaquiles in dallas lol
- poke owned by horrible people
- biscuits with the boss ice cream
- best breakfast burrito
- your first fast food choice
- bbq in carrollton
- restaurant with the nicest owners
- fast food yogurt
- place with a two hour wait ALWAYS
- "healthy" fast food
- pad woon sen
- best Chinese
- restaurants where movies get projected
- closest burger
- cheapest margs
- pizza place with trucker hats
- best fried mushrooms
- thai food that makes me puke
- breadsticks and salads
- last restaurant we went to before the pandemic
- not a yellow fish but a ....
- best breakfast sandwich
- restaurant names paradise in spanish
- a place a worked at for two weeks
- graduation breakfast in denton
29 Clues: best soup • pad woon sen • best Chinese • biggest slice • closest burger • cheapest margs • fast food yogurt • bbq in carrollton • "healthy" fast food • best fried mushrooms • breadsticks and salads • best breakfast burrito • best breakfast sandwich • tacos sidewalk in Spanish • lolo's favorite restaurant • your first fast food choice • thai food that makes me puke • not a yellow fish but a .... • ...
Food 2024-01-19
21 Clues: tee • vesi • kakku • pihvi • suola • kahvi • peruna • pirtelö • pippuri • lasange • mansikka • tomaatti • ketsuppi • mustikka • munakoiso • lihapullia • uuniperuna • hampurilainen • ruoan tähteet • grillikylkipala • chocolate kaakao
Food 2023-11-09
20 Clues: hús • hal • rizs • sajt • kávé • banán • tojás • marha • lazac • tészta • disznó • csirke • bárány • tonhal • saláta • zöldség • mandarin • gyümölcs • narancslé • paradicsom
Food 2023-10-26
24 Clues: рис • сыр • хлеб • рыба • мясо • вода • овощи • лапша • салат • блины • тунец • фрукты • йогурт • хлопья • курица • яблоки • печенья • ветчина • сосиски • бутерброды • томаты, помидоры • апельсиновый сон • жареная картошка • картофель (много)
Food 2023-11-14
21 Clues: Pan • Jugo • Sopa • Arroz • Carne • Queso • Papas • Aceite • Mesero • Frutas • Pastel • Lacteos • Tomates • Cebolla • Postres • Ensalada • Mariscos • Vegetales • Zanahorias • Me gustaria • Restaurante
Food 2023-11-23
24 Clues: сок • чай • каша • яйцо • кофе • пить • брать • овощи • чашка • иметь • вчера • видеть • фрукты • кушать • стакан • молоко • скакать • прыгать • чистить • смотреть • говорить • картофель • приходить • кататься на коньках
food 2024-01-02
- most expensive roe
- popular in family mart
- a Japanese dessert made of sweet glutinous rice flour
- have an identical as ice cream
- fermented soy bean
- variety of steam food
- made of mung bean from thai
- borneo’s traditional food
- made of glass noodle
- crispy texture with grid pattern
- a fermented milk product
- chicken
- long, thin, solid, cylindrical pasta
- another type of tortilla
- served as a bowl rice korean food
- japanese famous food usually paired with wasabi
- circular and cutted into triangle shape
- horn have a unicorn horn shape
- cream most famous cool desert
- cake traditional chinese dessert
- famous french pastry
- have a same shape as curry puff
- japanaese squid ball shape
- a must eat food in colleges
- spongebob skills
- doraemom pocket shape
- made from annual grass plant
- thai
- itallian dessert made of espresso
- bite size pieces of meat with peanut flavoured dipping sauce
30 Clues: thai • chicken • spongebob skills • most expensive roe • fermented soy bean • famous french pastry • made of glass noodle • variety of steam food • doraemom pocket shape • popular in family mart • a fermented milk product • another type of tortilla • borneo’s traditional food • japanaese squid ball shape • made of mung bean from thai • a must eat food in colleges • made from annual grass plant • ...
Food 2023-12-27
- The midday meal often taken during a break from work.
- A yellow fruit with a peel that you can easily remove, and it's soft and sweet inside.
- A white liquid that comes from cows and is good to drink or use in cooking.
- A refreshing drink made by squeezing lemons and mixing with water.
- A store that sells many different kinds of candies and chocolates.
- An Italian dish made from wheat and water, usually served with sauce.
- Furniture with drawers for storing things.
- A tropical fruit with a smooth skin, sweet taste, and a large seed inside.
- The action of tossing something with force.
- A mixture of vegetables and sometimes fruits, often served with dressing.
- A frozen dessert that comes in many flavors and is very cold.
- Getting goods in exchange for money.
- A small citrus fruit similar to an orange but easier to peel.
- Sweet baked treats that are often round and can have chocolate chips.
- A small, red fruit with tiny seeds on the outside and a sweet taste.
- Food served on a flat plate or in a bowl.
- A written or printed record of items in order.
- A food made from milk that comes in different flavors and textures.
- Small, sugary treats that are enjoyable to eat.
- A common food that many people eat, it comes in different types like white or brown.
- A basin used for washing dishes and hands.
- The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
- A sweet treat made from cocoa beans that melts easily.
- An appliance used to keep food cool.
- A round, red or green fruit that is sweet and crunchy.
- A cooked patty often served in a bun.
- A tool with a shallow bowl and a handle for eating.
- The flesh of animals, like cows or pigs, that people cook and eat.
- A round container used for holding food.
- The main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening.
- A social event with music, dancing, and celebration.
- A red fruit that many people think is a vegetable, often used in salads and sandwiches.
- A surface for transactions and customer service.
- A drink made by squeezing fruits or vegetables.
- A place where goods are bought and sold.
- A flat object used for serving food.
- A tool with prongs used for picking up and eating food.
- A food that is baked and can be sliced, used for sandwiches or eaten with butter.
- A citrus fruit that's round and orange, with a tangy and refreshing flavor.
- A see-through container for holding liquids like water or juice.
- Long, thin strips of dough that are often used in soup.
- A tool with a sharp edge used for cutting.
- The meat from a bird often cooked by roasting, frying, or grilling.
- Seafood that can be cooked by grilling or frying.
44 Clues: An appliance used to keep food cool. • A flat object used for serving food. • Getting goods in exchange for money. • A cooked patty often served in a bun. • A round container used for holding food. • A place where goods are bought and sold. • Food served on a flat plate or in a bowl. • Furniture with drawers for storing things. • A tool with a sharp edge used for cutting. • ...
Food 2024-01-26
21 Clues: lohi • maku • kaali • keitto • lounas • kinkku • ateria • sinappi • karpalo • Makkara • Vadelma • päärynä • sämpylä • puolukka • tonnikala • munakoiso • illallinen • lihapullia • päivällinen • kesäkurpitsa • grillikylkipala
food 2024-02-06
- it grows on a palm
- a berry that grows in the forest
- keeps track of the time
- a small red berry
- a drink from cows
- you use it to cut food
- meat from pigs
- you eat soup out of it
- citrus fruit
- a long green vegetable
- krusbär
- a red or green fruit
- you usually eat it as breakfast
- it measures liquids
- a red berry
- where you keep spices
- you eat on it
- a cold place where you keep food
- an orange fruit that needs to be peeled before eating
- you can eat mashed ...
20 Clues: krusbär • a red berry • citrus fruit • you eat on it • meat from pigs • a small red berry • a drink from cows • it grows on a palm • it measures liquids • a red or green fruit • where you keep spices • you use it to cut food • you eat soup out of it • a long green vegetable • you can eat mashed ... • keeps track of the time • you usually eat it as breakfast • a berry that grows in the forest • ...
FOOD 2024-04-24
food 2024-04-15
Food 2024-07-20
- Tiny Citrus
- Invasive herb
- Fatty Duck Liver
- Movement, Seasoning Blend
- American Cheese
- Swiss Cheese
- Oil
- Root Vegetable
- Dairy Spread
- Begins with a starter
- British Breakfast Classic
- The flavour of liquorice
- Nuts found in Marzipan
- One a day keeps the doctor away
- Dessert made from frozen fruit juice
- French Characterie Meat
- Form of tomatoes
- French Patisserie, a lady
- Sweet Pie Filling
- Preserve, Conserve
- Savory Spinach Pie, Greek
- Like Pancetta, but a fattier cut
- Wrap for Tamales
- Moroccan Spice Mix
- Pasta Bow Ties
- Dutch Cheese
- Pimento Berries
- How to order a lightly cooked steak
- Disc shaped Grain
- white substance for seasoning
- Formerly Rent
- Colourful Round Patisserie
- Breadcrumbs
- Whipped Egg Whites
- Aromatic Evergreen Shrub
- Sauce, Butter and Parmesan
- Festive Spice
- a pod
- Yeast Extract, Australian
39 Clues: Oil • Tiny Citrus • Breadcrumbs • a pod • Dutch Cheese • Swiss Cheese • Dairy Spread • Invasive herb • Formerly Rent • Festive Spice • Pasta Bow Ties • Root Vegetable • American Cheese • Pimento Berries • Wrap for Tamales • Fatty Duck Liver • Form of tomatoes • Disc shaped Grain • Sweet Pie Filling • Preserve, Conserve • Moroccan Spice Mix • Whipped Egg Whites • Begins with a starter • Nuts found in Marzipan • ...
FOOD 2024-02-28
26 Clues: nůž • zelí • miska • talíř • lžíce • šunka • čočka • pórek • játra • květák • ananas • telecí • cizrna • pečené • švestka • meruňka • ledvina • křepelka • vidlička • ředkvička • mandarinka • konev/konvice • granátové jablko • lilek (nebo aubergine) • kuřecí prsa (bez mezery) • pánev na smažení (bez mezery)
food 2024-03-24
food 2024-02-08
- potato staffs
- used to eat soup
- an item to put your food on
- a lång green vegetables
- u get it from animals
- makes you cry
- lives in water
- hot water with a bag of taste
- used to cut your food
- a big red berrie
- balls made out of meat
- a bird with much protein
- red or green fruit
- eat with spoon
- round yellow ball
- is very spicy
- long bread
- used to drink stuff
- eat food with
- a caterpillar u can eat that makes silk
20 Clues: long bread • potato staffs • is very spicy • makes you cry • eat food with • eat with spoon • lives in water • used to eat soup • a big red berrie • round yellow ball • red or green fruit • used to drink stuff • u get it from animals • used to cut your food • balls made out of meat • a lång green vegetables • a bird with much protein • an item to put your food on • hot water with a bag of taste • ...
food 2024-02-08
21 Clues: sok • słoik • chleb • mięso • śliwki • ogórki • grzyby • paczka • jogurt • kromka • brokuły • tuńczyk • krewetki • tabliczka • winogrona • przekąski • herbatniki • wieprzowina • oliwa z oliwek • orzechy włoskie • dżem truskawkowy
Food 2024-02-21
- Starchy, small shape
- Broth, savory, noodles, asian
- Wrapped, filled with a lot of stuff
- Circle, sweet, chocolate chips
- Green inside and brown outside
- Pasta sauce, noodles
- Hard shell or soft shell with meat
- cold and has a cone
- Sweet, sticky, made by bees
- Green, looks like a tree
- chickens give birth
- stuffed pasta
- Yellow and made potatoes
- thin, pancake like, sweet, breakfast
- Loafy and soft
- Liquid, savory, flavorful
- crunchy, triangle shape
- has a crust
- Chocolaty, fudge, square shape
- korean dish, pickled
- Ms.Kuhns fav food
- purple and round
- milk with crunchy stuff
- round and red
- Bread in the middle, meat in between
25 Clues: has a crust • stuffed pasta • round and red • Loafy and soft • purple and round • Ms.Kuhns fav food • chickens give birth • cold and has a cone • Starchy, small shape • korean dish, pickled • Pasta sauce, noodles • crunchy, triangle shape • milk with crunchy stuff • Green, looks like a tree • Yellow and made potatoes • Liquid, savory, flavorful • Sweet, sticky, made by bees • ...
Food 2023-10-17
- very popular Russian food. You can make chips from it.
- bananas, oranges, apples are ...
- Italian food. They can be with chicken, bacon or mushrooms.
- potatoes, cucumbers, carrots are ...
- orange, apple, mango ... You can drink it.
- it can be white, black or grey, main ingredient for sandwich.
- mouse likes it.
- food for breakfast. It can be strawberry, mango, kiwi or banana.
- you put it in a sandwich.
- for hot dogs you need bread and ...
- it lives in water.
- this fruit can be green, red and yellow.
- kind of fish.
- it is a white ingredient in sushi.
- French fries.
- I have it for breakfast with milk (Nesquik, Cosmostars).
- in Russia they are called "blini".
- bread with cheese, tuna or ham is ...
- small snacks. You usually eat them with tea.
- you drink it to live.
20 Clues: kind of fish. • French fries. • mouse likes it. • it lives in water. • you drink it to live. • you put it in a sandwich. • bananas, oranges, apples are ... • it is a white ingredient in sushi. • in Russia they are called "blini". • for hot dogs you need bread and ... • potatoes, cucumbers, carrots are ... • bread with cheese, tuna or ham is ... • ...
Food 2024-03-22
- a food with a lot of tasty flavors
- a breakfast food that you can put anything in I prefer chocolate chips
- a meat that can be cooked in many ways
- a food that you can customize and it is from mexico
- a dish made of noodles
- a cold dessert best in summer
- something found at KFC
- a dish that is a dessert with chocolate chips
- a type of food most commonly found in McDonald
- a doughy food found in China
- a food that might have a pearl in it
- a food that is Mexican usually topped with cheese and a bunch of toppings
- an Italian dish very famous in America
- a food that is in a shell that can you can eat in many ways
- a food that is long and is between to rolls
- a fruit that is green that goes on toast
- a red fruit that is very juciey
- a snack made of potatoes
- a common breakfast food paired well with eggs
- a side dish that is made of potatoes that are fried
20 Clues: a dish made of noodles • something found at KFC • a snack made of potatoes • a doughy food found in China • a cold dessert best in summer • a red fruit that is very juciey • a food with a lot of tasty flavors • a food that might have a pearl in it • an Italian dish very famous in America • a meat that can be cooked in many ways • a fruit that is green that goes on toast • ...
Food 2024-04-17
- It's made from milk and comes in many varieties.
- It's a drink made from squeezing fruits.
- It comes from cows and is white in color.
- Italian dish, comes in various shapes
- It swims in water and is often served grilled or fried.
- Squirrels love to store these.
- Strong-smelling bulb, wards off vampires.
- It's a dairy product often eaten with fruit.
- Purple vegetable often used in Mediterranean dishes.
- It's a red fruit often used in salads and sauces.
- This bird is often fried, roasted, or grilled and is a popular protein choice for many dishes.
- Tiny sea creatures, delicious with cocktail sauce.
- Thin, crispy, and often dipped in ketchup.
- You boil, fry, or scramble this for breakfast.
- Fungi that grows in slight wet places
- It’s a type of meat that comes from pigs, often enjoyed in sandwiches or with breakfast.
- Orange vegetable that rabbits love to eat.
- Crunchy green vegetable, often used in salads.
- Essential seasoning, found in shakers.
- Makes you cry when you chop it.
20 Clues: Squirrels love to store these. • Makes you cry when you chop it. • Fungi that grows in slight wet places • Italian dish, comes in various shapes • Essential seasoning, found in shakers. • It's a drink made from squeezing fruits. • It comes from cows and is white in color. • Strong-smelling bulb, wards off vampires. • Thin, crispy, and often dipped in ketchup. • ...
FOOD 2024-06-11
20 Clues: sůl • sýr • med • maso • rýže • cukr • máslo • vejce • mrkev • hruška • třešeň • cibule • chleba • hrášek • hořčice • polévka • švestka • paprika • hroznové víno • hlávkový salát
Food 2024-05-23
- from Italy
- originated from Germany and the USA
- the Symbol of fruit
- comes from a fruit
- Comes from the Ocean/lake
- Very popular Chinese/Japanese food
- comes from Afrika, South America and Asia
- comes from Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan
- comes from Cows
- this fruit comes from South Africa
- another popular dish from Italy
- made from Milk
- comes from a chicken
- Popular Mexican food
- Almost in every fast food restaurant
- from Peru
- made with cacao beans
- sweet but cold
- easy to bake
- comes from China and the color is green
20 Clues: from Peru • from Italy • easy to bake • made from Milk • sweet but cold • comes from Cows • comes from a fruit • the Symbol of fruit • comes from a chicken • Popular Mexican food • made with cacao beans • Comes from the Ocean/lake • another popular dish from Italy • this fruit comes from South Africa • Very popular Chinese/Japanese food • originated from Germany and the USA • ...
Food 2024-05-22
- Spicy condiment often served with sushi (adult)
- A protein-rich grain (adult)
- Small red fruit often used in desserts (child)
- Soybean curd often used in vegetarian dishes (adult)
- A delicacy made of cooked snails (adult)
- Japanese dish with rice and raw fish (adult)
- Spice derived from a flower's stigma (adult)
- Leafy green vegetable often used in salads (child)
- A yellow fruit with a peel (child)
- Flat cake often eaten for breakfast (child)
- French vegetable stew (adult)
- Tropical fruit with a sweet and juicy flesh (child)
- A rare and expensive type of mushroom (adult)
- Dish made from beaten eggs cooked with filling (child)
- Crisp green vegetable often used in salads (child)
- A round dish with cheese and toppings (child)
- Small bird often cooked whole (adult)
- An orange vegetable often eaten raw (child)
- Fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables (adult)
- Dairy product often made from cow's milk (child)
- Spicy green paste served with sushi (adult)
- Vegetable with edible leaves and heart (adult)
- Tiny black or orange fish eggs (adult)
- Starchy vegetable often fried or mashed (child)
- Green vegetable with small edible florets (child)
- Large fruit with a green rind and red flesh (child)
- Hot chili sauce originating from Thailand (adult)
- Small round fruit often used in muffins (child)
- Tropical fruit with a strong odor (adult)
- A type of fungus used in gourmet cooking (adult)
- Fruit with a sweet and tangy pulp (adult)
- Italian dish made from flour and water (child)
- Creamy green fruit often used in guacamole (child)
- Sandwich with a cooked patty (child)
- Small fruit often used to make wine (child)
- A luxury food made of duck or goose liver (adult)
- Tropical fruit with a spiky outer skin (child)
- Yellow citrus fruit with a sour taste (child)
- Japanese pufferfish dish that can be poisonous (adult)
- Small granules made from semolina (adult)
- Leafy green vegetable high in nutrients (adult)
- A sweet baked treat often with chocolate chips (child)
- Thinly sliced raw fish served without rice (adult)
- A sweet treat made from cocoa (child)
- Small fish often used as a pizza topping (adult)
- A fruit with red, green, or yellow skin (child)
46 Clues: A protein-rich grain (adult) • French vegetable stew (adult) • A yellow fruit with a peel (child) • Sandwich with a cooked patty (child) • Small bird often cooked whole (adult) • A sweet treat made from cocoa (child) • Tiny black or orange fish eggs (adult) • A delicacy made of cooked snails (adult) • Tropical fruit with a strong odor (adult) • ...
Food 2024-06-01
- dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacteria.
- sweet treat made from cacao beans.
- staple grain that is a primary food source for much of the world’s population.
- staple food made from flour and water, usually baked.
- popular fruit often associated with keeping doctors away.
- popular hot beverage made from roasted beans.
- Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice, fish, and vegetables.
- red or yellowish fruit eaten as a vegetable or in salads.
- Italian staple made from wheat dough, often served with sauce.
- creamy green fruit often used in salads and guacamole.
- thick slice of high-quality beef, typically cooked by grilling or frying.
- solid dairy product made by churning cream.
- sandwich consisting of a cooked patty of ground meat, usually beef, placed inside a sliced bun.
- dish made from beaten eggs, cooked with butter or oil in a frying pan.
- dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk.
- small, round fruit, typically green or purple, used to make wine.
- popular Italian dish with a base of dough, sauce, and various toppings.
- orange root vegetable often eaten raw or cooked.
- dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables.
- sweet substance made by bees using nectar from flowers.
20 Clues: sweet treat made from cacao beans. • solid dairy product made by churning cream. • popular hot beverage made from roasted beans. • orange root vegetable often eaten raw or cooked. • dairy product made from curdled or cultured milk. • dairy product made by fermenting milk with bacteria. • staple food made from flour and water, usually baked. • ...
FOOD 2024-08-21
20 Clues: gge • hsfi • inono • lpeap • taesk • dabre • tmoot • rpeppe • otatop • nargoe • rcatro • nanaba • ryrehc • rbuett • hcnikec • esehcee • esaguas • thgoyur • mroohmus • wrsebrtary
Food 2024-09-06
- Red fruit often used in salads and sauces.
- Sweet, fried pastry often glazed or filled.
- Citrus fruit often used to add tartness.
- Medium-sized chili pepper from Mexico.
- Expensive fungus used to flavor dishes.
- Cucumber preserved in brine or vinegar.
- Creamy Italian rice dish often cooked with broth.
- Soybean curd often used as a meat substitute.
- Spice made from dried peppers, used for color and flavor.
- Spice used in baking, often in pies and cakes.
- Spicy dish often served with beans.
- Green vegetable with a tree-like structure.
- Italian dish with layers of pasta and cheese.
- Pasta filled with cheese, meat, or vegetables.
- Sweet, sticky sauce made by heating sugar.
- Spice made from the bark of a tree.
- Flat cake cooked on a griddle, often served with syrup.
- Cooking technique involving frying in a small amount of fat.
- Herb commonly used in pickling.
- Condiment made from seeds, often used on sandwiches.
- Herb used as a garnish or in cooking.
- Japanese dish featuring vinegared rice and raw fish.
- Herb commonly used in Italian cooking.
- Small fruit used to make oil.
- Long, thin loaf of French bread.
- Flaky, buttery pastry from France.
- Grid-patterned breakfast dish, often served with syrup.
- Spicy tomato-based sauce used with chips.
- Dip made from chickpeas and tahini.
- Tomato-based condiment often used on burgers.
- Hungarian stew often made with meat and paprika.
- Herb often used in pesto.
- Frozen dessert made with fruit and sugar.
- Type of pasta shaped like thick ribbons.
- Fermented dairy product often used in smoothies.
- Middle Eastern flatbread, often used for wraps.
- Flavoring made from orchid beans.
- Tropical fruit with a sweet, juicy flavor.
- Aromatic bulb used to flavor many dishes.
- Fat used in cooking, often from pigs.
- Small, crunchy vegetable with a peppery flavor.
- Purple vegetable also known as aubergine.
- Spicy green paste often served with sushi.
- Popular fish often used in sandwiches and sushi.
- Starter dish before the main course.
- Savory pie filled with eggs and cream.
46 Clues: Herb often used in pesto. • Small fruit used to make oil. • Herb commonly used in pickling. • Long, thin loaf of French bread. • Flavoring made from orchid beans. • Flaky, buttery pastry from France. • Dip made from chickpeas and tahini. • Spicy dish often served with beans. • Spice made from the bark of a tree. • Starter dish before the main course. • ...
food 2024-05-06
26 Clues: nico • asco • food • beans • spicy • the soda • sea food • the rice • the meat • the milk • the snack • delicious • the fruit • the drink • the lunch • the water • the bread • the cheese • disgusting • the dinner • I am hungry • the chicken • the dessert • the vegtables • to be thirsty • the breakfast
Food 2024-05-01
- AKA A McDonald's Hamburger
- I like mine fresh and raw, lots of wasabi
- 30 Minutes or Less and It's Free
- Peanut Butter's Partner
- Where you keep farm animals?
- Famous ballpark food
- American, Pepper Jack, or Swiss
- Apple, Cherry, or Key Lime
- Magically Delicious Cereal
- Cereal A Rabbit Is Always After
- Sandwich with Meat, Vegetable, and Fruit
- Frankenstein, Grover, or Sully
- Pepper's Partner
- Powder form was created by Edwin Perkins in 1927
- Wing Giving Drink
- Red, Spicy, Rolled Snake Food
- Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip, or Peanut Butter
- Yellow Condiment
- Issac Newton Head Injury Cause
- Birthday, Wedding, or Ice Cream
- Dairy Product, Sometimes Greek?
- Sonic's Favorite Food
- Soda War Contender
- Put on top of a Sunday
- Rotten, Scrambled, or Salad
- Standard Chipolet Order
- Candy which is Rainbow Flavored
- Black, Fava, or Kidney
28 Clues: Yellow Condiment • Pepper's Partner • Wing Giving Drink • Soda War Contender • Famous ballpark food • Sonic's Favorite Food • Put on top of a Sunday • Black, Fava, or Kidney • Peanut Butter's Partner • Standard Chipolet Order • AKA A McDonald's Hamburger • Apple, Cherry, or Key Lime • Magically Delicious Cereal • Rotten, Scrambled, or Salad • Where you keep farm animals? • ...
FOOD 2024-09-30
27 Clues: Ají • Sal • Kiwi • Pera • Queso • Carne • Palta • Limón • Sandía • Huevos • Pepino • Tomate • Azúcar • Cebolla • Pescado • Brócoli • Durazno • Arvejas • Plátano • Cerezas • Camarón • Cangrejo • Rabanito • Frutilla • Zanahora • Arándano • Berenjena
FOOD 2024-10-04
Food 2024-10-07
- The ingredient that makes food sweet
- A hot liquid often made of vegetables
- Another word for supper
- A baked treat for when you get to your next year
- What MacDonald's (and other fast food eateries) serve
- A favorite dessert, comes in many flavors
- First meal of the day
- A tasty morning drink for cold days
- Midday meal
- often the first drink of the day with caffeine
- A type of tuber, used to make French fires, among other foods
- What we might eat at 12:00 a.m.
- What we order from at a restaurant
- Sweet treats given out on Halloween (and other times)
- A French pastry often eaten at breakfast
- Something to eat between meals
- A place to get coffee
- Takes your order in a cafe
- How you might cook food outside
- A bubbly drink, such as Coke
- A type of tea with ginger, cinnamon, etc.
- Takes your order in a restaurant
- A creamy snack made with milk
23 Clues: Midday meal • A place to get coffee • First meal of the day • Another word for supper • Takes your order in a cafe • A bubbly drink, such as Coke • A creamy snack made with milk • Something to eat between meals • What we might eat at 12:00 a.m. • How you might cook food outside • Takes your order in a restaurant • What we order from at a restaurant • ...
Food 2024-10-15
20 Clues: Moo • New • Oink • Hard milk • Hard fish • Need food • Not a drink • Frozen milk • Need to wait • Need a drink • Like the most • Food in bread • Food with fire • Raw vegetables • Bowl of snakes • White ice-cream • Leaves in water • Really good food • Should always eat • Long green vegetable
Food 2024-11-07
- to drink coffee or some drink
- for grate cheese
- cream scoop make ball of ice cream
- to weigh the ingrédients
- box for season food
- for cut food
- for turn steak or creaps
- to eat cereals
- pan for fry chicken or make fries
- take the food to eat
- to measure the temperature of the food
- boards board for cut food in
- for grill some food
- to cut
- pour the tea
- to drink
- pan for cook wok
- for peel potatoes or vegetables
- need to transport the food
- for whipping
20 Clues: to cut • to drink • pour the tea • for cut food • for whipping • to eat cereals • for grate cheese • pan for cook wok • for grill some food • box for season food • take the food to eat • to weigh the ingrédients • for turn steak or creaps • need to transport the food • boards board for cut food in • to drink coffee or some drink • for peel potatoes or vegetables • pan for fry chicken or make fries • ...
Food 2024-11-09
20 Clues: មី • បាយ • តៅហ៊ូ • សាឡាត់ • ត្រសក់ • ការ៉ុត • កាហ្វេ • សាច់គោ • ផ្លែចេក • ស្រាបៀរ • ប៉េងប៉ោះ • ទឹកដោះគោ • ផ្លែប៉ោម • សាច់ជ្រូក • ផ្លែស្វាយ • ផ្លែល្ហុង • ផ្លែក្រូច • ផ្លែពុទ្រា • ខ្ទឹមបារាំង • ផ្លែទំពាំងបាយជូរ
Food 2024-11-28
- If you drop a knife let it ____.
- Use a separate cutting ___ for meats and other foods.
- Sugar without fibers gets turned into ___.
- Keep fingers away from ___.
- Always ___ your hands as much as you can.
- In the foodborne illness project the disease that was listed at first place was ____. (Salmonella)
- The three measures that we mainly use are, dry, small and ____.
- ____ anchors the yolk in place.
- The 4 cleaning jobs are Dish washer, Dish dryer, ____, and lab helper.
- Use ___ water for washing kitchen equipment.
- In the breakfast burrito it says, ____ heat is needed for cooking eggs.
- In the carrot cake muffins you ___ and finely grate the carrots into a small bowl.
- Store ____ away from food.
- In the Molten Chocolate Lava Cake Spray 2 ___ with non stick spray.
- in the Pizza Dough recipe you ___ together all ingredients.
- _____located at the large end of the egg, cools down the egg when laid.
- To have a healthy breakfast you have to have a balanced meal with ____, protein, and fat.
- In the smoothie lab you're supposed to stop the blender and fold everything in with a rubber ___.
- in the pumpkin snickerdoodle recipe you're supposed to ____ the margarine.
- Ms.Di Nunzio's favourite colour
- ____ contains over 50% of eggs’ protein.
- In the sugar project we learned another commonly used name for sugar was ____.
- Know where the fire ___ is.
- Keep your stove and oven area ___.
- In the carrot muffins lab you're supposed to cool in the ___ for 5 minutes.
25 Clues: Store ____ away from food. • Keep fingers away from ___. • Know where the fire ___ is. • ____ anchors the yolk in place. • Ms.Di Nunzio's favourite colour • If you drop a knife let it ____. • Keep your stove and oven area ___. • ____ contains over 50% of eggs’ protein. • Always ___ your hands as much as you can. • Sugar without fibers gets turned into ___. • ...
Food!!! 2024-12-19
- j
- Shaped Into a Spiral, Vary in Colors, Related to a Popsicle
- Makes Your Eyes Water, Used to Add Flavor to a Dish, Can Vary in Colors
- Used in Salads, Plant, Found in Stores Too
- Orange, A Veggie, Used to Feed Livestock
- Light Green Inside, Light Green on the Outside, Type of Melon
- Makes Your Eyes Water, More Potent Than an Onion, Used to Add Flavor to a Dish
- Made From a Chicken, Tendons, Used to Make Chicken Nuggets
- A Tropical Fruit, Orange Inside, Lots Of Black Gooey Seeds
- Sugary, Can Vary in Colors and Taste, Chewy Hard or Soft
- Buns, Beef, Toppings
- Used in Salads, Plant, Lots of Protein
- Can Cause Allergic Reactions, Grows on a Tree, Related to a Pea
- Can Vary in Colors, Veggie, Related to Lettuce
- Made From Potatoes, Topped in Salt and/or Butter, Served With Fast-Food
- Soy Based, Used to Make Soy Milk, In The Legumes Family
- Used to Make Bread, To Feed Livestock, Grown in Farms
- 92% Water, Pink or Red Inside, Green and Dark Green Stripes on the Outside
- Orange Inside, A Tropical Fruit, Tastes Like Brown Sugar
- More Sour Than a Lemon, Used as Flavor on Meat, Green
- Red and Pink, Fatty White Parts, Comes From an Animal
- Yellow Inside, A Tropical Fruit, Has Jack in the Name
- Cheese, Sauce, Dough, Toppings
- Used in Some Soups and Curries, French Fries
- Made From Milk, Goes on Pizza, Sold in Blocks of This Item
- Made From Chicken, Can get it From Fast-Food Restaurant, Brown and COVERED With Bread Crust
- Vary in Colors and Taste, Twizzler, Stretchy and Chewy
- Red, Round, Grows on a Tree as a Flower
- Orange, Round, Mostly Grown in Georgia
- "Short Fatties," Tropical Fruit, Yellow Leathery Skin
- Orange Inside, Many Seeds, A Rough Grayish Texture on the Outside
- An Herb, To Some People it Tastes Like Soap, Green and Used as a Sauce
- Less Sour Than a Lime, Used as Flavor on Meat, Yellow
- Made From a Cow, Called Steak When Cooked, Red and Pink When Uncooked
34 Clues: j • Buns, Beef, Toppings • Cheese, Sauce, Dough, Toppings • Orange, Round, Mostly Grown in Georgia • Used in Salads, Plant, Lots of Protein • Red, Round, Grows on a Tree as a Flower • Orange, A Veggie, Used to Feed Livestock • Used in Salads, Plant, Found in Stores Too • Used in Some Soups and Curries, French Fries • Can Vary in Colors, Veggie, Related to Lettuce • ...
Food! 2012-10-15
- afternoon meal
- call for delivery
- cooking meat over fire
- long and thin
- small food between meals
- some students don't like these
- meat from a cow
- cold and sweet
- pink drink from a cow
- has eight legs
- morning meal
- meat from a pig
- evening meal
- brown soft drink
- valentines day
- a drink from a cow
- meat, bread, and vegetable sandwich from The U.S.
- call for delivery
- rice and fish from japan
- who do you eat with?
- chinese noodles
- italian noodles
- delicious
- who do you eat with?
24 Clues: delicious • morning meal • evening meal • long and thin • afternoon meal • valentines day • cold and sweet • has eight legs • meat from a cow • chinese noodles • italian noodles • meat from a pig • brown soft drink • call for delivery • call for delivery • a drink from a cow • who do you eat with? • who do you eat with? • pink drink from a cow • cooking meat over fire • small food between meals • ...
Food 2013-03-06
- Small, sweet parts of plants
- A person who sells meat
- This is what cows produce
- A morning meal
- A person who doesn't eat meat
- This is what butcher does
- A hot drink which is made from beans
- A day-time meal
- An item with which we can eat soup
- We make omlet from this
- A man,who makes bread, cakes
- The evening meal
- For example:Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Onions
- cook To prepare food
- A part of an animal which we can eat
- A hot drink which is made from leaves and is usually served with lemon or milk
- It is made from a milk and it is the best treat for mice
- A snack which is made by putting smth between to slices of bread
- A place where we can eat
- An item with which we can cut smth
- A liquid from fruit
- an item of soft, sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and other ingredients, baked and often decorated
- For example:Tuna,Salmon.
23 Clues: A morning meal • A day-time meal • The evening meal • A liquid from fruit • cook To prepare food • A person who sells meat • We make omlet from this • A place where we can eat • For example:Tuna,Salmon. • This is what cows produce • This is what butcher does • A man,who makes bread, cakes • Small, sweet parts of plants • A person who doesn't eat meat • An item with which we can cut smth • ...
Food 2014-01-12
- White drink
- Many vegetables
- A sweet fruit that is yellow inside
- Like jiggae or tang
- Healthy green vegetable
- Eat everyday for school lunch
- Important drink
- Put on top of pizza
- ____ Hut
- Orange Vegetable
- ___ Chips
- Make a sandwich with it
- Fruit that's brown on outside, green on inside
- Spicy white vegetable
- At McDonalds
- Spicy green or red vegetable
- Popular Korean food
- Long thin green vegetable
- Delicious dessert
- Round red vegetable
- A kind of meat
21 Clues: ____ Hut • ___ Chips • White drink • At McDonalds • A kind of meat • Many vegetables • Important drink • Orange Vegetable • Delicious dessert • Popular Korean food • Like jiggae or tang • Put on top of pizza • Round red vegetable • Spicy white vegetable • Healthy green vegetable • Make a sandwich with it • Long thin green vegetable • Spicy green or red vegetable • Eat everyday for school lunch • ...
FOOD 2014-04-22
FOOD 2014-04-22
FOOD 2014-04-22
food 2014-04-10
23 Clues: eļļa • sula • tēja • zupa • desa • sāls • pica • medus • ķirši • siers • maize • avene • piens • ūdens • āboli • cukurs • arbūzs • zemene • tomāts • salāti • banāns • melone • kartupelis
food 2014-03-13
31 Clues: zivs • gaļa • kivi • sula • sāls • tēja • olas • avene • vista • maize • ūdens • gurķis • cukurs • kazene • arbūzs • tomāts • melone • tītars • ķirbis • hotdogs • sviests • burkāns • citrons • mellene • burgeris • šokolāde • dzērvene • limonāde • saldējums • hamburgers • tostermaize
Food 2014-03-13
22 Clues: ola • sals • ella • zivs • teja • gala • abols • maize • piens • udens • calis • siers • salati • kirbis • tomats • gurkis • kazene • hodogs • sviests • limonade • sokolade • burgeris
FOOD 2014-05-13
- It is a kind of pork meat that contains a lot of fat.
- It is a bird whose color is golden and people usually cook.
- Something which is made with layers of pasta, minced beef, tomato and bechamel sauce.
- A type of food made with beaten eggs and potatoes.
- A root vegetable that can be fried or boiled.
- It is a cereal that the Japanese eat a lot.
- It is a drink that can contain milk and different kinds of fruits.
- Something that is the basis of a sandwich.
- It is a dessert which we usually eat on birthdays.
- It is a fruit that contains a lot of vitamin C.
- Food that hens produce.
- Fresh or cooked lunchmeat usually made with minced pork meat and spices.
- It is an animal which lives in the river or in the sea.
- It is a food that mouse loves.
- Long tubes which are made of wheat flour..
- It is a food whose colour is brown and it is very sweet.
- It is a drink that you need to live.
- Food made with bread, a hamburger, cheese, ham, onion, lettuce and tomato.
- It is a drink which you have for breakfast.
- It is a fruit whose colour can be red, green or yellow.
20 Clues: Food that hens produce. • It is a food that mouse loves. • It is a drink that you need to live. • Long tubes which are made of wheat flour.. • Something that is the basis of a sandwich. • It is a cereal that the Japanese eat a lot. • It is a drink which you have for breakfast. • A root vegetable that can be fried or boiled. • ...
Food 2014-06-26
21 Clues: Plyn • Napoj • Metka • Ziolo • Dziob • Deser • Bydlo • Zoltko • Blonnik • Oddzial • Paragon • Czosnek • Limonka • Watroba • Przysmak • Owsianka • Skladnik • Nadziewany • Konik polny • Zwrot pieniedzy • Ksiazka kucharska
FOOD 2014-06-10
22 Clues: sok • ryż • lody • miód • tost • mleko • chleb • obiad • masło • banan • mięso • ananas • płatki • cukier • kiełasa • kanapka • kolacja • groszek • herbata • hamburger • śniadanie • czekolada
Food 2013-09-07
28 Clues: рак • репа • слива • пшено • уксус • редис • почки • манка • пикша • осетр • окунь • сухари • гречка • треска • дрожжи • имбирь • молюск • персик • кабачок • выпечка • баранина • петрушка • баклажан • телятина • гвоздика • креветка • лук порей • смородина
food 2015-06-02
20 Clues: ryż • sok • miód • banan • mięso • chleb • masło • mleko • jajka • cukier • ananas • płatki • kolacja • kanapka • groszek • herbata • pomidory • kiełbaska • marchewki • czekolada
FOOD 2015-06-03
- A hot, liquid food made of vegetables, meat or fish
- A bird like a large chicken that you can eat
- A purple vegetable that is white inside
- A long, orange vegetable that grows in the ground
- A food that you eat for breakfast and you put it in the milk (2 words)
- A big fish with pink meat
- A really sweet food that is produced by bees
- A big vegetable that is also used as decoration for halloween
- Small, round seeds that people eat as vegetable
- A vegetable that looks like an onion and with a very stong smell and taste
- A seed of a plant that is used as a food
- A small animal that lives in the sea and that we eat
- A white or yellow food made of milk that is used as fat
- A thin, round food that is made with eggs and, sometimes, vegetables
- A fish that is normally sold in cans
- A yellow, green or red vegetable
- A green healthy food
- A flat piece of meat with a bone in it (2 words)
- A food that is made by pressing meat and herbs in a long tube
- A large fish that we usually eat covered in breadcrumbs
- A plant with thin leaves that is used to add flavor to the food
- The sweet, yellow seeds that are used as a vegetable
- A yellow or white food made of milk
- A thick and fat liquid made from plants or animals that is used for cooking
24 Clues: A green healthy food • A big fish with pink meat • A yellow, green or red vegetable • A yellow or white food made of milk • A fish that is normally sold in cans • A purple vegetable that is white inside • A seed of a plant that is used as a food • A bird like a large chicken that you can eat • A really sweet food that is produced by bees • ...
Food 2015-01-10
20 Clues: tea • BACON • never • water • pizza • lunch • always • cheese • COFFEE • to eat • without • to drink • everyday • to share • breakfast • food/meal • hamburger • how awful • more or less • which? what?
Food 2015-04-11
24 Clues: сок • рис • чай • вода • мясо • кофе • яйца • вино • рыба • пицца • сахар • салат • овощи • juice • молоко • фрукты • колбаса • сосиски • картошка • круассан • макароны • chocolate • гамбургер • бутерброд
food 2015-02-24
20 Clues: sula • zivs • olas • zupa • pica • tēja • cola • čipsi • maize • siers • vista • tomāti • banāns • plūmes • yugurts • vīnogas • spageti • šokolāde • saldējums • hamburgers
Food 2016-03-20
- High in calories.
- A lemon.
- This candy texture can break your teeth.
- Marshmallow texture.
- Caviar.
- Contains preservatives.
- High temperature and current trend.
- No flavour or taste.
- The colour of sunflowers.
- The colour of spinach.
- Like trash.
- Slightly nasty.
- Temperature and a common virus.
- Not preserved.
- Potato pizza feels like this in your stomach.
- Good for you.
- Feel a little down.
- Not square.
- Not dead.
- Nice people and desserts.
20 Clues: Caviar. • A lemon. • Not dead. • Like trash. • Not square. • Good for you. • Not preserved. • Slightly nasty. • High in calories. • Feel a little down. • Marshmallow texture. • No flavour or taste. • The colour of spinach. • Contains preservatives. • Nice people and desserts. • The colour of sunflowers. • Temperature and a common virus. • High temperature and current trend. • ...
Food 2016-03-16
- containing salt, or tasting like salt
- the meat from a cow
- a large piece of equipment in a kitchen that you heat, usually with electricity or gas, to cook food in
- tasting of salt or spices and not sweet
- a flat round dish that you put food on
- to cook something over a fire on a flat frame of metal bars
- a hard round vegetable with green or purple leaves
- to mix together the white and yellow parts of an egg
- the American equivalent is stove
- a fruit with a furry yellowish-pink skin
- to cook meat or vegetables in an oven or over a fire
- to cook food in hot oil or fat
- to make bread, cakes etc using an oven
- tasting like sugar
- to cook food in very hot water
- a flat metal pan with a long handle, used for cooking food in hot oil or fat
- a small plant with curly leaves
- a round deep metal container with a long handle, used for cooking food on a cooker
- having a strong sharp taste that is not sweet
- with a taste like a lemon
20 Clues: tasting like sugar • the meat from a cow • with a taste like a lemon • to cook food in hot oil or fat • to cook food in very hot water • a small plant with curly leaves • the American equivalent is stove • containing salt, or tasting like salt • to make bread, cakes etc using an oven • a flat round dish that you put food on • tasting of salt or spices and not sweet • ...
Food 2016-03-07
24 Clues: egg • sula • fish • milk • suši • gaļa • water • salad • honey • bread • pizza • abols • tomato • arbūzs • orange • burger • citrons • chicken • ķīselis • burkāns • bumbiers • skābenes • mandarīns • uzpūtenis
Food 2016-03-02
- flesh of a pig
- American maize
- main ingredient of all soups
- young goat
- an eye-watering vegetable
- deep metal cooking pot with a lid and handles
- rub cheese into small pieces
- part of a recipe such as flour, eggs, etc.
- favourite dessert of children
- skin of an orange or a potato
- to drink, taking a very small quantity at a time
- hard or soft boiled
- flesh of a bull
- green vegetables found in pods
- what Japanise people eat with
- fruit popular in Poland
- thick slice of pork or lamb with a bone in it
- an item of cutlery
- used for carving
- the main cook
- cook without water
- not well-done
- pots, plates, cups made of baked clay
- made of pastry with apples or meat
24 Clues: young goat • the main cook • not well-done • flesh of a pig • American maize • flesh of a bull • used for carving • an item of cutlery • cook without water • hard or soft boiled • fruit popular in Poland • an eye-watering vegetable • main ingredient of all soups • rub cheese into small pieces • what Japanise people eat with • favourite dessert of children • skin of an orange or a potato • ...
FOOD 2016-02-22
- This fruit grows on trees, they are often red or green
- Something green that you eat during the summer
- This makes you cry
- A very large fruit. It is pink on the inside and green on the outside
- Monkeys like it
- cream A frozen creamy dessert
- We drink this hot in the morning
- A fruit that comes in bunches
- A liquid usually made from fruit
- Useful to make sandwich
- You may put it on toast, usually for the breakfast
- A long orange vegetable
- A red fruit or vegetable
- Something sweet and usually dark you like eating
- A diary food you put on the toast
- A yellow fruit
- Adults may drink it with a meal
- It is white and we may drink it
- Come from a chicken
- Meat from the sea
20 Clues: A yellow fruit • Monkeys like it • Meat from the sea • This makes you cry • Come from a chicken • Useful to make sandwich • A long orange vegetable • A red fruit or vegetable • cream A frozen creamy dessert • A fruit that comes in bunches • Adults may drink it with a meal • It is white and we may drink it • A liquid usually made from fruit • We drink this hot in the morning • ...
Food 2015-11-24
- a white substance used to add flavour to food
- a vegetable like a small onion with a very strong taste and smell
- a bird kept on a farm for its meat and eggs
- a very small sea creature similar to a prawn but smaller
- the sound of something being crushed
- a hot drink that you make by pouring water onto dried leaves, or the leaves that you use to make this drink
- a long, green vegetable that you eat raw in salads
- one of a pair of narrow sticks that are used for eating East Asian food
- a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs mixed together and baked
- a food made from a flat, round piece of bread covered with cheese, vegetables, etc and cooked in an oven
- a plant seed used to make coffee and chocolate
- a round, dark red vegetable, that is usually cooked and eaten cold
- a large, round, sweet fruit with a thick, green or yellow skin and a lot of seeds
- a round sweet fruit that has a thick orange skin and an orange centre divided into many parts:
- the clear liquid that falls from the sky as rain and that is in seas, lakes, and rivers
- the white liquid produced by cows, goats, and sheep and used by humans as a drink or for making butter, cheese, etc.:
- a style of cooking
- a tool, usually with a metal blade and a handle, used for cutting and spreading food or other substances, or as a weapon.
- a type of fungus (= organism like a plant) with a short stem and a round top, some types of which can be eaten
- a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block
- small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten
- a large, round vegetable with large green, white, or purple leaves
- an object with a handle and a round, curved part at one end, used for eating and serving food
- to eat something by taking very small bites or to bite something gently
- a thick liquid produced from plants or animals that is used in cooking
25 Clues: a style of cooking • the sound of something being crushed • a bird kept on a farm for its meat and eggs • a white substance used to add flavour to food • a plant seed used to make coffee and chocolate • a long, green vegetable that you eat raw in salads • a sweet, brown food that is usually sold in a block • small grains from a plant that are cooked and eaten • ...
FOOD 2016-07-22
- Japanese Dumplings
- A Fish I cannot live without
- Korean Sushi
- Flavour of Bingsu i'm forever craving
- Favourite type of noodles
- japanese main that we both like
- Japanese Yaki Tori
- Only type of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts that i eat
- What I go to McDonalds for
- Buns with Yellow Filling
- Type of Brunch Food
- Dessert that we go to PS cafe
- Fat and White Noodles
- Dim Sum Snack
- What we go to Jumbo Seafood for
- I like to order this from Korean stalls
- the sushi i always order when we eat at ichiban
- Soup / Fav Chinese Soup
- Meat I order when i have briyani
- Only reason to go to the Cathay
- Favourite Korean Meat
- Japanese Steamed Egg
- A Korean Side dish
- Famous Local Delight
- Shellfish
- Appetizer at DTF
- something you eat with ice cream
- Number one Main at Sushi Tei
- Favourite Thai Noodle Dish
- Something you eat during Christmas
- Source of Protein
- What I order when we have Astons
- rice that both of us like to eat
- The sushi we had for lunch in japan
- What I Eat from the supermarket sushi section
- Japanese Egg
- Healthier Version of a Potato
- A type of Non-Spicy Curry
- One of the first western dishes we had together
- Korean Sweet Potato Noodles
- Expensive Italian Dish
- A type of Thosai
- Spanish Yoghurt
- Rice that we are gonna eat in HK
- Favourite Cup Noodle Flavour
46 Clues: Shellfish • Korean Sushi • Japanese Egg • Dim Sum Snack • Spanish Yoghurt • Appetizer at DTF • A type of Thosai • Source of Protein • Japanese Dumplings • Japanese Yaki Tori • FAV HK STREET FOOD • A Korean Side dish • Type of Brunch Food • Japanese Steamed Egg • Famous Local Delight • Fat and White Noodles • Favourite Korean Meat • Expensive Italian Dish • Soup / Fav Chinese Soup • ...
Food 2016-09-17
- Yellow and sour
- Fruit to drink
- Comes from bees
- Long and yellow, taste sweet
- Black or white, sweet and adicttive
- Typical in autumn, can be scary
- Red sweet fruit, good with cream
- It can be red, yellow or green
- A salty snack
- Made of eggs and vegetables
- Fluffy, funny and in many colours
- You can find them on a typical British breakfast
- Good for colds
- Small black fruit you find in the forest
- Gives us calcium
- Long, orange. Rabbits and horses love them!
- Good for a snack, delicious
- Little circular green vegetable
- Grow in a vine
- Come from hens
- Sweet in summer, juicy fruit
- Salty or sweet
22 Clues: A salty snack • Fruit to drink • Good for colds • Grow in a vine • Come from hens • Salty or sweet • Yellow and sour • Comes from bees • Gives us calcium • Good for a snack, delicious • Made of eggs and vegetables • Long and yellow, taste sweet • Sweet in summer, juicy fruit • It can be red, yellow or green • Typical in autumn, can be scary • Little circular green vegetable • ...
FOOD 2016-05-20
20 Clues: woda • zupa • kawa • lody • kola • pizza • jogurt • chipsy • śliwka • kanapka • cytryna • herbata • winogrona • truskawki • ser żółty • lemoniada • napój gazowany • sok pomarańczowy • wiśnia; czereśnia • parówka; kiełbaska
Food 2016-11-13
25 Clues: virti • švelnus • peiliai • ridikas • omletas • orkaitė • pupelės • valgykla • padavėja • kopūstas • suktinis • salieras • servetėlė • abrikosas • kiauliena • petražolė • garstyčios • kalafioras • vynų sąrašas • duonos kepalas • stalo įrankiai • laikytis dietos • pakelis sausainių • juodieji serbentai • palikti arbatpinigių
FOOD 2018-05-10
22 Clues: õun • tee • või • pirn • piim • kook • kurk • muna • leib • puder • redis • juust • kartul • küpsis • arbuus • apelsin • porgand • maasikas • šokolaad • pannkook • friikartulid • hommikuhelbed
FOOD 2018-02-15
Food 2018-02-03
- pitsa
- kõrvits
- küpsised
- avokaado
- kapsas
- peperooni
- kiivi
- kana
- kohv
- kurk
- krõpsud
- vesi
- krõbinad
- kuum koer
- sidrun
- või
- piim
- paprika
- liha
- leib
- krevett
- vaarikas
- muna
- apelsinimahl
- ananass
- mineraalvesi
- vorstid
- õun
- pannkook
- limonaad
- pasta
- tako
- burger
- kook
- kartul
- jäätis
- kala
- pähklid
- näts
- tomat
- porgand
- shokolaad
- mustikas
- juust
- sõõrik
- mandariin
- supp
- viinamarjad
- kala ja friikartulid
- maasikas
- redis
51 Clues: õun • või • tako • kook • kala • näts • kana • kohv • kurk • vesi • supp • piim • liha • leib • muna • pitsa • pasta • kiivi • tomat • juust • redis • kapsas • burger • kartul • jäätis • sõõrik • sidrun • kõrvits • pähklid • porgand • krõpsud • paprika • krevett • ananass • vorstid • pannkook • limonaad • küpsised • avokaado • mustikas • krõbinad • maasikas • vaarikas • peperooni • shokolaad • mandariin • kuum koer • viinamarjad • apelsinimahl • mineraalvesi • kala ja friikartulid
food 2018-05-18
20 Clues: J - - • - A K - • M - - T • - P P - - • S - - A D • C - - P S • - - - S T • - A T - - • C - F - - - • H - - D - - • T - M - - - • C - - - K - - • P- - TR - - S • B - - - U - - S • S - - D - - C - • - C - - R - - - • P - - - A - - L - • C - O - - - - T - • H - - B - - - - - • S - - - W - - - - y
FOOD 2020-02-28
29 Clues: дыня • краб • тунец • груша • горох • манго • вишня • лимон • огурец • малина • персик • лосось • свекла • малюски • капуста • кальмар • виноград • zucchini • eat less • креветки • eggplant • cow's meat • pig's meat • stop eating • duck's meat • sheep's meat • красный перец • chicken's meat • to eatin restaurants
Food 2020-01-02
24 Clues: salt • peas • fish • meat • eggs • flour • bread • beans • coffee • garlic • butter • grapes • cheese • pumpkin • coconut • chicken • cabbage • peaches • potatoes • cucumber • pineapple • aubergine • mushrooms • cauliflower
food!!!! 2019-10-23
- the main food on dinner or lunch
- Yellow fruit
- a healthy drink
- it is ice and sweet
- orange fruit
- you eat when birthday
- a fruit really sour
- Brown drink
- sweet and it is from bee
- really sweet and children like to eat it
- a fruit can be green or yellow
- Food from Italy
- can for breakfast
- sweet and brown
- plants that can make chips
- if you cut this plant your eyes will be sour.
- very Q
- Ham between two pieces of bread
- From the chicken
- for weight loss
20 Clues: very Q • Brown drink • Yellow fruit • orange fruit • Food from Italy • sweet and brown • a healthy drink • for weight loss • From the chicken • can for breakfast • it is ice and sweet • a fruit really sour • you eat when birthday • sweet and it is from bee • plants that can make chips • a fruit can be green or yellow • Ham between two pieces of bread • the main food on dinner or lunch • ...
FOOD 2019-12-02
- the monkeys usually to eat.
- you usually put in the burger.
- type of vegetable and whose color is red.
- whose color inside is red ang outside is green.
- the first meal you have during the day.
- it is elaborated with milk and his color is yellow.
- when you are eating meat that you are covered you use?.
- it is liquid and her color is white and comes from the cow.
- Snow White poisoned with her.
- you usually use it when you eat liquid foods, such as, soap.
- the meal you make before you go to bed.
- when you get up that is the first thing you do?.
- you eat when you aet salad.
- normally, in a restaurant you usually put it with the burger.
- it's round and has different aliments.
- her color is red and you usually eat with a cream.
- you eat a lot of when you are sad.
- element which you use when you try out something.
- it's tipic food of Italy.
- type of fruit, he is acid and his colour is green and looks like he has got hair on the outside.
20 Clues: it's tipic food of Italy. • the monkeys usually to eat. • you eat when you aet salad. • Snow White poisoned with her. • you usually put in the burger. • you eat a lot of when you are sad. • it's round and has different aliments. • the meal you make before you go to bed. • the first meal you have during the day. • type of vegetable and whose color is red. • ...
food 2019-10-09
28 Clues: pan • uvas • pina • lima • carne • elote • donas • melon • limon • fresa • sandia • cereza • pepino • hongos • nueces • brocoli • toronja • manzana • cebolla • guisquil • duraznos • camarones • zanahoria • remolacha • palomitas • guisantes • pan tostado • chips papitas diana
Food! 2019-11-27
20 Clues: kers • deeg • worst • gebak • ajuin • paling • garnaal • druiven • witloof • zeetong • frietjes • vleesbal • bloemkool • kabeljauw • gevogelte • peterselie • champignons • varkenvlees • chocolade mouse • Vlaamse stoverij
Food 2020-03-17
- is a small and white pasta
- and chips is a type of fast food
- is a withe vegetables that makes you cry
- is a green vegetables
- is a condiments which is mainly used in fast food
- sauce is a brown condiments that used for eat sushi
- is a bread with cheese and ham
- is a condiments spicy
- is a long green vegetables
- is a yellow or white dairy product that used for the toast
- is a sweet foods that produces bees
- is a green condiments it’s a spice
- is a fruit yellow
- dog is a Food of fast food with würstel
- is a baked and fried foods that you eat in the morning
- is an orange fruit that you eat in the summer
- is a brown or with sweet foods
- is a meat which can have different firings
- is a vegetables red with a green leaf
- is a sweet food to sweeten the food
- ketchup is a red condiments which is mainly used in fast food
- is a toast of fast food with cheese
- is a meat that the American eat for breakfast
- cream is a sweet food that you eat in the summer
- is a fish orange
- is a orange vegetables Which is good for the sight
- is a green vegetables
- is a condiments to salt the food
- is a fruit yellow green or red with a seeds
- is a white dairy products that you drink in the morning
30 Clues: is a fish orange • is a fruit yellow • is a green vegetables • is a condiments spicy • is a green vegetables • is a small and white pasta • is a long green vegetables • is a brown or with sweet foods • is a bread with cheese and ham • and chips is a type of fast food • is a condiments to salt the food • is a green condiments it’s a spice • is a sweet food to sweeten the food • ...
Food 2020-03-31
20 Clues: rīsi • sula • olas • tēja • lasis • ūdens • vista • pupas • siers • tomāti • kafija • banāni • tuncis • salāti • vīnogas • burkāni • limonāde • makaroni • mandarīni • milk piens
Food 2020-03-31
20 Clues: tēja • sula • olas • rīsi • siers • vista • pupas • lasis • salāti • kafija • tuncis • tomāti • banāni • vīnogas • cūkgaļa • makaroni • limonāde • mandarīni • jēra gaļa • liellopa gaļa
food 2020-03-21
- an oval, purple vegetable that is white inside
- a large sea fish, or the meat from this fish
- an orange-coloured vegetable that is long and thin and grows in the ground
- an oval, yellow fruit that has sour juice
- a long, green vegetable which is white inside
- a large fruit with thick skin and sharp leaves sticking out of the top, which is sweet and yellow inside
- a small, round, green, purple or red fruit that grows in large
- a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin
- a large, silver fish, or the pink meat of this fish
- a large, round, sweet fruit with a thick, green or yellow skin
- a cold mixture of vegetables
- a sweet food made from flour, butter, sugar, and eggs mixed together and baked
- a thick, liquid food with a slightly sour taste which is made from milk
- round, orange fruit
- a soft, pale yellow food made from cream that you put on bread and use in cooking
- a small, soft, orange fruit
- a food that is made from milk, is usually white or yellow
- a small, round red or black fruit with a large seed inside
- a black, grey, or red powder that is made from crushed seeds, used to give food a slightly spicy flavour
- a very large nut with a hard, hairy shell, a white part that you eat
- a soft, round, red fruit eaten in salad or as a vegetable
- a sea fish with a flat, circular body, or its flesh eaten as food
- a round vegetable with a brown, yellow, or red skin
- an oval object produced by a female chicken
- a soft, sweet, round fruit with red and yellow skin
- a round, green vegetable with thick, pointed leaves covering the outside
- a plant with green leaves, which is eaten in salads
- a type of fungus
28 Clues: a type of fungus • round, orange fruit • a small, soft, orange fruit • a cold mixture of vegetables • a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin • an oval, yellow fruit that has sour juice • an oval object produced by a female chicken • a large sea fish, or the meat from this fish • a long, green vegetable which is white inside • an oval, purple vegetable that is white inside • ...
FOOD 2020-04-01
- a strong black hot drink
- cows give it to their babies
- totora in Tahitian
- monkeys love this fruit
- Italian food with sauce
- Tahaa's favourite bean
- hens give them to humans
- painapo in Tahitian
- Queen Elizabeth's favourite drink
- it is a healthy vegetable, turtles love it
- a very simple drink
- Italian food baked in the oven
- delicious meat
- you need some to make a cake
- American dessert
- you need them to make spaghetti sauce
- fish
- rabbits love this vegetable
- pata in Tahitian
- Peter Pan's favourite fruit
- you also need some to make a cake
- drink with bubbles
22 Clues: fish • delicious meat • American dessert • pata in Tahitian • totora in Tahitian • drink with bubbles • painapo in Tahitian • a very simple drink • Tahaa's favourite bean • monkeys love this fruit • Italian food with sauce • a strong black hot drink • hens give them to humans • rabbits love this vegetable • Peter Pan's favourite fruit • cows give it to their babies • you need some to make a cake • ...
FOOD 2020-04-14
- võileib
- pirn
- redis
- küüslauk
- sool
- kirss
- rosinad
- kannel
- sibul
- pagar
- riis
- pannkoogid
- komm
- mustikas
- kohvi
- sealiha
- ananass
- kakao
- lasanje
- tatar
- apelsin
- hamburger
- punapeet
- supp
- šokolaad
- pulgakomm
- puder
- või
- köögiviljad
- vorst
- leib
- banaan
- kala
- juust
- kapsas
- pitsa
- maasikas
- piimakokteil
- küpsis
- rabarber
- suhkur
- viinamarjad
- kartul
- arbuus
- moos
- kõrvits
- muffin
- sidrun
- tainas
- lihapallid
- hernes
- porgand
- limonaad
- kurk
- õun
- jogurt
- vaarikas
- puuviljad
- pipar
- tomat
- munad
- tee
62 Clues: õun • tee • või • kala • pirn • sool • moos • riis • komm • kurk • supp • leib • juust • redis • pitsa • kirss • sibul • pagar • kohvi • kakao • tatar • pipar • tomat • munad • puder • vorst • banaan • kapsas • küpsis • suhkur • kannel • kartul • arbuus • muffin • sidrun • tainas • hernes • jogurt • võileib • rosinad • kõrvits • sealiha • ananass • porgand • lasanje • apelsin • küüslauk • maasikas • rabarber • mustikas • limonaad • vaarikas • punapeet • šokolaad • hamburger • puuviljad • pulgakomm • pannkoogid • ...
Food 2020-04-14
25 Clues: õun • pirn • supp • mais • kurk • melon • redis • vorst • ploom • sibul • pitsa • kartul • banaan • virsik • kapsas • sidrun • apelsin • ananass • porgand • kõrvits • aprikoos • brokkoli • granaatõun • viinamarjad • kaerahelbepuder
Food 2020-04-17
30 Clues: eļa • rīsi • kūka • sula • tēja • pica • sāls • kūka • cālis • medus • siers • maize • ābols • ūdens • piens • džems • cukurs • kafija • pipars • cepums • ķirsis • banāns • tomāts • zemene • sviests • citrons • šokolāde • apelsīns • saldējums • kartupelis
FOOD 2020-04-11
- We eat this when we go to MacDonald´s or Burger King
- Italian pasta. They are long and usually eaten with tomato sauce
- Liquid generally made up of vinegar or lemon, oil and salt to put in salads.
- Yellowish orange fruit that has a velvety skin.
- Red small, juicy fruit we eat with cream
- Animal that swims in the seas and lakes
- Tropical fruit with yellow whitish flesh.
- Very dark infusion we drink in the morning with milk and sometimes after lunch or dinner
- Liquid that is squeezed from a type of fruit and that you generally drink it for breakfast (2 words, no space in between)
- Side dish that is prepared mainly with vegetables and takes a dressing
- Meat of a type fish we buy in cans. We can prepare sandwiches, pies etc
- Alcoholic or soft drinks
- Bread slices with food in between, usually ham and c
- It is not a cake, but it is sweet and we find it in "lemon...."
- It is white and we use it to sweeten our drinks and food
- There are plenty of flavours and it is delicious and refreshing in summer.
- It is a plant with large green leaves that is the basic ingredient of many salads.
- White small grain. Chinese people eat this a lot
- Yellow vegetable. It is a cob full of kernels
- Hens lay this product
20 Clues: Hens lay this product • Alcoholic or soft drinks • Animal that swims in the seas and lakes • Red small, juicy fruit we eat with cream • Tropical fruit with yellow whitish flesh. • Yellow vegetable. It is a cob full of kernels • Yellowish orange fruit that has a velvety skin. • White small grain. Chinese people eat this a lot • ...
Food 2020-04-20
- it is useful to eat spaghetti
- brings your order
- family of potato,onion and cauliflower
- container used to eat harira
- the first meal of the day
- remove banana's jacket
- the act of inviting
- it helps to serve tea at once
- instructions for making something
- move the spoon to dissolve the sugar
- eaten in the evening or at night
- wash under water
- a person who spends some time at another person's home
- way of eating and table manner
- a person who receives or entertains guests at home
- test the flavor of the food
- regular time for eating food
- cook using oil or fat
- rounded head to eat harira
- flat container to fry food
- related to white food
- elements of a mixture
- sharp edged metal to cut
- get something ready
- eaten as dessert
- midday food
- ask the waiter to bring coffe
27 Clues: midday food • eaten as dessert • wash under water • brings your order • the act of inviting • get something ready • cook using oil or fat • related to white food • elements of a mixture • remove banana's jacket • sharp edged metal to cut • the first meal of the day • rounded head to eat harira • flat container to fry food • test the flavor of the food • regular time for eating food • ...
food 2021-02-11
32 Clues: чай • сыр • лук • рис • яйца • вода • кофе • хлеб • перцы • салат • сахар • арбуз • масло • pasta • бананы • молоко • яблоки • курица • йогурт • фасоль • лосось • морковь • черешня • капуста • виноград • помидоры • говядина • баклажан • апельсины • сухой.завтрак • цветная капуста • апельсиновый сок
food 2020-04-26
35 Clues: ψάρι • αρνί • τσάι • γάλα • μηλο • ρύζι • νερό • ψωμί • φακές • κρέας • αλάτι • κρασί • ανανας • φρούτα • λάχανο • πεπόνι • μπανάνα • βούτυρο • κεράσια • πατάτες • σωλομός • μπρόκολο • φράουλες • μπριζόλα • λαχανικα • ζυμαρικά • κρεμμύδι • καρπούζι • κοτόπουλο • λουκάνικο • ακτινίδιο • γαλοπούλα • θαλασσινά • κουνουπίδι • δημητριακά
food 2020-04-26
31 Clues: μηλο • ψάρι • νερό • τσάι • αρνί • γάλα • ψωμί • ρύζι • αλάτι • κρέας • κρασί • λάχανο • φρούτα • πεπόνι • κεράσια • βούτυρο • μπανάνα • σωλομός • λαχανικα • φράουλες • μπρόκολο • καρπούζι • κρεμμύδι • μπριζόλα • ζυμαρικά • κοτόπουλο • θαλασσινά • λουκάνικο • ακτινίδιο • γαλοπούλα • δημητριακά