food Crossword Puzzles

Food 2022-12-10

Food crossword puzzle
  1. курица
  2. молоко
  3. паста
  4. шоколадный торт
  5. работать
  6. рис
  7. нравится
  8. апельсиновый сок
  9. картофель фри
  10. яблочный сок
  11. салат
  1. пицца
  2. кофе
  3. есть
  4. горячий шоколад
  5. жить
  6. чай
  7. вода
  8. готовить
  9. гамбургер
  10. любить
  11. рыба
  12. сэндвич

23 Clues: чайрискофеестьжитьводарыбапиццапастасалаткурицамолоколюбитьсэндвичготовитьработатьнравитсягамбургеряблочный соккартофель фригорячий шоколадшоколадный тортапельсиновый сок

Food 2023-01-07

Food crossword puzzle
  1. lechuga
  2. plátanos
  3. pimientos
  4. pan
  5. papas
  6. aceite
  7. leche
  8. dulces
  9. huevos
  10. pollo
  11. arroz
  12. nueces
  1. vegetales
  2. pescado
  3. galletas
  4. bocadillos
  5. fruta
  6. jugo
  7. manzanas
  8. bisteck
  9. queso
  10. zanahorias

22 Clues: panjugofrutapapaslechequesopolloarrozaceitedulceshuevosnueceslechugapescadobisteckplátanosgalletasmanzanasvegetalespimientosbocadilloszanahorias

Food 2023-01-12

Food crossword puzzle
  1. lemon 3
  2. bread 6
  3. lemonade 14
  4. broccoli 17
  5. chicken 19
  6. apple 1
  7. meat 8
  8. water 16
  9. onion 11
  10. coffee 13
  1. hamburger 20
  2. cucumber 9
  3. banana 2
  4. tomato 10
  5. rice 15
  6. cheese 18
  7. melon 4
  8. cereal 7
  9. juice 12
  10. pasta 5

20 Clues: meat 8lemon 3bread 6rice 15melon 4apple 1pasta 5banana 2cereal 7juice 12water 16onion 11tomato 10cheese 18coffee 13cucumber 9chicken 19lemonade 14broccoli 17hamburger 20

food 2023-01-18

food crossword puzzle
  1. σοκολάτα
  2. σούπα
  3. φαγητό
  4. τυρί
  5. ζάχαρη
  6. μπισκότα
  7. αλάτι
  8. πίτα
  9. κοτόπουλο
  10. λάδι
  11. λαχανικά
  12. κρέας
  13. μεσημεριανό
  14. καρπούζι
  15. πατάτες
  16. μαχαίρι
  17. ψωμί
  18. αβοκάντο
  19. σκόρδο
  20. χοιρινό
  21. μήλο
  22. καφές
  23. βραδινό
  24. πορτοκάλι
  25. χυμός
  26. μπριζόλα
  27. σαλάτα
  28. πιπέρι
  29. κρεμμύδι
  30. κεφτές
  1. βοδινό
  2. τσάι
  3. νερό
  4. ροδάκινο
  5. πρωινό
  6. μάνγκο
  7. γύρος
  8. ποτήρι
  9. λεμόνι
  10. ντομάτα
  11. μπύρα
  12. γάλα
  13. παγωτό
  14. αχλάδι
  15. ψάρι
  16. αυγό
  17. μπανάνα
  18. μπρόκολο
  19. πεπόνι
  20. κρασί
  21. χορτοφάγος
  22. πίτσα
  23. ρύζι
  24. φρέσκο
  25. αγγούρι
  26. κέτσαπ
  27. λουκάνικο
  28. ζυμαρικά
  29. φρούτα

59 Clues: τσάινερότυρίπίταγάλαλάδιψάριαυγόψωμίρύζιμήλοσούπαγύροςαλάτιμπύρακρέαςκρασίπίτσακαφέςχυμόςβοδινόφαγητόπρωινόμάνγκοζάχαρηποτήριλεμόνιπαγωτόαχλάδιπεπόνισκόρδοφρέσκοκέτσαπσαλάταφρούταπιπέρικεφτέςντομάταπατάτεςμαχαίριμπανάναχοιρινόαγγούριβραδινόσοκολάταροδάκινομπισκόταλαχανικάκαρπούζιμπρόκολοαβοκάντομπριζόλαζυμαρικάκρεμμύδικοτόπουλοπορτοκάλιλουκάνικο...

Food 2023-04-19

Food crossword puzzle
  1. tészta
  2. szilva
  3. csirkehús
  4. eper
  5. alma
  6. bab
  7. csoki
  8. saláta
  9. pizza
  10. sajt
  11. rizs
  12. jégkrém
  13. dinnye
  14. körte
  1. maffin
  2. kolbász
  3. pite
  4. narancs
  5. sütemény
  6. sülkrumpli
  7. banán
  8. uborka
  9. savanyú uborka
  10. nyalóka
  11. szalámi
  12. hagyma
  13. tölcsér
  14. cseresznye
  15. levé

29 Clues: babpiteeperalmasajtrizslevébanáncsokipizzakörtemaffintésztaszilvauborkasalátahagymadinnyekolbásznarancsnyalókaszalámitölcsérjégkrémsüteménycsirkehússülkrumplicseresznyesavanyú uborka

food 2023-04-16

food crossword puzzle
  1. you must use them in labs to protect your eyes
  2. a new movement calling to eat bugs
  3. it looks delicious
  4. somewhere in everybody's kitchen
  5. famine
  6. someone who doesn't eat meat or anything else derived from animals
  7. when it's an area, it is the recipient of waste
  8. a variety of salad
  9. very often genetically modified
  10. it can be electric or barbed
  11. someone with a white hat on
  12. change, modify
  13. one of the top producers of GMF
  14. greens
  15. noxious, toxic
  16. babies usually are before they start walking
  17. green outside and long
  18. a vegetable used in a French cooking prep
  19. good for the body
  20. when you gorge yourself
  21. something you decide to go on when feeling fat
  22. hooked
  23. when you cook so well that you are famous
  1. trial on animals for example
  2. for eating too much junk food
  3. used by Heinz and loved in English breakfasts
  4. not organic
  5. safe
  6. it is said to keep the doctor away when you have one a day:)
  7. what you send your friends at least once a year
  8. what one says on seeing something disgusting
  9. yummy and delicate food
  10. when scientists modify genes
  11. something that is a 100% natural
  12. when you feel very weak
  13. it gets fat after eating and drinking too much
  14. meat addicted
  15. what you may feel at some precise times of the day
  16. nice, sweet, kind
  17. awful chukky doll is
  18. what you need to make a recipe
  19. flesh and bone

42 Clues: safefaminegreenshookednot organicmeat addictedchange, modifynoxious, toxicflesh and bonenice, sweet, kindgood for the bodyit looks deliciousa variety of saladawful chukky doll isgreen outside and longyummy and delicate foodwhen you feel very weakwhen you gorge yourselfsomeone with a white hat ontrial on animals for example...

Food 2023-04-10

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Snack food made by heating corn kernels until they pop and expand.
  2. Doughy balls filled with various ingredients such as meat, vegetables, or cheese, often boiled or fried.
  3. Sandwich made with a beef patty, often topped with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and other toppings.
  4. Popular Italian dish made with dough, tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.
  5. Mexican dip made from mashed avocado, tomato, onion, and lime juice.
  6. Mexican sauce made with tomatoes, onions, peppers, and spices.
  7. fry Asian cooking method in which ingredients are quickly cooked in a wok or frying pan over high heat.
  8. Italian dish made with layers of pasta, tomato sauce, cheese, and meat or vegetables.
  9. Mexican dish of grilled meat and vegetables served with tortillas, cheese, and other toppings.
  10. Spanish dish of saffron-flavored rice cooked with seafood, chicken, or vegetables.
  11. French pastry made of layered, flaky dough often filled with cheese, ham, or chocolate.
  1. Staple food in many cultures, made from unleavened dough and boiled in water or broth.
  2. Breakfast dish made with beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan, often filled with cheese, vegetables, or meats.
  3. Bread roll shaped into a ring, often toasted and served with cream cheese, smoked salmon, or other toppings.
  4. Middle Eastern dish made of chickpeas or fava beans, ground and shaped into balls or patties and fried.
  5. Breakfast food made with a batter of flour, eggs, milk, and other ingredients, cooked on a griddle.
  6. Japanese dish made of vinegared rice with various fillings, often including raw fish.
  7. Long, thin pasta noodles served with tomato sauce, meatballs, or other toppings.
  8. Soybean product often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes.
  9. Mexican dish consisting of a corn or flour tortilla filled with various meats, vegetables, and toppings.

20 Clues: Mexican sauce made with tomatoes, onions, peppers, and spices.Snack food made by heating corn kernels until they pop and expand.Mexican dip made from mashed avocado, tomato, onion, and lime juice.Soybean product often used as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan dishes....

food 2023-04-11

food crossword puzzle
  1. something made of cake mix with frosting on top.
  2. a popular italian food shaped as a triangle.
  3. meat that comes from a cow and is put on a bun.
  4. fruit that is red and round.
  5. oval shaped vegetables that are brown.
  6. A long shaped meat the goes on a bun
  7. yellow curved fruit
  8. blue round fruit.
  9. something that you catch out of the water.
  10. a round dessert with fruit inside.
  11. a soup typically with meat and beans in it.
  12. A sour fruit.
  13. meat shaped as a loaf.
  14. something made out of dough
  1. A red fruit with small leaves on the top.
  2. A mexican food with meat and a shell.
  3. something made from dried corn.
  4. noodles that are curved shaped.
  5. It has two crackers with a stuffing in the middle of them.
  6. a drink that comes from a cow.
  7. A drink with carbonation in it.
  8. sticks made out of potatoes
  9. a dairy product that you put on sandwiches and burgers.
  10. It is something you have on Thanksgiving that is meat.

24 Clues: A sour round fruit.yellow curved fruitmeat shaped as a loaf.sticks made out of potatoessomething made out of doughfruit that is red and round.a drink that comes from a cow.something made from dried corn.noodles that are curved shaped.A drink with carbonation in it.a round dessert with fruit inside.A long shaped meat the goes on a bun...

Food 2023-04-25

Food crossword puzzle
  1. сок
  2. масло
  3. макароны
  4. курица
  5. вишня
  6. бекон
  7. картошка
  8. лук
  9. арбуз
  10. колбаса
  11. мясо
  1. сыр
  2. перец
  3. ананаc
  4. огурец
  5. грибы
  6. шоколад
  7. хлеб
  8. яйца
  9. молоко
  10. виноград

21 Clues: сырсоклукхлебяйцамясомаслоперецгрибывишнябеконарбузананаcогурецкурицамолокошоколадколбасамакароныкартошкавиноград

FOOD 2017-02-26

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. kakao
  2. juha
  3. kupus
  4. lubenica
  5. trešnja
  6. rajčica
  7. jabuka
  8. riba
  9. jaja
  10. čaj
  11. piće
  12. sendvič
  13. jagoda
  14. palačinke
  15. maslac
  16. špinat
  17. večera
  18. paprika
  19. užina
  20. sok
  21. krumpir
  22. sir
  23. luk
  24. kruh
  1. riža
  2. krastavac
  3. kobasice
  4. ručak
  5. limun
  6. mrkva
  7. cvjetača
  8. krafna
  9. čips
  10. meso
  11. breskva
  12. keksi
  13. salata
  14. kruška
  15. šljiva
  16. naranča
  17. krumpirići
  18. kokice
  19. grožđe
  20. šunka
  21. grah
  22. džem
  23. med

47 Clues: čajsoksirmedlukrižajuhačipsmesoribajajapićegrahdžemkruhkakaoručaklimunkupusmrkvakeksišunkaužinakrafnajabukajagodasalatakruškašljivamaslacšpinatkokicegrožđevečeratrešnjarajčicabreskvasendvičnarančapaprikakrumpirkobasicecvjetačalubenicakrastavacpalačinkekrumpirići

FOOD 2017-02-26

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. meso
  2. kakao
  3. ručak
  4. piće
  5. mrkva
  6. sendvič
  7. jaja
  8. špinat
  9. kokice
  10. sok
  11. krastavac
  12. sir
  13. cvjetača
  14. naranča
  15. keksi
  16. šljiva
  17. kruh
  18. grah
  19. krumpir
  20. večera
  21. kruška
  1. breskva
  2. salata
  3. luk
  4. trešnja
  5. krafna
  6. paprika
  7. lubenica
  8. čaj
  9. užina
  10. juha
  11. grožđe
  12. palačinke
  13. jagoda
  14. riža
  15. krumpirići
  16. kupus
  17. rajčica
  18. džem
  19. limun
  20. jabuka

41 Clues: lukčajsoksirmesopićejajajuharižadžemkruhgrahkakaoručakmrkvaužinakeksikupuslimunsalatakrafnašpinatgrožđekokicejagodašljivajabukavečerakruškabreskvatrešnjapaprikasendvičnarančarajčicakrumpirlubenicacvjetačapalačinkekrastavackrumpirići

Food 2017-03-20

Food crossword puzzle
  1. kapsas
  2. viinamarjad
  3. või
  4. lehtsalat
  5. pirnid
  6. seened
  7. kurk
  8. arbuus
  9. juurviljad
  1. vorst
  2. magustoit
  3. kartulid
  4. rämpstoit
  5. kartulikrõpsud
  6. munad
  7. sink
  8. lillkapsas
  9. puder
  10. šokolaad
  11. peekon

20 Clues: võisinkkurkvorstmunadpuderkapsaspirnidseenedarbuuspeekonkartulidšokolaadmagustoiträmpstoitlehtsalatlillkapsasjuurviljadviinamarjadkartulikrõpsud

Food 2017-03-01

Food crossword puzzle
  1. White grains which are mostly in french fries
  2. Kids favorite food in hot summer day
  3. Meal before all meals
  4. Meal for most people in mornings
  5. Explains tasty food
  6. Sweet grains
  7. Restaurant where does not serve meat
  8. Brown candy
  9. Spicy food
  10. McDonalds, Hesburger, KFC
  11. Waiter gives it to you when you finish eat
  12. Restaurant where serves only fish products
  13. Italian dish
  14. The meat had lovely texture
  15. Meal that's made in home
  1. Place where can take cup of tea
  2. Food after meal
  3. Small animals who carry disease
  4. Lot of this are in eggs
  5. Some kind of a pie
  6. Restaurants where u can take food away
  7. Book with a meal list
  8. Place where can take a drink
  9. Unit with which you can pay
  10. Eats in France
  11. Plastic card which is for payments
  12. Crunchy food in breakfast
  13. Banana, Apple, Cherry...
  14. Small and thin meat slice
  15. Potatoes with beef
  16. Vegetarians dont eat that

31 Clues: Spicy foodBrown candySweet grainsItalian dishEats in FranceFood after mealSome kind of a piePotatoes with beefExplains tasty foodMeal before all mealsBook with a meal listLot of this are in eggsBanana, Apple, Cherry...Meal that's made in homeCrunchy food in breakfastMcDonalds, Hesburger, KFCSmall and thin meat sliceVegetarians dont eat that...

Food 2020-01-28

Food crossword puzzle
  1. łyżeczka do herbaty
  2. ziemniak
  3. sprzedawać
  4. mleko
  5. Proszę bardzo.
  6. filiżanka, kubek
  7. kanapka jajeczna
  8. masło
  9. marchew
  10. sprzedawca w sklepie
  11. farmer
  12. Smacznego!
  13. Poczęstuj się.
  14. mieszać
  15. piec (np. kurczaka)
  1. warzywa
  2. dynia
  3. uprawiać, rosnąć, hodować
  4. centrum wioski
  5. pierniczki
  6. ryba z frytkami
  7. piec (np. ciastka)
  8. sałatka
  9. sałata
  10. zupa pomidorowa
  11. imbir
  12. kurczak
  13. dodać
  14. mąka
  15. miska
  16. jadłospis
  17. włożyć
  18. cukier
  19. pyszny
  20. zupa

35 Clues: mąkazupadyniamlekoimbirdodaćmasłomiskasałatafarmerwłożyćcukierpysznywarzywasałatkakurczakmarchewmieszaćziemniakjadłospispierniczkisprzedawaćSmacznego!centrum wioskiProszę bardzo.Poczęstuj się.ryba z frytkamizupa pomidorowafiliżanka, kubekkanapka jajecznapiec (np. ciastka)łyżeczka do herbatypiec (np. kurczaka)sprzedawca w sklepie...

Food 2020-03-22

Food crossword puzzle
  1. сок
  2. баранина
  3. макароны
  4. овощи
  5. фрукты
  6. бананы
  7. свинина
  8. яйца
  9. рыба
  10. лосось
  11. помидоры
  12. салат
  1. лимонад
  2. мандарины
  3. сыр
  4. говядина
  5. курица
  6. тунец
  7. фасоль
  8. напитки
  9. рис
  10. кофе
  11. виноград
  12. мясо
  13. чай

25 Clues: соксыррисчайкофеяйцарыбамясотунецовощисалаткурицафасольфруктыбананылососьлимонаднапиткисвининабаранинаговядинамакаронывиноградпомидорымандарины

Food 2020-03-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. ost
  2. ris
  3. kaka
  4. skinka
  5. bulle
  6. kålrot
  7. flingor
  8. soppa
  9. smörgås
  10. grönsaker
  11. kött
  12. sylt
  13. vatten
  1. kalkon
  2. bröd
  3. gurka
  4. kyckling
  5. vispad grädde
  6. gröt
  7. sallad
  8. oliver
  9. tårta
  10. ärtor
  11. morot
  12. mjölk
  13. ägg

26 Clues: ostrisäggbrödkakagrötköttsyltgurkabulletårtasoppaärtormorotmjölkkalkonskinkasalladoliverkålrotvattenflingorsmörgåskycklinggrönsakervispad grädde

FOOD 2020-03-17

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. It can be confused with a stick
  2. It is the favorite food of rabbits
  3. Is the same as the Italian name
  4. It's the word you say when they take a picture of you
  5. Is a ''coloured'' dairy products
  6. Is the name of an american song
  7. Is a particular ''cream''
  8. When you cut it, it makes you cry
  9. Is practically the same as Italian
  10. fruit Is small and hairy
  11. Is really similar to a male name
  12. It is a part of the name of a famous car manufacturer
  1. Is a type of bread
  2. It is that food that if you eat it, it makes your muscles come
  3. Is a color and a fruit
  4. Is the name of an animal, a meat and a nationality
  5. Is a mix between a drink and a fruit
  6. It can be deible or poisonous
  7. Is a fish prototected by a little ''object''
  8. It is very similar to a part of the house
  9. It is an Easter's symbol
  10. Is a traditional Halloween's decorations
  11. Is a fruit and an object
  12. Is the name of an important company
  13. It is producted by a big animal

25 Clues: Is a type of breadIs a color and a fruitIt is an Easter's symbolIs a fruit and an objectfruit Is small and hairyIs a particular ''cream''It can be deible or poisonousIt can be confused with a stickIs the same as the Italian nameIs the name of an american songIt is producted by a big animalIs a ''coloured'' dairy products...

Food 2020-03-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Süßigkeit
  2. Messer
  3. Brot
  4. Palatschinken (Mz.)
  5. Orange
  6. Wurst
  7. Apfel
  8. Kühlschrank
  9. Fleisch
  1. Käse
  2. Gabel
  3. Banane
  4. Butter
  5. Schokolade
  6. Teller (Mz.)
  7. Joghurt
  8. Pfeffer
  9. Suppe
  10. Reis
  11. Salz
  12. Seife

21 Clues: KäseBrotReisSalzGabelSuppeWurstSeifeApfelMesserBananeButterOrangeJoghurtPfefferFleischSüßigkeitSchokoladeKühlschrankTeller (Mz.)Palatschinken (Mz.)

food 2020-03-17

food crossword puzzle
  1. has a strong taste and smell
  2. a large round vegetable with hard
  3. two small round red or black with hard seed in the middle
  4. a seed or the pod containing seeds of various climbing plants
  5. a fruit that is like a large orange but has a yellow skin and tastes less sweet
  6. a round vegetable that grows underground and has white flesh with light brown red or pink skin or the plant on which these grow
  7. fruit fruit with brown skin covered in hairs and bright green flesh
  8. liquid produced by cows
  9. plant with pale green juicy stems that are cooked and eaten as a vegetable
  10. nut with a slightly bitter taste
  11. a round top and short stem
  12. a long pointed orange root
  13. an oval fruit with yellow skin and it's sour juice
  14. a long curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft sweet white flesh inside
  15. a red fruit that has small brown seeds
  16. a round sweet fruit that has a thick orange skin and an orange centre
  17. a small round soft fruit with a pale orange furry skin
  18. white substance found in sea water and in the ground used especially to add flavour to food
  1. a vegetable with a strong smell and flavour a round shape usually brown or red on the outside and white inside
  2. a small soft red fruit or the bush
  3. the oval object with a hard shell that is produced by female birds especially chickens
  4. a small round dark purple fruit
  5. green or purple skin a large round seed and green flesh
  6. red fruit with a lot of seeds eaten cooked or uncooked as a vegetable
  7. round fruit with hard yellow or green skin sweet flesh and a lot of seeds
  8. round purple or pale green fruit
  9. tropical fruit and have a yellow or range skin
  10. an edible oval nut with a hard shell
  11. fruit with dark green skin sweet pink flesh and a lot of black seeds
  12. a round fruit with firm white flesh and a green red or yellow skin

30 Clues: liquid produced by cowsa round top and short stema long pointed orange roothas a strong taste and smella small round dark purple fruitround purple or pale green fruitnut with a slightly bitter tastea large round vegetable with harda small soft red fruit or the bushan edible oval nut with a hard shella red fruit that has small brown seeds...

food 2020-03-18

food crossword puzzle
  1. the small seeds of a particular type of grass
  2. a round fruit with sweet yellow fresh juice
  3. long, curved fruit
  4. a sweet fruit,with a green skin and a lot of juice
  5. small, red fruit with a green leaf
  6. round,sweet, orange fruit
  7. pig's meat
  8. sweet, brown, food
  9. plant with large, green leaves
  10. a long pointed orange root
  11. a round vegetable that grows underground
  12. sweet food made with a mixture
  1. a small sea animal with a shell and ten legs
  2. small, round, soft red or black fruit
  3. small, soft, red fruit that grows on bushes:
  4. soft, white food
  5. a large, fruit with dark green skin
  6. long, thin pasta
  7. small, flat cake
  8. large fruit like a nut
  9. pale yellow solid food
  10. food made from milk
  11. a sea creature with a soft, oval body
  12. soft, round, red fruit eaten
  13. basic food made by flour, water,yeast
  14. a round, red fruit
  15. a large fish that lives in warm seas

27 Clues: pig's meatsoft, white foodsmall, flat cakesweet, brown, fooda round, red fruitlong, thin pastafood made from milklarge fruit like a nutpale yellow solid foodlong, curved fruitround,sweet, orange fruita long pointed orange rootsoft, round, red fruit eatenplant with large, green leavessweet food made with a mixture...

Food 2020-03-18

Food crossword puzzle
  1. is big and small but are green
  2. is a fish
  3. is usually used to make fruit juices
  4. is a italian place
  5. can be milk or white
  6. is a green and red fruit
  7. is a condument
  8. is eaten in summer
  9. can sometimes be pitted and Yellow
  10. comes from the chicken
  11. fruit is green
  12. is white and oriental
  1. comes from the cow
  2. is red and round
  3. can be chocolate
  4. is an animal pink
  5. is a type fish
  6. is an orange and long vegetable
  7. type in the american breakfast
  8. type in the english breakfast
  9. are found in their shells in autumn
  10. are similar to trees
  11. you eat that are breakfast
  12. is a sweet food
  13. comes from the cow

25 Clues: is a fishis a type fishis a condumentfruit is greenis a sweet foodis red and roundcan be chocolateis an animal pinkcomes from the cowis a italian placeis eaten in summercomes from the cowcan be milk or whiteare similar to treesis white and orientalcomes from the chickenis a green and red fruityou eat that are breakfasttype in the english breakfast...

food 2020-03-31

food crossword puzzle
  1. vīns
  2. ābols
  3. cukurs
  4. vista
  5. sāls
  6. kafija
  7. kartupeļi
  8. jogurts
  9. tēja
  10. tomāts
  11. olas
  1. siers
  2. kāposts
  3. makaroni
  4. banāns
  5. sīpols
  6. gaļa
  7. burkāns
  8. sviests
  9. piens

20 Clues: vīnsgaļasālstējaolassiersābolsvistapiensbanānssīpolscukurskafijatomātskāpostsburkānssviestsjogurtsmakaronikartupeļi

FOOD 2020-03-31

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. rectangular corn ships partnered with warm chili and cheese
  2. mussel's cousin's soup
  3. raw fish and rice
  4. granny smith themed pastry
  5. fried chicken legs with an orange tangy sauce
  6. the only food even Coronavirus can't affect
  7. alias of bacon, lettuce, tomato
  8. a delectable classic consisting of a patty and cheese between two buns
  9. elbow shaped noodles with melted cheese
  10. corn chips accompanied with warm cheese sauce
  11. lays' and ruffles' common ground
  12. grandma's staple
  1. yummy smothered burritos
  2. the combusted remains of nebraska's ears
  3. crunchy and smooth
  4. pruned meat
  5. larry the _____
  6. campsite's favorite treat
  7. they're good for your heart, the more you eat, the more you fart
  8. Napolian's pocket food
  9. processed pork between on long bun
  10. Asian delicacy made up by Americans
  11. sizzling, ear candy at Mexican restaurants

23 Clues: pruned meatlarry the _____grandma's stapleraw fish and ricecrunchy and smoothmussel's cousin's soupNapolian's pocket foodyummy smothered burritoscampsite's favorite treatgranny smith themed pastryalias of bacon, lettuce, tomatolays' and ruffles' common groundprocessed pork between on long bunAsian delicacy made up by Americans...

Food! 2020-02-12

Food! crossword puzzle
  1. containing a lot of fat, butter, eggs, etc. and making you feel full quickly
  2. черствый
  3. креветки
  4. аппетит
  5. кислый
  6. выжимать сок
  7. how food or drink tastes
  8. яйцо-пашот
  9. картофельное пюре
  10. an amount of food given to somebody at a meal, a portion
  11. салфетка
  12. having a strong taste because spices have been added to it
  13. зеленый салат
  14. тереть на терке
  1. гнилой
  2. hot food, such as hamburgers and chips, that is served very quickly and can be taken away to be eaten in the street
  3. to be very very hungry
  4. a thin sauce added to salads, usually made from oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, etc.
  5. made from brown flour
  6. хурма
  7. having had enough to eat
  8. food you buy from a restaurant to eat at home
  9. the quantity you eat of a kind of food during a meal
  10. one of the things from which something is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish
  11. unhealthy food
  12. бобы
  13. поздний завтрак
  14. рецепт
  15. чистить кожуру
  16. перекус

30 Clues: бобыхурмагнилойкислыйрецептаппетитперекусчерствыйкреветкисалфеткаяйцо-пашотвыжимать сокзеленый салатunhealthy foodчистить кожурупоздний завтрактереть на теркекартофельное пюреmade from brown flourto be very very hungryhaving had enough to eathow food or drink tastesfood you buy from a restaurant to eat at home...

Food 2020-04-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. cālis
  2. kūka
  3. apelsīns
  4. siers
  5. maize
  6. pipars
  7. sula
  8. saldējums
  9. sāls
  10. kūka
  11. tomāts
  12. zemene
  13. citrons
  1. sviests
  2. rīsi
  3. šokolāde
  4. medus
  5. cukurs
  6. kafija
  7. ābols
  8. cepums
  9. tēja
  10. kartupelis
  11. pica
  12. ķirsis
  13. ūdens
  14. banāns
  15. piens
  16. eļa
  17. džems

30 Clues: eļarīsikūkasulatējapicasālskūkacālismedussiersmaizeābolsūdenspiensdžemscukurskafijapiparscepumsķirsisbanānstomātszemenesviestscitronsšokolādeapelsīnssaldējumskartupelis

FOOD 2020-05-14

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. a fruit like a small orange
  2. monkeys love them
  3. a fruit and a colour
  4. a meal after breakfast and before dinner
  5. first meal of the day
  6. two pieces of bread and the filling
  7. green vegetable with lots of leaves
  8. white grain used in Asian cuisine
  9. 'Life is like a box of...'
  1. makes you cry
  2. a big bird usually prepared for Christmas dinner
  3. cook in an oven
  4. long pasta used in Italian cuisine
  5. British word for cookie.
  6. What do most children eat for breakfast?
  7. yellow, made by bees used to make chips
  8. I'll have...White, no sugar please.
  9. yellow, you can spread it on bread
  10. something sweet at the end of the meal
  11. rabbit's favourite food

20 Clues: makes you crycook in an ovenmonkeys love thema fruit and a colourfirst meal of the dayrabbit's favourite foodBritish word for cookie.'Life is like a box of...'a fruit like a small orangewhite grain used in Asian cuisinelong pasta used in Italian cuisineyellow, you can spread it on breadI'll have...White, no sugar please....

Food 2020-04-14

Food crossword puzzle
  1. redis
  2. viinamarjad
  3. ploom
  4. kartul
  5. apelsin
  6. virsik
  7. brokkoli
  8. mais
  9. õun
  10. pitsa
  11. kurk
  12. granaatõun
  1. melon
  2. vorst
  3. kaerahelbepuder
  4. pirn
  5. banaan
  6. sibul
  7. aprikoos
  8. supp
  9. ananass
  10. porgand
  11. kõrvits
  12. kapsas
  13. sidrun

25 Clues: õunpirnsuppmaiskurkmelonredisvorstploomsibulpitsakartulbanaanvirsikkapsassidrunapelsinananassporgandkõrvitsaprikoosbrokkoligranaatõunviinamarjadkaerahelbepuder

Food 2020-12-26

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Spice in Gov. island meal
  2. Drake and Diddy’s spot
  3. Buffalo chicken cheesy pasta (abbr.)
  4. Pickle in a jar
  5. Alligator consumed in this form
  6. Marshmallow enveloped in it
  7. Created from herb we’ve grown
  8. Large holiday meal
  9. Boathouse in CP for my graduation
  10. Cleo’s meditteranean food in back
  11. Sugar-rolled fried treats
  12. S’ghetti and Patch Kids
  13. Better orange and fresh
  14. Many scrambles in 3B
  15. Raspberry and whipped cream
  16. Xmas failure
  17. FL food recommended by Natalie
  18. Vietnamese soup
  19. Hamachi
  1. Above the English muffin, under the poached egg
  2. French donut
  3. Enchilada protein
  4. But in rope form
  5. Nola bottled heat shop (2 wds.)
  6. Boiled down fruit and sugar, but fancy
  7. Grain with truffles and lamb chops
  8. Food feat. black garlic with hairs
  9. Cooling off near the rollercoaster (2nd wd.)
  10. I enjoyed the subpar citrus fish
  11. Best fried chicken Willie
  12. In the chowder

31 Clues: HamachiFrench donutXmas failureIn the chowderPickle in a jarVietnamese soupBut in rope formEnchilada proteinLarge holiday mealMany scrambles in 3BDrake and Diddy’s spotS’ghetti and Patch KidsBetter orange and freshSpice in Gov. island mealSugar-rolled fried treatsBest fried chicken WillieMarshmallow enveloped in itRaspberry and whipped cream...

Food 2021-01-22

Food crossword puzzle
  1. tomaatti
  2. mustikka
  3. sitruuna
  4. hillo
  5. makkara
  6. jäätelö
  7. pizza
  8. tee
  9. omena
  10. pihvi
  11. banaani
  12. peruna
  13. pippuri
  1. lihapullat
  2. pirtelö
  3. olut
  4. kahvi
  5. hampurilainen
  6. suola
  7. kana
  8. vesi
  9. juusto
  10. kakku
  11. kaali
  12. lohi
  13. keitto

26 Clues: teeolutkanavesilohikahvihillosuolapizzakakkuomenakaalipihvijuustokeittoperunapirtelömakkarajäätelöbanaanipippuritomaattimustikkasitruunalihapullathampurilainen

Food 2021-01-26

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Fruit spread
  2. A big green fruit with red flesh
  3. A baked product
  4. A baked product that most people eat for their birthday
  5. What meat people eat for Thanksgiving
  6. A nut that is popular in Hawaii
  7. A tree-like vegetable
  8. A green vegetable on burgers
  9. Dried grapes
  1. Young soybeans
  2. A cut of pork popular in America for breakfast
  3. Dried meat
  4. A red fruit with white flesh
  5. Long French bread
  6. "I like to eat apples and ________"
  7. A popular cut of beef
  8. Also called a griddle cake
  9. A type of flatfish
  10. Black things on pizzas
  11. Cheddar ______

20 Clues: Dried meatFruit spreadDried grapesYoung soybeansCheddar ______A baked productLong French breadA type of flatfishA popular cut of beefA tree-like vegetableBlack things on pizzasAlso called a griddle cakeA red fruit with white fleshA green vegetable on burgersA nut that is popular in HawaiiA big green fruit with red flesh...

Food 2021-01-12

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Hens produce them.
  2. It's white. It's very sweet.
  3. It's green. It looks like small trees.
  4. It's salt. It's the opposite of sugar.
  5. It's white. It's made of milk.
  6. It's yellow. Mice love it.
  7. It's white and an ingredient for bread.
  8. It's orange. We eat it in salads.
  9. It's red and it's fruit.
  10. It's a slice of meat we use in sandwiches.
  11. It's a sour fruit.
  12. It's meat from an animal.
  1. It's spicy. It's an ingredient for pizza.
  2. It's something we get from trees.
  3. It's green. It's a vegetable for the salad.
  4. It's a fruit that we eat in hot dogs.
  5. It's the meat from the cow.
  6. It's black and sweet.
  7. we eat this in the morning.
  8. It's white. It has layers.

20 Clues: Hens produce them.It's a sour fruit.It's black and sweet.It's red and it's fruit.It's meat from an animal.It's yellow. Mice love it.It's white. It has layers.It's the meat from the cow.we eat this in the morning.It's white. It's very sweet.It's white. It's made of milk.It's something we get from trees.It's orange. We eat it in salads....

FOOD 2021-01-17

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. A soft orange fruit who growing in a tree.
  2. A vegetable that makes your eyes cry when we cut it
  3. KFC only sells that.
  4. Something we handle when it's hot.
  5. The boss of the krusty crab.
  6. A round exotic fruit with orange flesh.
  7. Fermented milk.
  8. A meat eaten during thanksgiving.
  9. An alcohol made from grapes.
  10. A yellow peppery sauce that stings the nose.
  1. It was invented in Italy.
  2. A cereal that grows a lot in Asia.
  3. A red, yellow or green round fruit.
  4. A long green fruit which is used in ratatouille.
  5. A cereal eaten during the morning.
  6. We put it in hot-dogs.
  7. A sweet bubbly drink.
  8. The raw material of bread.
  9. A orange citrus.
  10. A white drink who comes from the cow.

20 Clues: Fermented milk.A orange citrus.KFC only sells that.A sweet bubbly drink.We put it in hot-dogs.It was invented in Italy.The raw material of bread.The boss of the krusty crab.An alcohol made from grapes.A meat eaten during thanksgiving.A cereal that grows a lot in Asia.A cereal eaten during the morning.Something we handle when it's hot....

food 2021-01-15

food crossword puzzle
  1. This word means
  2. intact male cattle
  3. yellow
  4. cheap instant food from Indonesia. •
  5. hydrtaing
  6. cola
  7. does not grow well with cabbage
  8. Sweet dessert
  9. a built-up area with
  10. Male chicken under 10 months
  1. baked eggs
  2. H20
  3. the most fancy •
  4. berry
  5. The tea plant
  6. Yummy
  7. miniature latte
  8. The color of dye that is used in mixing with the emulsion
  9. how do you cook bread
  10. sugar in milk

20 Clues: H20colaberryYummyyellowhydrtaingbaked eggsThe tea plantSweet dessertsugar in milkThis word meansminiature lattethe most fancy •intact male cattlea built-up area withhow do you cook breadMale chicken under 10 monthsdoes not grow well with cabbagecheap instant food from Indonesia. •The color of dye that is used in mixing with the emulsion

FOOD 2020-10-01

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. Food from Japan has mochi and the mochi filled with red bean paste.
  2. a Japan eel cooked and usually eat with rice and some sauce which taste sweet
  3. Desert from Japan made from 2 small pancake and filled with red bean paste.
  4. from Chinese dumpling and has filling inside and cover with a white delicate dough.
  5. Food from Japan that is ingredient simmered in shiru stock with sake, soy sauce, and small amount of sweetening.
  6. Desert from French is a food made of sweetend chesnut puree and topped with whip cream
  7. food from Japan using buckwheat usually dipped in cold soup and the noodle and soup is separated
  8. Japan food with the shape of fish with red bean filling and more.
  9. from Japan. this a food for lunch consist of a lot of food such as rice sometimes vegetables sausage and more
  10. Desert from French made from boiling cream, egg, sugar, and more and serve with a glass
  11. cuisine from French mostly made of vegetables. made of 7 parts
  1. from Japan, Have rice on a bowl and fried pork on top with some onions and eggs.
  2. from UK. you eat this for breakfast made out of muffin and eggs
  3. Fish eggs in Japan usually put on Sushi
  4. Meat from Japan cooked on top of a fire just like barbecue
  5. Soup from Japan which is made of Dashi Stock and Miso paste.
  6. Food from Japan Made from eggs and other ingredient and steamed.
  7. cuisine from Japan. Has some cake that form balls in a stick and sweet
  8. Japan cuisine cooking food with iron griddle
  9. Japanese Shrimp covered in batter to make it crunchy

20 Clues: Fish eggs in Japan usually put on SushiJapan cuisine cooking food with iron griddleJapanese Shrimp covered in batter to make it crunchyMeat from Japan cooked on top of a fire just like barbecueSoup from Japan which is made of Dashi Stock and Miso paste.cuisine from French mostly made of vegetables. made of 7 parts...

FOOD 2020-10-01

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. It’s a milk tea with boba
  2. Its dairy
  3. It is a rice that has been cooked.
  4. it is made out of corn.
  5. and Eggs meat and protein
  6. it’s a vegetable on a bowl
  7. it’s a bread with a shape of round and hole on it
  8. The shape is circular and made of bread
  9. Fries it is made out of Potato and it is shape like a cuboid
  10. Mentai Salmon with mayoness sauce
  1. has vegetable on it and beef
  2. it’s a rice ball that was change the shape of a triangle
  3. it is made of agar – agar
  4. Chicken that was cooked
  5. It is sour
  6. Schnitzel Chicken breast is made out of flour and bread crumbs
  7. it’s a Italian noodle style.
  8. Cream It is a common dessert
  9. The main dish is meat
  10. a sausage with a bun

20 Clues: Its dairyIt is soura sausage with a bunThe main dish is meatChicken that was cookedit is made out of corn.It’s a milk tea with bobait is made of agar – agarand Eggs meat and proteinit’s a vegetable on a bowlhas vegetable on it and beefit’s a Italian noodle style.Cream It is a common dessertIt is a rice that has been cooked....

FOOD 2020-10-01

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. - Clue : It is cold, you probably adore this food and is usually the first thing in mind for a present to a child that did good.
  2. - Clue : It is the most famous italian food in the whole world.
  3. - Clue : Basically an indonesian version of a winter stew, with cow parts inside the stew.
  4. - Clue : It is stereotypical that french people eat this everywhere
  5. - Clue : these are polish dumplings.
  6. - Clue : a swedish meat stew with onion, vegetables, and spices
  7. - Clue : An japanese food thats now everywhere.
  8. - Clue : The most popular alcoholic drink in France.
  9. - Clue : Choco chips ___. fill in the blank! :D
  10. - Clue : Japanese food that has noodles.
  11. - Clue : Sorry,, but it’s a dish in china and.. people make fun of them because of this dish because of the current pandemic outgoing.
  1. fish - Clue : A fried sea food. pretty self explanatory.
  2. - Clue : It’s made in Belgium, not in France Emily you american.
  3. - Clue : Think of a food you would eat in or is popular mexico, then add Española at the end.
  4. - Clue : consist of minced meat and chopped vegetables wrapped in a thin dough skin. Its called jiǎozi in their mother language
  5. - Clue : A type of pizza thats apparently very controversial. It has ties with the hawaiian pizza.
  6. - Clue : Thanks giving. That's the clue.
  7. - Clue : Sweet offerings include chocolate and green bean, indicated by a colored dot on top.
  8. - Clue : it is a traditional german dish, made out of sausages.
  9. - Clue : You guys probably can’t live without this.. aka indonesian snack/food.

20 Clues: - Clue : these are polish dumplings.- Clue : Thanks giving. That's the clue.- Clue : Japanese food that has noodles.- Clue : An japanese food thats now everywhere.- Clue : Choco chips ___. fill in the blank! :D- Clue : The most popular alcoholic drink in - Clue : A fried sea food. pretty self explanatory....

Food 2020-09-30

Food crossword puzzle
  1. in the cartoon the owner lives under the sea
  2. it contains a lot of fats
  3. the color is white and yellow
  4. the category is seafood,sometimes can make you allergy
  5. its quite expensive
  6. The shape is circle
  7. it contains a lot of water
  8. the shape is oval and circle
  9. cream its easy to melt
  10. color is red
  11. It contains a lot of MSG
  12. The color is yellow
  1. candy Its taste sweet
  2. You eat it with peanut sauce,Indonesian food
  3. the taste is crispy and it from Banyumas ,Central Java
  4. Its healthy and you can eat it with dressing
  5. the name of a cartoon character
  6. This food is from Japan
  7. Upin & Ipin favorite food
  8. ball the shape is like a ball and contain meat

20 Clues: color is redits quite expensiveThe shape is circleThe color is yellowcandy Its taste sweetcream its easy to meltThis food is from JapanIt contains a lot of MSGit contains a lot of fatsUpin & Ipin favorite foodit contains a lot of waterthe shape is oval and circlethe color is white and yellowthe name of a cartoon character...

Food 2020-09-30

Food crossword puzzle
  1. in the cartoon the owner lives under the sea
  2. it contains a lot of fats
  3. the color is white and yellow
  4. the category is seafood,sometimes can make you allergy
  5. its quite expensive
  6. The shape is circle
  7. it contains a lot of water
  8. the shape is oval and circle
  9. cream its easy to melt
  10. color is red
  11. It contains a lot of MSG
  12. The color is yellow
  1. candy Its taste sweet
  2. You eat it with peanut sauce,Indonesian food
  3. the taste is crispy and it from Banyumas ,Central Java
  4. Its healthy and you can eat it with dressing
  5. the name of a cartoon character
  6. This food is from Japan
  7. Upin & Ipin favorite food
  8. ball the shape is like a ball and contain meat

20 Clues: color is redits quite expensiveThe shape is circleThe color is yellowcandy Its taste sweetcream its easy to meltThis food is from JapanIt contains a lot of MSGit contains a lot of fatsUpin & Ipin favorite foodit contains a lot of waterthe shape is oval and circlethe color is white and yellowthe name of a cartoon character...

FOOD 2020-09-30

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. The taste is a bit salty and has a black stock consist of meat and mungbean and it is an Indo. food
  2. It’s consist from a lots of sugar that makes people diabetes
  3. Usually eaten in a bowl
  4. A food for rabbits and humans
  5. milk A white liquid from a cow
  6. Something similar like bread that consist vegetable, cheese, and meat AM
  7. It’s like a jelly and it can be a dessert
  8. It’s made from an egg and found in KFC
  9. It’s made from meats and the shape is like a ball
  10. Is a spicy cow meat food from Indonesia Sumatera with a lot of spices
  1. A vegetable that looks likes an afro hair
  2. Seafood that have tentacles
  3. Made from meat and it’s roasted
  4. A red and green- skinned fruit
  5. Its seafood
  6. Made from cacao and a sweet brown treat and sometimes taste bitter
  7. It’s a prime food of Asia
  8. Found in ramen dishes, a long food
  9. Made of flour, milk, egg
  10. It’s made from meat and have a stick in the middle and there is a peanut sauce

20 Clues: Its seafoodUsually eaten in a bowlMade of flour, milk, eggIt’s a prime food of AsiaSeafood that have tentaclesA food for rabbits and humansmilk A white liquid from a cowA red and green- skinned fruitMade from meat and it’s roastedFound in ramen dishes, a long foodIt’s made from an egg and found in KFCA vegetable that looks likes an afro hair...

FOOD 2020-09-30

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. A Japanese food, It’s like a rice cake.
  2. It’s from Australia and it looks like a bread but it’s a sponge cake.
  3. It is a nutrient rich liquid food.
  4. You can put two pieces of bread, a meat, and vegetable.
  5. It’s a yummy food from Mexico, there’s salad, tomato, cucumber and many more inside it.
  6. It’s a meat with rice from Korea.
  7. Harees looks like a soup but there’s a meat inside it and it’s from Dubai.
  8. It is delicious food from Canada.
  9. Its yummy food from New York.
  10. American desserts food.
  11. It looks like a pancake from Russia.
  1. It’s from New York and it’s a meat.
  2. This food is a dish from Poland.
  3. The food looks like a donut, from Peru.
  4. It’s a delicious food from Thailand, this food name has the name of the country.
  5. It’s from Japan and it’s so delicious.
  6. This food is cold, it’s from Italy.
  7. It is a famous Italian food
  8. It has the taste of the food in the name.
  9. It is like pudding from Brazil.

20 Clues: American desserts food.It is a famous Italian foodIts yummy food from New York.It is like pudding from Brazil.This food is a dish from Poland.It’s a meat with rice from Korea.It is delicious food from Canada.It is a nutrient rich liquid food.It’s from New York and it’s a meat.This food is cold, it’s from Italy.It looks like a pancake from Russia....

FOOD 2020-09-30

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. It’s from New York and it’s a meat.
  2. This food is cold, it’s from Italy.
  3. It is a famous Italian food
  4. The food looks like a donut, from Peru.
  5. It is a nutrient rich liquid food.
  6. A Japanese food, It’s like a rice cake.
  7. It is like pudding from Brazil.
  8. It looks like a pancake from Russia.
  9. You can put two pieces of bread, a meat, and vegetable.
  10. It’s from Australia and it looks like a bread but it’s a sponge cake.
  1. It’s from Japan and it’s so delicious.
  2. It’s a meat with rice from Korea.
  3. Its yummy food from New York.
  4. It has the taste of the food in the name.
  5. It’s a delicious food from Thailand, this food name has the name of the country.
  6. American desserts food.
  7. It’s a yummy food from Mexico, there’s salad, tomato, cucumber and many more inside it. BiaHoi This is a drink from Vietnam
  8. It is delicious food from Canada.
  9. Harees looks like a soup but there’s a meat inside it and it’s from Dubai.
  10. This food is a dish from Poland.

20 Clues: American desserts food.It is a famous Italian foodIts yummy food from New York.It is like pudding from Brazil.This food is a dish from Poland.It’s a meat with rice from Korea.It is delicious food from Canada.It is a nutrient rich liquid food.It’s from New York and it’s a meat.This food is cold, it’s from Italy.It looks like a pancake from Russia....

FOOD 2020-09-30

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. Seafood that have tentacles
  2. A white liquid from a cow
  3. A red and green- skinned fruit
  4. Something similar like bread that consist vegetable, cheese, and meat AM
  5. The taste is a bit salty and has a black stock consist of meat and mungbean and it is an Indo. food
  6. Made from cacao and a sweet brown treat and sometimes taste bitter
  7. A vegetable that looks likes an afro hair
  8. A food for rabbits and humans
  9. It’s like a jelly and it can be a dessert
  1. Made of flour, milk, egg
  2. Made from meat and it’s roasted
  3. It’s made from meats and the shape is like a ball
  4. Found in ramen dishes, a long food
  5. It’s consist from a lots of sugar that makes people diabetes
  6. Its seafood
  7. It’s a prime food of Asia
  8. It’s made from an egg and found in KFC
  9. It’s made from meat and have a stick in the middle and there is a peanut sauce
  10. Usually eaten in a bowl
  11. Is a spicy cow meat food from Indonesia Sumatera with a lot of spices

20 Clues: Its seafoodUsually eaten in a bowlMade of flour, milk, eggA white liquid from a cowIt’s a prime food of AsiaSeafood that have tentaclesA food for rabbits and humansA red and green- skinned fruitMade from meat and it’s roastedFound in ramen dishes, a long foodIt’s made from an egg and found in KFCA vegetable that looks likes an afro hair...

Food 2020-09-30

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Italian food made from tomato and meats
  2. Chinesse food consist of minced meat and chopped vegetable wrapped in a in dough skin
  3. pie Food that use apple as the ingridients and also served with wiped cream
  4. traditional Indonesia-Javanese food that consit of fruits and vegetables mix together
  5. Traditional Korean side dish madse from salted and fermented vegetables
  6. sausage on a stick
  7. Italian food that consist of meat,cheese,abd mushroonm
  8. Healthy food consist of vegetables and dressing
  9. Long thin bread that made of dough and origin in France
  10. water
  11. Japanese food which thick noodles and its popular and traditional
  1. Telor Betawi traditional food that consist of egg ad served with serundeng
  2. Indonesia tradisional cake made of rice
  3. Popular Japan noodles with egg,Naruto,seaweed,vegetables and other topping
  4. Indonesian food from Palembang that is made and tapioca
  5. Bogor A food containing vegetables and mixed with vinegar and chili sauce
  6. Traditional Indonesian food from beef and spice
  7. food originated in French and consist with two biscuit sandwich together with a filling in it
  8. Indonesia food made from sagoo
  9. Tradisional mexicanfood with a variety of fillings and eats by hand
  10. Food from Thailand that usually coocked with shrimped
  11. and with brown sugar then boiled in

22 Clues: watersausage on a stickIndonesia food made from sagooand with brown sugar then boiled inIndonesia tradisional cake made of riceItalian food made from tomato and meatsTraditional Indonesian food from beef and spiceHealthy food consist of vegetables and dressingFood from Thailand that usually coocked with shrimped...

Food 2020-12-01

Food crossword puzzle
  1. It is often described as a rather bland staple food.
  2. when you bite food, it crunches
  3. Foods that are not good for your health, but most of the time they are tasty
  4. when the food has an acid taste
  5. to broil, fry or toast
  6. to make something become liquid through heating.
  7. food that takes a long time to digest.
  8. to cut with or as if with a knife
  9. food difficult to break into small pieces.
  10. taht you don't like or that is extremely unpleasant or unacceptable
  11. When food has too much sugar
  12. having a high temperature
  13. Foods that have a lot of water.
  1. To remove excess of liquid from after washing or cooking it.
  2. with an unpleasantly sharp taste
  3. to extract a liquid or soft substance from something by compressing it firmly.
  4. when food has too much salt
  5. Covered with or full of fat or oil
  6. o cook by exposing to dry heat as in an oven or before a fire
  7. A meal that needs little preparation
  8. to combine or put all the ingredients
  9. Food what makes good for your body
  10. to divide into smaller parts by rubbing on a serrated surface .
  11. containing strong flavours from spices

24 Clues: to broil, fry or toasthaving a high temperaturewhen food has too much saltWhen food has too much sugarwhen you bite food, it cruncheswhen the food has an acid tasteFoods that have a lot of water.with an unpleasantly sharp tasteto cut with or as if with a knifeCovered with or full of fat or oilFood what makes good for your body...

Food 2020-12-01

Food crossword puzzle
  1. to divide into smaller parts by rubbing on a serrated surface .
  2. to combine or put all the ingredients
  3. Foods that are not good for your health, but most of the time they are tasty
  4. to make something become liquid through heating.
  5. to cut with or as if with a knife
  6. To remove excess of liquid from after washing or cooking it.
  7. taht you don't like or that is extremely unpleasant or unacceptable
  8. containing strong flavours from spices
  9. o cook by exposing to dry heat as in an oven or before a fire
  10. Food what makes good for your body
  11. food that takes a long time to digest.
  12. Foods that have a lot of water.
  1. when the food has an acid taste
  2. to broil, fry or toast
  3. to extract a liquid or soft substance from something by compressing it firmly.
  4. food difficult to break into small pieces.
  5. having a high temperature
  6. It is often described as a rather bland staple food.
  7. A meal that needs little preparation
  8. when you bite food, it crunches
  9. When food has too much sugar
  10. when food has too much salt
  11. Covered with or full of fat or oil
  12. with an unpleasantly sharp taste

24 Clues: to broil, fry or toasthaving a high temperaturewhen food has too much saltWhen food has too much sugarwhen the food has an acid tastewhen you bite food, it crunchesFoods that have a lot of water.with an unpleasantly sharp tasteto cut with or as if with a knifeCovered with or full of fat or oilFood what makes good for your body...

Food 2020-12-01

Food crossword puzzle
  1. To remove excess of liquid from after washing or cooking it.
  2. Food what makes good for your body
  3. o cook by exposing to dry heat as in an oven or before a fire
  4. to cut with or as if with a knife
  5. Foods that are not good for your health, but most of the time they are tasty
  6. o cook food by putting it in water at high temperatures
  7. food difficult to break into small pieces.
  8. When food has too much sugar
  9. to make something become liquid through heating.
  10. when you bite food, it crunches
  11. with an unpleasantly sharp taste
  12. to broil, fry or toast
  1. Foods that have a lot of water.
  2. to extract a liquid or soft substance from something by compressing it firmly.
  3. to divide into smaller parts by rubbing on a serrated surface .
  4. Covered with or full of fat or oil
  5. when the food has an acid taste
  6. containing strong flavours from spices
  7. taht you don't like or that is extremely unpleasant or unacceptable
  8. having a high temperature
  9. A meal that needs little preparation
  10. food that takes a long time to digest.
  11. to combine or put all the ingredients
  12. when food has too much salt
  13. It is often described as a rather bland staple food.

25 Clues: to broil, fry or toasthaving a high temperaturewhen food has too much saltWhen food has too much sugarFoods that have a lot of water.when the food has an acid tastewhen you bite food, it cruncheswith an unpleasantly sharp tasteto cut with or as if with a knifeCovered with or full of fat or oilFood what makes good for your body...

Food 2020-11-06

Food crossword puzzle
  1. vegetable used for killing vampires
  2. white vegetable it makes you cry
  3. vegetable used as a lantern in Halloween
  4. small round and red fruit always in pairs
  5. oval object produced by female birds
  6. similir to an onion with long green leaves
  7. green or purple leaves surrounding a heart
  8. fruit. similar to a number in spanish
  9. round,small and green vegetable
  10. yellow and sour fruit
  11. French bread
  12. long green leaves used for salads
  1. round bread to hold a hamburger
  2. dairy product.Non fat
  3. red fruit containig a mass of red seed
  4. fruit used to make wine
  5. a sweet,soft,purple fruit full of seeds
  6. round red or green fruit
  7. very common red and round vegetable.
  8. an oval fleshy fruit which is purple.

20 Clues: French breaddairy product.Non fatyellow and sour fruitfruit used to make wineround red or green fruitround bread to hold a hamburgerround,small and green vegetablewhite vegetable it makes you crylong green leaves used for saladsvegetable used for killing vampiresoval object produced by female birdsvery common red and round vegetable....

Food! 2020-12-22

Food! crossword puzzle
  1. afternoon snack
  2. where we cook
  3. what’s eaten the next day
  4. what we do with food
  5. where food is kept
  6. person who cooks
  7. popular tinned food
  8. name of our dog
  9. recipe amount
  10. eaten after dinner
  11. perfect campfire treat
  12. not cooked
  13. Métis or French Canadian dish
  14. meal in between first two meals of the day
  1. salt’s partner
  2. drink with dinner
  3. pretzel topping
  4. popular dipping sauce
  5. amount abbreviation
  6. sells food
  7. what rises
  8. regular recipe direction
  9. begs for food
  10. we cook on this
  11. best served with eggnog
  12. sweet or savory vessel
  13. sweetener
  14. we put baking in there

28 Clues: sweetenersells foodwhat risesnot cookedwhere we cookbegs for foodrecipe amountsalt’s partnerpretzel toppingafternoon snackname of our dogwe cook on thisperson who cooksdrink with dinnerwhere food is kepteaten after dinneramount abbreviationpopular tinned foodwhat we do with foodpopular dipping saucesweet or savory vesselperfect campfire treat...

Food 2020-12-18

Food crossword puzzle
  1. рыба
  2. между
  3. сыр
  4. салат
  5. роль
  6. основные блюда
  7. молоко
  8. разные
  9. важный
  10. здоровое питание
  11. минеральная вода
  12. суп
  1. обращать внимания
  2. овощи
  3. каждый
  4. завтрак
  5. обед
  6. в течении
  7. популярный
  8. ужин
  9. состоит
  10. картошка
  11. фрукты
  12. чай
  13. мясо

25 Clues: сырчайсупрыбарольобедужинмясоовощимеждусалаткаждыймолокоразныефруктыважныйзавтраксостоиткартошкав течениипопулярныйосновные блюдаздоровое питаниеминеральная водаобращать внимания

FOOD 2021-03-09

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. cheese
  2. milk
  3. juice
  4. sandwich
  5. salad
  6. ham
  7. cake
  8. hamburguer
  9. soup
  10. tomato
  1. chicken
  2. cream ice cream
  3. egg
  4. sweets
  5. chocolate
  6. apple
  7. water
  8. bread
  9. crisps
  10. banana

20 Clues: egghammilkcakesoupjuiceapplesaladwaterbreadcheesesweetscrispsbananatomatochickensandwichchocolatehamburguercream ice cream

FOOD 2021-04-05

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. Salatgurke
  2. Wasser
  3. Trauben
  4. Fleisch
  5. Nudeln
  6. Pizza
  7. Oft
  8. Nie
  9. Fisch
  10. Käse
  11. Ei
  12. Immer
  13. Schinken
  14. Butter
  15. Spinat
  16. Milch
  1. Reis
  2. Apfel
  3. Brot
  4. Bohnen
  5. Abendessen
  6. Frühstück
  7. Orange
  8. Mittagessen
  9. Manchmal
  10. Zwiebel
  11. Nüsse
  12. Karotte
  13. Normalerweise

29 Clues: EiOftNieReisBrotKäseApfelPizzaNüsseFischImmerMilchWasserBohnenNudelnOrangeButterSpinatTraubenFleischZwiebelKarotteManchmalSchinkenFrühstückSalatgurkeAbendessenMittagessenNormalerweise

Food 2021-03-25

Food crossword puzzle
  1. kapusta
  2. dżem
  3. cebula
  4. sałatka z kurczaka
  5. sos pomidorowy
  6. winogron
  7. jogurt
  8. borówka
  9. mięso
  10. sałatka
  1. pomidor
  2. szynka
  3. sałata
  4. gotować
  5. ananas
  6. cukier
  7. Smacznego!
  8. smażyć
  9. masło
  10. ziemniak
  11. szpinak

21 Clues: dżemmasłomięsoszynkasałatacebulaananascukiersmażyćjogurtpomidorkapustagotowaćborówkaszpinaksałatkawinogronziemniakSmacznego!sos pomidorowysałatka z kurczaka

Food 2021-03-11

Food crossword puzzle
  1. oven
  2. garlic
  3. bell pepper
  4. eggplant
  5. chicken
  6. corn
  7. raspberry
  8. sugar
  9. watermelon
  10. pineapple
  11. apple
  1. oil
  2. strawberry
  3. flour
  4. grapefruit
  5. mushroom
  6. green beans
  7. peas
  8. zucchini
  9. stove
  10. spices
  11. ham

22 Clues: oilhamovenpeascornfloursugarstoveapplegarlicspiceschickenmushroomeggplantzucchiniraspberrypineapplestrawberrygrapefruitwatermelonbell peppergreen beans

Food 2021-04-29

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Air in English is
  2. made with mix vegetables & meat
  3. famous food in cinema
  4. round an large shape
  5. The snack brand is made from cassava
  6. fried potatoes
  7. Meksiko’s food
  8. made from meat and round shape
  9. Bread food is round with meat inside
  10. Combine of word anjing dan panas
  11. live in water
  12. is a type of leavened fried dough
  1. Tahu in English
  2. soft rice
  3. mix vegetables & fruit
  4. Cook in oven
  5. fisherman
  6. Farmers
  7. Japan food
  8. a kind of noodle

20 Clues: Farmerssoft ricefishermanJapan foodCook in ovenlive in waterfried potatoesMeksiko’s foodTahu in Englisha kind of noodleAir in English isround an large shapefamous food in cinemamix vegetables & fruitmade from meat and round shapemade with mix vegetables & meatCombine of word anjing dan panasis a type of leavened fried dough...

Food 2021-04-08

Food crossword puzzle
  1. the first thing you eat at a restaurant
  2. not really healthy food
  3. you must eat it when you want to be healthy
  4. spice popular in India
  5. fish in sushi is
  6. food without artifical ingredients is
  7. probably everybody love this kind of sweets
  8. this meal is associated with Italy
  9. the feeling that makes you want to eat
  10. popular grain use in bread
  11. you fry on this
  1. popular sauce using in salads
  2. you can Cook water n this
  3. you eat it with fish on the polish sea
  4. you must do whit ingredientsit when you make vegetble salad
  5. it is a vegetarian sweet dish from Czech Republic
  6. you usually use it when you eat
  7. flavour not sweet
  8. cook using direct heat
  9. really good fruits will be...
  10. one of main seafood
  11. spicy just right
  12. main ingredient of apple pie
  13. doctor who will write your diet

24 Clues: you fry on thisspicy just rightfish in sushi isflavour not sweetone of main seafoodcook using direct heatspice popular in Indianot really healthy foodyou can Cook water n thispopular grain use in breadmain ingredient of apple piepopular sauce using in saladsreally good fruits will usually use it when you eatdoctor who will write your diet...

Food 2021-04-08

Food crossword puzzle
  1. probably everybody love this kind of sweets
  2. cook using direct heat
  3. not really healthy food
  4. you can Cook water n this
  5. doctor who will write your diet
  6. one of main sea fruit
  7. fish in sushi is
  8. this meal is associated with Italy
  9. main ingredient of apple pie
  10. you must eat it when you want to be healthy
  1. flavour not sweet
  2. food without artifical ingredients is
  3. the first thing you eat at a restaurant
  4. popular sauce using in salads
  5. spicy just right
  6. popular grain use in bread
  7. you eat it with fish on the polish sea
  8. you fry on this
  9. spice popular in India
  10. you must do whit ingredientsit when you make vegetble salad
  11. it is a vegetarian sweet dish from Czech Republic
  12. the feeling that makes you want to eat
  13. really good fruits will be...
  14. you usually use it when you eat

24 Clues: you fry on thisspicy just rightfish in sushi isflavour not sweetone of main sea fruitcook using direct heatspice popular in Indianot really healthy foodyou can Cook water n thispopular grain use in breadmain ingredient of apple piepopular sauce using in saladsreally good fruits will who will write your diet...

Food 2021-09-23

Food crossword puzzle
  1. coconut
  2. tomatoes
  3. rice
  4. beer
  5. eggs
  6. pear
  7. garlic
  8. peas
  9. meat
  10. peach
  11. wine
  1. coffee
  2. bread
  3. turkey
  4. jam
  5. tea
  6. butter
  7. apples
  8. grapes
  9. cheese
  10. chicken
  11. milk

22 Clues: jamtearicebeereggspearpeasmeatmilkwinebreadpeachcoffeeturkeybutterapplesgrapesgarliccheesecoconutchickentomatoes

Food 2021-09-14

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Ground beef patty in a bun
  2. Sauce made with meat juices
  3. They're good scrambled, fried or boiled
  4. String-shaped pasta
  5. What French fries are made from
  6. Also known as a "starter"
  7. Fresh green salad vegetable
  8. Spicy tomato dip
  9. They're used for cider, sauce and pies
  10. Edible green flower head eaten as a vegetable
  11. Baked dough topped with cheese and more
  1. Final course
  2. Purple root vegetable
  3. Another name for drinks
  4. Refreshing citrus drink
  5. Devil's food or angel food
  6. Smooth, sweet brown food made from cacao
  7. Frozen dairy delight (2 wds.)
  8. A bulb with strong odor and flavor used in cooking
  9. Green nut
  10. Dried grapes
  11. Fish used for salads, casseroles and sandwiches
  12. Food grilled on skewers
  13. It grows on a cob
  14. Large fruit with fuzzy skin and a solid pit
  15. Small, flat baked sweet snack

26 Clues: Green nutFinal courseDried grapesSpicy tomato dipIt grows on a cobString-shaped pastaPurple root vegetableAnother name for drinksRefreshing citrus drinkFood grilled on skewersAlso known as a "starter"Ground beef patty in a bunDevil's food or angel foodSauce made with meat juicesFresh green salad vegetableFrozen dairy delight (2 wds.)...

Food 2021-09-16

Food crossword puzzle
  1. a type of sweet food that is brown. It can also be a hot drink!
  2. a white grainy food, people eat it a lot in East Asia (China, Vietnam, Japan). Sushi is made with it
  3. a type of sweet food that we eat with tea and coffee
  4. a fruit used to make wine
  5. a type of food made out of mince meat, wrapped in a long cyllindrical "tube" made of skin. It's usually grilled, fried or roasted
  6. a type of sweet cold food that you eat in summer - children love it!
  7. it's made out of dough, we cut it in slices to make sandwiches
  8. a type of food that is very popular in Italy - its most famous versions are Bolognese and Carbonara.
  9. cucumbers, peppers and carrots are all a type of __________
  10. a type of liquid made out of pressed fruits
  11. a type of liquid that we add to salads
  12. a type of hard food made out of milk
  13. a type of healthy food made out of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables
  1. a type of meat from domestic birds
  2. a type of food that comes from chickens, you can boil them or fry them
  3. a yellow fruit
  4. a round fruit that can be green or red
  5. a type of liquid without colour, taste or smell
  6. bananas, strawberries and pears are all a type of ________
  7. a type of popular breakfast that can be eaten sweet or savoury - the French call it crepes.
  8. shrimps, mussels, squid and octopus are not fish, but they all come from the ocean. They are a type of __________
  9. a type of food made out of bread, butter, ham, cheese and tomatoes
  10. some people say this is a fruit and some people say this is a vegetable
  11. a type of food that is very popular in Italy - it's made out of dough, it's round and it can have cheese, ham, tomatoes and mushrooms on top.

24 Clues: a yellow fruita fruit used to make winea type of meat from domestic birdsa type of hard food made out of milka round fruit that can be green or reda type of liquid that we add to saladsa type of liquid made out of pressed fruitsa type of liquid without colour, taste or smella type of sweet food that we eat with tea and coffee...

food 2021-05-14

food crossword puzzle
  1. orange, sweet, fruit yummy!
  2. red, green, juicy, yummmmmmm!!!!!!
  3. gross, yuck, ewwww, it tastes like salty water, ewww
  4. yummy, red, tomatoes
  5. frosting, sprinkles, yummmmmmmmm!
  6. pink, brown, yummmmm!!
  7. chrunch, yummy, round
  8. cheesy, sausy, and pepperoni
  9. sweet, mmmmmmmmmm!!, yum, bread, egg, syrup
  10. ewwwwwwwwwwww
  1. fruit, juicy, sweet, red, white
  2. sweet, sticky, brown
  3. sweet, oats, yummmy!!
  4. oaty, watery, sometimes it tastes like peanut butter
  5. noodles, white, can have cheese
  6. sour, sweet, watery, yummmmmmm!!!!!!
  7. apples, mush
  8. pink, white, nice
  9. chicken, yummy, brown
  10. yummmmmmmmmmmm!
  11. bread, red, meat

21 Clues: apples, mushewwwwwwwwwwwwyummmmmmmmmmmm!bread, red, meatpink, white, nicesweet, sticky, brownyummy, red, tomatoessweet, oats, yummmy!!chicken, yummy, brownchrunch, yummy, roundpink, brown, yummmmm!!orange, sweet, fruit yummy!cheesy, sausy, and pepperonifruit, juicy, sweet, red, whitenoodles, white, can have cheesefrosting, sprinkles, yummmmmmmmm!...

Food 2021-05-23

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A treat for children at the dentist's
  2. Comes from cows
  3. Tube like meat product
  4. Wakes you up in the morning
  5. Little green balls
  6. Italian food
  7. What cops eat
  8. What vegans don't eat
  9. Favorite Iztok's treat
  10. Liquid without color and taste
  11. Made out of milk
  12. Common sidedish
  13. Breakfast foor, usually with milk
  14. ***** and butter
  1. What makes Americans fat
  2. Popular summer refreshment
  3. What Chinese are famous for
  4. Made out of eggs
  5. What we eat at cinema
  6. Mexican food
  7. What Iztok doesn't like
  8. Morning food
  9. Appetizer
  10. Meat from the sea
  11. Alternative to coffee

25 Clues: AppetizerItalian foodMexican foodMorning foodWhat cops eatComes from cowsCommon sidedishMade out of eggsMade out of milk***** and butterMeat from the seaLittle green ballsWhat we eat at cinemaWhat vegans don't eatAlternative to coffeeTube like meat productFavorite Iztok's treatWhat Iztok doesn't likeWhat makes Americans fat...

Food 2021-05-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. sok
  2. cukierki
  3. butter
  4. wiśnia
  5. Gruszka
  6. kanapka
  7. sałatka
  8. woda
  9. hamburger
  10. jogurt
  11. Owoc
  12. Pizza
  1. Czipsy
  2. ser
  3. zupa
  4. Truskawka
  5. winogrona
  6. cytryna
  7. pomarańcza
  8. Jabłko
  9. Frytki
  10. cukier
  11. śliwka
  12. kiwi
  13. banan

25 Clues: sersokzupawodakiwiOwocbananPizzaCzipsybutterJabłkowiśniaFrytkicukierśliwkajogurtcytrynaGruszkakanapkasałatkacukierkiTruskawkawinogronahamburgerpomarańcza

Food 2021-05-26

Food crossword puzzle
  1. steak
  2. tuna
  3. salad
  4. vegetables
  5. apple
  6. orange
  7. grape
  8. fish
  9. pear
  10. tomato
  1. peach
  2. lemon
  3. banana
  4. shrimp
  5. beans
  6. fruits
  7. corn
  8. onion
  9. lettuce
  10. ham

20 Clues: hamtunafishcornpearpeachsteaklemonsaladbeansapplegrapeonionbananashrimpfruitsorangetomatolettucevegetables

food 2021-08-20

food crossword puzzle
  1. 19
  2. 10
  3. 26
  4. 29
  5. 4
  6. 25
  7. 28
  8. 15
  9. 16
  10. 3
  11. 13
  12. 8
  13. 23
  14. 27
  1. 24
  2. 18
  3. 11
  4. 12
  5. 30
  6. 22
  7. 2
  8. 7
  9. 21
  10. 9
  11. 20
  12. 1
  13. 17
  14. 6
  15. 5
  16. 14

30 Clues: 247916358241918101112302622292125202817151613142327

Food 2021-08-13

Food crossword puzzle
  1. A drink made of fruits.
  2. People from Britain like to eat them with fish.
  3. Usually we eat it with chips.
  4. Many people have them in their garden.
  5. Many people eat it in Italian restaurants.
  6. You buy this at KFC
  7. A kind of fruit
  8. Many people eat it while watching movies.
  9. You can put it in your tea.
  10. A brown and very sweet dessert.
  11. what is chocolate made of?
  12. You need to use it to make a sandwich.
  1. A burger with cheese.
  2. You need a recipe to make it.
  3. A drink that has a lot of sugar in it.
  4. An apple or a banana for example.
  5. A yellow fruit.
  6. You have it with cereal.
  7. A red vegetable.
  8. People from Britain drink more of it than people from Germany.
  9. You can eat it in fast-food restaurants.

21 Clues: A yellow fruit.A kind of fruitA red vegetable.You buy this at KFCA burger with cheese.A drink made of fruits.You have it with cereal.what is chocolate made of?You can put it in your tea.You need a recipe to make it.Usually we eat it with chips.A brown and very sweet dessert.An apple or a banana for example.A drink that has a lot of sugar in it....

Food 2021-10-15

Food crossword puzzle
  1. mexican food
  2. we eat it with a spoon
  3. drink made from fruit
  4. fast food potato
  5. vegetable that can be used for a lot
  6. spaghetti is an example
  7. makes food into smaller pieces
  8. what we do with food
  9. plain drink
  10. small white grains
  11. lunch food made with bread
  12. Italian restaurant chain
  13. usually comes from a cow
  14. ice is this temperature
  1. meat that comes from a farm animal
  2. salty snack
  3. eaten during the summer from the grill
  4. fizzy sweet drink
  5. Mexican fast food restaurant
  6. comes from the ocean
  7. another word for mix
  8. water is an example
  9. 100 degrees
  10. fast food restaurant with french fries
  11. things we eat

25 Clues: salty snackplain drink100 degreesmexican foodthings we eatfast food potatofizzy sweet drinksmall white grainswater is an examplewhat we do with foodcomes from the oceananother word for mixdrink made from fruitwe eat it with a spoonspaghetti is an exampleice is this temperatureItalian restaurant chainusually comes from a cow...

Food 2021-10-20

Food crossword puzzle
  1. mamão
  2. ovo
  3. alface
  4. melancia
  5. macarrão
  6. mirtilo
  7. arroz
  8. beterraba
  9. laranja
  1. beringela
  2. milho
  3. pão
  4. morange
  5. espinafre
  6. frango
  7. maçã
  8. feijão
  9. brócolis
  10. tomate
  11. queijo
  12. peixe
  13. uva

22 Clues: ovopãouvamaçãmamãomilhoarrozpeixealfacefrangofeijãotomatequeijomorangemirtilolaranjamelanciamacarrãobrócolisberingelaespinafrebeterraba

Food! 2022-05-09

Food! crossword puzzle
  1. tomatoe souce for pizza
  2. put on food to make it tasty
  3. put food in when at the shop
  4. red vegetable
  5. a type of fish in the Altantic
  6. buyer
  7. extra things on food such as onion
  8. something we eat
  9. did not eat for a long time
  10. eat with cereals
  11. Italian food
  12. bad for your health
  13. yellow fruit
  14. not healty food
  15. delicius
  1. you need a recepy
  2. eat at the cinema
  3. apple or banana
  4. made from boiled vegetables
  5. seller
  6. yellow condiment on hotdog
  7. a drink adults have in the morning
  8. put on food to make it spicy
  9. eat with chips
  10. spicy food
  11. you put the dog to meke it hot
  12. made from fruits
  13. Britain drink
  14. good for your health

29 Clues: buyersellerdeliciusspicy foodItalian foodyellow fruitred vegetableBritain drinkeat with chipsapple or banananot healty foodsomething we eateat with cerealsmade from fruitsyou need a recepyeat at the cinemabad for your healthgood for your healthtomatoe souce for pizzayellow condiment on hotdogmade from boiled vegetablesdid not eat for a long time...

food 2022-05-16

food crossword puzzle
  1. йогурт
  2. черника
  3. ежевика
  4. кокос
  5. гриб
  6. фундук
  7. какао
  8. кабачок
  9. груша
  10. удон
  11. вода
  12. чай
  1. ваниль
  2. рентген
  3. яблоко
  4. мед
  5. айва
  6. дыня
  7. напитки
  8. лимон
  9. рис
  10. драконий фрукт
  11. сок
  12. соль
  13. мороженое
  14. виноград
  15. апельсин

27 Clues: медриссокчайайвадынягрибсольудонводалимонкокоскакаогрушаванильяблокойогуртфундукрентгеннапиткичерникаежевикакабачоквиноградапельсинмороженоедраконий фрукт

Food 2022-07-29

Food crossword puzzle
  1. đơn xin việc
  2. ống mềm, ống cao su
  3. sự ẩm ướt, độ ẩm
  4. ngưng tụ
  5. máy bay, tàu bay
  6. máy móc
  7. rời nơi nào đó bất ngờ
  8. phá vỡ
  9. sự cách nhiệt
  10. tán nhỏ, chia nhỏ
  11. rất nhỏ, tí hon
  1. giọt nhỏ
  2. phủ
  3. up tăng lên với số lượng nhiều
  4. nhân tạo
  5. ép
  6. đạt được
  7. nhân tạo
  8. chia
  9. dày đặc
  10. bông tuyết

21 Clues: épphủchiaphá vỡmáy mócdày đặcgiọt nhỏnhân tạongưng tụđạt đượcnhân tạobông tuyếtđơn xin việcsự cách nhiệtrất nhỏ, tí honsự ẩm ướt, độ ẩmmáy bay, tàu baytán nhỏ, chia nhỏống mềm, ống cao surời nơi nào đó bất ngờup tăng lên với số lượng nhiều

Food 2022-11-08

Food crossword puzzle
  1. It can come in different shapes like letters, stars and animals.
  2. It's usually a side in many Mexican meals.
  3. It's twisted to make a funny shape.
  4. People usually add mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, lettuce, tomato, onion and cheese.
  5. You can have them scrambled or sunny-side-up.
  6. It's soft, sweet and perfect to celebrate birthdays.
  7. You can put butter and maple syrup on top.
  8. It's better with frosting and sprinkles.
  9. You usually eat them as a side to burgers.
  10. You can toast it and fill it with almost any ingredient, like ham and cheese.
  11. It can be roasted, fried or grilled.
  1. The most popular are made with apples.
  2. You can have it in scoops.
  3. You mostly eat it at breakfast, it comes in strips.
  4. You can put ketchup, mustard and relish on top.
  5. You can make it with tomato sauce and even add meatballs.
  6. You make it with ice cream and even put a cherry on top.
  7. It can be made with many different fresh ingredients, like lettuce, tomato and cucumber and, you can add a dressing.
  8. You can add pepperoni, cheese or even pineapple on top.
  9. There are healthy options and unhealthy options that have lots of sugar.

20 Clues: You can have it in scoops.It's twisted to make a funny shape.It can be roasted, fried or grilled.The most popular are made with apples.It's better with frosting and sprinkles.It's usually a side in many Mexican meals.You can put butter and maple syrup on top.You usually eat them as a side to burgers.You can have them scrambled or sunny-side-up....

Food 2022-11-08

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Boston Clam ___
  2. Spill Them?
  3. What One Eats
  4. Holy ___
  5. Cinco de ___
  6. Beer For Kids
  7. British Chef Gordon
  8. 1.11 + 2.03
  9. What Baby's Drink
  10. Allow Him and I?
  11. Basic
  12. Switch's Partner
  13. How'd They Fry That Rice?(Or Related To 8, 14, and 15 across)
  14. French Bread
  15. Candy Clothes? (Related to 11)
  1. Some Count These
  2. What the Early Bird Gets
  3. Makes Everyone Laugh?
  4. Party in Boston?
  5. Creepy Stem?
  6. Eminem?
  7. Goes ___(Crazy)
  8. Fruit or Vegetable
  9. Causes Tears
  10. White Asian Food
  11. Waffle Brand
  12. Contains Pearls
  13. Helped Discover Gravity
  14. Put Into a Toaster

29 Clues: BasicEminem?Holy ___Spill Them?1.11 + 2.03Creepy Stem?Cinco de ___Causes TearsWaffle BrandFrench BreadWhat One EatsBeer For KidsBoston Clam ___Goes ___(Crazy)Contains PearlsSome Count TheseParty in Boston?White Asian FoodAllow Him and I?Switch's PartnerWhat Baby's DrinkFruit or VegetablePut Into a ToasterBritish Chef GordonMakes Everyone Laugh?...

Food 2022-10-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. food that lives in water
  2. meat from sheep
  3. other word for delightful
  4. food that’s bad for your health
  5. crazy people eat it on pizza (not true)
  6. popular in Italy
  7. popular Asian food
  8. sandwich with meat
  9. you eat it after the main dish
  10. you bake it with yeast so it can rise
  11. sweet and comes in many flavors
  1. pasta mostly served with meat and tomatoes
  2. meat from poultry
  3. long crunchy bread
  4. it’s made from flour, eggs, milk
  5. popular snack made from potatoes
  6. food before it’s cooked
  7. in America they eat it for thanksgiving
  8. something that you order before your main dish
  9. meat from pig
  10. iced milk
  11. equivalent to hot

22 Clues: iced milkmeat from pigmeat from sheeppopular in Italymeat from poultryequivalent to hotlong crunchy breadpopular Asian foodsandwich with meatfood before it’s cookedfood that lives in waterother word for delightfulyou eat it after the main dishfood that’s bad for your healthsweet and comes in many flavorsit’s made from flour, eggs, milk...

food 2022-10-10

food crossword puzzle
  1. chicken
  2. carrots
  3. hotdog
  4. cake
  5. ice cream
  6. vegetables
  7. food, meal
  8. ham
  9. cookie
  10. dessert
  11. soup
  12. cheese
  13. bacon
  14. corn
  1. meat
  2. peas
  3. salad
  4. fish
  5. potatoes
  6. bread
  7. spaghetti
  8. green beans
  9. rice
  10. french fries
  11. lettuce
  12. onion
  13. egg

27 Clues: hameggmeatpeasfishcakericesoupcornsaladbreadonionbaconhotdogcookiecheesechickencarrotslettucedessertpotatoesice creamspaghettivegetablesfood, mealgreen beansfrench fries

Food 2022-10-24

Food crossword puzzle
  1. This small yellow fruit tastes sour.
  2. It's white and round.
  3. This vegetable is long and orange.
  4. An Oreo is one of these.
  5. Many people drink it in the morning.
  6. We add this to mate.
  7. We eat this at special events like birthday parties.
  8. You eat this at the movies.
  9. A cold dessert.
  10. Kids love to eat it. It’s very sweet.
  11. A drink made of fruit.
  12. You need two slices of bread for this.
  13. Bees make it.
  1. You can buy one at Mostaza.
  2. This vegetable makes me cry!
  3. A vegetable that is usually acompanied by tomatoes.
  4. Meat that comes from a pig.
  5. Coca Cola is an example of this.
  6. You can put it on French fries.
  7. This drink tastes . . . well, it has no taste.
  8. This breakfast food comes in a box.
  9. It’s yellow and is made from milk.
  10. It’s round. Some have pineapple on top.
  11. This fruit is curved.

24 Clues: Bees make it.A cold dessert.We add this to mate.It's white and round.This fruit is curved.A drink made of fruit.An Oreo is one of these.You can buy one at Mostaza.Meat that comes from a pig.You eat this at the movies.This vegetable makes me cry!You can put it on French fries.Coca Cola is an example of this.This vegetable is long and orange....

Food 2022-11-15

Food crossword puzzle
  1. it's green and nobody likes it
  2. it has a cloud feeling
  3. it's usually made out of strawberries
  4. it has a very big bone right in the middle
  5. it's something sweet made out of cheese
  6. they are usually eaten with spaghetti
  7. it's a typical food from Mc donald's
  8. it's green and red on the inside
  9. it's white with yellow in the middle
  10. they are sweet and have a big hole in the middle
  1. it's cold, and it's usually eaten on a cone
  2. it's allways eaten on halloween
  3. they can be green or purple
  4. it's liquid with pasta inside
  5. they usually have chocolate chips in them
  6. it has 3 colors
  7. it's usually eaten with milk
  8. it usually has pepperoni as a topping
  9. they are brown and they usually have nuts
  10. they ara usually eaten with ketchup

20 Clues: it has 3 colorsit has a cloud feelingthey can be green or purpleit's usually eaten with milkit's liquid with pasta insideit's green and nobody likes itit's allways eaten on halloweenit's green and red on the insidethey ara usually eaten with ketchupit's a typical food from Mc donald'sit's white with yellow in the middle...

Food 2022-11-16

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Meat from pigs
  2. A popular sweet made with cacao beans
  3. A drink made from fruits or vegetables
  4. A popular dish from fast-food restaurants
  5. A sauce made from tomatoes
  6. A fried, thin slice of pigs' meat
  7. You get this after smashing fruits and usually eat with bread
  8. A famous Italian pasta dish
  9. A popular dish using potatoes
  1. People like to eat this while watching movies
  2. This fruit is mainly used to make wine
  3. A dairy product that mice like
  4. A popular meal for breakfast
  5. A dish made using raw fish
  6. Yellow fruit that small yellow people like
  7. People eat this for Thanksgiving
  8. A popular cattle's meat
  9. The most popular poultry farm animal
  10. A famous dish with a lot of spice from India
  11. Steamed dough

20 Clues: Steamed doughMeat from pigsA popular cattle's meatA dish made using raw fishA sauce made from tomatoesA famous Italian pasta dishA popular meal for breakfastA popular dish using potatoesA dairy product that mice likePeople eat this for ThanksgivingA fried, thin slice of pigs' meatThe most popular poultry farm animal...

FOOD 2016-10-18

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. confiture
  2. saumon
  3. kebab
  4. gâteau
  5. café
  6. hamburger
  7. tartine
  8. dinde
  9. poulet
  10. frites
  11. poivre
  12. pain
  1. jambon
  2. lait
  3. soda
  4. beurre
  5. eau
  6. fromage
  7. sel
  8. saucisse
  9. sucre
  10. chips
  11. steak
  12. pizza
  13. boeuf
  14. oeuf

26 Clues: eausellaitsodacafépainoeufkebabsucredindechipssteakpizzaboeufjambonsaumonbeurregâteaupouletfritespoivrefromagetartinesaucisseconfiturehamburger

FOOD 2016-10-30

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. to put meat in a sauce for some time
  2. instructions for cooking a meal
  3. cooked at home
  4. a food item used for cooking a meal
  5. a stick used in Asia for eating
  6. the specific feeling created in a place
  1. a late breakfast or early lunch
  2. a shop where you buy bread, a pizza crust or pastries
  3. another word for "drink"
  4. a specific type of icecream,like vabnilla
  5. a list of the meals served in a restaurant
  6. (adj) soft drinks, sweet carbonated drinks
  7. (adj) very tasty
  8. a specialist, someone who knows a subject well
  9. (adj) grown without fertilisers or pesticides
  10. the process of turning food into energy
  11. a person who does not eat meat products
  12. a piece of cloth that covers a table
  13. type of food served at McDonalds and Pizza Hut
  14. the last course of a meal, like cake or fruit

20 Clues: cooked at home(adj) very tastyanother word for "drink"a late breakfast or early lunchinstructions for cooking a meala stick used in Asia for eatinga food item used for cooking a mealto put meat in a sauce for some timea piece of cloth that covers a tablethe process of turning food into energya person who does not eat meat products...

Food 2017-01-28

Food crossword puzzle
  1. банан
  2. картофель фри (pl)
  3. рыба
  4. сахар
  5. торт, пирожное
  6. печенье (pl)
  7. кофе
  8. курица
  9. макароны
  10. карри
  11. стейк
  12. апельсин
  13. хлеб
  1. картофель
  2. вафли (pl)
  3. яблоко
  4. чипсы (pl)
  5. рис
  6. перец
  7. мясо
  8. мороженое
  9. морковь
  10. соль
  11. салат
  12. лук

25 Clues: рислукрыбамясокофесольхлеббанансахарперецкаррисалатстейкяблококурицаморковьмакароныапельсинкартофельмороженоевафли (pl)чипсы (pl)печенье (pl)торт, пирожноекартофель фри (pl)

Food 2016-09-17

Food crossword puzzle
  1. Salty or sweet
  2. Fluffy, funny and in many colours
  3. Black or white, sweet and adicttive
  4. Long, orange. Rabbits and horses love them!
  5. Typical in autumn, can be scary
  6. Come from hens
  7. Good for colds
  8. Yellow and sour
  9. Red sweet fruit, good with cream
  1. It can be red, yellow or green
  2. Small black fruit you find in the forest
  3. Fruit to drink
  4. Made of eggs and vegetables
  5. Good for a snack, delicious
  6. A salty snack
  7. Long and yellow, taste sweet
  8. Grow in a vine
  9. Gives us calcium
  10. Sweet in summer, juicy fruit
  11. Comes from bees
  12. Little circular green vegetable
  13. You can find them on a typical British breakfast

22 Clues: A salty snackSalty or sweetFruit to drinkGrow in a vineCome from hensGood for coldsComes from beesYellow and sourGives us calciumMade of eggs and vegetablesGood for a snack, deliciousLong and yellow, taste sweetSweet in summer, juicy fruitIt can be red, yellow or greenTypical in autumn, can be scaryLittle circular green vegetable...

Food 2016-09-19

Food crossword puzzle
  1. fazole
  2. hruška
  3. toust
  4. kuře
  5. brambory
  6. pomeranče
  7. rýže
  8. jablka
  9. houby
  10. hlávkový salát
  11. chleba
  1. čaj
  2. cibule
  3. hrozny
  4. klobásy
  5. jahody
  6. máslo
  7. sýr
  8. rajčata
  9. mléko
  10. cerálie

21 Clues: čajsýrkuřerýžemáslotoustmlékohoubycibulehroznyjahodyfazolehruškajablkachlebaklobásyrajčataceráliebramborypomerančehlávkový salát

food 2016-11-13

food crossword puzzle
  1. Rūkyta šoninė
  2. Valgyti ne namie
  3. Pirmasis patiekalas, užkandis
  4. Bulvių košė
  5. Petražolės
  6. Menkė
  7. Kiauliena
  8. Grūdėtoji varškė
  9. Rūgpienis
  10. Gazuotas vanduo
  11. Gaivieji gėrimai
  1. Garstyčios
  2. Kopūstas
  3. Žolelės
  4. Nesveikas maistas
  5. Salieras
  6. Pusžalis kepsnys
  7. Šokolado plytelė
  8. Žiedinis kopūstas
  9. Aguona
  10. Majonezas
  11. Silkė
  12. Išlydyti
  13. Ridikėlis

24 Clues: MenkėSilkėAguonaŽolelėsKopūstasSalierasIšlydytiMajonezasKiaulienaRidikėlisRūgpienisGarstyčiosPetražolėsBulvių košėRūkyta šoninėGazuotas vanduoValgyti ne namiePusžalis kepsnysŠokolado plytelėGrūdėtoji varškėGaivieji gėrimaiNesveikas maistasŽiedinis kopūstasPirmasis patiekalas, užkandis

Food 2016-11-12

Food crossword puzzle
  1. javai
  2. žolelės
  3. česnakas
  4. kepsnys su krauju
  5. bandelė (vyniotinis)
  6. lakštiniai makaronai
  7. kolos skardinė
  8. kiauliena
  9. kopūstas
  10. juodieji serbentai
  11. actas
  12. aguonų pyragas
  13. stalo įrankiai
  14. žiedinis kopūstas
  15. konditerijos kavinukė
  16. putojantys gėrimai
  1. abrikosas
  2. servetėlė
  3. slyva
  4. patiekalas (procesas/eiga)
  5. virti
  6. vakarieniauti
  7. salotos
  8. filė
  9. užkandis
  10. barbekiu (iškepta skerdiena)
  11. naminis sūris
  12. švelnaus skonio
  13. valgykla
  14. silkė
  15. baras
  16. pupelės
  17. maišyti
  18. menkė

34 Clues: filėjavaislyvavirtiactassilkėbarasmenkėžolelėssalotospupelėsmaišytičesnakasužkandiskopūstasvalgyklaabrikosasservetėlėkiaulienavakarieniautinaminis sūriskolos skardinėaguonų pyragasstalo įrankiaišvelnaus skoniokepsnys su kraujužiedinis kopūstasjuodieji serbentaiputojantys gėrimaibandelė (vyniotinis)lakštiniai makaronaikonditerijos kavinukė...

FOOD 2016-10-21

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. is the solidification of vegetable oils.
  2. serve as stabilizers in products such as mayonaisse, and salad dressings.
  3. is an enzyme present in egg whites.
  4. cream/It is formed by partial coallescence in the cold cream of milk.
  5. is the enzyme responsable of browning apples, pears, potatoes.
  6. is the air incorporated into ice cream.
  7. acids/They are the basis of proteins.
  8. are products used in place of sucrose that provide less calories.
  9. is present in bread and cookies.
  10. are a type of fiber which serve as stabilizer in different foods.
  11. reaction/It is a non-enzymatic reaction responsable of browning in bread and grilled meats.
  1. are responsable of the red color in sausages and cured meat.
  2. is the protein present in eggs which is responsable of foaming.
  3. is a liquid obtained from the production of butter and it is used in bakery.
  4. is the non-enzymatic browning of sugars.
  5. is an oligo saccharide responsable of flatulences.
  6. are carbohydrates which do not provide calories to our body.
  7. index/It is the index which indicates the levels of glucose in blood after consuming food.
  8. is the protein of many cereals which gives the dough its shape and elasticity.
  9. is the protein present in milk from which cheese is obtained.

20 Clues: is present in bread and an enzyme present in egg whites.acids/They are the basis of the air incorporated into ice the non-enzymatic browning of the solidification of vegetable an oligo saccharide responsable of flatulences.are responsable of the red color in sausages and cured meat....

Food 2016-11-30

Food crossword puzzle
  1. czipsy
  2. ziemniak
  3. ryż
  4. sok_pomarańczowy
  5. woda
  6. marchewka
  7. ser
  8. pomidor
  9. ciasto
  10. kanapka
  11. orzechy
  1. ryba
  2. czekolada
  3. makaron z sosem
  4. chleb
  5. grzyby
  6. winogrona
  7. sałatka
  8. cukierek
  9. kurczak

20 Clues: ryżserrybawodachlebczipsygrzybyciastosałatkapomidorkurczakkanapkaorzechyziemniakcukierekczekoladawinogronamarchewkamakaron z sosemsok_pomarańczowy

Food 2016-11-30

Food crossword puzzle
  1. chleb
  2. sok_pomarańczowy
  3. czekolada
  4. kurczak
  5. ziemniak
  6. ryba
  7. kanapka
  8. winogrona
  9. orzechy
  1. marchewka
  2. ryż
  3. woda
  4. ciasto
  5. makaron z sosem
  6. pomidor
  7. grzyby
  8. czipsy
  9. cukierek
  10. sałatka
  11. ser

20 Clues: ryżserwodarybachlebciastogrzybyczipsypomidorkurczaksałatkakanapkaorzechycukierekziemniakmarchewkaczekoladawinogronamakaron z sosemsok_pomarańczowy

FOOD 2018-02-15

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. суп
  2. ананас
  3. шоколад
  4. чай
  5. огурец
  6. фрукт
  7. сыр
  8. сок
  9. капуста
  10. мясо
  1. картошка
  2. рыба
  3. овощ
  4. торт
  5. курица
  6. хлеб
  7. колбаса
  8. помидор
  9. яйцо
  10. конфета

20 Clues: супчайсырсокрыбаовощтортхлебяйцомясофруктананасогурецкурицашоколадколбасапомидорконфетакапустакартошка

food 2018-02-19

food crossword puzzle
  1. biscotti
  2. fragola
  3. carne
  4. cioccolato
  5. pesce
  6. prosciutto
  7. prugna
  8. ciliegia
  9. pancetta
  10. mela
  1. anguria
  2. mandarino
  3. fungo
  4. banana
  5. panino
  6. carota
  7. arancia
  8. riso
  9. pesca
  10. pane
  11. fagioli

21 Clues: risopanemelafungocarnepescepescabananapaninocarotaprugnaanguriafragolaaranciafagiolibiscotticiliegiapancettamandarinocioccolatoprosciutto

food 2017-10-06

food crossword puzzle
  1. piezbiens
  2. daksina
  3. sviest
  4. cukurs
  5. maize
  6. persiki
  7. chocolate balta sokolade
  8. lasis
  9. milti
  10. sajaukt
  11. zemenes
  12. sula
  13. dzervenes
  14. makaroni
  15. galas delis
  16. pipari
  17. udens
  18. apelsins
  19. dzerieni
  20. kazenes
  21. banani
  22. kirsi
  23. siers
  24. zivs
  25. plūmes
  26. loaf saldais krejums
  27. izlietne
  1. chocolate tumsa sokolade
  2. kirbis
  3. gurki
  4. ledusskapis
  5. sokolade
  6. kartupeli
  7. citrons
  8. saldais ediens
  9. kefirs
  10. mellene
  11. bloda
  12. diles
  13. cept
  14. avenes
  15. piens
  16. miezi
  17. sulasspiede
  18. nazis
  19. alus
  20. margarins
  21. tomati
  22. sipoli
  23. graudi
  24. chipsi
  25. olas
  26. kupinat
  27. gala

54 Clues: ceptsulaalusolaszivsgalagurkimaizeblodalasisdilesmiltipiensmiezinazisudenskirsisierskirbissviestcukurskefirsavenespiparitomatisipolibananigraudichipsiplūmesdaksinacitronsmellenepersikisajauktzemeneskazeneskupinatsokolademakaroniapelsinsdzerieniizlietnepiezbienskartupelidzervenesmargarinsledusskapissulasspiedegalas delissaldais ediens...

Food 2017-11-16

Food crossword puzzle
  1. - smör
  2. - fisk
  3. - pop corn
  4. - choklad
  5. - ägg
  6. - bröd
  7. - korv
  8. - hamburgare
  9. - sylt
  10. - efterrätt
  11. - apelsin juice
  12. - chips
  13. - kyckling
  14. - paj
  15. - kakor
  16. - tårta
  17. - kött
  1. - ost
  2. - ketchup
  3. - pommes frites
  4. - senap
  5. - möjlk
  6. - glass
  7. - yoghurt
  8. - kyckling nuggets
  9. - läsk
  10. - muffin
  11. - is tea
  12. - honung
  13. - pizza
  14. - ris
  15. - Flingor

32 Clues: - ost- ägg- ris- paj- smör- fisk- läsk- bröd- korv- sylt- kött- senap- möjlk- glass- chips- pizza- kakor- tårta- muffin- is tea- honung- ketchup- yoghurt- choklad- Flingor- pop corn- kyckling- efterrätt- hamburgare- pommes frites- apelsin juice- kyckling nuggets

FOOD 2017-12-02

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. máslo
  2. čaj
  3. ryba
  4. pomeranče
  5. jablka
  6. zmrzlina
  7. hroznové víno
  8. jahody
  9. rýže
  10. maso
  1. těstoviny
  2. sýr
  3. banány
  4. káva
  5. vejce
  6. sušenky
  7. jogurt
  8. šunka
  9. čokoláda
  10. párky
  11. cereálie
  12. voda
  13. hrušky
  14. chleba
  15. pizza
  16. kuře
  17. mléko

27 Clues: sýrčajkávarybavodarýžekuřemasomáslovejcešunkapárkypizzamlékobanányjogurtjablkahruškychlebajahodysušenkyčokoládazmrzlinacereálietěstovinypomerančehroznové víno

food 2019-05-07

food crossword puzzle
  1. мясо
  2. морковь
  3. хлеб
  4. официант
  5. варенье
  6. рыба
  7. капуста
  8. лемон
  9. стакан
  10. лук
  11. печь
  12. клюква
  13. тыква
  14. яблоко
  15. яйцо
  1. индейка
  2. коробка
  3. банан
  4. миска
  5. цыпленок
  6. рис
  7. мед
  8. шоколад
  9. бутылка
  10. ананас
  11. печенье
  12. апельсин

27 Clues: рисмедлукмясохлебрыбапечьяйцобананмискалемонтыкваананасстаканклюкваяблокоиндейкакоробкаморковьвареньекапусташоколадбутылкапеченьецыпленокофициантапельсин

food 2019-05-07

food crossword puzzle
  1. печь
  2. лук
  3. официант
  4. лемон
  5. капуста
  6. стакан
  7. шоколад
  8. хлеб
  9. морковь
  10. ананас
  11. яйцо
  12. цыпленок
  1. мясо
  2. миска
  3. коробка
  4. апельсин
  5. бутылка
  6. банан
  7. печенье
  8. клюква
  9. индейка
  10. яблоко
  11. варенье
  12. рыба
  13. рис
  14. тыква
  15. мед

27 Clues: лукрисмедмясопечьхлебрыбаяйцомискабананлемонтыкваклюквастаканяблокоананаскоробкабутылкакапустапеченьеиндейкашоколадвареньеморковьапельсинофициантцыпленок

food 2019-04-06

food crossword puzzle
  1. hinzufügen
  2. Gurke
  3. Schüssel
  4. Eigelb
  5. Gabel
  6. Form
  7. mischen
  8. Erdbeere
  9. Paprika
  10. Zitrone
  11. Messer
  12. Bohne
  13. Ananas
  14. Methode
  15. Zutaten
  16. Rezept
  17. Kartoffel
  1. Birne
  2. Kirsche
  3. Eiweiss
  4. backen
  5. eingiessen
  6. Kürbis
  7. Blumenkohl
  8. machen
  9. Zwiebel
  10. kneten
  11. Himbeere
  12. Champignon
  13. Traube
  14. Löffel

31 Clues: FormBirneGurkeGabelBohnebackenEigelbKürbismachenMesserknetenAnanasTraubeLöffelRezeptKirscheEiweissmischenZwiebelPaprikaZitroneMethodeZutatenSchüsselErdbeereHimbeereKartoffelhinzufügeneingiessenBlumenkohlChampignon

Food 2019-03-18

Food crossword puzzle
  1. a large sea fish that lives in the North Atlantic
  2. a nut that you can eat, shaped like a human brain
  3. meat from the front of a bird
  4. the meat on the bone of (the body part that it uses for flying) of a chicken
  5. a common river-fish, often used for food
  6. a sea creature with a soft body, eight arms and two long tentacles
  7. meat from a calf or young cow
  8. a plant like a small onion, used in cooking to give a strong taste
  9. soft, lumpy white cheese made from skimmed milk curds
  10. a bird that looks like a large chicken and is often eaten at Christmas and at Thanksgiving
  11. milk that's had the cream taken out of it
  12. birds kept for their meat or eggs; meat from these birds
  1. a cooked chicken leg
  2. the eggs of the salmon
  3. a very large orange fruit that grows on the ground
  4. shellfish with a rough shell in which pearls can grow
  5. thick, high-fat liquid from milk that's used in cooking and with desserts
  6. a type of thick sweet milk sold in cans
  7. a large vegetable with smooth purple skin
  8. a vegetable that sugar is made from
  9. a small sea creature that you can eat, with a flat round shell made of two parts that fit together
  10. a flat pale nut with brown skin that tastes sweet
  11. a small sea creature that you can eat, which has ten legs and a soft shell

23 Clues: a cooked chicken legthe eggs of the salmonmeat from the front of a birdmeat from a calf or young cowa vegetable that sugar is made froma type of thick sweet milk sold in cansa common river-fish, often used for fooda large vegetable with smooth purple skinmilk that's had the cream taken out of ita large sea fish that lives in the North Atlantic...

Food 2019-03-18

Food crossword puzzle
  1. a flat pale nut with brown skin that tastes sweet
  2. birds kept for their meat or eggs; meat from these birds
  3. thick, high-fat liquid from milk that's used in cooking and with desserts
  4. a nut that you can eat, shaped like a human brain
  5. a bird that looks like a large chicken and is often eaten at Christmas and at Thanksgiving
  6. meat from the front of a bird
  7. the meat on the bone of (the body part that it uses for flying) of a chicken
  8. a small sea creature that you can eat, with a flat round shell made of two parts that fit together
  9. a common river-fish, often used for food
  10. a type of thick sweet milk sold in cans
  1. a small sea creature that you can eat, which has ten legs and a soft shell
  2. a sea creature with a soft body, eight arms and two long tentacles
  3. the eggs of the salmon
  4. shellfish with a rough shell in which pearls can grow
  5. soft, lumpy white cheese made from skimmed milk curds
  6. a cooked chicken leg
  7. meat from a calf or young cow
  8. a very large orange fruit that grows on the ground
  9. milk that's had the cream taken out of it
  10. a large vegetable with smooth purple skin
  11. a vegetable that sugar is made from
  12. a plant like a small onion, used in cooking to give a strong taste
  13. a large sea fish that lives in the North Atlantic

23 Clues: a cooked chicken legthe eggs of the salmonmeat from a calf or young cowmeat from the front of a birda vegetable that sugar is made froma type of thick sweet milk sold in cansa common river-fish, often used for foodmilk that's had the cream taken out of ita large vegetable with smooth purple skina flat pale nut with brown skin that tastes sweet...

Food 2018-11-27

Food crossword puzzle
  1. ryba
  2. oliva
  3. sušenka
  4. mléčný koktejl
  5. sýr
  6. banán
  7. hruška
  8. brambor
  9. vejce
  10. těstoviny
  11. mléko
  12. pomeranč
  13. hroznové víno
  1. rýže
  2. čokoláda
  3. brambůrky
  4. pizza
  5. zmrzlina
  6. cereálie
  7. hamburger
  8. houba
  9. citron
  10. chleba
  11. paprika
  12. jabklo
  13. steak

26 Clues: sýrrýžerybaolivapizzahoubabanánvejcemlékosteakcitronchlebahruškajabklosušenkabramborpaprikačokoládazmrzlinacereáliepomerančbrambůrkyhamburgertěstovinyhroznové vínomléčný koktejl

food 2019-08-05

food crossword puzzle
  1. The green stuff found in plants
  2. Chemical fertilisers contain these
  3. This gas is needed by plants to make food
  4. Aquatic plants underwater also need ...
  5. Phosphorus and nitrogen in water causes ... bloom
  6. This is a weed killer
  7. We eat in order to ...
  8. This type of paper used to tell how acidic or alkaline
  9. Non-chemical fertilisers are also called ... fertilisers
  10. This method grows plants in a mist of nutrients
  11. Natural fertilisers
  12. When trees are removed, soil is affected and this leads to
  13. burning of trees lead to ...
  14. Litmus paper change to this colour in acids
  15. In the slash and burn method, ... help fertilise the ground
  1. Plants grown for food are called ...
  2. Process ofmaking food by plants
  3. This gas is given out by plants when making food
  4. This chemical to kill insects affects the environment
  5. When forest are removed, homes or ... of animals are destroyed
  6. This method involves cutting down of trees
  7. Comprises cheese, milk, butter
  8. The natural ... of rats are snakes
  9. This metho grows plants without soil
  10. Chemical fertilisers affect ... life
  11. Farmers use ... to control temperature, water and nutrient supplies
  12. Plant ... can be used to kill weeds
  13. This indicator changes to many colours based on pH
  14. plants make food in the sun to produce
  15. Food provides us with ...

30 Clues: Natural fertilisersThis is a weed killerWe eat in order to ...Food provides us with ...burning of trees lead to ...Comprises cheese, milk, butterThe green stuff found in plantsProcess ofmaking food by plantsChemical fertilisers contain theseThe natural ... of rats are snakesPlant ... can be used to kill weedsPlants grown for food are called ......

Food 2019-11-20

Food crossword puzzle
  1. it's a molusc
  2. he puts tomato olives it is used for the diet
  3. Garfield really likes it
  4. they are round and you are kicked out tomato
  5. it's a green and is a very large fruit
  6. is a orange and rabbits like it
  7. food prepared with small portions fish,chicken, meat it is a appetizer
  8. potatoes it's thick taken in inter
  1. it's an italian food
  2. it is used for sándwiches
  3. it's red and it's a sauce
  4. it is red a fruit and is also in adjetive
  5. you throw rice and it is Spanish food
  6. They are taken in the Mcdonals
  7. it is in taker for breakfast
  8. it is a made witch olives
  9. ahy of many types
  10. it is a dessert
  11. it is a yellow and taken in winter
  12. they are round and yellow also in Mcdonals

20 Clues: it's a moluscit is a dessertahy of many typesit's an italian foodGarfield really likes itit is used for sándwichesit's red and it's a sauceit is a made witch olivesit is in taker for breakfastThey are taken in the Mcdonalsis a orange and rabbits like itit is a yellow and taken in winterpotatoes it's thick taken in inter...