nutrition Crossword Puzzles

Nutrition 2023-03-01

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Carbohydrates with three or more sugars, slow to digest.
  2. A source of complete protein.
  3. Substances that strengthen bones, teeth, and help keep blood and major organs healthy.
  4. Nutrients that provide energy, keep the skin healthy and promote normal growth.
  5. Process of taking in food and using it for energy, growth, and good health.
  6. Simple structures consisting of one or two sugars, digested quickly and raise blood sugar.
  7. Nutritional guide that helps you eat a balanced diet.
  1. Substances that help regulate the body's functions, found in fruits/veggies.
  2. A common fruit.
  3. Nutrients that are used to repair body cells and tissue.
  4. Nutrients are starches and sugars that provide energy.
  5. An example of a simple carbohydrate.
  6. A common type of grain.

13 Clues: A common fruit.A common type of grain.A source of complete protein.An example of a simple carbohydrate.Nutritional guide that helps you eat a balanced diet.Nutrients are starches and sugars that provide energy.Carbohydrates with three or more sugars, slow to digest.Nutrients that are used to repair body cells and tissue....

Nutrition 2023-11-06

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. milk
  2. depend on others for food
  3. process of plants making food
  4. cuscuta
  5. food gives us
  6. growth
  1. energy giving
  2. makes own food
  3. green pigment in leafs
  4. sea food
  5. released after photosynthesis
  6. body building
  7. keeps body warm

13 Clues: milkgrowthcuscutasea foodenergy givingbody buildingfood gives usmakes own foodkeeps body warmgreen pigment in leafsdepend on others for foodprocess of plants making foodreleased after photosynthesis

Nutrition 2023-10-19

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. cooking while laying a liquid over it
  2. method that uses a small amount of oil at high heat
  3. slow small bubbles
  4. cook food especially meat by long expose of heat
  5. big bubbles in water that appear rapidly
  6. fry frying in large amounts of oil
  1. fry using a hot pan to cook your food on stove top
  2. cooking food submerged in liquid
  3. very high heat directly in oven
  4. cooked slowly in liquid dish or pan
  5. direct heat from coals
  6. the heating of food by steam
  7. to make goods in a oven at lower temps

13 Clues: slow small bubblesdirect heat from coalsthe heating of food by steamvery high heat directly in ovencooking food submerged in liquidfry frying in large amounts of oilcooked slowly in liquid dish or pancooking while laying a liquid over itto make goods in a oven at lower tempsbig bubbles in water that appear rapidly...

nutrition 2024-03-04

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. vital for energy and bodily functions
  2. vital nutrients from food
  3. vital vitamins and minerals in small quantities
  4. essential substances in food that the body needs for growth, maintenance, and overall health.
  5. vital fat for cells, may be harmful in excess in bloodstream
  6. essential organic compounds crucial for body functions
  1. boy's energy & building process from food
  2. energy units for the body
  3. plant based, aiding digestion & digestive health
  4. builds and repairs body tissues
  5. breaking down food for the body to use
  6. nutrients moving into the bloodstream
  7. vital large-scale nutrients

13 Clues: energy units for the bodyvital nutrients from foodvital large-scale nutrientsbuilds and repairs body tissuesvital for energy and bodily functionsnutrients moving into the bloodstreambreaking down food for the body to useboy's energy & building process from foodvital vitamins and minerals in small quantities...

Nutrition 2024-05-28

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a benefit of physical activity is that you live ________
  2. you should eat the right amount of these
  3. a healthy diet helps manage this
  4. yogurt is an example of this food group
  5. a healthy diet reduces the risk of this
  6. help you regulate bodily functions
  7. elements in food that help your body grow and develop
  1. helps your body build and repair
  2. illustrates the 5 food groups
  3. bread and rice are an example of these
  4. main sources of energy
  5. helps your body digest food and eliminate waste
  6. shouldn't consume too much of this nutrient

13 Clues: main sources of energyillustrates the 5 food groupshelps your body build and repaira healthy diet helps manage thishelp you regulate bodily functionsbread and rice are an example of theseyogurt is an example of this food groupa healthy diet reduces the risk of thisyou should eat the right amount of theseshouldn't consume too much of this nutrient...

Nutrition 2020-10-20

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Build tissues and repairs body cells.
  2. A highly concentrated source of energy in the body.
  3. apples is a source of what?
  4. Stored in the bone marrow, organs, spleen and muscles
  5. fats fats that are liquid at room temperature
  6. unit of heat used to measure energy value of food
  7. main function is to provide energy
  1. milk is a source of what?
  2. broccoli is a source of what?
  3. fats fats that are solid at room temperature.
  4. chicken is a source of what?
  5. act or process in which living organisms utilize food substances
  6. Rice is a source of what?

13 Clues: milk is a source of what?Rice is a source of what?apples is a source of what?chicken is a source of what?broccoli is a source of what?main function is to provide energyBuild tissues and repairs body cells.fats fats that are solid at room temperature.fats fats that are liquid at room temperatureunit of heat used to measure energy value of food...

Nutrition 2020-04-23

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. MyPlate category that requires 3 cups daily and prefers low-fat or fat-free options
  2. Performs any activity that is equivalent of three miles in addition to the daily tasks of life
  3. The process of taking food in and using it for energy, growth, and good health
  4. The nutrient group used to build and repair cells
  5. MyPlate category that requires 2 cups daily of a fresh variety
  6. Only performs the daily activities of life
  7. MyPlate category that requires 2.5 cups of daily preferably dark leafy items
  1. a guide for developing a healthful eating plan
  2. MyPlate category that requires 6 oz of daily consumption, 3 oz of which should be whole
  3. Starches and sugars found in food
  4. Substances in food that your body needs to grow, have energy, and stay healthy
  5. Foods that have a high amount of nutrients relative to the number of calories
  6. Nutrients that promote natural growth, provide energy, and keep skin healthy

13 Clues: Starches and sugars found in foodOnly performs the daily activities of lifea guide for developing a healthful eating planThe nutrient group used to build and repair cellsMyPlate category that requires 2 cups daily of a fresh varietyNutrients that promote natural growth, provide energy, and keep skin healthy...

Nutrition 2021-09-07

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. energy in a substance calorie
  2. for your body carbohydrates
  3. pretzels sodium
  4. your food intake metabolism
  5. transfats
  6. your daily calorie intake fats
  1. rock and soil minerals
  2. dairy calcium
  3. of metal iron
  4. 3 days to survive water
  5. muscle proteins
  6. bananas potassium
  7. of proteins aminoacids
  8. digestion fiber
  9. diffrent variaties vitamins

15 Clues: transfatsof metal ironpretzels sodiumdairy calciumbananas potassiumdigestion fiberyour food intake metabolismenergy in a substance calorierock and soil mineralsdiffrent variaties vitaminsmuscle proteinsof proteins aminoacidsfor your body carbohydrates...

Nutrition 2021-09-07

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. protect healthy cells from damaged ones
  2. chemical process that breaks food down
  3. help keep healthy red blood cells
  4. one of the body's main sources of energy
  5. a waxy, fatlike substance
  6. amount of nutrients broken down in the body
  7. supplies energy for the body
  1. maintain water balance in the body
  2. important in blood clotting
  3. long chain of small proteins
  4. one of the body's main sources of energy
  5. the body's extra carbs are converted into _
  6. nutrients that occur naturally in rocks
  7. helps with the function of the heart
  8. one of the body's main sources of energy

15 Clues: a waxy, fatlike substanceimportant in blood clottinglong chain of small proteinssupplies energy for the bodyhelp keep healthy red blood cellsmaintain water balance in the bodyhelps with the function of the heartchemical process that breaks food downprotect healthy cells from damaged onesnutrients that occur naturally in rocks...

Nutrition 2013-06-04

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Found in Oranges.
  2. Are only saturated fats.
  3. Helps transports oxeygen in your body
  4. Compounds to form a Protien
  5. Is needed for normal growth and is in your body.
  6. Is a fatty acid
  1. Is a major subject and is smiliar to the title.
  2. Chains on amino acids
  3. Has a group of a fat soulble.
  4. A mineral found in your body and is also found in yogurt, and cheese.
  5. Important source of food and energy.
  6. Also help your body grow and increase energy
  7. We eat this and we need this for protien and also is found on Canada's food guide.

13 Clues: Is a fatty acidFound in Oranges.Chains on amino acidsAre only saturated fats.Compounds to form a ProtienHas a group of a fat soulble.Important source of food and energy.Helps transports oxeygen in your bodyAlso help your body grow and increase energyIs a major subject and is smiliar to the title.Is needed for normal growth and is in your body....

nutrition 2024-06-25

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Should only eat 25 grams/day
  2. Chemical Based Substances
  3. Fats From Plants
  4. There are 20 of them
  5. Where the body cannot digest
  6. Causes hives or swelling of the mouth
  7. A unit of energy
  1. Made up of simple and complex sugars
  2. Fats that come from Animals
  3. Found in meats
  4. We eat and gain from plants
  5. BMR
  6. Should only eat 5 grams/day

13 Clues: BMRFound in meatsFats From PlantsA unit of energyThere are 20 of themChemical Based SubstancesFats that come from AnimalsWe eat and gain from plantsShould only eat 5 grams/dayShould only eat 25 grams/dayWhere the body cannot digestMade up of simple and complex sugarsCauses hives or swelling of the mouth

nutrition 2024-06-25

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. We eat and gain from plants
  2. Causes hives or swelling of the mouth
  3. There are 20 of them
  4. A unit of energy
  5. Fats that come from Animals
  6. Found in meats
  1. Made up of simple and complex sugars
  2. Chemical Based Substances
  3. Where the body cannot digest
  4. Fats From Plants
  5. Should only eat 5 grams/day
  6. Should only eat 25 grams/day
  7. BMR

13 Clues: BMRFound in meatsFats From PlantsA unit of energyThere are 20 of themChemical Based SubstancesWe eat and gain from plantsShould only eat 5 grams/dayFats that come from AnimalsWhere the body cannot digestShould only eat 25 grams/dayMade up of simple and complex sugarsCauses hives or swelling of the mouth

Unit 4 lesson 2 en 3 2022-03-04

Unit 4 lesson 2 en 3 crossword puzzle
  1. klant
  2. shelf stacker
  3. popside
  4. nutrition
  5. oplossing
  6. korting
  7. partij
  8. foodlabel
  9. riot
  1. gang
  2. geweld
  3. benodigdheden
  4. achtergrond
  5. besluit
  6. member
  7. serving
  8. tension
  9. united

18 Clues: gangriotklantgeweldmemberpartijunitedbesluitpopsideservingtensionkortingnutritionoplossingfoodlabelachtergrondbenodigdhedenshelf stacker

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. объем
  2. защищать
  3. описательный
  4. картон
  5. ингредиент
  6. питание
  7. характеризовать
  8. происхождение
  9. аллергия
  10. вес
  1. упаковщик
  2. обеспечивать
  3. продавец
  4. выражать
  5. приготовление
  6. торговая марка
  7. снабжать
  8. хранение
  9. рекламировать
  10. ярлык
  11. качество, сорт

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниепродавецвыражатьзащищатьснабжатьхранениеаллергияупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

FOOD 2019-01-08

FOOD crossword puzzle
  1. agurkas
  2. pieno produktai
  3. sausainiai
  4. kiauliena
  5. vabzdys
  6. sumuštinis
  7. tarkuotas
  8. miesto/miestiškas
  9. kopūstas
  10. kavinė
  11. veršiena
  1. maitinimasis, mityba
  2. salotos
  3. užkandis
  4. morka
  5. česnakas
  6. grūdiniai produktai
  7. dešra
  8. kava
  9. mišrainė

20 Clues: kavamorkadešrakavinėsalotosagurkasvabzdysužkandisčesnakaskopūstasmišrainėveršienakiaulienatarkuotassausainiaisumuštinispieno produktaimiesto/miestiškasgrūdiniai produktaimaitinimasis, mityba

Wasp III 2023-05-11

Wasp III crossword puzzle
  1. gril
  2. heimelijk
  3. oordeel
  4. geschikt, gepast
  5. afgenomen, verminderd
  6. beroemd
  7. van roof leven
  8. hoofdstel
  9. ongrijpbaar
  10. ruig, rotsachtig
  1. stabiliteit
  2. wapendragend
  3. consument
  4. dierenbescherming
  5. wapenstilstand
  6. prestatie
  7. alomtegenwoordig
  8. voeding
  9. appartementengebouw
  10. uiteindelijk

20 Clues: griloordeelvoedingberoemdheimelijkconsumentprestatiehoofdstelstabiliteitongrijpbaarwapendragenduiteindelijkwapenstilstandvan roof levengeschikt, gepastalomtegenwoordigruig, rotsachtigdierenbeschermingappartementengebouwafgenomen, verminderd

Chapter 6 Vocabulary 2024-02-13

Chapter 6 Vocabulary crossword puzzle
  1. flexible
  2. calm
  3. strong
  4. muscle
  5. massage
  6. mineral
  7. protein
  8. treadmill
  9. vitamin
  10. caffeine
  1. nutritionist
  2. to try to
  3. nutrition
  4. decaffeinated
  5. calorie
  6. fat
  7. drug
  8. weak
  9. active
  10. to warm up

20 Clues: fatcalmdrugweakstrongmuscleactivecaloriemassagemineralproteinvitaminflexiblecaffeineto try tonutritiontreadmillto warm upnutritionistdecaffeinated

GMOs 2024-02-08

GMOs crossword puzzle
  1. groeien, rijpen
  2. voordeel
  3. maïs
  4. verbeteren
  5. kenmerk, eigenschap
  6. weerstand
  7. opbrengsten
  8. gezondheid
  9. gewassen
  10. bewerken, aanpassen
  11. ziekte
  12. ras
  1. invoegen, toevoegen
  2. voeding
  3. wetenschapper
  4. vee
  5. controverse
  6. veiligheid
  7. verminderen
  8. veranderen

20 Clues: veerasmaïsziektevoedingvoordeelgewassenweerstandverbeterenveiligheidgezondheidveranderencontroverseopbrengstenverminderenwetenschappergroeien, rijpeninvoegen, toevoegenkenmerk, eigenschapbewerken, aanpassen

Photosynthesis 2022-01-16

Photosynthesis crossword puzzle
  1. Dustin's country
  2. Plant's process to create nutrition
  3. Plants receive this gas
  4. Plant kingdom
  5. Plants produce this gas
  1. The light plants use
  2. Interaction, Reproduction and ________
  3. Animal kingdom
  4. Gives plants its green colour
  5. Football team that won the derby on Sunday
  6. H2O

11 Clues: H2OPlant kingdomAnimal kingdomDustin's countryThe light plants usePlants receive this gasPlants produce this gasGives plants its green colourPlant's process to create nutritionInteraction, Reproduction and ________Football team that won the derby on Sunday


NUTRITION IN PLANTS crossword puzzle
  1. Bacteria found in the roots of the pea plant
  2. Saprophytic Plant
  3. The mode of nutrition where plants make their own food using simple substances.
  1. The mode of nutrition in which plants an animal depend directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. Insectivorous Plant
  3. Parasitic Plant
  4. Symbiotic Plant
  5. In a chloroplast cell
  6. In a guard cell

9 Clues: Parasitic PlantSymbiotic PlantIn a guard cellSaprophytic PlantInsectivorous PlantIn a chloroplast cellBacteria found in the roots of the pea plantThe mode of nutrition where plants make their own food using simple substances.The mode of nutrition in which plants an animal depend directly or indirectly for nutrition

STEM Careers 2022-05-18

STEM Careers crossword puzzle
  1. studies outer space
  2. studies living beings
  3. educates others on subjects they are knowledgeable in
  4. is an expert on human diets and nutrition
  5. performs medical procedures on the human body
  6. studies animals
  7. studies plants
  8. studies rocks and the earth
  9. studies the weather and its patterns
  10. dispenses medicinal drugs
  1. is qualified to work with medicine
  2. medical expert with non-human animals
  3. specializes in nutrition
  4. studies human teeth and works on them
  5. studies human history through artifacts
  6. studies chemicals and their reactions
  7. is trained to work with the sick or infirm
  8. studies the environment and how living beings interact with it

18 Clues: studies plantsstudies animalsstudies outer spacestudies living beingsspecializes in nutritiondispenses medicinal drugsstudies rocks and the earthis qualified to work with medicinestudies the weather and its patternsmedical expert with non-human animalsstudies human teeth and works on themstudies chemicals and their reactions...

Nutrition and Aging 2018-07-23

Nutrition and Aging crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrition that is provided intravenously
  2. When bone mineral density is lost patients are at risk for _____.
  3. When lean muscle mass diminishes this is called?
  4. Dietary Reference Intake
  5. For HTN salt intake should be (increased) or (decreased)?
  1. HTN
  2. When older adults take multiple medications, the meds can compete for the same protein binding sites and cause adverse effects, this is called _____.
  3. This presentation covered the topic of ______.
  4. Dry Mouth
  5. Tube used for short-term feeding
  6. Educating patients and families about balanced nutrition is referred to as Health ______.

11 Clues: HTNDry MouthDietary Reference IntakeTube used for short-term feedingNutrition that is provided intravenouslyThis presentation covered the topic of ______.When lean muscle mass diminishes this is called?For HTN salt intake should be (increased) or (decreased)?When bone mineral density is lost patients are at risk for _____....

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. ярлык
  2. упаковщик
  3. снабжать
  4. продавец
  5. рекламировать
  6. объем
  7. описательный
  8. торговая марка
  9. ингредиент
  10. питание
  1. качество, сорт
  2. выражать
  3. картон
  4. вес
  5. аллергия
  6. обеспечивать
  7. приготовление
  8. хранение
  9. защищать
  10. характеризовать
  11. происхождение

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниевыражатьснабжатьпродавецаллергияхранениезащищатьупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйрекламироватьприготовлениепроисхождениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. выражать
  2. приготовление
  3. продавец
  4. аллергия
  5. обеспечивать
  6. защищать
  7. ингредиент
  8. торговая марка
  9. рекламировать
  10. происхождение
  11. вес
  12. характеризовать
  1. объем
  2. картон
  3. ярлык
  4. описательный
  5. снабжать
  6. питание
  7. хранение
  8. упаковщик
  9. качество, сорт

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниевыражатьснабжатьпродавецаллергияхранениезащищатьупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. упаковщик
  2. приготовление
  3. продавец
  4. хранение
  5. снабжать
  6. вес
  7. ингредиент
  8. ярлык
  9. картон
  10. выражать
  1. характеризовать
  2. торговая марка
  3. рекламировать
  4. описательный
  5. защищать
  6. обеспечивать
  7. питание
  8. качество, сорт
  9. объем
  10. аллергия
  11. происхождение

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниезащищатьпродавецхранениеснабжатьаллергиявыражатьупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьрекламироватьприготовлениепроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

You are what you eat 2013-04-22

You are what you eat crossword puzzle
  1. Very tiny part of something
  2. Gradually disappearing in a liquid
  3. A way to stay fit and active
  4. A particular way, somethings should work
  5. Found inside Earth
  6. A way of resting
  7. Our body needs from food
  8. A subject that includes scientific experiment
  1. A gear in a car
  2. process of passing food through body
  3. A type of nutrition
  4. A negative charge in an atom
  5. An important part of Digestive System
  6. Chemical Symbol is N
  7. Similar to religion

15 Clues: A gear in a carA way of restingFound inside EarthA type of nutritionSimilar to religionChemical Symbol is NOur body needs from foodVery tiny part of somethingA way to stay fit and activeA negative charge in an atomGradually disappearing in a liquidprocess of passing food through bodyAn important part of Digestive System...

Nuitrition 2015-08-10

Nuitrition crossword puzzle
  1. high sourse of nutrition
  2. need to consume to survive
  3. is a sourse of energy for the body
  4. is a sourse of protien
  5. the main sourse fopr calsium
  6. thye mainm nutrition
  7. used to hydrate the body
  1. A B C is an example
  2. used to restore the body
  3. comes from a curtain amouit of foods
  4. acures when dont haver enough fluids
  5. comes from milk
  6. used to build and restore cels in the body
  7. examples active
  8. used to isulate the body

15 Clues: comes from milkexamples activeA B C is an examplethye mainm nutritionis a sourse of protienhigh sourse of nutritionused to restore the bodyused to isulate the bodyused to hydrate the bodyneed to consume to survivethe main sourse fopr calsiumis a sourse of energy for the bodycomes from a curtain amouit of foodsacures when dont haver enough fluids...

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. торговая марка
  2. объем
  3. рекламировать
  4. продавец
  5. аллергия
  6. описательный
  7. защищать
  8. картон
  9. питание
  10. ингредиент
  11. упаковщик
  1. ярлык
  2. вес
  3. характеризовать
  4. хранение
  5. происхождение
  6. выражать
  7. снабжать
  8. приготовление
  9. обеспечивать
  10. качество, сорт

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниехранениевыражатьснабжатьпродавецаллергиязащищатьупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьпроисхождениерекламироватьприготовлениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. качество, сорт
  2. обеспечивать
  3. продавец
  4. ингредиент
  5. происхождение
  6. картон
  7. приготовление
  8. рекламировать
  9. снабжать
  10. вес
  1. характеризовать
  2. аллергия
  3. ярлык
  4. торговая марка
  5. описательный
  6. хранение
  7. защищать
  8. упаковщик
  9. питание
  10. объем
  11. выражать

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниеаллергияпродавецхранениезащищатьснабжатьвыражатьупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйпроисхождениеприготовлениерекламироватькачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. упаковщик
  2. снабжать
  3. приготовление
  4. происхождение
  5. защищать
  6. питание
  7. вес
  8. выражать
  9. хранение
  10. ярлык
  11. продавец
  12. качество, сорт
  13. торговая марка
  1. картон
  2. рекламировать
  3. описательный
  4. ингредиент
  5. обеспечивать
  6. объем
  7. аллергия
  8. характеризовать

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниеснабжатьзащищатьвыражатьхранениеаллергияпродавецупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьрекламироватьприготовлениепроисхождениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. торговая марка
  2. обеспечивать
  3. выражать
  4. приготовление
  5. упаковщик
  6. хранение
  7. вес
  8. происхождение
  9. объем
  10. снабжать
  1. характеризовать
  2. картон
  3. ингредиент
  4. качество, сорт
  5. рекламировать
  6. продавец
  7. описательный
  8. защищать
  9. питание
  10. аллергия
  11. ярлык

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниевыражатьпродавецзащищатьхранениеаллергияснабжатьупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйрекламироватьприготовлениепроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. снабжать
  2. приготовление
  3. питание
  4. вес
  5. защищать
  6. торговая марка
  7. выражать
  8. хранение
  9. ярлык
  10. качество, сорт
  11. обеспечивать
  1. картон
  2. описательный
  3. рекламировать
  4. ингредиент
  5. происхождение
  6. объем
  7. характеризовать
  8. упаковщик
  9. продавец
  10. аллергия

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниеснабжатьзащищатьвыражатьхранениепродавецаллергияупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Genetics 2016-03-01

Genetics crossword puzzle
  1. Ernährung
  2. giftig
  3. Widerstand
  4. künstliche Befruchtung
  5. gentechnisch verändert (Abkürzung)
  6. Impfstoff
  7. Überwachung
  8. Gehorsamkeit
  9. spenden
  1. Ethik
  2. Forscher(in)
  3. Verspätung
  4. anspruchsvoll
  5. Erbe
  6. Rückenmark
  7. bestimmen
  8. Gebärmutter
  9. erben
  10. beurteilen
  11. abtreiben

20 Clues: ErbeEthikerbengiftigspendenErnährungbestimmenImpfstoffabtreibenVerspätungWiderstandRückenmarkbeurteilenGebärmutterÜberwachungForscher(in)Gehorsamkeitanspruchsvollkünstliche Befruchtunggentechnisch verändert (Abkürzung)

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. снабжать
  2. рекламировать
  3. продавец
  4. вес
  5. описательный
  6. картон
  7. хранение
  8. ингредиент
  9. питание
  10. ярлык
  11. упаковщик
  12. качество, сорт
  1. характеризовать
  2. аллергия
  3. защищать
  4. объем
  5. приготовление
  6. выражать
  7. обеспечивать
  8. происхождение
  9. торговая марка

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниеаллергияснабжатьзащищатьпродавецвыражатьхранениеупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьрекламироватьприготовлениепроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. объем
  2. качество, сорт
  3. хранение
  4. характеризовать
  5. приготовление
  6. снабжать
  7. выражать
  8. рекламировать
  9. ярлык
  10. обеспечивать
  1. аллергия
  2. торговая марка
  3. картон
  4. описательный
  5. вес
  6. ингредиент
  7. защищать
  8. питание
  9. упаковщик
  10. продавец
  11. происхождение

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниеаллергияхранениезащищатьснабжатьвыражатьпродавецупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. упаковщик
  2. объем
  3. картон
  4. описательный
  5. ярлык
  6. защищать
  7. ингредиент
  8. питание
  9. аллергия
  10. торговая марка
  11. выражать
  1. качество, сорт
  2. хранение
  3. обеспечивать
  4. приготовление
  5. характеризовать
  6. снабжать
  7. вес
  8. происхождение
  9. рекламировать
  10. продавец

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниехранениезащищатьснабжатьпродавецаллергиявыражатьупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйприготовлениепроисхождениерекламироватькачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. приготовление
  2. аллергия
  3. картон
  4. рекламировать
  5. ингредиент
  6. защищать
  7. выражать
  8. торговая марка
  9. хранение
  10. продавец
  1. описательный
  2. качество, сорт
  3. снабжать
  4. характеризовать
  5. вес
  6. объем
  7. питание
  8. упаковщик
  9. происхождение
  10. обеспечивать
  11. ярлык

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниеснабжатьаллергиязащищатьвыражатьхранениепродавецупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Unit 4 words 2020-05-11

Unit 4 words crossword puzzle
  1. määrama/ette kirjutama
  2. haavatud
  3. hüpnotisöör
  4. välja väänatud
  5. režiim
  6. hüpnoos
  7. kange
  8. psüühiline
  9. algatama
  10. peadpööritav
  11. õõnestama
  12. seljavalu
  1. kiud
  2. värisev
  3. toitumine/väetamine
  4. valulik
  5. lööve
  6. kolp
  7. nakkus
  8. juhtima

20 Clues: kiudkolplöövekangerežiimnakkusvärisevvalulikhüpnoosjuhtimahaavatudalgatamaõõnestamaseljavalupsüühilinehüpnotisöörpeadpööritavvälja väänatudtoitumine/väetaminemäärama/ette kirjutama

4.2. BODY AND HEALTH 2024-01-11

4.2. BODY AND HEALTH crossword puzzle
  1. TOS
  6. GRASA
  9. FIBRA


YW GPS 2021-08-25

YW GPS crossword puzzle
  1. G6
  2. S3
  3. G5
  4. S4
  5. S1
  6. G2
  7. P1
  8. G1
  9. P6
  1. P3
  2. P4
  3. G4
  4. G3
  5. S2
  6. P5
  7. S5
  8. P2

17 Clues: P3G6P4G4S3G5S4G3S2S1P5G2P1S5G1P2P6

Nutrition 2016-02-25

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. What assists in blood clotting?
  2. Cholesterol what does double fibre help?
  3. fat What is considered the most harmful fat?
  4. What helps form haemoglobin?
  5. fats What helps decrease cholesterol?
  6. How many kj is in protein per 1 gram?
  7. sight What is Vitamin A essential for?
  8. How many basic nutrients are there?
  1. What is the boys main supply of energy?
  2. What foods are found in saturated fats?
  3. What controls nerve impulses?
  4. What is the secondary role of protein?
  5. How much water does our body contain?

13 Clues: What helps form haemoglobin?What controls nerve impulses?What assists in blood clotting?How many basic nutrients are there?fats What helps decrease cholesterol?How many kj is in protein per 1 gram?How much water does our body contain?What is the secondary role of protein?sight What is Vitamin A essential for?What is the boys main supply of energy?...

Nutrition 2016-02-11

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. having over the right amount of nutrient a person needs to have
  2. just over the correct BMI
  3. hugely overweight
  4. an approximate measure of whether someone is over- or underweight, calculated by dividing their weight in kilograms by the square of their height in meters
  1. the right amount of energy needed in your body
  2. A set of standards of the amounts of each nutrient needed to maintain good health.
  3. a thing that you plot to show if you are growing
  4. the amount of nutrition you are advised to have
  5. food that is essential for good health and growth
  6. not having the right nutrition in your diet
  7. the amount of food you eat
  8. something that you go on when you want to lose weight
  9. a lack of something

13 Clues: hugely overweighta lack of somethingjust over the correct BMIthe amount of food you eatnot having the right nutrition in your dietthe right amount of energy needed in your bodythe amount of nutrition you are advised to havea thing that you plot to show if you are growingfood that is essential for good health and growth...

Nutrition 2018-08-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. = any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms.
  2. respiration = a type of respiration that does not use oxygen.
  3. = any of a class of organic compounds that are fatty acids or their derivatives and are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. They include many natural oils, waxes, and steroids.
  4. = a form of malnutrition caused by protein deficiency in the diet, typically affecting young children in the tropics.
  5. = the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water through 1 °C, equal to one thousand small calories and often used to measure the energy value of foods.
  6. = the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  1. = any of a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.
  2. diet = a diet consisting of a variety of different types of food and providing adequate amounts of the nutrients necessary for good health.
  3. = 1,000 joules, especially as a measure of the energy value of foods.
  4. = the process of burning something.
  5. = a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance.
  6. = any of a large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose. They contain hydrogen and oxygen in the same ratio as water (2:1) and typically can be broken down to release energy in the animal body.
  7. respiration = the process of producing cellular energy involving oxygen.

13 Clues: = the process of burning something.= a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance.respiration = a type of respiration that does not use oxygen.= 1,000 joules, especially as a measure of the energy value of foods.respiration = the process of producing cellular energy involving oxygen....

Nutrition 2012-10-26

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Helps the digestive system
  2. If I am lactose intolerant, allergic to peanuts or have diabetes these are all _________ factors that may influence my eating habits.
  3. Important for growth and development
  4. It is important to listen to your _________ and thirst cues.
  5. What foods I find in my house, are the cheapest to buy and are sent in my lunch bags are examples of ___________ factors that influence my eating habits.
  6. I am _________ when I have not drunk enough water.
  1. What I eat for religious holidays, what I eat if I am out with friends are a few examples of _______ factors that influence my eating habits.
  2. If I am sad, mad, grumpy or happy are all examples of _________ factors that may influence my eating habits.
  3. Important for strong bones and teeth
  4. Important for carrying oxygen in your blood
  5. A main energy source
  6. D Important for strong bones and teeth because it helps absorb calcium
  7. If I have not eaten enough food for my body I may have low ________ .

13 Clues: A main energy sourceHelps the digestive systemImportant for strong bones and teethImportant for growth and developmentImportant for carrying oxygen in your bloodI am _________ when I have not drunk enough water.It is important to listen to your _________ and thirst cues.If I have not eaten enough food for my body I may have low ________ ....

Nutrition 2020-09-11

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. elimination of indegestible waste
  2. made of two muscle layers in the gut
  3. breaks down starch to maltose
  4. recieves pancreatic juice from pancreas and bile from gall bladder
  5. bile does this to break down large globules to small droplets
  6. enzyme that converts trypsinogen to trypsin
  1. has tough connective tissue that protects gut wall
  2. wave of muscular contractions and relaxations to move food down gut
  3. has connective tissue which removes absorbed products of digestion
  4. breakdown of molecules to be absorbed into the blood
  5. vesicle fuses with cell membrane to secrete contents
  6. secreted by goblet cells
  7. lymphatic capillary that absorbs dietary fats

13 Clues: secreted by goblet cellsbreaks down starch to maltoseelimination of indegestible wastemade of two muscle layers in the gutenzyme that converts trypsinogen to trypsinlymphatic capillary that absorbs dietary fatshas tough connective tissue that protects gut wallbreakdown of molecules to be absorbed into the blood...

Nutrition 2023-02-14

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Not in ABCD's of melanoma
  2. Where does cholesterol come from?
  3. reccomened amount of fat
  4. maintains stability
  5. What are fruits and veggies made of?
  6. fat and water soluble
  7. do not contain calories
  8. spread of cancer
  9. Tumor that is cancerous
  1. Strokes
  2. What is the main source of energy?
  3. Most calories per gram
  4. Stored.
  5. grow and repair body tissues
  6. cells don't do this after a stroke/heart attack

15 Clues: StrokesStored.spread of cancermaintains stabilityfat and water solubleMost calories per gramdo not contain caloriesTumor that is cancerousreccomened amount of fatNot in ABCD's of melanomagrow and repair body tissuesWhere does cholesterol come from?What is the main source of energy?What are fruits and veggies made of?...

Nutrition 2023-06-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Involved with bone health and cardiovascular disease. (Ex: cheese)
  2. Stored in bones and teeth, giving them structure. (Ex: Milk)
  3. What is an example of a protein source?
  4. Have important sources of many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin C. (Ex: Lettuce)
  5. What keeps you hydrated?
  6. A white refined substance that in excess can lead to diabetes and obesity.
  1. Provides energy for your body. (Ex: Bread)
  2. What is something you should limit having in your diet?
  3. Increase energy levels, improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, improve short term memory, and maintain muscle strength. (Ex: _____ A, B, C,D)
  4. What is the maximum amount of times you should eat in a day?
  5. Measure of energy in food.
  6. What is the minimum amount of times you should eat in a day?
  7. Also known as bad cholesterol.

13 Clues: What keeps you hydrated?Measure of energy in food.Also known as bad cholesterol.What is an example of a protein source?Provides energy for your body. (Ex: Bread)What is something you should limit having in your diet?Stored in bones and teeth, giving them structure. (Ex: Milk)What is the maximum amount of times you should eat in a day?...

Nutrition 2024-03-08

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. This happens when your body doesn't get the vitamins it needs
  2. These types of carbs make things taste sweet
  3. These types of fats are usually solid at room temperature
  4. This is where your body gets most of its energy
  5. What does your body like to turn all carbs into?
  6. There are nine of these types of acids
  7. Most cooking oils are this type of fats.
  1. This is 3 fatty acids linked with a glycerol
  2. These are found in lakes streams and oceans
  3. Type of fats that companies turn into saturated fats.
  4. This makes up 60% of your body
  5. These measure energy in food
  6. The study of how your body uses the food you eat

13 Clues: These measure energy in foodThis makes up 60% of your bodyThere are nine of these types of acidsMost cooking oils are this type of fats.These are found in lakes streams and oceansThis is 3 fatty acids linked with a glycerolThese types of carbs make things taste sweetThis is where your body gets most of its energy...

AP Fitness Fundamentals 2024-06-13

AP Fitness Fundamentals crossword puzzle
  1. Exercise]that requires muscular strength
  2. Hydration goal
  3. Nutrition plan component
  4. Focus of our recent unit
  5. Daily requirement for healthy eating
  6. New learning about nutrition planning
  7. Important step after exercise
  8. Exercise that stretches muscles
  9. setting approach
  1. Measure of exercise intensity
  2. Exercise that improves muscular strength
  3. Type of exercise that raises heart rate
  4. Important step before exercise
  5. principal New learning about exercise intensity
  6. Exercise that improves cardiovascular endurance

15 Clues: Hydration goalsetting approachNutrition plan componentFocus of our recent unitMeasure of exercise intensityImportant step after exerciseImportant step before exerciseExercise that stretches musclesDaily requirement for healthy eatingNew learning about nutrition planningType of exercise that raises heart rateExercise]that requires muscular strength...

Pet Food 2023-11-03

Pet Food crossword puzzle
  1. discarded organic materials produced from the raising of plants and animals
  2. any substance that a living creature's body breaks down to support life
  3. break down (food) in the digestive system into substances that can be absorbed and used by the body
  4. _____________ daily allowances
  5. group of compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities
  6. the way that ingredients are listed are based on decreasing __________
  7. must be offered fresh daily
  8. nutrients are present in the correct proportions to each other and to the dietary calories
  9. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  10. very overweight
  1. means that the diet contains all the required nutrients
  2. person who studies or is an expert in nutrition
  3. biologically appropriate raw food
  4. the nutrient profile found on the back of the bag or can
  5. is an off-site process that uses heat to convert animal carcasses into safe, pathogen-free feed protein
  6. individual who started the first commercial dog food
  7. chicken, lamb, fish meal, and beef
  8. Association of American Feed Control Officials

18 Clues: very overweightmust be offered fresh daily_____________ daily allowancesbiologically appropriate raw foodchicken, lamb, fish meal, and beefAssociation of American Feed Control Officialsperson who studies or is an expert in nutritionindividual who started the first commercial dog foodmeans that the diet contains all the required nutrients...

Nutrition 2017-03-24

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. an important component of hemoglobin and functions as a carrier of oxygen in the body
  2. a type of fat from dairy products, solid vegetable fat, and meat and poultry
  3. builds bones and teeth and maintain bone strength
  4. the main source of energy for the body
  5. the area of health that focuses on selecting food that contains nutrients, eating the recommended daily amount of food from MyPlate, evaluating food labels, and developing healthful eating habits
  6. a nutrient that regulates many chemical reactions in the body
  1. regulates and maintains the balance of fluid in the body
  2. obtained from plant products and fish and is usually liquid at room temperature
  3. a nutrient that involved with all body process
  4. The nutrient needed to grow: for building, repairing, and maintaining body tissues, and for supplying energy
  5. a nutrient that provides energy and helps the body store and use vitamins
  6. a nutrient that helps the body use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
  7. the part of grains that cannot be digested that helps move food through the digestive system

13 Clues: the main source of energy for the bodya nutrient that involved with all body processbuilds bones and teeth and maintain bone strengthregulates and maintains the balance of fluid in the bodya nutrient that regulates many chemical reactions in the bodya nutrient that helps the body use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats...

Nutrition 2019-03-25

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. claim "This product will lower your cholesterol" is an example of a __________.
  2. The amount you actually eat of a food.
  3. Drinking lots of water will keep you __________.
  4. Carbohydrates we should limit are called ______ carbs.
  5. The process of turning food into energy.
  6. The first thing you need to check when you look at a nutrition fact label.
  7. Eating healthy __________ can help your overall health.
  1. A chocolate bar is an example of a ______________ food.
  2. Poor health outcome if you consistently eat unhealthy.
  3. If you do not get enough of these you may develop serious diseases.
  4. According to the % Daily Value, 5% is a ___________.
  5. The six nutrients are ___________ because they are needed to sustain life.
  6. The number of grams in one tsp of sugar.

13 Clues: The amount you actually eat of a food.The process of turning food into energy.The number of grams in one tsp of sugar.Drinking lots of water will keep you __________.According to the % Daily Value, 5% is a ___________.Poor health outcome if you consistently eat unhealthy.Carbohydrates we should limit are called ______ carbs....

Nutrition 2019-03-25

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. The number of grams in one tsp of sugar.
  2. Poor health outcome if you consistently eat unhealthy.
  3. If you do not get enough of these you may develop serious diseases.
  4. The process of turning food into energy.
  5. The six nutrients are ___________ because they are needed to sustain life.
  6. A chocolate bar is an example of a ______________ food.
  1. The amount you actually eat of a food.
  2. Drinking lots of water will keep you __________.
  3. The first thing you need to check when you look at a nutrition fact label.
  4. According to the % Daily Value, 5% is a ___________.
  5. "This product will lower your cholesterol" is an example of a __________.
  6. Carbohydrates we should limit are called ______ carbs.
  7. Eating healthy __________ can help your overall health.

13 Clues: The amount you actually eat of a food.The number of grams in one tsp of sugar.The process of turning food into energy.Drinking lots of water will keep you __________.According to the % Daily Value, 5% is a ___________.Poor health outcome if you consistently eat unhealthy.Carbohydrates we should limit are called ______ carbs....

Nutrition 2021-10-06

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. low rate of gains, poor feed efficiency, and decrease in animal byproducts
  2. example of a macro-mineral
  3. most important nutrient
  4. organic substances needed for biochemical reactions
  5. most common nutrient deficiency among all the nutrients
  6. responsible for building the skeleton and producing enzymes and hormones
  7. help to develop and repair body organs and tissues
  1. substance that is necessary for an organism to live and grow
  2. needed in a small quantity
  3. helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins
  4. mostly used for energy, stores fat, and produces heat
  5. needed in the large quantity
  6. number of essential nutrients

13 Clues: most important nutrientneeded in a small quantityexample of a macro-mineralneeded in the large quantitynumber of essential nutrientshelps absorb fat-soluble vitaminshelp to develop and repair body organs and tissuesorganic substances needed for biochemical reactionsmostly used for energy, stores fat, and produces heat...

Nutrition 2021-07-29

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. this is found in rice, potato's and oats
  2. fall from the sky
  3. found in fruit.
  4. nutritive components of food that the body needs for energy and to maintain the body's structure and systems
  5. you can fins this in fast-food restaurants
  6. comes from cows
  1. contains vitamin C
  2. you can find this in lots of meats
  3. common things this is found in is Milk, sugar, yoghurt and fruits.
  4. the symbol for the is Fe
  5. you find lactose in this product.
  6. This is a word that is used when you have certain foods at certain times.
  7. full of sodium chloride

13 Clues: found in fruit.comes from cowsfall from the skycontains vitamin Cfull of sodium chloridethe symbol for the is Feyou find lactose in this can find this in lots of meatsthis is found in rice, potato's and oatsyou can fins this in fast-food restaurantscommon things this is found in is Milk, sugar, yoghurt and fruits....

NUTRITION 2021-09-03

NUTRITION crossword puzzle
  1. food group provides energy and fiber. It is served many different ways.
  2. This food group can be eaten raw or cooked and is rich in vitamins and minerals while low in calories.
  3. This common vegetable is starchy and is prepared many ways. Common types are white, russet, red, and sweet.
  4. foods may be richer in certain nutrients than cooked foods.
  5. A group of grains that are often eaten for breakfast is called __________.
  6. The food group that provides the most calcium in our diet.
  1. sure you balance your choices in the protein group between _____ and animal sources.
  2. protein group includes beef, pork, lamb, and chicken. These are all ________-based proteins.
  3. / When possible, choose ______ foods, especially from the dairy and protein groups.
  4. This food group has natural sugars and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Often peeled and eaten raw.
  5. This food group includes animal- and plant-based foods like chicken, beef, beans, and so much more.
  6. great way to preserve foods and keep them tasting fresh and healthy, but requires a very low temperature for storage. These foods are __________.
  7. group of fruits is high in vitamin C, usually round, and comes in different colors and flavors.

13 Clues: The food group that provides the most calcium in our diet.foods may be richer in certain nutrients than cooked group provides energy and fiber. It is served many different ways.A group of grains that are often eaten for breakfast is called __________./ When possible, choose ______ foods, especially from the dairy and protein groups....

Nutrition 2022-12-14

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. the transport of oxygen from outside the body to inside the body
  2. contributes to bone health, helping to prevent osteoporosis
  3. a metallic chemical element that contributes to the development and functioning of the brain and central nervous system
  4. the ability to react to external stimuli, such as noise and touch
  5. a disorder of the immune system that causes normally harmless substances such as pollen,plants,food items to produce an adverse reaction
  1. substances found in sugar, bread etc which provide body with heal and energy
  2. acts as an antioxidant and helps prevent heart disease and promotes overall health
  3. a nutrient that contributes to the development of healthy tissue, bones, muscles, skin and blood
  4. meat that comes from birds, such as turkey
  5. to want smth very much
  6. a medical condition wherein excess body fat leads to health problems and a decreased life expectancy
  7. benefits the eyes
  8. a grouping of cells that form a structural material with a specific purpose

13 Clues: benefits the eyesto want smth very muchmeat that comes from birds, such as turkeycontributes to bone health, helping to prevent osteoporosisthe transport of oxygen from outside the body to inside the bodythe ability to react to external stimuli, such as noise and toucha grouping of cells that form a structural material with a specific purpose...

Nutrition 2022-09-27

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. substances the body must have to furnish energy
  2. when the body collects excess water
  3. protein that contain 9 essential amino acids
  4. variety of foods eaten daily
  5. food categorized according to their similarity in nutritive content
  1. illness that lasts a long time
  2. vitamins that move thru the bloodstream in droplets of fat & stored in the body for a long time
  3. stimulant and diuretic
  4. study of food
  5. vitamins that move thru the bloodstream dissolved in water,easily absorbed and NOT stored in body cells.
  6. lack essential amino acids & cannot maintain life alone
  7. energy required for the body to maintain basic life processes
  8. portion of food

13 Clues: study of foodportion of foodstimulant and diureticvariety of foods eaten dailyillness that lasts a long timewhen the body collects excess waterprotein that contain 9 essential amino acidssubstances the body must have to furnish energylack essential amino acids & cannot maintain life aloneenergy required for the body to maintain basic life processes...

Nutrition 2022-05-09

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Also known as Salt.
  2. Can be categorized into Dark greens, Reds/Oranges, beans, peas and lentils.
  3. Any food made from wheat, rice, oats or barley. One of our 5 MyPlate food groups.
  4. caused by not having enough to eat or by not eating the right things.
  5. 13 different types. Our body needs them to grow and develop normally.
  6. Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and Potassium are all examples of these.
  1. These are sugarless molecules that our body breaks down into glucose.
  2. The process by which your body converts the foods you eat and drink into energy.
  3. Can be found on all food labels. Tells you the information for ONE of these…
  4. A unit of energy when it comes to food. Input should equal Output to maintain weight.
  5. Has seeds and is one of the 5 MyPlate food groups.
  6. These are used for muscle building. Often added to shakes and can be found in eggs and meats.
  7. Broken into 3 categories: Saturated, Unsaturated, and Trans

13 Clues: Also known as Salt.Has seeds and is one of the 5 MyPlate food groups.Broken into 3 categories: Saturated, Unsaturated, and TransCalcium, Iron, Zinc, and Potassium are all examples of these.These are sugarless molecules that our body breaks down into glucose.caused by not having enough to eat or by not eating the right things....

Nutrition 2022-10-24

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. is the process of using food and its substances to help your body have energy, grow, develop, and work properly.
  2. are the calories that come from foods that offer few, if any, nutrients.
  3. Density is the amount of nutrients relative to the number of calories they provide.
  4. is the psychological desire for food.
  5. is a nutrient that helps control the amount of fluid in your body.
  6. good for immune system, found in citrus
  7. are substances in food that your body needs.
  1. are fats that are SOLID at room temperature.
  2. is the physical need for food.
  3. are fats that are LIQUID at room temperature.
  4. are units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body.
  5. good for eyes skin and teeth
  6. good for immune function and energy

13 Clues: good for eyes skin and teethis the physical need for food.good for immune function and energyis the psychological desire for food.good for immune system, found in citrusare fats that are SOLID at room temperature.are substances in food that your body needs.are fats that are LIQUID at room temperature....

nutrition 2024-03-04

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. vital for energy and bodily functions
  2. vital nutrients from food
  3. vital vitamins and minerals in small quantities
  4. essential substances in food that the body needs for growth, maintenance, and overall health.
  5. vital fat for cells, may be harmful in excess in bloodstream
  6. essential organic compounds crucial for body functions
  1. boy's energy & building process from food
  2. energy units for the body
  3. plant based, aiding digestion & digestive health
  4. builds and repairs body tissues
  5. breaking down food for the body to use
  6. nutrients moving into the bloodstream
  7. vital large-scale nutrients

13 Clues: energy units for the bodyvital nutrients from foodvital large-scale nutrientsbuilds and repairs body tissuesvital for energy and bodily functionsnutrients moving into the bloodstreambreaking down food for the body to useboy's energy & building process from foodvital vitamins and minerals in small quantities...

Nutrition 2024-03-05

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. The most important nutrient
  2. Fats are a great source of _______ for the body.
  3. Found in hair, skin, bones, organs, muscles
  4. 90% of Americans do not get enough of this food group.
  5. Found in plant or animal sources
  6. The body's main source of energy
  1. Focus on whole ______________.
  2. Vary your _______________.
  3. Make half of these whole.
  4. Eating calories like these don't give me any nutritional value.
  5. Vegetables, beans, barley source of protein
  6. Helpful fats like fish, avocado and peanut butter
  7. Sodium, calcium, iron

13 Clues: Sodium, calcium, ironMake half of these whole.Vary your _______________.The most important nutrientFocus on whole ______________.Found in plant or animal sourcesThe body's main source of energyVegetables, beans, barley source of proteinFound in hair, skin, bones, organs, musclesFats are a great source of _______ for the body....

nutrition 2024-04-28

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. quel est le groupe de nutriments qu'on trouve au 3e étage depuis le bas de la pyramide alimentaire suisse de 2011 ?
  2. quel pays représente ses recommandations alimentaires par une toupie ?
  3. quelle est l'huile à privilégier pour cuisiner des plats froids ?
  4. quel est l'aliment riche en protéines qui est considéré comme la référence au niveau de sa proportion en acides aminés ?
  5. quel est l'oligo-élément que l'on trouve dans la noix du Brésil ?
  6. quel est le nom du pigment qui donne la couleur rouge aux végétaux ?
  7. quelles sont les vitamines qui ont besoin de lipides pour être tranportées et assimilées ?
  1. par quel symbole peut-on représenter les fibres alimentaires ?
  2. quel est le nom du sel minéral qui a besoin de la vitamine D pour être assimilée ?
  3. quel est le végétal qui possède des protéines complètes ?
  4. Le mur symbolise quel nutriment ?
  5. combien compte-t-on de Kcal dans un gramme de lipide ?
  6. comment s'appelle la forme de glucides qui est stockée dans le foie et les muscles ?

13 Clues: Le mur symbolise quel nutriment ?combien compte-t-on de Kcal dans un gramme de lipide ?quel est le végétal qui possède des protéines complètes ?par quel symbole peut-on représenter les fibres alimentaires ?quelle est l'huile à privilégier pour cuisiner des plats froids ?quel est l'oligo-élément que l'on trouve dans la noix du Brésil ?...

Nutrition 2024-05-31

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. The process by which the body converts food into energy.
  2. Nutrients that help build and repair body tissues, found in meat, beans, and nuts.
  3. Nutrients that provide energy and support cell growth, found in oils, butter, and avocados.
  4. The process by which the body breaks down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed and used for energy and growth.
  5. The physiological sensation of needing to eat, often regulated by the body's internal cues.
  6. A type of carbohydrate that the body can't digest, important for digestive health, found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  7. Inorganic elements that help the body function properly, such as calcium and iron.
  8. Substances in food that the body needs to function properly, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
  1. Nutrients that are the main source of energy for the body, found in foods like bread, rice, and fruits.
  2. Organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition, found in fruits and vegetables.
  3. The recommended or standard portion of a food or beverage, often listed on nutrition labels to help with portion control.
  4. A waxy substance found in blood that's necessary for building cells but can cause health issues in high amounts.
  5. Maintaining the right amount of water in the body, essential for all bodily functions.

13 Clues: The process by which the body converts food into energy.Nutrients that help build and repair body tissues, found in meat, beans, and nuts.Inorganic elements that help the body function properly, such as calcium and iron.Maintaining the right amount of water in the body, essential for all bodily functions....

Nutrition 2024-03-28

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A way of exercising the body
  2. Hydrates the body for exercise.
  3. Those elements on the earth and in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally. Those essential for health include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium.
  4. How your body thinks.
  1. How you get nutrition
  2. What nutrition moves in.
  3. What you eat on top of.
  4. Where food comes from.
  5. Needed for the body - labeled by letters.
  6. Protects the body outside.
  7. How nutrition moves through the body.

11 Clues: How you get nutritionHow your body thinks.Where food comes from.What you eat on top of.What nutrition moves in.Protects the body outside.A way of exercising the bodyHydrates the body for exercise.How nutrition moves through the body.Needed for the body - labeled by letters....

Nutrition 2024-03-28

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A way of exercising the body
  2. Hydrates the body for exercise.
  3. Those elements on the earth and in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally. Those essential for health include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium.
  4. How your body thinks.
  1. How you get nutrition
  2. What nutrition moves in.
  3. What you eat on top of.
  4. Where food comes from.
  5. Needed for the body - labeled by letters.
  6. Protects the body outside.
  7. How nutrition moves through the body.

11 Clues: How you get nutritionHow your body thinks.Where food comes from.What you eat on top of.What nutrition moves in.Protects the body outside.A way of exercising the bodyHydrates the body for exercise.How nutrition moves through the body.Needed for the body - labeled by letters....

Nutrition 2024-03-28

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A way of exercising the body
  2. Hydrates the body for exercise.
  3. Those elements on the earth and in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally. Those essential for health include calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, fluoride, molybdenum, manganese, and selenium.
  4. How your body thinks.
  1. How you get nutrition
  2. What nutrition moves in.
  3. What you eat on top of.
  4. Where food comes from.
  5. Needed for the body - labeled by letters.
  6. Protects the body outside.
  7. How nutrition moves through the body.

11 Clues: How you get nutritionHow your body thinks.Where food comes from.What you eat on top of.What nutrition moves in.Protects the body outside.A way of exercising the bodyHydrates the body for exercise.How nutrition moves through the body.Needed for the body - labeled by letters....

교과서1과 7페이지 2023-03-13

교과서1과 7페이지 crossword puzzle
  1. 끌림
  2. 결합된
  3. 보수주의
  4. 충분한
  5. 잡식성의
  6. 적응하다
  7. 소비하다
  8. 심리적
  1. 선호
  2. 영양
  3. 모순의
  4. 생존
  5. 충동
  6. 주의(경고)하는
  7. 딜레마
  8. 잠점
  9. 소화하다
  10. 유연한

18 Clues: 선호영양생존끌림충동잠점모순의결합된딜레마충분한유연한심리적보수주의소화하다잡식성의적응하다소비하다주의(경고)하는

Nutrition word search! 2022-03-11

Nutrition word search! crossword puzzle
  1. concentrated source of energy
  2. Provides our body with the things we need.
  3. Regulates the body process.
  4. Builds strong bones and teeth.
  5. eat it on a daily basis.
  6. helps with growth and tissue repair.
  7. Make thyroid hormones.
  1. Main source of energy
  2. incorrect nutrition
  3. contributes to cognitive function.
  4. Regulates the content of water in your body.
  5. look at the title
  6. makes red blood cells

13 Clues: look at the titleincorrect nutritionMain source of energymakes red blood cellsMake thyroid it on a daily basis.Regulates the body process.concentrated source of energyBuilds strong bones and teeth.contributes to cognitive function.helps with growth and tissue repair.Provides our body with the things we need....

Words About Health 2013-06-11

Words About Health crossword puzzle
  1. A Nutrition
  2. people need to consider this
  3. Information On cereal boxes
  4. Daily routine
  1. opposite of unhealthy
  2. what you eat
  3. Healthy Food: Banana, Apple etc.
  4. Healthy Food: Broccoli, Corn etc.
  5. Lift heavy objects
  6. Basketball, Soccer etc.
  7. keeps you ready for the day

11 Clues: A Nutritionwhat you eatDaily routineLift heavy objectsopposite of unhealthyBasketball, Soccer etc.Information On cereal boxeskeeps you ready for the daypeople need to consider thisHealthy Food: Banana, Apple etc.Healthy Food: Broccoli, Corn etc.

Animal Nutrition Crossoword 2022-08-14

Animal Nutrition Crossoword crossword puzzle
  1. Site of complete digestion
  2. Acid present in the stomach
  3. used in emulsification of fats
  4. protects the lining of the stomach from Acid
  5. present in the oesophagus
  6. Saprotrophic nutrition
  7. Parasitic Nutrition
  8. A protein digesting enzyme
  1. juice secreted by the liver
  2. enzyme that is present in Saliva
  3. Simplest form of carbohydrates
  4. Finger Like projections present in the Small Intestine
  5. Simplest form of protein

13 Clues: Parasitic NutritionSaprotrophic nutritionSimplest form of proteinpresent in the oesophagusSite of complete digestionA protein digesting enzymejuice secreted by the liverAcid present in the stomachused in emulsification of fatsSimplest form of carbohydratesenzyme that is present in Salivaprotects the lining of the stomach from Acid...

Inter. A 2024-01-16

Inter. A crossword puzzle
  1. carbohydrate
  2. snack
  3. empty
  4. appropriate
  5. nutrition
  6. balanced
  7. height
  8. iron
  1. fiber
  2. protein
  3. confidence
  4. food
  5. to endure
  6. vitamin
  7. advice
  8. nutritious
  9. calcium
  10. level
  11. stress

19 Clues: foodironfibersnackemptyleveladvicestressheightproteinvitamincalciumbalancedto endurenutritionconfidencenutritiousappropriatecarbohydrate


  1. Insectivorous Plant
  2. Bacteria found in the roots of the pea plant
  3. Saprophytic Plant
  4. The mode of nutrition where plants make their own food using simple substances.
  1. In a guard cell
  2. The mode of nutrition in which plants an animal depend directly or indirectly for nutrition
  3. Parasitic Plant
  4. Symbiotic Plant
  5. In a chloroplast cell

9 Clues: In a guard cellParasitic PlantSymbiotic PlantSaprophytic PlantInsectivorous PlantIn a chloroplast cellBacteria found in the roots of the pea plantThe mode of nutrition where plants make their own food using simple substances.The mode of nutrition in which plants an animal depend directly or indirectly for nutrition

Nutrition word search! 2022-03-11

Nutrition word search! crossword puzzle
  1. concentrated source of energy
  2. Provides our body with the things we need.
  3. Regulates the body process.
  4. Builds strong bones and teeth.
  5. eat it on a daily basis.
  6. helps with growth and tissue repair.
  7. Make thyroid hormones.
  1. Main source of energy
  2. incorrect nutrition
  3. contributes to cognitive function.
  4. Regulates the content of water in your body.
  5. look at the title
  6. makes red blood cells

13 Clues: look at the titleincorrect nutritionMain source of energymakes red blood cellsMake thyroid it on a daily basis.Regulates the body process.concentrated source of energyBuilds strong bones and teeth.contributes to cognitive function.helps with growth and tissue repair.Provides our body with the things we need....

unit4 +lesson 2 + 3 2022-03-04

unit4 +lesson 2 + 3 crossword puzzle
  1. portie
  2. opgesomd
  3. trouble
  4. cholydrates
  5. riot
  6. attack
  7. partij
  8. waste
  9. voeding
  1. election
  2. weigh
  3. member
  4. involved
  5. customer
  6. gangpad
  7. duren

16 Clues: riotweighwastedurenportiememberattackpartijtroublegangpadvoedingelectioninvolvedopgesomdcustomercholydrates

Unit 4 + lesson 2 + 3 2022-03-04

Unit 4 + lesson 2 + 3 crossword puzzle
  1. aanvallen
  2. contain
  3. member
  4. regering
  5. verspillen
  6. minority
  7. waarheid
  1. election
  2. deposit
  3. duren
  4. nutrition
  5. riot
  6. toonbank
  7. gangpad
  8. serving
  9. wegen

16 Clues: riotdurenwegenmemberdepositcontaingangpadservingelectiontoonbankregeringminoritywaarheidnutritionaanvallenverspillen

food safety n quality 2023-09-25

food safety n quality crossword puzzle
  1. -2
  2. -9
  3. -6
  4. -11
  5. -13
  6. -1
  7. -15
  8. -16
  1. -10
  2. -7
  3. -3
  4. -8
  5. -5
  6. -14
  7. -4
  8. -12

16 Clues: -2-7-3-8-9-5-6-4-1-10-14-11-13-12-15-16

Nutrition and Aging 2018-07-23

Nutrition and Aging crossword puzzle
  1. Dietary Reference Intake
  2. Tube Used for short-term feeding
  3. This presentation covered the topic of ______.
  4. When older adults take multiple medications, the meds can compete for the same protein binding sites and cause adverse effects, this is called _____.
  5. Dry Mouth
  6. HTN
  1. Educating patients and families about balanced nutrition is referred to as Health ______.
  2. When bone mineral density is lost patients are at risk for _____.
  3. When lean muscle mass diminishes this is called?
  4. Nutrition that is provided intravenously
  5. For HTN salt intake should be (increased) or (decreased)?

11 Clues: HTNDry MouthDietary Reference IntakeTube Used for short-term feedingNutrition that is provided intravenouslyThis presentation covered the topic of ______.When lean muscle mass diminishes this is called?For HTN salt intake should be (increased) or (decreased)?When bone mineral density is lost patients are at risk for _____....


NUTRITION IN PLANTS crossword puzzle
  1. The symbiotic relation between fungus and algae is visible in _____________
  2. The opening and closing of stomata are controlled by _____
  3. The process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  4. Organisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plants for nutrition
  5. The green structures in plant cells
  6. The balance between oxygen and carbon di oxide is maintained in the atmosphere by ______
  7. The mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for their mutual benefit
  8. Organisms that make their own food from simple non-living substances
  9. The tiny pores in the leaves
  1. Pipe like structures that transport water and minerals in leaves
  2. Pulses are called leguminous plants
  3. The chloroplasts are green because of the presence of this substance
  4. ____________ converts atmospheric nitrogen into soluble from that can be absorbed by plants
  5. An example of a saprophyte
  6. Organisms that live on dead plants and animals and derive their food from them
  7. Organisms that live in or on another living thing

16 Clues: An example of a saprophyteThe tiny pores in the leavesPulses are called leguminous plantsThe green structures in plant cellsOrganisms that live in or on another living thingThe opening and closing of stomata are controlled by _____Pipe like structures that transport water and minerals in leaves...

Food & Nutrition 2013-09-09

Food & Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. within the body, chemical reactions and changes are continually taking place.
  2. it is the study of nutrients and their relation to health
  3. nutrition excessive in take of nutrients.
  4. a chronic nutritional related disease that is caused by a excessive amount of the sugar glucose in the blood.
  5. the food that a person normally eats every day
  1. are the molecules in food that the body uses to function correctly.
  2. any solid,liquid or semi-solid which is taken in the body
  3. an incorrect or an unbalance in take of nutrients
  4. nutrition insufficient total in take of nutrition.
  5. diet a diet that provides the correct amount of nutrients for the needs of an individual.

10 Clues: nutrition excessive in take of nutrients.the food that a person normally eats every dayan incorrect or an unbalance in take of nutrientsnutrition insufficient total in take of nutrition.any solid,liquid or semi-solid which is taken in the bodyit is the study of nutrients and their relation to health...

Unit 4 - Lesson 2 + 3 2022-03-04

Unit 4 - Lesson 2 + 3 crossword puzzle
  1. hoeveelheid
  2. samenwerking
  3. ijslolly
  4. minderheid
  5. meerderheid
  6. rel
  7. voeding
  8. vooruitgang
  1. spanning
  2. portie
  3. bloemkool
  4. statiegeld
  5. bevatten
  6. lid
  7. opgesomd
  8. besturen

16 Clues: lidrelportievoedingspanningbevattenijslollyopgesomdbesturenbloemkoolstatiegeldminderheidhoeveelheidmeerderheidvooruitgangsamenwerking

Chapter 8 Vocab Quiz 2023-03-09

Chapter 8 Vocab Quiz crossword puzzle
  1. rate at which the body uses energy
  2. food guidance system created by USDA
  3. units of energy that provide little or no nutrients
  4. process of choosing and consuming food
  5. substance that helps the body eliminate water
  6. complex carbohydrate found only in plants
  7. Fat soluable vitamins
  8. inorganic nutrients
  9. solid at room temperature
  1. organic nutrients that regulate body processes
  2. plant based, liquid at room temperature
  3. unit of energy in food
  4. simple carbohydrate and preferred energy for brain
  5. fat found in many processed foods
  6. chemical subsances that provide nutrition
  7. major energy source
  8. stylish weight loss plans
  9. uses height and weight to determine health
  10. energy source with 9 calories per gram

19 Clues: major energy sourceinorganic nutrientsFat soluable vitaminsunit of energy in foodstylish weight loss planssolid at room temperaturefat found in many processed foodsrate at which the body uses energyfood guidance system created by USDAprocess of choosing and consuming foodenergy source with 9 calories per gramplant based, liquid at room temperature...


NUTRITION IN PLANTS crossword puzzle
  1. It is required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells, tissues, and organs.
  2. FLYTRAP When an insect sit on this plant it sticks with the plant
  3. The movement of water molecules from the region of higher water concentration to the region of lower water concentration through a semipermeable is
  4. Fungi and bacteria are known as
  5. It is a pigment present in all green plants and a few other organisms.
  6. The association in which two different types of organisms live and work together for their mutual benefits is called
  7. Tiny pores called
  8. It contain chlorophyll and make their own food. the fungi share the food made by the
  9. The mode of nutrition in which some plants live in or on the body of other living organisms and derive their ready made food from them is
  1. insect eating plants
  2. It can be also known as ("other nutrition")
  3. It is also known as ("self nutrition")
  4. REID BARNES The term photosynthesis was given by him in 1893
  5. The leaves of a plant are green because they contain tiny, green coloured bodies called
  6. It is the process of taking food by an organismand it's digestion,absorption and utilisation by the body.\
  7. The process by which green leaves prepare their own food by using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll is called
  8. CELLS Stomata are present on the underside of the leaves. these pores are surrounded by

17 Clues: Tiny pores calledinsect eating plantsFungi and bacteria are known asIt is also known as ("self nutrition")It can be also known as ("other nutrition")REID BARNES The term photosynthesis was given by him in 1893FLYTRAP When an insect sit on this plant it sticks with the plantIt is a pigment present in all green plants and a few other organisms....

Spanish 2021-11-29

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. iron
  2. balanced
  3. snack
  4. nutritious
  5. height
  6. diet
  7. junk food
  8. protein
  9. healthy
  10. appropriate
  11. calcium
  12. eating habit
  13. full
  1. age
  2. carbohydrate
  3. food
  4. energy
  5. vitamin
  6. fiber
  7. empty
  8. weight
  9. nutrition

22 Clues: ageironfooddietfullsnackfiberemptyenergyheightweightvitaminproteinhealthycalciumbalancedjunk foodnutritionnutritiousappropriatecarbohydrateeating habit

Unit 4 words 2020-05-11

Unit 4 words crossword puzzle
  1. nõue/nõudma
  2. eesmärk/otstarve
  3. lööve
  4. täpploend
  5. nihestatud
  6. juhtima/läbi viima
  7. kirjutama/määrama(retsepti)
  8. maks
  9. pahkluu
  10. kops
  1. süsivesik
  2. kiud
  3. ranne
  4. algatama
  5. õigustama
  6. psüühiline
  7. penitsiliin
  8. toitumine/väetamine
  9. rangluu
  10. sääremari

20 Clues: kiudmakskopsrannelööverangluupahkluualgatamasüsivesikõigustamatäpploendsääremaripsüühilinenihestatudnõue/nõudmapenitsiliineesmärk/otstarvejuhtima/läbi viimatoitumine/väetaminekirjutama/määrama(retsepti)

Tech it easy 4 Lessons 15+16 2022-01-12

Tech it easy 4 Lessons 15+16 crossword puzzle
  1. παρατάω
  2. παρακολουθώ
  3. αίτηση
  4. τακτικός
  5. σπατάλη
  6. χωματερή
  7. έρευνα
  8. αυξάνω, -ομαι
  9. πολίτης
  1. κατανέμω, μοιράζω
  2. στάση σώματος
  3. διατροφή
  4. εξίσου
  5. συνήθεια
  6. διαδικασία
  7. βάρος
  8. γέρνω
  9. αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων

18 Clues: βάροςγέρνωαίτησηεξίσουέρευναπαρατάωσπατάληπολίτηςδιατροφήσυνήθειατακτικόςχωματερήδιαδικασίαπαρακολουθώστάση σώματοςαυξάνω, -ομαικατανέμω, μοιράζωαίθουσα εκδηλώσεων

Health 2023-05-04

Health crossword puzzle
  1. a pair of an organ in the chest responsible for breathing
  2. type of exercice to burn fats
  3. type of nutrition mostly found in vegetables and fruits
  4. A chronic disease in which the bronchial airways in the lungs become narrowed and swollen
  5. essential nutrition used by the body to provide energy mainly found in wheat(ingredient in pasta, bread...)
  6. the longest organe
  7. having drunk enough water
  1. injected to stimulate immunity
  2. 10 of them found at the bottom of the finger
  3. type of nutrition mostly found in oil
  4. the fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins
  5. One of a pair of organs in the abdomen remove waste and extra water from the blood (as urine)
  6. most commun skin condition for teenagers

13 Clues: the longest organehaving drunk enough watertype of exercice to burn fatsinjected to stimulate immunitytype of nutrition mostly found in oilmost commun skin condition for teenagers10 of them found at the bottom of the fingertype of nutrition mostly found in vegetables and fruitsa pair of an organ in the chest responsible for breathing...

Use it or Lose it 2014-03-06

Use it or Lose it crossword puzzle
  1. 퍼즐
  2. 노화
  3. 세포
  4. 영양분
  5. 활동
  6. 확실한
  7. 퍼 올리다
  8. 모방
  1. 산소
  2. 창작
  3. 신체적인
  4. 세다, 헤아리다
  5. 영양분 섭취
  6. 줄이다
  7. 도전
  8. 정신적인
  9. 향상시키다

18 Clues: 산소창작퍼즐노화세포활동도전모방영양분확실한줄이다신체적인정신적인퍼 올리다향상시키다영양분 섭취세다, 헤아리다

Nutrition in Plant 2023-05-02

Nutrition in Plant crossword puzzle
  1. The process by which the green plants produce own food
  2. Green pigment present in the leaves
  3. Rich in nitrogen
  4. It gives blue-black colour in presence of starch
  5. Aquatic plant
  6. Fungi used for making medicines
  7. A total parasitic plant
  8. Plant require nitrogen to make
  9. Pores present on the underside of the leaves
  1. leaves having colours other than green
  2. Insectivorous plant
  3. Plant like organism which do not have proper roots
  4. Bacteria present in the soil converts atmospheric nitrogen to water soluble compounds
  5. Saprotrophic nutrition
  6. Symbiotic relationship
  7. Grows in moist spaces
  8. Part of the Sunflower plant which stores oil
  9. Green plants
  10. They obtain nutrition from decaying plant or animal
  11. Partial parasitic plant

20 Clues: Green plantsAquatic plantRich in nitrogenInsectivorous plantGrows in moist spacesSaprotrophic nutritionSymbiotic relationshipA total parasitic plantPartial parasitic plantPlant require nitrogen to makeFungi used for making medicinesGreen pigment present in the leavesleaves having colours other than greenPart of the Sunflower plant which stores oil...

Unit - Lesson 2 + 3 2022-03-04

Unit - Lesson 2 + 3 crossword puzzle
  1. hostilities
  2. klant
  3. wet
  4. regering
  5. cooperate
  6. deposit
  7. serving
  8. melkproducten
  1. cauliflower
  2. benodigdheden
  3. korting
  4. march
  5. geweld
  6. united
  7. besluit
  8. nutrition

16 Clues: wetmarchklantgeweldunitedkortingdepositbesluitservingregeringcooperatenutritioncauliflowerhostilitiesbenodigdhedenmelkproducten

Unit 4 + lesson 2 + 3 2022-03-04

Unit 4 + lesson 2 + 3 crossword puzzle
  1. mainly
  2. riot
  3. verspillen
  4. member
  5. plank
  6. background
  7. party
  8. korting
  9. last
  1. rits
  2. peace
  3. wegen
  4. rule
  5. portie
  6. ijslolly
  7. voeding

16 Clues: ritsriotrulelastpeacewegenplankpartymainlymemberportiekortingvoedingijslollyverspillenbackground

ns2-1 2024-03-31

ns2-1 crossword puzzle
  1. pulmón
  2. digestivo
  3. vena
  4. respiratorio
  5. estómago
  6. tráquea
  7. corazón
  8. excretorio
  1. vejiga
  2. nutrición
  3. intestino
  4. circulatorio
  5. riñón
  6. sistema
  7. nutritivo
  8. artería

16 Clues: venariñónvejigapulmónsistematráqueacorazónarteríaestómagonutricióndigestivointestinonutritivoexcretoriocirculatoriorespiratorio

unit4 + lesson 2+3 2022-03-04

unit4 + lesson 2+3 crossword puzzle
  1. march
  2. serving
  3. nutrition
  4. borrow lenen
  5. plank
  6. packaged
  7. popsicle
  1. minority
  2. klant
  3. oplossing
  4. listed
  5. gangpad
  6. mainly
  7. united
  8. tension
  9. member

16 Clues: klantmarchplanklistedmainlyunitedmemberservinggangpadtensionminoritypackagedpopsicleoplossingnutritionborrow lenen

Prefix List 2014-09-03

Prefix List crossword puzzle
  1. heart
  2. fat
  3. sodium
  4. clot
  5. vessel
  6. liver
  7. sugar
  8. form
  9. above
  1. skull
  2. finger
  3. brain
  4. eye
  5. through
  6. nutrition
  7. bone

16 Clues: eyefatclotformboneskullheartbrainliversugarabovefingersodiumvesselthroughnutrition

unit 4 - Lesson 2 + 3 2022-03-04

unit 4 - Lesson 2 + 3 crossword puzzle
  1. vrede
  2. wet
  3. serving
  4. majoriry
  5. duren
  6. klant
  7. cauliflower
  8. riot
  9. nutrition
  1. rule
  2. plank
  3. partij
  4. toonbank
  5. popsicle
  6. claim
  7. lenen

16 Clues: wetruleriotvredeplankdurenklantclaimlenenpartijservingtoonbankmajorirypopsiclenutritioncauliflower

Unit 4 - Lesson 2 + 3 2022-03-04

Unit 4 - Lesson 2 + 3 crossword puzzle
  1. verpakt
  2. voeding
  3. law
  4. supplies
  5. peace
  6. attack
  7. koolhydraten
  8. weigh
  1. vote
  2. ijslolly
  3. samenwerken
  4. counter
  5. violence
  6. rel
  7. portie
  8. spanning

16 Clues: lawrelvotepeaceweighattackportieverpaktcountervoedingijslollyviolencesuppliesspanningsamenwerkenkoolhydraten

Fungi 2024-01-18

Fungi crossword puzzle
  1. obtain nutrition from dead organic substances
  2. in form of what does fungi store food
  3. obtain their nutrition by living on another living organims
  4. how are fungi, yeasts, moulds and mushrooms
  1. obtain their nutrition by living with another living organism - they both benefit
  2. Why Fungis cannot perform (lack of what)
  3. for what purpouse is Penicillium used
  4. using spores
  5. made of chitin and polysaccharides
  6. cell which are commonly used for the production of beer and bread

10 Clues: using sporesmade of chitin and polysaccharidesfor what purpouse is Penicillium usedin form of what does fungi store foodWhy Fungis cannot perform (lack of what)how are fungi, yeasts, moulds and mushroomsobtain nutrition from dead organic substancesobtain their nutrition by living on another living organims...

Vocab Check U4 - Eat, sleep, repeat 2024-01-27

Vocab Check U4 - Eat, sleep, repeat crossword puzzle
  1. gebraten
  2. Geschmack
  3. definitiv, eindeutig
  4. Vorspeise
  5. Zuschlag, Aufpreis
  6. geschmacklos
  7. Ernährung
  8. würzig, scharf
  9. knusprig
  1. köstlich
  2. roh
  3. hausgemacht
  4. Milchprodukte
  5. erfinden
  6. scharf
  7. Nachspeise
  8. Speise; Gericht
  9. schmackhaft, lecker
  10. empfehlen
  11. authentisch, echt

20 Clues: rohscharfköstlichgebratenerfindenknusprigGeschmackVorspeiseempfehlenErnährungNachspeisehausgemachtgeschmacklosMilchproduktewürzig, scharfSpeise; Gerichtauthentisch, echtZuschlag, Aufpreisschmackhaft, leckerdefinitiv, eindeutig

Ruminant cross word 2023-10-11

Ruminant cross word crossword puzzle
  1. true stomach?
  2. amount of feed
  3. a feed containing 18% more crude fiber
  4. ration feed allowance
  5. animal that eats plants
  6. third compartment of the ruminant stomach
  7. an organic compound needed for nutrition
  8. animal that eats meat
  9. a feed material
  10. the second compartment of the ruminant stomach
  11. organic compound containing carbon hydrogen oxygen
  1. animal that eats both meat and plants
  2. complex carbohydrate
  3. good tasting
  4. organic compound containing carbon hydrogen oxygen that is solid at body temp
  5. first and largest compartment of the ruminant stomach
  6. feed containing less than 18% crude fiber
  7. made up of amino acids
  8. inorganic substance needed for proper nutrition
  9. the organ in the digestive system that receives the feed

20 Clues: good tastingtrue stomach?amount of feeda feed materialcomplex carbohydrateration feed allowanceanimal that eats meatmade up of amino acidsanimal that eats plantsanimal that eats both meat and plantsa feed containing 18% more crude fiberan organic compound needed for nutritionfeed containing less than 18% crude fiber...

Nutrition Info 2021-01-22

Nutrition Info crossword puzzle
  1. sugar
  2. a person who studies or is an expert in nutrition
  3. in bananas
  4. found in green leafy vegetables
  5. protein, carbohydrates, fat
  6. beans, lentils, chickpeas
  7. medication that assists with maintaining proper blood sugar
  8. an expert on diet and nutrition
  9. helps regulate the bodies use of sugar
  1. stored energy
  2. the silent killer
  3. 1/2 cups of this vegetable can give you 73% of your daily vitamin K
  4. salt
  5. fatty acid found in fish oil that assists in lowering cholesterol
  6. vitamins and minerals
  7. sugar found in fruit
  8. 1 of these contains 40% of your daily vitamin D requirements
  9. plant based protein
  10. health condition concerning blood sugar
  11. 1 cup of this liquid has 7.7 grams of protein

20 Clues: saltsugarin bananasstored energythe silent killerplant based proteinsugar found in fruitvitamins and mineralsbeans, lentils, chickpeasprotein, carbohydrates, fatfound in green leafy vegetablesan expert on diet and nutritionhelps regulate the bodies use of sugarhealth condition concerning blood sugar1 cup of this liquid has 7.7 grams of protein...