nutrition Crossword Puzzles

Nutrition 2022-09-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. abnormal loss of body fluids
  2. organic substances needed in small amounts for normal growth and the maintenance of good heals
  3. fatty substance found in every body cell.
  4. Eating disorder in which a person avoids eating
  5. usually liquid at room temp.
  6. Solid at room temp.
  1. BMI under 18.5
  2. permits a personalized result to healthy eating
  3. food energy measured in units
  4. inorganic substances needed for building tissues and regulating body functions
  5. a BMI over 30
  6. it supplies substances providing health effects
  7. concentrated sources of food energy.
  8. life sustaining activities

14 Clues: a BMI over 30BMI under 18.5Solid at room sustaining activitiesabnormal loss of body fluidsusually liquid at room energy measured in unitsconcentrated sources of food energy.fatty substance found in every body cell.permits a personalized result to healthy eatingEating disorder in which a person avoids eating...

Nutrition 2023-05-09

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Helps build strong bones and teeth
  2. Your body's favourite source of fuel/energy
  3. Too much of this energy source is not good for you
  4. A mineral that helps oxygen stick to red blood cells
  5. Helps build muscle and can be used as energy when you have no fuel left
  6. A mineral that helps muscles and nerves function effectively
  7. Vitamin A helps with this
  1. Vitamin K is vital for this
  2. Important for digestive health
  3. A food high in Potassium
  4. A vegetable high in Iron
  5. A mineral that maintains blood pressure
  6. A food rich in good fats
  7. Low iron results in low _____________ ?

14 Clues: A food high in PotassiumA vegetable high in IronA food rich in good fatsVitamin A helps with thisVitamin K is vital for thisImportant for digestive healthHelps build strong bones and teethA mineral that maintains blood pressureLow iron results in low _____________ ?Your body's favourite source of fuel/energy...

Nutrition 2023-10-11

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Refusing to eat enough food to maintain minimum normal body weight.
  2. This is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
  3. The mineral Calcium is important for strong ____.
  4. Simple and Complex are the 2 categories of ____.
  5. Eating disorder where you consume a huge amount of food at one time but do not try to purge.
  6. Every organ in your body needs it and hydrates your whole body.
  1. Units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that foods supply to the body.
  2. ____ Helps keep you warm and provides energy for the body.
  3. Inorganic elements present in soil and water.
  4. How many calories are in a gram of protein? (spell out the number)
  5. The 2 types of proteins are complete and _______.
  6. An attempt to lose weight quickly, but rarely has a lasting effect.
  7. Eating disorder by binging and purging.
  8. The parts of fruits and vegetables that cannot be digested.

14 Clues: Eating disorder by binging and purging.Inorganic elements present in soil and water.Simple and Complex are the 2 categories of ____.The 2 types of proteins are complete and _______.The mineral Calcium is important for strong ____.____ Helps keep you warm and provides energy for the body.The parts of fruits and vegetables that cannot be digested....

Nutrition 2022-10-25

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Eating an overly large amount of food
  2. the build blocks of protein
  3. A chart that deal with height, age and gender
  4. How you see yourself
  5. Celery is a good source of this
  6. cheese, ice cream, milk
  7. food that are full of nutrients
  8. Apples, kiwi, grapes, and bananas
  1. staving yourself to loose weight
  2. amount of energy from something you eat
  3. pasta, bread, rice, potato
  4. Includes food such as Steak, chicken, and fish
  5. Avocados are a good form of this Candy is a bad form
  6. a desire for certain foods

14 Clues: How you see yourselfcheese, ice cream, milkpasta, bread, rice, potatoa desire for certain foodsthe build blocks of proteinCelery is a good source of thisfood that are full of nutrientsstaving yourself to loose weightApples, kiwi, grapes, and bananasEating an overly large amount of foodamount of energy from something you eat...

Nutrition 2023-03-15

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. When you eat a wide variety of foods in the right amounts
  2. Helps with overall body function and keeps you from being dehydrated
  3. It measures the energy a food or drink provides
  4. Required by the body in larger amounts
  5. How much of a food or substance is in a single serving
  6. Substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and maintaining life
  1. Provides fuel and energy for your body
  2. Provides energy reserve, insulation & protection of vital organs
  3. How nutrients are changed in the stomach and intestines into a form that can be absorbed and used by the body
  4. Provides structure to cells and repairs tissue
  5. A micro that can help your body fight infection
  6. Helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases and protects against cancer, heart disease, and heart attacks
  7. Required by the body in smaller amounts
  8. Food is converted into this

14 Clues: Food is converted into thisProvides fuel and energy for your bodyRequired by the body in larger amountsRequired by the body in smaller amountsProvides structure to cells and repairs tissueA micro that can help your body fight infectionIt measures the energy a food or drink providesHow much of a food or substance is in a single serving...

NUTRITION 2023-10-31

NUTRITION crossword puzzle
  1. This essential nutrient provides energy for your body's functions
  2. One example of where protein be found
  3. One example of where vitamins can be found is fruits
  4. This essential nutrient help maintains body temperature
  5. One example of where fats can be found
  6. One example of a mineral is calcium and calcium can be found in _____
  7. This essential nutrient provides building materials for your bones
  8. Substance the body needs
  1. This essenetial nutrients main function is the growth and repair of cells
  2. One example of where carbohydrates can be found
  3. Something that is required or necessary
  4. Process of providing or obtaining food
  5. This essential nutrient helps boost your immune system
  6. 65% of your body weight

14 Clues: 65% of your body weightSubstance the body needsOne example of where protein be foundProcess of providing or obtaining foodOne example of where fats can be foundSomething that is required or necessaryOne example of where carbohydrates can be foundOne example of where vitamins can be found is fruits...

Nutrition 2024-01-17

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Regulates breathing, heartbeat and movements
  2. A type of fat that holds all hydrogen atoms
  3. Helps build new body tissue
  4. The body's natural drive for food to prevent starvation
  5. An example of these are A, B, D, and E
  6. One of the factors that influences nutrition
  1. A goal is to drink 8 glasses of this a day
  2. This helps moves waste through the digestive system
  3. The desire to eat rather the need
  4. The body's preferred energy
  5. Doesn't eat any animal products, including eggs and dairy
  6. A type of fat that is missing one or more hydrogen atoms
  7. a fat like substance produced in the liver of animals
  8. The way our body takes in and uses food

14 Clues: The body's preferred energyHelps build new body tissueThe desire to eat rather the needAn example of these are A, B, D, and EThe way our body takes in and uses foodA goal is to drink 8 glasses of this a dayA type of fat that holds all hydrogen atomsRegulates breathing, heartbeat and movementsOne of the factors that influences nutrition...

Nutrition 2024-02-17

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Having too much of something (to the point of harm)
  2. Without this nutrient, no animal can survive
  3. Nutrients composed of C, H, O, and N
  4. Nutrients made of the same elements as carbs, but supply 2.25 times as much energy
  5. A single food or group of foods of the same chemical composition that support animal life
  6. Inorganic elements that are essential for life's processes
  7. An animal with a multicompartmental stomach
  8. Not having enough of something (to the point of harm)
  1. The breakdown of food materials and the absorption of nutrients
  2. An animal receiving proper and balanced food and water rations
  3. Nutrients made of C, H, and O; also known as sugars, starches, and crude fiber
  4. Nutrients that can be classified as water soluble or fat soluble
  5. Means "small"
  6. Means "large"

14 Clues: Means "small"Means "large"Nutrients composed of C, H, O, and NAn animal with a multicompartmental stomachWithout this nutrient, no animal can surviveHaving too much of something (to the point of harm)Not having enough of something (to the point of harm)Inorganic elements that are essential for life's processes...


NUTRITION IN PLANTS crossword puzzle
  1. example of parasitic plant.
  2. the organisms that derive nutrition from dead or decaying organic matter.
  3. process by which green plants manufacture food in the presence of sunlight.
  4. symbiotic relationship between fungi and alga called____
  5. tiny apertures present on the surface of leaves for gaseous exchange.
  6. insectivorous plant
  1. the mode of taking food by an organism.
  2. the mode of nutrition in which organism make food themselves.
  3. conducting tissue in the plants for transportation of water and minerals.
  4. this gas is released during phtosynthesis.
  5. two organisms living together in a mutually beneficial relationship.
  6. cell organelles that contain the green pigment chlorophyll.
  7. green pigment in leaves.

13 Clues: insectivorous plantgreen pigment in leaves.example of parasitic plant.the mode of taking food by an organism.this gas is released during phtosynthesis.symbiotic relationship between fungi and alga called____cell organelles that contain the green pigment chlorophyll.the mode of nutrition in which organism make food themselves....

FANTA Resources Crossword Puzzle 2019-02-13

FANTA Resources Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. A go-to resource for treatment of acute malnutrition
  2. Consortium formed by Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science
  3. Nutrition advocacy tool
  4. One of FANTA’s most popular guides
  5. Linear programming tool to develop food-based recommendations
  6. Type of population- and participant-based guides developed for Feed the Future in 2018
  7. Competitive fellowship program
  1. Project in Malawi that collaborated with FANTA on family planning formative research
  2. Indicator guides developed for FFP, BFS, and others
  3. Name of FANTA III IR1
  4. FANTA country programs aimed to increase this in relation to nutrition
  5. One type of research conducted under FANTA IR1
  6. Multi-sectoral collaboration body

13 Clues: Name of FANTA III IR1Nutrition advocacy toolCompetitive fellowship programMulti-sectoral collaboration bodyOne of FANTA’s most popular guidesOne type of research conducted under FANTA IR1Indicator guides developed for FFP, BFS, and othersA go-to resource for treatment of acute malnutritionConsortium formed by Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science...

Label Reading the Healthy Way 2022-04-29

Label Reading the Healthy Way crossword puzzle
  1. Type of fat you want little or none of per serving
  2. all added sugars are in brackets after this word
  3. Listed at top of Nutrition Facts table
  4. Doesn't need a label and is fresh
  5. Sugars are found naturally in this
  1. Provides fibre
  2. Choose this type of fat
  3. You want a high daily value of this
  4. Found in salt
  5. List where nutrition information is found
  6. Always check Nutrition Facts table where this is a ___

11 Clues: Found in saltProvides fibreChoose this type of fatDoesn't need a label and is freshSugars are found naturally in thisYou want a high daily value of thisListed at top of Nutrition Facts tableList where nutrition information is foundall added sugars are in brackets after this wordType of fat you want little or none of per serving...

Unit 4 food 2024-03-22

Unit 4 food crossword puzzle
  1. pillama
  2. kriis
  3. valk
  4. magustoit
  5. pannkook
  6. porgand
  7. lammas
  8. alahindama
  9. õli
  10. maitsev
  11. kalkun
  12. segu
  13. maitse
  1. toitumine
  2. nähtamatu
  3. kana
  4. puudus
  5. süsivesik
  6. toores
  7. hallitanud

20 Clues: õlikanavalksegukriispuudustooreslammaskalkunmaitsepillamaporgandmaitsevpannkooktoituminenähtamatusüsivesikmagustoitalahindamahallitanud

Words About Health 2013-06-05

Words About Health crossword puzzle
  1. Food you eat
  2. Keep a healthy body
  3. Healthy Food: Broccoli, Corn etc.
  4. Lift heavy objects
  5. Feel Fresh and look fresh
  6. On cereal boxes
  1. Healthy food: Banana, Apple etc.
  2. A Nutrition
  3. Exercise daily
  4. Keeps you ready for the day
  5. Basketball, Running etc.
  6. Body diet

12 Clues: Body dietA NutritionFood you eatExercise dailyOn cereal boxesLift heavy objectsKeep a healthy bodyBasketball, Running etc.Feel Fresh and look freshKeeps you ready for the dayHealthy food: Banana, Apple etc.Healthy Food: Broccoli, Corn etc.

Life Processes 2022-06-17

Life Processes crossword puzzle
  1. a constituent of pancreas
  2. an acid produced in the stomach
  3. food
  4. digestion takes place
  5. An enzyme produced in the stomach that digests proteins
  6. The process by which plants prepare their own food
  7. aಝ
  8. A plant that has a parasitic type of nutrition.
  9. wets the food
  1. stores bile
  2. the food pipe
  3. which eat grass
  4. p
  5. The process by which plants prepare their own food
  6. A mutual nutrition
  7. Plants in which absorption takes place during night
  8. an organism that uses its pseudopodia to engulf the food

17 Clues: paಝfoodstores bilethe food pipewets the foodwhich eat grassA mutual nutritiondigestion takes placea constituent of pancreasan acid produced in the stomachA plant that has a parasitic type of nutrition.The process by which plants prepare their own foodThe process by which plants prepare their own food...

Nutrition in plants 2016-04-20

Nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. The green pigment in leaves
  2. Green plants are called
  3. Fungi and bacteria that use this mode of nutrition
  4. Plants that consume and digest insects to derive nutrition from insects
  5. A bacteria that can convert atmospheric nitrogen into water soluble compounds
  1. The plant from which a parasite gets its food
  2. Organisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plants
  3. The process of taking in food by an organism and its utilization by the body
  4. The ultimate source of energy for all living organisms
  5. Mode of nutrition where two other organisms work together for their mutual benefit

10 Clues: Green plants are calledThe green pigment in leavesThe plant from which a parasite gets its foodFungi and bacteria that use this mode of nutritionThe ultimate source of energy for all living organismsOrganisms that directly or indirectly depend on green plantsPlants that consume and digest insects to derive nutrition from insects...

Nutrition In Plants 2016-04-25

Nutrition In Plants crossword puzzle
  1. tiny pores under the leaves of the plants
  2. organisms which live on plants and derive their food from them.
  3. process of taking in by an organism and utilizing it.
  4. green pigment present in the chloroplast which make them green
  5. process where green plants make their own food.stomata
  6. organisms that live in other living organisms and derive their food from them
  1. depend on green plants for their nutrition.
  2. numerous green structure present in the cells of green leaves
  3. mode of nutrition where green plants make their own food
  4. mode of nutrition where 2 different organism work together for their mutual benefit

10 Clues: tiny pores under the leaves of the plantsdepend on green plants for their nutrition.process of taking in by an organism and utilizing it.process where green plants make their own food.stomatamode of nutrition where green plants make their own foodnumerous green structure present in the cells of green leaves...

Label Reading the Healthy Way 2022-04-29

Label Reading the Healthy Way crossword puzzle
  1. Type of fat you want little or none of per serving
  2. all added sugars are in brackets after this word
  3. Listed at top of Nutrition Facts table
  4. Doesn't need a label and is fresh
  5. Sugars are found naturally in this
  1. Provides fibre
  2. Choose this type of fat
  3. You want a high daily value of this
  4. Found in salt
  5. List where nutrition information is found
  6. Always check Nutrition Facts table where this is a ___ on the package

11 Clues: Found in saltProvides fibreChoose this type of fatDoesn't need a label and is freshSugars are found naturally in thisYou want a high daily value of thisListed at top of Nutrition Facts tableList where nutrition information is foundall added sugars are in brackets after this wordType of fat you want little or none of per serving...

Chapter 13 nutrients at work for you gates 2022-09-13

Chapter 13 nutrients at work for you gates crossword puzzle
  1. shows your food group targets what and how much to eat within your calorie allowance
  2. fatty substances found in every cell
  3. A food that has extra nutrients added to it or has nutrients added
  4. long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms
  5. basis of myplates advice on nutrition and health
  6. a substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life
  7. the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  8. abnormal reaction of a bodies immune system
  1. organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities
  2. solid at room temperature
  3. liquid at room temperature
  4. only eating plants in your diet
  5. a natural oily or greasy substance occurring in animal bodies
  6. elements in foods that our bodies need to develop and function normally
  7. not drinking enough liquid
  8. building blocks for your cells

16 Clues: solid at room temperatureliquid at room temperaturenot drinking enough liquidbuilding blocks for your cellsonly eating plants in your dietfatty substances found in every cellabnormal reaction of a bodies immune systembasis of myplates advice on nutrition and healtha natural oily or greasy substance occurring in animal bodies...

phonics 2023-01-12

phonics crossword puzzle
  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 3
  4. 10
  5. 20
  6. 15
  7. 1
  8. 9
  9. 2
  10. 6
  1. 16
  2. 5
  3. 18
  4. 12
  5. 7
  6. 13
  7. 11
  8. 17
  9. 19
  10. 14

20 Clues: 4583719261618121310111720151914

Comida 2024-01-17

Comida crossword puzzle
  1. Festivities
  2. Customs
  3. Dish
  4. Food
  5. History
  6. Resources
  7. Traditions
  8. Nutrition
  9. Flavors
  1. Economy
  2. Heritage
  3. Community
  4. Generations
  5. Identity
  6. Gatherings
  7. Geography
  8. Climate
  9. Expression
  10. Culture
  11. Bond

20 Clues: DishFoodBondEconomyCustomsClimateHistoryCultureFlavorsHeritageIdentityCommunityGeographyResourcesNutritionGatheringsExpressionTraditionsGenerationsFestivities

La Comida 2024-01-10

La Comida crossword puzzle
  1. - Festivities
  2. - Customs
  3. - Dish
  4. - Food
  5. - History
  6. - Resources
  7. - Traditions
  8. - Nutrition
  9. - Flavors
  1. - Economy
  2. - Heritage
  3. - Community
  4. - Generations
  5. - Identity
  6. - Gatherings
  7. - Geography
  8. - Climate
  9. - Expression
  10. - Culture
  11. - Bond

20 Clues: - Dish- Food- Bond- Economy- Customs- Climate- History- Culture- Flavors- Heritage- Identity- Community- Geography- Resources- Nutrition- Gatherings- Expression- Traditions- Generations- Festivities

Comida 2024-01-10

Comida crossword puzzle
  1. Festivities
  2. Customs
  3. Dish
  4. Food
  5. History
  6. Resources
  7. Traditions
  8. Nutrition
  9. Flavors
  1. Economy
  2. Heritage
  3. Community
  4. Generations
  5. Identity
  6. Gatherings
  7. Geography
  8. Climate
  9. Expression
  10. Culture
  11. Bond

20 Clues: DishFoodBondEconomyCustomsClimateHistoryCultureFlavorsHeritageIdentityCommunityGeographyResourcesNutritionGatheringsExpressionTraditionsGenerationsFestivities

Spanish V - La comida 2024-01-10

Spanish V - La comida crossword puzzle
  1. - Generations
  2. - Economy
  3. - Traditions
  4. - Climate
  5. - Nutrition
  6. - Community
  7. - Identity
  8. - Dish
  9. - Heritage
  1. - Expression
  2. - Gatherings
  3. - History
  4. - Resources
  5. - Geography
  6. - Flavors
  7. - Customs
  8. - Festivities
  9. - Food
  10. - Culture
  11. - Bond

20 Clues: - Food- Bond- Dish- History- Flavors- Customs- Economy- Climate- Culture- Identity- Heritage- Resources- Geography- Nutrition- Community- Expression- Gatherings- Traditions- Generations- Festivities


LIFE PROCESSESS crossword puzzle
  1. Removal of waste products
  2. Generating energy
  3. The process which together perform the function of maintenance of life
  4. Obtaining food to build a body
  1. nutrition which obtained by others
  2. Building up by light
  3. The tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves of plants
  4. Self nutrition
  5. Changing place or position
  6. The autotrophic organisms(or autotrophs) contain the green pigment

10 Clues: Self nutritionGenerating energyBuilding up by lightRemoval of waste productsChanging place or positionObtaining food to build a bodynutrition which obtained by othersThe tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves of plantsThe autotrophic organisms(or autotrophs) contain the green pigment...

Nutrition Crossword 2018-03-20

Nutrition Crossword crossword puzzle
  1. A nutrition which we can mainly get from fish oil.
  2. An introduction that Canada Government make to tell the citizens what they should eat every day.
  3. The chemical process by which food is changed into energy in your body.
  4. A nutrition which can help growth and repair body tissue, healthy eyes,good night vision and a immune system.
  5. The things which we can get from what we eat and good for our physical health
  6. Any of a group of organic substances essential in small quantities to normal only metabolism.
  7. A type of unsaturated fats and they are bad fats.We can find them in processed food.
  8. A metal element which supplies oxygen to cells.
  9. A unit for measuring the amount of energy that food will produce.
  10. It is found in meat, eggs and things such as butter and cheese. Eat too much may cause heart disease and some other illnesses.
  11. A soft silver-white element that is found in salt, baking soda and other compounds.
  1. A nutrition which can help wounds heal and promote strong teeth and bones.We can get it from citrus fruits.
  2. This is a plant material and help with digestion. We can get it from vegetables and bread.
  3. An amount of food that is given to one person at a meal.
  4. A nutriment that can keep the body running and we can get it from meat, eggs and vegetables.
  5. A nutriment which is converted to energy used to support our bodies to do activities. The most common forms are sugars, fibers and starches.
  6. Something you can take place of another one.
  7. Usually comes from plants rather than animals and are better for your health.
  8. A substance that is formed naturally in rocks and in the earth.
  9. Some are great for our heart, joints, important for concentration but some are high in cholesterol(bad for our health).
  10. A nutrition which can help release energy and make red blood cells
  11. A liquid.
  12. Power that is used to produce heat, operate machines.
  13. A silver-white metal that helps to form teeth, bones.

24 Clues: A liquid.Something you can take place of another one.A metal element which supplies oxygen to cells.A nutrition which we can mainly get from fish oil.Power that is used to produce heat, operate machines.A silver-white metal that helps to form teeth, bones.An amount of food that is given to one person at a meal....

Unit 5-6 2014-12-06

Unit 5-6 crossword puzzle
  1. Lücke
  2. gesundheit
  3. Gefühl
  4. Spezialität
  5. vertrauern
  6. Vergleich
  7. nachher
  8. Ernährung
  9. Wachstum
  10. männlich
  1. weiblich
  2. schuldig
  3. verdienen
  4. Gesundheit
  5. Gewohnheiten
  6. Vegetarier
  7. selbstbewusst
  8. Opfer
  9. Zeuge
  10. Jahrzehnt

20 Clues: LückeOpferZeugeGefühlnachherweiblichschuldigWachstummännlichverdienenVergleichJahrzehntErnährunggesundheitGesundheitVegetariervertrauernSpezialitätGewohnheitenselbstbewusst

Nutrition in Plants 2016-04-26

Nutrition in Plants crossword puzzle
  1. Grows on trees like Mango or Mahua.
  2. The plant from which a parasite gets its food.
  3. It can convert atmospheric nitrogen into water-soluble compounds.
  4. Mode of nutrition where green plants make food themselves.
  5. Cells of green leaves of plants contain numerous green structures called ____________.
  6. They start germinating when they land on wet and warm things.
  7. Mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for their benefits.
  1. Plants that consume insects.
  2. The process of taking in food and its utilization by the body.
  3. Cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata.

10 Clues: Plants that consume insects.Grows on trees like Mango or Mahua.The plant from which a parasite gets its food.Cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata.Mode of nutrition where green plants make food themselves.They start germinating when they land on wet and warm things.The process of taking in food and its utilization by the body....

Nutrition in Plants 2016-04-26

Nutrition in Plants crossword puzzle
  1. Cells of green leaves of plants contain numerous green structures called ____________.
  2. Cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata.
  3. Mode of nutrition where green plants make food themselves.
  4. Grows on trees like Mango or Mahua.
  5. They start germinating when they land on wet and warm things.
  1. Plants that consume insects.
  2. Mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for their benefits.
  3. The plant from which a parasite gets its food.
  4. The process of taking in food and its utilization by the body.
  5. It can convert atmospheric nitrogen into water-soluble compounds.

10 Clues: Plants that consume insects.Grows on trees like Mango or Mahua.The plant from which a parasite gets its food.Cells that control the opening and closing of the stomata.Mode of nutrition where green plants make food themselves.They start germinating when they land on wet and warm things.The process of taking in food and its utilization by the body....

NUTRITION 2022-06-08

NUTRITION crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrition in which food is digested outside the body
  2. _____ is energy currency of our body
  3. Reduction of carbon dioxide by _______ to form carbohydrate like glucose by utilising the chemical energy.
  4. Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract?
  5. _______ do not synthesise their own food.
  6. Which plants show parasitic nutrition
  1. nutrition in which food is digested inside the body.
  2. Where is diagested food absorbed
  3. Nutrition in which organism obtain food without killing other organism.
  4. The process of breakdown of glucose, (a six-carbon molecule) into pyruvate, (a three-carbon molecule), takes place in the ________

10 Clues: Where is diagested food absorbed_____ is energy currency of our bodyWhich plants show parasitic nutrition_______ do not synthesise their own food.Nutrition in which food is digested outside the bodynutrition in which food is digested inside the body.Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract?...

NUTRITION 2022-06-08

NUTRITION crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrition in which food is digested outside the body
  2. _____ is energy currency of our body
  3. Reduction of carbon dioxide by _______ to form carbohydrate like glucose by utilising the chemical energy.
  4. Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract?
  5. _______ do not synthesise their own food.
  6. Which plants show parasitic nutrition
  1. nutrition in which food is digested inside the body.
  2. Where is diagested food absorbed
  3. Nutrition in which organism obtain food without killing other organism.
  4. The process of breakdown of glucose, (a six-carbon molecule) into pyruvate, (a three-carbon molecule), takes place in the ________

10 Clues: Where is diagested food absorbed_____ is energy currency of our bodyWhich plants show parasitic nutrition_______ do not synthesise their own food.Nutrition in which food is digested outside the bodynutrition in which food is digested inside the body.Which is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive tract?...

Nutrition in the community 2021-06-30

Nutrition in the community crossword puzzle
  1. Food _____ increase the nutrition of the food without increasing its portion
  2. Most oral nutritional supplements are _____ free
  3. _____refers to lack of physical and/or economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food.
  4. _____is a diabetic formula
  5. Poor appetite and swallowing difficulty are common risk factors to _____.
  6. Nutritional requirement and nutritional intake are affected by _____.
  1. It is only ______ weight loss that we are concerned about!
  2. Have small _____ meals when having poor appetite.
  3. Nutrition Screening Tool is ____ to administer.
  4. Early identification and intervention can help _____ malnutrition.
  5. Changes in _____ is one way to assess if patient is malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.
  6. Schedule ____ intake after meal to prevent being too full.
  7. Include high ____ snacks in between meal
  8. I can increase the nutrition by adding ______ into porridge
  9. _______is one example of nourishing fluids

15 Clues: _____is a diabetic formulaInclude high ____ snacks in between meal_______is one example of nourishing fluidsNutrition Screening Tool is ____ to administer.Most oral nutritional supplements are _____ freeHave small _____ meals when having poor appetite.It is only ______ weight loss that we are concerned about!...


  1. tfu
  2. gtjy
  3. gfxh
  4. bhkuy
  5. cvfbg
  6. fgjy
  7. gjd
  8. ar
  9. hjgr
  10. dfgd
  1. fhyj
  2. palabra ingles
  3. efrg tru tr
  4. jy
  5. yjy
  6. gjy
  7. gj
  8. fgvd
  9. tytru
  10. ghjg

20 Clues: jygjartfuyjygjygjdfhyjgtjygfxhfgjyfgvdghjghjgrdfgdbhkuycvfbgtytrupalabra inglesefrg tru tr

Español 1: Unit 2: Las materias 2022-10-18

Español 1: Unit 2: Las materias crossword puzzle
  1. Health
  2. Chemistry
  3. band
  4. History
  5. Physical Education
  6. Math
  7. English
  8. Geography
  9. Geometry
  1. Nutrition & Foods
  2. Computers
  3. Spanish
  4. Parenting
  5. Music
  6. Biology
  7. Algebra
  8. Seminar
  9. Art
  10. Science
  11. Choir

20 Clues: ArtbandMathMusicChoirHealthSpanishBiologyAlgebraHistorySeminarEnglishScienceGeometryComputersChemistryParentingGeographyNutrition & FoodsPhysical Education

Adjectives and Nouns 2023-01-14

Adjectives and Nouns crossword puzzle
  1. simple
  2. inclusive
  3. diverse
  4. responsible
  5. innovative
  6. luxury
  7. reliability
  8. originality
  9. technology
  1. nutritional
  2. dynamism
  3. freshness
  4. honesty
  5. passion
  6. natural
  7. authenticity
  8. knowledge
  9. integral
  10. trustworthy
  11. independence
  12. creative

21 Clues: simpleluxuryhonestypassionnaturaldiversedynamismintegralcreativefreshnessinclusiveknowledgeinnovativetechnologynutritionalresponsiblereliabilitytrustworthyoriginalityauthenticityindependence

Spanish 2024-01-17

Spanish crossword puzzle
  1. nutrition
  2. nutritious
  3. energy
  4. diet
  5. carbohydrate
  6. weight
  7. calcium
  8. balanced
  9. snack
  10. food
  1. fiber
  2. protein
  3. height
  4. iron
  5. age
  6. junkfood
  7. habit
  8. appropriate
  9. full

19 Clues: ageirondietfullfoodfiberhabitsnackheightenergyweightproteincalciumjunkfoodbalancednutritionnutritiousappropriatecarbohydrate


YOUNG CITIZENS crossword puzzle
  1. insieme
  2. pace
  3. salute_e_benessere
  4. nutrizione
  5. imparare
  6. sincero
  7. opinioni
  8. rispetto
  9. uguaglianza
  10. accettare
  11. educazione_all'ambiente
  1. sicurezza_stradale
  2. educazione_personale_e_sociale
  3. cittadinanza_attiva
  4. esprimere
  5. regole
  6. comportamento
  7. libertà
  8. aiutare

19 Clues: paceregoleinsiemesincerolibertàaiutareimparareopinionirispettoesprimereaccettarenutrizioneuguaglianzacomportamentosicurezza_stradalesalute_e_benesserecittadinanza_attivaeducazione_all'ambienteeducazione_personale_e_sociale

La Salud 2020-04-16

La Salud crossword puzzle
  1. Reduce
  2. Habit
  3. Healthy
  4. Nutrition
  5. Increase
  6. Fat
  7. Calories
  8. Digest
  9. Tasty
  1. Iron
  2. Proteins
  3. Rest
  4. Light
  5. Train
  6. Vitamins
  7. Fiber
  8. Replace
  9. Avoid
  10. Greasy

19 Clues: FatIronRestLightHabitTrainFiberAvoidTastyReduceDigestGreasyHealthyReplaceProteinsVitaminsIncreaseCaloriesNutrition

YW GPS 2021-08-25

YW GPS crossword puzzle
  1. G4
  2. S2
  3. P6
  4. G2
  5. S3
  6. P5
  7. S5
  8. G3
  1. P2
  2. G6
  3. P3
  4. S1
  5. S6
  6. P4
  7. P1
  8. G5
  9. G1
  10. S4

18 Clues: P2G6P3G4S1S2S6P4P1G5G1P6G2S4S3P5S5G3

Eating Disorders - E - S 2018-05-31

Eating Disorders - E - S crossword puzzle
  1. vergüenza
  2. glotonería
  3. fracaso
  4. nutrición
  5. apariencia
  6. purga
  7. anorexia
  8. corazón
  9. garganta
  10. detestar
  11. juez
  1. cuerpo
  2. yo
  3. comer en exceso
  4. bulimia
  5. borrachera
  6. imagen
  7. riñón
  8. estima
  9. codicia

20 Clues: yojuezriñónpurgacuerpoimagenestimabulimiafracasocodiciacorazónanorexiagargantadetestarvergüenzanutriciónglotoneríaborracheraaparienciacomer en exceso

Agriculture 2023-05-10

Agriculture crossword puzzle
  1. pee
  2. food
  3. air
  4. blood
  5. not usual
  6. dust
  7. body
  8. science
  9. sick
  1. plants
  2. nerves
  3. physical
  4. bones
  5. muscles
  6. food
  7. sky
  8. taste
  9. moo
  10. dirt
  11. storage

20 Clues: peeairskymoofoodfooddustbodydirtsickbonesbloodtasteplantsnervesmusclesstoragesciencephysicalnot usual


NUTRITION IN PLANTS crossword puzzle
  1. tiny pores on the bottom of the leaf
  2. chemicals added to replenish the soil
  3. Process by which plants make food
  4. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for mutual benefit
  5. green pigment in plants
  1. other name for Pitcher Plant
  2. Saprophytic plant that humans consume
  3. animals that depend on others for nutrition
  4. plants that require host to gain nutrition
  5. liquid inside chloroplast

10 Clues: green pigment in plantsliquid inside chloroplastother name for Pitcher PlantProcess by which plants make foodtiny pores on the bottom of the leafSaprophytic plant that humans consumechemicals added to replenish the soilplants that require host to gain nutritionanimals that depend on others for nutrition...


NUTRITION IN PLANTS crossword puzzle
  1. tiny pores on the bottom of the leaf
  2. chemicals added to replenish the soil
  3. Process by which plants make food
  4. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for mutual benefit
  5. green pigment in plants
  1. other name for Pitcher Plant
  2. Saprophytic plant that humans consume
  3. animals that depend on others for nutrition
  4. plants that require host to gain nutrition
  5. liquid inside chloroplast

10 Clues: green pigment in plantsliquid inside chloroplastother name for Pitcher PlantProcess by which plants make foodtiny pores on the bottom of the leafSaprophytic plant that humans consumechemicals added to replenish the soilplants that require host to gain nutritionanimals that depend on others for nutrition...

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

Eng 2023-09-19

Eng crossword puzzle
  1. redze
  2. industry mūzikas industrija
  3. absolvents
  4. sarežģīts
  5. varonis
  6. apmulsis
  7. uzturs
  8. uztvere
  9. personība
  10. brīvprātīgais
  11. traucēt
  1. strikts
  2. disleksija
  3. izjaukt / sagraut
  4. atlikt
  5. atslēgt
  6. vērtīgs
  7. huligāns
  8. kaitinošs
  9. ļaundaris

20 Clues: redzeatliktuztursstriktsvaronisatslēgtvērtīgsuztveretraucētapmulsishuligānssarežģītskaitinošspersonībaļaundarisdisleksijaabsolventsbrīvprātīgaisizjaukt / sagrautindustry mūzikas industrija

Unit 4 2020-05-11

Unit 4 crossword puzzle
  1. sümptom
  2. telekinees
  3. õõnestama
  4. arter
  5. välja väänatud
  6. paistes
  7. müstiline
  8. määrama
  9. penitsilliin
  10. nakkus
  1. hüpnoos
  2. õigustama
  3. retooriline
  4. väändunud
  5. läbi viima
  6. süsivesinik
  7. nihestatud
  8. režiim
  9. skeptiline
  10. toitumine

20 Clues: arterrežiimnakkushüpnoossümptompaistesmääramaõigustamaväändunudõõnestamatoituminemüstilinetelekineesläbi viimanihestatudskeptilineretoorilinesüsivesinikpenitsilliinvälja väänatud

HBCT 2024-04-04

HBCT crossword puzzle
  1. attacks germs and is white
  2. tastes
  3. weigh 2.5 pounds
  4. 2nd largest organ
  5. Blood... carry's blood around the body
  6. pumps blood through your body
  7. protects your brain
  8. protects your lungs
  9. provides nutrition for the body
  10. big bowl of acid
  11. largest organ in your body
  12. Whatever is not used for nutrition passes through
  13. about the size of your hand
  1. holds urine
  2. has arm like things so it can carry the germ away
  3. made up of nerves
  4. makes you sneeze so you get rid of germs
  5. Over 17 trillion in kids
  6. shaped like beans
  7. Over 17 trillion in kids
  8. in throat made of muscles that squeeze food to the stomach
  9. small green organ
  10. made up of nerves

23 Clues: tastesholds urineweigh 2.5 poundsbig bowl of acidmade up of nerves2nd largest organshaped like beanssmall green organmade up of nervesprotects your brainprotects your lungsOver 17 trillion in kidsOver 17 trillion in kidsattacks germs and is whitelargest organ in your bodyabout the size of your handpumps blood through your body...

Getting to Know You 2022-10-18

Getting to Know You crossword puzzle
  1. Innovative staffing and talent pipeline
  2. Special Education Behavior Specialist
  3. Another Child Nutrition staff member
  4. Adult Education Consortium in HGAC
  5. Advanced Academic Services
  6. Instructional data, assessment, accountability
  7. Texas Home Learning
  8. Military Connected students
  9. Another Inclusion Practices Specialist
  10. High Impact Tutoring
  11. Lesson study PCLs
  12. Career Pathways Professional Development Center
  13. Teacher Incentive Allotment
  14. Early childhood
  15. Career and Technical Education
  1. Inclusive practices
  2. EduHero
  3. Title IV
  4. Title III/Bilingual
  5. Migrant Specialist
  6. Reading Academies
  7. CTE Counselor
  8. STOP Program
  9. Texas Instructional Leadership
  10. Title I ESSA
  11. Morgan's Angels
  12. Another Reading Academy Specialist
  13. Visual impairment
  14. New Construction Project
  15. Child Nutrition

30 Clues: EduHeroTitle IVSTOP ProgramTitle I ESSACTE CounselorMorgan's AngelsChild NutritionEarly childhoodReading AcademiesVisual impairmentLesson study PCLsMigrant SpecialistInclusive practicesTitle III/BilingualTexas Home LearningHigh Impact TutoringNew Construction ProjectAdvanced Academic ServicesMilitary Connected studentsTeacher Incentive Allotment...

NDEs 2023-01-17

NDEs crossword puzzle
  1. neuspjeh
  2. proglasiti
  3. Kanalizacija
  4. iskusiti
  5. društvo
  6. poroditi
  7. potvrditi
  8. kisik
  9. događaji
  1. Slijed
  2. prihvatiti
  3. napredak
  4. zanemaren
  5. većina
  6. oživljeni
  7. smatrati
  8. Prehrana
  9. dosljednost

18 Clues: kisikSlijedvećinadruštvoneuspjehnapredakiskusitismatratiporoditiPrehranadogađajizanemarenoživljenipotvrditiprihvatitiproglasitidosljednostKanalizacija

Costa Rica 2023-01-12

Costa Rica crossword puzzle
  1. hills
  2. stretch
  3. volcano
  4. Flight
  5. Farm
  6. Lava
  7. Country
  1. Saying
  2. plants
  3. moo
  4. eating
  5. sleepover
  6. earth
  7. airport
  8. kitchen
  9. Money
  10. document
  11. chocolate

18 Clues: mooFarmLavahillsearthMoneySayingplantseatingFlightstretchvolcanoairportkitchenCountrydocumentsleepoverchocolate

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

YW GPS 2021-08-25

YW GPS crossword puzzle
  1. S2
  2. S1
  3. S3
  4. G4
  5. P6
  6. P5
  7. G5
  8. G2
  9. P1
  1. S4
  2. P4
  3. G6
  4. P3
  5. S5
  6. P2
  7. G3
  8. G1
  9. S6

18 Clues: S4S2P4G6S1P3S3S5G4P2G3G1P6P5G5G2S6P1

Life processes 2021-06-07

Life processes crossword puzzle
  1. organism which carries out the processes by the single cell
  2. nutrition that prepares their own food in the chloroplast of green leaves using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide
  3. an important process by which green leaves form food
  4. a long tube in humans of varying diameter
  1. organism which carries out the processes by the multiple cells
  2. is a process of breakdown of food by chewing
  3. one of the stages in human nutrition
  4. Some organisms feed on the chunks of food which is called holozoic nutrition.
  5. an organ that has a thick-walled bag-like structure.
  6. The process of acquiring food that is needed for nourishment and maintenance of life

10 Clues: one of the stages in human nutritiona long tube in humans of varying diameteris a process of breakdown of food by chewingan organ that has a thick-walled bag-like important process by which green leaves form foodorganism which carries out the processes by the single cellorganism which carries out the processes by the multiple cells...

Nutrition 2014-06-03

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Fruit is the opposite
  2. A father or a mother
  3. Very unhealthy but source of energy
  4. ________ provide 50% of total body energy
  5. The most important nutrient and should drink 5 glasses a day
  6. Helps remove waste from the body
  7. Apple, oranges and tomatoes are all different types of...
  1. Best found in meat, dairy, fruit and vegietables
  2. A person who is an expert in nutrition
  3. The energy value of food is measured in ________
  4. A mineral essential to bone health
  5. Helps growth of muscles
  6. Also a silver, malleable metal

13 Clues: A father or a motherFruit is the oppositeHelps growth of musclesAlso a silver, malleable metalHelps remove waste from the bodyA mineral essential to bone healthVery unhealthy but source of energyA person who is an expert in nutrition________ provide 50% of total body energyBest found in meat, dairy, fruit and vegietables...

Nutrition 2015-03-04

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Needed for muscle growth and repair.
  2. Essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet.
  3. The relationship between “energy in” (food calories taken into the body) and “energy out” (calories being used)
  4. High source of calcium.
  5. Nutrients that provide calories or energy and that are needed in large amounts.
  1. Aids digestion.
  2. Naturally occurring inorganic substance
  3. To supply water to a person in order to restore or maintain a balance of fluids.
  4. Organic compounds required as nutrients in tiny amounts by an organism.
  5. The rate at which energy is used by an organism at complete rest.
  6. Bodies main source of fuel.
  7. Measures the amount of energy used by the bodies in a relaxed state.
  8. Enables your body to transport, store and absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

13 Clues: Aids digestion.High source of calcium.Bodies main source of fuel.Needed for muscle growth and repair.Naturally occurring inorganic substanceThe rate at which energy is used by an organism at complete rest.Measures the amount of energy used by the bodies in a relaxed state.Organic compounds required as nutrients in tiny amounts by an organism....

NUTRITION 2023-03-11

NUTRITION crossword puzzle
  1. A vitamin that is important for maintaining a healthy immune system
  2. A nutrient that helps your body absorb calcium
  3. A type of carbohydrate that is found in bread, pasta, and rice
  4. A type of fat that is considered "bad" for your heart
  5. A mineral that is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure
  6. A type of fat that is considered "good" for your heart
  7. An essential nutrient that helps your body build and repair tissues
  1. A nutrient that helps your body produce energy from food
  2. A type of sugar that is found naturally in fruit
  3. A type of protein that is found in dairy products
  4. A vitamin that is essential for healthy vision
  5. A vitamin that is important for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails
  6. An essential fatty acid that is found in fish
  7. mineral that helps build strong bones and teeth

14 Clues: An essential fatty acid that is found in fishA nutrient that helps your body absorb calciumA vitamin that is essential for healthy visionmineral that helps build strong bones and teethA type of sugar that is found naturally in fruitA type of protein that is found in dairy productsA type of fat that is considered "bad" for your heart...

Nutrition 2023-01-24

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Oval shaped nut that provides magnesium
  2. A leafy green vegetable that offers a wide range of nutrients
  3. High source of protein, come from an animal
  4. Has as much sugar as a cupcake
  5. Brown vegetable that grows “eyes”
  6. Red circular fruit that can extend a persons life span
  1. A person should strive to eat at least 5 a day
  2. Green vegetable with a large pit
  3. A person will die without it
  4. A red fruit that deliver vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants
  5. Small blue fruit that give a person phytonutrients
  6. Speeds up your metabolism and helps maintain your weight
  7. Green vegetable that provides fiber and calcium (shaped like a tree)

13 Clues: A person will die without itHas as much sugar as a cupcakeGreen vegetable with a large pitBrown vegetable that grows “eyes”Oval shaped nut that provides magnesiumHigh source of protein, come from an animalA person should strive to eat at least 5 a daySmall blue fruit that give a person phytonutrients...

Nutrition 2023-04-18

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. lack of water
  2. a cats digestive system 'M'
  3. foods that are high in fibre materials
  4. decrease or lack of interest in food
  5. the breakdown of food
  6. a type of feeding
  7. lack of nutrients being digested
  1. bread, pasta, potatoes, starch nutrients
  2. overfed/ too much inpropper food
  3. a rabbits digestive system ' h-g'
  4. chicken and eggs nutrients
  5. A cows digestive system 'r'
  6. soft mucous covered faeces

13 Clues: lack of watera type of feedingthe breakdown of foodchicken and eggs nutrientssoft mucous covered faecesa cats digestive system 'M'A cows digestive system 'r'overfed/ too much inpropper foodlack of nutrients being digesteda rabbits digestive system ' h-g'decrease or lack of interest in foodfoods that are high in fibre materials...

Nutrition 2023-02-22

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A type of nutrient that provides energy for the body
  2. A type of fat that is considered healthy and is found in foods like nuts, seeds, and avocado
  3. A type of nutrient that helps build and repair tissues in the body
  4. A type of nutrient that is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure
  5. The building blocks of proteins
  6. A vitamin that is important for maintaining healthy vision
  7. A type of mineral that is important for healthy muscle and nerve function
  1. The process of breaking down food into smaller molecules that can be absorbed by the body
  2. The process of eliminating waste from the body
  3. A type of nutrient that is important for healthy brain function
  4. A mineral that is important for healthy bones and teeth
  5. A type of vitamin that is important for maintaining healthy immune function
  6. A type of carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, and grains

13 Clues: The building blocks of proteinsThe process of eliminating waste from the bodyA type of nutrient that provides energy for the bodyA mineral that is important for healthy bones and teethA vitamin that is important for maintaining healthy visionA type of carbohydrate found in fruits, vegetables, and grains...

Nutrition 2023-03-29

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. a reason why someone chooses foods
  2. vitamin c helps this system of the body fight germs
  3. milk, cheese, yogurt are examples of this myplate group
  4. healthier subgroup of grains
  5. common breakfast protein
  6. a reason why someone chooses foods
  7. the number of myplate sections
  8. common grain in italian dinners
  1. first meal of the day
  2. helps build muscles
  3. potassium, calcium, sodium are examples of these
  4. part of myplate including apples, bananas, oranges
  5. A, B, C, D, K are examples of these
  6. part of myplate including broccoli & carrots

14 Clues: helps build musclesfirst meal of the daycommon breakfast proteinhealthier subgroup of grainsthe number of myplate sectionscommon grain in italian dinnersa reason why someone chooses foodsa reason why someone chooses foodsA, B, C, D, K are examples of thesepart of myplate including broccoli & carrotspotassium, calcium, sodium are examples of these...

nutrition 2020-10-05

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. when you don't take in enough liquids
  2. speed up chemical reactions
  3. building blocks of proteins
  4. minerals in body fluids
  5. waxy,fat-like substance
  6. made up of what you eat and drink
  1. unit of energy in food
  2. break down food into nutrients
  3. makes you feel full faster
  4. a type of simple carbohydrate
  5. low-density lipoproteins
  6. high-density lipoproteins
  7. technical name for salt

13 Clues: unit of energy in foodminerals in body fluidstechnical name for saltwaxy,fat-like substancelow-density lipoproteinshigh-density lipoproteinsmakes you feel full fasterspeed up chemical reactionsbuilding blocks of proteinsa type of simple carbohydratebreak down food into nutrientsmade up of what you eat and drinkwhen you don't take in enough liquids

NUTRITION 2023-06-25

NUTRITION crossword puzzle
  1. High in energy & help with cell health & function
  2. The main source of energy for your body
  3. A measurement of the amount of energy in food
  4. Essential for survival
  5. A substance providing nourishment
  6. The process of digesting food
  7. Needed in small amounts to help with chemical reactions
  1. Process of the body turning food into energy
  2. Elements in food that help with cell function
  3. A component of food that helps with digestion and provides roughage
  4. Helps with growth & repair in your body
  5. The three main food groups
  6. A waxy, fat like substance found in cells

13 Clues: Essential for survivalThe three main food groupsThe process of digesting foodA substance providing nourishmentHelps with growth & repair in your bodyThe main source of energy for your bodyA waxy, fat like substance found in cellsProcess of the body turning food into energyElements in food that help with cell function...

Nutrition 2023-09-12

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. blood clotting
  2. antioxidant
  3. primary source of energy
  4. simplest form of carbohydrates
  5. vitamins that can be dissolved in water
  6. mainly found in vegetable oils and seafood
  7. builds bones and teeth
  1. used to repair tissues
  2. table sugar, malt, milk
  3. makes up 75% of the body
  4. healthy immune system
  5. insulates body tissues
  6. the study of how food affects health and survival

13 Clues: antioxidantblood clottinghealthy immune systemused to repair tissuesinsulates body tissuesbuilds bones and teethtable sugar, malt, milkmakes up 75% of the bodyprimary source of energysimplest form of carbohydratesvitamins that can be dissolved in watermainly found in vegetable oils and seafoodthe study of how food affects health and survival

Nutrition 2023-10-16

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Three main meals with healthy snacks in-between.
  2. The nutrient associated with food group Fats and oils.
  3. The nutrient associated with the food group Grain and grain products.
  4. The nutrient associated with food group Vegetables.
  5. The nutrient associated with the food group Fruit.
  1. Include all food eaten during the day.
  2. The nutrient associated with the food group Meat and meat alternatives.
  3. Stimulates peristaltic movements in intestine.
  4. Mineral help build strong bones and teeth.
  5. The nutrient associated with the food group Milk and milk products.
  6. Keeps the eys, skin and mucous membranes healthy.
  7. All the foods set out during a meal.
  8. Protects the body against disease.

13 Clues: Protects the body against disease.All the foods set out during a meal.Include all food eaten during the day.Mineral help build strong bones and teeth.Stimulates peristaltic movements in intestine.Three main meals with healthy snacks in-between.Keeps the eys, skin and mucous membranes healthy.The nutrient associated with the food group Fruit....

Nutrition 2024-02-27

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A healthy meal
  2. A plate that has all five food groups
  3. Fish and eggs
  4. Fruit
  5. Not a food group
  6. Vegetable
  1. Vegetable
  2. Unhealthy food
  3. Food that comes from a cow
  4. Apple
  5. A drink, but not a food group
  6. Grain
  7. Dairy
  8. Grain
  9. Protein

15 Clues: AppleGrainFruitDairyGrainProteinVegetableVegetableFish and eggsUnhealthy foodA healthy mealNot a food groupFood that comes from a cowA drink, but not a food groupA plate that has all five food groups

CH 1 and CH 2 2022-05-31

CH 1 and CH 2 crossword puzzle
  1. process of using the absorbed food for growth
  2. channels, to transport water and minerals, to different parts of the plant
  3. tiny pores that are present on the surfaces of leaves
  4. mode of nutrition in which non-green plants derive their food from other living organisms
  5. green pigment present in the leaves of plants
  6. organisms that can make their own food
  7. process of taking in food
  8. front teeth used for cutting and biting
  9. breaking down of complex food into simple soluble forms with the help of digestive juices
  1. white substance that covers the teeth
  2. insect-eating plants
  3. mode of nutrition in which organisms derive their food from dead and decaying animals
  4. the living organisms from which a parasite derives its food
  5. organisms that derive their food from other living organisms
  6. process by which digested food passes into the blood
  7. process of elimination of undigested food
  8. the process by which plants make their own food
  9. bag-shaped part, at the beginning of the large intestine, present in ruminants
  10. the process of obtaining and utilising the food
  11. pointed teeth used for tearing of food

20 Clues: insect-eating plantsprocess of taking in foodwhite substance that covers the teethpointed teeth used for tearing of foodorganisms that can make their own foodfront teeth used for cutting and bitingprocess of elimination of undigested foodprocess of using the absorbed food for growthgreen pigment present in the leaves of plants...

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

Rachel - Spelling for Week 25 2013-04-25

Rachel - Spelling for Week 25 crossword puzzle
  1. bad
  2. divider
  3. seasoning
  4. babywalk
  5. minus
  6. fabric
  7. nutrition
  8. uncooked
  9. mark
  10. hold
  11. plus
  12. shape
  1. forever
  2. rule
  3. besides
  4. young
  5. grass
  6. 1x1
  7. speak
  8. addition
  9. body
  10. price

22 Clues: bad1x1rulemarkbodyholdplusyounggrassminusspeakpriceshapefabricforeverbesidesdividerbabywalkadditionuncookedseasoningnutrition

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. объем
  2. качество, сорт
  3. ингредиент
  4. ярлык
  5. картон
  6. питание
  7. приготовление
  8. вес
  9. выражать
  10. обеспечивать
  1. рекламировать
  2. характеризовать
  3. аллергия
  4. описательный
  5. хранение
  6. упаковщик
  7. происхождение
  8. защищать
  9. снабжать
  10. торговая марка
  11. продавец

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниеаллергияхранениезащищатьснабжатьвыражатьпродавецупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьрекламироватьпроисхождениеприготовлениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. питание
  2. хранение
  3. картон
  4. приготовление
  5. происхождение
  6. ярлык
  7. рекламировать
  8. упаковщик
  9. обеспечивать
  1. торговая марка
  2. снабжать
  3. ингредиент
  4. описательный
  5. вес
  6. характеризовать
  7. защищать
  8. аллергия
  9. качество, сорт
  10. продавец
  11. объем
  12. выражать

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниеснабжатьхранениезащищатьаллергияпродавецвыражатьупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениепроисхождениерекламироватьторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. приготовление
  2. снабжать
  3. защищать
  4. ингредиент
  5. объем
  6. упаковщик
  7. хранение
  8. торговая марка
  9. обеспечивать
  1. качество, сорт
  2. описательный
  3. картон
  4. рекламировать
  5. вес
  6. питание
  7. выражать
  8. аллергия
  9. продавец
  10. ярлык
  11. происхождение
  12. характеризовать

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниеснабжатьзащищатьвыражатьаллергияпродавецхранениеупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. приготовление
  2. картон
  3. обеспечивать
  4. аллергия
  5. снабжать
  6. объем
  7. торговая марка
  8. характеризовать
  9. вес
  1. ингредиент
  2. питание
  3. хранение
  4. описательный
  5. продавец
  6. защищать
  7. упаковщик
  8. рекламировать
  9. выражать
  10. происхождение
  11. ярлык
  12. качество, сорт

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниехранениепродавецзащищатьаллергияснабжатьвыражатьупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. вес
  2. продавец
  3. хранение
  4. объем
  5. торговая марка
  6. защищать
  7. ингредиент
  8. упаковщик
  9. описательный
  1. качество, сорт
  2. выражать
  3. обеспечивать
  4. картон
  5. рекламировать
  6. ярлык
  7. происхождение
  8. приготовление
  9. характеризовать
  10. аллергия
  11. питание
  12. снабжать

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниевыражатьпродавецхранениезащищатьаллергияснабжатьупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйрекламироватьпроисхождениеприготовлениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. упаковщик
  2. характеризовать
  3. продавец
  4. приготовление
  5. защищать
  6. ингредиент
  7. объем
  8. рекламировать
  9. хранение
  10. выражать
  11. вес
  12. происхождение
  1. качество, сорт
  2. торговая марка
  3. снабжать
  4. описательный
  5. питание
  6. картон
  7. ярлык
  8. аллергия
  9. обеспечивать

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниеснабжатьпродавецзащищатьаллергияхранениевыражатьупаковщикингредиентописательныйобеспечиватьприготовлениерекламироватьпроисхождениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. качество, сорт
  2. питание
  3. приготовление
  4. защищать
  5. происхождение
  6. характеризовать
  7. аллергия
  8. выражать
  9. продавец
  1. вес
  2. обеспечивать
  3. описательный
  4. рекламировать
  5. ингредиент
  6. картон
  7. хранение
  8. объем
  9. торговая марка
  10. снабжать
  11. ярлык
  12. упаковщик

21 Clues: весобъемярлыккартонпитаниехранениезащищатьснабжатьаллергиявыражатьпродавецупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйрекламироватьприготовлениепроисхождениекачество, сортторговая маркахарактеризовать

Packaging Crossword Puzzle 2013-11-18

Packaging Crossword Puzzle crossword puzzle
  1. торговая марка
  2. происхождение
  3. картон
  4. аллергия
  5. ярлык
  6. описательный
  7. объем
  8. упаковщик
  9. питание
  10. выражать
  11. вес
  1. рекламировать
  2. обеспечивать
  3. ингредиент
  4. приготовление
  5. характеризовать
  6. хранение
  7. снабжать
  8. защищать
  9. продавец
  10. качество, сорт

21 Clues: весярлыкобъемкартонпитаниеаллергияхранениеснабжатьзащищатьвыражатьпродавецупаковщикингредиентобеспечиватьописательныйрекламироватьпроисхождениеприготовлениеторговая маркакачество, сортхарактеризовать

OR2_7 2015-01-11

OR2_7 crossword puzzle
  1. ulottuvuus
  2. lyödä
  3. yhdistä
  4. ravitsemus
  5. henkinen
  6. ilman muuta
  7. keskittyminen
  8. saavutus
  9. riittävä
  10. palkitseva
  11. myöntää
  1. notkeus
  2. omistautuminen
  3. laiminlyödä
  4. lukiolainen
  5. esittää, suorittaa
  6. kilpa-
  7. lopulta, viimein
  8. vaatia
  9. käydä (koulua)

20 Clues: lyödäkilpa-vaatianotkeusyhdistämyöntäähenkinensaavutusriittäväulottuvuusravitsemuspalkitsevalaiminlyödälukiolainenilman muutakeskittyminenomistautuminenkäydä (koulua)lopulta, viimeinesittää, suorittaa

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

Biology Chapter 1 2024-05-19

Biology Chapter 1 crossword puzzle
  1. a method of growing plants without the use of soil
  2. chemical compounds present in our food which are essential for our body
  3. penicillin is derived from a common fungus known as
  4. living organism on which parasite depends for its nutrition
  5. product of photosynthesis which is stored as starch
  6. bacterium living in an association with roots of leguminous plants
  7. symbiosis between alga and fungus
  8. organism which can prepare their own food with the help of raw materials from the environment
  9. aquatic plants which altogether produce more oxygen than land plants
  10. mutually beneficial relationship established between 2 organisms living together
  11. sucking roots in parasitic plants which penetrate into the host tissue
  12. an organism which derives food from another living organism
  1. organisms which depend on plants directly or indirectly for nutrition
  2. conducting tissues in plants for transport of water and minerals
  3. source of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis
  4. organelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyll
  5. small openings present on the lower surface of the leaves
  6. chemical substances used in fields to enrich it with nitrogen
  7. coloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedible
  8. plants which exhibit a special mode of autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

20 Clues: symbiosis between alga and fungusa method of growing plants without the use of soilpenicillin is derived from a common fungus known ascoloured mushrooms which are poisonous and inedibleproduct of photosynthesis which is stored as starchorganelle present in leaf which contains chlorophyllsource of energy for chemical reactions in photosynthesis...

AP Fitness Fundamentals 2024-06-13

AP Fitness Fundamentals crossword puzzle
  1. Exercise]that requires muscular strength
  2. Hydration goal
  3. Nutrition plan component
  4. Focus of our recent unit
  5. Daily requirement for healthy eating
  6. New learning about nutrition planning
  7. Important step after exercise
  8. Exercise that stretches muscles
  9. setting approach
  1. Measure of exercise intensity
  2. Exercise that improves muscular strength
  3. Type of exercise that raises heart rate
  4. Important step before exercise
  5. principal New learning about exercise intensity
  6. Exercise that improves cardiovascular endurance

15 Clues: Hydration goalsetting approachNutrition plan componentFocus of our recent unitMeasure of exercise intensityImportant step after exerciseImportant step before exerciseExercise that stretches musclesDaily requirement for healthy eatingNew learning about nutrition planningType of exercise that raises heart rateExercise]that requires muscular strength...

Unit 4 words 2020-05-15

Unit 4 words crossword puzzle
  1. kops
  2. süsivesik
  3. rangluu
  4. kulm
  5. välja kirjutama
  6. kõri
  7. tald
  8. selgroog
  9. esineja
  1. vaimne
  2. õigustama
  3. õõnestama
  4. maks
  5. vöökoht
  6. toitumine
  7. nikastatud
  8. läbi viima
  9. silmalaug
  10. skalp
  11. skalp

20 Clues: kopsmakskulmkõritaldskalpskalpvaimnerangluuvöökohtesinejaselgroogõigustamaõõnestamasüsivesiktoituminesilmalaugnikastatudläbi viimavälja kirjutama

nutrition in plants 2017-05-02

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. structure in cells that contains chlrophyll are called
  2. organism that directly or indirectly depends on green plants for nutrition
  3. what is the ultimate source of energy or need for our body
  4. bacteria which lives in leguminious plants
  5. cell that controls the opening and closing of stomata
  6. organisms that live in or on living organism and derive their food from them
  1. word used for the meaning self feeding
  2. the method of getting nutrition in dead or decaying matter in form of liquid
  3. what does 'photo' in photosynthesis refer to
  4. the mode of nutrition where two different organism work together for their mutual benefi

10 Clues: word used for the meaning self feedingbacteria which lives in leguminious plantswhat does 'photo' in photosynthesis refer tocell that controls the opening and closing of stomatastructure in cells that contains chlrophyll are calledwhat is the ultimate source of energy or need for our body...

Unit 4 words 2020-05-15

Unit 4 words crossword puzzle
  1. kops
  2. süsivesik
  3. rangluu
  4. kulm
  5. välja kirjutama
  6. kõri
  7. tald
  8. selgroog
  9. esineja
  1. vaimne
  2. õigustama
  3. õõnestama
  4. maks
  5. vöökoht
  6. toitumine
  7. nikastatud
  8. läbi viima
  9. silmalaug
  10. skalp
  11. skalp

20 Clues: kopsmakskulmkõritaldskalpskalpvaimnerangluuvöökohtesinejaselgroogõigustamaõõnestamasüsivesiktoituminesilmalaugnikastatudläbi viimavälja kirjutama

Life Processes 2018-05-22

Life Processes crossword puzzle
  1. an example of a liquid that a LOT of living things need for their nutrition
  2. the life process that involves being able to move
  3. an example of nutrition that is found in oranges, mandarins, juice, kiwifruit and the sun
  4. the life process that involves turning food into chemical energy inside of cells
  5. an example of how NBA players use their legs to dunk
  6. the time of a humans life where a lot of growth happens - you may be one right now
  7. the smallest number of cells something living can have and still be alive
  8. an example of human excretion when they get hot during excercise
  9. an example of how grown up humans 'move' about on only one leg
  10. the life process that involves being able to tell what is around in the environment
  11. the proper name for poo; an example of a human excretion
  1. an example of how human babies do 'movement'
  2. what the C in MRS C GREN stands for
  3. an example of what humans eat for nutrition
  4. the life process that involves getting bigger or more complex
  5. the life process that involves getting rid of waste products from a body
  6. the life process that involves the things an organism needs to absorb/take in for energy
  7. the life process that involves producing offspring
  8. an example of the structure humans use to see
  9. an example of the structure moths and butterflies use to sense
  10. an example of offspring that humans produce during reproduction
  11. an example of plant excretion
  12. the biological word for 'living thing'
  13. an example of offspring that hens and roosters produce during reproduction
  14. an example of offspring that lions produce during reproduction

25 Clues: an example of plant excretionwhat the C in MRS C GREN stands forthe biological word for 'living thing'an example of what humans eat for nutritionan example of how human babies do 'movement'an example of the structure humans use to seethe life process that involves being able to movethe life process that involves producing offspring...

nutrition in plants 2017-05-09

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. plants that live on dead decaying and organic matter
  2. is nutrition in which organisms can prepare their own food
  3. the mode of taking food by an organism and utilization in the body
  4. is nutrition in which organisms get their own food directly from other organisms
  5. small openings or pores usually at the under surface of the leaves
  1. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for their mutual benefit
  2. green pigment present in the leaves
  3. the plant from which parasitic plant gets its food
  4. it converts the atmospheric nitrogen into soluble compound in the soil
  5. the soil they grow in grows lack of nutrients

10 Clues: green pigment present in the leavesthe soil they grow in grows lack of nutrientsthe plant from which parasitic plant gets its foodplants that live on dead decaying and organic matteris nutrition in which organisms can prepare their own foodthe mode of taking food by an organism and utilization in the body...

nutrition in plants 2017-05-09

nutrition in plants crossword puzzle
  1. is nutrition in which organisms can prepare their own food
  2. green pigment present in the leaves
  3. the mode of nutrition where two different organisms work together for their mutual benefit
  4. the plant from which parasitic plant gets its food
  5. the soil they grow in grows lack of nutrients
  1. is nutrition in which organisms get their own food directly from other organisms
  2. small openings or pores usually at the under surface of the leaves
  3. the mode of taking food by an organism and utilization in the body
  4. it converts the atmospheric nitrogen into soluble compound in the soil
  5. plants that live on dead decaying and organic matter

10 Clues: green pigment present in the leavesthe soil they grow in grows lack of nutrientsthe plant from which parasitic plant gets its foodplants that live on dead decaying and organic matteris nutrition in which organisms can prepare their own foodsmall openings or pores usually at the under surface of the leaves...

nutrition 2012-12-10

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. green vegatables, such as peas, beans, lentils, clover, soybean, and peanuts
  2. a desire, rather than a need, to eat
  3. nutrients that help build and maintain body cells and tissue. amino acids make up the bodies proteins
  4. compounds that help regulate many vital body processes, includingthe digestion, absorption and metabolism or other nutrients. vitamins are classified as either water or fat soluble
  5. starches and sugars present in foods. they are made up of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen....carbohydrates are preferred source of energy for the body. 55%-60% of your daily intake
  6. substances that the body cannot manufacture but that are needed for forming healthy bones and teeth and for regulating many vital body functions
  7. substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy
  1. fatty substance that does not dissolve in water
  2. units of heat that measure the energy used by the body and the energy that food supply to the body
  3. indigestible complex carbohydrate. recommened amount is 20 to 35 grams per day
  4. a specific reaction of the immune system to a foreign and frequently harmful substance
  5. the process by which the body takes in food and uses it
  6. natural physical drive that protects you from starvation

13 Clues: a desire, rather than a need, to eatfatty substance that does not dissolve in waterthe process by which the body takes in food and uses itnatural physical drive that protects you from starvationgreen vegatables, such as peas, beans, lentils, clover, soybean, and peanutsindigestible complex carbohydrate. recommened amount is 20 to 35 grams per day...

Nutrition 2015-06-15

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Essential vitamins and minerals are in the type of food
  2. You need 5 serves of this food group every day
  3. Foods that are high in sugar,salt and fat
  4. Main source of energy for the body
  5. To get a balanced diet that provides all our nutritional needs we need to eat foods from ___ food groups
  6. There are five of these groups
  7. The body is made up of around 60-70% of this vital nutrient
  1. There are seven of these groups
  2. Food group majority of your serves should come from every day
  3. Can improve digestive health
  4. Needed for growth and repair within the body
  5. Mineral that is good for your bones and teeth
  6. Intake of essential nutrients considered to meet nutritional needs

13 Clues: Can improve digestive healthThere are five of these groupsThere are seven of these groupsMain source of energy for the bodyFoods that are high in sugar,salt and fatNeeded for growth and repair within the bodyMineral that is good for your bones and teethYou need 5 serves of this food group every day...

Nutrition 2020-04-22

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. / This color represents the Vegetable group
  2. / Broccoli and carrots are examples of this food group
  3. / Apples and strawberries are examples of this food group
  4. Foods / Meat and beans are examples of this food group
  5. / Although not on myplate, this group is represented by the color yellow
  6. / This color represents our sometimes food like chocolate and jelly beans
  1. / This color represents the Grains group
  2. / This color represents the Fruit group
  3. / How many groups belong to myplate
  4. / This color represents the Dairy group
  5. / Milk and cheese are examples of this food group
  6. / Bread and rice are examples of this food group
  7. / This color represents Protein Foods group

13 Clues: / How many groups belong to myplate/ This color represents the Fruit group/ This color represents the Dairy group/ This color represents the Grains group/ This color represents the Vegetable group/ This color represents Protein Foods group/ Bread and rice are examples of this food group/ Milk and cheese are examples of this food group...

Nutrition 2020-06-29

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. keep cold food cold and hot food ___
  2. wash both of these for 20 seconds to kill germs
  3. keeps you active and moving
  4. milk eggs and yogurt should be stored in the ___
  5. can be sweet, has seeds, can grow from trees, many colors
  6. an ice ___ will keep your lunch cold
  7. can build strong bones and muscles
  1. slice veggies on a clean cutting ____
  2. helps you stay hydrated when you are thirsty
  3. known as plants, good for you, many of them are green
  4. small meal after breakfast and before lunch
  5. do not leave food out for more than two ___
  6. wash your hands before you ___

13 Clues: keeps you active and movingwash your hands before you ___can build strong bones and muscleskeep cold food cold and hot food ___an ice ___ will keep your lunch coldslice veggies on a clean cutting ____small meal after breakfast and before lunchdo not leave food out for more than two ___helps you stay hydrated when you are thirsty...

Nutrition 2017-04-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A process used to turn liquid oils into more highly saturated fats.
  2. A condition resulting from a calcium deficiency, which is characterized by porous, brittle bones.
  3. The study of how the body uses the nutrients in food.
  4. One of 20 types of small unit
  5. A vitamin that dissolves in fats and can be stored in the fatty tissues of the body.
  1. High blood pressure.
  2. The chemical process that takes place in the cells after the body absorbs nutrients.
  3. A type of fatty acid that is missing one hydrogen atom.
  4. An illness caused by the lack of a sufficient amount of a nutrient is called a _____ disease.
  5. A condition resulting from deficiencies of various nutrients, which is characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells in the bloodstream.
  6. A mucus- and enzyme-containing liquid secreted by the mouth.
  7. Starches and fiber are often called ____ carbohydrates.
  8. A mineral, such as iron or iodine, that is needed in the diet in amounts less than 100 milligrams per day is called a(n) ___element.

13 Clues: High blood pressure.One of 20 types of small unitThe study of how the body uses the nutrients in food.A type of fatty acid that is missing one hydrogen atom.Starches and fiber are often called ____ carbohydrates.A mucus- and enzyme-containing liquid secreted by the mouth.A process used to turn liquid oils into more highly saturated fats....

Nutrition 2019-09-07

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. The fancy name for the "sugars" we find in food that give us instant, short lasting energy
  2. something we need to make strong bones
  3. Activity that "burns" energy stored in our body
  4. A liquid we consume that makes up about 70% of our body weight
  5. Gives us a lot of energy, but too much can lead to Heart disease and strike
  1. A disease that happens because we eat too much sugar, our pancreas gets exhausted
  2. Provides us with vitamins and minerals, a food we get from the ground
  3. The most important meal of the day
  4. The nutrient that helps us build muscle
  5. A word that tells us how much energy we get from food
  6. The "Food _______". A triangle shaped table that tells us how much of each food group we should be eating
  7. A naturally sugary food that grows outside
  8. Part of our body where food is broken down

13 Clues: The most important meal of the daysomething we need to make strong bonesThe nutrient that helps us build muscleA naturally sugary food that grows outsidePart of our body where food is broken downActivity that "burns" energy stored in our bodyA word that tells us how much energy we get from food...

Nutrition 2020-10-18

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. needed for cell and body fluids
  2. caused by lack of vitamin A
  3. disease caused by lack of iodine
  4. needed for growth and repair
  5. disease caused by lack of vitamin D
  6. diseased caused by lack of calcium
  7. needed in small amounts, found in fruits
  8. disease caused by lack of vitamin C
  1. needed for energy
  2. helps move food through intestines
  3. found in butter, oils and nuts
  4. disease caused by lack of iron
  5. often metals needed in small amounts

13 Clues: needed for energycaused by lack of vitamin Aneeded for growth and repairfound in butter, oils and nutsdisease caused by lack of ironneeded for cell and body fluidsdisease caused by lack of iodinehelps move food through intestinesdiseased caused by lack of calciumdisease caused by lack of vitamin Ddisease caused by lack of vitamin C...

Nutrition 2022-02-11

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. type of unhealth dietary fat. Foods that are battered or fried contain a lot of it
  2. an amount of energy that a particular food provides
  3. fattest state
  4. class of substances that can boost brain performance
  5. the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease
  6. a standard amount of a food, such as a cup or an ounce
  1. red meat, poultry and pork contain high amounts of this chemical element
  2. one of the building blocks of body tissue and can also serve as a fuel source
  3. class of water-soluble vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism and synthesis of red blood cells
  4. products or milk products are food products made from milk
  5. Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley
  6. Meats, nuts and sea food contain high amounts of this chemical element
  7. type of unhealthy dietary fat. Foods like Butter, cheese and meat contain a lot of it

13 Clues: fattest statean amount of energy that a particular food providesclass of substances that can boost brain performanceAny food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barleya standard amount of a food, such as a cup or an ounceproducts or milk products are food products made from milk...

Nutrition 2022-01-23

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Nutrients that contain carbon
  2. Can not be digested but helps digestive system run smoothly
  3. The body uses 14 of these to help build cells and take part in chemical reactions in cells
  4. Nutrients that did not contain carbon
  5. Is the main source of energy for your body
  6. A nutrient that makes up 60% of the human body
  7. Also known as "lipids"
  1. Are the building blocks of protein
  2. Divided into two groups, water-soluble and fat-soluble
  3. Is made up of smaller units - amino acids
  4. This fat is broken down into fatty acids
  5. Substances that provide energy and materials for cell development, growth and repair
  6. Amount of energy available in food

13 Clues: Also known as "lipids"Nutrients that contain carbonAre the building blocks of proteinAmount of energy available in foodNutrients that did not contain carbonThis fat is broken down into fatty acidsIs made up of smaller units - amino acidsIs the main source of energy for your bodyA nutrient that makes up 60% of the human body...

Nutrition 2023-02-08

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Correct number of serving of fruit and veggies daily
  2. absorbs the nutrients from the food we eat
  3. also known as carbohydrates
  4. potatoes, French fries
  5. # of food groups
  6. the greatest health teacher EVER!
  7. makes up the body's tissues, ex: muscles, bones
  8. the most complex type of carbohydrate.
  9. veggie that contains vitamin A
  10. what are cell membranes made of
  11. gives us the energy we need, and helps the body absorb vitamins
  1. helps us stay healthy for vital functions
  2. and candies are examples of unhealthy carbs
  3. body system that distributes the nutrients from our diets
  4. 20% over ideal body weight
  5. correctly sized meals daily are necessary for a healthy diet

16 Clues: # of food groupspotatoes, French fries20% over ideal body weightalso known as carbohydratesveggie that contains vitamin Awhat are cell membranes made ofthe greatest health teacher EVER!the most complex type of carbohydrate.helps us stay healthy for vital functionsabsorbs the nutrients from the food we eatand candies are examples of unhealthy carbs...

Nutrition 2023-07-13

Nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. Makes the Doctor go away
  2. H2o
  3. Natural Stimulant found in coffee
  4. a color and source of Vit C
  5. A fruit not a vegetable
  6. Food necessary for health and growth
  1. Superfruits
  2. Ascorbic Acid
  3. Most important meal of the day
  4. Helps in digestion
  5. Staple food of Filipinos
  6. Nutrients from meat
  7. Needed to keep bones healthy

13 Clues: H2oSuperfruitsAscorbic AcidHelps in digestionNutrients from meatA fruit not a vegetableMakes the Doctor go awayStaple food of Filipinosa color and source of Vit CNeeded to keep bones healthyMost important meal of the dayNatural Stimulant found in coffeeFood necessary for health and growth

nutrition 2023-02-15

nutrition crossword puzzle
  1. A unit of heat used to measure the energy of your body uses and the energy is receives from food
  2. A waxy, fat like substance
  3. substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy
  4. Allergy A condition in which the body's immune system reacts to substances in some foods
  5. The spreading of pathogens from one food to another
  1. High ratio of nutrients to calories
  2. Starches and sugars found in foods, which provide your body's main source of energy
  3. Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues
  4. An interactive guide to healthful eating and active living
  5. The process by which your body takes in and uses food
  6. Guidelines of Americans A set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all Americans
  7. Compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes
  8. Additives Substances added to food to produce a desired effect
  9. Intolerance A negative reaction to food that doesn't involve the immune system
  10. A tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest

15 Clues: A waxy, fat like substanceHigh ratio of nutrients to caloriesThe spreading of pathogens from one food to anotherThe process by which your body takes in and uses foodA tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digestAn interactive guide to healthful eating and active livingCompounds found in food that help regulate many body processes...