nutrition Crossword Puzzles

BE A BEE! 2018-01-23

BE A BEE! crossword puzzle
  1. not much money
  2. Example: language that is not your own
  3. amount of people in a country
  4. overcrowded homes and poor
  5. difficult or unlikely to change
  6. water runs through this
  7. all over the world
  8. chances you have
  9. place for children to learn
  10. no water near in land
  11. the most
  12. no home
  13. not winning
  14. borrow money
  15. a place to keep money
  1. Building in India
  2. poor
  3. no nutrition
  4. think or be creative
  5. ____ is food necessary for health and grow
  6. study of physical features
  7. not full grown and will not grow
  8. production and consumption of goods and services
  9. supplies
  10. money made
  11. when your happy you______
  12. work at home

27 Clues: poorno homesuppliesthe mostmoney madenot winningno nutritionwork at homeborrow moneynot much moneychances you haveBuilding in Indiaall over the worldthink or be creativeno water near in landa place to keep moneywater runs through thiswhen your happy you______study of physical featuresovercrowded homes and poorplace for children to learn...

Ag final sem2 2023-05-10

Ag final sem2 crossword puzzle
  1. mitochondria
  2. micro
  3. swole
  4. food
  5. not usual
  6. chem 1
  7. blood
  8. make better
  1. process
  2. taste
  3. consume
  4. senses
  5. sick
  6. health
  7. storage
  8. air
  9. marrow bone
  10. blood
  11. stomach
  12. pack

20 Clues: airsickfoodpacktastemicroswolebloodbloodsenseshealthchem 1processconsumestoragestomachnot usualmarrow bonemake bettermitochondria

How to Stay Healthy 2014-08-17

How to Stay Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. 백열전구
  2. 비타민
  3. 근원, 원천
  4. 규칙적인
  5. 회복하다
  6. 영양
  7. 일상
  8. 충분한 양
  9. 호르몬
  10. 건너 뛰다
  11. 습관
  1. 손상시키다, 피해
  2. -를 통해
  3. 생산하다
  4. 채소
  5. 성장
  6. 결과

18 Clues: 채소성장영양일상결과습관비타민호르몬백열전구생산하다규칙적인회복하다-를 통해충분한 양건너 뛰다근원, 원천손상시키다, 피해

Insights 7 Text 6 2022-09-21

Insights 7 Text 6 crossword puzzle
  1. främja
  2. näring
  3. fattigdom
  4. ökenspridning
  5. renhållning
  6. bemyndiga
  7. försäkra
  1. biologisk mångfald
  2. kämpa
  3. ansvarig
  4. hållbar
  5. utarmning
  6. rättvis
  7. tålig
  8. återuppbygga
  9. jordbruk

16 Clues: kämpatåligfrämjanäringhållbarrättvisansvarigjordbrukförsäkrautarmningfattigdombemyndigarenhållningåteruppbyggaökenspridningbiologisk mångfald

unit4 + lesson 2+3 2022-03-04

unit4 + lesson 2+3 crossword puzzle
  1. march
  2. serving
  3. nutrition
  4. borrow lenen
  5. plank
  6. packaged
  7. popsicle
  1. minority
  2. klant
  3. oplossing
  4. listed
  5. gangpad
  6. mainly
  7. united
  8. tension
  9. member

16 Clues: klantmarchplanklistedmainlyunitedmemberservinggangpadtensionminoritypackagedpopsicleoplossingnutritionborrow lenen

unit4 + lesson 2+3 2022-03-04

unit4 + lesson 2+3 crossword puzzle
  1. march
  2. serving
  3. nutrition
  4. borrow lenen
  5. plank
  6. packaged
  7. popsicle
  1. minority
  2. klant
  3. oplossing
  4. listed
  5. gangpad
  6. mainly
  7. united
  8. tension
  9. member

16 Clues: klantmarchplanklistedmainlyunitedmemberservinggangpadtensionminoritypackagedpopsicleoplossingnutritionborrow lenen

unit4 + lesson 2+3 2022-03-04

unit4 + lesson 2+3 crossword puzzle
  1. march
  2. serving
  3. nutrition
  4. borrow lenen
  5. plank
  6. packaged
  7. popsicle
  1. minority
  2. klant
  3. oplossing
  4. listed
  5. gangpad
  6. mainly
  7. united
  8. tension
  9. member

16 Clues: klantmarchplanklistedmainlyunitedmemberservinggangpadtensionminoritypackagedpopsicleoplossingnutritionborrow lenen

unit4 + lesson 2+3 2022-03-04

unit4 + lesson 2+3 crossword puzzle
  1. march
  2. serving
  3. nutrition
  4. borrow lenen
  5. plank
  6. packaged
  7. popsicle
  1. minority
  2. klant
  3. oplossing
  4. listed
  5. gangpad
  6. mainly
  7. united
  8. tension
  9. member

16 Clues: klantmarchplanklistedmainlyunitedmemberservinggangpadtensionminoritypackagedpopsicleoplossingnutritionborrow lenen

unit4 + lesson 2+3 2022-03-04

unit4 + lesson 2+3 crossword puzzle
  1. march
  2. serving
  3. nutrition
  4. borrow lenen
  5. plank
  6. packaged
  7. popsicle
  1. minority
  2. klant
  3. oplossing
  4. listed
  5. gangpad
  6. mainly
  7. united
  8. tension
  9. member

16 Clues: klantmarchplanklistedmainlyunitedmemberservinggangpadtensionminoritypackagedpopsicleoplossingnutritionborrow lenen

unit4 + lesson 2+3 2022-03-04

unit4 + lesson 2+3 crossword puzzle
  1. march
  2. serving
  3. nutrition
  4. borrow lenen
  5. plank
  6. packaged
  7. popsicle
  1. minority
  2. klant
  3. oplossing
  4. listed
  5. gangpad
  6. mainly
  7. united
  8. tension
  9. member

16 Clues: klantmarchplanklistedmainlyunitedmemberservinggangpadtensionminoritypackagedpopsicleoplossingnutritionborrow lenen

Ch. 3 Spanish IV "Test Review" 2021-04-14

Ch. 3 Spanish IV "Test Review" crossword puzzle
  1. antibiotico
  2. jarabe
  3. gripe
  4. edad
  5. fiebre
  6. alimentos
  7. oido
  8. tomar
  1. saludable
  2. calcio
  3. peso
  4. evitar
  5. pecho
  6. centigrado
  7. hierro

15 Clues: pesoedadoidogripepechotomarcalcioevitarjarabefiebrehierrosaludablealimentoscentigradoantibiotico

Les matières scolaires 2020-03-08

Les matières scolaires crossword puzzle
  1. drama
  2. maths
  3. chemistry
  4. food and nutrition
  5. art
  6. German
  7. physic
  8. DT
  9. biology
  1. drama
  2. PE
  3. French
  4. ICT/IT
  5. art
  6. music
  7. Spanish
  8. RE
  9. science
  10. textiles

19 Clues: PEREDTartartdramadramamathsmusicFrenchICT/ITGermanphysicSpanishsciencebiologytextileschemistryfood and nutrition

nutrition in plants 2017-05-09

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. cells controlling opening and closing of stomata
  2. when iodine is added to starch it becomes __________ in colour
  3. gas we gfet after photosynthesis
  4. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body is called
  5. organisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plant for nutrition
  6. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together
  7. the ultimate source of energy
  1. gas needed for photosynthesis
  2. what does photo refer to
  3. type of plant that can make food on their own
  4. a bacteria in the soil can convert atmospheric nitrogen into soluble compound
  5. the organisms that live in or on other organisms and derive their food from them

12 Clues: what does photo refer togas needed for photosynthesisthe ultimate source of energygas we gfet after photosynthesistype of plant that can make food on their owncells controlling opening and closing of stomatawhen iodine is added to starch it becomes __________ in colourthe mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together...

HW 2023-09-25

HW crossword puzzle
  1. успешный
  2. широкое разнообразие
  3. защищать
  4. по всему миру
  5. улучшить
  6. ежегодный
  7. предлагать
  8. работник
  9. фабрика
  10. включая
  1. окружающая среда
  2. кондитерские изделия
  3. питание
  4. каша
  5. создавать
  6. сохранять
  7. main
  8. упаковка
  9. все еще

19 Clues: кашаmainпитаниевсе ещефабрикавключаяуспешныйзащищатьулучшитьработникупаковкасоздаватьсохранятьежегодныйпредлагатьпо всему мируокружающая средакондитерские изделияширокое разнообразие

Nutrition in plants 2024-01-07

Nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. a symbiotic relationship between fungi and alga
  2. pigment in plants that absorbs sunlight
  3. common name of cuscuta
  4. feed on decomposing organic matter
  5. the ultimate source of energy
  6. gas produced during photosynthesis
  7. organisms that depend on green plants for nutrition
  1. tiny pores underside of the leaves
  2. the only organism which can trap nitrogen
  3. jelly like substance within the cell
  4. site of photosynthesis
  5. venus fly trap
  6. increases the fertility of the soil
  7. derives nutrition from a host
  8. centrally located spherical structure in a cell

15 Clues: venus fly trapsite of photosynthesiscommon name of cuscutaderives nutrition from a hostthe ultimate source of energytiny pores underside of the leavesfeed on decomposing organic mattergas produced during photosynthesisincreases the fertility of the soiljelly like substance within the cellpigment in plants that absorbs sunlight...

Healthy Eating 2019-12-02

Healthy Eating crossword puzzle
  1. наслаждаться, смаковать
  2. кулинарн.рецепт
  3. углевод
  4. каша, злак
  5. прогулка
  6. питание
  7. предотвращать, мешать
  8. век, столетие
  9. выгода, польза, преимущество
  10. газированный
  1. очередь
  2. пищев.добавка
  3. процветать
  4. молочный
  5. сокращать
  6. потребление
  7. восхищать
  8. жаловаться
  9. клетчатка
  10. долгожительство
  11. угрожать

21 Clues: очередьуглеводпитаниемолочныйпрогулкаугрожатьсокращатьвосхищатьклетчаткапроцветатькаша, злакжаловатьсяпотреблениегазированныйпищев.добавкавек, столетиекулинарн.рецептдолгожительствопредотвращать, мешатьнаслаждаться, смаковатьвыгода, польза, преимущество

Vocab Entree 2018-01-18

Vocab Entree crossword puzzle
  1. dug deep
  2. Obtain
  3. nutrition
  4. annoy
  5. sparkling
  6. restrict
  7. Not sure
  8. declare
  1. scold
  2. fair
  3. fortune
  4. Prodding
  5. association
  6. burning
  7. Sudden
  8. against

16 Clues: fairscoldannoyObtainSuddenfortuneburningagainstdeclaredug deepProddingrestrictNot surenutritionsparklingassociation

Family Health Services 2017-09-01

Family Health Services crossword puzzle
  1. clue14
  2. clue13
  3. clue5
  4. clue1
  5. clue10
  6. clue9
  7. clue12
  8. clue3
  1. clue6
  2. clue11
  3. clue8
  4. clue7
  5. clue4
  6. clue2
  7. clue15

15 Clues: clue6clue8clue7clue4clue2clue5clue1clue9clue3clue11clue14clue13clue15clue10clue12

well-being 2021-02-16

well-being crossword puzzle
  1. tarttuva
  2. murtuma
  3. parannuskeino
  4. aineenvaihdunta
  5. aliravittu
  6. kirurgi
  7. oire
  8. hikoilla
  1. turvoksissa
  2. ravinto
  3. ruuansulatus
  4. tuhkarokko
  5. resepti
  6. absolutisti
  7. toipuminen

15 Clues: oireravintoreseptimurtumakirurgitarttuvahikoillatuhkarokkoaliravittutoipuminenturvoksissaabsolutistiruuansulatusparannuskeinoaineenvaihdunta

How to Stay Healthy 2014-08-17

How to Stay Healthy crossword puzzle
  1. 일상, 틀
  2. 생산하다
  3. 비타민
  4. 건너 뛰다
  5. 호르몬
  6. 결과
  7. 충분한
  8. 규칙적인
  9. 손상시키다, 피해
  10. 습관
  1. 영양
  2. 회복하다
  3. 근원, 원천
  4. 백열전구
  5. -를 통해
  6. 충분한 양
  7. 성장

18 Clues: 영양결과성장습관비타민호르몬충분한생산하다회복하다백열전구규칙적인일상, 틀건너 뛰다-를 통해충분한 양근원, 원천손상시키다, 피해

nutrition in plants 2017-05-14

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. parasites the plants which take water and minerals from the host plants
  2. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  3. organisms that can directly or indirectly depend on green plants for nutrition
  4. the mood of nutrition where 2 different organisms work together for their mutual benefit
  5. the process by which plants make their food
  1. nutrition the method of getting nutrients from dead and decaying matter in the form of liquid
  2. organisms that live in or on other living organisms and derive their food from them
  3. plants the plants which consumes insects
  4. organisms that can make their own food
  5. organisms that live on dead plants and animals and derive their food from them

10 Clues: organisms that can make their own foodplants the plants which consumes insectsthe process by which plants make their foodparasites the plants which take water and minerals from the host plantsthe process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the bodyorganisms that can directly or indirectly depend on green plants for nutrition...

Nutrition in plants 2017-05-14

Nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. The components of food like carbohydrates , fats . etc.
  2. The mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for their mutual benefit.
  3. Is nutrition in which organisms get their food directly or indirectly from other organisms or dead organic matter.
  4. Organisms that can live on dead plants and animals and derive their food from them.
  1. The process of taking in food by an organisms and its utilization by the body .
  2. Organisms that can live in or on other living organisms and derive their food from them.
  3. Small pores usually found under the leaf of the plant.
  4. Food making process in plants with sunlight,water,carbondioxide and chlorophyll.
  5. Green pigments in leaf.
  6. Is nutrition in which organisms can prepare their own food.

10 Clues: Green pigments in leaf.Small pores usually found under the leaf of the plant.The components of food like carbohydrates , fats . etc.Is nutrition in which organisms can prepare their own food.The process of taking in food by an organisms and its utilization by the body .Food making process in plants with sunlight,water,carbondioxide and chlorophyll....

Biology 2024-03-08

Biology crossword puzzle
  1. Insect science?
  2. The type of human nutrition?
  3. muscle. The part of the body that helps us move?
  4. ovary. The organ that produces eggs?
  5. A group of organisms of the same species?
  6. Cell Science?
  7. The part of the plant that contains the seeds?
  8. The science of viruses?
  9. The science of mammals?
  10. The part of the body that connects the bones?
  1. The organ that filters the blood?
  2. The part of the plant that attracts insects?
  3. The organ that protects the heart?
  4. The type of plant nutrition?
  5. The science of bacteria?
  6. The fertilization process?
  7. A group of organisms living in one place?
  8. ovary. The organ that produces sperm?
  9. The process of cell division?
  10. The part of the body that helps us hear?

20 Clues: Cell Science?Insect science?The science of viruses?The science of mammals?The science of bacteria?The fertilization process?The type of plant nutrition?The type of human nutrition?The process of cell division?The organ that filters the blood?The organ that protects the heart?ovary. The organ that produces eggs?ovary. The organ that produces sperm?...

biology 2024-03-08

biology crossword puzzle
  1. Insect science?
  2. The type of human nutrition?
  3. muscle. The part of the body that helps us move?
  4. ovary. The organ that produces eggs?
  5. A group of organisms of the same species?
  6. Cell Science?
  7. The part of the plant that contains the seeds?
  8. The science of viruses?
  9. The science of mammals?
  10. The part of the body that connects the bones?
  1. The organ that filters the blood?
  2. The part of the plant that attracts insects?
  3. The organ that protects the heart?
  4. The type of plant nutrition?
  5. The science of bacteria?
  6. The fertilization process?
  7. A group of organisms living in one place?
  8. ovary. The organ that produces sperm?
  9. The process of cell division?
  10. The part of the body that helps us hear?

20 Clues: Cell Science?Insect science?The science of viruses?The science of mammals?The science of bacteria?The fertilization process?The type of plant nutrition?The type of human nutrition?The process of cell division?The organ that filters the blood?The organ that protects the heart?ovary. The organ that produces eggs?ovary. The organ that produces sperm?...

JUEGOS DE VOCABULARIO - Carter 2020-04-01

JUEGOS DE VOCABULARIO - Carter crossword puzzle
  1. muscle
  2. caffeine
  3. flexible
  4. protein
  5. mineral
  6. drug
  7. to sweat
  8. massage
  9. nutrition
  10. calorie
  11. nutritionist
  1. cholesterol
  2. fat
  3. strong
  4. to lose weight, to slim down
  5. to warm up
  6. snack
  7. weak
  8. vitamin
  9. Well-being

20 Clues: fatdrugweaksnackmusclestrongproteinmineralmassagevitamincaloriecaffeineflexibleto sweatnutritionto warm upWell-beingcholesterolnutritionistto lose weight, to slim down

Paws and Whiskers 2015-03-29

Paws and Whiskers crossword puzzle
  1. plain
  2. bizarre
  3. lunatic
  4. tranquil
  5. just out
  6. spotlight
  7. go after
  8. group
  1. striped
  2. cushioning
  3. furiously
  4. arrogant
  5. crooked
  6. nutrition
  7. unsurely
  8. alert

16 Clues: plainalertgroupstripedbizarrelunaticcrookedarroganttranquiljust outunsurelygo afterfuriouslynutritionspotlightcushioning

Global Hunger 2019-04-30

Global Hunger crossword puzzle
  1. orginization that wants to bring peace
  2. uncontrollable bleeding
  3. lack of nutrition
  4. low econimic country
  5. poor
  1. lack of food needed to sustain life
  2. always having acccess to food
  3. poor nutrition
  4. being lower than recommended wieght
  5. too many people

10 Clues: poorpoor nutritiontoo many peoplelack of nutritionlow econimic countryuncontrollable bleedingalways having acccess to foodlack of food needed to sustain lifebeing lower than recommended wieghtorginization that wants to bring peace

Healthy Eating 2019-12-02

Healthy Eating crossword puzzle
  1. пищев.добавка
  2. наслаждаться, смаковать
  3. процветать
  4. восхищать
  5. питание
  6. предотвращать, мешать
  7. молочный
  8. кулинарн.рецепт
  9. потребление
  10. газированный
  1. очередь
  2. жаловаться
  3. угрожать
  4. век, столетие
  5. углевод
  6. долгожительство
  7. клетчатка
  8. каша, злак
  9. сокращать
  10. прогулка
  11. выгода, польза, преимущество

21 Clues: очередьуглеводпитаниеугрожатьмолочныйпрогулкавосхищатьклетчаткасокращатьжаловатьсяпроцветатькаша, злакпотреблениегазированныйпищев.добавкавек, столетиедолгожительствокулинарн.рецептпредотвращать, мешатьнаслаждаться, смаковатьвыгода, польза, преимущество

Impulse 4 unit 4 part 2 2024-03-11

Impulse 4 unit 4 part 2 crossword puzzle
  1. naczynie
  2. objadanie się
  3. choroba
  4. dieta
  5. przede wszystkim
  6. czynnik
  7. komórka
  8. psychiczny
  9. odżywianie
  10. oddechowy
  11. przewlekły
  12. spożycie
  13. dolegliwość
  1. siedzący
  2. otyłość
  3. krążeniowy
  4. nadciśnienie
  5. cukrzyca
  6. odpowiednio, właściwie
  7. lęk, niepokój
  8. trądzik
  9. autoimmunologiczny

22 Clues: dietaotyłośćchorobaczynnikkomórkatrądziksiedzącynaczyniecukrzycaspożycieoddechowykrążeniowypsychicznyodżywianieprzewlekłydolegliwośćnadciśnienieobjadanie sięlęk, niepokójprzede wszystkimautoimmunologicznyodpowiednio, właściwie

well-being 2021-02-16

well-being crossword puzzle
  1. mustelma
  2. turvoksissa
  3. ripuli
  4. oksennus
  5. helpotus
  6. ravinto
  7. huonovointinen
  1. rakkula
  2. kuitu
  3. tajuton
  4. oire
  5. hikoilu
  6. parannuskeino
  7. tuhkarokko
  8. aineenvaihdunta

15 Clues: oirekuituripulirakkulatajutonhikoiluravintomustelmaoksennushelpotustuhkarokkoturvoksissaparannuskeinohuonovointinenaineenvaihdunta

Bio crossword 2022-06-05

Bio crossword crossword puzzle
  1. 6666
  2. 1212
  3. 1111
  4. 2222
  5. 5555
  6. 1010
  7. 1414
  1. 10101
  2. 4444
  3. 3333
  4. 8888
  5. 7777
  6. 1313
  7. 1515
  8. 9999

15 Clues: 4444333388886666777712121313151511112222999955551010141410101

Nutrition and Exercise 2024-03-28

Nutrition and Exercise crossword puzzle
  1. You get _______ less often
  2. exercise when it comes to optimum health.
  3. ________ improves brain performance
  4. What do you get by eating food? _________
  5. Getting enough ________ is right up there
  6. Eating ____________ Will Improve Your Health.
  7. _______ burns calories
  1. Working out _________ your memory
  2. Eating _________ is expensive.
  3. Water, __________, carbohydrates, minerals,
  4. ________ is the #1 nutrition needed toProteinve.
  5. vitamins are the five best nutrition.

12 Clues: _______ burns caloriesYou get _______ less oftenEating _________ is expensive.Working out _________ your memory________ improves brain performancevitamins are the five best nutrition.exercise when it comes to optimum health.What do you get by eating food? _________Getting enough ________ is right up thereWater, __________, carbohydrates, minerals,...

nutrition in plants 2017-05-09

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. the organisms that live in or on other organisms and derive their food from them
  2. the ultimate source of energy
  3. gas we gfet after photosynthesis
  4. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body is called
  5. what does photo refer to
  6. gas needed for photosynthesis
  1. organisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plant for nutrition
  2. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together
  3. when iodine is added to starch it becomes __________ in colour
  4. type of plant that can make food on their own
  5. cells controlling opening and closing of stomata
  6. a bacteria in the soil can convert atmospheric nitrogen into soluble compound

12 Clues: what does photo refer tothe ultimate source of energygas needed for photosynthesisgas we gfet after photosynthesistype of plant that can make food on their owncells controlling opening and closing of stomatawhen iodine is added to starch it becomes __________ in colourthe mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together...

nutrition in plants 2017-05-09

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. when iodine is added to starch it becomes __________ in colour
  2. the ultimate source of energy
  3. type of plant that can make food on their own
  4. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body is called
  5. gas needed for photosynthesis
  1. gas we gfet after photosynthesis
  2. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together
  3. the organisms that live in or on other organisms and derive their food from them
  4. organisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plant for nutrition
  5. what does photo refer to
  6. cells controlling opening and closing of stomata
  7. a bacteria in the soil can convert atmospheric nitrogen into soluble compound

12 Clues: what does photo refer tothe ultimate source of energygas needed for photosynthesisgas we gfet after photosynthesistype of plant that can make food on their owncells controlling opening and closing of stomatawhen iodine is added to starch it becomes __________ in colourthe mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together...

Nutrition in plants class 7 2021-04-20

Nutrition in plants class 7 crossword puzzle
  1. centrally located spherical structure in a cell
  2. Venus fly trap
  3. organisms that depend on green plants for nutrition
  4. the ultimate source of energy
  5. site of photosynthesis
  6. the common name for Cuscuta.
  7. derive nutrition from a host
  1. pigment in plants that absorbs sunlight
  2. feed on decomposing organic matter
  3. jelly like substance within the cell
  4. the only Organism which can trap nitrogen
  5. gas produced during photosynthesis
  6. a symbiotic relationship between fungi and alga
  7. tiny pores underside of the leaves
  8. increases the fertility of the soil

15 Clues: Venus fly trapsite of photosynthesisthe common name for Cuscuta.derive nutrition from a hostthe ultimate source of energyfeed on decomposing organic mattergas produced during photosynthesistiny pores underside of the leavesincreases the fertility of the soiljelly like substance within the cellpigment in plants that absorbs sunlight...

Class 7 Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants 2022-08-16

Class 7 Chapter 1: Nutrition in Plants crossword puzzle
  1. also called as green pigment
  2. mode of making food by an organism
  3. spherical structured located centrally
  4. process which plants to create energy
  5. produced during photosynthesis
  6. slimy, green patches in ponds or stagnant water bodies
  7. insect-eating plant
  8. surrounded by a jelly-like substance
  1. organisms that take in food prepared by plants
  2. organisms sharing both shelter and nutrients
  3. Membrane a thin outer boundary
  4. fungi that derive nutrition from dead and decaying matter
  5. components of food
  6. energy absorbed by chlorophyll present in leaves/plants
  7. organisms that make food themselves

15 Clues: components of foodinsect-eating plantalso called as green pigmentMembrane a thin outer boundaryproduced during photosynthesismode of making food by an organismorganisms that make food themselvessurrounded by a jelly-like substanceprocess which plants to create energyspherical structured located centrallyorganisms sharing both shelter and nutrients...

nutrition in plants 2017-05-05

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. helps to keep plant upright
  2. nutrition plants that depend directly or indirectly on green plants for heir nutrition
  3. living organism that cannot make their own food
  4. a bacteria that can take atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a soluble form
  5. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  1. organisms that live in or on other dead plants and animals and derive their food from them.
  2. living organisms that can make their own food
  3. the mode of nutrition where 2 different organisms work together for their mutual benefit.
  4. family of fungus

9 Clues: family of fungushelps to keep plant uprightliving organisms that can make their own foodliving organism that cannot make their own foodthe process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the bodya bacteria that can take atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a soluble form...

SPAT!!! 2021-03-01

SPAT!!! crossword puzzle
  1. Ensures patient safety by ensuring proper procedures
  2. IV that contains a smaller amount (50-200mLs)
  3. type of IV administered through a peripheral vessel
  4. used in long term treatment rather than one time procedures
  5. Aseptic technique is needed to prepare this product
  6. In this test, if cloudiness forms from bacteria after two weeks, contamination is present
  7. provides larger drops
  8. means within a vein
  9. used when changing tsp to tbsp
  10. these medications bypass the gastrointestinal sytem and go directly into one veins
  11. shown in gtts/min
  12. time medication needs to be administered
  13. additives are put here
  14. The goal of a controlled environment is to practice this type of technique
  15. how large drops are (in mLs)
  16. E.x. 20 mL penicillin
  17. Staging of products in preparation for admixture may occur here
  18. also known as hyperalimentation
  1. administered through a large central vessel
  2. Defined the rules for ISO classes
  3. also known as infusion rate
  4. provides smaller drops
  5. area before the location of laminar flow hoods are stored
  6. used
  7. also known as a glove box
  8. changing 1353 to 1:53 Pm

26 Clues: usedshown in gtts/minmeans within a veinprovides larger dropsE.x. 20 mL penicillinprovides smaller dropsadditives are put herechanging 1353 to 1:53 Pmalso known as a glove boxalso known as infusion ratehow large drops are (in mLs)used when changing tsp to tbspalso known as hyperalimentationDefined the rules for ISO classes...

Nutrition And Diet 2023-10-26

Nutrition And Diet crossword puzzle
  1. Poor nutrition; without adequate food and nutrition
  2. A meal plan that controls the intake of certain foods or nutrients
  3. The major source of readily usable human energy.
  4. Commonly called fats and oils, are organic compounds.
  5. Fibrous form of carbohydrate
  6. A metabolic disease, involving inappropriately elevated blood glucose levels.
  7. Organic substances necessary for body processes and life
  8. A process where nutrients are used by cells for building tissue, providing energy, and regulating body functions
  9. A process in which blood capillaries pick up the digested nutrients
  1. Condition in which bones become porous and brittle because of lack or loss of calcium, phosphorus, and other minerals
  2. All body processes related to food; the body's use of food for growth, development, and health
  3. Inorganic substances essential to life
  4. If your BMI is under 18.5
  5. Is a balanced diet usually used for the patient with no dietary restrictions
  6. Physical and chemical breakdown of food by the body in preparation for absorption
  7. Unit of measurement of the fuel value of food
  8. Can indicate high body fatness.
  9. Loss of appetite
  10. Foods that are soft, not very spicy, and low in fiber.
  11. Abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25

20 Clues: Loss of appetiteIf your BMI is under 18.5Fibrous form of carbohydrateCan indicate high body fatness.Inorganic substances essential to lifeUnit of measurement of the fuel value of foodThe major source of readily usable human energy.Poor nutrition; without adequate food and nutritionCommonly called fats and oils, are organic compounds....

Nutrition 2020-05-21

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. The modern word used for energy instead of calories
  2. The word used to describe oils or fats
  3. It is important to eat a ....... diet
  4. It is important Shakir drinks this to hydrate instead of coke
  5. A starchy carbohydrate that you boil in water
  6. The part of the digestive system where food is broken down
  7. An .... deficiency will be bad for your blood
  1. A starchy or sugary nutrient used for energy
  2. The system of the human body where food is broken down
  3. An fruit which is a quick acting energy source
  4. The nutrient for building or repairing muscle tissue
  5. An important nutrient for fighting disease

12 Clues: It is important to eat a ....... dietThe word used to describe oils or fatsAn important nutrient for fighting diseaseA starchy or sugary nutrient used for energyA starchy carbohydrate that you boil in waterAn .... deficiency will be bad for your bloodAn fruit which is a quick acting energy sourceThe modern word used for energy instead of calories...

Nutrition 2022-10-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. To be eaten in small quantities
  2. Na is the abbreviation of the element
  3. An Essential Micronutrient
  4. sweet
  5. Green plants that you can eat
  1. milk...
  2. To be eaten in big quantities
  3. Healthy juicy foods
  4. to keep you functioning
  5. to make you stronger
  6. What you eat to survive
  7. What keeps you going

12 Clues: sweetmilk...Healthy juicy foodsto make you strongerWhat keeps you goingto keep you functioningWhat you eat to surviveAn Essential MicronutrientTo be eaten in big quantitiesGreen plants that you can eatTo be eaten in small quantitiesNa is the abbreviation of the element

Nutrition 2017-06-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. can lead to the clogging of arteries resulting in CHD
  2. lack of vitamin c may result in this disease
  3. the major cause of death in Australia
  4. Another name for high blood pressure
  5. a dietary related disease which is common among children due to a lack of dietary fibre
  6. an eating disorder resulting in malnutrition
  1. sweet sticky foods may cause this.
  2. weight bearing exercise and calcium assist in the prevention of this disease
  3. caused by a lack of water
  4. a disease which can be caused by being overweight
  5. occurs when large amounts of adipose tissue are present in the body
  6. results from a lack of iron

12 Clues: caused by a lack of waterresults from a lack of ironsweet sticky foods may cause this.Another name for high blood pressurethe major cause of death in Australialack of vitamin c may result in this diseasean eating disorder resulting in malnutritiona disease which can be caused by being overweightcan lead to the clogging of arteries resulting in CHD...

Nutrition 2020-03-19

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life.
  2. any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds that consist of large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms.
  3. a simple organic compound containing both a carboxyl and an amino group.
  4. a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life.
  5. any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose.
  1. a disease causing inflammation of the nerves and heart failure, caused by a deficiency of vitamin B1.
  2. a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and multiple other biological effects.
  3. a substance obtained from a plant and used as an additive, especially in gin or cosmetics.
  4. a deficiency disease caused by a lack of nicotinic acid or its precursor tryptophan in the diet. It is characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea, and mental disturbance, and is often linked to overdependence on corn as a staple food.
  5. a type of fat in which the fatty acid chains have all or predominantly single bonds.
  6. a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds, which particularly affected poorly nourished sailors until the end of the 18th century.
  7. a type of unsaturated fat that occurs in small amounts in meat and milk fat.

12 Clues: a simple organic compound containing both a carboxyl and an amino group.a type of unsaturated fat that occurs in small amounts in meat and milk fat.a type of fat in which the fatty acid chains have all or predominantly single bonds.a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life....

Nutrition 2020-10-14

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. makes you feel full faster
  2. body uses this sugar for energy
  3. technical name for salt
  4. low density lipo-proteins
  5. minerals in body fluids
  6. a unit of energy in food.
  1. building blocks of proteins
  2. what you eat and drink
  3. waxy fatty-like substance
  4. high density lipo-proteins
  5. has a sweet taste
  6. break down of foods into nutrients

12 Clues: has a sweet tastewhat you eat and drinktechnical name for saltminerals in body fluidswaxy fatty-like substancelow density lipo-proteinsa unit of energy in food.makes you feel full fasterhigh density lipo-proteinsbuilding blocks of proteinsbody uses this sugar for energybreak down of foods into nutrients

nutrition 2020-10-05

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. body uses this sugar for energy
  2. technical name for salt
  3. makes you feel full faster
  4. minerals in body fluids
  5. low-density lipoproteins
  6. building blocks of proteins
  1. has a sweet taste
  2. a waxy, fat-like substance
  3. break down of food into nutrients
  4. what you eat and drink
  5. high-density lipoproteins
  6. A unit of energy in food

12 Clues: has a sweet tastewhat you eat and drinktechnical name for saltA unit of energy in foodlow-density lipoproteinshigh-density lipoproteinsa waxy, fat-like substancemakes you feel full fasterminerals in body fluidsbuilding blocks of proteinsbody uses this sugar for energybreak down of food into nutrients

Nutrition 2021-03-16

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Some are good but not all are good.
  2. you eat every day.
  3. Read it before you eat packaged food.
  4. What kind of nutrient do you have to eat more of
  5. A drink that has lots of sugar.
  2. Vitamins and mineral
  3. Bad for you. Has glucose in it
  4. Eat more
  5. What every one has in their head.
  6. Beans, meat, eggs
  7. Has lots of fiber

12 Clues: Eat moreDRINK EVERYDAYBeans, meat, eggsHas lots of fiberyou eat every day.Vitamins and mineralBad for you. Has glucose in itA drink that has lots of sugar.What every one has in their head.Some are good but not all are good.Read it before you eat packaged food.What kind of nutrient do you have to eat more of

Nutrition 2021-07-30

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. An electrolyte that helps maintain acid-base balance of the blood
  2. They are the most readily converted energy source
  3. They are an essential source of energy in the diet
  4. A protein found in wheat, barley and oats
  5. Is the sugar found in milk
  6. They are important for the growth of body cells and makes up virtually every part of the body
  1. They are important for the formation of bones, teeth, blood and connective tissues
  2. Is a simple sugar derived from the breakdown of carbohydrates
  3. Is a type of sugar that is found naturally in fruit and honey.
  4. They are molecules that are needed in small amounts by the body for health and growth
  5. A fuel we need from food to function
  6. They are a measurement of energy

12 Clues: Is the sugar found in milkThey are a measurement of energyA fuel we need from food to functionA protein found in wheat, barley and oatsThey are the most readily converted energy sourceThey are an essential source of energy in the dietIs a simple sugar derived from the breakdown of carbohydrates...

Nutrition 2018-03-02

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Fat found inside our blood
  2. Turns food into energy
  3. Important to drink every day!
  4. Breaks down food and helps it move through our body
  5. Not found in our body. Humans put it in our food to make it healthier.
  6. Fruit juice is in this level of the food pyramid
  7. Drink this many glasses of water a day
  1. Important to do this 30 minutes a day
  2. Gives you a healthy heart and strong brain by fighting against toxins
  3. Causes cholesterol
  4. Helps build strong muscles, healthy organs and a strong immune system
  5. Process of putting vitamins and minerals into food

12 Clues: Causes cholesterolTurns food into energyFat found inside our bloodImportant to drink every day!Important to do this 30 minutes a dayDrink this many glasses of water a dayFruit juice is in this level of the food pyramidProcess of putting vitamins and minerals into foodBreaks down food and helps it move through our body...

Nutrition 2023-09-12

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. part of food quality is the measure of a well-balanced ratio of the essential nutrients carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and vitamins in items of food or diet concerning the nutrient requirements of their consumer.
  2. the preferred nutrition information source for 80% of the participant
  3. an umbrella term covering a vast variety of processes for using living organisms
  4. basic foods that make up a significant portion of a person's diet.
  5. material technologies to implicit ideologies and symbols
  1. set by the behaviour of other people, shared cultural expectations, as well as environmental cues such as portion size that imply socially normative consumption.
  2. the process by which microorganisms are prevented from entering a package during and after packaging.
  3. organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination
  4. the use of mobile apps to track diet intake
  5. influences what and when individuals eat.
  6. abstaining people from food and/or beverage consuming due to religious and cultural
  7. satisfied the requirements of Jewish law.

12 Clues: influences what and when individuals eat.satisfied the requirements of Jewish law.the use of mobile apps to track diet intakematerial technologies to implicit ideologies and symbolsbasic foods that make up a significant portion of a person's diet.the preferred nutrition information source for 80% of the participant...

Nutrition 2024-03-19

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. something that gives you energy
  2. what is the name of our current unit
  3. what you take in the morning
  4. a food group that usually grows in the ground
  5. in candy
  6. what you get when you don't exercise
  7. activities that exercise your body
  8. a liquid that fuels you
  1. a food group that usually grows on trees
  2. in caves
  3. something you get when eating bread
  4. the class we are in

12 Clues: in cavesin candythe class we are ina liquid that fuels youwhat you take in the morningsomething that gives you energyactivities that exercise your bodysomething you get when eating breadwhat is the name of our current unitwhat you get when you don't exercisea food group that usually grows on treesa food group that usually grows in the ground

biology holiday assignment 2022-05-28

biology holiday assignment crossword puzzle
  1. that starts behind the nose ends at the
  2. gland secretes
  3. of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms
  4. of the end products of anaerobic respiration
  5. for providing energy for photosynthesis
  6. the lungs and the blood exchange
  7. of alveoli
  8. process in amoeba
  9. of holozoic nutrition
  1. of nutrition which bacteria have
  2. secretes
  3. below the lungs
  4. tiny branch of air tubes in the lungs
  5. of extracellular digestion
  6. and carbon dioxide
  7. is protected by
  8. of the trachea

17 Clues: secretesof alveoligland secretesof the tracheabelow the lungsis protected byprocess in amoebaand carbon dioxideof holozoic nutritionof extracellular digestionof nutrition which bacteria havethe lungs and the blood exchangetiny branch of air tubes in the lungsthat starts behind the nose ends at thefor providing energy for photosynthesis...

Nutrition & Obesity 2023-06-06

Nutrition & Obesity crossword puzzle
  1. this type of nutrition is provided to patients who may not consume food/nutrients via the GI tract
  2. number of hours to complete a nutrition screening on a newly admitted patient
  3. chronic use of this "drug" has a direct correlation to increased risk of malnutrition
  4. patients with malnutrition should consume diets that are _____ in calories and protein
  5. maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk for a patient to develop this type of diabetes mellitus
  6. this syndrome presents as fluid retention and electrolyte imbalances and is seen in severely malnourished patients once the begin consuming nutrients
  7. this syndrome is characterized by 3 or more of the following: obesity, hypertension, abnormal lipid levels, high blood glucose
  1. dry, scaly skin; brittle nails; hair loss; muscle atrophy; weakness are manifestations of:
  2. a BMI of 23-27 is considered ideal for this patient population
  3. this type of leak is the most common complication and cause of death following bariatric surgeries
  4. this value is used as tube placement verification before providing enteral nutrition
  5. genetic risks, physical inactivity, lack of time, drug therapy, sedentary lifestyle and decreased mobility are these for obestiy
  6. patients with obesity should be educated to engage in this number of minutes of physical activity each week
  7. patients receiving this type of nutrition must maintain HOB at or higher than 30 degree to prevent aspiration
  8. measurement used to determine appropriate weight for an exact height

15 Clues: a BMI of 23-27 is considered ideal for this patient populationmeasurement used to determine appropriate weight for an exact heightnumber of hours to complete a nutrition screening on a newly admitted patientthis value is used as tube placement verification before providing enteral nutrition...

Nutrition3_navinbio 2020-05-06

Nutrition3_navinbio crossword puzzle


Nestle 2023-09-25

Nestle crossword puzzle
  1. фабрика
  2. широкое разнообразие
  3. защищать
  4. все еще
  5. окружающая среда
  6. ежегодный
  7. main
  8. работник
  9. питание
  1. предлагать
  2. сохранять
  3. кондитерские изделия
  4. успешный
  5. включая
  6. каша
  7. улучшить
  8. упаковка
  9. по всему миру

18 Clues: кашаmainфабрикавключаявсе ещепитаниеуспешныйзащищатьулучшитьработникупаковкасохранятьежегодныйпредлагатьпо всему мируокружающая средакондитерские изделияширокое разнообразие

1-90 2023-01-03

1-90 crossword puzzle
  1. 살금살금 하는 사람
  2. 위성
  3. 느낌
  4. 예측
  5. 건축학
  6. 원동력
  1. 고마움
  2. 영양
  3. 기술
  4. 실험
  5. 성격
  6. 증오심
  7. 유체
  8. 여자 조카
  9. 물리학
  10. 비율

16 Clues: 영양위성기술실험성격느낌예측유체비율고마움증오심물리학건축학원동력여자 조카살금살금 하는 사람

Spanish Vocabulary Crossword 2021-10-13

Spanish Vocabulary Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. strong
  2. nutrition
  3. wound or injury
  4. junk food
  5. cramp
  6. jealous
  7. in a hurry
  1. cold
  2. snack
  3. cough
  4. endure
  5. nurse
  6. ashamed
  7. lose weight
  8. flu
  9. Fiber
  10. healthy
  11. stretch

18 Clues: flucoldsnackcoughnurseFibercrampstrongendureashamedhealthystretchjealousnutritionjunk foodin a hurrylose weightwound or injury

Unit 3 2021-11-24

Unit 3 crossword puzzle
  1. świętować
  2. chować
  3. odżywianie
  4. w ciąży
  5. zaproszenie
  6. gość
  7. pogrzeb
  8. wielkanoc
  9. dziedziństwo
  10. pan młody
  1. card kartka świąteczna
  2. nastolatek
  3. zaprosić
  4. wujek
  5. mąż
  6. urodzić się
  7. przeproś

17 Clues: mążgośćwujekchowaćw ciążypogrzebzaprosićprzeprośświętowaćwielkanocpan młodynastolatekodżywianiezaproszenieurodzić siędziedziństwocard kartka świąteczna

nutrition in plants 2017-05-05

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. helps to keep plant upright
  2. nutrition plants that depend directly or indirectly on green plants for heir nutrition
  3. living organism that cannot make their own food
  4. a bacteria that can take atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a soluble form
  5. the process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  1. organisms that live in or on other dead plants and animals and derive their food from them.
  2. living organisms that can make their own food
  3. the mode of nutrition where 2 different organisms work together for their mutual benefit.
  4. family of fungus

9 Clues: family of fungushelps to keep plant uprightliving organisms that can make their own foodliving organism that cannot make their own foodthe process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the bodya bacteria that can take atmospheric nitrogen and convert it into a soluble form...

nutrition in plants 2016-05-13

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. photosynthesis.
  2. soil contains certain bacteria that coverts
  3. indirectly on plants.
  4. nutrition in which the organism are depended directly
  5. and alga symbiosis which forms lichens.
  6. cells surrounds stoma.
  7. nitrogen into water-soluble compounds.
  8. plant some parasitic plants like.
  1. contains chlorophyll.
  2. organisms that can prepare their own food by a process
  3. the green pigment in the leaves.
  4. that plants synthesize during photosynthesis.
  5. the utilization of food in the body by an organism.

13 Clues: photosynthesis.contains chlorophyll.indirectly on plants.cells surrounds stoma.the green pigment in the leaves.plant some parasitic plants like.nitrogen into water-soluble compounds.and alga symbiosis which forms lichens.soil contains certain bacteria that covertsthat plants synthesize during photosynthesis....

Sheep 2014-10-09

Sheep crossword puzzle
  1. A good terminal sire
  2. Used to castrate
  3. An animal that has lots of offspring is said to be...
  4. Our only native breed
  5. Placing the ewes on low plane of nutrition followed by a high plane of nutrition prior to mating
  6. Oestrus occurs every .....days
  7. Wide shoulders and hindquarters would explain this
  8. Important to determine feed requirements for pregnant ewes
  1. Animals that are naturally hornless
  2. Ram is fitted with this around mating time
  3. In heat
  4. Cross breeding animals to gain the best traits of both
  5. Technique used for synchronised breeding
  6. Length of pregnancy
  7. A female sheep
  8. A male sheep
  9. A complex protein fibre
  10. Beestings

18 Clues: In heatBeestingsA male sheepA female sheepUsed to castrateLength of pregnancyA good terminal sireOur only native breedA complex protein fibreOestrus occurs every .....daysAnimals that are naturally hornlessTechnique used for synchronised breedingRam is fitted with this around mating timeWide shoulders and hindquarters would explain this...

Health Assessment 2022-11-21

Health Assessment crossword puzzle
  1. endurance how long muscle can last
  2. 4 things to help after injury- acronym
  3. ligaments stretched or torn
  4. the E in rice
  5. a stretch tear or rip in muscle or tendon
  6. create a _____ to help create a weekly workout schedule
  7. how can you sculpt your muscles
  8. repeated micro trauma or changes with tendon
  9. ability of heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to physically active body
  1. range of motion
  2. the C in rice
  3. force that can be exerted
  4. the R in rice
  5. important to build muscle
  6. bruised brain
  7. a well balanced meal with fruits and veggies is full of ____
  8. a helpful way to get enough nutrition
  9. the I in rice

18 Clues: the C in ricethe R in ricebruised brainthe E in ricethe I in ricerange of motionforce that can be exertedimportant to build muscleligaments stretched or tornhow can you sculpt your musclesendurance how long muscle can lasta helpful way to get enough nutrition4 things to help after injury- acronyma stretch tear or rip in muscle or tendon...

hi my name is carmen winstead HOAAAUUUGHHH 2022-10-05

hi my name is carmen winstead HOAAAUUUGHHH crossword puzzle
  1. verka
  2. nötfobi
  3. prylar
  4. din mamma
  5. deez
  6. grisridare
  7. verkligen
  8. äkta
  1. fullproppat
  2. smidesvaror
  3. jordbruksprodukter
  4. megaknight
  5. klaustrofobi
  6. in titta in
  7. antikvaror
  8. grönsak
  9. kyld
  10. grejor
  11. som-drivs-av
  12. planters-peanuts

20 Clues: deezkyldäktaverkaprylargrejornötfobigrönsakdin mammaverkligenmegaknightantikvarorgrisridarefullproppatsmidesvarorin titta inklaustrofobisom-drivs-avplanters-peanutsjordbruksprodukter

Nutrition 2015-04-08

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Involved in the mineralization of bones and teeth
  2. Supplies amino acids for growth
  3. Daily extra calories needed if breastfeeding
  4. Daily extra calories needed in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters
  5. Essential for cell metabolism
  1. Found in unpasteurized milk and can cause fetal complications
  2. Main source of energy
  3. Persistent eating of substances other than food during pregnancy
  4. Essential for life
  5. Too little in a diet can cause neural tube defects
  6. This age group requires special nutritional support
  7. Found in fish

12 Clues: Found in fishEssential for lifeMain source of energyEssential for cell metabolismSupplies amino acids for growthDaily extra calories needed if breastfeedingInvolved in the mineralization of bones and teethToo little in a diet can cause neural tube defectsThis age group requires special nutritional support...

Nutrition 2020-05-21

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. The modern word used for energy instead of calories
  2. The word used to describe oils or fats
  3. It is important to eat a ....... diet
  4. It is important Shakir drinks this to hydrate instead of coke
  5. A starchy carbohydrate that you boil in water
  6. The part of the digestive system where food is broken down
  7. An .... deficiency will be bad for your blood
  1. A starchy or sugary nutrient used for energy
  2. The system of the human body where food is broken down
  3. An fruit which is a quick acting energy source
  4. The nutrient for building or repairing muscle tissue
  5. An important nutrient for fighting disease

12 Clues: It is important to eat a ....... dietThe word used to describe oils or fatsAn important nutrient for fighting diseaseA starchy or sugary nutrient used for energyA starchy carbohydrate that you boil in waterAn .... deficiency will be bad for your bloodAn fruit which is a quick acting energy sourceThe modern word used for energy instead of calories...

Nutrition 2018-05-24

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Emulsify fat
  2. Part after the stomach
  3. Lacking in protein
  4. We chew our food with this
  5. Not a balanced diet
  6. Gullet
  7. Fingerlike projections
  1. Source of energy
  2. Secretions of the stomach
  3. Too much sugar
  4. Energy storage
  5. Pushing of food through the alimentary canal

12 Clues: GulletEmulsify fatToo much sugarEnergy storageSource of energyLacking in proteinNot a balanced dietPart after the stomachFingerlike projectionsSecretions of the stomachWe chew our food with thisPushing of food through the alimentary canal

Nutrition 2021-10-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. tool used to balance rations for a specific nutrient
  2. analysis information on a label to advise the purchaser of the products nutrient content
  3. an older animal
  4. Association of American Feed Control Officials, regulates sale and distribution of animal feed and medicine
  5. how enticing a meal is for an animal
  6. controlled feeding
  1. inorganic substances required for metabolic processes to take place
  2. adult nutrient requirements to meet energy needs and maintain/repair body tissues
  3. the process, science or study of properly balancing rations for and animal to grow and produce
  4. complex organic substances required in small amounts to maintain growth and health
  5. a management tool used to determine nutritional needs of an animal based upon body weight and fitness level
  6. amount of feed an animal receives in a 24 hour period

12 Clues: an older animalcontrolled feedinghow enticing a meal is for an animaltool used to balance rations for a specific nutrientamount of feed an animal receives in a 24 hour periodinorganic substances required for metabolic processes to take placeadult nutrient requirements to meet energy needs and maintain/repair body tissues...

Nutrition 2022-03-03

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a fuel source, used for energy
  2. basic component of all cells, made up of amino acids
  3. inorganic (non living) elements found in all body tissues
  4. diet in which foods must require little chewing and must be easy to digest
  5. a patient with no dietary restrictions will be on this diet
  1. examples are butter, oil, eggs, fatty meat
  2. diet used for patients with heart disease or atherosclerosis
  3. sugar heavy foods are avoided on this diet
  4. too much or too little can cause illness
  5. essential, found in all body tissues, helps with eliminating wastes
  6. diet that consists of easily digested foods that do not irritate the digestive tract, avoid coarse foods, raw fruits and vegetables, fried food, spicy food
  7. diet in which one can have tea, coffee, sprite, jello or broth

12 Clues: a fuel source, used for energytoo much or too little can cause illnessexamples are butter, oil, eggs, fatty meatsugar heavy foods are avoided on this dietbasic component of all cells, made up of amino acidsinorganic (non living) elements found in all body tissuesa patient with no dietary restrictions will be on this diet...

nutrition 2022-03-11

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. concentrated source of energy
  2. growth and repair of body tissue
  3. keeps hydrated and regulates body processes
  4. food we eat on a daily basis
  5. contributes to normal cognitive function
  6. helps to make thyroid hormones
  7. A helps with healthy vision
  8. health personal hygiene, good sleep and rest
  9. C acts as and antioxidant
  10. helps to release energy from food
  1. the incorrect nutrition
  2. anything we eat that with the right material
  3. K is essential for blood clotting
  4. D strengthens and helps form bones and teeth
  5. helps regulate the water content in the body

15 Clues: the incorrect nutritionfood we eat on a daily basisC acts as and antioxidantconcentrated source of energyhelps to make thyroid hormonesA helps with healthy visiongrowth and repair of body tissuehelps to release energy from foodK is essential for blood clottingcontributes to normal cognitive function...

Nutrition 2023-01-23

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. The body's preferred source of energy.
  2. _______-Soluble Vitamins can be flushed out of the body.
  3. The average person should consume 2000 _____ daily.
  4. Brain damage, impaired vision, and bone deformities can be caused by __________.
  5. A gram of fat has ______ calories.
  6. The ________ ingredient is listed first on a food label.
  7. Nutrients that help cushion and protect organs.
  1. You should drink ______ your body weight in water daily.
  2. This tool helps in determining food portions.
  3. A type of fat that comes from animal products.
  4. This nutrient helps remove waste and lubricate joints.
  5. Calcium, sodium, and iron are examples of ________.
  6. Chemical substances that help your body function.

13 Clues: A gram of fat has ______ calories.The body's preferred source of energy.This tool helps in determining food portions.A type of fat that comes from animal products.Nutrients that help cushion and protect organs.Chemical substances that help your body function.The average person should consume 2000 _____ daily....

Nutrition 2023-05-30

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. (adj.) describes a person who does not eat enough good food to grow and stay healthy
  2. (v.) to use or eat
  3. (n.) an illness caused by not eating enough food
  4. (n.) illness; for example, cancer or HIV AIDS
  5. (n.) a lack of something; not enough of something
  6. (adj.) above a weight considered normal or desirable
  1. (v.) eat too much
  2. (n.) a substance found in food that is necessary for good health; e.g., Orange juice has a lot of vitamin C. Eggs, meat and cheese all have vitamin A.
  3. (n) something bad that develops and spreads quickly; the rapid spread of an infectious disease among many people in the same area
  4. (n.) the condition of being very overweight
  5. (v.) unable to stop doing something harmful (bad for the body)
  6. (adj.) describes a person who is very overweight

12 Clues: (v.) eat too much(v.) to use or eat(n.) the condition of being very overweight(n.) illness; for example, cancer or HIV AIDS(n.) an illness caused by not eating enough food(adj.) describes a person who is very overweight(n.) a lack of something; not enough of something(adj.) above a weight considered normal or desirable...

Nutrition 2024-04-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. lack of nut
  2. - rich in vit c
  3. diet - provides everything
  4. - muscle growth
  5. - orange vegetable
  6. - energy
  1. - iron def
  2. potato- sour potato
  3. - good for bones
  4. - iron rich
  5. - brain nut
  6. - tomato is not vegetable

12 Clues: - energy- iron deflack of nut- iron rich- brain nut- rich in vit c- muscle growth- good for bones- orange vegetablepotato- sour potato- tomato is not vegetablediet - provides everything

영단어1000 (801~850) 2022-11-15

영단어1000 (801~850) crossword puzzle
  1. ~을 제외하고는
  2. 이기적인
  3. 경제
  4. 농업, 농사
  5. 감소하다
  6. 장비
  7. 시도하다
  8. 태풍
  1. 혁명
  2. 버리다, 폐기하다
  3. 씹다
  4. 영양
  5. 반대되는
  6. 적절한
  7. 장례식
  8. 분리하다

16 Clues: 혁명경제씹다영양장비태풍적절한장례식이기적인반대되는감소하다분리하다시도하다농업, 농사~을 제외하고는버리다, 폐기하다

Nutrition 2021-07-07

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. parts of us having a healthy eating diet.
  2. and macro nutrients two parts of a diet
  3. start with c and its to do with micro-nutrients
  4. it gives you movement
  5. a mineral found in hard parts of our bones
  1. they are considered as essential nutrients.
  2. the types of food you eat/ like a meal/ its good for you.
  3. gives you muscle strength in your body.
  4. a type of food that is has protein in it
  5. it has a ie in it
  6. its blood that is in your blood
  7. it is something that we are all on

12 Clues: it has a ie in itit gives you movementits blood that is in your bloodit is something that we are all ongives you muscle strength in your body.and macro nutrients two parts of a dieta type of food that is has protein in itparts of us having a healthy eating diet.a mineral found in hard parts of our bonesthey are considered as essential nutrients....

Nutrition 2022-11-02

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Fiber helps protect against this form of cancer
  2. The healthy type of fat
  3. The second most abundant nutrient in humans
  4. The most common form of carbohydrates
  5. The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  6. Another name for fats
  7. This makes up 50% - 60%
  1. Nutrients required in large amounts
  2. The unhealthy type of fat
  3. The average amount of these that someone should consume in 1 day is 2,000
  4. Proteins are made of _____ _____
  5. Carbohydrates provide this for the body

12 Clues: Another name for fatsThe healthy type of fatThis makes up 50% - 60%The unhealthy type of fatProteins are made of _____ _____Nutrients required in large amountsThe most common form of carbohydratesCarbohydrates provide this for the bodyThe second most abundant nutrient in humansFiber helps protect against this form of cancer...

Nutrition 2022-05-20

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. sesenta minutos recomendados de actividad física para niños de seis años en adelante
  2. Estado patológico que se caracteriza por un exceso o una acumulación excesiva y general de grasa en el cuerpo.
  3. son aquellos carbohidrato que nuestros cuerpos no pueden digerir. Se encuentra en los alimentos de origen vegetal: frutas, verduras, hortalizas, cereales y legumbres. puede ser soluble o insoluble.
  4. manzana, plátano, arándano, piña, mango
  5. Es una unidad de energía. Es una manera de describir la cantidad de energía que podría recibir tu cuerpo al consumir eso.
  6. son nutrientes presentes en los alimentos que el cuerpo utiliza para producir tejido nervioso y hormonas. El cuerpo también utiliza la grasa como combustible.
  1. son la principal fuente de energía del cuerpo. Existen dos tipos: los azúcares (como los que están en la leche, las frutas, el azúcar de mesa y los caramelos) y los almidones, que se encuentran en los cereales, los panes, las galletas y las pastas.
  2. son nutrientes que están conformados por aminoácidos, los cuales son necesarios para que los niños crezcan fuertes y sanos
  3. son sustancias que se encuentran en los alimentos que comemos. Tu cuerpo las necesita para funcionar correctamente y para crecer y mantenerse sano.
  4. número que se calcula con base en el peso y la estatura de la persona. Para la mayoría de las personas, el IMC es un indicador confiable de la gordura y se usa para identificar las categorías de peso que pueden llevar a problemas de salud.
  5. Sustancia líquida encuentra en la naturaleza. ocupa las tres cuartas partes del planeta Tierra y forma parte de los seres vivos; está constituida por hidrógeno y oxígeno
  6. - brócoli, coliflor, zanahoria, champiñón

12 Clues: manzana, plátano, arándano, piña, mango- brócoli, coliflor, zanahoria, champiñónsesenta minutos recomendados de actividad física para niños de seis años en adelanteEstado patológico que se caracteriza por un exceso o una acumulación excesiva y general de grasa en el cuerpo....

Nutrition 2020-11-01

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. this is used for growth and repair
  2. when someone has anemia, they feel this
  3. this provides us with an energy source
  4. this come from fats
  5. anemia is caused when this is low
  6. this serves as. broom and helps to keep the bowels flushed
  1. when a person gets older, the bones get less dense
  2. sailors tended to get this a lot
  3. this happens when you don't have enough fiber and water in your body
  4. this shows us the nutritional value of the food item
  5. this is what sailors ate to prevent scurvy
  6. I store energy

12 Clues: I store energythis come from fatssailors tended to get this a lotanemia is caused when this is lowthis is used for growth and repairthis provides us with an energy sourcewhen someone has anemia, they feel thisthis is what sailors ate to prevent scurvywhen a person gets older, the bones get less dense...

Nutrition 2021-01-18

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. one of the seven food groups that provides a store of energy
  2. a disease where people do not eat enough food
  3. this food group helps to grow and repair cells in our body
  4. someone who does not eat enough carbohydrates may feel like this
  5. you find this food group in fruit and vegetables
  6. someone who does not get enough iron may look like this
  7. the word given to someone who does not have a balanced diet
  1. one of the seven food groups that gives us energy
  2. it keeps us hydrated
  3. this food group provides things like iron, which we need for our red blood cells
  4. the word given to someone who is overweight/fat
  5. pushes food through our system

12 Clues: it keeps us hydratedpushes food through our systema disease where people do not eat enough foodthe word given to someone who is overweight/fatyou find this food group in fruit and vegetablesone of the seven food groups that gives us energysomeone who does not get enough iron may look like this...

Nutrition 2021-09-23

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a class of nutrients that are chemical elements that are needed for certain body processes.
  2. a dietary pattern that includes few or no animal products
  3. a class of nutrients that contain carbon and are needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow growth
  4. a state in which the body has lost more water than is being taken in
  5. a fixed number of repetitions followed by a rest period
  6. the science or study of food and the ways in which the body uses food
  7. a formula made up of four important parts involved in fitness training
  1. a condition that occurs as a result of exceeding the recommendations of the FITT principle.
  2. an inability to sleep, even if one is physically exhausted
  3. the number of times an exercise is performed
  4. a substance in food that provides energy or helps form body tissues and is necessary for life and growth
  5. a class of nutrients that are made up of amino acids, which are needed to build and repair body structures and to regulate processes in the body

12 Clues: the number of times an exercise is performeda fixed number of repetitions followed by a rest perioda dietary pattern that includes few or no animal productsan inability to sleep, even if one is physically exhausteda state in which the body has lost more water than is being taken in...

Nutrition 2021-10-02

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a type of sugar which is found in many carbohydrates
  2. a type of carbohydrate
  3. a nutrient needed in large amounts
  4. a disease caused by the deficiency of protein and calories
  5. a micronutrient that gives 9 calories of energy per gram
  1. a lack of (in this case a nutrient)
  2. a good source of this nutrient is grains (such as bread and pasta)
  3. a nutrient needed to repair damaged cells and tissues; found in meat and dairy products
  4. a nutrient needed in small amounts
  5. a micronutrient needed for metabolism
  6. a type of molecule that makes up proteins (5, 5)
  7. a disease caused by the lack of vitamin C

12 Clues: a type of carbohydratea nutrient needed in small amountsa nutrient needed in large amountsa lack of (in this case a nutrient)a micronutrient needed for metabolisma disease caused by the lack of vitamin Ca type of molecule that makes up proteins (5, 5)a type of sugar which is found in many carbohydrates...

Nutrition 2021-10-26

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. the body uses to build/maintain cells
  2. carbs, fats, and proteins
  3. when food makers turn liquid oils into solid fats
  4. needed for night vision/found in fish
  5. compounds found in foods that help regulate the body
  6. the body cannot digest this
  1. starches and sugars found in foods
  2. a condition in which the bones break easily
  3. your skin naturally produces this in sunlight
  4. vitamins, minerals, and water
  5. supports immune system
  6. elements found in food that are used by the body

12 Clues: supports immune systemcarbs, fats, and proteinsthe body cannot digest thisvitamins, minerals, and waterstarches and sugars found in foodsthe body uses to build/maintain cellsneeded for night vision/found in fisha condition in which the bones break easilyyour skin naturally produces this in sunlightelements found in food that are used by the body...

Nutrition 2021-11-09

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. How do we test for starch?
  2. One of the seven nutrients?
  3. Starvation is a severe form of…
  4. People who are very overweight are said to be
  5. What nutrient do plant cell walls make up?
  6. The scientific term for what you eat
  1. Meat is a food high in….?
  2. What digestive juice does food get mixed with in the mouth?
  3. Which can be absorbed by the small intestine? Starch or Glucose? Glucose
  4. the amount of energy in food is measured in?
  5. The food group our bodies use to store energy and for insulation is….?
  6. What chemical reagent do we use to test for Protein?

12 Clues: Meat is a food high in….?How do we test for starch?One of the seven nutrients?Starvation is a severe form of…The scientific term for what you eatWhat nutrient do plant cell walls make up?the amount of energy in food is measured in?People who are very overweight are said to beWhat chemical reagent do we use to test for Protein?...

Nutrition 2023-04-21

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. One type of unsaturated fat
  2. One of the most harmful fats
  3. live microorganisms introduced to the body for restoring the gut microbiota
  4. _______ fiber softens stools making it easier to pass
  5. A unit of energy that measures how much energy food provides the body
  6. Caused by not drinking enough fluid or by losing more fluid than you take in
  1. ______ fiber can help improve digestion and blood sugar
  2. Eat the _________. Choose fruits and vegetables with a variety of colors.
  3. Fats that usually come from animals but can be found in oils such as coconut
  4. Unsaturated fats are _______ at room temperature
  5. mineral that helps build strong bones and teeth
  6. Calories derived from food containing no nutrients

12 Clues: One type of unsaturated fatOne of the most harmful fatsmineral that helps build strong bones and teethUnsaturated fats are _______ at room temperatureCalories derived from food containing no nutrients_______ fiber softens stools making it easier to pass______ fiber can help improve digestion and blood sugar...

Nutrition 2013-07-26

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Too much _______ can rot your teeth.
  2. A sandwich needs two pieces of whole-grain _______.
  3. This vegetable looks like a mini tree.
  4. You should drink 8 _______ of water per day.
  5. This drink helps strengthen your bones.
  6. Having fruit salad after dinner is a yummy _______.
  1. H2O is the chemical symbol for _______.
  2. Dried grapes are called _______.
  3. Monkeys love this fruit.
  4. This meal helps you do great in school.
  5. Veggies and _______ is a healthy alternative to chips.
  6. This fruit juice is loaded with vitamin C.

12 Clues: Monkeys love this fruit.Dried grapes are called _______.Too much _______ can rot your teeth.This vegetable looks like a mini tree.H2O is the chemical symbol for _______.This meal helps you do great in school.This drink helps strengthen your bones.This fruit juice is loaded with vitamin C.You should drink 8 _______ of water per day....

Nutrition 2015-08-27

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. rebuilds tissue like muscle
  2. The unit used to measure energy in food or used up by the body is measured
  3. provides the body with quick energy
  4. process of food being turn into energy
  5. helps the body turn food into energy and helps the immune system
  6. helps us feel full and provides cell growth
  7. are the substances in food that your body needs for growth, repair and energy are
  1. essential to life
  2. helps the body with bones and heart rhythm
  3. foods have high ratio of nutrients to calories
  4. cannot be digested, helps clean out your large intestines
  5. how many minutes should be physically active in a day

12 Clues: essential to liferebuilds tissue like muscleprovides the body with quick energyprocess of food being turn into energyhelps the body with bones and heart rhythmhelps us feel full and provides cell growthfoods have high ratio of nutrients to calorieshow many minutes should be physically active in a day...

Nutrition 2022-01-11

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a change in the body or mind which indicates that you're sick
  2. a lack of something; not having enough
  3. an oily solid or liquid substance in food
  4. the things you can eat to get a certain nutrient
  5. a nutrient found in certain foods (such as bread, rice, and potatoes) that provide your body with heat and energy and are made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  6. a nutrient found in foods (such as meat, milk, eggs, and beans) that is an important part of the human diet
  1. a chemical substance (such as iron or zinc) that occurs naturally in certain foods and that is important for good health
  2. the food you eat
  3. plant material that cannot be digested but that helps you to digest other food
  4. having enough nutrients from each category
  5. a substance that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow
  6. get enough to continue living a healthy life

12 Clues: the food you eata lack of something; not having enoughan oily solid or liquid substance in foodhaving enough nutrients from each categoryget enough to continue living a healthy lifethe things you can eat to get a certain nutrienta change in the body or mind which indicates that you're sick...

NUTRITION 2022-01-21

NUTRITION crossword puzzle
  1. a simple sugar that is the main source of energy
  2. process where the body takes in food
  3. nutritional compounds our bodies need large
  4. a desire, rather than need to eat
  5. unlearned protects from starvation
  6. complex carbohydrate in vegtable
  1. for daily functioning
  2. help to maintain cells
  3. units of heat that measure the energy
  4. substance in food that your body needs to grow
  5. provide energy for the body
  6. of food

12 Clues: of foodfor daily functioninghelp to maintain cellsprovide energy for the bodycomplex carbohydrate in vegtablea desire, rather than need to eatunlearned protects from starvationunits of heat that measure the energyprocess where the body takes in foodnutritional compounds our bodies need largesubstance in food that your body needs to grow...

Nutrition 2022-05-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. necessary for recovery and healing
  2. found in candy and desserts, energizing
  3. gives the body energy for physical activity
  4. life cannot exist without it
  5. helps your digestive system run
  1. minerals that help maintain balance
  2. measurement of energy referring to foods
  3. helps store energy over long periods
  4. gives small boosts to most bodily abilities
  5. keeps health in check and maintains fitness
  6. allows the body to perform its functions
  7. energy uses it as a vessel to get into us

12 Clues: life cannot exist without ithelps your digestive system runnecessary for recovery and healingminerals that help maintain balancehelps store energy over long periodsfound in candy and desserts, energizingmeasurement of energy referring to foodsallows the body to perform its functionsenergy uses it as a vessel to get into us...

Nutrition 2022-03-18

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Helps insulate & protect organs.
  2. A _____ label provides nutrition facts.
  3. This nutrient is made up of amino acids.
  4. A waxy, fat like substance in the blood.
  5. Examples of this are "B12", "A", and "C".
  6. A protein food that is yellow and white.
  7. The bad types of cholesterol.
  1. The amount of energy found in a food item.
  2. The body's main source of energy.
  3. The good types of cholesterol.
  4. Whole ____ should make up 50% of your carb intake.
  5. Examples of this are potassium & calcium.

12 Clues: The bad types of cholesterol.The good types of cholesterol.Helps insulate & protect organs.The body's main source of energy.A _____ label provides nutrition facts.This nutrient is made up of amino acids.A waxy, fat like substance in the blood.A protein food that is yellow and white.Examples of this are "B12", "A", and "C"....

Nutrition 2023-12-11

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. corn beans and broccoli are______
  2. blueberries and oranges are______
  3. Swiss and American
  4. what do you eat off
  5. bread and pasta are_____
  6. Cod and Salmon are______
  1. _____are a good source of protein
  2. in good health
  3. great source of dairy____
  4. Orange or cranberry_____
  5. deviled_____
  6. meat fish and poultry are examples of_____

12 Clues: deviled_____in good healthSwiss and Americanwhat do you eat offOrange or cranberry_____bread and pasta are_____Cod and Salmon are______great source of dairy_________are a good source of proteinblueberries and oranges are______corn beans and broccoli are______meat fish and poultry are examples of_____

Nutrition 2023-10-24

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. an eating disorder where starving occurs
  2. a unit of heat that measure the energy available in foods
  3. substances in food that your body needs to grow
  4. an eating disorder where purging occurs
  1. process where food breaks down into smaller pieces
  2. compounds that help to regulate body processes
  3. absorbs water minerals vitamins and salts
  4. digestive juice produced by salivary glands
  5. a useful tool used to make healthy food choices
  6. organs that remove waste material
  7. a digestive gland that secretes a substance called bile
  8. substance that aids in the body's chemical reactions

12 Clues: organs that remove waste materialan eating disorder where purging occursan eating disorder where starving occursabsorbs water minerals vitamins and saltsdigestive juice produced by salivary glandscompounds that help to regulate body processesa useful tool used to make healthy food choicessubstances in food that your body needs to grow...

Spanish three honors 2020-04-16

Spanish three honors crossword puzzle
  1. light
  2. fiber
  3. fat
  4. Junk food
  5. Greasy
  6. Iron
  7. reduce
  8. to be on a diet
  9. lvitamins
  10. avoid
  11. to keep fit
  1. increase
  2. Calories
  3. Health
  4. nutrition
  5. tasty
  6. fast food
  7. proteins
  8. digest

19 Clues: fatIronlightfibertastyavoidHealthGreasyreducedigestincreaseCaloriesproteinsnutritionJunk foodfast foodlvitaminsto keep fitto be on a diet

Anima Science 2016-09-09

Anima Science crossword puzzle
  1. Building blocks of muscles.
  2. Elements essential for normal body functioning.
  3. Proces in which animals eat food to live,grow,and reproduce.
  4. Disease of the gums and skin.
  5. Nonnutritive substance.
  6. Result of too little nutrition
  7. Too much of improper foods causes.
  8. Process and functions of an animals body.
  9. Material inside of a bone.
  1. Complex chemicals needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  2. Concentrates are low in fiber and high in....
  3. Milk Production.
  4. Most important of the dry roughages.
  5. Feed that results from the storage and fermination of green crops.
  6. Amount and content of food eaten by an animal in 24 hours.
  7. Made up of bones.
  8. Synthestic source of nitrogen.
  9. Various parts of the body.
  10. Main component of the skeletal system.
  11. Large compartmet in stomach.

20 Clues: Milk Production.Made up of bones.Nonnutritive substance.Various parts of the body.Material inside of a bone.Building blocks of muscles.Large compartmet in stomach.Disease of the gums and skin.Synthestic source of nitrogen.Result of too little nutritionToo much of improper foods causes.Most important of the dry roughages....

nutrition crossword 2021-10-21

nutrition crossword crossword puzzle
  1. food or necessary items for health
  2. a fat like substance in cells
  3. a carbohydrate that the body cant digest
  4. a plant used for scent or flavor
  5. substance that provides protein and carbs
  6. providing food for health and growth
  7. your body turns food into
  8. nutrients that give you energy
  9. food nutrients your body turn to glucose
  10. a special course of food to lose weight
  11. energy your body gets from eating
  1. the main sugar found in blood
  2. provides nourishment essential for health
  3. a plant used as food
  4. when you have extra body fat
  5. what your body needs to function normally
  6. the chemical process in your body
  7. a person that studies nutrition
  8. nutrient needed for growth
  9. 60% of the human body is this

20 Clues: a plant used as foodyour body turns food intonutrient needed for growthwhen you have extra body fatthe main sugar found in blooda fat like substance in cells60% of the human body is thisnutrients that give you energya person that studies nutritiona plant used for scent or flavorthe chemical process in your bodyenergy your body gets from eating...

Alex Zamora 8th period crossword 2023-03-27

Alex Zamora 8th period crossword crossword puzzle
  1. a chemical element
  2. not completely saturated fat
  3. nutrition guide
  4. a food that doesn't contain nutrients
  5. label on packaged food
  6. found in natural foods
  7. types of food
  8. a transparent liquid
  9. a nutrient the body needs
  10. made up of sugar molecules
  11. organic molecules also known as lipids
  12. a chemical compound contained in foods
  13. what it means to digest food
  14. a unit of energy found in food
  1. a fat solid at room temperature
  2. nutrition facts based on the servings of food
  3. something the body can't digest
  4. required nutrients for the body
  5. sugars that are being added
  6. found in processed foods
  7. to be secured
  8. helps your body repair cells and makes new ones
  9. added nutrients
  10. a natural occurring inorganic element

24 Clues: to be securedtypes of foodnutrition guideadded nutrientsa chemical elementa transparent liquidlabel on packaged foodfound in natural foodsfound in processed foodsa nutrient the body needsmade up of sugar moleculessugars that are being addednot completely saturated fatwhat it means to digest fooda unit of energy found in food...

fast food / sports for everyone 2014-12-08

fast food / sports for everyone crossword puzzle
  1. Ernährung
  2. Ente
  3. Uebung, Bewegung
  4. (Salat)gurke
  5. Sportarten
  6. Leben
  7. Honig
  1. schmackhaft
  2. Süssigkeiten
  3. Prise
  4. Anweisung
  5. vorausgegangen
  6. Frühstücksflocken
  7. Senf
  8. Scheibe

15 Clues: EnteSenfPriseLebenHonigScheibeAnweisungErnährungSportartenschmackhaftSüssigkeiten(Salat)gurkevorausgegangenUebung, BewegungFrühstücksflocken

fast food / sports for everyone 2014-12-08

fast food / sports for everyone crossword puzzle
  1. Ernährung
  2. Ente
  3. Uebung, Bewegung
  4. (Salat)gurke
  5. Sportarten
  6. Leben
  7. Honig
  1. schmackhaft
  2. Süssigkeiten
  3. Prise
  4. Anweisung
  5. vorausgegangen
  6. Frühstücksflocken
  7. Senf
  8. Scheibe

15 Clues: EnteSenfPriseLebenHonigScheibeAnweisungErnährungSportartenschmackhaftSüssigkeiten(Salat)gurkevorausgegangenUebung, BewegungFrühstücksflocken

Nutrition In Plants 2019-09-23

Nutrition In Plants crossword puzzle
  1. Beneficial relationship between two organisms.
  2. Type of nutrition by producers
  3. Process of making food by producers.
  4. Green Pigment
  5. Getting nutrients.
  1. Tiny pores present on leaves.
  2. Insect eaters.
  3. Non producers.
  4. Feeders of decayed matter.
  5. Association of algae and fungi.

10 Clues: Green PigmentInsect eaters.Non producers.Getting nutrients.Feeders of decayed matter.Tiny pores present on leaves.Type of nutrition by producersAssociation of algae and fungi.Process of making food by producers.Beneficial relationship between two organisms.

Nutrition In Plants Crossword 2019-09-24

Nutrition In Plants Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. Getting nutrients.
  2. Process of making food by producers.
  3. Feeders of decayed matter.
  4. Tiny pores present on leaves.
  5. Type of nutrition by producers
  1. Green Pigment
  2. Non producers.
  3. Insect eaters.
  4. Association of algae and fungi.
  5. Beneficial relationship between two organisms.

10 Clues: Green PigmentNon producers.Insect eaters.Getting nutrients.Feeders of decayed matter.Tiny pores present on leaves.Type of nutrition by producersAssociation of algae and fungi.Process of making food by producers.Beneficial relationship between two organisms.

Unit 04 2023-01-11

Unit 04 crossword puzzle
  1. Zutat
  2. Milchprodukte
  3. serviert mit ...
  4. industriell verarbeitete Produkte
  5. geschmacklos
  6. Getreide
  7. schnell einen Happen essen
  8. Besessenheit
  9. etwas würzen
  1. Stress abbauen
  2. vegetarisch
  3. Ernährung
  4. Hauptgericht
  5. Nachspeise
  6. essen gehen / auswärts essen
  7. köstlich
  8. Gericht
  9. Fettleibigkeit
  10. Vorspeise
  11. scharf

20 Clues: ZutatscharfGerichtköstlichGetreideErnährungVorspeiseNachspeisevegetarischHauptgerichtgeschmacklosBesessenheitetwas würzenMilchprodukteStress abbauenFettleibigkeitserviert mit ...schnell einen Happen essenessen gehen / auswärts essenindustriell verarbeitete Produkte

Vocabulario de salud 2023-11-16

Vocabulario de salud crossword puzzle
  1. Health
  2. To rest
  3. Vitality
  4. Illnes
  5. Pharmacy
  6. Flu
  7. Prescription
  8. Exercise
  9. Nervous
  10. Tired
  11. Fever
  12. Cough
  1. Hydration
  2. Nurse (male)
  3. Pill
  4. Medicine
  5. Nutrition
  6. Patient
  7. Relaxation
  8. Infection
  9. Energy
  10. Calm (male)
  11. Pain
  12. Pharmacist

24 Clues: FluPillPainTiredFeverCoughHealthEnergyIllnesTo restPatientNervousMedicineVitalityPharmacyExerciseHydrationNutritionInfectionRelaxationPharmacistCalm (male)Nurse (male)Prescription