nouns Crossword Puzzles
Nouns and Pronouns 2021-07-14
- nouns that name a person, place, thing, etc that belong to a class or group
- pronouns used in place of a subject
- name of things that cannot be felt by our five senses
- nouns that name more then one person, place,etc
- nouns that can be used for both gender
- pronouns that is used to ask questions
- nouns that name the male gender
- nouns that can be felt with our five senses
- nouns that name the female gender
- nouns that name particular person,place,thing, etc
- pronouns that is used indefinitely
- pronouns used in place of the three persons
- pronouns that refer to the noun before them
- nouns that name only one person,place,etc
- pronouns that point to some persons or things
- pronouns are used in place of
- nouns that can be counted
- pronouns used in place of an object
- nouns that name a a group or collection
- nouns that cannot be counted
- prounouns formed by adding self or selves
- nouns that do not have gender
22 Clues: nouns that can be counted • nouns that cannot be counted • pronouns are used in place of • nouns that do not have gender • nouns that name the male gender • nouns that name the female gender • pronouns that is used indefinitely • pronouns used in place of a subject • pronouns used in place of an object • nouns that can be used for both gender • ...
Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives 2024-08-18
- What we use to make sentences.
- One of the nouns in the sentence: "My sadness took over my whole life."
- Nouns name a person, _________, thing or idea.
- Verbs describe an _________ or a state of being.
- The verb in the sentence: "She runs every morning."
- A group of words that expresses a complete thought.
- ________ nouns name an intangible concept (something you can't sense with the five senses)
- The adjective in the sentence: "My vomit was green."
- These nouns name general things - so they don't need a capital letter.
- These words describe an action or a state of being.
- These words describe nouns.
- Nouns name a __________, place, thing or idea.
- The noun in the sentence: "I danced with the chicken."
- The adjective in the sentence: "The silly elephant opened his umbrella."
- Adjectives __________ nouns.
- One of the nouns in the sentence: "Heights are my greatest fear."
- These nouns name specific things - so they need a capital letter.
- A noun _________ a person, place, thing or idea.
18 Clues: These words describe nouns. • Adjectives __________ nouns. • What we use to make sentences. • Nouns name a __________, place, thing or idea. • Nouns name a person, _________, thing or idea. • Verbs describe an _________ or a state of being. • A noun _________ a person, place, thing or idea. • The verb in the sentence: "She runs every morning." • ...
Parts of Speech Crossword 2023-10-19
- used to describe (or modify) a noun or a pronoun
- nouns that refer to more than one noun; usually ends is -s or -es
- nouns that refer to class/type; the first letter is not capitalized unless at the beginning of a sentence
- pronouns that do not specifically identify the noun they are referring to
- nouns that we cannot see, touch, or detect readily through our senses
- the noun or pronoun that a pronoun replaces
- person, place, thing, or idea
- nouns that are collection or group of things
- pronouns that replace possessive nouns
- adjectives that call up images, tone, and feelings
- a verb that tells what the subject DOES
- a word used in place of a noun or another pronoun
- nouns we can see, touch, or detect through our senses
- a, an, the
- a verb that tells what subject is; expresses a state of being
- expresses action or a state of being
- pronouns that refer to specific nouns; specifies number, gender, case, and POV
- adjectives used to indicate specific things (this, that, these, those)
- a verb used with a main verb to help express the main verb further
- particular nouns; the first letter is ALWAYS capitalized
- nouns that refer to one noun
21 Clues: a, an, the • nouns that refer to one noun • person, place, thing, or idea • expresses action or a state of being • pronouns that replace possessive nouns • a verb that tells what the subject DOES • the noun or pronoun that a pronoun replaces • nouns that are collection or group of things • used to describe (or modify) a noun or a pronoun • ...
Nouns 2021-04-30
- Nouns that cannot be counted
- The possessive noun in 'Anjali's pet dog hated being bathed'
- Nouns that name people, places, or things that are not specific
- Nouns that show ownership
- The countable noun in 'I borrowed her phone to order food'
- The abstract noun in 'My biggest goal is not a job, it's happiness'
- The common noun in 'I saw a massive family in the park'.
- The concrete noun in 'Mama went to the temple to pray'.
- Nouns that are made up of two or more words
- The uncountable noun in 'There was no water in the swimming pool'
- Nouns you cannot touch/see/feel/smell/hear
- Nouns that refer to many things as one unit
- Nouns that you can touch/see/feel/smell/hear
- The compound noun in 'the sunlight streamed through the crack in the curtains'
- Nouns that can be counted
- The proper noun in 'The cat stole milk while Ravi was in school.'
- Nouns that name people, places, or things that are specific
17 Clues: Nouns that can be counted • Nouns that show ownership • Nouns that cannot be counted • Nouns you cannot touch/see/feel/smell/hear • Nouns that are made up of two or more words • Nouns that refer to many things as one unit • Nouns that you can touch/see/feel/smell/hear • The concrete noun in 'Mama went to the temple to pray'. • ...
Vocabulary 1 2016-04-01
- very small
- push oneself off a surface and into the air
- a group of trees
- bananas, apples, grapes
- at all times
- tired
- nouns nouns that are general
- to consume food
- carrot, broccoli, peas
- where plants, flowers, and vegetables grow
- more than one
- long in size
- nouns nouns that are specific
- moves quickly
- person, place, thing, or idea
- a bug that jumps high
- not clean
- green and on lawns
- a wooden plant with branches
- what people sit on outside
- a small animal that flies in the air
- meaning one
- a large, vehicle that is used for transportation
- producing much noise
24 Clues: tired • not clean • very small • meaning one • at all times • long in size • moves quickly • more than one • to consume food • a group of trees • green and on lawns • producing much noise • a bug that jumps high • carrot, broccoli, peas • bananas, apples, grapes • what people sit on outside • nouns nouns that are general • a wooden plant with branches • person, place, thing, or idea • ...
Noun Review 2016-05-16
- ___________, armorum
- the nominative singular to ablative singular endings of 1st declension nouns
- stem of liber, libri
- dative and ablative plural of vita, vitae
- the nominative plural to ablative plural endings of 2nd declension neuter nouns
- nominative plural of oraculum, oraculi
- the nominative singular endings that make 3rd declension neuter nouns i-stem
- declension with a genitive singular ending -is
- stem of nox, noctis
- __________, viri
- _______, senis
- the nominative singular to ablative singular endings of 2nd declension -us masculine nouns
- the case and number that is different for m/f i-stem endings
- stem of fortitudo, fortitudinis
- accusative singular of gremium, gremii
- gender of nauta, nautae
- castra,_______________
- 1st declension nouns that are masculine, unlike most other 1st declension nouns
- stem of espistula, epistulae
- accusative plural of lupa, lupae
- the nominative plural to ablative plural endings of 3rd declension m/f nouns
- genitive plural of hostis, hostis
- dative singular of ager, agri
- genitive plural of agricola, agricolae
- accusative plural of mare, maris
- characteristic gender of 1st declension
- declension with a genitive singular ending -ae
- declension with a genitive singular ending -i
28 Clues: _______, senis • __________, viri • stem of nox, noctis • ___________, armorum • stem of liber, libri • castra,_______________ • gender of nauta, nautae • stem of espistula, epistulae • dative singular of ager, agri • stem of fortitudo, fortitudinis • accusative plural of lupa, lupae • accusative plural of mare, maris • genitive plural of hostis, hostis • ...
English Test Makeup Quiz 2012-12-15
- a sentence containing just one complete idea
- showing ownership
- more than one
- plural nouns with irregular spelling
- contains more than one subject (more than one main noun)
- contains more than one action verb in the predicate
- a demanding sentence
- an excited sentence
- an asking sentence
- a statement sentence
- refers to the ENTIRE subject of a sentence
- refers to the ENTIRE sentence containing proper capitalization, punctuation, subject and predicate
- one
- "qualities, feelings and ideas" nouns
- "group word" nouns
- "regular" nouns
- main noun of the subject of a sentnece
- a word that expresses action
- the verb part of a sentence "what did it do?"
- person place or thing
- refers to the ENTIRE predicate of a sentence
- a sentence containing more than one complete idea (more than one sentences)
- "name" nouns
- refers to just the action verb in the predicate part of the sentence
- "see and touch" nouns
- the noun part of a sentence "who did it?"
26 Clues: one • "name" nouns • more than one • "regular" nouns • showing ownership • an asking sentence • "group word" nouns • an excited sentence • a demanding sentence • a statement sentence • person place or thing • "see and touch" nouns • a word that expresses action • plural nouns with irregular spelling • "qualities, feelings and ideas" nouns • main noun of the subject of a sentnece • ...
English Test Makeup Quiz 2012-12-15
- plural nouns with irregular spelling
- refers to the ENTIRE sentence containing proper capitalization, punctuation, subject and predicate
- showing ownership
- a sentence containing more than one complete idea (more than one sentences)
- a statement sentence
- one
- refers to the ENTIRE predicate of a sentence
- a word that expresses action
- person place or thing
- contains more than one subject (more than one main noun)
- the noun part of a sentence "who did it?"
- refers to just the action verb in the predicate part of the sentence
- an excited sentence
- more than one
- "qualities, feelings and ideas" nouns
- a sentence containing just one complete idea
- contains more than one action verb in the predicate
- refers to the ENTIRE subject of a sentence
- "regular" nouns
- "name" nouns
- "see and touch" nouns
- the verb part of a sentence "what did it do?"
- the main noun of the subject of a sentnece
- "group word" nouns
- an asking sentence
- a demanding sentence
26 Clues: one • "name" nouns • more than one • "regular" nouns • showing ownership • "group word" nouns • an asking sentence • an excited sentence • a statement sentence • a demanding sentence • "see and touch" nouns • person place or thing • a word that expresses action • plural nouns with irregular spelling • "qualities, feelings and ideas" nouns • the noun part of a sentence "who did it?" • ...
Nouns: Puzzle Two 2019-01-09
- The band plays the song. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______.
- To make most plural nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
- The story, the child’s favorite one, is about a mouse and a bear. In this sentence the child’s favorite one is a/an _______.
- The band practice their individual parts. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______.
- My sister, Mary, loves Thai food. In this sentence, Mary is a/an _______.
- Loyalty, time, pride, and skill are all _______ nouns.
- Bunch, fleet, pack, and jury are all examples of _______ nouns.
- A compound noun can be one word, more than one word, or _______.
- Living room, blackboard, and commander-in-chief are all examples of _______ nouns.
- Lily’s and teacher’s could both be either possessive nouns or _______ depending on how they are used.
- Quilt, paper, leopard, and dinner are all _______ nouns.
- Jamal, Panama Heights, Wednesday, and Armenian are all _______.
- To make most singular nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
- Flag, house, mouse, and fish are all examples of _______ nouns.
- Dog’s, cats’, deer’s, and bus’s are all examples of _______ nouns.
- This type of noun always begins with a capital letter.
- Flags, houses, mice, and fish are all examples of _______ nouns.
17 Clues: This type of noun always begins with a capital letter. • Loyalty, time, pride, and skill are all _______ nouns. • Quilt, paper, leopard, and dinner are all _______ nouns. • To make most plural nouns possessive, you add a/an _______. • To make most singular nouns possessive, you add a/an _______. • Jamal, Panama Heights, Wednesday, and Armenian are all _______. • ...
Nouns: Puzzle Two 2019-01-09
- This type of noun always begins with a capital letter.
- The band practice their individual parts. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______.
- To make most singular nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
- Flags, houses, mice, and fish are all examples of _______ nouns.
- The story, the child’s favorite one, is about a mouse and a bear. In this sentence the child’s favorite one is a/an _______.
- Quilt, paper, leopard, and dinner are all _______ nouns.
- My sister, Mary, loves Thai food. In this sentence, Mary is a/an _______.
- Flag, house, mouse, and fish are all examples of _______ nouns.
- Living room, blackboard, and commander-in-chief are all examples of _______ nouns.
- Bunch, fleet, pack, and jury are all examples of _______ nouns.
- To make most plural nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
- The band plays the song. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______.
- Dog’s, cats’, deer’s, and bus’s are all examples of _______ nouns.
- Loyalty, time, pride, and skill are all _______ nouns.
- Jamal, Panama Heights, Wednesday, and Armenian are all _______.
- Lily’s and teacher’s could both be either possessive nouns or _______ depending on how they are used.
- A compound noun can be one word, more than one word, or _______.
17 Clues: This type of noun always begins with a capital letter. • Loyalty, time, pride, and skill are all _______ nouns. • Quilt, paper, leopard, and dinner are all _______ nouns. • To make most plural nouns possessive, you add a/an _______. • To make most singular nouns possessive, you add a/an _______. • Bunch, fleet, pack, and jury are all examples of _______ nouns. • ...
Pronouns and Nouns Crossword 2022-10-24
- used to begin question
- shows ownership
- points to specific noun
- names a person place thing or idea
- word or words the pronoun refers to
- names something that can be counted
- names any one of a class of nouns
- something that cannot be counted
- atstartofsubordinateclause+connects
- sendstheactionoftheverbtosubject
- names a group of nouns
- made by joining 2 or more words
- adds emphasis to noun or pronoun
- not specifically named
- something that cannot be perceived
- refers to one or more nouns
- something that can be percieved
- names a specific noun
- takes the place of noun
19 Clues: shows ownership • names a specific noun • used to begin question • not specifically named • names a group of nouns • points to specific noun • takes the place of noun • refers to one or more nouns • something that can be percieved • made by joining 2 or more words • adds emphasis to noun or pronoun • something that cannot be counted • sendstheactionoftheverbtosubject • ...
ADJECTIVES 2022-03-31
- I__________E is often preceded by the adverbs absolutely, almost, nearly, practically, quite,totally, utterly, or virtually.(Sample sentence: I found the language practically _____ to learn).
- M__________R is often followed by the nouns breakthrough, pause, change, concern, contribution,factor or upheaval.(Sample sentence: The withdrawal of sponsorship was a _____ setback to our plans).
- O__________E is often followed by the nouns analysis, assessment or measurement.It is often preceded by the adverbs completely, entirely, purely, totally, truly, or wholly.(sample sentence: We tried to capture a purely _____ record of what we heard and saw).
- R__________C is often followed by the nouns alternative, assessment, attitude, goal, option, prospect, target, or view.(sample sentence: When you are studying for the TOEFL, you should try to set yourself _____ targets, and not try to do too much too quickly).
- P__________R is often followed by the nouns belief, misconception, myth, opinion, or view.(Sample sentence: It is a _____ misconception that men are better drivers than women).
- R__________L is often followed by the nouns approach, argument, choice, decision,or thought.(Sample sentence: We need to make a _____ choice that is based on our needs and on our available funds).
- P__________R is often followed by the nouns attention, concern, emphasis or significance (Sample sentence: When you are writing an essay, you should pay _____ attention to cohesion of ideas).
- M__________L is often followed by the nouns goods, possessions, prosperity, resources, rewards,or well-being.(Sample sentence: He believed in the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of _____ wealth.
- I__________D is often preceded by the adverbs deeply, extremely, genuinely, keenly, mainly,or seriously.(Sample sentence: I like 19th century art, but I'm primarily _____ in the pre-Raphaelite movement).
- sentence: They carried out a _____ examination of the documents to see if they were
- E__________L is often followed by the nouns characteristic, component, element, feature,part, or requirement.(Sample sentence: A working knowledge of Spanish is an _____ requirement if you want the job).
- P__________E is often followed by the nouns approach, attitude, feedback, outlook, reinforcement,or view.(Sample sentence: His presentation was well-received, and he got a lot of _____ feedback).
- M__________T is often preceded by the adverbs comparatively, fairly, quite, rather, relatively,surprisingly, or very.(Sample sentence: Everyone said he was arrogant and boastful, but when I interviewed him, I found him to be surprisingly _____ about his achievements).
- S__________E is often followed by the nouns difficulty, hardship, problem, recession,or threat.(Sample sentence: Earlier settlers in the region faced _____ hardship, and many died young from illness and starvation).
- R__________D is often followed by the nouns change, decline, deterioration, expansion, growth,progress, rise, or succession.(Sample sentence: The computer industry went through several _____ changes when the Internet was introduced to the public for the first time).
- C__________L is often followed by the nouns analysis, appraisal, evaluation, examination, or
- C__________L is often followed by the nouns argument, aspect, debate, feature, idea, importance, role, or theme.(Sample sentence: The _____ theme of his talk was the possibility of interstellar travel).
- I__________T is often followed by the nouns aspect, element, factor, feature, issue, part, or point. It is often preceded by the adverbs crucially, terribly, or vitally.(Sample sentence: It is vitally _____ to disconnect the appliance from the power supply before dismantling it).
- F__________E is often followed by the nouns accusation, allegation, assumption, belief, claim, impression, or statement. It is often preceded by the adverbs blatantly, completely,patently, totally, or utterly.(Sample sentence: She made several _____ assumptions about her new professor).
- L__________Y is often followed by the nouns delay, discussion, interview, negotiations, pause, or period.(sample sentence: After a _____ pause, she continued speaking).
- N__________E is often followed by the nouns change, difference, drop, improvement, or increase.(Sample sentence: There has been a _____ increase in the cost of living over the last three years.
- D__________G is often followed by the nouns consequence, effect, impact, result, admission, criticism, or disclosure.(Sample sentence: After a series of _____ allegations about his professional misconduct, he resigned).
22 Clues: sentence: They carried out a _____ examination of the documents to see if they were • C__________L is often followed by the nouns analysis, appraisal, evaluation, examination, or • L__________Y is often followed by the nouns delay, discussion, interview, negotiations, pause, or period.(sample sentence: After a _____ pause, she continued speaking). • ...
Voces Capítulo 5 vocab 2020-12-15
- shoes
- gloves
- I am wearing (two words; no space)
- pants
- T-shirt
- coat
- skirt
- word that means "the" before masculine plural nouns
- swimsuit (three words; do not include spaces)
- she
- dress
- scarf
- sweater
- footwear for la nieve
- word that means "the" before feminine singular nouns
- a fancy, silky camisa
- shirt
- shorts (two words; no space)
- clothes
- jeans
- I need (two words; no space)
- footwear when hace calor
- socks
- jacket
- What clothes are you (inf.) wearing? (3 words; no spaces; no puncutation)
- word that means "the" before feminine plural nouns
- word that means "the" before masculine singular nouns
- baseball cap
28 Clues: she • coat • shirt • shoes • jeans • pants • socks • skirt • dress • scarf • gloves • jacket • clothes • T-shirt • sweater • baseball cap • a fancy, silky camisa • footwear for la nieve • footwear when hace calor • shorts (two words; no space) • I need (two words; no space) • I am wearing (two words; no space) • swimsuit (three words; do not include spaces) • word that means "the" before feminine plural nouns • ...
ADJECTIVES 2022-03-31
- P__________R is often followed by the nouns attention, concern, emphasis or significance (Sample sentence: When you are writing an essay, you should pay _____ attention to cohesion of ideas).
- R__________D is often followed by the nouns change, decline, deterioration, expansion, growth,progress, rise, or succession.(Sample sentence: The computer industry went through several _____ changes when the Internet was introduced to the public for the first time).
- I__________E is often preceded by the adverbs absolutely, almost, nearly, practically, quite,totally, utterly, or virtually.(Sample sentence: I found the language practically _____ to learn).
- M__________T is often preceded by the adverbs comparatively, fairly, quite, rather, relatively,surprisingly, or very.(Sample sentence: Everyone said he was arrogant and boastful, but when I interviewed him, I found him to be surprisingly _____ about his achievements).
- L__________Y is often followed by the nouns delay, discussion, interview, negotiations, pause,or period.(sample sentence: After a _____ pause, she continued speaking).
- C__________L is often followed by the nouns analysis, appraisal,examination, or scrutiny(sample sentence: They carried out a _____ examination of the documents to see if they were
- F__________E is often followed by the nouns accusation, allegation, assumption, belief, claim, impression, or statement. It is often preceded by the adverbs blatantly, completely,patently, totally, or utterly.(Sample sentence: She made several _____ assumptions about her new professor).
- O__________E is often followed by the nouns analysis, assessment or measurement.It is often preceded by the adverbs completely, entirely, purely, totally, truly, or wholly.(sample sentence: We tried to capture a purely _____ record of what we heard and saw).
- M__________R is often followed by the nouns breakthrough, pause, change, concern, contribution,factor or upheaval.(Sample sentence: The withdrawal of sponsorship was a _____ setback to our plans).
- I__________D is often preceded by the adverbs deeply, extremely, genuinely, keenly, mainly,or seriously.(Sample sentence: I like 19th century art, but I'm primarily _____ in the pre-Raphaelite movement).
- R__________L is often followed by the nouns approach, argument, choice, decision,or thought.(Sample sentence: We need to make a _____ choice that is based on our needs and on our available funds).
- C__________L is often followed by the nouns argument, aspect, debate, feature, idea, importance, role, or theme.(Sample sentence: The _____ theme of his talk was the possibility of interstellar travel).
- P__________E is often followed by the nouns approach, attitude, feedback, outlook, reinforcement,or view.(Sample sentence: His presentation was well-received, and he got a lot of _____ feedback).
- D__________G is often followed by the nouns consequence, effect, impact, result, admission, criticism, or disclosure.(Sample sentence: After a series of _____ allegations about his professional misconduct, he resigned).
- P__________R is often followed by the nouns belief, misconception, myth, opinion, or view.(Sample sentence: It is a _____ misconception that men are better drivers than women).
- N__________E is often followed by the nouns change, difference, drop, improvement, or increase.(Sample sentence: There has been a _____ increase in the cost of living over the last three years.
- R__________C is often followed by the nouns alternative, assessment, attitude, goal, option, prospect, target, or view.(sample sentence: When you are studying for the TOEFL, you should try to set yourself _____ targets, and not try to do too much too quickly).
- S__________E is often followed by the nouns difficulty, hardship, problem, recession,or threat.(Sample sentence: Earlier settlers in the region faced _____ hardship, and many died young from illness and starvation).
- M__________L is often followed by the nouns goods, possessions, prosperity, resources, rewards,or well-being.(Sample sentence: He believed in the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of _____ wealth.
- E__________L is often followed by the nouns characteristic, component, element, feature,part, or requirement.(Sample sentence: A working knowledge of Spanish is an _____ requirement if you want the job).
- I__________T is often followed by the nouns aspect, element, factor, feature, issue, part, or point. It is often preceded by the adverbs crucially, terribly, or vitally.(Sample sentence: It is vitally _____ to disconnect the appliance from the power supply before dismantling it).
21 Clues: L__________Y is often followed by the nouns delay, discussion, interview, negotiations, pause,or period.(sample sentence: After a _____ pause, she continued speaking). • P__________R is often followed by the nouns belief, misconception, myth, opinion, or view.(Sample sentence: It is a _____ misconception that men are better drivers than women). • ...
Tiffany Semetara Crossword Puzzzle 2020-10-28
- nouns that are in general form
- are words that name persons, places, ideas, things or animals
- it determines the degree or intensity of an action
- qualify or modify an adjective, verb or another adverb
- this tells where an action took place
- it tells about the time something occurs
- nouns that can be recognized by the senses
- this explains how an action happens, commonly, it is placed after the main verb or after the object
- nouns that refer to groups which can be either singular or plural
- nouns that are non-countable
- are auxiliary words that express the following: possibility, probability, instructions and requests, suggestions, offers, necessity, uncertainty, permission, obligation or ability
- nouns that are specific and it is written in capital letters
- nouns that represent intangible ideas, quality or characteristics
- nouns that are countable
- it describes how often or how frequent something happens
15 Clues: nouns that are countable • nouns that are non-countable • nouns that are in general form • this tells where an action took place • it tells about the time something occurs • nouns that can be recognized by the senses • it determines the degree or intensity of an action • qualify or modify an adjective, verb or another adverb • ...
Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Sentences and 'Sister Heart' 2024-09-01
- The verb in this sentence: 'Crocodiles guard their nests carefully.'
- The verb in this sentence: 'Her backpack is heavy.'
- These words describe nouns
- stop One way to punctuate the end of a sentence
- Some examples: is, be, swim, consider, laugh
- One of the adjectives in this sentence: 'The bread dough was soft and sticky.'
- A complete thought
- Sentences should always start with one of these
- Nouns that describe tangible, physical things.
- Janey's brother in 'Sister Heart'
- The name that the government gave the protagonist in 'Sister Heart'
- An incomplete sentence is called this.
- The adjective that describes the generations that Annie belongs to.
- One of the nouns in this sentence: 'Walking in the bush brings me happiness.'
- These kinds of nouns must have a capital letter because they name a specific thing.
- Nouns that describe intangible ideas or concepts
- The author of 'Sister Heart'
- An abstract noun
- A concrete noun
- The fancy word for the main character in a text
- These kinds of nouns don't need a capital letter because they name a general thing.
- A character in 'Sister Heart' who is talkative
- The kind of novel that 'Sister Heart' is
23 Clues: A concrete noun • An abstract noun • A complete thought • These words describe nouns • The author of 'Sister Heart' • Janey's brother in 'Sister Heart' • An incomplete sentence is called this. • The kind of novel that 'Sister Heart' is • Some examples: is, be, swim, consider, laugh • Nouns that describe tangible, physical things. • A character in 'Sister Heart' who is talkative • ...
Pronouns and Nouns Crossword 2022-10-24
- not specifically named
- names a specific noun
- names any one of a class of nouns
- word or words the pronoun refers to
- adds emphasis to noun or pronoun
- something that cannot be perceived
- refers to one or more nouns
- names a group of nouns
- takes the place of noun
- used to begin question
- shows ownership
- something that cannot be counted
- made by joining 2 or more words
- something that can be percieved
- atstartofsubordinateclause+connects
- points to specific noun
- names a person place thing or idea
- sendstheactionoftheverbtosubject
- names something that can be counted
19 Clues: shows ownership • names a specific noun • not specifically named • names a group of nouns • used to begin question • points to specific noun • takes the place of noun • refers to one or more nouns • made by joining 2 or more words • something that can be percieved • something that cannot be counted • adds emphasis to noun or pronoun • sendstheactionoftheverbtosubject • ...
Fill me in! 2021-03-14
- An ________ of ants.
- Concrete nouns which can be quantified (hint: they can be counted).
- A ________ of crows.
- A ________ of lions.
- A ________ of owls
- A ________ of penguins.
- Nouns which name a group of things.
- Nouns like 'ocean', 'homework', 'gold', etc.
- Nouns which are thoughts, ideas, concepts or feelings.
- A ________ of kittens.
- Nouns which name all physical things which can be experienced via the five senses.
- A ________ of elephants
- Nouns which always start with a capital letter.
- A ________ of searchers.
14 Clues: A ________ of owls • An ________ of ants. • A ________ of crows. • A ________ of lions. • A ________ of kittens. • A ________ of elephants • A ________ of penguins. • A ________ of searchers. • Nouns which name a group of things. • Nouns like 'ocean', 'homework', 'gold', etc. • Nouns which always start with a capital letter. • Nouns which are thoughts, ideas, concepts or feelings. • ...
mental abuse 2015-06-28
- Photosynthesis "factory"
- Military campaign
- game in which you need nouns
- Inflatable raft
- College founded by Henry VI
- advertisment light
- what english nouns lack
- artic or indian, e.g.
- like some latin noun
- City that symbolizes middle America
- President Walesa
- missile boomberang
- ship sinker
- perfect example
- location
- some french nouns have it
- modifier of a noun
- It comes from the heart
- shuttle launcher
- it might give you a buzz
20 Clues: location • ship sinker • Inflatable raft • perfect example • President Walesa • shuttle launcher • Military campaign • missile boomberang • advertisment light • modifier of a noun • like some latin noun • artic or indian, e.g. • what english nouns lack • It comes from the heart • Photosynthesis "factory" • it might give you a buzz • some french nouns have it • College founded by Henry VI • ...
ADJECTIVES 2022-03-31
- sentence: They carried out a _____ examination of the documents to see if they were
- M__________T is often preceded by the adverbs comparatively, fairly, quite, rather, relatively,surprisingly, or very.(Sample sentence: Everyone said he was arrogant and boastful, but when I interviewed him, I found him to be surprisingly _____ about his achievements).
- sentence: After a _____ pause, she continued speaking).
- S__________E is often followed by the nouns difficulty, hardship, problem, recession,or threat.(Sample sentence: Earlier settlers in the region faced _____ hardship, and many died young from illness and starvation).
- R__________L is often followed by the nouns approach, argument, choice, decision,or thought.(Sample sentence: We need to make a _____ choice that is based on our needs and on our available funds).
- R__________D is often followed by the nouns change, decline, deterioration, expansion, growth,progress, rise, or succession.(Sample sentence: The computer industry went through several _____ changes when the Internet was introduced to the public for the first time).
- N__________E is often followed by the nouns change, difference, drop, improvement, or increase.(Sample sentence: There has been a _____ increase in the cost of living over the last three years.
- C__________L is often followed by the nouns analysis, appraisal, evaluation, examination, or
- I__________D is often preceded by the adverbs deeply, extremely, genuinely, keenly, mainly,or seriously.(Sample sentence: I like 19th century art, but I'm primarily _____ in the pre-Raphaelite movement).
- O__________E is often followed by the nouns analysis, assessment or measurement.It is often preceded by the adverbs completely, entirely, purely, totally, truly, or wholly.(sample sentence: We tried to capture a purely _____ record of what we heard and saw).
- F__________E is often followed by the nouns accusation, allegation, assumption, belief, claim, impression, or statement. It is often preceded by the adverbs blatantly, completely,patently, totally, or utterly.(Sample sentence: She made several _____ assumptions about her new professor).
- D__________G is often followed by the nouns consequence, effect, impact, result, admission, criticism, or disclosure.(Sample sentence: After a series of _____ allegations about his professional misconduct, he resigned).
- C__________L is often followed by the nouns argument, aspect, debate, feature, idea, importance, role, or theme.(Sample sentence: The _____ theme of his talk was the possibility of interstellar travel).
- I__________E is often preceded by the adverbs absolutely, almost, nearly, practically, quite,totally, utterly, or virtually.(Sample sentence: I found the language practically _____ to learn).
- M__________R is often followed by the nouns breakthrough, pause, change, concern, contribution,factor or upheaval.(Sample sentence: The withdrawal of sponsorship was a _____ setback to our plans).
- M__________L is often followed by the nouns goods, possessions, prosperity, resources, rewards,or well-being.(Sample sentence: He believed in the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of _____ wealth.
- P__________E is often followed by the nouns approach, attitude, feedback, outlook, reinforcement,or view.(Sample sentence: His presentation was well-received, and he got a lot of _____ feedback).
- P__________R is often followed by the nouns belief, misconception, myth, opinion, or view.(Sample sentence: It is a _____ misconception that men are better drivers than women).
- E__________L is often followed by the nouns characteristic, component, element, feature,part, or requirement.(Sample sentence: A working knowledge of Spanish is an _____ requirement if you want the job).
- P__________R is often followed by the nouns attention, concern, emphasis or significance (Sample sentence: When you are writing an essay, you should pay _____ attention to cohesion of ideas).
- I__________T is often followed by the nouns aspect, element, factor, feature, issue, part, or point. It is often preceded by the adverbs crucially, terribly, or vitally.(Sample sentence: It is vitally _____ to disconnect the appliance from the power supply before dismantling it).
- R__________C is often followed by the nouns alternative, assessment, attitude, goal, option, prospect, target, or view.(sample sentence: When you are studying for the TOEFL, you should try to set yourself _____ targets, and not try to do too much too quickly).
- L__________Y is often followed by the nouns delay, discussion, interview, negotiations, pause, or
23 Clues: sentence: After a _____ pause, she continued speaking). • sentence: They carried out a _____ examination of the documents to see if they were • C__________L is often followed by the nouns analysis, appraisal, evaluation, examination, or • L__________Y is often followed by the nouns delay, discussion, interview, negotiations, pause, or • ...
FF - L17 2019-01-02
- all nouns with the genitive singular ending ae belong to this declension
- table
- queen
- rock
- word
- lamb
- farmer
- all 1st and 2nd declension nouns end in these two letters in the dative and ablative plural
- Christ
- all nouns with the genitive singular ending i belong to this declension regardless of their nominative singular ending
- town
- kingdom
- friend
- world, mankind
- Mary
- poet
- Rome
- forum, marketplace
- sailor
- slave, servant
- horse
- Italy
- year
- son
- lord, master
- this case is used to classify nouns into their declensions
- debt, sin
- war
- temple
- heaven
- god
- gift
- girl
- earth, land
34 Clues: son • war • god • year • rock • word • lamb • town • gift • girl • Mary • poet • Rome • table • horse • queen • Italy • sailor • farmer • temple • Christ • heaven • friend • kingdom • debt, sin • earth, land • lord, master • slave, servant • world, mankind • forum, marketplace • this case is used to classify nouns into their declensions • all nouns with the genitive singular ending ae belong to this declension • ...
Crossword Puzzle 2020-10-20
- are auxiliary verbs that express the following: possibility, probability, instructions and requests, suggestions, offers, necessity, uncertainly, permission, obligation, or ability.
- qualify or modify an adjective, verb, or another adverb
- nouns that are specific and it is written in capital letters.
- this explains how an action happens. Commonly, it is placed after the main verb or after the object.
- nouns that are countable
- it determines the degree or intensity of an action.
- Nouns that refer to groups which can be either singular or plural
- it tells abou the time something occurs
- nouns that are non-countable
- this tells where an action took place. Adverbs of ______ modifies the main verb
- Nouns that represent intangible ideas, quality, or characteristics.
- it describes how often or how frequent something happens.
- Nouns that are tangible and can be recognized by any senses.
- are words that name persons, places, ideas, things or animals
- nouns that are in general form
15 Clues: nouns that are countable • nouns that are non-countable • nouns that are in general form • it tells abou the time something occurs • it determines the degree or intensity of an action. • qualify or modify an adjective, verb, or another adverb • it describes how often or how frequent something happens. • Nouns that are tangible and can be recognized by any senses. • ...
Meh 2020-10-25
- Nouns that are countable.
- Nouns that are non-countable.
- Nouns that are specific and it is written in capital letters.
- A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group.
- Nouns that are tangible and can be recognized by any senses.
- A formal and polite way of asking permission
- This explains how an action happens. Commonly, it is placed after the main verb or after the object.
- Nouns that refer to groups which can be either singular or plural.
- This adds meaning to the main verb in a sentence by expressing possibility, ability, permission, or obligation
- Nouns that represent intangible ideas, quality, or characteristics.
- This tells where an action took place.
- Are words that name persons, places, ideas, things, or animals.
- It determines the degree or intensity of an action.
- It describes how often or how frequent something happens.
- Nouns that are in general form.
15 Clues: Nouns that are countable. • Nouns that are non-countable. • Nouns that are in general form. • This tells where an action took place. • A formal and polite way of asking permission • It determines the degree or intensity of an action. • It describes how often or how frequent something happens. • Nouns that are tangible and can be recognized by any senses. • ...
Speech Family 2022-10-04
- Part of sentence without the Subject
- ______ verbs changes the spelling
- more action than talk
- pick out the nouns
- Helps with identity
- I like talking about verbs
- I show position of nouns to each other
- Nouns know I have their back
- Past Tense of lend.
- I watched 3 Tik Tok ______.
- It took five _____ to make the fries.
- Oh so dramatic
- Past Tense form of participle spent!
- I join thoughts or ideas.
- 10 hopping ________ from Austrailia
- nouns of more
- I like painting word pictures
- more person than 1
18 Clues: nouns of more • Oh so dramatic • pick out the nouns • more person than 1 • Helps with identity • Past Tense of lend. • more action than talk • I join thoughts or ideas. • I like talking about verbs • I watched 3 Tik Tok ______. • Nouns know I have their back • I like painting word pictures • ______ verbs changes the spelling • 10 hopping ________ from Austrailia • ...
Parts of Speech 2024-08-23
Final Prep - Comp 2023-03-22
- join equivalent structures, such as two or more nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, phrases, or clauses
- express surprise or emotions and they often stand alone
- take the place of nouns or other words functioning as nouns so you don’t have to repeat words that have already been mentioned
- join equal elements and they come in pairs
- introduce dependent clauses and relate the dependent clause to the rest of the sentence
- (this, that, these, those) identify specific nouns
- connect words or groups of words to each other and tell something about the relationship between these words
- move the meaning of a sentence along by showing action, occurrence, or being
- modify nouns and pronouns, usually describing, identifying, or quantifying those words
- personal pronouns that indicate ownership
- refer to specific persons or things
- is a group of words that lacks a subject or predicate or both
- introduce adverb clauses and signal the relationship between the adverb clause and another clause
- adverbs, connect independent clauses and often act as transitional expressions
- do not refer to specific persons or things
- are groups of words containing a subject and a predicate
- have the same form as reflexive pronouns but might emphasize a noun or another pronoun
- used to ask questions
- refer to the subject of the sentence or clause in which they appear
- express relationships in space, time, or other senses, between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence
- names persons, places, things, or concepts
- modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs or entire clauses
22 Clues: used to ask questions • refer to specific persons or things • personal pronouns that indicate ownership • do not refer to specific persons or things • join equal elements and they come in pairs • names persons, places, things, or concepts • (this, that, these, those) identify specific nouns • express surprise or emotions and they often stand alone • ...
Types of Adjectives 2013-10-14
- Indicates the order of a noun or pronoun
- Smallest form of an adjective
- Precedes nouns
- Single words
- Comprises more than one word
- States how many
- Refers to distinct entities
- Used to ask questions
- Follows linking verbs
- Shows ownership
- Can be used as adjectives
- Indicates a specific item
- Comparison of three or more nouns or pronouns
- Comparison of two nouns or pronouns
- Conveys the idea of all, any, none, some
15 Clues: Single words • Precedes nouns • Shows ownership • States how many • Used to ask questions • Follows linking verbs • Can be used as adjectives • Indicates a specific item • Refers to distinct entities • Comprises more than one word • Smallest form of an adjective • Comparison of two nouns or pronouns • Indicates the order of a noun or pronoun • Conveys the idea of all, any, none, some • ...
Midterm Prep 2: Suffixes and Prefixes ('-' included in the answers) 2021-10-11
- around, surrounding
- up, back, against
- forms abstract nouns: state, condition
- a Latin-derived adjectival suffix: pertaining to, characterized by, full of
- a Latin noun-forming ending: condition, person (sometimes a malformed fetus)
- good, normal, healthy
- forms adjectives: pertaining to; pertaining to inflammation;
- half, partial; (often) one side of the body
- forms abstract nouns: abnormal or diseased condition
- a Latin-derived adjectival suffix: pertaining to, located in
- in place of
- (rarely -eum): forms nouns: membrane, connective tissue.
- away from
- difficult, painful, defective, abnormal
- forms adjectives, often from nouns ending in -esis: pertaining to
- out of, away from
- form names of substances
17 Clues: away from • in place of • up, back, against • out of, away from • around, surrounding • good, normal, healthy • form names of substances • forms abstract nouns: state, condition • difficult, painful, defective, abnormal • half, partial; (often) one side of the body • forms abstract nouns: abnormal or diseased condition • (rarely -eum): forms nouns: membrane, connective tissue. • ...
Pronouns and Posessives 2013-01-14
- / A German word meaning "your" referring to feminine and plural nouns
- / A German word meaning "his" referring to feminine and plural nouns
- / A German pronoun referring to feminine nouns
- / A German word meaning "her" referring to masculine and neuter nouns
- / A German word meaning "your" referring to masculine and neuter nouns
- / A German pronoun referring to masculine nouns
- / A German word meaning "my" referring to feminine and plural nouns
- / A German word meaning "my" referring to masculine and neuter nouns
- / A German pronoun referring to neuter nouns
- / A German word meaning "his" referring to masculine and neuter nouns
- / A German word meaning "her" referring to feminine and plural nouns
11 Clues: / A German pronoun referring to neuter nouns • / A German pronoun referring to feminine nouns • / A German pronoun referring to masculine nouns • / A German word meaning "my" referring to feminine and plural nouns • / A German word meaning "his" referring to feminine and plural nouns • / A German word meaning "my" referring to masculine and neuter nouns • ...
- nouns that name particular person's places or things
- quality of noun that tells you if noun is singular or plural
- nouns that cannot be seen felt or touched
- nouns that name groups of person, places or things
- quality of noun that shows relation to some other word
- nouns that can be seen felt or touched
- quality of noun that indicates masculine or feminie
- case of nouns that are subjects or subjective complements
- quality that shows speaker, person spoken to or about
- case of nouns that are direct objects or indirect objects
- case of nouns that shows ownership
- nouns that name any person, place or thing
12 Clues: case of nouns that shows ownership • nouns that can be seen felt or touched • nouns that cannot be seen felt or touched • nouns that name any person, place or thing • nouns that name groups of person, places or things • quality of noun that indicates masculine or feminie • nouns that name particular person's places or things • ...
Grammar! 2024-10-15
- A way to give more detail
- A sentence ___________ is an incomplete sentence
- Adjectives describe these
- One of the nouns in this sentence "The music filled the room with joy."
- These words replace nouns.
- One of the adjectives in this sentence "The fluffy marshmallow exploded in the microwave like a tiny cloud."
- A kind of sentence that gives information.
- The adverb in this sentence: "The turtle moved slowly across the path."
- A conjunction that introduces a consequence or result of something
- A noun names a __________, place, thing or idea
- One of the nouns in this sentence "He found a pickle under the couch and wondered how it got there."
- A noun __________ a person, place, thing or idea
- A conjunction that indicates a reason or explanation
- A verb describes an _______ or a state of being
- One of the nouns in this sentence "Their friendship grew stronger over the years."
- Words that describe actions or a state of being
- The adverb in this sentence: "She was very excited about the trip."
- One of the nouns in this sentence: "He dropped his pencil on the floor."
- _________ nouns describe a feeling or idea, something intangible
- One of the nouns in this sentence: "The giraffe reached for the highest leaves."
- A kind of sentence that expresses strong emotion!
- The adjective in this sentence: "The tree in the park is enormous."
- Words that describe nouns
- A verb describes an __________ or a state of being
- This punctuation mark is often found at the end of a sentence
- One of the nouns in this sentence "The music filled the room with joy."
- One of the verbs in this sentence "He juggled six bananas while riding a unicycle."
- The verb in this sentence: "She whispered a secret."
- The verb in this sentence "He is cooking dinner for his family."
- ________ nouns always need a capital letter
- The proper noun in this sentence: "Mr Top bought some puzzles."
- The verb in this sentence: "He frowned at me."
- A kind of sentence that starts with the verb and tells someone what to do.
- A kind of sentence that wants to know or find out something.
- The adverb in this sentence: "The cat jumped suddenly when it heard the noise."
- A conjunction that shows difference or contrast
- The verb in this sentence: "We sang at the concert."
- The adjective in this sentence: "My brother's hat is purple."
- Nouns name a person, place, thing or ________.]
- This is a group of words that is a complete thought
- A verb describes an action or a state of __________
- The adjective in this sentence "The exciting game kept everyone on their toes."
- These words modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
- The verb in this sentence: "She ran fast."
- The proper noun in this sentence: "Egypt has ancient pyramids."
45 Clues: A way to give more detail • Words that describe nouns • Adjectives describe these • These words replace nouns. • A kind of sentence that gives information. • The verb in this sentence: "She ran fast." • ________ nouns always need a capital letter • The verb in this sentence: "He frowned at me." • A noun names a __________, place, thing or idea • ...
Nouns 2024-10-16
- an … of soldiers (collective noun)
- the nouns that can be counted
- the feminine of tiger
- the nouns that can’t be counted
- the plural of woman
- the plural of knife
- the plural of banana
- the plural of child
- proper nouns start with … letters
- the plural of leaf
- the plural of ox
- the feminine of lion
- the masculine of aunt
- a … of wolves (collective nouns)
14 Clues: the plural of ox • the plural of leaf • the plural of child • the plural of woman • the plural of knife • the plural of banana • the feminine of lion • the masculine of aunt • the feminine of tiger • the nouns that can be counted • the nouns that can’t be counted • a … of wolves (collective nouns) • proper nouns start with … letters • an … of soldiers (collective noun)
CROSSWORD PUZZLE (7) 2025-02-04
- The prefix multi means _______. (Examples: multicolor, multicultural, multimedia)
- An idiom that means common, not special: a dime a _______.
- True or false? Capitalize the first letter of each word in a proper noun.
- An idiom that means to share a secret: spill the _______.
- The punctuation in the contractions: don’t, I’m, isn’t, can’t is called an _______.
- Remember to _______ the first letter of proper nouns.
- Proper nouns are _______ nouns like Taco Bell, McDonald’s and Safeway.
- A noun is a person, place, or ______.
- The prefix un means _______. (Examples: unhappy, unplug)
- cwpm means correct words per ______.
- The prefix dis means _______ or not. (Examples: dishonest, disapprove)
- _______ nouns mean are more than one noun. Dishes, cats, foxes are _______ nouns. proper Dartmouth Middle School is a _______ noun.
- Reading fluently means you ______ when you see a period.
- Antonyms are words with _______ meanings. (Examples: cold, hot and big, little)
- An idiom that means someone who is very smart: a _______ cookie.
- _______ replace nouns. Examples: her, his, it, they.
- The prefix re means _______ or do over. (Examples: redo, rewrite, repaint)
- An idiom that means take on a task that is way too big: bite off more than you can _______.
18 Clues: cwpm means correct words per ______. • A noun is a person, place, or ______. • _______ replace nouns. Examples: her, his, it, they. • Remember to _______ the first letter of proper nouns. • Reading fluently means you ______ when you see a period. • The prefix un means _______. (Examples: unhappy, unplug) • An idiom that means to share a secret: spill the _______. • ...
Grammar 2023-06-12
- Using capital letters at the beginning of sentences, names, and proper nouns.
- Nouns that indicate more than one.
- Words that describe or modify nouns.
- Words that connect words, phrases, or sentences.
- Verb forms that show when an action takes place (past, present, future).
- Words that describe or modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
- Words used in place of nouns.
- Words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
- Words used before nouns to indicate whether something is specific or general.
- Words or phrases used to express strong emotion or sudden feeling.
- Marks used in writing to separate sentences and clarify meaning.
- of Speech Different categories of words based on their function in a sentence.
- Words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence.
- Agreement Making sure the subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural).
- Structure The way words are arranged to form a complete sentence.
- Words that show actions or states of being.
16 Clues: Words used in place of nouns. • Nouns that indicate more than one. • Words that describe or modify nouns. • Words that show actions or states of being. • Words that connect words, phrases, or sentences. • Words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. • Marks used in writing to separate sentences and clarify meaning. • ...
Latin Language 2 2015-03-26
- this is found by dropping the ending of the genitive singular
- nouns ending in s,o,x are feminine
- The brave soldier fights.
- present perfect, I have praised
- battle
- the case of the indirect object
- Ceasar and I came.
- these have gender, number, case and declension
- direct object form of servus (p)
- possessive form of bellum (p)
- the case of the person addressed
- portus, portus (the harbor)give declension and number
- nouns ending in er,or are masculine
- You and he have been captured.
- dart
- nouns ending in l,a,n,c,e,t are neuter
- the case of the possessor
- first find the gender of the noun, then find the stem from the genitive
- pluperfect, I had praised
- arms
- fortune
- future tense, I shall begin to praise.
- winter quarters
- Are fourth declension nouns masculine or feminine? Bonus points for the exceptions (manus,comus,cornu,genu).
- the case of the direct object
- portus, portuum (the harbors)give declension and number
- more doubtful
- res, rei (the thing)give declension and number
- most doubtful
- there are three of these in Latin, m,f,n
- the case of the subject
- Life is short.
- present tense, I begin to praise.
- res,rerum (the things) give declension and number
- Fifth declension nouns are generally which gender except dies, didi which is generally _____.
- doubtful
36 Clues: dart • arms • battle • fortune • doubtful • more doubtful • most doubtful • Life is short. • winter quarters • Ceasar and I came. • the case of the subject • The brave soldier fights. • the case of the possessor • pluperfect, I had praised • the case of the direct object • possessive form of bellum (p) • You and he have been captured. • present perfect, I have praised • the case of the indirect object • ...
Year 7 - Sentences and Grammar! 2024-10-17
- A kind of sentence that wants to know or find out something.
- The adverb in this sentence: "The turtle moved slowly across the path."
- One of the nouns in this sentence "Their friendship grew stronger over the years."
- The adverb in this sentence: "The cat jumped suddenly when it heard the noise."
- A verb describes an _______ or a state of being
- A conjunction that indicates a reason or explanation
- Words that help to connect parts of sentences
- Words that describe actions or states of being.
- A kind of sentence that gives information.
- An incomplete sentence.
- One of the verbs in this sentence "He juggled six bananas while riding a unicycle."
- Words that describe nouns.
- These words replace nouns.
- A kind of sentence that starts with the verb and tells someone what to do.
- The adjective in this sentence "The exciting game kept everyone on their toes."
- One of the adjectives in this sentence "The fluffy marshmallow exploded in the microwave like a tiny cloud."
- These words modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.
- One of the nouns in this sentence "The music filled the room with joy."
- adverb in this sentence: "She was very excited about the trip."
- One of the nouns in this sentence "He found a pickle under the couch and wondered how it got there."
- A conjunction that introduces a consequence or result of something
- A kind of sentence that expresses strong emotion!
- The verb in this sentence "He is cooking dinner for his family."
- A conjunction that shows difference or contrast
- Nouns name a person, place, thing or ________.]
- A ____________ is a complete idea.
- Words that name people, places, things or ideas.
- One of the nouns in this sentence "The music filled the room with joy."
28 Clues: An incomplete sentence. • Words that describe nouns. • These words replace nouns. • A ____________ is a complete idea. • A kind of sentence that gives information. • Words that help to connect parts of sentences • A verb describes an _______ or a state of being • Words that describe actions or states of being. • A conjunction that shows difference or contrast • ...
Nouns: Puzzle Two 2019-01-09
- The band practice their individual parts. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______ noun.
- To make most plural nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
- To make most singular nouns possessive, you add a/an _______.
- Quilt, paper, leopard, and dinner are all _______ nouns.
- The story, the child’s favorite one, is about a mouse and a bear. In this sentence the child’s favorite one is a/an _______.
- Bunch, fleet, pack, and jury are all examples of _______ nouns.
- My sister, Mary, loves Thai food. In this sentence, Mary is a/an _______.
- Loyalty, time, pride, and skill are all _______ nouns.
- Jamal, Panama Heights, Wednesday, and Armenian are all _______nouns.
- Lily’s and teacher’s could both be either possessive nouns or _______ depending on how they are used.
- A compound noun can be one word, more than one word, or _______.
- Dog’s, cats’, deer’s, and bus’s are all examples of _______ nouns.
- The band plays the song. In this sentence the collective noun is functioning as a/an _______ noun.
- Living room, grandmother, and commander-in-chief are all examples of _______ nouns.
14 Clues: Loyalty, time, pride, and skill are all _______ nouns. • Quilt, paper, leopard, and dinner are all _______ nouns. • To make most plural nouns possessive, you add a/an _______. • To make most singular nouns possessive, you add a/an _______. • Bunch, fleet, pack, and jury are all examples of _______ nouns. • ...
Grammar Terms Review 2021-11-18
- usually has ly - describes a verb, adverb, or adjective
- how to identify a gerund
- coordinating conjunctions are these
- contains a verb acting as a noun
- complete the gerund or infinitive: I like ____ my car. (drive)
- phrase nouns describing other nouns
- phrase a verb acting as an adjective
- replace nouns (I, me, we, she, he, they)
- a, an, the
- a word used to connect phrases and clauses (FANBOYS)
- acronym for some subordinating conjunctions
- Find the appositive: The dog, Bandit, barked loudly.
- describes or changes a noun
- phrase when something takes place,where something is located
- nouns that are specific, always capitalized
- Complete the gerund or infinitive: I like ______ tv. (watch)
- Find the prep phrase: The squirrel sat in the tree.
- action, condition, or state of being
- phrase contains “to + verb”
- person, place, thing, idea
20 Clues: a, an, the • how to identify a gerund • person, place, thing, idea • describes or changes a noun • phrase contains “to + verb” • contains a verb acting as a noun • coordinating conjunctions are these • phrase nouns describing other nouns • action, condition, or state of being • phrase a verb acting as an adjective • replace nouns (I, me, we, she, he, they) • ...
Language 2024-12-01
- for example "cats", "dogs", "houses" etc
- word used to describe nouns like "sheep", "geese and "skies"
- the large dog barked at the _______is an example
- the word that links nouns to do with place, time etc
- the most common verb in English
- name of nouns that aren't touchable etc, e.g. imagination
- the name we give to objects, people etc
- when nouns and verbs are accurate together
- form of words like "fell", "saw", and "said"
- word used to give description about a noun
- a form of a verb, e.g. sits or is sitting
- the ________ kicked the ball is an example
- the name for nouns that we can count
- tricky word class; can give information about verbs, adverbs and adjectives
- an example of a joining word, "but" and "so" are others
- an example of the definite article (clue: little words)
16 Clues: the most common verb in English • the name for nouns that we can count • the name we give to objects, people etc • for example "cats", "dogs", "houses" etc • a form of a verb, e.g. sits or is sitting • the ________ kicked the ball is an example • when nouns and verbs are accurate together • word used to give description about a noun • ...
Revision 2022-10-05
- I am red, white and black.
- Animals that do not have a back bone.
- Smallest bird in the world.
- August 31st 1962.
- Name of a person, animal, place, thing and idea.
- Shape with 3 faces, 0 vertices and 2 edges.
- The red national bird.
- Shape with 5 faces, 5 vertices and 8 edges.
- Nouns that refer to male.
- Shape with 6 faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges.
- Who replaced the Queen of England as head of state.
- Nouns that refer tp female.
- Can be found on money and your birth paper.
- September 24th
- Animals with a back bone.
- Vertebrates are animals with a ______.
16 Clues: September 24th • August 31st 1962. • The red national bird. • Nouns that refer to male. • Animals with a back bone. • I am red, white and black. • Nouns that refer tp female. • Smallest bird in the world. • Animals that do not have a back bone. • Vertebrates are animals with a ______. • Can be found on money and your birth paper. • Shape with 3 faces, 0 vertices and 2 edges. • ...
Countable and uncountable expressions. 2021-07-18
- a small quantity in countable nouns
- in closed questions
- for big quantities
- for big quantities
- a normal quantity
- questions about uncountable nouns
- expressing zero quantity
- a small quantity in uncountable nouns
- an enormous quantity for uncountable nouns
- many questions about countable nouns
- an enormous quantity for countable nouns
11 Clues: a normal quantity • for big quantities • for big quantities • in closed questions • expressing zero quantity • questions about uncountable nouns • a small quantity in countable nouns • many questions about countable nouns • a small quantity in uncountable nouns • an enormous quantity for countable nouns • an enormous quantity for uncountable nouns
Latina Christiana - Lesson X 2019-11-12
15 Clues: back • wine • gift • reward • help, aid • debt, sin • sky, heaven • wall,rampart • mistake, sin • joy, gladness • forum,marketplace • What gender are 1st declension nouns? • What gender are 2nd declension -um nouns? • What gender are 2nd declension -us nouns? • Ever Higher! (Hint: the answer has an exclamation mark, too)
G4 Academic Words & Grammar Puzzle 2024-01-12
- a strong effect.
- babies, days, and leaves are called __________ nouns.
- sentences that give commands and directions
- words like teeth, children and people are called ____________ nouns.
- to help or support.
- ___________ marks are used to show the exact words a person said or wrote.
- turtle, tree, and branch are called __________ nouns.
- to say or do something because of something else quickly.
- to show something. Synonym = monitor
- form an opinion based on informative given.
- provide something helpful or good.
- fitting; suitable.
- be thankful or grateful for something.
- to appear or come out from somewhere.
- words to show ownership or possession of something.
- big, very important or serious.
- show how to do something.
- first, next and last are called time-order _________ words.
- to say or do something because of something else with thoughts. To answer.
- words that describe or modify nouns.
- guess or expect that something will happen.
- setting or situation
- a part that stands out.
23 Clues: a strong effect. • fitting; suitable. • to help or support. • setting or situation • a part that stands out. • show how to do something. • big, very important or serious. • provide something helpful or good. • to show something. Synonym = monitor • words that describe or modify nouns. • to appear or come out from somewhere. • be thankful or grateful for something. • ...
PARTS OF SPEECH! 2022-10-18
- A word used to connect clauses or sentences
- It is a word that describes an adjective, a verb, or even itself.
- Are the words you substitute for specific nouns when the reader or listener knows which specific noun you’re referring to.
- VERBS Are words that express action or movement.
- NOUNS A word used to represent a group of people, animals, or things.
- Is used to refer back to a noun or pronoun in order to emphasize it.
- VERBS It is used with a main verb to help express the main verb's tense, mood, or voice.
- The total number of classification of nouns.
- How many types of adverbs do we have?
- VERBS Are verbs that don’t show an action but rather describe the subject.
- These are words that describe specific actions, or a state of being.
- A word or phrase that is grammatically independent from the words around it, and mainly expresses feeling rather than meaning
- A pronoun that represents a noun and expresses its position as near or far, including in time.
- This type of pronoun shows ownership.
- Connects a dependent clause, with an independent clause.
- NOUNS It names a generic type of person, place, or thing.
- It is a word that names person, place, concept, or object.
- Are the words used before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial relationship.
- Used to illustrate how two words or phrases within a sentence relate to each other.
- Connect words or phrases that serve the same grammatical purpose in a sentence.
- These are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns.
- These adverbs describe how often something happens.
22 Clues: This type of pronoun shows ownership. • How many types of adverbs do we have? • A word used to connect clauses or sentences • The total number of classification of nouns. • VERBS Are words that express action or movement. • These adverbs describe how often something happens. • Connects a dependent clause, with an independent clause. • ...
Grammar and Writing 1 2023-09-21
- are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.
- use this article if the following word starts with a vowel.
- this type of sentence contains one independent and depended clause.
- this tense is used for actions that have already happened.
- this tense is used for actions happening now or regularly.
- are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas.
- modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more info.
- show the relation between nouns or pronouns and other words.
- this type of sentence consists of independent clauses joined by a conjunction.
- are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses within sentences.
- is the definite article and is used before singular or plural nouns.
- describe or modify nouns by providing more info about them.
- are words that sounds the same but have different spelling and meanings.
- are words that replace nouns to avoid repetition.
- this tense is used for actions that will happen in the future.
- are action words that show what the subject is doing.
16 Clues: are words that replace nouns to avoid repetition. • are action words that show what the subject is doing. • this tense is used for actions that have already happened. • this tense is used for actions happening now or regularly. • are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. • use this article if the following word starts with a vowel. • ...
Parts of Speech 2018-09-05
- An action word of state of being
- An interjection may require this punctuation mark for emphasis
- He, she, they are examples of ________
- Pronouns often do this for nouns
- Cool, pretty, handsome, spicy are examples of ________
- There are several types of this part of speech
- Name of a person, place, or thing
- A noun is the ________ of something
- Over, above, across, below are examples of ________
- Childish, happily, and foolishly are examples of ________
- A preposition can indicate location or ________
- Something that a preposition always has
- The number of parts of speech in the English language
- A part of speech that gives location
- Holy Cow! is an example
- These often replace nouns
- A part of speech that joins phrases or words
- A verb performs an ________ of some type
- A part of speech that can describe a noun
- Adjectives and adverbs _________ nouns, pronouns, and verbs
- A conjunction can join words of ________
- The part of speech that often ends in "ly"
22 Clues: Holy Cow! is an example • These often replace nouns • An action word of state of being • Pronouns often do this for nouns • Name of a person, place, or thing • A noun is the ________ of something • A part of speech that gives location • He, she, they are examples of ________ • Something that a preposition always has • A verb performs an ________ of some type • ...
Nouns 2025-01-07
- a type of word that is a person, place, thing, or idea
- an official name of a noun (Mrs. Oliver)
- a group
- emotions
- a general noun (teacher)
- question word asking for a thing
- a part of a country (Ohio)
- nouns you can't touch
- one noun
- 2 or more nouns
- a human
- a material object or animal
- physical activities
- a large town (Westlake)
- nouns you can touch
- question word asking for a place
16 Clues: a human • a group • one noun • emotions • 2 or more nouns • physical activities • nouns you can touch • nouns you can't touch • a large town (Westlake) • a general noun (teacher) • a part of a country (Ohio) • a material object or animal • question word asking for a thing • question word asking for a place • an official name of a noun (Mrs. Oliver) • ...
Units 6 and 7 2019-10-04
- I need ____ money.
- Use _______ many with countable nouns
- Offer a _______________ service
- How ______ hand luggage are you carrying?
- ___ there with singular countable nouns and uncountable nouns
- _____________nouns have no plural form
- ___________customer loyalty
- Actually, they weren't at all ____
- They said it was to give me a refund.
- We were ____ with the service this time.
- I'm afraid there ________ any window seats
- ____________nouns have plura forms
- ___ there with plural countable nouns
13 Clues: I need ____ money. • ___________customer loyalty • Offer a _______________ service • ____________nouns have plura forms • Actually, they weren't at all ____ • They said it was to give me a refund. • Use _______ many with countable nouns • ___ there with plural countable nouns • _____________nouns have no plural form • We were ____ with the service this time. • ...
Usage 2022-10-05
- Descriptive words that modify verbs
- Descriptive words that modify nouns
- The nouns to which the pronouns reference
- The number of the subject needs to agree with the number of the verb
- Replaces the nouns in sentences
- Extra details surrounded by commas or dashes and are not part of the subject
- Combinations of words that, taken together, have agreed upon meanings
- The noun showing ownership within a sentence
- To pause for rest
- MOdify the location and/or time of a noun
- The noun performing the action in a sentence
- Sentences that contain singular subjects that look plural
- A pronoun that does not clearly refer to the noun or nouns it represents
- The action being performed by the subject
- Describes actions that are happening right now
- Describes actions that have yet to happen
- Author's choice of words
- Made up of two or more subjects combined with a conjunction
- When the subject appears after the verb in a sentence
- To set something down
- Must match in number and person to the words or phrases they modify
- Describes actions that have already happened
- Commonly misused words that have similar pronunciations but are spelled differently and have different meanings
- The noun that receives the action in a sentence
- People, places, things, or ideas
25 Clues: To pause for rest • To set something down • Author's choice of words • Replaces the nouns in sentences • People, places, things, or ideas • Descriptive words that modify verbs • Descriptive words that modify nouns • The action being performed by the subject • Describes actions that have yet to happen • The nouns to which the pronouns reference • ...
Latin Grammar Rules 2022-03-10
- All nouns of the 1st declension are what gender, unless they specifically name a male person
- All nouns of whose genitive singular ends in -ī belong to this declension
- Adjectives agree with their nouns in ___, number, and case
- Adverbs usually stand immediately ___ the word they modify
- The verb usually stands where in a sentence?
- Adjectives of ___ generally precede their nouns
- Nominative singular neuter forms of 3rd declension nouns end in these letters
- A pronoun that refers back to the subject of its own clause
- Verbs have two voices: active and ___?
- To find the present stem of a verb, drop the ___ from the 2nd principle part
- Verbs are categorized into four ___?
- All nouns whose genitive singular ends in -ūs belong to this declension
- The direct object is found in this case
13 Clues: Verbs are categorized into four ___? • Verbs have two voices: active and ___? • The direct object is found in this case • The verb usually stands where in a sentence? • Adjectives of ___ generally precede their nouns • Adjectives agree with their nouns in ___, number, and case • Adverbs usually stand immediately ___ the word they modify • ...
Grammar Review Part 1 2022-04-21
- for_and_nor_but_or_yet_so
- root form of a verb
- everyday words for things
- the
- takes the place of a noun
- words that combine indep & dep
- owns something
- describes nouns
- what or who the sentence is about
- things experienced through our five senses
- verbals acting as adjectives
- describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
- verbs being adj, nouns, or adverbs in sentence
- a, an, and some
- after the verb
- action or state of being
- verbals acting as nouns
- action that has a direct object
- an action that doesn't take a DO
- specific name of a place or person
- ideas or things that can't be seen...
- person, place or thing
22 Clues: the • after the verb • owns something • a, an, and some • describes nouns • root form of a verb • person, place or thing • verbals acting as nouns • action or state of being • for_and_nor_but_or_yet_so • everyday words for things • takes the place of a noun • verbals acting as adjectives • words that combine indep & dep • action that has a direct object • an action that doesn't take a DO • ...
Literacy 2013-11-18
- nouns show ownership
- nouns made by joining two words together
- person you eat fish
- describe nouns
- one or more words that tell us what is 'going on' in a sentence
- noun name the everyday things
- the group of sounds that make up words.
- person I eat fish
- person She eats fish
- joining words
- retelling the story
- nouns names, places and events
12 Clues: joining words • describe nouns • person I eat fish • retelling the story • nouns show ownership • person you eat fish • person She eats fish • noun name the everyday things • nouns names, places and events • the group of sounds that make up words. • nouns made by joining two words together • one or more words that tell us what is 'going on' in a sentence
1st Quarter Terminology 2022-10-28
- show the position of a noun/pronoun
- shows visible/mental action, sometimes linking
- the character/authority of the speaker/writer
- emotional/associated connection
- exclamatory word expressing feeling/emotion
- dictionary meaning of a word
- topic sentence making a point
- logical
- modify verbs/adjectives/adverbs
- describes nouns/pronouns
- substitutes for nouns
- disprove the opposite side
- joins words/phrases/clauses
- person/place/thing/idea
- emotional connection
15 Clues: logical • emotional connection • substitutes for nouns • person/place/thing/idea • describes nouns/pronouns • disprove the opposite side • joins words/phrases/clauses • dictionary meaning of a word • topic sentence making a point • modify verbs/adjectives/adverbs • emotional/associated connection • show the position of a noun/pronoun • exclamatory word expressing feeling/emotion • ...
ELA Crossword 2/25/13 2013-02-25
- nouns nouns that name specific people, places or things
- the main part of a sentence that contains the verb.
- standard marks that make reading sentences easier
- marks puntctuation that encloses someone's words
- a connecting word that comebines two or more words in a sentence.
- the noun to which a pronoun refers
- a short word which combines with a noun to form a phrase of direction
- a noun which names who or what did the action in a sentence
- a mark of punctuation which stands for the missing letter or letters in a contraction.
- verbs short verbs that link the subject to the complete predicate
- serves the same function as italics to indicate a title
- a person, place or thinga
- a verbal ending in ing which is used as a noun in a sentence.
- the proper punctuation for the first letter of a sentence or proper nouns
- words that describe nouns
- slanted writing which is used for titles of books, movies, TV shows or boats
- verbs a verb that shows action and takes a direct object
- objects nouns that appear after action verbs
- marks of punctuation that stand for a pause in a sentnece
- a shortened form of two words which uses an apostrophe
- a word which takes the place of a noun, such as he, she, it, etc.
- words that describe verbs, adjectives and adverbs
22 Clues: words that describe nouns • a person, place or thinga • the noun to which a pronoun refers • objects nouns that appear after action verbs • marks puntctuation that encloses someone's words • standard marks that make reading sentences easier • words that describe verbs, adjectives and adverbs • the main part of a sentence that contains the verb. • ...
Parts of Speech Crossword Puzzle 2022-09-14
- A word describing a noun.
- _________ pronouns act as the object of a sentence—it receives the action of the verb.
- tell us where people focus their attention, a word replacing a noun.
- __________ verbs are words that come before
- ________ person examples are "you".
- ______ verbs are words that come after a helping verb.
- ________ nouns are general people, places, and things (These words are NOT capitalized).
- ________ nouns are specific people, places, or things (These words ARE always capitalized).
- are a word describing a verb.
- _______ noun is one person, place, or thing.
- are action words.
- main action verb to support it.
- _______ person examples are "he", "she", "it" and "they".
- _______ nouns are more than 1 person, place, or thing.
- _______ person examples are "I" and "we".
- ________ pronouns act as the subject of a sentence—it performs the action of the verb.
- A person, place, thing, or idea.
17 Clues: are action words. • A word describing a noun. • are a word describing a verb. • main action verb to support it. • A person, place, thing, or idea. • ________ person examples are "you". • _______ person examples are "I" and "we". • __________ verbs are words that come before • _______ noun is one person, place, or thing. • ...
Nouns 2016-04-20
- nouns that refer to more than one thing : plural
- a non-specific noun for - Canadian, Indian & Malaysian
- chance, necessity, opportunity
- chocolate, music, computer
- names groups of people, animals or things
- nouns that refer to one thing
- bus, desk, birds, people
- toothpaste, underground
- the collective noun for a group of flamingoes
- Proper nouns must start with a ...
- hatred, liberty, time
- nouns recognizing names
12 Clues: hatred, liberty, time • toothpaste, underground • nouns recognizing names • bus, desk, birds, people • chocolate, music, computer • nouns that refer to one thing • chance, necessity, opportunity • Proper nouns must start with a ... • names groups of people, animals or things • the collective noun for a group of flamingoes • nouns that refer to more than one thing : plural • ...
- object found by asking who or what after the verb
- nouns that ask questions
- first person, singular, possesdive pronoun
- nouns that express a quality or condition
- compound personal pronoun used as an object
- case of nouns that includes direct objects
- nouns that are considered as a unit
- case of nouns that includes subjects
- compound personal pronoun that emphasizes a preceding noun or pronoun
- first person, plural objective pronoun
- third person, plural, nominative personal pronoun
11 Clues: nouns that ask questions • nouns that are considered as a unit • case of nouns that includes subjects • first person, plural objective pronoun • nouns that express a quality or condition • case of nouns that includes direct objects • first person, singular, possesdive pronoun • compound personal pronoun used as an object • object found by asking who or what after the verb • ...
Review 2022-01-06
11 Clues: More than one. • Just one noun. • Nouns with names. • To end a sentence. • Nouns you can touch • Letters a,e,i,o, and u. • Nouns you cannot touch. • A sentence’s 1st letter. • Ordinary, regular nouns. • A person, place or thing. • You write at top of page.
Affix Vocabulary/Grammar Unit 1 Review 2020-09-01
- The type of affix that adds to the beginning of a word and changes the meaning.
- Prefixes, suffixes, and roots are all types of an ________.
- Biological means the study of _________.
- Nouns that you can see, touch, or interact with.
- A word that can take the place of a noun is known as a ___________.
- Nouns that you can NOT see, touch, or interact with.
- Audible means able to be ________.
- The type of affix that adds to the end of a word and changes the meaning.
- Nouns that refer to a specific person, place, or thing, and have to be capitalized.
- The root word CHRONO means _______.
- The root word SENS/SENT means ______.
- This root word means life.
- The root word DUC/DUCT means to _______.
- The root word DICT means say or ______.
- The base meaning of a word is called the ______.
- Nouns that are not specific.
- Any word that is a person, place, or thing.
- The root word TERR means ______.
- The root word that means to hear.
- The root word AUTO means ______.
20 Clues: This root word means life. • Nouns that are not specific. • The root word TERR means ______. • The root word AUTO means ______. • The root word that means to hear. • Audible means able to be ________. • The root word CHRONO means _______. • The root word SENS/SENT means ______. • The root word DICT means say or ______. • Biological means the study of _________. • ...
Unit 2 Crossword Study Guide 2023-10-05
- "The" for feminine nouns
- "Her" In front of a fem. noun
- "His" in front of a masc. or neut. noun
- Ich _____ (spielen)
- "The son" in German
- Wir ______ (spielen)
- "The" for masculine nouns
- Du _____ (spielen)
- "The basement" in German
- "My" in front of a fem. noun
- "His" in front of a fem. noun
- "My" in front of a masc. or neut. noun
- "The" for neutral nouns
- Meine Mutter ______ (spielen)
- "Her" in front of a masc. or neut. noun
- Er _____ (spielen)
16 Clues: Er _____ (spielen) • Du _____ (spielen) • Ich _____ (spielen) • "The son" in German • Wir ______ (spielen) • "The" for neutral nouns • "The basement" in German • "The" for feminine nouns • "The" for masculine nouns • "My" in front of a fem. noun • "His" in front of a fem. noun • "Her" In front of a fem. noun • Meine Mutter ______ (spielen) • "My" in front of a masc. or neut. noun • ...
Unit 2: Nouns Review 2022-09-22
- A person, place, thing, or idea.
- These nouns cannot be experienced by your senses.
- Words that are placed next to another in order to identify or give information about a noun.
- These nouns are made up of two words.
- These nouns show belonging to a group.
- These nouns show ownership.
- Any person, place, thing, or idea. These are not capitalized.
- These nouns can be experienced by your senses.
- This type of noun indicates more than one.
- A word made by combining words and using an apostrophe.
- A specific name of a person, place, thing, or idea. These are capitalized.
11 Clues: These nouns show ownership. • A person, place, thing, or idea. • These nouns are made up of two words. • These nouns show belonging to a group. • This type of noun indicates more than one. • These nouns can be experienced by your senses. • These nouns cannot be experienced by your senses. • A word made by combining words and using an apostrophe. • ...
Nouns & Pronouns 2016-04-20
- You yourself can easily transform your mind.
- chocolate, music, computer
- a non-specific noun for - Canadian, Indian & Malaysian
- chance, necessity, opportunity
- names groups of people, animals or things
- Whose socks are those?
- That was my mother’s ring.
- bus, desk, birds, people
- Jake smiled at her. (subject or object).
- The pants that I bought yesterday are already dirty.
- nouns that refer to more than one thing
- It was in a hurry. (subject or object)
- proper nouns must start with a ...
- the collective noun for a group of flamingos
- nouns that refer to one thing
- How many pronouns are in the following? Lisa, who was normally on time, picked up her wallet and also her bag, then she herself ran towards his car before her dad drove away.
- I washed the car myself.
- No one was at the party last night.
- mine, yours, ours, its, theirs
- haircut, toothpaste, underground
- I, me, you, we, he, she, him, her, they, them, it
- hatred, liberty, time
- nouns recognizing names
23 Clues: hatred, liberty, time • Whose socks are those? • nouns recognizing names • I washed the car myself. • bus, desk, birds, people • chocolate, music, computer • That was my mother’s ring. • nouns that refer to one thing • mine, yours, ours, its, theirs • chance, necessity, opportunity • haircut, toothpaste, underground • proper nouns must start with a ... • ...
Parts of Speech 2021-03-24
- The subordinating conjunction in sentence 3
- The verb in sentence 10
- The verb in sentence 2
- The coordinating conjunction in sentence 4
- "Until" is a _____ conjunction
- Action/being words
- The pronoun in sentence 6
- The coordinating conjunction in sentence 8
- Connecting words
- The subordinating conjunction in sentence 7
- Takes the place of nouns in a sentence
- The verb in sentence 1
- The first word in sentence 5 is (2 words)
- The acronym for coordinating conjunctions
- The coordinating conjunction in sentence 9
- Common nouns are _____ names for nouns
- Person, place, thing, or idea
17 Clues: Connecting words • Action/being words • The verb in sentence 2 • The verb in sentence 1 • The verb in sentence 10 • The pronoun in sentence 6 • Person, place, thing, or idea • "Until" is a _____ conjunction • Takes the place of nouns in a sentence • Common nouns are _____ names for nouns • The first word in sentence 5 is (2 words) • The acronym for coordinating conjunctions • ...
Important Vocabulary Final Study 1 2024-06-06
- to make pictures in your mind
- always capitalized, specific names
- action word
- figuratively
- ?!.,;"":
- replace nouns, "I, you, he, she, them" etc
- M.I.N.T.S.(Months, I, Names, Titles, Sentences)
- describing word, goes with nouns
- letters at the end of a word
- modify nouns
- letters at the beginning of a word
- to make easier to understand
- beginning of a writing piece
- repeating consonant sounds at the beginning of a series of words
- person, place, thing, or idea
- exaggeration to make a point
- words that sound the same, but are spelled differently with different meanings
17 Clues: ?!.,;"": • action word • modify nouns • figuratively • to make easier to understand • beginning of a writing piece • exaggeration to make a point • letters at the end of a word • to make pictures in your mind • person, place, thing, or idea • describing word, goes with nouns • letters at the beginning of a word • always capitalized, specific names • ...
Latin 2023-11-20
- Nominative or Accusative ending of a 3rd declension noun
- What case does Latin use for the object of a sentence?
- Accusative singular ending of a 3rd declension noun
- What case does Latin use for the subject of a sentence?
- The person or thing receiving the action in a sentence is called the..
- Accusative plural ending of a 1st declension noun
- The person or thing doing the action in a sentence is called the...
- Nouns belong to families called......
- Most 1st declension nouns are in this gender
- Accusative singular ending of a 1st declension noun
- Accusative singular ending of a 2nd declension noun
- Nominative plural ending of a 1st declension noun
- 'they' m ending of a verb
- In Latin verbs generally go at the ... of the sentence
- Most 2nd declension nouns are in this gender
- Adjectives agree with the nouns they describe in three ways - number, case and ....
- 'he/she' ending of a verb
- Accusative plural ending of a 2nd declension noun
- Parts of speech: A describing word is called an adjective
19 Clues: 'they' m ending of a verb • 'he/she' ending of a verb • Nouns belong to families called...... • Most 1st declension nouns are in this gender • Most 2nd declension nouns are in this gender • Nominative plural ending of a 1st declension noun • Accusative plural ending of a 2nd declension noun • Accusative plural ending of a 1st declension noun • ...
Latin 2023-11-20
- Accusative singular ending of a 2nd declension noun
- Most 1st declension nouns are in this gender
- Accusative singular ending of a 1st declension noun
- The person or thing doing the action in a sentence is called the...
- Adjectives agree with the nouns they describe in three ways - number, case and ....
- Nouns belong to families called......
- Accusative plural ending of a 2nd declension noun
- 'he/she' ending of a verb
- Parts of speech: A describing word is called an .......
- In Latin verbs generally go at the ... of the sentence
- What case does Latin use for the object of a sentence?
- Nominative plural ending of a 1st declension noun
- Nominative or Accusative plural ending of a 3rd declension noun
- Accusative singular ending of a 3rd declension noun
- What case does Latin use for the subject of a sentence?
- 'they' ending of a verb
- Accusative plural ending of a 1st declension noun
- The person or thing receiving the action in a sentence is called the..
- Most 2nd declension nouns are in this gender
19 Clues: 'they' ending of a verb • 'he/she' ending of a verb • Nouns belong to families called...... • Most 1st declension nouns are in this gender • Most 2nd declension nouns are in this gender • Nominative plural ending of a 1st declension noun • Accusative plural ending of a 1st declension noun • Accusative plural ending of a 2nd declension noun • ...
04.12.21 2021-12-09
- you like. Вы бы хотели
- Блюдо
- Единственное число
- memories. Напоминать
- for the Main Course. На основное блюдо
- Пример
- Заказывать
- Главный
- Приносить
- Просьба
- Заколдовывать
- Либо
- Вежлевый
- like. Я хотел бы
- Замечание
- Предложение
- nouns. Не исчесляемые сущ
- Множественные число
- Заполнить
- Ценный
- Кожа
- nouns. Исчесляемые сущ.
- Статья в словаре
- Должен
- Память
- Отрицание
- Замечательный
- you are. Вот на
28 Clues: Кожа • Либо • Блюдо • Ценный • Должен • Пример • Память • Главный • Просьба • Вежлевый • Заполнить • Отрицание • Приносить • Замечание • Заказывать • Предложение • Замечательный • Заколдовывать • Статья в словаре • Единственное число • Множественные число • you are. Вот на • nouns. Не исчесляемые сущ • nouns. Исчесляемые сущ. • memories. Напоминать • ...
a avea 2 2024-01-21
32 Clues: sun • pen • cat • son • dog • and • book • rose • boat • table • bread • house • human • candle • rabbit • parrot • flower • father • country • bicycle • (I) eat • notebook • daughter • apartment • expensive • (we) have • motorcycle • school bag • (they) have • (you- plural) have • red ( for male nouns) • red( for female nouns)
Latin Vocab Ch. 12 & 14 2023-05-04
25 Clues: old • had • new • bad • poet • good • field • I see • happy • angry • known • farmer • I held • sailor • settler • unknown • to order • miserable • I increase • calm, bright, clear • the case of subject nouns • the case of direct objects • the case of indirect objects • the case of possessive nouns • the case of objects of the preposition
Grammar Crossword 2013-01-10
- using fanboys to combine sentences.
- substites for nouns.
- is a group of words that doesnt express a complete thought.
- describes a verb.
- incomplete sentence.
- words expressing strong feelings.
- because i went to the store.
- describes nouns or pronouns.
- sarah went to the store.
- person,place or thing.
- sentence fragment and simple sentence together.
- joining to simple sentences.
- join nouns and pronouns to a word in a sentence.
- shows the action in the sentence.
- complete sentence.
- has two or more clauses.
16 Clues: describes a verb. • complete sentence. • substites for nouns. • incomplete sentence. • person,place or thing. • has two or more clauses. • sarah went to the store. • joining to simple sentences. • because i went to the store. • describes nouns or pronouns. • shows the action in the sentence. • words expressing strong feelings. • using fanboys to combine sentences. • ...
English Terms 2023-01-19
- people places or things
- can stand alone as a complete sentence
- type of fragment that is missing a subject or predicate
- have a subject and verb but do not express a complete thought
- these pronouns show ownership
- describe nouns and pronouns
- replace nouns
- these pronouns link phrases and clauses
- short remarks
- words that show time space or location
- describe adjectives
- names that are/were replaced
- these pronouns point to or identify something
- join words or phrases
- these pronouns include suffix -self or -selves
- words that show action
16 Clues: short remarks • replace nouns • describe adjectives • join words or phrases • words that show action • people places or things • describe nouns and pronouns • names that are/were replaced • these pronouns show ownership • can stand alone as a complete sentence • words that show time space or location • these pronouns link phrases and clauses • ...
Parts of Speech Crossword 2023-11-01
- Names of people, places, things, or ideas.
- Verbs that help the main verb.
- Conjunctions that introduce subordinate (dependent) clauses.
- Conjunctions that connect words, phrases, and clauses (FANBOYS).
- Nouns that show ownership to people, places, things, or ideas.
- A verb that shows what a noun is doing.
- Verbs that describe the subject.
- Nouns that refer to other nouns that have already been mentioned.
- Words that show direction, time, place, or spatial relationships to a noun.
- A word that expresses action or a state of being.
- Types of people, places, things, or ideas.
- Words that describe nouns.
- Verbs that describe other verbs.
- A person, place, thing, or idea.
14 Clues: Words that describe nouns. • Verbs that help the main verb. • Verbs that describe the subject. • Verbs that describe other verbs. • A person, place, thing, or idea. • A verb that shows what a noun is doing. • Names of people, places, things, or ideas. • Types of people, places, things, or ideas. • A word that expresses action or a state of being. • ...
homework 2024-09-13
- Dang! Jiminy Cricket! OMG!
- These describe and modify nouns and verbs. They always have an object.
- go before nouns.
- are often preceded by articles (an, a, the).
- Modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs
- using them. It's better to write/say "Laiq bolted out the door" or "Laiq dashed out the door" than "Laiq ran quickly out the door."
- example, it's better to write "Six students came to school" than "There were six students in school."
- And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So
- saying "Mr. Abdalla gave Marley's homework to Mr. Montoro so he could bring it to her and she wouldn't fall behind in his class."
- These help simplify our language.
- what we say when we lose control
- followed by an exclamation point. Curse words are interjections. Sounds are as well.
- think (action), therefore I am (State of being)."
- call into two types: Proper and Common.
- connect words, clauses and phrases
- nouns are almost always capitalized.
- have to say, "Mr. Abdalla gave Marley's homework to Mr. Montoro so Mr. Montoro could bring it to Marley and Marley wouldn't fall behind in Mr. Abdalla's class."
- Describe and modify nouns
- take the place of a noun.
- Actions and states of being
- is that young man. (Which young man) Marquis is that young man IN THE GREEN SHIRT.
- Persons, places, things, or ideas
- always want to use strong, precise verbs. Avoid using states of being as the main verb in a sentence.
- also go in a specific order: Opinion (greatest), size (small), physical quality (rough), shape (round), age (young), color (red), origin (American), material (rubber), type (L-shaped), purpose (cooking).
- ran. (Where did she run?) Lily ran UP THE HILL!
26 Clues: FANBOYS • go before nouns. • Describe and modify nouns • take the place of a noun. • Dang! Jiminy Cricket! OMG! • And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So • Actions and states of being • what we say when we lose control • These help simplify our language. • Persons, places, things, or ideas • connect words, clauses and phrases • nouns are almost always capitalized. • ...
Affix Vocabulary/Grammar Unit 2 Review 2020-09-22
- The root word that means empty.
- The type of affix that adds to the end of a word and changes the meaning.
- The root word CRED means ______.
- The root word LOG means _________ or word.
- The base meaning of a word is called the ______.
- Nouns that refer to a specific person, place, or thing, and have to be capitalized.
- Nouns that you can see, touch, or interact with.
- Nouns that are not specific.
- This root word means life.
- The root words SPEC means ______.
- Any word that is a person, place, or thing.
- Nouns that you can NOT see, touch, or interact with.
- The root word that means truth or faith.
- The root word CHRONO means _______.
- he, she, him, her, I, me, we, us, it, and they, are all examples of __________ pronouns.
- The root word BENE means ______.
- The word proLOGue means ______ before, and epiLOGue means _______ after.
- The root word FLEX means _______.
- The type of affix that adds to the beginning of a word and changes the meaning.
- A word that can take the place of a noun is known as a ___________.
- The root word that means write.
21 Clues: This root word means life. • Nouns that are not specific. • The root word that means empty. • The root word that means write. • The root word BENE means ______. • The root word CRED means ______. • The root word FLEX means _______. • The root words SPEC means ______. • The root word CHRONO means _______. • The root word that means truth or faith. • ...
Crossword Puzzle 2020-11-23
- used to show cause-and-effect relationships.
- an adverb that determines the degree or intensity of an action.
- Noun, Nouns that are in general form.
- the one who crafted the work.
- used to show logical or chronological sequence of ideas or events.
- use to signal addition of information.
- An adverb is a word that modifies or describes an adjective, verb or another adverb.
- used to imply conflict and to present ideas that are in contrast.
- an adverb that tells where an action took place.
- used to express similarity between two ideas.
- the specific period of time the source was made.
- an adverb that describes how often or how frequent something happens.
- Nouns, Nouns that are countable.
- an adverb that explains how an action happens.
- Psychological Association, What does APA stand for?
- Noun, Nouns that are non-countable.
- an adverb that tells about the time something occurs.
- a list of references found at the latter part of a book or an article.
- use to provide examples to make ideas clearer.
- the overall concept of the material.
- verbs, express action or possession.
21 Clues: the one who crafted the work. • Nouns, Nouns that are countable. • Noun, Nouns that are non-countable. • the overall concept of the material. • verbs, express action or possession. • Noun, Nouns that are in general form. • use to signal addition of information. • used to show cause-and-effect relationships. • used to express similarity between two ideas. • ...
ALC - BOOK 4 - Unit 32 - Can you help me assemble my computer? - Part 2 2024-12-23
- expression used to accept an offer or invitation (3W)
- to turn off a computer or electronic equipment (2W)
- to make or do something that is identical as the original one
- uncountable nouns, nouns we can't count but we can measure (3W)
- the past and past participle form of the verb "shut"
- to make a copy of something on paper
- to classify, to put in order
- for instance, an expression used to introduce examples (2W)
- large pieces of information or software entered into the computer
- countable nouns, nouns we can count and pluralize as well (2W)
- an electronic device used to process information
- to put the different pieces of a machine or equipment together
- to help, to give assistance (3W)
- expression used to ask for assistance (4W)
- to turn off, a synonym of shut down (2W)
- expression used to tell you are albe to do something (3W)
- to copy information on a CD - compact disk (3W)
- a school assignment to do at home
- expression used to offer something to someone (3W)
- to put information into a computer to save it in the hard disk
- a motion picture, a film, what you watch at the cinema
21 Clues: to classify, to put in order • to help, to give assistance (3W) • a school assignment to do at home • to make a copy of something on paper • to turn off, a synonym of shut down (2W) • expression used to ask for assistance (4W) • to copy information on a CD - compact disk (3W) • an electronic device used to process information • ...
Crossword Puzzle 2020-11-23
- the specific period of time the source was made.
- used to show cause-and-effect relationships.
- an adverb that determines the degree or intensity of an action.
- Noun, Nouns that are non-countable.
- verbs, express action or possession.
- used to show logical or chronological sequence of ideas or events.
- the one who crafted the work.
- an adverb that tells about the time something occurs.
- used to imply conflict and to present ideas that are in contrast.
- an adverb that tells where an action took place.
- An adverb is a word that modifies or describes an adjective, verb or another adverb.
- a list of references found at the latter part of a book or an article.
- an adverb that explains how an action happens.
- an adverb that describes how often or how frequent something happens.
- Nouns, Nouns that are countable.
- used to express similarity between two ideas.
- Psychological Association, What does APA stand for?
- the overall concept of the material.
- Noun, Nouns that are in general form.
- use to provide examples to make ideas clearer.
- use to signal addition of information.
21 Clues: the one who crafted the work. • Nouns, Nouns that are countable. • Noun, Nouns that are non-countable. • the overall concept of the material. • verbs, express action or possession. • Noun, Nouns that are in general form. • use to signal addition of information. • used to show cause-and-effect relationships. • used to express similarity between two ideas. • ...
Morphology and syntax 2021-11-04
- Purpose to conjoin clauses that have unequal weight
- Parent-child is an example of what type of compound?
- Basic building blocks of sentences
- Type of adverb that answers how?
- What type of sentence has 1 independent clause?
- What gives an utterance its power?
- Simple, progressive, and perfect are examples of
- What mood is used to give a command or make a request?
- This type of sentence makes a statement
- ‘To be’ as a helping verb
- Conjunctions that occur in pairs
- Modify nouns and pronouns
- Words that aren’t nouns but replace nouns
- The ‘S’ in FANBOYS stands for
- Nouns as objects are of what case?
- Clause that cannot exist apart from other language elements
- Modify verbs and other modifiers
- Myself, yourself, themselves are examples of what type of pronouns?
- The smallest unit of language that has meaning
- Morphology rules and syntax rules are combined to comprise
- Word order for sentence
- Words can be described by their form or
- “She needs to run fast.” ‘to run’ is an example of an
- Verb + ing =
- Positive= happy; comparative= happier; superlative=
25 Clues: Verb + ing = • Word order for sentence • ‘To be’ as a helping verb • Modify nouns and pronouns • The ‘S’ in FANBOYS stands for • Modify verbs and other modifiers • Type of adverb that answers how? • Conjunctions that occur in pairs • Nouns as objects are of what case? • Basic building blocks of sentences • What gives an utterance its power? • ...
Grammar Terms 2023-09-11
- used for actions that will happen in the future
- used for actions that have already happened
- a word that comes before a noun to show whether it's specific or general
- contains one independent clause
- consists of two or more independent clauses joined by a conjuction
- has one independent clause
- show the relation between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence
- action words that show what the subject is doing or state what is happening
- describe or modify nouns by proving more information about them
- the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb
- has multiple independent clauses and at least one dependent clause
- used for actions happening now or regularly
- words that connect words, phrases, or clauses within sentences
- words that represent people, places, things, or ideas
- modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide additional information
- words that replace nouns to avoid repetition
16 Clues: has one independent clause • contains one independent clause • used for actions that have already happened • used for actions happening now or regularly • words that replace nouns to avoid repetition • used for actions that will happen in the future • the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb • words that represent people, places, things, or ideas • ...
Language Arts 2024-01-26
15 Clues: - Real facts. • - Action word. • - Joins words. • - Replaces nouns. • - Group of words. • - Describe verbs. • - Describe nouns. • - Characters' talk • - Story's main idea. • - Imaginary stories. • - Words sound alike. • - Group of sentences. • - Shows relationship. • - Story's main events. • - Person, place, or thing.
Language Arts 2024-01-26
15 Clues: - Real facts. • - Action word. • - Joins words. • - Replaces nouns. • - Group of words. • - Describe verbs. • - Describe nouns. • - Characters' talk. • - Story's main idea. • - Imaginary stories. • - Words sound alike. • - Group of sentences. • - Shows relationship. • - Story's main events. • - Person, place, or thing.
English Crossword 2024-11-24
- action Events in the narrative arc that build tension and lead to the climax.
- The main character of the story, often facing the central conflict.
- Words that describe nouns.
- One of the verbs in this sentence "He juggled six bananas while riding a unicycle."
- The adjective in this sentence "The intense game kept everyone on their toes."
- One of the nouns in this sentence "The performance filled the room with laughter."
- Words that name people, places, things or ideas.
- The conclusion of the narrative arc where loose ends are tied up.
- A kind of sentence that starts with the verb and tells someone what to do.
- A kind of sentence that gives information.
- One of the adjectives in this sentence "The purple umbrella was lost forever and ever."
- action Events after the climax where the conflict begins to resolve.
- A kind of sentence that wants to know or find out something.
- Words that describe actions or states of being.
- A character or force opposing the protagonist.
- The beginning of the narrative arc where characters, setting, and context are introduced.
- Nouns name a person, place, thing or ________.]
- The part of the narrative arc where something changes or goes wrong
- A kind of sentence that expresses strong emotion!
- A ____________ is a complete idea.
- One of the nouns in this sentence "The performance filled the room with laughter."
- One of the nouns in this sentence "She found a radish in her locker and wondered how it got there."
- The verb in this sentence "He thinks about watermelons."
- arc The structure that outlines the flow of a story from beginning to end.
- The turning point of the narrative arc where the main conflict reaches its peak.
- An incomplete sentence.
- One of the nouns in this sentence "Their love grew stronger over the years."
- A verb describes an _______ or a state of being
28 Clues: An incomplete sentence. • Words that describe nouns. • A ____________ is a complete idea. • A kind of sentence that gives information. • A character or force opposing the protagonist. • Words that describe actions or states of being. • Nouns name a person, place, thing or ________.] • A verb describes an _______ or a state of being • ...
Parts of speech 2020-01-31
9 Clues: , replace nouns. • ,express actions. • , help to define nouns. • ,link nouns to other words. • ,describes nouns and pronouns. • , express surprise and emotion. • ,describe verbs, adjectives and adverbs. • ,joins words,sentences,phrases and clauses. • , names of people, places, things and idea.
- class of words that are linked to nouns.
- used as a replacement or substitute for a noun.
- having or showing worry; concerned; anxious.
- called helping verbs because they are needed to form many of the tenses.
- having a desire or need for food.
- the act of speaking.
- expressing, containing, or suggesting the word "no'' or "not;'' expressing denial.
- class of words that can function as the subject or object in a sentence
- class of words that typically express action
- words used before nouns and pronouns to form phrases that give more information about a verb, noun, or other phrase
- characterized by or showing pleasure or joy.
- showing, expressing, caused by, or characterized by anger.
- person: very attractive
- class of words that describe nouns
- feeling unhappiness.
15 Clues: the act of speaking. • feeling unhappiness. • person: very attractive • having a desire or need for food. • class of words that describe nouns • class of words that are linked to nouns. • characterized by or showing pleasure or joy. • having or showing worry; concerned; anxious. • class of words that typically express action • used as a replacement or substitute for a noun. • ...
Teens 03 Unit 4 Review 2025-02-24
- A large number (used with countable nouns).
- Adverb similar to fast.
- The biggest sea animal.
- Making little or no noise (adverb)
- Moving with a lot of speed.
- A big wild cat with black spots.
- A small number of things (used with countable nouns).
- Animals that live with people at home.
- Special clothes for fun or a show.
- An animal in danger of disappearing forever.
- Lets an animal go free.
- In a slow way (adverb)
- When an animal or person cannot leave a place.
- A large amount (used with uncountable nouns).
- A slow animal that lives in trees.
- A special place to protect animals or nature.
- Measure how heavy something is.
- A small amount (used with uncountable nouns).
- To go back to a place.
- A rule that is in the constitution
- People who hunt animals illegally.
- A large area with many trees.
- A person who has a job.
- A big wild cat with orange and black stripes.
- Living in nature, not with people.
- A black and white bear that eats bamboo.
- A mountain is really ____.
- To give something for money.
28 Clues: To go back to a place. • In a slow way (adverb) • Adverb similar to fast. • The biggest sea animal. • A person who has a job. • Lets an animal go free. • A mountain is really ____. • Moving with a lot of speed. • To give something for money. • A large area with many trees. • Measure how heavy something is. • A big wild cat with black spots. • A slow animal that lives in trees. • ...
Parts Of Speech Crossword #1 2017-05-25
- / this is a food that Italians eat (Concrete Nouns)
- / to jump in the air (action verbs)
- / a group of people who take part in an activity (collective nouns)
- / the day that comes after Friday (proper nouns)
- / to spring up (linking verbs)
- / the past tense of do (helping verbs)
- / this is a form of perception in the winter. (Concrete Noun)
- / __, are, is, was, were, been, being (state of being verb)
- / If you have to go to the hospital you are not in good ________. (Abstract Noun)
- / a group of students who are taught together (collective nouns)
- / to show up (linking verbs)
- / A place where you can go to different stores in the same building (common noun)
- / if you are upset you are in a state of ________. (abstract noun)
- / Something you put in your locker (common noun)
- / the day that comes after Thursday (proper noun)
- / am, are, is, _____, were, been, being (state of being verb)
- / the past tense of can (helping verbs)
- / you do this at night (action verbs)
18 Clues: / to show up (linking verbs) • / to spring up (linking verbs) • / to jump in the air (action verbs) • / you do this at night (action verbs) • / the past tense of do (helping verbs) • / the past tense of can (helping verbs) • / Something you put in your locker (common noun) • / the day that comes after Friday (proper nouns) • ...
Los articulos - the articles 2019-02-10
8 Clues: a (for male nouns) • a (for female nouns) • the (for male nouns) • the (for female nouns) • the (for male plural nouns) • some (for male plural nouns) • the (for female plural nouns) • some (for female plural nouns)
Noun and Verb Review 2018-02-21
- tense marker for the pluperfect tense
- tense marker for the imperfect tense
- tense used for action happening now
- tense for future past translated “will have VERBed”
- sailor of the world
- ya’ll are
- most first declension nouns are ________
- lamb of God
- tense used for ongoing action in the past
- subject case
- they had stood
- nouns in this case are direct objects
- number of conjugations
- nouns in this case are indirect objects
- prepositional phrase case “in, by, with, from”
- tense for past past translated “had VERBed”
- _____, person number tense voice mood
- tense used for simple, completed past action
- I loved
- tense marker for the future tense
- tense marker for the future perfect tense
- _____, gender number case
- shows relationship or connection “of”
- I am
- number of noun declensions
25 Clues: I am • I loved • ya’ll are • lamb of God • subject case • they had stood • sailor of the world • number of conjugations • _____, gender number case • number of noun declensions • tense marker for the future tense • tense used for action happening now • tense marker for the imperfect tense • tense marker for the pluperfect tense • _____, person number tense voice mood • ...
English Language Arts & Reading 2022-05-13
- the repetition of the same sound
- a play
- a phrase not meant to be taken literally
- words that take the place of nouns
- names for persons, places, things, or ideas
- people in a book, story, poem, drama...
- the end of the conflict
- where, and when a story takes place
- to explain using as few words as possible
- "and"
- very exaggerated
- the message/lesson of a story
- the important idea expressed in a story
- words that describe verbs & adjectives
- a type of literary work in verse
- the order of events
- the problem(s) the characters face in a story
- a play
- words that describe nouns or pronouns
- uses like or as to compare two things
- giving human characteristics to something that is not human
- action or "being" words
22 Clues: "and" • a play • a play • very exaggerated • the order of events • the end of the conflict • action or "being" words • the message/lesson of a story • the repetition of the same sound • a type of literary work in verse • words that take the place of nouns • where, and when a story takes place • words that describe nouns or pronouns • uses like or as to compare two things • ...
Third Form Latin - Lesson 26 2023-04-17
- course, running
- h/s/i may have been
- I might have been
- you (s.) might have been
- cavalry
- Most 4th Declension nouns are ____________ in gender.
- you (pl.) may have been
- falling, misfortune, setting
- use, experience
- we may have been
- bow
- The 4th Declension nouns domus and manus are ______________ in gender.
- I may have been
- attack
- chariot, cart, wagon
- they might have been
- Let arms yield to the toga.
- h/s/i might have been
- they may have been
- we might have been
- end, outcome, exit
- you (pl.) might have been
- you (s.) may have been
- step, pace
- countenance, expression
- The 4th Declension nouns cornu and genu are _________ in gender.
26 Clues: bow • attack • cavalry • step, pace • course, running • use, experience • I may have been • we may have been • I might have been • they may have been • we might have been • end, outcome, exit • h/s/i may have been • chariot, cart, wagon • they might have been • h/s/i might have been • you (s.) may have been • you (pl.) may have been • countenance, expression • you (s.) might have been • ...
Noun and Verb Review 2018-02-21
- number of conjugations
- tense used for ongoing action in the past
- I loved
- subject case
- tense marker for the future tense
- tense for future past translated “will have VERBed”
- they had stood
- tense marker for the imperfect tense
- tense marker for the future perfect tense
- lamb of God
- _____, gender number case
- number of noun declensions
- tense used for action happening now
- tense for past past translated “had VERBed”
- tense used for simple, completed past action
- most first declension nouns are ________
- prepositional phrase case “in, by, with, from”
- shows relationship or connection “of”
- tense marker for the pluperfect tense
- _____, person number tense voice mood
- nouns in this case are direct objects
- sailor of the world
- ya’ll are
- number of noun cases
- nouns in this case are indirect objects
25 Clues: I loved • ya’ll are • lamb of God • subject case • they had stood • sailor of the world • number of noun cases • number of conjugations • _____, gender number case • number of noun declensions • tense marker for the future tense • tense used for action happening now • tense marker for the imperfect tense • shows relationship or connection “of” • tense marker for the pluperfect tense • ...
Cross word 2024-09-28
- Transitions that indicate a condition, like "if," "unless."
- Refers to nouns that name general items rather than specific ones.
- Words that describe or modify nouns.
- A conclusion drawn from evidence or reasoning.
- To convince someone to do or believe something.
- Transitions that add information, like "and," "also."
- To provide information or knowledge.
- A word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea.
- A referencing style used in academic writing.
- Refers to nouns that name specific items, typically capitalized.
- Words that describe actions or states of being.
- A word that has the opposite meaning to another.
- Transitions that help explain or clarify, like "in other words."
- Words or phrases that indicate the type of transition or relationship between ideas in writing.
- Something that is completely different.
- Refers to more than one entity.
- A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverbs.
- To amuse or engage the attention of an audience.
- A statement of the exact meaning of a word.
- A modal verb expressing possibility or permission.
- A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another.
- A specific case used to illustrate a rule or concept.
- Transitions that show order, like "first," "next."
- Refers to one entity.
- Nouns that are perceivable by the senses.
- The quality of being logical and consistent.
- Used for emphasis; to a great degree.
- To talk about a topic in detail.
- Transitions that show cause and effect, like "because," "therefore."
- Nouns that represent ideas or concepts.
30 Clues: Refers to one entity. • Refers to more than one entity. • To talk about a topic in detail. • Words that describe or modify nouns. • To provide information or knowledge. • Used for emphasis; to a great degree. • Something that is completely different. • Nouns that represent ideas or concepts. • Nouns that are perceivable by the senses. • ...
language 2022-09-07
14 Clues: verbs • spoken • emphasis • Germanic • non-vowels • punctuation • action words • same spelling • names or nouns • hard to define • commas, periods • direct or indirect • person place or thing • similar spelling different meaning
Nouns 2023-06-19
- Is a noun that refers to a physical thing, person, or place
- Nouns that show more than one thing,person or place
- _____ nouns show ownership
- Table,Chair,House,Quilt are examples of _____ noun
- A persons name is always a ______ noun
- Pronouns stand in place of _____
- Bunch,Fleet,Pack and Gang are all ______ nouns
- The common noun in “Ravi is very attached to his phone.”
- A feeling/emotion
- Nouns that can be counted are __________ nouns
10 Clues: A feeling/emotion • _____ nouns show ownership • Pronouns stand in place of _____ • A persons name is always a ______ noun • Bunch,Fleet,Pack and Gang are all ______ nouns • Nouns that can be counted are __________ nouns • Table,Chair,House,Quilt are examples of _____ noun • Nouns that show more than one thing,person or place • ...
grammar 2021-02-22
- 1st capitalize and put inverted comma, question, exclamatory mark etc
- action word pos
- identifying nouns
- definite article
- _____ 2021 (preposition)
- used in place of noun
- describes a noun
- joins a word/sentence
- nouns these nouns are in capitals
- describes a verb
- indefinite article before a vowel sound
- continuous always has this
12 Clues: action word pos • describes a noun • describes a verb • definite article • identifying nouns • joins a word/sentence • used in place of noun • _____ 2021 (preposition) • continuous always has this • nouns these nouns are in capitals • indefinite article before a vowel sound • 1st capitalize and put inverted comma, question, exclamatory mark etc
grammar 2021-02-22
- 1st capitalize and put inverted comma, question, exclamatory mark etc
- action word pos
- identifying nouns
- definite article
- _____ 2021 (preposition)
- used in place of noun
- describes a noun
- joins a word/sentence
- nouns these nouns are in capitals
- describes a verb
- indefinite article before a vowel sound
- continuous always has this
12 Clues: action word pos • describes a noun • describes a verb • definite article • identifying nouns • joins a word/sentence • used in place of noun • _____ 2021 (preposition) • continuous always has this • nouns these nouns are in capitals • indefinite article before a vowel sound • 1st capitalize and put inverted comma, question, exclamatory mark etc
English Grammar 2024-03-06
- helps a reader understand the sentence
- tells how the words in a sentence relate to one another in time or space
- ___ describe verbs, adjectives, or other ___
- a set of rules
- combine parts of a sentence or whole sentences into one sentence
- an action word
- nouns can be _____ or plural
- ____ describe nouns or pronouns
- in english there are _____ types of words
- indicate a persons exact words
- added to a sentence to show emotion
- ____ replace nouns
- a verb can have an active or _____ voice
- a person, place, or thing
- separate list and clauses
15 Clues: a set of rules • an action word • ____ replace nouns • a person, place, or thing • separate list and clauses • nouns can be _____ or plural • indicate a persons exact words • ____ describe nouns or pronouns • added to a sentence to show emotion • helps a reader understand the sentence • a verb can have an active or _____ voice • in english there are _____ types of words • ...
Declension and Case Usage GP3 2021-01-10
- translates "the girl" (as a direct object of a sentence)
- used for direct address)
- translates "of the girls" or "of the girls'"
- translates "of the girl" of "the girl's"
- used for subject
- masculine, feminine, neuter
- determines a nouns use in a sentence
- used for direct object
- family of ending to which a noun belongs
- the genitive singular ending of 1st declension nouns
- used for indirect object
- translates "The girl" (as a subject of a sentence)
- form needed to complete Marcus cum_______(girls) ambulat.
- translates "the girls" (as the direct object of a sentence)
- tells how many are involved singular or plural
- the gender of most 1st declension nouns
- used to show possession
- used as the object of some prepositions
18 Clues: used for subject • used for direct object • used to show possession • used for indirect object • used for direct address) • masculine, feminine, neuter • determines a nouns use in a sentence • the gender of most 1st declension nouns • used as the object of some prepositions • translates "of the girl" of "the girl's" • family of ending to which a noun belongs • ...
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